!marie& '': Eil&land

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!11· 0 J l
New York, Friday, January 80, i 893.

ENT'KBtro AT TB~e compelled at last ·to turn back, and made his way formed eo~o of the features of the apectacular en- ~aoum Khalaf. "Dobjeh I" Father Dabovitch
' . Nlllw
. "PosT Ontox AS
down, the Yangte& River to the coast. ·• tertainment. yon w,ill have many grateful friends amQng our
Since Father& Hoc and Gabet visited Lhasa' in The Saraaenic sword exerciae, the muaic, the people ff you keep on in the samo line. '
Cu.ss . .. . 1846 no white matJ.l has · ~t foot in this famous singing, and the daoolag of .Qerodias, seemed to
centre of Buddhism. The city was the goal of have been of a apeeial .batereet to the lArge audience
Prejevalsky's ambition, but he was tnrned back on of Nobles, whose red fese& were aa perplexing _to W ~rk was began a fl!w weeks ago on the rail·
the Ori~ntale on the platform as the ~tumee of
!marie&.' ' thl'ee of his expeditions while still far from the
forbidden gates. On one occasion the authorities
of LhtUia threatened him with violence; again the
f~~oilore of his enpplies compelled him to retreat;
·theeo wero interesting and novel to those whom
thoy faood. .
Lw¥AB A.Kulo• takes this occasion to con-
road lines ~tween Beyrouth, Aooa and Damascus.
· The inaugnratio~ of the important event watt wit-
nessed by many dignitaries and great number& of
OP'FICE, 45 PEARL STREET. and on tho third expedition be was attacked by r-tull\to t}Je Koet Bhltrioae Poteutate and hit
the T!betans, who reaonted bia intrusion upon their l'oble colleagnea who have been oleeted bf their ·
soil. bmhren to direot the aftidn and work of Probably the costlicet piece of textile fabric on
.Mr. Carey, the Engllslt explorer, alao tried in llde)oa Temple -during the ooming year, wiahing sale in N e\V York, is exhibited in a Broadway store
vain to reach LhaeR. The French explorer Bon- .tbem, one and all, a gnmd sooet•• in all their nn· window. It is a small Turki~h rng, only 3 feet 10
in Ori~.ntal .W:eekly devoted to the deve]op- volot in 1800 reached Lake Tengri-nor, only
two ~ays' journey on horseback from the capitAl.
dortakings," Feo·sabilil Lah. ~\· ~ J. · inches wide by 4 teet 9 ·inches long. · It will c~ver .
a small centre table. Its price is 13,900. Its
.meot. of direct helpful relations and .good Here he was met by the authorities of Lhasa, who making was the real!lt of Oriental patience. It is
would not permit him to approach nearer, thonJrh wov~n with the fin~g fabrtce ot' the most deli..
. • · be.tween
understandmg I
t I1e E ast I they were gled~ to' sell himdlc:Jl"Sed·and· yaks~ ex- cately shaded tints a16d colora i~to the moat. intri...
pedite his CJepar&ure. One Ruesian expedition .cate figures. Rags worth t5,000 may. be pur-
and the West.
since Prejevaleky's last journey has alto tried in
v!Un to re~h tho mysterious city. · · To A~vartisers. chased, bnt they, are very large.
W.e should be entirely ignortlnt of what has been If you wish to get 1th.e trade 1 of over 16'0,000
going on in the sRCrod city tor many years if the people who are in active bnsiness in North and
Indian ' Government bad not, from time to time, South America, llnd arc considered to be among
sent native Indians to travel fn Tibet. Some o( .
them have made long sojourns in Lhasa, where
the very best customers; Rd.vertiae in Lw-
JtlB Amio.._, the only newspaper they have and ~.;,:.\~' o~u~ o~,;r -~.)\
the beet medium for reaching tbem. No Amerioan
~>!.d.k ~\ ~ucatetl . Syrians Meet Dr. Brius.
they lived in the guise of mendicants, petty mer-
chants, or devotees. Bon volot more nearly "ap- newspaper is capable of securing for you their
proached the city than any explorer since Hue and · pfttonage Try a~~ see the reeult. A gentleman connected with KA.w.~:u :A.xluuo•,
.Eil&land and the lhe~ive. Gabet. . I

