Implementation of A Company Network Scenario Module by Using Cisco Packet Tracer Simulation Software
Implementation of A Company Network Scenario Module by Using Cisco Packet Tracer Simulation Software
Implementation of A Company Network Scenario Module by Using Cisco Packet Tracer Simulation Software
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1 author:
Ashish Kumar
National Taipei University of Technology
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Abstract—The enterprise network is the lifeblood of any Small to All the routers have their password to access them by any
Medium Enterprise (SME) with more than one site or supply chain user. This network connects the different department of a
partner. It enables access to business information and allows for company or many companies and combines them in a single
profitable and effective communication flows between employees in network. And the implementations of router are very accurate,
different enterprise sites. Network enterprise network equipment is that they should select the excellent path for the packets and
mature and ubiquitous, but the quality of services provided by similar make the communication fast and secure. In the developed
networks varies from city to city and from country to country. In
particular, the quality variation gap between most of the cities in
scenario adaptive bitrate technology has been used. Adaptive
some developing nations and their counterparts in advanced nations bitrate streaming is a technique used in streaming multimedia
is very wide. This is due to the lack in developing nations of an over computer networks. A distance vector protocol is
adequate IT infrastructure, which is taken for granted in developed implemented in the project and the routers are password
nations. This study briefly discusses the architecture of an enterprise protected for security purpose.
network. It examines the barriers to planning, designing and
implementing an enterprise network. This study also covers the In this setup Network Address Translation (NAT) [1] is very
methods to implement enterprise level networks. A basic router essential in which we have translate live Internet Protocol (IP)
configuration is used for covering the Routing technologies which into local and vice-versa. The fundamental purpose of
route data between branches. After that we have implement Wide designing this scenario is to provide security in your network
Area Network (WAN) and Frame-relay is considered a good choice to secure your private data and make a reliable and excellent
because it connects multiple location using single interface of router communication in a WAN connection and reduce the
and reduce the hardware costs. For Internet connectivity we are also organization dependency on floppy disks etc. Organizations
using frame relay. In this setup Network Address Translation (NAT)
that share data through the use of floppy disks follow a non-
is very essential in which we have translate live Internet Protocol
(IP) into local and vice-versa.
efficient or cost-effective method. The issue is that the
business by using this method to share data leads to
Index Terms: Routing technologies, NAT, SME, IP, Frame relay, duplication of data which effects the growth of the business.
WAN. Using this method leads to a major issue i.e. Lack of
communication- all details are not possible to be conveyed at
1. INTRODUCTION the required time. The scope of creating company network
scenario is to have a secure WAN network for the
Implementing a company network scenario is totally network communication purpose of an company that eradicate data
based. IT is a secured network often used in big organizations redundancy from the grass root level which shows smooth
and other institutions to make a secured communication and functioning of a network.
sharing’s of their documents, files, etc. should also be secured.
As we know that there are many departments in an 2. OVERVIEW
organization. So we desire that these departments should be
separate for their good output. Then this project also includes 2.1 ROUTING INFORMATION PROTOCOL (RIP)
this feature. This type of network avoids the unauthorized
access it authenticate the authorized users or hosts. The Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is one of the oldest
Implementation of logical network topology has been done. distance-vector routing protocols which employ the hop count
as a routing metric. RIP prevents routing loops by
implementing a limit on the number of hops allowed in a path
286 Ashish Kumar
from source to destination. The maximum number of hops timer. This gives the router enough time to tell its neighbours
allowed for RIP is 15, which limits the size of networks that about the invalid route before the local routing table is
RIP can support. A hop count of 16 is considered an infinite updated.
distance and the route is considered unreachable. RIP
implements the split horizon, route poisoning & hold down
mechanisms to prevent incorrect routing information from Switches are a fundamental part of most networks [4]. They
being propagated. let multiple users communicate directly with each other. As
Originally, each RIP router transmitted full updates every 30 such, they offer the potential for collision-free, high-speed
seconds. In the early deployments, routing tables were small networking. In essence, switches create a system of
enough that the traffic was not significant. As networks grew simultaneous, parallel, point-to-point connections between
in size, however, it became evident there could be a massive pairs of devices. Benefits of LAN switches:
traffic burst every 30 seconds, even if the routers had been Increased network scalability:-The network can expand
initialized at random times. It was thought, as a result of easily as the business grows.
random initialization, the routing updates would spread out in
time, but this was not true in practice. [2] Sally Floyd and Van Improved bandwidth performance for each network user:-
Jacobson showed in 1994that, without slight randomization of This is important in environments where users operate
the update timer, the timers synchronized over time.In most multimedia applications or conduct frequent client/server
networking environments, RIP is not the preferred choice for database interactions.
routing as its time to converge and scalability are poor Multiple simultaneous connections:-Many simultaneous
compared to EIGRP, OSPF, or IS-IS. However, it is easy to data transfers can take place between pairs of devices
configure, because RIP does not require any parameters unlike connected to switch ports. This is not possible with hub-based
other protocols. [3] RIP uses the User Datagram Protocol networks.
