Part I: Concept of Tax Administration
Part I: Concept of Tax Administration
Part I: Concept of Tax Administration
Department of Finance (DOF) – main responsible for the fiscal policies and general
management of the Philippine Government’s financial resources.
It has executive supervision and control over the following government agencies:
1. Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)
2. Bureau of Customs (BOC)
3. Land Transportation Office (LTO)
4. Duly and lawfully authorized collectors (ex. Authorized Agent Banks or AABs)
5. Local offices in charge to enforce local taxation
a. Provincial, City, Municipal and Barangay Treasurers
b. Provincial and City Assessors
c. Provincial and City Board of Assessment Appeals
d. Central Board of Assessment Appeals
2. Various offices that indirectly provide assistance in the collection of taxed, such as:
a. The Courts
b. Register of Deeds
c. The Secretary of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH)
d. Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA)
e. Board of Investments (BOI)
f. City Fiscals
g. Notary Public
3. The head of the appropriate government office and its subordinates, with respect to the
collection of energy tax
4. Banks duly accredited by the BIR Commissioner with respect to receipt of payments of
internal revenue taxes
5. Withholding agents
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~> The BIR is principally tasked with the enforcement of the National Internal Revenue Code
2. Deputy Commissioners - a total of FOUR who are tasked to head the following groups:
a. Operations Group
b. Legal and Inspection Group
c. Information Systems Group
d. Resource Management Group
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The following are the requirements for compliance by a taxpayer engaged in a business, as the
case may be, as laid down in the Tax Code or NIRC:
Important Points:
1. A person subject to ANY internal revenue tax shall register once with the appropriate
revenue office [could be the revenue office (a) where the taxpayer resides or (b) work or
(3) where the business of the taxpayer is located].
2. Any person (natural or juridical) who is required to file a tax return, statement or
document with the BIR shall be registered and assigned with a Taxpayer Identification
Number (TIN).
3. Only ONE (1) TIN shall be assigned to a taxpayer. Otherwise, having more than one TIN
will result to a criminal liability under the Tax Code.
a. Foreign Currency Deposit Unit (FCDU) of a local or foreign bank in the Philippines
b. Estate of a deceased person
Registration Period:
1. Within ten (10) days from the date of employment;
2. On or before the commencement of the business;
3. Before payment of any tax due; or
4. Upon filing of a return, statement or declaration as required under the Tax Code.
Annual Registration Fee = P 500.00
(for every separate or distinct establishment or place of business where sales transactions occur)
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BIR Forms:
1. BIR Form No. 1901 – for self-employed, mixed income individuals, estates and trusts
2. BIR Form No. 1902 – for individuals earning purely compensation income
3. BIR Form No. 1903 – for corporation and partnerships
4. BIR Form No. 1904 – for one-time taxpayer and persons registering under Executive
Order (E.O.) No. 98 (securing TIN to be able to transact with any government agencies)
5. BIR Form No. 1905 – for updating or cancellation of registration, cancellation of TIN and
new copy of certificate of registration
1. Authority to Print (ATP) (BIR Form No. 1906) shall be secured from the BIR.
2. The printed receipts or invoice should:
a. Be serially numbered;
b. Contain the name, business style, TIN and business address of the person or entity
who will use such receipts or invoices; and
c. Contain information that may be required by rules and regulations to be promulgated
by the Secretary of Finance, upon recommendation of the BIR Commissioner.
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(in the two cases above, the receipt or invoice should indicate the name, business (if any),
and address of the purchaser/customer/client)
5. The original receipt or invoice shall be issued to the customer and the seller shall keep the
duplicate in his place of business for ten years.
6. Both the seller and customer should keep his copy of receipts or invoices for a period of
ten years in his place of business from the close of the taxable year in which such
document was made.
1. The certificate of payment including the receipts supporting the payment of taxes made
(e.g. annual registration fee) shall be kept in plain view where the business is conducted.
2. In case of a peddler or other persons not having a fixed place of business, the same shall
be kept in the possession of the holder thereof, and shall be presented upon demand of
any internal revenue officer.
