ANC 27 June 2020 - The Timeline and AntiChrist The Age of Deception PDF

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ANC: All Nation Church with Dr Robert Mawire on Sabbath, 27 June 2020
Session 1: The Time Line
Session 2: The Antichrist, The Age of Deception
Sorry, green means I don’t know how to transcribe because I am not able to catch what was said.
• Session 1: The Time Line – BIBILICAL TIME LINES from CREATION revealed in Scriptures to
the End of the World
o Beginning of the 70th Week of Daniel 9:26
o The Dispensations of 2,000 years were PRECISE!
o CORONA: Crowning of the Antichrist
o God Wants His People to KNOW and to be PREPARED!
1. The 1st Thing Jesus said, “DON”T BE DECEIVED!”

• Session 2: The Antichrist – The Age of Deception

• THE KING IS COMING! AND COMING SOON! – Before that, we will have the Greatest
Confrontation with the Force of Darkness first.
- The Beast out of the Sea (Antichrist) and The Beast out of the Earth (False Prophet)
- The Demonic Trinity
- The New World Order (Daniel chapter 7)
- The Pseudo (False) Church formed through Syncretism
- Agenda 21
- The 4th Man with Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego in the Furnace
- The Falling Away: 2 Thessalonians 2:3
- The Restrainer is NOT Holy Spirit but Emperor Hadrian who gave the Jews an Imperial
Restrain in AD 135
- The Antichrist will be revealed in Jerusalem on Temple Mount
- Restraint removed by another Roman Power!
- The Temple is going to be built very soon!
- We ARE in the LAST DAYs!
- How can we understand that: the man, a politician, becomes the manifested Antichrist
- The Falling Away is Coming
- Third World War is coming very soon! (Dr Mawire mentioned Spring of 2023 in another
teaching video: 30 May 2020: Timestamp: 54:48 : The Greatest of Time – Are You Ready? )
- It is by revelation and not analysis and a human understanding, therefore Caught, not
- John The Baptist: We are to be the people crying out The Time has Come!
- Questions about the Antichrist and the False Prophet
- Overcoming the Beast
• How to prepare is more important than anything else. Because without
preparation, there is no participation in God’s Destiny.
- 1. PRAY ALWAYS (Luke 21:36) → That is the Key (PRAYED UP and FILLED UP)
o Revelational intercession – FAST and PRAY until you receive revelation from God
o Praying in the spirit
o Praying always – Pray without ceasing
- 2. PERSEVERANCE (Rev 3:10 and Matthew 24:13)
o How are you going to overcome the New World Order?
- 3. SPIRIT-LED (Psalm 37:23) – Note: Dr Mawire did not mention this but in Last Days
Q&A with Andy Wallace, it was mentioned.
o Blood of Jesus
▪ How do we resist the Devil? By IT IS WRITTEN…
▪ How are we going to overcome the Antichrist? By IT IS WRITTEN
▪ How are we going to overcome the New World Order? By Blood of Jesus and IT IS
- 5. DIVINE PROTECTION (Psalm 91:1-16)
You must memorise Psalm 91
You must meditate on Psalm 91

Closing Prayer

Q & A: Because Preparation is not only Spiritual Preparation but Physical as well.
There is a practical side to the preparation!
Question 2: You talked about transferring of wealth, can you expound on that?
Maybe that’s another teaching! Your question is very important! Maybe we can do
another teaching on the Joseph Company and how that all works.

OVERVIEW of Dr Robert Mawire’s POST-TRIBULATION Timeline

with differentiation between Wrath of the Dragon (AD2020, Sep 17, Ros Hashanah)
and Wrath of the LAMB (comes after Great Tribulation: AD 2027?)

Last Days Q&A: Antichrist (Andy Wallace and Dr Robert Mawire)

12/6/2020 (Week 8) (Timestamp: 25:31)
Session 1: The TIME Line

Pastor Noel opened with a prayer:

Father we just thank you that we are able to gather this morning. We just pray that our ears be wide
opened to hear what you have to say. Prepare for our hearts that our hearts will be able to house
Your word, that Your Word will guide us, be lamp unto our feet. We thank You for everyone that’s
here this morning, that indeed we will be blessed and we stay blessed in Your presence as and we will
be found faithful. We thank you for Dr Robert this morning that he be blessed too that he will be able
to articulate the things that You are going to share to us. Let Your Spirit be upon him, and we thank
You Father in Jesus’ name we pray, everybody say, Amen!

Dr Robert Mawire:
Thank you so much for the opportunity to share

What God is doing.

What time it is.

What a blessing for us to be able to do this.

To present the most critical information vital for our survival, our preservation, protection, provision.
Everything in the Word of God has to do with timing.

What time is it?

Just before I begin to share on that, I will want to say to the people, that, I received this from the
Lord, in much prayer. Seeking understanding of the times and seasons that God has pre-ordained and
pre-set because history follows the Biblical Blueprint. There is a template, a timeline that God has
given. Let me take this time to say, that most people say, “Nobody knows the day and the hour.” That
has been the teaching that has gone around the world and most of God’s people are confused if
someone says, “Yes, we can know the TIME. Yes, we can know the Season. Not the Day and the
Hour” because God has never revealed the Day and the Hour.

We know that God revealed the TIME to Noah. And Jesus said, “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall
it be.”
Matthew 24:37 (KJV): 37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Luke 17:26 (KJV): 26 And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.
So, He revealed the TIME to Noah. But He didn’t tell him the DAY and the HOUR.
This is the Biblical Precedent1. This is the Biblical Template. The Pattern that God established.
The way that God operates is according to Biblical Precedents, what He did in the past.
That’s why Jesus said, “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be.” In otherwords, what God did with
Noah, is what He is going to do with us. With Noah, He told him the TIME, and He told him what to
do. He didn’t tell him the DAY and the HOUR.

And when God spoke to Abraham, He told Abraham, “400 years, your children will be in bondage.

That was very clear that it was 400 years. But He didn’t tell him the DAY and the HOUR.

So, it is important to realise that we CAN KNOW the TIME. God want us to KNOW the TIME.

Because the Devil doesn’t want us to know the TIME, so there is a resistance when we talk about
these things. Because there had been many times historically, people had said this
“ The Messiah is going to come”, “This one said, “Jesus is coming back”, and “This is the
Antichrist”, and they have ALL been wrong!

That’s why people are saying, “Don’t go there!” [Finding out to know the TIME] “Don’t talk about it!”

The problem was, they were trying to interpret prophecies by analysis of current affairs, observation,
they did not go back to Scripture because Scripture interprets Scripture and they did not go back to
Scripture to find the TIME Line.

For instance, if we use the Coronavirus Pandemic. And so this is a sign of the End which it is. But it
cannot be by itself be the sign of the End.

Why? Because we have had bigger pandemics. The Influenza2 [1918], 50 million people died.
We talked about wars. There had been wars. We talked about social unrest, there had been social

So, all these things had happened in the past.

Precedent: noun: an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent
similar circumstances.

“Spanish Flu” in 1918:
Time stamp: 5:00

The only way we can know for sure is the TIME Line. The BIBILICAL TIME LINE.

It is the only thing that tells us when it happens during the APPOINTED TIME, then we can say, “This
is that!”

The only time we can say “This is that!” is when the EVENTS and GOD’s TIMELINE all come together.

The convergence. If there is that DOVE-TAILING, the coming together then we know that we know,
“This is that!”

The reason why Peter was able to stand up on the Day of

Pentecost and say “This is that!” because it was the
fulfilment of Scripture. And he called that Scripture that
was being fulfilled. He said, “This is THAT which Joel spoke
about.” [Timestamp: 6:17]
Acts 2:16 King James Version (KJV)
16 But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel;

THAT in the Last Days, He’ll pour His Spirit upon ALL flesh.

Acts 2:17 King James Version (KJV)

17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and

your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old
men shall dream dreams:

The best is to interpretation of events on the Revealed Will of God, THE BIBLICAL TIMELINE.
It is extremely important because we see, over and over, as I teach this all over the world really, I find
that the church is so resistant. They resist the message because of the fear that nobody knows the
DAY and the HOUR. Yes, nobody knows the DAY and the HOUR. I don’t know the DAY and the HOUR.
Because nobody has ever been told the DAY and the HOUR!

Noah wasn’t told the DAY and the HOUR. Abraham was not told the DAY and the HOUR. Moses in the
wilderness was told 40 years and he was not told the DAY and the HOUR. And we go to Jeremiah, he
was told 70 years [Israel exiled in Babylon] but not DAY and HOUR.

So, we know that the DAY and HOUR has NEVER been revealed. God has NEVER done that.
So, He is not going to do that today. Therefore, I don’t know the DAY and the Hour.

But this one thing I can say, we KNOW THE SEASON. We KNOW THE TIME.
Because THE TIME is revealed in the Word of God.

There are about 7 TIMELINES in the Scripture, ALL ending at the SAME TIME because God is not a
God of confusion, He is a God of Precision.
Timestamp: 7:52
Why is this being revealed now? Because Daniel was told that in the Last Days, those who know their
God are going to do exploits. And those who understand, will instruct many.
Daniel 11:32-35 King James Version (KJV)
32 And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do

know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.

33 And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword,

and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days.

Daniel 11:32-35 Amplified Bible (AMP)
32 With smooth words [of flattery and praise] he will turn to godlessness those who [are willing to]

disregard the [Mosaic] covenant, but the people who [are spiritually mature and] know their God will
display strength and take action [to resist]. 33 They who are wise and have spiritual insight among the
people will instruct many and help them understand; yet for many days some [of them and their
followers] will fall by the sword and by flame, by captivity and by plunder. 34 Now when they fall they
will receive a little help, and many will join with them in hypocrisy. 35 Some of those who are
[spiritually] wise and have insight will fall [as martyrs] in order to refine, to purge and to make those
among God’s people pure, until the end time; because it is yet to come at the time appointed [by

That means the knowledge of What Time it is going to be revealed. And even Daniel was told “Seal up
the message. It will be revealed in the End of Time.” And we are in the End of Time, and it’s being
revealed. Why?
Daniel 12:4 Amplified Bible (AMP)
4 But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the scroll until the end of time. Many will go

back and forth and search anxiously [through the scroll], and knowledge [of the purpose of God as
revealed by His prophets] will [greatly] increase.”

Because the time of preparation:

• for the Greatest Outpouring of the Holy Spirit is now, the time of preparation
• for the Greatest Transfer of Wealth is now,
• the Greatest moment has come in history for the sons of God, for the manifestation of the
sons of God.

That our time is now come, we are now in THE SEASON of the Greatest Unusual, Peculiar
manifestations as you and me know that the End is near.

