2 .Importance of Religion in Human Life

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Life is an enigma which is seldom understood through philosophy and limited human
thinking. The questions sought after from time immemorial are answered by Religion.
Religion is the path delineated by Allah Almighty. It plays a significant role inhuman
life since it is key element in the development of spiritual and social well being of
humans. The writer of Islamic way of life, Syed Abul ʻAla Maudoodi says through
the belief in God the creator, man becomes able to understand a purpose in life. The
submission to the will of Allah and the fear of punishment on the day of judgment
enables him to live a meaningful life. Man lives for the welfare of other human beings
whether relatives or strangers. He resists the temptations of the devil and works for
social, political and economic progress of his community. Religion is therefore a
complete guide book which leads man from ignorance to enlightenment and salvation.

1. A Meaningful Existence
Religion provides a purpose for human existence. Purpose of creation even helps to
explain issues that are related to the Afterlife, such as what will become of us when we
die. In other words, the goal of creation is the goal of life.

There are several verses in the Quran that outline very clearly why God created the
universe and humankind The absence of a purpose leads to alienation, indulgence in
frivolous pursuits.. And I created not the Jinn and mankind except that they should
worship Me (51:56) Holy Quran

2. Remedy for An Ideological Vacuum:

Human beings cannot survive without an ideology governing their lives. Religion
remedies this problem by offering a true ideology and lays out a guideline of living in
the material world. The West on the other hand had lost its faith in Christianity and
religion as a whole a few centuries back. It lead to a state of meaninglessness and
despondency. Islam in contrast provides a permanent ideology which is relevant in the
present day.

3. Relation with the Creator:

Basic human instinct is to think about the creator. Religion provides answer to all such
questions. There is a direct relation between the Creator and the slave in Islam. Other
religions place the barriers of priests, monks, pandits, rabbis and spiritual guides
between God and man. Religion breaks down all these walls and the devout Muslim
bows to his Lord. Allah answers his supplications and listens to his woes and needs.
The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) always advised his followers to ask for help from Allah:
“If you ask, ask Allah, And if you Seek help, seek help from Allah”(The Prophet
P.B.U.H;Tirmidhi 2518)

4. Strength to Face the Adversities of Life:

When a human being knows that Allah is by his side, it gives him strength to face
adversities. On the other hand Atheists are alone in their failures, sorrow and despair.
They mostly turn into fatalists.According to Dr. Durant writes in History of
Civilization that behavior of a man who is not blessed with reliance on religion suffers
from special epicurean confusion, and his life becomes an unbearable burden.Allah
proclaims in the Holy Quran, “And when adversity touches you, no one comes to
your aid except Him”(Holy Quran; 17:67)

Thus Allah provides strength to the believers in their times of hardship and lead them
towards peace and serenity.

5. War against Discrimination:

Discrimination on the basis of race, color and creed has resulted in hatred, chaos and
anarchy in the world. Islam prohibits all kinds of discrimination and treats all human
beings with respect. It preaches equality among all human beings and inculcates
tolerance, trust and friendship in the hearts of men. As the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)
exclaimed:“Oh people, your God is one ……An Arab is not better than a non-Arab
and a non-Arab is not better than an Arab, and a white is not better than a black
person, and a black person is not better than a white except in piety.”

6. Shield against Evil:

The human psyche is easily lured towards evil if not checked through the restrictions
enforced by God. The fear of Allah stops man in his tracks when he is about to commit
a sin. Acc to Encyclopedia of Islamic Doctrine says the West is plagued by various
social and moral evils because the majority does not believe in any religion. Allah
warns humans against the evil inclinations of Satan as follows:“Do not follow the
footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy”Holy Quran; 2:208) Following
the teachings of Islam not only saves from moral decline but also reduces criminal
7. Justice and Rule Of Law:
Muḥammad K̲ālid Masud has declared the justice system of Islam as ideal one as he
has presented various examples of Islamic history in his book Dispensing Justice in
Islam . slam maintains the rule of law by enforcing a system of rights and duties. The
punishment for crimes such as theft, murder, corruption, adultery, extortion and
exploitation instill a sense of fear in the culprits. Also the punishment is not limited to
this world but the hereafter as well.

