Building and Environment: Irina Susorova, Melissa Angulo, Payam Bahrami, Brent Stephens

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Building and Environment 67 (2013) 1e13

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A model of vegetated exterior facades for evaluation of wall thermal

Irina Susorova a, *, Melissa Angulo b, c, Payam Bahrami b, Brent Stephens c
College of Architecture, Illinois Institute of Technology, 3300 S. Federal St., Chicago, IL 60616, USA
Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH), Illinois Institute of Technology, 3360 S. State St., Chicago, IL 60616, USA
Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, 3201 S. Dearborn Street, Chicago, IL 60616, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A mathematical model of an exterior wall covered with climbing vegetation has been developed to
Received 27 February 2013 evaluate the thermal effects of plants on heat transfer through building facades. This model allows for
Received in revised form analysis of how various plant physiological parameters such as leaf area index, average leaf dimension,
15 April 2013
and leaf absorptivity can improve facade thermal performance by reducing the exterior wall surface
Accepted 23 April 2013
temperatures and heat flux through the façade. The model has been verified with a set of experiments
that measured both bare and vegetated facade thermal performance of an educational building in Chi-
cago, IL, during the summer. A sensitivity analysis was also conducted to elucidate the relative impacts of
Green facades
Facade vegetation
plant characteristics, weather conditions, climate zones, wall assembly types, and facade orientation on
Facade thermal performance vegetated facade thermal performance. Overall, results herein show that a plant layer added to the facade
Vegetation models can improve its effective thermal resistance by 0.0e0.7 m2 K/W, depending on a range of inputs for wall
Energy efficient parameters, climate zones, and plant characteristics (particularly leaf area index). These improvements
Buildings are especially pronounced in predominantly warm climates with high solar radiation and, to a lesser
extent, low wind speeds. The model developed herein can ultimately be used both to access facade
thermal improvements in existing buildings retrofitted with green walls and to design green walls for
optimal energy efficiency in new construction.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction facade [1]. Reported reductions in facade surface temperatures

immediately behind vegetation have ranged from 8.2  C [2] to 1.9e
In recent years, designers have promoted the idea of integrating 8.3  C [3], depending primarily on the density of the plant layer. In a
plants into the envelopes of buildings to address both aesthetic and study evaluating the thermal effects of nine types of green wall
energy concerns. Such vegetated walls traditionally include vines systems, Wong et al. [4] measured a reduction of 3.3  C in ambient
or bushes growing directly along the facade or along trellises and air temperature, which corresponded to a 1.1e11.6  C decrease in
wire supports. More complex vegetated wall types also include a the facade surface temperature immediately behind the vegetation,
layer of soil and are integrated directly into the facade construction. depending on vegetation type. Two more recent studies on other
In terms of energy performance, plants on walls can be used to vegetated walls demonstrated a reduction in facade surface tem-
lower both (i) surrounding air temperatures (reducing the heat peratures behind vegetation of 5.5  C [5] and 1.2e3.9  C [6].
island effect) and (ii) facade surface temperatures immediately These reductions in facade surface temperatures behind vege-
behind the vegetation, which can reduce conductive heat transfer tation have also been shown to lead to reductions in energy use. For
through building envelopes and thereby reduce cooling loads. example, Di and Wang [2] measured a 28% reduction in the peak-
Several previous studies have demonstrated these effects. For cooling load through a west-facing wall of a building covered
example, early experiments measuring the thermal effects with thick ivy on a clear summer day. Although these and other
of climbing plants on building facades in summer demonstrated a previous studies have demonstrated that a variety of green wall
1e3  C reduction in the ambient air temperature near a vegetated types can reduce cooling loads in some climates and conditions,
most previous vegetated wall experimental investigations have
been limited to evaluating the effects of a particularly narrow range
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 312 882 0632. of plants. Additionally, results are typically valid only for the
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (I. Susorova). particular settings of the experiments and typically over a short

0360-1323/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 I. Susorova et al. / Building and Environment 67 (2013) 1e13

Nomenclature Rplant effective thermal resistance of the plant layer (m2 K/W)
RH relative humidity
cpair specific heat of air at constant pressure (29.3 J/mol  C) Sbw, Svw heat stored in the wall material of the bare and
cpwall specific heat of wall material (J/kg K) vegetated facades (W/m2)
Cbw, Cvw convection to/from the bare facade and vegetated SRbw, SRvw shortwave radiation to/from the bare facade and
facade (W/m2) vegetated facade (W/m2)
D leaf characteristic dimension (m) t time (s)
ea partial water vapor pressure of air (kPa) Tair air temperature (K)
es(T) water vapor pressure of air at saturation (kPa) Tdewpoint dewpoint temperature (K)
Fgr, Fsky view factors to the ground and to the sky Tgr ground temperature (K)
gasll, gasul actual stomatal conductance of the lower and upper Tin air temperature of the room interior (K)
leaf surface (mol/m2 s) Tinbw, Tinvw measured interior surface temperature of the bare
gbh boundary layer conductance for heat transfer and vegetated facade (K)
(mol/m2 s) Tleaf temperature of the leaf surface (K)
gbv boundary layer conductance for vapor (mol/m2 s) Tsky clear sky temperature (K)
gc convective conductance (mol/m2 s) Tsbw, Tsvw exterior surface temperature of the bare and vegetated
gr radiative conductance (mol/m2 s) facade (K)
gsll, gsul typical stomatal conductance of the lower and upper Vair wind speed (m/s)
leaf surface (mol/m2 s) XR radiative exchange between the bare facade and the
gv vapor conductance (mol/m2 s) plant layer (W/m2)
hbw, hvw convection heat transfer coefficient of the bare and awall facade absorptivity for solar radiation
vegetated facade surface (W/m2 K) aleaf leaf absorptivity for solar radiation
Imax maximum total solar radiation incident on a surface g thermodynamic phsycometer constant
(W/m2) (0.000666 1/ C)
It total solar radiation incident on a surface (W/m2) g0 apparent phsycometer constant (1/ C)
k material conductivity (W/m K) D slope of the saturation vapor pressure function
L wall thickness (m) (kPa/ C)
LAI leaf area index εleaf leaf emissivity of longwave radiation
LRbw, LRvw longwave radiation to/from the bare facade and εwall facade surface emissivity of longwave radiation
vegetated facade (W/m2) εsky sky emissivity (approximately 1)
Pair atmospheric pressure at sea level (100 kPa) hroot minimum value of soil moisture in the root zone of the
Qbw, Qvw total heat flux through the wall with the bare facade plant
and vegetated facade (W/m2) hwilt level of soil moisture below which permanent wilting
Qleaf the total radiation absorbed by a vertical layer of plants of the plant occurs
(W/m2) k attenuation coefficient
rasll, rasul actual stomatal resistance of the lower and upper leaf r wall material density (kg/m3)
surface (m2 s/mol) l latent heat of vaporization of water (kJ/kg) (2501 kJ/kg
rsll, rsul typical stomatal resistance of the lower and upper leaf at 0  C)
surface (m2 s/mol) s StefaneBoltzmann constant (0.00000005673)
Rbw, Rvw effective thermal resistance of the bare facade and s transmissivity of total radiation through a plant layer
vegetated facade (m2 K/W) q tilt angle of the facade surface

