Wisconsin Construction Specification 8. Drainfill: USDA-NRCS-Wisconsin Section IV, Technical Guide 8-1 5/12
Wisconsin Construction Specification 8. Drainfill: USDA-NRCS-Wisconsin Section IV, Technical Guide 8-1 5/12
Wisconsin Construction Specification 8. Drainfill: USDA-NRCS-Wisconsin Section IV, Technical Guide 8-1 5/12
8. Drainfill
The work shall consist of furnishing and placing the required drainfill as shown on the drawings.
Drainfill materials shall be sand, gravel, crushed stone, or mixtures thereof. The material shall be
clean, hard, durable particles free from organic matter or other deleterious substances that would
interfere with free-draining properties.
The gradation of the drainfill shall be in accordance with the following:
a. The gradation of the material shall be as shown on the drawings.
b. If the gradation is not shown on the drawings, the material shall be a reasonably well graded
sand-gravel mixture with 50 to 85 percent passing a No. 4 sieve. The maximum size of the
material shall be 3 inches. No more than 5 percent by weight shall pass a No. 200 sieve.
c. Unless otherwise specified, not more than 5 percent by weight of the material finer than a No. 4
sieve shall be crushed limestone or dolomite.
Drainfill shall not be placed on the subgrade or over a pipe or drain tile until they have been inspected
and approved by the Technician.
Required excavations shall be accomplished as shown on the drawings and in accordance with
Wisconsin Construction Specification 2, Excavation.
Foundation surfaces and trenches shall be clean and free of organic matter, loose soil, foreign
substances, and standing water when the drainfill is placed. Earth surfaces upon or against which
drainfill will be placed shall not be scarified.
Drainfill shall be placed in uniform layers not more than 12 inches in thickness. When compaction is
required and accomplished by manually controlled equipment, the layers shall be a maximum of 8
inches thick prior to compaction or as shown on the drawings.
The drainfill shall be placed in a manner to avoid segregation of particle sizes. No foreign materials
will be allowed to become intermixed with or otherwise contaminate the material.
Any damage to the foundation surface or to the sides or bottoms of trenches occurring during
placement of drainfill material shall be repaired before proceeding with the work.
Section IV, Technical Guide
The upper surface of drains constructed concurrently with adjacent zones of earthfill shall be
maintained at or above the surface of the adjacent fill.
Drainfill placed over or around conduits shall be placed in a manner to avoid any displacement in line
or grade of the pipe.
Drainfill shall not be placed adjacent to concrete structures until the concrete has cured for a
minimum of 7 days.
Unless otherwise stated on the drawings, no compaction will be required beyond that resulting from
the placing and spreading operations.
When compaction is required, the methods stated in Wisconsin Construction Specification 3,
Earthfill, shall be adhered to. The drainfill material shall be thoroughly wetted prior to equipment or
manually controlled compaction.
Section IV, Technical Guide