Many people get frightened, get anxious, but there is no need to be anxious, because, it is the best of

Of course, it is the worst of times, but best of times just like the children of Israel in Goshen. It was
the best of time for them.

It was the worst of time for the Egyptians, for the lost, for those who do not know God and for the
lukewarm-compromised church, the worst is here. Because everything that is shakeable is going to
be shaken.


The time has now come for those who want to know the TRUTH and PREPARE! Because as it was in
the days of Noah, Noah was told in order to prepare. Therefore, this message as I am going to share
the TIME LINE has to do with PREPARATION.
Because without PREPARATION, there is no PARTICIPATION in what God has for us in THIS HOUR.
You cannot fulfil your destiny without PREPARATION. There has NEVER been a time in history, that
God used anyone that HE didn’t prepare! So, this is the TIME that God tells us what is going to
happen, and HE prepares our HEARTS. Then we go and prepare according to the details of the Holy
Spirit. Because My sheep hears My voice. We will hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. Now I am talking
about INDIVIDUAL participation, INDIVIDUAL protection, provision for the End of Time, will be given
to us INDIVIDUALLY, PERSONALLY. HE will tell us. Timestamp: 10:29

That’s why, as I share this TIMELINE, and show how close we are to the End of Time, there is a need
to know from the beginning, that this is not to frighten you, but excite you. Why? Because this is the
most exciting thing over this side of Heaven.

The PREPARATION to PARTICIPATE in What God is Doing. That’s why, I know that all of God’s children
in this hour just know from within their spirit that these are the Last Days. And they are saying, can
you show us from Scripture to confirm what the spirit is already telling us in our hearts.

What is Scripture saying? Because Scripture tells us clearly, what we are to expect. And what we are
to do. We need to be informed, instructed, in regards to the TIMELINE.

I like to do the TIMELINE based upon what everybody knows, everybody is acquainted with, the
DISPENSATIONS. There are 3 DISPENSATIONS. And based upon what God said in Genesis Chapter 6.
He told Noah that it will be 120 years. And Jesus said as it was in the Days of Noah so shall it be.
Because as He was saying in the days of Noah, also reflect the time period between the Fall of Man
and the Millennium. The 6 days of Man, outside the garden, 6,000 years.
Genesis 6:3 Amplified Bible (AMP)
3 Then the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive and remain with man forever, because he is indeed

flesh [sinful, corrupt—given over to sensual appetites]; nevertheless his days shall yet be [a]a hundred
and twenty years.” [120 years]
a. Genesis 6:3 This may refer to the time given man to repent before the flood, or to the normative human life span
after the flood.

“His days shall be 120 years” which is very clear that God has a specific time: 120 years, which is 120
Jubilee years. Why Jubilee years? Because God only counts the year of Jubilee. [Time stamp: 12:56]
[ 1 Jubilee year = 50 years. 120 Jubilee years = 120 X 50 = 6,000 years ]
Luke 4:18-19 Amplified Bible (AMP)


TO SET FREE THOSE WHO ARE OPPRESSED (downtrodden, bruised, crushed by tragedy),
19 TO PROCLAIM THE FAVORABLE YEAR OF THE LORD [the day when salvation and the favor of God abound


YEAR OF THE LORD is The Year of Jubilee because the Year of Jubilee is the Year of Freedom.
So, HE counts the Year of Jubilee. So, He was telling Noah, “My Spirit will no longer strive with man
and his days are 120 Jubilee years. That’s why after the FLOOD, God continues to Strive with man.
And He is still striving with man right now. Because, He was not talking about Noah’s 120 years.
Noah’s 120 year were a type and shadow of the TIMELINE of the Time Template or The Blueprint of
man’s time on earth. So, He established the TIMELINE right there in Noah’s 120 Jubilee Years and His
Spirit will no longer strive with man.

Now, how do we calculate that. We calculate that from the Time that Adam and Eve were thrown out
of the Garden because that’s when Time begun. Time did not begin when he (Adam) was in the
Garden with God. We don’t know how long he was in the Garden with God. Nobody can tell you how
long he was because Scripture doesn’t tell us how long he was in the Garden before he was tempted.
So, Time begin with him being thrown out of the Garden, and it’s a time of discipline when man has
to work and labour, waiting for the REST in the Millennium.

Now, from the TIME of the Fall of Man, we were given 120 Jubilee Years to the End of Time.

DISPENSATION Period from ? to ? How many How many

Jubilees Years?
Conscience (God speaking to Adam to Abraham 40 2000
man’s heart but it did not lead man
back to God)
Law (God instructs man but it did Abraham to Baptism of Jesus 40 2000
not lead man back to God) (AD 26)
Grace (So God sends his only Baptism of Jesus to 2nd 40 2000
begotten son to man in the last 40 Coming of Jesus
Jubilee years to die for man so man AD 2026
can be born again, and then God
gave man His Spirit)
This is coming up very soon 120 6000
SABBATH: REST from work 1000 years 7000
and labour Millennium Rule and Reign of
Jude 14-15 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
14 It was also about these men that Enoch, in the seventh generation from Adam, prophesied, saying,
“Behold, the Lord came with [a:His holy ten thousands]many thousands of His holy ones, 15 to execute
judgment upon all, and to convict all the ungodly of all their ungodly deeds which they have done in
an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.”
Dispensation of Conscience: Adam to Abraham (40 Jubilee Years = 2,000 years) Time stamp: 16:00
God put man under Conscience to see whether his conscience will lead him to the Lord, or back to
God. But his conscience did not lead him back to God. God was dealing with man from the
CONSCIENCE, speaking to his heart and man did not listen to what God was saying. For 40 Jubilee
years (2,000 years).

Dispensation of The Law: Abraham to Baptism of Jesus

From that time after 40 Jubilee years, God said no, I think man needs to know what to do. So, I AM
going to tell them what to do. So, He gave us the 40 Jubilee Years of The Law to make sure that we
understand what God desires of us. And still man did not listen!

Dispensation of Grace: Baptism of Jesus to 2nd Coming of Jesus

And God decided, ok, I know what I’m going to do. I am going to send Jesus in the last 40 Jubilee
years (3 X 40 = 120) to go and show them and then die for them, and give them a new nature (born
again, born from above, born of the Spirit of God) and then I AM is going give them My Spirit to live
within them, to guide them, I AM going to be giving them a new way of living by Grace.

So, from the Baptism of Jesus (AD 26) to the 2nd Coming of Jesus (AD 2026) is the Dispensation of Grace
where we are saved by Grace. We are sanctified by Grace. Everything that we do, is Grace upon
Grace upon Grace.

This is the Dispensation that begun with the Baptism of Jesus. It begun in AD 26. That was the end of
4,000 years from the Fall of Man. The end of 80 Jubilee years.

Now the Dispensation of the Church [GRACE] began on [AD 26] Ros Hashanah, 1st Day of the month of
Tishri, AD 2026, with that it’s the last 40 Jubilee years. The Dispensation of the Holy Spirit.[GRACE]
Now, we are coming to the end of the Dispensation of Grace. When you add 2,000 years to AD 26,
you come to AD 2026, which is Jewish year 5787 (Gregorian – 2026/2027) Ros Hashanah, the End of

Because now we are in the End of Time, the Last Dispensation, and in the Last Generation, in the
Terminal Decade, the Final Decade on earth, and to inaugurate the Last Decade on earth, the USA
President Mr Donald Trump, declared Jerusalem as the Capital of the Jewish people (on Dec 6,

That was the beginning of the Final Decade on earth. According to Daniel 9:25-26, God gave Daniel
clearly, the timeline: From the return of the Jews [from Babylon] back to Jerusalem – it will be 69 (7+62)
weeks (483 days = 483 years) and the Messiah will be cut off. And exactly 483 years in AD30, HE was
crucified. And Daniel 9:26 says, after Messiah was cut off, the people of the Antichrist will come and
destroy the City (Jerusalem)and the Sanctuary – which happened in AD70.
Daniel 9:25-26 Amplified Bible (AMP)
25 So you are to know and understand that from the issuance of the command to restore and rebuild

Jerusalem until [the coming of] the Messiah (the Anointed One), the Prince, there will be seven
weeks [of years] and sixty-two weeks [of years]; it will be built again, with [a city] plaza and moat,
even in times of trouble. 26 Then after the sixty-two weeks [of years] the Anointed One will be cut off
[and denied His Messianic kingdom] and have nothing [and no one to defend Him], and the people of
the [other] prince Antichrist who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. Its end will
come with a flood; even to the end there will be war; desolations are determined.

In AD 70, everything came to an end - the City of Jerusalem was destroyed (2nd Temple was
destroyed) and the Jews were scattered into every nations and God said He will bring them back.

In 1947, the United Nations made a Resolution to create a Homeland for the Jewish people. In May
1948, Israel became a Nation again. In 1967, for the first time since AD 70, the Jewish people had
Jerusalem again. Another 50 years after 1967, in 2017, Mr Donald Trump as the President of the
Super Power, USA, declared Jerusalem the Capital of the Jewish people.

The time is now come for ALL the prophecies, the 300 prophecies concerning the End of Times, to be
fulfilled. We are now in the days of the fulfilment of the End of Times, the signs of the times, and all
the predictions are going to take place in these days that are before us.

United States recognition of Jerusalem as Capital of Israel:
Beginning of the 70th Week of Daniel – the Last Week, the Last Shavuot, the Last Shemitah4,

September 17, 2020, Ros Hashanah, will be the beginning of the 70th Week of Daniel.
The last 7 years will begin.

When we say that, we are saying to you right now that ALL the things that have been predicted to
happen, we are already seeing EVERYTHING happening.

1st we saw Jerusalem being recognised as the Capital of the Jewish people in 2017, since AD 70.
A MAJOR, MAJOR, MAJOR, MAJOR, prophetic event. To tell the World, that now we are in the last
days of the Last Days. The beginning of the Final Decade, the Decade of Destiny, the Decade in which
Jesus is going to come at the End of this Decade. And this is the Decade that He said He is going to
pour His Spirit again, the Spirit without measure. The Spirit of Elijah is coming. The Anointing is
coming. So, Great and Mighty things are before us!

But, before we get to what is going to happen, we got to lay a foundation here. ALL the Scriptures
speak with one voice. Scripture interprets Scripture. There is no other interpretation except Biblical
interpretation. What God says is the only Final Word on the subject of the Return of Jesus. Because
the Bible is infallible, it has never failed, the TIME Line in the Bible has never failed. The

The Dispensations of 2,000 years were PRECISE:

From Adam to Abraham – PRECISELY, Ros Hashanah, right down to the end of 2,000 years it
happened exactly! I mean, to the minute to the hour because God is a GOD of PRECISION.
From Abraham to Jesus’ Baptism, with PRECISION on Ros Hashanah, it happened! Exactly! End of
4,000 years. Completed.