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Quarterly Annual
Compensation (Individual Taxpayer)
Filing Deadline on or before April 15 of the
Payment Deadline succeeding year
Corporate Taxpayers
Within 60 days from the close of the On or before the 15th day of April, or
Filing Deadline
taxable quarter, whether calendar or on or before the 15th day of the 4th
fiscal year month following the close of the fiscal
Payment Deadline
year, as the case may be
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b. Taxpayer – to avoid abuses in the payment of taxes (as provided by the ‘due process
of law’)
1. Dispute to a tax assessment
2. Compromise
3. Tax refund
4. Amendment of tax returns
Tax assessment is a formal letter made by the BIR demanding the taxpayer to settle
his tax liabilities within the specified period.
NOTE: Tax assessments are presumed to be correct and made in good faith.
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The following may authorize the examination of ANY taxpayer and the assessment of the
correct amount of taxes:
NOTE: Failure on the part of the taxpayer to file a return shall not prevent the
Commissioner from authorizing the examination of any taxpayer.
f. Final Assessment – an official assessment which was not disputed or appealed by the
taxpayer within the prescribed period, and has become final and executory
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a2. If the taxpayer intends to leave the country, close his business, hide his property
or perform any act which will intend to obstruct the proceeding in the collection of
the tax (Jeopardy Assessment)
This refers to the span of time allowed by law to the BIR to investigate a taxpayer’s
tax discrepancy to enforce collection of taxes.
NOTE: If the BIR has not assessed or collected within the assessment period, its right to
act has expired and therefore, the taxpayer is deemed to have paid the correct
amount of tax.
Willful Neglect within 10 years after the discovery of within 3 years from assessment
(filed return was false or the falsity, fraud or omission
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• Taxpayer
• sfiles the return
the tax tax return (self-assessment)
Issuance of Preliminary Assessment Notice (PAN) to the taxpayer
• s the tax return (self-assessment)
Taxpayer needs to respond within 15 days from the date of receipt of the PAN
• Taxpayer files the tax return (self-assessment)
If taxpayer responded
s the tax return (self-assessment)
If taxpayer failed to respond -->
considered in default
• Taxpayer files the tax return (self-assessment)
Agree Does not agree
A Formal Letter of Demand and
• s the tax return (self-assessment)
Final Assessment Notice
• Taxpayer files the tax
Payment and collection of FLD/FAN shall be issued within (FLD/FAN) shall be issued
return (self-assessment) • Taxpayer files the tax
deficiency taxes, plus penalties 15 days from filing/submission of
return (self-assessment)
• • T the• taxpayer’s
s the tax return (self- response
Payment and collection of
axpayassessment) r files the tax • s the tax return (self-
deficiency taxes, plus penalties
er return (self- assessment)
The taxpayer may protest* within
files assessment)
30 days from the date of receipt of
the FLD/FAN • Taxpayer files the tax
tax files the tax • s the tax
• return (self-assessment)
return (self-assessment)
return • return
Taxpayer (self-files the tax
return assessment) s thebytax
Failed to file a valid protest If protest is denied If protest is •not acted upon the return (self- duly
(self- (self-assessment) authorized representative
• s the tax return (self- • days fromTaxpayer
assessment) files the tax
assess a. within 180 the date of filing of protest
s the tax files
return return (self-assessment)
assessment) the(self-
(reconsideration); or
ment) Assessment becomes •• Either: Taxpayer tax b. from the date of submission of additional documents
final and demandable assessment)
a. Appeal
return to the CTA within 30 days
(self-assessment) within 60 days from the date of filing the protest
from the date of receipt of the •
(reinvestigation) s the tax return (self-
• s
• Taxpayer files • or Taxpay
decision; assessment)
the s the
• b. Elevate tax return
the protest (self-
the tax return (self- er files
request the tax to
for reconsideration
tax assessment)
the Commissioner within 30 days
assessment) return (self- Either:
return from the date of receipt of the a. Appeal to the CTA within 30 days after the
• Taxpaye assessment)
decision. • Taxpayer
expiration files the
of the 180-day taxorreturn (self-
• s the tax b. Await the Final Decision on a Disputed
r files the tax assessment)
return (self- • s the Assessment (FDDA) from the Commissioner’s
return (self- duly authorized representative on the
assessment) tax return (self- • s theassessment.
