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1. (1 pt) The solution of a certain differential equation is of 6.

(1 pt) Find the two values of k for which

the form
y(x) = ekx
y(t) = a exp(1t) + b exp(6t),
where a and b are constants. is a solution of the differential equation
The solution has initial conditions y(0) = 2 and y0 (0) = 5.
Find the solution by using the initial conditions to get linear y00 − 5y0 + 0y = 0.
equations for a and b.
smaller value =
y(t) = larger value =
2. (1 pt) Match each of the following differential equations
with a solution from the list below. 7. (1 pt) It can be helpful to classify a differential equation,
so that we can predict the techniques that might help us to find a
1. y00 + y = 0 function which solves the equation. Two classifications are the
2. y00 − 5y0 + 6y = 0 order of the equation – (what is the highest number of deriva-
3. 2x2 y00 + 3xy0 = y tives involved) and whether or not the equation is linear .
4. y00 + 5y0 + 6y = 0 Linearity is important because the structure of the the family of
A. y = e−2x solutions to a linear equation is fairly simple. Linear equations
B. y = cos(x) can usually be solved completely and explicitly.
C. y = e3x Determine whether or not each equation is linear:
D. y = d2y dy
x ? 1. (1 + y2 ) + t + y = et
dt 2 dt
3. (1 pt) Match each of the differential equation with its d2y
solution. ? 2. + sin(t + y) = sint
dt 2
d y dy
? 3. t 2 2 + t + 2y = sint
1. y00 + 10y0 + 21y = 0 dt dt
2. 2x2 y00 + 3xy0 = y dy 2
? 4. + ty = 0
3. xy0 − y = x2 dt
4. y00 + y = 0
8. (1 pt) Solve the separable differential equation for u
A. y = 3x + x2
B. y = sin(x) du
= e2u+6t .
C. y = e−3x dt
D. y = x2 Use the following initial condition: u(0) = 2.
u= .
4. (1 pt) The family of functions
9. (1 pt) Find a function y of x such that
y = ce−2x + e−x
10yy0 = x and y(10) = 9.
is solution of the equation
y= .
y0 + 2y = e−x .
10. (1 pt) Solve the differential equation
Find the constant c which defines the solution which also satis-
fies the initial condition y(3) = 2. dy
(y7 x) = 1 + x.
c= dx
5. (1 pt) It is easy to check that for any value of c, the func- Use the initial condition y(1) = 5.
tion Express y8 in terms of x.
c y8 = .
y = x2 + 2
is solution of equation 11. (1 pt) Solve the seperable differential equation for.
xy0 + 2y = 4x2 , (x > 0). dy 1 + x
= ; x>0
dx xy5
Find the value of c for which the solution satisfies the initial
condition y(1) = 8. Use the following initial condition: y(1) = 5.
c= y6 = .
12. (1 pt) Find f (x) if y = f (x) satisfies 18. (1 pt) Find a function F(x, y) whose level curves are so-
dy lutions to the differential equation
= 126yx13
dx (x2 + 3xy)dx + xdy = 0
and the y-intercept of the curve y = f (x) is 6.
F(x, y) =
f (x) = .
19. (1 pt) Find y as a function of t if
13. (1 pt) The following differential equation is exact.
Find a function F(x, y) whose level curves are solutions to the y00 − 13y0 + 36y = 0,
differential equation y(0) = 7, y(1) = 7.
ydy − xdx = 0 y(t) =
Remark: The initial conditions involve values at two points.
F(x, y) =
14. (1 pt) Use the ”mixed partials” check to see if the follow- 20. (1 pt) Find y as a function of t if
ing differential equation is exact.
If it is exact find a function F(x, y) whose level curves are solu- 7y00 + 27y = 0,
tions to the differential equation y(0) = 4, y0 (0) = 2.
(− 3x3 + y )dx + (3y − x)dy = 0
 y(t) =
Note: This particular weBWorK problem can’t handle complex
? numbers, so write your answer in terms of sines and cosines,
rather than using e to a complex power.
F(x, y) =
21. (1 pt) Find y as a function of t if
15. (1 pt) Use the ”mixed partials” check to see if the follow-
ing differential equation is exact. 9y00 + 6y0 + y = 0,
If it is exact find a function F(x, y) whose level curves are solu-
y(0) = 6, y0 (0) = 9.
tions to the differential equation
(3xy2 − 3y)dx + (3x2 y − 3x)dy = 0
22. (1 pt) Find y as a function of t if

? y00 + 6y0 + 18y = 0, y(0) = 6, y0 (0) = 5.