We are now coming to the END of the LAST 2,000 years, the Dispensation of Grace.

Because we are in the LAST DAYS, the People of God need to KNOW that! Because as it was in the
Days of Noah:

o Noah KNEW the TIME but not the DAY and the HOUR.
o Abraham KNEW, 400 YEARS but not the DAY and HOUR.
o Moses KNEW, 40 YEARS but not the DAY and the HOUR.
o Jeremiah KNEW, 70 YEARS in the Babylonian Exile but not the DAY and the HOUR.

EVERYTHING is SO CLEAR from Scripture interpreting Scripture. The Paradigm has already been
established in Scripture. The Patterns have already been established in Scripture. Therefore, we
know that we know that WE ARE in the LAST DAYS.
Time stamp: 25:40
CORONA: Crowning of the Antichrist
So that’s the reason I can say to you right now that we are in the LAST DAYS.
This COVID-19 is amazing. The timing of it. The word “CORONA5” means “CROWN”.
It’s the crowning the Antichrist through all these pandemics which led to the Global Economic
Shutdown. Which is going to lead to Global Economic Collapse. Financial Collapse. Because there is
no production, no activity in the market place. The market place has been shut down.

It’s the “crowning” of the New System, the New Reset. And that New Reset is being born because
change only takes place through a crisis!

We had the League of Nations6(1920-1946) because we had the biggest war ever known to men. The
1st World War. 50 million people died7! And the World came together because of the Crisis! To say,
let’s solve this problem. Let’s set up the League of Nations. So, they set up the League of Nations!

Then, the League of Nations could not stop the 2nd World War! And at the end of the 2nd World War,
they said, “Look, we got to do something!” “We got to create the United Nations.” And they created
the United Nations.
Now, with this Major, Major Global Crisis, they
are gonna say because the Global Economy is
collapsing, the World Financial System is
collapsing, the Economy is collapsing, there is
Social Unrest, and people are panicking, people
need answers, they need solutions, they need a
way out, they need a LEADER! They need new

That’s why it’s called CORONA. The “Crowning” of

a new era. The birthing of a new era. We are now at the threshold of the Greatest Time in History,
the final Shavuot, Shemitah (which means the last year in a 7-year cycle, a Sabbatical cycle) we are
now a COUPLE of MONTHS to enter into a new era, in the new season and during the time the Bible
tells us exactly:

o What is going to happen,

o How it’s going to happen,

Corona (from the Latin for ‘crown’):
League of Nations:
WWI: 15 to 22 million deaths
o Where it’s going to happen,

WHY? Because God wants His People to KNOW and to be PREPARED!

God Wants His People to KNOW and to be PREPARED!

This is SO IMPORTANT that the Church stop talking about ALL the other things that are irrelevant, not
important! Because THIS IS IMPORTANT!

Because this is where we are going! And this is where we are!

This is the ONLY MESSAGE of the HOUR!


Because in Matthew 24, the disciples asked Jesus: “When are You coming back? What will be the sign
of Your coming back?”

1. The 1st thing Jesus said is “DON’T BE DECEIVED!”

Matthew 24:4-8 Amplified Bible (AMP)

4 Jesus answered, “Be careful that no one misleads you [deceiving you and leading you into

error]. 5 For many will come in My name [misusing it, and appropriating the strength of the name
which belongs to Me], saying, ‘I am the Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed),’ and they will mislead
many. 6 You will continually hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened,
for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end [of the age]. 7 For nation will rise against
nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various
places. 8 But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs [of the intolerable anguish and
the time of unprecedented trouble].
Time stamp: 29:00
Because we are in the days of:

o Deception
o Manipulation
o False “analogy?”
o False news


Because the Antichrist is the Devil’s Masterplan!

When you look at what happened to Adam and Eve. The Devil didn’t show up and say, “You know
what, I want you to come out of this Garden, thrown out of this Garden, I want you to be sick and I
want you to die and I want you go out in eternity in hell and burn with me.”

The Devil didn’t say that!

He said, “I think you’ve got a problem. I noticed that you waited so long for God to come with
answers in the cool of the day. You know, you could be smart, have solutions, answers to the
problems, and not have to wait on God! Because He comes in the cool of the day. So, you have to
wait ALL day! For God to come. If you eat from this tree, you will be smart. You will understand. And
you will be able to solve your problem.”

Now, here is what I want you to know. That as we move through this TIME, there are going to be
people that are going to come up with answers, solutions, WHY? Because we are at the beginning of
the 7 LAST DAYS, the 70th WEEK of Daniel. Because we are now entering Jacob’s Trouble, we are now
entering The Beginning of Sorrows.

That is why, you need to understand, that now we are standing at the threshold [point of entry or beginning] of
the time that Daniel said there has never been a time like it that we are about to enter in.

o The Greatest persecution of the people of God is coming and is here.

o The Greatest deception of the people of God is here and Jesus had said, “Don’t be DECEIVED!”

Because this is a time of deception, of lies, of manipulation, controlling spirits, lying spirits, to snare
you into taking the Biochip. Because that’s all the Devil wants. Its’ his masterplan for the End of

Joyce Cheng’s own notes: Also refer to Tabernacle of David, Pastor Chee Kang Seng’s End Times
Conference teachings on Mark of The Beast
M7: Are You Prepared to Reject The Mark of The Beast? (6 June 2020)
M8: The Power of The Mark of the Lord OVER the Mark of the Beast! (13 June 2020)

Revelation 13:16-18 New King James Version (NKJV)

16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right

hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has [a: the mark, the name]
the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the

number of a man: His number is 666.

Session 2: The Antichrist – The Age of Deception

Satan Thrown Out of Heaven: Revelation 12:7-12 (NKJV)

7 And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and
his angels fought, 8 but they [a]did not prevail, nor was a place found for [b]them in heaven any
longer. 9 So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who
deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
10 Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our

God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them
before our God day and night, has been cast down. 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the
Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the
death. 12 Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the
earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that
he has a short time.”

The Devil is thrown out of Heaven, comes down here, and what does he do?

He raises up an Antichrist. The Son of Perdition.

When he is thrown down here, he comes with great anger, he comes with a plan to deceive the
Believers, The Children of God. To mislead them. Because he wants all of them to go to hell with him.

Just like he wanted Adam and Eve to be thrown out of the Garden of Eden. They did not know what
was happening. But the Devil knew. That’s why what is coming is going to be a deception of the
people of God!

They are not going to know that they are being deceived into taking the number of the Beast. He is
not going to make it obvious. He is going to hide it! Because he wants you to take it and then when
you realize it, it is too late! That’s why, when God showed up, He said, “What happened?” Adam says,
“Well, the woman you gave me, she gave me the “apple”.” And the woman said, “No, it’s not me! It is
the snake, You created.” That did not stop them from being thrown out!

You cannot transfer your own responsibility to anyone. That’s why it’s so important tonight. As we
share these things. That you realise that you are responsible for your life! In this critical hour. And
the fact that Pastor Noel and all the Elders and Leaders that has made this Zoom conference possible
is because they care! They know that everyone has to make their own decision. Everyone will stand
alone before God. That’s why we are now T the critical moment. We are a couple of months before
September 17, 2020 Ros Hashanah, the Beginning of the 70th Week of Daniel.
How can we verify that this is true?

It’s because the Coronavirus comes at the APPOINTED TIME. The SET TIME. That’s why we can say,
“This is that!” Because it comes at the SET TIME. It comes AFTER Jerusalem has been declared the
Capital of the Jewish people.

Because Jerusalem is GROUND ZERO. Jerusalem is THE CLOCK.

Now, THE CLOCK says, It’s time for the Jewish people to have Temple Mount.
Now, by September 17, 2020 Ros Hashanah, the USA President Mr Donald Trump has come up with
The Deal of the Century8. WHY? Because Jerusalem and Israel continues to be the FOCUS. It is the
“PLACE” to look at if you want to KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS. We look at Jerusalem.

1. 2017: Jerusalem is now the Capital of the Jewish people

2. 2020: Deal of the Century – is setting up the stage for the END GAME – which is about
Armageddon. The United Nations, The European Community, The Arab League of Nations, China,
African Unity are all against The Deal of The Century. It’s bringing the players that are taking their
positions for the greatest confrontation of Israel. And that is exactly what the Bible talks about!

That’s why we know that we know we are in the Last Days and we need, as Jesus said, “As it was in
the Days of Noah, so shall it be.”

That means, we need to be informed, equipped, positioned not only to survive but to thrive!

Because, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” They are ignorant. That’s why, they are going to
be deceived.

Hosea 4:6 Amplified Bible (AMP)

6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge [of My law, where I reveal My will].

Because you [the priestly nation] have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you from being My priest.
Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children.

Because the Devil is going to come and say, “I have a solution. I have this Pandemic, I can just Biochip
you, to save you, so that you know who you have been with and ..”

It’s going to be something like that!. It’s going to be a deception! Whatever it is, it is going to be a
deception. It’s going to be the Devil deceiving the people! Because he doesn’t want them to know
what it is. Because if you know, you are going to say NO! I don’t want to take that!

And because he doesn’t want you to know, God gives you the knowledge by telling you the TIME.
That’s why knowing the TIME, is the MOST IMPORTANT THING TODAY! Whatever happens from
now, anything being put in your body, from this day forth, you know, it’s the number of the Beast.

Why? Because the TIME is NOW! That’s why God gave us the MESSIANIC CLOCK. He gave us the TIME
Template. He gave us the TIME LINE. So that we will know when it’s happening when it happens!
That’s why I am informing you right now that IT’s COMING, IT’s HERE! WHY? Because the TIME that
God said has come! We don’t follow fake news, we don’t follow the teachings of man, Time Stamp37:25
we follow what God says. God said it, that settles it. Because the TIME LINE that God has established
in His Word has never failed.

Deal of The Century:
EVERY single TIME LINE in Scripture has happened at the appointed time. The pre-set time.
EVERYTHING! There’s not one TIME LINE that did not happen. When He said “400 years out of
Egypt”, EXACTLY 400 years! When He said “40 years”, EXACTLY 40 years! When He said “70 years in
Babylon”, EXACTLY 70 years. EVERYTHING is Precise! Precise! Precise! I am talking about PRECISION

Now we are in PRECISION TIMING. The Coronavirus comes:

- “immediately” after Jerusalem has become the Capital of the Jewish people. It comes
- “immediately” after USA President Mr Donald Trump declares The Deal of the Century.