time period. The purpose of this study is to develop a compre- the thermal resistance analogy to evaluate the effect of facade
hensive mathematical model of a vegetated wall (without soil) that orientations, leaf density, and insulation layer placement on facade
can be used to evaluate the effects of climbing plants on the ther- thermal performance and cooling load reductions. These previous
mal performance of a building facade for various input parameters, studies have relied primarily on plant characteristics measured
including weather conditions, climate zones, facade orientation, during individual experiments as model inputs as opposed to
wall assembly types, and, importantly, a variety of important plant computing them directly, which is a focus of this work.
characteristics. Mathematical models simulating the effect of plants in green
roofs were developed by Alexanri [9] and Sailor [10], whose model
2. Model development was also implemented in the EnergyPlus energy analysis software
[11]. Both dynamic mathematical models simulated one-
Several previous studies have constructed heat transfer models dimensional vertical heat flux through a green roof assembly,
for thermal analysis of vegetated facades. For example, Holm [7] which included a layer of soil. The heat flux through the horizontal
developed a model to predict thermal improvements in a facade plant layer was simulated using the calculations of vegetation
covered with plants for different orientations, climates, and wall canopy models commonly used in climatology. However, green roof
construction types. However, this model was based on a particular models cannot be directly used to evaluate thermal properties and
set of plant characteristics measured in laboratory tests and did not heat flux through vegetated walls because of the absence of the soil
account for plant evapotranspiration. Di and Wang [2] constructed layer and the difference in heat exchange processes.
a mathematical model of heat flux through vegetated facades based At present, despite multiple studies on vegetation thermal
on experimental investigations to calculate conductive heat trans- effects, there are no published models of vegetated walls capable
fer and energy use reductions. Kontoleon and Evmorfopoulou [8] of simulating the effect of plants on the facade thermal perfor-
built a simplified mathematical model of a vegetated wall using mance for variable plant characteristics, facade properties, building
I. Susorova et al. / Building and Environment 67 (2013) 1e13 3

orientations, and weather conditions. Therefore, the model plant layer affects the facade thermal performance only during
described in this work offers an improvement over previous models relatively warm weather when the indoor room temperature is
by computing plant physiological processes, including evapo- lower than the facade exterior surface temperature and heat flux is
transpiration and radiative and convective heat exchange between in the direction from outdoors to indoors. In cold weather, when
the plant layer, the facade, the surrounding environment, and the the direction of the heat flux is reversed from the indoors to out-
ground and using individual plant characteristics inputs (e.g., leaf doors the plant layer has little effect; the model assumes the value
absorptivity, typical leaf dimension, leaf area index, radiation of the plant thermal resistance to be zero in cold weather.
attenuation coefficient, and leaf stomatal conductance) and The vegetated facade model calculates the effects of plants on
weather data to simulate the impacts of vegetated walls on façade the reduction in the facade surface temperature and heat flux
thermal performance. The next section describes the model through the exterior wall. The model does not account for wind
development in more detail. reduction effects because information is lacking on convective heat
transfer coefficients at vertical vegetated facade surfaces.
2.1. Vegetation model description
2.2. Facade energy balance and heat flux calculations
The proposed vegetated facade model simulates the one-
dimensional heat flux through the depth of a vertical layer of Fig. 1 describes the 1-D surface energy balance used in the
vegetation. The model accounts for short-wave radiative trans- vegetated wall model.
mission through the plant layer, long-wave radiative exchange A building facade receives shortwave radiation SR from the sun
between the plant layer and the environment, convective heat (direct, scattered from the sky, and reflected from the ground and
transfer to and from vegetation, and evapotranspiration from atmosphere) and also exchanges longwave thermal radiation LR
leaves. The model represents a layer of vertical plants rooted in the between the ground, sky, and surrounding surfaces [11,19,20]. Ra-
ground, such as vines or flat vertical shrubs growing directly diation absorbed by the facade is either emitted back into the
against a building exterior wall without the use of soil or substrate. environment, transferred to or away from the wall by convection to
Several model assumptions summarized below were based on the outdoor air C, or transferred to the building interior by con-
common assumptions made in other studies modeling vegetation duction Q, where energy can also be stored in the wall material S. At
[9,10,13e17]: any moment in time, the energy balance of a bare wall (bw) is thus:

 The model considers plants only during the growing season. SRbw þ LRbw þ Cbw ¼ Qbw þ Sbw (1)
 Leaves are uniformly distributed and oriented in the vegeta-
tion layer. Individual leaf angles are not considered. The energy balance of the vegetated wall (vw) includes an
 Plant parameters including leaf absorptivity, leaf dimension, additional term (XR) for the radiative exchange between the leaves
leaf area index, radiation attenuation coefficient, and plant of the plant layer and the facade surface, as shown in Eq. (2).
stomatal conductance are constant and do not change with
season. SRvw þ LRvw þ XR þ Cvw ¼ Qvw þ Svw (2)
 For calculating emitted radiation from the plant surface, the
The developed model solves the facade energy balance equa-
temperature of a leaf is assumed to be the same as air
tions with respect to heat flux Q by calculating its components. The
facade incident shortwave radiation SR, longwave radiation LR,
 Heat flow through a layer of vegetation occurs only hori-
convective heat flux C, and heat flux to and from the bare and
zontally; vertical heat flux is not considered.
vegetated facades Q are shown in Eqs. (3)e(11).
 External factors that may vary with height, such as wind
speed, are assumed to be constant for the low-rise facades SRbw ¼ It awall (3)
 The level of soil moisture at plant roots is constant; no pre-
SRvw ¼ It awall s (4)
cipitation is considered.
 Air beneath stomatal pores is saturated with water.
LRbw ¼ εwall εsky sFsky Tsky
4 4
 Tsbw þ εwall εgr sFgr Tgr
4 4
Most plants can typically survive only within a narrow tem-
perature range between 0  C and 40  C [14,15,18]. Therefore, the (5)

Fig. 1. Energy balance of a vegetated facade.

