Scientometric Analysis On Infertility Literature: An Indian Perspective

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Scientometric Analysis on Infertility

Literature: An Indian Perspective

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Jeyshankar Ramalingam
Alagappa University


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Scientometric Analysis on Infertility Literature:

An Indian Perspective

M. Grace & Dr. R. Jeyshankar

Librarian, Loganatha, Narayanasamy Govt. Collge, Ponneri -601204. gracemuthuchamy@gmaiLcom
Assistant Professor, Alagappa University, Karaikudi .jeyshankar71@gmaiLcom

This study reveals the research productivity in the field of infertility and the data was downloaded from
the Scopus database for the period of 1985 - 2014. The collected records have been analysed to identify
the distribution of records in terms of block-wise, author-wise, source wise and document wise and
collaboration pattern among authors during the study period of 30 years. The growth rate has also
decreased gradually and correspondingly doubling time has increased The paper reveals high degree of
collaboration with 96.03% contributions of joint authorship. The average collaboration coefficient is
0.62 and average collaboration index value is 3.6. High level of eo-authorship exists among the two and
three authorship pattern in infertility researchers in India. Most of the prolific authors have their
publications with the eo-authorship. Research findings are communicated through the journals to the
community. Authors have collaboration with different departments of same institute or different institutes
within country are higher than the international collaboration. From the study it understood that
collaboration with developed countries helps to improve the research performance of India.

Keyword: Infertility, India, scientometrics, collaboration pattern

1. INTRODUCTION estimated that of the 60- 80 million couples suffering

Infertility is a term used to explain the inability of a from infertility globally every year, between 15- 20
woman to conceive after two years of constant efforts. million are in India alone. Latest research indicates that
Infertility problems have been a source of concern in 10 percent of urban Indian couples in their reproductive
India lately. According to 2013 World Bank estimate, age are infertile.' A recent survey has revealed that
the drop in fertility started about 10 years ago in India, approximately 46 per cent of Indians who are looking
with a steady 17 percent decline from the year 2000. tor medical assistance for giving birth to a child and
(TNN),I Infertility is growing at an alarming pace, are in the age group of 31 to 40 • ears are sreril . This
especially in metros, says a recent report from the implies that the have been failed to give birth to a
International Institute of Population Sciences. It is baby even after b ing at it for •..years. The surrey
Vo!. LI No. 3, July - September 2015 24 Journal of Indian Library Association
Scientometric Analysis on Infertility Literature: An Indian Perspective

support and the improvement in the existing medical Average Publication Per Block (APPB) as 353. It can
education system to enrich the research culture. be observed that there was a steady growth in
publications over the study period. Except during the
3. METHODOLOGY: block 1990 - 1994, the publications were almost
The infertility research publications were downloaded doubled in each block shows a healthy publishing
from the Scopus database which is the largest abstract trend.
and citation database of peer-reviewed literature. The Table 2. Relative Growth Rate and
publicationoutput on infertilityin India duringthe period Doubling time of the Publications
1985 - 2014 was taken for the study. A total of 1764 RGR.
Year No. of Cumulative Loge Loge Dt
publications of the Infertility literature output by Indian block-wise Papers NI N2
scientist. Bibliographic details of the documents were 1985-1989 57 57 - 4.04 0.809 0.86
exported to MS-Excel and analyzed based on the 1990-1994 68 125 4.04 4.22 0.035 19.64
scientometric indicators. 1995 -1999 110 235 4.22 4.70 0.096 7.21
2000-2004 239 474 4.70 5.48 0.155 4.47
4. OBJECTIVES: 2005-2009 405 879 5.48 6.00 0.105 6.57
• To identify the growth of literatureand publishing 2010-2014 885 1764 6.00 6.79 0.156 4.43
pattern during 1985-2014;
The table 2 illustrate the RGR and Dt. From the
• To analyze the collaboration pattern among
authors; study, it concluded that the Relative Growth Rate is
from 0.809 to 0.156 showing a decreasing trend but
• To find out the core joumals in this research field
doubling time is showing the increasing trend with the
values of 0.86 to 4.43. The publications on infertility
• To identify the most productive institutes and
research are increased with the doubling time indicator.
most productive authors in this area.
The table 3. Provides the collaboration pattern
among authors. To assess the pattern of eo-authorship,
the following formula suggested by Garg and Padhi
Table 1. Block-wise scientific productivity
(1999)10. The country's eo-authorship effort for a
Year No. of % Cumulative % APPB particular type of authorship is considered as world
block-wise papers
average when CAI = 100. Additionally, CAI >100
1985-1989 57 3.23 57 3.23 11
implies that higher eo-authorship effort than the average
1990-1994 68 3.85 125 7.09 14
and CA! < 100 means lower eo-authorship effort than
1995-1999 110 6.24 235 13.3 22
the average. From the study, it found that 96.03% of
2000-2004 239 13.55 474 26.9 48
the publications were made with the effort of joint
2005-2009 405 22.96 879 49.8 81
authorship whereas single authorship publications were
2010-2014 885 50.17 1764 100 177
found very low. The average collaboration index during
Total 1764 100 353
the study was 3.6 and the average degree of
Research output on infertility in India during the collaboration was 0.89. The correlation coefficient and
modified correlation co-efficient is same.\
period 1985 - 2014 consists of 1764 records with an