(UDP) as its transport protocol, and is assigned the reserved
port number 520. Reduced congestion and information transmission delay:-
This translates to more efficient business application access.
Features: -RIP is a distance vector routing protocol (DVR). Remember that network segmentation is used to minimize the
The maximum reachable hop-count is 15 the 16 Hop is number of users contending for LAN bandwidth on each
considered unreachable. In RIP metric is HOP COUNT. segment (switch port).
periodic update after every 30 seconds takes place in this
protocol. It supports equal path load balancing and works at No single point of failure:-With proper network design, there
application layer. are fewer chances for network failure.
RIP Timers: -RIP uses different kinds of timers to regulate its Improved manageability and security through the use of
performance:- virtual LANs (VLANs):-VLANs group individual users into
logical workgroups with common interests or business
Route update timer: Sets the interval (typically 30 seconds) functions. Data broadcasts are restricted to designated
between periodic routing updates, in which the router sends a members of the group (also called the broadcast domain).
complete copy of its routing table out to all neighbours. This functionality gives companies the flexibility to move
Route invalid timer: Determines the length of time that must employees around physically yet still maintain their functional
elapse (180 seconds) before a router determines that a route ties via the VLAN without network reconfiguration. VLANs
has become invalid. It will come to this conclusion if it hasn’t are discussed in more depth later in this chapter.
heard any updates about a particular route for that period. A small-medium business can choose from a variety of switch
When that happens, the router will send out updates to all its types. The most popular options are the following:
neighbours letting them know that the route is invalid.
Layer 2 switches:-Also called desktop or workgroup
Hold down timer: This sets the amount of time during which switches.
routing information is suppressed. Routes will enter into the
hold down state when an update packet is received that Layer 3 switches:-Also called routing switches or multilayer
indicated the route is unreachable. This continues until either switches.
an update packet is received with a better metric or until the 2.2.1 VLAN (Virtual LAN)
hold down timer expires. The default is 180 seconds.
VLAN provides Virtual Segmentation of Broadcast Domain in
Route flush timer: Sets the time between a route becoming
the network. The devices, which are member of same Vlan,
invalid and its removal from the routing table (240 seconds).
are able to communicate with each other. The devices of
Before it’s removed from the table, the router notifies its
different Vlan may communicate with each other with routing.
neighbours of that route’s impending demise. The value of the
So that different Vlan devices will use different network
route invalid timer must be less than that of the route flush
addresses. A virtual LAN (VLAN) is any broadcast domain
Class A Addresses
The Claass A IPv4 adddress was desiigned to suppoort extremely
large neetworks. As the need for veryy large-scale networks
n was
perceiveed to be minnimal, architeccture was devveloped that
h addresses but severely
maximiized the possibble number of host
limited the number off possible Classs A networks that
t could be
Figure I: Assiggning IP address and Default gateway
g to a PC
C definedd.A Class A IP I address usees only the first
f octet to
indicatee the networkk address. Thhe remaining three octets
A in Coomputer Sciencce and Informattion Technologgy (ACSIT)
p-ISSN: 2393-9907;
2 e-IS
SSN: 2393-99115; Volume 4, Issue 5; Octobber-December, 2017
288 Ashish Kumar
enumerate host addresses. The first bit of a Class A address is address to predefined groups of IP addresses. Therefore, a
always a 0. This mathematically limits the possible range of single station can simultaneously transmit a single stream of
the Class A address to 127, which is the sum of 64 + 32 + 16 + datagram’s to multiple recipients. The need to create separate
8 + 4 + 2 + 1. The leftmost bit's decimal value of 128 is absent streams of datagram’s, one for each destination, is eliminated.
from this equation. Therefore, there can only ever be 127 Routers that support multicasting would duplicate the
possible Class A IP networks. datagram and forward as needed to the predetermined end
systems. Multicasting has long been deemed a desirable
The last 24 bits of a Class A address represent possible host
feature in an IP network because it can substantially reduce
addresses. The range of possible Class A network addresses is
network traffic.
from to
The Class D address space, much like the other address
Class B Addresses
spaces, is mathematically constrained. The first 4 bits of a
The Class B addresses were designed to support the needs of Class D address must be 1110. Pre-setting the first 3 bits of the
moderate- to large-sized networks. The range of possible Class first octet to 1s means that the address space begins at 128 +
B network addresses is from to The 64 + 32, which equals 224. Preventing the fourth bit from
mathematical logic underlying this class is fairly simple. A being used means that the Class D address is limited to a
Class B IP address uses two of the four octets to indicate the maximum value of 128 + 64 + 32 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1, or
network address. The other two octets enumerate host 239.Therefore, the Class D addresses space ranges from
addresses. The first 2 bits of the first octet of a Class B address to range may seem odd
are 10. The remaining 6 bits may be populated with either 1s because the upper boundary is specified with all four octets.
or 0s.This mathematically limits the possible range of the Ordinarily, this would mean that the octets for both host and
Class B address space to 191, which is the sum of 128 + 32 + network numbers are being used to signify a network number.
