PotM 2020 02 Busbar Differential
PotM 2020 02 Busbar Differential
PotM 2020 02 Busbar Differential
A. Disconnector simulation
Within a test case the disconnectors can be operated
directly in the editor. That way the power system simulation FIGURE 4 TEST SETUP FOR A SYSTEM-BASED BUSBAR
will simulate the correct current sharing. Additionally a PROTECTION TEST
system-based test solution can map the double bit position of
the disconnector to binary outputs of the test set. Before a Time synchronization is required, when working with
test step is executed, the SW will set all binary outputs of the multiple test sets. Every time delay in execution will result in
test set according to the defined disconnector position. This a phase shift between the test set currents, which can
way, the test can be fully automated without the need to ultimately trip the differential element even under normal
manually bridge disconnector contact before every test step, load flow. To avoid the tedious setup of a GPS Antenna for
reducing the source of errors and increasing efficiency. If all every single test set, the test sets can be connected to a PTP
disconnectors are simulated by the test solution, many enabled Ethernet network. This setup only requires one
outputs will be required. Therefor some test set can easily be reference PTP master time source connected to a special
extended with binary outputs at a fraction of the costs of an switch (transparent clock). From there the time is distributed
additional test set. to all test sets. At the same time this network can be used to
communicate between the system-based test software and the
B. Current Calculation test sets.
The current calculation is almost effortless and constant,
no matter how complex the topology is. By changing the D. Testing complex logic sequences
load flow, placing faults and adding breaker events within In many test steps it is important to react to the protection
the SW, the power system simulation calculates the current commands. When a trip command is sent, the breaker has to
samples for all CT locations in one go. open within the simulation and no current flow must be
simulated. Again the simulation must be consistent again. If
C. Working with multiple test sets simultaneously this is not the case, it would be considered as a breaker
When the currents signals have been calculated, they get failure and logic that would become active after the first trip
transferred to one or multiple test sets. Afterwards the SW cannot be executed. The capability of a simulation to react to
sets a start time for execution. As all test sets are time a command of the system under test is usually called real-
synchronized, they will start execution at the same time. time closed-loop. But real-time simulation systems are only
After execution the test sets will send back the measured suitable for the lab, require expert knowledge and a high
binary events to the SW, where they can be assessed. All investment, while test sets can be distributed. A suitable
these steps can be controlled by one SW and start with a alternative to hard real time is to use of an iterative closed-
simple click on the execute button. There is no user loop algorithm. When applying this algorithm to a simulation
coordination or separate test document per test set required. with a busbar fault, the first iteration gets injected without
any CB commands. Nonetheless, the protection will respond
to the fault with a trip command which is recorded by the test
software. Because we assume that the relay should respond
with the same trip time under the same current waveform as
in the previous injection, we will inject the same current
waveform from start followed by a breaker open event,
shortly after the expected trip. When another trip or close a real-time simulator. The benefit in using this is the
command is sent, that has not been part of the previous simplicity when testing logic. After placing the fault, the
simulations, a third iteration is executed now including two iterative closed-loop will take over. Figure 5 shows an
breaker events. This algorithm continues till no new example with two iterations.
unknown trip or close command has been sent by the
protection. The last iteration then achieves a similar result as