Scientometric Analysis of Library and Information Studies

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 4 Issue 4, June 2020 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Scientometric Analysis of Library and Information Studies

Narwade Mukesh Ramesh
Research Scholar, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Narwade Mukesh

A scientometric analysis is an effective method to increase the scope of library Ramesh "Scientometric Analysis of
and information studies. The research articles presented have been revised to Library and Information Studies"
highlight the research done in the library and information studies area and to Published in
enable readers to read more information. In this research, a total of 9 volumes, International Journal
36 issues, 713 articles, and 8956 citations, etc, published in the International of Trend in Scientific
Journal of Library and Information Studies from 2011 to 2019 were referred Research and
for scientometric analysis. It shows the annual growth of published articles, Development
authors' distributions, geographical distribution, citations distribution, Degree (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
of Collaboration, Etc. In a changing age, this study will certainly be useful to 6470, Volume-4 | IJTSRD30857
track the research literature available to expand the scope of library and Issue-4, June 2020,
information studies and to make transparent research. pp.65-70, URL:
KEYWORDS: Scientometric Analysis, Distribution, Contribution, Article, Issues,
Volume, Journal, Citation, Collaboration, Etc Copyright © 2020 by author(s) and
International Journal of Trend in Scientific
Research and Development Journal. This
is an Open Access article distributed
under the terms of
the Creative
Commons Attribution
License (CC BY 4.0)
Information science is affecting the whole world so everyone Information Studies has published a total of 9 volumes, 36
is a consumer of information. In today's age information is issues, 713 articles and 8956 citations between 2011 and
being created in different forms or in different methods. 2019.
Similarly, this type of Scientometrics also developed. The
Scientometrics originated in Russian literature, and its scope Review of Literature:
increased in 1977 when T. Branin first published the journal Rubinandhini & Gomathi (2015) conducted a bibliometric
"Scientometrics". Scientometrics is used in every discipline study of Authorship Pattern on the annals of Library and
which is effective in analyzing problems and explaining Information Studies output during 2005-2014: this study
meaningful facts. This effectively studies various aspects or covers the total number of 57 articles studied only the one
systems in the field of social, cultural, science and technology journal with five years (2010 to 2014). This paper discusses
studies. on authorship pattern, citation analysis, Publication
Efficiency Index, length of articles, relative growth rate,
Definitions of Scientometrics: Distribution of year wise citation analysis, degree of
‘Nalimov & Mulchenko’ (1969) or USSR defined collaboration, country wise distribution of publications, and
Scientometrics as the quantitative method which deals with time series analysis of total authored papers also. This study
the analysis of science viewed as an information process. provides the insights and development of the journal
Beck (1978) defined Scientometrics as a study of the towards excellence. Hence, the present study encouraged the
quantitative evaluation and inter-comparison of scientific authors will help for produce more publications. Another
activity, productivity and progress. Bookstein (1995) defined similar study conducted by Rubinandhini and Gomathi
Scientometrics as “the science of measuring science”. (2017) on Authorship Pattern of International Journal of
Food Microbiology from 2007 to 2016. In this study
International Journal of Library and Information discussed about Year wise, authorship patter, citation
Studies: analysis, publication efficiency index, relative growth rate,
This article includes articles published in the International and exponential growth rate also. The study provides the
Journal of Library and Information Studies (ISSN: 2231- insights and development of the journal towards excellence.
4911) (Open Access) in India for Scientometrics analysis.
Founded in 2011 by the founders of the “PEARL” group, this Numbers of Scientometric analysis studies have been
journal is published four times a year. This journal aims to conducted through the world. Out of them, two studies
expand the scope of library and information science studies, results are presented briefly. Padme and Vaishali conducted
to enhance the knowledge of scholars, researchers, a bibliometric analysis of ‘Indian Journal of Chemistry-
professors. The International Journal of Library and Section A’. The Indian Journal of Chemistry-Section A

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD30857 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2020 Page 65

