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October 24, 2016


SUBJECT : Procedure for Claiming Tax Treaty Benefits for Dividend,

Interest and Royalty Income of Nonresident Income

TO : All Internal Revenue Officers and Others Concerned

SECTION 1. Background. —

The Philippines, a jurisdiction with a total of 40 effective tax treaties, with

2 more treaties waiting to enter into force and 2 pending ratification, qualifies as a
jurisdiction with substantial network of tax treaties. To achieve the intent of these
treaties of reducing double taxation and preventing fiscal evasion, administrative
procedures in applying the provisions of these tax treaties must be duly established
and enforced. HTcADC

The United Nations recognizes that the 'single most important factor
bearing on the compliance by nonresidents with domestic tax law is the use of
source withholding by the source State.' 1(2) Moreover, the UN states that the 'use
of final withholding taxes to collect tax from nonresidents is widespread and
recognized internationally as a mechanism to collect tax.' 2(3)

Towards this end, the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), in its efforts to
improve the efficient administration of Philippine tax treaties, adopts the
self-assessment system and automatic withholding of taxes on income of
nonresidents deriving Dividend, Interest and Royalty from sources within the
Philippines at applicable tax treaty rates subject to post reporting validation.

SECTION 2. Objectives. —

This Order seeks to provide for the new procedures in claiming preferential
tax treaty benefits on dividend, interest and royalty income of nonresidents
pursuant to effective tax treaties of the Philippines, thereby amending for this
purpose, Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 72-2010 .

Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 1
The foregoing objectives are achieved through:

a. Creation of a new Certificate of Residence for Tax Treaty

Relief (CORTT) Form;

b. Enhancing BIR Forms 1601-F and 1604-CF;

c. Full disclosure of income derived by nonresidents by filing

accurate and timely BIR Forms 1601-F and 1604-CF by the
withholding agent/income payor; CAIHTE

d. Compliance check on the availment of tax treaty relief and the

withholding tax obligations of the withholding agent/income
payor; and

e. Post reporting validation of final withholding tax payments on

income of nonresidents deriving dividends, interest and royalty
income in the Philippines.

SECTION 3. Coverage. —

This Order shall apply only to DIVIDENDS, INTERESTS AND

ROYALTIES, and not to any other type of income such as but not limited to
business profit, income from services, et al. For income other than dividends,
interest and royalties, the provisions in RMO 72-2010 shall continue to apply, and
obtaining a ruling shall continue to be required.

The reduced tax rate of 15 percent on intercorporate dividends paid to

nonresident foreign corporations under Section 28 B (5) (b) of the National
Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) shall be covered by a separate issuance.

SECTION 4. Definition. —

1. Nonresidents — are not residents of the Philippines and not citizens


For purposes of this Order, they are classified into:

a. Nonresident alien not engaged in trade or business (NANETB)

— The aggregate period of stay in the Philippines does not
exceed 180 days during any calendar year.

b. Nonresident foreign corporations (NRFC) — are corporations

organized under foreign laws and not engaged in trade or
business in the Philippines.
Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 2
2. Beneficial Owner — refers to the recipient of dividend, interest or
royalty income that has the right to use and enjoy the said income unconstrained
by a contractual or legal obligation to pass on the payment received to another
person. 3(4)

3. Certificate of Residence for Tax Treaty Relief (CORTT) Form — This

is the newly created BIR Form that replaces the old 0901 Forms intended for tax
treaty relief application for dividend, interest and royalty incomes. This is
composed of two parts:

Part I:

A. Applicable Tax Treaty;

B. Information of Income Recipient/Beneficial Owner

(Individual); aScITE

C. Information of Income Recipient/Beneficial Owner

(Non-Individual); and

D. Certification of Competent Authority or Authorized Tax Office

of Country of Residence.

Part II:

A. Information of Withholding Agent/Income Payor;

B. Details of Withholding of Tax;

C. Type of Income Earned within the Philippines in Respect to

which Relief is claimed;

D. Declaration of Income Recipient/Beneficial Owner; and

E. Declaration of Withholding Agent/Income Payor.

The CORTT Form shall serve as proof of residency of the nonresidents.

Residency is a minimum requirement for the availment of preferential tax treaty
rates or tax exemption under all effective tax treaties of the Philippines.

4. Noncompliant — The nonresident and/or the withholding

agent/income payor is noncompliant and ineligible to avail of preferential treaty
rates or tax exemption based on any of the following reasons:

a) Failure to meet the requirements of the provision of the tax

Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 3
treaty being invoked;

b) Non-filing of 1601-F or 1604-CF and non-payment of

withholding taxes due as required by the Tax Code; and

c) Discrepancy between the information contained in the CORTT

Form and the information on the 1601-F. There is discrepancy
when the pieces of information provided in the CORTT Form
and 1601-F are inconsistent.

5. Competent Authority (CA) — authorized person from the taxing

jurisdiction of a treaty partner to certify residency of nonresident income earners
for tax treaty purposes.

SECTION 5. General Policies and Guidelines. —

1. The mandatory tax treaty relief applications (TTRA) shall no longer be

filed with the International Tax Affairs Division (ITAD). In lieu of the TTRA,
preferential treaty rates for dividends, interests and royalties shall be applied and
used outright by the withholding agents upon submission of a CORTT Form by
the nonresident. The use of the preferential rates shall be done through
withholding final taxes at applicable treaty rates as shown in Annex A of this

2. Nonresidents are allowed to use the prescribed certificate of residency

of their country of residence ("prescribed certificate of residency"). However,
nonresidents are still required to accomplish A, B and C of Part I of the CORTT
Form for monitoring purposes. If the prescribed certificate of residency is used, it
shall be attached to the CORTT Form. DETACa

3. For dividend income purposes, the CORTT Form shall be valid for
two (2) years from date of issuance. However, if a prescribed certificate of
residency of the country of residence is used, the date of validity of the latter
document will prevail over the two (2)-year period given. For interest and royalty
income purposes, the CORTT Form shall be valid per contract.

4. Withholding agents or income payors can withhold at a reduced rate or

exempt the nonresident based on the duly accomplished CORTT Form submitted
to them.

5. Failure to submit a CORTT Form to the withholding agent/income

payor would mean that the nonresident is not claiming any tax treaty relief and
therefore such income be subject to the normal rate provided under the National
Internal Revenue Code of 1997, as amended (Tax Code).

Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 4
6. The ITAD and Revenue District Office (RDO) No. 39 shall be in
charge of receiving and recording information stated in the CORTT.

