(UT) Calendar

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Calendar 2010-2011
Innis College
New College
St. Michael’s College
Trinity College


University College
Victoria College
Woodsworth College

CALENDAR 2010-2011

St. George Campus

Message from the Dean
Welcome to the 2010-2011 academic year.
This Calendar is your guide to the wide range of academic choices available to you as a
student in the Faculty of Arts & Science, which offers a breadth of educational opportunities
unparalleled in Canada.
While such choice is exciting, it can also be a little intimidating trying to decide which
courses to take. There are many people who work in Arts & Science whose job it is to
answer your questions and assist you in getting the most out of your university experience.
Your college registrar’s office is your first stop for assistance, including advice about course
selection, degree requirements and so on. I encourage you to take advantage of these
services, whether you are at the beginning, middle or end of your university career.
The Faculty of Arts & Science is firmly committed to a top quality experience for our
students. We value your feedback on all aspects of your student life. Let us know how
you feel your courses and professors measure up by completing the Faculty's student
course evaluations, circulated to classes by your Arts & Science Students’ course union
representatives. Pass along suggestions to your college registrar’s office about ways
in which services could be improved or drop a note in the Faculty of Arts & Science
Registrar’s office suggestion box. Take part in campus surveys measuring student
satisfaction. Give us your feedback and ideas about this Calendar and our services in
general by emailing [email protected]. Or you might even decide to join fellow
students on the Faculty Council—Arts & Science’s main decision-making body. Through
your engagement, we can ensure Arts & Science students get the educational experience
they deserve.
With best wishes for a great academic year,

Meric Gertler, FRSC

Dean & Professor of Geography
Goldring Chair in Canadian Studies
Where to Go for Answers,
Advice & Support
Your College
Registrar’s Office: Office of the Faculty
l Your ‘Reliable First Stop’ l Transactions on transcripts,
where you can get information, final exam conflicts, mark
advice or a direct referral. checks & exam re-reads.
l Broad, integrated advising
on personal, financial,
family or career issues.
l Academic advising,
especially on issues reaching Advisors:
beyond a particular course. l Advising on the specifics
of that department’s courses,
l Advising on petitions, and programs, instructional issues.
other rule-related matters.
l Approvals, waivers and substitutions
l Referrals to, and follow- on prerequisites, exclusions
up from specialized UT and program requirements.
student services.

Specialized U of T Student Life

Programs & Services:
l Professional support for students, either by referral or from direct
contact by students (see www.studentlife.utoronto.ca and page 15.)
Important Notices
The undergraduate academic Calendar of the Faculty The University has several policies that are approved by
of Arts & Science is published in both online and the Governing Council and which apply to all students.
printed editions. Every effort has been made to ensure Each student must become familiar with the policies.
the compatability of both versions. In the case of any The University will assume that he or she has done so.
discrepancy, the online version shall apply. Any post- The rules and regulations of the Faculty are listed in this
publication corrections and/or updates to the print edition calendar. In applying to the Faculty, the student assumes
of this Calendar will be posted on the Faculty Registrar's certain responsibilities to the University and the Faculty
web site at http://www.artsci.utoronto.ca/current. Students and, if admitted and registered, shall be subject to all
are strongly advised to check back regularly to keep rules, regulations and policies cited in the calendar, as
informed of changes. amended from time to time.
While Departmental counsellors and the Registrars All University policies can be found at: http://www.
of the Colleges are always available to give advice governingcouncil.utoronto.ca/policies.htm
and guidance, it must be clearly understood that THE
ULTIMATE RESPONSIBILITY RESTS WITH THE Those which are of particular importance to students are:
STUDENT for completeness and correctness of course Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters
selection, for compliance with prerequisite, co-requisite Code of Student Conduct
requirements, etc., for completion of Program details, for Grading Practices Policy
proper observance of the Distribution Requirement and for Policy on Official Correspondence with Students
observance of regulations, deadlines, etc.
More information about students’ rights and responsibilities
Students are responsible for seeking guidance can be found at http://www.students.utoronto.ca/The_
from a responsible officer if they are in any doubt; Basics/Rights_and_Rules.htm.
misunderstanding, or advice received from another
student will not be accepted as cause for dispensation Enrolment Limitations
from any regulation, deadline, program or degree
requirement. The University makes every reasonable effort to plan
and control enrolment to ensure that all of our students
Degrees Offered on the St. George Campus are qualified to complete the programs to which they
are admitted, and to strike a practicable balance
Effective for students registering in a degree program in between enrolment and available instructional resources.
the Faculty for the first time in the 2001 summer session Sometimes such a balance cannot be struck and the
or later, the St. George Campus of the Faculty of Arts and number of qualified students exceeds the instructional
Science has discontinued the 15-course (three-year) B.A. resources that we can reasonably make available while
and B.Sc. degrees; ONLY 20-course (four-year) Honours at the same time maintaining the quality of instruction. In
B.A., B.Sc. and B.Com degrees will be available. Students such cases, we must reserve the right to limit enrolment in
registered in a degree program in the Faculty before the programs, courses, or sections listed in the calendar,
the 2001 summer session may still choose a 15-course and to withdraw courses or sections for which enrolment
(three-year) degree. or resources are insufficient. The University will not be
liable for any loss, damages, or other expenses that such
Changes in Programs of Study and/or Courses limitations or withdrawals might cause.
The programs of study that our calendar lists and
Copyright in Instructional Settings
describes are available for the year(s) to which the
calendar applies. They may not necessarily be available If a student wishes to tape-record, photograph, video-
in later years. If the University or the Faculty must change record or otherwise reproduce lecture presentations,
the content of programs of study or withdraw them, all course notes or other similar materials provided by
reasonable possible advance notice and alternative instructors, he or she must obtain the instructor’s written
instruction will be given. The University will not, however, consent beforehand. Otherwise all such reproduction is
be liable for any loss, damages, or other expenses that an infringement of copyright and is absolutely prohibited.
such changes might cause. In the case of private use by students with disabilities, the
For each program of study offered by the University instructor’s consent will not be unreasonably withheld.
through the Faculty, the courses necessary to complete
Person I.D. (Student Number)
the minimum requirements of the program will be made
available annually. We must, however, reserve the right Each student at the University is assigned a unique
otherwise to change the content of courses, instructors identification number. The number is confidential. The
and instructional assignments, enrolment limitations, pre- University strictly controls access to Person I.D. numbers.
requisites and co-requisites, grading policies, requirements The University assumes and expects that students will
for promotion and timetables without prior notice. protect the confidentiality of their Person I.D.’s.
Regulations and Policies
As members of the University of Toronto community,
students assume certain responsibilities and are
guaranteed certain rights and freedoms.

Important Notices
Fees and Other Charges Degree Courses and “Extra” Courses:
Chronological Principle
The University reserves the right to alter the fees and other
charges described in the calendar. Courses are credited towards a degree chronologically. For
example, if a student has already passed six 100-series
Notice of Collection of Personal Information courses and then enrols in and passes further 100-series
coures, the more recent courses are counted as “Extra”
The University of Toronto respects your privacy. Personal
courses. An exception occurs when a student who has
information that you provide to the University is collected
completed 5.5 100-series courses enrols in and passes a full
pursuant to section 2(14) of the University of Toronto
course at the 100-level in a subsequent session; the most
Act, 1971. It is collected for the purpose of administering
recently taken half-course becomes “extra.”
admission, registration, academic programs, university-
related student activities, activities of student societies,
financial assistance and awards, graduation and university
advancement, and for the purpose of statistical reporting
to government agencies. At all times it will be protected in
accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection
of Privacy Act. If you have questions, please refer to www.
utoronto.ca/privacy or contact the University Freedom of
Information and Protection of Privacy Coordinator at 416
946-7303, McMurrich Building,room 201, 12 Queen's Park
Crescent West, Toronto, ON, M5S 1A8.
An expanded version of this Notice can be found at http://

Details of the procedures by which students of the Faculty of
Arts and Science register and enrol in courses for which they
are eligible, and pay or make arrangements to pay fees, are
found in the Registration Handbook and Timetable, which
students receive from their college. (Any student allowed to
register one day after the end of the first week of classes is
charged a late fee).

Repeating Passed Courses

Students may not repeat any course in which they have
already obtained credit (i.e., a mark of 50% or higher or CR)
with two exceptions:
When students require a course with a specific grade
for entry to a limited-enrollment program, they may
repeat such a course only once as an “extra” course.
If the student passes the repeated course (a mark
of 50% or higher or CR), the repeated course will be
designated an "Extra" course: it will appear on the
academic record, but will be marked "Extra" and will not
be included in GPA calculations or in the degree credit
count. If the student fails the repeated course (a mark
below 50%), the repeated course will not be designated
as an "Extra" course: it will appear on the academic
record and will be included in GPA calculations.
A student may repeat up to 1.0 full-course equivalent
in which he or she has received a passing mark for
reasons other than to gain a required mark for entry into
a Subject POSt or a course required for a prerequisite.
See page 570 for details.
There are no supplemental examinations or provisions to
“upgrade” a mark. All courses taken, except those officially
cancelled, remain on the record.


Where to Look to Find What You SCHOLARSHIPS

Need…. Admissions & Awards website: http://www.adm.utoronto.
ca/adm-awards/html/awards/mainawdpage.htm; Arts &
A quick guide to information on the main topics of interest Science web site: http://www.artsci.utoronto.ca/current/
to Arts & Science students. undergraduate/undergraduate-scholarships.
(Calendar = this publication ; RHT = Registration
Handbook & Timetable ; ASW = Arts & Science Faculty
Registrar’s website: www.artsci.utoronto.ca/current/ Can be ordered on ROSI at www.rosi.utoronto.ca or
undergraduate; GCW=Governing Council web site: www. from the University of Toronto Transcript Centre (UTTC),
governingcouncil.utoronto.ca/policies) Sidney Smith Hall, room 1006, Toronto, ON M5S 3G3.
Information also on ASW.
Descriptions listed alphabetically by sponsoring unit in the
Calendar. Your reliable first stop is your College Registrar’s Office.
Scheduling information and enrolment instructions in the They can help you sort things out and get the support
RHT. you need. Departmental and program advisors advise
on matters related to specific courses, programs, or
PROGRAMS instructional matters. You may also access specialized
Student Life Programs and Services directly. See www.
General definitions and rules, Calendar pp. 23. studentlife.utoronto.ca, ULife at www.ulife.utoronto.ca, or
Alphabetical listing of all Subject POSts (programs of download Intuit: Your guide to student life at the University
study), Calendar p. 35 & RHT. Contacts & enrolment of Toronto from the Student Life Programs web site.
instructions, RHT.
The ASSU Anti-Calendar appears on the ASSU website:
Hon.BA/BSc, Calendar p. 22; B.Com p. 24. www.assu.ca.


Amounts, payment deadlines, refund schedules: Student The Library website: http://eres.library.utoronto.ca.
Accounts website: www.fees.utoronto.ca.
See also Calendar p. 567.


A&S grading scale & policies, pp. 572.; UofT Grading
Practices Policy, GCW.

Official rules, Calendar p. 573. See also the informal
Petitions Guide on the ASW. Advising: see your College
Registrar’s Office.

Final Examination timetables, ASW.
Rules, Calendar p. 568. Also see ASW under
"Examinations" for Rules for the Conduct of Examinations,
and Appendix to the Petitions Guide.

Code of Academic Behaviour (i.e., plagiarism, cheating,
etc), Code of Student Conduct, GCW.

Admissions & Awards website: http://www.adm.utoronto.
htm. Advising from your college Registrar’s Office and
Admissions & Awards.

For updates to this Calendar, check www.artsci.utoronto.ca/current/
undergraduate. Please note that not all courses listed in the Calendar are
offered every year; for course schedules, check the Registration Handbook
and Timetable.
Table of Contents
Section Page Section Page
Course Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Sessional Dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Extra Courses; Repeating a Course as Extra . . . 30
2010 Summer Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Credit/No Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2010 Fall Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Year of Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2011 Winter Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Full/Part-Time Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Admission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Cancelling Courses, Courses
Minimum Admission Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Outside the Faculty & the University . . . . . . . . . 31
English Facility Requirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Codes Used in the Course Descriptions . . . . . . . 31
Other Admission Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 How to Read a Course Description . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Re-Registration in the Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Arts & Science Programs and Courses . . . . . . . . 34
Admission to Other Faculties/Programs . . . . . . . 12
Alphabetical List of All Programs . . . . . . . . . . 35
Student Services & Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Offered in the Faculty
Academic & Personal Counselling: The Colleges 14
Office of the Faculty Registrar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Arts and Science Programs and Courses
Academic Success Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 by Sponsor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Accessibility Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Rotman Commerce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Career Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 First-Year Seminars Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Counselling & Psychological Services . . . . . . . . . 15 Research Opportunity Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Family Care Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Independent Experiential Study Program . . . . . . . 48
First Nations House: Aboriginal Student Aboriginal Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Services & Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Academic Bridging Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Health Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Actuarial Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
International Student Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 American Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
LGBTQ Resources & Programs Office . . . . . . . . 16 Anatomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
The Multi-Faith Centre for Spiritual Study Anthropology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
and Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Archaeology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Office of the University Ombudsperson . . . . . . . . 17 Architectural Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Sexual Harrassment Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Art (Art History & Visual Studies) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Student Housing Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Asia-Pacific Studies, Dr. David Chu Program in . 94
Office of Student Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Astronomy & Astrophysics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Study Abroad/Study Elsewhere Opportunties . . . 18 Biochemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Summer Abroad Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Bioinformatics & Computational Biology . . . . . . 103
Professional Experience Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Biology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Arts & Science Students’ Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Cell & Systems Biology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Assoc. of Part-Time Undergraduate Students . . . 20 Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Jack McClelland Writer-In-Residence . . . . . . . . . 20 Classics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Cognitive Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Faculty of Arts & Science Language Citation Comparative Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Computer Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
First-Year Learning Communities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Diaspora & Transnational Studies . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Drama . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Degree Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 East Asian Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Honours Bachelor of Arts/ Ecology & Evolutionary Biology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Honours Bachelor of Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Economics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Program Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Environment, Centre for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Bachelor of Commerce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Estonian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
The Breadth Requirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 European Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
The Distribution Requirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Finnish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Concurrent Teacher Education Program . . . . . . . 26 Forest Conservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Guide to Programs & Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 French . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Codes Used in the Program of Study Listings . . . 29 Geography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Choosing Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Geology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
Key to Course Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 German . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259

Section Page Section Page
Greek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Woodsworth College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563
History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
History & Philosophy of Science & Technology . 284
Rules and Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564
Important Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565
Human Biology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
Taking Courses Outside the Faculty . . . . . . . . . 566
Hungarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
Cancelling Courses or Registration . . . . . . . . . . 567
Immunology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567
Innis College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
Course Marks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568
Italian Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
Faculty Final Examinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569
Jewish Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
Credit/No Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570
Joint Courses Listing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
Repeating a Course as Extra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570
Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology . . . . . . . . . 331
Late Withdrawal (LWD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571
Latin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Grading Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572
Latin American Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
Grade Point Average . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573
Life Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
Academic Standing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573
Linguistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
Grades Review Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573
Materials Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
Appeals & Petitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573
Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
Reassessment of Marks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576
Modern Languages & Literatures . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
Student Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576
Molecular Genetics & Microbiology . . . . . . . . . . 359
Transcripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576
Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363
Regulations and Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577
National University of Singapore . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
Near & Middle Eastern Civilizations . . . . . . . . . . 367 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 578
New College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
Nutritional Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
Peace & Conflict Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
Pharmaceutical Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
Pharmacology & Toxicology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
Philosophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
Physical Education & Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
Physiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
Planetary Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
Political Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
Portuguese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
St. Michael’s College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473
Slavic Languages & Literatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486
Sociology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
South Asian Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509
Spanish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511
Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
Trinity College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
University College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
Victoria College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534
Visual Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Women & Gender Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545
Woodsworth College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550
Writing in Arts & Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555
About the University & the Faculty . . . . . . . . . 557
Brief History of the University & the Faculty . . 558
Officers of the University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558
Governing Council of the University . . . . . . . . 558
Officers of the Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558
Governing Structure of the Faculty . . . . . . . . . 559
The Colleges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
Innis College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
New College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
St. Michael’s College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561
Trinity College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561
University College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 562
Victoria College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 562

Sessional Dates

2010 Summer Session 30 Personal deferred examination schedule for

August examination period available online to
May 2010 students who have paid deferred examination
10 Classes begin in F and Y section code courses
16 Last day to add courses with F and Y section August 2010
codes 2 Civic holiday; University closed
24 Victoria Day; University closed Last day to request November 2010 graduation
Last day to drop courses with S section codes
June 2010
from academic record and GPA. After this
4 Fees payment deadline for deferred deadline a mark is recorded for each course,
examinations in June 2010 (21-25); deferred whether course work is completed or not (a
examination cancelled and grade with “0” for “0” is assigned for incomplete work), and
examination reinstated to academic record for calculated into the GPA.
students who have not paid. 13 Classes end in S and Y section code courses
7 Last day to drop courses with F section codes 16-20 Final examinations in S and Y section code
from academic record and GPA. After this courses, deferred examinations from April
deadline a mark is recorded for each course, 2010, and specified courses from June 2010
whether course work is completed or not (a 20 Last date to file a petition regarding term work
“0” is assigned for incomplete work), and in 2010 summer session Y/S section code
calculated into the GPA. courses
10-17 Arts & Science Spring Convocations 27 Last date to file a petition regarding a final
11 Personal deferred examination schedule for examination in 2010 summer session Y/S
June examination period available online to section code courses
students who have paid deferred examination
fee 2010 Fall Session
18 Classes end in F section code courses;
Fees payment deadline for deferred August 2010
examinations in August 2010 (16-20); deferred 24 Bank tuition fee payment (or official deferral)
examination cancelled and grade with “0” for must be done by this date for registration
examination reinstated to academic record for
students who have not paid. September 2010
21-25 Final examinations in F section code courses, 6 Labour Day; University closed
and deferred examinations in specified S
13 Fall term classes begin in F and Y section code
section code courses from April 2010
25 Last date to file a petition regarding term
26 Last day to add courses with F and Y section
work in 2010 summer session F section code
Last day to enrol in Subject POSt for 2010-
28-July 2 Y section courses do not meet 2011 Session
July 2010 October 2010
1 Canada Day holiday; University closed 1 Fees payment deadline for deferred
2 U of T Presidential holiday; University closed; examinations in December 2010 (10-21);
First day to request November 2010 graduation deferred examination cancelled and grade with
5 Classes begin in S section code courses “0” for examination reinstated to academic
6 Last date to file a petition regarding a final record for students who have not paid
examination in 2010 summer session F section 4 First date to request June 2011 graduation
code courses 11 Thanksgiving; University closed
11 Last day to add courses with S section codes 15 Examination timetable for F section code
16 Deadline to pay for deferred examinations courses posted
in summer session F section code courses 22 Personal deferred examination schedule
scheduled for August 2010 (16-20) for December examination period available
21 Examination timetable for S and Y section code online to students who have paid deferred
courses posted examination fee
25 Last day to drop courses with Y section codes
from academic record and GPA. After this November 2010
deadline a mark is recorded for each course, 3 Last day to drop courses with F section codes
whether course work is completed or not (a from academic record and GPA. After this
“0” is assigned for incomplete work), and deadline a mark is recorded for each course,
calculated into the GPA. whether course work is completed or not (a
“0” is assigned for incomplete work), and
calculated into the GPA.

Sessional Dates
8-9 Fall break (no classes) March 2011
15 Deadline to request corrections to 2009-2010
11 Personal deferred examination schedule for
Fall/Winter academic record
April examination period available online to
TBA Arts and Science Fall Convocations. Please students who have paid deferred examination
check “Ceremony Dates” at www.convocation. fee
utoronto.ca/dates.htm. (tentative)
13 Last day to drop courses with S section codes
December 2010 from academic record and GPA. After this
deadline a mark is recorded for each course,
7 Classes end
whether course work is completed or not (a
8 Makeup Monday classes (at instructor's “0” is assigned for incomplete work), and
discretion) calculated into the GPA.
8 Last date to request June 2011 graduation
9 Study period April 2011
10-21 Final examinations in F section code courses, 7 Classes end
and deferred exams from August 2010; Term 8-11 Study period; no tests or examinations in this
tests in Y section code courses period
21 Last date to file a petition regarding term work 12-29 Final examinations in S and Y section code
in 2010 fall session F section courses courses and deferred examinations from
22 Winter holidays begin; University is closed December 2010
December 22 to January 2, 2011 inclusive 22 Good Friday: University closed
25 U of T Presidential holiday; University closed
2011 Winter Session 29 Last date to file a petition regarding term work
for 2010-2011 fall-winter sessions Y/S section
January 2011
code courses
10 Winter Session classes begin
May 2011
14 Last date to file a petition regarding a final
examination in 2010 fall session F section 6 Last date to file a petition regarding a final
courses examination for 2010-2011 fall-winter sessions
23 Deadline to enrol in S section code courses Y/S section code courses
28 Fees payment deadline for deferred 23 Victoria Day; University closed
examinations to be written in February (21-25); June 2011
deferred examination cancelled and grade with
“0” for examination reinstated to academic TBA Arts and Science Spring Convocations. Please
record for students who have not paid fee check “Ceremony Dates” at www.convocation.
February 2011
7 Personal deferred examination schedule for
February examination period available online to
students who have paid deferred examination
18 Final examination timetable for S/Y courses
21 Last day to drop courses with Y section codes
from academic record and GPA. After this
deadline a mark is recorded for each course,
whether course work is completed or not (a
“0” is assigned for incomplete work), and
calculated into the GPA.
Family Day; University closed
21-25 Reading Week; deferred examinations from
December 2010
25 Fees payment deadline for deferred
examinations to be written in April (13-30);
deferred examination cancelled and grade with
“0” for examination reinstated to academic
record for students who have not paid
28 Deadline to request corrections to 2010
Summer academic record


Admission to the Faculty of Arts and Science

Minimum Admission Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
English Facility Requirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Other Admission Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Re-Registration in the Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Admission to Other University of Toronto Faculties/Programs . . . . . . . . . 12


Admission to the Faculty English Facility Requirement

Detailed admission requirements are contained in the Applicants whose first language (language learned at
University of Toronto Undergraduate Admissions Bulletin, home as a child) is not English may have to present proof
which is available in secondary school guidance offices of English facility. For details, see the Admissions and
throughout Ontario, on the Admissions and Awards Awards web site at www.adm.utoronto.ca.
web site at www.adm.utoronto.ca, on the University’s
web site for prospective students at discover.utoronto. Other Admission Categories
ca, or through the Faculty of Arts and Science Student
Recruitment Office. Admission with Transfer Credit
Candidates with acceptable standing at other universities,
Admissions and Awards or at other divisions of this University, may be considered
University of Toronto, 172 St. George St. for admission with transfer credit provided that the content
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5R 0A3 of the studies for which credit is sought is considered
416-978-2190 appropriate for inclusion in a degree program offered by
www.adm.utoronto.ca the Faculty. Transfer credits are assessed after admission
once the student has completed the online application and
Arts & Science Student Recruitment Office paid the assessment fee. Students who have completed
100 St. George St. a bachelor’s degree: see section entitled “Admission
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3G3 of External Students to a Second Degree Program” in
416-978-4272 the next column. The Faculty grants up to a maximum
[email protected] of five credits to candidates who have completed a
www.artsci.utoronto.ca/prospective three-year diploma at Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts
and Technology/Institutes of Technology and Advanced
Minimum Admission Requirements for Learning, and a maximum of two generic credits to
Applicants from Ontario Secondary Schools candidates who have completed a two-year diploma at
Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology/Institutes
Applicants must be eligible to receive the Ontario of Technology and Advanced Learning. Otherwise a
Secondary School Diploma, present six Grade 12 U maximum of ten transfer credits may be granted. Students
or M courses including ENG4U/EAE4U, and meet any who have completed post-secondary studies are required
prerequisites for their intended program of study. to apply for on-admission transfer credit.

Minimum Admission Requirements for all Other Regardless of the number of transfer credits granted, at
least five of the six 300+series courses required for an
Honours degree must be completed with a passing mark
The Faculty of Arts and Science is home to a rich and in this Faculty. Newly admitted students have one year
varied student body. Although most of our students are from the date of their transfer credit assessment, or from
from Southern Ontario, we have students from every the date of their first registration in the Faculty, whichever
province of Canada and from over 90 foreign countries. is later, to request a reassessment or adjustment. The
We encourage application by qualified students from same time limit applies to all departmental interviews.
outside Ontario. Detailed information about admission
Candidates who have completed Arts & Science courses
requirements is available on the Admissions and Awards
while enrolled in other Divisions of this university or while
web site at www.adm.utoronto.ca. The specific average or
enrolled as non-degree students in this Faculty prior to
standing required for admission varies from year to year.
degree studies will normally have these courses and
In addition to meeting the Faculty of Arts and Science grades included in the academic record.
admission requirements, students intending to enrol
Admission from the University of Toronto Mississauga
in Commerce, Economics or Science programs must
and the University of Toronto Scarborough
have completed, or must take, a full credit secondary
school course or equivalent in Calculus which covers Candidates admitted for transfer from the University
the geometric notion of a limit, the differentiation and of Toronto Mississauga and the University of Toronto
integration of elementary functions and provides them with Scarborough will have all University of Toronto
a geometric grasp of differentiation and integration in place Mississauga or University of Toronto Scarborough courses
of Grade 12 Calculus. and grades included in their Arts & Science academic
record, and will have Faculty rules and regulations applied
PUMP (Preparing for University Math Program) to these; e.g., academic status, degree regulations,
Dean’s List. Note: a limit of six 100-level/A-level credits
PUMP is a non-credit, intensive course specially designed is applied. All 300+ level credits may apply to the 6.0
to prepare students for entry-level mathematics courses, requirement for the degree in the Faculty of Arts &
like calculus and linear algebra. It is designed primarily Science. Students admitted to Arts & Science may not
for students from outside Ontario who require additional retain University of Toronto Mississauga or University of
pre-university mathematics background. The course costs Toronto Scarborough subject POSts, whether complete or
$600.00 (subject to change). For more information, see incomplete. Only Arts & Science subject POSts may be
the web site at www.math.utoronto.ca/pump. used to complete degree requirements in the Faculty.

Admission “On Probation” officially admitted to the Faculty of Arts and Science may
Candidates who fail to satisfy the Faculty’s admission register as visiting students at Woodsworth College, taking
requirements, but successfully appeal for special courses for transfer credit at their own home university.
consideration of the circumstances which have affected Non-degree visiting student registration does not imply
their studies at other universities, or other Faculties acceptance as either a student proceeding towards a
or Schools of this University including the University degree or a Non-degree student. Students will receive
of Toronto Scarborough and the University of Toronto grade point averages and status as outlined in Section
Mississauga, may be admitted On Probation. The 6. Students must observe Faculty policies, including the
academic requirements that such students must meet are prohibition on repeating a “passed” course. For application
the same as those required of students who encounter information and deadlines, check www.wdw.utoronto.ca/
academic difficulties while registered in the Faculty. visit or contact Woodsworth College, University of Toronto,
The academic status will remain, “On Probation”, until Toronto M5S 1A9 (416-978-5880).
the session in which the student attempts his/her fourth Students who have transferred to other universities, but
course, at which time a further status will be assigned. wish to return to the Faculty on a Letter of Permission
Students who are admitted on probation and who have should re-register at their original college as non-degree
retained credits from previous courses in this Faculty students.
will have the total number of retained credits and grades
included in the four course attempts. Refer to Section Six, Admission as International Non-Degree Visiting
Rules and Regulations: Academic Status, in this Calendar. Summer Students
Students may be at risk of academic suspension from the
Students with valid Letters of Permission from recognized
Faculty and are strongly urged to consult their college
International universities who have not been officially
registrar for appropriate counselling before registering and
admitted to the Faculty of Arts and Science may register
if necessary, during the course of their studies.
as visiting students through the International Summer
Admission as a Non-Degree Student Program (ISP) at Woodsworth College. Students would
take summer courses for transfer credit at their own
Non-degree students are registered in the Faculty but are home university. Non-degree international visiting student
not proceeding towards a degree offered by the Faculty. registration does not imply acceptance as either a student
Most Non-degree students have completed a degree and proceeding towards a degree or a Non-degree student.
are taking further courses for their own purposes, including Students will receive grade point averages and status
admission to graduate studies. Students admitted as (see page 539). Students must observe Faculty policies,
degree students cannot become Non-degree students including the prohibition on repeating a “passed” course.
unless they have completed an Honours or Four Year For application information and deadlines, check www.
degree, or are returning to the Faculty as Non-degree isprogram.utoronto.ca or contact Woodsworth College,
students on a Letter of Permission from another institution. University of Toronto, Toronto M5S 1A9, (416-978-8713).
To apply for admission as a Non-degree student, visit
Admissions and Awards web site at www.adm.utoronto.ca. Admission as Non-Matriculant Student
Admission of External Students to a Second Candidates who do not meet the published admission
requirements may qualify for various humanities and social
Degree Program
science programs through either the Academic Bridging
Applicants with a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science Program or the Transitional Year Program. Candidates
or equivalent from another university who wish to who have already attempted degree studies are not
complete a second undergraduate degree in the Faculty eligible for these programs.
of Arts and Science may apply for admission to a second
degree program. It is not possible to complete a second The Academic Bridging Program is intended for
undergraduate degree in the same field as the first degree. Canadian citizens/permanent residents/protected persons
Those who are admitted will be granted a maximum of (convention refugees) who do not hold the published
one year of transfer credit (5 full credit courses)- four at admission requirements to qualify for degree studies.
the 100 level and one at the 200 level. Before applying, Detailed information, including applications and deadlines
external candidates are urged to determine whether a for the Academic Bridging Program is available through
second degree is actually required for their purposes; for the Academic Bridging Program office, Woodsworth
example, a “make-up” year as a non-degree student may College www.wdw.utoronto.ca.
satisfy admission requirements for a graduate program.
The Transitional Year Programme (TYP) is designed for
.Students who have completed post-secondary studies
those who could not finish high school because of financial
are required to apply for on-admission transfer credit. For
constraints, family difficulties or other circumstances
admission and application information, visit Admissions
beyond their control. It is a one-year, full-time program
and Awards web site at www.adm.utoronto.ca.
leading to admission into an Arts and Science degree
Admission as Non-Degree Visiting Students program. Detailed information is available through www.
Students with valid Letters of Permission from other
accredited North American universities who have not been

Admission Restricted to “Part-Time” Admission to Other University of Toronto
Students restricted to a reduced course load on admission
from the Academic Bridging Program may take no more Many professional studies require completion of one or
than 2.5 courses over the Fall-Winter Sessions. They may more years of study in Arts & Science before you apply to
take a maximum of 1.0 course in the Summer Session. them. For detailed admission and contact information on
See also Number of Courses Taken (“Course Load”). professional studies, please refer to www.artsci.utoronto.
If these students wish to transfer to full-time studies, ca/prospective/programsofstudy/professprogs.
they may apply through their College Registrar after
the session in which they pass at least 4 courses in the
Faculty with a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average
of 2.50. Candidates who have achieved the required grade
in the Bridging course for admission to the Faculty of Arts
and Science may count the Bridging course towards their

Admission of Senior Citizens

Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada who
are at least sixty-five years of age by the first day of the
term, may register in the Faculty at Woodsworth Colleges
as part-time Special Students. They do not have to meet
the academic requirements for admission. Applicants
should contact Woodsworth College at 416-978-4444 for
admission and tuition fee information.

Re-Registration in the Faculty

Students who were previously registered as degree or
non-degree students in this Faculty, who have completed
at least one course in the Faculty, and who wish to
return after an absence must submit a “Request for
Re-registration Form” (charge $24) through their college
registrar’s office. Re-registration is necessary for students
who have not registered in this Faculty within the previous
12 months.
Students with outstanding accounts may not re-register at
the University until these accounts are paid. See page 534
for payment deadlines.
“Request for Re-Registration” forms should be submitted
at least one week prior to the fall/winter enrolment window
for your year of study (see the Registration Handbook
& Timetable for details). Prior to course selection you will
need to make sure you are enrolled in an appropriate
combination of Subject POSts (programs of study) for your
degree. It is advisable for you to make arrangements to
see a counsellor at your college to go over changes in
policies and procedures as well as to clarify the degree
requirements you are following.
“Request for Re-Registration” forms can be accepted until
mid-August for Fall/Winter enrolment although space in
courses will be limited at this point.
Students who previously studied as non-degree visiting
students do not request re-registration. They must submit
a new visiting student application and valid letter of
permission through Woodsworth College (see “Admission
as Non-Degree Visiting Students” in the previous column
for details).
Students who were previously registered in the Faculty
but who have not completed at least one course must
re-apply for admission to the Faculty through the Ontario
Universities Application Centre.

Student Services & Resources

Academic & Personal Counselling: The Colleges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Office of the Faculty Registrar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Services and Programs for Students
Academic Success Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Accessibility Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Career Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Counselling & Psychological Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Family Care Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
First Nations House: Aboriginal Student Services & Programs . . . . . 16
Health Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
International Student Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
LGBTQ Resources & Programs Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
The Multi-Faith Centre for Spiritual Study and Practice . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Office of the University Ombudsperson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Sexual Harrassment Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Student Housing Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Office of Student Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Study Abroad/Study Elsewhere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Summer Abroad Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Professional Experience Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Arts & Science Students’ Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Assoc. of Part-Time Undergraduate Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Jack McLelland Writer-In-Residence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Faculty of Arts & Science Language Citation Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
First-Year Learning Communities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Student Services & Resources

Academic & Personal Counselling New College-Office of the Registrar

300 Huron Street, Room 107, Toronto, ON M5S 3J6
The Colleges 416-978-2460 phone/ 416-978-1212 TTY/
Every Arts and Science student is a member of a college. 416-978-0554 fax
Think of your college as a familiar neighbourhood within [email protected]
the university. All the colleges provide advising and support www.newcollege.utoronto.ca
services for students. Academic advising, as well as
Hours: Monday to Friday 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m., 1:30-4:30 p.m.
counselling on financial and personal matters, is available
(until 4 p.m. in July-August); Wednesday also 5-6 p.m.
through your college registrar's office. Also, each college
provides its students with academic support services such St. Michael’s College-Office of the Registrar & Student
as writing skill centres, math aid centres, libraries and Services
computer facilities. And remember, no matter which college
Room 207, 121 St. Joseph Street, Toronto, ON M5S 3C2
you belong to, you have access to all the courses and
416-926-7117 phone/416-926-7266 fax
programs offered in Arts and Science.
[email protected]
The Registrar’s Office of each student’s college is the focal www.utoronto.ca/stmikes
point for information and advice of all kinds, and should Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:30 a.m.
be consulted as soon as any problems of an academic or - 12:30 p.m.; 1:30-4:30 p.m.; Friday 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.;
personal nature are encountered. 1:30-4:00 p.m.
Most of the Colleges offer academic support services, such Trinity College-Office of the Registrar
as Writing Laboratories to provide students with assistance
in writing assignments, essays and reports; Mathematics 6 Hoskin Avenue, Toronto, ON M5S 1H8
Aid Centres; tutorial services; etc. For further information, 416-978-2687 phone/416-978-2831 fax
see the individual College listings (see page 557) or consult [email protected]
the College Registrar. www.trinity.utoronto.ca
Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 9 a.m.-1
Students with problems relating to the teaching of courses
p.m., 2-5 p.m. , Tuesday: 10 a.m.-1 p.m., 2-5 p.m.
(lectures, tutorials, evaluation, work-load, etc.) that they
cannot resolve with the instructors concerned, can obtain Summer hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 9
advice and assistance either from the Undergraduate a.m.-1 p.m., 2-4 p.m. , Tuesday: 10 a.m.-1 p.m., 2-4 p.m.
Secretary of the particular Department, or from their College
Registrar. University College-Office of the Registrar
15 King’s College Circle, Rm. 157, Toronto, ON M5S 3H7
The Departments and College Program offices should
416-978-3170 phone/416-978-6019 fax
be consulted for advice on courses and programs they
[email protected]
sponsor. They also have brochures giving more details of
courses and programs than is possible in the Calendar.
First-year students are particularly urged to consult program Hours: Monday to Friday: 10 a.m.-12:00 p.m.; 1:30-4:00
sponsors during the Fall-Winter Session for details on p.m.
enrolling in programs. (All students must enrol in at least
one Specialist or Major or two Minor program(s) upon Victoria College-Office of the Registrar
passing four courses.) Northrop Frye Hall, Room 106, 73 Queen’s Park Crescent
East, Toronto, ON M5S 1K7
Students registered in Divisions other than Arts and Science
416-585-4508 phone/416-585-4459 fax
who have problems with Arts and Science courses should
[email protected]
go for advice either to the departmental Undergraduate
Secretary or to the registrar of their own Faculty or School.
Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday,: 9:30 a.m - 4:30 p.m.;
Innis College-Office of the Registrar Wednesday: 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; Fridays: 9:30 a.m. -
2 Sussex Avenue, Toronto, ON M5S 1J5 4:00 pm
416-978-2513 phone/416-978-5503 fax Woodsworth College-Office of the Registrar
[email protected]
www.utoronto.ca/innis 119 St. George Street, Toronto, ON M5S 1A9
416-978-4444 phone/416-978-6111 fax
Hours: Monday 9 a.m.-1 p.m., 2-6 p.m.; Tuesday 10 a.m.-1 [email protected]
p.m., 2-4:30 p.m., Wednesday/Thursday/Friday 9 a.m.-1 www.wdw.utoronto.ca
p.m., 2-4:30 p.m.
Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday: 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
(4:30 p.m. in July & August); Tuesday: 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
(5:30 p.m. in July & August); Friday: 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

Student Services & Resources
Office of the Faculty Registrar E-mail: [email protected]
Web: http://www.accessibility.utoronto.ca
The Office of the Faculty Registrar works closely with
departments and colleges concerning virtually all matters Accessibility Services provides services and programs
relating to Arts and Science students: it coordinates for students with a documented disability, be it physical,
counselling, registration and enrolment, student records, sensory, a learning disability or a mental health disorder.
transfer credit, petitions, final examinations and graduation. Students with a temporary disability (i.e. broken arm or
The Office of the Faculty Registrar, located in Sidney Smith leg) also qualify.
Hall, 100 St. George Street, Room 1006, can provide
general information about registration and enrolment, course The Service provides a wide range of support, including:
listings, building and classroom locations, etc. It is also the t accommodation advice
location of the University of Toronto Transcript Centre, which t assessments (e.g. learning disability, adaptive
produces transcripts for all divisions of the University. technology)
t adaptive equipment
You can also get useful information about Arts and t learning strategy support
Science from the Faculty Registrar’s web site (www.artsci. t test and examination accommodations
utoronto.ca/current/undergraduate). In addition, if you t note-taking services
have questions about any aspect of your undergraduate t sign language interpreters
experience, you can e-mail the Faculty Registrar at ask@ t computer note-taking
artsci.utoronto.ca. t scribes
t attendant care
Office of the Faculty Registrar/University of Toronto t advice and information on disability issues
Transcript Centre t liaison with university faculty and staff and off-
100 St. George Street, Toronto, ON M5S 3G3 campus agencies.
416-978-3384 phone, 416-978-2487 fax
[email protected] Career Centre
Koffler Student Services Centre, 214 College Street, 1st
Hours: Monday-Friday: 8:45 a.m.-5 p.m. (until 4:30 p.m. in Floor
July-August) Tel: (416) 978-8000
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: http://www.careers.utoronto.ca
Services and Programs for Students
The Career Centre has a team of professional career
Academic Success Centre counsellors and support staff ready to assist, coach,
guide, encourage, and counsel U of T students and recent
Koffler Student Services Centre, 214 College Street, 1st graduates so that you can:
Tel: (416) 978-7970 t learn how to make career choices that are right for
E-mail: [email protected] you
Web: http://www.asc.utoronto.ca t learn about careers and how to develop the kinds
of work experience needed by employers
Lectures, workshops and individual consultations t increase your job search and interview confidence
are offered on the reading of course material; exam
preparation; coping with writer’s blocks & writing and Services available:
exam anxiety; note-taking; procrastination; motivation,
t career counselling and coaching for students who
concentration; memory strategies; time management;
are undecided or unsure about their career future
writing theses and comprehensive exams and other
t assistance in career exploration and gaining work
aspects of study. The ASC offers students the opportunity
to walk-in for assistance in developing strategies for
t extensive career planning and job search resources
improving academic performance. Visit our website
in the Career Library
for walk-in hours, for information on booking individual
t job shadowing of career professionals through the
appointments as well as dates and times of workshops
Extern program
and lectures. If your concerns involve academic difficulties
t access to part-time, summer, volunteer jobs and
then the learning skills program has many lectures on
full-time work for graduating students and recent
various aspects of study. Individual appointments for
assistance with study problems can be arranged with our
t resume critiques, practice interviews, and work
learning skills counsellors.
search techniques assistance
Accessibility Services: Programs and Services t employer supported industry panels, career fairs,
mock interviews, podcasts and information sessions
for Students with a Disability
Robarts Library, 130 St. George Street, 1st Floor Counselling & Psychological Services
Voice: (416) 978-8060 Koffler Student Services Centre, 214 College Street, 1st
TTY: (416) 978-1902 Floor
Fax: (416) 978-8246

Student Services & Resources
Tel: (416) 978-7900 t a resource centre
Web: http://www.caps.utoronto.ca t numerous cultural events throughout the year

Personal Counselling Health Service

Personal Counsellors help students with a broad range
Koffler Student Services Centre, 214 College Street, 2nd
of issues such as adjusting to university life, anxiety,
depression, anxiety, relationship problems, sex and gender
Tel: (416) 978-8030
concerns, prolonged stress, and other personal difficulties.
E-mail: [email protected]
Attend a confidential initial consultation to determine
Web: http://www.healthservice.utoronto.ca
what CAPS has to offer. Check our website or call for
information about the daily walk-in times. Health Service offers U of T students the same
services as a family doctor’s office, and more. We
Assault Counselling and Education provide confidential, student-centred health care
Specialized counselling is provided to students who have including comprehensive medical care, travel
experienced sexual assault, harassment, or physical or education, immunization, counselling, and referrals.
psychological abuse in a relationship. Call the Assault The multidisciplinary team includes family physicians,
Counsellor directly at 416-978-0174 for an appointment. registered nurses, a health promotion coordinator, peer
Workshops are also provided on healthy relationships and health educators, a community health coordinator and a
verbal self-defence skills for women. lab technician.

Family Care Office Comprehensive sexual health care and counselling are
available, and prescriptions and contraceptive products
Koffler Student Services Centre, 214 College Street can be purchased at a reduced cost. Emergency
Tel: 416-978-0951
 contraception, pregnancy testing, pregnancy support as
E-mail: [email protected] well as sexually transmitted infection testing, treatment,
Web: www.familycare.utoronto.ca and education is also available. When you visit Health
Service, bring your OHIP or UHIP card, or health card
Many students balance family obligations with their from another province, and your student card.
studies. The University of Toronto is committed to fostering
a family-friendly learning environment. The Family Care To book an appointment, call 416-978-8030. Registered
Office embraces an inclusive definition of family, and can users can also book appointments online. If you feel you
assist students who require information on child care need to be seen more urgently, there is also a drop-in
(facilities, programs, or subsidies), elder care, and other option.
family matters. Services include:
International Student Centre
t information, guidance, referrals, educational
programming, and advocacy for the University of 33 St. George Street
Toronto community Tel: (416) 978-2564
t family events, discussion and support groups E-mail: [email protected]
t workshops including “Choosing Child Care that Web: www.isc.utoronto.ca
Works for Your Family” and “Financial Survival for
The International Student Centre provides services and
Student Families”.
programs for international students and any students with
t a resource centre containing practical material on
cross-cultural interests. Services and programs include:
family issues ranging from pregnancy and infant care
to lesbian and gay parenting and caring for elderly t information on visas and work permits
family members t University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP)
t income tax filing
All services are free and confidential.
t English conversation program
First Nations House: Office of Aboriginal t cross-cultural counselling
t Work and Study Abroad Resource Centre
Student Services and Programs
t social, cultural and recreational programs designed
Borden Building North, 563 Spadina Avenue, 3rd Floor to promote Canadian and World cultures
Tel: (416) 978-8227
Student families are welcome to participate in most
Toll Free: 1-800-810-8069
programs and activities.
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: http://www.fnh.utoronto.ca The Office of LGBTQ Resources & Programs
First Nations House provides culturally supportive student Suite 417, 21 Sussex Avenue

services and programs for Aboriginal students and the Tel.: (416) 946-5624

general university community. Services include: Web site: www.lgbtq.utoronto.ca
t academic and personal counselling The Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and
t financial aid information Queer (LGBTQ) Resources & Programs office works with
t housing, daycare, and employment referrals students, staff and faculty to provide programs, services,
t tutoring

Student Services & Resources
education, resources and outreach on issues related to itself, are confidential. You can contact the office just for
sexual and gender identity at the University of Toronto. advice or information: you are not committing yourself to
Our initiatives also focus on providing a positive learning any formal process.
and work environment for all that is free of discrimination
and harassment. Any member of the University community Responsibilities of the Sexual Harassment Office include:
is welcome to contact the office with concerns, complaints, t providing information & advice to all parties
issues or ideas. Services are provided confidentially to regarding sexual harassment complaints
anyone experiencing a problem related to heterosexism or t acting as a non-partisan mediator in complaints
homophobia, or who has questions, educational needs or t providing referrals to other offices & resources
other related concerns. when appropriate
t initiating & conducting public education activities
The Multi-Faith Centre for Spiritual Study & such as talks, workshops, & the distribution of
Practice resource materials
t online harassment: www.enough.utoronto.ca
Koffler Institute, 569 Spadina Avenue
Tel: (416) 946-3120 Student Housing Service
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: http:/www.multifaith.utoronto.ca Koffler Student Services Centre, 214 College Street, 2nd
The Multi-Faith Centre exists to support the spiritual
Tel: (416) 978-8045
well-being of students, staff and faculty and to increase
E-mail: [email protected]
our understanding and respect of religious beliefs and
Web: http://www.housing.utoronto.ca
practices. It does so by providing facilities for members
of the community to worship, pray, meditate, contemplate, The University of Toronto Student Housing Service is
reflect teach and learn; programs and events that invite a year-round source of up-to-date housing information
interfaith dialogue; and opportunities to interact with the for off-campus, single-student residence, and student
members of the Campus Chaplains' Association family housing. Our online registry of off-campus housing
is available to U of T students, providing listings for
Office of the University Ombudsperson both individual and shared accommodations. Students
interested in learning more about their housing options are
Tel: (416) 946-3485
encouraged to contact the Student Housing Ser-vice or
E-mail: [email protected]
visit www.housing.utoronto.ca.
Web site: www.utoronto.ca/ombudsperson (please consult
website for office location)
The office of the Ombudsperson offers confidential First year Arts & Science students apply for residence by
advice and assistance to U of T students, staff and indicating their interest in residence on their applica-tion
faculty with complaints unresolved through regular for admission. Do not wait until you have been admitted
University channels. In handling a complaint, the to apply for residence. For more information on University
Ombudsperson has access to all relevant files and of Toronto residences visit our housing website at www.
information and to all appropriate University officials. The housing.utoronto.ca.
Ombudsperson handles all matters in strict confidence,
unless the individual involved approves otherwise. The The Guarantee
Ombudsperson is independent of all administrative For the 2010-2011 school year, a residence offer will be
structures of the University and is accountable only guaranteed for all full-time students entering their first
to Governing Council. The services of the Office are year of university in an undergraduate program, whether
available by appointment at all three UofT campuses. they live outside or inside Toronto, provided they are
offered admission by July 1, and indicated their interest in
Sexual Harassment Office residence on their application for admission.
Tel: (416) 978-3908 If you wish to be considered for residence, but did not
Web site: www.utoronto.ca/sho/ indicate your interest on the application form, and have
Sexual harassment is unwanted sexual attention & not yet been accepted to the University, contact the
includes any unwelcome pressure for sexual favours, or Admissions and Awards office as soon as possible - do not
any offensive emphasis on the sex or sexual orientation wait until you have been admitted. If you have received
of another person which creates an intimidating, hostile your admission to the University, but did not indicate
or offensive working or learning environment. The Sexual that you were interested in residence on your application
Harassment Office deals with complaints under the form, contact the Manager, Residence Communications
University’s Policy & Procedures: Sexual Harassment. The at [email protected] or (416) 978-8027.
policy covers complaints of harassment based on sex and The University does not guarantee an offer of residence
sexual orientation, sets out a formal resolution procedure to students who did not indicate an interest in residence
& provides for mediation, counselling & public education. until after they were admitted to U of T, or to those who
Members of the University may also contact the office on are new to U of T but with previous university experience,
an informal basis for information or assistance in resolving such as transfer students. However, if non-guaranteed
an issue. Calls to the office, & the complaints procedure students indicate an interest in residence, residence

Student Services & Resources
information and application procedures will be sent to Web: http://www.studentlife.utoronto.ca
them. The University will offer residence to this group of
new students only once all students with the guarantee of The Office of Student Life is dedicated to connecting
residence have been accommodated. students to opportunities for co-curricular engagement and
learning, to developing student leadership and building an
Off-Campus Housing inclusive and vibrant community on campus. Programs
The Student Housing Service maintains a registry of
available off-campus housing advertised by private land- t Ulife – your central source of information
lords, and by students seeking others to room with them. on opportunities to get involved at U of T. Find
The registry of housing ads is available to students in mentorship programs, community service
the Housing office, as well as on the website. Students opportunities, student groups and more listed in a
search the ads in the registry as they would the classifieds searchable database at www.ulife.utoronto.ca.
section of a newspaper, and make appointments to t Campus Organizations Services - students looking
view potential units. Students coming to Toronto from to join, or create, a recognized campus group at U of
outside the area should arrange to stay in temporary T will find all the information you need at www.ulife.
housing while conducting their housing search. The utoronto.ca.
Student Housing Service will provide a list of temporary t Leadership Development Programs - all students
accommodations upon request. can access a variety of opportunities designed
to expand the skills and knowledge you need to
Housing in Toronto is usually advertised four to six weeks
contribute with your group and your community.
in advance of the date the unit becomes available for
occupancy. If you will be looking for rental housing off-
campus, please note that it generally takes one to three Study Abroad and Student
weeks to locate suitable accommodation, depending Exchange
on the type of housing desired and one’s budget. At
the Student Housing Service, phones are provided free The International Student Exchange Office (ISXO)
of charge for students to contact landlords. Since the
The World Could Be Yours!
accommodations listed are not inspected, the quality
cannot be estimated or guaranteed therefore it is very Arts & Science students in all departments are
important for students to meet with the landlord and encouraged to participate in the international and
inspect the premises before entering into any rental Canadian study abroad opportunities offered through the
agreement. International Student Exchange Office. These exchanges
allow you to experience new cultures and languages in an
Cost of Student Housing - Residence, Family academic setting while earning credits towards your U of
Housing, and Off-Campus T degree. Exchanges may be for one term or a full year
or summer, and most are open to both undergraduate and
As a guideline, in the 2009/2010 school term, the cost
graduate students.
of residence with a full meal plan was approximately
$7,920 to $13,500 for the eight-month academic session. Cost: The cost of an exchange includes your U of T tuition
The cost of a shared apartment-style residence with plus incidental fees, along with the cost of living and
no compulsory meal plan was approximately $5,960 to studying abroad. While on exchange, you are still eligible
$7,100. Please note, however, that residence fees for the to receive government assistance such as OSAP. There
upcoming school year are expected to rise. After paying are also many specific scholarships and bursaries run by
an initial deposit, the balance of fees is usually paid in two various U of T offices, and the ISXO itself administers a
installments at the beginning of each of the four-month fall needs-based bursary program; for exchange students who
and spring terms. qualify, this bursary will usually cover at least the cost of
As of September 1, 2009, rent for the bachelor, one- and
two-bedroom units located in the Student Family Housing Eligibility: In general, undergraduate or graduate U of
complex range from $610 to $1,000 depending on the size T students who have completed at least one year of full-
of the unit, and is payable monthly. time studies, with a minimum CGPA of 2.25, are eligible to
apply. You must also achieve a minimum annual GPA of
Students looking for rooms in shared houses or
2.5 for the year during which you apply. A few exchange
apartments off-campus should expect to budget $375 to
programs do have higher GPA cutoffs, and others have
$1,200 per month. A student requiring a private apartment
special language requirements.
off-campus usually pays $450 to $1,650, $700 to $1,850,
or $950 to $2,300 for a bachelor, one-bedroom, or two- Destinations: Arts & Science students may choose from
bedroom unit respectively. A three-bedroom house or over 135 universities in the following locations: Argentina,
apartment will usually rent for $1,300 to $2,500. Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China,
Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Estonia, Finland,
Office of Student Life France, Germany, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan,
Kenya, Korea (South), Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand,
Sussex Clubhouse, 21 Sussex Avenue, 3rd Floor
Norway, Poland, Scotland, Singapore, Spain, Sweden,
Koffler Student Services Centre, 214 College Street, 1st
Switzerland, Taiwan, United States, Wales and the West
Indies. Please check our website for an up-to-date list of
Tel: (416) 946-7752

Student Services & Resources
listing of our exchange partners. Applications are available in early January. The application
deadline for most programs is March 1, but spaces in
Application: Applications for most programs are due late some programs fill up well in advance. Late applications
February, but you should always check the ISXO website will be accepted if space and time permit.
regarding the specific exchanges that interest you.
Financial aid is available for most programs. The
For more information, please contact the ISXO: application deadline for awards offered through
Koffler Student Services Centre Woodsworth College is February 1.
214 College Street, Room 202 For further information please contact:
[email protected] Professional & International Programs
Telephone: 416-946-3138 Woodsworth College
119 St. George Street, 3rd Floor
Summer Abroad Program Phone: 416-978-8713
E-mail: [email protected]
Where will you be next summer? Web: www.summeraboad.utoronto.ca
Prepare yourself for a future in the global village by
participating in one of the highly rated Faculty of Arts & Professional Experience Year
Where will you be next summer?
The Professional Experience Year (PEY) provides
Prepare yourself for a future in the global village by students an opportunity to gain work experience in fields
participating in one of the highly rated Faculty of Arts & related to their programs of study. Full-time students with
Science Summer Abroad programs. These programs are a CGPA of at least 2.0, with a minimum of 10.0, and a
designed to enrich students’ academic lives by providing maximum of 15.0 full course equivalents, may apply to
an exciting and educational international experience. spend a twelve-to- sixteen-month period working in a
related industry. This internship period normally occurs
Locations: Administered through Woodsworth College, after second year for students completing a B.A./B.
the 2010 programs are offered in: Sc., or after second or third year for students enrolled in
an Hon. B.A./Hon. B.Sc. The 12 to 16-month period of
 Australia (Sydney)
employment, normally beginning in May, gives students
 Central Europe (based in the Czech Republic)
the opportunity to become fully acquainted with the
 China (Hong Kong)
work environment. PEY students are often involved in
 China (Shanghai & Beijing)
challenging work projects from inception to completion,
 England (Oxford)
and are paid at competitive workforce salaries. They gain
 Ecuador (Amazon, Galapagos, Andes)
new insights into their academic and professional goals
 France (Tours)
and return to their studies with a greater understanding of
 Germany (Berlin)
their discipline from a practical, hands-on perspective.
 Italy (Siena)
 Japan (Tokyo) Students pay a one-time-only registration fee at the time
 Jordon (Madaba) of application. If a position is accepted, a placement
 Kenya (Nairobi, Masai Mara, Mombasa) fee will be required from the student at the time of fall
 Southeastern Europe (based in Austria) registration, no later than the first Friday after classes
begin in September. Incidental fees granting part-time
Check the Summer Abroad web site in the fall to see the
student status and allowing continued access to University
2011 program list!
facilities and services are also required at fall registration.
Courses: Students take specially designed University of The PEY Program strives to provide opportunities
Toronto undergraduate degree credit courses, relevant for all students registered in it, but cannot guarantee
to the location, for a period of 3 to 6 weeks. The courses employment. For further information, contact the PEY
have field trips that complement and highlight the Office at 416-978- 6649 or visit www.pey.utoronto.ca.
academic materials. Courses are taught predominantly by
University of Toronto professors and, with the exception Student Unions and Associations
of language courses, are offered in English. Typically,
full-year second and third year courses are offered in The Arts and Science Students’ Union (ASSU)
disciplines such as history, political science, management,
The Arts and Science Students’ Union (ASSU) represents
literature, film, architecture, fine art, religion, and
over 26,000 full-time undergraduates in the Faculty of
languages. Most courses do not have prerequisites.
Arts and Science on the St. George Campus. ASSU is an
All Summer Abroad courses and grades show on students’ umbrella organization with over 45 student Course Unions.
transcripts as regular U of T credits and are calculated into Getting involved with a Course Union is the best way to
their CGPA. be directly involved in your education and it’s an excellent
way to meet other students in your discipline. Annually,
Application: All University of Toronto students in good ASSU publishes student evaluations of courses and
standing are eligible to apply. Students from other instructors in the ANTI-CALENDAR, which is free to all
universities are also welcome to apply. students. Other services include past final tests, lockers,

Student Services & Resources
photocopying, faxing and pop. ASSU runs a volunteer Recognition of Exceptional Academic
tutoring program called Project: Universal Minds, where Achievement: “High Distinction” and
university students go into local high schools and tutor “Distinction”
students in English, Maths and Sciences. ASSU also
awards numerous bursaries and awards to students and Students who graduate with a Cumulative GPA* of 3.50 or
the UofT community. If you have any problems with your above are described as graduates “With High Distinction”.
courses or instructors go to the ASSU office and discuss This achievement is noted on the diploma and transcript.
your options in complete confidence. ASSU is in Room
1068 Sidney Smith Hall; telephone 416-978-4903. Students who graduate with a Cumulative GPA* of 3.20 to
3.49 are described as graduates “With Distinction”. This
E-mail: [email protected] achievement is noted on the diploma and transcript.
Web site: assu.ca
* Note: the Cumulative GPA must be based on at least 5.0
The Association of Part-Time Undergraduate credits taken in the Faculty and used for degree credit.
Students (APUS)
All part-time undergraduate students at the University Faculty Scholarships
of Toronto are members of APUS. The role of the
The Faculty offers many academically-based scholarships
Association is to ensure its members have access to
and other awards to exceptional degree students. Full
a broad range of services, programmes and resources
details of these scholarships are available on the Faculty
within the University. This is achieved by representing
web site at www.artsci.utoronto.ca/current/undergraduate.
part-time students throughout the decision-making process
of the University, and of governments, as well as by acting
as a voice for the concerns of its members. APUS also Faculty of Arts & Science Language
offers a number of scholarships and bursaries to part-time Citation Program
students throughout the year, and services such as final
exams, photocopying, and discounted TTC Metropasses The University of Toronto is an ideal place for students to
for $107.00. The APUS office, in Room 1089 of Sidney pursue the advanced study of languages. Our students
Smith Hall, is open days and evenings during the summer live in a country that promotes multiculturalism, and our
and winter sessions. For further information please university is located in one of the world’s most diverse
telephone 416-978-3993, or send an e-mail to info.apus@ cities. We offer significant language opportunities in both
utoronto.ca. ancient and modern languages. We also offer a variety
of international academic programs and the number of
Jack McClelland Writer-in- such programs will expand. As our students seek further
international study, work opportunities, and post-graduate
Residence study, they may be assisted by a notation on their
academic record of language proficiency.
Each year the University appoints a well-known Canadian
writer to work with students, faculty and staff interested The Language Citation in the Faculty of Arts & Science
in creative writing. For further information, contact the is official recognition on a student’s transcript that the
Department of English, 416-978-3190. student has progressed to an advanced level in the study
of a language, and has been assessed as achieving
Awards "good" results in that study. In particular, to achieve the
Language Citation, a student must complete two full
For students with particularly noteworthy academic results, courses or their equivalent beyond the first-year level of
there are three specific forms of recognition: language instruction, and must achieve at least a B- in
each of the courses beyond the introductory level. The
Recognition of Exceptional Academic two full-course equivalents may be language instruction or
Achievement: “Dean’s List” may be those taught in the language to be assessed.
This designation is given to degree students in the Faculty The Language Citation will consist of a notation on
having a Cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.50 or the transcript that reads: “Completed Requirements of
higher, at the end of the Fall-winter or Summer Session Language Citation in [name of language].” This will
in which the fifth, tenth, fifteenth and twentieth course, appear in the Arts & Science sessional segment of the
offered by the Faculty and taken for credit, has been student’s academic record on the transcript describing the
passed. courses and marks for the session in which the Citation is
assessed as complete.
The Dean of the Faculty sends a signed certificate to each
student. There is no monetary value. Students who satisfy Note that Language Citation is not a “program of study” or
these criteria but do not receive the certificate at the end Subject Post, and will not satisfy the degree requirement
of the appropriate session should write to the Faculty that specifies the minimum programs of study to qualify for
Registrar, Faculty of Arts and Science, Sidney Smith Hall, the degree. The Citation may be of interest to those who
100 St. George St., Toronto ON, M5S 3G3. Dean’s List are completing programs involving language study, but it
certificates are not issued at the end of the Fall Session. may also be of interest to those whose program interests
lie elsewhere, but wish to have achievement in a language
noted on their academic record.

Student Services & Resources
The Language Citation will be available to students First-Year Learning Communities
beginning with the graduating class of 2007. Students
who have already graduated may be eligible if they (FLCs)
return for further language study that contributes to the The First-Year Learning Communities (FLCs) program in
assessment of the Citation. The Citation will not be the Faculty of Arts and Science is designed to improve
assessed for students who have completed their studies the transitional experience for first-year students. Now
and have not re-enrolled. entering it’s sixth year, the program offers FLCs in six areas:
To be assessed for the Language Citation, students should commerce, computer science, economics, life science,
contact the department or program that will be assessing psychology, and philosophy. If you are interested in an area
the language for the Citation. They should present a copy not listed, please check the FLC web site as new FLCs are
of their academic record, and indicate which courses they added each year.
would like considered for the assessment. If students
FLCs (pronounced “flicks”) provide first-year students with
already have proficiency in a language and wish to move
the opportunity to meet classmates, develop friendships,
directly to courses beyond the introductory level, they
form study groups, and develop academic and personal
should consult the relevant department about appropriate
skills, as well as introduce students to the resources,
placement. Also, students wishing to include courses
opportunities, culture, and treasures of the campus and its
taken in the country where the language is spoken should
surrounding community. There is no cost to participate in
consult the relevant department about appropriate study
the FLC program and students who successfully complete
abroad options.
the program will receive a non-academic notation on their
The Citation can be earned in any language, modern or transcript.
ancient, which provides sufficient advanced training at
the University of Toronto, provided the unit offering the The 24 students in each FLC will be enrolled in some
instruction participates in the Citation. Courses taken of the same courses and will meet regularly outside of
at the University of Toronto Mississauga or University of class time for valuable and engaging activities. Each FLC
Toronto Scarborough may also be eligible for assessment group is facilitated by an upper-year student Peer Mentor
for Arts & Science students. and an Assistant Peer Mentor, under the guidance of an
Advisor (from the college, department, or program); these
The list below identifies the departments which participate individuals are the FLC Team. Further information on how to
in the Lanaguage Citation program. For details, including get involved in the FLC program as a Peer Mentor can be
the languages in which students may achieve a Citation, found on the FLC web site.
see the departmental entries in this Calendar.
Aboriginal Studies (page 49) Some of the interesting and fun topics that may be covered
Classics (page 127) in FLC meetings include: time management, study skills
East Asian Studies (page 161) and strategies, academic integrity, campus Amazing Race,
French (page 226) getting involved on campus, mastering tests and exams,
Germanic Languages & Literatures (page 259) choosing a program of study, better health for better grades,
Italian Studies (page 315) and career explorations. There will also be recreational and
Near & Middle Eastern Civilizations (page 367) social activities, and much more!
Portuguese (page 446)
Students interested in joining the FLC program should be
Slavic Languages & Literatures (page 486)
motivated to learn and develop themselves personally and
Spanish (page 511)
socially, as well as academically. You can find more detailed
information about the FLC program and learn how to
register on the FLC web site: www.flc.utoronto.ca.

Adam Doyle
FLC Program Coordinator
[email protected]

Degree Requirements

Degree Requirements
Honours Bachelor of Arts/Honours Bachelor of Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Program Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Bachelor of Commerce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Breadth Requirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Distribution Requirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Concurrent Teacher Education Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Degree Requirements
Students completing a second Faculty of Arts & Science degree to an Hon. B.A. or Hon. B.Sc. must exchange the
degree: please see “Second Degree Requirements” below. B.A. or B.Sc. for an Honours degree. A B.A. leads only to an
Hon. B.A.; a B.A. CANNOT be upgraded to an Hon. B.Sc.,
In the requirements below the word “course” means one full and a B.Sc. CANNOT be upgraded to an Hon. B.A. Students
course equivalent—a “full course” or two “half-courses”; in who upgrade to an Honours degree are not eligible to attend
the Programs and Courses section, “full courses” are listed the convocation ceremony for the upgrade.
as Y1 courses, and “half-courses” are listed as H1 courses.
Different degree regulations apply to students who first
Honours Bachelor of Arts/Honours registered in the Faculty before Winter Session 1992; these
students should consult their College Registrar.
Bachelor of Science
General Degree Requirements
Students who expect to graduate at the end of a given
Please note: in the requirements below the word session must use the Student Web Service or notify their
“course” means one full-course equivalent. College Registrars in writing to make their degree requests
by the dates specified in the Calendar. Prospective
To qualify for an Honours Bachelor of Arts (Hon.B.A.) or
graduands should receive the following documents from the
Honours Bachelor of Science (Hon. B.Sc.), you must:
(a) Obtain standing (i.e., receive 50% or more) in at least 20
1. a Program of Study Assessment form (late April/early
courses that meet the following criteria:
October) from the program sponsor;
1. No more than six courses may be 100-series.
2. a letter from the Office of Convocation providing details
2. At least six courses must be 300+series courses
of the convocation ceremony (late March/mid-October);
(no more than one 300+series transfer credit may be
3. a letter from the Office of the Faculty Registrar
counted towards these six).
confirming degree eligibility (end of May/late October).
3. No more than fifteen courses may have the same
three-letter designator (“AST”, “ENG”, etc.).
(b) Complete one of the following program requirements
“Second Degree” Requirements
One specialist program (which includes at least one Students must petition through their college by June 30 to
course at the 400-level) begin a second degree. Before applying, students are urged
or to determine whether a second degree is actually required
Two major programs, which must include at least 12 for their purposes; for example, a “make-up” year as a non-
different courses degree student may satisfy admission requirements for
or graduate school. Students are governed by the rules of the
One major and two minor programs, which must include Faculty in place at the time they commence their second
at least 12 different courses degree. Students who already hold a degree from the Faculty
or of Arts & Science, the University of Toronto Scarborough
Students registered in the Faculty before the 2000- or the University of Toronto Mississauga may complete a
2001 session may also complete three minor programs, second degree only of an alternate type (i.e. if a student
which must include 12 different courses; this option is has a B.A. degree then he/she may not complete a second
discontinued for students registering for the first time in B.A. degree). The Faculty normally exempts students from
2000-2001 and thereafter. the first year of the degree requirements (five (5.0) credits:
Note: whether you receive an Hon. B.A. or an Hon. B.Sc. four 100-level and one 200-level), regardless of the number
depends on the program(s) you complete; see Program of previous degrees held. Second degree candidates may
Requirements, below. not repeat courses taken in a previous degree; they may
(c) For students who began September 2010 or after: however, count such courses towards satisfying pre-requisite
complete the new Breadth Requirement (see p.25) and program requirements, on approval of the department/
OR programs office concerned. A new Grade Point average will
For students who began degree studies prior to commence with the second degree courses.
September 2010: complete the Distribution Requirement
(see p. 26)
(d) Obtain a Cumulative GPA of 1.85 or more by the time of
Program Requirements
graduation. Students who meet all the requirements for Completion of a program of study (also known as a subject
the Hon.B.A./Hon.B.Sc. except for the GPA requirement POSt) is only one part of the general degree requirements.
may elect to graduate with a B.A./B.Sc. degree provided Variations made in program details for individual students do
they are In Good Standing (i.e., CGPA is 1.50 or more). not in any way affect degree requirements. Note: students
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science cannot enrol in subject POSts offered by other U of T
campuses or divisions.
Effective for all students registered for the first time in a
degree program in the Faculty of Arts & Science for the Meaning of “Program”
summer 2001 session and thereafter, the St. George Programs are groupings of courses in one or more
Campus of the Faculty has discontinued the 15 course disciplines; these groupings are listed with each college or
(three-year) B.A. and B.Sc. degrees. Students registered in department entry in the “Programs and Courses” section of
a degree program in the Faculty before Summer 2001 may this Calendar.
still choose a 15-course (three-year) degree; these students
Types of programs are:
should consult their college registrar’s office.
Specialist Program: a sequence of between 9 and 17.5
Students with a B.A. or B.Sc. who return to upgrade that
courses* in one or more disciplines. Specialist programs

Degree Requirements
must include at least four 300+series courses, one of which substantially different from any Program in this Calendar.
must be a 400-series course. Such a Program, if formally adopted by the student’s College
on the basis of its academic rigour and coherence, and if
Major Program: a sequence of between 6 and 8 courses* approved by the Committee on Academic Standards, will be
in one or more disciplines. Major programs must include at accepted as fulfilling the degree requirement for certification
least two 300+series courses. in a Program (transcripts indicate only “Completed Self-
Minor Program: a sequence of 4 courses* in one or more designed Programs approved by ’X’ College”). Since the
disciplines. Minor programs must include at least one approval process is necessarily a long one, students
300+series course. following this alternative must discuss this process with their
College Registrar immediately after completion of the fourth
PLEASE NOTE course in the Faculty.

Courses may have prerequisites not listed in the Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.)
program but which must be taken. Programs which list
optional courses do not necessarily list prerequisites. Degree Requirements
Students are responsible for fulfilling prerequisites; For the complete Rotman Commerce degree, program and
students enroled in courses for which they do not have course listing, see page 39.
the published prerequisites may have their registration
in those courses cancelled at any time without warning. This is a four-year Honours program.
To qualify for a Bachelor of Commerce degree, a student
Program Requirements
1. You must enrol in at least one and no more than three (a) Complete twenty full-course equivalents, including no
subject POSts (of which only two can be majors or more than six 100-series courses;
specialists), in the session in which you pass your fourth (b) Complete one of the Specialist programs - Management,
course (see the Registration Handbook and Timetable Finance and Economics, or Accounting;
for details). Students admitted with transfer credit for (c) For students who began September 2010 or after:
four courses or more must do this immediately upon complete the new Breadth Requirement for B.Com
admission.) students (see below)
2. You must meet any enrolment requirements for a
For students who began degree studies prior to
program as stated in the Calendar. If you do not meet
September 2010: complete the Distribution Requirement
these requirements, you may be removed from the
for B.Com students(see next page).
subject POSts.
(d) Complete ten full course equivalents from Management
3. The subject POSts(s) you complete determine whether (RSM/MGT/COM) and ten full course equivalents from
you receive a science or an arts degree upon graduation. disciplines outside of RSM/MGT/COM which include
In the “Programs and Courses” section, each program Economics (ECO) and other Arts & Science courses.
indicates the type of degree to which it leads. For (e) Obtain standing (i.e., complete with a grade of 50%
example, in the English section, the English Specialist or more) in at least six 300- or 400-series courses,
listing is followed by “Arts program”; the Geology Major including at least one 400-series course. No more
is followed by “Science program”, etc. than one 300+series transfer credit may be counted
To receive an Hon. B.Sc., for example: towards these six. (Students participating in an approved
exchange program may count all 300+ transfer credits
One Specialist in a science area leads to an Hon.
from the exchange towards the required six.)
(f) Achieve a cumulative GPA of 1.85 or more by the time of
One Major in a science area plus one Major in graduation.
an arts. area leads to either an Hon. B.Sc. or an Graduation
Hon.B.A. - your choice (two Majors must include at
least 12 different courses); Students who expect to graduate at the end of a given
session must use the Student Web Service or notify their
In combinations of one Major and two Minors, at
College Registrars in writing to make their degree requests
least one Major, or both the Minors, must be in the
by the dates specified in the Calendar. Prospective
Science area for an Honours Bachelor of Science
graduands should receive the following documents from the
(combinations must include at least 12 different
1. a Program of Study Assessment form (late April/late
Note: August) from the program sponsor;
In biological and science programs there may be occasions 2. a letter from the Office of Convocation providing details
when scientific observations are made by students on of the convocation ceremony (late March/mid-October);
themselves or on fellow students. These include common 3. a letter from the Office of the Faculty Registrar
diagnostic or immunization procedures. Unless a valid confirming degree eligibility (end of May/late October).
reason exists, students are expected to participate in Faculty Breadth Requirement for B.Com. Students
such exercises. If any investigative work involving student
participation does not form part of the program, participation Students beginning degree studies in September 2010
is voluntary. or after are required to complete the following Breadth
Requirement as part of their Degree Requirements.
Self-Designed Programs (The Distribution Requirement described following this
section does not apply to such students.)
Students may design their own Programs, which must be

Degree Requirements
Courses in the Faculty of Arts and Science are classified into 2. ONE full course equivalent must be from the Social
five Breadth categories by subject content. (Note that some Sciences (MGT/RSM courses may be used to meet
courses are not designated and do not count toward this this requirement with the exception of MGT120H1/
requirement.). The purpose of the Breadth Requirement is to MGT201H1, COM110H1, and RSM100Y which have NO
ensure all students graduating with an Honours degree from Distribution Requirement status; see Page 26).
the Faculty of Arts & Science have chosen courses across 3. ONE full course equivalent must be from the Sciences
a broad range of subject areas in the Faculty as part of their (see Page 26), with the following exceptions: all
undergraduate education. 100-series courses in CSC, MAT, STA; STA250H1,
STA255H1, STA257H1, STA352Y1.
1. Creative and Cultural Representations
4. NOTE: transfer students from University of Toronto
2. Thought, Belief, and Behaviour
Mississauga or Scarborough must meet the St. George
3. Society and Its Institutions
B.Com. Distribution Requirement.
4. Living Things and Their Environment
5. The Physical and Mathematical Universes
The Breadth Requirement
Students must take at least 4 full-course equivalents
(FCEs) that have been designated as satisfying the Breadth Students beginning degree studies in September 2010
Requirement. These 4 credits must be either (a) at least or after are required to complete the following Breadth
1 FCE in each of any 4 of the 5 categories above, or (b) at Requirement as part of their Degree Requirements. (The
least 1 FCE in each of any 3 of the 5 categories, and at least Distribution Requirement described following this section
0.5 FCE in each of the other 2 categories. As part of the does not apply to such students.)
degree requirements for the B.Com., STUDENTS MUST
Courses in the Faculty of Arts and Science are classified into
COMPLETE at least 1.0 FCE from Category 1 (Creative
five Breadth categories by subject content. (Note that some
and Cultural Representations).
courses are not designated and do not count toward this
Note that there is no Breadth Requirement status for requirement.) The purpose of the Breadth Requirement is to
MGT120H1/MGT201H, COM110H1, RSM100Y, and ensure all students graduating with an Honours degree from
that 100-series courses in CSC, MAT, STA; STA250H1, the Faculty of Arts and Science have chosen courses across
STA255H1, STA257H1, STA352Y cannot be used to satisfy a broad range of subject areas in the Faculty as part of their
the Breadth Requirement. undergraduate education.

A course’s Breadth designation can be found following the 1 Creative and Cultural Representations
course description in the Calendar for the year in which the
2. Thought, Belief, and Behaviour
course is taken. (Note: the 2010-2011 printed Calendar
contains designations for 100-series and 200-series courses 3. Society and Its Institutions
only. Designations for 300- and 400-series courses for 2010-
2011 will be available in the Faculty’s web site in Summer 4. Living Things and Their Environment
5. The Physical and Mathematical Universes
Courses marked "BR=None" do not count toward any
Students must take at least 4 full-course equivalents
breadth category.
(FCEs) that have been designated as satisfying the Breadth
Courses count toward the Breadth Requirement as they Requirement. These 4 credits must be either (a) at least
have been classified in the Calendar of the year in which 1 FCE in each of any 4 of the 5 categories above, or (b) at
they were taken. least 1 FCE in each of any 3 of the 5 categories, and at least
0.5 FCE in each of the other 2 categories.
Students may count towards the Breadth Requirement any
course which has a Breadth designation, and in which they A course’s Breadth designation can be found following the
have achieved standing, whether or not the course is used to course description in the Calendar for the year in which the
satisfy a Subject POSt requirement, and whether or not the course is taken. For example:
course was taken as CR/NCR.
ECO100Y1 Introduction to Economics [48L, 24T]
Full details can be found in the next column. An introduction to economic analysis and its
applications: price determination; the role of
Faculty Distribution Requirement for B.Com. competition; international trade and finance; the theory
Students of production and employment; the role of money and
the banking system; monetary and fiscal policy. NOTE
Students who began degree studies prior to September graphical and quantitative analysis are used extensively.
2010 must complete the Faculty Distribution Exclusion: ECO105Y
Requirement for B.Com. students. Recommended prepararation: MCB4U, MGA4U/
As part of the degree requirements for the B.Com., MDM4U or equivalent secondary school mathematics
defined below: ECO100Y1 counts as one credit (1 FCE) in category 3
(Society and Its Institutions.)
1. ONE full course equivalent must be from the Humanities
(see Page 26). ENG215H1 The Canadian Short Story [36L]
An introduction to the Canadian short story, this course
emphasizes its rich variety of settings, subjects, and

Degree Requirements
ENG215H1 counts as one half credit (0.5 FCE) in Category of production and employment; the role of money and
1 (Creative and Cultural Representations). the banking system; monetary and fiscal policy. NOTE
graphical and quantitative analysis are used extensively.
HIS109Y1 The Development of European Civilization, Exclusion: ECO105Y
1350-1945 [48L, 20T] Recommended prepararation: MCB4U, MGA4U/
The shape of traditional society; the forces at work on MDM4U or equivalent secondary school mathematics
the social, political, economic, cultural and intellectual credits
structures of Western Europe since the high Middle DR=SOC SCI; BR=3
Ages: the structure of Traditional Society; the First
Period of Challenges, 1350-1650; the Second Period ECO100Y1 counts as one Social Science credit (1 FCE.)
of Challenges, 1650-1815; Confidence, Stability and
Progress, 1815-1914; the Collapse of the Old Order and ENG215H1 The Canadian Short Story [36L]
the Condition of Modern Europe, 1914-1945. An introduction to the Canadian short story, this course
Exclusion: HIS103Y1, 104Y1, 106Y1, 107Y1 emphasizes its rich variety of settings, subjects, and
DR=HUM; BR=1+3 styles.
HIS109Y1 counts as one half credit (0.5 FCE) in Category 1
(Creative and Cultural Representations) and one half credit ENG215H1 counts as one half Humanities credit (0.5 FCE.)
(0.5 FCE) in Category 3 (Society and Its Institutions.)
CTEP: Concurrent Teacher Education
(Note: the 2010-2011 printed Calendar contains designations
for 100-series and 200-series courses only. Designations Program
for 300- and 400-series courses and for courses marked
CTEP is an educational opportunity for qualified students to
"BR=TBA" for 2010-2011 will be available on the Faculty’s
complete both an Honours Bachelor degree from the Faculty
web site in Summer 2010.)
of Arts & Science, and a Bachelor of Education degree
Courses marked "BR=None" do not count toward any from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE),
breadth category. concurrently over a five-year period. The curricula of the
two degrees are integrated and lead to primary-junior or
Courses count toward the Breadth Requirement as they secondary teaching credentials upon completion.
have been classified in the Calendar of the year in which
they were taken A number of divisions in the University of Toronto participate
in this program, each with their own specialized area of
Students may count towards the Breadth Requirement any teacher preparation. The Faculty of Arts & Science offers
course which has a Breadth designation, and in which they two programs connected with CTEP: Victoria College
have achieved standing, whether or not the course is used to sponsors a program in “Education & Society” aimed at
satisfy a Subject POSt requirement, and whether or not the students preparing to teach in the Primary-Junior division of
course was taken as CR/NCR. urban schools. St. Michael’s College sponsors a program
in “Concurrent Education: Religious Education” aimed at
The Distribution Requirement students preparing to teach Religious Education in high
schools in the Catholic school boards. More complete
This Distribution Requirement applies only to students information may be found under the Calendar entries for the
who began degree studies in the Faculty of Arts & two colleges and on their websites.
Science prior to September 2010. (The new Breadth
Requirement described above does not apply to such Both CTEP programs require application to, admission by,
students.) and completion of the relevant Type 3 Subject POST as
part of the requirements for the Hon. Bachelors portion of
On the St. George Campus Arts & Science courses fall into the joint degrees. Application to these POSts follows the
three areas: normal timing and process for Type 3 POSt admission in
Humanities Arts & Science, and requires completion of a CTEP Student
Profile. Admission is open to Arts & Science students from
Social Science any college.
Sciences As the curricula of the Hon. Bachelors and B.Ed. are linked
together in CTEP, the requirements for completing the two
To qualify for any degree you must complete at least one full degrees are also interlinked. Students in the Program must
course equivalent in each of these three areas, for a total of meet the normal Arts & Science requirements of the Hon.
3.0 full course equivalents. Bachelors, and they must meet the requirements of the B.Ed.
Courses that you take as part of your Specialist, Major or as established by OISE. The latter includes a requirement
Minor programs may also be used to count towards the to achieve a cumulative GPA of at least 2.50 in the Hon.
Distribution Requirement. Bachelors upon graduation. To facilitate this, CTEP has a
requirement for “Good Standing in CTEP” that students must
A course’s Distribution Requirement designation can be maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.50 on their Arts & Science
found following the course description in the Calendar for the (i.e., non-B.Ed.) courses as they move through the program.
year in which the course is taken. For example: (Requirements for advancing in the B.Ed. portion of the
program will be determined separately by OISE.)
ECO100Y1 Introduction to Economics [48L, 24T]
An introduction to economic analysis and its 1. Graduation from CTEP
applications: price determination; the role of
competition; international trade and finance; the theory In order to graduate from CTEP, students will be required:

Degree Requirements
a. To complete the requirements of the Hon. Bachelors
degree, including a CTEP Subject POSt, with a
cumulative GPA of at least 2.50 on courses counting
toward that degree;
b. To complete the requirements of the B.Ed. (5.0 full
credits comprised of courses/practicum; 1.0 in year
3, 2.5 in year 4, 1.5 in year 5, and an annual CTEP

2. Standing in CTEP
A student’s standing in CTEP will be assessed for the first
time when the student has completed at least 8.0 full-course
equivalents. This includes all completed attempts, passes
and failures. Standing in CTEP will be assessed again
at the completion of each Fall/Winter session in which the
student is registered.

3. In Good Standing in CTEP

Students who maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.50
shall be In Good Standing in CTEP.

4. On Probation in CTEP
Students who have attempted at least eight full credits and
have a cumulative GPA below 2.50 shall be On Probation in

5. Clearing Probation in CTEP

Students may clear probation in CTEP by achieving a
cumulative GPA of at least 2.50. Students who have cleared
probation shall be In Good Standing in CTEP.

6. Continuing on Probation in CTEP

Students who achieve an annual GPA of at least 2.70 in the
Fall/Winter session may continue On Probation in CTEP until
such time as they raise their cumulative GPA to 2.50 and
return to In Good Standing in CTEP.

7. Required to Withdraw from CTEP

The following students will be required to withdraw from
a. Any student On Probation in CTEP who fails to
achieve an annual GPA of at least 2.70.
b. Any student who, under the general rules governing
overall standing for the Hon. Bachelors degree, incurs a
c. Any student who fails to meet the requirements
for continued enrolment in the B.Ed. program, as
determined by OISE.
Such students may continue toward their Hon. Bachelors
degree, provided they are eligible to do so under general
Faculty of Arts & Science rules, but must withdraw from
See entries under “Victoria College” and “St. Michael’s
College” for details on CTEP Subject POSts.

Guide to Programs and Courses

Guide to Programs & Courses

Codes Used in the Program of Study Listings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Choosing Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Key to Course Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Course Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Extra Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Credit/No Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Year of Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Full/Part-Time Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Cancelling Courses, Courses
Outside the Faculty & the University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Codes Used in the Course Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
How to Read a Course Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Arts & Science Programs and Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33s

Guide to Programs and Courses

Definition of Course in this Calendar Choosing Courses

In these two pages the word course is used in two senses: NOTE: While Departmental counsellors and College
Registrars are always available to give advice, THE
1. In reference to a single course (such as standing in a
course etc.) course refers equally to a full course or a
STUDENT for completeness and correctness of course
half course.
selection, for compliance with exclusions, prerequisite
2. In reference to a given number of courses (such as
and co-requisite requirements, for completion of
the requirement of obtaining standing in at least 20
Program details, for proper completion of the Distribution
courses for an HBA or HBSc) courses refer to FULL
Requirement, and for observance of regulations,
courses OR the equivalent number in FULL AND
deadlines, etc. Students are responsible for seeking
HALF courses combined. To pass a course or obtain
guidance from a responsible officer if they are in any
standing in a course normally means to obtain a mark
doubt; misunderstanding, misapprehension or advice
of 50 or more in that course.
received from another student will not be accepted as
cause for dispensation from any regulation, deadline,
Codes used in the Program of Study Program or Degree requirement.
Please Note:
Specialist Program (X full courses or their equivalent); X is
the number of courses required for that program out of the 1. The Faculty of Arts & Science Council reserves the
total of 20 courses needed for an Hon. B.A. or Hon. B.Sc. right to change the content of, or to withdraw, any
course. In such cases every effort is made to provide
Major Program (X full courses or their equivalent); X is equivalent alternative instruction, but this cannot be
the number required for that program out of the total of 20 guaranteed.
courses needed for an Hon. B.A. or Hon. B.Sc. 2. The Faculty reserves the right to limit the number of
students in any course or any section of a course if
First Year, Second Year, etc.: Sequences of courses
the number wishing to take the course should exceed
are given as guides, but need not be followed in the
the resources available. Notwithstanding this, every
exact order listed, provided all pre- and co-requisites are
effort is made to accommodate students in 100-series
Higher Years = Second, Third and Fourth Years
Key to Course Descriptions
An oblique stroke (/) means or. A comma and a semi-
colon both mean and. Course descriptions, in alphabetical order by Department/
College, are listed in the Programs and Courses section
200-series = courses numbered in the 200’s ONLY; starting on page 38 For an explanation of terms and
200+series = courses in the 200’s or 300’s or 400’s abbreviations used in these descriptions, including
prerequisites, co-requisites, exclusions, etc., see below.
300+series = courses numbered in the 300’s or 400’s Students may choose from among these courses, subject
to the following rules:
Approved = approved by the college or department
sponsoring the program 1. Students must satisfy the degree and program
requirements and other regulations set out in the
Group = a group of related courses; Groups are at the end Calendar and its supplements.
of the relevant program listings 2. Students must meet all prerequisite, co-requisite and
Courses = full courses or the equivalent in full and/or half exclusion requirements.
courses. 3. Students may take no more than six 100-series
courses for degree credit.
The code Y1 or H1 in a course code in this Calendar
indicates the credit value: Number of Courses Taken (Course Load)
Y1 = a full course, for which one credit is given, e.g., ANT Students may proceed towards the degree at a rate of
100Y1; their own choosing, except as provided below:

H1 = a half course, for which one-half credit is given, e.g., 1. The recommended course load for full-time students in
HIS 321H1. each of the Fall and Winter Sessions is no more than
five courses.
2. The recommended course load during the Summer
Session is a maximum of two courses.
3. Students On Academic Probation may take no more
than five courses in each of the Fall and Winter
Sessions except as provided under students restricted
to a reduced course load (see 4. below).

Guide to Programs and Courses
4. Students restricted to a reduced course load on Extra and Supplemental Courses
admission may take no more than 2.5 courses over
the Fall-Winter Sessions. They may take no more than "Extra" courses are ones that do not count for degree
3 course activities in a Fall or Winter Session unless credit. Such courses appear on a student's permanent
approved by their College Registrar. They may take academic record with the final course mark, and are noted
a maximum of 1.0 courses in the Summer Session. as "XTR", but do not count as accumulated degree credits
Students restricted to part- time studies who wish to and are not included in calculating a student's Grade Point
transfer to full-time studies should consult with their Average. Note that only courses with a passing mark or
College Registrar.) CR will be designated "Extra"; failed courses do not count
5. Students should attempt to balance their course load as degree credits and so will not be designated "Extra."
between the Fall and Winter Sessions.
Each course with a passing mark or CR counts for credit
6. To calculate course loads, students should consult this
towards a degree unless:
Calendar together with the Registration Handbook &
Timetable. - the course is a 100-series course and the maximum
The code Y1 or H1 in a course code in the Calendar of SIX 100-series courses (6.0 FCEs) allowable for
indicate the credit value: degree credit has already been completed; it will then
Y1 = a full course, for which one credit is given, e.g., be designated as an Extra; or
ANT 100Y1
- the course repeats work previously taken, either
H1 = a half-course, for which one-half credit is given,
the same course taken over again (see below) or
e.g., HIS 332H1
a course taken for which an exclusion has already
7. In the Timetable a section code is associated with a been been completed; or
course code to indicate when the course is offered:
F = first half of the Fall-Winter Sessions (Sept-Dec), or - advance permission has been given by petition for a
first half of the Summer Session (May-June), e.g., course to be taken as an Extra course. Students may
HIS322H1 F not petition to have completed courses designated
S = second half of the Fall-Winter Sessions (Jan-Apr), as "Extra", nor will they be removed from the record
or second half of the Summer Session (July-Aug), after the fact.
e.g., HIS322H1 S
"Supplemental" courses are those courses with a
Y = Fall and Winter sessions, or First and Second particulalr designator (e.g. ENG or PHY) where the
subsessions of the Summer Session, e.g., student has already passed the maximum number of
ANT100Y1 Y courses allowed with the same designator, i.e. 15 full
8. Students should note that courses designated as credit equivalents. These supplemental courses will
...Y1F or ...Y1S in the Timetable are particularly count in the grade point average, program and distribution
demanding. requirements, but will not contribute to the 20 accumulated
9. Full-time students (except those in 3. and 11.) credits required for the degree.
may select a sixth course after the priority period
expires during the course enrolment cycle (see the Repeating a Course as an "Extra"
Registration Handbook and Timetable for details).
10. Students are advised to use discretion in adding All students (both degree and non-degree-seeking) may
any more courses to their program than the number repeat up to 1.0 full-course equivalent for which they have
recommended in 1. and 2. Students will not receive received credit (i.e., achieved a grade of 50% or higher
special consideration of any kind on account of a or CR) for reasons other than to gain a required mark
course overload. Examination schedules may be above passing to qualify for entry into a Subject POSt
affected by a course overload. or a course required for a prerequisite. If the student
passes the repeated course (i.e., achieved a grade of
11. In each of the Fall and Winter Sessions, students who
50% or higher), the repeated course will be designated
are in good standing may request to add additional
an "Extra" course: it will appear on the academic record,
courses, beyond six, through their College Registrar.
but will be marked "Extra" and will not be included in
In the Summer Session, students may request to
GPA calculations or in the degree credit count. If the
add additional courses, beyond two, through their
student fails the repeated course (a mark below 50%),
College Registrar. The College Registrar, following
the repeated course will not be designated as an "Extra"
Faculty guidelines, has the discretion to approve
course: it will appear on the academic record and will be
such requests. Note: students enrolled in Commerce
included in GPA calculations.
subject POSts cannot add additional courses.
12. Students are not allowed a sessional course activity Students may not use this one-time-only Extra provision
overload in any session until they have completed four to repeat a passed course yet again that they have
full courses in the Faculty. This applies to first year already repeated once as an "Extra" to qualify for entry
students and transfer students from other institutions. into a Subject POSt or for entry into a course for which
the repeated course is a prerequisite i.e., a student may
repeat a passed course only once.
Students requesting to repeat a course in this way must
do so at their college registrar’s office, where they will
receive appropriate advising and will be enrolled, provided

Guide to Programs and Courses
there is space available, only after other degree students Cancelling Courses, Courses
have had an opportunity to enroll.
Outside the Faculty and University
Credit/No Credit For information on cancelling courses, see page 567. For
information on courses outside the Faculty and University,
Effective beginning the 2008-09 Fall-Winter Session,
see page 566.
degree students in the Faculty of Arts & Science may
select up to 1.0 full-course equivalents of their degree
credits to be assessed on a Credit/ No Credit basis. Codes Used in the Course
Students must choose this mode of assessment no later Descriptions
than the last day to enrol in the relevant course. Once
the deadline has passed, students may not under any Course Designators
circumstances reverse this decision.
Course designators are the three-letter codes which
To achieve a status of CR (Credit), a student must achieve appear at the beginning of each course code (e.g., CHM is
a final mark of at least 60%. Marks below that will be the designator for chemistry courses; PHL for philosophy
assessed as NCR (No Credit). Courses with a final status courses).
of CR will count as degree credits but will have no effect
on the student’s GPA. They will count as Distribution All courses are listed in the following pages by sponsoring
Requirements and degree credits, but cannot be used to department in alphabetical order. See the Table of
satisfy subject POSt requirements. Contents for a complete listing of sponsoring departments,
and page 39 for a full alphabetical list of programs
Courses with a final status of NCR will not count as available to students in the Faculty.
degree credits but will not count as failures, and will also
not be included in the GPA calculation. Course Number
Students may exercise this option to a total of 1.0 full- The course number generally indicates the level of
course equivalents within the total number of credits difficulty, e.g., a 100-series course normally indicates an
required for a degree. The choice is not restricted as to introductory course, a 400-series course is an intensive
year or level of course. This option is not available to Arts course at the senior level. In some departments several
& Science non-degree students or to students from other courses may have the same general title; in these cases,
faculties/divisions of the University of Toronto. the numbers are listed together, separated by / which
means OR; for instance, ECO 350Y1/351H1/352H1 =
Year of Study ECO 350Y1 OR ECO 351H1 OR ECO 352H1, each one
being a seminar on a selected subject.
The University of Toronto uses the following to define the
year equivalency and therefore the academic status of a Y1 and H1 Course Suffixes
The codes Y1 or H1 in a course code in the Calendar
4th year St. George degree student: has completed indicate the credit value:
14.0 full course equivalents or more;
3rd year St. George degree student: has completed Y1 = a full course, for which one credit is given, e.g., ANT
9.0 to 13.5 full course equivalents; 100Y1
2nd year St. George degree student: has completed H1 = a half-course, for which one-half credit is given, e.g.,
4 to 8.5 full course equivalents; HIS 322 H1
1st year St. George degree student: has completed Types and Duration of Instruction
less than 4 full course equivalents.
L= Lectures; S= Seminars; P= Practical work in
Full/Part-Time Status laboratories or studios; T= Tutorials
In the Fall-Winter Sessions the normal period of instruction
Part-time status is 24 weeks; the Fall Session lasts 12 weeks, and the
A student enroled in 2.5 full course equivalents or fewer Winter Session lasts 12 weeks. The number preceding
for the Fall-Winter sessions is considered to be part-time; the instruction codes opposite the course number and title
a student enroled in 1.0 full-course equivalents or fewer indicates the total number of hours of instruction given
for the Summer session is considered to be part-time. in the course. The number of hours listed is approximate
only; the actual contact hours of a course, or of different
Full-time status sections of a course, may vary from the number indicated
in the Calendar, due to the size of the class or section,
A student enroled in 3.0 full course equivalents or more
and the use being made of the tutorial or practical
for the Fall-Winter sessions is considered to be full-time; a
components of the class. This variation is at the discretion
student enroled in 1.5 full-course equivalents or more for
of the course sponsor (the college or department
the Summer session is considered to be full-time.
sponsoring the course); any questions concerning the
allotment of hours in a course should be addressed to the
course sponsor.

Guide to Programs and Courses
Prerequisites, Co-requisites, etc. Y = Fall and Winter sessions, or First and Second
subsessions of the Summer Session, e.g., ANT 100Y1 Y
Students are responsible for fulfilling prerequisites and
co-requisites; students enroled in courses for which they Distribution Requirement/Breadth Requirement
do not have the published prerequisites may have their
A course’s Distribution designation and Breadth designation
registration in those courses cancelled at any time without
can be found following the course description. For details,
warning. Students must also observe exclusions. Failure to
see page 25-26.
meet these requirements may result in academic difficulties.
If students withdraw from a course they must also withdraw
from any course for which it is a co-requisite unless the
Department giving the latter course agrees to waive the

Explanation of Symbols
The comma (,) the semi-colon(;) the ampersand (&) and the
plus sign (+) all mean AND. The slash (/) means OR.

Students may not enrol in a course if that course lists as an
exclusion a course they are currently taking or a a course
they have already passed. If allowed by special permission
to enrol in an excluded course, the second course will be
listed as an "Extra" course if the student achieves a passing
grade; failures will not be designated "Extra" and will count
when calculating the Grade-Point Average. Students will be
required to withdraw from the course if discovered during the
session of enrolment and will be refused degree credit in the
excluded course if discovered at any time in a subsequent

A course (or other qualification) required as preparation
for entry to another course. If students consider that they
have equivalent preparation, they may ask the Department
concerned to waive the stated prerequisite.

A requirement to be undertaken concurrently with another
course. The co-requisite will be waived if a student has
previously obtained standing in it, or if the Department

Recommended Preparation
Background material or courses that may enhance a
student’s understanding of a course.
The next page shows a course description in diagram form,
with explanations of all the various symbols.

Section Code
Section codes do not appear in the Calendar. In the
Registration Handbook & Timetable, however, a section code
is listed with a course code to indicate when the course is
F = first half of the Fall-Winter Sessions (Sept-Dec), or first
half of the Summer Session (May-June), e.g., HIS 322H1
S = second half of the Fall-Winter Sessions (Jan-Apr), or
second half of the Summer Session (July-Aug), e.g., HIS
322H1 S

Guide to Programs and Courses

How to Read a Course Description

1 means taught on the St. George


These numbers are the contact

hours for the course:
Y1 is for full course, 48L = 48 hours of lectures
CHM is the course designator, worth one credit altogether over 24 weeks of a
in this case short for Chemistry;
(H1 is for half course, Y-course = 2 hours per week.
225 shows the level of the
course (we have 100, 200, 300 worth 0.5 credits) 24T = 24 tutorials = one per week
and 400-level courses; courses
for second-year students are (P = practical hours, such as labs)
normally numbered at the 200

CHM225Y1 Introduction to Physical Chemistry [48L, 24T]

Topics: introductory thermodynamics, first and second law and
applications; chemical equilibrium; chemical kinetics; introductory
quantum mechanics; spectroscopy. The course is intended for students
Exclusions are courses similar enough to
who will be following one of the chemistry specialist programs (including
this one that you are not allowed to take
Biological Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry) or who will be
them as well. In this case you may not take
including a substantial amount of chemistry in their degree (such as
CHM 220H1 or 220H1.
those following a chemistry major program).
Exclusion: CHM220H1, CHM221H1
Prerequisite: [(CHM138H1, CHM139H1)/CHM151Y1 with a minimum
grade of 63%, or permission of the department through an appeal
Prerequisites are the courses and placement test], MAT135Y1/137Y1/157Y1, PHY138Y1/140Y1/
you need to take before you (131H, 132H)/(151H, 152H)
are qualified to take this one. Co-requisite: MAT235Y1/237Y1
For CHM 225Y1, you need DR=SCI; BR=5
one course in Chemistry with
a minimum grade of 63%
(CHM 138H1+139H1 or 151Y) / this oblique slash means or
or special permission from
the department, one course , ; & + these symbols all mean and
in Mathematics (MAT 135Y1 ( ) parentheses are used to group
or 137Y1 or 157Y1) and one items together into one unit
course in Physics (PHY 138Y1
or 140Y1 or 131H1 + 132H1 or
151H1 + 152H1).
The "DR" is the Distribution Requirement status of the
course. CHM225Y1 is a Science course for Distribution
Requirement purposes. See page 26 for details. The
Co-requisites are courses you must Distribution Requirement applies to students Students
take at the same time as this course. who began degree studies prior to September 2010.
For CHM 225Y1, you must take either
MAT 235Y1 or MAT 237Y1 at the The "BR" is the Breadth Requirement category of the
same time. course. CHM225Y1 is a category 5 (The Physical and
Mathematical Universes) course. See page 25 for
details. The Breadth Requirement applies to Students
beginning degree studies in September 2010 or after.

Programs and Courses

Arts and Science Programs & Courses

Alphabetical List of All Programs . . . . . . . . . 35 Section Page
Offered by the Faculty Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
Sponsoring Department/College/Program Office Modern Languages & Literatures . . . . . . . . . . . 358
Alphabetical List of Programs Offered . . . . . . . . 35 Molecular Genetics & Microbiology . . . . . . . . . . 359
Rotman Commerce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363
First-Year Seminars Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 National University of Singapore . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
Research Opportunity Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Near & Middle Eastern Civilizations . . . . . . . . . . 367
Independent Experiential Study Program . . . . . . 48 New College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
Aboriginal Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Nutritional Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
Academic Bridging Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Peace & Conflict Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
Actuarial Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Pharmaceutical Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
American Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Pharmacology & Toxicology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
Anatomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Philosophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
Anthropology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Physical Education & Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
Archaeology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
Architectural Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Physiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
Art (Art History & Visual Studies) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Planetary Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
Asia-Pacific Studies, Dr. David Chu Program in . 94 Political Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
Astronomy & Astrophysics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Portuguese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
Biochemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449
Bioinformatics & Computational Biology . . . . . . 103 Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
Biology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 St. Michael’s College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473
Cell & Systems Biology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Slavic Languages & Literatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486
Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Sociology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
Classics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 South Asian Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509
Cognitive Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Spanish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511
Comparative Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
Computer Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Trinity College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
Diaspora & Transnational Studies . . . . . . . . . . . 152 University College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
Drama . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Victoria College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534
East Asian Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Visual Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Women & Gender Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545
Economics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 Woodsworth College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550
English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 Writing in Arts & Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555
Environment, Centre for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Estonian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
European Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Finnish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Forest Conservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
French . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Geography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Geology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
German . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
Greek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
History & Philosophy of Science & Technology . 284
Human Biology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
Hungarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
Immunology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
Innis College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
Italian Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
Jewish Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
Joint Courses Listing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology . . . . . . . . . 331
Latin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Latin American Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
Life Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
Linguistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
Materials Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343

Programs and Courses
The next section contains detailed information about the programs of study and courses offered by the Faculty of Arts and
Science, St. George campus. This, for reference, is an alphabetical listing of all programs of study, which includes the level
and title of the program. For example,
Level Title Page
SPE/MAJ/MIN African Studies 382
means that you can take a Specialist, Major or Minor program in African Studies. The program is sponsored by New College;
details about program requirements and course descriptions are available beginning on page 368.

Level Title................................................................................................................................................................. Page

AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Aboriginal Studies..............................................................................................................................................49
AS SPE Accounting (B.Com)...........................................................................................................................................39
AS SPE/MAJ Actuarial Science...............................................................................................................................................54
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN African Studies.................................................................................................................................................305
AS MAJ/MIN American Studies...............................................................................................................................................57
AS MAJ Animal Physiology............................................................................................................................................ 111
AS MAJ/MIN Anthropology......................................................................................................................................................60
AS SPE/MAJ Anthropology (Biological)...................................................................................................................................60
AS MAJ Anthropology (Linguistic & Semiotic)................................................................................................................60
AS SPE/MAJ Anthropology (Social & Cultural).......................................................................................................................60
AS SPE Applied Mathematics.......................................................................................................................................346
AS SPE/MAJ Archaeological Science.....................................................................................................................................72
AS SPE Archaeology........................................................................................................................................................72
AS MAJ Architectural Studies (Design)...........................................................................................................................75
AS MAJ Architectural Studies (History, Theory,Criticism)..............................................................................................75
AS MIN Asian Geographies (Joint NUS)......................................................................................................................238
AS MIN Asian Literatures and Cultures (Joint NUS)...................................................................................................195
AS SPE Astronomy & Physics.........................................................................................................................................98
AS MAJ/MIN Astronomy and Astrophysics.............................................................................................................................98
AS SPE Behaviour..........................................................................................................................................................175
AS SPE/MAJ Biochemistry.....................................................................................................................................................101
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Bioethics...........................................................................................................................................................403
AS SPE Biogeography...................................................................................................................................................238
AS SPE Bioinformatics & Computational Biology........................................................................................................101
AS SPE Biological Chemistry........................................................................................................................................ 118
AS SPE Biological Physics............................................................................................................................................415
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Biology..............................................................................................................................................................107
AS SPE/MAJ Biomedical Toxicology......................................................................................................................................397
AS MAJ/MIN Book & Media Studies.....................................................................................................................................473
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Botany...............................................................................................................................................................107
AS MIN Buddhism, Psy & Mental Health.....................................................................................................................382
AS SPE/MAJ Buddhist Studies..............................................................................................................................................458
AS MIN Business German............................................................................................................................................259
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Canadian Studies.............................................................................................................................................526
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Caribbean Studies...........................................................................................................................................382
AS MAJ Cell & Molecular Biology................................................................................................................................ 111
AS SPE Cell & Molecular Biology................................................................................................................................ 111
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Celtic Studies....................................................................................................................................................473
AS SPE Chemical Physics............................................................................................................................................. 118
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Chemistry.......................................................................................................................................................... 118
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Christianity & Culture.......................................................................................................................................473
AS MIN Christianity & Culture: Christianity & Education.............................................................................................473
AS MAJ Christianity & Culture: Religious Education....................................................................................................473
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Cinema Studies................................................................................................................................................305
AS MAJ/MIN Classical Civilization.........................................................................................................................................127
AS SPE/MAJ Classics.............................................................................................................................................................127
AS MAJ Cognitive Science (Arts)..................................................................................................................................134
AS MAJ Cognitive Science (Science)...........................................................................................................................134
AS MAJ Commerce (B.A.)...............................................................................................................................................39
AS MAJ Computer Science...........................................................................................................................................137
AS SPE Computer Science & Economics....................................................................................................................137
AS SPE Computer Science & Mathematics.................................................................................................................137
AS SPE Computer Science & Physics.........................................................................................................................137
AS SPE Computer Science & Statistics........................................................................................................................137

Programs and Courses
Level Title................................................................................................................................................................. Page
AS SPE Computer Science: Aritificial Intelligence Option...........................................................................................137
AS SPE Computer Science: Flexible Program Option................................................................................................137
AS SPE Computer Science: Foundations....................................................................................................................137
AS SPE Computer Science: Information Systems Option..........................................................................................137
AS SPE Computer Science: Software Engineering Option.........................................................................................137
AS SPE/MAJ Criminology.......................................................................................................................................................550
AS MAJ/MIN Croatian & Serbian Studies.............................................................................................................................486
AS MAJ/MIN Czech & Slovak Studies..................................................................................................................................486
AS SPE Developmental Biology.................................................................................................................................... 111
AS MAJ/MIN Diaspora & Transnational Studies..................................................................................................................152
AS MAJ Dr. David Chu Program In Asia-Pacific Studies...............................................................................................94
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Drama...............................................................................................................................................................156
AS SPE Earth Systems: Physics & the Environment..................................................................................................206
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN East Asian Studies...........................................................................................................................................161
AS SPE Ecology.............................................................................................................................................................175
AS MAJ Ecology & Evolutionary Biology......................................................................................................................175
AS MAJ/MIN Economic History.............................................................................................................................................185
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Economics........................................................................................................................................................185
AS SPE Economics & Mathematics..............................................................................................................................185
AS MIN Education and Society.....................................................................................................................................534
AS SPE/MAJ Employment Relations.....................................................................................................................................550
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN English..............................................................................................................................................................195
AS MIN Environment & Behaviour................................................................................................................................206
AS MIN Environment & Energy.....................................................................................................................................206
AS SPE/MAJ Environment & Health......................................................................................................................................206
AS MAJ/MIN Environment & Science...................................................................................................................................206
AS SPE Environment & Biomedical Toxicology...........................................................................................................206
AS MIN Environmental Anthropology...........................................................................................................................206
AS MIN Environmental Biology.....................................................................................................................................175
AS MIN Environmental Biology (Joint NUS)................................................................................................................175
AS SPE/MIN Environmental Chemistry................................................................................................................................206
AS MIN Environmental Economics...............................................................................................................................206
AS MAJ/MIN Environmental Ethics.......................................................................................................................................206
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Environmental Geography...............................................................................................................................206
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Environmental Geosciences...........................................................................................................................206
AS MAJ/MIN Environmental Studies.....................................................................................................................................206
AS MAJ Equity Studies..................................................................................................................................................382
AS MIN Estonian Studies..............................................................................................................................................486
AS MAJ Ethics, Society & Law......................................................................................................................................522
AS MAJ European Studies............................................................................................................................................217
AS MIN European Union Studies.................................................................................................................................217
AS SPE Evolutionary Biology........................................................................................................................................175
AS SPE Finance & Economics (B. Com).......................................................................................................................39
AS SPE Financial Economics........................................................................................................................................185
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Fine Art (History of Art)......................................................................................................................................79
AS MAJ/MIN Finnish Studies.................................................................................................................................................486
AS MAJ/MIN Forest Biomaterials..........................................................................................................................................221
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Forest Conservation.........................................................................................................................................221
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Forest Conservation Science..........................................................................................................................221
AS SPE French & German............................................................................................................................................226
AS SPE French & Italian................................................................................................................................................226
AS SPE French & Portuguese.......................................................................................................................................226
AS SPE French & Russian............................................................................................................................................226
AS SPE French & Spanish............................................................................................................................................226
AS MIN French As a Second Language......................................................................................................................226
AS SPE/MAJ French Language & Linguistics......................................................................................................................226
AS SPE/MAJ French Language & Literature........................................................................................................................226
AS MAJ French Language Learning.............................................................................................................................226
AS MIN French Studies.................................................................................................................................................226
AS MIN Geographic Information Systems...................................................................................................................238
AS SPE Geology.............................................................................................................................................................254
AS SPE Geology & Physics...........................................................................................................................................254
AS MAJ/MIN Geoscience.......................................................................................................................................................254
AS SPE German & Italian..............................................................................................................................................259

Programs and Courses
Level Title................................................................................................................................................................. Page
AS SPE German & Russian..........................................................................................................................................259
AS SPE German & Spanish..........................................................................................................................................259
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN German Studies...............................................................................................................................................259
AS MAJ/MIN Greek................................................................................................................................................................127
AS SPE/MAJ Health Studies (B.A.).......................................................................................................................................526
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN History...............................................................................................................................................................265
AS MAJ History & Philosophy of Science & Technology.............................................................................................284
AS MAJ Human Biology.................................................................................................................................................289
AS SPE/MAJ Human Biology: Genes, Genetics & Biotechnology......................................................................................289
AS SPE/MAJ Human Biology: Global Health........................................................................................................................289
AS SPE/MAJ Human Biology: Health & Disease.................................................................................................................289
AS SPE/MAJ Human Biology: Health Care Ethics...............................................................................................................289
AS SPE/MAJ Human Biology: Neuroscience.......................................................................................................................289
AS SPE/MAJ Human Geography..........................................................................................................................................238
AS MIN Human Geography..........................................................................................................................................238
AS SPE Human-Computer Interaction..........................................................................................................................137
AS MAJ/MIN Hungarian Studies...........................................................................................................................................300
AS SPE/MAJ Immunology......................................................................................................................................................302
AS MAJ International Development Studies.................................................................................................................206
AS SPE/MAJ International Relations.....................................................................................................................................522
AS SPE International Relations Program/Peace & Conflict Studies Program...........................................................522
AS MAJ Islamic Studies.................................................................................................................................................458
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Italian.................................................................................................................................................................315
AS SPE Italian & Portuguese.........................................................................................................................................315
AS SPE Italian & Russian..............................................................................................................................................315
AS SPE Italian & Spanish..............................................................................................................................................315
AS MIN Italian Culture & Communication Studies.......................................................................................................315
AS MAJ Italian Second Language Learning.................................................................................................................315
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Jewish Studies.................................................................................................................................................324
AS MAJ/MIN Latin...................................................................................................................................................................127
AS MAJ/MIN Latin American Studies....................................................................................................................................334
AS MIN Life & Environmental Physics..........................................................................................................................415
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Linguistics.........................................................................................................................................................338
AS SPE Linguistics & Computing..................................................................................................................................338
AS SPE Linguistics & French.........................................................................................................................................338
AS SPE Linguistics & German.......................................................................................................................................338
AS SPE Linguistics & Italian..........................................................................................................................................338
AS SPE Linguistics & Slavic Languages......................................................................................................................338
AS SPE Linguistics & Spanish.......................................................................................................................................338
AS MIN Literary Studies................................................................................................................................................534
AS SPE/MAJ Literary Studies (Comparative Literature)......................................................................................................534
AS SPE/MAJ Literary Studies (Interdisciplinary stream)......................................................................................................534
AS SPE Management (B. Com)......................................................................................................................................39
AS SPE Materials Science.............................................................................................................................................343
AS SPE Mathematical Applications in Economics & Finance.....................................................................................346
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Mathematics.....................................................................................................................................................346
AS SPE Mathematics & Its Applications (Computer Science)....................................................................................346
AS SPE Mathematics & Its Applications (Design Your Own)......................................................................................346
AS SPE Mathematics & Its Applications (Physical Science).......................................................................................346
AS SPE Mathematics & Its Applications (Teaching).....................................................................................................346
AS SPE Mathematics & Its Applications Probability/Statistics)....................................................................................346
AS SPE Mathematics & Philosophy..............................................................................................................................346
AS SPE Mathematics & Physics...................................................................................................................................346
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Mediaeval Studies............................................................................................................................................473
AS SPE Molecular Biophysics.......................................................................................................................................415
AS SPE/MAJ Molecular Genetics & Microbiology................................................................................................................359
AS SPE/MAJ Music.................................................................................................................................................................363
AS MIN Music History & Culture...................................................................................................................................363
AS SPE/MAJ Music with Ensemble Option...........................................................................................................................363
AS MIN Nanoscience (NUS)......................................................................................................................................... 118
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Near and Middle Eastern Civilization..............................................................................................................367
AS MAJ Nutritional Science...........................................................................................................................................391
AS MIN Paradigms & Archetypes.................................................................................................................................382
AS SPE Pathobiology.....................................................................................................................................................331

Programs and Courses
Level Title................................................................................................................................................................. Page
AS SPE/MAJ Peace & Conflict Studies.................................................................................................................................393
AS SPE Pharmaceutical Chemistry..............................................................................................................................395
AS SPE/MAJ Pharmacology..................................................................................................................................................397
AS SPE Pharmacology & Biomedical Toxicology........................................................................................................397
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Philosophy........................................................................................................................................................403
AS SPE Philosophy of Science.....................................................................................................................................403
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Physical & Environmental Geography............................................................................................................238
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Physics..............................................................................................................................................................415
AS SPE Physics & Philosophy......................................................................................................................................415
AS MAJ Physics (General).............................................................................................................................................415
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Physiology........................................................................................................................................................425
AS SPE Planetary Science............................................................................................................................................429
AS SPE Polish & French................................................................................................................................................486
AS SPE Polish & German..............................................................................................................................................486
AS SPE Polish & Russian..............................................................................................................................................486
AS MAJ/MIN Polish Language & Literature..........................................................................................................................486
AS MAJ/MIN Polish Studies...................................................................................................................................................486
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Political Science...............................................................................................................................................430
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Portuguese.......................................................................................................................................................446
AS SPE Portuguese & Spanish.....................................................................................................................................446
AS MAJ Prehistoric Archaeology.....................................................................................................................................72
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Psychology.......................................................................................................................................................449
AS SPE Psychology (Research Specialist)..................................................................................................................449
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Religion.............................................................................................................................................................458
AS SPE Religion: Christian Origins...............................................................................................................................458
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Renaissance Studies.......................................................................................................................................534
AS MIN Russian Language...........................................................................................................................................486
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Russian Language & Literature......................................................................................................................486
AS MAJ/MIN Semiotics & Communication Theory..............................................................................................................534
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Sexual Diversity Studies..................................................................................................................................526
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Sociology..........................................................................................................................................................499
AS SPE Sociology & Urban Studies.............................................................................................................................499
AS MIN South Asian Studies.........................................................................................................................................509
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Spanish............................................................................................................................................................. 511
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Statistics............................................................................................................................................................517
AS SPE Statistics & Mathematics.................................................................................................................................517
AS SPE Synthetic & Catalytic Chemistry...................................................................................................................... 118
AS SPE Ukrainian & French..........................................................................................................................................486
AS SPE Ukrainian & German........................................................................................................................................486
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Ukrainian Language & Literature....................................................................................................................486
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Urban Studies...................................................................................................................................................305
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Visual Studies.....................................................................................................................................................79
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Women and Gender Studies..........................................................................................................................545
AS MIN Writing & Rhetoric............................................................................................................................................305
AS MIN Yiddish, Al & Malke Green Program in...........................................................................................................259
AS SPE/MAJ/MIN Zoology.............................................................................................................................................................107

Rotman Commerce

The Rotman Commerce Program is W. Smieliauskas, MS, Ph D

A. Verma, B Tech, MBA, Ph D
jointly offered by the Faculty of Arts A. White, B Eng, MBA, Ph D
& Science and the Rotman School Associate Professors
of Management O. Baron, B Sc, MBA, Ph D
C. Doidge, B Com MSC, Ph D
Rotman Commerce at the University of Toronto offers S. Hawkins, BA, MS, Ph D
an innovative curriculum with a global perspective for an M. Rotundo, BA, MIR, Ph D
enriched professional undergraduate experience. The M. Shi, BS, MBA, Ph D
program explores the role of commerce in modern society K. Wang, MA, Ph D
while developing skill and confidence in analysis, effective P. Zhang, B Sc, MA, M Acc, Ph D
communications and decision making.
Assistant Professors
The Bachelor of Commerce degree builds on a common R. Borkowsky, MA, B Sc, Ph D
foundation of business and liberal arts courses. Rotman S. Buti, MA, Ph D
Commerce students go on to specialize in one of three A. Ching, B. Econ, MA, Ph D
programs: Finance and Economics, Management, or M. Christianson, MD, Ph D
Accounting. Each program combines career-oriented S. Davydenko, M.SC, MA, Ph D
courses in management and applied economics with a K. A. DeCelles, BS, Ph D
variety of advanced courses in the Arts & Sciences. The S. DeVoe, BA, Ph D
balance assures graduates of a solid understanding of A. Fleischer, BA, MBA, Ph D
business and modern society along with a command L. Han, BA, MA, Ph D
of critical skills in decision-making and organizational M. Hu, BS, MS, Ph D
leadership. M. Lederman, BA, Ph D
S. Liao, Ph D
The Major in Commerce provides students with a H. Lu, BE, MS, MBA, Ph D
foundation in business while allowing them to concentrate N. Mazar, MBA, Ph D
in another discipline within Arts & Science. L. Pomorski, BA, MA, Ph D
Rotman Commerce graduates frequently become C. Tsai, MBA, Ph D
economists, accountants, actuaries, financial analysts, B. Xin, Ph D
marketing analysts, managers of firms and government, L. Yang, Ph D
or proprietors of small businesses. Some Commerce M. Zhao, Ph D
students elect to undertake post-graduate studies in the C. Zhong, BA, MA, Ph D
form of further university education: law schools and MBA Senior Lecturers
programs have been particularly favoured destinations of J. Kitunen, BBM, FCA
recent graduates. D.L. Losell, MBA, CA
Assistant Director, Academic Services: N. Martin-Sperry, J. Oesch, B Sc, M Ed, MBA, M Sc, Ph D
321 Bloor Street West (416-978-3339) Lecturers
Enquiries: 321 Bloor Street West (The entrance is on St. F. Farooqi, BBA, MBA
George Street just south of Bloor.); (416-978-3339) M. Stapleton, B Sc, M Sc, MBA, CFA
E. Zuliani, B Com, CA
Faculty from the Rotman School of Management who
teach in Rotman Commerce are listed below Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.)
Degree Requirements
Faculty This is a four-year Honours program.
Professor and Director, Rotman Commerce To qualify for a Bachelor of Commerce degree, a student
K. Corts, BA, Ph D must:
Professors (a) Complete twenty full-course equivalents, including no
T.L. Amburgey, BS, MA, Ph D more than six 100-series courses;
J.H. Amernic, B Sc, MBA, FCA (b) Complete one of the Specialist programs -
O. Berman, BA, Ph D Management, Finance and Economics, or Accounting
L. Booth, MA, MBA, DBA (see below);
D.J.S. Brean, MBA, M Sc, Ph D (c) For students who began September 2010 or after:
J. Callen, BA, MBA, Ph D complete the new Breadth Requirement for B.Com
I. Horstmann, BA, Ph D students (see next page)
R. Kan, MBA Ph D OR
T. McCurdy, MA, Ph D For students who began degree studies prior
A.A. Mitchell, BA, Ph D to September 2010: complete the Distribution
G. Richardson, BA, MBA, Ph D Requirement for B.Com students (see next page).
B. Silverman, AB, SM, MA, Ph D

Rotman Commerce

(d) Complete ten full course equivalents from MGT120H1/MGT201H, COM110H1, RSM100Y, and
Management (RSM/MGT/COM) and ten full course that 100-series courses in CSC, MAT, STA; STA250H1,
equivalents from disciplines outside of RSM/MGT/ STA255H1, STA257H1, STA352Y cannot be used to
COM which include Economics (ECO) and other Arts satisfy the Breadth Requirement.
& Science courses.
(e) Obtain standing (i.e., complete with a grade of 50% A course’s Breadth designation can be found following
or more) in at least six 300- or 400-series courses, the course description in the Calendar for the year in
including at least one 400-series course. No more which the course is taken. (Note: the 2010-2011 printed
than one 300+series transfer credit may be counted Calendar contains designations for 100-series and
towards these six. (Students participating in an 200-series courses only. Designations for 300- and
approved exchange program may count all 300+ 400-series courses for 2010-2011 will be available in the
transfer credits from the exchange towards the Faculty’s web site in Summer 2010.)
required six.) Courses marked "BR=None" do not count toward any
(f) Achieve a cumulative GPA of 1.85 or more by the time breadth category.
of graduation.
Courses count toward the Breadth Requirement as they
Graduation have been classified in the Calendar of the year in which
Students who expect to graduate at the end of a given they were taken.
session must use the Student Web Service or notify their Students may count towards the Breadth Requirement
College Registrar in writing to make their degree requests any course which has a Breadth designation, and in which
by the dates specified in the Calendar. Prospective they have achieved standing, whether or not the course is
graduands should receive the following documents from used to satisfy a Subject POSt requirement, and whether
the University: or not the course was taken as CR/NCR.
1. a Program of Study Assessment form (late April/late
More information on the Breadth Requirement can be
August) from the program sponsor;
found on page 25.
2. a letter from the Office of Convocation providing
details of the convocation ceremony (late March/mid- Faculty Distribution Requirement for B.Com.
3. a letter from the Office of the Faculty Registrar
confirming degree eligibility (end of May/late October). Students who began degree studies prior to September
2010 must complete the Faculty Distribution Requirement
Faculty Breadth Requirement for B.Com. for B.Com. students.
As part of the degree requirements for the B.Com.,
Students beginning degree studies in September 2010 STUDENTS MUST COMPLETE ONE FULL COURSE
or after are required to complete the following Breadth EQUIVALENT IN EACH OF THE HUMANITIES, THE
Requirement as part of their Degree Requirements. (The SOCIAL SCIENCES AND THE SCIENCES AREAS as
Distribution Requirement described following this section defined below:
does not apply to such students.)
1. ONE full course equivalent must be from the
Courses in the Faculty of Arts and Science are classified Humanities (see Page 26).
into five Breadth categories by subject content. (Note 2. ONE full course equivalent must be from the Social
that some courses are not designated and do not count Sciences (MGT/RSM courses may be used to meet
toward this requirement.). The purpose of the Breadth this requirement with the exception of MGT120H1/
Requirement is to ensure all students graduating with an MGT201H1, COM110H1, and RSM100Y which have
Honours degree from the Faculty of Arts & Science have NO Distribution Requirement status; see Page 26).
chosen courses across a broad range of subject areas in 3. ONE full course equivalent must be from the Sciences
the Faculty as part of their undergraduate education. (see Page 26), with the following exceptions: all
1. Creative and Cultural Representations 100-series courses in CSC, MAT, STA; STA250H1,
2. Thought, Belief, and Behaviour STA255H1, STA257H1, STA352Y1.
3. Society and Its Institutions 4. NOTE: transfer students from University of Toronto
4. Living Things and Their Environment Mississauga or Scarborough must meet the St.
5. The Physical and Mathematical Universes George B.Com. Distribution Requirement.
Students must take at least 4 full-course equivalents
(FCEs) that have been designated as satisfying the
Rotman Commerce
Breadth Requirement. These 4 credits must be either (a)
at least 1 FCE in each of any 4 of the 5 categories above,
• Enrolment in Rotman Commerce programs is limited.
or (b) at least 1 FCE in each of any 3 of the 5 categories,
Formal program enrolment takes place before entry
and at least 0.5 FCE in each of the other 2 categories.
into second year. The majority of spaces each
As part of the degree requirements for the B.Com.,
year will be reserved for students admitted to First
Year Commerce with a guaranteed place in their
Category 1 (Creative and Cultural Representations).
offer of admission. A limited number of places may
Note that there is no Breadth Requirement status for

Rotman Commerce
be available for other Arts & Science students not Note: being admitted to Rotman Commerce at a point
admitted to First Year Commerce with the guarantee later than the beginning of second year will result in
(see below). retroactive Commerce program fees being charged for
the period between the beginning of second year and
• First Year Commerce Students Admitted with the the point of admission.
Commerce Guarantee: These students will be
offered a space in Rotman Commerce programs after • Mathematics Note: MAT133Y1/(MAT123H1,
their first year, provided they complete the following MAT124H1) are courses that satisfy the minimum
requirements within one calendar year of their first Program requirements. Students who are likely to
enrolment in Arts & Science. (For students beginning enrol in 200+ series MAT or CSC courses are advised
in September, the requirements must be completed no to take MAT137Y1 instead, noting that MAT137Y1 is a
later than the end of the following Summer session.) theoretically-oriented course for mathematically-based
disciplines such as Mathematics, Computer Science,
(i) accumulate a minimum of four credits with a and Actuarial Science.
cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00 (see
the “Degree Requirements” section of the Calendar); • Maximum Course Load: Rotman Commerce students
are limited to a maximum of 6.0 credits in any Fall/
(ii) attain a minimum grade in the three required Winter session of their program.
courses: ECO100Y and RSM100Y each with at least
67% and MAT133Y or equivalent with at least 50%.
Accounting (B.Com)
Note: students who fail to attain the requisite grade
Specialist program:
in a required course may repeat the course once;
(15 full courses or their equivalent out of 20 courses, for a
however, the course must be completed successfully
within one calendar year, as per the conditions of the
Commerce Guarantee. None of these courses may First Year:
be completed using the CR/NCR option. 1. ECO 100Y1, RSM100Y1
2. MAT 133Y1/(123H1, 124H1)/135Y1/137Y1/157Y1
• Part-Time Students: Students holding the Commerce 3. Students are encouraged to take one course towards
Guarantee, who have applied for and been admitted the Distribution Requirement (above) in First Year
to Part-Time study, will be assessed for entry into Second Year:
Rotman Commerce programs at the point when they 4. ECO 204Y1/206Y1; ECO 220Y1/227Y1/(STA250H1,
have accumulated 4.0 credits including the required STA255H1)/(STA257H1, STA261H1)
courses (see ii above). To qualify under the Part- 5. RSM220H1, 221H1, 222H1, 225H1
Time provision, students must have been enrolled in 6. 1.0 from: RSM230H1, 250H1, 260H1
a part-time course load from the beginning of each Third Year:
session. 7. RSM320H1, 321H1, 322H1, 323H1, 324H1, 332H1,
• Other Students: Students not admitted with the 8. Any 1.0 300+ ECO except ECO301Y1, 302H1, 303Y1,
Commerce Guarantee may apply to Rotman 307H1, 308H1, 309H1, 321Y1, 342Y1, 353Y1, 354H1,
Commerce at the end of their first year. Applications 355H1, 423H1, 429Y1, 435H1, 457Y1
are normally made in April, as with other POSts. Such Fourth Year:
students must complete the First Year requirements 9. RSM422H1, 423H1, 424H1, 426H1, 427H1
with the minimum marks specified below, but Note: Students must take a minimum of 10.0 RSM
must also meet a competitive academic standard and 10.0 non-RSM courses (See B. Com. degree
established each year by the number of places requirements above).
available. ECO 209Y1 and 374H1 are strongly recommended.
Finance and Economics (B.Com.)
o Accumulate a minimum of 4.0 credits
o Complete ECO100Y and RSM100Y each with at
Specialist program:
least 67% and MAT133Y or equivalent with at least
(14 full courses or their equivalent out of 20 courses, for a
o Obtain a CGPA to be determined each year on a
competitive basis (CGPA based on all courses taken First Year:
for credit in the Faculty of Arts & Science) 1. ECO 100Y1, RSM100Y1
o Complete the Rotman Commerce On-line Applicant 2. MAT 133Y1/(123H1, 124H1)/135Y1/137Y1/157Y1
Profile and pay applicant profile fee 3. Students are encouraged to take one course towards
o Admission will be based on marks, CGPA, and the Distribution Requirement (above) in First Year
applicant profile Second Year:
4. ECO 204Y1/206Y1; ECO 208Y1/209Y1; ECO
• Tuition Fees: Students enrolling in the Rotman 220Y1/227Y1/(STA250H1, STA255H1)/(STA257H1,
Commerce programs pay fees that are higher than for STA261H1)
other Arts & Science programs, and are assessed on 5. RSM220H1, 221H1, 222H1, 230H1
a program-fee basis rather than a per-course basis. 6. 0.5 from: RSM225H1, 250H1, 260H1, 324H1

Rotman Commerce
Note: Students are not required to complete all 5.5 credits 2. RSM220H1 - Financial Accounting I
in Second Year; most students will elect to fulfill some RSM222H1 - Management Accounting I
portion of these requirements in Third Year. RSM250H1 - Marketing
Third Year: RSM332H1 - Capital Market Theory
7. RSM330H1, 332H1, 333H1, RSM333H1 - Introduction to Corporate Finance
8. 2.5 300+ ECO of which no more than 1.0 can be from 3. 1.0 courses from:
ECO301Y1, 302H1, 303Y1, 307H1, 308H1, 309H1, RSM225H1 - Legal Environment of Business I
321Y1, 342Y1, 353Y1, 354H1, 355H1, 423H1, 429Y1, RSM260H1 - Organizational Behaviour
435H1, 457Y1 RSM270H1 - Operations Management
Fourth Year: RSM327H1 - Business Information Systems
9. RSM433H1, 435H1 RSM330H1 - Investments
10. 0.5 from: RSM437H1, 480H1, 490H1 or any 400-level RSM course
Note: Students must take a minimum of 10.0 RSM
and 10.0 non-RSM courses (See B. Com. degree Rotman Commerce Courses
requirements above). (Economics course descriptions begin on Page 188).
ECO 374H1 is strongly recommended.
See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
Management (B. Com.)
MGT201H1 Introduction to Financial Accounting
Specialist program: (formerly MGT120H1) [24L]
(12 full courses or their equivalent out of 20 courses, for a Introduction to financial reporting and analysis that is used
B.Com.) by companies to organize and evaluate data in light of
First Year: their organization’s goal. Emphasis is on decision-making
1. ECO 100Y1, RSM100Y1 and interpretation of financial statements and how they
2. MAT 133Y1/(123H1, 124H1)/135Y1/137Y1/157Y1 can be used to plan a firm’s overall business activities
3. Students are encouraged to take one course towards through the use of real-world companies. Not open to
the Distribution Requirement (above) in First Year Rotman Commerce students.
Second Year: Exclusion: MGT120H1
4. ECO 204Y1/206Y1; ECO 220Y1/227Y1/(STA250H1, DR=N/A; BR=None (This course has no status for
STA255H1)/(STA257H1, STA261H1) distribution/breadth requirement purposes)
5. RSM220H1, 222H1, 250H1, 260H1 RSM100Y1 Introduction to Management [48L, 24T]
Third Year: Introduction to management and its various subdisciplines-
6. RSM270H1, 332H1, 333H1, 392H1 accounting, finance, marketing, organizational behaviour,
7. Any 1.0 300+ ECO except ECO301Y1, 302H1, 303Y1, operations management, and strategy. Enrolment
307H1, 308H1, 309H1, 321Y1, 342Y1, 353Y1, 354H1, priority is given to students entering the University with
355H1, 423H1, 429Y1, 435H1, 457Y1 an expressed interest in studying Commerce. Other
Fourth Year: Arts & Science students will be allowed to enrol, space
8. 1.0 from: ECO 364H1, 365H1, 419H1, RSM437H1, permitting. Non-Arts & Science students are ineligible to
480H1, 490H1 (excluding any courses that have enrol in this course.
already been used to satisfy requirement 7, as Exclusion: COM110H1
outlined above) Co-Requisite: ECO100Y1, MAT133Y1
9. 1.0 400-level RSM, in addition to any courses taken in DR=N/A; BR=None (This course has no status for
# 8 above. distribution/breadth requirement purposes)
Note: Students must take a minimum of 10.0 RSM
RSM220H1 Financial Accounting (formerly
and 10.0 non-RSM courses (See B. Com. degree
MGT220H1) [24L, 24T]
requirements above).
This course introduces Rotman Commerce students
ECO 209Y1 and 374H1 are strongly recommended.
to financial accounting including both conceptual and
Rotman Commerce (Arts program) technical aspects.
Exclusion: MGT220H1
Students taking this program follow the degree
Prerequisite: MGT120H1/201H/RSM100Y1
requirements for the Honours Bachelor of Arts (see page
DR=SOC SCI; BR=None (This course has no status for
breadth requirement purposes)
Major program: RSM221H1 Intermediate Financial Accounting I
(7.5 full courses or their equivalent) (formerly MGT224H1) [24L, 12T]
Covers topics such as income statement and balance
First Year:
sheet topics with an emphasis on quality of earnings.
1. RSM100Y1, ECO100Y1, MAT133Y1/(MAT123H1,
Exclusion: MGT224H1
Prerequisite: MGT220H1/RSM220H1
DR=SOC SCI; BR=None (This course has no status for
Higher Years:
breadth requirement purposes)
1. ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/(STA250H1, STA255H1)/
(STA257H1, STA261H1)

Rotman Commerce
RSM222H1 Management Accounting I (formerly RSM260H1 Organizational Behaviour (formerly
MGT223H1) [24L, 24T] MGT262H1) [24L]
Covers the conceptual and analytical foundations of Theoretical ideas and practical applications concerning
management accounting and the applications of cost the behaviour of individuals and groups in organizations.
accounting information. Costing and control concepts We explore relevant problems confronting management:
are analyzed to equip students with tools for establishing motivation, influence, communication, supervision,
costing systems, making business decisions, and decision-making, work force diversity.
evaluating management performance. Materials are Exclusion: MGT262H1, PSY332H1, WDW260H1
designed to help students understand strategic cost Prerequisite: COM 110H1/RSM100Y1
management principles. DR=SOC SCI; BR=2
Exclusion: MGT223H1 RSM270H1 Operations Management (formerly
Prerequisite for students enrolled in Employment Relations MGT374H1/RSM370H1) [24L]
or Human Resource Management: MGT201H1 Introduction to the management of business processes
Co-requisite for students enrolled in Rotman Commerce: that convert inputs (labor, material, equipment) into
RSM220H1 outputs (goods and services) for internal and external
DR=SOC SCI; BR=None (This course has no status for markets. Topics include aggregate planning, inventory
breadth requirement purposes) processes, supply chain management and service
RSM225H1 Legal Environment of Business I operations management. Presents modern quantitative
(formerly MGT393H1) [24L] and computing tools necessary for in-depth operational
Introduces students to the Canadian legal system focusing design and analysis.
on business entities, the structure of the Canadian court Exclusion: MGT374H1/RSM370H1
system, the various elements of contract law and the law Prerequisite: COM 110H1/RSM100Y1
of negligence. DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Exclusion: MGT393H1 RSM295Y0 Special Topics [24L]
Prerequisite: COM 110H1/RSM100Y1
DR=SOC SCI; BR=3 RSM296Y0 Special Topics [24L]
The areas of concentration depend on the instructor
RSM230H1 Financial Markets [24L] teaching the course. (Offered only during the summer
Introduction to Canadian and international financial session through the Summer Abroad Program)
markets. It provides an overview of the major financial DR=SOC SCI; BR=None (This course has no status for
institutions, their roles and some problems they face, the breadth requirement purposes)
major types of financial securities and the mechanisms
under which they are traded. It is a helpful preparation RSM310H1 Special Topics in Management [TBA
for students thinking of taking the Canadian Securities RSM311H1 Special Topics in Management [TBA]
Exclusion: ACT349H1, ECO358H1, ECO359H1 RSM312H1 Special Topics in Management [TBA]
Prerequisite: COM110H1/RSM100Y1 RSM313H1 Special Topics in Management [TBA]
RSM314H1 Special Topics in Management [TBA]
RSM250H1 Principles of Marketing (formerly
RSM315H1 Special Topics in Management [TBA]
MGT252H1) [24L]
Students receive an introduction to the basic concepts, RSM316H1 Special Topics in Management [TBA]
theories, and methods of contemporary marketing. The RSM317H1 Special Topics in Management [TBA]
course offers a comprehensive framework to develop
successful marketing efforts and allows students to create RSM318H1 Special Topics in Management [TBA]
a marketing plan. Specific topics examined: market RSM319H1 Special Topics in Management [TBA]
research, consumer behaviour, segmentation, product Topics and Issues in Management. Content in any
policy, pricing, distribution, communications, sales, and given year will depend on the instructor. Consult the
direct marketing. Rotman Commerce website for course description and
Exclusion: MGT252H1 prerequisites. Enrolment is restricted to 3rd and 4th year
Prerequisite: COM110H1/RSM100Y1 Rotman Commerce students.
DR=SOC SCI; BR=2 DR=SOC SCI; BR=None (This course has no status
RSM251H1 Marketing Management (formerly forbreadth requirement purposes)
MGT353H1/RSM350H1) [24L] RSM320H1 Intermediate Financial Accounting II
This course employs the case method of instruction (formerly MGT322H1) [24L]
to develop the skills required of marketing managers. Covers broader areas in financial reporting, drawing upon
Students will learn to diagnose marketing problems and regulatory documents and corporate communications.
develop, present, and defend their recommendations. Topics include corporate reporting quality, employee
They will also gain experience analyzing marketing future benefits, employee compensation disclosure and
situations, identifying market opportunities, developing analysis, income tax accounting, narrative reporting.
marketing strategies, and designing the marketing mix. Emphasis on the context of financial reporting including
Exclusion: MGT353H1/RSM350H1 an organization’s ‘tone at the top’ and the adoption of
Prerequisite: MGT252H1/RSM250H1 international standards.
DR=SOC SCI; BR=2 Exclusion: MGT322H1

Rotman Commerce
Prerequisite: MGT224H1/RSM221H1 Exclusion: CSC340H1, MGT371H1
RSM321H1 Advanced Financial Accounting Topics RSM 328H1 Financial Distress and Insolvency [24L]
(formerly MGT426H1) [24L, 12T] This course explores the reasons for financial distress
This course covers accounting issues and practices and introduces options for managers, creditors, lenders,
relating to long-term investments, consolidations, foreign and directors of firms in financial distress. The use of
transactions and foreign investments. International financial ratios to predict solvency problems is covered as
accounting issues are also introduced. well as strategies both for restructuring companies having
Exclusion: MGT426H1 financial difficulties and for negotiation with creditors.
Prerequisite: MGT322H1/RSM320H1 Prerequisite: MGT220H1/RSM220H1, MGT223H1/
RSM322H1 Managerial Accounting and Decision
Making (formerly MGT323H1) [24L] RSM330H1 Investments (formerly MGT330H1) [24L]
The course focuses on making managerial decisions This course provides an introduction to financial theories
based on cost information. The relationship between and analytical tools for making investment decisions and
strategy and costing systems is explored and as are for understanding how prices are determined for stocks
the economic characteristics which form the context for and bonds. The course covers a broad range of topics
business decisions. including asset allocation, technical analysis, fundamental
Exclusion: MGT323H1 analysis, anomalies, and bond portfolio management.
Prerequisite: MGT223H1/RSM222H1 Exclusion: ACT349H1, MGT330H1
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: /RSM230H1
Co-requisite: ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/(STA250H1,
RSM323H1 Auditing I (formerly MGT321H1) [24L, 12T]
STA255H1)/(STA257H1, STA261H1)
This course introduces students to the concepts and
theory underlying audit practice. Practical examples
are used to help students develop skills in exercising RSM332H1 Capital Market Theory [24L]
professional judgment. An introduction to capital market theory explaining how
Exclusion: MGT321H1 financial securities are priced. Topics covered include the
Prerequisite: MGT224H1/RSM221H1, MGT393H1/ time and risk value of money, the use of discounted cash
RSM225H1 flow techniques, efficient set theory, asset pricing and
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA market efficiency.
Exclusion: ACT349H1, ECO358H1, ECO359H1,
RSM324H1 Canadian Income Taxation I (formerly
MGT423H1) [24L, 12T]
Co-requisite: ECO204Y1/206Y1, ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/
This course gives a basic understanding of the Income
(STA250H1, STA255H1)/(STA257H1, STA261H1)
Tax Act and its administration. This is achieved by applying
the law to practical problems and cases. Topics covered
include administration of the tax system, residence, RSM333H1 Introduction to Corporate Finance [24L]
employment income, business and property income, Application and development of the ideas in RSM332H1
capital gains, other income and deductions, computation to corporate finance problems such as determining the
of taxable income and taxes payable for individuals. weighted average cost of capital, project evaluation,
Exclusion: MGT423H1 corporate financing decisions, working capital
Prerequisite: MGT220H1/RSM220H1 management and initial public offerings.
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Exclusion: ACT349H1, ECO358H1, ECO359H1,
RSM325H1 Legal Environment of Business II MGT337Y1
Prerequisite: MGT220H1/RSM220H1, RSM332H1
(formerly MGT394H1) [24L]
This course canvasses areas of law that impact on
a business entity. Topics dealt with are the Sales of RSM352H1 Marketing Research (formerly MGT453H1/
Goods Act and relevant consumer protection legislation, RSM452H1) [24L]
employment law, environmental law, the Personal Property Marketing research is studied from the perspective of
Security Act and the rights of the secured creditor. the marketing manager. The course focuses on the
Exclusion: MGT394H1 initiation, design, and interpretation of research as an aid
Prerequisite: MGT393H1/RSM225H1 to marketing decision making. Case studies and projects
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA are used to provide students with some practical research
RSM327H1 Business Information Systems (formerly
Exclusion: MGT453H1/RSM452H1
MGT371H1) [24L, 12T]
Prerequisite: MGT353H1/RSM350H1/RSM251H,
This course helps students use, develop, and manage
ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/(STA250H1, STA255H1)/
computer-based systems. The first half covers the
(STA257H1, STA261H1)
basic features of hardware, software, communications,
and databases. The second half examines how users,
businesses, the economy, and society are affected by the
development of this technology. No previous background
in computing is assumed.

Rotman Commerce
RSM353H1 Consumer Behaviour (formerly year St. George Rotman Commerce students. Consult the
MGT455H1/RSM451H1) [24L] Rotman Commerce Office for details.
Formulating successful marketing strategies requires Prerequisite: Cumulative GPA of at least 2.70
an understanding of consumers’ cultures, motivations, DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
cognitions, and emotions. Students will learn how to use RSM403Y1 Independent Study Course [TBA]
theoretical perspectives from psychology, economics,
anthropology, and other disciplines to generate predictions RSM404Y1 Independent Study Course [TBA]
about consumers, interpret consumer reactions to Open when a faculty member is willing and able to
marketing stimuli, and develop rigorous skills in marketing supervise. Students must obtain the approval of the
analysis. Director of Rotman Commerce and the supervising faculty
Exclusion: MGT455H1/RSM451H member before enrolling. Enrolment is restricted to 4th
Prerequisite: MGT353H1/RSM350H1/RSM251H year St. George Rotman Commerce students. Consult the
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Rotman Commerce Office for details.
Prerequisite: Cumulative GPA of at least 2.70
RSM360H1 Organization Theory and Design (formerly DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
MGT363H1) [24L]
The course looks at how organizations function as RSM410H1 Special Topics in Management [TBA]
collective social systems, trying to succeed in their RSM411H1 Special Topics in Management [TBA]
environment. An extensive body of research and theory
about organizations has developed. Discussion of the RSM412H1 Special Topics in Management [TBA]
theories with a focus on practical applications about RSM413H1 Special Topics in Management [TBA]
managing organizations. Topics include strategy, structure,
RSM414H1 Special Topics in Management [TBA]
environment, technology, culture, change and global
management. RSM415H1 Special Topics in Management [TBA]
Exclusion: MGT363H1 RSM416H1 Special Topics in Management [TBA]
Prerequisite: MGT262H1/RSM260H1
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA RSM417H1 Special Topics in Management [TBA]
RSM380H1 Real Estate Finance and Investment [24L] RSM418H1 Special Topics in Management [TBA]
Real estate assets account for about one-third of the value RSM419H1 Special Topics in Management [TBA]
of all capital assets in the world. This course provides an Topics and issues in Management. Content in any
understanding of real estate investment, valuation and given year will depend on the instructor. Consult the
liabilities along with the public policy associated with home Rotman Commerce website for course description and
ownership, using modern finance and economic tools. Prerequisites. Enrolment is restricted to 4th year St.
Prerequisite: ECO204Y1/206Y1, ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1, George Rotman Commerce students.
Co-requisite: RSM333H1
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA RSM422H1 Management Control (formerly
MGT428H1) [24L, 12T]
RSM392H1 Strategic Management (formerly This course considers the processes and systems, many
MGT492H1) [24L] accounting-based, by which key managers allegedly
Introduces core ideas, concepts and models in the area ensure that resources are acquired and used effectively
of Strategic Management. Addresses the following and efficiently in the accomplishment of an organization’s
questions: Why does firm performance vary across goals.
industries, and across firms within a given industry? What Exclusion: MGT428H1
types of competitive strategies can managers pursue? Prerequisite: MGT323H1/RSM322H1
When are different types of strategies more or less likely to DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
be successful?
Exclusion: MGT492H1 RSM423H1 Auditing II (formerly MGT421H1) [24L]
Co-requisite: MGT220H1/RSM220H1 The course focuses on the reasoning and evidence theory
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA underlying audit decision making. Coverage includes
professional judgment, statistical auditing, framework for
RSM395Y0 Special Topics assurance engagements, and responsibilities to detect
The areas of concentration depend on the instructor fraud.
teaching the course. (Offered only during the summer Exclusion: MGT421H1
through the Woodsworth Summer Abroad Program) Prerequisite: MGT321H1/RSM323H1
RSM401H1 Independent Study Course [TBA] RSM424H1 Canadian Income Taxation II (formerly
RSM402H1 Independent Study Course [TBA] MGT429H1) [24L, 12T]
Open when a faculty member is willing and able to This course is designed to give the student an
supervise. Students must obtain the approval of the understanding of more complex issues of Canadian
Director of Rotman Commerce and the supervising faculty income tax law and tax planning. Topics include
member before enrolling. Enrolment is restricted to fourth- computation of corporate taxes, integration, corporate

Rotman Commerce
reorganizations, business acquisitions and divestitures, RSM433H1 Advanced Corporate Finance (formerly
partnerships and trusts. MGT431H1) [24L]
Exclusion: MGT429H1 Applying fundamental finance ideas developed in
Prerequisite: MGT423H1/RSM324H1 RSM332H1, 333H1 to real-life problems. The course will
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA focus on business valuation and financial decisions in
practical situations, on the assumption that students are
RSM426H1 Critical Thinking, Analysis and Decision
already familiar with basic concepts from previous finance
Making (formerly MGT420H1) [24L, 12T]
This is a capstone case course stressing the pervasive
Exclusion: MGT431H1
competencies and critical thinking skills required from
Commerce graduates, professional accountants and
advisors. The course integrates the technical and practical
knowledge obtained in previous courses by applying this RSM435H1 Futures and Options Markets (formerly
knowledge to case type situations. Aimed at students seeking MGT438H1) [24L]
an accounting designation. This course covers the analysis of derivative instruments
Exclusion: MGT420H1 such as forwards, futures, swaps and options. By the end of
Prerequisite: MGT426H1/RSM321H1, MGT323H1/ the course, students will have good knowledge of how these
RSM322H1, MGT321H1/RSM323H1, MGT423H1/ contracts work, how they are used and how they are priced.
RSM324H1 Exclusion: ACT370H1, MGT438H1
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: ECO204Y1/206Y1, RSM332H1
RSM427H1 Auditing and Information Systems (formerly
MGT422H1) [24L, 12T] RSM437H1 International Finance (formerly MGT439H1)
This course investigates strategies and procedures used to [24L]
audit computerized accounting systems based upon their International financial markets, exchange rates, forward
special control characteristics. Special attention is devoted to markets, interest rate parity. International dimensions
computerized statistical procedures. of investment, including both portfolio and foreign direct
Exclusion: MGT422H1 investment. International dimensions of corporate finance,
Prerequisite: MGT321H1/RSM323H1 including valuation and the cost of capital of foreign
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA investments.
Exclusion: MGT439H1
RSM428H1 Analysis of Banking Financial Institutions
Prerequisite: MGT337Y1/RSM333H1
and Instruments (formerly MGT427H1) [24L]
Covers financial analysis of firms in the financial services
industries: accounting and disclosure rules for financial RSM4551H Pricing (formerly RSM351H) [24L]
instruments. Gives an in-depth understanding of how Approaches pricing decision as an intersection of economics
financial reports provide fairly accurate information about the and psychology. Using product categories as diverse
risks and performance of banks and other financial services as financial services, healthcare, industrial products and
firms. consumer packaged goods, students study dynamic pricing,
Exclusion: MGT427H1 value pricing, price customization, price bundling and
Prerequisite: MGT337Y1/RSM333H1, MGT322H1/ multi-part tariffs, menu costs and price stickiness, sales
RSM320H1 promotions, and pricing in two-sided markets.
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Exclusion: RSM351H
Prerequisite: RSM250H/MGT252H
RSM430H1 Fixed Income Securities (formerly
MGT430H1) [24L]
Describes important fixed income securities and markets. RSM458H1 Branding Strategy (formerly MGT452H1)
The course emphasizes traditional bond and term structure [24L]
concepts crucial to understand the securities traded in Students will assume the role of senior marketing managers
these markets. Students are required to work in the Rotman responsible for the design, implementation, and evaluation
Financial Research & Trading Lab to solve the assigned of branding strategies. Brands represent valuable assets that
problems using real time data. must be created, sustained, leveraged, and defended. This
Exclusion: MGT430H1 course will use case analysis and a group project to reinforce
Prerequisite: RSM332H1 successful decision making and communication skills.
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Exclusion: MGT452H1
Prerequisite: MGT353H1/RSM350H1/RSM251H
RSM432H1 Risk Management for Financial Managers
(formerly MGT432H1) [24L]
This course examines the ways in which risks are quantified RSM460H1 Human Resource Management (formerly
and managed by financial institutions. The principal risks MGT460H1) [24L]
considered include market risk, credit risk and operational Human resource management is studied from the
risk. The course also covers the evolution of bank regulation perspective of the manager/practitioner. The course focuses
and the regulatory limits on risk taking. on current theory and practices in the major functions of
Exclusion: MGT432H1 human resource management. Class exercises and projects
Prerequisite: MGT337Y1/RSM333H1 are used to provide students with some practical HR
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA experience.
Exclusion: MGT460H1

Rotman Commerce
Prerequisite: MGT262H1/RSM260H1/MGT363H1/ firms, land use, urban growth and agglomeration, behavioural
RSM360H1/WDW 260H1 real estate economics and real options.
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: ECO204Y1/206Y1, ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/
(STA250H1, STA255H1)/(STA257H1, STA261H1),
RSM461H1 Managerial Negotiations (formerly
MGT461H1) [24L]
Students learn to recognize, understand, analyze, and
practice essential concepts in negotiations required for RSM490H1 International Business (formerly MGT491H1)
understanding more complex relations within and between [24L]
organizations. The main objective is to learn how to analyze Focuses on developing an understanding of the
the critical factors of a negotiation situation and then to be fundamentals of doing business in an international
able to prescribe a course of action. environment. Based on the application of management
Exclusion: MGT461H1 theory (trade theory, modes of entry, foreign direct
Prerequisite: MGT262H1/RMS260H1/MGT363H1/RSM360H1 investment, theory of the multinational) to the strategic
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA management problems of organizing business in the
international arena.
RSM470H1 Management Science (formerly MGT475H1)
Exclusion: MGT491H1
Prerequisite: MGT492H1/RSM392H1
The course presents quantitative methods of modeling
business and other systems in order to objectively evaluate
available alternatives and select the ‘best’ one with respect to RSM493H1 Entrepreneurship (formerly MGT493H1)
pre-defined criteria. Topics include: Decision Analysis, Linear [24L]
Programming, Integer Programming, Network Methods, Introduces essentials of starting a new business: how to
Simulation and Waiting Line Models. evaluate new opportunities, craft strategy, obtain resources,
Exclusion: MGT475H1 manage growth, and distribute ownership. Applies concepts
Prerequisite: MAT 133Y, ECO 220/227Y/STA (250H,255H)/ from strategic management to challenges facing new/small
(257H,261H) businesses. Examines the role of entrepreneurs in spurring
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA technological innovation and economic growth, and the effect
of government policy on entrepreneurial activity.
RSM480H1 Business in a Global Economy (formerly
Exclusion: MGT493H1
MGT480H1) [24L]
Prerequisite: MGT492H1/RSM392H1
Application of the analytic framework of international
trade, foreign investment and exchange rate economics
to management of business. Special topics include the RSM494H1 Technology Strategy (formerly MGT494H1)
industrial effects of trade liberalization, the role of the World [24L]
Trade Organization, foreign exchange risk management, Teaches about technological evolution and how evolutionary
competition policy and international taxation. stages impact firms’ strategic choices. Important issues in
Exclusion: MGT480H1 technological evolution are technological discontinuities,
Prerequisite: ECO208Y1/209Y1, MGT337Y1/RSM333H1 standards wars, dominant designs and patenting. Important
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA strategic decisions concern innovation management, product
versus process focus and intellectual property strategies.
RSM481H1 Organization Strategies (formerly
Project oriented coursework based on patent and business
MGT481H1) [24L]
data bases.
Explores the issue of outsourcing, broadly defined: which
Exclusion: MGT494H1
activities should a firm do “in house” and which should it
Prerequisite: MGT492H1/RSM392H1
take outside? Using a combination of cases and economic
analysis, it develops a framework for determining the “best”
organizational structure. RSM499Y1 Integrated Management Challenge (formerly
Exclusion: MGT481H1 MGT499Y1) [48L, 24T]
Prerequisite: ECO204Y1/206Y1, ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/ Students act as the senior officers of a fictitious public
(STA250H1, STA255H1)/(STA257H1, STA261H1) company in this experiential business simulation. Combining
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA computer simulation with live interactions, student teams
guide their company to success, report to boards of directors
RSM482H1 Market Strategies (formerly MGT482H1)
composed of outside business executives, negotiate
collective agreements with real union negotiators, and much
Applies game-theoretic reasoning to analyze business
strategy problems, focusing specifically on pricing,
Exclusion: MGT499H1, 499Y1
advertising, product positioning, product introduction, and
Prerequisite: MGT337Y1/RSM333H1, one of: (MGT252H1/
relationships with upstream and downstream firms.
Exclusion: MGT482H1
Prerequisite: ECO204Y1/206Y1
RSM483H1 Real Estate Markets [24L]
This course uses economic methods to analyze real estate
markets. Topics covered include the determinants of real
estate values, the location decisions of households and

199, 299, 398/399

First Year Seminars: 199H1/Y1 Each 299Y1 course has a program-specific designator,
such as ANT, CLA, CSB, VIC, etc. Not all departments
Courses or programs will necessarily participate in the ROP each
Director: Anne-Marie Brousseau, Associate Dean
Undergraduate Academic Programs Descriptions of ROP projects are available on the
Faculty's web site and in the Program Office (Room 1067,
[email protected] (416-978-0359)
Sidney Smith Hall, 100 St. George Street) after Reading
Web site: www.artsci.utoronto.ca/current/undergraduate
Week. Students wishing to participate should email online
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide ROP Application forms to [email protected] by the
entering Arts & Science (St. George) undergraduates due date indicated on each Project’s Description Form,
with the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a either March 15 or May 19. Students can apply to a
class of no more than twenty-four students. Each Seminar maximum of five ROPs, but can accept only one. Students
focuses on specific disciplinary or interdisciplinary issues, are informed in early July (late April for Summer courses)
questions or controversies of particular interest to the whether they have been accepted. Successful applicants
instructor, and introduces the students to the excitement are registered by the Program office.
of discovery inherent in academic work at the University of
Students are expected to keep a journal recording
Toronto. In addition, students are encouraged to develop
meetings, progress, and what was learned about the
their ability to think analytically and to express ideas and
project in particular and the nature of research in general.
logical arguments clearly and coherently, both orally and
in writing.
Independent Experiential Study
These interactive seminars are not designed as
introductory surveys to a discipline or program. Rather,
Program: 398H0/399Y0 Courses
they are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity Director: Anne-Marie Brousseau, Associate Dean
and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of Undergraduate Academic Programs
the professorial staff in a seminar environment during
the first year of study. Thus, students are encouraged to [email protected] (416-978-0359)
experience material and methods that are outside the area Web site: http://www.artsci.utoronto.ca/current/
in which they will eventually concentrate in order to benefit undergraduate/course/ies
fully from the diversity of the Faculty of Arts & Science.
The Independent Experiential Study Program (IES)
Each 199Y1 and 199H1 seminar has a generic provides an opportunity for Arts & Science (St. George)
designator, which corresponds to the Breadth Category students in their third year (i.e., after completing at least
the course can fulfill: CCR199 (Creative and Cultural 9 but not more than 13.5 courses) to participate in a
Representations), TBB199 (Thought, Belief, and practical or experiential activity under the supervision of
Behaviour), SII199 (Society and Its Institutions), LTE199 a faculty member. The practical, experiential component
(Living Things and Their Environment), PMU199 (The can take the form of research/learning in archives,
Physical and Mathematical Universes), or XBC199 laboratories, libraries, or in a field camp, etc.—but not in
(Y course that counts as half in each of two breadth a classroom at another university (that is covered by the
categories). Faculty’s summer abroad and exchange programs). The
projects normally run within the May-August period, when
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars count for degree credit both Faculty and students would be able to make the time
in the same way as any other course, but do not count commitments necessary. Regular tuition fees apply.
towards a subject POSt. First-Year Seminars can be used
to satisfy the Breadth Requirement; for details, see page Each 398H0/399Y0 has a program-specific designator,
25). NOTE: 198H1 may be used to allow enrolment in two such as ANT, CLA, CSB, VIC, etc., and would be eligible
199H1 seminars in the same session. Students may enrol to count towards program completion if the program
in ONLY ONE 199Y1 OR TWO 199H1s. sponsor (Chair or Director) so chooses. A limited number
of 398H0/399Y0 courses are available each year. Faculty
Research Opportunity Program: supervisors propose the projects and choose the students
who apply. Students must also attend a Safety Abroad
299Y1 Courses Seminar.
Director: Anne-Marie Brousseau, Associate Dean Descriptions of the projects are available on the Faculty's
Undergraduate Academic Programs web site and in the Program Office (Room 1067, Sidney
Smith Hall, 100 St. George Street) after March 2.
[email protected] (416-978-0359)
Applications are available online and must be emailed
Web site: www.artsci.utoronto.ca/current/undergraduate
to the supervising instructor by March 22. Students are
The Research Opportunity Program (ROP) provides an informed in early May whether or not they have been
opportunity for Arts & Science (St. George) students in accepted. Successful applicants are registered by the
their second year (i.e., after completing at least 4 but Program office.
not more than 8.5 courses) to earn one course credit
by participating in a faculty member’s research project.

Aboriginal Studies

Faculty Group A:
ABS205Y1 Aboriginal Spirituality
Assistant Professor ABS210Y1 Introduction to the Ojibwe Language
R. Kuokkanen ABS220Y1 Introduction to an Iroquoian Language
D. McGregor ABS230H1 Introduction to Inuktitut
C. Suzack ABS231H1 Elementary Inuktitut
ABS250H1 Indigenous Environmental Knowledge
Senior Lecturer ABS302H1 Aboriginal People in the Mass Media
A. McKay ABS310Y1 Ojibwe Language II
Aboriginal Studies focuses on the languages, cultures, ABS323Y1 Intermediate Iroquoian Language
histories, arts, creativity and well-being of Indigenous ABS320Y1/ Aboriginal Visual Expression: Technical and
Peoples and on their knowledges within Canada and ABS321H1 Theoretical Aspects
worldwide. It is an inter-disciplinary program which is ABS330Y1/ Aboriginal Music: Technical and Theoretical
sponsored by the Faculty of Arts & Science. Students are ABS331H1 Aspects
encouraged to seek counselling and information about this ABS341H1 Indigenous Theatre
program from Verne Ross (aboriginal.studies@utoronto. ABS350Y1 Aboriginal Health Systems
ca) or on our web site at http://www.utoronto.ca/abs. ABS351Y1 Aboriginal Legends and Teaching
ABS352H1 The Indian Act
Aboriginal Studies Programs ABS353H1 Aboriginal Perspectives in Canadian
Politics and Law 1
Aboriginal Studies (Arts program) ABS354H1 Aboriginal Perspectives in Canadian
Politics and Law 2
Specialist program ABS402H1 Traditional Indigenous Ecological
(10 full courses or their equivalents, including at least one Knowledge
400+level course) ABS403H1 Aboriginal People in Urban Areas
ABS405Y1 Indigenous Thought and Expression:
ABS201Y1 Creative Non-fiction
ABS210Y1/220Y1/(230H1, 231H1) ABS460Y1 Methodology in Aboriginal Studies
ABS300Y1 and ABS301Y1 ABS495Y1/ Independent Research
ABS460Y1 ABS496H1/
Four additional full-course equivalent from Group A ABS497H1/
(note: some of these courses have prerequisites) ABS498Y1
6. One additional FCE from Group A or Group B below ANT315H1 Arctic Archaeology
(note: some of these courses have prerequisites) ANT365H1 Native America and the State
7. For numbers 5 and 6 above, 2 FCE’s must be at the ANT353H1 Anthropology of Indigeneity
300 level. ANT463H1 Native Rights, Canadian Law
Major program ENG254Y1 Indigenous Literatures of North America
(7 full courses or their equivalent, including at least two ENG355H1 Indigenous Women’s Literature
300+level courses) HIS369Y1 The Aboriginal Peoples of the Great Lakes
HIS472H1 Topics in Canadian Aboriginal/Non-
ABS201Y1 Aboriginal Relations
ABS210Y1/ABS220Y1/ABS230H1 and ABS231H1 HIS493H1 Cultural Encounters in Early Canada
ABS300Y1 and ABS301Y1 JAG321H1 Aboriginal People and Environmental
Two additional full-course equivalents from ABS, JFP, Issues in Canada
or JAG designators (note: some of these courses have JFP450H1 First Nations Issues in Health and Healing
prerequisites) (offered by the Faculty of Pharmacy)
5. One additional full-course equivalent from Group A or LIN458H1 Revitalizing Languages
one full-course equivalent from Group B below (note:
some of these courses have prerequisites) Group B:
6. Of the courses chosen, at least 2 FCE must be at the ANT200Y1 Introduction to Prehistoric Archaeology
300+ level and .5 FCE at the 400 level. ANT204H1 Social and Cultural Anthropology
ANT319Y1 Archaeology of North America
Minor program ANT311Y1 Archaeological Fieldwork
(4 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one ANT348H1 Anthropology of Health
full-course equivalent at the 300+-level) ANT367Y1 Indigenous Spirituality
1. ABS 201Y1 ANT410H1 Hunter-Gatherers Past and Present
2. ABS 300Y1/301Y1 ANT454H1 The Anthropology of Music
3. One additional full-course equivalent ABS, JFP, or FOR200H1 Conservation of Canada’s Forests
JAG (note: some of these courses have prerequisites) HIS106Y1 Natives, Settlers, and Conquistadors:
4. One additional full-course equivalent from Group Colonizing the Americas, 1492-1776
A below (note: some of these courses have HIS294Y1 Caribbean History and Culture
prerequisites) HIS358H1 How the West was Colonized
HIS384H1 Colonial Canada: The East

Aboriginal Studies
HIS402Y1 Indigenous Colonial Cultures in the ABS205Y1 Aboriginal Spirituality [48L]
Spanish and Portuguese Americas An exploration of spiritual practices and beliefs of
HIS468H1 Atlantic Canada Indigenous peoples with emphasis on Canada’s First
INI327Y1 Screening Race (pre-requisite required) Nations. Spirituality through an historic lens, highlighting
LIN351H1 Sociolinguistic Patterns in Language rituals such as Ghost Dances, Midewiwin Lodge, and
NEW224Y1 Caribbean Thought I Wabung, and contemporary spiritual practices, including
NEW240Y1 Introduction to Equity Studies evolving belief systems, ritual and spiritual practice in
NEW324Y1 Caribbean Thought I today’s world, and the balance of spirituality and spiritual
practice with modernity.
Recommended preparation: ABS201Y1
A student who wishes to complete their program in four
years should take at least two courses in Aboriginal
Studies each year for the first two years, for example, ABS210Y1 Introduction to the Ojibwa Language [72L]
ABS 201Y1 and ABS 210Y1/ABS220Y1/ ABS230H1 An introduction to the Ojibwa language, including the
and ABS231H1 the first year; ABS 300Y1 and another syllabic writing system.
300 level course from ABS, or JAG the second year; DR=HUM; BR=1
ABS301Y1 and another 300 level course from ABS, or ABS220Y1 Introduction to an Iroquoian Language
JAG the third year; and a four hundred level ABS or JFP [72L]
course; or one 400 level half course and one 300 level An introduction to one of the languages of the Iroquoian
course in their final year. language family.
Faculty of Arts & Science Language Citation
ABS230H1 Introduction to Inukitut [24L]
Aboriginal Studies participates in the Faculty of Arts An introduction to one dialect of Inuktitut, the language
and Science’s Language Citation Initiative for Ojibwe or of the Inuit, including aspects of other dialects and the
Oneida. The study of Ojibwe or Oneida is a demanding syllabic writing system.
and intellectually rewarding educational experience. DR=HUM; BR=1
Successful study of this language demonstrates ABS231H1 Elementary Inuktitut [24L]
intelligence, discipline, analytical sophistication, and an This course builds on the introduction to Inuktitut from
excellent memory. The study of any language provides ABS230H. Emphasis will be placed on developing
invaluable insights into the varieties of human culture and grammatical complexity and vocabulary in students’ oral
expression. skills, as well as dialect and cultural awareness.
In each language the Language Citation recognizes Prerequisite: ABS230H1
a significant level of achievement in language study DR=HUM; BR=1
with a high level of academic success. The Citation in ABS240Y1 Ecological Interactions: Intro to
Ojibwe or Oneida is available to students who complete Aboriginal and Western Sciences [48L,
ABS210Y1 or ABS220Y1 and earn a grade of at least B- 72P]
in ABS310Y1 or ABS232Y1 and ABS301Y1. Introduction to methodologies and applications of
Students should note that the Language Citation is not Aboriginal and Western sciences, with an emphasis
equivalent to an academic program and that enrolment in on environmental change, animal behaviour, evolution,
a program is not necessary in order to earn the recognition sustainable practices, and implications of intrinsic
bestowed by the Citation. ecological connections. Exploratory labs, often outdoors,
develop literacy and skills in each paradigm as well
as critical thought, creative reflection, and synthesis of
Aboriginal Studies Courses knowledge.
See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions. Prerequisite: ABS201Y1
First Year Seminars
ABS250H1 Indigenous Environmental Education
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
An exploration of traditional environmental education and
of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
its relevance in contemporary Aboriginal society, with a
seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
focus on the process of environmental education as well
and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
as on theory and conceptual understanding.
professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
Prerequisite: ABS201Y1
year of study. For details, see page 48.
ABS201Y1 Introduction to Aboriginal Studies
ABS300Y1 Worldviews, Indigenous Knowledges, and
Oral Tradition [48L]
An introduction to Canadian Aboriginal studies and
A study of the languages and culture of Aboriginal peoples
Aboriginal world views, including language, culture, history,
through exploration of oral histories, from creation stories
politics, economics, sociology, and science. A focus on
until present times, including the role of oral history and
critical thinking, the introduction of new perspectives, and
methods for studying oral history through accounts told by
community context.

Aboriginal Studies
Prerequisite: ABS201Y1 DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=TBA ABS323Y1 Intermediate Iroquoian Language [72L]
ABS301Y1 Native Language and Culture [48L] Further study of an Iroquoian language.
Examination of the historical interplay of Aboriginal Prerequisite: ABS 220Y1
languages and cultures in Canada. Particular focus is on DR=HUM; BR=TBA
the language and culture of a First Nation in Ontario. ABS330Y1 Aboriginal Music: Technical and
Exclusion: ABS200Y1 Theoretical Aspects [48L]
Prerequisite: ABS201Y1
DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=TBA ABS331H1 Aboriginal Music: Technical and
Theoretical Aspects [24L]
ABS302H1 Aboriginal Representation in the Mass Contemporary and historical musical performance
Media and Society [24L] practices of Aboriginal people of North and South America.
A survey of historical and contemporary representations of Prerequisite: ABS201Y1
Aboriginal people in the mass media. Introduction to basic DR=HUM; BR=TBA
techniques for evaluating, analyzing, and understanding
the construction of ‘Nativeness’ as it is communicated ABS341H1 North American Indigenous Theatre [24L]
through film, television, and other media. Examination of An introduction to the evolution of Indigenous theatre in
racial stereotypes and the role of mass communication North America, examining traditional oratory, ceremony,
in perpetuating and challenging stereotypes, cultural community responsibility, and social construct and their
appropriation, Aboriginal media production, impact of impact on current Indigenous theatre.
media portrayal of Aboriginal peoples. Prerequisite: ABS300Y1/301Y1/331H1/DRM100Y
Prerequisite: ABS201Y1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=TBA ABS350Y1 Aboriginal Health Systems [48L]
ABS303Y0 Aboriginal Australia [TBA] An overview of Aboriginal health systems, internationally,
An overview of Aboriginal history and culture in Australia, nationally, provincially and locally, with a focus on Ontario.
including its precolonial past, land, society, and culture. Discussion of health models and strategies, policy,
Includes discussion of Aboriginal rights, health, and modes legislation, jurisdictional issues, Aboriginal health initiatives
of creative expression. This course will be offered on-site Prerequisite: ABS201Y1/(UNI200H1 + UNI210H1)
in Australia as part of the Woodsworth College Summer DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Abroad program. ABS351Y1 Aboriginal Legends & Teaching (formerly
ABS310Y1 Ojibwa Language II [72L] An introduction to laws of Aboriginal societies, focusing on
Further study of the Ojibwa language with emphasis on the Nishnabe, as seen through legends and teachings.
speaking and writing. Prerequisite: ABS201Y1
Prerequisite: ABS210Y1 Exclusion: ABS351H1
ABS320Y1 Aboriginal Visual Expression: Technical ABS352H1 The Indian Act [24L]
and Theoretical Aspects [48L, 24P] The history of the Indian Act from its creation to the
ABS321H1 Aboriginal Visual Expression: Technical Prerequisite: ABS201Y1
and Theoretical Aspects [24L, 12P] DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=TBA
An introduction to expressive aboriginal visual art from
a regional Anishnaabe perspective, including beading, ABS353H1 Aboriginal Perspectives in Canadian
leather work, quillwork, birchbark baskets, with a Politics and Law I [24L]
concentration on technical, theoretical, historical, esthetic A study of the development of Aboriginal/Western relations
and cultural aspects and contemporary practice. from a legal and political standpoint and the evolution
Prerequisite: ABS201Y1 or permission of the instructor of Aboriginal issues and Native rights since contact.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Aboriginal perspectives, customary law, restorative justice
initiatives and self-government, effects of Canadian law on
JAG321H1 Aboriginal People & Environmental Indigenous beliefs and life ways, political and economic
Issues in Canada [36L] development potential.
This course explores Aboriginal views of environment and Prerequisite: ABS201Y1
resource management from pre-European contact times Recommended preparation: a course in Canadian history
through to the present from an Aboriginal perspective. or politics
Emphasis will be placed on the emerging role of Aboriginal DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=TBA
people in environmental and resource management
in Canada. Topics to be covered include: history of ABS354H1 Aboriginal Perspectives in Canadian
Aboriginal/non-Aboriginal relations, Aboriginal world view Politics and Law 2 [24L]
and philosophy, Aboriginal environmental ethics and A continuation of ABS353H1.
principles, and current environmental issues confronting Prerequisite: ABS353H1
Aboriginal people. (Offered by Aboriginal Studies and the DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Geography Department)
Prerequisite: Two credits in Geography or Aboriginal

Aboriginal Studies
ABS360Y1 Politics and Process of Reconciliation in political context and effects of health care policy. (Offered by
Canada [48L] the Faculty of Pharmacy)
This course uses relationship-building methodologies to DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=TBA
develop skills and explore the concept and processes ABS460Y1 Methodology in Aboriginal Studies [72L]
of reconciliation. Through class discussion, guest Basic methods in research in Aboriginal Studies, including
speakers, and comparative readings on Canadian and oral tradition and community-based research, as well as
Indigenous colonial history, Indigenous organizing and discussion of ethics, protocols, priorities, and comparative
solidarity movements, students will examine reconciliation Indigenous methodologies.
and determine whether it is a different process than Prerequisite: ABS201Y1 + permission of the instructor + 4th
decolonization. year status in Specialist or Joint Specialist program in
Prerequisite: ABS201Y1 or permission of instructor Aboriginal Studies.
Recommended preparation: ABS201Y1 DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=TBA
JPA461H1 Globalization and Indigenous Politics [24S]
ABS398H0 Independent Experiential Study Project This course explores the intersections of globalization
ABS399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project and indigenous politics and introduces students to critical
An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus considerations of globalization from the perspective of
setting. See page 48 for details. indigenous peoples. It investigates the dominant economic
paradigm as the historical outcome of colonization
ABS402H1 Traditional Indigenous Ecological
and examines political and economic alternatives and
Knowledge [36L]
challenges that various indigenous struggles embody and
An overview of the relationships between Indigenous
embrace. Issues explored in the course include indigenous
peoples and their environments, including an exploration of
epistemologies, impacts of globalization on indigenous
cultural, historical, and contemporary aspects of Indigenous
peoples, international indigenous organizing, democratization
environmental philosophies; the nature, control and
and political participation, human rights, indigenous
transmission of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK), and
economies, contested sovereignties and indigenous
historical uses of TEK in managing the environment.
social movements. It examines indigenous communities
Prerequisite: ABS201Y1 plus one additional ABS designator
as heterogeneous locations where not only impacts of
globalization but forms of engagement and resistance take
various forms. (Given by Department of Political Science and
ABS403H1 Aboriginal People in Urban Areas [24L] Aboriginal Studies Program.)
An examination of Aboriginal peoples’ experiences in urban Prerequisite: POL201Y1 or permission of instructor
centres, including an examination of increasing Aboriginal Exclusion: POL410H1F (taken in 2009-10)
migration to Canadian and American cities, government Recommended preparation: Studies in Indigenous/Aboriginal
policy affecting off-reserve Indians, and urban Indians’ politics or law; studies in globalization
concerns and goals. DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: ABS201Y1 plus two additional full-course
ABS495Y1 Independent Research [TBA]
equivalents in ABS
DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=TBA ABS496H1 Independent Research [TBA]
ABS404H1 Politics of Aboriginal Nursing [24L] ABS497H1 Independent Research [TBA]
An examination of the impacts of policies and practices on ABS498Y1 Independent Research [TBA]
the health of Aboriginal people in Canada which honours Supervised independent research on a topic agreed on
Native world view and traditions and values cultural safety. by the student and the supervisor before enrolment in the
Includes historical and social determinants of health, course. Available only when someone is willing and able to
historical events, policies and social realities and their supervise.
consequences. Prerequisite: ABS201Y1 plus one additional ABS designator
Prerequisite: Two full ABS courses plus permission of the full-course equivalent
instructor. DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=TBA
ABS405Y1 Indigenous Thought & Expression: Creative
Non-fiction [48S]
An investigation of (Anishnaabe, Iroquoian, Athapaskan,
Salish), examined through the study of research and writing
of creative-nonfiction.
Prerequisite: ABS201Y1 plus one additional ABS designator
course and permission of instructor
JFP450H1 First Nations Issues in Health and Healing
An examination of issues about the health of Aboriginal
people in Canada, providing an understanding of present
day health issues from the perspective of their historical and

Millie Rotman Shime Academic Bridging Program
The Academic Bridging Program enables many mature
students who are at least 20 years of age to pursue
degree studies at the University of Toronto. The courses
in the program are designed for students who have
been away from formal education for some time and
are intended to bridge the gap between a student’s prior
secondary education and the requirements of first year
university courses. They feature study skills, essay
writing skills, library research skills and the methodology
of the specific academic discipline involved. Students are
admitted by Woodsworth College to one of three Academic
Bridging courses: ENG 185Y (Introduction to the Study of
Literature), JWH 100Y (Canadian History), and JWU 100Y
(Contemporary Canada).
Enquiries: Millie Rotman Shime Academic Bridging
Program, Woodsworth College (416-978-7487)

Academic Bridging Program

See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
Only students admitted to the Academic Bridging Program
may enrol in these courses.

ENG185Y1 Introduction to the Study of Literature

A writing intensive course that introduces essential
rhetorical and critical skills, focusing on how to recognize
major literary forms; how to read critically, comprehend
more fully, analyze outstanding literary works of drama,
poetry and fiction; how to write more clearly and
effectively, and how to use the library to do research.
JWH100Y1 Canadian History [72L]
This course is a survey of Canada’s political, social,
and economic history from European settlement to the
present, featuring Canada’s native peoples, Anglophone-
Francophone issues, Canada’s relations with Britain and
the United States, and the growth of national institutions.
Other themes include regionalism, immigration and
multiculturalism. Students write short essays in and out of
class and conduct library research in the preparation of
major essays.
JWU100Y1 Contemporary Canada [72L]
This interdisciplinary course provides an introduction to
contemporary Canadian society. The course includes the
study of geography, politics, literature and culture through
a historical framework of the twentieth century. It also
emphasizes particular themes including aboriginal issues,
regionalism, French-English conflict, gender/women’s
issues and immigration/multiculturalism. Students sharpen
their academic skills in writing short essays, a book
review, a research proposal and a standard research

Actuarial Science
Given by Members of the Department of Methods developed for modeling insurance risk can also
Statistics be applied to modeling investment risk, and actuaries
apply their expertise to the valuation of sophisticated
investment vehicles such as options on equities, bonds
Faculty and other investment derivatives.
Professors Emeriti ACT 230H1 and 240H1, though somewhat technical,
D.F. Andrews, M Sc, Ph D are courses of interest to a wide audience, since almost
D.A.S. Fraser, BA, Ph D, FRSC every student will from time to time be either a saver or a
I. Guttman, MA, Ph D borrower, and will be covered by insurance and pension
M.S. Srivastava, M Sc, Ph D plans. Other actuarial courses deal with more specialized
topics, and are generally taken by students with a more
Professor and Chair of the Department serious interest in the field or who want to pursue a career
J. Stafford, M Sc, Ph D as an actuary.
Associate Professor and Associate Chair - Professional accreditation as an actuary is obtained
Graduate Studies via the Canadian Institute of Actuaries by passing a
R. Craiu, B Sc, Ph D series of examinations set by the Society of Actuaries
Associate Professor and Associate Chair - or the Casualty Actuarial Society. Some professional
requirements can be satisfied through courses in the
Undergraduate Studies actuarial program. For more information about actuarial
D. Brenner M Sc, Ph D studies and careers, contact Professor Broverman or
Professor and Associate Chair – Professor Lin.
Undergraduate Studies Enquiries: 100 St. George Street, Sidney Smith Hall,
S. Broverman, M Sc, Ph D, ASA Room 6022 (416-978-5136)
University Professor Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies: Statistics -
N.M. Reid, M Sc, Ph D, FRSC Professor D Brenner; e-mail: [email protected]
Professors Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies: Actuarial Science
S. Broverman, M Sc, Ph D, ASA – Professor S Broverman; e-mail: [email protected]
M.J. Evans, MA, Ph D (UTSC)
A. Feuerverger, B Sc, Ph D
K. Knight, M Sc, Ph D
Actuarial Science Programs
X.S. Lin, M Sc, Ph D, ASA Enrolment in these programs requires completion of
P. McDunnough, M Sc, Ph D four courses including MAT137Y1 (57%)/157Y1 and
R. Neal, B Sc, Ph D ECO100Y1 (70%).
J. Quastel, MS, Ph D
J.S. Rosenthal, MA, Ph D Actuarial Science (Science program)
Associate Professors Consult Department of Statistics.
D. Brenner M Sc, Ph D NOTE: it is the student’s responsibility to meet any
L.J. Brunner, MA, Ph D (UTM) prerequisites for courses offered by other departments.
R. Craiu, B Sc, Ph D
F. Yao, B Sc, M Sc, Ph D Specialist program
Assistant Professor (13 courses or their equivalent, including at least four
300+-series courses, one of which must be at the 400-
A. Badescu, BSc, M Sc, Ph D
S. Jaimungal, BASc, M Sc, PhD
B. Virág, Ph D (UTSC) This program is designed to prepare a student for
Z. Zhou, B Sc, Ph D professional work as an actuary, and more generally in the
financial risk management industry.sa
Senior Lecturer
A. Gibbs, B Math, B Ed, M Sc, Ph D First Year:
A.M. Vukov, MA, ASA 1. ECO100Y1 (70%)
A. Weir, B Sc, M Sc, Ph D (UTM) 2. MAT137Y1 (57%)/MAT157Y1
3. MAT223H1/MAT240H1 (should be taken in first year)
Actuarial Science is based upon the application of
Second Year:
mathematical techniques to reduce the impact of such
1. ACT240H1, ACT245H1, ACT247H1
hazards as loss of income through death, disability, or
2. MAT237Y1/MAT257Y1
retirement, or loss of property through fire, accident, or
3. STA257H1, STA261H1
theft. Actuaries are the chief architects of life, health, and
4. MGT201H1
property insurance plans, and pension plans, and bear
Higher Years:
the major responsibility for their financial soundness. By
1. ACT348H1, ACT349H1, ACT370H1, ACT451H1,
using concepts from the areas of probabilities and finance,
ACT452H1, ACT455H1, ACT460H1, ACT466H1
actuaries model, forecast and value the costs of benefits
that will be provided to the participants in such plans.

Actuarial Science
2. STA302H1, STA347H1, STA457H1 DR=SCI; BR=5
NOTE: ACT245H1 Financial Principles for Actuarial Science
In order to enroll in any 300- or 400-level ACT course, I [24L, 12T]
the minimum grade of C must be obtained in each Term structure of interest rates, cashflow duration,
of ACT240H1, ACT245H1 and ACT247H1. These convexity and immunization, forward and futures contracts,
prerequisites will be strictly enforced. interest rate swaps, introduction to investment derivatives
3. ECO206Y1, ECO208Y1, STA352Y1, MAT244H1, and hedging strategies.
MAT246H1 are recommended Prerequisite: ACT240H1, MAT137Y1/157Y1
4. Students in the Actuarial Science Specialist program Co-requisite: MAT237Y1, STA257H1
who have successfully completed ACT348H1 may DR=SCI; BR=5
be eligible to enrol in the following RSM courses
(provided the appropriate prerequisites and ACT247H1 Introductory Life Contingencies [36L]
co-requisites are met): RSM 430H1, 433H1, 437H1 Probability theory applied to survival and to costs and risks
5. CSC108H1 recommended of life assurances, life annuities, and pensions; analysis of
survival distributions; international actuarial notation.
Major program: Prerequisite: ACT240H1; MAT 137Y1/157Y1; STA257H1
(8-8.5 courses or their equivalent, including at least two Co-requisite: MAT237Y1
full-course equivalents at the 300+-level) DR=SCI; BR=5
First Year: ACT348H1 Advanced Life Contingencies [36L]
1. MAT137Y1 (57%)/MAT157Y1 Determination of benefit premium and benefit reserves
2. ECO100Y1 (70%) for life insurance and annuities; analysis of insurance loss
3. MAT223H1/MAT240H1 (should be taken in first year) random variables; theory of life contingencies for multiple
Higher Years: lives.
1. MGT201H1 Prerequisite: ACT240H1 (minimum grade C); ACT245H1
2. ACT240H1, ACT245H1, ACT247H1, ACT348H1, (minimum grade C); ACT247H1 (minimum grade C);
ACT370H1 (STA257H1,261H1); MAT237Y1
4. (STA257H1, STA261H1)
5 Two of: ACT349H1, ACT451H1, ACT452H1, ACT349H1 Corporate Finance for Actuarial Science
ACT455H1, ACT460H1, STA302H1, STA347H1, Mathematics [24L, 12T]
STA457H1 Actuarial applications of financial mathematics and
Actuarial Science Courses Prerequisite: ACT240H1 (minimum grade C); ACT245H1
(minimum grade C); ACT247H1 (minimum grade C);
See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions. (STA257H1, STA261H1); MAT237Y1
Exclusion: ECO358H1, 359H1, MGT331Y1, 337Y1
First Year Seminars
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class ACT370H1 Financial Principles for Actuarial Science
of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive II [36L]
seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity Mathematical theory of financial derivatives, discrete and
and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the continuous option pricing models, hedging strategies and
professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first exotic option valuation.
year of study. For details, see page 48. Prerequisite: ACT240H1 (minimum grade C); ACT245H1
(minimum grade C); 247H1 (minimum grade C);
ACT230H1 Mathematics of Finance for Non-Actuaries
(STA257H1,261H1); MAT237Y1
[24L, 12T]
Exclusion: MGT438H1
Introduction to financial mathematics, interest
measurement, present value calculation, annuity valuation,
loan amortization, consumer financing arrangements, bond ACT398H0 Independent Experiential Study Project
valuation. The course is aimed at a general audience who ACT399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project
will not be continuing in the actuarial science program. An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus
Prerequisite: First-year Calculus setting. See page 48 for details.
Exclusion: ACT240H1 DR=SCI; BR=TBA
ACT451H1 Loss Models [36L]
ACT240H1 Mathematics of Investment & Credit [24L, Loss models policy adjustments, frequency and severity
12T] models, compound distributions.
Interest, discount and present values, as applied to Pre- or co-requisite: ACT348H1; STA347H1, STA261H1
determine prices and values of annuities, mortgages, DR=SCI; BR=TBA
bonds, equities; loan repayment schedules and consumer
finance payments in general; yield rates on investments ACT452H1 Loss Models II [36L]
given the costs on investments. Estimation of Loss and Survival Models using complete,
Prerequisite: MAT137Y1/157Y1 censored and truncated data. Product-Limit estimation,
Exclusion: ACT230H1 empirical estimation, moment and percentile estimation,
maximum likelihood estimation and simulation models.

Actuarial Science
Prerequisite: ACT451H1
ACT455H1 Advanced Topics in Actuarial Science [36L]
Advanced life contingencies, multiple decrement theory,
insurance policy expenses, multi-state transition models,
Poisson processes.
Prerequisite: ACT348H1; STA347H1
ACT460H1 Stochastic Methods for Actuarial Science
Applications of the lognormal distribution, Brownian motion,
geometric Brownian motion, martingales, Ito’s limma,
stochastic differential equations, interest rate models, the
Black-Scholes model, volatility, value at risk, conditional tail
Prerequisite: ACT370H1; STA347H1
ACT466H1 Credibility and Simulation [36L]
Limited fluctuation credibility, Bayesian estimation, Buhlmann
credibility, non-parametric credibility methods, inverse
transformation simulation method, specialized simulation
methods for the normal and lognormal distributions, Monte
Carlo methods, the bootstrap method.
Prerequisite: ACT451H1; STA347H1
ACT470H1 Advanced Pension Mathematics [36L]
Topics in pension mathematics; funding methods for pension
plans. (Offered in alternate years)
Prerequisite: ACT348H1 or permission of instructor
Corequisite: ACT455H1
ACT471H1 Actuarial Applications of Finance [36L]
Assets, liability and investment management for pension
plans. (Offered in alternate years)
Prerequisite: ACT349H1/ /MGT337Y1/(ECO 358H1, ECO
359H1) or permission of instructor
ACT472H1 Issues in Actuarial Practice [36L]
Practical issues that arise for insurance, pension and
casualty actuaries.
Prerequisite: ACT348H1
ACT496H1 Readings in Actuarial Science [TBA]
ACT497H1 Readings in Actuarial Science [TBA]
Independent study under the direction of a faculty
member. Persons wishing to take this course must have
the permission of the Undergraduate Secretary and of the
prospective supervisor.
ACT498Y1 Readings in Actuarial Science [TBA]
ACT499Y1 Readings in Actuarial Science [TBA]
Independent study under the direction of a faculty
member. Persons wishing to take this course must have
the permission of the Undergraduate Secretary and of the
prospective supervisor.

American Studies
The American Studies Program is designed to provide 3. 2.5 courses from the following: ABS 302H1, 341H1,
students with a broad, yet deep, education about the 403H1, 405Y1; ANT 357H1, 365H1; DRM 310H1;
United States. To ensure breadth, students are required ECO 307H1, 423H1; ENG 250Y1, 254Y1, 268H1,
to take an interdisciplinary core course that ranges widely 275Y1, 360H1, 363Y1, 364Y1, 365H1, 368H1,
both with respect to the themes covered and disciplinary 434H1/435H1/436H1, 437Y1/438Y1/439Y1; FAH
perspectives applied. As well, the Program offers a wide 375H1; GGR 240H1, 254H1, 336H1, 339H1; HIS
selection of courses from participating departments and 106Y1, 202H1, 271Y1, 296Y1, 316H1, 343Y1, 365H1,
programs in the Faculty, giving students broad exposure 366H1, 369Y1, 370H1, 372H1, 374H1, 376H1, 377H1,
to fundamental themes of American life. To ensure depth, 378H1, 389H1, 393H1, 401H1, 404H1, 408Y1, 436H1,
the American Studies Program relies heavily on upper 447H1, 471H1, 473Y1, 475H1, 476H1, 478H1, 479H1,
level courses, including its own capstone seminars at the 484H1, 487H1; INI 225Y1, 322Y1, 324Y1, 383H1,
400-level. 397H1, 398H1, 429H1, 467H1, 482Y1, 483H1, 484H1;
MUS 306H; POL 203Y1, 319Y1, 326Y1, 349H1,
American Studies Program 420Y1, 433H1; RLG 315H1, 442H1; USA 200H, 310H,
400H1, 401H1, 494H1, 495Y1: VIC 130H1, 132H1
Enrolment in the programs listed below is open to students
who have completed four courses; no minimum GPA is NOTE: Other 300+ series courses with American content
required. may be allowed; students should seek early approval of
program credit for such courses.
American Studies (Arts program)
Consult Prof. Elspeth Brown, Room 327N, Munk Centre
American Studies Courses
for International Studies (416-946-8011) for general See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
program requirements.
First Year Seminars
Major program: The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
(6 full courses or their equivalent, including at least two the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
300+ series courses, at least 0.5 400+ series courses, in of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
at least three disciplines) seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
Second year: professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
1. HIS 271Y1 or ENG 250Y1 or POL 203Y1 or year of study. For details, see page 48.
Third year: USA200H1 Introduction to American Studies [24L]
2. USA 300H1 An interdisciplinary introduction to the study of the United
Second, third, or fourth year: States and to the field of American Studies. Drawing
3. 4.5 courses from the following: ABS 302H1, 341H1, from a variety of source materials ranging from political
403H1, 405Y1; ANT 357H1, 365H1; DRM 310H1; and literary to visual culture and material artifacts, this
ECO 307H1, 423H1; ENG 250Y1, 254Y1, 268H1, course examines the politics, history and culture of the
275Y1, 360H1, 363Y1, 364Y1, 365H1, 368H1, U.S. A major emphasis will be learning to analyze primary
434H1/435H1/436H1, 437Y1/438Y1/439Y1; FAH sources.
375H1; GGR 240H1, 254H1, 336H1, 339H1; HIS DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=3
106Y1, 202H1, 271Y1, 296Y1, 316H1, 343Y1, 365H1, USA300H1 Theories and Methods in American
366H1, 369Y1, 370H1, 372H1, 374H1, 376H1, 377H1, Studies (formerly USA300Y1) [24L]
378H1, 389H1, 393H1, 401H1, 404H1, 408Y1, 436H1, This course, required for majors and minors but open
447H1, 471H1, 473Y1, 475H1, 476H1, 478H1, 479H1, to all who have met the pre-req, explores a range of
484H1, 487H1; INI 225Y1, 322Y1, 324Y1, 383H1, approaches to the field of American Studies. The course
397H1, 398H1, 429H1, 467H1, 482Y1, 483H1, 484H1; is organized around the decade of the 1920s, a period
MUS 306H; POL 203Y1, 319Y1, 326Y1, 349H1, of tremendous social, political, and economic change
420Y1, 433H1; RLG 315H1, 442H1; USA 200H, 310H, as the U.S. emerged from WWI as a global industrial
400H1, 401H1, 494H1, 495Y1: VIC 130H1, 132H1 power and Americans debated competing ideas about
NOTE: Other 300+ series courses with American content the meanings of modernity. The course looks at the
may be allowed; students should seek early approval of 1920s through a series of thematic weeks, drawing from
program credit for such courses. interdisciplinary primary and secondary sources, such as
black migration and urban modernities; gender, sexuality,
Minor program: and global beauty culture; immigration policy and racial
(4 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one formation; modernism in the visual arts; Prohibition and
300+ series course in at least two disciplines) gangsters; market empires and global commodity chains.
Second year: Students will be introduced to some of the many ‘theories
1. HIS 271Y1 or ENG 250Y1 or POL 203Y1 or and methods’ that have animated the field of American
GGR240H/GGR254H Studies, including historical methods; formal analysis of
Third year: visual and literary texts; commodity chain analysis; ‘race,’
2. USA 300H1 ‘commodity,’ ‘gender,’ ‘diaspora’ and ‘affect.’
Second, third, or fourth year: Prerequisite: HIS 271Y1/ENG 250Y1/POL 203Y1/

American Studies
Exclusion: USA300Y1
USA310H1 Approaches to American Studies [24L]
Topic for Spring 2011: Technology and American Life
This course examines the place of technology in American
culture from the 18th-century to the present, with a particular
focus on the entanglement of commerce (money; markets;
manufacturing; industry) with ‘life itself’ (humans; animals;
plants and microbes). What counts as an American life?
How have different kinds of life been granted different
kinds of value, both historically but also by scholars in
the interdisciplinary field of American Studies? How has
technology figured in the production, management, taking
and (more recently) banking of American life? And how has
American life (in all its varied forms and scales) shaped the
history of technology? Readings pair recent scholarship with
literary and theoretical texts. Key sites of study range from
slave pens, iron mills, farms, factories, hospitals and prisons
to nuclear test sites, ‘dead’ malls, toxic ghost towns and
organ banks.
Prerequisite: At least two courses from the American Studies
list or USA300H
USA400H1 Topics in American Studies I [24S]
Topic for fall 2010: Taking Shots at the Man: Assassination
and the American Presidency
This interdisciplinary seminar focuses on political violence
directed at the U.S. President from the Civil War to the War
on Terror. At key historical moments of national crisis, the
office of the Presidency has repeatedly become a target of
assassination. While much can be learned by investigating
the grievances articulated by assassins, interpretations
of their explanations shifted considerably as their acts
reverberated through American culture. Public debates
surrounding these acts of violence have been framed by
historically-specific notions of race, class, gender, and mental
fitness. In this class we will cover several assassination
attempts from 1865-2001 through interwoven themes of
power and memory. As a capstone course, students will
be required to pursue original research on a topic of their
choice, and write a 25 page research paper.
Prerequisite: At least two courses from the American Studies
USA401H1 Topics in American Studies II [24S]
In depth examination of specific themes relating to American
Prerequisite: At least two courses from the American Studies
USA494H1 Independent Studies
USA495Y1 Independent Studies

Given by members of the Faculty of Medicine ANA498Y1 Project in Anatomy [TBA]
A research project in Histology, Cellular or Molecular Biology,
Developmental Biology, Neuroanatomy or Gross Anatomy.
Faculty Prerequisite: Permission of a professor to supervise the
Professor Emerita project
P.A. Stewart, PhD
Professor and Chair of the Division
M.J. Wiley, MSc, PhD
A.M. Agur, MSc, PhD
J.A. Saint-Cyr, M Sc, Ph D
I.M. Taylor, MD
Associate Professors
C. Morshead, PhD
Assistant Professors
P. Koeberle, PhD
R. Talwar, DDS, PhD
B. Ballyk, PhD
J. Laprade, PhD
Anatomy is the science that explores the relationship
between the structure and function of living things. The
discipline of anatomy includes Gross Anatomy, Histology,
Neuroanatomy, Embryology, and Developmental Biology.
Courses offered by the Division give the essentials of these
Undergraduate Secretary:
Professor M.J. Wiley (416-978-2642)
Medical Sciences Building, Room 1156 (416-978-2690)

Anatomy Courses
See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.

First Year Seminars

The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide the
opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class of no
more than twenty-four students. These interactive seminars
are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity and provide
an opportunity to get to know a member of the professorial
staff in a seminar environment during the first year of study.
For details, see page 48.
ANA300Y1 Human Anatomy and Histology [86L, 18P]
Structure of the human body and its relationship to function.
Basic Human Cytology, Histology, Gross Anatomy, and
Prerequisite: BIO150Y1
ANA301H1 Human Embryology [48L]
Human embryology from fertilization to the end of the fetal
period. Current concepts in mammalian morphogenesis
applied to the development of the various organ systems;
etiologies and pathogenesis of some of the more common
human congenital abnormalities.
Prerequisite: BIO150Y1


Faculty L.A. Sawchuk, MA, Ph D (S)

M. Schillaci, MA, PH D (S)
University Professor Emeritus J. Sidnell, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
R.B. Lee, MA, Ph D, FRSC Mississauga)
K. Sieciechowicz, MA, Ph D (U)
Professors Emeriti D.G. Smith, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
F.D. Burton, MA, Ph D (S) Mississauga)
W.P. Carstens, BA, Ph D (U) H. Wardlow, MA, Ph D, MPH
J.J. Chew, MA, Ph D
R.B. Drewitt, Ph D Assistant Professors
M.R. Kleindienst, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto D. Clark, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
Mississauga) Mississauga)
J. Mavalwala, M Sc, Ph D F. Cody, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
F.J. Melbye, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto M. Cummings, MA, Ph D (S)
Mississauga) G. Daswani, MSc, Ph D (S)
S. Nagata, MA, Ph D (U) N. Dave, MA, Ph D
S.B. Philpott, MA, Ph D G. Dewar, MA, Ph D (S)
A.K. Ray, M Sc, Ph D A. Gilbert, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
T.E. Reed, BA, Ph D Mississauga)
W.J. Samarin, BA, Ph D J. Jackson, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
B.A. Sigmon, MS, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
Mississauga) L. Mortensen, MA, Ph D (S)
R.M. Vanderburgh, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto A. Muehlebach, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
Mississauga) Mississauga)
V. Napolitano-Quayson, MA, Ph D
Associate Professors Emeriti J. Parga, MA, Ph D (S)
M.A. Latta, MA, Ph D (S) S. Satsuka, MA, Ph D
M.D. Levin, MA, Ph D (N) W.C. Sung, MA, Ph D
Professor and Chair of the Department E. Swenson, MA, Ph D
J.P. Boddy, MA, Ph D, FRSC A. Yao, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
D. Young, MA, Ph D (S)
Professors Anthropology is concerned with human biological, social,
E.B. Banning, MA, Ph D (U) and cultural development. This broad mandate has led to
D.R. Begun, MA, Ph D the division of the discipline into four distinctive areas of
G.G. Coupland, MA, Ph D research.
G.W. Crawford, MA, Ph D, FRSC (University of
Toronto Mississauga) Archaeology studies surviving evidence of people’s
M. Danesi, MA, Ph D, FRSC activities in the past. From the excavation of sites and
M.J. Lambek, MA, Ph D, FRSC (S) the analysis of artifacts uncovered, archaeologists draw
T. Li, MA, Ph D conclusions about the organization of social groups,
H.V. Luong, MA, Ph D their adaptations to environment, and their spatial and
S.K. Pfeiffer, MA, Ph D temporal relations. General research topics include the
D. Sellen, MA, Ph D origins of culture and technology, adaptations to extreme
G.A. Smith, MA, Ph D (U) climates, the peopling of the New World, development of
D.H. Turner, BA, Ph D (T) food production and political inequality in the Old and New
Associate Professors
S. Bamford, MA, Ph D (S) Linguistic and Semiotic Anthropology studies how
J. Barker, MA, Ph D language and other systems of human communication
M. Chazan, M Phil, Ph D (V) contribute to the reproduction, transmission, and
H. Cunningham, MA, Ph D (U) transformation of culture. It is concerned with the role
M.P. Evison, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto of language and other communicative systems in
Mississauga) reproducing and transforming such aspects of society as
T.M. Friesen, MA, Ph D power relations, ideology, subcultural expression, as well
G.S. Gillison, BA, Ph D (S, T) as class, gender and ethnic identity.
I. Kalmar, MA, Ph D (W, V)
S. Lehman, MA, PhD Biological Anthropology is the study of the biological
B. McElhinny, MA, Ph D diversity of humans, the history of this diversity, and
H. Miller, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga) the biological relationships between humans and non-
E. Parra, BS, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga) human primates. Major foci in Biological (Physical)
T.L. Rogers, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Anthropology include Human Biology, the study of modern
Mississauga) humans; Osteology, the study of the human skeleton;
T. Sanders, MA PH D (University of Toronto Paleoanthropology, the study of human evolution; and
Mississauga) Primatology, the study of non-human primates. Biological
anthropologists integrate biological and social variables in

their explanations of the effects of evolution on humans Anthropology (Biological) (Science program)
and other primates.
Specialist program:
Social and Cultural Anthropology: traditionally, Social (11.5 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one
Anthropology dealt with non-literate and isolated 400-series course)
societies, which could be observed in their totality. Today,
many social anthropologists also study such aspects of First Year
complex societies as peasantry, ethnic minorities, and 1. ANT203Y
industrial work groupings. Institutions and models of social 2. BIO 120H1, 130H1
behaviour are compared cross-culturally to establish more 3. One of: MAT135Y1/137Y1/157Y1/(CHM 138H1,
general concepts and theories. 139H1)/PHY(131H, 132H)/(151H, 152H)/GGR (100H1,
101H1)/GLG (105H1, 110H1)
Careers in Anthropology emphasize either theoretical, Higher Years
academic aspects or practical applications. Most 1. One full course equivalent from: BIO
institutions involved in teaching and research require 230H1/251Y1/260H1/(270H1, 271H1)/
anthropologists with a Ph.D. For practical applications, CHM220H1/247H1/EEB 214H1/215H1/263Y1/265Y1/
at least an M.A. is usually required. The Undergraduate ENV234Y1/235Y1/GGR201H1/GLG 217H1/HMB201H
Program provides excellent preparation for business or 1/202H1/204H1/265H1/320H1/NFS284H1/PSL201Y11
public service careers in which international and human 2. One of: STA220H1/221H1/GGR270H1/271H1/
diversity issues are important. Courses in anthropology PSY201H1/202H1
provide a unique grounding and can be fruitfully combined 3. Two of ANT333Y1/334Y1/335Y1
with courses in a wide variety of other disciplines. 4. Two additional 300+ series full course equivalents
from group C, with at least one full course at the 400
Undergraduate Program Administrator/Student Counsellor:
Anthropology Building, 19 Russell Street, Room 258 (416-
5. One additional full course equivalent from another
6. Two full courses or their equivalent from the following:
Anthropology Programs ANA300Y1/ANT311Y1/330Y1/406H1/410H1/
Enrolment in the Specialist, Major and Minor Programs is 415Y1/419H/EEB318H1/319H1/321H1/322H
limited to students with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above. 1/323H1/324H1/328H1/362H1/365H1/428H1/
Students may enroll at the end of First Year, or at any later GGR272H1/273H1/GLG206H1/216H1/217H1/360H1/
time if they have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above. 436H1/HMB300H1/302H1/310H1/420H1/MGY312H1/
TIMETABLE FOR COURSE OFFERINGS. (7 full courses or their equivalent, including at least two
* Note: ANT courses are those offered with the following 300+series courses)
prefixes: ANT, ABS, ARH, HAJ, JAL and JPA. First Year:
1. BIO 120H1. 130H1
Anthropology (General) (Arts program) 2. One of: MAT 135Y/137Y/157Y/(CHM 138H, CHM
139H)/PHY (131H, 132H)/(151H, 152H)/GGR (100H1,
Major program: 101H1)/GLG (105H1, 110H1)
7 ANT* full courses including ANT100Y1 and at least three Higher Years:
300+ series courses 1. ANT203Y1
Minor program: 2. At least 2 courses from ANT333Y1, 334Y1, 335Y1
4 ANT* full courses, of which at least one must be 300+ 3. Two other courses from Group C
series course; excluding ANT497/498/499 Anthropology (Social/Cultural) (Arts program)
Anthropology (Linguistic & Semiotic)
Specialist program:
(Arts program)
(10 full courses or their equivalent, including at least two
Major program: full 400-series courses)
(6.5 full courses or their equivalent, including at least two First and/or Second Year
300+ series courses) 1. ANT204H1 and ANT210H1
1. ANT100Y1 Upper years
2. ANT253H1, and either ANT204H1 or VIC220Y1 1. ANT370H1 and ANT375H1
3. Three courses from Group B (VIC 220Y1 may be 2. ANT475H and an additional 1.5 courses at the 400
substituted for one full course, if it is not used to level
satisfy requirement 2) 3. Six full course equivalents from Group D including
4. 1.5 additional ANT* courses at least a half area course from Group D (i) (one full
course from Group B at either 300 or 400 level may
be substituted)

Major program: Anthropology Courses
(7 full courses or their equivalent including at least one full
400 series course) Anthropology offers Social Science and Science Courses;
below are first, Social Science courses, then Science
1. ANT100Y1 courses.
2. ANT204H1
3. ANT370H1 Anthropology Social Science Courses
4. Five additional full course equivalents from Group D See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
including at least one full course at the 400 level (One
half course from Group B at either 300 or 400 level First Year Seminars
may be substituted). The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
Anthropology Groups seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
Group A: (Archaeology)
professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
ANT200Y1, 299Y1, 311Y1, 314H1, 315H1, 316H,
year of study. For details, see page 48.
317H, 318H1, 319Y1, 406H1, 407H1, 409H1, 410H1,
411H1, 412H1, 415Y1, 417H1, 419H1, 420H1, ANT100Y1 Introduction to Anthropology [48L, 12T]
497Y1/498H1/499H1; ARH 305H1, 309H1, 312Y1, 360Y1, Society and culture from various anthropological
361H1, 482H1, 495H1; JPA 305H1, 400Y1, 405H1 perspectives: socio-cultural, biological, archaeological, and
Group B: (Linguistic and Semiotic) DR=SOC SCI; BR=3+4
ANT253H, 299Y1, 322H1, 323Y1, 329H1, 357H1,
ANT200Y1 Introduction to Archaeology (48L, 24P)
359H1, 425H1, 426H1, 427H1, 444Y1, 466H1, 483H,
Cultures in the Old and New Worlds from an
497Y1/498H1/499H1; JAL 328H1, 353H1, 355H1, 401H1
archaeological perspective. Principles of prehistoric
Group C: (Biological) research are applied to archaeological information, from
ANT203Y1, 299Y1, 330Y1, 333Y1, 334Y1, 335Y1, 371H, the Early Pleistocene to the beginning of written history.
430H, 432H1, 433H1, 434H1, 435H1, 436H1, 481H1, Recommended Preparation: ANT100Y1
497Y1/498H1/499H1 DR=SOC SCI; BR=3
ANT204H1 Anthropology of the Contemporary World
Group D: (Social-Cultural) (formerly ANT204Y1)[24L, 12T]
ANT204H1, 210H1, 299Y1, 322H1, 323Y1, 324H1, A course focused on recent anthropological scholarship
343H1, 345H1, 346H1, 347Y1, 348H1, 350H1, 351H1, that seeks to understand and explain the transformation of
353H1, 356H1, 358H1, 359H1, 363Y1, 364Y1, 366H1, contemporary societies and cultures. Topics may include
367H1, 369H1, 370H1, 371H, 373H1, 374H1, 375H1, some of the following: new patterns of global inequality,
376H1, 426H1, 435H1, 440H1, 441H1, 442H1, 444Y1, war and neo-colonialism, health and globalization, social
445H1, 448H1, 450H1, 451H1, 452H1, 454H1, 456H, justice and indigeneity, religious fundamentalism, gender
459H, 460H, 461H1, 462H, 463H1, 464H1, 465H1, , inequalities, biotechnologies and society etc.
475H1, 480H1, 490Y1, 497Y1/498H1/499H1; HAJ Recommended preparation: ANT100Y1
453H1; NEW250Y1, 350H1 Exclusion: ANT204Y1
Group D (i): (Social-Cultural-Area)
340H1, 341H1, 352H1, 354H1, 357H1, 365H1, 446H1, ANT210H1 Craft of Social/Cultural Anthropology
466H, 467H1 [24S]
This course introduces students to the skills they need
to read theory, conduct research, write essays, and do
presentations in the field of social/cultural anthropology.
Aboriginal Studies - See Aboriginal Studies The emphasis is on interactive, small group learning.
Co-requisite: ANT204H1
Archaeological Science & Archaeology - See DR=SOC SCI; BR=None (This course has no status for
Archaeology breadth requirement purposes)

Environmental Anthropology Minor- See Centre ANT253H1 Language & Society [24L]
This course introduces linguistic analysis with a view
for Environment
towards its application to the study of the relation
A program focused on understanding the diverse nature of between culture and social structure. The interplay of
interactions between humans and their environments, both pronunciation, grammar, semantics, and discourse with
in the past and in modern global society. rituals, ideologies, and constructions of social meaning
and worldview are discussed in tandem with the traditional
branches of linguistic analysis—phonology, morphology,
grammar, syntax, and semantics. The objective of the
course is to provide a broad framework for understanding
the role of language in society.
Recommended Preparation: ANT100Y1

Exclusion: JAL253H1 competing anthropological interpretations of urban process
DR=SOC SCI; BR=2 while probing the political, ideological, and economic
structures of the world’s earliest cities. Students will have
ANT299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
the opportunity to consider a broad range of subjects,
Credit course for supervised participation in faculty
including mechanisms of city genesis; urban-rural
research project. See page 48 for details.
relations; the intersections of city and state; and historical
variation in urban landscapes, ideologies, and political
ARH305H1 Archaeological Interpretation economies.
See Archaeology Prerequisite: ANT200Y1
ARH 309H1 Archaeology, Ethics and the Public DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
See Archaeology ANT319Y1 Archaeology of North America (formerly
ANT311Y1 Archaeological Fieldwork [TBA] ANT310Y1) [48L]
Practical field training through six weeks of excavation on This course examines human prehistory in North America,
an archaeological site. Basic principles of artifact handling North of Mexico, from the time of earliest occupation to
and classification. (Offered only in Summer Session) European contact. Special topics include Paleoindian and
Prerequisite: ANT200Y1 Archaic adaptations, the rise of complex hunter-gatherers,
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA origins of farming and the evolution of complex chiefdoms.
Exclusion: ANT309H1, 310Y1
ARH312Y1 Archaeological Laboratory Prerequisite: ANT200Y1
See Archaeology DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
ANT314H1 Archaeology of the Pacific Northwest ANT322H1 Anthropology of Youth Culture [24L]
[24L] This course will present various perspectives on the
An archaeological survey of the human prehistory of nature and dynamics of youth culture. It will discuss the
northwestern North America from the late Pleistocene research accumulated over the past quarter century on
to the time of early European contact. Geographical youth lifestyles, from fashion and music to the formation
coverage will include the Northwest Coast, California, and and spread of slang. It will also look at the various critical
the Intermontane Plateau. and controversial aspects of adolescence in contemporary
Prerequisite: ANT200Y1 culture.
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: ANT204H1
ANT315H1 Arctic Archaeology [24L] DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Archaeology and ethnohistory of Arctic cultures. Emphasis ANT323Y1 Social Theory through Everyday Life [48L,
is on variation in social organization, settlement pattern, 24T]
economy, ideology, and interaction with the expanding Theories of culture and society, with examples from
European world-system. ordinary life and fantasy and their popular expressions.
Prerequisite: ANT200Y1 Prerequisite: ANT204H1/ANT253H1/ one other 200+
ANT316H1 Ancient Cultures of Mesoamerica [24L] DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
This course provides an introduction to the cultures of ANT324H1 Tourism & Globalization (formerly
Mesoamerica, from the first arrival of indigenous peoples ANT443H1) [24L]
to the appearance of the Spaniards in the sixteenth The course uses tourism as a lens to examine global
century. Students will become acquainted with cultures connections. Particular focus will be on the politics of
including Olmec, Zapotec, Teotihuacan, Maya, and Aztec, cultural encounters. Drawing examples from diverse
while also considering issues of method and evidence. ethnographic materials, the course explores how different
Prerequisite: ANT200Y1 visions of the world come into contact, negotiated and
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA transformed, and how tourist encounters shape people’s
ANT317H1 Archaeology of Eastern North America everyday lives.
[24L] Exclusion: ANT443H1
This course examines the precontact and early contact Prerequisite: ANT204H1
period culture history of eastern North America, including DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Ontario, through archaeological evidence. Topics covered JAL328H1 Writing Systems [24L]
include the earliest peopling of the region at the end of the Introduction to writing systems; their historical
Ice Age, diversity of hunter-gatherer societies, introduction development, their relationship to language, and their
of agriculture, and the development of the dynamic First role in culture and society. (Given by the Departments of
Nations societies who eventually met and interacted with Anthropology and Linguistics)
Europeans. Prerequisite: ANT100Y1/LIN100Y1/LIN200H1
Prerequisite: ANT200Y DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
ANT329H1 Language & Power Structure (formerly
ANT318H1 The Preindustrial City and Urban Social ANT329Y1) [24L]
Theory [24L] The role of language and symbolism in the representation
This course offers a comparative examination of the and manipulation of ideology and power structure. Case
rise and organization of ancient cities through a detailed materials drawn from the study of verbal arts, gender, law,
investigation of urban social theory. We will explore

ethnic relations, consumption patterns, advertising, and ANT348H1 Anthropology of Health (formerly
politics with a focus on North America. ANT348Y1) [24L]
Prerequisite: ANT204H1/ANT253H1/ one of 200+ series Aspects of health and disease in cross-cultural
“Y1” course in SOC/POL/Women’s Studies perspective. Critical views on the interface between
Exclusion: ANT329Y1 conventional “western” medicine and alternative,
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA indigenous, and traditional therapeutic systems.
Exclusion: ANT348Y1
ANT340H1 Anthropology of Latin America [24L]
Prerequisite: ANT204H1
Provides a framework for understanding current
anthropological issues in the different geo-political regions
of Latin America. Special attention will be paid to historical/ ANT350H1 Anthropology of Work [24L]
conceptual development of the discipline in the region, The course uses ethnographic material to examine the
and the course will introduce a debate about the dealth ways in which global forces have changed the nature
and “resurgence” of area studies. of work in different sites since World War Two - North
Prerequisite: ANT204H1 America, Europe, and the countries of the South are
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA selectively included.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1
ANT341H1 China in Transition (formerly ANT341Y1)
This course offers a general introduction to contemporary ANT351H1 Contested Environments [24L]
China in a global context from an anthropological This course utilizes a social movements perspective to
perspective. It covers four major aspects of Chinese examine the various kinds of conflicts emerging over
culture and society: Political Economy, Social Relations, “environment,” including disputes over food, animal
Modernities and Modernization, and Overseas Chinese. rights, parks, wilderness, energy, and water. Building on
Exclusion: ANT341Y1 the anthropological literature on landscape and political
Prerequisite: ANT204H1 ecology, this course explores the various ways in which
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA social movement constituencies are responding to
and engaging with the uncertain and uneven nature of
ANT343H1 Social Anthropology of Gender (formerly
environmental change.
ANT343Y1) [24L]
Prerequisite: ANT204H1
Social anthropological perspectives on variations in
gender roles and systems. Examines, through comparison
of ethnography, the relationship of gender to social ANT352H1 South Asia: Practices, Theories,
organization, economic and political processes, belief Representations (formerly ANT352Y1)
systems and social change. [24L]
Exclusion: ANT343Y1 This course examines key themes in the constitution
Prerequisite: ANT204H1 of South Asia as an area for ethnographic analysis.
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Lectures and discussions will focus on classic works
in the anthropology of South Asia, examining the rise
ANT345H1 Global Health: Anthropological
of gatekeeping concepts such as caste, the village,
Perspectives [24L]
collectivity, and the oppression of women. The course
This course examines medical anthropology’s
provides theoretical and historical perspectives for the
contributions to, and critiques of, global health policies and
anthropological study of contemporary South Asia.
programs. Topics covered include: colonialism and health,
Prerequisite: ANT204H1
the political ecology of disease, indigenous constructions
Exclusion: ANT352Y1
of illness and healing, medical pluralism, the politics of
primary health care, population policies, reproductive
health, and AIDS. JAL353H1 Conversational Structures [48L, 24P]
Prerequisite: ANT204H1 An introduction to the detailed observation of ordinary
Recommended preparation: ANT348H1 conversational interaction, and to some of the main ways
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA in which such interaction is organized. The focus is on
developing the capacity to discern orderliness in the
ANT346H1 Anthropology of Food [24L]
details of everyday interaction, and beginning independent
Social anthropological perspective on the nature and
research in this area.
meaning of food production, culinary cultures, industrial
Prerequisite: LIN 100Y1/LIN 200H1/ANT 253H1
food, food as metaphor, and famine and hunger.
Prerequisite: ANT100Y1/204H1
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA ANT353H1 Indigeneity Politics [24L]
The course will focus on the dynamic interplay between
ANT347Y1 Metropolis: Global Cities [48L]
developments in Canadian Indigenous rights, contested
The role of culture, cultural diversity, space and
understandings of the environment and primary resource
performance in urban institutions and settings. The cultural
exploration/development in mining, forestry and hydro.
context and consequence of urbanization.
The changing relationship is challenging industry to
Recommended preparation: ANT204H1
re-think social/environmental responsibility, local vs
national equity with implications beyond the Aboriginal

Prerequisite: ANT204H1 artistic). Political implications: multiculturalism, separatism,
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA imperialism.
Prerequisite: At least two 200-level courses in the
ANT354H1 Japan in Global Context: Anthropological
humanities or social sciences.
Perspectives (formerly ANT354Y1) [24L]
Recommended preparation: ANT204H1
This course examines how what we know as Japan and its
culture has been constructed through global interactions.
Topics include gender and sexuality, race and ethnicity, ARH360Y1 Prehistory of the Near East [48L]
social and family life, work and leisure, and Japanese See Archaeology
identity amid changing global power relations. ARH361H1 Field Archaeology [TBA]
Prerequisite: ANT204H1 See Archaeology
Exclusion: ANT354Y1
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA ANT363Y1 Anthropology of State Societies [48L,
JAL355H1 Language and Gender [24L] Origins, history and internal dynamics of early and modern
An introduction to some of the principal questions of state societies, examined with a view to placing our own
feminist theory, as viewed from sociolinguistics. Topics system in an historical and comparative perspective. Case
include: socialization into gendered discourse patterns, studies include material from Africa, Asia, the Americas
cultural and ethnic differences in gendered interactions; and Europe.
the role of language and gender in legal, medical and Exclusion: ANT363H1
labour settings; multilingualism, migration, imperialism Prerequisite: ANT204H1
and nationalism; sexuality, desire and queer linguistics, DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
language, gender and globalization.
Prerequisite: One full course equivalent at the 200-level in ANT364Y1 Environment & Globalization [48L]
ANT/JAL/LIN/SOC/WGS. This course will examine the relationships between
Recommended preparation: ANT204H/ANT253H/ SOC humans and the environment in the context of
200H/214Y/215Y contemporary efforts to ‘develop’ within or in opposition
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA to the political economy of neoliberal globalization. We
will critically examine the discourses of progress and
ANT356H1 Anthropology of Religion [24L] environment within a broader theoretical inquiry of
This course introduces anthropological definitions of structure/agency and power.
religion; debates on rituals and rites of passage; rationality, Prerequisite: ANT204H1
religion and modernity; belief and body; religion and the DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
media. It also engages with studies in the anthropology
of popular and transnational religion, and the politics of ANT365H1 Native America and the State (formerly
religious movements. ANT365Y1) [24L]
Prerequisite: ANT204H1 Culture areas and types existing in precontact and
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA early contact times in North America; problems arising
out of contacts between North American Indians and
ANT357H1 Cultures of U.S. Empire [24L] Euroamericans.
Anthropological perspectives on how continental and Prerequisite: ANT204H1
overseas expansion and conquest have shaped the Exclusion: ANT365Y1
cultures of the U.S. and of those it has dominated within DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
and beyond its borders. Topics include interventions
into health and education of colonized groups, sport and ANT366H1 Anthropology of Social Movements:
imperial masculinity, culture of U.S. military bases/cities, Theory and Method (formerly ANT366Y1)
living with “terror.” [24L, 12T]
Prerequisite: ANT204H1 Explores how anthropologists have traditionally studied
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA social movements and how new social movements
have challenged anthropologists to rethink some of their
ANT358H1 Medical Anthropology and Social Justice ethnographic methods and approaches. Some specific
[24L] movements covered include those related to indigenous
It is widely acknowledged that sharp disparities in disease rights, environmentalism, refugees, gay and lesbian
burden and access to medical care characterize global issues, biotechnology, new religions, and globalization.
patterns in health. These disparities affect the life chances Prerequisite: ANT204H1
of much of the world’s population, based on class position, Exclusion: ANT366Y1
gender, and geographical region. DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: ANT204H1
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA ANT367H1 Indigenous Spirituality (formerly AN
367Y1) [24L]
ANT359H1 Culture and Difference [12L, 10T] This course focuses upon religion and spirituality amongst
The concept of culture in historical and current debates peoples with a direct, experiential relationship to the
about difference between human beings. The relationship world. The first term examines case studies from Australia,
between anthropological and other treatments of Native North America and Africa; the second term
difference (psychoanalytical, philosophical, literary, and examines aspects of the “world religions’.

Prerequisite: ANT204H1/RLG201Y1 ANT 376H1 Anthropology of Animals [24L]
Exclusion: ANT367Y1 The relationship between humans and other animals is
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA one of the most hotly debated topics of our times. Through
key classic and contemporary writings, this course
ANT 369H1 Anthropology in Action [24L]
introduces students to the interdisciplinary field of animal
This course highlights the diverse ways that social/
studies, and explores how anthropologists and other
cultural anthropologists engage with the world beyond
theorists have critically engaged in debates about “animal”
the university. Students learn about the many practical
and “human” distinctions.
applications of anthropological methods and theory. As
Prerequisite: ANT204H1
well, the ethical and political complexities of applied
anthropology and activism in anthropology are considered.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1, ANT210H1 ANT395Y0 Special Topics in Anthropology [48S]
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA ANT396Y0 Special Topics in Anthropology [48S]
ANT370H1 Introduction to Social Anthropological Studies in anthropology taken abroad. Areas of
Theory [24P] concentration vary depending on the instructor and year
An in-depth critical review of foundational ideas in the offered.
development of the practice of Anthropology. Topics Recommended Preparation :ANT100Y1/204H1
may include questioning fieldwork, origins and legacies DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
of functionalism, cultural materialism, politics of culture, ANT398H0 Independent Experiential Study Project
power and political economy, globalization and post
modernism, gender and post-structuralism. ANT399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project
Prerequisite: ANT204H1 An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA setting. See page 48 for details.
ANT371H1 Human Nutritional Ecology (formerly
ANT471H1) [24L] JAL401H1 Field Linguistics [52P]
A detailed review of human dietary adaptations, Practice in language analysis based on elicited data from
subsistence strategies and the suite of cognitive, cultural a native speaker of a foreign language, emphasizing
and life history traits that make humans so adaptable. procedures and techniques. (Given by the Departments of
Focus is on the relevance of the past to understanding Anthropology and Linguistics)
the modern world food system and finding solutions to Prerequisite: Completion of LIN322H1, 331H1 except
contemporary problems in population, food, and health. for students in their final year where LIN331H1 is a
Prerequisite: ANT203Y1/204H1 corequisite.
Exclusion: ANT471H1 DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
DR=SOC SCI/SCI; BR=TBA ANT406H1 Lithic Analysis [24L,12P]
ANT 373H1 Anthropology of Education [24L] Core reduction strategies, replication, experimental
This course focuses on the role of formal education in archaeology, use-wear, design approaches, ground stone,
contemporary societies around the world. Education inferring behaviour from lithic artifacts.
and schooling have come to be accepted as essential Prerequisite: ANT200Y1, ARH312Y1, 305H1
for social development and economic growth. This claim DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
is critically assessed in terms of how education systems ANT407H1 Inka and Aztec States [24L]
reflect and shape society, economy and politics at local, This course provides a comparative study of the
national and global levels. emergence, organization, and transformation of the two
Prerequisite: ANT204H1 historically-documented states of the native Americas: the
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Inka and the Aztec. Students will have the opportunity to
ANT 374H1 Rethinking Development, or the analyze ethnohistorical and archaeological data in order
Improvement of the World [24L] to critically evaluate models of the pre-industrial “state”
Development, or deliberate intervention to improve the while gauging the anthropological significance of either
lives of people deemed to be lacking, or left behind, has convergence or particularity in the historical development
shaped the modern world for at least a century. Drawing of centralized political formations.
on historical and ethnographic studies, this course Prerequisite: ANT200Y1, ARH 305H1
examines the trajectory of development as a concept and DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
practice, and traces its effects. ANT409H1 Archaeology of Landscapes & Regions
Prerequisite: ANT204H1 [24L,12P]
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA The survey and spatial analysis of archaeological
ANT375H1 Reading Ethnography: Classic evidence over territories larger than individual camps,
Ethnographies [24P] villages or towns. Settlement systems, regional exchange
The focus of this course is on reading full length and communication, rank-size analysis, nearest neighbour
ethnographies considered to be foundational to social and analysis etc.
cultural anthropology. It will expose students to key issues Prerequisite: ARH305H1
in anthropological writing. Recommended preparation: GGR270H1
Prerequisite: ANT204H1 DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA

ANT410H1 Hunter-Gatherers Past & Present [24S] ANT427H1 Language, Ideology, & Political Economy
Examines the diversity of recent hunter-gatherer societies, as [24S]
a source of analogues for understanding the archaeological Theoretical and empirical studies on the role of language in
record of past foraging peoples. the reproduction and transformation of ideology, hegemony
Prerequisite: ARH305H1 and political economy. Topics may include language &
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA colonialism, imperialism, globalization, nationalism, racism,
sexism, bureaucratic interactions, environmentalism,
ANT411H1 Advanced Archaeological Theory [24S]
migration, gentrification. Compares and contrasts critical
Seminar in the critical examination of major schools of
discourse analytic and linguistic anthropological approaches
archaeological thought.
to method and politics.
Prerequisite: ARH305H1
Prerequisite: ANT253H1
Recommended Preparation: ANT329H1
ANT412H1 Historical Archaeology [24L, 12P] DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Introduces the problems, methods and some of the material
ANT435H1 Anthropology of Childhood and Childcare
culture of colonial and industrial archaeology with emphasis
on Canada and colonial America. Covers the use of
A detailed review of the classic and recently emerging
documentary evidence, maps, architecture, and a variety of
literature on the anthropology of children, childhood, and
artifact classes.
childcare. Focus is on theories for evolution of human
Prerequisite: ANT200Y1/HIS374H1/384H1
parenting adaptations, challenges in research methodology
and implications for contemporary research, practice and
ANT415Y1 Laboratory in Faunal Archaeo-Osteology policy in the area of care and nutrition of infants and children.
[48S, 48P] Prerequisite: ANT203Y1
Examination and interpretation of faunal material from DR=SOC SCI/SCI; BR=TBA
archaeological sites as evidence for culture.
ANT440H1 Society in Transition [24L]
Prerequisite: ARH312Y1
An exploration of the conceptual tools used to understand
reflexive modernity. Focus on the articulated web of global
ANT417H1 Archaeology of Settlements & Households and local networks that produce simultaneously inequalities
[24L] and potentially new identities and collectivities.
Methods for studying the socio-spatial aspects of the Exclusion: ANT440Y1
archaeological evidence for households and communities. Prerequisite: ANT204H1, at least one area course in
Prerequisite: ANT200Y1, ARH305H1 anthropology
ANT419H1 Current Debates in Palaeolithic Archaelogy ANT 441H1 Love, Sex, and Marriage [24S]
[24S] Beginning with anthropology’s early work on kinship,
Current research in Palaeolithic Archaeology reflecting and ending with recent analyses of sex work and
emerging issues. the globalization of ideologies of romantic love and
Prerequisite: ANT200Y1 or ANT203Y1 companionate marriage, this course will investigate how
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA emotional and sexual relationships are produced, used,
ANT420H1 Archaeology of Inequality [24L] conceptualized, and experienced both within particular
How social complexity is manifested in the archaeological societies and transnationally.
record. Origins and evolution of prehistoric complex Prerequisite: ANT204H1 and ANT343H1
societies, from small-scale chiefdoms to large-scale states. DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: ANT200Y1, ARH305H1 ANT442H1 Anthropology and New Technologies [24L]
Recommended preparation: ANT363Y1 The relationship between technology and culture through
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA a focus on reproductive, genetic and communications
ANT425H1 Language in Anthropological Thought [24L] technologies.
How ideas about language fit into the overall views of Prerequisite: ANT204H1, a 300 level, or above, Social
humankind as expressed by selected anthropologists, Cultural Anthropology course
linguists, sociologists, and philosophers. DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Exclusion: ANT425Y1 ANT444Y1 Research Methods in Social & Linguistic
Prerequisite: ANT204H1/ ANT253H1 Anthropology [48S]
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Social and linguistic anthropological approaches to research
ANT426H1 ‘Other Cultures’: The History and Present of in urban settings. Methodology, field techniques and
an Idea [24L] research ethics. Students must formulate and complete a
The history and present of western concepts and images field research project.
about the ‘Other’, in anthropological and other scholarship Prerequisite: ANT204H1
and in popular culture. The focus is on representations of DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Muslims and Jews. ANT445H1 Science as Culture and Practice [24S]
Prerequisite: ANT323Y1/329H1/any 300-level course in INI/ This course examines science and technology from an
VIC/NMC/Jewish Studies anthropological perspective. Throughout the course, in
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA addition to introducing major concepts of science studies,

we will examine multiple “concrete things,” like computers ANT454H1 The Anthropology of Music & Art (formerly
as cultural artifacts, connected to wider social, political, ANT360Y1) [24S]
economic, ideological, and cultural contexts. This course investigates the connection between religion,
Prerequisite: ANT204H1 music and society from an anthropological point of view. The
Recommended Preparation: one science course primary focus is on societies where music is seen by people
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA as the principal vehicle for religious expression. Examination
of religions and musics of Australian aboriginal, Melanesian,
ANT446H1 Anthropology of Western Europe: Issues
Native North America, African societies, others.
and Ideas (formerly ANT446Y1) [24L]
Prerequisite: ANT367H1
Europe is a, landmass and a (transnational) collection of
Exclusion: ANT360Y1
people – in both cases rather vaguely defined. Europe is
also an idea, one often closely associated with “western
civilization”. So if anthropology is a combination of the ANT456H1 Queer Ethnography [24L]
ethnographic study of a place and its people, and also This course explores, first, how and where forms of desire
the critical study of a culture, then certainly both of these and sexual practice have become sites of anthropological
perspectives could usefully be applied to a course on inquiry and exemplars of particular cultural logics. Tracing,
Europe. Both of these dimensions are also of pressing then, the “transnational turn” in the anthropology of sexuality,
concern to within Europe today. the course engages important debates about culture,
Exclusion: ANT446Y1 locality, and globalization. By focusing on the transnational
Prerequisite: ANT204H1 movement of desires, practices, and pleasures through
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA activisms, mass media, and tourism, the course asks how
sex is global and how globalization is thoroughly sexed.
ANT448H1 Ethnicity & Nationalism [24S]
Course material will stress, but not be limited to, forms of
An examination of theories and critique of ethnicity and
same-sex or otherwise “queer” sexualities.
nationalism from an anthropological perspective. The
Exclusion: ANT343H1/Y1
problem of the cultural context of ethnicity. Case studies.
Prerequisite: ANT204H plus any 300-level course in Social-
Prerequisite: ANT204H1, one 300-level course in Social
Cultural or Linguistic Anthropology
Cultural or Linguistic Anthropology
ANT459H1 Maps and Places [24L]
ANT450H1 Nature, Culture and the City [24S]
A study of the cross-cultural meaning of two-dimensional
Comparative examination of human ecological adaptations,
representations of space and the socio-political relevance of
livelihood strategies, spiritual and cultural values and their
relation to environmental maintenance or degradation.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1
Explores contemporary “grass roots” environmental
movements and ideologies.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1, a 300-level or above Social Cultural ANT460H1 Global Perspectives on Women’s Health
Anthropology course [24S]
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA This fourth-year seminar examines how female gender
shapes health and illness. Using case studies of sexual
ANT 451H1 History of Anthropological Thought: The
health, fertility and its management, substance use/abuse,
Search for Human Universals [24S]
mental health, and occupational/labor health risks, the course
This course concentrates on original late 19th Century to
investigates the material, political, and socio-cultural factors
mid-20th Century works by Lewis Henry Morgan, Emile
that can put women at risk for a range of illness conditions.
Durkheim, Arnold van Gennep, Marcel Mauss, Claude
Prerequisite: ANT343H1/348H1
Levi-Stauss and others who tried to established universal
principles of social and cultural life as classificatory kinship,
sacred and profane, rites of passage, reciprocity, and ANT461H1 Contemporary Anthropological Theory
structuralism. (formerly ANT461Y1) [24S]
Prerequisite: ANT 204H1 and at least one full Social Cultural History and development of theories which underlie
Anthropology course contemporary anthropology.
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: ANT204H1
Exclusion: ANT461Y1
ANT452H1 Anthropology & Human Rights [24S]
The concept of human rights in its universal claims rises
fundamental questions for anthropology as it challenges a ANT462H1 Anthropology and the Intimate: Studies in
central value of the discipline: cultural relativism. Students Affect and Action [24S]
are asked to consider epistemological and theoretical This course examines how anthropologists have studied
questions and case studies (e.g. claims of rights by ethnic the way that people hope, imagine, love, and despise.
collectivities). Ethnography of “the intimate” realms of affect raises
Prerequisite: ANT204H1, one 300 level social-cultural/ important questions about knowledge production and
linguistic ANT course methodology as well as offering insight into how people come
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA to act upon the world and what the human consequences
of such action are. The course will also examine how “the
intimate” is socially produced and harnessed in the service
of politics and culture. Topics will include grief and its lack;

dreams and activism; love and social change; memory and ethnography. A sequence of full length recent ethnographies
imperialism; sexuality and care; and violence and hope. will be read.
Prerequisite: ANT204H plus any 300-level course in Social- Prerequisite: ANT204H1, ANT375H1
Cultural or Linguistic Anthropology DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA ANT480H1 Special Topics in Anthropological Research
ANT463H1 Native Rights, Canadian Law [24S] [24S]
Drawing on ethnographies, anthropological theories of Unique opportunity to explore a particular anthropological
social change and case law, the course will explore recent topic in-depth. Topics vary from year to year.
Canadian legal decisions dealing with Native issues and Prerequisite: A 200+ level ANTcourse
review how the Indigenous argument for Aboriginal difference DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
(land and treaty rights, customary law, self-governance) is ARH482H1 Special Topics in Archaeology [24S]
shaped in legal contexts and affects changes to the practice See Archaeology. Unique opportunity to explore a particular
of Aboriginality in Canada. archaeological topic in-depth. Topics vary from year to year.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1 Prerequisite: A 200+ level ANTcourse
Recommended Preparation: ANT365H1 DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
ANT483H1 Special Topics in Linguistic Anthropology
ANT464H1 Anthropology of Oral History and Narrative [24S]
[24S] This course will focus on an advanced topic in Linguistic
This course reviews the issues in theory and practice of Anthropology. Topic will vary from year- to-year.
oral history and narratives, examining the multiple forms of Prerequisite: ANT204H1/ANT253H1/300 Level course in
oral evidence, its reliability, and strategies for compilation Linguistic and Semiotic anthropology
and analysis of oral data. One important component of the DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
course will be the conducting of interviews.
Prerequisite: ANT204H and one other anthropology course ANT490Y1 Field Course in Social and Cultural
from Group D Anthropology [24L, 52P]
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA An instructor-supervised experiential study project in social
and cultural anthropology. Course takes place in an off-
ANT465H1 Anthropology of Subjectivity [24S] campus setting.
This course explores themes such as the emergence Prerequisite: ANT204H1 and two additional social-cultural
of political and religious imaginaries; the relationship anthropology courses
between anthropology and psychoanalysis; anthropology of DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
transnational and diasporic subjectivity; affect and violence;
subjectivity and the state. ARH 495H1 Archaeology Research Practicum
Prerequisite: ANT204H1 and at least one other 300+ social- See Archaeology
cultural anthropology course ANT497Y1 Independent Research [TBA]
ANT498H1 Independent Research [TBA]
ANT466H1 The Philippines and the Filipino Diaspora
[24S] ANT499H1 Independent Research [TBA]
This seminar studies the Philippines and in the Filipino Supervised independent research on a topic agreed on by
diaspora. It draws on anthropological, historical, and literary the student and supervisor before enrolment in the course.
perspectives on culture and social practices, with an eye to Open in exceptional circumstances to advanced students
considering the ways “the Philippines” as an object of inquiry with a strong background in Anthropology. Course Supervisor
is differently understood in a real/anthropological studies, must be a member of the Anthropology faculty. Application
feminist, North American ethnic studies and transnational for enrolment should be made to the Department in the
studies. preceding term. A maximum of one year of Independent
Prerequisite: ANT204H1 or permission of instructor Research courses is allowed per program.
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: A minimum of 10 credits, permission of
Supervisor and Undergraduate Coordinator.
ANT467H1 Ethnographies of Contemporary South Asia DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
This seminar course explores critical issues in contemporary Anthropology Science Courses
South Asia through ethnographies centering on popular
See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
culture, globalization, gender and sexuality, activism, and
development. ANT203Y1 The Nature of Humans [48L, 24P]
Exclusion: ANT352Y1 This course examines where humans fit in the fabric of the
Prerequisite: ANT204H1, and at least one 300+ course in natural world. It explores the history of ideas about humans
social-cultural or linguistic anthropology. in nature, humans as primates, the story of human evolution
Recommended Preparation: ANT352H1 and modern human physical and genetic diversity.
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Recommended preparation: ANT100Y1/BIO120H1, 130H1
ANT475H1 Reading Ethnography: Contemporary DR=SCI; BR=4
Ethnographies [24P] JPA305H1 Introduction to Archaeometry [24L, 12P]
This course draws on many of the themes developed in the Introduction to methods for remote sensing of buried
third year course but with an emphasis on contemporary archaeological remains, dating, and analysis of ancient

materials. Application of methods and interpretation of results the modern world food system and finding solutions to
in archaeological contexts. (Offered in alternate years) contemporary problems in population, food, and health.
(Given by the Departments of Physics and Anthropology) Prerequisite: ANT203Y1/204H1
Exclusion: JPA300Y1 Exclusion: ANT471H1
JPA405H1 Physics and Archaeology (formerly JPA ANT415Y1 Laboratory in Faunal Archaeo-Osteology
310H1) [24L, 12P] [48S, 52P]
Introduction to the principles behind archaeometric methods Examination and interpretation of faunal material from
for remote sensing, dating, and analysis of archaeological archaeological sites as evidence for culture.
materials, and interpretation of results. Offered in conjunction Prerequisite: ARH312Y1
with JPA305H1. (Offered in alternate years) (Given by the DR=SCI/SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Departments of Physics and Anthropology)
ANT430H1 Primate Conservation Biology [24L]
Exclusion: JPA300Y1, 310H1
The focus of this course is on the science of primate
Prerequisite: Any 1st-year Physics course/permission of
conservation biology in an anthropological context. Topics
will include primate biodiversity and biogeography, human
Co-requisite: JPA305H1
impacts, and conservation strategies/policies. The effects of
cultural and political considerations on primate conservation
ANT330Y1 Paleoanthropology Field School (Offered on will also be discussed.
an irregular basis) [24L, 78P] Prerequisite: ANT203Y1
This course provides background in the practical and DR=SCI; BR=TBA
theoretical aspects of fieldwork in Paleoanthropology.
Students are trained in the treatment and analysis of fossil ANT432H1 The Evolving Human Skull [12L, 24P]
vertebrates, plant macro- and micro-fossils and sediments. The comparative and functional anatomy of the human
Excursions to paleoanthropological localities of Homo erectus skull from an evolutionary perspective. Foci include cranial
and Homo sapiens, and excavation at a hominoid site. (Joint anatomy, the face, mastication, diet, brains and cognition.
undergraduate-graduate) Includes an extensive lab component using a large collection
Prerequisite: ANT203Y1 of primate skeletons and fossil human casts.
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Exclusion: ANT326Y1
Prerequisite: ANT335Y1
ANT333Y1 Living Primate Adaptations [48L, 24P] DR=SCI; BR=TBA
A survey of living primates, this lab-oriented course describes
and compares the diverse behavioural and anatomical ANT433H1 The Evolving Human Body [12L, 24P]
adaptations that are characteristic to this order of mammals. The comparative and functional anatomy of the human
The understanding of the biological diversity and evolutionary body from the neck down from an evolutionary perspective.
history of primates is important for further understanding of Foci include body size and proportions, human posture and
human adaptation and evolution. movement, manual dexterity and bipedalism. Includes an
Exclusion: ANT333H1 extensive lab component using a large collection of primate
Prerequisite: ANT203Y1 skeletons and fossil human casts.
Recommended preparation: ANT334Y1; BIO120H1, 130H1 Exclusion: ANT326Y1
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: ANT335Y1
ANT334Y1 Human Skeletal Biology [39L, 39P]
Exploration of the development and maintenance of the ANT434H1 Health, Diet & Disease in the Past [24L, 12P]
human skeleton and dentition, with emphasis on application Advanced exploration of the life histories of past populations,
to archaeological, forensic and biomedical sciences. through the application of palaeodietary analyses,
Prerequisite: ANT203Y1 palaeopathology and other appropriate research methods.
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: ANT334Y1
ANT335Y1 Human Evolution [24L, 39P]
This course takes the student on a survey of human ANT435H1 Anthropology of Childhood and Childcare
evolution from our ape ancestors to modern humans.  [24L]
Students will learn to identify skulls, teeth and limb bones, A detailed review of the classic and recently emerging
explore hundreds of casts, and learn how researchers literature on the anthropology of children, childhood, and
understand human origins and trends in the development childcare. Focus is on theories for evolution of human
of human anatomy and behavior.Exclusion: ANT429H1, parenting adaptations, challenges in research methodology
ANT332H5, 333H5, 434H5, ANTC17H3 and implications for contemporary research, practice and
Prerequisite: ANT203Y1 policy in the area of care and nutrition of infants and children.
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: ANT203Y1
This is a Social Science or Science course.
ANT371H1 Human Nutritional Ecology (formerly DR=SCI/SOC SCI; BR=TBA
ANT471H1) [24L]
ANT436H1 Primate Ecology & Social Behavior [24L]
A detailed review of human dietary adaptations,
This course will provide an overview of the ecology
subsistence strategies and the suite of cognitive, cultural
and social behavior of extant nonhuman primates.
and life history traits that make humans so adaptable.
Topics will include socioecology, conservation biology,
Focus is on the relevance of the past to understanding biogeography, aggression and affiliation, community ecology,

communication, and socio-sexual behavior. There will also be
extensive discussions of methods used in collecting data on
primates in the field.
Prerequisite: ANT203Y1
ANT481H1 Special Topics in Biological Anthropology
Unique opportunity to explore in-depth a particular topic in
Biological Anthropology. Topics vary from year to year.
Prerequisite: A 200+ level ANTcourse

The Archaeology Program focuses on the study of Archaeology Programs
past human societies primarily through their material
remains, or “material culture.” Archaeologists explore 1. Enrolment in the Specialist, Major and Minor Programs
the nature of and changes in past cultures around the is limited to students with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or
world through survey, excavation and analyses of stone above. Students may enroll at the end of First Year, or
tools, pottery, bones, plant remains, architecture and at any later time if they have a cumulative GPA of 2.5
other cultural residues. Some of the major research or above.
foci of archaeologists are the nature of hunter-gatherer 2. Only ONE Archaeology Program may be selected.
technology and economy in the Pleistocene, the origins of Archaeology (Arts program)
agriculture, pastoralism, urbanism and politically complex
states, the workings of ancient exchange systems, and Specialist Program:
the development of class-based and gender-based (10.5 full courses or equivalent, including at least one
political and economic inequalities in complex societies. 400+series course)
Working archaeologists often specialize geographically,
chronologically or thematically. Classical archaeologists, First Year:
for example, specialize in the cultures of the ancient 1. ANT 200Y1
Greco-Roman world, while palaeoethnobotanists explore 2. One of: ANT 100Y1/CLA 160H1/GGR (100H1, 101H1)/
ways that botanical residues of ancient and prehistoric NMC 101Y1. If CLA160H1 is taken, an additional half
cultures can inform us about their economies and social course from Archaeology group A, B or C is required.
systems. The specialist programs allow students to explore Second Year:
archaeology in a multidisciplinary setting. 1. ARH 305H1
2. GGR 270H1* ( or a half-course from STA 220H1,
Students in either specialist program should consult the 221H1, 247H1, 248H1, 250H1, 255H1, 257H1, 261H1,
program coordinator or faculty members in their intended ANT C35H3**)
areas of specialization for advice on the selection of 3. Two full course equivalents from ANT 203Y1/204H1;
courses. Those intending to go on to graduate studies in CLA 230H1, 231H1;FAH 206H1, 207H1; NMC 260Y1
departments such as Fine Art History and Near and Middle
Eastern Civilizations should pay particular attention to
* Geography pre- or co-requisites waived for Anthropology
language requirements at the graduate level.
The Archaeology Specialist (Arts program) is designed ** To be taken at the Scarborough Campus
for students in the Social Sciences or Humanities, who Third and Fourth Years:
may be interested in such fields as prehistoric, Aegean, 1. One full course equivalent from Group A
Classical, historical and Near and Middle Eastern 2. 2.5 courses from Groups B-C
archaeology. See details below. Students interested in 3. Field Requirement: ANT 311Y1/ARH 361H1/NMC
pursuing graduate studies should combine it with study 261Y1. If ARH 361H1 is taken, an additional ANT half-
of the ancient and modern languages relevant to their credit is required.
primary area of interest. 4. Lab Requirement: ARH 312Y1/JPA (305H1,405H1)

The Prehistoric Archaeology Major (Arts program) is Prehistoric Archaeology (Arts program)
designed for students whose interests are in prehistoric
archaeology, and who want to combine it with a Major in Major Program:
a field not traditionally associated with archaeology. See (6 full courses or equivalent, including at least two
details below. 300+series courses)
First Year:
The Archaeological Science Specialist (Science program)
ANT 100Y1
allows students with science backgrounds to obtain
Second Year:
training in areas of study related to archaeometry,
ANT 200Y1
geoarchaeology, osteoarchaeology, paleoethnobotany, and
Third and Fourth Years:
other archaeological sciences. See details below.
1. ARH 305H1
The Archaeological Science Major (Science program) 2. 2.5 courses from the Anthropology Group A
allows students doing a Major in the mathematical 3. Field and Lab Requirement: 1.0 course equivalent
or life sciences to combine that Major with training in from: ANT 311Y1/ARH 361H1/NMC 261Y1/ARH
archaeological sciences. See details below. 312Y1/JPA 305H1, 405H1

Students are encouraged to seek counselling and Archaeological Science (Science program)
information about this program from the Anthropology
Undergraduate Administrator/Student Counsellor, Specialist Program:
Anthropology (416-978-6414). (12 full courses or equivalent, including at least one
400+series course)
First Year:
1. ANT 200Y1
2. One of: ANT 100Y1/GGR (100H1, 101H1)/GLG
(102H1, 105H1)

3. One of: BIO (120H1, 130H1)/CHM (138H1, 139H1)/ 300H1, 303H1, 304H1, 305H1, 309H1, 310H1, 311H1,
MAT 135Y1/137Y1/157Y1/PHY (131H, 132H)/ (151H, 312H1, 401H1, 403H1, 404H1, 406H1, 407H1, 486H1;
152H) HIS 320H1, 482H1
Second Year: 2. Egyptian Archaeology: JAL 328H1; NMC 343H1,
1. ARH 305H1 344H1, 362Y1, 368H1, 382Y1, 461Y1, 467H1, 468H1
2. ENV 236Y1 or one full course from GGR 201H1, 3. European and Celtic Archaeology: FAH318H1, 325H1,
203H1, 205H1, 206H1 327H1, 328H1, 418H1, 420H1, 421H1, 425H1; HIS
3. One full course equivalent from: BIO251Y1/ 321H1,322Y1, 323H1, 336H1, 357Y1, 362H1, 403Y1,
EEB202H1; BIO (230H1/EEB214H1/263Y1; CHM 412Y1, 424H1, 432H1, 482H1, 483H1; SMC 344Y1,
217H1; GGR 201H1, 205H1/270H1/272H1, 273H1; 337H1, 338H1
GLG 206H1/207H1/216H1/ 217H1 4. Historical Archaeology: ANT 412H1, FAH 376H1; GGR
Third and Fourth Years: 240H1, 241H1, 336H1, 366H1, 421H1; HIS 369H1,
1. One course from Group A 374H1, 384H1, 393H1, 456Y1
2. One course from Group C 5. Islamic Archaeology: HIS 303H1; NMC 348Y1, 365Y1,
3. 2.5 courses from Group B 366Y1, 374H1, 376H1, 393H1, 394H1, 396Y1, 464H1
4. Field Requirement: ANT 311Y1/ARH 361H1/NMC 6. Near Eastern Archaeology: JAL 328H1; NMC 346H1,
261Y1. If ARH 361H1 is taken, an additional ANT half- 347H1, 360H1, 361H1, 363H1, 364H1, 370H1, 461Y1,
credit is required. 466H1
5. Lab Requirement: ARH 312Y1/JPA (305H1,405H1) 7. North and South American Prehistory: ANT 314H1,
315H1, 316H, 317H, 319Y1, 365H1, 407H1, ; HIS
Major Program: 369H1
(7 full courses or equivalent, including at least two
8. Old World Prehistory: ANT 419H1; ARH 360Y1
300+series courses)
9. East Asian Archaeology: EAS 367H1, 406Y1,
First Year: 411H1, 412H1, 438H1
1. ANT 100Y1
2. At least one of: GGR (100H1, 101H1); MAT Archaeology Courses
135Y1/137Y1/157Y1; BIO(120H1, 130H1); CHM
See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
(138H1, 139H1); PHY (131H, 132H)/(151H, 152H)
Second Year: First Year Seminars
ANT 200Y1 The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
Third and Fourth Years: the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
1. ARH 305H1 of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
2. One 300+series course from Groups A or C seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
3. 1.5 courses from Group B and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
4. Field and Lab Requirement: 1.0 course equivalent professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
from: ANT 311Y1/ARH 361H1/NMC 261Y1 or ARH year of study. For details, see page 48.
312Y1/JPA (305H1,405H1)
ARH305H1 Archaeological Interpretation [26L]
Transforming archaeological results into statements about
Archaeology Groups people and their life ways. Covers basic archaeological
theory, including research design, sampling, stratigraphy,
Group A: Advanced Theory seriation, formation and testing or evaluation of
ANT 370H1, 409H1, 410H1, 411H1, 417H1, 420H1; ARH hypotheses, regional analyses. Introduces some of the
309H1; HIS 425H1 major schools of archaeological theory, including New
Archaeology and Post-Processual Archaeology.
Group B: Method and Interpretation Prerequisite: ANT200Y1
1. Archaeometry: CHM 317H1, 414H1, 416H1; ENV This is a Social Science course
315H1; GGR 337H1; JPA 305H1, 405H1; NMC 369Y1 DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
2. Ceramic and Lithic Analysis: ANT 406H1; NMC 369Y1,
462Y1, 465H1, 466H1, 469Y1 ARH 309H1 Archaeology, Ethics, and the Public [24L]
3. Geoarchaeology: ANT 409H1; ENV 315H1; GGR An analysis of ethics in contemporary archaeology
272H1, 273H1, 301H1, 307H1, 337H1, 373H1, 390H1, that covers reburial and repatriation, interpretation of
413H1; GLG 340H1, 360H1; NMC463Y1 the archaeological record in the context of historically
4. Osteoarchaeology and Zooarchaeology: ANT 334Y1, oppressed groups, ethnic minorities, and non-western
335Y1, 415Y1, 432H1, 433H1, 434H1; EEB 318H1, societies, the ethics of collecting and managing cultural
323H1, 324H1 property, relationships with the media, the debates
5. Paleoethnobotany: EEB 330H1, 337H1, 340H1; GGR surrounding looting, and other issues.
305H1, 390H1; JGE331H1 Prerequisite: ANT 200Y1
6. Urbanism and Settlement; ANT 318H1 DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Group C: Area Courses ARH312Y1 Archaeological Laboratory [26L, 52P]
1. Classical and Aegean Archaeology: CLA 230H1, Techniques for making archaeological data meaningful
231H1, 232H1, 233H1, 362H1, 363H1, 364H1, 365H1, after excavation or survey. Archaeological measurements,
366H1, 367H1, 368H1, 369H1, 370H1, 371H1, 389H1, compilation of data, database design, archaeological
390H1, 391H1, 392H1, 403H1; FAH 206H1, 207H1,

systematics, and sampling theory in the context of lithics,
pottery, floral, faunal and other archaeological remains.
Prerequisite: ANT200Y1, a half statistics course (e.g.
GGR270H1*, STA220H1, 221H1, 250H1, 257H1, 261H1,
*Geography pre- or co-requisites waived for Anthropology
and Archaeology students;
** to be taken at the Scarborough Campus
ARH360Y1 Prehistory of the Near East [52L]
From earliest times through the rise of complex hunter-
gatherers, and the food producing revolution to politically
complex societies in Southwest Asia.
Prerequisite: ANT200Y1/NMC260Y1
This is a Social Science course
ARH361H1 Field Archaeology [TBA]
Opportunity for students participating in non-degree credit
archaeological digs to submit reports, field notes and term
papers for degree credit.
Prerequisite: Permission of Undergraduate Co-ordinator and
ARH398H0 Independent Experiential Study Project
ARH399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project
An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus
setting. See page 48 for details.
ARH482H1 Special Topics in Archaeology [26S]
Unique opportunity to explore a particular archaeological
topic in-depth. Topics vary from year to year.
Prerequisite: A 200+ level ANT course
ARH495H1 Archaeology Research Practicum [TBA]
Laboratory or practical research on an archaeological
project that emphasizes methods and research design
in archaeology. Students must obtain the consent of a
Supervisor before enrolling. Students are required to give
an oral presentation of research results to an open meeting
of the Archaeology Centre at the conclusion of the course.
Application must be made to the Anthropology Department.
Prerequisite: A minimum of 14 credits, permission of
Supervisor and Undergraduate Coordinator.
Exclusion: ANT 497Y1
Recommended Preparation: ARH 305H1, ARH 312Y1

Architectural Studies

A Collaborative Program of the history, business, journalism, and public policy.

Faculty of Arts & Science and The Architectural Studies programs provide Major degree
options for students wishing to study architecture as part
the John H. Daniels Faculty of of a liberal arts education. The program serves as an
Architecture, Landscape, and introduction to the discipline of architecture, focusing on
the state of the art, current issues and emerging practices,
Design all considered from critical, theoretical, and historical
perspectives. Studio courses in design and visual
Faculty communication provide opportunities to learn practical,
formal, and analytical skills.
R. Sommer, BFA, B Arch, M Arch The Architectural Studies Major Programs (Hon. BA)
contain concentrations in Architectural Design or in History,
Program Director and Assistant Professor Theory, Criticism. The Architectural Design concentration
T. Bessai, BA, B Arch, M Arch is intended for students wishing an intensive exposure to
Professors Emeriti architectural design within a broad liberal arts education;
the History, Theory, Criticism concentration is intended
G. Baird, B Arch, AM (Hon)
for students wishing a broad interdisciplinary education
C. Corneil, B Arch
in architectural studies but not wishing to pursue design.
A. Eardley, AA Dipl (Hons), MA, M Arch
Introductory courses begin at the first-year level and lead
A. Elken, Dipl Ing Arch
into a sequence of courses in architectural design and
D. H. Lee, B Arch, M Sc, MBA
representation, history, theory, and technology. Emphasis
P. Prangnell, AA Dipl, M Arch
is placed on advanced theory and interdisciplinarity, since
L. W. Richards, B Arch, M Arch
contemporary architecture is intimately tied to knowledge
P. Sandori, Dipl Ing Arch
and practice in urbanism, environmentalism, literature,
B. L. van Ginkel, B Arch, MCP
media, cultural theory, art, science and technology, as
Associate Professors well as philosophy, economics, and political science.
S. T. Fong, B Arch, M Arch This program could usefully be combined with a major
R. Levit, BA, M Arch in another discipline, such as fine art, urban studies, or
D. Lieberman, BFA, AA Dipl computer science.
A.T. Liu, BA, M Arch
Graduates who have completed the Architectural Studies
M.L. Lobsinger, BA, BES, B Arch, M Des
Major program and have an Honours B.A. degree may
Assistant Professors apply to graduate professional programs in architecture or
A. Blackwell, BES, B Arch, MUD landscape architecture. For further information regarding
A. Chaouni, BSCCE, M Arch the BA Architectural Studies program, contact: enquiry@
C. Marcopolous, B Arch daniels.utoronto.ca.
L. Margolis, MLA
C. Moukheiber, B Env, B Arch Students who are interested in pursuing graduate
A. North, BLA, MLA professional studies in architecture or landscape
architecture and wish to apply to the Faculty’s Master
Senior Lecturer of Architecture or Landscape Architecture programs are
A. Payne, BA, MA, PhD advised that for the Master of Architecture the following
* For additional faculty listings please see the John H. specific courses are required: secondary school calculus
Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design (OAC Calculus, or MCB4U Advanced Functions and
web site (www.daniels.utoronto.ca). Introductory Calculus, Grade 12, University Preparation,
or equivalent); secondary school physics (OAC Physics,
Architecture is both a profession and a discipline of SPH4U Physics, Grade 12, University Preparation, or
study, offering a broad variety of career opportunities. As equivalent); and, a university level half-credit course
a profession it plays a pivotal role in the production of in architectural history. For the Master of Landscape
the built environment, bridging the technical and social, Architecture the following specific courses at the
practical and theoretical. It is a cultural and artistic practice undergraduate level are highly recommended: biology/
that is critically engaged with the forces of urbanization ecology, geography, English, and history. For further
and technological change, the challenges of environmental information regarding admission to these programs, visit
sustainability, and the struggle for cultural expression. www.daniels.utoronto.ca or contact the John H. Daniels
It involves the design, production, and organization of Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design at 416-
material culture from the scale of domestic objects to 978-5038. The Faculty sponsors a variety of lectures,
the scale of the metropolitan region. As such, studies in exhibitions and other special events for members of the
architecture interact with numerous related disciplines architectural community and the general public.
in the social sciences and humanities, as well as
engineering, technology, and media. These studies may Architectural Studies Programs
lead to professional graduate programs in architecture,
landscape architecture, planning, and urban design, as *All Architectural Studies students enrolled in studio
well as careers in related design disciplines, the arts, courses have the usage of the 5th floor design studios

Architectural Studies
at 230 College Street by way of FOB access.  In order to Major with Concentration in History, Theory, Criticism
ensure equal access for all enrolled design students, the (4.0 FCEs):
Daniels Faculty has implemented the mandatory procure- 1 Theory/Criticism: one additional of ARC 232H1,
ment and distribution of FOBs.  Starting in the Fall 2010, 233H1, 234H1, 235H1, 236H1, 237H1, 238H1, 239H1
with the 2010-2011 academic year, a mandatory fee of 2. History:
$75 (non-refundable fee) for FOB access will be made a 0.5/1.0 FCE from: FAH 206H1, 207H1, 215H1, 216H1,
requirement of registration for all students registered in 230H1, 231H1, 246H1
BAAS design courses.
1.0/1.5 FCEs from: ARC 333H1, 337H1, 338H1,
*Starting Fall 2010, an orientation session will be held 431H1, 432H1; FAH 300H1, 309H1, 316H1, 328H1,
for students accepted to the Architectural Studies 330H1, 362H1, 364H1, 370H1, 371H1, 372H1, 373H1,
Major Programs.  FOB payment and other details will 374H1, 375H1, 376H1, 380H1, 391Y0, 392Y0, 393Y0,
be addressed at the orientation session; dates and 394Y0, 395Y0, 396Y0, 397Y0, 400H1, 404H1, 405H1,
information will be posted on ROSI and on the Daniels 410H1, 413H1, 421H1, 442H1, 470H1, 471H1, 477H1;
website. Architectural Studies (Arts program) GGR457H; NMC 366Y1, 368H1, 393H1, 394H1
3. 1.5 FCEs from any of the courses in Groups A, B, C,
Architectural Studies (Arts program)
D, E listed below. Students are encouraged to take
additional courses from these Groups beyond the
Major programs:
Major to fulfill degree requirements.
(8 full courses or their equivalent, including 2.0 FCEs at
the 300+series)
Enrolment in the Architectural Studies Major Programs is Group A (Literary):
limited. Students must have completed 4.0 full courses or ENG 150Y1, 280H1, 285H1, 384Y1, 389Y1; VIC 201Y1,
their equivalent, including ARC 131H1 and ARC 132H1. 210Y1, 300Y1, 309H1, 310H1, 320Y1, 410H1, 411H1/Y1;
Minimum marks of at least 70% in both ARC 131H1 and PHL 285H1; WLD 300Y1
ARC 132H1 are required. The student¹s Cumulative Grade
Point Average will also be considered. Achieving minimum Group B (Urban):
levels above does not guarantee admission. ARC 331Y0, 333H1, 334H1, 335H1, 436H1; FAH 391Y0,
392Y0, 393Y0, 394Y0, 395Y0, 396Y0, 397Y0; GGR
NOTE: The Major programs include the 4.0 Core FCEs
124H1, 220H1, 339H1, 360H1, 361H1, 363H1, 366H1;
below plus 4.0 FCEs from one of the Concentrations
HIS 304H1; INI 235Y1, 306Y1, 430Y1, 446H1; JGI 216H1,
below. Students must check all required prerequisites and
346H1, JIE 307Y1; JPF 455Y1
co-requisites for courses before registering.
Group C (Environ):
Core Courses for Architectural Studies programs (4.0
ENV 200Y1, 321Y1, 332H1, 335H1, 450H1; GGR 107H1,
360H1, 361H1; INI 446H1; ENV 222Y1; JIE 222Y1
First Year:
1. Theory/Criticism: ARC 131H1, 132H1 Group D (Sci/Tech):
Second Year: HPS 201H1, 202H1, 306H1, 430H1, 431H1
1. Design: ARC 213H1
2. Visual: ARC 221H1 Group E (Media):
3. Theory/Criticism: ARC 231H1, and one of ARC 232H1, INI 115Y1, 322H1, 325Y1, 428H1; VIC 220Y1, 320Y1,
233H1, 234H1, 235H1, 236H1, 237H1, 238H1 or 323Y1 (formerly 420Y1), VIS 120H1
4. History: FAH 270H1, FAH 272H1
Architectural Studies Courses
Major with Concentration in Architectural Design (4.0
See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
1. Design: ARC 313H1, 314H1 First Year Seminars
2. Visual: ARC 321H1 The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
3. History: the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
1.0 FCE from: ARC 333H1, 337H1, 338H1; FAH of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
206H1, 207H1, 215H1, 216H1, 230H1, 231H1, 246H1, seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
300H1, 309H1, 316H1, 328H1, 330H1, 362H1, 364H1, and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
370H1, 371H1, 372H1, 373H1, 374H1, 375H1, 376H1, professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
380H1, 391Y0, 392Y0, 393Y0, 394Y0, 395Y0, 396Y0, year of study. For details, see page 48.
397Y0, 400H1, 404H1, 405H1, 410H1, 413H1, 421H1,
442H1, 470H1, 471H1, 477H1; GGR457H; NMC ARC131H1 Introduction to Architecture [24L]
366Y1, 368H1, 393H1, 394H1 A comprehensive introduction to the discipline, art and
4. Technics: one of ARC 341H1/342H1 profession of architecture using case studies, both
5. 1.0 FCE from any of the courses in Groups A, B, C, historical and contemporary, local and international.
D, E listed below. Students are encouraged to take DR=HUM; BR=1
additional courses from these Groups beyond the ARC132H1 Contemporary Architecture [24L]
Major to fulfill degree requirements. An introductory survey of contemporary international
architecture that examines how design is responding

Architectural Studies
to technological change, environmental degradation, DR=HUM; BR=3
accelerating globalization of economy and media, and the ARC237H1 Topics in the History and Theory of
politics of regional and cultural identity. Landscape Design [24L]
DR=HUM; BR=1 An introduction to the history and theory of urban
ARC213H1 Architectural Design I [36P] landscape design.
An introductory design studio that explores design issues DR=HUM; BR=1
and methods as they relate to constructed spaces and ARC238H1 Topics in Urban Design History and
territories. The studio explores concepts of ‘site’ and Theory [24L]
‘place’ as an introduction to the allied disciplines of An introduction to projects and practices, theories and
architectural design, landscape architecture and urban issues in contemporary urban design considered from a
design. The conventions of representation introduced in historical perspective and in the context of changing forces
ARC221 are carried forward and applied to the set design and paradigms or urbanization, technology, ecology and
problems. culture.
Prerequisite: ARC221H1; Enrolment in an ARC program DR=HUM; BR=1
ARC239H1 Introduction to Architectural Theory [24L]
ARC221H1 Architectural Representation I [36P] An introduction to the history and current state of
A studio-based introduction to the conventions and
architectural theory.
techniques of graphic communication and visual DR=HUM; BR=1
representation in the design disciplines. The course serves
as a hands-on introduction to drawing technique and ARC313H1 Architectural Design II [36P]
theory, analytical drawing and diagramming, geometry An intermediate design studio that explores design issues
and composition, and three-dimensional representation in and methods as they relate to tectonics and material
drawing and model. assemblies. A critical framework is established through
Prerequisite: Enrolment in an ARC program the introduction of theories, precedents and experimental
DR=HUM; BR=1 design strategies.
Prerequisite: ARC213H1, ARC221H1; Enrolment in the
ARC231H1 Architecture and Technology [24L] Major program with Concentration in Architectural
A selected survey of projects in the history of architecture Design
exemplary for exploring the relationship between Co-requisite: ARC321H1
architecture and technological change. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
ARC314H1 Architectural Design III [36P]
ARC232H1 Architecture, Media and Communication A final design studio that investigates techniques, methods
[24L] and theories for building design. Students are given an
An introduction to the interrelationship between opportunity to create a synthetic architectural design
architectural theory and studies in media and proposal that incorporates ideas and methods developed
communications during the twentieth century. over the combined studio cycle of the program.
DR=HUM; BR=1 Prerequisite: ARC313H1; Enrolment in the Major program
ARC233H1 Post-Colonial Studies in Architecture with Concentration in Architectural Design
An introduction to the emerging field of research in history ARC321H1 Architectural Representation II [36P]
and theory concerning the role of architecture, urban An intermediate studio-based course that explores
design and allied design areas in the relationship between a range of contemporary techniques and theories in
western and non-western nations during and after the visual representation as they are deployed in the design
period of colonialism. disciplines. Students are given the opportunity to work
DR=HUM; BR=1 in a selection of two-dimensional, three-dimensional and
ARC234H1 Architecture & Cultural Difference [24L] digital media.
An introduction to contemporary issues in architecture Prerequisite: ARC213H1, ARC221H1; Enrolment in the
pertaining to cultural difference, the politics of cultural Major program with Concentration in Architectural
identity, and possible structures and strategies for Design
heterogeneity. Co-requisite: ARC313H1
ARC235H1 Architectural Criticism [24L] ARC331Y0 Studies in International Architecture [52L]
An introductory course in architectural criticism that For students in the International Summer Program.
reviews the writings of major critics, the history of Documentation and analysis of architecture and urbanism
criticism in architecture and the use of alternative critical in the city where the programme is based. Topics
perspectives. may include building types, urban morphology and
DR=HUM; BR=1 development, public spaces, urban precincts, and ways of
life supported by them. Cities may vary each year.
ARC236H1 Design and Cultural Transformation [24L]
Prerequisite: One half course in architectural history/
A survey of the social, economic, technological and
theory; or, permission of the instructor
cultural factors that have been instrumental in transforming
material culture since the Industrial Revolution.

Architectural Studies
ARC333H1 Urban Design History, Theory Criticism ARC342H1 Building Technology-Ecology II [24L]
[24L] A topic-based course in the history and theory of building
An introduction to selected projects and practices, theories science and structures.
and issues in contemporary urban design considered from Prerequisite: ARC231H1; Enrolment in the Major program
an historical perspective and in the context of changing with Concentration in Architectural Design
forces and paradigms of urbanization, technology, ecology DR=HUM; BR=TBA
and culture. ARC398H0 Independent Experiential Study Project
Prerequisite: Enrolment in an ARC Major program with
Concentration in Architectural Design/Major program ARC399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project
with Concentration in History, Theory, Criticism An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus
DR=HUM; BR=TBA setting. See page 48 for details.
Prerequisite: Enrolment in the Major program with
ARC334H1 Urban Design History, Theory Criticism II Concentration in Architectural Design
A selective survey of the interrelationships between
theories and practices of landscape, ecology, and ARC431H1 Historical Perspectives on Topics in
urbanism from the mid-eighteenth century to the late Architecture [24L]
twentieth. An introduction to selected projects, writings and issues
Prerequisite: Enrolment in the ARC Major program with in contemporary world architecture considered from an
Concentration in History, Theory, Criticism/Major historical perspective and in the context of changing
program with Concentration in Architectural Design technologies, ecologies and cultural formations.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: ARC Major program with Concentration in
History, Theory, Criticism
ARC335H1 History/Theory of Urban Landscape DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Architecture Design I [24L]
Study of landscape architecture elements in gardens, ARC432H1 Historical Perspectives on Topics in
public open space, parks, and urban development. Fosters Architecture II [24L]
an understanding of landscape architecture considering A second introduction to selected projects, writings and
examples from ancient to modern times. Places historical issues in contemporary world architecture considered from
positions in landscape architecture within a more an historical perspective and in the context of changing
contemporary context. Landscape architectural design technologies, ecologies and cultural formations.
from the standpoint of: a work of art, a manifestation of Prerequisite: ARC Major program with Concentration in
cultural ideologies, and an act of humans in “nature”. History, Theory, Criticism
Prerequisite: Enrolment in the ARC Major program with DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Concentration in History, Theory, Criticism /Major ARC436H1 History/Theory of Contemporary Urban
program with Concentration in Architectural Design Landscape Design II [24L]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA The nature and origin of theories and principles in
ARC337H1 Housing Design: Theory & Practice [24L] contemporary landscape architecture through lectures,
Urban housing forms and processes since 1800. seminar discussions and workshops. Design problems and
Contemporary housing theories and policies in the context the historic relationship to landscape issues; alternative
of world issues. Design principles, criteria and practice design methods and characteristics of design motivations,
investigated through case studies. constraints and expression in landscape as a media of
Prerequisite: Enrolment in the ARC Major program with practice.
Concentration in History, Theory, Criticism/Major Prerequisite: Enrolment in the ARC Major program with
program with Concentration in Architectural Design Concentration in Architectural Design/Major program
DR=HUM; BR=TBA with Concentration in History, Theory, Criticism
ARC338H1 Mies van der Rohe [24L]
An in depth examination of the work and thought of
German-American architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.
Prerequisite: Enrolment in the ARC Major program with
Concentration in History, Theory, Criticism/Major
program with Concentration in Architectural Design
ARC341H1 Building Technology-Ecology I [24L]
An introduction to building technology considered
historically, in its relation to design theory, and its relation
to the history and theory of technology.
Prerequisite: ARC231H1; Enrolment in the Major program
with Concentration in Architectural Design

Faculty W. Kwan (University of Toronto Scarborough)
T. Mars (University of Toronto Scarborough)
Professors Emeriti Associate Faculty
K. Andrews, MFA K.R. Bartlett, MA, Ph D (V)
H.A. Brooks, MA, Ph D, D Eng
L.E. Eleen, MA, Ph D Adjunct Professor
W. McA. Johnson, MA, MFA, Ph D, FRSC Y. Hendeles, C.M., O.Ont, Ph.D Amsterdam, LL.D
H.K. Lücke, Dr Phil University of Toronto, Nova Scotia College of Art
D.S. Richardson, MA, Ph D (U) and Design, Ontario College of Art and Design
D. Rifat, DA (Hons)
J.W. Shaw, MAT, Ph D, D Hum Lett, FSA, FRSC (T) Royal Ontario Museum
M.C. Shaw, MA, Ph D (S) D. Dewan, MA, Ph D
B. Welsh-Orcharov, MA, Ph D A. Gehmacher, MA, Ph D
F.E. Winter, Ph D A. Liivandi, MA, MLS
Chair of the Department A. Palmer, MA, Ph D
E. M. M. Legge, MA, Ph D S. Stock, MA, Ph D
Associate Chair - Visual Studies Courses in the Department of Art are offered in two basic
L. Steele, Dr. of Arts areas: lecture courses or seminars in the History of Art (FAH)
and practical studios or seminars in Visual Studies (VIS).
Professors Minor, Major and Specialist programs are offered in both the
M.A. Cheetham, MA, Ph D (U) History of Art and Visual Studies.
D. Reid, MA (AGO)
P.L. Sohm, MA, Ph D (U) The FAH curriculum covers the Bronze Age to the present
L. Steele, Dr. of Arts in several global regions: the Mediterranean area, Europe
and North America, and Asia. FAH101H1 is an overview of
Associate Professors the major periods and monuments in the history of art and
C. Anderson, MA, PhD architecture, and FAH102H1 serves as a practical and critical
J. Caskey, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga) introduction to the practice of art history and is an integral
A. S. Cohen MA, Ph D component of the curriculum; students are encouraged to
L. Kaplan, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga) take this class early in their progress toward an FAH degree.
E.M. Kavaler, MA, Ph D Half courses at the 200 level are more comprehensive
C. Knappett, PhD, FSA surveys that thematically introduce the material from specific
(Homer Thompson/Walter Graham Chair in Aegean chronological periods, regional areas, or the history of
Prehistory) archtiecture. Many of these courses, which are offered on a
E.M.M. Legge, MA, Ph D (V) regular basis, serve as “gateway” preprequisites for courses
E. Levy, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga) at the 300 and 400 level; students are advised to check the
S. Lloyd, MFA prerequisites for each upper-level course carefully.
J. Massey
S. Schelle Visual Studies is the studio component of the Department
J. Tod of Art. Visual Studies Foundation courses are designed
K. Tomczak for Humanities and Social Science students who intend to
J.T. Wollesen, Dr. phil. habil. (V) seriously pursue Visual Studies upper level courses. There
is a two-stage enrolment process. Humanities and Social
Assistant Professors Science students who have been accepted into a Visual
B. C. Ewald, MA, Dr. Phil Studies Program of Study may register for Visual Studies
E. Harney, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Scarborough) courses from mid-July until early August. First-year students
Kajri Jain, MA, PhD (UTM) and other upper-year students may apply for available
N. O’Laoghaire, MA, Ph D spaces in late August.
E. Pien, MFA
J. Purtle, MA, M Phil, Ph D Foundation courses: VIS 120H1, Visual Concepts, a
J. Ricco, AM, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga) lecture-based course that investigates a wide range of topics
A. Syme, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga) situated in Modernism and Post-Modernism. This course
S. Wiitasalo rigorously examines diverse art concepts in order to prepare
students for interdisciplinary perspectives on art practice and
Lecturers critical theory in upper level courses. VIS130 is an intensive
M. Hlady BFA . MFA (University of Toronto at interdisciplinary course that stresses the formulation and
Scarborough ) communication of visual ideas, primarily through a variety
A. Irving BFA, MFA ( University of Toronto at of media and must be taken in conjunction with VIS 120H1,
Scarborough ) Visual Concepts. It is offered in the Winter term, and is
Senior Lecturers available only to those students who achieve a grade of 60%
Barbara Fischer, MA or greater in VIS120
G. Hawken, BA Visual Studies emphasizes a strong commitment to
D. Hlynsky (University of Toronto Scarborough) the social, cultural and theoretical issues embodied in

contemporary art practice. Some Visual Studies courses are Enquiries:
credits in other programs, for example, Women in Visual
Art, and Performance in the Women’s Studies program, FAH: Ms. Ilse Wister, Undergaduate Secretary, Sidney Smith
Video for Artists in the Cinema Studies program and the Hall, Room 6036 (416-978-7892)
Sexual Diversity program. . Students in these programs VIS: George Hawken, Number 1, Spadina Crescent, Room
will need to fulfill the VIS120 and VIS130 prerequisites for 226 (416-946-8153)
upper level VIS courses and might consider entering a VIS
Minor POSt. The scope and variety of available courses will
provide students with preparation for careers in teaching,
Art Programs
museum and gallery work, conservation and complementary
History of Art (Arts program)
fields, though further professional training will normally be
necessary. Students may enroll in the Major or Minor program in Art
History after completing at least four courses; there is
Courses in the history of art (FAH) and in the practice of no minimum GPA required. Students may enroll in the
art (VIS) are useful to students in other departments or Specialist Program in Art History after completing at least
faculties; history, literature, music, and philosophy are four courses, including four half FAH courses with a mark
likewise concerned with systems of thought and imagery. of at least 70% in each and must also have obtained a a
Fundamental concepts in such disciplines are embodied cumulative GPA of at least 2.5.
or reflected in related works of art of the same general
period and area. Students in architecture, geography, or 1 course=1 FCE (one full course equivalent); e.g.,
city planning will find courses in the history of architecture FAH101H1 + FAH102H1 = 1 course or 1 FCE)
of benefit. Those with a special interest in the practice of One half course = 0.5 FCE; e.g., FAH102H1
architecture will find studio courses of value.
Specialist program:
At the same time, the Department directs the attention (11 FCES)
of its students to the wide range of offerings in other
departments and urges them to acquire the broad cultural At least nine FAH FCE’s, and two FCE’s in one or more
background essential to an understanding of the arts. Of languages including at least one German, French, or Italian,
special importance are familiarity with history, a knowledge though an acceptable alternative modern language such as
of the various traditions of literature and mythology, and an Dutch or Russian (or Chinese and/or another Asian language
acquaintance with philosophy. Courses in cultural, historical may be acceptable. Students specializing in Ancient or
or urban geography may also be relevant in programs Medieval art should also recognize the necessity of studying
that include the history of architecture. It is imperative that Greek and/or Latin. Students interested in pursuing Asian art
students interested in pursuing an advanced degree in art history will need to acquire Chinese and/or Japanese and/or
history acquire the foreign languages necessary for such another Asian language.
work. Although the choice of languages will be dependent on First Year:
an individual’s program of study, it is generally recommended FAH 102H1
that students learn German and at least one other European Higher Years:
language. The Department web site provides a list of 1. At least one half course in each of Groups A, B, C, and
courses in other departments that can be counted toward an D (see below for definitions).
art history degree. 2. One additional half course in Group A and Group B.
In conjunction with Woodsworth College, the Department 3. No more than 3.5 FCEs may be taken at the 200-level.
offers courses during the summer term at the University of 4. 3.5 FCEs at the 300+level
Siena, Italy, and at other locations abroad. For information 5. 1 FCE at the 400 level.
about these degree-credit courses, please consult the 6. No more than 1.5 FCEs at the 400-level will be counted
Department of Art web site or contact the Summer Abroad toward fulfilling program requirements.
Program at Woodsworth College, 119 St. George Street 7. No more than 10 FCEs of FAH courses may be taken in
(416-978-8713). total.
The Fine Art Student Union (FASU) sponsors a variety of 1. It is strongly recommended that students acquire a
lectures and other activities for members of the departmental reading knowledge of German, French, or Italian by the
community. end of the Third Year.
Many courses in the Department, whether history or 2. No more than 13 FAH and VIS FCEs may be taken in
studio, are offered in alternate years only, or on a three- combination.
year cycle. The studio program requires no prerequisite at 3. Approved courses in other programs may be substituted
the secondary school level, but enrolment is limited in all for up to two FAH FCEs. See Department web site for
studio courses. For more detailed information on courses details.
and degree programs, consult the Department of Art web Major program:
site and Undergraduate Handbook at www.art.utoronto. (6 FCEs)
ca. Counselling is available, by appointment, from the
Undergraduate Coordinators. At least six FAH FCEs fulfilling the following distribution
First Year:

FAH 102H1 Specialist program:
Higher Years: (Ten full courses or their equivalent, including four 300/400
1. At least one half course in three of the four FAH Groups VIS half courses, two of which must be VIS401H1 and
(see below for definitions). VIS402H1, and two FAH full courses or their equivalent
2. Three FCEs at the 300+ level. including FAH102H1 and three other FAH half courses)
3. At least one half-course at the 400-level.
Requirements as follows: at least eight VIS and two FAH full
4. No more than 1.0 FCE at the 400-level will be counted
courses or their equivalent including FAH102H1 and three
toward fulfilling program requirements.
other FAH half courses
5. No more than 7.5 FCEs of FAH courses may be taken in
total. First Year:
VIS 120H1, FAH 102H1 and VIS 130H1
Higher Years:
1. No more than 13 FAH and VIS FCEs may be taken in
1. 14 half-courses in VIS
combination; of these, no more than 7.5 may be FAH
2. Thesis Text/Critique VIS401H; Thesis projectVIS402H
2. Approved courses in other programs may be substituted Notes:
for up to one FAH FCE. See Department web site for 1. A full 400-series course is mandatory
details. 2. Prerequisites for all courses beyond first year will be VIS
120H1 and VIS130H1
Minor program: 3. No more than 13 FAS/VIS and FAH full courses may be
(4 FCEs) taken in combination
At least four FAH courses fulfilling the following distribution Major program:
requirements: (Six Visual Studies full courses or their equivalent, including
1. FAH102H1 at least two 300+ half courses)
2. At least one half course in two of the four FAH Groups First Year:
(see below for definitions) VIS 120H1 and VIS 130H1
3. At least one FCE at the 300-level. Higher Years:
4. No more than 5 FCEs of FAH courses may be taken in Ten half-courses in VIS
total Notes:
FAH Course Groups No more than 13 FAH and FAS/VIS full courses may be
taken in combination
Group A: Ancient, Medieval
FAH courses numbered 200–229, 300–329, 400–429 Minor program:
(No more than four Visual Studies full courses or their
Group B: Renaissance–Baroque, Modern– equivalent, including at least one full 300-level course or its
Contemporary–Canadian equivalent.)
FAH courses numbered 230–59, 330–59, 430–59
Group C: Asian No more than 4 full courses may be taken in a Minor Subject
FAH courses numbered 260–69, 360–69, 460–69 POSt
1. VIS 120H1 and VIS 130H1
Group D: History of Architecture 2. Six half-courses in VIS
FAH courses numbered 270–79, 370–79, 470–79, plus 3. Note: VIS minors are not permitted to take VIS401 and
FAH300, 309, 328, 362, 364, 404, 421 VIS402, or any Independent VIS courses

Note: Art History Courses

1. Certain courses, including FAH101H1, do not satisfy the See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
requirement for any group, but do count toward any FAH
degree program. First Year Seminars
2. Students who have already taken FAH100Y1 are The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide the
encouraged, but not required, to take FAH102H1 for the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class of no
fulfillment of degree requirements. more than twenty-four students. These interactive seminars
3. Courses used to satisfy one group requirement, e.g., are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity and provide
FAH300, cannot be counted toward another group an opportunity to get to know a member of the professorial
requirement. staff in a seminar environment during the first year of study.
For details, see page 48.
Visual Studies (Arts program)
FAH101H1 Monuments of Art History [24L]
Enrolment in the VIS program is limited. To apply to the Consideration of the stylistic and contextual significance of
program, students must have completed at least four full representative monuments in the history of art.
course equivalents including VIS 120H1 and VIS130H1; must Exclusion: FAH100Y/FAH105H5
have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.80; and must have at DR=HUM; BR=1
least a B in each of VIS 120H1 and 130H1. Achievement of
these minimum marks does not guarantee enrolment in the FAH102H1 The Practice of Art History [24L, 12T]
program. An investigation of the intellectual foundations of the
discipline and an introduction to working methods in the

study of art history. in Italy, France, the Netherlands, Flanders, Germany and
DR=HUM; BR=None (This course has no status for breadth England.
requirement purposes) Exclusion: FAH200Y5/279H1/279H5
HUM199H1 First Year Seminar [24S]
FAH245H1 Modernism and anti-Modernism, c. 1750–
HUM199Y1 First Year Seminar [48S]
1900 [24L, 11T]
Undergraduate seminar that focuses on specific ideas,
An introduction to the advent and development of art
questions, phenomena or controversies, taught by a regular
movements including Rococo and Neoclassicism;
Faculty member deeply engaged in the discipline. Open
Romanticism and Revolution, Realism and the advent
only to newly admitted first year students. It may serve as a
of Photography, Impressionism; Academic art; Post-
distribution requirement course; See page 52.
Exclusion: FAH280H1/287H1/287H5
Note DR=HUM; BR=1
The recommended preparation for all 200 level courses is
FAH246H1 The Rise and Fall of the Modernist Empire c.
1900 to the Present [24L, 11T]
FAH206H1 Prehistoric Aegean and East Mediterranean An introduction to the consolidation of Modernist tendencies
Art and Archaeology [24L, 11T] in Europe to the mid 20th century and to the many
An overview of the major monuments, artifacts, themes and contemporary responses to these achievements. Individual
problems in the study of the archaeology, art and architecture artists, including Picasso, Matisse, Duchamp, and Matthew
of the Aegean region and the east Mediterranean to 1000BC. Barney are considered in their relationship to various art
Exclusion: FAH101Y5/203H5/204H5/205H1 movements and the theories that supported them, including
DR=HUM; BR=1 Expressionism; Abstraction and Constructivism; Dada and
Surrealism; Neue Sachlichkeit; Abstract Expressionism; Pop;
FAH207H1 Greek and Roman Art and Archaeology [24L, Conceptual Art; Earth Art; Feminist Art; Postmodernism; New
11T] Media Art.
An overview of the major monuments, artifacts, themes and Exclusion: FAH288H1/288H5/289H1/289H5
problems in the study of the archaeology, art and architecture DR=HUM; BR=1
of the civilizations of Greece and Rome.
Exclusion: FAH101Y5/203H5/204H5/205H1 FAH248H1 Canadian Painting and Sculpture (formerly
DR=HUM; BR=1 FAH286H1) [24L, 11T]
An introductory survey of the history of painting and sculpture
FAH215H1 Early Medieval Art and Architecture [24L, in Canada from the 17th to the 20th century.
11T] Exclusion: FAH286H1
An overview of major monuments and themes in the art and DR=HUM; BR=1
architecture of Western Europe and the Byzantine East from
the third until the eleventh century. FAH260H1 The Artistic Landscape of East Asia
Exclusion: FAH102Y5/261H1/267H5/271H5 (formerly FAH290H1) [24L, 11T]
DR=HUM; BR=1 An overview of major monuments and themes in the art and
architecture of East Asia (China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam,
FAH216H1 Later Medieval Art and Architecture [24L, Mongolia and Tibet), from the neolithic to the present.
11T] Exclusion: FAH290H1
An overview of major monuments and themes in the art and DR=HUM; BR=1
architecture of Western Europe and the Byzantine East from
the eleventh until the fifteenth century. FAH262H1 Art and Visual Experience in Modern and
Exclusion: FAH102Y5/261H1/267H5/271H5 Contemporary East Asia [24L, 11T]
DR=HUM; BR=1 An overview of major monuments and themes in the art and
architecture of East Asia (China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam,
FAH230H1 Renaissance Art and Architecture (formerly Mongolia and Tibet) and its diaspora in the nineteenth and
FAH274H1) [24L, 11T] twentieth centuries.
A selective survey of the major art centres and types of DR=HUM; BR=1
artistic and architectural production in Italy and northern
Europe, from the early fifteenth century to the mid-sixteenth. FAH270H1 Architecture: Rituals and Monuments [24L,
Themes include the relations--artistic, economic and 11T]
ideological--between northern and southern Europe during A survey of architecture from pre-history to the start of
this period, the changing role of art in religious life, the modernism, with attention given to the ways in which
emergence of secular themes, and the legacies left by architecture shapes human experience.
Renaissance art to modern life and culture. DR=HUM; BR=1
Exclusion: FAH200Y5/274H/274H51 FAH272H1 Modern Architecture from 1750 to the
DR=HUM; BR=1 Present [24L, 11T]
FAH231H1 Baroque Art and Architecture (formerly An introduction to the buildings, issues and ideas from
FAH279H1) [24L, 11T] Neoclassicism to the present.
Major forms of expression in the visual arts ca. 1600 - ca. Exclusion: FAH282H1
1750 with particular attention to forms, techniques, theories, DR=HUM; BR=1
and patronage of the arts as well as biographies of artists FAH299Y1 Research Opportunity Program

Credit course for supervised participation in faculty research Prerequisite: FAH205H1/207H1
project. See page 48 for details. Exclusion: FAH317H1
Note FAH313H1 Greek Myth in Ancient Art [24L]
In addition to the prerequisites listed below, enrolment is also A general introduction to Greek mythology and its uses
possible for each course with permission of instructor. (and abuses) by the Greeks and Romans through the art
of antiquity. Students will learn about gods and goddesses,
FAH300H1 Archaeology of the Greek World: Cities and heroes and heroines, their attributes and stories which
Sanctuaries [24L] constituted the subjects of (not only) ancient art.
An investigation of the major archaeological sites and DR=HUM; BR=TBA
landscapes of the ancient Greek world, c.750-100BC.
FAH316H1 Accessing the Sacred [24L]
Prerequisite: FAH205H1/207H1
Pilgrimage, relics, and icons are among the vehicles for
gaining access to God and the saints in the Middle Ages that
FAH303H1 Emergence of Greek Civilisation [24L] are examined in this course.
This course investigates the material culture, art and Prerequisite: FAH215H1/216H1/261H1/343H5
architecture of the Aegean civilizations from the Neolithic DR=HUM; BR=TBA
through to the building of the palaces of Crete around
FAH318H1 Monastic Art and Architecture [24L]
An examination of the role played by monks and nuns in the
Prerequisite: FAH205H1/FAH207H1
creation and use of art and architecture in the Middle Ages.
Prerequisite: FAH215H1/216H1/261H1/454H5
FAH304H1 Minoan and Mycenaean Art and Archaeology DR=HUM; BR=TBA
FAH319H1 Illuminated Manuscripts [24L]
An investigation of the palace civilizations of Minoan Crete
A focused survey of different types of manuscripts and their
and Mycenaean Greece in the second millennium BC;
images from the origins of the book in Late Antiquity to the
their development, art, architecture, foreign connections,
invention of printing.
religion, and collapse, and role in the foundations of Classical
Prerequisite: FAH215H1/216H1/261H1
Recommended Preparation: SMC358H
Prerequisite: FAH205H1/206H1
FAH325H1 Church Decoration [24L]
FAH305H1 Art and Archaeology of the Roman Empire
The church was the primary locus of artistic elaboration in
the Middle Ages. This course explores the wall paintings,
The art, archaeology and architecture of the Roman empire
mosaics, sculptures, textiles, and stained glass programs
outside Rome.
used to decorate churches throughout the medieval period.
Prerequisite: FAH205H1/207H1
Prerequisite: FAH215H1/216H1/261H1
Exclusion: FAH302H1
FAH326H1 Art and Liturgy [24L]
FAH309H1 City of Rome [24L]
Religious practices in the Middle Ages were expressed and
The art, architecture and archaeology of the city of Rome to
enhanced with a variety of objects often made of precious
materials. This course examines the forms and functions of
Prerequisite: FAH205H1/207H1
these sacred implements.
Exclusion: FAH302H1
Prerequisite: FAH215H1/216H1/261H1
FAH310H1 Looking at Greek Vases [24L]
FAH327H1 Secular Art and Architecture of the Middle
Approaches to and investigations of the extraordinary wealth
Ages [24L]
of imagery on Greek vases from the 8th to 4th centuries BC
A consideration of art and architecture made for the court,
and the evidence these provide for accessing ancient society
the aristocracy, and other patrons outside the realm of the
in the Greek world.
Christian church.
Prerequisite: FAH205H1/207H1
Prerequisite: FAH215H1/216H1/261H1/337H5
FAH311H1 Understanding Greek Sculpture [24L]
FAH328H1 Gothic Cathedral (formerly FAH369H1) [24L]
Examination of the contexts in which Greek statuary was
An examination of the Gothic cathedral from its origins in
made, displayed and viewed, and its cultural significance.
Paris in the 1130’s through its development and elaboration
Prerequisite: FAH205H1/207H1
in France, England and Italy. This course also considers
monumental decorations in painted glass, wall painting,
FAH312H1 Art of the Hellenistic Age (formerly tapestry and portal sculpture.
FAH317H1) [24L] Prerequisite: FAH215H1/216H1/261H1/351H5
Transformation in the visual arts, paintings, sculpture, and Exclusion: FAH369H1
mosaics of the expanding Greek world c.400BC to c.100BC; DR=HUM; BR=TBA
the response to Hellenization from the new artistic centres of
FAH330H1 German Art and Architecture in the Age of
Asia Minor and Italy.
Dürer (formerly FAH306H1) [24L]

Albrecht Dürer and the painting and printmaking of his Prerequisite: FAH230H1/231H1/274H1/279H1
contemporaries. Consideration of the great Hall churches DR=HUM; BR=TBA
of Saxony and the altarpieces of Tilman Riemenschneider FAH342H1 Mannerism [24L]
and his contemporaries; the status of the arts and attitudes The symptoms and causes of Mannerism, ca. 1520 to ca.
towards Italian art, and the consequences of the Reformation 1600, as seen through shifting historical perspectives. The
for religious imagery. contested status of Mannerism opens questions about the
Prerequisite: FAH230H1/231H1/274H1/279H1 relation of style and content, the uses of quotation and
Exclusion: FAH306H1 formulae in art, and the rhetorical functions of beauty in
DR=HUM; BR=TBA religious art.
FAH331H1 Netherlandish Renaissance Art and Culture Prerequisite: FAH230H1/231H1/274H1/279H1
(formerly FAH307H1) [24L] DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Painting, sculpture and architecture of the Netherlands FAH344H1 Rembrandt, Rubens and their Age (formerly
in the sixteenth century with reference to the arts in Italy, FAH277H1) [24L]
France, Germany and Spain. Consideration of Netherlandish Introduction to the art of Rembrandt and Rubens in the
art in the context of literature, religion, urban expansion, context of Netherlandish painting of the seventeenth century.
political and economic developments; and as a system of Lectures will treat the approaches of these two artists to
communication. Particular attention devoted to Hieronymus biblical and mythological subjects, landscape, portraiture,
Bosch, Pieter Bruegel, the rise of secular art. and their involvement in contemporary politics.
Prerequisite: FAH230H1/231H1/274H1/279H1 Exclusion: FAH277H1
Exclusion: FAH307H1 Recommended preparation: FAH101H/102H
FAH333H1 The Altarpiece in Italy ca. 1400 - ca. 1600 FAH345H1 The Romantic Movement in French Art
[24L] (formerly FAH383H1) [24L]
Focusing on developments in Venice, Florence and Rome This course explores the painting, sculpture, and graphic
during the Renaissance, this course examines altarpieces arts of the Romantic era in France, from about 1820 to
both as aesthetic objects and as expressions of the social, 1850. Major emphasis on Gericault, Delacroix, and Ingres
religious and political structures for which they were made. in their artistic, cultural, and political context. Key topics in
Prerequisite: FAH230H1/231H1/274H1/279H1 Romanticism, including Orientalism and gender, are also
DR=HUM; BR=TBA explored.
FAH335H1 The Art of Love in the Renaissance [24L] Prerequisite: FAH245H1/246H1/287H1
Love is studied not only as a favorite theme of Renaissance Exclusion: FAH383H1
art, but as the basis of some of its fundamental aesthetic DR=HUM; BR=TBA
claims. The question of love connects Renaissance art FAH346H1 Impressionism (formerly FAH378H1) [24L]
to important strains of philosophical thought and religious The origin and development of Impressionism in France and
spirituality, as well as to some urgent realities of social life. Europe, 1860-1886, in its social, political and intellectual
Prerequisite: FAH230H1/231H1/274H1/279H1 context. Painting, graphics and sculpture by Monet, Renoir,
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Degas, Pissarro, Sisley, Cassatt and Morisot.
FAH339H1 Art and Politics in Italy, 1480-1527 [24L] Prerequisite: FAH245H1/246H1/287H1
A wide array of works in architecture, painting and sculpture Exclusion: FAH378H1/378H5
studied in light of some of the most important political and DR=HUM; BR=TBA
social developments of the period: the French invasion of FAH347H1 Cubism and Related Movements (formerly
Italy, the rise of Savonarola and the fate of the Medici, the FAH384H1) [24L]
imperialization of the papacy under Julius II, and the Sack of An investigation of the birth and development of Cubism,
Rome. Futurism and Orphism in Europe and North America.
Prerequisite: FAH230H1/231H1/274H1/279H1 Prerequisite: FAH245H1/246H1/287H1/288H1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Exclusion: FAH384H1
FAH340H1 17th-Century Art of the Netherlands DR=HUM; BR=TBA
(formerly FAH308H1) [24L] FAH348H1 The Dada and Surrealist Tradition (formerly
Concentration on the major masters of Holland’s Golden FAH385H1) [24L]
Age, ca. 1580-ca. 1700. Particular attention is paid to genre The origins and development of the Dada and Surrealist
painting and the notion of “Dutch realism.” Consideration of movements in early 20th-century Western art, and their
art within its social and historical contexts. lasting impact on art after World War II. Painting, sculpture,
Prerequisite: FAH230H1/231H1/274H1/279H1 graphic arts, and the theoretical preoccupation which
Exclusion: FAH308H1 accompanied artistic production.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: FAH245H1/246H1/288H1/289H1
FAH341H1 Venetian Renaissance Art and Architecture Exclusion: FAH385H1/447H5
Form and meaning, theory and practice of painting and FAH349H1 Abstraction in Twentieth-Century Art
architecture in Venice, ca. 1450-ca. 1600. Social, political (formerly FAH387H1) [24L]
and cultural contexts of making and viewing art, including The origins, development, and critical issues pertaining to
works by Giorgione, Titian, Veronese, Tintoretto and Palladio. abstract or non-figurative modes of art as manifested in

painting, sculpture and other selected media in the 20th DR=HUM; BR=TBA
century. Movements include European abstract art before FAH364H1 Art and Architecture in South Asia [24L]
World War II as well as post-war developments. An overview of major monuments and themes in the art
Prerequisite: FAH102H1/245H1/246H1/288H1/289H1/385H1 and architecture of South Asia (India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka,
Exclusion: FAH387H1 Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, Afghanistan), from the
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Indus Valley Civilization (3500 BCE) to the present. Includes
FAH350H1 Minimalism (formerly FAH389H1) [24L] first-hand study of objects in ROM collection.
An investigation of the different definitions and issues of Prerequisite: any 200 level FAH half course/ any course in
minimal art including seriality, materials, process, objecthood, Asian history, culture, or religion
chance, installation, reception, relations to music and film, Recommended: FAH260H1
and the influence of structuralism. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: FAH102H1/245H1/246H1/288H1/289H1 FAH365H1 Colonialism, Nationalism and Modernity in
Exclusion: FAH389H1 South Asian Art [24L]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Intersections of politics and the production of visual culture
FAH351H1 Theory in Art History (formerly FAH388H1) during the 19th and early 20th century are examined in this
[24L] course, from picturesque paintings by European visitors to
The role of Theory in the art of the modern period. The texts early Bollywood cinema. Includes first-hand study of objects
studied include works by the principal theoreticians and in ROM collection.
critics from the late 18th century to the present. Prerequisite: FAH260H1/262H1/ 364H1
Prerequisite: FAH102H1/245H1/246H1/287H1/288H1/289H1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Exclusion: FAH388H1/388H5 FAH368H1 Encounters: Art Within and Beyond East
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Asia [24L]
FAH354H1 Recent and Contemporary Canadian Art Artistic production moved fluidly within and beyond East Asia.
(formerly FAH386H1) [24L] To understand the artistic world of East Asia, this course
Survey of the visual arts in Canada from the 1960’s to the probes phenomena that may include Buddhist art, art of
present. A large and diverse range of media, practices, conquest dynasties, Chinoiserie, art of the Pacific Rim, film,
artists, and theoretical contexts will be examined. Emphasis and contemporary art.
is placed on work that can be seen in the original. Prerequisite: any 200 level FAH half course/any 100 or 200
Prerequisite: FAH102H1/245H1/246H1/248H1/286H1/288H level EAS Society-Culture course
1/289H1 Recommended preparation: FAH260H1
Exclusion: FAH386H1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=HUM; BR=TBA FAH370H1 European Renaissance Architecture
FAH361H1 Art and Ritual in East Asia [24L] (formerly FAH324H1) [24L]
Bronze vessels, tomb furnishings, and Buddhist images are Architecture and architectural theory ca. 1400 – ca. 1600.
among the images and objects explicitly manufactured for Prerequisite: FAH270H1/278H1
ritual use to be examined in this course. Exclusion: FAH324H1
Prerequisite: any 200 level FAH half course/any 100 or 200 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
level EAS Society-Culture course FAH371H1 Architecture and Urbanism in Baroque
Recommended preparation: FAH260H1 Europe (formerly FAH355H1) [24L]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Architecture studied through its various building types and
FAH362H1 Landscape and the Built Environment in in its urban context. Themes include architecture and power
East Asia [24L] under Absolutism, and the rise of the modern city.
In East Asia the idea of landscape significantly shaped Prerequisite: FAH270H1/278H1/281H1
artistic production. This course explores human Exclusion: FAH355H1
representation of, and architectonic intervention in the DR=HUM; BR=TBA
landscape through media that include tombs, Buddhist FAH372H1 Architecture in the Age of Historicism ca.
caves, painting, gardening, and architecture. 1750–ca. 1900 (formerly FAH281H1) [24L]
Prerequisite: any 200 level FAH half course/any 100 or 200 Major monuments and key figures in architecture
level EAS Society-Culture course and urbanism in Europe and North America from the
Recommended preparation: FAH260H1 Enlightenment to the birth of Modernism.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: FAH270H1/272H1/278H1
FAH363H1 The Mechanics of the Image in East Asia Exclusion: FAH281H
East Asian images differ from Western ones in material FAH373H1 Modern Architecture Since 1890 (formerly
support, format, and technologies of image-making. This FAH282H1) [24L]
course probes how East Asian images -- painting on objects, Major monuments and key figures in architecture and
handscrolls, prints, optical media, film, and new media – urbanism from Industrialization to the mid-twentieth century.
work. Topics may include architectural theory, colonialism, and new
Prerequisite: any 200 level FAH half course/any 100 or 200 technologies.
level EAS Society-Culture course Prerequisite: FAH270H1/272H1/278H1/281H1
Recommended preparation: FAH260H1 Exclusion: FAH282H1

DR=HUM; BR=TBA component in the history of art. The Department of Art
offers, through Woodsworth College, courses abroad on a
FAH374H1 Consequences of Modernism: Architecture
regular basis and encourages students to consider enroling
after 1945 (formerly FAH382H1) [24L]
in these. Courses are offered on a rotating basis; please
An examination of architectural theory and practice from the
consult Woodsworth College Summer Abroad web site, www.
end of Modernism to the present.
summerabroad.utoronto.ca, the department’s web site, and
Prerequisite: FAH270H1/272H1/278H1/281H1/282H1
the registration handbook for information on specific courses
offered in any given year.
FAH375H1 American Architecture: A Survey [24L]
Vernacular traditions of the colonial period, patterns of FAH391Y0 Studies Abroad in Ancient Art and
settlement and urbanization, the emergence of the architect Architecture
and development of high styles of architecture throughout Prerequisite: one FAH half course in ancient art, architecture,
representative parts of what is now the United States, from and archaeology/permission of instructor
ca. 1650 to ca. 1925. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: FAH270H1/272H1 FAH392Y0 Studies Abroad in Medieval Art and
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Architecture
FAH376H1 Canadian Architecture: A Survey [24L] Prerequisite: one FAH half course in medieval art and
Vernacular traditions in building, patterns of settlement and architecture/permission of instructor
urbanization, and development of high styles in architecture DR=HUM; BR=TBA
in New France, British North America, and what is now FAH393Y0 Studies Abroad in Renaissance and Baroque
Canada, from ca. 1650 to ca. 1925. Material economy, Art and Architecture
cultural identity, local character, regional expression, national Prerequisite: one FAH half course in Renaissance or
symbolism and international influences. Baroque art and architecture/permission of instructor
Prerequisite: FAH270H1/272H1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
FAH394Y0 Studies Abroad in Modern and
FAH380H1 Special Topics in Art History (formerly Contemporary Art and Architecture
FAH395H1) [24L] Prerequisite: one FAH half course in Modern or
FAH380Y1 Special Topics in Art History (formerly Contemporary art and architecture/permission of instructor
FAH395H1) [52L] DR=HUM; BR=TBA
The study of various aesthetic, cultural, social, political, and FAH395Y0 Studies Abroad in Canadian Art and
theoretical aspects of Western art and photography across Architecture
the centuries. Prerequisite: one FAH half course in Canadian art and
Prerequisite: Two FAH half courses or permission of architecture/permission of instructor
instructor DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Exclusion: FAH395H1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA FAH396Y0 Studies Abroad in Asian Art and
FAH381H1 Problems in Jewish Art (formerly 329H1) Prerequisite: one FAH half course in Asian art and
[24L] architecture/permission of instructor
This course investigates the changing definition of Jewish DR=HUM; BR=TBA
art and the status of Jewish artists. Other issues explored
include Jewish-Christian visual polemics, the construction FAH397Y0 Studies Abroad in Architectural History
of individual and communal Jewish identity through art, Prerequisite: one FAH half course in architectural history/
architecture, and texts, and the conceptual transformation of permission of instructor
Jewish craft and ritual objects into art. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Recommended preparation: FAH102H1, a 200 level FAH half FAH398H0 Independent Experiential Study Project
Exclusion: FAH329H1 FAH399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project
DR=HUM; BR=TBA An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus
setting. See page 48 for details.
FAH390H1 Art and Power [24L] DR=HUM; BR=TBA
FAH390Y1 Art and Power [52L]
Investigates the intersection of art and power in history
and in our own time. Explores how city plans, landscapes, Note
buildings, paintings, sculpture, costumes, advertisements, Enrolment is limited in 400 level courses. In addition to the
monuments, parades, and other art forms create and expand prerequisites listed below, enrolment is also possible for
personal, national, institutional, political, sexual, spiritual, each course with permission of instructor. For additional
and other kinds of power. May be offered at St. George or information, refer to the annual registration handbook and
abroad through Woodsworth College. timetable.
Recommended preparation: FAH100Y/101H1/102H1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA FAH401H1 Aegean Wall Paintings [24S]
Investigation of the wall-paintings of the Minoan, Cycladic
Studies Abroad and Mycenaean worlds in the second millennium BC:
Studying original works of art and architecture is a key context, associations, viewing and historical interpretations.