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
published 482 research papers during the period of study i.e. important research tool for understanding the subject it
from 2010 to 2014. The journal has published on an average aims at measuring the utility of documents and the
of 96 research papers per year. The Double authors relationship between documents and fields.
contributed the maximum numbers of papers 119 (24.69%).
The 653 contributors from 36 countries, India stands first The research is based on articles published in the
place with the 66.76 percent of contributions and among International Journal of Library & Information Studies (ISSN:
Indian state wise distribution of the contributors, West 2231-4911) from 2011 to 2019.
Bengal stand first place with 71(16.28%) contributions.
Nattur4 analysis of 829 articles published in the Indian 1. Distribution of Contributions Volume-wise:
Journal of Physics during the year from 2004 to 2008 reveals Distribution of Contributions (Volume-wise)
that maximum number of articles published in the year
Table No.1
2004. The important note of the study is that the majority of
Vol. No. of No. of
the articles are contributed by multiple authors and majority Year Percentage
No. Issue Contribution
of the authors were affiliated to Universities. Ninety-two
percent of the contributors were belonged to India and eight 2011 1 4 23 3.22%
per cent belonged to other countries. Among the India, 2012 2 4 26 3.64%
contributors belonged to Karnataka dominated the other 2013 3 4 49 6.87%
states in India. 2014 4 4 64 8.97%
2015 5 4 77 10.79%
Arruda et. al. (2009), analyzed the distribution of some 2016 6 4 91 12.76%
characteristics of computer scientists in Brazil according to 2017 7 4 169 23.70%
region and gender. Findings revealed that in the areas of 2018 8 4 158 22.16%
artificial intelligence, computers in education and human- 2019 9 4 56 7.89%
computer interface, Brazilian computer scientists had 5.3 Total 36 713 100%
journal publications per male researchers and 6.0 per female (Source: Collected Data in IJLIS).
researchers, and the difference is statistically significant.
And for conferences, the productivity is 23.73 and 30.92 for Figure No.1
males and females, respectively. On the other hand, there is
not a significant difference in male and female productivity
in areas of hardware, network, distributed systems, and
theory. Regarding regional differences, there are some
statistically significant differences in productivity among
different regions, and some differences in the concentration
of researchers in a few research topics.

Objectives of the Study:

The main objective of the present studies issue follows -
1. To Find Distribution of Contributions (Volume-wise).
2. To Find Authorship Pattern of Contributions.
3. To Find Authorship Pattern of Contributions (Issue-
wise). (Source: Table No.1)
4. To Find Contribution (Institution –wise).
5. To Find Geographical distribution of state-level Table No. 1.1 & Figure No. 1, depicts the details regarding the
contributions in India. number of Articles published during 2011-2019 which was
6. To Find Average Citation per contribution in each 713 and the year-wise analysis of the contribution shows
volume. that Vol. No.7 highest number of contributions is 23.70% in
7. To Find Average Page (per volume and per contribution) the year 2017 & Vol. No.1 lowest contribution of 3.22% in
contribution. the year 2011.

Research Methodology: 2. Authorship Pattern of Contributions:

Prior research has been thoroughly analyzed for this article Authorship Pattern of Contributions
and collected and evaluated online information likes books, Table No.2
articles, journals, websites, blogs, etc. The research is based
No. of No. of Total No. of
on articles published in the International Journal of Library Percentage
Authors Contribution Authorship
and Information Studies from 2011 to 2019.
416 416 58.34%
Scope & Limitations of the present study: Authors
The present study is concerned with the scientometrics Two
163 326 22.86%
analysis of the International Journal of Library and Authors
Information Studies from 2011 to 2019 in the field of Library Three
83 249 11.65%
& Information Science. The data collected from 9 volumes, Authors
36 issues, 713 articles, and 8956 citations are utilized for the More than
present investigation. Three 51 227 7.15%
Data Analysis: Total 713 1218 100%
International journal of library & information studies: a (Source: Collected Data in IJLIS).
scientometric analysis is a branch of bibliometric. It is an

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD30857 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2020 Page 66

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Figure No. 2

(Source: Table No. 2)

Table No. 2 & Figure No. 2, indicates that the details about the authorship pattern. 58.34% have been contributed by Single
author who is followed by two authors contributed 22.86%, three authors contributed 11.65% & more than three authors
contributed 7.15%. Where “The majority of the contributions are contributed by Single Authors”.

3. Authorship Pattern of Contributions Issue-wise:

Authorship Pattern of Contributions (Issue-wise).
Table No. 3
Vol. No. Single Author Two Author Three Author More than Three Authors Total No. of Contribution
1 16 5 2 0 23
2 14 8 4 0 26
3 29 14 5 1 49
4 38 17 6 3 64
5 41 21 11 4 77
6 56 20 9 6 91
7 88 37 25 19 169
8 103 28 14 13 158
9 31 13 7 5 56
Total 416 163 83 51 713
(Source: Collected Data in IJLIS).
Figure No.3

(Source: Table No. 3)

Table No.3 and Figure No. 3, shows the authorship pattern of Table No.4
contributions volume-wise regarding contributions by a Vol. No Year College University Other Total
single author records the highest contributions 416, 1 2011 21 31 9 61
However the two author contributions, 163 shows the three 2 2012 32 27 8 67
author contributions 83, the more than three author 3 2013 39 36 4 79
contributions 51 it reflects the lowest percentage. 4 2014 22 47 28 97
5 2015 46 61 12 119
4. Contribution Institution-Wise: 6 2016 33 89 7 129
Contribution of Institution-wise 7 2017 121 174 23 318
8 2018 137 109 21 267
9 2019 23 41 17 81
Total 474 615 129 1218
(Source: Collected Data in IJLIS).