7. Pertinent information from the CORTT Form and data collected from
1601-F and 1604-CF on availment of treaty rates and income payment made to
nonresidents, in general, shall be accumulated and monitored by ITAD and RDO
No. 39. Such data shall be used for conducting risk analysis, formulating policies,
developing the country's treaty negotiating positions and generating management

8. Compliance check and post reporting validation on withholding tax

obligations and confirmation of appropriateness of availment of treaty benefits
shall be part of BIR's regular audit investigations conducted by the RDO where the
domestic withholding agent is registered.

SECTION 6. Procedure for the Availment of Tax Treaty Relief. —

1. Nonresidents claiming tax treaty relief shall submit a duly

accomplished CORTT Form (Part I and II) or the prescribed certificate of
residency with Part I (A, B and C) and II of the CORTT Form to their withholding
agents/income payors before income is paid or credited.

2. The withholding agent/income payor shall file BIR Form 1601-F and
BIR Form 1604-CF and shall pay the withholding taxes due in accordance with the
Tax Code and existing Revenue Issuances.

3. The withholding agent/income payor shall submit an original of the

duly accomplished CORTT (Part I and II) or the prescribed certificate of residency
with Part I (A, B and C) and II of the CORTT Form to ITAD and RDO No. 39
within 30 days after payment of withholding taxes due on dividend, interest and
royalty income of nonresident based on applicable tax treaty. HEITAD

4. The withholding agent shall submit an updated Part II of the CORTT

Form within 30 days after payment of withholding taxes due in the following

a) If the CORTT Form filed with ITAD and RDO No. 39 is used
for another dividend payment within its prescribed period of
validity; and

b) In case of staggered payment of interest and royalty income.

SECTION 7. Penalties. —

Any violation of the provisions of this Order shall be subject to penalties

Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 5
provided in Section 250 and other pertinent provisions of the NIRC, as

Failure to supply accurate and complete information in the CORTT Form

and BIR Forms 1601-F and 1604-CF will render the nonresident and withholding
agent noncompliant. Noncompliance shall be a ground for the denial of the use of
preferential treaty rates and the disallowance of the pertinent expense/s of the
withholding agent.

Furthermore, withholding agents/income payors that willfully fail to pay

any tax, make a return, keep any record, or supply correct and accurate
information or withhold or remit taxes withheld, or aids or abets any manner to
evade any such tax or the payment thereof shall be liable under Sections 251
and 255 of the Tax Code.

SECTION 8. Transitory Provision. —

Nonresidents who already filed TTRAs with the BIR on dividend, interest
and royalty income prior to the effectivity of this Order will be allowed to use the
tax treaty rates invoked based on effective tax treaties of the Philippines with other
countries. However, the same will be subjected to compliance check.

For existing TTRAs with the BIR with supporting documents, ITAD will
use the submitted information in creating a database for purposes of tax treaty
relief availment. If the requisite certificate of residency is not available in the
submitted documents, the withholding agents/income payor will be requested to
submit the same.

SECTION 9. Repealing Clause. — The provisions of RMO 72-2010

and any revenue issuance inconsistent with this Order are deemed revoked,
repealed, or modified accordingly.

SECTION 10. Effectivity. — This Order shall take effect after 90 days
upon signing to afford nonresident income earners time to secure the required
CORTT Form or prescribed certificate of residency from their respective countries
of residence. aDSIHc


Commissioner of Internal Revenue

Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 6
Country Country Dividend Rates
Australia AU 15% where relief, either by way of credit as 25% in any other
described in paragraph 2 of Article 24 or relief case
by way credit as described in the second
sentence of paragraph 4 of Article 24, is
given to the beneficial owner of the dividends
Austria AT 10% dividends if the beneficial owner is a 25% in all other
company which holds directly at least 10 per cases
cent either of the voting shares of the
company paying the dividends or of the total
shares issued by that company during the
period of six months immediately preceding
the date of payments of the dividends
Bahrain BH 10% if the beneficial owner is a company 15%
(excluding partnerships) which holds directly
at least ten per cent (10%) of the capital of
the paying company
Bangladesh BD 10% if the beneficial owner is a company 15% in all other
(excluding partnerships) which holds directly cases
at least 25 per cent of the capital of the
paying company
Belgium BE 10% if the beneficial owner is a company 15% in all other
which holds directly at least 10 per cent of the cases
capital of the company paying the dividends
Brazil BR 15% if the recipient is a company including a 25% in all other
partnership cases
Canada CA 15% paid to a company which is a resident of 25% in all other
Canada which controls at least 10 per cent of cases
the voting power of the company paying the
China CN 10% if the beneficial owner is a company 15% in all other
which holds directly at least 10 per cent of the cases
capital of the company paying the dividends
Czech CZ 10% if the beneficial owner is a company 15% in all other
which holds directly at least 10 per cent of the cases
capital of the company paying the dividends
Denmark DK 10% if the beneficial owner is a company 15% in all other
(other than a partnership) which holds directly cases
at least 25 per cent of the capital of the
company paying the dividends
Finland FI 15% if the recipient is
a company (excluding
partnership) owning
at least 10 per cent of
the voting stock of the
company paying the
France FR 10% if the recipient is a company (excluding 15% in all other
partnership) which holds directly at least 10 cases
per cent of the voting shares of the company
paying the dividends
Germany DE 5% if the beneficial owner is a company 10% if the beneficial 15% in all other
(other than a partnership) which holds directly is a company (other cases
at least 70 per cent of the capital of the than a partnership)
company paying the dividends which holds directly
at least 25 per cent of
the capital of the
company paying the

Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 7
Hungary HU 15% if the beneficial owner is a company 20% in all other
which holds directly at least 25 percent of the cases
capital of the paying company
India IN 15% if the beneficial owner is a company 20% in all other
which owns at least ten per cent of the shares cases
of the company paying the dividends
Indonesia ID 15% if the beneficial owner is a company 20% in all other
which holds directly at least 25 percent of the cases
capital of the paying company
Israel IL 10% if the beneficial owner is a company 15% in all other
(excluding partnership) which holds directly at cases
least 10 percent of the capital of the paying
Italy IT 15% if the recipient is the beneficial owner of
the dividends
Japan JP 10% if the beneficial owner is a company 15% in all other
which holds directly at least 10 per cent either cases
of the voting shares of the company paying
the dividends or of the total shares issued by
that company during the period of six months
immediately preceding the date of payment of
the dividends, or dividends paid by a
company, being a resident of the Philippines,
registered with the Board of Investments and
engaged in preferred pioneer areas of
investment under the investment incentives
laws of the Philippines to a resident of Japan,
who is the beneficial owner of the dividends
Korea KR 10% if the beneficial owner is a company 25% in all other
(other than a partnership) which holds directly cases
at least 25 per cent of the capital of the
company paying the dividends, or dividends
paid by a company, being a resident of the
Philippines, registered with the Board of
Investments and engaged in preferred
pioneer areas of investment under the
investment incentives laws of the Philippines
to a resident of Korea
Kuwait KW 10% if the beneficial owner is a company 15% in all other
(excluding partnership) which holds directly at cases
least 10 percent of the capital of the paying
Malaysia MY 15% if the recipient is a company 25% in all other
Netherlands NL 10% if the recipient is a company the capital 15% in all other
of which is wholly or partly divided into shares cases
and which holds directly at least 10 per cent
of the capital of the company paying the
New Zealand NZ 15% if the beneficial owner is a company 25% in all other
Nigeria NG 12.5% if the beneficial owner is a company 15% in all other
(excluding partnership) which holds directly at cases
least 10 percent of the capital of the paying
Norway NO 15% if the beneficial owner is a company 25% in all other
which controls directly or indirectly at least 10 cases
per cent of the voting power in the company
paying the dividends
Pakistan PK 15% if the beneficial owner is a company 25% in all other
(excluding partnership) which holds directly at cases
Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 8
least 25 per cent of the capital of the paying
company during the part of the paying
company's taxable year which precedes the
date of payment of the dividends and during
the whole of its prior taxable year, if any
Poland PL 10% if the beneficial owner is a company 15% in all other
(excluding partnerships) which holds directly cases
at least 25 per cent of the capital of the
paying company
Qatar QA 10% if the beneficial owner is a company 15% in all other
(excluding partnership) which holds directly at cases
least 10 percent of the capital of the paying
Romania RO 10% if the recipient is a company (excluding 15% in all other
partnership) and during the part of the paying cases
corporations taxable year which precedes the
date of payment of the dividends and during
the whole of its prior taxable year (if any), at
least 25 per cent of the outstanding shares of
the voting stock of the paying corporation was
owned by the recipient corporation
Russia RU 15% if the recipient is the beneficial owner of
the dividends
Singapore SG 15% if the recipient is a company (including 25% in all other
partnership) and during the part of the paying cases
company's taxable year which precedes the
date of payment of the dividend and during
the whole of its prior taxable year (if any), at
least 15 per cent of the outstanding shares of
the voting stock of the paying company was
owned by the recipient company
Spain ES 10% if the recipient is a corporation 15% in all other
(excluding partnership) which holds directly at cases
least 10 per cent of the voting shares of the
company paying the dividends
Sweden SE 10% if the beneficial owner is a company 15% in all other
(excluding partnerships) which holds directly cases
at least 25 per cent of the capital of the
paying company
Switzerland CH 10% if the beneficial owner is a company 15% in all other
(excluding partnerships) which holds directly cases
at least 10 per cent of the capital of the
paying company
Thailand TH 15% if the company paying the dividends is a 20% if the company
Philippine company or if the company paying paying the dividends
the dividends is a Thai company engaged in is a Thai company
an industrial undertaking not engaged in an
industrial undertaking
Turkey TR 10% if the beneficial owner is a company 15% in all other
(excluding partnership) which holds directly at cases
least 25 percent of the capital of the paying
United Arab AE 10% if the beneficial owner is a company 15% in all other
Emirates (excluding partnerships) which holds directly cases
at least 10 per cent of the capital of the
paying company
United GB 15% if the beneficial owner is a company 25% in all other
Kingdom of which controls directly or indirectly at least 10 cases
Great Britain per cent of the voting power in the company
and Northern paying the dividends

Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 9
United US 20% when the recipient is a corporation, if 25%
States of during the part of the paying corporation's
America taxable year which precedes the date of
payment of the dividend and during the whole
of its prior taxable year (if any), at least 10
percent of the outstanding shares of the
voting stock of the paying corporation was
owned by the recipient corporation.
Vietnam VN 10% if the beneficial owner is a company 15% in all other
(excluding partnerships) which holds directly cases
at least 25 per cent of the capital of the
paying company

Country Country Interest Rates

Australia AU 10% in respect of public 15% Interest derived by the Government of
issues of bonds, a Contracting State, or by any other
debentures or similar body exercising governmental
obligations and paid by functions in, or in a part of, a
a company which is a Contracting State, or by a bank
resident of the performing central banking functions in
Philippines to a resident a Contracting State, shall be exempt
of Australia from tax in the other Contracting State.
Austria AT 10% if the interest is 15% Interest arising in a Contracting State
paid by a resident of the and derived by the government of the
Philippines to a resident other Contracting State including
of Austria in respect of political subdivisions and local
public issues of bonds, authorities thereof, the Central Bank of
debentures or similar that other Contracting State and any
obligations or if the financial institution wholly-owned or
interest is paid by a controlled by that government, or by
company which is a any resident of that other Contracting
resident of the State with respect to debt-claims
Philippines, registered guaranteed or indirectly financed by
with the Board of the government of that other
Investments and Contracting State including political
engaged in preferred subdivisions and local authorities
pioneer areas of thereof, the Central Bank of that other
investment under the Contracting State and any financial
investment incentives institution wholly-owned or controlled
laws of the Philippines by that government shall be exempt
to a resident of Austria, from tax in the first-mentioned
who is the beneficial Contracting State. For the purpose of
owner of the interest this paragraph, the term "financial
institution wholly-owned or controlled
by the government" means:
xxx xxx xxx
b) in the case of the
Philippines the Central
Bank of the Philippines
and the Development
Bank of the Philippines;

c) any such financial

institution the capital of
which is wholly-owned or
controlled by the
government of either
Contracting State, other
than those referred to in
Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 10
subparagraphs (a) and (b)
above, as may be agreed
from time to time between
the governments of the
Contracting States.
Bahrain BH 10% if the beneficial Income from Debt-Claims paid by a
owner of the income Contracting State to the government of
from Debt-Claims is a the other Contracting State or political
resident of the other subdivision or local authority thereof
Contracting State shall be exempt from tax in the
first-mentioned State.
Bangladesh BD 15% if the beneficial Interest arising in a Contracting State
owner of the interest is and derived by the Government of the
a resident of the other other Contracting State, a local
Contracting State authority, the Central Bank thereof or
any financial institution wholly owned
by that Government, or by any other
resident of that other Contracting State
with respect to debt-claims indirectly
financed by the Government of that
other Contracting State, a local
authority, the Central Bank ther
any financial institution wholly owned
by that Government, shall be exempt
from tax in the first-mentioned State.
Belgium BE 10% if the beneficial Interest shall be exempted from ta
owner of the interest is the Contracting State in which it arises
a resident of the other if it is:
Contracting State
a) interest paid in respect of
a bond, debenture or other
similar obligation of the
Government of that
Contracting State or of a
political subdivision or
local authority thereof; and