disputed tax return (self-assessment)
• assessment)
Taxpayer files the
• *Typess of theProtest:
tax tax return (self- • Taxpayer files the tax return
return (self-
a. Reconsideration assessment) (self-assessment)
refers to a plea of re-evaluation of an assessment on the basis of existing records
s the tax return s the tax ofreturn
fact or(self-
• • a question
without need of additional evidence. It may involve of law or
(self-assessment) assessment)
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~ For motion for reconsideration, the decision of the BIR will be based only on
documents already submitted to the BIR prior to the issuance of FAN and no new
evidence will be accepted.
b. Reinvestigation
refers to a plea of re-evaluation of an assessment on the basis of newly discovered
evidence that a taxpayer intends to present in the reinvestigation. It may also
involve a question of fact or of law or both.
~ For motion for reinvestigation, the taxpayer is required to submit all relevant and
additional supporting documents within 60 days from filing of protest.
>> In the above-cited cases, a FLD/FAN shall be issued outright. (RR No. 18-2013)
NOTE: The Notice of Informal Conference (NIC) was already removed in the tax assessment
process as per Revenue Regulations (RR) No. 18-2013, as clarified by Revenue Memorandum
Circular (RMC) No. 11-2014.
c. The tax assessment must state the facts, law, rules and regulations, or jurisprudence
in which the assessment is made, otherwise, it is considered null and void.
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1. Summary Proceedings or Administrative Remedies
a. Distraint of personal property
b. Levy on real property
c. Other administrative collection remedies
Important Notes:
a. Either of the summary or judicial or both may be pursued simultaneously in the discretion
of the authorities charged with the collection of such taxes.
b. The remedies of distraint and levy shall not be availed of where the amount of tax
involved is not more than P100.00.
c. The judgment in the criminal case shall not only impose the penalty but shall also order
payment of such taxes which are the subject of the criminal cases as finally decided by
the BIR Commissioner.
Personal property is physically taken Personal property is NOT physically taken
The taxpayer is already delinquent in payment of his There is no finding yet of a discrepancy, only that the
taxes taxpayer is leaving the country or disposing of his
property on fraud of creditors, or is in the process of
Personal property taken is sold in order to satisfy the Personal property is merely held as security to answer
delinquent taxes for any future tax delinquency
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~ The remedy by distraint of personal property maybe repeated if necessary until the full
amount due, including all expenses, is collected.
~ After the expiration of the time required to pay the delinquent tax or revenue, real
property may be levied upon BEFORE, SIMULTANEOUSLY or AFTER the distraint of
personal property belonging to the delinquent taxpayer.
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~ The owner shall not be deprived of the possession of the property sold and shall be
entitled to the rents and other income thereof until the expiration of the time allowed for
(same rule with distraint of personal property applies)
Important Notes:
a. The Tax Laws provides that injunctions are not available to restrain collection of
national internal revenue taxes, fee or charge imposed by the Tax Code.
b. The imposition of injunction is only applicable within the discretion of the Tax Court.
Important Notes:
a. Tax lien is directed to the property subject to tax regardless of the owner of the
property, irrespective of who is the possessor thereof.
b. It is enforced by:
b1. Seizure – proceeds are applied to satisfy the tax liability and the excess thereof will
be returned to the taxpayer.
b2. Forfeiture – no part of the proceeds will go to the taxpayer since the property was
confiscated in favor of the government.
c. Tax lien is not valid against any mortgage, purchases or judgment creditor until notice
of such lien shall be filed by the Commissioner in the Office of the Register of Deeds
of the province or city where the property of the taxpayer is located.
3. Enforcement of forfeiture
Important Notes:
a. If the sale of confiscated articles would be harmful to the public health, the
Commissioner may order that these be destroyed.
b. Enforcement:
b1. Chattel and removable fixtures – by seizure and sale or destruction
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c. Forfeited property shall not immediately be destroyed for at least 20 days after
seizure for evidence purposes.
4. Requiring the filing of bonds (mostly applicable to customs duties and excise taxes)
8. Deportation of aliens
Important Notes:
a. A compromise of the tax liability is possible at ANY stage of the litigation.