Vol. UNo. 3, July - September 2015 26 Journal ofIndian Library Association

M. Grace and Dr. R. Jeyshankar

Table 3. Collaboration pattern among authors

Year block-wise No. of authors Total Cl DC CC MCC
1 2 3 >3 Papers Authors

1985 - 1989 5 12 23 17 57 172 3.02 0.91 0.6 0.6

1990 - 1994 6 18 25 19 68 220 3.24 0.91 0.6 0.6

1995 - 1999 17 19 30 • 44 110 370 3.36 0.85 0.58 0.58

2000 - 2004 27 52 65 95 239 846 3.54 0.89 0.61 0.61

2005 - 2009 39 60 79 227 405 1684 4.16 0.90 0.66 0.66

2010 - 2014 70 135 174 506 885 3786 4.28 0.92 0.67 0.67

Total 1764 7078

Table 4. Co-Authorship Index

Year block-wise Single author CA! Two authors CA! Three authors CA! > 3 authors CA! Total
1985-1989 5 94.4 12 125 23 180 17 57.9 57
1990-1994 6 94.9 18 158 25 164 19 54.3 68
1995-1999 17 166 19 103 30 121 44 77.7 110
2000-2004 27 122 52 130 65 121 95 77.2 239
2005-2009 39 104 60 88.3 79 86.9 227 109 405
2010-2014 70 85.1 135 90.9 174 87.6 506 111 885
Total 164 666 2% 695 3% 761 908 487 1764

Table 4 shows that the eo-authorship index for During the study period, Out of 1764 publications
single, two and three authors are declined from the most of the publications (74.5%) were found as articles
block year 1985 - 1989 to 2010-2014. For more than followed by 15.6% review; 4.54% letter and other
three authors, eo-authorship index is increased from type of publications like conference papers, short survey,
57.9 to 111 during the study period. It means that high note, book chapters were below to 1.5% in table 5. It
level of eo-authorship exists among the two and three makes to understand that most preferred publishing
authorship pattern in infertility researchers in India. channel ofthe researchers were journal articles.
Dominance factor formula in bibliometrics has
Table 5. Document Type
been developed by Keerti and Kumar (2011)11.
Document type No. of papers %
Dominance is the proportion of number of multi-
Article 1315 74.5 authored papers as first author to number of multi-
Review 276 15.6 authored papers of the author. From the study, top 10
Letter 80 4.54 contributors were considered as most prolific authors
Editorial 22 1.25 with more than 20 publications in the infertilityresearch
Conference Paper 20 1.13 in India during the study period. Among them Dada,
I §oort g!ID.r~)' 20 1.13 Rima was the most prolific author with 49 publications
Not&: 10 0.57 as first author for 13 publications with dilll1ImUlt."'e fuuor
BrJOK Cb~rer 4 0.23 0.265 followed by Kumar, R with 38 papers as 17
Vn~fincd 17 0,96 first authored with dominance factor 0.472 over the l764 IC() study period.

fOL Ll No. 3, July - September 2015 27

Scientometric Analysis on Infertility Literature: An Indian Perspective

Table 6. Most Prolific Authors (top 10)