4 I. Susorova et al. / Building and Environment 67 (2013) 1e13

literature on biological ecology and building physics as described in

subsequent sections [13e15,24,25].
LRvw ¼ sεwall εsky sFsky Tsky
4 4
 Tsvw þ sεwall εgr sFgr Tgr
4 4
2.3. Effective thermal resistance of the plant layer
εleaf εwall s  
XR ¼ ð1  sÞ   Tsvw
4 4
 Tleaf (7) To better summarize the impacts of plant layers on heat con-
εleaf þ εwall  εleaf εwall duction through facades (Eqs. (10) and (11)) and to compare results
to other insulating materials, we utilize a metric of “effective
Cbw ¼ hbw ðTair  Tsbw Þ (8) thermal resistance” of the plant layer in this work. The effective R-
value of bare and vegetated facades is calculated as the temperature
gradient between the indoor and outdoor surfaces of the material
Cvw ¼ hvw ðTair  Tsvw Þ (9)
itself divided by the dynamic heat flux through the wall; therefore,
it accounts for reductions in conductive heat transfer attributed to
Tsbw  Tin the plant layer in terms of an additional resistance. Because we
Qbw ¼ (10)
Rbw model instantaneous surface temperatures and heat flux through
the wall in both bare and vegetated cases, effective R-values can
Tsvw  Tin then be calculated under a range of other conditions and varying
Qvw ¼ (11) input parameters, including weather conditions and plant and
facade properties. This concept can be illustrated through the
where It is the total solar radiation incident on the facade (W/m2), analogy of an electric circuit diagram where material thermal re-
awall is the solar absorptivity of the bare facade (0e1), s is the sistances are presented as resistors in series (Fig. 2).
transmissivity of radiation through the plant layer (0e1), εwall is the Using the equation of the heat flux through the facade one can
emissivity of the bare facade (0e1), εsky is the sky emissivity (0e1), find the instantaneous effective thermal resistances of the bare
εleaf is the emissivity of the leaf (0.96), s is the StefaneBoltzmann facade Rbw using Eq. (14).
constant (5.67  108 W/m2 K4), F is the view factor between the
wall and sky or wall and ground (0e1), Tsky is the sky temperature Tsbw  Tin
(K), Tair is the air temperature (K), Tsbw is the bare facade surface Rbw ¼ (14)
temperature (K), Tsvw is the facade surface temperature behind
vegetation (K), Tleaf is the leaf temperature (K), hbw is the convection where Tsbw is the bare facade exterior surface temperature (K), Tin is
heat transfer coefficient of the bare façade (W/m2 K), hvw is the the indoor surface temperature, and Qbw is the heat flux through
convection heat transfer coefficient of the vegetated facade (W/ the exterior wall (W/m2). To capture the reduction in heat flux
m2 K), and Tin is the indoor wall surface temperature (K). through the exterior wall covered with a plant layer, the instanta-
The heat absorbed by the facade exterior surface is not neces- neous effective thermal resistance of the vegetated facade Rvw is
sarily transferred to the interior surface immediately. It is stored in calculated as follows:
the wall material and later is released into the indoor space with a
time delay, which attenuates the heat flux through the wall. This Qbw T  Tin
Rvw ¼ Rbw ¼ sbw (15)
thermal lag effect depends on the heat capacity of the wall mate- Qvw Qvw
rial; for example, brick and concrete can store heat up to 6 h,
depending on wall thickness, density, and specific heat capacity where Qvw is the heat flux through the wall with the plant layer (W/
[21]. Thermal lag can be modeled using wall thermal capacity, m2). Knowing the effective thermal resistances of the bare and
which is analogous to a capacitor in an electrical circuit diagram. vegetated facades, the instantaneous effective thermal resistance of
Thermal energy storage S for bare and vegetated conditions is the plant layer Rplant can be estimated using Eq. (16).
calculated according to Eqs. (12) and (13) [11,19,20].
Rplant ¼ Rvw  Rbw (16)
Sbw ¼ Lcpwall r (12) During mild conditions when the heat fluxes through the facade are
minimal, the plant effective R-value calculations are not meaning-
  ful. In this case (i.e., Q < 10 W/m2), effective plant R-values are
Svw ¼ Lcpwall r (13) considered negligible and set to zero in this work.

where L is the wall thickness (m), cpwall is the specific heat of the 2.4. Convective heat transfer coefficient
wall material (J/kg K), r is the wall material density (kg/m3), and t is
the time (s). The convective heat transfer coefficient for the bare facade is
The energy balance equations of the bare and vegetated facades calculated with an equation suggested by the EnergyPlus Engi-
are solved for the exterior surface temperature at one-minute time neering Ref. [11]
steps in this work. The model advances forward in time computing
the current facade surface temperature based on the temperature h ¼ a þ bV þ cV 2 (17)
at the previous time step using a numerical bisection method. The
energy balance is calculated using the R statistical software package where h is the convective surface heat transfer coefficient (W/
[22]. The energy balances for the bare and vegetated walls use m2 K), V is the local wind speed (m/s), and a, b, and c are the ma-
multiple model input parameters that are either known or terial roughness coefficients. The model assumes that the facade is
computed. Weather parameters are taken from weather data files made of a material with a medium-rough surface for which the
for different geographic locations available from the U.S. Depart- material coefficients are 10.79, 4.192, and 0. Thus, the convective
ment of Energy [23]. Plant and facade parameters are taken from heat coefficient hbw for the bare facade is estimated as:
I. Susorova et al. / Building and Environment 67 (2013) 1e13 5

Fig. 2. Heat flux through the bare facade (left) and vegetated facade (right) expressed as an electrical circuit diagram.

hbw ¼ 10:79 þ 4:192Vair (18) gc ¼ gr þ gbh (21)

where Vair is the air speed at the bare facade (m/s). Although some where gr is the radiative conductance obtained from tables by
studies showed that vegetation on walls can decrease wind speed Campbell [14] and gbh is the boundary layer conductance for heat
at vegetated wall surfaces [6,14], we are not aware of robust studies transfer through air calculated as
on decreased values of convective heat transfer coefficients for
wide ranges of vegetated facade types. In the absence of better data, rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi!
the present model assumes hbw ¼ hvw. However, this assumption gbh ¼ 1:4 0:135 (22)
should be explored in future studies.