8. Blessings of lawful earning and livelihood:

From the time of revelation of Islam, it has emphasized the importance of earning
Halaal (honest) livelihood. The practices of bribes,interest, exploitation and corruption
lead to accumulation of wealth in a particular section of society. Poverty increases and
proves to be a burden on the state. Islam vehemently prohibits such practices. Allah
promises blessings on those who earn an honest livelihood a prophetic tradition says:

“Whoever lives on Halal earnings ………… God shall enlighten his heart.”

9. Zakat and Charity Reduce the Lust for Wealth:

Islam prohibits the hording of wealth. It has therefore devised the system of Zakat and
charity to distribute it among the less privileged. Zakat purifies wealth according to the
Holy Quran. Moreover Allah promises to multiply the money given in charity. It
encourages people to live for Allah’s benevolence and the benefit of others rather than
living a selfish meaningless life.“Lo! Those who believe and do good deeds and
establish salat and pay zakat, their reward is with their Sustainer; and no fear shall
come upon them, nor shall they grieve.” (Holy Quran 2:277)

10. Peace of Mind and Islam:

Uncertainty is a source of anxiety and restlessness. The people who spend their lives
mired in uncertainties never achieve peace of mind. Islam on the other hand satisfies
the queries of the mind and offers serenity. The certainty that Allah shall shower
blessings on the pious and mercy on the repentant relieves them of the weight of sin.
Thus humans reach moral perfection and achieve peace of mind by following the true
teachings of Islam.“…...Allah guides all those who seek his good pleasure to ways of
peace, and He brings them out of darkness by His will into light,and guides them to
the straight path.”(Holy Quran; Al-Maida:16)
11.Source of Knowledge and Wisdom:
The Holy Quran is a manuscript which includes the directions of meaningful living and
vast stores of knowledge. Islam urges man to contemplate upon the universe and
unlock its hidden secrets. The first revelation of Islam orders Muslims to read.

Read in the name of thy Lord who taught by the pen: [He] taught the human being
what he did not know.” The wisdom obtained from the Holy Quran is immense and
infinite and shall continue to amaze till the end of time.

12.Social Cohesion and welfare

An important aspect of religion is prayer and different classes of people belonging to
different castes of society assemble I religious institutions for performing prayer and
worship. By these activities there forms common feelings which thereby further
generate a common sentiments and fellowship amongst the worshipers of a particular
religion. Sometimes it is found that the members of a particular religion unite together,
and for the greater interest of the society they perform different humanitarian activities.

13.Modern Medicine and Methods of Treatment in Islam:

The treatments of method in Islam have been preserved and revamped from medieval
times to post-colonial era to the present day. Yasir Bilgin has mentioned in his book
Health Care, Illness, and Treatment in Islam “We should keep in mind the fact that
Islam primarily aims to minimize the disease by preventative medicine, hygiene,
healthy eating, and an active social and spiritual life”. Nowadays Salah therapy and
Surah Rehman therapy are being incorporated in psychological treatment of mental
patients. Fasting helps solve the problems of the stomach and improves overall health.

14.Fasting ( A Realization of Starvation and Famine in the World):

Islam has appointed fasting as an obligation on its followers. The people whose health
allows them to fast come under this criteria. When a person fasts he experiences the
hunger and anguish of the poor. It creates empathy towards the poor and malnourished.
Thus fasting helps Muslims in become caring and sensitive to the under-privileged and
better humanitarians.
14. Legitimate means of Physical and Emotional satisfaction:
Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi has discussed in his book Family Life of Islam: that
Islam legitimizes the physical relationship of man and woman through the sunnah of
Nikah. It also limits adultery by giving men the choice of four marriages. In some
secular socities where state provides freedpm beyond restriction many illegal and
unnatural ways are adopted and practiced for physical and emotional satisfaction. Such
societies have completely forsaken religion and live according to their lustful wishes. It
has lead to LGBT, Lesbianism, adultery, prostitution and fornication. Islam strictly
forbids all these actions to ensure a healthier society.

