9-5897-02 TEK 733 Ultrasonic GSM 3G Tekelek User Manual

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Ultrasonic GSM 3G

User Manual
Ultrasonic GSM 3G User Manual

1. Product Description ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2
1.1 Abbreviations/Definitions .................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Configuring Device .............................................................................................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Network Server Response .................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Message Types ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.2.1 Header Message ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
2.2.2 Message Type 4 & 8....................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2.3 Message Type 6 ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
Message Type 6 (Sample Payload Continued) .................................................................................................................................. 9
2.2.4 Message Type 16 ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.2.5 Message Type 17 ......................................................................................................................................................... 10
3. Description of Data Transmission .................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.1 S-Parameters (Settings) ...................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Data recording – S0............................................................................................................................................................. 12
3.3 GSM listen time – S1 ........................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.4 Schedule configurator – S2 ................................................................................................................................................ 12
3.5 Communication channels – S3 & S26 ................................................................................................................................ 12
3.6 CRC checking – S3 ............................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.7 Bund Switch – S3 ................................................................................................................................................................. 12
3.8 Alarms – S4, S5, S6, S7, S8 & S27 ....................................................................................................................................... 13
3.9 Standard communications – S9, S10, S12, S13, S14 & S15 .............................................................................................. 13
3.10 System password – S11 ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.11 Ultrasonic measurements – S17 ........................................................................................................................................ 13
3.12 Retry configurator – S23..................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.13 Schedule delay – S24 .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.14 Manual wakeup................................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.15 SRC & SRSSI.......................................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.16 Configuration Commands................................................................................................................................................... 15
3.16.1 S0: Logger Configuration ......................................................................................................................................... 15
3.16.2 S1: GSM Listen Configuration .................................................................................................................................. 15
3.16.3 S2: Schedule Configuration ..................................................................................................................................... 16
3.16.4 S3: Control Configuration ........................................................................................................................................ 17
3.16.5 S4, S5, S6: Static Limit Configuration ...................................................................................................................... 17
3.16.6 S7, S8: Dynamic Limit Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 18
3.16.7 S9 – S18: SMS, APN, URL and Tank Details Configuration..................................................................................... 18
3.16.8 S23: Message Deliver Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 19
3.16.9 S24: Schedule Delay ................................................................................................................................................. 19
3.16.10 S26: Control2 Configuration ............................................................................................................................. 20
3.16.11 S27: Sonic Quality Filter .................................................................................................................................... 20
3.17 Request commands ............................................................................................................................................................ 21
3.18 SMS text back ...................................................................................................................................................................... 21
4. Technical Specification...................................................................................................................................................................... 22
4.1 Reed switch interface ......................................................................................................................................................... 22
4.2 LED output ........................................................................................................................................................................... 22
4.3 Buzzer .................................................................................................................................................................................. 22
4.4 TSP Interface ....................................................................................................................................................................... 22
4.5 GSM Connectivity................................................................................................................................................................ 22
5. On-site Maintenance Checks ............................................................................................................................................................ 22
5.1 Mounting ............................................................................................................................................................................. 22
5.2 Environment ........................................................................................................................................................................ 22
6. Trouble Shooting ............................................................................................................................................................................... 23
6.1 LED Flash Code .................................................................................................................................................................... 23
6.2 LED Beep Pattern ................................................................................................................................................................ 23


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Ultrasonic GSM 3G User Manual

1. Product Description
The Ultrasonic GSM 3G Sensor is a flexible and configurable battery-operated liquid level sensor with
integrated GSM modem which uses ultrasonic technology to measure the liquid level of your tank and then
communicates this data in a binary message to a remote server via a TCP connection.
The Ultrasonic sensor can communicate over GPRS or via SMS, contains an internal temperature sensor which
measures the temperature and a reed switch for activation and initiating manual measurements.

