Reuso Onuaguluchi2016
Reuso Onuaguluchi2016
Reuso Onuaguluchi2016
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Copper mining and processing activities at an abandoned mine in the Lefke-Xeros area of Cyprus have
Received 25 September 2014 created a huge environmental contamination problem in the locality. As an alternative mitigation and
Received in revised form management measure, we reported in previous studies that these tailings could be used as a concrete
28 January 2015
making material. In this paper, results of an experimental investigation of the reinforcement corrosion
Accepted 10 September 2015
Available online xxx
performance and cost efficiency of 0.57 and 0.50 w/b ratio concrete containing copper tailings either as a
cement replacement or an additive material are presented. The time to initiation of corrosion and half-
cell potential (HCP) of reinforcements were measured. Actual corrosion status of extracted reinforcement
bars was also verified by visual inspection. Results showed that while early corrosion initiation occurred
Copper tailings in some samples containing tailings as a cement replacement material, delayed corrosion initiation was
Recycling observed in all samples containing copper tailings as an additive. Although HCP values became slightly
Corrosion more electronegative as tailings content of samples increased, no substantial reinforcement corrosion
Cost efficiency was observed. Based on corrosion performance and cost efficiency analyses, utilization of 5% pre-wetted
Socioeconomic benefits tailings either as a cement replacement or an additive material is the best tailings reuse approach.
Increased tourism-related businesses associated with reduced pollution of the Lefke-Xeros coastal area
would have a positive impact on the socioeconomic status of the community.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction tailings exist in China. Therefore, given that the high demand for
copper is expected to continue in the coming years as high-tech and
Copper is a highly conductive, durable and multifunctional innovative copper-based products are increasingly manufactured, it
metal, which has been a very useful material since ancient times. is anticipated that in the major copper producing countries of the
Presently, applications of copper and copper alloy products have world, billions of tons of copper tailings would be produced in the
grown in building construction, industrial machinery, trans- coming years.
portation, general consumer products, telecommunication, elec- The exposure of sulfide bearing copper tailings to air, rainwater
trical and electronic products. The International Copper Study and bacteria ensure the continuous generation of acids through
Group (2013) estimated that between 1900 and 2012, annual use oxidation reactions. Hence, seepages and surface water runoff
of refined copper increased from less than 0.5 Mt to over 21 Mt. through tailings storage facilities (TSF) has caused severe soil
Consequently, to satisfy the growing demand for copper, lower contamination, surface and ground water pollution across the
grade ores with high waste volume output are being processed. It is world. Several studies have reported the severe impacts of copper
estimated that for every 1 ton of copper extracted, about 128 tons of tailings and acid mine drainage (AMD) on the environment. High
solid tailings are produced (Gordon, 2002). According to Boger metal and acid concentrations in water obtained close to aban-
(2009), about 230,000 t of dry copper tailings are produced daily doned copper mines and mine wastes in Southern Tuscany, Italy
at the Escondida Copper Mine in Chile. Huang et al. (2012) also was observed by Benvenuti et al. (1997). In a related study, Salonen
reported that presently, more than 2.4,000,000,000 t of copper et al. (2006) observed that 50 years after the closure of the Orij
Mine, Southwest Finland, the contamination of the nearby Lake
Orijarvi through AMD was still ongoing. Similarly, studies by Brooks
* Corresponding author. et al. (2005) have reported complete eradication of macro/meso
E-mail address: [email protected] (O. Onuaguluchi). fauna and flora in lakes and ponds adjacent to the Karabash Copper
0959-6526/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Smelter, Southern Ural Mountains of Russia. The discharge of tons To further engender the interest of the construction industry on
of untreated tailings from the El Salvador mine, into the sea, made the proposed reuse of tailings as a concrete making material,
the Chan ~ aral coastline in north of Santiago, Chile to be significantly additional information on the effect of these tailings on reinforce-
copper contaminated (Andrade et al., 2006). In Zambia, high con- ment corrosion needs to be addressed. Hence, in this paper, the
centrations of zinc and nickel in water and sediment soils in effects of copper tailings obtained from an abandoned copper mine
streams located near the Chambishi Copper Mine were reported by and processing site in Lefke-Xeros area of Cyprus on the rein-
Ntengwe and Maseka (2006). Tailings and AMD induced toxic metal forcement corrosion initiation time and deterioration in copper
contamination of soil within the vicinity of the Dabaoshan Mine, tailings blended concrete mixtures were investigated. The cost ef-
Southern China, was also observed by Zhou et al. (2007). It is clear ficiency of using copper tailings either as a cement replacement
from these aforementioned studies that environmental degrada- material or as a cement additive in concrete was also analyzed.