where D is the leaf characteristic dimension (m). The vapor

2.5. Leaf temperature conductance through air is

A typical broad leaf is often represented as a flat thin plate that 0:5gasul gbv 0:5gasll gbv
has radiative and convective heat exchange with the surrounding gv ¼ þ (23)
gasul þ gbv gasll þ gbv
atmosphere and evaporates water from its surface (conductive heat
transfer is insignificant) [15]. Leaf surface temperature is a complex where gasll is the actual stomatal conductance of the lower leaf
function of multiple factors, such as solar radiation, air humidity, surface; gasul is the actual stomatal conductance of the upper leaf
wind speed, and internal leaf carbon dioxide concentration. The surface, and gbv is the boundary layer conductance for vapor
leaf surface temperature in the vegetation model is found using the calculated as
calculations by Campbell [14]
" # Vair
g0 Qleaf es ðTÞ  ea gbv ¼ 1:4 0:147 (24)
Tleaf ¼ Tair þ  (19) D
D gc cpair Pair g0
þ g0
Pair The slope of the saturation vapor pressure function is given by

where Tair is the air temperature ( C); g0 is the apparent phsyc- 4217es ðTÞ
ometer constant (1/ C); D is the slope of the saturation vapor D ¼ (25)
ð240:97 þ Tair Þ2
pressure function (kPa/ C); Pair is the atmospheric pressure at sea
level (kPa); Qleaf is the total radiation absorbed by a vertical layer of The total radiation absorbed by a vertical layer of plants Qleaf is
plants (W/m2); gc is the heat conductance (mol/m2s); cpair is the calculated as
specific heat of air at constant pressure (J/mol  C), es(T) is the water
vapor pressure of the air at saturation (kPa), and ea is the partial Qleaf ¼ It aleaf þ εleaf sF Tsky
4 4
þ Tgr  εleaf sðTair Þ4 (26)
water vapor pressure of the air (kPa). The apparent phsycometer
constant is
where Tgr is the temperature of the ground which is assumed to be
ggc the same as the outside air temperature Tair. It should be noted that
g0 ¼ (20)
to calculate the radiation emitted by a vertical layer of plants, the air
temperature Tair was used instead of the leaf temperature Tleaf, not
where g is the thermodynamic phsycometer constant and gv is the yet calculated.
vapor conductance through air. The heat conductance through air The water vapor pressure of the air at saturation and the partial
gc is water vapor pressure of the air are given by
6 I. Susorova et al. / Building and Environment 67 (2013) 1e13

17:502Tair 2.7.5. Typical leaf stomatal conductance gs

es ðTÞ ¼ 0:611exp (27) Typical leaf stomatal conductance is the rate of water vapor
ðTair þ 240:97Þ
leaving the plant surface through the pores on the leaf surface
during transpiration. It depends on the amount of stomatal pores
ea ¼ es ðTÞRH (28) per leaf surface area and the pore size. The reciprocal of
conductance, stomatal resistance rs, is 1/gs. Stomatal pores occupy
0.2e2% of the leaf surface and are located on both surfaces of a
2.6. Auxiliary calculations leaf (amphistomatous leaves) or only on the lower surface
(hypostomatous leaves) [25]. Stomatal pores control the gas ex-
The evaluation of several sky temperature models [19,26,27] change between a plant and its environment by adjusting the size
showed that the vegetated wall model outputs were not very sen- of pore apertures depending on the plant’s needs and external
sitive to sky temperature. The sky temperature is therefore calcu- conditions, including the illumination level, air temperature,
lated using a simple relationship from Straube and Burnett [19] relative humidity, and solar radiation. Stomatal resistance tends
to increase with higher air temperature and lower relative hu-
h  . i0:25
midity, which is a reaction by plants to conserve moisture [15].
Tsky ¼ Tair 0:8 þ Tdewpoint  273 250 (29)
The dependence of stomatal resistance on solar radiation is given
by [29]
Finally, the view factor F between objects and sources of longwave
radiation is the fraction of radiation leaving an object of one shape    
that is intercepted by an object of similar or different shape [14]. Here, Imax hwilt 2
ras ¼ rs þ (32)
the view factors for the ground and the sky are calculated as [11] 0:03Imax þ It hroot

Fgr ¼ 0:5ð1  cos qÞ (30)

where ras is the actual leaf stomatal resistance, rs is the typical leaf
stomatal resistance, Imax is the maximum total solar radiation
Fsky ¼ 0:5ð1 þ cos qÞ (31)
incident on leaves, It is the actual total solar radiation incident on
leaves, hwilt is the level of soil moisture below which permanent
where q is the tilt angle of the facade surface in relation to the
wilting of the plant occurs (0.39 for peat soil), and hroot is the
ground (q ¼ 90 for a vertical facade and q ¼ 0 for a roof). For a
minimum value of soil moisture in the root zone of the plant
vertical surface with a tilt angle 90 , both view factors are 0.5.
(assumed to be 0.7).
In plant physiology, it is common to express stomatal conduc-
2.7. Plant parameters tance in m/s or mol/m2 s and stomatal resistance in s/m and m2 s/
mol; approximate conversion for stomatal resistance at sea level for
The model uses the following input parameters for plant 25  C is [13]
rs m2 s=mol ¼ 0:025 rs ðs=mÞ (33)
2.7.1. Leaf absorptivity aleaf
Leaf absorptivity is the fraction of incident solar radiation
absorbed by a surface. Leaf absorptivity, which depends on leaf Typical stomatal conductance values for leaves are 0.002e
color, leaf texture, and plant age, helps plants to avoid overheating 0.010 m/s (0.08e0.40 mol/m2 s) and stomatal resistance values
in hot climates and to intercept more radiation in cold climates. are 100e500 s/m (2.5e13 m2 s/mol) [15,25].
Plant features, such as a layer of wax on the leaf surface, leaf pu-
bescence, thorns, and salt crystals, can vary leaf absorptivity. For 3. Model verification
most deciduous broad leaves, average solar absorptivity is 0.34e
0.44 for low sun angles and 0.48e0.56 for high sun angles. The 3.1. Experiment description
average leaf absorptivity is 0.4e0.6 [14].
An experiment measuring the performance of vegetation-
2.7.2. Leaf typical dimension D covered walls was conducted to validate the vegetated facade
The leaf typical dimension is the characteristic leaf width of a model. The experiment consisted of measuring the facade thermal
plant [14]. The leaf characteristic dimension plays an important role performance of a building covered with climbing plants on the
in convective heat and vapor conductance between plant leaves campus of the Illinois Institute of Technology. Two exterior areas on
and the air. the south facade, approximately 5 m from the ground, were
selected for the measurements: an area densely covered with
2.7.3. Leaf area index, LAI plants and an area without plants (Fig. 3). The interior space behind
The leaf area index is the total projected area of leaves per unit the measured facade is an air-conditioned office space. The exper-
surface area which can vary from 0.01 for short plants with small iment was conducted during four days from August 29 until
leaves, to 3 for leafy shrubs, and to 7 for a dense forest canopy [28]. September 1, 2012; the measurements were collected at 1-min
time intervals. The weather conditions during the experiment are
2.7.4. Radiation attenuation coefficient k summarized in Table 1.
The radiation attenuation coefficient indicates the decrease in The measured building was three stories tall. Its facade had a
the absorbed radiation in the plant canopy [12]. It varies between composite structure of steel I-beam columns spaced 3 m apart that
0 and 1 where lower values (0.3e0.5) correspond to vertical leaves horizontally divided the facade into six sections. Each one-story
with leaf angles less than 45 and higher values (0.7e1) correspond section had metal frame windows occupying approximately 70%
to horizontal leaves with leaf angles more than 45 [18]. When of the area and brick infills occupying the remaining 30%. The
the leaves are perpendicular to the wall, k ¼ 0, and when they are following parameters were measured at individual points during
parallel to the wall, k ¼ 1. the experiment:
I. Susorova et al. / Building and Environment 67 (2013) 1e13 7