Prerequisite: FAH205H1/206H1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Recommended preparation: FAH300H1/303H1/304H1/ FAH424H1 Studies in Medieval Book Illumination [24S]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA A consideration of individual types of books, their decoration,
FAH403H1 Art and Archaeology of Ancient Cyprus function, and cultural context. Topics might include, for
(formerly FAH423H1) [24S] example, Gospels, Psalters, or Books of Hours.
Examination of the art, archaeology and architecture of Prerequisite: FAH215H1/216H1/261H1
Cyprus from its first colonization c.10,000BC through to the Recommended preparation: FAH319H1/SMC358H
7th century AD. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: FAH205H1/206H1 FAH425H1 Studies in Medieval Art and Gender [24S]
Recommended preparation: FAH303H1/304H1/ An investigation of the role played by gender in the creation
Exclusion: FAH423H1 and use of art and architecture in the Middle Ages.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: FAH215H1/216H1/261H1
FAH404H1 Greek Architecture (formerly FAH419H1) Exclusion: FAH435H5
Architecture and its development in Archaic through Classical FAH426H1 Medieval Art in Local Collections [24S]
Greece, looking at the major monuments of Greece and the First hand examination of objects of medieval art from local
wider Greek world. Toronto collections.
Prerequisite: FAH206H1/207H1 Prerequisite: FAH215H1/216H1/261H1
Recommended preparation: FAH300H1/ DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Exclusion: FAH419H1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA FAH430H1 Pieter Bruegel (formerly FAH428H1) [24S]
The study of Pieter Bruegel’s works in the context of
FAH406H1 Studies in Greek Painting and Sculpture [24S] Netherlandish culture. Emphasis on secular works.
An examination of selected works in sculpture and/or painting Prerequisite: FAH307H1/331H1; permission of instructor
from the Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic periods through Exclusion: FAH428H1
a consideration of iconography, style, technique, distribution, Recommended preparation: Reading knowledge of French
and use. or German
Prerequisite: FAH206H1/207H1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Recommended preparation: FAH310H1/311H1/312H1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA FAH432H1 Caravaggio [24S]
The life and work of Caravaggio in the context of
FAH407H1 Studies in Roman Painting and Sculpture 17th-century Roman and Neapolitan art theory and
[24S] patronage, with a particular emphasis on the contentious
Issues explored might cover Republican and Imperial issue of realism.
painting; its Hellenistic sources and parallel media (mosaic, Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
relief). The four distinctive genres of Roman sculptural Recommended preparation: FAH230H1/231H1/274H1/279H
production: the portrait, the historical relief, sarcophagi, and 1/341H1/342H1
replicas of famous Greek sculptures. Styles, themes and DR=HUM; BR=TBA
modes of display in cultural context.
Prerequisite: FAH206H1/207H1 FAH434H1 Art Before and After Modernity (formerly
Recommended preparation: FAH305H1/309H1/312H1 FAH435H1) [24S]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA The convulsive redefinitions of art during the sixteenth
and twentieth centuries serve as an indirect introduction to
FAH418H1 Studies in Early Christian and Byzantine Art modern aesthetics and a basis for reflection on the future of
and Architecture [24S] art. Classes in seminar room and in art galleries. Readings
In-depth examination of key monuments and issues in art by Hans Belting, T. J. Clark, Arthur Danto, Rosalind Krauss.
and architecture from the Early Christian (1st-5th centuries) Prerequisite: At least three 300-level half courses in FAH
or Byzantine (6th-15th centuries) periods. Exclusion: FAH435H1
Prerequisite: FAH215H1/216H1/261H1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Recommended preparation: FAH316H1/321H1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA FAH438H1 Rereading the “High Renaissance” in Italy
FAH420H1 Studies in Western Medieval Art and A careful reading of some classic accounts of the “High
Architecture [24S] Renaissance”, from Vasari and Reynolds to Wolfflin
In-depth examination of monuments and issues in the art and and Freedberg, serves as the basis for an analysis of
architecture of Western Europe from the sixth to the fifteenth developments within various genres and types of art
century. production in the period: drawings, altarpieces, portraits,
Prerequisite: FAH215H1/216H1/261H1 cabinet pictures and sculpture.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: At least one 300-level half course in
FAH421H1 Studies in Medieval Cities [24S] Renaissance art
A focused examination of urbanism, art and architecture DR=HUM; BR=TBA
of a specific medieval city, such as Jerusalem, Rome, FAH439H1 Art and Reform in the Renaissance [24S]
Constantinople, or Paris. Consideration of European art ca. 1500 in the context of the
Prerequisite: FAH215H1/216H1/261H1 reform debates that mark the period. Students study original
Recommended preparation: FAH325Y0/FAH327H1/328H1

works of art in the AGO and read period texts by, among FAH402H1) [24S]
others, Girolamo Savonarola, Desiderius Erasmus, and Developments in the mainstream of Western painting and
Martin Luther. sculpture since World War II with special emphasis upon
Prerequisite: At least one 300-level half course in interrelations between Europe and North America.
Renaissance art Prerequisite: FAH246H1/288H1/289H1/348H1/350H1/351H1/
Exclusion: FAH441H5 385H1/388H1/389H1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Exclusion: FAH402H1
FAH440H1 Dutch Genre Painting of the 17th Century
[24S] FAH449H1 Contemporary Art Movements (formerly
Study of so-called “scenes of everyday life.” Special attention FAH411H1) [24S]
given to cultural context and problems of interpretation, Selected aspects of the complex array of international
the work of Jan Vermeer, and the reputation of this art in contemporary art movements, their artists, objects, and
following centuries. critical discourses. Potential issues include the theoretical,
Prerequisite: FAH307H1/308H1/331H1/340H1428H1; philosophical, and political concerns addressed by given
permission of instructor artworks and artists; the role of art journals, the private
Recommended preparation: Reading knowledge of French patron, and museum display.
or German Prerequisite: FAH246H1/289H1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Exclusion: FAH411H1
FAH443H1 Visual Modes of Communication [24S]
A history of gesture and physiognomy in Italian Renaissance FAH457H1 Issues in Canadian Art, ca. 1900–1940
and Baroque art and literature as narrative and rhetorical (formerly FAH415H1) [24S]
techniques. Focused, thematic examinations of the visual arts in Canada
Prerequisite: FAH230H1/231H1/274H1/279H1/333H1/341H in the first half of the twentieth century.
1/342H1 Prerequisite: FAH248H1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Exclusion: FAH415H1/FAH416H1
FAH445H1 The Paris Salon and French Art of the
Nineteenth Century [24S] FAH458H1 Issues in Recent Canadian Art (formerly
French painting, sculpture, and criticism of the mid-19th FAH416H1) [24S]
century, with particular to the key role played by the Paris Focused, thematic examinations of the visual arts in Canada
Salon: its emergence and decline as a public space for from 1940 to the present.
exhibitions, its impact on the shape of artistic careers, Prerequisite: FAH246H1/286H1/352H1/386H1
and the relation between the Salon and artistic practices. Exclusion: FAH416H1
Attention both to Modernist artists, such as Manet, and to DR=HUM; BR=TBA
their opponents. Students will engage in critical readings of FAH461H1 East Asian Art as a Cultural System [24S]
primary and secondary texts (Baudelaire, T. J. Clark, Michael Methodologically-focused seminar engaged with recovering
Fried), as well as conduct original research on important and articulating in Western terms indigenous ways of seeing
Salon paintings and sculptures. Assignments will include and thinking about East Asian art.
a book review, an annotated bibliography, and a research Prerequisite: FAH260H1/262H1/290H1/361H1/362H1/363H1/
paper. 364H1/365H1/368H1/EAS211YO/227Y/233H1/237Y1/305
Prerequisite: FAH245H1/280H1/287H1 Y1/331Y1/418H1
Recommended preparation: DR=HUM; BR=TBA
FAH346H1/345H1/378H1/383H1. Reading knowledge of
French strongly recommended. FAH462H1 Outside East Asian Art [24S]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Methodologically- and historiographically-focused seminar
that attends to the contiguities and ruptures of approaching
FAH446H1 Realism [24S] East Asian art through Western art historical methods.
An examination of mid-19th century French Realism with Prerequisite: FAH260H1/262H1/290H1/361H1/362H1/363H1/
emphasis on Courbet, Millet, the Barbizon School, Daumier 364H1/365H1/368H1/EAS211YO/227Y/233H1/237Y1/305
and Manet. Y1/331Y1/418H1
Prerequisite: FAH245H1/287H1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Exclusion: FAH315H5
Recommended preparation: Reading knowledge of French FAH463H1 Materiality, Objecthood, Connoisseurship
DR=HUM; BR=TBA and Collecting in the Arts of East Asia [24S]
Seminar based on firsthand examination of East Asian
FAH447H1 19th-Century Landscape Painting [24S] objects in Toronto collections that attends to the historical
Investigation of English, French, German and Swiss processes by which such objects were valued and collected.
landscape painting from the birth of the Romantic movement Prerequisite: FAH260H1/262H1/290H1/361H1/362H1/363H1
to Post-Impressionism. /364H1/365H1/368H1/EAS211YO/227Y/233H1/237Y1/30
Prerequisite: FAH245H1/287H1 5Y1/331Y1
Recommended preparation: Reading knowledge of French DR=HUM; BR=TBA
or German
DR=HUM; BR=TBA FAH464H1 Transregional East Asian Art [24S]
In-depth examination of the play of East Asian Art within and
FAH448H1 International Art Since 1940 (formerly beyond East Asia.

Prerequisite: FAH260H1/262H1/290H1/361H1/362H1/363H1 around different aspects of the collections (works on paper,
/364H1/365H1/368H1/EAS211YO/227Y/233H1/237Y1/30 modern and contemporary art, the Thompson Collection, and
5Y1/331Y1 other collections, depending availability and access.
FAH466H1 Contemporary South Asian Art [24S] FAH483H1 Introduction to Conservation: Materials,
Examination of current issues in and methods of studying Deterioration, and Preservation in Art and
contemporary art from South Asia and the South Asian Material Culture (formerly FAH453H1) [24S]
Diaspora. Includes first-hand study of objects in ROM An introduction to conservation, designed to give students
collection, exhibit and studio visits, and possible guest a basic understanding of the field, its techniques, and its
lectures. purposes. Sessions conducted by specialists in the Royal
Prerequisite: FAH262H1/364H1/365H1 Ontario Museum conservation department.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: 8 FAH half courses; permission of instructor.
Exclusion: FAH453H1
FAH470H1 Studies in Renaissance and Baroque
Architecture (formerly FAH450H1) [24S]
An in-depth study of themes and problems in architecture in FAH484H1 Fashion, & Textiles: Culture & Consumption
Renaissance and Baroque Europe. (formerly FAH459H1) [24S]
Prerequisite: FAH324H1/355H1/370H1 This course examines the history, meaning and consumption
Exclusion: FAH450H1 of Western European textiles (Late Antique - 18th century)
DR=HUM; BR=TBA and fashionable dress (18th - 21st centuries). Analysis and
research will combine student seminars with the study of
FAH471H1 Major Figures of Twentienth-Century
actual artefacts in the Textile & Costume Collection of the
Architecture [24S]
Royal Ontario Museum.
A close study of the major architects, designers and theorists
Prerequisite: permission of instructor.
of 20th-century architecture
Prerequisite: FAH372H1/373H1/374H1/375H1/376H1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA FAH485H1 Collecting Canada: Art in the Royal Ontario
Museum (formerly FAH456H1) [24S]
FAH477H1 Toronto Architecture (formerly FAH377H1)
Theoretical and first-hand practical engagement with the
Canadian picture collection (18th-20th C) in the ROM.
A first-hand study of the architecture and urban planning of
Through seminars, workshops, and lectures, we address
issues of collecting, display, and the interpretation of
Prerequisite: FAH372H1/373H1/374H1/375H1/376H1
objects that historically have been collected primarily as
Exclusion: FAH377H1
“documentary art.”
Prerequisite: FAH248H1/286H1, one FAH FCE at the 300-
FAH480H1 University Art Centre Exhibition Course level; permission of instructor
(formerly FAH454H1) [24S] Recommended preparation: FAH352H1/386H1
Students work together designing and installing an exhibition Exclusion: FAH456H1
of works of art, normally drawn from the collections of the DR=HUM; BR=TBA
University Art Centre. The course meets every two weeks at
FAH486H1 Case Studies at the Royal Ontario Museum
the University Art Centre over the entire academic year.
Prerequisite: 8 FAH half courses; permission of instructor
In-depth investigation of objects at the Royal Ontario
(application in department)
Museum. Content will vary according to the museum
Exclusion: FAH451H5/454H1/455H1
department offering the course in any given semester.
Prerequisite: 8 FAH half courses; permission of instructor.
FAH481H1 Internship at the University Art Centre DR=HUM; BR=TBA
(formerly FAH455H1) [24S]
FAH489H1 Topics in the History of Art and Architecture
The internship is designed to offer hands-on experience
pertaining to the study, exhibition, and care of works of art,
Focused examination of special topics in any period of
focused on the collections and activities of the University Art
Mediterranean, European, North American, or Asian art and
Centre. The course extends over the entire academic year.
Prerequisite: 8 FAH half courses; permission of instructor
Prerequisite: 8 FAH half courses; permission of instructor
(application in department)
Exclusion: FAH454H1/455H1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Independent Studies
FAH482H1 Master works of Art at the Art Gallery of Students may request to undertake supervised research
Ontario [24S] projects culminating in a major research paper. Such
This course develops art historical, connoisseurship, and projects are often the continuation of work in a previous
analytical skills based on works of art in the permanent FAH course, usually at the 400 level. Not more than one
collection of the Art Gallery of Ontario. The course is course in Independent Studies may be taken in a single year.
designed to expose students to key issues in visual analysis, Students must obtain in advance the written consent of a
art history, and art historical interpretation arising from the faculty supervisor(s) and the Undergraduate Secretary before
direct study and investigation of art objects. The course will registering.
be located at the Art Gallery of Ontario. Its focus may shift Prerequisite for all independent studies: five FAH courses;

permission of instructor staff in a seminar environment during the first year of study.
For details, see page 48.
FAH491H1 Independent Studies in Ancient Art and
Architecture VIS120H1 Visual Concepts [24L, 12T]
Visual concepts introduces students to a wide range of
FAH491Y1 Independent Studies in Ancient Art and
topics situated in Modernism and Post-modernism that
inform current art practice and critical discourse. The course
FAH492H1 Independent Studies in Medieval Art and investigates post-1970 art practice through the diverse
Architecture societal, cultural and political influences of post-modernism.
FAH492Y1 Independent Studies in Medieval Art and DR=HUM; BR=3
Architecture VIS130H1 Visual Strategies [36L 12T]
FAH493H1 Independent Studies in Renaissance and A studio based course that employs intensive and diverse
Baroque Art and Architecture investigation of drawing strategies that stress the formulation
and communication of visual ideas.NOTE enrolment
FAH493Y1 Independent Studies in Renaissance and instructions in the Registration Handbook and Timetable for
Baroque Art and Architecture this course! A studio fee of $50 is payable with tuition.
FAH494H1 Independent Studies in Modern and Prerequisite: VIS120H1 with a grade of 60% or higher
Contemporary Art and Architecture Exclusion: FAS 143H1
FAH494Y1 Independent Studies in Modern and
Contemporary Art and Architecture VIS201H1 Painting: Methods and Materials [36P
This is a hands-on course that deals with technical and
FAH495H1 Independent Studies in Canadian Art and
theoretical issues of painting in the early 21st century. The
act of painting and the relevance of painting are stressed
FAH495Y1 Independent Studies in Canadian Art and through both historical and current issues. This course is very
Architecture project oriented. A studio fee of $50 is payable with tuition.
FAH496H1 Independent Studies in Asian Art and Prerequisite: VIS120H1, 130H1
Architecture Exclusion: FAS 145H1
FAH496Y1 Independent Studies in Asian Art and
Architecture VIS202H1 Video For Artists [36P]
A studio course that introduces the history and contemporary
FAH497H1 Independent Studies in Architectural History practice of video art. In addition to hands-on instruction in
FAH497Y1 Independent Studies in Architectural History digital production and post-production, the course includes
DR=HUM; BR=TBA seminars, readings and screenings. Students produce a
number of short digital video projects and participate in group
Visual Studies Courses seminars and critiques. A studio fee of $75 is payable with
Note 1. Prerequisite: VIS120H1, VIS130H1
Visual Studies has replaced the previous FAS program. DR=HUM; BR=1
Students in the FAS program requiring credits should VIS203H1 Time-Based Arts [12L 24P]
select courses from the VIS program to complete their FAS A studio course examining the particular properties of various
program requirements. time-based art forms, including audio and audio installation,
video and video installation, interactive performance and
Note 2. other time-based media used by artists. Readings, gallery
VIS and FAH courses except VIS 120H1 and VIS 130H1 give visits and screenings and slide presentations provide
priority to students enroled in our Specialist, Major and Minor background to these art practices. Students produce
programs. Students must follow procedures as outlined in the projects responding to assignments. A studio fee of $75 is
Registration Handbook and Timetable and instructions in the payable with tuition.
Department of Art web site. Prerequisite: VIS120H1, VIS130H1
Note 3.
Exclusions have been included for many FAS studio courses VIS204H1 3D Installation [13L,24P]
at the University of Toronto Mississauga. St George students This course is designed to introduce students to the basic
wishing to take any remaining FAS courses there will need principles of working in 3 dimensions, using projects, slide
the written permission of the Undergraduate Coordinator for lectures and writing. A studio fee of $50.00 is payable with
VIS. tuition.
Prerequisite: VIS120H1, 130H1
First Year Seminars Exclusion: FAS146H1
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide the DR=HUM; BR=1
opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class of no
VIS205H1 Drawing [36P]
more than twenty-four students. These interactive seminars
Studio-based projects explore drawing practice in the early
are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity and provide
21st century. Materials and approaches both bear witness
an opportunity to get to know a member of the professorial
to continuity and respond to changing contemporary cultural
issues. (A studio fee of $25 is payable with tuition.)

Prerequisite: VIS120H1, 130H1 Recommended preparation: VIS205H1
Exclusion: FAS 243H1 Exclusion: FAS243H1
VIS206H1 Print Media One - Relief (formerly VIS203H1) VIS217H1 Photobased (Chemical) [12L,24P]
[36P] Photobased projects in which the fundamentals of
Principles and practices of Relief Printmaking. Projects in optical-chemical-mechanical photographic processes and
single and multiple block edition production. (A studio fee of technologies are integrated with concepts in contemporary
$120 is payable with tuition.) photobased practice. A studio fee of $75 is payable with
Prerequisite: VIS120H1, 130H1 tuition.; student must have light metre and 35mm camera
Exclusion: FAS 232H1 that allows full manual control.
DR=HUM; BR=1 Prerequisite: VIS120H1, 130H1
Exclusion: FAS147H1
VIS207H1 Print Media II - Intaglio (formerly VIS303H1)
An introduction through studio projects to the principle forms VIS218H1 Photobased (Digital) [12L,24P]
of intaglio printmaking, including etching and collagraph. (A Photobased projects in which the fundamentals of optical/
studio fee of $120 is payable with tuition.) digital photographic processes and technologies are
Prerequisites: VIS120H1, VIS130 integrated with concepts in contemporary photobased
Exclusion: FAS 324H1 practice. A studio fee of $75 is payable with tuition.
DR=HUM; BR=1 Prerequisite: VIS120H1, 130H1
Exclusion: FAS147H1
VIS208H1 Performance Art [12L,24P]
Practical and aesthetic concerns in the evolution of
Performance against the backdrop of critical and historical VIS220H1 Painting and the Subject [36P]
perspectives. Students explore a range of Performance Painting and the subject continue the exploration of formal
possibilities, alone and collaboratively to develop both and material issues introduced in Painting, Method and
intellectual and physical skills which will inform both their Materials. Representation and abstraction are investigated
performance work and their view of art. Seminars focus on through the development of subject matter and themes
critical aspects of Performance. drawn from personal, social and cultural sources. A studio
Prerequisite: VIS120H1, 130H1 fee of $50 is payable with tuition.
DR=HUM; BR=1 Prerequisite: VIS120H1, 130H1
VIS209H1 Women in Visual Art [12l.24P]
The emergence and incorporation of the feminist perspective VIS301H1 Painting: The Painted Edge [36P]
in current art theory and practice form the basis of lectures, This studio based, project oriented course critically examines
seminars, projects and essays that focus on language, contemporary visual culture through painting. Projects are
photography and other mediums that signal the shift to a presented and discussed during regular class critiques.
variety of strategies shaping art in the post-modern era. Lectures will take place throughout the course.
Prerequisite: VIS120H1 VIS130H1 Prerequisite: VIS120H1, VIS 130H1, VIS201H1
DR=HUM; BR=1 Exclusion: FAS245H1
VIS211H1 Works on Paper (formerly VIS 205H1)
[12L,24P] VIS302H1 Video: Advanced Projects [36P]
A studio based course which explores the potential of Emphasis on pre-production, production and post-production
paper from drawing to object making, in the context of of a video project. Students script, shoot and edit a tape
contemporary art practice. A studio fee of $25 is payable with through rough cut to fine cut. Class discussions focus on all
tuition. stages of the work-in-progress. Strategies for distribution,
Prerequisite: VIS120H1, 130H1 exhibition and funding are examined. A studio fee of $75 is
Exclusion: FAS143H1, FAS243H1 payable with tuition
DR=HUM; BR=1 Prerequisite: VIS120H1, VIS130H1, VIS202H1/VIS203H1
VIS212H1 Colour [12L,24P]
Colour may be claimed as the property of all: for most VIS303H1 Advanced Time-Based Arts [12L,24P]
everyone sees, uses, and knows colour. Studying colour A studio course that continues the students’ development
takes us into areas of humanities and sciences. This study, in all areas of time-based art practice through seminars,
through lectures, projects and readings aims to develop a readings and self-directed projects. A studio fee of $75 is
student’s understanding and use of colour. A studio fee of payable with tuition.
$50 is payable with tuition. Prerequisite: VIS120H1, 130H1, VIS202H1/203H1
Prerequisite: VIS120H1 VIS130H1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=HUM; BR=1 VIS305H1 Drawing and Painting [36P]
VIS213H1 Drawing and the Body [36P] Time and place in drawing and painting. This course provides
Drawing strategies and media are explored through the a discourse with which to continue the evolution of the
reference of the human form. The body becomes the site of students’ work in drawing and painting.
self and a vehicle for expression. A studio fee of $30.00 is Prerequisite: VIS120H1,VIS130H1, 201H1 and one of
payable with tuition. VIS205H1/211H1/213H1
Pre-requisites: VIS120H1, VIS130H1 Exclusions: FAS243H1, FAS343H1, FAS345H1

DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: VIS (120H1, 130H1), and one of
VIS306H1 Site/Installation and 3-D Construction
Exclusion: FAS347H1
An investigation into the history and practice of site/
installation and 3 dimensional fabrication through slide VIS319H1 Defining Landscapes [12L,24P]
lectures, projects and seminar discussions. Earth works, The concept of “landscape” is the entry point for investigating
large scale public projects, and site specific installations will the relationship between people and their environments:
be explored. landscape as both the source of inspiration and the vehicle of
Prerequisite: VIS120H1, 130H1, 204H1 expression. Exploration through open media studio projects,
Exclusion: FAS348H1 written work, readings and seminars.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: VIS120H1, VIS130H1 and one VIS 200-level
VIS307H1 Art and Context [12L,24P]
Applying art to the borders of other disciplines or issues
within the university community, students develop projects VIS320H1 Critical Curatorial Lab [12L, 24P]
with the objective of opening spaces for discourse: art as a Projects and seminars, in collaboration with The Power Plant,
transgressive device. develop an understanding of curatorial and critical practices
Prerequisite: VIS120H1, 130H1 and one VIS 200-level in contemporary visual and media arts.
course. Prerequisite: VIS (120H1, 130H1)/FAH102H1 and one FAH
DR=HUM; BR=TBA OR VIS 200-level course
Exclusion: FAH 451H1
VIS309H1 Advanced Printmaking [12L.24P]
Seminars and studio projects give the more advanced
students the opportunity to address issues of transformation VIS321H1 Artists’ Multiples [12L, 24P]
in Print technology. A studio fee of $120 is payable with Production of artists’ multiples in various media is augmented
tuition. with gallery and archive visits, screenings and artist talks.
Prerequisite: VIS120H, VIS130H, one of VIS (206H1/207H1) Historical and contemporary technologies for reproduction
Exclusion: FAS334H1 are examined.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: VIS120H1, VIS130H1 and one VIS 200-level
VIS310H1 Imaging the Political [12L,24P]
Studio projects complemented by seminars and readings
examine plastic, social and gender politics in contemporary VIS322H1 The Constructed Image [12L, 24P]
imaging. Composing an image is a skill. Students increase their skill
Prerequisite: VIS120H1 VIS130H1 and one VIS 200-level and methodology in constructing their own images; they
course explore the construction of the image as an intersection of
DR=HUM; BR=TBA theory and practice.
Prerequisite: VIS120 and VIS130 and any 200 level VIS
VIS311H1 Independent Projects [TBA]
Students propose and produce projects in media that are
offered in Visual Studies.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor VIS323H1 Painting: Contemporary Practice [36P]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Painting: Contemporary Practice introduces philosophical
and theoretical issues raised by the conceptual relationship
VIS312H1 Collage [12L,24P]
of painting to other artistic strategies and the contemporary
An investigation of collage through the 20th century. The
environment. Studio work will be complemented by the study
evolution of collage as a means of expression will be
of advanced artists working in this medium. A studio fee of
explored in the form of studio projects and lectures.
$50 is payable with tuition.
Prerequisite: VIS120H1, 130H1 and one VIS 200-level
Prerequisite: VIS120H1, VIS130H1, VIS220H1
Recommended preparation: VIS201H
VIS313H1 The Body [12L,24P]
VIS324H1 The Aesthetics of Everyday Life [36P]
Ideas about the body are challenged by developments in
This interdisciplinary seminar course examines the aesthetic
technology, culture and politics. This course studies the
qualities of objects and experiences not usually considered
metamorphosis of gender, age and culture through projects,
by philosophers, including such things as sports, food,
lectures and readings.
human relationships and weather. Projects are based on the
Prerequisites VIS120H1, VIS130H1 and one VIS 200-level
textbook, “The Aesthetics of Everyday Life” and students will
be evaluated through open-media studio projects and class
VIS318H1 Integrated Photobased Explorations Prerequisite: VIS120H1, VIS130H1, a minimum of one 200-
[12L,24P] level VIS course
Studio projects are based on issues and writing relevant to DR=HUM; BR=TBA
contemporary photobased practice; seminars and readings
VIS325H1 Contemporary Art Issues [36P]
are integral. Students will work with both chemical and digital
Everything was contemporary once; this course explores the
processes. A studio fee of $75 is payable with tuition.
idea of contemporaneity. Students will be asked to identify

themselves in the present-day landscape and to convey that Notes:
awareness in seminar discussions and studio projects. Only three of VIS311H1, VIS403H1, VIS404H1, VIS405H1
Prerequisite: VIS120H1, VIS130H1, a minimum of one 200- may be taken.
level VIS course
Independent Studies credits (VIS311H1, 403H1, 404H1, and
405H1 are only open to VIS Specialists and VIS Majors.
VIS326H1 Studio Practice [36P]
A project-based studio course in which each student works VIS410H1 Artist In Residence Master Class [TBA]
to advance and to articulate their visual arts practice, and Students work under the supervision of a visiting artist who
to develop individual process, themes and influences, the provides the students with a full introduction to the specifics
articulation. Group critiques, seminars, reading and writing of her/his practice as an artist. A variety of media are
assignments. Open media, students must have access to explored specific to the visitor’s own practice. Seminars are
own means of production. augmented with critiques in response to assignments.
Prerequisite: VIS120H1, VIS130H1, at least two 200-level Prerequisite: VIS120H1, VIS130H1, at least two 300-
VIS courses level VIS courses and permission of Graduate Program
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Director
DRM354Y1 Production II [12L, 24P]
The course explores the meaning and function of stage and
costume design for the theatre with emphasis on creative
thinking, text analysis and concept development. Limited
enrolment for Visual Studies students who must be at the
3rd-year level.
Prerequisite: Permission of University College Drama
Program Committee
VIS401H1 Thesis Text and Critique [36P]
This course is taken in conjunction with VIS402H1 : Thesis
Project students develop and fabricate a series of projects
over the course of the academic year. Studio, ,textual and
critical analysis forms the basis for the final exhibition. The
student is required to actively participate in all aspects of the
course. Class discussions with faculty. This class is intended
for 3rd and 4th year VIS Majors and Specialists.
Prerequisite: VIS120H1, 130H1 and at least two 200-level
VIS courses and two 300-level VIS courses or permission
of the instructor.
Exclusions: FAS 434-5, FAS 447-8, FAS 450-3
VIS402H1 Thesis Project [36P]
Students realize projects embarked upon in VIS 401H1
Thesis Text and Critique. Class discussions with faculty.
Co-requisite: VIS401HF
Exclusions: FAS 434-5H1, FAS 447-8H1, FAS450-3H1
VIS403H1 Secondary Focus Project [36P]
A variety of projects developed in various media with a strong
interdisciplinary focus.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
VIS404H1 Independent Studies [36P]
Individual advanced projects, including texts, that are subject
to group critiques.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
VIS405H1 Visual Studies Internship [12L, 24P]
A one semester Internship provides placement at a gallery,
media arts centre, artist run centre, artist or publication with a
focus on contemporary art practice
Prerequisite: VIS120H1, 130H1, permission of
Undergraduate Secretary

Dr. David Chu Program in Asia-Pacific Studies

Faculty region are allowed to substitute optional courses for the

language course requirements.
Baber, Zaheer (Asian Institute)
Barker, Joshua (Anthropology) Program Director
Bertrand, Jacques (Political Science) Dr. David Chu Program in Asia-Pacific Studies
Bogo, Marion (Social Work) Munk Centre for International Studies, Room 265S
Boland, Alana (Geography) 1 Devonshire Place
Brandt, Loren (Economics) 416-946-0333
Cazdyn, Eric (East Asian Studies)
Daniere, Amrita (Geography) Program Administrator
Dobson, Wendy (Management) Dr. David Chu Program in Asia-Pacific Studies
Falkenheim, Victor (Political Science) Munk Centre for International Studies, Room 227N
Hsiung, Ping-Chun (Social Science, UTSC) 1 Devonshire Place
Kawashima, Ken (History) [email protected]
Kwee, Hui Kian (History) 416-946-8996
Lam, Tong (History)
Li, Tania (Anthropology) Program website: www.utoronto.ca/davidchu
Luong, Hy (Anthropology)
MacDonald, Ken (Social Science, UTSC)
Dr. David Chu Program in Asia-
Maclaren, Virginia (Geography) Pacific Studies
McElhinny, Bonnie (Anthropology)
Enrolment in the Dr. David Chu Program in Asia-Pacific
Ong, Lynette (Political Science)
Studies is open to students who have successfully
Peng, Ito (Sociology)
completed four full courses. A minimum CGPA of 2.5 is
Rankin, Katharine (Geography)
required. Those who seek advanced language standing
Sakamoto, Izumi ( Social Work)
must receive permission from the Program Director, and
Satsuka, Shiho (Anthropology)
will be required to complete recommended substitute
Schmid, Andre (East Asian Studies)
Silvey, Rachel (Geography)
Song, Jesook (East Asian Studies) Major program:
Sorensen, Andre (Geography) (7 full courses or their equivalent, including at least two
Sung, Wen-Ching (Anthropology) 300+series courses)
Tran, Nhung (History)
Tsang, Ka Tat (Social Work) 1. POL 215Y1; ASI 400Y1. These courses must be taken
Wong, Joseph (Political Science) in sequential order.
Wu, Yiching (East Asian Studies) 2. Two sequential Y1 courses in an East Asian or
Xie, Jia-Lin (Management) Southeast Asian language. Students may choose to
Zhang, Weiguo (Sociology, UTSC) study one of three languages - Chinese, Japanese,
or Korean - offered by the Department of East
The Dr. David Chu Program in Asia-Pacific Studies
Asian Studies. For other languages, such as
welcomes students who wish to combine concentrated
Thai, Vietnamese, Malay and Indonesian, students
study in a traditional academic discipline with an
should consult with the Program Director. Generally
interdisciplinary major program that focuses on
two sequential courses are required for these
contemporary developments in this rapidly changing
languages as well but the Program will consider other
region. A broad survey course offered by the Department
arrangements including study abroad and intensive
of Political Science provides students with a solid
summer courses at other universities.
understanding of the complex political, economic, social
3. Three additional full course equivalents on appropriate
and cultural life of the region. An additional range of
Asia-Pacific topics from offerings in the following
optional courses that span the humanities and the social
departments: ANT, EAS, ECO, FAH, GGR, HIS, INI,
sciences allow students to develop more specialized
PHL, POL, RLG, SOC. Current Asia-Pacific course
knowledge of the region. Finally, a fourth-year capstone
offerings from those departments are listed below.
course allows students in the program to synthesize
Please consult the Program Director if you have any
what they have learned in various optional courses while
questions about your course selection.
undertaking independent research on a topic of special
interest. Courses eligible for program credit
Study of a major language of the region is an important Courses eligible for program credit include those
component of the program. In many cases, this can be appearing below. Please note that some of the
achieved by taking two courses in one of the three main courses have prerequisites; in all cases, and for
languages taught in the Department of East Asian Studies: updates on courses being offered, check individual
Chinese, Japanese or Korean. All possible efforts will department websites. Please consult the Program
also be made to assist and support students who wish to Director about receiving credit for courses not listed
achieve basic fluency in another language of the region, here.
such as Indonesian, Vietnamese, Malay, Tagalog or Thai.
Students who are already fluent in a language of the Anthropology
ANT341H1 China in Transition

Dr. David Chu Program in Asia-Pacific Studies
ANT354H1 Japan in Global Context: Anthropological EAS369Y1 Transformation of Buddhist Practice in the
Perspectives Contemporary World
ANT466H1 The Philippines and the Filipino Diaspora EAS373H1 Choson History
EAS374H1 Modern Japan and Colonialism
Cinema Studies
EAS378H1 Edo, Osaka, and Kyoto: Urban Life in Early
INI390Y1 Chinese Cinemas
Modern Japan
East Asian Studies EAS389Y1 History of Korean Religion
EAS102Y1 Introduction to East Asian Civilizations EAS393H1/Y1 Topics in Buddhism
EAS103Y1 Premodern East Asian History EAS394H1 Film Culture in Contemporary China
EAS105H1 Modern East Asian History EAS395Y0 Selected Topics in East Asian Studies
EAS206Y1 Classical Chinese I EAS396H1 Practical Learning in East Asia
EAS209H1 Approaches to East Asia EAS397H1 Literary Lives in Late Imperial China
EAS211Y0 Chinese Art (Lit Lives Imp China)
EAS215H1 History of Chinese Thought: Tang through EAS406Y1 Thinking about things: Material Culture in East
Ming Periods Asia
EAS217Y1 Major Aspects of Contemporary Korea EAS407H1 Textual Analysis of Classical Chinese
EAS233H1 History of China’s Performing Arts Philosophy
EAS237Y1 Japanese Cinema: Film Form and the EAS408H1 Modern Taiwanese Literature
Problems of Japanese Modernity EAS409H1 The Cosmopolitan City: Chang'an
EAS241H1 History of Chinese Philosophy EAS411H1 Art and Archaeology of Early China 1
EAS246H1 Early Modern Japanese History EAS412H1 Technology and Material Cultures of Ancient
(Early Modern Japan) China
EAS247H1 History of Capitalism in Modern Japan EAS413H1 Medieval Chinese Civilization
EAS251H1 Aesthetics and Politics in 20th Century Korea EAS418H1 Topics in Chinese Art Theories
EAS256H1 Chinese Literature (Pre-Qin to Tang) EAS420H1 Travels, Travelers and Travel Accounts in Asia
EAS257H1 Chinese Literature (Song to Qing) EAS431H1 Advanced Topics in Japanese Cinema
EAS271H1/Y1 20th Century Korean History EAS432H1 Korean Cultural Studies Seminar
EAS272H1 Post-War Korean Society & Culture EAS438H1 Architecture in Pre-modern China
EAS284H1 Modern Chinese Literature EAS439H1 The Global Bildungsroman: Narratives of
EAS289Y1 Environment and East Asia Development, Time and Colonialism
EAS295Y0 Selected Topics in East Asian Studies EAS444H1 The City, Body and Text in Modern Japanese
EAS297H1 Texts, Images and Objects in East Asia Literature
EAS299Y1 Research Opportunity Program EAS448H1 EAS Archive: Language, Number, Money
JMC301Y1 State & Society in 20th Century China EAS453H1 Gender, Sexuality & Modernity in China,
EAS 303H1 Technology of Social Engineering: Women in Korea, and Japan
20th Century East Asia EAS456H1 Japan as seen by ?: Reference, Apparatus,
EAS306Y1 Classical Chinese II Operation
EAS307H1 Chinese Political Philosophy EAS457H1 Special Topics in Modern Japanese History
EAS309H1 Modern Chinese Prose EAS462H1 Ethnographic Literature on Korea: Class,
EAS311H1 A History of Japanese Monsters Gender & Family
EAS318H1 Rethinking Modernism: The Perspectives of EAS464H1 The Korean War
Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong EAS465H1 Domesticity and Family in 20th Century East
EAS324H1 Mysticism in East Asia Revisited Asia
EAS325H1 The Body in East Asian Religions EAS467H1 Photographic Narratives of Japan
EAS327H1 Japanese Fiction and the Nation EAS473H1 Modern Korean History Seminar
EAS330H1 Narrative Strategies in Modern Japanese EAS475Y1 Issues in East Asian Historiography
Fiction EAS476Y1 Democracy and History in Korea
EAS333H1 Modernism and Colonial Korea EAS478Y1 Samurai Culture
EAS334Y1 The Chinese Novel EAS484Y1 The Japanese Empire
EAS338H1 Classical Daoism EAS490H1 Introduction to Japanese Linguistics: Syntax
EAS340Y1 The Chinese: Society & Culture in Transition and Semantics
EAS344H1 Topics in Chinese Society and Culture EAS495Y1 Topics in East Asian Studies
EAS345Y1 The Rise of Greater China: Issues & Topics EAS496H1 Topics in East Asian Studies
EAS346H1 Self and Imagination in Pre-Modern China EAS497H1 Beyond Orientalism
EAS347H1 Everyday Life in Modern Japan
East Asian Studies (Language courses)
EAS357H1 From Socialism to Postsocialism: Mao’s China
EAS100Y1 Modern Standard Chinese I
and Beyond
EAS101Y1 Modern Chinese I for Students with Prior
EAS361Y1 Zen Buddhism
EAS362Y1 Classical Japanese
EAS200Y1 Modern Standard Chinese II
EAS364H1 China’s Cultural Revolution- History and
EAS201Y1 Modern Chinese II for Students with Prior
EAS366H1 Lovers and Madmen in Chinese Literature
EAS290Y1 Chinese Language for Non-Mandarin
EAS368Y1 The Philosophy of the Buddha
Speakers I

Dr. David Chu Program in Asia-Pacific Studies
EAS300Y1 Modern Standard Chinese III HIS448H1 Gender in East and Southeast Asia
EAS400Y1 Modern Standard Chinese IV HIS467H1 French Colonial Indochina: History, Cultures,
EAS120Y1 Modern Standard Japanese I Texts, Film
EAS121H1 Japanese I for Students with Prior HIS485H1 Topics in Late Imperial and Modern Chinese
Background History
EAS122Y0 Summer Japanese in Japan I Philosophy
EAS220Y1 Modern Standard Japanese II PHL237H1 History of Chinese Philosophy
EAS220Y0 Summer Japanese in Japan II-a PHL337H1 Topics in Chinese Philosophy
EAS223Y0 Summer Japanese in Japan II-b
EAS320Y1 Modern Standard Japanese III Political Science
EAS321Y0 Summer Japanese in Japan III-a JMC301Y1 State and Society in 20th Century China
EAS322Y0 Summer Japanese in Japan III-b POL335H1 Politics and Government of Japan
EAS390Y1 Chinese Language for Non-Mandarin POL376Y1 Transforming Global Politics: Comparative
Speakers II and Chinese Perspectives
EAS460H1 Modern Standard Japanese IVa POL431Y1 Politics and Society in Contemporary China
EAS 461H1 Modern Standard Japanese IVb POL435H1 Political Economy of Asia-Pacific
EAS462Y0 Summer Japanese in Japan IVa POL441H1 Topics in Asian Politics
EAS463Y0 Summer Japanese in Japan IVb Religion
EAS110Y1 Modern Standard Korean I RLG206Y1 The Buddhist Religious Tradition
EAS210Y1 Modern Standard Korean II RLG207Y1 The Study of East Asian Religions
EAS216Y1 Modern Standard Korean for Students with RLG 236H1 Gender, Body and Sexuality in Asian
Prior Background Traditions
EAS310Y1 Modern Standard Korean III RLG356H1 Islam in China
EAS410Y1 Modern Standard Korean IV RLG379H1 Daoism in Practice
EAS415Y1 Advanced Readings in Korean RLG466H1 Buddhism and Society in East Asia
Economics RLG468H1 Religion and Society in Classical Japan
ECO309H1 Economic Growth and Development in Sociology
Southeast Asia SOC218Y1 Asian Communities in Canada
ECO435H1 The Chinese Economy
Fine Art History Asia-Pacific Studies Courses
FAH260H1 The Artistic Landscape of East Asia See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
FAH262H1 Art and Visual Experience in Modern and
Contemporary East Asia First Year Seminars
FAH361H1 Art and Ritual in East Asia The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide the
FAH362H1 Landscape and the Built Environment in East opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class of no
Asia more than twenty-four students. These interactive seminars
FAH363H1 The Mechanics of the Image in East Asia are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity and provide
FAH368H1 Encounters: Art Within and Beyond East Asia an opportunity to get to know a member of the professorial
FAH396Y0 Studies Abroad in Asian Art and Architecture staff in a seminar environment during the first year of study.
FAH461H1 East Asian Art as a Cultural System For details, see page 48.
FAH463H1 Materiality, Objecthood, Connoisseurship and ASI400Y1 Seminar in Asia-Pacific Studies [48L]
Collecting in the Arts of East Asia (formerly ASI300Y1)
FAH464H1 Transregional East Asian Art This seminar course examines diverse postwar experiences
FAH496H1/Y1 Independent Studies in Asian Art and and realities of the Asia Pacific region, which comprises a
Architecture range of countries that differ in cultural, ethnic, and religious
Geography backgrounds, in levels of social and economic developments,
GGR342H1 The Changing Geography of Southeast Asia and in political regimes. Unlike Europe, which has gone
GGR343H1 The Changing Geography of China through a steady process of integration since WWII, regional
links among Asia Pacific countries have been rather weak
and often limited. Attempts to forge regional economic
HIS107Y1 Approaches to East Asian History
cooperation within the Asia Pacific region, such as ASEAN,
HIS280Y1 History of China
have been fraught with political and historical tensions. As a
HIS281Y1 History of Modern Japan
result, much of the linkage has been limited to investment,
HIS283Y1 Southeast Asian Crossroads
trade, and production networks. This seminar will examine
HIS284Y1 Viet Nam: Crossroads of Asia
the various social, economic, and political experiences and
HIS315H1 Narratives of “Viet Nam”
realities of the countries in this region and their implications.
HIS326H1 Topics in Chinese History
Prerequisite: POL215Y1 and enrolment in the Asia Pacific
HIS328Y1 Modern China since 1800
Studies major/permission of the Program Director
HIS347H1 History of Modern Chinese Foreign Relations
Exclusion: ASI300Y1
HIS380H1 Late Imperial China
HIS385H1/Y1 The History of Hong Kong
HIS409H1 One Day in Vietnamese Religious History:
The Meetings of the Four Religions

Dr. David Chu Program in Asia-Pacific Studies
JPA410H1 Democracy and Identity in Asia (formerly
ASI410H1) [24S]
The course explores the ways in which identity has been
empowered, represented, and institutionalized in Asia’s
emerging democracies; how identity claims challenge
historically notions of state and nation; various ways in which
democracy is being shaped and challenged by demands
for identity recognition. Thematic, cross-regional approach;
pan-Asian (East, Southeast, South Asia). (Given by the
Department of Political Science and the Dr. David Chu
Program is Asia Pacific Studies).
Exclusion: ASI410H1
JPA420H1 Asia and the new Global Economy (formerly
ASI420H1) [24L]
Course explores the rise of Asia and its integration into
the new global economy (labour, capitalism, knowledge
economy, economic nationalism, inequality, gender, the
meaning of capitalism, democracy, among others), exposing
students to different disciplinary perspectives. Geographical
coverage is pan-Asian, including East, Southeast and South
Asia. (Given by the Department of Political Science and the
Dr. David Chu Program is Asia Pacific Studies).
Exclusion: ASI420H1
ASI430H Nationalism, Revolution and Reform in Asia:
China in Comparative Perspective [24L]
This course explores the far-reaching social, political,
and cultural transformations in modern China. Focusing
on China’s twentieth-century revolutionary history and
its struggles to establish a modern nation-state, the
course adopts a topical approach within a chronological
and comparative framework to highlight major historical
movements and theoretical issues significant to the Asian
Exclusion: HIS328H1

Astronomy & Astrophysics

Faculty system. Astronomy and astrophysics have undergone

a revolution in the past fifty years as telescopes ranging
Professors Emeriti from the radio to the gamma ray have discovered the relict
C.T. Bolton, M Sc, Ph D, FRSC radiation from the Big Bang, planets around other stars and
C.M. Clement, B Sc, MA, Ph D the time at which the first stars were just beginning to form.
M.J. Clement, M Sc, Ph D Astronomy as a discipline is a distinctive integration of
J.D. Fernie, M Sc, Ph D, FRSC many of the sciences. At the introductory level it is used to
R.F. Garrison, BA, Ph D provide a non-technical overview of the scientific approach
P.P. Kronberg, M Sc, Ph D, D Sc to questions and our current understanding. At the more
J.R. Percy, B Sc, MA, Ph D advanced level a quantitative physical understanding
S.M. Rucinski, M Sc, Ph D of astrophysical systems is developed. A graduate in
E. R. Seaquist, MA, Ph D astronomy has a wide grounding in modern physical
science which is important for a wide range of roles in
Professor and Chair society.
P.G. Martin, M Sc, Ph D, FRSC †
Several courses are offered to suit persons of diverse
Associate Chair, Graduate Studies backgrounds and depths of interest. Two beginning
R.G. Abraham, B Sc, D Phil courses (AST 101H1, 201H1) require no special knowledge
Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies of mathematics or other sciences and are best suited to
R.G. Carlberg, M Sc, Ph D, FRSC students taking non-science programs. These courses
develop an understanding of the universe in a qualitative
University Professor way and in terms of natural laws familiar to us on Earth.
J.R. Bond, OC, MS, Ph D, FRSC, FRS † Audiovisual demonstrations are used extensively. AST121H
Professors is an introductory astronomy course for science students.
The course AST 210H1 is intended for students in other
P. Artymowicz, MSc, PhD (University of Toronto
areas of the sciences. AST251H1 is best suited to life
science students. The remaining courses are designed for
C.C. Dyer, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
physical sciences and astronomy program students. The
first physics and math based astronomy courses normally
L. Kofman, BS, Ph D † (obiit)
start in the second year. In some of these courses, the
J.B. Lester, MS, Ph D (University of Toronto
objective is to provide for practical involvement by the
student. This is achieved by the use of the remotely-
N. W. Murray, BS, Ph D †
controlled telescopes at the St. George and Scarborough
C.B. Netterfield, BS, Ph D
Campus observatories by day as well as by night.
A.C. Thompson, BS, Ph D †
M.H. van Kerkwijk, MA, Ph D The Department works closely with two related academic
H.K.C. Yee, B Ap Sc, Ph D units, the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics
Associate Professors (CITA) and the Dunlap Institute for Astronomy and
R. Jayawardhana, BS, AM, PhD Astrophysics (DI). With a national mandate, CITA
S.W. Mochnacki, M Sc, Ph D fosters research in theoretical aspects of the discipline,
U-L. Pen, M Sc, Ph D † including the exploitation of high performance computers
in house and in SciNet. Complementary to this, a focus
Assistant Professors of DI is on the design and development of astronomical
J. P. Lowman, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto instrumentation. Undergraduate students will find diverse
Scarborough) research opportunities through the Department and these
F. Marleau, PhD two cognate units.
C.D. Matzner, AB, MA, Ph D
D-S. Moon, Ph D Undergraduate Enquiries: [email protected]
H. Pfeiffer, Ph D † (416-946-5243)
M. Reid, M Sc, Ph D (CLTA) Web site: http://www.astro.utoronto.ca
G. Srinivasan, Ph D † †
S. Stanley, MA, Ph D † †
Y. Wu, Ph D
Astronomy & Astrophysics
† Cross-appointed, CITA Programs
Enrolment in the Astronomy and Astrophysics programs
† † Cross-appointed, PLN
requires completion of four courses; no minimum GPA is
Astronomy is the study of the exploration of the universe required.
beyond the earth and to understand the physical processes
that describe its contents. Essentially all civilizations Astronomy & Astrophysics (Science program)
have developed astronomy to some degree, with records
extending back to the Babylonians. . The modern Major program:
development of astronomy began with Galileo turning a (8 full courses or their equivalent, including at least two
telescope to the sky and the heliocentric model of the solar courses at the 300+-level)

Astronomy & Astrophysics
First Year: Planetary Sciences Specialist Program - See
MAT 135Y1/137Y1; PHY131H1, 132H1 or PHY151H1, Planetary Sciences
Second Year:
1. AST 221H1, 222H1; MAT 235Y1/237Y1
Astronomy & Astrophysics Courses
2. PHY 252H1 and one of PHY 224H1, 250H1, 254H1, See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
Third Year: First Year Seminars
1. AST 320H1, 325H1/326Y1 The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
2. One course from: CSC 336H1, 350H1, 351H1, 418H1, the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
456H1; ECE 385H1; PHY 350H1, 353H1, 354H1, of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
356H1, 357H1, 358H1, 395H1 407H1/408H1, seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
3. One additional course or half course in APM/AST/ and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
CSC/MAT/PHY/STA, to make up the total of 8 full- professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
course equivalents. year of study. For details, see page 48.

Minor program: AST101H1 The Sun and Its Neighbours [24L, 12T]
(4 full courses or their equivalent) Our place in the Universe. Phenomena we see in the sky.
What we know about the Sun, the planets and comets,
1. AST 221H1, 222H1, 320H1, 325H1/326Y1 and the formation of the solar system -- and how we know
2. PHY 131H1, 132H1 or PHY 151H1, 152H1 it. What makes planets suitable for life. Finding out about
3. PHY 252H1 and one of PHY 224H1, 250H1, 254H1, the nearest stars and their planets. This course is intended
256H1 for students with no science or engineering background.
Please note: Exclusion: AST121H1, 210H1, 221H1. Also excluded
PHY131H1, 132H1 and PHY 151H1, 152H1 require are CIV101H1, any 100- or higher-series CHM/PHY
MAT135Y1/137Y1/151Y1 and PHY252H1 requires courses taken previously or concurrently (with the
MAT235Y1/237Y1/257Y1. exception of PHY100H1, 101H1, 201H1, 205H1,
Astronomy & Physics (Science program) DR=SCI; BR=5
Consult Departments of Astronomy & Astrophysics and AST121H1 Origin and Evolution of the Universe
Physics. [24L]
The origin of the Universe, the origin of the chemical
Specialist program: elements, the origin of stars and galaxies, the origin of life
(14 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one in the Universe. This course is intended for students who
400-series course) are enrolling in science courses.
Exclusion: AST101H1, 201H1, 210H1. Also excluded are
First Year:
AST221H1, 222H1 if taken previously or concurrently
MAT 137Y1, 223H1/240H1; PHY 151H1, 152H1
Recommended Preparation: OAC Physics/ SPH4U and
Second Year:
OAC Calculus/MCB4U
AST 221H1, 222H1; MAT 237Y1, 244H1; PHY 250H1,
252H1, 256H1
Third Year: AST201H1 Stars and Galaxies [24L, 12T]
1. APM 346H1; AST 320H1, 325H1/326Y; PHY 224H1, What we know about the properties and life cycles of
254H1, 354H1, 356H1 stars, of galaxies, and of the Universe itself -- and how
2. One of MAT 224H1, 327H1, 334H1, 363H1, STA we know it. How astronomers develop methods for
257H1 understanding phenomena that span such vast ranges in
Fourth Year: distance and time. This course is intended for students
1. AST 425Y1; PHY 350H1, 353H1 with no science or engineering background.
2. One half course from each of groups A and B Exclusion: AST121H1, 210H1. Also excluded are
3. One additional half course from either group A, group CIV101H1 and any 100- or higher-series CHM or
B or group C PHY courses taken previously or concurrently (with
the exception of PHY100H1, 101H1, 201H1, 205H1,
Group A: DR=SCI; BR=5
PHY 357H1, 358H1, 395H1, 495H1 AST210H1 Great Moments in Astronomy [24L]
The history of Western astronomy: Copernican Revolution
Group B:
to twentieth century astrophysics. Emphasis is placed on
PHY 456H1, 459H1, 460H1, 483H1, 484H1
the process of discovery which has led to major advances
Group C: in knowledge about the Universe. The course ends with
PHY 324H1, 407H1, 408H1 an outline of one of the most significant puzzles of our day
and an examination of the potential for a new revolution
in knowledge in our lifetime. This course is best suited to
science students.
Exclusion: AST101H1, 121H1, 201H1

Astronomy & Astrophysics
DR=SCI; BR=5 AST398H0 Independent Experiential Study Project
AST221H1 Stars and Planets [36L] AST399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project
Concepts of basic physics applied to a treatment of the An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus
solar system and stars. Telescopes and instrumentation setting. See page 48 for details.
are introduced. DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Exclusion: AST101H1/201H1 AST425Y1 Research Topic in Astronomy [TBA]
Prerequisite: PHY131H1, 132H11/151H1, 152H1, A research project done in consultation with an individual
MAT135Y1/137Y1 staff member in the Department leading to a detailed
DR=SCI; BR=5 written report and oral presentation. This course is
AST222H1 Galaxies and Cosmology [39L] intended for students in the final year of the Astronomy
Concepts of basic physics applied to a treatment of stellar and Physics specialist program. Students must enrol with
systems and the structure of the Universe. the Undergraduate Secretary of the Department.
Exclusion: AST201H1 Prerequisite: Two of PHY 324H1, 350H1, 353H1, 354H1,
Prerequisite: AST221H1 356H1, 357H1, 358H1, 395H1,407H1, 408H1,
DR=SCI; BR=5 AST325H1/326Y1
AST251H1 Life on Other Worlds [24L]
Scholarly discussion of the probability that there are
planets with life elsewhere in the universe, from the
perspective of current ideas concerning the origin and
evolution of the universe, the solar system and life Search
techniques and possibilities for interstellar travel and
space colonies are discussed. This course is best suited
to life sciences students.
Recommended Preparation: OAC Biology/OAC Chemistry/
AST299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
Credit course for supervised participation in faculty
research project. See page 48 for details.
AST320H1 Introduction to Astrophysics [24L]
The formation, equilibrium and evolution of structure on
all astronomical scales from the largest to the smallest:
universe, clusters of galaxies, galaxies, clusters of stars,
gas clouds and stars.
Prerequisite: AST222H1, PHY252H1
AST325H1 Introduction to Practical Astronomy [39P]
Observational projects in astrophysics involving work with
telescopes and CCD detectors. Principles of photometry.
Use of standard software packages for data reduction
and analysis. Students will be required to use UNIX/Linux
operating systems.
Exclusion: AST 326Y1
Prerequisite: AST221H1/222H1, PHY250H1/252H1/254H1/
AST326Y1 Practical Astronomy [78P]
Observational projects in astrophysics involving work with
telescopes and CCD detectors. Principles of photometry
and spectroscopy. Use of UNIX/Linux-based software
packages for data reduction and analysis. This course
is an expanded version of AST 325H1 designed to give
students a wider exposure to practical astronomy.
Exclusion: AST 325H1
Prerequisite: AST 221H1/222H1, PHY
250H1/252H1/254H1/ 256H1

Collaborative Program of the Faculty of Arts C.H. Siu, BA, Ph D
& Science and the Faculty of Medicine W. Trimble, B Sc, Ph D
D.B.Williams, M Sc, Ph D
S. Wodak, L.C. Ph D
Associate Professors
University Professor Emeritus G.W. Brown, B Sc, Ph D
M.A. Packham, BA, Ph D, FRSC J.R. Glover, B Sc, Ph D
W. Houry, B Sc, Ph D
Professors Emeriti M.F. Manolson, B Sc, Ph D
R.A. Anwar, M Sc, Ph D J. Parkinson, B Sc, Ph D
A. Bennick, M Sc D, Ph D R. Pomès, B Eng, Ph D
N. Camerman, B Sc, Ph D S. Prosser, B Sc, M Sc, D Phil
G.E. Connell, BA, Ph D, FRSC, O.C. M.L. Rand, B Sc, Ph D
T. Hofmann, Dip Chem, D Sc Tech C.A. Smibert, B Sc, Ph D
V.K. Kalnins, M Sc, Ph D I. Stagljar, B Sc Dipl-Mol Biol, Ph D
B.G. Lane, BA, Ph D B. Steipe, MD, Ph D
H.G. Lawford, B Sc, Ph D A.R. Wilde, B Sc, Ph D
A. Marks, MD, Ph D C.M. Yip, BA Sc, Ph D
M.A. Moscarello, BA, MD, Ph D
R.K. Murray, MB, Ch B, MS, Ph D Assistant Professors
R.H. Painter, B Sc, Ph D (T) S. Angers, B Sc, Ph D
B. Sarkar, M Pharm, Ph D W. Kahr, MD, PhD, FRCPC
H. Schachter, BA, MD, Ph D, FRSC P.K. Kim, B Sc, Ph D
D.O. Tinker, B Sc, Ph D A. McQuibban, B Sc, M Sc, Ph D
G.R. Williams, B Sc, Ph D, D Sc (S), FRSC T. F. Moraes, B Sc, M Sc, Ph D
A. F. Palazzo, B Sc, Ph D
Professor and Chair of the Department J. Rubinstein, B Sc, Ph D
R.A.F. Reithmeier, B Sc, Ph D S. Sharpe, B Sc, Ph D
University Professor A. Volchuk, B Sc, Ph D
D.H. MacLennan, BA, M Sc, Ph D, FRSC, O.C. Senior Lecturer
Professors S. Andreopoulos, M Sc, Ph D
K. Adeli, B Sc, M Sc, Ph D Lecturer
L. Attisano, B Sc, Ph D A. Khan-Trottier, B Sc, Ph D
R.R. Baker, B Sc, Ph D (V)
D. Bazett-Jones, M Sc, Ph D Biochemistry is the study of the chemistry of living
C.E. Bear, M Sc, Ph D organisms. Biochemists seek a molecular explanation of
J.W. Callahan, M Sc, Ph D life by attempting to understand its underlying principles.
A. Chakrabartty, B Sc, Ph D Biochemistry is concerned with the relevance of a molecule
H.S. Chan, B Sc, Ph D to an organism and the correlations between its structure and
D.M. Clarke, B Sc, Ph D its function. Modern biochemistry grew out of the application
A.R. Davidson, B Sc, Ph D of chemical techniques to biological problems and is the
C.M. Deber, B Sc, Ph D, FRSC foundation of biological science and medicine. In many ways
J. Forman-Kay, B Sc, Ph D it combines biology and chemistry but the subject now covers
S. Grinstein, B Sc, Ph D, FRSC such a broad range of activity that it is difficult to draw a neat
J.W. Gurd, BA, Ph D border around biochemistry. Some of the most exciting areas
P.L. Howell, B Sc, Ph D of current biochemistry research include:
C.J. Ingles, B Sc, Ph D * structural biology
D.E. Isenman, B Sc, Ph D * enzyme mechanisms
A.O. Jorgensen, Ph D * signal transduction and regulation
L. Kay, B Sc, Ph D, FRSC * biotechnology
F.W. Keeley, B Sc, Ph D * molecular cell biology
S.O. Kelley, BA, Ph D * gene expression and development
A. Klip, M Sc, Ph D, FRSC * metabolic diseases
P.N. Lewis, B Sc, Ph D * proteomics and bioinformatics
C.A. Lingwood, B Sc, Ph D * molecular evolution
L.A. Moran, B Sc, Ph D * protein folding
E.F. Pai, Dipl-Chem, Dr rer nat * membranes and transport
G. Privé, B Sc, Ph D
D.E. Pulleyblank, B Sc, Ph D The Biochemistry Specialist Program is academically
J. Rini, B Sc, Ph D oriented and designed to provide students with a
B.H. Robinson, B Sc, Ph D fundamental understanding of the theoretical and practical
D. Rotin, B Sc, Ph D aspects of the discipline. The program offers training in
J.M. Segall, B Sc, Ph D problem solving specifically using a molecular approach.

Biochemistry specialists will gain experience in critical 1. BCH242Y1; (BIO240H1, 241H1)/ BIO250Y1;
thinking and the skills required to evaluate scientific rationale. CHM220H1*, CHM247H1/249H1
The Biochemistry Major Program offers students fundamental 2. One of: BIO260H1/HMB265H1/CHM221H1*
training in the science and gives each student in the program Third Year: BCH335H1, 340H1, BCH371H1; MGY311Y1
the chance to combine Biochemistry with another relevant Fourth Year:
Major Program. This may be within the Life Sciences or 1. BCH471Y1
Basic Sciences, or may be within the arts. For example, the 2. Four half courses from the following list, including at least
combination of Biochemistry with Economics or with English two BCH courses:
could provide students with training relevant to the fields BCH422H1/425H1/426H1/440H1/441H1/444H1/445H1/
of investment within biotechnology or scientific journalism. 446H1/447H1/479H1/BCB420H1/CHM447H1/MGY
Students who excel within the Biochemistry Major Program 420H1/425H1/428H1/451H1/452H1/470H1
may be offered the chance to enter the Specialist Program BCH372Y1/373H1/375H1/472Y1/473Y1: One full credit from
at the third year. Frequently students who have completed these optional research project courses may be taken for
a B.Sc. in the Specialist Program continue their studies in the Specialist program**.
graduate programs in Biochemistry and other Life Sciences. Note: Some of the MGY courses noted above have
Graduates from either the Specialist or Major Programs BIO 260H as prerequisite.
may find employment in research and teaching. Employers Over the course of the Specialist program, additional
include universities and colleges, government laboratories, credits (to bring the program total to 14 full courses
clinical biochemistry laboratories, forensic laboratories, or their equivalent) from the following list: BIO260H1/
pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology companies, and CHM217H1 (Analytical Chemistry)/CHM221H1* (Physical
many other industries. Skills learned in the Biochemistry Chemistry II)/CHM225Y1 (Physical Chemistry)/CHM326H1
Specialist and Major Programs are also helpful in other areas (Quantum Mechanics, Spectroscopy)/CHM328H1
such as marketing, finance, and law. Some biochemistry (Physical Chemistry) /CHM342H1 (Organic Synthesis)/
graduates continue their studies in medicine, dentistry or CHM347H1 (Organic Chemistry of Biological Compounds)/
other health related programs. CSC108H1/148H1/150H1 (Introductory Computer Science,
only one CSC course can be chosen)/HMB265H1/
Students considering choosing either the BCH Specialist MAT235Y1/237Y1 (Calculus II)/STA220H1/221H1/ any
or BCH Major program are encouraged to attend program suitable 300-level course from CHM/CSB/EEB/HMB/IMM/
information sessions to be held by the department in LMP/MGY/PCL/PSL (departmental approval required)
February and March. Please note that the Specialist
program is the accepted route to graduate studies in *In lieu of CHM220H1 + 221H1, CHM225Y1 is an acceptable
Biochemistry and to careers in research. alternate credit for the Specialist program. CHM225Y1
and CHM221H1 have MAT235Y1/237Y1 (Calculus II) as
Undergraduate Coordinator corequisite.
Dr. R. R. Baker, [email protected] ** Additional BCH research project courses can be taken as
part of the 20 full credits needed for your degree, but if
Undergraduate Administrator:
you take more than one full credit project course each
Brenda Bradshaw, [email protected]
must be taken with a different research supervisor.
Major Program
Medical Sciences Building, Room 5207 (416-978-2700)
(8 full courses or their equivalent, including two 400-series
Web site: www.biochemistry.utoronto.ca half-year courses as noted below)
The Biochemistry Major program is a Type 3 program. Only
Biochemistry Programs students with a GPA of 2.5 or higher will be considered
for entrance into the Major program. Enrollment is limited
Biochemistry (Science Program) and selection is based upon performance in First Year
The Biochemistry Specialist Program is a Type 3 program. courses. Students may combine this Biochemistry Major with
Enrolment is limited and selection is based on performance another suitable Major within Science, Humanities, or Social
in First Year courses. Typically, students considered for Sciences. For more information, refer to the Biochemistry
entrance into the Specialist Program have a GPA greater web site at www.biochemistry.utoronto.ca
than 3.0. Students apply via the Faculty’s Subject POSt web First Year: BIO150Y1/(BIO120H1, 130H1); CHM151Y1/
site. See the departmental web site at www.biochemistry. (CHM138H1, 139H1); MAT135Y1/136Y1/137Y1
utoronto.ca for more information. Second Year: BCH210H1;(BIO240H1, 241H1)/BIO250Y1;
Specialist Program Third Year:
(14 full courses or their equivalent, including at least three 1. BCH370H1
400 series courses) 2. BCH311H1
First Year: BIO150Y1/(BIO120H1, 130H1); 3. One full-course equivalent from the following list:
CHM151Y1/ (CHM138H1, 139H1); BIO260H1/CHM217H1/CHM220H1/HMB265H1/
MAT135Y1/136Y1/137Y1; (PHY131H1, 132H1)/ BCH335H1/BCH340H1/Any 300-level course(s) in CHM/
(151H1,152H1)/110Y1/138Y1/140Y1 [PHY131H1, 132H1 CSB/EEB/HMB/IMM/LMP/MGY/PCL/PSL (departmental
recommended] approval required) Students who have completed
Second Year: BCH304H1 may use the credit to partially fulfill this

Fourth Year: Two of: BCH 422H1/425H1/426H1/440H1/ Fourth Year:
441H1/444H1/445H1/446H1/447H1/CHM 447H1 Bio Analyst Stream (preparation for life-science graduate
programs) BCB410H1; BCB420H1; CSC411H1; five
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology half credits from (BCB430Y1, BCH335H1, BCH340H1,
In principle, life is an expression of pure information, MGY420H1, MGY425H1, MBY428H1, BCH422H1,
encoded in physical molecules. The more we discover about BCH426H1, BCH440H1, MGY460H1, BIO460H1,
the details, the more we find that molecular biology is an BIO473H1, BOT421H1, BOT450H1, BOT458H1)
information science as much as it is a physical science.
Genome sequencing, proteome analysis and the study of Bio Computing Stream (preparation for computer-
cellular “systems” have given us breathtaking insights into science graduate programs) BCB410H1; BCB420H1;
the inner workings of biological function at the molecular CSC411H1; CSC336H1/CSC350H1; one half credit from
level. However, a deep understanding of the complex (MGY420H1, MGY425H1, MBY428H1, BCH422H1,
organization of the cell and the interaction of its components BCH426H1, BCH440H1, MGY460H1, BIO460H1,
has yet to be achieved. Substantial further progress will be BIO473H1, BOT421H1, BOT450H1, BOT458H1); three
needed to make our science predictive, to fulfill the promises half credits from (BCB430Y1, CSC324H1, CSC363H1,
of “post-genomic” biology for biotechnology and molecular MAT244H1, CSC310H1 CSC321H1,CSC343H1,
medicine. Bioinformatics builds the toolbox of this science CSC412H1 CSC456H1)
with methods that make biological information computable.
Computational biology is bioinformatics’ goal: we hope to Bioinformatics & Computational
advance our understanding of life through computational
analysis, modeling, and prediction.
Biology Courses
See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions. For details on
The Bioinformatics and Computational Biology specialist
BCB courses, see www.biochemistry.utoronto.ca/bcb
program - provides a balance between its foundational
subjects and covers advanced topics in both the theoretical For more information please contact the BCB Program
and the life-sciences. It aims to train future leaders in the Coordinator: Boris Steipe ([email protected]).
field who will develop original, creative problem-solving
strategies at the intersection of theory and experiment. BCB410H1 Applied Bioinformatics [24L, 13P]
The program draws on the University’s state-of-the-art Practical introduction to concepts, standards and tools
facilities across several departments, as well as being firmly for the implementation of strategies in bioinformatics and
embedded in a comprehensive landscape of graduate and computational biology.
postgraduate research in one of the University’s priority Prerequisite: CSC263H1, CSC373H1, MGY311Y1/
areas. Graduates of the program would typically pursue (BIO260H1, BIO349H1) or special permission
graduate studies in any of the participating departments: DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Computer Science (from the biocomputing stream, see BCB420H1 Computational Systems Biology [24L]
below), Biochemistry, or the biological disciplines (from the Current approaches to using the computer for analyzing
bioanalyst stream). Their professional careers may span a and modeling biology as integrated molecular systems. The
wide range of opportunities in academic research, but also course complements an introductory Bioinformatics course
entering into medical school, and biotechnology careers in such as BCH441H1. (Enrolment limited).
drug-development, agrotechnology or even patent law. Prerequisite: MGY311Y1/(BIO260H1, BIO349H1),
BCH441H1/CSB472H1 or special permission,
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology DR=SCI; BR=TBA
(Science Program) BCB430Y1 Special Project in Bioinformatics and
The Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Program Computational Biology [TBA]
is jointly sponsored by the Departments of Biochemistry, An opportunity for specialized individual research in
Cell & Systems Biology, Computer Science and Ecology & bioinformatics and computational biology by arrangement
Evolutionary Biology. Enrollment is limited and selection is with the course coordinator and a supervisor.
based on performance in the required first year courses. Prerequisite: GPA 3.0 and written acceptance by coordinator
and supervisor.
Specialist program: Co-requisite: BCB410H1, BCB420H1
(16.5 full courses or their equivalent) Exclusion: Any other 4th year special project course taken at
First Year: MAT135Y1/MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1; (CSC107H1/ the same time.
CSC108H1, CSC148H1)/CSC150H1; CSC165H1; DR=SCI; BR=TBA
CHM151Y1/(CHM138H1, CHM139H1); BIO150Y1/
(BIO120H1, BIO130H1); writing requirement (0.5 credit,
Molecular Biophysics (Science
see Note 2 to Comprehensive Program in Computer Program): See Physics
Second Year: MAT223H1/MAT240H1; STA247H1;
STA248H1; CSC207H1; CSC236H1/CSC240H1;
BCH242Y1; BIO250Y1; BIO240H1; BIO241H1
Third Year: CSC263H1/CSC265H1; CSC321H1/CSC343H1;
CSC373H1/CSC375H1; BCH441H1/BIO472H1;
MGY311Y1/(BIO260H1, BIO349H1)

Biochemistry Courses permitted to take BCH311H1 until a final passing mark
appears on the transcript.
See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions. Exclusion: BIO349H1/CSB349H1, MGY311Y1, PSL350H1
Prerequisite: BCH210H1
First Year Seminars
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide the
opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class of no BCH335H1 Nucleic Acids and Recombinant DNA
more than twenty-four students. These interactive seminars Technology [24L, 6T]
are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity and provide Structure of DNA and RNA. Catalytic RNAs (ribozymes).
an opportunity to get to know a member of the professorial Aspects of DNA topology and chromatin structure.
staff in a seminar environment during the first year of study. Restriction/modification and fundamentals of recombinant
For details, see page 48. DNA technology.
Exclusion: BCH430H1
NOTE*** Prerequisite: BCH210H1/242Y1
Students that do not meet the Subject Post requirements for DR=SCI; BR=TBA
PE/AE courses must email Brenda Bradshaw for permission BCH340H1 Proteins: from Structure to Proteomics
to take the course. [24L, 6T]
Proteins are the main functional units of the cell. In this
BCH210H1 Biochemistry I: Proteins, Lipids and
course, a detailed overview of protein structure, stability,
Metabolism [36L, 24T]
folding, and protein-ligand interactions will be given with
Proteins, enzymes, membranes and the metabolism of
strong emphasis on discussing the basic principles in the
carbohydrates and lipids. This course is intended for students
field. Biophysical methods as well as theoretical approaches
who are NOT taking BCH 242Y1 as part of their program.
to studying protein stability and folding will be presented.
Exclusion: BCH242Y1/310H1/320Y1/321Y1/
Finally, proteomics approaches to map protein-protein
CHM265H5(UTM)/ 361H5(UTM)/362H5(UTM)/ (UTSC)
interactions will be discussed.
BGYC12H3 and BGYC13H3
Exclusion: BCH421H1
Prerequisite: (CHM138H1, 139H1)/CHM151Y
Prerequisite: BCH210H1/BCH242Y1
AND CHM139H meet the prerequisite requirement
for BCH210H. SCI1** DOES NOT COUNT AS A BCH370H1 Laboratory Course in Biochemical
PREREQUISITE. CHM140Y1 (UTM) is equivalent Techniques [12L 36P]
to CMH139H1 ONLY. CHMA10H/A11H (UTSC) are This course reinforces theoretical principles through
equivalent to CHM139. CHMB41H/B42 (UTSC) are experiments that encompass pH and buffers,
equivalent to CHM138. Students that have an SDF in spectrophotometry, chromatography, electrophoresis
CHM138/139 are not permitted to take BCH210H1 until a and enzyme kinetics. Intended for students who are not
final passing mark appears on the transcript. proceeding further in biochemistry. It is highly recommended
DR=SCI; BR=5 that students take this course in their third year as space
is limited and priority will go to third-year students. cGPA of
BCH242Y1 Introduction to Biochemistry [64L, 12P, 12T]
2.5 is required for non-Biochemistry Majors and Specialists.
An introductory course that will serve as the foundation
This course will be offered in the FALL & WINTER terms. No
for BCH courses taken in Third and Fourth years by
enrolment will be permitted five days after the start of class.
students specializing in biochemistry and related specialist
(Enrolment limited)
programs. The major topics include protein structure,
Exclusion: BCH371H1, CHM379H1
enzyme mechanisms, carbohydrates, metabolism and
Prerequisite: BCH210H1
bioenenergetics, lipids, membranes, cellular and molecular
biology. Please note that there are four laboratories in this
course. BCH371H1 A Laboratory Course in Biochemistry [72P]
Exclusion: BCH210H1/310H1/320Y1/321Y1/ An introduction to laboratory techniques of modern
CHM265H5(UTM)/ 361H5(UTM)/362H5(UTM)/ (UTSC) biochemistry. Experiments illustrate and develop the
BGYC12H3 and BGYC13H3 concepts described in lecture courses, and prepare the
Prerequisite: (CHM138H1, 139H1)/CHM151Y student for advanced training in biochemical laboratory
DR=SCI; BR=4+5 techniques. (Enrolment limited)
Exclusion: BCH370H1, CHM379H1
BCH299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
Prerequisite: BCH242Y1
Credit course for supervised participation in faculty research
project. See page 48 for details.
DR=SCI BCH372Y1 Summer Research in Biochemistry [144P]
This course provides increased “real-world” research
BCH311H1 Biochemistry II: Nucleic Acids and
opportunities to undergraduates who have completed
Biological Information Flow [24L, 24T]
second year. Students can take advantage of the resources
Nucleic acids and flow of information in biological systems.
and expertise of the over 50 faculty researchers within
Information storage and transmission by nucleic acids,
the department. It will give students an appreciation of the
as well as new molecular technologies will be discussed.
scientific method that comes from intensive experimentation
Registration in one of the tutorial sessions is mandatory.
and it will enhance students understanding of theoretical
Note: Students that have a SDF in BCH210H1 are not
concepts learned in other courses through a better
understanding of the experimental approaches upon which

those theories are based. It also will provide an environment DR=SCI; BR=TBA
that involves one on one contact with faculty members. BCH426H1 Regulation of Signalling Pathways [24L]
The experience gained in this introductory research project A variety of questions relating to signal transduction are
will enhance the student experience in intermediate and investigated. How is calcium regulated in the cell and how
advanced level research project courses that our department does calcium regulate cell function? How are extracellular
offers. Students must have a minimum cGPA of 3.0. signals received and transmitted by intracellular proteins
Prerequisite: BCH242Y1, and permission of Department to control cellular proliferation and differentiation? What
DR=SCI; BR=TBA signaling pathways are triggered by insulin?
BCH373H1 Research Project in Biochemistry [72P] Prerequisite: BCH210H1/242Y1, BCH311H1/MGY311Y1/
This course is held in the fall term and will provide increased CSB349H1 (BIO349H1)/PSL350H1
“real-world” research opportunities to our undergraduates. DR=SCI; BR=TBA
This course, which will take advantage of the resources BCH427H1 Advanced Molecular Biophysics [24L]
and expertise of the over 50 faculty researchers within the This course provides a focused study of concepts in
department, will enhance our program in several ways. It thermodynamics, statistical mechanics and quantum
will give students an appreciation of the scientific method mechanics through examples dealing with important
that comes from intensive experimentation. It will also current problems in molecular biophysics. Concepts in
enhance students understanding of theoretical concepts thermodynamics and statistical mechanics will be surveyed
learned in other courses through a better understanding of through applications to protein folding, while principles of
the experimental approaches upon which those theories are quantum mechanics will be emphasized through a study of
based. It will provide an environment that involves one on nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
one contact with faculty members. In addition, the experience Prerequisite: CHM326H1/PHY355H1, CHM328H1
gained in this intermediate research project will enhance the DR=SCI; BR=TBA
student experience in the advanced level research project
course BCH473, that our department offers. BCH373H1 BCH440H1 Protein Biosynthesis [24L]
can be combined with BCH375H1. Students must have a Mechanisms of translation initiation and translational
minimum cGPA of 3.0. control, ribosome assembly and structure. Protein folding
Prerequisite: BCH242Y1, and permission of Department and molecular chaperones. Protein targeting and transport.
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Regulation of protein degradation.
Prerequisite: BCH210H1/242Y1, BCH311H1/MGY 311Y1/
BCH375H1 Research Project in Biochemistry [72P] CSB349H1 (BIO 349H1)/PSL350H1
This course provides an opportunity to perform specialized DR=SCI; BR=TBA
research in biochemistry under the direct supervision of
Biochemistry Department faculty. (See BCH373H). BCH441H1 Bioinformatics [24L, 12T]
Students must have a minimum cGPA of 3.0. This course covers computational methods and internet
Prerequisite: BCH242Y1, and permission of Department resources in modern biochemistry and molecular biology.
DR=SCI; BR=TBA The main topics include: sequence and genome databases,
sequence alignment and homology search, use and
interpretation of molecular structure, and phylogenetic
Note analysis. Assignments focus on competence building with
Students who have completed University of Toronto at essential, web-based bioinformatics tools. Tutorials are
Mississauga’s CHM361H5 and 362H5 may enroll in optional and will be offered based on needs. For curriculum
400-series lecture courses if they obtain permission of the details see: www.biochemistry.utoronto.ca/undergraduates/
Department courses/BCH441H/wiki/
Exclusion: CSB472H1, BIO472H1
BCH422H1 Membrane Proteins: Structure, and Function Prerequisite: BCH210H1/242Y1, BCH311H1/ MGY311Y1/
[24L] (CSB349H1/BIO349H1)/PSL350H1 or special permission
Structural features of membrane proteins and methods of DR=SCI; BR=TBA
analysis. Function of membrane proteins as transporters, BCH444H1 Protein Trafficking in the Secretory &
channels, pumps and receptors. Molecular aspects of Endocytic Pathways [24L]
disease processes linked to membrane proteins. This course examines the molecular details of the secretory
Prerequisite: BCH210H1/242Y1, BCH311H1/ MGY311Y1/ and endocytic pathways in the cell. Some of the specific
CSB349H1 (BIO349H1)/PSL350H1 topics covered will include protein translocation into the ER,
DR=SCI; BR=TBA chaperones and protein folding in the ER, retrotranslocation
BCH425H1 Structural Biology: Principles and Practice and protein degradation, the Unfolded Protein Response
[24L] (UPR), vesicle biogenesis and ER-Golgi transport, regulated
Theory and practice of modern biophysical techniques secretion, basic concepts in endocytosis and protein sorting
as applied in the study of structure and function of in polarized cells.
macromolecules; emphasis on protein X-ray crystallography, Prerequisite: BCH 242Y1/210H1, BCH311H1/ MGY311Y1/
NMR, electron microscopy and other spectroscopic methods; PSL 350H1/CSB349H1 (BIO349H1)
discussion of selected examples. DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: BCH 210H1/242Y1. This is a problem-solving BCH445H1 Organelles in Cell Function and Death [24L]
course and will require use of skills from introductory Advanced principles and concepts of cell biology are covered
physics, math, and/or chemistry courses. including the structure, biogenesis, and dynamic behavior

of cell organelles. The specific contributions to the life and BCH473Y1 Advanced Research Project in Biochemistry
death of the cell are highlighted. Signaling events that [144P]
integrate cellular communication are discussed. Specifically, Research in a particular area of biochemistry, by
the interplay between the Endoplasmic Reticulum, arrangement with the Department and the instructor
Peroxisomes and Mitochondria is highlighted. Mitochondrial concerned. Students must have a minimum GPA of 3.0.
biogenesis and membrane dynamics as they relate to Prerequisite: BCH335H1 + 340H1 + 371H1, and permission
apoptosis and cellular signaling/integration are presented of Department
as they relate to human disease. State-of-the-art imaging Co-requisite: BCH471Y1
techniques and the contributions of cell biology to modern DR=SCI; BR=TBA
day advances in medicine are also presented. BCH479H1 Advanced Seminar in Biochemistry [24S]
Exclusion: ANA304Y1, BCH305H1 This seminar course will foster close interactions between
Prerequisite: BIO250Y1/(BIO240H1, 241H1), students and Faculty and encourage in depth discussion not
BCH210H1/242Y1, BCH311H1/ MGY311/CSB349H1 only of results but the ways the results were presented and
(BIO349)/PSL350 the rationales for experimental design. Critical thinking skills
DR=SCI; BR=TBA will be developed, as will presentation skills, as students
BCH446H1 Membrane Dynamics of the Cell Surface become presenters of results and take on the role of scientist
[24L] presenting and analyzing new findings. Writing skills will be
Principles and concepts of cell biology are covered developed through an essay assignment. Students within the
including the structure, molecular organization and dynamic audience will also have access to the experimental papers
interactions of cells with each other and the extracellular and be encouraged to pose thoughtful questions about
matrix during cell migration and cell adhesion. The role research and the ways that research can be communicated
of cytoskeletal components and cell surface receptors in within the scientific community. Thus the new seminar course
these processes and in membrane traffic will be addressed. will foster an appreciation of scientific writing and give
Signaling pathways initiated by cell-cell interactions during students a venue to develop their communication skills. The
normal and pathological development will be discussed. goal of the seminar course is to improve both the written and
Prerequisite: BIO240H1/BIO250Y1, BCH210H1/BCH242Y1, oral scientific communication skills of our Specialist students,
BCH311H1/MGY311Y1/CSB349 (BIO349H1)/PSL350H1 as well as to increase their knowledge of key papers in
and permission of department Biochemistry.
Exclusion: ANA304Y1, BCH304H1 Prerequisite: BCH335H1 + 340H1 + 371H1, and permission
DR=SCI; BR=TBA of Department
BCH447H1 Molecular Evolution [24L]
This course will examine the fundamental concepts of
evolution with an emphasis on molecular evolution. We will
discuss selected controversial topics such as molecular
clocks, alternative splicing, junk DNA, random genetic drift
vs. natural selection, the Three Domain Hypothesis and
whether humans are evolving. We will examine various
evolutionary hypotheses that scientists are proposing as
alternatives to the Modern Synthesis.
Prerequisite: BCH210H1/BCH242Y1, BCH311H1/
MGY311Y1/CSB349 (BIO349H1)/PSL350H1
BCH471Y1 Advanced Biochemistry Laboratory [161P]
Experiments demonstrating modern concepts of biochemistry
and molecular biology. (Enrolment limited)
Prerequisite: (BCH335H1 + 340H1 + 371H1)/(CHM361H5
[UTM] + 362H5 [UTM] + 371H5 [UTM]) + MGY311Y1
BCH472Y1 Advanced Summer Research Project in
Biochemistry [144P]
This course provides an opportunity for students who have
completed third year to perform specialized research in
biochemistry under the direct supervision of Biochemistry
Department faculty. (See BCH373H).
Note: Students must have a minimum cGPA of 3.0.
Prerequisite: BCH335H1, 340H1, 371H1, and permission of

Biological Chemistry: see Chemistry

Given by Members of the Departments of Biology Programs
Cell & Systems Biology and Ecology &
Evolutionary Biology Biology (Science program)
The Biology Specialist, Major, and Minor programs are
Students are advised to consult courses listed by these administered through the Department of Ecology &
Departments. Evolutionary Biology. After completing 4.0 FCEs (four full
Biology is the scientific study of life. At no time in history courses or their equivalent), it is recommended students
has biology been more visible and important to human in these programs discuss their course selections with the
life and the future of our planet. The study of biology has Department. Contact: [email protected]
vast applications − in understanding one’s own body, in Enrolment in the programs listed below requires completion
grappling with the ethical questions that face humanity, and of 4.0 FCEs; no minimum GPA is required.
in understanding the interdependent web of living organisms
on the planet. Today the biological sciences are experiencing Specialist program:
a revolution. Important discoveries occur almost weekly as (13 full courses or their equivalent, including at least 1.0
scientists and their students around the world develop and 400-series FCE)
use new techniques, theories, and approaches.
Students who have taken BIO150Y1, do not take
The University of Toronto has many faculty members BIO120H1 and BIO220H1 in this program. Students
conducting research and teaching courses in the biological who have taken BIO240H1 and BIO241H1, do not take
sciences. Within the Faculty of Arts and Science, St. George BIO130H1 and BIO230H1 in this program.
campus, there is no single biology department. Members of First Year (3.0 FCEs): BIO (120H1, 130H1)/150Y1;
the departments of Cell & Systems Biology and Ecology & CHM (138H1, 139H1)/151Y1; JMB170Y1/
Evolutionary Biology now teach biology courses once taught MAT135Y1/136Y1/137Y1/157Y1
by the departments of Botany and Zoology. Each of these Higher Years:
departments offers its own programs and courses, but jointly 1. 2.0 FCEs from: chemistry, CHM 220H1, 247H1/249H1;
offers the Biology, Botany, and Zoology programs. Courses physics, PHY 131H1, 132H1, 151H1, 152H1; or
are available in the subject areas of behaviour, evolution, statistics, EEB 225H1, PSY 201H1, 202H1, STA 220H1,
ecology, cell and molecular biology, genetics, physiology, and 221H1, 250H1, 255H1, 257H1, 261H1
developmental biology. In addition, there are courses offering NOTE: One of the two courses selected here can be
a field experience for students. Students should consult the taken in First Year
Cell & Systems Biology and Ecology & Evolutionary Biology 2. 3.5 FCEs: BIO220H1; BIO230H1/(240H1, 241H1)/255Y1;
entries in this Calendar. BIO251Y1; BIO(270H1, 271H1); BIO260H1/HMB265H1
Because many areas of biology draw on mathematics 3. 0.5 FCE at the 200+ series from: BCH; BIO; BOT
and the physical sciences, background preparation in (excluding BOT202Y1); CSB (excluding CSB200Y1);
mathematics and chemistry (and sometimes physics) is EEB (excluding EEB 202H1, 214H1, 215H1, 216H1);
recommended for students pursuing programs in biology. ENV234Y1; HMB321H1; EHJ351H1, 352H1; JHE
353H1, 355H1; MGY312H1; PSY397H1, PSY497H1;
Students entering their first year in the life sciences take ZOO (excluding ZOO 200Y1, 214Y1, 215H1, 216H1)
BIO120H1 and BIO130H1. These courses are taken by 4. 1.0 300+ series FCE in plant or microbial biology from:
students who have successfully completed Grade 12 Biology BOT; CSB 340H1, 350H1, 351Y1, 353H1, 450H1,
(or an equivalent course). One or both of these half courses 452H1, 459H1, 460H1, 475H1; EEB 328H1, 330H1,
is a prerequisite for almost all further courses in the life 331H1, 337H1, 340H1, 341H1, 404H1, 428H1, 440H1
sciences. 5. 1.0 300+ series FCE in animal biology from: CSB 325H1,
327H1, 328H1, 330H1, 331H1, 332H1, 343H1, 345H1,
Note: Students who enrolled prior to 2010-11, BIO150Y 346H1, 347H1, 425H1, 428H1, 429H1, 430H1, 431H1,
has been replaced with BIO120H1 and BIO220H1, and 435H1, 445H1, 483H1, 484H1; EEB 322H1, 356H1,
BIO240H1 and BIO241H1 have been replaced with 360H1, 382H1, 384H1, 386H1, 388H1, 389H1, 409H1;
BIO130H1 and BIO230H1. BIO220H1 and BIO230H1 will ZOO
each be offered for the first time in 2011-12. 6. 1.0 300+ series FCE from: ANA; ANT436H1; BCH; BIO;
Courses prior to 2007-08 listed in Calendars under Botany BOT; CSB; EEB; HMB321H1; EHJ351H1, 352H1; JHE
and Zoology are now listed under Cell & Systems Biology 353H1, 355H1; IMM; MGY; NUS; PSL; PSY397H1,
or Ecology & Evolutionary Biology. All students regardless 497H1; ZOO
of campus or Faculty must abide by the stated course 7. 1.0 400-series FCE from: BIO; BOT; CSB; EEB; HMB
prerequisites and exclusions. 499Y1; ZOO
Major program:
(8 full courses or their equivalent)
Students who have taken BIO150Y1, do not take
BIO120H1 and BIO220H1 in this program. Students
who have taken BIO240H1 and BIO241H1, do not take
BIO130H1 and BIO230H1 in this program.

First Year (2.0 FCEs): BIO (120H1, 130H1)/150Y1; CHM NOTE: One or more of the two courses selected here
(138H1, 139H1)/151Y1 can be taken in First Year
Higher Years: 2. 2.5 FCEs: BIO 220H1; BIO230H1/(240H1,
1. 3.0 FCEs: BIO220H1; BIO230H1/(240H1, 241H1)/255Y1; 241H1)/255Y1; BIO 251Y1; BIO260H1/HMB265H1
BIO251Y1; BIO(270H1, 271H1) 3. 1.0 FCE from: ENV234Y1 or EEB 319H1, 321H1,
2. 1.0 FCE from: BCH; BIO, including BIO260H1/ 323H1, 324H1, 330H1, 337H1
HMB265H1; BOT (excluding BOT202Y1); CSB 4. 2.0 FCEs from: BCH210H1; BOT (excluding BOT202Y1);
(excluding CSB200Y1); EEB (excluding EEB 202H1, CSB 340H1, 350H1, 351Y1, 353H1, 450H1, 452H1,
214H1, 215H1, 216H1); ENV 234Y1; HMB 321H1; 459H1, 460H1, 475H1; EEB 304H1, 330H1, 331H1,
EHJ351H1, 352H1; JHE 353H1, 355H1; MGY312H1; 337H1, 340H1, 428H1, 440H1
PSY397H1, PSY497H1; ZOO (excluding ZOO 200Y1, 5. 2.5 300+ series FCEs (at least 1.0 must be 400-series)
214Y1, 215H1, 216H1) from: BOT; CSB 340H1, 349H1, 350H1, 351Y1,
3. 2.0 300+ series FCEs from: ANA; BCH; BIO; BOT; CSB; 353H1, 450H1, 452H1, 459H1, 460H1, 472H1, 473H1,
EEB; HMB321H1; EHJ351H1, 352H1; HMB 499Y1; 475H1, 497H1, 498Y1, 499Y1; EEB 318H1, 319H1,
IMM; JHE 353H1, 355H1; MGY; NUS; PSL; PSY 397H1, 321H1, 323H1, 324H1, 328H1, 330H1, 331H1, 337H1,
497H1; ZOO 340H1, 397Y1, 401H1, 403H1, 404H1, 405H1, 406H1,
407H1,,410H1, 428H1, 440H1, 460H1, 488H1,494H1,
Minor program: 495H1, 497H1/498Y1, 499Y1; HMB 499Y1; JHE 353H1,
(4 full courses or their equivalent)
355H1; NUS (excluding NUS344H0)
Students who have taken BIO150Y1, do not take
BIO120H1 and BIO220H1 in this program. Students Major program:
(8 full courses or their equivalent)
who have taken BIO240H1 and BIO241H1, do not take
BIO130H1 and BIO230H1 in this program. Students who have taken BIO150Y1, do not take
BIO120H1 and BIO220H1 in this program. Students
1. BIO (120H1, 130H1)/150Y1
who have taken BIO240H1 and BIO241H1, do not take
2. 1.0 FCE from: BIO220H1;
BIO130H1 and BIO230H1 in this program.
BIO230H1/240H1/241H1/255Y1; BIO251Y1; BIO270H1,
271H1 First Year (3.0 FCEs): BIO (120H1, 130H1)/150Y1; CHM
3. 2.0 FCEs (1.0 FCE must be at the 300+ series) from: (138H1, 139H1)/151Y1; and 1.0 FCE from: CSC
BIO; BOT (excluding BOT202Y1); CSB (excluding (108H1, 148H1), JMB170Y1/ MAT135Y1/136Y1/137Y1,
CSB200Y1); EEB (excluding EEB 202H1, 214H1, PHY131H1/132H1/151H1/152H1
215H1, 216H1); ENV 234Y1; HMB 265H1, 321H1, Higher Years:
499Y1; EHJ351H1, 352H1; JHE 353H1, 355H1; MGY 1. 2.0 FCEs: BIO220H1; BIO230H1/(240H1, 241H1)/255Y1;
312H1; NUS; PSY 397H1, 497H1; ZOO (excluding ZOO BIO251Y1
200Y1, 214Y1, 215H1, 216H1) 2. 1.0 FCE from: BCH210H1; BIO260H1/HMB265H1;
BOT (excluding BOT202Y1); CSB 340H1, 350H1,
Botany (Science program) 351Y1, 353H1, 450H1, 452H1, 459H1, 460H1, 475H1;
The Botany Specialist, Major, and Minor programs are EEB330H1, 331H1, 337H1, 340H1, 341H1, 404H1,
administered through the Department of Ecology & 428H1, 440H1; ENV234Y1
Evolutionary Biology. After completing 4.0 FCEs (four full 3. 2.0 300+ series FCEs from: BOT; CSB 340H1, 349H1,
courses or their equivalent), it is recommended students 350H1, 351Y1, 353H1, 450H1, 452H1, 459H1,
in these programs discuss their course selections with the 460H1, 472H1, 473H1, 475H1, 497H1, 498Y1, 499Y1;
Department. Contact: [email protected] EEB318H1, 319H1, 321H1, 323H1, 324H1, 328H1,
Enrolment in programs listed below requires completion of 330H1, 331H1, 337H1, 340H1, 341H1, 397Y1, 401H1,
403H1, 404H1, 405H1, 406H1, 407H1, 410H1, 428H1,
4.0 FCEs; no minimum GPA is required.
440H1, 460H1, 488H1, 497H1/498Y1, 499Y1; HMB
499Y1; JHE 353H1, 355H1; NUS (excluding NUS344H0)
Specialist program:
(12 full courses or their equivalent, including at least 1.0 Minor program:
400-series FCE) (4 full courses or their equivalent)
Students who have taken BIO150Y1, do not take Students who have taken BIO150Y1, do not take
BIO120H1 and BIO220H1 in this program. Students BIO120H1 and BIO220H1 in this program. Students
who have taken BIO240H1 and BIO241H1, do not take who have taken BIO240H1 and BIO241H1, do not take
BIO130H1 and BIO230H1 in this program. BIO130H1 and BIO230H1 in this program.
First Year (2.0 FCEs): BIO (120H1, 130H1)/150Y1; CHM 1. BIO (120H1, 130H1)/150Y; BIO 251Y1
(138H1, 139H1)/151Y1 2. 1.0 FCE from: BIO 220H1;
Higher Years BIO230H1/240H1/241H1/255Y1; BIO260H1/HMB265H1;
BOT (excluding BOT 202Y1); CSB 340H1, 349H1,
1. 2.0 FCEs from: BCH210H1; CHM 220H1, 350H1, 351Y1, 353H1, 450H1, 452H1, 459H1, 460H1,
247H1/249H1; CSC 108H1, 148H1; JMB 170Y1/ MAT 472H1, 473H1, 475H1; EEB318H1, 319H1, 321H1,
135Y1/136Y1/137Y1; PHY 131H1, 132H1,151H1, 323H1, 324H1, 328H1, 330H1, 331H1, 337H1, 340H1,
152H1; or statistics, EEB 225H1, STA 220H1, 221H, 341H1, 401H1, 403H1, 404H1, 405H1, 406H1, 407H1,
250H1, 255H1, 257H1, 261H1 410H1, 428H1, 440H1; ENV 234Y1; JHE 353H1, 355H1

3. 1.0 300+ series FCEs from: BOT (excluding BOT202Y1); 215H1, 216H1)
CSB 340H1, 350H1, 351Y1, 353H1, 450H1, 452H1, NOTE: The 5.5 FCEs in 4. above must include at least
459H1, 460H1, 475H1, 488H1, 497H1/498Y1, 499Y1; 78 hours of lab; one field course counts as 52 hours.
EEB330H1, 331H1, 337H1, 340H1, 341H1, 397Y1,
404H1,428H1, 440H1, 460H1, 497H1/498Y1, 499Y1;
Major program:
(8 full courses or their equivalent)
HMB 499Y1; NUS (excluding NUS344H0)
Students who have taken BIO150Y1, do not take
Zoology (Science program) BIO120H1 and BIO220H1 in this program. Students
The Zoology Specialist, Major, and Minor programs are who have taken BIO240H1 and BIO241H1, do not take
administered through the Department of Cell & Systems BIO130H1 and BIO230H1 in this program.
Biology. After completing 4.0 FCEs (four full courses or their First Year (2.0 FCEs): BIO (120H1, 130H1)/150Y; CHM
equivalent), students in these programs are encouraged (138H1, 139H1)/151Y1
to discuss their course selections each year with the Higher Years
Department. Contact: [email protected] 1. 2.0 FCEs: BIO220H1; BIO230H1/(240H1, 241H1)/255Y1;
Enrolment in programs listed below requires completion of BIO(270H1, 271H1)
4.0 FCEs; no minimum GPA is required. 2. 1.0 FCE from: CHM 220H1, 247H1/249H1; JMB 170Y1/
MAT 135Y1/136Y1/137Y1/157Y1; or statistics, EEB
Specialist program: 225H1, PSY 201H1, 202H1, STA 220H1, 221H1, 250H1,
(13 full courses or their equivalent, including at least 1.0 255H1, 257H1, 261H1
400-series FCE) NOTE: One of the courses selected here could also be
Students who have taken BIO150Y1, do not take taken in First Year
BIO120H1 and BIO220H1 in this program. Students 3. 3.0 FCEs (at least 2.0 must be 300+ series) from:
who have taken BIO240H1 and BIO241H1, do not take ANT436H1; BIO (excluding BIO 251Y1); BIO260H1/
BIO130H1 and BIO230H1 in this program. HMB265H1; CSB299Y1, 325H1, CSB327H1,
CSB328H1, CSB330H1, CSB331H1, CSB332H1,
First Year (3.0 FCEs): BIO (120H1, 130H1)/150Y1; CSB343H1, CSB345H1, CSB346H1, CSB347H1,
CHM (138H1, 139H1)/151Y1; JMB170Y1/ CSB349H1, CSB351Y1, CSB425H1, CSB429H1,
MAT135Y1/136Y1/137Y1/157Y1 (MAT135Y1 may be CSB430H1, CSB431H1, CSB445H1, CSB472H1,
required for certain courses) CSB473H1, CSB483H1, CSB484H1, CSB497H1,
Higher Years CSB498Y1, CSB499Y1; EEB263Y1, EEB266H1,
1. 2.5 FCEs: BIO220H1; BIO230H1/(240H1, 241H1)/255Y1; EEB267H1, EEB299Y1,EEB318H1, EEB319H1,
BIO(270H1, 271H1); BIO260H1/HMB265H1 EEB321H1, EEB322H1, EEB323H1, EEB324H1,
2. 1.0 FCE from: CHM 220H1, 247H1/249H1, or statistics, EEB328H1, EEB356H1, EEB360H1, EEB362H1,
EEB 225H1, PSY 201H1, 202H1, STA 220H1, 221H1, EEB365H1, EEB370H1, EEB375H1, EEB382H1,
250H1, 255H1, 257H1, 261H1 EEB384H1, EEB386H1, EEB388H1, EEB389H1,
3. 1.0 FCE from: CHM 220H1, 247H1/249H1; MAT EB397Y1, EEB401H1, EEB403H1, EEB405H1,
235Y1/237Y1; PHY131H1, 132H1, 151H1, 152H1; PSY EEB406H1, EEB407H1, EEB409H1, EEB410H1,
100H1; or statistics, EEB 225H1, PSY 201H1, 202H1, EEB428H1, EEB459H1, EEB460H1, EEB465H1,
STA 220H1, 221H1, 250H1, 255H1, 257H1, 261H1 EEB488H1, EEB497H1/EEB498Y1, EEB499Y1;
NOTE: Some of the courses selected here could also be ENV234Y1; HMB321H1; EHJ351H1, 352H1; HMB
taken in First Year 499Y1; JHE353H1, 355H1; MGY312H1; NUS (excluding
4. 5.5 FCEs (at least 3.0 must be 300+ series and NUS345H0); PSY397H1, 497H1; ZOO (excluding
1.0 400-series) from: ANT436H1; BIO (excluding ZOO200Y1, 214Y1, 215H1, 216H1)
BIO 251Y1); CSB299Y1, CSB325H1, CSB327H1,
CSB328H1, CSB330H1, CSB331H1, CSB332H1, Minor program:
CSB343H1, CSB345H1, CSB346H1, CSB347H1, (4 full courses or their equivalent)
CSB349H1, CSB351Y1, CSB425H1, CSB429H1, Students who have taken BIO150Y1, do not take
CSB430H1, CSB431H1, CSB445H1, CSB472H1, BIO120H1 and BIO220H1 in this program. Students
CSB473H1, CSB483H1, CSB484H1, CSB497H1, who have taken BIO240H1 and BIO241H1, do not take
CSB498Y1, CSB499Y1; EEB263Y1, EEB266H1, BIO130H1 and BIO230H1 in this program.
EEB267H1, EEB299Y1, EEB318H1, EEB319H1,
1. 1.0 FCE: BIO (120H1, 130H1)/150Y1
EEB321H1, EEB322H1, EEB323H1, EEB324H1,
2. 1.0 FCE from: BIO220H1;
EEB328H1, EEB356H1, EEB360H1, EEB362H1,
BIO230H1/240H1/241H1/255Y1; BIO270H1, 271H1
EEB365H1, EEB370H1, EEB375H1, EEB382H1,
3. 2.0 FCEs (at least one must be 300+ series)
EEB384H1, EEB386H1, EEB388H1, EEB389H1,
from: BIO (excluding BIO 251Y1); BIO260H1/
EEB397Y1, EEB401H1, EEB403H1, EEB405H1,
HMB265H1; CSB299Y1, CSB325H1,
EEB406H1, EEB407H1, EEB409H1, EEB410H1,
CSB327H1, CSB328H1, CSB330H1, CSB331H1,
EEB428H1, EEB459H1, EEB460H1, EEB465H1,
CSB332H1, CSB343H1, CSB345H1, CSB346H1,
EEB488H1, EEB494H1, EEB495H1, EEB496H1,
CSB347H1, CSB349H1, CSB351Y1, CSB425H1,
EEB497H1/EEB498Y1, EEB499Y1; ENV234Y1;
CSB429H1, CSB430H1, CSB431H1, CSB445H1,
HMB321H1, 499Y1; EHJ351H1, 352H1; JHE 353H1,
CSB472H1, CSB473H1, CSB483H1, CSB484H1,
355H1; MGY312H1; NUS (excluding NUS345H0);
CSB497H1, CSB498Y1, CSB499Y1; EEB263Y1,
PSY397H1, 497H1; ZOO (excluding ZOO 200Y1, 214Y1,
EEB265Y1, EEB299Y1,EEB318H1, EEB319H1,

EEB321H1, EEB322H1, EEB323H1, EEB324H1, Biology Courses
EEB328H1, EEB356H1, EEB360H1, EEB362H1,
EEB365H1, EEB370H1, EEB375H1, EEB382H1, See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
EEB384H1, EEB386H1, EEB388H1, EEB389H1, Biology courses are offered by the Departments of Cell &
EEB397Y1, EEB401H1, EEB403H1, EEB405H1, Systems Biology and Ecology & Evolutionary Biology. The
EEB406H1, EEB407H1, EEB409H1, EEB410H1, courses below have BIO designators. Other biology courses
EEB428H1, EEB459H1, EEB460H1, EEB465H1, have either CSB or EEB designators.
EEB488H1,EEB497H1/EEB498Y1, EEB499Y1;
EHJ351H1, 352H1; ENV234Y1; HMB321H1, 499Y1; BIO120H1 Adaptation and Biodiversity
JHE353H1, 355H1; MGY312H1; NUS (excluding See Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
NUS345H0); PSY397H1, 497H1; ZOO (excluding ZOO BIO130H1 Molecular and Cell Biology
200Y1, 214Y1, 215H1, 216H1) See Cell & Systems Biology
Other Biology Programs: BIO220H1 From Genomes to Ecosystems in a
Changing World
Animal Physiology: see Cell & Systems Biology See Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
BIO230H1 From Genes to Organisms
Behaviour: see Ecology & Evolutionary Biology See Cell & Systems Biology
Biogeography: see Geography BIO240H1 Molecular Biology
See Cell & Systems Biology
Biology, Human: see Human Biology BIO241H1 Cell and Developmental Biology
See Cell & Systems Biology
Biophysics: see Physics
BIO251Y1 Biology of Plants and Micro-organisms
Cell and Molecular Biology: see Cell & Systems (formerly BOT251Y1)
Biology See Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
BIO255Y1 Cell and Molecular Biology with Advanced
Developmental Biology: see Cell & Systems Laboratory
Biology See Cell & Systems Biology
BIO260H1 Concepts in Genetics
Ecology: see Ecology & Evolutionary Biology See Cell & Systems Biology
Environmental Biology: see Ecology & BIO270H1 Animal Physiology I
Evolutionary Biology See Cell & Systems Biology
BIO271H1 Animal Physiology II
Evolutionary Biology: see Ecology & Evolutionary See Cell & Systems Biology

Cell & Systems Biology

Faculty The study of life, biology, has been transformed in recent

decades by powerful new ways of asking fundamental
Professors Emeriti questions about how living organisms work. In particular,
F.M. Barrett, M Sc, Ph D molecular approaches are revealing both the incredible
D.G. Butler, M Sc, Ph D, D Sc, FRSA (ZOO) complexity of organization at the cellular level, and the
G.M. Clark, M Sc, Ph D (ZOO) underlying principles drawn from chemistry, physics and
S.S. Desser, M Sc, Ph D (ZOO) information science that will eventually enable us to
W.G. Friend, B Sc, Ph D (W) (ZOO) understand that complexity.
M.C. Heath, B Sc, Ph D, FRSC (BOT) The Department of Cell and Systems Biology brings
J.A. Hellebust, MA, Ph D (BOT) together biologists who study life at the level of molecules
V.J. Higgins, MS, Ph D (BOT) to functioning individual organisms. Cell Biology is a
R.A. Liversage, AM, Ph D (ZOO) vibrant and broad discipline that seeks to understand the
Y. Masui, M Sc, Ph D (ZOO) underlying molecular processes that control cell behaviour
N. Mrosovsky, BA, PhD (ZOO) in a developmental and physiological context. In this
B.H. Pomeranz, MD, CM, Ph D (ZOO) broad sense, cell biology comprises molecular biology,
T.E. Reed, BA, Ph D (ZOO) developmental biology, genetics and physiology and their
B.I. Roots, B Sc, Ph D, D Sc, FRSC (ZOO) sub-disciplines. Systems biology is an exciting new discipline
I. Tallan, B Sc, Ph D (ZOO) that studies dynamic networks in biological systems through
J.P. Williams, B Sc, Ph D (BOT) the integration of large datasets arising from the genomics
A.M. Zimmerman, MS, Ph D (ZOO) revolution. Computer modeling and bioinformatics are
Professor and Chair of the Department integrated with the study of detailed information about
U. Tepass, M Sc, Ph D genomes (genomics), the temporal and spatial distribution
of all gene transcripts (transcriptomics), cellular proteins and
Professors and Associate Chairs their physical interactions (proteomics), and small molecules
L.T. Buck, B Sc, Ph D that cells assimilate or synthesise (metabolomics).
D.S. Guttman, B Sc, Ph D
S.L. Varmuza, MS, Ph D Student Counseling and Enquiries:
Professors Associate Chair (Undergraduate): Professor S. Varmuza
M.G. AbouHaidar, M Sc, Ph D (416-978-2759).
T. Berleth, Diplom, Ph D
Contact the Undergraduate Office, Room 424 in the Ramsay
J.R. Coleman, B Sc, Ph D (U)
Wright Laboratories (416-978-3477) and consult the
D.R. Goring, M Sc, Ph D
departmental web site, www.csb.utoronto.ca.
E.W. Larsen, M Sc, Ph D
D.A. Lovejoy, B Sc, Ph D
P. McCourt, B Sc, Ph D Cell and Systems Biology Programs
J.J.B. Smith, MA, Ph D (N)
S.S. Tobe, M Sc, Ph D, FRSC Animal Physiology (Science program)
R. Winklbauer, Dipl in Bio, Ph D Enrolment in this program requires completion of 4.0 FCEs;
Associate Professors no minimum GPA is required.
D. Christendat, B Sc, Ph D
D. Godt, Dipl in Bio, Ph D
Major program:
(8 full courses or their equivalent)
M.J. Ringuette, B Sc, Ph D
P.A. Romans, M Sc, Ph D Students who have taken BIO 150Y1, do not take
R. Stephenson, B Sc, Ph D BIO120H1 and BIO220H1 in this program. Students
who have taken BIO240H1 and BIO241H1, do not take
Assistant Professors BIO130H1 and BIO230H1 in this program.
A. Bruce, BA, Ph D
B. Chang, AB, Ph D First Year: BIO 120H1, 130H1/BIO 150Y1; CHM
D. Desveaux, M Sc, Ph D (138H1, 139H1)/151Y1; JMB 170Y1/MAT
T.J. Harris, B Sc, Ph D 135Y1/136Y1/137Y1/157Y1/PHY (131H1, 132H1)/
J. Mitchell, BA, Ph D (151H1, 152H1)
A. Moses, BA, Ph D Higher Years:
E. Nambara, M Sc, Ph D 1. BIO 220H1; BIO 230H1/(240H1, 241H1)/255Y1
J. Peever, M Sc, Ph D 2. BIO (270H1, 271H1)
N.J. Provart, M Sc, Ph D 3. 1.5 FCEs from: CSB 325H1, 332H1, 343H1, 345H1,
V. Tropepe, B Sc, Ph D 346H1, 347H1
M. Woodin, M Sc, Ph D 4. 1.5 FCEs (at least 0.5 FCE must be at the 300+level)
K. Yoshioka, MS, Ph D from: BCH 210H1; BIO 260H1/HMB 265H1; CSB 299Y1,
325H1, 327H1, 330H1, 331H1, 332H1, 343H1, 345H1,
Lecturer 346H1, 347H1, 352H1, 425H1, 430H1, 445H1, 497H1,
M. Neumann, M Sc, Ph D 498Y1, 499Y1; EEB 263Y1; HMB 499Y1; PSY 397H1;
† Cross-appointed STA 220H1

Cell & Systems Biology
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology: see CSB428H1, CSB429H1, CSB430H1, CSB435H1,
Biochemistry CSB450H1, CSB452H1, CSB458H1, CSB459H1,
CSB460H1, CSB 472H1, CSB473H1, CSB 474H1,
Biology: see Biology CSB475H1, CSB497H1, CSB498Y1, CSB499Y1, HMB
499Y1. No more than 0.5 FCE in BCH can be used
Botany: see Biology towards this requirement.
Developmental Biology (Science program)
Cell and Molecular Biology (Science program)
Enrolment in this program is limited, and requires a minimum
Enrolment in the Specialist program is limited, and
CGPA of 2.5. Enrolment also requires the completion of four
requires a minimum CGPA of 2.7. Enrolment also requires
courses, including BIO 150Y1; CHM (138H1, 139H1)/151Y1;
the completion of four courses, including BIO 120H1,
JMB 170Y1/MAT 135Y1/136Y1/137Y1/157Y1.
130H1/150Y1; CHM (138H1, 139H1)/151Y1; JMB 170Y1/
MAT 135Y1/136Y1/137Y1/157Y1.
Specialist program:
Enrolment in the Major requires the completion of 4.0 FCEs; (12.5 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one
no minimum GPA is required. 400-series course)
Students who have taken BIO 150Y1, do not take
Specialist program: BIO120H1 and BIO220H1 in this program. Students
(12.5 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one
who have taken BIO240H1 and BIO241H1, do not take
400-series course)
BIO130H1 and BIO230H1 in this program.
Students who have taken BIO 150Y1, do not take
First Year:
BIO120H1 and BIO220H1 in this program. Students
BIO 120H1, 130H1/BIO 150Y1; CHM (138H1, 139H1)/151Y1;
who have taken BIO240H1 and BIO241H1, do not take
JMB 170Y1/MAT 135Y1/136Y1/137Y1/157Y1
BIO130H1 and BIO230H1 in this program.
Higher Years:
First Year: 1. BCH 210H1; BIO 220H1; BIO 230H1/(240H1,
BIO 120H1, 130H1/BIO 150Y1; CHM (138H1, 139H1)/151Y1; 241H1)/255Y1, BIO 251Y1/(270H1, 271H1), BIO 260H1;
JMB 170Y1/MAT 135Y1/136Y1/137Y1/157Y1 CHM 220H1/247H1/249H1
Higher Years: 2. CSB 349H1
1. PHY (131H1, 132H1)/(151H1, 152H1) 3. CSB 328H1, 340H1
2. BIO 220H1; BIO 230H1/(240H1, 241H1)/255Y1, BIO 4. 3.0 (or 4.0*) courses from: ANA 300Y1, 301H1; BCH
(270H1, 271H1),BIO 260H1/HMB 265H1; BCH 210H1; 340H1, 370H1, 425H1, 426H1; CSB 327H1, 330H1,
CSB 349H1 331H1, 350H1, 352H1, 425H1, 435H1, 450H1, 459H1
3. CSB 330H1/350H1, CSB 331H1, CSB 428H1 460H1, 472H1, 473H1, 475H1; EEB 340H1, 341H1,
4. 0.5 FCE from the following: BCH 422H1, 426H1, 445H1, 460H1; IMM 334Y1, 429H1; JBI 428H1; MGY 425H1,
CSB 327H1, 347H1 428H, 451H1, 452H1, 470H1; PSL 303Y1, 420H1
5. 3.0 FCEs from the following (at least 0.5 FCE must be at 5. 1.0 (or 2.0*) courses from CSB 428H1, 429H1, 430H1,
the 400-level): BCH 440H1, 441H1, 444H1, CSB 299Y1, 431H1, 458H1, 483H1, 484H1, 497H1, 498Y1, 499Y1;
328H1, 332H1, 340H1, 351Y1, 352H1, 353H1, 429H1, HMB 499Y1; MGY 480Y1
430H1, 435H1, 450H1, 452H1, 458H1, 459H1, 460H1, * Requirements 4 and 5 must include a total of at least 4.5
472H1, 473H1, 474H1, 475H1, 497H1, 498Y1, 499Y1, full courses
HMB 499Y1
Neuroscience: see Human Biology
Major program:
(8 full courses or their equivalent) Zoology: see Biology
Students who have taken BIO 150Y1, do not take
BIO120H1 and BIO220H1 in this program. Students Cell and Systems Biology Courses
who have taken BIO240H1 and BIO241H1, do not take
BIO130H1 and BIO230H1 in this program. First Year Seminars
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide the
First Year: BIO 120H1, 130H1/BIO 150Y1; CHM opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class of no
(138H1, 139H1)/151Y1; JMB 170Y1/MAT more than twenty-four students. These interactive seminars
135Y1/136Y1/137Y1/157Y1/PHY (131H1, 132H1)/ are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity and provide
(151H1, 152H1) an opportunity to get to know a member of the professorial
Higher Years: staff in a seminar environment during the first year of study.
1. BIO 220H1; BIO 230H1/(240H1, 241H1)1/255Y1 For details, see page 48.
2. BIO 260H1/HMB 265H1; BCH 210H1
3. CSB 349H1 BIO130H1 Molecular and Cell Biology [36L, 15P]
4. 1.0 FCE from: CSB 327H1, 328H1, 331H1, 340H1, One of the goals of modern biology is to understand how
351Y1 the basic building blocks of life give rise to biological form
5. 1.5 FCE (at least 0.5 FCE must be at the 300+level) and function. This course provides students with a common
from: BCH422H1, BCH426H1, BCH444H1, BCH445H1, lexicon to understand the key principles and concepts in
CSB299Y1, CSB327H1, CSB328H1, CSB330H1, molecular and cell biology, with a focus on how the building
CSB331H1, CSB332H1, CSB340H1, CSB347H1, blocks of life lead to functioning cells.
CSB350H1, CSB351Y1, CSB352H1, CSB353H1,

Cell & Systems Biology
Prerequisite: SBI4U and SCH4U (Grade 12 University genomics with emphasis on model organisms for genetic
Preparation Biology and Chemistry) or permission of analysis.
department. Please contact [email protected] for more Exclusion: HMB 265H1
information. Prerequisite: BIO 230H1/240H1/250Y1
Exclusion: BIO240H1, BIO241H1, BIO250Y1, BIO255Y1 Co-requisite: BIO 241H11/255Y1
BIO230H1 From Genes to Organisms [36L, 15P] BIO270H1 Animal Physiology I [24L, 8P]
The genome is the “book of life”, providing instructions to The main ideas of physiology and the contribution of
construct an organism. This course introduces genome experimentation to our understanding of life processes. Uses
biology and explores how the building blocks of life are examples from throughout the animal kingdom, and includes
networked into functioning organisms. We will investigate the physiology of homeostasis and the endocrine system.
how cells perceive internal and external cues, how gene Accompanying laboratories reinforce the concepts introduced
expression is shaped by this perception, and how these in lecture and teach relevant techniques.
events give rise to the myriad of life around us. Exclusion: BIO/ZOO 252Y1
Prerequisite: BIO130H1, CHM138H1, CHM139H1 Prerequisite: BIO 130H1/150Y1
Exclusion: BIO240H1, BIO241H1, BIO250Y1, BIO255Y1 Co-requisite: BIO 230H1
Recommended Preparation: BCH210H1 (taken concurrently DR=SCI; BR=4
or previously) BIO271H1 Animal Physiology II [24L, 8P]
DR=SCI; BR=4 The main ideas of physiology and the contribution of
BIO240H1 Molecular Biology [36L, 15P] experimentation to our understanding of life processes. Uses
An introduction to the structures and functions of DNA, examples from throughout the animal kingdom, and includes
RNA and proteins, exploring how the molecular information the physiology of the nervous and cardiorespiratory systems.
contained within an organism’s genome is converted into Accompanying laboratories reinforce the concepts introduced
cellular function. Accompanying laboratories reinforce the in lecture and teach relevant techniques.
concepts introduced in lecture and teach relevant techniques. Exclusion: BIO/ZOO 252Y1
Exclusion: BIO 250Y1, 255Y1 Prerequisite: BIO 270H1
Prerequisite: BIO150Y1, CHM (138H1, 139H1)/151Y1 DR=SCI; BR=4
Recommended preparation: BCH 210H1 (taken concurrently CSB200Y1 Current Topics in Molecular Biology [48L,
or previously) 24P]
DR=SCI; BR=4 This course is intended to provide non-science students with
BIO241H1 Cell and Developmental Biology [36L, 15P] an understanding of basic concepts in molecular biology to
An introduction to the structure and function of cells focusing allow them to explore, and analyze current scientific issues
on the molecular basis of cell and developmental biology. and controversies covered in the media and relevant to
Lecture topics include membrane transport, protein sorting society at large.
and cell communication plus cellular architecture and the This course counts as a Science Distribution Requirement for
formation of tissues. Accompanying laboratories reinforce students in all years and disciplines; particularly suitable
the concepts introduced in lecture and teach relevant for Humanities and Social Science students.
techniques. Exclusion: BIO 130H1, 230H1, 240H1, 241H1, 250Y1,
Exclusion: BIO 250Y1, 255Y1 255Y1
Prerequisite: BIO 240H1 DR=SCI; BR=4
Recommended preparation: BCH 210H1 (taken concurrently CSB299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
or previously) Credit course for supervised participation in faculty research
DR=SCI; BR=4 project. See page 48 for details.
BIO255Y1 Cell and Molecular Biology with Advanced DR=SCI
Laboratory [48L, 36P] CSB325H1 Endocrine Physiology (formerly ZOO 325H1)
An introduction to the structure and function of cells at the [24L, 9T]
molecular level: key cellular macromolecules; transfer of The regulation of physiological processes by hormones and
genetic information; cell structure and function; cellular other signalling molecules in chordates. An integrated genes-
movement and division. The Enhanced Laboratory provides to-environment approach is used to examine aspects of
the opportunity for greater laboratory skill development in hormonal evolution, physiological information flow, behaviour
modern investigative techniques and is intended for students and neuroendocrinology, and xenobiotic endocrine disruptors.
interested in conducting their own laboratory research. Exclusion: ZOO 325H1
Exclusion: BIO 230H1, 240H1, 241H1, 250Y1 Prerequisite: BIO (270H1, 271H1)/PSL (300H1,
Prerequisite: BIO 150Y1, CHM (138H1, 139H1)/151Y1, 301H1)/302Y1
cGPA 3.0 Recommended preparation: EEB 265Y1
Recommended preparation: BCH210H1 (taken concurrently DR=SCI; BR=TBA
or previously)
DR=SCI; BR=4 CSB327H1 Extracellular Matrix Biology and Associated
Pathologies (formerly ZOO 327H1) [36L]
BIO260H1 Concepts in Genetics [36L, 12T] Examines expression, structure and function of the
This is a problem based course which discusses classical, four major classes of ECM macromolecules: collagen,
molecular, developmental, and population genetics and proteoglycans, non-collagenous structural proteins and

Cell & Systems Biology
glycoproteins. In addition to forming elaborate networks that approaches applicable to plant biotechnology are also
give tissues and organs their unique architectural design covered.
and biophysical properties, ECM molecules act as potent Exclusion: BOT 340H1
regulators of all cellular activities. Emphasis is placed on Prerequisite: BIO 230H1/(240H1, 241H1)/250Y1/255Y1, BIO
the morphoregulatory contribution(s) of ECM molecules to 260H1/(HMB 265H1 with a minimum grade of 73%)
normal and pathological development. DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Exclusion: ZOO 327H1 CSB343H1 Animal Energetics [24L, 12T]
Prerequisite: BIO 230H1/(240H1, 241H1)/250Y1/255Y1 Animal structure and function, at all levels from molecule
DR=SCI; BR=TBA to whole animal, are dependent on energy. This course
CSB328H1 Developmental Biology (formerly ZOO describes how the supply, consumption, transformation,
328H1) [24L, 24T] exchange and storage of energy can facilitate, constrain and
Basic concepts in developmental biology. Early development limit animal function. Emphasis is placed on systems level
of invertebrates and vertebrates will be discussed with physiological function and whole animal performance.
emphasis on experimental and molecular analysis of Prerequisite: BIO 252Y1/(270H1, 271H1)/PSL 201Y1/
developmental mechanisms. Tutorials demonstrate examples (300H1, 301H1)/302Y1
of descriptive and experimental embryology and discuss Recommended preparation: BCH 210H1/242Y1
primary literature of selected topics in developmental biology. DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Exclusion: ZOO 328H1 CSB345H1 Introductory Biology of Sleep [24L]
Prerequisite: BIO 230H1/(240H1, 241H1)/250Y1/255Y1, BIO An introduction to the regulation of sleep-wake states and the
260H1/HMB 265H1 functions of sleep - why and how animals sleep. Integrates
DR=SCI; BR=TBA all levels of biological organization, including molecular
CSB330H1 Techniques in Molecular, Cellular and biology, cell biology, systems physiology, control theory,
Developmental Biology (formerly ZOO behaviour and evolution, with comparisons across phyla.
330H1) [18L, 36P] (Offered in alternate years.)
A laboratory based course in current research techniques, Exclusion: CSB 445H1
employing animal model organisms (fruit fly and zebrafish) Prerequisite: BIO (270H1, 271H1)/PSL (300H1,
and experimental methods including basic molecular and cell 301H1)/302Y1
biology techniques. DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Exclusion: MGY 432H1, ZOO 330H1 CSB346H1 Neurobiology of Respiration (formerly ZOO
Prerequisite: CSB 328H1 346H1) [24L, 12T]
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Integrated control of cardio-respiratory physiology and
CSB331H1 Advanced Cell Biology I: Cellular Dynamics metabolism in mammals. Topics include exercise, diving,
During Development (formerly ZOO 331H1) sleep and hibernation.
[36L] Exclusion: ZOO 346H1
The development of multicellular organisms is dependent on Prerequisite: BIO (270H1, 271H1)/ PSL (300H1,
a broad variety of different cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesive 301H1)/302Y1
mechanisms. The course examines the molecules and DR=SCI; BR=TBA
mechanisms involved and how they act in concert to regulate CSB347H1 Comparative Cellular Physiology (formerly
distinct developmental and physiological events. Emphasis is ZOO 347H1) [24L]
placed on the experimental approaches and technology used In-depth survey of unique cellular adaptations of different
to study the molecular interactions and dynamics and alter tissues and organisms to overcome environmental
structure-function relationships in cells and organisms. stresses such as hypoxia. Emphasis is placed on cellular
Exclusion: BCH 304H1, ZOO 331H1 strategies, particularly second messenger responses,
Prerequisite: BIO 230H1/(240H1, 241H1)/250Y1/255Y1 although systematic and whole organism responses will
DR=SCI; BR=TBA be investigated. Broad-ranging common strategies among
CSB332H1 Neurobiology of the Synapse (formerly ZOO diverse organisms are examined.
332H1) [24L] Exclusion: ZOO 347H1
Examination of all aspects of the synapse in both the Prerequisite: BIO (270H1, 271H1)/PSL (300H1,
peripheral and central nervous systems of invertebrates and 301H1)/302Y1
vertebrates. Topics include: synapse formation, synaptic Recommended preparation: BCH210H1
transmission, synaptic plasticity, learning and memory, and DR=SCI; BR=TBA
neurological disorders. CSB349H1 Eukaryotic Gene Expression (formerly
Exclusion: ZOO 332H1 BIO349H1) [26L, 18T]
Prerequisite: BIO 271H1/PSL 201Y1/300H1/302Y1 Genome structure and the regulation of gene expression in
DR=SCI; BR=TBA eukaryotic cells. Topics include gene duplication, repetitive
CSB340H1 Plant Development (formerly BOT 340H1) DNA, transcription, RNA interference and expression
[24L] profiling. Tutorials emphasize problem based learning
Plant developmental genetics at the molecular, cellular and exercises that relate to recent advances in the broad field of
organismal level, generation and use of genomic resourses eukaryotic gene expression.
in plant model organisms. Questions address the genetic Exclusion: BIO 349H1, MGY 311Y1, 420H1, PSL 350H1
dissection of plant embryo and meristem development, Prerequisite: BIO 230H1/(240H1, 241H1)/250Y1/255Y1, BIO
plant stem cell specification and tissue patterning. Genomic 260H1/HMB 265H1

Cell & Systems Biology
Recommended preparation: BCH210H1/320Y1 regeneration in reptiles and amphibians, and neural
DR=SCI; BR=TBA regeneration in birds and mammals. (Offered in alternate
CSB350H1 Laboratory in Molecular Plant Biology
Exclusion: ZOO 425H1
(formerly BOT 350H1) [24L, 36P]
Prerequisite: CSB 325H1/PSL 424H1; CGPA 2.7
Laboratory methods used in plant molecular biology
research. Topics include vector construction, plant
transformations, PCR, DNA blots, high-throughput screens, CSB428H1 Advanced Cell Biology II: Cell Polarity and
genetic mapping, and bioinformatic analyses. Cytoskeletal Dynamics [12L, 12S, 12T]
Exclusion: BOT 350H1 This advanced course covers cell polarity and cytoskeletal
Prerequisite: BIO 230H1/(240H1, 241H1)/250Y1/255Y1 dynamics emphasizing current literature. For each topic,
Recommended preparation: BIO 251Y1 or higher level plant the course examines (1) the proteins involved, (2) their
biology course; BCH311H1/CSB 349H1/MGY 311Y1 interactions and regulation, and (3) how they organize
concurrently specific cellular structures. The coordination of these
DR=SCI; BR=TBA complexes required for orchestrating complex cellular
processes are addressed.
CSB351Y1 Introductory Virology (formerly BIO 351Y1)
Prerequisite: BCH311H1/CSB 349H1/MGY 311Y1, CSB
[48L, 96T]
328H1/331H1/340H1, cGPA 2.7
An introduction to basic and medical virology. Attendance in
tutorials is optional.
Exclusion: BIO 351Y1 CSB429H1 Germ Cell Biology (formerly ZOO 429H1)
Prerequisite: BIO 230H1/(240H1, 241H1)/250Y1/255Y1 [12L, 12S, 12T]
DR=SCI; BR=TBA This course will discuss the genetic and cell biological
aspects of the development of gametes, gonads, and
CSB352H1 Bioinformatic Methods (formerly BIO 352H1)
sex related traits in animals, including invertebrates and
vertebrates. In the accompanying seminar, primary literature
Use of available programs for analyzing biological data. This
is used to discuss selected topics in germ cell biology.
is an introductory course with a strong emphasis on hands-
Exclusion: ZOO 429H1
on methods meant for Biology and Human Biology/GGB
Prerequisite: CSB 328H1/329H1/340H1/349H1/MGY
specialists/majors. Some theory is introduced, but the main
311Y1/312H1, cGPA 2.7
focus is on using extant bioinformatics tools to analyze data
and generate biological hypotheses.
Exclusion: BIO 352H1 CSB430H1 Neurogenesis (formerly ZOO 430H1) [24L,
Prerequisite: BIO 230H1/(240H1, 241H1)/250Y1/255Y1, BIO 12T]
260H1/HMB 265H1 An examination of the molecular and cellular basis of
DR=SCI; BR=TBA neurogenesis in developing an adult nervous system.
Experimental evidence from recent studies in selected
CSB353H1 Introduction to Plant-Microbe Interactions
invertebrate and vertebrate model systems will be discussed.
(formerly BOT 351H1) [24L]
Topics include neural stem cells, regional specialization of
Plants have co-evolved with microbes ever since their first
neurogenesis, neuronal and glial differentiation, extrinsic
appearance on land, resulting in sophisticated strategies of
regulation of neurogenesis, adult neurogenesis, and the
pathogenicity, symbiosis, commensalisms and mutualism.
evolution of neurogenesis. Students are expected to have
This course presents an overview of these strategies with
a basic knowledge of molecular genetics, developmental
examples of bacteria, fungi, oomycetes and viruses that have
biology and/or neuroanatomy. Lectures will be
evolved intimate associations with plants, and discusses
complemented by student directed seminars that focus on
plant immune systems.
specialized research studies published in leading scientific
Exclusion: BOT 351H1, CSB 452H1
Prerequisite: BIO 230H1/(240H1, 241H1)/250Y1/255Y1
Exclusion: ZOO 430H1
Recommended preparation: BIO 251Y1
Prerequisite: CSB 328H1/(NRS 201H1/HMB 204H1/PSY
290H1, NRS 202H1/HMB 320H1)
CSB398H0 Independent Experiential Study Project DR=SCI; BR=TBA
CSB399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project CSB431H1 Evolution of Development (formerly CSB
An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus 329H1) [24L, 24T]
setting. See page 48 for details. This course begins with a comparison of embryonic
DR=SCI; BR=TBA development in the major animal taxa. The evolution
of developmental mechanisms is then considered with
emphasis on the molecular and genetic basis of these
400-Series Courses mechanisms. Subsequent discussion examines the impact of
CSB425H1 Endocrinology of Transformation (formerly developmental processes on the evolution of animal diversity.
ZOO 425H1) [24L, 12T] Tutorials feature the study of embryos representing diverse
The student will investigate the endocrine and paracrine animal taxa.
signalling mechanisms that act to coordinate the Exclusion: CSB 329H1, ZOO 329H1
reorganization of tissues in animals in special situations. Prerequisite: CSB 328H1/(BIO 230H1/(240H1,
The topics covered will include metamorphosis in agnathans 241H1)/250Y1/255Y1, BIO 260H1/HMB 265H1 and
and amphibians, sex change in teleost fishes, limb and permission of instructor)

Cell & Systems Biology
Recommended preparation: CSB 328H1 signal transduction in plant growth and survival. How plants
DR=SCI; BR=TBA sense and respond at the molecular level to environmental
stresses such as drought, salinity, cold and disease will be
CSB435H1 Regulatory Networks and Systems in
discussed. The application of this basic scientific information
Molecular Biology [24L]
in biotechnological strategies for improving agronomic traits
This course will expose students to several of the best-
will also be addressed.
understood regulatory networks in molecular biology, as well
Exclusion: BOT 458H1
as recent technological and methodological developments.
Prerequisite: BCH 311H1/CSB 349H1/MGY 311Y1
Emphasis is on the mechanistic basis for these systems,
methods and models for quantitative analysis of regulatory
networks and the biological logic they encode. CSB460H1 Plant Signal Transduction (formerly MGY
Prerequisite: BCH311H1/CSB349H1/MGY311Y1 460H1) [24L]
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Plant development, ecological adaptation and crop plant
productivity depend on the sophisticated potential of plants
CSB445H1 Biology of Sleep [6L, 18S]
to sense and compute signals to regulate their responses.
Covers theories on the biological function of sleep-wake
An arsenal of genetic and genomic tools is employed
states – why and how animals sleep. Integrates all levels
to elucidate these plant signal transduction pathways.
of organization, including molecular biology, homeostasis,
Examples from the original literature will be used to introduce
bioenergetics, neurophysiology, endocrinology, behaviour
general concepts of plant signal transduction, molecular
and evolution, with comparisons across phyla. This course
biology and genomics and their application in understanding
emphasizes student participation in seminar discussion and
and influencing plant growth and development.
debates. (Offered in alternate years.)
Exclusion: MGY 460H1
Exclusion: CSB/ZOO 345H1
Prerequisite: BCH 311H1/321Y1/CSB 349H1/MGY 311Y1 or
Prerequisite: BIO 252Y1/(270H1, 271H1)/PSL (300H1,
permission of instructor
Recommended preparation: CSB 332H1/345H1/PSY 397H1
DR=SCI; BR=TBA CSB472H1 Computational Genomics and
Bioinformatics (formerly BIO472H1) [24L,
CSB450H1 Plant Proteomics in Systems Biology
(formerly BOT 450H1) [24L]
Computational analyses of DNA and RNA expression data.
This course introduces students to proteomics and
Understanding biological databases, sequence alignment,
metabolomics approaches, such as mass spectrometry,
sequence annotation, gene prediction, computational
structural biology, 2D gel electrophoresis, in understanding
analysis of function, motif analysis, phylogenetic analysis,
the regulation of metabolic pathways in plants.
and microarray analysis. Applied, theoretical and statistical
Exclusion: BOT 450H1
issues will be addressed.
Prerequisite: BIO 230H1/(240H1, 241H1)/250Y1/255Y1, BCH
Exclusion: BCH 441H1, BIO 472H1
Prerequisite: BIO 230H1/(240H1, 241H1)/250Y1/255Y1
Recommended preparation: BIO 260H1/HMB 265H1
CSB452H1 Molecular Plant-Microorganism Interactions DR=SCI; BR=TBA
(formerly BOT 452H1) [24L]
CSB473H1 Chemical Genomics (formerly BIO473H1)
This course explores the molecular strategies that microbes
and plants have evolved to live with each other. The variety
This course surveys the field of Chemical Genomics,
of strategies will be summarized with emphasis on the
focusing on the analysis of biological problems using
molecular mechanisms of pathogenic relationships.
chemical approaches. Topics covered include chemical
Exclusion: BOT 452H1
genetics, combinatorial chemistry and combinatorial
Prerequisite: BCH 311H1/CSB 349H1/MGY 311Y1
strategies in molecular biology. Examines both the underlying
Recommended preparation: CSB 353H1
biological and chemical concepts; however, the focus is
primarily biological.
CSB458H1 Epigenetics (formerly BIO 458H1) [36S] Exclusion: BIO 473H1
A seminar course exploring non-Mendelian phenomena in Prerequisite: BIO 230H1/(240H1, 241H1)/250Y1/255Y1,
plants, fungi and animals that reveal aspects of genome CHM 247H1
organization and regulation that may provide insight into Recommended Preparation: BCH 210H1, BIO 260H1/HMB
genome function and evolution. 265H1
Exclusion: BIO 458H1 DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: BIO 260H1/HMB 265H1, CSB 349H1/MGY
CSB474H1 Methods in Genomics and Proteomics [60P]
This three-week summer course is a hands-on, laboratory
Recommended preparation: HMB 321H1
based course, offered through the Centre for the Analysis
of Genome Evolution and Function (CAGEF), will teach
CSB459H1 Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology students how to produce and analyze data that are central
(formerly BOT458H1) [24L] to the fields of genomics and proteomics. Techniques taught
This course introduces students to major features of include DNA and RNA extraction, PCR, DNA sequencing,
gene expression and signal transduction in plants. Topics quantitative PCR, transcript profiling using microarrays,
include strategies for generating transgenic plants and 2D-gel proteome analysis, and associated bioinformatics
regulating gene expression, as well as the importance of analyses.

Cell & Systems Biology
Prerequisite: BIO 260H1/HMB 265H1, BIO 255Y1/CSB
330H1/350H1 or by permission of the instructor
Recommended Preparation: BCH 311H1/CSB 349H1/MGY
CSB475H1 Plant Metabolomics [24L]
This course introduces students to major features of
plant metabolism. The content covers plant physiology,
natural product chemistry, genetics, molecular biology, and
genomics. Topics also include strategies for designing how
we modulate metabolic pathways and how we utilize plants
for biotechnology through metabolic engineering.
Prerequisite: BCH 311H1/CSB 349H1/MGY 311Y1
CSB483H1 Seminar in Development I [24S]
Seminars analyzing the major problems in developmental
biology from cellular, genetic and molecular perspectives.
Exclusion: BIO 482Y1, CSB 482Y1
Prerequisite: CSB 328H1/340H1
CSB 484H1 Seminar in Development II [24S]
Students will choose a major issue in contemporary
Developmental Biology and critically analyze present and
future prospects in that field.
Exclusion: BIO 482Y1, CSB 482Y1
Prerequisite: CSB 483H1
CSB 497H1 Project in Cell and Systems Biology I
(formerly ZOO 498Y1) [TBA]
CSB 498Y1 Project in Cell and Systems Biology I
(formerly ZOO 498Y1) [TBA]
An original research project (a literature review alone is
not sufficient) requiring the prior consent of a member of
the Department to supervise the project. The topic is to
be one mutually agreed on by the student and supervisor.
They must arrange the time, place, and provision of any
materials and submit to the Undergraduate Office a signed
form of agreement outlining details prior to being enrolled.
This course is normally open only to Fourth Year students
with adequate background in Cell and Systems Biology. All
students are required to make written and, perhaps, oral
presentations of the results of their projects and participate
in a poster session. A copy of a written report must be
submitted to the Undergraduate Office.
Exclusion: BOT 460Y1/461H1/462Y1/463H1/ZOO
CSB499Y1 Project in Cell and Systems Biology II
(formerly ZOO499Y1) [TBA]
Allows students to do a second independent project,
supervision of which must be different from CSB
497H1/498Y1. Operates in the same manner as CSB
Exclusion: BOT 462Y1/463H1/ZOO 499Y1
Prerequisites: CSB 497H1/498Y1


Faculty S.A. Mabury, BS, Ph D (U)

P.M. Macdonald, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
University Professors Emeriti Mississauga)
A.G. Brook, BA, Ph D, FRSC D. Stephan, B Sc, Ph D, FCIC, FRSC
J.B. Jones, B Sc, Ph D, D Phil, FRSC, FCIC M. Thompson, B Sc, Ph D, D Sc, FRSC, FCIC
G. Walker, BA, Ph D
Professors Emeriti S.G. Whittington, MA, Ph D (T)
M. Bersohn, BS, Ph D G.A. Woolley, B Sc, Ph D
I.G. Csizmadia, Dip Eng, M Sc, Ph D A. Yudin, BS, Ph D
A.G. Harrison, M Sc, Ph D, FCIC
A.J. Kresge, BA, Ph D, FRSC (University of Toronto Associate Professors
Scarborough) A. Dhirani, M Sc, Ph D
R.A. McClelland, B Sc, Ph D, FRSC (University of U. Fekl, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
Toronto Scarborough) Mississauga)
S. McLean, B Sc, Ph D. FCIC S.J. Fraser, BA, Ph D (University of Toronto
M. Menzinger, Dip Eng, M Sc, Ph D (SM) Scarborough)
S.C. Nyburg, B Sc, Ph D, D Sc D. McMillen, MA Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
A.J. Poë, B Sc, MA, Ph D, D Sc, DIC, Sc D, FCIC Mississauga)
(University of Toronto Mississauga) M. Nitz, B Sc, Ph D
W.F. Reynolds, M Sc, Ph D S. Prosser, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
E.A. Robinson, B Sc, Ph D, D Sc (University of Mississauga)
Toronto Mississauga) J. Schofield, BA, Ph D
G.H. Schmid, B Sc, Ph D, FCIC G.D. Scholes, B Sc, Ph D
I.W.J. Still, B Sc, Ph D, D Sc (University of Toronto J. Shin, AB, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
Mississauga) F. Wania, B Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
J.C. Thompson, BA, Ph D (University of Toronto Scarborough)
Scarborough) D.B. Zamble, B Sc, Ph D
T.T. Tidwell, B Sc, AM, Ph D, FRSC (University of Assistant Professors
Toronto Scarborough) V. Dong, B Sc, Ph D
J.P. Valleau, MA, Ph D (I) P. Gunning, B Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
A. Walker, B Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
Scarborough) R.A. Jockusch, BA, Ph D
S.C. Wallace, B Sc, Ph D V. Kanelis, B Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
Professor and Chair of the Department Mississauga)
K. Kerman, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
R.H. Morris, B Sc, Ph D, FRSC, FCIC
J. Murphy, B Sc, Ph D
Professor and Associate Chair (Graduate) D. Seferos, B Sc, Ph D
D.J. Donaldson, B Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto D. Segal, B Sc, Ph D
Scarborough) A. J. Simpson, B Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
Professor and Associate Chair D. Song, B Sc, Ph D
(Undergraduate) M. Taylor, B Sc, Ph D
R.A. Batey, BA, Ph D A. Wheeler, B Sc, Ph D
University Professors X. Zhang, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
P.W. Brumer, B Sc, Ph D, FRSC
R.J.D. Miller, B S, Ph D, FRSC, FCIC Senior Lecturers
G.A. Ozin, B Sc, D Phil, FRSC, FCIC C.S. Browning, M Sc, Ph D (SM)
J.C. Polanyi, M Sc, Ph D, D Sc, FRS, FRSC, FRSEd A.P. Dicks, B Sc, Ph D (SM)
M.A. Winnik, BA, Ph D, FRSC C.M. Kutas, B Sc, MA
Professors D. F. McIntosh, B Sc, Ph D
H.O. Ohorodnyk, M Sc
J.P. Abbatt, B Sc, Ph D
J. C. Poë, ARCS, M Sc, DIC, FCIC (University of
J. Chin, M Sc, Ph D
Toronto Mississauga)
M. Georges, B Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
S. Skonieczny, D Sc, Ph D
D. Stone, B Sc, Ph D
M.C. Goh, BS, Ph D (U)
R.E. Kapral, B Sc, Ph D, FRSC Lecturers
R.H. Kluger, AM, Ph D, FCIC, FRSC K. Quinlan, B Sc, Ph D
U.J. Krull, B Sc, Ph D, FCIC (University of Toronto M. Staikova, M Sc, Ph D
E. Kumacheva, M Sc, Ph D, FRSC
M. Lautens, B Sc, Ph D, FCIC, FRSC (T)

Chemistry is a challenging intellectual pursuit and a Chemistry Programs
dominant force in shaping our civilization. Chemistry
places strong emphasis on an understanding of the Biological Chemistry (Science program)
structures and properties of individual atoms and
molecules, and on using this understanding to interpret Consult Professor M. Nitz, Department of Chemistry.
and predict the behaviour of matter. Many of the concepts Enrolment in this program requires completion of four
of physics, and the methods of mathematics, are basic courses; no minimum GPA required.
to chemistry. Chemistry is of fundamental importance to
many other subjects including astrophysics, biological Specialist program:
sciences, environmental science, geology, materials (14 full courses or their equivalent, including at least two
science, and medical sciences. These and other aspects 400-series courses)
of the subject are reflected in the courses offered, and the First Year: BIO 150Y1/(120H1, 130H1); (CHM 151Y1
programs recommended by the Department. strongly recommended)/(138H1, 139H1); MAT
135Y1/137Y1; PHY 138Y1/140Y1/(131H1, 132H1)/
The Department has made extensive changes to its
(151H1, 152H1)
course and program offerings in the last few years.
Second and Higher Years:
These changes included a revision of first year courses,
1. BCH 210H1; BIO 250Y1/(240H1, 241H1)/(220H1,
substantial modifications to later-year courses, the
230H1); CHM 217H1, 225Y1/(220H1, 221H1), 238Y1,
introduction of updated specialist programs in Biological
247H1/249H1 (CHM249H1 strongly recommended);
Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, and Environmental
0.5 MAT/CSC/STA credit
Chemistry, and brand-new programs in Molecular
2. CHM 347H1, 348H1, 379H1.
Biophysics and Synthetic & Catalytic Chemistry.
3. At least one of the following: CHM 317H1, 327H1,
Opportunity also exists to undertake a Nanoscience minor
338H1, 343H1, 410H1, 438H1, 499Y1
in collaboration with the National University of Singapore.
4. Further 300/400-series courses in BCH or CHM,
Students can choose between two first year options including CHM 437H1, 447H1, and 479H1 to make
according to their intended area of specialization. a total of 14 full courses. CSB 450H1 is also
CHM151Y1 is the course that is strongly recommended
for all students who will be following one of the specialist Chemical Physics (Science program)
programs involving chemistry, including Biological Consult Professor S. Whittington, Department of
Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry or who will Chemistry.
be including a substantial amount of chemistry in their
Enrolment in this program requires completion of four
degree (such as those following a chemistry major
courses; no minimum GPA required.
program). CHM151Y1 features a unique «Course
Community» which significantly supports and enhances
Specialist program:
the student learning experience.
(14 full courses or their equivalent, including at least 1.5
The combination of CHM138H1 and CHM139H1 is 400-series courses)
recommended for students who intend to take programs First Year: (CHM 151Y1 strongly recommended)/(138H1,
in the Life or Health Sciences that do not require a large 139H1), MAT 137Y1/157Y1; PHY 140Y1/(131H1,
amount of chemistry. These courses may be taken in any 132H1)/(151H1, 152H1)
order, and not in the same session. Higher Years:
The outlines of these first year courses, together 1. APM 346H1; CHM 225Y1, 326H1, 327H1, 328H1;
with those for later-year offerings, are shown in this MAT 223H1/240H1, 235Y1/237Y1, 244H1, 334H1;
Calendar. More detailed information is available from PHY 250H1/251H1, 254H1/255H1, 354H1/351H1,
the Department, and is posted at www.chem.utoronto. 350H1/352H1; CHM 423H1/PHY (355H1/356H1,
ca/undergraduate/courses/1st.html. Students who are 456H1/457H1)
following programs that contain a substantial number of 2. Two full course equivalents from CHM 217H1, 238Y1,
chemistry courses are strongly advised to take courses 247H1/249H1 (CHM249H1 strongly recommended),
in the proper year (i.e. 200-series in second year, etc.). 310H1, 317H1, 338H1, 348H1, 415H1
Following the correct sequence will enhance the level 3. Further 400-series half-courses in CHM/PHY to make
and balance of preparation for all later year courses, and a total of 14 full courses
timetable conflicts will be avoided. Chemistry (Science program)
Students whose current programs may be affected by Consult Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies,
the introduction of new or revised chemistry courses are Department of Chemistry.
advised to consult the Department at the earliest possible
Enrolment in the Specialist, Major and Minor Chemistry
programs requires completion of four courses; no
Students requiring more information about Chemistry minimum GPA required.
programs and courses are invited to visit or phone the
Undergraduate Office, Lash Miller Chemical Laboratories, Specialist program:
Room 151 (416-978-6033). (14 full courses or their equivalent, including at least three
400-series courses)

First Year: (CHM 151Y1 strongly recommended)/(138H1, Second Year: CHM 217H1, 225Y1/(220H1, 221H1),
139H1); MAT 135Y1/137Y1; PHY 138Y1/140Y1/ 238Y1, 247H1/249H1 (CHM249H1 strongly
(131H1, 132H1)/(151H1, 152H1) recommended); ENV 235Y1
Second Year: CHM 217H1, 225Y1/(220H1 with Third and Fourth Years:
minimum grade of B, 221H1), 238Y1, 249H1; MAT 1. CHM 310H1, 410H1, 415H1; ENV 234Y1, ENV222Y1/
235Y1/237Y1 (221H1, 222H1)/GGR222Y1/JGE 221Y1
Third and Fourth Years: 2. One additional FCE from 300/400-series CHM courses
1. BCH 210H1, CHM 326H1/328H1, 327H1 3. ENV (410H1, 421H1)/CHM 499Y1
2. Further 300/400-level full course equivalents in CHM/
MAT/another science, including at least three of CHM
Minor program:
(4 full courses or their equivalent; must include at least
317H1, 338H1, 343H1/346H1, 379H1, 410H1, 438H1,
one full-course equivalent at the 300+-level)
499Y1 and at least three 400-level CHM full course
equivalents to make a total of 14 full courses. Environmental chemistry is the study of the chemical
impacts of humankind’s activities on the soil, air, and
Major program: water. This minor provides a balanced fundamental
(8 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one background in chemistry as well as an introduction to the
CHM half course equivalent at the 400-level) major issues associated with environmental chemistry. It is
First Year: (CHM 151Y1 strongly recommended)/(138H1, a Type 1 program.
139H1); MAT 135Y1/137Y1 1 CHM (138H1, 139H1)/151Y1
Second Year: At least two of CHM 217H1, 220H1/225Y1, 2. One full course equivalent from CHM 217H1, (220H1,
238Y1, 247H1/249H1 (CHM249H1 strongly 221H1)/225Y1, 238Y1, 247H1/249H1
recommended) 3. ENV235Y
Third Year: At least two of CHM 317H1, 327H1, 338H1, 4. Any two of CHM 310H1, 317H1, 410H1, 415H1
(343H1/346H1), 348H1, 379H1
Fourth Year: Further 200/300/400-level CHM courses to Synthetic and Catalytic Chemistry (Science
make a total of seven CHM full course equivalents program)
(CHM 299Y1 excluded)
Consult Professor. R. Batey, Department of Chemistry.
Minor program: Enrolment in this program requires completion of four
(4 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one courses; no minimum GPA required.
CHM full-course equivalent at the 300+ level)
First Year: CHM 151Y1/(138H1, 139H1) Specialist program:
Second Year: At least one of CHM 217H1, 220H1/225Y1, (14 full courses or their equivalent)
238Y1, 247H1/249H1(CHM249H1 strongly This program focuses on the fundamentals and practical
recommended) aspects of modern synthetic organic and inorganic
Third Year: At least one of CHM 317H1, 327H1, 338H1, chemistry, and the understanding and applications of
343H1/346H1, 348H1, 379H1 catalytic reactions. The program will prepare students
Fourth Year: Further 200/300/400-level CHM courses to for career paths as synthetic / discovery chemists, in
make a total of four CHM full course equivalents (CHM the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, biomedical, crop
299Y1 excluded) protection, materials and related sectors, or for academic
Environmental Chemistry (Science program) research and teaching positions.
Consult Professor J. Abbatt, Department of Chemistry First Year: (CHM 151Y1 strongly recommended)/(138H1,
139H1); MAT 135Y1/137Y1; PHY 138Y1/140Y1/
Specialist program: (131H1, 132H1)/(151H1, 152H1)
(13.5 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one Second and Higher Years:
400-series course) 1. BCH 210H1, CHM 217H1, 225Y1/(220H1 with
minimum grade of B, 221H1), 238Y1, 247H1/249H1
Jointly sponsored by the Centre for Environment and (CHM249H1 strongly recommended); MAT
the Department of Chemistry, this program focuses 235Y1/237Y1
on analytical theory, instrumentation and mechanistic 2. CHM 317H1, 338H1, 342H1, 343H1, 347H1, 348H1.
understanding of organic and inorganic contaminants in 3. CHM 432H1, 440H1, 441H1, 443H1.
soil, water, air and biological tissues. 4. CHM499Y1 and/or CHM 398H0 in areas relevant to
Enrolment in this program is limited. It requires prior the program (to be approved by the Department)
completion of 4 courses with a minimum GPA of 2.3. 5. Further 300/400-series courses in CHM, including
Three courses must be from the First Year list. Apply CHM 325H1, 328H1, 379H1, 416H1, 421H1, 434H1,
through the Centre for Environment by: 1st Round: TBA; 437H1, 438H1, 447H1 and 479H1 to make a total of
2nd Round: TBA at: www.artsci.utoronto.ca/current/ 14 full courses.
Nanoscience Minor Program (offered jointly with
First Year: BIO 150Y1/(120H1, 130H1); (CHM 151Y1 the National University of Singapore)
strongly recommended)/(138H1, 139H1); MAT
135Y1/137Y1; PHY 138Y1/140Y1/(131H1, 132H1)/ Consult: Dr. A. Dicks, Department of Chemistry
(151H1, 152H1) This physical science-based Type 3 minor program

represents a unique opportunity to study chemistry and NUS398H0 Nanoscience Research [130P]
physics in a different cultural environment. Students take An experimental or theoretical research problem in
core subjects at the first-year level in Toronto and spend nanoscience under the supervision of a faculty member.
the Winter session of their second or third year at the DR=SCI; BR=TBA
National University of Singapore, where they are enrolled
in lecture courses and undertake a faculty-supervised
Materials Chemistry Program - See Materials
research project. Science
(4 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one Molecular Biophysics - See Physics
CHM full-course equivalent at the 300+ level)
1. CHM 151Y1/139H1, PHY 140Y1/(151H1, 152H1)/ Pharmaceutical Chemistry - See Pharmaceutical
(131H1, 132H1) Chemistry
2. NUS 227H0, 228H0, 328H0, 398H0*
3. Further CHM courses to make a total of four full Planetary Science Program - See Planetary
course equivalents Science
*NUS courses must be taken at the National University of
Singapore during either the Winter session of second year Chemistry Courses
studies or the Winter session of third year studies.
See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
For more information, contact the Undergraduate Office
(LM 151, 416-978-6033, [email protected]), First Year Seminars
and the International Student Exchange Office (ISXO, The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
www.utoronto.ca/student.exchange). the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
Nanoscience Minor Program seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
Courses (offered jointly with the professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
National University of Singapore) year of study. For details, see page 48.
CHM101H1 The Chemistry and Biology of Organic
NUS227H0 Science at the Nanoscale [48L, 12T] Molecules: Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll!
Students are introduced to fundamental principles of [30L, 6T]
physics and chemistry important to the nanoscale. Some An introduction to chemistry and chemical principles for
basic physical tools that can be used to explore structures non-scientists, with a focus on the chemistry and biology
at this length scale are discussed. Linkages between of organic molecules. The myriad roles these compounds
the fundamental sciences and practical applications in play in our lives are discussed, including their use of
nanotechnology are also made. pheromones, medicines and weapons, and their effect on
Prerequisite: CHM 139H1/151Y1; PHY (151H1, colour, taste and smell.
152H1)/140Y1 DR=SCI; BR=5
CHM138H1 Introductory Organic Chemistry I [36L,
NUS228H0 Principles of Spectroscopy [36L, 39P, 12T] 18P, 12T]
Topics discussed include microwave spectroscopy, An introduction to principles of structure and their relation
infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, electronic to reactivity of organic molecules: molecular structure,
spectroscopy, electron and nuclear spin resonance stereochemistry, functional groups, and reactions.
spectroscopy. The fundamental principles such as energy Recommended for students in life and health science
quantization, rigid rotors and harmonic oscillators are programs that involve a small amount of chemistry
discussed, the techniques and instrumentation are studied, NOTE: CHM138H1 and 139H1 may be taken in either
and the practical applications are emphasized. order, but not both in the same session.
Prerequisite: CHM 139H1/151Y1; PHY (151H1, Exclusion: CHM151Y1, CHM242H5, CHMB41H3
152H1)/140Y1 Prerequisite: Chemistry SCH4U, Mathematics (MHF4U
DR=SCI; BR=5 + MCV4U) or (MCB4U + MHF4U/MDM4U/MCV4U) or
NUS328H0 Nanochemistry [48L, 12T] (MCV4U + MDM4U/MGA4U)
The synthesis, characterisation and application of Co-requisite: MAT135Y1/137Y1/157Y1 recommended, but
nanostructures using chemical routes, incorporating may be required pre-requisite in 2nd year Chemistry
various concepts from colloidal chemistry, supramolecular courses; PHY138Y1/140Y1/(131H, 132H)/(151H, 152H)
chemistry, polymer chemistry and electrochemistry. recommended
Applications of nanostructures such as quantum dots, DR=SCI; BR=5
nanoparticles, nanorods and nanowires in the areas of CHM139H1 Chemistry: Physical Principles [36L, 18P,
biosensors, bioimaging, LEDs and photonic crystals are 12T]
highlighted. Structure of matter, gases, liquids and solids;
Corequisite: NUS 227H0 phase equilibria and phase diagrams; colligative
DR=SCI; BR=TBA properties; chemical equilibria; electrolyte solutions
and electrochemistry; reaction kinetics; introduction to
thermodynamics. Recommended for students in life and

health science programs that involve a small amount of DR=SCI; BR=5
chemistry CHM220H1 Physical Chemistry for Life Sciences
NOTE: CHM138H1 and 139H1 may be taken in either [36L, 12T]
order, but not both in the same session. Introduction to thermodynamics; kinetics; phase
Exclusion: CHM151Y1, CHMA10H3, CHMA11H3, equilibrium, properties of mixtures, chemical equilibrium,
CHM140Y5 electrochemistry; introduction to quantum mechanics and
Prerequisite: Chemistry SCH4U, Mathematics (MHF4U spectroscopy. This course is recommended for students
+ MCV4U) or (MCB4U + MHF4U/MDM4U/MCV4U) or in life and health science programs that involve a small
(MCV4U + MDM4U/MGA4U) amount of chemistry. Students enrolled in any chemistry
Co-requisite: MAT135Y1/137Y1/157Y1 recommended, but specialist program (including Biological Chemistry and
may be required pre-requisite in 2nd year Chemistry Environmental Chemistry) or who will be including a
courses; PHY138Y1/140Y1/(131H1, 132H1)/(151H1, substantial amount of chemistry in their degree (such as
152H1) recommended those following a chemistry major program), are strongly
DR=SCI; BR=5 encouraged to take CHM225Y1.
CHM151Y1 Chemistry: The Molecular Science [72L, Exclusion: CHM225Y1, CHM221H5, CHMB20H3
35P, 24T] Prerequisite: (CHM138H1, CHM139H1)/CHM151Y1;
An introduction to the major areas of modern chemistry, MAT135Y1/137Y1/157Y1
including organic and biological chemistry; physical Recommended co-requisite: MAT235Y1/237Y1
chemistry and chemical physics; and inorganic/materials DR=SCI; BR=5
chemistry. The course is intended for students who will CHM221H1 Physical Chemistry: The Molecular
be following one of the chemistry specialist programs Viewpoint [24L, 12T]
(including Biological Chemistry and Environmental A continuation of CHM220H1 for students wishing to
Chemistry) or who will be including a substantial amount take some additional material in Physical Chemistry.
of chemistry in their degree (such as those following a The course covers topics in quantum mechanics and
chemistry major program). The combination of CHM151Y1 spectroscopy as well as an introduction to reaction
and CHM249H1 serves as a full year introductory course kinetics.
in organic chemistry with laboratory. Exclusion: CHM 225Y1, CHMB21H3
Note: CHM151Y1 has a unique “Course Community” Prerequisite: CHM220H1 with a minimum grade of B, or
where the undergraduate experience in chemistry is permission of the department through an appeal and
greatly enhanced through a series of workshops, research placement test
seminars, tours, outreach opportunities and social Co-requisite: MAT235Y1/237Y1 recommended, but may
activities. Two hour biweekly Course Community meetings, be required pre-requisite in 3rd year Chemistry courses
during laboratory class hours will alternate weeks with DR=SCI; BR=5
the CHM151Y1 lab classes. The lab time is reserved for
CHM151Y1 activities every week of each semester. CHM225Y1 Introduction to Physical Chemistry [48L,
Exclusion: (CHM138H1, CHM139H1), CHM140Y5, 24T]
CHMA10H3, CHMA11H3 Topics: introductory thermodynamics, first and second law
Prerequisite: Chemistry SCH4U, Mathematics (MHF4U and applications; chemical equilibrium; chemical kinetics;
+ MCV4U) or (MCB4U + MHF4U/MDM4U/MCV4U) introductory quantum mechanics; spectroscopy. The
or (MCV4U + MDM4U/MGA4U); Physics SPH4U course is intended for students who will be following one
recommended of the chemistry specialist programs (including Biological
Co-requisite: PHY138Y1/140Y1/(131H1, 132H1)/(151H1, Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry) or who will be
152H1) recommended, but may be required pre- including a substantial amount of chemistry in their degree
requisite in 2nd year courses; MAT135Y1/137Y1/157Y1 (such as those following a chemistry major program).
DR=SCI; BR=5 Exclusion: CHM220H1, CHM221H1, CHM221H5,
CHM217H1 Introduction to Analytical Chemistry [30L, Prerequisite: [(CHM138H1, CHM139H1)/CHM151Y1
48P, 6T] with a minimum grade of 63%, or permission of the
Introduction to the science of chemical measurement, from department through an appeal and placement test],
sampling through analysis to the interpretation of results, MAT135Y1/137Y1/157Y1, PHY138Y1/140Y1/(131H,
including how water, food products, pharmaceuticals, and 132H)/(151H, 152H)
dietary supplements are analysed for content, quality, and Co-requisite: MAT235Y1/237Y1
potential contaminants. Also how to interpret experimental DR=SCI; BR=5
measurements, compare results and procedures, and
calibrate analytical instrumentation. Through closely ENV235Y1 Physics and Chemistry of the Evolving
integrated lectures, laboratories, and tutorials, this Earth [48L, 24T]
highly practical course introduces a variety of analytical (see Centre for Environment)
techniques including volumetric methods, potentiometry, This course considers the fundamental chemical and
uv/visible and infrared spectrophotometry, flame atomic physical processes of the Earth’s natural environment.
absorption spectrometry, and chromatography. The first semester of the course focuses primarily on the
Exclusion: CHM211H5, CHMB16H3 atmosphere: its evolution, structure, composition and
Prerequisite: (CHM138H1, CHM139H1)/CHM151Y1 dynamical character. Particular emphasis is given to a
with a minimum grade of 63%, or permission of the discussion of global climate and the underlying physical,
department through an appeal and placement test chemical and biogeochemical factors that drive climate

change. Within this context, stratospheric ozone depletion, CHM299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
ocean chemistry, urban air pollution, acid rain and water Credit course for supervised participation in faculty
quality are also discussed. The second semester focuses research project. See page 48 for details.
on the solid Earth: its formulation and evolution, internal DR=SCI
dynamics, mantle-core differentiation, volcanism, tectonics CHM310H1 Environmental Chemistry [24L]
and paleoclimate/ice ages. Throughout the course, the Major chemical pollutants and their sources, the
operation of the Earth as a coupled physico-chemical environmental reactions they undergo, and how they
system over a range of timescales is emphasized. become distributed throughout the environment. Focus
Prerequisite: (CHM138H1, CHM139H1)/CHM151Y1, MAT is on the principal routes of chemical and biological
135Y1/137Y1/JMB170Y1, PHY 138Y1/140Y1/(131H, degradation of toxicants; oxidation, photodegradation,
132H)/(151H, 152H) or permission of the department hydrolysis, reduction, biotic metabolism, and microbial
DR=SCI degradation. The principal physical processes by which
CHM238Y1 Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry [48L, chemicals move, concentrate, and dissipate.
44P] Prerequisite: CHM247H1/249H1
The first part (with CHM338H1) of a two-year sequence in DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Inorganic Chemistry, designed to illustrate and systematize CHM317H1 Introduction to Instrumental Methods of
the rich variety of structures, physical properties and Analysis [24L, 48P]
reactions of compounds of the elements across and down Scope of instrumental analytical chemistry; Fourier
the Periodic Table. Introduction to structure, symmetry and transform IR absorption spectroscopy; molecular
bonding of molecules and lattices; acid-base and redox luminescence; emission spectroscopy; mass spectrometry;
reactions; d-metal complexes; chemistry of elements of sensors; gas and high performance liquid chromatography;
the s and p blocks; inorganic materials and solid state instrument design principles and applications in industry
chemistry with applications in advanced technologies. and the environment.
Exclusion: CHM231H5 Exclusion: CHM311H5, CHMC11H3, CHMC16H3
Prerequisite: CHM151Y1/(CHM138H1, CHM139H1) Prerequisite: CHM217H1 with a minimum grade of 63%,
with a minimum grade of 63%, or permission of the or permission of the department through an appeal and
department through an appeal and placement test placement test
DR=SCI; BR=5 Recommended preparation: (CHM220H1, CHM221H1)/
CHM247H1 Introductory Organic Chemistry II [36L, CHM225Y1
22P, 12T] DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Reactions of organic compounds. Principles of CHM325H1 Introduction to Inorganic and Polymer
mechanism, synthesis, and spectroscopy, continuing from Materials Chemistry [24L]
CHM 138H1. This course is recommended for students Fashioned to illustrate how inorganic and polymer
in life and health science programs that involve a small materials chemistry can be rationally used to synthesize
amount of chemistry. Students enrolled in any chemistry superconductors, metals, semiconductors, ceramics,
specialist program (including Biological Chemistry and elastomers, thermoplastics, thermosets and polymer
Environmental Chemistry) or who will be including a liquid crystals, with properties that can be tailored for
substantial amount of chemistry in their degree (such as applications in a range of advanced technologies.
those following a chemistry major program) are strongly Coverage is fairly broad and is organized to crosscut
encouraged to take CHM249H1. many aspects of the field.
Exclusion: CHM249H1, CHM243H5, CHMB42H3 Prerequisite: CHM220H1/225Y1, CHM238Y1,
Prerequisite: (CHM138H1, CHM139H1)/CHM151Y1 CHM247H1/249H1
CHM249H1 Organic Chemistry [36L, 50P] CHM326H1 Introductory Quantum Mechanics and
An introductory course in organic chemistry, based around Spectroscopy [24L]
the themes of structure, bonding, reaction mechanism This course introduces the postulates of quantum
and synthesis. Reactions are discussed with a view to mechanics to develop the fundamental framework of
understanding mechanism and how they are useful in quantum theory. A number of exactly soluble problems
the multi-step synthesis of medicinally and industrially are treated in detail as examples. Perturbation theory is
important compounds. An introduction to the spectroscopy introduced in the context of understanding many body
of organic molecules is also given, as well as discussion problems. Various applications to chemical bonding and
of topics relating to the biological behaviour of organic molecular spectroscopy are covered in detail.
molecules and medicinal chemistry. This course continues Exclusion: JCP321H5
from CHM151Y1 or CHM138H1 and is designed for Prerequisite: CHM225Y1/(CHM220H1, CHM221H1),
students in the chemistry specialist and major programs. MAT235Y1/237Y1
This course is highly recommended for students in the DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Biological Chemistry program.
Exclusion: CHM247H1, CHM243H5, CHMB42H3 CHM327H1 Experimental Physical Chemistry [12L,
Prerequisite: CHM151Y1/(CHM138H1, CHM139H1) 48P]
with a minimum grade of 63%, or permission of the Students are exposed to experiments to help them
department through an appeal and placement test experience modern physical chemistry. Labs designed
DR=SCI; BR=5 to illustrate physical chemistry principles and practical

techniques as well as their real world state of the art CHM347H1 Organic Chemistry of Biological
applications. The course also involves some lecture Compounds [24L, 12T]
material to broaden the laboratory experience. An organic chemical approach to the structure and
Prerequisite: CHM225Y1/(CHM220H1, CHM221H1) reactions of major classes of biological molecules:
with a minimum grade of 63%, or permission of the carbohydrates, amino acids, peptides and proteins,
department through an appeal and placement test phosphates, lipids, heterocycles, vitamins, nucleotides
Recommended co-requisites: CHM326H1 or CHM328H1 and polynucleotides. This is achieved through studies
DR=SCI; BR=TBA of advanced stereochemistry, chemical modification,
reactions and synthesis. In addition to lectures and
CHM328H1 Modern Physical Chemistry [24L]
reading from texts, there will be opportunities for
This course explores the microscopic description
independent written assignments on several of the topics.
of macroscopic phenomena in chemistry. Statistical
Exclusion: CHM347H5, CHMC47H3
mechanics is introduced as the bridge between the
Prerequisite: CHM247H1/249H1
microscopic and macroscopic views, and applied to a
Recommended preparation: CHM217H1
variety of chemical problems including reaction dynamics.
More advanced topics in thermodynamics are introduced
and discussed as required. CHM348H1 Organic Reaction Mechanisms [24L, 26P]
Exclusion: JCP322H5, CHMC20H3 Principles and methods of analyzing and predicting
Prerequisite: CHM225Y1/(CHM220H1, CHM221H1), organic chemical reactivity: advanced stereochemistry,
MAT235Y1/237Y1 conformational analysis, reaction kinetics, isotope effect,
DR=SCI; BR=TBA linear free energy relationships, orbital transformations,
systematization of mechanisms.
CHM338H1 Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry [24L,
Exclusions: CHM341H5, CHMC41H3
Prerequisite: CHM247H1/249H1 with a minimum grade
Further study of the structures, physical properties
of 63%, or permission of the department through an
and reactions of compounds and transition metals.
appeal and placement test
Introductions to spectroscopy and structural analysis,
reaction mechanisms, d- block organometallic compounds,
catalysis, and bioinorganic chemistry. The weekly CHM379H1 Biomolecular Chemistry [24L, 48P]
laboratory demonstrates aspects of transition metal This course provides an opportunity to learn core
chemistry. techniques in biological chemistry in a small group
Exclusion: CHM331H5 laboratory setting. Lectures will discuss the theory behind
Prerequisite: CHM238Y1 with a minimum grade of 63%, the techniques and highlight how they are used in current
or permission of the department through an appeal and biological chemistry research and practice.
placement test Exclusion: BCH370H1, BCH371H1
Recommended Preparation: CHM217H1, Prerequisite: (CHM247H1/249H1, with a minimum grade
CHM247H1/249H1 of 63%, or permission of the department through an
DR=SCI; BR=TBA appeal and placement test), CHM347H1, BCH 210H1
Recommended preparation: CHM217H1
CHM342H1 Modern Organic Synthesis (formerly
CHM345H1) [24L]
An overview of the preparation of various classes of CHM398H0 Independent Experiential Study Project
organic compounds. Strategies and tactics of synthetic CHM399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project
organic chemistry using examples from natural products An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus
and pharmaceuticals. C-C bond formation, functional setting. See page 48 for details.
group reactivity, structure, stereochemistry and selectivity. DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Exclusion: CHM345H5
Prerequisite: CHM247H1/249H1 CHM410H1 Analytical Environmental Chemistry [24L,
An analytical theory, instrumental, and methodology
CHM343H1 Organic Synthesis Techniques [24L, 54P] course focused on the measurement of pollutants in soil,
This laboratory course showcases modern organic water, air, and biological tissues and the determination of
synthesis techniques and introduces chemical research physical/chemical properties including vapour pressure,
principles. It provides excellent preparation for a degradation rates, partitioning. Lab experiments involve
CHM499Y1 project in organic chemistry. Associated application of theory.
lectures teach theory and problem-solving approaches Prerequisite: CHM310H1
from a practical perspective. Recommended preparation: CHM317H1
Prerequisite: CHM247H1/249H1 with a minimum grade DR=SCI; BR=TBA
of 63%, or permission of the department through an
appeal and placement test CHM414H1 Biosensors and Chemical Sensors [24L]
Recommended preparation: CHM342H1 The development, design, and operation of biosensors
DR=SCI; BR=TBA and chemical sensors, including: biosensor technology,
transducer theory and operation, device design and
fabrication, surface modification and methods of surface
analysis, flow injection analysis and chemometrics.
Prerequisite: CHM217H1/220H1/225Y1

Recommended preparation: CHM317H1 Prerequisite: CHM326H1, CHM328H1
CHM415H1 Atmospheric Chemistry [24L] CHM432H1 Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis
This course considers the chemistry occurring in the Earth’s [24L]
atmosphere, with emphasis on developing molecular-level Structure, bonding, and reactions of organometallic
understanding of the photochemistry, free-radical kinetics, compounds, with emphasis on basic mechanisms, and
and heterogeneous chemistry that occurs. Topics include industrial processes. Addition, metalation, elimination,
stratospheric ozone depletion, trace gas oxidation, urban air important catalytic cycles, electrophilic, and nucleophilic
pollution, acid rain, and the connections between aerosols reactions are considered on a mechanistic basis. Topics on
and climate. modern organometallic chemistry and catalysis are covered.
Prerequisite: CHM220H1/225Y1/310H1 Prerequisite: CHM338H1
Recommended preparation: MAT135Y1/137Y1; PHY Recommended preparation: CHM348H1
138Y1/140Y1/(131H1, 132H1)/(151H1, 152H1) DR=SCI; BR=TBA
DR=SCI; BR=TBA CHM434H1 Advanced Materials Chemistry [24L]
CHM416H1 Separation Science [24L] A comprehensive investigation of synthetic methods for
Principles of separation in analytical chemistry. Fractionation preparing diverse classes of inorganic materials with
processes and solvent extractions; theory of chromatography, properties intentionally tailored for a particular use. Begins
retention time, column efficiency and resolution. Principles with a primer on solid-state materials and electronic band
of gas-liquid chromatography; instrumentation for gas description of solids followed by a survey of archetypical
chromatography. High performance liquid chromatography - solids that have had a dramatic influence on the materials
practice and equipment design. Ion exchange, size-exclusion world, some new developments in materials chemistry and a
and affinity chromatography. Electrophoretic techniques. look at perceived future developments in materials research
Prerequisite: CHM317H1 and technology. Strategies for synthesizing many different
DR=SCI; BR=TBA classes of materials with intentionally designed structures
and compositions, textures and morphologies are then
CHM417H1 Laboratory Instrumentation [24L, 10P]
explored in detail emphasizing how to control the relations
This course provides an introduction to building and
between structure and property of materials and ultimately
using optics- and electronics-based instrumentation for
function and utility. A number of contemporary issues in
laboratory research, as well as for implementing custom
materials research are critically evaluated to appreciate
software control. Lecture topics include passive electronic
recent highlights in the field of materials chemistry - an
components, diodes and transistors, operational amplifiers,
emerging sub-discipline of chemistry.
light sources and detectors, reflectors, refractors, polarizers,
Prerequisite: CHM325H1, CHM338H1
and diffractors, LabView programming and many others.
Lectures are supplemented by laboratories in which students
work in teams to build fluorescent detection systems for CHM437H1 Bioinorganic Chemistry [24L]
chromatography over the course of several weeks. This course examines the use of metals in biology. Topics
Recommended preparation: CHM317H1, or permission from include naturally occurring and medicinal ligands; transport,
the instructor uptake and control of concentration of metal ions; and
DR=SCI; BR=TBA physical methods of characterization of metal binding sites.
The roles of metal ions in nature are discussed, including as
CHM423H1 Applications of Quantum Mechanics [24L]
structural and signaling elements in proteins, nucleic acids
Applications of time independent and time dependent
and DNA-binding complexes and proteins; as Lewis-acid
perturbation theory to atomic and molecular problems,
centres in enzymes; as carriers of electrons, atoms and
selection of topics from WKB approximation and the classical
groups in redox proteins and enzymes; and as sources of
limit; the interaction of light with matter; elementary atomic
biominerals; as radiopharmaceuticals.
scattering theory; molecular bonding.
Exclusion: CHM333H5, CHMD69H3
Prerequisite: CHM326H1
Prerequisite: CHM238Y1
Recommended preparation: MAT223H1
Recommended preparation: CHM338H1(strongly
recommended), CHM347H1/379H1
CHM426H1 Polymer Chemistry [24L] DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Scope of polymer chemistry. Classification of polymers.
CHM440H1 The Synthesis of Modern Pharmaceutical
Synthesis and characterization. Polymers in solution.
Agents [24L]
Thermodynamics of polymer solutions and blends, Flory-
This course provides an overview of reactions and synthetic
Huggins theory. Polymers in the solid state. Crystalline
strategies that are being used at different stages of the drug
and amorphous polymers. Glass transition and melting
development process. Using representative examples from
temperature. Mechanical properties. Polymers as advanced
the literature, we will concentrate on synthesis of complex
heterocyclic compounds.
Prerequisite: CHM325H1, CHM328H1, CHM348H1
Prerequisite: CHM342H1
CHM427H1 Statistical Mechanics [24L]
CHM441H1 Spectroscopic Analysis in Organic
Ensemble theory in statistical mechanics. Applications,
Chemistry [24L, 20P]
including imperfect gases and liquid theories. Introduction to
Structure and stereochemistry determination using modern
non-equilibrium problems.
spectroscopic techniques. Several techniques are discussed

but particular emphasis is given to NMR (1H and 13C NMR) Cinema Studies Institute:
and mass spectrometry. The approach taken emphasizes
applications of these spectroscopic methods to organic see Innis College
problems. Students are trained to run their own spectra (IR,
Prerequisite: CHM249H1,CHM343H1
CHM443H1 Physical Organic Chemistry [24L]
Noncovalent binding forces, solutions, and molecular
recognition. Electronic structure theory and computational
techniques. Reaction mechanisms: experimental probes
and reactive intermediates, including carbenes and radicals.
Photophysics and photochemistry of organic compounds.
Prerequisite: CHM220H1/225Y1, CHM348H1
CHM446H1 Organic Materials Chemistry [24L]
This course covers design, synthesis, characterization
and application of organic materials. Emphasis is placed
on classic examples of organic materials including
semiconducting polymers, molecular devices, self-assembled
systems, and bioconjugates, as well as recent advances
from the literature.
Prerequisite: CHM325H1, CHM342H1/343H1
CHM447H1 Bio-organic Chemistry [24L]
Catalytic, mechanisms in biochemical systems: acceleration
and specificity, pH-profiles, catalytic properties of active sites,
stress and strain, stereochemical considerations, principles
of enzyme kinetics, mechanisms of inhibition, cofactors,
mechanistic case studiies ribozymes. The course includes
readings from a text and research publications, as well as
original critical essays.
Prerequisite: CHM347H1, CHM348H1 or permission of the
department through an appeal and placement test
CHM479H1 Biological Chemistry [24L]
An in depth examination of biological systems at the
molecular level. Several complex, multi-component molecular
machines with a central role in life will be examined. For
each system studied, the focus will be on understanding the
chemical mechanisms that underlie the biological activities,
and how these processes fit into a cellular context.
Prerequisite: BCH210H1/242Y1
Recommended preparation: CHM447H1
CHM499Y1 Introduction to Chemistry Research [240P]
An experimental or theoretical research problem under
the supervision of a faculty member in the Department of
Chemistry. Applications for enrolment should be made to
the Department in the preceding Winter Session. Projects in
the areas of environmental, analytical, physical, inorganic,
materials, organic and biological chemistry are offered.
Prerequisite: Permission of the department. Minimum CGPA
of 2.7. Research positions are limited. Students with
strong background in courses in the sub-discipline of
research interest will be given preference.


Faculty Classics is the study of the civilizations of ancient

Greece and Rome. This includes their literature, religion,
Professors Emeriti mythology, history, philosophy and art, and also their
T.D. Barnes, MA, D Phil, FRSC physical settings, their interactions with surrounding
R.L. Beck, AM, Ph D (University of Toronto societies, and their influence on later cultures to the
Mississauga) present day. The scope of the discipline is vast both in
A. Dalzell, B Litt, MA space (not just the territories of the modern states of
R.E. Fantham, Ph D Greece and Italy but most of western Europe, the Middle
J.N. Grant, MA, Ph D East and North Africa) and time (a period of at least
Rev. M.O. Lee, MA, Ph D two thousand years, from the start of the Bronze Age
C.J. McDonough, MA, Ph D in Europe in the second millennium B.C. to the dawn of
W.E. McLeod, AM, Ph D the Middle Ages). Classics at the University of Toronto is
D.P. de Montmollin, D ès L not just ‘looking at the past’ but engaging with issues of
K.F. Quinn, MA compelling and enduring relevance, including: gender and
J.M. Rist, MA, FRSC sexuality; the nature of freedom and the basis of political
E.I. Robbins, MA, Ph D power and legitimacy; how relationships should and do
T.M. Robinson, B Litt, D Litt work between parents and children; whether democracy is
R.M.H. Shepherd, MA compatible with imperialism; what it means to be in love;
J.S. Traill, AM, Ph D how people cope with the fear of death; and when, if ever,
it is right to go to war.
Professor and Chair of the Department
A.M. Keith, MA, Ph D The Department of Classics welcomes students of all
academic backgrounds who wish to take courses in the
Professor and Associate Chair, Graduate field but do not wish to specialize in Classical Studies.
Affairs Even without knowing Greek or Latin, students can
V. Wohl MA, Ph D profitably study Greek and Roman history or Greek
and Latin literature in translation - two areas combined
Undergraduate Coordinator and Associate under the designation CLA (for Classical Civilization
Professor courses) below. Similarly, the Major and Minor Programs
H. J. Mason, AM, Ph D in Classical Civilization presuppose no knowledge of the
University Professors classical languages.
B.C. Inwood, MA, Ph D, FRSC (Canada Research Advanced work in Greek and Latin does require study of
Chair) the basic language courses in sequence. These are listed
E.J. Weinrib, AM, Ph D (Cecil A. Wright Professor of below under the designations GRK (for Greek courses)
Law) and LAT (for Latin courses).
Professors The Department of Classics publishes an undergraduate
C.F.M. Bruun, MA, Ph D handbook which may be obtained from the departmental
J.S. Burgess, MA, Ph D office and is published on the internet; this and other
M.J. Dewar, MA, D Phil information about the Department is available at: http://
A.R. Jones, BA, Ph D, FRSC www.chass.utoronto.ca/classics.
J.C. Magee, MA, Ph D
Undergraduate Coordinator: H.J. Mason, 125 Queen’s
Associate Professors Park, room 110 ([email protected]; 416-
R. Barney, BA, Ph D (Canada Research Chair) 978-4848)
E. Gunderson, MA, Ph D
M. Revermann, MA, D Phil (University of Toronto Enquiries: 125 Queen’s Park, room 108 (416-978-5698)
C.I. Rubincam, BA, Ph D (University of Toronto Department of Classics Programs
FCE = “full course equivalent”
Assistant Professors
B. Akrigg BA, Ph D Classical Civilization (Arts program)
A.E. Bendlin, MA, D Phil (University of Toronto
Enrolment in Classical Civilization programs is
K. Blouin (Unversity of Toronto Scarborough), MA, Ph limited to students who have completed 2 CLA
D half-courses with a grade of 65 or above
M. Cottier, L ès L, D Phil Major program:
R. Höschele, MA, Ph D (6 FCEs)
E. Lytle BA, Ph D 1. CLA160H1
D. Nakassis, MA Ph D 2. 5.5 FCEs of CLA courses at the 200+ level, including
J. Welsh, MA, Ph D at least 2 FCEs at the 300+ level
Minor program:
(4 FCEs)

1. CLA160H1 3. 1 additional FCE of CLA/GRK/LAT courses
2. 3.5 FCEs of CLA courses at the 200+ level, including
1 FCE at the 300+ level
Minor program:
(4 FCEs)
1. 1 FCE of CLA courses, including CLA160H1
1.Approved courses involving the ancient Greek and
2. 3 FCEs of LAT courses, of which at least 1 must be a
Roman civilizations in other departments, notably FAH
300+ series course
and PHL, can be substituted for CLA courses; consult
the Undergraduate Coordinator. Faculty of Arts & Science Language Citation
2. Such CLA substitutions should not exceed 3 FCEs for
the Major Classical Civilization program, and 2 FCEs The Department of Classics participates in the Faculty
for the Minor Classical Civilization program. of Arts and Science’s Language Citation initiative for
3. GRK or LAT courses may be substituted for 200-level Ancient Greek and Latin. The study of Ancient Greek
CLA courses: up to 2 FCEs in the Classical Civilization and Latin is a demanding and intellectually rewarding
Major program and up to 1FCE in the Classical educational experience which makes available to the
Civilization Minor program. modern student the rich resources of classical texts
in the original languages. Successful study of these
Enrolment in the language programs listed below languages demonstrates intelligence, discipline, analytical
(Classics, Greek, Latin) is open to students who have sophistication, and an excellent memory. The study of
completed 4 full course equivalents (FCEs) of any any foreign language provides invaluable insights into the
kind; no minimum grade is required varieties of human culture and expression.
Courses in Mediaeval Latin (SMC 222H1, 323H1, 436H1)
count as LAT courses in all language-based programs In each language the Language Citation recognizes a
(Classics, Greek, Latin) significant level of achievement in language study with
a high level of academic success. The Citation in Latin
Classics (Arts program) is available to students who complete LAT 100Y1 (or
the equivalent prerequisite training) and earn a grade of
Specialist program: at least B- in LAT 201H1, 202H1 and any two LAT half-
(13 FCEs) courses at the 300 level.
1. 1 FCE of CLA courses, including CLA160H1 The Citation in Ancient Greek is available to students
2. 12 FCEs of GRK/LAT courses including 5 FCEs in who complete GRK100Y1 (or the equivalent prerequisite
each of GRK and LAT; 4 FCEs of GRK/LAT courses training) and earn a grade of at least B- in GRK 201H1,
must be at the 300+ level, and include GRK 430H, 202H1 and any two GRK half-courses at the 300 level.
LAT 430H.,
Students should note that, as explained on page 20 of this
Major program: Calendar, the Language Citation is not equivalent to an
(7 FCEs) academic program and that enrolment in a program is not
1. 1 FCE of CLA courses, including CLA160H1 necessary in order to earn the recognition bestowed by
2. 6 FCEs of GRK/LAT courses, including 2 FCEs in the Citation.
each of GRK and LAT; 2 FCEs GRK/LAT courses must
be at the 300+ level and include GRK/LAT 430H1 Department of Classics Courses
(both recommended)
See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
1. 1 FCE of CLA courses, including CLA160H1
2. 4 FCEs of GRK courses; 2 FCEs must be at the 300+ First Year Seminars
level, and include GRK430H1 The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
3. 1 additional FCE of CLA/GRK/LAT courses the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
Minor program: seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
(4 FCEs) and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
1. 1 FCE of CLA courses, including CLA160H1 professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
2. 3 FCEs of GRK courses, of which at least 1 must be a year of study. For details, see page 48.
300+ series course Classical Civilization Courses
Latin (Arts program) NOTE
CLA courses do not require knowledge of Greek or Latin.
Major program:
(6 FCEs) CLA160H1 Introduction to Classical Studies [36L,
1. 1 FCE of CLA courses, including CLA160H1 10T]
2. 4 FCEs of LAT courses; 2 FCEs must be at the 300+ An introduction to major themes in the development of
level, and include LAT430H1 Greek and Roman civilization, literature and culture.

DR=HUM; BR=1 CLA236H1 Greek and Roman Epic [36L]
A study of one or more of the epic poems of Greek and
CLA201H1 Latin & Greek in Scientific Terminology
Roman antiquity (e. g. The Iliad and Odyssey of Homer
and the Aeneid of Virgil).
The study of technical and scientific terms derived from
Latin and Greek: word elements, formation, analysis.
The course is designed to give students in any field of CLA299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
specialization a better grasp of the derivation and basic Credit course for supervised participation in faculty
meaning of English words derived from Latin and Greek research project. See page 48 for details.
elements. DR=HUM; BR=1
CLA203H1 Science in Antiquity [36L]
The first scientific traditions in the classical Mediterranean 300-Series Courses
and the Near East, with emphasis on Greek science.
Discussions of early physical science, biology, Most 300-series courses have specific perquisites,
mathematics, and astronomy, and their place in ancient which are enforced. Students seeking exemption from
life and thought, based on primary sources in translation. these prerequisites should contact the undergraduate
Designed for students in both the sciences and coordinator.
Only 8 to 10 half courses at the 300-series are offered in a
typical Fall-Winter Session.
CLA204H1 Introduction to Classical Mythology [36L]
A survey of the myths and legends of ancient Greece (and CLA305H1 Theories of Myth [36S]
their extension to Rome) with some consideration of their A detailed study of the major modern approaches to the
role in ancient and modern literature and art. analysis and interpretation of myth with specific reference
DR=HUM; BR=2 to their applications to ancient Graeco-Roman myth.
Prerequisite: CLA204H1
CLA206H1 Ancient Astronomy [36L]
The rise, development, and practical applications of the
study of the heavens in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the CLA 319H1 Sexuality and Gender in Classical
Greco-Roman world. Literature [36S]
DR=HUM; BR=2 Detailed study of the representation of sexuality and
gender in Greek and/or Roman literary texts from one or
CLA219H1 Women in Antiquity [36L]
more genres.
A survey of the position of women in ancient Greece and
Prerequisite: CLA 219H1/232H1/233H1
Rome, with focus on women’s sexuality and socialization;
their economic, religious, and political roles; and their
creative production in the arts. CLA336H1 Roman Law [36S]
DR=HUM; BR=3 Roman law with emphasis on how it reflected community
values. The nature of Roman legal reasoning. The
CLA230H1 Introduction to Greek History [36L]
historical development of Roman law against the
A historical survey of the most significant features in
background of the evolution of Roman society and Roman
the development of the civilization and states of ancient
Greece from the Bronze Age to the second century B. C.
CLA362H1 Mycenaean and Archaic Greece [36S]
CLA231H1 Introduction to Roman History [36L]
The Greek world from the second millennium B. C. to the
A historical survey of the most significant features in the
end of the Archaic Age
development of the civilization and state of ancient Rome
Prerequisite: CLA230H1
from the mythical beginnings to the fourth century A. D.
CLA363H1 The Rise and Fall of Athens [36S]
CLA232H1 Introduction to Greek Society and Culture
The Greek world in the fifth and fourth centuries B. C.
Prerequisite: CLA230H1
A general introduction to the society and culture of Ancient
Greece. Topics may include literature, art, social customs,
gender and sexuality, daily life, and religious festivals (the CLA364H1 The Hellenistic World [36S]
theatre, the Olympic Games etc.). The Greek world in the age of Alexander the Great and his
DR=HUM; BR=1 successors (336 B. C. to 31 B. C.)
Prerequisite: CLA230H1
CLA233H1 Introduction to Roman Society and
Culture [36L]
A general introduction to the society and culture of Ancient CLA365H1 Topics in Greek Social History [36S]
Rome. Topics may include literature, art, social customs, Topics vary from year to year.
gender and sexuality, daily life, and religious festivals (the Prerequisite: CLA219H`/230H1/232H1
circus, the gladiatorial games etc.). DR=HUM; BR=TBA

CLA366H1 Topics in the Study of Greek History [36S] CLA387H1 Spectacle in the Roman World [36S]
Topics vary from year to year. The role in Roman society and culture of public
Prerequisite: CLA230H1 spectacles, including the chariot-races, the gladiatorial
DR=HUM; BR=TBA games, executions, and triumphal processions.
Prerequisite: CLA233H1
CLA367H1 The Roman Republic [36S]
The Roman world from 510 B. C. to 44 B. C.
Prerequisite: CLA231H1 CLA388H1 Classical Antiquity and the Cinema [36S]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA A study of the representation of ancient Greece and/ or
Rome in cinema.
CLA368H1 Augustus and the Julio-Claudians [36S]
Prerequisite: CLA219H1/232H1/233H1
The Roman world in the age of Augustus and his dynasty
(44 B. C. to A. D. 68)
Prerequisite: CLA231H1 CLA389H1 Classical Spaces: Sites and Monuments
A close study of one or more sites in the ancient world and
CLA369H1 The Roman Empire [36S]
the cultural significance of the site(s) in question.
The Roman world from A. D. 68 to A. D. 378
Prerequisite: CLA230H1/231H1/232H1/233H1
Prerequisite: CLA231H1
CLA390H1 Topics in the Study of Greek Culture and
CLA370H1 Topics in Roman Social History [36S]
Society [36S]
Topics vary from year to year.
Topics vary from year to year.
Prerequisite: CLA 219H1/231H1/233H1
Prerequisite: CLA219H1/232H1
CLA371H1 Topics in the Study of Roman History
CLA391H1 Topics in the Study of Roman Culture and
Society [36S]
Topics vary from year to year.
Topics vary from year to year.
Prerequisite: CLA231H1
Prerequisite: CLA219H1/233H1
CLA378H1 Late Antiquity [36S]
CLA392H1 Topics in the study of Classical Culture
The history and culture of the Roman Empire from
and Society [36S]
Theodosius the Great to Justinian, concentrating on the
Topics vary from year to year
interplay of modern interpretations and ancient evidence.
Prerequisite: CLA 219/232H1/233H1
Prerequisite: CLA231H1
CLA398H0 Independent Experiential Study Project
CLA382H1 The Classical Greek Theatre [36S]
The origins of the theatre, its social function, the dramatic CLA399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project
genres, and a study of representative plays. An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus
Prerequisite: CLA232H1 setting. See page 48 for details.
CLA383H1 Hellenistic and Roman Theatre [36S]
The development of the theatre, its social function, the
dramatic genres, and a study of representative plays. 400-Series Courses
Prerequisite: CLA232H1/233H1 CLA400H1 Independent Studies (formerly CLA400Y1)
CLA384H1 Greek Literature in Translation [36S] Exclusion: CLA400Y1
A selection of Greek literary texts from one or more Prerequisite: Permission of Department
genres. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: CLA219H1/232H1/236H1 CLA401H1 Independent Studies [TBA]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: Permission of Department
CLA385H1 Roman Literature in Translation [36S] DR=HUM; BR=TBA
A selection of Roman literary texts from one or more CLA402H1 Special Topics in Classical Literature
genres. [TBA]
Prerequisite: CLA219H1/233H1/236H1 Prerequisite: One FCE in the CLA 300-series, permission
DR=HUM; BR=TBA of Department
CLA386H1 Classical Literature in Translation [36S] DR=HUM; BR=TBA
A selection of Greek and Roman literary texts from one or CLA403H1 Special Topics in Ancient History [TBA]
more genres. Prerequisite: One FCE in the CLA 300-series, permission
Prerequisite: CLA219H1/232H1/233H1/236H1 of Department

Greek Courses GRK350H1 Epic I [36S]
Readings from Greek epics, including Homer.
GRK100Y1 Introductory Ancient Greek [96S]
Exclusion: GRK450H1
An intensive introduction to Ancient Greek for students
Prerequisite: GRK202H1
who have no knowledge of the language; preparation for
the reading of Ancient Greek literature.
Exclusion: GRK102H1. Students who have studied GRK351H1 Drama I [36S]
Ancient Greek previously must obtain permission from Readings from Euripides and Aristophanes.
the Undergraduate Coordinator before enrolling. Exclusion: GRK451H1
DR=HUM; BR=1 Prerequisite: GRK202H1
GRK102H1 Introductory Ancient Greek: Continuation
[48S] GRK352H1 Tragedy I [36S]
An intensive language course for students who have some Readings from Aeschylus and Sophocles.
Ancient Greek. This course is equivalent to the second Exclusion: GRK452H1
part of GRK100Y1. Prerequisite: GRK202H1
Exclusion: GRK100Y1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: Some background in Ancient Greek GRK353H1 Verse Authors I [36S]
DR=HUM; BR=1 Readings from Greek verse (e.g., elegy, iambics, lyric).
GRK201H1 Intermediate Ancient Greek 1 [48S] Exclusion: GRK453H1
Reading of selections of Ancient Greek prose works with Prerequisite: GRK202H1
systematic language study. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: GRK100Y1/102H1.Grade 12 in Ancient GRK354H1 Koine Greek I [36S]
Greek may be accepted, but students should consult Readings from Hellenistic and early Imperial Greek, with
the Undergraduate Coordinator before enrolling. emphasis on Jewish and Christian texts.
DR=HUM; BR=1 Exclusion: GRK454H1
GRK202H1 Intermediate Ancient Greek II [48S] Prerequisite: GRK202H1
Continued language training with readings in Ancient DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Greek prose and verse. GRK428H1 Independent Studies (formerly
Prerequisite: GRK201H1 GRK428Y1) [TBA]
DR=HUM; BR=1 Exclusion: GRK428Y1
300/400 series courses Prerequisite: Permission of Department
Frequency of Offering: in each fall-winter session, GRK GRK429H1 Independent Studies [TBA]
430H1 will be offered and a minimum of 3 half-courses in Prerequisite: Permission of Department
each of the 300 and 400-series. In odd-numbered years DR=HUM; BR=TBA
the courses offered in the 300 and 400-series will normally GRK430H1 Advanced Greek Language Study [36S]
be drawn from those with odd numbers, and in even- (formerly GRK 330H1)
numbered years from those with even numbers. A course designed to enhance language skills. Prose
composition, sight translation, stylistic analysis of classical
GRK340H1 Plato I [36S] Greek prose.
Readings from one or more Platonic Dialogues. Exclusion: GRK330H1
Exclusion: GRK440H1 Prerequisite: GRK340H1/341H1/342H1/343H1
Prerequisite: GRK202H1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
GRK440H1 Plato II [48S]
GRK341H1 Herodotus I [36S] Advanced readings from one or more Platonic Dialogues.
Readings from Herodotus’ Histories. Exclusion: GRK340H1
Exclusion: GRK441H1 Prerequisite: One FCE in the GRK300-series
Prerequisite: GRK202H1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
GRK441H1 Herodotus II [48S]
GRK342H1 Thucydides I [36S] Advanced readings from Herodotus’ Histories.
Readings from The Peloponnesian War. Exclusion: GRK341H1
Exclusion: GRK442H1 Prerequisite: One FCE in the GRK300-series
Prerequisite: GRK202H1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
GRK442H1 Thucydides II [48S]
GRK343H1 Prose Authors I [36S] Advanced readings from The Peloponnesian War.
Readings from Greek prose (e.g., oratory, novels). Exclusion: GRK342H1
Exclusion: GRK443H1 Prerequisite: One FCE in the GRK300-series
Prerequisite: GRK202H1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA

GRK443H1 Prose Authors II [48S] LAT202H1 Intermediate Latin II [48S]
Advanced readings from Greek prose (e.g., oratory, Continued language training with readings in Latin prose
novels). and verse.
Exclusion: GRK343H1 Prerequisite: LAT201H1
Prerequisite: One FCE in the GRK300-series DR=HUM; BR=1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA SMC222H1 Medieval Latin I
GRK450H1 Epic II [48S] See St. Michael’s College
Advanced readings from Greek epics, including Homer.
Exclusion: GRK350H1
300/400 -Series Courses
Prerequisite: One FCE in the GRK300-series Notes
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Frequency of Offering: in each fall-winter session, LAT
GRK451H1 Drama II [48S] 430H1 will be offered and a minimum of 3 half-courses in
Advanced readings from Euripides and Aristophanes. each of the 300 and 400-series. In odd-numbered years
Exclusion: GRK351H1 the courses offered in the 300 and 400-series will normally
Prerequisite: One FCE in the GRK300-series be drawn from those with odd numbers, and in even-
DR=HUM; BR=TBA numbered years from those with even numbers.

GRK452H1 Tragedy II [48S] SMC323H1 Mediaeval Latin II

Advanced readings from Aeschylus and Sophocles. See St. Michael’s College
Exclusion: GRK352H1
LAT340H1 Latin Novelists I [36S]
Prerequisite: One FCE in the GRK300-series
Readings from one or more Latin novelists.
Exclusion: LAT440H1
GRK453H1 Verse Authors II [48S] Prerequisite: LAT202H1
Advanced readings from Greek verse (e.g., elegy, iambic, DR=HUM; BR=TBA
LAT341H1 Latin Historians I [36S]
Exclusion: GRK353H1
Readings from one or more Latin historians.
Prerequisite: One FCE in the GRK300-series
Exclusion: LAT441H1
Prerequisite: LAT202H1
GRK454H1 Koine Greek II [48S] DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Readings from Hellenistic and early Imperial Greek, with
LAT342H1 Latin Orators I [36S]
emphasis on Jewish and Christian texts.
Readings from Latin orators, including Cicero.
Exclusion: GRK354H1
Exclusion: LAT442H1
Prerequisite: One FCE in the GRK300-series
Prerequisite: LAT202H1
LAT343H1 Prose Authors I [36S]
Latin Courses Readings from Latin prose authors (e. g. biography,
letters, philosophy).
LAT100Y1 Introductory Latin [104S] Exclusion: LAT443H1
An intensive introduction to Latin for students who have no Prerequisite: LAT202H1
knowledge of the language; preparation for the reading of DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Latin literature.
Exclusion: LAT 102H1. Students who have studied LAT350H1 Epic I [36S]
Latin previously must obtain permission from the Readings from one or more Latin epics, including Virgil.
Undergraduate Coordinator before enrolling. Exclusion: LAT450H1
DR=HUM; BR=1 Prerequisite: LAT202H1
LAT102H1 Introductory Latin: Continuation [48S]
An intensive language course for students who have some LAT351H1 Drama I [36S]
Latin. This course is equivalent to the second half of LAT Readings from Latin comedy and/or tragedy.
100Y1. Exclusion: LAT451H1
Exclusion: LAT100Y1 Prerequisite: LAT202H1
Prerequisite: Some background in Latin. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=HUM; BR=1 LAT352H1 Satire I [36S]
LAT201H1 Intermediate Latin 1 [48S] Readings from one or more Latin satirists.
Reading of selections of Latin prose works with systematic Exclusion: LAT452H1
language study. Prerequisite: LAT202H1
Prerequisite: LAT100Y1/102H1. Grade 12 in Latin DR=HUM; BR=TBA
may be accepted, but students should consult the LAT353H1 Verse Authors I [36S]
Undergraduate Coordinator before enrolling. Readings from Latin verse (e. g. elegy, lyric, bucolic).
DR=HUM; BR=1 Exclusion: LAT453H1
Prerequisite: LAT202H1

LAT428H1 Independent Studies (formerly LAT428Y1) SMC436H1 Advanced Mediaeval Latin Seminar
[TBA] See St. Michael’s College
Exclusion: LAT428Y1
Prerequisite: Permission of Department
LAT429H1 Independent Studies [TBA]
Prerequisite: Permission of Department
LAT430H1 Advanced Latin Language Study (formerly
LAT330H1) [36S]
A course designed to enhance language skills. Prose
composition, sight translation, stylistic analysis of Latin prose.
Exclusion: LAT330H1
Prerequisite: LAT340H1/341H1/342H1/343H1
LAT440H1 Latin Novelists II [48S]
Advanced readings from one or more Latin novelists.
Exclusion: LAT340H1
Prerequisite: One FCE in the LAT 300-series
LAT441H1 Latin Historians II [48S]
Advanced readings from one or more Latin historians.
Exclusion: LAT341H1
Prerequisite: One FCE in the LAT 300-series
LAT442H1 Latin Orators II [48S]
Advanced readings from Latin orators, including Cicero.
Exclusion: LAT342H1
Prerequisite: One FCE in the LAT 300-series
LAT443H1 Prose Authors II [48S]
Advanced readings from Latin prose authors (e. g. biography,
letters, philosophy).
Exclusion: LAT343H1
Prerequisite: One FCE in the LAT 300-series
LAT450H1 Epic II [48S]
Advanced readings from one or more Latin epics, including
Exclusion: LAT350H1
Prerequisite: One FCE in the LAT 300-series
LAT451H1 Drama II [48S]
Advanced readings from Latin comedy and/or tragedy.
Exclusion: LAT351H1
Prerequisite: One FCE in the LAT 300-series
LAT452H1 Satire II [48S]
Advanced readings from one or more Latin satirists.
Exclusion: LAT352H1
Prerequisite: One FCE in the LAT 300-series
LAT453H1 Verse Authors II [48S]
Advanced readings from Latin verse (e. g. elegy, lyric,
Exclusion: LAT353H1
Prerequisite: One FCE in the LAT 300-series
Commerce: see Rotman Commerce,
page 39

Cognitive Science
Cognitive science is the interdisciplinary study of intelligence PSY380H; PSY475H
in humans and machines. It encompasses work done in PHL340H; PHL405H
computer science, linguistics, neuroscience, philosophy, LIN228H; LIN323H
and psychology. Drawing on the concepts, theories, and COG499H
methodologies of these disciplines, cognitive scientists seek For those with the appropriate prerequisites:
an understanding of such mental phenomena as perception, CSC207H; CSC320H; CSC420H
language, learning, and reasoning in information-processing
terms, and they aim to integrate this understanding with Stream 2: Language and Cognition
a neurophysiological account of how the human brain 1.5 FCEs of any of the following:
implements these information-processing phenomena. LIN232H; LIN241H; LIN315H; LIN331H;
With its origins in the mid-20th century birth of computers LIN341H; LIN374H
and subsequent computationalist revolution in linguistics 1.5 FCEs of any of the following:
and psychology, as well as a now decades-long history of LIN471H
discovery, cognitive science is one of the most exciting areas PHL245H; PHL340H; PHL345H; PHL351H;
of contemporary research into the nature of mind. PHL451H
Since cognitive science is an interdisciplinary field, cognitive For those with the appropriate prerequisites:
science programs appeal to many different students. CSC401H; CSC485H
Those pursuing studies in computer science, linguistics,
neuroscience, philosophy, and psychology who wish to Stream 3: Thinking and Reasoning
explore connections between these areas and broader PHL245H; PSY260H; and 2 FCEs of any of the
questions about human and machine intelligence will all find following:
a natural home in Cognitive Science. The revised program PSY370H; PSY371H; PSY372H
aims to appeal to such students by offering an academically PHL246H; PHL340H; PHL347H
rigorous curriculum comprising a blend of intelligence-related LIN374H; LIN471H
courses in Computer Science, Linguistics, Philosophy, COG499H
and Psychology, as well as special intelligence-dedicated For those with the appropriate prerequisites:
Cognitive Science courses (COG250Y Introduction to CSC207H; CSC321H; CSC384H; CSC486H
Cognitive Science and COG401H/402H Cognitive Science Fourth Year:
Seminar). But precisely because the students drawn to COG401H
cognitive science have such diverse academic interests
and backgrounds, the revised program offers students a Cognitive Science (Science Program)
choice of course stream after the second year. The arts
major has a “Perception and Attention” stream, a “Language Major Program
and Cognition” stream, and a “Thinking and Reasoning” (8 FCE)
stream; the science major has a “Computational Cognition” Note that some Computer Science courses included below
stream and a “Cognition and the Brain” stream. Thus, the under Streams 1 and 2 have unlisted co- or prerequisites.
new Cognitive Science program will equip all participating Please consult the Faculty of Arts and Science Course
students, regardless of background, with the knowledge and Calendar. Those interested in the Science Major are advised
skills necessary for an understanding of cognitive science to consider also registering for a Computer Science Artificial
while also allowing them freedom to tailor their course Intelligence Specialist (for Stream 1) or a Human Biology
selection to meet their own intellectual and career interests. Neuroscience Specialist or Major (for Stream 2).
First Year:
Cognitive Science Programs CSC108H; CSC148H; MAT137Y; COG250Y (may be taken
as a corequisite in Year 2)
Cognitive Science (Arts Program)
Second Year:
Major Program
Second Year and Higher:
(8 FCE)
PHL342H; PSY493H; and 3 FCEs from one of Stream 1 or
Where noted below, please consult the Faculty of Arts & 2:
Science Course Calendar on prerequisites. Stream 1: Computational Cognition
First Year: Computational cognition is the interdisciplinary study
CSC108H; LIN100Y; COG250Y of the information-processing underpinnings
Second Year: of cognitive mental processes. It seeks an
STA220H/STA250H/PSY201H; PSY270H understanding of cognition in mathematical terms
Second Year and Higher: and to apply this understanding to debates in
PHL342H; PSY493H; and 3 FCEs from one of Stream 1, artificial intelligence, cognitive psychology, and
2, or 3: beyond.
No more than 1.5 FCEs of the 3 FCEs required from
Stream 1: Perception and Attention this list of options may come from any single
PHL232H; PSY280H; and 2 FCEs of any of the 3-letter course designator, except for CSC courses.
following: For CSC courses, up to 2 FCEs may be chosen.
At least 1 FCE of the 3 FCEs must be at the 300+-

Cognitive Science
CSC207H; 321H; 324H; 384H; 401H; 420H;
485H; 486H
LIN100Y; 228H; 232H; 241H; 315H; 323H;
331H; 341H; 374H; 471H
PHL240H; 245H/CSC330H; PHL246H; 345H;
347H; 348H; 349H; 355H
PSY210H; 220H; 230H; 260H; 270H; 280H;
290H; 305H; 309H; 316H; 330H; 331H; 362H;
370H; 371H; 372H; 378H; 379H; 380H; 414H;
425H; 475H

Stream 2: Cognition and the Brain

Today’s cognitive scientists are more interested than
ever before in the way the brain implements the
information-processing underpinnings of cognitive
mental processes. The study of cognition and
the brain is the study, grounded in cognitive
neuroscience, of those aspects of brain activity
directly relevant to the performance of cognitive
BIO150Y (or BIO120H and BIO220H); and 2 FCEs of
the following courses, with at least 1 FCE coming
from PSY courses. At least .5 FCE of the 2 FCEs
must be at the 300+-level.
CSC207H; 321H
PHL355H; 357H
PSY270H; 280H; 290H; 303H; 316H; 362H; 380H;
390H; 396H; 397H; 473H; 492H; 494H
Fourth Year:

Cognitive Science Courses

First Year Seminars
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide the
opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class of no
more than twenty-four students. These interactive seminars
are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity and provide
an opportunity to get to know a member of the professorial
staff in a seminar environment during the first year of study.
For details, see page 48.
COG250Y1 Introduction to Cognitive Science (formerly
JUP250Y1, UNI250Y1) [78L]
An introduction to the problems, theories and research
[strategies central to the interdisciplinary field focussing on
the nature and organization of the human mind and other
cognitive systems. Interrelations among the philosophical,
psychological, linguistic and computer science aspects of the
field are emphasized.
Exclusion: JUP250Y1, UNI250Y1

Comparative Literature

Faculty Comparative Literature Courses

See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
Professors Emeriti
J.E. Chamberlin, BA, Ph D. FRSC, D.Litt (hon.) First Year Seminars
L. Dolezel, MA, Ph D, FRSC The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
J.A.Fleming, MA, Ph D the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
E. Kushner, MA, Ph D, FRSC of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
P.W. Nesselroth, MA, Ph D, Ch PA seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
B. Stock, AM,, Ph D and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
M.J. Valdés, MA, Ph D, FRSC, Miembro professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
Correspondiente de la Academia Mexicana year of study. For details, see page 48.
L.A.M. Hutcheon, MA, Ph D, FRSC, D.Litt (hon.)
JDC299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
Associate Professor and Director of the Credit course for supervised participation in faculty
Centre research project. See page 48 for details. Offered by the
N. ten Kortenaar, BA, MA, PhD Centre for Comparative Literature in collaboration with the
University College Drama Program.
Associate Professor and Co-ordinator of DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Graduate Studies JUC299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
J. Ross, MA, Ph D Credit course for supervised participation in faculty
Professors research project. See page 48 for details. Offered by the
P. Kleber, MA, Ph D Centre for Comparative Literature in collaboration with
T. Lahusen, MA, Ph D University College.
R. J. Le Huenen, L ès L, DES, DenPh, ChPA, FRSC, DR=HUM; BR=TBA
D.Litt. (hon) JDC400Y1 Dramatic Text and Theatrical
J. LeBlanc, MA, Ph D Communication
Associate Professors See Drama.
V. Ambros, MA, Ph D
E. Cazdyn, MA, Ph D
R. Comay, MA, Ph D Note
U. Esonwanne, MA, Ph.D Undergraduate students may sometimes take one half-
B. Havercroft, MA, Ph D course or one full course at the graduate level adapted
E.-L. Jagoe, MA, Ph.D to meet the needs of undergraduate students. If granted
V. Li, MA, Ph.D permission the students will then register for the course
Y. Meng, MA, Ph.D using the COL490H1/COL491Y1 designators. For more
S.J. Rupp, MA, Ph D information contact the Graduate Coordinator: 416-813-
A. Sakaki, MA, PhD 4043.
J. Zilcosky, MA, Ph D
COL490H1 Independent Study [TBA]
Assistant Professors COL490Y1 Independent Study [TBA]
R. Bai, BA, MA, Ph D A scholarly project supervised by a member of staff on
A. Budde, MA, Ph.D a literary topic of common interest including readings,
A. Komaromi, MA, Ph D discussions, and papers.
Northrop Frye Visiting Professor Prerequisite: Permission of the Centre for Comparative
TBA Literature
The Centre for Comparative Literature offers M.A. and
Ph.D. degree programs of study in every major area
from medieval to contemporary literatures with particular
emphasis on literary theory and criticism, to candidates
qualified to pursue literary studies involving several
languages. Provided the language requirements of the
Centre are satisfied, students may pursue theoretical
issues that cross traditional disciplines.
Isabel Bader Theatre, 93 Charles Street. 3rd Floor (416-

Computer Science

Faculty C. Christara, MS, Ph D

J.N. Danahy, BLA, URP
University Professor Emeritus E. DeLara, MS, Ph D
S.A. Cook, AM, Ph D, DM, FRS, FRSC (T) G.S. Graham, M Sc, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
Professors Emeriti
A. Hertzmann, MS, Ph D
C.C. Gotlieb, MA, Ph D, D Math, D Eng, FRSC N. Koudas, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
R.C. Holt, Ph D Scarborough)
J.N.P. Hume, MA, Ph D, FRSC, CM A. Magen, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
R.A. Mathon, M Sc, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
Mississauga) S. McIlraith, Ph D
J. Mylopoulos, M Sc, Ph D G. Penn, MS, Ph D
D.B. Wortman, M Sc, Ph D K. Singh, MS, Ph D
University Professor Assistant Professors
G.E. Hinton, Ph D, FRS, FRSC M. Brudno, M.Sc. Ph.D
Professor and Chair of the Department A. Demke-Brown, M Sc, Ph D
C. Boutilier, M Sc, Ph D A. Farzan, Ph D
Professor and Vice Chair of the Department Y. Ganjali, Ph D
R. Lilien, B S, PhD, MD
M. Chechik, MS, PhD
B. Schroeder, Ph D (University of Toronto
Associate Professor and Associate Chair - Scarborough)
Graduate Studies K.N. Truong, Ph D
P. J. Marbach, M Sc, Ph D G.V. Wilson, M Sc, Ph D
Senior Lecturer and Associate Chair - Senior Lecturers
Undergraduate Studies G. Baumgartner, M Sc
J.N. Clarke, M Sc, Ph D J. Campbell, M Math
M. Craig, M Sc
S. Engels, M Math
T.S. Abdelrahman, M Sc, Ph D T. Fairgrieve, M Sc, Ph D
F. Bacchus, M Sc, Ph D P. Gries, M Eng
R.M. Baecker, M Sc, Ph D D. Horton, M Sc
A.B. Borodin, M Sc, Ph D, FRSC F. Pitt, M Sc, Ph D
D.G. Corneil, MA, Ph D K. Reid, M Sc
S. Dickinson, MS, Ph D
S. Easterbrook, B Sc, Ph D Lecturer
F. Ellen, M Math, Ph D D. Heap, B Sc, M Sc
W.H. Enright, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto Cross Appointed
Scarborough) C. Amza, Ph D
E. Fiume, M Sc, Ph D G. Bader, Ph D
D. Fleet, MS, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough) C. Beck, Ph D
V. Hadzilacos, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto M. Chignell, MS, Ph D
Scarborough) M. Consens, Ph D
E.C.R. Hehner, M Sc, Ph D M.S. Fox, Ph D
G. Hirst, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto B. Frey, Ph D
Scarborough) A. Goel, Ph D
K.R. Jackson, M Sc, Ph D M. Gruninger, Ph D
A.D. Jepson, B Sc, Ph D A. Jacobsen, MS, Ph D
K. Kutulakos, M Sc, Ph D P. Kim, Ph D
H. Levesque, M Sc, Ph D, FRSC B. Li, M Sc, Ph D
R. Miller, MS, Ph D D. Lie, Ph D
M. Molloy, M Math, Ph D (University of Toronto J. Liebeherr, Ph D
Scarborough) K. Lyons, M Sc Ph D
R. Neal, B Sc, Ph D S. Mann, M Eng, Ph D
T. Pitassi, M Sc, Ph D E. Mendelsohn, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
S. Stevenson, MS, Ph D Scarborough)
C.W. Rackoff, SM, Ph D (University of Toronto A. Mihailidis, Ph D
Mississauga) Q. Morris, Ph D
S. Toueg, MA, Ph D A. Moses, Ph D
R. Zemel, M Sc, Ph D A. Moshovos, M Sc, Ph D
Associate Professors M. Shub, Ph D
R. Balakrishnan, M Sc, Ph D G. Steffan, MA Sc, Ph D
A.J. Bonner, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto M. Stumm, MS (Math), Ph D
Mississauga) A.I.F. Urquhart, MA, Ph D

Computer Science
A. Veneris, M Sc, Ph D human/computer interaction, we ask what sorts of normal
E. Yu, M Sc, Ph D day-to-day activities of people might be supported and
Z. Zhang, Ph D augmented using computers.
Status Only Faculty Many of our programs combine another field with
A. Bilas, Ph D computer science, such as Information Systems,
J. Birnholtz, Ph D Economics, Mathematics, Physics or Statistics. The
A. Borgida, Ph D programs in Software Engineering and Human-Computer
B. Buxton, M Sc Interaction focus on developing areas of computing.
S. Carpendale, Ph D
J. Glasgow, Ph D Some Computer Science courses are offered in the
I. Jurisica, M Sc, Ph D evening, to allow part-time students to pursue our
A. Kreinin, MSc, Ph D programs. Introductory courses and some higher-level
A. LaMarca, MS, Ph D courses are offered in the summer.
Y. Lesperance, MSc, Ph D
The Professional Experience Year Program (PEY) offers
J. MacLean, Ph D
students the opportunity to gain valuable work experience
D. Penny, Ph D
in industry, over a twelve to sixteen-month period. It, and
B. Selic, Magister Ing
the Co-Op Japan Program, are available to eligible, full
F. Shein, Ph D, P Eng
time students pursuing their first degree. Please refer to
C. Sminchiesescu, MS, Ph D
Page 20 for more information.
J. Stam, Ph D
D. Terzopoulos Ph D Associate Chair - Undergraduate Studies: Professor J.N.
Topalouqlou, Thodoros, Ph D Clarke
J. Tsotsos, Ph D
M. Van de Panne, Ph D Undergraduate Office: Bahen Building, 40 St. George
Street, Room 4252/4254, M5S 2E4 (416-978-6360, email:
What is Computer Science? [email protected].
Despite the name, Computer Science is not really a Web site: http://web.cs.toronto.edu/home.html
“science of computers” at all. Computers are quite
remarkable electronic devices, but even more remarkable
is what they can be made to do: simulate the flow of air Computer Science Programs
over a wing, manage communication over the Internet, Enrolment is restricted in all CSC programs. You may
control the actions of a robot, synthesize realistic images, request a CSC subject POSt in April-June or July-August
play grandmaster-level chess, and on and on. Indeed depending on when you have completed the required
the application of computers in activities like these has 100-level courses listed below and completed your fourth
affected most areas of modern life. What these tasks have full-course equivalent. Consult the 2009-2010 Registration
in common has little to do with the physics or electronics Handbook & Timetable for details of how to apply.
of computers; what matters is that they can be formulated Admission to restricted programs depends on performance
as some sort of computation. This is the real subject in the required 100-level courses (listed in program
matter of Computer Science: computation, and what can descriptions) and on cumulative GPA.
or cannot be done computationally.
Tuition fees for students enrolled in Computer Science
In trying to make sense of what we can get a computer to Major or Specialist programs are higher than for other Arts
do, a wide variety of topics come up. There are, however, and Science programs.
two recurring themes. The first is the issue of scale: how
big a system can we specify without getting lost in the Course Categories
design, or how big a task can a computer handle within A number of Computer Science programs are described
reasonable bounds of time, memory and accuracy. A large based on the following course categories: English
part of Computer Science deals with these questions Writing Requirement, Basic Courses, Core Courses, and
in one form or another. In the area of programming Additional Courses. Also, all CSC courses and a few
languages and methodology, for example, we look for related ECE/MAT/STA courses are further grouped into
notations for describing computations, and programming subject areas and sub-areas.
methodologies that facilitate the production of manageable
and efficient software. In the theory of computation area, English Writing Requirement
we study resource requirements in time and memory of Students in any Specialist program sponsored by the
many basic computational tasks. Department of Computer Science (including Combined
Specialist programs) must complete one full credit
The second theme concerns the scope of computation.
requiring substantial written work in English. The courses
Computers were originally conceived as purely numerical
accepted for this purpose are listed below. Courses
calculators, but today, we tend to view them much more
not on this list do not satisfy the requirement without
broadly. Part of Computer Science is concerned with
departmental approval. Students in the Major program
understanding just how far computational ideas can be
in Computer Science must take one-half credit from
applied. In the area of artificial intelligence, for example,
the same list. Departments offering these courses have
we ask how much of the intelligent behaviour of people
agreed to accept our students, but will not give you special
can be expressed in computational terms. In the area of

Science Computer Science
preference in enrolment. You must satisfy the prerequisite 2. CSC 150H1 is an accelerated alternative to
and other requirements listed in this Calendar. Make sure CSC108H1 and CSC 148H1, intended for students
to check that the course you want to take is offered in the with previous programming experience in a procedural
year you want it, and to follow the enrolment requirements language.
stated in the Arts and Science Registration Handbook 3. CSC 240H1 is an accelerated and enriched version of
and Timetable. A Transfer credit, whether it is for a CSC 165H1 plus CSC 236H1, intended for students
specific course on the list below (e.g., “RLG100Y1”) or is with a strong mathematical background, or who
a generic credit (e.g., “RLG 1**Y1”), must be approved develop an interest after taking CSC 165H1.
by the Department in order to count towards the writing 4. Students may not omit CSC 165H1 and proceed
requirement. Please contact the Department for approval. directly to CSC236H. Either (CSC 165H1 and
In order to accept such a course, we must assess the role CSC236H1), or CSC240H is required for program
of written work in the course, and determine that it was completion. CSC165H1 is different from CSC108H1 in
taught in English, at an English-speaking university. this respect.
5. Consult the Undergraduate Office for advice about
ANT204Y1; CLA160H1, any 200- or 300-level except
choosing among CSC108H1, CSC148H1, and
CLA201H1; CSC290H1, CSC300H1; ENG – any 100-
CSC150H1, and between CSC165H1 and CSC240H1.
or 200-level;; HIS – any 100- or 200-level; HPS – all
courses; HUM199H1/Y1; INI115Y1, INI203Y1, INI204Y1, Core Courses (3.5 full courses): Courses
INI224Y1, INI225Y1, INI235Y1, INI300Y1; ITA240Y1, required in most Specialists
ITA245Y1, ITA340H1; JAL328H1; JEF100Y1; NEW150Y1; CSC 209H1 [Core Systems sub-area]
NMC101Y1, NMC185H1, higher-level courses in the CSC 324H1 [Software Engineering sub-area]
“History” grouping; PHL100Y1, any 200- or 300-level PHL CSC 336H1/350H1 [Numerical Analysis sub-area]
except PHL245H1, PHL246H1, PHL247H1, PHL344H1, CSC 343H1 [Information Systems sub-area]
PHL345H1, PHL346H1, PHL347H1, PHL348H1, CSC 363H1/365H1 [Logic and Complexity sub-area]
PHL349H1, PHL356H1; POL103Y1, POL108Y1, any CSC 369H1 [Core Systems sub-area]
200-level except POL242Y1; RLG100Y1, RLG200Y1, any CSC 373H1/375H1 [Logic and Complexity sub-area]
200-level; TRN200Y1; UNI201H1, UNI202H1, UNI250Y1/
COG250Y1, UNI310H1. Notes
1. CSC 350H1 is required in the Computer Science
Courses not accepted to satisfy the writing requirement Specialist Program – Foundations Option; students
include SCI199H1/Y1, SSC199H1/Y1, and the “Research who take CSC 336H1 and later decide to enrol in
Opportunity Program” courses numbered 299Y1 in any the Foundations Option will be required to take extra
Department. INX199H1/Y1 is not automatically accepted credits as determined by the Undergraduate Program
towards the writing requirement. Students may, however, Director.
request Department approval for a particular INX199H1/ 2. MAT 237Y1/257Y1 is a direct or indirect prerequisite
Y1 course. for a number of CSC courses. MAT 237Y1/257Y1 is
In addition to completing their English Writing also required in most Computer Science programs.
Requirement, Computer Science students do significant Students are advised to take MAT 237Y1/257Y1
writing in a number of their CSC courses. The quality of unless they have planned their program and course
their writing, as well as its content, is important and is selection carefully and are certain that they will not
normally part of the grading scheme. need it.
Additional Courses
Basic Courses (5.5 full courses): Courses
required in the Major and most Specialists Systems Area
I. Core Systems
First Year: 358H1/458H1, 372H1; ECE 385H1
CSC 108H1/150H1 [Software Engineering sub-area] CSC 458H1, 469H1, 488H1; ECE 489H1
CSC 148H1/150H1 [Software Engineering sub-area] II. Software Engineering
CSC 165H1/240H1 [Logic and Complexity sub-area] CSC 301H1. 302H1
MAT 137Y1/157Y1 [Mathematics sub-area] CSC 410H1, 404H1, 465H1
First or Second Year: III. Information Systems
CSC 207H1 [Software Engineering sub-area] CSC 309H1, 310H1
CSC 236H1/240H1 [Logic and Complexity sub-area] CSC 443H1
CSC 258H1 [Core Systems sub-area] Human Factors and Graphics Area
MAT 223H1/240H1 [Mathematics sub-area] I. Human Factors
Second Year: CSC 300H1, 318H1
CSC 263H1/265H1 [Logic and Complexity sub-area] CSC 428H1, 454H1
STA 247H1/255H1/257H1 [Mathematics sub-area] II. Graphics
CSC 320H1
CSC 418H1
1. Students with a strong background in Java or C++
may omit CSC108H1 and proceed directly with CSC Artificial Intelligence Area
148H1. I. Reasoning
CSC 384H1
CSC 486H1

Science Computer Science
II. Language Computer Science – Artificial Intelligence Option
CSC 401H1, 485H1 (Science Program)
III. Vision
CSC 420H1, 487H1 Consult Student Counsellors, Department of Computer
IV. Learning Science.
CSC 321H1 Enrolment in this program is limited. Admission
CSC 411H1, 412H1 requirements are the same as for the Specialist Program
Foundations Area in Computer Science.
I. Logic and Complexity
Specialist Program
CSC 330H1
(13.5 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one
CSC 438H1, 448H1
400-series course)
II. Numerical Analysis
CSC 351H1 1. One full course English Writing Requirement.
CSC 446H1, 456H1 2. All Basic Courses and Core Courses (9 full courses).
III. Mathematics 3. One full credit from MAT 237Y1/257Y1, MAT
MAT 224H1/240H1, 237Y1/257Y1; STA 248H1 224H1/240H1/247H1, STA 248H1/(250H1,
Computer Science (Science Program) 4. Five half courses from the Artificial Intelligence area,
Consult Student Counsellors, Department of Computer with at least one half course from each of three
Science. different Artificial Intelligence sub-areas.
Enrolment in the Specialist and Major programs is limited. Notes:
Specialist Program admission requires (1) 65% in CSC 1. Students may be interested in taking UNI250Y1 to
148H1/150H1, (2) either 60% in MAT 137Y1/157Y1 or satisfy their English Writing Requirement. This course
65% in CSC 165H1/240H1, and (3) a minimum CGPA of can be taken in first year.
2.0. Major Program admission requires (1) 50% in CSC 2. The additional half course CSC 320H1 is
148H1/150H1, and (2) either 50% in MAT 137Y1/157Y1 or recommended for students interested in taking CSC
50% in CSC 165H1/240H1. Students who not meet these 420H1.
requirements on the first attempt will be considered on a 3. The additional half course CSC 330H1 is
case-by-case basis. recommended for students interested in taking CSC
Specialist Program – Flexible Option (Science
Computer Science – Foundations Option
(Science Program)
(14 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one
400-series course) Consult Student Counsellors, Department of Computer
1. One full course English Writing Requirement.
2. All Basic Courses and Core Courses (9 full courses). Enrolment in this program is limited. Admission
3. MAT 237Y1/257Y1. requirements are the same as for the Specialist Program
4. Six half courses from the Additional Courses, with at in Computer Science.
least two 400-level half courses.
Specialist Program
Note: (14 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one
1. This flexible program allows students to concentrate 400-series course)
in one or more areas for which there is currently no
other program. Students are strongly encouraged to 1. One full course English Writing Requirement.
seek advice from a faculty member in the Department 2. All Basic Courses and Core Courses (9 full courses),
of Computer Science in order to ensure that their except that students must take CSC 350H1 rather
course selection meets their academic goals. This is than CSC 336H1.
particularly important for students planning to apply to 3. MAT 224H1/240H1, 237Y1/257Y1.
graduate school. 4. MAT 301H1/315H1/334H1/344H1/401H1.
5. CSC 351H1.
Major Program 6. CSC 438H1/448H1/465H1.
(8 full courses or their equivalent, including at least two 7. Two half courses from the Additional Courses, with at
300+ series courses) least one 400-level half course – these may include
1. One half course English Writing Requirement. any half course not taken to satisfy the requirement
2. All Basic Courses (5.5 full courses). CSC 438H1/448H1/465H1.
3. Four 300+ level half courses from the Core Courses Computer Science – Information Systems
and/or Additional Courses.
Option (Science Program)
Consult Student Counsellors, Department of Computer
1. CSC 209H1 is a direct or indirect prerequisite for
a number of CSC courses. Students who intend to
take one of these courses will also have to take CSC Enrolment in this program is limited. Admission
209H1 as an additional half course. requirements are the same as for the Specialist Program

Computer Science
in Computer Science. CSC 165H1/240H1, (108H1,148H1)/150H1; ECO 100Y1;
MAT 137Y1/157Y1 (See the Notes following the list of
Specialist Program Basic Courses in the Course Categories above.)
(14 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one Higher Years:
400-series course) 1. One full course English Writing Requirement (See the
1. One full course English Writing Requirement. Course Categories above.)
2. All Basic Courses and Core Courses (9 full courses). 2. CSC 207H1, 236H1/240H1, 258H1, 263H1/265H1,
3. MAT 237Y1/257Y1. 324H1, 336H1/350H1.
4. CSC 309H1, 310H1, CSC 301H1/318H1. 3. ECO 206Y1, 208Y1, 325H1, 326H1, 375H1, 376H1,
5. CSC 443H1. 416H1/418H1.
6. (CSC 384H1, 486H1) / (STA 248H1, /(250H1, 255H1), 4 APM 236H1, MAT (223H1, 224H1)/240H1,
CSC 411H1) 235Y1/237Y1/257Y1.
5. ECO 227Y1/STA (257H1, 261H1).
Computer Science – Software Engineering 6. One and a half courses from the following groups, of
Option (Science Program) which at least one half-course must be from each of
Consult Student Counsellors, Department of Computer Groups A and B:
Science. Group A:
Enrolment in this program is limited. Admission CSC 343H1, 358H1, 369H1
requirements are the same as for the Specialist Program
Group B:
in Computer Science.
Any 300+ series ECO course
Specialist Program
Group C:
(13.5 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one
APM 462H1; CSC 301H1, 302H1, 351H1, 363H1/365H1,
400-series course)
373H1/375H1, 401H1, 411H1, 454H1; ECE 385H1; STA
1. One full course English Writing Requirement. 322H1, 347H1, 437H1, 457H1
2. All Basic Courses and Core Courses (9 full courses).
3. CSC 301H1, CSC 302H1,CSC 318H1.
4. Two of CSC 372H1,320H1/321H1/330H1/384H1, 1. The courses chosen from groups A, B and C must
401H1, 410H1, 454H1, 465H1; ECE385H1. include at least one half credit at the 400 level.
5. Two of CSC 309H1, 404H1, 418H1, 443H1, 2. This program will be replaced by an appropriate
358H1/458H1, 469H1; CSC 488H1/ECE 489H1. choice of Major programs, effective in April 2011.
6. The courses chosen from groups 4 and 5 must include You are welcome to consult either the Department
at least two half courses at the 400 level. of Computer Science or the Department of Econom-
ics for advice on how best to study these disciplines
1. This program does not lead to certification as a
Professional Engineer. Computer Science & Mathematics (Science
2. Students in this program are strongly encouraged to Program)
consider participating in the Professional Experience
Year (PEY) Program. Consult Student Counsellors, Department of Computer
3. It is recommended, although not necessary, to take Science or Professor S.A. Cook, Department of Computer
CSC 301H1 and 302H1 in sequence in third year. Science.
Students who do so will likely defer some other third Enrolment in this program is limited. Admission
year course until fourth year. requirements are the same as for the Specialist Program
in Computer Science.
Computer Science & Economics (Science
Program) Specialist Program
Consult the Undergraduate Secretary, Department (15.5 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one
of Economics or Student Counsellors, Department of 400-series course)
Computer Science. First Year:
Enrolment in this program is limited. Admission requires: CSC (108H1, 148H1)/150H1; MAT 157Y1, 240H1 (See
(1) 70% in ECO 100Y1, (2) 65% in CSC 148H1/150H1, (3) the Notes following the list of Basic Courses in the
either 60% in MAT 137Y1/157Y1 or 65% in CSC165H1/ Course Categories above.)
CSC240H1, and (4) a minimum CGPA of 2.0. The First or Second Year:
requirements of the two Departments, Computer Science CSC 240H1, 258H1, 207H1; one full course English
and Economics, must both be met. Writing Requirement (See the Course Categories
Specialist Program Second Year:
(17 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one CSC 265H1; MAT 247H1, 257Y1, 267H1; STA
400-series course) 257H1/352Y1
Third Year:
First Year:
CSC 324H1, 365H1, 375H1
Third or Fourth Years:

Computer Science
1. MAT 327H1, 347Y1, 354H1, 357H1. requirements are the same as for the Specialist Program
2. One of CSC 438H1, 448H1, 465H1; MAT 443H1. in Computer Science.
3. CSC 350H1, 351H1.
4. One of CSC 401H1, 418H1, 420H1, 428H1, 443H1, Specialist Program
456H1, 458H1, 469H1, 485H1, 486H1, 487H1, 488H1; (14.5 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one
ECE 489H1. 400-series course)
5. APM 351Y1/MAT 457Y1. First Year:
6. One of APM 461H1; MAT 344H1, 464H1, 477Y1. CSC (108H1, 148H1)/150H1, 165H1/240H1; MAT
Note: 137Y1/157Y1 (See the Notes following the list of Basic
1. It is recommended that PHY 151H1, 152H1 be taken. Courses in the Course Categories above.)
First or Second Year:
Computer Science & Physics (Science Program) 1. CSC 236H1/240H1, 258H1, 207H1
Consult Student Counsellors, Department of Computer 2. MAT (223H1, 224H1)/(240H1,247H1)
Science, or Associate Chair (Undergraduate Studies), 3. One full course English Writing Requirement (See the
Department of Physics. Course Categories above.)
Second Year:
Enrolment in this program is limited. Admission
CSC 263H1/265H1; STA 257H1, 261H1; MAT
requirements are the same as for the Specialist Program
in Computer Science. NOTE: Students in this program
Third Year:
should consult one or both Departments during the
CSC 324H1, 350H1, 351H1, 363H1/365H1,
spring of each year, to ensure that they choose courses
373H1/375H1; STA 302H1, (347H1, 447H1)/352Y1
appropriate to their intended careers.
Third or Fourth Years:
Specialist Program 1. One of CSC 418H1, 443H1, 456H1, 458H1, 469H1,
(17.5 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one 487H1; MAT 443H1
400-series course) 2. STA 437H1/442H1/457H1
3. Two of CSC 310H1, 321H1, 401H1, 411H1, 412H1;
First Year: STA 410H1
CSC (108H1, 148H1)/150H1; MAT 137Y1/157Y1,
223H1/240H1; PHY 151H1, 152H1 (See the Notes Human-Computer Interaction (Science Program)
following the list of Basic Courses in the Course Consult Student Counsellors, Department of Computer
Categories above.) Science.
First or Second Year:
Enrolment in this program is limited. Admission requires
CSC 240H1, 207H1; STA 247H1; one full course English
(1) 65% in CSC 148H1/150H1, (2) either 60% in MAT
Writing Requirement (See the Course Categories
135Y1/137Y1/157Y1 or 65% in CSC165H1/CSC240H1,
and (3) a minimum CGPA of 2.0. Students who do not
Second Year:
meet these requirements on the first attempt will be
CSC 263H1/265H1; MAT 237Y1/257Y1, 244H1/267H1;
considered on a case-by-case basis.
PHY 224H1, 251H1, 252H1, 254H1, 256H1
Third Year:
APM 346H1; CSC 324H1, 350H1; MAT 334H1; PHY
Specialist Program
(15 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one
351H1, 352H1, 355H1
400-series course)
Third or Fourth Years:
1. CSC 351H1, 363H1/365H1/373H1/375H1 First Year:
2. PHY 454H1/457H1/460H1 1. CSC 165H1/240H1, (108H1, 148H1)/150H1 (See the
3. CSC 401H1418H1/420H1/428H1/443H1/458H1/469H Notes following the list of Basic Courses in the Course
1/485H1/486H1/487H1/488H1/ECE 489H1 Categories above.)
4. 1.5 courses from the 300-/400-level lab courses 2. MAT 135Y1/137Y1/157Y1,
as described in the Notes to the Physics Specialist 3. SOC 101Y1, First or Second Year:
Program. CSC 207H1, 236H1/240H1; PSY100H1; one full course
Note: English Writing Requirement (See the Course
1. This program will be replaced by an appropriate Categories above.)
choice of Major programs, effective in April 2011. You are Second Year:
welcome to consult either the Department of Computer 1. CSC 258H1, 263H1/265H1; STA 247H1
Science or the Department of Physics for advice on how 2. MAT 223H1/240H1; SOC 200H1 Third Year:
best to study these disciplines together. 1. CSC 300H1, 301H1, 318H1
2. CSC 324H1/343H1
3. STA 248H1/PSY (201H1, 202H1)/SOC (202H1,
Computer Science & Statistics (Science 300H1)
Program) 4. PSY 270H1, 280H1 Third or Fourth Year:
Consult Student Counsellors, Department of Computer 1. CSC 363H1/365H1/373H1/375H1, 428H1
Science, or Undergraduate Secretary, Department of 2. Two of CSC 302H1, 418H1/487H1/420H1,
Statistics. 401H1/485H1/486H1/411H1, 443H1/458H1/469H1
3. WDW 260H1
Enrolment in this program is limited. Admission

Computer Science
Notes: Drop down deadlines:
1. Students in this program should consult the Fall session – October 1, 2010
Department of Computer Science at least annually to Winter session – February 4, 2011
discuss their choice of courses, especially if they plan
on graduate study. Students with transfer credits
2. Students who may be interested in other programs If you have transfer credits in Computer Science or a
sponsored by the Department of Computer Science similar subject for courses done at another university or
must take MAT 137Y1/157Y1 and not MAT 135Y1. college, contact our Undergraduate Office (BA4252/4254)
3. It is recommended that you take a physical science for advice on choosing courses. Ask for advice also even
course such as PHY (131H1, 132H1)/(151H1, if you don’t have transfer credits yet but are considering
152H1)1. degree study at the University of Toronto. Without
4. It is strongly recommended that you take at least one advice, you risk poor course choice or other adverse
half-course in Human Factors or Ergonomics offered consequences.
by the Department of Mechanical and Industrial
Engineering, such as MIE 343H1, 448H1, 449H1. First Year Seminars
5. Other recommended courses include: The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
CSC 309H1, 369H1, 454H1, 469H1; SOC 387Y1; the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
PSY 305H1, 312H1, 370H1, 371H1, 372H1, 375H1, of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
312H1; JLP 374H1 seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
For advice on course choice and assistance in enrolment and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
consult the Department of Computer Science. professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
year of study. For details, see page 48.
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology – See CSC104H1 The Why and How of Computing [24L,
Biochemistry 12T]
An introduction to computing for non-computer scientists.
Cognitive Science & Artificial Intelligence - See History of computing machinery; representation of data
University College Programs and their interaction with operations; hardware, software,
operating systems; problem solving and algorithms; social
Linguistics and Computing- See Linguistics issues in computing; a gentle introduction to programming.
This course is an introduction to becoming actively
Computer Science Courses engaged with computing, not a tutorial on using particular
computer applications.
See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions. Exclusion: SMC104H1 (as taught before 1990); VIC104H1
(as taught before 1990); any CSC course.
Enrolment notes Note: Note: you may not take this course concurrently
NOTE: The University of Toronto Mississauga and
with any CSC course, but you may take CSC108H1/
University of Toronto Scarborough computer science Minor
CSC148H1/CSC150H1 after CSC104H1.
subject POSt is not recognized as a restricted CS subject
POSt for St. George courses enrolments.
NOTE: No late registration is permitted in any CSC course
Choosing first year courses:
To help you select the programming course that is right
after the first two weeks of classes.
for you, see www.cs.toronto.edu/dcs,choose Programs &
Enrolment in most CSC courses above 100-level MAY BE Courses > Undergraduate Courses > Choosing Your First
restricted. Consult the Calendar or the Arts and Science Year Courses.
Registration Handbook and Timetable for details.
CSC108H1 Introduction to Computer Programming
Prerequisites and exclusions [36L, 12T, 12P]
Prerequisites and exclusions are enforced. Please refer to Structure of computers; the computing environment.
the 2010-2011 Registration Handbook and Timetable for Programming in a language such as Python. Program
prerequisite waiver deadlines. structure: elementary data types,statements, control
flow, functions, classes, objects, methods, fields. Lists;
Dropping down from enriched to regular searching, sorting and complexity. Practical (P) sections
consist of supervised work in the computing laboratory.
These sections are offered when facilities are available,
Students may go to their college to drop down from
and attendance is required.
enriched courses to regular courses. The courses are as
Exclusion: CSC107H1, 120H1, 139H1, 148H1, 149H1,
from CSC148H1 to CSC108H1, from CSC150H1
NOTE: You may not take this course after or concurrently
to CSC108H1, from CSC240H1 to CSC165H (or to
with CSC148H1, but you may take CSC148H1 after
CSC236H1 if you have already passed CSC165H1),
from CSC265H1 to CSC263H1, from CSC365H1 to
CSC363H1, and from CSC375H1 to CSC373H1. Please
refer to the 2010-1011Registration Handbook and
Timetable for drop down deadlines.

Computer Science
CSC120H1 Computer Science for the Sciences [24L, CSC165H1 Mathematical Expression and Reasoning
12P] for Computer Science [36L, 24T]
An introduction to computer science for students in other Introduction to abstraction and rigour. Informal introduction
sciences, with an emphasis on gaining practical skills. to logical notation and reasoning. Understanding, using
Introduction to programming; web programming; database and developing precise expressions of mathematical
design; software tools; examples and exercises taken from ideas, including definitions and theorems. Structuring
the sciences. At the end of this course you will be able to proofs to improve presentation and comprehension.
develop computer tools for scientific applications, such as General problem-solving techniques. Unified approaches
the structuring and analysis of experimental data. Practical to programming and theoretical problems. Representation
(P) sections consist of supervised work in the computer of floating point numbers and introduction to numerical
laboratory. No programming experience is necessary. computation.
Students who wish to do more can progress directly to Co-requisite: CSC108H1/CSC148H1/150H1
CSC150H1. Prerequisite: MHF4U (advanced functions)/MCV4U
Exclusion: any CSC course. (calculus and vectors)
CSC148H1 Introduction to Computer Science [24L, Note:
12T, 12P] To enrol in any CSC course at the 200-level or higher,
Abstract data types and data structures for implementing you must have a cumulative GPA of at least 1.50 (3.00 for
them. Linked data structures. Encapsulation and 300-and 400-level courses) or be enrolled in a restricted
information-hiding. Object-oriented programming. subject POSt sponsored by the Department of Computer
Specifications. Analyzing the efficiency of programs. Science. The University of Toronto at Mississauga
Recursion. This course assumes programming experience Computer Science Minor and the University of Toronto at
in a language such as Python, C++, or Java, as provided Scarborough Minor are not restricted subject POSts. If you
by CSC108H1. are in your first year of studies at the University, the GPA
Students who already have this background may consult requirement does not apply.
the Computer Science Undergraduate Office for advice
about skipping CSC108H1. Practical (P) sections consist CSC207H1 Software Design [24L, 12T]
of supervised work in the computing laboratory. These An introduction to software design and development
sections are offered when facilities are available, and concepts, methods, and tools using a statically-typed
attendance is required. NOTE: Students may go to their object-oriented programming language such as Java.
college to drop down from CSC148H1 to CSC108H1. See Topics from: version control, build management, unit
above for the drop down deadline. testing, refactoring, design patterns, advanced IDE usage,
Exclusion: CSC139H1, 149H1, 150H1; you may not take regular expressions, markup languages, parsing using
this course after taking more than two CSC courses at finite state machines, and reflection.
the 200-level or higher. Prerequisite: CSC148H1/150H1; CGPA 1.5/enrolment in a
Prerequisite: CSC108H1; MHF4U(advanced functions)/ CSC subject POSt.
MCV4U(calculus and vectors) DR=SCI; BR=5
DR=SCI; BR=5 CSC209H1 Software Tools and Systems
CSC150H1 Accelerated Introduction to Computer Programming [24L, 12T]
Science [36L, 12T, 12P] Software techniques in a Unix-style environment, using
An accelerated course covering object-oriented topics from scripting languages and a machine-oriented programming
CSC108H1 (classes, objects, methods and fields, and language (typically C). What goes on in the operating
program design), as well as all the material of CSC148H1. system when programs are executed. Core topics:
Suitable for students with a solid programming background creating and using software tools, pipes and filters, file
in Turing, C, Scheme, or a similar language, who are processing, shell programming, processes, system calls,
willing to accept a heavier workload than in CSC108H1 signals, basic network programming.
and CSC148H1. Exclusion: CSC372H1, 408H1, 369H1, 468H1, 469H1.
Exclusion: CSC107H1, 108H1, 139H1, 148H1, 149H1; Prerequisite: CSC207H1/enrolment in Bioinformatics and
you may not take this course after taking more than two Computational Biology (BCB) subject POSt; CGPA 1.5/
CSC courses at the 200-level or higher. enrolment in a CSC subject POSt.
Prerequisite: MHF4U(advanced functions)/ DR=SCI; BR=5
MCV4U(calculus and vectors). Students should CSC236H1 Introduction to the Theory of Computation
thoroughly understand arrays, searching, sorting, [24L, 12T]
functions/procedures/subprograms, arguments and The application of logic and proof techniques to Computer
parameters, and modular design. Science. Mathematical induction; correctness proofs for
NOTE: Students may go to their college to drop down iterative and recursive algorithms; recurrence equations
from CSC150H1 to CSC108H1. See above for the drop and their solutions (including the “Master Theorem”);
down deadline. introduction to automata and formal languages.
DR=SCI; BR=5 Exclusion: CSC238H1, 240H1.
Prerequisite: CSC148H1/150H1, 165H1/(148H1 as given
before Fall 2003); CGPA 1.5/enrolment in a CSC
subject POSt.

Computer Science
DR=SCI; BR=5 Exclusion: CSC160H1 as taught in Spring 1992; after
taking CSC270H1/CSC263H1/265H1 and any 300-
CSC240H1 Enriched Introduction to the Theory of
/400-level CSC course, you may not take CSC260H1
Computation [24L, 12T]
without Departmental permission in writing.
The rigorous application of logic and proof techniques
Prerequisite: CSC108H1/computing experience, as from
to Computer Science. Propositional and predicate logic;
a good high school programming course; CGPA 1.5/
mathematical induction and other basic proof techniques;
enrolment in a CSC subject POSt.
correctness proofs for iterative and recursive algorithms;
Co-requisite: MAT135Y1/137Y1/157Y1, 223H1/240H1.
recurrence equations and their solutions (including the
“Master Theorem”); introduction to automata and formal
languages. CSC263H1 Data Structures and Analysis [24L, 12T]
This course covers the same topics as CSC236H1, Algorithm analysis: worst-case, average-case, and
together with selected material from CSC165H1, but at amortized complexity. Standard abstract data types, such
a faster pace, in greater depth and with more rigour, and as graphs, dictionaries, priority queues, and disjoint sets. A
with more challenging assignments. Greater emphasis variety of data structures for implementing these abstract
will be placed on proofs and theoretical analysis. Certain data types, such as balanced search trees, hashing,
topics briefly mentioned in CSC165H1 or CSC236H1 heaps, and disjoint forests. Design, implementation,
may be covered in more detail in this course, and some and comparison of data structures. Introduction to lower
additional topics may also be covered. bounds.
Exclusion: CSC236H1, 238H1. Exclusion: CSC265H1, 378H1.
Prerequisite: OAC Calculus and one of Algebra & Prerequisite: CSC207H1, 236H1/238H1/240H1;
Geometry or Finite Mathematics OR U Advanced STA247H1/255H1/257H1; CGPA 1.5/enrolment in a
Functions and Introductory Calculus, and one of U CSC subject POSt.
Geometry and Discrete Mathematics or U Mathematics DR=SCI; BR=5
of Data Management, with high grades; CGPA 1.5/ CSC265H1 Enriched Data Structures and Analysis
enrolment in a CSC subject POSt [24L, 12T]
Recommended preparation: first term of Algorithm analysis: worst-case, average-case, and
MAT137Y1/157Y1. amortized complexity. Standard abstract data types, such
Co-requisite: CSC148H1/150H1 as graphs, dictionaries, priority queues, and disjoint sets. A
NOTE: Students may go to their college to drop down variety of advanced data structures for implementing these
from CSC240H1 to CSC165H1 (or to CSC236H1 if you abstract data types, such as AVL trees, self-adjusting data
have already passed CSC165H1). See above for the structures, perfect hashing, and binomial heaps. Design
drop down deadline. and comparison of data structures. This course covers the
DR=SCI; BR=5 same topics as CSC263H1, but at a faster pace, in greater
CSC258H1 Computer Organization [24L, 13P, 12T] depth and with more rigour, and with more challenging
Computer structures, machine languages, instruction assignments. Greater emphasis will be placed on proofs,
execution, addressing techniques, and digital theoretical analysis, and creative problem-solving. Certain
representation of data. Computer system organization, topics briefly mentioned in CSC263H1 may be covered
memory storage devices, and microprogramming. Block in more detail in this course, and some additional topics
diagram circuit realizations of memory, control and may also be covered. Students without the exact course
arithmetic functions. There are a number of laboratory prerequisites but with a strong mathematical background
periods in which students conduct experiments with digital are encouraged to consult the Department about the
logic circuits. possibility of taking this course.
Exclusion: CSC257H1 as given before 1985. Exclusion: CSC263H1, 378H1.
Prerequisite: CSC148H1/150H1, 165H1/240H1/(148H1 as Prerequisite: CSC240H1 or an A- in CSC236H1; CGPA
given before Fall 2003); CGPA 1.5/enrolment in a CSC 1.5/enrolment in a CSC subject POSt.
subject POSt. Co-requisite: STA247H1/255H1/257H1.
DR=SCI; BR=5 NOTE: Students may go to their college to drop down
from CSC265H1 to CSC263H1. See above for the drop
CSC260H1 Introduction to Scientific, Symbolic, and
down deadline.
Graphical Computation [24L, 12T]
Problems in transforming continuous mathematical
models to discrete computational models. Inadequacy CSC290H1 Communication Skills for Computer
of naive computer solutions, and techniques to remedy Scientists [36L]
inadequacies. Symbolic computation, plotting, 3-D Targeted instruction and significant practice in the
graphics, and conventional programming languages. communications required for careers in computer science.
Intended for students from computer science, sciences The curriculum covers written, oral, and interpersonal
and mathematics: for computer scientists, introduction communication. Students will hand in short pieces of
to design and implementation of robust algorithms; for writing each week, will make oral presentations several
scientists, techniques in transforming scientific problems times in the semester, and will work together in simulated
into computational solutions; for mathematicians, insight project meetings and other realistic scenarios of pair and
into differences between mathematical models and small group interaction.
computational solutions. Prerequisite: enrolment in a CSC subject POSt in year 2,
3, or 4.

Computer Science
DR=SCI; BR=None (This course has no status for breadth Prerequisite: CSC148H1/150H1/260H1;
requirement purposes) STA247H1/255H1/257H1/107H1; MAT135Y1/137Y1,
MAT223H1/240H1; CGPA 3.0/enrolment in a CSC
CSC300H1 Computers and Society [24L, 12T]
subject POSt.
Privacy and Freedom of Information; recent Canadian
legislation and reports. Computers and work; employment
levels, quality of working life. Electronic fund transfer CSC318H1 The Design of Interactive Computational
systems; transborder data flows. Computers and Media [24L, 12T]
bureaucratization. Computers in the home; public User-centred design of interactive systems;
awareness about computers. Robotics. Professionalism methodologies, principles, and metaphors; task analysis.
and the ethics of computers. The course is designed not Interdisciplinary design; the role of graphic design,
only for science students, but also those in social sciences industrial design, and the behavioural sciences. Interactive
or humanities. hardware and software; concepts from computer graphics.
Exclusion: PSCD03H (University of Toronto Scarborough) Typography, layout, colour, sound, video, gesture, and
Prerequisite: Any half-course on computing; CGPA 3.0/ usability enhancements. Classes of interactive graphical
enrolment in a CSC subject POSt. media; direct manipulation systems, extensible systems,
DR=SCI; BR=TBA rapid prototyping tools. Students work on projects in
interdisciplinary teams. Enrolment limited, but non-
CSC301H1 Introduction to Software Engineering
computer scientists welcome.
[24L, 12T]
Prerequisite: Any CSC half-course; CGPA 3.0/enrolment in
An introduction to agile development methods appropriate
a CSC subject POSt.
for medium-sized teams and rapidly-moving projects.
Recommended preparation: CSC300H1 provides useful
Basic software development infrastructure; requirements
background for work in CSC318H1, so if you plan
elicitation and tracking; estimation and prioritization;
to take CSC300H1 then you should do it before
teamwork skills; basic UML; design patterns and
refactoring; security, discussion of ethical issues, and
professional responsibility.
Prerequisite: CSC209H1, CSC263H1/265H1/378H1; CSC320H1 Introduction to Visual Computing [24L,
CGPA 3.0/enrolment in a CSC subject POSt 12P]
DR=SCI; BR=TBA A unified introduction to image synthesis and image
analysis aimed at students with an interest in computer
CSC302H1 Engineering Large Software Systems
graphics, computer vision or the visual arts. Focus on
[24L, 12T]
three major topics: (1) visual computing principles -
An introduction to the theory and practice of large-scale
computational and mathematical methods for creating,
software system design, development, and deployment.
capturing, analyzing and manipulating digital photographs
Project management; advanced UML; reverse
(raster algorithms, image acquisition, basic image
engineering; requirements inspection; verification and
processing, image warping, anti-aliasing); (2) digital
validation; software architecture; performance modeling
special effects - applying these principles to create
and analysis.
special effects found in movies and commercials; (3)
Prerequisite: CSC301H1; CGPA 3.0/enrolment in a CSC
visual programming - using C/C++ and OpenGL to create
subject POSt
graphical user interfaces for synthesizing and manipulating
CSC309H1 Programming on the Web [24L, 12T] Prerequisite: CSC209H1/(207H1,proficiency in C or C++);
An introduction to software development on the web. MAT137Y1, MAT223H1/240H1; CGPA 3.0/enrolment in
Concepts underlying the development of programs that a CSC subject POSt.
operate on the web; survey of technological alternatives; DR=SCI; BR=TBA
greater depth on some technologies. Operational concepts
CSC321H1 Introduction to Neural Networks and
of the internet and the web, static client content, dynamic
Machine Learning [24L, 12P]
client content, dynamically served content, n-tiered
Supervised neural networks: the perceptron learning
architectures, web development processes, and security
procedure, the backpropagation learning procedure
on the web. Assignments involve increasingly more
and its applications. Elaborations of backpropagation:
complex web-based programs. Guest lecturers from
activation and error functions, improving speed and
leading e-commerce firms will describe the architecture
generalization, Bayesian approaches. Associative
and operation of their web sites.
memories and optimization: Gibbs sampling, mean field
Prerequisite: CSC209H1, 343H1/228H1; CGPA 3.0/
search. Representation in neural networks: distributed
enrolment in a CSC subject POSt.
representations, effects of damage, hierarchical
representations. Unsupervised neural networks:
CSC310H1 Information Theory [24L, 12T] competitive learning, Boltzmann machines, sigmoid belief
Measuring information. The source coding theorem. Data nets.
compression using ad hoc methods and dictionary-based Prerequisite: CSC207H1; MAT137Y1, MAT223H1/240H1;
methods. Probabilistic source models, and their use via STA247H1/255H1/257H1; CGPA 3.0/enrolment in a
Huffman and arithmetic coding. Noisy channels and the CSC subject POSt.
channel coding theorem. Error correcting codes, and their DR=SCI; BR=TBA
decoding by algebraic and probabilistic methods.

Computer Science
CSC324H1 Principles of Programming Languages Algorithms for systems of non-linear equations and
[24L, 12T] optimization problems, including linear programming.
Major topics in the development of modern programming Exclusion: CSC336H1.
languages. Syntax specification, the evolution of Prerequisite: CSC 148H1/150H1, 165H1;
programming languages (including abstract data types and MAT223H1/240H1, 237Y1/257Y1; CGPA 3.0/enrolment
object orientation, and contributions of C++ to language in a CSC subject POSt.
design) design and implementation of subprograms DR=SCI; BR=TBA
(including parameter passing techniques, and scope CSC351H1 Numerical Approximation, Integration and
and lifetime of variables), run-time storage management Ordinary Differential Equations [24L, 12T]
(including garbage collection), and programming Analysis of methods for approximation, integration and the
paradigms. Two non-procedural programming paradigms: solution of ordinary differential equations. Emphasis on
functional programming (illustrated by languages such the convergence and stability properties of the algorithms,
as Lisp, Scheme, ML or Haskell) and logic programming rather than on their implementation.
(illustrated by languages such as Prolog, XSB or Coral). Exclusion: CSC336H1.
Exclusion: CSC248H1. Prerequisite: CSC350H1; CGPA 3.0/enrolment in a CSC
Prerequisite: CSC207H1, 236H1/238H1/240H1; CGPA 3.0/ subject POSt.
enrolment in a CSC subject POSt. DR=SCI; BR=TBA
CSC358H1 Principles of Computer Networks [24L,
CSC330H1 Logical Specifications [24L, 12T] 12T]
Logic and its use as a declarative language in computer Introduction to computer networks with an emphasis on
science. Syntax and semantics of propositional and fundamental principles. Basic understanding of computer
predicate calculus. Proving entailment and non-entailment networks and network protocols. Topics include network
rigorously. Formal derivations. Satisfiability. Applications, hardware and software, routing, addressing, congestion
including information systems, program verification, control, reliable data transfer, performance analysis, local
artificial intelligence, software engineering. Computational area networks, and TCP/IP.
tools, including Prolog. Other logics. Prerequisites: CSC209H1, CSC 258H1, CSC263H1/
Exclusion: CSC230H1. 265H1/378H1, STA 247H1/255H1/257H1/ECO227Y1;
Prerequisite: CSC236H1/238H1/240H1; CGPA 3.0/ CGPA 3.0/enrolment in a CSC subject POSt.
enrolment in a CSC subject POSt. DR=SCI; BR=TBA
CSC363H1 Computational Complexity and
CSC336H1 Numerical Methods [24L, 12T] Computability [24L, 12T]
The study of computational methods for solving problems Introduction to the theory of computability: Turing
in linear algebra, non-linear equations, approximation, machines, Church’s thesis, computable and
and integration. The aim is to give students a basic noncomputable functions, recursive and recursively
understanding of both floating-point arithmetic and the enumerable sets, reducibility. Introduction to complexity
implementation of algorithms used to solve numerical theory: models of computation, P, NP, polynomial time
problems, as well as a familiarity with current numerical reducibility, NP-completeness, further topics in complexity
computing environments. theory.
Exclusion: CSC350H1, 351H1. Exclusion: CSC364H1, 365H1.
Prerequisite: CSC148H1/150H1, 165H1; MAT133Y1(70%)/ Prerequisite: CSC236H1/238H1/240H1; CGPA 3.0/
135Y1/137Y1/157Y1, 223H1/240H1; CGPA 3.0/ enrolment in a CSC subject POSt.
enrolment in a CSC subject POSt. NOTE: Although the courses CSC363H1 and CSC373H1
DR=SCI; BR=TBA can be taken in any order, we recommend that
CSC343H1 Introduction to Databases [24L, 12T] CSC373H1 be taken first.
Introduction to database management systems. The DR=SCI; BR=TBA
relational data model. Relational algebra. Querying and CSC365H1 Enriched Computational Complexity and
updating databases: the query language SQL. Application Computability [24L, 12T]
programming with SQL. Integrity constraints, normal This course covers the same topics as CSC363H1, but at
forms, and database design. Elements of database system a faster pace, in greater depth and with more rigour, and
technology: query processing, transaction management. with more challenging assignments. Greater emphasis
Exclusion: CSC434H1. will be placed on proofs, theoretical analysis, and creative
Prerequisite: CSC165H1/CSC240H1/MAT137Y1/ problem-solving. Certain topics briefly mentioned in
MAT157Y1; CSC207H1; CGPA 3.0/enrolment in a CSC CSC363H1 may be covered in more detail in this course,
subject POSt. and some additional topics may also be covered. Students
DR=SCI; BR=TBA without the exact course prerequisites but with a strong
CSC350H1 Numerical Algebra and Optimization [24L, mathematical background are encouraged to consult the
12T] Department about the possibility of taking this course.
Floating-point arithmetic. The efficiency and stability of Exclusion: CSC363H1, 364H1.
solution techniques for systems of linear equations and Prerequisite: CSC240H1; CGPA 3.0/enrolment in a CSC
least squares problems, including LU- and QR-based subject POSt.
methods. Eigenvalue and eigenvector calculations.

Computer Science
NOTE: Students may go to their college to drop down NOTE: Although the courses CSC375H1 and CSC365H1
from CSC365H1 to CSC363H1. See above for the drop can be taken in any order, we recommend that
down deadline. CSC375H1 be taken first.
NOTE: Although the courses CSC365H1 and CSC375H1 DR=SCI; BR=TBA
can be taken in any order, we recommend that CSC384H1 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence [24L,
CSC375H1 be taken first. 12T]
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Theories and algorithms that capture (or approximate)
CSC369H1 Operating Systems [24L, 12T] some of the core elements of computational intelligence.
Principles of operating systems. The operating system Topics include: search; logical representations and
as a control program and as a resource allocator. reasoning, classical automated planning, representing
The concept of a process and concurrency problems: and reasoning with uncertainty, learning, decision making
synchronization, mutual exclusion, deadlock. Additional (planning) under uncertainty. Assignments provide
topics include memory management, file systems, process practical experience, both theory and programming, of the
scheduling, threads, and protection. core topics.
Exclusion: CSC468H1. Exclusion: CSC484H1.
Prerequisite: CSC258H1, 209H1, 207H1; CGPA 3.0/ Prerequisite: CSC324H1; STA247H1/255H1/257H1; CGPA
enrolment in a CSC subject POSt. 3.0/enrolment in a CSC subject POSt.
CSC372H1 Microprocessor Software [24L, 12T, 36P] ECE385H1 Microprocessor Systems [24L, 36P]
Development of reliable efficient software for A hardware-oriented course dealing with microprocessor
controlling and monitoring an environment. Concurrent systems. Microprocessor components, memory devices,
programming techniques, such as interrupt handling, input/output techniques, bus structure, peripheral
buffer management, polling and time outs. Projects use device controllers, hardware system and programming
microprocessors to control equipment (such as a robot considerations. Laboratory experiments provide “hands-
arm) and to read sensors. Design, implementation and on” experience.
testing of software using a language such as C. Prerequisite: CSC258H1; 209H1/proficiency in C; CGPA
Prerequisite: CSC209H1;258H1; CGPA 3.0/enrolment in a 3.0/enrolment in a CSC subject POSt.
CSC subject POSt. DR=SCI; BR=TBA
DR=SCI; BR=TBA CSC401H1 Natural Language Computing [24L, 12T]
CSC373H1 Algorithm Design & Analysis [24L, 12T] Introduction to techniques involving natural language
Standard algorithm design techniques: divide-and- and speech in applications such as information retrieval,
conquer, greedy strategies, dynamic programming, extraction, and filtering; intelligent Web searching; spelling
linear programming, randomization, network flows, and grammar checking; speech recognition and synthesis;
approximation algorithms, and others (if time permits). and multi-lingual systems including machine translation.
Students will be expected to show good design principles N-grams, POS-tagging, semantic distance metrics,
and adequate skills at reasoning about the correctness indexing, on-line lexicons and thesauri, markup languages,
and complexity of algorithms. collections of on-line documents, corpus analysis. PERL
Exclusion: CSC375H1, 364H1. and other software.
Prerequisite: CSC263H1/265H1/378H1; CGPA 3.0/ Prerequisite: CSC207H1/209H1/228H1; STA
enrolment in a CSC subject POSt. 247H1/255H1/257H1; CGPA 3.0/enrolment in a CSC
NOTE: Although the courses CSC373H1 and CSC363H1 subject POSt.
can be taken in any order, we recommend that Recommended preparation: MAT223H1/240H1 is strongly
CSC373H1 be taken first. recommended.
CSC375H1 Enriched Algorithm Design & Analysis CSC 404H1 Introduction to Video Game Design
[24L, 12T] [24L, 12T]
This course covers the same topics as CSC373H1, but at Concepts and techniques for the design and development
a faster pace, in greater depth and with more rigour, and of electronic games. History, social issues and story
with more challenging assignments. Greater emphasis elements. The business of game development and game
will be placed on proofs, theoretical analysis, and creative promotion. Software engineering, artificial intelligence
problem-solving. Certain topics briefly mentioned in and graphics elements. Level and model design.
CSC373H1 may be covered in more detail in this course, Audio elements. Practical assignments leading to team
and some additional topics may also be covered. Students implementation of a complete game.
without the exact course prerequisites but with a strong Prerequisites: One of CSC 301H1, 318H1, 384H1, 418H1;
mathematical background are encouraged to consult the CGPA 3.0/enrolment in a CSC subject POSt.
Department about the possibility of taking this course. DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Exclusion: CSC373H1, 364H1. CSC410H1 Software Testing and Verification [24L,
Prerequisite: CSC 265H1; CGPA 3.0/enrolment in a CSC 12T]
subject POSt. Concepts and state of the art techniques in quality
NOTE: Students may go to their college to drop down assessment for software engineering; quality attributes;
from CSC375H1 to CSC373H1. See above for the drop
down deadline.

Computer Science
formal specifications and their analysis; testing, verification CSC428H1 Human-Computer Interaction [24L, 12T]
and validation. Understanding human behaviour as it applies to
Prerequisite: CSC301H1; CGPA 3.0/enrolment in a CSC user interfaces: work activity analysis, observational
subject POSt techniques, questionnaire administration and unobtrusive
DR=SCI; BR=TBA measures. Operating parameters of the human cognitive
system, task analysis and cognitive modelling techniques
CSC411H1 Machine Learning and Data Mining [24L,
and their application to designing interfaces. Interface
representations and prototyping tools. Cognitive
An introduction to methods for automated learning of
walkthroughs, usability studies and verbal protocol
relationships on the basis of empirical data. Classification
analysis. Case studies of specific user interfaces.
and regression using nearest neighbour methods, decision
Prerequisite: CSC318H1; STA247H1/255H1/257H1,
trees, linear models, and neural networks. Clustering
STA(248H1/250H1/261H1)/(PSY201H1, 202H1)/(SOC
algorithms. Problems of overfitting and of assessing
202H1, 300H1); CSC 209H1/proficiency C++ or Java;
accuracy. Problems with handling large databases.
CGPA 3.0/enrolment in a CSC subject POSt.
Prerequisite: CSC263H1/265H1; MAT137Y1, STA
Recommended preparation: A course in PSY; CSC209H1,
247H1/255H1/257H1, 248H1/250H1/261H1; CGPA 3.0/
enrolment in a CSC subject POSt.
Recommended preparation: CSC 336H1/350H1.
DR=SCI; BR=TBA CSC438H1 Computability and Logic [24L, 12T]
Computable functions, Church’s thesis, unsolvable
CSC412H1 Probabilistic Learning and Reasoning
problems, recursively enumerable sets. Predicate
[24L, 12T]
calculus, including the completeness, compactness, and
An introduction to probability as a means of representing
Lowenheim-Skolem theorems. Formal theories and the
and reasoning with uncertain knowledge. Qualitative
Gödel Incompleteness Theorem.
and quantitative specification of probability distributions
Exclusion: MAT309H1; PHL344H1.
using probabilistic graphical models. Algorithms for
Prerequisite: CSC363H1/364H1/365H1/373H1/375H1/
inference and probabilistic reasoning with graphical
MAT247H1; CGPA 3.0/enrolment in a CSC subject
models. Statistical approaches and algorithms for learning
probability models from empirical data. Applications
of these models in artificial intelligence and machine
learning. CSC443H1 Database System Technology [24L, 12T]
Prerequisite: CSC411H1; CGPA 3.0/enrolment in a CSC Implementation of database management systems.
subject POSt. Storage management, indexing, query processing,
DR=SCI; BR=TBA concurrency control, transaction management. Database
systems on parallel and distributed architectures. Modern
CSC418H1 Computer Graphics [24L, 12T]
database applications: data mining, data warehousing,
Identification and characterization of the objects
OLAP, data on the web. Object-oriented and object-
manipulated in computer graphics, the operations possible
relational databases.
on these objects, efficient algorithms to perform these
Prerequisite: CSC343H1/434H1, 369H1/468H1,
operations, and interfaces to transform one type of object
364H1/373H1/375H1; CGPA 3.0/enrolment in a CSC
to another. Display devices, display data structures
subject POSt.
and procedures, graphical input, object modelling,
transformations, illumination models, primary and
secondary light effects; graphics packages and systems. CSC446H1 Computational Methods for Partial
Students, individually or in teams, implement graphical Differential Equations [24L, 12T]
algorithms or entire graphics systems. Finite difference methods for hyperbolic and parabolic
Prerequisite: CSC336H1/350H1/351H1/363H1/364H1/3 equations; consistency, convergence, and stability. Finite
65H1/373H1/375H1/378HI, MAT137Y1, CSC209H1/ element methods for 2-point boundary value problems and
proficiency in C or C++ ; CGPA 3.0/enrolment in a CSC elliptic equations. Special problems of interest.
subject POSt. Prerequisites: CSC351H1/(336H1 (75%))/equivalent
Recommended preparation: MAT237Y1, MAT244H1. mathematical background; MAT237Y1/257Y1;
DR=SCI; BR=TBA APM346H1/351Y1/(MAT244H1/267H1 and exposure to
PDE’s); CGPA 3.0/enrolment in a CSC subject POSt.
CSC420H1 Introduction to Image Understanding
[24L, 12P]
Introduction to fundamental concepts in image CSC448H1 Formal Languages and Automata [24L,
understanding, the subdiscipline of artificial intelligence 12T]
dealing with the automation of visual tasks by computer. Regular, deterministic, context free, context sensitive,
Exploration of a number of real-world image interpretation and recursively enumerable languages via generative
problems, as motivation for key low- and intermediate- grammars and corresponding automata (finite state
level vision algorithms. A course project will include the machines, push down machines, and Turing machines).
construction of a number of practical vision systems. Topics include complexity bounds for recognition,
Prerequisite: CSC260H1/263H1/265H1, language decision problems and operations on languages.
MAT135Y1/136Y1/137Y1/157Y1, 223H1/240H1; CGPA Prerequisite: CSC236H1/238H1/240H1,
3.0/enrolment in a CSC subject POSt. 363H1/364H1/365H1/MAT247H1; CGPA 3.0/enrolment
Recommended preparation: CSC320H1. in a CSC subject POSt.

Computer Science
CSC454H1 The Business of Software [24L, 12T] file systems, and networking is used to build insight into the
Overview of the software industry, and principles of intricacies of a large concurrent system.
operation for successful software enterprises. Software Exclusion: CSC468H1.
business definition and planning; market and product Prerequisite: CSC369H1; CGPA 3.0/enrolment in a CSC
planning; management of innovation, research and software subject POSt.
development; software marketing and sales management; DR=SCI; BR=TBA
software manufacturing and support; financial management CSC485H1 Computational Linguistics [24L, 12T]
of high-technology ventures; human resource management Computational linguistics and the understanding of language
and development in high-technology industries. (Ordinarily by computer. Possible topics include: augmented context-
offered in alternate years.) free grammars; chart parsing, ,statistical parsing; semantics
Prerequisite: Five CSC half-courses at the 200-level or and semantic interpretation; ambiguity resolution techniques;
higher; CGPA 3.0/enrolment in a CSC subject POSt. discourse structure and reference resolution. Emphasis
Recommended preparation: MGT120H1. on statistical learning methods for lexical, syntactic and
DR=SCI; BR=TBA semantic knowledge.
CSC456H1 High-Performance Scientific Computing Prerequisite: STA 247H1/255H1/257H1 or familiarity with
[24L, 12T] basic probability theory; CSC 209H1 or proficiency
Computationally-intensive applications in science and in C++, Java, or Python; CGPA 3.0/enrolment in a
engineering are implemented on the fastest computers CSC.subject POSt. Suggested preparation: CSC
available, today composed of many processors operating in 324H1/330H1/384H1.
parallel. Parallel computer architectures; implementation of DR=SCI; BR=TBA
numerical algorithms on parallel architectures. Topics from: CSC486H1 Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
performance evaluation; scientific visualization; numerical [24L, 12T]
methods; applications from science and engineering. For Representing knowledge symbolically in a form suitable for
students in computer science, applied mathematics, science, automated reasoning, and associated reasoning methods:
engineering. first-order logic, entailment, the resolution method, Horn
Prerequisite: CSC350H1/(336H1 (75%))/equivalent clauses, procedural representations, production systems,
mathematical background; CSC209H1/proficiency in C, description logics, inheritance networks, defaults and
C++ or Fortran; CGPA 3.0/enrolment in a CSC subject probabilities, tractable reasoning, abductive explanation, the
POSt. representation of action, planning.
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: CSC384H1, CSC363H1/365H1/373H1/375H1;
CSC458H1 Computer Networking Systems [24L, 12T] CGPA 3.0/enrolment in a CSC subject POSt.
Computer networks with an emphasis on systems Recommended preparation: CSC330H1.
programming of real networks and applications. An DR=SCI; BR=TBA
overview of networking basics; layering, packet switching CSC487H1 Foundations of Computer Vision [24L, 12T]
fundamentals, socket programming, protocols, congestion Introduction to vision, visual processes, and image
control, routing, network security, wireless networks, understanding. Brief biological motivation for computational
multimedia, web 2.0, and online social networks. vision. Camera system geometry and image acquisition,
Prerequisites: CSC209H1, CSC 258H1, CSC263H1/ basic visual processes for recognition of edges, regions,
265H1/378H1, STA247H1/255H1/257H1/ECO227Y1; lines, surfaces. Processing colour, stereo images, and motion
CGPA 3.0/enrolment in a CSC subject POSt. in image sequences. Active vision methods such as visual
DR=SCI; BR=TBA attention and interpretation-guided imaging system geometry
CSC465H1 Formal Methods in Software Design [24L, changes. Object recognition. Applications of visual systems.
12T] Prerequisite: CSC320H1/420H1; MAT235Y1/237Y1/257Y1;
The use of logic as an aid to programming. Formal semantics CGPA 3.0/enrolment in a CSC subject POSt.
of programming languages: imperative programs, functional DR=SCI; BR=TBA
programs, parallel processes, communicating processes. CSC488H1 Compilers and Interpreters [24L, 12T]
Partial and total correctness. Refinement theorems: by steps, Compiler organization, compiler writing tools, use of regular
by parts, by cases. Semantics of recursion and the least- expressions, finite automata and context-free grammars,
fixed-point construction; monotonicity, continuity. Semantics scanning and parsing, runtime organization, semantic
of data types; data refinement. analysis, implementing the runtime model, storage allocation,
Prerequisite: CSC236H1/238H1/240H1/MAT309H1; CGPA code generation.
3.0/enrolment in a CSC subject POSt. Prerequisite: CSC258H1, 324H1, 263H1/265H1/378H1;
Recommended preparation: CSC363H1/364H1/365H1. CGPA 3.0/enrolment in a CSC subject POSt.
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Recommended preparation: Proficiency in C such as from
CSC469H1 Operating Systems Design and CSC209H1.
Implementation [24L, 12T] DR=SCI; BR=TBA
An in-depth exploration of the major components of ECE489H1 Compilers II [24L, 36P]
operating systems with an emphasis on the techniques, Theoretical and practical aspects of building modern
algorithms, and structures used to implement these optimizing compilers. Topics: intermediate representations,
components in modern systems. Project-based study of basic blocks and flow graphs, data flow analysis, partial
process management, scheduling, memory management, evaluation and redundancy elimination, loop optimizations,
register allocation, instruction scheduling, interprocedural

Computer Science
analysis, and memory hierarchy optimizations. Students
implement significant optimizations within the framework of a
modern research compiler. (This course is a cross-listing of
ECE540H1, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering.)
Prerequisite; CSC488H1; CGPA 3.0/enrolment in a CSC
subject POSt.
Recommended preparation: ECE385H1, proficiency in C.
CSC490H1 Capstone Design Project [48L]
CSC491H1 Capstone Design Project [48L]
This half-course gives students experience solving a
substantial problem that may span several areas of
Computer Science. Students will define the scope of the
problem, develop a solution plan, produce a working
implementation, and present their work using written, oral,
and (if suitable) video reports. Class time will focus on the
project, but may include some lectures. The class will be
small and highly interactive. Project themes change each
year. At the time of printing, the theme for 2010/11 had
not been chosen but see www.cs.utoronto.ca/~csc490h
for information about this year’s topic themes and required
Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor; CGPA 3.0/
enrolment in a CSC subject POSt. Consult the 2010-2011
Handbook and Timetable for course enrolment procedures.
CSC494H1 Computer Science Project [TBA]
CSC495H1 Computer Science Project [TBA]
This half-course involves a significant project in any area
of Computer Science. The project may be undertaken
individually or in small groups. The course is offered by
arrangement with a Computer Science faculty member.
Prerequisite: Three 300-level Computer Science half-
courses, a CGPA of 3.00 (2.50 for students in a CSC
Program), and permission of the Program Director,
Undergraduate Studies. Consult the 2010-2011
Registration Handbook and Timetable for course
enrolment procedures.