16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1. The last 16 bits (two octets) identify There is a reason for this. The Class D address space isn't used
potential host addresses. Each Class B address can support for internetworking to individual end systems or networks.
65,534 unique host addresses. Class D addresses are used for delivering multicast datagram’s
within a private network to groups of IP-addressed end
Class C Addresses systems. Therefore, there isn't a need to allocate octets or bits
The Class C address space is, by far, the most commonly used of the address to separate network and host addresses. Instead,
of the original IPv4 address classes. This address space was the entire address space can be used to identify groups of IP
intended to support a lot of small networks. This address class addresses (Classes A, B, or C).
can be thought of as the inverse of the Class A address space. Class E Addresses
Whereas the Class A space uses just one octet for network
numbering, and the remaining three for host numbering, the A Class E address has been defined, but is reserved by the
Class C space uses three octets for networking addressing and IETF for its own research. Therefore, no Class E addresses
just one octet for host numbering.The first 3 bits of the first have been released for use in the Internet. The first 4 bits of a
octet of a Class C address are 110. The first 2 bits sum to a Class E address are always set to 1s; therefore, the range of
decimal value of 192 (128 + 64). This forms the lower valid addresses is from to
mathematical boundary of the Class C address space. The 2.4 NETWORK TOPOLOGY
third bit equates to a decimal value of 32. Forcing this bit to a
value of 0 establishes the upper mathematical boundary of the Network topology is the arrangement of the various elements
address space. Lacking the capability to use the third digit (links, nodes, etc.) of a communication network.[10-11]
limits the maximum value of this octet to 255 - 32, which
Network topology is the topological[12] structure of a network
equals 223. Therefore, the range of possible Class C network
and may be depicted physically or logically. Physical topology
addresses is from to
is the placement of the various components of a network,
The last octet is used for host addressing. Each Class C including device location and cable installation, while logical
address can support a theoretical maximum of 256 unique host topology illustrates how data flows within a network.
addresses (0 through 255), but only 254 are usable because 0 Distances between nodes, physical interconnections,
and 255 are not valid host numbers. There can be 2,097,150 transmission rates, or signal types may differ between two
different Class C network numbers. networks, yet their topologies may be identical.
Class D Addresses An example is a local area network (LAN). Any given node in
the LAN has one or more physical links to other devices in the
The Class D address class was created to enable multicasting network; graphically mapping these links results in a
in an IP network. The Class D multicasting mechanisms have geometric shape that can be used to describe the physical
seen only limited usage. A multicast address is a unique topology of the network. Conversely, mapping the data flow
network address that directs packets with that destination
between the components determines the logical topology of computer are connected to these switches. In the Vaishali
the network. network a Wireless Router (WRT300N) is also connected to
the switch making the end device like laptop to get attach to
3. SCENARIO DESIGNED the network via Wireless medium.
This project consist of 5 routers the main router is the Delhi
Router which is further connected to Nirman Vihar and
Vaishali router which are connected to Dwarka and Ghaziabad
router respectively. The main Delhi Router is Password
protected and it is assumed that headquarter of the company is
located there. The other offices of the company are located at
different places like: Dwarka, NirmanVihar, Ghaziabad and
Further to keep this project simple use of limited number of
Computers and Laptops are there for the easy understanding to
the users. Copper straight-through and copper cross over
Figure V: Delhi Router (The Assumed Headquarter of the
cables are used to connect routers with switches and switches Company)
with PCs. laptops are connected to the network with the help
of wireless routers. Serial DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) The above figure 3 shows Router (1841) Delhi that is assumed
cable is used to connect routers together. to be the main headquarter of the company. It comprises of
various departments like: Technical department, HR
department, Finance department and other staff members
which can do there respected work in there PCs arranged (the
person can be anyone who can work here- might be of a
particular department or other people like trainee and interns).
The headquarter as assumed to have two floors the manager
CEO and HR department representatives are in Trunk in the
network so then can communicate and share files in there
network. Security features are added in this network separate
VLANs are created for particular department so that a person
in technical department cannot access the data that is present
in the finance department. Different class IP Address is
present in this network.
Figure VIII: Another Network Showing PC communicating to Figure XII: Same VLAN’s are able to Communicate
Router and Router to PC and PC to PC