tion associated with copper tailings disposal is a global problem. Moreover, discussion on the environmental and socioeconomic
More fatal is TSF breach which has led to significant loss of lives benefits the reuse of these tailings would bring to the Lefke-Xeros
and severe environmental degradation in some countries. Failures community was also presented.
of El Cobre Dam, Chile (1965), Pinto Valley Dam, Arizona, USA
(1997), Aitik Dam, Sweden (2000), Cerro Negro dam, Chile (2003) 2. Description of the study area
and Nchanga, Chingola Dam, Zambia (2006) are examples of cata-
strophic copper tailings dam incidents (Diehl, 2014). Blight and Fig. 1 shows the location of the study area, in the Northwest of
Fourie (2005) reported that 89 persons were killed when the Cyprus. The area encompasses two villages, Lefke (Lefka) and Xeros
Mufulira copper tailings dam, Zambia, collapsed on 25th which are 3.8 km apart. The study area is abutted by the Mediter-
September, 1970. Although, advances in technology have brought ranean Sea on the north, the United Nations buffer zone on the
about improved TSF design, the uncertainty about facility perfor- south, and the seasonal Xeros and Lefke Rivers on the west and east,
mance over time and cost implication of continuous monitoring are respectively. An abandoned ore processing plant, tailings storage
sources of concern. facilities, a pit mine and an earth dam reservoir are also located in
Efforts to remediate environmental devastation associated with the study area. According to Cohen (2002), the land area suspected
mining activities usually involve huge financial outlay. Cherry to have been contaminated by mining and processing activities
(2008) submitted that in the early 1990s, the Kennecott Utah covers about 2000 ha, of which 156.6 ha of land was appropriated
Copper company spent more than $350 million on tailings removal by the abandoned copper processing facility and 84.1 ha by tailings
and land remediation efforts at the hundred-year-old open-pit deposits. Fig. 2 shows copper and pyrite tailings ponds located
copper mine in Salt Lake City. Similarly, Dold (2008) was of the adjacent to the processing plant, northeast of the study area.
opinion that mine waste remediation costs in the United States and Between 1914 and 1974, Cyprus Mining Corporation (CMC)
Canada are estimated to be between 1 and 2 billion United States operated three mines; Skouriotissa, Mavrovouni and Apliki mines
dollars per year. Therefore, to minimize environmental contami- near the Lefke-Xeros area of the Island. Sulfide ores from these
nation and the associated remediation costs brought about by mine mines were transported to the treatment plant situated near the
tailings and industrial by-products disposal, it is imperative that coast of Xeros for mineral processing. The main mineral produced
increased reuse, recycling and reprocessing of these materials as an was copper while gold was the secondary product. Decades of
alternative management approach should be explored (Edraki mineral exploration and processing produced huge deposits of
et al., 2014; Liu et al., 2014). toxic waste materials disposed in ponds across the area. Yukselen
Some studies have investigated the reuse of electrolytic man- (2002) suggested that waste deposits at the abandoned process-
ganese residue, aluminum production by-products, tungsten and ing site contain about 2.5 Mt of copper tailings. These uncovered
copper tailings in the manufacture of value-added products. Zhou and un-stabilized waste material ponds have not only appropriated
et al. (2014) reported that the properties of autoclaved non-fired a large surface area of land, it has also distorted the landscape. The
bricks containing electrolytic manganese residue satisfied the re- prolonged weathering of these tailings and the associated acid
quirements of the relevant Chinese government regulatory stan- generation has caused severe soil contamination, surface and
dard. Studies by Pern a and Hanzlíce ^k (2014) showed that using the ground water pollution in the area. Surface runoff from the study
geopolymerization technique, aluminum production wastes could area and the contamination of the Mediterranean Sea during wet
be utilized in the manufacture of foamed thermal insulation walls seasons are highlighted in Figs. 3 and 4, respectively.