Diaspora & Transnational Studies
Interdisciplinary program ENG375H1 Studies in Jewish Literature and Culture
Where is home? Need it be in one place? Is it always
FIN320H1 The Finnish Canadian Immigrant Experience
attached to territory? Diaspora and transnational studies
examines the historical and contemporary movements of French
peoples and the complex problems of identity and experience FRE332H1 Francophone Literature I
to which these movements give rise as well as the creative FRE334H1 Francophone Cinema
possibilities that flow from movement. The program is FRE336H1 Postcolonialism: Francophone LIterature
comparative and interdisciplinary, drawing from the social FRE438H1 Advanced Topics in Francophone Literatures:
sciences, history and the arts. Students are required to Black Blanc Beur: Ecrire la banlieue
take a year long course that offers an introduction to a German
broad array of themes and disciplinary methodologies. The GER335H1 Writing Memory: Post 1945
program offers a wide selection of additional courses, giving GER361H1 Yiddish Literature and Culture in Translation
students the opportunity to learn about a range of diasporic GER362H1 Soviet and Kosher: Jewish Culture in the
communities as well as key debates in the field. Soviet Union
GER363H1 Cultural History of East European Community
Diaspora and Transnational Studies 1800-2000
Programs GER364H1 Introduction to the History of Yiddish Cinema
GER365H1 Knights, Dybbuks, and Fairies: Yiddish &
Major program German Story-Telling Before 1700
(7 full courses or their equivalent, including at least two 300+ History
series courses) HIS202H1 Gender, Race and Science
HIS208Y1 History of the Jewish People
1. DTS200Y1
HIS263Y1 Introduction to Canadian History
2. 5 full-course equivalents (FCEs) from Group A
HIS282Y1 History of South Asia
and B courses, with at least two FCEs from each
HIS284Y1 Viet Nam: Crossroads of Asia
group. Coverage must include at least two diasporic
HIS291Y1 Latin America: The Colonial Period
communities or regions, to be identified in consultation
HIS294Y1 Caribbean History & Culture: Indigenous Era
with the program advisor.
to 1886
3. DTS401H1, DTS402H1
HIS294Y1 Black Freedom
Minor program HIS303H1 The Mediterranean, 600-1300: Crusade,
(4 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one 300+ Colonialism, Diaspora
series course) HIS305H1 Popular Culture and Politics in the Modern
1. DTS200Y1
HIS312H1 Immigration to Canada
2. 2.5 full-course equivalents (FCEs) from Group A and B
HIS330H1 Germany from Frederick the Great to the
courses, with at least one FCE from each group.
First World War
3. Either DTS401H1 or DTS402H1
HIS336H1 Medieval Spain
Group A (Humanities) Courses HIS338H1 The Holocaust, to 1942
HIS352H1 Secularism and Strife: Modern Jewish Politics
Students are responsible for checking the co- and and Culture
prerequisites for all courses in Groups A and B. HIS356H1 Zionism and Israel
Note: course = one full course or the equivalent in half HIS359H1 Regional Politics and Radical Movements in
courses. the 20th Century Caribbean
HIS360Y1 African-Canadian History, 1606-Present
East-Asian Studies HIS361H1 The Holocaust, from 1942
EAS105H1 Modern East-Asian History HIS369H1 Aboriginal Peoples of the Great Lakes from
EAS251H1 Aesthetics and Politics in 20th Century Korea 1500
EAS271H1 20th Century Korean History HIS370H1 The Black Experience in the United States
EAS318H1 Rethinking Modernism: The Perspectives of Since the Civil War
Mainland China,Taiwan and Hong Kong HIS383H1 African Women from Colonial Conquest
EAS333H1 Modernism and Colonial Korea to the Era of Structural Adjustment
EAS374H1 Modern Japan and Colonialism HIS384H1 Colonial Canada
EAS439H1 The Global Bildungsroman: Narratives of HIS385H1/Y1 The History of Hong Kong
Development, Time and Colonialism HIS393H1 Slavery and the American South
HIS403Y1 Jews and Christians in Medieval and
Renaissance Europe
ENG268H1 Asian North American Literature
HIS408Y1 History of Race Relations in America
ENG270Y1 Colonial and Postcolonial Writing
HIS412Y1 Crusades, Conversions and
ENG275Y1 Jewish Literature in English
Colonization in the Medieval Baltic
ENG277Y1 African Canadian Literature
HIS413H1 Slave Emancipation in the Atlantic World
ENG285H1 The English Language in the World
HIS414H1 The Third Reich
ENG370H1 Postcolonial and Transnational Discourses
HIS431H1 Gender and the Holocaust

Diaspora & Transnational Studies
HIS433H1 Polish Jews Since the Partition of Poland NEW324Y1 Caribbean Thought II
JHP435H1 Linguistic and Cultural Minorities in Europe NEW325H1 Caribbean Women Thinkers
HIS439H1 Russia’s Empire NEW326Y1 Indenture, Survival, Change
HIS442H1 European Women in the Twentieth Century NEW327Y1 The Hispanic Caribbean: Insights and
HIS444H1 Topics in Jewish History: Jewish Identity in Images of Cuba
the Modern World NEW422Y1 Performing and Transforming the Caribbean
HIS446H1 Gender and Slavery in the Atlantic World
New College – Equity Studies
HIS456Y1 Black Slavery in Latin America
NEW341H1 Theories and Histories in Equity Studies
HIS467H1 French Colonial Indochina: History,
NEW342H1 Theory and Praxis in Food Security
Cultures, Texts, Film
NEW343H1 The Romani Diaspora in Canada
HIS472H1 Indigenous-Newcomer Relations in
NEW449H1 Contemporary Theories in Disability Studies
Canadian History
HIS475H1 Race, Segregation, and Protest: South Portuguese
Africa and the United States PRT252H1 Portuguese Island Culture
HIS476H1 Voices From Black America PRT255H1 The Brazilian Puzzle: Culture and Identity
HIS478H1 Hellhound on my Trail: Living the Blues in Religion
the Mississippi Delta RLG202Y1 The Jewish Religious Tradition
HIS480H1 Modernity and its Others: History and RLG220H1 Philosophical Responses to the Holocaust
Postcolonial Critique RLG221H1 Religious Ethics: the Jewish Tradition
Innis College RLG243H1 Diasporic Religions
INI327Y1 Screening Race RLG280Y1 World Religions: A Comparative Study
INI380Y1 Contemporary World Cinema RLG319H1 Reconception of Biblical Figures in Early
INI385Y1 Canadian Cinema Jewish and Christian Sources
RLG325H1 Visions and Revelations in Ancient Judaism
Innis College – Urban Studies
and Christianity
JGI216H1 Urbanization and Global Change
RLG326H1 Judaism and the Roots of Christianity
INI308H1 The City of Toronto
RLG340Y1 Classical Jewish Theology
Italian Studies RLG341H1 Dreaming of Zion: Exile and Return in
ITA334H1 Italian-Canadian Literature I: Life in a New Jewish Thought
World RLG342Y1 Judaism in the Modern Age
ITA493H1 Italian-Canadian Literature II: Identity and RLG344Y1 Antisemitism
Voice RLG345H1 Social Ecology and Judaism
RLG346H1 Time and Place in Judaism
Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
RLG432H1 Natural Law in Judaism and Christianity
NMC150H1 Hebrew Bible and Ancient Jewish Literature
RLG430H1 Jewish Culture in Medieval Latin, Greek,
in Translation
and Arabic Europe
NMC151H1 The Bible and Its Interpreters
RLG434H1 Modern Jewish Thought
NMC250H1 Dead Sea Scrolls
RLG453H1 Christianity and Judaism in Colonial
NMC254H1 Modern Hebrew Literature in Translation
NMC256Y1 Literature and Culture of Modern Israel
NMC257Y1 Introduction to the Literature of Jewish Slavic Languages and Literature
Sages SLA202H1 Jewish Communities in Slavic Countries
NMC274Y1 Steppe Frontier in Islamic History SLA238H1 Literature of the Ukrainian-Canadian
NMC275H1 Muslims and Jews: The Medieval Experience
Encounter SLA 302H1 The Imaginary Jew
NMC281H1 Prophets: Ancient Jewish Prophecy and
South Asian Studies
Inspired Exegesis
SAS215H1 Colonial Thought and Postcolonial Practice
NMC284H1 Judaism And Feminism
In Bengal
NMC287H1 Mystical Dimensions of Islam and Judaism
SAS217H1 Tamil Studies in South Asia and the
NMC352H1 Faith and Doubt in Modern Hebrew Poetry
NMC357H1 Mass Media and/in the Middle East
NMC370Y1 Ancient Israel St. Michael’s College
NMC384H1 Life Cycle and Personal Status in Judeism SMC413H1 The Irish in Canada
NMC385H1 Intellectuals of the Arab World SMC414H1 The Scots in Canada
NMC475H1 Orientalism and Occidentalism SMC416H1 Irish Nationalism in Canada and the United
New College - African Studies
SMC421H1 Jews and Judaism in Christian Traditions
NEW250Y1 Africa in the 21st Century: Challenges and
Opportunities Spanish
NEW296Y1 Black Freedom SPA480H1 Theories of Culture in Latin America
NEW351Y1 African Systems of Thought SPA486H1 Contemporary Caribbean Literatures and
New College - Caribbean Studies
NEW223Y1 Caribbean Literature and Society Victoria College
NEW224Y1 Caribbean Thought I VIC350Y1 Creative Writing: A Multicultural Approach

Diaspora & Transnational Studies
Women and Gender Studies GGR366H1 Historical Toronto
WGS366H1 Gender and Disability GGR452H1 Space, Power, Geography: Understanding
WGS368H1 Gender and Cultural Difference: Spatiality
Transnational Perspectives GGR457H1 The Post-War Suburbs
WGS369Y1 Studies in Post-Colonialism
Political Science
WGS375H1 Colonialism, Sexuality, Spirituality and the
POL215Y1 Politics and Transformation of Asia-Pacific
POL311Y1 Ideas and Ideologies in Canadian Politics
WGS380H1 Aboriginal, Black and Immigrant Women in
POL321H1 Ethnic Politics in Comparative Perspective
the Land of Dollars
POL345H1 Becoming Israel: War, Peace, and the Politics
WGS430H1 Queer Diasporas
of Israel’s Identity
WGS440H1 Gender and the Sacred
POL349Y1 Globalization and Urban Politics
WGS445H1 Migrations and the Sacred
JPR364Y1 Religion and Politics
Group B (Social Sciences) courses POL403H1 Colonialism/Post-Colonialism: The
Colonial State and Its Forms of Power
Anthropology POL421H1 Maimonides and His Modern Interpreters
ANT318H1 The Preindustrial City and Urban Social POL429Y1 Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict and Democracy
Theory POL430Y1 Comparative Studies in Jewish and non-
ANT324H1 Tourism & Globalization Jewish
ANT341H1 China in Transition Political Thought
ANT345H1 Global Health: Anthropological Perspectives POL443H1 The Colonial State and its Forms of Power
ANT346H1 Anthropology of Food JPF455Y1 Cities
ANT347Y1 Metropolis: Global Cities
ANT348H1 Anthropology of Health
SOC214Y1 Sociology of Families
ANT350H1 Globalization and the Changing World of
SOC215Y1 Socialization
SOC218Y1 Asian Communities in Canada
ANT351H1 Contested Environments
SOC220Y1 Social Inequality in Canada
ANT354H1 Japan in Global Context: Anthropological
SOC243H1 Sociology of Health and Illness
SOC244H1 Sociology of Health Care
JAL355H1 Language and Gender
SOC246H1 The Sociology of Aging
ANT356H1 Anthropology of Religion
SOC247H1 The Sociology of Aging II
ANT357H1 Cultures of U.S. Empire
SOC250H1 Sociology of Religion
ANT359H1 Culture and Difference
SOC257H1 Lives in Canada
ANT366H1 Anthropology of Social Movements: Theory
SOC270H1 Comparative Social Inequality
and Method
SOC279H1 Contentious Politics
ANT370H1 Introduction to Social Anthropological
SOC306H1 Sociology of Crime and Delinquency
SOC327Y1 Families and Health
ANT375H1 Reading Ethnography: Classic
SOC330Y1 Comparative Ethnic Relations
SOC336H1 Immigration and Race Relations in Canada
ANT426H1 Orientalism: Western Views of Muslims and
SOC341Y1 The Jewish Community in Europe and
North America
ANT427H1 Language, Ideology, & Political Economy
SOC344Y1 Contemporary International Migration
ANT475H1 Reading Ethnography: Contemporary
SOC358H1 Cities and Social Pathology
SOC360Y1 Sociology of Cultural Studies
ANT467H1 Ethnographies of Contemporary South Asia
SOC364H1 Urban Health
ANT426H1 Orientalism: Western Views of the Other
SOC367H1 Race, Class, and Gender
ANT440Y1 Society in Transition
SOC370Y1 Sociology of Labour
ANT448H Ethnicity & Nationalism
SOC381Y1 Culture and Social Structure
ANT452H Anthropology & Human Rights
SOC383H1 The Sociology of Women and
ANT456H Sexuality, Culture and Movement
International Migration
ANT466H The Philippines and the Filipino Diaspora
SOC386H1 Urbanization
Geography SOC388H1 Sociology of Everyday Life
GGR216H1 Global Cities SOC483Y1 Methods and Models of Demography
JGI216H1 Urbanization & Global Change
University College – Canadian Studies
GGR320H1 Geographies of Transnationalism, Migration,
JWU200H1 Toronto in the Canadian Context
and Gender
UNI220Y1 Understanding Canada Today:
GGR336H1 Urban Historical Geography of North
Re-imaging the Nation
UNI280H1 Canadian Jewish History
GGR339H1 Urban Geography, Planning and Political
UNI307Y1 Asian Cultures in Canada
UNI320Y1 Canadian Quesitions: Issues and Debates
JGI346H1 The Urban Planning Process
UNI380H1 Socio-Cultural Perspective of the Canadian
GGR361H1 Understanding the Urban Landscape
Jewish Community
GGR363H1 Critical Geographies: An Introduction to
Radical Ideas on Space, Society and Culture

Diaspora & Transnational Studies
Victoria College with the Diaspora and Transnational Studies Program Office
VIC183H1 Individuals and the Public Sphere: Shaping for more information.
Memory Prerequisite: DTS200Y1
VIC184H1 Individuals and the Public Sphere: History, DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Historiography and Making Cultural Memory DTS401H1 Advanced Topics in Diaspora and
Woodsworth College - Criminology Transnationalism (Postcolonialism and
WDW383H1 Immigration and Crime Diaspora) [24S]
This will be a course using the intersections between
Women and Gender Studies
Postcolonialism and Diaspora Studies to explore issues of
WGS425Y1 Women and Issues of International
place, memory, and identity. The course will be comparative
and interdisciplinary with a focus on literature, anthropology,
University of Toronto Scarborough courses that political science and cultural studies.
can be applied to the program Prerequisite: DTS200Y1
Please visit http://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/~humdiv/Diaspora/
dia_overview_new.htm. DTS402H1 Advanced Topics in Diaspora
and Transnationalism (Diasporic
University of Toronto Mississauga courses that Entrepreneurship and Capitalisms) [24S]
can be applied to the program This course is a critical examination of the established
concepts on capitalism. It also proposes alternative ways
Please visit http://www.utm.utoronto.ca/8940.0.html. to evaluate diasporic mercantile successes and their
economic systems. In particular, students will be introduced
Diaspora and Transnational Studies to emerging studies that utilize theories on socio-economic
institutions and “social capital” in the studies of various Asian
Courses trading groups.
First Year Seminars Prerequisite: DTS200Y1
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide the DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=TBA
opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class of no
more than twenty-four students. These interactive seminars
are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity and provide
an opportunity to get to know a member of the professorial
staff in a seminar environment during the first year of study.
For details, see page 48.
DTS200Y1 Introduction to Diaspora and Transnational
Studies I (formerly DTS201H1, 202H1) [48L]
What is the relationship between place and belonging,
between territory and memory? How have the experiences
of migration and dislocation challenged the modern
assumption that the nation-state should be the limit of
identification? What effect has the emergence of new media
of communication had upon the coherence of cultural and
political boundaries? All of these questions and many more
form part of the subject matter of Diaspora and Transnational
Studies. This introductory course ex-amines the historical
and contemporary movements of peoples and the complex
issues of identity and experience to which these processes
give rise as well as the creative possibilities that flow
from movement and being moved. The area of study is
comparative and interdisciplinary, drawing from the social
sciences, history, the arts and humanities. Accordingly, this
course provides the background to the subject area from
diverse perspectives and introduces students to a range of
key debates in the field, with particular attention to questions
of history, globalization, cultural production and the creative
Exclusion: DTS201H1, 202H1
DTS390H1 Independent Study [TBA]
DTS390Y1 Independent Study [TBA]
A scholarly project chosen by the student, approved by the
Department, and supervised by one of its instructors. Consult

Drama is sponsored by University College Drama Programs
Faculty Drama (Arts program)
Consult the Director, Room 300, 79A St. George St.,
Director University College.
T. Trojanowska, MA, Ph D
Enrolment in the Specialist and Major programs is limited
Professor and selection is made after a personal interview and
P. Kleber, MA, Ph D audition. Students will be admitted to the Major only
Associate Professor after they have been admitted to either DRM200Y1
(with DRM201Y1), DRM228H1 or DRM254Y1, and to
A. Ackerman, MA, Ph D
the Specialist only after they have been admitted to an
Assistant Professor additional course from Group B. Enrolment in the Minor
A. Budde, MA, Ph D program is unrestricted. Students in the Minor program
may only take academic courses.
Senior Lecturers
S. Bush Specialist program:
K. Gass, BA (13 full courses or their equivalent, including at least four
Lecturer 300+ series with at least one 400 level)
S. Lyons, BA 1. DRM100Y1
J. Thompson 2. DRM230Y1
The UC Drama Program (Specialist, Major, Minor) offers 3. From Group A: 1.5 course equivalents
students the opportunity to combine high standards of 4. From Group B: 2 full-course equivalents (entry points:
practical, professional theatre training with a rich and DRM200Y1 or DRM254Y1 or DRM228H1)
rigorous academic program. It offers courses in dramatic 5. From Group C: 1.5 full-course equivalents
literature, dramaturgy, theatre and performance theory 6. From Group A, B, C or Other: 6 full-course equivalents
and history, acting, production, design, and directing, and to make up the total of 13 courses
playwriting and puts a strong emphasis on the interrelation
Major program:
between the academic and the practical aspects of theatre
(8 full courses or their equivalent including at least two
studies. Working towards an Honours Bachelor of Arts
300+ series courses)
degree, students are required to take a complementary
combination of courses resulting in broad knowledge of 1. DRM100Y1
the field as a whole. The Combined Specialist programs 2. DRM230Y1
in English and Drama also provides a specialist an 3. From Group A: 1 full-course equivalent
alternative to Drama alone, while a Drama Major or Minor 4. From Group B: 2 full-course equivalents (entry points:
may be valuably combined with programs in a wide variety DRM200Y1 or DRM254Y1 or DRM228H1)
of other fields, as offered both by language and literature 5. From Group C: 1 full-course equivalent
departments and other departments and programs such 6. From Group A, B, C or Other: 2 full-course equivalents
as Anthropology, Canadian Studies, Cinema Studies, Note:
Classics, Commerce, Fine Art, History, Music, Psychology, Students taking DRM200Y1, 300Y1 and 400Y1 must take
Religion, Sociology, and Women’s Studies. the Voice and Movement co-requisite (DRM201Y1,
The UC Drama Program is housed in the Helen Gardiner 301Y1 and 401Y1) as well as an academic
Phelan Playhouse at University College. Besides providing co-requisite (Groups A, C or Other)
instruction in theatre studies, the Drama Program has Minor program:
mounted international theatrical events and conferences, (4 full courses or their equivalent including at least one
and its students have toured Europe and Asia. The 300+ series course)
Program has also forged links with leading Canadian
theatres and has regular contact with world-renowned 1. DRM100Y1
international theatre artists. More details on the UC Drama 2. From Group A: 1 full-course equivalent
Program, including application and ballot forms, can be 3. From Group C: 1 full-course equivalent
found on the web site at: www.uc.utoronto.ca/drama.The 4. From Groups A, C or Other: 1 full-course equivalent
Program Director and Program Assistant are also available Note:
for consultation. For enquiries or an appointment call the Students in the Minor program are not eligible for practical
Drama Program Administrative Assistant at 416-978-8099 courses
or send an e-mail to [email protected]
Group A:
UC Drama courses are staffed by a combination of theatre DRM264H1, 268H1, 310H1, 362H1, 430H1, 462H1,
professionals, members of other university departments, 468Y1; JDC400Y1, 410Y1; JIA400H1
and specific DRM staff members. Some courses are Group B:
restricted to students in a Drama Specialist, Major, or DRM200Y1, 201Y1, 228H1,, 254Y1, 300Y1, 301Y1,
Combined Specialist program; some are open to all 302H1, 328H1, 331H1, 354Y1, 368H1, 400Y1, 401H1,
students of the University. 402H1, 403Y1, 431H1, 432H1,454Y1, 486H1

Note: Students taking a practical course (Group B) are Prerequisite: An audition in April or in August (must submit
required to take an academic co-requisite (Groups A, UC Drama Application Form in March or August)
C or Other) DR=HUM; BR=1
Group C: DRM201Y1 Voice for the Actor I [48P, 2T]
ABS341H1; CLA382H1, 383H1; EAS233H1;ENG220Y1,
330H1, 331H1, 335H1, 336H1, 337H1, 340H1, Movement for the Actor I [48P, 5T]
341H1, 342H1, 352H1; FRE372Y0; GER232H1; A voice and movement component, taken in conjunction
GRK351H1, 352H1, 451H1, 452H1; HUN450H1; with DRM200Y1: Introduction to Performance. Work
ITA390H1, 409H1, 410H1, 415H1, 426H1; JDC400H1; consists of both theory and practice of voice and
LAT351H1/451H1; NEW422Y1; SLA337H1, 367H1, movement as they relate to the development of the actor.
418H1, 424H1, 476H1; SPA452H1: UNI202H1; Co-requisite: DRM200Y1
Other: DRM228H1 Introduction to Playwriting [36L]
DRM231H1, 386H1, 390Y1/391H1, 490Y1/491H1; A hands-on study of the craft of dramatic writing. The
MUS206H1 class examines the basic elements of playwriting such
Drama and English (Arts program) as plot, structure, theme, character, dialogue, setting,
with an emphasis on story-making. Attention is given to
Consult the Director, Room 300, 79A St. George Street, the development of students’ own work through written
University College. assignments and in-class exercises.
Enrolment in this program is limited and selection is made Prerequisite: A portfolio of writing samples (must submit
after a personal interview and audition. Upon admission UC Drama Ballot Form in March)
to either DRM200Y1, 228H1 or DRM 254Y1 students may Pre-requisite: DRM100Y1
enroll in the double major in English and Drama; upon DR=HUM; BR=1
admission to an additional course from Group B students DRM230Y1 Concepts of Twentieth-Century Theatre
may change their enrolment to the Drama and English [72L]
Specialist program. (Drama Minors are not eligible to enrol)
The work of selected theorists and practitioners of the
Specialist program: 20th century and their contrasting ideas on the kind of
(14 to 15 full courses or their equivalent, with at least four expression and communication possible through the
300+ series courses including at least one 400-series medium of the theatre. A study of how the interrelationship
course) between director, actor, playwright and text influences the
style of performance and the nature of audience response.
Prerequisite: DRM100Y1
Same as the English Major program (see English)
DRM231H1 Theatre Criticism [36L]
See Drama Major requirements (Please note: the
Introduction to the history, theory, and practice of theatre
combination of Majors require twelve separate courses to
criticism. Through a series of case studies, we will
meet Honours degree requirements).
examine the role of criticism in the relationship between
theatrical production and reception, paying particular
Drama Courses attention to the power dynamics between critics, artists,
See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions. and audiences and the contexts in which they are
embedded. Students will develop their individual critical
First Year Seminars voices through regular attendance of chosen productions
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide and practice writing criticism in a variety of forms.
the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class Prerequisite: DRM100Y1
of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive DR=HUM; BR=1
seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the DRM254Y1 Production [72L, 72P]
professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first A detailed analysis of the production element of theatre:
year of study. For details, see page 48. the conceptual and practical problems of design,
production personnel and organization, production
DRM100Y1 Drama: Form and Style [72L] facilities, business management, publicity, sound and
An introduction to the study of dramatic literature, with lighting equipment.
particular reference to the realization of plays upon the Prerequisite: DRM100Y1 and an interview in April (must
stage. Plays from a variety of periods and countries are submit UC Drama Ballot Form in March)
studied in terms of the use of theatrical space, plot and Co-requisite: DRM230Y1
generic structure, characterization, theme, and language. DR=HUM; BR=1
DRM264H1 History of Western Theatre from
DRM200Y1 Introduction to Performance [96P] the Renaissance to 1900 (formerly
Emphasis is initially on ensemble, non-verbal, and DRM364H1) [36L]
improvisational work. Students proceed to the application Modes of theatre in selected periods and cultures in
of their acquired skills to scripted material. Early Modern Europe from the Renaissance to the end
of the 18th century. Constitution of the audience and of

acting companies; the relationship between the plays, the DRM328H1 The Art and Craft of Playwriting [36L]
players, and the audience. The development of theatre The class is a continuation of DRM228H1, concentrating
theory, criticism and dramaturgy in their historical and upon the in-depth knowledge and practice of playwriting
cultural context. (Offered in alternate years) with an emphasis on style and technique of writing for the
Prerequisite: DRM100Y1 stage. Students’ develop their own work through written
Exclusion: DRM364H1 assignments, in-class exercises, and the final public
DR=HUM; BR=1 presentation.
Prerequisite: DRM228H1 and a portfolio of writing samples
DRM268H1 Canadian Theatre History [36L]
A survey of Canadian theatre history with an emphasis
on developments since 1950 including the Regional DRM331H1 Introduction to Dramaturgy [36L]
and alternate theatre movements; trends in Canadian An introduction to applied dramaturgical theory and
playwriting and their relationship to theatre history; cultural to historical and contemporary interpretations of the
diversity and native voices in contemporary Canadian dramaturge’s function in the creation of theatre. Using
theatre. examples from Canada and beyond, students have a
Prerequisite: DRM100Y1 chance to apply this knowledge to theatre practice in the
DR=HUM; BR=1 program.
Pre or co-requisite: DRM230Y1
DRM286H1 Topics in Drama [TBA]
Exclusion: DRM386H1 (20091)
An introductory examination of selected issues in the
Theatre. Content may vary depending on instructor. See
Undergraduate Handbook or the UC Drama Program DRM354Y1 Stage and Costume Design I [48L, 24P]
website for more details. A detailed exploration of theatrical stage and costume
DR=HUM; BR=1 design, historical and contemporary, theatrical and
DRM300Y1 Performance I [144P]
Prerequisite: An interview in April (must submit UC Drama
Continuation of DRM200Y1, concentrating upon scene
Ballot Form in March)
study. Scenes are developed through analysis of text
and sub-text, the establishing of scene objectives,
improvisation, and physical action. DRM362H1 Experimentation and Innovation: A
Prerequisite: DRM200Y1 and an audition in April (must Comparative History of World Theatre
submit UC Drama Ballot Form in March) from Ancient Times Until the Present
Co-requisite: DRM230Y1 (or full course from Group A if (formerly DRM262H1) [36L]
DRM230Y1 already completed), An intercultural and comparative analysis of innovative
DR=HUM; BR=TBA processes within world theatre. Focusing on selected
periods, the course explores the cultural backgrounds of
DRM301Y1 Voice for the Actor II [48P, 2.5T]
key events or turning points in pre-modern and modern
Movement for the Actor II [48P, 2T] theatre and their indications for post-modern theatre
A voice and movement component, taken in conjunction developments in a globalized world.
with DRM300Y1: Performance I. Work consists of both Recommended Preparation: DRM264H1 (previously
theory and practice of voice and movement as they relate DRM364H1)
to the development of the actor. Exclusion: DRM262H1
Prerequisite: DRM200Y1, 201Y1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Co-requisite: DRM300Y1
DRM368H1 Collective Creations [36L]
The collective approach to the creation of plays has been
DRM302H1 Intro to Directing [36P] one of the most significant movements in the production of
This course introduces major concepts, historical figures, theatre over the last fifty years. A hands-on exploration of
and artistic practices in directing. It focuses on different its fundamental building blocks, examining techniques and
styles, ideas, and goals of theatre directors in their exercises by leading practitioners of collective creation or
relations to literature, actors, audiences, and broad cultural ‘devised theatre.’ Combining research, improvisation and
and political contexts. Prerequisite: DRM 230Y1, 1 course design elements, students define a topic of investigation
from Group A and Group B (must submit UC Drama Ballot and shape the resulting discoveries into a workshop
Form in March) presentation at the end of the course.
Pre- or Co-requisite: DRM331H1 Prerequisite: DRM100Y1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Exclusion: DRM386H1 (Summer 2008 and 2009)
DRM310H1 American Drama [36L] DR=HUM; BR=TBA
American dramas of the last 50 years. Structural, DRM385Y1 Topics in Drama [TBA]
historical, and thematic approaches to self-consciously
DRM386H1 Topics in Drama [TBA]
theatrical works and to the idea of America itself.
An in-depth examination of selected issues in the
Authors include Miller, Williams, Albee, Baraka, Kennedy,
Theatre. Content may vary depending on instructor. See
Hansberry, Shepard, Fornes, Mamet, Kushner, and
Undergraduate Handbook or the UC Drama Program
performance artists such as Karen Finley and Laurie
website for more details.
Anderson. (Not offered in 2009/2010)
Prerequisite: DRM100Y1

DRM390Y1 Independent Studies in Drama [TBA] DRM430Y1 Intercultural Ibsen: Nora or How to Slam
the Door [48L]
DRM391H1 Independent Studies in Drama [TBA]
The course provides intercultural reading of Ibsen’s
A topic chosen by the individual student. The student
“A Doll’s House” (1879) and analyzes the impact of its
must work out details with a member of faculty who is
staging on social and cultural changes. The play is
willing to act as supervisor. A written proposal, signed
analyzed interculturally in terms of its historical conditions
by both student and instructor, must then be submitted
of production, its political interpretations and aesthetic
for approval to the Drama Program Committee prior to
approaches (including Canada, China, Great Britain,
registration and normally by May 31 of the preceding
Germany, US, Iran) as well as in different media (literature/
academic year. Open to advanced Specialist and Major
drama, theatre, movie, TV, comic, computer game).
students in the program.
Prerequisite: Students must be fourth-year/senior
Prerequisite: Permission of University College Drama
students; DRM230Y1, 264H1, 362H1 and permission of
Program Committee
the instructor.
DRM399Y1 Research Opportunity Program
DRM431H1 Dramaturgy I (formerly DRM431Y1) [36L]
Credit course for supervised participation in faculty
Following Introduction to Dramaturgy, this course
research project. See page 48 for details.
introduces students to the process of applying theoretical
knowledge to theatre practice with the emphasis on
DRM400Y1 Performance II [216P] experimentation with the material and the learning
Continuation of DRM300Y1, concentrating on advanced process.
performance techniques. Prerequisite: DRM230Y1 and 331H1
Prerequisite: DRM300Y1 and an audition in April (must Co-requisite: DRM402Y1 or DRM403Y1
submit UC Drama Ballot Form in March) Exclusion: DRM431Y1
Co-requisite: DRM401H1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DRM432H1 Dramaturgy II (formerly DRM431Y1) [36L]
DRM401H1 Voice for the Actor III [48P, 2T] The class focuses on the production dramaturgy and
Movement for the Actor III [48P, 2T] is directly linked to the fourth-year Research Show. It
A voice and movement component to be taken with highlights the intersections of history, theory, and practice.
DRM400Y1: Performance II. Work consists of both theory Prerequisite: DRM431H1
and practice of voice and movement as they relate to the Co-requisite: DRM402Y1 or DRM403Y1
development of the actor. Exclusion: DRM431Y1
Co-requisite: DRM400Y1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=HUM; BR=TBA DRM454H1 Advanced Theatre Production and Design
DRM402H1 Directing [144P] [48L, 24P]
In this seminar students apply the historical and theoretical Continues the exploration of design and production
knowledge of directing and the techniques of rehearsal techniques. Students are given an opportunity to use their
process acquired in DRM302H to direct their chosen knowledge and skills from previous production courses on
projects and present them as a finished theatre production an advanced level. Students are expected to participate in
at the end of term. UCDP productions in senior creative and leadership roles.
Prerequisite for all: DRM230Y1 (must submit UC Drama Focus also includes the integration of digital technology
Ballot Form in March) into theatrical performance.
Pre-requisite for the directors: DRM200Y1, 302H1, a Prerequisite: DRM254Y1 and 354Y1 (Not offered in
written Directors’ Show proposal and participate in an 2009/2010)
interview DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Co-requisite: DRM431H1 DRM462H1 Epic Theatre in an Intercultural and
Pre-requisite for the production team: 254Y1 or 354Y or Feminist Perspective [36L]
331H1 and participate in an interview An intercultural, historical survey of traditions and practices
DR=HUM; BR=TBA of epic theatre from a feminist perspective. The course
DRM403Y1 Performance III [192P] analyzes contemporary global(ised) theatre developments
An in-depth study on a theoretical and practical level in their historical, socio-economical and cultural lines of
of a specific play which is presented to the public. This tradition/innovation as a cultural and political medium of
involves an intensive exploration of character in rehearsal alternative critical discourse, and of pre-modern dramatic
and its discovery in performance. texts and performance cultures (i.e. pre- modern China,
Prerequisite: DRM230Y1, 331H1 and an audition in April pre- modern Japan, pre-colonial Aboriginal people, Ancient
(must submit UC Drama Ballot Form in March) Greece etc.).
Co-requisite: DRM431H1 and DRM432H1 Prerequisite: For undergraduate: need to be 4th year/
Pre- or co-requisite: DRM400Y1 and DRM401H1 senior students; DRM230Y1, 264H1, 362H1 and
DR=HUM; BR=TBA permission of the instructor.

DRM468Y1 Images of Women in Modern Chinese JIA400H1 Interdisciplinary Practice for the Arts [144P]
Literature, Drama and Film [72L] This course will examine different versions of Salome to
A seminar on the social constructions of gender and gender explore the interconnectedness of the arts. Between
relationships in the 20th century in China. It gives an insight sessions, stu-dents will be required to meet and develop
into the shifting identities of women in modern Chinese projects connected to their study that will involve a range
society and into the portrayal of women (by women and men) of media, including thea-tre, film, music and visual art
in literature, drama/performance and film. Themes include (installation).Limited to fourth-year students. (Not offered
conflicts of tradition and modernity, colonialism, nationalism/ in 2010/2011)
patriotism and globalisation, individuality and the social DR=HUM; BR=TBA
collective. Specific strategies of artistic styles and expression
are explored using a non-nationalistic, intercultural and multi-
centred approach.
Prerequisite: For undergraduate: need to be 4th year/ senior
students; DRM230Y1, 264H1, 362H1 and permission of
the instructor.
DRM485Y1 Topics in Drama [TBA]
DRM486H1 Topics in Drama [TBA]
An in-depth examination of selected issues in the
Theatre. Content may vary depending on instructor. See
Undergraduate Handbook or the UC Drama Program website
for more details.
DRM486H1 A Short History of Theatre Violence [TBA]
A half-credit practical course in staged combat and other
elements of violence for the theatre, resulting in a Basic
Level certification with Fight Directors Canada in: unarmed
combat, single sword and quarter staff (students will have the
choice to take the certification exam).
Prerequisite: DRM100Y1, 200Y1, 201Y1 and permission of
department. (Offered in alternate years)
DRM490Y1 Independent Studies in Drama [TBA]
DRM491H1 Independent Studies in Drama [TBA]
A scholarly project chosen by the individual student. The
student must work out details with a member of faculty who
is willing to act as supervisor.
Prerequisite: A written proposal, signed by both student and
instructor, must then be submitted for approval to the
Drama Program Director before registration and normally
by May 31 of the preceding academic year. Open to
advanced Specialist and Major students in the program.
JDC400Y1 Redefining Security through Art [48L]
The goal of this course is to articulate a cultural approach to
achieving Human Security. We will examine human security
issues in which there is a significant cultural dimension to a
security threat, and in which culture occupies an essential
place in any realistic and effective solution. The work of
artists to be analyzed include: Ariane Mnouchkine; Robert
Lepage; Bertolt Brecht; John Greyson, Mohsen Makhmalbaf,
Terry George and Daniel Barenboim
Prerequisite: For undergraduate: need to be 4th year/ senior
students; DRM230Y1, 264H1, 362H1 and permission of
the instructor.
JDC410H1 New Approaches to Theatre History [48L]
An upper level seminar in Theatre History. Topics vary from
year to year.
Prerequisite: DRM230Y1

East Asian Studies

Faculty of East Asian Studies provides students the opportunity to

develop deeper understanding of the languages, cultures,
Professors Emeriti and societies of the region. The department’s course
S. Arntzen, MA, Ph D offerings engage the diversity of East Asian cultures, from
E-J. Baek, MA, Ph D contemporary film and politics to ancient philosophy, and,
J. Ching, MA, Ph D critically, they examine the structures that have built up
R.W. Chu, BLS, MA to define the area and render it an object of study. We
M. Dolezelova, MA, Ph D offer Chinese, Japanese, and Korean from beginning to
V.C. Falkenheim, MA, Ph D advanced levels, and a full range of courses on East Asian
R. Guisso, BA, D Phil literature, history, thought, religion, and society. Our major
F.P. Hoff, MA, Ph D (V) and specialist programs build the foundation for careers
A.V. Liman, MA in teaching and research, international business and law,
R.J. Lynn, MA, PhD foreign service, and with cultural institutions.
K. Nakajima, MA, M Phil (N) Students seeking counseling should contact the
L.C.D.C. Priestley, MA, M Phil, Ph D Undergraduate Coordinator, but all members of the
W.A. Schlepp, B Sc, BA, Ph D Department will be happy to provide advice and
R. Tsukimura, MA, Ph D information about their course offerings. In conjunction
A.H.C. Ward, MA with Woodsworth College, the Department offers courses
A.K. Warder, BA, Ph D during June and July at the University of Hong Kong
D.B. Waterhouse, MA, LRAM, FRSC, FRAS (U) and through the International Student Exchange Office,
Chair of the Department partitipates in exchange programs with universities in
V.T. Shen, MA, M Phil, Ph D China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Singapore.

Graduate Coordinator General Enquiries:

A Sakaki, BA, MA, Ph D Robarts Research Library, 14th Floor, (416-946-3625),
Undergraduate Coordinator
T. Keirstead, BA, MA, Ph D
East Asian Studies Programs
J. Liu, BA, MA, MA, Ph D East Asian Studies Specialist, Major, Minor
A. Sakaki, BA, MA, Ph D (Arts programs)
C. Shen, BA, MA, Ph D**
1. Enrolment in the Specialist, Major, or Minor programs
V.T. Shen, MA, M Phil, Ph D
is open to students who have completed four full
Associate Professors courses or their equivalent, including EAS103H1 and
E. Cazdyn, BA, MA, PhD EAS105H1. Students who were enrolled in any EAS
K. Kawashima, BA, MA, Ph D program prior to 2004-2005 may either switch to this
T. Keirstead, BA, MA, Ph D new program, or may follow the criteria in place for the
Y. Meng, BA, MA, MA, Ph D year in which they enrolled.
S. Sandahl, MA, MA, Ph D EAS Language Courses
G. Sanders, BA, Ph D EAS 100Y1, 101Y1, 110Y1, 120Y1, 121H1, 122Y0,
A. Schmid, BA, MA, Ph D 200Y1, 201Y1, 210Y1, 216Y1, 220Y1, 222Y0, 222Y1,
J. Song, MA, PhD 223Y0, 282Y1, 290Y1, 300Y1, 310Y1, 320Y1, 320Y0,
Assistant Professors 321Y0, 322Y0, 322Y1, 381H1/Y1, 383H1, 390Y1, 400Y1,
J. Ahn, BA, MA, Ph D 410Y1, 415Y1, 460H1, 461H1, 462Y0, 462Y1, 463Y0,
L.R. Feng, BA, MA, M Phil, PhD 480Y1/H1, 482Y1/H1
Y.G. Kim, MA, M Ed, Ed D*
EAS Society-Culture EAS Courses
J. Poole, BA, MA, M Phil, Ph D
EAS 102Y1, 103H1, 105H1, 206Y1, 209H1, 209Y1,
C. Virag, BA, MA, Ph D
211Y0, 215H1, 217Y/H1, 233H1, 237Y1, 241H1, 245H1,
Y. Wu, BA, MA, Ph D
246H1, 247H1, 251H1, 256H1, 257H1, 271H1, 271Y1,
Y.S. Yoo, Ph D*
272H1, 284H1, 289Y1, 295Y0, 297H1, 299Y1, 303H1,
Senior Lecturers 306Y1, 307H1, 309H1, 311H1, 318H1, 324H1, 325H1,
H. Rupprecht, BA, MA, MA, Ph D 327H1, 330H1, 333H1, 334Y1, 338H1, 340Y1, 344H1,
I. Komuro-Lee, MA 345Y1, 346H1, 347H1, 357H1, 361Y1, 362Y1, 364H1,
Lecturers 366H1, 368Y1, 369Y1, 373H1, 374H1, 378H1, 379H1,
J. Arimori, MA 389Y1, 393Y/H1, 394H1, 395Y0, 396H1, 397H1, 398H0,
H.Y. Im, M Ed, MA* 399Y0, 403Y1, 406Y1, 407H1, 408H1, 409H1, 411H1,
412H1, 413H1, 418H1, 420H1, 431H1, 432H1, 434Y1/
* Part-time
H1, 435Y/H1, 436Y/H1, 437Y/H1, 438H1, 439H1, 444H1,
** Cross-appointment to EAS
448H1, 453H1, 456H1, 457H1, 462H1, 464H1, 465H1,
Few areas of the world combine the length of history and 467H1, 473H1, 475Y1, 476Y1, 478Y1, 484Y1, 485H1,
the contemporary dynamism of East Asia. The Department 486H1, 488Y/H1, 490H1, 495Y1, 496H1, 497H1

East Asian Studies
Non-EAS Courses on East Asia Minor program:
ANT354Y1; FAH260H1, 361H1, 363H1, 368H1, 461H1, 4 full courses
462H1, 463H1, 464H1; ECO435H1; HIS280Y1, 326Y1,
1. EAS 102Y1 ; or EAS103H1 and EAS105H1 (1 credit)
328Y1, 346Y1, 347H1, 380Y1, 385Y1, 448H1, 391H1,
2. Three full EAS society-culture courses, one of which
465Y1, 485Y1; RLG206Y1, 274H1, 275H1, 371H1,
must be at the 300/400-level; one of these may be
466H1, 468H1; PHL237H1, 337H1; POL215Y1, 335H1,
a non-EAS course as listed on the departmental
431Y1, 435Y1; SOC218Y1, INI390Y1; JMC301Y1;
website. (total of 3 credits)
Note that language courses cannot be used to satisfy the
Please see the EAS Department web site for more details requirements of the minor program.
Faculty of Arts & Science Language Citation

Specialist program: The Department of East Asian Studies participates in the

11.5 full courses or their equivalent Faculty of Arts and Science’s Language Citation initiative
for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. The study of any of
1. Introductory sequence: EAS103H1, EAS105H1 (1 these languages is a challenging and time consuming
credit) endeavour, which offers rich rewards for students
2. EAS209H1 (0.5 credits) interested in the cultures, societies, and economies of
3. Language Requirement: EAS300Y1 (Chinese), East Asia.
EAS310Y1 (Korean), or EAS320Y1 (Japanese), or
other language course at the 300 level. Students’ In each language the Language Citation recognizes a
language abilities will be assessed on their entering significant level of achievement in language study with a
the major. The department reserves the right to high level of academic success. The Citation in Chinese
place students in language courses appropriate to is available to students who earn a grade of at least
their language abilities. Students whose placement B- in EAS 200Y1 or EAS201Y1 and EAS300Y1. The
assessment exempts them from the requirement must Citation in Japanese is available to students who earn a
substitute a society/culture course or higher-level grade of at least B- in EAS220Y1 and EAS 320Y1. The
course in the appropriate language. Please note that citation is Korean is available to students who earn a B- in
language courses at the 100 level do not count toward EAS210Y1 and EAS310Y1.
the EAS Specialist degree; they may however fulfill a
breadth requirement. (1 credit) Students should note that the Language Citation is not
4. Eight-and-a-half full courses (or their equivalent) in equivalent to an academic program and that enrolment in
other EAS courses, at least four of which must be at a program is not necessary in order to earn the recognition
the 300 level or above. Two of these may be non-EAS bestowed by the Citation.
courses as listed on the departmental website. (total of
8.5 credits) East Asian Studies Courses
5. One full course (or its equivalent) at the 400 level. (1.0 See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
Major program: First Year Seminars
7 full courses or their equivalent The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
1. Introductory sequence: EAS103H1, EAS105H1 (1 of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
credit) seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
2. EAS209H1 (0.5 credits) and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
3. Language Requirement: EAS200Y1 (Chinese), professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
EAS210Y1 (Korean), or EAS220Y1 (Japanese), or year of study. For details, see page 48.
other language course at the 200 level. Students’
language abilities will be assessed on their entering EAS Language Courses:
the major. The department reserves the right to The Department reserves the right to place students in
place students in language courses appropriate to the language course appropriate to their level of language
their language abilities. Students whose placement skill. Students who enroll in any EAS language courses
assessment exempts them from the requirement must and are subsequently discovered to have prior background
substitute a society/culture course or higher-level and/or have higher language competency than is
course in the appropriate language. Note: language appropriate for enrolment in that course may be removed
courses at the 100 level do not count toward the EAS at any time at the discretion of the Department.
Major; they may however fulfill a breadth requirement.
(1 credit) Chinese
4. Four full courses (or their equivalent) in society and EAS100Y1 Modern Standard Chinese I [48T, 48S]
culture courses, at least two of which must be at the Intended for students with no or minimal background in
300 level or above. One of these may be a non-EAS Mandarin or in any Chinese dialect. This course provides
course as listed on the departmental website. (total of an introduction to Modern Standard Chinese as a foreign/
4 credits) second language. The course consists of mandatory
5. One half-course at the 400 level. (0.5 credits) lectures and tutorials. Students study a minimum of 550
Chinese characters. Interviews are required of all students
who wish to enroll in the course. After the first three days

East Asian Studies
of classes, new students will not be admitted into the EAS400Y1 Modern Standard Chinese IV [72S]
course. This fourth-year Chinese course aims to develop students’
Exclusion: EAS101Y1 language abilities further at an advanced level. The
DR=HUM; BR=1 course focuses on reading of literary, journalistic, and
fictional writings. In this course, students will improve their
EAS101Y1 Modern Chinese I for Students with Prior
reading comprehension, strengthen their writing skills
Background [24T, 48S]
and advance their speaking and listening skills through
This course is designed for students who can speak and
class discussions and oral presentations. Interviews are
understand elementary Mandarin or any Chinese of any
required of all students who wish to enroll in the course.
dialect because of their family backgrounds. The course
Prerequisite: EAS300Y (minimum 73%), EAS201Y1
consists of mandatory lectures and tutorials. Students
(minimum 80%)
will learn a minimum of 700 characters. Interviews are
Exclusion: EAS290Y1, EAS390Y1
required of all students who wish to enroll in the course.
Recommended preparation: EAS206Y1
After the first three days of classes, new students will not
be admitted into the course.
Exclusion: EAS100Y1, EAS290Y1
EAS200Y1 Modern Standard Chinese II [48T, 48S]
This course is a continuation of EAS100Y. Those students EAS120Y1 Modern Standard Japanese I [48L, 72T]
who are suitable for this course but are not familiar with This course is designed for those with no or a very limited
some of the content covered in EAS100Y, especially Japanese language background. The course aims to build
Hanyu Pinyin, must make an effort to catch up on their students’ basic written and spoken skills in the language
own. The course consists of mandatory lectures and as well as provide relevant cultural information. By the end
tutorials. Interviews are required of all students who wish of this course, students should expect to be able to read
to enroll in the course. and write simple passages, as well as 220 kanji, and to
Prerequisite: EAS100Y1 (minimum grade 67%) engage in simple daily conversation. The course consists
Exclusion: EAS101Y1 of mandatory lectures and tutorials. Newly admitted
DR=HUM; BR=1 students and those who have formally or informally studied
Japanese (e.g., at high school) must be interviewed to
EAS201Y1 Modern Chinese II for Students with Prior enroll in this course.
Background [24T, 48S] Exclusion: EAS121H1, EAS122Y1
This course is a continuation of EAS101Y. Those students DR=HUM; BR=1
who are suitable for this course but are not familiar with
some of the content of EAS101Y, especially Hanyu Pinyin, EAS121H1 Japanese I for Students with Prior
must make an effort to catch up on their own.The course Background [24L, 36T]
consists of mandatory lectures and tutorials. Interviews are This course is for those with some background in the
required of all students who wish to enroll in the course. Japanese language. Ability to read and write hiragana
Prerequisite: EAS101Y1 (minimum 70%) and katakana, as well as approximately 100 basic kanji is
Exclusion: EAS200Y1, EAS290Y1 required to enroll in this course. Students are also required
DR=HUM; BR=1 to have basic proficiency in the language, including the
ability to describe the locations of things and people; to
EAS290Y1 Chinese Language for Non-Mandarin describe past and non-past events and states; and to
Speakers I [72S] provide reasons for actions and statements. Students
For students who speak a Chinese dialect other than must also have some knowledge of basic counters. The
Mandarin and have acquired a basic knowledge of written course consists of mandatory lectures and tutorials.
Chinese. Gives basic knowledge of spoken Mandarin and Students are required to be interviewed and, often, to take
ability to read both literary and modern texts. a placement test to enroll in this course.
Exclusion: EAS101Y1, EAS201Y1, EAS300Y1, EAS400Y1 Exclusion: EAS120Y1, EAS222Y1
EAS300Y1 Modern Standard Chinese III [48S] EAS122Y0 Summer Japanese in Japan I [TBA]
This intermediate-level language course is a continuation Japanese for those who have never studied or know
of EAS200Y1. It is not open to native speakers of Chinese little about the language. Those who have successfully
or to students who know Mandarin or any Chinese dialect completed this course are able to take EAS121H1 or
because of their family backgrounds. Interviews are EAS220Y1 based on the result of a placement test.
required of all students who wish to enroll in the course. Prerequisite: passing the placement test prepared by the
Exclusion: EAS201Y1, EAS290Y1. host school
Prerequisite: EAS200Y1 (minimum 70 %) Exclusion: EAS120Y1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Recommended Preparation: Hiragana and Katakana
EAS390Y1Y Chinese Language for Non-Mandarin characters
Speakers II [48S] DR=HUM; BR=1
Stress on oral presentation and analysis of different styles EAS220Y1 Modern Standard Japanese II [72L, 48T]
of scholarly writing. Language laboratory work mandatory. An advanced beginners’ level language course. An
Prerequisite: EAS290Y1Y introduction to complicated sentence structures and
DR=HUM; BR=TBA basic vocabulary for daily life. All four language skills are

Asian Studies East Asian Studies
emphasized and approximately 300 kanji are introduced. of a placement test; for EAS460H1 an interview will also
Some cultural aspects are introduced as well. Both be required.
lectures and tutorials are mandatory. Open only to those Prerequisite: Passing the placement test prepared by the
whose Japanese level is equivalent to Level 4 of Japanese host school
Language Proficiency test and/or to those who have Recommended Preparation: The contents covered in
successfully completed EAS120Y1 or a full-year Japanese EAS220Y1
language course at another academic institution. Those DR=HUM; BR=TBA
who have not taken EAS120Y1/EAS121H1 or do not have EAS322Y0 Summer Japanese in Japan IIIb [TBA]
the appropriate prerequisite must pass a placement test Lower intermediate Japanese for those who have
followed by an interview. completed a course equivalent to EAS320Y1 or passed
Prerequisite: EAS120Y1/EAS121H1 (minimum 67%). Level 3 of the JLPT. Those who successfully have
Exclusion: EAS223Y1 completed this course are able to take EAS320Y1,
DR=HUM; BR=1 EAS460H1, or EAS461H1 based on the result of the
EAS222Y0 Summer Japanese in Japan IIa [TBA] interview and/or the placement test.
Japanese for those who know a little about the language. Prerequisite: Passing the placement test prepared by the
Familiar with Hiragana, katakana and some kanji as well host school
as basic sentence patterns. Those who have successfully Exclusion: EAS320Y1
completed this course are able to take EAS220Y1 or DR=HUM; BR=TBA
EAS320Y1Y, depending on the result of an interview and/ EAS460H1 Modern Standard Japanese IVa (formerly
or placement test. EAS460Y1) [72S]
Prerequisite: Passing the placement test prepared by the This is a high intermediate level course. Focused on
host school oral/aural communication. Emphasis is on acquisition of
Exclusion: EAS120Y1, EAS121H1 vocabulary, spoken styles and commutation strategies
Recommended Preparation: Two-thirds of the content that are required to carry formal/informal conversation in
covered in EAS120Y1 contemporary Japanese society. Native or near-native
DR=HUM; BR=1 speakers are not permitted to take this course. Those who
EAS223Y0 Summer Japanese in Japan IIb [TBA] have not taken EAS320Y and/or do not have appropriate
Japanese for those who have completed a course prerequisite must attend an interview to receive
equivalent to EAS120Y1/EAS121H1 or passed Level 4 permission to take this course.
of the JLPT. Those who have successfully completed this Prerequisite: EAS320Y1Y
course are able to take EAS320Y1 based on the result of Exclusion: EAS460H/Y1, EAS463Y1
a placement test. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: Passing the placement test prepared by the EAS461H1 Modern Standard Japanese IVb (formerly
host school EAS461Y1) [72S]
Exclusion: EAS220Y1Y This is a high intermediate level course. Focused on
Recommended Preparation: One-third of the content advanced reading and writing skills. Emphasis is on
covered in EAS220Y1Y acquisition of advanced grammar, vocabulary/kanji and
DR=HUM; BR=1 expressions especially in authentic written Japanese texts.
EAS320Y1 Modern Standard Japanese III (formerly Native or near-native speakers are not permitted to take
EAS 348H1, 349H1) [120S] this course. Those who have not taken EAS320Y and/
This is a lower intermediate level course. Appropriate or do not have appropriate prerequisite must attend an
for those who have studied Japanese for two years in interview to receive permission to take this course.
an academic institution and/or who have passed Level Prerequisite: EAS320Y
3 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. A strong Exclusion: EAS461H/Y1, EAS463Y1
foundation in beginners’ level grammar and 500 basic DR=HUM; BR=TBA
kanji are required. The course stresses equal development EAS462Y0 Summer Japanese in Japan IVa [TBA]
of all four skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing). Upper Intermediate Japanese for those who are prepared
All the classes are conducted in a seminar setting. to take Level 2 of the JLPT. Those who have successfully
Those who have not taken EAS220Y or do not have the completed this course might be able to take EAS460Y1
appropriate prerequisite need to pass a placement test and/or EAS461Y1 depending on the result of a placement
and an interview. test; for EAS460H1 an interview will also be required.
Prerequisite: EAS220Y1 (70% minimum) Prerequisite: Passing the placement test prepared by the
Exclusion: EAS 349H1,EAS322Y1 host school
EAS321Y0 Summer Japanese in Japan IIIa [TBA] EAS463Y0 Summer Japanese in Japan IVb [TBA]
Lower intermediate Japanese for those who have Advanced Japanese for those who have completed a
completed a course equivalent to EAS220Y1 or course equivalent to EAS460H1 or EAS461H1 or passed
passed Level 3 of the JLPT. Those who have Level 2 of the JLPT.
successfully completed this course are able to take Prerequisite: Passing the placement test prepared by the
EAS320Y1,EAS460H1, or EAS461H1 based on the result host school
Exclusion: EAS460Y1, EAS461Y1

East Asian Studies
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Preparation: Adequate knowledge of English grammatical
Exclusion: EAS180Y1
Korean DR=HUM; BR=1
EAS110Y1 Modern Standard Korean I [96S] EAS379H1 The History, Structure and Politics of the
An introductory Korean language course open to students Hindi Language [48L, 24P]
with no prior knowledge of Korean. Comprehension, This course traces the origins and development of Hindi/
speaking, reading and writing are covered but the main Urdu via a multitude of Northern Indian dialects to the
emphasis is on spoken Korean. present day Modern Standard Hindi. The linguistic
DR=HUM; BR=1 development in the late 19th and the 20th centuries is
intimately linked to the emerging Indian, especially Hindu,
EAS210Y1 Modern Standard Korean II [48S]
nationalism. The politically complicated relationship
Students study grammatical structure in depth through
between Hindi and Urdu will be highlighted. Knowledge of
reading various forms of writing. Attention given to
the devanagari script is required.
idiomatic expressions with emphasis on the use of
Recommended Preparation: 1 year of Hindi, Urdu,
language in actual context.
Sanskrit or other Indo-Aryan language
Prerequisite: EAS110Y1
EAS381H1 Sanskrit Narrative Literature [24S]
EAS216Y1 Modern Standard Korean for Students
Ethics and worldly wisdom was taught in classical and
with Prior Background [48S]
medieval India through animal fables like the Hitopadeśa
For students with limited prior background in spoken
and the Pañcatantra. Along with the later tales of the
and/or written Korean. Reading, speaking, writing and
Kathāsaritsāgara these stories provide suitable readings
grammar are equally emphasized. Access is limited and
for beginning Sanskritists and serve as an introduction to
based on the results of a placement interview.
ancient Indian social and cultural life.
Exclusion: EAS210Y1, EAS110Y1
Prerequisite: EAS282Y1 or equivalent
Prerequisite: Placement test
Exclusion: EAS382H1/Y1
Recommended preparation: Limited prior background in
spoken/or written Korean
DR=HUM; BR=1 EAS383H1 Sanskrit Epic Literature [24S]
The Mahābhāptrata and the Rāmāyana epics provide
EAS310Y1 Modern Standard Korean III [96S]
suitable and relatively easy readings for students who
Expansion of vocabulary, practice in reading
have completed an Introductory Sanskrit course. The
comprehension and active skills of writing and
epics illustrate the social, cultural and ethical values of
conversation are emphasized. Students participate in
classical and medieval India and play an important role
discussions and compose short essays. Selected readings
even in modern India.
include different styles of work on Korean culture, history,
Prerequisite: EAS282Y1 or equivalent
society and literature.
Prerequisite: EAS210Y1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA EAS480H1 Advanced Sanskrit I [24S]
Reading in classical Sanskrit poetry and prose.
EAS410Y1 Modern Standard Korean IV [48S]
Prerequisite: EAS382Y
Emphasis on communicative skills, grammatical structure,
efficient reading ability and composition. Readings from
original writings on various aspects of Korean culture. EAS482H1 Advanced Sanskrit II (formerly EAS482Y)
Prerequisite: EAS310Y1 [24S]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Technical Sanskrit: readings from alamkaraśāstra,
dharmaśāstra, darśana and other non-literary texts.
EAS415Y1 Advanced Readings in Korean [48L]
Prerequisite: EAS382Y1
This course provides various readings of original texts and
Exclusion: EAS482Y1
newspapers for students with knowledge and language
ability at least equivalent to those who have successfully
completed EAS210Y1. Besides extensive reading, the
course introduces 800 Chinese characters often used in
EAS Society-Culture Courses
Prerequisite: EAS210Y1 100-Series Courses
EAS102Y1 Introduction to East Asian Civilizations
[48L, 24T]
Highlights of Chinese, Japanese and Korean civilization.
The focus is on political, social and intellectual history, as
EAS282Y1Y Elementary Sanskrit (formerly EAS180Y1) well as on the interactions among the three cultures.
[96S] DR=HUM; BR=3
Elementary Sanskrit covers script, phonology, grammar
EAS103H1 Premodern East Asian History [24L, 12T]
and syntax to enable a student to read simple narrative
Examines how various histories of East Asia can be
Sanskrit texts with the help of a dictionary after one year.
written by examining specific themes in the histories of

East Asian Studies
China, Japan and Korea to roughly 1600. Required of EAS Topics studied include: the establishment of empire as
specialists and majors. a norm in China (and its implications); the rise of the
DR=HUM; BR=3 literati and literati culture; the examination system; Neo-
Confucian philosophy; visual culture; the sciences of the
EAS105H1 Modern East Asian History (formerly
body; and popular and print culture.
EAS202Y,H and 204Y) [24L, 12T]
Examines how various histories of East Asia can be
written by examining specific themes in the histories EAS217Y1 Major Aspects of Contemporary Korea
of China, Japan and Korea from roughly 1600 to the [48L]
outbreak of the Cold War. Required of EAS specialists and A range of perspectives on contemporary Korea will
majors. be addressed. The focus is on the last four decades of
Prerequisite: EAS103H1 political economic and socio-historical change on the
Exclusion: EAS202Y1/H1,EAS204Y1, HIS107Y1, not open Korean peninsula. Focus on South Korea with some
to students who took EAS102Y1 in 2001-2002 consideration of North Korea. Subjects include the
DR=HUM; BR=3 developmental state, democratization, neoliberalism,
transnationalism, and multiculturalism.
HUM199H1 First Year Seminar [24S]
HUM199Y1 First Year Seminar [48S]
EAS233H1 History of China’s Performing Arts [24L]
Undergraduate seminar that focuses on specific ideas,
An historical overview of Chinese theatre, a reading of
questions, phenomena or controversies, taught by a
selected texts, viewing of videotaped performances and
regular faculty member deeply engaged in the discipline.
class discussions of the characteristics of this art form.
Open only to newly admitted first year students. It may
Enrolment priority: Given to students enrolled in an EAS
serve as a distribution requirement course; See page 52.
program and Drama students.
EAS237Y1 Japanese Cinema: Film Form and the
200-Series Courses Problems of Japanese Modernity [48S]
How film aesthetics relate to the most profound socio-
EAS206Y1 Classical Chinese I [48S]
historical problems of Japanese modernity. How various
An introductory reading course in Classical Chinese with
film makers employ cinematic form to engage the social
emphasis on grammatical analysis and translation into
problems of their moment.
English. Open only to students enrolled in an EAS Major
or Specialist subject POSt.
Exclusion: EAS290Y1 EAS241H1 History of Chinese Philosophy [39L]
Prerequisite: At least 3 EAS half courses This is an introductory course, both historical and
Co-requisite: EAS200Y1/201Y1 systematic, to the major philosophical traditions in China,
Recommended Preparation: Two or more years of Modern such as Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism, and their
Standard Chinese historical development from ancient to modern times in
DR=HUM; BR=1 four periods: the emergence of Confucianism, Daoism,
and other minor schools; the introduction of Buddhism and
EAS209H1 Approaches to East Asia (formerly
the development of various sects of Chinese Mahayana
EAS209Y1) [24L, 12T]
Buddhism; the development of modern Chinese
Intended for EAS specialists and majors, this course
Philosophy. Major thinkers, basic concepts and texts, and
introduces various approaches, theories, and
their historical contexts will be the focus of discussion.
methodologies for the advanced study of East Asian
Exclusion: PHL237H1
society and culture. Required of EAS specialists and
Prerequisite: EAS105H1 EAS245H1 Pre-Modern Japanese History [24L]
Exclusion: EAS209Y1 A survey of the history of pre-modern Japan from earliest
DR=HUM; BR=None (This course has no status for recorded histories to the establishment of the Tokugawa
breadth requirement purposes) regime in the seventeenth century. Uses a wide range
of translated primary Japanese texts to illuminate the
EAS211Y0 Chinese Art [48L]
emergence of cultural forms and their conjunction with
A survey of the visual arts of China from earliest times
social, economic, religious and political trends.
to the end of the traditional era: the aesthetics and
Prerequisite: EAS103H1
historical/cultural context of painting, calligraphy, sculpture,
Exclusion: EAS246H1 taken prior to 2010-11.
architecture, and the other arts. Field trip is included.
EAS246H1 Early Modern Japanese History [24L]
EAS215H1 History of Chinese Thought: Tang
A survey of the history of Japan from about 1600 until
through Ming Periods [24L, 24P]
the disintegration of the Tokugawa regime in the mid-
This course examines the vibrant “middle period” of
19th century. Uses a wide range of translated primary
Chinese history – a period of profound transformation in
Japanese texts to illuminate the emergence of cultural
which some of the most distinctively traditional forms of
forms and their conjunction with social, economic, religious
thought, religious belief, artistic and literary expression,
and political trends.
and scholarly practices emerged and developed in China.

East Asian Studies
Recommended preparation: EAS102Y1/EAS103H1/ Prerequisite: EAS271Y1/H1; EAS209Y1/H1 for EAS
EAS105H1 students
EAS247H1 History of Capitalism in Modern Japan EAS284H1 Modern Chinese Literature [24L]
[24L] This course offers a critical examination of twentieth-
This course provides an historical narrative of the century Chinese literature. It aims to explore the various
development of the capitalist mode of production in Japan, ways of being modern as well as different meanings of
from the mid-19th century to the present day. Readings writing Chinese literature. We will focus upon the important
will include texts from various disciplines: economics, developments of literary writing over time, from the
philosophy, social and labor history, literature. inception of New Literature in the 1910s, the development
DR=HUM; BR=3 of realism and modernism of the 1930s, to the emergency
of post-revolution and postmodernist writings of the 1990s.
EAS251H1 Aesthetics and Politics in 20th Century
Great emphasis is also placed on generating a dialogue
Korea [24L]
on interpretations of key works. In doing so, we will be
This lecture course examines key questions and texts in
exercising the skills of reading literary works in terms of
the history of literature from the Korean peninsula during
aesthetic choices and strategies of cultural politics.
the twentieth century, exploring how aesthetic form has
refracted the experiences of colonialism, division, and the
formation of opposing nation-states. EAS289Y1 Environment and East Asia [48L]
DR=HUM; BR=1 A course about the general issue of environmental crisis,
with a special focus on its representations in the media,
EAS256H1 Chinese Literature (Pre-Qin to Tang)
film, and writing about East Asia.
(formerly EAS336H1) [24L]
DR=HUM; BR=1+3
A survey course of major works in premodern Chinese
literature, including poetry, essays, and short narratives EAS295Y0 Selected Topics in East Asian Studies,
from the pre-Qin through Tang eras (11th BCE – 10th 200-level [TBA]
C CE). Readings are available in translation and in the This course allows students to pursue the specialized
original. All lectures and coursework are in English. study of specific topics tailored to the research and study
Enrolment priority: Students enrolled in an EAS subject opportunities available in Hong Kong and the expertise
POST. and interests of the instructor. Available only in the
Exclusion: EAS336Y1/H1 Woodsworth College Hong Kong Summer Program.
DR=HUM; BR=1 DR=HUM; BR=None (This course has no status for
breadth requirement purposes)
EAS257H1 Chinese Literature (Song to Qing)
(formerly EAS337H1) [24L] EAS297H1 Texts, Images and Objects in East Asia
A survey course of major works in premodern Chinese (24P)
literature, including poetry, essays, short narratives and Understanding East Asian Civilizations through Texts,
drama from the Song through Qing dynasties (10thC Images and Objects exhibited in ROM. With lectures
– 19thC). Readings are available in translation and in on the theoretical and historical background, students
the original. All lectures and coursework are in English. will study various types of texts, paintings, bronzes,
Enrolment priority: Students enrolled in an EAS subject architectures, sculptures, porcelains and other objects,
POST. pending on the focus of each year, and explore their
Exclusion: EAS337Y1/H1 historical, aesthetic and critical meanings.
EAS271H1 20th Century Korean History [24L] EAS299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
Credit course for supervised participation in faculty
EAS271Y1 20th Century Korean History [48L]
research project. See page 48 for details.
A survey of the history of Korea from the Tonghak uprising
and Sino-Japanese war of 1894-1895, through the colonial
period, division, and civil war, to the democratization
Exclusion: EAS271Y1/H1 300-Series Courses
DR=HUM; BR=3 JMC301Y1 State & Society in 20th Century China
EAS272H1 Post-War Korean Society & Culture [24L] [48L]
This course focuses on critical analysis of South Korean This course explores China’s efforts to construct a
film and literature as a way of understanding political modern and effective political order in the face of powerful
and cultural contexts of post-Korean War South Korean demographic and revolutionary challenges. The clash
Society and Culture. This class is devoted to developing between competing ideologies, political and social
critical perspectives on historical context and cultural movements and institutional alternatives in the context of
representation of Korea. In particular, it introduces rapid social and economic change are analyzed.
students to ongoing construction of identities about Prerequisite: EAS102Y1/EAS105H1/HIS280Y1/HIS328Y1/
marginalized Koreans through major political incidents, JMC201Y1/POL215Y1
such as Kwangju uprising, and LA incident. DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Exclusion: EAS351H1

East Asian Studies
EAS303H1 Technology of Social Engineering: artists and writers of different camps or localities? The
Women in 20th Century East Asia [24L] goal of this course is not to find a better definition for
This course aims to teach how East Asian modern modernism but to release modernisms to fresh ways of
societies were engineered by projecting women into thinking and imagination.
particular being/positions. The discourse surrounding DR=HUM; BR=TBA
the “new woman” in early 20th century and industrial EAS324H1 Mysticism in East Asia Revisited [24L]
motherhood/wifehood in the late 20th century in Japan, In this course we will explore the topic of mysticism in
China, and Korea will be the central theme. East Asia by paying close attention to and questioning
Prerequisite: EAS209Y1/H1 the relation between the metaphors, experiences, texts,
DR=HUM; BR=TBA behaviors, practices, and objects that we often label
EAS306Y1 Classical Chinese II (formerly EAS335Y1) “mystical.” Sources from Daoism, Buddhism, local cults,
[48S] medicine, new religions, and popular media in East Asia
The course helps students gain more in-depth control will be consulted.
of grammatical structures, read classical materials with Recommended Preparation: EAS102Y1/EAS103H1/
greater ease and discuss academic and scholarly topics EAS105H1
more articulately. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: EAS206Y1 (minimum 70%) EAS325H1 The Body in East Asian Religions [24L]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA In this course we will examine the history of the body and
EAS307H1 Chinese Political Philosophy [24S] its relation to particular forms of religiosity in East Asia.
The course analyses both historically and systematically What influence did the religious traditions of this region
the development of Chinese political philosophy from have on the way in which the body was constructed
ancient times to the present day. and disciplined? What role did the body play in the
Prerequisite: PHL237H1 development of these traditions? Both pre-modern and
DR=HUM; BR=TBA modern forms of religiosity will be considered.
Recommended Preparation: EAS102Y1/EAS103H1/
EAS309H1 Modern Chinese Prose [24S]
A survey of representative works of prose written by
twentieth-century Chinese writers. This course focuses on
reading texts, as well as analyzing their textual structure, EAS327H1 Japanese Fiction and the Nation [24L]
aesthetic values, and historical context. Readings are The focus is on modern Japanese literature, with special
available in translation and in the original. attention given to literature’s relation to the nation.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Students track how this literature transforms throughout
Japanese modernity and how its meaning and effects
EAS311H1 A History of Japanese Monsters [24L]
function to simultaneously tie together and pull apart
This course will examine the historical development of
national identity.
Japanese monsters, from roughly the 7-8th centuries
Prerequisite: At least one course in literature or East Asian
to modern times. We will focus on how the changing
understanding of monsters in society has embodied
certain fissures in Japanese culture, especially with regard
to gender and class. EAS330H1 Narrative Strategies in Modern Japanese
Prerequisite: EAS209Y1/H1 Fiction [24L]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Discussion of narratives by Natsume Soseki, Mori Ogai,
Tanizaki Jun’ichiro, and Ibuse Masuji, with attention to
EAS318H1 Rethinking Modernism: The Perspectives
issues in narratology and contemporary narrative studies
of Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong
Kong [24L] such as: the voice and perspective; the gender and power
relationships of the narrator-narratee-narrated; the act of
Modernism is one of the important cultural heritages of
narrating, writing, listening and reading; and metafictional
the last century that call for critical reflections in light of
paradox. Reading are assigned from secondary and
novel perspectives and new methodologies. Postmodern
theoretical materials. All readings are available in English.
critical thinking and postcolonial scholarships have in
particular made significant impact on ways of rethinking
modernism across national histories. This course takes EAS333H1 Modernism and Colonial Korea [24L]
various forms of modernism(s) across China, Taiwan and This course considers the problem of colonial modernism
Hong Kong as the object of study, and the postcolonial through a close reading of literary and other cultural tests
and postmodernist approaches to modernism as the from early 20th century Korea. It asks what it means to
refashioned methodological possibilities. Readings of main enter modernity under colonial rule, and questions the
modernistic writings, studying cinema and arts originated relationship between imperialism, writing and subjectivity
from the above different localities. Discussions on such in particular. Topics covered include the role of literature
questions as how can theoretical generalizations about in elaborating new concepts of subjectivity, literature and
modernism be adequately grounded in interconnected the fine arts as assimilatory practices, the emergence of
histories, languages, as well as experiences of colonialism urban space and consequent reconfiguration of notions
and modernity? How does the temporality of modernism of the rural, and changing notions of time and space in
get translated across different locations of writing? How do the cultural products of nativism. Readings of literary
we understand the lines of solidarity and tension among works will be accompanied by showings of paintings

East Asian Studies
and photographs from the period, as well as discussion of DR=HUM; BR=TBA
theoretical essays on modernism. EAS347H1 Everyday Life in Modern Japan [24L]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA The history of modern Japan as revealed by the problem
EAS334Y1 The Chinese Novel (formerly EAS334H1) of “everyday life” and its relationship to capitalism. Using a
[24L] range of literary, philosophical, economic and ethnographic
The development of Chinese fiction from earliest times with materials that deal with the development of capitalism in
emphasis on the twentieth century. Readings in English Japan, Japanese colonialism, imperialism and fascism, the
translation; lectures in English. Normally offered during course explores ways to specify and critique what is called
summer. “everyday life.”
Exclusion: EAS334H1 Recommended preparation: EAS247H1
EAS338H1 Classical Daoism [48L, 24P] EAS357H1 From Socialism to Postsocialism [24L]
This course will examine some major issues of classical This course introduces major issues and events in
Daoist thought, such as Dao and cosmos, body and self, contemporary Chinese history from the success of the
human nature, language and knowledge, political visions Communist revolution in 1949 to China’s postsocialist
etc., based on both textual and ideological analysis of some transitions toward a capitalist modernity in the 1980s
Daoist works such as the Laozi, the Zhuangzi, and some and early 1990s. It examines China’s multifaceted
Huanglao Daoist texts, to be updated with recently unearthed transformations both chronologically and thematically, in its
manuscripts in silk and bamboo slips. socioeconomic, political, and cultural aspects. Topics include
Prerequisite: PHL237H1/EAS241H1 the development and victory of the Chinese Communist
DR=HUM; BR=TBA revolution; the rule and legacy of Mao Zedong, particularly
the Hundred Flowers movement, the Great Leap Forward,
EAS340Y1 The Chinese: Society & Culture (formerly
and the Cultural Revolution; economic reform and political
EAS340H1) [48L]
repression (especially the Tiananmen crisis in 1989) in the
The course explores issues of identity, self, and community
era of Deng Xiaoping. Close attention will also be paid to the
among other topics in a broad exploration of cultural
impact of global factors on China’s domestic development.
transformation in China.
Readings are assigned from both secondary literature and
Exclusion: EAS340H1
English translations of primary materials.
Recommended preparation: EAS102Y1/EAS103H1/
DR=HUM; BR=TBA EAS361Y1 Zen Buddhism [48L]
This course serves as an introduction to the Zen Buddhist
EAS344H1 Topics in Chinese Society and Culture [24S]
traditions of China, Korea, and Japan. A heavy emphasis
This course examines, through philosophical, religious and
is placed on the radical views of history, language, ritual,
literary texts, the various ways in which pre-modern Chinese
self, and enlightenment espoused by these traditions. The
thinkers, from antiquity to the seventeenth century, conceived
course also examines issues related to Zen monasticism,
and represented the emotions, and the role that emotions
the development of koans, and the definition of orthodoxy
played in the evolving conception of selfhood.
in both premodern and modern Zen. Students will be asked
Recommended preparation: One course on modern China or
to explore these and other topics by paying close attention
East Asia or equivalent
to the historical, doctrinal, and institutional contexts from
which they arose. Readings include both primary material in
EAS345Y1 The Rise of Greater China: Issues & Topics translation and secondary scholarship.
(formerly EAS345H1) [48S] DR=HUM; BR=TBA
This course looks at China in regional perspective, including
issues of Taiwan, Hong Kong and People’s Republic of EAS362Y1 Classical Japanese [48S]
Introduction to classical Japanese, followed by readings of
China economic integration. The role of overseas Chinese
various short works by classical authors.
communities globally and in Southeast Asia also receives
Prerequisite: EAS220Y1
attention. The form and focus of the course varies according
to class and instructor interests. Normally, offered only in the
Hong Kong Summer Program. EAS364H1 China’s Cultural Revolution: History and
Exclusion: EAS345H1 Memory [24L]
Recommended preparation: One course on modern China or No understanding of contemporary Chinese is possible
East Asia or equivalent without understanding the ramifications of the Great
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Proletarian Cultural Revolution (1966-1976). This course
seeks to consider this tumultuous episode as a field of
EAS346H1 Self and Imagination in Pre-Modern China
historical research and conceptual inquiry: What was
the meaning of “culture” in the Cultural Revolution? To
In this course we will explore the diverse and intriguing ways
what extent was it “revolutionary?” What did really it
in which subjectivity was conceived in pre-modern China (up
mean to talk about “class” and “class struggle” during the
to the twelfth century) by way of the various images thinkers
movement? How is the Cultural Revolution remembered and
invoked to make sense of it. Works studied include: Warring
represented? And, how do we understand China’s globalizing
States philosophical treatises; Buddhist and religious Daoist
present in the historical context of the Cultural Revolution?
texts on meditation and self-cultivation; literary theory and
This course invites you to explore such questions by critically
poetry; philosophical prose essays by literati; and painting.
examining a wide variety of sources, including scholarly

East Asian Studies
accounts, official documents, personal memoirs, oral EAS379H1 The History, Structure and Politics of the
histories, and literary works. Hindi Language [24P]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA This course traces the origins and development of Hindi/Urdu
via a multitude of Northern Indian dialects to the present day
EAS366H1 Lovers & Madmen in Chinese Literature
Modern Standard Hindi. The linguistic development in the
late 19th and the 20th centuries is intimately linked to the
A thematic introduction to some of China’s major literary texts
emerging Indian, especially Hindu, nationalism. The politically
by taking as our guide the lover and the madman as both
complicated relationship between Hindi and Urdu will be
writer and subject. We will use the idea of lover and madman
highlighted. Knowledge of the devanagari script is required.
to explore issues such as social and behavioral boundaries,
Recommended Preparation: 1 year of Hindi, Urdu, Sanskrit
desire, violence, narrative compulsion, and the re-imagination
or other Indo-Aryan language
of tradition.
Prerequisite: EAS 209Y1/H1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA EAS389Y1 History of Korean Religion [48L]
This course offers a broad overview of Korean religious
EAS368Y1 The Philosophy of the Buddha (formerly
EAS260Y1) [48S]
The philosophy of the Buddha as preserved in the Pali
Canon and its development in the Early Schools in India. EAS393H1 Topics in Buddhism [24L]
Exclusion: EAS260Y1 EAS393Y1 Topics in Buddhism [48L]
Recommended preparation: RLG206Y1 Topics will vary according to the instructor’s interest. A sub-
DR=HUM; BR=TBA title will be provided to indicate topic to be discussed for the
EAS369Y1 Transformation of Buddhist Practice in the academic session.
Contemporary World [48L] DR=HUM; BR=TBA
The course explores various forms of traditional Buddhist EAS394H1 Film Culture in Contemporary China [24L]
practice in relation to Buddhist philosophy, and observes This course discusses variations of documentary film and
the transformation of these practices in the contemporary DV culture in contemporary China as forms of cultural,
world. Principal studies include Theravada tradition, Tibetan communal, and political practices. We will be focusing on
Buddhism, Chinese Pure Land and Chan traditions. To those films and videos that seek to address important global
provide a foundational understanding of Buddhist philosophy issues such as peace and climate change in cross-media
and its relation to meditative practice. This course will also approach and in personal tone. We will be asking what new
examine the influence of Buddhism on films and material tendencies are there in the films and videos, where can we
culture. trace them back to, and what fresh possibilities are they to
Recommended preparation: RLG206Y1 bring forth to our aesthetic and public life.
EAS373H1 Choson History [24L] EAS395Y0 Selected Topics in East Asian Studies, 300-
This course examines various approaches ‑ economic, level [TBA]
social, gender, political, international, and cultural ‑ to the This course allows students to pursue the specialized
history of Choson Korea. study of specific topics tailored to the research and study
Prerequisite: EAS271H1/272H1 opportunities available in Hong Kong and the expertise and
DR=HUM; BR=TBA interests of the instructor. Available only in the Woodsworth
EAS374H1 Modern Japan and Colonialism [48L] College Hong Kong Summer Program.
This course interrogates the history of Modern Japan from DR=HUM; BR=TBA
the perspective of Japan’s colonial exploits in East Asia. The EAS 396H1 Practical Learning in East Asia [24L]
course will also address the political-economy and culture of This course explores the development of Practical Learning
the military Occupation of Japan by the Supreme Command and its ramification in East Asia. We focus on how it
of the Allied Powers. Texts from economics, philosophy and originates from late Ming China as shixue and ramified
literature will be used. to Korea as silhak and Japan as jitsugaku, and mediates
DR=HUM; BR=TBA between classical and modern East Asia and lays the
EAS378H1 Edo, Osaka, and Kyoto: Urban Life in Early foundation for Asian theories of modernity.
Modern Japan [24L] DR=HUM; BR=TBA
An exploration of most important cities of Tokugawa Japan. EAS397H1 Literary Lives in Late Imperial China [24L]
Among the largest cities of the early modern world, the In-depth examination of five to six selected men and women
three were home to a vibrant urban culture and remarkable through close reading of their literary repertoire and through
economic activity. The framework is historical, but the texts biography and autobiography. The material will introduce
will be divers – buildings, maps, screen paintings, prints, film, concepts such as memory, literati identity, aesthetic theories,
and novels will be studied. gender, and social transformations in the Ming and Qing
Prerequisite: EAS209Y1/H1 period. Prerequisite: EAS209Y1/H1

East Asian Studies
EAS398H0 Independent Experiential Study Project Prerequisite: Only for third or fourth year Arts & Science
EAS399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project
An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus
setting. See page 48 for details. EAS412H1 Technology and Material Cultures of Ancient
DR=HUM; BR=TBA China [24P]
This course introduces students to the technology and
material culture of prehistoric and Bronze-Age China. The
400-Series Courses course is designed for students to have an understanding
of the development of ancient technologies (e.g. bronze,
EAS403Y1 Specialist Research Seminar [48S]
jade, and lacquer) and associated life of ancient China from
Required for final year EAS specialists. Students will work
archaeological perspectives.
on their own research projects with the goal of completing
Prerequisite: EAS411H1
a polished, original research paper of 25-30 pages. The
first semester focuses on research methodology, while the
second half is conducted as a writing course, focusing on EAS413H1 Medieval Chinese Civilization [24S]
(re)writing, editing and peer review. This course explores the intellectual culture of the Six
Prerequisite: EAS209Y1/H1 and permission of the instructor Dynasties in China (3rd through 6th centuries C.E.), a vibrant
DR=HUM; BR=TBA period in which many new forms of thought and expression
flourished. Texts studied include historical anecdotes,
EAS406Y1 Thinking about things: Material Culture in
Buddhist and Daoist scriptures, self-cultivation manuals,
East Asia [48S]
philosophical exegeses, and treatises on music, art, and
Intensive seminar exploring theories of the object, the
histories of objects in East Asia, and critical thinking about
Prerequisite: EAS209Y1/H1
the process of research. Through theoretical readings, class
and individual research projects, the seminar asks how to
formulate research questions, use the internet and other EAS418H1 Topics in Chinese Art Theories [24S]
resources, and present discoveries in a class conference. This course will focus on theories of Chinese arts by critically
DR=HUM; BR=TBA analyzing various theoretical texts on music, painting,
calligraphy, literature, in the form of special treatises and
EAS407H1 Textual Analysis of Classical Chinese
documents recorded in the Classics.
Philosophy [24S]
Prerequisite: PHL237H1, EAS306Y1
Readings of texts from ancient and medieval Chinese
philosophy. Beginning by linguistic (especially semantic)
analysis of key words, structure and meaning of sentences, EAS420H1 Travels, Travelers and Travel Accounts in
paragraphs and text as a whole. Philosophical analysis Asia [24S]
proceeds from linguistic analysis. This intensive seminar focuses on the circulation of people
Prerequisite: PHL237H1, EAS306Y1 (and as consequence, words and ideas) throughout East
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Asia and Central Asia in the premodern era. Texts include the
diaries of the Japanese monk Ennin, a we try to understand
EAS408H1 Modern Taiwanese Literature [24S]
the world such travellors searched for or encountered of.
A general survey of modern Taiwanese literature from 1949
Prerequisite: EAS209Y1/H1
until today. It attempts to examine issues such as historical/
cultural context, oral/written language, self-identification,
gender, human rights, etc., central to understanding the EAS431H1 Advanced Topics in Japanese Cinema [24S]
Taiwanese experience. Readings are available in translation The focus ranges from the examination of cross-cultural
and in the original. theoretical problems (such as Orientalism) to a director-
DR=HUM; BR=TBA based focus, from the examination of genre (such as
documentary or the category of genre itself) to the way film
EAS409H1 The Cosmopolitan City in Premodern China:
intersects with other cultural forms and technologies (such as
Chang’an (formerly EAS367H1) [24S]
Video and New Media).
This research-intensive course will introduce multiple ways
Prerequisite: EAS237Y1
of looking at the ancient capital of Chang’an (present-day
Xi’an). Focus will be on the rich literary, cultural and material
tradition associated with it from the onset of the dynastic era EAS432H1 Korean Cultural Studies Seminar [24S]
to the “Golden Age” of the Tang dynasty (618-907 AD). The Korean Cultural Studies Seminar provides the
Prerequisite: EAS209Y1/H1 opportunity for in-depth reading and research into a specific
Exclusion: EAS367H1 topic in the cultural and intellectual history of Korea. Topics
Recommended preparation: Some familiarity with Chinese will vary each semester but might include colonial period
history in the middle period print culture, the New Woman, the history of photography,
DR=HUM; BR=TBA and modernism.
Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
EAS411H1 Art and Archaelogy of Early China I [24P]
With extensive introduction to recent archaeological
discoveries in China, this course explores development of EAS438H1 Architecture in Pre-modern China [24S]
ancient societies from prehistory to the Bronze Age of China, Survey of China’s architecture from the Song dynasty.
and to offer students with an understanding of the origins and Subjects include design (including fengshui); the role of
formation of Chinese civilizations. architects and craftsmen; building techniques and materials;

East Asian Studies
and the logistics and financing of building projects. Seminar EAS456H1 Japan as seen by ?: Reference, Apparatus,
format, with readings (Yingzao fashi, Lu Ban jing, geomantic Operation [24S]
treatises), and visits to the Royal Ontario Museum. Discusses how images of Japan, charged with varied
Prerequisite: Knowledge of Chinese preferred degrees of desire for empirical knowledge, have contributed
DR=HUM; BR=TBA to contemporary novels and plays by David Mitchell, Ruth
L. Ozeki, David Mamet, Joy Kogawa, Kazuo Ishiguro,
EAS439H1 The Global Bildungsroman: Narratives of
Marguerite Duras, and David Hwang. All the readings,
Development, Time and Colonialism [24S]
including Japanese literary and theoretical, are available in
Through a sustained reading of several novels this course
studies Bildungsroman, the story of an individual’s “coming of
age,” in the context of twentieth-century political, cultural, and
social developments of imperialism, anti-colonialism, human EAS457H1 Special Topics in Modern Japanese History
rights discourse, and globalization. Our focus will be novels [24S]
from the (post)colonial world and theoretical essays on the Analyzing contemporary monographs on modern Japanese
Bildungsroman form. The course aims to provide a model history. This course will offer a critical survey of existing
for rethinking literary history and literary genres within a methodologies and approaches to writing about Modern
global context. We will thus not read these novels as copies Japan.
of European Bildungsroman, but consider how their form Prerequisite: EAS247H1
relates to social formations of colonialism and globalization. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
This will entail, for example, exploring the temporal structure EAS462H1 Ethnographic Literature on Korea: Class,
which undergirds both the form of the novel and the notion Gender & Family [24S]
of self-development that is then aligned with development This is a seminar course for upper level undergraduate
of the nation, colony, or otherwise. Attention will be paid students who are interested in reading ethnographic
both to how these novels instantiate, resist or otherwise literature. This course introduces contemporary ethnographic
engage creatively with the novelistic conventions of human literature written in English on South Korea. Despite
development, and to our own desire to read novels as the textual focus on anthropological writing, it covers
Bildungsroman. Authors may include Yi Kwangsu, Wu interdisciplinary inquiry into cultural and historical concepts
Zhouliu, Pramoedya Ananta Toer, Kang Younghill, Tsitsi that have shaped people’s lives in South Korea. This class
Dangarembga, Camara Laye, amongst others. is run as a dynamic seminar course with class discussions
DR=HUM; BR=TBA structured around students’ presentations, and with writing
EAS444H1 The City, Body and Text in Modern Japanese and rewriting research paper.
Literature [24S] Prerequisite: EAS209Y1/H1 for EAS students
Examines how the city and body exert formative forces on DR=HUM; BR=TBA
the text, and how the practice of writing and reading texts EAS464H1 The Korean War [24S]
might inform the ways we, corporeal beings, experience An advanced research seminar on the Korean War.
the city as manifested in the nineteenth century Japanese Prerequisite: EAS271Y1/H1
literature. Required readings are available in English. Recommended preparation: EAS209Y1/H1
Prerequisite: at least one course in literature, cinema, or DR=HUM; BR=TBA
visual art successfully completed.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA EAS465H1 Domesticity and Family in 20th Century East
Asia [24S]
EAS448H1 East Asian Studies Archive: Language, A comparative approach to issues in the modern history of
Number, Money [24S] domesticity and family in East Asia.
This course inquires into salient problems of the historical Recommended preparation: EAS209Y1/H1
archive in relation to the experience of modernity in East DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Asian societies. What is the meaning of the modern archive
in East Asia? How is the knowledge of the modern archive EAS467H1 Photographic Narratives of Japan [24S]
produced in relation to the production of quantitative Reads and discusses seminal theoretical literature, photo
knowledge (e.g., in demographic or economic statistics)? roman (by, e.g., Abe, Nakagami), and narratives about
How should we approach the relationship between number photography (by, e.g., Tanizaki, Kanai, Horie), to examine
and language? How is this knowledge transformed into state the rhetorical complicity and coercion of the two modes
knowledge as well as into what we call “common sense”? of representation which both emerged in the modern and
A seminar with a research component; students will be nationalistic age, and persist, in the wake of the newer
required to submit a substantial research paper at the end of media, as dominant registers of everyday life and departures
the course. from there.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: At least one course in humanities (literature, art
history, philosophy); or reading proficiency in Japanese
EAS453H1 Gender, Sexuality & Modernity in China, DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Korea and Japan [24S]
This course focuses on the changing sexual mores and the EAS473H1 Modern Korean History Seminar [24S]
challenges to the traditional gender systems of East Asia An examination of recent research results in the modern
brought by the processes of modernization and globalization/ Korean history field, focusing especially on the late 19th and
westernization. 20th centuries
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: EAS271Y1/H1

East Asian Studies
EAS475Y1 Issues in East Asian Historiography [48L] EAS488H1 Hinduism and Politics [24L]
This course analyses select topics in the historiography of EAS488Y1 Hinduism and Politics [48L]
East Asian. Students are expected to write a major research The political expression of Hinduism begins with religious
paper of 30-40 pages in the second semester. reform movements in the 19th century, and develops into a
Recommended preparation: EAS209Y1/H1 Hindu nationalism. Although independent India is a secular
DR=HUM; BR=TBA state, Hindu “fundamentalism” remains a powerful political
EAS476Y1 Democracy and History in Korea [48S] force. This course analyzes modern Hindu political ideology.
This course examines approaches to the history of the south DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Korean democracy movement and the role of history within EAS490H1 Introduction to Japanese Linguistics:
the democracy movement itself. Syntax and Semantics [72L]
Recommended preparation: EAS271Y1/H1 This course introduces Japanese grammatical items in a
DR=HUM; BR=TBA scientifically and theoretically oriented manner. The goals of
EAS478Y1 Samurai Culture (48S) the course are: to gain knowledge of the basic characteristics
Intensive seminar exploring one of Japan’s most of sentence structure and meaning in Japanese; to become
recognizable figures, the samurai. This course investigates familiar with selected theoretical analyses; and to develop a
the historical reality of warrior life along with the legends, with repertoire of linguistic vocabulary.
focus on the ways in the warrior’s world found expression Prerequisite: EAS349H1
in religion, art, and literature. The seminar leads to the Recommended Preparation: LIN100Y1, LIN204H1
preparation of a significant research paper (25-30 pp) DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: EAS209Y1/H1, EAS245H1/EAS246H1/ EAS495Y1 Topics in East Asian Studies [48S]
EAS247H1 A guided research course on a common topic of the student’s
DR=HUM; BR=TBA choice. Students are required to produce a 20-30 page paper
EAS482H1 Advanced Sanskrit II (formerly EAS482Y1) based on the selected topic.
Technical Sanskrit: readings from alamkaraśāstra, EAS496H1 Topics in East Asian Studies [24S]
dharmaśāstra, darśana and other non-literary texts. An in-depth study of Chinese, Japanese or Korean culture,
Prerequisite: EAS382Y1 history and/or literature. Content in any given year depends
Exclusion: EAS482Y1 on the instructor.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Recommended preparation: Varies from year to year
EAS484Y1 The Japanese Empire (48S) DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Course surveys historical literature on the Japanese Empire. EAS497H1 Beyond Orientalism [24S]
A heavy reading and writing course intended for majors and This course will confront the ‘Orientalist’ view of the world
specialists in East Asian Studies. The second semester will by looking at one Asian nation regularly exempted from
require a major research paper. that paradigm—Japan. By examining, among other topics,
Prerequisite: EAS209Y1/H1 Japan’s emperor system, its construction of a national
Recommended Preparation: Courses in modern East Asian history, and its own imperialism, this course hopes to point
history. toward other ways of thinking about East and West.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Recommended Preparation: EAS202Y1/204Y1/209H1/247Y
EAS485H1 Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit [24S] 1/374H1
This course will study Buddhist narrative literature DR=HUM; BR=TBA
written in a particular kind of Sanskrit which actually is
a Sanskritized version of vernacular languages. Its vast
literature, such as the Mahāvastu, the Sukhāvativyūha, the Independent Studies
Saddharmapundarika and the Jātakas belongs mainly to
EAS434H1 Independent Studies [TBA]
Mahāyana Buddhism.
Prerequisite: EAS282Y1, EAS381H1 and 383H1 or EAS434Y1 Independent Studies [TBA]
equivalent EAS435H1 Independent Studies [TBA]
EAS435Y1 Independent Studies [TBA]
EAS486H1 Aspects of Classical and Medieval Indian
Culture Through Sanskrit Texts [24S] EAS436H1 Independent Studies [TBA]
This course presents diverse mundane aspects of Indian EAS436Y1 Independent Studies [TBA]
social and culture life through selected texts on music,
dance, agriculture, medicine, theatre, sports and games, EAS437H1 Independent Studies [TBA]
hunting, cuisine, gardening, and so on. Although these texts EAS437Y1 Independent Studies [TBA]
illuminate and explain classical and medieval Hindu culture, A scholarly project chosen by the student, approved by the
they have rarely been translated into English. Department, and supervised by one of its instructors. Consult
Prerequisite: EAS282Y1, EAS381H1 and 383H1 or with the East Asian Studies Undergraduate Handbook for
equivalent. more information.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: Five EAS courses

Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Faculty H.J. Kronzucker, B Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
Professors Emeriti R.R. Reisz, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
P.W. Ball, B Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga, Mississauga)
BOT) R.F. Sage, MS, Ph D
D.G. Butler, M Sc, Ph D, D Sc, FRSA (ZOO) M.B. Sokolowski, B Sc, Ph D, FRSC (University of
C.S. Churcher, M Sc, Ph D (ZOO) Toronto Mississauga)
N.G. Dengler, MS, Ph D (BOT) J.D. Thomson, MS, Ph D
S.S. Desser, M Sc, Ph D (ZOO) P. Thompson, MA, Ph D
D.W. Dunham, BS, Ph D (ZOO) A.E. Weis, BA, Ph D
J.B. Falls, BA, Ph D (ZOO) D.D. Williams, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
R.I.C. Hansell, B Sc, Ph D (ZOO) Scarborough)
H.H. Harvey, M Sc, Ph D (ZOO) Associate Professors
D.W. Malloch, MA, Ph D (BOT) A. Agrawal, B Sc, Ph D
P.F. Maycock, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto M.C.B. Andrade, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
Mississauga, BOT) Scarborough)
G.K. Morris, MS, Ph D (University of Toronto T.J. Carleton, B Sc, Ph D
Mississauga, ZOO) B. Chang, AB, Ph D
N. Mrosovsky, BA, Ph D (ZOO) H. Cyr, M Sc, Ph D
C. Nalewajko, B Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto J.E. Eckenwalder, M Sc, Ph D
Scarborough, BOT) R.R. Fulthorpe, MSc, Ph D (University of Toronto
T.S. Parsons, AM, Ph D (ZOO) Scarborough)
Z.A. Patrick, B Sc, Ph D (BOT) D.K. Gibo, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
R.C. Plowright, MA, Ph D (ZOO) P.M. Kotanen, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
H.A. Regier, MS, Ph D (ZOO) Mississauga)
J.D. Rising, BA, Ph D A.C. Mason, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
J.C. Ritchie, Ph D, D Sc (University of Toronto Scarborough)
Scarborough, BOT) D.A. McLennan, M Sc, Ph D
J. Svoboda, B Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto F.H. Rodd, M Sc, Ph D
Mississauga, BOT) T.L. Sage, MS, Ph D
G.M. Telford, B Sc, Ph D (ZOO)
A.P. Zimmerman, BA, Ph D Assistant Professors
M. Cadotte, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
Professor and Chair of the Department Scarborough)
L. Rowe, M Sc, Ph D A.D. Cutter, BS, Ph D
Associate Professor and Associate Chair M.J. Fitzpatrick, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
(Graduate Studies)
M.E. Frederickson, AB, Ph D
N.C. Collins, BA, Ph D (University of Toronto
J. Head, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
J. Levine, BA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
Senior Lecturer and Associate Chair N.R. Lovejoy, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
(Undergraduate Studies) Scarborough)
C.A. Goldman, M Sc S.M. Short, B Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
Professors S. Stefanovic, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
P.A. Abrams, BS, Ph D, FRSC Mississauga)
J.B. Anderson, BA, Ph D (University of Toronto J.R. Stinchcombe, BA, Ph D
Mississauga) H.H. Wagner, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
R.L. Baker, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
Mississauga) S.I. Wright, M Sc, Ph D
S.C.H. Barrett, B Sc, Ph D, FRSC, FRS Ecologists and evolutionary biologists recognize that all
R. Boonstra, B Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto life has evolved and that an understanding of the central
Scarborough) question of the origin and maintenance of diversity − from
D.R. Brooks, MS, Ph D, FRSC genomes to ecosystems − underlies all life sciences and
M.-J. Fortin, M Sc, Ph D is critical to our stewardship of life. Society needs to make
J.H. Fullard, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto informed decisions about sustainable development, global
Mississauga) temperature change, control of invasive species, the
M.R. Gross, B Sc, Ph D preservation of genetic diversity and ecosystem integrity,
D.S. Guttman, B Sc, Ph D and the control of emerging infectious diseases such as
D.T. Gwynne, B Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto SARS and drug-resistant malaria. These are fundamentally
Mississauga) evolutionary and ecological problems.
D.A. Jackson, M Sc, Ph D
L.M. Kohn, B Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto Research and teaching in the Department covers all life
Mississauga) forms (microbes, fungi, plants, animals) and is aimed at

Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
an understanding of the diversity of life and all aspects of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
organismal biology in the natural world. Research faculty
use a broad array of approaches in their studies including Programs
molecular studies, laboratory experiments, computer and After completing 4.0 FCEs (four full courses or their
mathematical modeling, and field studies in many different equivalent), it is recommended students in these programs
areas of the world. Instruction provides opportunities for discuss their course selections with the Department. Contact:
research projects conducted in the laboratory and the [email protected]
field. We offer a very wide range of courses that deal with
molecular evolution, population and quantitative genetics, Enrolment in the programs listed below requires completion
genomics, animal behaviour, population, community, and of 4.0 FCEs; no minimum GPA is required.
landscape ecology, evolutionary and ecological theory,
biodiversity, conservation biology, and systematics. Students Behaviour (Science program)
exposed to these subjects come to realize that the ecological
and evolutionary underpinnings of life present a host of Specialist program:
scientific problems that are both intellectually challenging and (12.5 full courses or their equivalent)
critical to our future. Students who have taken BIO150Y1, do not take BIO120H1
and BIO220H1 in this program. Students who have taken
The Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology offers
BIO240H1 and BIO241H1, do not take BIO130H1 and
six programs: Specialist programs in Behaviour, Ecology,
BIO230H1 in this program.
and Evolutionary Biology; a Major program in Ecology
& Evolutionary Biology; and two Minor programs in First Year (3.0 FCEs): BIO (120H1,130H1)/150Y1;
Environmental Biology. The Department also jointly offers, CHM (138H1, 139H1)/151Y1; JMB170Y1/
with the Department of Cell & Systems Biology, Specialist, MAT135Y1/136Y1/137Y1/157Y1
Major, and Minor programs in Biology, Botany, and Zoology. Higher Years:
The Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology (EEB) 1. 2.5 FCEs: BIO220H1; BIO230H1/(240H1, 241H1)/255Y1;
arose, along with its sister department, the Department of BIO260H1/HMB265H1; PSY (290H1, 260H1/280H1)/BIO
Cell & Systems Biology (CSB), from a reorganization in 2006 (270H1, 271H1)
of the previous departments of Botany and Zoology. 2. 1.0 FCE in statistics from: PSY (201H1, 202H1);
(STA220H1, EEB225H1) (recommended); STA (220H1,
Students entering their first year in the life sciences in 221H1); STA (250H1, 255H1); STA (257H1, 261H1)
2010-11 take BIO120H1 (offered by EEB) and BIO130H1 3. 1.5 FCEs: EEB322H1; EEB318H1/323H1; EEB324H1
(offered by CSB). These courses are taken by students who 4. Any two (or all three) of (1.0 to 2.5 FCEs, depending
have successfully completed Grade 12 Biology, SBI4U (or on your choices): (1) one field course (0.5 FCE);
an equivalent course); BIO130H1 also requires Grade 12 (2) one 400-series seminar (0.5 FCE) from
Chemistry, SCH4U. One or both of these half courses is a EEB494H1/495H1/496H1 (496H1 is recommended); and/
prerequisite for almost all further courses in the life sciences. or (3) one 400-series research project course (1.0 FCE)
Students requiring more information about BIO120H1 please from EEB498Y1/499Y1 and the concurrent research
contact the BIO120/150 Office, Earth Sciences Centre (25 issues course (0.5 FCE) EEB488H1. List of field courses:
Willcocks St.), Room 3045A, [email protected] EEB401H1/403H1/404H1/405H1/406H1/407H1/409H1/4
10H1/360H1/ ENV336H1/ FOR306H1/NUS343H0
Note: The Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology’s 5. The remaining FCEs for a total of 12.5 FCEs (at least
former first-year course BIO150Y1 was offered for the last 1.5 must be 300+ series) from: ANT436H1; BIO; EEB
time in Summer 2010 and has been replaced with BIO120H1 (excluding EEB202H1/214H1/215H1/216H1); ENV234Y1;
and BIO220H1; BIO220H1 will be offered for the first time in HMB321H1 ; EHJ351H1, 352H1; JHE353H1, 355H1;
January 2012. The Department of Cell & System Biology’s JZP; NUS; PSY (excluding PSY300H1); ZOO (excluding
courses BIO240H1 and BIO241H1 will be replaced with ZOO200Y1/214Y1/215H1/216H1).
BIO130H1 and BIO230H1; BIO130H1S, BIO240H1F, and Note: EEB 319H1, 321H1, 362H1; PSY397H1/
BIO241H1S will be offered in 2010-11. JZP326H1, PSY497H1/JZP428H1; PSY 260H1, 280H1,
362H1, 390H1, 396H1, 399H1, 460H1, 490H1, 493H1,
Note to students who enrolled in 300 series field courses 494H1 are recommended for this program. Students
prior to 2010-11: These courses have been renumbered wishing to take PSY courses to fulfill the requirements of
at the 400 series. You are not permitted to take the this program should take PSY100H1.
corresponding 400 series course if previously taken at the
300 series. Please check the individual course descriptions Biology: see Biology
for more information.
Botany: see Biology
Students requiring more information about Ecology &
Evolutionary Biology programs and courses please visit the Ecology (Science program)
departmental website or contact the Undergraduate Office,
Earth Sciences Centre (25 Willcocks St.), Room 3055B, Specialist program:
[email protected]. (12.5 full courses or their equivalent)
Website: www.eeb.utoronto.ca/undergraduate Students who have taken BIO150Y1, do not take BIO120H1
and BIO220H1 in this program. Students who have taken
BIO240H1 and BIO241H1, do not take BIO130H1 and

Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
BIO230H1 in this program. Students who have taken BIO150Y1, do not take BIO120H1
and BIO220H1 in this program.
First Year (3.0 FCEs): BIO (120H1,130H1)/150Y1;
CHM (138H1, 139H1)/151Y1; JMB170Y1/ 1. 2.0 FCEs: BIO (120H1, 220H1)/150Y1; ENV234Y
MAT135Y1/136Y1/137Y1/157Y1 2. 2.0 FCEs from: EEB 318H1, 319H1, 321H1, 322H1,
Higher Years: 323H1, 324H1, 362H1, 365H1, 370H1, 465H1, EHJ
1. 3.5 FCEs: BIO220H1; BIO230H1/(240H1, 241H1)/255Y1; 351H1, 352H1 (courses in both ecology and evolution
BIO260H1/HMB265H1; BIO251Y1/270H1/271H1; are recommended), with no more than 0.5 FCE field
EEB266H1/267H1/ ENV234Y1 course from EEB401H1/403H1/404H1/405H1/406H1/
2. 1.0 FCE in statistics from: PSY (201H1, 202H1); 407H1/409H1/410H1/360H1/ ENV336H1/ FOR306H1/
(STA220H1, EEB225H1) (recommended); STA (220H1, NUS343H0
221H1); STA (250H1, 255H1); STA (257H1, 261H1)
3. 0.5 FCE: EEB318H1/323H1
Environmental Biology (offered jointly with
4. 2.0 FCEs from: EEB 319H1, 321H1, 322H1, 324H1, the National University of Singapore) (Science
328H1, 365H1, 370H1, EHJ351H1 program)
5. Any two (or all three) of (1.0 to 2.5 FCEs, depending This Type 3 minor program represents a unique opportunity
on your choices): (1) one field course (0.5 FCE); to study environmental biology in a different cultural
(2) one 400-series seminar (0.5 FCE) from environment. For more information, contact the International
EEB494H1/495H1/496H1 (495H1 is recommended); and/ Student Exchange Office (ISXO, www.utoronto.ca/student.
or (3) one 400-series research project course (1.0 FCE) exchange).
from EEB498Y1/499Y1 and the concurrent research
issues course (0.5 FCE) EEB488H1. List of field courses: Students who have taken BIO150Y1, do not take BIO120H1
EEB401H1/403H1/404H1/405H1/406H1/407H1/409H1/4 and BIO220H1 in this program.
10H1/360H1/ ENV336H1/ FOR306H1/ NUS343H0
6. If fewer than 2.5 FCEs are chosen from #5 then select Minor program:
the remaining FCEs for a total of 12.5 FCEs (at least (4 full courses or their equivalent)
0.5 must be 300+ series) from: ANT436H1, BIO, 1. 2.0 FCEs (at U of T): BIO (120H1, 220H1)/150Y1;
BOT (excluding BOT202Y1), CHM; EEB (excluding ENV234Y1
EEB202H1/214H1/215H1/216H1); ENV (excluding 2. 1.5 FCEs (at National University of Singapore) from:
ENV200Y1); GGR (only Science courses); GLG NUS341H0, NUS342H0, NUS344H0, NUS345H0,
(excluding GLG 100H1, 103H1, 105H1, 110H1); NUS346H0 (see below)
HMB321H1; EHJ351H1, 352H1; JHE 353H1, 355H1; 3. 0.5 FCE field course: NUS343H0
MAT; NUS; PHY (excluding PHY 100H1, 101H1); STA;
ZOO (excluding ZOO200Y1/214Y1/215H1/216H1).
Note: EEB 375H1, 428H1, 440H1, 465H1 are NUS341H0 Marine Biology [24L, 24T]
recommended for this program. Scientific study of marine life and the marine environment.
Physical characteristics of oceans, marine habitats and
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology (Science program) ecosystems, diversity of marine life and their adaptations
to marine environments, impact of human activities and
Major program:
management systems. (Co-listed as LSM 4261 at National
(8 full courses or their equivalent)
University of Singapore)
Students who have taken BIO150Y1, do not take BIO120H1 Prerequisite: BIO(120H1, 220H1)/150Y1, ENV234Y1/
and BIO220H1 in this program. Students who have taken (EEB319H1, 321H1)
BIO240H1 and BIO241H1, do not take BIO130H1 and Exclusion: EEB/BIO 301H1
BIO230H1 in this program. DR=SCI; BR=TBA
First Year (2.0 FCEs): BIO (120H1, 130H1)/150Y1; CHM NUS342H0 Tropical Conservation Biology [24L, 24T]
(138H1, 139H1)/151Y1 The impact of habitat loss on biodiversity, conservation
Higher Years: management strategies, ecological theory of conservation,
1. 2.0 FCEs: BIO220H1; BIO230H1/(240H1, 241H1)/255Y1; socio-economic issues, and conservation options and
BIO260H1/HMB265H1; STA220H1 challenges, especially in SE Asia. (Co-listed as LSM 4262 at
2. 1.0 FCE from: BIO 251Y1, 270H1, 271H1, EEB 266H1, National University of Singapore)
267H1, ENV234Y1 Prerequisite: BIO(120H1, 220H1)/150Y1, ENV234Y1/
3. 2.0 FCEs from: EEB 318H1, 319H1, 321H1, 322H1, (EEB319H1, 321H1)
323H1, 324H1, 328H1, 362H1, 365H1, 370H1, EHJ Exclusion: EEB/ZOO 215H1; EEB/BIO 365H1
351H1, 352H1 DR=SCI; BR=TBA
4. 1.0 FCE from: BIO251Y1; BIO 270H1, 271H1; EEB
NUS343H0 Field Studies in Biodiversity [12L, 8P, TBA]
(excluding EEB 202H1, 214H1, 215H1, 216H1);
Introduction to field biology, including sampling design and
ENV234Y1; EHJ351H1, 352H1; JHE 353H1, 355H1;
execution, data management and analysis. Includes a 7-day
JMB170Y1/ MAT135Y1/136Y1/137Y1/157Y1; NUS
field experience (currently on Pulau Tioman, Malaysia) with
Environmental Biology (Science program) trips to coastal, mangrove and freshwater habitats, and
primary and secondary forests. Students will work in small
Minor program: groups to conduct mini-projects. (Co-listed as LSM 4263 at
(4 full courses or their equivalent) National University of Singapore)

Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Prerequisite: BIO(120H1, 220H1)/150Y1, ENV234Y1/ 4. Any two (or all three) of (1.0 to 2.5 FCEs, depending
(EEB319H1, 321H1) on your choices): (1) one field course (0.5 FCE);
DR=SCI; BR=TBA (2) one 400-series seminar (0.5 FCE) from
EEB494H1/495H1/496H1 (494H1 is recommended); and/
NUS344H0 Behavioural Biology [24L, 24T]
or (3) one 400-series research project course (1.0 FCE)
The relationships that organisms have with each other
from EEB498Y1/499Y1 and the concurrent research
and with the environment. Key concepts and ultimate and
issues course (0.5 FCE) EEB488H1. List of field courses:
proximate explanations of animal interactions and other
life history characteristics, with examples from diverse
10H1/360H1/ ENV336H1/ FOR306H1/NUS343H0
animals and ecological systems. Students also evaluate
5. The remaining FCEs for a total of 12.5 FCEs (at
contemporary literature on relevant current issues. (Co-listed
least 1.0 must be 300+ series) from: ANT436H1;
as LSM 4253 at National University of Singapore)
BIO; BOT (excluding BOT202Y1); CHM 220H1,
Prerequisite: BIO(120H1, 220H1)/150Y1, ENV234Y1/
247H1/249H1; CSB 351Y1, 352H1, 452H1,
(EEB319H1, 321H1)
458H1, 460H1, 472H1, 474H1; EEB (excluding
Exclusion: EEB/ZOO 322H1
EEB202H1/214H1/215H1/216H1); ENV234Y1; GLG
110H1, 216H1; HMB321H1; EHJ351H1, 352H1; JHE
NUS345H0 Forest Ecology [24L, 24T] 353H1, 355H1; MAT235Y1/237Y1; NUS; PHY 131H1,
Fundamental principles of forest ecology, primarily focusing 132H1, 151H1, 152H1; PSY100H1/100Y1; ZOO
on tropical regions. Diversity and distributions of forests, soils (excluding ZOO200Y1/214Y1/215H1/216H1)
and nutrient cycling, animal-plant interactions, disturbance Note: EEB 321H1, 365H1, 370H1, 459H1, 460H1 are
ecology and succession, energy flow and food webs, recommended for this program.
population biology. Emphasis on how humans are affecting
these processes. (Co-listed as LSM 3271 at National Zoology: see Biology
University of Singapore)
Prerequisite: BIO(120H1, 220H1)/150Y1, ENV234Y1/ Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
(EEB319H1, 321H1)
Exclusion: FOR305H1
DR=SCI; BR=TBA All students regardless of campus or Faculty must abide by
the stated course prerequisites and exclusions.
NUS346H0 Global Change Biology [24L, 24T]
Aspects of current environmental change and its effects First Year Seminars
on biological systems, including rising carbon-dioxide The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide the
concentrations, climate change, loss of biodiversity, and opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class of no
eutrophication. Global warming, land-use changes, invasive more than twenty-four students. These interactive seminars
species, fire, carbon sequestration, carbon mitigation, and are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity and provide
global (macro) ecology. Classroom projects, discussions, and an opportunity to get to know a member of the professorial
debates. (Co-listed as LSM 3272 at National University of staff in a seminar environment during the first year of study.
Singapore) For details, see page 48.
Prerequisite: BIO(120H1, 220H1)/150Y1, ENV234Y1/
(EEB319H1, 321H1) 100-SERIES COURSES
Exclusion: EEB/BIO 428H1 BIO120H1 Adaptation and Biodiversity [24L, 15P]
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Principles and concepts of evolution and ecology related
Evolutionary Biology (Science program) to origins of adaptation and biodiversity. Mechanisms
and processes driving biological diversification illustrated
Specialist program: from various perspectives using empirical and theoretical
(12.5 full courses or their equivalent) approaches. Topics include: genetic diversity; natural
selection; speciation; physiological, population and
Students who have taken BIO150Y1, do not take BIO120H1
community ecology; global change biology; conditions for
and BIO220H1 in this program. Students who have taken
coexistence; conservation, species extinction, and invasion
BIO240H1 and BIO241H1, do not take BIO130H1 and
BIO230H1 in this program.
Exclusion: BIO150Y1
First Year (3.0 FCEs): BIO (120H1,130H1)/150Y1; Prerequisite: Grade 12 Biology or equivalent. Students
CHM (138H1, 139H1)/151Y1; JMB170Y1/ without high school Biology must consult the BIO120
MAT135Y1/136Y1/137Y1/157Y1 Office ([email protected])
Higher Years: DR=SCI; BR=4
1. 2.5 FCEs: BIO220H1; BIO230H1/(240H1, 241H1)/255Y1;
JMB170Y1 Biology, Models, and Mathematics [72L]
BIO260H1/HMB265H1 (BIO260H1 is recommended);
Applications of mathematics to biological problems in
BIO251Y1/(270H1, 271H1)
physiology, genetics, evolution, growth, population dynamics,
2. 1.0 FCE in statistics from: PSY (201H1, 202H1);
cell biology, ecology, and behaviour. Mathematical topics
(STA220H1, EEB 225H1) (recommended); STA (220H1,
include: power functions and regression; exponential and
221H1); STA (250H1, 255H1); STA (257H1, 261H1)
logistic functions; binomial theorem and probability; calculus,
3. 2.0 FCEs: EEB 319H1, 323H1, 324H1, 362H
including derivatives, max/min, integration, areas, integration
by parts, substitution; differential equations, including linear
constant coefficient systems; dynamic programming; Markov

Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
processes; and chaos. This course is intended for students in EEB215H1 Conservation Biology (formerly ZOO215H1)
Life Sciences. [36L]
Co-requisite: BIO120H1/150Y1 Introduction to the scientific discipline that deals with
DR=SCI; BR=4+5 endangered wildlife. Topics include: biodiversity, extinction,
threats, demography, genetic diversity, nature reserves, and
SCI199Y1 First Year Seminar [48S]
captive breeding. Also, endangered species laws, moral
Undergraduate seminar that focuses on specific ideas,
philosophies, and political, economic and social justice
questions, phenomena or controversies, taught by a regular
issues surrounding biodiversity. Essays and reading required.
Faculty member deeply engaged in the discipline. Open
Exclusion: BIO365H1/ EEB365H1/ ZOO215H1
only to newly admitted first year students. It may serve as a
DR=SCI for students in all years and disciplines.; BR=4
distribution requirement course; See page 52.
DR=SCI EEB216H1 Marine Mammal Biology and Conservation
(formerly ZOO216H1) [24L, 12T]
Introduction to ecological, evolutionary, and physiological
200-SERIES COURSES adaptations of marine mammals to their aquatic environment.
Issues of conservation and environmental biology are also
BIO220H1 From Genomes to Ecosystems in a
covered. Tutorials will be supplemented with video and other
Changing World [24L, 15P]
teaching tools including the use of anatomical specimens.
Dynamics of genetic and ecological change in biological
Exclusion: BIO120H1/150Y/252Y1/270H1/271H1/ PSL
systems, from genomes to ecosystems. Evolutionary
280H1/387H1/380H1/ SCI199Y1: Marine Mammals in
genetic and ecological perspectives on wide-ranging topics
Their Environment/ ZOO252Y1/ or enrolment in a Science
including disease, aging, sexual conflict, genetics of human
differences, conservation, and global climate change.
DR=SCI for non-science students in all years and
Applications of evolutionary, ecological, and molecular-
disciplines.; BR=4
genetic principles and processes. Responsibilities of human
societies in a changing world. (First offered in 2011-2012) EEB225H1 Biostatistics for Biological Sciences
Prerequisite: BIO120H1 (formerly BIO225H1) [24L, 24P]
Exclusion: BIO150Y1 A statistics course designed especially for life science
Recommended preparation: BIO130H1, 230H1 students, using biological examples where appropriate.
DR=SCI; BR=4 Students learn to choose and use statistics that are
appropriate to address relevant biological questions and
BIO251Y1 Biology of Plants and Micro-organisms
hypotheses. Lectures and computer labs will be used to
(formerly BOT251Y1) [48L, 36P]
cover the following methods: sampling and experimental
An introduction to the biology of plants, fungi, and algae.
design, data exploration, correlation, regression,
Lectures and labs emphasize the diversity of organisms with
ANOVA, Chi-square, and non-parametric tests.
a focus on life cycles, morphology, anatomy, physiology,
Prerequisite: BIO120H1/150Y1, STA220H1/ GGR270H1
ecology, and evolution.
Exclusion: BIO225H1/ ECO220Y1/227Y1/ JBS229H1/
Prerequisite: BIO120H1/150Y1
PSY202H1/ SOC300Y1/ STA221H1/250H1
Exclusion: BOT251Y1
DR=SCI; BR=None (This course has no status for breadth
requirement purposes)
EEB202H1 Plants and Society (formerly BOT202Y1)
EEB263Y1 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy (formerly
ZOO263Y1) [24L, 72P, 24T]
The importance of plants to society. Plant biology,
The ontogeny and phylogeny of vertebrate structure
domestication of crop plants, plant breeding and genetic
are considered within the context of evolutionary theory.
engineering, biologicial invasions, conservation, biodiversity
Functional aspects of the various organ systems are
and genetic resources. Evaluation of the ecological
examined. Representative fish and mammals are dissected
implications of advances in modern plant science. A two-hour
in detail and other forms are dealt with briefly to illustrate
mid-term test will be scheduled for October and held outside
selected anatomical features and to provide practical
of class time.
exposure to vertebrate construction.
Exclusion: BIO120H1/150Y/ BOT202Y1
Prerequisite: BIO120H1/150Y1
DR=SCI for non-science students in all years and
Exclusion: ZOO263Y
disciplines.; BR=4
EEB214H1 Evolution and Adaptation (formerly
EEB266H1 Animal Diversity: Invertebrates [24L, 18P]
ZOO214Y1) [24L, 12T]
This course explores the diversity of invertebrate animals
Evolution and adaptation through natural selection. Concepts
(e.g., sponges, jellyfish, flatworms, molluscs, annelids,
and application based on faunal life goals of habitat survival,
nematodes, arthropods, and echinoderms), focusing on the
food acquisition, predator avoidance, and reproduction.
special attributes and biological requirements of different
Topics include: speciation, mutation, co-evolution, symbiosis,
groups, how they function in their natural environments,
pollination, cannibalism, parasitism, eusociality, and sexual
and what makes each group vulnerable to human-based
and parental conflict. Essays, debates, and reading required.
exploitation. Labs emphasize
Exclusion: BIO120H1/150Y1/ ZOO214Y1/324Y1
recognition of major groups, and use living organisms when
DR=SCI for non-science students in all years and
possible, but involve no invasive procedures.
disciplines.; BR=4
Prerequisite: BIO120H1/150Y1
Exclusion: EEB/ZOO 265Y1

Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
DR=SCI; BR=4 EEB321H1 Community Ecology (formerly BIO321H1)
[24L, 36P]
EEB267H1 Animal Diversity: Vertebrates [24L, 18P]
A comprehensive survey of community ecology: nature and
This course explores the diversity of chordate animals
analysis of community structure; disturbance and community
(vertebrates, tunicates, and lancelets), focusing on
development; species interactions; community assembly
morphological, physiological, ecological and behavioural
processes. As part of the course requirements there will be
traits that make each group special and how those traits
two day field trips held on weekends. A fee of approximately
increase vulnerability to human-based exploitation. Labs
$15 will be charged for each field trip. Both the field trips
involve living organisms whenever possible, but only for
and computer exercises in weekly labs provide training in
display purposes.
sampling, simulation, and data analysis.
Prerequisite: BIO120H1/150Y1
Prerequisite: BIO(120H1, 220H1)/150Y1 and a course in
Exclusion: EEB/ZOO 265Y1
Exclusion: BIO320Y1/321H1
EEB299Y1 Research Opportunity Program Recommended preparation: ENV234Y1
Credit course for supervised participation in faculty research DR=SCI; BR=TBA
project. See page 48 for details.
EEB322H1 Behaviour and Behavioural Ecology
(formerly ZOO322H1) [24L, 36P]
ENV234Y1 Environmental Biology [48L, 36P] A broad introduction to animal behaviour emphasizing
A broad-based science course drawing on elements concepts from ethology and behavioural ecology, including
from geology, systematics, soil science, and ecology foraging, predation, mating systems, parental care and
to understand past and present environments and how behaviour genetics. Field and laboratory studies are
humans are altering the environment. Emphasis is placed undertaken.
on examination of ecological phenomena in relation to Prerequisite: BIO(120H1, 220H1)/150Y1, PSY201H1/
population, community, and ecosystem processes with STA220H1/250H1/257H1/ GGR270H1
particular reference to the biomes of Ontario. Descriptive and Recommended preparation: EEB225H1
experimental laboratory studies including a weekend field Exclusion: ZOO322H1
trip (total cost about $15.00). (Offered by the Department of DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Department of Geology, and
EEB323H1 Evolutionary Genetics (formerly BIO323H1)
the Faculty of Forestry)
[24L, 24T]
Prerequisite: BIO120H1/150Y1 (recommended) or
Evolutionary biology rests on a foundation of evolutionary
genetics. This course focuses on the core ideas in population
DR=SCI; BR=4 genetics and extends to evolutionary genomics. Students are
300-SERIES COURSES exposed to the mathematical theory underlying evolutionary
genetics and are expected to learn the mathematical
EEB318H1 Principles of Evolution [24L] foundations underlying these ideas. Topics include the
Principles and practice of evolutionary biology since Darwin. population genetics of mutation, migration, drift, and
Topics may include: phylogeny, speciation, mutation and selection, analysis of sequence variation, and the evolution
neutral evolution, population genetic variation, quantitative of sexual reproduction.
genetics, molecular evolution, natural selection and Prerequisite: BIO(120H1, 220H1)/150Y, BIO260H1/
adaptation, evolutionary conflict and cooperation, and levels HMB265H1, JMB170Y1/ MAT135Y1/136Y1/137Y1/157Y1
of selection. Exclusion: BIO323H1
Prerequisite: BIO(120H1, 220H1)/150Y1 Recommended preparation: a course in statistics
Exclusion: Students who have taken EEB323H1/324H1 DR=SCI; BR=TBA
cannot take (or concurrently take) EEB318H1.
Students who have completed EEB318H1 may take EEB324H1 Evolutionary Ecology (formerly BIO324H1)
EEB323H1/324H1/362H1. [24L, 12T]
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Empirical and theoretical approaches to key areas of
research including natural selection, sexual selection, and
EEB319H1 Population Ecology (formerly BIO319H1) life histories. Other topics may include phenotypic plasticity,
[24L, 36P] speciation, co-evolution, and quantitative genetics.
Distribution of species; population growth and regulation; Prerequisite: EEB318H1/323H1
interactions within and among species; food webs; harvesting Exclusion: BIO324H1/ZOO324Y1
of natural resources; diseases; pest control. Basic ecological DR=SCI; BR=TBA
principles and applied issues discussed. Labs include
experiments and computer simulations. EEB328H1 Physiological Ecology (formerly BIO328H1)
Prerequisite: BIO(120H1, 220H1)/150Y1, JMB170Y1/ [24L, 24T]
MAT135Y1/136Y1/137Y1/157Y1 An advanced treatment of the physiological mechanisms
Exclusion: BIO319H1/320Y1 controlling plant and animal distribution and ecological
Recommended preparation: a course in statistics success. Topics of focus include photosynthesis and
DR=SCI; BR=TBA resource balance, water and nutrient relations, temperature
effects, and adaptations to abiotic stress. (Not offered in
Prerequisite: BIO251Y1/ BIO (270H1, 271H1)/252Y1 or

Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Exclusion: BIO328H1 human population regulation.
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: (BIO120H1, 220H)/150Y1, JMB170Y1/
EEB330H1 Systematic Botany (formerly BOT300H1)
[24L, 36P]
The theoretical foundations of taxonomy and the types of EHJ352H1 Evolution of the Human Genome [24L, 12T]
evidence used in constructing plant classifications. Labs Human genome diversity and evolution with a focus on
emphasize taxonomic characters and their uses. Includes an current research. The course integrates applications of
independent taxonomic project. human evolutionary genomics to the understanding of
Prerequisite: BIO(120H1, 220H1)/150Y1 human history and adaptation, the causes of disease, and
Exclusion: BOT300H1 genome structure and function. Topics include: comparative
Recommended preparation: EEB337H1 genomics, population genomics of adaptation, association
DR=SCI; BR=TBA mapping, repetitive/selfish DNA, and gene duplication.
Prerequisite: (BIO120H1, 220H1)/150Y, BIO260H1/
EEB331H1 Introduction to the Fungi (formerly
BOT301H1) [24L, 36P]
Topics include fungal systematics, morphology, physiology,
and ecology. The roles of fungi in the environment and JHE353H1 History of Evolutionary Biology I (formerly
their importance to man. A field trip explores the natural EEB353H1) [24L, 12T]
occurrence of fungi. Labs introduce the techniques used for An examination of major ideas about biological evolution
morphological and molecular identification, and for isolation from the 18th century to the 1930s and of their impact on
in pure culture. Students use fungal cultures to conduct an scientific and social thought. Topics include the diversity of
independent experimental research project. life and its classification, the adaptation of organisms to their
Prerequisite: BIO(120H1, 220H1)/150Y1 environment, Wallace’s and Darwin’s views on evolution by
Exclusion: BOT301H1 natural selection, sexual selection, inheritance from Mendel
Recommended preparation: BIO251Y1 to T.H. Morgan, eugenics, and the implications of evolution
DR=SCI; BR=TBA for religion, gender roles, and the organization of society.
Prerequisite: 6 full courses or equivalent including
EEB337H1 Families of Vascular Plants (formerly
BOT307H1) [24L, 36P]
Exclusion: EEB353H1/HPS323H1/353H1
This course examines variation in morphology, predominant
breeding systems, dispersal syndromes, and other features
families of vascular plants in the Ontario flora. Students learn JHE355H1 History of Evolutionary Biology II (formerly
key characteristics for identification of important groups of EEB355H1) [24L, 12T]
free-sporing and seed-producing plants in the context of An examination of ideas about biological evolution from the
green plant evolution and phylogeny. 1930s to the present. Topics include the Modern Synthesis,
Prerequisite: BIO(120H1, 220H1)/150Y1 population genetics, the concept of biological species,
Exclusion: BOT307H1 ecology, sociobiology, and creationism.
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: 6 full courses or equivalent including
EEB340H1 Comparative Plant Morphology (formerly
Exclusion: EEB355H1/HPS333H1/355H1
BOT310H1) [24L, 36P]
Recommended preparation: JHE353H1, EEB353H1/
This course focuses on land plant origins and subsequent
diversification of land plant vegetative and reproductive
form and function. Discussions synthesize morphological
and anatomical knowledge from living organisms and fossil EEB356H1 Insect Biology (formerly ZOO356H1) [24L,
records with cellular, physiological, and molecular information 18P]
on the developmental tool kit of land plants and their Lectures provide an introduction to the morphology,
ancestors throughout geological time. Topics address the physiology, development, behaviour, evolutionary history
evolution of vegetative and reproductive meristems; stem, and biological significance of insects. Practicals will include
leaf, and root architecture; vascular tissue; the ovule habit; demonstrations, multimedia, and group discussions. (Offered
fertilization processes; and pollination biology. (Not offered in in alternate years; not offered in 2010-2011).
2010-2011) Prerequisite: BIO(120H1, 220H1)/150Y1
Prerequisite: BIO(120H1, 220H1)/150Y1 Exclusion: EEB/ZOO 360H1, ZOO356H1
Exclusion: BOT310H DR=SCI; BR=TBA
DR=SCI; BR=TBA EEB360H1 Entomology (formerly ZOO360H1) [24L, 36P]
EHJ351H1 The Ecology of Human Population Growth Introduction to the morphology, physiology, development,
[24L] behaviour, ecology, evolutionary history, and biological
Predicting human population growth is important to society. significance of insects. Labs include making an insect
How many people can Earth support and what constraints on collection and learning the major groups of insects.
lifestyle will be imposed by different population sizes? Topics Mandatory one week of fieldwork in southern Ontario at the
include: principles of demography; history of and scientific end of August. EEB360H1 can fulfill a program’s field course
bases for predicting human population growth; uncertainty in requirement. (Offered in alternate years; offered in 2010-11).
growth predictions; ecological consequences of population Prerequisite: BIO(120H1, 220H1)/150Y1
growth; impacts of behavioural or evolutionary change on Exclusion: EEB356H1/ ZOO356H1/360H1
population growth; philosophical and political issues affecting DR=SCI; BR=TBA

Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
EEB362H1 Introduction to Macroevolution (formerly EEB384H1 Biology of Amphibians (formerly ZOO384H1)
ZOO362H1) [24L, 24T] [12L, 36P]
Explores patterns of large-scale evolutionary change, played Introduction to the natural history, evolution, and diversity
out over large geographic expanses and extended periods of amphibians. (Offered in alternate years; offered in 2010-
of time. Integrates patterns with field and experimental 2011)
studies to clarify evolutionary processes. Topics include: Exclusion: ZOO384H1
origins of species and their adaptations, historical Recommended preparation: EEB 323H1, 362H1
biogeography, co-evolution, radiations and extinctions, DR=SCI; BR=TBA
fossils and macroevolutionary patterns, and the role of EEB386H1 Avian Biology (formerly ZOO386H1) [24L,
evolutionary information in conservation and biodiversity 12T]
initiatives. Tutorials emphasize methods used to reconstruct Avian diversity and evolution; form and function; adaptations
phylogenetic relationships and the sequence of character for flight; biogeography; migration and navigation;
evolution. reproduction, sexual selection, and social behaviour;
Prerequisite: BIO(120H1, 220H1)/150Y1 species, speciation, and hybridization; population trends and
Exclusion: ZOO362H1 conservation. Local field trips possible. Tutorials will largely
DR=SCI; BR=TBA focus on avian evolution, classification, and identification.
EEB365H1 The Biology of Conservation (formerly Prerequisite: BIO(120H1, 220H1)/150Y1
BIO365H1) [24L, 24P] Exclusion: ZOO386H1
Introduction to the study and conservation of biodiversity Recommended preparation: an additional course in evolution,
at all levels − genes, species, populations, habitats and ecology, or behaviour
ecosystem functions. Includes threats to biodiversity and DR=SCI; BR=TBA
approaches to maintaining biodiversity. Practicals include EEB388H1 Biology of Mammals (formerly ZOO388H1)
small group discussions of lecture topics and computer labs. [12L, 36P]
Prerequisite: BIO(120H1, 220H1)/150Y1 and one of EEB318 Natural history of mammals emphasizing ecology, community
H1/319H1/321H1/322H1/323H1/324H1/362H1 structure, behaviour, reproduction, and life history strategies;
Exclusion: BIO365H1/ EEB215H1 form and function related to different modes of life and
DR=SCI; BR=TBA physical environments. Labs include a survey of Ontario
EEB370H1 Theoretical Ecology and Evolution (formerly mammals. (Offered in alternate years; offered in 2010-2011)
BIO370H1) [24L, 24P] Prerequisite: EEB318H1/322H1 or BIO (270H1,
Introduction to mathematical modeling techniques used 271H1)/252Y1
in ecological and evolutionary theory. Applications include Exclusion: ZOO388H1
understanding the dynamics of populations and ecological DR=SCI; BR=TBA
communities and the evolution of ecologically important EEB389H1 Mammalian Diversity (formerly ZOO389H1)
characteristics within species. Includes applied linear [12L, 36P]
algebra, dynamic systems models, optimization techniques, The origin, evolution, zoogeography, phylogenetic
and game theory. Requires good knowledge of first-year relationships, and diversity of mammals; speciation,
calculus, but not extensive mathematical background. extinction, and current issues in conservation biology. Labs
Computer lab once a week. (Not offered in 2010-2011) survey mammalian orders, their characteristics, identification,
Prerequisite: BIO(120H1, 220H1)/150Y1, JMB170Y1/ and systematic relationships. (Offered in alternate years; not
MAT135Y1/137Y1/157Y1 offered in 2010-2011)
Exclusion: BIO370H1/470H1 Prerequisite: EEB 318H1/362H1
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Exclusion: ZOO389H1
EEB375H1 Environmental Factors (formerly ZOO375H1) DR=SCI; BR=TBA
[36L] EEB397Y1 Research Project in Ecology and
A lecture and seminar course dealing with the effects of Evolutionary Biology [TBA]
physical and chemical environments on animals. An intermediate research project requiring the prior consent
Prerequisite: BIO(120H1, 220H1)/150Y1 of a member of the Department to supervise the project.
Exclusion: ZOO200Y1, ZOO375H1 The topic is to be one mutually agreed on by the student
Recommended preparation: BIO(270H1, 271H1) and supervisor. They must arrange the time, place, and
DR=SCI; BR=TBA provision of any materials and submit to the Undergraduate
EEB382H1 Diversity of Fishes [24L, 18P] Office a signed form of agreement outlining details prior to
The systematics, morphology, ecology, behaviour, being enrolled. This course is open to highly self-motivated
biogeography, and conservation of fishes. Identification of students who are in their Third Year and have a strong
major groups of fish; what makes each group biologically interest in ecology and/or evolutionary biology. Students are
special and how those unique traits might contribute to required to write up the results of their research in a formal
conservation concerns. Laboratories focus on exercises paper, often in the format of a research article, and may be
designed to highlight how ichthyologists actually do research. required to present the results at a poster session and/or
(Not offered in 2010-2011) participate in an oral presentation. Students should contact
Prerequisite: BIO(120H1, 220H1)/150Y1 their potential supervisors over the summer before classes
DR=SCI; BR=TBA begin in September. Information regarding how to register for
the course is available on the EEB website.
Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor

Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
DR=SCI; BR=TBA EEB405H1 Experimental Ecology and Evolution in
Southern Ontario (formerly EEB/BIO 305H1)
EEB398H0 Independent Experiential Study Project
EEB399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project A two-week field course offered in August at U of T’s Koffler
An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus Scientific Reserve, King City, Ontario. Students learn the
setting. See page 48 for details. natural history of the region and conduct a research project
DR=SCI; BR=TBA in the field. Projects focus on terrestrial plant ecology, plant-
insect interactions, and other topics in evolutionary ecology
selected by the students.
400-SERIES COURSES Prerequisite: BIO(120H1, 220H1)/150Y1 and permission of
NOTE: EEB 494H1, 495H1, 496H1 are seminar courses that instructor
are advanced in level and broad in scope, emphasizing the Exclusion: EEB/BIO 305H1
integration of related sub-disciplines, critical thinking, and Recommended preparation: a second- or third-year ecology,
the synthesis of ideas often crossing disciplinary boundaries. evolution or environmental science course
Fundamental to these courses are group discussions among DR=SCI; BR=TBA
peers, facilitated by faculty, and student presentations.
EEB406H1 Inter-University Field Course (formerly EEB/
Students generally enrol in these courses in their Fourth
BIO 306H1) [TBA]
Year. Students wishing to take more than one should contact
A two-week field course offered May to August by another
the Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Undergraduate Office.
Ontario university (to various locations) as part of the Ontario
EEB401H1 Marine Biology (formerly EEB/BIO 301H1) Universities Program in Field Biology (OUPFB). The selection
[TBA] of field course modules are announced in January. For
A two-week field course offered in May at the Huntsman registration information consult the Ecology & Evolutionary
Marine Science Centre, St. Andrews, New Brunswick. Biology Undergraduate Office or EEB’s website.
Lectures and seminars with intensive field and laboratory Prerequisite: Varies on module selected
work on different marine habitats and the animals and plants DR=SCI; BR=TBA
associated with them. Student projects included. EEB407H1 Alpine Ecosystems (formerly EEB/BIO
Prerequisite: BIO(120H1, 220H1)/150Y1 and permission of 307H1) [TBA]
instructor A two-week field course at a high mountain field station in
Exclusion: EEB/BIO 301H1 the summer. Students learn the natural history of alpine
Recommended preparation: EEB265Y1/266H1/267H1 or any and subalpine biomes and investigate major abiotic and
200+ series organismal biology course with a lab biotic interactions. Required projects catalogue natural
DR=SCI; BR=TBA diversity, examine species interactions, or assess abiotic
EEB403H1 Tropical Ecology and Evolution (formerly influences and stresses on high-altitude organisms and their
EEB/BIO 303H1) [TBA] environment. (Not offered in 2010)
A two-week field course introducing students to the Prerequisite: BIO(120H1, 220H1)/150Y1, BIO251Y1 or BIO
diversity of biological communities in the tropics focusing on (270H1, 271H1)/252Y1 and permission of instructor
ecological and evolutionary interactions. Plant and animal Exclusion: EEB/BIO 307H1
communities of the New World tropics are compared and DR=SCI; BR=TBA
contrasted with temperate communities. Students conduct EEB409H1 Field Ornithology (formerly EEB309H1/
small-scale research projects in the field. (Next offered in ZOO304H1) [TBA]
May 2011). A two-week field course in May at the Wildlife Research
Prerequisite: BIO(120H1, 220H1)/150Y1 and permission of Station in Algonquin Park, Ontario. Lectures on the biology
instructor of birds with daily field work emphasizing field identification
Exclusion: EEB/BIO 303H1 (visual and acoustic), field research methodologies, analysis
DR=SCI; BR=TBA of census data, habitat relationships, and behaviour of
EEB404H1 Field Botany (formerly EEB/BOT 304H1) territoriality, reproduction and migration. Student projects
[TBA] included.
A two-week field course introducing students to the diversity Prerequisite: BIO(120H1, 220H1)/150Y1 and permission of
of plants found in southern Ontario in the wild and to the instructor
field, herbarium, and laboratory methods used in plant Exclusion: EEB309H1/ZOO304H1
organismal biology research. Topics include plant collecting, DR=SCI; BR=TBA
identification, preparation of voucher specimens, reproductive EEB410H1 Lake Ecosystem Dynamics (formerly
biology, and diversity and phylogeny. (Not offered in 2010) EEB310H1) [TBA]
Prerequisite: BIO(120H1, 220H1)/150Y1 and permission of A two-week field course in August at the Harkness Fisheries
instructor Research Laboratory in Algonquin Park, Ontario. Field and
Exclusion: EEB/BOT 304H1 laboratory exercises demonstrate how interactions between
Recommended preparation: EEB330H1/337H1 physical, chemical, and biological parameters are crucial in
DR=SCI; BR=TBA understanding lake ecosystems. Students collect, analyse,
and interpret data, and complete a class project and an
independent project.
Prerequisite: An introductory biology or introductory physical
geography course, and permission of instructor

Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Recommended preparation: 200+ series course in ecology, Prerequisite: A minimum of 10 FCEs
environmental biology, or physical geography Exclusion: BIO465H1
Exclusion: EEB310H1 Recommended preparation: BIO(120H1, 220H1)/150Y1 and
DR=SCI; BR=TBA courses in ecology, evolution, diversity, behaviour, and
EEB428H1 Global Change Ecology (formerly BIO428H1)
An examination of organism, population, and ecosystem EEB488H1 Research Issues in Ecology and
responses to long-term environmental change occurring Evolutionary Biology [36S]
at the global scale, with emphasis on human caused This course is taken concurrently by students who
perturbation to climate and the carbon, nitrogen, and hydrolic are enrolled in EEB498Y1/499Y1 Advanced Research
cycles and their ecological effects. Project in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and uses a
Prerequisite: 1.0 FCE credit from EEB/BIO/BOT/CSB/ZOO at combination of seminars, discussions and presentations
the 300+ series (including presentations by students) designed to cover
Exclusion: BIO428H1 issues commonly encountered when conducting research
Recommended preparation: ENV234Y1 in ecology and evolutionary biology. Topics may include:
DR=SCI; BR=TBA experimental design, effective use of statistics, scientific
writing and publishing, public communication, ethics, and
EEB440H1 Ecology and Evolution of Plant-Animal
career development. Students will be required to attend
Interactions (formerly BIO440H1) [24L, 12T]
departmental seminars. This is a half-course that runs from
Major concepts in ecology and evolution from the
September to April and meets in alternate weeks.
perspective of plant-animal interactions. The richness of
Prerequisite: Permission of the department
interactions between plants and animals is explored including
Co-requisite: EEB498Y1
antagonistic interactions (e.g., herbivory, carnivorous plants),
mutualistic interactions (e.g., pollination, seed dispersal,
ant-plant associations), and interactions involving multiple EEB494H1 Seminar in Evolutionary Biology (formerly
species across trophic levels. EEB/BIO 494Y1) [48S]
Prerequisite: EEB318H1/319H1/321H1/323H1/324H1/328H1 Topics include evolutionary ecology and genetics,
or a biology field course biodiversity, and behavioural ecology. Primary literature and
Exclusion: BIO440H1 research seminars form the basis for class discussion and
DR=SCI; BR=TBA short seminars. Student-led discussions.
Prerequisite: EEB323H1, 324H1; and permission of
EEB459H1 Population Genetics (formerly BIO459H1)
[24L, 12T]
Exclusion: EEB/BIO 494Y1
A focus on theoretical population genetics, using
mathematical models to understand how different
evolutionary forces drive allele frequency change. Students EEB495H1 Seminar in Ecology (formerly EEB/BIO
learn how to mathematically derive classic results in 495Y1) [48S]
population genetics. Topics include drift, coalescence, the Analysis and discussion of current topics in ecology. The
relationship between population and quantitative genetics, topics vary from year to year. The seminar activities include
selection in finite populations, and mutation load. (Offered in both oral and written analyses of current research articles,
alternate years, not offered in 2010-2011) and may include group projects. Critical discussion of
Prerequisite: BIO260H1/HMB265H1, EEB323H1 research methods is an important component of the course.
Exclusion: BIO459H1 Prerequisite: EEB319H1/321H1; one of
Recommended preparation: a solid understanding of basic EEB319H1/321H1/324H1/365H1/ ENV234Y1; and
algebra and calculus permission of department
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Exclusion: EEB/BIO 495Y1
EEB460H1 Molecular Evolution (formerly BIO460H1)
[24L, 12T] EEB496H1 Seminar in Behaviour and Behavioural
Processes of evolution at the molecular level, and the Ecology (formerly EEB/BIO 496Y1) [48S]
analysis of molecular data. Gene structure, neutrality, Topics in behavioural ecology including predator-prey
nucleotide sequence evolution, sequence evolution, interactions, host-parasite interactions, mate choice, and
sequence alignment, phylogeny construction, gene families, foraging. Other topics for general discussions may include
transposition. animal emotions, consciousness, culture and welfare.
Prerequisite: BIO240H1/250Y1/255Y1, BIO260H1/ Evaluation based on presentations, participation in class
HMB265H1 discussions, and written assignments.
Exclusion: BIO460H1/461H1 Prerequisite: EEB322H1; one of EEB323H1/324H1/362H1,
DR=SCI; BR=TBA PSY397H1/JZP326H1, PSY362H1/369H1, or a biology field
course and permission of department
EEB465H1 Conservation Biology in Theory and
Exclusion: EEB/BIO496Y1
Practice (formerly BIO465H1) [36L]
Conservation biology from a Canadian and global
perspective including targets for conservation, methods of
assessment, tools for recovery, key philosophical issues,
policy, and legislation. This course teaches the theory and
practice of real-world conservation.

Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
EEB497H1 Advanced Research Project in Ecology and
Evolutionary Biology [TBA]
EEB498Y1 Advanced Research Project in Ecology and
Evolutionary Biology [TBA]
An advanced research project (a literature review alone
is not sufficient) requiring the prior consent of a member
of the Department to supervise the project. The topic is to
be one mutually agreed on by the student and supervisor.
They must arrange the time, place, and provision of any
materials and submit to the Undergraduate Office a signed
form of agreement outlining details prior to being enrolled.
This course is normally open only to highly self-motivated
students who are in their Fourth-Year and have adequate
background in ecology and/or evolutionary biology. Students
are required to write up the results of their research in a
formal paper, often in the format of a research article, and
are also required to present the results at a poster session
and/or presentation. Students should contact their potential
supervisors over the summer before classes begin in
September. Information regarding how to register for the
course is available on the EEB website.
Prerequisite: Permission of department
Exclusion: If EEB497H1 is taken then EEB498Y1 may
not be taken for credit; BOT460Y1/461H1/462Y1;
EEB499Y1 Advanced Research Project in Ecology and
Evolutionary Biology II [TBA]
Allows students to do another independent project,
supervision of which must be different from
EEB497H1/498Y1. Operates in the same manner as
Prerequisites: EEB497H1/498Y1/ BOT460Y1/ ZOO498Y1
and permission of department
Exclusion: BOT462Y1; ZOO499Y1


Faculty C. Gourieroux, Ph D
M. Gunderson, MA, Ph D, FRSC
University Professor Emeritus I. Horstmann, BA, Ph D +
S. Hollander, OC, BScEcon, Ph D, LLD, FRSC S. Howson, MA, Ph D
G.V. Jump, BA, Ph D
Professors Emeriti H. Li, BS, Ph D
R.A. Berry, BA, Ph D G.F. Mathewson, B Com, Ph D
R.M. Bird, MA, Ph D, FRSC T. McCurdy, BA, Ph D +
J.D. Bossons, AM, Ph D A. Melino, BA, Ph D (University of Toronto
A.A.Breton, OC, BA, Ph D, FRSC Mississauga)
N.K. Choudhry, MS, Ph D (obiit) D.E. Moggridge, MA, Ph D (T)
J.S. Cohen, MA, Ph D J.E. Pesando, MA, Ph D
J.H. Crispo, B Com, Ph D (obiit) F.J. Reid, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
S.M. Eddie, B Sc, Ph D Mississauga)
J.E. Floyd, MA, Ph D A. Rotstein, BA, Ph D
D.K. Foot, AM, Ph D S. Shi, MA, Ph D
M.A. Fuss, MA, Ph D M. Smart, MA, Ph D
M.J. Gordon, MA, Ph D A. Siow, BA, Ph D
W. Haque, MA, M Sc, Ph D W.C. Strange, MA, Ph D +
M.J. Hare, B Com D. Trefler, MA, Ph D
G.K. Helleiner, OC, MA, Ph D, FRSC M.A. Turner, AM, Ph D
J.A. Hynes, AB X. Zhu, MS, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
Y. Kotowitz, BA, Ph D
A.M. Kruger, BA, Ph D Associate Professors
J.H.A. Munro, MA, Ph D V. Aguirregabiria, MSc, Ph D
K.J. Rea, MA, Ph D M. Alexopoulos, MA, Ph D
S.A. Rea, AB, Ph D E. Damiano, MA, Ph D
A.E. Safarian, OC, BA, Ph D, FRSC G. Hamilton, MA, Ph D
J .A. Sawyer, MA, Ph D J. Maheu, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
L.B. Smith, AM, Ph D Mississauga)
D.A.A. Stager, AM, Ph D (obiit) R. McMillan, BA, Ph D (University of Toronto
M.H. Watkins, B Com Mississauga)
A.M. Watson, B Com, MA P. Oreopoulos, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
L. Waverman, MA, Ph D Mississauga)
T.A. Wilson, AM, Ph D, FRSC C. Pitchik, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
J.W.L. Winder, MA, Ph D Mississauga)
D. Restuccia, MA, Ph D
Professor and Chair of the Department M.B. Stabile, MA, Ph D +
A.J. Hosios, M Eng, MA, Ph D
Assistant Professors
Professor and Associate Chair, Graduate G. Bobonis, BA, Ph D
Studies L. Brooks, BA, PhD (University of Toronto
M.J. Osborne, BA, Ph D Mississauga)
M. Burda, MA, Ph D
Professor and Associate Chair, K. Dasgupta, MA, MS, (ABD)
Undergraduate Studies M. Duarte, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
H.D. Benjamin, MA, Ph D Mississauga)
University Professor C. Goh, MA, Ph D
G. Kambourov, Ph D (University of Toronto
M. Trebilcock, FRSC, LLM
Professors E. Malinova, MA, Ph D
V.A. Aivazian, BS, Ph D (University of Toronto J. Mondria, MA, Ph D
Mississauga) P. Morrow, MA, Ph D
G. Anderson, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto A. Park, M.Phil., Dipl.Wirt.Math, Ph D (University of
Mississauga) Toronto Mississauga)
M. Baker, MA, Ph D C. Serrano, MS, MA , Ph D
L. Brandt, BS, Ph D X. Shi, BS, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
J.L. Carr, MA, Ph D Mississauga)
F.R. Casas, MSc, Ph D C. Stewart, MA, M Phil, M Sc, Ph D
M.G.S. Denny, B Sc, Ph D J. Suzuki, MA , Ph D
D.N. Dewees, B Sc, LL B, Ph D L.M.F. Turner, BA, M Sc, (ABD) (University of Toronto
G. Duranton, MA, M Sc, Ph D Mississauga)
M. Faig, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)

Adjunct Professors Because of advances in economic theory, an
J. Crean, MA, Ph D undergraduate degree is not sufficient to become a
D.P. Dungan, MA, Ph D professional economist. For this or other reasons,
P. Masson, BA, Ph D graduate work may be necessary. Students who wish to
do graduate work should seek advice from the Department
Senior Lecturer concerning their choice of courses.
L. Bailey, BA, MA (University of Toronto Mississauga)
Undergraduate Administrator: R. Innes
G. Indart, MA, Ph D
Lecturers Undergraduate Assistant: D. Navarro
S.A. Hussain, MA, Ph D Commerce Assistant: J. Fan
J. Murdock, M Phil, Ph D
K. Wong, BA, MA , (ABD) (University of Toronto Enquiries: 150 St. George Street (416-978-4603)
Sessional Lecturers Economics Programs
M. Anjomshoa, MA, M Phil Enrolment in Economics programs is based on grades
K. Furlong, MA, Ph D in ECO 100Y, completion of MAT 133Y/135Y/137Y/157Y
G. Gagnon, MA, Ph D and a minimum CGPA (please read entry requirements
G. Georgopoulos, MA, Ph D for each program carefully). Consult the Registration
R. Ghaeli, MA, Ph D Handbook & Timetable for details.
J. Kantarevic, MA, Ph D
R. Satchu, MBA Economic History (Arts program)
P. Tomlinson, BA, Ph D Enrolment in the Economic History Programs is limited to
W.G. Wolfson, B Com, MA students with 67% in ECO100Y or 80% in ECO105Y, MAT
A. Yang, MBA, MS, PhD 133Y/(123H,124H)/135Y/137Y/157Y and a CGPA of 2.0.
Z.F. Yang, MA
P.M.V. Yu, MS, Ph D Major program
+ cross appointed (6 full courses or their equivalent)

Economics is a social science that encompasses a broad First Year:

range of human behaviour and has a strong influence on ECO 100Y/105Y; MAT 133Y/
the structure, well-being and development of a society. (123H,124H)/135Y/137Y/157Y
Higher Years:
Much of human activity is directed towards the satisfaction 1. ECO 200Y/206Y; ECO 429Y
of material wants. In many areas of the world, the greater 2. Two full Economic History courses from: ECO 301Y,
part of human effort must be directed towards meeting the 302H, 303Y, 307H, 308H, 309H, 321Y, 342Y, 353Y,
most elemental demands for food, clothing, and shelter. 354H, 355H, 423H, 457Y
Even in technologically advanced societies, where these
basic requirements can be met with comparative ease, the
Minor program:
(4 full courses or their equivalent)
desire for more goods and services never appears to be
1. ECO 100Y/105Y; MAT133Y/
fully satisfied. In consequence, every society - regardless
of whether it is capitalist, socialist, or communist in
2. ECO 200Y/206Y
political orientation - is both competitive and cooperative.
3. One full Economic History course from: ECO 301Y,
It is competitive because its members contend with one
302H, 303Y, 307H, 308H, 309H, 321Y, 342Y, 353Y,
another to satisfy their individual wants from a limited
354H, 355H, 423H, 429Y, 457Y
supply of productive resources. It is cooperative because
NOTE: Students enrolled in the Minor Program in
the greatest supply of goods is available when the
Economic History cannot be enrolled in any other
activity of producing them is coordinated and organized.
Minor, Major, Specialist or Joint Specialist Economics
Economics deals with any issue arising out of the conflict
between the demand for goods and services, and a limited
supply of resources to satisfy those demands. Economics (Arts program)
Undergraduate training in economics is intended to Specialist program:
familiarize students with the discipline of economic (13 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one
thinking, and to equip them for intelligent appraisal of 400-series course)
contemporary economic problems. It is also intended to
make students aware of the nature of economic science, Enrolment in the Specialist Program is limited to
and of the directions in which economic theory is moving. students with 70% in ECO 100Y, and 63% in MAT 133Y/
(123H,124H)/, or 60% in MAT 135Y or 55% in MAT
Economic theory makes considerable use of mathematics 137Y/157Y, and a CGPA of 2.3.
in some of its enquiries. A student who chooses to
First Year:
specialize in economics must take at least one course in
ECO 100Y; MAT 133Y/(123H,124H)/135Y/137Y/157Y
mathematics. More such courses may be taken, and most
Higher Years:
economics courses draw on mathematical analysis.

1. ECO 206Y, 208Y, ECO 220Y(70%)/227Y/STA(257H, Financial Economics (Science program)
261H), ECO325H, 326H, 375H, 429Y
2. One full course in Economic History from: ECO301Y, Specialist program:
302H, 303Y, 307H, 308H, 309H, 321Y, 342Y, 353Y, (13 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one
354H, 355H, 423H, 457Y 400-series full course)
3. 4.5 full additional 300+ series ECO courses (cannot
Application to this program is limited to students with 70%
be in Economic History)
in ECO100Y1/100Y5, 63% in MAT133Y1/133Y5 or 60%
in MAT134Y5/135Y1/135Y5 or 55% in MAT137Y1/138Y5,
(a) Strongly recommended: ECO376H;
70% in ECO206Y1/206Y5, 70% in ECO208Y1/208Y5,
(b) MAT223H/240H is strongly recommended as
70% in ECO227Y1/227Y5/STA(257H1,261H1)/
preparation for ECO375H. Students taking one of
STA(257H5,261H5), completion of at least 8.0 credits
these MAT courses can have it count in lieu of one
and a CGPA of 3.3. This is a limited enrolment program.
half 300+ ECO credit required for this program;
Students enrolled in this program cannot simultaneously
(c) MAT(235Y/237Y)/ECO210H is strongly
be enrolled in any other Economics specialist, joint
recommended for this program. Students taking one
specialist, major or minor program in Economics, or in
of these courses can have it count in lieu of one half
Economic History or in the B.Com program.
300+ credit required for this program;
(d) STA 302H/303H is not accepted in lieu of ECO NOTE – Some required courses may be offered only on
375H for this program; the St. George or on the University of Toronto Mississauga
(e) STA (250H,255H) are not accepted in lieu of ECO campus in any given year. Students registered in this
(220Y/227Y)/STA(257H,261H) program at either campus may have to attend lectures on
the other campus in such cases.
Major program:
(7 full courses or their equivalent) First Year:
ECO100Y1/100Y5, MAT132Y5/133Y1/(123H,124H)/133Y5
Enrolment in this program is limited to students with
67% in ECO 100Y or 80% in ECO 105Y, MAT 133Y/
Higher Years:
(123H,124H)/135Y/137Y/157Y and a CGPA of 2.0.
1. ECO206Y1/206Y5
First Year: 2. ECO208Y1/208Y5
ECO 100Y/105Y; MAT 133Y/ 3. ECO227Y1/227Y5/STA(257H1,261H1)/
(123H,124H)/135Y/137Y/157Y (257H5,258H5/261H5)
Higher Years: 4. ECO325H1/325H5, ECO326H1/326H5
1. ECO 200Y/204Y/206Y, 202Y/208Y/209Y, ECO 5. ECO (375H1,376H1)/327Y5
220Y/227Y/STA(250H, 255H)/(257H, 261H) 6. ECO358H1/358H5, ECO359H1/359H5
2. Two full additional 300+ series ECO courses (cannot 7. 5 additional full 300+ ECO credits or their equivalent,
be in Economic History) of which at least 1.0 must be chosen from ECO349H5,
NOTE: Students in the Major program in Economics ECO356H1, ECO434H5, ECO456H1, ECO460H5,
cannot be enrolled in the Minor program in ECO461H1/461H5, ECO462H1, ECO463H5. Not
Environmental Economics. more than one full credit may be in Economic History.
Minor program: 8. NOTES:
(4 full courses or their equivalent) (a) Strongly recommended: ECO376H;
(b) MAT223H1/223H5/224H5/240H1 is strongly
Enrolment in this program is limited to students with recommended as preparation for ECO 327Y5/375H1.
67% in ECO 100Y or 80% in ECO 105Y, MAT 133Y/ Students taking one of these MAT courses can have it
(123H,124H)/135Y/137Y/157Y and a CGPA of 2.0. count in lieu of one half 300+ ECO credit required for
1. ECO 100Y/105Y; MAT 133Y/ this program;
(123H,124H)/135Y/137Y/157Y (c) MAT(232H5/233H5/235Y1/237Y1/248Y5)/
2. ECO 200Y/204Y/206Y ECO210H1 is strongly recommended for this program.
3. One full 300+ series ECO course (cannot be in Students taking one of these courses can have it
Economic History) count in lieu of one half 300+ credit required for this
NOTE: Students enrolled in the Minor Program in program;
Economic History cannot be enrolled in any other (d) STA 302H1303H1/302H5/331H5 is not accepted in
Minor, Major, Specialist or Joint Specialist Economics lieu of ECO 327Y5/375H1/376H1 for this program;
program. (e) STA (250H1,255H1) are not accepted in lieu of
ECO (220Y1/227Y1)/STA(257H1,261H1)
Finance & Economics (B.Com.) - See Rotman
Commerce (page 39) Economics and Computer Science (Science
program) - See Computer Science
Environmental Economics - See Centre for

Economics & Mathematics (Science program) ECO105Y1 Principles of Economics for Non-
Specialists [48L, 24T]
Consult Departments of Economcis and Mathematics for
An introduction to the principles and methods of
further information.
economics in association with policy issues. Lectures
Enrolment in this program is limited to students with 70% cover a variety of topics, including economic growth, the
in ECO 100Y, 55% in MAT 137Y/157Y and a CGPA of 2.3. importance of productivity, international trade, competitive
markets, macroeconomic issues and more specific topics
Specialist program: such as rent controls, OPEC, the international debt crisis,
(13 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one trade restrictions, the national debt and sustainable
400-series full course) development. Students who intend to complete a minor,
First Year: major, or specialist program in Economics are advised to
ECO 100Y; MAT 137Y/157Y take ECO100Y.
Second Year: Exclusion: ECO100Y
ECO 206Y, 208Y, ECO 227Y/STA(257H,261H); DR=SOC SCI; BR=3
MAT(223H/240H,237Y,246H)/257Y ECO200Y1 Microeconomic Theory [48L, 24T]
Second or Third Year: Theory of markets and prices. Determination of prices
APM 236H; MAT 244H/267H through the interaction of the basic economic units, the
Third Year: household as consumer and as supplier of inputs and
MAT 315H/337H/(327H,357H) (MAT 357H may be taken in the business firm as producer and as employer of inputs.
Fourth Year) The pricing system as the mechanism by which social
Third or Fourth Year: decisions and allocation of goods are made in a market
1. APM 462H; ECO 325H/326H economy.
2. Two full 300+series ECO courses Exclusion: ECO204Y, 206Y
3. One full course from: MAT 309H/315H/334H/337H/3 Prerequisite: ECO100Y(67%)/ECO105Y(80%); MAT133Y/
44H/363H/464H/any 400-series MAT course/another (123H,124H)/135Y/137Y/157Y
300+level STA course, subject to the approval of the DR=SOC SCI; BR=3
ECO202Y1 Macroeconomic Theory and Policy [48L,
Economics Courses 24T]
Theory of output, employment and the price level;
See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions. techniques for achieving economic stability; central
banking and Canadian financial institutions and markets;
First Year Seminars foreign exchange markets and the exchange rate. This
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide course is not intended for students enrolled in the B.Com
the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class program; please see ECO209Y.
of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive Exclusion: ECO208Y, 209Y
seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity Prerequisite: ECO100Y(67%)/ECO105Y(80%)
and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the Co-requisite: MAT133Y/(123H,124H)/135Y/137Y/157Y
professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first DR=SOC SCI; BR=3
year of study. For details, see page 48.
ECO204Y1 Microeconomic Theory and Applications
(for Commerce) [48L, 24T]
Note The use of microeconomics to analyze a variety of
Enrolment in most Economics courses above the 100-level issues – from marketing and finance to organizational
and, therefore, in all Economics Programs, is based on structure. Consumer preferences and behavior; demand,
grades in ECO 100Y or ECO 105Y and, in most cases, cost analysis and estimation; allocation of inputs,
MAT 133Y or MAT 135Y or MAT 137Y or MAT157Y. pricing and firm behavior under perfect and imperfect
Additional information is contained in the Registration competition; game theory and public policy, including
Handbook and Timetable. Not all courses are offered competition policy. Business cases are used to connect
each year. theory and practice and to highlight differences and
similarities between economics and accounting, marketing
ECO100Y1 Introduction to Economics [48L, 24T] and finance. This course is restricted to students in the
An introduction to economic analysis and its applications: Commerce programs.
price determination; the role of competition; international Exclusion: ECO200Y, 206Y
trade and finance; the theory of production and Prerequisite: ECO100Y1(67%), MAT 133Y/
employment; the role of money and the banking (123H,124H)/135Y/137Y/157Y
system; monetary and fiscal policy. NOTE graphical and DR=SOC SCI; BR=3
quantitative analysis are used extensively.
Exclusion: ECO105Y ECO206Y1 Microeconomic Theory [48L, 24T]
Recommended prepararation: MCB4U, MGA4U/MDM4U This course deals more rigorously and more
or equivalent secondary school mathematics credits mathematically with the topics included in ECO200Y and
DR=SOC SCI; BR=3 is intended primarily for students in certain Economics
Specialist programs.
Exclusion: ECO200Y, 204Y

Prerequisite: ECO100Y(70%); MAT133Y(63%)/(123H the tools used in economics and finance to model and
(63%),124H(63%))/135Y(60%)/137Y(55%)/157Y(55%) address randomness and uncertainty.
DR=SOC SCI; BR=3 Exclusion: ECO220Y, GGR270Y, 270H, PSY201H, 202H,
SOC300Y, SOC300H, STA107H, 247H, 248H, 250H,
ECO208Y1 Macroeconomic Theory [48L, 24T]
255H, 257H, 261H
This course deals more rigorously and more
Prerequisite: ECO100Y(70%); MAT133Y(63%)/(123H
mathematically with the topics included in ECO 202Y and
is intended primarily for students in certain Economics
Recommended Co-requisite: MAT223H/240H,
Specialist programs.
Exclusion: ECO202Y, 209Y
Prerequisite: ECO100Y(70%); MAT133Y(63%)/(123H
(63%),124H(63%))/135Y(60%)/137Y(55%)/157Y(55%) ECO230Y1 International Economic Institutions and
DR=SOC SCI; BR=3 Policy [48L, 24T]
This course is intended primarily for students in the
ECO209Y1 Macroeconomic Theory and Policy (for
International Relations and in the Peace & Conflict
Commerce) [48L,24T]
Studies programs. The key concepts of international trade
Macroeconomic issues relevant for commerce students.
and finance are reviewed with an eye to understanding
Analytical tools are used to examine policy issues:
contemporary issues and recommending policy initiatives.
Canadian government budgets, Bank of Canada monetary
Attention is given to empirical assessment of alternative
policy, exchange rate policy, foreign trade policy and
trade theories and to broader international relations
government regulation of financial intermediaries.
This course is restricted to students in the Commerce
Exclusion: ECO328Y/364H/365H
Prerequisite: ECO100Y(67%)/ECO105Y(80%)/enrolment
Exclusion: ECO202Y, 208Y
in the International Relations Specialist or Major
Prerequisite: ECO100Y(67%)
Programs, or the IR/Peace and Conflict Studies joint
Co-requisite: MAT133Y/(123H,124H)/135Y/137Y/157Y
Specialist Program.
ECO210H1 Mathematical Methods for Economic
ECO239Y1 Labour Markets and Policies [48L, 24T]
Theory [24L, 12T]
This course is intended primarily for students in the
An introduction to mathematical methods commonly
Employment Relations programs. Application of economic
used in economic theory. Topics include unconstrained
analysis to current issues in labour policy: immigration,
multivariate optimization, multivariate optimization subject
retirement, education, unemployment, earnings
to equality or inequality constraints and differential
differentials, employment and pay equity, labour unions,
minimum wage, income policies.
Exclusion: MAT235Y/ 237Y
Exclusion: ECO339Y
Prerequisite: ECO100Y(67%)/ECO105Y(80%);
Prerequisite: ECO100Y(67%)/ECO105Y(80%)
Co-requisite: ECO200Y/204Y/206Y WDW244H1 Labour Relations
DR=SOC SCI; BR=None (This course has no status for See Woodsworth College
breadth requirement purposes) ECO250Y1 Special Topics in Economics [48L]
ECO220Y1 Quantitative Methods in Economics [48L, ECO251H1 Special Topics in Economics [24L]
Numerical and graphical data description techniques; data ECO252H1 Special Topics in Economics [24L]
collection and sampling; probability; sampling distributions; Courses may be offered in one or more subjects each
statistical inference; hypothesis testing and estimation; year. Students must meet the prerequisites announced by
simple and multiple regression analysis. Study methods, the Department (see the Undergraduate Administrator for
the basis for these methods, when each is or is not details).
appropriate, and how to correctly interpret and explain Prerequisite: TBA
results. DR=SOC SCI; BR=None (This course has no status for
Prerequisite:ECO100Y1(67%)/ECO105Y1(80%); breadth requirement purposes)
MAT133Y1/(MAT123H1, MAT124H1)/MAT135Y1/ ECO299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1 Credit course for supervised participation in faculty
Exclusion: ECO227Y, GGR270Y, 270H, PSY201H, 202H, research project. See page 48 for details.
SOC300Y, SOC300H, STA107H, 220H, 221H, 247H, DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
248H, 250H, 255H, 257H, 261H
DR=SOC SCI; BR=3+5 ECO301Y1 European Economic History, 1250 – 1750
(formerly ECO201Y1) [48L, 24T]
ECO227Y1 Quantitative Methods in Economics [48L, The development of the West European economy from
24T] the apogee of the Commercial Revolution in the mid-
A rigorous introduction to probability and mathematical 12Th century and the ensuing economic crises of the
statistics intended for economics specialists. Probability later Middle Ages to the eve of the modern Industrial
and estimation theory, sampling distributions, hypotheses Revolution, in the mid-18th century, focusing on Italy,
testing, multiple regression analysis. Students will learn

Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, the Low Countries Exclusion: ECO355H (The Economics of Life: A Historical
and England. Major topics: feudalism, serfdom and other Perspective)
barriers to economic growth; demographic, monetary DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
and other macroeconomic forces; the development of ECO309H1 Economic Growth and Development in
market economies; structural changes in and interactions Southeast Asia [24L]
among the agrarian, commercial, financial, and industrial An evaluation of economic development strategies
sectors; overseas expansion and colonization; the role in Southeast Asia and their implications for growth,
of Church, state, warfare, and social/political institutions; industrialization, and income inequality. A review of
Mercantilism. trade and development theory that can explain the
Exclusion: ECO201Y economic development of Southeast Asia, followed by an
Prerequisite: ECO200Y/204Y/206Y explanation of the initial conditions provided by resource
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA endowments, geographical location, trade-international
ECO302H1 Comparative Economic Institutions in economic relations, and domestic economic development
History [24L] policies, and how these conditions have affected the
Contrasting ways in which the factors of production - land, process of development. A focus on the five most
labour and capital - are organized in human society. Tribal, populous and resource abundant countries of the region:
feudal, mercantilist and market economies are considered. Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.
A conceptual framework related to both market and non- Prerequisite: ECO200Y/204Y/206Y, ECO202Y/208Y/209Y
market economies, based on the work of Karl Polanyi. Exclusion: ECO355H (Economic Growth and Development
Exclusion: ECO302Y, ECO354H(2001-02 and 2002-03) in Southeast Asia)
Prerequisite: ECO200Y/204Y/206Y DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA ECO310Y1 Industrial Organization and Public Policy
ECO303Y1 The Economic History of Modern Europe [48L, 24T]
to 1914 [48L, 24T] Study of how firms compete and structure of markets.
The economic development of modern Europe, focusing Emphasize oligopoly markets and use game theory. In
on urban industrialization in the Netherlands, Great Britain, addition to theory, study empirical industrial organization
France, Germany, and Russia, up to World War I. Major including estimation of demand. Applications to
topics: technological, institutional, and social factors in competition policy with a focus on evaluating antitrust
economic growth; demographic and monetary forces; implications of horizontal mergers.
structural changes in and interactions among the agrarian, Prerequisite: ECO200Y/204Y/206Y, ECO220Y/227Y/
commercial, financial, and industrial sectors; international STA(247H, 248H)/(250H, 255H)/(257H, 261H)
trade and capital flows; the role of the state; the role of DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
economic theory and ideology; theories of post-1850 ECO313H1 Environmental Economics and Policies
imperialism. [24L]
Exclusion: ECO203Y This course demonstrates the way that a rigorous
Prerequisite: ECO200Y/204Y/206Y application of microeconomic techniques can inform our
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA responses to various environmental problems. Topics may
ECO307H1 Issues in Canadian and US Economic include: air and water pollution and renewable resource
History to 1914 [24L] management.
The evolution of North American markets, with emphasis Prerequisite: ECO200Y/204Y/206Y, MAT133Y/
on the pre-Civil War period. Labor markets are examined, (123H,124H)/135Y/137Y/157Y
including those for indentured servants and apprentices, DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
as well as the economics of slavery. The timing and ECO314H1 Energy and Resource Economics [24L]
impact of technological change and the evolution of An investigation of the way that a rigorous application
manufacturing production. The U.S. economy and the role of microeconomic techniques can 1) improve our
of Canadian economic activity within the broader North understanding of how resources like oil, minerals, fish,
American context. and forests are extracted in equilibrium, and 2) lead to
Prerequisite: ECO200Y/204Y/206Y improved management policies.
Exclusion: ECO221Y, 321Y, 323Y5, 354H (North American Prerequisite: ECO200Y/204Y/206Y, MAT133Y/
Economic History to 1850), ECO423H (123H,124H)/135Y/137Y/157Y
ECO308H1 The Economics of Life: A Historical ECO320H1 Economic Analysis of Law [24L]
Perspective [24L] The practical application of microeconomic theory to
Demographic economic history within a North American common legal problems: torts, contracts, property and
context. Topics include changes over time in marriage crime, and the limitations of economic analysis. No
markets, fertility, mortality and stature. The impact of previous familiarity with the law is assumed. (This is an
property rights within marriage, illegitimacy, the decline of economic analysis of legal issues, not a course in law.)
fertility in the nineteenth century and the puzzling inter- Prerequisite: ECO200Y/204Y/206Y, MAT133Y/
temporal divergence between height and wealth during the (123H,124H)/135Y/137Y/157Y
early nineteenth century. DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite ECO200Y/204Y/206Y; ECO220Y/227Y/

ECO321Y1 Canadian Economic History since 1500 ECO336Y1 Public Economics [48L]
[48L] Theory of public goods, externalities, and the politics
Canadian economic growth and development as viewed of government policy. Analysis of equity, incidence and
through the staples thesis of Harold Innis. Reference to incentive effects of taxes. An analytical treatment of the
United States economic history throughout the course. public sector.
Exclusion: ECO221Y1, 307H, 323Y5 Exclusion: ECO236Y
Prerequisite: ECO200Y/204Y/206Y Prerequisite: ECO200Y/204Y/206Y; MAT133Y/
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA (123H,124H)/135Y/137Y/157Y
ECO324Y1 Economic Development [48L]
Economic development theory and policy related to the ECO339Y1 Economics of Labour [48L, 24T]
economic transformation of the developing countries, The operation of labour markets; determinants of supply
including industrial and agricultural sector strategies, and demand for labour; wage differentials; discrimination;
international trade policy, public sector activities and the investment in schooling and training; unemployment;
importance of productivity growth and poverty reduction economics of unions.
programs. Exclusion: ECO239Y, 361Y5
Prerequisite: ECO200Y/204Y/206Y, 202Y/208Y/209Y, Prerequisite: ECO200Y/204Y/206Y; ECO220Y/227Y/
ECO220Y/227Y/STA(247H,248H)/(250H,255H)/ STA(247H,248H)/(250H,255H)/(257H,261H)
(257H,261H) DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA ECO340H1 Economics of Income Distribution [24L]
ECO325H1 Advanced Economic Theory - Macro [24L, The personal distribution of income and wealth;
12T] measurement of inequality and poverty. The distributional
A development of the microeconomic foundations of effects of the tax system, government spending and
macroeconomic theory to expand students’ analytic skills economic regulation (including policies such as minimum
by constructing and solving macroeconomic models. wages, pay equity and employment equity).
Topics may include: dynamic choice, neoclassical growth Prerequisite: ECO200Y/204Y/206Y; ECO220Y/227Y/
theory, uncertainty and rational expectations, business STA(247H,248H)/(250H,255H)/(257H,261H)
cycles, as well as fiscal and monetary policy. DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: ECO208Y/202Y(70%)/209Y(70%), ECO342Y1 Twentieth Century Economic History [48L]
ECO220Y(70%)/227Y/STA(247H(70%),248H(70%))/ Economic development of Europe and certain overseas
(250H(70%), 255H(70%))/(257H,261H) areas, particularly Japan and the United States. Special
Recommended preparation: MAT223H/240H, attention to globalization before 1914, problems of the
MAT235Y/237Y/ECO210H interwar years, the Great Depression of the 1930’s,
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA the period since 1945, international trade, the balance
ECO326H1 Advanced Economic Theory - Micro [24L, of payments and exchange rate mechanisms, growth
12T] performance of the major industrial countries.
Game theory and applications. Topics include: strategic Prerequisite: ECO200Y/204Y/206Y/(ECO230Y, POL208Y)
and extensive games, with applications to economics. DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Exclusion: ECO372H5, 372Y5 ECO350Y1 Special Topics in Economics [48L]
Prerequisite: ECO200Y(70%)/204Y(70%)/206Y,
ECO220Y(70%)/227Y/STA(247H(70%),248H(70%))/ ECO351H1 Special Topics in Economics [24L]
(250H(70%), 255H(70%))/(257H,261H) ECO352H1 Special Topics in Economics [24L]
Recommended preparation: MAT223H/240H, Courses may be offered in one or more subjects each
MAT235Y/237Y/ECO210H year. Students must meet the prerequisites announced by
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA the Department (see the Undergraduate Administrator for
ECO332H1 Economics of the Family [26L] details).
A use of microeconomics to study the behaviour of the Prerequisite: TBA
family, including marriage, divorce, intra-family allocations, DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
investment in children and gender roles. ECO353Y1 Special Topics in Economic History [48L]
Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1;
MAT133Y1/(MAT123H1,MAT124H1)/MAT135Y1/ ECO354H1 Special Topics in Economic History [24L]
MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1 ECO355H1 Special Topics in Economic History [24L]
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Courses may be offered in one or more subjects each
ECO333Y1 Urban Economics [48L, 24T] year. Students must meet the prerequisites announced by
Spatial economic theory and urban public policy: firms the Department (see the Undergraduate Administrator for
and individuals in partial and general equilibrium, land details).
development and land-use controls, urban transportation, Prerequisite: TBA
efficiency and equity in spending and taxing. DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: ECO200Y/204Y/206Y; MAT133Y/ ECO356H1 Special Topics in Financial Economics
(123H,124H)/135Y/137Y/157Y [24L]
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Courses may be offered in one or more subjects each
year. Students must meet the prerequisites announced by

the Department (see the Undergraduate Administrator for Prerequisites: ECO202Y/208Y/209Y
details). Exclusion: ECO230Y/328Y
Prerequisite: TBA DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA ECO369Y1 Health Economics [48L]
ECO358H1 Financial Economics I [24L] The provision of health care provides many special
An introduction to economics of financial assets and problems of informational asymmetry, regulation,
financial markets. Topics: inter-temporal choice, expected insurance and redistribution. A consideration of the
utility theory, security valuation, selected asset pricing demand and supply side problems. Alternative reform
models, market efficiency, and the term structure of proposals for health care are explored.
interest rates - essential materials for an understanding of Prerequisite: ECO200Y/204Y/206Y, MAT133Y/
the role and operation of financial markets. (123H,124H)/135Y/137Y/157Y
Prerequisite: ECO200Y/204Y/206Y, ECO220Y/227Y/ DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
STA(247H,248H)/(250H,255H)/(257H,261H) ECO370Y1 Economics of Organizations [48L]
Exclusion: ACT349H1, MGT331Y1, 337Y1, RSM332H, An introduction to the economic analysis of the firm that
333H highlights how organizations and special .contractual
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA relationships emerge as alternative institutions to the
ECO359H1 Financial Economics II: Corporate market for allocating resources. Incentive problems and
Finance [24L] informal relationships, within and between firms, are
Agency and incomplete information problems inherent in important components of this analysis
financial transactions; the role of contractual arrangements Exclusion: ECO381H, ECO426H
in overcoming them. Financial constraints on investment Prerequisite: ECO200Y/204Y/206Y; ECO220Y/227Y/
decisions of firms; the financial system in economic STA(247H,248H)/(250H,255H)/(257H,261H)
growth; the legal system in the functioning of financial DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
markets. A look at theoretical and empirical literature ECO374H1 Applied Econometrics (for Commerce)
covering these issues. [24L,12T]
Prerequisite: ECO358H An introduction to econometrics similar to ECO 375H,
Exclusion: ACT349H1, MGT331Y1, 337Y1, RSM332H, with greater focus on applications drawn from business
333H and financial economics. The course is built around the
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA statistical foundations and economic applications of the
ECO360Y1 Economic Growth and Technological multiple regression model. Using statistical software,
Change [48L] students will also learn how to conduct, present, and
With emphasis on the United States, Japan and Canada, critique empirical research.
this course examines theories of capitalism; Long Wave Prerequisites: ECO200Y/204Y/206Y, ECO220Y(70%)/
Cycle, the importance of productivity growth and Solow’s ECO227Y/STA(257H,261H)
residual, the economics of technological change, the Recommended preparation: MAT223H/240H
Japanese/U.S. trade interface, the economic slowdown Exclusion: ECO327Y/375H, STA302H
since 1973 and the current Canadian productivity DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
challenge. ECO375H1 Applied Econometrics I [24L,12T]
Prerequisite: ECO200Y/204Y/206Y, 202Y/208Y/209Y, An introduction to econometrics , theoretical and practical,
ECO220Y/227Y/ STA(247H,248H)/(250H,255H)/ focusing on the multiple regression model. Statistical
(257H,261H) assumptions, theory, and results are carefully developed,
Exclusion: ECO362H5 as are the necessary conditions for the valid application
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA of regression analysis to economic data. Students apply
ECO364H1 International Trade Theory [24L,12T] these techniques to economic data using statistical
An examination of the causes and consequences of software.
international trade. The first half develops traditional Prerequisite: ECO200Y/204Y/206Y, ECO220Y(70%)/
models of comparative advantage, with the second half ECO227Y/STA(257H,261H)
examines more recent theoretical and empirical work on Recommended preparation: MAT223H/240H
trade & wages, the political economy of trade, outsourcing, Exclusion: ECO327Y/374H, STA302H
and firm heterogeneity. DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisites: ECO200Y/204Y/206Y, ECO220Y/227Y/ ECO376H1 Applied Econometrics II [24L,12T]
STA(247H,248H)/(250H,255H)/(257H,261H) A research-oriented course continuing from ECO375H.
Exclusion: ECO230Y/328Y The regression model is extended in several possible
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA directions: time series analysis; panel data techniques;
ECO365H1 International Monetary Economics instrumental variables; simultaneous equations; limited
[24L,12T] dependent variables. Students will complete a major
Introduction to open economy macroeconomics and empirical term paper, applying the tools of econometrics to
international finance. The core objective of the course is to a topic chosen by the student.
develop macroeconomic models of open economies that Prerequisite: ECO375H(60%)/ECO374H(70%), NOTE:
can be applied towards gaining an understanding of STA302H is not adequate preparation
recent events such as US deficits, financial crises, China’s Exclusion: ECO327Y, STA302H
exchange rate policy and the Euro. DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA

ECO380H1 Managerial Economics I: Competitive Prerequisite: ECO200Y/204Y/206Y, 202Y/208Y/209Y,
Strategy [24L] ECO220Y/227Y/STA(247H,248H)/(250H,255H)/
This course in applied microeconomics is concerned (257H,261H) permission of instructor
with the functioning of markets and the behaviour of DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
firms within these markets. The focus is on strategic ECO420Y1 Special Topics in Economics [48S]
relationships between organizations, including competitive
relationships among firms in the same market and ECO421H1 Special Topics in Economics [24S]
cooperative relationships between a firm and its suppliers ECO422H1 Special Topics in Economics [24S]
and distributors. Seminars or workshops may be offered in one or more
Prerequisite: ECO200Y/204Y/206Y; ECO220Y/227Y/ subjects each year. Students must meet the prerequisites
STA(247H,248H)/(250H,255H)/(257H,261H) announced by the Department. (See the Undergraduate
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Administrator for details.)
ECO381H1 Managerial Economics II: Personnel Prerequisite: TBA, permission of instructor
Economics [24L] DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
An examination of selected material on compensation and ECO423H1 Topics in North American Economic
incentives in organizations. Topics include recruitment and History [24L]
hiring, training, turnover, downsizing, motivating workers, Themes are incentives, contracts, and the impetus
teams, allocating authority and task assignment. for change. Topics include indigenous people of North
Exclusion: ECO370Y,426H America; indentured servitude; slavery; apprenticeships;
Prerequisite: ECO200Y/204Y/206Y; ECO220Y/227Y/ the evolution of production from artisan shop to the
STA(247H,248H)/(250H,255H)/(257H,261H) factory; invention and the diffusion of technological
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA innovations; institutions and growth.
ECO398H0 Independent Experiential Study Project Prerequisite: ECO206Y(70%),227Y(70%)/
STA257H(70%),261H(70%), or permission of the
ECO399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project instructor.
An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus Exclusion: ECO307H1
setting. See page 48 for details. DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
ECO429Y1 History of Economic Thought [48L]
Development of analytical economics from the 18th
Note: century with emphasis on Adam Smith and the British
Many 400-level courses are offered as joint undergraduate Classical School (David Ricardo, T.R. Malthus, and J.S.
and graduate courses. Students interested in any of these Mill), Karl Marx, the Marginalists and their successors to
courses should consult with the instructor before enrolling. 1939, including Keynes.
Exclusion: ECO322Y1, 322Y5
ECO416H1 Macroeconometric Models for Policy Prerequisite: ECO200Y/204Y/206Y; ECO202Y/208Y/209Y
Analysis and Forecasting [24L, 12T] DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
The construction and operation of macroeconometric
models. The use of models for conducting policy ECO430Y1 Reading Course or Thesis [TBA]
simulations and for generating quantitative forecasts of ECO431H1 Reading Course or Thesis [TBA]
economic activity. Intended for advanced Specialist students who have
Prerequisite: ECO325H exhausted course offerings in a particular area. Open
Co-requisite: ECO327Y/374H/375H,376H only when a faculty member is available and willing to
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA supervise. Students must obtain the approval of the
ECO418H1 Empirical Applications of Economic Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies before
Theory [24L] enrolling.
Topics class in applied econometrics, emphasizing DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
empirical industrial organization. Emphasis on a balanced ECO433H1 The Economics of Cities and Regions
treatment of theory and econometric techniques used in [24L, 12T]
empirical research in industrial organization (the study Broad introduction to modern regional and urban
of firms and markets). How firms behave, how market economics. In the first part, we study how and why cities
equilibriums arise and how economic policies are used to grow and develop. In the second part, we explore how
affect market equilibriums. cities interact and why they differ in size and perform
Prerequisite: ECO327Y/374H/375H different activities. The last part looks at regional
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA development and attempts to understand the determinants
ECO419H1 International Macroeconomics [24L] of regional inequalities.
Contemporary issues in international monetary economics Co-requisite: ECO327Y1/374H/375H1
and macroeconomic policy formulation in open economies DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
like Canada. A study of forces determining interest rates ECO435H1 The Economics of Modern China
and exchange rates, inflation and unemployment; analysis (formerly ECO335Y1) [24L]
of government policy in relation to financial markets. A focus on post-1949 Chinese economy, and the PRC’s
economic legacy. Economic development during the
Maoist period, particularly post-1979 reforms. China’s

experience is compared to Eastern Europe’s and the role ECO462H1 Financial Econometrics [24L]
of China in the rapidly growing East Asian economy. This This course is intended primarily for students in the
is a limited enrolment seminar requiring extensive reading. Financial Economics specialist program. An introduction
Exclusion: ECO335Y to the econometrics used in empirical finance, with an
Prerequisite: ECO200Y1(70%)/ECO204Y1(70%)/ emphasis on estimation and inference using computer
ECO206Y1(60%) based applications. Topics will include parametric and
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA nonparametric models of volatility, evaluation of asset
pricing theories and models for risk management and
ECO451H1 Macroeconomic Growth [24L]
transactions data.
An introduction to modern theories of the determinants
Prerequisite: ECO358H(70%),327Y(70%)/375H(70%),37
of macroeconomic growth that examines the important
question of why some countries are rich and others are
poor. Topics include: investigation of empirical literature
pertaining to international comparisons of recent and past
rates of economic growth across countries.
Prerequisite: ECO325H, ECO327Y/375H,376H
ECO456H1 Special Topics in Financial Economics
Courses may be offered in one or more subjects each
year. Students must meet the prerequisites announced by
the Department (see the Undergraduate Administrator for
Prerequisite: TBA
ECO457Y1 The International Economy since 1870
Topics vary with the interest and backgrounds of the
participants; subjects normally include international
monetary arrangements; patterns of international trade,
competition and payments; migration and capital flows;
imperialism and dependency; international fluctuations; the
effects of the world wars on the international economy and
the evolution of international economic institutions.
Prerequisite: A grade of “B” in at least one of ECO
364H, ECO 365H, or ECO 342Y
ECO459H1 International Trade Regulation [24L]
The theory and political economy of international trade,
with examination of specific trade institutions: Bretton
Woods, WTO, NAFTA, tariff administration, most-favoured
nation treatment, antidumping regulation, subsidies and
countervailing duties, agriculture, trade in services, trade-
related intellectual property, trade and environment, trade
and developing countries.
Prerequisite: ECO328Y/364H, permission of instructor
ECO461H1 The Economics of Financial Risk
Management [24L]
This course is intended primarily for students in the
Financial Economics specialist program and is not
open to students in the B.com program. The role of
risk management in both private and public sectors, a
discussion of why firms and government should hedge
financial risks; individual and social gains of financial risk
management; identification and quantification of financial
risks (including Value-at-Risk measures); how derivative
securities can be used for financial risk management.
Exclusion: ACT349H1, MGT331Y1, 337Y1, 438H1,
RSM332H, 333H, 435H
Prerequisite: ECO358H(70%)/ECO460H5(70%)


Faculty C. Visser, B Litt, Ph D (U)

G.T. Warkentin, MA, Ph D (V) (FRSC)
University Professors Emeriti F.W. Watt, MA, B Litt, Ph D (U)
J.E. Chamberlin, Ph D, FRSC (N) M. Wilson, MA, Ph D, FRSC (T)
R. Frank, MA, Ph D, FRSC (U) Professor and Chair of the Department
J.R. de J. Jackson, MA, Ph D, FRSC (V) A.J. Bewell, MA, Ph D, FRSC (U)
M. Millgate, MA, Ph D, FRSC
Associate Professor and Associate Chair
Professors Emeriti N. Mount, MA, Ph D
T.H. Adamowski, MA, Ph D
P.R. Allen, MA, Ph D (I) University Professors
F.J. Asals, MA, Ph D (N) L.A. Hutcheon, MA, Ph D, FRSC (N)
G.E. Bentley, B Litt, D Phil, FRSC (U) Professors
C.R. Blake, MA, Ph D (U) S.C. Akbari, MA, Ph D (U)
W.F. Blissett, MA, Ph D, FRSC (U) J.H. Astington, MA, Ph D
R.M. Brown, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto J.D. Baird, MA, Ph D (V)
Scarborough) B. Corman, AM, Ph D (T)
P.L. Brückmann, MA, Ph D (T) M. Cuddy-Keane, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
E. Cameron, MA, Ph D (U) Scarborough)
D.D.C. Chambers, MA, Ph D (T) A.H. de Quehen, Ph D (U)
E. Cook, MA, Ph D, FRSC (V) D.L. Esch, MA, Ph D (V)
E.W. Domville, Ph D (T) R. Greene, D Phil (University of Toronto Mississauga)
D.J. Dooley, MA, Ph D (SM) E.D. Harvey, MA, Ph D (U)
J.D. Duffy, MA, Ph D (I) (V) A. diP. Healey, MA, Ph D (U)
J. Dutka, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto H.J. Jackson, MA, Ph D
Mississauga) A. Jaffe, PhD
F.T. Flahiff, MA, Ph D (SM) C. Kanaganayakam, Ph D (T)
M. Garson, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto T. Keymer, MA, Ph D
Mississauga) D.N. Klausner, Ph D (U)
R.I.C. Graziani, MA, Ph D (U) A.C. Lancashire, AM, Ph D (U)
P.M. Grosskurth, MA, Ph D (N) D.I. Lancashire, MA, Ph D, FRSC (N)
W.H. Halewood, MA, Ph D (U) G. M. Leonard, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
G.A. Hamel, MA, Ph D (N) Scarborough)
E.R. Harvey, M Phil, Ph D J.L. Levenson, MA, Ph D, FRSC (T)
B.S. Hayne, AM, Ph D (SM) S.B. MacLean, MA, PhD
F.D. Hoeniger, MA, Ph D (V) L. Magnusson, MA, Ph D
P. Howard, MA, Ph D (I) J.L. Matus, MA, Ph D (U)
A.F. Johnston, MA, Ph D, LL D, FRSC (V) H. Murray, MA, Ph D (V)
W.J. Keith, MA, Ph D, FRSC (U) A.P.M. Orchard, MA, Ph D (T)
M.C. Kirkham, M Phil (U) A. Quayson, Ph D
J.C. Kuhn, MA, Ph D (SM) M. Redekop, MA, Ph D (V)
A.M. Leggatt, MA, Ph D, FRSC (U) J.H. Reibetanz, AM, Ph D (V)
N.R. Lindheim, MA, Ph D J.M. Reibetanz, MA, Ph D (T)
J.F. Lynen, MA, Ph D (U) S.Z. Solecki, MA, Ph D (U)
J.J. Macpherson, MA, BLS, Ph D (V) P.A. Stevens, MA, Ph D (T)
F.J. Marker, MA, DFA (U) R. Sullivan, MA, Ph D, FRSC
G. Matteo, MA, Ph D, (SM) L. Thomson, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
J. Millgate, MA, Ph D, FRSC (V) Mississauga)
L. Munk, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga) D. Townsend, MA, Ph D (U)
D. Neill, MA, B Litt
S. Neuman, Ph D, FRSC Associate Professors
R.B. Parker, MA, Ph D (T) A. Ackerman, MA, Ph D (U)
A.D. Pritchard, Ph D (U) C. Bolus-Reichert, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
A.G. Rigg, MA, D Phil (T) Scarborough)
S.P. Rosenbaum, MA, Ph D, FRSC G.E. Clarke, MA, Ph D (U)
A. Saddlemyer, MA, Ph D, D Litt, LL D, FRSC (V) M. Cobb, MA, Ph D (U)
P.D. Seary, MA, D Phil (N) C. Columpar, Ph D (I)
W.D. Shaw, AM, Ph D, FRSC (V) J. DeLombard, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
M.J. Sidnell, MA, Ph D (T) Mississauga)
J. Skvorecky, Ph D, FRSC (University of Toronto N. Dolan, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
Mississauga) Scarborough)
R.W. Van Fossen, AM, Ph D (University of Toronto P.B. Downes, MA, Ph D (T)
Mississauga) (obiit) A. DuBois, Ph D (University of Toronto Scarborough)


U. Esonwanne, Ph D Literature in English has a long and rich history and is

G. Fenwick, MA, Ph D (T) now written around the world. From the Anglo-Saxon
D.I. Galbraith, MA, Ph D (V) bards of over a thousand years ago up to contemporary
A. Gillespie, MA, D Phil (University of Toronto writers, literature presents us with the verbal artistry and
Mississauga) the imaginative creations of people responding to, and
M. Goldman, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto shaping, many cultures: British, Canadian, American,
Scarborough) African, West Indian, Aboriginal, to name a few. Works of
G. Henderson, MA, Ph D literature are the verbal embodiment of the imaginative
C. Hill, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga play of gifted writers as they explore the philosophical,
D.H. Justice, MA, Ph D historical, psychological, scientific, religious, and political
N. ten Kortenaar, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto realities of their times.
S. Lamb, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto The Department of English offers a wide range of
Scarborough) courses that engage many aspects of this vast subject:
M.J. Levene, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto courses in theory, language, and critical methods, in
Mississauga) Canadian and indigenous North American literature,
H. Li, Ph D in American and transnational literatures, in British
V. Li, MA, PhD literature from its beginnings to the 19th century, and in
J. Lopez, MA, Ph D literature from the 18th century to the present. As well
D.S. Lynch, PhD as enlarging their cultural horizons, students of English
R.R. McLeod, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto gain a rigorous training in the skills of critical thinking:
Mississauga) reading and interpreting texts, analyzing complex data,
N. Morgenstern, MA, Ph D making judgments, marshalling evidence and presenting
A. Most, MA, Ph D arguments of their own. Students who undertake the study
M. Nyquist, MA, Ph D (N) of English are simultaneously learning to think clearly
J.J. O’Connor, MA, Ph D (SM) and critically and to write with grace, precision, and force.
J.W.O. Patrick, MA, Ph D (V) International organizations, governments of all kinds,
C.E. Percy, MA, D Phil (N) professionals, large and small businesses all depend
W. Robins, MA, Ph D (V) on these skills. Besides many professors and authors of
M. Ruti, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga) English literature, we count among our alumni publishers
S. Salih, MA, D Phil and editors, radio and television producers, journalists,
N. Sammond, MA, Ph D (I) business executives, filmmakers, lawyers, judges, and
C. Schmitt, MA, Ph D many other professions.
D. Seitler, MA, Ph D English courses are arranged in four series, each of
C. Warley, MA, Ph D which indicates the nature and level of work expected.
K. Weisman, MA, Ph D The courses in our 100 series introduce students to the
D.E. White, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto study of English literature at the university level through
Mississauga) broad courses that introduce the major literary forms via
M. Woodland, MA, Ph D examples drawn from different times and places. These
Assistant Professors courses aim to develop writing, reading, and critical skills:
C. Campbell, MPhil, Ph D essays at the 100 level typically do not require research
S.E. Dickie, MA, Ph D or secondary sources. Courses in the 200 series introduce
K.R. Larson, MPhil, Ph D (University of Toronto specific aspects of the discipline: literature in a specific
Scarborough) genre, or literature from a specific place or people.
A. Maurice, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Coursework at the 200 level may require some research
Scarborough) and the beginnings of familiarity with scholarship on the
R. McGill, M Phil, PhD subject. At the 300 level, courses advance into a particular
S. Radović, MA, PhD (Univers.ity of Toronto period or subject within a literature or literary genre:
Mississauga) contemporary American fiction, for instance, or a particular
M. Rubright, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto topic in Shakespeare studies. Courses at this level
Scarborough) introduce students to research skills and typically require
S. Stern, JD, Ph D essays that incorporate some secondary sources. Courses
C. Suzack, MA, PhD in the 400 series are both advanced and focused, unique
H.S. Syme, AM, Ph D (University of Toronto courses created by Department faculty that often relate
Mississauga) to their own research. Courses at the 400 level require
K. Vernon, MA, PhD (University of Toronto a substantial research essay for which the student has
Scarborough) significant input into framing the research question.
S. Wilson, MA, Ph D The Department of English offers several Programs
M. Xie, Ph D of Study. The Specialist is the most intensive and
T.P. Yu, Ph D comprehensive program, requiring a minimum of ten
Senior Lecturer full-course equivalents (FCE) in a 20-FCE degree.
J. Levine, MA, Ph D (V) The Major is the Department’s most popular program,

combined with Majors or Minors in a wide variety of other 2. At least 1.0 FCE from Group 2
fields. The program provides both depth and breadth to (Canadian and Indigenous North American Literatures)
students who wish to focus in English studies but also 3. At least 1.0 FCE from Group 3
wish to leave room in their degrees for other programs (American and Transnational Literatures)
and interests. The Minor is the Department’s second most 4. At least 3.0 FCE from Group 4
popular program, combined with Majors and Specialists (British Literature to the 19th Century)
in a wide variety of other fields. On the principle that the 5. At least 1.5 FCE from Group 5
Minor is a curiosity-driven program, Minors are exempt (Literature since the 18th Century)
from the distribution requirements of the Specialist and In addition, the Faculty of Arts & Science requires English
Major Programs. Students should note that neither the Specialists to complete at least 0.5 FCE in Arts & Science
Specialist nor the Major Program are designed to meet courses in Breadth Requirement Category 5: The Physical
the requirements for admission to any particular graduate and Mathematical Universes.
program: students interested in graduate school should
seek advice on course selection from their professors and Major program:
academic counsellors. Similarly, students considering a Seven FCE (including at least 5.0 ENG FCE) from the
teaching career in Ontario should consult the admission courses listed below, including 1.5 300+series FCE and
counsellors at the Ontario Institute for Studies in 0.5 400-level FCE.
Education/UT. Students with questions about English Only 1.0 100-series ENG FCE may be counted.
Programs should consult the Office of the Associate Chair ENG100H1 and ENG185Y1 may not be counted.
or the Undergraduate Counsellor.
Courses must fulfill the following requirements:
The Department of English publishes our course
descriptions online, usually by mid-April. Online 1. At least 0.5 FCE from Group 1
descriptions include detailed course descriptions and (Theory, Language, Methods)
reading lists for the particular courses being taught the 2. At least 1.0 FCE from Group 2
following year. The general policy of the Department is to (Canadian and Indigenous North American Literatures)
regulate class size in order to achieve the best conditions 3. At least 1.0 FCE from Group 3
possible for teaching and learning. Enrolment in many (American and Transnational Literatures)
sections is therefore limited. Students are urged to consult 4. At least 2.0 FCE from Group 4
these course descriptions at www.english.utoronto.ca (British Literature to the 19th Century)
before enrolment begins. 5. At least 1.0 FCE from Group 5
(Literature since the 18th Century)
Associate Chair: Professor N. Mount, Room 608, 170 St. In addition, the Faculty of Arts & Science requires English
George Street Majors to complete at least 0.5 FCE in Arts & Science
courses in Breadth Requirement Category 5: The Physical
Undergraduate Counsellor: Ms V. Holmes, Room 609, 170 and Mathematical Universes.
St. George Street (416-978-5026)
General Enquiries: Room 610, 170 St. George Street Minor program:
(416-978-3190) Four FCE (including at least 3.0 ENG FCE) from the
courses listed below, including 1.0 300+series FCE.
English Programs Only 1.0 100-series ENG FCE may be counted.
ENG100H1 and ENG185Y may not be counted.
English (Arts program)
Courses that may be counted toward English
Enrolment in the English Specialist program requires programs:
a final grade of at least 73% in ENG110Y, ENG140Y, or
ENG 110Y1 OR 140Y1 OR 150Y1; 299Y1, 389Y1, 390Y1,
ENG150Y. Students applying to enrol in the Specialist
391Y1, 392H1, 393H1, 394Y1, 398H0, 399Y0
after second year require a final grade of 77% in 2.0
ENG 200-series FCE. Students are responsible for Group 1: Theory, Language, Methods
completing all the requirements of an English program ENG 201Y1, 205H1, 280H1, 285H1, 380H1, 382Y1,
from the Calendar of the year in which they enrolled in 383H1, 384Y1 (OR 290Y1), 385H1, 414H1, 415H1,
the program. 416Y1, 417Y1, 418H1, 419Y1; JEI206H1, JFV323H1,
Specialist program: PHL285H1, PHL388H1, SMC229H1, VIC311H1
Ten FCE (including at least 7.0 ENG FCE) from the
courses listed below, including 3.0 300+series FCE and Group 2: Canadian and Indigenous North American
1.0 400-series FCE. Literatures
ENG 215H1, 252Y1, 254Y1, 277Y1, 350H1, 352H1,
Only 1.0 100-series ENG FCE may be counted. 353Y1, 354Y1, 355H1, 357H1, 424H1, 425H1, 426Y1,
ENG100H1 and ENG185Y1 may not be counted. 427Y1, 428H1, 429Y1; ABS341H1, DRM268H1,
Courses must fulfill the following requirements: UNI218H1, UNI325H1
1. At least 1.0 FCE from Group 1 Group 3: American and Transnational Literatures
(Theory, Language, Methods) ENG 250Y1, 264H1, 268H1, 269H1, 270Y1, 273Y1,
275Y1, 278Y1, 360H1, 363Y1, 364Y1, 365H1, 368H1,

370H1, 375H1, 434H1, 435H1, 436Y1, 437Y1, 438H1, NUS334H0 Southeast Asian Literatures in English
439Y1; DRM310H1, NEW322H1 [36L]
This module introduces students to the contextual study
Group 4: British Literature to the 19th Century of texts from Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines
ENG 202Y1, 220Y1, 240Y1, 300Y1, 301H1, 302Y1, and other parts of Southeast Asia. Topics discussed
303H1 OR 304Y1, 305H1 OR 306Y1, 307H1, 308Y1, include the possibilities and problematics of a regional
311H1, 322Y1, 323H1, 330H1, 331H1, 335H1, 336H1, literary canon, and the manner in which literary texts from
337H1, 444H1, 445H1, 446Y1, 447Y1, 448H1, 449Y1; the region negotiate with the societies in which they are
SMC360H1, VIC201Y1, VIC342H1, VIC344H1 written and read.
Prerequisite: Course offered at NUS
Group 5: Literature since the 18th Century DR=HUM; BR=TBA
ENG 210Y1, 213H1, 214H1, 232H1, 234H1, 235H1,
237H1, 239H1, 324Y1 OR 325H1, 328Y1, 329H1, NUS338H0 South Asian Literatures in English [36L]
340H1, 341H1, 347Y1, 348Y1, 349H1, 454H1, 455H1, This module introduces students to the conceptual study
456Y1, 457Y1, 458H1, 459Y1; SMC336H1, SMC349H1, of texts by leading writers from South Asia, from countries
SMC353Y1, VIC210Y1, VIC309H1, VIC310H1 such as Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh.
Prerequisite: Course offered at NUS
Asian Literatures and Cultures (Arts program) Exclusion: ENG269H1
Consult the Undergraduate Counsellor, Department of
English NUS339H0 Postcolonial Literatures in English [36L]
This module provides an introduction to the literatures
This humanities-based Type 3 Minor program represents a in English written outside of the United Kingdom and
unique opportunity to study Asian Literatures and Cultures the United States that are now often categorized as
within a Southasian location. Students take core subjects “postcolonial.”
at the first-year or second-year level in Toronto and then Prerequisite: Course offered at NUS
spend the fall semester of their second, third or fourth Exclusion: ENG270Y1
year at the National University of Singapore where they DR=HUM; BR=TBA
are enrolled in lecture courses. For more information,
contact the Undergraduate Office and the International English Courses
Student Exchange Office (ISXO, www.utoronto.ca/student.
exchange). See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.

First Year Seminars

Minor Program:
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
Four FCE, including ENG270Y1 (or ENG370H1 and
the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
NUS339H0) and one other ENG FCE from the list above
of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
and two NUS FCE from the list below, including at least
seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
one 300-series NUS FCE.
and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
NUS231H0 Singapore Film: Performance of Identity professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
[36L] year of study. For details, see page 48.
This module introduces students to the history and Please note: Not all courses are offered every year.
development of film production in Singapore and its
relationship with television, theatre and the internet.
Prerequisite: Course offered at NUS 100-Series Courses
NUS332H0 Singapore English-Language Theatre Only ONE of ENG 110Y1,140Y1 or 150Y1 may
[36L] be counted toward English program requirements.
This module provides an overview of Singapore English- ENG100H1 and ENG185Y1 may not be used to meet
Language Theatre as well as an in-depth analysis of its the requirements of any English program. First-year
canonical texts. It traces the development of Singapore’s students may enrol in a 200-series ENG course if they are
cultural identity through her theatre’s shifting strategies of concurrently enrolled in ENG 110Y1, 140Y1 or 150Y1.
Prerequisite: Course offered at NUS
ENG100H1 Effective Writing [36L]
NUS333H0 Studies in Southeast Asian Arts [36L] A course designed to improve competence in writing
The module explores in depth a particular Southeast Asian expository and persuasive prose for academic and other
art (visual or performing arts, music, or literature).The purposes. It aims to teach the principles of clear, well-
specific focus of the module varies. reasoned prose, and their practical applications; the
Prerequisite: Course offered at NUS processes of composition (drafting, revising, final editing);
DR=HUM; BR=TBA the conventions of various prose forms and different
university disciplines. The course does not meet the needs
of students primarily seeking to develop English language

proficiency. This course may not count toward any English development of the theatre, the growth of the novel form,
program. and the emergence of women writers.
DR=HUM; BR=None (This course has no status for DR=HUM; BR=1
breadth requirement purposes) ENG205H1 Rhetoric [36L]
ENG110Y1 Narrative [72L] An introduction to the rhetorical tradition from classical
This course explores the stories that are all around us and times to the present with a focus on prose as strategic
that shape our world: traditional literary narratives such as persuasion. Besides rhetorical terminology, topics may
ballads, romances, and novels, and also non-literary forms include the discovery and arrangement of arguments,
of narrative, such as journalism, movies, myths, jokes, validity in argumentation, elements of style, and rhetorical
legal judgments, travel writing, histories, songs, diaries, criticism and theory.
biographies. DR=HUM; BR=2
DR=HUM; BR=1 ENG210Y1 The Novel [72L]
ENG140Y1 Literature for our Time [72L] An introduction to the novel through a reading of ten to
An exploration of how recent literature in English responds twelve texts, representing a range of periods, techniques,
to our world. Includes poetry, prose, and drama by major regions, and themes.
writers of the twentieth century (such as Eliot, Woolf, DR=HUM; BR=1
Beckett, Plath, Morrison, Munro, Coetzee, Rushdie) and ENG213H1 The Short Story [36L]
emerging writers of the current century. This course explores shorter works of nineteenth- and
DR=HUM; BR=1 twentieth-century writers. Special attention is paid to
ENG150Y1 The Literary Tradition [72L] formal and rhetorical concepts for the study of fiction as
An introduction to major authors, ideas, and texts that well as to issues such as narrative voice, allegory, irony,
shaped and continue to inform the ever-evolving traditions and the representation of temporality.
of literature in English. Includes works and authors from DR=HUM; BR=1
antiquity to the nineteenth century such as the Bible, the ENG214H1 The Short-Story Collection [36L]
Qu’ran, Plato, Homer, Sappho, Virgil, Dante, Christine This course explores collections of short stories. It
de Pizan, Shakespeare, Cervantes, Montaigne, Austen, examines individual stories, the relationships among
Dostoekvski. and between stories, the dynamics of the collection as
DR=HUM; BR=1 a whole, the literary history of this genre, along with its
ENG185Y1 The Study of Literature [48L] narrative techniques and thematic concerns.
See Academic Bridging Program. DR=HUM; BR=1
Only for students registered in the Academic Bridging ENG215H1 The Canadian Short Story [36L]
Program. This course may not count toward any English An introduction to the Canadian short story, this course
program. emphasizes its rich variety of settings, subjects, and
DR=HUM; BR=1 styles.

200-Series Courses ENG220Y1 Shakespeare [72L]

About twelve plays by Shakespeare representing the
Note different periods of his career and the different genres
English 200-series courses are open to students who he worked in (comedy, history, tragedy). Such plays as
have obtained standing in 1.0 ENG FCE or in any 4.0 Romeo and Juliet; A Midsummer Night’s Dream; Richard
FCE. Students without these prerequisites may enrol in II; Henry IV, Parts I and II; As You Like It, Twelfth Night;
a 200-series course if they are concurrently enrolled in Measure for Measure; Hamlet; King Lear; Antony and
ENG 110Y1, 140Y1 or 150Y1. Please note that these Cleopatra; The Tempest. Non-dramatic poetry may be
prerequisites and the exclusions below will be strictly included.
enforced. DR=HUM; BR=1
ENG232H1 Biography and Autobiography [36L]
An introduction to biography and autobiography, with a
ENG201Y1 Reading Poetry [72L] sampling of important examples in English.
An introduction to poetry through a close reading of texts, DR=HUM; BR=1
focusing on its traditional forms, themes, techniques, and
uses of language; its historical and geographical range; ENG234H1 Children’s Literature [36L]
and its twentieth-century diversity. A critical and historical study of poetry and fiction written
DR=HUM; BR=1 for or appropriated by children, this course may also
include drama or non-fiction and will cover works by
ENG202Y1 British Literature: Medieval to Romantic at least twelve authors such as Bunyan, Stevenson,
[72L] Carroll, Twain, Alcott, Nesbit, Montgomery, Milne, Norton,
An introduction to influential texts that have shaped the Fitzhugh.
British literary heritage, covering approximately twelve DR=HUM; BR=1
writers of poetry, drama, and prose, from Chaucer
to Keats, with attention to such questions as the ENG235H1 The Graphic Novel [36L]
An introduction to book-length sequential art, this course
includes fictional and nonfictional comics by artists such

as Will Eisner, Art Spiegelman, Frank Miller, Alan Moore, DR=HUM; BR=1
Chris Ware, Daniel Clowes, Julie Doucet, Marjane Satrapi, ENG269H1 South Asian Literatures in English [36L]
Chester Brown, Seth. An introduction to the major authors and literary traditions
DR=HUM; BR=1 of South Asia, paying specific attention to literatures in
ENG237H1 Science Fiction [36L] English from India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and
This course explores speculative fiction that invents or the diaspora. The focus will be on fiction and poetry with
extrapolates an inner or outer cosmology from the some reference to drama.
physical, life, social, and human sciences. Typical subjects Exclusion: NUS338H0
include AI, alternative histories, cyberpunk, evolution, DR=HUM; BR=1
future and dying worlds, genetics, space/time travel, ENG270Y1 Colonial and Postcolonial Writing [72L]
strange species, theories of everything, utopias, and In this course we study literary and non-literary texts from
dystopias. the nineteenth century to the present day. Colonial texts
DR=HUM; BR=1 are analysed alongside postcolonial interpretations of
ENG239H1 Fantasy and Horror [36L] the nineteenth-century archive, giving students a grasp
This course explores speculative fiction of the fantastic, of colonial discourse and contemporary postcolonial
the magical, the supernatural, and the horrific. Subgenres analyses.
may include alternative histories, animal fantasy, epic Exclusion: ENG253Y1, NUS339H0
fantasy, the Gothic, fairy tales, magic realism, sword and DR=HUM; BR=1
sorcery, and vampire fiction. ENG273Y1 Queer Writing [72L]
DR=HUM; BR=1 Introducing a lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer
ENG240Y1 Old English Language & Literature [72L] tradition in literature and theory, this course explores
Prepares students to read the oldest English literary forms classical, modern, postmodern, and contemporary
in the original language. Introduces the earliest English literature, criticism, art, film, music, and popular culture.
poetry in a woman’s voice, expressions of desire, religious DR=HUM; BR=1
fervour, and the agonies of war. Texts, written 680 - 1100, ENG275Y1 Jewish Literature in English [72L]
range from the epic of Beowulf the dragon-slayer to ribald A survey of Jewish literature in English, focusing on
riddles. questions of language, history, religion, national identity,
DR=HUM; BR=1 and genre, this course may include works of prose,
ENG250Y1 American Literature [72L] poetry, drama, film, or music from various Jewish literary
An introductory survey of major works in American communities.
literature, this course explores works in a variety of Exclusion: ENG256Y1
genres, including poetry, fiction, essays, and slave DR=HUM; BR=1
narratives. ENG277Y1 African Canadian Literature [72L]
DR=HUM; BR=1 A study of Black Canadian Literature (poetry, drama,
ENG252Y1 Canadian Literature [72L] fiction, non-fiction) from its origin in the African Slave
An introductory survey of major Canadian works in poetry, Trade in the eighteenth century to its current flowering
prose, and drama from early to recent times. as the expression of immigrants, exiles, refugees, and
DR=HUM; BR=1 “indigenous Africans” (whose roots are essentially
“Canadian”). Pertinent theoretical works, films and
ENG254Y1 Indigenous Literatures of North America
recorded music are also considered.
An introduction to Indigenous North American writing in
English, with significant attention to Aboriginal literatures ENG278Y1 African Literatures in English [72L]
in Canada. The writings are placed within the context of What, if anything, is distinctively “African” in African texts;
Indigenous cultural and political continuity, linguistic and in what form is that distinction encoded, and how? Is it
territorial diversity, and living oral traditions. The primary possible to produce “African” readings of African texts? We
focus is on contemporary Indigenous writing. address these, as well as other relevant theoretical issues,
DR=HUM; BR=1 through close readings of oral performances, short stories,
novels, plays, and selected essays.
ENG264H1 Caribbean Literature [36L]
An introduction to the literatures and cultures of the
Caribbean and the diaspora, including fiction, poetry, ENG280H1 Critical Approaches to Literature [36L]
theory, drama, film, and other media. An introduction to literary theory and its central questions,
DR=HUM; BR=1 such as the notion of literature itself, the relation between
literature and reality, the nature of literary language, the
ENG268H1 Asian North American Literature [36L]
making of literary canons, and the roles of the author and
Introduction to the literature and culture of Asian
the reader.
Canadians and Asian Americans, including fiction, poetry,
Exclusion: ENG267H1
drama, film, video, and electronic media. The course also
explores how such works respond to representations of
Asians in popular culture and to Asian North American ENG285H1 The English Language in the World [36L]
history and politics. Many-voiced modern English dominates science,
Exclusion: ENG279Y1 business, diplomacy, and popular cultures worldwide. This

introductory course surveys transnational, regional, and prose writers as Bacon, Clifford, Donne, Wroth, Burton,
social varieties of Later Modern English; the linguistic and Cary, Browne, Hobbes, Milton, Cavendish.
social factors that have shaped them; their characteristic Exclusion: ENG303H1
structures; and their uses in speech and in writing, both DR=HUM; BR=TBA
literary and non-literary. ENG305H1 Swift, Pope, and Their Contemporaries
Exclusion: ENG367Y1 [36L]
DR=HUM; BR=2 Selected works in prose and verse by Swift and Pope
ENG299Y1 Research Opportunity Program studied alongside works by their contemporaries. Topics
Credit course for supervised participation in faculty may include the legitimacy of satire, the role of criticism,
research project. See page 48 for details. and the growing importance of writing by women.
Exclusion: ENG306Y1
JEI206H1 Writing English Essays [24L, 12T]
This course teaches students who already write effectively
how to write clear, compelling, research-informed English ENG306Y1 Poetry and Prose, 1660-1800 [72L]
essays. The course aims to help students recognize Writers of this period grapple with questions of authority
the function of grammar and rhetoric, the importance of and individualism, tradition and innovation, in politics,
audience, and the persuasive role of style. religion, knowledge, society, and literature itself. Special
DR=HUM; BR=1 attention to Dryden, Pope, Swift, Johnson, and at least six
other authors.
Exclusion: ENG305H1
300-Series Courses DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Note ENG307H1 Women Writers, 1660-1800 [36L]
English 300-series courses are open to students who have A study of poems, plays, novels, letters, periodical essays,
obtained standing in at least 4.0 FCE, including 2.0 ENG polemical works, and books for children by such writers
FCE. Students should note the special prerequisites for as Cavendish, Behn, Finch, Centlivre, Leapor, Burney,
ENG 389Y1, 390Y1, 391Y1, 392H1, 393H1 and 394Y1: Wollstonecraft. Topics may include patronage and
consult the descriptions online before the May 15 deadline publishing; nationality, class, and gender; and generic
for instructions on applying for these courses. Please note conventions.
that these prerequisites and exclusions below will be DR=HUM; BR=TBA
strictly enforced. ENG308Y1 Romantic Poetry and Prose [72L]
Poetry and critical prose of Blake, W. Wordsworth,
Coleridge, Byron, P.B. Shelley, Keats; may include
ENG300Y1 Chaucer [72L] selections from other writers such as Crabbe, Scott,
The foundation of English literature: in their uncensored Landor, Clare, D. Wordsworth, M. Shelley, De Quincey.
richness and range, Chaucer’s works have delighted wide DR=HUM; BR=TBA
audiences for over 600 years. Includes The Canterbury ENG311H1 Medieval Literature [36L]
Tales, with its variety of narrative genres from the This course explores a selection of writings in early
humorous and bawdy to the religious and philosophical, English, excluding those by Chaucer.
and Troilus and Criseyde, a profound erotic masterpiece. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
ENG322Y1 Fiction before 1832 [72L]
ENG301H1 Spenser [36L] This course studies the emergence of prose fiction as
Selections from The Faerie Queene and other works. a genre recognized in both a literary and a commercial
DR=HUM; BR=TBA sense. Authors may include Behn, Defoe, Richardson,
ENG302Y1 Poetry and Prose, 1500-1600 [72L] Fielding, Sterne, Scott, and Austen.
Considering literature during the reign of the Tudors, DR=HUM; BR=TBA
this course may include poetry of Wyatt, Sidney, Mary ENG323H1 Austen and Her Contemporaries [36L]
Sidney Herbert, Marlowe, Shakespeare, Spenser, and A study of selected novels of Jane Austen and of works by
Donne; prose of More, Askew, Sidney, Hakluyt, Hooker, such contemporaries as Radcliffe, Godwin, Wollstonecraft,
Elizabeth I, Lyly, and Nashe; and supplementary readings Wordsworth, Edgeworth, Scott, and Shelley, in the context
from such writers as Erasmus, Castiglione, Machiavelli. of the complex literary, social, and political relationships of
DR=HUM; BR=TBA that time.
ENG303H1 Milton [36L] DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Selections from Paradise Lost and other works. ENG324Y1 Fiction, 1832-1900 [72L]
Exclusion: ENG304Y1 Exploring the social and political dilemmas of a culture in
DR=HUM; BR=TBA transition, this course studies such topics as the comic
ENG304Y1 Poetry and Prose, 1600-1660 [72L] art of Dickens, Trollope, and Thackeray, the Gothicism of
Considering literature during the reign of the early Stuarts the Brontës, the crisis of religious faith in George Eliot,
and the Civil War, with special attention to Milton and and the powerful moral fables of Hardy. Students will read
Paradise Lost, this course also includes such poets as 10-12 novels.
Donne, Jonson, Lanyer, Wroth, Herbert, Marvell, and such Exclusion: ENG325H1

ENG325H1 Victorian Realist Novels [36L] Exclusion: ENG338Y1
This course explores forms of realism in Victorian fiction DR=HUM; BR=TBA
and includes at least six novels by such authors as ENG347Y1 Victorian Poetry and Prose [72L]
Dickens, Thackeray, George Eliot, Charlotte Bronte, Writers (such as Darwin, Tennyson, Browning, Wilde,
Gaskell, Collins, Trollope, Hardy. Nightingale, Christina Rossetti, Kipling) respond to crisis
Exclusion: ENG324Y1 and transition: the Industrial Revolution, the Idea of
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Progress, and the “Woman Question”; conflicting claims
ENG328Y1 Modern Fiction to 1960 [72L] of liberty and equality, empire and nation, theology and
This course explores ten to twelve works by such writers natural selection; the Romantic inheritance, Art-for-Art’s-
as James, Conrad, Cather, Forster, Joyce, Woolf, Sake, Fin de siècle, and “Decadence.”
Lawrence, Faulkner, Rhys, Hemingway, Achebe, Ellison, Exclusion: ENG312Y
Spark, Lessing. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=HUM; BR=TBA ENG348Y1 Modern Poetry to 1960 [72L]
ENG329H1 Contemporary British Fiction [36L] Special study of Yeats, Pound, Eliot, Auden, Stevens;
This course explores six or more works by at least four selections from other poets.
British contemporary writers of fiction. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
ENG349H1 Contemporary Poetry [36L]
ENG330H1 Early Drama [36L] Works by at least six contemporary poets, such as
This course explores liturgical plays, biblical plays, Ammons, Ashbery, Heaney, Hughes, Lowell, Muldoon,
religious and political morality plays, and Tudor interludes. Plath.
ENG331H1 Drama to 1603 [36L] ENG350H1 Early Canadian Literature [36L]
This course explores English drama to the end of the reign Writing in English Canada before 1914, from a variety of
of Queen Elizabeth I, with attention to such playwrights as genres such as the novel, poetry, short stories, exploration
Lyly, Kyd, Marlowe, Shakespeare. and settler accounts, nature writing, criticism, First Nations
Exclusion: ENG332Y1 and ENG333H1 cultural production.
ENG335H1 Drama 1603 to 1642 [36L] ENG352H1 Canadian Drama [36L]
This course explores English drama from the death of A study of major Canadian playwrights and developments
Queen Elizabeth I to the closing of the theatres, with since 1940, with some attention to the history of the
attention to such playwrights as Jonson, Middleton, theatre in Canada.
Shakespeare, Webster. Exclusion: ENG223H1
Exclusion: ENG332Y1 and ENG333H1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=HUM; BR=TBA ENG353Y1 Canadian Fiction 72L]
ENG336H1 Topics in Shakespeare [36L] A study of twelve or more Canadian works of fiction,
A concentrated study of one aspect of Shakespeare’s primarily novels.
work, such as his use of a particular genre, a particular Exclusion: ENG216Y1
period of his work, a recurring theme, or the application of DR=HUM; BR=TBA
a particular critical approach. ENG354Y1 Canadian Poetry [72L]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA A study of major Canadian poets, modern and
ENG337H1 Drama, 1660-1800 [36L] contemporary.
At least twelve plays, including works by Dryden, DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Wycherley, Congreve, and their successors, chosen to ENG355H1 Indigenous Women’s Literature [36L]
demonstrate the modes of drama practised during the A study of works by Indigenous women writers from
period, the relationship between these modes and that North America and beyond, with significant attention to
between the plays and the theatres for which they were Aboriginal writers in Canada. Texts engage with issues of
designed. de/colonization, representation, gender, and sexuality, and
Exclusion: ENG334H1 span multiple genres, including fiction, life writing, poetry,
DR=HUM; BR=TBA drama, film, music, and creative non-fiction.
ENG340H1 Modern Drama to World War II [36L] DR=HUM; BR=TBA
A study of plays in English by such dramatists as Wilde, ENG357H1 New Writing in Canada [36L]
Yeats, Shaw, Synge, Glaspell, Hughes, and O’Neill, as Close encounters with recent writing in Canada: new
well as plays in translation by such dramatists as Ibsen, voices, new forms, and new responses to old forms. Texts
Chekhov, Strindberg, Pirandello. may include or focus on poetry, fiction, drama, non-fiction,
Exclusion: ENG338Y1 or new media.
ENG341H1 Modern Drama since World War II [36L] ENG360H1 Early American Literature [36L]
A study of plays by such dramatists as Beckett, Miller, This course explores writing in a variety of genres
Williams, Pinter, Soyinka, Churchill, with background produced in the American colonies in the seventeenth
readings from other dramatic literatures.

and eighteenth centuries, such as narratives, poetry, ENG383H1 Critical Methods [36L]
autobiography, journals, essays, sermons, court transcripts. Sustained study of one school, movement, or approach
DR=HUM; BR=TBA in literary theory, history, or criticism. Content varies with
ENG363Y1 Nineteenth-Century American Literature
This course explores American writing in a variety of genres ENG384Y1 Literature and Psychoanalysis (formerly
from the end of the Revolution to the beginning of the ENG290Y1) [72L]
twentieth century. An introduction to psychoanalysis for students of literature,
Exclusion: ENG358Y1 this course considers major psychoanalytic ideas through
DR=HUM; BR=TBA close readings of selected texts by Freud. The course
also explores critiques and applications of Freud’s work
ENG364Y1 Twentieth-Century American Literature [72L]
and examines a selection of literary texts that engage
This course explores twentieth-century American writing in a
psychoanalytic theory.
variety of genres.
Exclusion: ENG290Y1
Exclusion: ENG359Y1
ENG385H1 History of the English Language [36L]
ENG365H1 Contemporary American Fiction [36L]
This course explores English from its prehistory to the
This course explores six or more works by at least four
present day, emphasizing Old, Middle, and Early Modern
contemporary American writers of fiction.
English and the theory and terminology needed to
Exclusion: ENG361H1
understand their lexical, grammatical, and phonological
structure; language variation and change; codification and
ENG368H1 Asian North American Poetry and Prose standardization; literary and non-literary usage.
[36L] Exclusion: ENG367Y1
Close study of works by Asian American and Asian Canadian DR=HUM; BR=TBA
authors, with attention to the historical and political contexts
ENG389Y1 Creative Writing [48S]
in which such works have been written and read. Topics
Restricted to students who in the opinion of the Department
may include racial, diasporic, and hybrid identity; cultural
show special aptitude for writing poetry, fiction, or drama. For
nationalism and transnationalism; gender and sexuality; the
application procedure, see the descriptions online and submit
politics of poetic form.
an application by May 15.
Exclusion: ENG279Y1
Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor and the Associate
ENG370H1 Postcolonial and Transnational Discourses Exclusion: ENG369Y1
This course focuses on recent theorizations of postcoloniality
ENG390Y1 Individual Studies [TBA]
and transnationality through readings of fictional and non-
fictional texts, along with analyses of contemporary films and ENG392H1 Individual Studies [TBA]
media representations. ENG393H1 Individual Studies [TBA]
ENG394Y1 Individual Studies [TBA]
ENG375H Studies in Jewish Literature and Culture A scholarly project chosen by the student and supervised
[36L] by a member of the staff. The form of the project and the
This course will offer a focused exploration of a particular manner of its execution are determined in consultation with
genre, national literature, literary period or thematic thread in the supervisor. All project proposals should be submitted by
modern Jewish literature and culture in English. May 15. Proposal forms are available online and from the
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Department.
ENG380H1 History of Literary Theory [36L] Prerequisite: 3.0 ENG FCE, permission of the instructor and
Literary theory from classical times to the nineteenth century. the Associate Chair
Topics include theories of the imagination, genre analysis, DR=HUM; BR=TBA
aesthetics, the relations between literature and reality and ENG391Y1 Individual Studies (Creative) [TBA]
literature and society, and the evaluation and interpretation of A project in creative writing chosen by the student and
literature. supervised by a member of the staff. The form of the
DR=HUM; BR=TBA project and the manner of its execution are determined in
ENG382Y1 Contemporary Literary Theory [72L] consultation with the supervisor. All project proposals should
This course explores literary theory from the early twentieth be submitted by May 15. Proposal forms are available online
century to the present. Schools or movements studied may and from the Department.
include structuralism, formalism, phenomenology, Marxism, Prerequisite: 3.0 ENG FCE, including ENG389Y1, permission
post-structuralism, reader-response theory, feminism, queer of the instructor and the Associate Chair
theory, new historicism, psychoanalysis, postcolonial theory, DR=HUM; BR=TBA
and cultural and race studies.
Exclusion: ENG366Y1

ENG398H0 Independent Experiential Study Project ENG434H1 Advanced Studies: American and
Transnational Literatures [24S]
ENG399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project
An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus ENG435H1 Advanced Studies: American and
setting. See page 48 for details. Transnational Literatures [24S]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA ENG436Y1 Advanced Studies: American and
Transnational Literatures [24S]

400-Series Courses ENG437Y1 Advanced Studies: American and

Transnational Literatures [48S]
English 400-series courses are open to students who have
obtained standing in at least 9.0 FCE, including at least 5.0 ENG438H1 Advanced Studies Seminar: American and
ENG FCE. Students who require a 400-series course to Transnational Literature [24S]
satisfy their program requirements have enrolment priority ENG439Y1 Advanced Studies Seminar: American and
in the first round of course enrolment. Individual topics Transnational Literatures [48S]
to be specified by instructors. Seminars are designed to DR=HUM; BR=TBA
provide students with the opportunity to practice their skills
ENG444H1 Advanced Studies: British Literature to the
of research and interpretation at a particularly advanced
19th Century [24S]
level. Please note that these prerequisites will be strictly
enforced. ENG445H1 Advanced Studies: British Literature to the
19th Century [24S]
ENG446Y1 Advanced Studies: British Literature to the
ENG414H1 Advanced Studies: Theory, Language, 19th Century [48S]
Methods [24S] ENG447Y1 Advanced Studies: British Literature to the
ENG415H1 Advanced Studies: Theory, Language, 19th Century [48S]
Methods [24S] DR=HUM; BR=TBA
ENG416Y1 Advanced Studies: Theory, Language, ENG448H1 Advanced Studies Seminar: British
Methods [24S] Literature to the 19th Century [24S]
ENG417Y1 Advanced Studies: Theory, Language, ENG449Y1 Advanced Studies Seminar: British
Methods [48S] Literature to the 19th Century [48S]
ENG418H1 Advanced Studies Seminar: Theory, ENG454H1 Advanced Studies: Literature since the 18th
Language, Methods [24S] Century [24S]
ENG419Y1 Advanced Studies Seminar: Theory, ENG455H1 Advanced Studies: Literature since the 18th
Language, Methods [48S] Century [24S]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA ENG456Y1 Advanced Studies: Literature since the 18th
ENG424H1 Advanced Studies: Canadian and Century [48S]
Indigenous North American Literatures [24S] ENG457Y1 Advanced Studies: Literature since the 18th
ENG425H1 Advanced Studies: Canadian and Century [48S]
Indigenous North American Literatures [24S] DR=HUM; BR=TBA
ENG426Y1 Advanced Studies: Canadian and ENG458H1 Advanced Studies Seminar: Literature since
Indigenous North American Literatures [24S] the 18th Century [24S]
ENG427Y1 Advanced Studies: Canadian and ENG459Y1 Advanced Studies Seminar: Literature since
Indigenous North American Literatures [48S] the 18th Century [48S]
ENG428H1 Advanced Studies Seminar: Canadian and
Indigenous North American Literatures [24S]
ENG429Y1 Advanced Studies Seminar: Canadian and
Indigenous North American Literatures

Centre for Environment
The Faculty of Arts and Sciences offers students a number The Faculty of Arts and Science established the Centre for
of opportunities to study environment on the St. George Environment to help students focus the diverse strengths
campus. Students are encouraged to investigate the of the Faculty’s environmental scholars into an academic
following environmental program options, as well as those program. In addition, the Centre’s programs offer students
of the Centre for Environment (www.environment.utoronto. access to environmental scholars in other units of the
ca). See below. University.

Environmental Geography (Arts program): Core Programs:

(See program details under Geography or at http://www. The Centre offers the Environment and Science BSc
geog.utoronto.ca/) major and minor programs, and the Environment Studies
BA major and minor programs. These are recommended
Formerly called “Environment and Resource to be taken in conjunction with another program(s)
Management”, these Specialist and Major programs in a traditional cognate academic field (e.g. Physics,
can be linked with either the Centre’s Arts or Science Sociology). We consider this an ideal combination of
programs for an Honours Degree. This program focuses disciplinary depth and interdisciplinary breadth.
on resource and environmental planning, environmental
assessment, water resources, waste management and The Centre’s B.Sc. Environment and Science program is
Canada’s forests from the perspective of Geography. intended for students who are interested in studying and
working in the environmental sciences with a focus on one
Forest Conservation (Arts or Science programs): of the Faculty’s many scientific disciplines, from Actuarial
(See program details under Forestry or at www.forestry. Science through Psychology. The science program is a
utoronto.ca.) demanding one with a requirement for a number of 100-
level science courses in Biology, Chemistry, Physical
These Specialist, Major and Minor programs can be Geography, Mathematics and Physics. This foundation is
linked with the Centre’s science or arts programs for an necessary to give students the degree of cross-disciplinary
Honours degree. Core subjects include world’s forests, scientific literacy necessary for our 200-level science
forest products in sustainable forestry, forest conservation courses; ENV234Y (Environmental Biology), ENV235Y
practices, forest management and resource allocation, (Physics and Chemistry of Planet Earth) or ENV236Y
and forests and society. Other topics include biodiversity, (Human Interactions with the Environment). Students must
sustainability, international policy, certification, intensive combine the Environment and Science major with another
forest management, community management, forest science option (a Specialist or Major or two Minors) in
health and forest fragmentation. order to obtain an Honours B.Sc. degree program.
Physical & Environmental Geography (Science The Centre’s B.A. program in Environmental Studies is an
program): interdisciplinary program intended for students interested
(See program details under Geography or at http://www. in studying and working in an environmental area,
geog.utoronto.ca/) primarily within the social sciences or humanities. This
program offers rigorous academic study of the economic,
These Specialist and Major programs can be linked social, cultural and political forces that drive issues such
with the Centre’s science or arts programs for an as species extinction, loss of biodiversity, air and water
Honours Degree. Core subjects include geomorphology, pollution, and climate change. The interdisciplinary
climatology, soil science and hydrology. Other topics structure of the program provides grounding in scientific
include biogeography, remote sensing, climate literacy while advancing critical thinking skills that will help
assessment, biogeochemistry and environmental students to evaluate complex environmental problems and
contaminants modeling. sustainable solutions for improved environmental health
and well-being.
Faculty Collaborative Specialist, Major and Minor Programs:
Cross-Appointed Full Professors The Centre offers five Science specialist programs:
P. H. Byer, SB, SM, PhD, PEng Environment & Health; Environmental Chemistry;
I. Leman Stefanovic, MA, Ph D Environmental Geosciences; Earth Systems: Physics and
W.H. Vanderberg, BASc, MASc, PhD, PEng Environment; and Environment & Toxicology. The Centre
also offers collaborative major programs in Environment
Cross-Appointed Associate Professors and Health, and Environmental Ethics, as well as
W.S. Prudham, BA, BSc, MA, PhD collaborative minor programs in Environmental Ethics,
S. Scharper, Ph D Energy and Environment, and Environment and Behaviour.
Cross-Appointed Assistant Professor These programs combine the Centre’s interdisciplinary
C. Abizaid, Ph D core with a deliberately focused set of discipline-specific
K. Kumar, Ph D courses.
C. Wiseman, Dr. Phil. Nat.
Directed Environmental Minor Programs:
Senior Lecturers Environmental minor programs are offered by a number of
K. Ing, M Sc departments. Five are science and three are arts minors.
D.C. Macdonald, Ph D These programs are intended for students interested in
B.I. Savan, Ph D

Centre for Environment
acquiring a hierarchical body of environmental knowledge of the Faculty’s Distribution requirement; must include at
in a specific discipline. least two full-course equivalents at the 300+-level)
These minors are open to any student irrespective of This program is designed as a cognate program for
program. As with any minor, these programs can be students also studying another science program. Students
combined with other programs of study (i.e., minors and enrolling in the Environment & Science major program
majors) to meet the requirements for a degree. (See page must also be enrolled in a specialist, major or minor
24 of the Calendar for program requirement details). program designated as a “Science program” in the
Calendar in order to obtain a BSc.
General Program Information:
The student must complete at least 3 courses from
All Science programs in the Centre include a very strong the first- year list before enroling in the Environment
first-year science component with core interdisciplinary and Science Major. The six full course equivalents that
science courses in subsequent years. Students intending constitute the Major Program are those listed below under
to pursue Environment and Science or any of the Science “Higher Years.” This is a Type 1 program. Information
specialist programs are advised to choose first year on application timelines is available in the Registration
courses from among BIO (120H, 130H), CHM (138H1, Handbook and Timetable.
139H1)/151Y1, MAT 135Y1/137Y1/157Y1/JMB 170Y1,
First Year:
PHY(131H1,132H1)/(151H1,152H1), and GGR (100H1,
Students must complete BIO 150Y1/(120H1,130H1) and
101H1). Students should identify specific program
at least two of CHM (138H1, 139H1)/151Y1; GGR
requirements as well as the prerequisites for ENV234Y,
100Y1/(100H1,101H1); MAT 135Y1/137Y1/157Y1/JMB
235Y1, 236Y1 when selecting specific first year science
170Y1; PHY 110Y1/138Y1/140Y1/(131H1,132H1)/
(151H1,152H1) (PHY 138Y1/(131H1,132H1)
Arts programs in the Centre build on a base of social recommended) before applying to enrol in the Major
science and humanities courses. Environmental Studies, program.
as well as Enviromental Ethics, do not require specific Higher Years:
First Year courses. Students intending to follow arts 1. ENV (221H1, 222H1)/ 222Y1/GGR 222Y1/JGE 221Y1,
programs in the environment are recommended to take ENV 234Y1, 235Y1/236Y1,
ENV100H1, might find it helpful to take ENV200H1 in first 2. One FCE from among ECO 220Y1/GGR 270H1/PSY
year, as well as to include some First Year course choices (201H1, 202H1)/SOC (202H1, 300H1)/STA (220H1,
from the 100-level offerings in Anthropology, Biology, 221H1/EEB 225H1)/STA (250H1, 255H1)/(257H1,
Economics, Geography, History, Philosophy, Political 261H1) or an approved alternative
Science or Sociology. 3. 1.5 FCE from Group A and B below, one FCE of which
must be from Group A (can include one or both of
Note: Majors and specialists in Centre for Environment ENV 421H, 440H, 451H not taken in 4. below)
programs are eligible for the Douglas Pimlott scholarships 4. 0.5 FCE from ENV 421H1, 440H1, 451H1
and awards, the new Robert Hunter Scholarship, and
several other Centre-based scholarships (see http://www. Minor program:
environment.utoronto.ca/Undergraduate/Scholarships. (4 full courses or their equivalent which includes fulfillment
aspx) of the Faculty’s Distribution requirement; must include at
least one full-course equivalent at the 300+-level)
Students interested in Centre for Environment programs
should refer to the program listings on the following Students must complete at least 3 of the first-year courses
pages. Students should be aware that numerous before applying to enrol in the Environment and Science
programs not explicitly labeled as environmental have Minor. The four courses that constitute the Minor Program
relevance for the study of the environment (e.g. Forestry are those listed below under “Higher Years.” This is a Type
Conservation, Ecology). For further information, see 1 program. Information on application timelines is available
http://www.environment.utoronto.ca/ or contact David in the Registration Handbook and Timetable.
Powell, Undergraduate Student Advisor and Placement First Year:
Coordinator, Centre for Environment at 5 Bancroft, Room Students must complete BIO (120H1,130H1)/150Y1 and
1049A, 416-946-8100 or [email protected]. Email at least two of CHM (138H1, 139H1)/151Y1; GGR
contact is recommended. 100Y1/(100H1, 101H1); MAT 135Y1/137Y1/157Y1/
JMB 170Y1; PHY 110Y1/138Y1/140Y1/
Centre for Environment Programs (131H1,132H1)/(151H1,152H1) before applying to
enrol in the Minor program.
Higher Years:
Core programs 1. ENV (221H1, 222H1)/222Y1/GGR 222Y1/JGE 221Y1,
ENV 234Y1, 235Y1/236Y1,
Environment & Science (Science program)
2. One FCE from Group A and B below, of which 0.5
Consult David Powell, Undergraduate Student Advisor, FCE must be from Group A
Centre for Environment, Room 1049A, Earth Sciences
Centre, 416-946-8100 or [email protected]
Group A: the other of ENV 235Y/236Y not taken in 1
Major program: above, ENV336H1, 341H1, 346H1, 395Y1, 430H1, 450H1;
(6 full courses or their equivalent which includes fulfillment JGE347H1,348H1; JEH455H1

Centre for Environment
Group B: ENV 307H1,320H1,322H1,320Y1, 321Y1,333H1, **NOTE: Some courses offered by other Faculties or at
335H1, 347H1/447H1,350H1; JGE 321H1,331H1 the University of Toronto Mississauga or Scarborough may
be eligible for inclusion in Group A above.
Environmental Studies (Arts program)
Consult David Powell, Undergraduate Student Advisor,
Collaborative Programs
Centre for Environment, Room 1049A, Earth Sciences The Centre offers a number of programs in collaboration
Centre, 416-946-8100 or [email protected] with participating departments.

Major Program Earth Systems: Physics & Environment (Science

(7 FCE or their equivalent, including at least three FCE at program)
the 300+ level)
Jointly sponsored by the Department of Physics, this
First Year program focuses on the solid earth, the oceans and the
Students must complete at least 4 FCE before applying to atmosphere at planetary scales emphasizing the Earth
this type 1 major. ENV100H1 is recommended but not as a unified, dynamic system. Consult David Powell,
required. Undergraduate Student Advisor, Centre for Environment,
Higher Years: Room 1049A, Earth Sciences Centre, 416-946-8100 or
1. ENV221H1; ENV222H1; ENV223H1. [email protected], or Dr. S. Morris, Undergraduate
2. ENV200H1 or another 0.5 FCE Life Science course Chair, Department of Physics, Room 328, McLennan
approved by the Undergraduate Coordinator. Physical Labs, 416-978-6674 or ugchair@physics.
3. An additional 4.5 FCE, a maximum 1.0 of which utoronto.ca
may be environmental courses offered by academic
units other than the CFE (from Group A below). Specialist program:
The remainder must be selected from the following: (15 full courses or their equivalent which includes
ENV307H1; ENV320H1; ENV322H1; JGE321H1; fulfillment of the Faculty’s Distribution requirements ; must
JGE331H1; ENV333H1; ENV335H1; ENV341H1; include at least four 300+-series courses, one of which
ENV343H1; ENV 347H1; ENV350H1; ENV395Y1; must be at the 400-level)
ENV422H1; ENV421H1; ENV440H1.
This is a Type 2 program requiring a minimum CGPA of
4. ENV451H1
2.3. The student must complete three of the four courses
Minor Program from the First Year list before enrolling in the program.
(4 FCE or their equivalent, including at least 1.5 FCE at Information on application and acceptance timelines is
the 300+ level) available in the Registration Handbook and Timetable.
First Year First Year:
Students must complete at least 4 FCE before applying to CHM (138H1, 139H1)/151Y1; BIO (120H1, 130H1)/150Y1;
this type 1 minor. ENV 100H1 is recommended but not MAT 135Y1/137Y1; PHY (131H1,132H1)/
required. (151H1,152H1) ((151H1,152H1) recommended)
Higher Years: Second Year:
1, ENV221H1; ENV222H1. ENV (221H1,222H1)/222Y1/GGR 222Y1/JGE 221Y1; MAT
2. ENV200H1 or another 0.5 FCE Life Science course 235Y1/237Y1, 244H1; PHY 250H1, 254H1 (Note that
approved by the Undergraduate Coordinator. MAT 237Y1 and 244H1 have MAT 223H1 or 240H1 as
3. An additional 2.5 FCE, a maximum 1.0 of which a prerequisite)
may be environmental courses offered by academic Third Year:
units other than the CFE (from Group A below). APM 346H1; ENV 234Y1, 235Y1; JGE321H1; PHY
The remainder must be selected from the following: 350H1, 354H1
ENV307H1; ENV320H1; ENV322H1; JGE321H1; Third and Fourth Years:
JGE331H1; ENV333H1; ENV335H1; ENV341H1; 1. ENV 421H1/PHY478H1/479Y1
ENV 343H1; ENV 347H1; ENV350H1; ENV395Y1; 2. Three FCE from: PHY 305H1/326H1/346H1/388H1/39
ENV421H1*; ENV422H1*; ENV440H1* 5H1/407H1/408H1/426H1/478H1/479Y1/493H1/
*Note: with permission of Undergraduate Coordinator 494H1/JGP438H1 or any other PHY4XXH course. At
least one FCE must be from the fourth year Physics
Group A: ABS 250H1, 402H1; ANT 353H1, 364Y1, Note: several Physics courses underwent numbering
450H1; APS 203H1, 302H1 (App. Sci. & Eng.); ECO changes for 2009-10. If you have taken one or more
313H1, 314H1; ENV 234Y1, 235Y1, 236Y1; FOR 200H1, of these renumbered courses before the fall of 2009
201H1, 302H1, 303H1, 400Y1, 401H1; GGR 272H1, under its original number, then it will count towards
273H1, 314H1, 332H1, 334H1, 335H1, 338H1, 416H1, your program.
418H1, 419H1, 438H1, 473H1; HIS 404H1; HPS 307H1,
313H1, 324H1; JAG321H1; PHL 273H1, 373H1; POL Environmental Chemistry (Science program)
413H1; RLG 228H1, 345H1, 484H1; SOC385H1; other Consult Professor J. Abbatt, Department of Chemistry
approved courses** (416-946-7358 or [email protected])
Jointly sponsored by the Centre for Environment and the
Department of Chemistry, these programs focus on the

Centre for Environment
development of a fundamental background in chemistry Specialist program:
as applied to understanding the chemical impacts (14 full courses or their equivalent which includes
of humankind’s activities on the soil, air, and water. fulfillment of the Faculty’s Distribution requirement ; must
Emphasis is given to developing analytical skills and include at least four 300+-series courses, one of which
mechanistic understanding of the subject. must be at the 400-level)
This is a Type 2 program requiring a minimum CGPA of
Specialist program:
2.3. The student must complete 3 FCE of courses from
(13 – 13.5 full courses or their equivalent, including at
the First Year list before enroling in the program. The
least one 400-series course)
remaining 0.5 FCE may be taken later in the program.
Jointly sponsored by the Centre for Environment and Information on application and acceptance timelines is
the Department of Chemistry, this program focuses on available in the Registration Handbook and Timetable.
analytical theory, instrumentation and methodological
First Year:
aspects of organic and inorganic contaminants in soil,
3.5 FCE taken from BIO 120HI; CHM151Y1/(CHM138H1,
water, air and biological tissues.
CHM139H1); MAT135Y1/ MAT137Y1; PHY131H1,
Enrolment in this program is limited. It requires prior PHY132H1
completion of 4 courses with a minimum GPA of 2.3. Second to Fourth Years:
Information on application and acceptance timelines is BIO220H1; GLG202H1, 206H1, 207H1, 216H1;
available in the Registration Handbook and Timetable. At GGR201H1; (ENV234Y1/ GLG217H1, EEB214H1);
least three of these courses must be from the First Year MAT235Y1/(MAT223H1, GLG204H1); STA220H1
list of four required courses below. GLG345H1, 351H1, 360H1; ENV315H1
First Year: BIO (120H1,130H1)/150Y1; CHM 151Y1 GLG436H1, 448H1, 450H1, 470Y1
(strongly recommended)/(138H1, 139H1); MAT 0.5 FCE from: JGP438; GLG430, 441, 442, 465 (Note: All
135Y1/137Y1; PHY 138Y1/140Y1/(131H1,132H1)/ five of these 4th year courses are recommended to
(151H1,152H1) satisfy APGO knowledge requirements in Groups 2A,
Second Year: CHM 217H1, 225Y1/(220H1, 221H1), 2B and 2C in the Geology Calendar entry.)
238Y1, 247H1/249H1 (CHM249H1 strongly Major program:
recommended); ENV 235Y1 (8.5 full courses or their equivalent; must include at least
Third and Fourth Years: two full-course equivalents at the 300+-level)
1. CHM 310H1, 410H1, 415H1; ENV 234Y1, ENV
(222H1,222H1)/222Y1/GGR 222Y1/JGE 221Y1/ CHM (138H1, 139H1)/151Y1; MAT 135Y1/137Y1; PHY
ENV321Y1 (131H1,132H1)/(151H1,152H1)
2. One additional FCE from 300/400-series CHM courses Second Year:
3. ENV421H1/CHM499Y1 ENV 235Y1; GLG 202H1, 206H1, 207H1, 216H1, 217H1
Third and Fourth Years:
Minor program: ENV 315H1; GLG 351H1, 436H1, 448H1
(4 full courses or their equivalent; must include at least
one full-course equivalent at the 300+-level) Minor program:
(4 full courses or their equivalent; must include at least
Environmental chemistry is the study of the chemical one full-course equivalent at the 300+-level)
impacts of humankind’s activities on the soil, air, and
water. This minor provides a balanced fundamental 1. ENV 235Y1
background in chemistry as well as an introduction to the 2. GLG 202H1, 206H1, 207H1, 216H1, 351H1; ENV
major issues associated with environmental chemistry. It is 315H1
a Type 1 program. Environment and Behaviour (Science program)
1 CHM (138H1,139H1)/151Y1 Jointly sponsored by the Centre for Environment and
2. One full course equivalent from CHM 217H1, (220H1, the Department of Psychology, this program will focus
221H1)/225Y1, 238Y1, 247H1/249H1 on understanding issues of psychological motivation and
3. ENV235Y attitudes that underlie environmental decision making.
4. Any two of CHM 310H1, 317H1, 410H1, 415H1 Little positive environmental change can occur in the
Environmental Geosciences (Science program) absence of broad-based behaviour changes. Information
on application and acceptance timelines is available in the
Jointly sponsored by the Centre for Environment Registration Handbook and Timetable.
and the Department of Geology. Topics include earth
materials, sedimentary geology, aqueous geochemistry, Minor program:
hydrogeology and biogeochemistry. For more information, (4 full courses or their equivalent; must include at least
please contact Dr. C. Bank, Department of Geology, one full course equivalent at the 300+-level.
[email protected]. Students should note that under
Enrolment in the Minor program is limited to students also
the Professional Geoscientists Act of 2000, individuals
enrolled in the Psychology Minor/Major/Specialist.
practicing Environmental Geoscience in Ontario require
education equivalent to the Specialist Program listed Higher Years:
below or a P.Eng. 1. ENV (221H1,222H1)/222Y1/GGR 222Y1/JGE221Y1;
PSY220H1, PSY335H1

Centre for Environment
2. One FCE from ENV 333H1, 335H1; JGE331H1; SOC (PHY151H1,PHY152H1) (PHY138Y1/
385H1 (PHY131H1,PHY132H1) recommended) /PSY100H1.
3. One FCE from PSY 320H1, 321H1, 327H1, 336H1 Students should consider selecting an FCE from ECO/
GGR/HIS/SOC to maximize elective course choice in
Environment and Energy (Science program) later years.
Jointly sponsored by the Centre for Environment and the Second Year1:
Department of Geography, this interdisciplinary program (BCH210H1, CHM247H1); BIO250Y1/BIO255Y1/
addresses the scientific, technological, environmental and (BIO240H1 + 241H1)/(220H1 + 230H1); ENV(221H1,
policy aspects of energy use and supply, with a focus on + 222H1)/222Y1/GGR222Y1/JGE221Y1, ENV234Y1/
the reduction of environmental impacts. (ENV235Y1/ENV236Y1)2; PHL273H1; BIO260H1/
This is a Type 2 program requiring a minimum CGPA of HMB265H1
1.7. The student must complete four courses, including Third Year1:
the three from the First Year list before enroling in the CSB/BIO 349H1/ LMP 363H1/NFS 284H1/PSL 302Y1;
program. Information on application and acceptance JGE 321H1/ENV 321Y1; ENV 341H1; the other of
timelines is available in the Registration Handbook and ENV 234Y1/(235Y1/236Y1)2; (STA 220H1, 221H1/
Timetable. EEB225H1)
Fourth Year:
Minor Program: 1. ENV 421H1/HMB396Y0/HMB496Y1/HMB498Y1/
(4 full courses or their equivalent; must include at least HMB499Y1 or a minimum of 0.5 FCE from any
one full-course equivalent at the 300+-level) approved departmental or college independent
research project
First Year: 2. JEH455H1
CHM (138H1, 139H1)/151Y1; MAT135Y1/MAT137Y1; Elective1:
PHY(131H1, 132H1)/(151H1,152H1) 1.5 FCE, approved by the Undergraduate Coordinator of
Higher Years: the Centre, including at least one 300+-series course
1. ENV221H1, ENV222H1/GGR222H1/222Y1/GGR from HMB302H1/303H1/304H1/305H1/314H1/
222Y1/JGE221Y1 322H1/397H1/496Y1/498Y1/499Y1;
2. ENV346H1, 350H1, 450H1 ANA300Y1/301H1, BCH311H1/CSB349H1/PSL350H1,
3. JGE347H1, 348H1 BCH370H1, CHM310H1, CSB325H1/327H1/328H1/
4. 0.5 FCE from one of the following: CHM310H1, 331H1/346H1/347H1/350H1/351Y1, EEB318H1/319
415H1; ENV235Y1; FOR310H1, 410H1; GGR203H1, H1/321H1/328H1/362H1/375H1/428H1, ECO 369Y1;
303H1, 314H, 403H1; HPS313H1; PHY231Y1, ENV315H1/336H1/430H1; GGR303H1/305H1/310H1
250H1, 388H1 /333H1/409H1/451H1; HIS423H1; JGE347H1/348H1,
Environment & Health (Science program) GLG351H1/450H1, IMM334Y1, LMP301H1/363H1,
MGY377H1, NFS382H1/386H1/488H1,
Jointly sponsored by the Centre for Environment and the PCL362H1/389H1; PSL372H1/420H1,
Human Biology Program, a collaborative program of the PSY335H1; SOC 242Y1/243H1/244H1/
Faculty of Arts & Science and the Faculty of Medicine. 256H1/257H1/309Y1/312Y1/363H1 or any other
Provides a basic understanding of the behaviour of Planet approved course for which the student has appropriate
Earth, the workings of the human body, and the complex prerequisites. The 1.5 FCE should reflect the particular
relationships between the two. Consult David Powell, academic interests of each student.
Undergraduate Student Advisor, Centre for Environment, Notes:
Room 1049A, Earth Sciences Centre, 416-946-8100 or 1. Many second, third and fourth year courses in this
[email protected], or Office of the Registrar, New program have specific prerequisites. Students should
College, 300 Huron Street, 416-978-2460. check prerequisites for the higher level courses they
are interested in prior to making first year course
Specialist program: selections, and on through higher years
(14 full courses or their equivalent which includes 2. In choosing between ENV 235Y1 and ENV 236Y1,
fulfillment of the Faculty’s Distribution requirements; must students should pay particular attention to their
include at least four 300+-series courses, one of which respective prerequisites
must be at the 400-level)
Major Program:
This is a Type 2 program requiring a minimum CGPA of Enrolment in a Human Biology Major program requires
2.3. The student must complete four courses, including completion of 4.0 FCEs, no minimum GPA and registration
three from the First Year list below before enroling in in only one Human Biology Major program
the program. Information on application and acceptance
timelines is available in the Registration Handbook and (8.0 FCE):
Timetable. First Year (2.5 FCE): BIO(120H1 + 130H1)/150Y1;
First Year CHM138H1,139H1; GGR100H1/101H1/GLG102H1/
Students must complete BIO (120H1 + 130H1)/150Y1; MAT135Y1/PHY131H1/PSY100H1
(CHM138H1, CHM139H1)/CHM151Y1 and one Higher Years:
FCE from: GGR100Y1/(GGR100H1 + GGR101H1) 1. 2.0 FCE: BCH210H1/CHM247H1; BIO(220H1 +
/MAT135Y1/MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1/JMB170Y1; 230H1)/(240H1 + 241H1)/250Y1/255Y1; HMB265H1/
PHY110Y1/138Y1/140Y1/(/PHY131H1,PHY132H1)/ BIO260H1

Centre for Environment
2. 1.0 FCE: E&H core course ENV(221H1 + 1. BCH210H1; BIO (240H1, 241H1)/230H1; ENV(221H1,
222H1)/222Y1/GGR222Y1/JGE221Y1/ENV234Y1/ 222H1); CSB(270H1,271H1)/PSL201Y1/PSL302Y1;
ENV236Y1 PCL201H1 (see Note 1, below)
300- & 400-level: 2. CHM 247H1
3. 0.5 FCE: E&H course ENV341H1 Third and Fourth Years:
4. 1.0 FCE: PSL302Y1 1. ENV 234Y1/235Y1/236Y1, (JGE321H1,ENV341H1)/
5. 0.5 FCE from E&H-relevant course ENV321Y1
HMB302H1/303H1/304H1/305H1/314H1/322H1/3 2. PCL 302H1, PCL 362H1; PCL 376H1/STA 220H1/STA
97H1/496Y1/498Y1*/499Y1*; ANA300Y1/301H1, 221H1/EEB225H1 (see NOTE 2, below)
BCH311H1*/CSB349H1/PSL350H1, BCH370H1, 3. CHM 310H1/GGR 409H1/PCL 481H1/LMP 301H1/
CHM310H1, CSB325H1/327H1/328H1/331H1/346 LMP 363H1 (see NOTE 3, below)
H1/347H1/350H1/351Y1, EEB318H1/319H1/321H 4. PCL 473Y1
1*/328H1/362H1/375H1/428H1, ENV315H1/336H1/ 5. ENV 421H1/PCL 365Y1/474Y1 (see NOTE 4, below)
GLG351H1/450H1, IMM334Y1, LMP301H1/363H1,
1, Students who take BIO 130H1 in first year must take
MGY377H1, NFS382H1*/386H1/488H1*,
BIO 230H1 or 255Y1 in second year.
PSL372H1/420H1, PSY335H1*
2. PCL 376H1 is a pre- or co-requisite for students
6. 0.5 FCE: E&H depth course JEH455H1
intending to take PCL 474Y1. Students taking PCL
*additional prerequisites required
474Y1 must also take PCL 201H and PCL 302Y1 as
Environment & Toxicology (Science program) prerequisites.
3. Students taking PCL481H1 must take BCH 210H1,
Toxicology is the study of the harmful effects of chemicals.
LMP 363H1, and PCL 362H1 as prerequisites.
The Environment and Toxicology program examines
4. Students intending to take PCL 365Y1/ PCL 474Y1
the adverse effects of chemicals to human beings and
instead of ENV 421H1 must obtain permission from
ecosystems. This program prepares students for advanced
the Undergraduate Student Advisor of the Centre for
graduate study and research in environmental toxicology,
Environment 3 months prior to the intended date of
and for consultative positions in governmental agencies
enrolment in PCL 474Y1. Students must also consult
and industry. Students interested in biomedical toxicology
with the Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology at
(the adverse effects of chemicals on human health) should
least 3 months prior to the intended date of enrolment
consider enrolling in the Specialist Program in Biomedical
as the student is responsible for arranging for a
Toxicology offered by the Department of Pharmacology
& Toxicology. For further information please consult
David Powell, Undergraduate Student Advisor, Centre for Environmental Ethics (Arts program)
Environment, Room 1049A, Earth Sciences Centre, 416-
Jointly sponsored by the Centre for Environment and the
946-8100 [email protected], or Dr. C. Woodland,
Department of Philosophy, this program explores how
Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, Room 4209,
value judgments and worldviews affect environmental
Medical Sciences Building, 416-978-3102 or cindy.
decision making. For more information, contact David
[email protected]
Powell, Undergraduate Student Advisor, Centre for
Note: students in the Environment & Toxicology Environment, Earth Science Centre, Rm. 1049A (416-946-
program are eligible for the PEY placement offered 8100, or [email protected]).
by Pharmacology and Toxicology. Please consult the
department for details. Major program:
(6.0 full courses or their equivalent)
Specialist program: This is a Type 1 program. Information on application
(14 - 14.5 full courses or their equivalent which includes
timelines is available in the Registration Handbook and
fulfillment of the Faculty’s Distribution requirements; must
include at least four 300+-series courses, one of which
must be at the 400-level) 1. ENV (221H1,222H1)/222Y1/GGR 222Y1/JGE 221Y1;
PHL 273H1; (JGE321H1,0.5 FCE from Group A
Enrolment in this program is limited. Applicants will be
below)/ENV 321Y1
considered once they have completed all of the first-
2. One FCE from PHL 373H1; ENV 333H1; JGE 331H
year required courses (as shown below.) Information on
3. ENV 421H1/492H1/493H1
application and acceptance timelines is available in the
4. 2 FCE’s from Group A below.
Registration Handbook and Timetable.
Group A:
First Year:
ABS402H1; ANT450H1; ECO105Y1; ENV335H1,
Students must complete BIO (120H1, 130H1)/150Y1;
ENV447H1; FOR302H1; HIS318Y1/404H1; HPS202H1,
CHM (138H1, 139H1) and at least two of GGR
HPS307H1; JAG321H1; PHL275H1, PHL295H1,
(100H1,101H1); MAT 135Y1/JMB 170Y1; PHY
PHL375H1, PHL394H1, PHL395H1, PHL413H1;
(131H1,132H1). In selecting courses, students should
PSY335H1; RLG228H1, 311H1, RLG345H1, RLG484H1
consider prerequisites for courses they intend to take
Minor program:
Second Year:
(4 full courses or their equivalent; must include at least
one full-course equivalent at the 300+-level)

Centre for Environment
1. PHL273H1 Minor program:
2. One of PHL 373H1, ENV 333H1; JGE 331H1 (4 full courses or their equivalent)
3. ENV (221H1,222H1)/222Y1/GGR 222Y1/JGE 221Y1
1. ECO 100Y1/105Y1
4. Two additional FCE’s in PHL, with at least one half
2. MAT 133Y1/135Y1/137Y1
course at the 300+ level. It is recommended that one
3. ECO 200Y1/206Y1
course be in the History of Philosophy and the other in
4. One full ECO course at the 300+ level, including at
the Problems of Philosophy, including one half-course
least one of ECO 313H1 and/or ECO 314H1
in ethics.
Directed Environmental Minors Students enrolled in this Minor program cannot be enrolled
in the Minor program in Economics or the Minor program
Environmental Anthropology (Arts program) in Economic History.
A program focused on understanding the diverse nature
of interactions between humans and their environments,
Environmental Geosciences (Science program)
both in the past and in modern global society. Consult the See Environmental Geosciences Minor under
Undergraduate Office, Department of Anthropology (416- Collaborative Programs above
978-6414), Sidney Smith Hall, Rm. 1030
Geographic Information Systems (Arts program)
Minor program: GIS is the analysis and management of spatial data. It
(4 full courses or their equivalent; must include at least focuses on the mapping, modeling, and monitoring of the
one full-course equivalent at the 300+-level) earth’s surface, its resources, and its natural and socio-
1. ANT 100Y1/ENV(221H1,222H1)/ 222Y1/GGR 222Y1/ economic processes. Consult Susan Calanza, Department
JGE 221Y1 of Geography (416-978-6455)
2. ANT200Y1/ (204H1 + 0.5 300 level Social
Anthropology course) Note:
3. Two FCE’s from: ABS 250H1, 402H1; ANT 315H1, Students combining this program with a Specialist/Major
351H1, 353H1, 364Y1, 365H1, 371H1, 420H1, 450H1 sponsored by the Department of Geography will normally
be allowed to count only 1.5 (of the 4.0) credits towards
Environmental Biology (Science program) both programs.
Consult the Undergraduate Office in the Department of
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Minor program:
(4 full courses or their equivalent; must include at least
Minor program: one full-course equivalent at the 300+-level)
(4 full courses or their equivalent; must include at least 1. 1.0 FCE from GGR 100H1, 101H1, 107H1, 124H1 or
one full-course equivalent at the 300+-level) 1.0 FCE other courses with permission of Geography
Students who have taken BIO150Y1, do not take department
BIO120H1 and BIO220H1 in this program. 2. GGR 270H1, 272H1, 273H1, 373H1
3. One half course from GGR 462H1, 473H1
1. 2.0 FCEs: BIO (120H1, 220H1)/150Y1; ENV234Y 4. One of GGR 337H1, 371H1, 413H1, 462H1, 473H1;
2. 2.0 FCEs from: EEB 318H1, 319H1, 321H1, 322H1, JFG 470H1, 475H1
323H1, 324H1, 362H1, 365H1, 370H1, 465H1, EHJ
351H1, 352H1 (courses in both ecology and evolution Life, Environment and General Physics (Science
are recommended), with no more than 0.5 FCE field program)
course from EEB401H1/403H1/404H1/405H1/406H1/
Basic understanding of physics for students focusing their
407H1/409H1/410H1/360H1/ ENV336H1/ FOR306H1/
academic studies in Life Sciences and/or the Environment.
Consult Physics Undergraduate Office, Room MP301
Environmental Chemistry (Science program) (416-978-7057/416-978-6674)
See Environmental Chemistry Minor under Collaborative
Minor program:
Programs above.
(4 full courses or their equivalent; must include at least
one full-course equivalent at the 300+-level)
Environmental Economics (Arts program)
1. MAT 135Y1/137Y1; PHY 138Y1/140Y1/
Consult Ms. R. Innes, Undergraduate Administrator,
Department of Economics (416-978-8616)
2. ENV 235Y1 or any 1 full course equivalent from PHY
Enrolment in the Environmental Economics Minor courses at the 200+ level
program is limited to students with 67% in ECO 100Y1 3. One full course or equivalent from: BME595H1/
or 80% in ECO 105Y1, who have completed MAT CSB/BIO472H1/JPA 305H1/405H1/JGP 438H1/
133Y1/135Y1/137Y1, and who have a CGPA of 2.0. PHY 346H1//388H1 or any other PHY300+ course.
Information on application and acceptance timelines is PSL454H1; JBO302Y may count as 0.5 FCE towards
available in the Registration Handbook and Timetable. this requirement.

Centre for Environment
Note: Several Physics courses have undergone numbering Exclusion: BIO 120H1,150Y1 (applies only to students in
changes for 2009-10. If you have taken one or more Arts & Science); ENV 200Y1
of these renumbered courses before the fall of 2009 DR=SCI; BR=4. This living things and their environment
under its original number, then it will count towards breadth course is intended to fulfill the environmental
your program. literacy requirement for students in the BA programs
of the Centre for Environment or the living things and
Physical and Environmental Geography their environment breadth course requirement for
(Science program) Commerce, Humanities and Social Science students
Consult Susan Calanza, Department of Geography (416- ENV221H1 Multidisciplinary Perspectives on
978-6455) Environment (formerly ENV222Y1) [24L,
Minor program:
One of two foundation courses for the Centre’s under-
(4 full courses or their equivalent; must include at least
graduate program. Introduces students to ways in which
one full-course equivalent at the 300+-level)
different disciplines contribute to our understanding of
1. 1.0 courses from GGR 100H1, 101H1, 107H1, 124H1 environment. Instructors and guest lecturers are drawn
(GGR 100H1, 101H1 strongly recommended) or from the sciences, social sciences and the humanities and
1.0 other courses with permission of the Geography will present subject matter, assumptions, conceptualiza-
department tions and methodologies of their disciplines.
2. One full course or equivalent from: GGR Exclusion: ENV 222Y1/GGR222Y1/JGE221Y1/JIE222Y1
201H1/203H1/205H1/206H1 DR=SOCI SCI; BR=3
3. GGR390H1, (GGR301H1/GGR303H1/GGR305H1),
ENV222H1 Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies
(formerly ENV222Y1) [24L, 4T]
4. A half course from ENV236Y1; GGR201H1,
Building upon ENV222H, shows how environmental studies
GGR203H1, GGR205H1, GGR206H1, GGR301H1,
is working to knit different disciplinary perspectives into one
GGR303H1, GGR305H1, GGR307H1, GGR308H1,
interdisciplinary body of knowledge; interplay of science
GGR310H1, GGR314H1, GGR333H1 GGR402H1,
and values in definition and framing of issues; roles of
GGR403H1, GGR404H1, GGR409H1, GGR413H1,
markets, politics and ethics in developing solutions; local to
GGR490H1;JGE347H1, JGE348H1
global scale; historical and current timeframes.
Exclusion: ENV 222Y1/GGR222Y1/JGE221Y1/JIE222Y1
Environment Courses DR=SOC SCI; BR=3
See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
ENV223H1 Fundamental Environmental Skills [24L,
First Year Seminars 4T]
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide The practical, interdisciplinary and controversial nature
the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class of environmental issues, as well as the uncertainty that
of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive surrounds measures to address them demand mastery
seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity of a particular range of skills by environmental students.
and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the This course teaches the fundamental research, analysis
professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first and presentation skills required for effective environmental
year of study. For details, see page 48. work.
Co-requisite: ENV (221H1, 222H1)/222Y1/GGR 222Y1/
JGE221Y1 and enrolment in a Centre Major program,
NOTE: Many ENV courses are limited in enrolment and or permission of Undergraduate Coordinator.
require specific prerequisites. Preference is given to Exclusion: INI 223H1
students meeting the ROSI deadlines. DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
ENV100H1 Introduction to Environmental Studiies ENV234Y1 Environmental Biology [48L, 36P]
[24L, 4T] A broad-based science course drawing on elements
An investigation of the relationship between human from geology, systematics, soil science, and ecology
beings and their natural and built environments. This to understand past and present environments and how
interdisciplinary course will draw from the sciences, social humans are altering the environment. Emphasis is placed
sciences and the humanities to explore major social, on examination of ecological phenomena in relation
cultural, economic, regulatory, ethical, ecological and to population, community and ecosystem processes
technological aspects of environmental issues. with particular reference to the biomes of Ontario.
DR=SOC SCI; BR=3 Descriptive and experimental laboratory studies including
a weekend field trip (total cost about $15.00). (Offered
ENV200H1 Assessing Global Change: Science and by the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology,
the Environment (formerly ENV200Y1) Department of Geology, and the Faculty of Forestry).
[24L, 4T] Prerequisite: BIO 120H1/150Y1 (recommended) or GGR
The perspective which scientists bring to the 100H1/100Y1
understanding and resolution of environmental concerns DR=SCI; BR=4
having global implications: atmospheric systems and
climate change, the biosphere and conservation of

Centre for Environment
ENV235Y1 Physics and Chemistry of the Evolving samples supplied by the students are analyzed. Techniques
Earth [48L, 24T] covered include Neutron Activation, X-ray Fluorescence,
This course considers the fundamental chemical and X-ray Diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Gas
physical processes of the Earth’s natural environment. One Chromatography, Ion Chromatography, Atomic Absorption,
semester of the course focuses primarily on the atmosphere: Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry
its evolution, structure, composition and dynamic character. and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry.
Particular emphasis is given to a discussion of global climate Exclusion: CHM217H1, 314Y1; GLG335H1
and the underlying physical, chemical and biogeochemical Prerequisite: SCH4U and any second year ENV or GLG
factors that drive climate change. Within this context, courses
stratospheric ozone depletion, ocean chemistry, urban air DR=SCI; BR= TBD
pollution, acid rain and water quality are also discussed. The ENV320H1 National Environmental Policy (formerly
other semester focuses on the solid Earth: its formulation ENV320Y1) [24L]
and evolution, internal dynamics, mantle-core differentiation, Examines ways in which governments develop and
volcanism, tectonics and paleoclimate/ice ages. Throughout
implement policy to protect the environment within their
the course, the operation of the Earth as a coupled physico- borders. Primarily Canada, plus comparisons with other
chemical system over a range of timescales is emphasized.
countries. The focus is upon the politics of environmental
Prerequisite: (CHM138H1, CHM139H1)/CHM151Y1/157Y1,
policy making, which is understood by examining the
MAT135Y1/MAT137Y1/JMB170Y1, PHY 138Y1/140Y1/
interests and powers of the relevant state and non-state
(PHY131H1,PHY132H1)/(PHY151H1, PHY152H1) or
permission of the department
Prerequisite: ENV (221H1, 222H1)/ENV222Y1/GGR222Y1
Exclusion: ENV 320Y1
ENV236Y1 Human Interactions with the Environment DR=SOC SCI; BR= TBD
JGE321H1 Multicultural Perspectives on Environmental
A course emphasizing both the role of the environment in
Management [24L]
shaping human behaviour, and the impact of humans on
Diverse approaches to environmental issues from a variety
the environment. Coverage includes human biological and
of multicultural perspectives are introduced, compared and
cultural evolution, environmental and climatic obstacles,
analyzed, using case studies. Perspectives on environmental
human impacts on ecosystem processes, and linkages
management will be discussed as they emerge from contexts
between environment and human well-being. Topics may
such as South America, Asia, or Africa.
vary from year-to-year depending upon instructor interests
Prerequisite: ENV (221H1, 222H1)/ENV222Y1/GGR222Y1
and research specialty.
Exclusion: ENV 321Y1
Prerequisite: BIO (120H1, 130H1)/150Y1/GGR
(100H1,101H1)/100Y1 or permission of instructor
DR=SCI; BR=4 ENV 322H1 International Environmental Policy (formerly
ENV320Y1) [24L]
ENV299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
Examines the ways in which states negotiate and implement
Credit course for supervised participation in faculty research
international agreements addressing global environmental
project. See page 48 for details.
issues, such as the United Nations Framework Convention
ENV307H1 Urban Sustainability (formerly JIE307Y1) on Climate Change. Focus is upon factors which determine
[24L, 12P]] the efficacy of multilateral environmental agreements and the
This course critically examines the concept of urban prospects for stronger global environmental governance.
sustainability in theory and application. Case studies of Prerequisite: ENV (221H1, 222H1)/ENV222Y1/GGR222Y1
ongoing urban sustainability programs in the developed and Exclusion: ENV 320Y1
developing world help students assess the successes and DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
failures of these programs. The course also examines the
ENV323H1 Ontario Environmental Policy (formerly
current state of research and implementation efforts toward
ENV423H1) [24S]
urban sustainability.
Introduces students to public policy and institutional
Prerequisite: One of the following: ENV (221H1,
foundations of public policy in Canada, with an emphasis
222H1)/222Y1/GGR 222Y1/JGE 221Y1 and enrolment
on environmental policy in Ontario. Provides an “insider’s”
in a Centre program OR INI235Y1 OR permission of the
perspective on how environmental policy has been
instructor (particularly for students who have completed
developed in Ontario.
POL209Y1/SOC 205Y1/260Y1)
Prerequisite: ENV (221H1, 222H1)/222Y1/GGR 222Y1/JGE
Exclusion: INI 307Y1/JIE 307Y1
221Y1 and enrolment in a Centre program, or permission
of Undergraduate Coordinator
ENV315H1 Chemical Analysis of Environmental Exclusion: ENV 423H1
Samples[24L, 36P] DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Instrumental analysis techniques for environmental scientists
JGE331H1 Resource and Environmental Theory
of all disciplines. In addition to a solid grounding in the theory
(formerly GGR331H1) [24L]
of each analytical technique, particular emphasis is placed
Introduction to and critical evaluation of major social
on the laboratory work, which is worth 50% of the final grade.
theoretical paradigms applied to environmental and
In each lab, groups of two students receive instruction from
natural resource politics and regulation. Topics include:
an experienced analyst and acquire hands-on experience
neo-classical approaches, eco-Marxism, political ecology,
using state-of-the-art analytical equipment. Where possible,
social constructivism, production of nature, ecological

Centre for Environment
modernization, tragedy of the commons, staples theory, the energy redistribution role of large-scale atmospheric
science and administrative rationalism. systems, of warm and cold ocean currents, the role of the
Prerequisite: GGR100H1/GGR107H1/ENV polar regions, and the functioning of various hydrological
(221H1,222H1)/222Y1/GGR 222H1/222Y1/JGE221Y1 systems. The contribution and influence of tectonic systems
Exclusion: GGR 331H1 on the surface systems is briefly introduced, as well the
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA important role of energy storage processes in physical and
biological systems, including the accumulation of fossil fuel
ENV333H1 Ecological Worldviews [24S]
Approaches to environmental concerns are often marked
Prerequisites: MAT135Y1/137Y1/JMB170Y1; BIO150Y1/
by assumptions that reflect distinct worldviews positing
CHM(138H1, 139H1)/CHM151Y1/PHY138Y1/140Y1/
particular understandings of the role of the human with
(131H1, 132H1)/(151H1, 152H1)
respect to nature. This course explores sundry economic,
Recommended Preparation: GGR203H1
political, scientific, religious, and moral worldviews pertaining
to the environment, including environmental ethics,
Gaia, ecofeminism, scientific cosmology, and aboriginal ENV 347H1 The Power of Economic Ideas (formerly
perspectives. ENV447H1) [24S]
Recommended preparation: ENV (221H1,222H1)/222Y1/ This course examines the power of economic ideas in
GGR 222Y1/JGE 221Y1 effecting environmental change. Topics include the relation
Exclusion: INI 333H1 of ecological economics to mainstream economics, as well
DR=SOC SCI/HUM; BR=TBA as the role of financial incentives to move the environmental
agenda forward.
ENV335H1 Environmental Design [24S]
Prerequisite: ENV (221H1, 222H1)/ENV222Y1/GGR222Y1
Introduction to understanding the complexity of relationships
Exclusion: ENV 447H1
among people, built forms, and natural systems; systematic
review of examples of environmental design at various
scales. JGE347H1 Efficient Use of Energy [24L, 6T]
Recommended preparation: ENV (221H1,222H1)/222Y1/ The course examines the options available for dramatically
GGR 222Y1/JGE 221Y1 reducing our use of primary energy with no reduction in
Exclusion: INI 335H1 meaningful energy services, through more efficient use of
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA energy at the scale of energy-using devices and of entire
energy systems. Topics covered include generation of
ENV336H1 Ecology in Human-Dominated Environments
electricity from fossil fuels and energy use in buildings,
A two week course offered at a Southern Ontario field station
transportation, industry and agriculture.
during late summer. Introduction to im-pacts of humans
Exclusion: GGR333H1
on semi-natural and human-dominated environments of
Recommended Preparation: First year Math and/or Physics
southern Ontario and over-view of the most commonly
used assessment tools for states of ecosystems. These
environments play important roles in terms of ecosystem JGE 348H1 Carbon-Free Energy [24L, 6T]
services. The course examines the options available for providing
Prerequisite: first year biology and permission of the energy from carbon-free energy sources: solar, wind,
instructor biomass, hydro, oceanic, geothermal energy, as well as
DR=SCI; BR=TBA through sequestration of carbon from fossil fuel sources.
The hydrogen economy is also discussed.
ENV341H1 Environment and Human Health [24L]
Exclusion: GGR333H1
Examination of the linkages between human health and
Recommended Preparation: First year Math and/or Physics
environment. Addresses basic principles and scientific
knowledge relating to health and the environment and uses
case studies to examine current environmental health issues ENV350H1 Energy Policy and Environment [24L]
from a health sciences perspective. The course addresses: (1) physical, technological and
Prerequisite: ENV (221H1,222H1)/222Y1/GGR222Y1/ economic aspects of energy and electricity systems and their
JGE221Y1 and enrolment in a Centre program; or associated environmental impacts; (2) current international,
(BIO240H1, BIO241H1)/BIO250Y1/BIO255Y1 and Canadian and Ontario energy policy; (3) technological,
enrolment in a Human Biology program; or permission of economic and political factors influencing policy which could
the Undergraduate Coordinator significantly reduce environmental impacts of energy use.
Exclusion: INI 320Y1, if taken before the 2003-04 academic Prerequisite: ENV (221H1,222H1)/222Y1/GGR 222Y1/JGE
year; INI 341H1 221Y1 or permission of Undergraduate Coordinator
ENV346H1 Terrestrial Energy Systems [36L, 24T] ENV395Y1 Special Topics Field Course [48S]
Various earth systems for energy transformation, storage and This course explores interdisciplinary environmental issues
transport are explored. Geological, hydrological, biological, in the field. Project work involves students in investigating,
cosmological and oceanographic energy systems are developing and proposing sustainable practices and
considered in the context of the Earth as a dynamic system, approaches to topical local problems. Suitable for all CFE
including the variation of solar energy received by the planet programs.
and the redistribution of this energy through various radiative, Recommended preparation: ENV200H1/200Y1 or
latent and sensible heat transfer mechanisms. It considers BIO120H1/150Y1

Centre for Environment
DR=SOC SCI/SCI; BR=TBA ENV 451H1 Current Environmental Debates [24S]
This capstone course for the Centre’s core programs will be
ENV398H0 Independent Experiential Study Project
organized around a seminar series, presenting guest lecturers
ENV399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project around interdisciplinary environmental themes. Students
An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus will analyze major environmental themes and prepare
setting. See page 48 for details. presentations for in-class debate.
ENV421H1 Environmental Research [24S] Prerequisite: ENV (221H1, 222H1)/ENV222Y1/GGR222Y1;
A research course for all students in the Centre combining completion of 10 FCE or their equivalent, and enrolment
report writing, independent and group-based research on in one of the Centre’s core major programs.
an interdisciplinary topic. Application of skills learned in DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
ENV410H1. JEH455H1 Current Issues in Environment and Health
Prerequisite: ENV (221H1,222H1)/222Y1/GGR 222Y1/JGE [24S]
221Y1, ENV(320H1,322H1)/ 320Y1/321Y1/JGE321H1 or This course introduces students to complex issues at the
permission of the Undergraduate Coordinator interface between environment and health where health is
DR=SOC SCI/HUM; BR=TBA broadly defined. Each year a current and controversial case
study is explored from scientific, medical, political and policy
ENV422H1 Environmental Law [24S]
perspectives. The course takes students from the molecular
An introduction to environmental law for students in
to individual to population and societal levels.
Environmental Studies; legal methods available to resolve
Prerequisite: ENV341H1/HMB302H1 and permission of
environmental problems and the scope and limits of those
Undergraduate Coordinator
methods; common law and statutory “tools” as well as
environmental assessment legislation; the problem of
“standing to sue” and the limits of litigation. ENV481H1 Special Topics in the Environment [24S]
Prerequisite: ENV (221H1,222H1)/222Y1/GGR 222Y1/JGE Special topics course designed for advanced Specialist and
221Y1 and enrolment in a Centre program, or permission Major students in Centre for Environment programs.
of Undergraduate Coordinator Prerequisite: ENV (221H1,222H1)/222Y1/GGR 222Y1/JGE
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA 221Y1 and completion of at least 10 FCE and enrolment
in a Centre Environmental program, or permission of
ENV430H1 Environment and Health in Vulnerable
Undergraduate Coordinator.
Populations [24S]
The seminar introduces students to a wide range of topics
and issues as they relate to the environment and health of ENV482H1 Special Topics in the Environment [24S]
vulnerable populations. Through readings and discussion, Special topics course designed for advanced Specialist and
students will explore the potential health effects of exposures Major students in Centre for Environment programs.
in children and other vulnerable populations to a variety Prerequisite: ENV (221H1,222H1)/222Y1/GGR 222Y1/JGE
of chemical and physical agents in both the indoor and 221Y1 and completion of at least 10 FCE and enrolment
outdoor environments. A number of case studies or topics in a Centre Environmental program, or permission of
will be examined to exemplify why certain populations may Undergraduate Coordinator.
be especially vulnerable to various environmental hazards. DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Issues related to equity and justice will also be examined. ENV492H1 Independent Studies Project (formerly
Prerequisite: ENV 341H1, or permission of the instructor. INI492H1)
ENV493H1 Independent Studies Project (formerly
ENV440H1 Professional Experience Course (formerly INI493H1)
ENV440Y1) [TBA] A research project or selected topic in an area of
Regular academic seminars complement off-campus work environment not otherwise available in the Faculty, meant to
on an environmental project. The course enables students develop skills in independent study of interdisciplinary topics.
to gain practical experience of the needs and demands of A written proposal cosigned by the student and supervisor
professional environmental agencies. Students are given must be submitted for approval by the Undergraduate
a choice of placements in a variety of sectors (such as Coordinator of the Centre normally by 31 May of the previous
government, NGOs, industry). academic year, or three months prior to commencing the
Prerequisite: 10 full courses or their equivalent, including course.
three environmental courses in the student’s Prerequisite: ENV (222H1, 222H1)/222Y1/GGR 222Y1/JGE
environmental program completed before ENV440H1 221Y1 completion of at least 14 FCE, and enrolment in a
taken; permission of Undergraduate Coordinator Centre for Environment program
Exclusion: ENV 440Y1 BR=TBA
ENV450H1 Energy and Environment Solutions [24S,
12T] Equity Studies: see New College
This is an interdisciplinary course in which students address
current energy problems while incorporating technical, Ethics, Society & Law: see Trinity
environmental, economic, social, and political concerns.
Prerequisite: ENV346H1, 350H1; JGE347H1, 348H1 College

Given by the Department of Slavic Languages EST200Y1 Intermediate Estonian [96P]
and Literatures Continued emphasis on basic language skills, on acquisition
of both active and passive vocabulary. (Offered in alternate
Estonian Studies years)
Prerequisite: EST100Y or permission of instructor
Estonian is spoken by approximately one million people in DR=HUM; BR=1
present-day Estonia and some 72,000 in other parts of the
world, including 18,000 in Canada. Closely related to Finnish EST210H1 Introduction to Baltic Folklore [24L]
and more distantly to Hungarian, Estonian is one of the few A comparative survey of oral traditions of peoples on
Finno-Ugric languages to exist surrounded by speakers of the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea (Finns, Carelians,
Indo-European languages. Estonians, Livonians, Latvians) and their impact on these
national cultures (e.g. Kalevala, Kalevipoeg, Lacplesis). No
An ancient people, the Estonians have preserved their knowledge of Finnic or Baltic language required.
language and culture despite centuries of domination by DR=HUM; BR=1
other nations. Not only is their heritage enormously rich in
EST300Y1 Advanced Estonian [72P]
folk epics and songs, but Estonians enjoy a vigorous and
Advanced grammar and stylistics through study of a variety
diversified literary tradition which continues in Estonia proper
of texts; problems of composition; translation; oral and written
and in their adoptive countries.
practice. (Offered in alternate years)
Estonian studies at the University of Toronto are concerned Prerequisite: EST200Y or permission of instructor
with the language, literature, and culture of Estonia. The DR=HUM; BR=TBA
language courses will be of interest to those wishing to EST400Y1 Estonian Literature from 1700 [24L, 24S]
improve their language skills, as well as to students of A survey of the major writers and literary periods in Estonian
general linguistics who desire to acquire a knowledge of a literature. From Käsu Hans’, Lament of Tartu to the National
non-Indo-European language. Awakening. Republican, Soviet, expatriate literature, and the
New Awakening. Readings in Estonian or English. (Offered in
Estonian Programs alternate years)
Enrolment in the Estonian program requires the completion Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
of four courses; no minimum GPA required. Recommended preparation: EST300Y
Estonian Studies (Arts program) EST420Y1 Independent Study [TBA]
A reading and research project of significant depth in a major
Minor program: topic in Estonian language, literature or culture approved and
(4 FCEs or equivalent, including at least one at the 300+ supervised by an instructor.
level) Prerequisite: EST300Y/400Y; permission of instructor
Four FCEs from: EST100Y1, EST200Y1, EST210H1, DR=HUM; BR=TBA
EST300Y1, EST400Y1, EST420Y1, FIN 220H1 EST421H1 Independent Study [TBA]
A reading and research project of significant depth in a major
Estonian Courses topic in Estonian language, literature or culture approved and
See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions. supervised by an instructor.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
First Year Seminars DR=HUM; BR=TBA
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide the
opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class of no
more than twenty-four students. These interactive seminars
are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity and provide
an opportunity to get to know a member of the professorial
staff in a seminar environment during the first year of study.
For details, see page 48.
The Department reserves the right to assign students to
courses appropriate to their level of competence in Estonian.

EST100Y1 Elementary Estonian [120P]

The basics of Estonian: elementary phonology, morphology,
and syntax. Emphasis on reading and speaking as well as
writing skills. (Offered in alternate years)
Exclusion: Native Speakers

European Studies
The European Studies Program is designed to develop 2. One full course equivalent from: EST 300Y1;
an interdisciplinary expertise on modern Europe. Students FIN300H1; FSL 331Y1/341Y1/366H1; GER
in the Program can acquire a working fluency in one of 300Y1/370H1/400Y1/470H1; HUN 310Y1; ITA
the following languages (in addition to English) of the 343H1, 344H1, 354H1, 355H1; PRT 320Y1/420Y1;
European Union: Croatian, Czech, Estonian, Finnish, SLA306Y1, SLA308Y1, SLA320Y1, SLA327H1,
French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Macedonian, Polish, SLA326Y1; SPA 320Y1/323H1/420H1
Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, or Ukrainian. Second, Third or Fourth Year:
Language instruction emphasizes written and oral Two full course equivalents from: ANT 446H1; ECO
communication. To ensure that graduates in European 230Y1, 303Y1; ENG 202Y1, 329H1; EST 400Y1;
Studies have the historical understanding and specialized FCS 195H1, 297H1, 310Y1, 331H1, 390H1, 395H1,
knowledge, as well as linguistic competence, necessary to 497H1; FIN 230H1, FIN235H1 240H1, 250H1,
comprehend contemporary Europe, a balanced syllabus 260H1, 310H1, FIN330H1, FIN340H1, FIN350H1,
is presented: core courses on the political evolution of FIN410H1, FIN415H1; FRE320Y1, 322Y1, 324Y1,
Europe and on the economics and politics of European 326Y1, 359H1, 360H1, 364Y1, 365H1, 367H1,
integration are complemented by choices from courses 368H1, 449H1; FSL 431Y1, 442H1, 443H1, 461Y1;
offered by the twelve academic departments participating GGR 339H1, 344H1, 361H1; GER 150H1, 204H1,
in the Program. 205H1, 232H1, GER260Y1, 305H1, 310H1, 324H1,
325H1, 327H1, 331H1, 334H1, 335H1, 351H1, 354Y0,
European Studies Program 355Y0, 360H1, 362H1, 353Y, 364H1, 410H1, 422H1,
430H1, 462H1; HIS 208Y1, 220Y1, 241H1, 242H1,
This is a limited enrolment program open only to those
245Y1, 251Y1, 302H1, 309H1, 317H1, 325H1, 330H1,
who earn a mark of at least 70% in one of the required
331H1, 334Y1, 335H1, 337Y1, 338H1, 339Y1, 344Y1,
first-year language courses (for the major) or in a first-year
349H1, 351Y1, 353Y1, 354Y1, 355H1, 357Y1,
history or political science course (for the minor) and who
388H1, 401H1, 407H1, 414H1, 415H1, 416H1,
also successfully complete at least 4 full courses in first
418H1, 421Y1, 422H1, 436H1, 442H1, 444H1,
year. Visit the European Studies Program web site for
445H1, 449Y1, 451H1, 453H1, 454H1, 455H1, 458Y1,
updated information about requirements, course offerings,
459H1, 460H1, 461H1, 477H1, 483H1, 488H1, 492Y1;
and events: www.utoronto.ca/esp .
HUN 320Y1, 335H1, 345H1, 351H1, 355H1, 356H1,
440H1, 450H1, 451H1, 455H1; INI 382H1, 462H1; ITA
European Studies (Arts program)
210Y1, 240Y1, 245Y1, 301H1, 310H1, 326H1, 340H1,
Consult Dr. E. S. Klein, Room 325N, Munk Centre for 341H1, 346H1, 347H1, 381H1, 405H1, 410H1, 415H1,
International Studies (416-946-8962) for general program 421H1, 441H1, 455H1, 491H1, 492H1; JEF 100Y1;
requirements. JHP 304Y1, 435Y1, 454Y1; JPD 439Y1; PHL 210Y1,
217H1, 265H1, 310H1, 311H1, 312H1, 315H1, 316H1,
Major program: 317H1, 320H1, 321H1, 322H1, 326H1, 338H1, 388H1;
(7 full courses or their equivalent, including at least two POL 200Y1, 317Y1, 320Y1, 321H1, 324Y1, 344H1,
300-series courses. The language requirement consists 354H1, 359Y1, 366Y1, 405Y1, 414H1, 415H1, 422Y1,
of three full credits in a single language at a progressive 440Y1, 452Y1, 453Y1, 462Y1; PRT 250H1; SLA
level of difficulty.) 205H1, 215H1, 216Y1, 225H1, 226H1, 405Y1, 406Y1,
NOTE: Some of the courses listed below may have 414H1, 416Y1, 424Y1, 425Y1, 434Y1, 445H1, 465H1,
prerequisites; some may be offered in alternate years. The 475H1; SOC 203Y1, 341Y1, 350Y1; SPA 250H1,
list reflects information available at the time of printing. 341H1, 345H1, 435H1.
Consult the Program Advisor for up-to-date information. Minor program in European Union Studies:
First Year: (4 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one
One of the following: EST 100Y1; FIN 100Y1; FSL 100H1 300/400 full-course equivalent)
and 102H1/121Y1; GER 100Y1/GER101H/200Y1; 1. EUR200Y1
HUN 100Y1; ITA 100Y1/101Y1/102Y1/142Y1/152Y1; 2. POL207Y1/POL(321H1, 324H1)/POL359Y1
PRT 100Y1/110Y1/220Y1; SLA100Y1, SLA106Y1, 3. Two full credits or their equivalent in eligible elective
SLA108Y1, SLA109Y1, SLA205Y1, SLA207Y1, courses (see European Studies Major above)
SLA237Y1; SPA 100Y1/220Y1
Second Year: European Studies Courses
1. EUR 200Y1 See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
2. One full course equivalent from: EST 200Y1;
FIN200Y1; FSL 221Y1; GER 200Y1/300Y1/370H1; EUR200Y1 Europe: Nation-State to Supranational
HUN 200Y1; ITA 250Y1/251Y1/252Y1/253Y1; PRT Union [52L, 26T]
220Y1/320Y1; SLA206Y1, SLA208Y1, SLA209Y1, An analysis of the development of European political
SLA220Y1, SLA305Y1, SLA307Y1, SLA316Y1; regimes since 1789. This course identifies the decisive
SPA 220Y1/320Y1 forces and factors affecting the operation of constitutions
Third Year: and institutions within the countries which came to form
1. POL 207Y1/(321H1, 324H1)/359Y1 the European Union: nationalism, multi-nationalism,
internationalism and supranationalism.

Given by the Department of Slavic Minor program:
Languages and Literatures (4 FCEs or equivalent, including at least one at the 300+

Faculty Four FCEs from FIN-designated courses

Faculty of Arts & Science Language Citation
Professors Emeriti
G. Bisztray, MA, Ph D The Finnish program participates in the Faculty of Arts
B. Vähämäki, MA, Ph Lic, Ph D and Science’s Language Citation initiative. Students may
achieve this Citation in Finnish.
Assistant Professor
Pia Paivio, MA, Ph D Language study is a demanding and intellectually
rewarding educational experience. Our students learn to
A nation of five million people, Finland is situated between communicate both orally and in writing in other languages
West and East, between Sweden and Russia, sharing and are thus able to experience other parts of the world
for thousands of years religious, historical, political, in more intimate ways. Their access to other cultures
social, and cultural influences and experiences with its opens doors for further study and employment. Students
neighbours and the different worlds they represent. in our department also have the opportunity to read a vast
Finnish, a Finno-Ugric language related to Estonian and array of world-renowned authors in the original languages,
Hungarian, is spoken by 94% of Finland’s population, by as well as works – normally not available in English –
300,000 in Sweden, and by large numbers in Canada, in other areas of study, for example, cinema studies,
the United States, and other countries. The other drama, folklore, history, intellectual history, philosophy,
constitutionally recognized group, the Finland-Swedes, mathematics, and political science.
comprises over six percent of the population. The Finns The Language Citation recognizes a significant level of
have a strong commitment to their languages and to their achievement in language study. For course selection
culture. Their national epic, the Kalevala, compiled in students should consult the Undergraduate Coordinator
the 19th century from old Finnish epic narrative poems as early as possible since not every language course is
and incantations, soon became a national symbol offered each year. Students who begin language study at
and continues to this day to inspire the growth and the Intermediate level should consult the Undergraduate
development of the country’s creative force. Today the Coordinator for approval of advanced literature and
entire world responds to Finnish achievements in music, culture courses that may satisfy the requirements for the
literature, the arts and architecture, and celebrates the Language Citation.
work of such outstanding figures as Jean Sibelius, Aki
Kaurismäki, Alvar Aalto, and Eliel and Eero Saarinen. The Language Citation in Finnish is available to students
who complete FIN200H1, FIN210H1, FIN300H1, and
Finnish studies at the University of Toronto are presently FIN305H1 with a grade of at least B-.
engaged in teaching the Finnish language - a three-year
sequence - and in offering other courses on the literature Students should note that, as explained on the page 20 of
and culture of Finland. this Calendar, the Language Citation is not equivalent to
an academic program and that enrolment in a program is
Finnish Programs not necessary in order to earn the recognition bestowed
by the Citation.
Enrolment in Finnish programs requires the completion of
four courses; no minimum GPA required.
Finnish Courses
Finnish Studies (Arts program) See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.