Fig. 3. South facade of Siegel Hall on the campus of the Illinois Institute of Technology (left) and the instruments measuring two facade areas (right).

 Outdoor air temperature 3.2. Experimental results and analysis

 Surface temperatures of the bare facade
 Surface temperature of the vegetated facade behind the Three of the experimental days were mostly sunny; one day was
plants cloudy. The measured data for the sunny days appeared very
 Surface temperature of the leaf surface similar; therefore only a typical sunny day (August 31, 2013) was
 Surface temperature of the interior wall behind the bare and selected for analysis. The cloudy day was also selected for analysis
vegetated facades (September 1, 2012). Table 2 and Fig. 4 show the average,
 Air temperature within the vegetation layer 5 cm from the maximum, and minimum values of the measured thermal proper-
facade ties of the two facades areas for each experimental day.
 Relative humidity
 Wind speed near the facade 3.2.1. Surface temperatures
 Total horizontal solar radiation During full sun exposure, the bare facade exterior surface tem-
perature reached as high as 41.5  C; the difference between the
The outdoor air temperature and relative humidity were facade and ambient air temperatures reached a maximum of 5.3  C.
measured 30 cm from the facade using an Extech RHT20 humidity
and temperature data logger (3.5% accuracy for RH and 1  C
accuracy for air temperature). The surface temperatures were
Table 2
measured using self-adhesive patch Type K thermocouples with
Measured thermal properties of the bare and vegetated facades.
miniature plugs; the measurements were collected using an Extech
EA15 data-logging dual-input thermometer (0.05% of reading or Measured facade properties 8/29 8/30 8/31 9/1
Bare wall exterior surface Max 33.7 40.6 41.5 26.2
0.75  C, whichever is greater). The total incident solar radiation
temperature ( C) Ave 27.7 28.7 29.6 24.4
was measured using an Onset HOBO weather micro station with a Min 24.3 21.6 21.8 23.2
pyranometer sensor (10 W/m2 or 5% accuracy, whichever is Vegetated wall exterior Max 29.9 37.6 36.8 26.0
greater in sunlight). An Extech SDL310 thermo-anemometer with surface temperature ( C) Ave 26.1 27.5 28.6 24
datalogging capability was used to collect the wind speed data Min 24 21.6 22.2 23
Bare wall interior Max 26.8 26.3 26.8 25.1
30 cm from the facade (2% reading þ0.2 m/s accuracy). Wind surface temperature ( C) Ave 25.6 24.1 24.9 22.9
speed measurements were made at a single point at the bare Min 23.2 22 21.9 21.8
facade. Vegetated wall interior Max 25.1 25.8 26.2 23.9
surface temperature ( C) Ave 24.1 23.5 24.2 22.1
Min 22.2 21.6 21.2 21.3
Table 1
Weather conditions during the experiments. Measured facade properties 8/29 8/30 8/31 9/1
Difference in exterior surface Max 7.9 6.6 5.7 1.3
Highest values 8/29 8/30 8/31 9/1
temperatures ( C) (bare vs. Ave 1.6 1.2 1.1 0.4
Outdoor air temperature ( C) 29.0 38.0 38.8 25.2
vegetated wall)
Relative humidity (%) 81 76 78 96
Difference in interior surface Max 2.0 1.1 1.7 1.3
Wind speed (m/s) 0.40 2.20 2.00 0.90
temperatures ( C) (bare vs. Ave 1.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Total horizontal solar radiation (W/m2) 421 836 856 118
vegetated wall)
Difference in outside air Max 2.9 4.0 3.3 0.5
Average values 8/29 8/30 8/31 9/1 temperatures ( C) (bare vs. Ave 0.9 0.5 0.5 0.3
Outdoor air temperature ( C) 25.3 27.0 27.9 23.2 vegetated wall)
Relative humidity (%) 64 49 55 83 Temperature difference between Max 7.1 17.1 16.1 3.6
Wind speed (m/s) 0.06 0.22 0.14 0.02 the exterior and interior wall Ave 2.04 4.65 4.77 1.48
Total horizontal solar radiation (W/m2) 52 166 128 20 surfaces (bare wall) ( C)
Temperature difference between Max 5.0 13.3 11.4 2.9
Lowest values 8/29 8/30 8/31 9/1 the exterior and interior wall Ave 1.97 3.98 4.41 1.84
Outdoor air temperature ( C) 23.2 20.7 22.9 22.3 surfaces (vegetated wall) ( C)
Relative humidity (%) 45 27 37 63 Difference in wall temperature Max 6.1 6.2 5.5 0.9
Wind speed (m/s) 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 gradients ( C) (bare vs. Ave 0.07 0.67 0.36 0.35
Total horizontal solar radiation (W/m2) 0 0 0 0 vegetated wall)
8 I. Susorova et al. / Building and Environment 67 (2013) 1e13

Fig. 4. Bare and vegetated facade temperatures measured on a sunny day (August 31, 2012) and a cloudy day (September 1, 2012).