for buildings. Castro-Gomes et al. (2012) were of the opinion that
uncontaminated tungsten tailings could be used as a polymer- 3. Materials and methods
based construction material for sculptural and architectural appli-
cations. Fang et al. (2011) reported that up to 50% sand content of 3.1. Materials
autoclaved sandelime brick could be replaced with low SiO2 copper
tailings. Using pressure forming and geopolymerization technique, The binders used in preparing concrete mixtures were Portland
Ahmari and Zhang (2012) were able to produce copper tailings slag cement CEM III/A (Class 32.5N) and copper tailings obtained at
bricks that conform to the American Society for Testing and Ma- various locations from deposits at an abandoned processing facility
terials (ASTM) specifications. Compared to plain reference mixture, at Lefke, Cyprus. The tailing samples were air dried and sieved with
Onuaguluchi and Eren (2012a) reported that comparable mechan- a 600 mm sieve before usage. For the pre-wetted condition, a
ical strength, higher acid and chloride penetration resistance were quantity of water corresponding to the absorption capacity of
observed in copper tailings blended concrete. Thomas et al. (2013) tailings determined in accordance with ASTM C128 (2007) was
have also observed that copper tailings could be used as a fine used to saturate the tailings. Thereafter, pre-wetted tailings were
aggregate replacement material in concrete. Toxicity tests on cop- placed in a sealed jar to equilibrate for 24 h. The fine and coarse
per tailings blended concrete specimens subjected to mild and aggregates were sourced from locally crushed limestone rock. Fig. 5
aggressive leachants by Onuaguluchi and Eren (2012b) showed that shows the particle size distribution of fine aggregate, coarse
the release of toxic metals such as Pb, Cr and Cd from these spec- aggregate and copper tailings. While the fine aggregate gradation
imens were below the United States Environmental Protection was determined according to ASTM C128 (2007) guidelines, ASTM
Agency (US EPA) regulatory limits. C127 (2007) was used in determining the gradation of the coarse
aggregate. For the copper tailings, ASTM C128 (2007) and ASTM exposure to weathering might have contributed to the reduced
D422 (2007) guidelines were used for the particle size analysis. fineness and increased porosity of these tailings. Chemical
properties shown in Table 1 indicate that these tailings have very
3.2. Physical and chemical properties of copper tailings high concentrations of Fe2O3, and heavy metals such as Cd, Cr,
Cu, and Pb. The high Cu content in the tailings is probably as a
Some physical and chemical properties of cement and copper result of unsophisticated copper extraction technology used in
tailings are shown in Table 1. While the specific gravity of the the ore processing.
tailings determined in accordance with ASTM C188 (2009)
specifications was 4.29, the specific surface area obtained using 3.3. Mixture proportions
ASTM C204 (2007) guidelines and Blaine's air permeability
apparatus was 537.0 cm2/g. The ASTM C128 (2007) water ab- Using 0.57 and 0.50 water-to-binder (w/b) ratios, concrete
sorption of the tailings was 13.8%. It is suspected that prolonged mixtures incorporating copper tailings at cement replacement
levels of 0%, 5%, 10% and 15% were prepared. These mixtures were 3.4. Accelerated corrosion test
identified as C0 for reference and C5eC15. Another set of mixtures
containing copper tailings as an additive at 5% and 10% addition Reinforced concrete corrosion resistance was measured at the
level were also prepared, and denoted as C5A and C10A, respec- end of 90 days curing using an accelerated corrosion procedure. For
tively. Moreover, at 5% cement replacement or copper tailings each mixture, two 100 200 mm cylindrical concrete specimens
addition level, C5-PW and C5A-PW denote mixtures prepared with containing a centrally embedded 14 mm diameter and 250 mm
pre-wetted tailings. For each mixture, two 100 mm 200 mm long steel reinforcing bar were used. The steel bars were embedded
cylinders were cast for the accelerated corrosion test and half-cell in such a way that a reinforcement cover of 5 cm at the bottom of
potential measurements. On completion of concrete casting oper- each specimen was ensured. Prior to embedment and casting, re-
ations, specimens were kept in the curing room for 24 h before they inforcements were pickled with a 5% hydrochloric acid (HCl) so-
were then de-moulded and left in the room at a temperature of lution. During the test, specimens were immersed in a glass box
23.0 ± 2.0 C and humidity of 85 ± 5% until the 90th day for testing. containing 5% sodium chloride (NaCl) solution. Reinforcement bars
The mixture proportions and their 90th day compressive strength acted as the anode while a copper plate electrode was used as the
are summarized in Table 2. cathode. Thereafter, each test setup was connected to a constant
Percentage passing
0.001 0.1 10
Fig. 3. Polluted surface runoff from the study area. Fig. 5. Particle size distribution of copper tailings and aggregates.