b) Interest paid in respect of

a loan made, guaranteed
or insured or a credit
extended, guaranteed or
insured by such institution
as is specified and agreed
in letters exchanged
between the competent
authorities of the
Contracting States.
Brazil BR 10% if interest is paid 15% if the recipient is Interest arising in a Contracting State
by a company which is the beneficial owner of and paid to the Government of the
a resident of the the interest other Contracting State, a political
Philippines to a resident subdivision thereof or any agency
of Brazil in respect of (including a financial institution) wholly
public issues of bonds, owned by that Government, or political
debentures or similar subdivision shall be exempt from tax in
obligations the first-mentioned Contracting St

b) interest arising from securities,

bonds or debentures issued by the
Government of a Contracting
State, a political subdivision
thereof or by any agency (including
a financial institution) owned by
that Government shall be taxable
only in that State.
Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 11
Canada CA 10% if the interest is in 15% if the interest is a) interest arising in a Contracting
respect of public issues taxable in the other State and paid in respect of a
of bonds, debentures or Contracting State bond, debenture or other similar
similar obligations and obligation of the government of
paid by a company that Contracting State or of a
which is a resident of political subdivision or local
the Philippines to a authority thereof shall, provided
resident of Canada that the interest is benefic
owned by a resident of the other
Contracting State, be taxable only
in that other State;

b) interest arising in the Philippines

and paid to a resident of Canada
shall be taxable only in Canada if it
is paid in respect of a loan made,
guaranteed or insured, or a credit
extended, guaranteed or insured
by the Export Development
China CN 10% if the recipient is Interest arising in a Contracting State
the beneficial owner of and derived by the Government of the
the interest other Contracting State, a local
authority and the Central Bank thereof
or any financial institution wholly
owned by the Government of that other
State, or by any other resident of that
other State with respect to dept-claims
indirectly financed by the Government
of that other State, a local authority,
and the Central Bank thereof or any
financial institution wholly owned by
the Government of that other State,
shall be exempt from tax in the
first-mentioned State.
Czech CZ 10% if the beneficial Interest shall be exempted from tax in
owner of the interest is the Contracting State in which it arises
a resident of the other if it is derived and beneficially owned
Contracting State by:

a) the Government of the other

Contracting State, including any
political subdivision or loc
authority thereof, the Central Bank
or any financial institution wholly
owned by that Government; or

b) a resident of the other Contracting

State in connection with the loan or
credit guaranteed by the
Government of that other State.
Denmark DK 10% if the beneficial Interest arising in a Contracting State
owner of the interest is and paid in respect of a loan made by
a resident of the other or guaranteed or insured by the
Contracting State Government of the other Contracting
State, the central bank of that other
State or any agency or instrumentality
(including a financial institution) owned
or controlled by that Government shall
be exempt from tax in the
first-mentioned State.
Finland FI 15% if the recipient is 10 per cent of the gross Interest arising in a Contracting St
the beneficial owner of amount of the interest in and paid in respect of a bond,

Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 12
the interest the tax so respect of public issues debenture or other similar obligation of
charge of bonds, debentures or the government of that Contracting
similar obligations and State or of a political subdivision or
paid by a company local authority thereof shall, provided
which is a resident of that the interest is beneficially owned
the Philippines to a by a resident of the other Contracting
resident of Finland State be taxable only in that other

b) interest arising in a Contracting

State and paid to a resident of the
other Contracting State shall be
taxable only in that other
Contracting State if it is paid in
respect of a loan made,
guaranteed or insured, or a credit
extended, guaranteed or insured
by the Central Bank of the
Philippines or the Finnish Export
Credit Limited;

c) interest arising in a Contracting

State and paid to a resident of the
other Contracting State shall be
taxable only in that other
Contracting State if it is paid in
respect of a loan made,
guaranteed or insured, or a credit
extended, guaranteed or insured
by such lending institution as is
specified and agreed in letters
exchanged between the competent
authorities of the Contracting
France FR 15% if the recipient is Exempt from tax in respect of a loan
the beneficial owner of made, guaranteed or insured, or a
the interest credit extended, guaranteed or insured
by (ii) in the case of the Philippines,
the Central Bank of the Philippines
or such lending institution as is
specified and agreed in letters
exchanged between the competent
authorities of the Contracting States;
Germany DE 10% if the beneficial Interest arising in the Republic of the
owner of the interest is Philippines and paid to the German
a resident of the other Government, the Deutsche
Contracting State Bundesbank, the Kreditanstalt fuer
Wiederaufbau or the Deutsche
Gesellschaft fuer wirtschaftliche
(Entwicklungsgesellschaft) shall be
exempt from Philippine tax.
Interest arising in a Contracting State
shall be exempt from tax in that State if
it is derived in respect of a loan made,
guaranteed or insured by a
governmental instrumentality of the
other Contracting State by the Central
Bank in the case of the Republic of the
Philippines, or any other
instrumentality as is specified and
agreed in letters exchanged between
the competent authorities of the

Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 13
Contracting States.
Hungary HU 15% if the recipient is Interest arising in a Contracting State
the beneficial owner of and paid to a resident of the other
the interest Contracting State shall be taxable only
in that other State, if the interest is
paid in respect of:

a) a bond, debenture or other similar

obligation of the government of the
first-mentioned Contracting State
or a political subdivision or local
authority thereof; or

b) a loan made, refinanced,

guaranteed or insured, or a credit
extended, refinanced, guaranteed
or insured by —

(i) in the case of the Philippines,

the Central Bank of the

(ii) in the case of Hungary, the

National Bank of Hungary; or

(iii) other governmental agencies

or lending institutions as may
be specified and agreed in an
exchange of notes between
the competent authorities of
the Contracting Stat
India IN 10% if the interest is 15% in all other cases a) interest arising in a Contracting
received by a financial State shall be exempt from tax in
institution (including that State provided it is derived
insurance companies) and beneficially owned by:
or in respect of public
issues of bonds, (i) the Government, a political
debentures or similar subdivision or a local
obligations authority of the other
Contracting State; or

(ii) the Central Bank of the other

Contracting State;

(iii) other lending institutions as

may be specified and agreed
in letters exchanged between
the competent authorities of
the Contracting States.