At the same time, the vegetated facade exterior surface tempera- during times of direct sun exposure. At night and during the cloudy
ture typically closely matched the ambient air temperature and was day, the temperature gradient of the vegetated facade was actually
never higher than 36.8  C. The highest difference between the bare higher (mean 1.4  C for the bare and 1.8  C for the vegetated fa-
and vegetated exterior surface temperatures occurred around cades), presumably because its surface could not reject heat as
14:00 (5.7  C) and coincided with the highest values of solar radi- effectively as the bare surface. However, the absolute difference
ation measured. This confirms that the most important plant effect was often low (i.e., <1  C), meaning that conduction is not as
is shading walls from solar radiation. important during these periods.
The average bare facade exterior surface temperature was
29.6  C on the sunny and 24.2  C on the cloudy day and the average 3.3. Model validation
vegetated facade exterior surface temperature was 28.6  C on the
sunny and 24  C on the cloudy day. On the sunny day, the vegetated These experimental results were used to validate the wall
facade exterior surface temperature was consistently lower than model by comparing the predicted and measured facade tem-
that of the bare facade (mean difference of 1.1  C), but it was peratures. Knowledge of the surface temperature reductions be-
approximately the same at night (Fig. 4). On the cloudy day, these tween the bare and vegetated facades allowed for estimation of
two surface temperatures were closer throughout the day, but the other facade properties, such as a decrease in heat flux through
exterior surface temperature behind plants was lower on average the wall (assuming a constant R-value for the wall itself) and thus
(mean difference of 0.4  C) likely because plants absorbed diffuse the instantaneous effective R-value of the plant layer. Several
solar radiation passing through the clouds. assumed plant and wall parameters were used in conjunction
The average interior surface temperature of the bare facade was with the measured weather data (air temperature, solar radia-
24.9  C on the sunny day and 22.9  C on the cloudy day, while that tion, relative humidity, and wind speed at the facade) as inputs in
of the vegetated facade was 24.2  C on the sunny day and 22.1  C on the model. Due to equipment limitations, the experiment
the cloudy day. The interior surface temperature of the vegetated measured only the global horizontal solar radiation, which was
facade was always lower than that of the bare facade (mean dif- adjusted by modeling solar radiation on both a horizontal and a
ference of 0.9  C). The peak interior surface temperature difference vertical surface using solar geometry for Chicago [29]. Correla-
between the bare and vegetated facades occurred around 18:00, tions between the two surfaces were calculated and applied to
which did not correspond to the peak difference in the exterior the measured data to adjust the direct solar radiation data to a
surface temperatures. This can be explained by the thermal lag of vertical surface. The validation was performed with the data for a
the facade, which appears to be approximately 4 h for the 0.2 m sunny day (August 31, 2012) and a cloudy day (September 1,
thick masonry wall. Although not a focus of this study, it should be 2012).
noted that this thermal lag effect can be beneficial for reducing The vegetation on the south facade consisted of a layer of
cooling loads during peak hours in some climates even when peak mature Boston ivy (Parthenocissus tricuspidata). Several important
solar radiation occurs several hours prior. plant characteristics were either assumed based on information
from biophysics literature or directly measured, including:
3.2.2. Temperature gradient (difference between the exterior and
interior wall surfaces)  Leaf absorptivity coefficient: 0.5 (assumed).
The measured temperature gradient from the exterior to inte-  Average leaf dimension: 0.12 m (measured).
rior surfaces served as a surrogate for heat conduction through the  Average leaf area index: 1.8 (measured).
wall because the R-value of the wall itself is the same in both  Radiation attenuation coefficient: 0.4 (assumed).
vegetated and bare cases. This gradient depended most strongly on  Typical stomatal conductance: 0.2 mol/m2 s (assumed).
changing exterior surface temperatures because they varied much
more than interior surface temperatures did (indoors was inside a The leaf absorptivity coefficient and the stomatal conductance
conditioned space). During sun exposure, the temperature gradient values were adopted from the literature on biophysics and are
of the vegetated façade (Tsvw  Tin) was consistently lower than that considered appropriate for Boston ivy [14,15,25]. The average leaf
of the bare facade (Tsbw  Tin), with a mean of 4.4  C and maximum dimension was found directly by measuring the width of several
of 11.4  C compared to a mean 4.8  C and a maximum of 16.1  C. typical leaves in the plant layer. The radiation attenuation coeffi-
This difference, which depended on the time of day, suggests the cient was found by visually evaluating a leaf angle of the plant layer.
vegetated layer can have significant energy benefits particularly The leaf area index was estimated by measuring the area of a typical
I. Susorova et al. / Building and Environment 67 (2013) 1e13 9

leaf and counting the area of ivy leaves in an image of the vegetated The effective thermal resistance of the plant layer measured
facade under study. during the experiment varied throughout the day and reached a
The portion of the wall used in the experiment consisted of the maximum of 0.14 m2 K/W based on these measured values, which
two layers of cored brick with a small air gap in the middle and suggests that the plant layer reduced conductive heat transfer by as
metal reinforcement elements, according to architectural drawings. much as another w10 cm layer of brick or w0.5 cm of expanded
Several assumptions for key facade parameters were made based polystyrene insulation in this particular climate and during these
on information on building materials in the literature [19,20]. conditions [19,20]. Measured versus modeled correlations were
generally lower for the facade temperature gradients than the
 Wall thickness: 0.2 m (measured) surface temperatures alone, particularly for the cloudy day. Co-
 Wall absorptivity: 0.7 for buff brick (assumed) efficients of determination (R2 values) between the measured and
 Wall emissivity: 0.9 (assumed) modeled bare and vegetated facade temperature gradients were
 Wall thermal resistance: 0.25 m2 K/W (assumed) 0.96 and 0.92 on the sunny day and only 0.67 and 0.51 on the
 Wall density: 672 kg/m3 (assumed) cloudy day, respectively. However, the variations in measured
 Specific heat: 468 J/kg K (assumed) versus modeled facade surface temperatures and temperature
gradients were small on the cloudy day for both facades and were
The thermal resistance value of 0.25 m2 K/W used for the vali- generally within the uncertainty of both the facade surface tem-
dation was assumed to be lower than brick typical thermal resis- perature measurements (0.75  C) and the facade temperature
tance of 0.40 m2 K/W [19] because of a combination of old facade gradient measurements (estimated as 1.06  C when added in
construction, the likely abundance of metal elements in the wall quadrature), which suggests that the model successfully repro-
composition, the large amount of poorly insulated windows and duced the measured results in all cases.
steel beams near our measured location, and the presence of large
air cavities between the brick layers. The measured wall was
composed of cored bricks where the total volume of solid brick 4. Discussion: sensitivity to weather and plant parameters
material is estimated to be 60% based on details typical of the
construction period (1940s). The remaining 40% of the wall volume Using the validated model, the sensitivity of conductive heat
is assumed to be air. Thus, with the assumed solid brick density of transfer differences between the bare and vegetated facades
1120 kg/m3, the actual wall density was estimated as approximately (Qbw  Qvw) and the maximum plant instantaneous effective R-
60% of this number, or 672 kg/m3 [19]. Similarly, the actual wall value (Rplant) to different weather parameters was analyzed. Heat
specific heat was estimated as 60% of the assumed solid brick flux was estimated using the interior-exterior surface temperature
specific heat of 790 J/kg K, or 468 J/kg K. differences and constant thermal resistances for each facade. The
Using the experimental weather conditions, the exterior surface sensitivity of multiple model parameters was explored by changing
temperatures for the bare (Tsbw) and vegetated facades (Tsvw) were the values of one parameter at a time while keeping other pa-
estimated at each one-minute time step using the model. Then, the rameters constant. Effects of the following inputs were evaluated:
differences between the exterior and interior wall surface tem- incident solar radiation, It (0 W/m2, 400 W/m2, and 800 W/m2);
peratures of the bare (Tsbw  Tinbw) and vegetated (Tsvw  Tinvw) outdoor air temperature, Tair (15  C, 20  C, 25  C, 30  C, and 35  C);
facades (i.e., temperature gradients through the brick layer) were relative humidity, RH (20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100%); and wind
calculated using the measured interior surface temperature (which speed, Vair (0.5 m/s, 1.5 m/s, 2.5 m/s, 3.5 m/s, and 4.5 m/s). The
remained near 24  C in the air-conditioned space). The time- indoor temperature was assumed to be 24  C in both cases. These
varying modeled values for exterior surface temperatures on the parameter ranges represent an air-conditioned environment in
bare and vegetated wall for the sunny and cloudy day used in this warm weather conditions typical of plant growing seasons. The
work were first compared with the raw experimental data as impact of each parameter is explored individually in the subse-
shown in Fig. 5. Overall, the measured and modeled values for quent section. The model parameters that were held constant
exterior surface temperatures on both the sunny and cloudy days included a leaf absorptivity coefficient of 0.5; an average leaf
were closely correlated. Coefficients of determination (R2 values) dimension of 0.15 m; an average leaf area index of 2; a radiation
between the measured and modeled facade surface temperatures attenuation coefficient of 0.5; a typical stomatal conductance of
for the bare and vegetated facades were 0.97 and 0.96 on the sunny 0.2 mol/m2 s; a wall thickness of 0.2 m; a wall absorptivity of 0.7; a
day and 0.87 and 0.86 on the cloudy day, respectively. wall emissivity of 0.9; a wall thermal resistance of 0.4 m2 K/W; and