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD30857 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2020 Page 67

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Figure No. 4 5. Geographical distribution of state-level
contributions in India:
Geographical Distribution of Contribution.
Table No. 5
State Contribution Percentage
Andhra Pradesh 227 18.63%
Telangana 132 10.83%
Kerala 109 8.94%
Maharashtra 107 8.78%
Tamilnadu 93 7.63%
Delhi 89 7.30%
Kolkata 76 6.23%
Gujarat 65 5.33%
Uttar Pradesh 58 4.76%
(Source: Table No. 4)
Madhya Pradesh 49 4.02%
Punjab 42 3.44%
Table No. 4 & Figure No. 4 depicts the institution wise
distribution of contributions. University wise at the national Haryana 32 2.62%
level followed by institutions & colleges. It is inferred from Bihar 31 2.54%
the above table that university-wise contribution maximum Odisa 25 2.05%
is 615 contributions, College contribution was 474 Rajasthan 23 1.98%
contributions & lastly others 129 contribution. ”Maximum Other 60 4.92%
number of contribution is at university level". Total 1218 100%
(Source: Collected Data in IJLIS).

Figure No. 5

(Source: Table No. 5)

Table No. 5 & Figure No. 5 shows the geographical distributions of contributions at Indian state level. Andhra Pradesh is
Maximum percentage of 18.63% & minimum percentage of others is 6.78% (Others included national & international

6. Average Citation per contribution in each volume:

Average Citation per Contribution per volume.
Table No.6
Vol. No. No. of Contribution No. of Citation Average
1 23 281 3.13%
2 26 322 3.59%
3 49 669 7.46%
4 64 771 8.90%
5 77 929 10.37%
6 91 1183 13.20%
7 169 2041 22.78%
8 158 2079 23.21%
9 56 681 7.36%
Total 713 8956 100%
(Source: Collected Data in IJLIS).

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD30857 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2020 Page 68

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Figure No.6

(Source: Table No. 6)

Table No. 6 & Figure No.6, it can be observed for average citation per contribution in each volume. Average citation
contribution is Vol. no. (7) 22.78% contributed 2041 citation. Highest numbers of citation appeared in Vol. no. (8) 23.21%
contributed 2079 citations & which minimum number of citation appeared in Vol. no. (1) 3.13% contributed 281 citations.
Where “The majority of the citation are Vol. no. 8”.

7. Average Page Contribution (per volume and per contribution):

Average Page per volume & contribution.
Table No.7
Vol. No. No. of Contribution No. of Pages Average
1 23 259 3.53%
2 26 307 4.19%
3 49 578 7.89%
4 64 719 9.82%
5 77 791 10.80%
6 91 1092 14.91%
7 169 1521 20.81%
8 158 1397 19.07%
9 56 658 8.98%
Total 713 7322 100%

Figure No. 7

(Source: Table No. 7)

Table No. 7 & Figure No.7 it can be observed for average pages per contribution in each volume. Vol. no. (6) 14.91% contributed
1092 pages. Contributions of which highest numbers of pages appeared in Vol. no. (7) 20.81% contributed 1521 pages &
contribution of which minimum number of citation appeared in Vol. no.1 (3.53%) contributed 259 pages.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD30857 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2020 Page 69

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Findings: References:
1. Highest Contributions of vol. no.7 is 23.70%. [1] Arruda, D, & (2009). Brazilian computer science
2. The highest Contribution of Single authors is 58.34%. research: Gender and regional distribution.
3. A single author records the highest contribution is 416 Scientometrics, 79 (3), 651-665.
[2] Brindha, T & Murugesapandian, N. (2016).
4. The maximum number of contributions is at the
Scientometrics Tools & Techniques: an Overview.
university level is 474.
5. The maximum percentage of authors belongs to Andhra [3] Nalimov & Mulchenko. (1969). ‘Definition of
Pradesh is 18.63%. Scientometric’ Retrievedfrom:
6. The majority of the citations are Vol. no. 8 is 23.21%
contributed 2079 citations. 4 N2_014.pdf
7. The highest numbers of pages appeared in Vol. no.7
[4] Padme, S. L and Vaishali, K. Bibliometric analysis of
20.81% contributed 1521 pages.
Indian Journal of Chemistry- Section A, International
Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology,
6 (2) (2016) 103-106.
This analysis method is very useful and effective as we can
verify any research through scientometric analysis. This [5] PEARL, Group, (2011). International Journal of Library
article also examines the research data using this method. In & Information Studies (Open Access Journal) output
the international journal of library & information studies, a during 2011-2019: ISSN: 2231-4911.
large number of research works have been done from 2015
[6] Rubinandhini, A., & Gomathi, P. (2015). Authorship
to 2018. The number of single authors is high and according
Pattern on the annals of Library and Information
to the geographical statistics, the number of authors from
Studies output during 2005-2014: A bibliometric study.
the state of Andhra Pradesh in India is large. A total of 8956
International Journal of Engineering Sciences and
references have been used in this journal while 9 volumes of
Management Research, 2(9), 141-151
that journal have 7322 pages.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD30857 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2020 Page 70

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