b) interest arising in a
Contracting State shall be
exempt from tax in that
Contracting State to the
extent approved by the
Government of that State
if it is derived and
beneficially owned by any
person [other than a
person referred to in
sub-paragraph (a)] who is
a resident of the other
Contracting State
provided that the

Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 14
transaction giving rise to
the debt-claim has been
approved in this regard
by the Government of the
Contracting State.
Indonesia ID 15% if the recipient is 10% in respect of public Interest arising in a Contractin
the beneficial owner of issues of bonds, and paid to a resident of the other
the interest debentures or similar Contracting State shall be taxable only
obligations in that other State, if the interest is
paid in respect of:

(i) a bond, debenture or other similar

obligation of the government of
that State or a political subdivision
or local authority thereof; or

(ii) a loan made, guaranteed or

insured, or a credit extended,
guaranteed or insured by the
Central Bank of the Philippines, or
the "Bank Indonesia" (the Central
Bank of Indonesia), or any other
lending institution, as may be
specified and agreed in letters
exchanged between the competent
authorities of the Contracting
Israel IL 10% if the recipient is Interest arising in a Contracting State
the beneficial owner of and paid to a resident of the other
the interest Contracting State shall be taxable only
in that other State, if the interest is
paid in respect of:

a) a bond, debenture or other similar

obligation of the government of the
first-mentioned Contracting State
or a political subdivision or local
authority thereof; or

b) a loan made, refinanced,

guaranteed or insured, or a credit
extended, refinanced, guaranteed
or insured by —

(i) in the case of the Philippines,

the Central Bank of the

(ii) in the case of Israel, the Bank

of Israel, or

(iii) other governmental agencies

or lending institutions as may
be specified and agreed in an
exchange of notes between
the competent authorities of
the Contracting States.
Italy IT 10% if the recipient is 15% in all other cases Interest arising in a Contracting State
the beneficial owner of shall be exempt from tax in that State
the interest in respect of if:

Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 15
public issues of bonds,
debentures, or similar a) the payer of the interest is the
obligations and paid by Government of that Contracting
a resident of one State or a local authority thereof;
Contracting State to a or
resident of the other
Contracting State b) the interest is paid to the
Government of the other
Contracting State or local authority
thereof or any agency or
instrumentality (including a
financial institution) wholly owned
by that other Contracting State or
local authority thereof; or

c) the interest is paid to any other

agency or instrumentality
(including a financial institution) in
relation to loans made in
application of an agreement
concluded between the
Governments of the Contracting
Japan JP 10% if the recipient is Interest arising in a Contracting State
the beneficial owner of and
the interest derived by the Government of the
Contracting State including political
subdivisions and local authorities
the Central Bank of that other
Contracting State or any financial
institution wholly owned by that
Government, or by any resident of the
other Contracting State with respect to
debt-claims guaranteed, insured or
indirectly financed by the Government
of that other Contracting State
including political subdivisions and
local authorities thereof, the Central
Bank of that other Contracting State or
any financial institution wholly owned
by that Government shall be exempt
from tax in the first-mentioned
Contracting State.

For the purposes of this paragraph, the

term "financial institution wholly owned
by the Government" means:

xxx xxx xxx

(b) In the case of the Philippines, the

Development Bank of the
Philippines and the Land Bank of
the Philippines; and

(c) Any such financial institution the

capital of which is wholly owned by
the Government of either
Contracting State, other than those
referred to in sub-paragraphs (a)
and (b) above, as may be agreed
from time to time between the
Governments of the two
Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 16
Contracting States.
Korea KR 10% if the interest is 15% in all other cases Interest arising in a Contracting State
paid in respect of public and
issues of bonds, paid to a resident of the other
debentures or similar Contracting
obligation State shall be taxable only in that other
State if the interest is paid in respect

(i) a bond, debenture or other similar

obligation of the government of
that State or a political subdivision
or local authority thereof, or

(ii) a loan made, guaranteed or

insured, or a credit extended,
guaranteed or insured by:

(aa) in the case of the Philippines,

the Central Bank of the

(bb) in the case of Korea, the

Bank of Korea, the
Export-Import Bank
the Korea Exchange Bank;

(cc) other lending institutions as

may be specified and agreed
in letters of exchange
between the competent
authorities of the Contracting
Kuwait KW 10% if the beneficial Interest arising in a Contracting State
owner of the interest is shall be exempt from tax if derived by
a resident of the other or on:
a) The government of the other
Contracting State or any
governmental institution or other
entity thereof, as defines in
paragraph 2 of Article 4;

b) An institution or company which is

a resident of the other Contracting
State whose capital is wholly
owned by the government or a
governmental institution or other
entity as define in paragraph 2 of
Article 4 as agreed upon between
the competent authoritie
two governments;

c) Loans guaranteed by the

government of the other
contracting state or any
governmental institution of other
entity thereof, as defined in
paragraph 2 of Article 4.
Malaysia MY 15% if the recipient is The Government of a Contracting
the beneficial owner of State shall be exempt from tax in the
the interest other Contracting State in respect of
interest derived by the Government

Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 17
from that other State.

In the case of the Philippines,

"Government" means the Government
of the Republic of the Philippines and
shall include:

(i) the Central Bank of the


(ii) such institutions, the capital of

which is wholly owned by the
Government of the Republic of the
Philippines, as may be agreed
upon from time to time between
the competent authorities of the
Contracting States.
Netherlands NL 10% 15% in all other cases Interest arising in one of the States
(i) in connection with and paid in respect of a bond,
the sale on credit debenture or other similar obligation of
of any industrial, the Government of that State or of a
commercial or political subdivision or local authority
scientific thereof shall be exempt from tax in that
equipment, or State:

(ii) on any loan of xxx xxx xxx

whatever kind
granted by a bank, b) interest arising in one of the States
or any other and paid in respect of a loan made
financial institution, by or guaranteed or insured by the
Government of the other State, the
(iii) in respect of public central bank of that other State or
issues of bonds, any agency or instrumentality
debentures or (including a financial institution)
similar obligations. owned or controlled by that
Government shall be exempt from
tax in the first-mentioned State.
New Zealand NZ 10% if the recipient is Interest derived by the Government of
the beneficial owner of a Contracting State, or by any other
the interest and in body exercising governmental
respect of, public issues functions in, or in a part of, a
of bonds, debentures or Contracting State, or by a bank
similar obligations and performing central banking functions in
paid by a company a Contracting State, shall be exempt
which is a resident of from tax in the other Contracting State
the Philippines to a
resident of New
Nigeria NG 15% if the recipient is Interest arising in a Contracting State
the beneficial owner of shall be exempt from tax in that State if
the interest it is derived and beneficially owned by
the Government of the other
Contracting State or a local authority
thereof or any agency or
instrumentality of that Government or
local authority
Norway NO 15% Interest derived from sources within
one of the Contracting States by a
resident of the other Contracting
States shall in all events be exempt
from tax by the first-mentioned