Major program: First Year Seminars

(6 FCEs or their equivalent, with at least 2 FCEs at the The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
300+-level, including 0.5 FCE at the 400-level) the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
1. FIN100H1, FIN110H1
seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
2. FIN200H1, FIN210H1
and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of
3. 4 FCEs from the following: FIN230H1, FIN235H1,
the professorial staff in a seminar environment during the
FIN240H1, FIN250H1, FIN260H1, FIN305H11,
first year of study. For details, see page 48.
FIN310H1, FIN320H1, FIN330H1, FIN340H1,
FIN350H1, FIN410H1, FIN415H1, FIN420Y1, Note
FIN430H1 The Department reserves the right to assign students
4. To insure exposure to quantitative skills, all Majors to courses appropriate to their level of competence in
must take 0.5FCE in the new breadth area 5 as Finnish.
part of satisfying their breadth course requirement.
Students may choose any quantitative reasoning FIN100H1 Elementary Finnish I [48P]
course among those specifically designated for this An introductory language course for students with
purpose in the Faculty of Arts and Science. This is in no knowledge of Finnish. The acquisition of a basic
addition to any program requirements listed above. vocabulary and of an understanding of elementary

structural features through practice in comprehension, Recommended preparation: FIN230H1
speaking, reading and writing. DR=HUM; BR=1
Exclusion: FIN100Y1 FIN240H1 Masterpieces of Scandinavian Literature
DR=HUM; BR=1 [12L, 12S]
FIN110H1 Elementary Finnish II [48P] Introduction to the greatest authors of Scandinavian
An introductory language course for students with literature and their greatest works, particularly August
no knowledge of Finnish. The acquisition of a basic Strinberg, Henrik Ibsen, H.C. Anderssen, Knut Hamsun,
vocabulary and of an understanding of elementary Selma Lagerlöf, Pär Lagerkvist, Aleksis Kivi, Sigrid Undset
structural features through practice in comprehension, and Halldor Laxness, etc. These are situated in their
speaking, reading and writing. Scandinavian context and in world literature. (Offered
Prerequisite: FIN100H1 or permission of instructor every two or three years)
Exclusion: FIN100Y1 Recommended preparation: Some background in literature
FIN200H1 Intermediate Finnish I [48P] FIN250H1 Finnish Cinema [24S, 12P]
The four language skills (speaking, listening, reading and Development of Finnish cinema from its parochial
writing) honed by discussion of Finnish literary texts as beginnings to its international recognition. The great
well as by compositions in Finnish about these texts, by pastoral tradition; the war memories (Laine, Kassila,
a series of conversation exercises, and by analysis of Parikka); socio-political engagement of the 60s (Donner,
morphology, syntax and word formation. Translation is Jarva), the paucity of the 70s (Mollberg); the universal
used to aid in language learning. outsider themes of the 80s (Aki and Mika Kaurismäki).
Prerequisite: FIN110H1 or permission of instructor Readings and subtitles in English. (Offered in alternate
Exclusion: FIN200Y1 years)
FIN210H1 Intermediate Finnish II [48P] FIN260H1 Scandinavian Cinema [24S, 12P]
The four language skills (speaking, listening, reading and Major developments of cinema in Scandinavia in the
writing) honed by discussion of Finnish literary texts as 20th century with concentration on the major film makers
well as by compositions in Finnish about these texts, by of Denmark, Sweden, and Finland. Screening of films
a series of conversation exercises, and by analysis of by directors such as Victor Sjöström, Mauritz Stiller, Alfï
morphology, syntax and word formation. Translation is Sjöberg, Ingmar Bergman, August Bille, Carl Th. Dreyer,
used to aid in language learning. Gabriel Axel, Nils Gaupe, Aki and Mika Kaurismäki.
Prerequisite: FIN200H1 or permission of instructor (Offered in alternate years)
Exclusion: FIN200Y1 DR=HUM; BR=1
DR=HUM; BR=1 FIN300H1 Advanced Finnish (formerly FIN300Y1)
FIN220H1 Introduction to Finnish Linguistics [12L, [24S, 12P]
12S] Advanced Finnish provides a continuation of FIN210H1
A survey of the linguistic structures of the Finno-Ugric Intermediate Finnish.Prerequisite: FIN210H1 or
languages including Estonian, Finnish and Hungarian with permission of instructor
special emphasis on Finnish. Focus is to gain insights Exclusion: FIN300Y1
into workings of non-Indo-European languages. No DR=HUM; BR=TBA
prior knowledge of Finno-Ugric languages or linguistics FIN305H1 Finnish Morphology and Syntax [12L,
required. 12S]
DR=HUM; BR=2 Finnish Morphology and Syntax is designed present
FIN230H1 Finnish Culture 1800 to Present (formerly the Finnish morphological system and the principles
FIN210Y1) [12L, 12P] of Finnish syntax to students interested in general
FIN230H offers an introduction to Finnish society, history linguistics, morphology, syntax, or Finnish linguistics. The
and culture 1800 to present. The course examines Finnish case system, the verb conjugation system and
the rise of Finnish nationalism in the 1800s, its main phenomena such as consonant gradation, vowel harmony
manifestations, particularly the developments of its and clitics will be explored.
cultural, educational and social institutions, its economic Prerequisite: Introduction to linguistics or FIN110H1
structures, its demographics, as well as the nation’s DR=HUM; BR=TBA
bilingual status. FIN310H1 Finnish Folklore: The Kalevala [12L, 12S]
Exclusion: FIN210Y1 An examination of the Finnish national epic, the Kalevala:
DR=HUM; BR=3 its relationship to the tradition of folk poetry; its quality as
FIN235H1 Finnish Literature 1800 to Present an epic poem; the mythological, religious, and cultural
(formerly FIN210Y1) [12L, 12P] dimensions of its world view; its role in Finland’s nation
FIN235H surveys the major works in Finnish building in the 19th and 20th centuries. Readings in
literature 1800 to present by examining its role in the English. (Offered at least every alternate year)
implementation of the agenda of Finnish nationalism in the DR=HUM; BR=TBA
19th and the 20th century. The major genres and periods
in Finnish literature are studied.
Exclusion: FIN210Y1

FIN320H1 The Finnish Canadian Immigrant FIN420Y1 Independent Study [TBA]
Experience [12L, 12S] A reading and research project
Major issues and dimensions of the culture and Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
experience of the Finnish immigrants to Canada, DR=HUM; BR=TBA
including Finnish Canadian literature, theatre, and press. FIN421H1 Independent Study [TBA]
Conceptual and ideological contributions to working class A reading and research project
culture, women’s lives, religious and social attitudes and Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
values. Readings in English. (Offered every three or four DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=HUM; BR=TBA FIN430Y1 Independent Study [TBA]
This course offers students, primarily Finnish Studies
FIN330H1 Regional Origins of Finnish Culture [12L, majors and minors, an opportunity to design together with
12S] the instructor an individualized course of study in Finnish
The course traces the construction of a unified Finnish literature or language. Registration requires the permission
culture over the centuries from subcultures and values of the appropriate instructor and the Department of Slavic
which ultimately have their definitions in the regional Languages and Literatures.
diversity of the area now called Finland. It focuses on the Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
main divisions into western and eastern Finland, but also Recommended preparation: At least two years of
explores the Swedish and the Sami (Lappish) heritage in university studies
the context of old cultural regions. The sources used are DR=HUM; BR=TBA
cultural history texts as well as Finnish literature.
FIN340H1 Finland-Swedish Literature and Culture
[12L, 12S]
An examination of the major Finland-Swedish authors
(Rune Coerg, Tgrelicks, Sodergran, Tove Jansson) and
the linguistic reality of Finland as it has changed over
time. The distinctly Finland-Swedish culture is explored,
analysed and assessed in its Finnish and Scandinavian
context. Cultural giants are studied (Sibelius, etc.).
FIN350H1 The Finnish Short Story [24S]
Historical, structural, and thematic study of the short fiction
of Finland from the Romanticism of the 19th century to
contemporary post-structuralism and post-modernism.
Works of Runeberg, Topelius, Kivi, Canth, Aho, Jotuni,
Lehtonen, Schildt, Sillanpää, Haanpää, Meri, Hyry,
Salama, Mukka, Liksom, Huldén, and others. Readings in
English. (Offered in alternate years)
FIN410H1 Finnish Literature 1700-1900 (in Finnish)
(formerly FIN410Y1) [24S]
A chronological study of the development of Finnish
literature, emphasizing outstanding writers, significant
movements and trends, the emergence and
transformations of the major genres and their relationship
to Finnish folklore and to the national awakening.
Readings in Finnish. (Offered as needed)
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
Exclusion: FIN410Y1
Recommended preparation: FIN300Y
FIN415H1 Finnish Literature in the 20th Century
This course examines the main literary works and genres
of 20th Century Finland, especially Jotuni, Sillanpää,
Haanpää, Meri, Manner, Linna, Tuuri and a sample of
contemporary writers. The readings are in Finnish.
Prerequisite: Reading ability in Finnish
Exclusion: FIN410Y1
Recommended preparation: FIN410H1

Forest Conservation
Forest Conservation and Forest managers. Graduates from forest conservation programs
Biomaterials Science are collaborative can also pursue graduate programs in a wide range
of disciplines, including forest conservation, forestry,
programs of the Faculty of Arts & Science environmental sciences and international development.
and the Faculty of Forestry
Students may take a specialist 4-year degree leading to
an H.B.A. in Forest Conservation or an H.B.Sc. in Forest
Faculty Conservation Science. The arts program focuses on
communal forest management, development of forest
Professor and Dean of the Faculty policies, forest economics and forest product trade, with
C.T. Smith, BA, MS, Ph D electives in social sciences, while the science program
Professors concentrates on forest biology and ecology with electives
P.A. Cooper, M Sc, Ph D in life and physical sciences.
S. Kant, MA, Ph D
The specialist programs provide a grounding in forest
D.L. Martell, MA Sc, Ph D
conservation with emphasis on breadth as well as
M. Sain, MTech, Ph D
research depth, and can particularly meet the needs of
S.M. Smith, M Sc, Ph D
individuals who are considering graduate level education
Associate Professors in forestry (M.F.C., M.Sc.F. or Ph.D.).
T.J. Carleton, M Sc, Ph D
J. Caspersen, BA, Ph D The major programs in Forest Conservation are intended
J.R. Malcolm, M Sc, Ph D to build on a student’s interest in forestry and related
S.C. Thomas, BA, Ph D issues. Students should consider combining these
N. Yan, BA Sc, Ph D programs with a major in another related discipline such
as environment, geography, biology, chemistry, urban
Assistant Professors studies or architecture.
S. Krigstin, M Sc F, Ph D
N, Singh, PhD A minor in Forest Conservation Science in the science
stream and a minor in Forest Conservation in the arts
Senior Lecturer stream are also available. Students should consider
A. Kenney, M Sc, Ph D combining these programs with a minor in other related

Forest Conservation Forest Biomaterials Science

Forests have traditionally been managed primarily Canada is not only a key player in global forest
as sources of timber and revenue. However, there is conservation but is also more economically dependant
increasing recognition of their immense cultural, social and on forests than any other major developed country. Wise
environmental role, focused particularly by recent United and innovative use of forest biomaterials is a mandatory
Nations conferences in Rio De Janeiro and Johannesburg. component of global forest conservation. It is recognized
Increasingly the focus of forest management has shifted to that right and proper use of forest-based materials can
include biodiversity maintenance, ecological sustainability, help resolve global environmental problems as they are
and the protection of wildlife and their habitats. Canadians, renewable, have low life cycle costs and contribute to
as custodians of 10% of the remaining global forest cover, carbon sequestration. Traditionally, forest materials have
and 25% of the undisturbed frontier forest, have both the been used in wood construction and paper products.
option and the responsibility to provide global leadership Today, new and exciting technologies are transforming
in forest conservation and sustainable forest management. the forest resource into biodegradable polymers, specialty
Forest conservation programs prepare students for this chemicals and carbon neutral fuels. Students in this
critically important role by combining traditional ecological program will acquire a thorough understanding of forest
(biology, zoology) and physical (soil science, hydrology) sustainability; material science of wood and other forest
sciences with social sciences. Forest conservationists based materials; bio-conversion technologies related
increasingly focus on complex, emerging social and to forest and agricultural materials and optimal use
community issues, such as aboriginal rights and land and maintenance of natural fibre based materials. The
tenure, protection of wilderness parklands, preservation program is highly interdisciplinary, combining aspects
of urban green space, and the use of forests for carbon of forestry, biology, chemistry, chemical and mechanical
sequestration. engineering and building sciences.
Responsible stewardship of our forests and the The major and minor in Forest Biomaterials Science will
changing focus from industrial timber production to forest be of interest to students that recognize the value of
conservation has greatly expanded the range of expertise conserving the forest through good design, application and
necessary. Graduates can pursue a wide range of new utilization of forest based products. Graduates from this
career opportunities developing in private, government program can pursue careers in private industry, research
and non-government environmental organizations where and government organizations where knowledge of new
forest conservationists increasingly work as members of and changing technologies will be required to lead the
multidisciplinary teams of environmental and resource transformation from petro-chemical based industries to

Forest Conservation

ones established on renewable biomaterials. FOR 200H1, 201H1; 1.0 FCE from ENV 236Y1, 234Y1;
BIO 220H1, 221H1, 222H1
Undergraduate Co-ordinator: Third Year:
Professor John Caspersen, Room 3011 , Earth Sciences FOR 305H1; 1.5 FCE from FOR 300H1, 301H1, 302H1,
Centre (416-946-8506) 303H1, 306H1, 307H1, 310H1; EEB 321H1
Undergraduate Administrator: Fourth Year:
Ms. A. Veneziano, Room 1016E, Earth Sciences Centre FOR 400Y1
(416-978-5480) Minor Program:
(4 full courses or their equivalent, including at least 1.0
Forest Conservation and Forest 300-series course and one 400-series course)
Biomaterials Science Programs First Year: 1.0 FCE BIO 120H1/ GGR 100H1, 101H1/ENV
Forest Conservation Science (Science program) Second Year: FOR 200H1, 201H1
Enrolment in the specialist program is open to students Third Year: 1.0 FCE from: FOR 300H1, 301H1, 302H1,
who have completed four first-year courses with a 303H1, 305H1, 306H1, 307H1, 310H1
minimum GPA of 2.3. Enrolment in the major and minor Fourth Year: FOR 400Y1
programs is open to students who have completed four Forest Conservation (Arts program)
first-year courses.
Enrolment in the specialist program is open to students
Specialist program: who have completed four first-year courses with a
(13.5 full courses or their equivalent, including at least minimum GPA of 2.3. Enrolment in the major and minor
four 300-series courses and 2.5 400-series courses; programs is open to students who have completed four
other equivalent and approved courses offered by other first-year courses.
Faculties, University of Toronto Mississauga or University
of Toronto Scarborough may be eligible for inclusion.)
Specialist program:
(12 full courses or their equivalent, including at least
First Year: 3.5 300-series courses and 2.5 400-series courses;
BIO 120H1; 2.5 Science FCEs (GGR 100H1, 101H1; CHM other equivalent and approved courses offered by other
138H1, 139H1 recommended) Faculties, University of Toronto Mississauga or University
Second Year: of Toronto Scarborough may be eligible for inclusion.)
1. ENV 234Y1; FOR 200H1, 201H1
First Year:
2. 1.0 FCE from ECO 220Y1, 227Y1; GGR 270H1,
BIO 120H1; 1.5 Social Science FCE
271H1; STA 221H1, 220H1
Second Year:
3. .1.0 FCE from BIO 220H1, 260H1, 251Y1; EES
1. ENV 234Y1; FOR 200H1, 201H1
C20H1 (University of Toronto Scarborough); GGR
2. 1.0 FCE from ECO 220Y1, 227Y1; GGR 270H1; STA
205H1, 206H1, 272H1, 273H1; PHL 273H1; ENV
221H1, 220H1, 250H1, 255H1
221H1, 222H1, 236Y1
3. 1.0 FCE from ABS 201Y1; ANT 204Y1; ENV 221H1,
Third Year:
222H1; PHL 273H1
1. FOR 301H1, 305H1. At least One FCE from FOR
Third Year:
300H1, 302H1, 303H1, 306H1, 307H1, 310H1; EEB
1. FOR 301H1, 305H1; At least 1.0 FCE from FOR
300H1, 302H1, 303H1, 306H1, 307H1, 310H1; EEB
2. 0.5 FCE from: EEB 307H1, 319H1, 323H1, 328H1,
341H1; CSB 340H1
2. At least 1.0 FCE from: ANT 365H1; JGE331H1; HIS
3. At least 1.5 FCE from EEB302H1, 303H1, 306H1,
318Y1; ENV 320H1, 321H1; UNI 302H1; JAG 321H1
308H1, 324H1, 360H1, 361H1, 365H1, 386H1, 388H1,
Fourth Year:
389H1; GGR 303H1, 305H1
1. FOR 400Y1, 401H1
Fourth Year:
2. 1.0 FCE from: ANT 450H1; FOR 403H1, 416H1,
1. FOR 400Y1, 401H1
417H1, 418H1; ENV 410H1, 421H1, 422H1, 423H1,
2. 1.0 FCE from: FOR 403H1, 405H1, 410H1, 413H1,
440H1, 447H1; JFG 470H1, 475H1; GGR 416H1
416H1, 417H1, 418H1, 419H1, 420H1, 423H1; GGR
403H1; ENV 447H1; JFG 470H1, 475H1 Major program
(8 full courses or their equivalent, including at least 2.0
Major program:
300-series courses and one 400-series course; other
(8 full courses or their equivalent, including at least 2.0
equivalent and approved courses offered by other
300-series courses and one 400-series course; other
Faculties, University of Toronto Mississauga or University
equivalent and approved courses offered by other
of Toronto Scarborough may be eligible for inclusion.)
Faculties, University of Toronto Mississauga or University
of Toronto Scarborough may be eligible for inclusion.) First Year:
BIO 120H1; 1.5 Social Science FCE’s
First Year:
Second Year:
BIO 120H1; 2.5 Science FCEs (GGR100H1, 101H1;
1. ENV 234Y1; FOR 200H1, 201H1
CHM 138H1, 139H1 recommended)
Second Year:

Forest Conservation
2. 1.0 FCE from: ABS 201Y1; ANT 204Y1; ECO 220Y1, Forest Conservation and Forest
227Y1; GGR 270H1; STA 221H1; ENV 221H1, 222H1;
PHL 273H1; STA 220H1/250H1/255H1 Biomaterial Science Courses
Third Year: See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
FOR305H1; 1.0 FCE from FOR 300H1, 301H1, 302H1,
303H1, 306H1, 307H1, 310H1; EEB 321H1 First Year Seminars
Fourth Year: The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
FOR 400Y1 the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
Minor program:
seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
(4 full courses or their equivalent)
and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
First Year: 1.0 of ANT100Y1/ECO100Y1/ENV200H1/ professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
GGR100H1 + 101H1 year of study. For details, see page 48.
Higher Years: 3.0 FCEs from (FOR200H1, 201H1, 300H1,
FOR200H1 Conservation of Canada’s Forests [24L]
301H1, 302H1, 303H1, 305H1, 306H1, 307H1, 310H1,
Forest conservation issues in Canada; development of
400Y1, 401H1)
forest management philosophy in Canadian and temperate
Forest Biomaterials Science (Science program) forest regions; and concepts of sustainability. Techniques
for more sustainable forest management: structural
The Forest Biomaterials major or minor may be
retention; forest certification; old growth; value-added and
strengthened by an accompanying major or minor(s)
non-traditional forest products.
in Biology (major, minor), Biochemistry (major), Forest
Recommended preparation: BIO 120H1/ GGR100H1 +
Conservation (major, minor) , Chemistry (major, minor),
Environmental Chemistry (minor), Materials Chemistry
(minor) or Environment & Science (major, minor).
FOR201H1 Conservation of Tropical and Subtropical
Consult the Program Coordinator, Professor Sally Krigstin,
Forests [24L]
Room 3029, Earth Sciences Centre (416-946-8507)
The world’s major tropical and subtropical forest biomes;
Enrolment in the major and minor programs is open to prospects for conservation and sustainable management;
students who have completed four first-year courses. consequences of different forest development strategies;
tropical deforestation and selective logging; agroforestry;
Major program: biodiversity and non-timber forest products; the fuelwood
(8 full courses or their equivalent, including at least 2.0 crisis; large carnivore conservation; ecological, economic
FCE 300-series courses and 2.0 FCE 400-series courses; and social perspectives.
other equivalent and approved courses offered by other Recommended preparation: BIO 120H1 / GGR100H1 +
Faculties may be eligible for inclusion.) 101H1
1. BIO 120H1; 1.0 FCE from BIO 220H1; MSE 101H1; DR=SOC SCI/SCI; BR=4
ECO 100Y1, 105Y1; CHM 138H1, 139H1; ARC 132H1 FOR300H1 Forest Products in Sustainable Forestry
2. FOR 200H1, STA 220H1; 1.0 FCE from CHM 220H1 [24L, 24P]
ENV 234Y1; MSE 219H1; BCH 210H1; STA 221H1/ Traditional and non-traditional forest products; wood
EEB 225H1; MGT 201H1 structure; properties and material attributes; functional
3. FOR 300H1; 310H1; 1.0 FCE from FOR 302H1, characteristics and logistics of wood product industry.
305H1; ENV 315H1, 350H1; MSE 316H1, 342H1; Contribution of innovative product development to
ARC 341H1, 342H1; BCH 370H1 conservation; adding value; residue use; biorefinery;
4. FOR 401H1; 410H1; 1.0 FCE from FOR 403H1, under-utilized species; wood protection. Forest product
405H1, 420H1, 423H1; CHE 575H1 certification; eco-labelling; life cycle analysis.
Minor Program: Recommended preparation: FOR 200H1, 201H1
(4 full courses or their equivalent, including at least 1.5 DR=SCI; BR=TBA
FCE 300-series course and one FCE 400-series courses) FOR301H1 Field Methods in Forest Conservation
1. 1.5 FCE from BIO 120H1; MSE 101H1; ECO 105Y1; [TBA]
CHM 138H1 139H1, 220H1; ARC 132H1; FOR 200H1; A practical introduction to the field methods used by forest
ENV 234Y1; MGT 201H1 conservationists in Ontario. This field course will last
2. FOR 300H1; 310H1; 0.5 FCE from ENV 315H1, 10-days from August 30 – September 8 approximately.
350H1; MSE 219H1, 316H1, 324H1; FOR 305H1 ARC Field exercises will provide students with practical training
341H1 342H; BCH 370H1 in tree identification, forest ecosystem classification, forest
3. 1.0 FCE from FOR 401H1, 405H1, 410H1, 420H1, inventory, stand management prescriptions, tree marking,
423H1 and silvicultural systems. Each student is required to
pay an ancillary fee of $600 to cover the costs of their
transportation and accommodation. Students must contact
the Faculty to register – we strongly recommend that you
do so by the end of May, but later registrations will be
considered if class size permits.
Recommended preparation: ENV 234Y1; FOR 200H1,
201H1, GGR 205H1

Forest Conservation
DR=SCI; BR=TBA (e.g., harvesting residues, thinnings, salvage, short
rotation woody crops) for a source of renewable energy.
FOR302H1 Societal Values and Forest Management
Recommended Preparation: Completion of at least 6
Science FCE’s
The course will provide diverse perspectives about
societal values and forests, such as Aboriginal
perspective, ecosystem services and human well-being, FOR400Y1 Advanced Seminar in Forest
climate change and carbon sequestration, and forest Conservation [48S]
management systems, such as community-based forest Examination of current and emerging critical issues
management and adaptive management systems; and affecting sustainable management and conservation of
will develop an understanding of the need of integrative global forests. Seminars led by students, faculty and
approach to address the social, cultural, economic, and visiting speakers.
scientific issues associated with forest management. Prerequisite: At least 2 of FOR 300H1, 301H1, 302H1,
Recommended preparation: FOR 200H1, 201H1 303H1, 305H1, 306H1, 307H1
FOR303H1 Human Dimensions of Global Forests FOR401H1 Research Paper/Thesis in Forest
[24L] Conservation [TBA]
Global forest resources; global and regional production, Individual in-depth student research projects on significant
consumption and trade of timber and non-timber products; forest conservation projects, based on field and/or
relationships between societies and forests; international laboratory research, or literature survey.
forest policy; economic value of forests; forests and Prerequisite: At least 2 of FOR 300H1, 301H1, 302H1,
development. 303H1, 305H1, 306H1, 307H1 (minimum of 15 FCEs)
Recommended preparation: FOR 200H1, 201H1 DR=SCI/SOC SCI; BR=TBA
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA FOR403H1 Directed Readings [24T]
FOR305H1 Biology of Trees and Forests [24L, 40P] Provides opportunities for students to carry out individual
An overview of the biology of trees and the ecological in-depth study of current forest conservation issues, under
principles that govern the structure and function of forests. the direction of a faculty member.
Topics in tree biology will include tree identification, Prerequisite: At least 2 of FOR 300H1, 301H1, 302H1,
wood anatomy, tree architecture, resource acquisition 303H1, 305H1, 306H1 307H1, (minimum of 15 FCEs)
and allocation, tree growth and mortality. Topics in DR=SCI/SOC SCI; BR=TBA
forest ecology will include resource competition, stand FOR405H1 Forest Products & Processing [24L, 12P]
development, species succession, and the cycling of Processing of wood into commercial products including
nutrients and energy. This course will include a substantial wood adhesion and composites manufacturing;
field and lab component. specifications and testing; sawmilling; wood drying; wood
Recommended preparation: FOR 200H1/201H1, BIO deterioration and protection; life cycle analysis of wood-
120H1/220H1/ENV 234Y1 based products.
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: FOR 300H1 (minimum of 15 FCEs)
FOR306H1 Tropical Forest Ecology and Conservation DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Field Course [24P] FOR410H1 Bioenergy and Biorefinery Technology
This course will provide practical experience in tropical [24L, 24T]
forest conservation, introducing tools for rapid assessment Technological advances and approaches in deriving
of biodiversity, analysis of human use and natural biofuels and chemical feedstocks from forest and other
disturbance impacts on forest structure and diversity, biomass. Fundamental chemical attributes of biomass, as
and the development of effective forest conservation they affect the fuel value and potential for deriving liquid,
strategies. The 10-day course will be field-based in the solid and gaseous fuels and valuable chemicals for other
country of Dominica, West Indies. Four additional 2-hour applications will be discussed.
lectures at the university are associated with the course. Recommended Preparation: Completion of at least 10
Prerequisite: FOR 201H1, FOR 301H1 or FOR 305H1 Science FCE’s
FOR307H1 Forest Insect Ecology & Management FOR413H1 Wildlife Ecology & Conservation [24L]
[24L, 24P] Temperate and tropical wildlife ecology and conservation;
Insect identification and ecology, biodiversity and roles of wildlife in forest conservation; impacts of forestry
conservation, invasive species, insect-tree interaction, practices and landscape modification on wildlife; ecology
biological control, pesticide use, and integrated pest and viability of wildlife populations; human uses and
management. abuses of game and non-game species.
Recommended preparation: FOR 301H1 or FOR 305H1, Prerequisite: BIO 319H1/321H1/323H1/324H1/ENV
EEB 360H1 or EEB 361H1 234Y1/FOR 200H1/201H1/EEB 22H1 (minimum of 15
FOR310H1 Bioenergy from Sustainable Forest DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Management [24L, 12T] FOR416H1 Urban Forest Conservation [24L]
Socio-economic, technical, political and environmental Current research and practice in the conservation and
issues associated with the utilization of forest biomass enhancement of urban forests. Reviews the role of

Forest Conservation
trees and woodlands in providing environmental, social JFG470H1 Forest Management [24L]
and economic benefits to urban and peri-urban residents Application of operational research and information
and to the broader environment. Examines approaches to technology to develop decision support systems for forest
the characterization of urban forest ecosystems, and their land management planning. Basic principles of mathematical
planning and management. programming, simulation and decision analysis, and
Prerequisite: FOR 200H1, 201H1 their application to planning for forest conservation and
DR=SCI; BR=TBA sustainable development, policy analysis and other land
management planning problems.
FOR417H1 Ecological Principles of Agroforestry [24L]
Prerequisite: One course in quantitative methods or linear
The roles of trees and forests in agricultural land-use
systems primarily in the third world. An examination of the
Recommended preparation: ECO 220Y1/227Y1/GGR 270H1/
biological and management aspects of agroforestry, within
MAT 133Y1/223H1
the socio-economic constraints of the developing world. The
sustainability of particular agroforestry systems is a theme
throughout. JFG475H1 Emergency Response Systems Planning
DR=SCI; BR=TBA [24L, 24T]
Use of operational research and information technology to
FOR418H1 Urban Forest Conservation Field Camp [45L
develop mathematical models and decision support systems
to design and evaluate the performance of emergency
A ten day field course examining urban forestry issues
response systems. Forest fire management systems are
in the GTA, southern and eastern Ontario, Quebec and
used to illustrate the basic principles of emergency response
northern New York State. Topics include: urban forest
system planning that can also be applied to urban fire, police
inventories, nursery production, arboricultural techniques,
and ambulance services.
urban woodland management, urban forest health, urban
Prerequisite: One course in quantitative methods or calculus
forest administration, urban dendrology, and urban forestry
Recommended preparation: ECO 220Y1/227Y1/GGR 270H1/
MAT 133Y1/135Y1/137Y1
Prerequisite: FOR 200H1/FOR 201H1/permission of the
FOR419H1 Forest Fire Behaviour and Management
[24L, 24P]
Understanding forest fire activity is important for predicting
fire’s impact on forests and the wildland-urban interface, as
well as understanding the impacts of climate change. Basic
principles of forest fuel moisture exchange, fire occurrence
and fire behaviour are explored. Emphasis is placed
on application of these models to real fire management
Prerequisite: One course in quantitative methods, linear
algebra or calculus
Recommended preparation: ECO 220Y1/227Y1/GGR
270H1/MAT 133Y1/135Y1/137Y1
FOR420H1 Chemistry of Lignocellulosics [24L/12T]
This course provides an overview of the chemistry of wood
and wood materials involving cellulose, hemicellulose,
lignin, extractives. It also covers some reaction chemistry
associated with these chemical components.
Recommended Preparation: Completion of at least 10
Science FCE’s
FOR423H1 Design and Manufacturing of Biomaterials
[24L, 24T]
This course focuses on the manufacturing processes,
properties and uses of wood and agricultural fibre based
products including wood based composites, ligno-cellulosic/
thermoplastic composites and structural or engineered
Recommended Preparation: Completion of at least 10
Science FCE’s


Faculty Associate Professors

P. M. Bhatt, MA, Ph.D (SM)
University Professor Emeritus A.-M. Brousseau, MA, PhD (SM)
B.T. Fitch, BA, D 3e C (T) A. Cozea, MA, Ph D (V)
Professors Emeriti B. Havercroft, MA, Ph D (V)
C. Bertrand-Jennings, LèsL, Ph D (University of D. Kullmann, MA, PhD (SM)
Toronto Scarborough) P. Michelucci, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
D.E. Bouchard, AM, Ph D (V) Mississauga)
P.A.R. Bouissac, LèsL, DES, D Phl (V) S. Mittler, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
N. Boursier, DES, CAPES, D 3e C (U) Scarborough)
J.G. Chidaine, AM, Ph D (V) A. Motsch, MA, Ph D (V)
D. Clandfield, MA, D 3e C (N) J. Ndayiragije, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
C. Cloutier-Wojciechowska, LèsL, DES, MA, M Ph, Scarborough)
DPS, DUP (University of Toronto Mississauga) E. Nikiema, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
P. Collet, AM, Ph D (SM) Mississauga)
J.A. Dainard, MA, Ph D (U) M. Pirvulescu, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
L.E. Doucette, BA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
Scarborough) Y. Portebois, MA, Ph D (SM)
A.G. Falconer, MA, D 3e C (U) P. Riendeau, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
P. Fitting, MA, Ph D (N) Scarborough)
P. Grillo, MA, Ph D (SM) J. Steele, MA, Ph D (SM)
C.M. Grisé, MA, Ph D(SM) A. Tcheuyap, MA, Ph D (SM)
A.R. Harden, AM, Ph D (V) Assistant Professors
E.A. Heinemann, MA, Ph D (N) C. Denoyelle, MA, Ph D (SM)
E.F. James, MA, D 3e C (U) A. Glinoer, MA, PhD (SM)
R.W. Jeanes, BA, D 3e C (V) G. Holtz, MA, D 3e C (OH)
E.M. Kushner, MA, Ph D (V) D. Speirs, MA, Ph D (SM)
E. Lehouck, AGR ESS, D Phl (U) Senior Lecturers
M.M. Léon, LèsL, DES, D 3e C (V) C. Evans, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
P.R.A. Léon, LèsL, D 3e C, DèsL, D Honoris Causa Mississauga)
(N) D. Issa-Sayegh, MA, D 3e C (SM)
P. Martin, IRAL BR, D 3e C, D Sc A (SM) K. McCrindle, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
N. Maury, LenD, D 3e C (T) Scarborough)
J.A. McClelland, MA, Ph D (V) F. Mugnier-Manfredi, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
B. S. Merrilees, MA, D 3e C (V) Scarborough)
P.W. Nesselroth, MA, Ph D (U) G. Paray-Clarke, MA, Ph D (SM)
W.A. Oliver, MA, D 3e C (T)
M. O’Neill-Karch, MA, D U Honoris Causa (WW) Lecturers
P.J.G.O. Perron, BA, D 3e C (U) C. Beauquis, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
A. Rathé, LèsL, LèsD, Ph D (V) Scarborough)
A. Rosenberg, MA, Ph D (V) J. English, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
J. Savona, LèsL, DES, CAPES, D 3e C (T) Scarborough)
H.G. Schogt, MA, Ph D (U) M. Tsimenis, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
B.-Z. Shek, MA, Ph D (U) Scarborough)
D.W. Smith, BA, Ph D (V) M.-A. Visoi, MA, Ph D (OH)
R.A. Taylor, MA, Ph D (V) French is not only one of the official languages of
C.D.E. Tolton, AM, Ph D (I, V) Canada: it is also one of the world’s major international
H.H. Weinberg, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto languages. Courses in French studies provide a varied,
Mississauga) flexible and in-depth examination of the French language
T.R. Wooldridge, BA, D 3e C (T) and the multitude of cultures it expresses. The skills
Associate Professor and Chair of the Department and knowledge acquired will lay the groundwork for
P. M. Bhatt, MA, Ph.D (SM) careers in teaching, journalism, translation, publishing
and government service, as well as research in a variety
Associate Chair
of fields. In the Canadian job market, command of the
D. Issa-Sayegh, MA, D 3e C (SM) French language is a definite asset. The department offers
Professors students an integrated curriculum, which brings together
D. de Kerckhove, MA, Ph D (SM) courses in language, linguistics, literature, French Culture
C. Elkabas, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto and didactics. Unless specified otherwise, the language of
Mississauga) instruction is French.
J. LeBlanc, MA, Ph D (V)
R.J. Le Huenen, LèsL, DES, D Phl (V) Literature (FRE): 200-level mandatory courses introduce
M. Lord, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga) students to concepts, methodologies and critical tools
J. Paterson, MA, Ph D (I) which will be elaborated through further literature and
Y. Roberge, MA, Ph D (SM) theory and serve as basis for other literature courses

dedicated to the History of French Literature and student must satisfy the following requirements: overall
Cultural and Social context streams. 300-level courses average of at least 70% in courses completed in second
encourage students to explore sophisticated primary and year, and an average of 70% in at least two French
secondary sources from disciplinary and interdisciplinary courses (FRE) required in a Major or Specialist program.
perspectives. 400-level courses initiate students to Information on these programs and on the Second
research. The actual content of most 400-level courses Language Summer Program is available on-line at french.
varies considerably according to the instructor. Students utoronto.ca/undergraduate/information/study_elsewhere.
should consult the French Studies web site (www.french.
utoronto.ca/undergraduate) for content specific to a given Students may use a maximum of 1.0 FCE of transfer
year. credits towards any minor, major or specialist program
with the following conditions: (1) courses must have been
Linguistics (FRE): 200-level mandatory courses initiate completed after a student's enrolment in the program; (2)
students into the analysis of contemporary French and into all other courses counted towards a program must be from
the history of its development. 300-level courses break the regular offerings of the St. George, UTM or UTSC
the discipline of linguistic analysis into its chief component campuses. They can also.be used as prerequisites or to
parts. 400-level courses extend the study of the French satisfy breadth requirements.
language back in time or out from the idealized standard
form; and connections are made to other disciplines Exclusions and prerequisites: Students must abide by all
(including second language acquisition). requirements stated in the exclusions and prerequisites
to register in a course. Students who do not have the
French as a Second Language (FSL): The FSL program co- or prerequisites for a given course must obtain the
is designed to accommodate the widest possible range of permission of the Department, prior to registration. The
previous learning, special needs, and particular interests Department will assess the students’ admissibility to
of students. Emphasis is placed on both written and the course in consultation with the instructor. For FSL
spoken language; at higher levels, half-courses allow for courses, exclusions ensure that students follow the best
specialized study of one or the other. The Department progression in language learning.
reserves the right to place students in the language
course appropriate to their level of linguistic competence, Further Information: The French Studies Undergraduate
based on the results of a placement test. Since 100, 200, Brochure, available online at www.french.utoronto.ca/
300 and 400-level FSL courses correspond to levels of undergraduate, contains more detailed information about
competence in French, a student may be recommended all the courses and programs listed below.
to enroll in a course at a higher level than his/her year of Counselling:
study. The placement test, available at www.lang.utoronto. 50 St. Joseph St., Rm. 226, Odette Hall (416-926-
ca/placement/french is mandatory for all students who 2333), Counselling hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays
wish to register in an FRE or FSL course for the first 10:00a.m. to 12:00p.m. or by appointment. email: french.
time (except true beginners who have no knowledge of [email protected]
French). The placement test can be taken only ONCE
and the results of the first test will prevail in the event of Enquiries:
several attempts. Ideally, the placement test should be 50 St. Joseph St., Rm. 210, Odette Hall (416-926-2302),
taken in the preceding term of the course students intend email: [email protected]; website: www.french.
to register in, (e.g. for a Fall term or Y course, students utoronto.ca/undergraduate
should take the placement test in the summer term, prior
to their registration date on ROSI and before the beginning French Programs
of classes). Students not having access to a computer
Enrolment in all French programs requires the completion
capable of managing sound files should write to french.
of four courses (4.0 F.C.E.). No minimum GPA is required.
[email protected] to arrange to take the test at the
Multimedia Centre. Note:

Students are reminded that they may NOT take FSL The Placement Test, available at www.lang.utoronto.
courses in reverse order. ca/placement/french, is mandatory for all students who
register in any French course for the first time (except
French Cultural Studies (FCS): Courses on French and true beginners who have no knowledge of French). The
Francophone culture, taught in English, may be used to test must be taken prior to registration and before the
fulfil distribution requirements. beginning of classes in any given term, in order to ensure
enrolment in the appropriate course. Students not having
French Language Learning: The Major in French
access to a computer capable of playing sound files
Language Learning can be taken with a similar Major
should write to [email protected] and arrange
program in Italian studies. The core course for this
to take the test at the Multimedia Centre.
program is JFI 225Y1 which instructs students in the
methodology of second, third or other language learning FSL 100H, FSL 102H and FSL 121Y do not count towards
and will be of particular interest to those planning a career any Specialist, Major or Minor programs in French.
in teaching. It will be taught alternately by instructors from Students not placed in FSL 221Y or higher by the
the Departments of French and Italian Studies. placement test must first complete FSL 121Y before
Study Elsewhere: To be entitled to participate in the starting any program in French.
Department’s Third Year Study Elsewhere Program, a FSL 271H1 provides useful basics for further studies

in Linguistics and French Language Learning, and 310H1, FRE 334H1, FRE 336H1, FRE 345H1; 0.5 full-
for students who feel they would benefit from a better course equivalent in the Cultural and Social Contexts
understanding of the grammatical structure of the stream from FRE 314H1/FRE 332H1.
language. 6. 1.0 full-course equivalent in FRE literary courses at
the 400-level.
Students are reminded that they must NOT take FSL
courses in reverse order. Please note that students must complete FRE 240H1,
Exemptions from any required FSL or FRE courses do not FRE 241H1 and FRE 344H1 before taking any 400-level
reduce the total number of courses required for a program. courses.

No auditing is allowed in FSL courses. French Language and French Linguistics (Arts
French Language and Literature (Arts program)
Specialist program:
Specialist program: (10 full courses or their equivalent)
(11 full courses or their equivalent) 1. FSL 221Y1 (Students not placed in FSL 221Y or
1. FSL 221Y1, 321Y1, 442H1, 443H1. (Students not higher by the Placement test must first complete FSL
placed in FSL 221Y or higher by the Placement test 121Y before starting this program. Students exempted
must first complete FSL 121Y before starting this from FSL 221Y must replace it with FSL 271H1 and
program. Students exempted from FSL 221Y1 may any FSL or FRE half-course. FSL 271H1 must be
replace it with any FRE 200+ or 300+ level course. completed before enrolling in any higher-level FSL
Students exempted from FSL 321Y1 may replace it course.)
with two FRE half-courses at the 300+ level. Students 2. FRE 272H1, 273H1, 274H1; 1.0 full-course equivalent
with 77% in FSL 321Y1 may replace FSL 442H1, among FRE 210H1/240H1/ 250H1; FSL 321Y1
443H1 with a 300+ series FRE course). (Students exempted from FSL 321Y1 may replace it
2. FRE 240H1, FRE 241H1, FRE 210H1, FRE 250H1 with any FRE course)
3. FRE 272H1, 273H1 3. FRE 376H1, 378H1 and 1.0 full-course equivalent in
4. FRE 344H1 Stream A at the 300-level; FRE 383H1 and 1.0 full-
5. 1.5 full course equivalents in the History of French course equivalent in Stream B at the 300-level
Literature stream: FRE 318H1, FRE 319H1, FRE 4. 2.0 full-course equivalents in French Linguistics at the
320H1, FRE 324H1, FRE 326H1; 1.0 full-course 400-level
equivalent in the Problematics and Media Studies Stream A - Structure of French: FRE 376H1 (mandatory),
stream: FRE 304H1, FRE 308H1, FRE 310H1, FRE FRE 378H1 (mandatory), FRE 488H1, FRE 489H1,
334H1, FRE 336H1, FRE 345H1; 0.5 full-course FRE 490Y1, FRE 491H1, FRE 492H1
equivalent in the Cultural and Social Contexts stream: Stream B - Use, acquisition and history of French: FRE
FRE 314H1, FRE 332H1. 379H1, FRE 383H1 (mandatory), FRE 388H1, FRE
6. 1.0 full-course equivalent in FRE literary courses at 471H1, FRE 490Y1, FRE 491H1, FRE 492H1, JFL
the 400-level 477H1, JFL 478H1
7. 0.5 additional full-course equivalent at the 300 + level
Major program:
among the Department’s course offerings.
(8 full courses or their equivalent)
Please note that students must complete FRE 240H1,
1. FSL 221Y1 (Students not placed in FSL 221Y or
FRE 241H1 and FRE 344H1 before taking any FRE 400-
higher by the Placement test must first complete
level courses.
FSL 121Y before starting this program. Students
Major program: exempted from FSL 221Y1 must replace it with FSL
(8 full courses or their equivalent) 271H1 and any FSL or FRE half-course. FSL 271H1
must be completed before enrolling in any higher-level
1. FSL 221Y1, FSL 321Y1 (Students not placed in
FSL course.)
FSL 221Y or higher by the Placement test must first
2. FRE 272H1, 273H1, 274H1; 1.0 full-course equivalent
complete FSL 121Y before starting this program.
among FRE210H1/240H1/ 250H1; FSL 321Y1
Students exempted from FSL 221Y1 may replace it
(Students exempted from FSL 321Y1 may replace it
with any FRE 200+ or 300+level course. Students
with any FRE course)
exempted from FSL 321Y1 may replace it with two
3. FRE 376H1, 378H1; FRE383H1 and 0.5 full-course
FRE half-courses at the 300+ level).
equivalent in Stream B at the 300-level; any 300+
2. FRE 240H1, FRE 241H1, FRE 210H1/FRE 250H1
half-course in French linguistics
3. FRE 272H1/FRE 273H1
4. 1.0 full course equivalent French linguistics at the 400-
4. FRE 344H1
5. 1.0 full-course equivalent in the History of French
Stream A - Structure of French: FRE 376H1 (mandatory),
Literature stream as follows: 0.5 full-course equivalent
FRE 378H1 (mandatory), FRE 386H1, FRE 387H1,
from FRE 318H1/FRE 319H1/FRE 320H1 and 0.5 full-
FRE 488H1, FRE 489H1, FRE 490Y1, FRE 491H1,
course equivalent from FRE 324H1/FRE 326H1; 1.0
FRE 492H1
full-course equivalent in the Problematics and Media
Studies stream from FRE 304H1, FRE 308H1, FRE

Stream B - Use, acquisition and history of French: FRE Arts and Science’s Language Citation initiative for French.
379H1, FRE 383H1 (mandatory), FRE 388H1, FRE
471H1, FRE 487H1, FRE 490Y1, FRE 491H1, FRE In order to receive a language citation in French Studies,
492H1, JFL 477H1, JFL 478H1 students should have completed two FSL courses at the
300+ level or two FRE courses at the 200+ level with a
French Language Learning (Arts Program) minimum mark of B-.

Major program: Students should note that, as explained on page 20 of this

(8 full courses or their equivalent including at least 2 Calendar, the Language Citation is not equivalent to an
F.C.E.s FRE courses at the 300+ level) academic program and that enrolment in a program is not
necessary in order to earn the recognition bestowed by
1. FSL 221Y1 (Students not placed in FSL 221Y or the Citation.
higher by the Placement test must first complete
FSL 121Y before starting this program. Students
exempted from FSL221Y1 must replace it with
French Courses
FSL271H1 and any FSL or FRE half-course. See “Guide to Programs & Courses” section for Key to
FSL271H1 must be completed before enrolling in any Course Descriptions.
exempted from FSL 321Y1 may TO DOUBLE-COUNT ONLY ONE COURSE (1 F.C.E.)
replace it with any FRE course), JFI 225Y1 TOWARDS THEIR FRENCH PROGRAMS.
3. FRE 379H1, FRE 383H1, FRE 384H1, FSL
421Y1/375Y1 Courses Taught in English (see also all FCS
4. FRE 388H1, FRE 483H1, FRE 485H1
courses below)
French as a Second Language (Arts Program) First Year Seminars
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
Minor program: the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
(4 full courses or their equivalent) of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
1. FSL221Y1 (Students not placed in FSL 221Y or higher seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
by the Placement test must first complete FSL 121Y and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
before starting this program. Students exempted professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
from FSL 221Y1 must replace it with FSL271H1 and year of study. For details, see page 48.
any half-course listed in 4. below. FSL271H1 must JFI225Y1 Second Language Learning
be completed before enrolling in any higher-level FSL See French Language Learning Courses at the end of the
course.) French Studies listing.
2. FSL321Y1
3. FSL421Y1 JFL477H1 Issues in French and Linguistics I
4. 1.0 Course among the following: FSL375Y1, See French Linguistics Courses
FSL442H1, FSL443H1, any 200+ FRE course, except JFL478H1 Issues in French and Linguistics II
FRE 480Y1 See French Linguistics Courses

Students may use a maximum of 1.0FCE of transfer JFV323H1 Semotics and Literature
credits towards any minor, major or specialist program See French Literature Courses
with the following conditions: (1) courses must have been SMC228H1 Books and Readers
completed after a student's enrolment in the program; (2) See St. Michael’s College
all other courses counted towards a program must be from
UNI202H1 Aspects of Québec Culture
the regular offerings of the St. George, UTM, or UTSC
See University College
VIC 300H1 Special Topics: Literary Studies
French Studies (Arts Program) See Victoria College
VIC 301H1 Special Topics: Literary Studies
Minor program: See Victoria College
(4 full courses or their equivalent)
1. FSL 221Y1 (Students not placed in FSL 221Y or NOTE: FCS, JFI, JFL, JFV and College courses are
higher by the Placement test must first complete taught in English with reading and written assignments
FSL 121Y before starting this program. Students in English. However, students can count these courses
exempted from FSL 221Y1 must replace it with towards a program in French (Major or Specialist) if
FSL271H1 and any half-course FRE) they submit all written work and tests in French. These
2. Three FRE courses at the 200+ level including one at students must, during the first week of class, inform the
the 300/400-level instructor of their intent to do so.
Faculty of Arts & Science Language Citation
The Department of French participates in the Faculty of

FCS: French Cultural Studies Courses FCS310Y1 French Cinema [24L, 48P, 24S ]
FCS courses are taught in English with written and Cinema in France with emphasis on theory and practical
reading assignments also in English. Some half-courses criticism, on auteurs and movements such as the avant-
at the 200/300/400-level have variable content and may garde of the twenties and the New Wave of the late fifties.
not be offered every year. Please consult the Department Films shown are subtitled.
website (www.french.utoronto.ca) or the French Studies Prerequisite: At least 5 course credits in any subject
Undergraduate brochure (www.french.utoronto.ca/ Recommended preparation: INI 115Y1
undergraduate) for more details. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
FCS331H1 Cinema and Literature in France [24S]
FCS195H1 French Culture from Napoléon to Astérix
Film adaptations of plays and fiction from the origins of
cinema to the present time.
A multi-media course, analyzing the contributions the
Prerequisite: At least 5 course credits in any subject
French have made to world culture in such domains as
architecture, art, literature, and music, as well as some
of the implications of the appropriation of French cultural FCS369Y0 The Culture of Touraine (formerly
icons by big business and the media. FCS399Y0) [48S]
DR=HUM; BR=1 Various aspects of culture in the region of Tours, e.g.
novels by Balzac; Renaissance architecture and gardens
FCS290H1 Special Topics in French Cultural Studies
as motifs in art, literature, cinema, music or advertising;
I [24L]
from Tours to Québec; or Anne Hébert’s Touraine. (Offered
The relation of French popular culture to society. (Not
in Tours only during the summer)
offered in 2010-2011).
Prerequisite: At least 5 course credits in any subject
DR=HUM; BR=None (This course has no status for
Exclusion: FCS399Y0
breadth requirement purposes)
FCS 291H1 Special Topics in French Cultural Studies
FCS390H1 Special Topics in French Cultural Studies
I: The Art and Culture of the Networked
II: Cultural Studies in France: Foucault
Society [24L]
and after [24S]
The concept of the Networked Society, with a historical
An introduction to the French tradition of cultural studies
perspective on the development of networking
through a survey of some of the great French thinkers
technologies, emphasizing their social and cultural
on culture and history (Foucault, de Certeau, Barthes,
consequences. The actions and the role of artists and
Baudrillard, Bourdieu, Derrida, Lyotard, Metz, etc.).
cultural activists in various countries. Illustrated with
This course will deal with the French influence on this
films and other documents, the various dimensions of
paradigm: its own tradition, different cultural context,
the Francophone digital culture in and out of Canada,
ideological assumptions and theoretical foundations. (Not
including Africa and Asia.
offered in 2010-2011)
DR=HUM; BR=None (This course has no status for
Prerequisite: At least 5 courses in any subject
breadth requirement purposes)
FCS292H1 Special Topics in French Cultural Studies
FCS391H1 Special Topics in French Cultural Studies
I: Sex, Love, Desire, etc. [24L]
II [24S]
This course will explore the themes of love, sex and
Studies on an individual writer or a specific area of
desire in French literature through close reading and
literature. (Not offered in 2010-2011).
interpretative analysis of novels from the eighteenth to the
Prerequisite: At least 5 course credits in any subjects.
twentieth centuries. A comparative approach using various
examples taken from literary texts and film adaptations will
explore the concept of love and its many definitions. (Not FCS392H1 Special Topics in French Cultural Studies
offered in 2010-2011). II: African Cinema [24S]
DR=HUM; BR=None (This course has no status for This course will focus on the analysis of film as a social
breadth requirement purposes) and ideological practice in Africa. It will provide an
interdisciplinary look at the development of African cinema
FCS297H1 Comic Books and French Culture [24L]
from its inception in the 1960’s to the present. (Not offered
An examination of the historical, social and cultural status
in 2010-2011)
of French comic books (“bandes dessinées” or “BDs”),
Prerequisite: At least 5 courses in any subject.
based on English translations of Astérix, Tintin and other
contemporary works. Analysis of thematic and narrative
structures compared with traditional genres (folktales, FCS395H1 Sensuality and the French [36L]
myths, plays, novels). (Not offered in 2010-2011) An investigation of the French reputation for the
DR=HUM; BR=1 systematic indulgence of all the senses, from the growth of
sensuality-based industries and services to the discussion
FCS298H1 French Culture and Asia [24L]
of works of high art and popular culture. Also focussing on
From the arrival, in the 17th century, of magnificent
elements of gender definition and exoticism within the cult
porcelain from the East to the borrowings of contemporary
of sensuality.
fashion designers, French culture has been exposed to
Prerequisite: At least 5 course credits in any subject
Asian influences which have become part of the national
fabric. This course explores some of these manifestations
in literature, film and the arts. (Not offered in 2010-2011)

FCS490H1 Special Topics in French Cultural Studies Co- or prerequisite: FSL161Y1 (with minimum
III [24S] 77%)/181Y1/221Y1 or, upon first FRE/FSL enrolment,
(Not offered in 2010-2011). equivalent as determined by the French Placement Test
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Exclusion: FRE 240Y1
FCS491H1 Special Topics in French Cultural Studies
III [24S] FRE241H1 Introduction to Research and Writing in
(Not offered in 2010-2011). Literary Studies [24S, 12T]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Survey and practical applications of literary research tools,
printed and digitalized, with training sessions at the library.
FCS492H Special Topics in French Cultural Studies
Topics covered will include rules and conventions of
III [24S]
scholarly writing, organizing a paper, choice of appropriate
In depth study within narrowly focussed topics. (Not
style, developing arguments, proper usage of footnotes
offered in 2010-2011).
and bibliographical references, and material presentation
Prerequisite: At least 10 course credits in any subject
of papers and dissertations.
Students must enrol in one two-hour lecture and one
FCS497H1 Contemporary Feminisms in France and tutorial for a total of three hours per week.
Québec [24S] Co- or prerequisite: FSL161Y1 (with minimum
Various forms of recent feminist thought, theory, and 77%)/181Y1/221Y1 or, upon first FRE/FSL enrolment,
artistic practice, from the 1970s, focussing on the current equivalent as determined by the French Placement Test
situation, characterized by plurality and heterogeneity, and Exclusion: FRE 240Y1
the concern with the intersection of gender, ethnicity and DR=HUM; BR=None (This course has no status for
class. (Not offered in 2010-2011). breadth requirement purposes)
Prerequisite: At least 10 course credits in any subject
FRE250H1 French Literature: From its Beginnings
to the Twenty-First Century (formerly
FRE250Y1) [36S]
FRE: French Literature Courses The evolution and major trends of French literature
Please note that students must complete FRE 240H1, from the Middle Ages to the 21st century placed in their
FRE 241H1 and FRE 344H1 before taking any 400- historical background and studied through representative
level courses. Some half-courses at the 300/400-level texts from a variety of genres (narrative, poetry, drama,
have variable contents and may not be offered every essay), selected both for their historical importance and
year. Please consult the Department website (www. their relevance to modern readers.
french.utoronto.ca) or the French Studies Undergraduate Prerequisite: FSL161Y1 (with minimum
brochure (www.french.utoronto.ca/undergraduate) for more 77%)/181Y1/221Y1 or, upon first FRE/FSL enrolment,
details. equivalent as determined by the French Placement Test
Exclusion: FRE 250Y1

FRE210H1 Introduction to Quebec Literature and FRE299Y1 Research Opportunity Program

Culture (formerly FRE210Y1) [24S, 12T] Credit course for supervised participation in faculty
An introduction to various aspects of Québec literature research project. See Section on “Research Opportunity
and culture through the study of literary texts, cinema, Program” for details.
and artistic productions, and their role in the evolution of DR=HUM; BR=TBA
a distinct Québec society. The course will also familiarize FRE 304H1 Contemporary French Women’s Prose
students with important socio-cultural and political events, Fiction [24S]
which participated in the evolution of Québec society and An analysis of selected prose texts of the last hundred
provide a better understanding of Québec literature. (Not years written by major French women authors,
offered in 2010-2011). emphasizing themes and textual strategies used to
Co- or prerequisite: FSL161Y1 (with minimum represent the female subject, her relationship to language,
77%)/181Y1/221Y1 or, upon first FRE/FSL enrolment, and the role of ethnicity, class, and gender in the
equivalent as determined by the French Placement Test construction of identity.
Exclusion: FRE 210Y1 Prerequisite: FRE240H1/FRE240Y1
DR=HUM; BR=1 Recommended preparation: FRE 241H1
FRE240H1 Introduction to Literary Analysis [24S, DR=HUM; BR=TBA
12T] FRE308H1 Reading, Writing, and Publishing in
A practical introduction to concepts, methods and France (1200-2000) [24S]
problems of literary analysis, based on a detailed study From the medieval manuscript to the E-book, with a
of selected French and Francophone literary texts from view to understand how and why one writes, reads and/
various genres and periods. Students will master the or publishes, a study of the impact of various technical
basic techniques of literary analysis and use them in short innovations, the industrialization of book production and
essays. the role of intermediaries, in the context of the emergence
Students must enrol in one two-hour lecture and one of mass culture and global markets.
tutorial for a total of three hours per week. Prerequisite: FRE240H1/FRE240Y1

Recommended preparation: FRE 241H1 Recommended preparation: FRE 241H1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Exclusion: FRE 320Y1
FRE310H1 Relations between Text and Other Media
[24S] JFV323H1 Semiotics and Literature I [24S]
Literary texts and other forms of media (photographs, The study of readings from major French literary
cinematographic images, paintings) have been associated semioticians will be combined with the practical application
in a fascinating relation in hundreds of works of French of theory to the analysis of selected literary texts. This
literature. An exploration of this inextricable weaving course is taught in English. (Not offered in 2010-2011).
together of verbal and visual experiences as it pertains to Prerequisite: At least 5 course credits in any subject.
literature through the study of interdisciplinary theoretical Recommended preparation: FRE240H1, FRE 241H1/FRE
texts focused on photography, painting, and cinema. (Not 240Y1/VIC120Y1
offered in 2010-2011). DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: FRE240H1/FRE240Y1 FRE324H1 French Literature in the Time of
Recommended preparation: FRE 241H1 Revolutions and Industrialization [24S]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA The “long 19th century” (1789-1914) is characterized by
FRE314H1 Quebec and French-Canadian Literature change: from political upheavals to literary, scientific, and
[24S] media revolutions, the spread of literacy, and the rapid
Literature of the 20th and 21st centuries speaks of development of industrialization and colonization. A study
contesting social and literary figures of authority, of the evolution of literature (genres, forms, movements),
of challenging traditional literary structures and of as influenced by these changing socio-political and
accentuating creativity and subjectivity. An exploration economic contexts.
of the thematic and formal structures that challenge Prerequisite: FRE240H1/FRE240Y1
traditional forms of thinking and writing in contemporary Recommended preparation: FRE 241H1
literature from Québec and other French-speaking parts of DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Canada. (Not offered in 2010-2011). FRE326H1 Contemporary French Literature [24S]
Prerequisite: FRE240H1/FRE240Y1 Characterized by experimentation and the crisis of
Recommended preparation: FRE 241H1 representation, French literature of the 20th and 21st
DR=HUM; BR=TBA centuries has undergone numerous transformations in
FRE318H1 Medieval French Literature (formerly form, content, and generic boundaries. A study of these
FRE321H1) [24S] literary movements, trends, and transgressions in poetry,
Religious fervour, chivalry, romance and ribald humour, prose, and theatre.
heroic deeds, marvellous adventures, and exotic travels Prerequisite: FRE240H1/FRE240Y1
as found in selected texts from the French Middle Ages. Recommended preparation: FRE 241H1
Readings in modern French translations with appropriate DR=HUM; BR=TBA
reference to the original language. FRE332H1 Francophone Literatures [24S]
Prerequisite: FRE240H1/FRE240Y1 A comprehensive introduction to Francophone literatures
Recommended preparation: FRE 241H1 and cultures, examining the linguistic, aesthetic and
Exclusion: FRE 321H1, FRE 420H1, FRE 420Y discursive specificities as represented by authors of the
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Francophone world. Focus on the concepts of colonialism,
FRE319H1 French Literature during Reformation representation, alienation, emigration, and nationalism.
[24S] Prerequisite: FRE240H1/FRE240Y1
An overview of the fascinating literary diversity, prose, Recommended preparation: FRE 241H1
theatre and poetry – essential to the changing humanistic DR=HUM; BR=TBA
discourse of the French Renaissance and Baroque FRE334H1 Francophone Cinema (formerly
periods. The underscoring of important historical events FRE412H1) [24S]
–Reformation, Great Discoveries, Printing–to explain the Through films from across the spectrum of the
philosophical and literary values produced by such violent Francophone world, a study of the diversity of the French
times. colonial empire as well as the different aesthetic, historical,
Prerequisite: FRE240H1/FRE240Y1 and cultural effects of colonialism and post-independence
Recommended preparation: FRE 241H1 experience on various cinematic representations. (Not
DR=HUM; BR=TBA offered in 2010-2011).
FRE320H1 French Literature of Classicism and Prerequisite: FRE 240H1
Enlightenment [24S] Recommended preparation: FRE 241H1
An introduction to French literature between Classicism Exclusion: FRE 412H1
and the French Revolution with particular emphasis on DR=HUM; BR=TBA
its relationship to philosophical, cultural, and political FRE336H1 Postcolonialism: Francophone Literatures
movements of the Enlightenment, providing historical [24S]
depth to philosophical and socio-political foundations The fundamentals of postcolonial theories, with emphasis
of today’s life. A privileged access to, and critique of, on how they relate to the francophone world. The dialogue
modernity in the postmodern age. between fiction and theory, as well as the modalities of
Prerequisite: FRE240H1/FRE240Y1

a coherent Francophone postcolonial identity in a global FRE398H0 Independent Experiential Study Project
world. (Not offered in 2010-2011). FRE399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project
Prerequisite: FRE240H1/FRE240Y1 An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus
Recommended preparation: FRE 241H1 setting. See Section on “Independent Experiential Study
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Program” for details.
FRE344H1 Literary Theory (formerly FRE444H1) DR=HUM; BR=TBA
[24S] FRE410H1 Advanced Topics in Québec Literature:
An introduction to literary theory through the study of [24S]
particular theories underlying specific approaches to the An advanced interdisciplinary research seminar devoted
literary text. Concepts and problems central to literary
to specific issues of Québcois literature and culture. Focus
theory, and the writings of major critics and theoreticians. on a literary genre, a particular subject matter, a literary
Prerequisite: FRE240H1/FRE240Y1
movement, or based on a multidisciplinary approach to
Recommended preparation: FRE 241H1
cinema, arts, and music. (Not offered in 2010-2011).
Exclusion: FRE 444H1
Prerequisites: FRE 210Y1/FRE 240Y1/FRE 240H1 and
FRE 241H1, FRE 344H1
FRE345H1 Literary Genres [24S] Exclusion: FRE311H1
Survey of the main literary genres and analysis of their DR=HUM; BR=TBA
features, with in depth study of two of the genres: narrative
FRE438H1 Advanced Topics in Francophone
(epic poem, novel, short narrative), lyric poetry, drama
Literatures: Black Blanc Beur: Écrire la
(tragedy, comedy, farce, mystery play), essay. Readings
banlieue [24S]
of selected texts, chosen for their representative potential
An advanced seminar using theoretical, comparative,
and their historical relevance.
and interdisciplinary approaches to critically interrogate
Prerequisite: FRE240H1/FRE240Y1
representations, discourses, cultures, and aesthetics in
Recommended preparation: FRE 241H1
various settings of the Francophone world
Prerequisite: FRE 240Y1/FRE 240H1 and FRE 241H1,
FRE370Y0 TBA FRE 344H1
Offered in Nantes only. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: Any 200-series FRE or 300-series FSL
FRE441H1 Advanced Topics in French Literature:
From Genre to Gender: Women of the
Enlightenment [24S]
FRE371Y0 TBA In this course, representative novels written by women in
Offered in Nantes only. the eighteenth century will be studied to explore the form
Prerequisite: FRE 240Y1 and the structure of the novel as a literary genre as well
DR=HUM; BR=TBA as the social, emotional and sexual questions raised in
FRE372Y0 French Theatre of the 19th and 20th these works. (Not offered in 2010-2011).
Centuries Prerequisite: FRE 240Y1/FRE 240H1 and FRE 241H1,
Offered in Nantes only. FRE 344H1
Prerequisite: FRE 240Y1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=HUM; BR=TBA FRE443H1 Advanced Topics: Authors [24S]
FRE373Y0 French Thought of the 17th and 18th An advanced, research-oriented seminar devoted to
Centuries questions concerning the author’s practice, originality,
Offered in Nantes only and oeuvre. Production, performance and prominence,
Prerequisite: FRE 240Y1 characteristic genres, religious and philosophical thought,
DR=HUM; BR=TBA theoretical reflection on literature, language, and belonging
as aspects of the analysis of one single author’s body
FRE374Y0 French Civilization from the 18th Century of writing. This year, the course will focus on Charles
to Today Baudelaire with close reading of Les Fleurs du mal and Le
Offered in Nantes only. Spleen de Paris.
Prerequisite: FRE 240Y1 Prerequisite: FRE 240Y1/FRE 240H1 and FRE 241H1,
N.B.: There will be four courses prepared and taught FRE446H1 Advanced Studies in Literary Theory
specifically for the Canadian students: French history, [24S]
French thought, French Literature, and a new advanced An advanced, research-oriented course devoted to
FSL course to be offered for the first time by the IRFFLE specific issues in French literary theory. Focus on
(Français langue étrangère institute). A fifth course will be particular theoretical concepts, paradigms, schools, trends,
chosen by students upon their arrival in Nantes from a list movements or major thinkers. (Not offered in 2010-2011).
of regular courses offered by the Université de Nantes. Prerequisite: FRE 240Y1/FRE 240H1 and FRE 241H1,
FRE 344H1

Prerequisite: FRE272H1/272Y1, FRE 383H1
Exclusion: FRE479H1
French Linguistics Courses DR=HUM; BR=TBA
FRE272H1 The Structure of Modern French: An FRE383H1 Experimental and Quantitative Methods
Introduction (formerly FRE272Y1) [24L, for the Study of French [36L]
12T] An introduction to the foundations of quantitative
A general interest course on the structure of the French analysis and experimental research on French. Topics
language including a descriptive study of meaning, sound, include differences between quantitative and qualitative
word, and sentence structure. Students must enrol in one analyses; hypothesis formulation; experimental design;
two-hour lecture and one tutorial for a total of three hours
and data collection and analysis including basic
per week.
statistical methods. Phenomena investigated come
Prerequisite: FSL161Y1(77%)/181Y1/221Y1 or, upon first
FRE/FSL enrolment, equivalent as determined by the
from Canadian and European varieties as well as
French Placement Test studies of second language learners.
Exclusion: FRE 272Y1 Prerequisite: FRE 272H1/FRE 272Y1

FRE273H1 Introduction to the History of the French FRE386H1 French Semantics [24S]
Language (formerly FRE273Y1) [36L] Various approaches to the notion of meaning; its
A discovery of a long and fascinating history, stretching functioning at all levels of representation. (Not offered in
from the spoken Latin of the Gauls to the many varieties of 2010-2011).
French found today all over the world via the investigation Prerequisite: FRE272H1/ FRE 272Y1
of the social, political and cultural causes of language DR=HUM; BR=TBA
change. Our focus will include topics such as medieval FRE387H1 French Morphology [24S]
bilingualism, the regulation of language through the A study of the morphological system of modern French, its
Académie française, the political use of the French relationship to syntax and phonology; theoretical notions
language, the emergence of the Francophonie and derived from the analysis of specific data.
modern Canadian French. Prerequisite: FRE272H1 and FRE 274H1/ FRE 272Y1
Prerequisite: FRE 272H1/FRE 272Y1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Exclusion: FRE 273Y1
FRE388H1 Bilingualism and second language
acquisition of French (formerly
FRE274H1 Introduction to the Linguistic Analysis of FRE473H1) [24S]
French [24L, 12T] An overview of the cognitive aspects of bilingualism
An analytical study of contemporary French phonetics and language acquisition among early and late bilingual
and phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. This French speakers. Topics to be addressed will include
course is designed to prepare students for more advanced psycholinguistic processing and representation in the
study of French linguistics at the 300 and 400 levels. multilingual mind; the role and analysis of input in
Prerequisite: FRE 272H1/FRE 272Y1 second language acquisition; patterns of interlanguage
DR=HUM; BR=2 grammatical development; the nature and sources of intra
FRE376H1 French Phonology and Phonetics [24S] and interlearner variation; and the effect of instruction on
A study of the phonological system of modern French learning.
based on actual samples of speech taken from different Prerequisite: FRE 272H1/FRE 272Y1, FRE 383H1
regional varieties and socio-economic groups. Exclusion: FRE473H1
Prerequisite: FRE272H1 and FRE 274H1/ FRE 272Y1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=HUM; BR=TBA FRE471H1 Medieval French Language [24S]
FRE378H1 French Syntax [24S] This course aims to assure an understanding of Old French,
A study of the distribution and relationships of the to read most of the medieval texts. From a selection of texts,
syntagmatic components of contemporary French; it explores the form of the language in various centuries and
of sentential structure, including the principles of regions and provide a basis for understanding the history of
coordination, subordination and expansion; and of major French language.
theoretical approaches. Prerequisite: FRE272H1/272Y1/273H1/273Y1
Prerequisite: FRE272H1 and FRE 274H1/ FRE 272Y1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=HUM; BR=TBA JFL477H1 Issues in French and Linguistics I [24S]
FRE379H1 Sociolinguistics of French (formerly An advanced seminar on issues of current theoretical
FRE479H1) [24S] relevance in linguistics with special reference to French.
The relationship between language use and social factors This course is taught in English. (Not offered in 2010-
such as socio-economic status, social context and gender 2011).
of speaker. Theoretical notions are derived through the Prerequisite: Any 300+ series LIN or FRE Linguistics
analysis of specific data, focusing on Canadian French course and/or specific prerequisites depending on
and other varieties spoken in the Americas. course topic.

JFL478H1 Issues in French and Linguistics II: supervised by an instructor, culminating in a major
French in Contact [24S] research paper.
An advanced seminar on issues of current theoretical Prerequisite: Any 300+ FRE Linguistics/Literature course.
relevance in linguistics with special reference to French. Permission of Department
This course is taught in English. (Not offered in 2010-11). DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: Any 300+ series LIN or FRE Linguistics FRE491H1 Independent Study
course A scholarly project supervised by a member of staff on
DR=HUM; BR=TBA a literary or linguistic topic of common interest including
FRE487H1 Advanced Topics in Bilingualism and L2 readings, discussions, and papers.
acquisition [24S] Prerequisite: Any 300+ FRE Linguistics/Literature course.
This course examines how theories of linguistic Permission of Department
competence, speech perception/ processing and DR=HUM; BR=TBA
production can contribute to our understanding of the FRE492H1 Independent Study
acquisition of French by non-native speakers. It also A scholarly project supervised by a member of staff on
provides indepth, practical training in methodological a literary or linguistic topic of common interest including
design and quantitative analysis culminating in students’ readings, discussions, and papers.
undertaking of individual experimental studies. Prerequisite: Any 300+ FRE Linguistics/Literature course.
Prerequisites: FRE 376H1, FRE 378H1, FRE 383H1 Permission of Department
Co-requisite: FRE 388H1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
FRE488H1 Special Topics in Advanced Linguistics I:
[24S] French as a Second Language Courses (FSL)
An advanced seminar on a specific aspect of French Note
linguistics. (Not offered in 2010-2011). The following is a guide for beginners in French.
Prerequisite: Any 300+ series FRE linguistics course and/
or specific prerequisites depending on course topic 1. No knowledge of French: FSL 100H1. Students enrolled
DR=HUM; BR=TBA in FSL 100H1, whose command of French raises doubt
about their bona fides as beginners, will be asked to do
FRE489H1 Special Topics in Advanced Linguistics II the online placement test and may be moved to a higher
[24S] level FSL course.
An advanced seminar on a specific aspect of French
linguistics. (Not offered in 2010-2011). 2. Very limited knowledge of French (Placement Test
Prerequisite: Varies according to particular course offering; required): FSL 102H1
consult the the Department website (www.french. Please note that FSL 100H, 102H and 121Y do not count
utoronto.ca) or the French Studies Undergraduate towards any of the French programs but can be used as
brochure (www.french.utoronto.ca/undergraduate) for breadth requirements.
exact prerequisites
DR=HUM; BR=TBA The Department reserves the right to place students in
the language course appropriate to their level of language
skills, based on the results of a placement test. Since
French Translation Courses 100, 200, 300 and 400-level FSL courses correspond
to levels of competence in French, a student may be
FRE480Y1 Translation: French to English [48S] recommended to enroll in a course at a higher level than
Intensive translation from French to English. Texts are his/her year of study. The placement test, available at
drawn from diverse fields: literature, business, economics, www.lang.utoronto.ca/placement/french, is mandatory for
politics, science, art, and advertising. (Not offered in 2010- all students who register in an FRE or FSL course for the
2011) first time (except true beginners who have no knowledge
Prerequisite: FRE375Y1 of French). The placement test can be taken only ONCE
DR=HUM; BR=TBA and the results of the first test will prevail in the event of
FRE481Y1 Translation: English to French [48S] several attempts. Ideally, the placement test should be
Intensive translation from English to French. Texts are taken in the term preceding the course students intend
drawn from diverse fields: literature, business, economics, to register in (e.g. for a Fall term or Y course, students
politics, science, art and advertising. (Not offered in 2010- should take the placement test in the summer term, prior
2011) to their registration date on ROSI and before the beginning
Prerequisite: FRE375Y1 of classes in any given term). Students not having access
DR=HUM; BR=TBA to a computer capable of managing sound files should
write to [email protected] to arrange to take
the test at the Multimedia Centre. Please allow three to
Independent Study Courses five working days to obtain the test results.
FRE490Y1 Senior Essay
FSL100H1 French for Beginners [24L, 12T]
An independent research paper on either a literary
An intensive basic course in spoken and written
or linguistic topic to be proposed by the student and
French for students who have no knowledge of French:
comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing.

Exclusion: FSL101H1 and higher. FSL375Y1 Comparative Stylistics (formerly FRE375Y1)
DR=HUM; BR=1 [48L]
A comparative study of the characteristics of French and
FSL102H1 Introductory French [24L, 12T]
English expression and how they pertain to the problems of
An intensive basic course in spoken and written French for
students who have studied some French, but who have not
Prerequisite: FSL281Y1/321Y1/341Y1/any FRE 200-series
yet attained the entry level for FSL121Y1.
Prerequisite: FSL100H1/FSL101H1 or, upon first FRE/
Exclusion : FRE375Y1
FSL enrolment, equivalent as determined by the French
Placement Test.
Exclusion: FSL 121Y1 and higher. FSL421Y1 French Language IV (formerly FSL431Y1)
DR=HUM [72L]
An advanced course in French including the reading and
FSL121Y1 French Language I [48L, 48T]
discussion of texts focussing on the francophone presence
Intended for students having some knowledge of French
and influence in the international context. Emphasis is placed
but wishing to increase their proficiency to that of normal
on mastery of complex linguistic skills via use of a variety of
University entrance. Offers training in written and spoken
reference tools and self-correction.
French; reinforcement of reading comprehension and
Prerequisite: FSL 261Y1/281Y1/321Y/331Y1/341Y1 or, upon
aural abilities; and an introduction to French-Canadian and
first FRE/FSL enrolment, equivalent as determined by the
Québécois cultures.
French Placement Test.
Prerequisite: FSL 102H1, or, upon first FRE/FSL enrolment,
Exclusion: FSL 381Y1 and higher; FSL361Y1; FSL431Y1
equivalent as determined by the French Placement Test.
Exclusion: FSL161Y1 and higher.
DR=HUM; BR=1 FSL442H1 French Language V: Written French
(formerly FSL382H1) [36L]
FSL221Y1 French Language II [48L, 24T]
Designed for students who wish to consolidate and perfect
Focuses on developping greater complexity in student’s
their writing abilities. Skills developped include the mastery
production (sentence structure including subordination; verb
of register-based differences; use of rhetorical and stylistic
tense and agreement; difficult sounds and prosodic fluency),
techniques; systematic self-correction; and the advanced use
and comprehension (analysis of word order-meaning
of reference tools including on-line dictionaries. (Not offered
relations; understanding temporal relations and thematic
in 2010-2011).
elements). Overview of francophone media and cultural
Prerequisite: FSL281Y1/341Y1 or, upon first FRE/
institutions including cinema and festivals.
FSL enrolment, equivalent as determined by the French
Prerequisite: FSL 121Y1 or, upon first FRE/FSL enrolment,
Placement Test
equivalent as determined by the French Placement Test.
Exclusion: FSL361Y1 and higher
Exclusion: FSL 161Y1 and higher
FSL443H1 French Language V: Oral French (formerly
FSL271H1 French Grammar, within Reason (formerly
FSL383H1) [36L]
FRE271H1) [36L]
Designed for students who wish to consolidate and perfect
An introduction to basic concepts of the French grammar
their speaking abilities. This is accomplished through the
from an analytic and descriptive point of view. Exploration
preparation of longer oral productions involving a rich
of traditional grammar concepts such as subject, predicate,
vocabulary and contextually-appropriate speech registers.
complement. This course provides understanding of the
Focus on overall pronunciation including fine phonetic detail
logic that is often hidden by the apparent complexity of
and fluency.
grammatical rules.
Prerequisite: FSL281Y1/341Y1 or, upon first FRE/FSL
Prerequisite: FSL121Y1 or, upon first FRE/FSL enrolment,
enrolment, equivalent as determined by the French
equivalent as determined by the French Placement Test
Placement Test.
Exclusion: FRE 172H1, FRE271H1
Exclusion: FSL 361Y1 and higher
FSL321Y1 French Language III (formerly FSL331Y1,
FSL341Y1) [72L]
Develops further students’ written/speaking and Second Language Learning Courses
comprehension/listening abilities by focussing on greater
JFI225Y1 Second Language Learning [48L]
sentential and lexical complexity. Particular attention is paid
A theoretical and practical consideration of the ways we learn
to norms (contextually-appropriate (in)formality; particularities
a second language, with a historical overview and critical
of French spelling and punctuation; differences between
evaluation of the various methodologies that have been
Canadian and European varieties). Investigation of linguistic,
developed; the role of cultural studies in language learning;
political and cultural aspects of the francophonie.
practical evaluation and development of syllabus, course and
Prerequisite: FSL161Y1/181Y1/221Y1 or, upon first FRE/
textbook materials. This course is taught in English.
FSL enrolment, equivalent as determined by the French
Prerequisite: FSL161Y1(77%)/181Y1/221Y1 or, upon first
Placement Test
FRE/FSL enrolment, equivalent as determined by the
Exclusion: FSL 261Y1/281Y1/331Y/341Y and higher
French Placement Test

FRE384H1 Teaching French as a Second Language
This course will provide an introduction to the communicative
approach in recent methods and pedagogical materials
published in France and in North America. Emphasis will
be put on the various interpretations of the communicative
approach in teaching FSL, with reference to theoretical
issues and historical background.
Prerequisite: FRE272H1/FRE272Y1, FSL341Y1
FRE483H1 Teaching French in Context: Language,
Culture, and Society [24L]
The course will investigate the relation between language,
society and culture and study in depth various aspects of
French and Francophone civilization, with particular focus
on the development and integration of materials for use in
the classroom by using contemporary texts and audio-visual
Prerequisite: FRE 384H1
Exclusion: FRE385H1
FRE485H1 Teaching Young People’s Literature
(formerly FRE 385H1) [24L]
Analysis of bibliographical tools available for the selection
of literary materials for the FSL classroom. Study of
representative works of interest to young people such as
novels, detective stories, cartoons, with special emphasis
on socio-cultural aspects. Critical analysis of various
pedagogical approaches useful for the Experiential Learning
component: students will participate in a school internship.
Prerequisite: FRE384H1


Faculty K. Goonewardena, M Pl, Ph D

W. Gough, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
Professors Emeriti Scarborough)
L.S. Bourne, MA, Ph D, FRSC, DES Hons J. Hackworth, MA, MEP, Ph D
J.N.H. Britton, MA, Ph D P. Hess, MEP, Ph D
R.B. Bryan, BA Ph D (Forestry) D. Leslie, MA, Ph D
I. Burton, Ph D, FRSC M. Mahtani, BA, Ph D (University of Toronto
A.J. Dakin, Ph D, ARIBA, FRTPI Scarborough)
G.H.K. Gad, Dr Phil, Ph D (University of Toronto D. McGregor, MES, Ph D
Mississauga) A.G. Price, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
J.H. Galloway, MA, Ph D (V) Scarborough)
G. Gracie, BA Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto W.S. Prudham, MA, Ph D
Mississauga) K.N. Rankin, MRP, Ph D
B. Greenwood, B Sc, Ph D, Ph D Hons (University of V.B. Robinson, MS, Ph D (University of Toronto
Toronto Scarborough) Mississauga)
R. Jaakson, M Sc (Pl), Ph D (University of Toronto S. Ruddick, MA, Ph D
Mississauga) R. Silvey, MA, Ph D
A.V. Jopling, MA, Ph D A. Sorensen, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
J.T. Lemon, MS, Ph D (U) Scarborough; Chair Social Sci. University of
T.F. McIlwraith, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Toronto Scarborough)
Mississauga) S. Wakefield, MA, Ph D
S.T. Roweis, M Sc (Pl), Ph D (I) A. Walks, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
J.W. Simmons, MA, Ph D Mississauga)
J. Spelt, MA, Ph D K. Wilson, MA, Ph D (Chair, University of Toronto
A. Waterhouse, M Sc (Pl), Ph D Mississauga)
R.R. White, M Sc, Ph D Assistant Professors
J.B.R. Whitney, MA, Ph D C. Abizaid, MA, PhD
Associate Professors Emeriti G. Arhonditsis, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
A. M. David, PhD Scarborough)
D. A. McQuillan, PhD N. Basiliko, B Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
Associate Professor and Chair of the R. Buliung, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
Department, Graduate Chair Mississauga)
V.W. Maclaren, M Pl, MS, PhD D. Cowen, MScPl, PhD
M. Farish, BA. Ph D
Professors S. Finkelstein, M PHL, Ph D
J.M. Chen, B Sc, Ph D, FRSC Y. He B Sc, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
A.G. Daniere, MPP, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
Mississauga) M. Hunter, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
J.R. Desloges, M Sc, Ph D Scarborough)
M.L. Diamond, M Sc, M Sc Eng, Ph D M. Isaac, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
M.S. Gertler, MCP, Ph D, FRSC Scarborough)
L.D.D. Harvey, M Sc, Ph D T.V. Kepe, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
R.D. Lewis, MA, Ph D Scarborough)
J.R. Miron, MA, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto K. Kumar, PGDFM
Scarborough) K. MacDonald, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
D.S. Munro, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto Scarborough)
Mississauga) C. Mitchell, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
E.C. Relph, M Phil, Ph D, Chair, Social Sciences Scarborough)
(University of Toronto Scarborough) M. Siemiatycki M Sc, Ph D
Associate Professors M. Wells, B Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
A. Boland, MAIS, Ph D Scarborough)
B.A. Branfireun, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto Senior Lecturers
Mississauga) D. Boyes, M Sc, Ph D
M.F. Bunce, BA, Ph D (University of Toronto B. Murck, BA, Ph D (University of Toronto
Scarborough) Mississauga)
T. Conway, MS, Ph D (University of Toronto
Mississauga) Lecturer
S.A. Cowling, M Sc, Ph D J. Leydon, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
P. Desrochers, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga & St. George)
R.J. DiFrancesco, MA, Ph D
E. Gilbert, MA, Ph D

Geography is the study of the environments created on in one of the three Geography programs cannot minor in
the earth’s surface by nature and people. The physical and the same program but may do so in another Geography
biological elements of these environments, as well as their program. Double minors can overlap 1.0 FCE.
economic and social structure, historical development, Generally, students may only take 1.0 Independent
spatial organization, interrelationships, management Research Project FCE toward their program requirements.
and planning form the subject matter of Geography.
Geography, therefore, relates closely to other fields in Asian Geographies (offered jointly with the
natural science, social science and the humanities, and
National University of Singapore) (Social
geographers take courses in these related fields along
with their geography courses. Students specializing Science program)
in other subjects often select one or more geography This Type 3 minor program represents a unique
courses to deepen their understanding of the resource opportunity to study geography in a different cultural
base, culture and economy of those parts of the world in environment. For more information, contact the
which they are interested. Undergraduate Office and the International Student
Exchange Office (ISXO, www.utoronto.ca/student.
Employment opportunities for geographers exist in many
branches of international organizations, government,
industry, and education. Geographers work at all levels of Number of
Courses FCEs
government service, especially in agencies responsible courses
for environmental management; land and resource
A: Any half GGR100H1/101H1/ 0.5
analysis; development of historic districts and sites; urban
course 107H1/124H1
transportation planning; regional economic planning;
trade promotion; geographic systems design and data B: Any 3 half Other higher level GGR/ 1.5
analysis; transport network design and the processing of courses (U JAG/JGE/JGI/JFG/JUG
archival, survey, and cartographic information. In business, of T) courses
geographers work in marketing, locational analysis,
C: Any 4 NUS250H0, 251H0, 2.0
resource development, and in consulting firms engaged in
half courses 252H0, 253H0, 254H0,
project evaluation, land use planning and natural heritage
(NUS) 255H0, 256H0, 350H0,
351Y0, 352H0, 353H0,
Students studying Geography may take either an H.B.A. 354H0
or H.B.Sc., depending upon the subjects they wish to
Note: At least 1.0 FCEs must be at the 300/400
emphasize. The Department offers Specialist, Major and
level (from U of T or NUS)
Minor Programs in Geography, cooperates in offering a
combined program with Economics, shares with Ecology Total 4.0
and Evolutionary Biology a program in Biogeography,
and contributes courses to various departmental
and college programs including American Studies; NUS250H0 Cities in Transition
Anthropology; Archaeology; Canadian Studies and This module is concerned with the changing roles of cities
Peace and Conflict Studies; Equity Studies; Centre for in an age of globalization. The first part examines cities
Environment; Environmental Geosciences; Urban Studies; as part of urban networks at the national, regional and
Ethics, Society and Law and International Relations; international levels, and focuses on the implications arising
and European Studies. Counselling and advice may be from the rise of mega-cities and global cities. The second
obtained from the Undergraduate Coordinator or the half of the module investigates the challenges facing cities
Undergraduate Counsellor. on the ground, including issues of the revitalization and
re-imaging of city cores, changing retail landscapes, and
Undergraduate Coordinator:
the impact of telecommunications on the location of urban
Professor J. Hackworth, Sidney Smith Hall, Room 5010
activities and peoples’ mobility. The module is targeted
at students with an interest in urban issues. (Co-listed as
Student Counsellor: GE2204 National University of Singapore)
S. Calanza, Sidney Smith Hall, Room 5044 (416-978- Recommended Preparation: 4.0 FCEs
6455) DR=SOC SCI; BR=3

General Enquiries:416-978-3375 NUS251H0 Southeast Asia

This module deals with a multi-disciplinary approach to
understanding the regional geography of Southeast Asia.
Geography Programs Students are expected not only to critically analyze their
The entry requirement to all Specialist programs is a readings but also to be able to synthesize materials to
CPGA of 2.5. The entry requirement for all Major programs provide a holistic understanding of the region. Specifically,
is a CGPA of 2.0 or 67% in 1.0 GGR FCE at the 100 it looks at the region through historical, cultural, social
and/or 200 level. Double majors in Geography may only and political-economic perspectives. The module also
overlap 1.0 FCE. Students combining any of our Minor discusses sustainable development issues. This is a
programs with a Specialist/Major program would normally module that is open to all students in the Faculty of Arts
be allowed to overlap only 1.5 FCEs towards both & Social Sciences, Engineering, Law, Science, School of
programs. Students that choose to specialize or major

Design & Environment and School of Business. (Co-listed historical, political-economic and cultural processes that
as GE2226 National University of Singapore) constitute urbanization in Southeast Asia. (Co-listed as
Recommended Preparation: 4.0 FCEs SE2212 National University of Singapore)
DR=SOC SCI; BR=3 Recommended Preparation: 4.0 FCEs
NUS252H0 Rice, Spice & Trees: Peasants in
Southeast Asia NUS256H0 Changing Landscape of Singapore
Southeast Asia has been, and still is comprised of This module attempts to understand the rationale of
predominantly rural and agrarian societies. This module changes in Singapore’s urban landscape. It places these
seeks to develop an understanding of peasant life in changes within a framework that considers Singapore’s
the region. Topics to be studied include the village as efforts to globalize and examines how policies are
a construct, the “moral economy” of the peasantry, formulated with the idea of sustaining an economy that
land and man relations, economic output, and peasant has integral links sub-regionally with Southeast Asia while
beliefs, consciousness, and cultural expressions. With developing new spatial linkages that will strengthen its
the peasants’ increasing involvement in the world market position in the global network. Emphasis is also given to
and the nation-state, it is also important to consider the recent discussions about how diversity and difference in
penetration of capitalism into the rural economy, as well as the perception and use of space pose a challenge to the
the demand for supra-village identification and loyalties. utilitarian and functional definition adopted by the state.
Notions of “development” as they pertain to the peasants, (Co-listed as GEK2001/SSA2202 National University of
and as postulated by the state, non-governmental Singapore)
organizations and the peasants themselves are also Recommended Preparation: 4.0 FCEs
discussed. (Co-listed as SE3213 National University of DR=SOC SCI; BR=3
Singapore) NUS350H0 Natural Resources: Policy and Practice
Recommended Preparation: 4.0 FCEs This module examines important geographical, ecological
DR=SOC SCI; BR=3 and political concepts and approaches to natural
NUS253H0 Economy and Space resources management. In particular, we focus on
This module examines relationships between economy ownership regimes, access, exploitation and conservation
and space through a focus on ‘development’. Through in different social, economic and cultural contexts. Detailed
interrogating theories, strategies and trajectories of cases of fisheries, forestry, freshwater and agriculture
‘development’, students will develop an understanding conflicts and problems are discussed. (Co-listed as
of the past and contemporary global political economy GE3210 National University of Singapore)
and its geographies. The course will emphasize the Recommended Preparation: 4.0 FCEs
geopolitical and cultural backdrops to ‘development’ DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
and attendant economic geographies amidst debates NUS351Y0 Field Studies in Geography: SE Asia
about ‘globalization’, international trade and investment. The module exposes students to different geographical
(Co-listed as SE2202 National University of Singapore) methods, both human and physical, and as such it is an
Recommended Preparation: 4.0 FCEs ideal preparation for any student wishing to undertake
DR=SOC SCI; BR=3 further primary research at higher levels in geography,
NUS254H0 Geographies of Social Life and other social science disciplines. After a series
This module explores debates in geography about social of lectures/seminars on fieldwork methods, fieldwork
issues. It emphasizes the relationship between social ethics, and health and safety issues in the field (which
identity and social space, and how different places reflect may include some basic introductory language classes),
and shape diverse ways of life. The module examines the students then undertake a 2 – 5 week period of field study
role of space in the interplay of different social groups (e.g. overseas, depending on logistical and other constraints.
ethnic groups, men/women), and in relation to different Previous field studies have been for periods of 4-5 weeks
aspects of daily life (e.g. housing, leisure). Its emphasis, overseas in Thailand and Malaysia. While overseas,
however, is on how to think about these issues in different students undergo orientation workshops, meet peers
scales/contexts (streets, public spaces, global cities). The in host universities, and visit potential field sites before
course is intended for geography majors, and students conducting an intensive period of fieldwork in small groups
throughout NUS with an interest in the relationship of 3-5 students. (Co-listed as GE3230A at the National
between society and space. (Co-listed as SE2224 University of Singapore)
National University of Singapore) Recommended Preparation: 4.0 FCEs
Recommended Preparation: 4.0 FCEs DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
DR=SOC SCI; BR=3 NUS352H0 East Asia
NUS255H0 Cities and Urban Life in Southeast Asia This module examines aspects of the geography of East
Are Southeast Asian urban models unique from those Asia, which includes China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan
of the West? This module uses historical and emerging and Korea. Emphasis is placed on the developmental
developments to re-evaluate debates on Southeast processes and the underlying physical, political, socio-
Asian urbanization. The particularities of Southeast cultural and economic factors that account for their
Asian urbanisation will be examined both in terms of its development. It evaluates various discourses on East
intertwined history with the rest of the world as well as the Asian development and also assesses the impact of
politics of time and space. The module aims at developing East Asian development on regional conflicts, patterns of
a critical understanding of the interaction between social change, urbanization and sub-regional integration.

(Co-listed as GE3209 at the National University of
F: Mandatory GGR270H1 0.5
Recommended Preparation: 4.0 FCEs
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA G: Any 1 full ENV234Y1/two of 1.0
course EEB319H1, 321H1, 323H1,
NUS353H0 Globalization and Asian Cities 324H1, 328H1
This module aims to provide students with an in-depth
understanding of the social, political, and economic H: Any 1 full EEB265Y1, 309H1, 330H1, 1.0
changes at various geographical scales with respect course 337H1, 340H1, 361H1,
to globalization. More specifically, the module focuses 384H1, 389H1
on developing understandings of the complex forces I: Any 1 full GGR303H1, 305H1, 310H1 1.0
driving globalization and the related urban and regional course
changes and the relationship between globalization and
regionalization. This module is not just for geography J: Any 2 courses BIO/BOT/EEB/ZOO at the 2.0
students, but for all students who are interested in the 300+ level
urban and regional changes in the Asia-Pacific with
K: Any 3 courses GGR at the 300+ level 1.5
respect to globalization and regionalization and the driving
forces of the changes. (Co-listed as GE3219 at the
National University of Singapore) Note: Of the 3.5 courses from BIO/BOT/EEB/ZOO and
Recommended Preparation: 4.0 FCEs GGR, 1.0 must be at the 400-level
Total 12.5
NUS354H0 South Asia: Development, Issues,
This module is concerned with understanding and Environment and Energy – See Centre for
assessing the development experiences of the South Environment
Asian countries. Students are expected to grapple with
concrete case studies of development programs in their Environmental Geography (Arts program)
work. The coursework covers issues pertaining to rural,
agricultural, urban, industrial and human development, Number
as well as their impact upon people and the environment. of half Courses FCEs
Particular attention is given to the situation of the poor and courses
the weak, including disadvantaged children, women, and
ethnic minorities. (Co-listed as SN3232 at the National Specialist Entry Requirements: Students must
University of Singapore) have a CGPA of 2.5
Recommended Preparation: 4.0 FCEs
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA A: Any 2 GGR107H1 (recommended), 1.0
GGR100H1, GGR101H1,
Biogeography (Science program) GGR124H1 (or other GGR
(12.5 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one course with permission of the
400-series course) Department)
B: Any 2 GGR201H1, GGR203H1, 1.0
Number of
Courses FCEs GGR205H1, GGR206H1,
GGR307H1, ENV200Y1,
ENV234Y1, JGE347H1,
Specialist Entry Requirements: Students must have
a CGPA of 2.5
C: All GGR222H1, GGR270H1, 2.5
A: All 3 BIO120H1; GGR100H1, 1.5 GGR271H1, GGR272H1,
101H1 GGR331H1
B: Any 1 full CHM(138H1,139H1)/ 151Y1/ 1.0 D: Any 1 GGR240H1, GGR246H1, 0.5
course CSC (108H1, 148H1) GGR249H1, GGR254H1,
GGR341H1, GGR342H1,
C: Any 1 full JMB170Y1/ 1.0 GGR343H1, GGR344H1
course MAT135Y1/137Y1/
PHY131H1, 132H1/151H1, E. Either GGR491Y1 or one of GGR416H1, 1.0
152H1 GGR492H1, GGR499H1 and
one additional 0.5 FCE 400 level
D: Any 2 half GGR201H1, 203H1, 205H1, 1.0 course from Group A or Group B
courses 206H1 (below)
E; Any 1 full BIO251Y1/ZOO252Y1 1.0 F: Any 7 half Up to 4.0 FCE from GROUP A; up 4.0
course courses or to 1.5 FCE from GROUP B; up to
equivalent 1.0 FCE from GROUP C. (below)


Note: D. Up to 2.5 FCE courses from 2.5

GROUP A; up to 1.0 FCE from
At least 4.0 FCEs must be 300/400 series
Group B; no more than 2.0 FCE
courses. Of these, at least 1.0 FCE must be
from Groups A and B combined
400 series.
Total 10.0
Major Entry Requirements: Enrolment in the major At least 1.0 FCE must be 300/400 series courses.
is limited to students with a CGPA of 2.0 or 67% in
1.0 GGR FCE at the 100/200 level Total 4.0

A: Any 2 GGR107H1 (recommended), 1.0 GROUP A (Geography Courses)

GGR100H1, GGR101H1, GGR201H1, 203H1, 205H1, 206H1, 272H1, 273H1,
GGR124H1 (or other GGR 222Y1, 301H1, 303H1, 307H1, 314H1,, 332H1, 334H1,
course with permission of the 335H1, 337H1, 338H1, 340H1, 341H1, 371H1, 373H1,
Department) 381H1, 398H1, 399Y1, 403H1, 409H1, 413H1, 416H1,
418H1, 419H1 438H1, 491Y1, 492H1, 498H1, 499H1;
B: Any 2 GGR201H1, GGR203H1, 1.0 JUG320H1; JAG321H1; JFG470H1, 475H1; JGE321H,
GGR205H1, GGR206H1, 331H1, 347H1, 348H1
GGR307H1, ENV200Y1,
ENV234Y1, JGE347H1, GROUP B (Centre for Environment courses)
JGE348H1 ENV200Y1, 234Y1, 332H1, 333H1, 335H1, 350H1,
422H1, 423H1; JIE307H1
C: All GGR222H1, GGR270H1, 271H1 1.5
D: Any 1 GGR240H1, GGR246H1, 0.5 Any other geography courses at the 200/300/400 level
GGR249H1, GGR254H1, not listed in GROUP A
GGR341H1, GGR342H1,
GGR343H1, GGR344H1
Geographic Information Systems (Arts program)
E. Any 1 0.5 FCE at the 400 level from 0.5
Group A OR Group B (below)
Note: Students combining this program with a
(excluding ENV422H1)
Specialist/Major sponsored by the Department of
F: Any 4 half Up to 2.5 FCE from Group A; up 2.5 Geography will normally be allowed to count only
courses or to 1.0 FCE from Group B; up to 1.5 (of the 4.0) FCEs towards both programs.
equivalent 0.5 FCE from GROUP C (below). Number of
Courses FCEs
Note: courses

At least 2.0 FCEs must be 300/400 series Minor

courses. Of these, at least 0.5 FCE must be Entry Requirements: There are no entry
400 series. requirements for this program
Total 7.0
A: Any 2 half GGR100H1, 101H1, 107H1, 1.0
courses 124H1 (or 1.0 other GGR
Minor Entry Requirements: There are no entry courses with the permission
requirements for this program of the Department)

A: Any 1 GGR107H1 (recommended), 0.5 B: All 4 GGR270H1, 272H1, 273H1, 2.0

GGR100H1, GGR101H1, 373H1
GGR124H1 (or other GGR
course with permission of the C: Any 1 half GGR462H1, 473H1 0.5
Department) course

B: GGR222H1 0.5 D: Any 1 half GGR337H1, 371H1, 375H1, 0.5

Mandatory course 413H1, 462H1, 473H1,
C. Any 1 GGR201H1, GGR203H1, 0.5 491Y, 492H, 498H, 499H,
GGR205H1, GGR206H1, JFG470H1, 475H1
GGR307H1, ENV200Y1, Total 4.0
ENV234Y1, JGE347H1,

Human Geography (Arts program) F: Any 7 half Please see list of Group E 3.5
courses or courses (below)
equivalent not
Students who choose to specialize or major in the Up to 1.0 courses may be
used to satisfy
Human Geography POSt cannot minor in the same from Group F
E or D
POSt, but can minor in different Geography POSts
At least 2.0 FCEs must be 300/400 series
Number of
Courses FCEs courses. Of these, at least 0.5 must be 400
Specialist Entry Requirements: Students must have
Total 7.0
a CGPA of 2.5
Minor Entry Requirements: There are no entry
A: Any 2 GGR100H1, 101H1, 107H1, 1.0 requirements for this program
124H1 (or 1.0 other GGR
courses with permission of A: Any 2 GGR100H1, 101H1, 107H1, 1.0
Department) 124H1 (or 1.0 other GGR
courses with permission of
B: Any 1 not GGR100H1, 101H1, 201H1, 0.5 the Department)
used to satisfy 203H1, 205H1, 206H1
A Three other higher level 3.0
C: All 3 GGR270H1, 271H1, 272H1 1.5 social science or humanities
courses, including at least
D: Any 1 GRR240H1, 246H1, 249H1, 0.5 1.0 FCEs of 300/400-series
254H1, 341H1, 342H1, courses
343H1, 344H1
Up to 0.5 may be from Group
E: Any 1 Any 400 series course from 0.5 F
Group E (below)
GROUP E Optional courses for Human Geography:
F: Any 12 half Please see list of Group E 6.0
courses or courses (below) GGR216H1, 220H1, 221H1, 222H1, 240H1, 241H1,
equivalent not 246H1, 249H1, 252H1, 254H1, 272H1, 273H1, 299Y1,
Up to 1.5 courses may be
used to satisfy 300H1, 314H1, 320H1, 323H1, 327H1, 328H1,
from Group F
E or D 332H1, 334H1, 335H1, 336H1, 338H1, 339H1, 341H1
342H1, 343H1, 352H1, 356H1, 358H1, 360H1, 361H1,
Note: 363H1, 366H1, 373H1, 374H1, 375H1, 382H1,
At least 4.0 FCEs must be 300/400 series 391H1, 398/399H1, 400H1, 416H1, 418H1, 419H1
courses. Of these, at least 1.0 FCE must be 421H1, 424H1, 431H1, 439H1, 416H1, 452H1, 457H1,
400 series. 458H1, 462H1, 473H1, 491H1, 492H1, 498H1/499H1;
JGE321H1, 331H1; JGI216H; JUG320H1; JAG321H1;
Total 10.0
JGI216H1, 346H1, 454H1; JFG470H1, 475H1
Major Entry Requirements: Students must have a Group F (Science courses for Human Geographers)
CGPA of 2.0 or 67% in 1.0 GGR FCE at the 100/200
level GGR201H1, 203H1, 205H1, 206H1, 301H1, 303H1,
305H1, 307H1, 308H1, 403H1, 409H1, 413H1.
A: Any 2 GGR100H1, 101H1, 107H1, 1.0
124H1 (or 1.0 other GGR Streams
courses with permission of Students may wish to choose courses from among
Department) one or more of the following streams if they want
B: Any 1 not GGR100H1, 101H1, 201H1, 0.5 to concentrate in a particular area within Human
used to satisfy 203H1, 205H1, 206H1 Geography, while fulfilling the overall requirements given
A above. These are not POSt requirements, but rather
suggestions for students seeking guidance on how to
C: All GGR270H1, 271H1 1.0 navigate our course offerings.
D: Any 1 GGR240H1, 246H1, 249H1, 0.5 Cultural and Historical Geography: GGR216H1,
254H1, 341H1, 342H1, 240H1, 241H1, 246H1, 249H1, 254H1, 331H1, 336H1,
343H1, 344H1 342H1, 343H1, 360H1, 366H1, 421H1, 431H1, 439H1;
JGI346H1, JUG320H1, JAG321H1
E: Any 1 Any 400 series course from 0.5
Group E (below) Urban Geography: GGR124H1, 216H1, 240H1, 241H1,
246H1, 249H1, 252H1, 254H1, 323H1, 332H1, 336H1,
339H1, 342H1, 358H1, 360H1, 361H1, 366H1, 374H1,
424H1, 457H1, 458H1; JGI216H1, 346H1, 454H1


Social and Economic Geography: GGR124H1, 216H1, E: Any 7 GGR273H1, 301H1, 303H1, 3.5
JGI216H1, GGR220H1, 221H1, 240H1, 241H1, 246H1, 305H1, 307H1, 308H1, 314H1,
249H1, 252H1, 254H1, 256H1, 320H1, 320H1, 352H1, 373H1, JGE347H1, 348H1,
424H1, 323H1, 327H1, 328H1, 331H1, 342H1, 343H1, ENV236Y1, (but no more than
344H1, 358H1, 360H1, 361H1, 363H1, 366H1, 374H1, one of GGR273H1, 373H1); any
421H1, 431H1, 438H1, 452H1 GGR course from the list for
requirement B not already used;
Political Geography: GGR124H1, 216H1, JGI216H1,
up to three half courses from
GGR221H1, 241H1, 320H1, JUG320H1, GGR327H1,
Group I (below)
328H1, 331H1, 339H1, 346H1, 352H1, 358H1, 363H1,
418H1, 421H1, 439H1, 452H1 F: Any 2 GGR403H1, 409H1, 413H1, 1.0
490H1, 491Y1, 498H1, fourth-
Geography of Canada: GGR240H1, 246H1, 336H1,
year courses in Group I, but
366H1, 457H1; JUG320H1, JAG331H1
the total number of half courses
Environment: GGR222H1, 240H1, 256H1, 314H1, from Group I (including 3rd–year
323H1, 332H1, 333H1, 334H1, 335H1, 336H1, 337H1, courses) must not exceed 3
338H1, 340H1, 341H1, 360H1, 416H1, 418H1, 419H1, Total 12.0
421H1, 438H1, 462H1, 473H1; JFG470H1, 475H1;
JUG320H1; JAG321H1, JGE331H, 321H1 Major Entry Requirements: Students must have a
CGPA of 2.0 or 67% in 1.0 GGR FCE at the 100/200
Planning: GGR332H1, 334H1, 336H1, 339H1, 358H1,
361H1, 363H1, 424H1, 451H1, 452H1, JGI216H1,
346H1, 454H1
A: Any 4 GGR100H1; MAT123H1/125H1, 2.0
half courses 124H1/126H1,
Physical and Environmental Geography or the 133Y1/135Y1/137Y1/157Y1,
(Science program) equivalent 223H1/240H1, 224H1/247H1;
Number Courses FCEs PHY132H1/152H1; CME119H1
of (Faculty of Engineering);
courses CHM138H1, CHM139H1,
Specialist Entry Requirements: Students must have CHM151Y1; BIO120H1, 130H1
a CGPA of 2.5 at least one of which must be a
Math or Physics half course
A: Any 6 GGR100H1; MAT123H1/125H1, 3.0 B: Any 3 GGR201H1, 203H1, 205H1, and 1.5
half courses 124H1/126H1, 206H1
or the 133Y1/135Y1/137Y1/157Y1,
equivalent 223H1/240H1, 224H1/247H1; C: Any 1 GGR101H1, 240H1, 246H1, 0.5
PHY131H1/151H1, 249H1,254H1, 341H1
PHY132H1/152H1; CME119H1
D: All 3 GGR270H1, 272H1, 390H1 1.5
(Faculty of Engineering);
CHM138H1, CHM139H1, E: Any 4 GGR273H1, 301H1, 303H1, 2.0
CHM151Y1; BIO120H1, 130H1, 305H1, 307H1, 308H1, 314H1,
at least two of which must be 337H1, 373H1, 393H1,
Math or Phys half courses. JGE347H1, 348H1; ENV236Y1
(but no more than one from
GGR273H1, 373H1, 393H1);
the course from the list for
requirement B not already used;
any one half course from Group
B: Any 4 GGR201H1, 203H1, 205H1, 2.0 I (below)
206H1, up to one half course
from Group H (below) F: from GGR402H1, 403H1, 409H1, 0.5
413H1, 490H1, 491H1, 498H1
C: Any 1 GGR101H1, 240H1, 246H1, 0.5 Total 8.0
249H1, 254H1, 341H1
Minor Entry Requirements: There are no entry
D: All 4 GGR270H1, 272H1, 337H1, 2.0 requirements for this program

A: Any 2 GGR100H1, GGH101H1, 1.0

GG107H1, GGR124H1


B: Any 2 GGR201H1, GGR203H1, 1.0 Geography Courses

GGR205H1, GG206H1 See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.

C: 3 GGR390H1; 1.5 First Year Seminars

(301H1/303H1/305H1); The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
(272H1/307H1/308H1) the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
D: Any 1 A half course from ENV236Y1; 0.5 of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
GGR201H1, 203H1, 205H1, seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
206H1, 301H1, 303H1, 305H1, and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
307H1, 308H1, 310H1, professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
314H1, 333H1 402H1, 403H1, year of study. For details, see page 48.
408H1, 409H1, 413H1, 490H, NOTE
JGE347H1, 348H1 Prerequisites: In some cases prerequisites may be waived
Total 4.0 if equivalent background exists. Please consult the
Undergraduate Coordinator or instructor.

Five possible streams within the Physical Geography GGR100H1 Introduction to Physical Geography [24L,
Major or Specialist, which can be combined with other 8P]
courses to fulfill the overall requirements given above, Introduction to physical geography, with an earth systems
are: approach. Topics include the atmosphere, weather and
Climate System and Climatic Change: GGR203H1, climate, Earth materials and plate tectonics, geomorphic
303H1, 314H1, 403H1, ENV346H1 processes and the genesis of landforms, glaciers, soils,
and world biomes. Emphases placed on processes,
Land Surface Processes: GGR100H1, 201H1, 205H1, energy flows, cycles and scale. Lab exercises and a local
206H1, 301H1, 305H1, 307H1, 409H1, 413H1 field trip provide practical experience with each major
Biogeography and Paleoclimates: GGR101H1, 201H1, topic.
302H1, 305H1 Exclusion: GGR100Y1
Biogeochemistry and Contaminants: GGR100H1,
205H1, 303H1, 307H1, 403H1, 409H1 GGR101H1 Ancient Civilizations and their
Environments [24L, 4T]
Environmental Physical Geography: GGR101H1, This course focuses on the rise and fall of ancient
201H1, 203H1, 205H1, 206H1, 301H1, 307H1, 308H1, civilizations (i.e. Mesopotamia, China, India, Inca,
314H1, 409H1, 413H1 Aztec) within the context of (1) environmental barriers
Students contemplating graduate studies are strongly encountered during the development of city-states, (2)
urged to combine their Physical Geography Major the technology advancement made to overcome physical
or Specialist with a Minor in Mathematics (involving and climate barriers, and (3) the ways in which natural
calculus, linear algebra, and differential equations) and resources were exploited by ancient cultures.
a Minor in a field of science related to their particular Exclusion: ENV236Y1
interests in physical geography (biology, chemistry, DR=SCI; BR=4
geology, or physics). GGR107H1 Environment, Food and People [24L, 5T]
Below are courses from outside the Geography Examines the relations between food, nature, and society.
Department that can be applied to the requirements for Food is fundamental to human existence, and central to
the Physical and Environmental Geography Major (one most cultures – it also has significant and widespread
course only) or the Specialist (up to 3 courses only); effects on the physical environment. This course uses
these courses are an option only for students that have food as a lens to explore human-environment interactions
the required pre-requisites. locally and globally. It serves as an introduction to
environmental geography.
Group H: Faculty of Arts & Science courses:
Exclusion: GGR101Y1, 110Y1, 107Y1
CHM217H1, 310H1; GLG206H1, 216H1, 217H1;
PHY251H1, 255H1. Faculty of Engineering courses:
CHE210H1; EDV250H1 GGR124H1 Urbanization, Contemporary Cities and
Urban Life [36L, 3T]
Group I: EEB301H1, 302H1, 303H1, 304H1, 305H1,
Introduction to the urban process. From the origin of cities
307H1, 310H1, 311H1, 319H1, 321H1, 324H1, 328H1,
to global urbanization; the evolution of systems of cities;
330H1, 428H1; ENV346H1; FOR301H1, 305H1, 306H1,
uneven growth and the functional specialization of cities;
404H1, 417H1; GLG351H1, 436H1; PHY392H1, 408H1
globalization and economic restructuring, migration, public
policies. World cities. Dynamics of urban property markets,
population and demography, job location, housing, mobility
and neighbourhood change, social structure and spatial
inequalities. Planning, politics and policy issues in U.S.
and Canadian cities.
Exclusion: GGR124Y1

GGR201H1 Geomorphology [24L, 4P] regional economic growth and change, issues surrounding
An introduction to the principles of geomorphology; uneven development in space, the empirical definition
earth materials; major features of crustal morphology; of regional economic systems, and the measurement of
landforming processes of water, wind, waves and ice; economic growth and structural change.
human impact on earth surface processes. One hour Exclusion: GGR220Y1
laboratory session approximately every other week; a local DR=SOC SCI; BR=3
field trip. GGR221H1 New Economic Spaces [24L]
Recommended preparation: GGR100H1 This course provides an introduction to economic
DR=SCI; BR=5 geography and economic geography theory from the
GGR203H1 Introduction to Climatology [34L] 1970s on, illustrating the different ways that geographers
Introduction to the large scale processes responsible for have conceptualized the restructuring of resource
determining global and regional climate and atmospheric industries, manufacturing and services. The crisis of
circulation patterns, as well as the small scale processes Fordism and the rise of new production models will be
responsible for determining the microclimates of specific given particular attention, along with the reorganization of
environments. finance, the rise of cultural industries and the globalization
Recommended preparation: GGR100H1; of commodity chains. New regimes of governance of the
MAT123H1/125H1, 124H1/126H1, economy will also be considered.
133Y1/135Y1/137Y1/157Y1; PHY131H1/151H1, Exclusion: GGR220Y1
132H1/152H1 DR=SOC SCI; BR=3
DR=SCI; BR=5 GGR222H1 Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the
GGR205H1 Introduction to Soil Science [24L] Environment (formerly JGE221Y1) [24L,
Introduction to soil science dealing with the chemical, 4T,]
physical, and biological properties of soils; soil formation Shows how environmental studies is working to knit
and development; the classification of soils, and the different disciplinary perspectives into one interdisciplinary
application of soil science to environmental, agricultural body of knowledge; interplay of science and values in
and forestry issues. definition and framing of issues; roles of markets, politics
Recommended preparation: CHM137Y1/(138H1, 139H1); and ethics in developing solutions; local to global scale;
GGR100H1 historical and current timeframes.
DR=SCI; BR=5 Exclusion: JGE221Y1/JIE222Y1/GGR233Y1/ENV222Y1/
GGR206H1 Introduction to Hydrology [30L, 4T]
Recommended Preparation: GGR100Y1/
An introduction to the hydrologic cycle with emphasis
on the physical processes, including precipitation,
interception, evaporation, runoff, ground water and soil
water. Basic hydrological models will be practised. GGR240H1 Historical Geography of North America
Recommended preparation: GGR100H1; MAT135Y1 [24L]
DR=SCI; BR=5 An introduction to the historical geography of North
America from the pre-Columbian period to the
GGR216H1 Global Cities [24L]
present. Topics include European imperialism, staple
With films, fiction and critical theory, this course explores
economies, colonial settlement, railroads and the West,
global cities from around the world by looking at their
industrialization and urbanization, environmental and
everyday life: the people of these cities; how they got
agricultural change, modernism and militarism, and
to be there; what they do; and how they deal with
struggles over land.
increasingly globalized political, economic and cultural
DR=SOC SCI/HUM; BR=3 GGR241H1 Historical Geographies of Urban
Exclusion and Segregation [24L]
JGI216H1 Urbanization & Global Change [24L]
An introduction to the historical geography of urban social
In this course, we examine the processes of globalization,
exclusion and segregation after 1750. Using a selection of
mass urbanization and economic change that are
cities from around the world (such as Lagos, Pittsburgh,
taking place in cities around the world. This includes an
Hamburg, Mumbai and Nairobi), the course examines the
interdisciplinary exploration of the locational and economic
impacts and implications of urban social inequalities.
shifts that have ensued as a result of globalization, as well
as the social and cultural manifestations associated with
the emergence of global cities. GGR246H1 Geography of Canada [24L]
Recommended preparation: GGR124H1 Social and economic differences have been, and continue
DR=SOC SCI; BR=3 to be, a prominent feature of Canada’s geography. In
this course these differences are examined at a regional
GGR220H1 The Spatial Organization of Economic
and local scale. The course adopts a thematic approach
Activity [24L, 2T]
and considers issues such as historical development,
This course focuses on theoretical and empirical topics
urbanization, industrialization, immigration and population
aimed at describing, analyzing and explaining the spatial
change, Canada’s culatural mosaic and native issues.
distribution of economic activity at macro- and micro-
Emphasis will be placed on the evolution of social and
spatial-scales. Topics covered could include theories of

economic policies and Canada’s incorporation into a GGR300H1 Special Topics in Geography I [24L]
global economy. Content in any given year depends on instructor. The
DR=SOC SCI; BR=3 program in which the course can be used depends on its
content. Consult Department Office in April.
GGR252H1 Marketing Geography [24L, 4T ]
The problem of retail location. The spatial structure of GGR301H1 Fluvial Geomorphology [24L, 4P]
consumer demand and retail facilities. Shopping centres Elements of drainage basin morphology and hydrology,
and retail chains. Techniques for site selection and trade classification of rivers, stream patterns and hydraulic
area evaluation, location strategies, retail planning. geometry. Elements of open channel flow, sediment
DR=SOC SCI; BR=3 transport and the paleohydrology of river systems. River
channel adjustments to environmental change, human
GGR254H1 Geography USA [24L]
impact and the management/design of river habitats.
After a short historical overview, this course focuses
Exercises include experimentation in a laboratory flume.
on contemporary issues in American society, economy,
Prerequisite: GGR100H1 or GGR201H1, 270H1 (or
politics, race, regional distinctions and disparities, urban
development and the U.S. as world power.
GGR303H1 Climate-Biosphere Interactions [24L]
GGR270H1 Introductory Analytical Methods [36L,
Discussion of the exchange of energy and matter
(carbon, water) between the Earth’s biosphere (terrestrial
Theory and practical application of elementary quantitative
vegetation) and atmosphere, with a focus on processes
techniques in geography emphasizing descriptive,
underlying key feedbacks on regional climate. Examples
inferential and spatial statistical analysis, probability, and
will be taken from research on contemporary as well
as paleoclimate systems. Case studies to include how
Exclusion: ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/GGR270Y1/PSY201H1/
human disturbances like land-use change or future climate
change may alter these processes.
STA250H1/ STA248H1/STA261H1
Prerequisite : Equivalent of one full-year science course at
Pre- or Co-requisite: Two courses in Geography
the 200-level, or permission from the instructor.
DR=SOC SCI; BR=None (This course has no status for
breadth requirement purposes)
GGR305H1 Biogeography [24 L]
GGR271H1 Social Research Methods [24L]
The course identifies and explains plant and animal
Practical course on field methods designed to enable
distributions through space and time. Topics covered
students to carry out their own research projects.
include ecological and evolutionary dynamics, disturbance,
Behavioural observation, interviewing, questionnaire
dispersal, migration, continental drift, paleoenvironments
design, sampling theory, content analysis of written and
and island biogeography. We will also examine terrestrial
graphic material, data coding and focus groups.
and marine biomes, microbial ecosystems and address
Exclusions: SOC200H1/SOC204H1/POL242/WDW350
recent biogeographic changes associated with human
DR=SOC SCI; BR=None (This course has no status for
breadth requirement purposes)
Recommended preparation: GGR100H1 or BIO150Y
GGR272H1 Geographic Information and Mapping I DR=SCI; BR=TBA
[24L, 24P]
GGR307H1 Soil and Water: Landscape Processes
Introduction to digital mapping and spatial analysis
[24L, 10P]
using geographic information systems (GIS). Students
An introduction to physical and chemical processes
learn how to use GIS software to find, edit, analyze and
operating at micro- to landscape scales and their effects
map geographic data to create their own maps, analyze
geographic problems and use techniques that can be on soil and water quality. Discussion of anthropogenic
impacts and management and conservation issues. Local
applied to a variety of subject areas.
and international case studies.
Recommended preparation: GGR205H1, GGR206H1
GGR273H1 Geographic Information and Mapping II DR=SCI; BR=TBA
[24L, 24P]
GGR308H1 Physical Aspects of the Canadian Arctic
Builds on GGR272H1 by providing students with
and Subarctic [24L, 22T]
practical spatial analysis methods and the underlying
We will explore the geomorphology, soils, and hydrology,
theory needed to understand how to approach various
followed by biogeochemical cycling, limnology and food
geographic problems using geographic information system
web structures of the Arctic and Subarctic.
(GIS) software and a variety of data types and sources.
Prerequisite: GGR272H1
DR=SOC SCI; BR=5 GGR314H1 Global Warming [27L]
A comprehensive examination of the greenhouse warming
GGR299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
problem, beginning with economic, carbon cycle, and
Credit course for supervised participation in faculty
climate model projections; impacts on and adaptive
research project. See page 48 for details.
responses of agriculture, forests, fisheries, and water
resources; abatement options; technical and institutional

GGR320H1 Geographies of Transnationalism, Exclusion: GGR208H5
Migration, and Gender [24L] DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
This course examines recent changes in global GGR327H1 Geography and Gender [24L]
migration processes. Specifically, the course addresses An introduction to the work of feminist geographers. The
the transnationalization and feminization of migrant course will explore the relationship between gender and
populations and various segments of the global labor space, emphasizing spatial cognition, architecture, and
force. The coursework focuses on analyzing classical layout of the city.
paradigms in migration studies, as well as emerging Prerequisite: Two courses in Geography
theoretical approaches to gender and migration. DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
In addition, it traces the shifting empirical trends in
gendered employment and mobility patterns. It uses GGR328H1 Labour Geographies [24L]
in-depth case study material to query the frameworks This course explores changes in the nature of work and
employed in migration studies and to understand the the structure and geography of labour markets. Topics will
grounded implications of gendered migration. It pays include globalization, lean production, flexibility and risk,
particular attention to the interventions made by feminist industrial relations, workfare, the body at work, and gender
geographers in debates about work, migration, place, and and work.
space. Prerequisite: Two courses in Geography
JUG320H1 The Canadian Wilderness [24L] GGR329H1 The Global Food System [24L]
The idea of wilderness permeates narratives of Canadian This course introduces major issues and theories related
national identity, while policy-makers seek to manage and to sustainability, trade, equity and health in the global food
contain natural areas. This course compares and contrasts system. Particular attention is directed to comparative
historical and contemporary wilderness narratives in farming systems and diasporic (transnational cultural)
literature, painting and film with policies in areas such as cuisines in relation to several intergovernmental policies
conservation, urban planning, land claims and tourism. and civil society movements.
JAG321H1 Aboriginal People and Environmental JGE331H1 Resource and Environmental Theory
Issues in Canada [24L] (formerly GGR331H1) [24L]
This course explores Aboriginal views of environment and Introduction to and critical evaluation of major social
resource management from pre-European contact times theoretical paradigms applied to environmental and
through to the present from an Aboriginal perspective. natural resource politics and regulation. Topics include:
Emphasis will be placed on the emerging role of Aboriginal neo-classical approaches, eco-Marxism, political ecology,
people in environmental and resource management social constructivism, production of nature, ecological
in Canada. Topics to be covered include: history of modernization, tragedy of the commons, staples theory,
Aboriginal/non-Aboriginal relations, Aboriginal world view science and administrative rationalism.
and philosophy, Aboriginal environmental ethics and Prerequisite: GGR100H1/GGR107H1/ENV
principles and current environmental issues confronting (221H1,222H1)/222Y1/GGR 222H1/222Y1/JGE221Y1
Aboriginal people. Exclusion: GGR331H1
Prerequisite: Two FCEs in Geography or Aboriginal DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Studies GGR332H1 Urban Waste Management [24L]
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA This course examines 1) factors affecting the spatial
JGE321H1 Multicultural Perspectives on distribution of wastes; and 2) models and policy
Environmental Management [24L] implications inherent in all aspects of waste management,
Diverse approaches to environmental issues from a variety from waste generation through recycling and waste
of multicultural perspectives are introduced, compared disposal. Contrasting waste management practices in the
and analyzed, using case studies. Perspectives on developed and the developing world is a central theme.
environmental management will be discussed as they Prerequisite: JGE221Y1/200-level environmental course
emerge from contexts such as South America, Asia, or DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Africa. GGR333H1 Energy Supply and Use [24L, 7T]
Prerequisite: ENV221H1 and ENV222H1 Examines the technical and economic potential of
Exclusion: ENV321Y1 advanced fossil-fuel-supply technologies, renewable
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA energy (solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, ocean, hydro),
GGR323H1 Issues in Population Geography [24L] and the potential for more efficient end use of energy in
Explores issues in the geographies of population at a the residential, commercial, industrial, and transportation
variety of scales from global to local. Topics include sectors. Also discusses: innovative energy systems, global
an investigation of the mechanics of population growth, scenarios, policy implications.
theories of population, population growth through Exclusion: JGE347H1, 348H1
time, migration, the impact of population growth on the DR=SCI; BR=TBA
environment and the social and economic consequences
of population change.

GGR334H1 Water Resource Management [24L] GGR340H1 Health Geography (formerly GGR451H1)
Managing demand and supply; linkages between water [24L]
quality and human health. Case studies from the industrial An exploration of the aspects of health in which place or
world and from developing countries, rural and urban. location matters. Particular attention will be paid to the role of
Implications of population growth and climate change for environments (physical, social, etc.) in explaining differences
water resource management. in health between places, the structuring of health-related
Recommended preparation: GGR100H1/107H1, JGE221Y1 behaviour in place, and the development of health policy for
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA places.
Prerequisite: JGE221Y1
GGR335H1 Business and Environmental Change [24L]
Exclusion: GGR451H1
Steadily increasing pressure on biospheric resources (eg.
Recommended preparation: GGR270H1
water) and sinks (eg. the atmosphere) requires business
to adapt and innovate, while simultaneously responding
to globalization and the information revolution. Examples GGR341H1 Changing Geography of Latin America [24L]
include the financial services sector, as well as energy, This course seeks to develop a general understanding
transportation, tourism and resource-based industries. of present-day Latin America by focusing on hu7man-
Recommended preparation: JGE221Y1 environment interactions, past and present. Case studies
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA are used to understand the diversity of Latin American
landscapes (physical and cultural), and how they are
GGR336H1 Urban Historical Geography of North
changing within the context of globalization.
America [24L]
Processes of urbanization; development of urban systems;
changing internal patterns: central area, residential districts, GGR342H1 The Changing Geography of Southeast Asia
housing, transportation, reform and planning movements. [24L]
Emphasis on the 19th century and the first half of the 20th Examines changes in the social, political and economic
century. geography of Southeast Asian countries. Examples drawn
Recommended preparation: GGR124H1/GGR241H1/ from Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam and the
GGR254H1 Philippines as these emerging newly industrialized countries
DR=SOC SCI/HUM; BR=TBA enter the 21st century. Emphasis on political-economy,
urbanization and environment since 1950.
GGR337H1 Environmental Remote Sensing [24L, 24P]
Recommended preparation: Two courses in Geography
Principles of optical, active and passive microwave remote
sensing; satellite orbit and sensor characteristics; image
processing and analysis techniques and software; and GGR343H1 The Changing Geography of China [36L]
environmental remote sensing principles. The evolving physical, social, political and economic
Recommended preparation: GGR272H1 landscape of China. Focus on development strategies,
DR=SCI; BR=TBA industry, agriculture, urbanization and the environment since
1949. Special attention paid to the character and impact
GGR338H1 Environmental Problems in Developing
of China’s on-going transition from a planned to market
Countries [24L]
Describes and analyses a broad range of the key
Recommended preparation: Two courses in Geography
environmental issues currently facing developing countries
from geographical perspectives. Emphasis is on air pollution,
water contamination and treatment, residential and industrial GGR344H1 Changing Geography of Russia and Ukraine
solid waste collection and management, with multimedia [24L]
and written examples drawn from throughout the developing Overview of the physical environment and historical
world. geography; changes in population distribution during the
Prerequisite: 200-level environmental course Soviet period; current demographic and ethnic problems; the
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA rural economy; urbanization, industrial location, and regional
development issues.
GGR339H1 Urban Geography, Planning and Political
Recommended preparation: Two courses in Geography
Processes [24L]
The interdependence of political processes and institutions,
public policy and urban geography. The political economy JGI346H1 The Urban Planning Process [24L]
of federalism, urban growth, planning and public services An overview of how planning tools and practice shape
as they shape the urban landscape. The spaces of the the built form of cities. This course introduces twentieth
city as the negotiated outcomes of variously empowered century physical planning within its historical, social, legal,
people and the meanings they ascribe to localities and and political contests. Community and urban design issues
places. Approaches informed by post-colonial, post-modern, are addressed at local and regional scales and in both
and feminist perspectives. Canadian, U.S. and European central cities and suburbs. The focus is on Toronto and the
comparisons. Canadian experience, with comparative examples form the
Prerequisite: GGR124H1, 246H1/254H1 other counties, primarily the United States.
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Recommended preparation: GGR124H1

JGE347H1 Efficient Use of Energy [24L, 6T] GGR360H1 Culture, History, and Landscape [24L]
The course examines the options available for dramatically The history of approaches to the idea of landscape. A
reducing our use of primary energy with no reduction in consideration of the origins and uses of the term in
meaningful energy services, through more efficient use of geographical inquiry will be followed by a series of case
energy at the scale of energy-using devices and of entire studies, global in scope, from the Early Modern period to the
energy systems. Topics covered include generation of present. Emphasis will be placed on the representational
electricity from fossil fuels and energy use in buildings, aspects of landscapes, as well as struggles over their
transportation, industry and agriculture. definition, interpretation, and use.
Exclusion: GGR333H1 Prerequisite: 1.0 GGR courses
Recommended preparation: First year math and/or physics DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=SCI; BR=TBA GGR361H1 Understanding the Urban Landscape [24L]
JGE348H1 Carbon-Free Energy [24L, 6T] Three related themes are discussed: the underlying social,
The course examines the options available for providing cultural and economic forces that have given cities their
energy from carbon-free energy sources: solar, wind, form and image; various aesthetic and political philosophies
biomass and nuclear, as well as through sequestration of that have been put into practice in constructing the urban
carbon from fossil fuel sources. landscape; and recent European and North American
Recommended preparation: First year math and/or physics attempts to control the landscape of the contemporary
Prerequisite: JGE347H1 or permission of instructor metropolis by the application of urban policy and planning.
Exclusion: GGR333H1 Recommended Preparation: GGR124H1 and one of
DR=SCI; BR=TBA GGR216H1, GGR240H1, GGR246H1, GGR249H1 or
GGR352H1 Understanding Spatiality [24L]
This course will investigate the changing nature of space and
our thinking about it, centering on works of contemporary GGR363H1 Critical Geographies: An Introduction to
geographers and spatial theorists such as Lefebvre, Soja, Radical Ideas on Space, Society and Culture
Gregory, Harvey, Massey and others as well as challenges [39L]
to this thinking - voices from the margins or peripheries. It This course introduces a diversity of critical perspectives
will explore changing conceptions of spatiality that inform for geographers and others, including anarchism, Marxism,
geographic thought and that help us understand the ways in feminism, sexual politics, ‘postcolonialism’, anti-imperialism
which political, economic and social power is constituted and and anti-racism. In so doing it illustrates how such radical
contested in and through the control of space. ideas about space, society and culture have contributed to
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA our political thought and action.
GGR356H1 Recreation and Tourism (formerly
GGR256H1) [24L] GGR366H1 Historical Toronto [24L]
Introduction to spatial organization and environmental impact Toronto’s development compared to other large North
of recreation. Prediction of demand, problems of over-use, American cities. Culture, social life, economy, politics, and
ecological risks, conflicts of interests, planning perspectives, planning process.
Canada’s tourist trade. Recommended preparation: GGR336H1
Exclusion: GGR256H1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA GGR371H1 Advanced Quantitative Methods in
GGR358H1 Geography, Political Economy and Religion Geography [24L]
[24L] This course is designed to give students exposure to
The intersection of geography and political economy has advanced quantitative techniques including inferential
been well-studied in recent years. Political economists applications of the simple regression model, multiple
have been interested in the ways that governments and regression analysis (MRA), data screening for MRA, model
markets intersect, while geographers have been concerned building issues in MRA, qualitative independent variable
with how space influences this intersection. What happens models, discrete choice models, cluster analysis and
when religion is included as a variable? This broad question forecasting methods.
has only recently begun to receive significant attention by Prerequisite: GGR270H1
geographers. What happens, for example, when the welfare DR=SCI; BR=TBA
state is replaced partially or wholly, by faith-based social GGR373H1 Advanced Geographic Information Systems
service providers? Do the assumptions of the secular welfare [24L,24P]
(universality, equity, etc.) change or are they simply delivered Advanced theory, techniques, and applications in geographic
differently? Do such changes affect the landscape of the information systems (GIS), including interpolation,
welfare state, religion, or both? This class focuses on applied geostatistics, modeling, and raster and vector analysis. GIS
questions of this sort, with the broader aim of exploring the project design and implementation.
various intersections of political economy, geography, and Prerequisite: GGR273H1
religion. DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: 8 FCEs
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA GGR374H1 Urban Dynamics [24L]
This course will investigate the theory and methods available
to help identify and measure the social and economic

impacts of specific policies and/or exogenous changes at GGR391H1 Research Design [24S]
the urban and regional scales. Emphasis will be placed A seminar course in which each student prepares a research
on understanding the potential of policy mechanisms for proposal incorporating relevant theory, published research,
promoting the revitalization of urban areas through the re-use sources of data, and methods of enquiry and analysis.
of former industrial/commercial/institutional properties. A proposal prepared in this course may be used to plan
Recommended preparation: GGR124H1, GGR220H, research for GGR491Y1.
GGR270H Prerequisite: 3.0 300/400-series GGR courses
GGR375H1 The Evolution of Geographic Information GGR398H0 Independent Experiential Study Project
[24L, 24P] GGR399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project
This course will examine the great moments and issues An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus
surrounding the constant evolution, revolution and demand setting. See page 48 for details.
for geographic information. The emphasis will be put on the
exploration of geographic information’s progression from GGR400H1 Special Topics in Geography II [24S]
paper to digital through an examination of societal changes Content in any given year depends on instructor. The
brought on by information technologies over time. The focus program in which this course can be used depends on its
will be placed on the demand for geographic information context. Consult Departmental Office in April.
within an historical, political, and intellectual context.   The GGR403H1 Global Ecology and Biogeochemical Cycles
range of topics examined throughout the course will include [24L]
the migration of geographic information from paper mapping Seminar course on biogeochemical cycling of carbon, water,
to digital mapping; interoperability; open source and open nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, and iron between the Earth’s
access; evolving data cultures; government control of data atmosphere, oceans, and biosphere. Focus will be placed on
and information; and geospatial analysis. the global carbon cycle, including how other biogeochemical
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA cycles feedback on carbon-based processes and
GGR381H1 Field Course in Environmental Geography mechanisms. Examples and case studies will be taken from
[TBA] research on contemporary as well as paleoclimate systems.
Introduction to field studies in environmental geography. Prerequisite: Equivalent of two full-year courses at the 300 or
The course includes exercises and a project during a 400 level, or permission from the instructor.
one-week field study in late August or early September, DR=SCI; BR=TBA
some preparation during the preceding summer and GGR409H1 Contaminants in the Environment [24L, 11T]
complementary practical work and/or seminars during the Are we experiencing a subclinical epidemic of subtle adverse
Fall Term. Each student is required to pay the costs of their health effects due to chemical contaminants in our bodies?
transportation and accommodation. Students must register The environmental behaviour and toxicology of inorganic
with the Department by April. Course may be limited by size. and organic chemical contaminants is discussed in order
Prerequisite: GGR222Y1, 270H1, 271H1 to understand the scientific basis of this question.. Facility
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA is gained with simple mathematical models. The interface
GGR382H1 Field Course in Human Geography [TBA] between science and policy are discussed throughout.
Introduction to field studies in human geography. The course Prerequisite: CHM137Y1/(138H1, 139H1)/151Y1/GGR205H1
includes exercises and a project during a one-week field DR=SCI; BR=TBA
study in late August or early September, some preparation GGR413H1 Watershed Hydroecology [24L]
during the preceding summer and complementary practical Modern developments in hydrology and ecology, including
work and/or seminars during the Fall Term. Each student form and process models, interactions of hydrology, ecology
is required to pay the costs of their transportation and and geomorphology; the course emphasizes use of computer
accommodation. Students must register with the Department simulation models of drainage basin processes.
by April. Course is limited by size. Preference given to Recommended preparation: GGR201H1/206H1/270H1
Geography SPE/MAJ/MIN. Applications open to all students DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA GGR416H1 Environmental Impact Assessment (formerly
GGR393H1) [24L, 4T]
GGR390H1 Field Methods [TBA] Environmental impact assessment (EIA) as a mechanism
Introduction to field methods in vegetation mapping/analysis, for avoiding or mediating the potential costs of development.
soils, hydrology, climatology and geomorphology. The course Focuses on the theory and practice of EIA in Canada in
includes exercises and a project during a one-week field general and Ontario in particular. Using a broad definition of
camp just before the start of classes, a little preparation “environment”, various components of EIA are addressed,
during the preceding summer, and complementary practical with an emphasis on principles, legal and institutional
work and/or seminars during the Fall Term. Each student frameworks, stages in the process, and specific analytical
is required to pay the costs of their transportation and techniques.
accommodation. Students must register with the Department Prerequisite: JGE221Y1, GGR270H1, GGR271H1
by April. Course may be limited by size. Exclusion: GGR393H1
Prerequisite: GGR100H1 and 0.5 from GGR201H1, 203H1, DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
205H1, 206H1, 305H1

GGR418H1 Political Economy of Natural Resources Prerequisite: 10 FCEs. Two courses in Geography or
[24S] permission of instructor.
Examines political aspects of the appropriation of natural DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
resources, including policy and regulation, environmental GGR439H1 Global Political Geography [36S]
impacts, and social justice. Emphasis is placed on reading Introduction to geopolitical theories. Emphasis on the
contemporary literature on the politics of resource access development of the nation state, theories of land claims and
and control from geography and other social science the territorial manifestations of nationalism. Will examine
disciplines. recent theoretical as well as empirical challenges to many
Prerequisite: JGE221Y1 of the conventional geopolitical assumptions about scale,
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA space, and power in global politics. Please note that this
GGR419H1 Environmental Justice [24S] course is open to students who have taken GGR239H1
The course examines how environmental problems affect (formerly Global Political Geography).
people, communities and societies differentially and how Prerequisite: Two courses in Geography or permission of
marginalized communities and people often bear the brunt of instructor.
environmental costs, while contributing little to their creation. DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
It uses readings and case studies from across the globe to GGR452H1 Space, Power, Geography: Understanding
address the production of environmental injustive and the Spatiality [24S]
struggle for environmental justice. The changing nature of space and our thinking about it,
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA centering on works of contemporary geographers and spatial
GGR421H1 History & Philosophy of Geography [24S] theorists such as Lefebvre, Soja, Gregory, Harvey, Massey
The history of geography as an intellectual subject, focusing and challenges to this thinking. Explores changing concepts
primarily on the modern period, and on the genealogy of spatiality that inform geographic thought and help us
of central concepts such as region, landscape, and understand the ways political, economic and social power is
place. Disciplinary developments will be situated next to constituted and contested.
broader contexts, including imperialism and militarism, the Prerequisite: At least one (or an equivalent) of GGR327H1,
relationship between culture and nature, and the shifting 328H1, 339H1, 360H1, 362H1, 363H1
social role of the academy. DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: Two courses in Geography JGI454H1 The Role of the Planner: Making a
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Difference [24L]
GGR424H1 Transportation Geography and Planning This course will focus on the role of a planning practitioner in
(formerly GGR324H1) [24L] contemporary society using a wealth of examples drawn from
An introductory overview of major issues in interurban recent issues and debates in Canadian cities and regions.
and intraurban transportation at the local, national and The course will walk students through the demands made
international scale. Topics include urban transportation, land of planners in terms of both technical expertise as well as
use patterns and the environment, causes of and cures political necessity and ask them to think actively about how
for congestion, public transit, infrastructure finance, and to prepare for the extraordinary growth of cities during the
transport planning and policy setting. next century. Examples of issues that will be discussed in
Prerequisite: GGR124H1/220H1/221H1 or permission of some detail include the myths surrounding the city vs. the
instructor suburbs, the creativity and passion involved in planning
Exclusion: GGR324H1 work and the need to see Toronto’s future from a regional
Recommended preparation: GGR270H1 perspective.
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: 15 FCEs, 5.0 of which must be GGR/INI Urban
GGR431H1 Regional Dynamics [24L]
Theory and analysis of regional economic change with
emphasis on North America and Western Europe. Export- GGR457H1 The Post-War Suburbs [24L]
base, neoclassical, increasing returns, and political-economic This course investigates post-war suburbs, beginning with
explanations of regional growth and decline, globalization, an examination of their competing contemporary meanings.
knowledge-based economy and the role of regions. It considers images of prosperous private enclaves, of
Geography of technological change, labour-markets and declining and difficult to access places, of racialized and
labour relations. Objectives and approaches for local and segregated areas, of banality and homogeneity, of precarity
regional development policy, including talent-based strategies and polarization, and of creative social struggles. It assesses
for enhancing local creativity. these different visions through an analysis of urban growth
Prerequisite: GGR220H1, 221H1, 270H1 and change since WWII. The course will focus on themes
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA of public and private space; class, race and segregation;
gender and suburban space; immigration; ‘urban sprawl’, and
GGR438H1 Environment and Development [36S]
the changing social and economic geography of the suburbs.
Examines the implications of development – as an economic
It examines North American areas, with examples from
and social project – for how the environment is used, by
Australia and Europe.
whom, and to what ends. Topics include: interpretations
Prerequisite: 10 FCEs
of scarcity and degradation, questions of consumption,
the greening of development, and formations of social
movements at the interface of development and the

GGR458H1 Advanced Topics in Urban Geography [24L] GGR490H1 Advanced Field Research- Physical
Though there is some debate about the actual moment, we Geography [TBA]
have either already surpassed or will very soon exceed the A two-week course emphasizing the use of advanced field
point when over 50 percent of the earth’s inhabitants live in methods for analyzing the pattern of variations in vegetation,
cities. In most developed countries, the rate of urbanization soils, surface hydrology and geomorphology in montane
is well over 70 percent already. In short, the twenty-first and alpine environments. Course is offered in August at the
century is rapidly shaping up as the urban century. The University of Calgary’s field station, Kananaskis, Alberta.
social, economic and political significance of cities is thus Students are responsible for the cost of board, lodging and
increasingly important to understand. This course will transport to and from the field. Students must register with
cover advanced work on the geography of cities to further the Department in March. (Offered in alternate years)
this understanding. The first third of the course will cover Prerequisite: Two Physical/Environmental courses or
foundational ideas in urban geography while the final two permission of instructors
thirds will cover two separate contemporary topics in the Recommended preparation: GGR390H1
field. The course will be useful for those broadly interested DR=SCI; BR=TBA
in the topic or more particularly interested in preparing for a GGR491Y1 Research Project
career in urban planning or policymaking. A course specially designed for students wishing to
Prerequisite: 10 FCEs gain experience in conducting research in their area of
DR=SOC SCI/HUM; BR=TBA specialization. Of particular value for geographers interested
GGR462H1 GIS Research Project in graduate study, or positions in government, planning and
Students work in groups to develop their own research consulting firms where research skills may be an asset.
project and then acquire, organize and analyze geographic Students select a research problem and complete a project
data to complete it. Emphasis is placed on research design, under the supervision of a faculty member. Enrolment
project management and the application of GIS concepts and requires written permission from a faculty supervisor and
skills learned in previous courses to a practical problem. Undergraduate Coordinator; early discussion with a likely
Prerequisite: GGR373H1 supervisor is encouraged. Enrolment may be completed at
DR=SCI; BR=TBA any time up to September; open to students in a Specialist or
Major Program sponsored by the Department of Geography.
JFG470H1 Forest Management [24L]
Prerequisite: 10 FCEs
Application of operational research and information
technology to develop decision support systems for forest GGR492H1 Senior Practicum
land management planning. Basic principles of mathematical Students design and implement an independent applied
programming, simulation and decision analysis, and geography/planning project in consultation with an employer
their application to planning for forest conservation and (paid or volunteer), who will act as their “client.” Enrolment
sustainable development, policy analysis and other land requires written permission from a staff supervisor and
management planning problems. Undergraduate Coordinator. Only open to students who are
Prerequisite: One course in quantitative methods or linear enrolled in a Specialist or Major program sponsored by the
algebra Department of Geography.
Recommended preparation: GGR270H1/ECO220Y1/227Y1/ GGR498H1 Independent Research I
MAT133Y1/223H1 An independent research extension to one of the courses
DR=SCI; BR=TBA already completed in Physical Geography. Enrolment
GGR473H1 Cartographic Design [13L, 26P] requires written permission from a faculty supervisor and
The design and production of maps using GIS cartographic Undergraduate Coordinator. Only open to students who have
and graphics software packages. Map perception and map completed 10 FCEs and who are enrolled in a Specialist or
use, principles and elements of cartographic design, data Major program sponsored by the Department of Geography.
acquisition and manipulation, production and reproduction of DR=SCI; BR=TBA
maps and atlases. Practical exercises culminate in a major GGR499H1 Independent Research II
project in thematic map design. An independent research extension to one of the courses
Prerequisite: GGR272H1, 273H1 already completed in a social science or humanities branch
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA of Geography. Enrolment requires written permission from
JFG475H1 Emergency Response Systems Planning a faculty supervisor and Undergraduate Coordinator. Only
[24L] open to students who have completed 10 FCEs and who are
Use of operational research and information technology to enrolled in a Specialist or Major program sponsored by the
develop mathematical models and decision support systems Department of Geography.
to design and evaluate the performance of emergency DR=SOC SCI/HUM; BR=TBA
response systems. Forest fire management systems are
used to illustrate the basic principles of emergency response
system planning that can also be applied to urban fire, police,
and ambulance services.
Prerequisite: One course quantitative methods or calculus
Recommended preparation: GGR270H1/ECO220Y1/227Y1/


Faculty Geologists (Earth scientists) investigate Earth, other

planetary bodies, moons, and meteorites. They think
University Professor Emeritus in a wide range of spatial (atomic to planetary) and
A.J. Naldrett, MA, M Sc, Ph D, FRSC temporal (seconds to billions of years) scales. They work
in an interdisciplinary dialogue with other scientists and
Professors Emeriti policymakers. They contribute to the wealth and well-
G.M. Anderson, B Eng, MA Sc, Ph D being of society by finding mineral resources, locating
J.J. Fawcett, B Sc, Ph D safe drinking water, assisting with waste disposal,
J. Gittins, M Sc, Ph D, Sc D (U) understanding the causes of natural disasters, dealing
A.M. Goodwin, M Sc, Ph D, FRSC with environmental problems including groundwater
D.H. Gorman, B Sc, Ph D remediation, and searching the geologic record for
G. Norris, MA, Ph D, FRSC (U) climate change. They can do all this because they have
P-Y. F. Robin, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto been trained to solve problems by considering other
Mississauga) sciences (e.g., biology, chemistry, physics), combining
J.C. Rucklidge, MA, Ph D distinct and often incomplete data sets, thinking in 3
W.M. Schwerdtner, Dip Geol, Dr Rer Nat dimensions, considering long time spans, and making
S.D. Scott, Ph D, FRSC careful observations in the field and in the laboratory.
J.C. Van Loon, B Sc, Ph D Thus they gain an understanding of how the Earth works
J.A. Westgate, B Sc, Ph D (S) and can contribute to the discussion of issues important
Professor and Chair of the Department to society. Geologists are in huge demand worldwide and
A.Cruden, B Sc, PhD can find rewarding careers working in diverse occupations
in industry, governments, and academia.
Associate Professor and Associate Chair
Our department offers various programs. All three
(Graduate Studies) specialist programs provide sufficient depth of knowledge
R. Pysklywec, M Sc, Ph D to allow students to enter a career as a professional
Senior Lecturer and Associate Chair geoscientist or to pursue research at the graduate level.
(Undergraduate Studies) The Geology Specialist program focuses on processes
C-G. Bank, Dip Geophys, M Sc, Ph D of the solid Earth, and is particularly suited for students
considering the resource industry. The Environmental
Professors Geosciences Specialist program explores processes at
R.C. Bailey, B Sc, Ph D the interface of hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere,
N. Eyles, M Sc, Ph D (UTS) and lithosphere, including human impacts connected to
F.G. Ferris, B Sc, Ph D pollution, remediation, and sustainable development.
H.C. Halls, M Sc, PhD (University of Toronto The Geology and Physics Specialist program focuses
Mississauga) on methods of imaging the subsurface in non-invasive
K.W.F. Howard, M Sc, Ph D (UTS) ways and physical processes in and on Earth. The
A.D. Miall, B Sc, Ph D, D Sc, FRSC Geology Major program allows students to combine
B. Sherwood Lollar, BA, Ph D, FRSC Earth science with another subject of their choice;
E.T.C. Spooner, MA, Ph D (U) logical complements are not just other sciences (e.g.,
P.H. von Bitter, MA, Ph D chemistry, biology, computer science), but also other
programs like archaeology, commerce, or architecture
Associate Professors
given the importance of Earth materials and processes
J. Brenan, B Sc, Ph D
in these fields. The Geoscience Minor program provides
D. Davis, M.Sc, Ph D
an introduction to geologic topics and thinking. Students
M.P. Gorton, B Sc, Ph D
are encouraged to discuss their plans on program and
M.A. Hamilton, M Sc, Ph D
course selection with the Associate Chair (Undergraduate
G.S. Henderson, M Sc, Ph D
Studies) or Program Supervisor. Students wishing to enter
J.E. Mungall, M Sc, Ph D
a Geology Specialist program should have taken the
D.J. Schulze, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
following courses in Grade 12: English ENG4U, Chemistry
SCH4U, Physics SPH4U, and Functions MCB4U or
U. Wortmann, Dip Geol, Dr Rer Nat
Assistant Professors
The Professional Experience Year (PEY) program (see
B.A. Bergquist, B Sc, Ph D
Student Services and Resources in this Calendar) is
J. Bollmann, Dip Geol, Ph D
available to eligible students after their third year of study.
R. Ghent, M Sc, Ph D
The PEY program is an optional 16-month work term
J. Halfar, Dip Geol, Ph D (University of Toronto
which provides industrial experience; its length gives
students the opportunity to enjoy the rewarding experience
L. Schoehnbohm, B Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto
of initiating and completing a major project.
G. Srinivasan, M Sc, Ph D More information about undergraduate studies in Geology
is contained in a booklet which is available from the
departmental office (ESC 1066). Additional courses with
geological content are listed in the Calendar of the Faculty

of Applied Science and Engineering. (a) Earth/planetary materials and mineral resources
stream: GLG318H1, GLG319H1, GLG360H1,
Undergraduate Coordinator: GLG430H1, GLG442H1
Charly Bank (416-978-4381) email: charly.bank@utoronto. (b) tectonics and remote sensing stream: GLG340H1,
ca GLG345H1, JGP438H1, GLG441H1, GLG465H1
Enquiries: (c) environmental and biogeochemistry stream:
Department of Geology, Earth Sciences Centre (416-978- ENV315H1, GLG351H1, GLG436H1, GLG448H1,
3022) GLG450H1
(d) geoarchaeology stream: ENV315H1, GLG340H1,
GLG436H1, JGP438H1, GLG441H1
Geology Programs
The introductory 100-level course GLG102H1 is strongly Minor program:
recommended for enrolment in all programs in the (4 full courses or their equivalent)
Department of Geology. No minimum GPA is required. 1. 2.0 FCE chosen from 100/200 series GLG courses,
including no more than 1.0 FCE at the 100 level;
Geology (Science program) GLG102H1 is recommended.
Consult the Undergraduate Coordinator, Department of 2. 1.0 FCE of 100-series CHM, BIO, or PHY courses.
Geology, Earth Sciences Centre 3. 1.0 FCE from 300/400 series GLG courses/ENV
315H1/JGP 448H1
Geology Specialist program: Note that some GLG courses have CHM/MAT/PHY
(14 full courses or their equivalent) prerequisites.

First Year: Environmental Geosciences - See Centre for

CHM151Y1/(CHM138H1, CHM139H1); MAT135Y1/ Environment
MAT137Y1; (PHY131H1, PHY132H1)/(PHY151H1,
PHY152H1) recommended: BIO 120H1I, GLG102H1 Geology and Physics (Science program)
Second Year: Consult Departments of Geology and Physics
GLG202H1, GLG204H1, GLG206H1, GLG207H1,
GLG216H1, GLG217H1; MAT223H1; GGR201H1 Specialist program:
recommended: STA220H1 (14 full courses or their equivalent with at least one course
Third Year: at the 400-level)
GLG318H1, GLG319H1, GLG340H1, GLG345H1,
GLG351H1, GLG360H1; ENV315H1 First Year:
Fourth Year CHM 151YI; MAT 137YI; PHY (151HI, 152HI); GLG102HI
1. GLG445H1/448H1, GLG470Y1 is recommended
2. 2.0 FCE full 400-series GLG or JGP courses Second Year:
Note: Students need an additional 0.5 FCE in Phys/Bio/ GLG 206HI, 207HI, 216HI, 217HI; MAT 237YI, 244HI;
Comp Sci/Stat to statisfy APGO Foundations Science PHY250H1/251H1, PHY254H1/255H1
knowledge requirements (BIO120H1 or STA220H1 Third Year:
are recommended). The following 4th year courses APM 346HI; GLG 345HI; PHY225H1/224H1, 408H1,
are recommended to satisfy APGO knowledge PHY350H1/352H1, PHY354H1/351H1
requirements in Groups 2A, 2B and 2C: JGP438; Fourth Year:
GLG430; GLG 436; GLG441; GLG442; GLG 450; 1. GLG 340HI
GLG465. 2. 1.5 300/400-series GLG courses
3. 1.5 300/400-series PHY courses
Geoscience (Science program)
Major program 1. Students are encouraged to select courses on the
(8 full courses or their equivalent) basis of a coherent theme such as Exploration
Geology and Geophysics, Global Tectonics, or
First Year: Environmental Geodynamics.
2.0 to 2.5 FCE chosen from BIO120HI ; CHM138H1, 2. Students are required to register with the Departments
CHM139H1; MAT135Y1/MAT137Y1; PHY131H1, and have their programs approved.
PHY132H1; GLG102H1;
Second Year: Geology Courses
GLG206H1, GLG207H1, GLG216H1, GLG217H1
See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
Higher Years:
1. 0.5 FCE field course GLG340H1/GLG445H1/ First Year Seminars
GLG448H1 The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
2. Additional 3.0 to 3.5 FCE chosen from 300/400 series the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
GLG courses/ENV315H1/JGP438H1, of which at least of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
0.5 FCE must be from the 400 series. seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
We suggest students consider the following logical course and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
progressions in their higher years:

professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first GLG204HI Quantitative Methods in Geology [24L,
year of study. For details, see page 48. 36P]
Solving quantitative problems associated with a variety
GLG102HI Earth Science [24L, 24P]
of geological questions: plate velocities, CO2 in the
Introduction to the functioning of the Earth as a chemical
atmosphere, heat flow, simple statistics and visualizations
and physical system. Topics include formation of the Earth
of geologic datasets. The course involves computer
from the solar nebula, radioactive decay and age dating,
programming (to solve and model the questions), report
meteorite impacts, melting and crystallization of rocks,
writing, oral presentations, and developing team skills.
erosion and sedimentation, the carbon cycle and its effects
Prerequisite: MAT135Y1/137Y1; MAT223H1; PHY (131HI,
on climate, and the transport and remediation of pollutants
132HI)/(151HI, 152HI)
in the environment.
Prerequisites: Grade 12 Chemistry SCH4U, Physics
SPH4U, and Functions MCB4U or equivalent. GLG205HI Confronting Global Change [24L, 8T]
DR=SCI; BR=5 The emergence of society as a major geological force
is considered in terms of the evolving debate about
GLG103HI Geology in Public Issues [24L]
the consequences of human activity for the habitability
Geologic hazards: earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides,
of our planet. Major issues such as climate change,
tsunamis. The distribution and politics of natural
environmental pollution, and depletion of natural resources
resources, including petroleum and ore deposits. Nuclear
are examined.
power and nuclear waste disposal. Global change: the
GLG205H1 is primarily intended as a science Distribution
geologic record of hot and cold climates, and how the
Requirement course for Humanities and Social Science
earth survives.
GLG103H1 is primarily intended as a science Distribution
Requirement course for Humanities and Social
Science. GLG206HI Materials of the Earth [24L, 36P]
DR=SCI; BR=5 An overview of the structural, chemical and optical
properties of minerals. Laboratories on the identification of
GLG105HI Evolution of the Earth: Controversy over
minerals in hand specimen and thin section. A mandatory
the Last 2300 Years [24L]
2 day field trip in late September.
The evolution of ideas about the origin and development
Prerequisite: CHM (138H1, 139H1)/151Y1 is
of the earth from the Athenians to the 20th Century. With
attention on whether the earth has an infinite or a finite
life; on the evolution and disappearance of species; on the
origin of oceans, continents and mountains; on the forces GLG207HI Rock-forming Processes [24L, 36P]
that have shaped the earth’s surface; and on the courage Origin and classification of igneous, sedimentary and
of scientists in confronting the religious and political views metamorphic rocks and their associated ore deposits.
of their time. Emphasis is placed on formation of rock types in the
GLG105H1 is primarily intended as a science Distribution context of plate tectonic theory, and the practical aspects
Requirement course for Humanities and Social Science of rock identification in hand sample and thin section.
students. Prerequisite: GLG206H1
GLG110HI Introductory Geology [24L] GLG216HI Dynamic Geology [24L, 36P]
The nature and evolution of the Earth; plate tectonics; A survey of principal physical, biological and chemical
rocks and minerals; volcanism; geological time; fossils; processes shaping the Earth. Laboratories will explore
geology of Ontario; environmental issues. these processes in more detail through a series of
GLG110H1 is primarily intended as a science Distribution problem sets.
Requirement course for Humanities and Social Science Prerequisite: CHM (138HI/139HI)/151YI is recommended.
students DR=SCI; BR=5
DR=SCI; BR=5 GLG217HI Earth Evolution [24L, 36P]
GLG130HI Exploration of the Solar System [24L] An introduction to the evolution of the biosphere from
Scientific findings of the solar system exploration program the earliest stabilization of the Earth’s crust. Patterns of
and their application to the origin of the earth and solar evolution and extinction are related to physico-chemical
system; space resources; search for life on other planets. and biologically-mediated changes at the Earth’s surface.
Prerequisite: Grade 12 U Chemistry or Physics Laboratories cover major groups of invertebrate fossils,
DR=SCI; BR=5 microfossils, their classification and living analogues.
Prerequisite: BIO 150YI is recommended
GLG202HI Introductory Geochemistry [24L, 36P]
An introduction to thermodynamics, phase diagrams and
solution chemistry, with application to geological and ENV234YI Environmental Biology
environmental processes. See “Centre for Environment”
Prerequisite: CHM151Y1/(138H1, 139H1); MAT GLG299YI Research Opportunity Program
135Y1/137Y1 Credit course for supervised participation in faculty
DR=SCI; BR=5 research project. See page 48 for details.

ENV315HI Chemical Analysis of Environmental treatment of the principles of stratigraphic documentation
Samples and correlation, facies-analysis methods, and a brief
See “Centre for Environment” description of depositional systems.
Prerequisite: GLG207HI, 216HI/MIN 185HI
GLG318HI Igneous and Metamorphic Processes
[24L, 36P]
An overview of the nature and origin of igneous and GLG371HI Directed Studies
metamorphic rocks, with particular emphasis on the GLG372YI Directed Studies
interpretation of textures and mineral assemblages as they An individual study program chosen by the student
reflect conditions of rock formation. Laboratory exercises with the advice of, and under the supervision of, a staff
familiarise students with the most common igneous and member. Such work may involve obtaining data in the
metamorphic rock types, and provide practical examples field or lab and analysing it, an interdisciplinary research
of the theoretical principles discussed in lectures. This project, and supervised readings.
course also has a mandatory weekend field trip to view Prerequisite: enrolment in a Geology Major or Specialist
igneous and metamorphic rocks and structures. The Program of Study; completion of at least two full course
venue for the trip alternates yearly between Bancroft and equivalents of 200-series GLG courses.
the Montreal area. DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: GLG 202HI, 206HI, 207HI
DR=SCI; BR=TBA GLG398H0 Independent Experiential Study Project
GLG319HI Metamorphic Processes [24L, 36P] GLG399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project
Descriptive petrography and classification of metamorphic An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus
rocks; metamorphic processes and evolution of setting. See page 48 for details.
metamorphic rocks; interpretation of metamorphic rocks. DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: GLG 202HI, 206HI, 207HI GLG423HI Mineralogy [36L]
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Crystal chemistry of the major rock forming minerals.
GLG340HI Field Course I: White Fish Falls The course covers the underlying concepts behind the
Manitoulin Island [TBA] behaviour of minerals as solid-state materials including:
A ten-day field course in mid-May or late August. Structure and bonding of minerals, chemical substitutions
Students are introduced to field geology and to basic field and solid-state transformations, high temperature and
measurement, mapping and documentation techniques in pressure behaviour, chemical weathering and kinetics.
the Espanola - Manitoulin Island area, west of Sudbury. Prerequisite: GLG206HI
Students are responsible for the cost of board and lodging DR=SCI; BR=TBA
and transport to and from the field area. GLG430HI Basin Analysis [36L, 12P]
This is a summer session course and students must also Architecture and evolution of sedimentary basins in
register with the Department in the preceding term relation to plate-tectonic setting and crustal properties.
Prerequisite: GLG207HI, 216HI, 217HI or permission of Sequence stratigraphy: sequence models and sequence
instructor forcing mechanisms tectonism, eustasy, climate change.
DR=SCI; BR=TBA The global-cycle-chart controversy. World-wide review of
GLG345HI Structural Geology [24L, 36P] basins in the context of plate tectonics.
The development of geological structures at a variety of Prerequisite: GLG360HI
scales is examined using the concepts of stress, strain, DR=SCI; BR=TBA
material behaviour and tectonic setting. Laboratory GLG436HI Paleoecological Assessment of
work focuses on modern methods of structural analysis Environmental Change [24L, 36P]
and their applications in geotechnical engineering and The use of proxy data (terrestial and aquatic microfossils)
economic geology. to infer past environmental conditions. The nature and
Prerequisite: GLG216HI or MIN 185HI extent of Quaternary environmental change is considered
DR=SCI; BR=TBA in the context of assessing current issues such as
GLG351HI Geochemical and Biological Regulation of acidification, metal pollution, eutrophication and global
Aqueous Systems [24L, 24P] climate change. Paleoenvironmental techniques are
An introduction to aqueous environmental geochemistry applied in the laboratory.
emphasising the importance of chemical equilibria, Prerequisite: A 200-level course from one of BIO, GGR,
mass transport, and microbiological activity in regulating GLG
the chemical composition of natural and contaminated Recommended preparation: BIO468HI/469YI/GLG217HI
systems. DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: CHM (138HI, 139HI)/151YI; and any 2nd JGP438HI Shallow Crust Geophysics [24L, 36P]
year science course. GLG 202HI is recommended. An introduction to the geophysical exploration of
DR=SCI; BR=TBA the subsurface. Topics include gravity, seismic,
GLG360HI Sedimentary Geology [24L, 36P] magnetic, electrical and electromagnetic surveying
An introduction to the methods for studying sedimentary and their application in prospecting, hydrogeology, and
rocks in surface and subsurface. Petrographic description environmental assessments.
and classification of sedimentary rocks are dealt with Exclusion: PHY496HI
in lectures and laboratory exercises, followed by a Prerequisite: GLG345HI or permission of instructor

DR=SCI; BR=TBA GLG450HI Hydrogeology and Contaminant Transport
[24L, 24P]
GLG440HI Advanced Petrology [24L, 36P]
Integrated field, experimental and theoretical approaches This course examines groundwater flow, the role of
to understanding the petrological diversity of igneous groundwater in geologic processes, and explores physical,
and metamorphic rocks. Topics include development of chemical and isotopic constraints on contaminant source
thermobarometers for igneous and metamorphic rocks, the transport and attenuation
importance of oxygen fugacity in petrogenesis, melting/ Prerequisite: GLG351HI or permission of instructor
solidification and metamorphism and igneous activity in the DR=SCI; BR=TBA
context of global tectonics. GLG465HI Geodynamics [24L, 36P]
Prerequisite: GLG318H1 Exploration of physical Earth processes and their relationship
DR=SCI; BR=TBA to large-scale geological phenomena. Mantle convection as
GLG441HI Remote Sensing of Earth and the Terrestrial plate tectonic engine; intraplate/plate boundary lithospheric
Planets [24L, 36P] deformation including orogenesis and crustal subsidence.
Remote sensing of Earth and terrestrial planets; introduces Focus on reconciling geodynamic theory/modelling with
theory and principles of optical and radar remote sensing. geological/geophysical observations.
Applications to new planetary data, including those from Prerequisite: GLG345H1 or permission of instructor
Earth, Mars, and the Moon, are emphasized. Practical DR=SCI; BR=TBA
components of the course involve GIS applications for the GLG470YI Research Project [TBA]
synthesis and analysis of multiple datasets. Laboratory research emphasizing methods and experimental
Prerequisite: At least two full course equivalents from any techniques applicable to geology. Students must obtain the
200-series Science courses. consent of an instructor and register with the Undergraduate
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Coordinator before enrolling and are urged to do so toward
GLG442HI Mineral Deposits [24L, 36P] the end of their Third Year. Students are required to give an
Geology and geochemistry of ore deposits. Origin and oral presentation of research results to an open meeting of
interpretation; systematic ore mineralogy, in hand specimen the Department.
and reflected light microscopy. Exclusion: GLG471HI
Prerequisite: GLG 207HI Prerequisite: Completion of the required 300-level courses in
DR=SCI; BR=TBA a specialist program involving Geology and permission of
the Department
GLG443HI Ore Genesis and Exploration Geochemistry DR=SCI; BR=TBA
[24L, 36P]
Genesis of ore deposits. The basic tools for studying ore GLG471HI Research Project [TBA]
genesis such as stable isotopes, fluid inclusions and sulfide Laboratory research emphasizing methods and experimental
mineralogy and their applications to selected types of ores. techniques applicable to geology. Students must obtain the
Prerequisite: GLG 442HI consent of an instructor and register with the Undergraduate
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Coordinator before enrolling and are urged to do so toward
the end of their Third Year. Students are required to give an
GLG445HI Field Course II: Benny Belt [TBA] oral presentation of research results to an open meeting of
Advanced geological mapping project in a challenging field the Department.
environment. Students learn to compile existing geoscience Exclusion: GLG470YI
data, create a geological map and prepare a professional Prerequisite: Completion of the required 300-level courses in
final report on their activities and findings. Students are a specialist program involving Geology and permission of
responsible for the costs of board, lodging and transportation the Department
for a 14-day field trip. DR=SCI; BR=TBA
This is a summer session course and students must also
register with the Department during the preceding term.
Prerequisite: GLG207HI, GLG340HI/MIN240F, GLG 345HI or
permission of instructor
GLG448HI Field Course III: Chalk River [TBA]
A two-week course in late summer designed to familiarize
students in a variety of hydrogeological and biogeochemical
field techniques; based at Atomic Energy Canada
Laboratories, Chalk River, and includes a mixture of lecture,
laboratory and field exercises. Students are responsible for
the cost of board and lodging and transport to and from the
field area. This is a summer session course and students
must also register with the Department during the preceding
Prerequisite: GLG351H1 or permission of instructor


Faculty Jelinek, Özdamar, etc., have dealt with the widest possible
range of human problems and concerns, and have been
University Professor Emeritus recognized worldwide.
H. Eichner, BA, Ph D, LL D, FRSC The Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures
Professors Emeriti offers courses on literature from the Middle Ages to the
E. Catholy, Dr Phil (SM) present, so that the student may acquire an overview of
A.P. Dierick, MA, Ph D (V) this significant element of German life and culture. We
R.H. Farquharson, MA, Ph D (V) offer language courses from beginning and intermediate
H. Froeschle, MA, Dr Phil (SM) to advanced levels, with practice in reading, writing,
C.N. Genno, MA, Ph D (V) comprehending and speaking German, as well as
W. Hempel, Dr Phil (SM) stylistics, linguistics, and the specialized vocabulary
D.A. Joyce, MA, Ph D (T) and concepts of business. Language and literature
H.L.M. Mayer, Dr Phil (V) instruction is integrated as far as possible, with the
H.W. Seliger, M.A. Ph D (V) aim of teaching students advanced critical literacy in
D. W.J. Vincent, MA, Ph D (T) German. The department offers a minor in Yiddish, with
H. Wetzel, Dr Phil (U) instruction offered from beginning and intermediate
to advanced levels. German combines well with other
Associate Professor and Chair of the modern languages and literatures, and double-majors
Department (on sabbatical) are encouraged. Students in a variety of programs, such
J. Zilcosky, MA, Ph D as Cinema Studies, European Studies, Literary Studies,
Drama, and others, will benefit from courses in German
Associate Professor and Acting Chair of language, literature and culture.
the Department
S. Soldovieri, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto The Department supports opportunities for students to
Mississauga) study and work in Germany, by encouraging participation
in programs established by the German government, by
Assistant Professor and Associate Chair Canadian universities, and by our own Arts and Science
for Graduate Studies Faculty’s “Study Elsewhere Program.” One of these is
M. Stock, Dr Phil the exchange program under which Toronto students can
spend the academic year at the Humboldt University in
Teaching Stream Lecturer and Associate Berlin.
Chair for Undergraduate Studies
E. Boran, MA, Ph D A knowledge of German is a virtual necessity for
specialists in many disciplines; it is also very useful
Full Professors in certain career areas (e.g., the foreign service,
W. Goetschel, Ph D interpretation and translation, librarianship, business
J. Noyes, Ph D and commerce, music, tourism, and of course teaching).
Associate Professors The successful completion of a four-year program,
A. Fenner, Ph D including seven approved courses in German, may entitle
M. Hager, Dr phil the student to enter the M.A. or Ph.D. program in the
Graduate Division of the Department.
Assistant Professors
C. Lehleiter, MA, Ph D Students entering with some previous knowledge of
A. Shternshis, MA, Ph D German but without an OAC or equivalent qualification
are required to contact the department to write an initial
DAAD Visiting Associate Professor assessment test and will then be advised to take courses
A. Hausstein, Dr Phil at the appropriate level. Students who have taken German
in high school to OAC or equivalent level will normally
begin with GER200Y1. Please check the department's
German-speaking countries enjoy a long tradition at the web site at www.chass.utoronto.ca/german for more
cultural and political core of Europe. During the last two information.
hundred years their importance has steadily increased,
and with the recent developments in Eastern Europe their Information on studies in German Language and/or
influence seems certain to expand even more. Literature can be obtained from the Associate Chair for
Undergraduate Studies.
The importance of the German language has grown
correspondingly: it is the second foreign language after Enquiries: Department of Germanic Languages and
English in the countries of central and Eastern Europe, Literatures
and its use is spreading within the European Community. Address: 50 St. Joseph Street, Odette Hall #322
Learning German opens the door to many fields of Tel.: 416-926-2324
intellectual, technical and politico-economic endeavor. Email: [email protected]
German scholars have been leaders in philosophy, the Website: www.chass.utoronto.ca/german
sciences, history, archaeology, sociology and political
science. German literature is equally distinguished: writers
like Goethe, Kafka, Rilke, Brecht, Mann, Wolf, Grass,


German Programs in the second year, concurrently with GER 200Y1); (c)
students must complete GER 305H1 before taking any
German Studies (Arts program) 400-level topic courses; (d) 300-level courses may be
replaced by 400-level courses (inquire in advance); (e)
Enrolment in the Specialist and Major programs is open to all majors should schedule an appointment with the
students who have successfully completed four courses Undergraduate Coordinator for personalized counselling
and who have the required competence in German. as early in their studies as possible.
Students without Senior high school German or equivalent
should arrange their courses in consultation with the Minor program:
Department. Students who have any prior experience with (4 full courses or their equivalent)
German and are taking any GER language course for the 1. GER 100Y1, GER 200Y1, GER 300Y1
first time are required to contact the Department for details 2. At least 0.5 additional F.C.E. in GER courses on the
on placement tests. 300-level
All degree students are recommended to seek counselling 3. The remainder of the four courses or equivalent must
early on in their programs. Updated information can also have a GER designator
be found online: http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/german/ 4. No more than 0.5 F.C.E. may be taken in English
Please note: (a) All courses are offered in German; Business German (Arts program)
courses taught in English are followed by an “E” in
parentheses; (b) the German Department does not allow Minor Program:
course auditing. (4 full courses or their equivalent)
1. GER 100Y1, GER 200Y1, GER 300Y1
Specialist program 2. GER 370H1, GER 372H1
(10 full courses or their equivalent) 3. The remainder of the four courses or equivalent must
1. GER 100Y1, GER 200Y1, GER 300Y1, GER 400H1 have a GER designator
2. GER 150H1 (to be taken within the first two years of 4. No courses may be taken in English.
studies; GER310H1 in all other cases)
German and Linguistics (Arts program)
3. GER 205H1, GER 305H1
4. At least 3.5 additional F.C.E. in GER courses on the Specialist Program
300-level This specialist program consists of 13 or 14 courses in
5. At least 1.5 additional F.C.E. in GER courses on the linguistics and German
6. No more than 2 F.C.E. courses taught in English Linguistics
7. Preapproved cognate courses may count toward the For the linguistics requirement, see “Linguistics and
program Languages Other than English.”
Please note: (a) GER 150H1 must be taken within the first
two year of study; (b) students must complete GER 205H1 German:
before taking any 300-level topic courses (i.e. typically (6 full courses or their equivalent)
in the second year, concurrently with GER 200Y1); (c)
1. GER 100Y1, GER 200Y1, GER 300Y1, GER 400H1
students must complete GER 305H1 before taking any
2. The remainder of the six courses must have a GER
400-level topic courses; (d) 300-level courses may be
replaced by 400-level courses (inquire in advance); (e)
3. At least 1.5 additional F.C.E. in GER courses on the
all specialists should schedule an appointment with the
Undergraduate Coordinator for personalized counselling
4. At least 1.0 additional F.C.E. in GER courses on the
as early in their studies as possible.
5. No more than 1 F.C.E. GER in courses taught in
Major program:
(7 full courses or their equivalent)
1. GER 100Y1, GER 200Y1, GER 300Y1, GER 400H1 Faculty of Arts & Science Language Citation
2. GER 150H1 (to be taken within the first two years of The Department of German participates in the Faculty
studies; GER310H1 in all other cases) of Arts and Science’s Language Citation initiative for
3. GER 205H1, GER 305H1 German. The study of German is a demanding and
4. At least 1.5 additional F.C.E. in GER courses on the intellectually rewarding educational experience, providing
300-level students with excellent resources for understanding
5. At least 0.5 additional F.C.E. in GER courses on the the culture of the German speaking world. German is
400-level now the second foreign language after English in the
6. No more than 1.5 F.C.E. courses taught in English countries of central and Eastern Europe, and its use is
7. Preapproved cognate courses may count toward the spreading within the European Community. Learning
program German opens the door to many intellectual, technical,
Please note: (a) GER 150H1 must be taken within the first political, and economic fields. Successful study of
two year of study; (b) students must complete GER 205H1 German demonstrates intelligence, discipline, analytical
before taking any 300-level topic courses (i.e. typically sophistication, and an excellent memory. The study of

any foreign language provides invaluable insights into the Note: Students with any previous knowledge of German
varieties of human culture and expression. are required to take a placement test offered at the
The Language Citation recognizes a significant level DR=HUM; BR=1
of achievement in language study with a high level of
academic success. The Citation in German is available GER101H1 Introduction to German [48P]
to students who complete GER100Y1 (or the equivalent This course is intended for students with some prior
prerequisite training) and earn a grade of at least B- in knowledge of German. It is equivalent to the Spring Term
GER200Y1 and GER300Y1. of GER100Y1. The emphasis is on comprehension,
speaking, reading, writing, vocabulary and basic grammar.
Students should note that, as explained on page 20 of this Exclusion: Senior high school German or equivalent
Calendar, the Language Citation is not equivalent to an DR=HUM; BR=1
academic program and that enrolment in a program is not
GER150H1 Introduction to German Culture (E) [36S ]
necessary in order to earn the recognition bestowed by
This course taught in English is intended for students who
the Citation.
are unfamiliar with German culture. It examines historical,
German - See also Linguistics and Languages political and cultural developments in Germany from about
1871 to the present focusing on literary and non-literary
Al and Malka Green Yiddish Program (Arts texts.
Program) Note: This course is required for the major and specialist
program, and can only be taken within the first two
Minor program: years. In later years it may be substituted with GER
(4 full courses or their equivalent) 310H1.
1. GER 260Y1, GER 360H1, GER 462H1
2. The remaining courses should be taken from GER GER200Y1 Introduction to German II [96P]
261H1, GER 361H1, GER 362H1, GER 365H1; This course continues the work done in GER 100Y1 /
or GER100Y1, GER490H1/490Y1, ENG256Y1, GER 101H1. It further expands on basic grammar and
HIS208Y1/433H1, SLA202H1, DTS 200 and other pre- vocabulary, practice in comprehension, composition, and
approved cognate courses conversation.
Prerequisite: GER100Y1/101H1 or German placement
German Courses test, Senior high school German or equivalent
See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
GER205H1 German Literature I [36S]
First Year Seminars This course offers a transition from the language courses
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide to the topic courses on the 300-level. It introduces
the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class students to German literature and provides them with
of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive working methods and analytical tools relevant for the study
seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity of German literary texts in the original German.
and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the Prerequisite: GER100Y1 / Co-requisite: GER 200Y1
professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first Note: This course is required for the major and specialist
year of study. For details, see page 48. program
Notes: (a) All students with previous knowledge
of the German language, as well as students GER220H1 German Literature in Translation (E)
(formerly GER204H1) [36S]
returning from extended stays in German-
This course taught in English offers a survey of German
speaking countries, are required to take a literature focusing on key works or introducing a relevant
placement test offered at the Department. (b) main topic. It is suited for students with little or no prior
The Department reserves the right to place knowledge of German literature and culture.
students in the language course appropriate to Exclusion: GER 204H1
their level of language skill. (c) More detailed DR=HUM; BR=1
course descriptions and reading lists for GER240H1 German Drama in Translation (E)
the various courses are available from the (formerly GER232H1) [36S]
instructor. This course taught in English offers a general survey of
German drama from the period of Bourgeois Realism in
GER100Y1 Introduction to German I [96P]
the middle of the 19th century to the contemporary scene
This is the language course to take if you have had no
based on representative plays from the German speaking
previous experience of the German language before.
countries. Cross-listed with the Drama Department.
The emphasis is on comprehension, speaking, reading,
Exclusion: GER 232H1
writing, vocabulary and basic grammar. This course can
be counted towards all programs in German.
Exclusion: Senior high school German or equivalent GER250H1 Topics in German Film History (E) [24S,
Focusing on a specific era of film production (e.g.Weimar
cinema, Nazi era and postwar, feminist filmmaking, New

German Cinema or Postwall), this course explores the innovative literary experiments they developed in response
relationship between social movements and film form and to these changing times.
style. Taught in English. Cross-listed with the Cinema Prerequisite: GER205H1
Studies Program Innis College. Exclusion: GER420H1
Exclusion: GER 351H1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=HUM; BR=1 GER321H1 19th Century German Literature (formerly
GER260Y1 Elementary Yiddish [72P] GER325H1) [24S]
This course introduces Yiddish language, literature, music, This course focuses on German authors of the nineteenth
theater, and cinema through interactive multi-media century. Literary, political and philosophical texts are
seminars, designed to build proficiency in reading, writing analyzed as a discussion of political uprisings, the
and comprehending. No prior knowledge of Yiddish is industrial revolution and the emergence of German
required. nationalism.
DR=HUM; BR=1 Prerequisite: GER205H1
Exclusion: GER 325H1
GER261H1 History of Yiddish Cinema (E) (formerly
GER364H1) [24S, 24P]
This course traces the history of Yiddish cinema from its GER322H1 Kafka in Context (formerly GER331H1)
beginnings in 1911 to the end of the twentieth century. [24S]
There will be 2 hours viewing time and 2 hours lectures Franz Kafka’s texts are read in the literary, historical, and
per week. Cross-listed with the Cinema Studies Program philosophical context of fin-de-siècle Prague and central
Innis College. Europe.
Exclusion: GER 364H1 Prerequisite: GER205H1
DR=HUM; BR=1 Exclusion: GER 331H1
GER299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
This is a credit course for supervised participation in GER323H1 Weimar Culture and Beyond (formerly
faculty research project. See page 48 for details. GER334H1) [24S]
DR=HUM; BR=1 This course focusing roughly on the period from 1918 to
1945 examines literary and artistic movements like Dada,
GER300Y1 Intermediate German [96P]
Bauhaus, the ‘Golden Age in German film’ in the decades
Continuing the work done in GER 100Y1 and GER
between World War I and Nazism.
200Y1, this course offers German at the intermediate level
Prerequisite: GER205H1
focusing on extension of vocabulary, specific problems of
Exclusion: GER 334H1
grammar, essay-writing, reading and conversation. The
Department reserves the right to place students in the
appropriate course in the series GER200Y1 and 300Y1. GER326H1 Writing Memory: Post 1945 (formerly
Prerequisite: GER200Y1 or German placement test GER335H1) [24S]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA An examination of post-World War II German literature
and culture from “Zero Hour” through to present-day
GER305H1 German Literature II [24S]
debates about the Holocaust and its memorialization
Building on the work of GER205H1, this course offers
within a German context.
a survey of German literature and culture from the
Prerequisite: GER205H1
eighteenth to the twentieth century. Within a chronological
Exclusion: GER 335H1
framework, students read and analyze excerpts from
representative works of major German writers.
Prerequisite: GER205H1 GER 330H1 Introduction to German Poetry (formerly
Note: This course is required for the major and specialist GER424H1) [24S]
program, and should be taken concurrently with GER This course offers an introduction and exploration of
300Y1 German poetry from all ages. The focus lies on poems
DR=HUM; BR=TBA which pick as a central topic the self in its relation to itself,
others, and society.
GER310H1 Contemporary German Culture and Media
Prerequisite: GER 205H1
Exclusion: GER 424H1
This course focuses on contemporary German culture
as expressed through a variety of media. It approaches
Germany and Germany’s position within Europe and the GER332H1 Deviance - Madness - Outsiders (formerly
world mainly (but not exclusively) through non-literary GER327H1) [24S]
texts. An analysis of the artistic confrontation with deviance,
Prerequisite: GER200Y1 madness, and outsiders. The course covers expressions
Note: This course may count as a substitute course for the of this confrontation in a variety of genres.
required GER 150H1; please inquire in advance Prerequisite: GER205H1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Exclusion: GER 327H1
GER320H1 The Age of Goethe (formerly GER420H1)
Goethe and his contemporaries saw themselves faced
with a rapidly changing world. This course examines the

GER336H1 Focus On Berlin (formerly GER422H1) [24S] GER365H1 Yiddish & German Story-Telling Before 1700
This course offers an exploration of the cultural (E) [24P]
developments of one of the most exciting capitals of the The course examines the pre-modern cultural contacts (and
world, from the Bismarckian era to German reunification and conflicts) between Jews and Germans by analyzing important
beyond. Yiddish and German narrative traditions from the 12th-17th
Prerequisite: GER 205H1 centuries.
Exclusion: GER 422H1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=HUM; BR=TBA GER370H1 Business German I [36P]
GER340H1 German Theater Production (formerly The course offers an in introduction to the use of German in
GER380H1) [48S] the professional/business context and has been designed to
The course offers close reading, rehearsing and staging of provide students with practical experience applying to jobs in
a play. Students will become familiar with the different steps German-speaking countries. The emphasis lies on oral and
of a theater production, be introduced to basic acting and written communication.
staging techniques and get acquainted to leading theories of Prerequisite: GER200Y1
theater. Note: This course is required for the minor program in
Prerequisite: GER 200Y1 Business German
Exclusion: GER380H1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=HUM; BR=TBA GER371H0 Berlin Summer Internship
GER350H1 German Visual Cultures (formerly An intensive internship in Berlin, focusing on work/study and
GER351H1) [24S, 24P] intercultural learning.
This course presents students with a survey of the history DR=HUM; BR=TBA
and development of the German cinema. It examines major GER372H1 Business German II (formerly GER470H1)
trends of German cinematography focusing on thematic and [36P ]
formal aspects. Intensive development of the linguistic skills needed in the
Prerequisite: GER 205H1 context of a German business environment.
Exclusion: GER 351H1 Prerequisite: GER370H1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Exclusion: GER 470H1
GER354Y0 Special Topics Summer Course in Berlin (E) Note: This course is required for the minor program in
The topics of this course taught in English and open to Business German
students from other disciplines vary from year to year. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Interested students can address questions to Woodsworth GER398H0 Independent Experiential Study Project
Recommended preparation: 100-level HIS/POL/GER course / GER399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project
International or European Studies An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus
DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=TBA setting. See page 48 for details.
GER355Y0 Summer Course in Berlin
Students who wish to petition the department for credit GER400H1 Advanced German [48P]
toward a specialist or major program in German will be This is a course for advanced learners of German reviewing
required to do part of their work in German. complex features of the language and introducing to aspects
DR=HUM; BR=TBA of German stylistics. The emphasis lies on oral and written
GER360H1 Intermediate Yiddish [36P] Prerequisite: GER300Y1
The course conducted in Yiddish offers a review of basic Exclusion: GER400Y1
grammar, stylistics, study of short literary texts. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: GER260Y1
Exclusion: GER360Y1 GER410H1 Topics in German Intellectual History (E)
This course taught in English offers an examination of key
GER361H1 Yiddish Literature in Translation (E) [24S] moments and themes in German intellectual history from the
An overview of the major figures and tendencies in modern Enlightenment to the present.
Yiddish literature and culture from the beginning of the 19th Prerequisite: Advanced status
century to the present. Readings (in English) of modern DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Yiddish prose, poetry, drama and cinema.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA GER411H1 Critical Theory [24S]
The course familiarizes students with some of the key issues
GER362H1 Jewish Culture in the Soviet Union (E) [24S] in critical theory today. Focusing on current debates, it will
The course focuses on Soviet Jewish culture between 1917 provide the background to these debates.
and 1991. Works in translation by Soviet Yiddish writers Prerequisite: Advanced status
and poets, performances of central Yiddish theatres, and DR=HUM; BR=TBA
publications in central Yiddish periodicals will be analyzed as
expressions of Soviet ideology and of ethnic identity. GER421H1 Gender and Identity [24S]
Recommended preparation: HIS208Y1, 242H1, 250Y1 With the representation of gender as its focus, this course
DR=HUM; BR=TBA will examine key works of modern German literature,
where typical themes range from love, lust and treachery

to masochism, cross-dressing and other forms of gender manner of its execution are determined in consultation with
trouble. the supervisor.
Prerequisite: GER305H1 Prerequisite: Advanced status and permission of department
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Note: project proposals need to be submitted by June 1st
GER423H1 Transnational Literatures [24S]
This course investigates contemporary German culture
by paying attention to its ‘other’ or alternate voices and
perspectives, i.e. those not usually prevalent in mainstream
cultural and sociopolitical discourses.
Prerequisite: GER305H1
GER425H1 Dreams-Desires-Delusions (formerly
GER324H1) [24S]
This course introduces to the literature and some
philosophical tenets of Romanticism (roughly 1798-1830)
as an occasionally thorough and challenging critique of
Enlightenment, modern science, and modernity.
Prerequisite: GER305H1
Exclusion: GER 324H1
GER426H1 Medieval Language and Culture [36S]
This course offers an introduction to the language,
literature and culture of Medieval Germany. The reading
and translation of exemplary medieval German texts will
introduce to Middle High German and provide an insight into
epochal concepts like courtly love and chivalry as well as
courtly and monastic designs of identity.
Prerequisite: GER300Y1, GER205H1
GER429H1 Topics in Medieval German Literature (E)
An open course which explores specific topics in Medieval
literature and culture. It serves to introduce to seminal
premodern texts and discourses.
GER 430H1 Topics in German Literature and Culture
An open course which explores specific aspects of German
literature and culture.
Prerequisite: GER 305H1
GER462H1 Advanced Yiddish [24P]
This course conducted entirely in Yiddish focuses on
advanced reading, writing, vocabulary and conversation,
the study of poetry, short fiction, and memoir literature by
leading authors. Selected advanced grammatical topics are
presented in conjunction with the study of texts.
Prerequisite: GER360H1
GER490H1 Independent Study [24S]
A reading & research project in Germanic literature and/or
culture involving a substantive research component.
Prerequisite: Advanced status and permission of department
Note: permission needs to be obtained by May 1st for the
Fall Term and by Nov. 1st for the Spring Term
GER491Y1 Individual Studies [48S ]
A scholarly project chosen by the student and supervised
by a member of the staff. The form of the project and the


Faculty R. Halpern, MA, Ph D

F. Iacovetta, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
University Professor Emeritus Scarborough)
J.M. Beattie, MA, Ph D, FRSC (U) E.T. Jennings, MA, Ph D
J.M. Bliss, MA, Ph D, FRSC R.E. Johnson, BA, Ph D (University of Toronto
Professors Emeriti J. Kivimäe, BA, Ph D
R.D. Accinelli, MA, Ph D T. Lahusen, MA, Ph D
C.C. Berger, MA, Ph D, FRSC L.S. MacDowell, M Sc (Econ), Ph D (University of
W.C. Berman, MA, Ph D Toronto Mississauga)
R.C. Brown, MA, Ph D, FRSC (U) M. MacMillan, B Phil, D Phil (T)
J.S. Brownlee, MA, M Phil P.R. Magocsi, MA, Ph D, FRSC
J.C. Cairns, MA, Ph D M.R. Marrus, CM, MA, Ph D, MSL, FRHistS, FRSC (T)
W.J. Callahan, MA, Ph D, FRHS (V) M.G. McGowan, MA, Ph D (SM)
J. Dent, BA, Ph D (I) M.D. Meyerson, MA, Ph D
H.L. Dyck, MA, Ph D A.C. Murray, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
J.M. Estes, MA, Ph D (V) Mississauga)
M.G. Finlayson, MA, Ph D (U) D.J. Penslar, MA, C Phil, Ph D
W.A. Goffart, AM, Ph D, FRHS, FRSC R.W. Pruessen, MA, Ph D
P.F. Grendler, MA, Ph D I. Radforth, MA, Ph D
R.J. Helmstadter, MA, Ph D (V) J. Retallack, BA, D Phil
D.C. Higgs, MA, Ph D, ChPA (U) A. Rossos, MA, Ph D
J.N. Ingham, MA, Ph D P.F.W. Rutherford, MA, Ph D
M. Israel, MA, Ph D E.L. Shorter, MA, Ph D, FRSC
J.L.H. Keep, BA, Ph D D. Smyth, BA, Ph D, FRHS (T)
M.A. Klein, MA, Ph D (N) M. Tavakoli-Targhi, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
J. Kornberg, AM, Ph D (N) Mississauga)
T.O. Lloyd, MA, D Phil C. N. Terpstra, MA, Ph D
J.S. Moir, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto L. Viola, MA, Ph D
Scarborough) M. Wayne, MA, Ph D
D.P. Morton, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto D.A. Wilson, MA, Ph D, FRHS (SM)
W.H. Nelson, MA, Ph D (U) Associate Professors
D.L. Raby, BA, Ph D (University of Toronto L.J. Abray, MA, M Phil, Ph D
Mississauga) D. Bender, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
I. Robertson, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Scarborough)
Scarborough) R. Birla, M Phil, Ph D
A. Robson, MA, Ph D (V) E. Brown, MA, M Phil, Ph D (University of Toronto
R.A. Spencer, MA, D Phil (T) Mississauga)
S. Van Kirk, MA, Ph D I. Cochelin, MA, Ph D
N.K. Wagle, MA, Ph D N. Everett, BA, Ph D
P.C.T. White, MA, Ph D (T) S. Hawkins, MA, Ph D
N.P. Zacour, MBE, MA, Ph D J. Jenkins, MA, Ph D
R. Kazal, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
Professor and Chair of the Department Scarborough)
K. Mills, MA, D Phil C. Keil, MA, Ph D (I)
Associate Professor and Associate Chair L. Loeb, M MST, Ph D
A.D. Hood, MA, Ph D J. Mori, BA, Ph D
M. Murphy, BA, Ph D
Professors N. Musisi, MA, Ph D (N)
S. Aster, MA, Ph D, FRHS (University of Toronto M.J. Newton, BA, D Phil
Mississauga) J. Noel, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
K.R. Bartlett, MA, Ph D (V) S. Penfold, MA, Ph D
D. Bergen, MA, Ph D S. Rockel, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
P. Blanchard, BA, Ph D Scarborough)
R. Bothwell, MA, Ph D, FRSC (T) J. Ross, MA, Ph D
W. Dowler, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto G. Silano, MA, Ph D (SM)
Scarborough) A. Smith, MA, Ph D
M. Eksteins, B Phil, D Phil (University of Toronto B. Todd, MA, D Phil
Scarborough) W. Wark, MA, Ph D
M. Gervers, MA, PhD (University of Toronto R. Wittmann, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
Scarborough) Mississauga)
J.W. Goering, MA, Ph D P. Wróbel, MA, Ph D
A. Greer, MA, Ph D

Assistant Professors other university in Canada, and to study with any of them
H. Bohaker, MA, Ph D is certain to be an enriching experience.
L. Chen, MA, JD, Ph D (University of Toronto More detailed information concerning the department,
Scarborough) history programs and particular courses can be found on
C. Chin, MA, Ph D our website: www.chass.utoronto.ca/history. There is a
P. Cohen, Ph D History Students’ Association in the Department and there
J. Hanssen, D Phil (University of Toronto Mississauga) is student participation in the Department meetings and
M. Kasturi, MA, M Phil, Ph D (University of Toronto major standing committees.
R. King Undergraduate Administrator:
H.K. Kwee, BA, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Ms. Louise Kermode, Room 2074, Sidney Smith Hall (416-
Mississauga) 978-3362)
T. Lam, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
N. Rothman, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Enquiries:
Scarborough) Sidney Smith Hall, 100 St. George Street, Room 2074
J. Sharma, Ph D (University of Toronto Scarborough) (416-978-3363)
A. Tambe, MS, Ph D
N. Tran, BA, Ph D History Programs
S. Varani, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Students may also use certain NMC history courses to
Mississauga) fulfill Department of History program requirements (see
D. Williams, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto History website)
History is both an art and a science. Historians study the History (Arts program)
past to understand it in its own terms, to gain insight into
how our world has developed, and in order to influence Specialist program:
the present. Historical inquiry is a response to the need for (10 full courses or their equivalent)
information and an understanding of the broad patterns of Students may enrol in the Specialist Program in History
social, economic, cultural and political development. after completing at least four courses including two HIS
The study of history is a crucial part of any liberal arts courses, one of which must be a 100-level HIS course. A
program. To understand our own society and the forces for mark of at least 73% in two HIS courses is required.
change that are propelling it towards an uncertain future, First Year:
it is necessary to understand something of the past. Every A 100-series HIS course; in addition, students may take
political institution, social value and economic custom is one 200-series HIS course
itself the result of past change and is simultaneously being Higher Years:
transformed. It is as difficult for us to appreciate our own Additional HIS courses to a total of ten*, meeting the
society without some sense of how different things were in following requirements:
the past as it is for individuals to understand themselves 1. At least five 300/400-series courses including one and
without the aid of personal and family memory. a half 400-series HIS courses
2. One course from each of the following divisions*
The Department of History offers a wide range of courses
I. Asia/Africa/Middle East
that are tailored to meet the needs of students at every
II. Canada/United States/Latin America/Caribbean
stage of their undergraduate careers. The 100-series
III. Europe
courses are designed for students who are new to the
3. One pre-modern course*
University. They cover a wide chronological period and
* The History website identifies pre-modern courses,
a wide geographical area. The 200-series courses are
HIS substitutes, and indicates courses satisfying the
designed to introduce students to specific national or
divisional requirements. Specialists may substitute
geographic histories over a broad period of time. Although
history courses taught elsewhere in the faculty for up
they are designated as 200-series courses they are
to three of the HIS courses. These substitutes may
open to first-year students, have no prerequisites, and
also be used to fulfill Items I through 3 of the specialist
students without previous university experience should be
able to complete them without difficulty. The 300-series
courses, not open to first-year students, usually deal Major program:
with more specialized subject-matter and frequently have (7 full courses or their equivalent)
prerequisites. The 400-series courses represent the
Students may enrol in the Major Program in History after
culmination of an undergraduate’s study of history and
having completed four full courses or their equivalent,
consist of seminars with a maximum enrolment of 16.
including one 100-level HIS course; students must achieve
There are courses at most levels in American, Asian, a minimum grade of 65% in this or another HIS course.
African, and Latin American, British, Canadian, East First Year:
European, Russian, European, International Relations A 100-series HIS course; in addition, students may take
and Medieval history. The fifty-five full-time professional one 200-series HIS course
historians who constitute this Department offer a greater Higher Years:
variety of courses in history than can be found at any

Additional HIS courses to a total of seven*, meeting the HIS103Y1 Statecraft and Strategy: An Introduction
following requirements: to the History of International Relations
1. At least two 300/400-series courses [48L, 20T]
2. At least one course from each of the following An analysis of the development of the international
divisions*: system, from 1648 to 1945, which highlights the role of
I. Asia/Africa/Middle East war as an instrument of national policy, as a determinant
II. Canada/United States/Latin America/Caribbean of the system of states and as a threat to international
III. Europe society.
3. One pre-modern course* Exclusion: HIS104Y1, 106Y1, 107Y1, 109Y1
* The History website identifies pre-modern courses, DR=N/A (HIS 103Y1 does not count as a distribution
HIS substitutes, and indicates courses satisfying the requirement course in any category); BR=3
divisional requirements. Majors may substitute history HIS104Y1 Ten Days that Shook the World [48L, 20T]
courses taught elsewhere in the faculty for up to two The events since 1600, the consequences of which
of the HIS courses. These substitutes may also be continue to resonate through primary documents, historical
used to fulfil items1 through 3 of the major program. additional reconstructions, students are exposed to the
Minor program: processes by which the past is given meaning. Students
(4 full courses or their equivalent) are encouraged to be aware of the impact of events and
be sensitive to the inter-connectedness of the past.
Students may enrol in the Minor Program in History after
Exclusion: HIS103Y1, 106Y1, 107Y1, 109Y1
having completed four full courses or their equivalent.
First Year:
HIS106Y1 Natives, Settlers and Slaves: Colonizing
A 100-series HIS course is required. It is recommended
the Americas, 1492-1804 [48L, 20T]
that students complete this requirement prior to
North and South America and the Caribbean from
enrolling in the minor program.
Columbus to the American Revolution: aboriginal
Higher Years:
cultures, European exploration, conquest and settlement,
Additional HIS courses to a total of four*, including at least
the enslavement of Africans, the ecological impact of
one 300/400-series course
* As many as two courses chosen from a list of history
Exclusion: HIS103Y1, 104Y1, 107Y1, 109Y1
courses taught elsewhere in the faculty may be
substituted for HIS courses for the HIS Minor
program. Substitutes may also be used to satisfy HIS107Y1 Approaches to East Asian History [48L,
the 300/400-series course requirement. A list of HIS 20T]
substitutes is found on the History website. This course draws on the history of China, Korea and
Japan between 1600 to 1950 to explore historical issues
History Courses of gender, nationalism, war and relations with the West.
Note: Many of these courses are not taught every Exclusion: EAS204Y1, HIS103Y1, 104Y1, 106Y1, 109Y1
year. Please check the Arts & Science timetable or the DR=HUM; BR=3
HIS Department website for the list of courses offered HIS109Y1 The Development of European
in 2010-11. Civilization, 1350-1945 [48L, 20T]
See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions. The shape of traditional society; the forces at work on
the social, political, economic, cultural and intellectual
First Year Seminars structures of Western Europe since the high Middle Ages:
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide the structure of Traditional Society; the First Period of
the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class Challenges, 1350-1650; the Second Period of Challenges,
of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive 1650-1815; Confidence, Stability and Progress, 1815-
seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity 1914; the Collapse of the Old Order and the Condition of
and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the Modern Europe, 1914-1945.
professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first Exclusion: HIS103Y1, 104Y1, 106Y1, 107Y1
year of study. For details, see page 48. DR=HUM; BR=1+3

100-Series Courses 200-Series Courses

Note: HIS202H1 Gender, Race and Science [24L, 10T]
All 100-series HIS courses are mutually exclusive. First- This course examines scientific ideas about human
Year students may take 200-series courses. difference from the 18th-century to the present. It
explores how scientists and their critics portrayed the
nature of race, sex difference, and masculinity/femininity
in light of debates over nation, citizenship, colonialism,
emancipation, knowledge and equality. The course will
also introduce students to the uses of gender and race as
analytic categories within the practice of history. While the
course draws much of its subject matter from the history

of the United States, it also explores selective issues in HIS251Y1 History of East Central Europe [48L, 20T]
European and colonial contexts. The Polish, Czech, and Hungarian background; the
DR=HUM; BR=3 Balkans in the late medieval and early modern periods.
Renaissance, Reformation and Counter-reformation,
HIS208Y1 History of the Jewish People [48L, 20T]
decline and national awakening to the beginning of the
An introduction to the history of the Jews throughout the
19th century. Partitioned Poland, nationalism in the 19th
world over the past two thousand years.
century; World War I, Peace Settlement, interwar years
Recommended preparation: HIS103Y1/108Y1/109Y1
and the Communist period.
HIS220Y1 The Shape of Medieval Society [48L, 20T]
HIS263Y1 Introduction to Canadian History [48L,
Economic, political, religious, and educational ideas and
institutions of the Middle Ages, from the late Roman period
An introductory survey to the major events and trends that
to the fifteenth century.
have shaped the political, social and economic history of
Canada, including the challenges of indigenous-newcomer
HIS241H1 Europe in the Nineteenth Century, 1815- and French-English relations over more than four
1914 [24L, 10T] centuries of interactions.
An introduction to modern European history from Exclusion: HIS262Y1
Napoleon to the outbreak of World War I. Important DR=HUM; BR=3
political, economic, social, and intellectual changes
HIS271Y1 American History Since 1607 [48L, 20T]
in France, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy, and other
A survey of the economic, social, cultural, and political
countries are discussed: revolution of 1848, Italian and
history of the United States from the colonial era to
German unification, racism and imperialism, the evolution
present times.
of science, art, and culture, labour protest, and the coming
of war.
Exclusion: EUR200Y1 HIS280Y1 History of China [48L, 20T]
Recommended preparation: HIS103Y1/109Y1 A broad overview of the history of China from earliest
DR=HUM; BR=3 times to the present. The emphasis is on how the meaning
of China and the Chinese people has changed through
HIS242H1 Europe in the 20th Century [24L, 10T]
The evolution of European politics, culture, and society
from 1914: the two world wars, Fascism and Nazism,
the post-1945 reconstruction and the movement towards HIS281Y1 History of Modern Japan [48L, 20T]
European integration. Political, military, social, economic, and intellectual history
Exclusion: EUR200Y1 of Japan from beginning of Tokugawa period (1603) to
DR=HUM; BR=3 the present. Emphasis on the long term modernization
and democratization of Japan, and passage through
HIS243H1 Early Modern Europe, 1450-1648 [24L,
imperialism and militarism to peace.
Exclusion: EAS223H1/223Y1/HIS281H1
The political, social, economic, and intellectual history of
continental Europe. The Renaissance, the Reformation,
Counter-reformation, growth of the territorial monarchies, HIS282Y1 History of South Asia [48L, 20T]
the religious wars. An introductory survey addressing major themes in the
DR=HUM; BR=3 history of South Asia, examining South Asian political
economy, social history, colonial power relations and the
HIS244H1 Early Modern Europe, 1648-1815 [24L,
production of culture. Emphasis is on the period after
1750, particularly the study of colonialism, nationalism,
The political, social, economic, and intellectual history
and postcolonial citizenship and modernity.
of continental Europe. Development of royal absolutism,
social change and the crisis of the ancient regime, the
Enlightenment, the French Revolution, the Napoleonic era. HIS283Y1 Southeast Asian Crossroads [52L, 20T]
DR=HUM; BR=3 This course surveys the historical experiences of the
states that constitute present-day Southeast Asia and
HIS245Y1 Women in European History [48L, 20T]
examines how long term socio-economic trends affected
An introductory survey tracing women’s participation in
the daily lives of Southeast Asians. Lectures introduce
the political, economic, intellectual, and social history
the major themes while weekly readings explore the
of Europe from the High Middle Ages to the Twentieth
major themes of the course: “state” structure; cultural
commonalities; ethnic, class and gender relations;
religious practice and trade.
HIS250Y1 History of Russia, 860-1917 [48L, 20T] DR=HUM; BR=3
This course is an introductory survey that examines the
HIS284Y1 Viet Nam: Crossroads of Asia [48L, 20T]
political, social, and cultural developments that shaped
Examines the history of Viet Nam from its mythical origins
the Russian empire from the settlement of Kiev in the 9th
to the contemporary period, exploring the country’s
century to the collapse of the Romanov dynasty in 1917.
long experience with Chinese and South Asian cultural
influence. Themes include Sinicization and Indianization;
constructions of gender; state formation; the introduction

and impact of the world religions; colonization and DR=HUM; BR=TBA
nationalism; and the impact of globalization. HIS301H1 Imperial Spain (formerly HIS301Y1) [48L]
DR=HUM; BR=3 This course treats the political, social, and religious history
HIS291Y1 Latin America: The Colonial Period [48L, of Spain and its empire ca.1450-1714, including the
20T] history of colonial Latin America.
The evolution of Spanish and Portuguese America from Recommended preparation: HIS243H1
pre-Columbian civilizations to the wars of independence. Exclusion: HIS301Y1
HIS292Y1 Latin America: The National Period [48L, HIS302H1 Material Culture in Victorian Britain
20T] (formerly HIS302Y1) [24L]
A survey of Latin American history from the wars of An examination of the products of the first and second
independence to the present day. industrial revolutions in Victorian England. This course
DR=HUM; BR=3 focuses on the cultural history of commercialization and
HIS294Y1 Caribbean History & Culture: Indigenous
Exclusion: HIS302H1
Era to 1886 [48L, 20T]
Recommended preparation: HIS239H1/339Y1
An exploration of changes in the structure of Caribbean
society beginning in 1492, including European contact,
the conquest of native peoples, the emergence of HIS303H1 The Mediterranean, 600-1300: Crusade,
large plantations, the impact of slavery, patterns of Colonialism, Diaspora [36L]
resistance and revolt and the changes brought about by The course treats contact and conflict between Christians,
emancipation. Muslims, and Jews in the premodern Mediterranean world.
DR=HUM; BR=3 Within the framework of broad political and economic
developments, the course explores a range of topics,
HIS296Y1 Black Freedom [48L, 20P]
including holy war, slavery, religious polemics, colonialism,
This course explores the profound contribution of people
the commerce in goods and ideas, and ethnic relations.
of African descent – from Olaudah Equaino to Angela
Recommended preparation: HIS220 or NMC273 or some
Davis – to the history of the idea and practice of freedom
medieval history
in the West. Black writers and historical actors have been
at the vanguard of re-conceiving, implementing, and
realizing the Enlightenment project of freedom. HIS 304H1 Topics in Middle East History [24L]
Exclusion: NEW296Y1 An in-depth examination of Middle East historical issues.
DR=HUM; BR=3 Content in any given year depends on instructor. See
History Website for more details.
HIS297Y1 History of Africa from a Gender
Perspective [48L, 20T]
This survey of African history is analytical rather than JHP304Y1 Ukraine: Politics, Economy and Society
narrative in its approach. It rethinks the way that “African” (formerly JHP 204Y1) [48L]
history has hitherto been conceptualized and taught by The history of Ukraine from earliest times to the present.
placing the question of gender at the center of the story of Economic, political, and cultural movements; Kievan Rus’,
Africa. Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Cossack state, national
DR=HUM; BR=3 revival, twentieth century statehood, and unification. As
this course is designed as an introductory course, the
HIS299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
professor welcomes first- and second-year students to
Credit course for supervised participation in faculty
enroll, as well as upper-level students. (Given by the
research project. See page 48 for details.
Departments of History and Political Science)
Exclusion: JHP204Y
300-Series Courses HIS305H1 Popular Culture and Politics in the
Note: Modern Caribbean [24L]
This course examines the connections between popular
First-year students are not permitted to enrol in 300-series
culture and politics in the modern Caribbean. Aspects
HIS courses.
of popular culture such as sport, religion, and social
constructions of gender will be discussed. The impact
of post-war migration, race and racial nationalism and
JSH300H1 Narrative and History in Russia [24L] the upheavals of the 1960s on popular culture in the
History and Literature were always interconnected in Caribbean will also be themes.
Russia. Writers not only sought to reflect the society Prerequisite: HIS294Y1
around them, but were themselves often social critics and DR=HUM; BR=TBA
political figures. The course examines key texts in Russian
HIS306H1 Culture, Society and Gender in England,
literary tradition both as works of art and as primary
1560-1730 (formerly HIS306Y1) [24L]
sources for the historian.
Some of the main themes in English political, social,
Recommended preparation: HIS250Y1 or
religious and intellectual history in the 17th century: the
origins, character, and consequences of the English Civil

War, the nature and effects of social change, and the HIS315H1 Narratives of “Viet Nam” [24L]
changing role of religious forces in society. This course introduces students to the multiple ways in
Exclusion: HIS306Y1 which the diverse populations inhabiting the geographic
Recommended preparation: HIS238H1 space of “Viet Nam” construct their histories. Perspectives
DR=HUM; BR=TBA from Chinese, Charn, ethnic minority and Vietnamese
majority populations will be explored.
HIS308H1 The Mediterranean, 1300-1700 [36L]
This course continues with the themes treated in
HIS303H1, specifically in the context of relations between HIS316H1 History of Advertising [48L]
the Ottoman The rise of advertising as an economic, moral, and
empire and European states and the growing impact of the cultural force in the 19th and 20th centuries. Attention to
Atlantic world on the Mediterranean. advertising as a form of communication, the role of the
Exclusion: HIS303Y1 mass media, stereotyping and the culture of consumption.
Prerequisite: HIS303H1 Majority of course material deals with the experiences of
Recommended Preparation: HIS220Y1/HIS243H1/ the United States and Canada, focusing on the period
NMC273Y1 after 1945.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Recommended preparation: HIS262Y1/263Y1/271Y1
HIS309H1 The European Reformations [36L]
What happens when a culture changes its religious HIS317H1 Modern Germany 1914 to the Present
organization and beliefs? Social and intellectual upheavals (formerly HIS317Y1) [24L]
beginning in fifteenth century Europe created the split A survey of modern German history in the twentieth
between catholic and protestant Christians and reshaped century. Topics include World War I and the postwar
the spiritual and political landscape of sixteenth century settlement, the Weimar Republic, the National Socialist
Europe. Issues covered include religion and politics, dictatorship, the Holocaust, the division of Germany,
toleration, gender, popular piety, class. the Cold War, German reunification, Germany and the
Prerequisite: HIS 243H / VIC 240Y or permission of the European Union, nationalism, political culture, war and
instructor revolution, religious and ethnic minorities and questions of
DR=HUM; BR=TBA history and memory.
Prerequisite: HIS241H1, 242H1
HIS311Y1 Introduction to Canadian International
Exclusion: HIS317Y1
Relations [48L, 10T]
Canadian international affairs in a broader context. Anglo-
American as well as Canadian-American relations; the HIS319H1 Renaissance France and the Wars of
European background to questions such as the League Religion, 1483-1610 [24L]
of Nations, appeasement and rearmament, which directly Considers the expansion of the French state at the close
affected Canada without this country being consulted. of the 100 Years War, cultural and social change during
Recommended preparation: A course in Canadian history the Renaissance, religious change and the Protestant
or politics Reformation, the emergence of religious conflict and
DR=HUM; BR=TBA the Wars of Religion. A range of primary sources and
historiographical perspectives will be considered.
HIS312H1 Immigration to Canada [24L]
Prerequisite: HIS243H1/309H1/388H1/443H1 or
The peopling of Canada by immigrant groups from the
permission of instructor
1660s to the 1970s. Immigration and multiculturalism
policies; migration and settlement; ethnic communities;
relations with the host society. HIS320H1 Barbarian Invasions and the Fall of the
Recommended preparation: HIS262Y1/263Y1 Roman Empire [24L, 5T]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Covers major events and themes for the period 300-600,
including decline of Greco-Roman paganism, conversion
HIS313H1 Canadian Labour and the Left (formerly
to Christianity, individual barbarian groups (Ostrogoths,
HIS313Y1) [24L]
Visigoths, Huns, Burgundians, Vandals, Franks,
Canadian labour history from political action to collective
Lombards), their culture and impact on empire, Justinian’s
bargaining in the period from Confederation to the present.
Prerequisite: ECO244Y1/HIS262Y1/263Y1/WDW244H1/
Recommended Preparation: HIS220Y1
Exclusion: HIS 313Y1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA HIS321H1 Dark Age Europe, 7th – 10th Centuries
[24L, 5T]
HIS314H1 Quebec and French Canada (formerly
Surveys major events and figures for the period c. 600-
HIS314Y1) [24L]
1000, including: Pope Gregory the Great, the Morovingian
A general survey tracing the political, social, and cultural
Franks, Lombard Italy, Byzantine civilization, the rise
development of a distinct society in Quebec and the rise
of Islam, Charlemagne, the Carolingian Renaissance,
of self-conscious French-speaking communities elsewhere
the Vikings, Anglo-Saxon England to King Alfred, the
in Canada.
Exclusion: HIS314Y1
Exclusion: HIS320Y1

Recommended Preparation: Some ancient history, ancient HIS330H1 Germany from Frederick the Great to the
Greek or Latin language, early Christianity, Celtic First World War (formerly HIS317Y1) [24L]
history, Old Irish and Old English languages. Topics include German reactions to the French Revolution,
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Napoleonic occupation, the Wars of Liberation, industrial
expansion, the Revolutions of 1848, unification in
HIS322Y1 The High Middle Ages [48L, 10T]
1871, Bismarck and Kaiser Wilhelm II, everyday life,
Chronological survey of the history of medieval Europe
gender relations, local and regional identities, workers’
from 1100 to approximately 1450. The three main topics
culture, avant-garde culture, nationalism, anti-Semitism,
are: the formation of the modern states, the impact of
colonialism, and the Great War of 1914-18.
urban development, and the evolution of spirituality.
Prerequisite: EUR200Y1/HIS241H1
Prerequisite: HIS220Y1
Exclusion: HIS317Y1
HIS323H1 Rites of Passage and Daily Life in the
HIS331H1 Modern Baltic History (formerly HIS331Y1)
Middle Ages (formerly HIS323Y1) [24L, 5T]
Reflecting on the life cycle and rites of passage in the
The history of the Baltic countries, Estonia, Latvia and
medieval period gives the opportunity to study the daily
Lithuania from 1900 to the present day, with emphasis on
lives of peasants, nobles, monks, nuns, and burghers,
the emergence of independent Baltic states, World War
and to observe from an interesting angle the differences
II, communist era, the Baltic Revolution, the restoration of
between female and male life experiences.
independence and European integration.
Prerequisite: A course in medieval history such as
Recommended preparation: HIS250Y1/251Y1
Exclusion: HIS331Y1
Exclusion: HIS323Y1
HIS332H1 Crime and Society in England, 1500-1800
HIS325H1 18th Century Imperial Russia (formerly
(formerly HIS332Y1) [24L]
HIS325Y1) [24L]
The changing nature of crime and criminal justice in early-
This course focuses on the history of eighteenth century
modern England; the emergence of modern forms of
Russia, tracing the development of its political institutions,
policing, trial and punishment.
social and economic structures and cultural values.
Exclusion: HIS332Y1
Examining the reign of Peter I, the age of Empresses, and
Prerequisite: Successful completion of 8 full credits,
Catherine the Great, we see not only internal changes
including one full HIS credit
within the Russian Empire itself, but also its emergence as
Recommended preparation: HIS238H1
a European power.
Exclusion: HIS325Y1
Prerequisite: HIS250Y1/permission of instructor HIS334H1 East Central Europe and the Great
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Powers in the “Short 20th Century”, 1914-
1991 (formerly HIS334Y1) [24L]
HIS326H1 Topics in Chinese History [24L]
The diplomatic, economic and military activities of Russia,
Selected topics on a specific period in Chinese history.
Germany, Austria, France, Great Britain and the U.S. vis
Topics in any given year depend on the instructor.
a vis Central Europe. Russian and German expansion,
partitions of Poland, disintegration of the Ottoman Empire,
HIS328H1 Modern China (formerly HIS328Y1) [24L] the Napoleonic and World Wars, political systems created
An examination of political, social and economic in Vienna, Versailles and Yalta, the Cold War and the
developments in modern Chinese history fto the present disintegration of the Soviet outer empire.
day. Main topics may include the decline of the Imperial Exclusion: HIS334Y1
order and the challenge of Western imperialism; the Prerequisite: EUR200Y1/HIS251Y1/permission of the
Republican period; the rise of the Communist movement; instructor
the People’s Republic of China. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Exclusion: JMC201Y1, HIS328Y1, ASI430H1
HIS335H1 Soviet Cultural History [24L]
Prerequisite: HIS280Y1/EAS102Y1
This course explores Russian culture - art, architecture,
Recommended preparation: HIS380Y1
film and literature - from 1917 to the post-Soviet present.
Readings and screenings trace the relation between
HIS329H1 Globalization and History [24L] culture, history, and revolution from the Russian Avant-
This course will explore ways in which “globalization” is a Garde and proletarian culture to socialist realism, and from
profoundly significant and deeply rooted historical process. Krushchev’s thaw to examples of Soviet “postmodernism”.
Although emphasis will be placed on the 19th and 20th Prerequisite: HIS250Y1
centuries, some of the economic, political, cultural, and DR=HUM; BR=TBA
technological forces shaping the past millennium will also
HIS336H1 Medieval Spain [36L]
be considered.
This course emphasizes the interaction of Christians,
Recommended Preparation: HIS 103Y1
Muslims, and Jews, and the cultural and political
distinctiveness of Castile and Aragon in the development
of state, society, and culture in medieval Spain.

HIS337H1 Culture, Politics and Society in 18th of spying. The impact of the popular culture, both in fiction
Century Britain (formerly HIS337Y1) [48L] and film is also examined.
Major themes in late seventeenth and eighteenth century Recommended preparation: HIS103Y1 or an equivalent
British history with a thematic focus on intellectual, cultural introduction to modern international relations
and social developments. Topics include the English DR=HUM; BR=TBA
“urban renaissance”, the birth of a consumer society, the HIS344Y1 Conflict and Co-operation in the
Scottish Enlightenment and the early stages of the British International System Since 1945 [48L]
industrialisation. An examination of the conduct and consequences of
Exclusion: HIS337Y1 international politics in an atomic/nuclear age when the
Recommended preparation: HIS109Y1, EUR200Y1, stakes of the “Great Game” were not just the fates of
HIS238H1, 239H1 states and nations, but the survival of humanity itself. The
DR=HUM; BR=TBA diplomatic, strategic and economic aspects of international
HIS338H1 The Holocaust, to 1942 (formerly relations will all receive appropriate elucidation.
HIS338Y1/398Y1) [24L, 5T] Recommended preparation: EUR200Y1/HIS103Y1/241H1,
German state policy towards the Jews in the context 242H1
of racist ideology, bureaucratic structures, and varying DR=HUM; BR=TBA
conditions in German-occupied Europe. Second Term HIS345H1 History and Film [24L, 12P]
considers responses of Jews, European populations This course is designed to further students’ knowledge
and governments, the Allies, churches, and political of films’ relationship to the events they depict and their
movements. undeniable power as representational systems to render
Exclusion: HIS398Y1/338Y1 history effectively. This will necessarily entail both close
Prerequisite: Completion of six undergraduate full-course examination of the formal systems film rely upon and an
equivalents understanding of the distinction between fictional and non-
Recommended preparation: A course in modern European fictional forms in film.
history Prerequisite: 2 full courses in history or permission of
DR=HUM; BR=TBA instructor
HIS339Y1 English History in the 19th Century [48L] Recommended preparation: INI212Y1
Major aspects of English history from the end of the 18th DR=HUM; BR=TBA
century to the death of Queen Victoria: the Industrial HIS347H1 History of Modern Chinese Foreign
Revolution, the rise of parliamentary democracy, the role Relations [24L]
of social class, the development of modern cities, the The history of Chinese foreign relations from 1842 to
emergence of the modern state, Victorian religion, the the present day, with emphasis on the foreign relations
Victorian family, the role of aristocracy in an industrialized of the People’s Republic since 1949. Topics include:
society. imperialism in China, Sino-Soviet relations; the Deng era
Recommended preparation: EUR200Y1/HIS238H1, 239H1 rapprochement with the West; contemporary issues such
DR=HUM; BR=TBA as Hong Kong, Taiwan, regional security.
HIS340H1 A Survey of Australian History [24L] Prerequisite: EAS102Y1/HIS280Y1/JMC201Y1
This course introduces students to some of the principal Recommended preparation:HIS103Y1
themes in the history of Australia since well before the DR=HUM; BR=TBA
British occupation in 1788. Topics covered include the HIS348H1 Topics in Gender History [24L]
dispossession and recent partial re-possession of land An in-depth examination of issues in gender history.
by the indigenous population, the consequences of its Content in any given year depends on instructor. See
creation as a convict colony, the creation of the Labour History website for more details.
Party and later political and social developments. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: one full-year HIS course or equivalent
DR=HUM; BR=TBA HIS349H1 The British Search for Identity: 1800 to
the Present (formerly HIS239H1) [24L, 5T]
HIS342H1 Pre-Petrine Russia: Russia Before 1700 An introduction to the history of modern England with
[24L] emphasis on the search for identity with reference to the
This course examines modern Russia’s political nation, the crown, class, gender, age, political parties, race
predecessors, their contacts with Byzantium, Western and ethnicity.
Europe, and the Mongol Empire, and resulting cultural, Exclusion: HIS239H1
religious, and social changes. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: HIS250Y1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA HIS351Y1 History of Twentieth-Century Russia [48L]
A survey of the history of Twentieth-Century Russia. The
HIS343Y1 History of Modern Espionage [48L] social, economic, and political development of Twentieth-
An introduction to the historical origins and evolution of Century Russia, with an emphasis on the Russian
modern intelligence services. Topics to be studied include: Revolution and Stalinism. Stress is placed on modern
intelligence in wartime; technological change; intelligence historiographical issues.
failures; covert operations; counter-espionage; the future Recommended preparation: HIS250Y1/POL204Y1

HIS352H1 Secularism and Strife: Modern Jewish and riot. Some background in medieval or early modern
Politics and Culture [24L] history recommended.
A survey of the relationship between Jewish identity, DR=HUM; BR=TBA
politics and culture in the modern age. HIS359H1 Regional Politics and Radical Movements
Exclusion: HIS356Y1 in the 20th Century Caribbean [24L]
Recommended Preparation: one course in European, The role of nationalism, race and ethnicity, class conflict
Middle Eastern or Jewish history and ideologies in the recent development of Caribbean
DR=HUM; BR=TBA societies; Europe’s replacement by the United States as
HIS353Y1 Poland: A Crossroads of Europe [48L] the dominant imperial power in the Caribbean; how this
Social and political history of Poland from the 10th to mixture of regional and international pressures has led to
the 20th century. Analysis of the political history in a widely differing political systems and traditions.
broader, central European context; consequences of Recommended preparation: HIS294Y1
Christianization of medieval Poland and the Polish- DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Lithuanian union; Sarmatian culture, Antemurale, Polish HIS360H1 African Canadian History, 1606 – Present
Messianism and Cordon sanitaire. (formerly HIS360Y1) [24L]
Prerequisite: HIS251Y1/permission of the instructor This course traces the earliest known arrival of
DR=HUM; BR=TBA people of African descent in Canada from the early
HIS354H1 Men, Gender and Power in Europe from seventeenth century to the time of their more recent
the Renaissance to the French Revolution postwar immigration trends. Using socio-historical and
(formerly HIS354Y1, 399H1, 399Y1) [24L] multidisciplinary approaches, setttlement, community and
An investigation of how ideas of masculinity and gender institutional building and survival will be examined within
roles shaped the exercise of private and public power in the framework of other Canadian historical developments.
early modern Europe. Recommended preparation: HIS263Y1
Exclusion: HIS354Y1, 399H1, 399Y1 Exclusion: HIS360Y1
HIS355H1 Crime and Society in England Since 1800 HIS361H1 The Holocaust, from 1942 [24L, 5T]
[24L] Follows on HIS338H1. Themes include: resistance by
Crime and criminal justice in England in the industrial age; Jews and non-Jews; local collaboration; the roles of
the relationship of crime, society, and economy. European governments, the Allies, the churches, and
Prerequisite: Successful completion of 8 full credits, other international organizations; the varieties of Jewish
including one full HIS credit responses. We will also focus on postwar repercussions
Recommended preparation: HIS332H1 and a 200-series of the Holocaust in areas such as justice, memory and
HIS course memorialization, popular culture and politics.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Exclusion: HIS338Y
Prerequisite: HIS338H1
HIS356H1 Zionism and Israel (formerly HIS356Y1)
A survey of the history of Jewish nationalism, the Zionist HIS362H1 The Hansa: The World of Merchants [24L]
movement, and the state of Israel from the 1880s to the The history of the Hanseatic League in medieval Europe
present, with particular focus on continuity and rupture from the late 12th to the late 16th century, with emphasis
between Palestine’s pre-1948 Jewish community and the on the organization of the German Hansa, maritime
Israeli state. activities, Hanseatic trade, and daily life of the Hanseatic
Exclusion: HIS356Y1 merchants in Western and Eastern Europe
Recommended preparation: A course in modern Prerequisite: HIS220Y1 or permission of instructor
European, Jewish or Middle Eastern history DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=HUM; BR=TBA HIS363H1 Dynamics of Gender in Canadian History
HIS357Y1 A Social History of Renaissance Europe [24L]
(formerly HIS357H1) [48L] A lecture course which deals thematically with gender
A social history of the 15th and 16th centuries set against issues in Canadian history (including familial roles,
the cultural and political background. Emphasis on changing patterns of work and employment, and
changes in customs and living conditions resulting from participation in the public sphere).
economic, legal, intellectual, and religious developments Prerequisite: HIS262Y1/263Y1
of the period. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Recommended preparation: A course in Renaissance or HIS365H1 History of the Great Lakes Region [24L,
Early Modern European history 6T]
Exclusion: HIS357H1 A survey of the Great Lakes Region as a “trans-national
DR=HUM; BR=TBA space” from fur trade to free trade. Attention is given to
HIS358H1 Political Culture in Early Modern Europe the political, social, economic, environmental, and cultural
[24L] histories that affected the development of the region.
Deals with negotiations of authority in political arenas Prerequisite: HIS263Y1/271Y1
from c. 1500 to 1750. Topics to be covered include court DR=HUM; BR=TBA
culture, legal ceremony, diplomatic etiquette, urban ritual

HIS366H1 Aboriginal Peoples of the Great Lakes question, modernization, the woman question, and
from 1815 to the Present [24L, 5T] revolutionary movements.
Explores the history of Aboriginal peoples (Indigenous and Prerequisite: HIS250Y1 or permission of the instructor
Métis) living in the Great Lakes Region after the Great Exclusion: HIS325Y1
Lakes were effectively split between British North America DR=HUM; BR=TBA
(later Canada) to the north and the united States to the HIS372H1 The Olympics [24L]
south, when a rapidly increasing newcomer population on This course examines the aspirations, achievements,
both sides of the border marginalized Indigenous peoples problems and prospects of the modern Olympic Movement
and settled on their land. Topics include a comparative and its implications for physical activity and health with
examination of Indigenous experiences of colonialism, specific reference to the Beijing and Vancouver Winter
including treaties and land surrenders as well as the Olympic and Paralympic Games, and Toronto’s bid for the
development of government policies aimed at removing 2015 Pan American Games.
and/or assimilating Great Lakes peoples. This course will Prerequisite: one HIS or POL course
also study resistance by First National and Tribal Councils Exclusion: PHE302H1
to those programs over nearly two centuries and assess DR=HUM; BR=TBA
local strategies used for economic and cultural survival.
Prerequisite: HIS263Y1/271Y1 HIS373H1 United States & Great Depression [24L]
Exclusion: HIS369Y1 U.S. experiences during the global economic crisis of the
DR=HUM; BR=TBA 1930s – set against the broader historical context within
which the crisis unfolded. What factors caused the Great
HIS368H1 British Government and Society, 1485- Depression? What social, political, and cultural impact did
1660 (formerly HIS238H1) [24L, 5T] it have on the U.S.? How did the domestic crisis intertwine
An introduction to the history of early modern England with with the escalating international problems that led to World
reference to politics, religion and social structure. War II?
Exclusion: HIS238H1 Prerequisite: HIS271Y1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Recommended Preparation: previous work in US history
HIS 369H1 Aboriginal Peoples of the Great Lakes DR=HUM; BR=TBA
from 1500 to 1830 [24L, 5T] HIS374H1 American Consumerism - The Beginnings
Explores the history of Aboriginal peoples (Indigenous [24L, 6T]
and Métis) living in the Great Lakes Region from This course looks at the early origins of American
the 16th century to the aftermath of the war of 1812. consumerism. It begins with 17th-century England and
Weaving together interdisciplinary sources, this course the economic imperatives within the Atlantic World, then
examines central events in Great Lakes history including traces the changing attitudes of 18th-century Americans
the formation of the Wendat and Haudenosaunee towards consumer goods, fashion and style that led to the
Confederacies and key Anishinaabek alliances, the arrival mass consumption of the 19th century.
of European newcomers into an Indigenous landscape, Prerequisite: HIS271Y1
the social-political impact of new diseases, reactions to Recommended preparation: At least 6 courses completed
European missionaries, the fur trade, major conflicts and DR=HUM; BR=TBA
peace processes including the Great Peace of Montreal,
the Treaty of Niagara and the 60 Years War for the HIS376H1 The United States: Now – and Then [24L]
Great Lakes; and ending with the period of significant An exploration of some of the historical roots of issues that
encroachment of new settlers on Indigenous lands. are of particular importance to understanding the United
Tutorials, primary source analysis, essay, exam. States of the early 21st century: e.g., the war in Iraq
Prerequisite: HIS263Y1/HIS271Y1/ABS201Y1 and U.S. global leadership (or hegemony); the impact of
Exclusion: HIS369Y1 globalization on the domestic economy; cultural innovation
DR=HUM; BR=TBA vs. neo-conservatism.
Prerequisite: HIS 271Y1
HIS370H1 The Black Experience in the United States DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Since the Civil War [24L]
A survey of the economic, social, political, and cultural HIS377H1 20th-Century American Foreign Relations
history of black America from Reconstruction until (formerly HIS377Y1) [48L]
recent times. Among the central issues dealt with are: A survey of the history of American foreign relations from
segregation and disfranchisement; the Great Migration; the 1898 to the present. Themes include imperial expansion
rise of the ghetto; the Civil Rights Movement; emergence and the uses of power; the relationship of business and
of an “underclass.” government in U.S. foreign policy; and the role of culture
Prerequisite: HIS271Y1 and ideas in America’s relations with the world.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: HIS271Y1/372Y1/POL208Y1
Exclusion: HIS377Y1
HIS371H1 19th Century Imperial Russia (formerly DR=HUM; BR=TBA
HIS325Y1) [24L]
This course focuses on the political, social, intellectual HIS378H1 America in the 1960s [24L]
and cultural history of nineteenth and early twentieth A survey of one of the most turbulent decades in American
century Russia. Major topics include the rise of a Russian history. Examines the political, social, economic and
intelligentsia, reform and counter-reform, the nationality cultural revolutions that transformed the face of America.
Prerequisite: HIS271Y1

DR=HUM; BR=TBA HIS386H1 Islamic Culture(s) in South Asia (formerly
HIS386Y1) [24L]
HIS380H1 Late Imperial China (formerly HIS380Y1)
Social and political history of Muslims of South Asia since
[24L, 6T]
A.D. 712. The growth of Muslim community, conversion,
The political, social, and economic history of China from
social stratification, and social structure; mediaeval Muslim
the period of political and economic reorganization in the
legacy in administration, art, literature, and religion.
Song dynasty to the final glory of the imperial order down
Muslim identity, nationalism, and “Islamic modernism” as
to the end of the 18th century and its decay in the 19th.
reflected in the writings of intellectuals such as Sayyid
Prerequisite: EAS102Y/HIS280Y1/JMC201Y1
Ahmad Khan, Iqbal, Jinnah, Abul-Kalam Azad, Mawdudi,
Exclusion: HIS380Y1
and Parwiz.
Recommended preparation: HIS101Y1/282Y1
HIS381H1 African Historiography: Knowledge and Exclusion: HIS386Y1
Identity [24L] DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Rather than a survey of African History, this course
HIS387H1 France, 1610-1848 (formerly HIS388Y1)
examines popular representations of the past in Africa,
looking at the philosophical and methodological challenges
This course considers the history of France, from the rise
that these multiple histories raise for academic historians.
of absolutist monarchy under the seventeenth-century,
It asks students to think critically about the basis of
Bourbon monarchs, through the Enlightenment, the
historical knowledge and the ownership of history
Revolution and Napoleonic Empire, and the Restoration,
Recommended Preparation: NEW150Y1 and NEW250Y1
to the fall of the constitutional monarchy in 1848.
Exclusion: HIS388Y1
HIS382H1 African Historiography: Time and Space Prerequisite: one HIS/FRE course
Rather than a survey of African history, this courses
HIS388H1 France Since 1848 (formerly HIS388Y1)
examines the ways in which concepts of time and space
have been used to create a false sense of a separate
A study of French society, politics and culture from the
and distinct historical field. The courses critiques ideas
Paris Commune to the 1990’s. Special attention is paid to
of tradition and modernity and challenges concepts of
watersheds like the Dreyfus Affair and the Vichy regime,
physical remoteness and historical isolation.
to issues of regionalism/nationalism, cultural pluralism,
Recommended Preparation: NEW150Y1 and NEW250Y1
women’s rights, intellectual and cultural trends, and
HIS383H1 African Women from Colonial Conquest Exclusion: HIS388Y1
to the Era of Structural Adjustment Prerequisite: EUR200Y1/one course in HIS/FRE
(formerly HIS383Y1) [24L] DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Major themes in the history of African women. Themes
HIS389H1 Topics in History [24L]
include: sources and methodologies of studying African
In-depth examination of historical issues. Content in any
women, cultural construction of gender, changing modes
given year depends on instructor. See Undergraduate
of production, women and state formation, ideology and
Handbook or History website for more details.
social control, education, law, race, class and gender,
Prerequisite: Varies from year to year; consult department
female resistance to colonial rule and African womanisms
versus Western feminisms.
Exclusion: HIS383Y1 HIS390Y1 Latin American in the Age of Revolution
Prerequisite: HIS295Y1 [48L]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA This course examines how Latin America and Latin
Americans responded to the American, French, Haitian,
HIS384H1 Colonial Canada [24L]
Latin American, and industrial revolutions of the late
Early Canadian history (ca. 1500-1800), emphasizing
eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.
colonization, Native peoples of Ontario, Quebec and the
Prerequisite: 2 HIS courses
Maritimes; establishment of French and British colonies;
Recommended preparation: HIS 291Y1/294Y1/IAS 200Y1/
interaction of natives and European colonizers.
GGR 240Y1
Exclusion: HIS362Y1
Prerequisite: HIS106Y1/262Y1/263Y1 or permission of the
instructor HIS393H1 Slavery and the American South [24L]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA An examination of the role of slavery in the development
of the American South from the early colonial period
HIS385H1/Y1 The History of Hong Kong [24L/48L]
through the Civil War. Topics include: the origins of slavery,
A study of political, economic, and social change in the
the emergence of a plantation economy, the rise of a
British colony of Hong Kong from 1842 until the present
slaveholding elite, the structure of the slave community,
and the origins of the war.
Exclusion: Students cannot take both the Y and H version
Prerequisite: HIS271Y1
of HIS385
Recommended preparation: HIS280Y1/232Y1/JMC201Y1

HIS395H1 Writing and Masculinity in Africa: Race, Prerequisite: HIS311Y1/POL312Y1
Culture, and Sovereignty [24L] DR=HUM
Introduces African cultural and political history via a series HIS406H1 Advanced Topics in Gender History [24S]
of important primary texts. These texts provide important An in-depth examination of issues in gender history.
insights into the gendered nature of African intellectual Content in any given year depends on instructor. See
movements for liberation as well as wider political and History website for more details.
cultural discourses. It examines how these authors DR=HUM; BR=TBA
addressed concepts such as authenticity, modernity,
nation, and self. HIS407H1 Imperial Germany, 1871-1918 (formerly
Prerequisite: HIS296Y1 HIS407Y1) [24S]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Historiographical controversies and the latest empirical
findings concerning social conflict and political mobilization
HIS398H0 Independent Experiential Study Project under Bismarck and Wilhelm II. Problems raised by
HIS399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project competing schools of interpretation include definitions
An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus of the authoritarian state, bourgeois hegemony, localism
setting. See page 48 for details. and regionalism, radical nationalism, workers’ culture, and
DR=HUM; BR=TBA gender relations. (Joint undergraduate-graduate)
Exclusion: HIS407Y1
Prerequisite: HIS317Y1 or permission of the instructor
400-Series Courses DR=HUM; BR=TBA
HIS401H1 History of the Cold War (formerly HIS408Y1 History of Race Relations in America
HIS401Y1) [24S] [48S]
This course covers international relations from World War Relations between blacks and whites in the United States
II to the collapse of the Soviet Union. Topics include the from the colonial period to recent times with emphasis on
breakdown of the wartime alliance, Soviet predominance slavery.
in eastern Europe, the Western response, NATO, atomic Prerequisite: HIS271Y1
weaponry. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Exclusion: HIS401Y1 HIS409H1 One Day in Vietnamese Religious History:
Prerequisite: HIS311Y1/344Y1/377Y1 the Meeting of the Four Religions [24S]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA This course examines the religious traditions of Viet
HIS403Y1 Jews and Christians in Medieval and Nam through a meeting between the ruling Trinh Lord in
Renaissance Europe (formerly HIS403H1) Northern Viet Nam and a Buddhist monk, a Taoist Priest,
[48S] a Confucian scholar, and a Catholic Missionary. Students
The course focuses on aspects of Jewish-Christian will read the English translation of the meeting along with
relations ca.300-1600, such as royal and ecclesiastical scholarly readings and primary documents.
Jewish policies; religious polemics; intellectual Prerequisite: HIS283Y1
collaboration; social and economic interaction; anti- DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Judaism and religious violence. (Joint undergraduate- HIS410H1 Spectacle, Crowds, and Parades in
graduate) Canada [24S]
Exclusion: HIS403H1 Social and cultural approaches to understanding
Recommended preparation: spectacles, crowd behaviour, and parades in the Canadian
HIS206Y1/220Y1/243H1/322Y1/ 357Y1 past, 1660s - 1980s.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: HIS262Y1/263Y1/367H1
HIS404H1 Topics in North American Environmental DR=HUM
History [24S] HIS411H1 Great Trials in History [24S]
This seminar interdisciplinary and studies past This seminar course will study a handful of great trials –
environmental change in North America. Topics include: still to be selected – in close detail. Using materials from
theory and historiography; the pre-European environment; the modern period in Europe and North America, we will
contact; resource development; settlement, industrial look at the clash of ideas represented in these high-profile
urban environments; ideas about nature in religion, cases, the historical setting in which they were embedded,
literature and North American culture; conservation the human drama, legal and sometimes constitutional
and the modern environmental movement. (Joint issues, and their impact both on their societies and our
undergraduate-graduate) own.
Exclusion: HIS318Y1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: 8 full courses
DR=HUM; BR=TBA HIS412Y1 Crusades, Conversions and
Colonialization in the Medieval Baltic
HIS405Y1 Canadian Foreign Relations [48S] (formerly HIS412H1) [48S]
A course on Canadian external relations since 1945. Explores the impact of crusades, religious conversion
Topics include Canada and the Cold War, the Korean and colonialization on medieval Baltic history through
War, the Suez crisis and the war in Vietnam, membership analysis of two medieval chronicles in English translation.
in international organizations, and bilateral relations with Topics include ‘culture clash’, medieval colonialism,
other countries. (Joint undergraduate-graduate) Europeanization as well as German expansion eastwards,

the role of the Teutonic Knights and the strategies of HIS422H1 Vichy France, 1940-1944 [24S]
survival of the native Baltic people after conquest and This course examines the rise, fall, workings and legacies
Christianization. of a xenophobic, collaborationist regime that came to
Exclusion: HIS412H1 power in France in 1940. It pays special attention to
Recommended preparation: HIS250Y1/353Y1/permission everyday practices under Vichy, to individual choices, to
of instructor ideological battles, and to trauma. Other major themes
DR=HUM; BR=TBA include anti-Semitism, issues of memory and amnesia,
and socio-cultural shifts.
HIS413H1 Slave Emancipation in the Atlantic World
Recommended preparation: HIS242H1
Examines the process and consequences of slave
emancipation in the Atlantic World, beginning with the HIS423H1 Social History of Medicine in the 19th&
French and Haitian Revolutions and concluding with 20th Centuries (formerly HIS423Y1) [24S]
slavery and abolition in West Africa in the early 20th Introduces students to some of the main issues in the
century. Students are introduced to the major literature new field of the social history of medicine. Readings from
and historiographical debates surrounding emancipation. the secondary historical literature are distributed and
DR=HUM; BR=TBA discussed in class, covering such topics as the history
of the doctor-patient relationship, changes in physicians’
HIS415H1 Nationalism & Memory in Modern Europe
social status, changing attitudes towards the body,
and the history of obstetrics and gynaecology. (Joint
Investigates the modern concept of the nation and its
connections to the idea of collective memory in twentieth-
Exclusion: HIS423Y1
century Europe. Through reading and discussing seminal
Prerequisite: A minimum of one course in HIS/PSY/SOC
works on nationalism and national memory, we will discuss
the connections between modern notions of nation and
practices of remembering. HIS424H1 Violence in Medieval Society (formerly
Prerequisite: two European history courses HIS424Y1) [24S]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA This seminar explores the social function and meaning
of violence in medieval society, and the development
HIS416H1 Orientalism and Nationalism in
of rituals and institutions to control violence. Among the
Nineteenth-Century Germany [24S]
topics treated: Germanic blood feud, aristocratic violence
In 1771, with the translation of the Zend-Avesta by the
and chivalry, criminal justice systems, violence against
French Scholar Anquetil-Duperron, a new era opened in
minorities, and violence and gender. (Joint undergraduate-
German national culture. From the philosophy of Johann
Gottfried von Herder to the novels of Thomas Mann,
Prerequisite: HIS220Y1/304Y1/320Y1/322Y1
this course analyzes the ways in which German writers
Exclusion: HIS424Y1
defined the substance and place of national culture in their
writings about India, Central Asia and the “East.”
Prerequisite: HIS241H1, 242H1/317H1/Y1 HIS425H1 Historiography [24S]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA A look at some basic problems of historical study,
approached by means of an analysis of the work of
HIS418H1 Women and Gender in Russian History
a number of historians and philosophers of history,
(formerly HIS418Y1) [24S]
representing different schools of thought and time periods
Focus is on the history of women and systems of
from ancient times to the present.
gender in Russia and the Soviet Union. Themes include
Recommended preparation: Three HIS courses
gender and authority during the age of empresses;
pre-revolutionary radical movements; the impact
1917 Revolution and its impact on women’s lives; HIS426H1 Medieval Italy, 400-1000 [24S]
the resurrection of conservative gender conventions This course surveys the major developments and figures
during Stalin’s regime; the experience of women during of Italian history by focusing on key primary texts (in
perestroika. translation) with a particular view to urban and legal
Prerequisite: HIS250Y1/351Y1/325H1/Y1 history which will form the backdrop to understanding
Exclusion: HIS 418Y1 artistic and literary achievements in context.
HIS421Y1 Soviet History Seminar (formerly HIS427H1 History and Historiography in the Golden
HIS421H1) [48S] Legend [24S]
A seminar on the history of Soviet Russia in its formative The “Golden Legend” or Readings on the Saints, compiled
years, 1917 to 1939. The revolutions of 1917, the civil war by Jacobus de Voragine C. 1260, serves as the basis
and war communism, NEP Russia, the Stalin revolution, for a seminar on the relation of history and legend as
the purges, and the “great retreat” are explored. Emphasis understood in the High Middle Ages. (Joint undergraduate-
is on issues, interpretations and historiography, problems graduate)
of study, and periodization. (Joint undergraduate-graduate) Prerequisite: HIS220Y1
Exclusion: HIS421H1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: HIS351Y1 (with a mark of at least 80%) HIS428H1 Institutes of Perfection [24S]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA The first goal of this seminar is to help students read
the sources with a more critical eye, especially narrative

sources (Lives of Saints) and normative sources (rules differences in how these minorities function in states with
and customaries). The second goal is to study the differing political systems and ideologies. The evolution
evolution of the monastic ideal from its origin to the 12th of specific minorities focuses on questions of language,
century. (Joint undergraduate-graduate) religion, historical ideology, legal status, assimilation, and
Prerequisite: A course in Medieval history such as political goals. (Given by the Departments of Political
HIS220Y1 Science and History)
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: POL 103Y1/312Y1/a course in European
HIS430H1 Canadians and the World Wars [24S]
Topics in the political, social, cultural, and military history
of Canadians during the First and Second World Wars. HIS436H1 Culture and the Cold War (formerly
Emphasis on the home front. HIS436Y1) [24S]
Prerequisite: HIS263Y1 The impact of the Cold War on life in the West through a
DR=HUM; BR=TBA study of selected popular culture themes and modes of
production that helped shape the era. Four themes include
HIS431H1 Gender and the Holocaust [24S]
“Living with the Bomb,” “Living with the National Security
An examination of the Holocaust and the ways it has been
State,” “Living with Spies,” and “Women Living with the
studied and represented through the lens of gender. In
Cold War.”
what ways did being male or female make a difference for
Exclusion: HIS436Y1
the people who were part of the Holocaust; what did Nazi
ideology preach about ideas of masculinity and femininity
and how did German authorities implement those notions; HIS437H1 Telling Lies About Hitler: Frauds and
what roles did sex, sexuality, and sexual violence play Famous Feuds Among German Historians
in the Nazi assault on Jews and other groups; how [24S]
have assumptions about gender shaped memories and Examines historiographical controversies and their public
representations of the Holocaust? reception. Topics include the forged Hitler diaries, the
DR=HUM; BR=TBA David Irving trial, monarchical scandals before 1914,
German responsibility for 1914, Daniel Goldhagen’s
HIS432H1 Topics in Medieval History [24S]
“eliminationist” thesis, Auschwitz as an “Asiatic deed,”
The students define together with the professor eight
Wehrmacht complicity in the Holocaust, retrospective films
different topics (e.g. relics, masculinity, leprosy, clothes,
about East Germany, and Germany’s “special path to
recluses, peasants’ houses, gynecology and the peace
of God). Each topic is approached through a class
Recommended Preparation: HIS242H1/317H1/330H1
discussion, on the basis of a common corpus of secondary
sources, plus presentations by the students.
Prerequisite: A course in Medieval history such as HIS438H1 Inquisition and Society in Medieval and
HIS220Y1 Early Modern Europe [24S]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Focusing on the institution of the inquisition, this seminar
explores the response of ecclesiastical and secular
HIS433H1 Polish Jews Since the Partition of Poland
authorities to religious heterodoxy. Among the groups
prosecuted by the inquisition discussed: Cathar heretics
To explore the history of Polish Jews from the Partitions
in France, crypto-Jews, and crypto-Muslims in Spain, and
of Poland to the present time, concentrating on the 19th
witches in Italy.
and the first half of the 20th centuries: situation of Polish
Recommended preparation: HIS220Y1
Jews in Galicia; Congress Kingdom of Poland; Prussian-
occupied Poland before 1914; during World War II; and
post-war Poland. Focus on an analysis of primary sources. HIS439H1 Russia’s Empire [24S]
(Joint undergraduate-graduate) This course examines ways in which the Russian Empire
Prerequisite: HIS208Y1/251Y1/permission of the instructor and Soviet Union expanded their territories, the ways they
DR=HUM; BR=TBA controlled those colonies, and the ways in which they dealt
with rising nationalism both at home and abroad.
HIS434Y1 Kievan Rus’ [48S]
Prerequisite: HIS250Y1
The origin of Rus’, international trade, the impact of
nomadic peoples, the introduction of Christianity, the
economic system an the problem of feudalism, the JHP440Y1 Gender & International Relations
political structure and the dilemma of princely succession; (formerly HIS 440H1) [48S]
literature and architecture; the displacement of political The seminar explores the use of gender as a category
power centres and depopulation, the preservation of the of analysis in the study of international relations. Topics
Kievan heritage. (Joint undergraduate-graduate) include gendered imagery and language in foreign
Prerequisite: One of the following: HIS220Y1/250Y1/ policymaking; beliefs about women’s relationship to war
320Y1/322Y1/JHP204Y1 and peace; issues of gender, sexuality, and the military;
DR=HUM; BR=TBA and contributions of feminist theory to international
relations theory.
JHP435Y1 Linguistic and Cultural Minorities in
Prerequisite: HIS103Y1/245Y1/377Y1/POL208Y1 or
Europe [48S]
permission of instructor
Examines status of minority peoples in Europe, using
Exclusion: HIS 440H1
specific case studies to compare similarities and

DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: Two of the following: HIS208Y1/241H1/242H
HIS440H1 Maps and History [24S]
H1/388H1 or permission of instructor
Examines the use of maps through the ages to depict
Recommended Preparation: A course in Jewish history.
spatial relationships and political, social, or cultural
authority. Explores the visual display of quantitative
information, the evolution of historical atlases, and HIS445H1 Nationalism [24S]
cartographic crime. Such topics as Lebensraum and What is a nation? Are nations ancient or modern,
gerrymandering illustrate how maps can distort historical unchanging or malleable? Do nations create states, or
processes and communal relationships. does the state create the nation? This course seeks
Recommended Preparation: at least three History courses to answer these questions through an examination of
at the 200/300 level nationalism, primarily in Europe, from the 1700’s through
DR=HUM; BR=TBA the present.
Prerequisite: Two courses in European history or
HIS441H1 Conversion & Christianities in the Early
permission of instructor
Modern Spanish World [24S]
Investigates religious conversion and cultural change
in the Spanish world ca. 1450-1750. Principal settings HIS446H1 Gender and Slavery in the Atlantic World
include the late medieval Spanish kingdoms, Mexico, (formerly HIS446Y1) [48S]
Peru, Paraguay, and the Philippines archipelago. Fall 2007 The course examines the relationship between gender
is special: our seminar readings and assignments will and the experience of slavery and emancipating several
take best advantage of “The Virgin, Saints and Angels”, Atlantic world societies from the 17th-19th centuries. Areas
an exhibition of baroque paintings from Spanish South to be covered are the Caribbean, Brazil, the U.S. South,
America in the UofT Art Centre. West and South Africa and Western Europe.
Recommended Preparation: HIS106Y1 or HIS291Y1 may Exclusion: HIS446Y1
be useful Prerequisite: HIS245Y1/291Y1/294Y1/295Y1
HIS442H1 European Women in the Twentieth HIS447H1 Sex, Money, and American Empire [24S]
Century [24S] This seminar considers two bodies of scholarship:
Examines major events of European history in the American empire and its relationship to global capital,
20th century as experienced, shaped, and sometimes militarism, and technoscience; and empire, sex, race, and
resisted by women. Topics discussed will be the intimacy. In doing so, the seminar questions how imperial
World Wars, the Holocaust, Communism, civil wars, formations shaped life within the United States, as much
decolonization, the Cold War, the European Union, and as it altered distant and not so distant territories, peoples,
demographic, social and cultural transformations in and diasporas.
Europe over the past hundred years. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: a course in modern European history
HIS 448H1 Gender in East and Southeast Asia
(formerly HIS 391H1) [24S]
HIS443H1 Society, Culture and Religion in the This course explores the history of gender in East and
Renaissance and Reformation (formerly Southeast Asia from a comparative perspective. It will
HIS443Y1) [24S] examine how models of Southeast Asian women have
Developments in popular/lay/local religion as expressed in been constructed against their East Asian counterparts.
a variety of cultural, political, and social forms from 1400- Prerequisite: HIS283Y1
1600; the relation of these forms to both Catholic and Exclusion: HIS391H1
Protestant institutional churches. Impact of Renaissance DR=HUM; BR=TBA
humanism on notions of kinship, order, community,
HIS449Y1 Ukrainian National Revival [48S]
The role of the intelligentsia in East European national
Exclusion: HIS443Y1
revivals; the ethnographic and literary revival; the
Recommended preparation: HIS340Y1/357Y1 or
language question; the press and cultural organizations;
permission of instructor
education; religion; and political movements. (Joint
HIS444H1 Topics in Jewish History: Jewish Identity Recommended preparation: One of the following: JHP
in the Modern World [24S] 204Y1/HIS 241H1/251Y1/445H1
Explores the construction of Jewish identity in Europe DR=HUM; BR=TBA
from the late 18th through mid 20th centuries. Political
HIS450H1 The Writing of Jewish History [24S]
emancipation and unprecedented economic opportunity
The development of Jewish historical inquiry over the
stimulated many Jews to adopt the cultures of their
past two centuries is examined against the background of
host societies while refashioning Jewishness as a form
the general phenomenon of modern historicism and the
of religious or ethnic community. Others constructed
particular religious, cultural and political interests of Jewish
identities based on a defensive Orthodoxy or revolutionary
communities and institutions in Europe, North America and
ethos. Zionism grew out of and responded to all of these
options and will receive particular focus in this course.
Prerequisite: a course in Jewish history, religion or thought
Recommended preparation: HIS208Y1/RLG202Y1

DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: HIS291Y1/292Y1/294Y1/295Y1/394Y1/40
8Y1/ IAS200Y1/ 320H1
HIS451H1 World War II in East Central Europe [24S]
The fall of the Versailles system, German and Soviet
diplomatic and military activities and their occupational HIS457H1 The French Revolution and the
policies in East Central Europe during World War II, Napoleonic Empire [24S]
economic exploitation, collaboration, resistance, and Explores the central themes in the history of France
genocide in the discussed region, its “liberation” and during the Revolution and the First Empire. We will
sovietization in 1944-1945. (Joint undergraduate-graduate) consider the period’s principal political, social and
Prerequisite: EUR200Y1/HIS251Y1/334Y1 cultural aspects: the causes of the French Revolution;
DR=HUM; BR=TBA the shift from constitutional monarchy to Republic; the
relationship between politics and religion; the invention
HIS452H1 Science and Society in Europe, 1600-1800
of a new republican political culture; counterrevolution
and Terror; the Directory; Bonaparte’s rise to power; the
Comparative analysis of British and French scientific
Napoleonic Empire; the nature of war during the Empire;
culture during the age of the Enlightenment and the
the Restoration; and the Revolution’s legacy in France and
French Revolution. Addresses science as a culturally
beyond today.
constructed system of knowledge rather than a body of
Prerequisite: HIS243H1/244H1/319H1/341Y1/388H1/49
absolute truth. Particular attention is therefore paid to
similarities and differences between “elite” and “popular”
science, as manifested in the periodical press, literary
texts and consumer culture. Major course themes include HIS458Y1 Topics in Russian and Soviet Foreign
gender, race, imperialism and governance. Policy [48S]
Prerequisite: HIS 244H1/337H1/324H1/324Y1/341Y1 Tsarist and Soviet foreign relations from the Crimean War
DR=HUM; BR=TBA to the present with emphasis on continuity and change.
The seminar examines major themes in Russian and
HIS453H1 Problems of National Survival in Eastern
Soviet foreign policy behaviour on the basis of assigned
Europe Since 1848 [24S]
How the peoples of Eastern Europe tried to organize their
Prerequisite: HIS250Y1/334Y1/344Y1
domestic affairs, and in what international context they
sought to operate, in order to survive as national entities
and later to preserve their newly-won independence and HIS459H1 Soviet History and Film, 1921-1946 [24S]
territorial integrity. (Joint undergraduate-graduate) The history of Soviet cinema and the importance of film as
Prerequisite: HIS251Y1/334Y1 or equivalent a historical source. Documentary and fiction film; editing,
DR=HUM; BR=TBA narration, and sound; film distribution and exhibition; the
Soviet school of montage and socialist realism; nationality
JHP454Y1 Twentieth Century Ukraine [48S]
and gender; the Soviet musical comedy of the Stalin era;
World War I and the Russian Revolution: the Ukrainian
resistance and dissidence.
independence movement; the Soviet Ukraine and west
Prerequisite: INI115Y1/HIS250Y1
Ukrainian lands during the interwar period; World War II
Exclusion: HIS450Y1/SLA233H1/234H1
and the German occupation; the Soviet Ukraine before
and after the death of Stalin. Socio-economic, cultural,
and political developments. (Given by the Departments HIS460H1 Soviet History and Film, 1941-1991 [24S]
of History and Political Science) (Joint undergraduate- Soviet film as a historical source and the institutional and
graduate) ideological history of Soviet film production, distribution,
Prerequisite: A course in modern European, East and exhibition. Fiction and documentary film during World
European or Russian history or politics such as War II; the cinema of the Cold War and the “Thaw”; Soviet
JHP204Y1/HIS250Y1/ 351Y1/353Y1 “new realism” and the return of the village; avant-garde
DR=HUM; BR=TBA cinema of the 1960s-80s; memory and historical revision
in late Soviet film. Screenings include never-before-seen
HIS455H1 In the Soviet Archives: Text and History
archival footage, as well as films and film clips subtitled by
the instructor.
A tour of Soviet history through recently declassified
Prerequisite: INI115Y1/HIS250Y1
archival documents (in English translation), first-
Exclusion: HIS450Y1/SLA233H1/SLA234H1
hand accounts, memoirs, and literature. The primary
chronological emphasis of the course will be on the years
of Stalin. The focus of the course will be on close textual HIS461H1 Poland in the 20th Century [24S]
analysis and a critical reading of the sources. (Joint The 20th century has been an age of experiments for
undergraduate-graduate.) Poland. Universal, general problems of democracy,
Prerequisite: HIS351Y1 with a grade of 80 or higher. authoritarianism, totalitarianism, communism, socialism,
DR=HUMV free market and centrally planned economies, are
examined, as are the ongoing adjustments made by the
HIS456Y1 Black Slavery in Latin America [48S]
Polish people. (Joint undergraduate-graduate)
An examination of black slavery in Latin America, with
Prerequisite: HIS334Y1/353Y1/permission of the instructor
emphasis on the lives of the slaves, from the conquest of
America to abolition in the 19th century.

HIS462H1 Canadian Intelligence and National emphasis on primary documents. (Joint undergraduate-
Security, 1945 – Present [24S] graduate)
An exploration of Canadian intelligence from the end Recommended preparation: A course in Canadian history
of World War Two to the present, with an emphasis on DR=HUM; BR=TBA
understanding policies, institutions and practices in the HIS470H1 History, Rights, and Difference in South
context of changing perceptions of threats to national Asia [24S]
security. The Cold War era will provide essential context Addressing South Asian history after 1750, this course
for understanding the new security environment created in examines ideas of rights, contract, and the rule of law
the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. in colonial and postcolonial contexts. Attention is paid
Recommended Preparation: HIS343Y1 to the intellectual history of rights and the central place
DR=HUM; BR=TBA of colonial and postcolonial questions within that history.
HIS464H1 Religion and Violence in Comparative Topics include rights and questions concerning indigenous
Perspective [24S] culture, caste and customary practice, gender and
Examines varying roles of religion in cases of genocide capitalist development.
and extreme violence. Seminar proceeds from recent Prerequisite: A mark of 73% or higher in HIS 282Y1 or
cases (Darfur, Rwanda, wars associated with break- instructor’s permission
up of Yugoslavia) backward through the 20th century Recommended preparation: Background in political and
(Cambodia, Indonesia, the Holocaust, Armenians, Herero) social theory and some background in South Asia
and the 19th century (Belgian Congo, Caucasus, native DR=HUM; BR=TBA
peoples in the Americas). HIS471H1 United States and Globalization [24S]
Prerequisite: one course in HIS/REL/Peace and Conflict This course considers the origins and evolution of
DR=HUM; BR=TBA U.S. experiences with globalization: attention is paid
HIS466H1 Topics in Canadian History (formerly to economic, technological, cultural, and institutional
HIS466Y1) [24S] developments during the past century.
Selected topics in a specific period of Canadian history. Prerequisite: HIS271Y1/377Y1
Content in any given year depends on instructor. Please Recommended preparation: HIS377Y1
see the History Department website for complete DR=HUM; BR=TBA
description. HIS472H1 Indigenous-Newcomer Relations in
Prerequisite: HIS262Y1/263Y1 Canadian History (formerly HIS472Y1)
HIS467H1 French Colonial Indochina: History, The trajectory of Canadian history has been (and
Cultures, Texts, Film (formerly HIS467Y1) continues to be) shaped ssignificantly by the changing
[24S] relationships between indigenous peoples and newcomers
Examines French colonial Indochina through several to what is now Canada. Through discussion of readings on
different lenses. Themes include the cross-cultural various seminar topics, we will explore the multi-faceted
“contact zones” between colonial and colonized societies, contours of these relationships, from cultural encounters,
gender perceptions, imperial culture, expressions of treaties & alliances, and missionization to colonization ,
colonial power, and forms of opposition. Colonial novels, assimilation, residential schools and contemporary issues
translated resistance literature, documentaries, and films Exclusion: HIS472Y1
are utilized as primary sources to be examined critically. Prerequisite: HIS262Y1/HIS263Y1 (minimum 73%)
Prerequisite: ANT344Y1/EAS 204Y1/GGR342H1/ DR=HUM; BR=TBA
HIS104Y1/ 107Y1/ 280Y1/282Y1/283Y/315H1/388Y1/ HIS473Y1 The United States and Asia in the Cold
NEW369Y1 War Era (formerly HIS 473H1) [48S]
Exclusion: HIS467Y1 This seminar examines strategic, economic, ideological,
DR=HUM; BR=TBA and cultural factors in U.S. relations with East and
HIS468H1 The Southern Indian Ocean [24S] Southeast Asia. Major themes include the role of cultural
This course explores a series of themes relating to and informal diplomacy and the effect of perceptions and
Madagascar and the Mascareigne Islands between the misperceptions on both sides of U.S.-Asian interactions.
eighteenth and the twentieth century. Topics include Prerequisite: HIS344Y/372Y1/377Y1
slavery and its memories, miscegenation, trade, the Exclusion: HIS 473H1
environment, space and mapping, cultural contact, DR=HUM; BR=TBA
colonialism, and imperial networks. HIS474H1 ‘Emancipate Yourselves from Mental
Prerequisite: a course in African history or African studies Slavery?’ Historical Narratives of
Recommended preparation: background in the histories of Caribbean Decolonisation [24S]
Africa and empire This course is a critical intellectual history of Caribbean
DR=HUM; BR=TBA decolonisation. It begins with the Haitian Revolution,
HIS469H1 Religion, Culture and Society in Canada exploring and comparing how history was mobilized
[24S] to structure anti-colonial theories about the making
This course examines the interaction between religion and of ‘postcolonial’ Caribbean societies. Key conceptual
culture in Canada from colonial times to the present with frameworks to be examined include indegenism, noirism,

creolization, metissage; Caribbean interpretations of Prerequisite: a mark of 73% or higher in HIS 282Y1, or
Marxism, Negritude and Pan-Aricanism. instructor’s permission
Prerequisite: HIS294Y1 Recommended preparation: History of colonialism, political
DR=HUM; BR=TBA theory, or postcolonial literatures
HIS475H1 Race, Segregation, and Protest: South
Africa and the United States [24S] HIS481H1 Elite Women, Power, and Modernity in
This course explores the origins, consolidation, and Twentieth-Century Africa [24S]
unmaking of segregationist social orders in South Africa The role of elite women in twentieth-century Africa has been
and the American South. It examines the origins of overshadowed by studies of non-elite women so much so as
racial inequality, the structural and socio-political roots of to suggest that all women lacked power. This course aims
segregation, and the twin strategies of accommodation and to show how a very limited but important group of women
resistance employed by black South Africans and African negotiated power in a century of increasing patriarchy. It
Americans. (Joint undergraduate-graduate) combines gender with class analysis.
Recommended preparation: HIS271Y1/295Y1 Prerequisite: HIS 295H1/296Y1/383H1/396H1 or permission
DR=HUM; BR=TBA of instructor
HIS476H1 Voices from Black America (formerly
HIS476Y1) [24S] HIS482H1 History of the Body from Antiquity to the
The history of Black Americas seen through the eyes of Renaissance [24S]
some of the men and women who experienced it. Attention This course will explore the cultural history of the body from
is given to slavery but emphasis is on the twentieth century. ancient Greece to Renaissance Italy. From an examination of
Students examine autobiographical works, novels, and film. both bodily practices and discourses about the body we will
Prerequisite: HIS271Y1 attempt to gain an understanding of premodern experiences
Exclusion: HIS476Y1 of and attitudes towards the human body.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: one course in pre-modern History
HIS477H1 Topics in the Social and Cultural History of
Victorian Britain (formerly HIS477Y1) [24S] HIS483H1 Men, Women and Gender in Europe, 1400-
Examination of the impact of industrialism on Victorian 1800 (formerly HIS483Y1) [24S]
society and values. Concentration on Victorian social critics This research seminar builds on work done in lower-level
including Engels, Owen, Maynew, Dickens and Morris. gender history courses. It focuses on intensive study of
Recommended preparation: A course in modern British sources and methodologies for the history of masculinities
History/Victorian literature and women in early modern Europe. The main assignment is
Exclusion: HIS477Y1 an independently-designed major research project.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: HIS245Y1/306Y1/354H1
Exclusion: HIS483Y1
HIS478H1 Hellhound on my Trail: Living the Blues in
the Mississippi Delta, 1890-1945 [24S]
This course examines black life and culture in the cotton HIS484H1 The Car in North American History (formerly
South through the medium of recorded blues music. It HIS484Y1) [24S]
seeks to restore a voice and a sense of agency to black This seminar examines the history of the car in North
southerners in the age of Jim Crow. Topics include the America from the perspective of technology, business,
plantation economy, agricultural life, mobility, migration, and landscape and popular culture. Particular attention is paid to
urban subcultures. issues of production, consumption, geography, and daily life,
Recommended Preparation: HIS 271Y1/USA 300H1 and to the importance of class race, gender, region,
DR=HUM; BR=TBA and age in shaping the meaning and experience of car
HIS479H1 American Foreign Policy Since World War II
Prerequisite: HIS263Y1/271Y1
(formerly HIS479Y1) [24S]
Exclusion: HIS484Y1
An in-depth study of U.S. behaviour in the global arena
since World War II. Particular attention will be paid to the
origins and evolution of the Cold War, the Vietnam War, the HIS485H1 Topics in Late Imperial and Modern Chinese
initiatives of the Nixon-Kissinger years, the end of the Cold History (formerly HIS485Y1) [24S]
War, and the relevance of “globalization.” A seminar on aspects of Chinese history from 1368 to the
Prerequisite: HIS271Y1/377Y1 present, with emphasis on social history. Topics vary and
Exclusion: HIS479Y1 include: social structure in Ming-Qing China; religion and
DR=HUM; BR=TBA ritual in Chinese society; Chinese popular culture. (Joint
HIS480H1 Modernity and its Others: History and
Exclusion: HIS485Y1
Postcolonial Critique [24S]
Prerequisite: EAS102Y1/HIS280Y1, HIS380Y1/JMC201Y1
Engaging with influential perspectives in postcolonial
historiography, this seminar tracks three major themes in the
history of the idea of modernity from the late 18th through the HIS487H1 Animal and Human Rights in Anglo-
20th centuries: political freedom, citizenship and the nation- American Culture [24S]
state; capitalism and its critique; and the relationship of Examines the parallel discourses of animal and human rights
history, memory, and identity. (Joint undergraduate-graduate) in Anglo-American culture from the eighteenth century to

the present. The courses explores issues of subjectivity and September for first session courses; in December for second
consciousness as well as cruelty and pain. Topics include session courses.
slavery and abolition, animal welfare and antivivisection, anti- DR=HUM; BR=TBA
colonial liberation movements, and animal rights campaigns.
Recommended Preparation: HIS296Y1
HIS488H1 The Secret War, 1939-1945 (formerly
HIS488Y1) [24S]
The development of intelligence techniques and operations
in wartime conditions; the role of espionage, cryptanalysis
and deception in deciding the battles and campaigns of the
Second World War.
Prerequisite: Any two courses from: EUR200Y1/HIS103Y1/
241H1, 242H1/343Y1/344Y1
Exclusion: HIS488Y1
HIS489H1 The History of Psychiatry and Psychiatric
Illness [24S]
Introduces students to some of the main issues in the
history of psychiatry. Readings from the secondary historical
literature are distributed and discussed in class, covering
such topics as changes in the nature of psychotic illness, the
psychoneuroses, disorders of the mind/body relationship, and
the psychiatric diagnosis and the “presentation” of illness.
(Joint undergraduate-graduate)
Prerequisite: a minimum of one course in HIS/PSY/SOC
Exclusion: HIS423Y1
HIS490H1 Everyday Stalinism [24S]
This seminar explores issues of everyday life in Soviet
Russia during the Stalin era. What was the “Soviet normal”?
Topics will include belief systems, dreams and myths, terror,
fear, repression, and resistance. Texts include a range of
different sources, memoirs, diaries, official state documents,
and secondary sources.
Prerequisite: grade of ‘A’ in HIS250Y1/grade of ‘B+’ or higher
in HIS351Y1
HIS495H1 Topics in History (formerly HIS495Y1) [48S]
An in-depth examination of historical issues. Content in
any given year depends on instructor. See Undergraduate
Handbook or History website for more details.
Exclusion: HIS495Y1
Recommended preparation: Varies from year to year
HIS496H1 Topics in History [24S]
An in-depth examination of historical issues. Content in
any given year depends on instructor. See Undergraduate
Handbook or History website for more details.
Recommended preparation: Varies from year to year
HIS498H1 Independent Studies [TBA]
HIS499Y1 Independent Studies [TBA]
These courses assume the form of an undergraduate thesis.
Students must find an appropriate supervisor from the
Department, receive approval for the project, and submit
an Independent Studies ballot. Students must be enroled
in either a History Specialist or Major program, with a B+
average in no less than 4 HIS courses, or with special
permission of the instructor. Applications must be received in

History and Philosophy of Science and Technology

Sponsored by the Institute for the Some students may wish to plan their entire programs
around a core of HPS courses. The Major program in
History and Philosophy of Science HPST listed is suitable training for medical school, the
and Technology law, elementary and secondary school teaching, museum
and library work, science writing and editing, and other
fields where competence in both science and humanities
Faculty is valuable. Students considering graduate study in this
field should seek direction from an IHPST faculty member.
University Professor Emeritus For more information consult the IHPST Undergraduate
T.H. Levere, MA, D Phil, D Litt, FRSC (V) Handbook, available at the Institute.
Professors Emeriti
Director of Undergraduate Studies:
P.M.H. Mazumdar, MB, M Tech, Ph D (V)
Professor D. Walsh, Victoria College, Room 316A (416-978-
M.P. Winsor, M Phil, Ph D (V)
Director and Associate Professor of the Email: [email protected]
Institute Enquiries:
A. Chakravartty, BSc, MA, M Phil, Ph D (V) Victoria College, Room 316 (416-978-5397)
C. Fraser, MS, Ph D (V) History and Philosophy of Science
B.S. Hall, BA, Ph D (V)
J. Langins, M Eng, Ph D (V)
and Technology Programs
P. Thompson, MA, Ph D (V) Enrolment in the History and Philosophy of Science and
Technology programs requires the completion of four
Associate Professors courses; GPA of 1.7 required.
B. Baigrie, MA, Ph D (V)
J. Berkovitz, BSc, MA, Ph D (V) History and Philosophy of Science and
A. Chakravartty, BSc, MA, M Phil, Ph D (V) Technology (Arts program)
N. Krementsov, Diploma Candidate of Sciences/History
and Philosophy of Science and Technology (V) Major program:
D. Walsh, BSc, BA, M Phil, Ph D, Ph D (V) Canada (7 full courses or their equivalent)
Research Chair
Admission requires GPA of 1.7 and continuation in the
Assistant Professors program requires maintenance of a GPA of 2.3
L. Dacome, BA, M Phil, Ph D (V) 1. One course in science, choices subject to the
Y. Fehige, Diploma in Theology, M.A., Ph.D. (V) approval of the Director of Undergraduate Studies. It is
M. Solovey, BA, MA, MA, Ph.D. (V) recommended that it include a laboratory or practical
M. Vicedo, BA, MA, Ph.D., Ph.D. (V) component; HIS109Y1
C.-P. Yeang, BS, SM, Ph D, Sc D (V) 2. HPS210H1; HPS211H1; HPS250H1; HPS350H1;
The history and philosophy of science and technology HPS201H1/202H1
cuts across traditional disciplines of the sciences and the 3. One additional course at HPS300+ level
humanities. HPS courses treat the sciences and technology, 4. One 200+H science half course; one 300+ science
including mathematics and medicine, as being historically half course; HIS200+ series half course/CLA203H1/
and philosophically significant in themselves, and also as CLA206H1
being integral components of the general development of Recommended preparation: HPS100H1. It is further
knowledge, culture, and society. The undergraduate courses recommended that the first HPS courses taken (other
serve to introduce the student to this discipline, and also than HPS100H1) be HPS210H1 and HPS211H1
to provide a wider context for understanding science and
technology. Most courses have a substantial historical
component, and many deal with philosophical, sociological All the specialist, major, and minor programs
and related issues. For example, students of history will listed below will no longer be offered.
find courses in the history of science to be an important
part of social and intellectual history, while students of Students admitted to these programs prior to
economic history may be especially interested in the history September 2004 may complete their programs as
of technology. For philosophy students, history of science described below.
courses form a natural adjunct to issues in the theory of
knowledge, philosophy of science and history of philosophy.
Students of the humanities with particular interests in the History and Philosophy of Science (Arts program)
physical or biological sciences, technology, engineering,
mathematics, or medicine will naturally be interested in Specialist program:
HPS courses, and students in these scientific disciplines (11.5 full courses or their equivalent)
will benefit from the broad historical and philosophical
1. Three 200+ series courses in science, choices subject to
perspective on their studies that HPS courses can provide.
the approval of the Undergraduate Coordinator

History and Philosophy of Science and Technology
2. HPS 200Y1/(210H1 + 211H1), 250H1; PHL 210Y1, Four HPS courses, of which at least one must a 300+
245H1 series course. One course may be replaced by a
3. 2.5 additional HPS courses. Students may substitute course in the history of science offered by another
courses in the history of science or the history department, but requires approval of the Director of
of thought offered in other departments for up Undergraduate Studies.
to two courses, with approval of the Director of
Undergraduate Studies. History and Philosophy of Science
4. Four PHLI/PHI half-courses in epistemology, logic and
formal semantics, philosophy of science
and Technology Courses
5. One additional 400 series HPS/PHL course. Of the See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
other HPS/PHL courses, three must be 300+ series
First Year Seminars
Major program: The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
(7 full courses or their equivalent) the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
1. Two 200+ series courses in science, choices subject of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
to the approval of the Director of Undergraduate seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
Studies. and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
2. HPS 200Y1/(210H1 + 211H1), 250H1, PHL 210Y1, professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
245H1 year of study. For details, see page 48.
3. One 300+ series PHL course in epistemology, logic HPS100H1 Introduction to History and Philosophy of
and formal semantics, philosophy of science Science [24L, T]
4. One other HPS 300+ series course An investigation of some pivotal periods in the history of
science with an emphasis on the influences of philosophy
Minor program:
on the scientists of the period, and the philosophical and
(4 full courses or their equivalent)
social implications of the scientific knowledge, theory and
1. HPS 200Y1/(210H1 + 211H1), 250H1; PHL 210Y1, methodology that emerged.
255H1 DR=HUM/SCI; BR=2
2. One HPS/PHL 300+ series course
HPS201H1 Origins of Western Technology [24L, 12T]
History of Science and Technology (Arts Technology and its place in our culture from Antiquity
program) to the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution. Relations
between technology and science, religion, the arts, social
Specialist program: institutions, and political beliefs.
(11 full courses or their equivalent) DR=HUM; BR=3
1. Two 100+ series and three 200+ series courses HPS202H1 Technology in the Modern World [24L,
in science, choices subject to the approval of the 12T]
Director of Undergraduate Studies. A survey of technical change and its social implications
2. HIS 109Y1 plus one other course in history, from the Industrial Revolution to the present.
choice subject to the approval of the Director of Recommended preparation: HPS201H1
Undergraduate Studies. DR=HUM; BR=3
3. Three HPS courses, of which two may be courses HPS210H1 Scientific Revolutions I (formerly
in history of science offered by another department, HPS200Y1) [24L, 12T]
subject to the approval of the Undergraduate Case studies in the history of science from antiquity to
Secretary. CLA 203H1 will be treated as an HPS 1800, including the revolutionary work of Copernicus,
course Kepler, Galileo, Descartes, Newton, Linnaeus, Lavoisier,
4. One HPS 400-series course and Herschel. The course is designed to be accessible to
Note: science students and non-scientists alike.
At least three of the above ten courses must be Prerequisite: Two half-courses in the Faculty of Arts &
300+series Science
Exclusion: HPS200Y1
Major program: DR=HUM/SCI; BR=2
(7 full courses or their equivalent)
HPS211H1 Scientific Revolutions II (formerly
1. Two 200+ series courses in science or technology, HPS200Y1) [24L, 12T]
choices subject to approval of the Undergraduate Case studies in the history of science from 1800 to
Coordinator 2000, including Volta, Lyell, Darwin, Mendel, Einstein,
2. Five HPS courses, at least two of which must be 300+ Schrödinger, Watson, and Crick. The course is designed
series courses; up to two courses in history or the to be accessible to science students and non-scientists
history of science offered in other departments may alike.
be substituted with the approval of the Undergraduate Prerequisite: Two half-courses in the Faculty of Arts &
Coordinator Science
Minor program: Exclusion: HPS200Y1
(4 HPS full courses or their equivalent) DR=HUM/SCI; BR=2

History and Philosophy of Science and Technology
HPS240H1 Epistemological Issues in Medicine [24L] HPS313H1 Two Hundred Years of Electricity [24L]
An examination epistemological and logical aspects of A history of the science and technology of electricity in
medical science. Topics may include anecdote, bias, the 19th and 20th centuries in its social, economic, and
complexity, evidence, expertise, heuristics, phronesis, cultural context.
placebos, plausibility, probability, randomness, statistics Prerequisite: At least one-half CSC/PHY or Electrical
and uncertainty. Engineering (ECE) course
Prerequisite: One HPS half course or PHL half course or DR=HUM/SCI; BR=TBA
BIO150Y1 HPS318H1 History of Medicine I [24L, 12T]
DR=HUM; BR=2 A survey of medical theory and practice from Antiquity
HPS250H1 Introductory Philosophy of Science [24L, to the Renaissance, with emphasis on medicine’s social,
T] cultural and political setting.
This course introduces and explores central issues Exclusion: HPS314Y1
in the philosophy of science, including scientific DR=HUM; BR=TBA
inference, method, and explanation. Topics may include HPS319H1 History of Medicine II [24L, 12T]
underdetermination, realism and empiricism, and laws of A survey of medical theory and practice from the 17th
nature. century to the modern welfare state, with emphasis on
DR=HUM; BR=2 medicine’s social, cultural and political setting.
HPS299Y1 Research Opportunity Program Exclusion: HPS314Y1;315H1
Credit course for supervised participation in faculty DR=HUM; BR=TBA
research project. See page 48 for details. HPS320H1 Medicine and Narrative [12L]
HPS300H1 Topics in History and Philosophy of Personally and socially, we experience illness as a
Science and Technology narrative. Narratives of health and illness have been
Topics vary year to year. constructed and interpreted from the early modern period
DR=HUM; BR=TBA to the present. The continuities and discontinuities that
characterize the structure of these stories over time, and
HPS306H1 Technology and War [24L, 12T]
what narratives reveal about historical realities will be
An examination of the tools of war in the Western world
from the Middle Ages to World War II, including not only
weapons but the means of transportation, communication,
and organization used in violent conflict. The effects of war HPS322H1 Complexity, Order, and Emergence
on the development of science and technology. A survey of the history of and recent developments in
Exclusion: HPS417H1 the scientific study of complex systems and emergent
Recommended preparation: HPS201H1/202H1 or any HIS order. There will be particular emphasis on the biological
course and cognitive sciences. Topics covered may include:
DR=HUM; BR=TBA mechanism and teleology in the history of science,
19th and 20th century emergentism, complex systems
HPS307H1 History of Energy [24L, 12T]
dynamics, order and adaptiveness, self-organisation in
The history of human control of various sources of energy,
biology and congitive development.
including technical developments, scientific theories, and
impact on culture and society. Recent debates on fossil
fuel and nuclear power examined in historical context. HPS324H1 Natural Science and Social Issues [24L,
Recommended preparation: HPS201H1/202H1 or any HIS 12T]
course Historical examination of the interactions of science (both
DR=HUM; BR=TBA as body of knowledge and as enterprise) with ideological,
political and social issues. The impact of science; attacks
JPH311H1 History of Physics [12S]
on and critiques of scientific expertise as background to
Topics in the history of physics from antiquity to the 20th
contemporary conflicts. Subjects may vary according to
century, including Aristotelian physics, Galileo, Descartes,
students’ interests.
electromagnetism, thermodynamics, statistical mechanics,
relativity, quantum physics, and particle physics. The
development of theories in their intellectual and cultural HPS326H1 History of Science and Religion [12S, 12T]
contexts. From its origins in the Renaissance, modern science has
Exclusion: HPS311H1 developed in the context of European religious beliefs
Prerequisite: At least one-half PHY course at university and institutions. Although cases of conflict like Galileo or
level the “Monkey Trial” are famous, more common are cases
DR=HUM/SCI; BR=TBA of scientists like Newton or Faraday whose religious
convictions were crucial to their scientific success.
HPS312H1 History of Chemistry [12S]
The emergence of the modern discipline of chemistry from
1785 to 1939. Seminar discussions focus on key papers HPS343H1 History of Pre-Electronic Computing [24L]
of important Historical analysis of the interplay between Computing technology from Chaldean astronomy to the
theory and practice, and of the dynamics of scientific advent of British and U.S. mass production of electronic
communities mainframes in 1953. Emphasis will be on uses and users,
Prerequisite: At least one CHM course at university level especially on great figures from Babbage through von
DR=HUM/SCI; BR=TBA Neumann, but hardware descriptions will also be featured.

History and Philosophy of Science and Technology
DR=HUM/SCI; BR=TBA HPS375H1 Science and Technology in The Realms of
Islam, 600-1600, Part I: The Mathematical
HPS344H1 History of Mainframe Computing [24L]
Sciences and their Practical Applications
Covers the period from mass production in 1953 to the
(formerly HPS275H1) [24L, 12T]
emergence of minicomputers around 1969. Beginnings
First part of a series on the history of science and
of software and services industries, networking,
technology in the Islamic world. History of the exact
university computer science. Emphasis on international
sciences, including mathematics, astronomy, optics, and
Prerequisite: At least one MAT or Science course at
HPS350H1 Revolution in Science [24S] university level
An investigation into the nature and development of Exclusion: HPS275H1, NMC379H1
scientific knowledge, inspired by Kuhn’s notion of DR=HUM/SCI; BR=TBA
revolutions. Topics may include, the rationality of theory
HPS376H1 Science and Technology in the Realms of
choice, and social constructivism.
Islam, 600-1600, Part II: The Life Sciences
Prerequisite: HPS250H1 or permission of the instructor
(formerly HPS276H1) [24L, 12T]
Second part of a series on the history of science and
HPS352H1 History and Philosophy of the Social technology in the Islamic world. History of biological
Sciences [24L] and life sciences, including history of medicine, botany,
This course explores central developments, ongoing agriculture, and alchemy.
controversies, and major figures in the social sciences: Prerequisite: At least one MAT or Science course at
sociology, economics, political science, anthropology, university level
and the behavioral sciences. It concentrates on such Exclusion: HPS276H1, NMC379H1
prominent individuals as: Rene Descartes, Thomas DR=HUM/SCI; BR=TBA
Hobbes, John Locke, Adam Smith, Karl Marx, Franz Boas,
HPS390H1 History of Mathematics up to 1700 [24L,
Sigmund Freud, and Gunnar Myrdal.
A survey of ancient, medieval, and early modern
JHE353H1 History of Evolutionary Biology (formerly mathematics with emphasis on historical issues. (Offered
HPS323H1, HPS353H1) [24L, 12T] in alternate years)
An examination of major ideas about biological evolution Exclusion: 310Y1; MAT220Y1
from the 18th century to the 1930’s and of their impact Prerequisite: At least one full course equivalent at the
on scientific and social thought. Topics include the 200+level from CSC/MAT/STA
diversity of life and its classification, the adaptation of DR=HUM/SCI; BR=TBA
organisms to their environment, Wallace’s and Darwin’s
HPS391H1 History of Mathematics after 1700 [24L,
views on evolution by natural selection, sexual selection,
inheritance from Mendel to T.H. Morgan, eugenics, and
A survey of the development of mathematics from 1700 to
the implications of evolution for religion, gender roles, and
the present with emphasis on historical issues. (Offered in
the organization of society.
alternate years)
Exclusion: ZOO354Y1/HPS323H1/HPS353H1/EEB353H1
Exclusion: HPS310Y1; MAT220Y1, MAT391H1
Prerequisite: 6 full courses or equivalent including one
Prerequisite: At least one full course equivalent at the
HPS half course or BIO120H1, 220H1/150Y.
200+level from CSC/MAT/STA
JHE355H1 History of Evolutionary Biology II
HPS410H1 History of Mathematics [24S]
(formerly HPS333H1, HPS355H1) [24L,
12T] An historical survey from pre-Greek to the present.
Various themes are emphasized year to year, to show
An examination of ideas about biological evolution from
mathematics as changing and evolving. A student could
the 1930’s to the present. Topics include the Modern
expect to gain an historical overview as well as a sense of
Synthesis, population genetics, the concept of biological
the unity of the mathematical sciences.
species, ecology, sociobiology, and creationism.
Prerequisite: HPS309Y1/310Y1/390H1/391H1/MAT220Y1
Exclusion: ZOO354Y1/HPS333H1/HPS355H1/EEB355H1
and permission of instructor
Prerequisite: HPS323H1/HPS353H1/EEB353H1
HPS411H1 Conceptual Foundations of Mathematics
PHL355H1 Philosophy of Science
See “Philosophy”
An examination of foundational and conceptual aspects of
HPS360H1 History of Modern Cosmology [24L, 12T] mathematics such as: the nature of mathematical objects,
Conceptions of the universe since 1800 with attention to logicism, Church’s elementalistic mathematics, Gödel’s
observational sources of changing ideas. History of large theorem and formal systems, postulational methods,
telescopes, stellar spectroscopy and radio astronomy. mathematics and reality, the cardinal, ordinal and abstract
Relativistic conceptions of space and time, models of approaches to numbers, infinity, and Euclidean and non-
stellar evolution, discovery of extra-galactic nebulae, Euclidean geometries.
Hubble red-shift and microwave background radiation. Prerequisite: PHL245H1/HPS390H1 or HPS391H1 or
Philosophical and religious implications are examined. HPS410H1 or permission of the instructor

History and Philosophy of Science and Technology
Exclusion: PHL346H1 HPS498H1 Individual Studies [TBA]
DR=HUM/SCI; BR=TBA HPS499H1 Individual Studies [TBA]
HPS412H1 History of the Biological Sciences [24S] A reading and research project in some aspect of the
Advanced level survey of biological science from ancient development of scientific theory or practice, supervised by a
Greece to the 20th century emphasizing primary sources faculty member. Projects must be approved by the Institute
analyses. by the previous June for a Fall course or by November for
Prerequisite: HPS 200Y1/(210H1 + 211H1)/ZOO354Y1/ a Spring course, and are subject to availability of a faculty
HPS323H1;HPS333H1 and permission of instructor supervisor.
Recommended preparation: BIO150Y1/European history/ Prerequisite: Two HPS courses
HPS427H1 Historical Foundations of Chemistry [24S]
The development of chemistry from the Chemical Revolution
of Lavoisier to the periodic table of Mendeleev: electro-
chemistry, the rise of organic chemistry, classification,
valency, structural chemistry.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
HPS430H1 History of Technology I [24S]
An advanced survey of the history of technology from
Antiquity to the Industrial Revolution.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
Recommended preparation: HPS201H1/202H1
HIS431H1 History of Technology II [24S]
An advanced survey of the history of technology from the
Industrial Revolution to modern times.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
Recommended preparation: HPS201H1/202H1
JPH441H1 Physical Science in Contemporary Society
Complex nature of the scientific method; connection between
theory, concepts and experimental data; insufficiency of
reductionism; characteristics of pathological and pseudo-
science; public perception and misperception of science;
science and public policy; ethical issues; trends in modern
Prerequisite: PHY225H1/238Y1/251H1/252H1/255H1/256H1/
Exclusion: PHY341H1
HPS495Y1 Individual Studies [TBA]
A reading and research project in some aspect of history of
science and technology, supervised by a faculty member.
Projects must be approved by the Institute and are subject to
availability of a faculty supervisor.
Prerequisite: Two HPS courses
HPS496H1 Individual Studies [TBA]
HPS497H1 Individual Studies [TBA]
A reading and research project in some aspect of the social,
cultural or intellectual history of science and technology,
supervised by a faculty member. Projects must be approved
by the Institute by the previous June for a Fall course or by
November for a Spring course, and are subject to availability
of a faculty supervisor.
Prerequisite: Two HPS courses

Human Biology
Collaborative program of the Faculty of Arts Health & Disease programs examine the functioning of
& Science and the Faculty of Medicine living organisms and how they respond to environmental
conditions, both internal and external, that cause
Neuroscience programs, relevant to all aspects of the
Associate Professor and Program Director nervous system, cover topics as diverse as mechanisms
Valerie M. Watt, Ph D of learning and memory, pain, Alzheimer’s disease
and movement disorders such as Parkinson’s and Lou
Senior Lecturer and Associate Program Gehrig’s disease.
R.G. Wilson Jr., M Sc, Ph D Two additional areas are available as Human Biology Major
The Human Biology programs are available to students
entering their second year of study. Our multi-disciplinary Health Care Ethics Major program focuses on social
programs integrate topics from the medical sciences, and ethical issues in clinical care and biomedical
biological and social sciences, as well as the humanities. The research.
goal of each Human Biology program is to provide a broad
education focused on an area of biological science relevant Human Biology Major program provides a broad and
to humans. Students will receive a solid foundation in life flexible course of study in the basic medical sciences as
science courses together with insight from the humanities well as other life sciences.
and social sciences. Graduates of our programs will be The first year requirements for all Human Biology programs
equipped with a broad range of knowledge and skills to go consist of introductory 100-level courses. All programs
into the job market or pursue further study in research, health require the foundational biology course(s), BIO120H1
sciences, biotechnology, law, education, and administration Adaptation and Biodiversity plus BIO130H1 Molecular and
(check our web site at http://hmb.utoronto.ca for more career Cell Biology or BIO150Y1 Organisms in Their Environment.
paths). Specific programs have additional 100-level course
Humans are first and foremost animals, living organisms. requirements (see specific program requirements), some of
As such, they share fundamental characteristics with all which can be chosen from a selection list. Your choice of
life - structure, chemistry, control mechanisms, behaviour, selected courses should be influenced by which areas and
an ecological context, and an evolutionary history. Thus courses you want to study in upper years. All Major programs
the study of human biology must entail a sound knowledge offered by Human Biology build on a first-year background
of basic life science. Humans have also developed unique in chemistry as well as biology. Major programs also require
characteristics, emergent properties, arising from their highly a course in psychology, physics or mathematics, except for
complex brains - their intricate behaviour, communication Environment & Health which extends this selection to specific
and conceptual abilities, and social structures. So a fuller geography and geology courses; and Neuroscience which
appreciation of their biology also needs an understanding requires psychology as well as physics or mathematics. For
drawn from disciplines such as psychology, anthropology, the Specialist programs in Genes Genetics & Biotechnology,
and sociology. The Human Biology science programs are Health & Disease and Neuroscience, you are strongly
designed to do this. recommended to take both calculus and physics in either first
or second year. Both are important for upper level science
We offer multiple Specialist programs, and a variety of Major courses and other life science programs.
programs. Each program enables students to study specific
aspects of human biology. Students can combine a Human Starting in second year, students can either follow the more
Biology Major program with other Science, Social Sciences general Human Biology Major program or take a Major or
or Humanities Major and/or Minor programs. Students who Specialist program in a more specific area of Human Biology.
later wish to specialize may be able to enter the related Each of these more focused programs has core courses in
Specialist program. second and third year, tailored to meet the specific interests
of its students. These courses concentrate on an area
We have five areas of study available as both Human important to the program theme, and/or emphasize the
Biology Specialist and Major programs: interdisciplinary nature of the program theme by showing
connections between its different subject areas. Fewer core
Environment & Health programs provide a basic courses are required for the new Major programs than for
understanding of the complex relationships between the the Specialist programs. Courses most often include lectures
behaviour of Planet Earth and the working of the human and small groups (e.g., tutorials, seminars) with laboratory
body. courses offered primarily in third year.
Genes Genetics & Biotechnology programs focus To complete their programs, students can choose from a
on various aspects of genetics, including options in range of options in third and fourth years, depending on their
molecular and population genetics, and how genetics interests, previous course completion, course availability and
applies to the emerging fields of bioengineering and of future career. Options include 400-level advanced seminar
biotechnology. courses and research “project” courses. Please check our
Global Health programs provide worldwide perspectives website and the online timetable for the most current course
on health and medicine encompassing social, political, information since we have rapidly expanded our course
and economic environments. menu with an addition of ~30 courses since 2006-07.