15. The belief in Hereafter Delimits Material Lust:

The concept of life after death leads to sense of ownership. Muslims are aware that
they will have to stand before God on the Day of Judgment. They would be
interrogated as to how and when they spent their wealth. This sense of responsibility
leads them to spend wisely, give zakat, offer charity. The model of the simple life of
the Holy Prophet also serves as a perfect example in this context.“Oh you, who have
believed, let not your wealth and your children divert you from the remembrance of
Allah. And whoever does that _ those are the losers.”(Holy Quran;63:9)

16. A glimpse of Secular Societies:

Secularism excludes religion from the social, political and economic structure it results
number of social, moral and economic ills in the name of freedom and individual
liberty. In such societies drugs addictions, rapes, adultery, crimes, exploitation,
psychological disorders and various other diseases are commonly found. Michael
Gilsenan writes in book Religion and Society Islam as Religion combines it into a
single whole. It offers a complete code of life which governs the social, political and
economic setup of the community as well as the individual.

17. Western and Industrial Societies Return to Religion:

Rapid Industrialization and Atheism in the West has led to a loss of virtues and
crumbling down of the family setup. The freedom of speech has turned into hate
speech and free will has turned into indulgence in epicurean lust and joy. Recognizing
Other consequences of industrialization has led to alienation, depression and high rates
of divorce and suicide. The radicalization and extremism which have permeated into
Western society has pushed it to find solace in religion. Example of Modern Turkey
can be quoted where present day trends is religion regaining popularity in Turkish

18. Islam as a source of Happiness in the 21st Century:

Islam is a religion of peace and harmony. It provides happiness to the people in all
walks of life. The spirit of forgiveness, mutual respect and benevolence on the poor
leads to satisfaction of the soul. Wahiduddīn K̲h̲an̲ writes in Islam and Peace that
congregation of Muslim community on the occasions of Eid, Umrah and Hajj promotes
cultural harmony. Also the acts of visiting the sick, helping neighbors and building
stronger ties between relatives remedies the 21st century problems of depression,
alienation and isolation.

19. Remembrance of Allah:

The remembrance of Allah is the sole purpose of human existence. Constant Zikr
(remembrance) strengthens the bond between the Creator and the creation. In the
submission to the will of Allah man finds serenity, happiness and a remedy for his
woes. Allah (SWT) promises that He never leaves his slave in the lurch. He is the all
seeing and all knowing. He tests and rewards a person according to his ability in this
world and the hereafter.“If my servant remembers me within himself,I shall
remember him within myself. And if my servant remembers me in a gathering I
remember him in a gathering that is better than his.”(Hadith Qudsi)

20. Religion as the Ultimate Salvation:

Islam is the complete code of life which urges us to love our parents, relatives and
spouses. It teaches us to be good to our neighbors, help the poor and the needy. In
addition to all these virtues it offers the ultimate reward i.e., salvation in the afterlife.
Allah has reprimanded, advised and emphasized the human race to save themselves
from hell fire. He loves all human beings and has therefore sent the Holy
Prophet(P.B.U.H) and the Holy Quran to guide us towards salvation.

In summation, Islam is the path of righteousness which leads to salvation of human
beings. One who follows Islam lives a moderate, blissful and happy life. He is
protected from the evils of the world and his soul becomes enlightened. On a larger
scale religion collates the social,political and economic system into a single whole
leading to the formation a prosperous welfare state.

Yusuf al-Qaradawi in his book,The Impact of Iman in the Life of an Individual

claims the final word:

“It is a shining light that penetrates one’s thoughts, feelings and will, thus turning a
person from a creature of no value into a creature with a mission and a goal from
an animal, into an angelic person.”


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