a) the interest is beneficially owned

by, or is paid by, a Contracting
Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 18
State, a political subdivision or
local authority thereof or an
instrumentality, subdivision or
authority of a Contracting State
which is not subject to tax by that

b) the income received is from

investments by both Contracting
States in loans, stocks, bonds or
other domestic securities, or from
interest on their deposits by
financing institutions owned,
controlled, or enjoying refinancing
from the government, and
international or regional financing
institutions established by the
governments of both Contracting
Pakistan PK 15% if the recipient is a) interest arising in a Contracting
the beneficial owner of State and paid in respect of a
the interest bond, debenture or other similar
obligation of the government of
that Contracting State or of a
political subdivision or local
authority thereof shall be exempt
from tax in both the Contracting

b) the Philippine tax on interest

arising in the Philippines in
of public issues of bonds,
debentures or similar obligations
and paid by a company which is a
resident of the Philippines to a
resident of Pakistan shall not
exceed 10 per cent of the gross
amount of the interest.

a) the State Bank of Pakistan sh

exempt from Philippine tax with
respect to interest from sources
within the Philippines;

b) the Central Bank of the Philippines

shall be exempt from Pakistan tax
with respect to interest from
sources within Pakistan;

c) the Government of a Contrac

State shall be exempt from the tax
of the other Contracting State with
respect to interest on loans derived
by that Government from sources
within that other State; and

d) any financial institution owned or

controlled by the Government of a
Contracting State shall be exempt
from the tax of the other
Contracting State with respect to
interest on loans derived by that
institution from sources within that
other Contracting State.

Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 19
Poland PL 10% Interest arising in a Contracting State
and paid to a resident of the other
Contracting State shall be taxable only
in that other State if the interest is paid
in respect of:

(i) a bond, debenture or other similar

obligation of the government of
that State or a political subdivision
or local authority thereof, or

(ii) a loan or credit extended,

guaranteed, insured or refinanced.

(aa) in the case of the Philippines,

the Central Bank of the

(bb) in the case of Poland, the

Central Bank of Poland, and

(cc) other lending institutions as

may be specified and agreed
in letters of exchange
between the competent
authorities of the Contracting
Qatar QA 10% Interest arising in a Contracting State
shall be exempt from tax in that State if
the Beneficial Owner of the interest is:

a) The other Contracting State itself

or a political subdivision or a local
authority of that State; and

b) Any governmental owned and

controlled institution of the other
Contracting State created under
the national legislation of that
Romania RO 10% if such interest is 15% in connection with a) interest arising in a Contracting
paid: the sale on credit of any State and paid in respect of a
means of transport and bond, debenture or other similar
(i) in connection with in all other cases obligation of the government of
the sale on credit of that Contracting State or of a
any industrial, political subdivision, a local
commercial or authority, or a territorial
scientific machine administrative unit thereof shall,
or equipment, or provided that the interest is
similar installation, beneficially owned by a resident of
or the other Contracting State, be
taxable only in that State;
(ii) on any loan of
whatever kind b) interest arising in a Contracting
granted by a bank, State and paid to a resident of the
or other Contracting State shall be
taxable only in that other
(iii) in respect of public Contracting State if it is paid in
issues of bonds, respect of a loan made,
debentures or guaranteed or insured, or a credit
similar obligations. extended, guaranteed or insured
by a government instrumentality of
the other Contracting State, as by
the National Bank of Romania, in

Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 20
the case of Romania and by the
Central Bank of the Philippines in
the case of the Philippines, or by
any other instrumentality as is
specified and agreed in lett
exchanged between the
Competent Authorities of the
Contracting States.
Russia RU 15% if the recipient is Interest paid by a Contracting State to
the beneficial owner of the government of the other State or a
the interest political subdivision or local authority
thereof shall be taxable only in that
other State.
Singapore SG 15% if the recipient is a) interest arising in a Contracting
the beneficial owner of State and paid to a resident of the
the interest other Contracting State shall be
taxable only in that other
Contracting State if it is paid in
respect of a loan made,
guaranteed or insured, or a credit
extended, guaranteed or insured,
by such institutions as are
specified and agreed in letters
exchanged between the competent
authorities of the Contracting
States; and

b) the Philippine tax on interest

arising in the Philippines in respect
of public issues of bonds,
debentures or similar obligations
and paid by a company which is a
resident of the Philippines to a
resident of Singapore shall not
exceed 10 per cent of the gross
amount of the interest.
Spain ES 10% if such interest is 15% in all other cases a) Interest arising in a Contracting
paid: State and paid to a resident of the
other Contracting State in respect
(i) in connection with of a bond, debenture or other
the sale on credit of similar obligation of the
any industrial, Government of the first-mention
commercial or Contracting State or of a political
scientific subdivision or local authority
equipment, or thereof shall, provided that the
interest is beneficially owned by a
(ii) in respect of issues resident of the other Contracting
of bonds, State, be taxable only in that other
debentures or Contracting State;
similar obligations
offered to the b) Interest arising in a Contracting
general public. State and paid to a resident of the
other Contracting State shall be
taxable only in that other
Contracting State if it is paid in
respect of a loan made,
guaranteed or insured, or a credit
extended, guaranteed or insured

(i) in the case of Spain, the Bank

of Spain and the Spanish
official credit institutions, and

Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 21
(ii) in the case of the Philippines,
the Central Bank of the

or such lending institution as is

specified and agreed in letters
exchanged between the competent
authorities of the Contracting
Sweden SE 10% if the beneficial Interest arising in a Contracting State
owner of the interest is and paid to a resident of the other
a resident of the other Contracting State shall be taxable only
Contracting State in that other State, if the interest is
paid in respect of:

a) a bond, debenture or other similar

obligation of the government of the
first-mentioned Contracting State
or a political subdivision or a local
authority thereof; or

b) a loan made, refinanced,

guaranteed or insured, or a credit
extended, refinanced, guaranteed
or insured by:

(i) in the case of the Philippines,

Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas

(ii) in the case of Sweden, the

Central Bank of Sweden, the
Swedish International
Development Cooperation
Agency (SIDA), the Swedish
Export Credit Corporation
(SEK), the Swedish Export
Credits Guarantee Board
(Exportkreditnamndem) or
any other institution of a
public character with the
objective to promote exports
or development;