Human Biology
For further information about our programs and courses, see Elective:
our web site (http://hmb.utoronto.ca) or contact us via email 1.5 FCE, approved by the Undergraduate Coordinator of
([email protected]), telephone (416-946-7609), the Centre, including at least one 300+-series course
or in person (Human Biology Program Office, Wetmore Hall from HMB302H1/303H1/304H1/305H1/314H1/322
Room 105, New College, 300 Huron Street). H1/397H1/496Y1/498Y1/499Y1; ANA300Y1/301H1,
BCH311H1/CSB349H1/PSL350H1, BCH370H1,
Human Biology Programs (Science CHM310H1, CSB325H1/327H1/328H1/331H1/34
6H1/347H1/350H1/351Y1, EEB318H1/319H1/3
programs) 21H1/328H1/362H1/375H1/428H1, ECO 369Y1;
Students must complete 4.0 full course equivalents (FCEs) ENV315H1/336H1/430H1; GGR303H1/305H1/310H1
before enrolling in any Human Biology program. Students /333H1/409H1/451H1; HIS423H1; JGE347H1/348H1,
may only register in one Human Biology Major program. No GLG351H1/450H1, IMM334Y1, LMP301H1/363H1,
minimum GPA is required for the Major programs. Enrolment MGY377H1, NFS382H1/386H1/488H1,
in the Specialist programs, however, is limited (see below). PCL362H1/389H1; PSL372H1/420H1, PSY335H1; SOC
242Y1/243H1/244H1/ 256H1/257H1/309Y1/312Y1/363H1
The Human Biology Program administers all Human Biology
or any other approved course for which the student has
Specialist and Major programs except for the Environment &
appropriate prerequisites. The one FCE should reflect
Health Specialist program (see Environment, Centre for).
the particular academic interests of each student.
We encourage every student registered in a Human Biology Notes:
program to discuss their individual program each year with a 1. Many second, third and fourth year courses in this
Human Biology counsellor (for appointment, contact counsel. program have specific prerequisites. Students should
[email protected]). check prerequisites for the higher level courses they are
interested in prior to making first year course selections,
Human Biology Specialist Programs and on through higher years
Enrolment in all specialist programs is limited, with selection 2. In choosing between ENV 235Y1 and ENV 236Y1,
based on performance in First Year courses as well as students should pay particular attention to their
cumulative Grade Point Average (cGPA). Enrolment requires respective prerequisites
completion of 4.0 FCEs including the First Year prerequisite Genes Genetics & Biotechnology Specialist
courses. Apply at the Faculty of Arts & Science web site at program:
the end of first year or at the Human Biology Program Office
at later times. (14.5 to 15 full courses or their equivalent, including at least
two 400-series courses)
Environment & Health Specialist program: First Year:
(14 full courses or their equivalent which includes fulfillment 1. BIO(120H1+130H1)/150Y1
of the Faculty’s Distribution requirements; must include at 2. CHM138H1, 139H1
least four 300+-series courses, one of which must be at the 3. 1.0 FCE from: MAT135Y1/136Y1/137Y1/157Y1;
400-level) PHY110Y1/(131H1+132H1)/138Y1/140Y1/
First Year: 4. 0.5 to 1.0 FCE from: ANT100Y1; ECO100Y1;
1. BIO (120H1+130H1)/150Y1 GGR107H1/124H1; PHL100Y1/102Y1; PSY100H1;
2. CHM (138H1, 139H1)/151Y SOC101Y1; VIC170Y1/171Y1
3. 1.0 FCE from GGR100Y1/(GGR100H1 + GGR101H1) Second Year:
/MAT135Y1/MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1/JMB170Y1; 1. HMB201H1, 265H1/BIO260H1, BCH210H1,
PHY110Y1/138Y1/140Y1/(/PHY131H1,PHY132H1)/ BIO(220H1+230H1)/(240H1+241H1)/250Y1/255Y1,
(PHY151H1,PHY152H1) (PHY138Y1/ CHM247H1
(PHY131H1,PHY132H1) recommended) /PSY100H1 2. 1.0 FCE from: ANT203Y1/204Y1; ENV236Y1;
Students are encouraged to select an FCE from ECO/ GGR220H1/246H1/256H1/270H1; JGE221Y;
GGR/HIS/SOC to maximize elective course choice in WGS261Y1; PHL240H1/245H1/255H1/273H1/275H1/
later years (see Note 2) 281Y1; SOC205Y1/207Y1/210Y1/212Y1/213Y1/214Y1/
Second Year: 220Y1/242Y1 /243H1/244H1/246H1/247H1/260Y1/
1. (BCH210H1, CHM247H1); BIO250Y1/255Y1/(240H1 + 263H1
241H1)/(220H1 + 230H1); ENV(221H1, + 222H1)/222Y1/ Higher Years:
GGR222Y1/JGE221Y1, ENV234Y1/(ENV235Y1/ 1. HMB301H1, 321H1, BCH311H1/CSB349H1/PSL350H1
ENV236Y1)2; PHL273H1; BIO260H1/HMB265H1 2. 0.5 FCE science laboratory from: HMB311H1;
Third Year: BCH370H1; CSB330H1/350H1; MGY376H1; PSL372H1
1. CSB/BIO 349H1/ LMP 363H1/NFS 284H1/PSL 302Y1; 3. 2.0 FCE from the sciences: ANA301H1; BCH 300-series
JGE 321H1/ENV 321Y1; ENV 341H1; the other of ENV (see Note 4 below); CSB310H1/325H1/327H1/328H1/
234Y1/(235Y1/236Y1)2; (STA 220H1, 221H1/EEB225H1) 329H1/331H1/332H1/340H1/345H1/347H1/351Y1/
Fourth Year: 352H1/353H1; EEB323H1/324H1/341H1; IMM334Y1;
1. ENV 421H1/HMB396Y0/HMB496Y1/HMB498Y1/ PSY 397H1; LMP301H1/363H1; MGY377H1/378H1;
HMB499Y1 or a minimum of 0.5 FCE from any approved NFS284H1/386H1; PCL201H1/302H1; PSL302Y1
departmental or college independent research project
2. JEH455H1

Human Biology
4. 1.0 FCE from a Bio-Social or Social perspective: ANT 5. 0.5 FCE from Ecology/Evolution: EEB319H1/321H1/
300-series; GGR314H1/331H1/333H1/334H1/335H1/ 323H1/324H1/328H1/362H1/365H1; CSB375H1;
338H1/393H1; HPS318H1/319H1/324H1/326H1/350H1/ BCH311H1/CSB349H1/PSL350H1
353H1/355H1; WGS365H1/366H1/367H1/368H1/372H1/ 6. 1.0 FCE from Environmental Issues:
373H1; PHL341H1/342/344H1/345H1/347H1/349H1/ GGR303H1/305H1/307H1/314H1; ENV321Y1;
381H1/383H1/384H1; SOC 303H1/306Y1/309Y1/312Y1/ FOR302H1/303H1
317Y1/320Y1/327Y1 /339H1/344Y1/347H1/355Y1/ 7. 1.0 FCE from Social Sciences or
356Y1/363H1/365Y1/366H1/369Y1/370Y1/373H1/374H1/ Humanities: ANT348Y1/349H1/364Y1,
375Y1/381Y1/382Y1/385Y1/386Y1/388H1 ENV350H1; GGR334H1/338H1/393H1;
5. 1.0 FCE from a 400-level science series (see Note 6. ENV320Y1/32H1/341H1/35H1; JIE307Y1;
below): HMB421H1/431H1/435H1/436H1/441H1/499Y1; WGS367H1/72H1; PHL373H1/380H1/381H/
BCH 400-series (see Note 4 below); CSB428H1/429H1/4 382H1/383H1/384H1, POL301Y1/317Y1/343Y1/
52H1/458H1/459H1/460H1/472H1/474H1/483H1/484H1; 346H1/350H1/380H1/380Y1; PSY333H1/335H1;
EEB459H1/460H1/463H1; LMP 400-series; MGY400 SOC309Y1/312Y1/327Y1/381Y1
series (see Note 5 below); NFS 400-series; PCL477H1; 8. 1.0 FCE from 400-level Science/Env/Eco series:
PSL 400-series HMB433H1/434H1/443H1/473H1/498Y1/HAJ453H1;
6. 1.0 FCE from a 400-level Science, Bio-social or Social CSB452H1/458H1; EEB428H1/440H1/459H1/
Perspective (see Note 6 below): HMB 400-series; 462H1/465H1/469H1/471H1/495Y1; GGR403H1/409H1;
ANT428H1/429H1/433H1/448H1/450H1; GGR LMP402H1/406H1/436H; MGY434H1/440H1;
415H1/416H1/439H1/450H1; PHL407H1/440H1/470H1/ MIJ485H1; NFS486H1/487H1/490H1;
475H1/482H1/483H1; JFG 475H1; NEW 425Y1/465H1; PSL420H1/421H1/470H1/472H1; JEH455H1
BCH 400-series (see Note 4 below); CSB428H1/429H1/4 9. 1.0 FCE from 400-level Soc/Hum/Proj series:
52H1/458H1/459H1 /460H1/461H1/472H1/474H1/482Y1; HMB420H1/433H1/498Y1/499Y1; ANT427H1/
EEB 459H1/460H1/463H1; LMP 400-series; MGY 440Y1/448H1/450H1/452H1/455Y1; ENV423H1/441H1;
400-series (see Note 5 below); PHC 400-series; PSL GGR415H1/418H1/439H1/450H1/451H1; JFG475H1;
400-series INI422H1/446H1; NEW425Y1/465H1; POL401H1/
412H1/413H1/417Y1/418Y1; PHL415H1/440H1/
Global Health Specialist program: 447Y1/470H1/482H1; TRN410Y1/411Y1/419Y1/421Y1,
(15.5 to 16 full courses or their equivalent, including at least UNI410H1/464H1
two 400-series courses)
Health & Disease Specialist program:
First Year:
(14.5 to 15 full courses or their equivalent, including at least
1. BIO(120H1+130H1)/150Y1
two 400-series courses)
2. 1.0 FCE from: CHM138H1, 139H1;
MAT135Y1/136Y1/137Y1/157Y1; PHY110Y1/ First Year:
(131H1+132H1)/138Y1/140Y1/(151H1+152H1) 1. BIO(120H1+130H1)/150Y1
3. 1.0 FCE from: ANT100Y1; GGR100H1/107H1/124H1 2. CHM138H1, 139H1
4. 0.5 to 1.0 FCE from: PHL100Y1; PSY100H1; 3. 1.0 FCE from: MAT135Y1/136Y1/137Y1/157Y1;
SOC101Y1; TRN150Y/151Y; VIC170Y1/171Y1; PHY110Y1/(131H1+132H1)/138Y1/140Y1/
NEW150Y; POL105Y/108Y (151H1+152H1)
Second Year: 4. 0.5 to 1.0 FCE from: ANT100Y1; GGR107H1;
1. HMB203H1, BIO(220H1+230H1)/ GGR124H1; PHL100Y1/PHL102Y1; PSY100H1;
(240H1+241H1)/250Y1/255Y1, STA220H1 SOC101Y1; VIC170Y1/171Y1
2. 1.0 FCE from Environment or Resource Second Year:
Management: EEB215H1; ENV236Y1; FOR201H1; 1. HMB202H1, 265H1/BIO260H1; BCH210H1;
GGR201H1/203H1/206H1/233Y1; JGE221Y1 BIO(220H1+230H1)/(240H1+241H1)/250Y1/255Y1;
3. 1.0 FCE from Social, Cultural or Political Science: CHM247H1
ANT204Y1; GGR220H1/256H1; JGI216H; WGS261Y1; 2. 1.0 FCE from: ANT203Y1/204Y1; ENV236Y1;
PHL273H1/275H1/281Y1; POL201Y1/208Y1; GGR220H1/246H1/256H1/270H1; JGE221Y;
PSY220H1; SOC205Y1/210Y1/214Y1/242Y1/246H1/ WGS261Y1; PHL240H1/245H1/237H1/255H1/275H1/
247H1 281Y1; SOC205Y1/207Y1/210Y1/212Y1/213Y1/214Y1/
Second Year and Higher Years: 220Y1/242Y1/246H1/247H1/260Y1/263H1
1. 1.0 FCE from Biological Sciences: Higher Years:
HMB265H1/342H1/397H1; ANT203Y1; BCH210H1; 1. HMB302H1; BCH311H1/CSB349H1/PSL350H1;
BIO251Y1; BIO252Y1/(270H1+271H1); MGY(377H1+378H1)/CSB351Y1; PSL302Y1
EEB225H1/263Y1/265Y1; ENV234Y1/236Y1; 2. 0.5 FCE science laboratory from: HMB312H1;
PSL302Y1; STA221H1 BCH370H1; MGY376H1; PSL372H1; CSB330H1
2. HMB303H1 3. 0.5 FCE from the sciences: HMB305H1/322H1/325H1/34
3. 0.5 FCE in Laboratory Sciences: HMB312H1; 2H1/397H1; ANA300Y1/301H1/304Y1; BIO251Y1/252Y1/
BCH370H1; MGY376H1; PSL372H1; CSB330H1 (270H1+271H1); CSB325H1/
4. 1.5 FCE from Basic Medical Sciences: LMP363H1; 327H1/328H1/329H1/331H1/332H1/340H1/345H1
NFS284H1; MGY377H1/378H1; CSB351Y1 /346H1/347H1/353H1; BCH 300-series (see Note

Human Biology
4 below); EEB331H1/340H1/341H1; IMM334Y1; JLS474H1; JLP 471H1; PCL475Y1; PSL432H1/440Y1/
PSY397H1; LMP301H1/363H1; NFS284H1/386H1; 443H1/444Y1/450H1/452H1/454H1/472H1; PSY440H1/
PCL201H1/302H1/362H1; PSL303Y1 460H1/470H1/471H1/480H1/490H1/497H1
4. 1.0 FCE from a Bio-Social or Social perspective: ANT
300-series; GGR314H1/331H1/333H1/334H1/335H1/
Human Biology Major Programs
338H1/393H1; HPS318H1/319H1/323H1/324H1/326H1/ Enrolment in a Human Biology Major program requires
328H1/333H1/350H1; WGS365H1/366H1/367H1/368H1/ completion of 4.0 FCEs, no minimum GPA and registration in
372H1/373H1; PHL341H1/342H1/345H1/347H1/349H1/ only one Human Biology Major program.
381H1/383H1/384H1; SOC303H1/306Y1/309Y1/312Y1/
317Y1/320Y1/327Y1/339H1/344Y1/347H1/355Y1/356Y1/ Environment & Health Major program
363H1/365Y1/366H1/369Y1/370Y1/373H1/374H1/375Y1/ (8.0 FCE):
5. 1.0 FCE from a 400-level science series (see Note 6. First Year (2.5 FCE): Year (2.5 FCE): BIO(120H1 +
below): HMB402H1/422H1/432H1/440H1/442H1/470H1/ 130H1)/150Y1; CHM138H1,139H1; GGR100H1/101H1/
471H1/472H1/473H1/HMB499Y1; BCH 400-series (See GLG102H1/MAT135Y1/PHY131H1/PSY100H1
Note 4 below); CSB428H1/429H1/452H1/458H1/460H1/ Higher Years:
472H1; EEB460H1/463H1; IMM429H1/430H1/435H1; 1. 2.0 FCE: BCH210H1/CHM247H1; BIO(220H1 + 230H1)/
JBI428H1/IMM428H1; PSY497H1; LMP 400-series; MGY (240H1 + 241H1)/250Y1/255Y1; HMB265H1/BIO260H1
400-series; NFS 400-series; PCL470Y1/471Y1/473Y1/47 2. 1.0 FCE: E&H core course ENV(221H1 +
5Y1/477H1/481H1; PSL 400-series 222H1)/222Y1/GGR222Y1/JGE221Y1/ENV234Y1/
6. 1.0 FCE from a 400-level Science, Bio-social or ENV236Y1
Social Perspective (see Note 6. below): ANT428 300- & 400-level:
H1/429H1/433H1/434H1/440Y1/448H1/449H1/45 3. 0.5 FCE: E&H core course ENV341H1
0H1; GGR415H1/416H1/439H1/450H1; PHL407H 4. 1.0 FCE: PSL302Y1
1/440H1/470H1/475H1/482H1/483H1; JFG475H1; 5. 0.5 FCE from E&H-relevant course
NEW425Y1/465H1; BCH 400-series (See Note 4 HMB302H1/303H1/304H1/305H1/314H1/322H1/397H1/
below); CSB428H1/429H1/452H1/458H1/460H1 496Y1/498Y1*/499Y1*; ANA300Y1/301H1, BCH311H1*/
/461H1/472H1/482Y1; EEB460H1/463H1; HMB CSB349H1/PSL350H1, BCH370H1, CHM310H1,
400-series; IMM429H1/430H1/435H1; PSY497H1; CSB325H1/327H1/328H1/331H1/346H1/
MIJ485H; LMP 400-series; MGY 400-series; 347H1/350H1/351Y1, EEB318H1/319H1/321H1*
NFS484H1/486H1/488H1/490H1; PCL470Y1/471Y1/473 /328H1/362H1/375H1/428H1, ENV315H1/336H1/
Y1/475Y1/481H1; PHC 400-series; PSL 400-series GGR303H1/305H1/310H1/409H1/JGE347H1/348H1,
GLG351H1/450H1, IMM334Y1, LMP301H1/363H1,
Neuroscience Specialist program: MGY377H1, NFS382H1*/386H1/488H1*,
(13.5 to 14 full courses or their equivalent, including at least PSL372H1/420H1, PSY335H1*
two 400-series courses) 6. 0.5 FCE: E&H depth course JEH455H1
First Year: Genes Genetics & Biotechnology Major
1. BIO(120H1+130H1)/150Y1 (8.0 FCE):
2. CHM138H1, 139H1
3. 1.0 FCE from: MAT135Y1/136Y1/137Y1/157Y1; First Year (2.5 FCE): BIO(120H1+130H1)/150Y1;
PHY110Y1/(131H1+132H1)/138Y1 CHM138H1, 139H1; MAT135Y1/PHY131H1/PSY100H1
4. PSY100H1 Higher Years:
Second Year: 1. 3.0 FCE: BCH210H1/CHM247H1; BIO(220H1+230H1)/
1. HMB200H1, HMB265H1/BIO260H1, (240H1+241H1); HMB265H1/BIO260H1; PSL302Y1/
BCH210H1/CHM247H1, BIO(220H1+230H1)/ BIO251Y/270H1+271H1
(240H1+241H1)/250Y1/255Y1; STA220H1/PSY201H1 2. 0.5 FCE: GGB core course HMB201H1
2. 0.5 FCE from: ANT204Y1/253H1/LIN200H1/ 300- & 400-level:
PSY260H1/270H1/280H1 3. 0.5 FCE: GGB core course HMB301H1/311H1/321H1
3. PSL300H1/BIO252Y1/BIO(270H1+271H1) 4. 0.5 FCE: BCH311H1/CSB349H1/PSL350H1
Higher Years: 5. 0.5 FCE from GGB relevant course
1. HMB300H1, 310H1, 320H1, BCH311H1/CSB349H1/ HMB301H1/304H1/305H1/311H1/314H1/321H1/
PSL350H1 397H1/402H1/421H1/431H1/435H1/436H1/441H1/
2. 2.0 FCE from: CSB325H1/328H1/330H1/332H1/345H1/ 489H1/499Y1; ANA300Y1/301H1; BCB410H1*; BCH370
346H1/347H1; EEB322H1; JAL355H1; H1/422H1/426H1/440H1/441H1/444H1/445H/
JLP315H1/374H1; PCL201H1/302H1; 446H1; CSB325H1/327H1/328H1/331H1/340H1/
PSL301H1/303Y1/372H1/374H1; PSY202H1/342H1/ 350H1/351Y1/352H1/353H1/428H1/429H1/435H1/
371H1/372H1/373H1/375H1/393H1/394H1/396H1/ 450H1/458H1/459H1/460H1/472H1/473H1/
397H1; WGS372H1 474H1/475H1, EEB303H1/403H1/318H1/323H1/
3. 2.0 FCE from 400-level Science Series: HMB 331H1/362H1/460H1, FOR300H1/310H1/410H1/423H1,
400Y1/420H1/430H1/440H1/471H1/473H1; GGR305H1/310H1, IMM334Y1,
CSB425H1/428H1/430H1/445H1; EEB459H1/496Y1; LMP301H1/363H1/404H1, MGY350H1/377H1/378H1/
428H1/451H1, NFS382H1*/386H1/487H1*, PSL462H1

Human Biology
6. 0.5 FCE from GGB depth course HMB421H1/431H1/ Higher Years:
435H1/436H1/441H1/499Y1 1. 3.0 FCE: BCH210H1/CHM247H1; BIO (220H1+230H1)/
(240H1+241H1); HMB265H1/BIO260H1; PSL302Y1/
Global Health Major BIO270H1+271H1
(8.0 FCE): 2. 0.5 FCE: HCE core course PHL281H1/275H1/
First Year (2.5 FCE): BIO(120H1+130H1)/150Y1; HPS250H1
CHM138H1, 139H1; MAT135Y1/PHY131H1/PSY100H1 300- & 400-level:
Higher Years: 3. 0.5 FCE: HCE core course HMB306H1
1. 3.0 FCE: BCH210H1/CHM247H1; BIO(220H1+230H1)/ 4. 0.5 FCE: HCE relevant humanities course PHL380H1/
(240H1+241H1); HMB265H1/BIO260H1; PSL302Y1/ 381H1/382H1/383H1/384H1, HPS300H1/318H1/319H1
BIO270H1+271H1 5. 0.5 FCE: HCE relevant science course
2. 0.5 FCE: GH core course HMB203H1 HMB303H1/305H1/314H1/322H1/325H1/342H1/397H1/
300- & 400-level: 402H1/422H1/432H1/434H1/440H1/442H1/442H1/
3. 0.5 FCE: GH core course HMB303H1/323H1 444H1/JEH455H1/470H1/471H1/472H1/473H1/499H1*,
4. 1.0 FCE from GH relevant courses: ANA300Y1/301H1, BCH311H1/CSB349H1/PSL350H1,
HMB303H1/304H1/305H1/312H1/314H1/ BCH370H1, CSB325H1/327H1/328H1/331H1/346H1/
323H1/325H1/342H1/397H1/404H1/433H1/ 351Y1, EEB318H1/319H1/321H1, IMM334Y1,
434H1/442H1/443H1/444H1/473H1/498Y1/HAJ453H1, LMP301H1, NFS382H1*/386H1/490H1*,
ANA300Y1/301H1; BCH311H1/CSB349H1/PSL350H1; PSL372H1/420H1, PSY314H1/370H1
BCH370H1, CSB325H1/327H1/328H1/330H1/ 6. 0.5 FCE: HCE depth course HMB406H1
331H1/346H1/351Y1/431H1/483H1, EEB 318H1/319H1/ Human Biology Major program:
(7.5 to 8 full courses or their equivalent)
460H1, IMM334Y1, LMP301H1/363H1/404H1/406H1,
MGY350H1*/377H1/378H1*, NFS382H1*/386H1/487H1*, First Year:
PCL389H1*, PHC320H1*, PSL372H1/420H1/421H1, 1. BIO(120H1+130H1)/150Y1, CHM138H1, 139H1
PSY321H1* 2. 0.5 to 1.0 FCE from: JMB 170Y1;
5. 0.5 FCE from GH depth course MAT135Y1/136Y1/137Y1/157Y1; PHY 110Y1/
HMB433H1/434H1/443H1/498Y1/HAJ453H1 (131H1+132H1)/138Y1/140Y1/(151H1+152H1); PSY
100H1; VIC 170Y1/171Y1
Health & Disease Major program Second Year:
(8.0 FCE): 1. HMB265H1/BIO260H1, BCH 210H1,
First Year (2.5 FCE): BIO(120H1+130H1)/150Y1; BIO(220H1+230H1)/(240H1+241H1)/250Y1/255Y1
CHM138H1, 139H1; MAT135Y1/PHY131H1/PSY100H1 Third Year:
Higher Years: 1. 1.0 FCE from: BIO 251Y1/252Y1/(270H1+271H1); PSL
1. 3.0 FCE: BCH210H1/CHM247H1; BIO(220H1+230H1)/ 302Y1
(240H1+241H1); HMB265H1/BIO260H1; PSL302Y1/ 2. 1.0 300+level FCE from: BIO; BOT; EEB; CSB; HMB;
BIO270H1+271H1 PSY; ZOO
2. 0.5 FCE: H&D core course HMB202H1 3. 1.0 300+level FCE from: ANA; BCH; HMB; IMM; LMP;
300- & 400-level: MGY; NFS; NRS; PCL; PSL (see Note 2 below)
3. 0.5 FCE: H&D core course Neuroscience Major program
(8.0 FCE):
4. 1.0 FCE H&D-relevant courses:
HMB302H1/304H1/305H1/306H1/312H1/314H1/322H1/ First Year (3.0 FCE): BIO(120H1+130H1)/150Y1;
325H1/342H1/397H1/322H1/402H1/404H1/406H1/ CHM138H1, 139H1; MAT135Y1/PHY131H1; PSY100H1
422H1/432H1/434H1/435H1/436H1/440H1/441H1/ Higher Years:
442H1/443H1/470H1/471H1/472H1/473H1/489H1/ 1. 2.0 FCE: BCH210H1/CHM247H1; BIO(220H1+230H1)/
499H1/HAJ453H1; ANA300Y1/301H1; BCH311H1/ (240H1+241H1); HMB265H1/BIO260H1
CSB349H1/PSL350H1; BCH370H1/426H1*/441H1*/ 2. 0.5 FCE: NRS core course HMB200H1/204H1
444H1*/446H1*, CSB325H1/327H1/328H1/330H1/ 3. 0.5 FCE from 200-series PSY course
331H1/332H1/346H1/347H1/351Y1/352H1/431H1/ 300- & 400-level:
435H1/472H1/473H1/483H1, EEB318H1/323H1/ 4. 0.5 FCE: NRS core course HMB300H1/310H1/320H1
331H1/375H1/460H1/461H1, IMM334Y1, LMP301H1/ 5. 0.5 FCE: PSL300H1
363H1/404H1/406H1/412H1, 6. 0.5 FCE from NRS relevant course
MGY350H1*/377H1/378H1*, NFS382H1*/386H1/486H1*, HMB300H1/310H1/320H1/397H1/400Y1/420H1/430H1/
PCL389H1*, PHC320H1*, PSL372H1/420H1/421H1/ 440H1/471H1/473H1/489H1; ANA300Y1/301H1,
425H1/470H1/472H1, PSY333H1*/341H1* BCH311H1/CSB349H1/PSL350H1, BCH446H1,
5. 0.5 FCE H&D depth course: HMB402H1/422H1/432H1/ CSB325H1/328H1/332H1/346H1/347H1/425H1/
440H1/442H1/470H1/471H1/472H1/473H1/HMB499Y1 428H1/430H1/445H1, EEB322H1*; JLP315H1;
LMP410H1, NFS489H1*, PCL475Y1, PSL372H1
Health Care Ethics Major program /432H1/440Y1/443H1/444Y1/452H1/472H1, PSY
(8.0 FCE): 300-series*/397H1/460H1*/470H*
First Year (2.5 FCE): BIO(120H1+130H1)/150Y1;
CHM138H1, 139H1; MAT135Y1/PHY131H1/PSY100H1

Human Biology
7. 0.5 FCE from NRS depth course HMB400Y1/ Pre- or co-requisite: BIO(220H1+230H1)/
420H1/430H1/440H1/471H1/473H1, (240H1+241H1)/250Y1/255Y1
CSB425H1/428H1430H1/445H1, DR=SCI; BR=4
PSL432H1/452H1/472H1, PSY460H1*/470H*/497H1* HMB202H1 Introduction to Health and Disease [24L,
*Some courses require additional prerequisites. Check 12P]
course listings. An introductory course in Health and Disease using an
interdisciplinary approach that integrates developmental
human biology with perspectives from the Social Sciences.
An exploration of the key concepts and approaches that are
1. EEB202H/214H/215H/216H; CSB200Y; PSL201Y will not
necessary for understanding the dynamic nexus of human
be considered for program requirements.
health and disease.
2. Some 200-, 300- and 400-level courses have specific
Prerequisite: BIO(120H1+130H1)/150Y1
prerequisites. Check prerequisites of upper level courses
you are interested in prior to making First Year course
selections. HMB203H1 Introduction to Global Health [24L, 12T]
3. In choosing between ENV235Y1 and ENV236Y1, pay An introductory course covering the theories, operational
particular attention to their respective prerequisites. components and strategies of implementing primary health
4. Students who have completed BCH210H1 with high care in developing countries. Topics include education,
standing may enrol in 300- or 400-series lecture courses control of vector borne diseases, essential drug provision,
with permission of the Department of Biochemistry maternal and child health and nutrition and incorporation
program coordinator. of alternative and complementary technologies, community
5. Students who have completed BIO349H1/CSB349H1 participation and deployment of health service providers.
with high standing may be eligible to enrol in other MGY Prerequisite: BIO(120H1+130H1)/150Y1
400-series courses with permission from the instructor. DR=SCI; BR=4
6. An independent research or reading course may be used HMB204H1 Introduction to Human Behavioural Biology
towards the 400-level FCE requirement after approval by [24L, 12T]
the Human Biology program committee. This introductory course explores the biology of selected
types of human behaviour. The topics chosen represent
areas where recent understanding has dramatically shifted
Human Biology Courses or where controversies still exist. Critical analysis of the
available scientific evidence is used to inform opinion.
See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions. Prerequisite: BIO(120H1+130H1)/150Y1, PSY100H1
Exclusion: HMB200H1/PSY290H1/NRS201H1
First Year Seminars
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide the
opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class of no HMB210H1 Scientific Controversies and Misconceptions
more than twenty-four students. These interactive seminars [18L, 6S]
are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity and provide Students engage in a variety of current, high profile
an opportunity to get to know a member of the professorial misconceptions in human biology to change and extend
staff in a seminar environment during the first year of study. incorrect common beliefs; to become familiar with the
For details, see page 48. process of scientific inquiry; and to develop thinking,
analytical and communication skills. Scientific misconceptions
HMB200H1 Introduction to Neuroscience [24L, 12T]
are sourced from current issues.
A survey of brain systems, including evolution and
Prerequisite: BIO(120H1+130H1)/150Y1
development of the nervous system, brain stem system
Pre- or co-requisite: BIO(220H1+230H1)/
for defensive and approach responses, limbic and cortical
(240H1+241H1)/250Y1/255Y1; BCH210H1
systems for learning, and higher brain functions. Techniques
for study of brain systems including pharmacology, gene
targeting and human brain imaging are introduced. HMB265H1 General and Human Genetics [24L, 12T]
Exclusion: PSY290H1/NRS201H1/HMB204H1 An introduction to classical and modern methods of genetic
Prerequisite: BIO(120H1+130H1)/150Y1; PSY100H1/101Y1 analysis. Topics include Mendelian genetics, the genetics of
Pre- or co-requisite: PSL300H1/302Y1/BIO(270H1+271H1) human population and disease, genomics, and applications
DR=SCI; BR=4 of genetics to human society.
Exclusion: BIO260H1, BIO207H5
HMB201H1 Introduction to Genes, Genetics, and
Prerequisite: BIO(120H1+130H1)/150Y1
Biotechnology [24L, 12T]
Co-requisite: BIO(220H1+230H1)/
Interdisciplinary course consisting of three parts: the genetic
basis, tools and techniques of biotechnology; medical,
environmental and agricultural applications; and ethical, legal
and social aspects of biotechnology (including approaches HMB300H1 Human Behavioural Biology [24L, 12T]
to risk assessment, reduction and acceptance). A prime This intermediate course in neuroscience focuses on
example used in the third part is the controversy over higher brain functions and mechanisms underlying human
genetically modified foods. and animal behaviours. Topics may include advanced
Prerequisite: BIO(120H1+130H1)/150Y1 neurophysiological, neuroanatomical and genetic basis of
various cortical functions, including learning and memory,

Human Biology
“mirroring”, and executive function. Experimental techniques raise ethical issues in clinical practice. This is clearly evident
used in neuroscience research such as electophysiological in cases where the negative impact of a disease on health is
recordings, brain imaging and neurogenetics are high. This course focuses on these non-bioethical problems
emphasized. in biomedical science.
Prerequisite: HMB200H1/204H1/NRS201H1 Prerequisite: BIO(220H1+230H1)/
DR=SCI; BR=TBA (240H1+241H1)/250Y1/255Y1; HMB265H1/BIO260H1;
HMB301H1 Biotechnology [24L, 12T]
Co-requisite: PSL302Y1/(BIO270H1+271H1)
Students gain an appreciation for how science, business,
government and society drive the development of
biotechnology products. Topics include stem cells and HMB310H1 Laboratory in Neuroscience [12L, 36P]
regenerative medicine, diagnostics, cancer therapy, A laboratory course based on current research techniques for
biotechnology in the developing world, antibiotic alternatives, students in the Neuroscience Specialist and Major programs.
and patents. Guest lecturers and student interviews of Lab topics include human brain imaging and disorders;
representatives from the biotechnology industry enhance animal behaviour, electrophysiology and cell culture; and
real-world perspective. microarray analysis of neural development.
Prerequisite: HMB201H1 Exclusion: PSY399H1, NRS302H1,
DR=SCI; BR=TBA HMB311H1/312H1/314H1
Prerequisite: HMB200H1/204H1
HMB302H1 Vertebrate Histology and Histopathology
[24L, 36P]
Laboratory and lecture course studying the structure of the HMB311H1 Laboratory in Genes Genetics &
cell, various tissues and organ systems. Emphasis is on Biotechnology [12L, 36P]
functional morphology and the adaptive response (including A laboratory course based on current research techniques for
the inflammatory reaction) by comparing histological sections students in the Genes Genetics & Biotechnology Specialist
of normal tissues and organs with common diseases and Major programs. Lab topics include basic microbiology,
including neoplasia, respiratory, and liver disease. molecular biology and animal cell culture techniques;
Prerequisite: BIO(220H1+230H1)/ nutrigenomics; and microarray analysis of altered gene
(240H1+241H1)/250Y1/255Y1 expression.
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Exclusion: HMB310H1/312H1/314H1
Prerequisite: HMB201H1
HMB303H Global Health and Human Rights [24L, 15S]
A multidisciplinary emphasis on the economic, historical,
social and cultural determinants of health and human rights, HMB312H1 Laboratory in Health and Disease [12L, 36P]
and how structural violence prevents progress towards A laboratory course based on current research techniques
human rights. Case studies reflecting global aspects of for students in the Health & Disease Specialist and
health and human rights form a framework for approaching Major programs. Lab topics include basic microbiology,
these issues. molecular biology and animal cell culture techniques;
DR=SCI/SOC SCI; BR=TBA immunocytochemistry, microarrays, and histological
HMB304H1 Biomedical Visualization 1 [12L, 24P]
Exclusion: HMB310H1/311H1/314H
This course covers the analysis and development of visual
Prerequisite: HMB202H1
media as it relates to the study of human biology. Lectures
include: light/form; proportion/scale; conventions in human
biology visualizations; media appropriate for target audience HMB314H1 Laboratory in Human Biology [12L, 36P]
and reproduction. Topics may include: human anatomy and Students analyze whole body, cellular, and molecular
physiology, genetics, and issues in public health. Classes responses to stressors. Techniques range from those
consist of lectures with computer lab explorations. standard in medical practice (e.g., blood pressure) to
Exclusion: HSC302H5 those used in cutting-edge research laboratories (e.g.,
Prerequisite: BIO(220H1+230H1)/ microarrays). Students gain technical and analytical skills as
(240H1+241H1)/250Y1/255Y1 they use these laboratory techniques to design and carry out
DR=SCI; BR=TBA individual and group experiments.
Exclusion: HMB310H1/311H1/312H1
HMB305H1 Personalized Modern Science [24L, 3P]
Prerequisite: BIO(220H1+230H1)/
Learn about the people behind the last century of scientific
(240H1+241H1)/250Y1/255Y1; HMB265H1/BIO260H1;
discovery. Select scientists, chosen in part for the impact of
their discovery on human biology, are used to illustrate the
Co-requisite: PSL302Y1/(BIO270H1+271H1)
process of scientific research. Source material ranges from
scientific literature, biographies and interviews.
Prerequisite: BIO(220H1+230H1)/ HMB320H1 Neuroanatomy [24L, 16P, 8T]
(240H1+241H1)/250Y1/255Y1; BCH210H1; HMB265H1 This is a rigorous, introductory course that presents the
DR=SCI; BR=TBA functional and comparative anatomy of the vertebrate brain.
It is designed for students who intend to continue with
HMB306H1 Epistemological Ethics in Medicine [14L, 10S]
studies in the Neurosciences and related areas.
Decisions in medicine are affected by the practice of science.
Exclusion: NRS202H1
For example, experimental design, knowledge acquisition
Prerequisite: HMB200H1/204H1/PSL300H1/302Y1/(
and claims, standards of proof, and regulatory processes can

Human Biology
DR=SCI; BR=TBA EHJ351H1 The Ecology of Human Population Growth
Predicting human population growth is important to society.
HMB321H1 Topics in Genetics [24L, 12T]
How many people can Earth support and what constraints on
The overall theme of this course is human genetics in
lifestyle will be imposed by different population sizes? Topics
disease. Topics include the molecular basis of human
include: principles of demography; history of scientific bases
disease, using model organisms to identify disease-related
for predicting human population growth; uncertainty in growth
genes, and genetic counseling. Expert guest lectures from
predictions; ecological consequences of population growth;
clinical and basic sciences as well as small group work in
impacts of behavioural or evolutionary change on population
tutorials build in-depth understanding.
growth; philosophical and political issues affecting human
Prerequisite: BIO260H1/HMB265H1
population regulation.
Prerequisite: (BIO120H, 220H)/150Y1, JMB170Y1/
HMB322H1 Human Disease in Our Society [24L, 12T] MAT135Y1/136Y1/137Y1/157Y1
Explore the scientific basis, interdisciplinary healthcare DR=SCI; BR=TBA
practices, and social implications of several diseases
EHJ352H1 Evolution of the Human Genome [24L, 12T]
common in our society (e.g., STD, skin cancer, diabetes,
Human genome diversity and evolution with a focus on
and periodontal disease). Discuss current issues. Shadow a
current research. The course integrates applications of
healthcare professional.
human evolutionary genomics to the understanding of
Prerequisite: BIO(220H1+230H1)/
human history and adaptation, the causes of disease, and
(240H1+241H1)/250Y1/255Y1, HMB265H1/BIO260H1
genome structure and function. Topics include: comparative
Pre- or Co-requisite: PSL302Y1/(BIO270H1+271H1)
genomics, population genomics of adaptation, association
mapping, repetitive/selfish DNA, and gene duplication.
HMB323H1 Global Health Research [24L, 12T] Prerequisite: (BIO120H, 220H)/150Y, BIO260H/HMB265H
Health is a responsibility shared worldwide. This globalization DR=SCI; BR=TBA
of health problems has impacted on biomedical research by
HMB396Y0 International Research Project in Human
refocusing attention to international initiatives. We explore
Biology [TBA]
current global health research advances. We also develop
Your individual,, independent research project is supervised
global health research skills. Both provide background
by a faculty member in an approved partner university. This
preparation for global health research, particularly in
unique opportunity to conduct a lab-based research project is
international settings.
open to students in any Human Biology program.
Prerequisite: 3rd-year status; HMB203H1
Prerequisite: An approved 300-series science laboratory
course and permission of the Human Biology Program
HMB325H1 Statistics Applied to Human Biology [24L, from which application forms may be obtained.
Find out how to use statistics in your research, and critically
HMB397H1 Scientific Communication [4L, 20S]
assess published data using statistical concepts. Unlike other
Delve into topic(s) of human biology of your choice! Read
statistics courses, the examples used in these lectures and
science as it’s published. Listen to scientific talks. Be
small-group sessions are taken solely from human biology
mentored by your own individual professor, a basic or clinical
researcher. Assignments guide you to read, write, and speak
Exclusion: ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/GGR270H1/PSY201H1/
effectively about science.
SOC300Y1/ STA220H1/STA250H1/STA261H1/STA248H1
Prerequisite: BIO(220H1+230H1)/
Prerequisite: First Year math or physics course;
(240H1+241H1)/250Y1/255Y1, HMB200H1/201H1/202H1/
HMB399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project
HMB342H1 Epidemiology of Health & Disease [24L, 24T]
Engages students in the fundamental science of
An Independent Experiential Study Project for students in
epidemiology applied to health and disease. After an
Human Biology. An instructional-supervised group project in
introduction to various measures of health and disease,
an off-campus setting.
the scientific methods used to investigate, analyze, prevent
Prerequisite: 10 FCE and permission of the Human Biology
and control population health problems are illustrated using
Program, from which application forms may be obtained.
biomedical and public health studies.
Exclusion: HMB442H1, UNI440H1
Prerequisite: HMB202H1/HMB203H1 HMB400Y1 Project in Neuroscience [TBA]
Recommended Preparation: HMB325H1 Laboratory research project on a neuroscience topic is
DR=SCI; BR=TBA supervised by a faculty member of the Faculty of Arts and
Science or the Faculty of Medicine.
JNH350H1 AIDS: Challenges and Successes (formerly
Prerequisite: 4th year status; an approved 300+ series
NEW350H1) [24L]
science laboratory course and permission of the Human
Explores the pandemic of AIDS in Africa through a social
Biology Program from which application forms may be
science lens.
Recommended preparation: NEW150Y1
Exclusion: NEW350H1

Human Biology
HMB402H1 Bench-to-bedside: translating lab research Neuroscience. These topical reports cover the spectrum from
into clinical practice [18L, 6S] molecular through genetic, cellular, developmental, systems,
The bridge between basic scientific research and clinical behavioural and modelling. As well, approaches to studying
practice integrates fundamental knowledge about molecular/ neurodegenerative diseases and clinical neurophysiology are
cellular mechanisms and clinical disorders to increase introduced.
the potential for new medical treatments, therapies and Prerequisite: 4th year status; HMB300H1/310H1/320H1
interventions as well as understanding of disease processes. DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Case applications delivered by experts illustrate how HMB431H1 Biotechnology: Interface between Science &
promising laboratory discoveries transform medicine and Industry [16L, 8S]
medical science. Students use case studies facilitated by biotechnology
Prerequisite: 4th year status; experts to explore the integration of biological science with
HMB302H1/312H1/314H1/322H1 business. The focus is on vision and strategies of newly
DR=SCI; BR=TBA established ventures as well as existing companies that
HMB404H1 Biomedical Visualization 2 [12L, 24P] promote significant achievement in scientific discovery,
This interdisciplinary course extends and applies the commercial application, and public awareness.
principles of HMB304H1 Biomedical Visualization 1 to Prerequisite: 4th year status; HMB301H1
enhance the translation of biomedical knowledge into visual DR=SCI; BR=TBA
communication. It encompasses medical illustration in health HMB432H1 Topics in Histology and Histopathology
care, education, research and promotion. Nearby multi- [12L, 12S]
disciplinary resources are instrumental for in-depth design Lecture and seminar course emphasizing current research.
projects that integrate art, science, and technology. Topics may include the digestive system, cardiovascular
Prerequisite: 4th year status; HMB304H1 system, respiratory system, stem cells, and neoplasia. Topics
DR=SCI; BR=TBA vary depending on class interest.
HMB406H1 Health Care Ethics [8L, 16S] Prerequisite: 4th year status; HMB302H1/312H1/322H1
Since research involving human subjects lays the foundation DR=SCI; BR=TBA
for innovation in modern health care, this course examines HMB433H1 Topics in Global Health [16L, 8S]
health care ethics along a continuum from bench to bedside. Seminar and theme based course examining the opportunity
Ethical issues are discussed in the context of specific cases to apply basic knowledge of biological determinants of
involving human research, as well as contemporary clinical disease to designing health system interventions and
practice. informatics that can have a global impact in the near term.
Prerequisite: 4th year status; HMB306H1 or permission from Prerequisite: 4th year status; HMB303H1/323H1
the Human Biology Program DR=SCI; BR=TBA
HMB434H1 Complementary and Alternative Medicine
HMB420H1 Seminar in Human Behavioural Biology [20L, 4S]
[12L, 12S] Integrative health care is a phenomenon that is developing
This seminar course focuses on recent research into in health care systems in North America, China, India, and
neurobiology underlying human behaviour. A variety of Vietnam, among others. It involves the coordination of
normal and abnormal human behaviours are studied (e.g., multi-disciplinary and culturally-specific health services in the
voluntary action, moral cognition, hedonism, aggression). treatment of illness and disease, and an expanded concept
Prerequisite: 4th year status; HMB300H1/310H1/320H1 of health, illness, and wellness.
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: 4th year status; HMB302H1/303H1/312H1/322
HMB421H1 Seminar in Genes Genetics & Biotechnology H1/323H1
[12L, 12S] DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Theme based lecture and seminar course underlining current HMB435H1 Selected Topics in Molecular Cell Biology
medical research in relation to the areas of genes, genetics [16L, 8S]
and biotechnology. Topics vary yearly. Theme based lecture and seminar course underlining
Prerequisite: 4th year status; HMB301H1/311H1/321H1 current basic science research in the area of molecular and
DR=SCI; BR=TBA cell biology as related to human disease. Topics focus on
HMB422H1 Seminar in Health and Disease [16L, 8S] the impact of fundamental processes (e.g., cell migration)
This course focuses on current medical research related to on the cellular and molecular aspects of physiology and
human disease. Faculty from the Department of Anaesthesia pathophysiology in a variety of systems (e.g., immune,
in the Faculty of Medicine present their own perioperative nervous).
research. The potentially profound health effects of Prerequisite: 4th year status; CSB349H1/PSL350H1/
anaesthesia, pain management, and the control of the BCH311H1
cardiorespiratory system essential for most surgery are also DR=SCI; BR=TBA
highlighted. HMB436H1 Human Fungal Interaction [16L, 8S, 6P]
Prerequisite: 4th year status; HMB302H1/312H1/322H1 Lecture, seminar, and field course that studies the
DR=SCI; BR=TBA interactions between humans and fungi. Topics focus on
HMB430H1 Trends in Neuroscience [18L, 6S] fungal genetics and evolution, and the effects of fungi on
Current research covering the breadth of neuroscience is human physiology. In addition, the commercialization and
show cased by members of the Collaborative Program in biotechnology of fungi are explored.

Human Biology
Prerequisite: 4th year status; CSB 349H1/PSL350H1/ study is explored from scientific, medical, political and policy
BCH311H1, PSL302Y1/(BIO270H1+271H1) perspectives. The course takes students from the molecular
DR=SCI; BR=TBA to individual to population and societal levels.
Prerequisite: 4th year status; ENV341H1/HMB
HMB440H1 Dementia [18L, 6S, 10P]
In patients with dementia, intellectual, social and
occupational functioning deteriorate. We explore in depth
the multi-disciplinary aspects of dementia (clinical, genetic, HMB462H1 Topics in Epidemiology [12L, 12S]
molecular, social) with a focus on the most common cause of The focus is on the theory and application of biostatistics
dementia, Alzheimer’s disease. A service-learning opportunity and epidemiology to current developments in special topics
is integrated. in substantive areas of epidemiology (e.g., chronic disease,
Prerequisite: 4th year status; HMB300H1/302H1/310H1/312H environmental & occupational health, infectious disease,
1/320H1/322H1 methods, social).
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: 4th-year status; HMB342H1
HMB441H1 Genetics of Human Disease [24L]
Most diseases have a genetic component. Toronto HMB470H1 Exercise and Sports Medicine [20L, 4S]
researchers present current insight into the genetics of This course introduces biomechanics and builds on
specific human diseases: single gene (e.g., cystic fibrosis), knowledge of the biomechanics of injury and dysfunction to
chromosome (e.g, Down syndrome) and multifactorial develop a systematic understanding of risk, injury prevention,
inheritance (e.g., heart disease) disorders. and initial management of injuries in sports and physical
Prerequisite: 4th-year status; HMB265H1/BIO260H1; HMB30 activities. Some additional topics include “doping” in sport,
1H1/302H1/311H1/312H1/314H1/321H1/322H1 travel issues in competitive sport, and ethical issues in
DR=SCI; BR=TBA clinical sport medicine.
Prerequisite: 4th year status; HMB300H1/301H1/302H1/314
HMB443H1 Global Hidden Hunger [18L, 6S]
H1/320H1/322H1; PSL302Y1
Vitamin and mineral deficiencies, termed ‘hidden hunger’,
affect about half the world’s population. We explore the
global nature, catastrophic consequences, and causes HMB471H1 Performance Enhancement [20L, 4S]
of these deficiencies. We also discuss formulation and Enhancing performance has broad appeal. This course
implementation of international, national, and local policies explores current developments for achieving peak
to alleviate ‘hidden hunger’ especially in infants and young performance academically, physically and emotionally. We
children. focus on the scientific basis of the links between performance
Prerequisite: 4th year status; HMB303H1/323H1 or and stress, and of the benefits and risks of pharmacological
NFS382H1 methods to achieve performance enhancement. Various
DR=SCI; BR=TBA stress management skills are introduced.
Prerequisite: 4th year status; HMB300H1/301H1/302H1/306
HMB444H1 Human Biology and Human Destiny:
H1/314H1/320H1/322H1; PSL302Y1
Science, Popular Science, and Science
Fiction [24S]
Seminars explore the interactions of biological sciences, HMB472H1 Exercise Physiology [20L, 4S]
social issues, and literature. Through reading of classic “SF” Examine the physiological and biochemical responses of
novels and popular writings by prominent twentieth century the human body to both acute and chronic bouts of physical
biologists in their historical, scientific, and thematic contexts, activity. The impact of activity on health, and health on
we examine how biological concepts and their development physical activity, is explored by examining adaptations from
affected life, society, and the future of humanity. the cellular to the systemic level of bodily function.
Prerequisite: 4th year status; BIO(220H1+230H1)/ Prerequisite: 4th year status; HMB300H1/301H1/302H1/314
(240H1+241H1)/250Y1/255Y1; HMB 300-level course H1/320H1/322H1; PSL302Y1
HAJ453H1 AIDS: A Global Perspective [6L, 18S] HMB473H1 Exercise and Mental Health [18L, 6S, 10P]
Seminars explore the global AIDS crisis, adopting the Mental well being is a critical element of total health. We
medical-anthropological perspective of Paul Farmer’s explore the evidence underpinning the role of physical
“Infections and Inequalities”. Varying epidemiological profiles activity in the avoidance of mental disorders, recovery from
of AIDS are placed in broader social, cultural, and political- mental disorders, and the quality of life of those with or
economic frameworks. The impact of globalization and without mental disorders. A service learning component in
structural inequality on local cultures and lifestyles provides local organizations enriches learning.
an essential backdrop to the discussions. Prerequisite: 4th year status; HMB300H1/302H1/303H1/
Prerequisite: 4th year status; HMB300H1/301H1/302H1/303 306H1/310H1/312H1/314H1/320H1/322H1/323H1;
H1/323H1 or 0.5 FCE 300-series ANT course PSL300H1/302Y1
JEH455H1 Current Issues in Environment & Health HMB489H1 Advanced Laboratory in Human Biology
[16L, 8S] [72P]
This course introduces students to complex issues at the Building on their experience in 3rd-year labs, students
interface between environment and health where health is participate in inquiry-based laboratory experiments in diverse
broadly defined. Each year a current and controversial case

Human Biology
areas of current human biology research. Open to students
in any Human Biology program.
Prerequisite: 4th year status;
HMB496Y1 Summer Research Project in Human Biology
An independent summer research project is supervised by
a faculty member of the Faculty of Arts and Science or the
Faculty of Medicine.
Prerequisite: 4th year status; an approved 300+ series
science laboratory course and permission of the Human
Biology Program from which application forms may be
HMB498Y1 Research Project in Global Health [TBA]
A research project on issues of global health is supervised
by a faculty member of the Faculty of Arts and Science or the
Faculty of Medicine.
Prerequisite: 4th year status; HMB203H1/HMB303H1/
HMB323H1 and permission of the Human Biology
Program from which application forms may be obtained.
HMB499Y1 Research Project in Human Biology [TBA]
A research project is supervised by a faculty member of the
Faculty of Arts and Science or the Faculty of Medicine.
Prerequisite: 4th year status; an approved 300+ series
science laboratory course and permission of the Human
Biology Program from which application forms may be

Given by the Centre for European, Russian Faculty of Arts & Science Language Citation
and Eurasian Studies The Hungarian program participates in the Faculty of Arts
Hungarian is spoken by ten and a half million inhabitants and Science’s Language Citation initiative. Students may
of present-day Hungary, about three million people in achieve this Citation in Hungarian.
the neighbouring countries, and perhaps as many as an Language study is a demanding and intellectually rewarding
additional two million around the world. These figures educational experience. Our students learn to communicate
make Hungarian, which is related to Finnish, Estonian, and both orally and in writing in other languages and are thus
Lappish, but virtually no other language in Europe, by far able to experience other parts of the world in more intimate
the largest minority language in the great Indo-European ways. Their access to other cultures opens doors for further
language territory. study and employment. Students in our department also
Despite the isolation that might have been imposed by have the opportunity to read a vast array of world-renowned
the uniqueness of their language, Hungarians have been authors in the original languages, as well as works –
engaged with, and participants in, greater European normally not available in English – in other areas of study, for
affairs since their arrival in the Carpathian basin more than example, cinema studies, drama, folklore, history, intellectual
a thousand years ago. Hungarians have made signal history, philosophy, mathematics, and political science.
contributions in the fields of arts, science, and mathematics, The Language Citation recognizes a significant level of
winning Nobel prizes in Chemistry (4), Medicine (3), Physics achievement in language study. For course selection
(3), Economics, and Literature. In the music world the students should consult the Undergraduate Coordinator
names Bártok, Kodály, Lehár, Liszt, Széll, Ormandy, Schiff, as early as possible since not every language course is
and many others are internationally famous. Leo Szilárd, offered each year. Students who begin language study at
Edward Teller, Paul Erdõs, and John von Neumann are the Intermediate level should consult the Undergraduate
famous figures in theoretical physics and mathematics. Coordinator for approval of advanced literature and culture
Joseph Biró developed the ball-point pen and to this day the courses that may satisfy the requirements for the Language
British call a ball-point pen, a biro. Hungarians have also Citation.
become famous in sports, particularly soccer, boxing, and
fencing, and in the world of cinema. And who has not played The Language Citation in Hungarian is available to students
with the Rubik’s cube? who complete HUN200Y1 and HUN310Y1 with a grade of at
least B-.
Hungarian studies at the University of Toronto focus on
the language, literature, and culture of Hungary and on the Students should note that, as explained on the page 20 of
international role of Hungary and Hungarians - particularly on this Calendar, the Language Citation is not equivalent to an
Hungarian immigration to Canada. For many of the courses academic program and that enrolment in a program is not
no prior knowledge of the Hungarian language is necessary, necessary in order to earn the recognition bestowed by the
making them easily accessible also to students in other Citation.
Program Coordinator:
Hungarian Courses
Professor Robert Austin, [email protected] See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.

First Year Seminars

Hungarian Programs The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide the
Enrolment in the Hungarian program requires the completion opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class of no
of four courses; no minimum GPA required. more than twenty-four students. These interactive seminars
are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity and provide
Hungarian Studies (Arts program) an opportunity to get to know a member of the professorial
staff in a seminar environment during the first year of study.
Major program: For details, see page 48.
(6 full courses or their equivalent)
First Year: The Department reserves the right to assign students
HUN 100Y1 to courses appropriate to their level of competence in
Higher Years: Hungarian.
1. HUN 200Y1, 310Y1, 320Y1
2. Two courses from: HIS 453H1; HUN 335H1, 345H1, HUN100Y1 Elementary Hungarian [120P]
351H1, 355H1, 356H1, 440Y1, 450H1, 451H1, 455H1; The basic features and logic of the language. Development
SLA 414H1 of conversational skills and the reading of easy texts. Open
Minor program: only to students with little or no knowledge of Hungarian.
(4 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one at DR=HUM; BR=1
the 300+ level) HUN200Y1 Intermediate Hungarian [96P]
Four courses from: HUN 100Y1, 200Y1, 310Y1, 320Y1, Review of descriptive grammar; studies in syntax; vocabulary
335H1, 345H1, 351H1, 355H1, 440Y1, 450H1, 451H1, building; intensive oral practice; composition; reading and
455H1; HIS 453H1 translation.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor

HUN310Y1 Advanced Hungarian [48S] HUN440H1 The Roots of Modernism: Hungarian 20th
A synchronic and diachronic survey of the Hungarian Century Fiction [24S]
language. Conceptualized summary of grammar, syntax, and Continuity and change in form and content studied from
stylistics; studies in the genesis and historical stages of the the perspective of the native literary and social tradition
language. Brief consideration of living dialects, the basics and in relation to the evolution of modern European fiction;
of poetics; selected problems in translation and language analogies with other genres and arts; survey of criticism. No
teaching. Readings in Hungarian. knowledge of Hungarian required.
HUN320Y1 A Survey of Hungarian Literature [48S] HUN450H1 Hungary On-Stage: A History of Hungarian
A chronological study of the development of Hungarian Drama in Social Context [24S]
literature since the 12th century; emphasis both on Hungarian theatre prior to the 19th century; birth of
outstanding writers and on significant movements or themes. the national drama (Katona, Madách); populism and
Transformations of ideas and changes in language and style. cosmopolitanism; post-war tendencies (Hubay, Orkény,
No knowledge of Hungarian required. Sütö). Hungarian drama in the European context; the theatre
DR=HUM; BR=TBA as a social institution. No knowledge of Hungarian required.
HUN335H1 Urban vs. Rural: Cities and Country in
Hungarian Literature and Culture [12L, 12S] HUN451H1 Three Hungarian Film Directors [36S]
This survey of Hungarian literature and culture uses the The course scrutinizes the oeuvre of Miklós Jancsó, Márta
dichotomy of rural and urban traditions to explore the history Mészáros, and István Szabó, tracing changes in their style
of Hungarian literature and art, including poetry, short stories, and outlook.
novels, and folklore. Readings in English (also available in Prerequisite: At least 10 full course credits with; at least one
Hungarian). of these in film
HUN345H1 The Dynamic of Hungarian Culture, HUN455H1 Hungary and Europe: Cultural Adaptation in
Ethnography, and Folklore [12L, 12S] the Late 20th Century [12L, 12S]
Explore the cultural traditions, historical processes, myths, Focus on literature, art, mass media, and popular culture in
and figures that have shaped and redefined Hungarian post-1990 Hungary with special emphasis on the past ties
civilization and national identity. Theoretical and practical to European culture and the impact of European integration.
classes on ethno-genesis, anthropology, and folklore. Readings in English (also available in Hungarian).
Readings in English (also available in Hungarian). DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=HUM; BR=TBA HUN497Y1 Independent Study (Hungarian)
HUN351H1 Conformism and Subversion: Hungarian Translation course concentrating on Hungarian prose
Cinema [36S] translation
Developments until the sixties; auteurism of the sixties Prerequisite: Permission of Department
(Jancsó, Szabó); documentarism of the seventies DR=HUM; BR=TBA
(Mészáros); new trends since the eighties. Relations with the HUN498H1 Independent Study (Hungarian)
European cinema; contributions to the international film world Translation course concentrating on Hungarian prose
and to film theory. translation.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: Permission of Department
HUN355H1 From Totalitarianism to Democracy: History DR=HUM; BR=TBA
of the Past Decades and Reflections of a
Changing Society in Hungarian Culture [12L,
Explore Hungary’s rapidly changing place in Europe. Focus
on political, sociological, and historical understandings of
nationalism and identity as they manifest themselves in
literature, history, and culture. Knowledge of Hungarian not
HUN356H1 Hungary, 1956–2006: The Past 50 Years
On the 50th anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution,
this course investigates the cultural and literary history of
Hungary in the past five decades: how art and literature
existed in a totalitarian regime, how they changed in the
years of “goulash communism” and later, and how they
manifest political, sociological, and historical understandings
of national and European identity and the place of Hungary
within a dynamic Europe. Knowledge of Hungarian not

Collaborative Program of the Faculty of Arts Assistant Professors
& Science and the Faculty of Medicine M.K. Anderson, B Sc, Ph D
J.W.D. Booth, B Sc, Ph D
J.R. Carlyle, B Sc, Ph D
Faculty S. Dunn, Ph D
Professors Emeriti J.L. Gommerman, B Sc, Ph D
J. Jongstra-Bilen, M Sc, DEA, Ph D
J.B. Hay, M Sc, Ph D
C. Laskin, B Sc, MD
R.G. Miller, M Sc, Ph D
C. Lau, M Sc, Ph D (Adjunct)
R.H. Painter, B Sc, Ph D
D.J. Philpott, B Sc, Ph D
M.J. Shulman, BA, Ph D
Professor and Chair of the Department Lecturer
A. Bourdeau, Ph D
M.J.H. Ratcliffe, B Sc, Ph D
L. Clemenza, B Sc, Ph D
University Professor I. Dimitriou, Ph.D
T.W. Mak, Ph D, D Sc, FRSC Immunology is an integrative branch of the medical sciences
Professors that draws upon the more traditional disciplines of Molecular
B.H. Barber, M Sc, Ph D (Adjunct) Biology, Microbiology, Pathology, and Biochemistry. In
N. Berinstein, MD essence, Immunology is the study of the physiological
J. Danska, AB, Ph D responses that result when foreign (i.e. non-self) materials
H.M. Dosch, MD are introduced into a vertebrate organism such as humans.
E. Fish, M Sc Ph D Traditionally, the discipline has focussed on the body’s
R.M. Gorczynski, Ph D, MD response to infectious micro-organisms, with the purpose of
C. Guidos, B Sc, Ph D developing effective vaccines. However, the scope of modern
R. Hakem, M Sc, Ph D Immunology now encompasses all aspects of self vs. non-
N. Hozumi, Ph D, MD (Adjunct) self recognition phenomena including organ transplantation,
R.D. Inman, BA, MD tumour immunology and autoimmune diseases. Recent major
N.N. Iscove, Ph D, MD advances in our understanding of the cellular and molecular
D.E. Isenman, B Sc, Ph D basis of the immune response promise to provide us with a
M.H. Julius, B Sc, Ph D new generation of prophylactic, therapeutic and diagnostic
E.C. Keystone, B Sc, Ph D reagents of relevance to human and animal health.
M.V. Letarte, B Sc, Ph D The Department of Immunology in collaboration with Trinity
G. Levy, B Sc, MD, FRCP College co-ordinates a specialist and major program in
P.S. Ohashi, B Sc, Ph D Immunology. The emphasis of the specialist program is to
C.A. Ottaway, Ph D, MD, LMCC, FRCP provide students with a sound theoretical understanding
C. Paige, B Sc, Ph D of the cellular and molecular basis of non-self recognition,
J. Penninger, MD (Adjunct) together with sufficient laboratory experience to enable the
C. Roifman, MD students to consider embarking on a career in the discipline.
R. Rottapel, MD The major program offers students fundamental training
E. Silverman, MD in immunology and gives the student the opportunity to
K. Siminovitch, MD, FRCP, ABIM combine immunology with another program in Life Sciences,
T.H. Watts, B Sc, Ph D Basic Sciences, or within the Arts.
D. Williams, M Sc, Ph D
G.E. Wu, M Sc, Ph D (Adjunct) Immunologists may have careers in universities and
L. Zhang, MD, Ph D other centres of learning and research, as well as in the
J.C. Zúñiga-Pflücker, B Sc, Ph D biotechnology industries, diagnostic laboratories and various
government agencies. Courses in this specialist program
Associate Professors are drawn from offerings by the Department, together with
S. Berger, M Sc, Ph D courses from other Departments, taught in some cases by
A. Cohen, M Sc, Ph D members of the Department of Immunology. As enrolment
J. Jongstra, M Sc, Ph D in the specialist and major programs are restricted, please
R. Kaul, MD, Ph D consult specific requirements outlined in the program
D.J. Kelvin, M Sc, Ph D description section.
K. MacDonald, MD
A. Martin, M Sc, Ph D Undergraduate Coordinator:
M. Ostrowski, MD, FRCP Dr. A. Martin
P. Poussier, MD
J. Rast, Ph D Enquiries:
L. Rubin, MD, LMCC, FRCP (C) Department of Immunology, Room 5267, Medical Sciences
A. Schuh, MD Building (416-978-0926)
F. Tsui, M Sc, Ph D More information is available on our website:
P. Vadas, B Sc, Ph D, MD www.immunology.utoronto.ca
J. Wither, B Sc, MD, Ph D
R.S. Yeung, B Sc MD, Ph D, FRCP (C)

Immunology Programs Immunology Courses
See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
Immunology (Science program)
Sponsored by the Department of Immunology, Faculty of First Year Seminars
Medicine, and Trinity College The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide the
opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class of no
Specialist program more than twenty-four students. These interactive seminars
(14 full courses or their equivalent, including at least three are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity and provide
400-series courses) an opportunity to get to know a member of the professorial
staff in a seminar environment during the first year of study.
The Immunology Specialist Program is a Type 3 program.
For details, see page 48.
Enrolment is limited and selection is based on performance
in First year required courses, only students with a GPA of IMM250H1 The Immune System and Infectious Disease
equal to or over 3.5 will be considered for acceptance into [24L]
the program. Students apply via the Faculty’s Subject POSt Students will be introduced to the basic concepts of immunity
web site. to infectious disease. We will trace the history of current
ideas in immunology and the immune response by examining
First Year:
how bacteria and viruses cause disease and the initial
BIO (120H1, 130H1)/150Y1; CHM 138H1, 139H1; MAT
discoveries that led to such developments as vaccination.
135Y1/137Y1; PHY (131H1, 132H1)/(151H1, 152H1)
Current topical and newsworthy infectious diseases (HIV,
(PHY 131H1, 132H1 recommended)
tuberculosis, SARS, avian flu) will be used as examples of
Second Year:
how the immune system copes with microbial infections.
BCH 242Y1; BIO240H1, BIO241H1, BIO260H1/HMB265H1;
Exclusion: IMM334Y1/335Y1
CHM 220H1, 247H1
Recommended Preparation: BIO150Y1
Third Year:
BCH 371H1; IMM 335Y1; MGY 311Y1, 377H1, 378H1
Fourth Year: IMM299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
1. IMM 429H1, 430H1, 428H1, 435H1 Credit course for supervised participation in faculty research
2. IMM 450Y1 or one full course equivalent at the project. See page 48 for details.
400-series level in ANA, BCH, IMM, LMP, MGY, or CSB DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Major Program IMM334Y1 Introductory Immunology [48L]
(8 full courses or their equivalents, including two 400-series The basic principles of immunology; tissues and cells
courses) of the immune system; cell biology of the humoral and
cell-mediated immune responses; immunogenetics;
The immunology major program is a Type 3 program. Only immunoglobulin structure, function and biosynthesis;
students with a GPA of 2.7 or higher will be considered for immunological techniques; immunopathology; infection
entrance into the major program. Enrolment is limited and and immunity; transplantation, autoimmunity and tumour
selection is based on performance in the first-year courses. immunology.
Students may combine the immunology major program with Prerequisite: BIO240H1, BIO241H1
another major program within Science, Social Sciences, or Exclusion: IMM335Y1
Humanities. For more information, refer to the Immunology DR=SCI; BR=TBA
website at www.immunology.utoronto.ca.
IMM335Y1 Introductory Immunology [48L, 24T]
First Year: The fundamental principles of immunology; tissues and
BIO (120H1, 130H1)/150Y1; CHM138H1; CHM139H1 cells of the immune system; humoral and cell-mediated
Second Year: immune responses; immunogenetics; immunoglobulin
BCH210H1; BIO240H1, BIO241H1; IMM250H1; HMB265H1 structure, function and biosynthesis; immunopathology;
Third Year: infection and immunity; transplantation, autoimmunity and
IMM334Y1; CSB349H1/BCH311H1 ; One full-course tumour immunology. Intended for students specializing in
equivalent from the following list: BCH370H1/ immunology and related programs, and requiring a more
MGY377H1/ MGY378H1/ PHL281H1 intensive background in biochemistry and molecular biology
Fourth Year: than IMM334Y1.
One full-course equivalent from the following list: IMM428H1/ Prerequisite: BCH 242Y1; BIO240H1, BIO241H1, BIO260H1/
IMM429H1/IMM430H1/MIJ485H11/IMM435H12 HMB 265H1
1 MIJ485H1 requires MGY377H1 & MGY378H1 as pre- Co-requisite: MGY311Y1
Exclusion: IMM334Y1
requisites. DR=SCI; BR=TBA
2 This course is capped at 40 students. Priority will be
given to Immunology Specialist students, followed by IMM428H1 Molecular Immunology (formerly JBI428H1)
Immunology Major students. [24L]
Molecular mechanisms involved in innate and adaptive
immunity including the structure and function of
immunoglobulins, the complement system, antigen
processing and presentation, and membrane signalling
events. Emphasis is on experimental approaches and

quantitative aspects. (Given by the Departments of
Biochemistry and Immunology)
Prerequisite: BCH210H1/242Y1, IMM334Y1/335Y1
Recommended preparation: BIO349H1/MGY311Y1/
Exclusion: JBI428H1
IMM429H1 Developmental Immunology [24L]
Hematopoiesis, myelopoiesis, lymphopoiesis, a study of
the development of cells involved in the immune system
including their ontogeny, physical, molecular, and
biochemical characteristics, regulation of differentiation and
maturation, positive and negative selection of lymphocytes,
DNA rearrangement.
Prerequisite: IMM334Y1/335Y1
IMM430H1 The Immune Response [24L]
A study of the cells involved in the immune response, the
nature of cellular and molecular interactions that govern
immunity and self-tolerance, the nature of the effector cells in
immunity and genetic control of immune responses.
Prerequisite: IMM334Y1/335Y1
IMM435H1 Practical Immunology [72P]
Application of basic principles acquired from
IMM334Y1/335Y1; immunological procedures used in
research and diagnostic laboratories; rudiments of etiology,
pathogenesis, and laboratory diagnosis of diseases of
immune system; principles of immunological diagnostic
procedures in some infectious diseases; instruction
through lectures, practical exercises, video tapes, student
Prerequisite: BCH210H1/242Y1, IMM334Y1/335Y1
IMM450Y1 Research Project in Immunology [154P]
An opportunity for specialized research in Immunology
under the supervision of a member of the Faculty. There
are no pre- or co-requisites, although preference is given to
Immunology Specialist students.
MIJ485H1 Vaccines and Immunity [36L]
Analysis of infectious disease vaccines, and pathogens’
strategies to evade specific immune response, with an
emphasis on molecular and immunological aspects. Special
topics include: molecular basis of pathogenicity and immune-
evasion strategies; vaccination strategies; adverse effects
of vaccines (given jointly by the Departments of Molecular
Genetics and Immunology).
Prerequisite: IMM334Y1/IMM335Y1, MGY377H1,
Exclusion: MBY480H1, MGY485H1

Innis College

Faculty encourages students to take advantage of the Study

Elsewhere Program at the University of Toronto to broaden
Professors their knowledge of cities.
E.K. Armatage, Ph D Enquiries: Director of Urban Studies, Professor Richard
Associate Professors J. DiFrancesco, Ph.D., M.C.I.P., R.P.P. (difrance@geog.
C. Columpar, Ph D utoronto.ca). Also see the Urban Studies website at www.
R. DiFrancesco, Ph D utoronto.ca/innis/urban.
A. Fenner, Ph D
C. Keil, Ph D Writing and Rhetoric
N. Sammond, Ph D The Minor Program in Writing and Rhetoric is built on a
foundation of Innis College courses that cover academic
Assistant Professors essay writing, rhetoric, critical thinking, creative writing,
R. King, Ph D media analysis, and writing in the workplace. The Program
Senior Lecturers also draws on relevant University of Toronto courses in a
C. Messenger, MA range of disciplines. The Program’s design reflects three
R.E. Riendeau, MA interrelated themes.
B.W. Testa, MA
This discipline involves more than instruction in
S. Brail, Ph D
composition skills. Writing is related to rhetoric, logic,
V. Jovanovic-Krstic, Ph D
reasoning, and critical thinking. One of the main goals of
The courses offered at Innis College are integral to The the Program is to ensure that students graduate with a
Cinema Studies Institute and two academic programs: solid grounding in various modes of writing and with highly
Urban Studies and Writing and Rhetoric. developed transferable skills.
Cinema Studies Rhetoric:
The Cinema Studies Institute treats film primarily as Classical rhetorical terms and methods of argumentation
a unique and powerful art form with its own traditions, and persuasion are central to the study of rhetoric.
history, conventions, and techniques. Understanding One of the oldest disciplines in the liberal arts, rhetoric
film, its properties, methods, aesthetics, and its impact as a contemporary discipline focuses on the influence
on culture and society, is the basis of Cinema Studies. of discourse on social forces. For the purposes of this
The Institute provides a wide variety of approaches: Program, rhetoric will, broadly speaking, be used to
the history and development of cinema; film theory and signify both rhetoric in the classical sense of the term and
critical analysis; the study of genres, national cinemas, the patterns of communication identifiable in a variety of
and the works of individual masters of cinema; and the disciplines and environments.
examination of film in relation to other arts and academic
fields. Critical Analysis:

Further details are available on the Cinema Studies One of the tenets of the Program is shared by many of the
website [www.utoronto.ca/cinema]. University’s Arts and Science disciplines: that problem-
solving and creative, persuasive, and effective writing
Enquiries: Contact the Undergraduate Program Assistant, depend on the ability to analyze discourse critically.
Deborah Ohab at 416-978-8571 or cinema.studies@
utoronto.ca. Enquiries: Cynthia Messenger, Program Director, Room
314 Innis College (416-978-6508), cynthia.messenger@
Urban Studies utoronto.ca
Urban Studies at Innis College provides students with the
tools to make sense of their urban world. The Program Innis College Programs
examines the complex and dynamic relations among
institutions, people, and physical form that create, sustain, Cinema Studies (Arts program)
or destroy cities. Consult the Undergraduate Program Assistant, Deborah
The Program is suited for those students who wish to Ohab at 416-978-8571, [email protected], or
study cities using several disciplinary approaches. It is the Cinema Studies website: www.utoronto.ca/cinema.
also of interest to those students who wish to become Enrolment in the Cinema Studies programs requires
involved in urban issues in Toronto. The Program offers an completion of INI115Y and three additional full-course
internship in the office of either a municipal politician, non- equivalents. A minimum grade of 70% in INI115Y1 is
profit research group, or other government organization required.
as part of its experiential learning program. Because
Note: All Cinema Studies programs are Type 3 (limited
urban issues are so varied, Urban Studies combines
enrolment) programs. See Registration Handbook and
well with many other Subject POSt areas. Students are
Timetable for application procedures.
advised to consult the Program Director when designing
programs that meet their particular interests. The Program For students applying to the Specialist program, only those

Innis College
with a CGPA of at least 2.5 will be considered. Meeting the Group E: Senior Seminars:
minimum GPA requirement may not guarantee admission. EAS431H1; INI428H1, 429H, 460H1, 461H1, 463H1,
464H1, 465H1, 466H1, 467H1, 476Y1, 477H1, 478H1,
For students applying to the Major program, only those
482Y1, 483H1, 484H1; ITA441H1
with CGPA of at least 2.3 will be considered. Meeting the
minimum GPA requirement may not guarantee admission.
Urban Studies (Arts program)
For students applying to the Minor program, only those
For Program requirements and information, consult the
with CGPA of at least 2.0 will be considered. Meeting the
Urban Studies website at www.utoronto.ca/innis/urban.
minimum GPA requirement may not guarantee admission.
Note: All Urban Studies programs are limited enrolment
programs (see Registration Handbook and Timetable for
Specialist program:
application procedures).
(10 full courses or their equivalent, with at least one at the
400-level and three others at the 300+ level)
Specialist program:
First Year: (11 full courses or their equivalent including at least four
INI115Y1 300+ series courses with at least one 400-level course)
Higher Years:
Enrolment in the Specialist program in Urban Studies is
1. INI212Y1, 314Y1
limited. Successful enrolment requires prior enrolment
2. One full-course equivalent from Group B
in the Urban Studies Major, completion of eleven full-
3. One full-course equivalent from Group C
course equivalents (FCEs), and a mark of at least 70% in
4. Five additional full-course equivalents from Groups B,
C, D, E, with no more than two from Group D
First Year:
Major program: Three of ECO100Y1/105Y1, 1.0 FCE from 100-level
(7 full courses or their equivalent, with at least two at the GGR courses including GGR101H1, GGR107H1, and
300/400 level) GGR124H1, 1.0 FCEs from 100-level POL courses
First Year: including POL103Y1, POL105Y1, POL108Y1, or
INI115Y1 POL214Y1, and SOC101Y1 .
Higher Years: Higher Years:
1. INI 212Y1, 314Y1 1. INI235Y1, 330H1, 430H1, and 437Y1
2. One full-course equivalent from Group B or C 2. ECO220Y1 or GGR270H1 and GGR271H1 or
3. Three additional full-course equivalents from Groups POL242Y1 or SOC200H1 and SOC202H1
B, C, D, or E, with no more than one from Group D 3. Four FCEs selected from Groups A through G; no
more than one FCE from any one group
Minor program:
(4 full courses or their equivalent, with at least one at the Major program:
300+level) (7 full courses or their equivalent, including at least two
300+ series courses)
1. INI115Y1
2. INI 212Y1 or 314Y1 For admission to the Major program, a minimum CGPA of
3. Two additional full-course equivalents from Groups A, 2.3 is required.
B, C, D, or E First Year:
Two of ECO100Y1/105Y1, 1.0 FCE from 100-level GGR
courses including GGR101H1, GGR107H1, and
Group A: Foundations:
GGR124H1, 1.0 FCE from 100-level POL courses
INI115Y1, 212Y1, 314Y1
including POL103Y1, POL105Y1, POL108Y1, or
Group B: Theory and Genre: POL214Y1, and SOC101Y1
INI 222H1, 223H1, 224Y1, 226H, 227H, 322Y1, 323Y1, Higher Years:
325Y1, 327Y1, 329Y1, 330Y1, 374H1, 375H1, 383H, 1. INI235Y1
384H1, 396Y1, 397H1, 398H1 2. Either INI330H1 and INI430H1 or INI437Y1
3. Three full-course equivalents from Groups A through
Group C: Cinema, Nation, World: G; no more than one full-course equivalent from any
EAS237Y1; FCS310Y1; FIN250H1, 260H1; GER250H; group
261H1; HIS335H1, 459H1, 460H1, 467Y1; HUN351H1, Minor program:
451H1; INI225Y1, 324Y1, 380Y1, 381H1, 382H1, 385H1, (4 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one
387H1, 390Y1; ITA240Y1, 340H1, 341H1; 347H1; full course equivalent at the 300+ level)
NEW352Y1; SLA225H1, 226H1, 234H1, 235H1, 244H;
SMC354Y1, 355H1 For admission to the Minor program, a minimum CGPA of
2.3 is required.
Group D: Interdisciplinary: First Year:
CLA388H1; FCS 331H1; HIS 345H1, 367H1, 375Y1; One of ECO100Y1/105Y1, 1.0 FCE from 100-level GGR
NEW308H1; SLA424H1; UNI221H1, 325H1; VIC 211Y1, courses including GGR101H1, GGR107H1, and
411H1; VIS 202H1, 302H1 GGR124H1, 1.0 FCE from 100-level POL courses
including POL103Y1, POL105Y1, POL108Y1, or
POL214Y1, and SOC101Y1

Innis College
Higher Years: Urban Studies & Sociology - See Sociology
1. INI235Y1
2. Two full course equivalents from Groups A through G Writing and Rhetoric (Arts program)
(with no more than 1 full course equivalent in any one
For Program requirements and information, see below,
and visit the Writing and Rhetoric web site: http://www.
utoronto.ca/innis/wr/ and click on the FAQs page and the
Program Information Sheet. Or contact Program Director
Group A: Architecture
Cynthia Messenger, Innis College (416-978-6508 or
FAH 215H1, 216H1, 230231H1, 260H1, 270H1, 272H1,
[email protected]).
300H1, 303H1, 309H1, 318H1, 327H1, 330H1, 339H1,
341H1, 364H1, 370H1, 371H1, 372H1, 373H1, 374H1,
Minor Program:
375H1, 376H1, 391Y0, 392Y0, 393Y0, 394Y0, 395Y0,
This is a Type 2 program. See the Registration Handbook
396Y0, 397Y0, 404H1, 418H1, 420H1, 421H1, 470H1,
and Timetable for application procedures.
471H1, 477H1.
Entrance Requirements:
Group B: Economics
Students who wish to be considered for enrolment in the
ECO 239Y1, 230Y1, 301Y1, 302H1, 303Y1, 307H1,
Minor program must meet the following requirements.
308H1, 309H1, 310Y1, 313H1, 314H1, 321Y1, 324Y1,
Please note that meeting the minimum GPA requirement
328Y1, 333Y1, 336Y1, 338H1, 339Y1, 340H1, 342Y1,
does not guarantee admission:
360Y1, 369Y1, 370Y1, 380H1, 382H1, 418H1, 419H1,
423H1, 424H1, 425H1, 435H1, 450H1, 451H1, 459H1, 1. Achieve a CGPA of at least 2.3 (any discipline).
GGR 220H1, 326H1 2. Complete four full-course equivalents (any discipline).

Group C: Geography
Requirements for the Minor program: four full courses or
GGR 216H1, 240H1, 246H1, 249H1, 252H1, 254H1,
their equivalent, as outlined below, including at least one
323H1, 324H1, 327H1, 328H1, 339H1, 343H1, 344H1,
300/400-level course. Note: No specialist or major degree
346H1, 350H1, 357H1, 361H1, 362H1, 368H1, 431H1,
is available in this program.
450H1, 451H1, 452H1, 459H1;JGI 216H1, 346H1, 454H1.
1. 2.5 INI writing courses (including JEI 206H)
Group D: History 2. 1.5 other full-course equivalents from groups A, B, or
GGR 336H1, 366H1; HIS 312H1, 313Y1, 322Y1, 329H1, C below. Courses outside these lists may be approved
332H1, 339Y1, 355H1, 360Y1, 366Y1, 370H1, 376H1, by the Program Director.
385Y1, 420H1, 474Y1, 484H1, INI 428H1.
Courses For The Minor:
Group E: Politics Note: Enrolment in all INI writing courses (except first-
JPF 455Y1; POL 221H1, 304H1, 311Y1, 312Y1, 314Y1, year and fourth-year courses) requires completion of 4
317Y1, 318H1, 321H1, 324Y1, 333Y1, 336H1, 337Y1, full-course equivalents and a CGPA of 2.3. Students do
341H1, 343Y1, 344H1, 349Y1, 351Y1, 352H1, 356Y1, not have to be enrolled in the minor to take INI writing
401H1, 406Y1, 418Y1, 425Y1, 436Y1, 445Y1, 447Y1, courses.
473H1, 474H1, 475H1, INI 308H1.
Innis Writing Courses
Group F: Sociology INI 103H, INI 104H, INI 203Y1, 204Y1, 300Y1, 301H1,
SOC 205Y1, 207Y1, 210Y1, 218Y1, 220Y1, 243H1, 304H1, 305H1, 311Y1, INI412Y1, JEI 206H
244H1, 246H1, 247H1, 260Y1, 270H1, 278Y1, 301Y1,
A. Critical Analysis and Reasoning
303H1, 304H1, 306Y1, 309Y1, 310H1, 312Y1, 317Y1,
ARC235H1, 417H1; INI 204Y1, 304H1; LIN481H1; PHL
320Y1, 330Y1, 336H1, 339H1, 344Y1, 352H1, 354H1,
247H1, 275H1, PSY370H1; TRN 190Y1, 200Y1
356Y1, 358H1, 364H1, 365Y1, 366H1, 367H1, 369Y1,
370Y1, 382Y1, 383H1, 385H1, 386Y1.
B. Workplace Writing and Media
ARC232H1; FAH443H1; HIS316H1, 482H1; INI 104H,
Group G: Environment:
INI 300Y1, 301H1, 384H1; PHL295H1, POL475H1;
GGR 233Y1, 256H1, 314H1, 330H1, 331H1, 332H1,
PSY327H1; SMC 219Y1, 228Y1, 300H1; UNI221H1
333H1, 334H1, 335H1, 338H1, 393H1, 409H1, 415H1,
435H1; INI 309H1, JGE 221Y1, JAG 321H1, JGE 221Y1,
C. Language and Rhetoric
ENV223H1, 236Y1, JIE 307Y1, ENV320Y1, 321Y1,
ANT253H, 329Y, 427H; ENG 100H1, 110Y1, 205H;
333H1, 335H1, 340H1, 341H1, 350H1, 420Y1, 423H1,
285H; 385H; INI 103H, INI 203Y1, 305H1, 311Y1; 412Y;
424H1, 446H1.
JAL328H1, 355H1; JEI 206H, JPL315H1; LIN200H1,
201H1, 203H1, 204H1; VIC120Y1, 345H1, 350Y1; All Vic
One Courses.
Students may be able to substitute other courses Innis College Courses
offered by the faculty of Arts & Science, other faculties,
Mississauga, and Scarborough for courses listed here. Listed in this order:
Please consult the Program Director for more details. Cinema Studies
Urban Studies

Innis College
Writing and Rhetoric INI224Y1 Cinema and Authorship (Formerly
Other Innis College courses Filmmakers: The Personal Vision) [48L,
First Year Seminars Close examination of the careers and works of four
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide auteur directors in commercial film production. (Offered in
the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class alternate years)
of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive DR=HUM; BR=1
seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
INI225Y1 American Popular Film Since 1970 [48L,
and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
Examination of the art of popular film in its social, political,
year of study. For details, see page 48.
and commercial contexts, through study of selected
popular films from 1970 to the present. Various critical
approaches, genres, and directors are studied.
Cinema Studies Courses
Exclusion: INI326Y1
See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
DR=HUM; BR=1+3
100-Series Courses INI226H1 Horror Film [12L, 36P, 12T]
Horror film as a genre, focusing on three types of
INI115Y1 Introduction to Film Study [24L, 72P, 24T]
international horror: the un-dead, body horror, and the
Introduction to film analysis; concepts of film style and
supernatural.The genre’s popular appeal, affective power,
narrative. Topics include documentary, avant-garde,
unique means of producing pleasure, and its current
genres, authorship, ideology, and representation.
global resurgence will be emphasized. Topics include:
the aesthetics of gore and violence; technologies of
fear; J-horror, new French extremity; cult fandom and
paracinema; and media convergence.
200- Series Courses DR=HUM; BR=1
INI212Y1 Film Cultures I: Art and Industry (formerly INI227H1 Science Fiction Film [12L, 36P, 12T]
Film History) [24L, 72P, 24T] Study of science fiction film in its role as a commercial film
Examines the practices, theories and debates surrounding genre, social allegory and speculation on technology and
the emergence of cinema through to the development the future.
of studio system filmmaking in the first half of the 20th Exclusion: ENG238H1
Century. Topics include: film’s relation to the other arts; DR=HUM; BR=1
formalist and realist traditions; technological innovations;
audiences and reception; and cultural industries. INI228H1 The Business of Film [26L/26P]
Prerequisite: INI115Y1 Studies cinema as a commercial enterprise that includes
DR=HUM; BR=1+2 topics such as: the industrial history of lenses, the
development of photo-chemical film stocks, divergent
INI222H1 Cinema and Sensation I: Action/Spectacle models of cultural production to include accounting
[12L, 36P] protocols, viewership demographics, merchandising, and
Action cinema holds a dominant place in our contemporary film festival economics. Analyses divergent global models
era of the blockbuster and CGI effects. This course of commercial, artisanal and national cinemas through
examines the modes and function of this popular genre, Cinemetrics.
while also tracing Action’s longevity and diversity to DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=3
include its significant precursors, its social contexts,
and forms of spectatorship. Topics include: bodies and
genders (80s Hard Bodies); genres such as martial arts,
300-Series Courses
sensational serial melodrama, war films, thrillers, crime
and urban action, action comedies; and the aesthetics of INI314Y1 Film Cultures II: Politics and Global Media
violence. (formerly INI214Y\) [24L, 72P, 24T]
DR=HUM; BR=1 Examines film theory and practice from the 1960s
onward, and the impact of media change on earlier film
INI223H1 Cinema and Sensation II: Sex [12L, 36P]
cultures and aesthetics. Topics include: New Waves; the
From Edison’s The Kiss (1895) to John Cameron
politicization of theory; spectatorship; counter-cinemas;
Mitchell’s recent Shortbus (2006), sex and eroticism and
transnational film and “Global Hollywood”; and media
their various representations have long been central
theory from the analog to the digital. (Note: Where
and controversial components of filmic pleasure. This
INI314Y is listed as a prerequisite or recommended
course examines how sex and its regulation in the
preparation, INI214Y from previous years satisfies this
cinema suggest broader ideas and concerns that are
central to individual and social notions of the self and the
Exclusion: INI214Y
gendered body. Topics include:obscenity laws and the
Prerequisite: INI115Y1, 212Y1
history of film censorship; the emergence of sexploitation
DR=HUM; BR=1+2
and pornography; porno chic and art cinemas; and the
migration of sexual imagery across technologies from stag
films to the internet.

Innis College
INI322Y1 Avant-Garde and Experimental Film [48L, INI329Y1 Genre, Narrative and Narration in Film
48P] [24L, 48P, 24T]
Film experimentation in the context of modern art and Study of theoretical and analytical models of film genres
poetry (Cubism, Dada-Surrealism) from the 1920s through and narratology; structuralist, cognitive, and semiotic
the 1990s. (Offered in alternate years) approaches to filmic narration. Genres to be studied
Exclusion: INI322H1 include westerns, crime films, art cinema, fantasy, and
Prerequisite: INI115Y1 horror. (Offered in alternate years)
DR=HUM ; BR=TBA Prerequisite: INI115Y1
INI323Y1 Feminist Approaches to Cinema [48L,
48P] INI330Y1 Contemporary Screen Theory: Analogue/
Feminist film criticism from mid-sixties critiques of media Digital [48L, 48P]
stereotypes of women to current issues in feminist film Intensive study of film theory since the 1980s, as well
theory. Films to be studied include mainstream narrative as approaches to analysis of screen culture. Emerging
fiction and films by women directors: Von Sternberg, models that address the changing status of the moving
Godard, Sirk, Arzner, Dulac, Lupino, Von Trotta, Rainer, image are set in dialogue with classical film theories to
Akerman, Duras. Topics include: apparatus theory and its expose continuities and ruptures. Topics include “Post-
legacy, models of spectatorship, feminist historiography, theory”, temporality, sound, comparison of cognitive,
stardom, the cinematic (re)production of identity, the phenomenological and psychoanalytic models, theorizing
relationship between social movements and cinema, and difference, impact of new media on film aesthetics
“postfeminism.” (Offered in alternate years) and critical assessment of new forms of spectatorship,
Prerequisite: INI115Y1/NEW260Y1 narrative, and production inaugurated by the digital.
DR=HUM ; BR=TBA (Offered in alternate years)
Exclusion: INI 425Y1, 481Y1
INI324Y1 American Filmmaking in the Studio Era
Prerequisite: INI 115Y1, 314Y1
[24L, 48P, 24T]
A study of filmmaking in the US once the studio system
was in place; consideration of industrial, economic, INI374H1 Issues in Film Authorship I [TBA]
ideological, and aesthetic dimensions of the American Advanced study of issues in film authorship through
studio era. Topics include: the primacy of classicism, the intensive examination of two major filmmakers. (Offered
operations of the studio system (including censorship, in alternate years)
labour relations, marketing, and star promotion), and the Prerequisite: INI115Y1
cultural function of American films. (Offered in alternate DR=HUM ; BR=TBA
years) INI375H1 Issues in Film Authorship II [TBA]
Prerequisite: INI115Y1 Advanced study of issues in film authorship through
DR=HUM ; BR=TBA intensive examination of one or more major filmmakers.
INI325Y1 Documentary Film [48L, 48P] (Offered in alternate years)
A critical survey of documentary practice including Prerequisite: INI115Y1
newsreels, direct cinema, cinema verité, ethnographic, DR=HUM ; BR=TBA
and various hybrid narrative forms, with emphasis on INI380Y1 Contemporary World Cinema [48L, 72P]
the rhetorical, aesthetic, and political dimensions of “the Contemporary developments beyond Hollywood and
art of record.” Topics include: poetics, argument, and European Art Cinema, examining a select number of
modes of address; evidence, authenticity, and persuasion; national/regional cinemas: Africa, East Asia, Latin America,
filmmaker/subject/audience nexus; historiography, Iran, and Hindi cinema. Focus on global film cultures will
hagiography, and memory; reflexive irony and outline generic and stylistic conventions, cultural contexts,
performance. (Offered in alternate years) the role of transnational popular genres, and questions of
Prerequisite: INI115Y1 production, distribution networks and reception within a
DR=HUM ; BR=TBA global economy.
INI327Y1 Screening Race [48L, 48P] Prerequisite: INI115Y1
How race functions in cinema. Topics include: the DR=HUM ; BR=TBA
foundational role of racial inscription in early U.S. cinema, INI381H1 Aspects of a National Cinema [48S]
its re-articulation in classical and contemporary films, and In-depth treatment of a national cinema. (Offered in
its expansion beyond the black/white paradigm; visual alternate years)
ethnography and related categories, “the primitive,” and Prerequisite: INI115Y1
Orientalism; aboriginal media and indigenous aesthetics; DR=HUM ; BR=TBA
“Black Atlantic” and Diaspora as constitutive tropes that
inform critical assessments of Black British, Banlieu and INI382H1 European Cinemas, European Societies
Turkish/German cinemas, and “exilic” film practice; border [24L, 24P]
aesthetics; race and urban space in the “hood” film, “post- Comparative study of European film production
race” and the evolving racial imaginary in the Obama era. and culture: inter-war and post-war developments;
(Offered in alternate years) contemporary tendencies (co-production, continental
Prerequisite: INI115Y1 unification, migration). (Offered every three years)
DR=HUM ; BR=TBA Exclusion: INI382Y1

Innis College
INI383H1 The Origins of the Animation Industry, Movies and Cult Cinema, American Animation after 1950,
1900-1950: A Technosocial History [24S, and Quebec Cinema.
36P] Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including
An introduction to early animation, considering its INI 115Y1, 212Y1, 314Y1or permission of instructor.
vaudeville roots, its industrialization, and its emerging DR=HUM ; BR=TBA
aesthetics and representational tropes. Examination of the INI397H1 Special Topics in Cinema Studies [TBA]
early corpus of animation from 1900-1950 and in-depth Seminars in special topics designed for specialist and
study of the artistic, social and cultural mileux from which major students in Cinema Studies.
animation derived. (Offered in alternate years) Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including
Prerequisite: INI115Y1, INI212Y1 INI115Y1, 212Y1, 314Y or permission of instructor
INI384H1 Critical Writing on Film (formerly INI398H1 Special Topics in Cinema Studies [TBA]
INI384Y1) [24S] Seminars in special topics designed for specialist and
The practice of film criticism with concentration on film major students in Cinema Studies.
reviews and scholarly articles. The study of examples Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including
of such work is the focus of the seminars supplemented INI 115Y1, 212Y1, 314Y11 or permission of instructor.
by practical sessions involving process writing and DR=HUM ; BR=TBA
collaborative editing. (Offered every three years)
Exclusion: INI384Y1, NEW304Y1
Prerequisites: INI115Y and INI214Y or INI214Y..
400-Series Courses
INI428H1 The Cinematic City [24S, 36P]
INI385H1 Canadian Cinemas [24L, 48P, 24T]
Film’s emergence from urban culture of the nineteenth
History, diversity and critical approaches to Canadian
century: the modern industrial city and the cinematic
and Québécois cinemas. Analyses of film and critical
imagination between the world wars; the critical alignment
frameworks include concepts of national cinema, the
of urbanism and the cinema.
role of funding institutions, the documentary legacy,
Exclusion: INI321H1
experimental and art cinema, the emergence of the
Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including
feature film, and how co-productions, multiculturalism, and
INI 115Y1, 212Y1, 314Y1 or permission of instructor.
post-national arguments are re-shaping the production and
reception contexts of national cinema. (Offered in alternate
years) INI429H1 The Revolution Will/Will Not Be Televised
Exclusion: INI385Y1; NEW 311H1 [24L, 24P]
Prerequisite: INI115Y1 Examining the mediation of political struggle from 1964-
DR=HUM ; BR=TBA 1974, this course analyzes both how specific political
issues were represented in popular media, and attempts
INI387H1 The Logics of Canadian Television [24L,
to politicize and question representational regimes. Its
primary focus will be cinematic and televisual, but by
An overview of the history of Canadian television, its
necessity it will also touch upon radio and the recording
situation in the multi-channel universe, its role as official
public broadcaster and its future in relation to niche
Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including
carriers and the internet. Texts include public affairs,
INI 115Y1, 212Y1, 314Y1 or permission of instructor.
variety programs, episodic series and domestically
produced dramas.
Prerequisite: INI115Y1 and 212Y1 or SMC219Y1 or INI460H1 Advanced Study in Genre [24S, 48P]
permission of instructor Consideration of the status of a selected film genre from
DR=HUM ; BR=TBA historical and theoretical perspectives. Past seminars
have focused on “Comedy”, “Melodrama”, “Film Noir” and
INI390Y1 Chinese Cinemas [48L, 48P]
“The End in Cinema.”
Examination of contemporary Chinese films in their three
Prerequisite: At least full-course equivalents, including
production centres: the People’s Republic of China,
INI115Y1, 212Y1, 314Y1 or permission of instructor.
Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Production, commercial and
aesthetic trends, and international reception; major auteurs
and genres. Directors include Chen Kaige, Zang Yimou, INI461H1 Models of Film Analysis [24S, 24P]
Edward Yang, John Woo, and Wang Kar-wai. (Offered in Advanced study of select approaches to the filmic
alternate years) text. Past seminars include: Textual Analysis and Neo-
Exclusion: INI390H formalism.
Prerequisite: INI115Y1 Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including
Recommended preparation: INI 212Y1, 314Y1 INI 115Y1, 212Y1, 314Y1 or permission of instructor.
INI396Y1 Special Topics in Cinema Studies [TBA] INI463H1 Film History/Historiography [24S, 24P]
Seminars in special topics designed for specialist and Study of a specific historical period that includes formal,
major students in Cinema Studies. Past courses include: B economic and cultural dimensions, questions of audience
and spectatorial address. Past seminars include: “Film

Innis College
Historiography,” “Early Cinema,” “Reviewing Hollywood INI482Y1 Advanced Studies in Cinema [TBA]
Classicism,” and “Women Pioneers.” Seminars in special topics designed for advanced
Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including specialist and major students in Cinema Studies.
INI 115Y1, 212Y1, 314Y1 or permission of instructor. Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including
DR=HUM ; BR=TBA INI 115Y1, 212Y1, 314Y1 or permission of instructor.
INI464H1 Cinema as Social and Cultural Practice
[24S, 24P] INI483H1 Advanced Studies in Cinema [TBA]
Consideration of cinema and its social relations. Past Seminars in special topics designed for advanced
seminars include: “Children in the Movies,” “Sub-Saharan specialist and major students in Cinema Studies.
African Cinema,” and “International Film Festivals.” Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including
Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including INI 115Y1, 212Y1, 314Y1 or permission of instructor.
INI 115Y1, 212Y1, 314Y11 or permission of instructor. DR=HUM ; BR=TBA
DR=HUM ; BR=TBA INI484H1 Advanced Studies in Cinema [TBA]
INI465H1 Cinema and Technology [24S, 24P] Seminars in special topics designed for advanced
How technology influences the operations and study of specialist and major students in Cinema Studies.
cinema. Past seminars include: cinematic style, sound and Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including
music in film, and emergent technologies. INI 115Y1, 212Y1, 314Y1 or permission of instructor.
Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including DR=HUM ; BR=TBA
INI115Y1, 212Y1, 314Y1 or permission of instructor.
INI466H1 Corporeality and Cinema [24S] Urban Studies Courses
Examines the ways cinema constructs bodies so as to See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
produce affect and bear mearning in a variety of traditions
JGI216H1 Urbanization and Global Change [24L]
and genres, from melodrama to action films, ethnographic
Examines the process of globalization, mass urbanization
cinema to pornography.
and economic change taking place in cities around the
Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including
world. Includes interdisciplinary exploration of the industrial
INI115Y1, 212Y1, 314Y1 or permission of instructor.
and economic changes that have ensued as a result of
globalization, as well as social and cultural manifestations
INI467H1 American Independent Film [24S] associated with the emergence of global cities.
Taking as its focus American “indie” cinema from the Recommended Preparation: GGR124Y1
1980s onward, this course examines the variety of DR=SOC SCI ; BR=3
factors by which “independence” is typically measured,
INI235Y1 A Multidisciplinary Introduction to Urban
including mode of production, means of circulation,
Studies [48L]
textual operations, critical reception, niche audiences,
Explores the culture, thoughts, institutions, policies, and
and relationship to larger social, cultural and/or political
processes shaping our urban areas. Emphasis is placed
on understanding the problems and prospects associated
Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including
with growth and change in the city. Disciplines used
INI115Y1, 212Y1, 314Y1 or permission of instructor.
to provide various interpretations include Economics,
Environmental Studies, Geography, History, Political
INI475H1 Advanced Studies in Cinema [TBA] Science, Sociology, Urban Design and Planning.
Seminars in special topics designed for advanced Prerequisite: Four courses with at least one of the
specialist and major students in Cinema Studies. following - ECO100Y1/105Y1 or 1.0 FCE from 100-
Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including level GGR courses including GGR101H1, GGR107H1,
IN115Y1, 212Y1, 314Y1or permission of instructor. and GGR124H1 or 1.0 FCE from 100-level POL
DR=HUM ; BR=TBA courses including POL103Y1, POL105Y1, POL108Y1,
INI476Y1 Independent Studies in Cinema [TBA] or POL214Y1, or SOC101Y1
INI477H1 Independent Studies in Cinema [TBA]
JIE307Y1 Urban Sustainability (formerly INI307Y1)
INI478H1 Independent Studies in Cinema [TBA] [48L, 24P]
Independent research projects devised by students and This course critically examines the concept of urban
supervised by Cinema Studies faculty. Open to advanced sustainability in theory and application. Case studies of
Specialist and Major students in the Program. Applications ongoing urban sustainability programs in the developed
must be submitted to the Program Office by June 1 for a world help students assess the successes and failures of
Fall course, by November 1 for a Spring Course, and by these programs. The course also examines the current
April 1 for a summer course. state of research and implementation efforts toward urban
Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including sustainability.
INI115Y1, 212Y1, 314Y1 or permission of the Cinema Prerequisite: One of the following: JEG221Y/JIE222Y1
Studies Committee. and enrolment in a Centre for Environment program OR
DR=HUM ; BR=TBA INI235Y1 OR permission of the instructor (particularly
for students who have completed JEG222Y1/JIE222Y1/

Innis College
Exclusion: INI307Y1 the instructor and by noted experts/practitioners in a range
DR=SOC SCI ; BR=TBA of topic areas including urban governance, finance, planning,
environmental sustainability and social welfare.
INI308H1 The City of Toronto [24L]
Recommended preparation: GGR124H1 and/or INI235Y1
Examines the struggle to create a civic society within
Toronto as it becomes a global city. Sample topics include:
the neighbourhood and the city, the outer city and the INI338H1 Advanced Topics in Urban Studies I [24L]
urban region, planning and sprawl, public and private This course will expose students to a range of contemporary
transportation, the natural and the urban environment, theoretical, analytical, and policy oriented debates in Urban
housing and homelessness, levels of government, civic Studies. The emphasis will be on establishing a broad
culture and multiculturalism. knowledge base in the multifaceted field of urban studies.
Prerequisite: one of the following - ECO100Y1/105Y1 or 1.0 The exact topics to be covered will fall broadly under the
FCE from 100-level GGR courses including GGR101H1, banner of urban socioeconomic change, and specific syllabi,
GGR107H1, and GGR124H1 or 1.0 FCE from 100- year to year, will follow contemporary and emerging debates.
level POL courses including POL103Y1, POL105Y1, This will be expanded upon in this course’s 400 level
POL108Y1, or POL214Y1, or SOC101Y1. counterpart.
INI309H1 Urban Infrastructure [24L] JGI346H1 The Urban Planning Process [24L]
Examines the importance of infrastructure to urban societies Urban planning mechanisms, the legislation, and its goals.
from a technical, environmental, political, historical, Planning issues from negotiation to legislation to appeal.
and social perspective. Students study energy and Urban and regional problems facing planners in Ontario
communications systems, transportation, water, solid waste compared with those emerging in other provinces; Ontario’s
disposal, parks and recreation facilities, schools, hospitals, legislative solutions contrasted with those developed
and community facilities and services. Key issues include elsewhere. (Given by the Department of Geography and
growth management, financing and maintenance, public- Innis College)
private partnerships, and international development. Recommended Preparation: GGR124H1 , INI235Y1
Prerequisite: One of the following: INI235Y1 or permission of DR=SOC SCI ; BR=TBA
the instructor. INI430H1 Advanced Topics in Urban Studies II [24L]
DR=SOC SCI ; BR=TBA This course is meant to be a senior compliment to INI330H
INI335H1 The Changing Dynamics of Cities (formerly whereby important theoretical, analytical and/or policy
INI335Y1) [24L] debates are addressed in a research seminar format.
In this course, students develop an understanding of the Students in INI430H will be expected to extend, or refine
city as a dynamic organism that is constantly changing as a research topics identified and explored in INI330H in a major
result of economic, social and political pressure. The course independent research project. Students will present their
material is organized around a series of industry cluster case proposals, their progress reports, and their final results to the
studies including: automotive, culture, information technology instructor and the class.
and health care. The emphasis of the course will be on Prerequisite: INI235Y, and INI330H. Priority is given to
the extension and refinement of theories and arguments students enrolled in the Urban Studies Minor, Major,
developed in INI235Y. or Specialist Programs. However, consideration may
Prerequisite: INI235Y. Priority is given to students enrolled be given to students with suitable course background
in the Urban Studies Minor, Major, or Specialist Programs. as determined by the Program Director. Note: INI430H
However, consideration may be given to students with cannot be taken concurrently with INI235Y.)
suitable course background as determined by the DR=SOC SCI ; BR=TBA
Program Director. Note: INI335H1 cannot be taken INI431Y1 Special Topics in Urban Studies [TBA]
concurrently with INI235Y.)
Exclusion: INI335Y1 INI432H1 Special Topics in Urban Studies [TBA]
DR=SOC SCI ; BR=TBA INI433H1 Special Topics in Urban Studies [TBA]
INI336H1 Creative Cities (formerly INI336Y1) [24L] From time to time, the Urban Studies Program organizes
A prominent thesis in the fields of planning and economic community outreach and information sessions. At the
geography is that the presence of creative occupations in discretion of the Director, students may enroll in a special
a city correlates positively with the overall health of urban topics course and investigate these issues more deeply
regions. This course will investigate the nature of this link under the supervision of an agreeable faculty member.
from theoretical and empirical perspectives and examine its Proposals including a letter from an agreeable faculty
potential usefulness in a planning/policy context. member should be submitted to the Director by June 1 for
Prerequisite: GGR124Y, INI235Y a Fall or Year-long course, or by November 1 for a Spring
Recommended Preparation:GGR220Y course.
Exclusion: INI336Y1 Prerequisite: Enrolment in a major or specialist program in
DR=SOC SCI ; BR=TBA Urban Studies.
Recommended Preparation: INI235Y, completion of research
INI337H1 Studies in Contemporary Urban Problems design and research methods courses, and suitable
[24L] 4th-year standing (in terms of credits completed) in an
This course will focus on an examination of the immediate aligned social science discipline.
difficulties facing Toronto and by extension all Canadian DR=SOC SCI ; BR=TBA
cities. Instruction will consist of a combination of lectures by

Innis College
INI434Y1 Independent Research in Urban Studies INI103H1 Writing Essays [36S]
[TBA] Introduces the fundamentals of essay writing within an
interdisciplinary context. Includes the history of the essay
INI435H1 Independent Research in Urban Studies
and its various rhetorical modes (narrative, descriptive,
expository, argumentative), with a focus on humanities and
IN436H1 Independent Research in Urban Studies social sciences essays. Both non-academic essays and
[TBA] essays from across the academic disciplines are examined in
Designed to allow strong students in the Major and terms of purpose, audience, and persuasive strategies.
Specialist programs to extend a piece of urban research DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=None (This course has no status for
under the supervision of a faculty member from any aligned breadth requirement purposes)
department. Choice of ‘H’ or ‘Y’ session pursuant to the
INI104H1 Writing Reports [36S]
scope of the research envisioned, the proposed supervisor’s
Introduces the fundamentals of report writing within an
assessment of depth of the inquiry, and the approval of
interdisciplinary context. This writing intensive course
the program director. Proposals, including a letter from an
focuses on improving writing skills appropriate to report
agreeable supervisor should be submitted to the program
writing genres. Informal, formal, research, and professional
director by June 1 for a Fall or Year session course and by
workplace reports are examined in terms of purpose,
November 1 for a Spring session course.
audience, structure, style, persuasive strategies, and use
Prerequisite: INI235Y, completion of research design and
of visual rhetoric (tables, charts, graphs). This course also
research methods courses, and suitable 4th-year standing
examines qualitative and quantitative research methods.
(in terms of credits completed) in an aligned social
DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=None (This course has no status for
science discipline. Enrolment in the Urban Studies Major
breadth requirement purposes)
or Specialist Subject POSts.
DR=SOC SCI ; BR=TBA INI203Y1 Foundations of Written Discourse [72S]
Designed to teach students to write persuasively and to
INI437Y Urban Experiential Learning in Toronto &
recognize persuasive strategies at work in writing they
the GTA (formerly INI306Y1) [72S]
analyze. Classical rhetorical terms, elements of style, and
A method of studying city issues that combines readings,
modes of argument are central to the course. Assignments
seminar discussions, and field trips with an 8 hour / week
include a rhetorical analysis, in-class essays, and a term
internship in the office of a municipal politician, local
essay. Readings include prose from a variety of disciplines,
government, or non-profit organization. Readings focus
excluding fiction and poetry. Students who enrol in the course
on community development, urban planning, economic
must demonstrate competence in the English language.
development and local governance. Students must fill out a
Prerequisite: Completion of 4.0 full-course equivalents and
ballot for the course (available on the Urban Studies website
CGPA of 2.3 or higher.
- www.utoronto.ca/innis/urban ) by June 1. Enrolment in this
course is competitive and at the discretion of Dr. Shauna
Brail (Director, Urban Studies Placement Program). INI204Y1 The Academic Writing Process [72S]
Prerequisite: INI235Y. Priority is given to students enrolled The strategy necessary to write complete pieces of non-
in the Urban Studies Minor, Major, or Specialist Programs. fiction prose, especially exposition and argument. Concepts
However, consideration may be given to students of planning and organization include: focusing, research,
with suitable course background as determined by outlining, patterns of logical development, introduction,
the Program Director. Note: INI437Y cannot be taken paragraph development, conclusion, argumentation and
concurrently with INI235Y.) persuasion, documentation, and revision. Students for whom
Exclusion: INI306Y1 English is a second language should have an advanced level
DR=SOC SCI ; BR=TBA of fluency in English before enrolling.
Prerequisite: Completion of 4.0 full-course equivalents and
JGI454H1 The Role of the Planner: Making a Difference
CGPA of 2.3 or higher.
This course will focus on the role of a planning practitioner in
contemporary society using a wealth of examples drawn from JEI206H1 Writing English Essays [24L, 12T]
recent issues and debates in Canadian cities and regions. This course teaches students who already write effectively
The course will walk students through the demands made how to write clear, compelling, research-informed English
of planners in terms of both technical expertise as well as essays. The course aims to help students recognize
political necessity and ask them to think actively about how the function of grammar and rhetoric, the importance of
to prepare for the extraordinary growth of cities during the audience, and the persuasive role of style.
next century. Examples of issues that will be discussed in Prerequisite: 1.0 ENG FCE or any 4.0 FCE. English students
some detail include the myths surrounding the city vs. the have priority.
suburbs, the creativity and passion involved in planning work DR=HUM; BR=1
and the new City of Toronto Act. INI300H1 Strategic Writing in Business and the
Prerequisite: 15 credits, 5.0 of which must be GGR/INI Urban Professions: Theory and Practice (formerly
Studies INI300Y1) [72S]
DR=SOC SCI ; BR=TBA Aims to teach students to recognize the rhetoric of the
professional workplace and to communicate strategically
and ethically using written and oral discourse appropriate to
Writing and Rhetoric Courses business, government, and not-for-profit organizations. Case
See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.

Innis College
study analysis using ethical reasoning models is a central and Rhetoric Program. Applications should be submitted to
component of the course. the Program Director by June 1 for a Fall session course or
Prerequisite: Completion of 4.0 full-course equivalents and by November 1 for a Spring session course.
CGPA of 2.3 or higher. Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents including INI
Exclusion: INI300Y1 203Y1 or 204Y1 and INI 300Y or 301H or 304H or 305H
DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=TBA or 311Y; permission of Program Director
INI301H1 Contemporary Issues and Written
Discourse: Rhetoric and the Print Media INI408Y1 Special Topics in Writing and Rhetoric [TBA]
[36S] INI409H1 Special Topics in Writing and Rhetoric [TBA]
Examines how the language and rhetoric of print media
shape social issues. Rhetorical strategies at work in the INI410H1 Special Topics in Writing and Rhetoric [TBA]
media reporting of such controversial issues as international Seminars in special topics designed for students who are
crises and military actions are examined. The construction completing the Minor Program in Writing, Rhetoric, and
of the columnist’s persona and the role of editorials are also Critical Analysis.
examined. Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents including INI
Prerequisite: Completion of 4.0 full-course equivalents and 203Y1 or 204Y1 and INI 300Y or 301H or 304H or 305H
CGPA of 2.3 or higher. or 311Y; or permission of instructor
INI304H1 Critical Thinking and Inquiry in Written INI412Y1 Prose Style Across Genres [36L, 36S]
Communication [24L] Focuses on methods for analyzing how various aspects of
This seminar in critical reading, analysis, and writing focuses style shape the meaning of texts in such genres as fiction,
on the nature, the evaluation, and the use and abuse of biography, oratory, legal argument, science writing, and
evidence in the process of formulating and supporting government reports. Also considers historical and theoretical
an argument. The case study method will be employed perspectives on style. Requires a research project, which for
to assess the level of authority, credibility, and objectivity qualified students may include a translation.
evident in public discourse, official sources, and academic Prerequisite: 10 full course equivalents; CGPA of 2.3 or
inquiry. higher
Prerequisite: Completion of 4.0 full-course equivalents and Recommended Preparation: INI 200Y, INI203Y1 or 204Y1
CGPA of 2.3 or higher. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
INI305H1 Word and Image in Modern Writing [36S]
Other Innis College Courses
The rhetorical term Ekphrasis, which refers to writing that
is about visual art, is central in the examination of the INI299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
persuasive power of the “conversation” or discourse that Credit course for supervised participation in faculty research
is produced when the written word attempts the evocation project. See page 48 for details.
of visual images. Course readings will include ekphrastic BR=TBA
texts drawn from several disciplines and genres: journalism,
informal essays, poetry, and scholarly writing.
Prerequisite: Completion of 4.0 full-course equivalents and
CGPA of 2.3 or higher.
INI311Y1 Seminar in Creative Writing [72S]
This workshop course examines methodological approaches
to literary fiction from the perspective of the creator.
Through course readings, discussion, and creative writing
assignments, student writers will learn how prose writers
combine stylistic techniques, point-of-view, setting, character,
scenes, and structure to produce literary effects.
Prerequisite: Experience or strong interest in writing fiction.
4.0 full-course equivalents, fluency in English. CPA 2.3
INI405Y1 Independent Studies in Writing and Rhetoric
INI406H1 Independent Studies in Writing and Rhetoric
INI407H1 Independent Studies in Writing and Rhetoric
[TBA] International Relations: see Trinity
Independent research projects devised by students and
supervised by the Writing and Rhetoric staff. Open only to College
students who are completing the Minor Program in Writing

Italian Studies

Faculty take language courses in the 300- and 400-series, but

language courses may be taken without literature courses.
Professors Emeriti In addition, there are courses in culture, cinema and
M. Ciavolella, Ph D theatre that have no language requirement.
A. Franceschetti, Dott in Lett, Ph D In conjunction with Woodsworth College, ITA courses may
M. Kuitunen, Dott in Lett, MA, Phil M,Ufficiale Ord. be taken in Italy at the University of Siena during July and
Merit It. Rep. August. A number of bursaries are available. Students
J.A. Molinaro, MA, Ph D, FRSC may apply to take their Third Year in Italy under the Study
M.W. Ukas, MA, Ph D Elsewhere program in conjunction with the International
Professor and Chair of the Department Student Exchange Office.
D. Pietropaolo, MA, Ph D (SM), Commend. Rep. It. Undergraduate Coordinator: 416-926-2338
Associate Chair
Email: [email protected]
S. Bancheri, MA, PhD (University of Toronto
Mississauga) Enquiries:
Professors 100 St. Joseph St. Room 204 (416-926-2345)
S. Bancheri, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Web site:
Mississauga) http://www.utoronto.ca/italian/
R. Capozzi, MA, Ph D
K. Eisenbichler, MA, Ph D (V)
F. Guardiani, Dott in Lett, MA, Ph D (SM)
Italian Studies Programs
M. Lettieri, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Enrolment in the Italian Studies programs requires the
Mississauga) completion of four courses; no minimum GPA required.
D. Pietropaolo, MA, Ph D (SM), Commend. Rep. It.
O.L. Pugliese, MA, Ph D (V) Italian (Arts program)
Associate Professor Specialist program:
L. Somigli, Dott in Lett, Ph D (10 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one
Assistant Professor full course equivalent at the 400 level)
F. Pierno, Dott in Lett, DEA, Doctorat 1. ITA 100Y1/101Y1/110Y1/(133H1, 134H1)/152Y1
Senior Lecturers 2. One of the following series of courses.
R. Longo Lavorato, MA, Ph D (SM) a. ITA 250Y1, (343H1,344H1) (Prerequisite ITA 100Y1/
B. Magliocchetti, MA (SM) [133H1, 134H1])
M. Pasquarelli-Clivio, MA, Ph D (SM) b. ITA 251Y1,(354H1,355H1) (Prerequisite ITA
M. Scarci, MA, Ph D (V) 101Y1/110Y1)
A. Urbancic, B Ed, MA, Ph D (V) c. ITA 252Y1, (364H1,365H1) (Prerequisite ITA 152Y1)
3. Two 200-series ITA courses including ITA
To study Italian is not only to acquire a language, but also
to study a rich literature and many-sided culture which
4. Two full courses or equivalent at the 300+ level in
have played an important, and sometimes dominant,
literature. Students must complete at least ONE half
role in Western civilization. For Canadians, the Italian
course in THREE separate periods of Italian literature.
contribution bears a special significance: the vast influx of
5. Three and one half additional ITA 300+ series courses
Italians has brought changes in our way of life and a living
with at least one full course equivalent at the 400-
presence to reinforce traditional Italian influences, thus
enriching the meaning of the term Canadian.
6. ITA495H1
Italian combines well with other modern languages and 7. No more than TWO full courses or equivalent where
literatures, and other programs such as European Studies, the language of instruction is English may be counted
Literary Studies, and Mediaeval and Renaissance Studies, towards the Specialist Program.
but is by no means restricted to these. Students may Major program:
choose from Specialist, Major and Minor programs in (7 full courses or their equivalent)
Italian Studies.
1. ITA 100Y1/101Y1/110Y1/(133H1, 134H1)/152Y1
Italian courses are offered for beginners as well for 2. Two 200-series courses including ITA
students with an Italian background. Oral practice is 250Y1/251Y1/252Y1 or JFI 225Y1
included in all language courses. Students well qualified 3. One full course or equivalent at the 300+ level in
in the Italian language may be excused from language literature
courses in First Year (please see the Undergraduate 4. Three additional ITA 300+ series courses
Coordinator). 300- and 400-series courses are available (ex-beginners must include ITA 343H1 and 344H1 in
to qualified third- and fourth-year students and may their selection)
be taken concurrently. These courses offer a wide
range of options in language, literature and linguistics. Minor program:
Except for specialists and majors, it is not necessary to (4 full courses or their equivalent)

Italian Studies
Any 4 ITA courses (at least one full course equivalent must Italian Studies Courses
be a 300/400-level literature course)
First Year Seminars
Italian Culture and Communication Studies (Arts The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
program) the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
Minor program: seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
4 full courses (or equivalent) including ONE full course and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
equivalent from any of the following: professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
ITA 340H1/341H1/441H1/347H1 year of study. For details, see page 48.
ITA 360H1/361H1/363H1/430H1
ITA 356Y1/357Y1/358Y1/359Y1
ITA 371H1/372H1/471H1/472H1/473H1 Note
Second Language Learning (Italian) (Arts Guidelines for the selection of first-year language courses:
program) ITA152Y1: for students who have completed OAC/4U
Italian at the high school level (or equivalent).
Major program: ITA101Y1: for students who have some passive
(7 full courses or their equivalent) knowledge of Italian (or an Italian dialect) or some
1. ITA 100Y1/101Y1/110Y1/(133H1, 134H1) (all with secondary school training in Italian (but not at the senior
minimum 73%)/152Y1 level OAC/4U).
2. JFI 225Y1 ITA100Y1: for students who have neither passive
3. ITA 250Y1/251Y1/252Y1/253Y1 knowledge nor any secondary school training in Italian.
4. One full course or equivalent at the 300+ level in
literature Students with an adequate knowledge of Italian may
5. At least one full-course equivalent from: ITA 360H1, substitute for the language courses and half-courses
361H1, 363H1, 430H1 in the First and Second years another course or half-
6. Two additional ITA 300/400-series courses course, subject to the permission of the Department. The
Department reserves the right to place students in the
Faculty of Arts & Science Language Citation language course appropriate to their level of language
The Department of Italian Studies participates in the
Faculty of Arts and Science’s Language Citation initiative
for Italian. Proficiency in Italian is an invaluable asset for
those wishing to pursue a career in social work, business, ITA100Y1 Italian Language for Beginners [72S]
applied science, government, law, medicine or education. An introduction to the main elements of the Italian
A knowledge of Italian complements undergraduate language. The development of speaking, reading, and
studies in other areas, such as music, fine art, literary writing skills. Introduction to linguistic analysis of literary
studies, European history or political science, to name a prose excerpts.
few. Exclusion: Grade 10 Italian/ITA101Y1/102Y1/110Y1/
(133H1, 134H1)/ 152Y1 (Not open to students with a
The Language Citation recognizes a significant level knowledge, however passive, of an Italian dialect)
of achievement in language study with a high level of DR=HUM; BR=1
academic success. The Citation in Italian is available
to students who, having completed a first year ITA101Y1 Elementary Italian Language [72S]
language course in Italian (ITA100Y1/101Y1/152Y1) Main elements of Italian grammar for students who have
(or the equivalent prerequisite training), earn a grade some passive knowledge of Italian or an Italian dialect or
of at least B- in a second-year language course some secondary school training in Italian (but not at the
(ITA250Y1/251Y1/252Y1) and in one FCE in Italian senior OAC/4U level). Introduction to linguistic analysis of
language at the 300 or 400 level. literary prose excerpts.
Exclusion: OAC/4U Italian/ ITA100Y1/110Y1/(133H1,
Students should note that, as explained on page 20 of this 134H1)/ 152Y1
Calendar, the Language Citation is not equivalent to an DR=HUM; BR=1
academic program and that enrolment in a program is not
ITA102Y1 Practical Italian [48L, 24P]
necessary in order to earn the recognition bestowed by
A course specifically designed for students who wish to
the Citation.
take Italian as a breadth requirement. Emphasis will be
See also Linguistics and Languages; Cinema given to basic aspects of communication in a functional
Studies (listed with Innis College); Drama;
This course cannot be used towards any Minor, Major or
European Studies; Renaissance Studies (listed Specialist program in Italian.
with Victoria College); Women and Gender Exclusion: 4U Italian or any previous university level Italian
Studies language course

Italian Studies
ITA135Y0 Conversation and Culture: An through an analysis of literary and other texts and a
Introduction to Italian [72S] consideration of sociological and linguistic phenomena.
The course is designed to introduce students to Italian This course includes a component designed to introduce
grammar and develop basic oral and comprehension students to methods of scholarly research appropriate to
skills. Elements of Italian culture, past and present, the field. (Given in English)
are also examined in the context of language and DR=HUM; BR=1+3
communication. To select the appropriate second-year ITA235Y0 Conversation and Culture: Intermediate
follow-up course, students are asked to contact the Italian Intensive Oral Practice [72S]
Undergraduate Coordinator. (Offered in Siena only) This course is designed to enhance students’ oral
DR=HUM; BR=1 proficiency in Italian, improve listening and reading
ITA152Y1 Language Practice [72S] comprehension and develop a broad lexical base for
A review of grammar, the writing of short compositions, more effective communicating skills. Elements of Italian
and oral practice. Linguistic analysis based on readings of culture are also examined in the context of language and
contemporary literary texts. communication through a series of topical readings which
Exclusion: ITA100Y1/101Y1/110Y1/(133H1, 134H1) form the basis of discussion. (Offered in Siena only)
Prerequisite: Italian OAC/4 U or permission of Department. Exclusion: ITA252Y1 (and/or higher)
DR=HUM; BR=1 Prerequisite: ITA100/101/ (133H1,134H1)/135Y1/152Y1 or
permission of Department.
ITA210Y1 Contemporary Italy [48S]
An analysis of literary, social and artistic movements,
whose aim is to better understand the conditions that ITA240Y1 Italian Cinema [48L, 72P]
prevail in modern Italy. This course includes a component An overview of Italian cinema from its early days to the
designed to introduce students to methods of scholarly present, which also offers a survey of Italian 20th Century
research appropriate to the field. (Given in English) history and culture. The course features films by masters
DR=HUM; BR=1 Rossellini, DeSica, Fellini, Antonioni, Bertolucci, Pasolini
and works by younger filmmakers, such as Academy
ITA220H1 Introduction to Italian Literature: Prose
Award winners Tornatore, Salvatores and Benigni. This
course includes a component designed to introduce
Reading of selections of Italian prose works, with
students to methods of scholarly research appropriate to
emphasis on linguistic and stylistic features. Texts to
the field.
be read in Italian; both English and Italian will be used
The course is given in English and all films shown have
as language of instruction, as appropriate. This course
English subtitles.
includes a component designed to introduce students to
methods of scholarly research appropriate to the field.
Prerequisite: ITA100Y1/101Y1/152Y1 ITA245Y1 Italian Culture & Civilization [24L, 24T]
DR=HUM; BR=1 The main elements of Italian civilization from the time
of Dante until the present in literature, art, and thought
ITA221H1 Introduction to Italian Literature: Poetry
with reference to political history where appropriate.
This course includes a component designed to introduce
Reading of selections of Italian poetry, with emphasis
students to methods of scholarly research appropriate to
on linguistic and stylistic features. Texts to be read in
the field. (Given in English)
Italian; both English and Italian will be used as language
Exclusion: ITA246H1/247H1/248Y1/(356/357Y1)/
of instruction, as appropriate. This course includes a
component designed to introduce students to methods of
DR=HUM; BR=1+3
scholarly research appropriate to the field.
Prerequisite: Ita100Y1/101Y1/152Y1 ITA249H1 Italians in China: From Marco Polo to
DR=HUM; BR=1 Matteo Ricci [24L]
The course focuses on two historical encounters of Italian
JFI225Y1 Second Language Learning [48S]
civilization with imperial China: One made possible by the
A theoretical and practical consideration of the ways we
immensely popular book, II Milione, an account of several
learn a second language, with a historical overview and
years of Asian travels by the Venetian merchant Marco
critical evaluation of the various methodologies that have
Polo (1245-1324), the other by the writings by Matteo
been developed; the role of cultural studies in language
Ricci (1552-1610) and other Jesuits, Catholic Missionaries.
learning, practical evaluation and development of syllabus,
This course includes a component designed to introduce
course and textbook materials. This course includes a
students to methods of scholarly research appropriate to
component designed to introduce students to methods of
the field. (Given in English)
scholarly research appropriate to the field.
DR=HUM; BR=1+3
Prerequisite: FSL161Y1(73%)/181Y1/
ITA100Y1/101Y1/110Y1/(133H1, 134H1) (all with a ITA250Y1 Intermediate Italian [72S]
minimum of 73%)/152Y1 Grammar review, readings of Italian authors and oral
DR=HUM; BR=2 practice to enhance comprehension and expressive skills.
Exclusion: ITA152Y1/251Y1/252Y1/ (Not open to students
ITA233Y1 Ethnicity and Mainstream Italian Canadian
with a knowledge of an Italian dialect)
Culture [48L]
Prerequisite: ITA100Y1/ (133H1, 134H1)
An examination of the Italian presence in Canada from
the time of John Cabot (Giovanni Caboto) to the present

Italian Studies
ITA251Y1 Intermediate Italian II [72S] ITA311H1 Mediaeval Italian Literature in Translation:
A review of Italian grammar, readings of Italian authors Dante [24L]
and one hour of oral practice. A study of the Vita Nuova and of the Divine Comedy within
Exclusion: ITA152Y1/250Y1/252Y1 the literary and cultural context of the Middle Ages.
Prerequisite: ITA101Y1/110Y1/(133H1, 134H1) or This course includes a component designed to enhance
permission of department. students’ research experience. (Given in English)
DR=HUM; BR=1 Exclusion: ITA320Y1/321Y1/320H1/321H1
ITA252Y1 Written and Oral Expression in Italian
[72S] ITA312H1 Mediaeval Italian Literature in Translation:
A study of fundamental grammatical structures with special Petrarch and Boccaccio [24L]
emphasis on vocabulary and syntax. Some attention is A study of the Petrarch’s Canzoniere and of Boccaccio’s
paid to stylistics. Linguistic analysis of literary texts. One Decameron considered in relation to the later Middle Ages.
hour a week is devoted to oral practice. This course includes a component designed to enhance
Exclusion: ITA250Y1/251Y1 students’ research experience. (Given in English)
Prerequisite: ITA152Y1 Exclusion: ITA325H1/427H1
ITA271Y1 Translating I [24L, 24T] ITA320H1 Dante: Vita Nuova and Divina Commedia
An introduction to the problems of translation from English (Inferno) [24L]
into Italian and Italian into English. Specific treatment of Dante’s poetry and great Christian epic of conversion
common difficulties and extensive exercises. explode with the passions of this world. This course
Prerequisite: Permission of Department focuses on intertextual and rhetorical strategies used to
DR=HUM; BR=1 fashion his complex vision of contemporary society within
the framework of providential history. This course includes
ITA299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
a component designed to enhance students’ research
Credit course for supervised participation in faculty
research project. See page 48 for details.
Exclusion: ITA311H1/320Y1
Prerequisite: ITA250Y1/251Y1/252Y1
ITA300H1 History of Italian Literature: Middle Ages DR=HUM; BR=TBA
and Renaissance [24L]
ITA321H1 Dante: Divina Commedia (Purgatorio and
This course provides a comprehensive view of Italian
Paradiso) [24L]
literature from its beginnings to the Renaissance, by
A continuation of ITA320H1, this course examines the
focusing on the major authors. This course includes a
Purgatorio and the Paradiso in the context of Dante’s
component designed to enhance students’ research
vision of contemporary society. This course includes
a component designed to enhance students’ research
Exclusion: ITA300Y1
Prerequisite: ITA250Y1/251Y1/252Y1
Exclusion: ITA311H/320Y
Prerequisite: ITA320H1
ITA301H1 History of Italian Literature: Baroque to DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Contemporary [24L]
ITA325H1 Themes and Forms of the Lyric Tradition
This course provides a comprehensive view of Italian
from Petrarch to Tasso [24L]
literature from the Baroque period to the present day,
A comprehensive view of the Italian lyric tradition
by focusing on the major authors. This course includes
focusing on the distinctive elements of the genre,
a component designed to enhance students’ research
experience. from the establishment of the canon with Petrarch to
its amplification with Tasso. This course includes a
Exclusion: ITA300Y1
component designed to enhance students’ research
Prerequisite: ITA250Y1/251Y1/252Y1
Exclusion: ITA325Y1/ITA312H1
ITA310H1 The ‘Journey’ in the 19th Century [24L] Prerequisite: ITA250Y1/251Y1/252Y1
The course illustrates Italy’s contribution to the history DR=HUM; BR=TBA
of the trope during a time when countries became
ITA326H1 Themes and Forms of the Lyric Tradition
increasingly interdependent and conscious of each other’s
from Late Renaissance to 20th Century
cultures. Through literary and social analysis the course
traces the most vital aspects of the journey motif. This
A chronological review of the forms and themes of the lyric
course includes a component designed to enhance
tradition from Marino, who revised the genre inherited from
students’ research experience.
the Petrarchists and Tasso, to the numerous variations of
(Given in English)
the genre culminating in the love poetry of D’Annunzio.
This course includes a component designed to enhance
students’ research experience.
Exclusion: ITA325Y1

Italian Studies
Prerequisite: ITA250Y1/251Y1/252Y1 practice. This course includes a component designed to
DR=HUM; BR=TBA enhance students’ research experience.
Exclusion: ITA252Y1/350Y1/351Y1/352Y1//
ITA330H1 The Christian ‘Epic’: Manzoni and the
19th Century [24L]
Prerequisite: ITA250Y1/253Y1
Italy’s foremost writers’ conscious attempt to write the
great representative (“epic”) work of their age: this course
explores their struggle to find the appropriate language, ITA344H1 Language Practice II [36S]
style, and genre to express their vision of history. This Discussion of problems of grammar and composition with
course includes a component designed to enhance special emphasis on the verb phrase. Language analysis
students’ research experience. based on readings of Italian authors. One hour a week of
Exclusion: ITA330Y1 oral practice. This course includes a component designed
Prerequisite: ITA250Y1/251Y1/252Y1 to enhance students’ research experience.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Exclusion: ITA252Y1/350Y1/351Y1/352Y1//(354H,355H1)/
ITA332H1 Love in the Renaissance [24L]
Prerequisite: ITA343H1
An exploration of the theme of love in the Renaissance
and its development in a variety of literary forms. Analysis
of treatises, poetry, short stories and letters with the ITA346H1 Monsters and Marvels in Italian Modernist
purpose of examining intertextuality and the practice Literature [24L]
of imitation, as well as the social and political aspects In this course we consider how in nineteenth- and
of love, such as marriage, women’s position in society, twentieth century literature, fantastic and monstrous
homosexuality and other issues. This course includes figures reflect the anxieties of the modern subject over the
a component designed to enhance students’ research social, economic and existential transformations wrought
experience. (Given in English) by modernity. The course may include works by Tarchetti,
Exclusion: ITA345H1 Arrigo Boito, Capuana, Marinetti, Rosa, Bontempelli,
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Pirandello, Savino, and Landolfi. This course includes
a component designed to enhance students’ research
ITA334H1 Italian Canadian Literature I: Life in a New
World [12L, 12T]
Prerequisite: ITA250Y1/251Y1/252Y1
Works by first- and second-generation authors of Italian
background. Among the themes explored: Italians as
“pioneers”, the Italian perception of Canada, the immigrant ITA347H1 Studies in Italian Cinema [24L,36P]
experience, the immigrants’ encounter with a new world, This course focuses on issues of “genre” and “authorship”
their sense of discovery and the process of cultural in the context of a general discussion of Italian film-making
adaptation. This course includes a component designed to as a national and popular tradition. This course includes
enhance students’ research experience. (Texts available in a component designed to enhance students’ research
both Italian and English.) (Given in English) experience.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA (Given in English)
Exclusion: ITA342Y1
ITA340H1 Italian Neorealist Cinema I [24L, 36P]
Recommended preparation: ITA240Y1
An analysis of the neorealist period in Italian cinema,
and its relation to the political and social climate of post-
war Italy. Screenings include selections from the major ITA354H1 Language Practice I [36S]
exponents of Italian neorealism: Rossellini, DeSica, and For students who have completed ITA251Y1. Discussion
Visconti, among others. This course includes a component of problems of grammar and composition with special
designed to enhance students’ research experience. emphasis on the noun and its derivatives. Language
(Given in English) analysis based on readings of Italian authors. One hour a
Exclusion: ITA340Y week of oral practice. This course includes a component
Recommended preparation: ITA240Y1 designed to enhance students’ research experience.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Exclusion: ITA252Y1/(343H1,344H1)350Y1/351Y/352Y1/
ITA341H Italian Neorealist Cinema II [24L,36P]
Prerequisite: ITA251Y1
The evolution of Italian cinematic neorealism and its
historical heritage is examined in the early films of Fellini,
Antonioni, Pasolini and others. This course includes a ITA355H1 Language Practice II [36S]
component designed to enhance students’ research Discussion of problems of grammar, style and syntax.
experience. (Given in English) Language analysis based on readings of Italian authors.
Exclusion: ITA340Y One hour a week of oral practice. This course includes
Prerequisite: ITA340H1 or permission of Department. a component designed to enhance students’ research
DR=HUM; BR=TBA experience.
Exclusion: ITA252Y1/(343H1,344H1)350Y1/351Y/352Y1//
ITA343H1 Language Practice I [36S]
For students who have completed ITA250Y1. Discussion
Prerequisite: ITA354H1
of problems of grammar and composition with special
emphasis on the noun phrase. Language analysis based
on readings of Italian authors. One hour a week of oral

Italian Studies
ITA356Y0 Italian Culture from the Middle Ages to recent rise of regional variants of Italian and its impact
the Renaissance [24L, 24T] on the dialects are also discussed. This course includes
a component designed to enhance students’ research
ITA357Y0 Italian Culture from the Middle Ages to
the Renaissance [24L, 24T]
Prerequisite: ITA250Y1/251Y1/252Y1
A survey of artists, writers, and thinkers from the time
of Dante to the days of Leonardo. During field trips,
the streets, squares, churches, and palazzi of many ITA364H1 Advanced Language Practice I [36S]
cities serve as living laboratories for a discussion of Analysis and discussion of vocabulary and syntax with
the topography of mediaeval and Renaissance cities. special emphasis on the noun phrase and Italian word
This course includes a component designed to enhance derivation. Reading and linguistic analysis of selected
students’ research experience. (Offered in Siena only.) Italian literary texts from the Middle Ages to the present.
ITA 356Y0: This course is taught in English and is open to Special emphasis will be placed on individual stylistic
students from other disciplines. problems. This course includes a component designed to
ITA 357Y0: Students who wish to petition the Department enhance students’ research experience.
for credit towards a Specialist or Major in Italian will be Exclusion: ITA(343H1,344H1)/350Y1/351Y1/352Y/
required to do the readings in Italian (354H1,355H1)
Exclusion: ITA245Y1/246H1/248Y1 Prerequisite: ITA252Y1/253Y1
ITA358Y0 Modern Italian Culture [24L, 24T] ITA365H1 Advanced Language Practice II [36S]
Analysis and discussion of vocabulary and syntax with
ITA359Y0 Modern Italian Culture [24L, 24T]
special emphasis on the verb phrase and other syntactic
Analysis of a selection of philosophical, artistic, musical,
structures. Reading and linguistic analysis of selected
and literary works from the age of the Baroque to
Italian literary texts from the Middle Ages to the present.
the present. The main topics of discussion include:
Special emphasis will be placed on individual stylistic
Romanticism, Italian unification, theatre, opera,
problems. This course includes a component designed to
Futurism, fascism, Neorealism, regional differences,
enhance students’ research experience.
and industrialization. Field trips and viewing of movies
Exclusion: ITA(343H1,344H1)/350Y1/351Y1/352Y/
included. This course includes a component designed to
enhance students’ research experience. (Offered in Siena
Prerequisite: ITA364H1
ITA 358Y0: This course is taught in English and is open to
students from other disciplines. ITA370H1 Power and Success in the Renaissance
ITA 359Y0: Students who wish to petition the Department [24L]
for credit towards a Specialist or Major in Italian will be Concepts of power and strategies for success in
required to do the readings in Italian. Renaissance texts including Machiavelli’s Il principe and
Exclusion: ITA245Y1/247H1/248Y1 Castiglione’s Il libro del cortegiano. This course includes
DR=HUM; BR=TBA a component designed to enhance students’ research
ITA360H1 Italian Linguistics [24L]
Exclusion: ITA370Y1
For students having a knowledge of Italian and/or Italian
Prerequisite: ITA250Y1/251Y1/252Y1
dialects but no background in linguistics. Concepts of
general linguistics. Italy as a linguistic entity. The structure
of contemporary Italian, with special regard to its sound ITA371H1 Translating II [24S]
system and grammatical categories. This course includes A course designed for advanced students. Written
a component designed to enhance students’ research translation of a variety of non-technical texts from English
experience. (Given in English) into Italian and Italian into English. This course includes
Prerequisite: ITA250Y1/ITA251Y1/ITA252Y1 a component designed to enhance students’ research
DR=HUM; BR=TBA experience.
Exclusion: ITA371Y
ITA361H1 Aspects of Italian Descriptive and Applied
Prerequisite: Permission of Department
Linguistics [24L]
This course deals primarily with morphological, syntactic
and semantic analysis, but also discusses the educational ITA372H1 Translating III [24S]
uses of linguistics. This course includes a component A course designed for advanced students. Written
designed to enhance students’ research experience. translation of a variety of non-technical texts from English
(Given in English) into Italian and Italian into English. This course includes
Prerequisite: ITA250Y1/251Y1/252Y1and 360H1 a component designed to enhance students’ research
DR=HUM; BR=TBA experience.
Exclusion: ITA371Y1
ITA363H1 Italian Sociolinguistics [24L]
Prerequisite: ITA371H1 or permission of Department
Starting with a survey of the sociolinguistic situation in
Italy before Unification, this course deals with the complex
relationship between regional languages and dialects on
the one hand and Common Italian on the other. The

Italian Studies
ITA381H1 Topics in Modern and Contemporary of modern theories of directing. This course includes
Literature [24L] a component designed to enhance students’ research
Focusing on compelling themes arising from critical and experience. (Given in English)
theoretical debates in 20th-century culture, this course DR=HUM; BR=TBA
analyzes poetic, narrative and dramatic works by major ITA420H1 Spinning a Tale: The Italian Short Story from
Italian modern and contemporary authors. This course Boccaccio to Basile [24L]
includes a component designed to enhance students’ The short story genre and its development from the Middle
research experience. Ages to the Baroque. In addition to Boccaccio’s tales,
Prerequisite: ITA250Y1/251Y1/252Y1 included are some of the most famous stories of Western
DR=HUM; BR=TBA literature, which later inspired masterpieces in all art forms,
ITA390H1 The Commedia dell’Arte [24L] such as Romeo and Juliet, Othello and Puss in Boots. This
A study of the conventions of the Commedia dell’Arte course includes a component designed to enhance students’
tradition in the context of its performance history from the late research experience.
Renaissance to the present. Issues examined include acting Exclusion: ITA421Y1
techniques, improvisation, masks and costumes, iconography Prerequisite: ITA250Y1/251Y1/252Y1
and adaptation to film. This course includes a component DR=HUM; BR=TBA
designed to enhance students’ research experience. (Given ITA421H1 Spinning a Tale: The Italian Short Story after
in English) 1800 [24L]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA The short story genre and its development from 1800 to the
ITA395YO Special Topics in Italian Studies [48S] present. Authors to include Pratesi, Verga, Negri, Landolfi.
The area of concentration will depend upon the instructor This course includes a component designed to enhance
teaching the course in any given year. (Offered only during students’ research experience.
the summer through the Summer Abroad Program) Exclusion: ITA421Y1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: ITA250Y1/251Y1/252Y1
ITA398H0 Independent Experiential Study Project
ITA430H1 History of the Italian Language [24L]
ITA399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project
The historical formation of the Italian language and of its
An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus
dialects. Historical phonology and morphology, and problems
setting. See page 48 for details.
of syntax and lexicon. Reading and linguistic analysis of early
Italian texts. This course includes a component designed to
ITA405H1 19th Century Italian Poetry [24L] enhance students’ research experience.
Centred around the poetic production of Leopardi, Pascoli, Prerequisite: ITA250Y1/251Y1/252Y1
and D’Annunzio, the course explores the main literary, artistic DR=HUM; BR=TBA
and socio-political issues that characterize Italy’s cultural
ITA436H1 Man and Society from the Renaissance to
contribution within the context of the romantic movements
the Enlightenment [24L]
in Europe. This course includes a component designed to
A study of the different concepts of man and his place in
enhance students’ research experience.
society, as exemplified in Italian literature from the late
Prerequisite: ITA250Y1/251Y1/252Y1
15th to the 18th century. This course includes a component
designed to enhance students’ research experience.
ITA409H1 Masterpieces of Medieval and Renaissance Exclusion: ITA436Y1
Drama [24L] Prerequisite: ITA250Y1/251Y1/252Y1
This course examines the impact of the theatrical works of DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Feo Belcari, Lorenzo de’ Medici, Machiavelli, Ariosto and
ITA441H1 Italian Novel into Film: Aspects of Cinematic
others in the development of theatre in 15th and 16th century
Adaptation [24L]
Italy. This course includes a component designed to enhance
An analysis of the process of adaptation in an exploration
students’ research experience.
of the ideological and narratological perspectives as well
Prerequisite: ITA250Y1/251Y1/252Y1
as the stylistic elements of literary and cinematic discourse.
Selections include novels by Verga, Tomasi di Lampedusa,
ITA410H1 Masterpieces of Modern Drama [24L] Moravia, Bassani and their filmic adaptations by directors
An analysis of the most representative works of 20th-century such as Visconti, De Sica, Bertolucci. This course includes
Italian dramatists, from Pirandello to Fabbri to Fo. a component designed to enhance students’ research
This course includes a component designed to enhance experience. (Given in English)
students’ research experience. Recommended preparation: One of: ITA240Y1/340Y1/
Prerequisite: ITA250Y1/251Y1/252Y1 340H1/341H1/347H1/381Y1. Knowledge of Italian
DR=HUM; BR=TBA recommended
ITA415H1 Drama in Performance [24L] DR=HUM; BR=TBA
An in-depth study of two plays, one of which is studied in the ITA451H1 Advanced Composition and Stylistics I [36S]
context of its production history and against the background A study of the more complex aspects of Italian syntax,
of contemporary performance theory and theatre technology, stylistics and semantics. Discussion of problems and
while the other is examined from the dramaturgical difficulties relating to syntax, vocabulary and style as they
perspective of current theatre practice and in the context arise from individual compositions or essays. Reading and

Italian Studies
linguistic analysis of selected Italian literary texts. This Prerequisite: ITA250Y1/251Y1/252Y1
course includes a component designed to enhance students’ DR=HUM; BR=TBA
research experience. ITA489H1 Independent Studies
Prerequisite: ITA(343H1,344H1)/350Y1/351Y1/352Y1/ An opportunity to pursue at the 400-level an independent
(354H1,355H1)/(364H1,365H1) course of study not otherwise available. A written proposal,
Exclusion : ITA450Y/451Y/452Y co-signed by the instructor, must be submitted on the
DR=HUM; BR=TBA appropriate proposal form for approval by the Department of
ITA452H1 Advanced Composition and Stylistics II Italian Studies. Application deadline: April 30 for F courses,
[36S] November 30 for S courses.
A continuation of the study of the more complex aspects Prerequisite: Permission of Department
of Italian syntax, stylistics and semantics. Discussion of DR=HUM; BR=TBA
problems and difficulties relating to syntax, vocabulary and ITA490Y1 Independent Studies
style as they arise from individual compositions or essays. In exceptional circumstances, students may request to
Reading and linguistic analysis of selected Italian literary pursue at the 400-level an independent course of study not
texts. This course includes a component designed to otherwise available. A written proposal, co-signed by the
enhance students’ research experience. instructor, must be submitted on the appropriate proposal
Prerequisite: ITA451H1 form for approval by the Department of Italian Studies.
Exclusion : ITA450Y/451Y/452Y Application deadline April 30.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: Permission of Department
ITA455H1 Women Writers in Italy [24L] DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Cultural movements and feminist issues as reflected ITA491H1 Topics in Contemporary Fiction [24L]
in the writings of various periods. This course includes This course traces the debate on the relationship between
a component designed to enhance students’ research writing and reality in contemporary fiction from the early 20th
experience. century to neo-realism and post-modernism. Texts studied
Prerequisite: ITA250Y1/251Y1/252Y1 are by such prominent writers as Pirandello, Svevo, Gadda,
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Vittorini, Calvino, Morante, and Eco. This course includes
ITA470H1 Galileo and the Scientific Revolution in a component designed to enhance students’ research
Renaissance Italy [24L] experience.
Focusing on Galileo Galilei, this course examines the Prerequisite: ITA250Y1/251Y1/252Y1
development of the language of science in Renaissance Italy DR=HUM; BR=TBA
using a variety of tools such as literary and scientific texts, ITA492H1 What is a Poet? The Roles and Functions of
overheads, multimedia programs, and the Internet. This Poetry in Twentieth-Century Literature [24L]
course includes a component designed to enhance students’ What function can the aesthetic experience play in capitalist
research experience. society? This course examines how, through irony, humour,
Prerequisite: ITA250Y1/251Y1/252Y1 pathos, lyricism, or detachment, twentieth century poets
DR=HUM; BR=TBA sought to provide an answer, and to renew the poetic
ITA471H1 Translating IV [24S] tradition. The course may include works by Gozzano,
Written translation of literary, administrative, business, and Marinetti, Palazzeschi, Montale, Luzi, Caproni, and
semi-technical texts from English into Italian and Italian into Sanguineti. This course includes a component designed to
English. enhance students’ research experience.
This course includes a component designed to enhance Prerequisite: ITA250Y1/251Y1/252Y1
students’ research experience. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Exclusion: ITA471Y1 ITA493H1 Italian-Canadian Literature II: Identity and
Prerequisite: Permission of Department Voice [24L]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Critical investigation of works by Italian-Canadian authors,
ITA472H1 Translating V [24S] focusing on themes linked to the second-generation
Written translation of literary, administrative, business, and experience, such as intergenerational conflict, gender
semi-technical texts from English into Italian and Italian into relations, the return journey, and the quest for identity.
English. Special attention is given to the most recent production,
This course includes a component designed to enhance new narratives and artistic forms. This course includes
students’ research experience. a component designed to enhance students’ research
Exclusion: ITA471Y1 experience. (Texts are available in Italian and English)
Prerequisite: ITA471H1 or permission of Department Recommended preparation: One of ITA233Y1/334H1
ITA475H1 Literature and Desire [24L] ITA494H1 The Artist as Writer [24S]
This course traces the development of erotic discourse Writings by Italian artists through the ages , including
in Italian culture. Course material is drawn from poetry, Michelangelo in the Renaissance. This course includes
prose, and plays on love, focusing both on the literary and a component designed to enhance students’ research
psychoanalytic language of love. This course includes experience. (Given in English)
a component designed to enhance students’ research Exclusion: ITA494Y1
experience. DR=HUM; BR=TBA

Italian Studies
ITA495H1 Directed Research
Based on a professor’s research project currently in
progress, this course will enable an undergraduate student
to play a useful role in the project while receiving concrete
training in research. This course is mandatory for all
students enrolled in the specialist’s program.
Prerequisite: Permission of Department
ITA496H1 Research Methods
This course, linked to the instructor’s research project, will
provide training in a variety of research methods.
Prerequisite: Permission of Department

Jewish Studies

Faculty T. Lawson, MS, Ph D (NMC)

L. Livak, MA, Ph D (SLA)
Professors Emeriti J. Marshall, MA, Ph D (RLG)
E. Birnbaum, BA, DOAS (NMC) T. Meacham, MA, Ph D (NMC)
L.R.M. Garshowitz, Ph D (NMC) S. Metso, MA, Th D (NMC)
J. Kornberg, MA, Ph D (HIS) A. Most, MA, Ph D (ENG)
M.R. Marrus, MA, Ph D, FRSC (T) (HIS) J. Newman, MAR, Ph D (REL)
Chancellor Rose and Ray Wolfe Professor J. Ross, MA, Ph D (HIS)
Emeritus of Holocaust Studies W. Saleh, MA, Ph D (NMC, REL)
A. Pietersma, BD, Ph D (NMC) K. Weisman, MA, Ph D (ENG)
G.P. Richardson, B Arch, BD, Ph D (U) (RLG) R. Wittmann, MA, Ph D (HIS)
R. Sandler, MA, Ph D (NMC) P. Wróbel, MA, Ph D (HIS)

Associate Professor and Program Director Assistant Professors

H. Najman, MA, Ph D (REL) K. Blouin, MA, Ph D (HIS)
R. Holmstedt, MA, Ph D (NMC)
Assistant Professor and Associate Director A. Komaromi, MA, Ph D (VIC)
A. Shternshis, MA, D Phil, Ph D (GER)
Al and Malka Green Professorship in Yiddish Adjunct Professors
M. Shiff, BFA
E. Adler, MA, Ph D (POL) Special Lecturer
Andrea and Charles Bronfman Chair in Israeli F. Bialystok, MA, Ph D (HIS)
Studies S. Green, MA, Ph D (NMC)
D. Bergen, MA, Ph D (HIS) B. Walfish, MA, Ph D (Fisher Library)
Chancellor Rose and Ray Wolfe Chair in
Holocaust Studies Jewish Studies Overview
M. Bodemann, MA, Ph D (SOC) Faculty offer courses in numerous disciplines, including
R. Brym, MA, Ph D (SOC) archaeology, art, history, languages, literature,
P. Franks, MA, Ph D (PHL) performance, philosophy, political science, religion and
Senator Jerahmiel S. and Carole S. Grafstein sociology. Jewish Studies classes are noted for their
Chair in Jewish Philosophy combination of close textual study and vigorous intellectual
R.B. Gibbs, MA, Ph D (U) (PHL) debate.  While languages such as Hebrew and Yiddish,
W. Goetschel, M Phil, Ph D (GER, PHL) along with texts from biblical and rabbinic literature,
A. Harrak, MA, Ph D (NMC) remain crucial to Jewish Studies, the topics studied have
B. Inwood, MA, Ph D (PHL) expanded dramatically to include many courses in modern
T.P. Harrison, MA, Ph D (NMC) Jewish history, thought and culture, the Holocaust, Israeli
I. Kalmar, MA, Ph D (W,V) (ANT) society and Jewish popular culture.
J. Kloppenborg, MA, Ph D (RLG)
J. Kopstein, MA, Ph D (POL) The appeal of Jewish Studies rests on the role of
R.J. Leprohon, MA, Ph D (NMC) Judaism as one of the fountainheads of Western
P. R. Magocsi, MA, Ph D (POL) civilization. In addition, because Jewish communities
M.D. Meyerson, MA, Ph D (HIS) have developed ways of inheriting the past through a
E. Morgan, LLB, LLM (LAW) highly critical engagement both with Jewish traditions
D. Novak, MHL, Ph D (U) (RLG, PHL) and with other cultures, Jewish Studies classes provide
J. Richard and Dorothy Shiff Chair of Jewish an excellent education in critical thinking for students
Studies of all backgrounds. Indeed, Judaism has survived by
C. Orwin, MA, Ph D (SM) (POL) reinventing itself in response to adverse circumstances, so
D.J. Penslar, MA, Ph D, C Phil (U) (HIS) Jewish Studies classes also offer an excellent education
Samuel J. Zacks Chair in Jewish History in survival at a time when social and economic change
A. Ripstein, MA, Ph D, MSL (LAW, PHL) proceed at ever increasing rates and thus demand
M.E. Subtelny, MA, Ph D (NMC) repeated reinventions. Moreover, because Jewish
E. Weinrib, Ph D, LL B (LAW) thought and culture have engaged in perhaps the longest
Cecil A. Wright Professor of Law sustained discussion of the role of minorities within
majority cultures, Jewish Studies classes provide many
Associate Professors
resources for critical and fruitful reflection on Canada’s
S. Akbari, MA, Ph D (ENG, CMS)
remarkable diversity and on Canada’s place in an
J. Bryant, MA, Ph D (SM) (REL, SOC)
increasingly global society.
M. Chazan, M Phil, Ph D (V)
A.S. Cohen, MA, Ph D (ART) Enquiries:
R. Comay, MA, Ph D (PHL)
H. Fox, MA, Ph D (NMC, RLG) Centre for Jewish Studies (416) 978-8118/(416) 978-1624,
K.H. Green, MA, Ph D (RLG) [email protected]/[email protected]
J. Harris, MA, Ph D (SMC) www.cjs.utoronto.ca
L. Kaplan, MA, Ph D (ART)

Jewish Studies

Centre for Jewish Studies Programs 1. CJS200H

2. 3.5 FCEs in one of the four Jewish Studies areas of
The Jewish Studies Undergraduate Program is divided concentration, including at least 1 FCE at the 300+
into four areas of concentration: level.
A: Classical Judaism
Jewish Studies Courses by Concentration:
B: Jewish Philosophy and Thought
Please note: For the most up-to-date lists of courses
C: History and Social Sciences
qualifying for each concentration, see the undergraduate
D: Modern Culture, Languages, and Literatures
handbook issued by the Centre for Jewish Studies.
Jewish Studies
A: Classical Judaism
Specialist program: CJS100Y1, 101H1, 102H1, 200H1, 210Y1, 211H1, 390H1,
(10 FCEs or equivalent, including at least 4 FCEs at the 400H1, 491H1; RLG100Y1, 202Y1, 239H1, 280Y1,
300+ level and at least 1 FCE at the 400-level) 319H1, 320H1, 325H1, 326H1, 340Y1, 342Y1, 343H1,
345H1, 346H1, 432H1; NML150Y1, 220Y1, 250Y1,
1. CJS200H, CJS400H
251Y1, 320H1, 350H1, 351H1, 352H1, 354H1, 356H1,
2. 3 FCEs or proof of proficiency at the third-year level
357H1, 358H1, 359H1, 420Y1, 450H1, 451H1, 452H1,
in one of the following languages: Aramaic, Hebrew,
454H1, 457H1; NMC150H1, 151H1, 250H1, 252H1,
Yiddish. Other languages are accepted with special
254Y1, 257Y1, 281H1, 282H1, 284H1, 324H1, 360H1,
permission. Students entering the program with
361H1, 370Y1, 384H1, 388Y1, 450H1, 484H1; SMC421H1
requisite linguistic proficiency will choose any 3
FCEs in their first or second areas of concentration B: Jewish Philosophy and Thought
(see below) in addition to the regular requirements CJS100Y1, 101H1, 102H1, 200H1, 210Y1, 211H1, 390H1,
described in sections 3 and 4. 400H1, 491H1; GER412H1, 430H1; RLG100Y1, 202Y1,
3. 4 FCEs in one of the four Jewish Studies areas of 220H1, 221H1, 239H1, 280Y1, 340Y1, 341H1, 342Y1,
concentration, of which at least 0.5 FCE at the 400 343H1, 345H1, 346H1, 388H1, 432H1, 434H1, 445H1,
level. This is in addition to the language requirements 446H1; NMC388Y1; PHL310H1, 322H1, 323H1, 338H1,
in section 2 (above). 370H1; POL381H1, 407Y1, 421H1, 430Y1; SMC421H1
4. Additional 2 FCEs in one other area of concentration,
with at least 1 FCE at 300+ level. C: History and Social Sciences
5. At least 0.5 FCE among the courses in sections ANT426H1; CJS100Y1, 101H1, 102H1, 200H1, 210Y1,
1-4 must satisfy the quantitative reasoning 211H1, 390H1, 400H1, 491H1; GER362H1, 363Y1;
requirement. If no Jewish Studies courses meeting HIS208Y1, 301H1, 303Y1, 308H1, 317H1, 338Y1, 352H1,
this requirement are available in the first and second 356H1, 361H1, 389H1, 403Y1, 414H1, 431H1, 433H1,
areas of concentration (sections 3 and 4), students, in 442Y1, 444H1, 451H1; NMC275Y1, 278H1, 477H1;
consultation with a Jewish Studies advisor, may take POL345H1, 381H1, 407Y1, 430Y1, 453Y1; RLG344Y1,
a course with a quantitative reasoning component in 430H1, 453H1; SLA202H1, 302H1; SMC421H1;
any Jewish Studies area. This course will also count SOC250Y1, 341Y1; UNI280H1, 380H1
toward the requirements in section 4.
D. Modern Culture, Languages, and Literatures
Major program: ANT426H1; CJS100Y1, 101H1, 102H1, 200H1, 210Y1,
(7 FCEs or equivalent, including at least 2 FCEs at the
211H1, 390H1, 400H1, 491H1; FAH381H1; ENG275Y1,
300+ level and at least 0.5 FCE at the 400-level)
375H1; GER260Y1, 360H1, 361H1, 362H1, 363Y1,
1. CJS200H, CJS400H 412H1, 462H1; HIS352H1, 389H1; NML155H1, 156H1,
2. 4.5 FCEs in one of the four Jewish Studies areas of 255Y1, 355Y1, 455H1, 456H1; NMC256Y1, 352Y1;
concentration, with at least 2 FCEs at the 300+ level. RLG344Y1, 430H1; SLA202H1, 302H1, 303H1,
Students choosing “Classical Judaism” concentration SLA318H1; SMC421H1; UNI380H1
must take 2 FCEs of Jewish Studies approved
language or demonstrate linguistic proficiency at the Courses Offered by the Centre for
second year level.
3. Additional 1.5 FCE in one other area of Jewish Jewish Studies
Studies concentration.
4. At least 0.5 FCE among the courses in sections First Year Seminars
1-3 must satisfy the quantitative reasoning The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
requirement. If no Jewish Studies courses meeting the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
this requirement are available in the first and second of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
areas of concentration (sections 2 and 3), students, in seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
consultation with a Jewish Studies advisor, may take and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
a course with a quantitative reasoning component in professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
any Jewish Studies area. This course will also count year of study. For details, see page 48.
toward the requirements in section 3. CJS100Y1 Basic Language Skills for Jewish Studies
Minor program:
Acquisition of basic reading, writing, speaking and
(4 FCEs or their equivalent, including at least 1 FCE at the
listening (where applicable) skills in a language
300+ level)
instrumental to a student’s chosen concentration in Jewish

Jewish Studies
Studies, but unavailable through regular curricular offerings CJS212H1 Language Skills for Advanced Research in
in the Faculty of Arts & Science. Jewish Studies II [48P]
Prerequisite: Enrolment in a Jewish Studies POSt or Acquisition of advanced reading, writing, speaking and
permission of the Centre for Jewish Studies listening (where applicable) skills in a language instrumental
DR=HUM; BR=1 to a student’s chosen concentration in Jewish Studies, but
unavailable through regular curricular offerings in the Faculty
CJS101H1 Basic Language Skills for Jewish Studies I
of Arts & Science.
Prerequisite: Enrolment in a Jewish Studies POSt and
Acquisition of basic reading, writing, speaking and listening
CJS211H1, or permission of the Centre for Jewish Studies
(where applicable) skills in a language instrumental to
Recommended preparation: At least one year of the target
a student’s chosen concentration in Jewish Studies, but
unavailable through regular curricular offerings in the Faculty
of Arts & Science.
Prerequisite: Enrolment in a Jewish Studies POSt or CJS220H1 The Holocaust in Fiction [24S]
permission of the Centre for Jewish Studies The course examines literary works written in different
DR=HUM; BR=1 languages, in ghettos and concentration camps during the
Holocaust, as well as those reflecting on the genocide in its
CJS102H1 Basic Language Skills for Jewish Studies II
aftermath. We focus on literature as a means of engaging
with the unimaginable and on the cross analysis of “eye-
Acquisition of basic reading, writing, speaking and listening
witness” and “memory” writing.
(where applicable) skills in a language instrumental to
Recommended Preparation: CJS200H1
a student’s chosen concentration in Jewish Studies, but
unavailable through regular curricular offerings in the Faculty
of Arts & Science. CJS221H1 The Schlemiel in Modern Jewish Art and
Prerequisite: Enrolment in a Jewish Studies POSt and Culture [24S]
CJS101H1, or permission of the Centre for Jewish Studies The course explores the schlemiel – the stock Jewish comic
Recommended preparation: At least one semester of the type – in the context of modern Jewish thought, identity, and
target language culture. Using literary and artistic material, we study various
DR=HUM; BR=1 approaches to the problem of addressing, articulating, and
theorizing the schlemiel type in the European and American
CJS200H1 Introduction to Jewish Studies [24L]
contexts of modernity and post-modernity.
A balanced presentation of the multifaceted approach to
Recommended Preparation: CJS200H1
the discipline by treating Jewish history, literature, religion,
and culture and the interaction of Jews and Judaism with
other groups. The course introduces students not only to a CJS230H1 God, Nation, and Self Transformed: The
chronological and thematic overview of the subject, but also Secularization of the Jewish Experience
to different methodological approaches. [24S]
DR=HUM; BR=3 The course provides a theoretical background to the issue
of secularization and examines the diverse attempts to
CJS210Y1 Language Skills for Advanced Research in
define on a secular basis the Jew, the Jewish nation, and
Jewish Studies [96P]
the Jewish God since the breakdown of “traditional” Jewish
Acquisition of advanced reading, writing, speaking and
society. A variety of Jewish secularisms are examined in a
listening (where applicable) skills in a language instrumental
larger, non-Jewish context.
to a student’s chosen concentration in Jewish Studies, but
unavailable through regular curricular offerings in the Faculty Recommended Preparation: CJS200H1
of Arts & Science.
Prerequisite: Enrolment in a Jewish Studies POSt or CJS290H1 Topics in Jewish Studies [24L]
permission of the Centre for Jewish Studies An examination of issues in Jewish Studies. Content in any
Recommended preparation: At least one year of the target given year depends on instructor.
language DR=HUM; BR=None (This course has no status for breadth
DR=HUM; BR=1 requirement purposes)
CJS211H1 Language Skills for Advanced Research in CJS389H1 Jewish Secularism and Messianic Thought:
Jewish Studies I [48P] From Spinoza to Derrida [24S]
Acquisition of advanced reading, writing, speaking and This course examines the critical role that Messianic thought
listening (where applicable) skills in a language instrumental plays in the emergence of modern Jewish secular thought. A
to a student’s chosen concentration in Jewish Studies, but study of the secular dimension of Messianism in the writings
unavailable through regular curricular offerings in the Faculty of Jewish philosophers, from Spinoza to Derrida, leading
of Arts & Science. to the larger question of its place in the project of Jewish
Prerequisite: Enrolment in a Jewish Studies POSt or modernity.
permission of the Centre for Jewish Studies Recommended Preparation: CJS200H1
Recommended preparation: At least one year of the target DR=HUM; BR=TBA
language CJS390H1 Special Topics in Jewish Studies [24L]
DR=HUM; BR=1 An examination of issues in Jewish Studies. Content in any
given year depends on instructor.
Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor/program

Jewish Studies
DR=HUM; BR=TBA GER363Y1 Cultural History of the East European
Community, 1800-2000
CJS400H1 Research Seminar in Jewish Studies [24S]
GER412H1 Modernity and Its Discontents
An interdisciplinary seminar in which Jewish Studies topics
GER430H1 Spinoza: Secularization in Modern Jewish
are explored intensively, culminating in a major research
paper by each student.
GER462H1 Advanced Yiddish
Prerequisite: JSP200H1; permission of the instructor/program
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Department of History (416-978-3363)
HIS208Y1 History of the Jewish People
CJS490H1 Advanced Topics in Jewish Studies [24S]
HIS301H1 Imperial Spain
An in-depth investigation of topics in Jewish Studies. Content
HIS303Y1 The Mediterranean, 600-1300
in any given year depends on instructor.
HIS308H1 The Mediterranean, 1300-1800
Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor/program
HIS317H1 Modern Germany 1914 to the Present
HIS338Y1 The Holocaust, to 1942
CJS491H1 Advanced Topics in Jewish Studies [24S] HIS352H1 Secularism and Strife: Modern Jewish
An in-depth investigation of topics in Jewish Studies. Content Politics and Culture
in any given year depends on instructor. HIS356H1 Zionism and Israel
Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor/program HIS361H1 The Holocaust, from 1942
DR=HUM; BR=TBA HIS389H1 Outsiders Inside: Jews and American Popular
CJS498Y1 Independent Study [TBA] Culture
A scholarly project on an approved topic supervised by a HIS403Y1 Jews and Christians in Medieval and
faculty affiliated with the Centre for Jewish Studies. Renaissance Europe
Prerequisite: CJS200H1 and permission of the Centre HIS414H1 The Third Reich
Recommended preparation: CJS400H1 HIS431H1 Gender and the Holocaust
DR=HUM; BR=TBA HIS433H1 Polish Jews Since the Partitions of Poland
HIS442Y1 European Women in the 20th Century
CJS499H1 Independent Study [TBA] HIS444H1 Topics in Jewish History: Jewish Identity in
A scholarly project on an approved topic supervised by a the Modern World
faculty affiliated with the Centre for Jewish Studies. HIS451H1 World War II in East Central Europe
Prerequisite: CJS200H1 and permission of the Centre
Department of Near & Middle Eastern Civilizations (416-
Recommended preparation: CJS400H1
NML150Y1 Introductory Biblical Hebrew
Jewish Studies Courses Offered by NML155H1 Elementary Modern Hebrew I
NML156H1 Elementary Modern Hebrew II
Affiliated Academic Units NML220Y1 Introductory Aramaic
The following is a list of undergraduate courses offered by NML250Y1 Intermediate Biblical Hebrew
the academic units affiliated with Centre for Jewish Studies. NML251Y1 Intermediate Biblical Hebrew: Pentateuch
Courses not appearing below may be considered for credit in NML255Y1 Intermediate Modern Hebrew
a Jewish Studies program with permission of the Director or NML320H1 Intermediate Aramaic: Targum
Associate Director. For up-to-date information, please check NML350H1 Wisdom Literature
the Jewish Studies website (www.cjs.utoronto.ca). NML351H1 History Writings
NML352H1 Myth and Story
Department of Anthropology (416-978-4805) NML353H1 Jewish Apocalyptic Literature
ANT426H1 Orientalism: Western Views of the Other NML354H1 Law and Ritual
NML355Y1 Advanced Modern Hebrew
Department of Art (416-946-7624) NML356Y1 Babylonian Talmud
FAH381H1 Problems in Jewish Art NML357H1 Midrash Aggadah
Canadian Studies (University College; 416-978-8153) NML358H1 Mishnah and Tosefta
UNI280H1 Canadian Jewish History NML359H1 Prophecy
UNI380H1 Socio-Cultural Perspective of the Canadian NML420Y1 The Jerusalem Talmud
Jewish Community NML450H1 Advanced Biblical Hebrew Grammar
NML451H1 Advanced Babylonian Talmud
Department of English (416-978-3190)
NML452H1 Halakhic Midrashim
ENG275Y1 Jewish Literature in English
NML454H1 Midrash Before the Rabbis
ENG375Y1 Studies in Jewish Literature and Culture
NML455H1 Modern Hebrew Poetry
Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures (416- NML456H1 Modern Hebrew Prose
926-2324) NML457H1 Introduction to Comparative Semitics
GER260Y1 Elementary Yiddish NMC150H1 Hebrew Bible and Ancient Jewish Literature in
GER360H1 Intermediate Yiddish Translation
GER361H1 Yiddish Literature and Culture in NMC151H1 The Bible and Its Interpreters
Translation NMC250H1 Dead Sea Scrolls
GER362H1 Soviet and Kosher: Jewish Culture in the NMC252H1 Ancient West Semitic Literature
Soviet Union NMC254Y1 Modern Hebrew Literature in Translation
NMC256Y1 Literature and Culture of Modern Israel

Jewish Studies
NMC257Y1 Introduction to the Literature of Jewish Sages RLG432H1 Natural Law in Judaism and Christianity
NMC275Y1 Muslims & Jews: The Medieval Encounter RLG434H1 Modern Jewish Thought
NMC278H1 Introduction to the Modern Middle East RLG445H1 Maimonides and His Modern Interpreters
NMC281H1 Prophets: Ancient Jewish Prophecy and RLG446H1 The Thought of Leo Strauss
Inspired Exegesis RLG453H1 Christianity and Judaism in Colonial Context
NMC282H1 The Politics of Prophecy in Biblical Narrative Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
NMC284H1 Judaism and Feminism (416-926-2075)
NMC324H1 Greek Speaking Judaism of the Second SLA202H1 Jewish Communities in Slavic Countries
Temple Period SLA302H1 The Imaginary Jew
NMC352Y1 Faith and Doubt in Modern Hebrew Poetry SLA303H1 Literary Imagination and Jewish Identity in
NMC360H1 Archaeology of the Biblical World I: The Modern Europe
Bronze Age SLA318H1 Kyiv-Kiev-Kijow: A City through Cultures and
NMC361H1 Archaeology of the Biblical World II: The Iron Centuries
NMC370Y1 Ancient Israel Department of Sociology (416-978-3412)
NMC384H1 Life Cycle and Personal Status in Judaism SOC250Y1 Sociology of Religion
NMC388Y1 Medieval Jewish and Islamic Philosophy and SOC341Y1 The Jewish Community in Europe and North
Theology America
NMC450H1 Advanced Biblical Hebrew Grammar St. Michael’s College (416-926-1300)
NMC477H1 Nationalism, Ethnicity and Minority Rights in SMC421H1 Jews and Judaism in Christian Traditions
the Middle East
NMC484Y1 Gender-related Topics in Law and Religion University College (416-978-8083)
UNI280H1 Canadian Jewish History
Department of Philosophy (416-978-3311) UNI380H1 Socio-Cultural Perspective of the Canadian-
PHL310H1 The Rationalists Jewish Community
PHL322H1 Contemporary Continental Philosophy
PHL323H1 Social and Cultural Theory
PHL338H1 Jewish Philosophy
PHL370H1 Issues in Philosophy of Law
Department of Political Science (416-978-3343)
POL345H1 Becoming Israel: War, Peace and the Politics
of Israel’s Identity
POL381H1 Topics in Political Theory
POL407Y1 Politics of Origins
POL421H1 Maimonides and His Modern Interpreters
POL430Y1 Comparative Studies in Jewish and Non-
Jewish Political Thought
POL453Y1 The Politics of Post-Communism
Department for the Study of Religion (416-978-2395)
RLG100Y1 Religions East and West
RLG202Y1 The Jewish Religious Tradition
RLG220H1 Philosophical Responses to the Holocaust
RLG221H1 Religious Ethics: The Jewish Tradition
RLG239H1 Special Topics: Jewish and Christian Polemics
RLG280Y1 World Religions: A Comparative Study
RLG319H1 Reconception of Biblical Figures in Early
Jewish and Christian Sources
RLG320H1 Judaism and Christianity in the Second
RLG325H1 Visions and Revelations in Ancient Judaism
and Christianity
RLG326H1 Judaism and the Roots of Christianity
RLG340Y1 Classical Jewish Theology
RLG341H1 Dreaming of Zion: Exile and Return in Jewish
RLG342Y1 Judaism in the Modern Age
RLG343H1 Kabbalah: A History of Mystical Thought in
RLG344Y1 Antisemitism
RLG345H1 Social Ecology and Judaism
RLG346H1 Time and Place in Judaism
RLG388H1 Special Topics: Kabbalah and Modernity
RLG430H1 Advance Topics in Judaism

Joint Courses
These courses are sponsored by more than one JFL478H1 Issues in French and Linguistics II: French
department, college, or program office. For full course in Contact [24S]
descriptions, check the department/sponsor entry that is See French or Linguistics
referred to after each course title. JFP450H1 First Nations Issues in Health and Healing
See Aboriginal Studies and Faculty of Pharmacy
These listings include sponsor and course title only.
JFV323H1 Semiotics and Literature I [24S]
See French or Victoria College

Note JGE321H1 Multicultural Perspectives on

See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions. Environmental Management [24L
See Geography or Centre for Environment.
JGE331H1 Resource and Environmental Theory
EHJ351H1 The Ecology of Human Population Growth (formerly GGR331H1) [24L]
[24L See Geography or Centre for Environment.
See Ecology & Evolutionary Biology or Human Biology JGE347H1 Efficient Use of Energy [24L, 6T]
EHJ352H1 Evolution of the Human Genome [24L, 12T See Geography or Centre for Environment.
See Ecology & Evolutionary Biology or Human Biology JGE348H1 Carbon-Free Energy [24L, 6T]
HAJ453H1 AIDS: A Global Perspective [6L, 18S] See Geography or Centre for Environment
See Human Biology JGI216H1 Urbanization & Global Change [24L]
JAG321H1 Aboriginal People & Environmental Issues See Geography or Innis College
in Canada [36L] JGI346H1 The Urban Planning Process [24L]
See Aboriginal Studies and Geography See Geography or Innis College.
JAL328H1 Writing Systems [24L] JGI454H1 The Role of the Planner: Making a
See Anthropology and Linguistics. Difference [24L]
JAL353H1 Conversational Structures [48L, 24P] See Geography or Innis College.
See Anthropology and Linguistics JGP438H1 Shallow Crust Geophysics [24L, 48P]
JAL355H1 Language and Gender [24L] See Geology or Physics.
See Anthropology and Linguistics JHE353H1 History of Evolutionary Biology I (formerly
JAL401H1 Field Linguistics [52P] EEB353H1) [24L, 12T]
See Anthropology and Linguistics) See Ecology & Evolutionary Biology or History and
Philosophy of Science & Technology
JBO302Y1 Human Physiology and Biophysics [72L,
12T] JHE355H1 History of Evolutionary Biology II (formerly
See Physics and Physiology EEB355H1) [24L, 12T]
See Ecology & Evolutionary Biology or History and
JDC400Y1 Redefining Security Through Art [48L] Philosophy of Science & Technology
See Drama and Comparative Literature
JHP304Y1 Ukraine: Politics, Economy and Society
JDC410H1 New Approaches to Theatre History [48L] (formerly JHP 204Y) [48L]
See Drama and Comparative Literature See History and Political Science.
JEF100Y1 The Western Tradition [72L] JHP435Y1 Linguistic and Cultural Minorities in Europe
See English and French [48S]
JEI206H1 Writing English Essays [24L, 12T] See History and Political Science.
See English and Innis College Writing & Rhetoric Program JHP440Y1 Gender & International Relations (formerly
JEH455H1 Current Issues in Environment & Health HIS440H1) [48S]
[16L, 8S] See History and Political Science
See Human Biology. JHP454Y1 Twentieth Century Ukraine [48S]
JFG470H1 Forest Management [24L] See History and Political Science
See Geography and Forest Conservation JIA400H1 Interdisciplinary Practice for the Arts [144P]
JFG475H1 Emergency Response Systems Planning See Drama.
[24L, 24T] JIE307Y1 Urban Sustainability
See Geography or Forest Conservation See Centre for Environment or Innis College Urban Studies
JFI225Y1 Second Language Learning [48S] Program
See French or Italian JLP315H1 Language Acquisition [36L]
JFL477H1 Issues in French and Linguistics I [24S] See Linguistics and Psychology.
See French or Linguistics JLP374H1 Psychology of Language [36L]
See Linguistics and Psychology.

Joint Courses
JLP471H1 Advanced Psycholinguistics [24S] JPR374Y1 Religion and Power in the Postcolony
See Linguistics and Psychology [48L]
See Political Science and Religion.
JLS474H1 Disorders of Speech and Language [36L]
Prerequisite: 1 POL 200-level course or 1.5 FCEs in
See Linguistics and Speech Pathology.
Religious Studies
JMB170Y1 Biology, Models, and Mathematics [72L] This is a Social Science course
See Ecology & Evolutionary Biology or Mathematics.
JPR457H1 Political Theologies [24S]
JMC301Y1 State & Society in 20th Century China [48L] See Political Science and Religion.
See East Asian Studies or Political Science.
JQR360H1 The Canadian Census: Populations,
JNH350H1 AIDS: Challenges and Successes (formerly Migrations and Demographies [24L]
NEW350H1) [24L] See New College
See Human Biology or New College
JSH300H1 Narrative and History in Russia [24L]
JNV300H1 Gender, History and Literature [24S] See History or Slavic Languages and Literatures
See Victoria College or Women & Gender Studies.
JSV200H1 Communication and Conflict Resolution in
JOP210H1 Holography for 3D Visualization [24L, 54P] Education [24L]
See Physics. See St. Michael’s College or Victoria College
JPA305H1 Introduction to Archaeometry [24L, 12P] JSV262H1 Communication and Conflict Resolution
See Physics and Anthropology. [24L]
JPA405H1 Physics and Archaeology (formerly JPA See St. Michael’s College or Victoria College
310H1) [24L, 12P] JUG320H1 The Canadian Wilderness [24L]
See Physics and Anthropology. See Geography or University College
JPA410H1 Democracy and Identity in Asia (formerly JUM202H1 Mathematics as an Interdisciplinary Pursuit
ASI410H1) [24S] (formerly JUM102H1) [24L, 12T]
See Asia-Pacific Studies and Political Science See University College and Mathematics.
JPA420H1 Asia and the new Global Economy JUM203H1 Mathematics as Recreation (formerly
(formerly ASI420H1) [24L] JUM103H1) [24L, 12T]
See Asia-Pacific Studies and Political Science See University College and Mathematics.
JPA461H1 Globalization and Indigenous Politics [24S] JUM204H1 Mathematics and Poetry [36L]
See Aboriginal Studies or Political Science See University College and Mathematics.
JPD439Y1 Post-Modern and Contemporary Thought JUM205H1 Mathematical Personalities (formerly
[48S] JUM105H1) [24L, 12T]
See Political Science or Sociology See University College and Mathematics.
JPF455Y1 Cities [48L/S] JWU200H1 Toronto in the Canadian Context
Given by the Departments of Literature, Philosophy, See University College Canadian Studies.
Political Science, Urban Studies, Faculty of Social Work This is a Humanities or Social Science course.
and Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design. See
Political Science MIJ485H1 Vaccines and Immunity (formerly
MGY485H1) [36L]
JPH311H1 History of Physics [24S] See Molecular Genetics and Immunology.
See Physics and History & Philosophy of Science &
JPH441H1 Physical Science in Contemporary Society
(formerly PHY341H1) [24S]
See Physics and History & Philosophy of Science &
JPJ421H1 Comparative Constitutionalism: Rights
and Judicial Review (formerly JPJ421Y1)
See Political Science or Faculty of Law
JPJ494H1 Innovation and Knowledge Transfer in City
Regions [24S]
See Political Science or Faculty of Law
JPP343Y1 Women in Western Political Thought [48L]
See Philosophy and Political Science.
JPR364Y1 Religion and Politics (formerly POL364H/
Y1) [48L]
See Political Science and Religion.

Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology
Given by Members of the Faculty of M. Ohh, Ph D
Medicine M. Pollanen, PhD, MD
S. Richardson, MD
J. Robertson, PhD
Faculty M. Rozakis, Ph D
B. Strauss, MD, Ph D
Professor and Chair of the Department R. Vieth, Ph D
R. G. Hegele, MD, FRCPC, PhD
Assistant Professors
Professors I. Aubert, Ph D
K. Adeli, Ph D L. Fu, Ph D
S.L. Asa, MD, Ph D S. Girardin, Ph D
B. Bapat, Ph D D. Hwang, Ph D, MD
M. Bendeck, Ph D C. McKerlie, DVM, DV Sc
C. Bergeron MD K. Mekhail, Ph D
J.M. Boggs, Ph D
J. Brunton, MD The Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology
J. Butany, Ph D provides a bridge between the basic sciences and
D.E.C. Cole, MD, Ph D medicine. Investigating the molecular mechanisms of
E. Cutz, MD disease is an important priority of the department. Faculty
M. Cybulsky, MD are concerned with the biochemical changes that may be
E.P. Diamandis, MD, Ph D associated with cell and tissue injury and with the etiology,
M.D. Grynpas, Ph D pathogenesis and behaviour of disease. Research is
P. Hamel, Ph D carried out in such areas as cardiovascular disease,
J.B. Hay, Ph D immunopathobiology, neuropathology, endocrinology
A. Hinek, Ph D and metabolism, neoplasia, bone and connective tissue
D.M. Irwin, Ph D disease, clinical and molecular epidemiology, antiobiotic
M.G. Johnston, Ph D resistance, and molecular pathogenesis of infectious
S. Jothy, MD, Ph D disease.
S. Kamel-Reid, Ph D The Pathobiology Specialist program gives students a
R. Kandel, MD broad understanding of contemporary medical research
F.W. Keeley, Ph D and basic scientific insights that have revolutionized our
G.A. Levy, MD understanding of disease in recent years. Aspects of
C.A. Lingwood, Ph D biochemistry, chemistry, cellular and molecular biology,
D. Low, MD and genetics are brought to bear upon human pathology.
D. Mahuran, Ph D Graduates from the program will frequently pursue
P.A. Marsden, MD graduate studies in medical research and eventual
T. Mazzuli, MD research careers in academic, industrial, pharmaceutical,
A. McGeer, MD or governmental laboratories. A knowledge of cellular
J. McLaurin, PhD and molecular mechanisms of disease processes is also
S. Nag, MD useful in a wide variety of multidisciplinary careers in
M. Opas, Ph D government, regulatory agencies, law, and environment.
J. Prud’homme, MD
D.S.R. Sarma, Ph D Undergraduate Secretary: Prof. D.M. Templeton (doug.
A. Seth, Ph D [email protected])
P. Shek, Ph D
Undergraduate Office/General inquiries: Kitty Lo, Medical
A.E.M. Simor, MD
Sciences Building, Rm. 6209, (416-946-7459; kitty.lo@
J. Squire, Ph D
D.M. Templeton, Ph D, MD
P. Thorner, MD, Ph D More information is available on our website:
M.S. Tsao, MD www.lmp.facmed.utoronto.ca
G.A. Wilson, MD
B. Yang, Ph D Course Coordinators:
H. Yeger, Ph D LMP300Y1: Dr. D.M. Templeton (416-978-3972)
L. Zhang, Ph D LMP301H1: Dr.L. Fu (416-323-6400 ext 4427)/
M. Zielenska, Ph D Dr. P. Yip (416-340-4800)
LMP363H1: Dr. D.S.R. Sarma (416-978-5010)
Associate Professors LMP365H1: Dr. M. Ohh (416- 946-7922)
I. Crandall, PhD LMP402H1: Dr. M. Cybulsky (416-581-7483)/
J.C.S. de Azavedo, Ph D Dr. J. Mogridge (416-946-8095)
G. Denomme, Ph D LMP403H1: Dr. H. Ni (416-864-6060 ext 6758)/
H.P. Elsholtz, Ph D Dr. L. Zhang (416-581-7521)
G. Hannigan, PhD LMP404H1: Dr. J.O. Minta (416-946-0316)
J.O. Minta, Ph D LMP405Y1: Dr. H. Yeger (416-813-5958)
J. Mogridge, Ph D

Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology
LMP406H1: Dr. M. Bendeck (416-946-7133) LMP301H1 Introduction to the Biochemistry of
LMP410H1: Dr. J. McLaurin (416-978-1035) Human Disease [24L]
LMP412H1: Dr. M.G. Johnston (416-480-5706) Introduces concepts and mechanisms of disease
LMP415H1: Dr. M. Pollanen (416-314-4040) processes as they arise from disturbances of normal
LMP436H1: Dr. S. Girardin (416-978-7507) biochemical and physiological functions. The rational use
of the clinical biochemistry laboratory in the diagnosis and
Pathobiology Programs management of disease is explained. Not intended for
students in the Pathobiology Specialist program.
Pathobiology (Science program) Exclusion: LMP300Y1
Enrolment in this program is limited and selection is based Prerequisite: BCH210H1/242Y1
on performance in First Year required courses. Students Co-requisite: PSL302Y1/JBO302Y1
enrol at the end of their first year of studies. Apply via the DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Arts & Science web site from early April to mid-May. At LMP363H1 Principles of Pathobiology [24L]
later times, contact the undergraduate secretary. Pathological changes brought on by foreign compounds;
applications of pathology to the detection of toxic
Specialist program: carcinogenic actions.
(13.5 full courses or their equivalent, including at least two Prerequisite: BIO (240H1, 241H1)/BIO255Y1,
400-series courses) CHM247H1/249H1
First Year: DR=SCI; BR=TBA
BIO (120H1, 130H1)/ 150Y1; CHM (138H1, LMP365H1 Neoplasia [20L, 4P]
139H1)/151Y1; MAT 135Y1/137Y1; PHY (131H1, A general introduction to the cellular and molecular
132H1)/(151H1, 152H1) aspects of cancer and its etiology. The laboratory
Second Year: component presents the range of benign and malignant
BCH 210H1; BIO (240H1, 241H1)/BIO255Y1, 260H1/ tumor types at the gross and histological levels.
HMB265H1; CHM 220H1, 247H1/249H1; PSL 302Y1 Pathophysiology of cancer, invasion and metastases, role
Third Year: of the immune system.
BCH 370H1; IMM 334Y1/MGY (377H1, 378H1); BIO Co-requisite: LMP300Y1 or permission of department
349H1/BCH 311H1; LMP 300Y1, 365H1 DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Fourth Year:
LMP402H1 Inflammation and Infection [24L]
At least 4 of LMP 402H1,403H1, 404H1, 405Y1, 406H1,
Cellular and molecular components of the inflammatory
410H1, 412H1, 415H1, 436H1
response. Activation of the inflammatory response by viral
Laboratory Medicine and and microbial pathogens. Tissue pathology resulting from
the inflammatory response. Evolution of pathogens to
Pathobiology Courses avoid and exploit the response.
See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions. Prerequisite: IMM334Y1/335Y1/MGY(377H1, 378H1)
First Year Seminars LMP403H1 Immunopathology [24L]
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide The immune system in disease. Responses of the
the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class immune system to host invasion, injurious stimuli, and
of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive transplantation. Immunopathology of organ-specific
seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity diseases including pancreas, gut, liver, heart, kidney, and
and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the blood. Intended for students specializing in pathobiology
professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first or related programs.
year of study. For details, see page 48. Prerequisite: IMM334Y1/335Y1
LMP299Y1 Research Opportunity Program DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Credit course for supervised participation in faculty LMP404H1 Bone and Skeletal Disorders [24L]
research project. See page 48 for details. Molecular and cellular architecture of connective tissue in
DR=SCI; BR=TBA health and in diseases, such as osteoporosis and arthritis.
LMP300Y1 Introduction to Pathobiology [48L, 4P] Cellular and endocrine signals necessary for formation
Concepts in pathogenesis; cell injury and death; tissue and maintenance of the skeleton. Biomechanics and
structure, wound healing; repair and fibrosis. Molecular tissue engineering of bone and cartilage. Selected other
basis of major organ system pathology. The laboratory connective tissue diseases, their genetic variability, and
examines gross anatomical specimens and introduces up-to-date treatment strategies.
histopathology. Enrolment is limited to students DR=SCI; BR=TBA
specializing in pathobiology who have completed the first LMP405Y1 Project in Laboratory Medicine and
and second year requirements of the program. Pathobiology [154P]
Exclusion: LMP301H1 A self-contained research project to be completed under
DR=SCI; BR=TBA the supervision of a faculty member. The main areas of
research are as listed in the description of the Department
(above). The student will normally have completed three
full years of study, and is expected to devote at least

Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology
one full day per week to the project. Admission is by
arrangement with the Department and with a particular
supervisor. A list of potential supervisors is available from
the Departmental Office and on our web site.
Prerequisite: BCH210H1/242Y1, LMP300Y1/363H1/365H1
and permission of department
LMP406H1 Pathobiology of the Cardiovascular
System [24L]
Pathobiology of the heart, blood vessels, and lymphatic
system. Congenital diseases of the heart, ischemic injury,
stroke. Treatments of vascular disease and cardiovascular
biomaterials. Major focus on atherosclerosis and
hypertension. The emphasis is on the underlying cell
biology of these processes.
Prerequisite: PSL302Y1
LMP410H1 Pathobiology of Neurodegenerative
Disease [24L]
Molecular basis of neurodegenerative diseases of
the central and peripheral nervous systems. Relevant
neuroanatomy and molecular biology of the CNS. Current
research topics in neurodegenerative diseases.
Prerequisite: BIO (240H1, 241H1)/BIO255Y1/PSL302Y1
LMP412H1 Pathobiology of the Lymphatic System
The lymphatic circulation plays an important role in the
maintenance of tissue fluid balance, cancer metastases,
and delivery of antigens to lymph nodes where immune
responses are generated. This course examines the role
of lymphatic vessel in disease and potential new molecular
therapies to treat lymphatic pathology.
Prerequisite: PSL302Y1
LMP415H1 Forensic Pathobiology [24L]
A thematic review of the major scientific areas and
research controversies in forensic medicine. The
approach is mechanistic analysis and evidence-based
medicine. Classical forensic medicine is critically analyzed
with emphasis on experimental meth-ods to resolve
controversies. We also explore how the justice system
utilizes medical and scientific data.
Prerequisite: LMP300Y1
LMP436H1 Microbial Pathogenesis [36L]
Molecular mechanism involved in pathogenesis of
infectious disease. Topics include recurrent themes
in the establishment of infectious disease, such as
adherence and spread of pathogenic bacteria as well as
evasion of host defences. Emphasis is placed on genetic
characterization and expression of virulence determinants
and on interactions between bacterial pathogens and their
Prerequisite: BCH210H1/242Y1, IMM334Y1/MGY377H1

Latin American Studies

Faculty and cultures of the Latin American regions and countries, to

the natural sciences and transnational investigation of Latin
Susan Antebi (Spanish and Portuguese, UofT at St. Americans and their descendants in Canada and elsewhere.
George) Contact:
Ana María Bejarano (Political Science, UTM, and
Political Science, UofT at St. George) Stella Kyriakakis
Anne-Emanuelle Birn (Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Administrator
Medicine, UofT at St. George, and Social Science, Latin American Studies at the University of Toronto
UTSC) Munk Centre for International Studies, 327N
Peter Blanchard (History, UofT at St. George) 1 Devonshire Place
Laura Colantoni (Spanish and Portuguese, UofT at St. [email protected], 416 946-8972
Eva-Lynn Jagoe
Jock Galloway (Emeritus, Geography, UofT at St.
Professor of Spanish and Portuguese and Comparative
Literature & Director
Gustavo Indart (Economics, UofT at St. George)
Latin American Studies at the University of Toronto
Eva-Lynn Jagoe (Spanish and Portuguese, Comparative
Munk Centre for International Studies, 304N
Literature, UofT at St. George, and Director)
1 Devonshire Place
Courtney Jung (Political Science, UofT at St. George)
[email protected]
Patricia Landolt (Social Science, UTSC and Centre for
Urban and Community Studies, UofT at St. George)
Kenneth Mills (History, UofT at St. George) LAS@UofT website: www.utoronto.ca/las
Lena Mortensen (Social Science, UTSC)
Valentina Napolitano Quayson (Anthropology, UofT at St.
Latin American Studies Programs
Ana T. Pérez-Leroux (Spanish and Portuguese, UofT at Latin American Studies (Arts program)
St. George)
Victor R. Rivas (Spanish and Portuguese, Latin American Major program
Studies, UofT at St. George) (7 full courses or equivalent including at least two courses at
Néstor Rodríguez (Spanish and Portuguese, UofT at St. the 300+ level)
Rosa M. Sarabia (Spanish and Portuguese, UofT at St. 1. Course work: Students must successfully complete seven
George) full courses or their equivalents sponsored or approved
Daniel Schugurensky (OISE and Centre for Urban and by LAS@UofT, as well as satisfy the requirements of
Community Studies, UofT at St. George) their departmental specialization. The requirement is
Luisa Farah Schwartzman (Department of Sociology, six full courses for students who begin their language
UTM) study in PRT220Y1 or SPA220Y1/SPA319Y1, or who
Ricardo Sternberg (Spanish and Portuguese, UofT at St. demonstrate language proficiency by exam. Of the
George) required courses:
Edward Swenson (Anthropology, UofT at St. George) • One course must be LAS200Y1
Judith Teichman (Social Sciences, UTSC, and Political • At least one course must be LAS300H1 or LAS301H1.
Science, UofT at St. George ) Note that if the subject matter and/or instructor has
Derek Williams (Historical Studies, UTM, and History, changed, it will be possible to take, and be credited for,
UofT at St. George) LAS300H1 or LAS301H1 more than once.
· At least two courses in total must be taken at the
Latin American Studies at the University of Toronto (LAS@ 300 level or above, and a minimum of one half
UofT) is a programme for students in the social sciences, course should derive from the Social Sciences
humanities and sciences who seek a deeper understanding (e.g. LAS300H).
of the Latin American regions, their histories, cultures and 2. 2. Language: Students must successfully complete (with
societies. LAS@UofT seeks to inspire knowledge and a grade of at least 65%) the first two levels of instruction
experience across the University’s three-campus community in the Spanish or Portuguese language by the end of
and beyond. The programme’s courses encourage the third year of study ( SPA100Y1 then SPA220Y1;
students to complement special interests in fields such or SPA319 [for heritage-speakers, and viewed by the
as Anthropology, Political Science, Geography, History or programme as an equivalent of SPA 220Y1]; PRT100Y1/
Sociology with a broader interdisciplinary framework, while at PRT110Y1 then PRT220Y1 ), or demonstrate equivalent
the same time committing themselves to an emphasis upon proficiency in the given language through examination by
the languages and the historical and cultural experiences LAS@UofT before the end of the second year.
of Spanish and Portuguese America. LAS@UofT exists to
bring together the energy and insights of a multi-disciplinary Minor program:
collection of individuals and units, to develop innovative 4 full courses or their equivalent, must include LAS 200Y1,
courses and to stimulate exchange. The programme’s at least one full course at the 300+ level (0.5 FCE of
research and pedagogical mission encompasses everything which must be an LAS 300+-level seminar), and a
from the ancient American civilizations and the ideas, minimum of one half course (0.5 FCE) deriving from
peoples and commodities that came together and emerged the Social Sciences (e.g. LAS300H). Language study
within a wide Iberian world, through the archaeology, is recommended, but not a requirement of the Minor
geography, history, languages, literatures, politics, societies

Latin American Studies

programme. In the Minor programme, language can be PRT358H1 Transatlantic Africa and Brazil
counted either towards the 300+ level requirement or as PRT365H1 The Rise of Modern Identity
one full course (1 FCE). PRT454Y1 The Luso-Brazilian Identity
PRT458H1 The Luso-Brazilian Short Story
Courses eligible for programme credit
Courses eligible for programme credit include those Spanish
SPA100Y1 Spanish for Beginners
appearing below. Please note that some of the courses have
SPA220Y1 Intermediate Spanish
pre-requisites; in all cases, and for updates on courses being
SPA258H1 Introduction to Hispanic Cultural Studies
offered, check individual department websites.
SPA259H1 Introduction to Hispanic Cultural Studies
Latin American Studies SPA319Y1 Spanish for Bilingual and Native Speakers
LAS200Y1 Latin American History, Civilization and SPA320Y1 Advanced Spanish
Culture SPA375H1 Latin American Cinema
LAS300H1 Topics in the Social Sciences (Latina/o SPA381H1 Nation, Identity and Literary Modernism in
Identity in Canada) Spanish-America
LAS301H1 Topics in the Humanities (Latin America and SPA382H1 Spanish American Women in Art, Film and
the Caribbean Through Film) Literature
LAS302H1 Topics in Latin American Studies (The SPA384H1 Avant-Garde Movements in Spanish America
Hispanic Caribbean) SPA385H1 Literature and Social Change in Spanish
LAS400H1 Topics in Latin American Studies America
LAS410H1 Independent Studies SPA387H0 Contemporary Mexican Literature
SPA422H1 Sociolinguistics of Spanish
Anthropology SPA467H1 Topics in Spanish-American Culture
ANT340H1 Anthropology of Latin America SPA468H1 Topics in Modern Spanish-American Literature
Geography SPA471H1 The Historical Novel in Spanish America
GGR101H1 Ancient Civilizations and their Environments SPA480H1 Theories of Culture in Latin America
GGR240H1 Historical Geography of the Americas SPA482H1 20th Century Spanish American Narrative
GGR249H1 Historical Geography of the Americas SPA486H1 Contemporary Caribbean Literatures and
History SPA487H1 The Culture of Revolution
HIS291Y1 Latin America: The Colonial Period
HIS292Y1 Latin America: The National Period Others
HIS 294Y1 Caribbean History and Culture: Indigenous SMC207H1 Christianity in Latin America
Era to 1886 UTM Courses
\HIS301Y1 Imperial Spain HIS333Y1 Revolution in 20th HIS290H5 Intro to Latin American History
Century Latin America HIS345H5 Popular Culture in Latin America
HIS359H1 Regional Politics and Radical Movements in HIS390H5 Revolutions and Nations in Latin America
the 20th Century Caribbean HIS391H5 Modern Mexico
HIS390Y1 Latin America in the Age of Revolution HIS454H5 Race, Gender and Nation in Modern Latin
HIS441H1 Conversion & Christianities in the Early America
Modern Spanish World HIS490H5 Religion and Society in Latin America
HIS456Y1 Black Slavery in Latin America POL361H5 After Regime Change: The Quality of
New College Caribbean Studies Democracy in Latin America
NEW223Y1 Caribbean Literature and Society SOC332H5 Race and Ethnicity 1
NEW324Y1 Caribbean Thought II UTSC Courses
Political Science LGGA30H3 Introductory Spanish I
POL305Y1 Politics and Society in Latin America LGGA31H3 Introductory Spanish II
POL442H1 Topics in Latin American Politics LGGB32H3 Intermediate Spanish I
LGGB33H3 Intermediate Spanish II
Portuguese LGGC30H3 Advanced Spanish: Language, Culture and
PRT100Y1 Beginners Portuguese Literature
PRT110Y1 Elementary Portuguese POLB90H3 Comparative Development in International
PRT220Y1 Intermediate Portuguese Perspective
PRT255H1 The Brazilian Puzzle: Culture and Identity POLB91H3 Comparative Development in Political
PRT258H1 Introduction to Luso-Brazilian Studies Perspective
PRT320Y1 Composition and Oral Practice POLC91H3 Development Studies: Political and Historical
PRT342H1 Machado de Assis: The Creation of the Perspectives
Modern Self (formerly PRT455Y1) POLC94H3 Globalization, Gender and Development
PRT351H1 Discovery and Conquest: Literature and POLC99H3 Latin America: The Politics of the
Nationhood (formerly PRT351Y1) Dispossessed
PRT355H1 Topics in Brazilian Studies
PRT357H1 Modern and Contemporary Brazilian

Latin American Studies

Latin American Studies Courses

See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.

First Year Seminars

The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide the
opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class of no
more than twenty-four students. These interactive seminars
are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity and provide
an opportunity to get to know a member of the professorial
staff in a seminar environment during the first year of study.
For details, see page 48.
LAS200Y1 Latin America: History, Civilization and
Culture [48L, 24P]
An introductory course that studies the development of
societies in the Latin American region from its pre-Columbian
past to its heterogeneous present. Cultural, geographical,
historical, literary, political and social topics will be examined
combining traditional historical narratives and supporting
documents with art, cinema, music and other texts from
popular culture and mass media. This course is open to
students in at least their second year of undergraduate study.
It provides both a broad foundation, and an invitation to
delve deeper in further courses and in different disciplinary
Exclusion: IAS200Y1
LAS300H1 Topics in the Social Sciences [24S]
Please see LAS@UofT web site for more details on this
Prerequisite: IAS200Y1/LAS200Y1
LAS301H1 Topics in the Humanities [24S]
Please see LAS@UofT web site for more details on this
Prerequisite: IAS200Y1/LAS200Y1
LAS302H1 Topics in Latin American Studies (The
Hispanic Caribbean) [24S]
Note: please see LAS@UofT web site for more details on
this course.
LAS400H1 Topics in Latin American Studies [TBA]
Note: please see LAS@UofT web site for more details on
this course.
LAS410H1 Independent Study
Note: please see LAS@UofT web site for more details on
this course.

Life Sciences
The following Life Science departments and programs are For students with career goals in the health sciences,
listed in this Calendar: please see the “Admission to Other University Faculties/
Programs” section under “Admission” in this Calendar.
Biochemistry, page 101
Biology, page 107 Specialist Programs
Cell & Systems Biology, page 111
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, page 174 Behaviour (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology), Biochemistry,
Human Biology, page 289 Biogeography (Geography), Biological Chemistry
Immunology, page 302 (Chemistry), Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology, page 331 (Biochemistry), Biology, Biophysics (Physics), Botany
Molecular Genetics & Microbiology, page 359 (see Biology), Cell and Molecular Biology (Cell & Systems
Nutritional Sciences, page 391 Biology), Developmental Biology (Cell & Systems Biology),
Pharmaceutical Chemistry, page 395 Ecology (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology), Environment
Pharmacology & Toxicology, page 397 and Health (Centre for Environment), Evolutionary
Physiology, page 425 Biology (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology), Genes
Psychology, page 449 Genetics and Biotechnology (Human Biology), Global
Health (Human Biology), Health and Disease (Human
Many of the Life Science programs are collaborative Biology), Immunology, Molecular Genetics & Microbiology,
programs given by the Faculty of Arts and Science and Molecular Biophysics (Biochemistry), Neuroscience
departments in the Faculty of Medicine. The Life Sciences (Human Biology), Pathobiology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry,
all focus on the scientific study of life. The study of Pharmacology, Physiology, Psychology, Psychology
biological processes has enormous importance for: Research, Toxicology, Zoology (Biology).
Understanding one’s own body and those of other Major Programs
organisms sharing our planet, both in health and
sickness; Animal Physiology (Cell & Systems Biology),
Biochemistry, Biology, Botany (Biology), Cell and
Analysing the behaviour of humans and other Molecular Biology (Cell & Systems Biology), Ecology &
organisms; Evolutionary Biology, Environment and Health (Human
Biology), Genes Genetics & Biotechnology (Human
Understanding the interdependent web of living Biology), Global Health (Human Biology), Health &
organisms on the planet, and their evolutionary Disease (Human Biology), Health Care Ethics (Human
relationships; Biology), Human Biology, Immunology, Neuroscience
Preparing for ethical, social and political questions (Human Biology), Nutritional Sciences, Pharmacology,
arising from our increasing ability to modify living Physiology, Psychology, Toxicology, Zoology (Biology).
systems; Minor Programs
Enhancing our ability to protect the delicate and Biology, Botany, Environmental Biology; NUS
complex ecological balance that sustains this world. Environmental Biology (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology),
Today, the biological sciences are experiencing a Physiology, Psychology, Zoology (Biology).
revolution. Important discoveries occur almost weekly as Animal Use in Laboratories
scientists and students around the world develop and use
techniques, theories and approaches. Increasingly, we Laboratory investigations are part of life science programs
need people with advanced knowledge and training who at the University of Toronto. Programs in life sciences
can contribute to these discoveries and their application. at the University of Toronto include courses that involve
Equally, we need people who know enough about life observation, handling, or experimentation on animals or
sciences generally to make informed judgements about on samples derived from animals. The use of animals
critical issues such as global warming, population growth, in teaching and research is regulated by ethical and
the emergence of drug resistance and new diseases, and procedural guidelines and protocols. These are approved
the degradation of the environment. on an ongoing basis by the University Animal Care
Committee, and follow provincial and federal government
On the St. George campus, undergraduate education, rules. We recognize, however, that some students may
graduate education and research in the Life Sciences is have strong reservations about personal exposure to any
carried out in departments within the Faculty of Arts and use of animal material in teaching. Students who want to
Science and the Faculty of Medicine. avoid registration in programs or courses that include such
The programs offered in the Life Sciences are listed below. labs are, therefore, encouraged to check in advance with
Admission to all programs occurs after completion of 4.0 the departments involved.
credits. Admission to some programs is limited. Please
see individual program listings for admission criteria and
procedures. Also check the Registration Handbook and
Timetable’s “Enrol in a Subject POSt” section for further
details about programs.


Faculty In addition to the undergraduate curriculum within the

Department of Linguistics, there are courses relating
Professors Emeriti to linguistics offered in other departments such as the
B. Brainerd, MS, Ph D language departments, Anthropology, Computer Science,
J.K. Chambers, MA, Ph D and Philosophy, and in the Cognitive Science and Artificial
H.E. Rogers, M Ed, MA, Ph D Intelligence program.
P.A. Reich, MS, Ph D Students seeking counselling and information should
T. Venkatacharya, MA, Vyakarana Siromani contact the Undergraduate Coordinator (416-978-1760).
R. Wardhaugh, MA, Ph D
Professor and Chair of the Department Linguistics Programs
B.E. Dresher, BA, Ph D
Enrolment in the Linguistics programs requires the
Professor, Graduate Coordinator and completion of four courses; no minimum GPA required.
Associate Chair
S.A. Tagliamonte, MA, Ph D
Linguistics (Arts program)

Undergraduate Coordinator Specialist program:

E.M. Gold, MA, Ph D (12 full courses or their equivalent)
University Professor First Year: LIN 100Y1
K.D. Rice, MA, Ph D Second Year: LIN 228H1, 229H1,241H1, 232H1
Second, Third and Fourth Years:
Professors 1. Two years of study or its equivalent of one non-
E.A. Cowper, AM, Ph D Germanic, non-Romance language in courses using
D. Massam, MA, Ph D the spoken language (courses must be approved by
Associate Professors the Undergraduate Coordinator)
A. Johns, MA, Ph D 2. LIN 322H1, 331H1, JAL 401H1
A.T. Pérez-Leroux, MA, Ph D 3. Further courses (excluding LIN 200H1) to bring the
total number of courses up to 12 FCE. These courses
Assistant Professors must be LIN/JAL/JFL/JLP/JLS courses except that up
M.C. Cuervo, MA, Ph D to one full course may be chosen from the following
D. Heller, MA, Ph D list (please consult the Department of Linguistics):
M. Ippolito, MA, Ph D
A. Kochetov, MA, Ph D ANT 329H1, 425H1, 427H1; CSC 384H1, 485H1; FIN
N. Nagy, Ph D 220H1; FRE 272Y1, 273Y1, 376H1, 378H1, 384H1,
Adjunct Professor 386H1, 387H1, 389H1, 471H1, 479H1, 489H1; GER
400H1, 426H1; GGR368H1; HPS 250H1; ITA 360H1,
M.L. Chasin, M Sc, AuD
361H1, 363H1, 364H1, 430H1; UNI 250Y1; PHL
Linguistics can trace its roots back to the ancient Sanskrit 210Y1, 245H1, 325H1, 326H1, 340H1; 342H1, 345H1,
grammarians, and the study of language is probably as 351H1, 355H1, 451H1; SLA 380H1, 430Y1, 438H1,
old as language itself. However, the twentieth century has 439H1, 452Y1, 456H1; SPA322H1, 421H1, 422H1,
produced an explosion in the scientific study of language. 425H1:VIC223Y1
As our understanding of the nature and structure of human 4. Of the courses chosen in 3 above, at least 2.5 FCE
language develops, linguistics is becoming relevant to must be at the 300+ level and 0.5 at the 400-level
many other areas of research such as Cognitive Science,
Artificial Intelligence, Speech-Language Pathology, Major program:
Audiology, Psychology, and Philosophy. (7 full courses or their equivalent)

On its own, linguistics represents an invaluable key to the First Year: LIN 100Y1
nature of the mind and the diverse elements of human Second Year: LIN 228H1, 229H1,241H1, 232H1
culture; as a tool, linguistics is unmatched in preparing Third and Fourth Years: Four FCE’s in LIN/JAL/JFL/JLP/
one for the learning and teaching of languages and for JLS (excluding LIN 200H1) at least two of which must
integrating language with technology. be at the 300+ level
Minor program:
The Department offers programs in Linguistics, as well as
(4 full courses or their equivalent)
combined programs with language departments and with
Computer Science, as shown in the Programs of Study. 1. LIN 100Y1
2. Three FCE’s in LIN/JAL/JFL/JLP/JLS (excluding LIN
Part-time students should note that most of the summer 200H1) at least one of which must be at the 300+
and evening courses available to them are offered on a level
rotating basis only. Consequently, students wishing to
take such courses should enroll in them at the earliest
opportunity after completing the necessary prerequisites.

Linguistics and Languages (Arts program) 4. Two courses in Hispanic Linguistics from the
300/400-series from SPA321H1, SPA322H1,
Consult the Department of Linguistics and of the
SPA324H1, SPA421H1S, SPA422H1, SPA423H1,
Language chosen.
SPA425H1, or SPA325H
5. Plus additional SPA courses to make the equivalent of
Combined Specialist program:
6.5 courses.
(13 or 14 courses or their equivalent)
Slavic Languages
Linguistics Slavic Languages may also be taken in this Program.
The Linguistics component of all these Programs is as Interested students should consult the Department.
Linguistics and Computing (Science program)
First Year: LIN 100Y1
Second Year: LIN 228H1, 229H1, 241H1, 232H1 Specialist program:
Third and Fourth Years: Four FCE’s in LIN/JAL/JFL/JLP/ (15.5 full courses or their equivalent with at least one full
JLS (excluding LIN 200H1), at least 1 of which must course at the 400-level)
be at the 400-level, and 2 at the 300+ level (LIN
362H1 specially recommended) Linguistics Component (7 FCE’s)
First Year
The Language component is six or seven courses or their Second Year
equivalent in the language chosen as follows: LIN 228H1, 229H1, 241H1, 232H1
Higher Years
1. 2.5 FCE’s chosen from LIN322H1, 323H1, 331H1,
(7 courses or their equivalent)
341H1, 481H1; JLP315H1, 374H1
Same as the Major program in French Language and 2. 1.5 additional FCE’s in LIN/JAL/JFL/JLP/JLS
French Linguistics. For details, please see the (excluding LIN200H1) at least 1.0 of which must be at
Department of French program listings. the 300+ level
German Recommended preparation: At least one year’s study
(6 full courses or their equivalent) (or equivalent) at university level of a non-English
1. GER 100Y1, GER 200Y1, GER 300Y1, GER
Computing Component (7.5 FCE’s)
400H1 First Year
2. The remainder of the six courses must have a CSC 165H1/240H1 (108H1, 148H1)/150H1; MAT
GER designator 137Y1/157Y1
3. At least 1.5 additional F.C.E. in GER courses on Second Year
the 300-level CSC 207H1, 236H1/240H1, 263H1/265H1; MAT 223H1;
4. At least 1.0 additional F.C.E. in GER courses on STA 247H1/257H1
the 400-level Higher Years
1. CSC 258H1, 324H1, 401H1, 485H1
5. No more than 1 F.C.E. GER in courses taught in
2. 1.0 additional FCE’s in CSC, chosen from: CSC
English 343H1, 363H1/365H1, 373H1/375H1, 384H1, 428H1,
Italian 486H1
(7 courses or their equivalent)
NOTE: Students in this program must also qualify for,
First Year: ITA 100Y1/101Y1/102Y1/(133H1, 134H1)/152Y and be registered in the Major program in Computer
Second Year: ITA 250Y1/251Y1/252Y1/253Y1 Science
Third and Fourth Years:
1. ITA 360H1, 430H1 Linguistics Courses
2. 4.0 additional FCE ITA language and linguistics See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
courses at the 300/400-levels
Spanish First Year Seminars
(6.5 courses or their equivalent) The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
First Year: SPA 100Y1/220Y1; SPA 319Y1 (for native/ of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
bilingual speakers of Spanish) seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
Second Year: SPA 220Y1/320Y1; SPA 420H1 (for and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
speakers who have taken SPA 319Y1 in first year) professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
Third and Fourth Years: year of study. For details, see page 48.
1. SPA 320Y1, 420H1
2. One half-course selected from SPA 450H1, SPA LIN100Y1 Introduction to General Linguistics [48L,
452H1 or SPA 454H1 24T]
3. One 300/400-series half-course in literature Lectures on fundamental principles with illustrations from
English and from a broad spectrum of other languages.
Practice in elementary analytic techniques.

LIN200H1 Introduction to Language [24L, 12T] Prerequisite: LIN100Y1
A general-interest course on language. Possible topics DR=HUM; BR=2
include: the structure of language; how language changes LIN241H1 Introduction to Semantics [24L, 12T]
over time, the social and psychological aspects of An introduction to meaning within linguistics and the
language, language and culture, the origin of language, interpretation of language in context. Topics include
writing systems, and language acquisition. (This course logical and semantic relations, pragmatic concepts such
cannot be used as an entrance to programs in linguistics, as presupposition and implicature, the nature of thematic
and cannot be used be used as a prerequisite to any roles, quantifiers and scope relations, the expressions of
linguistics courses unless otherwise indicated.) temporal and modal relations in natural language.
Exclusion: LIN100Y1 Prerequisite: LIN100Y1
LIN201H1 Canadian English [24L] LIN299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
A study of English spoken in Canada. Topics include: Credit course for supervised participation in faculty
vocabulary items, usage surveys, non-standard dialect research project. See page 48 for details.
enclaves, regional variation and historical development.
Students will develop original research projects. (Not LIN305H1 Quantitative Methods in Linguistics [36L]
offered every year) Principles of research design, data collection, and a wide
Prerequisite: LIN 100Y1/200H1 variety of statistical techniques for research in various
DR=HUM; BR=2 subfields of linguistics.
Prerequisite: LIN100Y1 and one full course in LIN/JAL/
LIN203H1 English Words [24L] JFL/JLP
English has a rich vocabulary. We will learn how it has DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
developed over time, and investigate aspects of the
meaning and pronunciation of words. Most of all, we will LIN306H1 Language Diversity and Language
study how words are put together, so that students will be Universals [24L]
able to recognize and analyze unfamiliar words. This course examines cross-linguistic typological features
Exclusion: LIN202Y1 found in the languages of the world. Special attention is
DR=HUM; BR=2 given to describing morphological and syntactic patterns
found cross-linguistically. The goal of the course is to draw
LIN204H1 English Grammar [24L] on the range of variation in order to uncover language
How the English language works: students analyze a wide universals. (Not offered every year)
variety of English grammatical structures and learn how Prerequisite: LIN232H1
they vary across dialects and change through time. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Exclusion: LIN202Y1
DR=HUM; BR=2 JLP315H1 Language Acquisition [36L]
Infants’ abilities at birth, prelinguistic development, the first
LIN205H1 East Asian Languages and English [24L] words, phonological, syntactic and semantic development.
The course is a linguistic exploration of issues that arise Social variables influencing development of language,
as English comes into contact with three major East Asian bilingualism, models of development, language play.
Languages (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean). Topics (Given by the Departments of Linguistics and Psychology)
include a comparative introduction to the basic structures Prerequisite: One full course equivalent at the 200+ level
of the languages, writing systems, transformations in LIN/JAL/JUP/PSL/PSY/UNI Cognitive Science
English words undergo when borrowed into these Asian DR=SCI; BR=TBA
languages, and typical mistakes made by ESL speakers of
East Asian linguistic background. LIN322H1 Phonological Theory [36L]
Exclusion: HUM199H1/Y1Y, L0241 (2005-2006) Basic issues in current phonological theory. Problems
DR=HUM; BR=2 focusing on analysis and theory. (Students who want to
pursue graduate studies in linguistics are strongly advised
LIN228H1 Phonetics [24L, 12T] to include this course in their program.)
Investigation of the sounds most commonly used in Prerequisite: LIN229H1
languages from an articulatory and acoustic point of view, DR=HUM; BR=TBA
with practice in their recognition and production. Students
will learn the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) and LIN323H1 Acoustic Phonetics [24L]
practice transcribing a wide variety of speech sounds. Introduction to the acoustics of the vocal tract, including
Recommended preparation: LIN100Y1/200H1 acoustic properties of speech and its analysis using
DR=HUM; BR=2 instrumental techniques.
Prerequisite: LIN228H1
LIN229H1 Sound Patterns in Language [24L, 12T] DR=SCI; BR=TBA
The nature and organization of phonological systems, with
practical work in analysis. JAL328H1 Writing Systems [24L]
Prerequisite: LIN100Y1, 228H1 Introduction to writing systems: their historical
DR=HUM; BR=2 development, their relationship to language, and their
role in culture and society. (Given by the Departments of
LIN232H1 Syntactic Patterns in Language [24L, 12T] Anthropology and Linguistics)
The nature and organization of syntactic systems; Prerequisite: ANT100Y1/LIN100Y1/200H1
their relation to semantic systems and the linguistic DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
organization of discourse; practical work in analysis.

LIN331H1 Syntactic Theory [36L] JLP374H1 Psychology of Language [36L]
An introduction to the foundations and formal framework of Experimental approaches to the comprehension and
current generative grammar, concentrating on Chomsky’s production of languages. Topics include perception of
Minimalist theory. (Students who want to pursue graduate speech sounds, storage and retrieval of words from the
studies in linguistics are strongly advised to include this mental lexicon, processing of grammatical information,
course in their program.) discourse comprehension and memory, models of
Prerequisite: LIN232H1 language production, and the role of cognitive and
DR=HUM; BR=TBA perceptual systems. (Given by the Departments of
Linguistics and Psychology)
LIN333H1 Morphological Patterns in Language
Prerequisite: One full course equivalent at the 200+ level
(formerly LIN231H1) [24L, 12T]
in LIN/JAL/JUP/PSY/PSL/UNI Cognitive Science
The nature and organization of morphological systems,
with practical work in analysis.
Prerequisite: LIN229H1, 232H1 LIN398H0 Independent Experiential Study Project
Exclusion: LIN231H1 LIN399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project
DR=HUM; BR=TBA An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus
LIN341H1 Semantic Theory [36L] setting. See page 48 for details.
The study of natural language semantics and the JAL401H1 Field Linguistics [48P]
relation between interpretation and syntactic structure. Practice in language analysis based on elicited data from
Topics include predication and quantification, scope a native speaker of a foreign language, emphasizing
and anaphora, problems of discourse analysis, the procedures and techniques. (Given by the Departments
interpretation of different types of pronouns, and ellipsis. of Anthropology and Linguistics) (Students who want to
Prerequisite: LIN241H1 pursue graduate studies in linguistics are strongly advised
DR=HUM; BR=TBA to include this course in their program.)
LIN351H1 Sociolinguistic Patterns in Language Prerequisite: Completion of 322H1, 331H1, except for
(formerly LIN256H1) [24L, 12T] students in their final year where LIN331H/322H1 is a
An introduction to linguistic variation and its social corequisite.
implications, especially the quantitative study of DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
phonological and grammatical features and their LIN409H1 Structure of a Specific Language [24L]
correlations with age, sex, ethnicity, and other social Topics may include: the phonological, morphological,
variables. syntactic, and semantic systems; the writing system;
Prerequisite: LIN100Y1 a brief diachronic sketch; variation and sociolinguistic
Exclusion: LIN256H1 aspects. (Not offered every year).
DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: LIN228H1, 229H1, 232H1 + 1 FCE at the
JAL353H1 Conversational Structures [48L, 24P] 300+ level in LIN/JAL/JFL/JLP/JLS
An introduction to the detailed observation of ordinary DR=HUM; BR=TBA
conversational interaction, and to some of the main ways LIN423H1 Phonetic Analysis [24L]
in which such interaction is organized. The focus is on Theoretical discussion of the acoustic correlates of various
developing the capacity to discern orderliness in the types of sounds found in language. Practical experience in
details of everyday interaction, and beginning independent the acoustic analysis of speech. (Not offered every year)
research in this area. Prerequisite: LIN323H1
Prerequisite: LIN 100Y1/LIN 200H1/ANT 253H1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
LIN432H1 Advanced Morphology [24L]
JAL355H1 Language and Gender [24L] Current research involving morphology, including the role
Ways in which women and men differ in their use of of morphology in the grammar, the nature of inflectional
language and in their behaviour in conversational paradigms, affixes affecting grammatical relations. Each
interaction; ways in which language reflects cultural beliefs year one topic will be a special focus and will be dealt with
about women and men. (Given by the Departments of at length. (Not offered every year)
Anthropology and Linguistics) Prerequisite: LIN333H1/231H1
Prerequisite: Two full course equivalents at the 200-level Co-requisite: LIN331H1
Recommended preparation: ANT204Y1/JAL253H1/254H1/
NEW261Y1/SOC200Y1/ 202Y1/214Y1/215Y1 LIN451H1 Urban Dialectology [24L]
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Ways in which urban sub-cultures differ in their use of
language. How speakers’ dialects reflect their ethnicity,
LIN362H1 Historical Linguistics [24L] group affiliation, and other social categories. Practice
An introduction to diachronic linguistics. Theories of in dialect analysis based on data from the speech
language change; the comparative method, internal community, emphasizing procedures and techniques.
reconstruction, linguistic geography, the origin of Prerequisite: LIN351H1/256H1 plus 2 FCE at the 200+
languages; language death. (Not offered every year) level in LIN/JAL/JLP
Prerequisite: LIN229H1 DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=TBA

LIN456H1 Language Variation and Change: Theory LIN481H1 Introduction to Analysis and
and Analysis (formerly LIN356H1) [36L] Argumentation [36L]
The theory and practice of sociolinguistics. The inter- Argumentation, practice in constructing and evaluating
relationship between language and society from the hypotheses, and critical evaluation of representative
perspective of collecting, organizing, and analyzing articles. Emphasis on the structure of arguments rather
patterns in natural speech data, including field methods than on the analysis of a particular language.
and quantitative methods for correlating linguistic and Prerequisite: LIN322H1/331H1
social variables. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: LIN351H1/ LIN256H1 LIN495Y1 Individual Project [TBA]
Exclusion: LIN356H1
DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=TBA LIN497Y1 Individual Project [TBA]
A research or reading project undertaken by the student
LIN458H1 Revitalizing Languages [24L] under the supervision of a staff member. Open only when
A study of language endangerment and language a faculty member is willing and available to supervise.
revitalization efforts, focusing on Aboriginal languages Prerequisite: Permission of the Department
of Canada. Topics include language classification and
a survey of major features of the languages, what it LIN496H1 Individual Project [TBA]
means for a language to be endangered, the factors LIN498H1 Individual Project [TBA]
that contribute to language shift, and efforts to reverse
language shift, including discussion of literacy and LIN499H1 Individual Project [TBA]
dictionaries. A research or reading project undertaken by the student
Prerequisites: LIN100Y1Y plus 2 FCE at the 200+ level in under the supervision of a staff member. Open only when
LIN/JAL a faculty member is willing and available to supervise.
DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: Permission of the Department

JLP471H1 Advanced Psycholinguistics [36L]

Seminar in advanced topics in psycholinguistics. Content
will vary from year to year. (Given by the Departments of
Linguistics and Psychology) (Not offered every year)
Prerequisite: JLP374H1, LIN322H1/331H1/333H1/341H1/
JLS474H1 Disorders of Speech and Language [36L]
Normal and deviant development of speech and language;
a survey of the disorders of human communication; an
overview of intervention for disorders of speech, voice,
language, swallowing and hearing; the effects of human
communication handicaps on the individual, family, and
community; theoretical and philosophical aspects of
disordered communication. (Given by the Departments of
Linguistics and Speech Pathology)
Prerequisite: JLP315H1/374H1
JFL477H1 Issues in French and Linguistics I [24S]
An advanced seminar on issues of current theoretical
relevance in linguistics with special reference to French.
This course is taught in English. (Not offered every year).
Prerequisite: Any 300+series FRE or LIN course
JFL478H1 Issues in French and Linguistics II [24S]
An advanced seminar on issues of current theoretical
relevance in linguistics with special reference to French.
This course is taught in English. (Not offered every year).
Prerequisite: Any 300+series FRE or LIN course
LIN479H1 Current Issues in Linguistics [24S]
An advanced seminar in current issues of theoretical
Literary Studies: see Victoria
Prerequisite: LIN228H1, LIN229H1, LIN231H1/241H1, College
LIN232H1 + I FCE at the 300+ level in LIN/JAL/JFL/
JLP/JLS Macedonian: See Slavic Languages
and Literatures

Materials Science

A Collaborative Program of the 400-series course)

Faculty of Arts & Science and First Year:

BIO 150Y1/(120H1, 130H1), CHM 151Y1/(138H1, 139H1);
the Faculty of Applied Science & MAT 135Y1/137Y1; PHY 138Y1/140Y1/(131H1,
Engineering 132H1)/(151H1, 152H1)
Second Year:
Materials science is the study of the structure, properties 1. MSE 101H1
and applications of all types of materials including 2. CHM (220H1, 221H1)/225Y1, 238Y1,
metals, ceramics, glasses and polymers. Currently many 247H1/249H1
exciting scientific developments are in the materials field. 3. MSE 219H1, 235H1
Notable advances have been made recently in studies Third and Fourth Years:
of amorphous metals, the quasicrystalline state, liquid 1. CHM 325H1, 327H1, 338H1, 343H1/348H1,
crystals, semiconductors, nanostructured materials, high 426H1, 434H1
critical temperature superconductors, biomaterials, high 2. At least two of the following: MSE 316H1,
strength polymers, materials processing techniques 318H1, (342H1, 343H1), 351H1
such as ion implantation and laser melting, and in new 3. At least two of the following: MSE 430H1,
categories of engineered materials such as advanced 440H1, 459H1, 461H1, 550H1
industrial ceramics or composite materials. 4. Materials Chemistry Stream:
CHM 499Y1: Introduction to Chemistry
Materials science is interdisciplinary, drawing on the Research.
basic sciences of chemistry and physics and on more Materials Science and Engineering Stream:
applied subjects such as metallurgy, ceramics and MSE 498Y1: Design & Research Project
polymer science. Its tools and techniques include electron
microscopy, x-ray diffraction, surface analysis using Auger Materials Science Courses
emission spectroscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,
etc. See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
Applied Science: Materials, MSE 101H1, is designed
to appeal to a wide variety of student interests. Other 1. The MSE courses below are administered by the
materials science courses are available to students Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, and are
having the prescribed prerequisites and the approval of subject to the rules and regulations of that Faculty,
the Undergraduate Student Counsellor. The specialist including those for term dates and examination
program in Materials Science is coordinated jointly by periods.
the Departments of Chemistry and Materials Science 2. The CHM courses listed for the Materials Science
and Engineering. For further information on the program, program are described in the Chemistry section of this
consult the coordinators listed in the Materials Science Calendar.
Program section below. 3. Enrollment in MSE courses is done through your own
College Registrar. It is not necessary to petition as
the courses listed below have been pre-approved for
Materials Science Programs this Specialist Program.
Materials Science (Science program) 4. Deferment of Final Exams is NOT allowed in the
Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering.
Consult Professor Eugenia Kumacheva, Department of
Chemistry and Professor Glenn Hibbard, Department of MSE101H1 Introduction to Materials Science [39L,
Metallurgy and Materials Science. 13P, 13T]
This is an introductory course in materials science
Enrolment in this program requires completion of four examining the fundamentals of atomic structure, the
courses; no minimum GPA required. nature of bonding in materials, crystal structure and
This program draws both on the basic sciences of defects, and phase equilibria. These basic principles
chemistry and physics, and on the more applied areas provide the foundation for an exploration of structure-
such as metallurgy or ceramics. Courses dealing with property relationships in metals, ceramics, and polymers,
these latter fields are offered through the Department of with emphasis on mechanical properties. The properties
Materials Science in the Faculty of Applied Science and of materials then form the basis for an introduction to
Engineering. This would be an appropriate program for materials selection in design.
students with career interests in solid state, polymer or Prerequisite: OAC/Grade 12 U Chemistry, Physics, and
composite materials industries, or for graduate work in Calculus
either chemistry or materials science, with an appropriate DR=SCI; BR=5
choice of options. Students may follow the Materials MSE219H1 Structure and Characterization of
Chemistry stream by taking research course CHM 499Y1 Materials [39L, 20P, 13T]
or the Materials Science and Engineering stream by taking Both the theoretical and experimental interpretation of the
research course MSE 498Y1. structure and chemistry of inorganic materials on various
length scales will be examined. Crystalline and amorphous
Specialist program: structure is discussed in terms of electronic structure of
(14 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one

Materials Science
atoms, atomic bonding, atomic coordination and packing. and modified tissue-based materials) for surgical implant
Extended defects in crystalline solids will be covered. fabrication. The important considerations in selection
Experimental techniques for characterizing materials of materials for fabrication of these devices with an
structure and chemistry will be described including: optical introduction to the biological responses expected with
and electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, scanning implantation will also be discussed. The concept of
probe microscopy, Auger electron spectroscopy, x-ray biocompatibility will be introduced as well as the essential
photoelectron spectroscopy and secondary ion mass elements of biology related to an understanding of this
spectrometry. criterion for biomaterial selection and implant design.
DR=SCI; BR=5 (Quarter term course taught over the entire Fall term,
worth .25 credits).
MSE235H1 Materials Physics [39L, 13T]
Application of solid state physics to describe properties of
materials. Thermal properties of solids: lattice vibrations MSE351H1 Design and Simulation of Materials
(phonons), heat capacity, thermal conductivity. Electrical Processes [26L, 26P, 13T]
properties of metals: simple circuits, resistivity of Various phenomena involved in materials processing
metals (classical and quantum descriptions), Seebeck, and design will be modeled using a software package
Peltier, and Thomson effects. Electrical properties based on the finite element method. Examples will include
of semiconductors: band structure and occupancy, aspects of solid state diffusion, structural stress, heat
conductivity, Hall effect, simple devices. Electrical transfer, fluid flow and chemical reactions. The problems
properties of insulators: polarization, capacitance, optical will involve unsteady state as well as 3 dimensional
properties, ferroelectric and piezoelectric materials. systems. Multi-physics phenomena such as heating of an
Magnetic properties: diamagnetism and paramagnetism, electric component by an electric current, resulting in a
ferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic materials, magnetic change in physical properties affecting thermal properties
domains, B-H curves. will also be introduced. The main objective of this course
DR=SCI; BR=5 is to introduce students to the use of a commercial
software package to solve fairly common but complex
MSE316H1 Mechanical Behaviour of Materials [39L,
physical and chemical phenomena related to the materials
20P, 13T]
The mechanical behaviour of engineering materials
including metals, alloys, ceramics and polymeric materials.
The following topics will be discussed: macro- and micro- MSE430H1 Electronic Materials [26L, 13T]
structural response of materials to external loads; load- Materials parameters and electronic properties of
displacement and stress-strain relationships, processes semiconductors are discussed as basic factors in
and mechanisms of elastic, visco-elastic, plastic and creep the engineering of semiconductor devices. Materials
deformation, crystallographic aspects of plastic flow, effect parameters are related to preparation and processing
of defects on mechanical behaviour, strain hardening methods, and thus to the electronic properties. The
theory, strengthening mechanisms and mechanical testing. implications of materials parameters and properties on
DR=SCI; BR=TBA selected simple devices are discussed.
MSE318H1 Phase Transformations [39L, 20P, 13T]
Thermodynamics and phase stability. Free energy MSE440H1 Biomaterial Processing and Properties
diagrams. Phase transformations in unary systems: [39L, 13T]
primary crystallization, amorphization, crystallization Currently used biomaterials for formation of surgical
of amorphous materials, recrystallization. Phase implants and dental restorations include selected metals,
transformations in binary systems: solidification, polymers, ceramics, and composites. The selection and
precipitation from solid solution, binary invariant reactions. processing of these materials to satisfy biocompatibility
Diffusional transformations, nucleation and growth, and functional requirements for applications in selected
diffusionless or martensitic transformations. Second order areas will be presented. Materials used for forming
transformations. Spinodal, massive and order-disorder scaffolds for tissue engineering, and strategies for
transformations. Influence of phase transformations on repair, regeneration and augmentation of degenerated
microstructure and properties. or traumatized tissues will be reviewed with a focus on
DR=SCI; BR=TBA biocompatibility issues and required functionality for the
intended applications.
MSE342H1 Nanomaterials [26L, 13T]
An introduction to nanostructured materials. Topics
include: the different classes of nanomaterials, synthesis MSE459H1 Synthesis of Nanostructured Materials
and characterization methods, changes in physical [39L, 26P]
properties on the nanometer scale, areas of application Various synthesis techniques to produce nanostructured
of nanostructured materials and materials issues in materials will be introduced. These include methods
nanotechnology. (Quarter term course taught over the involving the vapor phase (physical and chemical vapor
entire Fall term, worth .25 credits). deposition, organometallic chemical vapor deposition), the
DR=SCI; BR=TBA liquid phase (rapid solidification, spark erosion), the solid
phase, (mechanical attrition, equal channel deformation)
MSE343H1 Biomaterials [26L, 13T]
as well techniques producing these structures from
The course will provide an overview of the applications
solution (electrodeposition, electroless processing,
of materials (metals, polymers, ceramics, composites

Materials Science
precipitation). Secondary processing techniques to produce
final products or devices will also be discussed.
MSE461H1 Engineered Ceramics [39L, 26P]
A new class of engineering materials has been developed
within the last twenty years - advanced structural
ceramics. Due to the unique combinations of physical and
thermomechanical properties exhibited by these materials,
they are being increasingly employed for applications ranging
from heat engine components to high speed machining tools
to surgical implants. This course will cover the processes
used in the fabrication of advanced ceramics and their low
and high temperature mechanical performance. Emphasis
will be placed on the relationships between processing
microstructure, and the mechanical properties. The materials
covered will include Al203, Si3N4, SiC, transformation
toughened ZrO2, and whisker and fiber reinforced ceramic
matrix composites.
MSE498Y1 Design and Research Project [156P]
An experimental research topic in materials science and
engineering involving original work normally related closely
to the current research of a departmental staff member. The
final grade is based on two oral presentations, a progress
report on the Fall Term work, a poster presentation and a
written dissertation.
Exclusion: CHM499Y1/MSE490H1
Prerequisite: permission of the Department
MSE550H1 Advanced Physical Properties of Structural
Nanomaterials [39L, 26P, 13T]
This course deals with the physical properties of bulk
nanostructured materials. Included are mechanical properties
(elastic behavior, tensile and compressive strength, creep,
wear and fatigue properties) electrical properties (electrical
transport phenomena, electrical resistivity) magnetic
properties (paramagnetic, diamagnetic, soft and hard
ferromagnetic, superparamagnetic and antiferromagnetic
properties), thermodynamic properties (interfacial enthalpy,
thermal stability, phase transformations, heat capacity). The
considerable differences observed for nanocrystalline solids
compared to conventional polycrystalline and amorphous
solids will be discussed in terms of the microstructural
differences for these materials


Faculty E. Meinrenken, B Sc, Ph D

E. Mendelsohn, M Sc, Ph D (UTSC)
Professors Emeriti P. Milman, Dipl Maths, Ph D, FRSC
M.A. Akcoglu, M Sc, Ph D, FRSC F. Murnaghan, M Sc, Ph D
E.J. Barbeau, MA Ph D (U) A. Nabutovsky, M Sc, Ph D
B. Brainerd, MS, Ph D A. Nachman, B Sc, Ph D
H.C. Davis, MA, Ph D (N) C. Pugh, B Sc, Ph D
E.W. Ellers, Dr Rer Nat J. Repka, B Sc, Ph D (U)
L.T. Gardner, MA, Ph D (U) L. Seco, BA, Ph D (UTM)
P.C. Greiner, MA, Ph D, FRSC P. Selick, B Sc, MA, Ph D (UTSC)
S. Halperin, M Sc, Ph D, FRSC M. Shub, AB, Ph D
W. Haque, MA, Ph D FRSC C. Sulem, M Sc, Dr D’Etat
V. Jurdjevic, MS, PhD F.D. Tall, AB, Ph D (UTM)
I. Kupka, AM, Ph D, Dr ès Sc M S. Todorcevic, B Sc, Ph D
D.R. Masson, M Sc, Ph D (U) W.A.R. Weiss, M Sc, Ph D (UTM)
J. McCool, B Sc, Ph D M. Yampolsky, B Sc, Ph D (UTM)
K. Murasugi, MA, D Sc, FRSC Associate Professors
P.G. Rooney, B Sc, Ph D, FRSC I. Binder, B Sc, M Sc, Ph D (UTM)
P. Rosenthal, MA, Ph D, LLB V. Kapovitch, B Sc, Ph D
D.K. Sen, M Sc, Dr ès Sc M. Pugh, B Sc, Ph D
R.W. Sharpe, MA, Ph D (UTSC) R. Rotman BA, Ph D
F.A. Sherk, M Sc, Ph D (U) J. Scherk, D Phil (UTSC)
S.H. Smith, B Sc, Ph D S.M. Tanny, B Sc, Ph D (UTM)
Associate Professors Emeriti B. Virag, BA, Ph D (UTSC)
N.A. Derzko, B Sc, Ph D Assistant Professors
M.P. Heble, M Sc, Ph D S. Alexakis, BA, Ph D
Professor and Chair of the Department S. Arkhipov, B Sc, Ph D
K. Murty, B Sc, Ph D, FRSC M. Gualtieri, B Sc, Ph D
L. Guth, B Sc, Ph D
Professor and Associate Chair J. Kamnitzer, B Sc, Ph D
J. Quastel MSc, Ph D G. Pete, B Sc, Ph D (UTSC)
Professor and Associate Chair B. Szegedy, B Sc, Ph D (UTSC)
J.W. Lorimer, M Sc, Ph D (U) Senior Lecturers
University Professors D. Burbulla, B Sc, B Ed, MA
J.G. Arthur, MA, Ph D, FRSC, FRS A. Igelfeld, M Sc
J. Friedlander, MA, Ph D, FRSC (UTSC) A. Lam, M Sc
I.M. Sigal, BA, Ph D, FRSC F. Recio, M Sc, Ph D

Professors Lecturers
D. Bar-Natan, B Sc, Ph D S. Homayouni, B Sc, Ph D
E. Bierstone, MA, Ph D, FRSC P. Kergin, M Sc, Ph D
J. Bland, M Sc, Ph D E.A.P. LeBlanc, MA, Ph D
V. Blomer, B Sc, Ph D (UTM) J. Tate, B Sc, B Ed
T. Bloom, MA, Ph D, FRSC S. Uppal, M Sc
R.O. Buchweitz, Dipl Maths, Dr Rer Nat (UTSC) Mathematics teaches you to think, analytically and
A. Burchard, B Sc, Ph D creatively. It is a foundation for advanced careers in
M.D. Choi, MA, Ph D, FRSC a knowledge-based economy. Students who develop
J. Colliander, BA, Ph D strong backgrounds in mathematics often have distinct
A. del Junco, M Sc, Ph D advantages in other fields such as physics, computer
G. Elliott, B Sc, Ph D, FRSC science, economics, and finance.
M. Goldstein, B Sc, Ph D (UTSC)
The past century has been remarkable for discovery in
I.R. Graham, B Sc, Ph D (UTM)
mathematics. From space and number to stability and
V. Ivrii, MA, Ph D, Dr Math, FRSC
chaos, mathematical ideas evolve in the domain of pure
L. Jeffrey, AB, Ph D (UTSC)
thought. But the relationship between abstract thought
R. Jerrard, M Sc, Ph D (U)
and the real world is itself a source of mathematical
Y. Karshon, B Sc, Ph D (UTM)
inspiration. Problems in computer science, economics
K. Khanin, M Sc, Ph D (UTM)
and physics have opened new fields of mathematical
B. Khesin, M Sc, Ph D
inquiry. And discoveries at the most abstract level lead
A. Khovanskii, M Sc, Ph D
to breakthroughs in applied areas, sometimes long
H. Kim, B Sc, Ph D
S. Kudla, B A, MA, Ph D
R. McCann BSc, Ph D The University of Toronto has the top mathematics

department in Canada, and hosts the nearby Fields The Department operates a non-credit summer course,
Institute (an international centre for research in PUMP, limited to students admitted to the University. It is
mathematics). The Department offers students excellent designed for students who require additional pre-university
opportunities to study the subject and glimpse current mathematics background. Details can be found at www.
research frontiers. The Department offers three math.toronto.edu/cms/pump.
mathematical Specialist programs - Mathematics, Applied
Mathematics, Mathematics and its Applications - as well Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies: Bahen
as Major and Minor programs and several joint Specialist Building, 40 George Street, Room 6236
programs with other disciplines (for example, with Student Counselling: Bahen Building, Room 6190
Computer Science, Economics, Philosophy, Physics and
Statistics). Mathematics Aid Centre: Sidney Smith Hall, Room 1071

The Specialist program in Mathematics is for students Departmental Office: Bahen Building, Room 6290 (416-
who want a deep knowledge of the subject. This 978-3323)
program has been the main training-ground for Canadian
mathematicians. A large proportion of our Mathematics Mathematics Programs
Specialist graduates gain admission to the world’s best
Enrolment in the Mathematics programs requires
graduate schools.
completion of four courses; no minimum GPA is required.
The Specialist program in Applied Mathematics is for Students with a good grade in MAT137Y1 (75%) or
students interested in the fundamental ideas in areas of MAT135Y1 (85%) may apply to the Mathematics
mathematics that are directed towards applications. The Undergraduate Office for permission to enter a
mathematics course requirements in the first two years Mathematics program requiring MAT157Y1.
are the same as in the Mathematics Specialist program;
a strong student can take the courses needed to get a Mathematics (Science program)
degree in both Specialist programs.
Consult Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies,
These programs are challenging, but small classes with Department of Mathematics
excellent professors and highly-motivated students provide
a stimulating and friendly learning environment. Specialist program:
(12.0 full courses or their equivalent, including at least 1.5
The Specialist program in Mathematics and its full courses at the 400-level)
Applications is recommended to students with strong
interests in mathematics and with career goals in areas The Specialist Program in Mathematics is directed toward
such as teaching, computer science, and the physical students who hope to pursue mathematical research as a
sciences. The program is flexible; there is a core of career.
courses in mathematics and related disciplines, but First Year:
you can choose among several areas of concentration. MAT 157Y1, MAT240H1, MAT247H1
The mathematics courses required for the program are Second Year:
essentially the same as those required for a Major in MAT257Y1, MAT267H1
Mathematics. (They are less intense than the courses Third and Fourth Years:
required for the Specialist programs above.) In many 1. MAT 327H1, MAT347Y1, MAT354H1, MAT357H1
cases it is possible to complete a Specialist program 2. One of: APM351Y1; MAT457Y1/(MAT457H1,
in Mathematics and its Applications with a given MAT458H1)
concentration along with a major in the other subject 3. Three of: APM461H1; MAT309H1, MAT363H1, ANY
without taking many extra courses. You might even 400-level APM/MAT
consider choosing your options to fulfill the requirements 4. 2.5 APM/MAT including at least 1.5 at the 400 level
for a double Specialist degree, in both Mathematics and its (these may include options above not already chosen)
Applications and in the other discipline. 5. MAT477Y1
The Specialist program in Mathematical Applications in
Economics and Finance is recommended to students 1. The Department recommends that PHY151H1
with career aspirations in any form of the financial sector. and PHY152H1 be taken in the First Year, and
Furthermore, the program is an excellent preparation for that CSC150H1 and STA257H1 be taken during
an MBA and an MMF. the program. If you do not have a year course in
programming from high school, the Department
The Professional Experience Year program (“PEY”: see strongly recommends that you take CSC108H1 and
index) is available to eligible, full-time Specialist students then CSC148H1 instead of CSC150H1.
after their second year of study. The PEY program is 2. Students are required, as part of their degree, to take
an optional 12-16 month work term providing industrial a course with a significant emphasis on ethics and
experience; its length often allows students to have the social responsibility such as: PHL275H1/PHL265H1/
rewarding experience of initiating and completing a major PHL268H1/PHL271H1/PHL273H1 or similar courses
project. in other departments.

3. Students planning to take specific fourth year courses Third Year:
should ensure that they have the necessary second 1. APM 351Y1; MAT 334H1/MAT354H1, MAT357H1
and third year prerequisites. 2. One of: MAT327H1, MAT347Y1, MAT363H1
3. PHY324H1, PHY350H1, PHY354H1, PHY356H1
Applied Mathematics (Science program) Fourth Year:
Consult the Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies, 1. Two of: APM 421H1, APM426H1, APM436H1;
Department of Mathematics MAT446H1
2. Two of: PHY450H1, PHY452H1, PHY454H1,
Specialist program: PHY456H1, PHY460H1
(13.5 full courses or their equivalent, including at least 3. One of: MAT477Y1; PHY424H1, PHY478H1,
ONE full course at the 400-level) PHY479Y1
The Specialist Program in Applied Mathematics is directed NOTE:
toward students who hope to pursue applied mathematical 1. Students who are intending to apply to graduate
research as a career. schools in mathematics would be well-advised to take
First Year: MAT347Y1
MAT 157Y1, MAT240H1, MAT247H1; (CSC108H1/ 2. Students are required, as part of their degree, to take
CSC148H1)/CSC150H1 a course with a significant emphasis on ethics and
Second Year: social responsibility such as: PHL275H1/PHL265H1/
MAT 257Y1, MAT267H1; MAT267H1; CSC260H1; PHL268H1/PHL271H1/PHL273H1 or similar courses
(STA257H1, STA261H1) in other departments.
Third and Fourth Years: 3. Students planning to take specific fourth year courses
1. APM351Y1; MAT 327H1, MAT347Y1, MAT354H1, should ensure that they have the necessary second
MAT357H1,MAT363H1; STA347H1 and third year prerequisites.
2. At least 1.5 full courses chosen from: MAT332H1, Mathematics and Its Applications (Science
MAT344H1, MAT454H1, MAT457Y1/(MAT457H1, program)
MAT458H1), MAT464H1; STA302H1, STA457H1;
CSC350H1, CSC351H1, CSC446H1, CSC456H1 Consult the Associate Chairs, Undergraduate Studies,
3. Two courses from: APM421H1, APM426H1, Department of Mathematics and other Departments as
APM436H1, APM441H1, APM446H1, APM461H1, required by the program concentration
APM462H1, APM466H1
4. MAT477Y1 Specialist program:
NOTE: (11.5-12.5 full courses or their equivalent, including one
full course at 400-level)
1. The Department recommends that PHY151H1 and
PHY152H1 be taken in the First Year, and STA257H1 The program requirements are the core courses below,
be taken during the program. If you do not have a together with the courses in one of the following areas
year course in programming from high school, the of concentration. If you get a specialist degree in
Department strongly recommends that you take Mathematics and its Applications, your transcript and
(CSC108H1/CSC148H1) instead of CSC150H1. degree will indicate also your area of concentration.
2. Students are required, as part of their degree, to take Please be careful to check course prerequisites in
a course with a significant emphasis on ethics and choosing your program.
social responsibility such as: PHL275H1/PHL265H1/ Core Courses:
PHL268H1/PHL271H1/PHL273H1 or similar courses First Year:
in other departments. CSC 108H1/CSC150H1; MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1,
3. Students planning to take specific fourth year courses MAT223H1/MAT240H1
should ensure that they have the necessary second Note:
and third year prerequisites. CSC150H1 is required for the Computer Science
concentration. If you do not have a year course
Mathematics and Physics(Science program)
in programming from high school, the Department
Consult the Associate Chairs, Undergraduate Studies, strongly recommends that you take CSC108H1 and
Department of Mathematics and Department of Physics. CSC148H1 in place of CSC150H1.
Second Year:
Specialist program: MAT224H1/MAT247H1, MAT235Y1/MAT237Y1/
(14 full courses or their equivalent, including at least ONE MAT257Y1, MAT246H1(waived for students taking
full course at the 400-level) MAT157Y1), MAT244H1/MAT267H1, STA257H1
First Year: Note:
MAT 157Y1, MAT240H1, MAT247H1; PHY 151H1, 1. MAT237Y1/MAT257Y1 is a direct or indirect
PHY152H1 prerequisite for many courses in each of the areas
Second Year: of concentration except the Teaching Concentration.
MAT 257Y1, MAT267H1; PHY 224H1, PHY250H1, Students are advised to take MAT237Y1/MAT257Y1
PHY252H1, PHY254H1, PHY256H1 unless they have planned their program and course
Note: PHY252H1 and PHY324H1 may be taken in the 2nd selection carefully and are certain that they will not
or 3rd year. need it.

Higher Years: courses may be in the departments pertaining to the area
MAT 301H1, MAT334H1 of concentration.
1. Students are required, as part of their degree, to take
Mathematical Applications in Economics and
a course with a significant emphasis on ethics and Finance (Science Program)
social responsibility such as: PHL275H1/PHL265H1/ Consult the Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies,
PHL268H1/PHL271H1/PHL273H1 or similar courses Department of Mathematics
in other departments.
2. Students planning to take specific fourth year courses Specialist program:
should ensure that they have the necessary second (12.5-13 full courses or their equivalent including at least
and third year prerequisites. 1.5 full courses at the 400-level)
Areas of Concentration First Year:
ECO100Y1 (70% or more); MAT137Y1 (55%)/MAT 157Y1
Teaching Concentration:
(55%), MAT223H1, MAT224H1
It may be to students’ advantage to keep in mind that
Second Year:
OISE requires students to have a second teachable
ECO206Y1; MAT237Y1, MAT 244H1, MAT 246H1 (waived
for students taking 157Y1); STA257H1, STA261H1
1. MAT329Y1, HPS/MAT390H1, HPS/MAT391H1 PHL295H1 (Business Ethics): This course may be taken
2. Two of:MAT332H1/MAT344H1, MAT335H1, in second, third, or fourth year.
MAT337H1, MAT363H1 Third Year:
3. Two of: MAT309H1, MAT315H1; STA302H1/ 1. APM346H1; ECO358H1; ECO359H1; MAT337H1;
STA347H1 STA302H1/ECO327Y1/(ECO375H1, ECO376H1),
4. MAT401H1/MAT402H1 and one half course at the STA347H1
400-level from MAT475H1, APM, STA 2. One of: MAT332H1/MAT344H1, MAT 334H1,
Computer Science Concentration: MAT475H1
1. CSC 148H1/CSC150H1, CSC165H1, CSC236H1/ Fourth Year:
CSC240H1, CSC209H1 APM462H1, APM466H1; STA457H1
2. CSC207H1, CSC236H1/CSC240H1, CSC209H1 NOTE:
3. MAT332H1/MAT344H1 and three of MAT309H1; 1. Students who do not include PHL295H1 (Business
CSC320H1, CSC350H1, CSC351H1, CSC373H1 Ethics) as part of their degree are expected to take
4. Two of: APM461H1; CSC446H1, CSC456H1, another Arts and Science course with a significant
CSC465H1, CSC487H1 emphasis on ethics and social responsibility.
NOTE: 2. Students planning to take specific fourth year courses
1. In order to take the Computer Science concentration, should ensure that they have the necessary second
you will be required to register also for a Computer and third year prerequisites.
Science Major. (The latter is a restricted enrolment Mathematics and Philosophy (Science program)
program and has certain admission requirements and
much higher fees; please see the Computer Science Consult the Associate Chairs for Undergraduate
program description). Studies, Department of Mathematics and Department of
Physical Sciences Concentration:
1. PHY151H1, PHY152H1; AST221H1 Specialist program:
2. Three of: AST222H1; PHY250H1, PHY252H1, (12 full courses or their equivalent including one full
PHY254H1, PHY256H1 course at the 400-level)
3. APM346H1/APM351Y1
First Year:
4. Three of: AST320H1, AST325H1; MAT337H1,
MAT 157Y1, MAT240H1, MAT247H1; PHL245H1
MAT363H1; PHY350H1, PHY354H1, PHY356H1,
Higher Years:
PHY357H1, PHY358H1
1. MAT 257Y1, MAT 327H1, MAT 347Y1, MAT 354H1/
5. Two of: APM421H1, APM426H1, APM441H1,
MAT 357H1
APM446H1; PHY407H1, PHY408H1, PHY456H1
2. One full course from PHL 200Y/(PHL205H1,
Probability/Statistics Concentration: PHL206H1)/ PHL210Y1
1. APM 346H1/APM351Y1/APM462H1; MAT 337H1; 3. PHL232H1, HPS250H1/ PHL246H5, PHL265H1/
STA261H1, STA 302H1, STA347H1, STA352Y1 PHL275H1
2. One additional full credit at 300+level from APM/MAT/ 4. MAT309H1; PHL345H1
STA 5. Two of: PHL331H1, PHL342H1, PHL351H1,
3. Two of: STA437H1, STA438H1, STA442H1, PHL355H1/PHL356H1
STA447H1, STA457H1 6. Two of : MAT409H1; PHL404H1, PHL411H1,
Design-Your-Own Concentration: PHL451H1, PHL480H1, PHL481H1, PHL482H1
Eleven half-courses of which at least six must be at the 7. One additional full course credit in PHL or MAT
300+ level including at least 2 at the 400 level, to be courses to a total of 12 full courses.
approved by the Department no later than the beginning of
the third year. It is understood that the remaining 5 half-

NOTE: 2. Students planning to take specific fourth year courses
1. Students planning to take specific fourth year courses should ensure that they have the necessary second
should ensure that they have the necessary second and third year prerequisites.
and third year prerequisites.
2. If a course number ends in H5, the course is offered Mathematics Courses
only at the University of Toronto Missisauga See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
Mathematics and Computer Science: see
First Year Seminars
Computer Science
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
Mathematics and Economics: see Economics
of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
Mathematics and Statistics: see Statistics
and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
Mathematics (Science program) professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
year of study. For details, see page 48.
Major program: JMB170Y1 Biology, Models, and Mathematics [48L,
(7.5 full courses or their equivalent including at least 2.5 24T]
full courses at the 300+ level and at least .5 courses at the Applications of mathematics to biological problems in
400 level). physiology, biomechanics, genetics, evolution, growth,
First Year: population dynamics, cell biology, ecology and behaviour.
MAT 135Y1/MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1, MAT223H1/ Co-requisite: BIO150Y1
MAT240H1 DR=SCI; BR=4+5
Second Year: JUM202H1 Mathematics as an Interdisciplinary
MAT 224H1/ MAT247H1, MAT 235Y1/ MAT237Y1, Pursuit (formerly JUM102H1) [24L, 12T]
MAT244H1, MAT246H1; PHL275H1, or PHL265H1/ A study of the interaction of mathematics with other fields
PHL268H1/PHL271/ PHL273H1 of inquiry: how mathematics influences, and is influenced
NOTE: by, the evolution of science and culture. Art, music, and
1. MAT 224H1 may be taken in first year literature, as well as the more traditionally related areas
2. PHL275H1, or PHL265H1/PHL268H1/PHL271H1/ of the natural and social sciences may be considered.
PHL273H1 may be taken in any year. (Offered every three years)
Higher Years: Exclusion: JUM102H1
1. MAT 301H1, MAT309H1, MAT315H1, MAT334H1 JUM202H1 is particularly suited as a Science Distribution
2. One half course at the 200 level from: ACT240H1; Requirement course for Humanities and Social Science
APM236H1; MAT309H1/MAT315H1/MAT335H1/ students.
MAT337H1; STA247H1/STA250H1/STA257H1 DR=SCI; BR=5
3. One additional half course at the 300+level from:
JUM203H1 Mathematics as a Recreation (formerly
APM346H1, APM462H1; MAT309H1, MAT315H1,
JUM103H1) [24L, 12T]
MAT332H1/MAT344H1, MAT335H1, MAT337H1,
A study of games, puzzles and problems focusing on
MAT475H1; HPS390H1, HPS391H1; PSL432H1
the deeper principles they illustrate. Concentration is on
4. MAT401H1/MAT402H1
problems arising out of number theory and geometry,
NOTE: with emphasis on the process of mathematical reasoning.
1. In the major program, higher level courses within Technical requirements are kept to a minimum. A
the same topic are acceptable substitutions. With foundation is provided for a continuing lay interest in
a judicious choice of courses, usually including mathematics. (Offered every three years)
introductory computer science, students can fulfil the Exclusion: JUM103H1
requirements for a double major in mathematics and JUM203H1 is particularly suited as a Science Distribution
one of several other disciplines. Requirement course for Humanities and Social Science
2. Students planning to take specific fourth year courses students.
should ensure that they have the necessary second DR=SCI; BR=5
and third year prerequisites.
JUM205H1 Mathematical Personalities (formerly
Minor program: JUM105H1) [24L, 12T]
(4 full courses or their equivalent) An in-depth study of the life, times and work of several
mathematicians who have been particularly influential.
1. MAT 135Y1/MAT137Y1
Examples may include Newton, Euler, Gauss, Kowalewski,
2. MAT223H1, MAT235Y1/MAT237Y1, MAT224H1/
Hilbert, Hardy, Ramanujan, Gödel, Erdös, Coxeter,
Grothendieck. (Offered every three years)
Note: MAT223H1 can be taken in first year
Exclusion: JUM105H1
3. One 300+level full course or combination from: any
JUM205H1 is particularly suited as a Science Distribution
APM; MAT; HPS 390H1, HPS391H1; PSL 432H1
Requirement course for Humanities and Social Science
NOTE: students.
1. In the minor program, higher level courses within the DR=SCI; BR=5
same topic are acceptable substitutions.


Applied Mathematics Courses precession of Mercury. Topics from black hole dynamics
and gravity waves.
See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions. Prerequisite: MAT363H1
APM236H1 Applications of Linear Programming [36L]
Introduction to linear programming including a rapid review APM436H1 Fluid Mechanics [36L]
of linear algebra (row reduction, linear independence), Boltzmann, Euler and Navier-Stokes equations. Viscous
the simplex method, the duality theorem, complementary and non-viscous flow. Vorticity. Exact solutions. Boundary
slackness, and the dual simplex method. A selection of layers. Wave propagation. Analysis of one dimensional
the following topics are covered: the revised simplex gas flow.
method, sensitivity analysis, integer programming, the Prerequisite: APM351Y1
transportation algorithm. DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: MAT223H1/240H1 (Note: no waivers of APM441H1 Asymptotic and Perturbation Methods
prerequisites will be granted) [36L]
DR=SCI; BR=5 Asymptotic series. Asymptotic methods for integrals:
APM346H1 Partial Differential Equations [36L] stationary phase and steepest descent. Regular
Sturm-Liouville problems, Green’s functions, special perturbations for algebraic and differential equations.
functions (Bessel, Legendre), partial differential equations Singular perturbation methods for ordinary differential
of second order, separation of variables, integral equations: W.K.B., strained co-ordinates, matched
equations, Fourier transform, stationary phase method. asymptotics, multiple scales. (Emphasizes techniques;
Prerequisite: MAT235Y1/237Y1/257Y1, 244H1 problems drawn from physics and engineering)
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: APM346H1/351Y1, MAT334H1
APM351Y1 Partial Differential Equations [72L]
Diffusion and wave equations. Separation of variables. APM446H1 Applied Nonlinear Equations [36L]
Fourier series. Laplace’s equation; Green’s function. Nonlinear partial differential equations and their physical
Schrödinger equations. Boundary problems in plane and origin. Fourier transform; Green’s function; variational
space. General eigenvalue problems; minimum principle methods; symmetries and conservation laws. Special
for eigenvalues. Distributions and Fourier transforms. solutions (steady states, solitary waves, travelling waves,
Laplace transforms. Differential equations of physics self-similar solutions). Calculus of maps; bifurcations;
(electromagnetism, fluids, acoustic waves, scattering). stability, dynamics near equilibrium. Propagation of
Introduction to nonlinear equations (shock waves, solitary nonlinear waves; dispersion, modulation, optical bistability.
waves). Global behaviour solutions; asymptotics and blow-up.
Prerequisite: MAT267H1 Prerequisite: APM346H1/351Y1
Co-requisite: MAT334H1/354H1 DR=SCI; BR=TBA
DR=SCI; BR=TBA APM461H1 Combinatorial Methods [36L]
A selection of topics from such areas as graph theory,
combinatorial algorithms, enumeration, construction of
combinatorial identities.
Note: Prerequisite: MAT224H1
Some courses at the 400-level are cross-listed as Recommended preparation: MAT344H1
graduate courses and may not be offered every year. DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Please see the Department’s graduate brochure for more
APM462H1 Nonlinear Optimization [36L]
An introduction to first and second order conditions for
APM421H1 Mathematical Foundations of Quantum finite and infinite dimensional optimization problems with
Mechanics [36L] mention of available software. Topics include Lagrange
The general formulation of non-relativistic quantum multipliers, Kuhn-Tucker conditions, convexity and calculus
mechanics based on the theory of linear operators in a variations. Basic numerical search methods and software
Hilbert space, self-adjoint operators, spectral measures packages which implement them will be discussed.
and the statistical interpretation of quantum mechanics; Prerequisite: MAT223H1, 235Y1
functions of compatible observables. Schrödinger and DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Heisenberg pictures, complete sets of observables, APM466H1 Mathematical Theory of Finance [36L]
representations of the canonical commutative relations; Introduction to the basic mathematical techniques
essential self-adjointedness of Schrödinger operators, in pricing theory and risk management: Stochastic
density operators, elements of scattering theory. calculus, single-period finance, financial derivatives
Prerequisite: (MAT224H1, 337H1)/357H1 (tree-approximation and Black-Scholes model for equity
DR=SCI; BR=TBA derivatives, American derivatives, numerical methods,
APM426H1 General Relativity [36L] lattice models for interest-rate derivatives), value at risk,
Einstein’s theory of gravity. Special relativity and the credit risk, portfolio theory.
geometry of Lorentz manifolds. Gravity as a manifestation Prerequisite: APM346H1, STA347H1
of spacetime curvature. Einstein’s equations. Cosmological Co-requisite: STA457H1
implications: big bang and inflationary universe. DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Schwarzschild stars: bending of light and perihelion

APM496H1 Readings in Applied Mathematics [TBA] Exclusion: MAT125H1, 126H1, 133Y1, 135Y1, 137Y1,
APM497H1 Readings in Applied Mathematics [TBA]
NOTE: students who enrol in MAT133Y1 after completing
APM498Y1 Readings in Applied Mathematics [TBA] MAT123H1 but not MAT124H1 do not receive degree
APM499Y1 Readings in Applied Mathematics [TBA] credit for MAT133Y1; it is counted ONLY as an “Extra
Independent study under the direction of a faculty Course.”
member. Topic must be outside undergraduate offerings. Prerequisite: Enrolment in MAT133Y1, and withdrawal
Prerequisite: minimum GPA 3.5 for math courses. from MAT133Y1 after two midterms, with a mark of at
Permission of the Associate Chair for Undergraduate least 20% in the second midterm.
Studies and prospective supervisor DR=SOC SCI; BR=N/A
DR=SCI; BR=TBA MAT124H1 Calculus and Linear Algebra for
Commerce (B) [36L, 12T]
Mathematics Courses Second Term content of MAT133Y1; the final examination
includes topics covered in MAT123H1. Offered in the
NOTE: Transfer students who have received MAT1**H1 Summer Session only; students not enrolled in MAT123H1
– Calculus with course exclusion to MAT133Y1/135Y1 in the preceding Spring Term will NOT be allowed to
may take MAT137Y1/157Y1 without forfeiting the half enrol in MAT124H1. MAT123H1 together with MAT124H1
credit in Calculus. is equivalent for program and prerequisite purposes to
High school prerequisites for students coming from MAT133Y1.
outside the Ontario high school system: Exclusion: MAT125H1, 126H1, 133Y1, 135Y1, 137Y1,
MAT133Y1: high school level calculus and (algebra- 157Y1
geometry or finite math or discrete math) Prerequisite: MAT123H1 successfully completed in the
preceding Spring Term
MAT135Y1: high school level calculus
MAT137Y1: high school level calculus and algebra-
MAT135Y1 Calculus I [72L, 24T]
Review of trigonometric functions; trigonometric identities
MAT157Y1: high school level calculus and algebra- and trigonometric limits. Review of differential calculus;
geometry applications. Integration and fundamental theorem;
MAT223H1: high school level calculus and algebra- applications. Series. Introduction to differential equations.
geometry Exclusion: MAT123H1, 124H1, 125H1, 126H1, 133Y1,
137Y1, 157Y1
MAT123H1,124H1 Prerequisite: MCV4U, MHF4U
See below MAT 133Y1 DR= SCI; BR=5
MAT125H1,126H1 MAT125H1 Calculus I (A) [36L]
See below MAT 135Y1 First term of MAT135Y1. Students in academic difficulty in
MAT135Y1 who have written two midterm examinations
MAT133Y1 Calculus and Linear Algebra for
with a mark of at least 20% in the second may withdraw
Commerce [72L, 24T]
from MAT135Y1 and enrol in MAT125H1 in the Spring
Mathematics of finance. Matrices and linear equations.
Term. These students are informed of this option by the
Review of differential calculus; applications. Integration
beginning of the Spring Term. Classes begin in the second
and fundamental theorem; applications. Introduction to
week of the Spring Term; late enrolment is not permitted.
partial differentiation; applications.
Students not enrolled in MAT135Y1 in the Fall Term will
NOTE: please note prerequisites listed below. Students
not be allowed to enrol in MAT125H1. MAT125H1 together
without the proper prerequisites for MAT133Y1 may be
with MAT126H1 is equivalent for program and prerequisite
deregistered from this course.
purposes to MAT135Y1.
Exclusion: MAT123H1, 124H1, 125H1, 126H1, 135Y1,
Exclusion: MAT123H1, 124H1, 133Y1, 135Y1, 137Y1,
137Y1, 157Y1
Prerequisite: MCV4U, MHF4U
NOTE: students who enrol in MAT135Y1 after completing
MAT125H1 but not MAT126H1 do not receive degree
MAT123H1 Calculus and Linear Algebra for credit for MAT135Y1; it is counted ONLY as an “Extra
Commerce (A) [36L] Course.”
First term of MAT133Y1. Students in academic difficulty in Prerequisite: Enrolment in MAT135Y1, and withdrawal
MAT133Y1 who have written two midterm examinations from MAT135Y1 after two midterms, with a mark of at
with a mark of at least 20% in the second may withdraw least 20% in the second midterm.
from MAT133Y1 and enrol in MAT123H1 in the Spring DR= SCI; BR=5
Term. These students are informed of this option by the
MAT126H1 Calculus I (B) [36L, 12T]
beginning of the Spring Term. Classes begin in the second
Second Term content of MAT135Y1; the final examination
week of the Spring Term; late enrolment is not permitted.
includes topics covered in MAT125H1. Offered in the
Students not enrolled in MAT133Y1 in the Fall Term are
Summer Session only; students not enrolled in MAT125H1
not allowed to enrol in MAT123H1. MAT123H1 together
in the preceding Spring Term will NOT be allowed to
with MAT124H1 is equivalent for program and prerequisite
enrol in MAT126H1. MAT125H1 together with MAT126H1
purposes to MAT133Y1.

is equivalent for program and prerequisite purposes to MAT235Y1 Calculus II [72L]
MAT135Y1. Differential and integral calculus of functions of several
Exclusion: MAT123H1, 124H1, 133Y1, 135Y1, 137Y1 variables. Line and surface integrals, the divergence
Prerequisite: MAT125H1 successfully completed in the theorem, Stokes’ theorem. Sequences and series,
preceding Spring Term including an introduction to Fourier series. Some partial
DR=SCI; BR=5 differential equations of Physics.
Exclusion: MAT237Y1, 257Y1
MAT137Y1 Calculus! [72L, 24T]
Prerequisite: MAT135Y1/137Y1/157Y1
A conceptual approach for students with a serious
interest in mathematics. Geometric and physical intuition
are emphasized but some attention is also given to the MAT237Y1 Multivariable Calculus [72L]
theoretical foundations of calculus. Material covers first a Sequences and series. Uniform convergence.
review of trigonometric functions followed by discussion Convergence of integrals. Elements of topology in R2
of trigonometric identities. The basic concepts of calculus: and R3. Differential and integral calculus of vector valued
limits and continuity, the mean value and inverse function functions of a vector variable, with emphasis on vectors
theorems, the integral, the fundamental theorem, in two and three dimensional euclidean space. Extremal
elementary transcendental functions, Taylor’s theorem, problems, Lagrange multipliers, line and surface integrals,
sequence and series, uniform convergence and power vector analysis, Stokes’ theorem, Fourier series, calculus
series. of variations.
Exclusions: MAT125H1, MAT126H1, MAT135Y1, Exclusion: MAT235Y1, 257Y1
MAT157Y1 Prerequisite: MAT137Y1/157Y1/135Y1(90%),223H1/24
Prerequisite: MCV4U, MHF4U 0H1
MAT157Y1 Analysis I [72L, 48T] MAT240H1 Algebra I [36L, 24T]
A theoretical course in calculus; emphasizing proofs A theoretical approach to: vector spaces over arbitrary
and techniques, as well as geometric and physical fields including C,Zp. Subspaces, bases and dimension.
understanding. Trigonometric identities. Limits and Linear transformations, matrices, change of basis,
continuity; least upper bounds, intermediate and extreme similarity, determinants. Polynomials over a field
value theorems. Derivatives, mean value and inverse (including unique factorization, resultants). Eigenvalues,
function theorems. Integrals; fundamental theorem; eigenvectors, characteristic polynomial, diagonalization.
elementary transcendental functions. Taylor’s theorem; Minimal polynomial, Cayley-Hamilton theorem.
sequences and series; uniform convergence and power Prerequisite: MCV4U, MHF4U
series. Co-requisite: MAT157Y1
Exclusion: MAT137Y1 DR= SCI; BR=5
Prerequisite: MCV4U, MHF4U MAT244H1 Introduction to Ordinary Differential
DR= SCI; BR=5 Equations [36L]
MAT223H1 Linear Algebra I [36L, 12T] Ordinary differential equations of the first and second
Matrix arithmetic and linear systems. Rn subspaces, order, existence and uniqueness; solutions by series
linear independence, bases, dimension; column spaces, and integrals; linear systems of first order; non-linear
null spaces, rank and dimension formula. Orthogonality equations; difference equations. Applications in life and
orthonormal sets, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization physical sciences and economics.
process; least square approximation. Linear Exclusion: MAT267H1
transformations Rn—>Rm. The determinant, classical Prerequisite: MAT135Y1/137Y1/157Y1, 223H1/240H1
adjoint, Cramer’s Rule. Eigenvalues, eigenvectors, Co-requisite: MAT235Y1/237Y1
eigenspaces, diagonalization. Function spaces and DR= SCI; BR=5
application to a system of linear differential equations. MAT246H1 Concepts in Abstract Mathematics
Exclusion: MAT240H1 (formerly MAT246Y1) [36L]
Prerequisite: MCV4U, MHF4U Designed to introduce students to mathematical proofs
DR= SCI; BR=5 and abstract mathematical concepts. Topics may include
MAT224H1 Linear Algebra II [36L, 12T] modular arithmetic, sizes of infinite sets, and a proof that
Abstract vector spaces: subspaces, dimension theory. some angles cannot be trisected with straightedge and
Linear mappings: kernel, image, dimension theorem, compass.
isomorphisms, matrix of linear transformation. Changes Exclusion: MAT 157Y1, 246Y1
of basis, invariant spaces, direct sums, cyclic subspaces, Prerequisite: MAT133Y1/135Y1/137Y1,223H
Cayley-Hamilton theorem. Inner product spaces, DR= SCI; BR=5
orthogonal transformations, orthogonal diagonalization, MAT247H1 Algebra II [36L, 12T]
quadratic forms, positive definite matrices. Complex A theoretical approach to real and complex inner product
operators: Hermitian, unitary and normal. Spectral spaces, isometries, orthogonal and unitary matrices and
theorem. Isometries of R2 and R3. transformations. The adjoint. Hermitian and symmetric
Exclusion: MAT247H1 transformations. Spectral theorem for symmetric and
Prerequisite: MAT223H1/240H1 normal transformations. Polar representation theorem.
DR= SCI; BR=5 Primary decomposition theorem. Rational and Jordan

canonical forms. Additional topics including dual spaces, arithmetic as an example of a first-order system. Gödel’s
quotient spaces, bilinear forms, quadratic surfaces, incompleteness theorem; outline of its proof. Introduction
multilinear algebra. Examples of symmetry groups and to recursive functions.
linear groups, stochastic matrices, matrix functions. Exclusion: CSC438H1
Prerequisite: MAT240H1 Prerequisite: MAT223H1/240H1, 235Y1/237Y1, 246H1/
Co-requisite: MAT157Y1 CSC236H1/240H1 (These prerequisites will be waived
DR= SCI; BR=5 for students who have MAT257Y1)
MAT257Y1 Analysis II [72L, 48T]
Topology of Rn; compactness, functions and continuity, MAT315H1 Introduction to Number Theory [36L]
extreme value theorem. Derivatives; inverse and implicit Elementary topics in number theory: arithmetic functions;
function theorems, maxima and minima, Lagrange polynomials over the residue classes modulo m,
multipliers. Integrals; Fubini’s theorem, partitions of unity, characters on the residue classes modulo m; quadratic
change of variables. Differential forms. Manifolds in Rn; reciprocity law, representation of numbers as sums of
integration on manifolds; Stokes’ theorem for differential squares.
forms and classical versions. Prerequisite: MAT223H1/240H1, 235Y1/237Y1, 246H1/
Prerequisite: MAT157Y1, 240H1, 247H1 CSC236H1/240H1 (These prerequisites will be waived
DR= SCI; BR=5 for students who have MAT257Y1)
MAT267H1 Advanced Ordinary Differential Equations
I [36L, 12T] MAT327H1 Introduction to Topology [36L]
First-order equations. Linear equations and first-order Metric spaces, topological spaces and continuous
systems. Non-linear first-order systems. Existence and mappings; separation, compactness, connectedness.
uniqueness theorems for the Cauchy problem. Method Topology of function spaces. Fundamental group and
of power series. Elementary qualitative theory; stability, covering spaces. Cell complexes, topological and smooth
phase plane, stationary points. Examples of applications in manifolds, Brouwer fixed-point theorem. Students in
mechanics, physics, chemistry, biology and economics. the math specialist program wishing to take additional
Exclusion: MAT244H1 topology courses are advised to obtain permission to
Prerequisite: MAT157Y1, 247H1 take MAT1300Y. Students must meet minimum GPA
Co-requisite: MAT257Y1 requirements as set by SGS and petition with their college.
DR= SCI; BR=5 Prerequisite: MAT257Y1/(224H1, 237Y1, 246H1 and
permission of the instructor)
MAT271H1 Insights from Mathematics [36L, 6T]
This breadth course is accessible to students with
limited mathematical background. Various mathematical MAT329Y1 Concepts in Elementary Mathematics
techniques will be illustrated with examples from [72L]
humanities and social science disciplines. Some of the The formation of mathematical concepts and techniques,
topics will incorporate user friendly computer explorations and their application to the everyday world. Nature of
to give participants the feel of the subject without requiring mathematics and mathematical understanding. Role of
skill at calculations. observation, conjecture, analysis, structure, critical thinking
DR= SCI; BR=5 and logical argument. Numeration, arithmetic, geometry,
counting techniques, recursion, algorithms. This course
MAT299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
is specifically addressed to students intending to become
Credit course for supervised participation in faculty
elementary school teachers and is strongly recommended
research project. See page 48 for details.
by the Faculty of Education. Previous experience working
with children is useful. The course content is considered
in the context of elementary school teaching. In particular,
300-Series Courses the course may include a practicum in school classrooms.
The course has an enrolment limit of 40, and students are
MAT301H1 Groups and Symmetries [36L]
required to ballot.
Congruences and fields. Permutations and permutation
Prerequisite: Any 7 full courses with a CGPA of at least 2.5
groups. Linear groups. Abstract groups, homomorphisms,
subgroups. Symmetry groups of regular polygons and
Platonic solids, wallpaper groups. Group actions, class MAT332H1 Introduction to Graph Theory [36L]
formula. Cosets, Lagrange’s theorem. Normal subgroups, This course will explore the following topics: Graphs,
quotient groups. Classification of finitely generated abelian Subgraphs, Isomorphism, Trees, Connectivity, Euler and
groups. Emphasis on examples and calculations. Hamiltonian Properties, Matchings, Vertex and Edge
Exclusion: MAT347Y1 Colourings, Planarity, Network Flows and Strongly Regular
Prerequisite: MAT224H1, 235Y1/237Y1, 246H1/ Graphs. Participants will be encouraged to use these
CSC236H1/240H1. (These prerequisites will be waived topics and execute applications to such problems as
for students who have MAT257Y1) timetabling, tournament scheduling, experimental design
DR= SCI; BR=TBA and finite geometries. Students are invited to replace
MAT344H1 with MAT332H1.
MAT309H1 Introduction to Mathematical Logic [36L]
Prerequisite: MAT224H1/247H1
Predicate calculus. Relationship between truth and
Recommended corequisite: MAT301H1/347Y1
provability; Gödel’s completeness theorem. First order

MAT334H1 Complex Variables [36L] MAT357H1 Real Analysis I [36L]
Theory of functions of one complex variable, analytic Function spaces; Arzela-Ascoli theorem, Weierstrass
and meromorphic functions. Cauchy’s theorem, residue approximation theorem, Fourier series. Introduction
calculus, conformal mappings, introduction to analytic to Banach and Hilbert spaces; contraction mapping
continuation and harmonic functions. principle, fundamental existence and uniqueness theorem
Exclusion: MAT354H1 for ordinary differential equations. Lebesgue integral;
Prerequisite: MAT223H1, 235Y1/237Y1 convergence theorems, comparison with Riemann integral,
DR= SCI; BR=TBA Lp spaces. Applications to probability.
Prerequisite: MAT257Y1/(327H1 and permission of
MAT335H1 Chaos, Fractals and Dynamics [36L]
An elementary introduction to a modern and fast-
developing area of mathematics. One-dimensional
dynamics: iterations of quadratic polynomials. Dynamics MAT363H1 Introduction to Differential Geometry
of linear mappings, attractors. Bifurcation, Henon map, [36L]
Mandelbrot and Julia sets. History and applications. Geometry of curves and surfaces in 3-spaces. Curvature
Prerequisite: MAT137Y1/200-level calculus, 223H1 and geodesics. Minimal surfaces. Gauss-Bonnet theorem
DR= SCI; BR=TBA for surfaces. Surfaces of constant curvature.
Prerequisite: MAT224H1, 237Y1/257Y1
MAT337H1 Introduction to Real Analysis [36L]
Metric spaces; compactness and connectedness.
Sequences and series of functions, power series; modes MAT390H1 History of Mathematics up to 1700 [36L]
of convergence. Interchange of limiting processes; A survey of ancient, medieval, and early modern
differentiation of integrals. Function spaces; Weierstrass mathematics with emphasis on historical issues. (Offered
approximation; Fourier series. Contraction mappings; in alternate years)
existence and uniqueness of solutions of ordinary Exclusion: HPS309H1, 310Y1, 390H1
differential equations. Countability; Cantor set; Hausdorff Prerequisite: at least one full MAT 200-level course
dimension. DR= SCI; BR=TBA
Exclusion: MAT357H1 MAT391H1 History of Mathematics after 1700 [24L,
Prerequisite: MAT224H1, 235Y1/237Y1,246H1 12T]
NOTE: These prerequisites will be waived for students A survey of the development of mathematics from 1700
who have MAT257Y1 to the present with emphasis on technical development.
DR= SCI; BR=TBA (Offered in alternate years)
MAT344H1 Introduction to Combinatorics [36L] Exclusion: HPS309H1, 310H1, 391H1
Basic counting principles, generating functions, Prerequisite: At least one full 200-level MAT course
permutations with restrictions. Fundamentals of graph DR= SCI; BR=TBA
theory with algorithms; applications (including network MAT393Y1 Independent Work in Mathematics [TBA]
flows). Combinatorial structures including block designs
and finite geometries. MAT394Y1 Independent Work in Mathematics [TBA]
Prerequisite: MAT223H1/240H1 Independent study under the direction of a faculty
DR= SCI; BR=TBA member. Topic must be outside undergraduate offerings.
Prerequisite: Minimum GPA of 3.5 in math courses.
MAT347Y1 Groups, Rings and Fields [72L, 24T] Permission of the Associate Chair for Undergraduate
Groups, subgroups, quotient groups, Sylow theorems, Studies and prospective supervisor
Jordan-Hölder theorem, finitely generated abelian DR= SCI; BR=TBA
groups, solvable groups. Rings, ideals, Chinese
remainder theorem; Euclidean domains and principal MAT395H1 Independent Work in Mathematics [TBA]
ideal domains: unique factorization. Noetherian rings, MAT396H1 Independent Work in Mathematics [TBA]
Hilbert basis theorem. Finitely generated modules. Field
extensions, algebraic closure, straight-edge and compass MAT397H1 Independent Work in Mathematics [TBA]
constructions. Galois theory, including insolvability of the Independent study under the direction of a faculty
quintic. member. Topic must be outside undergraduate offerings.
Prerequisite: MAT257Y1 Prerequisite: Minimum GPA of 3.5 in math courses.
DR= SCI; BR=TBA Permission of the Associate Chair for Undergraduate
Studies and prospective supervisor
MAT354H1 Complex Analysis I [36L] DR= SCI; BR=TBA
Complex numbers, the complex plane and Riemann
sphere, Mobius transformations, elementary functions and MAT398H0 Independent Experiential Study Project
their mapping properties, conformal mapping, holomorphic MAT399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project
functions, Cauchy’s theorem and integral formula. An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus
Taylor and Laurent series, maximum modulus principle, setting. See page 48 for details.
Schwarz’s lemma, residue theorem and residue calculus. DR= SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: MAT257Y1

400-Series Courses cohomology; products; cohomology ring. Topological
manifolds; orientation; Poincare duality.
Prerequisite: MAT327H1, 347Y1
Some courses at the 400-level are cross-listed as graduate
courses and may not be offered every year. Please see the
Department’s graduate brochure for more details. MAT443H1 Computer Algebra [36L]
Introduction to algebraic algorithms used in computer
MAT401H1 Polynomial Equations and Fields [36L] science and computational mathematics. Topics may
Commutative rings; quotient rings. Construction of the include: generating sequences of random numbers, fast
rationals. Polynomial algebra. Fields and Galois theory: arithmetic, Euclidean algorithm, factorization of integers and
Field extensions, adjunction of roots of a polynomial. polynomials, primality tests, computation of Galois groups,
Constructibility, trisection of angles, construction of regular Gröbner bases. Symbolic manipulators such as Maple and
polygons. Galois groups of polynomials, in particular cubics, Mathematica are used.
quartics. Insolvability of quintics by radicals. Prerequisite: MAT347Y1
Exclusion: MAT347Y1 DR= SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: MAT301H1
MAT445H1 Representation Theory [36L]
A selection of topics from: Representation theory of finite
MAT402H1 Classical Geometries [36L] groups, topological groups and compact groups. Group
Euclidean and non-euclidean plane and space geometries. algebras. Character theory and orthogonality relations.
Real and complex projective space. Models of the hyperbolic Weyl’s character formula for compact semisimple Lie
plane. Connections with the geometry of surfaces. groups. Induced representations. Structure theory and
Prerequisite: MAT 301H1/347Y1, 235Y1/237Y1/257Y1 representations of semisimple Lie algebras. Determination of
DR= SCI; BR=TBA the complex Lie algebras.
MAT409H1 Set Theory [36L] Prerequisite: MAT347Y1
Set theory and its relations with other branches of DR= SCI; BR=TBA
mathematics. ZFC axioms. Ordinal and cardinal numbers. MAT448H1 Introduction to Commutative Algebra and
Reflection principle. Constructible sets and the continuum Algebraic Geometry [36L]
hypothesis. Introduction to independence proofs. Topics from Basic notions of algebraic geometry, with emphasis on
large cardinals, infinitary combinatorics and descriptive set commutative algebra or geometry according to the interests
theory. of the instructor. Algebraic topics: localization, integral
Prerequisite: MAT357H1 dependence and Hilbert’s Nullstellensatz, valuation theory,
DR= SCI; BR=TBA power series rings and completion, dimension theory.
MAT415H1 Topics in Algebraic Number Theory [36L] Geometric topics: affine and projective varieties, dimension
A selection from the following: finite fields; global and local and intersection theory, curves and surfaces, varieties over
fields; valuation theory; ideals and divisors; differents and the complex numbers.
discriminants; ramification and inertia; class numbers and Prerequisite: MAT347Y1
units; cyclotomic fields; diophantine equations. DR= SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: MAT347Y1 or permission of instructor MAT449H1 Algebraic Curves [36L]
DR= SCI; BR=TBA Projective geometry. Curves and Riemann surfaces.
MAT417H1 Topics in Analytic Number Theory [36L] Algebraic methods. Intersection of curves; linear systems;
A selection from the following: distribution of primes, Bezout’s theorem. Cubics and elliptic curves. Riemann-Roch
especially in arithmetic progressions and short intervals; theorem. Newton polygon and Puiseux expansion; resolution
exponential sums; Hardy-Littlewood and dispersion methods; of singularities.
character sums and L-functions; the Riemann zeta-function; Prerequisite: MAT347Y1, 354H1
sieve methods, large and small; diophantine approximation, DR= SCI; BR=TBA
modular forms. MAT454H1 Complex Analysis II [36L]
Prerequisite: MAT334H1/354H1/permission of instructor Harmonic functions, Harnack’s principle, Poisson’s integral
DR= SCI; BR=TBA formula and Dirichlet’s problem. Infinite products and the
MAT425H1 Differential Topology [36L] gamma function. Normal families and the Riemann mapping
Smooth manifolds, Sard’s theorem and transversality. Morse theorem. Analytic continuation, monodromy theorem and
theory. Immersion and embedding theorems. Intersection elementary Riemann surfaces. Elliptic functions, the modular
theory. Borsuk-Ulam theorem. Vector fields and Euler function and the little Picard theorem.
characteristic. Hopf degree theorem. Additional topics may Prerequisite: MAT354H1
vary. DR= SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: MAT257Y1, 327H1 MAT457H1 Real Analysis I (formerly MAT457Y1) [36L]
DR= SCI; BR=TBA Lebesque measure and integration; convergence theorems,
MAT427H1 Algebraic Topology [36L] Fubini’s theorem, Lebesgue differentiation theorem, abstract
Introduction to homology theory: singular and simplicial measures, Caratheodory theorem, Radon-Nikodym theorem.
homology; homotopy invariance, long exact sequence, Hilbert spaces, orthonormal bases, Riesz representation
excision, Mayer-Vietoris sequence; applications. Homology theorem, compact operators, Lp spaces, Holder and
of CW complexes; Euler characteristic; examples. Singular Minkowski inequalities.
Prerequisite: MAT357H1

Exclusion: MAT457Y1
MAT458H1 Real Analysis II (formerly MAT457Y1) [36L]
Fourier series and transform, convergence results, Fourier
inversion theorem, L2 theory, estimates, convolutions.
Banach spaces, duals, weak topology, weak compactness,
Hahn-Banach theorem, open mapping theorem, uniform
boundedness theorem.
Prerequisite: MAT457H1
Exclusion: MAT457Y1
MAT464H1 Differential Geometry [36L]
Riemannian metrics and connections. Geodesics.
Exponential map. Complete manifolds. Hopf-Rinow theorem.
Riemannian curvature. Ricci and scalar curvature. Tensors.
Spaces of constant curvature. Isometric immersions. Second
fundamental form. Topics from: Cut and conjugate loci.
Variation energy. Cartan-Hadamard theorem. Vector bundles.
Prerequisite: MAT363H1
MAT468H1 Ordinary Differential Equations II [36L]
Sturm-Liouville problem and oscillation theorems for second-
order linear equations. Qualitative theory; integral invariants,
limit cycles. Dynamical systems; invariant measures;
bifurcations, chaos. Elements of the calculus of variations.
Hamiltonian systems. Analytic theory; singular points and
series solution. Laplace transform.
Prerequisite: MAT267H1, 354H1, 357H1
MAT475H1 Problem Solving Seminar [TBA]
This course addresses the question: “How do you attack
a problem the likes of which you’ve never seen before?”
Students will apply Polya’s principles of mathematical
problem solving, draw upon their previous mathematical
knowledge, and explore the creative side of mathematics in
solving a variety of interesting problems and explaining those
solutions to others.
Prerequisite: MAT224H1/247H1, MAT235Y1/237Y1/257Y1,
and at least one 300-level MAT or APM course
MAT477Y1 Seminar in Mathematics [TBA]
Seminar in an advanced topic. Content will generally vary
from year to year. (Student presentations will be required)
Prerequisite: MAT347Y1, 354H1, 357H1; or permission of
MAT495H1 Readings in Mathematics [TBA]
MAT496H1 Readings in Mathematics [TBA]
MAT497H1 Readings in Mathematics [TBA]
MAT498Y1 Readings in Mathematics [TBA]
MAT499Y1 Readings in Mathematics [TBA]
Independent study under the direction of a faculty member.
Topic must be outside undergraduate offerings.
Prerequisite: Minimum GPA of 3.5 in math courses.
Permission of the Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies
and prospective supervisor

Modern Languages and Literatures
The Modern Languages and Literatures program is a number
of sub-programs given by Faculty Language Departments.
Upon graduation a student is certified as having completed
a combined Specialist Program in the two languages
chosen. Enrolment in this program requires the completion
of four courses; no minimum GPA required. The normal
combinations are listed below; for combinations NOT listed
students should consult the departments concerned.
See also the Language Citation Program.

Modern Languages and Literatures

Specialist program:
(14-15 full courses or their equivalent)
Fourteen courses are required, seven in each subject with
the following requirements:

French (with German/Italian/ Portuguese/ Russian/

(8 courses)
Same as the Major Program in French Language and
German (with French/Italian/Russian/Spanish)
Same as the Major Program in German Studies
Italian (with French/German/Portuguese/Russian/
Same as the Major Program in Italian
Polish (with French/German//Russian)
Same as the Major Program in Polish
Portuguese (with French1/Italian/Spanish)
(7 courses)
Same as the Major Program in Portuguese
Russian (with French/German/Italian)
See Slavic Languages & Literatures for details.
Spanish (with French/German/Italian/Portuguese)
See Spanish & Portuguese for details.
Ukrainian (with French/German)
See Slavic Languages & Literatures for details.

Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
Collaborative Program of the Faculty of of microorganisms (microbes), have long served as
Arts & Science and the Faculty of Medicine meeting grounds for a variety of biological disciplines.
Developments in genetics and microbiology have
contributed greatly to our basic understanding of the
Faculty fundamental processes of life as well as to the treatment
of genetic and infectious diseases.
Professor and Chair of the Department of
Molecular Genetics Of particular significance in molecular genetics has been
H. D. Lipshitz, Ph D the development of techniques that permit the isolation,
through cloning, of the genes responsible for specific
Professors traits, and the detailed analysis of their regulation,
B. J. Andrews, Ph D interactions, and products. More recently the advent of
I. Andrulis, Ph D genome sequencing has fueled efforts to understand
B.J. Blencowe, Ph D in full the information content of the genome and to
C. Boone, Ph D assign function to every gene, using methods that allow
G. L. Boulianne, Ph D systematic, genome-scale analyses of gene expression,
A.W. Cochrane, Ph D the phenotypic consequences of gene disruption, and the
R.A. Collins, Ph D interactions between genes and gene products. Molecular
A. Edwards, Ph D techniques have increased our ability to diagnose and
A. Emili, Ph D understand viral and bacterial disease, and the complex
L. D. Frappier, Ph D microbe/host interactions that are involved. The impact of
B. E. Funnell, Ph D these and other technological advances extend to such
S. D. Gray-Owen, Ph D diverse fields as plant and animal developmental biology,
J.F. Greenblatt, Ph D virology, immunology, cancer biology, and biotechnology.
C.C. Hui, Ph D Studies at a molecular level are essential to understanding
T. Hughes, Ph D the consequences to life when fundamental processes are
C.J. Ingles, Ph D altered by mutation, by infection, or by the environment.
H. M. Krause, Ph D
J. Liu, Ph D The Molecular Genetics and Microbiology Specialist
A. Nagy, Ph D program is a research-intensive program and is
P.N. Ray, Ph D designed to provide strong in-depth training in science,
J. M. Rommens, Ph D including critical analyses of scientific concepts and
J.M. Segall, Ph D literature, advanced laboratory experience, and detailed
F. Sicheri, Ph D understanding and application of molecular biology.
A. M. Spence, Ph D Specialists enter the program in 2nd year and then choose
J. Wrana, Ph D one of two Streams, called Genetics and Microbiology, by
the start of the third year. Each Stream provides focused
Associate Professors training, but there is considerable overlap between
A.L. Bognar, Ph D the streams, reflective of both the cross-disciplinary
J. Brill, Ph D requirements of these two rapidly evolving disciplines and
M. Brown, M Sc, Ph D the impact of each on areas spanning modern biomedical
J. Brumell, Ph D science.
S. P. Cordes, Ph D
D. Durocher, Ph D The Molecular Genetics and Microbiology Major program
S. Egan, Ph D offers students fundamental training in molecular genetics
J. Ellis, Ph D and microbiology. Students tailor their own program and
B. D. Lavoie, Ph D may focus on a microbiology major, a genetic major, or
C.E. Pearson, Ph D a combination; they choose a path to suit their specific
P. J. Roy, Ph D interests. Students take several advanced courses in
S. Joshi-Sukhwal, D Sc, Ph D these disciplines, but the Major allows them to choose the
A. Wilde, Ph D breadth of their training by combining the MGY Major with
another Major of interest.
Assistant Professors
L. Cowen, Ph D Career opportunities for graduates include employment
M. Meneghini, Ph D in research institutes, universities and other educational
W. W. Navarre, Ph D institutions, and industry. The programs provide excellent
I. Scott, Ph D preparation for post-graduate research and professional
C.S. Tailor, Ph D programs.
Molecular biology has revolutionized the fields of Undergraduate Coordinator: Dr. B. Funnell, Medical
genetics and microbiology. The Department of Molecular Sciences Building (416-978-1665; email: mgy.info@
Genetics offers Specialist and Major programs in utoronto.ca)
Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, which emphasize
the molecular aspects of both disciplines. Genetics, Undergraduate Office/General Inquiries: Medical Sciences
the science of heredity, and microbiology, the study Building Rm 4396 (416-978-8359; email: undergrad.
[email protected])

Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
More information is available on our website: http://www. BIO120H1, BIO130H1; (CHM138H1, CHM139H1)/
moleculargenetics.utoronto.ca/ CHM151Y1; MAT135Y1/ MAT137Y1
Second Year:
Molecular Genetics and BCH210H1; (BIO240H1, BIO241H1)/BIO255Y1,
Microbiology Programs Third Year:
BCH311H1/CSB349H1; MGY312H1/MGY376H1 plus 1.0
Molecular Genetics and Microbiology (Science full-course equivalent from MGY350H1; MGY377H1;
program) MGY378H1
MGY Programs are Type 3 programs. Enrolment is limited Fourth Year:
and selection is based on performance in First year 1.0 full-course equivalent from the following list:
required courses. Apply at the end of the First year via the MGY425H1, MGY428H1, MGY434H1, MGY440H1,
Faculty’s Subject POSt web site. At later times, contact the MGY445H1, MGY451H1, MGY452H1, MGY470H1,
Undergraduate Coordinator. MIJ485H1

Specialist program: Molecular Genetics and

(14 full courses or their equivalent) Microbiology Courses
First Year: See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
BIO120H1, BIO130H1; (CHM138H1, CHM139H1)/
CHM151Y1; MAT135Y1/ MAT137Y1; (PHY131H, First Year Seminars
PHY132H)/(PHY151H, PHY152H) The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
Second Year: the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
BCH242Y1; (BIO240H1, BIO241H1)/ BIO255Y1, of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
BIO260H1; CHM220H1, CHM247H1 seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
Third Year: and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
Genetics Stream: professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
1. BCH340H1, BCH371H1; MGY311Y1, MGY312H1 year of study. For details, see page 48.
2. One (0.5 full-course equivalent) from BCH335H1,
MGY299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
CHM347H1, MGY350H1, MGY377H1, MGY378H1
Credit course for supervised participation in faculty
Microbiology Stream
research project. See page 48 for details.
1. IMM335Y1; MGY311Y1, MGY376H1, MGY377H1,
Fourth Year: MGY311Y1 Molecular Biology [72L]
Genetics Stream: DNA replication, DNA repair and mutation, recombination,
1. MGY420H1, MGY432H1 transcription, RNA modification and processing, the
plus 2.5 credits from Genetics Lists 1 and 2, distributed as genetic code and tRNA, translation, regulation of gene
follows: expression, development and differentiation, molecular
2. At least 1.5 full-course equivalents must be taken from evolution.
list 1: Exclusion: BCH311H1, CSB349H1, JBC372H5(UTM),
CSB460H1, MGY425H1, MGY428H1, MGY451H1, PSL350H1
MGY452H1, MGY470H1 Prerequisite: (BIO240H1, BIO241H1)/BIO255Y1,
3. Up to 1.0 full-course equivalent may be taken from list BCH242Y1
BCH422H1, BCH440H1, BCH441H1; CSB472H1; MGY312H1 Principles of Genetic Analysis [72P]
MGY434H1, MGY440H1, MGY445H1, MGY480Y1 Laboratory experiments in genetics of model organisms.
Microbiology Stream: Topics studied include Mendelian genetics, linkage and
1. MGY432H1 plus 2.5 credits from Microbiology Lists 1 recombination, complementation, analysis of chromosome
and 2, distributed as follows: rearrangements, mutant selection and analysis, and
2. At least 1.5 full-course equivalents must be taken from genetic crosses in bacteria, yeast, and fruit flies.
list 1: Prerequisite: (BIO240H1, BIO241H1)/BIO255Y1,
LMP436H1; MGY420H1, MGY428H1, MGY434H1, BIO260H1/HMB265H1
MGY440H1, MGY445H1; MIJ485H1 Co-requisite: MGY311Y1/BCH311H1/CSB349H1
3. Up to 1.0 full-course equivalent may be taken from list DR=SCI; BR=TBA
BCH335H1, BCH340H1, BCH422H1, BCH426H1, MGY350H1 Model Organisms to Disease [36L]
BCH441H1, BCH445H1; BCH446H1; CSB452H1, The course examines concepts of genetics in the context
CSB460H1; IMM430H1; JBI428H1; LMP403H1; of human development, disease and evolution. Topics
MGY350H1, MGY425H1, MGY451H1, MGY452H1, include genetic interactions and complex traits, variation
MGY470H1, MGY480Y1 in disease phenotype, signalling and development, stem
cells and epigenetic regulation.
Major program: Prerequisite: (BIO240H1, BIO241H1)/BIO255Y1,
(8 full courses or their equivalent) BIO260H1/HMB265H1
First Year: Co-requisite: BCH311H1/CSB349H1/MGY311Y1

Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
DR=SCI; BR=TBA MGY428H1 Functional Genomics [24L]
A broad ranging course that covers many aspects of
MGY376H1 Microbiology Laboratory [72P]
genomics, which is the discipline of defining and attributing
Fundamental laboratory techniques in bacteriology,
function to all of the heritable material of an organism on a
bacterial genetics and virology, including immunologically-
genome-wide scale, as applied to microbes, invertebrates
based assays. Topics may include biofilms, molecular-
and vertebrates. The primary and review literature will be
based identification of bacteria and expression of reporter
the basis of all lectures.
genes from viral vectors. Valuable not only for students in
Prerequisites: BCH210H1/BCH242Y1; BIO260H1/
Microbiology but also for those in related disciplines which
HMB265H1; MGY311Y1/CSB349H1/BCH311H1
make use of bacteria and viruses as research tools. Open
to students in related programs.
Prerequisite: (BIO240H1, BIO241H1)/BIO255Y1, BIO MGY432H1 Laboratory in Molecular Genetics and
260H1/HMB 265H1 Microbiology [72P]
Co-requisite: MGY377H1, MGY378H1 Laboratory experiments demonstrating basic and
DR=SCI; BR=TBA advanced molecular biological methods applied to
molecular genetics and microbiology.
MGY377H1 Microbiology I: Bacteria [36L]
Exclusion: CSB330H1
Detailed study of bacteria in terms of structure,
Prerequisite: MGY312H1/MGY376H1, MGY311Y1
classification and replication. Basis for advanced study
in various aspects of bacteriology including bacterial
physiology, bacterial genetics, molecular pathogenesis of MGY434H1 Bacterial Signalling and Physiological
disease and environmental studies. Regulation [36L]
Exclusion: BIO370Y5 (UTM) How bacteria sense their environment and signal to
Prerequisite: BCH210H1/BCH242Y1; (BIO240H1, regulatory systems when to adapt to environmental
BIO241H1)/BIO255Y1 stimuli. Topics discussed include the bacterial cell cycle,
DR=SCI; BR=TBA carbon/energy metabolism, catabolite repression, bacterial
development, sporulation, stress responses, regulatory
MGY378H1 Microbiology II: Viruses [36L]
two-component systems and quorum sensing.
Detailed study of viruses in terms of structure,
Prerequisite: BCH210H1/BCH242Y1, BCH311H1/
classification, replication and interaction with the host.
CSB349H1/ MGY311Y1, MGY377H1
Basis for advanced study in virology. Requires some
familiarity with immunology. A concurrent course in
immunology (IMM 334Y1/335Y1) is recommended. MGY440H1 Virus-Cell Interactions [36L]
Exclusion: BIO351Y1, CSB351Y1 Analysis of virus/host interactions at the molecular level
Prerequisite: BCH210H1/BCH242Y1; (BIO240H1, with a view to understanding how viruses cause disease.
BIO241H1)/BIO255Y1; BIO 260H1/HMB 265H1 Course material is based on recent research publications.
Co-requisite: BCH311H1/CSB349H1/MGY311Y1 Topics may include: virus entry and intracellular trafficking,
Recommended preparation: MGY377H1 activation of host cell signalling pathways, viral and
DR=SCI; BR=TBA host determinants of tissue tropism within the host and
transmission between hosts.
MGY420H1 Regulation of Gene Expression [24L]
Prerequisite: BCH311H1/CSB349H1/ MGY311Y1;
This course describes regulatory mechanisms controlling
gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The
Recommended preparation: IMM334Y1/IMM335Y1
lectures are designed to promote discussion of various
experimental approaches. Topics include: assembly of
a transcription complex; initiation of transcription; role of MGY445H1 Genetic Engineering for Prevention and
sigma factors and transcription factors; role of regulators Treatment of Disease [36L]
of transcription; regulation of SV40 transcription; lambda Current approaches to gene therapy including design of
antitermination; antitermination in HIV-1. virus-based vectors for delivery and expression of effector
Exclusion: BIO477H5 (UTM) genes. Emphasis on the use of retrovirus-based strategies
Prerequisite: BCH340H1, MGY311Y1 for prevention and treatment of HIV infection.
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: MGY378H1/ MGY311Y1
MGY425H1 Signal Transduction and Cell Cycle
Regulation [24L] MGY451H1 Genetic Analysis of Development I [24L]
This course presents and integrates molecular aspects Basic and advanced principles of genetic analysis applied
of signal transduction and cell cycle regulation in to the study of two of the best-understood eukaryotic
eukaryotic cells from yeast to humans. Emphasis is on model organisms: the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
recent advances in growth factor receptor signalling, and the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans. We
modular protein domains, and the recurrent role of protein emphasize the use of genetic approaches to address
phosphorylation and protein-protein interactions in cell problems in cell biology and development, such as the
regulation. regulation of cell fate. Much of the knowledge gained from
Prerequisite: BCH311H1/MGY311Y1 these simple organisms has proven broadly applicable,
DR=SCI; BR=TBA and the same principles of developmental genetic analysis
underlie efforts to understand the development of more
complex organisms.

Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
Prerequisite: BIO260H1/HMB265H1, MGY311Y1/CSB349H1/
MGY452H1 Genetic Analysis of Development II [24L]
This companion course to MGY451H1 moves on to cover the
more complex animal models of development and disease
- the fruit fly, zebrafish and mouse. Advanced genetic
principles and approaches used in the study of these animals
are introduced, and applied to highly conserved genetic and
molecular processes that give rise to common structures
such as the limbs, nervous system and eyes. Students
completing this course should be able to understand and
evaluate any study that makes use of these three major
model systems.
Prerequisite: BIO260H1/HMB265H1, MGY311Y1/CSB349H1/
MGY470H1 Human and Molecular Genetics [24L]
Current aspects of human and molecular genetics including:
chromosome structure and function, inheritance of mutations
and disease, the human genome and disease gene mapping,
cancer genetics, mouse disease models and gene based
diagnostics and therapies.
Prerequisite: BCH311H1/MGY311Y1 (Note: CSB349H1 is
acceptable only by permission of the instructor)
MGY480Y1 Special Research Project [TBA]
An opportunity for specialized individual research in
molecular genetics and microbiology by arrangement with the
course coordinator.
Prerequisite : BCH371H1/MGY312H1/MGY376H1,
MIJ485H1 Vaccines and Immunity (formerly
MGY485H1) [36L]
Analysis of infectious disease vaccines, and pathogens’
strategies to evade specific immune response, with an
emphasis on molecular and immunological aspects. Special
topics include: molecular basis of pathogenicity and immune-
evasion strategies; vaccination strategies; adverse effects
of vaccines (given jointly by the Departments of Molecular
Genetics and Immunology).
Exclusion: MGY485H1
Prerequisite: IMM334Y1/IMM335Y1, MGY377H1,

Note: MGY460H1 (Plant Molecular Genetics) is now given

as CSB460H1. Consult the Department of Cell and Systems
Biology .


Given by Members of the Faculty of strong training in both ethnomusicology and music theory,
with the option of increasing their exposure to the latter
Music two disciplines via their upper-year option courses.
The courses with the prefix MUS are open to any student
Faculty of the University. Even students with a strong music
Professors background should find them stimulating explorations of
the world of music.
R. Elliott, MA, Ph D
J. Kippen, Ph D (T) Students wishing to enter the Specialist or Major Program
Associate Professors should examine the courses listed under HMU History of
Music and TMU Theory of Music in the Faculty of Music
W. Bowen, MA, Ph D (S)
Calendar. First-year specialist/major courses are available
C.Clark, MA, Ph D (T)
to a small number of students, who are admitted to them
J. Haines, MA, Ph D (T)
by audition and interview during Registration week. Those
G.S. Johnston, MA, Ph D
interested in ethnomusicology and the study of world
M.A. Parker, MM, Ph D (M)
music may audition on the basis of their comparable
Assistant Professors accomplishments in a non-Western instrumental or vocal
C. Cain, AM, Ph D performing tradition. All students are required to have
J. Pilzer, Ph D completed Grade 2 Rudiments and Grade 3 Harmony
from the Royal Conservatory of Music or acceptable
Faculty: Musical Theory and equivalents as prerequisites, prior to the audition-interview.
Composition Knowledge of Western music history and theory ensures
that students are not disadvantaged when facing the
Professors curricular requirements of the program. In this program
K.N. Chan, Mus M, D Mus the humanistic and historical approach is supported
C. Hatzis, M Mus, Ph D by courses in music theory which provide craft and
analytical tools. The Specialist Program provides excellent
Associate Professor preparation for a variety of professional activities including
R. McClelland, Ph D music criticism, library science, positions in the publishing,
broadcasting, and recording industries, as well as for
Assistant Professors
graduate studies in musicology and ethnomusicology
N. Palej, DMA
leading to careers in university teaching. The program
Senior Lecturers leads to the degree of Bachelor of Arts (honours). For
J. Kruspe, Mus Bac programs leading to the degree of Bachelor of Music,
G. Kulesha the student should consult the Calendar of the Faculty of
D. Patrick, Mus M Music.
A. Rapoport, MA, Ph D
Students are encouraged to attend events sponsored
M. Sallmen, MA, Ph D
by the Faculty of Music such as the Thursday Noon and
Lecturers Faculty Artists’ Series, opera productions and numerous
L. Kuzmenko, Mus Bac concerts. For information refer to www.music.utoronto.ca
or telephone 416-978-3744.
Faculty: Peformance
Faculty of Music Representative: Professor R. Elliott,
Associate Professors Co-ordinator (416-978-3750)
G. MacKay, M.Mus,D.M. Enquiries: Admissions Officer, Edward Johnson Building,
T. Promane, Hons Dip Mus Room 145 (416-978-3741); e-mail: undergrad.music@
Assistant Professor utoronto.ca
D. Briskin, MA
Senior Lecturer Music Programs
J. Reynolds, M Mus, Ph D Enrolment in HMU and TMU courses, and, therefore, in
the Specialist and Major programs, is limited to students
who pass the audition-interview, held early in September
In the Faculty of Arts and Science, Music is approached
2010. Students are required to complete and submit the
as one of the liberal arts and taught as cultural history.
Student Profile available on-line at www.music.utoronto.
This humanistic emphasis aims at a high degree of
ca prior to August 20, 2009. Hardcopies are available
correlation with other disciplines such as Fine Art, Cultural
from the Faculty of Music Registrar’s Office. You will then
Anthropology, Languages and Literatures, History, and
be assigned an audition time. Prospective candidates
Philosophy. Note that unlike students in the Mus.Bac.
must perform at the Royal Conservatory of Music Grade
program at the Faculty of Music, students in the Specialist
Eight level, and demonstrate that they have Grade Two
and Major programs are not given individual applied
Rudiments and Grade Three Harmony or equivalents.
music instruction (e.g. piano or voice lessons). They are,
Students interested in pursuing the Major or Specialist with
however, offered a thorough grounding in musicology, and
the Ensemble option are required to pass an additional

audition-interview for ensemble placement. Please refer 4. MUS 220Y1
to MUS 120Y. An information sheet is available at the
Faculty of Music. (This is not required for the Music Minor
Music History and Culture (Arts program)
program, see below.)
Minor program:
(4 full courses or equivalent)
Music (Arts program)
1. MUS 110H1, 111H1
Specialist program: 2. MUS 200H1 or an alternative 200-level course in
(10 full courses or equivalent, including three 300+ level world music (MUS 209H1 or MUS 211H1)
courses and one 400+ level course) 3. 2.5 MUS courses from the list below, including one full
course at the 300+ level. Either MUS 120Y1 or MUS
First Year:
220Y1 can be counted towards the 2.5 MUS courses
HMU 111H1, TMU 140Y1, one FCE at the 100- level in a
language other than English
Higher Years:
Music Courses
1. HMU 225H1, 226H1 See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
2. HMU 330H1, 331H1, 333H1, 430H1, 431H1, 432H1,
433H1 First Year Seminars
3. TMU 240Y1 and a half-course in advanced theory The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
(TMU) the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
4. Three half-courses in history options (HMU) of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
NOTE: Part-time students will satisfy co-requisites by seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
taking courses in the following order: TMU 140Y1, and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
HMU 111H1, TMU 240Y1, HMU 225H1, 226H1 professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
year of study. For details, see page 48.
Specialist with Ensemble Option program:
(10.5 full courses or equivalent, including three 300+ level MUS110H1 Introduction to Music History and Culture
courses and one 400+ level course) [24L]
IIntroduction to form, style and the interrelationship of
First Year: music and culture. A basic ability to read music is required.
HMU 111H1, MUS 120Y1, TMU 140Y1, one FCE at the Exclusion: HMU111H1, VPMA80H3
100-level in a language other than English DR=HUM; BR=1
Higher Years:
1. HMU 225H1, 226H1 MUS120Y1 Vocal and Instrumental Ensembles I
2. Three-and-a-half full courses in history options (HMU), [144P]
including 433H1 and 1.5 FCE of topic courses from Students rehearse and perform in concerts and reading
the list HMU 330H1, 331H1, 333H1, 430H1, 431H1, sessions as assigned by the Faculty of Music. Provides
432H1 experience in choral groups, orchestra, or in concert
3. TMU 240Y1 and a half-course in 300+ level theory band and large wind groups of diverse instrumentation.
(TMU) Development of musicianship skills through performance
4. MUS 220Y1 of large ensemble works; emphasis on sight-reading, ear-
NOTE: Part-time students will satisfy co-requisites by training, and musical knowledge.
taking courses in the following order: TMU 140Y1, Attendance at all sessions is required. Placement audition
HMU 111H1, TMU 240Y1, HMU 225H1, 226H1 and permission of the Department required.
Download the excerpt that is relevant to the instrument
Major program: you would like to audition on; excerpts will be available
(7 full courses or equivalent, including at least 1.5 FCE at at www.music.utoronto.ca beginning early July.
the 300-level and .5 FCE at the 400-level) Complete and return the MUS120Y1 & MUS220Y1
First Year: Audition Request Form before August 21. Once your
HMU 111H1, TMU 140Y1 request form is received, you will be notified of your
Higher Years: audition time. Placement audition will be held on
1. HMU 225H1, 226H1 and three further half-courses in Wednesday, September 2, 2009 from 4-10 p.m. in
history options (HMU) the Edward Johnson Building. The audition will be 10
2. TMU 240Y1 and a half-course in advanced theory minutes in length.
(TMU) Exclusion: MUS291Y1
3. 1.5 additional HMU/TMU courses DR=HUM; BR=1
MUS211H1 The World of Popular Music [24L]
Major with Ensemble Option program:
A survey of popular music traditions from various regions
(7.5 full courses or equivalent, including at least 1.5 FCE
of the world with particular emphasis on the sociocultural
at the 300-level and .5 FCE at the 400-level)
contexts in which those musics are created and
First Year:
appreciated. Explores the role of the recording industry,
HMU 111H1, MUS 120Y1, TMU 140Y1
media, festivals, and local institutions in shaping these
Higher Years:
music cultures both at home and in the international
1. HMU 225H1, 226H1
arena. No prior background in music or ability to read
2. TMU 240Y1
music is required.
3. 2.0 additional HMU/TMU options

Exclusion: HMU111H1 Future Offerings:
MUS111H1 Historical Survey of Western Music
MUS220Y1 Vocal and Instrumental Ensembles II
MUS200H1 Music of the World’s Peoples
Students rehearse and perform in concerts and reading MUS202H1 Beethoven
sessions as assigned by the Faculty of Music. Provides MUS204H1 Age of Bach & Handel
experience in choral groups, orchestra, or in concert
band and large wind groups of diverse instrumentation. MUS205H1 Mozart
Development of musicianship skills through performance MUS206H1 The World of Opera
of large ensemble works; emphasis on sight-reading, ear-
MUS207H1 Music for Orchestra
training, and musical knowledge.
Attendance at all sessions is required. Placement audition MUS208H1 Medieval and Renaissance Masterpieces
and permission of the Department required. MUS209H1 Performing Arts of South Asia
Download the excerpt that is relevant to the instrument
you would like to audition on; excerpts will be available MUS225H1 Music: Islamic World
at www.music.utoronto.ca beginning early July. Complete MUS300H1 Music, Media & Technology
and return the MUS120Y1 & MUS220Y1 Audition
Request Form before August 21. Once your request form MUS302H1 Symphony
is received, you will be notified of your audition time. MUS303H1 Music in the Contemporary World
Placement audition will be held on Wednesday, September
MUS306H1 Popular Music in North Americ
2, 2009 from 4-10 p.m. in the Edward Johnson Building.
The audition will be 10 minutes in length. MUS308H1 Handel
Prerequisite: MUS 120Y1. Placement audition and MUS321H1 The Beatles
permission of the Department required.
DR=HUM; BR=1 MUS325H1 The Age of Haydn & Mozart

MUS230H1 Music of the 1960s [24L]

Examination of musical and cultural aspects of the
decade, with emphasis on North America. No prior HMU, TMU Faculty of Music
background in music or ability to read music is required. Courses
Exclusion: HMU111H1
DR=HUM; BR=1 HMU111H1 Introduction to Music and Society [24L,
MUS315H1 North American Vernacular Music [24L] 12T]
Explores vernacular music in North America, considering An examination of musical thought and practice in
how musical performances and festivals of vernacular Western and non-Western traditions.
music map local, regional, and ethnic identities in North Prerequisite: Permission of Department
America. Specific case studies will include Scottish Co-requisite: TMU140Y1
Highland, Tejano Conjunto, Metis Fiddling, Powwow, and DR=HUM; BR=1
Zydeco. No prior background in music or ability to read TMU140Y1 Materials of Music I [48L, 72P]
music is required. Harmony: triads, non-harmonic materials, dominant
Exclusion: HMU111H1 seventh and derivatives, secondary dominants, simple
DR=HUM; BR=TBA modulation. Elementary forms and analysis of eighteenth-
MUS330H1 Music, Violence, and War [24L] and nineteenth-century literature. Sight singing:
An inquiry into the social life of music in situations melodic, rhythmic and harmonic dictation. Keyboard
of violence, war, social domination, and traumatic harmony: chords and scales in all major and minor
experience. Case studies include music and African- keys; playing of cadence types, modulation to closely
American slavery, the First World War, Nazi Germany related keys, realization of elementary figured bass, two-
and the Holocaust, the Asia-Pacific War, Khmer Rouge part transposition, score reading in five clefs, and sight
Cambodia, the Iraq Wars and others. harmonization of simple melodies.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: Grade 2 Rudiments, Grade 3 Harmony
(RCMT), Grade 8 level performing audition, permission
MUS335H1 A Social History of the Piano of Department
A survey of the changing roles and gendered associations Co-requisite: HMU111H1
of the piano c.1700 to the present day. Examples DR=HUM; BR=1
from the western art music tradition are compared to
the acculturating force of the piano in other cultures,
representations in the visual arts and film, and
contemporary contexts of piano performance.
HMU 111H1 and TMU 140Y1 are prerequisites for all other
Exclusion: VPMB76
HMU/TMU courses which are offered annually. Full details
on these and other courses may be found in the Calendar
of the Faculty of Music.

National University of Singapore
Programs offered in conjunction with the National University
of Singapore are part of official student exchange programs
administered by the University of Toronto International
Student Exchange Office (ISXO).

National University of Singapore

Asian Geographies - see Geography

Asian Literatures & Cultures Minor - see English

Environmental Biology Minor - see Ecology &

Evolutionary Biology

Nanoscience Minor - see Chemistry

For information and advising on the academic content
of these programs, check for contact information in the
sponsoring department's entry in this Calendar.
For information and advising on international exchange
programs, contact:
International Student Exchange Office
Koffler Student Services Centre
214 College Street, Room 202
[email protected]
Telephone: 416-946-3138

Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations

Faculty The Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations

is concerned with the interdisciplinary study of the
Professors Emeriti civilizations and cultures of the Near and Middle East
E. Birnbaum, BA, Dipl OAS from neolithic times until the present, including their
P.E. Dion, L Th, L SS, Ph D languages and literatures (Akkadian [Assyro-Babylonian],
L.V. Golombek, MA, Ph D, FRSC Arabic, Aramaic and its closely related dialect Syriac,
A.K. Grayson, MA, Ph D, FRSC ancient Egyptian, [biblical, rabbinic, mediaeval and
J.S. Holladay, BS, BD, Th D modern] Hebrew, Persian and Turkish), archaeology,
A. Jwaideh, MA, B Litt, D Phil history, art and architecture. Near East is generally
A. Pietersma, BA, BD, Ph D understood to refer to the region at the eastern end of
D.B. Redford, MA, Ph D, FRSC the Mediterranean and beyond, from ancient times up to
E.J. Revell, MA, Ph D, FRSC (V) the advent of Islam in the seventh century C.E. Middle
R.M. Savory, MA, Ph D, FRSC (T) East refers to a much broader geographical area whose
R.F.G. Sweet, MA, Ph D predominant Islamic culture in mediaeval and modern
J.W. Wevers, BA, Th D, DD, DHC, FRSC times has stretched to North Africa and Spain in the west
and to Central Asia, India and South Asia in the east.
Associate Professors Emeriti The Department’s programs are conceived in the broad
J.R. Blackburn, MA, Ph D tradition of the humanities and provide an opportunity to
H. Dajani-Shakeel, MA, Ph D study non-western complex societies and civilizations, an
L. Garshowitz, MA, Ph D understanding of which will reveal the ultimate roots, and
E.J. Keall, BA, Ph D help to appreciate the historical development, of western
R. Sandler, MA, Ph D civilization.
Senior Lecturers Emeriti As it happens, three world religions originated in this
R.T. Lutz, MA geographical region. The Department offers courses
Associate Professor and Chair on the origins and earliest phases of Judaism and on
L.S. Northrup, MA, Ph D mediaeval and modern Jewish history, culture and thought.
Although the Department deals with eastern (Syriac)
Professors Christianity, the study of Christianity as a religion falls
A. Harrak, MA, Ph D within the purview of the Centre for the Study of Religion.
T.P. Harrison, MA, Ph D The study of Islam as a religion and the development of
R.J. Leprohon, MA, Ph D Islamic thought, and their role in the creation of Islamic
J.A. Reilly, MA, Ph D (U) civilization, are major concerns of the Department.
M.E. Subtelny, BA, Ph D
M. Tavakoli-Targhi, MA, Ph D NMC 101Y1 introduces students to the ancient Near East.
Students particularly interested in the world and/or religion
Associate Professors of Islam should start with NMC184H1 and NMC 185H1. An
P-A. Beaulieu, MA, Ph D introduction to modern Middle Eastern history is taught in
H. Fox, MS, Ph D NMC278H1.
K. Goebs, MA, Ph D
K.A. Grzymski, MA, Ph D Students wishing to follow a Specialist program should
B.T. Lawson, MA, Ph D choose their courses with the advice of the Undergraduate
R. Mason, MA, Ph D Coordinator and/or the Undergraduate Administrator.
T. Meacham, MA, Ph D Those intending to proceed to a graduate degree in a
S. Metso, MA, Ph D particular area will obviously want to concentrate their
V. Ostapchuk, BA, Ph D course choices in that area and would do well to acquire
K. Ruehrdanz, Ph D a reading knowledge of German and French as early as
W. Saleh, MA, Ph D (U) possible. Some knowledge of anthropology and a course
M-A. Wegner, BA, Ph D or two in linguistics would be useful. The Department,
however, welcomes students of all academic backgrounds
Assistant Professors who wish to learn about the Middle East, including those
J.P. Hanssen, BA, D. Phil who do not intend to specialize or major. Many courses
R.D. Holmstedt, MA, Ph D offered in the Department do not require any knowledge
A. Mittermaier, MA, Ph D of the languages of the region. Students should consult
E. Raffaelli, MA, Ph D the Department’s web site www.utoronto.ca/nmc for more
C. Reichel, MA, Ph D detailed information about courses and programs.
Lecturers Undergraduate Enquiries: 4 Bancroft Avenue, Room 200,
A.K. Ali, MA, Ph D (416-978-3306)
A. Taleghani, MA, Ph D

Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations

Near and Middle Eastern Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations

Civilizations Programs
Enrolment in NMC programs is open to anyone who Arabic Studies
has completed four courses; no minimum GPA required. NML110Y, NML211Y,, NML310Y, NML410Y, NML411H,
Specialized streams of study within the general NML412Y, NML413H, NML414H, NML415H, NML416Y,
programs can be recommended in consultation with NMC255H, NMC273Y, NMC473Y.
the Undergraduate Coordinator and/or Undergraduate
Administrator. All course prerequisites will be enforced Aramaic/Syriac Studies
through automated prerequisite checks before and during NML220Y, NML320H, NML356Y, NML420Y, NML421Y,
the enrollment period. NMC250H, NMC270H, NMC350H, NMC370H.

Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations (Arts Archaeology

program) NMC101Y, NMC260Y, NMC261Y, NMC360H, NMC361H,
NMC362Y, NMC363H, NMC364H, NMC365Y, NMC366Y,
Specialist Program: NMC367H, NMC368H, NMC369Y, NMC461Y, NMC462Y,
11 FCEs, including at least four 300+ FCEs, one FCE of NMC463Y, NMC465H, NMC466H, NMC467H, NMC468H,
which must be at the 400-level. NMC469Y.
At least 9 FCEs must be NMC and/or NML courses. Egyptology
Others may be taken only from a list of pre-approved NML230H, NML231H, NML240Y, NML340Y, NML440Y,
courses offered by other departments. NML441Y, NMC101Y, NMC202H, NMC251H, NMC253H,
NMC260Y, NMC343H, NMC344H, NMC362Y, NMC367H,
First Year: NMC 101Y/184H1, 185H1. It is recommended
NMC368H, NMC382Y, NMC467H, NMC468H.
that language instruction begin in first year if possible.
1. Four FCEs in one or two primary source languages
Hebrew & Judaic Studies
(Akkadian, Ancient Egyptian, Biblical or Modern
NML155H1, NMC156H1, NML250Y1, NML255Y1,
Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac, Arabic, Persian, Turkish),
NML350H1, NML351H1, NML352H1, NML353H1,
with NML designator (i.e., not literature in translation).
NML354H1, NML355Y1, NML356Y1, NML357H1,
2. Three FCEs in History and/or Religion and Philosophy.
NML358H1, NML420Y, NML450H1, NML451H1,
3. Two FCEs in Archaeology and/or Art and Material
NML452H1, NML455H1, NML456H1, NML457H1,
NML458H1, NML459H1, NMC150H1, NMC250H1,
4. One additional FCE.
NMC254H1, NMC256Y1, NMC275H1, NMC284H1,
Major program: NMC352H1, NMC370Y1, NMC384H1, NMC484H1
6 full FCEs or their equivalent, including at least two 300+
series FCEs, one FCE of which must be at the 400-level. History of the Islamic World and the Modern
At least five FCEs must be NMC and/or NML courses. Middle East
One FCE may be taken from a list of pre-approved NMC184H1, NMC185H1, NMC241H1, NMC273Y1,
courses offered by other departments. NMC274Y1, NMC275H1, NMC278H1, NMC348Y1,
Students should choose between a Major with or without NMC355H1, NMC373H1, NMC374H1, NMC376H1,
language(s). NML courses are language courses. NMC377Y1, NMC378H1, NMC451H1, NMC471H1,
NMC courses are courses in culture and civilization. NMC472H1, NMC473H1, NMC475H1, NMC478H1,
Major with language component: NMC479H1
First Year: NMC 101Y/184H1, 185H1.
Higher Years: Two to four full courses in one or two
Islamic Studies
NMC184H1, NMC185H1, NMC255H1, NMC273Y1,
languages. At least two full courses must be NMC
NMC274Y1, NMC275H1, MC278H1, NMC285H1,
NMC286H1, NMC355H1, NMC365Y1, NMC366Y1,
Major without language component:
NMC374H1, NMC376H1, NMC377Y1, NMC381H1,
First Year: NMC 101Y/184H1, 185H1.
NMC387H1, NMC388H1, NMC389H1, NMC392H1,
Higher Years: at least three full courses from one
NMC393H1, NMC394H1, NMC396Y1, NMC473H1,
of the NMC subject groupings below, one of which NMC481H1
must be at the 400-level. Two full courses may be
taken from the other groupings. Mesopotamian Studies & Assyriology
NML305Y1, NML405Y1, NMC101Y1, NMC260Y1,
N.B. Admission to a Graduate Program in NMC requires NMC346H1, NMC347H1, NMC360H1, NMC361H1,
the applicant to have acquired a background in languages. NMC363H1, NMC364H1, NMC380Y1, NMC463Y1,
NMC465H1, NMC466H1, NMC469Y1
Minor program:
4 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one Persian Studies
300+ series course. All 4 must be NMC and/or NML NML260Y1, NML360Y1, NML460Y1, NML461H1,
courses. NML462H1, NML463H1, NMC184H1, NMC185H1,
NMC258H1, NMC278H1, NMC348Y1, NMC373H1,

Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
NMC388H1, NMC389H1, NMC394H1, NMC451H1, Near and Middle Eastern
NMC472H1, NMC475H1
Civilizations Courses
Turkish Studies See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
NML270Y1, NML370Y1, NML470Y1, NMC273Y1,
NMC274Y1, NMC278H1, NMC355H1, NMC377Y1, First Year Seminars
NMC378H1, NMC472H1, NMC475H1, NMC478H1, The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
NMC479H1 the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
Faculty of Arts & Science Language Citation seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
The Department of Near & Middle Eastern Civilizations and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
participates in the Faculty of Arts and Science’s Language professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
Citation initiative for Arabic, Persian, Ancient Egyptian, year of study. For details, see page 48.
Ancient/Biblical Hebrew, and Modern Hebrew. The study
of Ancient languages is a demanding and intellectually
rewarding educational experience that makes available to Introductory Courses
the modern student the rich resources of classical texts NMC101Y1 The Ancient Near East [48L]
in the original languages. The “living” languages offered Introduction to the archaeology, history and literature of
by NMC provide invaluable insights into the varieties of the ancient Near East. The contributions made by the
human culture and expression and offer myriad directions Egyptians, Babylonians and Assyrians to the development
in which to take the study of a foreign language. of civilization.
Successful study of these languages demonstrates Exclusion: NMC370Y1/343H1/344H1/346H1/347H1 may
intelligence, discipline, analytical sophistication, and not be taken in the same year,
an excellent memory. In each language the Language DR=HUM; BR=1+3
Citation recognizes a significant level of achievement in NMC184H1 The Islamic World [24L]
language study with a high level of academic success. An introduction to the history, lands, peoples, religions,
The Citation in Ancient/Biblical Hebrew is available to and cultures that came under the influence of Islam
students who complete NML250Y1 (or the equivalent and that, in turn, contributed to the formation of Islamic
prerequisite training) and earn a grade of at least civilization. Topics to be covered include an overview of
B- in any 3 FCEs of the following additional Biblical the geographical and ethno-linguistic scope of the Islamic
Hebrew courses: NML350H1, NML351H1, NML352H1, world, the role of the Qur’an and Arabic language, the
NML353H1, NML354H1, NML450H1, NML458H1, or major Islamic polities, the production and transmission
NML459H1. of knowledge, law and society, and literary and artistic
The Citation in Ancient Egyptian is available to students DR=HUM; BR=3
who complete NML240Y1 (or the equivalent prerequisite
training) and earn a grade of at least B- in NML340Y1 NMC185H1 Introduction to the Religion of Islam
NML440Y1, and NML441Y1. (formerly NMC185Y1) [24L]
The place of Islam in world history, its central beliefs and
The Citation in Arabic is available to students who practices. The Islamic contribution to world civilization;
complete NML110Y1 (or the equivalent prerequisite the pluralistic community, learning and the arts. Islam and
training) and earn a grade of at least B- in NML210Y1, modernity. (Offered in alternate years.)
NML310Y1 and any 2 FCEs of the following additional Exclusion: RLG204H1/204Y1, NMC185Y1
Arabic courses: NML410Y1, NML411H1, NML412Y1, DR=HUM; BR=1
NML413H1, NML414H1, NML415H1, or NML416Y1.
The Citation in Persian is available to students who
complete NML260Y1 (or the equivalent prerequisite Language Courses Note
training) and earn a grade of at least B- in NML360Y1 and The Department reserves the right to place students in the
any 2 FCEs of the following additional Persian courses: language course best suited to their linguistic preparation.
NML460Y1, NML461H1, NML462H1, NML463H1. Students found to be too advanced for the level in which
The Citation in Modern Hebrew is available to students they are enrolled will be requested to remove themselves,
who complete NML155H1 and NML156H1 (or the and enroll in a course more suited to their abilities.
equivalent prerequisite training) and earn a grade of at
least B- in NML255Y1 and any 2 FCEs of the following
additional Hebrew courses: NML355Y1, NML356Y1, Akkadian
NML357H1, NML358H1, NML451H1, NML452H1,
NML455H1, NML456H1.Students should note that, as NML305Y1 Introductory Akkadian (formerly
explained on page 20 of this Calendar, the Language NMC305Y1) [72S]
Citation is not equivalent to an academic program and that Introduction to Old Babylonian. Grammar and the reading
enrolment in a program is not necessary in order to earn of selected texts. (Offered in alternate years)
the recognition bestowed by the Citation. Prerequisite: Arabic or Hebrew, normally
Exclusion: NMC305Y1

Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Exclusion: Native speakers/NMC310Y1. Priority enrollment
will be given to declared NMC majors/specialists.
NML405Y1 Intermediate Akkadian (formerly
NMC405Y1) [72S]
(Offered in alternate years) NML410Y1 Advanced Standard Arabic (formerly
Prerequisite: NML305Y1/NMC305Y1 NMC410Y1) [48S]
Exclusion: NMC405Y1 Students enrolled in this course are assumed to have
DR=HUM; BR=TBA active knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary covered
in previous levels. After a brief review, the course
continues from where NML310Y leaves off. Following the
Arabic same teaching approach and learning philosophy, the goal
of this course is to enable the students to reach a superior
NML110Y Introductory Standard Arabic (formerly
level of proficiency in Arabic. To this end, the materials
NML210Y) [48L, 24P]
covered are designed to strengthen the students’ reading
This course is an introduction to the formal variety of
and writing skills, refine and expand their knowledge of
Arabic used throughout the Arab world. It is designed for
sentence structure, morphological patterns, verb system,
students with no prior knowledge of Arabic language and
and enrich their cultural background. The primary method
it follows a teaching approach that places equal emphasis
is analysis of sophisticated authentic texts covering a
on the development of all language skills: reading,
wide range of genres and drawn from different parts of the
writing, listening, and speaking. The fundamental learning
Arabic speaking world. Although the main focus remains
philosophy underlying this approach is that proficiency in
to be on Modern Standard Arabic, texts from the Classical
a foreign language is best achieved through consistent,
Arabic literary tradition will be introduced incrementally
deliberate, and systematic practice. From the outset,
throughout the course.
students are strongly encouraged to develop the habit of
Prerequisite: NML310Y or permission of instructor.
consistently and continuously practicing learned material.
Exclusion: Native speakers/NMC410Y1.
Exclusion: Nativespeakers/NML210Y/NMC210Y1/
LGGA40H3/LGG41H3. Priority enrollment will be given
to declared NMC majors/specialists. NML411H1 Readings in Arabic Newspapers (formerly
DR=HUM; BR=1 NMC411H1) [24S]
Directed readings of passages drawn from well-known
NML211Y1 Intermediate Standard Arabic I (formerly
Arabic newspapers such as: al-Ahram (Egypt), al-Ra’y
NML310Y/NMC310Y1) [48L, 24P]
(Jordan), al-Safir (Lebanon), al-Khalij (UAE), and al-Haya
Students enrolled in this course are assumed to have
(UK). The course is designed to make advanced students
active knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary covered
of Arabic familiar with the language, style and topics of the
in the introductory level. After a brief review, the course
Arabic Press.
continues from where NML110Y leaves off. Following
Prerequisite: NML310Y1 or adequate reading knowledge
the same teaching approach and learning philosophy,
of Arabic.
emphasis is placed on balanced development of all
Exclusion: NMC411H1; Native speakers of Arabic must
language skills. As the course progresses, students are
obtain permission of instructor.
introduced to the fundamentals of Arabic morphology
and syntax. This is achieved through analysis of texts
covering a wide range of topics. By the end of the course, NML412Y1 Survey of Classical Arabic Literature
students are expected to achieve upper intermediate level (formerly NMC412Y1) [48S]
of proficiency. Systematic outline of the development, characteristics,
Prerequisite: NML110Y or permission of the instructor. and peculiarities of selected genres of classical Arabic
Exclusion: Native speakers/NML310Y/NMC210Y1. Priority literature such as historiography, belles-lettres (adab),
enrollment will be given to declared NMC majors/ philosophy, ethics - Qur’an, exegesis, Literature of
specialists. Tradition - poetry. Complementary readings, analysis and
DR=HUM; BR=1 translation of original text passages are given emphasis.
Prerequisite: NML310Y or permission of the instructor.
NML310Y1 Intermediate Standard Arabic II (formerly
Exclusion: NMC412Y1
NML310Y/NMC310Y1) [48L,24P]
Students enrolled in this course are assumed to have
active knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary covered NML413H1 Islamic Thought in Mediaeval Arabic
in previous two levels. After a brief review, the course Sources (formerly NMC413H1) [12S]
continues from where NML211Y leaves off. Following Insights into the history of ideas in Islam. Original texts
the same teaching approach and learning philosophy, by Jurjani (d. 1078, literary criticism), Ghazali (d. 1111,
emphasis is placed on balanced development of all philosophy), Ibn Rushd (d. 1196, law), Shahrastani (d.
language skills. Throughout the course, students are 1153, heresiography), Ibn Taymiyah (d. 1328, dogmatics),
introduced to increasingly complex morphological and and Ibn Khaldun (d. 1406, social history). (Offered in
syntactic patterns of Arabic. This is achieved through alternate years)
analysis of texts covering a wide range of genres. By Prerequisite: NML310Y or permission of the instructor
the end of the course, students are expected to achieve Exclusion: NMC413H1
advanced level of proficiency. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: NML211Y or permission of the instructor.

Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
NML414H1 Qu’ranic Arabic [24L] DR=HUM; BR=TBA
This course offers students of Arabic the opportunity to NML421Y1 Classical Syriac (formerly NMC418Y1)
study more closely the text of the Qur’an. The course [24S]
will focus on the Arabic language of the Qur’an and its (Offered in alternate years)
function both semantically and aesthetically. Selected Prerequisite: NMC315Y1/NML220Y1
Qur’anic passages will be examined in detail. Exclusion: NMC418Y1
Prerequisite NML410Y or permission of the instructor. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
NML 415H1 The Structure of Arabic Language [12L]
This course is an investigation of the formal properties of Coptic
Modern Standard Arabic. Its primary goal is to provide the
NML230H1 Elementary Coptic I (formerly NMC220H)
student with an in depth knowledge of the grammar of the
language. To this end, the course makes use of concepts
Introduces the student to the last stage of the Egyptian
and tools of analysis common to contemporary generative
language, written mostly in Greek characters. The course
will first concentrate on the grammar of the language and
Prerequisite: NML310Y1 or permission of instructor.
go on to read short texts.
Exclusion: NMC220H
NML416Y1 Survey of Modern Arabic Literature [24L] DR=HUM; BR=1
This course introduces students to the richness and
NML231H1 Elementary Coptic II [24L]
breadth of modern Arabic literature, covering a wide range
A continuation of NML230H1.
of selected texts, including travel accounts, novellas,
fiction, prose, poetry, and drama. Texts studied in original
Arabic language. Class conducted and tests/assignments
written in English.
Prerequisite: NML310Y or permission of instructor (Ancient) Egyptian
DR=HUM; BR=TBA NML240Y1 Introduction to Middle Egyptian (formerly
NMC320Y1) [72L]
Grammar and reading of selected hieroglyphic texts.
Aramaic/Syriac Exclusion: NMC320Y1
NML220Y1 Introductory Aramaic (formerly
NMC315Y1) [48S] NML340Y1 Intermediate Egyptian (formerly
Introduction to Aramaic grammar. Readings from biblical NMC420Y1) [72S]
Aramaic. (Offered in alternate years) Middle Egyptian texts.
Prerequisite: Introductory Biblical Hebrew (NMC230Y1/ Prerequisite: NMC320Y1/NML240Y1
NML250Y1) Exclusion: NMC420Y1Y
Exclusion: NMC315Y1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=HUM; BR=1 NML440Y Ancient Egyptian Historical Texts [24L]
NML320H1 Intermediate Aramaic: Targum (formerly Texts of significance for the reconstruction and
NMC415H1) [24S] understanding of Egyptian history will be read in the
An intensive study of various Targumim to the Pentateuch: original, and analyzed for content, style, and grammar.
Onkelos, Pseudo-Jonathan, Neophyti, Samaritan The social and archaeological context of these texts will
and Fragment Targumim. Differences among them in also receive attention.
vocabulary, syntax and verb usage are discussed, as well Prerequisite: NML340Y1 or permission of instructor
as their relationship to the Palestinian midrashim. (Offered DR=HUM; BR=TBA
in alternate years) NML441Y Ancient Egyptian Religious and Funerary
Prerequisite: NML220Y1/NMC315Y1 Texts [24L]
Exclusion: NMC415Y1/NMC415H1 Readings, analysis, and comparisons of selections
DR=HUM; BR=TBA from the Pyramid Texts, the Coffin Texts, and the New
NML420Y1 The Jerusalem Talmud: Jewish Western Kingdom mortuary literature; study of cultic, magical, and
Aramaic (formerly NMC416Y1) [24S] mythological texts relating to funerary and cultic beliefs
The Talmud of the Land of Israel, also called Talmud and practices. All texts to be read in the original.
Yerushalmi or Palestinian Talmud, is written in a mixture Prerequisite: NML340Y1 or permission of instructor
of Jewish Western Aramaic and Mishnaic Hebrew. It is the DR=HUM; BR=TBA
principal document of the Land of Israel in Late Antiquity.
The course examines the legal argumentation, terminology
and language which differ from those of the Babylonian Hebrew
Talmud. (Offered in alternate years)
NML155H1 Elementary Modern Hebrew I (formerly
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
NMC236H1) [24L]
Recommended preparation: NMC315Y1/334Y1/
Introduction to the fundamentals of Hebrew grammar
and syntax through classroom and language laboratory
Exclusion: NMC416Y1

Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
practice. Emphasis on the development of oral and writing DR=HUM; BR=TBA
skills. (Offered in alternate years) NML353H1 Jewish Apocalyptic Literature [24L]
Exclusion: Those who have completed Grade 4 Hebrew This course provides an introduction to the study of the
(or Grade 2 in Israel), NMC136Y/NMC236H1 origin, form and function of ancient Jewish and related
DR=HUM; BR=1 apocalyptic literature which flourished between 200
NML156H1 Elementary Modern Hebrew II (formerly BCE and 200 CE, understood in its cultural and literary
NMC237H1) [24L] contexts.
Introduction to the fundamentals of Hebrew grammar Prerequisite: NMC150H1/151H1/280H1/280Y1/NML150Y/
and syntax through classroom and language laboratory NML250Y
practice. Emphasis on the development of oral and writing Exclusion: RLG325H1
skills. (Offered in alternate years) DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: NML155H/NMC236H1 or permission of NML354H1 Law and Ritual [24S]
instructor Law reflects the way in which society understands and
Exclusion: Those who have completed Grade 4 Hebrew organizes itself through common agreements and forms of
(or Grade 2 in Israel), NMC136Y/NMC237H1 restraint. This course examines the different ways religious
DR=HUM; BR=1 and ritual legislation was generated in ancient Jewish
NML250Y1 Introductory Biblical Hebrew (formerly communities and the different functions such legislation
NML150Y1/NMC230Y1) [72S] served in these communities. All texts to be read in the
An introduction to biblical Hebrew prose. Grammar and original.
selected texts. For students with no previous knowledge Prerequisite: NML250Y1
of Hebrew. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Exclusion: Those who have completed Grade 8 Hebrew NML355Y1 Advanced Modern Hebrew (formerly
(or Grade 6 in Israel)/NMC230Y1/NML150Y NMC336H1/337H1/434Y1) [48S]
NML255Y1 Intermediate Modern Hebrew (formerly Advanced intensive study of written and spoken Hebrew.
NMC236H1, NMC237H1/NMC336Y1) [72S] (Offered in alternate years)
Intensive study of written and spoken Hebrew. (Offered in Prerequisite: NML255Y1
alternate years) Exclusion: OAC Hebrew, old numberings
Prerequisite: NMC136Y1/NML156H1 NMC336H1/337H1/434Y1
Exclusion: Those who have completed Grade 8 Hebrew DR=HUM; BR=TBA
(or Ulpan level 2 in Israel), NMC236Y1 (up to 2000), NML356Y1 Babylonian Talmud (formerly NMC334Y1)
NMC236H1/237H1 (2000-2004), NMC336Y1 (2004- [24S]
2006) Selections from a tractate in Babylonian Talmud in order to
DR=HUM; BR=1 gain facility in the understanding of the dialogic structure
NML350H1 Intermediate Biblical Hebrew: Wisdom of the legal discussions. Practice in the use of classical
Literature (formerly NML350Y1) [24S] commentaries and critical aids to allow independent study
An examination of wisdom literature and themes in the of the text. (Conducted in Hebrew) (Offered in alternate
Hebrew Bible and later Second Temple writing; primary years)
emphasis on Hebrew texts but including comparison Prerequisite: OAC Hebrew/NML250Y1/255Y1
with themes from non-Hebrew texts such as the Greek Exclusion: NMC334Y1
Ecclesiasticus, the Wisdom of Solomon, and some early DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Christian writings. NML357H1 Midrash Aggadah [12L]
Prerequisite: NML250Y1 The themes of Eros and Thanatos will be explored
Exclusion: NML350Y1 in Aggadic texts from Song of Songs Rabbah. This
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Midrashic text stands halfway in the tradition, both making
NML351H Intermediate Biblical Hebrew: History use of earlier texts and being used by editors of later
Writings [24S] compilations. These interrelations will be the focus of our
This course examines ancient Israel’s history writers, study as well as the relationship of work to Scripture.
focusing on the Deuteronomistic History and the Prerequisite: Intermediate Hebrew (Modern or Biblical)
Chronicler’s History. Attention will be given to linguistic DR=HUM; BR=TBA
forms, rhetorical style and goals, and comparison of NML358H1 Mishnah and Tosefta (formerly
national or ethnic self-perceptions. NMC331H1) [12L]
Prerequisite: NML250Y Introduction to Mishnah and Tosefta, two of the three
DR=HUM; BR=TBA foundational documents of Middle Hebrew. In addition
NML352H1 Intermediate Biblical Hebrew: Myth and to studying specific features of this level of Hebrew,
Story [24S] examining these compositions independently, and
An investigation of two closely related types of ancient analyzing their interaction, students will examine current
Hebrew narrative: myth and story. Focus will be equally scholarly literature on these documents and their
on Hebrew language, rhetorical style and goals, and relationship to each other. (Offered in alternate years)
when appropriate, the comparative ancient near eastern Prerequisite: Intermediate Hebrew (Modern or Biblical)
backdrop for the Hebrew texts. Exclusion: NMC331H1
Prerequisite: NML250Y DR=HUM; BR=TBA

Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
NML450H1 Advanced Biblical Hebrew Grammar and writings composed by the community: collections
(formerly NML450Y1) [12S] of rules, wisdom texts, scriptural commentaries, as well
Advanced survey of phonology, morphology, syntax, as liturgical and theological compositions. This course
semantics, and pragmatics of ancient Hebrew. focuses on selected Scrolls with special attention to the
Introduction to the various methods used to investigate language, form and content, and scribal characteristics of
ancient Hebrew. these texts.
Prerequisite: NML250Y1, and one NML 300-series course Prerequisite: NML250Y, and one NML 300-series course
Exclusion: NML450Y1 Recommended Preparation: NMC150H
NML451H1 Advanced Babylonian Talmud [12S] NML459H Topics in Second Temple Period Texts
Students will be introduced to the problems of text [12S]
criticism involving variant readings and the redaction This course provides an advanced investigation of
of Talmudic texts. Problems of transmission of the text, selected issues in ancient Jewish texts stemming from the
its relationship to the Palestinian Talmud, Tosefta and Second Temple Period (5th cent. BCE – 1st cent. CE), and
other texts will be explored. Use of Medieval Talmudic includes comparative study of biblical writings, apocrypha
commentaries will be addressed. and pseudepigrapha, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and writings
Prerequisite: Intermediate Hebrew (Modern or Biblical) of ancient Jewish historians and philosophers. The specific
DR=HUM; BR=TBA topic for the course varies from one semester to another,
and can deal with, e.g., language, scriptural interpretation,
NML452H1 Halakhic Midrashim (formerly NMC432H1)
poetry and liturgy, theology, legal developments, and
social and political history. The course has a strong
This course familiarizes students with the methodology
research and writing component.
and terminology of the two midrashic systems: Devei R.
Prerequisite: NML250Y, and one NML 300-series course.
Akiba and Devei R. Ishmael. Sections of all the midrashic
Depending on the specific topic of the semester,
halakha (Mekhiltot, Sifra and Sifre) are studied and
knowledge of Greek or Aramaic may be recommended.
compared to other Tannaitic materials. (Conducted in
Hebrew) (Offered in alternate years)
Prerequisite: Intermediate Hebrew (Modern or Biblical)/
Permission of instructor
Exclusion: NMC432Y1/NMC432H1 Persian
DR=HUM; BR=TBA NML260Y1 Introductory Persian (formerly
NML455H1 Modern Hebrew Poetry [12S] NMC240Y1) [48L]
A study of the poetic works of a major modern Hebrew The fundamentals of modern standard Persian grammar,
poet. (Conducted in Hebrew) (Offered in alternate years) with emphasis on attaining fluency in reading and writing
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor simple texts. Also serves as a basis for classical Persian.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA (Offered in alternate years)
Exclusion: Native users/NMC240Y1. Priority enrollment
NML456H1 Modern Hebrew Prose [12S] will be given to declared NMC majors/specialists
A study of an important modern writer of Hebrew fiction. DR=HUM; BR=1
(Conducted in Hebrew) (Offered in alternate years)
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor NML360Y1 Intermediate Persian (formerly
DR=HUM; BR=TBA NMC340Y1) [48L]
This course involves reading, grammatical analysis, and
NML457H1 Introduction to Comparative Semitics translation of representative samples of contemporary
[12S] Persian prose of intermediate difficulty. The reading
Advanced language course placing ancient Hebrew within materials are selected from a wide range of sources in
its geographic and typological context. Priority will be order to ensure balanced, yet comprehensive exposure
given to 1) methods used to reconstruct “proto-Semitic” to the different usage of the language. The course
and ancient Hebrew (versus the Tiberian Hebrew of the serves as preparation for courses on both classical and
Hebrew Bible); 2) classifications of Semitic languages; contemporary Persian literature.
3) comparison of phoneme and lexical inventories, Prerequisite: NMC240Y1/NML260Y1
morphology and syntax; and 4) dialectal variation and Exclusion: NMC340Y/Native users. Priority enrollment will
dialect geography. be given to declared NMC majors/specialists
Prerequisite: permission of instructor. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Recommended Preparation: NML250Y1, and one NML
300-series course NML460Y1 Classical Persian Literature (formerly
DR=HUM; BR=TBA NMC441Y1) [24L]
Survey of Persian literature, chiefly poetry, from the 10th
NML458H1 Advanced Readings in The Dead Sea to the 15th centuries, based on selected readings at an
Scrolls [12S] advanced level from representative authors, including
The discovery at Qumran near the Dead Sea unearthed Rudaki, Nizami, Sa‘di, Rumi, and Hafiz, as well as from
a library of an ancient Jewish community containing the Persian national epic, Shah-nameh. Introduction to the
manuscripts of the Hebrew Scriptures, other Jewish Persian prosodial system, and analysis of the rhetorical
literature now called apocrypha and pseudepigrapha, devices and imagery employed by the classical poets
some of which were previously known, many unknown, Intended for upper year students.

Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
Prerequisite: NMC340Y1/NML360Y1 or adequate Exclusion: NMC445Y1
knowledge of Persian DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Exclusion: NMC441Y1
NML461H1 Modern Persian Poetry (formerly Literature in Translation Courses
NMC442H1) [12L] NMC150H1 Hebrew Bible and Ancient Jewish
A survey of modern Persian poetry using connected Literature in Translation (formerly
passages of Persian texts. (NMC280Y/280H1) [12L]
Prerequisite: NML360Y1/NMC340Y1 or adequate reading An introduction to the critical study of the Hebrew Bible/
knowledge Old Testament and related literature of ancient Jewish
DR=HUM; BR=TBA communities (Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, Dead Sea
NML462H1 Modern Persian Prose (formerly Scrolls). No prior work in biblical studies or knowledge of
NMC443H1) [12L] Hebrew is required.
A survey of modern Persian prose using connected Exclusion: NMC280H1/280Y1
passages of Persian texts. DR=HUM; BR=1
Prerequisite: NML360Y1/NMC340Y1 or adequate reading NMC250H1 Dead Sea Scrolls (formerly NMC329H1)
knowledge [12L]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA This course provides an examination of the historical
NML463H1 Structural Development of Persian and cultural context in which the Dead Sea Scrolls were
Language (formerly NML361H1) [12L] authored and copied, the types of writings included in
Development of Old Persian (551 BC) to Middle Persian the Scrolls, and the ancient Jewish groups behind these
(331 BC) to Modern Persian (7th century) with emphasis texts. It also discusses the significance of the Scrolls for
on word formation and grammar. Discussion is based on understanding the textual development of the Hebrew
texts written by historians, linguists and grammarians who Bible, ancient scriptural interpretation, and the thought
see language as a system which is changed by internal world of the Jews during the period that gave birth to both
and external factors like politics, religion, immigration, Rabbinic Judaism and early Christianity. No knowledge of
business, etc. Hebrew or Aramaic is required.
Prerequisite: NML360Y1/NMC340Y1 or permission of DR=HUM; BR=1
instructor NMC251H1 Ancient Egyptian Literary Texts [12L]
Exclusion: NML361H1 Explores a variety of different genres of ancient Egyptian
DR=HUM; BR=TBA literature, including wisdom literature, funerary texts,
poetry, stories and other literary texts. Prior attendance
of an introductory history and culture course such as
Turkish NMC101Y1 may be helpful, but is not required.
Exclusion: NMC251Y1
NML270Y1 Introductory Turkish (formerly NMC245Y1)
The basic features of modern Turkish grammar. In the NMC253H1 Ancient Egyptian Cultural Texts [12L]
second term, Turkish prose and newspapers are studied, Introduction to various genres of Egyptian texts, with a
with some practice in writing simple Turkish. This course focus on those writings that provide information about
serves as a basis for the study of Ottoman Turkish. aspects of funerary/religious beliefs and ritual, of history,
(Offered in alternate years) politics and institutions, and of the Egyptian quest for
Exclusion: Native speakers/NMC245Y1 knowledge of the world, as evinced in astronomical,
DR=HUM; BR=1 medical, and mathematical sources. Literary texts will
be treated in so far as they relate to the listed topics. No
NMC370Y1 Intermediate Turkish (formerly NMC345Y1)
knowledge of the ancient Egyptian language(s) is required;
all texts to be read in translation. Prior attendance in an
Modern texts literary, scholarly and journalistic. Turkish
introductory history and culture course such as NMC101Y
grammar and syntax; the nature of Turkish culture.
may be helpful, but is not required.
(Offered in alternate years)
Exclusion: NMC251Y1
Prerequisite: NMC245Y1/NML270Y or adequate reading
knowledge of Turkish
Exclusion: NMC345Y1 NMC254H1 Modern Hebrew Literature in Translation
This course will survey Hebrew literature, primarily of
NML470Y1 Advanced Turkish (formerly NMC445Y1)
the 19th and 20th centuries. After a brief overview of
ancient and medieval Hebrew literature, the course
Advanced Turkish language practice designed to enable
will concentrate on the classics of the modern Hebrew
students to pursue independent work in Turkish and
revival, studying selected works by Bialik, Tchernikhovsky,
Ottoman studies. Differences between modern Turkish
Agnon, and Brenner. Students will also be introduced to
and Ottoman grammar will be pointed out. Elements of
contemporary Hebrew writers and poets such as Aharon
Arabic and Persian grammar that occur in Ottoman will be
Appelfeld, Yehuda Amichai, Amos Oz, and A.B. Yehoshua.
All works will be studied in translation.
Prerequisite: NML370Y or adequate knowledge of Turkish

Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
NMC255H1 Arabic Literature in Translation [12L] NMC261Y0 Field Archaeology (formerly NMC261H1)
Introduces students to the richness and breadth of modern [TBA]
Arabic literature in translation. The course starts with Participation for 4 - 7 weeks during the summer in an
the age of translation in the nineteenth century, then it approved archaeological excavation in the eastern
examines several literary schools and trends that emerged Mediterranean/Middle East. This experience is then
in the twentieth century, such as romanticism, the novel, critiqued in a previously assigned essay researched
modernism, free verse, symbolism, and postmodernism. and written under guidance upon return. Departmental
The course covers a wide range of selected texts and permission is required in December-February prior to the
genres, which may include travel accounts, novellas, fieldwork.
fiction, prose, poetry, and drama. (Offered in alternate Exclusion: NMC261H1
years) DR=HUM; BR=3
DR=HUM; BR=1 NMC360H1 Archaeology of the Biblical World I: The
NMC256Y1 Literature and Culture of Modern Israel Bronze Age (formerly NMC361Y1) [24L]
[12L] The archaeology of Syria-Palestine from prehistoric times
Introduces students to the culture of modern Israel through until the end of the Late Bronze Age (ca. 1200 BCE),
Israeli literature produced from 1948 - present. Focus with a special emphasis on the development of complex
will be primarily on selected short fiction, poems, plays, society, and inter-relations with the neighboring regions of
songs and films. Some themes explored are: tradition and Egypt and Syro-Mesopotamia. Attention will also be given
modernity; traumas of war; the call of history; religion and to the history of archaeological research in the region,
secularism; and challenges of independence. In English current field techniques and methods of archaeological
translation. (Offered in alternate years) analysis, and the relationship between archaeological
DR=HUM; BR=1 evidence and contemporary written records, including the
Hebrew Bible. (Offered in alternate years)
NMC258H1 Persian Literary Classics (formerly
Prerequisite: NMC260Y1
NMC258Y1) [12L]
Exclusion: NMC361Y1
Introduction to a millennium of Persian poetry and prose.
Selected readings in translation from such classics of
Persian literature as the Persian national epic (Shah- NMC361H1 The Archaeology of the Biblical World II:
nameh), ‘Attar’s Conference of the Birds, Rumi’s Masnavi, The Iron Age (formerly NMC361Y1) [24L]
and Sa‘di’s Rose Garden. The archaeology of Syria-Palestine from the collapse
Exclusion: NMC258Y1 of the Late Bronze Age until the Persian Period, with a
DR=HUM; BR=1 special emphasis on the emergence of Israel and the
small territorial nation-states of the eastern Mediterranean
NMC350H1 Syriac Literature in Translation [12L]
seaboard. Particular attention will be given to the
Selected texts from Syriac literature written between the
relationship between the archaeological evidence and
3rd and 13th centuries C.E., including versions of the Bible
contemporary written records, including the Hebrew Bible.
and prominent authors of biblical commentaries, hymns,
(Offered in alternate years)
acts of martyrs, liturgical texts, historiography, grammatical
Prerequisite: NMC260Y1
and lexicographical works, as well as translations from
Exclusion: NMC361Y1
Greek. (Offered in alternate years)
Recommended preparation: NMC101Y1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA NMC362Y1 Ancient Egyptian Sites [24L]
Detailed examination of significant sites for the
NMC352H1 Faith and Doubt in Modern Hebrew Poetry
[12L] understanding of ancient Egyptian cultural development,
encompassing the study of spatial organization,
An exploration of the relationship of modern Heberw
architecture, artifactual material, and archaeological
poetry to the Jewish religious tradition. The focus of the
evidence from each site. (Offered in alternate years)
course will be to discern whether modern Hebrew poetry
Prerequisite: NMC 343H and NMC 344H
constitutes a rebellion against that tradition, or whether
it is a source of continuity and revitalization. (Offered in
alternate years) NMC363H1 The Archaeology of Mesopotamia I 8000-
DR=HUM; BR=TBA 2000 BC (formerly NMC363Y1) [24L]
Comprehensive survey class on the origins of complex
societies, urbanism and early states in Mesopotamia
Archaeology Courses from the Neolithic period to the end of the Early Bronze
Age. Covers the archaeology and material culture of Iraq
NMC260Y1 The Archaeology of the Ancient Near East
and surrounding regions (western Iran, eastern Syria,
southeastern Turkey).
A general introduction to the archaeology of the ancient
Prerequisite: NMC260Y1
Near East including prehistory, Syria-Palestine, and the
Exclusion: NMC363Y1
high civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt. Organized
chronologically to trace the historical development of
agriculture, urbanism, and complex state-ordered societies
in the region.

Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
NMC364H1 The Archaeology of Mesopotamia II 2000- NMC461Y1 Problems in the Archaeology of the Ancient
330 BC (formerly NMC363Y1) [24L] Near East [12S]
Comprehensive survey class on the state societies of Prerequisite: 1.5 courses from NMC360H1/361H1/361Y1/
Babylon, Assur, and Elam during the second millennium BC 362Y1/363H1/364H/363Y/465H1/466H1; two courses
and on the emergence and manifestation of world empires from NMC370Y1/371Y1/372Y1/343H/344H/346H/347H
(Assyria, Persia) in the first millennium BC. Covers the DR=HUM; BR=TBA
archaeology and material culture of Iraq and surrounding NMC462Y1 Polarized-light Microscopy in Archaeology
regions (western Iran, eastern Syria, southeastern Turkey). (formerly NMC462H1) [24L, 24P]
Prerequisite: NMC260Y1 The use of polarized-light microscopy in the examination
Exclusion: NMC363Y1 of ceramics, stone, other materials, and microstratigraphy.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Lectures in elementary optical mineralogy and case-studies
NMC365Y1 Islamic Archaeology [24L] are followed by lab sessions in which typical thin-sections of
A survey of Islamic archaeology, covering the rise of pottery, rocks, soils and other materials are studied. (Offered
Islam from 7th century to the end of the Fatimid period in alternate years)
in 1171, examining sites in the Middle East, North Africa Prerequisite: NMC369H1/NMC369Y1
and Andalusia through the archaeological record, artifacts Exclusion: NMC462H1
evidencing history, art history, urbanism and socio-ecology of DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
early Muslim communities. NMC463Y1 Landscapes of the Ancient Near East [24L/
Recommended preparation: NMC184H1/201Y1/260Y1 plus lab TBA]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Providing students with a solid understanding of the concepts
NMC366Y1 Archaeology from Alexander to Muhammad and techniques used in landscape studies as applied to the
[12L] Near East. The course uses a thematic approach, studying
An overview of late antique Greek, Arab and Persian material the theories and methodologies of landscape archaeology
culture, as seen through the archaeological record of Syria, and case studies, and introduces students GIS and the use
Iraq, and Iran. of remote sensing data. (One-time only)
Recommended preparation: NMC260Y1 and/or an Prerequisite: NMC260Y and at least one upper-level course
introductory course in archaeology in Near Eastern archaeology
NMC367H1 Archaeology & Architecture of Egyptian NMC465H1 Ceramic Analysis (formerly NMC364H1)
Monasticism [12L] [12S]
Underlines the role of some Egyptian monasteries as active A survey of methods of classification and analysis (form,
institutions carrying out numerous economic activities, and fabric and style) involved in the study of archaeological
reveals the forces that enabled their survival and changing ceramics, and the use of ceramics to infer patterns of
function. Exploration of these rich sites of cultural exchange, production, distribution, and social organization; linking
as manifested in their architecture and religious art and research questions with appropriate analytical techniques.
written material. Prerequisite: ARH312Y1/NMC360H1/361H1/361Y1/
Recommended Preparation: NMC202H1, NMC368H1, 369H1/369Y1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA NMC466H1 Near Eastern Ceramics (formerly
NMC368H1 Coptic Art & Archaeology [12L] NMC367H1) [12S]
A survey of Coptic art, archaeology and architecture. The An introduction to the basic corpus of Near Eastern
course will cover aspects of the religious, civil and daily life ceramics, from the invention of pottery production in the
of the Copts: their houses, religious architecture, funerary Neolithic until the Persian period, utilizing existing collections
monuments, art and artefacts at the University and in the Royal Ontario Museum.
Recommended preparation: NMC260Y1 and/or an Prerequisite: NMC260Y1, 465H1
introductory course in archaeology DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=HUM; BR=TBA NMC467H1 Seminar in Egyptian Archaeology I [12S]
NMC369Y1 Archaeological Materials and Industries The archaeology and material culture of ancient Egypt, with
[24L] emphasis on the theoretical and methodological issues
Materials and technology help define the cultures and inherent in interpreting the archaeological record. Students
civilizations that use them, especially for archaeologists. will also work directly with artifactual material from the
Focusing on the Near and Middle East, this course is aimed Egyptian collection of the ROM.
at promoting understanding of the nature of materials used Prerequisite: NMC362Y/NMC371Y1/NMC343H and
by the peoples of the region from the earliest prehistory until NMC344H
recent times. This course has a hands-on emphasis. (Offered DR=HUM; BR=TBA
in alternate years) NMC468H1 Seminar in Egyptian Archaeology II [12S]
Recommended preparation: NMC260Y1 The archaeology and material culture of ancient Egypt, with
Exclusion: NMC369H1 emphasis on the theoretical and methodological issues
DR=HUM; BR=TBA inherent in interpreting the archaeological record. Students
will also work directly with artifactual material from the
Egyptian collection of the ROM.

Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
Prerequisite: NMC362Y/NMC371Y1/NMC343H and disintegration of the caliphate, emergence of autonomous
NMC344H dynasties, the fall of Baghdad to Mongols in 1258 and the
DR=HUM; BR=TBA rise of the Mamluks.
NMC 469Y1 Contextualizing Medieval Middle Eastern
and Islamic Pottery [24L] NMC274Y1 The Steppe Frontier in Eurasian and Islamic
This course will use ceramics as the central core to study the History (formerly NMC274H1) [48L]
material culture of the medieval Middle East and the central This course will unfold around the eastern and northern
Islamic lands. As such they will be the running narrative, to frontiers of the Islamic world from Central Asia in the east, to
which other materials will be referred, or in turn used to refer the Black and Caspian Sea steppes in the north, and from
to other materials. The same motifs found on ceramics may these frontiers its focus will move into the lands of the Middle
be found in the contemporary buildings, textiles or woodwork; East. For centuries Altaic peoples (Turks and Mongols),
the same forms are found in metalwork and glass; originally nomads in the Eurasian steppes (and mountains),
illustrations on ceramics will survive better than contemporary played varied and crucial roles in the lands of the Middle
manuscript paintings, and there are more illustrations of, East—as raiders, migrants, slave-soldiers, conquerors,
for instance, medieval swords to be found on pottery than and state-builders. Topics to be covered include pastoral
there are actual swords. The course will rely heavily on the nomadism, steppe warfare, clan, tribal and state structures,
collections of the ROM, and provide a thorough grounding ethnicity, sedentarization, and the roles of physical
on the technical production and typological variability of the geography and ecology. (Offered in alternate years)
various types of materials attested within their archaeological Exclusion: NMC274H1
and cultural context. DR=HUM; BR=3
Prerequisite: NMC260Y1 and at least one other upper-level NMC275H1 Muslims & Jews: The Medieval Encounter
course in archaeological materials [12L]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA An introduction to the encounter between Jews and Muslims
in medieval times, when a majority of Jewish people
subsisted under Muslim rule. An overview of religious/
History Courses political/intellectual settings of the Judeo-Muslim experience
NMC202H1 Introduction to Coptic Studies [12L] is followed by exploring cultural cross-pollination, the Jews’
Overview of the history of the Copts from political, religious, legal status under Islam, and interfaith politics. Source
social and economic perspectives. Literary and documentary materials in translation.
sources will illustrate these different aspects of Coptic Exclusion: NMC275Y1
Civilization. The focus on Coptic Monasticism will underline DR=HUM; BR=3
the role of monasteries as conservers of the Coptic Orthodox NMC277H1 Special Topics in Near & Middle Eastern
Church tradition. History
DR=HUM; BR=3 Topics vary from year to year, depending on instructor.
NMC241H1 Anthropology of the Middle East [12L] DR=HUM; BR=N/A
This course offers an introduction to the contemporary Middle NMC278H1 Introduction to the Modern Middle East
East from an anthropological perspective. Topics will include (formerly NMC 278Y1) [24L]
gender, kinship, religion, modernity, popular culture, and the Historical survey of the principal countries of the Middle East
study of everyday life. in the 19th and 20th centuries. Themes include the interplay
Exclusions: RLG250H, RLG355H of imperial and local interests, the emergence of national
DR=HUM; BR=3 movements, and the formation of modern states.
NMC270H1 Christians of the Middle East [12L] Exclusion: NMC278Y1
The course will introduce students to the Christian DR=HUM; BR=3
communities living in the Middle East since the distant past, NMC342H1 - History & Sources of Egyptian Monasticism
identified by ecclesiastical and or ethnic terms, including [12L]
Armenian, Copt, Greek-Melkite, Maronite, and Syriac. The Presents an historical overview on the origins of Egyptian
course will discuss the plurality of their cultural, literary, and monasticism based on written sources. Comparison of
theological traditions, the social and intellectual roles of their written sources with archaeological artifacts reveals the
monasteries, the contributions of their top religious authorities relation between spiritual and material aspects of monastic
in diplomacy between Byzantium and the Sassanians, their life. Literary sources produced for different monastic orders --
position in the Islamic world and contributions to Islamic such as sermons, canons and biographies -- will be studied.
culture, philosophy, sciences, and theology, interreligious Recommended Preparation: NMC202H1, NMC368H1
dialogues and polemics with Islam. (Offered in alternate DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Recommended preparation: NMC101Y1 NMC343H1 History of Ancient Egypt I: Predynastic
DR=HUM; BR=3 Period to Middle Kingdom (formerly
NMC371Y1) [24L]
NMC273Y1 Early Islamic History: The Prophet and the The political and cultural history of Egypt from the later
Caliphates [48L] predynastic period through the Middle Kingdom; the use of
Features of the pre-Islamic Middle East inherited by Islamic both archaeological and literary evidence.
civilization, birth of Islam, life and times of Muhammad, Recommended preparation: NMC101Y1
formation of Islamic empire and civilization, political

Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
Exclusion: NMC101Y1 may not be taken in the same year, accession and the defeat of the Ottoman empire in World
NMC371Y1 War I. Focusing largely on Istanbul and the Ottoman capital’s
DR=HUM; BR=TBA political relations with the Arab provinces, we will relate
economic, social and intellectual transformations to state
NMC344H1 History of Ancient Egypt II: Second
laws and policies, Mediterranean capitalism and the rise of
Intermediate Period to Greco-Roman Period
sectarianism and nationalism in the Middle East.
(formerly NMC371Y1) [24L]
Recommended preparation: NMC276Y1/278H1/278Y1/353H
The political and cultural history of Egypt from the Second
Intermediate Period through the Middle Greco-Roman
Period; the use of both archaeological and literary evidence.
Recommended preparation: NMC101Y1 NMC370H1 Ancient Israel (formerly NMC370Y1) [12L]
Exclusion: NMC101Y1 may not be taken in the same year, The political and cultural history of ancient Israel from the
NMC371Y1 origin of the Hebrews to the exile and restoration in the
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Persian period. (Offered in alternate years)
Recommended preparation: NMC101Y1
NMC346H1 Ancient Mesopotamia I: Sumerians and
Exclusion: NMC101Y1 may not be taken in the same year,
Akkadians (formerly (NMC372Y1) [24L]
The political and cultural history of the peoples of ancient
South-Western Asia from 3000 BCE to the destruction of
Babylon by the Hittites ca. 1600 BCE. (Offered in alternate NMC373H1 Iran in the 20th Century (formerly
years) NMC373Y1) [12L]
Recommended preparation: NMC101Y1 Situated within a world historical context, this course offers a
Exclusion: NMC101Y1 may not be taken in the same year, critical history of modern Iran from the establishment of the
NMC372Y Safavid Empire in 1501 to the Islamic Revolution of 1979.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA While focusing on institutional and political reforms and
revolutions, it also explains the making of modern Iranian
NMC347H1 Ancient Mesopotamia II: Assyrians and
political, literary, and visual cultures.
Babylonians (formerly (NMC372Y1) [24L]
Recommended preparation: NMC278H1/278Y1, NMC348Y1
The political and cultural history of the peoples of ancient
Exclusion: NMC451H1 may not be taken in the same year,
South-Western Asia from ca. 1600 BCE to the conquest
of Babylon by Alexander the Great in 331 BCE (Offered in
alternate years)
Recommended preparation: NMC101Y1 NMC374H1 History of Islamic Egypt (formerly
Exclusion: NMC101Y1 may not be taken in the same year, NMC374Y1) [24L]
NMC372Y A survey of the history of Egypt under Islamic rule from the
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Arab to the Ottoman conquest (1517 C.E.), including the
Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mamluk dynasties. Issues treated
NMC348Y1 History of Iran from the Sasanians to the
thematically include conversion and inter-communal relations,
Safavids [48L]
relations with Syria, militarization of the political structure,
The political history and cultural legacy of the Sasanian
including the military slave (mamluk) institution, religious
empire before the Arab conquests of Iran in the 7th-8th
currents, the impact of the Crusades and Mongol invasions,
centuries, with a focus on the transmission of Persian
commercial and diplomatic relations, the emergence of Cairo
concepts of kingship, administration, and social organization
as the centre of the later mediaeval western Islamic world.
into Islamic civilization. The rise of native Iranian dynasties
(Offered in alternate years)
in the eastern Islamic world and the creation of the Perso-
Prerequisite: NMC273Y1
Islamic cultural synthesis under the Samanids in the 10th
Exclusion: NMC374Y1
century. The history of greater Iran (including Central
Asia and Afghanistan) under the rule of Turkic and Turko-
Mongolian dynasties, such as the Ghaznavids, Seljuqs, NMC376H1 History of Islamic Spain and North Africa
Ilkhanids, and Timurids, with special attention to the (640-1492) [24L]
interaction between nomadic and sedentary cultures. The Muslim conquest of North Africa and Spain, history of Spain
emergence of the Safavid state in the 16th century, a under Muslim rule to 1492. Attention given to institutional
watershed in the political and religious history of Iran, to the and cultural development, Islamic Spain’s relations with the
early modern period in the 18th century. Islamic east and neighbours in Europe. (Offered in alternate
Recommended Preparation: NMC273Y1/274H1/274Y1 years)
Exclusion: NMC375Y1/348H1/349H1 Prerequisite: NMC273Y1
NMC355H1 The Ottoman Empire in the Age of Reform, NMC377Y1 The Ottoman Empire to 1800 (formerly
1808-1918 [12L] NMC377H1, 353H1) [24L]
The last phase of the Ottoman empire has long been viewed History of the emergence of the Ottoman state and its
by Orientalists and Middle East nationalists as a period evolution from a border principality in Asia Minor into an
of inevitable decline. More recently, cultural historians of empire. Ottoman expansion into Europe, Asia and Africa.
the Middle East have framed the long 19th. century as a The empire at its height under Süleyman the Lawgiver.
period of grand reforms - or Tanzimat. This course seeks The development of important administrative and military
to critically examine the notions of ‘reform of the state’ institutions. First military and diplomatic setbacks.
and ‘reform of the individual’ between Sultan Mahmud II’s Prerequisite: NMC273Y

Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
Exclusion: NMC377H1 NMC475H1 Orientalism & Occidentalism [12S]
DR=HUM This course probes the contemporaneous formation of
modern Oriental Studies in Europe and the emergence of
NMC378H1 Themes In Modern Arab History (formerly
discourses on Europe (Ifranj/Farang) in the Middle East from
NMC378Y1) [12L]
the eighteenth century to the present. Special emphasis
A thematic treatment of the Arab lands of the Middle East
will be devoted to encounters between scholars in Western
and North Africa from 1700 onward, focusing on the Ottoman
Europe, Iran, India, and the Ottoman Empire. This seminar-
and colonial periods.
style course explains that Orientals gazed and returned
Prerequisite: NMC278H1/278Y1
the gaze, and in the process of “cultural looking,” they, like
Exclusion: NMC378Y1
their Occidental counterparts, exoticized and eroticized
the Farangi-Other. In the interplay of looks between
NMC451H1 Iranian Constitutional Revolution Orientals and Occidentals, there was no steady position of
(formerlyNMC359Y1/359H1) [12L] spectatorship, no objective observer, and no “aperspectival”
Explores competing narratives of the Constitutional position. Intended for upper year students.
Revolution (1906–1911), particularly the transformation of Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.
public and private spheres and their corresponding modes of DR=HUM; BR=TBA
collective and personal self-presentation. Students explore
NMC 478H1 Readings in the Modern History of Arab
revolutionary legacies, and the ways in which competing
Societies [12S]
political, religious and ideological forces have attempted to
A seminar built around thematic readings of social and
shape the Revolution’s memory. (Offered in alternate years)
economic history of the modern Arab world. Offered every
Exclusion: NMC373H1 may not be taken in the same year;
other year.
Prerequisite: NMC 378H1/378Y1
Prerequisite: NMC278H1/278Y1/348Y1/373H1
NMC479H1 Histories of Nationalism in the Arab World
NMC471H1 Topics in Early & Medieval Islamic History
(formerly NMC479Y1) [12S]
A seminar organized around readings in selected topics.
A seminar organized around readings on a topic selected
The topics are related to the instructor’s research interests.
by the instructor. Possible topics might include authority and
(Offered in alternate years)
power in medieval Islamic society in the Middle East, slavery,
Prerequisite: NMC378H1/NMC378Y1
women, taxation, landholding, iqta’ and payment of the
Exclusion: NMC479Y1
military, waqf, etc. Intended for upper year students. (Offered
in alternate years)
Prerequisite: NMC273Y1
Religion and Philosophy Courses
NMC472H1 Theory & Method in Middle East Studies
[12S] NMC284H1 Judaism and Feminism [12L]
Examines current theoretical and methodological trends Explores the interaction between Jewish religious and
in the study of the Near/Middle East. A seminar course, secular movements and feminism. Investigates Jewish law
it consists of presentations, discussions, lectures, guest (halakha) and the Jewish legal (halakhic) process in terms of
speakers, and documentaries. No previous knowledge of feminist critique. Marriage, divorce, Torah study, bat mitzvah,
methodology required. Special attention will be paid to the other ceremonies, female rabbinic ordination and women’s
politics, culture, political economy, gender, and ethics of prayer groups are some of the topics considered. (Offered in
various research practices. Intended for 4th year students alternate years)
only. DR=HUM; BR=2
Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor NMC285H1 The Qur’an: Spirit and Form (formerly
DR=HUM; BR=TBA NMC285Y1) [12L]
NMC473H1 Intellectuals of the Modern Arab World Concern is mainly with the sacred character of the Qur’an
(formerly NMC385Y1/NMC355H1) [12S] (koran), its preeminence in Islam. Topics include: the idea
The course is designed to re-examine the role of intellectuals of the sacred book, the Qur’an and the Bible, the influence
in the Arab world and political events that shaped their of the Qur’an on Islamic spirituality, literature, theology, law,
thinking. It introduces the life and thought of some leading philosophy, and the various apporaches taken in interpreting
thinkers of the Arab world and relates their thought to the the Qur’an. Knowledge of Arabic is not required. (Offered in
lived experience of political, social, economic and cultural alternate years)
change in the Middle East. Intended for upper year students. Recommended preparation: NMC185H1/185Y1/RLG204Y1
(Offered in alternate years) Exclusion: NMC285Y1/RLG351H1
Prerequisite: NML410Y1Y or fluency in Arabic DR=HUM; BR=2
Recommended preparation: NMC276Y1/278H1/278Y1/377H NMC286H1 The Qur’an: Reading and Transformation
1/377Y1/378H1/378Y1 [12L]
Exclusion: NMC385Y1/NMC355H1 from 2005-06 This course is a continuation of NMC285H1F. Students will
DR=HUM; BR=TBA be required to engage directly with the text in English or
French translation, to discuss and write on major and minor

Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
quranic topics and themes and to study the works of other NMC481H1 Muslim Gnostics and Mystics [12L]
astute readers of the text. Arabic is not required or expected. This course will present for study a different prominent
Recommended preparation: NMC285H1 figure each year: Hallaj, Ghazali, Suhrawardi, Ibn Arabi,
Exclusion: NMC285Y1/RLG351H1 Rumi, Mulla Sadra, and so on. Attention will be given to
DR=HUM; BR=2 their respective social and historical milieux, their modes of
expression and experience, and the nature of their literary
NMC380Y1 Religion and Myth in the Ancient Near East
productions. There is no prerequisite, but students must be
(formerly NMC380H1) [48L]
advanced undergraduates in the Humanities.
Religious belief and practice in Mesopotamia and Syria
Recommended preparation: NMC285H1/286H1/RLG351H1
(Ugarit). (Offered in alternate years)
Recommended preparation: NMC101Y1
Exclusion: NMC380H1 NMC484H1 Gender-related Topics in Law and Religion
DR=HUM; BR=TBA (formerly NMC484Y1) [12L]
Abortion, rape, family violence and similar topics from
NMC381H1 Modern Islamic Thought (formerly
the perspective of historical and legal development,
NMC381Y1) [12L]
scientific theory, socio-ethical attitudes and anthropological
Survey of major intellectual trends in the Islamic tradition,
comparison in the Bible and other ancient Near Eastern
particularly those identified with Middle Eastern Muslim
sources, through Jewish legal texts to modern responses.
thinkers, from the early 19th century to the present.
(Offered in alternate years)
Topics include reformism, modernism, hermeneutics,
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
feminism, Islamism, and liberal and progressive trends
Exclusion: NMC484Y1
in contemporary Muslim thought. Readings in English
Prerequisite: NMC185H1/201Y1 or RLG204Y1, NMC278H
Exclusion: NMC381Y1, RLG250H1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Art and Material Culture Courses
NMC382Y1 Ancient Egyptian Religion (formerly NMC392H1 The Taj Mahal and Its Origins [12L]
NMC382H1 and 383H1) [48L] Monumental architecture, whether for secular or religious
Religious belief and practice in ancient Egypt. The course will purposes, played a special role in Muslim societies,
focus on gods and mythology, which will be studied through particularly in major centres such as Isfahan, Samarkand
primary sources in translation. (Offered in alternate years) and Delhi. Beginning with the Taj Mahal (1632) the best-
Recommended preparation: NMC101Y1 known elements of Islamic architecture the double dome,
Exclusion: NMC382H1/NMC383H1 the pointed arch, glazed tiles are traced retroactively in Iran,
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Central Asia, and India, and their social context is studied.
(Offered every three years)
NMC384H1 Life Cycle and Personal Status in Judaism Prerequisite: One full course in Near Eastern/ Islamic art
[12L] and/or material culture
Jewish attitudes to various personal status issues, such as DR=HUM; BR=TBA
the foetus, the minor, the pubescent child, and the mentally
and physically challenged adult from biblical and rabbinic NMC393H1 Early Islamic Art & Architectures [12L]
sources to modern Jewish positions. (Offered in alternate A survey of the arts of the Islamic world from the 7th century
years) to the Mongol conquest in the mid-13th century. Studying
DR=HUM; BR=TBA objects in the ROM collections of Islamic art.
Prerequisite: One full course from FAH or NMC in medieval
NMC387H1 Islamic Mystical Tradition [12L] art/history/culture
Mysticism and spirituality in Islam: the Qur’an; doctrine; DR=HUM; BR=TBA
prayer; Sufism; Irfan (Shi’i mysticism). Themes include love,
knowledge, authority, being, interpretation. NMC394H1 Persianate Art & Architecture [12L]
Prerequisite: NMC185H1/185Y/RLG204Y A continuation of NMC393H1, covering art and material
DR=HUM; BR=TBA culture in the eastern Islamic lands from the late 13th century
CE to the modern period. Studying objects in the ROM
NMC388H1 Shi’i Islam I (formerly NMC386H1) [12L] collections of Islamic art..
Subjects covered include the rise and development of the Prerequisite: One full course from FAH or NMC in medieval
Shi’i version of Islamic “orthodoxy” from the mid-7th to the art/history/culture
mid-13th centuries CE. Distinctive Shi’i interpretations of the DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Qur’an will be examined.
Prerequisite: NMC185H1/185Y1/RLG204Y1 NMC396Y1 The Islamic City [12L]
Exclusion: NMC386H1 Architectural studies, historical sources and archaeological
DR=HUM; BR=TBA research are used to examine the physical and social
morphology of the pre-industrial Islamic city from Central Asia
NMC389H1 Shi’i Islam II (formerly NMC386H1) [12L] to North Africa and Spain, from the 7th to the 17th centuries.
This course continues the study of Shi’ism from 1258 to the Prerequisite: One full course in Near Eastern/Islamic art and/
present day and will include the history and teachings of the or material culture
various members of the Shi’i family of Islamic religion. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: NMC185H/185Y/RLG204Y
Exclusion: NMC386H1

Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
Research Courses
NMC299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
Credit course for supervised participation in faculty research
project. See page 48 for details.
NMC399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project
An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus
setting. See page 48 for details.
NMC495Y1 Independent Studies
Prerequisite: Permission of Department
NMC496H1 Independent Studies
Prerequisite: Permission of Department
NMC497H1 Independent Studies
Prerequisite: Permission of Department
NMC499Y1 Directed Reading
A course of study tailored to the individual needs or interests
of advanced undergraduate students. A selection of readings
chosen by the student, under the supervision of a faculty
member on which the student may be examined serves as
background preparation for the writing of a research paper.
Prerequisite: Permission of Department

Neuroscience: see Human Biology

New College

Faculty offerings, students can also directly engage the Caribbean

through courses drawn from history, literature, women and
Associate Professors gender studies, Spanish and Portuguese.
D.L. Eyoh, MA, Ph D (African Studies/Political
The Equity Studies Program
A. Trotz, BA, MPhil, Ph D (Caribbean Studies/Women (Major) An interdisciplinary approach to social justice
and Gender Studies) theories and practices in a variety of local and global
contexts. Areas of study include disability, anti-racism,
Assistant Professors social advocacy, global food systems, global health and
M. Lo, MA, MSc, Ph D (African Studies/Women and transnational labour. In addition to core courses, students
Gender Studies) are required to take equity courses from other programs
Senior Lecturers and departments across the university.
A. Itwaru, Ph D (Caribbean Studies) The Human Biology Programs
J. Larkin, BA, M Ed, Ph D (Equity Studies/Women and
Gender Studies) offer a broad education in life sciences with courses
D. Knott, MA, MTS (Paradigms and Archetypes/ offered by departments in both the Faculties of Arts and
Writing Centre) Science, and Medicine (see Human Biology section of the
R. Michalko, Ph D (Equity Studies) The Paradigms and Archetypes Program
New College courses have in common a commitment (Minor) provides opportunities for undergraduates
to be explorative and inventive and to widen students’ in discipline-based programs to access, through a
experience by critically examining relationships among comparative analysis of primary sources, the structure
academic disciplines. These courses take their place and dynamics of “paradigms”: archetypal narratives,
within our various Specialist, Major and Minor programs. assumptions, myths, fantasies, analytical protocols and
These programs are open to all students in the University. methodologies which govern the conduct of disciplines in
every field and all cultures.
Integration of student experience is a major concern in a
college with students from all faculties in the University. The Women and Gender Studies Program
The Independent Studies courses provide an opportunity (Specialist, Major, Minor) provides an interdisciplinary and
for students to design their own programs and to test their culturally inclusive approach to understanding gender (see
analytic, synthetic, and creative skills by writing a thesis. Women and Gender Studies section of the Calendar.)
The Service Learning Program, that includes both course-
based and independent service learning opportunities, Contact:
allows students to integrate theoretical knowledge with
Program Secretary’s Office:
practical experience, while engaging in meaningful work in
New College, Room 133 (416-978-5404 or nc.programs@
campus and community organizations.
The African Studies Program Registrar’s Office:
(Specialist, Major, Minor) offers opportunities to study the New College, Room 107 (416-978-2460)
people, ideas and knowledge, cultures and institutions
of Africa and African diasporas through interdisciplinary New College Programs
lenses. The courses are drawn from humanities, social
sciences and sciences. The core courses deal with African Studies (Arts program)
subjects such as African history and systems of thought,
development, African innovations, the slave trade, Consult Program Director, Dr. T. Tieku, New College, 416-
colonialism, African diasporas, African international 946-0283. For general enquiries call 416-978-5404.
relations, health, humanitarianism and politics. Enrolment in the Specialist, Major, and Minor programs in
African Studies is open to students who have completed
The Buddhism, Psychology and Mental Health four courses; no minimum GPA required.
(Minor) allows students to choose from a wide range Specialist program:
of courses on mind, consciousness, cognitive science, (11 full courses or their equivalent, including at least four
psychology of religion, health psychology, and sociological 300+ series courses with at least one full course at the
analyses of physical and mental health to acquire an 400-level)
understanding of the contributions of Buddhism to the
1. NEW150Y1, NEW450Y1
modern understanding of consciousness, mental health
2. Three full course equivalents from Group A, to be
and illness, and determinants of physical health.
chosen from at least two different departments/
The Caribbean Studies Program programs
3. Two full course equivalents from Group B
(Specialist, Major, Minor) Offers students an 4. Two full course equivalents from Groups A or B
interdisciplinary approach to the study of Caribbean 5. A combination of two language full course equivalents
history, society, economy and culture. In addition to core as outlined in Group C

New College
Note: Four full course equivalents of the eleven courses Buddhism, Psychology and Mental Health (Arts
must be 300/400 series (including at least one 400-series program)
course) of which at least one must be from Group A and
another from Group B Consult Program Director, Prof. A. Toneatto, Centre for
Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), (416) 535-8501, ext.
Major program: 6828 or [email protected]. For general enquiries
(6 full courses or their equivalent, including two at the call 416-978-5404 or email [email protected].
300+level) Enrolment in the Minor program in Buddhism, Psychology
1. NEW150Y1, NEW450Y1 and Mental Health is open to students who have
2. Two full course equivalents from Group A completed four courses; no minimum GPA required.
3. Two full course equivalents from Groups B, or NEW
Minor Program:
280Y1 and 380Y1
(4 full courses or their equivalent, including one at the
Note: At least two 300/400-series full course equivalents
from Groups A and/or B
1. NEW 232Y1 (Buddhist Psychology: Theories and
Minor program: Applications)
(4 full courses or their equivalent, including one at the 2. NEW 332H1 (Buddhism and Psychotherapy) or NEW
300+level) 333H1 (Buddhism and Cognitive Science)
1. NEW150Y1 3. NEW331H1 (Buddhism and the Science of
2. One full course equivalent from Group A Mindfulness Meditation) or NEW339H1 (Yogacara
3. One full course equivalent from Group B, or another Buddhism and Western Psychology)
one from Group A 4. NEW 431H1 (Cultivating Consciousness) or
4. One full course equivalent from Group B or NEW NEW214H1 (Socially Engaged Buddhism) or
280Y1, NEW 281Y1 or NEW 380Y1 NEW438H1 (Research Seminar in Buddhist
Note: At least one full course equivalent must be a Psychology)
300+series course from Groups A and/or B 5. 1.5 full course equivalent from :
ANT 100Y1, 204Y1, 253H1, 348H1, 356H1; EAS
324H1, 325H1, 346H1, 361Y1, 368Y1, 369Y1, 393Y1;
HPS 100H1, 250H1, 326H1; NEW 214H1, 232Y1,
Group A (Courses that deal exclusively with Africa.
302H1, 303H1, 331H1, 336H1, 339H1, 431H1, 433H1,
These include but are not limited to the following):
438H1; PHL 100Y1, 201H1, 232H1, 240H1, 244H1,
HIS 383H1, 481H1; JNH 350H1; JQR 360H1; NEW250Y1,
319H1, 320H1, 331H1, 332H1, 335H1, 340H1, 342H1;
296Y1, 322Y1, 351Y1, 352H1, 359H1, 450Y1, 451H1,
PSY 100Y1, 230H1, 240H1, 270H1, 321H1, 333H1,
452H1; POL301Y1, 488Y1, 489H1; SMC209H1; an
336H1, 341H1, 342H1, 343H1; RLG 206Y1, 207Y1,
independent studies course approved by the Program
210Y1, 211Y1, 231H1, 301H1, 302H1, 303H1, 304H1,
373H1, 375H1, 376H1, 377H1, 380H1, 421H1, 463H1,
Group B (Courses that deal with Africa and/or one or 466H1, 470H1; SOC 101Y1, 212Y1, 250Y1, 363H1;
more of its diaspora. These include but are not limited UNI 250Y1, 302H1, 401H1, 402H1, 483Y1; VIC106H1
to the following): Caribbean Studies (Arts program)
ANT 204H1, 345H1, 363Y1, 367H1, 426H1, 454H1; ARC
233H1; DTS 200Y1, 401H1, 402H1; ECO 230Y1, 320H1, Consult Program Director, Prof. D. A. Trotz, New College,
324Y1, 459H1; ENG 270Y1, 277Y1, 278Y1, 370Y1; 416-978-8286. For general enquiries call 416-978-5404 or
ENV 221H1, 333H1; FCS291H1, 392H1; FOR 201H1; email [email protected].
FRE332H1, 334H1, 336H1; GGR 338H1, 419H1; HAJ Enrolment in the Specialist, Major and Minor programs
453H1; HIS 106Y1, 294Y1, 295Y1, 296Y1, 305H1, 359H1, in Caribbean Studies is open to students who have
360H1, 370H1, 381H1, 382H1, 383H1, 393H1, 395H1, completed four courses; no minimum GPA required.
408Y1, 446Y1, 456Y1, 475H1, 476Y1, 478H1, 487H1;
HMB 202H1, 203H1, 303H1, 323H1, 433H1, 443H1; Specialist Program:
HPS 375H1, 376H1; INI327Y1, 380Y1; JPR 374Y1; NFS (10 full courses or their equivalent, including at least four
490H1; NMC 285H1, 286H1, 343H1, 344H1, 362Y1, 300+ series courses with at least one full course at the
365Y1, 374H11, 376H1, 377Y1, 378H1, 381H1, 393H1; 400-level)
NEW223Y1, 224Y1, 324Y1, 325H1, 326Y1; PHL 336H1,
1. NEW 224Y1, NEW 324Y1
380H1; POL201Y1, 321H1, 349H1, 403H1, 417Y1,
2. Eight full courses or their equivalent, with at least six
479H1, 482H1; RLG 203Y1, 204Y1, 241Y1, 251H1,
from Group A, the remaining two from Group A or
321H1, 351H1, 355H1; SOC210Y1; WGS 330H1, 369H1,
Group B.
440H1, 463H1
Major program:
Group C: (6 full courses or their equivalent including two at the
(NEW280Y1, 380Y1)/(FSL221Y1, 331Y1/341Y1/ 431Y1/ 300+level)
362Y1)/(NML210Y1, 310Y1)/(PRT100Y1/ 110Y1, 220Y1);
or two courses in a major African language approved by 1. NEW 224Y1, 324Y1
the Program Committee 2. Four full courses or their equivalent from Group A or
Group B, including at least one at the 300+level

New College
Minor program: Group B: Race, Creed, Ethnicity
(4 full courses or their equivalent including one at the ANT 204H1, 343H1, 349H1, 351H1, 359H1, 365H1,
300+level) 367H1, 426H1, 446H1, 448H1, 463H1; ARC 234H1; ENG
264H1, 268H1, 269H1, 270Y1, 275Y1, 277Y1, 278Y1,
1. NEW 224Y1, 324Y1
355H1, 368H1, 370H1; FIN 320H; HIS 107Y1, 208Y1,
2. Two courses from Group A or Group B
282Y1, 294Y1, 296Y1 303H1, 312H1, 338H1, 355H1,
359H1, 360H1, 370H1, 383H1, 384H1, 393H1, 396H1,
402H1, 408Y1, 412Y1, 416H1, 456Y1, 470H1, 475H1,
Group A:
476H1; ITA 493H1; LAS 301H1, 302H1; NEW 150Y1,
ENG 264H1, 370H1, 435H1; HIS 294Y1, 305H1, 359H1,
223Y1, 224Y1, 250Y1, 296Y1, 322Y1, 324Y1, 326Y1,
360H1, 446H1, 496H1; JQR 360H1; NEW 223Y1, 325H1,
424Y1, 426H1, 426Y1; NMC 384H1, 484H1; POL 301Y,
326Y1, 327Y1, 329H1, 422Y1, 423H1, 424Y1, 425Y1,
321H1, 403H1, 425Y1; PRT 255H1; RLG 220H1, 236H1,
426Y1; PMU 264H1, 267H1, 272H1, SPA 486H1, 487H1;
237H1, 243H1, 315H1, 344Y1; SOC 210Y1, 330Y1,
WGS 330H1, 336H1, 362H1, 375H1, 380H1, 440H1,
336H1, 339H1; SPA 486H1; UNI 307Y1
Group C: Sexual Diversities
Group B:
ANT 456H1; ENG 273Y1, 384Y1; PHL 243H1; POL
ANT 324H1, 364H1, 426H1; DTS 200Y1, 401H1, 402H1;
315H1; SOC 410H1; UNI 255H1, 256H1, 325H1, 354H1,
GGR 240H1; HIS 106Y1, 296Y1, 390Y1; JPR 374Y1;
355H1, 365H1, 375H1, 455H1, 475H1; WGS 374H1
LAS 200Y1, 300H1, 301H1; NEW 150Y1, 240Y1, 259H1,
322Y1, 351Y1, 359H1; POL 201Y1, 305Y1, 326Y1, Group D: General Equity
349H1, 403H1, 417Y1, 418H1, 429H1, 447Y1; RLG ABS 201Y1, 250H1, 300Y1, 301Y1, 302H1, 320Y1,
100Y1, 204Y1, 205Y1, 243H1; SOC 330Y1, 336H1; WGS 341H1, 350Y1, 351Y1, 352H1, 353H1, 354H1, 402H1,
369Y1, 385H1, 425H1, 463H1 403H1, 404H1, 405Y1; ANT 329H1, 348H1, 364Y1,
366H1, 425H1, 452H1; ARC 233H1; DTS200Y1, 401H1,
Equity Studies (Arts program) 402H1; EAS 462H1; ECO 239Y1, 332H1, 339Y1, 340H1,
Consult Program Co-ordinator, Dr. J. Larkin, 416-978- 369Y1; ENG 254Y1; FAH 390H/Y; GGR 216H1, 328H1,
8282. For general inquiries call 416-978-5404 or email 338H1, 339H1, 363H1; HAJ453H1; HIS 106Y1, 313H1,
[email protected]. 323H1, 367H1; 369H1, 395H1, 424H1, 459H1, 472H1,
480H1; HMB 203H1, 303H1, 443H1; HPS 324H1; JAG
Enrolment in this program is open to students who have
321H1; JGI 216H1; JNH350H1; PHL 281H1, 380H1,
completed four courses; no minimum GPA required.
384H1; POL 201Y1, 344H1, 403H1, 405Y1, 412Y1,
Major program: 439H1, 480Y1; PRT 351H1; RLG 225H1, 317H1; SOC
220Y1, 270H1, 301Y1, 309Y1, 344Y1, 354H1, 355Y1,
(7 full courses or their equivalent, including two at the 360Y1, 364H1, 367H1, 370Y1; UNI 220Y1; VIC 185H1,
300+level) 261H1, 351H1; VIS 310H1
1. NEW 240Y1
2. One full course equivalent from the core group below Group E: Disability
3. Five full course equivalents from: Groups A, B, C, D, E NEW241Y1, 344Y1, 349H1, 449H1; PHL 383H1; SOC
(including one or more full-course equivalents from at 360Y1, 363H1; WGS 366H1
least three of the five groups) Note: students are responsible for checking the co- and
prerequisites for all courses in Groups A,B,C, D and E

Core Group Human Biology: see Human Biology

JQR 360H1; NEW 240Y1, 241Y1, 341H1, 342H1, 343H1,
344Y1, 345H1, 348H1, 349H1, 441H1, 442H1, 444H1, Paradigms and Archetypes (Arts program)
445H1, 449H1 For general enquiries call 416-978-5404 or email
[email protected].
Group A: Gender
ANT 460H1; CLA 219H1; EAS 303H1, 453H1; ENG Enrolment in this program is open to students who have
307H1, 355H1, 383H1; FCS497H1; FRE 304H1; GGR completed four courses; no minimum GPA is required.
327H1; HIS 202H1, 245Y1, 306H1, 348H1, 354Y1,
363H1, 395H1, 406H1, 418H1, 446H1, 448H1, 481H1, Minor program:
483H1; ITA 455H1; JAL 355H1; JHP 440Y1; JNV300H1; (4 full courses or their equivalent, including one at the
JPP 343Y1; NEW 325H1; NMC 284H1, 484H1; PHL 300+level)
367H1; POL 351Y1, 432H1, 440Y1, 450H1; PSY 323H1; 1. NEW 209Y1
RLG 236H1, 237H1, 251H1, 314H1; SLA 248H1; SOC 2. NEW 301Y1/304Y1
214Y1, 365Y1, 366H1, 383H1; SPA 382H1, VIC 341H1, 3. One full course equivalent from NEW232Y1, NEW
343Y1; VIS 209H1; WGS 160Y1, 261Y1, 262H1, 271Y1, 301Y1 (if not chosen in 2 above), NEW 302Y1, NEW
330H1, 334H1, 335H1, 336H1, 362H1, 363H1, 365H1, 303H1, NEW 304Y1 (if not chosen in 2 above), NEW
366H1, 367H1, 368H1, 369H1, 372H1, 373H1, 374H1, 306H1, NEW 308H1, NEW 402Y1, NEW 403H1, NEW
375H1, 380H1, 385H1, 425H1, 434H1, 435H1, 440H1, 404H1
445H1, 460Y1, 461Y1, 462H1, 463H1, 465H1, 470Y1

New College
4. One full course equivalent from ABS 300Y1; HPS DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
201H1, HPS 202H1, HPS 210H1, HPS 211H1, HPS NEW471H1 Interdisciplinary Special Topics [24S]
250H1; NEW 332H1, 333H1, 344Y1; NMC 101Y1, Topics vary from year to hear depending on the instructor.
185Y1; RLG 200H1, RLG 204Y1, RLG 205Y1, RLG This is a Humanities course
206Y1, RLG 211Y1, RLG 231H1; any NEW courses DR=HUM; BR=TBA
listed in 3 above.
African Studies Courses
South Asian Studies: see South Asian Studies
NEW150Y1 Introduction to African Studies [48L]
Women’s Studies: see Women and Gender A multi-disciplinary study of Africa, emphasizing
Studies inquiry and critical analysis. Pre-colonial, colonial and
contemporary African history, anthropology, politics,
African humanism and society, religion, art, music, race,
New College Courses resistance, gender and Pan-Africanism.
See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions. DR=HUM; BR=3
NEW250Y1 Africa in the 21st Century: Challenges
First Year Seminars
and Opportunities [48L, 24T]
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
An introduction to the study of Africa as a living place
the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
rather than merely a site for intellectual speculation and
of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
study. Explores the issues that engage the attention
seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
of ordinary Africans, ranging from the dramatic to the
and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
seemingly trivial but quotidian concerns that occupy our
professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
lives. Topics will include urban life, family networks, kinship
year of study. For details, see page 48.
and social capital, religion and belief systems, indigenous
ELL010H1 Intensive Academic English government, politics, economics, courts and judicial
Students will learn strategies for improving high-level processes, migration, and land tenure. Materials studied
reading comprehension, listening to lectures with full will include various African media in Toronto – radio,
understanding, and giving successful oral presentations. A television, newspapers, literature, religion, politics, sports,
series of short writing assignments will develop and apply music, film and food – as well as BBC World Service,
skills in grammar, vocabulary-building, and critical thinking. allAfrica and Panapress and several African socio-cultural
Suitable for humanities, social science and science journals and texts.
students. This course has no credit value: it does not DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=1+3
count toward degree requirements. For information, see
NEW258H1 African Expressive Culture: African
Drumming and Dancing [48P]
IFP100Y1 The Americas Since 1492 [48L, 24T] Rehearsal, performance and study of West African music.
Examines the history of Anglo and Latin America since Exclusion: PMU 264
European contact. Enrolment is restricted to students Prerequisite: permission of the African Studies Program
registered in the International Foundation Program. Director
Interdisciplinary Courses NEW280Y1 Introductory Swahili [24L, 72T]
Introduction to grammar and basic vocabulary of Swahili.
NEW270H1 Foundations for Community Engagement
Emphasis on comprehension and oral practice. Reading of
[24L, 12T]
selected texts. Relation of the language to its East African
Examines issues in community-based organizing,
cultural context. (Offered in alternate years)
partnerships and advocacy. Drawing on interdisciplinary
theory, methodology and case studies, develops skills
both to analyze the social, economic, political, ethical NEW296Y1 Black Freedom [48L, 24T]
and cultural dimensions of working with communities and People of African descent – from Olaudah Equiano to
to critically evaluate organizing practices and strategic Angela Davis – have made profound contributions to the
approaches in community engagement. intellectual history and political practice of freedom in the
DR=SOC SCI; BR=3 Atlantic world. Black writers and historical actors have
been at the vanguard of re-conceiving, implementing, and
JQR360H1 The Canadian Census: Populations,
realizing the Enlightenment project of freedom.
Migrations and Demographics [24L/12T]
Exclusion: HIS296Y1
Examines the Canadian population census through the
experience of diasporic groups in Canada. Approaches
the census as a statistical tool, an historical source and NEW322H1 The Contemporary African Novel
an ideological project of citizenship and nationalism. (formerly NEW322Y1) [24S]
Uses census data to explore mathematical and statistical Novels written in the last forty years by English, French
concepts and to integrate numerical ways of thinking with and Portuguese-speaking Africans. Ideological views
qualitative analysis. (Jointly sponsored by African Studies, concerning colonialism and neo-colonialism. Tradition,
Diaspora and Transnational Studies, Caribbean Studies, religious and secular; the use of African symbolism.
Equity Studies and Latin American Studies). A small number of historical and sociological texts are
Prerequisite: NEW150Y1/224Y1/240Y1 recommended as essential background reading. Works

New College
not written in English are read in translation. (Offered in NEW451H1 Special Topics in African Studies [24L]
alternate years) An upper level course. Topics of study vary from year to
Exclusion: NEW322Y1 year.
JNH350H1 AIDS : Challenges and Successes NEW452H1 Negotiating Peace in Africa [24S]
(formerly NEW350H1) [24L] Examines approaches and styles employed by diplomats
Explores the pandemic of AIDS in Africa through a social to resolve conflicts in Africa.
science lens. (Given by Human Biology and New College) Prerequisite: NEW150Y1, 250Y1 or permission of the
Recommended preparation: NEW150Y1 instructor
Exclusion: NEW350H1 DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Buddhism, Psychology and Mental Health
NEW351Y1 African Systems of Thought (formerly
NEW252Y1) [48L] NEW214H1 Socially Engaged Buddhism (formerly
The exploration of a range of African cosmologies, NEW214Y1) [24L]
epistemologies, and theologies, as well as specific case A comprehensive survey of socially engaged Buddhism.
studies on justice, the moral order, and gender relations. Particular focus on contemporary movements in Vietnam,
The influence of these richly diverse traditions is traced as Tibet, China & Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and India. The
well in the writings of African thinkers in the Diaspora. role of women in Buddhism.
Recommended preparation: NEW150Y1 Exclusion: NEW214Y1
Exclusion: NEW252Y1, JAP256H1/JAP356H1 DR=HUM; BR=3
DR=HUM; BR=TBA NEW232Y1 Buddhist Psychology: Theories &
NEW352H1 International Organizations, NGOs, Applications (formerly NEW402Y1,
Development and Change in Africa [24L] NEW432Y1) [72S]
Critically explores the role of international organizations Explores the contributions of Buddhism to the study
such as the World Bank Group, the UN and NGOs in the of human consciousness and behaviour. Focus is on
economic development of Africa. the expanding academic discourse on the intersection
Prerequisite: NEW150Y1, 250Y1 or permission of the of Buddhist and Western theories of psychology,
instructor. phenomenology and psychotherapy. Includes analyses
DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=TBA of the application of Buddhist mindfulness meditation in
clinical interventions for mental and physical disorders.
NEW359H1 Humanitarianism Industry and Africa Exclusion: NEW402Y1, NEW432Y1
[24L] DR=HUM; BR=2
Examines the role of humanitarian actors and
organizations in economic development, human rights and NEW331H1 Buddhism and the Science of
democracy promotion, resolution of conflicts and post- Mindfulness Meditation [24S]
conflict reconstruction in Africa. Examines the modern mindfulness movement from a
Prerrequisite: NEW150Y1/250Y1 scientific and Buddhist perspective. Emphasis will be
DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=TBA placed on the key Buddhist sutras and commentaries
related to the practice of mindfulness and their relation the
JQR360H1 The Canadian Census: Populations, mindfulness meditation practices increasingly popular in
Migrations and Demographics [24L, 12T] the West.
See Interdisciplinary Courses above. Recommended preparation: NEW232Y1
NEW380Y1 Intermediate Swahili [24L, 72T] DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Grammar and syntax. Conversation and written NEW332H1 Buddhism and Psychotherapy [24S]
composition. Reading of texts: literary, journalistic. Evaluates the relationship between Buddhist psychology
Relation of the language to its East African context. and the practice of Western psychotherapy. Areas that will
(Offered in alternate years) be studied include positive psychology, psychoanalysis,
Prerequisite: NEW280Y1 cognitive-behaviour therapy, mindfulness meditation and
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Jungian psychology. Comparisons with original Buddhist
NEW450Y1 Advanced Topics in African Studies [24S] teachings and commentaries will be made.
A required course for all Specialists and Majors in Recommended preparation: NEW232Y1
the African Studies Program, enrolment is restricted DR=HUM; BR=TBA
to students enrolled in the program in their final year NEW333H1 Buddhism and Cognitive Science [36L]
of study. The seminar is taught by the core faculty in Explores some important connections between Cognitive
the African Studies Program and is designed to build Science and Buddhism. In particular it will examine the
upon the accumulated knowledge of students and the insights of cognitive science into central Buddhist concepts
interdisciplinary nature of the program. Topics vary from such as wisdom, mindfulness, meditation, insight and
year to year. self-control, as well as related concepts such as flow and
DR=HUM; BR=TBA mystical experience.
Recommended preparation: NEW232Y1/RLG206Y1

New College
NEW336H1 Yogacara Buddhism and Western and colonial dependence, responses to domination and
Psychology [36L] exploitation, race, gender, religion and music.
A comparative study of mind in Indian Yogacara Buddhism Recommended preparation: HIS106Y1
and modern psychology. Yogacara teachings address the DR=HUM; BR=2+3
three aspects of mind, the storehouse consciousness, and NEW259H1 World Music Ensemble: Steel Pan
the notion that the root of all phenomena is mind, allowing Rehearsal, performance and study of Steel Pan ensemble.
a dialogue with the modern scientific understanding of the Exclusion: PMU 272
mind in psychology. Prerequisite: permission of the Caribbean Studies
Recommended preparation: NEW232Y1 Program Director
NEW339H1 Special Topics in Buddhism, Psychology NEW324Y1 Caribbean Thought II [48L]
and Mental Health [36L] Critical enquiry at an advanced level into the construction
Topics vary from year to year depending on the instructor.. of society, race, language, religion, culture and gender;
Recommended preparation: NEW232Y1 theories of economy, resistance, self-affirmation,
DR=HUM; BR=TBA continuing colonization and place of the Caribbean
NEW431H1 Cultivating Consciousness: Yoga, within the global context; internal and external theoretical
Meditation & Mindfulness in Practice perspectives on “the Caribbean personality.”
[24S] Prerequisite: NEW224Y1
The scientific study of subjective experience. Students' DR=HUM; BR=TBA
own consciousness will be the laboratory for self-study NEW325H1 Caribbean Women Thinkers [24L]
using awareness-raising techniques from Buddhist and An examination of the historical and political significance
Yogic traditions including breathing exercises, conscious of writings (literary, political, scholarly) by Caribbean
movement, concentration, and mindfulness. Students will women who engage problems within Caribbean culture
objectively measure their experience and will be expected and provide insights into the endeavours of the peoples of
to maintain a daily meditation practice. the region.
NEW433H1 Advanced Special Topics in Buddhism, NEW326Y1 Indenture, Survival, Change [48L]
Psychology and Mental Health [24S] Indian survival in the Caribbean despite hardships of
An upper-level seminar. Topics vary from year to year, indentured labour; social and cultural change; role of
depending on the instructor. Hinduism and Islam; resistance to Colonial domination;
Recommended preparation: NEW232Y1/RLG206Y1 contribution of Indo-Caribbean intellectuals to literature,
DR=HUM; BR=TBA politics, and education. (Offered in alternate years)
NEW438H1 Research Seminar in Buddhist DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Psychology (formerly NEW338H1) [24L] NEW327H1 The Hispanic Caribbean: Race, Religion
Critically evaluates the empirical research literature and Revolution in Cuban History and
relevant to the study of Buddhist psychology. Conceptual, Culture (formerly NEW327Y1) [24L]
methodological and interpretive limitations of the scientific Examines Cuba’s relevance and legacy from the mid-
literature are discussed. Students will apply their nineteenth century to the present. Explores the tensions
understanding by designing an experiment to empirically of Cuban life in counterpoint with its creative rendering
evaluate an aspect of Buddhist psychology. in the arts and literature, through a variety of fresh
Prerequisite: one statistics course (e.g. PSY201H1, approaches in fields such as cultural studies, historical
PSY202H1, SOC202H1) or permission of the instructor sociology, anthropology, and sociology of religion.
Recommended Preparation: NEW232Y1/331H1/333H1 Recommended preparation: LAS200Y1/NEW224Y
Exclusion: NEW338H1 Exclusion: NEW327Y1
Caribbean Studies Courses NEW329H1 Special Topics in Caribbean Studies [24L]
NEW223Y1 Caribbean Literature and Society [48S] An upper level course. Topics of study vary from year to
A study of Caribbean writers of fiction, poetry and drama, year.
drawn from the major linguistic and racial/cultural groups Prerequisite: NEW224Y1 or permission of the instructor
in the region. Works are analyzed as literary texts and JQR360H1 Quantitative Reasoning [24L, 12T]
within the contexts of social and political life in which the See Interdisciplinary Courses above.
writing is situated.
DR=HUM; BR=1+3 NEW422Y1 Performing and Transforming the
Caribbean [48S, 72P]
NEW224Y1 Caribbean Thought I [72L] Addresses ways in which performance can be a force
A multi-disciplinary exploration of writing pertaining to for cultural resistance and social change. Examines
culture and consciousness particularly Afro- and Indo- Caribbean performances such as jonkonnu, theatre, dance
Caribbean thought: theoretical perspectives on the hall and carnival, looking at how these forms engage
implications and consequences of slavery and indenture, questions of neo-colonialism, transculturation, gender,
the struggle for freedom from the legacy of the plantation race and nation, community and identity and diasporic

New College
Prerequisite: NEW324Y1 or permission of instructor post-colonial theory, queer theory, disability studies, feminist
DR=HUM; BR=TBA theory and transnational studies.
Prerequisite: NEW240Y1 or permission of instructor
NEW423H1 Special Topics in Caribbean Studies [24S]
An upper-level seminar. Topics vary from year to year,
depending on the instructor. NEW342H1 Theory and Praxis in Food Security [24S]
Prerequisite: NEW324Y1 Explores the concept of food security in the context of equity
DR=HUM; BR=TBA issues related to global food systems. Provides opportunities
for field work experience in topics addressed in the course.
NEW424Y1 The Capitalist Press and the New
Prerequisite: NEW240Y1 or permission of the instructor
Imperialism (formerly NEW424H1) [72S]
Social analysis of the state-corporate mainstream capitalist
press (print/electronic) problematically named “The Free NEW344Y1 Equity and the Body [48L]
Press”; its racist-sexist globalizing EuroAmerican cultural An analysis of the body as the product of complex social
imperialism; the production of the commoditized consumer- organizations, processes and structures. Examines cultural
subject and other re-conquest narratives and their narratives recounted about the body through topics that
implications for Caribbean and other World Majority peoples. include genetics, beauty, health, pathology and the multiples
Prerequisite: NEW 224Y1,324Y1 or permission of the identities that intersect at the site of the body.
instructor. Prerequisite: NEW240Y1 or permission of the instructor
Exclusion: NEW424H1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=HUM; BR=TBA NEW345H1 Equity and Activism in Education [24L]
NEW425Y1 Racism, Colonialism and Supremacist Examines contemporary issues in education and schooling
Culture [72S] from a social justice and equity perspective. Engages with a
Historicises and contexualises the emergence of race and variety of theoretical frameworks including anti-homophobia
racial thinking in colonialism, discusses the imposition education, critical pedagogy, critical race theory, decolonizing
and internalization of hierachical relations and practices, knowledges, and intersectionality. Includes a service
and assesses their legacies and reproduction (as well as learning component and an overview of educational activist
challenges to them) as these pertain to the Caribbean and in projects.
relation to contemporary global social, economic and political Prerequisite: NEW240Y1.
arrangements. DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: NEW 224Y1 or permission of the course NEW348H1 Special Topics in Equity Studies [24L]
instructor. An upper level course. Topics of study vary from year to
NEW426H1 Special Topics in Caribbean Studies [36S] Prerequisite: NEW240Y1 or permission of the instructor
NEW426Y1 Special Topics in Caribbean Studies [72S]
An upper level seminar. Topics vary from year to year, NEW349H1 Disability and Representation [24S]
depending on the instructor. Explores the connection between disability and
Prerequisite: NEW 324Y1 representation through contemporary social theries and
DR=HUM; BR=TBA methods in disability studies. Problematizes disability
representation to challenge the taken-for-granted cultural
Equity Studies Courses assumption that disability is a problem that requires a
NEW240Y1 Introduction to Equity Studies [48L] solution.
An interdisciplinary study of issues of social diversity Prerequisite: NEW240Y1/366H1 or permission of the
exploring debates about the origins of inequity and the instructor
various means of addressing it. Course readings draw from DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=TBA
a broad range of relevant literature in the Humanities, Social
JQR360H1 Quantitative Reasoning [24L, 12T]
Sciences, and Natural and Medical Sciences.
See Interdisciplinary Courses above.
NEW441H1 Advanced Topics in Equity Studies [24S]
NEW241Y1 Introduction to Disability Studies [48L]
Introduces students to the theory and practice of Disability NEW442H1 Advanced Topics in Equity Studies [24S]
Studies. Explores the history of the development of disability An advanced level seminar course. Topics vary from year to
studies. Examines cultural representations of disability and year.
critically assesses the ways disability is conceptualized in Prerequisite: NEW240Y1 or permission of instructor
societal institutions. Forms of disability activism are also DR=HUM; BR=TBA
discussed. NEW444H1 Social Change and Non-Violence [24S]
DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=1+3 Examines theories and practices that promote the building of
NEW341H1 Theories and Histories in Equity Studies cooperative, non-violent communities. Grounded in a series
[24S] of historical cases studies, the course critically considers
Explores theories that inform Equity Studies and situates Gandhian principles and the ways in which these have been
them historically to examine both the social conditions and translated into collective action.
practices that generate inequities and the responses by Prerequisite: NEW 240Y or permission of the instructor
equity advocates. Examines texts in relevant fields such as DR=HUM; BR=TBA

New College
NEW445H1 Anti-Oppression Education in School NEW 304Y1 Dilemmas [48L, 24T]
Settings [24L] Issues raised by the problem/solution paradigm and the
Identifies ways systems of oppression and oppressive construction of truth as binary; strategies of paradox, aporia,
educational practices manifest themselves in school paradigm anomaly, enigma, puzzlement; mystery and
settings. Discusses how educatiors can use these settings mystification; crisis, crux and apocalypse. Works by Borges,
or create new spaces to do anti-oppressive educational work. Carroll, Dostoevski, Freud, Mill, Nishitani, Rorty, Ryle,
Integrates anti-oppressive educational theories with anti- Sophocles, Watson, etc,. (Offered in alternate years)
oppressive school practice. Recommended preparation: NEW 209Y1
Prerequisite: NEW240Y1, 345H1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA NEW306H1 Rabindranath Tagore: Paradigms of Culture
NEW449H1 Contemporary Theories in Disability Studies [24L]
[24S] Examines Tagore’s concepts of humanity, art, personality,
Explores the influence of contemporary social theory in freedom, nationalism, ashram, science, education. Evaluates
the formation of Disability Studies and its contemporary Tagore’s literary contribution, his work in rural reconstruction,
expressions. Examines how contemporary feminist theory, and Tagore-Gandhi tensions over education and the non-
queer theory, and post-colonial theory intersect with Disability cooperation movement. Reading knowledge of Bengali not
Studies to develop an understanding of disability as a socio- presumed; however students with knowledge of language
political phenomenon. encouraged to read materials in Bengali.
Prerequisite: NEW240Y1/366H1 or permission of the DR=HUM; BR=TBA
instructor NEW308H1 Satyajit Ray: Paradigms of Vision [24L]
DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=TBA Examines the artistic vision of Satyajit Ray as chronicler
Paradigms and Archetypes Courses of Bengali culture and one of the greatest filmmakers of
our time: his life and work; his films as expressions of his
NEW209Y1 Stories: Constructs of Knowledge [48L, 24T]
humane vision; cultural orientation and values; fictional
Examines cross-disciplinary issues raised by the telling and
compositions, visual and musical artistry; affinities and
retelling of stories: sequence and consequence; narrative
continuity with Rabindranath Tagore. Reading knowledge of
as argument and proof by scenario; construction and
Bengali not presumed; however students with knowledge of
deconstruction of identities; instabilities amongst “history,”
language encouraged to read materials in Bengali.
“fact,” “fiction,” “myth,” “law” and “science”. Works by
Certeau, Darwin, Davis, Foucault, Freud, Gould, Kincaid,
Kuhn, Plato, etc. NEW402Y1 Advanced Special Topics in Paradigms and
Prerequisite: Four course credits or permission of the Archetypes [48S]
instructor. Topics vary from year to year, depending on the needs of the
DR=HUM; BR=1+2 program and the interests of students and instructors.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
NEW301Y1 Analogy and Its Rituals [48L, 24T]
Issues of rhetorical proof, analysis and interpretation in open
(alogical) systems; mediation and the media; the scandal of NEW403H1 Advanced Special Topics in Paradigms and
chaos; motives for metaphor, custom and culture, anatomies Archetypes [24S]
of reason, idea and ideology. Works by Aristotle, Beckett, NEW404H1 Advanced Special Topics in Paradigms and
Camus, Kafka, Langer, McLuhan, Ryle, Plato, Shelley, etc. Archetypes [24S]
(Offered in alternate years) Topics vary from year to year depending on the needs of the
Recommended preparation: NEW 209Y program and the interests of students and instructors.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
NEW302Y1 C.G. Jung: Stories, Dilemmas, Rituals [48L] DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Impact of Jung’s analytical psychology, critical methodology Independent Studies Courses
and interpretative practice on issues in religion, anthropology,
art and literature, popular culture, gender studies and New College Independent Study courses are designed both
postmodernist critique. Theoretical studies include traditional to complement regular offerings in New College programs
Jungian and contemporary post-Jungian texts together with and to provide an opportunity for New College students in
anti-Jungian, feminist, and non-Jungian sources. any program to enrich their studies. The normal expectation
Prerequisite: At least one course in the humanities of a project course is that the student, aided and advised
DR=HUM; BR=TBA by the supervisor, will read relevant literature, and plan,
execute, analyze and report on an original and independent
NEW303H1 The Hypothesis of the Unconscious [24L] investigation of an appropriate topic. Written applications
Current discussions of the hypothesis, especially Jung’s (detailed proposal, reading list and a letter of support from
collective unconscious; critical examination through a faculty member who is prepared to supervise) should
retrospective analysis of the evolution and development of be made through the Program Office for approval by the
the concept in works from philosophy, psychology, poetry, College’s Committee for Academic Affairs by May 1 for the
ethnology, science and popular culture that anticipated, Summer Session or by the last Friday in August for the Fall
influenced or were influenced by the work of Freud and Jung, & Winter Session. Students will be notified of the acceptance
post-Freudians and post-Jungians. or rejection of an application. For more information and
Recommended preparation: NEW 302Y1 application forms, please see the Independent Studies
DR=HUM; BR=TBA website: http://www.newcollege.utoronto.ca/programs/

New College
independent .htm
Enquiries: New College, Room 133 (978-5404)
NEW299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
Credit course for supervised participation in faculty research
project. See page 48 for details.
NEW390Y1 New College Independent Studies [TBA]
Prerequisite: Permission of College
NEW391H1 New College Independent Studies [TBA]
Prerequisite: Permission of College
NEW490Y1 New College Independent Studies [TBA]
Prerequisite: Permission of College
NEW491H1 New College Independent Studies [TBA]
Prerequisite: Permission of College
Service Learning Courses
Provides an opportunity to integrate theory and classroom
learning with experiential learning through participation in
activities and knowledge production in community or campus
organizations. Projects are developed in consultation with
the site supervisor and academic supervisor. Students’
learning is supported in a regular seminar that fosters
reflective practice.
Information about the program and specific placement
opportunities can be found at http://www.newcollege.
Enquiries: New College Service Learning Coordinator: 416-

NEW495Y1 Independent Community Service Learning

[24S, 96P]
Recommended Preparation: NEW150Y1/214H1/224Y1/
232Y1/240Y1/241Y1/other NEW courses
NEW496H1 Independent Community Service Learning
[12S, 48P]
Recommended Preparation: NEW150Y1/214H1/224Y1/
232Y1/240Y1/241Y1/other NEW courses

Nutritional Sciences
Collaborative Program of the Faculty of Community Health, are advised to contact the program
Arts & Science and the Faculty of Medicine director during their second year of undergraduate studies.
Undergraduate Coordinator:
Faculty Professor R. Bazinet, FitzGerald Building

Professors Emeriti Enquiries:

FitzGerald Building, 150 College Street, Room 316 (416-
G.H. Beaton, Ph D
W.R. Bruce, MD, Ph D
M. Krondl, Ph D
A.V. Rao, M Sc, Ph D Nutritional Sciences Program
L.U. Thompson, M Sc, Ph D
Nutritional Sciences (Science program)
E.W. McHenry Professor and Chair
M.R. L’Abbe, Ph D Major program:
Professors Enrolment in the Major Program can begin at the end
of first year, and admission is based on maintaining an
G.H. Anderson, M Sc, Ph D
overall GPA of at least 2.7.
M.C. Archer, MA, Ph D, D Sc C.E. Greenwood, M Sc,
Ph D First Year:
D.J.A. Jenkins, MA, DM, D Phil, D Sc BIO (120H1, 130H1)/150Y1; CHM (138H1, 139H1)/151Y1
V. Tarasuk, Ph D Second Year:
V. Vuksan, M Sc, D Sc NFS 284H1; BCH210H1; STA (220H1, 221H1/JBS 229H1)
T.M. S. Wolever, MA, BM, BCh, M Sc, Ph D Third Year:
NFS 382H1; NFS 386H1; PSL 302Y1; CSB 349H1/
Associate Professors PSL350H1/BCH311H1
A. El-Sohemy, Ph D Fourth Year:
A.J. Hanley, Ph D Any three of: NFS 484H1, NFS 485H1, NFS 486H1, NFS
W. Ward, M Sc, Ph D 487H1, NFS 488H1, NFS489H1, NFS 490H1, NFS
Assistant Professors 494Y1
R.P. Bazinet, Ph D
E.M. Comelli, Ph D Nutritional Sciences Courses
M. Keith, PhD See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
Senior Lecturer
First Year Seminars
A.L, Fox, MHSc, Ph D, RD
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
Lecturer the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
D. Gurfinkel, Ph D of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
M. Morris, M Ed, RD seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
S. Parker, Ph D and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
K.R. Slater, MHSc professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
year of study. For details, see page 48.
Nutritional Sciences represents an exciting and
challenging area of study of a truly interdisciplinary nature. NFS284H1 Basic Human Nutrition [36L, 12T]
Understanding of the impact of nutrition on health and An introductory course to provide the fundamentals
its role in disease is based upon a knowledge of the of human nutrition to enable students to understand
metabolic processes involved (nutrient requirements and and think critically about the complex interrelationships
utilization, food additive metabolism and safety), of the between food, nutrition, health and the environment.
chemistry of foods (food preservation, food production) Recommended preparation: BIO150Y1; CHM
and of social and behavioural factors integrated in (138H1,139H1)/ 151Y1; MAT135Y1/137Y1; PHY
consideration of the national and international goals of (131H1, 132H1)/(151H1, 152H1)
achieving optimal health through proper nutrition. DR=SCI; BR=4
Most career opportunities in Nutritional Sciences NFS299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
require training beyond the undergraduate level. The Credit course for supervised participation in faculty
Major Program provides excellent preparation for entry research project. See page 48 for details.
into postgraduate studies in nutrition research or for a DR=SCI; BR=TBA
professional faculty such as Medicine and Dentistry. NFS382H1 Vitamin and Mineral Metabolism
Throughout the Life Cycle [36L, 12T]
Please note that this Department does not offer an
Micronutrients are essential for health throughout the life
undergraduate dietetics program. Students interested in
cycle. This course examines the role of micronutrients
this qualification should contact Dietitians of Canada for
during development and ageing with some emphasis on
information (www.dietitians.ca).
disease prevention and pathogenesis. Students develop
Students interested in applying to the M.H.Sc. Comm. critical appraisal skills, an understanding of the principles
Nutr. Program, through the Graduate Department of of study design and learn to write in a scientific style.

Nutritional Sciences
Prerequisite: BIO150Y1; CHM (138H1, 139H1)/151Y1; NFS489H1 Nutritional Neurosciences [36L]
NFS284H1 This course provides an integrated approach to how brain
DR=SCI; BR=TBA function regulates and in turn is regulated by nutrition from
a biochemical perspective.
NFS386H1 Food Chemistry [36L]
Prerequisite: BCH210H1, BCH311H1/CSB349H1/
Structure, composition and chemical and biochemical
PSL350H1, NFS284H1, PSL302Y1
reactions in foods during postharvest/postmortem,
processing, storage and utilisation. Implications for
organoleptic properties, nutritional value, toxicity and NFS490H1 International and Community Nutrition
human health. [36L]
Prerequisite: CHM 138H1 This course focuses on current issues in international and
Recommended preparation: NFS284H1 community nutrition including global and domestic food
DR=SCI; BR=TBA security, micronutrient deficiencies and other forms of
undernutrition, maternal and infant/child nutrition, dietary
NFS484H1 Advanced Nutrition [24L, 12T]
guidance, and food and nutrition policy. The course will
Physiological and biochemical features of nutrient needs.
consider the environmental, sociopolitical, cultural and
The roles of nutrients in the development and adaptability
biosocial contexts of nutrition.
of the whole body, organs and cells. Interpretation of
Prerequisite: NFS284H1
current research data.
Recommended preparation: GGR107Y1/POL103Y1/
Prerequisite: BCH210H1, CSB349H1/PSL350H1/
BCH311H1, NFS284H1, PSL302Y1, STA(220H1,
DR=SCI; BR=TBA NFS494Y1 Research Projects in Nutritional Sciences
NFS485H1 Nutritional Microbiology [36L]
Research experience under the supervision of a
Provides an integrated approach to how prokaryotes
Departmental staff member. The course entails designing
modulate nutrient availability and how they interact
and carrying out a small research project and the
with the host to impact human health from a molecular
preparation and presentation of both a research proposal
and a final report. Note that the research project NFS
Prerequisite: BCH210H1, CSB349H1/PSL350H1/
494Y1 requires the prior consent of a staff member who
BCH311H1/MGY311Y1, NFS284H1, PSL302Y1,
will supervise the project and departmental approval
STA(220H1, 221H1/JBS229H1)
before enrolment. The student is responsible for locating
a supervisor and must consult with the course instructor
NFS486H1 Nutrition and Human Disease [36L] before the beginning of the term.
Role of dietary fat in normal development and in human Prerequisite: Permission of Department and Project
diseases including cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular Supervisor
disease. Current issues relating to their prevention or DR=SCI; BR=TBA
treatment with diet will be discussed, illustrated with
reference to general pathophysiological and biochemical
principles and current literature.
Prerequisite: BCH210H1, CSB349H1/PSL350H1/
BCH311H1, NFS284H1, PSL302Y1, STA(220H1,
NFS487H1 Functional Foods and Nutrigenomics
Scientific principles and experimental approaches in
the development and regulation of functional foods
and nutraceuticals. The impact of the human genome
on nutrition research. Experimental approaches to
investigating gene-diet interactions. Understanding how
genetic variability affects nutrient response, and how
dietary factors regulate gene expression.
Prerequisites: NFS 284H1, CSB349H1/PSL350H1/
NFS488H1 Nutritional Toxicology [36L]
Occurrence, mechanism of action, safety and health
implications of chemicals naturally present in or added
to foods. Interactions of nutrients and toxicants and the
effects on their metabolism and utilization. Food safety
evaluation and regulatory control.
Prerequisite: BCH210H1, NFS284H1

Peace and Conflict Studies

Faculty HIS243H1, HIS244H1, HIS250Y1, HIS251Y1, HIS271Y1,

HIS296Y1, HIS303Y1, HIS311Y1, HIS317H1, HIS319H1,
Associate Professor HIS325H1, HIS329H1, HIS333Y1, HIS334Y1, HIS338Y1,
Ron Levi, BCL, LLB, LLM, SJD HIS343Y1, HIS344Y1, HIS347H1, HIS351H1, HIS355Y1,
Nancy Kokaz, BA, Ph D HIS356H1, HIS359H, HIS364H1, HIS370H1, HIS376H1,
HIS377H1, HIS386Y1, HIS390Y1, HIS396H1, HIS401Y1,
The Peace and Conflict Studies Program, in the School HIS405Y1, HIS407H1, HIS408Y, HIS412Y1, HIS414H1,
of Global Affairs, provides undergraduates with an HIS415H, HIS421Y1, HIS424Y1, HIS436Y1, HIS445H1,
interdisciplinary education in the causes of human conflict HIS451H1, HIS453H1, HIS458Y1, HIS461H1, HIS473H1,
and strategies for its resolution; topics of study include war, HIS475H1, HIS480H1, HIS488H1, HIS491Y1, HIS492Y1;
revolution, rebellion, ethnic strife, international law, and JHP435Y, JHP440Y; NMC278H1, NMC474H1; TRN421Y1
negotiation theory.
Group B
Peace and Conflict Studies (Arts program) JHP440Y1, JMC301Y1; NEW250Y1; NMC476H1,
Consult Program Assistant, Room H11, University College, NMC477H1; POL108Y1, POL201Y1, POL242Y1,
416-978-2485, E-mail: [email protected] , or visit POL300Y1, POL301Y1, POL304H1, POL305Y1, POL312Y1,
the Peace and Conflict website at www.utoronto.ca/mcis/ POL313Y1, POL321H1, POL323H1, POL324Y1, POL330H1,
trudeaucentre/. POL326Y1, POL340Y1, POL342H1, POL343Y1, POL345H1,
POL354H1, POL358Y1, POL364H1, POL370Y, POL405Y1,
Enrolment in the Specialist and Major programs are limited;
POL412Y1, POL416Y1, POL417Y1, POL419Y1, POL422Y1,
selection is based on a personal interview and GPA. To
POL428H1, POL429Y1, POL432H1, POL435H1, POL442H1,
apply, students must have completed ANY four full courses,
POL447Y1, POL448H1, POL459Y1, POL463Y1, POL464H1,
or their equivalent. The Director approves each student’s
POL465H1, POL467H1, POL468H1, POL469H1,
proposed program of study based on its relevance,
POL476H1, POL479H1, POL480H1, POL486H1, POL487H1
coherence, and focus.
Group C
Specialist program: JLP374H1, JLP471H1; PSY100H1, PSY201H1, PSY210H1,
(12 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one
PSY220H1, PSY270H1, PSY280H1, PSY300H1, PSY311H1,
400-series course)
PSY312H1, PSY314H1, PSY320H1, PSY321H1,
1. HIS103Y1/ECO100Y1/105Y1 (PSY100H1 + PSY220H)/ PSY322H1, PSY324H1, PSY326H1, PSY328H1, PSY331H1,
SOC101Y1; POL208Y1 PSY334H1, PSY370H1, PSY372H1, PSY420H1, PSY471H1
2. PCS260Y1, 360Y1, 460Y1
3. Three courses from one of Groups A, B, C, D, E or F Group D
(below); at least one course must be at the 300+ series ENV200Y1, ENV234Y1, ENV235Y1, ENV321Y1;
level GGR107H1, GGR124Y1, GGR203H1, GGR220H1,
4. Three complementary courses with either a disciplinary, GGR314H1, GGR331H1, GGR333H1, GGR338H1,
regional, or thematic focus relevant to Peace and GGR343H1, GGR368H1, GGR393H1, GGR398H0/399Y0,
Conflict Studies (on approval of the Director); at least GGR409H1, GGR415H1, GGR418H1, GGR435H1,
one must be at the 300+ level GGR439H1, GGR452H1, GGR494H1; PHL273H1,
Disciplinary focus:
3 courses from one of ANT, ECO, GGR and Environmental Group E
Studies (combined), HIS, HPS, PHL, POL, PSY, RLG, ANT100Y1, ANT204Y1, ANT329H1, ANT343H1, ANT357H1,
SOC. ANT358H1, ANT363Y1, ANT364Y1, ANT366H1,
(Note: HIS is excluded for students who have taken 3 HIS ANT395Y0/396Y0, ANT425H1, ANT426H1, ANT427H1,
courses in 3. above; POL is excluded for students who have ANT440H1, ANT448H1, ANT450H1, ANT452H1; RLG250H1,
taken 3 POL courses in 3. above.) RLG333H1; SOC205Y1, SOC210Y1, SOC212Y1,
Regional Studies focus: SOC213Y1, SOC215Y1, SOC220Y1, SOC250Y1,
3 courses on, for example, Canada, Southern Africa, the SOC301Y1, SOC306Y1, SOC312Y1, SOC320Y1,
Middle East, or Latin America. SOC330Y1, SOC336H1, SOC344Y1, SOC355Y1,
SOC356Y1, SOC360Y1, SOC365Y1, SOC367H1,
Thematic focus: SOC386Y1
3 courses on a thematic topic proposed by the student and
approved by the Director. Examples include negotiation and Group F
conflict resolution, diplomatic history, gender and conflict, COG250Y1 (listed with University College); JPP343Y1;
morality of war, quantitative analysis, group-identity conflict, PHL232H1, PHL235H1, PHL240H1, PHL244H1, PHL247H1,
economic development and conflict, or environmental PHL271H1, PHL273H1, PHL275H1, PHL317H1,
change and conflict. PHL340H1, PHL341H1, PHL351H1, PHL357H1, PHL365H1,
PHL370H1, PHL373H1, PHL375H1, PHL378H1, PHL380H1,
Group A
HIS103Y1, HIS106Y1, HIS202H, HIS241H1, HIS242H1,

Peace and Conflict Studies
Major program: PCS460H1 Contemporary Issues in Peace and Conflict
(7 full courses or their equivalent) (formerly UNI460H1) [24S]
1. HIS103Y1/ECO100Y1/105Y1; (PSY100H1 + PSY220H)/ PCS460Y1 Contemporary Issues in Peace and Conflict
SOC101Y1; POL208Y1 (formerly UNI460Y1) [48S]
2. PCS260Y1, 360Y1 A colloquium (fall term) and research seminar (spring term,
3. Two complementary courses, at least one of which must PCS460Y only) on security ontology and various meanings of
be at the 300+ series level, from: security. Topics to be considered include planetary,
ECO230Y1; GGR439H1; HIS241H1, HIS242H1, ecospheric, state, societal, and human security.
HIS343Y1, HIS344Y1, HIS377Y1, HIS401Y1, HIS412Y1, Exclusion: PCS460H1, PCS460Y1; Students are not allowed
HIS445H1; HPS306H1; PHL378H1; POL201Y1, to take both H and Y courses
POL304H1, POL313Y1, POL321H1, POL323H1, Prerequisite: POL208Y1 and PCS360Y1/permission of the
POL326Y1, POL340Y1, POL417Y1; PSY270H1, instructor
PSY322H1; SOC210Y1, SOC330Y1; or alternative DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
courses on the approval of the Program Director

Peace and Conflict Studies Courses

See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.

First Year Seminars

The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide the
opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class of no
more than twenty-four students. These interactive seminars
are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity and provide
an opportunity to get to know a member of the professorial
staff in a seminar environment during the first year of study.
For details, see page 48.
PCS260Y1 Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies
(formerly UNI110Y1, UNI260Y1) [72L]
A review of the full range of theories explaining the nature
and causes of conflict and possibilities for its resolution;
provides students with a set of theoretical tools for effective
analysis of interpersonal, civil, and international conflict.
Exclusion: UNI110Y1, PCS260Y1
PCS360Y1 Topics in Peace and Conflict (formerly
UNI360Y1) [48L]
An in-depth exploration of selected issues introduced in
PCS260Y1. Topics may include: negotiation theory; ethnic
and group-identity conflict; feminist perspectives on peace
and war; mathematical modeling of arms races and war;
decision-making theory and conflict; environmental change
and conflict; and traditional perspectives on statecraft.
Exclusion: PCS360Y1
Prerequisite: PCS260Y1 or permission of the instructor
Recommended preparation: POL208Y1
PCS361H1 Special Topics in Peace and Conflict Studies
(formerly UNI361H1) [24S]
PCS361Y1 Special Topics in Peace and Conflict Studies
(formerly UNI361Y1) [48S]
An exploration of selected issues in the field of Peace and
Conflict Studies involving an overseas and/or practicum
Exclusion: PCS361H1, PCS361Y1
Prerequisite: permission from the Instructor.
Recommended Preparation: POL208Y1, PCS260Y1

Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Collaborative Program of the Faculty of Arts university-affiliated organizations, or government research
& Science and the Leslie Dan Faculty of agencies.
Pharmacy For more information please follow the links on our website
(www.pharmacy.utoronto.ca/pharmchem) or contact the
Pharmaceutical Chemistry combines knowledge of the Office (see above).
biological, medical, and physical sciences in the study of
drug therapy. The emphasis is on the chemical nature of
the reactions and interactions involved in drug therapy. The
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Courses
students will receive a solid background in the facets of See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
chemistry the most relevant to drugs: physical, organic, and
analytical chemistry. They will also learn the fundamental First Year Seminars
aspects of the synthesis, manufacture, use, and mode of The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide the
action of drugs. opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class of no
more than twenty-four students. These interactive seminars
Undergraduate Office – General Enquiries: are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity and provide
L. Chung, (416-978-2162), [email protected] an opportunity to get to know a member of the professorial
staff in a seminar environment during the first year of study.
Program Director:
For details, see page 48.
Dr. R. Macgregor, (416-978-7332) rob.macgregor@utoronto.
ca PHC300Y1 Molecular Pharmacology [72L, 24T]
The molecular basis for the action of drugs is presented
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Program based upon the physicochemical nature of the drug and its
Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Science program) Prerequisite: CHM 247H1/249H1; (CHM
220H1,221H1)/225Y1; BCH 210H1
Enrolment in this program is limited to students with a 2.7 DR=SCI; BR=TBA
CGPA in the required courses described below. Visit the
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Program web site for updated PHC320H1 Medicinal Chemistry [36L]
information about requirements, course offerings, and events: Modern discovery and synthesis of antibiotics,
www.pharmacy.utoronto.ca/pharmchem. antineoplastics, antiviral and other therapeutic agents.
Prerequisite: CHM 247H1/249H1; BCH 210H1
Specialist program: DR=SCI; BR=TBA
(15.5 courses or their equivalent, including at least one PHC330Y1 Pharmaceutics [72L, 24T]
400-series course) The study of the science and technology underlying drug
NOTE: Some of the courses listed below may have delivery are covered. The properties of different dosage
prerequisites. forms and delivery routes are studied with an emphasis on
oral and parenteral routes.
First Year: Prerequisite: CHM 247H/249H; CHM (220H1,221H1)/225Y1;
BIO 150Y1; CHM (138H1,139H1)/151Y1; MAT 135Y1/137Y1; BCH 210H1
PHY (131H1, 132H1)/(151H1, 152H1) DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Second Year:
BCH 210H1; (BIO 240H1, 241H1)/250Y1; (CHM PHC331H1 Establishing the Bioequivalence of
220H1,221H1)/225Y1; CHM 247H1/249H1 Pharmaceutical Products [32L]
Third Year: Introduction to human clinical trial design for the
CHM 217H1; PCL 201H1; PHC 300Y1; PHC 320H1; PHC demonstration of pharmaceutical bioequivalence of drug
330Y1; PHC 340Y1 products. Students will learn the principles underlying
Fourth Year: the regulations and methods employed in bioequivalence
1. CHM 317H1; PHC 489Y1 studies.
2. Two full course equivalents from: Prerequisites: MAT135Y1/MAT137Y1, BCH210H1, CHM
CHM 347H1; CHM 379H1; CHM 410H1;CHM 414H1; 247H1/249H1.
CHM 417H1; CHM 427H1; CHM 440H1; PCL362H1; Pre- or co-requisite : PHC330Y1/PHM224Y
PHC401H1; PHC 331H1; PHC420H1, PHC421Y1, PHC DR=SCI; BR=TBA
430H1; PHC 431H1; PHC 451H1; PHC452H1; PHC PHC340Y1 Pharmaceutical Chemistry Laboratory [24L,
460H1; PHC462Y1, PSL 302Y1 72P]
Note that not all of the 400-series PHC courses are offered The scientific basis and practical techniques relevant to
every academic year. modern pharmaceutical development.
We also offer an optional 12- or 16-month internship Prerequisite: CHM 247H1/249H1; (CHM
program to qualified students. This is a project-based, paid 220H1,221H1)/225Y1; BCH 210H1
employment placement that takes place between the third DR=SCI; BR=TBA
and fourth years of undergraduate study. It provides the PHC401H1 Drug Transport across Biological
student with an opportunity to apply the knowledge acquired Membranes [24L]
in the first three years of university to private- or public- The goal of this course is to provide students with knowledge
sector settings. Placements are available in pharmaceutical of the molecular processes involved in drug transport
and biotechnology companies, university research labs,

Pharmaceutical Chemistry
across biological cell membranes with emphasis on their Prerequisites: BIO250Y1, PHC300Y1, Permission of the
physiological and clinical significance. Instructor
Prerequisite: PHC300Y1, Permission of the Instructor DR=SCI; BR=TBA
DR=SCI; BR=TBA PHC462H1 Clinical Drug Development [24L]
PHC420H Application of Medicinal Chemistry to This course is designed to broaden student’s understanding
Pharmacology [24L] of the development and licensing of new drugs and how
This course shows students the links between basic science scientific principles, ethics, governmental regulations and
and the drugs used therapeutically to treat clinical problems. commercial considerations are coordinated for designing
Prerequisite: PHC300Y1, PHC320H1 clinical trails. The format involves lectures, group discussion
DR=SCI; BR=TBA and student presentations.
Prerequisite: PHC 300, PHC330, PHC340
PHC421Y1 Biomolecular Interactions and
Thermodynamics [48L]
This course provides students with a fundamental PHC489Y1 Pharmaceutical Chemistry Research [144P]
knowledge of the thermodynamics of the non-covalent This course will provide research experience under the
supervision of a Departmental staff member. The goal is to
interactions important in biochemical interactions and
deepen the student’s understanding of the scientific basis
drug development.
and practical techniques relevant to modern pharmaceutical
Prerequisite: CHM220H1,221H1 or CHM225Y1 development.
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: Permission of the Department and the Project
PHC430H1 Recent Developments in Dosage Form Supervisor
Design [24L] DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Introduction to controlled drug delivery: Mechanisms and
kinetics of controlled drug release. Fundamental theories and
mathematical tools for the design of modern dosage forms.
Development and applications of controlled drug delivery
dosage forms.
Recommended: PHC330Y1,PHC340Y1, Permission of the
PHC431H1 Selected Topics in Drug Development [24L]
In-depth discussion of implementation of pharmaceutical
sciences in drug development strategies. Students will apply
fundamental principles of pharmaceutics and drug delivery to
current problems in the pharmaceutical industry.
Recommended: PHC330Y1,PHC340Y1, Permission of the
PHC451H1 Radiopharmaceuticals in Diagnosis and
Therapy [14L, 14P]
Presents use of radiopharmaceuticals in diagnosis and
therapy, emphasizing those used in nuclear medicine
procedures studying neurological, cardiovascular, pulmonary,
gastrointestinal, haematologic, endocrine and bone
Prerequisite: PHC330Y1,PHC340Y, Permission of the
PHC452H1 Selected Topics in Radiopharmaceuticals
[14L, 12P]
Introduces nuclear pharmacy through the discussion of
problems that explain the design, production, analysis, and
the clinical use of radiopharmaceuticals. Topics introduced
using group discussions and laboratory exercises.
Prerequisites: PHC330Y, PHC340Y, Permission of the
PHC460H1 Fundamentals of Drug Discovery [24L]
Lectures by scientists from academia and industry, and
student seminars based on journal articles dealing with
strategies for discovering new drugs for therapy and

Pharmacology and Toxicology
Collaborative Program of the Faculty of Arts B. Le Foll, MD, Ph D
& Science and the Faculty of Medicine P. Li, Ph D
R.S. McIntyre, MD
J.P. McPherson, Ph D
Faculty J.H. Meyer, MD, Ph D
J. Mitchell, Ph D
Professors Emeriti H-W Park, Ph D
W.M. Burnham, Ph D A. Petronis, MD, Ph D
L. Endrenyi, Ph D M. Piquette-Miller, Ph D
G.J. Goldenberg, MD, Ph D D. Riddick, Ph D
J.N. Heersche, Ph D M. Schapira, Ph D
T. Inaba, Ph D A.H.C. Wong, MD, Ph D
D. Kadar, Ph D
H. Kalant, MD, Ph D Assistant Professors
J.M. Khanna, Ph D S. Belo, MD, Ph D
P.J. O’Brien, Ph D B. Brands, Ph D
R.I. Ogilvie, MD A.J. Lança, MD, Ph D
A. B. Okey, Ph D K. Lanctôt, Ph D
C. Pace-Asciak, Ph D R.R. Laposa, Ph D
W.H.E. Roschlau, MD J. Matthews, Ph D
P. Seeman, MD, Ph D J.M. Mayer, Ph D
E.M. Sellers, MD, Ph D N. Mittmann, Ph D
F.A. Sunahara, Ph D M.G. Neuman, Ph D
G. Rachamin, Ph D
Professor and Chair of the Department A.J. Ramsey, Ph D
D.M. Grant, Ph D A. Salahpour, Ph D
Professors C. Toal, Ph D
U.E. Busto, Pharm D D. Tomkins, Ph D
P. Dorian, MD M. Zack, Ph D
S. George, MD L. Zawertalio, Ph D
D.R. Hampson, Ph D Senior Lecturer
D. Haas, Ph D, DDS C. Woodland, Ph D
S. Ito, MD
J. Keystone, MD Lecturer
S. Kish, Ph D M.I. Arnot, Ph D
G. Koren, MD Pharmacology and Toxicology are integrative biological
A.D. Lê, Ph D sciences that examine the properties of chemical compounds
J.F. MacDonald, Ph D and their interactions with living systems. They provide
M.W. Milgram, Ph D the scientific basis for the study of chemical actions in the
M. Moore, MD health sciences, the use of drugs as therapeutic agents or
C. Naranjo, MD as tools in scientific research, the development and control
J.N. Nobrega, Ph D of pharmaceutical products, and the investigation and control
B.F. O’Dowd, Ph D of pollutants and poisons in natural and social environments.
P.J. O’Brien, Ph D The Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology offers
K.S. Pang, Ph D four Specialist and two Major undergraduate programs of
J.D. Parker, MD study that are jointly sponsored by the Faculties of Arts
P. Pennefather, Ph D and Science and Medicine. The Specialist programs have
E.A. Roberts, MD the added benefit of providing students with opportunities
B.P. Schimmer, Ph D to learn advanced laboratory techniques and to gain real-
J. Semple, Ph D world experience through supervised independent research
N.H. Shear, MD projects and participation in the Professional Experience
O.C. Snead III, MD Year Internship (see below). Students who intend to pursue
R. Tyndale, Ph D graduate research and/or careers in pharmacology are
J.P. Uetrecht, MD, Ph D encouraged to enroll in a Specialist program because of the
J.J. Warsh, MD, Ph D opportunities for additional experiential learning.
J.W. Wells, Ph D
P.G. Wells, Pharm D 1. Specialist Program in Pharmacology. Pharmacology is
the study of the interactions of chemical substances with
Associate Professors living systems. This program aims to provide students
F.J. Carmichael, MD, Ph D with an understanding of the properties of drugs and their
N. Chirgadze, Ph D actions from the molecular level to whole body systems,
Y. Finkelstein, MD and to prepare them for research- or non-research-
L. Grupp, D Sc based careers including positions in the pharmaceutical
P. Harper, Ph D industry, government, research institutes and universities.

Pharmacology and Toxicology
Students learn about basic and clinical pharmacology may be of interest to students interested in pursuing further
and related areas through lectures, tutorials, laboratories, studies in professional health science programs.
and independent research projects. The senior research
project course enables students to gain valuable research Enrollment in all Department of Pharmacology and
experience while working under the supervision of a faculty Toxicology programs is limited. For further information about
member in a laboratory or non-laboratory-based setting. registration and courses, consult the A&S Registration
Specialist students also have the opportunity to participate in Handbook and Timetable and visit our website at: www.
the Professional Experience Year Internship (see below) in pharmtox.utoronto.ca.
which they gain valuable experience in a paid employment Undergraduate Office - General Inquiries:
placement. Pharmacology (and its application in clinical Medical Sciences Building, Room 4207 (416-978-2728)
therapeutics) plays a prominent role in medicine, dentistry
and pharmacy. While some students take the Pharmacology Undergraduate Coordinator:
Specialist program in preparation for these professional Dr. C. Woodland, Medical Sciences Building, Room 4209
programs, students are advised to contact the respective (416-978-3102)
faculties directly for questions related to transfer credits.
2. Specialist Program in Biomedical Toxicology. This
Pharmacology and Toxicology
program deals with the study of the harmful effects of Programs
chemicals on the health and behaviour of individuals and Enrollment in these programs is limited. Applicants will be
society. The safety/toxicity of a wide array of chemicals is considered once they have completed all of the first-year
examined including pharmaceutical preparations, herbal required courses (as shown below).
products, natural toxins, and environmental contaminants
with a focus on their effects on human health. This program The Professional Experience Year (PEY) Internship is a
emphasizes the application of toxicological knowledge and 12-16 month project-based, paid employment placement
risk assessment and can serve not only as preparation at pharmaceutical/biotechnology/chemical companies,
for graduate study and research in toxicology, but also for university research labs, university-affiliated organizations,
professional programs and careers in forensic science, consulting companies, or governmental research agencies. It
nutrition and food science, governmental agencies, takes place between the 3rd and 4th years of undergraduate
consulting agencies, and industrial settings including the study and is open to Specialists in Pharmacology, Biomedical
pharmaceutical industry. Students learn about basic and Toxicology, Environment and Toxicology with a minimum
clinical toxicology and related areas through lectures, 3.0 GPA. The internship provides real-world experience in
tutorials, laboratories, and independent research projects. pharmaceutical development, project management, client
The senior research project course enables students to relations, clinical research, information management and
gain valuable toxicology research experience while working regulatory affairs.
under the supervision of a faculty member in a laboratory or
non-laboratory-based setting. Specialist students also have Pharmacology (Science program)
the opportunity to participate in the Professional Experience
Year Internship (see below) in which they gain valuable Specialist program:
experience in a paid employment placement. (15 full courses or their equivalent, including at least three
400-series courses)
3. Double Specialist Program in Pharmacology and
Enrollment in this program is limited.
Biomedical Toxicology. This program essentially combines
First Year:
the requirements of the two programs described above.
BIO120H1,130H1; CHM(138H1,139H1)/151Y1;
Some students choose to take an extra year to complete this
MAT135Y1/137Y1; PHY(131H1,132H1)/(151H1,152H1)
program; however, the program may be completed in four
Second Year:
years with careful planning.
BCH210H1; BIO240H1; BIO241H1; BIO260H1/HMB265H1;
4. Specialist Program in Environment and Toxicology. CHM247H1/249H1; PCL201H1; PSL302Y1* (*NOTE:
This program is jointly sponsored by the Department PSL201Y1 is not acceptable)
of Pharmacology and Toxicology and the Centre for Third Year:
Environment and examines the effects of chemicals not BCH311H1/CSB349H1; PCL302H1; PCL376H1; PSL372H1
only on the health and behaviour of human beings but on Fourth Year:
whole ecosystems. The toxicities associated with therapeutic PCL470Y1; PCL471Y1; PCL472Y1 (see NOTE 1); and
and environmental chemicals are discussed. Students may two full-credit equivalents with at least one full-credit
choose to participate in independent research projects and/ equivalent from PCL courses: ANA300Y1/ BCH304H1/
or the Professional Experience Year Internship (see below). BCH370H1/CSB328H1/PCL362H1/PCL389H1/
For additional information see “Centre for Environment” or PCL475Y1 (see NOTE 2)/PCL477H1 (see NOTE 3)
consult the website www.environment.utoronto.ca. NOTES
5. Major Programs in Pharmacology and in Biomedical 1. Enrollment in the Research Project Course (PCL472Y1)
Toxicology. These programs are intended for students is limited and requires permission from the Department
who want to gain knowledge in either Pharmacology or of Pharmacology and Toxicology. Students must receive
Biomedical Toxicology in combination with a different and prior consent of an approved supervisor according
complementary area of study. A double major program allows to departmental guidelines before the Department of
students to experience broad, multidisciplinary training that Pharmacology and Toxicology will register them in the

Pharmacology and Toxicology
course. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate all prior consent of an approved supervisor according
necessary preparations before the session starts (see to departmental guidelines before the Department of
course description). Pharmacology and Toxicology will register them in the
2. PCL475Y1 counts as a half credit towards the program course. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate all
requirement. necessary preparations before the session starts (see
3. Elective courses may be taken in the third and fourth course description).
years of study. 2. PCL475Y1 counts as a half credit towards the program
Major program: 3. Elective courses may be taken in the third and fourth
(8 full courses or their equivalent, including two 300-series
years of study.
courses and one 400-series course)
Enrollment in this program is limited. Major program:
(8 full courses or their equivalent, including two 300-series
First Year:
courses and one 400-series course).
BIO120H1,130H1; CHM(138H1,139H1)/151Y1
Second Year: Enrollment in this program is limited.
BCH210H1; BIO240H1; BIO241H1; PCL201H1; First Year:
CHM247H1/249H1; PSL302Y1* (*NOTE: PSL201Y1 is BIO120H1,130H1; CHM(138H1,139H1)/151Y1
not acceptable) Second Year:
Third Year: BCH210H1; BIO240H1; BIO241H1; PCL201H1;
PCL302H1; BCH311H1/CSB349H1 (see NOTE 1) CHM247H1/249H1; PSL302Y1* (*NOTE: PSL201Y1 is
Fourth Year: not acceptable)
PCL470Y1; and one half course equivalent from: BCH370H1/ Third Year:
PCL362H1/PCL389H1/PCL475Y1 (see NOTE 2)/ PCL302H1; PCL362H1; (see NOTE 1)
PCL477H1 Fourth Year:
NOTES PCL473Y1; and one half-course equivalent from BCH370H1/
1. CSB349H1 requires BIO260H1/HMB265H1 as a PCL389H1/PCL470Y1/PCL475Y1/PCL477H1/PCL481H1
prerequisite. NOTES
2. PCL475Y1 counts as a half credit towards the program 1. Although LMP301H1 (Introduction to the Biochemistry
requirement. of Human Disease) and LMP363H1 (Principles
3. Students are not allowed to enroll concurrently in the of Pathobiology) are not prerequisites to enroll in
Major Program in Pharmacology and the Major Program PCL473Y1, students are recommended to enroll in at
in Toxicology. least one of these courses.
4. Students are not allowed to enroll concurrently in the 2. Students are not allowed to enroll concurrently in the
Major Program in Pharmacology and a Specialist Major Program in Toxicology and the Major Program in
Program in Toxicology. Pharmacology.
5. Students are not permitted to take PCL472Y or 3. Students are not allowed to enroll concurrently in the
PCL474Y. Major Program in Toxicology and a Specialist Program in
Biomedical Toxicology (Science program) Pharmacology.
4. Students are not permitted to take PCL472Y or
Specialist program: PCL474Y.
(15 full courses or their equivalent, including at least 2.5
Double Specialist in Pharmacology and
400-series courses)
Biomedical Toxicology (Science program)
Enrollment in this program is limited.
(19 full courses or their equivalent)
First Year:
BIO120H1,130H1; CHM(138H1,139H1)/151Y1; This program requires completion of both the Pharmacology
MAT135Y1/137Y1; PHY (131H1,132H1)/(151H1,152H1) and Toxicology Specialist courses and may require an
Second Year: extra year for completion. Enrollment in this program
BCH210H1; BIO240H1; BIO241H1; BIO260H1HMB265H1/; is limited. Students are allowed to enroll in only one
CHM247H1/249H1; PCL201H1; PSL302Y1* (*NOTE: of the two project courses (PCL472Y/PCL474Y) and
PSL201Y1 is not acceptable) only one of the two PCL laboratory courses (PCL365Y/
Third Year: PCL471Y) offered by the Department of Pharmacology
LMP363H1; PCL302H1; PCL362H1; PCL365Y1; PCL376H1 and Toxicology.
Fourth Year: First Year:
LMP301H1; PCL473Y1; PCL474Y1 (see NOTE 1), BIO120H1,130H1; CHM(138H1,139H1)/151Y1;
PCL481H1; and one full-credit equivalent from: MAT135Y1/137Y1; PHY (131H1,132H1)/(151H1,152H1)
ANA301H1/BCH370H1/CHM310H1/GGR409H1/ Second Year:
PCL389H1/PCL470Y1/PCL475Y1 (see NOTE 2)/ BCH210H1; BIO240H1; BIO241H1; BIO260H1/HMB265H1;
PCL477H1 CHM247H1/249H1; PCL201H1; PSL302Y1* (*NOTE:
PSL201Y1 is not acceptable)
Third Year:
1. Enrollment in the Research Project Course (PCL474Y1)
BCH311H1/CSB349H1; LMP363H1; PCL302H1; PCL362H1;
is limited and requires permission from the Department
PCL365Y1 (see NOTE 1); PCL376H1; PSL372Y1
of Pharmacology and Toxicology. Students must receive

Pharmacology and Toxicology
Fourth Year: Toxicology at least 3 months prior to the intended date of
LMP301H1; PCL470Y1; PCL471Y1 (see NOTE 1); enrolment as the student is responsible for arranging for
PCL473Y1; PCL472Y1/PCL474Y1 (see NOTE 2), a supervisor.
PCL481H1; and 2.5 full-credit equivalents with at least
0.5 full-credit equivalents from PCL courses: ANA300Y1/ Pharmacology and Toxicology
CSB328H1/GGR409H1/ PCL389H1/PCL475Y1 (see
NOTE 3)/PCL477H1 See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
NOTES First Year Seminars
1. Students may either take PCL365Y1 or PCL471Y1. The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide the
2. Enrollment in the Research Project Course opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class of no
(PCL472Y1/474Y1) is limited and requires permission more than twenty-four students. These interactive seminars
from the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology. are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity and provide
Students must receive prior consent of an approved an opportunity to get to know a member of the professorial
supervisor according to departmental guidelines before staff in a seminar environment during the first year of study.
the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology For details, see page 48.
will register them in the course. It is the student’s
responsibility to initiate all necessary preparations before PCL102H1 The Art of Drug Discovery [24L]
the session starts (see course description). This course introduces students to the processes and
3. PCL475Y1 counts as a half credit towards the program strategies for discovering new drugs with a special focus on
requirement. current and emerging approaches for the rational design of
4. Elective courses may be taken in the third and fourth drugs that are both effective and safe.
years of study. DR=SCI; BR=4
PCL201H1 Introduction to Pharmacology and
Specialist program in Environment and Toxicology
Pharmacokinetic Principles [36L, 6T]
(Science program) A general introduction to pharmacology and
This program is jointly sponsored by the Department pharmacokinetics. Topics include: absorption, distribution,
of Pharmacology and Toxicology and the Centre for biotransformation, elimination, calculation of dosages and
Environment. For additional information see “Centre for pharmacokinetic parameters, variability in drug response,
Environment” or consult the website www.environment. adverse drug reactions and special interest topics.
utoronto.ca. Recommended co-requisites: BIO240H1, BIO241H1,
(14-14.5 full courses or their equivalent; must include at least
four 300+-series courses, one of which must be at the 400-
level) PCL299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
Credit course for supervised participation in faculty research
First Year:
project. See page 48 for details.
BIO120H1,130H1; CHM(138H1,139H1) and at least two of
GGR100Y1/(100H1,101H1); MAT135Y1/JMB170Y1;
PHY(131H1,132H1) PCL302H1 Pharmacodynamic Principles [36L]
Second Year: Topics include biological action of drugs on membranes,
1. BCH 210H1; BIO230H1/(BIO240H1, 241H1); enzymes, receptors, neural and hormonal systems,
ENV(221H1,222H1)/ENV222Y1/GGR222Y1/JGE221Y1; transmission and modulation.
CSB (270H1,271H1)/PSL201Y1/PSL302Y1; PCL201H1 Prerequisites: BIO240H1, BIO241H1, CHM247H1/249H1,
2. CHM247H1 PCL201H1
Third and Fourth Years: DR=SCI; BR=TBA
1. ENV234Y1/235Y1/236Y1, ENV(321H1,341H1)/321Y1 PCL362H1 Introductory Toxicology [26L]
2. PCL302H1, PCL362H1; PCL376H1/STA220H1/ Toxicological problems encountered in animals and humans;
STA221H1/EEB225H1 (see Note 1, below) biochemical mechanisms and clinical factors of toxicological
3. CHM310H1/GGR409H1/PCL481H1/LMP301H1/ significance; models of drug-related diseases.
LMP363H1 (see Note 2, below) Prerequisites: BCH210H1, BIO240H1, BIO241H1,
4. PCL473Y1 CHM247H1/249H1, PCL201H1, PCL302H1
5. ENV421H1/PCL365Y1/PCL474Y1 (see Note 3, below) Recommended co-requisite: BCH311H1/CSB349H1
1. PCL376H1 is a pre- or co-requisite for students intending PCL365Y1 Toxicology Laboratory [48P, 48T]
to take PCL474Y1. Students taking PCL474Y1 must also A hands-on laboratory course exploring a wide variety
take PCL201H and PCL302H1 as prerequisites. of modern experimental techniques currently utilized
2. Students taking PCL481H1 must take BCH210H1, in toxicology. This course will provide the experimental
LMP363H1, and PCL362H1 as prerequisites. theory of how the techniques work and their advantages
3. Students intending to take PCL365Y1/PCL474Y1 must and disadvantages, while additionally allowing students
obtain permission from the Undergraduate Student to perform these techniques in the process of addressing
Advisor of the Centre for Environment 3 months prior toxicological problems. Enrollment in this course is generally
to the intended date of enrolment. Students must also restricted to students enrolled in the Biomedical Toxicology
consult with the Department of Pharmacology and

Pharmacology and Toxicology
Specialist, Pharmacology and Toxicology Double Specialist, in the course once their ballot form (obtained from the
and Environment and Toxicology Specialist programs. Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology) is signed by
Prerequisites: PCL201H1 an approved supervisor and approved by the Department of
Co-requisites: PCL302H1, PSL302Y1, PCL362H Pharmacology and Toxicology.
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisites: PCL201H1, PCL302H1, PCL376H1 and
permission of Department
PCL376H1 Experimental Design and Data Analysis for
Exclusion: PCL474Y1
Pharmacology and Toxicology [36L]
A practically oriented course, focused on experimental
design and the analysis of pharmacological and toxicological PCL473Y1 Interdisciplinary Toxicology [48L]
data. Topics include: principles of experimental design, data This is a survey course that explores past and contemporary
analysis and statistical tests appropriate for each type, use problems in toxicology. The toxicities associated with a
of computing statistical packages, analysis of dose-response variety of toxins and toxicants are examined. General
and time-response curves and analysis of receptor binding principles and the application of toxicological knowledge are
assays. emphasized. Several areas of medical toxicology, forensic
Prerequisite: PCL201H1 toxicology, environmental toxicology and risk assessment are
Co-requisite: PCL302H1 addressed.
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisites: BCH210H1, PCL201H1, PCL302H1,
PCL389H1 Understanding the Role of Pharmacology
Recommended preparation: BCH311H1/CSB349H1
and Toxicology in Society [24L]
This service learning course explores issues surrounding
the effects that pharmaceuticals and chemicals have in PCL474Y1 Project in Toxicology
society. Specifically, it integrates pharmacology with social, This course affords students an opportunity for hands-on
health and political issues as they relate to drug abuse research experience in a laboratory or applied toxicology
and addiction. Students are required to interact and work setting. Students will work under the supervision of
with community partners during the semester. Classroom a staff member and will submit a final written report.
discussions will integrate community experiences with lecture Enrollment is limited and requires permission from the
material. Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology. It is the
Prerequisite: PCL201H1 student’s responsibility to secure a placement with an
Co-requisites: PCL302H1; PSL302Y1 approved supervisor before the course begins (a list of
DR=SCI; BR=TBA potential supervisors can be obtained from the Department
of Pharmacology and Toxicology). Students will be
PCL470Y1 Systems Pharmacology [61L, 9S]
registered in the course once their ballot form (obtained
Concepts of drug properties and their interaction with living
from the Department of Pharmacology) is signed by an
systems and their constituent parts will be discussed.
approved supervisor and approved by the Department of
Mechanism of action and pharmacological properties
Pharmacology and Toxicology.
of drugs acting on the autonomic and central nervous
Prerequisites: PCL201H1, PCL302H1, PCL376H1 and
systems, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, gastrointestinal,
permission of Department
immunological and endocrine systems; endogenous
Exclusion: PCL472Y1
compounds; antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs,
chemotherapy, pharmacogenomics and special topics in
pharmacology. PCL475Y1 Neuropsychopharmacology [72L, 24T]
Prerequisites: BCH210H1, PCL201H1, PCL302H1, Major neuro-psychiatric disease syndromes: clinical
PSL302Y1 pathology and neuronal abnormalities; CNS drugs: theories
DR=SCI; BR=TBA and mechanisms of action.
Prerequisite: Enrollment is limited to students with a
PCL471Y1 Pharmacology Laboratory [56P, 40T]
minimum CGPA of 3.0.
Demonstrations, seminars, and laboratory exercises in
selected areas of pharmacology. Enrollment in this course is
generally restricted to students enrolled in the Pharmacology PCL477H1 The DNA Damage Response in
Specialist and Double Specialist programs. Pharmacology and Toxicology [24L]
Prerequisites: PSL372H1, PCL201H1, PCL302H1 Many anticancer drugs and environmental agents exert their
Co-requisite: PCL470Y1 cytotoxic effects through DNA damage. This course explores
DR=SCI; BR=TBA specific pharmacological and toxicological agents that
damage DNA and discusses how mammalian cells respond
PCL472Y1 Project in Pharmacology
to this DNA damage.
This course affords students an opportunity for hands-on
Prerequisite: BCH210H1/242Y1
research experience in a laboratory or applied pharmacology
Recommended preparation: PCL201H1, PCL302H1,
setting. Students will work under the supervision of a faculty
member and will submit a final written report. Enrollment
is limited and requires permission from the Department
of Pharmacology and Toxicology. It is the student’s PCL481H1 The Molecular and Biochemical Basis of
responsibility to secure a placement with an approved Toxicology [24L]
supervisor before the course begins (a list of potential The biochemical principles and molecular mechanisms
supervisors can be obtained from the Department of underlying the toxicity of drugs and foreign agents. The
Pharmacology and Toxicology). Students will be registered sequence of events at the molecular level leading to

Pharmacology and Toxicology
impairment of cell function and the factors which determine
and affect toxicity.
Prerequisites: PCL201H1, PCL302H1, PCL362H1,
BCH210H1, LMP363H1


Faculty D. Dyzenhaus, D Phil, FRSC

P. Franks, MA Ph D
University Professors Emeriti L. Gerson, AM, Ph D (SM)
I. Hacking, OC, MA, Ph D, FRSC (V) R.B. Gibbs, MA, Ph D (U)
F.E. Sparshott, MA, FRSC (V) W. Goetschel, Lic Phil, Ph D
L.W. Sumner, MA, Ph D, FRSC P.W. Gooch, MA, Ph D (V)
J.M. Heath, MA, Ph D (U)
Professors Emeriti C. Howson, BSc, Ph D
J.V. Canfield, AM, Ph D (UTM) T.M. Hurka, BA, B Phil, D Phil, FRSC
F.A. Cunningham, MA, Ph D, FRSC D.S. Hutchinson, BA, B Phil, D Phil (T)
R.B. DeSousa, BA, Ph D B.D. Katz, MA, Ph D (UTM)
D.P. Dryer, AM, Ph D, FRSC (obit) P. King, BA, Ph D
D.D. Evans, BA, BD, D Phil (V) M. Matthen, B Sc, MA, Ph D (UTM)
D. Goldstick, BA, D Phil C. Misak, MA, D Phil, FRSC
A. Gombay, MA, B Phil (UTM) K.P. Morgan, MA, M Ed, Ph D (N)
W.C. Graham, MA, Ph D (UTSC) M. Morrison, MA, Ph D (T)
C.M.T. Hanly, BA, MÈS L, D Phil A. Mullin, Ph D (UTM)
W.R.C. Harvey, MA, LL B, Ph D (V) D. Raffman, BA, Ph D (UTM)
H.G. Herzberger, AM, Ph D A. Ripstein, MA, Ph D
W.J. Huggett, MA, Ph D (UTM) M. Rozemond, Kand., Ph D (UTM)
R.A. Imlay, MA, Ph D (U) W.E. Seager, MA, Ph D (UTSC)
E.J. Kremer, AB, Ph D (SM) V. Shen, MA, MA, Ph D
T.D. Langan, AM, Ph D (SM) I. Leman Stefanovic, MA, Ph D (SM)
J.C. Morrison, MA, Ph D (SM) E. Thompson, MA, Ph D (U)
G.A. Nicholson, MA, BD, Ph D (T) J.E. Whiting, BA, MA, Ph D
H. Pietersma, MA, Ph D (V)
T.M. Robinson, BA, BLitt, DLitt Associate Professors
K.L. Schmitz, MA, MSL, Ph D (T) D.C. Ainslie, B Sc, MA, Ph D (U)
J.G. Slater, MA, Ph D (W) R. Barney, BA, Ph D
J.H. Sobel, MA, Ph D (UTSC) I. Dickie, B Phil, Ph D
J.T. Stevenson, MA (U) J.S. Hawkins, MA, Ph D (UTSC)
M.T. Thornton, B Phil, MA, Ph D (V) B. Hellie, BA, Ph D (UTSC)
R. E. Tully, BA, D Phil (SM) P. Kremer, BSc, Ph D (UTSC)
A.I.F. Urquhart, MA, Ph D L. Lange, MA, Ph D (UTSC)
J.M. Vertin, MA, STL, Ph D (SM) J. Nagel, MA, Ph D (UTM)
F.F. Wilson, B Sc, MA, Ph D, FRSC (U) M. Pickavé, MA, Ph D
G.S. Rattan, B Sc, Ph D (UTM)
Associate Professor and Chair of the S.A. Sedivy, BA, Ph D (UTSC)
Department D. Walsh, BSc, Ph D, BA, M Phil, Ph D
D. C. Ainslie, B Sc, MA, PhD (U) J. Wilson, BA, Ph D (UTSC)
B. Yi, MA, Ph D (UTM)
Professor and Associate Chair
(Undergraduate) Assistant Professors
M. Kingwell, BA, M Litt, Ph D (T) T.J. Berry, MA, Ph D
K. Hübner, BA, MA (UTSC)
Associate Professor and Associate Chair J. John, BA, Ph D
(Graduate) S.R. Moreau, B Phil, Ph D, JD
S. Tenenbaum, BA, Ph D (UTM) U. Schlösser, MA, D Phil (UTM)
A. Sepielli, AB, JD, Ph D (UTM)
University Professors J. Weisberg, BA, Ph D (UTM)
B.C. Inwood, MA, PhD, FRSC
Professors V. Panitch, PhD
D.P.H. Allen, MA, B Phil, D Phil (T) N. Scharer, MA, Ph D
D.L. Black, MA, Ph D (SM)
J. Boyle, BA, Ph D (SM)
J.R. Brown, MA, Ph D, FRSC
P. Clark, BA, Ph D (UTM)
R. Comay, MA, Ph D (V)

The Greek words from which “Philosophy” is formed mean Undergraduate Counsellor:
“love of wisdom” and all great philosophers have been Ms. Leanne Dawkins, 170 St. George Street, Room 403
moved by an intense devotion to the search for wisdom. (416-978-3314), [email protected]
Philosophy takes no belief for granted, but examines
the grounds for those beliefs which make up people’s Website:
fundamental views of the world. Philosophers think about http://philosophy.utoronto.ca
these beliefs as thoroughly and systematically as possible,
using methods of conceptual analysis, reasoning, and Philosophy Programs
detailed description. Enrolment in Philosophy programs is open to students
What distinguishes Philosophy from the physical and who have completed four courses; no minimum GPA
social sciences is its concern not only with the truths required.
which are discovered by means of specialized methods NOTE: No more than one individual studies full course can
of investigation, but with the implications that such be counted towards any philosophy program. Normally,
discoveries have for human beings in their relations with no more than one-half individual studies course can be
one another and the world. Moreover, Philosophy has counted towards the 400-level course requirement for any
an abiding interest in those basic assumptions about the Specialist or Combined Specialist.
nature of the physical and social world, and about the
nature of enquiry itself, which underlie our scientific and Bioethics: see end of Philosophy program
practical endeavours. listing
The Philosophy Department at the University of
Philosophy (Arts program)
Toronto offers courses in the main periods and areas of
Philosophy, which are listed here with a typical question or
Specialist program:
the name of one or two central figures: Ancient Philosophy
(10 full courses or their equivalent, including PHL100Y1 if
(Plato, Aristotle); Mediaeval Philosophy (Augustine,
Aquinas); Early Modern Philosophy (Descartes, Hume,
Kant); Nineteenth-Century Philosophy and Marxism First year (recommended):
(Hegel, Mill, Marx); Continental Philosophy and PHL100Y1
Phenomenology (Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre); Analytic Higher Years (required):
Philosophy (Quine, Russell, Wittgenstein); Epistemology 1. Two full courses from the following: PHL200Y1 /
and Metaphysics (What can be known? What is the PHL205H1 / PHL206H1 / PHL210Y1
ultimate nature of reality?); Philosophy of Religion (Does 2. One full course from the following: PHL217H1 /
God exist? How could one prove it?); Philosophy of Mind PHL232H1 / PHL240H1
(What is mind? Is there free will?); Logic and Philosophy 3. PHL265H1 / PHL275H1
of Mathematics (What is sound reasoning? Do numbers 4. PHL245H1 / PH246H1
exist?); Philosophy of Language (What is the meaning 5. Additional philosophy courses, to a total of 10,
of “meaning”?); Philosophy of Natural Science (What is including four full courses at the 300+ level, of which
scientific method?); Philosophy of Social Science and one full course must be at the 400 level.
History (Can there be a science of humans?); Social Major program:
and Political Philosophy (What justifies the state?); (7 full courses or their equivalent, including PHL100Y1 if
Moral Philosophy (How should we argue rationally about taken)
right and wrong?); Aesthetics (What is art? Must it be
beautiful?). In addition, the Department offers Seminars First year (recommended):
(numbered PHL 400H1-489H1) and Individual Studies PHL100Y1
courses (numbered PHL 490Y1, PHL 495H1-499H1). Higher Years (required):
1. One full course from the following: PHL200Y1 /
Counselling is available in the main departmental office, PHL205H1 / PHL206H1 / PHL210Y1
170 St. George St., 4th floor. In particular, students may 2. One full course from the following: PHL217H1 /
wish to get advice about how best to combine philosophy PHL232H1 / PHL240H1
programs with other majors or minors, given that the 3. PHL265H1 / PHL275H1
various co-specialist programs with other disciplines 4. PHL245H1 / PH246H1
have been discontinued. In addition, the Department 5. Additional philosophy courses, to a total of seven,
publishes an annual Bulletin. It contains full and up-to-date including two full courses at the 300+ level, of which
information on programs and courses, including names of one half course must be at the 400 level.
instructors and descriptions of particular course sections.
The Bulletin is published in the spring (for the succeeding Minor program:
year) and is available on the Department’s website and at (4 full courses or their equivalent, including PHL100Y1 if
170 St. George Street, and from all College registrars. taken)
1. One full course from the following: PHL200Y1 /
Undergraduate Coordinator:
PHL205H1 / PHL206H1 / PHL210Y1
Mark Kingwell, 170 St. George Street, Room 404 (416-
2. Additional philosophy courses, to a total of four,
978-3314), [email protected]
including one full course at the 300+ level.
Philosophy and Mathematics: see Mathematics

Philosophy and Physics: see Physics 5. 0.5 course from Group 3 (Metaphysics and
Philosophy of Science (Arts Program) 6. Additional philosophy courses to a total of seven
including at least 0.5 FCE at the 400 level; or else
Specialist program: additional philosophy courses to a total of 6.5
(10 full courses or their equivalent, at least four of which including at least 0.5 FCE at the 400 level, plus one
must be at the 300-level or above, including at least one half course from Group 4 (Interdisciplinary).
full 400-series PHL course)
Minor program:
First Year: (4 full courses or their equivalent)
Required: One full science course, normally at the
PHL 281H1
100-level, from, CHM, CSC, GLG, BIO, JMB, PSY,
One half course from Group 1 (Advanced Bioethics)
Note: Courses listed under “Science Courses for
One full course from PHL271H1 / PHL275H1 / Group
Humanities and Social Science Students” (see pp.24-
2 (Value Theory)
25) cannot be counted towards this requirement.
5. Additional philosophy courses to a total of four.
Recommended: PHL 100Y1, HPS 100H1
Higher Years: Group 1 Advanced Bioethics
1. HPS 250H1, PHL 232H1, PHL 245H1, HPS, 350H1, PHL380H1, 381H1, 382H1, 383H1, 384H1, 440H1, 470H1
PHL 355H1 Group 2 Value Theory
2. One of HPS 322H1/PHL 346H1/356H1/PHL 357H1 PHL265H1, PHL295H, 365H1, 370H1, 375H, 407H1,
3. One of PHL 331H1/PHL 332H1 412H1, 413H1, 483H1
4. 4 to 5.5 additional full courses in Philosophy
(depending on whether PHL 100Y1 and HPS 100H1 Group 3 Metaphysics and Epistemology
are taken in first year). It is highly recommended PHL 232H1, 240H1, 331H1, 332H1, 340H1, 341H1,
that these courses include the following: HPS210H1, 342H1, 355H1, 357H1, HPS250H1, HPS350H1.
HPS211H1, PHL 210Y1, PHL 246H1, one of Group 4 Interdisciplinary
PHL 415H1 or 482H1. (For the purposes of this NOTE: Many of these courses have prerequisites;
requirement, HPS 210H1 and HPS 211H1 are counted students who wish to use these courses for their Bioethics
as Philosophy courses). program must fulfill all those prerequisites as required by
Bioethics (Arts program) the departments concerned:
ANT 348Y1, ECO 369Y1, GGR 450H1, GGR 451H1, HIS
Specialist program: 423H1, HIS 459H1, HIS 463H1, HIS 489H1, HPS 318H1,
(10 full courses or their equivalent, including PHL100Y1 if HPS 319H1, HPS 323H1, HMB 201H1, HMB 202H1, INI
taken) 341H1, JFP 450H1, NEW 261Y1, NEW 366H1, NEW
367H1, SMC 370H1, SOC 242Y1, SOC 309Y1, SOC
First year (recommended): 327Y1, SOC 351Y1, SOC 363H1
BIO150Y1 Environmental Ethics (Arts Program): see
Higher Years (required): Centre for Environment
1. PHL 281H1, PHL271H1, PHL275H1
2. PHL245H1/PHL246H1 Philosophy Courses
3. 1.5 full courses from Group 1 (Advanced Bioethics)
4. 1.0 full course from Group 2 (Value Theory) See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
5. 0.5 full course from Group 3 (Metaphysics and
First Year Seminars
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
6. Additional philosophy courses to a total of 10 including
the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
at least 1.0 FCE at the 400 level; or else additional
of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
philosphy courses to a total of nine including at least
seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
1.0 FCE at the 400 level, plus one full course from
and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
Group 4 (Interdisciplinary).
professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
Major program: year of study. For details, see page 48.
(7 full courses or their equivalent, at least two of which
must be 300+ series PHL courses)
First year (recommended): Note
PHL100Y1 Some of the courses listed here bear prefixes other than
BIO 150Y1 PHL. These courses may be credited toward any of the
Higher Years (required): Programs in Philosophy. They are cross-listed here for
1. PHL 281H1 convenience but students should consult the primary
2. PHL245H1/PHL2461H listings for course descriptions.
3. 1.0 full course from Group 1 (Advanced Bioethics)
PHL100Y1 Introduction to Philosophy [48L, 24T]
4. 1.5 full courses from PHL271H1 / PHL275H1 / Group
An introduction to the central branches of philosophy,
2 (Value Theory)
such as logic, theory of knowledge, metaphysics, ethics,

and political philosophy. Writings from the central figures Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Marx, Freud, Heidegger, Sartre.
in the history of Western and non-Western philosophy, as Exclusion: PHL215H1, PHL220H1
well as contemporary philosophers, may be considered. DR=HUM; BR=2
The course is concerned with such questions as: What is PHL232H1 Knowledge and Reality [36L]
sound reasoning? What can we know? What is ultimately An introduction to issues in the fundamental branches
real? Is morality rational? Do humans have free will? Is of philosophy: metaphysics, which considers the overall
there a God? framework of reality; epistemology, or the theory of
Exclusion: PHL102Y1, 201H1 knowledge; and related problems in the philosophy
DR=HUM; BR=2 of science. Topics in metaphysics may include: mind
and body, causality, space and time, God, freedom
and determinism; topics in epistemology may include
200-SERIES COURSES perception, evidence, belief, truth, skepticism.
Note: No 200-series course has a 100-series PHL course Exclusion: PHL 230H1, PHL231H1
as prerequisite. DR=HUM; BR=2
PHL200Y1 Ancient Philosophy [72L] PHL235H1 Philosophy of Religion [36L]
Central texts of the pre-socratics, Plato, Aristotle, and Some central issues in the philosophy of religion such as
post-Aristotelian philosophy. the nature of religion and religious faith, arguments for the
DR=HUM; BR=2 existence of God, the problem of evil, varieties of religious
experience, religion and human autonomy. (Offered in
TRN200Y1 Modes of Reasoning
alternate years)
See “Trinity College Courses”
Exclusion: PHL236Y1
PHL201H1 Introductory Philosophy [36L] DR=HUM; BR=2
An introduction to philosophy focusing on the connections
PHL237H1 History of Chinese Philosophy [36L]
among its main branches: logic, theory of knowledge,
An historical and systematic introduction to the main
metaphysics, and ethics. This course is intended for those
phases of Chinese philosophical development, including
with little or no philosophy background but who have
Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and Neo-Confucianism;
completed four FCEs in any subject.
the challenge of Western thought and the development of
Exclusion: PHL100Y1, 102Y1, or more than 1.0 PHL
modern Chinese Philosophy.
Exclusion: EAS241H1, RLG274H1
Prerequisite: Four FCEs in any subject
PHL240H1 Persons, Minds and Bodies [36L]
PHL205H1 Early Medieval Philosophy [36L]
Consciousness and its relation to the body; personal
A study of issues such as the relations of reason and
identity and survival; knowledge of other minds;
faith, the being and the nature of God, and the problem
psychological events and behaviour.
of universals, in the writings of such philosophers as
Augustine, Boethius, Anselm and Abelard.
DR=HUM; BR=2 PHL243H1 Philosophy of Human Sexuality [36L]
Philosophical issues about sex and sexual identity in the
PHL206H1 Later Medieval Philosophy [36L]
light of biological, psychological and ethical theories of sex
A study of issues such as the relations of reason and faith,
and gender; the concept of gender; male and female sex
the being and the nature of God, and the structure of the
roles; “perverse” sex; sexual liberation; love and sexuality.
universe, in the writings of such philosophers as Aquinas
and Ockham.
DR=HUM; BR=2 PHL244H1 Human Nature [36L]
Aspects of human nature, e.g., emotion, instincts,
PHL210Y1 17th-and 18th-Century Philosophy [72L]
motivation. Theories of human nature, e.g., behaviourism,
Central texts of such philosophers as Hobbes, Descartes,
Spinoza, Leibniz, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, and Kant.
PHL245H1 Modern Symbolic Logic [36L]
PHL217H1 Introduction to Continental Philosophy
The application of symbolic techniques to the assessment
of arguments. Propositional calculus and quantification
An introduction to some of the post-Hegelian thinkers who
theory. Logical concepts, techniques of natural deduction.
inspired the various philosophical movements broadly
Exclusion: CSC330H1
referred to as “continental,” such as phenomenology,
DR=N/A (PHL245H1 does not count as a Distribution
existentialism, deconstruction, and post-modernism.
Requirement course); BR=2
Questions include the will, faith, death, existence, history
and politics, rationality and its limits, encountering an PHL246H1 Probability and Inductive Logic [36L]
other. Authors studied may include: Kierkegaard, The elements of axiomatic probability theory and its
main interpretations (frequency, logical, and subjective).
Reasoning with probabilities in decision-making and
Recommended preparation: PHL245H1

PHL247H1 Critical Reasoning [36L] PHL285H1 Aesthetics [36L]
The area of informal logic - the logic of ordinary language, An historical and systematic introduction to the main
usually non-deductive. Criteria for the critical assessment questions in the philosophy of art and beauty from Plato
of arguments as strong or merely persuasive. Different to the present. These include the relation between art and
types of arguments and techniques of refutation; their use beauty, the nature of aesthetic experience, definitions and
and abuse. theories of art, the criteria of excellence in the arts, and
Exclusion: TRN200Y1 the function of art criticism.
HPS250H1 Introductory Philosophy of Science PHL295H1 Business Ethics [36L]
See “History & Philosophy of Science & Technology” Philosophical issues in ethics, social theory, and theories
of human nature insofar as they bear on contemporary
COG250Y1 Introduction to Cognitive Science [72L]
conduct of business. Issues include: Does business have
See “Cognitive Science”
moral responsibilities? Can social costs and benefits
PHL265H1 Introduction to Political Philosophy [36L] be calculated? Does modern business life determine
An introduction to central issues in political philosophy, human nature or the other way around? Do political ideas
e.g., political and social justice, liberty and the criteria of and institutions such as democracy have a role within
good government. The writings of contemporary political business?
philosophers, as well as major figures in the history of DR=HUM; BR=3
philosophy may be considered.
PHL299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
Credit course for supervised participation in faculty
PHL268H1 Philosophy and Social Criticism [36L] research project. See page 48 for details.
Is the objective of philosophy to understand and interpret DR=HUM; BR=TBA
the world, or to change it? A study of theorists who
have taken philosophy to be a tool for social criticism.
Topics studied may include feminism, critical race theory, 300-SERIES COURSES
anti-consumerism, the critique of mass society, and
conservative cultural criticism. Note
DR=HUM; BR=3 All 300-series courses have a prerequisite of three half
courses (or equivalent) in philosophy, with the exception
PHL271H1 Law and Morality [36L] of PHL 345-349. There is also a general prerequisite of
Justifications for the legal enforcement of morality; 7.5 courses (in any field). Only specific courses required
particular ethical issues arising out of the intersection or recommended are listed below. Students who do not
of law and morality, such as punishment, freedom of meet the prerequisite for a particular course but believe
expression and censorship, autonomy and paternalism, that they have adequate preparation must obtain the
constitutional protection of human rights. permission of the instructor to gain entry to the course.
PHL273H1 Environmental Ethics [36L] PHL301H1 Early Greek Philosophy [36L]
A study of environmental issues raising questions of A study of selected Greek philosophers before Plato.
concern to moral and political philosophers, such as Topics may include the Presocratic natural philosophers,
property rights, responsibility for future generations, and Parmenides and the Eleatics, and the so-called sophistic
the interaction of human beings with the rest of nature. movement.
Typical issues: sustainable development, alternative Prerequisite: PHL200Y1
energy, the preservation of wilderness areas, animal DR=HUM; BR=TBA
rights. PHL302H1 Ancient Philosophy After Aristotle [36L]
DR=HUM; BR=3 A study of selected themes in post-Aristotelian philosophy.
PHL275H1 Introduction to Ethics [36L] Topics may include Stoicism, Epicureanism, Neoplatonism,
An introduction to central issues in ethics or moral and various forms of scepticism.
philosophy, such as the objectivity of values, the nature Prerequisite: PHL200Y1
of moral judgements, rights and duties, the virtues, and DR=HUM; BR=TBA
consequentialism. Readings may be drawn from a variety UNI302H1 Bases of Cognition [36L]
of contemporary and historical sources. See “University College Courses
PHL303H1 Plato [36L]
PHL281H1 Bioethics (formerly PHL281Y1) [36L] Selected metaphysical, epistemological, and ethical
An introduction to the study of moral and legal problems themes in Plato’s dialogues.
in medical practice and in biomedical research; the Prerequisite: PHL200Y1
development of health policy. Topics include: concepts DR=HUM; BR=TBA
of health and disease, patient rights, informed consent,
allocation of scarce resources, euthanasia, abortion, PHL304H1 Aristotle [36L]
genetic and reproductive technologies, human research, Selected anthropological, ethical and metaphysical themes
and mental health. in the works of Aristotle.
Exclusion: PHL281Y1 Prerequisite: PHL200Y1

PHL307H1 Augustine [36L] Recommended Preparation: PHL 265H1/POL 200Y1
Central themes in St. Augustine’s Christian philosophy, DR=HUM; BR=TBA
such as the problem of evil, the interior way to God, the PHL319H1 Philosophy and Psychoanalytic [36L]
goal of human life and the meaning of history. Theory
Prerequisite: PHL200Y1/205H1 A study of the fundamentals of psychoanalytic theory
DR=HUM; BR=TBA from a philosophical perspective, focusing on the works
PHL308H1 Aquinas [36L] of Freud and others. Topics include mind (conscious and
Philosophical innovations that St. Thomas Aquinas made unconscious), instinctual drives, mechanisms of defence,
in the course of constructing a systematic theology: the structure of personality, civilization, the nature of
essence and existence, the Five Ways, separate conscience, and the status of psychoanalysis.
intelligences, the human soul and ethics. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: PHL200Y1/205H1/206H1 PHL320H1 Phenomenology [36L]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Phenomenology is a method used in the analysis of
PHL309H1 Topics in Medieval Philosophy [36L] human awareness and subjectivity. It has been applied in
Study of a major philosophical figure from the medieval the social sciences, in the humanities, and in philosophy.
period, such as Anselm, Abelard, Bonaventure, Texts studied are from Husserl and later practitioners, e.g.,
Maimonides, Avicenna, Duns Scotus, William of Ockham; Heidegger, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, Gurwitsch, and Ricoeur.
or consideration of a central philosophical topic in a variety Prerequisite: PHL210Y1/217H1
of medieval authors, for example, universals, individuation, DR=HUM; BR=TBA
the existence of God, free will and free choice, eternity PHL321H1 Heidegger [36L]
and creation. Some work from the 1920’s (either Being and Time or
Prerequisite: PHL200Y1/205H1/206H1 contemporary lectures) and selections from Heidegger’s
DR=HUM; BR=TBA later work on poetry, technology, and history are studied.
PHL310H1 The Rationalists [36L] Heidegger’s position within phenomenology and within the
Central philosophical problems in philosophers such as broader history of thought is charted.
Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, and their contemporaries. Prerequisite: PHL217H1
Prerequisite: PHL210Y1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=HUM; BR=TBA PHL322H1 Contemporary Continental [36L]
PHL311H1 The Empiricists [36L] Philosophy
Central philosophical problems in philosophers such as German and French philosophy after World War II,
Locke, Berkeley, Hume, and their contemporaries. focusing on such topics as: debates about humanism,
Prerequisite: PHL210Y1 hermeneutics, critical theory, the structuralist movement,
DR=HUM; BR=TBA its successors such as deconstruction. Typical authors:
Heidegger, Gadamer, Habermas, Levi-Strauss, Foucault,
PHL313H1 Topics in 17th and 18th Century
Philosophy [36L]
Prerequisite: PHL217H1
Central philosophical problems arising in the early modern
Prerequisite: PHL210Y1 PHL323H1 Social and Cultural Theory [36L]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA A study of philosophical approaches to understanding
various aspects of contemporary culture and/or society.
PHL314H1 Kant (formerly PHL312H1) [36L]
Topics may include theories of modernity, capitalism and
A systematic study of The Critique of Pure Reason.
consumerism, architecture and design, cultural pluralism,
Prerequisite: PHL210Y1
globalization, media and internet.
Exclusion: PHL312H1
PHL325H1 Early Analytic Philosophy [36L]
PHL315H1 Topics in 19th-Century Philosophy [36L]
An examination of some of the classic texts of early
Central philosophical problems arising in the 19th century.
analytic philosophy, concentrating on the work of Frege,
Prerequisite: PHL210Y1
Russell, and Wittgenstein.
Prerequisite: PHL245H1 and one of PHL 232H1/240H1
PHL316H1 Hegel [36L] DR=HUM; BR=TBA
An examination of Hegel’s project of absolute knowing, its
PHL326H1 Wittgenstein [36L]
philosophical assumptions, and its implications for history,
Wittgenstein’s views on the structure and function of
science and experience.
language, meaning, the possibility of a private language,
Prerequisite: PHL210Y1
and the concepts of feeling and thinking.
Prerequisite: One of PHL 210Y1/232H1/240H1
PHL317H1 Marx and Marxism [36L] DR=HUM; BR=TBA
An examination of some of the leading themes in the
PHL331H1 Metaphysics [36L]
philosophy of Karl Marx. Developments of Marxist
Historical and systematic approaches to topics in
philosophy by later thinkers, and critics of Marxism, may
metaphysics, such as the nature of reality, substance and
also be considered.
existence, necessity and possibility, causality, universals
Exclusion: PHL 216H1, PHL 318H1
and particulars.

Prerequisite: PHL232H1 JPP343Y1 Women in Western Political Thought [48L]
Exclusion: PHL 330Y1 An examination of social and political thought concerning
DR=HUM; BR=TBA the nature of women and their role in society, including the
relation between the family and “civil society”. The debate
PHL332H1 Epistemology [36L]
between Aristotle and Plato; treatment by early modern
Historical and systematic approaches to topics in the
individualism; the anti-individualist theory; some major
theory of knowledge, such as truth, belief, justification,
contemporary perspectives, especially liberal and Marxist
perception, a priori knowledge, certitude, skepticism, other
feminism. (Given by the Departments of Philosophy and
Political Science)
Prerequisite: PHL232H1
Prerequisite: PHL265H1/PHL267H1/POL200Y1/
Exclusion: PHL 330Y1
PHL335H1 Issues in Philosophy of Religion [36L]
PHL345H1 Intermediate Logic [36L]
Some specific problem(s) in the philosophy of religion,
A sequel to PHL245H1, developing skills in quantificational
such as the relationship of religious faith and religious
logic and treating of definite descriptions. The system
belief, the ontological argument for the existence of God,
developed is used to study a selection of the following
theories about divine transcendence, the philosophical
topics: philosophical uses of logic, formal systems, set
presuppositions of religious doctrines, the modern critique
theory, non-classical logics, and metalogic.
of religion.
Prerequisite: PHL245H1 and a full course in PHL/CSC/
PHL336H1 Islamic Philosophy [36L] DR=HUM; BR=TBA
An introduction to the major thinkers in classical Islamic
PHL346H1 Philosophy of Mathematics [36L]
philosophy, with emphasis placed on developing a
Platonism versus nominalism, the relation between
properly philosophical understanding of the issues and
logic and mathematics, implications of Gödel’s theorem,
arguments. Topics include the existence of God; creation
formalism and intuitionism.
and causality; human nature and knowledge; the nature of
Prerequisite: PHL245H1 and a full course in PHL/CSC/
ethical obligations; and the constitution of the ideal political
Prerequisite: PHL200Y1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA PHL347H1 Modal Logic [36L]
Formal study of the concepts of necessity and possibility;
PHL337H1 Topics in Chinese Philosophy [36L]
modal propositional and quantificational logic; possible-
An intermediate level treatment of such topics as:
worlds semantics; the metaphysics of modality.
human nature; good and evil; the role of emotions; the
Prerequisite: PHL245H1 and a full course in PHL/CSC/
metaphysical ultimate.
Prerequisite: PHL237H1
PHL348H1 Metalogic (formerly PHL344H1) [36L]
PHL338H1 Jewish Philosophy [36L]
Soundness and completeness of propositional and
A selection of texts and issues in Jewish philosophy, for
quantificational logic, undecidability of quantificational
example, Maimonides’ Guide of the Perplexed, Buber’s
logic, and other metalogical topics.
The Prophetic Faith, prophecy and revelation, Divine
Exclusion: MAT309H1/CSC438H1, PHL344H1
Command and morality, creation and eternity, the historical
Prerequisite: PHL245H1 and a full course in PHL/CSC/
dimension of Jewish thought.
PHL340H1 Issues in Philosophy of Mind [36L]
PHL349H1 Set Theory [36L]
Typical issues include: the mind-brain identity theory;
Axiomatic set theory developed in a practical way, as
intentionality and the mental; personal identity.
a logical tool for philosophers, with some attention to
Prerequisite: One of UNI250Y1/PHL240H1
philosophical problems surrounding it.
Prerequisite: PHL245H1 and a full course in PHL/CSC/
PHL341H1 Freedom, Responsibility, and Human MAT
Action [36L] DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Human action, and the nature of freedom and
HPS350H1 Revolution in Science
responsibility in the light of contemporary knowledge
See “History and Philosophy of Science and Technology”
concerning the causation of behaviour.
Prerequisite: PHL 210Y1/232H1/240H1 PHL351H1 Philosophy of Language [36L]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA The nature of language as a system of human
communication, theories of meaning and meaningfulness,
PHL342H1 Minds and Machines [36L]
the relation of language to the world and to the human
Topics include: philosophical foundations of artificial
intelligence theory; the computational theory of the mind;
Prerequisite: PHL245H1 and one of PHL 232H1/240H1
functionalism vs. reductionism; the problems of meaning in
the philosophy of mind.

PHL355H1 Philosophy of Natural Science [36L] PHL373H1 Issues in Environmental Ethics [36L]
The structure and methods of science: explanation, An intermediate-level examination of key issues in
methodology, realism and instrumentalism. environmental philosophy, such as the ethics of animal
Recommended preparation: A solid background in science welfare, duties to future generations, deep ecology,
or HPS250H1/PHL246H1 ecofeminism, sustainable development and international
DR=HUM; BR=TBA justice.
Prerequisite: PHL273H1
PHL356H1 Philosophy of Physics [36L]
Introduction to philosophical issues which arise in modern
physics, especially in Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. PHL375H1 Ethics [36L]
Topics include: the nature of spacetime, conventionality An intermediate-level study of selected issues in moral
in geometry, determinism, and the relation between philosophy, or of influential contemporary or historical
observation and existence. works in ethical theory.
Prerequisite: One full course in MAT/PHY; two full courses Prerequisite: PHL275H1
is recommended. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=HUM; BR=TBA PHL376H1 Topics in Moral Philosophy [39L]
PHL357H1 Philosophy of Biology [36L] A focused examination of a selected issue in moral
Philosophical issues in the foundations of biology, e.g., philosophy.
the nature of life, evolutionary theory; controversies Prerequisite: PHL275H1
about natural selection; competing mechanisms, units DR=HUM; BR=TBA
of selection; the place of teleology in biology; biological PHL378H1 War and Morality [36L]
puzzles about sex and sexual reproduction; the problem of Moral and political issues concerning warfare: the theory
species; genetics and reductionism; sociobiology; natural of the “just war”, pacifism, moral constraints on the
and artificial life. conduct of war, war as an instrument of foreign policy, the
Recommended preparation: HPS250H1/PHL246H1. strategy of deterrence. Special attention to the implications
Students with a background in Biology are exempt from of nuclear weapons.
the prerequisite of 1.5 courses in Philosophy Prerequisite: PHL265H1/275H1
PHL362H1 Philosophy of History [36L] PHL380H1 Global Bioethics [36L]
Typical questions include: Has history any meaning? Can An intermediate-level study of moral problems that arise
there be general theories of history? How are the findings in international contexts, including issues of special
of historians related to the theories of metaphysics and of interest in bioethics: moral universalism and relativism;
science? Is history deterministic? Must the historian make global distributive justice; poverty relief and international
value judgements? Is history science or an art? Are there aid; international health disparities; globalization and
historical forces or spirits of an epoch? health; HIV/AIDS; intellectual property and access to
DR=HUM; BR=TBA essential medicines; clinical trials in developing countries;
PHL365H1 Political Philosophy [36L] exploitation and the 10/90 gap.
A study of some of the central problems of political Prerequisite: PHL281H1
philosophy, addressed to historical and contemporary DR=HUM; BR=TBA
political theorists. PHL381H1 Ethics and Medical Research [36L]
Prerequisite: PHL265H1/POL200Y1 An intermediate-level study of problems in biomedical
DR=HUM; BR=TBA and behavioural research with human subjects: informed
PHL366H1 Topics in Political Philosophy [39L] voluntary consent, risk and benefit, experimental therapy,
A focused examination of a selected issue in political randomized clinical trials, research codes and legal issues,
philosophy. dependent groups (human embryos, children, the aged,
Prerequisite: PHL265H1/POL200Y1 hospital patients, the dying, prisoners, the mentally ill.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: PHL281H1
PHL367H1 Philosophy of Feminism (formerly
PHL267H1) [36L] PHL382H1 Ethics: Death and Dying [36L]
Selected issues and topics in the philosophy of feminism. An intermediate-level study of moral and legal problems,
Prerequisite: PHL265H1/PHL268H1 including the philosophical significance of death, the
Exclusion: PHL267H1 high-tech prolongation of life, definition and determination
DR=HUM; BR=TBA of death, suicide, active and passive euthanasia, the
withholding of treatment, palliative care and the control of
PHL370H1 Issues in Philosophy of Law [36L]
pain, living wills; recent judicial decisions.
Major issues in philosophy of law, such as legal positivism
Prerequisite: PHL281H1
and its critics, law and liberalism, feminist critiques of law,
punishment and responsibility.
Prerequisite: PHL271H1 PHL383H1 Ethics and Mental Health [36L]
Recommended preparation: PHL265H1 An intermediate-level study of moral and legal problems,
DR=HUM; BR=TBA including the concepts of mental health and illness,
mental competence, dangerousness and psychiatric

confidentiality, mental institutionalization, involuntary 400-SERIES COURSES
treatment and behaviour control, controversial therapies;
legal issues: the Mental Health Act, involuntary Notes
commitment, the insanity defence. 1. The general prerequisite for all 400-level courses is
Prerequisite: PHL281H1 eight half-courses in philosophy. Most courses also
DR=HUM; BR=TBA have specific prerequisites. Students who do not meet
the prerequisite for a particular course but believe
PHL384H1 Ethics, Genetics and Reproduction [36L] that they have adequate preparation must obtain the
An intermediate-level study of moral and legal problems, permission of the instructor in order to gain entry to
including the ontological and moral status of the human the course.
embryo and fetus; human newborn, carrier and prenatal 2. PHL 400H1-451H1 are undergraduate-level courses.
genetic screening for genetic defect, genetic therapy; the PHL 470H1-489H1 are cross-listed graduate courses,
reproductive technologies (e.g., artificial insemination, in available to undergraduates as well. Enrolment in
vitro fertilization); recent legislative proposals and judicial these courses requires the permission of the instructor
decisions. and the Department in addition to the completion of
Prerequisite: PHL281H1 the prerequisites indicated below.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA 3. Individual Studies courses (PHL490Y1, PHL495H1/
PHL385H1 Issues in Aesthetics [36L] 496H1/497H1/498H1/499H1), which involve directed
Selected topics in the philosophy of art. Such issues as study and research, are available to advanced
the following are discussed: whether different arts require students. Arrangements must be made with a faculty
different aesthetic principles; relations between art and supervisor, and approval of the Undergraduate
language; the adequacy of traditional aesthetics to recent Co-ordinator obtained before registration.
developments in the arts; art as an institution. 4. No more than one individual studies course can be
Recommended preparation: PHL285H1 counted towards any philosophy program. Normally,
DR=HUM; BR=TBA no more than one-half individual studies course can
be counted towards the 400-level course requirement
PHL388H1 Literature and Philosophy [36L] for any Specialist or Combined Specialist Philosophy
The literary expression of philosophical ideas and program.
the interplay between literature and philosophy. Such
philosophical issues as the nature and origin of good and
evil in human beings, the nature and extent of human PHL400H1 Seminar in Ancient/Medieval Philosophy
freedom and responsibility, and the diverse forms of [36S]
linguistic expression. Such authors as Wordsworth, Mill, Advanced discussion of the principal figures and themes
Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Miller, Camus, and Lawrence are in ancient and/or medieval philosophy.
studied. Prerequisite: PHL 200Y1
Exclusion: PHL288H1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
PHL401H1 Seminar in the History of Philosophy
PHL394H1 Markets and Morals [36L] [36S]
A study of the standards that can be used to judge Advanced study of some of the principal figures in a
the performance of economic systems, e.g., efficiency, particular historical, philosophical tradition.
fairness, maximization, along with the different institutional Prerequisite: PHL 200Y1/210Y1
mechanisms that can be used to organize economic DR=HUM; BR=TBA
activity, e.g., markets or hierarchies, public or private
ownership. UNI401H1 Advanced Cognitive Science 24S
Prerequisite: One of PHL265H1/275H1/POL200Y1 See “University College Courses”
Exclusion: PHL296H1 PHL402H1 Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy
PHL395H1 Issues in Business Ethics [36L] Advanced discussion of the principal figures and themes
A focused examination of moral issues that arise in in the philosophy of the 17th and/or 18th centuries.
the conduct of business, in areas such as accounting Prerequisite: PHL 210Y1
and finance, corporate governance, human resources, DR=HUM; BR=TBA
environmental conduct, business lobbying and regulatory PHL403H1 Seminar in 19th-Century Philosophy [36S]
compliance. Advanced discussion of the principal figures and themes
Prerequisite: PHL295H1 in 19th century philosophy.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: PHL 210Y1/217H1/315H1/316H1
PHL398H0 Independent Experiential Study Project DR=HUM; BR=TBA
PHL399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project PHL404H1 Seminar in Epistemology [36S]
An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus Typical problems include the nature of knowledge
setting. See page 48 for details. and belief; perception; theories of truth and necessity;
DR=HUM; BR=TBA skepticism.
Prerequisite: PHL 232H1

PHL405H1 Seminar in Philosophy of Mind [36S] Prerequisite: PHL281H1. Limited to students enrolled in
Advanced study of a problem in the philosophy of mind. the Bioethics Specialist or Bioethics Major programs.
Prerequisite: PHL 240H1/342H1/UNI 250Y1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=HUM; BR=TBA PHL451H1 Seminar in Logic/Philosophy of Language
PHL406H1 Seminar in Metaphysics [36S] [36S]
Typical problems include causality and determinism; Advanced study of some topic in logic and/or the
ontological categories; mind and body; the objectivity of philosophy of language.
space and time. Prerequisite: PHL 245H1 and one of PHL
Prerequisite: PHL 232H1 232H1/240H1/246H1
PHL407H1 Seminar in Ethics [36S] PHL470H1 Advanced Bioethics [36S]
Advanced discussion of issues in moral philosophy, Philosophical exploration of the foundations and
including issues of applied ethics. methodology of bioethics. Offered jointly with PHL 2145H.
Prerequisite: PHL 275H1 Prerequisite: PHL 281H1 and one of PHL
DR=HUM; BR=TBA 380H1/381H1/382H1/383H1/384H1, and permission of
the instructor a
PHL408H1 Seminar in Philosophy [36S]
Department. Limited to students enrolled in the Bioethics
Topics vary but bridge two or more areas or traditions of
Specialist or Bioethics Major programs.
PHL471H1 Advanced Topics in Greek Philosophy
PHL409H1 New Books Seminar [36S]
Advanced study of key philosophical works published
Prerequisite: PHL200Y1 and permission of the instructor
within the last five years.
and Department
PHL410H1 Seminar in Continental Philosophy [36S]
PHL472H1 Advanced Topics in Medieval Philosophy
Advanced study of recent philosophical discussions within
the continental tradition.
Prerequisite: PHL 200Y1/205H1/ 206H1 and permission of
Prerequisite: PHL 217H1/315H1/316H1/319H1/320H1/32
the instructor and Department
PHL473H1 Advanced Topics in Modern Philosophy
PHL411H1 Seminar in Analytic Philosophy [36S]
Advanced study of some topic of current philosophical
Prerequisite: PHL210Y1 and permission of the instructor
interest within the analytic tradition.
and Department
Prerequisite: PHL 245H1 and one of PHL 232H1/240H1
PHL475H1 Advanced Topics in Moral Philosophy
PHL412H1 Seminar in Political Philosophy [36S]
Advanced study of some topic in social or political
Prerequisite: PHL275H1 and permission of the instructor
and Department
Prerequisite: PHL 265H1/271H1
PHL476H1 Advanced Topics in Epistemology [36S]
PHL413H1 Seminar in Applied Ethics [36S]
Prerequisite: PHL232H1 and permission of the instructor
Advanced study of some topic in an area of applied ethics,
and Department
including bioethics, environmental ethics, and so on.
Prerequisite: PHL 271H1/273H1/275H1/281Y1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA PHL477H1 Advanced Topics in Metaphysics [36S]
Prerequisite: PHL232H1 and permission of the instructor
PHL414H1 Seminar in Philosophy of Religion [36S]
and Department
Advanced study of topics in the philosophy of religion.
Prerequisite: PHL 235H1/335H1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA PHL478H1 Advanced Topics in Philosophy of
Religion [36S]
PHL415H1 Seminar in Philosophy of Science [36S]
Prerequisite: PHL235H1/335H1 and permission of the
Advanced study of some area or problem in the
instructor and Department
philosophy of science.
Prerequisite: One of PHL 355H1 – 357H1 or HPS 250H1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA PHL479H1 Advanced Topics in Philosophy of Mind
PHL440H1 Clinical Bioethics [36S]
Prerequisite: UNI250Y1/PHL240H1/340H1/ 341H1/342H1
Advanced study of topics in bioethics, taught in
and permission of the instructor and Department
conjunction with clinical bioethicists associated with the
health care organization partners of the University of
Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics.

PHL480H1 Advanced Topics in Logic [36S]
Prerequisite: Two of PHL344H1-349H1 and permission of the
instructor and Department
PHL481H1 Advanced Topics in the Philosophy of
Language [36S]
Prerequisite: PHL351H1 and permission of the instructor and
PHL482H1 Advanced Topics in Philosophy of Natural
Science [36S]
Prerequisite: One of PHL355H1 – 357H1 or HPS 250H1, and
permission of the instructor and Department
PHL483H1 Advanced Topics in Social and Political
Philosophy [36S]
Prerequisite: PHL265H1 and permission of the instructor and
PHL484H1 Advanced Topics in the Philosophy of Law
Prerequisite: PHL271H1 and permission of the instructor and
PHL485H1 Advanced Topics in Aesthetics [36S]
Prerequisite: PHL285H1/PHL385H1 and permission of the
instructor and Department
PHL486H1 Advanced Topics in Philosophy of History
Prerequisite: PHL362H1 and permission of the instructor and
PHL487H1 Advanced Topics in Philosophy [TBA]
PHL488H1 Advanced Topics in Philosophy [TBA]
PHL489Y1 Advanced Topics in Philosophy [TBA]
Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor and Department
PHL490Y1 Individual Studies (formerly PHL390Y1)
PHL495H1 Individual Studies (formerly PHL395H1)
PHL496H1 Individual Studies (formerly PHL396H1)
PHL 497H1 Individual Studies (formerly PHL397H1)
PHL 498H1 Individual Studies (formerly PHL398H1)
PHL 499H1 Individual Studies (formerly PHL399H1)

Physical Education and Health

Offered by the Faculty of Physical

Education & Health
The Faculty of Physical Education & Health offers the
following courses to all students in the Faculty of Arts and

First Year Seminars

The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
year of study. For details, see page 48.
PHE110H1 Active Healthy Living [24L, 12P]
This course increases student awareness of issues related
to a healthy lifestyle and to the role of physical activity in
promoting health across the lifespan. Important concepts
in anatomy, physiology and nutrition are introduced,
and the whole body benefits of physical activity are
emphasized. Personal nutrition and lifestyle practices are
examined and self-improvement plans developed. First
class is mandatory. Full participation in physical activities
including aquatics is required. Not offered in 2010-2011.
DR=SCI (This course is particularly suitable as a Science
Distribution course for students in the Humanities and
Social Sciences); ; BR=4
Enrolment limit of 100 students.


Faculty Y-B. Kim, B Sc, M Sc, Ph D

L. Kofman, B Sc, Ph D †
University Professors Emeriti G.J. Luste, BA, Ph D
A.E. Litherland, B Sc, Ph D, FRSC, FRS J.F. Martin, B Sc, D Phil †
B.P. Stoicheff, OC, MA, Ph D, D Sc, FRSC, FRS B. Milkereit, Ph D
G.W.K. Moore, B Sc, Ph D (UTM)
Professors Emeriti N. Murray, Ph D †
R.L. Armstrong, MA, Ph D, FRSC B. Netterfield, BS, Ph D
R.E. Azuma, MA, Ph D R.S. Orr, B Sc, Ph D
R.F. Code, AM, Ph D (UTM) E. Poppitz, Ph D
R.C. Desai, B Sc, Ph D J. Repka, B Sc, Ph D †
T.E. Drake, M Sc, Ph D P.K. Sinervo, B Sc, Ph D, FRSC
J.R. Drummond, MA, D Phil, FRSC J.E. Sipe, M Sc, Ph D, FRSC (T)
D.J. Dunlop, MA, Ph D, FRSC (UTM) A.M. Steinberg, MA, Ph D
R.M. Farquhar, MA, Ph D, FRSC (UTM) K. Strong, B Sc, D Phil
G.M. Graham, M Sc, Ph D W. Trischuk, B Sc, Ph D
A. Griffin, M Sc, Ph D, FRSC (UTSC) H.M. van Driel, M Sc, Ph D, FRSC
J.V. Iribarne, Dr In Chem R. P. Young, Ph D †
D.G. Ivey, MA, Ph D
A.E. Jacobs, M Sc, Ph D (UTSC) Associate Professors
A.W. Key, MA, D Phil (I) D.C. Bailey, B Sc, Ph D
J.D. King, BA, D Phil (UTSC) V. Barzda, M Sc, Ph D (UTM)
P.P. Kronberg, M Sc, Ph D, D Sc † K-Y. Chun, B A Sc, MA, Ph D †
R. List, Dipl Phys ETH, Dr Sc Nat, FRSC A-A. Dhirani, BSc, Ph D †
R.K. Logan, B Sc, Ph D (N) D.F.V. James, Ph D
F.D. Manchester, M Sc, Ph D D.B.A. Jones, AB, SM, Ph D
A.D. May, MA, Ph D H-Y. Kee, MS, Ph D
J.W. Moffat, Ph D, D Sc Y-J. Kim, BS, Ph D
K.H. Norwich, M Sc, MD, Ph D † P. Krieger, M Sc, Ph D
P.J. O’Donnell, B Sc, Ph D (UTSC) P.J. Kushner, B Sc, M Sc, PhD
D.A.L. Paul, BA, Ph D H-K. Lo, Ph D
J.M. Perz, MA Sc, Ph D (UTSC) R.S. Marjoribanks, MS, Ph D
J.D. Prentice, M Sc, Ph D A. Peet, B Sc, Ph D
D.J. Rowe, MA, D Phil, FRSC U-L. Pen, M Sc, Ph D †
J.C. Stryland, Ph D P. Savard, M Sc, Ph D
M.B. Walker, B Eng, D Phil R. Teuscher, M Sc, Ph D †
G.F. West, MA, Ph D, FRSC A.C. Thompson, BS, Ph D †
S.S.M. Wong, M Sc, Ph D J. Thywissen, MS, Ph D
T.S. Yoon, M Sc, Ph D J.T. Wei, MS, Ph D

Professor and Chair of the Department Assistant Professors

M. Luke, AM, Ph D G. Bertoldi, B Sc, Ph D
K. Burch, B Sc, MS, Ph D
Professor and Associate Chair (Graduate C. Gradinaru, Ph D (UTM)
Studies) Q. Liu, BS, Ph D
T.G. Shepherd, B Sc, Ph D J. Lowman, B A, M Sc, Ph D (UTSC)
D. McMillen, B Sc, M Sc, Ph D †
Professor and Associate Chair A. Paramekanti, B Tech, Ph D
(Undergraduate Studies) W. Ryu, AB, Ph D
S. W. Morris, B Sc, M Sc, Ph D S. Stanley, B Sc, Ph D
University Professors K. Walker, B Sc, Ph D
M. Wells, B Sc, Ph D (UTSC) †
J.R. Bond, OC, MS, PH D, FRSC FRS †
S. John, B Sc, Ph D, FRSC Senior Lecturers
W.R. Peltier, M Sc, Ph D, FRSC V.B. Deyirmenjian, B Sc, Ph D
R.J.D. Miller, R.J.D., B Sc, Ph D, FRSC J. Harlow, B Sc, PhD
Professors D.M. Harrison, M Sc, Ph D
R.M. Serbanescu, M Sc, Ph D
J Abbat, MA, Ph D †
R.C. Bailey, B Sc, Ph D Part-Time Lecturers
M.J. Bronskill, M Sc, Ph D, FCCPM † N. Krasnopolskaia, Ph D
D.J. Donaldson, BSc, Ph D † P. Savaria, M Sc, Ph D
R.N. Edwards, B Sc, Ph D, C Phys, F Inst P † Cross-appointed or Research Scientist
R. Holdom, MA, Ph D
M.L.G. Joy, MA Sc, Ph D †
S.R. Julian, B Sc, M Sc, Ph D

Physics forms the bedrock of our understanding of Enquiries:
Nature. Any physical object or process, or even the Undergraduate Office, Room 301, McLennan Physical
structure of the whole universe itself, can be the subject Laboratories (416-978-7057)
of physics. Physicists study an extremely diverse array
of systems, from the simplest subatomic particles to the Web site: http://www.physics.utoronto.ca
most complex processes found in biological cells or in the
Earth’s climate. Physics provides a comprehensive set Physics Programs
of fundamental tools that can be brought to bear on many Enrolment in the Physics programs requires completion of
problems across a wide variety of fields. four courses; no minimum GPA is required.
The student can choose between Specialist Programs
in Physics or Physics combined with numerous other Biological Physics (Science program)
sciences, as well as Philosophy. In addition, the Physics Consult Associate Chair (Undergraduate Studies),
Major and Minor programs give the student the option of Department of Physics or Physiology.
mixing Physics with the nearly limitless array of science
The Biological Physics specialist program focuses on
and non-science programs available across the University.
the physical principles that organize complex biological
As well, students have the opportunity to do original
phenomena. How does diffusion limit the ability of cells
research and to undertake independent supervised studies
to measure the concentration of chemicals? How do
for course credit.
neurons transmit and process information? How does
A program in physics has much to offer. Beyond the blood flow through a beating heart? In general, Biological
traditional careers of teaching and research, a knowledge Physics deals with problems at the interface of Physics,
of physics is a powerful asset for professions like Medicine Biochemistry, and Systems Biology, and covers the full
or Law, or for careers involving the environmental, range of scales, from the molecular, to the cellular and
geological or biological sciences. An understanding of the organismic. Students in this program will be trained
physics is essential for those who are concerned about to think rigorously and quantitatively about a wide range
how society is affected by the impact of climate change of interdisciplinary problems, and will be well prepared
or advanced technology. The conceptual problem-solving to work in a variety of fields such as medicine and
tools one acquires as a physicist can be applied with great biotechnology, and to undertake graduate work in the fast
success to many occupations. emerging field of Biological Physics.

The Physics Specialist Program offers intensive training Specialist program:

in all aspects of physics. Courses can be selected in (15.5 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one
order to emphasize the experimental, theoretical or 400-series course)
applied sides of physics. In fourth year, students intending
First Year:
to undertake graduate studies are encouraged to take
BIO 150Y1; CHM (138H1, 139H1)/151Y1; MAT
advanced optional courses. These courses are offered in
135Y1/137Y1; PHY (131H1, 132H1)/ (151H1,
areas such as Relativity, High Energy Physics, Quantum
152H1)/138Y1/140Y1 (PHY (151H1, 152H1)
Optics, Condensed Matter, Geophysics and Atmospheric
Physics, reflecting the research excellence of the faculty.
First or Second Year:
Specialist Programs in Biological Physics and Molecular MAT 223H1
Biophysics are offered that combine the analytical problem Second Year:
solving skills of the physicist with sound backgrounds in BCH 210H1; BIO (240H1, 241H1); CHM 247H1; MAT
relevant biology and biochemistry. The interface between 235Y1/237Y1, 244H1; PHY 250H1/251H1
biology and physics lies at the forefront of the rapidly Third Year:
growing field of quantitative biology. JBO 302Y1; PHY 224H1/225H1, 252H1, 254H1/255H1,
256H1, 431H1/346H1, 354H1/351H1
The Professional Experience Year program (“PEY”: Fourth Year:
see also page 19 and www.peyonline.com) is available PSL 350H1/BIO 349H1; PHY 356H1/355H1,
to eligible, full-time Arts & Science Specialist students 407H1/324H1; PSL 303Y1, 432H1
after their second year of study. Physics students are NOTES: We strongly recommend you consider taking the
encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to apply research project PHY 478H1/PSL 499H1.
their scientific and mathematical skills in a 12-16 month
professional internship. Molecular Biophysics (Science program)
The Departmental web site gives detailed information on Consult Associate Chair (Undergraduate Studies),
programs and courses, and describes the operation of Department of Physics, Biochemistry, or Chemistry.
the Department and the counseling services available. All
Molecular Biophysics is the application of physics and
students, most particularly those entering first year, are
physical chemistry to biological problems at the molecular
strongly urged to consult the web site before term begins.
level. Ideas, instrumentation and computational models
Associate Chair (Undergraduate Studies): of physics and chemistry are used to understand the
Professor S. W. Morris, Room 328, McLennan Physical molecules of life. What are the three-dimensional
Laboratories (416-978-6674); structures of these molecules? How do these structures
E-mail address: [email protected] change over time? How do molecules interact to relay

information? What are the forces that govern biomolecular full-course at the 400 level)
interactions? How can we manipulate these molecules First Year:
for the benefit of humankind? These are some of the MAT 135Y1/137Y1/157Y1, 223H1/240H1; PHY (151H1,
questions that molecular biophysicists attempt to address 152H1)/140Y1/(131H1, 132H1); (MAT 137Y1, 223H1,
rigorously. Of course many of the answers to these PHY (151H1, 152H1) recommended)
questions will have profound implications for human Note: Students with a good grade in PHY 132H/110Y/138Y
health. The Molecular Biophysics Program combines may ask the Physics Undergraduate Office for entry
mathematics, physics, chemistry and biochemistry in an into this or other Physics Programs requiring PHY
unusual and exciting opportunity for undergraduates, 152H /140Y.
including undergraduate research in some of the finest Second Year:
laboratories in the world. MAT 237Y1/257Y1/235Y1, 244H1/267H1; PHY
224H1/225H1, 250H1/251H1, 252H1, 254H1/255H1,
Specialist program: 256H1; (MAT 237Y1, 244H1 recommended);
(16.0 full courses of their equivalent, including at least one
Second or Third Year:
400-series course)
First Year (3.0 FCE): 409H1
CHM (138H1, 139H1)/151Y1; MAT 135Y1/137Y1/157Y1; Third Year:
PHY151H1/131H1, 152H1/132H1; (CHM 151Y1, APM 346H1; MAT 334H1; PHY 350H1/352H1,
PHY151H1, 152H1 recommended) 354H1/351H1, 356H1/355H1, PHY3/4XXH1
First or second year (0.5 FCE): Third or Fourth Year:
MAT 223H1/240H1 Two of (PHY353H1/PHY450H1, PHY452H1/480H1,
Second Year (3.5 FCE): PHY456H1/457H1, PHY454H1/PHY459H1/
BCH 210H1; CHM (220H1, 221H1)/225Y1; MAT PHY460H1);
235Y1/237Y1; PHY 250H1/251H1, 252H1 plus PHY4XXH1, PHY3/4XXH1/JGP438H1/JPH441H1,
Second or Third Year (2.0 FCE): PHY424H1/428H1/429H1, PHY405H1/PHY407H1/
MAT 244H1; PHY 224H1/225H1, 254H1/255H1; CHM PHY408H1/409H1/PHY426H1
Third Year (3.0 FCE):
1. Students intending to pursue a career in Industry are
BCH 335H1/311H1, BCH 340H1; CHM 326H1/PHY356H1/
encouraged to take advantage of the Professional
PHY355H1, CHM 327H1, PHY 431H1/346H1,
Experience Year Program.
Third or Fourth Year (0.5 FCE): 2. Students who do not include JPH441H as part of their
APM346H1 program are expected to take another Arts & Science
Fourth Year (3.5 FCE) course with a significant emphasis on “Ethics and Social
BCH 427H1; CHM 328H1, CHM423H1/PHY456H1/ Responsibility”.
PHY457H1; PHY407H1/324H1, 351H1/353H1/354H1,
Major program
(7.5 full courses or their equivalent, including at least 2.0
Physics (Science program) full-course equivalents at the 300+ level, with at least 0.5
full-course equivalents at the 400 level)
Consult Professor S. W. Morris, Associate Chair
A Physics Major program is appropriate for students
(Undergraduate Studies), Department of Physics.
interested in a more flexible and diverse undergraduate
The Physics Specialist Program offers rigorous training physics program. A Physics Major is an excellent
in the full spectrum of core physics subfields, as well as counterpart for studies in other Mathematical, Physical,
their numerous important applications. Practical courses Life, or Environmental Sciences, Archaeology,
treat the experimental and computational aspects and technological or science based business or policy,
complement the lecture courses. Physics concerns many education or teaching.
of the ultimate questions in our scientific understanding of First Year:
the universe. What is the nature of matter and energy at MAT 135Y1/137Y1; PHY (131H1, 132H1)/ (151H1,
the smallest scales? What are the physical processes that 152H1)/138Y1/140Y1
govern the Earth’s climate? What is the nature of light and Second Year:
how can it be controlled? How do the collective properties 1. MAT 235Y1/237Y1, 223H1; PHY 224H1/225H1;
of solids emerge from those of individual atoms? How do 2. One full course equivalent from PHY (231H1, 331H1)/
biological processes organize themselves to maintain their 238Y1, 250H1/251H1, 252H1, 254H1/255H1, 256H1,
survival? What is the structure and evolution of the Earth ENV235Y1
and the other planets? How can quantum information be Third Year:
used for computation? Physics seeks answers to these 1. MAT244H1, MAT309H1/PHY324H1/405H1/407H1/
questions using a combination of theory, computation 408H1/424H1/426H1/428H1/429H1/MAT409H1
and precision experiment, and the results find application 2. One full course equivalent from: any PHY300+
across all of science. courses, including JPA305H1
Specialist program: 3. A half course from: any PHY400+ level course,
(13.0 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one including JPA405H1, JGP438H1, JPH441H1

Notes: connections between them.
1. Students taking a Physics Major intending to pursue
graduate studies in Physics or a related discipline Specialist program:
should discuss their course selections with the Physics (16.0 full courses or their equivalent, including at least 2
Undergraduate Chair. full-course equivalents at the 400 level)
2. Students who do not include JPH441H as part of their First Year:
program are expected to take another Arts & Science PHY (151H1, 152H1)/140Y1; MAT137Y1/157Y1;
course with a significant emphasis on “Ethics and Social MAT223H1; PHL 100Y1
Responsibility”. Second Year:
MAT237Y1; MAT244H1; PHY 250H1, 255H1/254H1,
Minor programs: 256H1; HPS 250H1
A. ‘Core’ Minor Third Year:
(4 full courses or their equivalent) MAT334H1; PHY252H1; PHY351H1/354H1;
PHY352H1/350H1; PHY355H1/356H1
First Year:
Fourth Year:
PHY (151H1, 152H1)/140Y1
PHY457H1/456H1; PHY480H1/483H1/452H1; PHY491H1
Second Year:
Any Year:
1. PHY 224H1/225H1
PHL 245H1; 345H1/347H1/348H1/349H1; 355H1; 356H1;
2. Three of: PHY 250H1/251H1, 252H1, 254H1/255H1,
2.5 additional PHL courses, including at least 0.5 at the
Third Year:
300+ level
1. PHY 324H1
2. One of PHY 354H1/351H1, 350H1/352H1, Planetary Science: see Astronomy and
356H1/355H1 Astrophysics
B. ‘Life, Environmental, and General’ Minor
(4 full courses or their equivalent) Physics Courses
First Year: See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
MAT 135Y1/137Y1; PHY (131H1, 132H1)/(151H1,
152H1)/138Y1/140Y1 Note
Second Year: Books listed in course descriptions will not necessarily
ENV 235Y1 or any other 1 full course equivalent from PHY be the texts for the course, but do indicate the level of
courses at the 200+ level presentation. More detailed and current information on
Third Year: courses is available through the Physics Department web
One full course equivalent from: any 300 or 400 level PHY site. Pre- and co-requisites are recommendations which
course, BIO 472H1, JPA 305H1, JPA 405H1/310H1; may be waived in special circumstances - students should
JGP 438H1; BME595H1; PSL454H1; JBO302Y may consult the Department prior to the beginning of term.
count as a half-course credit to this requirement.
First Year Seminars
Earth Systems: Physics and Environment : see The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
Centre for Environment the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
Physics and Astronomy: see Astronomy seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
Physics and Chemistry: see Chemical Physics professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
in the Chemistry section year of study. For details, see page 48.

Physics and Computer Science: see Computer PHY100H1 The Magic of Physics [24L, 12T]
In 1915 Einstein presented a quartet of papers
that revolutionized our understanding of gravity. He
Physics and Geology: see Geology commented: “Hardly anyone who has truly understood this
theory will be able to resist being captivated by its magic.”
Physics and Mathematics: see Mathematics The General Theory of Relativity is not the only theory of
physics that is magical, and Einstein was not physics’ only
Physics and Philosophy (Science program) magician. We uncover the wonders of the classical and
the quantum world courtesy of Galileo, Newton, Maxwell,
Consult Associate Chair (Undergraduate Studies), Einstein, Heisenberg and others. Topics include planetary
Department of Physics or Philosophy. motion, chaos, the nature of light, time travel, black
Physics has deep historical roots in natural philosophy and holes, matter waves, Schrödinger’s cat, and quarks. No
many aspects of contemporary Physics raise profound mathematics is required, and any necessary elementary
philosophical questions about the nature of reality. The classical physics is reviewed.
interdisciplinary Physics and Philosophy Program allows Exclusion: PHY131H/132H/151H/152H /110Y1/138Y/140Y
the student to engage with both Physics and Philosophy taken previously or concurrently
at their deepest levels, and to more fully explore the

DR=SCI (PHY100H1 is primarily intended as a Science Exclusion: PHY132H1/110Y1/138Y1/140Y1
Distribution Requirement course for students in the Prerequisite: PHY131H1/151H1
Humanities and Social Science); BR=5 Co-requisite: MAT137Y1/157Y1
PHY101H1 Emergence in Nature [24L, 12T]
The universe is not a rigid clockwork, but neither is it PHY189H1 Physics at the Cutting Edge [36L]
formless and random. Instead, it is filled with highly A limited enrollment seminar course for First Year
organized, evolved structures that have somehow Science students interested in current research in
emerged from simple rules of physics. Examples range Physics. Students will meet active researchers studying
from the structure of galaxies to the pattern of ripples on the universe from the centre of the earth to the edge
windblown sand, to biological and even social processes. of the cosmos. Topics may range from string theory to
These phenomena exist in spite of the universal tendency experimental biological physics, from climate change
towards disorder. How is this possible? Self-organization to quantum computing, from superconductivity to
challenges the usual reductionistic scientific method, earthquakes. The course may involve both individual and
and begs the question of whether we can ever really group work, essays and oral presentations.
understand or predict truly complex systems. Co-requisite: PHY132H1132H1/152H1
Exclusion: PHY131H/132H/151H/152H 110Y1/138Y/140Y DR=SCI; BR=5
taken previously or concurrently
DR=SCI (PHY101H1 is primarily intended as a Science
Distribution Requirement course for students in the Note
Humanities and Social Sciences); BR=5 Exceptional first year students, for example those who
PHY131H1 Introduction to Physics I [24L, 20P] have scored very high on the Canadian Association
A first university physics course primarily for students of Physics High School Exam, may be allowed direct
not intending to pursue a Specialist or Major program enrollment in Physics Second Year Courses. Contact the
in Physical or Mathematical Sciences. Topics include: Physics Undergraduate Office.
classical kinematics & dynamics, momentum, energy,
force, friction, work, power, angular momentum,
oscillations, fluids, viscosity. 200-SERIES COURSES
Exclusion: PHY151H1/110Y/138Y1/140Y1
Prerequisite: MCV4U Calculus & Vectors / MCB4U Note
Functions & Calculus All 200-series PHY courses except PHY201H1 and
Recommended preparation: SPH4U Physics and SCH4U PHY205H1 require MAT135Y1/137Y1/157Y1.
Co-requisite: MAT135Y1/137Y1/157Y1 PHY201H1 Concepts of Physics [24L, 12T]
DR=SCI; BR=5 A conceptual overview of some the most interesting
advances in physics and the intellectual background in
PHY132H1 Introduction to Physics II [24L, 20P ] which they occurred. The interrelationship of the actual
The second university physics course primarily for practice of physics and its cultural and intellectual context
students not intending to pursue a Specialist or Major is emphasized.
program in Physical or Mathematical Sciences. Topics DR=SCI (PHY201H1 is primarily intended as a Science
include: waves, sound, light, electricity, magnetism, special Distribution Requirement course for students in the
relativity. Humanities and Social Sciences); BR=5
Exclusion: PHY152H1/110Y1/138Y1/140Y1
Prerequisite: PHY131H1/151H1 PHY205H1 The Physics of Everyday Life [24L, 12T]
Co-requisite: MAT135Y1/137Y1/157Y1 An introduction to the physics of everyday life. This
DR=SCI; BR=5 conceptual course looks at everyday objects to learn
about the basis for our modern technological world. Topics
PHY151H1 Foundations of Physics I [36L, 15P, 12T] may include anything from automobiles to weather.
The first physics course in many of the Specialist and Exclusion: PHY131H/132H/151H/152H/110Y/138Y/140Y
Major Programs in Physical Sciences. It provides an or equivalent, taken previously or concurrently
introduction to the concepts, approaches and tools the DR=SCI (PHY205H1 is primarily intended as a Science
physicist uses to describe the physical world while laying Distribution Requirement course for students in the
the foundation for classical and modern mechanics. Topics Humanities and Social Sciences); BR=5
include: mathematics of physics, energy, momentum,
conservation laws, kinematics, dynamics, and gravity. JOP210H1 Holography for 3D Visualization [24L,
Exclusion: PHY131H1/110Y/138Y1/140Y1 54P]
Prerequisite: MCV4U Calculus & Vectors / MCB4U An introduction to the theory and practice of holography.
Functions & Calculus; SPH4U Physics Human perception & 3D visualization; fundamentals of 3D
Co-requisite: MAT137Y1/157Y1 modeling; ray and wave optics; interference, diffraction,
DR=SCI; BR=5 coherence; transmission and reflection holograms; color
perception; stereograms. Applications of holography in art,
PHY152H1 Foundations of Physics II [36L, 15P, 12T ] medicine, and technology. Computer simulation, design,
The second physics course in many of the Specialist and and construction of holograms.
Major Programs in Physical Sciences. Topics include DR=SCI; BR=5
special relativity and electromagnetism.

PHY224H1 Practical Physics I [72P] PHY254H1 Mechanics: From Oscillations to Chaos
Develops the core practical experimental and [24L, 12T]
computational skills necessary to do Physics. Students The course analyzes the linear, nonlinear and chaotic
tackle simple physics questions involving mathematical behaviour of classical mechanical systems such as
models, computational simulations and solutions, harmonic oscillators, rotating bodies, and central field
experimental measurements, data and error analysis. systems. The course will develop the analytical and
Prerequisite: PHY132H1/152H1/138Y1/140Y1 numerical tools to solve such systems and determine their
Co-requisite: PHY 231H/232H/238Y/250H1/251H1/252H1/ basic properties. The course will include mathematical
254H1/255H1/256H1 analysis, numerical exercises using Python, and
Exclusion: PHY225H1 participatory demonstrations of mechanical systems.
DR=SCI; BR=5 Exclusion: PHY255H1
Prerequisite: PHY138Y1/140Y1/132H1/152H1 (PHY152H1
PHY231H1 Physics of Living Systems [24L, 18P]
An introductory course for students interested in
Co-requisite: MAT235Y1/237Y1/257Y1 (MAT244H1 and
understanding the physical phenomena occurring in
PHY224H1 recommended co-requisites)
biological systems and the applications of physics in life
sciences. Topics may include physical processes inside
living cells and systems; medical physics and imaging. PHY256H1 Introduction to Quantum Physics [24L,
Prerequisite: PHY132H1/152H1/138Y1/140Y1, MAT 12T]
135Y1/137Y1/157Y1 Failures of classical physics; the Quantum revolution;
Exclusion: PHY238YH1 Stern-Gerlach effect; harmonic oscillator; uncertainty
DR=SCI; BR=5 principle; interference packets; scattering and tunnelling in
ENV235Y1 Physics and Chemistry of the Evolving
Prerequisite: PHY138Y1/140Y1/132H1/152H1
Earth [48L]
Co-requisite: MAT235Y1/237Y1/257Y1 (MAT223H1/240H1
See “Centre for Environment”
The formation and evolution of Earth as a planet in the
Solar System: origin of the elements, composition of
planets, mantle-core differentiation, tectonics, geologic PHY299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
change and time scales. The biosphere: i.e., the Credit course for supervised participation in faculty
Earth’s atmosphere, oceans and crust: operation as a research project. See page 48 for details.
physicochemical system, atmospheric composition and DR=SCI; BR=TBA
roles of major and minor constituents, ocean/atmosphere
energy budgets, circulations and couplings; climate,
glaciation. The effects of human intervention and natural 300-SERIES COURSES
processes: e.g., groundwater quality, atmospheric change,
volcanic activity. Given by the Departments of Physics and Note
Chemistry. Students taking 300-series courses are invited to attend
Prerequisite: CHM (138H1, 139H1)/151Y1; the Thursday afternoon Department colloquia.
JBO302Y1 Human Physiology and Biophysics [72L,
PHY138Y1/140Y1/132H1/152H1 or Permission of the
Principles of Human Physiology with tutorials on the
biophysical concepts applied to physiological processes.
PHY250H1 Electricity and Magnetism (formerly Restricted to students enrolled in the Biological Physics
PHY251H1) [24L, 12T] and Physiology (Theoretical) programs.
Point charges; Coulomb’s Law; electrostatic field and Exclusion: PSL201Y1, 302Y1
potential; Gauss’ Law; conductors; electrostatic energy; Prerequisite: BIO150Y1; CHM138H1; MAT135Y1/137Y1;
magnetostatics; Ampere’s Law; magnetostatic energy; PHY138Y1/140Y1/132H1/152H1
Lorentz Force; Faraday’s Law; Maxwell’s equations. DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Exclusion: PHY238Y1, PHY251H1
JPA305H1 Introduction to Archaeometry [24L, 11P]
Prerequisite: PHY138Y1/140Y1/132H1/152H1
Introduction to methods for remote sensing of buried
Co-requisite: MAT235Y1/237Y1/257Y1
archaeological remains, (magnetics, resistivity,
electromagnetics), dating (Carbon 14, TL, ESR, etc.)
PHY252H1 Thermal Physics [24L, 12T] and analysis (X-Ray, INAA) of ancient materials.
The quantum statistical basis of macroscopic systems; Application of methods and interpretation of results in
definition of entropy in terms of the number of accessible archaeological contexts. Issues of art and authenticity are
states of a many particle system leading to simple also addressed. Course includes a laboratory component.
expressions for absolute temperature, the canonical (Given by the Departments of Physics and Anthropology)
distribution, and the laws of thermodynamics. Specific DR=SCI; BR=TBA
effects of quantum statistics at high densities and low
JPH311H1 History of Physics [24S]
Topics in the history of physics from antiquity to the 20th
Prerequisite: PHY138Y1/140Y1/132H1/152H1
century, including Aristotelian physics, Galileo, Descartes,
Co-requisite: MAT235Y1/237Y1/257Y1
electromagnetism, thermodynamics, statistical mechanics,

relativity, quantum physics, and particle physics. The weak, and strong; a selection of other topics, CP
development of theories in their intellectual and cultural violation, nuclear models, standard model, proton decay,
contexts. supergravity, nuclear and particle astrophysics. This
Prerequisite: At least one PHY course at university level. course is not a prerequisite for any PHY 400-level course.
DR=SCI/HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: PHY355H1/356H1
PHY324H1 Practical Physics II [12L, 72P]
A modular based practical course that further develops PHY358H1 Atoms, Molecules and Solids [24L, 12T]
the core experimental and computational skills necessary Quantum theory of atoms, molecules, and solids;
to do Physics: Mathematical models, computational variational principle and perturbation theory; hydrogen
simulations and solutions, experimental measurements, and helium atoms; exchange and correlation energies;
data and error analysis. multielectron atoms; simple molecules; bonding and
Exclusion: PHY 225H1 antibonding orbitals; rotation and vibration of molecules;
Prerequisite: PHY224H1 crystal binding; electron in a periodic potential;
DR=SCI; BR=TBA reciprocal lattice; Bloch’s theorem; nearly-free electron
model; Kronig-Penney model; energy bands; metals,
PHY331H1 Introduction to Biological Physics [24L,
semiconductors, and insulators; Fermi surfaces. This
course is not a prerequisite for any PHY 400-level course.
A course for students interested in a deeper understanding
Prerequisite: PHY355H1/356H1
of physical phenomena occurring in biological systems.
Thermodynamics, diffusion, entropic forces, fluids,
biological applications. PHY371Y1 Supervised Reading in Physics [TBA]
Prerequisite: PHY231H1/PHY224H1/225H1 (or permission PHY372H1 Supervised Reading in Physics [TBA]
of instructor) An individual study program chosen by the student with
DR=SCI; BR=TBA the advice of, and under the direction of, a staff member.
PHY350H1 Electromagnetic Theory (formerly A student may take advantage of this course either
PHY352H1) [24L, 12T] to specialize further in a field of interest or to explore
Solving Poisson and Laplace equations via method of interdisciplinary fields not available in the regular syllabus.
images and separation of variables, Multipole expansion Prerequisite: Permission of Department
for electrostatics, atomic dipoles and polarizability, DR=SCI; BR=TBA
polarization in dielectrics, Ampere and Biot-Savart laws, PHY385H1 Introductory Optics [24L, 12T]
multipole expansion in magnetostatics, magnetic dipoles, An introduction to the physics of light.  Topics covered
magnetization in matter, Maxwell’s equations in matter. include: electromagnetic waves and propagation of light;
Prerequisite: MAT223H1/240H1/244H1; the Huygens and Fermat principles; Geometrical optics
PHY251H1/250H1, 255H1/254H1 and optical instruments; Interference of waves and
DR=SCI; BR=TBA diffraction; Polarization; Introduction to photons, lasers,
PHY354H1 Classical Mechanics (formerly PHY351H1) and optical fibers.
[24L, 12T] Prerequisite: PHY250H1/251H1, PHY254H1/255H1
Symmetry and conservation laws, stability and instability, DR=SCI; BR=TBA
generalized co-ordinates, Hamilton’s principle, Hamilton’s PHY392H1 Physics of Climate [24L]
equations, phase space, Liouville’s theorem, canonical The role of radiation in the generation, maintenance and
transformations, Poisson brackets, Noether’s theorem. evolution of planetary atmospheres and climate: Radiation
Exclusion: PHY351H1 laws, absorption and emission. Simple radiative exchange
Prerequisite: MAT244H1/267H1; PHY255H1/254H1 processes and atmospheric models. Energy balance.
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Radiation and climatic change. Comparative radiation
PHY356H1 Quantum Mechanics I (formerly studies in planetary atmospheres. Pollution and man-
PHY355H1) [24L, 12T] made effects.
The general structure of wave mechanics; eigenfunctions Exclusion: PHY315H1
and eigenvalues; operators; orbital angular momentum; Prerequisite: PHY238Y1/(231H1,232H2)/251H1/250H;
spherical harmonics; central potential; separation of MAT235Y1/237Y1
variables; hydrogen atom; Dirac notation; operator DR=SCI; BR=TBA
methods; harmonic oscillator and spin. PHY395H1 Physics of the Earth (formerly PHY359H1)
Exclusion: CHM326H1, PHY355H1 [24L, 12T]
Prerequisite: MAT223H1/240H1; PHY251H1/250H1, Designed for students interested in the physics of the
256H1/CHM225Y1 (PHY256H1 recommended) Earth and the planets. Study of the Earth as a unified
Co-requisite: MAT244H1 dynamic system; determination of major internal divisions
DR=SCI; BR=TBA in the planet; development and evolution of the Earth’s
PHY357H1 Nuclear and Particle Physics [24L, 12T] large scale surface features through plate tectonics; the
The subatomic particles; nuclei, baryons and mesons, age and thermal history of the planet; Earth’s gravitational
quarks, leptons and bosons; the structure of nuclei and field and the concept of isostasy; mantle rheology
hadronic matter; symmetries and conservation laws; and convection; Earth tides; geodetic measurement
fundamental forces and interactions, electromagnetic, techniques, in particular modern space-based techniques.

Exclusion: PHY359H1 cross-correlation; stochastic processes, power spectra;
Prerequisite: PHY 140Y1/152H1/255H1/254H1, MAT least squares filtering; application to real data series and
235Y1/237Y1, MAT244 (Or permission of instructor) experimental design.
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Co-requisite: Any third-year lecture course in Physics
Exclusion: PHY308H1
PHY398H0 Independent Experiential Study Project
Prerequisite: PHY407H1/224H1/225H1/250H1/254H1/
PHY399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project 324H1
An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus DR=SCI; BR=TBA
setting. See page 48 for details.
PHY424H1 Advanced Physics Laboratory (formerly
PHY326H1) [72P]
Experiments in this course are designed to form a bridge
to current experimental research. A wide range of exciting
experiments relevant to modern research in physics is
Note available. The laboratory is open from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.,
Students taking 400-series courses are invited to attend Monday to Friday.
Thursday afternoon Department colloquia. Prerequisite: PHY224H1/225H1/250H1/256H1/324H1
Exclusions: PHY326H1
JPA405H1 Physics and Archaeometry [24L, 11P] PHY426H1 Advanced Practical Physics I [72P]
Introduction to the principles behind archaeometric These courses are a continuation of PHY326/424, but
methods for remote sensing, dating, and analysis of students have more freedom to progressively focus on
archaeological materials, and interpretation of results. specific areas of physics, do extended experiments,
Course includes both field and in-house laboratory projects, or computational modules.
components. Offered in conjunction with JPA305H1. (Not Prerequisite: PHY 326H1/424H1
offered every year) (Given by the Departments of Physics DR=SCI; BR=TBA
and Anthropology) PHY428H1 Advanced Practical Physics II [72P]
Exclusion: JPA310H1 Prerequisite: PHY 426H1
Prerequisite: Any 1st-year Physics course or permission of DR=SCI; BR=TBA
instructor; JPA305H1
DR=SCI; BR=TBA PHY429H1 Advanced Practical Physics III [72P]
Prerequisite: PHY 428H1
PHY405H1 Electronics Lab (formerly PHY305H1) DR=SCI; BR=TBA
[24L, 36P]
The laboratory functions as an integrated lecture course/ PHY431H1 Topics in Biological Physics (formerly
laboratory program. Passive linear circuits: theorems, PHY346H1) [24L, 12T]
networks, and equivalents; meters, transient and steady An introduction to the physical phenomena involved in the
responses, power, transformers, transmission lines. Digital biological processes of living cells and complex systems.
devices: gates logic, Boolean algebra, minimization, flip- Models based on physical principles applied to cellular
flops, counters, delays. Op-amps: dependent sources, processes will be developed. Biological computational
amplifiers, integrators, feedback, slew rate, filters. modeling will be introduced.
Diodes: peak detector, rectification, regulators. Noise: Prerequisite: MAT235Y1/MAT237Y1/MAT257Y1;
sources, grounding, shielding, ground loops. Transistors: PHY238Y1/251H1/PHY331H1/250H1; PHY252H1
characteristics, analysis, amplifier design. Exclusion: PHY346H1
Exclusion: PHY305H1 DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: PHY 225H1/324H1, 251H1/250H1, JGP438H1 Shallow Crust Geophysics [24L, 48P]
255H1/254H1 An introduction to the geophysical exploration of the
DR=SCI; BR=TBA subsurface. Topics covered include gravity, seismic,
PHY407H1 Computational Physics [12L, 36P] magnetic, electrical and electromagnetic surveying
Problem solving with computers, using both algebraic and and their application in prospecting, hydrogeology, and
numerical methods. After a brief introduction to the basic environmental assessments. This course is intended
techniques, various physics problems are treated with primarily for geological engineering and geology students.
increasingly more sophisticated techniques. Examples Exclusion: PHY496H1
include the physical pendulum, heat equation, quantum Prerequisite: GLG306H1; MAT223H1/235Y1;
mechanics, Monte Carlo simulation, differential equation, PHY138Y1/140Y1/132H1/152H1 or permission of
and graphical presentation of results. instructor
Co-requisite: Any third-year lecture course in Physics DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Exclusion: PHY307H1 JPH441H1 Physical Science in Contemporary
Prerequisite: PHY224H1/225H1/250H1/324H1 Society (formerly PHY341H1) [24S]
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Complex nature of the scientific method; connection
PHY408H1 Times Series Analysis [12L, 24P] between theory, concepts and experimental data;
The analysis of digital sequences; filters; the Fourier insufficiency of reductionism; characteristics of
Transform; windows; truncation effects; aliasing; auto and pathological and pseudo-science; public perception and


misperception of science; science and public policy; Note

ethical issues; trends in modern science. It is recommended that students consult the Physics
Exclusion: PHY341H1 Undergraduate Associate Chair before enrolling in
Prerequisite: PHY225H1/238Y1/251H1/252H1/255H1/25 PHY471/PHY472, PHY478/PHY479.
6H1/ENV235Y1 PHY471Y1 Supervised Reading in Physics [TBA]
PHY472H1 Supervised Reading in Physics [TBA]
PHY450H1 Relativistic Electrodynamics (formerly These self-study courses are similar to PHY371Y1/372H1,
PHY353H1) [24L,12T] at a higher level.
Special Relativity, four-vector calculus and relativistic Prerequisite: Permission of Department
notation, the relativistic Maxwell’s Equations, DR=SCI; BR=TBA
electromagnetic waves in vacuum and conducting and
non-conducting materials, electromagnetic radiation from PHY478H1 Undergraduate Research Project [TBA]
point charges and systems of charges. PHY479Y1 Undergraduate Research Project [TBA]
Prerequisite: PHY352H1/350H1 An introduction to research in Physics.
Exclusion: PHY353H1 Prerequisite: Permission of Department
PHY452H1 Basic Statistical Mechanics (formerly
PHY480H1) [24L]
Classical and quantum statistical mechanics of FOURTH-YEAR OPTIONAL ADVANCED PHYSICS
noninteracting systems; the statistical basis of COURSES
thermodynamics; ensembles, partition function;
thermodynamic equilibrium; stability and fluctuations; Note
formulation of quantum statistics; theory of simple gases; The Department of Physics offers senior undergraduate
ideal Bose and Fermi systems. students a set of specialized optional courses. NONE
Prerequisite: PHY224/324H/231/331/250/252/254/256/ of these courses are required to complete a Specialist
ENV235Y Program in Physics but taking several of these courses
Exclusion: PHY480H1 is recommended strongly to students wishing to pursue
DR=SCI; BR=TBA graduate studies. Most Advanced Courses are offered
every year, but some are not. Please check the Physics
PHY454H1 Continuum Mechanics (formerly Department web site for current offerings.
PHY459H1) [24L, 12T]
The theory of continuous matter, including solid and fluid It is the student’s responsibility to ensure they have
mechanics.  Topics include the continuum approximation, adequate preparation for any of the Optional Advanced
dimensional analysis, stress, strain, the Euler and Navier- courses. Please contact the course instructor or the
Stokes equations, vorticity, waves, instabilities, convection Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies for more
and turbulence. information.
Prerequisite: PHY351H1/354H1
Exclusion: PHY459H1
DR=SCI; BR=TBA PHY483H1 Relativity Theory I [24L]
PHY456H1 Quantum Mechanics II (formerly Basis to Einstein’s theory: differential geometry, tensor
PHY457H1) [24L, 12T] analysis, gravitational physics leading to General
Quantum dynamics in Heisenberg and Schrödinger Relativity. Theory starting from solutions of Schwarzschild,
Pictures; WKB approximation; Variational Method; Time- Kerr, etc.
Independent Perturbation Theory; Spin; Addition of DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Angular Momentum; Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory; PHY484H1 Relativity Theory II [24L]
Scattering. Applications of General Relativity to Astrophysics and
Prerequisite: PHY355H1/356H1 Cosmology. Introduction to black holes, large-scale
Exclusion: PHY457H1 structure of the universe.
PHY460H1 Nonlinear Physics [24L] PHY485H1 Lasers and Modern Optics [24L]
The theory of nonlinear dynamical systems with Maxwell’s equations in media, basic optics and imaging,
applications to many areas of physics. Topics include manipulations of polarization, coherence and diffraction
stability, bifurcations, chaos, universality, maps, strange theory, Gaussian beams, laser resonators, simple
attractors and fractals. Geometric, analytical and semiclassical laser theory. End-of year student seminars
computational methods will be developed. from the range of modern areas of research, e.g., laser
Prerequisite: PHY 351H1/354H cooling, photonic bandgap structures, extreme optics,
DR=SCI; BR=TBA quantum information, and other topics.
Prerequisite: PHY352H1/PHY350H1, PHY355H1/

PHY487H1 Condensed Matter Physics [24L] PHY496H1 Experimental Applied Geophysics [36P]
Introduction to the concepts used in the modern treatment of A laboratory course (with introductory lectures) dealing with
solids. The student is assumed to be familiar with elementary physical methods for exploring Earth structure; i.e., seismic,
quantum mechanics. Topics include: crystal structure, the gravity, magnetic, electrical, electromagnetic, and nuclear
reciprocal lattice, crystal binding, the free electron model, methods. It is designed to give “hands on” experience with
electrons in periodic potential, lattice vibrations, electrons the techniques of geophysical data analysis as well as data
and holes, semiconductors, metals. acquisition.
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Exclusion: JGP438H1
Co-requisite: PHY493H1/494H1
PHY489H1 Introduction to High Energy Physics [24L]
This course introduces the basics of fundamental particles
and the strong, weak and electromagnetic forces that govern
their interactions in the Standard Model of particle physics.
Topics include relativistic kinematics, conservation laws,
particle decays and scattering processes, with an emphasis
on the techniques used for calculating experimental
PHY491H1 Current Interpretations of Quantum
Mechanics [24L, 12T]
Review of conventional, textbook quantum mechanics.
Formal measurement theory and wave function collapse;
quantum states and nonseparability, violation of local
causality, Bell theorems, “quantum tricks”, decoherence and
the emergence of classical behaviour. Hidden variables,
deBroglie-Bohm theory and generalizations, many-worlds
interpretation and other theories of “beables”. Consistent
histories approach of Omnes and Gell-Mann and Hartle;
nature of “True” and “Reliable” statements.
Prerequisite: PHY457H1/456H1
PHY492H1 Advanced Atmospheric Physics (formerly
PHY498H1) [24L]
A preparatory course for research in experimental and
theoretical atmospheric physics. Content will vary from
year to year. Themes may include techniques for remote
sensing of the Earth’s atmosphere and surface; theoretical
atmosphere-ocean dynamics; the physics of clouds,
precipitation, and convection in the Earth’s atmosphere.
Exclusion: PHY498H1
PHY493H1 Geophysical Imaging I [24L]
This course covers wavefield and ray approximation methods
for imaging the interior of the Earth (including hydrocarbon
reservoirs and mineral deposits) using seismology.
PHY494H1 Geophysical Imaging II [24L]
How to investigate Earth structure at depths ranging
from metres to tens of kilometres using gravity, magnetic,
electrical, electromagnetic and nuclear geophysical methods.
Current methodologies and the theoretical basis for them are
PHY495H1 Experimental Global Geophysics [24L]
This course deals with the numerical analysis of data
associated with space geodesy, earthquake seismology,
geomagnetism and palaeomagnetism, isotope
geochronology, as well as numerical simulations of a wide
variety of geodynamic processes (e.g. mantle convection,
post-glacial rebound, Earth tides).
Co-requisite: PHY395H1

Collaborative Program of the Faculty B.J. Sessle, MDS, Ph D
E.F. Stanley, Ph D
of Arts & Science and the Faculty of K. Tanswell, MB, BS, FRCP (C)
Medicine W.S. Trimble, B Sc, Ph D
D. Tweed, M Sc, Ph D
M. Tymianski, MD, Ph D, FRCS (C)
Faculty M. Wheeler, Ph D
C. Wittnich, DVM, M Sc
Professors Emeriti J.M. Wojtowicz, Ph D
U. Ackermann, M Sc, Ph D M. Zhou, Ph D
H.L. Atwood, MA, PhD, DSc, FRSC
J.R.G. Challis, Ph D, D Sc, FIBiol, FRCOG, FRSC Associate Professors
P.E. Hallett, MA, MD S.-S. Bolz, MD, PhD
A.A. Horner, BA, Ph D D.M. Broussard, Ph D
J.F. MacDonald, B Sc, Ph D, FRSC T.J. Brown, BS, Ph D
D.R. McLachlan, MD, FRCP (C) I. Caniggia, MD, Ph D
K. Norwich, M Sc, MD, Ph D J. Eubanks, Ph D
D.H. Osmond, MSA, Ph D Z.P. Feng, MD, Ph D
M. Percy, Ph D P. Frankland, Ph D
M. Radomski, MA, Ph D G. Hare, MD, Ph D, FRCP(C)
H. Sonnenberg, M Sc, Ph D S. Heximer, Ph D
A.M-F. Sun, MA, Ph D R. Horner, Ph D
M. Vranic, MD, D Sc, FRCP (C), FRSC M. Husain, MD, FRCP(C)
W. Hutchison, M Sc, Ph D
Professor and Chair of the Department R. Jankov, Ph D, FRACP, MB, BS
S.G. Matthews, Ph D Z. Jia, Ph D
Professors S. Josselyn, Ph D
S.L. Adamson, M Sc, Ph D A. Jurisicova, Ph D
G.H. Anderson, M Sc, Ph D H.C. Kwan, M Sc, Ph D
P. Backx, Ph D F. Liu, Ph D
C.E. Bear, M Sc, Ph D W.A. MacKay, M Sc, Ph D
J. Belik, MD, FRCP(C) L.R. Mills, Ph D
D. Belsham, Ph D H. Ni, MD, Ph D
A. Bocking, MD, FRCS (C) P.S. Pennefather, B Sc, Ph D
R. Boonstra, Ph D S.E. Quaggin, MD, FRCP(C)
P.L. Brubaker, B Sc, Ph D R.C. Renlund, DVM, M Sc
D.G. Butler, Ph D F. Skinner, MA Sc, Ph D
P.L. Carlen, MD, FRCP (C) N. Sweezey, MD
R.F. Casper, MD, FRCS (C) S. Thomas, M Sc, Ph D
M.P. Charlton, M Sc, Ph D L-Y. Wang, M Sc, Ph D
A. Coates, B.Eng, MDCM Q. Wang, MD, Ph D
J. Dostrovsky, M Sc, Ph D V. Watt, M Sc, Ph D
I.G. Fantus, MD, FRCP(C) H. Zhang, MD, PhD
J. Fisher, MD, FRCP(C) Assistant Professors
H.Y. Gaisano, MD K. Banks, DVM, M Sc
A. Giacca, MD V.S. Chauhan, MD, FRCPC
R.V. Harrison, B Sc, Ph DN. Jones, MD, Ph D, FRCP (C) S. Dhe-Paganon, Ph D
N. Jones, MD, Ph D, FRCP(C) A. Gramolini, PhD
B. Kavanagh, BSc, FRCP(C) T. Jin, MD, Ph D
A. Klip, M Sc, Ph D T.K.T. Lam, Ph D
G. Lewis, MBBCH, FRCP(C) E.K. Lambe, Ph D
M. Liu, MD, M Sc J. Min, Ph D
P.P. Liu, MD P.P. Monnier, Ph D, MBA
S.J. Lye, B Sc, Ph D H. Mount, Ph D
C.D. Mazer, MD, FRCP(C) D. Ng, Ph D, MD, FRCP (C)
F. Miller, Ph D, FRSC J. Peever, Ph D
B. Orser, MD, Ph D J.V. Rocheleau, PhD
M. Post, M Sc, DVM, Ph D C.D. Rodgers, Ph D
J. Roder, Ph D I. Rogers, Ph D
N.D. Rosenblum, MD S. Sugita, MA, Ph D
M.W. Salter, MD, Ph D, FRSC H. Suzuki, MD, Ph D
L.C. Schlichter, M Sc, Ph D A. Velumian, Ph D
Z. Seltzer, DMD A. Volchuk, Ph D

M. Zhen, Ph D Specialist program:
Senior Lecturer (14 full courses or their equivalent, including at least two
400-series course)
C. Perumalla, M Sc, D Phil
First Year:
Lecturer BIO (120H1, 130H1)/150Y1; CHM 138H1, 139H1; MAT
M.B. French, M Sc, Ph D 135Y1/137Y1; PHY (131H1, 132H1)/(151H1, 152H1)
Physiology is the study of living matter in action. It Second Year:
integrates physical and life science disciplines in order BCH 210H1; BIO 240H1, 241H1; CHM 247H1/ CHM 220H1;
to understand body functions and the origins of disease. MAT 235Y1/(PHY 231Y1, 331H1); PSL 302Y1
Beyond the study of control mechanisms, compensations, Third Year:
and cooperation among body molecules, cells, tissues 1. BCH 370H1; BCH 311H1/PSL 350H1; PSL 303Y1,
and organs, the interaction between the body’s external 372H1, 374H1
and internal environments is a key theme in Physiology. 2. One full-course equivalent from: ANA 300Y1; IMM
Most importantly, Physiology unifies the life sciences from 334Y1; PCL 201H1, 302H1; PSY 397H1; STA 250H1;
molecule to organism, providing the link from genomics, CSB 325H1, 332H1, 343H1, 345H1/445H1, 346H1,
and molecular signaling pathways to behavior and disease. 347H1
Emerging fields for physiologists are the analysis of the Fourth Year:
functional implications of genomic sequence variation, Two full-course equivalents from: PSL 400-series/HMB
developmental factors leading to chronic illness, and novel 472H1
approaches for regenerative medicine.
Major program:
Biological function---of molecules, cells, and organisms----is (8 full courses or their equivalent, including 0.5 FCE at the
at the heart of Physiology, and this knowledge is fundamental 400-level)
to the life sciences in general. Accordingly, Physiology Enrolment in this Program is limited. Students may apply
provides an excellent and often necessary background after completing 4 courses including all the First Year
for subsequent training in Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, requirements.
Nursing, Physical or Occupational Therapy, and other
health-related professions. It is also excellent preparation First Year:
for graduate work in Physiology and related areas; or for BIO (120H1, 130H1)/150Y1; CHM 138H1, 139H1; MAT
the teaching of Biological Science in secondary schools. 135Y1/JMB 170Y1 /PHY (131H1, 132H1)/(151H1,
Physiologists are needed in hospitals and departments of 152H1)
medicine as teachers and research personnel. Other outlets Second Year:
would be in agriculture and veterinary medicine, in military BCH 210H1; BIO 240H1, 241H1; PSL 302Y1
research establishments and in life science-based industry. Higher Years:
The development of air and space travel, the exploration of 1. PSL 372H1
the continental shelf, the development of Northern regions, 2. One full-course equivalent from: ANA 300Y1; BCH
and increased emphasis on exercise and fitness, all provide 311H1; IMM 334Y1; PCL 201H1, 302H1; PSY 397H1;
business and research opportunities for the person trained in CSB, 325H1, 330H1, 332H1, 343H1, 345H1/445H1,
Physiology. 346H1, 347H1, 349H1
3. One full-course equivalent from: HMB 430H1, 472H1;
Physiology at the research level covers a variety of PSL 303Y1, 374H1, 350H1, 378H1, 380H1, 400-level
specialties (e.g. Endocrinology, Cardiovascular Physiology, courses
Neurophysiology, Respiratory Physiology, Reproductive
Physiology, Sensory Physiology), each with very different Minor program:
technical and analytical methods. More information is (4 full courses or their equivalent)
available on the departmental web-site (www.physiology. Enrolment in this Program requires the completion of 4
utoronto.ca). Undergraduate Secretary: Professor W.A. courses; no minimum GPA required. One 300+-level FCE
MacKay, Medical Sciences Building, Room 3368 (416-978- must be included in the program.
1. BIO (120H1, 130H1)/150Y1; PSL 201Y1/302Y1
Enquiries and Counseling: Medical Sciences Building, Room 2. Two full-course equivalents from: BIO 251Y1, 270H1,
3209 (416-978- 5077) 271H1; EEB 328H1; HMB 200H1, 430H1, 470H1,
472H1; PSL 280H1, 303Y1, 350H1, 378H1, 380H1,
Physiology Programs 400-series; PSY 290H1, 392H1, 394H1, 396H1, 397H1,
399H1, 490H1, 497H1; CSB, 325H1, 332H1, 343H1,
Biophysics: see Physics 344H1, 345H1/445H1, 346H1, 347H1

Neuroscience: see Human Biology Physiology Courses

See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
Physiology (Science program)
First Year Seminars
Enrolment in this Program is limited. Selection is based on
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide the
GPA in first year required courses.
opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class of no
more than twenty-four students. These interactive seminars

are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity and provide adaptations and body weight regulations are examined.
an opportunity to get to know a member of the professorial Tutorials use computer simulations and problem sets.
staff in a seminar environment during the first year of study. Prerequisite: JBO302Y1/PSL302Y1, MAT 100-series, PHY
For details, see page 48. 100-series, BCH 210H1 or permission of Department
Recommended Co-requisite: PSL372H1, 374H1
PSL201Y1 Basic Human Physiology [52L]
A survey course intended for students who are not
proceeding further in Physiology. PSL350H1 Mammalian Molecular Biology [20L, 6S]
Exclusion: Any 300-level PSL course taken previously or Molecular biology is essential for understanding mammalian
concurrently function. The knowledge from BIO250Y of DNA, RNA,
Prerequisite: 100-level course in BIO or equivalent and protein is extended to current, primary literature on
DR=SCI; BR=4 mammalian molecular biology. Application of molecular
biology to disease and to complex behaviors is followed by
PSL280H1 Introduction to Physiologic Adaptations of
small group sessions on topics with a bioethics component.
Marine Mammals [24L, 12P]
Prerequisite: BIO 240H1, 241H1
Systems approach to physiology of marine mammals in
Exclusion: BCH311H1/BIO349H1/CSB349H1/MGY311Y1
their aquatic environment. Highlights unique features of
Pre- or Co-requisite: PSL300H1/301H1/302Y1/JBO302Y1,
cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, renal, urinary,
and reproductive systems. Introduces relevant nervous and
endocrine physiology, and makes comparisons to human
condition and disease. PSL372H1 Mammalian Physiology Laboratory [12L,
Prerequisite: BIO 150Y1, CHM138H1 36P]
DR=SCI; BR=4 A laboratory course covering selected topics in physiology.
Prerequisite: BIO 240H1, 241H1, BCH210H1, MAT
PSL299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
100-series/PHY 100-series
Credit course for supervised participation in faculty research
Pre- or Co-requisite: PSL302Y1, BCH370H1 (recommended)
project. See page 48 for details.
PSL374H1 Advanced Physiology Laboratory [12L, 12S,
PSL300H1 Human Physiology I [36L, 5T]
Principles of neurophysiology, endocrinology and
A problem-based laboratory course focused on the
reproductive physiology for students enroled in the
integration of organ systems to understand the control
Neuroscience program.
mechanisms of body function.
Exclusion: PSL201Y1, PSY391H1
Prerequisite: BIO 240H1, 241H1, PSL302Y1, PSL372H1
Prerequisite: BIO150Y1; CHM138H1; PHY100-series
Co-requisite: BCH370H1
PSL301H1 Human Physiology II [36L, 4T]
PSL378H1 Field Physiology: Marine Mammal [12L, 36P,
Principles of respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and
renal physiology for students enroled in the Neuroscience
An opportunity to go outside of the traditional university
Specialist program.
classroom and get some hands on experience of the
Exclusion: PSL201Y1
diversity and adaptive nature of marine mammalian
Prerequisite: BIO150Y1; CHM138H1; PSL 300H1
physiology/anatomy as it compares to human. The course is
2 weeks (in May or June), one week in the field hands on,
JBO302Y1 Human Physiology and Biophysics [72L, and one week of group discussions of the findings and draft
12T] report preparation.
Principles of Human Physiology with tutorials on the Prerequisite: (BIO 270H1,271H1)/PSL201Y1/280H1/302Y1
biophysical concepts applied to physiological processes. DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Restricted to students enroled in the Biophysics program.
PSL380H1 Physiologic Adaptations to Diving.[24L, 6T]
Exclusion: PSL201Y1, 302Y1
This course will compare and contrast the physiologic and
Prerequisite: BIO150Y1; CHM138H1; MAT135Y1/137Y1;
anatomical adaptations exhibited by the different species of
marine mammals in relationship to humans, with a focus on
relevant aspects of diving.
PSL302Y1 Human Physiology [72L, 9T] Prerequisite: (BIO 270H1, 271H1)/PSL201Y1/302Y1, PSL
Principles of Human Physiology for students enroled in Basic 280H1
Medical Science programs. Equivalent to PSL 300H1 + DR=SCI; BR=TBA
PSL420H1 Reproduction I: Development and Function
Exclusion: PSL201Y1
Prerequisite: BIO150Y1, CHM138H1; MAT100-series/
This course provides an in-depth review of the development
and function of the male and female reproductive systems.
Topics include sex determination and differentiation,
PSL303Y1 Topics in Cellular, Molecular and Organismic gametogenesis, hormonal control of the reproductive
Physiology [72L, 24T] systems, the female ovulatory cycle, seasonal breeding,
Using homeostasis and feedback as a unifying theme, topics sexual behaviour, fertilization and implantation.
in control systems, cell signaling, rhythms, environmental Prerequisite: PSL302Y1

PSL421H1 Reproduction II: Pregnancy and Birth [24L] PSL452H1 Membrane Physiology [24L]
General overview of the integrated physiologic events Biophysics and molecular biology of ion channels. Topics
associated with pregnancy and birth. The approach include equivalent circuits for cells, molecular structure of
emphasizes physiologic processes using insights gained voltage-gated channels, distribution of channels, relationship
from studies of humans, animals, cells and genes. between single-channel and whole-cell recording and
Where appropriate the clinical consequences of aberrant regulation of channel function by voltage, phosphorylation,
development are reviewed. G-proteins and metabolites.
Prerequisite: PSL302Y1 Prerequisite: PSL302Y1
Recommended Preparation: PSL420H1 Recommended Preparation: PSL432H1
PSL425H1 Integrative Metabolism and its Endocrine PSL454H1 Physiological Instrumentation and
Regulation [24L] Electronics [12L, 36P]
This course integrates the newest findings and experimental A practical approach to instrumentation as a preparation for
approaches from cellular and molecular biology into using sophisticated measurement systems.
metabolic function at the tissue, organ and whole body level. Prerequisite: PHY 100-series or equivalent
Prerequisite: BCH210H1, PSL302Y1 DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Recommended Preparation: PSL303Y1 PSL462H1 Molecular Aspects of Cardiovascular
DR=SCI Function [24L]
PSL432H1 Theoretical Physiology [24L] Heart anatomy and development, ion channels and
Theoretical treatment of neurophysiology. Mathematical contractile proteins involved in cardiac and smooth muscle
modeling and analysis of neurophysiological systems. contraction are studied. Emphasis is on regulation of
Prerequisite: MAT235Y1/237Y1; APM346H1/MAT244H1 electrical and contractile function of kinases, metabolism,
Recommended Preparation: PHY200-series; volume and ions.
PSL201Y1/302Y1/ (BIO 270H1,271H1) Prerequisite: PSL302Y1/303Y1
PSL440Y1 Neuroscience I: Systems and Behaviour PSL470H1 Cardiovascular Physiology [24L, 12T]
[72L] Development of the cardiovascular system from conception
Introduction to systems neuroscience. A review of basic to adulthood with particular emphasis on maturational
neuroanatomy and physiology followed by in-depth study changes, age-related differences and developmental
of selected sensory and motor systems. Students with an problems from cellular/molecular to whole organ/system.
elementary neuroscience background progress to reading Prerequisite: PSL302Y1
neuroscience literature on their own. DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: PSL300H1/302Y1/PSY290H1/CSB332H1 or PSL472H1 Sleep Physiology and Chronobiology [24L]
equivalent An in-depth analysis of the basic physiology underlying sleep
DR=SCI; BR=TBA and circadian rhythms, and of their impact on important
PSL443H1 Motor Control Systems [24L] physiological processes, of which effects on cardio-
Control of body movement and posture by the nervous respiratory systems are emphasized.
system in normal and pathological conditions. Topics include Prerequisite: PSL302Y1
nonlinear dynamical systems, central pattern generators in DR=SCI; BR=TBA
the cerebral cortex, brainstem and spinal cord, reflexes, and PSL498Y1 Project in Physiology [144P]
basal ganglia-cerebellar function.
Prerequisite: PSL300H1/302Y1 PSL499H1 Project in Physiology [72P]
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Laboratory research project with reading assignments
leading to a final report. By special arrangement with
PSL444Y1 Neuroscience II: Cellular and Molecular [72 a Physiology staff member after admission to course.
L] PSL498Y1 is recommended for students applying to the
Overview of the fundamentals of cellular and molecular Physiology graduate program.
aspects of brain function. Course material is updated yearly Prerequisite: PSL303Y1, 372H1, 374H1, permission of
to reflect the rapid evolution of ideas in Neuroscience. Department
Prerequisite: PSL300H1/302Y1/CSB332H1 DR=SCI; BR=TBA
PSL 450H1 Mechanisms of Neural and Endocrinal
Secretion [24L]
Exocytosis and other aspects of secretion mainly in neurons
and neuroendocrine cells, but also in pancreatic cells. Topics
include synapse anatomy and physiology, synaptic plasma
membrane and vesicle proteins, membrane fusion, genetic
tools, endocrine secretion, plasticity in neurotransmitter
release, diseases arising from secretion defects.
Prerequisite: BCH 210H1, PSL 302Y1/(BIO 240H1, 241H1),
PSL 350H1/CSB 349H1

Planetary Science

Sponsored by the Departments PLN420H1 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Planetary

Science [24S]
of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Discussion of topics of current interest in planetary science
Chemistry, Geology and Physics with emphasis on papers published in scientific journals.
This course is intended for students in the final year of the
The Planetary Science Program is an interdisciplinary Planetary Science specialist program. Students must enrol
program sponsored by the Departments of Astronomy & with the course coordinator.
Astrophysics, Chemistry, Geology and Physics. It focuses DR=SCI; BR=TBA
mainly on the study of the planets in our own solar PLN425H1 Research in Planetary Science [120P]
system, but extrasolar planets are also discussed. The Research report by student in consultation with individual
aim is to provide information about different techniques staff member in Astronomy, Chemistry, Geology or
for studying the nature and origin of planets and planetary Physics. This course is intended for students in the final
systems. year of the Planetary Science specialist program. Students
Students enrolled in this program must consult the must enrol with the course coordinator.
undergraduate secretary of one of the participating DR=SCI; BR=TBA
departments for advice on the selection of courses.
Students interested in pursuing graduate studies in one
of these disciplines should include core courses from the
appropriate department(s) in their course selection.

Planetary Science Program

Planetary Science (Science program)

Specialist Program:
(14 full courses or equivalent, including at least one
400+series course)
Enrolment in the Planetary Science Specialist program
is open to students who have completed four full course
First Year:
(CHM 138H1, 139H1)/151Y1; MAT 135Y1/137Y1;
PHY(131H1, 132H1)/(151H1, 152H1) (MAT 137Y1
and PHY 151H1, 152H1 preferred)
First or Second Year:
MAT 223H1/240H1
Second or Third Year:
AST 221H1; CHM 225Y1/(PHY252H1, 256H1);
CHM 238Y1; GLG 206H1, 216H1/207H1; MAT
235Y1/237Y1 (MAT 237Y1 preferred); MAT 244H1;
PHY 250H1, 254H1
Third and/or Fourth Years:
1. PHY 395H1
2. At least three of AST 325H1; CHM 327H1, 338H1;
GLG 318H1, 440H1, 465H1; PHY 354H1, 407H1,
3. One additional 300+series course; consult with
appropriate Undergraduate Secretary for course
Fourth Year:
PLN 420H1, 425H1

Planetary Science Courses

First Year Seminars
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity Polish: See Slavic Lanaguages and
and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
year of study. For details, see page 48.

Political Science

Faculty J.H. Carens, M Phil (Theol), M Phil, Ph D

D.B. Cook, MA, Ph D (V)
University Professor Emeritus R.B. Day, Dip REES, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
P.H. Russell, OC, D Sc, MA, LL D, FRSC (I, T) Mississauga)
† R.B. Deber, SM, Ph D
Professors Emeriti H.D. Forbes, MA, Ph D
E.G. Andrew, BA, Ph D R. Hansen, M Phil, D Phil
J.S. Barker, MA, Ph D (N) † R. Hirschl, LLB, MA, M Phil, Ph D
M. Brownstone, MS, DPA, LL D (U) C. Jung, MA, Ph D
S. Clarkson, MA, D de Rech, FRSC (M) J.S. Kopstein, MA, Ph D
S.J. Colman, MA L. LeDuc, MA, Ph D (SM)
† F.A. Cunningham, MA, Ph D, FRSC (I) P.R. Magocsi, MA, MA, Ph D, FRSC
M.W. Donnelly, MA, Ph D J. Nedelsky, MA, Ph D
J.S. Dupré, OC, O Ont, AM, Ph D, DScSoc, LL D, DU N. Nevitte, MA, Ph D, FRSC
V.C. Falkenheim, MA, Ph D C. Orwin, MA, Ph D (SM)
R. Gregor, MA, Ph D (T) L.W. Pauly, MA, M Sc, Ph D (T)
F.J.C. Griffiths, MIA, Ph D (U) D.M. Rayside, AM, Ph D (U)
G. Horowitz, MA, Ph D † K. Roach, LLB, LLM, FRSC
A.W. Johnson, CC, MA, MPA, Ph D, LL D A.G. Rubinoff, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
B. Kovrig, MA, Ph D (T) Scarborough)
† A.M. Kruger, BA, Ph D K.R.J. Sandbrook, MA, D Phil, FRSC
R.A. Manzer, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto † D. Schneiderman, LLB, LLM
Scarborough) D.V. Schwartz, MA, Ph D
R.O. Matthews, BA, MIA, Ph D (T) † A. Shachar, BA, LLB, LLM, JSD
J.T. McLeod, MA, Ph D (U) G. Skogstad, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
J. Nun, LL M, Ph D Scarborough)
F.W. Peers, B Ed, MA, Ph D S.G. Solomon, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
R.C. Pratt, OC, MA, M Phil, FRSC (U) Scarborough)
† A. Rotstein, BA, Ph D (M) † L. Sossin, MA, LLM, Ph D, JSD
P. Silcox, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto † A. Stark, M Sc, AM, Ph D
Mississauga) J.A. Teichman, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
† R. Simeon, MA, Ph D, FRSC Scarborough)
J.E. Smith, AB, Ph D, DLit R. Vipond, MA, Ph D (V)
P. H. Solomon, MA, Ph D † L.E. Weinrib, BA, LL B, LL M
R.E. Stren, MA, Ph D (I) G. White, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
C. Tuohy, MA, Ph D, FRSC Mississauga)
† M.H. Watkins, B COM, LL D (U) M.S. Williams, AM, Ph D
Professor and Chair of the Department D.A. Wolfe, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
D.R. Cameron, M Sc, Ph D, FRSC Mississauga)

University Professor and Associate Chair Associate Professors

A.M. Bejarano, MA, M Phil, Ph D (University of
J.G. Stein, OC, O Ont, MA, Ph D, LL D, FRSC (U) Toronto Mississauga)
Professor and Associate Chair (Graduate S. Bernstein, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
Studies) Mississauga)
† N. Bertoldi, MA, Ph D (U)
S.E. Chambers, MA, M Phil, Ph D
J. Bertrand, M Sc, MA, Ph D
Associate Professor and Associate Chair † S. Choudhry, LLB, LLM
(Undergraduate Studies) R.J. Deibert, MA, Ph D (T)
A. Handley, M Phil, Ph D † D.L. Eyoh, MA, Ph D (N)
J.F. Fletcher, MA, Ph D
Professors † K. Green, MA, Ph D
E. Adler, MA, Ph D R.S. Haddow, M Sc, Ph D
† R.C.A. Andersen, MA, Ph D M.J. Hoffmann, M Phil, Ph D (University of Toronto
R.K. Balot, MA, Ph D Scarborough)
S. Bashevkin, MA, Ph D, FRSC (U) P.W.T. Kingston, MA, M Phil, D Phil (University of
H. Bathelt, Dipl-Geogr, Dr rer nat, Habil Toronto Scarborough)
R.S. Beiner, BA, D Phil, FRSC (University of Toronto R. Kingston, MA, Ph D
Mississauga) J.J. Kirton, MA, Ph D (T)
† S. Borins, BA, MPP, Ph D M. Kohn, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
A. Braun, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Scarborough)
Mississauga) (T) P.L. McCarney, MCP, Ph D
† A.S. Brudner, LL B, MA, Ph D C. Norrlof, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto

Political Science
Scarborough) sciences should seek to obtain a basic understanding of
† J. Orbinski, MA, Ph D each of these disciplines.
E. Schatz, MA, Ph D, (University of Toronto
Mississauga) Detailed information on our programs, extended
L. White, MA, Ph D descriptions of courses, and background information
N. Wiseman, MA, Ph D on the interests of our instructors can be found on
J. Wong, MA, Ph D our website. The Association of Political Science
† A. Yoon, BA, LLM, Ph D Students, the students’ organization for Political Science
undergraduates, has an office in Room 1091, Sidney
Assistant Professors Smith Hall.
C. Breunig, MA, Ph D
L. Gilady, MA, M Phil, Ph D Undergraduate Director: Professor Antoinette Handley,
T. Hall, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga) Sidney Smith Hall, Room 3030 (416-978-3342)
† R. Kuokkanen, MA, MA, Ph D Student and Alumni/Advancement Coordinator: Elizabeth
R. Levine, MA, Ph D Jagdeo, Sidney Smith Hall, Room 3027 (416-978-3340)
P. Loewen, BA, Ph D (University of Toronto
Mississauga) Enquiries: (416-978-3343)
† R.A. Marshall, MA, D Phil
Undergraduate Program Information and Course
L. Ong, MA, Ph D
Descriptions: http://www.politics.utoronto.ca
D. Pond, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto
T. Triadafilopoulos, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Political Science Programs
L. Way, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Scarborough) Political Science (Arts program)
W. Wong, MA, Ph D Enrolment in the Political Science Specialist and Major
Senior Lecturer Program is limited. Students enrolling at the end of first
M. Lippincott, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto year (or four full courses or their equivalent) must obtain
Mississauga) a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 and a mark of at least
67% in one full Political Science course or the equivalent
CLTAs in half courses. Students applying to enrol after second
V. Achvarina, MA, Ph D year (or eight full courses or their equivalent) must obtain
L. Alexander, MA, Ph D a cumulative GPA of at least 2.3 and a mark of at least
R. Jahanbegloo, MA, Ph D 70% in each of two full Political Science courses or the
† Cross-appointed equivalent in half courses.