Everything is moving forward to tell us as Believers, that the TIME has now come!
Because the TIME has come, we have to:

- know the plans of the enemy,

- we have to be alert,
- we have to watch,
- we have to NOT go to sleep and be deceived! That’s the most important thing!

Jesus said, “DON’T BE DECEIVED!” Because the World is going to come up with deception.
Because the World will always use CRISIS!

In other words, if we think

- this Coronavirus is a crisis,
- there is a BIG ONE coming!
- If we think the BIG ONE coming is a crisis,
- the 3rd World War is coming!

It’s going to be one crisis after another, one after another, one after another! Until there is NO HOPE!
And at that point, the Devil is going to say, “I have an answer. I can help you. This is the answer.”
And his answer is to get you
- from your calling,
- from spending “in the presence” with God,
- to get you side-tracked.

Many of God’s people are going to be deceived! MANY of God’s people are going to fall away.
Jesus said, “the love of many shall wax cold.”

Matthew 24:12 King James Version (KJV)

12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

That’s why 2 Thessalonians speak about “the falling away”.

2 Thessalonians 2:3 King James Version (KJV)

3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away

first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

Joyce Cheng’s own notes: Also refer to teachings by Tabernacle of David, Pastor Chee Kang Seng on
Module 1: The Great Warning of Jesus – Additions, Distortions and Deletions to the Bible watch the
“Recap” video: at Timestamp: 7:27: 2 Thessalonians 2:3
“that day will not come” is the Day of the Lord, the Day of Rapture.
So, we are talking about the falling away of BELIEVERS!
Because of:
- deception,
- misunderstanding,
- not going back to the Word,
- not knowing WHAT TIME IT IS

That is why, God has CHOSEN you to be a MESSENGER to your people.

Especially in THIS TIME, in THIS SEASON.
To KNOW that THESE ARE THE DAYS that the Bible talks about.

THE KING IS COMING! AND COMING SOON! [2027: Meet Jesus in the Clouds]

Because we are living in the Last Days, the End of the Dispensation of Grace, this is the GREATEST
TIME in ALL of history.

Because it’s the time that we are preparing for the GREATEST CONFRONTATION with the Force of
Darkness. The Devil is going to be thrown down here, with ALL the FALLEN angels. And the
bottomless pit is going to be opened. And ALL the demons are going to come.

Joyce Cheng’s own notes: Also refer to M10: The Kairos Shift NOW! (4th July 2020, Sabbath) by TOD, Ps Chee
Kang Seng’s teachings about the Demonic Deception to deceive people into believing in the Alien Saviour that
comes. (Timestamp: 75:36) and the Programmed Welcome of Aliens (Time stamp: 77:10)
It’s going to be a time like no other time in history.

That’s why, to be a BELIEVER in THIS TIME, to be a CHILD OF GOD in THIS TIME, you need:
- ALL the POWER,
- ALL that God has provided in the PERSON of JESUS CHRIST,
which is the FULLNESS of the HOLY SPIRIT. You NEED THAT!

Because the only answer, THE ONLY ANSWER to what’s coming IS MORE HOLY SPIRIT!

Joyce Cheng’s own notes: Also refer to Dr Robert Mawire’s Pentecost Sermon on 31 May 2020:
God’s Answer to The Global Crisis [Pentecost is God's answer to the Coronavirus pandemic. Pentecost
is The Answer. – from time: 18:08]

I’ll talk more about that when we come back (after the coffee break).
I’ll talk more about how to overcome the Antichrist. And before I close this part of my teaching,
I want to say to you that because we are in the FINAL DECADE, we are in the Beginning of Daniel’s
70th Week, the FINAL WEEK, the LAST 7 YEARS on earth, because we are going to begin that on
September 17, 2020 Ros Hashanah (5781) – We are using God’s calendar, the Jewish Calendar, Ros
Hashanah (The Beginning of the Year 5781) BEGINS the 70th Week of Daniel, the FINAL WEEK, the
FINAL 7 YEARS, AND THE GREATEST 7 YEARS on this planet. And the Devil is going to be thrown down
here during these 7 years, And we are going to talk about

- What he’s going to do

- How we are going to overcome him, because, he hasn’t seen nothing yet. When it gets tough,
the TOUGH gets going. The Church is at its best during Tribulation. The early Church for 300
years, they were persecuted, they were under Tribulation, and they turned Rome upside down.
That’s why I know, ASIA is going to be turned upside down by a MILITANT Church, NOT in the
THE HOLY SPIRIT, The Articulation of the Word of God, THAT’s going to be the MOST AMAZING

After the Break:

The best part of our Fellowship tonight, our hearting tonight, has now begun:


Dr Mawire prayed:

Lord I thank You. That, the Devil hasn’t seen nothing

yet! There is a people on the Earth that You are
raising up. A mighty people. An anointed people. A
people who know their God. And I thank You, that
the BEST is yet to come. And the BEST is HERE. So
Father we thank You that we come to a critical
moment, the rising of the Antichrist.

We give You thanks now in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Joyce Cheng’s own notes: Also refer to
Last Days Q&A: Antichrist (Andy Wallace and Dr Robert Mawire) 12/6/2020 (Week 8)

First of all, I want to say, the Antichrist, the Beast, is alive and well today. When I talk about the
Antichrist, I am talking about Revelation 13: 1-2 (NKJV)

The Beast out of the Water (from the sea), The Antichrist.
The Beast out of the Earth, The False Prophet.

BOTH the Antichrist and the False Prophet are ALIVE and WELL TODAY.

The Question is:

- When is he (AntiChrist) coming
- When will he appear on the World Scene
He is on the World Scene.

Revelation 13:1-2 New King James Version (NKJV)

The Beast from the Sea
13 Then [a]I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having [b]seven
heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name. 2 Now the
beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the
mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority.
a. Revelation 13:1 NU he
b. Revelation 13:1 NU, M ten horns and seven heads

Revelation 13:1-2 (NKJV)

…The Dragon gave him (AntiChrist) his power, his throne and great authority.
Now, this is the Demonic Trinity. We have the Father, Son and The Holy Spirit.
In the kingdom of darkness, there is the Dragon, and then there is the Antichrist (which is the son of
the Dragon) and the False Prophet plays the Role of “the Holy Spirit”.

So that is the Unholy Trinity.

That Unholy Trinity is going to orchestrate the things on the Earth:

- The collapse of the Global Economy,
- The collapse of the Global Social Order,
- The collapse of the Political Systems,

This Demonic Trinity is going to orchestrate these things because the Dragon will give the Antichrist
his throne, his authority and his dominion to this “man” who is alive and well today on the Planet, on
the Political Scene.

He has not yet received the “anointing” just like Jesus.

Jesus know
- He is the Son of God,
- Sent by God,
- with a mission,
- with a purpose, to redeem Mankind.

HE was not Christos9– The Anointed ONE, until HE was baptised. Then the Spirit of God came upon
Him and then He became The Anointed ONE.

Christos Phonetic Spelling: (khris-tos') Definition: the Anointed One, Messiah, Christ
Now, the Antichrist, has not been anointed. That’s why all these things that we are about to talk
about are not happening yet. We are at the beginning of those things the enemy is doing which is to
- chaos on the Earth,
- to create confront? on the Earth,
- to create Disaster on the Earth,

In order prepare the hearts of people to say, “OK! We need a leader. We need somebody to help us.”
He (Devil) is creating crisis because out of crisis comes a NEW Transformation. A New Order.

So now we are seeing the beginning of these crisis. And these crisis are going to lead to the

Now, What is the NEW WORLD ORDER (NWO)?

Daniel Chapter 7: The New
World Order is formed by the 4
Global Leaders (4 Beasts) one of
them being the Antichrist, and
they will be helped by the 10
Regional Leaders in coming
together to run the World.

In other words, the United

Nations is going to be
completely destroyed. They are
going to come up with 4 Global
Leaders and they are going to
need 10 Regional Leaders. Those 10
Regional Leaders are going to be
working for the Antichrist. The other 3
are going to submit to the Antichrist.
The 10 Regional Leaders are going to
submit to the Antichrist.

So now we have 14 Leaders. Now

there is an Extra Leader. That’s going
to be the Spiritual False Prophet. So
he is the 5th one. We are talking about
4 Global Political Leaders, 10 Regional
Political Leaders, and then, the Miracle
Worker, The False Prophet. He works
very closely with the Antichrist.
He performs miracles, signs and
wonders. To make the Antichrist look
good. So that’s the False Prophet. And
that False Prophet is going to be
instrumental in the creation of the One
World Religion.

Syncretism10. Uniting all the religions,

a form of governance without the
power thereof, a religious movement like they had in the Days of Jesus. The Pharisees and Sadducees
were Political. They wanted Rome to rule them, and they didn’t want to upset Rome, so everything
they did was to support the system. They were not standing up for God, for His Word, they had
become politicised and compromised.

So, the False Prophet is going to be on the forefront of talking about unity. Of talking about ALL the
religious leaders coming together. And that’s when they will reject the DEITY of JESUS. Because the
DEITY of JESUS says there is no other Name. He is the ONLY ONE. So, they are going to say, No, Jesus
was a divine leader. Like the Dalai Lama. He was a divine leader like Moses. He was just another
divine leader. So, ALL these other divine leaders come together, they are all OK because “every road
leads to God.” It’s like climbing up a mountain, you can come in any direction and we meet at the
summit. But now lets unite together to create a better world of tolerance. And we cannot accept
people who say their way is the only way. That’s why the Christians will be persecuted!

Why? Because we insist on the exclusivity of Jesus is the only Way, the only Truth, that there is no
other Name, that there is only One Name and that Name is Jesus. That’s the crime. Because that will
not be politically correct. They will reject that. They will say No! We reject that! Because you are
causing division when we are trying to unite the world to solve World Problems!

It’s part of the Agenda 21. Which is creating sustainable goals to bring peace, and stability, and those
goals when you look at them, they are going to bring bloodshed and war, and as a result according to
Agenda 21, it’s going to result in nearly 2 Billion exterminated because the world cannot sustain this
many people. Because many people say, “Well, the world population is too big, we don’t have

Syncretism [NOUN]: 1. The amalgamation (the action, process or result of combining or uniting) or attempted
amalgamation of different religions, cultures or schools of thought. "interfaith dialogue can easily slip into syncretism"
enough resources, so all these other people that are worthless, especially those people who insist in
doing it in their own way, who are against the New Social Order, they must be exterminated.” And
the way we are going to do it is the way they did it in Babylon.