36 V DC power supply. Specimens were monitored daily and the was determined using Equation (1) (Agarwal and Gulati, 2006). The
currents transmitted through the system were recorded every cost estimates of cement, fine and coarse aggregate at the time of
1 min using a data logger for 7 days. study were based on the local prices of construction materials in
North Cyprus and are in United States dollars. The following prices
were used: $0.11 per kg of cement, $14.50 per m3 of fine aggregate
3.5. Half-cell potential (HCP) measurements
and $13.43 per m3 of coarse aggregate.
ASTM C876 (2009) specified test for the determination of the Fc
probability of corrosion occurrence in reinforcements was con- CEF ¼ 100 (1)
ducted immediately after accelerated corrosion tests. However, due
to the unavailability of the Cu/CuSO4 (CSE) electrode specified in Where CEF is cost efficiency factor, FC is the average compressive
ASTM C876 (2009), a digital Ag/AgCl electrode which converts strength of mixtures at 90 days while C is the material cost per m3
readings to equivalent CSE potentials was used. For each specimen, of concrete.
readings were taken at four surface locations. HCP measurements
were repeated 4 weeks after sample air drying. 4. Results and discussion
To ascertain the actual physical corrosion state of Fig. 6 shows a typical current vs. time plot of the accelerated
reinforcements, samples were split after the half-cell potential corrosion test data, and from these plots, the corrosion initiation
measurements, and the presence of corrosion products and times of samples were determined according to the approach
deteriorations on the surface of extracted reinforcements were previously reported by Pal et al. (2002). During accelerated corro-
evaluated. sion test of concrete by impressed voltage, three distinct stages can
be observed in Fig. 6. In stage 1, the current transmitted gradually
3.7. Cost efficiency increased as sample resistivity decreased and more chloride
The cost efficiency factor (CEF) was calculated to show the ratio
Table 1
of compressive strength to material cost per m3 of each mixture. It Chemical and physical properties of cement and copper tailings.
Table 2
Mixture proportions.
Mixture type Mixture name Tailings (% by mass) W/B ratio Quantities (kg)
Cement replacement
C0 0 0.50 225 450 0 818 887
C5 5 0.50 225 428 22 818 887
C5-PW 5 0.50 225 428 22 818 887
C10 10 0.50 225 405 45 818 887
C15 15 0.50 225 383 67 818 887
solution permeates. At chloride concentration higher than the replacement material, Fig. 7a shows that the corrosion initiation
threshold value, reinforcement depassivation whereby the thin time for the 0.57 w/b ratio mixtures were 975 min for C0, 673 min
passive protective layer on reinforcement surface is gradually for C5, 935 min for C5-PW, 900 min for C10 and 985 min for C15. For
removed by chloride ions will occur. Before the stage 2, maximum the 0.50 w/b ratio mixtures, Fig. 7b shows that the corrosion
current induced by high chloride concentration leads to the for- initiation time were 1065 min for C0, 895 min for C5, 1195 min for
mation of corrosion products which temporarily insulates the C5-PW, 1130 min for C10 and 1400 min for C15. Given the decreased
embedded reinforcement and increase its resistivity. Hence, chloride penetration depth of samples as tailings content of mix-
decreasing current is usually associated with this stage of the test. tures became higher (Table 4) reported by Onuaguluchi and Eren
At the 3rd stage, built-up corrosion products exert stresses on (2012a), it was anticipated that all the copper tailings blended
surrounding concrete, and sample cracking is expected to occur mixtures would have delayed corrosion initiation time in compar-
once these stresses exceed the tensile strength of concrete. The ison to the reference specimens. However, with the exception of the
cracking of concrete is generally accompanied with a sharp increase C15 samples, it appears that chloride binding induced by tailings
in current since chloride ions will readily penetrate through cracks were not sufficient to offset the influence of increased sample
on sample. Therefore, the time to corrosion initiation is the period conductivity on corrosion initiation time of the 0.57 w/b tailings
from start of test to the time when current decrease commenced. blended mixtures. Compared to the C5 samples from both 0.57 and
Microstructure, chloride content, reinforcement cover and pore 0.50 w/b ratio concrete batches, the better performance of the
conductivity are some of the factors which can influence rein- samples containing 5% pre-wetted tailings (C5-PW) is as a result of
forcement corrosion in concrete. At the end of the accelerated internal curing induced enhanced hydration and microstructure.