F(x, y) =
16. (1 pt) Use the ”mixed partials” check to see if the follow- Note: This problem cannot interpret complex numbers. You
ing differential equation is exact. may need to simplify your answer before submitting it.
If it is exact find a function F(x, y) whose level curves are solu-
tions to the differential equation 23. (1 pt) Determine whether the following pairs of functions
are linearly independent or not.
dy 3x4 + 3y
= ? 1. The Wronskian of two functions is W (t) = t are the
dx −3x − 4y
functions linearly independent or dependent?
? ? 2. f (t) = t and g(t) = |t|
? 3. f (t) = t 2 + 3t and g(t) = t 2 − 3t
F(x, y) =
17. (1 pt) Check that the equation below is not exact but 24. (1 pt)
becomes exact when multiplied by the integrating factor. dy
(1) Set up an integral for solving = x2 + x when
x2 y3 + x(1 + y2 )y0 = 0 y(3) = 18.
Integrating factor: µ(x, y) = 1/(xy3 ). Z t=
y(x) = +
Solve the differential equation. You can define the solu-
tion curve implicitly by a function in the form F(x, y) = (2) Evaluate your answer to the previous part to find y(x).
G(x) + H(y) = K for some constant K.
y(x) =
F(x, y) =
(3) The solution to the original initial value problem is de-
25. (1 pt) scribed by the following equation in x, y.
(1) Set up an integral for solving = sin(8x) when
dx 31. (1 pt) Solve the initial value problem y 0 = (x + y − 1)2
y(0) = −1.
with y(0) = 0.
Z t=
y(x) = + (1) To solve this, we should use the substitution
t= u=

(2) Evaluate your answer to the previous part to find y(x). u0 =

y(x) = Enter derivatives using prime notation (e.g., you would

enter y 0 for dx ).
26. (1 pt)
dy 1 (2) After the substitution from the previous part, we obtain
(1) Set up an integral for solving = 2 when
dx x −1 the following linear differential equation in x, u, u 0 .
y(0) = 0.
Z t=
y(x) = + (3) The solution to the original initial value problem is de-
scribed by the following equation in x, y.
(2) Evaluate your answer to the previous part to find y(x).
x 2 − y2
y(x) = 32. (1 pt) Solve the initial value problem y 0 = with
y(2) = 4.
27. (1 pt) Solve y 00 = sin(x) if y(0) = 0 and y0 (0) = 3.

y(x) = 33. (1 pt) Use the Wronskian to show that the functions
y1 = e4x and y2 = e6x are linearly independent.
28. (1 pt) Find a solution to = xy + 6x + 3y + 18.
dx Wronskian = det =
These functions are linearly independent because the Wron-
29. (1 pt) Find the general solution to skian is ? for all x.
34. (1 pt) Suppose you solved a second-order equation by
dr rewriting it as a system and found two scalar solutions: y = e5x
t ln(t) + r = 7tet .
dt and z = e6x . Think of the corresponding vector solutions ~y1 and
~y2 and use the Wronskian to show that the solutions are linearly
Use C to denote the arbitrary constant in your answer. independent.
Wronskian = det =
These solutions are linearly independent because the Wron-
√ the initial value problem yy + x =
30. (1 pt) Solve x 2 + y2
with y(2) = − 32. skian is ? for all x.
(1) To solve this, we should use the substitution 35. (1 pt) Given that y(t) = c1 e4t + c2 e−4t is a solution to the
u= differential equation y 00 − 16y = 0, where c1 and c2 are arbitrary
constants, find a function y(t) that satisfies the conditions
u0 = • y 00 − 16y = 0,

Enter derivatives using prime notation (e.g., you would • y(0) = 9,

enter y 0 for dx ).
• lim y(t) = 0.
(2) After the substitution from the previous part, we obtain t→−∞

the following linear differential equation in x, u, u 0 . y(t) =

36. (1 pt) Given that y(t) = c1 e4t + c2 e−4t is a solution to the 39. (1 pt) Find the general solution to y 000 − y 00 + 3y 0 − 3y = 0.
differential equation y 00 − 16y = 0, where c1 and c2 are arbitrary In your answer, use c1 , c2 and c3 to denote arbitrary constants
constants, find a function y(t) that satisfies the conditions and x the independent variable. Enter c1 as c1, c2 as c2, and c3
• y 00 − 16y = 0, as c3.

• y(0) = 9,

• lim y(t) = 0. 40. (1 pt) Find the general solution to y(4) − 6y 000 + 8y 00 = 0.
In your answer, use c1 , c2 , c3 and c4 to denote arbitrary constants
y(t) = and x the independent variable. Enter c1 as c1, c2 as c2, etc.
37. (1 pt) Find a non-constant solution to (x 0 )2 + x2 = 9
using your knowledge of derivatives from basic calculus.

x(t) = 41. (1 pt) Find the general solution to y 000 + 12y 00 + 40y 0 = 0.
In your answer, use c1 , c2 and c3 to denote arbitrary constants
38. (1 pt) Find a solution to = 7A if A(0) = 4. and x the independent variable.
A(t) =

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c Team, Department of Mathematics, University of Rochester

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