They looked at Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego and they said, “You know, the only way we can
stop them, is through their religion. We are going to make them compromise their religion. We are
going to demand that they kneel down to the image. And when they did that, Shadrach, Meshach
and Abed-Nego will say NO!

Because when they force us to take the Biochip in that knowledge the Antichrist is god, we are going
to say No! And when we say no, what happened to Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego, is going to
happen. They threw them into the Furnace!

And guess what happened? They were FULL Of GOD, and when they stepped into the Furnace, they
looked inside the Furnace, and they said, “We see the 4th Man” He is like the Son of Man. The Son of
Man did not come to be with them because they were in the Furnace. The Son of Man was WITH
them, IN them, and He just made Himself KNOWN in that crisis!

Time stamp: 55:22

This is what is going to happen. They are going to betray the people, they are going to persecute the
people of God, they are going to throw us into the Furnace, BUT the Lord Himself is going to reveal
His glory and His power and the World is going to stand back and say, “We see Jesus in them. We see
the glory in them. We see something that we’ve never seen before.”

Because they don’t know what’s inside of us! The same Christ that was crucified on the cross, buried
and rose again, He lives in us! He is our Life! It’s no longer I that live but Christ lives in me.

Galatians 2:20 Amplified Bible (AMP)

20 I have been crucified with Christ [that is, in Him I have shared His crucifixion]; it is no longer I who

live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body I live by faith [by adhering to, relying on, and
completely trusting] in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.

So, there is going to be a manifestation of Jesus when they begin to persecute those who reject the
number of the Beast 666. That would be something the False Prophet who works with the religious
people, the compromised churches that is reformed governance without the power thereof – that
church that no longer walks in the Spirit is going to be drawn into the spirit of the Antichrist. Is
going to be subdued by the
spirit of the Antichrist. That’s
the falling away because of the
seduction, the lies, the
deception, the manipulation,
of the enemy.

So, there is going to be a crisis!

A spiritual crisis. Because, they
don’t have the power of God
and the Devil will take over
and he will control them
through the lying wonders of
the False Prophet. The False Prophet is going to do lying wonders to deceive many. And the Bible
says, if it were possible, even the Elect would be deceived.

The focus of this Antichrist is to oppose those who believe in Jesus. He exalts himself and says he is
god. He demands that he be worshipped.

And right now in the Deal of the Century, the Restrainer has been removed. Now very soon, the
Temple (3rd Temple) will be built on Temple Mount.

Now, those who believe in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture, because they say the Holy Spirit is going to be
taken out, because the Holy Spirit is the Restrainer, well, the Holy Spirit is NOT the Restrainer.
Because the early Apostles, their disciples, they wrote what they heard the Apostles said. The
Apostles said that the Restrainer was Imperial Rome. It was Rome. And that was the Restrainer.
Now, you say, “That doesn’t make sense.”

Yes, it makes sense. Why? Because, you got to know what was being restrained. The Restrain was
given by Emperor Hadrian11 in 135 AD. The Jews wanted to go back to Jerusalem to rebuild their
Third Temple. And Emperor Hadrian gave them an Imperial Restrain. That the Jews are not allowed
in Jerusalem, they are not allowed to build the Temple, and he even changed the name of Jerusalem
(to Palestine) and made sure that the Jews will not go back. Why? Because, until there is a Temple on
Temple Mount in Jerusalem, where God said “I put My Name here forever”, the Antichrist will not be

The Antichrist is only going to be revealed in one place, that is, Temple Mount in Jerusalem. And the
Restraining Order has been put by Hadrian and Scripture says the Antichrist will not be revealed until
the Restraint has been removed.

Well, right now, in the Deal of the Century, the USA is authorising the Jews to Annex parts of
Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria, the most important of the part that is going to be Annexed is
Temple Mount. To create the condition, it is the removal of the Restraint.

The one thing that stopped them is they didn’t have a Major Super Power like a Cyrus to enforce the
Building of the Temple. For the 1st time in nearly 2,000 years, we have a Cyrus (US President Donald
Trump) authorising the Jews now to build the Temple because now the time for the manifestation of
the Antichrist is now come.

That’s why the Restraint that was put by Emperor Hadrian is being removed by another Roman

Rome has two legs. Eastern Rome = that’s Moscow. Western Rome = that’s Washington DC.
Those are the two legs in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. The two super powers that’s going to lead in the
End of Time. And now we know, that the Restraint is being removed in preparation for the Jews to
build their (Third) Temple, that’s why the Priests have been trained, the Red Heifer 12 is ready, the
Sanhedrin is being reconvened, the diagram for the Third Temple has been done, and according to
what they say, the Ark of Covenant has been discovered and they are moving towards fulfilling the
most important thing that must happen before the Antichrist is revealed. That is, the building of the
Third Temple. Timestamp: 1:0:55

Emperor Hadrian and the Jews:
Red heifer:
Now I will say to you right now, that everything in Jerusalem, all the vessels of the temple, had been
prepared. The Red heifer is there. I spent the whole day with the Head of the Sanhedrin. And he was
talking about they are preparing to build the Temple.

So now we have the Jews ready, the Cyrus of the End of Time ready, giving them the right, and this
next month (1 July 2020) they are moving towards the Annexation of the Land. To prepare for the
building of the Temple.

Why? Because the TIME has come! It’s in the TIME Line. It is the TIME, the SEASON. That’s why we
know that we know. We are in the LAST DAYs. Everything must line up according to the Biblical
Timeline. And ALL these events. That’s why we can say “This is That!” That’s why we can say WE ARE
in the LAST DAYs. Because the TIMELINE and the EVENTs are aligning according to the Word of God!

This is a very serious time! This is the time that Men and Women must spend nights and days and
weeks on their knees in Prayer! (not just saying prayers but Pray through till there is breakthrough, FAST
and Pray till you get revelation from God! Like Daniel. He did not plan to fast for 21 days. He fasted till he
received the answer which came after 21 days! He persevered to fast and pray till he received the answer).

Because the Final Showdown has already begun! And we are seeing now from the World, we are
seeing the shutdowns, the lockdowns, and another pandemic is coming, worse than the coronavirus,
we will see the collapse of the Global Economic System and the collapse of the Global Governments,
and we will see the rising up of the New World Order.

Not only are we going to see these pandemics, but we will see a war not very far from where we are,
there is going to be a Third World War (WW3). Third World War is coming very soon13
Timestamp:1:04:09. This third world war is going to be the platform. They are going to use to bring this

because of Global
Unemployment, Global Social
Unrests, Global Upheaval, Global
Financial Collapse, Global
Problems, Global Crisis, Global
EVERYTHING! It’s going to just go
crazy! It’s going to collapse. Why?
Because we are in the days of the
New World Order! And the Bible
tells us who are the players of the
New World Order.

There is a man called the

Antichrist. Though he is on the
World Scene today, he is NOT the
Antichrist yet. He will not be Antichrist until he is anointed. How is he going to be anointed?

There is going to be an assassination on the Antichrist. And the bullet will go through his right eye,
and his arm, and so he will have one eye and he is going to have one arm that is not working, and
when that happens, he is going to be emptied of his humanity and a demon from the bottomless pit
will come and take his body!

Third World War is coming very soon: (Dr Mawire mentioned Spring of 2023 in another teaching video on 30 May
2020: The Greatest Time – Are You Ready? Time Stamp: 54:48 )
Now, you say, “That’s incredible, because the Devil cannot do the incarnation like Jesus.”
So, he (the Devil) is going to take over this man’s body (body of “Antichrist”) and control the world.

That is the manifestation of the Antichrist in his full “anointing”. Right now, the man is just a

How can we understand that?

I will give you good example of that. According to the Book of Jude, right there when Moses died, the
Devil, so that he would end up in the body of Moses and go back to the people and deceive them!
Because the people will receive him (“Moses”), they will celebrate him, because they would think he
is the “old” Moses but he’s a whole new man! It’s the Devil! Devil incarnate in the body of Moses.
That’s why, Michael the Archangel, had to rebuke the Devil and that’s why God had to hide the body
of Moses.

Jude 1:9 King James Version (KJV)

9 Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses,

durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.

That means, the Devil is looking for a body when the human spirit leaves, he wants to enter into that
body, and begin to function like that person. That’s why if possible, even the Elect would be

Why? Because the Antichrist is going to be like Judas (Iscariot). He is going to be with the Jesus people.
He is going to have the same values, he is going to talk like them, he is going to be conservative, he is
going to be Judas. He is going to be right there with the Jesus people. He is going to be talking their
language. He is going to be accepted and celebrated by Believers and that’s why they said if possible,
even the Elect would be deceived.

Because he will be so good. People are not going to be deceived by an evil man. They are going to be
deceived when a “Moses” comes back. They say, “Oh, this is Moses! He is our man. He is our leader!
Oh, Thank God he is raised. Maybe God answered our prayer. Now he is alive again because we need
him.” And the Devil will say, “Good, you need me.”

And he is going to DECEIVE the Body of Christ because the Body of Christ will be caught up in the
chaos of this world, in the agendas of this world, and not focused on the Lord. That’s why the falling
away will happen because they are going to follow their “NEW” Leader in his deception and the False
Prophet will do a lot of miracles to deceive the people. So, it would look like it’s supernatural, it’s
global, it’s going to be like, “This is the right thing, this has to be god, because look at these miracles,
look at what’s happening.

Because the church is no longer walking in the Supernatural, so when the supernatural comes, a false
supernatural, they are going to buy into that!
Because they are not willing to pay the cost:
- to spend time on their knees [fasting and praying] and
- to spend time in the Word,
- to spend time seeking God,

and being transformed by the True Power of God [by the anointing of the Holy Spirt, Spirt without measure. Not
just baptism of the Holy Spirit BUT be FILLED UP by the Holy Spirit OIL – like we are the vessel like a bucket and the Holy
Spirit without measure is like the OCEAN who can anoint us and fill us up and fill us up! So that we are overflowing and
seeping out Holy Spirit anointing oil! – Luke 21:36 is the KEY! Praying ALWAYS with FASTING and PRAYING IN THE SPIRIT]

So, when the False comes, they are going to embrace that. That’s the falling away that’s going to
come because of this Supernatural Manifestation through the False prophet who is going to bring all
the churches together and he is going to bring the world to a place where they are going to say
“WOW! This man is amazing!”

Because the Falling away is coming. It’s is here. Why? Because the church is no longer anointed. In
other words, the church is lost in a lost world. The church is no longer walking in the Spirit. The falling
away has already begun because we are in the Last Days. That’s why, when we talk about the End of
Time like this, people resist that!

