Module 7 Course Culminating Task Kim Redgwell
Module 7 Course Culminating Task Kim Redgwell
Module 7 Course Culminating Task Kim Redgwell
Name: ____________________________________
CONT933 Course Culminating Task
Down load a copy of this and rename it with your first and last name + CONT 933 Course Culminating Task
There are 3 distinct parts to this final task (A, B and C). Be sure to read through everything to give yourself
a clear picture of what each component entails.
A) Technological Resources
Resource #1
Google Form
Name of technological
A google form is an excellent way to gather information from students and see the results
Description of how this in a well laid out format. It could be used as a pre-assessment prior to starting a new
unit, a formative assessment to judge where students are at or as a summative
resource could be used: assessment. A google form could be used to ask curricular content questions, or it could
be used with a focus on the curricular competencies and even as a self-assessment for
example with questions guided more towards how a student is feeling about their critical
thinking skills. Due to it's ease of use, students could even create their own google forms
for example maybe to pose review questions to peers.
This resource is so simple for both the teacher to create, and the student to use.
Justification for using this Students only need a link to the document and could complete the form on numerous
resource: styles of devices. There is no user account needed and teachers can easily tailor the
form to fit whatever content area or concept is being covered. The forms can be as short
or as long as necessary and could be as simple as a quick ticket out the door or a full
quiz. As a teacher I find the way the forms results can be seen at the end to be very
helpful. It is clear which areas students are struggling with and which they are fully
understanding. Also as many schools are using google platforms, this would pair nicely
with what students are already using such as google classroom, google drive, etc.
Resource #2
Name of technological
A HyperDoc is a great way to combine many different types of online resources from
Description of how this videos, website links, collaborative documents or drives and store it all in one place. It
can allow the teacher to keep everything for the unit or concept in one central location
resource could be used: that can be accessed at any time on any devices. It could be used as part of a flipped
classroom as students could access it at home and could complete the assigned
sections. It can also be used within the classroom as a sort of "online worksheet". Parts
could be completed independently while other parts could includ collaboration
documents or padlets. The possibilities are really endless.
Although a HyperDoc can take a lot of work initially to set up, however once it is set up
Justification: you have it ready to go for however long you need it. The layouts can be adapted for
many different grade levels, and if online learning is taking place at home, it would be
very user friendly. Also once it is set up if you are using it within your classroom, it would
give you as a teacher more time to circulate and have meaningful observations and
discussions with your students. One hyperdoc could include all your assignments,
student reflections, and assessments.
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Resource #3
Name of technological
One of the easiest and most wide ranging resources online is YouTube. There are so many
Description of how this possibilities when using it in your classroom or for online learning at home. As a teacher you
can create your own youtube channel and film videos about whatever concepts you want
resource could be used: students to learn. For example during the spring I filmed a video each week about part of the
butterfly lifecycle for my students to watch, and also assigned other supplementary videos
such as related butterfly read alouds. Even without online learning at home, Youtube could be
used as part of a flipped classroom, with students watching the teachers videos prior to
upcoming class so they are prepared with questions and any items the teacher asks to be
completed. WIthin the class, YouTube has videos on any subject you could imagine.
The great thing about YouTube is you can choose the type of video and focus you want to
Justification for using this have and nearly all of them are at your fingertips. For example you could choose a video that
teaches concepts in the straight forward style of Khan academy, or in a more storybook type
resource: way or even a song. Youtube can be used ay any time during a unit and can easily
supplement the classroom lessons you are already teaching. By creatign a youtube channel
you can have playlists of other videos for students to watch or your own videos. All stored in
one place that is easy to find and very user friendly. I also believe it is one of the mostly widely
used online resources when it comes to students, so they are already comfortable with the
platform which is always helpful.
Resource #4
Google Classroom
Name of technological
Google classroom is a fairly straight forward virtual classroom. Many teachers were
Description of how this introudced to it in the spring, some begrudgingly, but now many have chosen to continue with
the online platform even while classes are in session. This is because it can be a great tool for
resource could be used: creating and storing assignments and grades. It can also be used to provide summaries to
parents on their students participation.
Google classroom is a free online platform that is highly reliable and very safe as each
Justification for using this classroom is only available to those who are invited. It can act as a central place to store
resource: online assignments and feedback, while providing access to a class drive folder. If learning
from home, video meetings are also available, giving students some real time interaction with
their peers and teachers. It is also an ad free space and google doesn't own any data from
within the classrooms. It can be a great central area to act as an online hub for students.
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Resource #5
Name of technological
Youcubed is a comprehensive website that includes many different math resources that focus
Description of how this on building number sense and increasing a students growth mindset. As a teacher you can go
to the "Tasks page" and choose a number sense task which includes a lesson plan and list of
resource could be used: materials needed. You can head to the "growth mindset" page to learn about how to teach and
implement growth mindset practices and vocabulary in your classroom. There is even a
section for math at home and parent resources. Youcubed also has a well stocked "Film"
library that covers topics from growth mindset to teaching videos. Finally, it has suggestions
for useful math games both online and hands on.
YouCubed is a great well-rounded resource that can be useful for parents, teachers and
Justification for using this students. Number sense is such a key component to helping a student truly understand and
resource: become fluent with numbers. The tasks and videos that Youcubed has included can easily be
adapted to fit into any teachers practice. The use of growth mindset is also invaluable.
Teaching students how to approach open ended problems and how to deal with struggles and
failures is so important, not only in math but in life. Finally, I think a key peice of this site is that
it provides tasks and information for grade K-12. Using this resource students can build on
their number sense knowledge from primary to secondary school.
B) e Site Evaluation:
Questions to ponder:
How will you use your site? Teaching? PRO-D? Both? What will you change? Why? Was/Is the site useful?
How? (Write at least 250 words)
I enjoyed the site making aspect of this course as it kept all assignments and resources in one central location. It was easy to set
up and appealing to look at and navigate through. During the spring I made a weebly site for my Kindergarten class and I found it
very useful as each week I would post the learning tasks for the week, and then I could start working on next weeks tasks and just
wait to publish them. Parents also told me how much they enjoyed it as they could easily see the tab for each page (ex. math,
reading, writing etc.). I know many of my colleagues with older students prefered google classoom as it also had the interactive
component. But with my young students, a weebly site and zoom meetings (with links posted on my site) worked out really well.
While I could use some of the lessons I developed that are on my new site, it would be too difficult for my Kindergartens to
navigate on their own in class. Not to mention I only have 2 devices in my classroom. The site that I made in this course I feel like
would be more useful as a Pro-D site to share with colleagues who have any questions or want to know more about different
online resources. I could see myself referring back to it in the future when I am thinking of implementing some new technology in
my classroom, such as the Hyperdoc or a math game.
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C) Curricular and/or Core Competencies:
Curricular/Core - Develop mental math - Choose tools and materials 3. Clocks and Numbers to 12- using
Competencies: stategies and abilities to make common technology to teach fluency
sense of quantities - Make a product using known with numbers
- Use technology to explore
mathematics - Use materials, tools, and common-technology.html
technologies in a safe manner in
- Model math in contextualized both physical and digital
experience environments 4. Christmas Shoebox - teaching
financial literacy through role play
- Develop, demonstrate, and - Develop their skills and add new
appy math understanding ones through play and collaborative
through play, inquiry, and work financial-literacy.html
problem solving
- Explore the use of simple,
- Communicate mathmatical available tools and technologies to
thinking in many ways extend their capabilities
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C) Curricular and/or Core Competencies CONTINUED (if needed):
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