Fig. 5. Comparison of the measured and modeled exterior surface temperatures for the bare and vegetated facades on a sunny day (August 31, 2012) and a cloudy day (September 1,
10 I. Susorova et al. / Building and Environment 67 (2013) 1e13

Fig. 6. Sensitivity of heat flux differences between the bare and vegetated facades (left) and plant effective thermal resistance (right) to incident solar radiation for relative humidity
50% and wind speed 1 m/s.

a heat capacity of 0 J/kg K. Figs. 6e8 summarize the results of the also less effective in cooling the facade exterior surface temperature
sensitivity analysis. and decreasing the heat flux through the facade. Concurrently, the
effective thermal resistance of a plant layer gradually decreases
4.1. Sensitivity to incident solar radiation when the air temperature rises. For the tested modeled range in air
temperatures values between 15  C and 35  C (and with It ¼ 800 W/
Increasing solar radiation incident on the facade had the largest m2, RH ¼ 50%, and Vair ¼ 1 m/s), the reduction in facade surface
impact on the reduction in exterior surface temperature and heat temperatures due to the plant layer varied from 12.3  C to 13.8  C.
flux through the bare and vegetated facades. Therefore, the positive Similarly, the heat flux reduction through the vegetated facade
effect of the vegetation cover and its effective thermal resistance varied from 31 W/m2 to 34 W/m2, and effective plant R-values
increases significantly with incident solar radiation; that is, when varied from 0 m2 K/W to 0.22 m2 K/W.
the solar radiation level is the highest, the plant layer resistance is
highest due to blocked transmission of radiation to the exterior wall 4.3. Sensitivity to relative humidity
surface. Conversely, when solar radiation is zero at night, the
effective thermal resistance of the plant layer is negligible. For the For the modeled relative humidity values between 20% and
range of solar radiation values explored (0e800 W/m2 at RH ¼ 50% 100% (with It ¼ 800 W/m2 and Vair ¼ 1 m/s), the reduction in
and Vair ¼ 1 m/s), the reduction in facade surface temperatures due facade surface temperatures due to the plant layer ranged from
to the plant layer ranged from 0  C and 13.9  C, corresponding to a 11.9  C to 14.2  C, heat flux reductions through the vegetated
heat flux reduction through the facade from 0 W/m2 to 35 W/m2. facade ranged from 30 W/m2 to 36 W/m2, and effective plant R-
Similarly, the modeled effective plant R-value ranged from 0 m2 K/ values ranged from 0.21 m2 K/W to 0.67 m2 K/W. When the rela-
W with no solar radiation to 0.67 m2 K/W with the highest level of tive humidity of air is low, plants significantly decrease the rate of
solar radiation. Therefore, the plant layer is shown to be particularly evaporation as a way to protect themselves from drying out [15].
beneficial in climates and locations with high level of solar inso- When the relative humidity is high, the rate of evaporation from
lation. The plant layer is also particularly effective in cooling east plants greatly increases. This process is controlled by stomatal
and west facades that are exposed to the highest levels of solar pores on the plant surface, which open and close depending on
radiation. surrounding humidity. Because of this, a facade covered with the
plant layer cools better at higher humidity levels. With increasing
4.2. Sensitivity to outside air temperature relative humidity, the exterior surface temperature reduction be-
tween the bare and vegetated facades increases and the plant
The modeled exterior facade surface temperatures and effective thermal resistance increases as well, although the
heat fluxes generally increased in response to increasing air tem- magnitude of effects is small relative to solar radiation and outdoor
peratures. At higher air temperatures, the facade plant layer was temperature.

Fig. 7. Sensitivity of heat flux differences between the bare and vegetated facades (left) and plant effective thermal resistance (right) to relative humidity for solar radiation 800 W/
m2 and wind speed 1 m/s.
I. Susorova et al. / Building and Environment 67 (2013) 1e13 11

Fig. 8. Sensitivity of heat flux reductions between the bare and vegetated facades (left) and plant effective thermal resistance (right) to wind speed for solar radiation 800 W/m2 and
relative humidity 50%.