But when you hear people resisting the message, just pray for them.

Because the Bible say, Daniel was told by Gabriel that the wicked will not understand it. The wicked
will not accept it. The wicked will not buy in into it. Because it’s not given to them.

Daniel 12:10 Amplified Bible (AMP)

10 Many will be purged, purified (made white) and refined, but the wicked will behave wickedly. None

of the wicked shall understand, but those who are [spiritually] wise will understand.

Because these things are not taught. But they are caught. They come from heaven, and
you embrace them. It’s a revelation. It’s not an analysis and a human understanding. It is revelation.

But you cannot have revelation until you are walking in revelational relationship with God.
Then only then can you receive revelational guidance from God.

That’s why in these last days that’s going to be critical!

Because the Antichrist is here, the signs of the times are here, the church is exactly what the Bible
- Lukewarm
- Compromised
- Preoccupied with the cares of this world
- Not calling people to Holy Convocation to praying and fasting and seeking God

That’s why we need to be on the forefront like John the Baptist. He was a voice crying out in the
Wilderness! Prepare ye the way of the Lord!
Isaiah 40:3 New King James Version (NKJV)
3 The voice of one crying in the wilderness:

“Prepare the way of the LORD;

Make straight in the desert
A highway for our God.
We are to be those people that’s going to cry out to the people and say “The Time has come”!

The Bible shows us the time has come!

Because we are going into more TIME LINE explanation, line upon line, Scripture interpreting
Scripture, here a little, there a little, ALL the pieces of the PUZZLE, we are going to show them that
there are many TIMELINES in the Bible, ALL ending Jewish calendar 5788 Jewish Reckoning. AD 2027.
ALL of them ending in AD 2026 in the Gentile Gregorian calendar.

Now the questions that are very important to be answered:

1. Is the Antichrist Alive? The answer is: Yes.

2. Is he on the world scene? The answer is Yes.
3. Is the False Prophet here? The answer is Yes.
4. Will they be revealed? The answer is Yes.
5. When will they be revealed?
The answer is: When the Antichrist is assassinated. And he stands up and the other spirit has
gotten hold of him.

It’s just like the moment when Jesus said to Judas Iscariot and gave him the piece of bread, it
says “The Devil entered him.” He became possessed and Jesus said “Go do what you need to do
now” and he (Judas) was driven by the spirit.

So, when that spirit from the Bottomless Pit comes, it enters him and he becomes the
manifestation of Satan on the Earth with his False Prophet, with the “10 kings”, with the 4 Leaders,
that are all united together in the New World Order (NWO).

John 13:26-30 New King James Version (NKJV)

26 Jesus answered, “It is he to whom I shall give a piece of bread when I have dipped it.” And having

dipped the bread, He gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon. 27 Now after the piece of bread,
Satan entered him. Then Jesus said to him, “What you do, do quickly.” 28 But no one at the table knew
for what reason He said this to him. 29 For some thought, because Judas had the money box, that
Jesus had said to him, “Buy those things we need for the feast,” or that he should give something to
the poor.
30 Having received the piece of bread, he then went out immediately. And it was night.

Overcoming the Beast.

Now, we as Christians:
How are we going to make it? – Psalm 91:11 11 For He shall give His angels charge over you,
To keep you in all your ways.
How are we going to overcome?

That is the most important thing: How are we going to make it and How are we going to overcome?

Overcoming the Beast.

Because the Beast is here. As it was in the days of Noah, He says.
Noah was prepared. That’s how he overcame. So, we need to be prepared!

But to be prepared, we need to know how to prepare!

How to prepare is more important than anything else.

- We need to learn how to be ready.

- We need to know how to prepare.

Because, without Preparation, there is no Participation in God’s Destiny.

Only those whom God prepared, He uses.

Because we have to prepare, we need to know how to prepare.

1. PRAY ALWAYS (Luke 21:36) : The first thing I want to say that Jesus said.

I want to start with what Jesus said in Luke 21:36 is so important because He was speaking about the
End of Time on the Mount of Olives. They asked Him: “When is Your coming? What are the signs of
Your coming?” And one of the things He said in Luke 21:36:
Luke 21:36 New King James Version (NKJV)
36 Watch therefore, and pray always that you may [a: have strength to] be counted worthy to

escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”


I’m talking about the NOWness of this CALL. It’s a call to Pray Always. Always means Always.
Joyce Cheng’s notes: Watch and Listen to Dr Bruce D Allen’s teachings on 4 July 2020, City Missions
Church Sabbath Marketplace Service. He explained what it means to Pray without Ceasing in the
Hebraic sense. Be so conversant in prayer, that throughout our conversation all day long is laced with
prayer, communicating consistently and regularly all day long. God wants to speak to us but He also
wants to speak through us. We hear His voice and we speak WITH HIS voice with wisdom from John
5:19 New King James Version (NKJV)
19 Then Jesus answered and said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of

Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner.

How do I escape? By praying always. Not casual prayers. Not when you feel like praying.
But praying always means it has to be a way of life. You have to pray without ceasing.
You have to pray night and day! The only way to escape what’s coming is through prayer.
By prayer I am not talking about revelational prayer, I am talking about:

- revelational intercession – fast and pray until you receive revelation from God
- praying in the spirit
- and praying always – Pray without ceasing
Timestamp: 1:16:10
Jesus said that’s how you are going to be counted worthy to escape.
Who counts you WORTHY? GOD!

If God doesn’t count you worthy to escape, you are not going to escape. That no matter where you
go, where you hide, what you do, you are not going to make it!

What should I do? Pray always.

How do I prepare? By Praying always.

You know, you hear all these things that are happening now? It’s a call to prayer.
I’m talking about FASTING and PRAYING. Yes, Fasting and Praying. You got to Fast and Pray!
Because that’s the ONLY WAY, the ONLY WAY you’re going to be able to make it.

Luke 21:36 New King James Version (NKJV)

36 Watch therefore, and pray always that you may [a: have strength to] be counted worthy to

escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”

That is the KEY.

Now, there is a clear path to victory in

these last days.

Because PRAYING ALWAYS will give you

the anointing without measure.

The Spirit of Elijah, Declaration with

Demonstration, the greatest outpouring
of the Holy Spirit in ALL of human history,
will come upon us as we PRAY ALWAYS.
2.PERSEVERANCE (Rev 3:10 and Matthew 24:13)

That’s why in Revelation 3:10 says clearly:

Revelation 3:10 (NKJV)

10 Because you have kept [a: the word of My patience]My command to persevere, I also will keep you from

the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.

“Because you have kept” – because you have done something. What have you done?
“you have KEPT My Command to persevere,” – Are you listening to the Holy Spirit right now?
It’s time for Perseverance, Endurance, Pressing On, forgetting those things that lies behind, and
pressing on, persevering, doing everything that you can because it tells us clearly, that when we
persevere, God says He is going to KEEP us away NOT TAKE us away.

This is not about Pre-Trib Rapture. I am going to KEEP YOU away as in the Days of Noah. What
happened to Noah? He was KEPT AWAY. He went through to the other side.

We are going through to the other side because He’s going to:

- KEEP us away from the distraction from being beheaded and from the onslaught of the enemy.
- KEEP us away from being subject to the persecution of the Antichrist and the False prophet and
the New World Order.

How are you going to overcome the New World Order?

By Praying Always and Perseverance. He will keep you away. He will protect you. That means there
will be millions and millions of people that are going to be on the earth who love God, who walk with
God, who persevere and the Devil will not be able to behead them, will not be able to get them
because God will keep them away from the Antichrist. He will keep them away from the New World
Order. He will keep them away from the False Prophet. He will keep them away because they are

Perseverance: when you persevere, that’s when you overcome. Because in Matthew 24:13
Matthew 24:13 (NKJV)
13 But he who endures to the end

shall be saved.

When you ENDURE to the END you will be saved.

When you ENDURE, that means you have to KEEP ON KEEPING ON!

1st of all you ENDURE on your knees in prayer!

- All-night prayer meetings.
- Fasting.
- Praying.

Because it’s not going to be like, “I’m going to run away. I’m going to hide here”.
THERE IS NO HIDING PLACE! God Keeps us away!

This is critical! Because this is what you do. This is what God wants you to do.

2. SPIRIT-LED (Psalm 37:23)

Psalm 37:23 New King James Version (NKJV)

23 The steps of a good man are [a: established]ordered by the LORD,

And He delights in his way.

Joyce Cheng’s own notes: Dr Mawire did not mention this point 3. Spirit-Led but he mentioned it as
Condition no. 3 in Last Days Q&A: Antichrist (Andy Wallace and Dr Robert Mawire)
12/6/2020 (Week 8) (Timestamp: 25:31)

Now, Revelation tells us clearly! That we are kept away, from that hour of testing.

Revelation 7:9-17 New King James Version (NKJV)

A Multitude from the Great Tribulation
9 After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all

nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with
white robes, with palm branches in their hands, 10 and crying out with a loud voice,
saying, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!” 11 All the angels
stood around the throne and the elders and the four living creatures, and fell on their faces before
the throne and worshiped God, 12 saying:
“Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom,
Thanksgiving and honor and power and might,
Be to our God forever and ever.
13 Then one of the elders answered, saying to me, “Who are these arrayed in white robes, and where

did they come from?”

14 And I said to him, [a]“Sir, you know.”

So he said to me, “These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and washed their
robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. 15 Therefore they are before the throne of
God, and serve Him day and night in His temple. And He who sits on the throne will dwell among
them. 16 They shall neither hunger anymore nor thirst anymore; the sun shall not strike them, nor any
heat; 17 for the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will shepherd them and lead them to [b]living
fountains of waters. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”
a. Revelation 7:14 NU, M My lord
b. Revelation 7:17 NU, M fountains of the waters of life

And then, there is something that we need to know.
As we are praying, as we are seeking Him, as we are persevering, Revelation 7:14 tells us this:
MULTITUDES were in the Throne Room and John The Apostle is looking up and he sees these people.
MULTITUDES of people in Heaven, in glory and he is looking up and the question was asked to him
and he said: “Sir, you know,” because John did not know who they were.

The elder said to John: “These” are the overcomers. These are the ones that had come out of the
Great Tribulation. And they overcame him because they were washed their robes and made them
white, and washed clean in the blood of The Lamb.
Revelation 12:11 New King James
Version (NKJV)
11 And they overcame him by the

blood of the Lamb and by the word

of their testimony, and they did not
love their lives to the death.