It ia understood that Mr. Rockhill has not aban-

in company with a few educated Syrians, paid ~
visit to Dr. Charl~>s Briggs yesterday, in order to
Lono11, Jan. 19.-A long telegram from Mr. doned Jais ambition to reach Lhasa. He hopes be- get some additional information abo'Qt his religious
Cromer. the British representative at ·Cairo, was fere long to make his third attempt upon the views and toaching8. At tho Doctor's request, and·
r.eceiYed at tho Foreign Oftice early thi~ afternoon.· forbid~eo city. The prospects do not seem bright, owing to the aseuran•:e of the Editors of this paper,
Soon afterward the Ruesian and French Ambassa- bot Mr. Rockhill's persistency may yet enable him thl\t no repor:t wquld be made qf,t~e. interview:, we
dors and the German Cbar~e d'.AJI'aires called up-. to accomplish what he and other explorers have are obliged to limit our remarks to the simple
on Lord Rosebcry, tho Foreign Mioistel', and a
somewh-at heated conversation took place. What
f»iled to achieve. ··
Oriental Items of Interest. statcm\)n_l; that .the Syrians ·w ere not .only ·pleased,
but delighted with the feariess theologiim,· arid en-
was s11id during. the visit has not been. made known. joyed li&tening to his learned dOnver&a.tion very
M. Waddipgtou, the French Ambassador and M. An order was given at the U.S. !~migration m~h. ·
Staal, the RuS&ian Ambaesador, spbseqnently went Bureau to detain all Ori~ntal immigrants, hereafter,
to Mr. Gladstone's house in Downing ~rt;. and were for a m.ore thorough and rigid examination ; and1 •.
closeted with tho Prime Minister tor some time; ~~\ ~~\ ,J~ u'- ~.) Jj as a result, five .Armenians and one Greek grac:cd 1 o
. J.

'.f~Y\ ->-"1, ~~ ~~
At 3 : 15 o'clock the summons for.a Cabinet Conn- Ellie Island with their genial presence dul'ing tJ1e
oil at• 5 o'clock was issued. So unexpected was M. De St. Hilaire's Views on greater part of the week. The Gree~ , and on.e
such a summons that great .difficulty was experi- Armenian are still detained, on· aecoont of the
Egyptian Affairs.
enced ln finding the Ministers. Telegrams and
meesengers were sent in every direction aud it was M. Barthelemy St. Hilaire, the eminent French
probability of their becoming public chargee:
They seem, however, utterly ignorant of. the real
Abas Pasha and the British Lion.
not until some time after the hour fixed that the publicist, differa from most of his . countrymen in object 'o f their detention, and sing, occasionally, The latest advices recAived from Cairo before
Cabinet ueembled. Bat·on Herschell. the Lord fa.voring the English occupation. He says:-" T~ the doleful and weird songs of their native East we go to preBB, show that the roaring of the British