(iii) other governmental age

or lending institutions as may
be specified and agreed in an
exchange of notes between
the competent authorities of
the Contracting States.
Switzerland CH 10% if the recipient is
the beneficial owner of
the interest
Thailand TH 10% if the recipient is 15% if it arises in the Interest arising in a Contracting State
the beneficial owner of Philippines and paid to the Government of the
the interest and other Contracting State shall be
25% if it arises in exempt from tax in the first-mentioned
(i) it arises in Thailand Thailand Contracting State the term
and is received by "Government" —
Philippine financial
institutions a) in the case of the Philippines,
(including insurance means:
(i) the Government of the

Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 22
(ii) it arises in the Republic of the Philippines;
Philippines in
respect of public (ii) the Central Bank of the
issues of bonds, Philippines;
debentures or
similar obligations; (iii) the Development Bank of the
Philippines; and

(iv) such other institutions, the

capital of which is wholly
owned by the Government of
the Republic of the
Philippines or any local
authorities, as may be agreed
from time to time between the
competent authorities of the
two Contracting States.
Turkey TR 10% if the beneficial Interest arising in a Contracting State
owner of the interest is and received by the government of the
a resident of the other other Contracting State including a
State political subdivision or a local authority
thereof or the Central Bank of that
other Contracting State shall be
taxable only in that other Contracting
United Arab AE 10% if the beneficial Interest as defined in paragraph 4 of
Emirates owner of the interest is this Article arising in a Contracting
a resident of the other State shall be exempt from tax in that
Contracting State State if it is derived in respect of a loan
made, guaranteed, or insured by the
government of the other Contracting
State or political subdivision or local
authority or local governments,
including financial institution wholly
owned by that government, or any
other instrumentality as is specified
and agreed in letters exchanged
between the competent authorities of
the Contracting States.
United GB 10% if the interest is 15% Interest arising in a Contracting State
Kingdom of paid by a company in shall be exempt from tax in that State if
Great Britain respect of the public it is derived and beneficially owned by:
and Northern issue of bonds,
Ireland debentures or similar a) the Government of the other
obligations Contracting State, a political
subdivision or local authority
thereof or an instrumentality of that
other State; or

b) a resident of the other Contracting

State in respect of a loan made,
guaranteed or insured by such
instrumentality of that other State
as is specified and agreed in
letters exchanged between the
competent authorities of the
Contracting States.
United States US 10% with respect to 15% interest derived by —
of America public issues of bonded
indebtedness a) One of the Contracting States, or
an instrumentality thereof
(including the Central Bank of the
Philippines, the Federal Reserve
Banks of the United States, the
Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 23
Export-Import Bank of the United
States, the Overseas Private
Investment Corporation of the
United States, and such other
institutions of either Contracting
State as the competent authorities
of both Contracting States may
determine by mutual agreement),

b) A resident of one of the

Contracting States with respect to
debt obligations guaranteed or
insured by that Contracting State
or an instrumentality thereof.

Shall be exempt from tax by the other

Contracting State.
Vietnam VN 15% if the recipient is Interest paid by a Contracting State to
the beneficial owner of the government of the other State or
the interest political subdivision or local authority
thereof shall be taxable only in that
other State.

Country Country Royalty Rates


Australia AU 15% where the royalties are paid by an 25% in all other cases
enterprise registered with the Philippine
Board of Investments and engaged in
preferred areas of activities
Austria AT 10% if the royalties are paid by a 15% if the recipient is the
company, which is a resident of the beneficial owner of the
Philippines registered with the Board of royalties
Investments and engaged in preferred
pioneer areas of investments under the
investment incentives laws of the
Philippines, to a resident of Austria,
who is the beneficial owner of the
Bahrain BH 10% in all other cases provided that the 15% if the beneficial owner of
recipient is the beneficial owner of the the royalties is a resident of
royalties the other Contracting State
and the royalties are arising
from the use of, or the right to
use, any copyright of literary,
artistic or scientific work
including cinematograph films
or tapes for television or
Bangladesh BD 15% if the beneficial owner of the
royalties is a resident of the other
Contracting State
Belgium BE 15% if the beneficial owner of the
royalties is a resident of the other
Contracting State
Brazil BR 15% shall only apply to royalties paid 25% in all other cases
by an enterprise registered with the provided that the recipient is
Philippine Board of Investment and the beneficial owner of the
engaged in preferred areas of activities royalties
Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 24
Canada CA 25% in the Philippines The lowest rate of Philippine
tax that may be imposed on
royalties of the same kind
paid in similar circumstances
to a resident of a third State
China CN 10% if the recipient is the beneficial 15% if the recipient is the
owner of the royalties and the royalties beneficial owner of the
are arising from the use of, or the right royalties and the royalties are
to use, any patent, trade mark, design arising from the use of, or the
or model, plan, secret formula or right to use, any copyright of
process, or from the use of, or the right literary, artistic or scientific
to use, industrial, commercial, or work including cinematograph
scientific equipment, or for information films or tapes for television or
concerning industrial, commercial or broadcasting
scientific experience
Czech CZ 10% if the beneficial owner of the 15% if the beneficial owner of
royalties is a resident of the other the royalties is a resident of
Contracting State and the royalties are the other Contracting State
arising from the use of, or the right to and the royalties are arising
use, any copyright of literary, artistic or from the use of, or the right to
scientific work, other than that use, any copyright of
mentioned in sub-paragraph (b), any cinematograph films, and
patent, trade mark, design or model, films or tapes for television or
plan, secret formula or process, or from radio broadcasting
the use of, or the right to use,
industrial, commercial or scientific
equipment, or for information
concerning industrial, commercial or
scientific experience
Denmark DK 15% if the recipient is the beneficial
owner of the royalties
Finland FI 15% where the royalties are paid by an 25% in all other cases
enterprise registered with and engaged
in preferred areas of activities, and also
royalties in respect of cinematographic
films or tapes for television or
broadcasting and royalties for the use
of, or the right to use, any copyright of
literary, artistic or scientific work
France FR 15% if the beneficial owner of the
royalties is a resident of the other
Contracting State
Germany DE 10% if the beneficial owner of the
royalties is a resident of the other
Contracting State
Hungary HU 15% if the recipient is the beneficial The lowest rate of Philippine
owner of the royalties tax that may, under similar
circumstances, be imposed
on royalties derived by a
resident of a third State
India IN 15% if the recipient is the beneficial
owner of the royalties and provided that
such royalties are payable by an
enterprise which is registered with the
Board of Investment
Indonesia ID 15% where the royalties are paid by an 25% in all other cases
enterprise registered with the Philippine
Board of Investments, and engaged in
preferred areas of activities as
determined by the said Board
Israel IL 15% if the recipient is the beneficial The lowest rate of Philippine

Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 25
owner of the royalties tax that may, under similar
circumstances, be imposed
on royalties derived by a
resident of a third State
Italy IT 15% if the recipient is the beneficial 25% in all other cases If the
owner of the royalties and where the Philippines
royalties are paid by an enterprise agrees to a
registered with the Philippine Board of lower rate of tax
Investments and engaged in preferred on royalties of
areas of activities and also royalties in the same kind
respect of cinematographic films or paid in similar
tapes for television or broadcasting circumstances
to a resident of
a third state,
then this lower
rate shall
likewise be
applied to
residents of Italy
Japan JP 10% in all other cases provided that the 15% if the recipient is the
recipient is the beneficial owner of the beneficial owner of the
royalties or if the royalties are paid by a royalties and the royalties are
company, which is a resident of the paid in respect of the use of
Philippines registered with the Board of or the right to use
Investments and engaged in preferred cinematograph films and films
pioneer areas of investments under the or tapes for radio or television
investment incentives laws of the broadcasting
Philippines, to a resident of Japan, who
is the beneficial owner of the royalties.
Korea KR 10% if the royalties are paid by a 15% if the recipient is the
company, which is a resident of the beneficial owner of the
Philippines registered with the Board of royalties
Investments and engaged in preferred
pioneer areas of investments under the
investment incentives laws of the
Philippines, to a resident of Korea, who
is the beneficial owner of the royalties
Kuwait KW 20% if the beneficial owner of the
royalties is a resident of the other
contracting state
Malaysia MY 15% if the recipient is the beneficial 25% in all other cases
owner of the royalties and where the
royalties are paid by a registered
enterprise as well as royalties for the
use of, or the right to use,
cinematograph films, or tapes for radio
or television broadcasting
Netherlands NL 10% if the recipient is the beneficial 15% in all other cases
owner of the royalties and where the
royalties are paid by an enterprise
registered, and engaged in preferred
areas of activities in that State
New Zealand NZ 15% if the recipient is the beneficial
owner of the royalties
Nigeria NG 20% if the recipient is the beneficial
owner of the royalties
Norway NO 25% when the royalties are taxable in 7.5% when the royalties are The lowest rate
the other Contracting State and for taxable in the other of the Philippine
amount paid for the use of, or the right Contracting State and paid for tax that may be
to use, motion picture films, films or the use of or the right to use imposed on
tapes for radio or television containers royalties of the
broadcasting same kind paid

Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 26
in similar
to a resident of
a third State
Pakistan PK 15% where the royalties are paid by an 25% in all other cases
enterprise registered with, and
engaged in preferred areas of activities
in that Contracting State
Poland PL 15%
Qatar QA 15% if the beneficial owner of the
royalties is a resident of the other
contracting state
Romania RO 10% where the royalties are paid by an 15% in respect of 25% in all other
enterprise registered with the Board of cinematographic films and cases
Investments and engaged in preferred tapes for television of
pioneer areas of activities broadcasting
Russia RU 15%
Singapore SG 15% if the recipient is the beneficial 25% in all other cases
owner of the royalties and where the
royalties are paid by an enterprise
registered with the Philippine Board of
Investments and engaged in preferred
areas of activities and also royalties in
respect of cinematographic films or
tapes for television or broadcasting
Spain ES 10% if the recipient is the beneficial 15% in all other cases 20% if the
owner of the royalties and where the provided that the recipient is recipient is the
royalties are paid by an enterprise the beneficial owner of the beneficial owner
registered with the Philippine Board of royalties of the royalties
Investments and engaged in preferred and in respect
areas of activities of
c films or tapes
for television or
Sweden SE 15% if the beneficial owner of the
royalties is a resident of the other
Contracting State
Switzerland CH 15%
Thailand TH 15% if the recipient is the beneficial 25% in all other cases
owner of the royalties and if the provided that the recipient is
royalties are paid: the beneficial owner of the
(i) by an enterprise registered with the
Philippine Board of Investments
and engaged in preferred areas of
activities; or

(ii) by an enterprise under the

promotion of the Board of
Investments of Thailand; or

(iii) in respect of cinematographic films

or tapes for television or
Turkey TR 10% if the beneficial owner of the 15% royalties are arising from
royalties is a resident of the other the use of, or the right to use,
Contracting State and the royalties are any copyright of literary,
arising royalties for the use of, or the artistic or scientific work, any
right to use, cinematographic films, or patent, trade mark, design or
films or tapes for television or radio model, plan, secret formula or

Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 27
broadcasting process, or from the use of, or
the right to use, industrial,
commercial or scientific
equipment, or for information
concerning industrial,
commercial or scientific
United Arab AE 10% if the beneficial owner of the
Emirates royalties is a resident of the other
Contracting State
United Kingdom GB 15% where the royalties are paid: 25% in all other cases
of Great Britain
and Northern (i) by an enterprise registered with the
Ireland Philippine Board of Investments
and engaged in preferred areas of
activity; or

(ii) in respect of cinematograph films

or tapes for television or radio
United States of US 15% where the royalties are paid by a 25% of the gross amount of The lowest rate
America corporation registered with the royalties of Philippine tax
Philippine Board of Investments and that may be
engaged in preferred areas of activities imposed on
royalties of the
same kind paid
under similar
to a resident of
a third State
Vietnam VN 15% if the recipient is the beneficial
owner of the royalties

Certificate of Residence
(for Tax Treaty Relief)

Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 28
Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 29
Certificate of Residence
(for Tax Treaty Relief)

Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 30
Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 31
1. 1.3 Connection between tax compliance and source withholding, Chapter IV,
United Nations Handbook on Selected Issues in Administration of Double Tax
Treaties for Developing Countries.
2. Ibid.
Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 32
3. OECD Commentary on Model Tax Convention on Income and Capital, par. 12.4
of Art. 10; par. 10.2 of Art. 11; and par. 4.3 of Art. 12.

Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 33

1 (Popup - Popup)
Annex A

2 (Popup - Popup)
1. 1.3 Connection between tax compliance and source withholding, Chapter IV,
United Nations Handbook on Selected Issues in Administration of Double Tax
Treaties for Developing Countries.

3 (Popup - Popup)
2. Ibid.

4 (Popup - Popup)
3. OECD Commentary on Model Tax Convention on Income and Capital, par. 12.4
of Art. 10; par. 10.2 of Art. 11; and par. 4.3 of Art. 12.

Copyright 2019 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia First Release 2019 34

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