When you understand the POWER of the BLOOD of JESUS:

- you focus not on your own righteousness BUT HIS Righteousness,

- you focus not on your holiness, BUT HIS Holiness,

and you begin to

- CONFESS that you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, you’ll begin to
- MEDITATE on what God has done for you. Not what you can do for God.
When your meditations are focused on what HE has DONE,
o focus on the meditation on the Blood that He shed on Calvary, that He shed His blood for us.
That through the Blood we are made acceptable into the Body.

It’s the CONFESSION that gives you the POSSESSION of your IDENTITY and of your DESTINY.

You have to CONFESS it, DECLARE it to the Devil.

Because when you DECLARE it the Devil, the Devil CANNOT TAKE what God has GIVEN you.

BUT you got to DECLARE it, CONFESS it, SPEAK it to him.


In the most incredible confrontation between Jesus and the Devil himself:
Jesus did not say “I am Holy, I am the Son of God, I have been fasting and praying for 40 days, don’t
mess with me, I’ve been anointed”



When you speak IT IS WRITTEN to the Devil, he has to flee.

Because Heaven and Earth would pass away but His WORD will not pass away.
How do we resist the Devil?
We resist the Devil by IT IS WRITTEN.

Example: IT IS WRITTEN: No weapon formed against me shall prosper!

Isaiah 54:17 New King James Version (NKJV)

17 No weapon formed against you shall prosper,

And every tongue which rises against you in judgment

You shall condemn.
This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD,
And their righteousness is from Me,”
Says the LORD.

IT IS WRITTEN! IT IS WRITTEN! That’s the only thing you need to overcome.

To stand upon His Righteousness and to stand upon the PROMISES that He has given to PROTECT
you. Because EVERY PROMISE is YAY and AMEN in Christ Jesus. It’s YES in Christ JESUS.
Jesus overcame the Devil by IT IS WRITTEN.

How are we going to overcome the Antichrist? By IT IS WRITTEN.

When he comes after you, you simply tell him,
No weapon formed against me shall prosper!
Every tongue which rises against me in judgment, I shall condemn.

Isaiah 54:17 New King James Version (NKJV)

17 No weapon formed against you shall prosper,

And every tongue which rises against you in judgment

You shall condemn.
This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD,
And their righteousness is from Me,”
Says the LORD.

He CANNOT NULLIFY what GOD say! He has to OBEY what GOD said in HIS WORD!
That is why, you got to be:
- FULL of the PROMISES of God

Because you have to: - MEMORISE those Scriptures of the PROMISES of God
- MEDITATE on those Scriptures
- CONFESS those Scriptures

In other words, you got to HIDE the Word of God INSIDE of you.
That’s the only way you are going to be able to stand up to the principalities and powers and rulers of
darkness that are coming.

How are we going to overcome the New World Order?

By the Blood of Jesus
By Confessing, speaking out the Promises of God: IT IS WRITTEN, IT IS WRITTEN, IT IS WRITTEN..

Because, when we declare what God says, the Devil has no power over us.
That’s how Jesus overcame. And that’s how we are going to overcome. We got to TELL that old Devil.

You must memorise Psalm 91

You must meditate on Psalm 91

Here in America, when you are in trouble, you call 911 on the phone for help.
All over the world, it’s 911.

You got to call Psalm 91:1

Psalm 91:1 New King James Version (NKJV)
Safety of Abiding in the Presence of God
91 1 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

I am talking about the CONFESSION, the DECLARATION. Because you have to CONFIRM the
DECLARATION, you have to SPEAK to the Devil. You have to Declare.

When the Devil was trying to take Dr Mawire out (during his near-death experience he went into
Sheol, in the heart of the earth, the place of the dead, he had to make a declaration “THE BLOOD OF
JESUS!” When the Devil heard that, the whole place exploded! Because of the Power that is in the
Confession of the Word of God! “And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb, by the Word of
their testimony,” When Dr Mawire confessed the WORD, the Devil had to flee.

Revelation 12:11 New King James Version (NKJV)

11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did

not love their lives to the death.

When the enemy comes, call 911! This Psalm 91 is going to take you right through.
Psalm 91 New King James Version (NKJV) Dr Mawire expounded14 for us
Safety of Abiding in the Presence of God
91 1He who dwells in the secret place of the In the days that lies ahead of us, you dwell
Most High under the shadow of the Almighty. And when
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. you dwell under the shadow of the Almighty,
The Almighty is going to be your refuge, your
hiding place, your fortress.
2 I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my “My God, in Him I will trust.” It’s going to take
fortress; nothing but faith:
My God, in Him I will trust.” - Faith in the faithfulness of God,
- Faith in the finished work of your redemption
You are going to have to believe to receive the
protection and the provision.

Expound [VERB]: present and explain in detail.
3 Surely
He shall deliver you from the snare of COVID-19, Coronavirus, the coming influenza,
[a: One who catches birds in a trap or snare] Ebola, all the diseases that are coming.
the fowler
And from the perilous pestilence. “perilous pestilence” Pandemics.
4 He shall cover you with In the days that lies ahead of us, in our
His feathers, immediate future.
And under His wings you “His truth (which is your CONFESSION) shall be
shall take refuge; your shield and buckler.
His truth shall be What’s going to shield you? The TRUTH!
your shield and [b: a small What God says about you: “You are the apple of
buckler. His eye.”
What He says about you: “I will never leave you
Sword and buckler nor forsake you.”
combat, plate from That is the “buckler15” that is going to protect
the Tacuinum
Sanitatis illustrated you.
in Lombardy, ca. 1390.

5 Youshall not be afraid of the terror by night, Those are missiles. Nuclear exchange.
Nor of the arrow that flies by day, Those are weapons of mass destruction.
You stand on the Word of God, on the Promises
of God. You make a declaration of what God
says, because that declaration, the Devil cannot
cross that line. You draw a line in the sand,
and this is the line.
6 Norof the pestilence that walks in darkness, Those are the deadly contagious diseases.
Nor of the destruction that lays waste at You will walk right through and breath that air
noonday. and they won’t touch you, they won’t affect
you, because you are covered with the Blood of
Jesus, you are filled with the Holy Ghost and you
are filled with the WORD of God and he cannot
do anything because of WHOSE you are and
because you are MEDITATING and CONFESSING
the WORD of God.
7A thousand may fall at your side,
And ten thousand at your right hand;
But it shall not come near you.
8 Only with your eyes shall you look, That means you are going to see it, but it’s not
And see the reward of the wicked. going to touch you. It’s not going to affect you.
But you are going to see it! It’s going to happen
in your city, it’s going to be on the news. You
are going to see it and it won’t touch you. The
city may be taken by the forces of the evil one
but they won’t take you. Because you are filled
with the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT and you are
filled with the WORD of God. And that’s why,
you will only watch and see with your eyes, the

Buckler [NOUN]: a small round shield held by a handle or worn on the forearm.
9 Because you have made the LORD, who is my
Even the Most High, your dwelling place,
10 No evil shall befall you, You are safe and secure:
Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling; in the midst of the greatest pandemic,
in the midst of the nuclear holocaust,
in the midst of the greatest darkness, and
in the midst of the greatest devastation ever in
the history of mankind and God will stand with
you! That’s the testimony of the greatness of
our God!
11 For
He shall give His angels charge over you, Angels on assignment to watch over you.
To keep you in all your ways. You asked the Question:
“How are we going to make it?”
Because angels will be watching over us,
standing beside us, protecting us. These angels
on assignment, they are going to be visible and
you are going to see The Hand of God protecting
you. It’s not going to be the police, it’s not going
to be the homeland security, it’s going to be
Heaven Security.
12 Intheir hands they shall [c: lift]bear you up,
Lest you [d: strike]dash your foot against a stone.
13 You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra, Those are the principalities and powers of
The young lion and the serpent you shall darkness. You will trample them under your
trample underfoot. feet! You’re an OVERCOMER! Anointed and
appointed by God!
14 “Because he has set his love upon Me,
therefore I will deliver him;
I will [e: exalt him]set him on high, because he
has known My Name.
15 He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; When you call on the Name of the Lord, He is
I will be with him in trouble; going to answer! That means the BEST is yet to
I will deliver him and honor him. come. The MOST WONDERFUL DAYS are before
you! Because Heaven’s Shield is going to shield
you and He is going to protect you because you
know His Name, you believe in His Name, you
worship His Name, because you are a child of
16 With [f: length of days]long
life I will satisfy him,
And show him My salvation.”

That is what’s before us!

The greatest, most wonderful time lies ahead of us. We are going to walk with angels on assignment,
multiplication of food, we are going to be filled with the Spirit of Elijah, that means, we are going to
be translated16 by the Holy Spirit, we are going to be shielded by angels (Heaven Bodyguards will
watch over you) That is amazing what God has prepared for us in these last days!

Translated: move from one place or condition to another
We are going to see what no other generation has seen. We are going to do what no other
generation has ever done, because of the BIGNESS of God and the GOODNESS of God.

That is why I say to you:

- It’s not time to panic, it’s time to pray.
- It’s not time to fear, it’s time to have faith in God.

Because your God is BIGGER than the Antichrist, the False Prophet.
Your God is BIGGER than ALL the problems that we are going to face. All the pandemics and diseases
that are coming.

GOD is going to stand with you, and

GOD is going to protect you, and
GOD is going to provide for you, and
GOD is going to do it ALL for you.

That is why I say to you, REJOICE! You are going to OVERCOME the Beast by the POWER OF THE
HOLY SPIRIT! You are not only going to OVERCOME, you are going to THRIVE and BE BLESSED! The
transfer of wealth, miracles and signs, you are going to be a testimony of the BIGNESS of God.
Because our God is Awesome. Our God is wonderful! And I want you to be blessed. And be Prayed
UP, to be Filled Up,

I want to just close with Prayer, because you have been chosen for the greatest outpouring of the
Holy Spirit, you have been appointed for the greatest hour in history, for such a time you have been
raised up!

Closing Prayer:

Gracious loving Father, these are Your people, chosen by You, anoint them with the Oil of Gladness,
the Oil of Joy.

Oh! my Father! Let the Spirit of God come upon them! Waves upon waves upon waves upon waves
of anointing! Let the Glory of the Ancient of Days come upon them! Let them be FILLED to
OVERFLOWING! Let their eyes be fixed upon You. Because they are in the world but not of the world.
They are passing through. This is not their home. Their home is in Glory.

So, my Father, I pray in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, in the name of Jesus, Name above every
name, that every one of them, everyone of those who are listening to me, everyone in their families,
will come under the Shadow of the Almighty. That they will abide under the Shadow of the Almighty.
That they may see the Hand of God in the Land of the Living.

My Father, I thank you for tonight, and I bless all my brothers, in the Name of the Father, and of the
Son, and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN! AMEN! AMEN!