corrosion test, cracks were not observed on all samples. This Similarly, higher improvement in microstructure as the w/b ratio of
occurrence is partly attributed to the slag cement and the 43 mm mixtures reduced is partly responsible for the increased delay in
circumferential cover to reinforcement used in the study. The dense corrosion initiation time observed in the 0.50 w/b samples.
microstructure engendered by slag cement and thick cover to Conversely, Fig. 8a and b show that compared to the reference
reinforcement enhanced the resistance of samples to deterioration. samples, all the specimens containing copper tailings as an additive
For the mixtures containing copper tailings as a cement had delayed corrosion initiation. From Fig. 8a, the delays in corro-
sion initiation time for the 0.57 w/b ratio mixtures were 40 min for
C5A, 58 min for C5A-PW and 215 min for C10A. For the 0.50 w/b
ratio mixtures, Fig. 8b equally shows that the delays in corrosion
initiation time were 335 min for C5A, 415 min for C5A-PW and
560 min for C10A. Compared to the mixtures containing copper
tailings as a cement replacement material, these results imply that
the use of copper tailings as an additive in mixtures has a more
significant beneficial impact on concrete durability. While chloride
binding contributed to the enhanced performance of the additive
mixtures, the filler effect of these tailings on matrix porosity which
ultimately led to improved microstructure of samples played a
significant role.
a C15
HCP values determined after 1 month of air drying of samples
confirmed the aforementioned submissions on the effect of mois-
Cement replacement level (%)
ture on HCP readings. The second HCP values for 0.57 w/b ratio
concrete containing copper tailings as a cement replacement ma-
terial varied from 251 to 296 mV. Similarly, the values for the
0.50 w/b ratio concrete were between 211 and 262 mV. The HCP
C5-PW values for the mixtures containing tailings as an additive were
261 to 265 mV for the 0.57 w/b ratio concrete, and 248 to
252 mV for the 0.50 w/b ratio concrete. In both set of measure-
ments, HCP values became slightly more electronegative as tailings
content of samples increased. Although, the only inference which
C0 could be drawn from these second set of HCP values, according to
the ASTM C876 (2009) guidelines shown in Table 3, is that the
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 corrosion states of all these samples are uncertain, the performance
of the samples containing tailings as an additive was slightly better
Time (mins)
than those of the cement replacement samples.