The study of Political Science at the University of Specialist program:

Toronto is wide-ranging and diverse. Courses are Effective September 2010, students enrolling in the POL
offered in political theory, Canadian government, Specialist program will be required to take 1.0 FCE POL
international relations, and the politics of societies that 400-series course.
are industrialized, developing, and in transition. Many
Students enrolled in the POL Specialist program prior to
courses deal with issues (such as environmental politics,
September 2010 can opt into the new requirement (i.e.,
diversity, peace and conflict, globalization) that cut across
take 1.0 FCE POL 400-series course instead of 2.0 FCEs).
fields. Course offerings are designed to introduce students
to Political Science at the first year level, provide the (10 POL full courses or their equivalent. Of these, at least
foundations for further study at the second year level, 4.0 FCEs must be 300/400-series courses of which 1.0
and provide specialized lecture and seminar courses at FCE must be 400-series.)
the intermediate and advanced levels. Studies in Political First Year:
Science provide students with a good grounding in one of POL101Y1/103Y1/105Y1/108Y1
the chief social science disciplines and an opportunity to Higher Years:
explore the issues that confront us as individuals, groups, 1. POL 200Y1
societies and on the international level as we prepare 2. POL 242Y1
for the twenty-first century. In addition to the materials 3. POL 320Y1
covered, Political Science courses are set up to offer 4. 2.0 FCEs from the following: POL201Y1/203Y1 or
students an opportunity to learn writing and analytical 207Y1/208Y1/214Y1/215Y1
skills to support a challenging and diverse career. 5. 4.0 FCEs additional POL courses. Of these, at least
Courses in Political Science dovetail with programs in 3.0 FCEs must be 300/400-series courses of which
many other disciplines of the social sciences and the 1.0 FCE must be 400-series.
humanities: Economics, Sociology, History, Philosophy, Notes:
and Psychology. A student interested in Canadian studies 1. At least one course in Canadian politics must be
or urban problems, for example, would be well advised completed. The Canadian politics requirement will be
to choose courses from all these disciplines, as would satisfied by only POL103Y1/214Y1.
someone interested in international affairs or foreign area
studies. A student planning graduate work in the social

Political Science
2. Students must complete courses in at least four 100-Series Courses
fields: Canadian politics, political theory, and two
of international relations, comparative politics, Note:
development studies. Students may enrol in only one of the following
Major program: courses: POL101Y, 103Y, 105Y, 108Y. All
Effective September 2010, students enrolling in the 100-series POL courses are mutually exclusive.
POL Major program will be required to take a 0.5 POL Students enrolled in more than one of these
400-series course. Students registered prior to September courses (or completed one of these courses or
2010 DO NOT need a 400-series course. a previous POL 100-series course with a mark
(7.0 POL full courses or their equivalent. Of these, at of at least 50%) will be removed at any time they
least 2.0 FCEs must be 300/400-series courses of which are discovered.
0.5 must be a 400-series course.)
POL101Y1 Democracy, Dictatorship, War, and Peace:
First Year: An Introduction [48L, 24T]
POL101Y1/103Y1/105Y1/108Y1 This course is an introductory survey of the main currents
Higher Years: and important themes in political science, emphasizing
1. POL200Y1 the subdisiplines of international relations, comparative
2. 2.0 FCEs from the following: POL201Y1/203Y1 or politics, and political theory.
207Y1/208Y1/214Y1/215Y1 Exclusion: POL 103Y, 105Y, 108Y
3. 3.0 FCEs additional POL courses. Of these, at least DR=SOC SCI; BR=3
2.0 FCEs must be 300/400-series courses of which
POL103Y1 Canada in Comparative Perspective [48L,
0.5 must be a 400-series course.
Note: This course introduces students to politics using a
At least one course in Canadian politics must be comparative approach; it examines the variety of political
completed. The Canadian politics requirement will be regimes that exist around the world, with particular
satisfied by only POL103Y1/214Y1. attention to Canada. Emphasis is placed on how
distinctive regimes reflect the different past and present
Minor program: social and economic settings of countries.
(4.0 POL full courses or their equivalent) Exclusion: POL101Y, 105Y, 108Y
The 4.0 POL FCEs to include at least 1.0 FCE 300/400 DR=SOC SCI; BR=3
series course. POL105Y1 Ethics and the Public Sphere [48L, 24T]
Enrolment in this program is limited to students with a An introduction to fundamental questions about the
minimum grade of 65% in 1.0 POL FCE; and all students relation between ethics and politics. Do the constraints of
need to have completed 4.0 FCEs toward a degree. political life entail a different set of ethical standards for
individuals and groups than in other domains of life? How
do various kinds of ethical issues become political ones?
Political Science Courses How should ethical disagreements be handled politically?
Exclusion: POL101Y, 103Y, 108Y
First Year Seminars
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class POL108Y1 Global Networks [48L, 24T]
of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive This course introduces students to the theory and practice
seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity of global networks and how networks differ from states
and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the and markets. The course begins with an overview of
professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first the differences between states, markets and networks
year of study. For details, see page 48. in global politics. It then turns to several cases of
contemporary networks, including terrorist, civil society,
ethnic, and financial networks. The course concludes
PLEASE NOTE: with an examination of the many challenges of regulating,
hacking and holding accountable global networks in the
Not all courses are offered every year. Please 21st century.
check the Department’s website for the list of Exclusion: POL101Y, 103Y, 105Y
courses offered in 2010-11. DR=SOC SCI; BR=3
Almost all upper-level POL courses have
prerequisites. Students without course
200-Series Courses
prerequisites will be removed at any time they
are discovered. POL200Y1 Political Theory: Visions of the Just/Good
Society [48L, 24T]
A selective presentation of critical encounters between
philosophy and politics, dedicated to the quest for
articulation and founding of the just/good society. Among

Political Science
the theorists examined are Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli, on changing views of citizenship as they have been
Hobbes and Locke. shaped by political, socio-economic and cultural
DR=SOC SCI; BR=2+3 transformations in the region. The first term deals
with the idea of the developmental state, inequality,
POL201Y1 Politics of Development: Issues and
democratization and nationalism. The second term takes
Controversies [48L, 12T]
up questions related to governance and corruption,
A survey of the developmental challenges facing societies
culture, demographic changes and nascent forms of
in Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia and Africa, and the
regionalism and globalization.
efficacy of various development strategies and policies in
Prerequisite: One full POL course/4.0 FCEs
meeting these challenges.
Prerequisite: One full POL course/4.0 FCEs
DR=SOC SCI; BR=3 POL242Y1 Introduction to Research Methods [48L,
POL203Y1 U.S. Government and Politics [48L, 24T]
This course is aimed at helping Political Science students
An introduction to U.S. government and politics within
to understand and use the quantitative methods and
an analytical framework that helps us understand how
research designs now widely employed throughout the
institutions structure incentives and decisions in the U.S.
system. This class examines the political forces that
Prerequisite: A course in POL
forged contemporary American institutions to understand
DR=SOC SCI; BR=None (This course has no status for
how these political institutions continue to provide
breadth requirement purposes)
stability while allowing opportunities for political change.
We investigate whether these forces make American POL299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
institutions different and why. Special attention is paid to Credit course for supervised participation in faculty
current events and contemporary policy dilemmas. research project. See page 48 for details.
Prerequisite: One full POL course/4.0 FCEs DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
POL207Y1 Politics in Europe [48L, 24T]
An introduction to comparative politics with a focus on 300-Series Courses
Western Europe: types of democracy, changing economic Note:
and social governance, organized interests in Europe,
party landscape, social movements. Special attention to Enrolment in POL 300-series courses is limited.
Germany, Britain, France, Italy, and the European Union. See Registration Handbook and Timetable for
Prerequisite: A course in POL/EUR200Y details.
Recommended preparation: General history of Europe
POL208Y1 Introduction to International Relations POL300H1 Topics in Comparative Politics [24L]
[48L, 24T] POL300Y1 Topics in Comparative Politics [48L]
The course analyzes the impact of the individual, the An introduction to the field of comparative politics. Content
nation-state, and the international and transnational in any given year depends on instructor.
systems on international conflict and conflict resolution, Prerequisite: A course in POL
and examines the major problems the international DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
community confronts in a rapidly changing international
JMC301Y1 State and Society in 20th Century China
Prerequisite: One full POL course/4.0 FCEs
This course explores China’s efforts to construct a
Recommended preparation: Prior reading or study of
modern and effective political order in the face of powerful
modern history
demographic and revolutionary challenges. The clash
between competing ideologies, political and social
POL214Y1 Canadian Government and Politics [48L, movements and institutional alternatives in the context of
24T] rapid social and economic change are analyzed. (Given
Canada’s political system including the Constitution and by the Departments of East Asian Studies and Political
institutional pillars of governance: cabinet and parliament, Science)
federalism, the Charter of Rights. Topics include: political Prerequisite: EAS102Y/POL215Y
parties, the electoral system, policymaking and public DR=SOC SCI/HUM; BR=TBA
administration. Issues include identity, citizenship, ideology
POL301Y1 Government and Politics in Africa [48L]
and political culture, regionalism, language politics,
The continuing relevance of pre-colonial Africa; the nature
aboriginals, multiculturalism, gender, media, and interest
and legacy of colonial rule; African nationalism and the
consolidation of power in the newly-independent states;
Prerequisite: One full POL course/4.0 FCEs
government, party and the people; the role of the military;
national integration; dependency and neo-colonialism;
POL215Y1 Politics and Transformation of Asia- socialism and development; democracy and human rights.
Pacific [48L, 24T] Prerequisite: A course in POL
This course provides a comparative analysis of selected DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
countries of East and Southeast Asia, with an emphasis

Political Science
JHP304Y1 Ukraine: Politics, Economy and Society POL316Y1 Contemporary Canadian Federalism [48L]
[48L] Constitutional, political, administrative, and financial
The history of Ukraine from earliest times to the present. aspects of federal-provincial relations, regionalism, and
Economic, political, and cultural movements; Kievan Rus’, cultural dualism.
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Cossack state, national Prerequisite: POL103Y/214Y
revival, twentieth century statehood, and unification. As DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
this course is designed as an introductory course, the POL317Y1 Comparative Public Policy [48L]
professor welcomes first- and second-year students to Draws from the major theoretical traditions in public policy
enroll, as well as upper-level students. (Given by the and policymaking of the advanced industrial world, and
Departments of History and Political Science) applies these theories in understanding the developing
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA world context and the new challenges of global change.
POL305Y1 Politics and Society in Latin America Prerequisite: EUR200Y/POL103Y/108Y/203Y/214Y
The colonial heritage, the failure of nation-states to POL318H1 Canada and the Global Challenge Since
develop as integrated and autonomous power structures, 9/11, Part I: NAFTA [24L]
dependent capitalism and political order, contrasting types Deals with the political economy of Canada’s position
of domination, rigid monopolization and the flexible use of in North America. Starting with Harold Innis’s theory of
the state by the ruling sectors, national revolution and the staple growth and the debate about the role of foreign
socialist alternative. investment in its economic (mis)development, we examine
Prerequisite: A course in POL how Canada, having long resisted continental economic
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA integration, turned to free trade as a panacea in the
POL311Y1 Ideas and Ideologies in Canadian Politics 1980s. The course ends with a detailed investigation of
[48L] NAFTA’s significance for Canadian public policy options in
A study of the ideas that underlie Canadian politics the light of the US war on terrorism.
emphasizing the similarities and differences between Exclusion: POL341H (taken in 2010)
political parties. The sources and nature of liberalism, Prerequisite: POL103Y/108Y/214Y
conservatism, socialism, nationalism, and multiculturalism Recommended preparation: ECO100Y/105Y
in Canada. DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: POL103Y/214Y POL319Y1 American Constitutional Law [48L]
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA The American Constitution and the Supreme Court’s
POL312Y1 Canadian Foreign Policy [48L] role in its exposition and development. The fundamental
Canada’s response to the challenges of globalization and principles of the constitution, judicial power, federalism,
the post-cold war world. The major alternative theoretical civil rights, freedom of speech and religion, criminal
approaches, the changing doctrines and patterns of procedure. Discussion of Supreme Court cases.
Canadian foreign policy from 1945 to the present, the Comparisons with Canadian constitutional law throughout.
making of Canadian foreign policy, relations with the Prerequisite: POL203Y/a course in American history
United States, within NAFTA, and with other global DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
regions. POL320Y1 Modern Political Thought [48L, 24T]
Prerequisite: POL108Y/208Y The development of political thought from the
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Enlightenment and through the 19th century; implications
POL313Y1 Politics and Psychology [48L] for political thought in the 20th century. Democratic and
Psychological implications of political theories. Attention anti-democratic tendencies.
to alternative approaches to research and theorizing. The Prerequisite: POL200Y
bearing of psychological perspectives on political issues. DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: A course in POL/PSY POL321H1 Ethnic Politics in Comparative
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Perspective [24L]
POL315H1 Sexual Diversity Politics [36L] Theoretical approaches to ethnic conflict and
An interdisciplinary examination of the development accommodation. Case studies drawn from: West
of political visibility by gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and Europe: conflict (Northern Ireland, Spain), consociation
the transgendered in the contemporary period; and an (Switzerland), and treatment of immigrant minorities;
analysis of public policy on and state regulation of sexual Israel and South Africa; East European disintegration:
diversity in Canada, the U.S., Europe, with additional Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia; collapse of former Soviet
attention paid to developments in Latin America, East Union and conflict / state-building in post-Soviet space.
Asia, and Africa. Exclusion: POL321Y
Exclusion: POL315Y Prerequisite: POL103Y/108Y/214Y/EUR200Y
Prerequisite: UNI255H/256H/one full course on the politics DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
of 20th century Europe, U.S., or Canada/one full course POL323H1 Might and Right Among Nations [24L]
on gender or sexuality/permission of the instructor An exploration of the issue of justice among nations.
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Is such justice genuine or is it largely spurious? What
are the prospects for a just international order? Careful

Political Science
examination and thorough discussion of texts by and comparative settings of provincial politics. Attention
Thucydides, Rousseau, Kant, and other first-rate thinkers is devoted to institutions, parties and elections,
on these issues. intergovernmental relations and the policy continuities and
Exclusion: POL323Y discontinuities of recent years.
Prerequisite: POL200Y/208Y Exclusion: POL336Y
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: POL103Y/214Y
POL324H1 European Politics in a Global World [24L]
Integration in Europe: examines the forces that have POL337Y1 The Canadian Constitution [48L]
historically divided and united the European continent. The moral foundations, historical events, political
Particular attention is paid to the politics of regional dis- forces and legal ideas that have shaped the Canadian
parities, the European Union and its institutions, and the constitution; the roots, legacies, and judicial interpretation
dilemmas of including Europe’s peripheries into broader of the Constitution Act 1867, the Constitution Act 1982,
economic and security structures of the continent. and in particular the Charter of Rights and Freedoms; the
Exclusion: POL324Y1 politics of constitutional change; “differentiated citizenship”,
Prerequisite: EUR200Y/POL207Y/a course in POL “rights talk”, and the judicialization of politics.
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: POL103Y/214Y
POL326Y1 United States Foreign Policy [48L]
The foreign policy of the United States: tradition and POL340Y1 International Law [48L]
context of American decision-making, the process by International law as an instrument of conflict resolution.
which it is formulated, application to a number of specific Recognition, sovereign immunity, subjects of international
regions and problems in the world. law, jurisdiction.
Prerequisite: POL203Y/208Y Prerequisite: POL208Y
POL330H1 Politics and Morality [36L] POL341H1 Canada and the Global Challenge Since
The relationship between the individual’s quest for the 9/11, Part II: The WTO [24L]
good life and the political order. The role of the wise Political economy of Canada’s position in the world trading
person in civil society. Study of a small number of texts. system. Starting with globalization (understood as the
Exclusion: POL330H/Y economic and technological forces driving the integration
Prerequisite: POL200Y of capital, production, and distribution markets across
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA national borders) and global governance (institutional
structures and rules established to manage countries’
POL332Y1 Courts, Law, and Politics in Comparative
international economic behaviour), we focus on how, in
Perspective [48L]
the new security context of the US war on terrorism, the
A study of the role, autonomy, and power of courts in
World Trade Organization affects Canada’s capacity to
countries with different political regimes (USA, France,
develop policies for cultural, economic and environmental
Russia), and of the problem of legal transition in formerly
authoritarian, especially post-communist states.
Exclusion: POL318H (taken in 2010)
Recommended preparation: A course in politics or history
Prerequisite: POL103Y/108Y/214Y
of the USA, Europe, or USSR/Russia or on courts/
Recommended preparation: ECO100Y/105Y
JPP343Y1 Women in Western Political Thought [48L]
POL334H1 Quebec Politics and Social Change [24L]
An examination of selected texts in ancient and modern
Study and analysis of the major events and issues in
political theory focusing on the conceptual division
Quebec society and politics. Concentrates on recent years
between private and public spheres of activity and the
and on the political implications of post-war economic and
theorization of sexual difference and sexual equality.
social change.
Examines contemporary feminist perspectives in political
Exclusion: POL334Y
theory. (Given by the Departments of Philosophy and
Prerequisite: POL103Y/214Y
Political Science)
Prerequisite: NEW360Y/PHL265H/POL200Y
POL335H1 Politics and Government of Japan [24L] DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
The course is designed to trace Japan’s rise to global
POL343Y1 Politics of Global Governance [48L]
prominence in the 20th century. Why has globalization in
The history and politics of international governance, with
recent years prompted such extraordinary political and
particular emphasis on the League of Nations and its
economic difficulties in Japan? The areas of discussion
19th century antecedents, the United Nations and the
include also social and cultural aspects of modern public
emergence of nongovernmental organizations; informal
institutions and structures; and specific issue areas such
Exclusion: POL335Y
as development, trade, finance, human rights and the
Prerequisite: A course in POL
Prerequisite: POL208Y
POL336H1 Ontario Politics [24L] DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Government and politics in Canada’s most populous
province. Topics include the historical, socio-economic,

Political Science
POL344H1 Social Movements in Europe and North DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
America [24L] POL357H1 Topics in South Asian Politics [24L]
A comparative examination of the development of a Selected issues in South Asian politics. Content in any
variety of social movements, and their engagement with given year depends on instructor.
state institutions. Among the activist movements being Exclusion: POL357Y
examined are those dealing with gender, the environment, Prerequisite: POL201Y
and labour. DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Exclusion: POL344Y
Recommended preparation: One full course on 20th POL359Y1 Enlarging Europe: The European Union
century politics or history of Europe, U.S. or Canada/ and Its Applicants [48L]
one full course on gender or sexuality The course provides an overview of the salient issues in
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA the past enlargement rounds, furnishing the context for the
study of current and future integration efforts. Readings
POL345Y1 Becoming Israel: War, Peace, and the will cover the current round of enlargement to the Central
Politics of Israel’s Identity (formerly and East European countries, efforts related to South-
POL345H1) [72L] Eastern Europe, as well as Turkey. Issues between the
An introduction to Israeli politics, society, institutions and EU and Ukraine and Russia will also be studied, as will
political practice from the perspective of the development the relationship between the Union and its Southern Rim.
of Israeli identity (identities). Particular attention will be Security issues related to NATO integration and operations
given to the sources of Israeli identity, to the main players will also be covered.
involved in its politics, and to the role of regional war and Prerequisite: EUR200Y/POL103Y/108Y
the peace process in its development and inner conflicts. DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Exclusion: POL345H
Prerequisite: A course in POL JPR364H1 Religion and Politics (formerly JPR364Y1/
This course examines the evolving role of religions in
POL349H1 Globalization and Urban Politics [24L] contemporary public, political contexts. Themes include:
Cities in Asia, Africa, and Latin America are rapidly democracy and secularism; religion, human rights, law and
reconstituted in a globalized world. This course introduces justice; party politics, identity-formation and citizenship;
basic ideas of urbanization to then focus on the diversity gender and sexuality; interreligious conflict. (Given by the
and connections in the way city politics happens. Both Departments of Political Science and Religion)
in a ‘ground-up’ way, and also influenced by larger forces Prerequisite: A course in POL or 1.5 FCEs in Religious
and interests. Studies
Exclusion: POL349Y Exclusion: JPR364Y, RLG230H, POL364H/Y
Prerequisite: POL103Y/201Y/215Y DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
POL366Y0 The New Europe: Culture Politics and
POL351Y1 Gender, Politics, and Public Policy in Society in Central Europe [48L]
Comparative Perspective [48L] This course examines the politics and societies of Central
An introduction to gender and politics that examines Europe, including Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic,
women as political actors and their activities in formal and Slovakia, and Austria. It deals with the key issues in
grassroots politics. The course also explores the impact the post-communist period including minority-majority
of gender in public policy and how public policies shape relations, the profound social, political and economic
gender relations. Cases to be drawn on include Canada, changes since the fall of communism, and the “return to
other countries in North America and Europe, and the Europe”.
developing world. DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: A course in POL
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA POL367Y0 Australia in Transition [48L]
This course focuses on the dynamic changes that have
POL354Y1 Politics and Society in Russia [48L] been taking place in Australia since 1901. It examines
Explores tensions between democracy and Australia’s rich indigenous and non-indigenous history;
authoritarianism after communist rule. Topics include: the complexity and challenges of Australia’s migration and
legacy of Soviet Union; political leadership; presidential multiculturalism; key issues and practices in contemporary
power and executive - legislative conflict; federalism; Australian politics; the complex interplay between
elections and parties; civil society; ethnonationalism; institutional processes, political interest and the media;
corruption and organized crime. and the dynamics of Australia’s engagement with the
Exclusion: POL354H region and the rest of the world.
Prerequisite: One full POL course/ 4.0 FCE DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
POL368Y0 Returning to Europe: Bringing South
POL356Y1 Canadian Political Parties [48L] East Europe Into the European Union
The evolution and setting of Canada’s federal and [48L]
provincial party systems. Topics include historical and From empires to modern states, ethnic wars and peace
theoretical perspectives, ideology, leadership selection, building to European Union integration, Southeastern
elections, financing, media, and representing interests. Europe provides a fascinating case study for students in
Prerequisite: POL103Y/108Y/214Y areas of politics, history, and conflict resolution. Through

Political Science
coursework and field trips to the major regional cities, Prerequisite: 1 POL 200-level course or 1.5 FCEs in
students can witness first-hand the transformation of this Religious Studies
critical area. DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Recommended Preparation: Course in European Studies POL375H1 Introduction to Biblical Politics [24L]
and/or Political Science An introduction to the political implications of the Hebrew
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Bible, known to Christians as the Old Testament. We will
POL370H1 International Political Economy [24L] read one major book of the Bible in the Fall term (usually
Organized around important topics in the study of Genesis or Exodus), and expand our focus in the second.
international political economy. It explores the political Exclusion: POL 407Y
underinnings of the global economy and the economic Prerequisite: POL 200Y or an introductory Jewish Studies
forces reshaping contemporary political environments. or Biblical Studies course
Specific policy issues are treated in a context that DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
evaluates the explanatory power of various theoretical POL376Y1 Transforming Global Politics:
approaches. Comparative and Chinese Perspectives
Prerequisite: A course in POL, and ECO100Y or 105Y [48L]
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Set against the backdrop of the rise of China, this
POL371H1 Institutions and the Spatial Construction course examines the dynamics of global change
of the Political Economy [24L] from comparative and Chinese perspectives. Themes
This course applies a relational perspective of economic include international security, political economy, political
action which emphasizes context, path-dependence and development and democracy, global climate change,
contingency. It explores the intentions, opportunities economic development, poverty and inequality, corruption,
and constraints of economic agency by analyzing the technology innovation, among others.
interdependencies between institutions at different levels Prerequisite: POL103Y/208Y/215Y
and industrial organization, interaction, innovation and DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
evolution, thus exploring the spatial construction of the
POL377H1 Introduction to Political Economy [24L]
political economy.
Political economy as a tool for understanding and
Recommended Preparation: ECO100Y/ECO105Y
evaluating the political world. The course introduces
Prerequisite: POL103Y/108Y/207Y/208Y
students to the use of microeconomic reasoning to
understand political phenomena. Combines theory,
POL372H1 Political Economy of Germany and the EU methods, and insights derived from economics and
[24L] political science and applies them to a range of
The goal of this course is to explore the structure of substantive issues.
the German political economy in the context of EU Exclusion: POL 300H1(S) (taken in 2009-10)
integration and economic globalisation. Drawing upon Prerequisite: A course in POL
the varieties-of-capitalism approach, the main themes DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
in the course will analyse the institutional conditions for
POL380H1 Topics in International Politics [24L]
growth. In a comparative perspective, the course explores
the role of collective agents, corporate governance, POL380Y1 Topics in International Politics [48L]
collective bargaining, social security systems, population Content in any given year depends on instructor.
structure, immigration, reunification and their regional Prerequisite: POL108Y/208Y
manifestations. DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Exclusion: POL300H1(F) (Taken in 2007-08) POL381H1 Topics in Political Theory [24L]
Prerequisite: A course in POL
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA POL381Y1 Topics in Political Theory [48L]
A detailed examination of particular authors or topics in
POL373H1 Emotions in Political Theory [24L] political theory. Content in any given year depends on
The emotions have become a new focus in political theory. instructor.
We will explore some of these debates with particular Prerequisite: POL200Y
attention to competing understandings of the emotions and DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
of their place in politics in the history of political thought.
Recommended Preparation: POL320Y POL395H1 Research Participation [TBA]
Prerequisite: POL200Y POL396H1 Research Participation [TBA]
POL397Y1 Research Participation [TBA]
JPR374Y1 Religion and Power in the Postcolony Credit course for supervised participation in a faculty
[48L] research project. Offered only when a faculty member is
This course examines the role of a variety of religious willing and available to supervise. Interested faculty review
forms and spiritual practices in the politics of postcolonial plans with the Undergraduate Director, and then make the
societies, tracing their genealogies from the colonial period opportunity known to students as appropriate. Check with
to the present. Cases taken principally from Africa and Undergraduate Office for more details and faculty proposal
Asia. (Given by the Departments of Political Science and form.
Religion) Exclusion: POL299Y

Political Science
Prerequisite: Available to students in their third year of Bukharin, Preobrazhensky, Pashukanis, Hilferding,
study (who have completed at least 9 full courses or Bernstein, Kautsky, Luxemburg, Korsch, Gramsci,
their equivalent) Marcuse, Lukacs, Althusser, Habermas. Theme: relations
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA between science, economics, politics, law and philosophy.
Prerequisite: POL320Y
POL398H0 Independent Experiential Study Project
POL399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project
POL407Y1 The Politics of Origins [84S]
An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus
What are the implications of accounts of human
setting. See page 48 for details.
beginnings for our understanding of political life? We
compare the book of Genesis with such appropriate
counterparts from the classical and modern western
traditions as Hesiod’s Theogony, Lucretius’ On the Nature
400-Series Courses
of Things, and Rousseau’s Second Discourse.
Note Exclusion: POL 375Y
Prerequisite: POL 200Y and POL 320Y or POL 323H/Y
Enrolment is limited in all Political Science or POL 330H/Y or an appropriate Jewish Studies
and Joint Political Science 400-series courses. course
See Registration Handbook and Timetable for DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
details. POL408H1 Innovation and Governance [24S]
This course explores technological change, its socio-
economic consequences, spatial implications and aspects
POL401H1 Dynamics of the Global Trade System
of economic policies. As future growth in the knowledge-
based economy will be increasingly associated with new
This course addresses the global trading system by
products, services and processes, questions of innovation
examining the political, economic, legal, and institutional
performance and support policy are decisive at the firm,
forces that shape today’s contemporary international
regional and national levels.
system. It focuses particularly on the tension that have
Prerequisite: ECO360Y/HPS201H/202H/a POL 200+
been generated between these globalizing technological
comparative politics course/SOC317Y/356Y
and economic factors and the continuing efforts to protect
national autonomy. At the top of the global trade regime
sits the World Trade Organization which has emerged POL409H1 Political Economy of Technology: From
as the adjudicator of global trade law. Canada is equally the Auto-Industrial to the Information Age
affected by the North American Free Trade Agreement [24S]
which, with the WTO, has reconstructed the governance of The course explores the centrality of science and
North America. technology in political affairs generally and its current
Prerequisite: Minimum 14 FCEs significance for public policy in particular. It applies the
Recommended Preparation: Some international conceptual tools of political economy to analyze the
economics and Canadian political economy. nature of technological change in industrial democracies.
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA It assesses the social and political consequences of the
current wave of technological innovation and alternative
POL402H1 Problems in the Political Thought of the
responses of industrial democracies. (Offered in alternate
Socratic School (formerly POL402Y1)
Prerequisite: CSC300H/ECO360Y/GGR431H/
Study of a small number of texts illuminating the origins
HPS201H/202H/431H/POL218Y5/a 300 or 400 level
and/or legacy of Socratic political philosophy.
course in comparative politics/SOC356Y
Exclusion: POL402Y
Prerequisite: POL320Y/323H/323Y/330H/330Y
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA JPA410H1 Democracy and Identity in Asia (formerly
ASI410H1) [24S]
POL403H1 Colonialism/Post-Colonialism: The
The course explores the ways in which identity has been
Colonial State and Its Forms of Power
empowered, represented, and institutionalized in Asia’s
emerging democracies; how identity claims challenge
The course examines the late colonial state with examples
historically notions of state and nation; various ways in
drawn mostly from South Asia and Africa. The theoretical
which democracy is being shaped and challenged by
material used is from the field of colonialism postcolonial
demands for identity recognition. Thematic, cross-regional
studies. Amongst the themes that may be examined are
approach; pan-Asian (East, Southeast, South Asia).
colonial governmentality and the production of identities.
(Given by the Department of Political Science and the Dr.
Prerequisite: POL358Y/362H5+363H5
David Chu Program is Asia Pacific Studies).
Exclusion: ASI410H1
POL405Y1 Marxism [24L, 24S] DR=SOC SCI/HUM; BR=TBA
A study of Marxism as political economy and philosophy
with emphasis upon dialectics. Begins with Aristotle,
Smith, Kant, Hegel and Marx. Includes Lenin, Trotsky,

Political Science
POL410H1 Topics in Comparative Politics III [24S] perspectives. The primary concern of the course is with
the maintenance of order in any international system, as
POL410Y1 Topics in Comparative Politics III [48S]
it has been created and maintained historically, and how
Selected issues in comparative politics. Varies from year
theory suggests it might be attained. We will examine,
to year.
using contending theoretical perspectives, such questions
Prerequisite: Two POL courses in comparative politics or
as how systemic characteristics evolve, what creates
permission of the instructor
equilibrium within a particular system, which forces cause
upheaval or destruction, and what impacts such changes
POL411H1 International Political Economy of have on the units within the system.
Finance [24S] Prerequisite: POL208Y
The course explains why financial markets exist, and DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
their evolution, by looking at the agents, actors, and
POL417Y1 The Third World in International Politics
institutions that generate demand for them. We also
consider the consequences of increasingly integrated
The countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the
markets, the causes of systemic financial crises, as well as
Middle East; their impact on the international system,
the implications and feasibility of regulation.
and the external and internal factors that influence their
Prerequisite: POL208Y; ECO100Y
international behaviour, with particular focus on civil wars.
Prerequisite: POL208Y/a POL course in comparative
POL412Y1 Human Rights and International Relations politics (developing countries)
(formerly POL412H1) [48S] DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Human rights have become dominant in international
POL418H1 Politics and Planning in Third World
politics since the end of World War II. The process of
Cities (formerly POL418Y1) [24S]
creating and implementing human rights is political.
The social and economic problems faced by large third
We explore historical, philosophical, and empirical
world cities; relationship between urban politics and
explanations of the roots, effects, and implications of
the kinds of solutions that are advanced. Settlement
human rights today through a variety of topics.
issues and low-cost housing policies, unemployment and
Exclusion: POL412H
marginal populations, the dynamics of urban government,
Prerequisite: POL201Y/208Y/320Y
and the politics of planning.
Exclusion: POL418Y
POL413H1 Global Environmental Politics [24S] Prerequisite: POL201Y/301Y/305Y; minimum 14 FCEs
Examines the challenges faced by humanity in dealing DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
with global environmental problems and the politics of
POL419Y1 Quantitative Methods and Data Analysis
addressing them. Focuses on both the underlying factors
that shape the politics of global environmental problems
The use of advanced data analysis techniques in the
– such as scientific uncertainty, North-South conflict, and
social sciences, management and analysis of large
globalization – and explores attempts at the governance of
datasets, techniques of multivariate analysis, problems of
specific environmental issues.
causal inference and interpretation of data.
Recommended Preparation: A background in international
Exclusion: POL419H
relations and/or international political economy is
Prerequisite: POL242Y/one course in STA
strongly recommended.
Recommended preparation: basic familiarity with SPSS
Prerequisite: POL 208Y
POL420Y1 Elements of United States Foreign Policy
POL414H1 Politics of Independent Ukraine [24S]
Enlargement of NATO and the EU into the former
Seminar on the tradition, process, and implementation of
communist states of central and eastern Europe. Ukraine
American foreign policy.
and some other post-communist states will be used
Prerequisite: POL203Y/208Y
as case studies to explain why some countries were
successful in integration into NATO and the EU and the
factors that blocked the integration of other states. JPA420H1 Asia and the new Global Economy
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA (formerly ASI420H1) [24S]
Course explores the rise of Asia and its integration into
POL415H1 Political Economy of Transition: Ukraine
the new global economy (labour, capitalism, knowledge
and the CIS [24S]
economy, economic nationalism, inequality, gender,
The role of nationalism, myths and identity in the
the meaning of capitalism, democracy, among others),
transitions within post-communist states. Ukraine and
exposing students to different disciplinary perspectives.
other former Soviet states will be used as case studies to
Geographical coverage is pan-Asian, including East,
investigate the role of regionalism, nation-building, inter-
Southeast and South Asia. . (Given by the Department of
ethnic relations, historical myths and language in their
Political Science and the Dr. David Chu Program is Asia
state building processes.
Pacific Studies)
Exclusion: ASI420H1
POL416Y1 Politics of the International System [48S] DR=SOC SCI/HUM; BR=TBA
This course explores the nature and evolution of the
international system, from both theoretical and historical

Political Science
JPJ421H1 Comparative Constitutionalism: Rights rooted in economic development, voluntarism, institutional
and Judicial Review [24S] design, and historical institutionalism. The latter half of the
The seminar explores the global expansion of judicial course applies these different approaches to debates over
power, the constitutionalization of rights and the the origins of Nazi rule in Germany in the 1930s, military
fortification of judicial review. The international migration of dictatorship in Chile in the 1970s, and non-democratic rule
constitutional ideas; comparative analysis of constitutional in contemporary Russia.
courts and rights jurisprudence; theories of judicial Recommended Preparation: It will be helpful for students
behaviour; the judicialization of politics worldwide; and the to have taken at least one course in political science.
impact of constitutional jurisprudence on social change. Exclusion: POL443H1(S) (taken in 2006-07, 2007-08,
Exclusion: JPJ 421Y 2008-09)
Prerequisite: POL319Y/332Y/337Y DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Recommended preparation: Basic grounding in the POL427H1 The Spirit of Democratic Citizenship
constitutional system of Canada and/or other leading [24S]
democracies is recommended. This course examines the theoretical presuppositions
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA orienting the construction of the behaviour and skills of
POL421H1 Maimonides and His Modern Interpreters democratic citizenship; simultaneously, students consider
[24S] what is involved. The course consists of three parts: No
The course offers an introduction to the seminal work of One Truth, Evoking the Other, and the Spirit of Equality.
Jewish philosophy, ‘The Guide of the Perplexed’ by Moses Exclusion: POL427Y
Maimonides. We will delve into some of the basic themes Prerequisite: POL103Y/108Y/200Y
of Jewish philosophical theology and religion as they are DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
treated by Maimonides. POL429H1 Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, and
Exclusion: RLG433H Democracy [24S]
Prerequisite: Minimum 14 FCEs The main theories of ethnic conflict, ethnic violence
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA and nationalism. Focus on the challenges of multiethnic
POL422H1 Ethnonationalism and State-Building: diversity and nationalism for democracy. Origins of
The Communist and Postcommunist nations; construction of ethnic identities; nationalism in
Experience (formerly POL422Y1) [24S] the 21st century; causes of ethnic conflict, ethnic riots,
We will explore nationalities issues. We examine and ethnic violence; democracy and ethnic diversity;
interpretations of the development and role of ethnic multination states and democracy.
politics and ethnonationalism in the Soviet Union, Exclusion: POL429Y
especially its role in the disintegration of the Soviet state. Prerequisite: A course in POL; minimum 14 FCEs
We then explore the role of ethnonationalism in state DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
building and interstate relations in the successor states. POL430Y1 Comparative Studies in Jewish and Non-
Exclusion: POL422Y Jewish Political Thought [48S]
Prerequisite: HIS351Y/POL354H/354Y/a course in A comparative examination of major texts of the Jewish
Russia/Soviet or East European politics tradition, ranging from the Torah to modernity, and texts
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA of the classical or Western traditions raising similar
POL423H1 The Politics of Public Monies [24S] questions. Close reading of a small number of capital
The course examines government finance at the sub- works, with special attention to the problem of reason and
national and national level across developed democracies. revelation.
It investigates how economic, political and institutional Prerequisite: POL200Y, 320Y/323H/323Y/330H/330Y/a
factors are transformed into budgetary policy especially relevant course in Jewish studies
during times of fiscal constraint. Comparative analysis, DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
budgeting theory, and case studies inform this seminar. POL431Y1 Politics and Society in Contemporary
Recommended Preparation: POL 242Y China (formerly POL431H1) [48S]
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Issues and themes in China’s modernization effort with
POL425Y1 Multiculturalism in Canada [48S] emphasis on 20th century social, political and economic
An examination of the basic ideas underlying Canada’s developments.
multicultural policies, especially as explained by Pierre Exclusion: POL431H1
Elliott Trudeau, and some interpretations of Canadian Prerequisite: Two POL courses; minimum 14 FCEs
practice by political theorists, especially Charles Taylor DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
and Will Kymlicka. POL432H1 Feminist Theory: Challenges to Legal and
Exclusion: POL425H Political Thought [24S]
Prerequisite: POL311Y/320Y Feminist theory offers basic challenges to the foundations
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA of modern political and legal thought. It suggests a
POL426H1 Democracy and Dictatorship [24S] different conception of human nature and a different model
This course provides an in-depth introduction to theories of epistemology and of appropriate forms of argument
of the origins of democracy and dictatorship. In the first about the traditional issues of legal and political theory:
part of the course, we examine and compare theories justice, power, equality and freedom. Introduction to

Political Science
the foundations of feminist theory, an analysis of its POL439H1 The Canadian Welfare State in
implications for traditional liberal theory, and an application Comparative Perspective [24S]
of feminist theory to law. This course examines contemporary Canadian social
Exclusion: POL432Y policy in light of the scholarly literature on the welfare
Prerequisite: JPP343Y/POL320Y states of advanced industrial societies. Topics include
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA the variety of welfare state regimes in rich nations, and
their comparative performance in reducing inequality and
POL433H1 Topics in United States Government and
poverty, in labour market and economic outcomes, and in
Politics [24S]
addressing the specific circumstances of women. Specific
Selected issues and topics in U.S. politics. Varies from
Canadian policy fields examined will include pensions,
year to year.
social assistance, child care and health insurance.
Exclusion: POL433Y
Prerequisite: POL103Y/214Y
Prerequisite: A course in POL
JHP440Y1 Gender & International Relations
POL434Y1 Enlightenment and its Critics [48S]
(formerly HIS440H1) [48S]
This course explores, through the writings of its foremost
The seminar explores the use of gender as a category
advocates and adversaries, the Enlightenment, the
of analysis in the study of international relations. Topics
movement to found political life on the principles of
include gendered imagery and language in foreign
scientific reason, universally applicable and accessible to
policymaking; beliefs about women’s relationship to war
human beings.
and peace; issues of gender, sexuality, and the military;
Exclusion: POL434H
and contributions of feminist theory to international
Prerequisite: POL320Y/330H/330Y
relations theory. (Given by the Departments of History and
Political Science)
POL436Y1 Problems of Political Community [48S] Exclusion: HIS440H
Explores a range of questions about political community Prerequisite: HIS103Y/245Y/377Y/POL208Y/permission of
in the modern world with attention to the relationship instructor
between claims about what political communities ought to DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
be and empirical evidence of actual political arrangements.
POL440Y1 The Politics of Transition in Eastern
Focus varies from year to year.
Europe [48S]
Prerequisite: POL200Y/320Y
Comparative analysis of the former Communist states
of Eastern Europe and the post-Communist successor
POL437H1 Government, Law and Politics in Russia states. This course also focuses on the dilemmas of
[24S] transition and the problems of democratic consolidation in
Law in the governance of Russia, in the Soviet and post the region.
Soviet periods, including constitutional development, Prerequisite: POL208Y/354H/354Y
courts, business disputes, crime and criminal justice, DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
corruption, cultural obstacles to legal order, and legal
POL441H1 Topics in Asian Politics [24S]
transition in comparative perspective.
Selected issues in Asian politics. Content in any given
Exclusion: POL 422Y
year depends on instructor.
Prerequisite: HIS351Y/POL354H/354Y/a course in Russia/
Prerequisite: POL201Y; minimum 14 FCEs
Soviet politics
POL442H1 Topics in Latin American Politics [24S]
POL438H1 Topics in Comparative Politics I [24S]
This seminar starts with a brief consideration of
POL438Y1 Topics in Comparative Politics I [48S] democratic transitions in Latin America in the last
Selected issues in comparative politics. Varies from year 25 years. It then concentrates on the prospects and
to year. challenges of democratic consolidation in the region, while
Prerequisite: Two courses in comparative politics/ exploring the capacity/potential of institutional reform to
permission of instructor address the fault-lines of democracy.
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Exclusion: POL442Y
JPD439Y1 Post-Modern and Contemporary Thought Prerequisite: POL201Y & 305Y; minimum 14 FCEs
The development of post-modern thought, particularly in POL443H1 Topics in Comparative Politics II [24S]
French social philosophy is examined. Topics such as
POL443Y1 Topics in Comparative Politics II [48S]
the nature of exchange, the impact of technology, virtual
Selected issues in comparative politics. Varies from year
reality, the digital class are explored. Authors include Jean
to year.
Baudrillard, Paul Virilio, Gilles Deleuze, Arthur Kroker,
Prerequisite: Two POL courses in comparative politics or
Fracois Lyotard.
permission of the instructor
Recommended preparation: POL200Y
POL444Y1 The Political Theory of G.W.F. Hegel [48S]
An examination of the Phenomenology of Spirit and the
Philosophy of Right.

Political Science
Prerequisite: POL320Y compared with regional and global regimes (NAFTA,
Prerequisite: POL207Y/324Y/two FCEs in POL
POL446H1 20th-Century Political Thought [24S]
Recommended preparation: Introductory textbook on
The goal of this course is to introduce students to some
European integration
of the themes and approaches of critical theory (power,
subjectivity, ideology, and hegemony).
Exclusion: POL446Y POL453Y1 The Politics of Post-Communism [48S]
Prerequisite: POL200Y/320Y/a course in PHL By intensively analyzing the theoretical literature on
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA post-communism we explore the determinants of political
and economic change. How did the 28 post-communist
POL447Y1 Political Economy of Development [48S]
countries, having started from basically the same point,
This course explores the rise, evolution, and performance
end up politically and economically so different?
of the dominant neoliberal approach to development
Prerequisite: POL207Y/324Y/354H/354Y/HIS344Y/353Y/a
and poverty reduction. It also assesses the feasibility
course in Soviet, post-Soviet or European politics
and efficacy of alternative development strategies. Case
studies are drawn from Latin America, Asia, and Africa.
Exclusion: JPE400H/Y JHP454Y1 Twentieth Century Ukraine [48S]
Prerequisite: POL201Y/215Y/301Y/305Y; minimum 14 World War I and the Russian Revolution: the Ukrainian
FCEs independence movement; the Soviet Ukraine and west
Recommended preparation: Introductory economics is Ukrainian lands during the interwar period; World War II
helpful and the German occupation; the Soviet Ukraine before
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA and after the death of Stalin. Socio-economic, cultural,
and political developments. (Given by the Departments of
POL448H1 Law, Religion, and Public Discourse [24S]
History and Political Science) (Offered every three years)
One of the central purposes of the course will be to
Prerequisite: A course in Modern European, East
envision ways in which religious and spiritual beliefs could
European, or Russian history or politics
become respectable dimensions of legal, political, and
academic discourse while sustaining a deep respect for
pluralism and attending to the dangers that require the JPF455Y1 Cities [48L/S]
separation of church and state. Examines disciplinary and developmental boundaries
Prerequisite: POL320Y relating to cities. By bringing together a cross-disciplinary
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA faculty who focus on cities within Political Science,
History, Philosophy, Literature, Design, Environment
POL449H1 Qualitative Methods in Political Research
and Health, Geography or Social Work, the course
explores inter-disciplinary city issues: global change;
This course surveys qualitative methods used in political
environment; economic adjustment; state reform and city
science research. After briefly reviewing positivist and
politics; citizenship; community development; economic
interpretivist research traditions, the course covers the
development; physical form, territory and political-economy
ideal-typical and practical use of specific qualitative
of cities. (Given by the Departments of Literature,
methods such as fieldwork, interviewing, archival research,
Philosophy, Political Science, Urban Studies, Faculty of
participant observation, ethnography, counterfactuals,
Social Work and Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and
discourse analysis, and multiple-methods approaches.
Prerequisite: POL242Y
Prerequisite: Minimum 14 FCEs/permission of instructor
POL450H1 Women and Politics [24S]
This course uses theories of representation as well POL455Y1 Craft of Political Research [48S]
Political Science is defined by the content of its
as gender and politics analyses of elected women as
investigations, not its methods. In this class, we will
starting points to evaluate appointed women elites at
explore the conceptual, analytic and practical issues
the international level, notably with reference to linkages
arising in the conduct of research in Political Science.
between those decision-makers and feminist perspectives
With illustrations provided by guest speakers sharing
on domestic and global politics.
their own research, the class contrasts and compares
Exclusion: POL450Y
the diverse approaches taken by Political Scientists
Prerequisite: POL315H/315Y/344H/344Y/JPP343Y
when they conduct their research to understand common
Recommended preparation: At least one course in both
dilemmas faced by researchers. The class culminates with
political behaviour and women’s studies
a research design proposal incorporating knowledge of the
approaches covered during the class.
POL452Y1 Multilevel Politics: The European Union in Recommended preparation: This class is designed to
Comparative Perspective [48S] help prepare students for graduate school in Political
What is multilevel governance? Sources, structure, actors, Science or those students interested in a “capstone”
processes, challenges. Focus on organizing redistributive class at the culmination of their studies. No prior
policies, participation and accountability. The European knowledge of qualitative or quantitative methods is
Union compared with federal and semi-federal systems assumed.
(e.g. Canada, U.S.A., Germany) and the European Union Prerequisite: Two POL 200-level or higher courses

Political Science
POL456Y1 The G8, G20 and Global Governance [48S] and examines political and economic alternatives and
The development, operation, and participants of the Group challenges that various indigenous struggles embody
of Eight (G8) and Group of Twenty (G20) of institutions, and embrace. Issues explored in the course include
their growth and performance as centres of global indigenous epistemologies, impacts of globalization on
governance, and their relationship with the United Nations indigenous peoples, international indigenous organizing,
(UN) and Bretton Woods galaxy in providing public goods democratization and political participation, human rights,
in economic, social, environmental and security realms. indigenous economies, contested sovereignties and
Recommended preparation: POL 208Y indigenous social movements. It examines indigenous
Prerequisite: POL208Y/312Y/343Y communities as heterogeneous locations where not only
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA impacts of globalization but forms of engagement and
JPR457H1 Democracy and the Secular [24S] resistance take various forms. (Given by the Departments
What is the philosophical relationship between modern of Political Science and Aboriginal Studies Program.)
democracy and the secular? How can critical political Exclusion: POL 410H1(F) (Taken in 2009-10)
thought respond to attempts to re-found politics along Prerequisite: POL 201Y or permission of instructor
religious or theo-political lines? What would a project Recommended preparation: studies in Indigenous/
of rethinking the secular ‘all the way down’ entail? This Aboriginal politics or law; studies in globalization.
seminar in theory will explore these questions through DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
an examination of dilemmas of sovereignty, community, POL462Y1 Comparative Political Parties and
justice and violence as developed in continental political Elections [48S]
philosophy - Schmitt, Benjamin, Lefort, Agamben, Derrida, Political parties and party systems in Canada, United
Nancy, Zizek, Badiou. (Given by the Departments of States and selected European countries. Electoral
Political Science and Religion). Registration in this course systems, problems of representation, voting and elections
is through the Department of Religion. and processes of political change in western democracies.
Recommended preparation: POL320Y or a 300-level Exclusion: POL462H
course in Philosophy or Philosophy of Religion or Prerequisite: POL103Y/207Y/356Y
Anthropology of Religion DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Exclusion: POL485H1(S), Section L0201 (taken in 2008-
POL463Y1 The Political Philosophy of Political
Economy [24L, 24S]
Prerequisite: POL320Y or permission of instructor
Lectures relate economic organization to philosophical
interpretations of community and citizenship. Philosophers
POL458H1 The Political Economy of International include Plato, Aristotle, Calvin, Smith, Kant, Hegel,
Trade [24S] Marx, Habermas, Rawls and Hayek. Seminars interpret
The course explains why countries trade by looking at critical moments of 20th century economic history from
historical and contemporary trends in international trade. the standpoint of philosophy. Does philosophy clarify or
The course places particular emphasis on the interaction obscure the meaning of economic history?
between political and economic processes in advancing Exclusion: POL478Y5
trade. An important theme throughout the course is how Prerequisite: POL320Y/ECO302Y/ECO342Y
the distribution of gains is connected to system stability. Recommended preparation: POL320Y/a course in 20th
Exclusion: POLC95H3 century economic history
Prerequisite: ECO100Y and POL208Y and HIS344Y DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
POL466H1 Topics in International Politics III [24S]
POL459Y1 The Military Instrument of Foreign Policy For advanced students of international relations. Various
[48S] topics are taken up each year, the content of which
The relationship of military force to politics: Nuclear war depends on the instructor.
and deterrence, conventional war, revolutionary war, Prerequisite: POL208Y
terrorism and counter-insurgency are examined from the DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
perspectives of the U.S., Russia and other contemporary
POL469H1 Ethics and International Relations [24S]
military powers.
The course aims to explore the requirements of justice
Prerequisite: POL208Y
and fairness in international affairs. It is common to
theorize international relations in terms of interests and
POL460H1 Studies in Modern Political Theory [24S] power. But even the most cursory look at what important
Studies on a modern political thinker or thinkers since actors actually do in their international interactions reveals
Machiavelli. that they use normative language all the time. This has
Exclusion: POL460Y not gone unnoticed, with investigations of ethics in the
Prerequisite: POL320Y/323H/323Y/330H/330Y international arena multiplying in recent years. Drawing
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA on readings from political philosophy, legal theory, and
JPA461H1 Globalization and Indigenous Politics [24S] normative international relations theory, the course will
This course explores the intersections of globalization take up practical ethical dilemmas encountered in world
affairs. The main focus of the course will be on institutions.
and indigenous politics and introduces students to critical
Examples will be drawn from the issue areas of trade,
considerations of globalization from the perspective of
health, and the environment, among others.
indigenous peoples. It investigates the dominant economic
Prerequisite: POL208Y
paradigm as the historical outcome of colonization

Political Science
POL470Y1 Contemporary Issues in Foreign Policy POL480Y1 Pluralism, Justice, and Equality [48S]
[48S] Historically, liberalism has coped with the fact of social
This senior seminar involves a critical assessment of difference through doctrines of colour - or difference -
current foreign policy issues and contemporary world blindness. Recent feminist and other critics of liberalism have
problems. Issues and case studies to be analyzed include: argued that liberal conceptions of justice and impartiality fail
1. International military interventions to respond to imminent to treat members of marginalized groups as equals. This
threats or humanitarian crises, issues of legitimacy and course explores both sides of these debates.
effectiveness. e.g., Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Haiti. 2. Exclusion: POL480H
Canada-US relations in international crisis management, Prerequisite: POL200Y/320Y/JPP343Y
the track record and the way ahead. 3. Globalization, DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
international terrorism, and their effects on sovereignty, POL481Y1 The Geopolitics of Information and
diplomacy and international institutions. Communication Technologies [48S]
Prerequisite: POL208Y The Geopolitics of ICTs course is an intensive examination
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA of the ways in which states and non-state actors are
POL471H1 The Political Thought of George Grant [24S] contesting the newly evolving terrain of global digital-
George Grant’s political, philosophical, and religious thought electronic-telecommunications. Topics covered include
as found in his six short books and some supplementary Internet censorship and surveillance, information warfare,
readings. Liberalism, modernity, and technology from the computer network attacks, hacktivism, and governance of
stand point of political philosophy and Christian revelation. global communications. The course is organized as a series
Prerequisite: POL 200Y/320Y of intensive modules. One feature of the class will be a
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA “hands-on” analysis of censorship circumvention and network
interrogation techniques at the Citizen Lab (http://www.
POL472H1 The Comparative Political Economy of
Industrial Societies [24S]
Exclusion: POL 486Y (taken in 2008-09)
Topics discussed in this seminar course will include the
Prerequisite: POL 208Y
historical origins of advanced capitalist political economies,
the ‘Varieties of Capitalism’ debate, current trajectories of
different political economies, labour politics and regulation, POL482H1 The Politics of Disease and Epidemic [24S]
the politics of macro-economic policy, the political economy Considers how disease and epidemics intersect with broader
of growth, and Canada’s political economy. processes of development. Introduces health issues in the
Prerequisite: POL 103Y/108Y/207Y developing world. Traces major advances - and setbacks
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA – in improving the health of developing country populations;
comparatively considers a number of modern-day and
POL474H1 Politics and Policy Analysis [24S]
historic epidemics including HIV/AIDS and the Black Death.
Major theories of public policy-making and related
Prerequisite: POL201Y or equivalent; minimum 14 FCEs.
approaches to policy analysis are examined from the
perspective of political science. Key contributions to the
theoretical literature pertaining to leading models are POL483H1 Cosmopolitanism [24S]
read and discussed. Models of public policy-making are This course covers growing debates in political theory on
successively applied to analysis of cases of Canadian and the issue of cosmopolitanism. Themes include the basis of
comparative policy development. universal obligation, its compatibility with nationalism and its
Prerequisite: POL103Y/214Y/317Y implications for global justice. These themes will be explored
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA historically, transculturally and through the lens of post-
POL477H1 Advanced Topics in International Political colonial theory.
Prerequisite: POL200Y
Economy [24S]
This course is designed for advanced students with
serious interests in the subfield of international political POL484H1 Topics in Political Thought I [24S]
economy. Specific topics covered will vary, but all involve POL484Y1 Topics in Political Thought I [48S]
the deep interplay between politics and economics in the A seminar on a central problem in political thought. It
contemporary world. proceeds through the reading of a small number of major
Exclusion: POL454Y texts. Content in any given year depends on instructor.
Prerequisite: POL208Y; ECO100Y Prerequisite: POL320Y
POL479H1 Topics in Middle East Politics [24S] POL485H1 Topics in Political Thought II [24S]
This course examines the contemporary politics of the
Middle East and North Africa. It seeks to examine the relative POL485Y1 Topics in Political Thought II [48S]
importance of political, socio-economic and ideological A seminar on a central problem in political thought. It
factors in the context of such issues as the resilience of proceeds through the reading of a small number of major
authoritarism, the rise of civil society, and the resurgence of texts. Content in any given year depends on instructor.
Islamic activism. Theoretical discussion is followed by case Prerequisite: POL320Y
studies. DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: POL201Y/NMC217Y; minimum 14 FCEs

Political Science
POL486H1 Topics in International Politics I [24S] relationship between knowledge creation and proximity in a
modern global economy. (Offered in alternate years)
POL486Y1 Topics in International Politics I [48S]
Exclusion: LAW 453HS
For advanced students of international relations. Various
Prerequisite: CSC300H/ECO360Y/GGR431H/ HPS
topics are taken up each year, the content of which depends
202H/431H/POL218Y5/ a 300 or 400 level course in
on the instructor.
comparative politics/POL409H/SOC356Y
Prerequisite: POL208Y
POL495Y1 Independent Studies [TBA]
POL487H1 Topics in International Politics II [24S]
Open only when a Political Science full-time faculty member
POL487Y1 Topics in International Politics II [48S] is willing and available to supervise. Students must find an
For advanced students of international relations. Various appropriate supervisor in the Department of Political Science
topics are taken up each year, the content of which depends and obtain the approval of the Director of Undergraduate
on the instructor. Studies before enrolling. Obtain details and an application
Prerequisite: POL208Y form from the Department Undergraduate Office.
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Exclusion: POL496H/497H
POL488H1 Topics in African Politics I [24S] DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA

POL488Y1 Topics in African Politics I [48S] POL496H1 Independent Studies [TBA]

In depth examination of specific themes relating to POL497H1 Independent Studies [TBA]
contemporary African politics. Content in any given year Open only when a Political Science full-time faculty member
depends on instructor. is willing and available to supervise. Students must find an
Prerequisite: HIS395Y/POL201Y/301Y; minimum 14 FCEs appropriate supervisor in the Department of Political Science
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA and obtain the approval of the Director of Undergraduate
POL489H1 Topics in African Politics II [24S] Studies before enrolling. Obtain details and an application
form from the Department Undergraduate Office.
POL489Y1 Topics in African Politics II [48S] Exclusion: POL495Y
In depth examination of specific themes relating to DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
contemporary African politics. Content in any given year
depends on instructor. POL498H1 Intensive Course [TBA]
Prerequisite: HIS395Y/POL201Y/301Y; minimum 14 FCEs POL498Y1 Intensive Course [TBA]
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Content in any given year depends on instructor. Intensive
POL490H1 Topics in Canadian Politics I [24S] courses are offered by distinguished visitors from around the
world. Students in their 4th year are strongly encouraged to
POL490Y1 Topics in Canadian Politics I [48S] take advantage of this unique opportunity to study with one
Examines in depth enduring and emerging issues in or more outstanding visiting international scholars that the
Canadian politics. Content in any given year depends on Department brings from time to time. The intensive course
instructor. usually runs for approximately 3-4 weeks.
Prerequisite: POL103Y/214Y, one other POL course in DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Canadian politics
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA POL499Y1 Senior Thesis and Thesis Seminar [TBA]
A 40 to 60 page (15,000 to 20,000 word) research paper
POL491H1 Topics in Canadian Politics II [24S] (75% of final mark) written under the supervision of one
POL491Y1 Topics in Canadian Politics II [48S] faculty member and a companion thesis seminar (25% of
Examines in depth enduring and emerging issues in final mark). The seminar provides a forum for students to
Canadian politics. Content in any given year depends on periodically present and discuss their on-going research and
instructor. to examine issues and approaches related to the structure,
Prerequisite: POL103Y/214Y, one other POL course in organization and presentation of the thesis.
Canadian politics Exclusion: POL 495/496/497 (taken in the same year)
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: 4th year status in Specialist or Joint Specialist
programs in Political Science; 3.0 GPA in Political Science
POL492H1 Topics in Comparative Politics IV [24S]
courses; supervisor’s approval; an approved thesis
POL492Y1 Topics in Comparative Politics IV [48S] proposal.
Selected issues in comparative politics. Varies from year to DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: Two POL courses in comparative politics
JPJ494H1 Innovation and Knowledge Transfer in City
Regions [24S]
This course surveys two of the key themes related to the
process of innovation in a knowledge-based economy:
the process by which new knowledge is generated and
effectively transferred to those organizations with the
potential to commercialize it; and secondly, the paradoxical


Given by Members of the Portuguese (Arts program)

Department of Spanish and Consult Professor A.T. Pérez-Leroux, Department of
Spanish and Portuguese.
Specialist program:
Faculty (10 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one
400-series course)
Professor Emerita First Year:
J.R. Webster, MA, Ph D, FRSC (SM) PRT 100Y1/110Y1/220Y1
Professor and Interim Chair of the Second Year:
1. PRT 220Y1/320Y1
2. PRT 258H1
R. Sternberg, MA, Ph D (SM)
Third and Fourth Years:
Professor 1. PRT 320Y1
J. Blackmore, MA, Ph D (V) 2. PRT 420Y1
3. Plus additional PRT courses to make ten courses.
Senior Lecturer and Associate Chair Up to two full-course equivalents may be taken from
M. Marujo, MA, Ph D cognate departmental or college offerings: GGR, HIS,
Lecturer (Instituto Camões) LAS, POL, SPA. A complete list of eligible courses is
J. Pedro Ferreira, MA* available from the Undergraduate Coordinator.
* Visiting Major program:
(7 full courses or their equivalent)
Portuguese is spoken by more than one hundred and
seventy million people on four continents: Europe, Africa, First Year:
Asia, and America. Twenty percent of all residents of the PRT 100Y1/110Y1/220Y1
Western Hemisphere are Brazilians, who attest to the Second Year:
truth that one out of every five Americans - North, Central, 1. PRT 220Y1/320Y1
South - speaks Portuguese as his or her native language. 2. PRT 258H1
Third and Fourth Years:
The literature of Portugal has a tradition that goes back 1. PRT 320Y1
as far as the twelfth century, and the country’s discoveries 2. PRT420Y1 is recommended for students who start in
in the Renaissance led it to all corners of the globe. In PRT100Y1, and is required for students who start in
the last two decades Portugal has given to Canada many PRT220Y1 or higher language course.
thousands of new citizens, and Brazil is attracting the 3. Plus additional PRT courses to make seven courses.
attention of Canadians through its vast potential as a land Up to one full-course equivalent may be taken from
of culture, of natural resources, and of industry. cognate departmental or college offerings: GGR, HIS,
LAS, POL, SPA. A complete list of eligible courses is
Portuguese opens the door to a rich range of cultural available form the Undergraduate Coordinator.
expressions in literature, film, and art, from the world-
changing contribution of Renaissance Portugal and Minor program:
Camões to the contemporary Brazilian and Luso-African 4 full courses or their equivalent including at least one
diaspora. Whether it is Nobel-prize winning Portuguese course at the 300+ level.
literature or the excitement of the Brazilian cinema novo,
Lusophone writers, filmmakers, and artists continue to Faculty of Arts & Science Language Citation
shape and change contemporary global culture.
The Department of Spanish and Portuguese participates
The Department encourages students to consider in the Faculty of Arts and Science’s Language Citation
completing part of their course work at a university in initiative for Portuguese.
Portugal or Brazil.
To complete the language citation in Portuguese students
Undergraduate Coordinator: Professor A.T. Pérez-Leroux will normally complete the two language-sequence
(416-813-4082). E-mail: spanport.undergraduate@ courses that follow the introductory level:
Enquiries: Victoria College, Room 208 (416-813-4080).
Email: [email protected] PRT320Y1
Web site: www.spanport.utoronto.ca Students should note that, as explained on the page 20 of
this Calendar, the Language Citation is not equivalent to
Portuguese Programs an academic program and that enrolment in a program is
Enrolment in the Portuguese programs requires the not necessary in order to earn the recognition bestowed
completion of four degree courses; no minimum GPA by the Citation.
Portuguese: see also European Studies; Latin
American Studies; Linguistics and Languages


Portuguese Courses concepts of cultural history, self and identity, community

building and related issues.
See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions. (Offered in alternate years)
First Year Seminars
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide PRT250H1 Portuguese Culture & Civilization [24L]
the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class A survey of historical and cultural trends in Portugal
of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive from the Middle Ages to the present. Art and music are
seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity studied in addition to historical/cultural movements to gain
and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the a perspective of the uniqueness of Portugal both within
professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first Iberia and in Europe in general. (Offered in alternate
year of study. For details, see page 48. years; taught in English)
PRT252H1 Portuguese Island Culture [24L]
Notes Study of Portuguese literature, art, and culture in the
1. All courses taught in Portuguese unless otherwise context of colonization and immigration, with a specific
specified. emphasis on the islands of the Portuguese Atlantic.
2. The Department reserves the right to place students Readings in the cultural heritage of island settlements,
in the language course best suited to their linguistic and in diasporic movements to other countries. (Offered in
preparation. alternate years; taught in English)
PRT255H1 The Brazilian Puzzle: Culture and Identity
PRT100Y1 Beginners Portuguese [48L, 24P] [24L]
An introduction to the main elements of the language with Taught in English, this course examines the historical
emphasis on oral and written practice. (May not be taken and cultural contexts of Brazilian identity. The impact
by students who, in the judgement of the Department, of colonial history on issues such as race, religion and
qualify for entry into PRT110Y1) regionalism is explored. The course focuses on the
Exclusion: OAC Portuguese or equivalent 19th and 20th centuries: Positivism, Modernism, the
DR=HUM; BR=1 Anthropophagous Movement, music and Cinema Novo are
discussed. (Offered in alternate years)
PRT110Y1 Elementary Portuguese [48L, 24P] DR=HUM; BR=3
An introduction to Portuguese for students who speak or
understand Portuguese but have not formally studied it. PRT258H1 Introduction to Luso-Brazilian Studies
(May not be taken by students who, in the judgement of (formerly PRT258Y1) [24L]
the Department, qualify for entry into PRT220Y1) The introductory study of literary texts and consideration of
Exclusion: OAC Portuguese or equivalent the various ways authors express and situate themselves
Prerequisite: A familiarity with Portuguese in culture. Semiotics, gender, the literary canon,
DR=HUM; BR=1 advertising, the nature of literary language, and cinema.
Exclusion: PRT258Y1
PRT217H1 Language Practice [24L] Co-requisite: PRT220Y1
Communication practice in small groups, with an emphasis DR=HUM; BR=1
on skills in speaking, listening, and reading. Selective
review of grammatical structures and active vocabulary, PRT299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
with readings from Portuguese authors. Credit course for supervised participation in faculty
Exclusion: PRT 220Y1, PRT 320Y1, PRT 420Y1 research project. See page 48 for details.
Prerequisite: PRT100Y/110Y or permission of the DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Department PRT320Y1 Composition and Oral Practice [48L]
DR=HUM; BR=1 Intensive practice in written and oral Portuguese for
PRT220Y1 Intermediate Portuguese [48L] the advanced student. Reading and discussion of
Students enlarge their vocabulary and improve their contemporary literature. (May not be taken by students
oral and writing skills through reading, composition and who, in the judgement of the Department, qualify for entry
translation. (May not be taken by students who, in the into PRT 420Y1)
judgement of the Department, qualify for entry into PRT Prerequisite: PRT220Y1 or equivalent
Prerequisite: OAC Portuguese or equivalent ; PRT351H1 Discovery and Conquest: Literature and
PRT100Y1/110Y1 Nationhood (formerly PRT351Y1) [24L]
DR=HUM; BR=1 A study of the driving ideologies behind the “Age of
PRT234H1 Portuguese Immigration to North America Discoveries.” Close scrutiny of key texts reveals how the
[24L] ideas of displacement, violence, gender, and colonization
This course examines Portuguese immigration in North play crucial roles in the establishment and maintenance
America. It highlights selected themes and topics, focused of nationhood and nationality in Renaissance Portugal.
on Portuguese settlements in USA and Canada. Through (Offered in alternate years)
readings, films and other art forms students will analyze Exclusion: PRT351Y1
Prerequisite: PRT210Y1/220Y1, 258H1

DR=HUM; BR=TBA perspective of the country through close readings of
PRT355H1 Topics in Brazilian Studies [24L]
Prerequisite: PRT 220Y1, PRT 258H1
In years when this course is offered, topics are described
Exclusion: PRT 356Y1 and PRT455Y1
in the departmental brochure.
Prerequisite: PRT258H1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA PRT443H1 Machado de Assis: The Creation of the
Modern Self (formerly PRT 342H1) [24L]
PRT357H1 Modern and Contemporary Brazilian
Beginning with Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas,
Literature (formerly PRT457Y1) [48L]
Machado de Assis developed the art of creating
Focus on modern and contemporary Brazilian literature
characters who prefigure the 20th and 21st century
and its social contexts, and examination of the relationship
selves: contradictory, often delusional. His novels destroy
between literary movements and Brazilian cinema, music
whatever certainties the late 19th century offered. The
and art. (Offered in alternate years)
course examines the transformation of Machado through
Exclusion: PRT457Y1
readings of his novels.
Prerequisite: PRT220Y1, 258H1
Prerequisite: PRT 220Y1, PRT 258H1
Exclusion: PRT 342H1, PRT 455Y1
PRT358H1 Topics in Portuguese Studies [24L] DR=HUM; BR=TBA
In years when this course is offered, topics are described
PRT452H1 Camões (formerly PRT352H) [24L]
in detail in the departmental brochure.
A study of the works of Camões, including Os Lusíadas,
Prerequisite: PRT220Y1, 258H1
and a portion of the lyrics and theatre. (Offered in alternate
years) (Taught in English)
PRT359H1 From Pessoa to Saramago (formerly Exclusion: PRT352H
PRT456Y1) [48L] Prerequisite: PRT220Y1, 258H1
An examination of Portuguese literature as it confronts DR=HUM; BR=TBA
the changing social, political, and aesthetic currents of
PRT454Y1 The Luso-Brazilian Novel [48L]
the twentieth century. The Orpheu movement of Pessoa
Fiction in Portugal and Brazil from the 19th century to the
and Sa-Carneiro, Presenca and Neo-Realism as well
present. Naturalism, realism, the experimental novels of
as contemporary authors such as Lydia Jorge and Jose
the 1920’s, the novel of social protest. (Offered in alternate
Saramago are studied. (Offered in alternate years)
Exclusion: PRT456Y1
Prerequisite: PRT220Y1, 258H1
Prerequisite: PRT220Y1, 258H1
PRT458H1 The Luso-Brazilian Short Story [24S]
PRT365H1 The Rise of Modern Identity [48L]
The development of the Luso-Brazilian short story.
Studies Portuguese and Brazilian Romanticism tracing
Examination of theories of the genre as they relate to short
the development of a new sense of personal and national
stories of Machado de Assis, Eça de Queiroz, Graciliano
identity in those countries as reflected in novels, poems
Ramos, João Guimaraes Rosa, Clarice Lispector and
and essays. (Offered in alternate years)
others. (Offered in alternate years)
Prerequisite: PRT258H1 or permission of instructor
Prerequisite: PRT220Y1, 258H1
PRT398H0 Independent Experiential Study Project
PRT490H1 Independent Study [TBA]
PRT399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project Individual study with a member of staff on a topic of
An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus common interest including readings, discussion and
setting. See page 48 for details. written assignments.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: PRT320Y1 and written approval of the
PRT420Y1 Advanced Portuguese [48L] Undergraduate Coordinator
A study of the more advanced areas of Portuguese DR=HUM; BR=TBA
grammar and language use. Discussion of issues relating
to syntax, vocabulary and style as they arise in essays
and readings of literary texts. The expressive resources
of the language. Introduction to the stylistic analysis of
literary texts. Intensive written and oral practice.
Prerequisite: PRT320Y1 or equivalent
PRT442H1 Eça de Queiroz: Portugal in the
Crosshairs [24L]
Whether writing about the adulterous and incestuous
relationship between cousins, or the downfall of a great
family, or later the transformation of a Parisian dandy
into a robust Portuguese countryman, Eça had one great
subject: Portugal. The course examines the shifting

Faculty Associate Professors
A. Anderson, Ph D
University Professors Emeriti A. Chasteen, MA, Ph D
E. Tulving, MA, Ph D, D Litt, FD, FRS G.S. Cree, MA, Ph D (UTSC)
F.I.M. Craik, B Sc, Ph D, FRSC E. DeRosa, Ph D
G. Einstein, MA, Ph D
Professors Emeriti S. Erb, MA, Ph D (UTSC)
J.L. Freedman, MA, Ph D M. Fournier, BA, Ph D (UTSC)
J.E. Grusec, BA, Ph D S. Joordens, MA, Ph D (UTSC)
J.A. Hogan, MA, Ph D G. MacDonald, BA, Ph D
R.S. Lockhart, MA, Ph D M.K. Pichora-Fuller, M Sc, Ph D (UTM)
B.B. Murdock, BA, Ph D J.E. Plaks, MA, M Phil, Ph D
B.B. Schiff, M Sc, Ph D U. Schimmack, MA, Ph D (UTM)
S.J. Shettleworth, MA, Ph D R. Smyth, M Sc, Ph D (UTSC)
G.C. Walters, BA, Ph D R.W. Tafarodi, BA, Ph D
Associate Professors Emeriti K. Zakzanis, MA, Ph D (UTSC)
D. Creelman, MA, PhD Assistant Professors
Professor and Undergraduate Chair of the M. Barense, BA, Ph D
Department D. Haley, MA, Ph D (UTSC)
J.W. Pratt, MS, Ph D M. Inzlicht, Sc M, Ph D (UTSC)
E. Johnson, Ph D (UTM)
Professor and Graduate Chair of the A. Monks, Ph D (UTM)
Department M. Niemeier, MA, Ph D (UTSC)
M. Moscovitch, MA, Ph D D. Nussbaum, MA, Ph D (UTSC)
J.L. Tackett, MA, Ph D
Associate Professor and Director K. Takehara, MSc, PhD
(Undergraduate Studies)
Special Lecturers
P. Lockwood, MA, Ph D
M. Bagby, Ph D
Associate Professor and Director (Graduate M. Gemar, B Sc, Ph D
Studies) R. Hetherington, MA, Ph D
S. Ferber, Diplom, Ph D E. Iserman, MA
L. Lundell, Ph D
Professors N. Rector, BA, Ph D
J. Bassili, BA, Ph D (UTSC) N. Stuckless, Ph D
C. Chambers, MS, Ph D (UTM) D. Urbszat, Ph D
G.C. Cupchik, MA, Ph D (UTSC) J. Vervaeke, Ph D
M. Daneman, MA, Ph D (UTSC)
K.K. Dion, BA, Ph D (UTSC) Senior Lecturer
K. Dunbar, MA, Ph D (UTSC) D. Bors, MA, Ph D (UTSC)
A.S. Fleming, BS, Ph D (UTM) Lecturer
R. Gerlai, Ph D (UTM) D. Dolderman, Ph D
D. Goldstein, MA, Ph D
L. Hasher, AB, Ph D Psychology is that branch of science which focuses on the
C.C. Helwig, BA, Ph D behaviour of human beings and animals, with particular
C.P. Herman, BA, Ph D emphasis on the individual rather than the group. Our
G.O. Ivy, BA, Ph D (UTSC) courses span the various areas of psychology and introduce
J.M. Kennedy, BA, Ph D (UTSC) students to the methods used in psychological research.
G. Kraemer, Ph D (UTM) The basic tools of the research psychologist include
N.W. Milgram, MA, Ph D (UTSC) experimentation in the laboratory and field, naturalistic
J.B. Peterson, BA, Ph D observation, and the use of statistical methods in interpreting
T.L. Petit, MA, Ph D (UTM) data.
L.-A. Petitto, M Sc, Ph D (UTSC) Our faculty have highly diversified interests which are
P.L. Pliner, BS, Ph D (UTM) reflected in the number and variety of our undergraduate
J. Polivy, MA, Ph D (UTM) course offerings. These include courses in developmental
M.R. Ralph, BS, Ph D psychology, social psychology, personality, abnormal
E.M. Reingold, MA, Ph D (UTM) psychology, human and animal learning, cognitive
G. Schellenberg, B Sc, Ph D (UTM) psychology, perception, and physiological psychology. We
B.A. Schmuckler, BA, Ph D (UTSC) encourage students at all levels, and particularly those who
B.A. Schneider, BA, Ph D (UTM) are beginning a Major or Specialist program in Psychology,
M.L. Smith, M Sc, Ph D (UTM) to consult the undergraduate section of the Psychology web
I. Spence, MA, Ph D site before selecting courses and to discuss their proposed
F. J. Vaccarino, M Sc, Ph D programs with the Undergraduate Advisor.
J.S. Yeomans, BA, Ph D

Courses in the various areas within Psychology and the 5. PSY309H1
numbering system associated with these courses follow a 6. PSY409H1, 400Y1
definite pattern: PSY XXX. The first digit represents the year, 7. 2.0 FCE from Groups 1 and/or 2 below
and the second digit represents the area in which the course
belongs. Social Psychology, for example, is identified by “2.”
Psychology (Science program)
Therefore, PSY 220 at the second year, PSY 320, 321, 322,
Specialist program:
and 323, etc. at the third year, and PSY 420 at the fourth
(10 full courses or their equivalents)
year represent all the Social Psychology courses. Other
areas within Psychology follow a similar pattern. Enrolment in the Specialist program is limited. To enrol after
first year, students must have a) a senior-level high school
Undergraduate Advisor: Tamara Ferguson, Sidney Smith Calculus course, or equivalent; b) completed 4 full university
Hall 4014 (416-978-3407) courses; c) received at least 80% in PSY100H1; and d) a
General Enquiries: Sidney Smith Hall, Room 4020 (416-978- CGPA of 3.0. To enrol after second year, students must have
5201) a) a senior-level high school Calculus course, or equivalent;
b) received at least 70% in PSY100H1; c) completed
Web site: www.psych.utoronto.ca PSY201H1 and 202H1 (or their equivalents); d) completed
four additional 200-level PSY courses, with an average of
Psychology Programs 73% across all four courses; and e) a CGPA of 3.0.
(See web site for further details) First Year: PSY100H1
Entry into all Psychology programs requires a senior- After PSY100:
level high school Calculus course (a community college Statistics: (PSY201H1/GGR270H1/HMB325H1/SOC202H1/
or university Calculus course is also acceptable). Please STA220H1) and (PSY202H1/SOC300H1/STA221H1)/
note that this requirement will not be waived, nor can it be ECO220Y1/227Y1/STA250H1
substituted with another math course. There is, however, Two of PSY210H1, 220H1, 230H1, 240H1 (Cluster A) and
no Calculus prerequisite for PSY100H1. Students who two of PSY260H1, 270H1, 280H1, 290H1 (Cluster B)
completed PSY100Y1 in 1997 or earlier at the University of Five half-courses (2.5 FCEs) at the 300+-level from Group 1
Toronto are exempt from the Calculus requirement. below, with at least one half-course from each of Clusters
A and B.
Psychology Research (Science program) One lab course (.5 FCE), and no more, taken from
PSY319H1, 329H1, 339H1, 379H1, 389H1, 399H1
Specialist program: Two seminar courses (1.0 FCE) taken from JLP471H1,
(10 full courses or their equivalents) PSY410H1, 420H1, 430H1, 440H1, 460H1, 470H1,
471H1, 480H1, 490H1, 497H1
This program is designed for students who have 2.5 FCEs from Groups 1 and/or 2
demonstrated particular interest in and aptitude for research.
Enrolment in the Research Specialist program is limited. Major program:
Students apply in the spring term of their second year and (7 full courses or their equivalents)
begin the program in their third year. All students enrolling in Enrolment in the Major program is limited. To enrol, students
or considering the Research Specialist program should enroll must have a) a senior-level high school Calculus course, or
in a PSY lab course in the fall of their third year. Admission equivalent; b) completed 4 full university courses; c) received
to the program is based on academic performance and at least 70% in PSY100H1; and d) a CGPA of 2.5.
expressed interest in research.
First Year: PSY100H1
To be admitted students must have have a) a senior-level After PSY100:
high school Calculus course, or equivalent; b) received Statistics: PSY201H1/ECO220Y1/227Y1/GGR270H1/
at least 70% in PSY100H1; c) completed PSY201H1 and HMB325H1/SOC202H1/STA220H1/250H1
202H1 (or their equivalents); d) completed four additional Two of PSY210H1, 220H1, 230H1, 240H1 (Cluster A) and
200-level PSY courses, with an average of 73% across two of PSY260H1, 270H1, 280H1, 290H1 (Cluster B)
all four courses; and e) a CGPA of 3.0.This is a highly Four half-courses (2 FCEs) at the 300+-level from Group 1
competitive program and meeting the minimum requirements below, with at least one half-course from each of Clusters
does not guarantee admission. A and B
First Year: PSY100H1 One 400-level half-course (.5 FCE) from Group 1 below,
After PSY100: Cluster A or B
1. Statistics: (PSY201H1/GGR270H1/HMB325H1/ 1.5 FCEs from Groups 1 and/or 2 below
SOC202H1/STA220H1) and (PSY202H1/SOC300H1/
Minor program:
(4 full courses or their equivalent)
2. Two of PSY 210H1, 220H1, 230H1, 240H1 (Cluster A)
and two of PSY260H1, 270H1, 280H1, 290H1 (Cluster Enrolment in the Minor program is limited. To enrol, students
B) must have a) a senior-level high school Calculus course, or
3. Four half-courses (2 FCEs) at the 300+-level from Group equivalent ; b) completed 4 full university courses; c) at least
1 below, with at least one half-course from each of 70% in PSY 100H1/100Y1; and d) a CGPA of 2.0.
Clusters A and B First Year: PSY 100H1
4. One lab course (.5 FCE), and no more, taken from After PSY 100:
PSY319H1, 329H1, 339H1, 379H1, 389H1, 399H1

1. Statistics: PSY 201H1/ECO 220Y1/227Y1/GGR 270H1/ more than twenty-four students. These interactive seminars
HMB325H1/SOC 202H1/STA 220H1/250H1 are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity and provide
2. Two of PSY 210H1/220H1/230H1/240H1/260H1/270H1/2 an opportunity to get to know a member of the professorial
80H1/290H1 staff in a seminar environment during the first year of study.
3. Two half-courses (1 FCE) at the 300+-level taken from For details, see page 48.
Group 1 below, in any of Clusters A and B PSY100H1 Introductory Psychology [36L]
4. 1 FCE from Goups 1 and/or 2 below A brief introductory survey of psychology as both a biological
and social science. Topics will include learning, perception,
motivation, cognition, developmental, and social psychology.
Group 1 (Courses offered through the Psychology Exclusion: PSY100Y1
Department): Prerequisite: There is no prerequisite for PSY100H1,
Cluster A (Courses with a focus on Social/Personality/ however a senior-level high school Calculus course is
Developmental/Abnormal Psychology): required to enrol in any Psychology program subsequent
JLP315H1; PSY210H1/220H1/230H1/240H1/299Y1/311H1/3 to taking PSY100H1.
12H1/313H1/316H1/319H1/320H1/321H1/322H1/323H1/326 DR=SCI; BR=2
0H1/414H1/417H1/420H1/424H1/425H1/427H1/430H1/434H 200-SERIES COURSES
1/435H1/440H1/450H1 Note on Prerequisites:
It is important that all students have the necessary
Cluster B (Courses with a focus on Cognition/
prerequisite(s) when enrolling in a PSY course. For non-
Perception/Learning/Brain and Behaviour):
degree, visiting, and transfer students who have taken
psychology courses at a university other than the University
of Toronto, you must bring a photocopy of your transcript to
the Undergraduate Advisor to provide proof that you meet all
of the prerequisites of the course in which you are enrolled.
You are not permitted to take any of our courses without the
* Some PSY courses are included in both of Clusters A proper prerequisites. Furthermore, UTSC and UTM students
and B and may count in either cluster, but not both, for must also have the proper prerequisites for St. George PSY
program requirements.  For independent study courses courses, regardless if they are a Psychology program student
being used to complete the cluster requirement, at their own campus.
please confirm group cluster with the Psychology
undergraduate office.
Group 2 (Courses relevant to Psychology offered PSY201H1 Statistics I [36L, 24T]
outside the Psychology Department): Fundamentals of descriptive and inferential statistics,
BIO130H1/150Y1/252Y1/270H1/271H1; COG250Y1 including population and sampling distributions, simple
(formerly UNI250Y1); CSB332H1; ENG384Y1 association, probability, estimation, and hypothesis testing.
(formerly ENG290Y1); HMB200H1/204H1/300H1/310 Exclusion: ECO220Y1/227Y1/GGR270H1/HMB325H1/
H1/320H1/400Y1/420H1; JLS474H1; LIN100Y1/200H1; SOC202H1/STA220H1/250H1
NEW232Y1/302Y1/303H1/332H1/ Prerequisite: PSY100H1/COG250Y1 (formerly UNI250Y)
333H1/338H1/433H1; PCL475Y1; PHL240H1/243H1/340H1; Recommended Preparation: Grade 12 Calculus
POL313Y1; PSL302Y1/440Y1/444Y1; RLG211Y1/301H1/ DR=SCI; BR=None (This course has no status for breadth
302H1/421H1; WDW260H1/360H1/365H1 requirement purposes)
PSY202H1 Statistics II [36L, 24T]
*Please note that the courses in Group 2 are optional and Fundamentals of statistical analysis of experimental and
that enrolment priority is not given to PSY program students. observational data including linear models, the analysis of
variance, a priori contrasts, post-hoc tests, power analysis
Psychology Courses and effect size calculations. Students are introduced to
Minitab, a statistical computer program, with which they
See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
complete much of their course work.
NOTE: Exclusion: ECO220Y1/227Y1/ STA221H1/250H1/JBS229H1/
Students in St. George campus PSY programs will be given SOC300H1
first priority to admission for all PSY courses above the 100- Prerequisite: PSY201H1 or equivalent
level. DR=SCI; BR=None (This course has no status for breadth
requirement purposes)
Please see the Arts and Science Registration Handbook and
Timetable for details. PSY210H1 Introduction to Development [36L]
The developmental approach to the study of behaviour with
reference to sensorimotor skills, cognition, socialization,
personality, and emotional behaviour.
First Year Seminars Prerequisite: PSY100H1/COG250Y1 (formerly UNI250Y)
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide the DR=SCI; BR=2
opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class of no

PSY220H1 Introduction to Social Psychology [36L] 300-SERIES COURSES
Contemporary areas of research in social psychology: social
PSY305H1 The Treatment of Psychological Data [36L]
perception, attitudes, inter-personal relations, and group
This course emphasizes advanced use of the SAS
statistical computer program package for the treatment of
Prerequisite: PSY100H1/COG250Y1 (formerly UNI250Y)
psychological data collected in laboratory and field studies.
Students analyze sets of data and interpret results. Various
PSY230H1 Personality and Its Transformations [36L] methods of ensuring the trustworthiness and accuracy of
Theory and research in personality structure and dynamics: analysis are discussed.
the interaction of cultural and biological factors in the Prerequisite: PSY202H1 (or equivalent)
development and expression of individual differences. DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: PSY100H1/COG250Y1 (formerly UNI250Y)
PSY309H1 Research Specialization: Practicum [36L]
Research specialists learn about the research opportunities
PSY240H1 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology [36L] within our department, and develop their skills in the areas of
A critical survey of concepts, theories, and the state of critical thinking, writing and oral presentation. Students also
research in the area of emotionally disturbed persons and conduct a pre-thesis research project under the supervision
therapeutic methods. of a faculty member. Restricted to Research Specialists.
Prerequisite: PSY100H1/COG250Y1 (formerly UNI250Y) Prerequisite: PSY202H1 (or equivalent), PSY3*9H1 (PSY lab
DR=SCI; BR=2 course)
PSY260H1 Learning and Plasticity [36L] DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Concepts, theories, and applications of classical and PSY311H1 Social Development [36L]
contemporary learning theories, including classical and Theory and research in social attachment, aggression,
operant conditioning. Current theories of the physiological morality, imitation and identification, altruism, and parental
and anatomical basis of learning and memory, including discipline, with discussion of methodological issues.
synaptic plasticity, the role of the hippocampus, amygdala, Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent), PSY210H1/220H1
frontal cortex and other brain regions. Theories will be DR=SCI; BR=TBA
related to a practical understanding and applications such as
PSY312H1 Cognitive Development [36L]
drug addiction, phobias and other disorders.
Examines the developmental of knowledge in fundamental
Prerequisite: PSY100H1/COG250Y1 (formerly UNI250Y)
domains such as spatial perception, navigation, object
perception, number, language, and theory of mind. Emphasis
PSY270H1 Introduction to Cognitive Psychology [36L] is placed on current experimental findings, and on how they
An introduction to research and theory on the neural and address centuries-old debates surrounding the origin and
cognitive architecture of attention, memory, language, nature of human knowledge.
thinking and reasoning. Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent), PSY210H1/270H1/
Prerequisite: PSY100H1/COG250Y1 (formerly UNI250Y) or COG250Y1 (formerly UNI250Y1)
registered in the Cognitive Science program DR=SCI; BR=TBA
PSY313H1 Psychology of Aging [36L]
PSY280H1 Introduction to Perception [36L] Age changes in sensory and perceptual processes,
An introduction to the physiological and psychological bases motor skill, learning, memory, and personality. Theory,
of vision and audition in humans and lower animals. Visual methodological problems, social, cultural, and environmental
perception of shape and objects, colour, space, and motion. influences which shape behaviour and attitudes to and by the
Auditory perception of simple and complex sounds, and elderly.
location. Demonstrations supplement the lectures. Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent), PSY210H1
Prerequisite: PSY100H1/COG250Y1 (formerly UNI250Y) or DR=SCI; BR=TBA
registered in the Cognitive Science program
JLP315H1 Language Acquisition [36L]
Infants’ abilities at birth, prelinguistic development, the first
PSY290H1 Physiological Psychology I [36L] words, phonological, syntactic and semantic development.
Provides students with a solid background into the biological Social variables influencing development of language,
basis of behaviour. Animal and human research topics bilingualism, models of development, language play. (Given
including: functional neuroanatomy, neural signalling, sensory by the Departments of Linguistics and Psychology)
and motor control, motivational systems, and hormones, and Prerequisite: One full course equivalent at the 200-level in
emotions.. JAL/JUP/LIN/PSL/PSY/COG or UNI Cognitive Science
Exclusion: HMB200H1 DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: PSY100H1/COG250Y1 (formerly UNI250Y) or
PSY316H1 Perceptual Development [36L]
enrolled in the Cognitive Science program
The course examines human perceptual development during
the first 2-3 years of life. Vision and audition are emphasized.
PSY299Y1 Research Opportunity Program Some topics are: pattern and colour vision, depth perception,
Credit course for supervised participation in faculty research infant speech perception.
project. See page 48 for details. Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent), PSY280H1
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Recommended preparation: PSY210H1

PSY319H1 Developmental Laboratory [36L] PSY330H1 Psychometrics [36L]
Provides an overview of developmental psychology methods. Concepts and methods for the measurement of abilities,
The class conducts an original research project, including interests and personality: reliability, validity, interpretation
design, data collection and analysis, and a written report. of test scores, norms, observational methods, structured
Prerequisite: PSY202H1 (or equivalent), PSY210H1; PSY tests, interview, projective techniques. Ethical problems in
Specialist or departmental approval assessment. Not a course in test administration.
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent)
Recommended preparation: PSY202H1 (or equivalent)
PSY320H1 Social Psychology: Attitudes [36L]
Intensive study of social attitudes and opinions development,
description, measurement, modification, and organization. PSY331H1 Social Psychology of Emotion [36L]
Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent), PSY220H1 An in-depth review of the role of emotion in human
DR=SCI; BR=TBA psychology, with an emphasis on the links between emotion
and cognition. Topics include theories of emotion, emotional
PSY321H1 Cross-Cultural Psychology [36L]
regulation, expression and experience, the role of emotion
Human beings develop within local systems of meaning
in decision-making, and the relationship between emotion,
that define what is good and bad, true and false, sacred
motivation and behaviour.
and profane, beautiful and ugly, significant and insignificant.
Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent), PSY230H1
These inherited systems of meaning - or cultures - define
where we stand as persons in relation to others and provide
the grounding for what we come to feel, think, and desire as PSY332H1 Organizational Behaviour [36L]
individuals. This course examines the cultural determination An analysis of the individual, group, and institutional
of mindful behaviour. structures and processes that influence behaviour within
Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent), PSY220H1, organizations. Topics include motivation, leadership,
PSY230H1/240H1 communication, school of management theories, group
DR=SCI; BR=TBA processes and team work, supervision, and organizational
PSY322H1 Intergroup Relations [36L]
Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent), PSY220H1
An in-depth examination of theories and research in
Exclusion: RSM260H1/WDW260H1
intergroup relations; includes topics like stereotyping,
prejudice, and discrimination.
Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent), PSY220H1 PSY333H1 Health Psychology [36L]
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Examines research evidence concerning the impact of
psychological factors on physical health and illness.
PSY323H1 Sex Roles and Behaviour [36L]
Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent), PSY230H1/240H1
The effect of sex-role expectations on how men and
women behave and perceive the world: theories of sex-role
development, physiological and cultural determinants of sex PSY336H1 Positive Psychology [36L]
differences, power relationships between men and women. A review of the field of positive psychology, which is the study
Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent), of fulfillment and personal growth. The focus is on empirical
PSY210H1/220H1/230H1 research regarding the development of healthy, productive,
DR=SCI; BR=TBA and resilient individuals. Topics include: subjective well-
being, optimism, flow experiences, self-control and emotional
PSY326H1 Social Cognition [36L]
intelligence, social support and empathy.
An examination of theory and research on how we
Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent),
make sense of ourselves and our social world. Topics
covered include goals, mood, memory, hypothesis testing,
counterfactual thinking, stereotypes, and culture. DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent), PSY220H1 PSY337H1 Advanced Personality Psychology [36L]
DR=SCI; BR=TBA This course covers major topics in personality psychology
including prominent theories and current research in the
PSY328H1 Psychology and the Law [36L]
area. Theoretical frameworks will be integrated with
This course deals with psychological issues in the law, with
specific applications in primary sources. Specific topics
particular reference to criminal law. It focuses mainly on
may include personality structure, personality development,
research that has been done on pretrial publicity, eyewitness
psychodynamic approaches, genetic methodology, and
testimony, rules of evidence, and other factors that might
emotion regulation.
affect jury decisions.
Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent), PSY230H1
Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent), PSY220H1
PSY339H1 Individual Differences Laboratory [36P]
PSY329H1 Social Psychology Laboratory [36L]
Introduction to methods involved in individual differences or
Illustrates major methodologies within social psychology,
personality research. Group and individual projects focus on
such as attitude measurement, observation of small groups,
assessment of individual difference characteristics and on
and experiments.
experimentation including such characteristics.
Prerequisite: PSY202H1 (or equivalent), PSY220H1; PSY
Prerequisite: PSY202H1 (or equivalent), PSY230H1/240H1;
Specialist or departmental approval
PSY Specialist or departmental approval

PSY341H1 Psychopathologies of Childhood [36L] aviation, computer software, human-computer interaction,
This course focuses on cognitive and neuropsychological and nuclear power plants.
aspects of neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders in Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent), PSY270H1/280H1/
children from clinical and theoretical perspectives. COG250Y1 (formerly UNI250Y1)
Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent), PSY210H1/240H1, Recommended preparation: PSY202H1 (or equivalent)
one further PSY200/300-series full course or equivalent DR=SCI; BR=TBA
DR=SCI; BR=TBA PSY379H1 Memory and Learning Laboratory [36P]
PSY342H1 Cognition and Psychopathology [24S, 12T] Exercises and demonstrations, followed by experiments done
Work in psychological disorders has increasingly used the jointly with other members of the class, and a final individual
theories and methodologies of cognitive psychology to guide research project, in the broad area of human learning and
research. This course will examine accounts of clinical memory.
disorders informed by cognitive experimental psychology, Prerequisite: PSY202H1 (or equivalent), PSY 270H1/UNI
with emphasis on recent work in affective disorders. 250Y1; PSY specialist or departmental approval
Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent), PSY240H1/270H1 DR=SCI; BR=TBA
DR=SCI; BR=TBA PSY380H1 Vision Science [36L]
PSY343H1 Theories of Psychopathology and Integrates psychology, neuroscience, and computer science
Psychotherapy [36L] approaches to the study of vision science. Topics include:
Examines various theories of how personality functioning spatial vision; perception of objects, function, and category;
may become impaired and corresponding psychotherapeutic motion perception; visual attention, memory, and imagery;
interventions. Emphasis on empirical assessment of and consciousness. Demonstrations/in-class experiments
personality dysfunction and therapy effectiveness. supplement lectures and readings. Important class for
Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent), PSY230H1/240H1 psychology, cognitive science, and neuroscience students.
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent)/MAT135Y1,
PSY362H1 Animal Cognition [36L]
The study of memory, representation, concept learning, and
other cognitive processes in non-human animals. PSY389H1 Perception Laboratory [36L]
Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent), PSY260H1 Examination of issues and methods in perception research.
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Students conduct supervised research projects, and read,
critique, and write research articles.
PSY370H1 Thinking and Reasoning [36L]
Prerequisite: PSY202H1 (or equivalent), PSY280H1; PSY
Problem-solving as a model of directed thinking; conceptual
Specialist or departmental approval
behaviour and mental representation; induction, deduction
and learning; probabilistic reasoning; creative thinking and
complex problem solving. PSY390H1 Behavioural Genetics [36L]
Prerequisite: PSY 270H1/COG250Y1 (formerly UNI250Y1) An examination of how genes contribute to the production of
DR=SCI; BR=TBA behaviour, either as structural elements or direct participants
in behavioural regulation. Covers molecular genetics, natural
PSY371H1 Higher Cognitive Processes [36L]
selection and genetic methods followed by specific examples
This course covers selected topics pertaining to higher
of congenic disorders that affect behaviour and studies of
cognitive processes including expertise, consciousness,
“normal” behaviours in human and animal models.
creativity, and human and artificial intelligence.
Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent), PSY290H1/
Prerequisite: PSY270H1/370H1/COG250Y1 (UNI250Y1)
PSY372H1 Human Memory [36L]
PSY396H1 Neurochemical Basis of Behaviour [36L]
Current theories and data on human memory: processes
The functional relevance of neurotransmitters, with particular
involved in encoding, storage, and retrieval.
emphasis on their role in mediating behaviour.
Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent), PSY270H1/
Exclusion: PCL475Y1
COG250Y1 (formerly UNI250Y1)
Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent), PSY290H1/
JLP374H1 Psychology of Language [36L] DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Human and other animal communication, structure of
PSY397H1 Biological Rhythms [26L, 12T]
human language, word meaning and semantic memory,
Daily, monthly, annual and other rhythms and methods of
psychological studies of syntax, bilingualism, language
measuring them. Behavioural and physiological aspects of
and thought, language errors and disorders. (Given by the
biological clocks. The importance of rhythms in experimental
Departments of Linguistics and Psychology)
design, in research on brain function, in affective disorders,
Prerequisite: One 200+ series full course or equivalent in
and the use animals make of rhythms in migration and other
JAL/JUP/LIN/PSY/PSL/COG or UNI Cognitive Science
Exclusion: JZP326H1
PSY378H1 Engineering Psychology [36L] Prerequisite: BIO150Y1/PSY100H1, one full or two
The application of our knowledge of human information 200-series half-courses in the Sciences
processing capabilities to improve human-machine systems DR=SCI; BR=TBA
design in a number of engineering environments including

PSY399H1 Psychobiology Laboratory [36L] Prerequisite: PSY202H1 (or equivalent) and appropriate
An introduction to surgical and experimental methods and background for the proposed work
research issues in physiological psychology, including DR=SCI; BR=TBA
anatomical and neurobiological methods and behavioural PSY409H1 Research Specialization: Theoretical
and genetic analysis. Concentration on innate and learned Foundations [24S]
mechanisms that influence the display of specific behaviours. This seminar addresses the central theoretical issues that
Exclusion: HMB310H1/NRS302H1 structure contemporary research in each of the major areas
Prerequisite: PSY202H1 (or equivalent), PSY290H1; PSY of psychology. The aim is to provide an informal overview of
specialist or departmental approval the field as a whole.
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: Enrolment in the PSY Research Specialist
program, PSY 309H1
400-Series Courses
PSY410H1 Developmental Psychology Seminar [24S]
PSY400Y1 Research Specialization: Thesis [TBA] Examination in depth of a limited topic within developmental
An individual project done under the direction of a staff psychology. Content in any given year depends on instructor.
member. Lecture and seminar presentations of proposals in Prerequisite: PSY202H1 (or equivalent), PSY210H1; PSY
the Fall Session. Specialist or permission of department
Prerequisite: Enrolment in PSY Research Specialist program, DR=SCI; BR=TBA
PSY309H1, PSY3*9H1 (PSY lab course)
DR=SCI; BR=TBA PSY414H1 Moral Development [36L]
Examination of cognitive-developmental, psychoanalytic,
PSY402H1 Psychology Seminar [24S] sociobiological, behaviouristic and cultural-anthropological
Examination in depth of specific topics in psychology at the approaches to moral development. Issues covered
graduate level. These seminars vary from year to year in include definitions of morality, the relationship between
terms of the number given, the topics, and the restrictions moral judgement and action, gender differences and
on enrollment. Students must get prior consent from the commonalities, and the role of culture in moral development.
instructor of the graduate seminar they are interested in Exclusion: PSY314H1
taking and submit this consent in writing to the department Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent), PSY210H1
at which time you will be enrolled for undergraduate credit. DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Consult the Undergraduate Advisor for more details.
DR=SCI; BR=TBA PSY417H1 Aging and Social Cognition [36L]
Examines theory and research in the social cognitive aspect
PSY403H1 Psychology Seminar [24S] of aging. Topics range from impression formation and causal
Examination in depth of specific topics in psychology at the attributions to perceptions of control and emotions.
graduate level. These seminars vary from year to year in Exclusion: PSY317H1
terms of the number given, the topics, and the restrictions Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent), PSY220H1
on enrollment. Students must get prior consent from the DR=SCI; BR=TBA
instructor of the graduate seminar they are interested in
taking and submit this consent in writing to the department PSY420H1 Social Psychology Seminar [24S]
at which time you will be enrolled for undergraduate credit. Examination in depth of a limited topic within social
Consult the Undergraduate Advisor for more details. psychology. Content in any given year depends on instructor.
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: PSY202H1 (or equivalent), PSY220H1; PSY
Specialist or permission of department
PSY404H1 Psychology Seminar [24S] DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Examination in depth of specific topics in psychology at the
graduate level. These seminars vary from year to year in PSY424H1 Social Psychology of Interpersonal
terms of the number given, the topics, and the restrictions Relationships [36L]
on enrollment. Students must get prior consent from the This course focuses on the social psychology of
instructor of the graduate seminar they are interested in interpersonal relationships between and among individuals,
taking and submit this consent in writing to the department especially romantic or close relationships and friendships.
at which time you will be enrolled for undergraduate credit. It surveys what social psychologists have learned about
Consult the Undergraduate Advisor for more details. the development, maintenance, disruption or dissolution of
DR=SCI; BR=TBA personal relationships, as well as current social psychological
theories of interpersonal relationships.
PSY405H1 Individual Projects [TBA] Exclusion: PSY324H1
PSY406H1 Individual Projects [TBA] Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent), PSY220H1
An intensive laboratory or applied research project under DR=SCI; BR=TBA
the supervision of a staff member. Will be approved by PSY425H1 Self-Consciousness [36L]
the Department only when the student and staff member The distinguishing feature of our species is the reflexivity of
can show that the project is academically demanding and our consciousness - the ability to conceive of and interpret
uniquely suitable for the individual student in terms of the ourselves and our experiences. All our higher symbolic
rest of the student’s program. Note: Projects spread out over capabilities rest upon this foundation. The aim of this
the full academic year are still only worth a half credit. multidisciplinary course is to trace out a variety of interpretive
Exclusion: PSY303H1/304H1 frames through which we may look at and better understand

Exclusion: PSY325H1 PSY460H1 Learning Seminar [24S]
Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent), PSY220H1, Examination in depth of a limited topic in learning. Content in
PSY230H1/240H1 any given year depends on instructor.
DR=SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: PSY260H1; an additional 300-level half-course
in the 360- or 370-series or permission of instructor; PSY
PSY427H1 Psychology of the Mass Media [36L]
Specialist or permission of department
This multidisciplinary course examines how we come to know
ourselves and our world, and to feel, judge, and act through
the simulative “mediation” of mass communication. The PSY470H1 Memory Seminar [24S]
intent is to provide students with greater understanding of Examination in depth of limited topics within the area of
the highly commodified symbolic environment that surrounds memory. Content in any given year depends on instructor.
them and to which they continually respond and react as Prerequisite: PSY270H1/COG250Y1 (formerly UNI250Y1);
audience. PSY Specialist or permission of department
Exclusion: PSY327H1 DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent), PSY220H1, JLP471H1 Advanced Psycholinguistics [24S]
PSY230H1/240H1 Seminar in advanced topics in psycholinguistics. Content
DR=SCI; BR=TBA varies from year to year. (Given by the Departments of
PSY430H1 Personality Seminar [24S] Linguistics and Psychology)
Examination in depth of a limited topic within the area of Prerequisite: JLP374H1, LIN 322H1/331H1
personality. Content in any given year depends on instructor. DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: PSY202H1 (or equivalent), PSY230H1/240H1, PSY471H1 Cognition Seminar [24S]
PSY Specialist or permission of department Examination in depth of a limited topic in cognition. Content
DR=SCI; BR=TBA in any given year depends on instructor.
PSY434H1 Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief Prerequisite: PSY270H1/280H1. PSY371H1/375H1/380H1;
[36L] PSY Specialist or permission of department
Culture appears to have a narrative structure. Animal DR=SCI; BR=TBA
learning and neuropsychological theory helps us understand PSY473H1 Social Cognitive Neuroscience [36L]
how narratives might regulate emotion. Threat of broadscale Social cognitive neuroscience is an emerging interdisciplinary
emotional dysregulation motivates individuals to protect their field that seeks to integrate theories of social psychology
cultures. and cognitive neuroscience to understand behavior at
Exclusion: PSY334H1 three fundamentally interrelated levels of analysis (social,
Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent), PSY230H1/240H1 cognitive, and neural). Topics such as self-regulation,
DR=SCI; BR=TBA cooperation, attitudes, and prejudice will be examined.
PSY435H1 Environmental Psychology [36L] Exclusion: PSY373H1
An examination of the interrelationship of humans and their Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent), PSY220H1,
natural and built environments, focusing on psychological PSY270H1/290H1
and sociocultural factors. Topics include: the self in relation to Recommended Preparation: PSY 326H1
nature; the perception of environmental change; the effects DR=SCI; BR=TBA
of natural and built environments on stress and psychological PSY475H1 Attention and Performance [36L]
health; understanding consumerism and environmentalism; Visual attention; attentional selection for object recognition,
and the relationship between individuals’ experience (i.e., feature integration, and action; movements of attention; eye-
cognitions, emotions, and values) and action relating to hand coordination, eye movements, limb movements. Models
environmental issues. of attention and motor control.
Prerequisite: PSY100H1, 220H1/230H1 Exclusion: PSY375H1
Exclusion: PSY335H1 Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent), PSY270H1/280H1/
DR=SCI; BR=TBA COG250Y1 (formerly UNI250Y1)
PSY440H1 Abnormal Psychology Seminar [24S] DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Examination in depth of a limited topic within abnormal PSY480H1 Seminar in Vision Science [24S]
psychology. Content in any given year depends on instructor. An in-depth examination of current issues in vision science
Prerequisite: PSY202H1 (or equivalent), PSY230H1/240H1, (e.g. perceptual organization, object and face recognition,
PSY Specialist or permission of department motion perception). Emphasis is on the psychological
DR=SCI; BR=TBA perspective, but integrates physiological and computational
PSY450H1 History of Psychology [36L] perspectives as well. Content in any given year depends on
Philosophical predecessors and early development of instructor.
modern psychology; schools of thought and shifting areas of Prerequisite: PSY270H1, PSY280H1, PSY37*H/38*H,
theory and research. History and philosophy of science, in PSY393H1, PSY Specialist or permission of department
general. Current systems and theories. DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Exclusion: PSY300H1 PSY490H1 Brain Activity & Behaviour Seminar [39S]
Prerequisite: One full course or equivalent in the PSY200- or The relationship between behaviour and the activity of
300-series neurons; examples from sensory, motor, motivational, and
DR=SCI; BR=TBA higher cortical systems. Electrical stimulation and recording

Prerequisite: PSY202H1 (or equivalent), PSY290H1/
PSY492H1 Neurobiology of Learning and Memory [36L]
Understanding the complexities of how the mammalian
nervous system acquires and stores information and how
it transforms this information into appropriate behavior is
fundamentally important to our understanding of both animal
and human behavior. This course explores empirical and
theoretical contributions to our understanding of the neural
basis of learning and memory.
Exclusion: PSY392H1
Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent), PSY290H1/
PSY493H1 Cognitive Neuroscience [36L]
The use of higher cortical functions to study cognitive
processes in humans and other primates. Some topics to
be covered: hemispheric specialization, emotion and the
cerebral hemispheres, organization of language after brain
damage, amnesia, aging.
Exclusion: PSY393H1
Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent), PSY270H1/290H1/
PSY494H1 Physiology and Psychology of Emotion
The role of brain and body in expression and experience of
emotion in humans, considered theoretically and through the
experimental, physiological and clinical literatures.
Exclusion: PSY394H1
Prerequisite: PSY201H1 (or equivalent), PSY270H1/290H1/
PSY497H1 Advanced Topics in Biological Rhythms
Circadian rhythms with emphasis on non-photic
entrainment and phase shifting of rhythms by behaviour
(e.g., social interactions, or becoming active). Properties
and physiological mechanisms for non-photic effects and
comparisons with those for photic effects. Seminars and
readings of original papers. Emphasis on basic principles,
but possible applications will also be discussed.
Exclusion: JZP 428H1
Prerequisite: PSY397H1


Faculty of universities offering advanced graduate degrees in the

field, and in the University’s own Graduate Centre.
Professors Emeriti Historically, the academic study of religion has taken
A.T. Davies, BA, BD, STM, Ph D (V) a variety of forms, each with its own rationale. The
C.T. McIntire, MA, M Div, Ph D (V) Department identifies itself with a model in which the major
H.J. McSorley, MA, D Th (SM) religious traditions (e.g. Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism,
G.A. Nicholson, MA, Ph D (T) Islam, Judaism) are studied within a comparative frame.
J.T. O’Connell, AB, Ph D (SM) We employ and encourage a variety of approaches (e.g.
G.P. Richardson, B Arch, BD, Ph D, FRSC, FRAIC (U) historical, textual, social scientific) without sacrificing
R.M. Savory, MA, Ph D, FRSC (T) specialized skills and training. The diversity which
J.M. Vertin, MA, STL, Ph D (SM) characterizes this model is reflected in the variety of
G.A.B. Watson, MA, STB (T) courses offered or cross-listed by the Department, and by
Professor and Chair of the Department the wide range of training and expertise of our faculty.
J.S. Kloppenborg, MA, Ph D (T) Programs are described in detail in the Departmental
Associate Professor and Associate Chair Handbook; it also includes a limited number of cross-
J. Marshall, MA, Ph D (U) listed courses offered by Colleges or departments such
as East Asian Studies, History, Near and Middle Eastern
Professors Civilizations, Philosophy, and Sociology. Students
J. Bryant, MA, Ph D aiming to complete any RLG program should consult
S. Coleman, Ph D the Undergraduate Administrator at least once a year for
D. Novak, MHL, Ph D (U) assistance in selecting courses that address the student’s
L.E. Schmidt, MA, Ph D (SM) interests and fulfill the program’s requirements.
R.E. Sinkewicz, AM, M Div, D Phil (CMS)
Undergraduate Administrator: Jackman Humanities
Associate Professors Building, Room 310 (416-978-2395)
A. Dhand MA, Ph D (V)
J.J. DiCenso, MA, Ph D Enquiries: Jackman Humanities Building (416-978-2395)
H. Fox, MS, MA, Ph D
G. Gillison, Ph D (T) Religion Programs
K. H. Green, MA, Ph D (U)
P. Klassen, MA, Ph D (V) Enrolment in Religion programs requires completion of
J. Marshall, MA, Ph D (U) four courses; no minimum GPA required.
H. Najman, MA, Ph D
J. Newman, MAR, Ph D (V)
Religion (Arts program)
W. Saleh, MA, Ph D (U)
Specialist program:
Assistant Professors (10 full courses or their equivalent)
J. Ahn, MA, Ph D 1. RLG100Y1/280Y1
C. Emmrich, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto 2. RLG200H1/210Y1/SOC250Y1/211Y1/212H1
Mississauga) 3. Four 300+ series courses, including at least one at the
F. Garrett MA, Ph D 400-level
A. Goodman, MA 4. Four other courses
L. Hayes, MA 5. Course selection must ensure that more than one
R. Marshall, D Phil religious tradition is studied (RLG100Y1/280Y1
A. Mittermaier, Ph D does not fulfill this requirement); it must also ensure
K. O’Neil, MA, Ph D depth of study and focus in one area or stream of
S. Raman, MA, Ph D specialization
A. Rao, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga) 6. Two cross-listed courses may be counted (consult the
S. Virani, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Departmental Handbook for a list of eligible courses)
As an intellectual inquiry into an important dimension Major program:
of human experience, the study of religion enables (6 full courses or their equivalent)
students to grasp an essential aspect of the cultures 1. RLG100Y1/280Y1
of the world and the interactions among them. We look 2. One course from: RLG201Y1-207H1,
at the development of religious beliefs, practices, and 3. Two full RLG 300+ series courses
doctrines as they intersect with the history of peoples and 4. Two other RLG courses
cultures right up to the contemporary world.. The study 5. One cross-listed course may be counted (consult the
of Religion also prepares students for a wide range of Departmental Handbook for a list of eligible courses)
careers (e.g. social work, law, politics from the local to
the international level, teaching, medicine, leadership Minor program:
(4 full courses or their equivalent)
in religious organizations). Combined with appropriate
language preparation, it can also open out into graduate 1. RLG100Y1/200Y1/280Y1
work leading to the M.A. and Ph.D. in the growing number 2. One 300+ series RLG course

3. Two other courses EAS324H1, EAS325H1, EAS338H1, EAS361Y1,
4. No cross-listed courses may be counted EAS346H1, HIS380H1, NEW331H1, NEW332H1,
NEW333H1, NEW339H1, PHL337H1. Fourth year
Religion: Christian Origins (Arts program) courses: RLG462H1, RLG463H1, RLG464H1,
Consult John Kloppenborg, Department for the Study of RLG465H1, RLG466H1, RLG467H1, RLG468H1,
Religion RLG469H1, RLG470H1, RLG470H5, RLG473H1,
RLG490Y1, FAH461H1, HIS409H1, HIS485H1,
Specialist program: NEW433H1.
(11 full courses or their equivalent with four courses at the
300+level, including one course at the 400-level) Major program:
(14 half-courses or their equivalent with at least four half-
1. RLG100Y1/280Y1 courses at the 300+level).
2. RLG241Y1
3. RLG203Y1/RLG331Y1 1. RLG100Y1/280Y1
4. Two full courses in Greek, normally fulfilled by 2. RLG206Y1
GRK100Y1 or GRK102H1+200H1, and GRK201H1 3. A total of TEN half-courses (or equivalent) chosen
and GRK202H1, (Note: Upon approval of the program from the following list; at least six half-courses
coordinator, students may be permitted to substitute (or equivalent) must be RLG courses (EAS324H,
for these courses two full courses in another ancient EAS325H, and EAS361Y are counted as RLG courses
language, e.g., Coptic, Syriac, Aramaic.) here). Four half-courses (or equivalent) must be at the
5. Six 300+ half-courses (at least one must be from the 300 level or higher. Second year courses: RLG205Y1,
400-level) chosen from RLG319H1, 320H1, 321H1, RLG207Y1, RLG236H1, RLG245Y1, RLG246H1,
322H1, 323H1, 324H1, 325H1, 326H1, 327H1, 448H1, RLGB03H3F, RLGB07H3F, FAH260H1, EAS209Y1,
449H1, 451H1, 452H1, 453H1, 454H1, 455H1, 458H1. EAS215H1, HIS280Y1, HIS281Y1, HIS282Y1,
6. Four half courses or the equivalent chosen from HIS283H1, NEW214Y1, NEW232Y1, PHL237H1.
CLA204H1, 230H1, 231H1, 232H1, 233H1, 305H1, Third year courses: RLG316H1, RLG356H1,
364H1, 365H, 368H1, 369H1, 370H1, 371H, 378H1, RLG361H1, RLG363H1, RLG366H1, RLG367H1,
NMC250H1 (formerly 329H1) 252H1, 257H, 270Y1, RLG368H1, RLG371H1, RLG371H5, RLG373H5,
281 (formerly 252H1), 324H1, 338H, 360H, 361H, RLG372H1, RLG373H1, RLG375H1, RLGC07H3S,
NML352H, 353H, 356Y, 357H, 358H, 359H, 451H, FAH361H1, FAH362H1, FAH363H, FAH364H1,
452H, 454H, FAH300H1, 309H1, 312H, 313H, 316H, FAH368H1, EAS324H1, EAS325H1, EAS338H1,
318H, 319H, 418H1, 424H. EAS361Y1, EAS346H1, HIS380H1, NEW331H1,
7. One full course in another religious tradition, NEW332H1, NEW333H1, NEW339H1, PHL337H1.
preferably an Eastern tradition such as Hinduism or Fourth year courses: RLG462H1, RLG463H1,
Buddhism. RLG464H1, RLG465H1, RLG466H1, RLG467H1,
RLG468H1, RLG469H1, RLG470H1, RLG470H5,
Buddhist Studies (Arts program) RLG473H1, RLG490Y1, FAH461H1, HIS409H1,
HIS485H1, NEW433H1.
Specialist Program
(20 half-courses or their equivalent including at least two Islamic Studies (Arts program)
400-series half-courses or equivalent)
Major program:
1. RLG100Y1/280Y1 (6 full courses or their equivalent with at least 2 full
2. RLG206Y1 courses at the 300+level)
3. Two (2) consecutive (FCE) language courses in one
of: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Sanskrit or Tibetan. 1. RLG100Y 1/280Y1
4. Either one full RLG course in Judaism, Christianity or 2. RLG204Y1
Islam, or one of: RLG210Y1, 211Y1, 212Y1. 3. RLG200H
5. A total of TEN half-courses (or equivalent) chosen 4. One full course from the following: RLG, 210Y1,
from the following list; at least six half-courses 211Y1, 212H1
(or equivalent) must be RLG courses (EAS324H, 5. 2.5 or 3 full courses from the following list (3 courses if
EAS325H, and EAS361Y are counted as RLG courses RLG212H is taken to fulfill requirement 4:
here). Six half-courses (or equivalent) must be taken (2 FCEs must be at the 300+ level): NMC 275H,
at the 300 level or higher, including at least two half- 285H, 286H, 365H, 381H, 387H1, 388H1, 389H1,
courses (or equivalent) at the 400 level. Second 393H, 396Y, 481H; RLG 250H, 251H1, 351H1,
year courses: RLG205Y1, RLG207Y1, RLG236H1, 350H1, 354H1, 355H1, RLG456H1, 457H1, 459H1,
RLG245Y1, RLG246H1, RLGB03H3F, RLGB07H3F, 461H1; PHL336H1
FAH260H1, EAS209Y1, EAS215H1, HIS280Y1,
HIS281Y1, HIS282Y1, HIS283H1, NEW214Y1,
Religion Courses
NEW232Y1, PHL237H1. Third year courses: See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
RLG316H1, RLG356H1, RLG361H1, RLG363H1,
RLG366H1, RLG367H1, RLG368H1, RLG371H1, First Year Seminars
RLG372H1, RLG373H1, RLG375H1, RLG371H5, The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
RLG373H5, RLG374H5, RLGC07H3S, FAH361H1, the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
FAH362H1, FAH363H1 FAH364H1, FAH368H1, of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive

seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity cultures. Note: this course is offered alternatively with
and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the NMC 185H1, to which is it equivalent.
professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first Exclusion: NMC185Y1, NMC185H1, RLG204H5
year of study. For details, see page 48. Recommended Preparation: RLG100Y1/200Y1/280Y1
DR=HUM; BR=2+3
RLG100Y1 World Religions [48L, 24T]
An introductory study of the ideas, attitudes, practices, and RLG205Y1 The Hindu Religious Tradition [48L, 24T]
contemporary situation of the Judaic, Christian, Muslim, A historical and thematic introduction to the Hindu religious
Hindu, Buddhist, Confucian, Taoist, and Shinto religious tradition as embedded in the socio-cultural structures of
traditions. India.
Exclusion: RLG280Y1; HUM B03H3, HUM B04H3. Note: Recommended Preparation: RLG100Y1/200Y1/280Y1
HUM B03H3 and HUM B04H3 taken together are Exclusion: RLG205H5
equivalent to RLG100Y1. Note: RLG 101H5 is not DR=HUM; BR=2+3
equivalent to RLG 100Y1Y RLG206Y1 The Buddhist Religious Tradition [48L,
DR=HUM; BR=2+3 24T]
RLG105Y1 Great Religious Books [48L, 24T] The teachings of the Buddha and the development,
Students will read ancient texts--e.g. Hindu epics, Buddhist spread, and diversification of the Buddhist tradition from
sutras, Bible, Quran--in light of their original contexts and southern to northeastern Asia.
their later critics and adaptations. Team-taught by religion Recommended Preparation: RLG100Y1/200Y1/280Y1
faculty, this course is a critical conversation about the Exclusion: RLG206H5
persistent yet changing significance of particular religious DR=HUM; BR=2+3
texts in a diverse and mediated world. RLG207Y1 The Study of East Asian Religions [48L,
Exclusion: RLG285Y1 24T]
DR=HUM; BR=1+2 This course is an introduction to the study of East Asian
religious traditions, including Confucianism, Daoism,
Buddhism, Shinto, shamanism and so on. The first
200-Series Courses semester will focus on premodern traditions across China,
Note Japan and Korea, while the second term will examine
No 200-series course has a 100-series RLG course specific traditions within their modern cultural contexts.
prerequisite or co-requisite. Emphasis both terms will be placed on the various
scholarly approaches to the study of East Asian religions.
RLG200H1 The Study of Religion (formerly Recommended Preparation: RLG100Y1/200Y1/280Y1
RLG200Y1) (24L 12T) DR=HUM; BR=2+3
An introduction to the discipline of the study of religion. RLG210Y1 Introduction to the Sociology of Religion
This course surveys methods in the study of religion and [48L, 24T]
the history of the discipline in order to prepare students to Religion from the sociological viewpoint; religion as the
be majors or specialists in the study of religion. source of meaning, community and power; conversion
Prerequisite: Open to Religion Specialists and Majors and commitment; religious organization, movements,
Exclusion: RLG200Y1 and authority; the relation of religion to the individual,
DR=HUM; BR=2 sexuality and gender; conflict and change; religion and
RLG202Y1 The Jewish Religious Tradition [48L, 24T] secularization. Emphasis on classical thinkers (Durkheim,
An introduction to the religious tradition of the Jews, from Marx, Weber) and contemporary applications. Note: This
its ancient roots to its modern crises. Focus on great course is equivalent to SOC 250Y1.
ideas, thinkers, books, movements, sects, and events Exclusion: SOC 250Y1
in the historical development of Judaism through its four DR=SOC SCI; BR=2+3
main periods - biblical, rabbinic, medieval, and modern. RLG211Y1 Introduction to the Psychology of
Recommended Preparation: RLG100Y1/200Y1/280Y1 Religion [48L, 24T]
Exclusion: RLG202H5 A survey of the psychological approaches to aspects of
DR=HUM; BR=2+3 religion such as religious experience, doctrine, myth and
RLG203Y1 The Christian Religious Tradition [48L, symbols, ethics and human transformation. Attention will
24T] be given to phenomenological, psychoanalytic, Jungian,
An introduction to the Christian religious tradition as it existentialist, and feminist approaches.
has developed from the 1st century C.E. to the present DR=SOC SCI; BR=2+3
and has been expressed in teachings, institutions, social RLG212H1 Introduction to the Anthropology of
attitudes, and the arts. Religion (formerly RLG212Y1) [48L, 24T]
Recommended Preparation: RLG100Y1/200Y1/280Y1 Anthropological study of the supernatural in small-scale
Exclusion: RLG203H5 non-literate societies. A cross-cultural examination of
DR=HUM; BR=2+3 systems of belief and ritual focusing on the relationship
RLG204Y1 The Islamic Religious Tradition [48L, 24T] between spiritual beings and the cosmos as well as the
The faith and practice of Islam: historical emergence, rights and obligations which arise therefrom. Among
doctrinal development, and interaction with various world the topics covered are: myth and ritual; shamanism and

healing; magic, witchcraft and sorcery; divination; ancestor RLG230H1 Religion and Public Life [24L, 12T]
worship. Course examines various issues: the role of religions in
Exclusion: RLG212Y1 public, political contexts, such as religion and secularism
DR=SOC SCI; BR=2+3 in democratic societies; religion, human rights, and law;
religion and state power; the political nature of religious
RLG213H1 Reading Sacred Texts [24L, 12T]
social structures, religion and the politics of gender and
Surveys interpretative traditions related to sacred
sexuality; interreligious conflict and alliances
texts, focusing on reading strategies that range from
the literal to the figurative with attention to rationales
that transform literal textual meanings and copyists’ RLG231H1 Religion and Science (formerly
manipulations of texts. May focus on various religious RLG231Y1) [24L, 12T]
traditions from year to year, targeting a single canonical Course explores issues at the intersection of religion
tradition or comparative analysis. Students will gain and science which may include such topics as evolution
insight into literalist, environmentalist, secularist and erotic and the assessment of its religious significance by
approaches to texts different traditions, conceptions of God held by scientists
DR=HUM; BR=2 (theism, pantheism, panentheism), ethical issues raised
by scientific or technological developments ( cloning or
RLG220H1 Philosophical Responses to the
embryonic stem cell research), philosophical analysis of
Holocaust [24L, 12T]
religious and scientific discourses.
This course deals with how the momentous experience
Exclusion: RLG231Y1, SMC 230Y1
of the Holocaust, the systematic state-sponsored murder
of six million Jews as well as many others, has forced
thinkers, both religious and secular, to rethink the human RLG232H1 Religion and Film [24L, 12T]
condition. The role of film as a mediator of thought and experience
DR=HUM; BR=3 concerning religious worldviews. The ways in which
movies relate to humanity’s quest to understand itself and
RLG221H1 Religious Ethics: The Jewish Tradition
its place in the universe are considered in this regard,
[24L, 12T]
along with the challenge which modernity presents to this
A brief survey of the Jewish biblical and rabbinic
task. Of central concern is the capacity of film to address
traditions; the extension of these teachings and methods
religious issues through visual symbolic forms.
of interpretation into the modern period; common and
Exclusion: RLG232H5
divergent Jewish positions on pressing moral issues today.
RLG236H1 Gender, Body and Sexuality in Asian
RLG224Y1 Problems in Religious Ethics [48L, 24T]
Traditions [24L, 12T]
An introduction to the analysis of ethical problems in the
A study of women in the religious traditions of South
context of the religious traditions of the West. Abortion,
and East Asia, including historical developments, topical
euthanasia, poverty, environmental degradation, militarism,
issues, and contemporary women’s movements.
sex, marriage, and the roles of men and women.
Exclusion: RLG105Y1
DR=HUM; BR=2+3 RLG237H1 Women and Western Religions (formerly
RLG237Y1) [24L, 2T]
RLG225H1 Christian Ethics and Human Sexuality
The social and legal status of women in Judaism,
[24L, 12T]
Christianity, and Islam. The historical and contemporary
The basis of Christian ethics for a formulation of standards
situation of women in these traditions.
of inter-personal conduct and sexual relations; an
Exclusion: RLG237Y1
analysis of changing sexual mores, familial structures and
child-rearing techniques; and a critical evaluation of the
development of reproductive technologies. RLG239H1 Special Topics [24L]
Recommended Preparation: RLG224Y1 Some topic of central interest to students of religion,
DR=HUM; BR=2 treated on a once-only basis. For details of this year’s
offering, consult the Department’s current undergraduate
RLG228H1 Religious Ethics: The Environment [24L,
DR=HUM; BR=None (This course has no status for
The ethics and religious symbolism of environmental
breadth requirement purposes)
change: animal domestication and experimentation,
deforestation, population expansion, energy use, RLG241Y1 Early Christian Writings I [48L, 24T]
synthetics, waste and pollution. An introduction to New Testament literature, examined
DR=HUM; BR=2 within the historical context of the first two centuries.
No familiarity with Christianity or the New Testament is
RLG229H1 Death, Dying and Afterlife [24L, 12T]
This course introduces students to various religious
Exclusion: RLG241H5; 341H5; HUMC 14H3
approaches to death, the dead, and afterlife. Through
DR=HUM; BR=2+3
considering different ways in which death has been
thought about and dealt with, we will also explore different RLG243H1 Diasporic Religions [24L, 12T]
understandings of life and answers to what it means to be An examination of religions in their contemporary diasporic
human. and transnational modes. Issues addressed include the
DR=HUM; BR=2 role of religions in sustaining identities across national

boundaries, the enmeshment of religious minorities in RLG260Y1 Introduction to Sanskrit [48L, 24T]
political practices of governance, the impact of cultural An introduction to Sanskrit for beginners. An overview
forces such as commodification or gender upon religious of basic grammar and development of vocabulary, with
representations and transformations, and the intersection readings of simple texts.
of religion with other kinds of authoritative knowledge, DR=HUM; BR=1
such as medicine or law, in diasporic conditions. RLG261Y1 Introduction to Tibetan [48L, 24T]
Recommended Preparation: RLG100Y1 An introduction to Tibetan for beginners. An overview
DR=HUM; BR=3 of basic grammar and development of vocabulary, with
RLG245Y1 Religions of the Silk Road [48L, 24T] readings of simple texts.
An historical introduction to the religious traditions that DR=HUM; BR=1
flourished along the Silk Road, including Zoroastrianism, RLG280Y1 World Religions: A Comparative Study
Manichaeism, Nestorian Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism [48L, 24T]
and Islam. Drawing on a variety of sources (textual, An alternative version of the content covered by
archaeological, works of art), the course will focus on the RLG100Y1, for students in second year or higher who
spread and development of these traditions through the cannot or do not wish to take a further 100-level course.
medieval period. Issues include cross-cultural exchange, Students attend the RLG100Y1 lectures and tutorials
religious syncretism, ethnic identity formation and so on. but are expected to produce more substantial and more
Emphasis will also be placed on religious and political sophisticated written work, and are required to submit an
events in modern Central Asia. extra written assignment.
Recommended Preparation:RLG100Y1/280Y1/100H5 Exclusion: RLG100Y1
DR=HUM; BR=2+3 Prerequisite: Completion of 5.5 full course equivalents
RLG246H1 Karma and Dharma in Indic Tradition DR=HUM; BR=2+3
[24L] 12T RLG285Y1 Great Religious Books [48L, 24T]
A comparative study of the development of ethical Students will read ancient texts--e.g. Hindu epics, Buddhist
perspectives in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, sutras, Bible, Quran--in light of their original contexts and
concluding with a discussion of contemporary moral issues their later critics and adaptations. Team-taught by religion
DR=HUM; BR=2 faculty, this course is a critical conversation about the
RLG248H1 Martyrs, Mystics, and Saints [24L] 12T persistent yet changing significance of particular religious
An examination of the variety of ways in which religious texts in a diverse and mediated world.
traditions construct sanctity, articulate categories of Exclusion: RLG105Y1
exceptionalism, and how exceptional persons function Prerequisite: Completion of 5.5 full course equivalents
within social systems. Consideration of gender and social DR=HUM; BR=1+2
status in definitions of sanctity. Focus varies from year to RLG290Y1 Special Topics [24S]
year, and may focus either on constructions of sanctity Topics vary from year to year Please check Department
in one religious tradition, or comparatively, comparing handbook.
and contrasting ideas of sainthood and martyrdom in DR=HUM; BR=None (This course has no status for
Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and/or Buddhism. breadth requirement purposes)
Recommended Preparation: RLG100Y1/RLG100H5/
RLG280Y1 RLG299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
DR=HUM; BR=2 Credit course for supervised participation in faculty
research project. See page 48 for details.
RLG249H1 Dreams and Visions [24L] 12T DR=HUM; BR=TBA
While dreaming seems to be a universal experience,
dreams have been understood in a variety of ways in
different historical, cultural, and religious contexts. This
300-Series Courses
course introduces students to different approaches to
dreams, visions and apparitions, drawing from the fields Note
of psychology, anthropology, history, and religious studies. All 300-series courses normally presuppose at least
Topics will include the social life of dreams and visions, the three prior RLGhalf-courses (or equivalent). Only specific
politics of discernment, faith and skepticism, and narrative prerequisites or recommended preparations are listed
and visual representations of dreams. Special attention below. Students who do not meet the prerequisites but
will be given to the question of when, how, and under what believe they have adequate academic preparation should
circumstances an experience is deemed religious. consult the Undergraduate Administrator regarding entry to
DR=HUM; BR=2 the course.
RLG251H1 Women in Islam [24L]
RLG301H1 Sigmund Freud on Religion [24L]
An introduction to the role of women in Muslim societies
Systematic analysis of Freud’s main writings on religion,
in past and present. Topics include the status of women
studied within the context of central concepts and issues
in the Qur’an and Islamic law, veiling, social change, and
in psychoanalysis such as: the Oedipus Complex, the
Islamic feminism.
meaning and function of symbols, the formation of the ego
Recommended Preparation: RLG100Y1/200Y1/204Y1/
and the superego, and the relations between the individual
NMC 185H1/RLG204H5
and culture.

Prerequisite: RLG211Y1; see note above for general ideas to social orders, and questions of religious and
prerequisites human rights.
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: three RLGor PHI/PHL half-courses and third
year standing. See note above for general prerequisites
RLG302H1 Carl Jung’s Theory of Religion [24L]
Exclusion: RLG309H5
Jung’s analysis of the development of the personality
through its life cycle, and of the central place which
religion holds within the process of maturation. The RLG310Y1 Modern Atheism and the Critique of
unconscious, the collective unconscious, dreams, myths, Religion (formerly RLG310H1) [48L]
symbols, and archetypes; implications for religious Historical and critical-philosophical examination of the
thought, therapy, education, and definitions of community. development of atheism in Western intellectual circles.
Prerequisite: RLG211Y1; see note above for general Consideration of 18th, 19th and 20th century critiques of
prerequisites religion derived from theories of knowledge that privilege
DR=SOC SCI ; BR=TBA science; radical social and political thought; and analysis
of the soul and its symbol-systems. Authors include
RLG303H1 Evil and Suffering [24L]
Hume, Marx, Bakunin, Nietzsche, and Freud.
The existence of evil poses a problem to theistic beliefs
Prerequisite: three RLG or PHI/PHL half-courses and third
and raises the question as to whether a belief in a deity
year standing. See note above for general prerequisites
is incompatible with the existence of evil and human (or
other) suffering. This course examines the variety of ways
in which religions have dealt with the existence of evil. RLG314H1 Religion, Gender, and Sexuality [24L]
Prerequisite: See note above for general prerequisites Examination of gender as a category in the understanding
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA of religious roles, symbols, rituals, deities, and social
relations. Survey of varieties of concepts of gender
RLG304H1 Language, Symbols, Self [24L]
in recent feminist thought, and application of these
Theories of the self that involve the constitutive role
concepts to religious life and experience. Examples will
of language in its various forms. Problems of socially-
be drawn from a variety of religious traditions and groups,
conditioned worldviews and sense of self as related
contemporary and historical.
to discourse. Myth, symbol, metaphor, and literary
Prerequisite: See note above for general prerequisites
arts as vehicles for personality development and self-
Exclusion: RLG314H5
transformation along religious lines.
Prerequisite: See note above for general prerequisites
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA RLG315H1 Rites of Passage [24L]
Analysis of rituals of transition form one social status
RLG307H1 Religion and Society in Canada (formerly
to another (e.g., childbirth, initiation, weddings) from
RLG307Y1) [24L]
theoretical, historical and ethnographic perspectives.
Sociological examination of religion in contemporary
Particular attention is paid to the multi-religious North
Canadian society: religions of English and French Canada;
American environment, and to the importance of rites of
religious organization and demography; relation of religion
passage in the construction of gendered identities.
to ethnicity, social questions and politics; secularization
Prerequisite: three half-courses in RLG or PHI/PHL. See
and privatization.
note above for general prerequisites
Exclusion: RLG307Y1
Prerequisite: RLG210Y1/SOC250Y1/an introductory
course in sociology; see note above for general RLG316H1 Classical Anthropological Theories of
prerequisites Religion [24L]
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA An examination of the theories of religion developed by
RLG308H1 Religion and the City [24L] late 19th and 20th century anthropologists such as Taylor,
Frazer, Durkheim, Freud, Van Gennep, Levi-Strauss,
The course focuses on the role of religion in the
Douglas and Turner. Their ideas about systems of ritual
genesis and development of cities, as well as the ways
and belief in small-scale, non-literate, kinship-based
urbanization and immigration have transformed religious
organizations and identities. Various methodologies,
Prerequisite: RLG212Y1 or any Anthropology course. See
including ethnography, social and cultural history, and
note for above general prerequisites
textual analysis will be considered. In some years, course
projects will focus on mapping the changing significance
and presence of particular religions in Toronto. Check RLG317H1 Religious Violence and Nonviolence [24L]
with the department for the next scheduled focus for this Religious violence and nonviolence as they emerge in the
course. tension between strict adherence to tradition and individual
Prerequisite: See note above for general prerequisites actions of charismatic figures. The place of violence and
DR=HUM; BR=TBA nonviolence in selected faith traditions.
Recommended preparation: RLG100Y1/280Y1; see note
RLG309Y1 Religion, Morality and Law [48L]
above for general prerequisites
The relationship and interaction between religious and
Exclusion: RLG317H5
ethical norms, social and political ideals, and systems of
law.The course concerns the ongoing dialectic between
religious and other values, the application of religious

RLG319H1 Reconception of Biblical Figures in Early RLG325H1 Visions and Revelations in Ancient
Jewish and Christian Sources [24L] Judaism and Christianity [24L]
This course examines the origins, growth, and texture of This course treats the major elements of the apocalyptic
traditions that developed in early Judaism and Christianity literary corpus and accompanying visionary experiences in
around selected biblical figures. With an eye to the ancient Judaism and Christianity. Contemporary theories
function played and authority held by these traditions, on the function and origin of apocalyptic literature.
the course will focus variously on Adam and Eve, Enoch, Prerequisite: RLG202Y1/203Y1/241Y1 or permission of
Abraham, Miriam, Levi, David, and Solomon. instructor; see note for above general prerequisites
Prerequisite: RLG241Y1/ NMC 280H1/NMC 280Y1; see Exclusion: NMC 338H, RLG325H5
note above for general prerequisites DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=HUM; BR=TBA RLG326H1 Roots of Early Christianity and Rabbinic
RLG320H1 Judaism and Christianity in the Second Judaism [24L]
Century [24L] Analysis of selected documents of Second Temple
Judaism and Christianity in the period from 70 C.E. to Judaism in their historical contexts, as part of the
200 C.E. The course focuses on the relationship between generative matrix for both the early Jesus movement and
the two religious groups, stressing the importance of the the emergence of rabbinic Judaism.
setting within the Roman Empire. Prerequisite: RLG241Y1/RLG202Y1/RLG203Y1; see note
Prerequisite: RLG241Y1; see note above for general for general prerequisites
prerequisites Exclusion: RLG326H5
RLG321H1 Early Christian Writings II [24L] RLG327H1 Magic and Miracle in Early Christianity
An introduction to the first and second century Christian [24L]
writings. A survey of the surviving works and their Magic, religion, astrology, alchemy, theurgy, miracle,
historical contexts, close analysis of selected texts and an divination—all of these phenomena characterize the
examination of what these sources tell us about the early context and practice of ancient Christianity. This course
Christian communities. examines the constitution of these categories, the role
Prerequisite: RLG241Y1/RLG203Y1; see note above for and character of these phenomena in the Graeco-Roman
general prerequisites world, and the interaction with and integration of these
DR=HUM; BR=TBA phenomena by ancient Christianity.
Prerequisite: RLG241Y1; see note above for general
RLG322H1 Early Christian Gospels [24L]
Literary, historical, and rhetorical analyses of selected
early Christian gospels. The gospels to be treated will
vary, but each year will include a selection from the four RLG328H1 The Politics of Belief in Early Christianity
canonical gospels and extra-canonical gospels (the This course examines historical processes, negotiations,
Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Philip, the Gospel of and strategies involved in the consolidation of discourses
Peter, the Gospel of Truth, infancy gospels, and fragments and practices of orthodoxy and heresy in Christianity
of Jewish-Christian gospels) from the second through fifth centuries. Topics include:
Prerequisite: RLG241Y1; see note above for general intellectual, therapeutic, and social models of orthodoxy;
prerequisites methods of discipline; historical events and contexts; the
DR=HUM; BR=TBA political and social contexts of theological conflict; and the
gendered production of the orthodox subject.
RLG323H1 Jesus of Nazareth [24L]
Prerequisite: See note above for general prerequisites
An examination of the “historical Jesus” based on a critical
study of the earliest accounts of Jesus, with intensive
study of the Gospels to determine what can be said about RLG329H1 The Development of Christian Identity
Jesus’ activities and teachings. [24L]
Prerequisite: RLG241Y1; see note for above general The development of Christian identity, examined from a
prerequisites psycho-social, ethical, and theological perspective, and as
Exclusion: RLG323H5 revealed in autobiographies, diaries and letters.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: one RLG course
Recommended Preparation: RLG241Y, 242Y; see note
RLG324H1 Paul of Tarsus [24L]
above for general prerequisites
An examination of Paul’s life and thought as seen in
Exclusion: RLG329H5
the early Christian literature written by him (the seven
undisputed letters), about him (the Acts of the Apostles,
the Acts of Paul) and in his name (the six disputed NT RLG330H1 God and Evil [24L]
letters). A study of some of the most important and influential
Prerequisite: RLG241Y1; see note for above general attempts by Christians to reconcile their experience and
prerequisites understanding of evil with their purported experience and
Exclusion: RLG324H5 understanding of God. Selections from biblical writers,
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Augustine of Hippo, Thomas Aquinas, John Calvin, Karl
Barth, and Gustavo Gutierrez.

Prerequisite: Three half-courses in RLG, PHI/PHL or RLG339Y1 Religion and Globalization [48L]
Christianity and Culture ; see note above for general A cross-cultural study of how religious traditions around
prerequisites the globe are transformed by changes in transnational
DR=HUM; BR=TBA population movements. Course may choose to isolate
one religious tradition in any given year, a particular
RLG331H1 Eastern Christianity [24L] (Formerly
geographical region, or one aspect of multiple traditions.
Prerequisite: See note above for general prerequisites
The formation and development of distinctively Eastern
Recommended preparation: RLG224Y
traditions of Christianity. The history and major writers
of Eastern Christianity up to the fall of Constantinople in
1453. The development of the national Eastern Churches RLG340Y1 Classical Jewish Theology [48L]
up through the modern period, and their particular A study of four great figures during critical moments in
contributions to the Eastern Christian tradition. Jewish history, each of whom represents a turning point:
Prerequisite: See note above for general prerequisites Jeremiah (biblical era), Rabbi Akiva (rabbinic era), Moses
Exclusion RLG331Y Maimonides (medieval era), Franz Rosenzweig (modern
DR=HUM; BR=TBA era). Belief in God; Torah as law, teaching, tradition,
revelation, eternity of Israel, meaning of Jewish suffering,
RLG332H1 Memoir and Confession: Telling Christian
problem of radical evil, history and messianism.
Lives [24L]
Prerequisite: RLG100Y1/202Y1/221H1/280Y1; see note
How and why have modern Christians revealed their
above for general prerequisites
inner lives via diaries, autobiographies, memoirs, and
letters? Reading autobiographical writings and theoretical
approaches, we consider how Christians have negotiated RLG341H1 Dreaming of Zion: Exile and Return in
self-aggrandizement and self-security, revelation in the Jewish Thought [24L]
wake of scientific worldviews, and the influences of race, An inquiry into the theme of “exile and return” in
gender, nationality, celebrity, and class on their storytelling Judaism, often called the leading idea of Jewish religious
Prerequisite: RLG203Y; see note above for general consciousness. Starting from Egyptian slavery and the
prerequisites Babylonian exile, and culminating in the ideas of modern
DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=TBA Zionism, the course will examine a cross-section of Jewish
thinkers--ancient, medieval, and modern.
RLG333H1 Christianity and Conflict [24L]
Prerequisite:RLG100Y1/202Y1/280Y1/342Y1; see note
This course focuses on modern Christianity as an
above for general prerequisites
instigator of conflict and a resource for its resolution.
Exploring conflict among Christians and between
Christians and non-Christians, topics may include RLG342Y1 Judaism in the Modern Age (formerly
missions and colonialism; gender and sexuality; anti- RLG244Y1) [48L]
Semitism; pacifism and just war; Catholic-Protestant The development and range of modern Jewish religious
tensions; cultural diversity and syncretism; and church- thought from Spinoza, Mendelssohn and Krochmal,
state relations to Cohen, Rosenzweig and Buber. Responses to the
Prerequisite: See note above for general prerequisites. challenges of modernity and fundamental alternatives in
DR=HUM; BR=TBA modern Judaism.
Prerequisite: RLG100Y1/202Y1/221H1/280Y1; see note
RLG337H1 Witchcraft and Magic in Christian
above for general prerequisites
Tradition [24L, 12T]
This course considers the history and theory of Western
witchcraft, magic, and heresy in the mediaeval and early RLG343H1 Kabbala: A History of Mystical Thought in
modern periods. Consideration of relevant anthropological Judaism [24L]
theory, the relationship between constructions of A historical study of the Kabbala and the mystical tradition
witchcraft, the Enlightenment and the rise of science, and in Judaism, with emphasis on the ideas of Jewish mystical
the role of gender in definitions of witchcraft. thinkers and movements.
Prerequisites: See note above for general prerequisites Prerequisites: RLG100Y1/202Y1/280Y1; see note above
Recommended Preparation: RLG203Y1/RLG203H5 for general prerequisites
RLG338Y1 Technology, Ethics and the Future of RLG344Y1 Antisemitism [24L]
Humanity [48L] The religious and cultural roots of antisemitism and its
The role of technology within various projections of manifestations in Western civilization: anti-Jewish aspects
global economic development, examined from a Christian of pagan antiquity, the adversus Judaeos tradition in
ethical perspective. Ethical responses to problems classical Christian theology; racist antisemitism in Europe
that threaten the future of humanity: poverty, resource (the Aryan myth); the rise of political antisemitism; the
depletion, environmental degradation, arms build-up, and Nazi phenomenon, antisemitism in Canada and the United
biotechnical revolution. States.
Prerequisite: See note above for general prerequisites Prerequisite: A 200-level course in Judaism or Christianity
Recommended preparation: RLG224Y or Western history; see note above for general
Exclusion: RLG338H5 prerequisites

RLG345H1 Social Ecology and Judaism [24L] RLG356H1 Islam in China [24S]
The environment and human society studied as systems Despite having an estimated Muslim population of 20
of organization built for self-preservation. Such topics million, the place of Islam within the People’s Republic of
as vegetarianism and the humane treatment of animals, China is not widely understood. This course will examine
suicide and euthanasia, sustainability and recycling, the history of Islam in China from its introduction in the
explored from the perspective of Judaism. seventh century through the modern period. Emphasis
Prerequisite: RLG100Y1/228H1/280Y1/one course in will be placed on the variety of practices within China’s
Jewish Studies contemporary Muslim communities. Specific attention will
DR=HUM; BR=TBA be paid to official state policy toward the Hui and Uygur
ethnic minorities, including laws governing pilgrimage, the
RLG346H1 Time and Place in Judaism [24L]
veil, the formation of Islamic organizations, the reformation
The meaning of holy time and holy place, the physics and
of writing systems and so on.
metaphysics of time and space within Judaism. Topics
Prerequisite: See note above for general prerequisites
include the garden of Eden, the temple, the netherworld,
the land of Israel, and exile; the sabbath and the week; the
human experience of aging as fulfillment and failing. RLG361H1 Hindu Myth [24L]
Prerequisite: RLG100Y1/280Y1/one course in Jewish Readings in Vedic, Pauranic, Tantric and folk myths;
Studies traditional Hindu understandings of myth; recent theories
DR=HUM; BR=TBA of interpretation, e.g. those of Levi-Strauss, Eliade,
Ricoeur, applied to Hindu myths.
RLG350H1 The Life of Muhammad [24L]
Prerequisite: RLG100Y1/205Y1/280Y1; see note above for
This course examines Muhammad’s life as reflected in
general prerequisites
the biographies and historical writings of the Muslims.
Students will be introduced to the critical methods used
by scholars to investigate Muhammad’s life. Issues RLG362H1 Rama Through the Ages: An Odyssey
include: relationship between Muhammad’s life and Qur’an from Valmiki to Ayodhya [24L]
teachings and the veneration of Muhammad. A historical study of the Rama tradition incorporating text,
Prerequisite: See note above for general prerequisites orality, performance, and political theatre.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: RLG205Y; see note above for general
RLG351H1 The Qur’an: An Introduction [24L]
The revelatory process and the textual formation of the
Qur’an, its pre-eminent orality and its principal themes and RLG363H1 Hindu Ritual [24L]
linguistic forms; the classical exegetical tradition and some Hindu ritual in its Vedic, Pauranic, Tantric, and popular
contemporary approaches to its interpretation. forms; the meaning that ritual conveys to its participants
Prerequisite: RLG100Y1/204Y1/224H1/280Y1/NMC185Y1/ and the relation of ritual to Hindu mythology and to social
NMC185H1; see note above for general prerequisites context.
Exclusion: NMC 285H1, NMC 285Y1 Prerequisite: RLG100Y1/205Y1/280Y1; see note above for
DR=HUM; BR=TBA general prerequisites
RLG352H1 Modern Islamic Thought [24L]
Survey of major intellectual trends in the Islamic tradition, JPR364H1 Religion and Politics (formerly JPR364Y1)
particularly those identified with Middle Eastern Muslim [24L]
thinkers, from the early 19th century to the present. This course examines the evolving role of religions in
Topics include reformism, modernism, hermeneutics, contemporary public, political contexts. Themes include:
feminism, Islamism, and liberal and progressive trends democracy and secularism; religion, human rights, law and
in contemporary Muslim thought. Readings in English justice; party politics, identity-formation and citizenship;
translation. gender and sexuality; interreligious conflict. (Given by the
Prerequisite: NMC185H1/201Y1 or RLG204Y1, Departments of Political Science and Religion)
NMC278H1; see note above for general prerequisites Prerequisite: one 200 level POL course or 1.5 FCE in
Exclusion: NMC381Y1, RLG250H1 Religion; see note above for general prerequisites
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Exclusions: JPR364Y1, RLG230H1, POL364H1
RLG354H1 Islam in Egypt [24L]
This course complicates the notion of a monolithic Islam RLG364H1 Fiction, Film and Cyberspace: Hinduism
through looking at different forms of religious life found in and Contemporary Media [24L]
Egypt, including Sufism, state Islam, reformist Islam, and A historically-informed look at Hinduism’s engagement
Islamist movements. with contemporary media: books, television, film, and
Prerequisite: See note above for general prerequisites cyberspace.
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: RLG205Y; see note above for general
RLG355H1 Anthropology of Islam [24S]
Combines theoretical reflections on what an anthropology
of Islam might entail with ethnographic readings on the RLG365H1 Modern Hinduism [24L]
practice of Islam in communities around the world. The development of modern Hindu religious thought in the
Prerequisite: See note above for general prerequisites contexts of colonialism, dialogue with “the West” and the
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA secular Indian state.


Prerequisite: RLG100Y1/205Y1/280Y1; see note above for JPR374Y1 Religion and Power in the Postcolony [24L]
general prerequisites This course examines the role of a variety of religious forms
Exclusion: RLG360H1 and spiritual practices in the politics of postcolonial societies,
DR=HUM; BR=TBA tracing their genealogies from the colonial period to the
present. Cases taken principally from Africa and Asia. (Given
RLG366H1 Hindu Philosophy and Practice [24L]
by the Departments of Political Science and Religion)
A study of six classical schools of Hindu philosophy, focusing
Prerequisite: one 200 level POL course or 1.5 FCE in
on the key issues of the Self, the Real, karma and ethics.
Religion; see note above for general prerequisites
Prerequisite: RLG100/205/280/ ;See note above for general
Exclusion: RLG362H1 RLG375H1 Buddhist Thought [24L]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA An introduction to philosophical thought in various Buddhist
RLG367H1 Religious Pluralism in Modern India [24L]
Prerequisite: RLG206Y1; see note above for general
A study of the multi-religious context of modern India,
focusing particularly on “minority” traditions such as Sikhism,
Islam, Jainism, Zoroastrianism and others.
Prerequisite: See note above for general prerequisites RLG376H1 Death and Rebirth in Buddhist Traditions
Recommended preparation: RLG100Y1/280Y1/RLG205Y1 [24L]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA This course considers Buddhist notions of death, the afterlife,
and rebirth. Topics include Buddhist cosmology and karmic
RLG368H1 Yoga and Ayurveda from pre-Modernity to
causality, exemplary models of death and birth, and ritual
post-Modernity [24L]
studies of mortuary rites and birth practices. Readings will
The course surveys the textual sources of the practices of
combine Buddhist primary texts in translation and secondary
Yoga and Ayurveda. It critically evaluates the assumption of
scholarship in religious studies and anthropology.
an unbroken continuity of tradition of these practices from
Prerequisite: RLG206Y1; see note above for general
antiquity onwards and comes to consider what they have
come to constitute as a result of modernity and globalization.
Prerequisite: RLG205Y1; see note above for general
prerequisites RLG377H1 Theravada Literature [24L]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA By looking into the Three Baskets of the Pali canon,
RLG369H1 The Mahabharata [24L] distinguishing the voices of its various medieval
A study of the great Sanskrit epic, the Mahabharata. commentators, handling the illuminated folios of
Prerequisite: 205Y1; see note above for general prerequisites palm leaf manuscripts and comparing contemporary
DR=HUM; BR=TBA vernacular fiction, the course introduces the historical and
contemporary Buddhist literatures of Sri Lanka, Myanmar,
RLG370Y1 Intermediate Tibetan [48L]
Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Nepal.
Intermediate level language course focusing on both spoken
Prerequisite: RLG206Y1 or RLG206H5; see note above for
and literary forms of Tibetan.
general prerequisites
Prerequisite: The equivalent of one year of Tibetan language
DR=HUM; BR=TBA RLG379H1 Daoism in Practice [24L]
What is Daoism? In this course we will examine the history of
RLG372H1 Tibetan Buddhism [24L]
Daoist practice in medieval East Asia, paying close attention
A survey of the various schools of Tibetan Buddhism,
to the way scholars of Daoism have defined their subject
focusing on differences in both theory and practice, with
in relation to Buddhism and the indigenous traditions of
readings of Tibetan texts in translation and ethnographic
China, Japan, and Korea. Topics may include Daoist ritual,
studies of Buddhist practice in Tibet.
priesthood, textual practices, cosmology, meditation and
Prerequisite: RLG206Y; see note above for general
alchemy. Emphasis will be placed on contemporary Daoist
practice in Taiwan and North America.
Prerequisite: See note above for general prerequisites
RLG373H1 Buddhist Meditation: Historical, Doctrinal, Recommended Preparation:
and Ethnographic Perspectives [24L] RLG100Y1/280Y1/208Y1/274H1
This course will examine Buddhist meditation, its history, DR=HUM; BR=TBA
and basic concepts through a critical analysis of primary
RLG380H1 Comparative Mysticism [24L]
and secondary readings. Students will be asked to explore
A comparative examination of Christian (Latin and Orthodox),
the tensions between knowledge and experience, belief
Buddhist, Confucian, Taoist, Hindu and Islamic mystical
and ritual, theory and practice as it unfolds in different
representations of Buddhist meditation. A brief survey of
Prerequisite: See note above for general prerequisites
some of the more important traditions of Buddhist meditation
will be accompanied by an in-depth look at the specific
contexts from which they arose. RLG384H1 Pluralism and Dialogue [24L]
Prerequisite: See note above for general prerequisites The contemporary phenomenon of religious pluralism:
Recommended Preparation: RLG206Y1/ RLG206H5 its historical emergence, social context and intellectual

justifications. Achievements, techniques and outstanding rule on religious life; Jewish emancipation in Europe; and
issues in inter-religious dialogue. religious freedom in France and North America
Prerequisite: See note above for general prerequisites Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission required for admission
DR=HUM; BR=TBA to course
RLG388H1 Special Topics I [24L]
RLG420H1 Religion and Philosophy in the European
RLG389H1 Special Topics II [24L]
Enlightenment [24S]
An advanced study of selected Enlightenment thinkers
RLG398H0 Independent Experiential Study Project with a focus on their interpretations of religion. The work
RLG399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project of Immanuel Kant will form a focus point, but others will be
An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus discussed as well. Issues include the rational critique of
setting. See page 48 for details. traditional religion, the relations among religion, ethics and
DR=HUM; BR=TBA politics, and the pursuit of universal approaches to religion.
Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission required for admission
to course
400-Series Courses DR=HUM; BR=TBA
RLG421H1 Topics in Psychology of Religion [24S]
Provides an in-depth study of selected theorists in the
400-series courses are intended primarily for Specialists and
psychology of religion, such as Freud, Ricoeur, Lacan, and
Majors who have already completed several RLG courses.
Kristeva. Approaches the topic both in terms of interpretive
Prerequisite for all 400-level courses is permission of the
models applied to individual and cultural religious forms,
instructor. All 400-level courses are E indicator courses.
such as symbols, rituals, and personal experiences, and in
Students must enrol at the Department.
terms. Of religious subjectivity as related to self-knowledge
RLG400Y1 Independent Studies Abroad and ethical development.
Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission required for admission
RLG401H1 Independent Studies Abroad to course
RLG402H1 Independent Studies Abroad DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Intensive programs of study including site visits and lectures RLG423H1 The Birth of Anthropology [24S]
in areas of religious significance abroad. Preparatory work This course will examine the 19th century origins of
expected, together with paper or assignments upon return. anthropology in the study of the bible and ‘other’ primitive
(Y1 course: 4 weeks minimum; H course: 2 weeks minimum) religions. It will focus on influential works by Frazer, Tylor,
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Robertson-Smith, Mueller, Bachofen and Freud.
RLG404H1 Departmental Capstone-Research [24S] Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission required for admission
An integrative capstone seminar that emphasizes iterative to course
development of a research project, locating a research DR=HUM; BR=TBA
specialization within its broader disciplinary audience, and RLG425H1 Hermeneutics and Religion [24S]
communicating the process and results of a research project A study of how principles of textual interpretation and
to non-specialists within the study of religion theories of language have been central to modern philosophy
Prerequisite: open to 4th year Religion Specialists and of religion. Beginning with Spinoza, we examine the
Majors development of modern hermeneutical theory of religion in
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Kant and Schleiermacher, and conclude with 20th century
RLG405H1 Departmental Capstone-Practical [24S] hermeneutical theories of Gadamer, Ricoeur, and Derrida.
An capstone seminar that emphasizes integration of Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission required for admission
the study of religion with contemporary public life in the to course
development of a research project, locating a research Recommended Preparation: RLG310Y1
specialization in relation to non-academic contexts, and DR=HUM; BR=TBA
communicating the process and results of a research project RLG426H1 Religion in the Public Sphere Service-
to non-academic audiences. Learning Internship [24S]
Prerequisite: open to 4th year Religion Specialists and
For upper-year students, from any discipline. In a 40-hour
community service placement, discover first-hand religion’s
significance in Toronto and examine how religion manifests
RLG410Y1 Advanced Topics in Religion [24S] in public spaces, institutions, and interactions, while critically
RLG411H1 Advanced Topics in Religion [24S] reflecting on the experience of working with professionals
and their “clients” in settings where religious diversity is at
RLG412H1 Advanced Topics in Religion [24S] play.
RLG419H1 Secularism and Religion [24S] Prerequisite: RPS coordinator’s permission required for
Themes considered include what notion of religion is admission to course
necessary for secular governance, and how secularity DR=HUM; BR=TBA
relates to particular discourses of citizenship and practices
of political rule. Case studies include the effects of colonial

RLG430H1 Advanced Topics in Judaism [24S] Recommended Preparation: RLG203Y1/RLG203H5
RLG431H1 Advanced Topics in Judaism [24S]
RLG440H1 Religion and Healing [24S]
RLG432Y1 Natural Law in Judaism and Christianity
The relationship between religion and healing in the North
American context through analysis of the religious roots of
This seminar deals with the question of how a religion like
the biomedical model, as well as religious influences on
Judaism or Christianity, based on revelation and its norms,
alternative modes of healing.
can acknowledge and incorporate norms discovered by
Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission required for admission
human reason, without reducing reason to revelation or
to course
revelation to reason.
Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission required for admission
to course RLG442H1 North American Religions [24S]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA This course considers the varieties of religious practice
in North America from anthropological and historical
RLG433H1 Maimonides and His Modern Interpreters
perspectives. Of particular interest are the ways religions
have mutually influenced each other in the context of
An introduction to The Guide of the Perplexed by Moses
nineteenth and twentieth century North America.
Maimonides, and to some of the basic themes in Jewish
Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission required for admission
philosophical theology and religion. Among topics to be
to course
considered through close textual study of the Guide: divine
attributes; biblical interpretation; creation versus eternity;
prophecy; providence, theodicy, and evil; wisdom and RLG449H1 The Synoptic Problem [24S]
human perfection. Also to be examined are leading modern Investigation of the history of solutions to the Synoptic
interpreters of Maimonides. Problem from the eighteenth century to the present paying
Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission required for admission special attention to the revival of the Griesbach hypothesis
to course and recent advances in the Two-Document hypothesis.
Exclusion: POL421H1 Prerequisite: RLG241Y1 and at least one of RLG319H1-
DR=HUM; BR=TBA 327H1; Instructor’s permission required for admission to
RLG434H1 Modern Jewish Thought [24S]
Close study of major themes, texts, and thinkers in modern
Jewish thought. Focus put on the historical development RLG451H1 The Parables of Jesus [24S]
of modern Judaism, with special emphasis on the Jewish Examination of the parables in the gospels and other early
religious and philosophical responses to the challenges of Christian writers, and major trends in the modern analyses of
modernity. Among modern Jewish thinkers to be considered: the parables. Special attention will be paid to the social and
Spinoza, Cohen, Rosenzweig, Buber, Scholem, Strauss, and economic world presupposed by the parables.
Fackenheim. Prerequisite: RLG241Y1 and at least one of RLG319H1-
Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission required for admission 327H1; Instructor’s permission required for admission to
to course course
RLG435H1 The Thought of Leo Strauss [24S] RLG452H1 The Death of Jesus [24S]
The philosophic thought of Leo Strauss approached through Examination of the accounts of the passion and death of
his writings on modern Judaism. Primarily addressed will Jesus in their original historical and literary contexts.
be the mutual relations between philosophy, theology, and Prerequisite: RLG241Y1 and at least one of RLG319H1-
politics. Among other topics to be dealt with: origins of 327H1; Instructor’s permission required for admission to
modern Judaism, Zionism, liberal democracy, and biblical course
criticism; meaning of “Jerusalem and Athens”; cognitive value DR=HUM; BR=TBA
in the Hebrew Bible. RLG453H1 Christianity and Judaism in Colonial Context
Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission required for admission [24S]
to course Sets the study of early Christianity and Second Temple
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Judaism into relation with postcolonial historiography. Topics
RLG437H1 Constructions of Authority in Early include hybridity, armed resistance, the intersection of gender
Christianity [24L, 12T] and colonization, diaspora, acculturation, and the production
This course examines changing patterns of authority and of subaltern forms of knowledge. Comparative material and
hierarchy in early Christian communities. Students will theories of comparison are also treated.
explore various roles and offices of authority in canonical Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission required for admission
and extra-canonical texts in relation to cultural, political, to course;
and theological constructions of body, gender, holiness, DR=HUM; BR=TBA
and orthodoxy as these contribute to developing models of RLG454H1 Social History of the Jesus Movement [24S]
authority. The goal of the course is to familiarize students The social setting of the early Jesus movement in Roman
with the constellation of ideas that participate in developing Palestine and the cities of the Eastern Empire. Topics will
Christian notions of religious authority. include: rank and legal status; patronalia and clientalia;
Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission required for admission marriage and divorce; forms of association outside the family;
to course

slavery and manumission; loyalty to the empire and forms of Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission required for admission
resistance. to course
Prerequisite: RLG241Y1 and at least one of RLG319H1- DR=HUM; BR=TBA
327H1; Instructor’s permission required for admission to RLG459H1 Disciplining Islam [24S]
course Considers the disciplinary power of modernity through
DR=HUM; BR=TBA case-studies on the codification of Islamic law and
RLG455H1 Heresy and Deviance in Early Christianity practice. Contrasting modernity’s discipline with Islam’s
[24S] own disciplinary power. Readings include works by Saba
A study of the construction of deviance or heresy within Mahmood, Charles Hirschkind, Jakob Skovgaard-Petersen,
the literature of first and second century Christianity: tasks Brinkley Messick, Michel Foucault and Talal Asad.
include a survey of sociological theory in its application to Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission required for admission
deviance in the ancient world and close readings of selected to course
texts from first and second century Christian and pre- Recommended Preparation: RLG204Y1/RLG204H1/NMC
Christian communities.. 185H1/ RLG250H1
Prerequisite: RLG241Y1 and at least one of RLG319H1- DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
327H1; Instructor’s permission required for admission to RLG460H1 Ramayana in Literature, Theology, and
course Political Imagination [24S]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA This course explores how this conception is the result
RLG456H1 Readings in Qur’an and Tafsir [24S] of a historical process by examining documentable
This course is an introduction to the rich literature that transformations in the reception of the Ramayana. Our focus
has grown around the study of the Qur’an in the Arabic will be on the shift in the classification of the Ramayana from
tradition. In addition to readings in the Qur’an students the inaugural work of Sanskrit literary culture (adi-kavya) in
will read selections from works in ma`ani and majaz and Sanskrit aesthetics to a work of tradition (smrti) in theological
major tafsir works. Selections include: al-Tabari, al-Tha`labi, commentaries, the differences between the Ramayana’s
al-Zamakhshari, al-Qurtubi and al-Razi. The course will ideal of divine kingship and medieval theistic approaches to
culminate in a study of al-Itqan of al-Suyuti. Rama’s identification with Visnu, the rise of Rama worship,
Prerequisite: At least two years of Arabic, or advanced and the use of Rama’s divinity in contemporary political
reading knowledge, or permission of the instructor. discourse.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission required for admission
to course
RLG457H1 The Qur’an and its Interpretation [24S]
Recommended Preparation: RLG205Y1/RLG205H1
This course is designed to orient students to the field
of contemporary Qur’anic studies through reading and
discussion of the text itself and of significant European- RLG461H1 Ismaili History and Thought: The Persian
language scholarship about the Qur’an as well as through Tradition [24S]
examination of the principal bibliographical tools for this Critical reading, analysis and interpretation of Ismaili
subject area. historical and doctrinal works of the Persianate tradition as
Prerequisite: At least two years of Arabic or advanced developed by authors such as Nasir-i Khusraw, Nasir al-Din
reading knowledge, or the permission of the instructor. Tusi, Nizari Quhistani and others. The primary authors
DR=HUM; BR=TBA studied will change yearly.
Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission required for admission
JPR457H1 Democracy and the Secular [24S]
to course
What is the philosophical relationship between modern
democracy and the secular? How can critical political
thought respond to attempts to re-found politics along RLG462H1 Newar Religion [24L]
religious or theo-political lines? What would a project of An academic legend recounts that if you ask a Newar
rethinking the secular ‘all the way down’ entail? This seminar whether he is Hindu or Buddhist the answer is yes. The
in theory will explore these questions through an examination course deals with the problem of how to study religions
of dilemmas of sovereignty, community, justice and violence which coexist and compete with each other creating shifting
as developed in continental political philosophy - Schmitt, coordinates of religious identification from the perspective of
Benjamin, Lefort, Agamben, Derrida, Nancy, Zizek, Badiou. one specific Nepalese community.
Recommended preparation: POL320Y or a 300-level course Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission required for admission
in Philosophy or Philosophy of Religion or Anthropology to course
of Religion Recommended Preparation: RLG205Y1/ RLG206Y1/
Exclusion: POL485H1, Section L0201 (taken in 2008-09) RLG205H5/RLG206H5
Prerequisite: POL320Y or permission of instructor DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=HUM; BR=TBA RLG463H1 Causation, Movement and Time in Buddhist
RLG458H1 Apocryphal Bible [24S] Scholastic Debate [24S]
Biblical or para-biblical literature continued to be produced by Starting from the basic Buddhist doctrines of karmic
Jewish and Christian writers long after the establishment of retribution and conditioned co-arising the course will
the canons of the Jewish and Christian Bibles. This course explore how the idea of causation, the conceptualization of
introduces the student to some of the more important pieces movement and their implications for models explaining the
of Old Testament pseudepigrapha and New Testament temporal character of the impermanent have shaped the
apocrypha and their modern scholarly study.

course of Buddhist thought across schools and throughout scholarship in Buddhist and Tibetan Studies and possibly
various phases of Buddhist intellectual history in South Asia. primary sources in Tibetan.
Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission required for admission Recommended Preparation: At least 2 half-courses at the
to course 300-level in Buddhist Studies
Recommended Preparation: RLG206Y1/ RLG206H5 Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission required for admission
DR=HUM; BR=TBA to course.
RLG464H1 History and Historiography of Buddhism
[24S] RLG471H1 Special Topics in Hinduism [24L]
This course examines histories of Buddhism authored Advanced study in specialized topics on Hinduism.
inside and outside Asia, considering how various models Prerequisite: RLG205Y; Instructor’s permission required for
of historiography affect our knowledge of Buddhism and admission to course.
Buddhist cultures. Readings will include translations of DR=HUM; BR=TBA
indigenous Buddhist histories, recent histories of Buddhism RLG472H1 Religion and Aesthetics in South Asia [24S]
that have shaped the field of Buddhist Studies, and ‘Religion’ and ‘aesthetics’ are sometimes constructed
theoretical studies of historiography as separate categories, but in South Asia religion is not
Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission required for admission often conceptually distinct from an autonomous sphere of
to course aesthetic reflection. In conversation with recent sociological,
Recommended Preparation: RLG206Y1/RLG206H5 anthropological, and philosophical writings, we will explore
DR=HUM; BR=TBA this issue through careful study of a variety of Sanskrit
RLG466H1 Buddhism and Society in East Asia [24S] sources: the epics, Abhinavagupta’s commentary on the
Issues common to the establishment and development of Natya Sastra, Vaisnava, Saiva, and Jaina appropriations
the Buddhist tradition(s) in China, Korea, and Japan. The of Sanskrit aesthetics and courtly poetry, and the works of
reactions to Buddhism by the societies in which it was being Rabindranath Tagore. Students are encouraged to work with
implanted. Transformation of Buddhist teachings, practice, sources in the primary languages, although materials will
iconography, institutions, etc. as they were assimilated by the also be provided in translation
host countries. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission required for admission RLG473H1 Vedanta Through the Ages [24S]
to course A survey of Vedantic thought beginning with the classical
DR=HUM; BR=TBA commentaries on the Brahmasutras (such as those of
RLG467H1 Theravada Practice 24S] Sankara, Ramanuja etc.) and ending with neo-Vedanta in
“The galactic polity,” “the funeral casino,” “intercultural the writings of Dayananda Saraswati, Sri Aurobindo and
mimesis,” “accretism” and “Sanskritization” have been Radhakrishnan
crucial terms in attempts to understand how Theravada Prerequisite: RLG205Y1; 205H5; Instructor’s permission
Buddhism works. We will assess the significance and required for admission to course
usefulness of these models by confronting first-hand data DR=HUM; BR=TBA
with groundbreaking monographs in the study of Buddhism in RLG482H1 The Taking of Human Life [24S]
South and Southeast Asia. Frequently today in discussions in bioethics dealing with life
Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission required for admission and death, even secular thinkers invoke the concept of the
to course “sanctity of human life.” Yet that concept is clearly religious in
DR=HUM; BR=TBA origin. What do the three great monotheistic traditions have
RLG468H1 Religion and Society in Classical Japan to say about this concept and its ethical significance?
[24S] Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission required for admission
Major developments in the history of Japanese religious to course
traditions from the earliest known times (ca. 6th cent. C.E.) DR=HUM; BR=TBA
to the beginning of the modern era. This course will focus on RLG483H1 Christian Political Philosophy [24S]
the relations between the religious dimension of Japanese The writings of Simon Weil will be studied within the context
society and its social-political-economic dimensions. of political theory and contemporary Christian philosophy.
Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission required for admission The basis for Weil’s critique of the technological society will
to course be examined.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission required for admission
RLG469Y1 Readings in Tibetan Buddhism [48S to course
Advanced readings in Tibetan Buddhist literature. Tibetan DR=HUM; BR=TBA
language skills required. RLG484H1 Religion and the Environment [24S]
Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission required for admission This course examines how religious concerns within various
to course. religious traditions interface with contemporary environmental
DR=HUM; BR=TBA issues. Particular attention is paid to the challenge posed
RLG470H1 Tantra in Tibet [24L] to the human and religious values of these traditions by
A study of Tantric Buddhism in Tibet. The course will address the present ecological crisis and some salient ethical and
ritual and scholastic practices in the history of Tibetan Tantra, religious responses to this challenge
also looking at problems of translation and interpretation in Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission required for admission
the study of those traditions. Readings will include secondary to course

RLG486H1 Critiques of the Technological Society [24S]
Major twentieth-century critiques of the technological society
through an examination of the philosophical and theological
writings of George Grant, Jacques Ellul and Simone Weil.
Their seminal critiques will be contrasted with the ethical
analyses of Ursula Franklin, Albert Borgmann, Hans Jonas,
and Zygmunt Bauman.
Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission required for admission
to course
RLG487H1 Liberation Theology [24S]i
This course explores the work of these two seminal
contemporary Christian thinkers, Gustave Guitiérrez, founder
of the liberation theology, and U.S. “geologian” Thomas
Berry, a cultural historian and prime architect of “the new
cosmology”. The two thinkers highlight the conflict and
convergence of social justice and ecological invitations within
Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission required for admission
to course
RLG490Y1 Individual Studies [48S]
RLG491Y1 Individual Studies [48S]
RLG492H1 Individual Studies [24S]
RLG493H1 Individual Studies [24S]
RLG494H1 Individual Studies [24S]
Student-initiated projects supervised by members of the
Department. The student must obtain both a supervisor’s
agreement and the Department’s approval in order to
register. The maximum number of Individual Studies one may
take is two full course equivalents. Deadline for submitting
applications to Department including supervisor’s approval is
the first week of classes of the session.

Renaissance Studies: see Victoria

Russian: see Slavic Languages and
Serbian: see Slavic Languages and
Sexual Diversity Studies: see
University College

St. Michael’s College

Faculty St. Michael’s also offers a number of courses, listed below,

which form part of the above programs, or of the programs
Professors of other colleges and departments, or are a reflection of
A. Dooley, MA, Ph D staff and student academic interests not always available
M. G. McGowan, MA, Ph D in departmental course offerings.
D.A. Wilson, MA, Ph D Principal & Program Director: Mark G. McGowan, 81 St.
Associate Professors Mary Street, Room 127, Odette Hall (416-926-7102)
J. Harris, MA, Ph D
R. Locklin, MTS, Ph D St. Michael’s College Programs
G. Silano, LLB, MA, Ph D
Enrolment in the Specialist, Major and Minor programs
Assistant Professors of St. Michael’s College is open to students who have
A. Andrée, MA, PH D, LMS completed four courses; no minimum GPA required--with
Y. Fehige, MA, Dipl. Theol., Dr. Phil. the exception of the Concurrent Education: Religious
S. O’Connor, MA, Ph D Education program.
Senior Lecturer Book and Media Studies (Arts program)
M. Nic Dhiarmada, MA, H Dip Ed
Consult TBA, St. Michael’s College
St. Michael’s College offers a number of programs which
emerge from its academic strength in various scholarly Major program:
fields and reflect its centuries-old Christian intellectual (6 full courses or their equivalent, including at least two
traditions. Please consult the relevant brochures for more 300+ series courses)
complete information on each program.
1. SMC 219Y1
Book and Media Studies: 2. SMC 228H1; SMC 229H1
An interdisciplinary and historical investigation of the 3. One full course or its equivalent from among SMC
role of printing, books and reading in cultures past courses as designated by the program
and present. Topics explored include: manuscript and 4. Three full courses or their equivalent
book production, internet publishing, book illustrations, from: ABS300Y1/302H1/ANT323Y1/
censorship, advertising, readership and electronic media. ENG232H1/234H1/235H1/322Y1/FAH319H1/424H1/
Celtic Studies: GER310H1/HIS241H1/302H1/316H1/324Y
Examines the literature, languages, history, music, folklore 1/374H1/455H1/477H1/HPS201H1/202H1/
and archaeology of the peoples of Ireland, Scotland and INI301H1/305H1/387H1/PSY327H1/SLA254H1/SMC
Wales. Investigates Celtic identities in the ancient and 210Y1/217H1/291H1/300H1/301H1/304H1/305H1/31
modern worlds, and explores the transmission of Irish, 4H1/315H1/358H1/361H1/364H1/374H1/397H1/398H
Scottish and Welsh traditions to Canada and the United 1/399Y1/425H1/430H1/431H1/UNI221H1/VIC345H1/
States. VIS206H1/WGS271Y1
Minor program
Christianity and Culture:
(4 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one
A multidisciplinary exploration of Christian traditions from 300+ series course)
artistic, literary, philosophical, theological, scientific, social
1. SMC 219Y1
and historical perspectives.
2. SMC 228H1; SMC 229H1
Christianity and Culture: Major program in Religious 3. Two courses or their equivalent from those included in
Education 3. and 4. in the Major program above

This Major program is part of the Concurrent Teacher Celtic Studies (Arts program)
Education Program (CTEP) offered in partnership with Consult David Wilson (January 2011-June 30, 2011) or
the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) and Mairin Nic Dhiarmada, St. Michael’s College.
is for those students preparing to become secondary
school teachers of Religious Education in the Catholic Specialist program:
School Boards in Ontario. CTEP offers the students the (10 full courses or their equivalent, at least four of which
opportunity to complete the HBA/HBSc degree and the are 300+ series courses, including at least one 400-series
BEd. Complete description of the program may be found course)
on the OISE website. Admission in CTEP is by application
normally at the end of first year (or on completion of 1. SMC 240Y1
4FCEs), when Arts and Science subject POSts are 2. Two full courses or equivalent from SMC 141Y1/242Y
selected. All applicants must have a minimum CGPA of 1/243Y1/251H1/252H1/331Y1/440Y1/441Y1
2.0. 3. Seven courses, either from List 2. above or SMC
Mediaeval Studies: H1/340H1/ 342Y1/343Y1/344Y1/346Y1/348Y1/349H1/
An interdisciplinary treatment of the history, art, literature 350H1/351H1/353Y1/354H1/355H1/356H1/374H1/395
and thought of the Middle Ages. Y1/396H1/411H1/412H1/413H1/414H1/416H1/451Y1

St. Michael’s College
Major program: Major program:
(6 full courses or their equivalent, including at least two (6 full courses or their equivalent: at least two 300+series
300+ series courses) courses)
1. SMC 240Y1 1. SMC 103Y1/203Y1
2. One full course or equivalent from SMC 141Y1/242Y1/ 2. One full course equivalent from SMC
243Y1/251H1/252H1/331Y1/440Y1/ 441Y1 200Y1/205H1/208Y1/215H1/230Y1
3. Four additional courses from those listed in the 3. Four additional Christianity and Culture courses, of
Specialist program above which one course may be chosen from the approved
list of cross-listed courses.
Minor program:
(4 full courses or equivalent chosen from those listed for Minor program:
the Specialist program, including at least one 300+ series (4 full courses or their equivalent: at least one 300+ series
course) course)
1. SMC 103Y1/203Y1
Christianity And Culture (Arts program) 2. One full course equivalent from SMC
Consult Dr. Giulio Silano, St. Michael’s College (July 1, 200Y1/205H1/208Y1/215H1/230Y1
2010 - June 30, 2011). 3. Two additional Christianity and Culture courses
The courses of the Christianity and Culture Program Minor Program in Christianity and Education
include (1) all the SMC prefixed courses listed below (Arts Program)
under the Christianity and Culture heading, and (2) the
following courses of other departments: HIS 469H1/ RLG This program offers students the opportunity to consider
225H1/228H1/ 321H1/330H1/331Y1 /338Y1/384H1. In the theory, practice and history of Christian pedagogy.
addition to Christianity and Culture courses, a number (4 full courses or their equivalent: at least one 300+ series
of other courses are cross-listed and may be counted course)
towards the major and specialist programs as specified 1. SMC103Y1
below. This list is available from the Program Co-ordinator, 2. SMC312H1
Dr. Reid Locklin,, Room 130, Odette Hall, and on the St. 3. SMC313H1
Michael’s College web site. 4. Two additional courses from Christianity and Culture:
Specialist program: 208Y1/209H1/215H1/216Y1/217H1/218Y1/230Y1/302
(10 full courses or their equivalent: at least four of which H1/304H1/305H1/306H1/307Y1/308H1/309H1/310H1/
are 300+series courses, including one 400-level course; 311H1/320H1/321H1/330Y1/332H1/362Y1/363H1/364
a total of two courses may be selected from the approved H1/371H1/417H1/418H1/419H1/421H1/422H1/423H1/
list of cross-listed courses) 424H1/425H1/426H1/428H1/429H1/432H1.
1. SMC 103Y1/203Y1 Christianity and Culture: Major Program in
2. One full course equivalent from SMC Religious Education (Arts Program)
3. Any three of the following four options: This program is only open to students in the Concurrent
a) Two courses from “Christianity and Society”: SMC Education program. To apply to this program you must
203Y1/ 204H1/205H1/207H1/208Y1/209H1/215H1 have a minimum CGPA of 2.0. Please note that having
/218Y1/304H1/ 308H1/309H1/311H1/313H1/320H the minimum CPGA for application does not guarantee
1/321H1/332H1/362Y1/390Y1/391H1/397H1/400H acceptance into the program. The application process
1/401H1/421H1/426H1/433Y1/434H1/ HIS469H1/ includes the completion of a personal profile. For CTEP
RLG225H1/321H1 or relevant cross-listed courses details, see p. 30.
b) Two courses from “Christianity and the Intellectual IMPORTANT NOTE: Status may be reviewed at the
Tradition”: SMC 208Y1/218Y1/307Y1/310H1/311H1/3 end of each fall-winter session to determine progress to
12H1/330Y1/332H1/ /390Y1/391H1/400H1/401H1/417 subsequent years.
434H1/ RLG 321H1/ 330H1/331Y1/384H1 or relevant Consult Dr. Michael O’Connor, St. Michael’s College
cross-listed courses (8 full courses or their equivalent, at least two 300+ series
c) Two courses from “Christianity, Arts and Letters”: courses
SMC 200Y1/201H1/206H1/216Y1/217H1/302H1/305
1. SMC103Y1
H1/363H1/364H1/ 390Y1/391H1/400H1/401H1/422H
2. Two courses as follows: JSV200H1; SMC271H1;
1/425H1/428H1/433Y1/434H1 or relevant cross-listed
272H1; 313H1
3. At least one half course from the following:
d) Two courses from “Christianity and the Scientific
Tradition”: SMC 230Y1/231Y1/306H1/371H1/372H1
4. 4.5 courses from the following: SMC200Y1/203Y1/
/390Y1/ 391H1/400H1/401H1/432H1/433Y1/434H1/
RLG228H1/338Y1 or relevant cross-listed courses
4. Two additional Christianity and Culture courses or
cross-listed courses.

St. Michael’s College
Mediaeval Studies (Arts program) St. Michael’s College Courses
Consult Professor Joseph Goering, St. Michael’s College Listed in this order:

Specialist program: Book and Media Studies

(12 full courses or their equivalent: at least four 300+ Celtic Studies
series courses including one 400-series course) Christianity & Culture
Mediaeval Studies
1. SMC 210Y1 Other
2. Two courses or equivalent from the foundational
courses listed below (excluding SMC22H1, 323H1) See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
3. Two courses or equivalent in Latin
First Year Seminars
4. SMC 490Y1: Senior Essay in Mediaeval Studies
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
5. Six courses or equivalent from the approved courses
the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
and foundational courses listed below
of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
Major program: seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
(7 full courses or their equivalent: at least two 300+ series and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
courses) professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
year of study. For details, see page 48.
1. SMC 210Y1
2. One full course or its equivalent from the foundational
courses listed below
3. Four full courses or their equivalent from the approved Book and Media Studies Courses
courses and foundational courses listed below SMC219Y1 Mass Media in Culture and Society [48L,
4. SMC 490Y1: Senior Essay in Mediaeval Studies, or 24T]
another course from the approved courses Designed to acquaint students with the essential notions
of media studies, and to promote a conscious utilization
Minor program:
of contemporary media. Starting with the preliminary
(4 full courses or their equivalent: at least one 300+ series
definitions of “media,” “mass,” and “communications,”
the student is invited to consider critically the cultural
1. SMC 210Y1 constructs created by modern media, from print to
2. One course or equivalent from the foundational photography, filming, TV, computer and Internet.
courses listed below DR=HUM; BR=1+3
3. Two courses or equivalent from the approved courses
SMC228H1 Elements of Material Bibliography and
and foundational courses listed below.
Print Culture [36L] (formerly SMC228Y1)
Foundational Courses: An historical introduction to the evolution of printing
SMC200Y1 The Christian Imagination processes since Gutenberg. Attention is given to topics
SMC216Y1 Ritual and Worship such as the mechanization of printing, the industrialization
SMC 222H1 Mediaeval Latin I of the book chain since the nineteenth century, typography
SMC 302H1 Christianity and Symbols and publishing. Visits to rare book collections are an
SMC 307Y1 Scripture in the Christian Tradition integral part of the course.
SMC323H1 Mediaeval Latin II Note: this course is not intended as a guide to self-
SMC 358H1 The Mediaeval Book publishing nor as a workshop on book making.
SMC 359H1 Mediaeval Theology Exclusion: SMC228Y1
SMC 360H1 Vernacular Literature of the Middle Ages DR=HUM; BR=3
SMC 361H1 Mediaeval Law SMC229H1 Readers and Readerships (formerly
Approved Courses: SMC175H1/205H1/211H1/215H1/ SMC228Y1) [36L]
250Y1/324H1/332H1/337H1/338H1/343Y1/344Y1/ An introduction to the history of reading in western
350H1/357H1/402H1/403H1/406H1/407Y1/421H1/ culture, from ancient Greece to the twenty-first century.
422H1/425H1/435H1/436H1/440Y1/441Y1 Attention is given to topics such as the causes and
In addition to the above Approved Courses, a number effects of different modes of reading (silent or vocalized,
of courses from other departments are cross-listed intensive or extensive, educational or escapist), book
and may be counted towards the specialist, major clubs, censorship, and the ways in which readers have
and minor programs. This list is available from the influenced cultural production.
Program Co-ordinator, Professor J. Goering, Room Exclusion: SMC228Y1
120, Odette Hall, and on the St. Michael’s College DR=HUM; BR=3
SMC291H1 Broadcast Media and Culture [24L 12T]
A survey of historical and contemporary developments
in radio, television, and the internet, and their impact on
culture. Lectures examine technological innovations,
commercialization, nationalization of the airwaves,
government regulation, censorship, ratings & viewership,
broadcasting and popular culture, propaganda, and the

St. Michael’s College
evolution of the radio-television personality. Examples Prerequisite: SMC219Y1; SMC228H1; SMC229H1;
from Canadian and international media. enrolment in the Major program; approval of Program
Prerequisite: Priority to BMS Students Director
Recommended Preparation: SMC219Y1/228H1/229H1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=HUM SMC399Y1 Independent Study in Book and Media
SMC300H1 Special Topics in Book and Media Studies Studies [TBA]
I [24L] An independent research project to be proposed by the
Designed to provide for individual half-courses not already student and supervised by a full-time faculty member
covered in the listed range of the Book and Media Studies affiliated with the Book and Media Studies Program.
Program offerings. Prerequisite: SMC 219Y1; SMC228H1;SMC229H1;
Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor enrolment in the Major program; approval of Program
Recommended preparation: SMC219Y1; SMC228H1; Director
DR=HUM SMC430H1 Advanced Topics in Book and Media
SMC301H1 Special Topics in Book and Media Studies Studies I [24S]
II [24L] A course/seminar on a topic to be determined annually.
Various topics are taken up each year, the content of Recommended preparation: SMC219Y1; SMC228H1;
which depends on the instructor. Students should check SMC229H1
the college web site for details. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor SMC431H1 Advanced Topics in Book and Media
Recommended preparation: SMC219Y1; SMC228H1; Studies II [24S]
SMC229H1 A course/seminar on a topic to be determined annually.
DR=HUM; BR=3 Recommended preparation: SMC219Y1; SMC228H1;
SMC314H1 Media Revolutions [24L] SMC229H1
A deeper examination of key cases in the development DR=HUM; BR=TBA
of media, such as the invention of movable type, the
mechanization of the printing press, standardization of call
number systems (Dewey, LC, etc.), the advent of radio, Celtic Studies Courses
television and internet. Topics vary from year to year,
SMC141Y1 Introduction to the Irish Language [48L,
according to the instructor.
Recommended preparation: SMC219Y1; SMC228H1;
This course in Modern Irish Language is designed for
learners with no prior knowledge of the language. The
course is intended to introduce students to and provide
SMC315H1 The Newspaper in Canadian Society [24L, practice in the four language skills: listening, speaking,
9T] reading and writing.
Through lectures, tutorials and fields trips, this course DR=HUM; BR=1
examines the origins and development of the English-
SMC240Y1 Celtic Cultures Through the Ages [48L,
language newspaper in Canada since the 18th century.
Research projects focus on the historical newspaper
The expression of Celtic cultures in literature, history,
collections of the University of Toronto libraries, the
folklore and myth from 600 B.C. to the present, with
Toronto Reference Library, and the Archives of Ontario.
particular attention to the continuing Celtic contribution to
Recommended preparation: SMC219Y1; SMC228H1;
Western culture.
DR=HUM; BR=1+3
SMC242Y1 An Introduction to Scottish Gaelic [48L,
SMC397H1 Religion, Media and Culture [24L]
An overview of how religious groups use print and
An introduction to Scottish Gaelic language and culture.
broadcast media to advance their theological, political,
Students will master fundamentals of reading, writing, and
social, and economic views. An encounter with Christian,
the basics of grammar and will begin to speak Gaelic.
Muslim, Jewish, and South Asian faith groups and their
Proverbs, poetry, songs and folktales introduce students
use of newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and the
to the language, literature and folklore of Gaelic Scotland
internet. Emphasis on North American religious media,
and immigrant North America. No prior knowledge of the
with reference to broadcasting elsewhere.
language is required.
Prerequisite: Priority to BMS Students
Recommended Preparation: SMC219Y1/228H1/229H1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA SMC243Y1 Modern Welsh [48L, 24T]
An introductory course intended to provide a basic
SMC398H1 Independent Study in Book and Media
speaking and reading knowledge of Modern Welsh. Open
Studies [TBA]
to students with no prior experience of Welsh.
An independent research project to be proposed by the
student and supervised by a full-time faculty member
affiliated with the Book and Media Studies Program.

St. Michael’s College
SMC250Y1 Celtic Mythology (formerly SMC450Y1) DR=HUM; BR=TBA
[48L] SMC337H1 Early Celtic History 450-1000 [24L]
This course covers the range of the Celtic mythological The history of the insular Celtic nation groups from the
record from all the Celtic areas through an examination post-Roman period to the end of the first millennium,
of the archaeological, inscriptional and textual sources. the course will trace settlement history and social
A critical evaluation is offered of various relevant mythic organization, the making of Celtic nations, the process of
approaches. Christianization, the impact of the Vikings, and the rise of
Exclusion: SMC450Y1 paramount kings.
DR=HUM; BR=2 Exclusion: SMC345Y1
SMC251H1 Intermediate Irish Language I [24L, 12T] DR=HUM; BR=TBA
This course builds on SMC141Y1 Introduction to the Irish SMC338H1 The Celtic Nations in the Later Middle
Language. It will provide further expansion of the four Ages 1000-1550 [24L]
language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Later medieval development of Ireland, Scotland and
Prerequisite: SMC141Y1 Wales: development of kingship, trade and urban
Exclusion: SMC241Y1 settlement, arrival and colonizing patterns of the Normans,
DR=HUM; BR=1 role of English administration and aggression, resurgence
SMC252H1 Intermediate Irish Language II [24L, 12T] of native elites, development of frontier zones, beginning
This course is a continuation of SMC251H1 Intermediate of the more compete English conquest of Ireland and
Irish Language I. It will provide further expansion of Wales.
language skills. We will examine literary texts, both prose Exclusion: SMC345Y1
and poetry. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: SMC251H1 SMC339H1 Modern Gaelic Literature 1600-1800 [24L]
Exclusion: SMC241Y1 A study of the Gaelic Literature of Ireland from 1600-1800
DR=HUM; BR=1 within its historical context. Texts of poetry, prose and
SMC331Y1 Advanced Irish Language [48L] historical writings will be studied. All texts will be studied
Speaking, writing and reading competence is emphasized in translation. No knowledge of Irish language is required.
in this course. This course concentrates on the study of Exclusion: SMC352Y1
modern Irish literary texts, both poetry and prose and DR=HUM; BR=TBA
advanced translation into the Irish language. SMC340H1 Modern Gaelic Literature 1800 to Present
Exclusion: SMC341Y1 [24L]
Prerequisite: SMC141Y1, 251H1, 252H1 or permission of A study of the Gaelic Literature of Ireland from 1800 to
the instructor present within its historical context. Texts of poetry, prose,
DR=HUM; BR=TBA and drama will be studied. All texts will be studied in
SMC333H1 Special Topics in Celtic Studies I translation. No knowledge of Irish language is required.
(formerly SMC408H1/409H1) [24S] Exclusion: SMC352Y1
SMC334H1 Special Topics in Celtic Studies II
(formerly SMC408H1/409H1) [24S] SMC342Y1 Literature of Three Nations: Ireland,
Various topics are taken up each year, the content of Scotland and Wales [48L]
which depends on the instructor. Students should check This course examines the way in which modern Irish,
the college web site for details. Scottish and Welsh writers have responded to the
Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. pressures of anglicization and modernization, and
Exclusion: SMC408H1, 409H1 discusses literary reactions to social, ethnic and gender
DR=HUM; BR=TBA issues in contemporary culture.
SMC335Y1 Special Topics in Celtic Studies 111
(formerly SMC410Y1) [48S] SMC343Y1 Celtic Literature and Society 500-1400
Topic varies from year to year, depending on the instructor. [48L]
Students should check the college web site for details. Medieval Celtic literatures in relation to the structure and
Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. development of the insular Celtic societies that produced
Exclusion: SMC410Y1 them. Readings include: historical writings mythic tales,,
DR=HUM; BR=TBA saga cycles, voyage tales, and romantic narratives,, heroic
poetry, eulogistic, religious, lyric, and gnomic poetry. Texts
SMC336H1 Contemporary Irish Women’s Writing
studied in translation.
This course explores the ways in which contemporary
Irish women’s writing engages with and challenges SMC344Y1 Celtic Archaeology [48L]
processes of patriarchy across a range of genres. The archaeology of the Celtic peoples, with special
Focus on women’s use of alternative discourses such as reference to settlement patterns and material culture in
folklore, the Irish language and dialect, as strategies for Great Britain and Ireland.
the appropriation of public spaces, to which, traditionally, DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
women have been denied access. Irish language authors
are studied in translation.
Exclusion: SMC333H1 (2007-08)

St. Michael’s College
SMC346Y1 Celtic Folklore and Music [48L] SMC356H1 The Continental Celts [24L]
A journey through the world of storytelling, popular The course examines the early history of the Celtic
customs and beliefs, songs and music in Ireland, Scotland peoples in Europe from their first appearance in the
and Wales. material culture of prehistoric Europe to their eventual
DR=HUM; BR=TBA disappearance as a political power in the first century of
Roman conquest.
SMC348Y1 Modern Irish History [48L]
Recommended preparation: SMC240Y1
This course explores ethno-religious conflict and Anglo-
Irish relations between 1791 and 1998. Special attention
is paid to the rise of the United Irishmen and the Orange SMC374H1 The Celtic Book [24L]
Order during the 1790s, the domestic and international A study of the production of manuscripts, books and tracts
repercussions of the Famine, the political revolution of that played a crucial role in the historical evolution of a
1916-23, and the troubles in Northern Ireland. national culture or cultures in the Celtic world.
SMC349H1 Seamus Heaney and Irish Literary SMC395Y1 Independent Study in Celtic Studies
Tradition [24L] [TBA]
This course examines the poetry and other writings of A research project chosen by the student in consultation
Seamus Heaney against the background of a modern with an instructor and approved by the Program
tradition of Irish writing. Special attention is paid to Co-ordinator. Arrangements for the choice of topic and
issues of nationalism, the tensions of social and historical supervisor must be completed by the student before
involvement, the place of Gaelic tradition and translation registration.
in the career of a poet whose scope and audience are Prerequisite: Approval of Instructor and Program Director
international. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Recommended preparation: SMC342Y1, ENG140Y1 SMC396H1 Independent Study in Celtic Studies
SMC350H1 Celtic Spirituality [24L] A research project chosen by the student in consultation
The religious culture of the early and mediaeval Celtic with an instructor and approved by the Program
Church as manifested in the material and written record, Co-ordinator. Arrangements for the choice of topic and
and its significance for contemporary religious movements. supervisor must be completed by the student before
Texts studied include the Patrician dossier, early monastic registration.
Rules and Liturgies, selected hagiographical, homiletic, Prerequisite: Approval of Instructor and Program Director
devotional and lyric texts. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=HUM; BR=TBA SMC411H1 Advanced Topics in Celtic Studies I [24S]
SMC351H1 The Blasket Island Writings [24L] SMC412H1 Advanced Topics in Celtic Studies II [24S]
The Blasket Islands lie off the southwest coast of Ireland. Various topics are taken up each year, the content of
This course will examine the important “library” of books which depends on the instructor. Students should check
written and orally recorded by the islanders from the the college web site for details.
1920s onwards. Special attention will be paid to “The Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
Island Man”, “Peig” and “Twenty Years a Growing”. Texts DR=HUM; BR=TBA
studied in translation.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA SMC413H1 The Irish in Canada [24S]
This course explores the history of Irish migration and
SMC353Y1 Contemporary Irish Writing [48L] settlement in Canada with a special emphasis on political,
An introduction to contemporary Irish writing, in its social social, economic and religious themes.
context, in both Irish and English languages. Among Exclusion: SMC411H1 (93-94), 412H1 (94-95)
writers studied are Paul Muldoon, Eavan Boland, John DR=HUM; BR=TBA
McGahern, Michael Longley, Nuala Ni Dhomhnaill, Cathal
O Searcaigh, Roddy Doyle, Caitlin Maude, and Alan Titley. SMC414H1 The Scots in Canada [24S]
Irish language authors are studied in translation. This course explores, by means of the historical method,
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Scottish migration and settlement in Canada, with special
emphasis on religious, cultural, political, social and
SMC354H1 Early Celtic Cinema [36L] economic themes.
An introduction to some early films of Ireland, Scotland DR=HUM; BR=TBA
and Wales (1930-1980), as they relate to representations
of Celtic identity and the beginnings of national cinema. SMC416H1 Irish Nationalism in Canada and the
Exclusion: SMC354Y1; SMC411H1F (2003-04) United States [24S]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA A transnational and crossnational analysis of Irish
Nationalism in the Atlantic World from the 1790s to the
SMC355H1 Contemporary Celtic Cinema [36L] 1860s. Special attention is paid to the United Irishmen in
An exploration of contemporary films of Ireland, Scotland the United States, the Young Ireland exiles of 1848, and
and Wales from 1980 to the present, as they relate to the Fenian movement in North America.
representations of Celtic identity and the formation of Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
national cinema. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Exclusion: SMC354Y1; SMC411H1F (2003-04)

St. Michael’s College
SMC440Y1 Middle Welsh Language and Literature SMC205H1 Varieties of Christian Experience [24L,
[48L] 12T]
An introduction to the Welsh language and literature from Exploration of the variety of forms which Christian
the 10th to the 14th centuries. personal experience has taken in the course of history
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor (martyrdom, mysticism, monasticism, sanctification of
DR=HUM; BR=TBA ordinary life, etc.) in order to appreciate their variety,
complexity, and deep unity.
SMC441Y1 Old and Middle Irish [48L]
An introduction to Old and Middle Irish language and
literature from the 7th to the 11th century. SMC206H1 Christianity and Music [24L, 12T]
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor The various roles given music in Christian tradition and
DR=HUM; BR=TBA the impact of Christianity on Western music. Case studies
from Gregorian chant to the present illustrate major issues
SMC451Y1 Senior Essay in Celtic Studies [TBA]
(sacred vs. profane, acceptable styles or instruments, text
A scholarly project chosen by the student in consultation
and music, emotion and rationalism) to provide a critical
with an instructor and approved by the Program
vocabulary applicable to present works. Some background
Co-ordinator. Arrangements for the choice of topic must be
in music is required.
completed by the student before registration.
Recommended preparation: SMC200Y1/203Y1
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
SMC207H1 Christianity in Latin America [24L, 12T]
The development of Christian communities in Latin
Christianity and Culture Courses America with an emphasis on such themes as the
Spanish Conquista, missions, church-state relations,
SMC103Y1 Catholicism [48L, 24T]
popular religious culture, and the emergence of Liberation
An introduction to Catholic Christianity, to its history,
institutions, and theology. The second part of the course
Recommended preparation: SMC203Y1
examines the renewal effort of Vatican II and offers a
contemporary Catholic reading of the Creed.
DR=HUM; BR=2+3 SMC208Y1 Major Christian Thinkers [48L, 24T]
An introduction to the Christian intellectual tradition
SMC200Y1 The Christian Imagination [48L, 24T]
through a study of key figures representing a variety of
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to
historical periods, from the patristic through the medieval
the depth and breadth of the imagination in the western
to the modern and contemporary. The selected authors
Christian tradition. We shall explore components of
discuss a range of religious, intellectual and human issues
the distinctively Christian imagination, as well as its
from basic Christian beliefs to the challenges of modern
expression in various media, including the visual and
and postmodern cultures.
plastic arts, literature, film, and music.
SMC209H1 Christianity in Africa [24L, 12T]
SMC201H1 Christianity and Literature (formerly
The social, theological, and institutional development
Christian Classics) [24L, 12T]
of Christian communities in Africa, including the birth of
An exploration of major Christian themes, such as
early churches in North Africa, missionary activity, popular
redemption and sacrifice, in works of ancient and modern
religion, and the emergence of new Christian movements
literature. Includes an examination of different genres
in the post-colonial period.
(the novel, poetry, drama), written for differing times and
Recommended preparation: SMC203Y1
SMC215H1 Varieties of Christian Community [24S]
SMC203Y1 Christianity Encounters the Secular World
Christian history has been characterized by an enduring
[48L, 24T]
and fruitful search for forms of religious community. This
Issues raised by Christianity’s encounter with secular
course surveys some communal attempts to express
culture, and solutions proposed by the tradition:
Christianity, monasticism, forms of common life for clerics,
involvement in political structures, social movements,
the Mendicants, lay confraternities, religious orders, and
ethnic communities, and changing world views.
contemporary lay movements.
SMC204H1 Christianity and Asia [24L, 12T]
SMC216Y1 Ritual and Worship [48L, 24T]
A study of key elements in the encounter of Christianity
An introduction to Christian ritual and worship, in cross-
and Asia: e.g. the controversy over Chinese rites; Korea’s
cultural and ecumenical perspective. Biblical roots and
conversion by lay philosophers; the development of
historical development of the Christian sacraments,
Filipino folk Catholicism and its impact on politics; the
especially baptism and the Eucharist. Contemporary
influence of Indian thought on recent Western theologians.
Catholic perspectives on worship in a secular and
multicultural world.
DR=HUM; BR=2+3

St. Michael’s College
SMC217H1 Literature and the Christian Child [24L, redemption, sacrifice, vocation, and hope, are presented
12T] anew.
An exploration of connections between a child’s moral Recommended preparation: SMC200Y1
development and literature in Christian traditions. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
We examine literary, historical and philosophical SMC306H1 Christianity and New Technologies [24L,
developments appropriate to the child’s imagination. 12S]
The course will include the study of poems, catechetical Technology represents a significant challenge to Christian
materials, novels and other texts written for children. traditions. This course will explore Christian responses to
DR=HUM; BR=1 technologies such as genetic engineering, cyberspace,
SMC218Y1 Interreligious Dialogue and Practice and life extension. Students will examine the metaphysical
[48L] perspectives and metaphorical images that the Christian
An introduction to religious diversity as a feature of tradition presents to respond to the claims of unbridled
contemporary Christian life, thought and practice. Toronto technology.
offers a unique opportunity for students to engage Exclusion: RLG 338Y1
questions of interreligious dialogue and practice in living, Recommended preparation: SMC 230Y1
dynamic environments. This is a service-learning course: DR=HUM; BR=TBA
required placements will be arranged through the Centre SMC307Y1 Scripture in Christian Tradition [48L, 24T]
for Community Partnerships. An introduction to the place and meaning of the Bible
Prerequisite: Four full courses within the Christian tradition; the practice of biblical
Recommended preparation: SMC103Y1; SMC203Y1; interpretation in the patristic, medieval and modern
RLG100Y1 periods; a contemporary reading of one of the Gospels
DR=HUM; BR=2+3 and of a letter of Paul.
SMC230Y1 Christianity and Science [48L, 24T] DR=HUM; BR=TBA
The course examines the emergence of the physical SMC308H1 Marriage and the Family in the Catholic
sciences within Christian culture. It also traces broad Tradition (formerly Marriage and the
historical developments, such as the rise of technology Family in Canon Law) [24L/S]
and the acceptance of empirical observation as a method A close reading of the Code of Canon Law touching on the
of inquiry, and their impact on Christian faith. themes of marriage and the family; relationship to other
Exclusion: RLG231Y1 fundamental Church statements (e.g. Familiaris Consortio);
DR=HUM; BR=2+3 examination of issues raised by opposition between church
SMC231Y1 Thought Experiments in Theology and teaching and other views.
Science [48L, 24T] Recommended preparation: SMC203Y1/304H1
A lecture course introducing theological and scientific DR=HUM; BR=TBA
thought experiments (e.g., Einstein chasing the beam SMC309H1 Christianity and Politics [24L, 12T]
of light). Do thought experiments enable us to gain This course explores developments in the relations
knowledge about the world and God by imagining between the Catholic Church and the states of Western
hypothetical scenarios? If so, why bother with real world Europe and America from the Enlightenment to the
experiments? And is the mind attuned to grasp God? present. Of particular concern is Catholicism’s response
DR=HUM; BR=2 to the political theories of the Enlightenment, the
SMC302H1 Christianity and Symbols [24L, 12T] secularization of the state and social justice issues.
The originality of Christian symbolism is explored through Recommended preparation: SMC203Y1/HIS241H1
texts, images, and other media. We examine theories of DR=HUM; BR=TBA
symbolism, then explore the use of Christian symbolism SMC310H1 The Catechism of the Catholic Church
and symbolic patterns in ancient and medieval art, [24S]
architecture and literature. Introduces students to the Catechism of the Catholic
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Church (1994) and its antecedents. After an historical
SMC304H1 Christianity, Law and Society [24L/S] survey of religious instruction in the Church, the students
An examination of Canon Law; the process by which it will engage in a close reading of selected sections of the
came into being, and its impact on contemporary culture. Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Premises and techniques of ecclesial law-making are DR=HUM; BR=TBA
compared to those of other systems of legislation. Specific SMC311H1 Why the Church [24S]
sections of the Code of Canon Law are examined. The Catholic Church claims to be the continuation of the
Recommended preparation: SMC203Y1 event of Christ in history, the guarantor of the authenticity
DR=HUM; BR=TBA of each person’s encounter with Christ, and the means
SMC305H1 Christianity and Popular Culture 36L by which His memory may be cultivated. The course
An examination of both overt and covert representations examines the reasons for these claims and the forms they
of Christian ideas in contemporary popular media. We have taken.
examine the ways in which Christian themes have been Recommended preparation: SMC103Y1/200Y1/201H1,
appropriated and subverted in mass media, while also 205H1/216Y1
examining the innovative ways these themes, such as DR=HUM; BR=TBA

St. Michael’s College
SMC312H1 Catholicism and Education [24S] Duration is January to August; all add/cancel/refunds
The Catholic Church has developed a distinctive approach to deadlines as per a regular S course.
the pedagogical enterprise. This course explores aspects of Prerequisite: interview process prior to enrolment
this approach by an examination of canonical legislation and Recommended preparation: SMC103Y1/SMC203Y1/
other texts published by ecclesiastical authorities and their SMC205H1
application in Canada. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=HUM; BR=TBA SMC363H1 Music and Liturgy [24L]
SMC313H1 Catholic Education in Ontario [24L] An exploration of the place of music in Christian worship,
An historical appraisal of the evolution of Catholic schools, with a focus on contemporary Eucharist. Examination of the
universities, and catechetical education in Ontario. Special development of liturgico-musical principles and their practical
emphasis is placed on the evolution of Ontario’s separate implementation. Topics may include: styles and repertoires,
school system. singing liturgical texts, hymnody and other
DR=HUM; BR=TBA forms of congregational singing, choirs and cantors, the use
of instruments.
SMC320H1 The Catholic Church in Canada (formerly
Prerequisite: Completion of ten courses; two courses in
SMC 420H1) [24L]
Christianity and Culture
An exploration of the historical development of Catholic
Recommended preparation: SMC206H1/SMC216Y1
communities and institutions in all regions of Canada since
the 16th century. Emphasis placed on themes of mission,
church-state relations, ethnicity, belief and practice, social SMC364H1 The Christian Book [24L]
justice, gender, and secularization. An interdisciplinary examination of the Bible as artifact and
Exclusion: SMC 420H1 as an index of culture, art, and language. Topics include: the
DR=HUM; BR=TBA mediaeval giant Bibles, illuminated and illustrated Bibles, the
Gutenberg Bible, The King James Bible, the Bible industry,
SMC321H1 The Catholic Church and Canadian Law
the Bible online, the Bible as sacred object, sacred language
and vernacular.
The Church’s self-understanding generates interesting
Recommended preparation: SMC200Y1/SMC228H1/229H1
problems in her relations with the civil societies in which she
lives. These problems are often fruitful and leave marks in
the legislation of each of these societies. This course will SMC371H1 Faith and Physics [24L/S]
assess the extent to which this has been true in Canada, The complex interplay between religious belief, culture, and
from the earliest days of European expansion until the the emergence of modern physical theory: rise and fall of
present. After an historical introduction regarding the legal mechanistic theories, relativity, particle physics and models
status of the Church in French and post-conquest Canada, of the Universe, Big Bang theory and Black Holes, etc.
we will study the current legal treatment of Church activity, Prerequisite: Four university courses
institutions, and property. The legal treatment of criminous DR=HUM; BR=TBA
clerics will also be examined. SMC372H1 Scientific Experiments and Human Dignity
Recommended preparation: SMC203Y1 [12S]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA This seminar will explore the fundamental value of human
SMC330Y1 Christ in Christian Tradition [48L, 24T] dignity, as it arose in the Judaeo-Christian tradition, and
Faith in Christ is central to Christianity. This course examines the moral dilemmas it poses in the context of medical
both classical formulations of that faith and Enlightenment experiments. Scientific research, and its place in our culture,
critiques of them. It introduces students to contemporary will be discussed against the background of an ethics
rethinking of christology in the light of modern science and informed by Judaeo-Christian values.
philosophy, comparative religion, feminism, and liberation Prerequisite: 10 courses completed
movements. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=HUM; BR=TBA SMC390Y1 Independent Studies in Christianity and
SMC332H1 Apocalypse and Millennium (formerly SMC Culture [TBA]
402H1) [24L] A concluding course in Christianity and Culture, providing
The study of past outbursts of Christian interest in the an opportunity to synthesize insights acquired during the
millennium theme, and the end of the world, modern course of the program (enrolment subject to availability of a
manifestations of this trend, and the implications of supervisor).
its contemporary revitalization at the dawn of the third Prerequisite: Written approval of Program Director
millennium. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=HUM; BR=TBA SMC391H1 Independent Studies in Christianity and
SMC362Y1 Intercordia [24S, 24P] Culture [TBA]
Service learning course in social justice and international SMC400H1 Advanced Topics in Christianity and Culture
development. Seminars in the Winter term and international I [TBA]
service with Intercordia Canada, a non-governmental Prerequisite: Two courses in Christianity and Culture
organisation that arranges international placements for DR=HUM; BR=TBA
educational purposes, between May and July. There will be
additional costs to students associated with this program.

St. Michael’s College
SMC401H1 Advanced Topics in Christianity and Culture Recommended preparation: SMC200Y1/208Y1/305H1/330Y
II [TBA] 1/426H1
Prerequisite: Two courses in Christianity and Culture DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=HUM; BR=TBA SMC424H1 Topics in the Theology of Culture II [24S]
SMC417H1 Methods in Biblical Studies OT [24L, 12T] A seminar course engaging in theological reflection on and
A survey of the religious traditions of ancient Israel as response to the shifting cultural realities of the twenty-first
they are reflected in the diverse types of literature found century. Topics for close examination may include: post-
in the First Testament, with emphasis on their historical modernity, home and homelessness, and mass popular
development and their relevance for contemporary culture.
scholarship. Topics to be considered include: Israelite origins, Prerequisite: completion of 10 full-course credits
settlement in the land, social structures, the monarchy, Recommended preparation: SMC200Y1/208Y1/305H1/330Y
prophecy, the exile and return. 1/426H1
Prerequisite: SMC307Y1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=HUM; BR=TBA SMC425H1 Uses of the Bible in the Middle Ages [24S]
SMC418H1 Methods in Biblical Studies NT [24L, 12T] An examination of the use of the Bible in the mediaeval
Introduction to the major methods and issues in New period (500-1500) as source of motifs in art and architecture,
Testament interpretation: textual criticism; the world of the provider of stories for poetry and drama, authority in legal
New Testament; the composition, structure and theologies of and political debate, and tool for teaching and preaching.
the Synoptic Gospels; the Jesus of History and the Christ of Prerequisite: One course in mediaeval history, art or
Faith. literature; knowledge of the biblical text; completion of 10 full-
Prerequisite: SMC307Y1 course credits
SMC419H1 Religious Pluralism and the Church [24S] SMC426H1 The Social Justice Seminar [24S]
This course will examine Christian responses to religious A research seminar to explore the foundational principles
pluralism, focusing particularly upon twentieth-century and historical applications of Catholic social teaching since
developments in comparative theology, theology of religions, Rerum novarum. Special emphasis placed on scriptural texts,
and inter-religious dialogue. Although the course will focus magisterial documents, and contemporary case studies.
on examples from the context of post-Vatican II Catholicism, Integral to the course is a major paper based on primary
students will have opportunities to study comparable source research.
developments outside this tradition. Prerequisite: SMC203Y1/103Y1; completion of 10 full-course
Prerequisite: Completion of 10 full-course credits credits
Recommended preparation: SMC103Y1/SMC330Y1 Recommended preparation: SMC309H1/RLG336H1
SMC421H1 Jews and Judaism in Christian Traditions SMC428H1 The Spiritual in Modern Art [24L]
[24S] An examination of key moments and figures in the recent
A seminar devoted to examining the changing representation history of the visual arts in Western culture and especially
of Jews and Judaism within Christian traditions over the past in Canada in which religious and spiritual themes surface in
two thousand years. new and surprising ways. The course includes a study of
Prerequisite: Completion of 10 full-course credits; permission works in the Donovan Collection at St. Michael’s College.
of the instructor Recommended Preparation: SMC 200Y1
Recommended preparation: SMC200Y1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=HUM; BR=TBA SMC429H1 Comparative Theology Seminar [24S]
SMC422H1 Sacred Space in the Christian Tradition An introduction to comparative theology and comparative
[24S] theologies, with special attention to their close interrelation
An examination of the development of sacred space in the and emergence with comparative religion and religious
early Church, reflection upon its place in the imaginative studies in the modern period.
landscape of the European Middle Ages, and discussion of Prerequisite: permission of the instructor
its implications for the understanding of space and place in DR=HUM; BR=TBA
our own culture. SMC432H1 Christianity and Science on Human
Prerequisite: One course in the History of Christianity; Sexuality [24S]
completion of 10 full-course credits A seminar addressing diverse and sometimes conflicting
Recommended preparation: SMC200Y1 scientific, philosophical, and theological approaches to
DR=HUM; BR=TBA human sexuality, with a special focus on Habermas and
SMC423H1 Topics in the Theology of Culture I [24S] compatibilism. Includes a systematic exploration of the
A seminar course engaging in theological reflection on and ontology of the sexed human body and transsexuality, the
response to the shifting cultural realities of the twenty-first metaphysics of human sexuality, and issues related to a
century. Topics for close examination may include: post- science of orgasm.
modernity, home and homelessness, and mass popular Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
culture. Recommended preparation: PHL243H1; SMC230Y1
Prerequisite: Completion of 10 full-course credits DR=HUM; BR=TBA

St. Michael’s College
SMC433Y1 Independent Studies in Christianity and Mediaeval Studies Courses
SMC175H1 Mediaeval Civilization [24L, 12T]
SMC434H1 Independent Studies in Christianity and An interdisciplinary course to introduce students to the rich
Culture culture of the European mediaeval period (from 500 to 1500).
An independent research project to be proposed by the Students will examine the Middle Ages by means of its art,
student and supervised by a Christianity and Culture faculty literature, philosophy, liturgy, historiography, and music. A
member. The student, in consultation with the faculty chronological overview will introduce students to the basic
member, may choose either a one-term (H) or a two-term (Y) historical shape of the period.
project. DR=HUM; BR=1
Prerequisite: Ten full courses; Permission of Program
SMC210Y1 The Mediaeval Tradition [48L, 24T]
This course provides an introduction to the thought
and culture of the European Middle Ages. Students are
introduced to the important monuments of mediaeval
History, Thought, Literature, and Art, and follow some of the
Christianity & Culture: Major Program in Religious common threads that run through all these disciplines. The
Education Courses course explores some of the classical antecedents and chief
JSV200H1 Communication and Conflict Resolution in expressions of mediaeval life and thought.
Education [24L] DR=HUM; BR=1+3
This course aims to develop an understanding of social SMC211H1 The Middle Ages and the Movies [24L, 12T]
conflict and cultural diversity. How does conflict act as a This course examines the ways mediaeval themes have
catalyst for change? What do socio-cultural, cognitive, and been presented in the cinema over the last century by taking
motivational approaches teach us about conflict? Topics exemplary films from different countries and epochs. The
include: effects of conflict, human rights principles, cross- purpose is to explore each on three levels: the mediaeval
cultural understanding. reality, the subsequent legendary or literary elaboration, and
Prerequisite: Enrolment in Christianity and Culture CTEP the twentieth-century film rendition, regarded equally as work
Major or Victoria College CTEP Education Minor of art, ideology and economic product.
SMC271H1 Equity and Diversity in Education [24L] SMC222H1 Mediaeval Latin I (formerly LAT322H1/
The course focuses on raising awareness and sensitivity to SMC332H1) [48S]
equity and diversity issues arising in schools and cultural This course studies a selection of mediaeval Latin prose and
communities. It examines how oppression works, and how poetry. Emphasis is on the linguistic differences between
cultural and educational resources may be brought to bear mediaeval Latin and its classical antecedent, especially in
on reducing oppression and improving equity. The course regard to vocabulary, grammar and orthography. A review of
includes a 20-hour field experience. Latin grammar is part of the course.
Prerequisite: Enrolment in Christianity and Culture CTEP Prerequisite: LAT100Y1
Major Exclusion: LAT322H1, SMC322H1
Exclusion: VIC260H1 DR=HUM; BR=1
SMC323H1 Mediaeval Latin II (formerly LAT323H1) [48S]
SMC272H1 Child and Adolescent Development in Through the close reading of fewer but longer texts than
Education [24L] in SMC222H1, this course gives students a deepened
The course will provide an overview of developmental acquaintance of the linguistic features of mediaeval Latin,
psychology from early childhood to late adolescence in as well as with its literature, and generic and stylistic
relation to education, including: cognitive, social, emotional, conventions. A solid foundation in basic Latin morphology,
moral, physical, religious and language development. It will syntax and vocabulary is assumed.
examine various influences (family life, schooling and culture, Prerequisite: LAT202H1/SMC222H1
etc.). This course includes a 20-hour field experience. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: Enrolment in Christianity and Culture CTEP
Major SMC324H1 The Study of the Bible in the Middle Ages
Exclusion: VIC261H1 [24L, 12T]
DR=SOC SCI/SCI; BR=2 This course explores mediaeval biblical commentary and
the various approaches taken by the exegetes to uncover
SMC471H1 Internship the secrets of the sacred page, for instance through the
Arranged by each student in consultation with faculty, “four senses” of Scripture: history, allegory, tropology, and
the internship enables teacher candidates to integrate, anagogy.
extend and deepen their learning experiences in a way Recommended Preparation: SMC210Y1
not otherwise available in the program. Those wishing to DR=HUM; BR=TBA
take this course must have their program approved by the
Program Director. SMC357H1 The Mediaeval Child [24L]
Prerequisite: Enrolment in Christianity and Culture CTEP This course examines birth, nourishment, education and
Major death of children in the Middle Ages. What was it like to be a
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA mediaeval boy or girl? What kind of relationship did children
have with their parents, with their teachers, or with other

St. Michael’s College
children? Primary sources are examined and interdisciplinary SMC406H1 Mediaeval Seminar II [24S, 12T]
methods employed. A fourth-year seminar on a topic to be determined annually.
Recommended preparation: SMC210Y1/HIS220Y1 Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Recommended preparation: SMC210Y1 or other medieval
SMC358H1 The Mediaeval Book [24S]
This course examines the most salient aspects of mediaeval
manuscript culture. We will study, first, how the parchment SMC407Y1 Mediaeval Seminar I [48S, 24T]
for books was folded, pricked, ruled and bound, and second, A fourth-year seminar on a topic to be determined annually.
what scripts were employed in the different codices. We will Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
also examine the various types of books made in the Middle Recommended preparation: SMC210Y1 or other mediaeval
Ages and the challenges they pose to modern scholars. courses
Recommended preparation: LAT100Y1; SMC210Y1 or a DR=HUM; BR=TBA
course in mediaeval history. SMC435H1 Independent Studies in Mediaeval Studies
DR=HUM; BR=TBA An independent research project to be proposed by the
SMC359H1 Mediaeval Theology [24L] student and supervised by a member of faculty affiliated with
An introduction to the discipline of theology as taught in the Mediaeval Studies Program.
the mediaeval schools. Building on a basic knowledge of Prerequisite: Ten full courses
Christian scriptures and of philosophical argument, this DR=HUM; BR=TBA
course will offer an organic exposition of mediaeval theology, SMC436H1 Advanced Mediaeval Latin Seminar [12S]
together with an introduction into the scientific method of This seminar explores the intellectual milieu of the cathedral
theological investigation as practised in the Middle ages. schools of the twelfth century and the debates of its
Recommended preparation: SMC210Y1 famous and infamous protagonists: Abelard, for instance,
DR=HUM; BR=TBA and Bernard of Clairvaux, Heloise, Peter the Venerable,
SMC360H1 Vernacular Literature of the Middle Ages etc. Readings in the original Latin will be discussed and
(formerly SMC420H1) [24L] commented upon by students.
This course surveys mediaeval vernacular literature within Prerequisite: SMC323H1
the cultural context of Europe and considers the development Recommended Preparation: SMC210Y1
of different literary genres such as epic, romance and lyric. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Relations between vernacular literatures, and between SMC490Y1 Senior Essay in Mediaeval Studies [TBA]
vernacular and latin literature are also studied. A scholarly project chosen by the student in consultation with
Recommended preparation: SMC210Y1 an instructor and approved by the Program Co-ordinator.
Exclusion: SMC420H1 Arrangements for the choice of topic and supervisor must be
DR=HUM; BR=TBA completed by the student before registration.
SMC361H1 Mediaeval Law (formerly SMC405H1) [24S] DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Mediaeval jurisprudence combines the high technical
quality of Roman law with the requirements of Christianity.
The seminar provides an overview of the development of Other St. Michael’s College Courses
mediaeval learned jurisprudence; select texts from Roman
SMC299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
and canon law, with their glosses, are read in order to
Credit course for supervised participation in faculty research
explore more specifically the methods and concerns of
project. See page 48 for details.
mediaeval jurists.
Recommended preparation: HIS 220Y1/SMC 210Y1
Exclusion: SMC405H1 SMC380H1 St. Michael’s College Independent Studies
DR=HUM; BR=TBA SMC381Y1 St. Michael’s College Independent Studies
SMC402H1 Mediaeval Canon Law [24S] An opportunity for students to pursue an independent course
The rise of the science of canon law is one of the great of study not otherwise available in the Faculty of Arts and
intellectual developments of the High Middle Ages. In the Science.
proposed course, the aims and techniques of the canonical Prerequisite: Permission of the Principal of St. Michael’s
jurists would be explored by a close reading of their College. Normally restricted to students who have
normative texts and glosses. completed at least ten full courses with a CGPA of at least
Recommended preparation: HIS220Y1/SMC203Y1/ 2.5. Application forms are available in the St. Michael’s
SMC210Y1 College Principal’s Office. A completed application signed
DR=HUM; BR=TBA by the student and by the supervising instructor must be
submitted to the St. Michael’s College Principal’s Office
SMC403H1 The Mediaeval Church [24S]
for approval; at least one month before the beginning of
This seminar explores the development of some of the
the semester.
institutions of mediaeval Christendom, such as guilds,
the University and the Papacy, in relation to social and SMC385H1 Numbers and the Humanities [24L, 10T]
intellectual movements of the age. An introduction to research methods in the Humanities
Recommended preparation: SMC210Y1/HIS220 Y1 focusing on quantification, the use of routinely generated
DR=HUM; BR=TBA records, forensic analysis, and data collection and analysis.

St. Michael’s College
Critique of these methods. The applications of quantitative
analysis may vary from year to year.
Prequisite : Students must be registered in major or
specialist programs in SMC/SLA/FRE/GER/ITA
SMC480H1 St. Michael’s College Independent Studies
SMC481Y1 St. Michael’s College Independent Studies
An opportunity for students to pursue an independent course
of study not otherwise available in the Faculty of Arts and
Prerequisite: Permission of the Principal of St. Michael’s
College. Normally restricted to students who have
completed at least fifteen full courses with a CGPA
of at least 2.5. Application forms are available in the
St. Michael’s College Principal’s Office. A completed
application signed by the student and by the supervising
instructor must be submitted to the St. Michael’s College
Principal’s Office for approval at least one month before
the beginning of the semester.

Slavic Languages and Literatures

Faculty conversational practice, and the use of literary materials.

Courses in the literatures and cultures of various Slavic
Professors Emeriti countries explore the artistic, intellectual, and social
C.H. Bedford, MA, Ph D currents of their civilizations, trace the literary history of
G. Bisztray, MA, Ph D each country, and examine the works of major authors.
R. Bogert, MA, PhD Many of our literature, culture, and film courses are taught
L. Dolezel, Ph D in English and do not require special linguistic preparation.
K.A. Lantz, MA, Ph D
R. Lindheim, MA The growing importance of Eastern Europe in
R.H. Marshall, Ph D contemporary affairs has had the effect of making
N. Pavliuc, MA, Ph D academic study of this area especially lively and relevant.
C.V. Ponomareff, MA, Ph D The student whose interest in the Russian or East
R.D.B. Thomson, MA, D Phil European world is political, historical, or sociological can
N.N. Shneidman, MPHE, MA, Dip REES, Ph D specialize in Russian and East European Studies, or
pursue a course in Political Science, History, or Sociology,
Professor and Chair of the Department and at the same time take language courses, and
C. E. Kramer, MA, Ph D perhaps selected courses in literature, in this Department.
Associate Professor and Graduate Students planning to specialize in Economics, Psychology,
Coordinator Mathematics, or any number of other fields, who have a
M. Tarnawsky, Ph D special interest in the Russian or East European area,
will find an advanced knowledge of Russian or of another
Associate Professor and Undergraduate Slavic language an important intellectual and professional
Coordinator asset.
L. Livak, MA, Ph D Students intending to take a Program offered by the
Professors Department are asked to study carefully the Programs of
C.J. Barnes, MA, Ph D Study and are urged to begin their language training as
D.T. Orwin, MA, Ph D soon as possible. A Departmental brochure is available on
Associate Professors
V. Ambros, MA, Ph D Undergraduate Coordinator :
T. Koznarsky, Ph D Professor Leonid Livak, 121 St. Joseph Street, Room 407,
J. Schallert, Ph D [email protected], 416-926-1300, ext. 3143.
T. Trojanowska, MA, Ph D
Web site: www.utoronto.ca/slavic
Assistant Professors
K. Holland, MA, PhD
D. Obradovic, MA, PhD
Slavic Languages and Literatures
Lecturer in Russian, Language Program Programs
Coordinator Enrolment in the Slavic Languages and Literatures
Julia Mikhailova, MA, Ph D programs requires the completion of four courses; no
minimum GPA required.
For over one thousand years the countries of the Slavic
world have played a prominent role in international life, Croatian and Serbian Studies (Arts program)
and have provided our civilization with numerous writers,
musicians, philosophers, religious and political thinkers, Major program:
and scientists of note. The richness of the Slavic cultures (6 FCEs or their equivalent, with at least 2 FCEs at the
has a special significance for Canada, since the vast influx 300+ - level, including 0.5 FCE at the 400-level )
of Slavs, which began in the last century, has contributed
greatly to the Canadian cultural mosaic. 1. SLA307Y1 or SLA316Y1
Prerequisite for SLA307Y1 and SLA316Y1 is
The Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures SLA107Y1 or equivalent knowledge. SLA107Y1, if
offers an extensive range of courses in Russian, Polish, taken, counts toward the program requirements.
Ukrainian, Czech and Slovak, Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, 2. SLA217H1
and Macedonian languages, literatures, culture, and film 3. At least 2.5 FCEs from: SLA247H1, SLA327H1,
as well as in Slavic linguistics. Within this range there are SLA337H1, SLA347H1, SLA357H1, SLA407H1,
courses suitable for inclusion in a wide variety of programs SLA417H1
of study, whether or not the student has studied any Slavic 4. Additional courses satisfying program requirements:
language previously. Some students may specialize in SLA202H1, SLA222H1, SLA255H1, SLA256H1,
Slavic Languages and Literatures, i.e. Russian, Polish SLA302H1, SLA330Y1, SLA380H1. History and
or Ukrainian (see Programs of Study). Others may Social Science courses related to Croatian and
simply wish to gain a working knowledge of Russian or Serbian studies may be taken in consultation with the
another Slavic language to aid their reading of important Undergraduate Coordinator.
material in another field. Language study emphasizes
small instructional groups, with some laboratory or

Slavic Languages and Literatures
5. To insure exposure to quantitative skills, all Majors 1. SLA106Y1 or SLA206Y1; or SLA306H1 and SLA336H1
must take 0.5FCE in the new breadth area 5 as part of 2. SLA216Y1
satisfying their breadth course requirement. Students 3. Two FCEs from: SLA226H1, SLA346H1, SLA356H1,
may choose any quantitative reasoning course among SLA406H1, SLA436H1, SLA476H1
those specifically designated for this purpose in the
Faculty of Arts and Science. This is in addition to any
Polish Studies (Arts program)
program requirements listed above.
Major program:
Minor program: (7 FCEs or their equivalent, with at least 2 FCEs at the
(4 FCEs or their equivalent, including at least 1 FCE at the 300+ - level, including 0.5 FCE at the 400-level)
300+ -level ) 1. A sequence of two FCEs from one of the following
Any 4 FCEs from the SLA courses indicated in the Major groups, depending on the student’s skill level:
program. a) SLA106Y1, SLA206Y1
b) SLA206Y1, SLA306H1, SLA336H1
Czech and Slovak Studies (Arts program) c) SLA306H1, SLA336H1, SLA346H1,SLA356H1
2. SLA216Y, HIS353Y1
Major program: 3. Three FCEs, with at least one FCE from group B:
(6 FCEs or their equivalent, with at least 2 FCEs at the
Group A: Polish
300+ - level, including 0.5 FCE at the 400-level)
SLA226H1, SLA346H1, SLA356H1, SLA406H1,
1. SLA105Y1, SLA204Y1, SLA305Y1 SLA436H1, SLA476H1
2. Three FCEs from: HIS251Y1, SLA215H1, SLA222H1, Group B: History and General Slavic
SLA225H1, SLA256H1, SLA302H1, SLA380H1, HIS251Y1, HIS433H1, HIS461H1, SLA222H1,
SLA404H1, SLA405H1, SLA424H1, SLA425Y1, SLA254H1, SLA256H1, SLA302H1, SLA318H1,
SLA435H1, SLA445H1, SLA455H1, SLA465H1, SLA380H1
SLA475H1 4. To insure exposure to quantitative skills, all Majors
3. To insure exposure to quantitative skills, all Majors must take 0.5FCE in the new breadth area 5 as part of
must take 0.5FCE in the new breadth area 5 as part of satisfying their breadth course requirement. Students
satisfying their breadth course requirement. Students may choose any quantitative reasoning course among
may choose any quantitative reasoning course among those specifically designated for this purpose in the
those specifically designated for this purpose in the Faculty of Arts and Science. This is in addition to any
Faculty of Arts and Science. This is in addition to any program requirements listed above.
program requirements listed above.
Minor program:
Minor program: (4 FCEs or their equivalent, with at least one FCE at the
(4 FCEs or their equivalent, including at least 1 FCE at the 300+ - level)
300+ - level )
1. A sequence of two of the following language courses,
1. One FCE from: SLA105Y1, SLA204Y1, SLA305Y1 depending on the student's skill level:
2. Three FCEs from: HIS251Y1, SLA215H1, SLA225H1, a. SLA106Y1, SLA206Y1
SLA256H1, SLA305Y1, SLA404H1, SLA405H1, b. SLA206Y1, SLA306H1, SLA336H1
SLA424H1, SLA425Y1, SLA435H1, SLA445H1, c. SLA306H1 or SLA336H1, SLA346H1, SLA356H1
SLA455H1, SLA465H1, SLA475H1 2. SLA216Y1
3. HIS353Y1
Polish Language and Literature (Arts program)
Polish - see also: Linguistics and Languages
Major program:
(6 FCEs or their equivalent. with at least 2 FCEs at the Russian Language and Literature (Arts program)
300+ - level, including 0.5 FCE at the 400-level )
SLA106Y1 Specialist program:
(10 FCEs or their equivalent, with at least 4 FCEs at the
SLA206Y1, SLA216Y1, SLA306H1, SLA336H1
300+-level, including 1 FCE at the 400-level)
SLA346H1, SLA356H1
One FCE from: SLA222H1, SLA226H1, SLA254H1, 1. SLA100Y1
SLA256H1, SLA302H1, SLA318H1, SLA380H1, 2. SLA220Y1, SLA240H1, SLA241H1, SLA320Y1,
SLA406H1, SLA436H1, SLA476H1 SLA339H1, SLA340H1, SLA420Y1
5. To insure exposure to quantitative skills, all Majors 3. The remaining FCEs are to be chosen from:
must take 0.5FCE in the new breadth area 5 as part of SLA222H1, SLA210H1, SLA234H1, SLA242H1,
satisfying their breadth course requirement. Students SLA244H1, SLA250Y1, SLA252H1, SLA255H1,
may choose any quantitative reasoning course among SLA256H1, JSH300H1, SLA302H1, SLA303H1,
those specifically designated for this purpose in the SLA311H1, SLA312H1, SLA314H1, SLA315H1,
Faculty of Arts and Science. This is in addition to any SLA317H1, SLA318H1, SLA321Y1, SLA322H1,
program requirements listed above. SLA330Y1, SLA331H1, SLA332H1, SLA343H1,
SLA344H1, SLA351H1, SLA367H1, SLA370H1,
Minor program: SLA380H1, SLA402H1, SLA403H1, SLA415H1,
(4 FCEs or their equivalent, including at least 1 FCE at the
SLA420Y1, SLA423H1, SLA433H1, SLA440H1,
300+ - level)

Slavic Languages and Literatures
SLA441H1, SLA449H1, SLA450H1, SLA451H1, Ukrainian Language and Literature (Arts
SLA452Y1, SLA460H1, SLA461H1, SLA462H1, program)
SLA463H1, SLA464H1
Consult Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures.
Major program:
(7 FCEs or their equivalent, with at least 2 FCEs at the Specialist program:
300+-level, including 0.5 FCE at the 400-level) (10 FCEs or their equivalent, with at least 4 FCEs at the
1. SLA100Y1 300+-level, including 1 FCE at the 400-level)
2. SLA220Y1, SLA240H1, SLA241H1, SLA320Y1, 1. SLA108Y1
SLA339H1, SLA340H1 2. SLA208Y1, SLA218Y1, SLA308Y1, SLA438H1,
3. The remaining FCEs are to be chosen from: SLA468H1
SLA222H1, SLA210H1, SLA234H1, SLA242H1, 3. Five FCEs from: SLA222H1, SLA228H1, SLA238H1,
SLA244H1, SLA250Y1, SLA252H1, SLA255H1, SLA248H1, SLA253H1, SLA255H1, SLA256H1,
SLA256H1, JSH300H1, SLA302H1, SLA303H1, SLA302H1, SLA318H1, SLA328H1, SLA330Y1,
SLA311H1, SLA312H1, SLA314H1, SLA315H1, SLA338H1, SLA380H1, SLA408H1, SLA418H1,
SLA317H1, SLA318H1, SLA321Y1, SLA322H1, SLA419Y1, SLA428Y1, SLA429H1, SLA448H1,
SLA330Y1, SLA331H1, SLA332H1, SLA343H1, SLA458H1. History and Social Science courses with
SLA344H1, SLA351H1, SLA367H1, SLA370H1, Ukrainian content may also be counted toward this
SLA380H1, SLA402H1, SLA403H1, SLA415H1, program, with prior permission of the Undergraduate
SLA420Y1, SLA423H1, SLA433H1, SLA440H1, Coordinator.
SLA441H1, SLA449H1, SLA450H1, SLA451H1,
SLA452Y1, SLA460H1, SLA461H1, SLA462H1,
Major program:
(6 FCEs or their equivalent, with at least 2 FCEs at the
SLA463H1, SLA464H1
300+-level, including 0.5 FCE at the 400-level)
NOTE: Students with OAC Russian or equivalent will take
the language sequence SLA 220Y1, 320Y1, 420Y1. 1. SLA108Y1
Please Note: To insure exposure to quantitative skills, 2. SLA208Y1, SLA218Y1
all Specialists and Majors must take 0.5FCE in 3. Three FCEs from: SLA222H1, SLA228H1, SLA238H1,
the new breadth area 5 as part of satisfying their SLA248H1, SLA253H1, SLA255H1, SLA256H1,
breadth course requirement. Students may choose SLA302H1, SLA308Y1, SLA318H1, SLA328H1,
any quantitative reasoning course among those SLA338H1, SLA380H1, SLA408H1, SLA418H1,
specifically designated for this purpose in the Faculty SLA419Y1, SLA428Y1, SLA429H1, SLA438H1,
of Arts and Science. This is in addition to any program SLA448H1, SLA458H1, SLA468H1. History and
requirements listed above. Social Science courses with Ukrainian content may
be taken toward the program, in consultation with the
Minor program: Undergraduate Coordinator.
(4 FCEs or their equivalent, including at least 1FCE at the
Please note: To insure exposure to quantitative skills,
all Specialists and Majors must take 0.5FCE in
2 FCEs in Russian language and 2 FCEs in Russian the new breadth area 5 as part of satisfying their
literature, chosen in consultation with the breadth course requirement. Students may choose
Undergraduate Coordinator. any quantitative reasoning course among those
specifically designated for this purpose in the Faculty
Russian Language (Arts program):
of Arts and Science. This is in addition to any program
requirements listed above.
Minor program
(4 FCEs or their equivalent, including at least 1 FCE at the Minor program:
300+-level) (4 FCEs or their equivalent, at least 1FCE at the 300+-
Four FCEs from: SLA100Y1, SLA210H1, SLA220Y1, level)
SLA255H1, SLA320Y1, SLA321H1, SLA322H1, 1. SLA218Y1
SLA330Y1, SLA380H1, SLA420Y1, SLA452Y1 2. Three FCEs in Ukrainian language, literature or
culture. One FCE in Ukrainian history may be
Russian - see also: Linguistics and Languages
taken toward the program, in consultation with the
Undergraduate Coordinator.
Russian Literature in Translation (Arts program)
Ukrainian - See also Linguistics and Languages
Minor program:
(Four FCEs or their equivalent) Faculty of Arts & Science Language Citation
1. SLA240H1, SLA241H1, SLA339H1, SLA340H1
The Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
2. Two additional FCEs in Russian literature and/or
participates in the Faculty of Arts and Science’s Language
Citation initiative. Students may achieve this Citation
in Bosnian, Croatian, Czech, Polish, Russian, Serbian,
and Ukrainian. Students interested in completing the
Language Citation in languages taught in the Slavic
Department but not listed here should consult the

Slavic Languages and Literatures
Undergraduate Coordinator of the Department of Slavic Interdisciplinary Courses
Languages and Literatures.
First Year Seminars
Language study is a demanding and intellectually The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
rewarding educational experience. Our students learn to the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
communicate both orally and in writing in other languages of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
and are thus able to experience other parts of the world seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
in more intimate ways. Their access to other cultures and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
opens doors for further study and employment. Students professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
in our department also have the opportunity to read a vast year of study. For details, see page 48.
array of world-renowned authors in the original languages, SLA202H1 Jewish Communities in Slavic Countries
as well as works – normally not available in English – [24L]
in other areas of study, for example, cinema studies, Literature about the Jewish community in Slavic countries.
drama, folklore, history, intellectual history, philosophy, How do these Jewish minorities perceive and identify
mathematics, and political science. themselves? How are they perceived by others?
The Language Citation recognizes a significant level of DR=HUM; BR=3
achievement in language study. For course selection SLA222H1 Roma (Gypsies) and Slavs [24S]
students should consult the Undergraduate Coordinator Both in popular culture and the headlines, Roma (Gypsies)
as early as possible since not every language course is are often depicted as either romantic or negative. Roma
offered each year. Students who begin language study at and Slavs have interacted for centuries and this course
the Intermediate level should consult the Undergraduate examines the history of that interaction with particular
Coordinator for approval of advanced literature and emphasis on linguistic and educational rights.
culture courses that may satisfy the requirements for the DR=HUM; BR=3
Language Citation.
SLA251H1 Origins of Slavic Civilization [24L]
The Language Citation in Bosnian, Croatian, or Serbian Surveys the history, archaeology, anthropology, religions,
is available to students who complete either SLA307Y1 literature, architecture, and art of the Slavs from their pre-
or SLA316Y1 plus an additional FCE, approved by the historic origin to the Baroque era. Examines the rise of the
department, in South Slavic literature or culture with medieval Slavic nations, states, churches, and cultures;
readings and discussion in the target language with a Scythian, Greco-Roman, Byzantine, Western European,
grade of at least B-. and Oriental influences. Lectures are richly illustrated with
The Language Citation in Czech is available to students DR=HUM; BR=3
who complete SLA204Y1 and 305Y1 with a grade of at
least B-. SLA253H1 East Slavic Civilizations to the 18th
Century [24L]
The Language Citation in Polish is available to students A survey of East Slavic civilizations through art,
who complete SLA206Y1, SLA306H1 and SLA336H1 with architecture, literature and religion. Includes the Scythians,
a grade of at least B-. whose battle skills and gold fascinated the ancient world;
Kyivan Rus’ and its princes, monks and martyrs; the
The Language Citation in Russian is available to students rise of the Cossacks; and Peter the Great, founder of
who complete, with a grade of at least B- , two FCEs: the Russian Empire and St. Petersburg. Lectures, with
SLA220Y1, SLA320Y1, or SLA420Y1. emphasis on visual presentation. Readings in English.
The Language Citation in Ukrainian is available to DR=HUM; BR=3
students who complete SLA308Y1 SLA254H1 Stone Books to Sky Books: Book as
Institution, Commerce and Art in the
Students should note that, as explained on the page 20 of
Slavic Tradition [12L, 12S]
this Calendar, the Language Citation is not equivalent to
Evolution of book and written/printed media in the
an academic program and that enrolment in a program is
Slavic world: legends (and forgeries) of ancient letters,
not necessary in order to earn the recognition bestowed
mediaeval illuminated manuscripts, baroque visual poetry,
by the Citation.
pocket books for enlightened ladies and peasant comic
strips, futurist painting and writing on faces, hand-written
Slavic Languages and Literatures and painted books of the modernist artists and poets.
Courses Readings in English.
See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
SLA255H1 Slavic Languages: Unity and Diversity
(Croatian; Czech & Slovak; Macedonian; Polish; Russian;
Serbian; Slavic Linguistics; Ukrainian)
The course introduces the student to the exploration of
linguistic relations among Slavic languages and dialects,
Note as well as to language contacts between Slavic and its
The Department reserves the right to place students in the
neighbors. Language is viewed in connection with history,
language course best suited to their linguistic preparation
geography, mythology and religion, family and social
structure, literature, and alphabets.

Slavic Languages and Literatures
Prerequisite: First-year course of any Slavic language SLA398H0 Independent Experiential Study Project
(cf. SLA 100Y, 105Y, 106Y, 107Y, 108Y, 109Y) or SLA399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project
knowledge of a Slavic language An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus
DR=HUM; BR=2 setting. See page 48 for details.
SLA256H1 Firebirds and Other Wonders: The World DR=HUM; BR=TBA
of Slavic Folklore [24S] SLA424H1 Theatre and Cinema in Extremis [24L,
An introduction to the comparative study of folk narratives 24P]
– myths, legends, epics, fairy-tales from Central and A study of the effects on aesthetic form of the totalitarian
Eastern Europe to the Balkans. Topics include the experience in Russia, Poland and Czechoslovakia. The
structural and psychological analysis and interpretation of Russian, Polish, and Czech avant-garde, poised between
oral folk traditions; the cultural specificity of Slavic folklore; the bankruptcy of traditional aesthetics and the search for
its adaptation and treatment in literature, music, and visual new forms in the post-revolutionary/post-Holocaust world.
arts. Co-taught course. Readings in English. (Offered every
DR=HUM; BR=1 three years)
SLA299Y1 Research Opportunity Program Exclusion: SLA424Y1
Credit course for supervised participation in faculty Recommended preparation: Prior completion of a course
research project. See page 48 for details. in drama or cinema
SLA302H1 The Imaginary Jew [36S] SLA 453H1 Women in East European Fiction [24S]
The course examines the genesis and evolution of the In East European literary texts of the post 1990 era, this
image of the Jew, central to all European cultures, from course examines connections and disconnections between
the theology and psychology of Christian anti-Judaism to gender and social change, and women`s resistant and
their reflection in folklore, visual, plastic, and verbal arts, compliant discourses on war, nationalism, reproduction,
and to the survival of the imaginary Jew in secular forms. the fictional representation of rape as a war crime, and
Special attention is given to the Jews of Slavic and East women writers` responses to postcommunist eroticism and
European imagination. All readings are in English. feminisms. All readings in English.
SLA303H1 Literary Imagination and Jewish Identity SLA476H1 Twentieth Century Theatre and
in Modern Europe [24S] Performance: Modernism, Avant-Garde,
An exploration of Central- and East European authors Postmodernism [36S]
writing in different languages but united by Jewish Theoretical thought and theatre practice of these directors
ancestry. We examine the responses of artists and are placed within a context of theatre reforms in the
intellectual of Jewish extraction (Sholem Aleichem, Babel’, 20th century, from naturalism and symbolism, through
Bialik, Heine, Kafka, Mandel’shtam, Sforim, Zhabotinskii, retheatricalization of theatre, to a ritualistic and mythic holy
etc.) to cultural secularization and modernity. Taught in theatre. Readings in English.
English. Readings in English. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
Recommended preparation: SLA302H1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=HUM; BR=TBA SLA477H1 Performance: Theory and Practice [24S]
SLA380H1 Language, Politics and Identity [24S] This course begins with selected theoretical approaches
Examines the multi-faceted nature of languages by to performance. It then focuses on the examples of major
comparing issues of language contact and conflict in the European artists and performances of the 20th and
Former Soviet Union and in Central and Southeastern 21st centuries and their impact on our understanding of
Europe. Explores issues such as language standards, contemporary staging practices. Eventually, these theories
language rights, language conflict, and linguistic identity. and practices are used for different forms of analysis of
Recommended preparation: Knowledge of at least one the selected performances, including live productions in
Slavic language is recommended. Toronto theatres.
SLA395Y1 Readings in Slavic Literature [48S] SLA498Y1 Independent Studies
This course examines a special topic in Slavic Literature. A scholarly project on an approved literary or linguistics
The topic varies from year to year. Consult the department topic supervised by one of the Department’s instructors.
for more details. Prerequisite: Permission of the Department
SLA396H1 Readings in Slavic Studies [24S] SLA499H1 Independent Studies
This course examines a special topic in Slavic Studies. A scholarly project on an approved literary or linguistics
The topic varies from year to year. Consult the department topic supervised by one of the Departments instructors.
for more details. Prerequisite: Permission of the Department

Slavic Languages and Literatures
Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian Courses SLA347H1 South Slavic Folklore [24S]
Historical and stylistic study of the customs, oral lore
SLA107Y1 Elementary Bosnian, Croatian, and
and traditions among pagan, Roman Catholic, Eastern
Serbian [96P]
Orthodox and Moslem Slavs. The role of folklore in the
Basic phonology, orthography, morphology and syntax of
ethnogenesis of national culture. Readings in the original
Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian. Development of the four
and English.
basic language skills – reading, writing, listening, and
speaking. Acquisition of essential vocabulary for practical
conversation and for comprehension. SLA357H1 Yugoslavia’s Literary Émigrés and Exiles
Exclusion: SLA207Y1, SLA237Y1 [24S]
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor This course explores the experience and definition of
DR=HUM; BR=1 exile in the works of South Slavic authors; from Miloš
Crnjanski’s depiction of London to Danilo Kiš’s Parisian
SLA217H1 Cultural History of the South Slavs [24L]
affair, and Dubravka Ugrešić’s weary travels in Berlin. We
A survey of the two millennia of Serbian and Croatian
examine a variety of literary genres in light of exilic studies
culture in literature, science, philosophy, and the fine
theory. Taught in English. Readings in English.
arts. Topics include: the legacy of the Byzantine and
Roman Empires; medieval Serbian and Croatian states;
Renaissance, Baroque, and Reformation; national SLA407H1 Modern Croatian Bards [24S]
movements; Romanticism, Realism, and Modernism. Verse since 1900 by the major poets of the nation. Focus
Taught in English. Readings in English. on the Croatian Moderna, Expessionism and other Avant-
Exclusion: SLA217Y1, SLA227Y1 Garde movements. Readings in Croatian and English.
SLA247H1 Postwar Yugoslav Cinema: 1945-1990 SLA417H1 Modern Serbian Bards [24S]
[12L, 24P] Verse since 1900 by the major poets of the nation. Focus
An overview of the Yugoslav cinematic tradition from the on the Serbian Moderna, Expessionism and other Avant-
1950s to the late 1980s. Topics include Yugoslav film- Garde movements. Readings in Serbian and English.
making in the context the European New Wave; cinema DR=HUM; BR=TBA
d’auteur (Makavejev, Pavlović, Kusturica); art and politics
in a communist state; the struggle of experimentalism and
traditionalism. Taught in English. All films with subtitles. Czech and Slovak Courses
Exclusion: SLA427H1
SLA105Y1 Elementary Czech [96P]
Grammar, composition, and conversation. Readings from
SLA307Y1 Advanced Serbian [96P] Czech literature. Open only to students with little or no
Systematic study of orthography and syntax. Advanced knowledge of the language.
composition and oral practice. Reading and translation DR=HUM; BR=1
of more complex texts from Serbian writers. (Offered in
SLA204Y1 Intermediate Czech (formerly SLA205H1)
alternate years)
Prerequisite: SLA207Y1 or equivalent knowledge of the
Using selected texts of diverse styles, this class surveys
Czech grammar and introduces various aspects of syntax,
composition and translation. Special attention will be paid
SLA316Y1 Advanced Croatian [96P] to oral practice.
Systematic study of orthography and syntax. Advanced Exclusion: SLA205H1
composition and oral practice. Reading and translation DR=HUM; BR=1
of more complex texts from Croatian writers. (Offered in
SLA215H1 Czech and Slovak Cultures (formerly
alternate years)
SLA215Y1) [24L]
Prerequisite: SLA237Y1 or equivalent knowledge of the
Some of the most important features of Czech and Slovak
cultural history are introduced in a survey of the national
myths, traditions and cultural trends. (Offered every three
SLA327H1 The Balkan Short Story [24S] years)
Studies of short stories written since 1950. Focus on Exclusion: SLA215Y1
innovative writers and current trends. Readings in the DR=HUM; BR=3
original and English.
SLA225H1 The Czech and Slovak Cinema [24S, 12P]
From the “New Wave” of the 60s to the present. The
SLA337H1 Political Drama from Dubrovnik to the films of major directors - Forman, Menzel, Chytilová -
Danube [24S] and of talented newcomers. Screening of films censored
Classic plays from the Renaissance to the present studied and prohibited over the last 25 years. English subtitles.
in reference to the contemporary national, ethnic and (Offered every three years)
ideological background of south-eastern and central DR=HUM; BR=1

Slavic Languages and Literatures
SLA305H1 Advanced Czech [104S] SLA465H1 Czech Short Story [36S]
Morphology, syntax, composition and translation, oral Introduces the problematics of public places and private
practice. Contemporary Czech texts representing diverse spaces through various works of Czech writers from the
styles. 19th and 20th centuries. A variety of texts by modern
Prerequisite: SLA205Y1 Czech authors are explored through the prism of
DR=HUM; BR=TBA contemporary narrative theory. Special attention is paid to
questions of differences in styles and epochs.
SLA404H1 From The National Revival to Modernism:
Czech Literature of the 19th Century [24S]
Beginning with the forged manuscripts of the early 19th SLA475H1 Modern Czech Drama [36S]
century this course examines Czech Romanticism, Introduces students to the most important plays of
Realism and Symbolism within the context of European contemporary Czech authors. (This is graduate/
culture. Readings include works by Macha, Nimcova, undergraduate course)
Neruda, Zeyer, Havlieek Borovsky. (Offered every three DR=HUM; BR=TBA
years). Readings in Czech and Slovak. SLA485H1 Laughter and Forgetting in Milan Kundera
Prerequisite: SLA305Y1 or permission of the instructor [24S]
Exclusion: SLA405Y1 Laughter and forgetting is a recurrent theme in both
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Kundera’s fictional and essayistic work. This class will
SLA405Y1 On the Waves of the Avant-garde and examine the variations of this topic in Kunders’s work
Beyond: Czech Literature of the 20th and discuss the prosaic, dramatic and essayistic texts
Century (formerly SLA405H1) [48S] of his Czech period and attempt to place Kundera within
The experiments of the 1920s serve as a point of the European context of the ‘art of fiction’. All readings in
departure for studies in Czech culture from the early English.
20th century to the present artistic innovations. Readings DR=HUM; BR=TBA
include works by Jaroslav Seifert, Karel Teige, Karel
apek, F. Langer, V. Nezval, M. Kundera, V. Linhartová and
others. (Offered every three years). Readings in Czech.
Prerequisite: SLA305Y1 or permission of the instructor Macedonian Courses
Exclusion: SLA405H1
SLA109Y1 Elementary Macedonian [72P]
The basic features of the grammar of the Macedonian
SLA425Y1 History of the Czech Literary Language literary language. Acquisition of essential vocabulary
[48S] for practical conversation and for comprehension.
A study of original and translated works to trace the Development of reading and writing skills. Open only
formation and development of the Czech literary language to students with little or no knowledge of the literary
and to train students to differentiate literary styles, genres, language. (Offered in alternate years)
and epochs. Readings include chronicles, sermons, travel DR=HUM; BR=1
accounts, dialogues and significant literary texts. (Offered
SLA209Y1 Intermediate Macedonian [72P]
every three years)
Systematic study of morphology. Reading and translation
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
of more complex texts; more advanced composition; oral
practice. (Offered in alternate years)
SLA435H1 Readings in Czech and Slovak [48P] Prerequisite: SLA109Y1
Advanced students are presented with a variety of texts - DR=HUM; BR=1
literary, journalistic, scientific - tailored to their needs and
interests. (Offered every three years)
Exclusion: SLA435Y1 Polish Courses
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
DR=HUM; BR=TBA SLA106Y1 Elementary Polish [24L, 72P]
Basic vocabulary, essential morphology, simple sentence
SLA445H1 Magic Prague [36S] patterns. Regular language laboratory sessions. Reading
This class explores Prague as a meeting point of of contemporary texts. Open only to students with little or
different cultures. Questions of centre and margin of no knowledge of the language.
multiculturalism and nationalism are discussed, based on DR=HUM; BR=1
texts by Jan Neruda, F. Kafka, M. Cvetaeva and others.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA SLA206Y1 Intermediate Polish [24L, 72P]
Intensive study of morphology; translation into Polish.
SLA455H1 Czech Style and Syntax [36S] Literary texts; oral practice.
Based on the theories of the Prague linguistic Circle Prerequisite: Grade 13 Polish/SLA106Y1
this class explores selected concepts of Czech stylistics DR=HUM; BR=1
and syntax. Examples include a variety of literary styles,
genres, and epochs. This is a Literature course that SLA216Y1 The Dynamics of Polish Literature and
requires an advanced knowledge of Czech. Culture: A Survey [48L]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Major cultural traditions, historical processes, myths, and
figures that have shaped and redefined Polish civilization
and national identity are problematized and contextualized

Slavic Languages and Literatures
with the help of works of literature, history, philosophy, SLA436H1 Rebels, Scoffers, and Jesters: Polish
political science, music, visual and performing arts. Culture from Different Perspectives [24S]
Readings in English (also available in Polish). (Offered in An advanced course on artistic, political, aesthetic,
alternate years) philosophical, and ideological dissenters who questioned,
DR=HUM; BR=1+3 undermined, and redefined the main traditions in Polish
culture from the 18th to the 21st centuries.Readings in
SLA226H1 Postwar Polish Cinema [24L, 24P]
English (Polish for majors).
The “Polish School” in cinema, its predecessors and
Prerequisite: SLA216Y1
successors, their artistic accomplishments, major
Recommended Preparation: SLA336H1
theoretical and thematic concerns, and their place on the
map of European cinema. Films of Ford, Wajda, Polanski,
Konwicki, Borowczyk, Has, Kawalerowicz, Zanussi,
Kieslowski, and of the new generation of Polish film
makers. Films and discussions in English. (Offered every Russian Courses
three years) SLA100Y1 Elementary Russian [120P]
DR=HUM; BR=1 The basic features of the grammar. Acquisition of
SLA306H1 Advanced Polish I [48P] essential vocabulary for practical conversation and for
Syntax, word formation, and stylistics. Compositions and comprehension. Development of reading and writing skills.
precis. Critical evaluation of literary works and articles (May not be taken by students who, in the judgement
in Polish. Extensive reading and translation. (Offered in of the Department, qualify for entry into SLA210H1 or
alternate years) SLA220Y1).
Prerequisite: SLA206Y1 Exclusion: native speakers of Russian

SLA336H1 Advanced Polish II[48P] SLA210H1 Russian for Heritage Speakers (formerly
Continuation of 306H1. A variety of cultural materials are SLA110H1) [48P]
used to advance skills in composition, translation, and This course is designed for students with Russian
conversation. Reading and discussion of literary and non- background – students who are raised at home where
literary texts. Russian is/was spoken, who speak or merely understand
Prerequisite: SLA306H1 or permission of instructor basic Russian but are otherwise illiterate in Russian
DR=HUM; BR=TBA (cannot/have difficulty reading or writing). This course
helps heritage learners of Russian develop/maintain
SLA346H1 From Eastern Europe to European Union: writing and reading skills as well as develop cultural
Polish Postwar Culture [24S] literacy.
Probes the paradoxes of politics, culture and everyday life Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
by analyzing the complex coexistence of art and literature Exclusion: SLA110H1
with changing cultural politics in a totalitarian and post- DR=HUM; BR=1
totalitarian system, with simplistic ideology and political
dissent, and with prevailing myths about the West and the SLA211H0 Russian in Action [48P]
East. Readings in English (Polish for majors). Emphasis on expansion of vocabulary, developing
Recommended Preparation: SLA216Y1 conversational and listening skills, and intensive practice
DR=HUM; BR=TBA in real-life situations. Offered as part of Summer Program
in Moscow.
SLA356H1 What’s New? Polish Culture Today [24S] Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of Russian (novice or
The amazing cultural transformations of Poland in the intermediate levels)
last fifteen years within a changing Europe. The impact of DR=HUM; BR=1
these changes on Poland’s social consciousness and the
perception of identity, history, and nationhood. The most SLA220Y1 Intermediate Russian [120P]
recent literature, fine arts, music, and popular culture. Continuation of morphology. Word formation, composition,
Readings in English (Polish for majors). and translation. Intensive reading of classical and
Recommended Preparation: SLA216Y1 contemporary literary texts. Oral practice. Not intended for
DR=HUM; BR=TBA native speakers.
Prerequisite: SLA100Y1
SLA406H1 The Curtain Never Falls: Polish Drama Exclusion: native speakers of Russian
and Theatre in Context (formerly DR=HUM; BR=1
SLA406Y1) [24S]
Study of drama as a literary and theatrical genre in its SLA231H0 Special Topics in Russian Studies [TBA]
thematic and formal diversity in Polish literature from the Usually offered during the summer through the
16th to the 20th century is combined with investigations Woodsworth Summer Abroad program. Content varies
of the role of the theatre as cultural institution in different from year to year based on instructor.
periods of Polish history. Readings in English (in Polish DR=HUM; BR=None (This course has no status for
for students in the major program). (Offered every three breadth requirement purposes)
years) SLA234H1 Russian and Soviet Cinema [12L, 24P]
Exclusion: SLA406Y1 A survey of the Russian cinematic tradition from its
DR=HUM; BR=TBA beginnings through the first decade following the

Slavic Languages and Literatures
disintegration of the USSR. The course examines Stories in translation by Pushkin, Gogol, Turgenev,
the avant-garde cinema and film theory of the 1920s; Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Olesha, Babel, and others.
the totalitarian esthetics of the 1920s–1940s and the DR=HUM; BR=1
ideological uses of film art; the revolution in film theory JSH300H1 Narrative and History in Russia [24L]
and practice in the 1950s–1960s; cinema as medium of History and literature were always interconnected in
cultural dissent and as witness to social change. Students Russia. Writers not only sought to reflect the society
also acquire basic skills of film analysis. Taught in English, around them, but were themselves often social critics
all films subtitled in English. and political figures. The course examines key texts in
DR=HUM; BR=1 the Russian literary tradition both as works of art and as
SLA240H1 New Forms For New Ideas, 1820-1860 primary sources for the historian.
[24L, 12T] Recommended preparation: HIS250Y1 or
A novel in verse (Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin), a novel SLA240H1/241H1
stitched from stories (Lermontov’s Hero of Our Times); a DR=HUM; BR=TBA
mock epic (Gogol’s Dead Souls), and others. Struggling SLA311H1 Gogol [24S]
with social change and new ideas, Russian authors create Fantastic and grotesque works by the most hilarious,
unique works of fiction. Readings in English and, for obsessive, and delusional character in Russian literature,
majors, in the original. Offered alternate years. who teased, fascinated, and polarized readers. Gogol’s
DR=HUM; BR=1 writings are examined with various theoretical approaches.
SLA241H1 New Forms For New Ideas, 1860-1900 Includes cinematic (Taras Bulba, Viy, Overcoat)
[24L, 12P] and musical (Rimsky-Korsakov’s “Christmas Eve,”
Fathers and Children (Turgenev), Crime and Punishment Shostakovich’s “Nose”) re-creations of Gogol’s works. All
(Dostoevsky), The Cossacks (Tolstoy), Lady With A Dog readings in English.
(Chekhov): why do these great Russian works and others DR=HUM; BR=TBA
still have the power to fascinate and change us? Readings SLA312H1 Nabokov [24S]
in English and, for majors, in the original. Offered alternate A study of Vladimir Nabokov’s novels written in Europe
years. and the United States. Special attention is paid to the
Exclusion: SLA240Y1 nature and evolution of Nabokov’s aesthetics; the place
Recommended Preparation: SLA240H1 of his novels in European and American literary traditions;
DR=HUM; BR=1 Nabokov’s creative uses of exile to artistic, philosophical
SLA242H1 The Novel and the Family in the and ideological ends; the aesthetic and cultural
Nineteenth Century [24S] implications of the writer’s switch from Russian to English.
The course examines the development of the Novels studied: Defense, Despair, The Gift, The Real Life
nineteenth-century European novel in terms of changing of Sebastian Knight, Lolita, Pnin, Pale Fire. The course is
representations of the family, with the Russian literary taught in English. All readings are in English.
tradition as a case study. Topics include the aristocratic DR=HUM; BR=TBA
family, illegitimacy, adultery, social and political conflict, SLA314H1 Dostoevsky [12L, 12T]
and the family as locus of inherited madness, degeneracy, Crime and Punishment, The Brothers Karamazov, and
and criminality. short works. Dostoevsky’s political, psychological, and
DR=HUM; BR=3 religious ideas as they shape and are shaped by his
SLA244H1 Studies in Film Genre: Russian and literary art. Readings in English.
Soviet Approaches [24S, 12P] DR=HUM; BR=TBA
An examination of the understanding and practice of film SLA315H1 The Russian Novel: Case Studies [24S]
genre in Russian and Soviet cinema. Various genres One major Russian novel: its genesis, structure, artistic
and generic hybrids – comedy, melodrama, action, war, devices, and philosophical significance. Various critical
horror, fantasy, etc. – are studied in the context of critical approaches; cognate literary works. Students are expected
literature on the problem of film genre and against the to have read the novel before the course begins. Consult
backdrop of international cinematic traditions. the Department for title of novel. Readings in English.
Recommended preparation: SLA234H1 (Offered in alternate years)
SLA250Y1 Russian Cultural Heritage [48L] SLA317H1 Tolstoy [24S]
A chronological multimedia survey of Russian culture War and Peace or Anna Karenina, and some shorter
from pre-Christian to post-Soviet times, emphasizing the works. Tolstoy’s political, psychological, and religious ideas
clash between established authority and dissent, and as they shape and are shaped by his literary art. Readings
tracing the conservative and radical currents in Russian in English.
literature and the arts, social thought and spirituality. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Readings in English of classic poems, stories and novels,
supplemented by videos and slides. SLA320Y1 Advanced Russian [120S]
DR=HUM; BR=1+3 Syntax of the simple and compound sentence. Participles
and gerunds. Problems in grammar and word formation.
SLA252H1 Russian Short Fiction [24S] Composition, translation and conversation. Reading and
An exploration of the elements of the short story through discussion of literary and non-literary texts.
close readings of works by 19th and 20th century writers. Prerequisite: SLA220Y1 or permission of instructor

Slavic Languages and Literatures

Exclusion: native speakers of Russian Kharms, V. Nabokov); the esthetics of Socialist Realism;
DR=HUM; BR=TBA the prose of poets (M. Tsvetaeva, B. Pasternak, O.
Mandel’shtam, Vl. Khodasevich); underground and émigré
SLA321Y1 Conversational Russian [72S]
memoirs (N. Mandel’shtam, E. Ginzburg, N. Berberova);
Expansion of vocabulary and development of conversational
genre crossovers: documentary novels, fictional criticism
skills. Discussion of a variety of topics (history, culture, art,
(V. Grossman, Abram Terts, L. Tsypkin). Taught in English.
politics, law, social and economic problems, contemporary
All readings are in English. No prior knowledge of Russian
events). Class is taught in round-table format.
language or culture is required.
Exclusion: Native speakers of Russian
Prerequisite: SLA220Y1and permission of instructor
DR=HUM; BR=TBA SLA343H1 Post-Stalinist and Contemporary Russian
Literature [12L, 12S]
SLA322H1 News from Russia [24S]
A study of major books and writers of the last forty years
Language, life and the media in contemporary Russia.
(novels, short stories, verse) which are involved in the
The course will be based on reading Russian newspapers,
post-Stalin artistic and cultural liberation, the rediscovery
listening to Russian media, and discussing contemporary
of Russian literature’s links with its own vital tradition, and
events in Russia.
development of a Russian brand of modern and ‘post-
Exclusion: Heritage and native speakers of Russian
modern’ writing. (Readings in English)
Prerequisite: SLA220Y1
SLA344H1 The Gulag in Literature [12L, 12S]
SLA331H1 Experiments and Revolutions in Art and
The experience of prison as reflected by Russian writers. The
Literature of the Late Russian Empire—Early
rise and persistence of the prison camp system; physical and
Soviet Union [24S]
spiritual survival; the literary value of the prison experience.
Painting and literature from 1890–1930s. New revolutionary
Works (in translation) by Dostoevsky, Solzhenitsyn,
paths for the advancement of man and society through art.
Shalamov, Ginzburg and others.
Symbolism, neoprimitivism, futurism, suprematism, and
constructivism. Kandinsky, Bely, Zamyatin, Goncharova,
Malevich, Tatlin, Filonov, and many others. All readings in SLA351H1 Language Practice [TBA]
English. A practical course in Russian phonetics. Development of
DR=HUM; BR=TBA pronunciation skills. For students of all levels excluding
native and heritage speakers.
SLA332H1 Literature and Music in Russia [12L, 12S]
This course, on the interaction between artistic genres,
introduces a series of Russian and other literary works of the SLA367H1 Chekhov [24S]
19–20th C that have inspired Russian musical masterpieces Selected stories, plays; stylistic, structural, and thematic
in the operatic, song, and symphonic repertoire. Texts are analysis, literary and historical context, influence in Russia
studied in translation. Basic Russian and musical literacy and the West. Readings in English and, for Specialists in
useful, but not obligatory. Russian, in the original. (Offered in alternate years)
SLA339H1 The Twilight of an Empire: Russian Art and SLA370H1 Russian Romantic Poetry [36S]
Thought in the European Fin de Siècle [12L, An introduction to Russian Romanticism through the major
24T] works of one or more poets (chosen variously from Pushkin,
The course explores Russia’s artistic and intellectual Lermontov, Tyutchev, Baratynsky, et al.). Close readings
responses to social and cultural upheaval in the two decades of lyric and narrative verse. The rudiments of Russian
preceding WWI. Students engage in a comparative study of versification. Relations with Western European poets. All
modernist art and thought in Russia and Western Europe. texts read in Russian.
Topics may include Symbolism and Decadence in literature Co-requisite: SLA320Y1
(Sologub, Belyi, Huysmans, Wilde, etc.); the fin de siècle DR=HUM; BR=TBA
sensibility in Russian and West European thought (Solòv’ev, SLA400H1 Mediaeval Russia Writes [24L/S]
Rozanov, Nordau, Weininger); visual and plastic arts (Art Explores the development of the types of writing (e.g.
Nouveau, Secession, World of Art), music, and film. Taught chronicles, vitae, epics, tales, poetry) used to capture the
in English. All readings are in English. No prior knowledge of cultural, political, religious, and aesthetic experiences of
Russian language or culture is required. Mediaeval Rus’ from the 11th to 17th century. Readings in
DR=HUM; BR=TBA English. Where appropriate, majors will read some excerpts
SLA340H1 Narrative Revolution and Counterrevolution in the original.
in 20th-Century Russian Prose [12L, 24T] Recommended Preparation: Some reading knowledge of
The course examines experimental approaches to story- Russian desirable but not required
telling and genre limitations in Russian prose, as well as DR=HUM; BR=TBA
conservative reactions to these experiments, from 1917 SLA402H1 Advanced Russian Language Skills I [36S]
to the end of the USSR. Topics may include: formalism, A series of translation exercises from English to Russian
expressionism, stylization, and avant-garde in the 1920s (and some from Russian to English) designed to expand
(I. Babel’, M. Zoshchenko, Iu. Olesha, A. Remizov, D.

Slavic Languages and Literatures
students’ ability to respond to and translate a variety of SLA441H1 Modern Russian Poetry [24S]
advanced prose texts in different styles and registers. This course follows on from SLA440H, although the latter
Prerequisite: SLA320Y1 or permission of the instructor is not a prerequisite for enrolment. A chronological survey
DR=HUM; BR=TBA begins with Symbolist verse; special attention is devoted
to Blok, Akhmatova, Mandelstam, Pasternak, Mayakovsky;
SLA403H1 Advanced Russian Language Skills II [36S]
other modernists studied include Tsvetaeva, Esenin,
This course follows on from SLA 402, which is, however, not
Zabolotsky; study of the post-Stalin revival begins with
a prerequisite for enrolment. The course provides complex
Voznesensky and Evtushenko, concluding with Iosif Brodsky.
and stylistically varied exercises in translation from Russian
Readings in Russian.
into English and vice versa, and should be of equal benefit to
Prerequisite: SLA320Y1 or 340H1
those with native Russian and native English.
Prerequisite: SLA320Y1 or permission of the instructor
DR=HUM; BR=TBA SLA442H1 Russian Symbolism [24L]
Course provides a general introduction to Russian Decadent/
SLA415H1 Studies in Russian Literature of the 18th
Symbolist culture. Attention concentrates on belletristic prose,
Century [36S]
verse, and theatre of major Symbolists, as well as attendant
The prose, poetry and dramaturgy of the most prominent
theoretical and critical writings. Comparisons are made with
literary figures of the eighteenth century, including Karamzin,
similar trends in Western European literature, and links are
Lomonosov, Fonvizin, Derzhavin and Krylov; aspects of
established with similar phenomena in art, music, philosophy.
literature during the reign of Peter I; literature and satirical
Prerequisite: 300 level competence in Russian, or permission
journalism during the reign of Catherine II. (Taught in
of course instructor
Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
DR=HUM; BR=TBA SLA449H1 Russian Thinkers [36S]
Social and political change, and national and spiritual
SLA420Y1 Studies in Russian Syntax and Stylistics
destiny in the philosophical, journalistic and critical writings
of nineteenth century Russia. From Slavophiles and
Syntactic structures and their relation to meaning and
Westernizers to anarchists, nihilists and revolutionary
style, word order, intonation. Consolidation of morphology,
populists. Readings in English and, for Russian majors, in
vocabulary building through extensive reading. Translation,
the original. Offered in alternate years.
composition, and oral practice.
Prerequisite: SLA320Y1 or permission of instructor
Exclusion: native speakers of Russian SLA451H1 Russian Acmeist Poetry [24S]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA This course examines the Acmeist phenomenon, studying
writings by Kuzmin, Gorodetsky, Narbut, Nadezhda
SLA423H1 War and Peace (formerly SLA323H1) [36S]
Mandelstam and others, making a special study of
War and Peace in depth, and from various points of view,
Akhmatova, Mandelstam, Gumilev. Other topics include:
literary, political, philosophical, historical, and psychological.
critical reception of Acmeist writings, Acmeist posts’
Various critical approaches; cognate literary works. Students
interaction with other contemporary writers, ideological and
are expected to have read the novel before the course
cultural aspects of the movement. All readings in Russian.
begins. Readings in English.
Exclusion: SLA323H1
Recommended Preparation: SLA 317H1 SLA450H1 Pushkin and His Age [24P]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Lyric poetry, poems, selected prose and Evgeny Onegin.
Pushkin and the idea of a writer in the Russia of his time; his
SLA433H1 Anna Karenina (formerly SLA324H1) [36S]
image as a national poet. Readings in Russian.
Anna Karenina in depth, and from various points of view,
literary, political, philosophical, historical, and psychological. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.
Various critical approaches; cognate literary works. Students
are expected to have read the novel before the course SLA460H1 Contemporary Russian Literature [24L]
begins. Readings in English. Major writers and literary groupings of the past decade; the
Exclusion: SLA324H1 literary process in post-Soviet Russia. (Taught in Russian)
Recommended Preparation: SLA 317H1 Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
SLA440H1 Introduction to Russian 19th Century Poetry SLA461H1 Literary Scandals in 20th Century Russia
(formerly SLA440Y1) [24S] [24L]
Starting with pre-Pushkinian Classicism this course An examination of twentieth-century literature through
surveys the development of Russian lyric verse (with some exploration of major literary scandals, including Blok/Bely,
excursions also into narrative verse); major topics studied Mayakovsky, Voloshin, Zoshchenko/Akhmatova, the Nobel
include: Pushkin, Russian Byronism, the Pushkin Pleïade, and Booker Prizes; how these illustrate tensions within
Nekrasov’s civic verse; philosophical verse by Tyutchev; literature and reveal the literary process. (Taught in Russian)
Impressionist and Decadent poets. Readings in Russian. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
Prerequisite: SLA320Y1/340H1Exclusion: SLA440Y1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA

Slavic Languages and Literatures
SLA462H1 Russian Comic Fiction: Chekhov, SLA228H1 20th Century Ukrainian Fiction in Translation
Zoshchenko, Dovlatov [24S] [12L, 12S]
The characteristics and the tradition of Russian comic writing, A selection of twentieth century Ukrainian novels and short
from Chekhov’s early stories to the Soviet “meshchanin” prose in English translation. From the intellectual novel of
of Mikhail Zoschenko and the émigrés of Sergei Dovlatov. the 1920s, through socialist realism, to the new prose of the
(Taught in Russian) 1990s. Authors include Pidmohylny, Antonenko-Davydovych,
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Honchar, Shevchuk, Andrukhovych and Zabuzhko. (Offered
in alternate years)
SLA463H1 Themes in Russian Realism [24L]
Recommended preparation: any course in literature
What is distinctive about Russian realism? The course will
examine nineteenth century Russian realist fiction in relation
to various theoretical approaches from Erich Auerbach to SLA238H1 Literature of the Ukrainian-Canadian
Roman Jakobson, and will read contemporary works of Experience [24S]
criticism or thought from Russia and Europe that may have A selection of literary texts depicting or reflecting the
influenced it. experience and perceptions of Ukrainians in Canada from the
Prerequisite: The equivalent of one FCE in literature first immigrants to the present. Texts include works originally
DR=HUM; BR=TBA written in English, French and Ukrainian, but all readings are
in English. Authors include: Kiriak, Kostash, Ryga, Galay,
SLA464H1 Studies in the Russian Novel [24L]
Suknaski, Kulyk Keefer. (Offered in alternate years)
An examination of the most prominent Russian novelists of
Recommended preparation: any course in literature
the last several decades, including Erofeev, Bitov, Sorokin
and Azolsky. The genesis, structure, artistic devices and
philosophical significance of their novels, critical approaches SLA248H1 Women and Women’s Themes in Ukrainian
to them, cognate works. (Taught in Russian) Literature [24S]
Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor This course examines the presentation of women and
DR=HUM; BR=TBA women’s themes in works of Ukrainian literature. The
subjects covered include: role models, freedom, socialism,
nationalism, feminism, and sexuality.
Slavic Linguistics Courses DR=HUM; BR=1
SLA330Y1 Old Church Slavonic [48S] SLA308Y1 Advanced Ukrainian [96P]
Structure and history. Reading and linguistic study of Old Review of morphology and study of syntax. Short
Slavonic texts. compositions based on literary and critical texts. Voluntary
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor language laboratory.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
SLA452Y1 Structure of Russian [48S]
The phonology, morphology and syntax of contemporary SLA318H1 Kyiv-Kiev-Kijow: A City through Cultures
standard Russian from a formal and semantic standpoint. and Centuries [24L]
Prerequisite: SLA320Y1 A cultural history of the Ukrainian capital; Ukrainian, Russian,
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Polish and Jewish “versions” of the city; artworks and literary
texts that capture the complexity of Kyivan history and
culture. Readings in the original languages encouraged but
Ukrainian Courses not required.
Web site: www.chass.utoronto.ca/~tarn/courses/ DR=HUM; BR=TBA
SLA328H1 The Culture of Contemporary Ukraine [24S]
SLA108Y1 Elementary Ukrainian [96P] Contemporary Ukraine is an amalgam of various cultural
Basic vocabulary, simple sentence patterns, essential traditions. This course examines its languages, religions,
morphology. Internet language laboratory drills. Intended for nationalities, literature, cinema, arts, print and broadcast
students with little or no knowledge of the language. media, regions, education, and social groups. Special
DR=HUM; BR=1 attention is given to the factors that influence public
SLA208Y1 Intermediate Ukrainian [96P] perceptions of identity. All readings are in English.
Study of morphology through grammar drills; oral practice; DR=HUM; BR=TBA
reading of texts from Ukrainian literature. SLA338H1 Ivan Franko [24S]
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor Ivan Franko is one of the most important and innovative
DR=HUM; BR=1 figures in the history of Ukrainian literature. This seminar
SLA218Y1 Ukrainian Literature and Culture [24L, 24S] explores a selection of the belletristic writings by this
A general survey of Ukrainian culture through an examination fascinating and factious poet and novelist in the context of
of selected literary works and their social, political, historical, Ukrainian culture in Austria-Hungary. Taught in English. All
philosophical, and aesthetic context. The course covers the readings are in English.
period from Kyivan Rus’ to the present. Readings in English. Recommended preparation: Previous coursework in
(Offered in alternate years) Ukrainian literature, e.g. SLA218

Slavic Languages and Literatures
SLA408H1 The Ukrainian Short Story [24S] SLA468H1 Aspects of Literary Translation of Ukrainian
The development of the short story from Kvitka- [36P]
Osnovianenko to the present day. All readings in the original. This course introduces the problems of written translation
(Offered every four years) of literary works from Ukrainian into English: evaluation and
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor comparison of existing translations, practical exercises;
DR=HUM; BR=TBA treatment of common difficulties in translating, various literary
genres and styles, dialectical, social, generational and other
SLA418H1 Ukrainian Drama [24S]
subvarieties of language, as well as idiomatic and figurative
The development of Ukrainian drama from Kotliarevsky to
the present day. All readings in the original. (Offered every
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
four years)
Recommended preparation: SLA308Y1 or permission of
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
SLA419Y1 Ukrainian Poetry [48S]
A survey of Ukrainian poetry from Skovoroda to the present
day. All readings in the original. (Offered every four years)
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
SLA428Y1 The Ukrainian Novel [48S]
Major works by Kulish, Nechui-Levytsky, Myrny, Franko,
Kotsiubynsky, Kobylianska, Vynnychenko, Ianovsky,
Pidmohylny, Honchar, Andrukhovych, and Zabuzhko.
Readings in Ukrainian. (Offered every four years)
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
SLA429H1 Shevchenko [24S]
A critical study of Taras Shevchenko. Life, works, and
significance. Readings in Ukrainian.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
SLA438H1 Style and Structure of Ukrainian [36S]
Beginning with an overview of the synchronic structure of
Ukrainian (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax), the
course introduces various styles of contemporary Ukrainian.
Emphasis is on the practical usage of various styles. A
number of sociolinguistic questions are examined: dialects,
jargons, slang, and the language situation in contemporary
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
SLA448H1 Ukrainian Literature of the17th and 18th
Centuries [24S]
A survey of Ukrainian literature from the Renaissance to
the National Revival: polemical literature, baroque poetry,
school drama, religious and philosophical treatises, history-
writing, dumy and satire. Major figures include Smotrysky,
Vyshensky, Prokopovych and Skovoroda. Works are read in
modern Ukrainian and English translations.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
Recommended preparation: A 400-level course in Ukrainian
SLA458H1 Ukrainian for the 21st Century [36S]
This course introduces students to contemporary Ukrainian
using approaches beyond grammar and traditional classroom
interaction. Emphasis is on the enhancement of language
skills in the context of contemporary Ukraine. Students
develop practical skills based on traditional media as well as
on multimedia resources, including those of the Internet.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
Recommended preparation: SLA208Y1, 308Y1


Faculty P.C. Hsiung, MA, Ph D (S)

P. Landolt, Ph D (S)
Professors Emeriti W.J. Magee, MS, Ph D
R.F. Badgley, MA, Ph D A. Mullen, Ph D (S)
M. Blute, Ph D (UTM) J. Taylor, PhD
R. Breton, MA, Ph D, FRSC (SM) S. Ungar, Ph D (S)
D.F. Campbell, Ph D (UTM) W.H. Vanderburg, MA Sc, Ph D, P Eng
A.R. Gillis, MA, Ph D J.W.P. Veugelers, MA, Ph D
E.B. Harvey, MA, Ph D W. Zhang, Ph D (UTM)
N.L. Howell, BA, Ph D Assistant Professors
W.W. Isajiw, MA, Ph D (S) R. Dinovitzer, MA, Ph D (UTM)
M.J. Kelner, Ph D, LL D J. Johnston, MA, Ph D (UTM)
D.W. Magill, MA, Ph D (N) A.C. Korteweg, MA, Ph D (UTM)
H.M. Makler, MA, Ph D V. Leschziner, Ph D
W.M. Michelson, AM, Ph D, FRSC K. Liddle, MA, Ph D (S)
R. O’Toole, MA, Ph D (S) A. Marin, Ph D
J.W. Salaff, MA, Ph D P. Maurutto, MA, Ph D (UTM)
E. Silva, Ph D (UTM) E. Schneiderhan, BA, MA, Ph D (UTM)
J.H. Simpson, BD, Th M, Ph D (UTM) L. Schwartzman, BA, MA, Ph D (UTM)
M. Spencer, MA, Ph D (UTM) D. Silver, BA, MA, Ph D (S)
I.M. Zeitlin, Ph D (T)
Adjunct Professors
Professor and Chair of the Department J. Armstrong, Ph D
B. Wheaton, MA, Ph D J. Baum, Ph D
Professor and Associate Chair R. Blickstead, MBA
S. Welsh, MA, Ph D L. Calzavara, Ph D
P. Erickson, Ph D
Associate Professor and Associate Chair R. Glazier, MPh, MD
A.M. Sorenson, MA, Ph D A. Greve, Dr. Oecon.
Professors A. Hathaway, Ph D
R.C.A. Andersen, MA, PhD D. Livingstone, Ph D
Z, Baber, MA, Ph D (UTM) G. Moore, Ph D
B. Baldus, MA, Dr Sc Pol Senior Lecturer
Y.M. Bodemann, MA, Ph D B. Green, Ph D (UTM)
M. Boyd, Ph D, FRSC
Sociological investigation ranges from the analysis of small
R. Brym, MA, Ph D
groups to large social systems. Using a variety of methods
B.H. Erickson, MA, Ph D
and skills, sociologists explore how our individual and
E.W-C. Fong, MA, Ph D
collective ways of thinking, feeling and acting are shaped
B. Fox, Ph D
by our social experience. Sociological perspectives and
H. Friedmann, Ph D (UTM)
methods are now an essential feature of modern culture,
R. Gartner, MS, Ph D
public debate and policy in governmental, commercial,
J. Hannigan, MA, Ph D (S)
and non-profit organizations. The basic sociological
C.L. Jones, MA, Ph D
hypothesis that “the social matters” is a guiding source of
J.B. Kervin, BA, Ph D (UTM)
new intellectual and research agendas in disciplines and
C. Kruttschnitt, MS, Ph D
professional schools throughout the university.
K. Hannah-Moffatt, MA, Ph D (UTM)
J. Myles, Ph D, FRSC Sociological perspectives and research skills can also
I. Peng, MA, Ph D provide helpful preparation for many careers, including:
J.G. Reitz, BS, Ph D, FRSC government, politics, industry, education and journalism.
S. Schieman, MA, Ph D Medical, legal, and environment fields report an
A. Sev’er, MA, Ph D (S) increasing need for sociologists. Municipal governments
J. Tanner,B Sc, MA, Ph D (S) hire specialists in urban sociology, community relations,
L. Tepperman, AM, Ph D (N) policy and planning. In private business sociologists
B. Wellman, MA, Ph D work in management consulting firms and public polling
Associate Professors organizations, as well as in labour relations and human
resources. A professional career in sociology, however,
S. Baumann, MA, Ph D (UTM)
requires training beyond the undergraduate level.
B. Berry, Ph D
D. Brownfield, MA, Ph D (UTM) Much of the undergraduate and graduate teaching and
J. Bryant, MA, Ph D research in the department reflect areas of strength that
C. Cranford, MA, Ph D (UTM) include: crime, law and deviance, gender and family,
A.I. Green, MA, Ph D health and mental health, law, immigration and ethnic
J. Hermer, Ph D (S) relations, labour markets and work, and political sociology.

Additional strengths follow from developing areas in the OR
discipline, including globalization, the life course and Option 2
aging, social policy, and the sociology of culture. 1. a mark of 72% in each of two advanced (300+ level)
sociology courses equivalent to 2 FCEs
Some SOC courses are restricted (see Note 1 below). 2. a CGPA of 3.0 (73%-76%)
Other SOC courses are not restricted but preference is 3. 3 full courses (3.0 FCEs) towards a degree (not only
given to students in Sociology programs. Almost all 200, SOC courses).
300, and 400-level courses have prerequisites. Completion Requirements:
Undergraduate Director: Professor A. Sorenson, Room 1. SOC101Y1 or both SOC102H1 and SOC103H1
394, 725 Spadina Ave., 416-978-4726, sorenson@chass. 2. SOC 200H1, SOC202H1, SOC 203Y1, SOC204H1.
utoronto.ca In order to complete the Major Program in the usual
three year period, these courses must be taken in
Undergraduate Administrator: Miss Donna Ragbir, the year following SOC 101Y1 or SOC102H1 and
Room 284, 725 Spadina Ave., 416-946-4064, sociology. SOC103H1
[email protected] 3. Three additional 200+ level SOC courses (3.0 FCEs),
which includes at least two FCE SOC courses at the
Enquiries: 416-978-3412 (choose option 2)
300+ level ,i.e., 1 FCE SOC course at the 200+ level
Undergraduate Program Information and Course and 2 FCEs SOC courses at the 300+ level.
Descriptions: available at http://www.utoronto.ca/sociology
Minor Program:
(4 full SOC courses or their equivalent)
Sociology Programs Entry Requirements:
Enrollment in Sociology Programs is limited. Consult Option 1
the Registration Handbook and Timetable for enrollment 1. a minimum grade of 65% in SOC101Y1 or an average
details. of 65+ in SOC102H1 and SOC103H1
2. 3 full courses (3.0 FCEs) towards a degree (not only
Sociology (Arts program) SOC courses).
Specialist Program: Option 2
(10 full SOC courses or their equivalent) 1. a mark of 72% in an advanced (300+ level) sociology
Entry Requirements: course, equivalent to 1 FCE
1. a minimum grade of 65% in SOC101Y1 or an average 2. a CGPA of 3.0 (73%-76%)
of 65+ in SOC102H1 and SOC103H1 3. 3 full courses (3.0 FCEs) towards a degree (not only
2. a minimum grade of 70% in each of SOC 200H1, SOC courses)
SOC202H1, 203Y1, and SOC204H1 Completion Requirements:
3. 8 full courses (8.0 FCEs) towards a degree (not only 1. SOC101Y1 or both SOC102H1 and SOC103H1
SOC courses) and all students must be enrolled in the 2. Three additional 200+ level SOC courses (3.0 FCEs),
Sociology Major Program. which includes at least 1 FCE SOC course at the
300+ level.
Completion Requirements: Sociology and Urban Studies (Arts program)
1. SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 and SOC103H1
2. SOC 200H1, SOC202H1, SOC 203Y1, SOC204H1. Consult Department of Sociology and Dr. R. DiFrancesco,
In order to complete the Specialist Program in the Innis College.
usual four-year period, these courses must be taken
in the year following SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 and Specialist Program:
SOC103H1 (14.5 full courses or their equivalent, including at least two
3. SOC300H1, SOC376H1, SOC377H1, SOC387H1 400-series courses)
4. SOC401Y1 or SOC483Y1 Entry Requirements:
5. Three and a half additional 200+ level SOC courses 1 a minimum grade of 65% in SOC101Y1 or an average
(3.5 FCEs). of 65+ in SOC102H1 and SOC103H1
NOTE: The Department recommends that the major 2. a minimum grade of 70% in each of SOC200H1,
program requirements be complete at the end of the SOC202H1, SOC203Y1, and SOC204H1
15th full course (normally the end of third year). 3. 8 full courses (8.0 FCEs) towards a degree (not only
Major Program: SOC courses) and all students must be enrolled in the
(6.5 full SOC courses or their equivalent) Sociology Major Program.
First Year:
Entry Requirements: 1. SOC101Y1 or both SOC102H1 and SOC103H1
Option 1 2. Two of ECO 100Y1/105Y1, GGR 124Y1, a POL 100-
1. a minimum grade of 65% in SOC101Y1 or an average level course/POL 214Y1
of 65+ in SOC102H1 and SOC103H1 Higher Years:
2. 3 full courses (3.0 FCEs) towards a degree (not only 1. INI 235Y1, 306Y1, 430Y1
SOC courses).

2. SOC200H1, SOC202H1, SOC203Y1, SOC204H1, SOC103H1 Introduction to Sociology – Social
SOC300H1, SOC376H, SOC377H1, SOC387H1, Institutions and Processes [24L]
SOC401Y1 or SOC483Y1 Operating through economic, educational, political,
3. One of SOC205Y1/386Y1 religious, familial and other institutions, society opens up
4. An additional 2.0 courses selected from Groups A/B/C/ some opportunities and closes off others, thus helping
D/F with no more than 1.0 from any group: to make us what we are and influencing what we can
become. This course explores how social institutions work
and how they structure our lives.
Group A: Economics Exclusion: SOC101Y1
ECO 200Y1, 236H1, 316Y1, 319H1, 333Y1, 334Y1, Prerequisite: None
410H1; GGR 220Y1, 324H1, 326H1, 357H1 DR=SOC SCI; BR=3

Group B: Geography SOC101Y1 Introduction to Sociology [48L, 24T]

JGI 346H1, 360H1; GGR 252H1, 323H1, 324H1, 339H1, The basic principles and methods of Sociology applied to
357H1, 364H1, 459H1 the study of human societies; social sources of differing
values and conceptions of reality, and the influences of
Group C: History and Architecture these on the behaviour of individuals, patterns of relations
ARC 283H1, FAH 208H1, 209H1, 212H1, 213H1, 214H1, among groups, and social stability and change.
375H1, 376H1, 377H1, 405H1; GGR 336H1, 366H1 Exclusion: SOC102H1 + SOC103H1
Group D: Politics
POL 209Y1, 221H1, 317Y1, 321Y1, 333Y1, 336H1,
Obtaining 65% or more in SOC101Y1 or in both
418Y1, 436Y1, 472H1, 473H1, 474H1, 475H1
SOC102H1 and SOC103H1 is required for entry into all
Group F: Environment SOC programs. Credit for higher-level SOC course will not
GGR 314H1, 332H1, 435H1 waive this requirement.