Thank You.
Q & A Preparation is not only Spiritual Preparation but Physical as well
From waiting to cross over to the other side, Joseph went before the brethren, and he prepared
provision for them.

So, there is a Joseph Company that God is raising on the earth.

Because Preparation is not only Spiritual Preparation. It’s Physical Preparation.

But the number of the Beast is not going to come in the way that people think.
“That they will come up and say we want to give you a number to worship the Devil and the
Antichrist.” No.

It’s going to be something like a vaccination with a RFID17 on it, and it will be in the name of saving
you, protecting you, helping you, I am not saying that’s what it is – “vaccination with RFID”.

In other words, it is going to be something

that’s going to be like “You need this for
Global Transaction, you need this to be
able to protect yourself to tell whether you
have been with people who are infected or
something like that.”

In other words, I am saying it’s not going to be packaged in the way people think.

Because the Devil is a DECEIVER!

So, you have to really stay PRAYED UP, to be able to DISCERN what I am talking about!

The only way to DISCERN is when somebody wants to put something on your body, in your body,
THAT you say NO! Why?

Because your body has been PURCHASED by the BLOOD of JESUS! Your body does not BELONG to
you! IT BELONGS TO GOD! And God does not want anything to be put in the body that HE
How do we know what it is? Because the Bible tells us, it’s something that’s going to be put on your
body, in your body or on your body.

The word actually for the Mark of the Beast is “charagma18”. Charagma means a SEAL authorised by
the government, that was put on official documents.

Charagma: and
So that means, whatever it is, the government authorises and enforces and is put on your body,
that’s the charagma.

And you got to say No. And you got to prepare!

People say, “Well, I can prepare for I don’t know how long that I’m gonna be”

Well, if you do your part just like Elijah, The Spirit of Elijah is coming, Well, Elijah multiplied the
food19! It lasted for 3 ½ years!

1 Kings 17:14 New King James Version (NKJV)

For thus says the LORD God of Israel: ‘The bin of flour shall not be used up, nor shall the jar of oil run

dry, until the day the LORD sends rain on the earth.’ ”

God can do that! But rather than presumptuous, I’ll say, you got to do what’s practical, what’s real!
And not be presumptuous. Because PRESUMPTION is a SIN to say, “Because I am a Christian God is
going to take care of me.”

And also, I got to say this, that Jesus Himself said to the disciples: “When you see Jerusalem
surrounded, you are to flee to the mountains!”

In other words, He didn’t say “wait there, and then angels will protect you.” Because that’s being

He is saying, “DO WHAT YOU NEED TO DO and I will be with you and protect you and be guiding you.”

In other words, there is a practical side to the preparation.

Question 2: You talked about transferring of wealth, can you expound on that a bit?

All right, in these days, of chaos, of economic instability, and the global lockdowns, shutdowns, all
these crisis that we are facing, not only through the pandemic, the financial pandemic, well, it was
during the crisis in Egypt – their first borns had died and the major pandemics (plagues) had taken a
toll on the Egyptians, it was a time of judgement, it was a time of darkness, it was a time of mourning
and crisis in the world.

It was that time that God said to the children of Israel, now go get their gold. It was not in the best of
times, it was in the crisis time that God sent them to go get the gold. So, there are people that are
going to be blessed by God as the “Joseph Company”. It’s not about money and wealth because we
don’t have much time to waste in pursuing materialism because it’s over with. The party is over you

BUT, there are people that God has risen on the earth today that God’s going to position them
financially to be able to build these Cities of Refuge, because THERE WILL BE CITIES OF REFUGE. And
there will be places where the Believers would go and the provision would already be there like
Joseph, he prepared for the brethren.

Story of Elijah and the widow of Zarephath:
So, there is a Joseph Company and that Joseph Company is going to be in money but if they hold on
to their and not do what God tells them, then their money is going to perish and they are going to
perish together with their money!

Because money is going to worthless when the number of the Beast comes. It doesn’t matter how
much billions you have in your bank, it’s worth nothing! You got to have the number (to transact).

So, we are in the days that money as we know it is dying! The “parable” of this whole crisis is the
death of the American dollar as the currency of the world. When the American dollar goes, every
currency goes.

So, we are in those days that money as we know it is not going to be the most important thing.
But RESOURCES that are going to be bought with money before it goes out of business. –

Maybe that’s another teaching! Your question is very important! Maybe we can do another teaching
on the Joseph Company and how that all works.

Thank you very much Dr Robert!

Dr Mawire: You are welcome! You be blessed!

OVERVIEW of Dr Robert Mawire’s POST-TRIBULATION Timeline with differentiation between
Wrath of the Dragon (AD2020, Sep 17, Ros Hashanah) and Wrath of the LAMB (comes after Great
Tribulation: AD 2027?)
Last Days Q&A: Antichrist (Andy Wallace and Dr Robert Mawire)
12/6/2020 (Week 8)
Time stamp: 25:31
Those that build their house on the rock is those who are in the Rock of Ages.
Those that have anchored their lives in Christ Jesus, whose trust and confidence is in Him alone, who
walk with Jesus, who listen to Jesus, who do the works of God by the Spirit of God. That is the house
built on the Rock.

That is the house that was in the STORM that is coming. I’m talking about the PERFECT STORM.

Andy: Okay, you just said those that are listening to the Spirit, you talked about OVERCOMING BY:

What’s number 3? [3rd Condition to be met]

Robert: Number 3 is exactly what you just mentioned: 3BEING LED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT.

Because, as it was in the Days of Noah. Noah was told by the Holy Spirit what to do.

Those who are overcoming in these last days, are told by the Holy Spirit what to do.
Their steps are ordered by the Lord. Right there in the Book of Psalms. It talks about people led by
the Holy Spirit.

37:23 New King James Version (NKJV)
23 The
steps of a good man are [a: established]ordered by the LORD,
And He (God) delights in his (the good man) way.

That’s it. The steps of a righteous man, the steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord. God will
order your steps EVERY single day.

Therefore, He is not going to lead you into danger. He is not going to lead you into destruction. He is
going to protect you from destruction and danger because when you are led by the Holy Spirit, He
knows what’s going on, He will guide you around every problem and protect you and cover you when
you walk in the Spirit of the Lord. He is going to expose the enemy and you will know where the
enemies coming and you’ll be a step ahead of him (the enemy) because the Spirit will tell you.

Noah was told and he prepared and he escaped.

There will be billions of people that are going to escape the Biochip “666”.

We are going to live a normal life, a prosperous life and thriving! I mean, blessed,
abundantly blessed! They won’t even know that there is an Antichrist because Antichrist
will have no power, no authority, no dominion over them! They will be a triumphant,
victorious Church! I mean, I am talking about the MOST POWERFUL CHURCH in the history
of the world.
Why? Because Peter, on The Day of Pentecost 20said Jesus will not come back again until

Acts 3:21 (NKJV) [so Jesus is in heaven until the times of restoration of all things]
21 whom heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things, which God has

spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since [a: time]the world began.

That means The Restoration of

The Apostolic Power,

The Apostolic Anointing,
The Apostolic Vision,
The Apostolic Message,

EVERYTHING is going to be RESTORED TODAY to the Church!

The world hasn’t seen nothing yet!

Timestamp: 28:08:00

There's coming a victorious, powerful Church.

Don’t give up on the Church. Get all excited because the Church is not finished yet.

Andy: And it’s gonna be led by the Holy Spirit!

Robert: This is where:

The Message of the Holy Spirit must be preached.

The Message of Holiness21 must be preached.
The Message of The Cross of Jesus must be preached.

The Restoration of the Apostolic Message that prepares the Church for His place.
That’s why it is so important that we must find out what are the things that we need to do
in order to finish strong! Accomplish them the King’s Business, to be able to say
Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!

The Book of Revelation, it tells us two more things that God wants from us and I want you
to read for us Revelation 7:14 Timestamp: 29:03 about
How we are going to overcome and what’s going to be one of the things critical. We

Day of Pentecost: Also watch and listen to Dr Mawire’s message on 31 May 2020 (he preached on Pentecostal Sunday
in his church on God’s Answer To The Global Crisis [is Pentecost]:

Holiness: At the virtual conference of Mighty Men Conference of South Africa on 23 May 2020, Mr Angus Buchan
defined Holiness is the end product of obedience. Holy men are the end product of obedience, Holy, Humble and
Fearless. Humility is controlled strength [because you are so powerful, yet you choose to control it and not use it to
retaliate against those who offend you.]
talked about:

† The Power of the Word22, [It is written, it is written, it is written…so memorize

Scriptures, esp. Psalm 91 – like in USA, the emergency number to call is 911. Psalm
91:1 ! ]
† The Power of Prayer,
† The Blood of the Lamb [men and women who love Jesus passionately with reckless love
and confessing the Blood of the Jesus – they are the company of Elijah.]
† The Word of their testimony and Did not love their loves so much as to shrink from

Now, the most important thing we are gonna look at is Revelation 7:14 and 12:11

Revelation 7:14 New King James Version (NKJV)

14 And I said to him, [a: My lord]“Sir, you know.”

So he said to me, “These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and washed
their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

Revelation 12:11 New King James Version (NKJV)

11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their

testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. [they did not love their lives so
much as to shrink from death.New International Version (NIV)]

Power of the Word: Watch and listen to Dr Mawire’s teachings on The Timeline and Overcoming The Beast on 27 June
2020, organised by ANC (All Nations Church)
Revelation 12:11 New King James Version (NKJV)
11 And they overcame him by the blood of the

Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and

they did not love their lives to the death. [they
did not love their lives so much as to shrink from
death.New International Version (NIV)]

I say Hallelujah! Timestamp: 38:08

That's the generation that's upon us. Hallelujah!
That’s the company of Elijah.
They are the men and women who are recklessly obeying the Lord, passionately in love
with Jesus.
It says “they love not their lives unto death.”

There are two things that are critical in their WALK:

1. They overcame him (the devil) by the Blood, The Blood of Jesus, The Cross †of Jesus,
meditating on the Blood of Jesus, CONFESSING the Blood of Jesus, SPEAKING OUT
to the Devil because the Devil is scared of the Blood of Jesus.
2. And we overcome him not only by the Blood but by the TESTIMONY, the repeating of the
testimony is to repeat the promises of God23. They overcome him by repeating the promises
of God who protects them saying WHAT GOD says because you are what God says you are
and you can do what God says you can do.

Promises of God: Learn and memorize the Promises of God - Watch and listen to Dr Mawire’s teachings on The Timeline
and Overcoming The Beast on 27 June 2020, organised by ANC (All Nations Church)

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