1.1 Abbreviations/Definitions
The following is a list of terms that may be found in this document.
Ullage The unfilled space between the sensor and the top of the liquid being monitored
RSSI Received Signal Strength Indicator
SRSSI Sonic Received Signal Strength Indicator
SRC Sonic Results Code
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
RTC Real Time Clock
HW Hardware
FW Firmware
Ack Acknowledgement from the LoRaWAN network server
Message The data packet / payload / datagram sent across the network
MSB The Most Significant Bit is the left-most bit in the string
Payload Data transmitted between sensor and LoRaWAN network
0x Identifies the number as hexadecimal. Note: numbers are assumed decimal unless specified otherwise.
0b Identifies the number as binary. Note: numbers are assumed decimal unless specified otherwise.
Unsigned byte Will only allow you to represent numbers in the positive range
Signed byte Will allow you to represent numbers both in the positive and negative ranges
A waveguide option allows the ultrasonic reading to be measured through a waveguide pipe inserted into the tank to
avoid any obstacles/obstructions that may affect the standard ultrasonic reading
IoT Internet of Things
Dormant Dormant units are inactivated to ensure the longest battery service life
POR Power Out Reset
BOR Brown Out Reset

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Ultrasonic GSM 3G User Manual

2. Configuring Device

2.1 Network Server Response

Every time a sensor makes an outgoing status connection to the gateway, the network server has the option to
respond with configuration settings to alter the operation of the device.
Sending responses to the sensor is very useful for tasks such as changing the ultrasonic profile or the connection
schedule. Care must be taken, as sending the wrong settings could render the device incapable of correct

2.2 Message Types

The sensor transmits or receives several packet types.

The standard message is referred to as a message type 4 and is transmitted based on a schedule defined by S2
Schedule Configurator register.

For message type 4, the unit transmits only the updates to the 28-position log i.e. only those values that have
changed since the last transmission.

In the event of an alarm condition, the unit transmits a message type 8 which transmits the contents of the faster
buffer log as this is the data that will have triggered the alarm. The exception is a no change alarm which is based
on the log values in that case a message type 4 (with all 28 values in the logger buffer) is sent as this is what will
contain the relevant data.
Message Type Description

Standard results from sensor. (Most common Message type)

Message 4 The scheduled data upload is referred to as a message type 4 and will contain new logging buffer values since
the last schedule upload, along with additional information.

Sensor Settings.
A message type 6 can be requested from the sensor with the command R1=02, R1 = 04 or R1 = 08. A message
Message 6 type sends the contents of the S registers (and may be truncated to 140 bytes if configured to send data via
SMS). The response to R1=02 is the settings starting from S0, R1=04 is the settings starting from S12 and
R1=08 is the settings starting from S19.

Similar to message 4 with alarms or sensor waking up.

A message 8 is transmitted when an alarm is activatedor when the sensor is activated with a magnet. A
Message 8 message type 8 contains the ullage values contained in the sampling buffer (because these are the values
used to trigger the alarm). The exception to this is a no change alarm in which case a message type 4 is
transmitted (with the logger buffer values as those are the data points used for that particular alarm).

ICCID and modem information.

Message 16 A message type 16 is sent to the server when the command R6=02 is received by the sensor. This message
type also contains additional status information.

GPS details.
Message 17
A message type 17 is related to GPS information

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Ultrasonic GSM 3G User Manual

2.2.1 Header Message

The header of the message is always the same for all message types up to byte 16.
The following table contains the 16-byte header message. Product ID reference

TEK # PROD ID field
TEK 766 00
TEK 586 02
TEK 790 03
TEK 733 05
TEK 643 06
TEK 811 07
TEK 822 08
TEK 733A 09

Byte 15 highlights the message type and therefore how to interpret the rest of the message.