Author No. of papers Single authored Multiple authored 1st authored Dominance Factor Rank
Dada,R. 49 0 49 13 0.265 V
Kurnar,R. 38 2 36 11 0.305 N
Malhotra, N. 35 0 35 8 0.229 VI
Mittal, S. 34 0 34 2 0.059 X
Gupta,N.P. 31 0 31 3 0.097 IX
Chakravarty, RN 28 2 26 4 0.154 Vll
Singh,N. 28 0 28 13 0.464 II
Kurnar,S. 26 4 22 18 0.818 I
Agarwal,A. 26 0 26 3 0.115 VIIl
Shamsi, M.B. 24 0 24 8 0.333 III
Mapping of Research Profile of Dada, Rima

Among these 10 authors,

only Kumar R, Chakravarty B
Nand Kumar S have single
authored papers with 2, 2 and
4 respectively. All these
authors have collaboration
among them in producing their
research effort than the single
authorship. It shows the
performance of the research
can be achieved well by the
team work. Authors are
ranked with their dominance
factor and highest dominance
factor value represents that
their first authored papers are
high with respect to their
number of publications.

VtYL LI No. 3, July - September 2015 28

M. Grace and Dr. R. Jeyshankar

Table 7. Most productive journals in Table 9. Top ten Indian Institutes in

infertility research in India Infertility Research
Journal title No. of % Most Productive Institutes in India No. of %
papers publications
Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences 'if! 0.05 All India Institute of Medical Sciences 223 0.13
Fertility and Sterility 72 0.04 National Institute for Research in 48 0.03
Indian Journal of Medical Research 39 0.02 Reproductive Health
Journal of the Indian Medical Association 37 0.02 Post Graduate Institute of Medical 45 0.03
International Journal ofGynecology and 34 0.02 Education and Research
Obstetrics National Institute ofImmunology 39 0.02
Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 31 0.02 Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj 39 0.02
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 28 0.02 Medical University
Human Reproduction 2fj 0.01 Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology 36 0.02
Indian Journal of Urology 24 0.01 Central Drug Research Institute 33 0.02
Andrologia 24 0.01 Kasturba Medical College, Manipal 32 0.02
Institute for Research in Reproduction 32 0.02
Table 7 depicts most productive journals in 0.02
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College 29
infertility research in India. During the study period and Safdarjung Hospital
Indian researchers were published their research findings
in 160 journals. Out ofthose 160 journals, with more Table 9 provides the top ten India institutes in
than 20 publications were considered as top 10 infertility research. Out of 160 institutes were affiliated
productive journals in India. "Journal of Human in the research output of infertility research in India,
Reproductive Sciences" was the top most with 87 ten top most institutes which were contributed more
publications; "Fertility and Sterility" was in the next than 25 publications were considered. Out of those
position of most widely used journal by the researchers 10 institutes, All India Institute of Medical Sciences is
to publish their research fmdings. the top most with 223 publications followed by
National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health
Table 8. Communication channel
of the Researchers with 48 publications; Post Graduate Institute of Medical
Education and Research with 45.
Source type Contributions %
Journals 1752 99.3
Book Series 5
0.23 Even a survey says infertility rate is declining in slow
Books 4
Conference Proceedings 2 0.11 pace over the years research on infertility has not been
Trade Publications 1 O'(l6 done much in the earlier decades. It may be the cause
Total 100 of beliefs, traditions and customs of our country. Since
it is a multidisciplinary subject, the team effort among
The table -8 shows the Communication channel
the authors from different departments could be found.
of the Researchers. It has been observed from the
study that researchers arc fmding the journals as their From the study, we could found that in early stage all
f"llbl~hing medium to communicate their research the researches were done without country
fmdir~ with the community. Book series, books, collaboration. In later stage, India c-Qllabnmtrowith
conference proceedings and trade publications were other countries, mainly with Unitw Sttles it l~~
rarely U§£~ to communicate the research findings. performed well in the infertility research, It understood
Vol. LI No. 3, July - September 2U15 29 JOUr1UUof Indian Library Assoeianon
Scientometric Analysis on Infertility Literature: An Indian Perspective

that with the advanced technologies and infrastructure 6. Jeyshankar, R. and Vellaichamy, A. (2014).
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with declining rate of the infertility of our country. The Cervical Cancer. International Journal of
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provide the support for the institutions to do their 4(4): 298-302.
researches well. 7. Raj Kumar Bhardwaj. (2014). Dengue
Research: A Scientometric Mapping of World
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Vol. LI No. 3, July - September 2015 30 Journal of Indian Library, ssociation

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