Department of Mechanical Engineering The University of Texas at San Antonio (Utsa)
Department of Mechanical Engineering The University of Texas at San Antonio (Utsa)
Department of Mechanical Engineering The University of Texas at San Antonio (Utsa)
The Master of Science program in Advanced Manufacturing and Enterprise Engineering (M.S. in AMEE) is
designed to offer an opportunity to individuals for continued study toward positions of leadership in industry and
academia and for continuing technical education in a more specialized area. The graduates of this program will have the
fundamental knowledge and understanding of the operational complexity of enterprises, manufacturing and business
process improvement/optimization, and integrated product/process/system design. In addition, they will have the
cognitive skills to critically evaluate the potential benefits of alternative manufacturing strategies; to use
virtual/simulated platforms to facilitate and improve business processes; and to analyze enterprise systems as
systems of interacting units, components, and sub-systems. The program offers a thesis option and a nonthesis
As lean thinking, enterprise process reengineering, and digital manufacturing are becoming more prevalent in the
work place, engineering students need to be prepared to design and analyze the enterprise as a holistic system of
technology, decision-making processes, and cultural components. Advanced Manufacturing, as the core component
of enterprise systems, encompasses effective and efficient integration and synthesis of automation technologies,
human resources, and decision-making models that facilitate design, planning, scheduling, and control of production
of goods and provision of services. Enterprise Engineering is defined as the body of knowledge, principles, and
practices having to do with the analysis, design, implementation and operation of an enterprise.
The MS in AMEE is truly an interdisciplinary program founded on the strong collaboration of the Departments of
Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Information Systems and Technology Management,
Management Science and Statistics, and Computer Science and the Center for Advanced Manufacturing and Lean
Systems (CAMLS). Graduate students are exposed to research problems through interaction with the industry
members of CAMLS and its state-of-the-art laboratory facilities.
Program Admission Requirements. Applicants must meet University-wide graduate admission requirements as
outlined in Chapter 1, Admission, of this catalog. Applicants must also comply with general University regulations
as outlined in Chapter 2, General Academic Regulations, and Chapter 4, Master’s Degree Regulations, of this
catalog. Due to the multidisciplinary nature of the program, the Graduate Advisor of Record (GAR), in consultation
with the Mechanical Engineering Graduate Program Committee and the Department Chair, will evaluate each
student’s transcript and determine any course deficiencies on a case-by-case basis. Students admitted with course
deficiencies will be required to take additional courses within their Program of Study to make up the deficiencies.
Courses taken to make up deficiencies may not count toward the graduate degree. Applicants who have insufficient
preparation for the program, or who lack certain supporting documentation, may be admitted on a conditional basis.
Degree Requirements. The minimum number of semester credit hours required for the degree is 30 for the thesis
option and 33 for the nonthesis option. Courses offered for the graduate programs of these collaborating departments
complement the MS in AMEE program in the form of elective courses. Through core and a variety of elective courses,
students can customize their program of study according to their specific needs, professional development related goals,
and career objectives in consultation with the Graduate Advisor of Record (GAR), as well as their thesis advisor and
thesis committee.
For more information, contact Dr. Can Saygin at [email protected] • 210-458-7614 or visit
A. 3 semester credit hours of a Required Math Course selected from the following:
B. 9 semester credit hours of Required Topical Courses selected from the following:
C. Degree candidates must complete the following course requirements for one of the degree options:
Prescribed Electives
Degree Plans. There recommended degree plans (thesis option, non-thesis option standard, and non-thesis option
extended for working engineers) are shown below.
For more information, contact Dr. Can Saygin at [email protected] • 210-458-7614 or visit
Students in the nonthesis option are advised by the GAR throughout their program. Students in the thesis option, upon
completion of the first 9 semester credit hours of their program, must select a Thesis Advisor from the program
contributing faculty members and obtain the faculty member’s consent to serve in this capacity. After this point, the
student’s Thesis Advisor assumes the role of the student’s advisor.
Upon completion of 18 credit hours (typically the end of the second semester), students in the thesis option are expected
to form a Thesis Committee in consultation with their Thesis Advisor. In addition to the Thesis Advisor, the Thesis
Committee must include two additional faculty members who are also members of the UTSA Graduate Faculty. Thesis
option students are expected to defend their research work during their last semester (i.e., completion of 30 semester
credit hours).
For more information, contact Dr. Can Saygin at [email protected] • 210-458-7614 or visit
For more information, contact Dr. Can Saygin at [email protected] • 210-458-7614 or visit