Chancellor, wu not present, he having started all the French demands England has the right to with such indifference and resignation as to leave · Lion at Abed-din Palace had i~ intended effect,
earlier ln the day for Windsor to visit the Queen. reply that during the last tan years she has unaided the impression they believe in "kismet '' to in causing the Khedive to acquiesce, in the demands
The Council rose at 6:30 o'clock, after resolv- protected the liberty of the caMl and secured order the highest degree. of' the British Minister in Egypt, for forming an
ing unanimously to treat the Khedive with the ut- and prosperity in Egypt. she and abo alone has Egyptian Ministry acceptable to England, as ~ay
most :flrmueu. The Mlnietera decided to inform the right to attribute to herself the hon~Jr of having be seen from tho following despatch: .
him in a distinct manner that hie position as the brought about the riee in E~yptian stockB and of C.Aiao, Jf\n. 19.-The flurry in Egyptian
ruler of Egypt depends upon the good will of having redeemed a. p~rtion of' the Egyptian debt. Abas Pasha, the Khedive of Egypt, seems to be political alrairs has ended in· the complete surren-
Great Britain, and that the British Government All these improvementa end by constituting a giving Mr. Gll\d&tone an idea of Egyptian pluck der of the Khedive, and henceforth Great Brit4in
will refuee to reoosnfze the reactionary Ministry vested interest." and independence just now. Hie appointment of will have all · to say as to who shall fill the Egyp-
that he hu appoinllld. · But' M. Barth6lemy St. Hilaire doet~ not believe Cabinet .Ministea"B, regardleee ot tfu\ advice 9r tian Cabinet officea.
It ia believed dW )lr. Ptomws meesage attri- in lea..·in~ England in perpetual poBBession· of tho Ofioion of the British representative at Cairo, Yesterday the Khedive received an ultimatum
b_. t1ae lthtdi,e'e •ction to concerted Busaian, Nile. He says:-'' The troo solution of the shows his determination to show " Egypt is for the from the British Government, demanding the dia- 1
Fiene~ ,.nd Tur\lah ~oouragement. Egyptian question would be for England-who ia E~1.ptia~s,'' tho motto of all patriots among his miBB&l of the , uewly appointed Ministry within
pmdent and wise, much more so than we--to take adbjects. • twenty-four ho1118. ,·
the initiative of an understanding with ~he Powera. :Mr. Gladstone; if we remember 'right, has bee~ ~~e Egyptian ruler_was.given plainly -to·nimei--
I have Always been convinced that the English strogglfng for ~i. lung time to realD:e and apply" the etand that his position was beld only through the
havtt' not the ambition to annet: Egypt. India ie eafne pt'inciple to lrelan4. "Hom!" Rule" has consent of Gre.at Britain, and if that consent waa
beAn liia· favorite theme ~uritlg the last· t9n 1ears wi~hdrawn he would find himself in a precarious
quite sufficient for them. .To prove their dieinter-
eetedneee thny would have but to offer to confide of hie brilliant eareer. · Why ebonld not hie 'policy' position.
the surveillanoo of Egypt to a sort of European in the Egyptian question be eonauteDt :tli&h that Upon the expiration to-day of the twenty-four
De Midden CHy af Tibi. garrison. Bot an undentanding, very diftlcnlt to
eetllblilh between men, ie still more so between
. of his a Yo wed Irish policy, and allow "Egypt to houn given in the nltimatum, Lord Cromer, the
be for tho Egyptians I "
... · British Mini11ter, went to Abdin Palace al)d de-
'Tbe wdll-known UJ)Iorer ·of Tibet, .M.r. W. w. nations. 1, therefore, do not believe that England manded to know the decision tho Khedive hadar-
Rookhlll, hu returned home to this country. The will, for a long time at least, be able to I'(IOall ller rived a$. .
newi will aarprlle many ~graphera, whose latest troopa ot occupation. I repeat to yon, evaouatio~ Mohamad, Beshir and Arriina, the three Egyp- Tlie KhoJive, who had a long confer nee with
information, received in December, was that in at 'the p'resent moment would be the decapitation . tilms whO wen broo~ht to this country six weeb Nubar Pasha and Riez fula, expneied
Aprillut llr. Rockhill wu in northeutem Tibet, o~ civilization iu Egypt." ago by two Greeb, Stamati and :Marie Hazabrfor tMt- hie eeleo&ion of a miniltry ht.d proved not to
pnabing hia way toward thua, the goal of hie am-
the purpqae of giYi11g oonaerta and the Egyptian the liking of Great Britain, and pointed out that
bib. JJ,~~~~· ~ U.Ml .w\th a p~ " danoo do ventre,'' applied to Col. Weow to be Fakhri Pasha, '1M newly appointed t of
of Kongok aa flr ~ l'~ or, a. lofty lake among returned to their native conntry1 as the Greeka the Council, hll.d, at his his
the mountain• north of au. The .Mongols re- h•u foreaken them aud left them in deetit.te cir- poeition. ' . · ' ·
faaed to p with him to Lbaaa, aa the Tlbetaua are The Khec;liYe oft'ered to
camatancee. The Gruek woman1 Marie Huaby,
atill determined to keep all foreiguen out of tho ha4 ~~eCUred tb~r releue from the dete11tion de- .Riu· Puha, who was
boly olty. He hurd tlu.t the interdict now extenda ])ll'tioent, on Ellis·lreland, after solemnly ueurin1 Etm>tian llinistry, and
eten to foMiaJ! aoods, which are rigidly exoluded An I Oriental .Entertainment Qea. O'Beirno that ahe had advanced them their fnendly to Brl~iap iu~ts.
from .Tibet. He eeema, therefon, !lpin to have Lord Oromor auented
qaet tlte 'defeat ••, r.,r many years baa overtaken for the Myetlc 8hrlnere. · sllariee .for three montha, and that abe would
Btu Paaha. He seoored
On the 18th of dtia mo'nth, the Wuatrfo111 Nobl~ farniah them with more money in addition to their
all explorers bound for Lhasa. retnru :tfcketa, which abe claimed to have given undol"'tanding that
:Mr. Bookbill'• fint joaney, with Lhua as its of Mecca Temple, in Now York, installed their them. When they, .however, became helpleu and alteration iq the ¥inistry
~' wu undertaken iii 1889, when he hoped h¥
oftluen (llected for the e~~~atng year in a very im-
deatitnte in a atraoge land and among •tr&Dgers, Britain. (
pu~ rapidJy along t1 Dlain. road .from China . preaaive aod interea.tio& manner. Noble Dr. Flem·
· ~to illrbl e oity. He had only mlng conducted the ceremoniei in hla ualial admir- tbat nohJe · daqhter and dee.tendant · of the
"Hele~~e~," diaolaltneci hav1n' ataytbing to do With
fairly eoteled· tM oountry •lum llia troublea-with able way, and presented with the :Moat llluatrioua
the Tibe&an Luau began. At one place the Noble Auguatue Peten and the rest of the new them or aoy reaponaibility 1n 'their QIUIO. The1 ~
peoplt we" forblddiD to.buy nytbiog from him, oftlCen, wllo wore brilliant Oriental eoatnmea-an
were oonaequentl;r returned to Boalonge,.Sur-.M:er, ~ ~~·
to lall blm aonblDJ, or tq HrYe . , hil pidee. appearance long to be remembered by the tdoo oa one of the Rotterdam ehi~ where they will
have to find aome way to ~t to· Cairo, their native
the road~ oatpped away from all Vlllagea ladies and gcntl81D8D of the audience, who wit-
LaaiiMll'lel. trutlDcbimtelf only With the ' neued it.
city. llcllyeRa Attack aFtrt.
we" extremely kind. At After an ablo and muterly addreus R•11aoo•, Jan. 19.-Advioea from Bltamo Show
that the Britiah foroea operaUn~ apinat the
excellent maaic wu an aDDounoe- =~....~:;Ifiisliyeoa will fa"V~ o euy tuk -tn auhjtiaatiu
ment of the OJ'leatal· Entainmeat of the eviD. . theee moantaineen. . A few du1a ago the KaoJ.:-
wu .JD&de• .. Dr...FlQmDJiDf tha iatJ'oftoed.. th yena·· med8" "6 ' 'd61perate attack upob ·t~e Britiah
Edlton of thil pa~, who, with the aMiatuaoe of fort at 8im-, IUld w~ OPlJ rep~ after a d. .
ab9ut thirtJ Orltllltal uati.e~ in . . . - , P" ao- pnta ft1ht. The lat•t report~ received atate
oOUnta ad lllaatra66n• of J:utern lite, o'llltbma that tho Kacbyna have ~ attacked the fort.
•d ·••"'"·· Bcqe aod a-t aoen-.,· ~· They wwe dri•eu baek with a to. of aeven killed..
wttb ~ ":taerai and a ve~ elaborate marriap r....., Three of die Britlah troope were wounded.
THE LAR A-¥-~' ~.f ~"U~\ ..u ·.if'r.\f. (\l\ u\ JU..
( ~\ I.Jb.) • ~\~ &Jj.j u\ ~'.¥'IS.)~\