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Large Taxpayer Service, Collection Service, Enforcement Service and other offices in
the National Office
c. Civil tax cases being disputed before the courts
d. Collection cases filed before the courts
e. Criminal violations (see Important Notes under this section for the exceptions)
40% Taxpayer is suffering from surplus or earnings deficit resulting to impairment in the
original capacity by at least 50%
b. Inspection and examination shall be made only once in a taxable year, EXCEPT on the
following cases:
b1. Fraud, irregularity and mistakes as determined by the Commissioner
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c. Taxpayers are required to preserve their books of accounts within 10 years but only in
the form of hardcopies for the first five years thereof. Thereafter, the taxpayer may
retain only an electronic copy of the hardcopy of the books of accounts, subsidiaries
and other accounting records. (RR No. 5-2014)
e. A Letter of Authority (LOA) signed by either the BIR Commissioner, his deputy,
officials of the investigating division, Regional Director, Assistant Director or the
Revenue District Officer will be served to the taxpayer as a request to permit the
bearer thereof to conduct the necessary examination of the taxpayer’s books of
accounts and records.
a. Civil action
One that is brought to enforce, redress or protect private rights
In general, all types of legal proceedings other than criminal proceedings are civil
For tax purposes, this refers to actions instituted by the government to collect
national internal revenue taxes in the ordinary courts
b. Criminal action
A penal prosecution; it is an action, suit or cause instituted to punish an infraction
of the criminal laws.
Important Notes:
b1. The judgment in the criminal case shall not only impose the penalty but also order
payment of the taxes as decided by the CTA.
b2. As a rule, assessment is not necessary before filing criminal complaint to tax
b3. Tax fraud or evasion is a criminal case. However, the burden of proof for the
establishment of fraud lies with the BIR.
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1. Summary Proceedings or Administrative Remedies
a. Tax Avoidance or Tax Minimization (please see Part II Section D(4) of Handout No. 1)
d. Protesting an assessment
(please refer to the discussion in the previous sections)
Important Notes:
1. A filed return showing an overpayment shall be considered as a written claim for
the credit or refund.
2. A Tax Credit Certificate (TCC) validly issued under the provisions of the Tax Code
may be applied against any internal revenue tax, excluding withholding taxes, for
which the taxpayer is directly liable.
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Prescriptive Period:
b. Criminal action
c. Others
c1. Action for Damages against Revenue Officers
c2. Action to Contest Forfeiture of Chattel
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the failure of the taxpayer to pay the tax due on the date fixed by law or indicated in the
assessment notice or letter of demand
the amount still due and collectible from a taxpayer upon audit or investigation
a civil penalty imposed by law as addition to the main tax required to be paid
Willful neglect
the taxpayer knowingly delays the filing of the tax return
1. Interest
General Rule:
There shall be assessed and collected on any unpaid amount of tax, interest at the rate
of 20% per annum, or such higher rate as may be prescribed by rules and regulations,
from the date prescribed for payment until the amount is fully paid.
a. Interest on deficiency
Applied in case there is any deficiency in the tax due
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b. Interest on delinquency
Applied in case of failure to pay:
The amount of the tax due on any return required to be filed;
The amount of the tax for which no return is required; or
A deficiency tax, or any surcharge or interest thereon on the due date appearing
in the notice of demand of the Commissioner, there shall be assessed and
collected on the unpaid amount, interest at 20% per annum, or such higher rate as
may be prescribed by rules and regulations until the amount is fully paid.
2. Surcharge
50% 1. In case of willful neglect to file the return within the period prescribed by the Tax
Code; or
2. In case a false or fraudulent return is willfully made;* * * or
3. In case a person who is not VAT-registered issues an invoice or receipts showing
his TIN, followed by the word " VAT" .
* * * In case the taxpayer, without notice from the Commissioner or his duly authorized
representative,voluntarily files a return, only 25%surcharge shall be imposed for late filing and late
payment of the tax in lieu of the 50%surcharge.
3. Compromise Penalty
consensual in nature
(please refer to Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 7-2015)
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1. The 1997 National Internal Revenue Code
2. BIR website (
3. Various BIR Regulations
4. Income Taxation by Valencia and Roxas 6th edition
5. Review Notes from various Review Centers
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