C15 4.3. Visual inspection
Cement replacement level (%)
Fig. 7. (a). Corrosion initiation time in 0.57 w/b ratio concrete (cement replacement
Table 5 shows that the cost efficiency of mixtures containing
mixtures) (b). Corrosion initiation time in 0.50 w/b ratio concrete (cement replacement
mixtures). copper tailings as a cement replacement material was marginally
better than those of the reference mixtures. However, comparing
the two w/b ratios evaluated, it appears that the cost efficiency of
0.50 w/b ratio concrete containing copper tailings were more replacing cement with copper tailings was better in 0.50 w/b ratio
electronegative than those of the reference samples. For the 0.57 w/ concrete. Similar trend was highlighted in Table 6 for the mixtures
b ratio samples containing tailings as a cement replacement ma- containing copper tailings as a cement additive. Overall, the CEF
terial, HCP varied from 1282 to 1308 mV while those of the 0.50 indices in Tables 5 and 6 suggest that the use of 5% pre-wetted
w/b ratio mixtures fluctuated between 1274 and 1312 mV. copper tailings either as a cement replacement material or as a
Similarly, the HCP values for the mixtures containing tailings as an cement additive in 0.50 w/b ratio concrete is the most cost efficient
additive were 1304 to 1328 mV for the 0.57 w/b ratio concrete, reuse approach.
and 1270 to 1292 mV for the 0.50 w/b ratio concrete. Ordinarily,
these very high negative values would indicate that severe rein- 5. Environmental and socioeconomic impact
forcement corrosion is ongoing in samples. However, these high
electronegative potential values were as a result of the saturation of Air pollution due to wind dispersion of tailings particles and
samples at the time these readings were taken. Soleymani and sulfur gases occurs regularly in the study area. Studies by Yukselen
Ismail (2004) were of the opinion that high moisture content can and Alpaslan (2001) on soil samples from the abandoned pro-
raise HCP values of samples not undergoing corrosion significantly. cessing facility site showed that the soil contained high concen-
Similarly, Hussain (2011) submitted that HCP values of submerged trations of metals and was also of very low pH. The mean metal
concrete samples are not correct indicators of corrosion rate. contents of soil samples were 510.0 mg/kg for Cu, 153.0 mg/kg for
Pb and 15.3 mg/kg for Fe. Altinbaş et al. (2001) observed severe
heavy metal pollution of soil, crops and the Xeros (Gemikonag i)
irrigation dam. Similarly, Yukselen (2002) observed that both the
Table 3
soil around the smelting facility and water from the adjoining
ASTM C 876 half-cell potential guidelines.
Mediterranean Sea contain high concentrations of heavy metals,
HCP readings vs. Cu/CuSO4 Corrosion activity and this anomaly was clearly associated with the tailings disposed
reference electrode €kçekuş et al. (2003) were also of the opinion that acid
at the site. Go
Less negative than 200 mV 90% probability of no steel corrosion mine drainage contributed to the contamination of ground, surface
Between 200 mV and 350 mV Steel corrosion is uncertain water and the sea within the Lefke-Xeros area. Therefore, given
More negative than 350 mV 90% probability of steel corrosion
these aforementioned environmental problems in the study area,
Table 4
Chloride penetration depth and half-cell potential measurements.
Mixture type W/B ratio Mixture name Chloride penetration depth (mm) Initial HCP (mV) Final HCP (mV)
copper tailings removal from the study area and reuse in concrete current would help induce fast decontamination of the Lefke-Xeros
being proposed in this study would serve as a mitigation measure, sea shore.
curtailing the magnitude of ongoing air and soil contamination in Tourism is an important industry, which according to Lee and
the area. It would also help in the long-term decontamination of Chang (2008) has a strong influence on the economic develop-
the study area. Moreover, in the absence of acid mine drainage ment of many countries across the world. In North Cyprus, Yasarata
intrusion of the Mediterranean Sea, it is anticipated that coastal sea et al. (2010) reported that more than 850 tourism and hospitality
businesses make significant contribution to the economy. However,
compared to other coastal communities in the region, tourism in
a the Lefke-Xeros area is low. Polluted sea shore and insufficient in-
frastructures could be some of the reasons for the infrequent tourist
Copper tailings addition level (%)
b 6. Conclusions
Copper tailings addition level (%)
Table 5
Cost efficiency factor of concrete mixtures (cement replacement).
Cement (kg) Fine (m3) Coarse (m3) Cement ($) Fine ($) Coarse ($) Cost/m3 ($) 90 d (%)
Table 6
Cost efficiency factor of concrete mixtures (cement additive).
Cement (kg) Fine (m3) Coarse (m3) Cement ($) Fine ($) Coarse ($) Cost/m3 ($) 90 d (%)
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