.}-Yl ...fjS\ ;...\. ~ tiJ.,..

~\J\t, \:_,E- ~J,.J\ ~ ~~\ .)..\J\ ~\S"u.
J.rl\ .\>Y\ ~ ~\)~ (~_, ..~\:. \S"h\ ...\J_\ r_;r;- ~ ~p ~.,.....
"' .!,J.l.Ai ~\ rc=l--' ·~' J~~ U....l,~\~~\ ~~.!:"
(-~\,)i\~\ J vW ~_rea:. J ~~ y. ~ ~l.J\ ~~ r~'~'
y~\ rUl.' J\..,!\ ~ .jrl\ ·'o."a'\ ..s.r ~ ~~ t~--=\\ t:.J.J t\lrJ.\e.)_,,.;>
t~b j..W\ Lr r\'~ •.l..
. ~~\\('h\c} uj ·a- .!ll~_, £»- ~IS~ f -~1, r~'tbU:.l,
IMPERIAL COUN~IL, "~\._, ·W.\ \.!\ r_,.-i ).Jy J_,..d.\ ...,.-. t~.)\\
Ancient Arabic Order ~ ~\ ~_, J..~c_,~_;l\ U~},-~\·~·"·"
~\ ~.) ~ ( JA.l vi>) t.\..1i\ ~ ~_, ~ t~

