Banuelos-Support Websites

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Classroom-Support Websites

Name of website Features Challenges Evaluation

Class Dojo This apps allows for instant It can be confusing for parents to I have used Class Dojo in my class
communication with students’ add different classrooms if they for the past three years, I love all
parents. It allows the teacher to have more than one kid enrolled the features that it has. It was very
make announcements for a in school. Since it allows parents helpful to have all my parents
whole class in the class story, and to message the teacher anytime, enrolled in this app during the
also private messages with they might expect quick pandemic closure, I would add
students’ parents. It lets you give responses. Students can’t share the assignments and through the
points to students based on their work with each other. student portfolio they would take
different behavior, it has an pictures or videos of the students’
option to randomly group assignments. It is also a useful app
students, and randomly select a for Dual Language classrooms
student. It allows to create with a two-teacher model, since
portfolios for each student, and you can add co-teachers to your
you can add assignments for the homeroom so that both teachers
whole class. have access to post in the class
and have contact with parents. It
is a great tool for classroom
Google Classroom I had not used this before, but I I did not see an option to send I liked the format of this platform,
created a class to see how it personalized messages to if it had the option to send
works, it was easy to create the students. personal messages, it would be a
class. Students can join the class great option to use for online
by just entering a code. It allows learning.
you to create and schedule
announcements, and to give
feedback to students’ posts. I
liked that it lets you create units or
Kahoot! This website lets you create your This is a great website for This is a great tool for teachers in
own questions and it allows students in upper grades. For us higher grades to assess prior and
students to answer using an who teach, early grades, would current knowledge of students. It is
electronic device. It is a way to be difficult to implement it in the also an engaging way for
assess student understanding and classroom, since not all students students to assess and reflect on
prior knowledge. It is really easy to know how to use electronic their own knowledge.
use for both teachers and devices. Also, the website
students. doesn’t allow to insert pictures as
answers, and since students in
early grades can’t read, they
wouldn’t be able to read and
answer the questions.
Quizlet It lets you create your own quizlets The teacher version is not free. I This is a very helpful tool to assess
and create classes. I liked that it am not sure that you can review students’ learning through games
lets you import google docs and students’ answers without paying and test. It is a good resource in
word documents. You can make for the Teacher account. addition to a different
the quizlets you create visible to app/website that allows you to
certain classes or to everyone. It add assignments, provide
also lets you add people to edit feedback, etc.
the quizlet. You can add images
to the answers. It lets you share
the quizlet on Remind and
Google Classroom. It lets you play
games with the terms you have
Teachr Kit As Class Dojo, this app/website, You have to pay to print or share I would love to use this app if it
allows teachers to take the reports created in the app. I gave an option to private
attendance and add notes for did not find an option for communication with parents. The
behavior. It also has a grade communication with parents. reports that it creates could be
keeping option, and it allows you very useful and I like the
to add multiple classes. I like that gradebook function.
it provides with a seating chart
report and. It also creates student
reports that include data on
attendance, behavior, and
Weebly This a very user-friendly generator It is just a website to publish your You can add content based on
website. It provides different own information, you won’t be your students’ needs. I actually
templates and it lets you make able to create your own class, used this during the pandemic
modifications as needed. It allows create assignments, etc. closure, I used it to provide
to upload files and embed videos, parents with information about
pictures, and slideshows. the end of year expectations and
provided them with documents
that might have been useful and
added videos that we would use
in the classroom.
Nearpod With this website, teacher can Lessons have to be teacher Students like to be engaged using
create their own lessons or access directed, for students to use their own electronic device and
lessons created by other teachers. them on their own or in centers being able to give an answer to
Teacher has control to change you would have to pay for a all questions. It is a great way for
questions, slides. Students can premium account. Some lessons assessing students’ knowledge
access the lesson through a code, are not free. and identify topics/concepts you
and you can see students’ need to review.
answers. You can create quizzes,
match games, free drawing.
SignUp This website lets you create There are participation reports This is a great tool to manage
different events in which people available, but only for the parent teacher conferences, or
can sign up for at different times. premium version. It is only useful volunteering events. I have used it
It lets you manage how many to organize certain events. multiple times for P/T conferences
people you want to be signed up and school carnivals. All you have
in each time slot and the length to do is share the invite through
of each time slot. Parents can see email, or copy and paste the link
who signed up at different times in text, class dojo, etc.
or you can also make this private.
Remind This app/website, lets you send If you activate the option for It is a form of instant
instant messages to the whole parents to reply to your texts, you communication with students’
class, or individual parents. You might want to set times so that parents. And it is a great tool to
can see who read the message they know when you’re keep parents informed of what is
already. It also allows you to available. happening in the
schedule messages. classroom/school.
SeeSaw Like Class Dojo, this app/website It does not have a classroom It is a great way for parents to see
lets you assig activities, upload story like Class Dojo has, class and comment on their child’s
pictures, videos, and announcements get sent as work and have communication
communicate with parents. You private messages to parents. with the teacher.
can assign created lessons. I like Does not have a student
that posts need to be approved behavior component.
by the teacher before being

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