Sociology Courses 200-Series Courses

See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions. Note
Almost all upper-level SOC courses have prerequisites.
Note: Students without course prerequisites can be removed at
Enrollment in SOC200H1, SOC202H1, SOC203Y1, any time they are discovered.
SOC204H1, SOC300H1, SOC376H1, SOC377H1,
SOC387H, SOC401Y1 and SOC483Y1 can be restricted SOC200H1 Logic of Social Inquiry (formerly
as stated in the course descriptions below. Ineligible SOC200Y1) [24L, 24T]
students will be removed even if the course appears on This course reviews the basic issues that concern all
their timetable. types of data collection methods used by social scientists
to test theory. Key topics include selection, sampling, and
measurement. The course explores how error affects
First Year Seminars the data gathered in experiments and non-experimental
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide studies, and in qualitative and quantitative research. The
the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class course emphasizes critical thinking about the empirical
of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive research presented in everyday life, as well as preparation
seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity for more advanced research courses. SOC200H1 is a
and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the restricted course. Enrollment is limited to Sociology Majors
professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first (see Note 1 above).
year of study. For details, see page 48. Exclusion: SOC200Y1, JBS229H1, POL242Y1, UNI200Y1,
UNI200H, WDW350Y1, GGR271H, WDW350H1
SOC102H1 Introduction to Sociology – Social Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 + SOC103H1
Inequalities [24L] DR=SOC SCI; BR=None (This course has no status for
What causes the emergence, persistence and decline of breadth requirement purposes)
inequalities based on class, gender, race, ethnicity and
country of residence? Variations in artistic, mathematical, SOC202H1 Quantitative Analysis in Social Science
athletic and other skills are strikingly evident; this course Research (formerly SOC300Y1) [24L]
explores why they are associated with varying rewards, Introduction in quantitative social science research – from
including income, power and prestige. descriptive statistics to hypothesis testing using various
Exclusion: SOC101Y1 strategies for the analysis of bivariate relationships.
Prerequisite: None Enrollment is limited to Sociology Majors (see Note 1
DR=SOC SCI; BR=3 above).
Exclusion SOC200Y1, SOC300Y1, ECO220Y1,
GGR270H1, PSY201H1, STA220H1, STA248H1,
POL242Y1, WDW350Y1, WDW350H1

Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 + SOC103H1, of law; conceptual issues and methodological strategies in
SOC200H1. establishing and interpreting linkages between legal and
DR=SOC SCI; BR=None (This course has no status for other social structures and processes.
breadth requirement purposes) Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1
SOC203Y1 History of Social Theory [48L]
Development of sociological theory in the 19th and 20th SOC214Y1 Sociology of Families [48L, 24T]
centuries; history of ideas; formal analysis; relationship An examination of cross-cultural variations and social-
between theory and empirical inquiry. Enrollment is limited historical changes in the organization of family life,
to Sociology Majors (see Note 1 above). followed by a critical look at the key activities in family life
Exclusion: SOC314Y1 today. Emphasis is on gender relations.
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 + SOC103H1 Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1
SOC204H1 Qualitative Analysis in Social Science SOC215Y1 Socialization [48L]
Research [24L] The acquisition and reproduction of personality, culture,
Introduction to the methods and issues of qualitative and social structure. The social construction of everyday
research – the theories, methods for data collection and life and secondary socialization is emphasized, with focus
analysis, and the personal and ethical issues relating to on work and family.
qualitative research. Enrolllment is limited to Sociology Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1
Majors. DR=SOC SCI; BR=2+3
Exclusion: SOC200Y1, SOC387Y1, GGR271H1 SOC218Y1 Asian Communities in Canada (formerly
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 + SOC103H1 , SOC342Y1) [48L]
SOC200H1 The course will explore the structures and processes of
DR=SOC SCI; BR=None (This course has no status for Asian communities in Canada. Historical development of
breadth requirement purposes) various Asian communities will be explored. Other topics
SOC205Y1 Urban Sociology [48L] include ethnic economy, ethnic media, ethnic churches,
Complementary perspectives of the city: as an evolving and ethnic voluntary organizations in Asian communities.
entity historically (urbanization); as a way of life and Experts in related topics are invited to present their
adaptation, reflecting cultures and subcultures (urbanism); research findings.
as territorial parts reflecting and contributing to social Exclusion: SOC 342Y1/394Y1
processes (ecological perspective); as a unit managed by Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1
formal and informal parties (structural perspective). DR=SOC SCI; BR=3
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1 SOC220Y1 Social Inequality in Canada [48L]
DR=SOC SCI; BR=3 An analysis of historical and contemporary empirical
SOC207Y1 Sociology of Work & Occupations [48L] patterns of inequality in Canada. The focus is on income,
The nature and meaning of work in relation to changes in power, ethnic, regional, and gender inequalities.
the position of the professions, unions and government, Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1
of women and minority groups, and in industrial societies DR=SOC SCI; BR=3
more generally. Career choice and strategies, occupational SOC243H1 Sociology of Health and Illness [24L]
mobility, and individual satisfaction at work. This course deals with the social causes of illness
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1 and disease, the sociology of illness experience, and
the sociology of risks to health. The course deals only
SOC210Y1 Ethnicity in Social Organization [48L] peripherally with issues related to formal health care
Impact of racial, ethnic, and linguistic heterogeneity and provision, health care work, and the structure of health
of various patterns of immigration on economic, political, care systems
and cultural institutions, and on individual identity, self- Exclusion: SOC242Y1
conceptions, social attitudes, and relations. Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1 DR=SOC SCI; BR=3
SOC244H1 Sociology of Health Care [24L]
SOC212Y1 Deviance and Control [48L] Examines factors that influence the organizational
Sociological analysis of deviance (acts or persons that structure of health care systems, how these organizations
violate the normative structures of society) and social develop, how they are maintained, and how they can
control (societal responses that attempt to reduce, treat, or be change. Topics also include the social forces that
transform deviance). What is deviance? What are different influence the relationship between healthcare providers
ways societies respond to deviance? What are the and consumers.
consequences of efforts to regulate, prevent, and punish Exclusion: SOC242Y1
deviance? Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1 DR=SOC SCI; BR=3
SOC246H1 The Sociology of Aging [36L]
SOC213Y1 Law and Society [48L] This course deals with population aging, cohort effects,
An introduction to social scientific perspectives and inter-generational relations, historical variation in effects
research on the nature, sources, dimensions, and impact of social environment on aging, how health and family

relationships vary with age, and social policies related those aggregates (ranging from happiness/satisfaction to
to aging. The whole life course is considered, but the social isolation and stigma).
emphasis on adulthood and old age. Exclusion: SOC262Y1
Exclusion: SOC245Y1 Prerequisite: PSY100H1 or SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1 SOC103H1
SOC247H1 The Sociology of Aging II [36L] SOC270H1 Comparative Social Inequality [24L]
Social gerontology deals with many social aspects of This course offers an introduction to the study of
advanced age. Focus is on institutional level analysis of processes of social stratification and structures of
the programs that assist with aging problems. inequality with an emphasis on comparative, cross-
Exclusion: SOC245Y1 national studies that include Canada as point of reference.
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1 Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1
SOC250Y1 Sociology of Religion [48L] SOC278Y1 Introduction to Social Policy [48L]
This course will examine religious beliefs, practices, and 1) Introduces students to the theoretical foundations of
experiences from a historical-sociological and comparative social policy; and 2) examines some of the key social
perspective. Classical and contemporary theories will policy issues. The first part of the course will focus on
be reviewed and applied to investigate such topics as: the theoretical bases of the social policy, including class,
the social origins of religions; the formation of religious gender, race, social citizenship, and welfare regimes.
communities; heresies, schisms and the making of We will also try to situate these ideas in historical and
orthodoxies; secularization and fundamentalism; cults and societal contexts. The second part will examine some of
new religious movements; religious regulation of the body the key social policy issues, such as health care, housing,
and person; and the variable linkages of religion to politics, immigration, race, and politics of welfare retrenchment.
war, art and science. Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1
Exclusion: RLG210Y1 DR=SOC SCI; BR=3
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1 SOC279H1 Contentious Politics [24L]
DR=SOC SCI; BR=3 This course introduces students to the sociological study
SOC256H1 Lives and Societies [24L] of collective action. Students will explore how movements
Characteristics of very different kinds of societies, from in a variety of historical and global contexts endeavor
hunters and gatherers to modern postindustrial countries, to produce social change. In this process, we will
and how these affect features of individual lives including: examine political and cultural opportunities and obstacles,
life stages, their status, and transitions between them; organizational dynamics, resources, collective action
the variety of possible life courses; rates of birth and frames, strategies and tactics.
death, and their implications for people, their kin, and their Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1
societies. DR=SOC SCI; BR=3
Exclusion: SOC255Y1
SOC293Y1 Selected Topics in Sociological Research
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1 [TBA]
SOC294Y1 Selected Topics in Sociological Research
SOC257H1 Lives in Canada [24L] [TBA]
The life course in Canada, in the twentieth century
and today, with some comparisons to other first world SOC296Y1 Selected Topics in Sociological Research
countries. How lives have changed over the past century; [TBA]
how lives are affected by history and social location; the SOC296H1 Selected Topics in Sociological Research
impact of the life trajectories on health and crime. [TBA]
Exclusion: SOC255Y1
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1 SOC297H1 Selected Topics in Sociological Research

SOC260Y1 Power and Policy in Canadian Society SOC298H1 Selected Topics in Sociological Research
[48L] [TBA]
Examination of the forces and factors that drive and shape An opportunity to explore a sociological topic in depth.
policy in Canadian society. The policy areas examined Courses relate to instructor’s area of research, so topics
may include: education, labour force and employment, vary from year to year. Consult the Departmental website
employment equity, ethnocultural relations, and the for current course offerings.
environment. Exploration of the applications of Sociology Exclusion, Prerequisite, Recommended preparation:
in the formulation and evaluation of policy choices. varies according to particular course offering; consult
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1 descriptions at Departmental website for exact
DR=SOC SCI; BR=3 prerequisites
DR=SOC SCI; BR=None (This course has no status for
SOC263H1 The Quality of Social Life [24L] breadth requirement purposes)
This course focuses on macro-micro connections between
qualities of social aggregates (ranging from families to
nations) and the subjective experiences of members of

SOC299Y1 Research Opportunity Program DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Credit course for supervised participation in faculty SOC310H1 The Sociology of Juvenile Crime [24L]
research project. See page 48 for details. Examine and evaluate sociological theories and research
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA on the causes and correlates of juvenile crime, with a
focus on recent theoretical developments and quantitative
analyses of juvenile offending (not delinquency). The
300-Series Courses course highlights the effects of structural conditions,
Note cultural factors, and individual decisions.
Almost all upper-level SOC courses have prerequisites. Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1
Students without course prerequisites will be removed at DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
any time they are discovered. SOC312Y1 Population and Society [48L]
Population processes (birth, death, and migration) and
SOC300H1 Applications of Quantitative Methods in their relationship to social, cultural, and economic change.
the Social Sciences (formerly SOC300Y1) Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1
Provides students with the opportunity to develop an
understanding of the logic of multivariate analysis applying SOC317Y1 Industrial Sociology [48L]
various strategies for the analysis of complex multivariate Labour/management relations in industrial societies;
data. Enrollment priority is given to Sociology Specialists. impact of technological change on work organizations
Exclusion: SOC300Y1, ECO220Y1, PSY202H1, STA222H, and labour markets; implications for understanding
STA250H1 various topics including social mobility, labour market
Prerequisite: SOC202H1 or equivalent. segmentation, job satisfaction, work/family relations,
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA immigration and race, power in organizations, union and
industrial conflict, organizational culture, and the social
SOC301Y1 Theories of Inequality [48L] control of industry.
Theories of social inequality, its historical evolution, and Exclusion: SOC316Y1
the determinants of continuity and change of patterns of Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1
social inequality. DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA SOC320Y1 Applied Sociology [48L]
Uses of sociological research in guiding social policies and
SOC303H1 Family Demography [24L] programs. Evaluation research and needs assessment
Describes the political, social and economic implications methods are emphasized. Students are required to
of diversity in family structure. Uses empirical studies engage in a research practicum (apprenticeship) at an
in the sociological tradition to describe current trends in agency working towards social change or providing social
living arrangements and family relationships. Examines services.
social and economic consequences of the inconsistencies Prerequisite: A 200+ level SOC course
between public definitions and the reality of family life. DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA SOC325Y1 Society in the Labyrinth of Technology
SOC304H1 Status Attainment [24L] Evolving contemporary ways of life on the basis of highly
Shows how “getting ahead” or becoming “downwardly specialized knowledge as opposed to tradition has led
mobile” are affected by social as well as economic factors. society into a labyrinth of technology. It involves breaking
Links the experience of mobility to larger scale social the bonds with local cultures and ecosystems in order to
change. re-create them around a universal science, technology,
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1 economy and ecological footprint.
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Exclusion: SOC356Y if taken in 2006-07 and SOC393Y if
SOC306Y1 Sociology of Crime and Delinquency [48L] taken in 2007-08
Examines explanation, theory construction, measurement Recommended Preparation: 2 years of Sociology
procedures, and techniques for data collection and DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
analysis within the Sociology of crime and delinquency. SOC327Y1 Families and Health [48L]
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1 Themes include the demand for care-giving, evolving
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA and emerging diseases (genetic, environmental, social,
SOC309Y1 HIV and AIDS: Social Policies and cancer-linked), state’s role in health care, factors affecting
Programs [48L] caregivers, home health care procedures, how families
Explores and discusses specific theories of action. Applies organize to deal with health problems.
theories to various factors associated with AIDS/HIV. Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1
Examines political, scientific, health, social, economic, DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
and cultural environments. This course forces students to SOC330Y1 Comparative Ethnic Relations [48L]
examine the hidden theoretical assumptions surrounding Comparative study of interethnic relations, including
AIDS/HIV. comparisons of ethnic groups and types of ethnic groups
Exclusion: SOC309H and comparisons of their relative position in different
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1 institutions, social structures, and societies. Comparisons

made with respect to the impact of society on ethnic Canadian health care policy; and 4) current health care
groups, and ethnic groups in society. reform debates and issues.
Prerequisite: A 200+ level SOC course Exclusion: SOC 351Y1, UNI300Y1
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: A 200+ level SOC course
SOC336H1 Immigration and Race Relations in
Canada [24L] SOC354H1 Emergent Issues in Health and Social
Examines the economic, social, cultural and political Policies [24L]
impacts of 20th century immigration in Canada, and This course explores emerging issues in health and social
emerging race and ethnic relations. Topics include policies. Using the framework of social determinants of
immigration policy; population impact; community health, this course examines: 1) the implications of social
formation; labour markets; enclave economies; welfare factors such as socio-economic inequity, gender, race,
use by immigrants; the criminal justice system; racial homelessness, age, and citizenship status on individual
conflict; multiculturalism and race; and equity policies. health, and 2) policy options to address these issues.
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1 Exclusion: SOC351Y1, UNI300Y1
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: SOC352H1
SOC339H1 Immigration and Employment [24L]
Examines labour market and employment situation of SOC355Y1 Structural Analysis [48L]
immigrants, from economic and sociological perspectives, The structure of social relationships, including both
emphasizing recent Canadian experience in comparative personal networks and the overall organization of whole
context. Topics include immigrant human and social social settings. The role of social structure in social
capital, declining immigrant earnings, the knowledge support, access to scarce resources, power conflict,
economy, skill-underutilization, racial discrimination, mobilization, diffusion, and beliefs.
labour market structure, unionization, immigrant Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1
entrepreneurship, immigrant offspring, and labour market DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
and immigration policy. SOC356Y1 Technology and Society [48L]
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1 This course analyzes the interplay between new
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA communication technologies and society. It will consider
SOC341Y1 The Jewish Community in Europe and how technological
North America [72L] developments affect social systems, and conversely, how
Classical and recent writings on Jewish ethno-national social systems affect the nature and use of technology.
identity in the modern period; communal organization; Much of the course will be devoted to studying the impact
forms of Jewish life in the diaspora and its relationship to of computerization and the advent of the information
other ethnic groups and to society at large; contemporary highway.
role of the Holocaust and ethnic memory; Jews in Canada; Prerequisite: A 200+ level SOC course
gender in the Jewish community. DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA SOC358H1 Cities and Social Pathology [24L]
SOC344Y1 Contemporary International Migration Focuses on relationship between urbanization and crime.
[48L] Urbanization and the size of cities are examined as
This overview course focuses on trends and issues correlates, and perhaps causes, of crime, delinquency, the
associated with contemporary international migration development of “deviant service centers”, mental illness,
flows and migrant settlement. Emphasis is on Canada and suicide. Does housing level show a link between
although attention is also given to other countries. Topics housing design, crowding, floor level, etc. and crime,
include causes and types of migration, immigration policy, delinquency, depression?
immigrant women, children of immigrants, and health, Prerequisite: SOC205Y1 or SOC212Y1
language and economic issues. DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1 SOC360Y1 Sociology of Cultural Studies [48L]
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Examination of cultural process practices through which
SOC348H1 Sociology & Emotions [24L] culture is constituted (ordered) and reproduced. A
This class will provide a broad overview of major issues dominant cultural order is created and reproduced through
and theories in the Sociology of emotions, and more the process of selective tradition, which is treated as
generally considers the role of emotions in a range of natural and “taken for granted.” The cultural processes
sociological theories. There is an emphasis on how involve the interaction of economic, political, ideological
emotions are related to social rankings. and cultural practices.
Prerequisite: A 200+ level SOC course Prerequisite: A 200+ level SOC course
SOC352H1 Introduction to Canadian Health Care SOC363H1 Sociology of Mental Health and Mental
Policy [24L] Disorders [24L]
This course will introduce students to development and An overview of the link between social inequality and
issues related to Canadian health care policy. The course emotional inequality, focusing on differences in mental
will examine: 1) basic policy making process; 2) policy health across social groups and the role of stress and
making process in Canadian context; 3) development of coping resources in explaining group differences.

Exclusion: SOC262Y, SOC264H SOC376H1 Theories of Private and Public Life [24L]
Prerequisite: A 200+ level SOC course, or PSY101H1 or a A selective introduction to major thinkers (such as De
200+ level PSY course Beauvoir and Habermas) and approaches in contemporary
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Sociology. Enrollment priority is given to Sociology
SOC364H1 Urban Health [24L]
Exclusion: SOC389Y1
Cities are home to particular populations (the poor, the
Prerequisite SOC203Y1
homeless, racial and ethnic minorities, immigrants, and
the young and old) and have distinct risks and protections
relevant to health. Patterns of health in cities, historical SOC377H1 Micro and Macro Theory [24L]
developments, and emerging literature and methodology A selective introduction to major thinkers (such as Fanon,
are used to uncover how everyday settings influence Blau, and Collins) and approaches in contemporary
health. Sociology. (adjunct to Theories of Private and Public
Exclusion: SOC396H1 in 02-03 or 04-05 Life). Topics include the structure-agency debate,
Prerequisite: A 200+ level SOC course methodological individualism, and anticolonialism.
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Enrollment priority is given to Sociology Specialists.
Exclusion: SOC389Y1
SOC365Y1 Gender Relations [48L]
Prerequisite: SOC203Y1
Examination of historical and contemporary sources of
gender inequity, and the many dimensions of gender
difference and inequality today. SOC380H1 Sociology of Everyday Life 1: Institutional
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1 Context [24L]
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA The study of social institutions at the macro and meso-
levels, through every day experiences. These broader
SOC366H1 Sociology of Women and Work [24L]
structures are examined through people’s personal
Women’s paid and unpaid work and the relationship
experiences. A related course, SOC 388H, focuses on
between the two. Questions about gender gap in earnings,
the structures of social interaction at the micro level.
sexual segregation of the labour force, restructuring of
SOC 380H1 compliments SOC 388H, but can be taken
paid work, sexual harassment, paid domestic work, and
the division of housework and child care.
Prerequisite: A 200+ level SOC course
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1
SOC381Y1 Culture and Social Structure [48L]
SOC367H1 Race, Class, and Gender [24L]
Our society includes many varieties of cultural tastes and
In this class, we analyze the ways in which race, class,
practices. How are these related to inequality? How do
gender and sexuality interact and shape communities,
cultural repertoires shape people’s lives, including school
life opportunities, perspectives and politics. We will
success, careers, romance, marriage and friendship?
read contemporary ethnographies concerning work,
How is culture produced in art worlds and industries,
socialization, and urban life against current sociological
transmitted more or less successfully and creatively
theories about inequality and intersectionality, and identity.
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1
Exclusion: SOC393Y1
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1
SOC369Y1 The Canadian Community [48L] DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Attention focused on case studies which investigate the
SOC382Y1 Social Issues [48L]
social organization of Canadian communities. The case
Many on-going changes - in education, crime, family life,
study approach emphasizes theory and methods. The
major course requirement is an ethnographic study of a population, and the environment, among others - give rise
to troubling social problems. This course uses sociological
analysis and the findings of sociological research to
Prerequisite: A 200+ level SOC course
examine public discussions and policies proposed to deal
with both new and enduring social problems.
SOC370Y1 Sociology of Labour [72L] Exclusion: SOC399Y1
The role and development of labour and the labour Prerequisite: A 200+level SOC course
movement in Canada, its differential success in various DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
industries and regions, and its impact on other aspects of
SOC383H1 The Sociology of Women and
International Migration [24L]
Prerequisite: A 200+ level SOC course
Examines the international migration of women in
post-industrial economies with emphasis on Canada.
SOC375Y1 Sociology of Organizations [48L] Topics include: theories of female migration; the impacts
Internal structure of formal and informal organizations; of immigration policies; migration trends and entry
bureaucracies; patterns of inter-organizational relations; status; integration issues pertaining to family, language
impact of organizations on social structure and social knowledge, citizenship and economic status; labour
classes of different societies. market barriers and public policy consideration.
Prerequisite: A 200+ level SOC course Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1

SOC385H1 Social Ecology [24L] to Department, including supervisor’s approval, is the first
Provides a framework for the empirical analysis and practical day of classes of the session. Strongly recommend earlier
solution of problems dealing with human well-being which application as arrangements with supervisor are required in
have contextual dimensions. Topics dealt with cover both advance.
built and natural environments, as well as aspects of
technology. Each student examines a particular problem in SOC393Y1 Selected Topics in Sociological Research
detail. [TBA]
Prerequisite: A 200-level SOC course; or an Environmental SOC394Y1 Selected Topics in Sociological Research
Science course focusing on urban and/or natural [TBA]
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA SOC395H1 Selected Topics in Sociological Research
SOC386Y1 Urbanization [48L]
Examines explanation, theory construction, measurement SOC396H1 Selected Topics in Sociological Research
procedures, and the logic of quantitative analysis within [TBA]
urban Sociology and social demography. SOC397H1 Selected Topics in Sociological Research
Prerequisite: A 200+ level SOC course [TBA]
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA An opportunity to explore a sociological topic in depth.
SOC387H1 Qualitative Analysis [24L] Courses relate to instructor’s area of research, so topics
This course gives students the opportunity to apply their vary from year to year. Consult the Departmental website for
understanding of the research process to the design and current course offerings.
implementation of an original research project. Enrollment Prerequisite: Varies according to particular course offering;
priority is given to Sociology Specialists. consult description at Departmental website for exact
Exclusion: SOC387Y1 prerequisites
Prerequisite: SOC204H DR=SOC SCI
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA SOC398H0 Independent Experiential Study Project
SOC388H1 Sociology of Everyday Life 2 [24L] SOC399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project
Explores the structure and interactions of everyday An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus
experience. Views our lives as socially ordered and setting. See page 48 for details.
ourselves as agents. Offers experience in qualitative DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
research and using writing experience.
Prerequisite: A 200+ level SOC course
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA 400-Level Courses
SOC390Y1 Independent Research [TBA] Almost all upper-level SOC courses have prerequisites.
Students without course prerequisites will be removed at any
SOC391H1 Independent Research [TBA] time they are discovered.
SOC392H1 Independent Research [TBA]
Independent Research courses allow students to pursue SOC401Y1 Advanced Seminar [48S]
a specific topic of interest. These courses are offered Provides Sociology Specialists with an opportunity to explore
at the 300-level, as full or half courses. Students work a sociological topic in depth. Varies in focus from year to
independently with a professor in the Department who acts year. Consult the Departmental website for current course
as research supervisor. There are no formal class meetings, offering. Enrollment priority is given to Sociology Specialists.
lectures, or readings other than what is agreed to with the Prerequisite: SOC203Y1 and either, SOC376H1 or
supervisor. Professors accept supervisory responsibility at SOC377H1
their discretion. They are not required to serve as research Corequisite: take 1 or more prerequisite at the same time
supervisors. It is recommended that students approach a DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
professor working in the same sub-discipline of sociology. SOC410H1 Sexuality and Modernity [24L]
Often students become interested in a topic through a We will examine questions related to sexuality and the
SOC course and approach the instructor of that course for modern West, with a special focus on the social construction
supervision; however, this is not required. of sexual identity, practice, community and desire. To do
Prerequisities: Students must have completed 10.0 so, we proceed self consciously with a critical analysis
courses towards their degree to be eligible for 300- of the modern study of sexuality, and the ways in which
level Independent Research. For further details, please sexual science, as a kind of social practice, has affected
visit our website at:http://know.soc.utoronto.ca/index. the construction and regulation of sexual orientation. We
php?option=com_content&task=view&id=62&Itemid=136 also consider how social structures such as capitalism and
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA patriarchy, and social stratification—including race, class, and
Note age—shape the sphere of sexuality and intimate life.
Independent Research courses SOC390Y1, 391H1, and Prerequisite: 300-level Sociology course
392H1 are restricted. Deadline for submitting applications DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA

SOC420Y1 Social Problems [48L] at the 400-level, as full or half courses. Students work
This course examines how social problems and the contexts independently with a professor in the Department who acts
in which they occur change historically. Topics discussed as research supervisor. There are no formal class meetings,
include poverty, substance abuse, crime and violence, racial lectures, or readings other than what is agreed to with the
and ethnic relations, sexism and gender inequality, workplace supervisor. Professors accept supervisory responsibility at
problems, unemployment, family issues, ageism, urban their discretion. They are not required to serve as research
problems, homelessness, war and terrorism, and social supervisors. It is recommended that students approach a
problems of the future. professor working in the same sub-discipline of sociology.
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1 Often students become interested in a topic through a
Recommended Preparation: One or more 2nd or 3rd year SOC course and approach the instructor of that course for
courses in Sociology supervision; however, this is not required.
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisities: Students must have completed 15.0
SOC422H1 Political Sociology [24L] courses towards their degree to be eligible for 400-
This fourth year course will provide an advanced treatment level Independent Research. For further details, please
of selected topics in political Sociology. Specific topics to be visit our website at:http://know.soc.utoronto.ca/index.
covered are the relationship between political systems and php?option=com_content&task=view&id=62&Itemid=136
cleavage voting, the relationship between social class and DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
attitudes and voting, the post-materialist thesis, social capital Note
and civic participation, gender politics, the various varieties, Independent Research courses SOC 490Y1, 491H1, and
causes and effects of welfare states, and social movements. 492H1 are restricted. Deadline for submitting applications
The course will have both a Canadian and international to Department, including supervisor’s approval, is the first
focus. day of classes of the session. Strongly recommend earlier
Prerequisite: Introductory Sociology (SOC101Y1 or application as arrangements with supervisor are required in
SOC102H1 or SOC103H1 ) or Introductory Political advance.
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA SOC494Y1 Selected Topics in Sociological Research
SOC451H1 Analysis and Interpretation of Survey Data
[24L] SOC495Y1 Selected Topics in Sociological Research
Covers statistical methods currently used in the major [TBA]
sociological journals including multiple linear regression, SOC496H1 Selected Topics in Sociological Research
logistic regression, and the fitting of loglinear models [TBA]
to tables of cross-classified categorical data. Stresses
presentation skills and sociological interpretation of results. SOC497H1 Selected Topics in Sociological Research
Prerequisite: SOC300H1 [TBA]
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA SOC498H1 Selected Topics in Sociological Research
SOC452H1 Methods and Models of Demography [24L] [TBA]
Students learn to calculate life tables and total fertility rates, An opportunity to explore a sociological topic in depth.
and apply these concepts in computer projections and Courses relate to instructor’s area of research, so topics
simulations. vary from year to year. Visit Department or consult the
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1 or SOC102H1 or SOC103H1, Departmental website for current course offerings.
200H1 Prerequisite: Varies according to particular course offering;
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA consult description at Departmental website for exact
SOC483Y1 Culture and Cognition [48L] DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
This course examines the social foundations of thinking and
action, with focus on how individuals think and act through Note
shared cognitive embedded in larger social structures. There Graduate courses are available to fourth-year Specialists
is an overview of classical and contemporary theories that with permission of the instructor and a minimum GPA of 3.3
are instrumental for understanding how culture and cognition for undergraduate program credit. Consult the Department
work, and a research component to put this understanding in for enrollment procedures.
practice. Enrollment priority is given to sociology specialists.
Prerequisite: SOC203Y1 and either SOC376H1 or
Corequisite: take 1 or more prerequisite at the same time

SOC490Y1 Independent Research [TBA]

SOC491H1 Independent Research [TBA]
SOC492H1 Independent Research [TBA]
Independent Research courses allow students to pursue
a specific topic of interest. These courses are offered

South Asian Studies
The South Asian studies program examines the history, SAS212Y1 Introduction to Hindi (formerly NEW212Y1)
culture, and politics of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, [96L]
and Sri Lanka. Traditionally South Asia is presented as a Intensive introduction to phonology, grammar, syntax of
living culture, a viable way of life for millions for over 3,000 the modern Hindi language; emphasis on basic writing and
years, and a source of inspiration to other parts of Asia for reading.
2,000 years. Modern studies emphasize the history and Exclusion: NEW212Y1, SAS 202Y1; enrolment subject to
development of South Asia’s political, cultural and social placement evaluation
institutions, the nature of the economy and the significance DR=HUM; BR=1
of class and ideology in the modern dynamics of continuity SAS213Y1Y Introduction to Tamil (formerly NEW213Y1)
and change. [96L]
Intended for students with little or no knowledge of written
South Asian Studies (Arts Program) Tamil. Intensive introduction to phonology and grammar;
Consult program administrator: 416-946-8832, south.asian@ syntax of the modern Tamil language; emphasis on basic
utoronto.ca writing and reading.
Exclusion: High school Tamil; NEW213Y1
Enrolment in the South Asian Studies Program is open to DR=HUM; BR=1
students who have completed four courses; no minimum
GPA required. SAS216H1 South Asia: Perspectives on Politics and
Society (formerly NEW216H1) [24L]
Minor Program: A critical overview of South Asia, considering historical
(4 full courses or their equivalent) and social factors that account for both distinctiveness
and connections among nations and communities. Special
1. SAS114Y1 attention to the major role played by postcolonial histories
2. SAS216H1 in establishing the separate trajectories of each nation while
3. SAS318H1 preserving the significance of the region as a whole.
4. SAS413H1 Exclusion: NEW216H1
5. SAS414H1 DR=HUM; BR=3
6. One FCE from the following: SAS211Y1, SAS212Y1,
SAS217H1, SAS311H1, SAS415H1, HIS282Y1, SAS217H1 Tamil Studies in South Asia and the
ANT352Y1, RLG205Y1 Diaspora (formerly NEW217H1) [24L]
An interdisciplinary approach that explains the complexity
South Asian Studies Courses and multiplicity of Tamil culture. An historical approach to
the evolution of Tamil culture over the last twenty centuries.
See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
Issues of region, space, politics, and religion will aid in an
First Year Seminars understanding of contemporary Tamil culture, both in South
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide the Asia and the diaspora.
opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class of no Exclusion: NEW217H1
more than twenty-four students. These interactive seminars DR=HUM; BR=1
are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity and provide SAS311H1 Readings in Bengali Literature (formerly
an opportunity to get to know a member of the professorial NEW311Y1/SAS311Y1) [96L]
staff in a seminar environment during the first year of study. Readings from selected authors of modern Bengali prose
For details, see page 48. and poetry; introduction to samples of pre-modern Bengali
SAS114Y1 Introduction to South Asian Studies texts.
(formerly NEW114Y1) [78L] Exclusion: NEW311Y1/SAS311Y1; enrolment subject to
An interdisciplinary introduction to South Asian Studies placement evaluation.
emphasizing inquiry and critical analysis, drawing attention Prerequisite: NEW 211Y1/SAS 201Y1/ permission of
to the specificities of individual nations as well as the factors instructor
(historical, political, economic and cultural) that define South DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Asia as a region. Some attention will be paid to the South SAS312Y1 Readings in Hindi Literature (formerly
Asian Diaspora. NEW312Y1) [96L]
Exclusion: NEW114Y1 Readings from selected authors of modern Hindi prose and
DR=HUM; BR=3 poetry; introduction to samples of pre-modern Hindi texts.
SAS211Y1 Introduction to Bengali (formerly Exclusion: NEW312Y1, SAS 302Y1; enrolment subject to
NEW211Y1) [96L] placement evaluation
Intensive introduction to phonology, grammar, syntax of the Prerequisite: NEW 212Y1/SAS 202Y1/permission of
modern Bengali language; emphasis on basic writing and instructor
reading. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Exclusion: NEW211Y1, SAS 201Y1; enrolment subject to SAS315Y1 Intermediate Bengali (formerly NEW315Y1)
placement evaluation [96L]
DR=HUM; BR=1 Enables students to achieve an elevated level in Bengali in
order to read on their own and compose short paragraphs.
Provides the required skills to appreciate Bengali literature
with comfort. Topics covered: Grammar – Euphonic

South Asian Studies
combination; Onomatopoetic & Compound words; Phrases &
Idioms. Distinction between Chaste and Standard Colloquial
styles of the language.
Exclusion: NEW315Y1
Prerequisite: NEW 211Y1/SAS 201Y1/ permission of
SAS318H1 Colonialism and Tradition [24L]
This course analyzes the impact of colonialism in South Asia
and the various ways in which tradition intersect with and
reshape colonialism in postcolonial South Asia. The course
will examine the role of religion, education, ethnicity, gender,
and caste. Some attention will be paid to postcolonial and
indigenous theory.
SAS413H1 South Asia and Canada (formerly
NEW413H1) [24S]
2011 Topic: South Asia and Canada: Social and Economic
This course is envisaged as an interactive, participatory
seminar. It will provide an opportunity to complement
theoretical understanding about South Asia acquired in other
courses through hands-on research and experiential learning.
The course will enable students to link studying South Asia
and Canada to career trajectories in the field of development
and research.
Prerequisite: Third or fourth year student
Recommended Preparation: SAS114Y1
Exclusion: NEW413H1
SAS414H1 Advanced Special Topics in South Asian
Studies (formerly NEW414H1) [24S]
2011 Topic: Public Culture and Media in South Asia
This upper-level seminar will introduce students to the
interdisciplinary study of popular culture and mass-mediated
cultural forms in South Asia. Through readings about popular
protest, festivals, cinema, print, television, and music this
course provides methodological tools to interpret the politics
of representation and the formation of alternative modernities
in the Indian subcontinent and among the diaspora. The
course will furthermore familiarize students with a range of
theoretical lenses for conceptualizing the different meanings
of the “public” from a modern South Asian perspective.
Prerequisite: Third or fourth year student
Recommended Preparation: SAS114Y1
Exclusion: NEW414H1
SAS415H1 Special Topics Course [24S]
Topics will vary from year to year, depending on the visiting
professor teaching the course. 2011 Topic: TBC
Prerequisite: Third or fourth year student
Recommended Preparation: SAS114Y1


Faculty are already well qualified in Spanish and demonstrate both

oral and written fluency are expected to proceed directly to
Professors Emeriti more advanced levels of study. Throughout the language
J.F. Burke, MA, Ph D stream, stress is laid both on the cultural component
K.A.A. Ellis, MA, Ph D, Dr Fil, FRSC of language acquisition and on the range of practical
R.J. Glickman, AM, Ph D applications to which both the spoken and the written
J. Gulsoy, MA, Ph D, D Honoris Causa,FRSC language may be put. Courses in phonetics, in business
O. Hegyi, MA, Ph D (UTM) Spanish, and in the history and structure of the Spanish
P.R. León, MA, Ph D (S) language provide an array of possible options for students
E.G. Neglia, MA, Ph D (UTM) in the upper years.
A. Percival, MA, Ph D Following an introduction to the methodologies of critical
W.L. Rolph, MA, Phil M (I) analysis as applied to Hispanic texts, students have a
R. Skyrme, MA, M Litt, Ph D (S) wide selection of courses on the literatures of Spain
M.J. Valdés, MA, Ph D, FRSC, Miembro and Spanish America: medieval Spanish literature; early
Correspondiente de la Academia Mexicana (U) modern prose, verse and drama; the modern novel, short
J.R. Webster, MA, Ph D, FRSC (SM) story, poetry, drama and film. In all years, the works are
Associate Professors Emeriti read and discussed not only in terms of their individual
J.G. Hughes, MA, Ph D artistic value but also as illustrations of the outlook and the
B. Segall, MA, Phil M intellectual climate of their age.

Professor and Interim Chair of the In conjunction with Woodsworth College, the department
Department makes SPA courses available during the summer at the
R. Sternberg, MA, Ph D (SM) University of Guadalajara. Interested students should
contact the Professional and International Programs,
Professors Woodsworth College ([email protected])
J. Blackmore, MA, Ph D (V)
A.T. Pérez-Leroux, MA, Ph D For the Portuguese component, see under Portuguese
R. Sarabia, MA, Ph D Program in this Calendar.

Associate Professors Undergraduate Coordinator: Professor A.T. Pérez-Leroux

L. Colantoni, MA, Ph D (416-813-4082). E-mail: spanport.undergraduate@
R. Davidson, MA, Ph D utoronto.ca
E. Jagoe, MA, Ph D Enquiries: Victoria College, Room 208 (416-813-4080).
N.E. Rodríguez, Ph D Email: [email protected]
S.J. Rupp, MA, M Phil, Ph D (V) Web site: www.spanport.utoronto.ca
Assistant Professors
S. Antebi, MA, Ph D Spanish Programs
M.C. Cuervo, MA, Ph D
Enrolment in the Spanish programs requires the
Y. Iglesias, Ph D
completion of four degree courses; no minimum GPA
S. Munjic, MA, Ph D
Senior Lecturer
M. Ramirez, MA, Ph D Spanish (Arts program)
Spanish is the most widely-spoken language of the Consult Professor A.T. Pérez-Leroux, Department of
Americas, with 130 million speakers in North America Spanish and Portuguese.
alone and more than 400 million worldwide, with growing
numbers in Canada. It is the fourth most widely-spoken Specialist program:
language in the world, and it is the official language in 21 (10 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one
countries on three continents: Europe, Africa, and Latin 400-series course)
America. First Year:
Spanish opens the door to a rich range of cultural SPA 100Y1/220Y1; SPA 319Y1 (for native/bilingual
expression in literature, film, art, and architecture, from speakers of Spanish)
the world-changing contribution of Renaissance Spain, Second Year:
Cervantes, and the transatlantic diaspora, and the various SPA 220Y1/320Y1; SPA 420H1 (for speakers who have
film-makers, artists, and architects that continue to shape taken SPA 319Y1 in first year)
and change contemporary culture. Third and Fourth Years:
1. SPA 320Y1, 420H1, 454H1
The progression of courses in the language sequence 2. SPA 450H1 or 452H1
is designed to accommodate a wide range of previous 3. One 300/400-series half-course in language or
preparation in the spoken and written language. In their linguistics
first year, beginners receive an intensive course, SPA 4. One half-course in Spanish American literature from
100Y1; those with OAC/Grade 12 standing begin their the 300/400-series
University studies in SPA 220Y1; students who on entry

5. Plus additional SPA courses to make the equivalent of To request the citation, bring your ROSI transcript to the
10 courses. Up to two full-course equivalents may be department, where you will be asked to fill out a Language
taken from cognate departmental or college offerings: Citation Request form.
GGR, HIS, LAS, LIN, POL, PRT. A complete list of
eligible courses is available from the Undergraduate Spanish: see also European Studies, Latin
Coordinator. Students interested in Latin America American Studies, Linguistics And Languages
are encouraged to take an introductory course in
Portuguese (PRT 100Y1/110Y1). Spanish Courses
Major program: See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
(7 full courses or their equivalent)
First Year: First Year Seminars
SPA 100Y1/220Y1; SPA 319Y1 (for native/bilingual The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
speakers of Spanish) the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
Second Year: of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
SPA 220Y1/320Y1; SPA 420H1 (for speakers who have seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
taken SPA 319Y1 in first year) and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
Third and Fourth Years: professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
1. SPA 320Y1, 454H1 year of study. For details, see page 48.
2. SPA 450H1 or 452H1
3. SPA 420H1 is recommended for students who start in
SPA 100Y1 Notes
4. SPA 420H1 is required for students who start in 1. The Department reserves the right to place students
SPA 220Y1 or higher language course; plus a in the language course best suited to their linguistic
300/400-series half-course in language or linguistics preparation.
5. Plus additional SPA courses, including a 2. Students with an adequate knowledge of Spanish may
300/400-series half-course in Spanish American be required to substitute another Spanish literature or
literature, to make seven courses. Up to one full- culture course for the language course at any level.
course equivalent may be taken from cognate
departmental or college offerings: GGR, HIS, LAS, SPA100Y1 Spanish for Beginners [24L, 48T]
LIN, POL, PRT. A complete list of eligible courses Introduction to the Spanish language for beginning
is available from the Undergraduate Coordinator. students; overview of basic grammatical structures,
Students interested in Latin America are encouraged development of vocabulary and oral and written
to take an introductory course in Portuguese (PRT expression.
100Y1/110Y1). Exclusion: OAC/Grade 12 U Spanish or equivalent
knowledge of Spanish
Minor program: DR=HUM; BR=1
(4 full courses or their equivalent)
SPA220Y1 Intermediate Spanish [48L, 24P]
SPA 319Y1/320Y1 plus additional SPA courses to make
Intermediate Spanish for non-natives. Intensive grammar
four courses. Up to one full-course equivalent of
review of the structures of Spanish integrated with an
cognate credit may be taken in Portuguese.
introduction to reading authentic Spanish material, with
Faculty of Arts & Science Language Citation practice designed to build vocabulary and to improve oral
and written expression.
The Department of Spanish and Portuguese participates Exclusion:SPA319Y1
in the Faculty of Arts and Science’s Language Citation Prerequisite: OAC/Grade 12 U Spanish/SPA100Y1
initiative for Spanish. DR=HUM; BR=1
To complete the language citation in Spanish students will SPA254H0 Mexican Culture [48L]
normally complete the two language-sequence courses Survey of Mexican culture and society, with attention to
that follow the introductory level: central issues in history, politics, education, and popular
tradition, and important thinkers of twentieth-century
SPA220Y1 Mexico: Paz, Fuentes, and others. (Offered only in
SPA320Y1 Guadalajara)
Prerequisite: SPA220Y1/319Y1 and Placement
Native and bilingual speakers should complete SPA319Y1 Examination for the Guadalajara Program
and two additional half-courses in Spanish in the 300- or DR=HUM; BR=3
SPA258H1 Introduction to Hispanic Literary Studies
Students should note that, as explained on the page 20 of [24L]
this Calendar, the Language Citation is not equivalent to Introduction to university literary studies in Spanish.
an academic program and that enrolment in a program is Critical terminology and methods. Representative
not necessary in order to earn the recognition bestowed selections of modern Spanish and Spanish American
by the Citation. prose, poetry, and drama. (Offered in alternate years)
Prerequisite: OAC/Grade 12 U Spanish/SPA100Y1

Co-requisite: SPA220Y1/319Y1 SPA322H1 Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics [24L]
DR=HUM; BR=1 The basic concepts and analytic tools of linguistics applied
to the study of Spanish, with a focus on the Spanish
SPA259H1 Introduction to Hispanic Cultural Studies
phonological, morphological, and syntactic systems.
Theoretical discussion and practical exercises in analytic
Forms of cultural expression in Spain, Latin America
techniques. (Offered in alternate years)
and Spanish-speaking North America, with study of
Prerequisite: SPA 220Y1/319Y1
representative media, including literature, journalism, film,
Recommended preparation: SPA 321H1
visual art, and the urban environment. Introduction to
methods of cultural analysis. (Offered in alternate years).
Prerequisite: SPA 100Y1 SPA323H1 Business Spanish (formerly SPA323Y1)
Co-requisite: SPA 220Y1/319Y1 [24L]
DR=HUM; BR=1 Practical uses of spoken and written Spanish for business
contexts. This course builds on grammar and vocabulary
SPA281Y0 Art and Politics in Contemporary Mexico
knowledge already acquired at the intermediate level, and
is directed primarily at students pursuing a second major
Art and culture since the period of the Mexican Revolution,
in Latin American Studies or European Studies. (Offered in
studied in the context of political and social developments.
alternate years)
Lectures and readings in English. Field trips around the
Exclusion: SPA323Y1
city of Guadalajara are offered as part of the course.
Prerequisite: SPA220Y1/319Y1
(Offered only in Guadalajara)
DR=HUM; BR=1+3
SPA324H1 Spanish Bilingualism [24L]
SPA299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
Spanish bilingualism from three different perspectives:
Credit course for supervised participation in faculty
linguistic, sociolinguistic, psycholinguistic. Analysis of
research project. See page 48 for details.
typical language contact phenomena with materials
from Spanish. Case studies of Spanish in contact
SPA317H0 Language Practice [50L] and discussion of the psychological consequences of
Communication practice in small groups, with an emphasis bilingual childhood. Introduction to survey methods
on skills in speaking, listening, and writing. Selective in sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics, and basic
review of grammatical structures and active vocabulary. techniques for conducting language interviews.
(Offered only in Guadalajara) Prerequisite: SPA220Y1/319Y1
Prerequisite: SPA220Y1/319Yand Placement Examination Recommended preparation: SPA321H1
for the Guadalajara Program DR=HUM; BR=TBA
SPA325H1 Catalan Language and Culture [24L]
SPA319Y1 Spanish for Bilingual and Native Speakers Study of Catalan language through an overview of
[24L] grammatical structures and exercises in proficiency
Survey of the mechanics of writing and basic grammar skills, complemented by readings in Catalan history and
for fluent speakers of Spanish with limited or no exposure society to attain interdisciplinary cultural literacy . Analysis
to written Spanish; English/Spanish spelling differences, of works by Llull, March, d’Ors, Gaudi, Rodoreda, and
written and spoken registers of Spanish, basic aspects of others. (Offered in alternate years)
the grammatical system. Prerequisite: SPA220Y1/PRT220Y1 or an equivalent
Exclusion: SPA100Y1, 220Y1, 320Y1 course in French or Italian
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Exclusion: SPA225Y1
SPA320Y1 Advanced Spanish [48L, 24P] DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Advanced Spanish for non-natives. Selective review SPA341H1 Modernist Movements in Spain [24L]
of grammar with emphasis on the complex sentence; Literary and artistic movements in Spain from 1890 to
intensive practice in written and oral expression to improve 1940, with special attention to the convergence and
proficiency. mutual mediation of politics and art. Materials to be
Exclusion: SPA319Y1 studied include novels, poetry, the urban environment,
Prerequisite: SPA220Y1 graphic art, literary journals and manifestos, and some
DR=HUM; BR=TBA early Hispanic film. (Offered in alternate years)
SPA321H1 Spanish Phonetics and Pronunciation Prerequisite: SPA220Y1/319Y1
[24L] Recommended Preparation: SPA258H1/SPA259H1
An introduction to articulatory phonetics, Spanish sound DR=HUM; BR=TBA
patterns, phonetics, phonology; the basic concepts SPA345H1 Spanish Cinema [24L]
of phonetic description and transcription; the study of Analysis of the development of Spanish Cinema within
Spanish vowel and consonant systems, stress and its social and political contexts. Directors studied include
intonation. Buñuel, Bardem, Erice, Saura, Almodóvar and Bigas Luna.
Prerequisite: SPA220Y1/319Y1 (Offered in alternate years).
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: SPA 220Y1/319Y1
Recommended Preparation: SPA258H1/SPA259H1

SPA352H1 Writing and Culture in Early Modern Spain SPA387H0 Contemporary Mexican Literature [50L]
[24L] Social change and literary innovation in Mexican literature
Representative literary and cultural texts from the early since the 1950s; analysis of selections from Agustín, Juan
modern period, studied in relation to the history and Rulfo, Carlos Fuentes, Fernando del Paso, Octavio Paz,
society of imperial Spain. Discussion will centre on such Laura Esquivel, and others. (Offered only in Guadalajara)
issues as the formation of the state, urbanization, court Prerequisite: SPA220H1/319Y1 and Placement
culture, social order and disorder, and cultural discourses Examination for the Guadalajara Program
of identity and difference. (Offered in alternate years) DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Prerequisite: SPA 220Y1/319Y1 SPA398H0 Independent Experiential Study Project
Recommended Preparation: SPA258H1/SPA259H1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA SPA399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project
An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus
SPA375H1 Latin American Cinema [24L] setting. See page 48 for details.
Latin American cinema within the framework of cultural DR=HUM; BR=TBA
studies, film theory, and film criticism. Analysis of
representative films from Argentina (Solanas, Puenzo), SPA420H1 Advanced Grammar [24L]
Brazil (Babenco, Camus, Salles), Cuba (Ichaso, Gutiérrez Linguistic analysis with the objective of improving students’
Alea, Solás), Mexico (Ripstein, Cuarón, González Iñárritu), command of Spanish grammar. Advanced review of
and Venezuela (Román Chalbaud). (Offered in alternate traditional grammatical topics, including the verbal and
years) pronominal systems, and Spanish copulas and embedded
Prerequisite: SPA220Y1/SPA319Y1 clauses. This course assumes familiarity with the
Recommended preparation: SPA258H1/259H1 grammatical terminology introduced in SPA 220Y1.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: SPA319Y1/320Y1
SPA381H1 Nation, Identity and Literary Modernism in
Spanish-America [24L] SPA421H1 The Structure of Spanish [24L]
Analysis of poetry, short stories, essays, and graphic art in Study of Spanish morphology and syntax: syntactic
the context of nation-building and the question of identity categories in Spanish, the structure and interpretation
during the nineteenth century. Modernismo studied as of simple and complex sentences. (Offered in alternate
the first literary movement of Spanish American origin. years)
(Offered in alternate years) Prerequisite: SPA319Y1/320Y1, 321H1 or permission of
Prerequisite: SPA220Y1/319Y1 department
Recommended preparation: SPA258H1 Recommended preparation: SPA322H1
SPA382H1 Spanish American Women in Art, Film, SPA422H1 Sociolinguistics of Spanish [24L]
and Literature [24L] Study of linguistic variation across the Spanish-speaking
Study of different creative expressions by women in world; central issues in phonological, morphological, and
Spanish America from the colonial period to the present; syntactic variation, analyzed from a geographical as well
analysis of selected works of visual art, film, essays, as from a social point of view. (Offered in alternate years)
poetry, and fiction. (Offered in alternate years) Prerequisite: SPA321H1, 420H1 or permission of the
Prerequisite: SPA220Y1/319Y1 department
Recommended preparation: SPA258H1 Recommended preparation: SPA322H1
SPA384H1 Avant-Garde Movements in Spanish SPA423H1 Spanish Phonology [24L]
America [24L] Theoretical and experimental approaches to Spanish
Study of representative works of major artistic and literary phonology. Topics include: Spanish phonemic inventory,
movements in 20th and 21st century Spanish America: sound patterns, suprasegmentals (stress and intonation),
avant-garde poetry, theatre of the absurd, surrealist art, synchronic and diachronic variation. Methods of data
neo-realism, postmodernism. (Offered in alternate years) collection and analysis in the discipline, with practical
Prerequisite: SPA220Y1/319Y1 applications.
Recommended preparation: SPA258H1 Prerequisite: SPA321H1, or SPA322H1, or permission of
DR=HUM; BR=TBA the Department
SPA385H1 Literature and Social Change in Spanish
America [24L] SPA425H1 History of the Spanish Language [24L]
Modern literature in its critical relation to social conditions. The evolution of Spanish. The dialectalization of Hispano-
Emphasis on socio-historical context, ideologies of the Latin through inherent linguistic changes and influences
period and writers’ views of their social responsibility as a from other languages and the development of Castilian
framework for literary analysis (Offered in alternate years) into one of the world’s most important languages. (Offered
Prerequisite: SPA220Y1/319Y1 in alternate years)
Recommended preparation: SPA258H1 Prerequisite: SPA220Y1/319Y1, 321H1; SPA421H1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA strongly recommended

SPA435H1 Fictions of Contemporary Spain [24L] Prerequisite: SPA220Y1/SPA319Y1
Study of major currents in narrative fiction during the last DR=HUM; BR=TBA
twenty years, a period of return to democratic government, SPA468H1 Topics in Modern Spanish-American
the relaxing of censorship and the opening up of Spanish Literature [24S]
culture. Analysis of works from several generations of male A course on a specific topic in Spanish American literature,
and female writers. (Offered in alternate years) designed for advanced students. Course content and
Prerequisite: SPA220Y1/319Y1 instructor are established on a yearly basis.
Recommended preparation: SPA258H1 Prerequisite: SPA220Y1/319Y1
SPA438H1 Topics in Modern Spanish Literature [24S] SPA471H1 The Historical Novel in Spanish America
A course on a specific topic in modern Spanish literature, [24L]
designed for advanced students. Course content and Issues of nationalism, historical awareness, and the
instructor are established on a yearly basis. rewriting of the past in Spanish American fiction, with
Prerequisite: SPA220Y1/319Y1 detailed study of representative texts. (Offered in alternate
DR=HUM; BR=TBA years)
SPA 439H1 Topics in Spanish Studies [24S] Prerequisite: SPA220Y1/319Y1
A course on specific topics in Spanish studies, designed Recommended preparation: SPA258H1
for advanced students. Course content and instructor are DR=HUM; BR=TBA
established on a yearly basis. SPA480H1 Theories of Culture in Latin America [24L]
Prerequisite: SPA 220Y1/319Y1 Theories of cultural identity and production, as articulated
DR=HUM; BR=TBA by Latin American thinkers since the Independence period.
SPA 440H1 Topics in Spanish Culture [24S] Issues for study will include civilization and barbarity,
A course on specific topics in Spanish culture, designed cultural imperialism, the commodification and consumption
for advanced students. Course content and instructor are of cultural icons, museums, the mass media and national
established on a yearly basis. identity, processes of transculturation and cultural hybridity.
Prerequisite: SPA 220Y1/319Y1 (Offered in alternate years)
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: SPA220Y1/319Y
Recommended Preparation: SPA258H1/259H1
SPA450H1 Studies in Medieval Iberian Literature
Medieval works studied in relation to literary and cultural SPA482H1 20th-Century Spanish American Narrative
traditions. Issues of genre, discourse, and ideology are [24L]
scrutinized in various texts, including lyric, narrative, and Detailed study of the major movements in Spanish-
moral and didactic writings. (Offered in alternate years) American narrative, including magic realism, fantastic
Prerequisite: SPA220Y1/319Y1 literature, women’s writing, and testimonial literature,
Recommended preparation: SPA352H1 through analysis of representative novels and short stories.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA (Offered in alternate years)
Prerequisite: SPA220Y1/319Y1
SPA452H1 Theatre and Representation in Golden
Recommended preparation: SPA258H1
Age Spain [24L]
Study of theatre and the idea of representation, with
reference to parallels in lyric poetry and visual art. SPA486H1 Contemporary Caribbean Literatures and
Emphasis on the Spanish comedia as a genre, and on Identities [24L]
its interaction with other artistic forms in the Golden Age. Literature studied as a socio-political space for the
(Offered in alternate years) articulation of new concepts of cultural identity;
Exclusion: SPA350Y1 examination of cultural change and aesthetic innovation in
Prerequisite: SPA220Y1/319Y1 selected poetic, dramatic, and narrative texts from different
Recommended preparation: SPA320Y1, 352H1 national traditions (Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Puerto
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Rico). (Offered in alternate years)
Prerequisite: SPA220Y1/319Y1
SPA454H1 Cervantes and Golden Age Narrative [24L]
Recommended preparation: SPA258H1
Detailed study of Don Quixote as a foundational text
in the European literary tradition, with attention to the
conventions, genres, and literary techniques that inform SPA487H1 The Culture of Revolution [24L]
the text. Parallel readings in romance, picaresque fiction, Detailed study of key moments and texts in Spanish
and the ballad tradition. American culture from the nineteenth and twentieth
Exclusion: SPA350Y1 centuries, focussing on such topics as the creation of new
Prerequisite: SPA220Y1/319Y1 nations, indigenismo, Caribbean anti-slavery literature, and
Recommended preparation: SPA329Y1, 352H1 the Mexican and Cuban Revolutions. (Offered in alternate
DR=HUM; BR=TBA years)
Prerequisite: SPA220Y1/319Y1
SPA467H1 Topics in Spanish-American Culture [24L]
Recommended preparation: SPA258H1/259H1
A course on a specific topic in Spanish American culture,
designed for advanced students. Course content and
instructor are established on a yearly basis.

SPA488H1 Central America Postwar Narrative [24L]
The end of civil and military conflicts in the last decade of
the 20th century reshapes the political landscape of Central
America. Through selected readings of novels and short
stories from representative writers, issues of immigration,
displacement, and globalization are discussed to understand
these changes in the region.
Prerequisite: SPA220Y1/319Y1
Recommended Preparation: SPA258H1
SPA490H1 Independent Study [TBA]
SPA491H1 Independent Study [TBA]
Individual study with a member of staff on a topic of
common interest including readings, discussion and written
Prerequisite:SPA319Y1/320Y1 and written approval of the
Undergraduate Coordinator


Faculty Today’s consumer is bombarded with the results of so

many quantitative studies using statistical methodology
Professors Emeriti that it is necessary to know something about statistics in
D.F. Andrews, M Sc, Ph D order to be properly critical. A basic knowledge of statistics
D.A.S. Fraser, BA, Ph D, FRSC should be an integral part of everyone’s general education.
I. Guttman, MA, Ph D Probability theory is used to analyse the changing balance
M.S. Srivastava, M Sc, Ph D among the age-groups in a population as the birth rate
Professor and Chair of the Department changes, the control force needed to keep an aircraft on
J. Stafford, M Sc, Ph D course through gusts of wind, the chance that the demand
for electricity by all the customers served by a substation
Associate Professor and Associate Chair - will exceed its capacity. These are just three of many
Graduate Studies phenomena that can be analysed in terms of randomness
R. Craiu, B Sc, Ph D and probability.
Associate Professor and Associate Chair - The course offerings are intended not only for specialists
Undergraduate Studies in the theory of the subject but also to serve the needs of
D. Brenner M Sc, Ph D the many other disciplines that use statistical methods,
e.g. in sample survey design and experimental design.
Professor and Associate Chair – Students following the Specialist Program are encouraged
Undergraduate Studies to include courses in major fields of application in their
S. Broverman, M Sc, Ph D, ASA overall program. The Major Program can be profitably
combined with specialization in another discipline.
University Professor Students in these programs may also qualify for the A.
N.M. Reid, M Sc, Ph D, FRSC Stat. designation from the Statistical Society of Canada.
Both applied and theoretical courses are offered in
S. Broverman, M Sc, Ph D, ASA
Statistics and Probability. The foundation courses
M.J. Evans, MA, Ph D (UTSC)
STA 220H1, 221H1, 247H1, 248H1, 250H1, 255H1,
A. Feuerverger, B Sc, Ph D
257H1, and 261H1 are distinguished primarily by their
K. Knight, M Sc, Ph D
mathematical demands, as indicated by the prerequisites.
X.S. Lin, M Sc, Ph D, ASA
Students interested in the Biological or Social Sciences
P. McDunnough, M Sc, Ph D
will generally find the most relevant courses of the more
R. Neal, B Sc, Ph D
offerings advanced to be STA 302H1, 303H1, 304H1,
J. Quastel, MS, Ph D
305H1 and 429H1. Furthermore, the probability course
J.S. Rosenthal, MA, Ph D
STA 347H1 will be of interest to those whose field of
Associate Professors application includes stochastic models.
D. Brenner M Sc, Ph D
Enquiries: 100 St. George Street, Sidney Smith Hall,
L.J. Brunner, MA, Ph D (UTM)
Room 6022 (416-978-5136)
R. Craiu, B Sc, Ph D
F. Yao, B Sc, M Sc, Ph D Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies: Professor D.
Assistant Professors Brenner; e-mail: [email protected]
A. Badescu, B Sc, M Sc, Ph D Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies: Actuarial Science
S. Jaimungal, B A Sc, M Sc, Ph D – Professor S Broverman; e-mail: [email protected]
B. Virág, Ph D (UTSC)
Z. Zhou, B Sc, Ph D
Statistics Programs
Senior Lecturer Enrolment in these programs requires completion of four
A. Gibbs, B Math, B Ed, M Sc, Ph D courses; no minimum GPA is required.
A.M. Vukov, MA, ASA
A. Weir, B Sc, M Sc, Ph D (UTM) Statistics (Science program)
K. Butler, M Sc, Ph D (UTSC) Specialist program:
M. Moras’, B Com, M Sc, Ph D (UTSC) (11 full courses or their equivalent)
M. Samarakoon, M Sc, Ph D (UTSC) First Year:
Statistical methods have applications in almost all areas CSC 148H1/260H1; MAT 137Y1/157Y1
of science, engineering, business, government, and Second Year:
industry. The practising statistician is involved in such MAT 223H1/240H1, 224H1/247H1, 237Y1/257Y1;
diverse projects as designing clinical trials to test a new STA257H1, 261H1
drug, economic model-building to evaluate the costs of a (MAT 223H1/240H1 recommended in 1st year)
guaranteed-income scheme, predicting the outcome of a while CSC148H1/260H1 might well be taken in 2nd year)
national election, planning a survey of television viewing Higher Years:
habits, and estimating animal populations. 1. STA 302H1, 303H1, 347H1, 352Y1, 410H1, 442H1
2. 1.5 full year courses from:

STA 412H1, (414H1/CSC 411H1), 422H1, 437H1, MAT 157Y1, 240H1
438H1, 447H1, 457H1 Second Year:
3. 1.5 full year courses from: MAT 247H1, 257Y1, 267H1, STA 257H1, 261H1
ACT 451H1, 452H1, 460H1; APM 412H1; Third and Fourth Years:
MAT 327H1, 334H1/354H1, 337H1/357H1, 1. MAT327H1, MAT354H1, MAT357H1; STA302H1,
301H1/347Y1 STA352Y1, STA347H1, STA447H1
CSC 207H1, 310H1, 336H1/350H1, 351H1 2. At least three half-courses from STA303H1, 305H1,
STA300 + level courses STA410H1, STA414H1, STA422H1, STA437H1,
STA438H1, STA442H1, STA450H1, STA457H1
Major program: 3. At least one 300+ level f.c.e. from APM, CSC, MAT
(6.5 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one
STA400-series course) Note
The Department recommends that PHY151H1,
First Year:
PHY152H1 be taken in first year, and that
CSC 108H1/148H1/260H1 (may be taken in 2nd year);
CSC108H1/148H1/260H1 be taken during the
MAT 135Y1/137Y1/157Y1
Second Year:
MAT 223H1/240H1, 235Y1/237Y1/257Y1; STA (250H1,
255H1)/(247H1, 248H1)/(257H1, 261H1)
Statistics Courses
(MAT 223H1/240H1 recommended in 1st year) See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
Higher Years:
1. STA 302H1 First Year Seminars
2. 3 half (H) course equivalents from all available The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
STA300+ level courses (For example, a student the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
interested in economics/commerce/finance might of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
think to include STA304H1, 347H1, 457H1 in their seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
programme, while someone engaged in a life science and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
might entertain STA303H1, 305H1, 437H1. On the professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
other hand, a student with an interest in pure math year of study. For details, see page 48.
might choose to focus on applications of that subject STA220H1 The Practice of Statistics I [36L, 12T]
matter to theoretical probability and statistics, selecting An introductory course in statistical concepts and
STA 347H1, 352Y1 and 447H1 to complete a major in methods, emphasizing exploratory data analysis for
statistics.) univariate and bivariate data, sampling and experimental
3. 1 half (H) course equivalent from the available designs, basic probability models, estimation and tests of
STA400+ level courses hypothesis in one-sample and comparative two-sample
(For those anticipating a future professional need to studies. A statistical computing package is used but no
analyze large arrays of data STA 410H1, STA 414H1 prior computing experience is assumed.
are certainly very worthy of consideration.) Exclusion: ECO220Y1/227Y1/GGR270H1/PSY201H1/
Minor program:
Prerequisite: Grade 12 Mathematics and one University
(4 full courses or their equivalent)
course in the physical, social, or life sciences
First Year: DR=None (STA220H1 does not count as a distribution
MAT 135Y1/137Y1/157H1 requirement course); BR=5
Second Year: STA221H1 The Practice of Statistics II [36L, 12T]
MAT 223H1/240H1; STA (250H1/220H1 (70%), 255H1)/ Continuation of STA220H1, emphasizing major methods of
(247H1, 248H1)/(257H1, 261H1) data analysis such as analysis of variance for one factor
(MAT 223H1/240H1 recommended in 1st year) and multiple factor designs, regression models, categorical
Higher Years: and non-parametric methods.
1. STA302H1 Exclusion:ECO220Y1/227Y1/GGR270Y1 /PSY202H1/
2. 2 half (H) course equivalents from all available SOC300Y1/STA261H1/250H1/248H1
STA300+ level courses Prerequisite: STA220H1
DR=None (STA221H1 does not count as a distribution
Statistics and Computer Science - See
requirement course); BR=5
Computer Science
STA247H1 Probability with Computer Applications
Statistics and Economics - See Economics [36L, 12T]
Introduction to the theory of probability, with emphasis
Statistics and Mathematics (Science program) on applications in computer science. The topics covered
include random variables, discrete and continuous
Consult Professor J.S. Rosenthal, Department of
probability distributions, expectation and variance,
independence, conditional probability, normal, exponential,
binomial, and Poisson distributions, the central limit
Specialist program:
theorem, sampling distributions, estimation and testing,
(11 full courses or their equivalent)
applications to the analysis of algorithms, and simulating
First Year: systems such as queues.

Prerequisite: MAT 135Y1/137Y1/157Y1; CSC Exclusion: ECO227Y1/STA255H1/247H1
108H1/148H1 Prerequisite: MAT135Y1/137Y1/157Y1 (MAT137Y1/157Y1
Exclusion: ECO 227Y1/STA 255H1/257H1 is strongly recommended)
DR=None (STA247H1 does not count as a distribution Co-requisite: MAT235Y1/MAT237Y1/MAT257Y1
requirement course); BR=5 (MAT237Y1/MAT257Y1 is strongly recommended),
STA248H1 Statistics for Computer Scientists [36L,
DR=None (STA257H1 does not count as a distribution
requirement course); BR=5
A survey of statistical methodology with emphasis on data
analysis and applications. The topics covered include STA261H1 Probability and Statistics II [36L, 12T]
descriptive statistics , data collection and the design of A sequel to STA 257H1, providing a rigorous introduction
experiments, univariate and multivariate design, tests to the logical foundations of statistical inference and
of significance and confidence intervals, power, multiple the practical methodology engendered. Topics include:
regressions and the analysis of variance, and count data. statistical models, parameters, samples and estimates; the
Students learn to use a statistical computer package as general concept of statistical confidence with applications
part of the course. to the discrete case and the construction of confidence
Prerequisite: STA 247H1/255H1/257H1; CSC intervals and more general regions in both the univariate
108H1/148H1 and vector-valued cases; hypothesis testing; the likelihood
Exclusion: ECO 220Y1/227Y1/GGR 270Y11/PSY 201H1/ function and its applications; time permitting: the basics
SOC 300Y1/STA220H1/221H1/250H1/261H1 of data analysis, unbiasedness, sufficiency, linear models
DR=None (STA248H1 does not count as a distribution and regression.
requirement course); BR=5 Exclusion: ECO227Y1STA248H1/255H1
Prerequisite: STA257H1
STA250H1 Statistical Concepts [36L, 12T]
Co-requisite: MAT235Y1/237Y1/257Y1, MAT223H1/240H1
A survey of statistical methodology with emphasis on
DR=None (STA261H1 does not count as a distribution
data analysis and applications. The topics covered
requirement course); BR=5
include descriptive statistics, basic probability, simulation,
data collection and the design of experiments, tests of STA299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
significance and confidence intervals, power, multiple Credit course for supervised participation in faculty
regression and the analysis of variance, and count data. research project. See page 48 for details.
Students learn to use a statistical computer package as DR=SCI; BR=TBA
part of the course. STA302H1 Methods of Data Analysis I [36L]
Exclusion: ECO220Y1/227Y1/GGR270Y1/PSY201H1/ Introduction to data analysis with a focus on regression.
SOC300Y1/STA220H1/261H1/221H1/248H1 Initial Examination of data. Correlation. Simple
Prerequisite: MAT133Y1/135Y1/137Y1/157Y1 and multiple regression models using least squares.
DR=None (STA250H1 does not count as a distribution Inference for regression parameters, confidence and
requirement course); BR=5 prediction intervals. Diagnostics and remedial measures.
STA255H1 Statistical Theory [36L, 12T] Interactions and dummy variables. Variable selection.
This courses deals with the mathematical aspects of Least squares estimation and inference for non-linear
some of the topics discussed in STA250H1. Topics regression.
include discrete and continuous probability distributions, Prerequisite: STA248H1/255H1/261H1/ECO220Y1(70%)/
conditional probability, expectation, sampling distributions, 227Y1
estimation and testing, the linear model. DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Exclusion: ECO220Y1/227Y1/ STA303H1 Methods of Data Analysis II [36l]
STA257H1/261H1/247H1/248H1 Analysis of variance for one-and two-way layouts,
Prerequisite: STA250H1/221H1, MAT135Y1/137Y1/ 157Y1 logistic regression, loglinear models, Longitudinal data,
DR=None (STA255H1 does not count as a distribution introduction to time series.
requirement course); BR=5 Prerequisite: STA302H1
STA257H1 Probability and Statistics I [36L, 12T] DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Course descriptions can be all to generic in their brevity. STA304H1 Surveys, Sampling and Observational
Suffice to know, then, that this course, and its sequel-in Data (formerly STA322H1) [36L]
crime, STA 261H1, is mathematically quite challenging, Design of surveys, sources of bias, randominized
the target audience including those proceeding directly response surveys. Techniques of sampling; stratification,
to a specialist degree in statistics, as well as anyone clustering, unequal probability selection. Sampling
with serious and special interest in some other of the inference, estimates of population mean and variances,
identifiably statistical-physical sciences. Topics, albeit ratio estimation., observational data; correlation vs.
very rigorously covered, are, nevertheless, very standard causation, missing data, sources of bias.
introductory fare: abstract probability and expectation, Exclusion: STA322H1
discrete and continuous random variables and vectors, Prerequisite: ECO220Y1/227Y1/GGR270Y1 / PSY202H1/
with the special mathematics of distribution and density SOC300Y1/STA221H1/255H1/261H1/248H1
functions, all realized in the special examples of ordinary DR=SCI; BR=TBA
statistical practice: the binomial poisson and geometric
group, and the gaussian (normal), gamma, chi-squared

STA305H1 Design and Analysis of Experiments Prerequisite: STA302H1, 352Y1
(formerly STA332H1) [36L] DR=SCI; BR=TBA
Experiments vs observational studies, experimental STA414H1 Statistical Methods for Data Mining and
units. Designs with one source of variation. Complete Machine Learning [48L, 24P]
randomized designs and randomized block designs. Statistical aspects of supervised learning: regression with
Factorial designs. Inferences for contrasts and means. spline bases, regularization methods, parametric and
Model assumptions. Crossed and nested treatment nonparametric classification methods, nearest neighbours,
factors, random effects models. Analysis of variance and cross-validation and model selection, generalized additive
covariance. Sample size calculations. models, trees, model averaging, clustering and nearest
Prerequisite: STA302H1/352Y1/ECO374H1/375H1 neigtbour methods for unsupervised learning.
Exclusion: STA332H1, 402H1 Prerequisite: CSC108H1, STA302H1/CSC411H1
STA347H1 Probability [36L] STA422H1 Theory of Statistical Inference [36L]
An overview of probability from a non-measure theoretic The course discusses foundational aspects of various
point of view. Random variables/vectors; independence, theories of statistics. Specific topics covered include:
conditional expectation/probability and consequences. likelihood based inference, decision theory, fiducial and
Various types of convergence leading to proofs of the structural inference, Bayesian inference.
major theorems in basic probability. An introduction Prerequisite: STA352Y1
to simple stochastic processes such as Poisson and DR=SCI; BR=TBA
branching processes.
Prerequisite: STA247H1/255H1/257H1/(ECO227, STA429H1 Advanced Statistics for the Life and
MAT237Y1/257Y1), MAT223H1/240H1; Social Sciences [36L]
MAT235Y1/237Y1/257Y1 The course discusses many advanced statistical methods
Note: STA257H1 and MAT237Y1/257Y1; MAT (223H1, used in the life and social sciences. Emphasis is on
224H1)/240H1 are very strongly recommended) learning how to become a critical interpreter of these
DR=SCI; BR=TBA methodologies while keeping mathematical requirements
low. Topics covered include multiple regression, logistic
STA352Y1 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics regression, discriminant and cluster analysis, principal
[72L] components and factor analysis.
Introduction to statistical theory and its application. Exclusion: All 300+ level STA courses except STA304H1
Basic inference concepts. Likelihood function, Likelihood Prerequisite: ECO220Y1/227Y1/GGR270Y1 /PSY202H1/
statistic. Simple large sample theory. Least squares and SOC300Y1/STA221H1/250H1
generalizations, survey of estimation methods. Testing STA429H1 does not count towards any STA program
hypotheses, p-values and confidence intervals. Bayesian- DR=SCI/SOC SCI; BR=TBA
fequentist interface. Analysis of Variance from a vector-
geometric viewpoint. Conditional inference. STA437H1 Methods for multivariate data [24L, 12P]
Prerequisite: MAT 223H1/240H1; Practical techniques for the analysis of multivariate
MAT235Y1/237Y1/257Y1; STA (257H1,261H1)/ data; fundamental methods of data reduction with an
ECO227Y1 introduction to underlying distribution theory; basic
Note: MAT 237Y1/257Y1; MAT (223H1, 224H1)/240H1 estimation and hypothesis testing for multivariate
very strongly recommended. means and variances; regression coefficients; principal
DR=SCI; BR=TBA components and partial, multiple and canonical
correlations; multivariate analysis of variance; profile
STA398H0 Independent Experiential Study Project analysis and curve fitting for repeated measurements;
STA399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project classification and the linear discriminant function.
An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus Prerequisite: ECO374H1/375H1/STA302H1/352Y1
setting. See page 48 for details. Recommended preparation: APM233Y1/MAT223H1/240H1
STA410H1 Statistical Computation [36L] STA438H1 Theoretical Multivariate Statistics [36L]
Programming in an interactive statistical environment. An introductory survey of current multivariate analysis,
Generating random variates and evaluating statistical multivariate normal distributions, distribution of multiple
methods by simulation. Algorithms for linear models, and partial correlations, Wishart distributions, distribution
maximum likelihood estimation, and Bayesian inference. of Hotelling’s T2, testing and estimation of regression
Statistical algorithms such as the Kalman filter and the EM parameters, classification and discrimination.
algorithm. Graphical display of data. Prerequisite: MAT223H1/240H1, 237Y1/257Y1, STA352Y1
Prerequisite: STA302H1, CSC108H1 (STA 437H1 is strongly recommended)
STA412H1 Nonparametric methods of inference [48L, STA442H1 Methods of Applied Statistics [36L]
24P] Advanced topics in statistics and data analysis with
Modern methods of nonparametric inference, with special emphasis on applications. Diagnostics and residuals in
emphasis on bootstrap methods, and including density linear models, introductions to generalized linear models,
estimation, kernel regression, smoothing methods and graphical methods, additional topics such as random
functional data analysis.

effects models, split plot designs, analysis of censored data,
introduced as needed in the context of case studies.
Prerequisite: ECO374H1/375H1/STA302H1 ; STA305H1
STA447H1 Stochastic Processes (formerly STA348H1)
Discrete and continuous time processes with an emphasis
on Markov, Gaussian and renewal processes. Martingales
and further limit theorems. A variety of applications taken
from some of the following areas are discussed in the
context of stochastic modeling: Information Theory, Quantum
Mechanics, Statistical Analyses of Stochastic Processes,
Population Growth Models, Reliability, Queuing Models,
Stochastic Calculus, Simulation (Monte Carlo Methods).
Exclusion: STA348H1
Prerequisite: STA347H1
STA450H1 Topics in Statistics [36L]
Topics of current research interest are covered. Topics
change from year to year, and students should consult the
department for information on material presented in a given
STA457H1 Time Series Analysis [36L]
An overview of methods and problems in the analysis of time
series data. Topics include: descriptive methods, filtering
and smoothing time series, theory of stationary processes,
identification and estimation of time series models,
forecasting, seasonal adjustment, spectral estimation,
bivariate time series models.
Prerequisite: ECO374H1/375H1/STA302H1
Recommended preparation: MAT235Y1/237Y1/257Y1
STA490H1 Statistical Consultation, Communication,
and Collaboration [24L, 24P]
Through case studies and collaboration with researchers in
other disciplines, students develop skills in the collaborative
practice of Statistics. Focus is on pragmatic solutions to
practical issues including study design, dealing with common
complications in data analysis, and ethical practice, with
particular emphasis on written communication.
Prerequisite: STA303H1, one 400-level STA course,
permission of instructor
Recommended Preparation: STA305H1
STA496H1 Readings in Statistics [TBA]
STA497H1 Readings in Statistics [TBA]
Independent study under the direction of a faculty
member. Persons wishing to take this course must have
the permission of the Undergraduate Secretary and of the
prospective supervisor.
STA498Y1 Readings in Statistics [TBA]
STA499Y1 Readings in Statistics [TBA]
Independent study under the direction of a faculty
member. Persons wishing to take this course must have
the permission of the Undergraduate Secretary and of the
prospective supervisor.

Trinity College
Trinity College offers Trinity One, a set of first-year equivalent must be taken from Groups A-D, including
courses, an independent studies program, and three at least one from each of Groups A-C and at least two
inter-disciplinary programs: Ethics, Society, and Law; at the 300+ level.
Immunology; International Relations. The Major Program
Group A (Ethics)
in Ethics, Society, and Law assembles courses offered
PHL 273H1,275H1, 281H1, 295H1, 341H1, 373H1,
by a variety of Departments and Colleges, including
375H1, 378H1,380H1, 381H1, 382H1, 383H1, 384H1,
History, Philosophy, Political Science, Religion, Sociology,
394H1, 407H1; POL 330H1; RLG 221H1, 224Y1, 228H1
and Woodsworth College. The Specialist and Major
Programs in Immunology are assembled from offerings Group B (Society)
by the Departments of Biochemistry, Immunology, ANT 204H1; CSC 300H1; ECO 313H1, 332H1, 336Y1,
Molecular Genetics and Microbiology. The International 340H1; ENV 222Y1, 347H1, GGR 416H1; HIS 332H1,
Relations Program encompasses courses offered by the 355H1; HPS 324H1; JGE 331H1; PHL 265H1, 365H1;
Departments of History, Political Science, and Economics. POL 200Y1, 214Y1, 320Y1, 405Y1, 412Y1, 432H1; PSY
311H1, 321H1; SOC 203Y1, 212Y1, 215Y1, 301Y1,
Trinity One 306Y1; WDW 200H1, 210H1 300H1, 320H1, 335H1,
Trinity One provides first-year students with the 340H1, 380H1; WGS 373H1
opportunity to explore together significant issues and ideas
pertaining to the conduct of human life and world affairs. Group C (Law)
There are two streams in Trinity One, each linked to a CLA 336H1; ECO 320H1; ENV 422H1; NMC 484H1; PHL
prominent aspect of the College’s intellectual identity. One 370H1, 484H1; POL 319Y1, 332Y1, 337Y1, 340Y1; SMC
of the streams focuses on international relations, the other 304H1, 361H1; SOC 213Y1; TRN 304H1, 305Y1/H1,
on ethics. Each stream includes two seminar courses 425Y1; WDW 365H1; WGS 365H1, 375H1
limited to 25 students. These courses foster small-group Group D (Further Courses)
discussion and emphasize the development of critical-
thinking, oral-presentation, writing and research skills. RLG 309Y1; TRN 200Y1, 300H1, 301Y1, 302Y1, 400H1,
Co-curricular events, drawing upon the resources of the 404Y1, 405Y1, 406H1/407Y1
Munk Centre for International Studies at Trinity College N.B. The above WDW courses are only available to
and the University of Toronto’s Centre for Ethics (located students enrolled in the double major program Ethics,
at Trinity), enable students in both streams of Trinity Society, and Law/Criminology
One to hear guest speakers and to engage in informal
conversation with one another and with their professors. Immunology Studies:
Consult Prof. Alberto Martin (416-978-4230)
Trinity College Programs
For more information please see the entry under
Ethics, Society, and Law (Arts program) Immunology.
www.trinity.utoronto.ca/es&l Independent Studies
Enrolment is limited to students with a CGPA of 2.80 who Consult Professor C. Kanaganayakam, Room 312, Larkin
have completed four courses. Building, Trinity College (416-978-8250).
Major program The College’s Independent Studies Program affords
(7 full courses or their equivalent) students the opportunity of investigating in depth topics of
their own choice that are not directly part of the present
The following requirements apply to students who enrol in curriculum. These topics normally involve interdisciplinary
the program after September 23, 2007. The requirements study, though under some circumstances they may require
in the 2006-07 Calendar apply to students who enrolled in concentrated work in a single discipline. The scope
the program prior to 2007-08. of acceptable topics embraces the natural and social
1. PHL 271H1 (recommended to be taken in the first sciences as well as the humanities. Participation in the
year of registration in the program) program is restricted to students who have completed at
2. POL 200Y1/PHL 265H1/PHL 275H1 (to be taken in least ten courses. The maximum number of independent
any year of registration in the program) studies half courses for which a student may receive credit
3. TRN 303H1 (to be taken in the second year of is one, and the maximum number of independent studies
registration in the program) full courses for which a student may receive credit is two.
4. TRN 412H1 (to be taken in the final year of Thus the maximum number of independent studies full
registration in the program) course equivalents for which a student may receive credit
5. If POL 200Y1 is taken in satisfaction of requirement is 2.5. Normally the work done is to be the equivalent of
2 above, then 4.5 full courses or the equivalent must two full courses. Permission to register in an independent
be taken from Groups A-D, including at least one studies half course, or in an independent studies full
from each of Groups A-C and at least two at the 300+ course, will normally be granted only to students with a
level. If PHL 265H1/PHL 275H1 is taken in satisfaction cumulative GPA of at least 3.50. Permission to undertake
of requirement 2 above, then five full courses or the an independent studies project for the equivalent of two
full courses will normally be granted only to students with
a cumulative GPA of at least 3.70.

Trinity College
All proposals are subject to the approval of the Two full course equivalents from the following seminars:
Coordinator. ECO 419H1, 429Y1, 457Y1, 459H1; HIS 401H1,
405Y1, 436H1, 445H1, 451H1, 453H1, 455H1, 457H1,
Students must submit to the Coordinator before the
458Y1, 462H1, 471H1, 473Y1, 479H1, 488H1, 492H1,
beginning of the academic year a copy of their academic
497Y1, 498H1; JHP 400Y1, 440Y1; NMC 474H1,
transcript and an outline of their topic (signed by the
476H1; POL 401H1, 410H1, 411H1, 412Y1, 413H1,
supervisor) and a suggested bibliography. For evaluation
414H1, 415H1, 416Y1, 417Y1, 420Y1, 435H1, 440Y1,
of the work done in the program a short thesis or
441H1, 442H1, 452Y1, 453Y1, 456Y1, 458H1, 459Y1,
equivalent is required, prepared and submitted by the last
466H1, 469H1, 470Y1, 477H1, 481Y1, 486H1/Y1,
day of classes in the fall or winter session as appropriate.
487H1/Y1, 495Y1, 496H1; TRN 410Y1, 411Y1, 419Y1,
The supervisor and a second reader (nominated by the
supervisor and approved by the Coordinator before the
end of September) are responsible for the evaluation.
1. Language skills are vital for the study of international
The Coordinator will require regular progress reports
throughout the year.
2. Nine full courses in the Program should be completed
Either the supervisor or the second reader must be a among the student’s first 15 courses.
tenured University of Toronto faculty member. A supervisor 3. Students may change from Major to Specialist
who is not a tenured University of Toronto faculty member Programs only if they meet current Specialist
will normally be required to be a full-time faculty member requirements and if places are available.
of the University.
Major program:
Students enrolling for the first time register for one or (7 full courses or their equivalent)
more of TRN 300H1, 301Y1, 302Y1, or for one or more
of TRN 400H1, 404Y1, and 405Y1, as appropriate. Those Enrolment in the Major Program is limited to students
enrolling for a second time register in one or more of TRN with a CGPA of 2.70, and a combined average of at least
400H1, 404Y1, and 405Y1, as appropriate. 67% in required first-year courses. A personal interview
completes admission to the program.
International Relations (Arts program) First Year: ECO 100Y1/105Y1, HIS 103Y1 or TRN
Consult the Office of the International Relations Program, 150Y1/151Y1 or two of VIC 181H1, 183H1, 184H1,
Room 310N, Munk Centre for International Studies, 416- 185H1
946-8950. Higher Years:
1. POL 208Y1 (must be taken in Second Year)
Enrolment in the Specialist Program is limited to students 2. ECO 230Y1/342Y1, HIS 311Y1, 344Y1, POL
with a CGPA of 3.00, and a combined average of at least 312Y1/326Y1/340Y1
67% in required first-year courses. A personal interview
completes admission to the program. International Relations Program/Peace and
Conflict Studies Program (Arts program)
Specialist program:
Consult the Office of the International Relations Program,
(13 full courses or their equivalent, including at least two
Room 310N, Munk Centre for International Studies, 946-
400-series courses)
8950 or the Office of the Peace and Conflict Studies
First Year: Program, Room H11, University College, 416-978-2485.
ECO 100Y1/105Y1; HIS 103Y1 or TRN 150Y1/151Y1
Admission to the Joint Specialist program requires
or two of VIC 181H1, 183H1, 184H1, 185H1;
students to complete specified first year courses plus the
one introductory modern language course or
approval of the Directors of the International Relations
Program and the Peace and Conflict Studies program
NOTE: Students who intend to apply for the Specialist
through an interview. A limited number of students are
program are strongly encouraged to take ECO 100Y1;
accepted each year. Enrolment in the Joint Specialist
POL 101Y1 or 108Y1 is optional, and can replace one
Program is limited to students with a First-year CGPA of
of the POL options under 2nd, 3rd or 4th years below.
3.00. Variations in program must be approved by both
Second and Third Years:
the Directors of Peace and Conflict and International
1. POL 208Y1 (must be taken in Second Year)
2. ECO 230Y1/364H1 + 365H1, 342Y1; HIS 311Y1,
344Y1; POL 312Y1/326Y1/340Y1
Second, Third or Fourth Year:
Joint Specialist program:
(13 full courses or their equivalent, including at least two
Normally two full course equivalents from: ANT 452H1;
400-series courses)
ECO 200Y1, 202Y1, 230Y1/364H1 + 365H1, 303Y1,
307H1, 324Y1; EUR 200Y1; GGR 439H1; HIS 241H1, First Year:
242H1, 250Y1, 251Y1, 271Y1, 304H1, 327H1, 329H1, ECO 100Y1/105Y1; HIS 103Y1; PSY100H1 + PSY220H1/
334H1, 338H1, 343Y1, 347H1, 376H1, 377Y1; JMC SOC101Y1
301Y1; LAS 200Y1; NMC 358H1, 378H1; POL 101Y1, Second Year:
108Y1, 201Y1, 312Y1, 318H1, 323H1, 324H1 326Y1, ECO 230Y1; POL 208Y1; PCS 260Y1
335H1, 340Y1, 341H1, 343Y1, 370H1, 376Y1 Third Year:
Fourth Year: HIS 311Y1/344Y1; PCS 360Y1/361Y1
Fourth Year:

Trinity College
PCS 460Y1 plus TRN171Y1 Ethics and the Public Sphere [48S]
One full course equivalent from the following: HIS 458Y1, A seminar course that explores ethical issues arising
473Y1, 479H1, 482H1, 488H1, 497Y1, 498H1; TRN in such public domains as international relations, law,
421Y1 science, business, the arts, civil society, public life,
Note: In addition, students must meet the Peace and the mass media, popular culture. Issues may include
Conflict Studies Program requirement of completing war crimes, human rights, assisted suicide, genetic
a cluster of 3 full course equivalents to be chosen engineering, corporate responsibility, private vice and
in consultation with the Peace and Conflict Studies public virtue, “the tragedy of the commons”. Open only to
Program Director. students admitted to Trinity One.
Co-requisites: TRN170Y1 & a first-year course in English
Trinity College Courses or Philosophy or Political Science or a course with
(Trinity One; Ethics, Society, & Law; Independent Studies; permission of the Coordinator.
International Relations; Other) DR=HUM; BR=2+3

See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.

Ethics, Society, and Law Courses
First Year Seminars
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide TRN 303H1 Ethics and Society [24L]
the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class An exploration of the ethical dimensions of selected
of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive contemporary social issues. Students in the major
seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity program in Ethics, Society, and Law have enrolment
and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the priority.
professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first Prerequisite: PHL 271H1
year of study. For details, see page 48. DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Trinity One TRN304H1 Law and Social Issues [24L]
Students participating in Vic One are excluded from Trinity An exploration of the legal dimensions of selected
One. contemporary social issues. Restricted to students in
the major program Ethics, Society, and Law.
TRN150Y1 National versus International [48S]
This seminar examines the rise of nationalisms and Prerequisite: PHL 271H1
nation states since the 16th century and the ways these DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
intersect or compete with international movements, ideas TRN305H1 Basic Principles of Law [24L]
and institutions. Topics may include the Enlightenment,
TRN305Y1 Basic Principles of Law [48L]
the French Revolution, the birth of Germany, peace
The nature and justification of legal rules as preparation
movements, the League of Nations, and humanitarian
for the study of basic principles of law governing the
relief. Open only to students admitted to Trinity One.
relations between individual citizens, and the relations
Co-requisites: TRN151Y1 & a first-year course in History
between individual citizens and the state. A selection of
or Political Science or Economics or Sociology or a
contract, torts, criminal and administrative law. Restricted
course with permission of the Coordinator.
to students in the major program Ethics, Society, and Law.
Prerequisite: A student must be in third or fourth year.
TRN151Y1 Global Governance [48S] DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
This seminar course provides an orientation to the study
TRN406H1 Community Research Partnerships in
of contemporary world order. Topics may include important
legacies of the world wars of the 20th century, theories of
conflict and cooperation, and new forms of transnational TRN 407Y1 Community Research Partnerships in
collaboration. Open only to students admitted to Trinity Ethics
One. Students undertake research projects designed to meet
Co-requisites: TRN150Y1 & a first-year course in History the knowledge needs of ethics-oriented organizations in
or Political Science or Economics or Sociology or a the broader community.
course with permission of the Coordinator. Prerequisite: Students must be in the final year of
DR=SOC SCI; BR=3 registration in the Major Program in Ethics, Society,
and Law and will normally have a CGPA of at least
TRN170Y1 Ethics and the Creative Imagination [48S]
3.20. Enrolment is by application. See the Registration
A seminar course that explores ethical issues through
Handbook and Timetable for enrolment procedures.
the study of works of the creative imagination that pose
or provoke questions of right and wrong, good and evil,
justice and injustice. The selected works will be drawn TRN412H1 Seminar in Ethics, Society, and Law
from such fields as literature, film, and the visual and (formerly TRN312H1) [TBA]
performing arts. Open only to students admitted to Trinity Prerequisite: Students must be in their final year of
One. registration in the Major Program: Ethics, Society and
Co-requisites: TRN171Y1 & a first-year course in English Law. See the Registration Handbook and Timetable for
or Philosophy or Political Science or a course with enrolment procedures.
permission of the Coordinator. Recommended preparation: TRN305Y1/WDW220Y1/
DR=HUM; BR=1+2 equivalent background knowledge

Trinity College
Exclusion: TRN312H1 Other Trinity College Courses
TRN190Y1 Critical Reading and Critical Writing [48S]
TRN425Y1 Law Workshops Course [TBA] This course introduces students to a number of critical
Students attend workshops in the Faculty of Law, meet approaches and develops the student’s own responses to
for related discussion and complete related assignments. texts through an understanding of critical vocabulary and
Enrolment is restricted to qualified fourth-year students the art of close analytical reading. Students also learn how
registered in the Major Program Ethics, Society, and Law. to make their own critical analysis more effective through
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA oral presentations and written work.
DR=HUM; BR=None (This course has no status for
breadth requirement purposes)
Independent Studies Courses TRN200Y1 Modes of Reasoning (formerly TRN200H1)
TRN299Y1 Research Opportunity Program [24L, 24S]
Credit course for supervised participation in faculty First term: students are taught how to recognize, analyze,
research project. See page 48 for details. evaluate, and construct arguments in ordinary English
DR=HUM prose. Second term: one or more discipline-related modes
of reasoning (e.g., scientific reasoning, ethical reasoning,
TRN300H1 Trinity Independent Studies [TBA]
legal reasoning) studied with reference to a selection of
TRN301Y1 Trinity Independent Studies [TBA] contemporary social issues.
TRN302Y1 Trinity Independent Studies [TBA] Exclusion: PHL 247H1/PHI 247H1/TRN200H1
DR=HUM; BR=None (This course has no status for
TRN400H1 Trinity Independent Studies [TBA] breadth requirement purposes)
TRN404Y1 Trinity Independent Studies [TBA]
TRN405Y1 Trinity Independent Studies [TBA]

International Relations Courses

(See the International Relations Program Office for details)

TRN410Y1 Selected Topics in International Studies

Prerequisite: Enrolment in the International Relations
specialist program or in a History or Political Science
specialist program
Exlcusion: TRN410H1
TRN411Y1 Selected Topics in International Studies
Prerequisite: Enrolment in the International Relations
program or in a History major or specialist program, or
permission of instructor
TRN419Y1 Comparative American, British and
Canadian Foreign Policy [48S]
The origins and evolution of American, British and
Canadian foreign policy from the late 18th century to the
present. Policies are compared in order to understand the
development of these countries as nations and actors in
the international community.
Prerequisite: Students must have a background in one of
Canadian, British or American history.
TRN421Y1 The Practice and Institutions of Diplomacy
(formerly JHP420Y1) [48S]
Evaluation of the nature of foreign policy negotiation and
decision-making from the perspective of the practitioner.
Prerequisite: ECO342Y1/HIS311Y1/POL312Y1
Ukrainian: see Slavic Lanaguges
and Literatures

University College

Faculty the University. Further information on University College

programs is available at www.uc.utoronto.ca.
Professor Enquiries: Programs Office, University College, Room
P. Kleber, MA, Ph D (Drama) UC173 (416-978-8083)
Associate Professor
A. Ackerman, MA, Ph D (Drama) University College Programs
E. Gilbert, MA, Ph D (Canadian Studies)
Canadian Studies (Arts program)
Assistant Professors
A. Budde, MA, Ph D (Drama) Consult the Canadian Studies Program Office, Room
UC173, University College, 416-978-8083, E-mail:
Senior Lecturers [email protected], or visit the Canadian
S. Bush (Drama) Studies website at www.uc.utoronto.ca/canadianstudies/.
K. Gass, BA (Drama)
J. Plotnick, MA, M Sc (Writing Workshop) Completion of four courses is required for enrolment in
R. Salutin, MA (Canadian Studies) the Canadian Studies Specialist or Major program; no
minimum GPA required. Students are responsible for
Lecturers checking co- and prerequisites for all courses. A list of
S. Lyons, BA (Drama) approved Canadian Studies courses can be found on the
John Thompson (Drama) website at www.uc.utoronto.ca/canadianstudies/.
S. Rayter, MA, Ph D (Sexual Diversity Studies)
University College offers a number of programs and Specialist program:
courses outside the areas traditionally covered by (12 full courses or their equivalent including at least three
departments. These include programs and courses in 300+ series full-year equivalent courses and at least one
Canadian Studies, Drama, Health Studies, and Sexual 400+ series full-year equivalent course)
Diversity Studies, in addition to 199Y1 Seminars, and First Year:
introductory courses for non-specialists in mathematics. One full course from the following list:
The overall aims of the College Programs are to foster ANT100Y1; ECO100Y1/105Y1; ENG140Y1;
interdisciplinary work in significant areas of study and to FSL121Y1/161Y1/163H1/181Y1; GGR107Y1/124Y1;
encourage intellectual breadth. Many program courses are POL103Y1; SOC101Y1
open to students not enrolled in the programs themselves. First or Second Year:
UNI220Y1; HIS263Y1
The Canadian Studies Program (Specialist, Major,
Higher Years:
1. UNI320Y1, 420Y1
offers opportunities to study Canadian culture and 2. Seven full course equivalents. Suitable courses not
society in an interdisciplinary manner and to explore on the list may be considered. See: www.uc.utoronto.
cultural, social, economical and political developments ca/canadianstudies/. Course selections should be
in this diverse country. Students in the Specialist and discussed with the Program Director.
Major programs select courses from the Humanities
or Social Sciences. They are encouraged to consider Major program:
additional courses in Aboriginal Studies in completing the (8 full courses or their equivalent including at least two
requirements of the Program. 300+ series courses)
First Year:
The Drama Program (Specialist, Major, Minor) One full course from the following list:
is described elsewhere in this Calendar, under Drama. ANT100Y1; ECO100Y1/105Y1; ENG140Y1;
FSL121Y1/161Y1/163H1/181Y1; GGR107Y1/124Y1;
The Health Studies Program (Specialist, Major) POL103Y1; SOC101Y1
focuses the many areas of study that surround, interact First or Second Year:
with and support bio-medical research and clinical activity UNI220Y1; HIS263Y1
in regard to health, including health policy, practices, Higher Years:
research methods, and socio-cultural expression. The 1. UNI320Y1
Major serves as a general introduction; the Specialist 2. Four full course equivalents, one of which must
provides a more intense research focus with more be a 300+ series course. Suitable courses not on
methodological emphasis. the list may be considered. See: www.uc.utoronto.
ca/canadianstudies/. Course selections should be
The Sexual Diversity Studies Program (Specialist, discussed with the Program Director.
Major, Minor)
Minor program:
allows students to focus on questions of sexual identity,
(4 full courses)
difference, and dissidence across disciplinary lines and
cultural frameworks. 1. One full course from the following list:
ANT100Y1; ECO100Y1/105Y1; ENG140Y1;
UNI and DRM courses are staffed by a combination of FSL121Y1/161Y1/163H1/181Y1; GGR107Y1/124Y1;
specific program staff members and members of various POL103Y1; SOC101Y1
University departments, and are open to all students at

University College
2. UNI220Y1; HIS263Y1 First Year: No specific courses required. (Students are
3. UNI320Y1 advised to take introductory courses that will serve as
prerequisites for optional courses of interest to them
Cognitive Science Program later in the program, e.g. ANT100Y1, POL102Y1/
The Cognitive Science program formerly administered by POL103Y1, PSY100H1, SOC101Y1. A course in
the University College has been redesigned under the biology or physiology is also recommended.
auspices of the Faculty of Arts & Science. Please refer to Second Year: STA220H1, 221H1, UNI200H1, 209H1,
the Cognitive Science program: see Cognitive Science. 211H1, 237H1
Students enrolled in the previous program may complete Third Year: UNI310H1, 330H1, 373H1 plus HMB303H1 or
their program requirement for this year by completing ABS350Y1
UNI401H1 (Advance Cognitive Science) offered by Fourth Year: UNI411Y1, 464H1 plus STA429H1 or course
University College. approved by Program Director
Major Program may be supplemented/enhanced by
Drama: see Drama choosing, for example, courses in one of the following
streams, but not limited to:
Health Studies (Arts program) Anthropology stream: ABS350Y1, ANT348Y1, 469H1,
Consult the Programs Office, Room UC173, University Political Science stream: POL201Y1, ANT349H1,
College, 416-978-8083, E-mail: health.studies@utoronto. POL447Y1
ca, or visit the Health Studies website at www.uc.utoronto. Human Biology stream: HMB203H1, 433H1, 443H1,
ca/healthstudies/. Students are responsible for checking HAJ453H1
co- and prerequisites for all courses.
Peace and Conflict Studies Program - See Peace
Specialist program and Conflict Studies
(11 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one
400+ series course) Sexual Diversity Studies (Arts program)
Enrolment in the Specialist Program is limited; selection Consult Program Assistant, Room 251, University College,
is based on a personal statement, interview, and GPA. 416-978-6276, E-mail: [email protected],
To apply students must have competed four full credits or visit the Sexual Diversity Studies website at www.
or their equivalent. For further details on the application uc.utoronto.ca/sexualdiversity/.
process please visit the Health Studies website at www. Completion of four courses is required for enrolment in
uc.utoronto.ca/healthstudies/ the Sexual Diversity Studies program. Students enrolling
First Year: No specific courses required. (Students are in the program should confer with the Program Director at
advised to take introductory courses that will serve as their earliest convenience.
prerequisites for optional courses of interest to them Additional courses may be approved by the Program
later in the program, e.g. ANT100Y1, POL102Y1/ Director on an individual basis. Students are responsible
POL103Y1, PSY100H1, SOC101Y1. A course in for checking co- and prerequisites for courses from Group
biology or physiology is also recommended. A and Group B.
Second Year: STA220H1 & 221H1 or equivalent,
UNI200H1, 209H1, 211H1, 237H1 Specialist program:
Third Year: UNI310H1, 330H1, 350Y1, 373H1 plus (10 full courses or their equivalent)
HMB303H1 or ABS350Y1
Fourth Year: UNI411Y1, 450Y1, 464H1 plus STA429H1 or 1. UNI255H, UNI256H
course approved by Program Director 2. 0.5 full-course equivalent (FCE) in theory at the 300+
Remaining credits may be supplemented/enhanced by level: UNI354H or UNI355H.
choosing, for example, one of the following streams, 3. At least two of: POL315H1/ENG273Y1/UNI365H1/
but not limited to: WDW387H1 (UNI365H1 and WDW387H1 cannot be
Anthropology stream: ABS350Y1, ANT348Y1, 469H1, used together to fulfill this requirement).
455Y1 4. At least 4 FCEs from Group A.
Political Science stream: POL201Y1, ANT349H1, 5. Remaining course requirements may be drawn from
POL447Y1 Group A or B.
Human Biology stream: HMB203H1, 433H1, 443H1, 6. At least one FCE in the area of sexual diversity must
HAJ453H1 be at the fourth-year level (these need not be SDS
Major Program *Additional courses may be approved by the Program
(8 full courses or their equivalent) Director on an individual basis. Students are responsible
Enrolment in the Major Program is limited. Students for checking co- and prerequisites for courses from Group
must have competed four full credits or their equivalent A and Group B.
and have a competitive GPA. For further details on
the application process please visit the Health Studies Major program:
website at www.uc.utoronto.ca/healthstudies/. Students (6 full courses or their equivalent; at least 2.0 full-course
are responsible for checking co- and prerequisites for all equivalents must be at the 300+ level)
courses. 1. UNI255H1, UNI256H1

University College
2. At least one of UNI354H1/UNI355H1 UNI202H1 Aspects of Québec Culture [24S]
3. At least two of: POL315H1/ENG273Y1/UNI365H1/ An exploration of modern Québec culture as expressed
WDW387H1 (UNI365H1 and WDW387H1 cannot be in literature and the performing arts. Through a selection
used together to fulfill this requirement). of internationally-known entertainers, we examine form,
4. At least two full course equivalents from Group A. artistic innovation, communication of information and
5. Any remaining course requirements may be drawn knowledge, and spectatorship. Novels and plays provide
from Group B to a total of 6.0 FCE. key elements such as tradition and historical context.
Minor program:
(4 full courses or their equivalent) UNI205H1 Topics in Canadian Studies I [24L]
A focused introduction to specific issues in Canadian
1. At least one of: UNI255HI/256H1
culture and society. Content will vary from year to
2. At least one of: UNI354H1/UNI355H1
year. Specific course information will be available on
3. At least one of: ENG273Y1/POL315H1/UNI365H1/
the Canadian Studies website at www.uc.utoronto.ca/
4. Remaining requirements from any combination of
DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=None (This course has no status
course from Group A and Group B to a total of 4.0
for breadth requirement purposes)
SOC218Y1 Asian Communities in Canada (formerly
Group A:
SOC342Y1) [48L]
ANT366Y1, ENG273Y1, ENG290Y1, GGR363H1,
The course will explore the structures and processes of
HIS348H1, JAL355H1, NEW240Y1, PHL243H1,
Asian communities in Canada. Historical development of
POL315H1, SOC309Y1, SOC367H1, UNI237H1,
various Asian communities will be explored. Other topics
UNI325H1, UNI354H1, UNI355H1, UNI365H1,
include ethnic economy, ethnic media, ethnic churches,
UNI375H1, UNI377H1, UNI455H1, UNI458H1, UNI459H1,
and ethnic voluntary organizations in Asian communities.
UNI475H1, UNI477H1, VIC343Y1, VIS202H1, VIS208H1,
Experts in related topics are invited to present their
WDW380H1, WDW387H1, WGS261Y1, WGS374H1
research findings. Non-sociology students may seek
Group B: departmental permission to enrol.
ANT323Y1, ANT343Y1, ANT427H1, ENG250Y1, Exclusion: SOC342Y1/394Y1
ENG254Y1, ENG342H1, ENG349H1, ENG365H1, DR=SOC SCI; BR=3
FRE326Y1, GGR124Y1, GGR327H1, HIS245Y1, UNI218H1 Voices in Canadian Writing [24S]
HIS363H1, HIS375H1, HIS383H1, HIS459H1, HIS476Y1, A study of the variety of voices in Canadian fiction.
INI323Y1, INI330Y1, INI385Y1, JPP343Y1, PHL271H1, Issues such as marginalization and the formulation of the
PHL367H1, POL332Y1, POL344Y1, POL364H1, Canadian canon are discussed.
POL432Y1, PSY323H1, RLG236H1, RLG237H1, DR=HUM; BR=1
RLG309Y1, RLG314H1, SOC214Y1, SOC365Y1,
UNI220Y1 Understanding Canada Today:
UNI220Y1, VIS209H1, VIS217H1, VIS218H1, VIS302H1,
Re-Imagining the Nation [48L, 24T]
VIS318H1, VIS319H1, WGS160Y1, WGS271Y1,
An introduction to key events and issues in contemporary
WGS365H1, WGS368H1, WGS369H1
Canada. This course provides a multi-disciplinary
perspective on a wide range of topics such as politics
University College Courses and citizenship; multiculturalism and immigration; social
See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions. welfare; marginalization; globalization; economic policy;
gender and sexuality; arts and culture.
First Year Seminars DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=1+3
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide UNI221H1 Culture and the Media in Canada [24L]
the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class An exploration of the encounter between culture and mass
of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive communication in Canadian society. The course includes
seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity a consideration of the major institutions affecting culture
and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the such as the CBC, the NFB, and the granting bodies, and
professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first largely focuses on particular instances and case studies in
year of study. For details, see page 48. the arts and media. Emphasis is placed on the changing
Canadian Studies Courses role of nationalism, and the relationship between political
concerns and Canadian culture.
JWU200H1 Toronto in the Canadian Context [24L] DR=SOC SCI; BR=1
Toronto is a complex urban region marked by social
diversity and a multi-textured cultural scene. This course UNI280H1 Canadian Jewish History [24L]
examines Toronto’s history, culture, society, economy, and This course focuses on initial settlement patterns of
status as a global city within the Canadian context. Jewish people in Toronto and elsewhere, community
DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=3 growth including suburbanization, and contemporary
challenges such as anti-Semitism and assimilation.
UNI201H1 Aspects of Québec Society [24S] DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=3
Contemporary Québec from social, economic and political
perspectives. UNI305H1 Topics in Canadian Studies II [24L]
DR=SOC SCI; BR=3 An in-depth study of selected questions in contemporary
Canadian culture and society. Content will vary from year

University College
to year. Specific course information will be available on and by the Director of the Canadian Studies Program
the Canadian Studies website at www.uc.utoronto.ca/ by April of the preceding academic year. Students meet
canadianstudies/. periodically during the year in seminar to participate in
DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=TBA peer evaluations of: statement of research, literature
review, methods of analysis, and to share reports of
UNI307H1 Asian Cultures in Canada [24L]
progress in research.
UNI307Y1 Asian Cultures in Canada [48L] Prerequisite: Open only to Majors and Specialists in the
An exploration of the cultural histories and creative Canadian Studies program
productions of a wide range of Asian communities in
UNI430H1 Senior Seminar: Special Topics in
Canada.. Experts in specific areas —literature, dance,
Canadian Studies [24S]
drama, film—will be invited to present their work.
An upper level seminar. Topics vary from year to year
Exclusion: UNI307Y1 for UNI307H1; UNI307H1 for
depending on instructor.
Prerequisite: UNI220Y1 or two courses on the study of
Recommended Preparation: UNI220Y1
JUG320H1 The Canadian Wilderness [24L]
The idea of wilderness permeates narratives of Canadian Cognitive Science
national identity, while policy-makers seek to manage and
contain natural areas. This course compares and contrasts UNI401H1 Advanced Cognitive Science (formerly
historical and contemporary wilderness narratives in JUP450H1) [26S]
literature, painting and film with policies in areas such as A seminar on the following questions: “What is
conservation, urban planning, land claims, and tourism. consciousness? What does it take for a creature to be
(Offered by University College and the Geography conscious? What is objectivity? How may a creature be
Department.) objective?” Students bring to bear on these questions their
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA diverse background in analytic philosophy, anthropology,
artificial intelligence, connectionism, linguistics,
UNI320Y1 Canadian Questions: Issues and Debates neuroscience, phenomenology, or psychology. Readings
[48L] cover visual perception, spatial navigation, attention,
An in-depth study of selected questions facing working memory, reference, object permanence, evolution
contemporary Canada. Students are encouraged to of language, the frame problem, the binding problem, and
examine topics from multiple disciplinary perspectives the qualia problem.
drawn from the Social Sciences and Humanities. Issues Prerequisite: UNI302H1 or permission of instructor
addressed in recent years include: multiculturalism in Exclusion: JUP450H1
contemporary film; residential schools; African Canadian DR=SCI; BR=TBA
culture; North American integration; citizenship; urban
regeneration, and security and surveillance.
Prerequisite: UNI220Y1 or permission of the instructor Health Studies Courses
DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=TBA Students enrolled in the Health Studies program are given
UNI325H1 Queerly Canadian [24L] the first opportunity to enrol in these courses.
This course focuses on Canadian literary and artistic
productions that challenge prevailing notions of nationality UNI200H1 Introduction to Research Methods in
and sexuality, exploring not only how artists struggle with Health Studies (formerly UNI200Y1) [36L]
that ongoing Canadian thematic of being and belonging, This course will offer students in Health Studies a basic
but also celebrate pleasure and desire as a way of understanding of research design and data collection on
imagining and articulating an alternative national politics. health topics and the usefulness of data collection in the
Prerequisite: UNI255H1/UNI256H1 or UNI220Y1 or formation of health policy.
permission of the instructor Exclusion: POL242Y1, SOC200H1, UNI200Y1,
Exclusion: UNI375H1 Special Topics: Queerly Canadian WDW350Y1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA DR=SOC SCI; BR=None (This course has no status for
breadth requirement purposes)
UNI380H1 Socio-Cultural Perspective of the
Canadian Jewish Community [24L] UNI209H1 Introduction to Health: Determinants of
This course examines the relationship between prominent Health & Health Care [24L]
Canadians who happen to be Jews and those whose A multidisciplinary approach to understanding perspectives
works are founded in Jewish identity; the diversity of in health, health equity, and primary health care. Themes
the community on the basis of religion, language, class, include critical discussion of the measurements of health
ideology, etc.; contributions to the arts and scholarship; outcomes and the socioeconomic and political factors
and the role and contribution of Jewish women. that affect health, including neglected and marginalized
DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=TBA populations in Canada and globally.
UNI420Y1 Senior Essay [48S]
Students select an appropriate research topic and, UNI211H1 Canadian Health Care Policy (formerly
in consultation with the Program Director, make UNI300Y1, 300H1) [24L]
arrangements with a suitable supervisor. Preferably, This course introduces students to development and
research projects must be approved by the supervisor issues related to Canadian health care policy. The course

University College
examines basic policy making process; policy making and presentation, formulation of a grant proposal and
process in Canadian context; development of Canadian writing of “peer-reviewed papers.”
health care policy; and current health care reform debates Prerequisite: UNI200H1, STA220H1
and issues. Health care is increasingly contentious with DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
aging population, advancements in medical technology, UNI373H1 Population Health and Epidemiology
government fiscal restraints. How to achieve the best (formerly UNI440H1) [24S]
health care given the limited resources, and ensure fair, This issue-oriented course will extend students´
equal, accessible health care. Overview of current policy understanding of the broad definitions of health and its
issues and its relationship to social inequality, gender, and determinants, and population-based strategies of health
race, provide analytical tools for understanding. promotion in Canada. Topics include: variations in health
Exclusion: SOC351Y1, 352H1, UNI300Y1, UNI300H1 status as affected by population patterns, class, gender,
DR=SOC SCI; BR=3 ethnicity, employment, and family composition; the
UNI237H1 Introduction to HIV/AIDS: Health, major causes of morbidity and mortality; the concept of
Sexuality and Gender [24L] "community health", and the opportunities and constraints
A critical examination of the HIV/AIDS global pandemic facing public policy.
from a multidisciplinary perspective and with an emphasis Exclusion: UNI44H1, PHE312H1
on sexuality. The course examines the basic biology of Co-requisite: UNI200H1, 210H1
HIV/AIDS and then covers social, historical, political, DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
cultural, gender, and public health aspects of HIV/AIDS.
Attention is given to the distinct features of vulnerable
Students enrolled in the Health Studies program are given
and marginalized populations, prevention, treatment, drug
the first opportunity to enrol in these courses.
development, and access to medicines.
UNI237H1 is particularly intended for students in the UNI409H1 Special Topics on Health Research [24S]
Health Studies and/or Sexual Diversity Studies The specific content of this course will vary from one
programs. year to another, depending on the availability of particular
DR=SOC SCI; BR=3 health researchers and scholars. In a given year, the
UNI309H1 Special Topics in Health Studies [24L] course may focus on AIDS, tobacco addiction, nutritional
Study of a particular topic in Health Studies. The issues in low-income countries, and the persistence of
specific content of this course will vary from one year to infant health problems in poor Canadian communities.
another, depending on the availability of particular health DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
researchers and scholars. In a given year, the course may UNI411Y1 Health, Biology & Determinants of
focus on HIV/AIDS, tobacco addiction, nutritional issues, Diseases in Neglected Populations [48L]
or gerontology and health problems related to the aging A critical examination of concentration of the burden of
process. disease in marginalized communities. The prevalence,
BR=TBA etiology, and biology of diseases; the socioeconomic,
UNI310H1 Emerging issues in Health and Social medical, and other factors that create vulnerable
Policies (formerly UNI300Y1) [24L] populations will be discussed. The challenges involved
This course explores emerging issues in health and social in changing the conditions that lead to unequal burden of
policies. Using the framework of social determinants of diseases and conditions of marginalized populations will
health, this course examines the implications of social be analyzed.
factors such as socio-economic inequity, gender, race, Prerequisite: UNI209H1, HMB303
homelessness, age, and citizenship status on individual DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
health; and policy options to address these issues. UNI450Y1 Undergraduate Research Project II [48L]
Prerequisite: UNI209H1, UNI211H1 The second research course required for Health Studies
Exclusion: UNI300Y1 students in the Specialist stream. Students engage in a
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA specific research project during their last two years within
UNI330H1 Health and Pharmaceuticals [24L] the program. This course is a continuation of UNI350Y1
A critical examination of drug development, including and will further develop the skills addressed in that course.
the role of health professionals and the pharmaceutical Student will prepare an “undergraduate thesis” by the end
industry in researching, testing, marketing, licensing, of this academic year.
and evaluating pharmaceutical drugs. Topics include the Prerequisite: UNI200H1, STA220H1, UNI350Y1
differing needs for drug development in different societies, DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
evaluation and dispensing in lower income countries, and UNI464H1 International Health [24L]
potential conflicts of interest in drug development. An advanced course examining the notion of what is
Prerequisite: UNI209H1 or HMB303H1 International Health and how it is conducted. It provides a
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA critical examination of the relationship between the health
UNI350Y1 Undergraduate Research Project I [48L] of populations and the social, economic and political
The research course required for Health Studies students structures that influence the determinants of health. Health
in the Specialist stream. Students engage in a specific and health care systems in different international contexts
research project within the program. The course includes and the influence of different actors or forces in shaping of
sessions on the development of a project, data analysis these systems will be examined.

University College
Prerequisite: UNI209H1, HMB303H1 and sexuality. We explore not only how artists struggle
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA with that ongoing Canadian thematic of being and
belonging, but also celebrate pleasure and desire as a
UNI451Y1 Independent Research in Health Studies
way of imagining and articulating an alternative national
This two-semester course designation will permit students
Prerequisite: UNI255H1/UNI256H1 or UNI220Y1 or
to gain academic credit for health studies pursued
permission of the instructor
independently under the supervision of a University of
Exclusion: UNI375H1 Special Topics: Queerly Canadian
Toronto faculty member; or to participate in an ongoing
health research project under the joint supervision of the
project’s Principal Investigator and the Director of the UNI354H1 Theories of Sexuality I: The Foundations
Health Studies Program. [24L]
Prerequisite: UNI200H1, 210H1 A survey of classic western theories of sexuality; each
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA theory is examined in terms of the practices it allows and
prohibits. Under consideration are not only the descriptive
UNI480H1 Independent Research in Health Studies
and/or prescriptive aspects of a particular framework but
its epistemic grounds, and implications for understanding
This one-semester course will permit students to gain
identity, body, community, and state.
academic credit for health studies pursued independently
Prerequisite: UNI255H1/UNI256H1
under the supervision of a University of Toronto faculty
member; or to participate in an ongoing health research
project under the joint supervision of the project’s Principal UNI355H1 Theories of Sexuality II: Contemporary
Investigator and the Director of the Health Studies Perspectives [24L]
Program An integrated survey of some ways in which sexuality
Prerequisite: UNI200H1, 210H1 has been theorized recently. How have desire and its
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA identities been conceptualized and deployed? What are
the implications for psychoanalysis, feminism, and cultural
production? What interconnections are yet to be made
Sexual Diversity Studies Courses between sexuality and the markers of gender, race, and
UNI237H1 Introduction to HIV/AIDS: Health,
Prerequisite: UNI255H1/UNI256H1 or permission of the
Sexuality and Gender [24L]
A critical examination of the HIV/AIDS global pandemic
from a multidisciplinary perspective and with an emphasis
on sexuality. The course examines the basic biology of UNI365H1 Sexuality and Law [24L/S]
HIV/AIDS and then covers social, historical, political, The course will explore the legal regulation of sexuality.
cultural, gender, and public health aspects of HIV/AIDS. How does law understand, constitute and regulate sex,
Attention is given to the distinct features of vulnerable sexuality and sexual diversity? It will consider the role of
and marginalized populations, prevention, treatment, different types of regulation, including criminal law, family
drug development, and access to medicines. UNI237H1 law and constitutional law, and explore issues ranging
is particularly intended for students in the Health Studies from sex work and pornography to same sex marriage to
and/or Sexual Diversity Studies Programs. transgender discrimination.
DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=3 Prerequisite: POL315H1/UNI255H1/UNI256H1 or
This course is cross-listed with Health Studies permission of the instructor
UNI255H1 History and Perspectives in Sexual
Diversity [24L, 12T] UNI375H1 Special Topics in Sexual Diversity Studies
An interdisciplinary examination of sexuality across [24L/S]
cultures and periods. How are sexualities represented? Topics vary from year to year depending on instructor.
How are they suppressed or celebrated? How and why This seminar is intended to expose students in the Sexual
are they labeled as straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer, Diversity Studies program to topics that may not be
or perverse? How do sexualities change with ethnicity, covered by permanent university courses.
class, and gender? Prerequisite: UNI255H1/UNI256H1 or permission of the
DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=3 instructor
UNI256H1 Sexualities: Social, Organizational, and UNI377H1 Lesbian Studies [24L]
Legal Contexts [24L, 12T] This multidisciplinary course will examine multiple
A social sciences approach to sexual diversity across lesbian identities that have varied in time and place. The
societies, and of the increased visibility of that diversity in course will pose such questions as: What does “lesbian”
such settings as the family, the workplace, and the law, as mean? Why have changes occurred in meaning? How
well as the role that such contexts play in shaping sexual has the identity of lesbian been culturally represented
identity. and politically expressed in various social and political
DR=SOC SCI; BR=3 contexts? It will also take up contemporary theoretical,
cultural, and political understandings of lesbianism.
UNI325H1 Queerly Canadian [24L]
Prerequisite: UNI255H1/UNI256H1
This course focuses on Canadian literary and artistic
productions that challenge prevailing notions of nationality

University College
UNI455H1 Special Topics in Sexual Diversity Studies DR=SCI (JUM202H1 is particularly suited as a Science
[24S] Distribution Requirement course for Humanities and
Topics vary from year to year depending on instructor. Social Science students); BR=5
This seminar is intended to expose students in the Sexual JUM203H1 Mathematics as Recreation (formerly
Diversity Studies program to topics that may not be JUM103H1) [24L, 12T]
covered by permanent university courses. A study of games, puzzles, and problems focusing on
Prerequisite: UNI255H1/UNI256H1 the deeper principles they illustrate. Concentration is on
Recommended preparation: POL315H1/UNI354H1/ problems arising out of number theory and geometry with
UNI355H1 emphasis on the process of mathematical reasoning.
DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=TBA Technical requirements are kept to a minimum. A
UNI458H1 Research Essay in Sexual Diversity [24S] foundation is provided for a continuing lay interest in
A research essay under the supervision of a faculty mathematics. (Offered every three years)
member with knowledge of sexual diversity, the proposal, Exclusion: JUM103H1
and supervisor subject to the approval of the SDS DR=SCI (JUM203H1 is particularly suited as a Science
Program Director. Distribution Requirement course for Humanities and
Prerequisite: UNI255H1, UNI256H1 Social Science students); BR=5
DR=HUM; BR=TBA JUM204H1 Mathematics and Poetry [36L]
UNI459Y1 Honours Essay in Sexual Diversity [48S] An interdisciplinary exploration of creativity and
A major research essay prepared over the course of two imagination as they arise in the study of mathematics and
academic terms (one year); under the supervision of a poetry. (Offered every three years)
faculty member with knowledge of sexual diversity; the Exclusion: MEJ204H1
proposal and supervisor subject to the approval of the DR=SCI (JUM204H1 is particularly suited as a Science
SDS Program Director. Distribution Requirement course for Humanities and
Prerequisite: UNI255H, UNI256H Social Science students); BR=5
DR=HUM; BR=TBA JUM205H1 Mathematical Personalities (formerly
UNI475H1 The New Queer Visibility [24S] JUM105H1) [24L, 12T]
This interdisciplinary course critically examines the socio- An in-depth study of the life, times, and work of several
political cultural context that has produced a new queer mathematicians who have been particularly influential.
visibility. The course assesses many of the post-Stonewall Examples may include Newton, Euler, Gauss, Kowalewski,
changes in the North American public sphere and the Hilbert, Hardy, Ramanujan, Gödel, Erdös, Coxeter,
interrelationship between the new queer visibility and the Grothendieck. (Offered every three years)
North American public sphere. Exclusion: JUM105H1
Prerequisite: UNI255H1/UNI256H1 and UNI355H1 or DR=SCI (JUM205H1 is particularly suited as a Science
permission of the instructor Distribution Requirement course for Humanities and
DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=TBA Social Science students); BR=5
UNI477H1 Transgender Studies [24S] UNI299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
This course introduces students to Trans Studies as Credit course for supervised participation in faculty
an emerging interdisciplinary field of scholarship from research project. See page 48 for details.
various angles: academic, activist, socio-historical, and
UNI393Y1 University College Independent Studies
clinical. Students will develop their abilities to assess
representations of trans and intersexed people and social
issues, taking into account how race, citizenship, gender, UNI394H1 University College Independent Studies
sexuality, culture and dis/ability are materially and socially [TBA]
constructed together to give meaning to the category An opportunity to pursue at the 300+ level an independent
“trans.” course of study not otherwise available within the Faculty.
Prerequisite: UNI255H1/UNI256H1 A written proposal, co-signed by the instructor, must be
DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=TBA submitted on the appropriate proposal form for approval
by the Vice-Principal of University College prior to
Other University College Courses Prerequisite: Permission of University College Vice-
JUM202H1 Mathematics as an Interdisciplinary
Pursuit (formerly JUM102H1) [24L, 12T] UNI495Y1 University College Independent Studies
A study of the interaction of mathematics with other fields [TBA]
of inquiry: how mathematics influences, and is influenced UNI496H1 University College Independent Studies
by, the evolution of science and culture. Art, music, and [TBA]
literature, as well as the more traditionally related areas An opportunity to pursue at the 400+ level an independent
of the natural and social sciences may be considered. course of study not otherwise available within the Faculty.
(Offered every three years) A written proposal, co-signed by the instructor, must be
Exclusion: JUM102H1 submitted on the appropriate proposal form for approval

University College
by the Vice-Principal of University College prior to
Prerequisite: Permission of University College Vice-

Urban Studies: see Innis College

Victoria College

Faculty College alumni. The Frye stream, named after former

Victoria College professor and renowned literary critic
Professors Emeriti Northrop Frye, focuses on the humanities. The Pearson
A. Baines, MD, PhD (Vic One) stream, named after former Canadian Prime Minister
E. Kushner, PhD (Renaissance Studies) Lester Pearson is concerned with the social sciences.
The Augusta Stowe-Gullen stream, named after the first
Professors woman to graduate from a Canadian medical school, is
K.R. Bartlett, MA, Ph D (Renaissance Studies) of interest to students wishing to pursue studies in the
R. Comay, PhD (Literary Studies) life sciences. The Egerton Ryerson stream, named after
P. Corey, MA, PhD (Vic One) the first Principal of the College who was a pioneer in
M. Danesi, MA, PhD FRSC (Semiotics) Canadian education, is an opportunity to introduce first
K. Eisenbichler, MA, Ph D (Renaissance Studies) year students to issues in education and teaching.
N. Terpstra, MA, PhD (Renaissance Studies)
The four streams feature seminars, lectures, small tutorials
Associate Professors and informal conversation, and are enriched by guest
B. Baigrie, PhD (Vic One) professors, visiting artists, writers, ambassadors and other
E. Cazdyn, PhD (Literary Studies) public figures.
M. Nyquist, MA, PhD (Literary Studies)
J.W. Patrick, MA, PhD (Literary Studies) Each Vic One stream comprises three first-year courses
L. Somigli, PhD (Literary Studies) out of the five courses taken by most first year students.
Two courses in each stream are seminar courses given
Assistant Professors by Victoria College. They have a limited enrolment of 25
S. Cook, PhD (Vic One) students in each class. The third course is selected, in the
A. Komaromi, MA, PhD (Literary Studies) Pearson stream, from the first-year offerings in history or
Senior Lecturers political science; in the Frye stream, it is JEF 100Y: The
C. Cunningham, PhD (Pathways) Western Tradition; in the Stowe-Gullen stream, it is BIO
J. Levine, MA, Ph D (Literary Studies) 150Y: Organisms in their Environment, and in the Egerton
M. Scarci, PhD (Renaissance Studies) Ryerson stream, it is PSY 100H1, Introductory Psychology.
A. Urbancic, MA, PhD (Vic One) Vic One enrolment is limited to 150 students. It requires
Special Lecturers an application that is found on the Vic One web site
(http://www.vicu.utoronto.ca/vic/one.htm). All first-year
P. Harris (Vic Pathways)
students in the Faculty of Arts and Science (St. George
A. Moritz, MA, PhD (Vic One and Creative Writing)
campus), regardless of college membership, are eligible
Visiting Professor for admission to Vic One. Admission decisions are made
D. Wright, BSc, MBA (Kenneth and Patricia Taylor based on extra-curricular activities, a short original essay
Distinguished Professor of Foreign Affairs) (Vic and the student’s entering grades.
Vic First Pathways: Studies for First Year
D. Gilmour, (Pelham Edgar Visiting Professor)
Vic First Pathways is a Victoria College initiative that
Victoria College offers VIC One, a number of first year offers first-year Arts and Science students the opportunity
courses, and interdisciplinary programs and courses listed to experience a small class environment. These small
below so that students have an opportunity to examine enrolment Vic-sponsored courses facilitate close contact
important themes and problems of our culture from a with distinguished teaching faculty and fellow students,
variety of points of view. Most of the courses introduce while providing an excellent gateway to, and foundation
ideas and methods from various disciplines; in this way for, subsequent studies.
students can explore areas of interest they otherwise
might overlook, and also gain insight into comparative Vic First Pathways also offers students a chance to share
studies. a common avenue of academic learning by adding extra
value through a number of specially programmed out-of-
Several of the courses have a place in the established class activities. Vic First Pathways is open to all first-year
programs of study indicated below. In addition, the courses students in the Faculty of Arts and Science.
are designed to serve the interests of those who, whatever
their intended field of specialization, wish to introduce PLEASE NOTE: These courses are NOT open to
variety into their program, or who have not decided on a students enrolled in Vic One, Trin One or 199 first-year
discipline, and wish to examine different approaches to seminars.
humane studies. Enrolment in a first-year seminar course (199s and
Pathways) is limited to 1.0 FCE. Students may take a
Vic One
combination of Pathway and 199 seminars as long as
Victoria College offers first-year Arts and Science students enrolment does not exceed 1.0 FCE.
an opportunity for a unique educational experience that
draws upon the college’s history and identity. Four streams The Literary Studies Program
with differing emphasis are available in this foundation (Specialist, Major and Minor) will be attractive to students
year program, known as Vic One. They are named in who wish to read works drawn from a variety of languages
honour of four respected Canadian leaders, all Victoria and cultural contexts. The program combines close

Victoria College
attention to literary texts with theoretical reflection on Victoria College Programs
relations between literary and non-literary works (for
example, philosophy, art, film, history). Contemporary Concurrent Teacher Education Program (CTEP)*
debates in literary and cultural theory will play a key role.
Program Coordinator: Professor Sheila Cook
Students may enroll in one of two streams, Comparative
To apply to this program students must have a minimum
Literature (Specialist and Major) or Interdisciplinary
CGPA of 2.5. Please note that having the minimum CGPA
Studies (Specialist and Major). Students may also enroll
for application does not guarantee acceptance into the
in the Minor program, or in the joint Specialist with
program. The application process includes the completion
of a personal profile. All applicants must have completed
Students who enrolled in one of the Literary Studies PSY 100H. (See CTEP details on p. 30).
programs prior to July 2007 may, if they wish, follow
the requirements in place in 2006. (VIC 309H1 and Requirement of Concurrent Teacher Education
VIC310H1 will be considered equivalent to VIC310Y1.) Program for BA/BSc/BEd Students
All students admitted to the Victoria College Concurrent
The Renaissance Studies Program Teacher Education Program are required to enroll in
(Specialist, Major and Minor) studies one of the critical the Education and Society minor program. It is also
periods in European and world history. The Renaissance recommended, in addition to the BEd courses and
witnessed changes in art and literature, in social and associated requirements, that students select a major or
political development, and in technology and science minor in the general area of urban studies.
that were to transform our concept of the world. This Concurrent Education students may fulfill the remaining
interdisciplinary program is particularly attractive to major or minor for the BA/BEd degree as they wish.
students of history, politics, literature, fine art, history of Concurrent Education students may not enroll in specialist
science, music and theatre, because it assembles aspects programs in order to have sufficient space in their program
of all these studies to focus on one seminal period in to complete the concurrent BEd requirements.
Western civilization.
Major and Minor Programs related to the Urban
The Semiotics and Communication Theory Program Environment
( Major and Minor) investigates the science of Students are recommended to enroll in either a major or
communication and sign systems, the ways people minor in any of the Faculty’s programs concerning the
understand phenomena and organize them mentally, the urban environment.
ways in which they devise means for transmitting that
understanding and for sharing it with others. It covers Minor Program Education and Society (CTEP)
all non-verbal signalling and extends to domains whose The minor in Education and Society is open only to
communicative dimension is perceived only unconsciously students registered in the Victoria College Concurrent
or subliminally. Knowledge, meaning, intention and Teacher Education Program who must take the minor.
action are thus fundamental concepts in the semiotic
(4 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one
investigation of phenomena.
300+ series course)
Concurrent Teacher Education Program 1. PSY100H
(Joint BA/BSc/BEd) prepares students for a career in 2. An additional half-year or full year/first year course
primary/junior teaching as well as encourages students to selected from ANT 100Y1, SOC 101Y1 or GGR
follow an Arts and Science program of study focused on 124H1. Vic One Ryerson students may satisfy this
the urban environment. The Program began in 2008 with requirement with either VIC 150Y1 or VIC 151Y1.
entry in second year. Students in first year should consider 3. VIC 260H1 Equity and Diversity in Education
the Ryerson Stream of Vic One as preparation. Enrolment VIC 261H1 Child and Adolescent Development in
is limited to 30 students. Education
JSV 262H1 Communication and Conflict Resolution
Concurrent Education offers students the opportunity to
4. VIC 360H1 Concurrent Teacher Education Program
complete the BA/BSc degree and the BEd simultaneously.
The program is offered in partnership with OISE.
5. One other course related to Education and Society
Complete description of the program may be found on
at the 300 level or higher selected from the offerings
the OISE web site. Admission into the Program is by
in Sociology, Anthropology or Geography (Arts).
application at the end of first year when the Arts and
Courses in other departments, including those in the
Science subject POSTs are selected.
Department of Theory and Policy Studies at OISE
require approval of the Vic Concurrent Education

Victoria College
Literary Studies (Arts program) 4. 2.0 FCE’s in another discipline chosen in consultation
with the program coordinator
Program Coordinators Professor E. Cazdyn and
Professor R. Comay Minor Program:
Enrolment in the Literary Studies program is open to (4 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one
students upon completion of four courses; no minimum 300+ level course)
GPA required. The program will begin in second year. Four FCEs from: VIC 201Y1, 210Y1, 300H1/Y1, 301H1/
However, JEF100Y1 or VIC201Y1 are recommended Y1, 309H1/310H1/Y1, 311H1, 401H1/Y1, 410H1/Y1,
introductory courses for first year students. 411H1/Y1, JNV 300H1.
All students following a major or specialist program will be Literary Studies and Philosophy (Arts Program)
required to study a second language, and should consider
beginning such course work in their first year. Consult Professor R. Comay, Department of Philosophy.

Specialist Program in the Comparative Specialist Program:

(14 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one
Literature Stream:
400 series course)
(14 full courses or their equivalent)
1. Major in the Interdisciplinary stream
1. Complete major in the Comparative Literature stream
2. Major in Philosophy
(see requirements below)
3. Normally VIC 490Y1. Please consult the program
2. Complete a major in a literature other than English
coordinator for further instruction.
3. Normally VIC490Y1. Please consult the program
coordinator for further instruction. Renaissance Studies (Arts Program)
Major Program in the Comparative Literature Consult Professor M. Scarci, Victoria College.
Stream: Enrolment in the Renaissance Studies program is open
(7 full courses or their equivalent) to students upon completion of four courses; no minimum
1. VIC 201Y1, 210Y1and one of GPA required.
2. 1.0 FCE from VIC 300H1/Y1, VIC 301H1/Y1, Specialist Program
VIC309H1/VIC310H1/310Y1, VIC 401H1/Y1, VIC (10 full courses or their equivalent, including at least three
410H1/Y1, VIC 411H1/Y1, JNV 300H1. In exceptional 300+ series courses and one 400-level course):
circumstances, and with the permission of the program 1. VIC 440Y1.
coordinator, students may choose another course. 2. 3.0 FCEs from: VIC 240Y1, 341H1, 342H1, 343Y1,
3. 3.0 FCE’s in literature in the original language (not 344H1, 345H1, 347H1, 348Y1, 349H1/Y1.
English). 1.0 FCE may be at the 200 level. At least 2.0 3. 1.0 FCE in Literature from: ENG 220Y1, 301H1,
FCE’s must be at the 300+ level. 302Y1, 303H1, 304Y1, 330H1, 331H1, 335H1, 336H1;
Specialist Program in the Interdisciplinary FRE 319H1, 320H1; ITA 249H1, 312H1, 325H1,
332H1, 356H1/Y1, 357Y1, 370H1, 409H1, 420H1,
470H1, 494H1; PRT 351H1; SPA 352H1, 452H1,
(12 full courses or their equivalent, including at least 1.0
400 level course)
4. 1.0 FCE in History or Economics from : ECO 301Y1;
1. VIC 201Y1, 210Y1and one of HIS 243H1, 309H1, 319H1, 357Y1, 362H1, 403H1,
309H1/310H1/310Y1/311H1 438H1, 441H1, 443H1/Y1.
2. 2.0 FCE’s from VIC 300H1/Y1, 301H1/Y1, 5. 1.0 FCE in Art or Music from: FAH 230H1, 330H1,
309H1/310H1/310Y1, 401H1/Y1, 410Y1, 411H1/Y1, 331H1, 333H1, 335H1, 339H1, 340H1, 341H1, 342H1,
JNV 300H1 344H1, 370H1, 371H1, 393Y1, 430H1, 432H1, 438H1,
3. 4.0 FCE’s in another discipline chosen in consultation 439H1, 440H1, 493H1; MUS 208H1.
with the program coordinator. 6. One Research Course (a 299Y1, 399Y1, or
4. 2.0 FCE’s in a language other than English, at least Independent Studies course on a topic in Renaissance
1.0 at the 300+ level studies approved by Program Coordinator)
5. Normally VIC 490Y1. Please consult the program 7. 2.0 FCEs in a language relevant to Renaissance
coordinator for further instruction. Studies (only one may be at the introductory level).
Major Program in the Interdisciplinary Stream: Major Program:
(7 full courses or their equivalent) (6 full courses or their equivalent, including at least two
1. VIC 201Y1, 210Y1 and one of 300+ series courses)
309H1/310H1/310Y1/311H1 1. VIC 440Y1
2. 1.0 FCE from VIC 300H1/Y1, 301H1/Y1, 2. 2.0 FCEs from: VIC 240Y1, 341H1, 342H1, 343Y1,
309H1/310H1/310Y1, 401H1/Y1, 410Y1, 411H1/Y1, 344H1, 345H1, 347H1/Y1, 348Y1, 349H1/Y1, 449H1/
JNV 300H1 Y1.
3. 1.0 FCE in a language other than English at the 200+ 3. 1.0 FCE in Literature from the courses listed for the
level Specialist (see above).

Victoria College
4. 1.0 FCE in History or Economics from the courses Group D: Psychology
listed for the Specialist (see above). PSY 210H1, 220H1, 260H1, 270H1, 280H1, 300H1,
5. 1.0 FCE Art or Music from the courses listed for the 301H1, 311H1, 312H1, 316H1, 320H1, 323H1, 325H1,
Specialist (see above). 334H1, 362H1, 370H1, 371H1, 372H1; JLP 315H1
Minor Program: Group E: Other Related Area Courses
(4 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one CLA 202H1, 203H1, 204H1, 219H1, 305H1; DRM 200Y1,
300+ series course) 230Y1, 260H1, 262H1, 264H1, 266H1; ENG 290Y1,
1. 2.0 FCEs from: VIC 240Y1, 341H1, 342H1, 343Y1, 366Y1; FAH 212H1, 214H1, 287H1, 288H1, 367H1,
344H1, 345H1, 347H1/Y1, 348Y1, 349H1/Y1, 440Y1, 378H1, 385H1; VIS 201H1, 202H1, 203H1, 204H1,
449H1/Y1 205H1, 206H1, 207H1, 208H1, 209H1, 212H1, 213H1,
2. 2.0 FCEs in Literature, History or Economics, Art or 307H1, 312H1, 313H1, 315H1, 316H1; HIS 316H1,
Music, from those listed for the Specialist (see above). 367H1, 374H1, 375H1, 419H1; HPS 201H1, 202H1,
250H1, 323H1, 324H1; INI 212Y1, 214Y1, 225Y1, 301Y1,
Semiotics and Communication Theory (Arts 322H1, 323Y1, 327Y1, 329Y1, 330Y1, 423H1, 426H1,
Program) 428H1; JFV 323H1; MUS 200H1, 211H1, 303H1; NEW
Program Director, Principal D. Cook, Victoria College. 240Y1, 261Y1, 271Y1, 302Y1, 303H1, 360Y1, 368H1,
371H1, 372H1; POL 213Y; RLG 200Y1, 210Y1, 211Y1,
Program Coordinator, Professor M. Danesi, Victoria 230Y1, 232H1, 233H1, 237Y1, 301H1, 302H1, 304H1,
College. 315H1, 380H1; SMC 210Y1, 402H1; SOC 365Y1, 367H1,
Note: Enrolment in the Semiotics program is limited to 381Y1, 388H1; UNI 221H1, 250Y1, 255H1, 355H1; JUM
students with a CGPA of 2.8 in at least four full courses or 200Y1; VIC 210Y1, 211Y1, 300Y1, 310Y1, 322H1, 343Y1,
their equivalent. Achievement of this minimum CGPA does 345Y1, 410Y1, 411Y1.
not guarantee enrolment in the program.
Victoria College Courses
Major Program:
(7.5 full courses or their equivalent, including at least two Vic One, Vic First Pathways, CTEP, Literary Studies;
300+series courses) Renaissance Studies; Semiotics; Other.

1. 1,0 FCE from: ANT 100Y1, LIN 100Y1, PHL 100Y1, See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
PHL 102Y1, SOC 101Y1, one FCE in Vic One.
First Year Seminars
2. 3.0 FCEs from: VIC 220Y1, 223Y1, 224Y1, 320Y1,
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide
the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class
3. 3.0 FCEs from at least two different disciplines from
of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive
Groups A-E.
seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity
4. .5 FCE in Quantitative Reasoning
and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the
Minor Program: professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first
(4 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one year of study. For details, see page 48.
300+series course)
1. 1.0 FCE from: ANT 100Y1, LIN 100Y1, PHL 100Y1,
PHL 102Y1, SOC 101Y, one FCE in Vic One. Vic One
2. 2.0 FCEs from: VIC 220Y1, 223Y1, 224Y1, 320Y1 Consult Vic One Liaison Officer, Michelle Mitrovich,
and 323Y1. Victoria College [email protected]
3. 1.0 FCE from Groups A-E. Frye/Pearson academic coordinator: Dr Anne Urbancic,
Victoria College
Note: JFV 323H1 is a recommended Group E course. Stowe-Gullen academic coordinator: Dr Andrew Baines,
Victoria College
Group A: Anthropology
Egerton Ryerson academic coordinator: Dr. Sheila Cook,
ANT 204Y1, 253H1, 323H1/Y, 328H1, 329Y1, 334Y1,
Victoria College
351H1, 356H1, 366Y1, 425H1, 426H1, 427H1, 450H1,
461H1; JAL 253H1, 328H1, 355H1, 356H1 The following courses are available to students admitted
to Vic One:
Group B: Linguistics
LIN 200H1, 229H1, 231H1, 232H1, 315H1, 341H1, Egerton Ryerson Stream
372H1, 415H1, 417H1, 480H1; JAL 254H1, 328H1; JLP
VIC150Y1 School and Society (formerly INX199Y1,
306H1, 315H1, 374H1
The University and Society)
Group C: Philosophy This course will be about the social and historical role of
PHL 200H1, 201H1, 220H1, 235H1, 236Y1, 240H1, the school. The course will examine schools and learning
243H1, 244H1, 245H1, 250H1, 255H1, 267H1, 285H1, as social, political, intellectual, and economic pheomena.
288H1, 304H1, 305H1, 306H1, 307H1, 310H1, 311H1, Co-requisites: VIC 151Y1 and PSY 100H1
312H1, 315H1, 316H1, 318H1, 320H1, 321H1, 322H1, Exclusion: INX199Y1 (The University and Society)
325H1, 326H1, 340H1, 342H1, 346H1, 351H1, 385H1; DR=SOC SCI; BR=3

Victoria College
VIC151Y1 Theories and Practices of Teaching VIC171Y1 Methodology, Theory and Practice in the
The course focuses on connecting theories and practice Natural Sciences
of teaching with a view to having students develop their An examination of scientific theories and their logic, the
personal understanding of teaching. Students will be role in life sciences of models and mathematics, and
involved in a practicum. issues in experimental design and data analysis. Particular
Co-requisites: VIC 150Y1 and PSY 100H1 emphasis will be placed on evolutionary theory, genomics,
DR=HUM; BR=2 contemporary scientific controversies and ethical issues.
Co-requisites BIO 150Y1 & VIC170Y1
Frye Stream DR=HUM; BR=2
VIC162H1 Cultural Forms and Their Meanings
A study of culture with a view to developing basic concepts Pearson Stream
with examples drawn from the visual arts, music, film, VIC181H1 Events and the Public Sphere: World
literature, architecture, and/or local urban artifacts. Affairs
Co-requisites: VIC163H1, VIC164H1, VIC165H1; This course will review issues in contemporary world
ENG110Y1/ENG140Y1/PHL100Y1/(FAH101H1+ 102H1) affairs, from the fall of the Berlin Wall to the present day.
DR=HUM; BR=1 The course will examine the politics and practice of foreign
policy decision making. Issues to be covered include the
VIC163H1 Cultural Forms and Their Meanings:
People and Ideas collapse of the Soviet Union, intervention in humanitarian
crises, and the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq.
A study of culture with a view to developing basic
Co-requisites: VIC183H1, 184H1, 185H1, and a First year
concepts with examples drawn from the visual arts, music,
course in HIS or POL
film, architecture, and/or local urban artifacts. We will
emphasize how contemporary thought has affected the
practice of everyday life. VIC183H1 Individuals and the Public Sphere:
Co-requisites: VIC162H1, VIC164H1, VIC165H1 & Shaping Memory
ENG110Y1/ENG140Y1/PHL100Y1/(FAH101H1+ The course explores how public service and citizenship
102H1) are developed. Topics may include the role of law and
DR=HUM; BR=1 government, civil liberties, rights and responsibilties,
and the role of protest. Emphasis on individuals and
VIC164H1 Ideas and Their Consequences: Literary
movements that have shaped modern memory.
and Artistic Realms of the Imagination
Co-requisites: VIC181H1, VIC184H1, VIC185H1 & a first
A study of the ideas and concerns of creative thinkers
year course in History or Political Science
and their impact upon cultures. The course includes
literary, scientific and/or religious intellectuals from the
major traditions. Attention to modes of reasoning, cultural VIC184H1 Individuals and the Public Sphere:
definition and expression. Emphasis on philosophical and History, Historiography and Making
artistic concepts. Cultural Memory
Co-requisites: VIC165H1, VIC162H1, VIC163H1 & A seminar course that examines the contribution of an
ENG110Y1/ENG140Y1/PHL100Y1/(FAH101H1+ 102H1) individual or individuals to the public sphere. The course
DR=HUM; BR=1 will explore how public service and citizenship are
developed in social, philosophical, cultural contexts. We
VIC165H1 Ideas and Their Consequences: Isolation
will examine our evolving role in developing collective,
and Communion in Modern Culture
cultural and counter memory.
A study of art, with a focus on poetry, as an essential
Co-requisites: VIC181H1, VIC183H1, VIC185H1 & a first
mode of experience and knowledge, in the context of
year course in History or Political Science
contemporary and modern society. Along with literary
artists, the course includes writers on history and
sociology and presents the interplay between artistic vision VIC185H1 Events in the Public Sphere: Social
and socio-political situations. Justice
Co-requisites: VIC164H1, VIC162H1, VIC163H1 & The course uses events to discuss the nature of society
ENG110Y1/ENG140Y1/PHL100Y1/(FAH101H1+ including major revolutions, economic crises, and the
102H1) impact of significant artistic, cultural and technological
DR=HUM; BR=1 developments. Emphasis on our responsibilities towards
social justice.
Stowe-Gullen Stream Co-requisites: VIC 181H1, VIC 183H1, VIC 184H1 and a
VIC170Y1 Introduction to the Rhetoric of Science: First year course in History or Political Science.
Probability and Persuasion DR=SOC SCI; BR=3
How rhetoric and statistical analysis are used to
communicate scientific observations and theories will be
examined in seminars. Problems including the nature of Vic First Pathways: Studies for First Year
evidence, risk assessment, random error and systematic Consult VC Program Liaison Officer, vic.academics@
error (bias) will be discussed using examples drawn from utoronto.ca
the physical, life and social sciences.
Co-requisites BIO 150Y1 & VIC 171Y1

Victoria College
VIC101H1 Conflict Theory and Practice (formerly DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=2
VIC101Y1) [24S, 12P] VIC107H1 Evolution, Genetics, and Behaviour [24S]
The course is a general orientation toward conflict, and In this course we examine major episodes in the history
develops a basic understanding of essential conflict of evolution and genetics in the XX century. Topics
resolution principles that will complement the study of include Darwinian evolution, sociobiology and evolutionary
conflict theory. The course will examine the differences psychology, eugenics, and genetic screening and therapy.
between conflicts and disputes, the functions and We will examine different views about the control of
desirability of conflict, and the conditions that facilitate evolution and genetic manipulation in their socio-cultural-
conversion of conflicts from destructive to constructive. economic context and discuss the ethical and social
Exclusion: VIC101Y1 implications of those views.
VIC102H1 Ethics and the Public: Case Studies [24S, VIC108H1 Belonging, Imagination and the Uses of
12P] History in the Shaping of National Identity
VIC102Y1 Ethics and the Public: Case Studies [24S]
(formerly VIC182H1) [48S, 24P] VIC108Y1 Belonging, Imagination and the Uses of
This course examines a specific event, or events, in History in the Shaping of National Identity
relation to the public sphere. The course will use events or [48S]
an event as an entry point to discuss the nature of society This course will examine a number of questions related
including topics such as major revolutions, economic to the origins of national identities and the sustainability
crises, the impact of the appearance of significant artistic of nation-states. Topics covered will include: language,
or cultural works, and the impact of technological changes. ethnicity, religion, politics, war, symbols, the arts, sport and
We will emphasize case studies of recent social issues. public spectacle, and cuisine.
Exclusion: VIC182H1 DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=3
VIC109H1 Innovators and Their Ideas [24S]
VIC103H1 Ideas and Fine Thoughts [24S]
VIC109Y1 Innovators and Their Ideas [48S]
VIC103Y1 Ideas and Fine Thoughts [48S] A study of the ideas and concerns of innovators who
This course examines how political ideas are formed questioned traditional views and values. The course
and developed through literature, art, plays, essays and includes creative thinkers who challenged basic concepts
philosophical works in the twentieth century. on politics, philosophy, religion, and society.
VIC104H1 Common Vices and Neglected Virtues: VIC112Y1 Puzzles, Discovery and the Human
Intro to Ethics of Character [24S, 24P] Imagination [48S, 24P]
Vice is popular: a prestigious university press has brought There has never been a period of time, nor has there ever
out a series of seven books on the Seven Deadly Sins. been a culture, without some kind of puzzle tradition. Are
This course examines such questions as the following. puzzles just playful artifacts, intended merely to entertain?
Are greed, lust and gluttony just bad names for necessary Or are they mirrors of something much more fundamental
and otherwise acceptable instincts? What is the place, in a in human life? The course will take a close look at what
good human life, of such qualities as honesty, trust, civility puzzles tell us about the human mind and human culture.
and the like? Are vices and virtues culturally determined or DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=2
a matter of individual preference? Can character be taught,
or is it rather a matter of genes and luck? VIC113H1 Encountering Distant Climes: The
DR=HUM; BR=2 Literature of Travel and Exploration [24S]
This course will study accounts of world travelers
VIC105H1 Odysseys: The Search for Meaning [24S, and explorers from the Middle Ages to the present,
12P] including representative examples drawn from the Age of
Metaphors and motivations of journeying have long Exploration, the Grand Tour, scientific and map-making
intrigued human beings as they have attempted to expeditions, and the contemporary genre of travel writing.
understand the meaning of their existence: the setting out, Particular attention will be given to the trans-cultural nature
the seeking for a desired object, the pilgrimage of religious of travel, and the interactive aspects of the gulf between
observance, and the longing to return home. Through the observer and those observed. Students will analyze
texts, art, music and film, this course will explore some of the diverse motivational factors behind excursions and
the shaping journey-myths of our culture from classical, expeditions, and apply a critique to written accounts in
Hebrew, medieval and modern sources. light of such factors as self-discovery, knowledge and
DR=HUM; BR=1 imagination, Euro-centrism, orientalism, cultural relativism,
VIC106H1 Psychology and Society [24S] colonialism/imperialism, race, gender, and eco-tourism.
This course explores central developments and ongoing DR=HUM; BR=1
controversies in the scientific study of the human VIC114H1 Renaissance in Popular Culture [24S,
mind, brain and behavior. It examines topics such as: 12P]
psychoanalysis, behaviourism, humanistic psychology,
evolutionary psychology, intelligence testing, and feminist VIC114Y1 Renaissance in Popular Culture [48S, 24P]
perspectives. Goals include understanding the historical This course explores the depiction of the Renaissance
evolution and social relevance of scientific psychology. in a wide range of plays, films and novels. The focus is

Victoria College
on the exchange between film, fiction, and ‘fact’, and on VIC130H1 Movies, Madness and the Modern Condition
how the values and concerns of the present shape creative [24S]
recreations of the past in popular culture. Through films like American Beauty (Sam Mendes, 1990)
DR=HUM; BR=1 and Unforgiven (Clint Eastwood, 1992), through literature
like Arthur Rimbaud’s A Season in Hell or Raymond Carver’s
VIC115H1 Imagined Power: Literature and Film [24S,
short stories, this course is going to take a look at human
beings in the extremes of experience: revenge, desire and an
VIC115Y1 Imagined Power: Literature and Film [48S, appetite for self-destruction.
24P] DR=HUM; BR=1
In this course we will study a number of literary and
VIC131H1 Germany in the Cold War [24S]
cinematic works that take up questions of power, duty, rights,
Covers the evolution of Germany from a defeated
responsibility, and freedom. Our texts will be drawn from a
dictatorship in 1945  to a re-unified republic in 1990.
long history, and from many parts of the world. The sequence
Examines major events of the Cold War, from the Marshall
however will not be chronological.
Plan to the Berlin Wall; also includes aspects of “popular
culture” in both East and West Germany.
VIC117H1 Understanding the Performing Arts: DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=3
Interpretation and Expression [24S]
VIC132H1 The USA in the Cold War [24S]
This course examines two key issues about the performing
Covers major events from America’s emergence as a
arts that concern both artists and theorists: the nature of
superpower in 1945 to the end of the Cold War in 1991,
interpretation and of expression. What might we mean
including: commitment to Europe through NATO and the
when we say that a work, a piece of music or a dance for
Marshall Plan; Civil Rights; Vietnam. Also explores “popular
example expresses something? What is it to express? And
culture” of the time: the suburbs; the baby boom; the 1960s;
what is the nature of interpretation? Are there any constraints
Watergate, etc.
or boundaries on interpretation? We will draw on both
philosophers and non-philosophers to explore these sorts of
questions. VIC133H1 Diplomacy and International Crisis
DR=HUM; BR=1 Management: 1989 to Today [24S]
This course covers issues in diplomacy and international
VIC118H1 The Rebel in History, Literature and Popular
crisis management from the fall of the Berlin Wall to the
Culture [24S]
present day. The course examines the real world of political
This course will examine the phenomenon of individuals
decision making. Both Canadian and American policy will be
and communities who rebel against the general social
analyzed. Issues to be covered include the collapse of the
norms upheld by the majority in societies throughout history.
Soviet Union, military intervention in humanitarian crises,
These societal conventions can include generally-accepted
the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the impact of
moral and religious tenets, as well as the formal legal or
political powers employed by those with the levers of social
control. The rebels’ motives can range from the purely
criminal, as with many notorious outlaws, to struggles for
social justice, in the case of rebellious slaves or proponents
of civil disobedience. Students will develop a theoretical Literary Studies Courses
framework which they can apply to the lives and motivations VIC201Y1 Ancient and Medieval Literary Modes:
of a diverse representation of social rebels and outsiders, Conventions and Continuities [48L,24T]
among them: pirates and mutineers, bandits and members Selected forms (such as epic, romance, satire, tragedy, lyric,
of street/biker gangs, anarchists, disaffected intellectuals utopia, autobiography, confession), with special attention
and religious leaders, punks and goths. Besides examining to their roots in the Ancient and Medieval period. Texts
the sociological and philosophical aspects of rebellion, the may include selections from Aboriginal, Asian, Hebrew and
course will consider the rebel as a prominent element in Babylonian creation myths, epic narratives; history and
popular culture. law; drama; lyric poetry, songs and spells; philosophy and
DR=HUM; BR=3 theology.
VIC119H1 Ancient Narratives in Modern Contexts Exclusion: VIC110Y1
[24S] DR=HUM; BR=1

VIC119Y1 Ancient Narratives in Modern Contexts VIC210Y1 Literary Studies II: Empire, Literature and
[48S] Modernity [48L, 24T]
This course provides an introduction to modern forms of The rise of modern European literatures in various contexts
ancient narratives, exploring the ways in which selected - colonialism, humanism, literacy, nation-states, democracy,
ancient literary sources and myths have been adapted ideology, individualism - that prompted development of new
to modern Canadian literature. Ancient narratives or ‘old literary genres, figures, personae and filiations.
stories’ are often reused, reinterpreted or reconstructed DR=HUM; BR=1+3
in modern narratives and given new relevance in a VIC300H1 Special Topics I: Literary Studies [24S]
contemporary context. Students will encounter sources and
VIC300Y1 Special Topics I: Literary Studies [48S]
contexts of ancient narratives
Interdisciplinary seminar on an author or extensive work (eg.
Proust’s, Remembrance of Things Past, Joyce’s, Finnegans

Victoria College
Wake) or on a genre. Emphasis on literature and its relation metonymy, allegory, irony, repetition, and specific thematic
to fine arts, philosophy, politics, history tropes like the eye, the face, the death mask, the mirror, the
Prerequisite: A course in Literary Studies or instructor’s dream, etc.
approval Prerequisite: A course in Literary Studies or Cinema Studies,
DR=HUM; BR=TBA or permission of the instructor.
VIC 301H1 Special Topics II: Literary Studies [24S]
JNV300H1 Gender, History and Literature [24S]
VIC 301Y1 Special Topics II: Literary Studies [48S]
The study of a selected group of creative writers from at least
Interdisciplinary seminar on a historical period (eg. Late
two national literatures whose texts raise issues regarding
Antiquity, Romanticism, the Harlem Renaissance) or critical
gender as either an historically or culturally variable
event. Emphasis on literature and its relation to fine arts,
construct. Texts will be chosen on the basis of a shared
philosophy, politics, history.
historical era, a literary genre, experience, institutional
Prerequisite: A course in Literary Studies or instructor’s
categorization, or project.
Prerequisite: One course in Literary Studies or one course in
Women’s Studies and Gender Studies
VIC309H1 Literary Studies III: The Modernist Avant DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Garde (formerly VIC310Y1) [24L, 12T]
Detailed study of a major modernist text or author(s), some
of the surrounding theoretical debates, and other forms of Renaissance Studies Courses
cultural expression such as cinema, photography, collage, See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
mass advertising, music, etc, that may be relevant.
Exclusion: VIC 310Y1 VIC240Y1 The Civilization of Renaissance Europe
VIC310H1 Literary Studies III: After Modernism An interdisciplinary introduction to the civilization of the
(formerly VIC310Y1) [24L, 12T] Renaissance illustrated by a study of the institutions, thought,
Texts from the second half of the 20th century and after, to politics, society and culture of both Italy and Northern
foreground the reaction to modernism, and to consider the Europe. Italian city states such as Florence, Urbino and
challenges to memory and representation that accompany Venice, Papal Rome and despotic Milan are compared with
historical crisis. Questions of language, representation, the northern dynastic monarchies of France and England.
aesthetics and politics, interpretation. DR=HUM; BR=1+3
Exclusion: VIC 310Y1 VIC341H1 The Self and Society: Women, Men and
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Children [24S]
VIC311H1 Translation (formerly VIC311Y1) [24L] A study of the changing conception of the human self in the
An introduction to the main questions raised by translation Renaissance, and of its representation by major authors:
studies, and an examination of the relationships it has Erasmus, Rabelais, Marguerite de Navarre, Castiglione,
established with other disciplines such as linguistics, film Machiavelli and others.
studies, literary theory, philosophy, anthropology, political- DR=HUM; BR=TBA
economy, psychoanalysis, the hard sciences. VIC342H1 Women and Writing in the Renaissance
Exclusion: VIC311Y1 [24S]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Focusing on writers from various geographical areas, the
VIC401H1 Seminar in Comparative Literature [24S] course examines a variety of texts by early modern women
(for example, treatises, letters, and poetry) so as to explore
VIC401Y1 Seminar in Comparative Literature [48S] the female experience in a literate society, with particular
This course offers senior students in Literary Studies attention to how women constructed a gendered identity for
the opportunity to take part in a graduate seminar in themselves against the backdrop of the cultural debates of
Comparative Literature. Topics change annually. the time.
VIC410H1 Seminar in Literary Studies [24S] VIC343Y1 Sex and Gender (formerly VIC343H1) [48S]
VIC410Y1 Seminar in Literary Studies [48S] An interdisciplinary approach to questions of gender and
For senior students enrolled in the Literary Studies program, sexuality in early modern Europe, with special focus on
although other students are welcome. Intensive study the representations of the sexual drive, the gender roles of
of general issues of poetics and critical theory, including men and women, and varieties of sexual experience in the
representative literary and philosophical texts. literature and art of the period.
Prerequisite: At least one course in Literary Studies Exclusion: VIC343H1
VIC411H1 Postmodernist Approaches to Film and VIC344H1 Renaissance Narrative (formerly VIC242H1)
Literature [24S] [24S]
Focuses on analysis of short stories and longer prose works
VIC411Y1 Postmodernist Approaches to Film and
including, in English translation: Boccaccio’s stories of love,
Literature [48S]
fortune and human intelligence in the Decameron; Rabelais’
Study of current filmic and literary theories, with emphasis
humorous parody of high culture in Gargantua; the tragic
on the rhetoric of film: the concept of the trope, metaphor,
tale of Romeo and Juliet; and the adventures of picaresque

Victoria College
rogues in Lazarillo de Tormes and Nashe’s Unfortunate Recommended preparation: VIC 240Y1, or another course in
Traveler. Renaissance Studies.
Exclusion: VIC242H1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
VIC345H1 Media and Communications in the Early
Modern Era [24S] Semiotics Courses
This course examines the various media (printing press, See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
representational art, music, preaching) and social and
VIC220Y1 Post-Structuralism/Post-Modernism [48L,
political forces (family and political networks, censorship,
education, etc.) that conditioned the communication of ideas
Studies the international culture emerging in media and
in early modern society.
literature and examines recent communication theory as it
applies to literary, social and cultural issues.
VIC347H1 Studies in Renaissance Performance (formerly Prerequisite: One course from: ANT 100Y1, LIN 100Y1, PHL
VIC347Y1) [24L] 100Y1, PHL 102Y1, SOC 101Y.
Studies in the development of new forms in music, DR=SOC SCI; BR=1+2
drama and dance in the Renaissance. The course will
VIC223Y1 Signs, Meanings, and Culture [48L, 24P]
consist of seminars and lectures, and may incorporate
This course will introduce the main elements of semiotic
live performances taking place in Toronto in addition to
theory, applying it to the study of human culture, from
language, myth, and art to popular forms of culture such
Recommended preparation: VIC 240Y1, or another course in
as pop music and cinema. It will deal with primary texts in
Renaissance Studies.
the development of semiotics, and cover a broad range of
Exclusion: VIC347Y1
cultural applications of semiotic theory.
Prerequisite: One course from: ANT100Y1, LIN 100Y1, PHL
VIC348Y1 The Renaissance in the Cities [48L] 100Y1, PHL 102Y, SOC101Y1.
An interdisciplinary course exploring the history, art, Exclusion: VIC 120Y1
architecture, literature, and music of the Renaissance in DR=SOC SCI; BR=2
one or more cities from ca. 1400-1650. The course will
VIC224H1 Introduction to Material Culture [24S, 12P]
investigate how local political and social-historical contexts
shape ideas and cultural forms, and so illustrate the process VIC224Y1 Introduction to Material Culture [48S, 24P]
and effects of cross-fertilization in the Renaissance period. This course is about things – the everyday objects of past
Recommended preparation: VIC 240Y1, or another course in and present cultures. It examines the meanings people
Renaissance Studies. have invested in objects and how those meanings have
DR=HUM; BR=TBA changed over time. Using interdisciplinary approaches,
students investigate objects found in homes, retail spaces,
VIC349H1 Special Topics in the Renaissance [24L,
cities, art galleries and museums in order to develop new
understandings of the objects that structure daily lives and
VIC349Y1 Special Topics in the Renaissance [48L, their material world.
24P] Exclusion: VIC 111H1/Y1
Studies in an aspect of the Renaissance based around DR=HUM/SOC SCI; BR=2
lectures, seminars, and readings. See annual course listing
VIC320Y1 Semiotics of Visual Art [48L, 24T]
for the year’s theme.
Theories and models of applied semiotics: analysis of sign
Recommended preparation: VIC 240Y1, or another course in
systems as articulated in various forms of artistic and cultural
Renaissance Studies.
Prerequisite: VIC 120Y1/VIC223Y1, VIC 220Y1
VIC440Y1 Florence and the Renaissance [48L] DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
An interdisciplinary seminar on Florence in the 15th and 16th
VIC322H1 Topics in Semiotics [24S]
centuries: humanism, culture and society in the republican
An in-depth examination of some aspect of Semiotic theory
period, the rise of the Medici, Florentine neoplatonism, the
or practice. Content in any given year depends on instructor.
establishment of the Medici principate, culture, society and
Not offered every year.
Prerequisite: VIC 120Y1/VIC 223Y1, VIC 220Y1.
Prerequisite: VIC 240Y1 or permission of the instructor
JFV323H1 Semiotics and Literature [24S]
VIC449H1 Advanced Seminar in the Renaissance [24S,
The study of readings from major French literary semioticians
will be combined with the practical application of theory to the
VIC449Y1 Advanced Seminar in the Renaissance [48S, analysis of selected literary texts. (Given by the Department
24P] of French and Victoria College)
An in-depth study in an aspect of the Renaissance based Prerequisite: At least 5 course credits in any subject.
around lectures, seminars, and readings. Content in any Exclusion(s): FRE 444H1/445H1
given year depends on the instructor. See annual course Recommended Preparation: FRE240Y1/VIC 120Y1/VIC
listing for the year’s theme. 223Y1

Victoria College
VIC323Y1 Theories of the Sign (formerly VIC420Y1) Other Victoria College Courses
[48L, 24T]
VIC259H1 Special Topics Seminar [24S]
Theories of signification studied with a focus on major works
in the semiotics of modern and contemporary culture. VIC259Y1 Special Topics Seminar [48S]
Prerequisite: ANT 323Y1, VIC 120Y1/VIC 223Y1, VIC A second year course. Topics vary from year to year
220Y1/221Y1/VIC 320Y1. depending on the instructor.
Exclusion: VIC420Y1 Prerequisite: Students must have completed a minimum of
DR=HUM/SOC SCI/SCI; BR=None (This course has no
status for breadth requirement purposes)
Concurrent Teacher Education Program (CTEP) VIC299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
Courses Credit course for supervised participation in faculty research
See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions. project. See page 48 for details.

VIC260H1 Equity and Diversity in Education [24L] VIC350Y1 Creative Writing: A Multicultural Approach
This course focuses on raising awareness and sensitivity [48S]
to equity and diversity issues facing teachers and students Practice and instruction in writing poetry and fiction,
in diverse schools and cultural communities. It builds paired with study of literature and theory introducing the
knowledge of how oppression works and how cultural multicultural richness of contemporary English writing.
resources and educational practices may be brought to bear Approximately three-quarters of class periods are workshops,
on reducing oppression and improving equity.This course’s one-quarter lecture discussions. Work by many writers from
field experience entails observation of and participation in contemporary and traditional literatures are read in English
equity and diversity efforts in a culturally-rooted school and/ translation.
or community organization. Prerequisite: four credits
Exclusion: SMC271H1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
DR=SOC SCI; BR=3 VIC351H1 Learning Communities and Higher
VIC261H1 Child and Adolescent Development in Education in Canada [24S]
Education [24L] This course examines the evolution of higher education in
This course examines how children and adolescents Canada. Using Victoria University and Victoria’s affiliates
develop and explores how best to facilitate their growth as a case study, the course explores the intersection of
and learning in the area of education. Major topics include gender, race, class and religion. Comparisons are made with
cognitive, emotional, social, moral, physical and language other denominational and secular institutions in the context
development. Themes addressed include interpersonal of late nineteenth and early twentieth century education.
relationships such as pro-social and aggressive behaviour, International contexts of education through student service
as well as the influence of schooling, family life and culture. and missions are discussed.
This course includes a 20-hour field experience located in DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
a school and entails observation of development across the VIC352Y1 Love, Sex and Death in Short Fiction [48S]
various age groups.This may be satisfied by participation in This course will examine how a variety of international
Vic Reach or in another organization with the approval of the authors, both nineteenth century and modern, handle the
Vic Concurrent Education Coordinator. themes of mortality, sexual passion and love in their short
Exclusion: SMC272H1 fiction. Particular emphasis will be placed on the artistry of
DR=SCI/SOC SCI; BR=2 the writer’s presentation, the role of dialogue, the economy
JSV262H1 Communication and Conflict Resolution of narrative, etc, etc. Students will read Chekhov (The Kiss,
[24L] Lady with a Dog) and Tolstoy (Master and Man) but will
The purpose of this course is to provide knowledge and skill also be exposed to such contemporary popular authors as
acquisition in the areas of interpersonal conflict resolution Elmore Leonard (When the Women Come Out to Dance),
and communication. Truman Capote (Mojave), Richard Ford (The Occidentals),
DR=SOC SCI; BR=3 Philip Roth (The Dying Animal), Ian McEwen, (The Cement
Garden) and David Bezmosghis (Natasha).
Students are required to complete an internship in an
educational or community source environment.This may VIC359H1 Special Topics Seminar [24S]
be satisfied by participation in Vic Reach or in another VIC359Y1 Special Topics Seminar [48S]
organization with the approval of the Vic Concurrent An upper level course. Topics vary from year to year
Education Coordinator. Written assessment of the internship depending on the instructor.
will be required. Prerequisite: Students must have completed a minimum of
VIC397H1 International Study
Course content, travel destination, etc., will depend on the
instructor. Topics will vary from year to year.
Prerequisite: Students must have completed a minimum of
10 FCEs.

Victoria College
VIC390Y1 Victoria College Independent Studies [TBA]
VIC391H1 Victoria College Independent Studies [TBA]
VIC490Y1 Victoria College Independent Studies [TBA]
VIC491H1 Victoria College Independent Studies [TBA]
These courses provide an opportunity to design an
interdisciplinary course of study not otherwise available
within the Faculty. Written application (detailed proposal,
reading list and a letter of support from a Victoria College
faculty member who is prepared to supervise) must be made
through the Program Director for approval by Victoria College
Council’s Academic Advisory Committee at least one month
prior to the start of the relevant term. Students should have
a minimum CGPA of 3.0 and have completed 10 FCEs for
390Y1 or 391H1, and a minimum of 15 FCEs for 490Y1 or
491H1. Students should contact Lynn Welsh, VC 105, lynn.
[email protected].
Prerequisite: Permission of College Program Director

Visual Studies: see Art

Women and Gender Studies
Faculty Major program:
(7 full courses or their equivalent, including at least three full
Professors 300+ series courses and at least one half course at the 400-
E.K. Armatage, BA, MA, PhD level)
M. J. Alexander, BSW, MA, PhD 1. WGS160Y1
K.P. Morgan, BA, MA, MEd, PhD 2. WGS262H1
Associate Professors 3. 3.5 additional full-course equivalents from the core group
B. McElhinny, BA, PhD below
M. Murphy, BA, PhD 4. Two additional full-course equivalents from Group A or B
M. Nyquist, BA, MA, PhD
Minor program:
K. Rittich, Mus Bac, LLM, SJD
(4 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one full
A. Tambe, BA, MA, PhD
300+ series course)
J. Taylor, BA, MA, PhD
A. Trotz, BA, MPhil, PhD 1. WGS160Y1 and/or WGS261Y1
2. Two (with both WGS160Y1 and WGS261Y1) or three
Assistant Professors (with only one of WGS160Y1 or WGS261Y1) additional
D. Georgis, BA, MA, PhD full-course equivalents from the core group below or from
M. Lo, BA, MA, MSc, PhD Group A
Senior Lecturers
J. Larkin, BA, MEd, PhD
Core Group:
Women and Gender Studies provides an interdisciplinary and WGS160Y1, WGS261Y1, WGS262H1, WGS271Y1,
culturally inclusive approach to understanding gender. The WGS272Y1, WGS330H1-339H1,WGS350H1,
curriculum addresses the meaning and importance of gender WGS362H1, WGS363H1, WGS365H1, WGS366H1,
in a variety of individual, institutional and transnational WGS367H1, WGS368H1, WGS369Y1,WGS370H1,
contexts. It provides opportunities to learn about and WGS372H1, WGS373H1, WGS374H1, WGS375H1,
critically engage feminist activism and resistance, violence, WGS380H1, WGS385H1, WGS386H1, JNV300H1,
citizenship, globalization, religious fundamentalism, war, WGS425H1,WGS426H1, WGS430H1, WGS434H1,
technoscience, women’s health and environmentalism. The WGS435H1, WGS440H1, WGS445H1, WGS451H1,
program fosters a strong student community through a WGS460Y1, WGS461Y1, WGS462H1, WGS463H1,
wide range of workshops and events as well as academic WGS465H1, WGS470Y1
and practical links to local, national and international
organizations. Women and Gender Studies scholarship and Group A: (Women and gender relations)
organizational initiatives thus address the location of the ANT343Y1, ANT460H1; CLA219H1, CLA220H1; EAS303H1,
University of Toronto within a culturally diverse, economically EAS452H1, EAS453H1, EAS462H1; ENG233Y1,
disparate and socially complex city and nation. ENG307H1, ENG355H1, FAH425H1, FCS497H1;
Undergraduate Coordinator: Professor J. Taylor, New FRE304H1, FRE305H1, GER421H11; GGR320H1,
College, Room 2029 (416-978-5238). GGR327H1; HIS202H1, HIS245Y1, HIS297Y1, HIS306H1,
HIS348H1, HIS354Y1, HIS363H1, HIS383H1,HIS395H1,
Undergraduate Administrator: Marian Reed, New College, HIS406H1, HIS418H1, HIS442H1, HIS446Y1, HIS448H1,
Room 2036 (416-978-3668). HIS481H1, HIS483H1; ITA455H1; JAL355H1; JHP440Y1;
JPP343Y1; NEW240Y1, NEW325H1; NMC284H1,
Email: [email protected] NMC484H1; PHL243H1, PHL367H1; POL315H1,
Web site: www.utoronto.ca/wgsi POL344H1, POL351Y1, POL432Y1, POL450H1, POL480H1;
PSY323H1; RLG251H1, RLG236H1, RLG237H1,
RLG313H1, RLG314H1, RLG315H1; SLA248H1, SLA453H1;
Women and Gender Studies SOC365Y1, SOC366H1, SOC367H1, SOC383H1;
Programs SPA382H1; UNI237H1; VIC341H1, VIC342H1, VIC343Y1,
Women and Gender Studies (Arts Program)
Group B: (General interest)
Specialist program: ANT329Y1, ANT427H1; ENG273Y1, ENG290Y1;
(10 full courses or their equivalent, including at least five full FCS395H1; GGR362H1, GGR363H1; HIS341Y1, HIS459H1;
300+ series courses and at least one course at the 400-level) INI327Y1; ITA493H1; NEW302Y1, NEW424Y1; NMC276Y1;
PHE403H1; PHL268H, PHL281H1, PHL384H1; PRT351H1;
1. WGS160Y1
SOC207Y1, SOC214Y1, SOC215H1, SOC220Y1,
2. WGS262H1
SOC375Y1; SPA380H1; TRN311H1, TRN320Y1; UNI255H1,
3. WGS460Y1 and one additional full-course equivalent at
UNI354H1, UNI355H1, UNI371H1; VIC210Y1; VIS310H1
the 400+ level
4. 4.5 additional full-course equivalents from the core group
5. Two additional full-course equivalents from Group A or B

Women and Gender Studies
Women and Gender Studies Courses 300-Series Courses
During the first round of enrolment, 300-Series Courses are
First Year Seminars subject to certain enrolment restrictions. Please refer to the
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide the 2010-2011 Registration Handbook & Timetable.
opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class of no
more than twenty-four students. These interactive seminars Note:
are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity and provide Courses numbered WGS330H1 - 339H1 are reserved for
an opportunity to get to know a member of the professorial Special Topics in Women and Gender Studies offered each
staff in a seminar environment during the first year of study. year by visiting scholars. Topics will change according to the
For details, see page 48. interests of the instructor.

100-Series Courses WGS330H1 Special Topic in Women and Gender

During the first round of enrolment, WGS160Y1 is subject to Studies: Caribbean Women Writers [24L]
certain enrolment restrictions. Please refer to the 2008-2009 A critical feminist reading of selected works of fiction, poetry
Registration Handbook & Timetable. and essays by Caribbean women writers. The aim is to
appraise the development of this literature, situate texts
WGS160Y1 Introduction to Women and [48L, 24T] within the key social and political debates which have
Gender Studies (formerly NEW260Y1) influenced the region’s literary output, as well as to consider
An integrated and historical approach to social relations of the implications of the environments within which these
gender, race, class, sexuality and disability, particularly as writers function.
they relate to women’s lives and struggles across different Recommended preparation: NEW160Y1/WGS160Y1/
locales, including Canada. NEW261Y1/WGS261Y1
Exclusion: NEW260Y1/WGS260Y1 DR=HUM; BR=TBA
WGS334H1 Special Topic in Women and Gender Studies
WGS335H1 Special Topic in Women and Gender Studies
200-Series Courses An upper level seminar. Subjects of study vary from year to
During the course enrolment period, WGS262Y1 is subject to year.
certain enrolment restrictions. Please refer to the 2008-2009 Recommended preparation: NEW160Y1/WGS160Y1/
Registration Handbook & Timetable. NEW261Y1/WGS261Y1
WGS261Y1 Scientific Constructions of Sex and Gender
WGS336H1 Selected Topics in Cultural Studies [24L]
[48L, 24T]
An upper level course. Topics vary from year to year.
Critically examines how the scientific construction of sex and
Prerequisite: NEW160Y1/WGS160Y1/NEW261Y1/
gender in the context of race, class and nation have both
reinforced and challenged racial hierarchies, colonialism and
the formation of academic disciplines such as psychology,
anthropology and biology. WGS350H1 Masculinity and the Human in an Age of
DR=SOC SCI; BR=2+3 Terror [24L]
This course contextualizes racialized masculinities and
WGS262H1 Texts, Theories, Histories (formerly
violence within postcolonial and anti-imperial discussions on
WGS262Y1) [24L, 12T]
contemporary discourses of terror. Working with concepts
Examines modes of theories that shaped feminist thought
in gender and queer studies, this course draws on cultural
and situates them historically and transnationally so as to
production to offer a complex reading of masculinities and
emphasize the social conditions and conflicts in which ideas
what it means to be human in conflict zones.
and politics arise, change and circulate.
Prerequisite: WGS262Y1 or permission of instructor
Exclusion: WGS262Y1
Prerequisite: NEW160Y1/WGS160Y1
DR=HUM; BR=3 WGS362H1 Selected Topics in Gender and History [24S]
An upper level seminar. Subjects of study vary from year to
WGS271Y1 Gender, Race and Class in Contemporary
Popular Culture (formerly NEW371H1) [48L]
Prerequisite: NEW160Y1/WGS160Y1/NEW261Y1/
A critical examination of institutions, representations and
practices associated with contemporary popular culture,
mass-produced, local and alternative.
Exclusion: NEW371H1 WGS363H1 Selected Topics in Gender and Theory [24S]
DR=HUM; BR=1 An upper level seminar. Subjects of study vary from year to
WGS272Y1 Queer Cultures [48L]
Prerequisite: NEW160Y1/WGS160Y1/NEW261Y1/
Examines the history of ‘queer’ and the cultures that have
been imagined from it. Understood in terms of what does not
conform to sexual normativities, ‘queer’ does not just define
social identities but references a range of emergent cultural WGS365H1 Gender Issues in the Law [24L]
expressions. Examines the operation of the law as it affects women,
DR=HUM; BR=1+3 the construction and representation of women within the
legal system, and the scope for feminist and intersectional

Women and Gender Studies
analyses of law. Includes an analysis of specific legal issues participation, local and transnational coalition, alternative
such as sexuality and reproduction, equality, employment, community formation, and encounters with the state and
violence and immigration. inter/supra/transnational organizations.
Recommended preparation: NEW160Y1/WGS160Y1/ Prerequisite: WGS160Y1Y, WGS262Y1Y
DR=HUM; BR=TBA WGS372H1 Women and Psychology/ Psychoanalysis
WGS366H1 Gender and Disability [24L] [24L]
A critical interdisciplinary investigation of how gender impacts An interdisciplinary analysis of the relationship of women to
on central topics in disability studies: ableism as a political a variety of psychological and psychoanalytical theories and
ideology; the normalized body and cultural representations; practices. Topics may include women and the psychological
sexuality, violence and nurturance relations; the cognitive establishment; women’s mental health issues; feminist
and social roles of medicine; transnational perspectives on approaches to psychoanalysis.
disability, disability rights and issues of social justice. Prerequisite: NEW160Y1/WGS160Y1/NEW261Y1/
Prerequisite: NEW160Y1/WGS160Y1/NEW261Y1/ WGS261Y1/permission of the instructor
WGS367H1 WGS373H1 Gender and Violence [24L]
Recommended preparation: WGS240Y1/WGS372H1/ An interdisciplinary study of gendered violence in both
WGS374H1/PHL384H1/POL315H1/POL344Y1/ historical and contemporary contexts including topics such
SOC373H1/SOC374H1/UNI 255H1/355H1 as textual and visual representations; legal and theoretical
DR=HUM; BR=TBA analyses; structural violence; war and militarization; sexual
WGS367H1 The Politics of Gender [24L], 12T violence; and resistance and community mobilization.
and Health Prerequisite: NEW160Y1/WGS160Y1/NEW261Y1/
Examines diverse traditions and normative models of WGS261Y1/permission of the instructor
health (e.g. biomedicine, social constructionist, aboriginal DR=HUM; BR=TBA
health) in conjunction with analyses of the origin, politics, WGS374H1 Feminist Studies in Sexuality [24L]
and theoretical perspectives of contemporary Women’s Sexual agency as understood and enacted by women in
Health Movements. Topics may include fertility, sexuality, diverse cultural and historical contexts. An exploration of
poverty, violence, labour, ageing, (dis)ability, and health care the ways in which women have theorized and experienced
provision. sexual expectations, practices and identities.
Recommended preparation: NEW160Y1/WGS160Y1/ Prerequisite: NEW160Y1/WGS160Y1
DR=HUM; BR=TBA WGS375H1 Colonialism, Sexuality, Spirituality and the
Law [24L]
WGS368H1 Gender and Cultural Difference: Examines the challenge indigenous knowledges posed to
Transnational Perspectives (formerly colonialism by analyzing Spanish and British legal codes.
NEW368Y1) [24L] Focusing on the links between sexuality and spirituality,
Explores the ways in which gendered constructions of we explore how gender shaped the social dynamics of
cultural identity and difference are implicated in local conquest and resistance and draw out the implications for
and transnational political projects, including feminism. contemporary colonialisms.
Challenges colonialist stereotypes of women as exotic or Prerequisite: NEW160Y1/WGS160Y1/NEW261Y1/
“victims of culture”. WGS261Y1
Prerequisite: NEW160Y1/WGS160Y1/NEW261Y1/ DR=HUM; BR=TBA
WGS261Y1/permission of the instructor
Exclusion: NEW368Y1 WGS380H1 Aboriginal, Black and Immigrant Women in
DR=HUM; BR=TBA the Land of Dollars [24L]
Examines the gendered effects of white settler colonization
WGS369H1 Studies in Post-Colonialism (formerly on/in 21st Century Canada and traces the formation of
NEW369H1) [24L] multiple settlements by examining black and immigrant
Examines gendered representations of race, ethnicity, populations. The course poses a challenge to contemporary
class, sexuality and disability in a variety of colonial, formulations of diaspora and multiculturalism. It examines
neo-colonial, and “post”-colonial contexts. Topics may solidarity movements within and across these three
include the emergence of racialist, feminist, liberatory and communities.
neoconservative discourses as inscribed in literary texts, Prerequisite: NEW160Y1/WGS160Y1/NEW261Y1/
historical documents, cultural artifacts and mass media. WGS261Y1
Prerequisite: NEW160Y1/WGS160Y1/NEW261Y1/ DR=HUM; BR=TBA
WGS261Y1/permission of the instructor
Exclusion: NEW369H1 WGS385H1 Gender and Neoliberalism [24L]
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Reviews major feminist transnational, Marxist and
Foucaultian approaches to the study of neoliberalism.
WGS370H1 Utopian Visions, Activist Realities [24L] Adopts a comparative, historical and global approach to
Drawing on diversely situated case-studies, this course the ways that gender is implicated in state restructuring,
focuses on the ideals that inform struggles for social justice, changing roles for corporations and non-governmental
and the mechanisms activists have employed to produce the
change. Foci include the gendered implications of movement

Women and Gender Studies
organizations, changing norms for personhood, sovereignty explored, with emphasis on feminist counter-narratives
and citizenship, and changing ideas about time/space. and theorizing of globalization, theoretical debates on the
Prerequisite: WGS160Y1 meanings and impacts of globalization, and possibilities of
Recommended Preparation: WGS262Y1 resistance, agency, and change.
DR=HUM; BR=TBA Prerequisite: NEW160Y1/WGS160Y1, one full course at the
300+ level in WGS, and one half course in WGS.
WGS386H1 Gender and Critical Political Economy [24L]
Exclusion: WGS463H1, fall session 2009
Offers a critical analysis of political economy, its historical
and contemporary contentions and the ‘ruptures’ that open
the space for alternative theorizing beyond ‘orthodox’ and WGS430H1 Queer Diasporas [26S]
‘heterodox’ thinking, by inserting gender and intersecting This course is an overview of the growing field of
issues of power, authority and economic valorization across Queer Diasporas. It considers how queer people inhabit
multiple and changing spheres: domestic, market and state. transnational spaces. It also examines how diaspora, as
Prerequisite: WGS160Y1 an analytical framework that challenges meanings of un/
DR=HUM; BR=TBA belonging, might be queered. Alongside theoretical works on
queer diasporas, this course draws on cultural/aesthetic texts
JNV300H1 Gender, History and Literature [24L]
to think through its major themes.
The study of a selected group of creative writers from at least
Prerequisite: NEW160Y1/WGS160Y1, one full course at
two national literatures whose texts raise issues regarding
the 300+ level in WGS, and one half course in the field of
gender as either an historically or culturally variable
Sexuality Studies (WGS or other).
construct. Texts will be chosen on the basis of a shared
historical era, a literary genre, experience, institutional
categorization, or project. WGS434H1 Advanced Topics in Women and Gender
Prerequisite: One course in Literary Studies or one course in Studies [24S]
Women and Gender Studies An upper level seminar. Topics vary from year to year
DR=HUM; BR=TBA depending on instructor.
Prerequisite: NEW160Y1/WGS160Y1, one full course at the
300+ level in WGS, and one half course in WGS.
400-Series Courses DR=HUM; BR=TBA
During the first round of ROSI enrolment (July 6 – August 9), WGS435H1 Advanced Topics in Women and Gender
400-Series courses are reserved for Specialists and Majors Studies [24S]
in Women and Gender Studies. Enrolment restrictions vary An upper level seminar. Topics vary from year to year
from course to course and pre-requisites will be enforced depending on instructor.
during the first round of enrolment. During the second Prerequisite: NEW160Y1/WGS160Y1, one full course at the
round of enrolment (as of August 11th), students must enroll 300+ level in WGS, and one half course in WGS.
at the department and fill out the appropriate 400-level DR=HUM; BR=TBA
ballot form. Ballot forms are available from the Women and
Gender Studies Program Office, Room 2036, Wilson Hall, WGS440H1 Gender and the Sacred [24S]
New College, 40 Willcocks St, or on-line at www.utoronto. Examines how gender illuminates the sacred by focusing
ca/wgsi/undergraduate/400levelballots.html. Forms must upon the forces of nature within the Vodou and Yoruba
be signed and approved by both the course instructor and cosmological systems. Explores how these sacred
the Undergraduate Coordinator for the Women and Gender knowledges disturb the secular parameters of feminism
Studies Program. Please note that students in their first through close attention to the conceptual and ceremonial
or second year of study (with 8.5 credits or less) are not practices among practitioners in the diaspora.
permitted to enroll in 400-level courses. Prerequisite: NEW160Y1/WGS160Y, one full course at the
300+ level in WGS, and one half course in WGS.
WGS425H1 Gender and Development Discourses Exclusion: NEW435H1/WGS435H1, winter session 2005.
(formerly WGS425Y1) [24S] DR=HUM; BR=TBA
Provides a critical feminist analysis of development theories WGS445H1 Migrations of the Sacred [24S]
and paradigms and an overview of related theoretical and Considers the gendered impact of migration on women’s
conceptual debates on the concept of ‘development’ itself, indigenous spiritual practices, taking globalization as a
its gender implications, competing discourses, and related political economic starting point. Focuses on the lives of
practices within national, regional and global contexts, and women whose experiences emblematize displacement and
from a post-colonial feminist/gender perspective. examines how women’s agency interrupts and transforms
Prerequisite: NEW160Y1/WGS160Y1, one fullf course at the normative meanings of ‘tradition’ and “modernity.’
300+ level in WGS, and one half course in WGS Prerequisite: NEW160Y1/WGS160Y1, one full course at the
Exclusion: WGS425Y1 300+ level in WGS, and one half course in WGS.
WGS426H1 Gender and Globalization: Transnational WGS451H1 Independent Study in Women and Gender
Perspectives Studies Issues [TBA]
Critically examines current interdisciplinary scholarship Under supervision, students pursue topics in Women and
on globalization, its intersections with gender, power Gender Studies not currently part of the curriculum.
structures, and feminized economies. Related socio-spatial Prerequisite: Permission of the Undergraduate Coordinator,
reconfigurations, ‘glocal’ convergences, and tensions are Women and Gender Studies Program.

Women and Gender Studies
WGS460Y1 Advanced Research Seminar in Women and
Gender Studies [24S]
Supervised undergraduate thesis project undertaken in the
final year of study. Students attend a bi-weekly seminar to
discuss research strategies, analytics, methods and findings.
A required course for Specialist students.
Prerequisite: NEW160Y1/WGS160Y1, one full course at the
300+ level in WGS, and one half course in WGS.
WGS461Y1 Advanced Topics in Women and Gender
Studies [48S]
An upper level seminar. Topics vary from year to year
depending on the instructor.
Prerequisite: NEW160Y1/WGS160Y1, one full course at the
300+ level in WGS, and one half course in WGS.
WGS462H1 Advanced Topics in Gender and History
An upper-level seminar. Topics vary from year to year
depending on instructor.
Prerequisite: NEW160Y1/WGS160Y1, one full course at the
300+ level in WGS, and one half course in WGS.
WGS463H1 Advanced Topics in Gender Theory [24S]
Senior students may pursue more advanced study in feminist
theory. Topics vary from year to year depending on instructor.
Prerequisite: NEW160Y1/WGS160Y1, one full course at the
300+ level in WGS, and one half course in WGS.
WGS465H1 Special Topics in Gender and the Law [24S]
Senior students may pursue advanced study in gender and
law. Topics vary from year to year.
Prerequisite: NEW160Y1/WGS160Y1, NEW365H1/
WGS365H1, one half course at the 300+ level in WGS,
and one half course in WGS.
WGS470Y1 Women and Gender Studies Practicum [48S]
The application of theoretical study to practical community
experience. Advanced Women and Gender Studies students
have the opportunity to apply knowledge acquired in the
Women and Gender Studies curriculum through a practicum
placement within a community organization.
Prerequisite: NEW160Y1/WGS160Y1, one full course at the
300+ level in WGS, and one half course in WGS.

Woodsworth College

Faculty additional full WDW Criminology credits, and have a CGPA

of at least 3.0. Meeting the minimum requirements may
Professors not guarantee admission.
A.N. Doob, AB, Ph D, FRSC
R. Gartner, MS, Ph D Specialist program:
F.J. Reid, M Sc, Ph D (10 full courses or their equivalent, including at least four
M. Valverde, MA, Ph D, FRSC 300+ series courses, one of which must be a 400-series
Associate Professors
First year:
R. Gomez, BA, MA, Ph D
One 100-series full course equivalent chosen from the
following list: ECO/HIS/PHL/POL/SOC
S. Wortley, MA, Ph D
Higher years:
Assistant Professors 1. WDW 200Y1/(205H1 and 210H1), 220Y1/225H1
S. Bucerius, BA, MA, Ph D 2. WDW 300H1, 320H1, 335H1, 340H1, 350H1/350Y1
M. Light, AB, MA, JD, Ph D 3. At least one full credit from: WDW 310H1, 325H1,
W. Watson, BSc, Ph D 343H1, 360H1, 365H1, 370H1, 375H1, 380H1, 383H1,
385H1, 387H1, 388H1, 389Y0, 390H1, 391H1, 392H1,
Senior Lecturers 393H1, 394H1, 395H1, 396H1, 397Y1, 450H1
W.B. MacDonald, BA, MA 4. One full credit from: WDW 400H1, 405H1, 415H1,
L. Riznek, MA, Ph D 420H1, 425H1, 480H1
J.B. Rose, BA, MA 5. Additional credits from: HIS 332H1, 355H1; PHL
T.P. Socknat, BAE, MA, Ph D 271H1, 370H1; POL 332Y1; PSY 201H1, 202H1,
Lecturer 220H1, 240H1, 328H1; SOC 212Y1, 213Y1, 306Y1,
T. Moritz, BA, MA, Ph D 358H1; TRN 305Y1/H1; or additional courses from
Group 3 or 4 above
Adjunct Professors Note: At least seven WDW Criminology full credits must be
R.F. Barnhorst, BA, LLB, JSD completed.
B. Davies, BA, MA, LLB
Woodsworth College sponsors programs in two areas - Major program:
Criminology and Employment Relations. The specialist (7 full course equivalents (FCEs), including at least 4
and major programs in Criminology provide students WDW Criminology FCEs, and 2 FCEs at the 300+ level)
with a foundation to begin the study of crime and the Enrolment in the major program is limited to students with
administration of the Canadian criminal justice system. a CGPA of at least 2.50 who have completed four or more
The programs in Criminology may be combined with full credits, including one of the courses specified below.
programs in Political Science, Psychology or Sociology. Meeting the minimum requirements may not guarantee
The specialist and major programs in Employment admission.
Relations provide students with the opportunity to study First year:
the employment relationship in a Canadian context, One 100-series full course equivalent chosen from the
from the perspectives of a number of disciplines such as following list: ECO/HIS/PHL/POL/SOC
economics, history, law, management, political science, Higher years:
and sociology. Students enrolled in the Criminology and 1. WDW 200Y1/(205H1 and 210H1), 220Y1/225H1
Employment Relations programs are given priority when 2. At least two full credits from: WDW 300H1, 310H1,
registering in WDW courses. 320H1, 325H1, 335H1, 340H1, 343H1, 350H1, 350Y1,
360H1, 365H1, 370H1, 375H1, 380H1, 383H1, 385H1,
Enquiries: Program Office, Woodsworth College, Room
387H1, 388H1, 389Y0, 390H1, 391H1, 392H1, 393H1,
236 (416-978-5783), or at www.wdw.utoronto.ca.
394H1, 395H1, 396H1, 397Y1, 400H1, 405H1, 415H1,
420H1, 425H1, 480H1
Woodsworth College Programs 3. Additional credits from: HIS 332H1, 355H1; PHL
271H1, 370H1; POL 332Y1; PSY 201H1, 202H1,
Criminology (Arts program) 220H1, 240H1, 328H1; SOC 200Y1, 200H1, 202H1,
Consult Program Office, Woodsworth College. 212Y1, 213Y1, 306Y1, 358H1; TRN 305Y1/H1; or
additional courses from Group 2 above
Enrolment in the specialist program is limited. Students
Note: At least four WDW Criminology full credits must be
apply during the spring term of the year in which they
complete either eight full credit courses or twelve full credit
courses. Students applying after eight full credit courses Employment Relations (Arts program)
must have obtained an average of at least 80% in WDW
Consult Program Office, Woodsworth College.
200Y1 (or 205H1 and 210H1) and 220Y1 (or 225H1)
combined, and have a CGPA of at least 3.0. Enrolment in the specialist program is limited to students
with a CGPA of at least 2.50 who have completed four or
Students applying after twelve full credit courses must
more full credits, including ECO 100Y1(67%)/105Y1(80%)
have obtained an average of at least 80% in WDW 200Y1
and SOC 101Y1/(102H1 and 103H1). Meeting the
(or 205H1 and 210H1) and 220Y1 (or 225H1), and two
minimum requirements may not guarantee admission.

Woodsworth College
Specialist program: WDW210H1 Criminal Justice (formerly WDW200Y1)
(10 full courses or their equivalent including at least four [24L, 12T]
courses at the 300+level) An introduction to the Canadian criminal justice system.
The institutions established by government to respond
First year:
to crime and control it; how they operate, and the larger
ECO 100Y1/105Y1; SOC 101Y1/(102H1 and 103H1)
function they serve; including the role of the police, the
Higher years:
trial process, courts and juries, sentencing, imprisonment
1. WDW244H1, 260H1
and community corrections.
2. ECO 239Y1/339Y1
Prerequisite: WDW205H1, 225H1
3. One full course equivalent from: ECO 220Y1; PSY
Exclusion: WDW200Y1
(201H1 and 202H1); SOC 200Y1/(200H1 and 202H1)
4. One full course from: ECO 321Y1; HIS 263Y1; POL
103Y1, 214Y1 WDW225H1 Criminal Law [24L, 6T]
5. Two and a half credits from: HIS 313H1; MGT 120H1, The main principles and themes of Canadian criminal law;
201H1, 223H1; RSM 222H1; SOC 207Y1, 317Y1, legal definitions of crime, requirements of a criminal act
339H1, 367H1, 370Y1, 375Y1; WDW 344H1, 345H1, (actus reus), criminal intention (mens rea), causation and
346H1, 347H1, 348H1, 349H1, 367H1, 378H1, 396H1, defences. The origins, goals and functioning of criminal
397Y1, 444H1 law, and limits on the power of the state to criminalize
6. MGT 460H1/ RSM 460H1; WDW 430Y1 behaviour.
Co- or Prerequisite: WDW205H1
Major program: Exclusion: WDW220Y1
(7 full courses or their equivalent including at least two at DR=SOC SCI; BR=3
the 300+ level)
WDW300H1 Theory in Criminology [36L]
Enrolment in the major program is limited to students with Major philosophical, social and political theories of crime,
a CGPA of at least 2.30 who have completed four or more law and justice. The origins of central ideas that influence
full credits, including ECO 100Y1/105Y1 and SOC 101Y1/ criminological theory, seen in an historical context.
(102H1 and 103H1). Meeting the minimum requirements Students are encouraged to develop the analytical skills
may not guarantee admission. needed to think critically about criminal justice issues.
First year: Prerequisite: WDW200Y1, 220Y1/205H1, 210H1, 225H1
ECO 100Y1/105Y1; SOC 101Y1/(102H1 and 103H1) DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Higher years: WDW320H1 The Prosecution Process [36L]
1. WDW244H1, 260H1 A critical examination of the process by which certain
2. Two and a half credits, including at least one-half conduct is identified, prosecuted and punished as “crime”,
credit at the 300+ level from: ECO 239Y1/339Y1; HIS and the process by which individuals become “criminals”.
313H1; MGT 120H1, 201H1, 223H1; RSM 222H1; The evolution of the modern prosecution system, including
SOC 207Y1, 317Y1, 339H1, 367H1, 370Y1, 375Y1; the exercise of prosecutorial discretion, rules of evidence,
WDW 344H1, 345H1, 346H1, 347H1, 348H1, 349H1, socially constructed defences, disparity in sentencing, and
367H1, 378H1, 396H1, 397Y1, 444H1 wrongful convictions.
3. MGT 460H1/RSM 460H1; WDW 430Y1 Prerequisite: WDW200Y1, 220Y1/205H1, 210H1, 225H1,
Woodsworth College Courses DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
See page 31 for Key to Course Descriptions.
WDW325H1 Criminal Procedure [24L, 4T]
The main principles and themes of Canadian criminal
Criminology Courses procedure, and the role of state officials and institutions
For all WDW Criminology courses, students must be in investigating and prosecuting crime. Doctrinal and
enrolled in the Specialist or Major Program in Criminology. statutory frameworks governing the administration and
enforcement of criminal law in Canada, and the role of
WDW205H1 Introduction to Criminology (formerly constitutional rights in the criminal process.
WDW200Y1) [24L, 12T] Prerequisite: WDW205H1 & 225H1
An introduction to the study of crime and criminal Exclusion: WDW220Y1
behaviour. The concept of crime, the process of law DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
formation, and the academic domain of criminology. WDW335H1 Policing [36L]
Theories of crime causation, methodologies used by A theoretical framework is developed to examine the
criminologists, and the complex relationship between nature of policing, its structure and function. Attention
crime, the media and modern politics. Not open to first is given to the history of policing and to its public and
year students. private forms. An examination of the objectives and
Prerequisites: Four full credits including one full credit in domain, as well as the strategies, powers, and authority of
ECO/HIS/PHL/POL/SOC, and a CGPA of 2.5 contemporary policing; including decision-making, wrong-
Exclusion: WDW200Y1 doing, accountability, and the decentralization of policing.
DR=SOC SCI; BR=3 Prerequisite: WDW200Y1, 220Y1/205H1, 210H1, 225H1

Woodsworth College
WDW340H1 Penology [36L] WDW375H1 Young Offenders [36L]
The study of punishment from historical and philosophical Historical and contemporary definitions of illegal conduct
perspectives, with a focus on contemporary Canadian by young persons. The nature and extent of youth crime,
policy issues. Topics covered include penal theory, prisons and an analysis of theories which attempt to explain it.
and non-carceral forms of punishment, and the goals of Assessment of the effectiveness of treatment and other
penal reform. strategies for preventing and responding to youth crime.
Prerequisite: WDW200Y1, 220Y1/205H1, 210H1, 225H1 Prerequisite: WDW200Y1, 220Y1/205H1, 225H1
WDW343H1 Comparative Criminal Justice [36L] WDW380H1 Crime and Gender [36L]
Criminal justice issues outside Canada, based on a variety Theory, research and policy related to the ways in which
of international and historical studies. The evolution of gender shapes criminal behaviour, the administration of
criminal justice systems in Western Europe, including the criminal justice, and the criminal law. How notions of
English adversarial and continental European inquisitorial different types of masculinity and femininity are embedded
approaches. A comparison of policing, criminal procedure, in and influence both the operation of the criminal justice
forms of punishment, and crime rates in the contemporary system as well as criminal behaviours. The regulation of
world. gender and sexuality through the criminal law and through
Prerequisite: WDW200Y1, 220Y1/205H1, 210H1, 225H1 crime.
Exclusion: WDW393H1 in 2008-09 Prerequisite: WDW200Y1, 220Y1/205H1, 210H1, 225H1
WDW350H1 Research Methods in Criminology WDW383H1 Immigration and Crime [36L]
(formerly WDW350Y1) [36L] The connection between immigration and crime, the effect
An introduction to social science research methods used of immigration on crime rates, discrimination against
by criminologists. An understanding of the strengths immigrants, the representation of immigrants in crime
and weaknesses of published criminological research is statistics, public perception of risk and security, and
developed. Specific technical issues such as sampling criminal justice policy changes which affect immigration.
and measurement are taught in the context of examining We consider research conducted in Canada, the United
alternative ways of answering research questions. States, Germany and the Netherlands.
Prerequisite: WDW200Y1, 220Y1/205H1, 225H1 Prerequisite: WDW200Y1, 220Y1/205H1, 210H1, 225H1
Exclusions: SOC 200Y1, SOC 200H, WDW 350Y1 Exclusion: WDW390H1 in 2008
WDW360H1 Law and Psychiatry [36L] WDW387H1 Legal Regulation of Morality [36L]
The increasing involvement of psychiatrists and other Moral regulation through criminal law, and the role of
mental health professionals in the criminal justice system legal texts and procedures in promoting certain values
over the past 150 years, including contemporary Canadian while marginalizing others. The decriminalization
practices. Emphasis is placed on understanding and of homosexuality and abortion, the censorship of
evaluating competing interpretations of this phenomenon. pornography, the key role of administrative law
Prerequisite: WDW200Y1, 220Y1/205H1, 210H1, 225H1 mechanisms, and the transformation from direct to indirect
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA forms of regulation.
Prerequisite: UNI255H1/256H1/WDW 200Y1,
WDW365H1 Crime and Mind [36L]
220Y1/205H1, 225H1
Legal, psychological and sociological understandings
Exclusion:WDW 391H1 in 2002
of issues in the criminal justice system, through a
consideration of topics including: criminal intent, the
insanity defence, the concept of ‘psychopathy’, the use WDW389Y0 Topics in Criminology [TBA]
of ‘battered woman syndrome’ as part of a self-defence, Topics in Criminology offered in an international setting.
issues of transcultural psychiatry, and jury screening for The content may vary from year to year.
Prerequisite: WDW200Y1, 220Y1/205H1, 225H1 WDW390H1 Topics in Criminology [36L]
WDW391H1 Topics in Criminology [36L]
WDW370H1 Youth Justice [36L]
Administration of the youth justice system in Canada. The WDW392H1 Topics in Criminology [36L]
Youth Criminal Justice Act provides a legal framework for WDW393H1 Topics in Criminology [36L]
considering individual rights, the protection of society, and
the welfare of young people. An analysis of legal principles WDW394H1 Topics in Criminology [36L]
and practices at various stages in the youth justice Topics vary from year to year, but the objective of the
process. Policy issues and proposals for reform. course is to explore emerging issues in Criminology, and
Prerequisite: WDW200Y1, 220Y1/205H1, 210H1, 225H1 their social, legal, ethical and political implications.
DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA Prerequisite: WDW200Y1, 220Y1/205H1, 210H1, 225H1

Woodsworth College
WDW395H1 Independent Study [TBA] Employment Relations Courses
Independent study under the direction of a Criminology
WDW244H1 Labour Relations [36L]
faculty member.
Introduction to the institutions, issues and legislation
Prerequisite: WDW200Y1, 220Y1/205H1, 210H1, 225H1.
affecting the employment relationship in the public and
Approval of the Undergraduate Co-ordinator is required.
private sectors in Canada, with emphasis on collective
bargaining. The economic and political environment,
WDW415H1 Crime and Politics [24S] history of the labour movement, union organization,
An advanced seminar examining the development of certification, contract negotiation, strikes, dispute
criminal justice and penal policies in Canada, the United resolution, contract administration and grievances.
States, Western Europe and Russia; the way authorities in Exclusion: ECO244Y1, WDW244Y1
those countries define and manage political deviance and Prerequisite: Four courses and a CGPA of at least 2.0
the intrusion of politics into the administration of justice, DR=SOC SCI; BR=3
especially in non-democratic settings.
WDW260H1 Organizational Behaviour [36L]
Prerequisite: An average of at least 75% in four full WDW
Introduction to the nature of organizations and the
Criminology credits, and a CGPA of at least 3.0.
behaviour of individuals and groups within organizations,
including topics such as culture and diversity, reward
WDW420H1 Current Issues in Criminal Law [26S] systems, motivation, leadership, politics, communication,
An advanced seminar exploring in detail current issues decision-making, conflict and group processes. Not
in criminal law. Topics vary from year to year, but the recommended for students in Commerce programs.
objective of the course is to discuss current policy and Exclusion: MGT262H1, RSM260H1
case law developments in the criminal law, and their Prerequisite: Four courses and a CGPA of at least 2.0
social, political and ethical implications. The role of DR=SOC SCI; BR=3
Parliament and the judiciary in the development of the
WDW344H1 Topics in Employment Relations [36L]
criminal law is considered.
Prerequisite: An average of at least 75% in four full WDW WDW345H1 Topics in Employment Relations [36L]
Criminology credits, and a CGPA of at least 3.0. WDW346H1 Topics in Employment Relations [36L]
WDW347H1 Topics in Employment Relations [36L]
WDW425H1 International Criminal Law [24S]
An advanced seminar focusing on the legal and WDW348H1 Topics in Employment Relations [36L]
conceptual framework for responding to state violence WDW349H1 Topics in Employment Relations [36L]
and war crimes, and the challenges faced by various Topics vary from year to year, but the objective of the
international legal institutions. Legal doctrines of course is to discuss current employment relations issues
sovereign immunity and universal jurisdiction, the history and their economic, legal, political and social implications.
of international criminal prosecutions, and substantive DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
international criminal law are examined.
WDW367H1 Compensation [36L]
Prerequisite: An average of at least 75% in four full WDW
The theory and process of developing and administering
Criminology credits, and a CGPA of at least 3.0.
compensation systems. Through the core compensation
principles of efficiency, equity, consistency and
WDW450H1 Criminology Research Project [TBA] competitiveness we consider such topics as: job analysis,
An individual research project under the direction job evaluation, pay levels and structures, pay for
of a Criminology faculty member. Approval of the performance, benefits, and compensating special groups
Undergraduate Co-ordinator is required. of workers.
Prerequisite: An average of at least 75% in four full WDW Prerequisite: WDW260H1/MGT262H1/RSM260H1
Criminology credits, and a CGPA of at least 3.0. DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
WDW378H1 Employment Health [36L]
WDW480H1 Interpersonal Violence [24S] The influence of legislation, the labour market and
The meaning, purposes and sources of interpersonal collective bargaining on health policies and programs
violence, including an examination of debates over in the workplace. The rights and responsibilities of
defining and documenting violence, and a review of employers, employees, unions and governments for the
the research on the relationships between illegitimate, regulation and promotion of workplace health and safety;
interpersonal violence and state-approved or state-initiated and the implications of evolving demographic, economic,
violence. Cultural, social and individual correlates of and social factors.
interpersonal violence; law’s violence; and how violence is Prerequisite: WDW 244H1, 260H1
justified and denied. DR=SOC SCI; BR=TBA
Exclusion: WDW 400H1 in 2004-2006
Prerequisite: An average of at least 75% in four full WDW
Criminology credits, and a CGPA of at least 3.0.

Woodsworth College
WDW430Y1 Employment Law [48L]
The major legal structures which regulate the employment
relationship in the public and private sectors: the common
law of contract (master/servant law), legislation governing
collective bargaining, the primary statutes (Employment
Standards Act, Labour Relations Act, Occupational Health
and Safety Act, Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, and the
Human Rights Code).
Prerequisite: Thirteen full credits, including WDW244H1 and
WDW444H1 Seminar in Employment Relations [24S]
An advanced seminar examining contemporary issues in the
employment relations and human resources field. Topics
vary from year to year, but the objective of the course is to
discuss current issues and their economic, legal and social
Prerequisite: Thirteen full credits, including WDW 244H1 and
WDW 260H1, and a CGPA of at least 2.50.

Other Woodsworth College Courses

WDW299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
Credit course for supervised participation in faculty research
project. See page 48 for details.
WDW396H1 Research Participation [TBA]
WDW397Y1 Research Participation [TBA]
Credit course for supervised participation in a faculty
research project. Offered only when a faculty member is
willing and available to supervise. Faculty members review
proposals with the Undergraduate Coordinator, then make
the opportunity known to students as appropriate. Open only
to third and fourth year students enrolled in a Criminology or
Employment Relations program.
Prerequisite: Completion of at least nine full courses. A
CGPA of at least 3.0 is recommended. Approval of the
Undergraduate Coordinator is required.

Writing and Rhetoric: see Innis


Writing in Arts and Science

Writing in Arts and Science English Language Learning Opportunities

The ability to think critically and to write well-organized, The new English Language Learning initiative (ELL)
clear, grammatical prose is important to your work in Arts offers undergraduates in Arts and Science a variety
and Science courses. It will also improve your chances if of ways to develop skills and confidence in both oral
you apply to graduate or professional schools and will give and written communication. For its intensive non-credit
you an advantage in the workplace. To help you develop summer course, see the entry for ELL010H1/ELL011H1
your writing skills, Arts and Science provides a range of under “New College” in this calendar. Fall and Spring
instructional resources. programming includes free dropin workshops using
high-level language activities focussed on listening and
(Note: For courses in creative writing, see entries under speaking, and also an online component for practising
“English” (ENG), “Innis College” (INI), University (UC), and reading and critical thinking.
“Victoria” (VIC) in this Calendar.)
Writing Centres
The Writing Centres provided free of charge at
Departments and programs integrate instruction on
undergraduate colleges will help you develop the writing
writing into their courses, and some offer courses that
skills needed throughout your university studies. They
concentrate on communication in their disciplines. Check
offer both group and individual instruction.
the course listings by department. In any course, your
instructors and teaching assistants will provide guidelines The Writing Plus workshops are short intensive group
for written assignments. They will often offer instruction in sessions that demonstrate the expectations for university
class and give you the opportunity to ask questions before writing. They cover all stages of writing university papers,
assignments are due. You may ask them to discuss work from understanding the assignment to revising the final
that has been graded and returned to you. In addition, the draft, and they give targeted advice for handling your
university offers a number of courses in writing non-fiction reading load and the challenges of studying for tests and
prose: exams. Special sessions focus on writing admissions
ENG100H1 (Effective Writing) is listed under statements for graduate programs. See www.writing.
“English” in this Calendar utoronto.ca for dates and locations.

TRN190Y1 (Critical Reading and Critical Writing) is In individual consultations, trained writing instructors
listed under “Trinity College” help you improve your ability to plan, write, and revise,
using your assignments from any subject as examples.
Innis College offers a minor program called Writing and Instructors are familiar with writing conventions in the
Rhetoric. Its offerings include the following courses, all whole range of Arts and Science courses, and some
listed under “Innis College”: INI103H1 (Writing Essays), specialize in the needs of students using English as a
INI104H1 (Writing Reports), INI203Y1 (Foundations of second language. You are entitled to use the writing
Written Discourse), INI204Y1 (The Academic Writing centre of the college where you are registered. All the
Process), JEI206H1 (Writing English Essays), INI300Y1 college writing centres now use an online booking system
(Strategic Writing in Business and the Professions: that requires your UTORid for login. More information is
Theory and Practice), INI301H1 (Contemporary Issues available at www.writing.utoronto.ca. Here is a list of
and Written Discourse: Rhetoric and the Print Media), Arts and Science writing centres.
INI304H1 (Critical Thinking and Inquiry in Written
Communication), INI305H1 (Word and Image in Modern French Department Writing Labs: ask your professor
Writing), INI311Y1 (Seminar in Creative Writing), and or inquire at 416-926-2302.
INI412Y1 (Prose Style across Genres). Innis College Writing Centre, Room 322.
The University of Toronto at Mississauga (UTM) offers
a major and minor program in Professional Writing and New College Writing Centre, Wilson Hall, Room 2045
Communication. Consult with your college registrar about and 2047.
taking courses at UTM. These are among the courses Philosophy Department Writing Clinic, 170 St.
offered: WRI203H5 (Expressive Writing), WRI303H5 George St., 4th Floor
(Specialized Prose), WRI307H5 (Science and Writing),
WRI320H5 (History and Writing), WRI325H5 (Community St. Michael’s College Writing Centre, Kelly Library,
and Writing), WRI330H5 (Oral Rhetoric), WRI340H5 Rooms 230 and 231.
(Critical Reading and Listening), WRI360H5 (Finance and
Writing), WRI392H5 (Research and Writing), WRT420H5 Trinity College Writing Centre, Larkin Building, Room
(Making a Book), and WRI430H5 Journalistic Investigation. 302.
University College Writing Centre, Laidlaw Library,
Rooms 214 and 218.
Victoria College Writing Centre, Northrop Frye Hall,
Rooms 103A and 103B
Woodsworth College Academic Writing Centre, Room

Writing in Arts and Science
Self-Help Material
Campus libraries stock many reference guides on academic
writing. Besides general handbooks on style and format, you
will find books that specialize in the ways to write for specific
disciplines. You can also consult the website Writing at the
University of Toronto at www.writing.utoronto.ca. It includes
many specialized files giving advice on university writing
along with links to other useful online and print resources,
and it gives current information on writing instruction in Arts
and Science.

Yiddish: see Germanic Languages &


About the University, the Faculty and the Colleges

About the University, the Faculty and the Colleges

Brief History of the University & the Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558
Officers of the University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558
Governing Council of the University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558
Officers of the Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558
Governing Structure of the Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
The Colleges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
Innis College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
New College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
St. Michael’s College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561
Trinity College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561
University College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 562
Victoria College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 562
Woodsworth College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563

About the University, the Faculty and the Colleges

Brief History of the University of 1967 Erindale College established.

1971 University of Toronto Act 1971 established
Toronto and the Faculty of Arts & current governance of the University by a
Science Governing Council.
Scarborough College became separate Arts and
Following are significant dates for the University and the Science division in the University.
Faculty. For a description of their governing structures,
1973 John P. Robarts Research Library opened.
and details of the Colleges in the Faculty, please see the
following pages. 1974 Woodsworth College established.
2003 University of Toronto Mississauga became
1827 Royal Charter granted to establish King’s separate Arts and Science division in the
College at York (Toronto), the state university of University.
the Province of Upper Canada.
1836 Upper Canada Academy founded at Cobourg,
Ontario. It became Victoria College in 1841.
1843 Official opening of King’s College, located in
Officers of the University of Toronto
former Parliament Buildings of the Province of A list of officials of the University of Toronto can be found
Upper Canada. at http://www.governingcouncil.utoronto.ca/AssetFactory.
First degrees granted in 1844. aspx?did=3894.
1849 King’s College became University of Toronto;
connection with the Church of England Governing Council of the University
terminated. The overall governance of the University rests with the
1851 University of Trinity College established by Governing Council which directs university policies. The
Church of England. Governing Council is composed of the Chancellor and
1852 St. Michael’s College established by the Basilian the President who are ex-officio members; 2 members
Order. appointed by the President, 16 members appointed by
1853 University College established, assuming the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council; 12 members elected
responsibility for all teaching in Arts in the by the teaching staff from among the teaching staff; 8
University; members, 4 of whom are elected by and from among
the University became an examining and the full-time undergraduate students, and 2 of whom
degree-granting body. are elected by and from among the graduate students,
1856 Construction of present University College and 2 of whom are elected by and from among the part-
building started. Completed in 1859. time undergraduate students; 2 members elected by the
1881 St. Michael’s College affiliated with the administrative staff from among the administrative staff;
University. Full federation in 1910. and 8 members who are not students or members of the
1887 Instruction begun in fields other than arts and teaching or administrative staff elected by the alumni from
the sciences. University College became purely among the alumni.
an Arts College.
1890 East section of University College building,
Officers of the Faculty of Arts &
including University Library, gutted by fire. It was Science
immediately reconstructed.
1892 Victoria College moved from Cobourg and Dean and Professor of Geography & Planning,
federated with the University of Toronto. Goldring Chair in Canadian Studies
1892 University Library opened; enlarged in 1909 and Meric Gertler
in 1954. (Now Sigmund Samuel Library)
Vice-Dean, Research and Graduate Programs
1904 Trinity College federated with the University of
Toronto. Robert Baker
1905 Part-time courses leading to the B.A. degree
Vice-Dean, Faculty and Academic Life
1906 University of Toronto Act laid foundation for Stephen Rupp
constitution of the University. Vice-Dean, Teaching and Learning
1920 Degree of Bachelor of Commerce established.
Suzanne Stevenson
1925 Trinity College moved to present buildings from
old Queen Street site. Associate Dean, Undergraduate Academic Programs
1931 Ontario Upper School (Grade XIII) standing
Anne-Marie Brousseau
required for admission.
1960 Name of Faculty of Arts changed to “Faculty of Associate Dean, Interdisciplinary and International
Arts and Science.” Affairs
1961 Degree of Bachelor of Science established. Ito Peng
1962 New College established.
1964 Innis College established.
1965 Scarborough College established.

About the University, the Faculty and the Colleges
Assistant Dean and Director, Office of Infrastructure Elections to Council and its Committees
Elections to fill the positions on the Arts and Science
Adrienne De Francesco
Council and its committees are held in the Spring for the
Assistant Dean and Executive Director of following year’s Council and committees. The exception
Advancement is the election of First-Year representatives, held early in
the Fall Term. Notification of the nomination and election
Nadina Jamison
dates, as well as nomination forms, will be available on
Assistant Dean/Faculty Registrar and Secretary the Faculty’s Governance web site and from the Office of
the Faculty Registrar. Students will be notified by email
Glenn Loney sent to their UTORmail account.
Assistant Dean and Director of Communications
Kim Luke

Assistant Dean and Director, Office of the Dean

Vera Melnyk

Assistant Dean, Human Resources

Carol Robb

Assistant Dean and Chief Financial Officer

Isaak Siboni

Governing Structure of the Faculty

The Arts and Science Council
The Arts and Science Council is the governing body in the
Faculty of Arts and Science. The Council is composed
of elected members from the Faculty’s undergraduate
and graduate students, teaching staff, administrative and
technical staff, and normally meets eight times per year. It
approves policy for the Faculty in the areas of admissions,
curriculum development, evaluation and academic
standing, among others, and determines the Faculty’s
rules and regulations. Budgetary and administrative
matters are not within the purview of Council; those
responsibilities lie with the Dean of the Faculty.
The Council has a number of Standing Committees
charged with specific responsibilities to formulate policy
and to apply it in specific cases. Those committees
are: Undergraduate Curriculum Committees, Committee
on Standing (petitions), Academic Appeals Board, and
the Committee on Admissions. Approval of graduate
curriculum in the Faculty is delegated to a Three Campus
Curriculum Committee and reported to Council for
information only.
Details on the Council and its sub-committees, along
with the Constitution and By-Laws, rules for elections,
meeting dates and agendas can be found on the Faculty’s
Governance web site at http://www.artsci.utoronto.ca/main/

About the University, the Faculty and the Colleges

The Colleges

Innis College New College

Principal: J. Paterson, Ph D, FRSC Interim Principal (to June 30, 2010): S. Mojab, Ph D
Vice-Principal: R. Riendeau, MA Vice-Principal: J. Larkin, Ph D
Assistant Principal and Registrar: D. Boere, MA Assistant Principal and Registrar: S.J. Walker, MA
Associate Registrar—Academic: C. Li Tang, Hon BA Associate Registrar (Administrative): D.M. Chang, BA
(MEd to be conferred in June 2010)
Associate Registrar—Administrative: T. MacKay, MA
Associate Registrar (Student Services): P.W. Russell,
Associate Registrar—Recruitment and Transition:
B Ed, MA
D. Gray, M Ed
Assistant Registrar: M. Cheung, BSc
Dean of Students and Residence: T. Worgan, M Ed
Director of Residence and Student Life: J. McMillen,
Chief Administrative Officer: B. Coates, BCom, CA
Innis College offers its 1,900 students high academic
standards, a dedicated faculty and staff, and a vibrant Director, Business Services: R. Vander Kraats, MASc,
undergraduate community within the University of Toronto. MBA, P Eng
Innis contributes three interdisciplinary programs to the Director, Writing Centre: D. Knott, MA, MTS
Faculty of Arts & Science, listed under “Innis College” in
Alumni Development Officer: B.A. Registe, BA (MEd to
the Calendar: Cinema Studies; Urban Studies; and Writing
be conferred in June 2010)
and Rhetoric. The College academic services provided
by the libraryand the writing centre are designed to ease Director of Advancement: K. Mehta, BEd, MA
the transition to university and support Innis students Interim Librarian: D Eden, BFA, MA, MISt
throughout their university careers.
New College, established in 1962, is open to students of
Founded in 1964 and named in honour of the late Harold all Faculties and Schools in the University. Approximately
Innis, political economist and pioneer in communication 4,500 of its students are in the Faculty of Arts and
studies, Innis College is housed in a unique three-story Science, and 400 in other divisions. Members of the
building that blends old and new styles by incorporating College, whether in humanities, social science, science
a substantial Victorian home into a functional modern or professional programs, may broaden their university
structure. At the core is the Town Hall, a forum-style experience by meeting others from different fields and
auditorium. Classrooms and offices for the 25 professors subject areas.
associated with the College and its programs occupy the
second and third floors. A library, a café with an outdoor Arts and Science students have the full range of the
patio, a rooftop garden, and study, lounge and student Faculty curriculum open to them. The College takes part
union space complete the facilities. Across the street, the in their instruction through University courses taught by
Innis Residence is a modern apartment-style complex cross-appointed staff; and also through interdisciplinary
featuring 327 single rooms in four- or five-bedroom suites. courses (listed with the prefix “NEW” in the Calendar)
The residence houses a diverse community of Innis designed to interest students in all Faculties. Individual
students and students from professional faculties. tutoring is offered in Mathematics and Statistics, and the
Writing Centre gives help with written assignments and
Innis is the only undergraduate college at U of T that reports. The College Registrar’s Office provides academic,
ensures equal representation of faculty and staff and financial, and personal counselling.
students in its decision-making process. With its parity
governance structure, innovative academic programming, The College’s three modern, conveniently-located
independent community living, civic outreach, and buildings provide academic, library, computing, dining
informed activism, Innis College has created a community and social facilities for all members, and also house
in which students can flourish academically and socially the College residences. This creates an atmosphere of
community, promoting contacts among students and staff
and encouraging non-residents to become involved in
college life. The residences accommodate approximately
800 students and welcome applicants from the Toronto
area as well as from out- of-town. Residence application
is made through the University Office of Admissions and
Awards; further information about residence may be
obtained from the Office of Residence and Student Life,
New College. For further information about the College,
please contact the Registrar, New College, 300 Huron
Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 3J6.
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.newcollege.utoronto.ca

About the University, the Faculty and the Colleges

St. Michael’s College train teachers of Religious Education for the Catholic high
schools in Ontario. This program will combine a Bachelor
Chancellor: The Most Reverend Archbishop Thomas of Arts degree, built around a specially-designed major
Collins, SSL, STD, DD in Christianity and Culture, with a Bachelor of Education
degree. The program will be completed over five years.
President & Vice-Chancellor: A. Anderson, CSJ, REGN,
BA, MHA, MA, DMin (Regis College/UT) Residence accommodations are available for both men
Principal and Program Director: M. G. McGowan, BA, MA, and women. Applicants interested in visiting the residences
Ph D should contact the Dean of Students, St. Michael’s College
Residence at [email protected] OR Dean of
Registrar: D. Chevrier, BA Women, Loretto College at [email protected].
Associate Registrar (Admissions & Recruitment): A.
All prospective students are encouraged to see the Associate
McGee, BA
Registrar for information, counselling and a visit. You may
Associate Registrar (Administrative): M. Memari, BA contact the office at [email protected].
Assistant Registrar (Academic): G. George, BA The Registrar's office is in Room 207, Alumni Hall, 121 St.
Joseph Street. College mailing address is 81 St. Mary Street,
Assistant Registrar (Scholarships & Financial Aid): P. Toronto, ON M5S 1J4.
Telephone: 416-926-7117.
Dean of Students: D. Rendle, BA MIR [email protected]
Dean of Women (Loretto College): A. Convertini, BA, B www.utoronto.ca/stmikes
Ed, M Ed
CTEP Co-Ordinator: M. O'Connor, Ph B, STB, STL. D Phil Trinity College
Bursar: TBA Chancellor: The Hon. William C. Graham, BA, LLB,
Director of Library and Archives: J.B. Bengtson, BA, MA, Doctorat de l'Universite de Paris
M Phil Provost and Vice-Chancellor: A. Orchard, BA, Ph D
Director, Writing Centre Vice-Provost and Dean of Arts: D.P.H. Allen, MA, B. Phil,
S. Hoselton, MA D. Phil
St. Michael’s College was founded in 1852 and is situated on Registrar and Director of Student Services: B.W. Bowden,
the historic east side of campus in the heart of Toronto. St. MA, Ph D
Michael's provides an oasis within the University of Toronto
and the city itself. St. Michael’s is located just minutes from Associate Registrar: B. Ferguson, MA, Ph D
public transit, libraries, Bloor & Yonge Street shopping, Associate Registrar: N. De Melo, BA
museums and theatres. St. Michael’s is rich in tradition
Acting Dean of Students: J. Steels, BSc., PhD.
and has some of the most spectacular architecture on the
University of Toronto campus. Bursar: G.B. Seaborn, BA, MBA

Building on its distinguished tradition of academic excellence, Librarian: L.W. Corman, MA, MLS
the College is committed to enhancing and enriching the Trinity College opened its doors as a university on Queen St.
academic and personal growth of all of its students. There East in 1852, graduating students in Arts, Music, Medicine
are approximately 4000 full-time and 500 part-time students and Divinity; in 1904 it federated with the University of
registered in a variety of programs leading to a Bachelor of Toronto, building a near-replica of its original building when
Arts, Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Commerce degree. it opened on this campus. The College enrols approximately
1,700 students in Arts, Science, and Commerce. It has
St. Michael’s College is rooted in an intellectual Catholic established interdisciplinary programs in Ethics, Society, and
tradition. At the same time, it welcomes students, staff and Law; Immunology; and International Relations. The College
faculty from every faith and background. The College actively maintains particular library strengths in these areas as well
seeks to build a community in which cultural and other as in English, History and Philosophy.
differences are appreciated and celebrated.
The College’s limited enrolment fosters a sense of
St. Michael’s students have access to all of the facilities community among faculty and students. Its resident
located at the University of Toronto; however, the facilities Academic Dons, (senior graduate students who offer tutoring
and programs within St. Michael’s College are second to assistance in the Humanities, Life Sciences, Physical
none. Facilities such as the John M. Kelly Library with its Sciences, Social Sciences and Commerce), along with
400,000 volumes and over 1000 periodicals, the student the Registrarial staff facilitate informal contact for students
centre, Chaplaincy program, the various clubs and sports, with College Fellows who are faculty members drawn
Mathematics Aid and Writing Centre, Debating Union from many Arts and Science departments as well as from
and Theatre groups are just a few examples. Programs other Faculties. The College also provides the services
offered at St. Michael’s College are Book and Media of a Writing Centre (978-3530), and a Math Aid Centre
Studies, Christianity and Culture, Mediaeval Studies and (978-8454). In the College’s campus are its Library which
Celtic Studies. In 2008, and in partnership with the Ontario includes reference collections, several small reading rooms
Institute for Studies in Education (OISE/UT), St. Michael's and reservable rooms for group-study, Chapel, cafeteria,
College will begin admitting second-year students into a dining halls, common rooms, theatre, and sports facilities.
Concurrent Teacher Education Program (CTEP) which will

About the University, the Faculty and the Colleges
Student debating, athletic and drama societies anchor a theatre for student productions; the Junior Common Room;
very active student ethos and 25% of the College students and the University College Literary and Athletic Society,
live in residence. Both residences, at St. Hilda’s and around Canada’s oldest student government, which sponsors a
the Trinity Quadrangle, house women and men, usually great variety of athletic, intellectual and social activities.
allocated by floor. The Gerald Larkin Academic Building, on
Devonshire Place, includes the Buttery, theatre, the Centre Victoria College
for Ethics, lecture rooms and offices of many of the teaching
staff, together with the Math Aid and Writing Centre. The Chancellor: N.F. Jewison, BA, CC, LLD
International Relations Programme and its faculty members
President Emeritus: J.E. Hodgetts, MA, PhD, FRSC
are housed in the north building of the Munk Centre for
International Studies. The Buttery provides eating, lounge, President and Vice-Chancellor: P.W. Gooch, MA, Ph D
and study space that is ideal for group discussions and Principal and Program Director: D.B. Cook, MA, PhD
computer use, as well as offices for “non-resident” students
and the adjacent theatre. For further information about the Associate Director, Office of the Principal: J.L. Welsh
College and for residence applications write the Registrar, Registrar: S.C. McDonald, BA
Trinity College, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1H8. The Registrar will
see prospective students by appointment. Associate Registrar: E. Melo, BA
Associate Registrar, Student Awards and Office
E-mail address: [email protected] Management: A. Prediger
Web site: http://www.Trinity.utoronto.ca
Assistant Registrar: V. Ferrier, BA
University College Assistant Registrar: Anna Kot, BA, M I St

Principal: S. Bashevkin, MA, Ph D Director, Alumni Affairs and University Advancement:

L.D. Davies, BA
Vice-Principal: P.L. Sohm, MA, Ph D
Bursar: R. DeSouza, BA
Registrar: S. Cornack, BA Dean of Students: K. Castle, BA
Associate Registrar: L. Nauman, BA Librarian: R.C. Brandeis, BA, MLS, Ph D
Associate Registrar: M. Nicholson, BA, MSW Victoria College, founded in 1836 as Upper Canada
Academy, was granted a university charter in 1841 and
Assistant Registrar: J. Rodriguez federated with the University of Toronto in 1892.
Dean of Students: N. Robinson, M Ed The college is located on a 15-acre site at the north-east
corner of Queen’s Park opposite the Royal Ontario Museum.
Chief Administrative Officer: J. Linley, CMA
It offers many facilities to its students, including the E.J. Pratt
Director of Alumni and Development: K. Aucoin, CFRE Library with its 220,000 volumes, the Wymilwood Student
Union, and a playing field. The Victoria College building,
Librarian: M. Fulford, BA, MLS opened in 1892, contains classrooms, some faculty and
Writing Centre Director: J. Plotnick, MA, M Sc administrative offices, Chapel and Alumni Hall. Northrop
Frye Hall, completed in 1966, also provides office space for
University College was established in 1853 as the Provincial most of the administrative and teaching staff and contains
Arts College (the successor to King’s College, founded in classrooms and a large auditorium theatre. The Isabel
1827); it still occupies its original building near the centre of Bader Theatre, opened in 2001, offers a 500-seat state-of-
the St. George Campus. The College’s students may enrol the-art lecture hall with excellent facilities for the performing
in any of the courses offered by the Faculty of Arts and arts. Academic advising and support is provided by the
Science. In addition, University College offers four Drama, Registrar’s Office. In addition, the College has a Math Aid
Health Studies, and Sexual Diversity Studies. College Centre, a Writing Workshop, and tutorial services in a wide
courses in these and other areas are listed in the Calendar range of subjects.
under Drama and University College.
Residence accommodation for approximately 800 students
University College offers residence accommodation for is available on campus. Annesley Hall, Margaret Addison
700 undergraduates in both single and double rooms in Hall and Burwash Hall provide accommodation in single
its three co-educational residences, the Sir Daniel Wilson and double rooms for chiefly undergraduate students. The
Residence, Whitney Hall, and Morrison Hall. Enquiries Lower Houses of Burwash Hall and Rowell Jackman Hall, an
should be addressed to the Residence Office, 79 St. George apartment style residence, house upper-year undergraduate
Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 2E7. University College also and graduate students. All residence students take their
offers study and social space for off-campus students at the meals in Burwash Dining Hall. Non-residence students
University College Commuter Centre. University College may purchase meal tickets for Burwash or take light meals
offers the services of a Computing Centre and a Writing at the Wymilwood Cafe (Ned’s). Further information about
Centre. Other amenities include the University College residences may be obtained by writing to the Dean of
Library, which comprises a circulating collection supporting Students, Victoria College, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1K7.
UC programs and a spacious reading room; the U.C. Union
with its dining hall and common rooms; the Playhouse, a E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: http://vicu.utoronto.ca

About the University, the Faculty and the Colleges

Woodsworth College and laundry facilities. In addition, we offer a Residence

Life Program of social and educational activities. The
Principal: J.R. Desloges, MSc, Ph D Woodsworth College Residence provides students with
an exceptional residential experience in a modern building
Registrar: C. Shook, BA, MA
that is conveniently located, close to classrooms, libraries,
Program Director: W.H. Bateman, BA athletic facilities and the subway. More information about
Director, Professional & International Programs: Y. Ali, the residence can be obtained at www.wdw.utoronto.ca/
BA, MSc residence.

Associate Registrar: J.N. Guyatt, BA

Associate Registrar: A.M. Armogan
Associate Registrar: W. Wong, BSc
Dean of Students: L. Nassim, BA
Director, Academic Writing Centre: W. B. MacDonald, BA,
Executive Director: Advancement, Alumni &
Communications: B. Track, BA, CFRE
Chief Administrative Officer: M. Choi, B Com, CA
Woodsworth College is named in honour of James Shaver
Woodsworth (1874-1942), minister, pacifist, social activist
and Member of Parliament who was strongly committed to
broadening educational opportunities for all. The College
traces its roots to 1905 when a part-time program leading to
the Bachelor of Arts degree was established at the University
of Toronto. In 1920 the Department of University Extension
was organized to offer credit and non-credit courses.
Woodsworth College was formally constituted in 1974 to
offer credit courses primarily for part-time students in a
number of faculties. In 1999 the College opened its doors
to students proceeding directly from high school to full time
studies. Woodsworth College is now home to over 4000
full time students and 2000 part-time students, who enrol
in the full range of Arts and Science courses and programs
- day and evening, summer and winter. The College also
offers undergraduate degree programs in Criminology and
Employment Relations; the Academic Bridging Program;
Summer Abroad Programs in several locations, including
Australia, Central Europe, China, Ecuador, England, France,
Germany, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, and Southeastern
Europe; and postgraduate certificates in Human Resource
Management and Teaching English to Speakers of Other
A special feature of Woodsworth College is the academic
support program which includes academic counselling,
financial aid, study skills seminars, the Academic Writing
Centre, and the Mathematics Lab. In co-operation with
the Commerce Program, the recently expanded Computer
Lab has thirty work stations with web access, word editing
software and printing facilities. The Computer Lab is
available to students enrolled in the Commerce Program
or Woodsworth College, and is open extended hours. For
further details e-mail [email protected] or check
Our residence at the corner of Bloor Street West and
St. George Street accommodates 371 students in air-
conditioned suites with private single bedrooms. Each suite
accommodates four to six students, with a shared living
area, a full kitchen and two washrooms. There is twenty-four
hour security, high speed internet access, common areas

Rules & Regulations
& Regulations

Important Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565

Taking Courses Outside the Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566
Cancelling Courses or Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567
Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567
Course Marks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568
Faculty Final Examinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569
Credit/No Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570
Repeating a Course as an "Extra" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570
Late Withdrawal (LWD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571
Grading Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572
Grade Point Average . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573
Academic Standing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573
Grades Review Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573
Appeals & Petitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573
Reassessment of Marks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576
Student Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576
Transcripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576
Regulations and Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577

Rules &
& Regulations
The undergraduate academic Calendar of the Faculty The University has several policies that are approved by
of Arts & Science is published in both online and the Governing Council and which apply to all students.
printed editions. Every effort has been made to ensure Each student must become familiar with the policies.
the compatability of both versions. In the case of any The University will assume that he or she has done so.
discrepancy, the online version shall apply. Any post- The rules and regulations of the Faculty are listed in this
publication corrections and/or updates to the print edition calendar. In applying to the Faculty, the student assumes
of this Calendar will be posted on the Faculty Registrar's certain responsibilities to the University and the Faculty
web site at http://www.artsci.utoronto.ca/current. Students and, if admitted and registered, shall be subject to all
are strongly advised to check back regularly to keep rules, regulations and policies cited in the calendar, as
informed of changes. amended from time to time.
While Departmental counsellors and the Registrars All University policies can be found at: http://www.
of the Colleges are always available to give advice governingcouncil.utoronto.ca/policies.htm
and guidance, it must be clearly understood that THE
ULTIMATE RESPONSIBILITY RESTS WITH THE Those which are of particular importance to students are:
STUDENT for completeness and correctness of course Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters
selection, for compliance with prerequisite, co-requisite Code of Student Conduct
requirements, etc., for completion of Program details, for Grading Practices Policy
proper observance of the Distribution Requirement and for Policy on Access to Student Academic Records
observance of regulations, deadlines, etc. Policy on Official Correspondence with Students
Students are responsible for seeking guidance More information about students’ rights and responsibilities
from a responsible officer if they are in any doubt; can be found at http://www.students.utoronto.ca/The_
misunderstanding, or advice received from another student Basics/Rights_and_Rules.htm.
will not be accepted as cause for dispensation from any
regulation, deadline, program or degree requirement. Enrolment Limitations
Degrees Offered on the St. George Campus The University makes every reasonable effort to plan
and control enrolment to ensure that all of our students
Effective for students registering in a degree program in are qualified to complete the programs to which they
the Faculty for the first time in the 2001 summer session are admitted, and to strike a practicable balance
or later, the St. George Campus of the Faculty of Arts and between enrolment and available instructional resources.
Science has discontinued the 15-course (three-year) B.A. Sometimes such a balance cannot be struck and the
and B.Sc. degrees; ONLY 20-course (four-year) Honours number of qualified students exceeds the instructional
B.A., B.Sc. and B.Com degrees will be available. Students resources that we can reasonably make available while
registered in a degree program in the Faculty before the at the same time maintaining the quality of instruction. In
2001 summer session may still choose a 15-course (three- such cases, we must reserve the right to limit enrolment in
year) degree. the programs, courses, or sections listed in the calendar,
and to withdraw courses or sections for which enrolment
Changes in Programs of Study and/or Courses or resources are insufficient. The University will not be
The programs of study that our calendar lists and liable for any loss, damages, or other expenses that such
describes are available for the year(s) to which the limitations or withdrawals might cause.
calendar applies. They may not necessarily be available
Copyright in Instructional Settings
in later years. If the University or the Faculty must change
the content of programs of study or withdraw them, all If a student wishes to tape-record, photograph, video-
reasonable possible advance notice and alternative record or otherwise reproduce lecture presentations,
instruction will be given. The University will not, however, course notes or other similar materials provided by
be liable for any loss, damages, or other expenses that instructors, he or she must obtain the instructor’s written
such changes might cause. consent beforehand. Otherwise all such reproduction is
For each program of study offered by the University an infringement of copyright and is absolutely prohibited.
through the Faculty, the courses necessary to complete In the case of private use by students with disabilities, the
the minimum requirements of the program will be made instructor’s consent will not be unreasonably withheld.
available annually. We must, however, reserve the right
Person I.D. (Student Number)
otherwise to change the content of courses, instructors
and instructional assignments, enrolment limitations, pre- Each student at the University is assigned a unique
requisites and co-requisites, grading policies, requirements identification number. The number is confidential. The
for promotion and timetables without prior notice. University strictly controls access to Person I.D. numbers.
The University assumes and expects that students will
Regulations and Policies protect the confidentiality of their Person I.D.’s.
As members of the University of Toronto community,
students assume certain responsibilities and are
guaranteed certain rights and freedoms.

Rules & Regulations
& Regulations
Fees and Other Charges Degree Courses and “Extra” Courses:
Chronological Principle
The University reserves the right to alter the fees and
other charges described in the calendar. Courses are credited towards a degree chronologically.
For example, if a student has already passed six
Notice of Collection of Personal Information 100-series courses and then enrols in and passes further
100-series coures, the more recent courses are counted
The University of Toronto respects your privacy. Personal
as “Extra” courses. An exception occurs when a student
information that you provide to the University is collected
who has completed 5.5 100-series courses enrols in and
pursuant to section 2(14) of the University of Toronto
passes a full course at the 100-level in a subsequent
Act, 1971. It is collected for the purpose of administering
session; the most recently taken half-course becomes
admission, registration, academic programs, university-
related student activities, activities of student societies,
financial assistance and awards, graduation and university
advancement, and for the purpose of statistical reporting Taking Courses Outside the Faculty
to government agencies. At all times it will be protected
in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Courses at University of Toronto Scarborough
Protection of Privacy Act. If you have questions, please and University of Toronto Mississauga
refer to www.utoronto.ca/privacy or contact the University Students registered on the St. George campus of the
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Faculty of Arts & Science may enrol in most courses
Coordinator at 416 946-7303, McMurrich Building,room offered by University of Toronto Mississauga and
201, 12 Queen's Park Crescent West, Toronto, ON, M5S University of Toronto Scarborough, provided that they
1A8. meet the enrolment controls and prerequisites established
by those divisions. These courses count towards the 20
An expanded version of this Notice can be found at http://
credits required for a St. George degree and are included
in the CGPA. These courses may also count towards St.
Registration George program requirements; students should check with
their program office before enrolling.
Details of the procedures by which students of the Faculty
of Arts and Science register and enrol in courses for Courses of Other Divisions
which they are eligible, and pay or make arrangements Students should select their courses from those offered
to pay fees, are found in the Registration Handbook and in the Faculty of Arts & Science (except courses that are
Timetable, which students receive from their college. (Any required for an Arts & Science program). If, however, they
student allowed to register one day after the end of the identify a course(s) offered in another division, faculty
first week of classes is charged a late fee). or school of the University that may be appropriate for
inclusion in their degree program, they may petition for
Repeating Passed Courses permission to register in the course for degree credit.
Students may not repeat any course in which they have In the petition, students must establish that the content
already obtained credit (i.e., a mark of 50% or higher or and aims of the course(s) are valid for a specific Arts
CR) with two exceptions: & Science program and cannot not be met by courses
offered within the Faculty of Arts & Science. The students
When students require a course with a specific grade should initiate the procedure well in advance of the
for entry to a limited-enrollment program, they may beginning of classes, so that they may choose alternate
repeat such a course only once as an “extra” course. courses should the request is denied. The Faculty will not
If the student passes the repeated course (a mark accept as reasons for taking courses in other divisions the
of 50% or higher or CR), the repeated course will be wish to satisfy requirements to qualify for programs and
designated an "Extra" course: it will appear on the organisations outside the Faculty or to prepare for non-
academic record, but will be marked "Extra" and will academic or professional purposes.
not be included in GPA calculations or in the degree
Graduate Courses: Acceptance of petitions to take
credit count. If the student fails the repeated course
graduate courses is further subject to the requirements of
(a mark below 50%), the repeated course will not
the School of Graduate Studies (CGPA of 3.0).
be designated as an "Extra" course: it will appear
on the academic record and will be included in GPA Non-degree students may enrol through this Faculty in
calculations. courses given by this Faculty or the University of Toronto
Mississauga or the University of Toronto Scarborough only.
A student may repeat up to 1.0 full-course equivalent
in which he or she has received a passing mark See the section on petitions and appeals starting on page
for reasons other than to gain a required mark for 539 for more information.
entry into a Subject POSt or a course required for a Courses of Other Universities (Letters of
prerequisite. See page 570 for details. Permission and Transfer Credit)
There are no supplemental examinations or provisions Degree students with a cumulative grade point average
to “upgrade” a mark. All courses taken, except those of at least 1.50 before studying elsewhere may take a
officially cancelled, remain on the record. maximum of 5.0 full-course equivalents elsewhere for

Rules & Regulations
transfer credit. Students admitted with transfer credit may Cancelling Registration
be limited in the number of courses that they may transfer
after admission and should consult the chart available on Students who wish to cancel all their current courses,
the web at www.artsci.utoronto.ca/current/undergraduate/ and do not intend to enrol in any other courses for the
tc. Prior to taking courses at another university, students rest of the session (Fall, Winter or Summer) must cancel
are advised to request a Letter of Permission to confirm their registration by using the Student Web Service
acceptability of those courses for transfer credit. at www.rosi.utoronto.ca or in writing by notifying their
Otherwise, students may submit a request for transfer College Registrar. The cancellation of registration must
credit after completing courses elsewhere. Permission be completed by the appropriate deadline in order for
obtained from an instructor or from a department for the student not to incur an academic penalty. Before any
program purposes, however, does not obligate the Faculty refund is authorized, they must:
to grant transfer credit. There is a $25.00 non-refundable 1. Pay any outstanding fees;
charge for each request. Assessments of transfer credit 2. return any books to the Library and pay any
may take several weeks to process depending on the outstanding fines;
time of year and the nature of the request. Applicants
3. vacate any laboratory or athletic lockers and return
are responsible for submitting requests well in advance
any equipment in their possession.
of any deadlines they must meet and for obtaining
the appropriate counselling concerning the Letter of Fees
Permission and/or Transfer Credit process.
Fees are subject to change at any time by approval of
Note: the Governing Council. Tuition fees normally consist of
Only one transfer credit may be used to satisfy the academic fees (including instruction and library) and
requirement of 300+ series courses for the degree. Please incidental/ancillary fees (including Hart House, Health
refer to the Letters of Permission and Transfer Credit Services, Athletics and student organizations). Additional
(Post-Admission) Guidelines on the Registrar’s Office web ancillary fees may also be assessed for enrolment in some
site at www.artsci.utoronto.ca/current/undergraduate/tc. specific courses. Consult the Student Accounts web site at
www.fees.utoronto.ca or the Bursar of Trinity College.
Study Elsewhere Opportunities
U of T offers a wide range of opportunities to study Fees and Payment
elsewhere. For more information contact:
Payment is made at a financial institution — consult the
International Student Exchange Office instructions in the Registration Handbook & Timetable for
Rm. 202, Koffler Centre, 214 College St. further details.
[email protected] Payment Deadlines
www.utoronto.ca/student.exchange Deadlines are available from the Student Accounts
Summer Abroad Program Office or from the Trinity College Bursar’s Office (Trinity
3rd Floor, Woodsworth College, 119 St. George St. students).
416-978-8713 To avoid delays, students are advised to pay fees early.
[email protected]
www.summerabroad.utoronto.ca All fees and charges posted to your account are payable.
If not paid in full, any outstanding account balance is
Cancelling Courses or Registration subject to a monthly service charge of 1.5% per month
compounded (19.56% per annum). Outstanding charges
Cancelling Courses on your account from prior sessions are subject to a
service charge as of the 15th of every month until paid in
Students who do not intend to complete a course or full."
courses must use the Student Web Service to cancel the
course before the final date to cancel courses from the Students with outstanding accounts may not receive
academic record (see Sessional Dates, page 7). Students official transcripts and may not re-register at the University
still enrolled in a course after the final date to cancel the until these accounts are paid.
course will receive a grade for that course (unless Late
Withdrawal is requested: see page 571 for details). Not Fees for International Students
attending classes or ceasing to complete further course In accordance with the recommendation of the
work or not writing the examination do not constitute Government of Ontario, certain categories of students who
grounds for cancellation without academic penalty from a are neither Canadian citizens nor permanent residents of
course; the course remains on the record with the grade Canada are charged higher academic fees. Refer to the
earned, including “0” for incomplete work. Student Accounts web site at www.fees.utoronto.ca for
Students are not permitted to cancel or withdraw details.
from a course in which an allegation of academic Further information on fees may be obtained by students
misconduct is pending from the time of the alleged of Innis, New, St. Michael’s, University, Victoria and
offence until the final disposition of the accusation. Woodsworth Colleges from the Student Accounts Office,

Rules & Regulations
& Regulations
University of Toronto, 215 Huron St., Toronto, Ontario, Course Marks
M5S 1A2; 416-978-2142. Students of Trinity College
should consult their College Bursar. Term Work and Term Test Regulations
Financial Assistance The following regulations summarize the Faculty’s
implementation of the University’s Grading Practices
A limited number of in-course bursaries, scholarships Policy, Parts I and II, available on the Governing Council
and awards is available to students who need financial web site at www.governingcouncil.utoronto.ca/policies.htm;
assistance or who qualify for them on the basis of however grade scales may be seen on page 572 of this
academic merit. Information on these, and the Ontario Calendar).
Student Assistance Program, is available on the following
web sites: Marking Schemes
Faculty of Arts & Science web site: www.artsci.utoronto.ca Both essays (or equivalent work) and examinations
Admissions and Awards web site: www.adm.utoronto.ca/ (including term tests) are normally required for standing
adm-awards/html/financial%20aid/mainfapage.htm/ in courses. In courses where only one form of evaluation
or the College Registrars’ offices and web sites. is used, a single piece of work cannot count for all of the
final mark.
Sanctions on Account of Outstanding
Obligations Self-evaluation by individual students or by groups of
students is not permissible unless the specific consent of
The following are recognized University obligations: the Arts & Science Faculty Council is received.
- tuition fees As early as possible in each course, and no later than
- academic and other incidental fees the last date to enrol in courses, the instructor must
- residence fees and other residence charges announce in a regularly-scheduled class the methods by
- library fines which student performance will be evaluated, their relative
- Bookstore accounts weight in the final mark, including any discretionary factor,
and the due dates. These methods must be in accord
- loans made by colleges, faculties or the University
with applicable University and Faculty policies (See
- Health Service accounts
TERM WORK and TERM TEST below, especially bold-
- unreturned or damaged instruments, materials and faced items.) Instructors must file a copy of their marking
equipment scheme for each course with the Departmental or Program
- orders for the restitution, rectification or the payment Office at the beginning of the term.
of damages, fines, bonds for good behaviour, and
requirement of public service work imposed under the Once the weight of each component of the course work
authority of the Code of Student Conduct. is given, it may not be changed unless approved by a
majority of the students present and voting at a regularly-
The following academic sanctions are imposed on Arts
scheduled meeting of the class.
& Science students who have outstanding recognized
University obligations: After the last date to cancel the course without academic
1. Statements of results or official transcripts of record, penalty, no change in marks weighting may take place
or both, will not be issued. unless there is unanimous consent of all students present
2. The University will not release either the official and voting, and notice must be given at the regularly-
document (normally called diploma) which declares scheduled class meeting previous to that at which the
the degree, diploma or certificate earned nor provide issue is to be raised.
oral confirmations or written certification of degree Students may petition for deletion of the course from their
status to external enquirers. record and receive an appropriate fees refund, should an
3. Indebted graduands will be allowed to walk on stage infraction of the Grading Practices Policy occur. Petitions
and have their names appear on the convocation must be filed by the last day of classes, before all course
program. work has been completed.
4. Registration will be refused to a continuing or returning
student.. Term Work
5. Official letters (e.g., degree eligibility, confirmation of Instructors shall return by the deadline one or more
graduation, QECO) will not be issued. marked assignments worth a combined total of at least
6. Education verifications will not be issued. 10% of the total course mark for H courses and 20% for Y
Payments made by continuing or returning students will courses.
first be applied to outstanding University debts and then to The deadline for returning such marked work shall be
current fees. the last regularly scheduled class meeting prior to the
deadline to cancel without academic penalty, with one
exception: for courses that run the entire Fall/Winter
Session (Y1Y or H1Y courses), the deadline shall be the
last regularly-scheduled class meeting of the first week of

Rules &
& Regulations
classes in January. 4. If the student is granted permission to take a makeup
test and misses it, then he or she is assigned a
All term work must be submitted on or before the last day mark of zero for the test unless the department/
of classes in the course concerned, unless an earlier date program is satisfied that missing the makeup test was
is specified by the instructor. Students who for reasons unavoidable. No student is automatically entitled to a
beyond their control are unable to submit an assignment second makeup test.*
by its deadline must obtain approval from their instructor
5. A student who misses a term test cannot subsequently
for an extension of the deadline. This extension may be
petition for late withdrawal from the course without
for no longer than the end of the Final Examination period.
academic penalty on the grounds that he or she has
If additional time beyond this period is required, students
had no term work returned before the drop date.
must petition through their College Registrar before the
end of the examination period for a further extension of * Note
the deadline. This means that if a department is persuaded of the
Students are strongly advised to keep rough and draft student’s grounds for missing the makeup test, it may
work and copies of their essays and assignments, as decide to compensate for the missed test in whatever way
these may be required by the instructor. it chooses, which could be by giving another makeup test;
the student cannot demand another makeup test.
All written work that has been evaluated should be
returned with such detailed comment as the instructor Faculty Final Examinations
deems appropriate, and time made available for
discussion of it. Any enquiries about a graded piece of A Faculty final examination common to all sections of the
work must be made within one month of the date the course and counting for between one-third and two-thirds
work was returned to the class. Instructors must keep of the final mark must be held in each 100-series course,
unclaimed term work for at least six months beyond the unless exemption has been granted by the Arts & Science
end of the course. Faculty Council. In 200-, 300- and 400-series courses, the
Departments will decide whether or not an examination
Term Tests is appropriate, and report to the Committee. The ratio
No term test or combination of term tests held in the last of term work to examination mark will be the same
two weeks of classes at the end of any term may have a for all sections of multi-section courses that have final
total weight greater than 25% of the final mark. examinations. The relative value of each part of a written
examination must be indicated on the question paper.
All term tests must be held on or before the last day of
classes. No term test may be held during the “Reading Final examinations are held at the end of each session
Week” in February, during the “Study Week” in April, or or subsession. Students taking courses during the day
during Faculty Examination Periods, except for those in F may be required to write evening examinations, and
or Y-courses scheduled by the Faculty in December. students taking evening courses may be required to
write examinations during the day. Examinations may
Missed Term Tests be held on Saturdays. Students who make personal
Students who miss a term test will be assigned a mark commitments during the examination period do so at their
of zero for that test unless they satisfy the following own risk. No special consideration is given and no special
conditions: arrangements are made in the event of conflicts.

1. Students who miss a term test for reasons entirely Students who are unable to write their examinations
beyond their control may, within one week of the due to illness, domestic affliction, etc., should contact
missed test, submit to the instructor or department/ their College Registrar (see "Petitions Regarding
program a written request for special consideration Examinations", page 575). Students who have two Faculty
explaining the reason for missing the test, and final examinations at the same time, or three consecutive
attaching appropriate documentation, such as a Faculty final examinations (e.g., morning, afternoon,
medical certificate. evening; or afternoon, evening, next morning) should
2. If a written request with documentation cannot be contact the Office of the Faculty Registrar well before the
submitted within one week, the department may examination period begins. Information regarding dates,
consider a request to extend the time limit. times and locations of examinations will not be given by
3. A student whose explanation is accepted by the telephone or email; for the most up to date examination
department will be entitled to one of the following timetable consult the Faculty's current students web site at
considerations: www.artsci.utoronto.ca/current.
a) In courses where there is no other term work as
part of the evaluation scheme, a makeup test must be
Rules for the Conduct of Examinations
given. 1. No person will be allowed in an examination room
b) In other courses, the department/program may during an examination except the candidates
either give a makeup test OR increase the weighting concerned and those supervising the examination.
of other graded work by the amount of the missed 2. Candidates must appear at the examination room at
test. In no case may the weighting of the final least twenty minutes before the commencement of the
examination in a 100-level course be increased examination.
beyond 2/3 of the total course mark.

Rules & Regulations
3. Candidates shall bring their student photo identification Credit/No Credit
cards and place them in a conspicuous place on their
desks. Degree students in the Faculty of Arts & Science may select
4. Bags and books are to be deposited in areas designated up to 1.0 full-course equivalents of their degree credits
by the Chief Presiding Officer and are not to be taken to offered by the Faculty of Arts & Science on the St. George
the examination desk or table. Students may place their campus to be assessed on a Credit/ No Credit basis.
purses on the floor under their chairs. Students must choose this mode of assessment no later
5. The Chief Presiding Officer has authority to assign seats than the last date to add the course, i.e., the end of the
to candidates. Extraordinary Enrolment Period. Once the deadline has
6. Candidates shall not communicate with one another in passed, students may not under any circumstances
any manner whatsoever during the examination. reverse this decision.
7. No materials or electronic devices shall be brought To achieve a status of CR (Credit), a student must achieve a
into the room or used at an examination except those final mark of at least 60%. Marks below that will be assessed
authorized by the Chief Presiding Officer or Examiner. as NCR (No Credit). Courses with a final status of CR
Unauthorized materials include, but are not limited will count as degree credits but will have no effect on the
to: books, class notes, or aid sheets. Unauthorized student’s GPA. They will count as Distribution Requirements
electronic devices include, but are not limited to: cellular and degree credits, but cannot be used to satisfy subject
telephones, laptop computers, calculators, MP3 players POSt requirements.
(such as an iPod), Personal Digital Assistants ("PDA"
such as Palm Pilot or Blackberry), pagers, electronic Courses with a final status of NCR will not count as degree
dictionaries, Compact Disc Players, and Mini DIsc credits but will not count as failures, and will also not be
Players.. included in the GPA calculation.
8. Candidates who bring any unauthorized materials or Students may exercise this option to a total of 1.0 full-course
electronic devices into an examination room or who equivalents within the total number of credits required for
assist or obtain assistance from other candidates or from a degree. The choice is not restricted as to year or level of
any unauthorized source are liable to penalties under the course.
Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters, including the
loss of academic credit and expulsion. A course taken on a CR/NCR basis may not be used to
9. In general, candidates will not be permitted to enter an satisfy program requirements.
examination room later than fifteen minutes after the
Students taking a course on a CR/NCR basis will not be
commencement of the examination, nor to leave except
identified individually to the instructor teaching that course.
under supervision until at least half an hour after the
examination has commenced. This option is not available to Arts & Science non-degree
10. Candidates shall remain seated at their desks during the students or to students from other faculties/divisions of the
final ten minutes of each examination. University of Toronto.
11. At the conclusion of an examination, all writing shall
This option is not available for courses offered by other
cease. The Chief Presiding Officer may seize the papers
campuses or divisions taken by Arts & Science degree
of candidates who fail to observe this requirement, and a
penalty may be imposed.
12. Examination books and other material issued for the
examination shall not be removed from the examination Repeating a Course as an "Extra"
room except by authority of the Chief Presiding Officer.
All students (both degree and non-degree-seeking) may
repeat up to 1.0 full-course equivalent for which they have
Special Accommodations Fee received credit (i.e., achieved a grade of 50% or higher or
Students who request permission to write an examination CR) for reasons other than to gain a required mark above
outside the normal examination arrangements must submit a passing to qualify for entry into a Subject POSt or a course
petition making their request at least three weeks prior to the required for a prerequisite. If the student passes the
beginning of the examination period. Late requests cannot repeated course (i.e., achieved a grade of 50% or higher),
be accommodated. A non-refundable fee of $30.00 for each the repeated course will be designated an "Extra" course:
examination is charged at the time of application. Students it will appear on the academic record, but will be marked
who have been granted permission to write a deferred "Extra" and will not be included in GPA calculations or in
examination will pay this fee in addition to the deferred the degree credit count. If the student fails the repeated
examination fee of $70.00 per examination. course (a mark below 50%), the repeated course will not
be designated as an "Extra" course: it will appear on the
If permission has been granted for the examination to be academic record and will be included in GPA calculations.
written at an “Outside Centre”, students are also responsible
for all costs for invigilation, postage, etc. charged by the Students may not use this one-time-only Extra provision to
centres involved. These costs can reach as high as $100.00 repeat a passed course yet again that they have already
per examination; students are advised to determine the total repeated once as an Extra to qualify for entry into a Subject
cost before petitioning. Such permission is granted only in POSt or for entry into a course for which the repeated course
the most extreme circumstances. is be a prerequisite i.e., a student may repeat a passed
course only once.

Rules & Regulations
Students requesting to repeat a course in this way must
do so at their college registrar’s office, where they will
receive appropriate advising and will be enrolled, provided
there is space available, only after other degree students
have had an opportunity to enroll.

Late Withdrawal – LWD

The Faculty of Arts & Science has approved a mechanism
to assist students, in conjunction with their college
registrars, to remedy situations, particularly in their early
years at university, where personal or other circumstances
mean they are irretrievably behind in a course.
Students pursuing a degree in the Faculty of Arts
& Science may request to withdraw without petition
from a total of no more than 3.0 FCEs in the 20.0
FCEs required for their degree, provided such a
request is made by the last day of classes in the
relevant term.
Students will make such requests to their college
registrar, who has the authority to approve such
requests if the circumstances warrant approval of an
exception to the normal Drop deadlines.
Withdrawals approved under this procedure will be
noted on the academic record by the course status
LWD (Late Withdrawal). This course status will
have no effect on the GPA or other elements of the
academic record.
Students who have fallen behind with assignments or
are not at all prepared to write exams in one or more of
courses will be expected to make use of this remedy, and
should contact their college registrar’s office immediately.
Students seeking to avail themselves of this remedy will
be expected to work with their college registrarial advisor
to analyze what led to their predicament, to discuss what
steps they can take to prevent it from happening again,
and to learn from their experiences.
Future petitions for Withdrawal, Deferred Exams, or
Extensions for Term Work will be considered in light of the
fact that the student has previously been granted such an

Rules & Regulations
& Regulations

Grading Regulations
Grading Scale
Percentage Letter Grade Grade
Grade Point Definition
Value *
90-100 A+ 4.0 Strong evidence of original thinking; good organization;
85-89 A 4.0 Excellent capacity to analyze and synthesize; superior grasp of
subject matter with sound critical evaluations; evidence
80-84 A- 3.7 of extensive knowledge base.

77-79 B+ 3.3
Evidence of grasp of subject matter, some evidence
73-76 B 3.0 Good of critical capacity and analytic ability; reasonable
understanding of relevant issues; evidence of
70-72 B- 2.7
familiarity with literature.

67-69 C+ 2.3
Student who is profiting from his/her university
63-66 C 2.0 Adequate
experience; understanding of the subject matter; ability
60-62 C- 1.7 to develop solutions to simple problems in the material.

57-59 D+ 1.3
53-56 D 1.0 Marginal Some evidence of familiarity with subject matter and
some evidence that critical and analytic skills have
50-52 D- 0.7 been developed.

Little evidence of even superficial understanding of

0-49 F 0.0 Inadequate subject matter; weakness in critical and analytic skills;
with limited or irrelevant use of literature.

* The grade point values above apply AEG SDF

to marks earned in individual courses; Aegrotat Standing on the basis of term Standing Deferred granted by petition
grade point averages are weighted work and medical evidence
sums of the grade points earned (see
CR/NCR Late Withdrawal without academic
below), and thus do not necessarily
correspond exactly to the scale above. Credit/No Credit; see p. 537 penalty after the relevant deadline.
For example, a B+ average would Removal of a grade for incomplete
EXT work when withdrawal before the
include grade point averages from 3.20
to 3.49, while the lowest B- average Extra course, not for credit. end of the course has been caused
would be 2.50. by circumstances beyond the
student’s control, arising after the
No Grade Available
Note: last date for course cancellation.
GWR Changes to the record will be
In order to “obtain standing” in a
Grade withheld pending Review authorized by petition only in
course, a student must receive at least
exceptional circumstances.
a passing grade (50%) in that course. IPR
A Grade of “F” is a failure. There are no (Course) In Progress EXT or XTR or X
supplemental examination privileges in Extra Course not for degree credit;
the Faculty. LWD
course has no effect on status or
Late withdrawal without academic grade point average.
Other notations, which have no grade penalty
point values, and which may be
authorized only by petition, are:
No grade available

Rules &
& Regulations

Grade Point Average 1. A student shall be on academic probation who

a) has a cumulative GPA of less than 1.50 or
The Grade Point Average is the weighted sum (a full b) returns from suspension.
course is weighted as 2, a half-course as 1) of the grade 2. A student who, at the end of the Winter or Summer
points earned, divided by the number of courses in which Session during which he or she is on probation
grade points were earned. a) has a cumulative GPA of 1.50 or more shall be in
However, courses noted “AEG” are not included in the good standing
average, nor are transfer credits, courses taken elsewhere b) has a cumulative GPA of less than 1.50 but an
on a Letter of Permission, nor courses designated as annual GPA of 1.70 or more (Winter Session)/
“extra.” Courses taken as Non-degree students and Non- sessional GPA of 1.70 or more (Summer Session)
degree visiting students are included in the CGPA. shall continue on probation.
c) has a cumulative GPA of less than 1.50 and an
Four types of grade point averages are used: annual GPA of less than 1.70 (Winter Session)/
1. The Sessional GPA is based on courses taken in a sessional GPA of less than 1.70 (Summer Session)
single session (Fall, Winter or Summer); shall be suspended for one calendar year unless he
2. The Annual GPA is based on courses taken in the or she has been so suspended previously, in which
Fall-Winter Sessions; case he or she shall be suspended for three years.
3. The Cumulative GPA takes into account all courses 3. A student who, having been suspended for three
not marked “extra” in the Faculty. years, is again liable for suspension shall be refused
4. The Concurrent Teacher Education Program (CTEP) further registration in the Faculty.
GPA takes into account all B.Ed. courses. This GPA is o * Completed attempts are those in which a
only used for CTEP students. student remains formally enrolled on the last date for
A Sessional, Annual, and Cumulative GPA is also cancellation, unless the academic penalty normally
calculated for all Non-degree and Non-degree visiting attached to a later cancellation is removed by petition.
students. For Non-degree students who have completed This includes CR/NCR, but does not include courses with
a degree in the Faculty, the Cumulative GPA includes all LWD.
courses taken both as a degree student and as a non- NOTE: Students “On Academic Probation” may take
degree student. no more than five courses in each of the Fall and
Winter Sessions.
Academic Standing
There are four kinds of academic standing which apply to Grades Review Procedure
students who have attempted at least four courses in the The Arts & Science Faculty Council administers the
Faculty: In Good Standing; On Probation; On Suspension; Grading Regulations, and reviews course grades
Refused Further Registration submitted by Departments. The Faculty, through this
Academic standing is assessed twice a year: Committee, is responsible for assigning the official course
grades, which are communicated to the students by the
1. At the end of the Fall/Winter Session; the GPAs used Faculty Registrar.
for this status assessment are the annual and the
cumulative GPAs. Each Chair appoints a departmental review committee to
2. At the end of the Summer Session; the GPAs used review grades submitted by instructors. The committee
for this status assessment are the sessional and the may ask for clarification of any anomalous results or
cumulative GPAs. distributions, or disparity between sections of the same
Note: Students who have less than 4.0 credits of courses. Both the departmental review committee, through
completed attemps will have a status of "Not the Chair, and the Faculty review committee, through the
Assessed". Dean, have the right, in consultation with the instructor of
the course, to adjust marks where there is an obvious and
In Good Standing: unexplained discrepancy between the marks submitted
and the perceived standards of the Faculty. Final marks
Students are described as In Good Standing if they are
are official, and may be communicated to the students
neither On Probation, Suspended nor Refused Further
only after the review procedure has taken place. Grades,
Registration; these terms are explained below. For
as an expression of the instructor’s best judgment of each
students with particularly noteworthy academic results,
student’s overall performance, will not be determined by
there are three specific forms of recognition, which are
any system of quotas.
described in the “Student Services & Resources” section
starting on page 13.
Appeals and Petitions
Probation; Suspension; Refused Further
Students are responsible for observing sessional dates,
Registration course prerequisites, and exclusion, satisfying the degree
The following regulations apply to students who have requirements and following the rules and regulations
attempted at least four courses* in the Faculty. in the Calendar and the Registration Handbook and
Timetable; failure to inform themselves of the preceding

Rules & Regulations
information may result in academic and/or financial Campus college registrar, with the required supporting
penalties. Students should always consult their College documentation.
Registrar immediately for guidance if anything happens
that interferes with continuing or completing their courses, Withdrawal (see also Late Withdrawal, p. 571)
or that appears to be contrary to rules, regulations and Fall-Winter Session courses: the following 15 November
deadlines. Summer Session courses: the following 28/29 February

Departmental Appeals All supporting documentation must be submitted within

three weeks of the date of initiating the petition. Late
Issues arising within a course that concern the petitions and petitions with late documentation will not be
pedagogical relationship of the instructor and the student, considered.
such as the organization of a course, grading practices,
or conduct of instructors, fall within the authority of the Documentation in Support of Petitions
department or college sponsoring the course. Students are The Faculty seeks documentation that provides pertinent
encouraged to discuss any issues regarding the academic evidence for decisions determining whether or not an
aspects of a course with the instructor. It is recommended exception should be made to regulations that are designed
that if appropriate an issue should be documented in to ensure equitable treatment for all students.
writing. The successive stages of appeal after the course
instructor are as follows: the Undergraduate Secretary; the Medical Documentation:
Chair of the Department or the College Program Director; The University of Toronto Student Medical Certificate must
then the Dean of the Faculty. An appeal must have been be submitted in support of a request for an exemption
reviewed at the departmental level before referral to the from Faculty regulations, if illness is being used as the
Dean; appeals to the Dean MUST be in writing. reason for the request. The claim of illness, however, is
not sufficient grounds in itself to guarantee approval of
Petitions to the Faculty the request. This certificate is available online at www.
Issues relating to degree requirements and administrative utoronto.ca/health, or at the Health Services (Medical and
regulations may be petitioned to the Faculty within Psychiatric Services), the Office of the Faculty Registrar,
specific time limitations. The Faculty considers petitions College Registrar’s Offices, departments and other offices
to have regulations waived or varied, if a student presents of the University as well as in the Registration Handbook
compelling reasons; however, students must convince the and Timetable. The certificate is titled as follows:
Faculty that they have acted responsibly and with good
University of Toronto Medical Certificate
judgment in observing Faculty regulations. The Committee
on Standing routinely denies petitions that in its view do Other medical notes will not be accepted. Note that the
not present a valid reason for an exemption from the physician’s report must establish that the patient was
regulations. Students are encouraged to seek counselling examined and diagnosed at the time of illness, not after
and, if necessary, to initiate a petition through the office of the fact. The Faculty will not accept a statement that
their College Registrar. merely confirms a report of illness made by the student
and documented by the physician.
Petitions must 1) state the student’s request; 2) the
reasons for the request in a clear and concise manner; Petitions Regarding Courses in Other Divisions–
and 3) be accompanied by relevant supporting see page 566
documentation. The petition is considered in confidence
by the Committee on Standing, which is charged with Petitions Regarding Term Work (see also page
interpreting and administering the regulations of the 569)
Faculty. The Committee has the authority to grant Matters concerning term work normally fall within the
exceptions and to attach conditions to its decisions. authority of the instructor. Students unable to comply with
given deadlines must contact their instructor prior to the
It is the responsibility of the student to provide an accurate
deadline if an extension to the deadline is requested. All
mailing and email (UTORmail) address to which a petition
term work must be submitted by the last day of classes,
decision may be sent. Non-receipt of a decision due
unless an earlier date has been specified. Instructors
to incorrect address/email address is not grounds for
may grant extensions beyond their own deadlines or
beyond the last day of classes up to the last day of the
Deadlines to File Petitions examination period provided that a student presents
reasons of illness, etc., with appropriate documentation.
Term Work Extensions beyond the last day of the examination period
The last day of the examination period interfere with the Faculty’s schedule for the submission
of final grades and must therefore be approved by
Examinations petition. These petitions for an extension of time for term
Within one week of the end of the examination period; work must be initiated by the last day of the relevant
end of first week of classes in January for the December examination period. Late requests will not be accepted.
examination period Students must file the petition after consultation with
the instructor regarding a suitable extension date.
UTM courses: Within 72 hours of a missed examination, The Committee on Standing consults the department
students must file a petition with their St. George concerned for information about the status of the course

Rules & Regulations
work, and the steps, if any, that must be taken to complete Students who must write a deferred examination in a
the course. Students seeking an extension of time for term course that serves as a prerequisite for subsequent
work are expected to continue their course work while they courses may enrol in those courses with the approval of
await a decision. They will not be granted additional time the department concerned and provided that the term
after the petition decision has been issued. mark in the prerequisite (deferred) course is at least 60%.

Petitions Regarding Examinations (see also Notes:

page 569) N.B. Students who are granted Deferred Standing (i.e.,
Students are expected to write examinations as the notation of “SDF”, for an extension of time for term
scheduled. Only in cases of documented debilitating work or for a deferred examination) and who have earned
illness or legitimate conflict should a student request a a Cumulative Grade Point Average of less than 1.50,
deferral of a final examination. Students who are too will not be permitted to enrol in further courses until the
ill and/or incapacitated at the time of the examinations outstanding course work has been completed and final
should petition to defer the examination they are unable cumulative and sessional GPAs and status for the session
to attend due to their medical condition. Petitions based have been assessed.
on travel, employment, or personal plans will not be If students decide to write an examination which does
considered. not go well, they MAY NOT PETITION FOR A REWRITE.
A deferred special examination at a subsequent Post hoc arguments claiming an inability to function at
examination period or the regular offering of the full potential or to exhibit full knowledge of the subject
examination when next taught may be granted at the matter will not be accepted as grounds for consideration
discretion of the Faculty. Satisfactory evidence in the form of a petition concerning performance on an examination.
of the University of Toronto Student Medical Certificate* Furthermore, students who choose to write an examination
(see above) must be provided to corroborate the illness. against medical recommendation should do so knowing
Students with chronic illnesses must provide medical that they will not be given consideration after the
documentation for the specific date on which the illness examination has been written. Students must not only take
was acute. Students must submit a petition within one responsibility for making appropriate judgements about
week of the end of the examination period through their their fitness to attend examinations, but also must accept
college registrar. There is a fee of $70.00 per deferred the outcome of their choices.
examination (maximum $140.00). In the petition decision
Students who miss a deferred examination receive a
students are notified of the examination period in which
grade of “0” for the examination in the calculation of the
the deferred examination will take place, and if the
final grade. If the Faculty accepts the student’s reasons
examination will be a regular or special examination.
for missing a deferred examination as legitimate, a further
They must register and pay the fee by a given deadline,
deferred examination may be permitted; however, the
in order that arrangements can be made, an examination
“SDF” notation will be replaced by the original grade.
requested, etc. The Faculty will notify those who do not
Students are charged a further fee for each subsequent
register by the deadline that they have lost their privilege
deferred examination. Note that in such situations of
of a deferred examination and will revert the grade to one
further deferrals the Committee on Standing regularly
that includes a “0” for the final examination. No further
prohibits registration in further sessions until the
consideration will be given. The Faculty posts personal
outstanding course work has been completed.
deferred examination schedules online for students who
have paid the deferred examination fee, as soon after the Appeals Against Petition Decisions
regular examinations have been scheduled as possible.
Those who do not pay the deferred examination fee lose Appeals against petition decisions progress as follows:
the privilege of a deferred examination and their grade
1. First petition to the Committee on Standing by
reverts to one that includes a “0” for the final examination.
appropriate deadline submitted through College
Final Deferred Registrar (see Deadlines to File Petitions);
Examination Examination 2. Appeal to the Committee on Standing within ninety
April June examination period, if course is days of the first decision; second petition submitted
offered in Summer Session May to June; through the College Registrar;
August examination period for all others 3. Appeal to the Faculty Academic Appeals Board within
June August examination period, if course ninety days of the second decision; written request for
offered in Summer Session May/July - a hearing submitted through the College Registrar;
August 4. Appeal to the Academic Appeals Committee of
December examination period, if course Governing Council within ninety days of the decision
offered in Fall Session of the Faculty Academic Appeals Board; written
August examination periods for all others request for a hearing submitted directly to the
Governing Council Office in Simcoe Hall, to the
August December examination period attention of Ms Nancy Smart.
December April examination period, if course
offered in Winter Session
Reading Week for all others

Rules & Regulations

Reassessment of Marks Student Records

Reread of Final Examination The University's Policy on Access to Student Academic
Records can be found on the Governing Council web site
If a student believes that a final examination has at http://www.governingcouncil.utoronto.ca/policies.
been incorrectly marked in its substance, he/she may
request a “reread.” The student must first purchase a Mailing Address
photocopy of the final examination from the Office of the
Faculty Registrar, for a fee of $13.00 per course. The Address information (mailing and permanenet) must be
student must then fill out a “Request for Reread of Final viewed and changed on the Student Web Service (at
Examination” form, which is available at the Office of the www.rosi.utoronto.ca) or in your College Registrar’s Office.
Faculty Registrar and on the Faculty Registrar’s web site It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the mailing
at www.artsci.utoronto.ca/current/undergraduate/exams. address is kept up-to-date on the SWS.
The student must demonstrate that his/her answers
E-Mail Address
are substantially correct by citing specific instances of
disagreement, supported by such documentary evidence As a student at the University of Toronto, you have
as course handouts, textbooks, lecture notes, etc. The automatic access to the Information Commons, which is
student must do more than simply assert that “I disagree your passport to e-mail, the library and the Internet. Once
with the marking,” or that “I believe I deserve more marks.” you have your TCard, you must activate your University
The Department concerned will reread the examination of Toronto e-mail account. Setting up a UTORmail
in light of the arguments presented. There is a $35.00 account is mandatory; see "University Policy on Official
fee for this procedure, which is in addition to the fee of Correspondence with Students". All University policies
$13.00 charged for the photocopy of the final examination. can be found at: http://www.governingcouncil.utoronto.ca/
The fee must be submitted, with the completed form, to policies.htm.
the Office of the Faculty Registrar within six months of
the final examination period. If the mark is changed as a T-Card
result of this review both the photocopy and reread fees
will be refunded. It should be noted that when a course is The T Card is a wallet-sized card bearing the student’s
failed, the examination must be reread before the mark is photograph, and serves as evidence of registration in the
reported. Faculty and as a library card. It is used for identification
purposes within the University, such as Faculty
Recheck of Course Mark examinations, student activities, and Athletic Association
privileges. The loss of the card must be reported
If a student believes that there has been an arithmetical promptly to the College Registrar, and the card must be
error in calculating the course mark, he/she may request surrendered if a student withdraws from the University or
a “recheck.” This can be done with or without purchasing transfers to another College or Faculty. There is a fee for
a photocopy of the final examination. The student must the replacement of lost cards.
fill out a “Request for Recheck of Course Mark” form,
which is available at the Office of the Faculty Registrar Statement of Results
and on the Faculty Registrar’s web site atwww.artsci.
utoronto.ca/current/undergraduate/exams. The student The Faculty of Arts & Science does not mail Statements
must indicate precisely where he/she thinks the error has of Results to students in good standing. Students will be
occurred. The Department concerned will check that all able to check their course results, grade point averages,
answers have been marked, and that the marks have and academic status by accessing their academic record
been added correctly; the examination will not be reread. online through the Student Web Service. Final course
The Department will also check that all term work marks results will be available for viewing on the Student Web
have been correctly calculated. There is no charge for this Service as soon as possible after they are received and
procedure. The completed form must be submitted to the approved in the Office of the Faculty Registrar. Note that
Office of the Faculty Registrar within six months of the academic status is only assessed in May (for the Fall/
final examination period. If the mark is changed as a result Winter session) and in August (for the Summer session).
of this review, the photocopy fee will be refunded.
Students not in good standing, those with amended
Note: grades and those with graduation requests will receive
notification in writing by surface mail.
A reread or recheck may result in a raised mark, a lowered
mark, or no change. Transcripts
Deadlines for requesting a photocopy of a final The transcript of a student’s record reports their complete
examination, a reread or a recheck: registration history at the university including courses in
February examinations: the following August 31 progress and the standing in all courses attempted along
April examinations: the following November 15 with course average, information about the student’s
June examinations: the following January 15 academic status including records of suspension and
August examinations: the following February 28/29 refusal of further registration, current academic sanctions,
December examinations: the following June 30 and completion of degree requirements and of subject

Rules & Regulations
Marks are posted and a sessional GPA is calculated at the
end of each session. An annual GPA is calculated only at
the end of the Winter session and includes only the results
earned in the Fall and Winter sessions. Academic standing
is assessed at the end of the Fall/Winter session and at
the end of the Summer session.
Copies of the transcript are issued at the student’s
request. In accordance with the University’s policy on
access to student records, the student’s signature is
required for the release of the record when ordered in
person, by fax, or by mail.
The University of Toronto issues only consolidated
transcripts, including a student’s total academic record
at the University. Students may request consolidated
transcripts online at www.rosi.utoronto.ca. Requests may
also be made in person, by fax, or by mail, to:
University of Toronto Transcript Centre
Room 1006, Sidney Smith Hall
100 St. George Street
Toronto, ON M5S 3G3
FAX: 416-978-2487
Request forms can be obtained online at www.artsci.
A fee of $10.00 (subject to change), which includes GST.,
is charged for each transcript. Cheques and money orders
should be made payable to the University of Toronto.
The University of Toronto cannot be responsible for
transcripts lost or delayed in the mail. Transcripts
are not issued for students who have outstanding
financial obligations with the University.

Regulations and Policies

As members of the University of Toronto community,
students assume certain responsibilities and are
guaranteed certain rights and freedoms.
The University has several policies that are approved by
the Governing Council and which apply to all students.
Each student must become familiar with the policies.
The University will assume that he or she has done so.
The rules and regulations of the Faculty are listed in this
calendar. In applying to the Faculty, the student assumes
certain responsibilities to the University and the Faculty
and, if admitted and registered, shall be subject to all
rules, regulations and policies cited in the calendar, as
amended from time to time.
All University policies can be found at: http://www.
Those which are of particular importance to students are:
Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters
Code of Student Conduct
Grading Practices Policy
Policy on Access to Student Academic Records
Policy on Official Correspondence with Students
More information about students’ rights and responsibilities
can be found at http://www.students.utoronto.ca/The_

A Changes in Courses.............................................................................2
Changes in Programs of Study............................................................2
Aboriginal Studies..............................................................................49 Changes in Regulations & Policies......................................................2
Academic and Personal Counselling.................................................14 Chemical Physics.............................................................................118
Academic Bridging Program..............................................................53 Chemistry.........................................................................................118
Academic Standing..........................................................................573 Chinese............................................................................................161
Academic Success Centre.................................................................15 Christianity & Culture.......................................................................473
Accessibility Services to Students......................................................15 Christianity & Culture: Christianity & Education...............................473
Accounting (B.Com)...........................................................................39 Christianity & Culture: Religious Education.....................................473
Actuarial Science................................................................................54 Cinema Studies................................................................................305
Admission.............................................................................................9 Classical Civilization.........................................................................127
African Studies.................................................................................305 Classics............................................................................................127
Akkadian...........................................................................................367 Code of Behaviour On Academic Matters........................................577
Al & Malke Green Program in Yiddish.............................................259 Code of Student Conduct.................................................................577
Alphabetical List of Programs Offered ..............................................35 Codes Used in the Course Descriptions............................................31
American Studies...............................................................................57 Codes Used in the Program of Study Listings..................................29
Anatomy.............................................................................................59 Cognitive Science (Arts)...................................................................134
Ancient Egyptian..............................................................................367 Cognitive Science (Science)............................................................134
Ancient Greek...................................................................................127 Commerce (B.A.)................................................................................39
Animal Physiology............................................................................ 111 Comparative Literature.....................................................................136
Anthropology......................................................................................60 Computer Science............................................................................137
Anthropology (Biological)...................................................................60 Computer Science & Economics......................................................137
Anthropology (Linguistic & Semiotic).................................................60 Computer Science & Mathematics...................................................137
Anthropology (Social & Cultural)........................................................60 Computer Science & Physics...........................................................137
Applied Mathematics........................................................................346 Computer Science & Statistics.........................................................137
Arabic...............................................................................................367 Computer Science: Aritificial Intelligence Option.............................137
Aramaic/Syriac.................................................................................367 Computer Science: Flexible Program Option...................................137
Archaeological Science......................................................................72 Computer Science: Foundations......................................................137
Archaeology.......................................................................................72 Computer Science: Information Systems Option.............................137
Architectural Studies..........................................................................75 Computer Science: Software Engineering Option...........................137
Architectural Studies (Design)............................................................75 Conduct, Code of Student................................................................577
Architectural Studies (History, Theory,Criticism)................................75 Copyright in Instructional Settings........................................................2
Art (Art History & Visual Studies).......................................................79 Co-requisites......................................................................................31
Arts and Science Students’ Union......................................................19 Counselling & Psychological Services...............................................15
Asian Geographies (Joint NUS).......................................................238 Course Marks...................................................................................568
Asian Literatures and Cultures (Joint NUS).....................................195 Courses of Other Campuses............................................................566
Asia-Pacific Studies, Dr. David Chu Program in................................94 Courses of Other Divisions..............................................................566
Association of Part-Time Undergraduate Students............................20 Courses of Other Universities..........................................................566
Astronomy & Physics.........................................................................98 Courses Outside the Faculty............................................................566
Astronomy and Astrophysics..............................................................98 Credit/No Credit................................................................................570
Awards................................................................................................20 Criminology......................................................................................550
B Croatian............................................................................................486
Croatian & Serbian Studies..............................................................486
Bachelor of Arts, Honours (Degree requirements).............................23 Czech...............................................................................................486
Bachelor of Commerce (Degree requirements).................................24 Czech & Slovak Studies...................................................................486
Bachelor of Science, Honours (Degree requirements)......................23
Behaviour.........................................................................................175 D
Bengali.............................................................................................509 Dates....................................................................................................7
Biochemistry.....................................................................................101 Dean’s List..........................................................................................20
Bioethics...........................................................................................403 Degree Courses and Extra Courses....................................................3
Biogeography...................................................................................238 Degree Requirements: B.Com. H.B.A., H.B.Sc................................22
Bioinformatics & Computational Biology .........................................191 Developmental Biology..................................................................... 111
Biological Chemistry.........................................................................118 Diaspora & Transnational Studies....................................................152
Biological Physics.............................................................................415 Discipline..........................................................................................577
Biology..............................................................................................107 Distinction/High Distinction.................................................................20
Biophysics........................................................................................415 Distribution Requirement....................................................................26
Book & Media Studies......................................................................473 Dr. David Chu Program In Asia-Pacific Studies.................................94
Botany..............................................................................................107 Drama...............................................................................................156
Breadth Requirement.........................................................................25
Buddhism, Psychology & Mental Health..........................................382 E
Buddhist Studies..............................................................................458
Business German.............................................................................259 Earth Systems: Physics & the Environment.....................................206
East Asian Studies...........................................................................161
C Ecology.............................................................................................175
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology.......................................................175
Calendar Limitations.............................................................................2 Economic History.............................................................................185
Canadian Studies.............................................................................526 Economics........................................................................................185
Cancelling Courses..........................................................................567 Economics & Mathematics...............................................................185
Cancelling Registration....................................................................567 Education and Society.....................................................................534
Career Centre.....................................................................................15 Egyptian (Ancient)............................................................................367
Caribbean Studies............................................................................382 Elections to Faculty Committees......................................................559
Cell & Molecular Biology................................................................. 111 Email Address..................................................................................576
Cell & Systems Biology.................................................................... 111 Employment Relations.....................................................................550
Celtic Studies...................................................................................473 English..............................................................................................195

Environment & Behaviour................................................................206 Governing Structure of the Faculty..................................................558
Environment & Energy.....................................................................206 Grade Point Average........................................................................572
Environment & Health......................................................................206 Grades Review Procedure...............................................................573
Environment & Science....................................................................206 Grading Practices, Policy on............................................................577
Environment & Toxicology................................................................206 Grading Regulations.........................................................................572
Environment, Centre for...................................................................205 Greek................................................................................................127
Environmental Anthropology............................................................206
Environmental Biology......................................................................175 H
Environmental Biology (Joint NUS)..................................................175 Health Service....................................................................................16
Environmental Chemistry.................................................................206 Health Studies (B.A.)........................................................................526
Environmental Economics................................................................206 Hebrew.............................................................................................367
Environmental Ethics........................................................................206 Hindi.................................................................................................509
Environmental Geography................................................................206 Historical & Cultural Geography.......................................................238
Environmental Geosciences.............................................................206 History..............................................................................................265
Environmental Studies.....................................................................206 History & Philosophy of Science & Technology...............................284
Equity Studies..................................................................................382 History of the University & the Faculty.............................................558
Estonian...........................................................................................216 Housing Service.................................................................................17
Estonian Studies..............................................................................216 Human Biology.................................................................................289
Ethics, Society & Law.......................................................................522 Human Biology: Genes, Genetics & Biotechnology.........................289
European Studies.............................................................................217 Human Biology: Global Health.........................................................289
European Union Studies..................................................................217 Human Biology: Health & Disease...................................................289
Evolutionary Biology.........................................................................175 Human Biology: Health Care Ethics.................................................289
Examinations (Faculty Finals)..........................................................569 Human Biology: Neuroscience.........................................................289
Exclusion............................................................................................31 Human Geography...........................................................................238
Extra Courses...................................................................................570 Human Geography...........................................................................238
Human Resources (see Employment Relations).............................550
F Human-Computer Interaction...........................................................137
Faculty Final Examinations..............................................................569 Hungarian.........................................................................................300
Faculty Registrar................................................................................15 Hungarian Studies............................................................................300
Faculty Scholarships..........................................................................20
Family Care Office..............................................................................16 I
Fee Payment....................................................................................567 Immunology......................................................................................302
Fees.................................................................................................567 Important Notices.........................................................................2, 565
Fees for International Students........................................................567 In Good Standing.............................................................................573
Final Examinations...........................................................................569 Independent Experiential Study Program..........................................48
Finance & Economics (B. Com).........................................................39 Innis College...................................................................... 14, 305, 560
Financial Assistance.........................................................................567 International Development Studies..................................................206
Financial Economics........................................................................185 International Relations......................................................................522
Fine Art (History of Art).......................................................................79 International Relations/Peace & Conflict Studies.............................522
Finnish..............................................................................................486 International Student Centre..............................................................16
Finnish Studies.................................................................................486 Irish Language..................................................................................473
First Nations House............................................................................16 Iroquoian Language...........................................................................49
First-Year Learning Communities.......................................................21 Islamic Studies.................................................................................458
First-Year Seminars Program.............................................................48 Italian................................................................................................315
Forest Biomaterials..........................................................................221 Italian & Portuguese.........................................................................315
Forest Conservation.........................................................................221 Italian & Russian..............................................................................315
Forest Conservation Science...........................................................221 Italian & Spanish..............................................................................315
French..............................................................................................226 Italian Culture & Communication Studies........................................315
French & German.............................................................................226 Italian Second Language Learning..................................................315
French & Italian................................................................................226 Italian Studies...................................................................................315
French & Portuguese.......................................................................226
French & Russian.............................................................................226 J
French & Spanish.............................................................................226
Jack McLelland Writer-in-Residence..................................................20
French As a Second Language........................................................226
French Language & Linguistics........................................................226
Jewish Studies.................................................................................324
French Language & Literature.........................................................226
Joint Courses Listing........................................................................329
French Language Learning..............................................................226
French Studies.................................................................................226 K
G Korean..............................................................................................161
Gaelic...............................................................................................473 L
Geographic Information Systems.....................................................238
Geography........................................................................................238 Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology...............................................331
Geology............................................................................................254 Language Citation Program...............................................................20
Geology & Physics...........................................................................254 Latin..................................................................................................127
Geoscience......................................................................................254 Latin American Studies....................................................................334
German............................................................................................259 Letters of Permission.......................................................................566
German & Italian..............................................................................259 LGBTQ Resources & Programs Office..............................................16
German & Russian...........................................................................259 Life & Environmental Physics...........................................................415
German & Spanish...........................................................................259 Life Sciences....................................................................................337
German Studies...............................................................................259 Linguistics.........................................................................................338
Governing Council of the University.................................................558 Linguistics & Computing...................................................................338

Linguistics & French.........................................................................338 Polish & Russian..............................................................................486
Linguistics & German.......................................................................338 Polish Language & Literature...........................................................486
Linguistics & Italian..........................................................................338 Polish Studies...................................................................................486
Linguistics & Slavic Languages........................................................338 Political Science...............................................................................430
Linguistics & Spanish.......................................................................338 Portuguese.......................................................................................446
Literary Studies................................................................................534 Portuguese & Spanish.....................................................................446
Literary Studies (Comparative Literature)........................................534 Prehistoric Archaeology......................................................................72
Literary Studies (Interdisciplinary stream)........................................534 Prerequisites......................................................................................31
M Professional Experience Year............................................................19
Macedonian......................................................................................486 Programs (Requirements)..................................................................23
Management (B. Com).......................................................................39 Psychology.......................................................................................449
Marking Schemes.............................................................................568 Psychology (Research Specialist)....................................................449
Marks and Grades............................................................................568
Materials Science.............................................................................343
Mathematical Applications in Economics & Finance........................346 Reassessment of Marks...................................................................576
Mathematics.....................................................................................346 Recommended preparation................................................................31
Mathematics & Its Applications........................................................346 Refused Further Registration...........................................................573
Mathematics & Its Applications (Computer Science).......................346 Registration......................................................................................566
Mathematics & Its Applications (Design Your Own).........................346 Religion............................................................................................458
Mathematics & Its Applications (Physical Science)..........................346 Religion: Christian Origins................................................................458
Mathematics & Its Applications (Teaching)......................................346 Renaissance Studies........................................................................534
Mathematics & Its Applications Probability/Statistics)......................346 Repeating Courses...........................................................................570
Mathematics & Philosophy...............................................................346 Requirements of Programs................................................................23
Mathematics & Physics....................................................................346 Re-registration....................................................................................12
Mediaeval Studies............................................................................473 Research Opportunity Program.........................................................48
Millie Rotman Shime Academic Bridging Program............................53 Rotman Commerce............................................................................39
Molecular Biophysics........................................................................415 Rules and Regulations.....................................................................564
Molecular Genetics & Microbiology..................................................359 Rules For the Conduct of Examinations..........................................569
Multi-Faith Centre for Spiritual Study & Practice...............................17 Russian Language...........................................................................486
Music History & Culture....................................................................363 S
Music with Ensemble Option............................................................363 Sanctions On Account of Outstanding Obligations..........................568
N Scots Gaelic.....................................................................................473
Nanoscience (NUS)..........................................................................118 Semiotics & Communication Theory................................................534
National University of Singapore......................................................366 Serbian.............................................................................................486
Near and Middle Eastern Civilization...............................................367 Sexual Diversity Studies..................................................................526
Neuroscience...................................................................................289 Sexual Harassment Office..................................................................17
New College...................................................................... 14, 382, 560 Slavic Languages.............................................................................486
Nutritional Science...........................................................................391 Slavic Languages & Literatures .....................................................486
O Sociology & Urban Studies..............................................................499
Officers of the Faculty......................................................................558 South Asian Studies.........................................................................509
Officers of the University..................................................................558 Spanish............................................................................................511
Official Correspondence with Students, Policy on...........................577 St. Michael’s College......................................................... 14, 473, 561
Ojibwa Language...............................................................................49 Statement of Results........................................................................576
Ombudsperson...................................................................................17 Statistics...........................................................................................517
Outstanding Obligations...................................................................576 Statistics & Mathematics..................................................................517
Outstanding Obligations, Sanctions On Account of ........................576 Student Card (T-Card)......................................................................576
Student Exchange Office (ISXO).......................................................18
P Student Housing.................................................................................17
Student Life Programs.......................................................................18
Paradigms & Archetypes..................................................................382
Student Number...............................................................................565
Student Record................................................................................576
Peace & Conflict Studies..................................................................393
Student Unions & Associations..........................................................19
Study Elsewhere Opportunities..........................................................18
Summer Abroad Program..................................................................19
Pharmaceutical Chemistry...............................................................395
Pharmacology & Toxicology.............................................................397
Synthetic & Catalytic Chemistry.......................................................118
Philosophy of Science......................................................................403
Physical & Environmental Geography..............................................238 T
Physical Education & Health............................................................414
Physics.............................................................................................415 Table of Contents.................................................................................5
Physics & Philosophy.......................................................................415 T-Card..............................................................................................576
Physics (General).............................................................................415 Teaching Awards........................................................inside back cover
Physiology........................................................................................425 Term Tests........................................................................................568
Planetary Science............................................................................429 Term Work........................................................................................568
Polish................................................................................................486 Tibetan..............................................................................................458
Polish & French................................................................................486 Toxicology.........................................................................................397
Polish & German..............................................................................486 Transcripts........................................................................................576

Transfer Credit..................................................................................566
Trinity College.................................................................... 14, 522, 561
Trinity One........................................................................................522

Ukrainian & French..........................................................................486
Ukrainian & German.........................................................................486
Ukrainian Language & Literature.....................................................486
University College............................................................. 14, 526, 562
University Grading Practices Policy.................................................577
University of Toronto, History...........................................................558
University of Toronto,Governing Council..........................................558
University Ombudsperson..................................................................17
Urban Studies...................................................................................305

Vic One.............................................................................................534
Victoria College................................................................. 14, 534, 562
Visual Studies.....................................................................................79

Women and Gender Studies............................................................545
Woodsworth College......................................................... 14, 550, 563
Writer-in-Residence, Jack McLelland.................................................20
Writing & Rhetoric............................................................................305
Writing in Arts & Science..................................................................555
Writing Labs and Centres.................................................................555

Year of Study......................................................................................31
Yiddish, Al & Malke Green Program in.............................................259





Congratulations to the Winners of the Annual Faculty of Arts & Science
Outstanding Teaching Awards
Professor Robert Brym, Department of Sociology
Professor James Colliander, Department of Mathematics
Professor Ran Hirschl, Department of Political Science
Professor Mark Kingwell, Department of Philosophy
Professor Nicholas Terpstra , Department of History

Previous Winners
Bob Abraham (Astronomy & Paul Gries (Computer Science) Karen Reid (Computer Science)
Astrophysics) Gethin Hughes (Spanish) Joe Repka (Mathematics)
Suzanne Akbari (English) Chelva Kanaganayakam (English) Keren Rice (Linguistics)
Derek Allen (Philosophy) Tony Key (Physics) Yves Roberge (French)
Sonja Arntzen (East Asian Studies) Peter King (Philosophy) Helen Rodd (Ecology & Evolutionary
Bernd Baldus (Sociology) Pia Kleber (Drama/University College) Biology)
Dror Bar-Natan (Mathematics) Ikuko Komuro-Lee (East Asian Jeffrey Rosenthal (Statistics)
Ken Bartlett (History) Studies) Locke Rowe (Zoology)
Spencer Barrett (Botany) Jeffrey Kopstein (Political Science) Tammy Sage (Ecology & Evolutionary
Dean Behrens (Sociology) Anthony Lam (Mathematics) Biology)
Edward Bierstone (Mathematics) Owen Lee (Classics) Pekka Sinervo (Physics)
Alana Boland (Geography) Alexander Leggatt (English) John Sipe (Physics)
Larry Bourne (Geography) Ron Leprohon (Near & Middle Stuart Smith (Mathematics)
Don Boyes (Geography) Eastern Civilizations) Thomas Socknat (Woodsworth
James Brenan (Geology) Jill Levenson (English) College)
David Brenner (Statistics) Robert Lewis (Geography) Ann Sorenson (Sociology)
John Browne (Woodsworth College) Leonid Livak, (Slavic Languages and Janice Stein (Political Science)
Dietrich Burbulla (Mathematics) Literatures) Ron Sweet (Near & Middle Eastern
Jack Chambers (Linguistics) Hy Van Luong (Anthropology) Civilizations)
Stephen Clarkson(Political Science) Scott Mabury (Chemistry) Lorne Tepperman (Sociology)
Michael Cobb (English) Dennis Magill (Sociology) Barbara Todd (History)
Ann Cordon (Botany/Zoology) Ian Manners (Chemistry) Cameron Tolton ( French)
Fergus Craik (Psychology) Jamshed Mavalwala (Anthropology) Anne Urbancic (Italian)
Tony Davis (Geography) Mark McGowan (History/St. Michael’s Michael Vertin (Philosophy/Relgion)
Ronald Deibert (Political Science) College) Jack Veugelers (Sociology)
Nancy Dengler (Botany) Deborah McLennan, (Zoology) Lynn Viola (History)
Joe Desloges (Geography) Jerry Mitrovica (Physics) Rob Vipond (Political Science)
Sherwin Desser (Zoology) Stephen Morris (Physics) David Welch (Political Science)
Michael Dewar (Classics) Nick Mount (English) Sandy Welsh (Sociology)
Andy Dicks (Chemistry) David Nowlan (Economics) Stuart Wittington (Chemistry)
Michael Donnelly (Political Science) Clifford Orwin (Political Science) David Wilson (History/St. Michael’s
Carol Percy (English) College)
Richard Elinson (Zoology)
James E. Pesando (Economics) Irving Zeitlin (Sociology)
Jock Galloway (Geography)
Susan Pfeiffer (Anthropology) Deborah Zamble (Chemistry)
Corey Goldman (Biology)
David Goldstein (Psychology) Francois Pitt (Computer Science)
Lifetime Achievement Award
Professor Robert Garrison (Astronomy)

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