Nobl·ea of the Mvstic Shrine J

FOR JYYI u4-! '-~' .JJ 0\S"~l\ ~~ 0.,~ J .)Jb
North America •.
J_,ii\ ~ ~~ ~ .Y.., ~ _,.\ t~? f.)\~
Officers for 1889·1892. jJ\ •\.- .!J.l'w ,)U\ j.-1 ti~ \ .::..l:._,.tUa\.\ ~.).;_,
\A'\r - \ AA'H:.J ~_,.. "'-\ .
4=- .1... •.;\~' \a.!~ ~~ ~' ~.)'Y.J\ •.l. ~ t\...:Y ~ r!- ~u' ~Jt.l\ ;_,.~-_, o,y.'.;_,..J' ~' ~ u<'u
'J ' Willia~ B. Melish, ~\ u-\J\ _,~ ~' -..:_.,_,~\ ·~ ~1, '-f.;'-J J\ Y.;b '-·~ J\
~Y\ ~\)ai_, ~\J ~~ «Jl'J'G'11J~_,~~ t.f-' t\.i J' e\...:Y\J._,lJ\ \;).~\Lr J_,.;_, \A1r Thomas J. Hndson, f».\ '-"'\.)\ y!l.orJ\; ~ -..:..; ~.., ~ ~ -=..Jb\ J' J_,.~.n ~u.. ~'
~~ ~ ~\ t)\ e'-'. bj.)\ ·~ ~ ~ ~ j;t .lqo_J! ~ t\ J_,A; ~,),._, ~~\ .J~l, \:1e ~ ;;~~~\ Charles L. Field, ( u~ )\) ~\ (!')\ ~~' ·\.t\ J U.~l, ~.\:.a_, \a.~_,.j\'?\.!JW.\i..
~ J J._,Yl ~ ~,\ \o.;\-\ o_,~ rru 'J.i A- .;r l,.r.-4 v' ~ w~ ~ u~.~_,...l\~V!\ J.J ·A\ Frank Locke; ( v~)\) ${1.\ ~W.' r~'_.,b,)\- ~..,.3\ ~' \r~U ~ h.J.j_, ~~
J-__,: .;;._,\('_h.\ J ~ .s\J i.),..,.e~. ~)~_rd\~..\\ \:.J~ v\ b£\:e ~~.;\.) J..., ~-jo_, ~A\ John T. Brush, ~\ ~\SJ\ t.i
·'A' yu 4-\:.; \:,..:;. t~:l'\ J.~ 4 ....-+-i
r_,..J\ ~ ,..__,:_,~_,.:l\e ....,u..\\ ~_,· \J\fi-1,~~1,~~\ \('H\ .:..~ f J\'v-~YI ~ ( ,p _,\~) \r- Lon Burt ~ \ jJ..\\\ J).;;. t-
t ~\&\.\ •.l.·r~ ~ ..1. t\u;\a.u.:."¥\ ..
~.J,y.,r-i ~b.>;,;. ~"'uc ~~., .J~~Ji -llj,: u,. uc ~., · t'.l:.s. ,~_,··~~' ~ \.l. \:.;~\ ~ ~' JO&eph s. Wright, ~\ J.,~\ ~\ &.PW ~\ ~r(Ual\ 5"" (., JU.~ --JaUb j.W\
t. L ·. · EDBERCER & co~, 1 Frank M. Luoo, Jll.\
~\· U:_r.\\ J.~~ ~ 0\.i J:i- ~., ~U.., -~ u-\:l\

389 Broad~ay, New Y~rk City, U. 8. A. Loois·P. Ecber, J~"a1(!-- J..,"a'\~\~\ ( \. G,_,.-.. W,\n\ ·~ J.~, j\..ai"a'\" ft\ Lr .
Rufll8 E. Flemihg, J~YI ~~\!\\~\.>.:-\\ 'jdw
.Yt'.U' .}1lu. --b..r-» r"",)u.. Jf
,..~, ~ ~)~ ~ ~\~~J ~\J\J.,\a
~ h\ ~ ~ ~ ~.lij l.) _r.\J ~\ .Yl~ )J ~ d.,"\..a~ ti_;es ,:) ~./ ..::.£ o\ Thomas J. Bishop, .Jll.\ ~~\ .;..J.