4.4. Sensitivity to wind speed [30] (0.34 m2 K/W for a 0.16 m thick ivy layer), Wong [12]
(0.36 m2 K/W for a turf grass layer, 0.57 m2 K/W for trees, and
With increasing wind speed, the facade exterior surface tem- 1.61 m2 K/W for shrubs), and Kontoleon and Evmorfopoulou [8]
perature decreases as it cools more effectively due to convection. As (0.5 m2 K/W for a 0.25 thick ivy layer).
a result, when the wind speed increases, the reduction in heat flux
between the bare and vegetated facades and the effective plant R- 4.5. Sensitivity to plant parameters
value also decreases, although the modeled differences are small
relative to the impacts of solar radiation. For the tested wind speed The sensitivity analysis also evaluated the impacts of multiple
values between 0.5 m/s and 4.5 m/s (and with It ¼ 800 W/m2 and plant parameters, including leaf area index (LAI), radiation atten-
RH ¼ 50%), the reduction in facade surface temperatures due to the uation coefficient (k), leaf absorptivity (aleaf), leaf typical dimension
plant layer ranged from 8.5  C to 15.4  C, heat flux reduction (D), and plant stomatal conductance (gs). Among the evaluated
through the facade ranged from 21 W/m2 to 39 W/m2, and effective parameters, only LAI and gs were shown to have a significant effect
plant R-value ranged from 0.19 m2 K/W to 0.61 m2 K/W. on the plant layer thermal performance; therefore, this analysis is
Overall, the heat flux reduction between the bare and vegetated limited to calculating the vegetated facade properties with varying
facades and the plant effective thermal resistance are most sensi- LAI and attenuation coefficient. Additionally, because solar radia-
tive to changes in solar radiation, followed by wind speed, relative tion was shown to be the most important weather parameter in the
humidity, and outdoor air temperature. The sensitivity analysis previous sections, an extreme condition in a hot climate was cho-
showed that adding a plant layer to a facade works best as a passive sen to compare the impacts of LAI and k on the performance of the
cooling strategy in climates with high solar radiation and low wind. vegetated facade. A day in Phoenix, AZ with the highest solar ra-
The plant instantaneous effective R-value for the conditions used in diation (June 10th according to TMY3 weather data) was chosen to
the sensitivity analysis typically varied between 0.27 and explore the largest impact these plant parameters could likely have
0.40 m2 K/W, with a maximum value of 0.71 m2 K/W, which sug- on reducing facade temperatures and thus heat flux through walls.
gests that a plant layer with the assumed characteristics could The calculations were also performed for north, east, south, and
provide as much additional thermal resistance as w2.5 cm of west facades.
expanded polystyrene insulation. The effective plant R-values As we have shown, a layer of vegetation absorbs a fraction of
modeled in this study generally match plant layer thermal resis- incident solar radiation and transmits the rest through its foliage.
tance values previously found in other studies, including Minke The fraction of total absorbed radiation increases with higher

Fig. 9. Plant layer with different leaf area index.

12 I. Susorova et al. / Building and Environment 67 (2013) 1e13

(assuming a constant LAI ¼ 2, the reduction in facade surface

temperatures due to the plant layer ranged from 0.7  C to 12.3  C);
the heat flux reduction between the facades ranged from 2 W/m2 to
31 W/m2; and effective plant R-value ranged from 0.06 m2 K/W to
0.38 m2 K/W.
Overall, the analysis showed that a plant layer with densest
foliage (high leaf area index) and with leaves parallel to the wall
(high attenuation coefficient values) is the most successful in
reducing facade surface temperatures and heat flux through the
facade. These findings are in general agreement with the results of
other experimental studies, which have shown a reduction in
facade surface temperatures of 1.6e19  C [8] and 6e11  C [32] and
reductions in facade heat flux of 4e11 W/m2 [33] for vine-covered
exterior walls.
Ultimately, the model developed and applied herein can be used
Fig. 10. Transmissivity coefficient depending on leaf area index and radiation atten- to quantify the reduction in conductive heat load and its contri-
uation coefficient. bution to overall energy use for space conditioning in buildings
with plant-covered facades. The model will help assess energy
vegetation density, which exponentially decreases the total radia- improvements in existing buildings retrofitted with green walls; it
tion transmitted through a plant [25]. This attenuating effect is will also help design green walls for optimal energy efficiency in
expressed through the radiation transmissivity coefficient s, which new construction. Additionally, this vegetated facade model can be
is calculated with the widely used relationship developed by Monsi used to form design guidelines for buildings with vegetated walls in
and Saeki in 1953 [13,28,31] as shown in Eq. (34). various climates. Future model development should also include
the effect of wind speed reduction due to a plant layer and more
s ¼ expðkLAIÞ (34) research should also be conducted on the role of a plant layer on air
infiltration and general facade thermal performance in a cold
where k is the attenuation coefficient and LAI is a leaf area index. climate.
Fig. 9 shows examples of various LAIs of ivy walls and Fig. 10 shows
the relationship between transmissivity, LAI, and k. 5. Conclusion
With an increase in the leaf area index and attenuation coeffi-
cient, the facade temperature behind the vegetation and the heat A vegetated facade model has been developed to simulate the
flux through the wall decreases significantly because the plant layer thermal effects of a building facade covered with a layer of plants.
with dense leaves oriented perpendicularly to the sun is most The developed mathematical model accounts for thermal and
effective in blocking solar radiation incident on the wall (Fig. 11). physical processes in a vegetated exterior wall including trans-
Each unit increase in LAI resulted in an additional effective R-value mission of solar radiation through the vegetation layer, infrared
of approximately 0.06 m2 K/W on average, corresponding to a w5% radiative exchange between the facade and sky, the facade and
reduction in conductive heat transfer through the modeled wall per ground, the facade and vegetation layer, convection to and from the
unit increase in LAI. There does appear to be a trend of somewhat facade, evapotranspiration from the plant layer, heat storage in the
diminishing returns with increasing LAI; however, we can conclude facade material, and heat conduction through the facade. The
that a dense plant layer with a LAI of 3 or higher is particularly model was validated with results from a one-week long experiment
effective at cooling the exterior wall and reducing conductive heat that measured thermal properties of adjacent bare and vegetated
transfer. For the modeled values of LAI between 0 and 4 (and facades on an existing building on the Illinois Institute of Tech-
assuming a constant k ¼ 0.5), the reduction in facade surface nology campus. The experiment demonstrated that a plant layer on
temperatures due to the plant layer varied between 0.8  C and a facade can effectively reduce exterior surface temperatures on
13.1  C; the heat flux reduction between the facades ranged from facades, daily temperature fluctuations indoors, exterior wall
2 W/m2 to 33 W/m2; and effective plant R-values varied from temperature gradients, and, as a result, heat flux through the
0.07 m2 K/W to 0.50 m2 K/W, as shown in Fig. 11. For the modeled exterior wall, particularly on days with high insolation. A sensitivity
radiation attenuation coefficient values between 0 and 0.8 analysis showed that the most effective weather parameters

Fig. 11. Sensitivity of heat flux through the bare and vegetated facades (left) and plant effective thermal resistance (right) to leaf area index for a west facade in Phoenix on the
brightest day (k ¼ 0.5).
I. Susorova et al. / Building and Environment 67 (2013) 1e13 13

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