i:l}~ uW~ ~ ~ ~ .:}:~ '..~ ~LaJ\ u-- ~J~ \. /fl._, di~~b d~~\\k.
Gustavo Anderson, $Jl\vo.)..\ ~.) ~ ~U.Wh..,..-£\~Wlb~\~~~~~
H . M. Spalding. «F,.;\;£ \ .Jll.\,.,.)..\ J_ra:.- '~ ~ ~~.,rr.~ Lrcf' uW\
~ ....:..;~~W\J.l_;i) U_,;J~ ~ f':t ~.)i,~'W\Jc>J\~~b~~~\.oJ.\ \(h\ ~\1\\ ~\;Jl\ ~ ~\·~~ff~~
. ~ ~\..j(. ~ ci\ . elaJ' .."J
0~~ rU?.d\ W" u~ ~ (\ Jc ~V.\ _;l. J\ ~\

~ JW. ~\.!. . r\ v, •.1. ~
~b;\~~.r_, · J~~t~Y\~U(!...J> · ~'~ ~\. o).~..J\~~_,_j-. r_)~ "otai U. U.l.a.o ...->~\ i;i»- ~L.; .!J11~ ( .,fjj\)
_;\...-Y\ u~ ,~.., J..l..P_, ti~\ ,)h.. ....:_r ~;1\ ~~\ ._,..\1\ t) J.

t"\r '\ J .j.i\ 0\1 \t & 0\£.!J~.,~ ~~\


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~~ f.;~
= ·oY
.~J.U\ ~ \.. ' tJ. ~ ~_,.; .!J\Jb Aupt01 W. Peten,
- _
= 'u_,... ~~ = Charles A. Benedict,
(.J~-) 0~ ~ Phllip c. Benjamin,
U" ~' ~
~\0\)\ 49 Walt at,
v\,)\ ~""­ J J_,~\ .!W\ ....,wP'-~_r._, ~.rt'~'.~
,ew u' .,
- \r o =- ,. ·, .f.f _ d ·. Charles H. Heylter, ~,~~\ ~_, e;t v}-~ ~.w.,; ~..\. 4 t" ue J.,., el~
·J~' J,\..\\\ ~\ t?-'-' ~.;.1\, ~n"a'\~\, laA.l\\ .>_,&:ltu\('
Robert P. Lyon, .
'!\.)~,ij\t't;\.:. 11_, li._, l r !J ~.J'~ J~ ~\!}_,\A.\'\ Georgo W.lUllar,
.)'.li.J'- ~ ~.lt.J.\ ~ (""\ J~1; .:.A.fl\~\..~\,
. 8PEICltL • PftH8,, . . 8...--n R. Ellison, li.D.
' ~~_, .)~ ,.,it.;\_,~ , ~_, . .' . '~
J0 B BE RS. A N D JMP 0 R T E·RS >o~c·- 1 George H .Wtatt, . J.,\~J'" ~~~~.,~~.)_,"¥'\v&\~,~~,
Tame& V. Kirby, J'\!,~J'" . .~ \.. ~\.a ~ J-'-=c ..;J .:.~,
Edgar K. Ayen, .lu'-
~ .......
' ~\l.IV.\
J.\(' Jv.,e;_,..\\ .. \:.;~, 4p~~
lullul...,~· FrRnk Doonatin,
JO&eph B. Eakin•,
"i~;~ ~\i~ f L-1ii ~4.-"a'\ J..'(, UJ}, ~ Cbas. T :McClenacbao, ~
James McGee,
..!l.;»a"~)-:.:.1, J.r ~ 0 ~ iJi.J ~· ~~\'\ J.1ic Robert o. Brehm,
.\-!~ .~_, ~ :l_,U I
Qen~ Kimber.
Georgo "'f. Ne.t~WJd',
9-lj W .tiW. U.OJQJ!I; ~., ,
N. I;. 0~. UJ~.,&.

~.J& -:J&J.\\ ~~' ~ ~' ~\.S"J-1. ..

~~¥~~-u''u.u'a~ · ·r\(~~' ·
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~ CJ/. tol, o_r ~.>,.J.J WJ ~k ~.r 0~VI ~ J ~\,) ..!....>~ .
. _ . .,.-~,'1\ . ~ ~ ~'!"' \ ~ ;;.Aa .i:... t \ ~ \ l;... .JJ-'-'
• IY. .>JU\f 4' t\ ~ ~' ~., J . .··!.'1 ..:,- ~.;~\ .ly cT_,)\ ~~\.:, 0\.:--!l. &,f.)_,.;l.\ j.e>W\ ~
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