Sample Payload: (Payloads are Hexadecimal)


Byte# Payload Description Notes Result

0x05 = TEK 733
0 05 Defines the product type TEK 733
(See section
Defines the Hardware Revision
1 01 Major 5 bits of Byte 1 = 0 -> UC20 Major 5 bits of 0x01 = 0b00000 = 0 UC20
Major 5 bits of Byte 1 = 1 -> UC15
Defines the Firmware Revision
Minor 5 bits of 0xC2 = 0b00010 = 2
2 C2 Minor 5 bits of Byte 2 = FW Major Revision 2.6
Major 3 bits of 0xC2 = 0b110 = 6
Major 3 bits of Byte 2 = FW Minor Revision
Defines the reason for contact DynLim2 Status
3 82 0x82 = 0b10000010
(See Section Alarm
Defines the Status of Alarms
4 86 0x86 = 0b10000110 Lim3
(See Section
5 14 Defines the RSSI value of the GSM module 0x14 = 20 20
3G Act
Defines battery, RTC & 3G status and battery voltage 0x75 = 0b01110101
6 75 RTC Set
(See Section Batt = (21 + 30) / 10
Batt = 5.1V
7 08
8 61
9 07
10 50
Defines the IMEI number Combination of bytes 7 to 14 IMEI = 0861075021004551
11 21
12 00
13 45
14 51
Defines the Message Type
15 04 Minor 6 bits of 0x04 = 0b000100 = 4 Message Type 4
Minor 6 bits = Message Type
 0x04 = 0b00000100 = 0
Defines the length of the following payload
16 7B  0x7B = 123 123
(Bit5&Bit4 of byte 15 x 256) + Byte 16
(0 x 28) + 123 = 123

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Ultrasonic GSM 3G User Manual Contact Reason

Binary breakdown for contact reason:
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Dynamic Limit2 Dynamic Limit TSP Server

Reboot Manual Alarm Scheduled
Status Status Requested Request

0 = Inactive
1 = Active Alarm/Status
Binary breakdown for alarm status:
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Active Reserved Reserved Reserved Bund Status Limit 3 Limit 2 Limit 1

0 = Inactive
1 = Active

Bit3: (Bund closed if Set)

Flag will be set if Bund switch closed. Battery/Status
Binary breakdown for battery status:
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Reserved 3G Act RTC Set Battery Volts

0 = Inactive
1 = Active

 Battery Voltage = (5 Minor bits + 30) / 10

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Ultrasonic GSM 3G User Manual

2.2.2 Message Type 4 & 8

The following table is for a standard Message type 4 payload. Message type 8 will also follow this format.
This is a continuation of the preceding header message format, Section 2.2.1.

Sample Payload: (Payloads are Hexadecimal)


Byte# Payload Description Notes Result

Defines the Message Type Minor 6 bits of 0x04 = 0b000100 = 4 Message
15 04
Minor 6 bits = Message Type Type 4
Defines the length of the following  0x04 = 0b00000100 = 0
16 7B payload  0x7B = 123 123
(Bit5&Bit4 of byte 15 x 256) + Byte 16 (0 x 28) + 123 = 123
17 00 Defines the message count (0x00 x 28) + 0x01
18 01 (Byte 17 x 28) + Byte 18 (0 x 28) + 1 = 1
Defines the Try Tickets remaining Major 3 bits of 0x97
19 97 4
Major 3 bits of byte 19 0b10010111  100 = 4
20 00 Defines the last error code
0x0000 = 0 0
21 00 Combine Byte 20 & Byte 21
22 00 N/A N/A N/A
Defines the logger speed 0x82 = 0b10000010  2 x 15 = 30 mins  0 hours 30 mins =
23 82 00:30
(See Section 00:30
Count of 10-second increments taken
24 01 for logging in to GSM network + 0x01 = 1 1
seconds to connect to GPRS server
Defines the Real Time Clock
0x97 = 0b10010111  10111 = 23 hours
25 0F (hh:mm:ss) 23:15:00
0x0F = 15 mins
Minor 5 bits of Byte 19 : Byte 25 : 00
26-29 0A5B2877 Data 0
30-33 0A5B2877 Data 1
34-37 0A5B2876 Data 2
38-41 0A5B2877 Data 3
42-45 0A5B2877 Data 4
4649 0A5B2877 Data 5
50-53 0A5B2877 Data 6
54-57 0A5B2876 Data 7
58-62 0A5B2876 Data 8
62-65 0A5B2876 Data 9
66-69 0A5B2877 Data 10
70-73 0A5B2876 Data 11
74-77 0A5B2876 Data 12
78-81 0A5B2876 Data 13
See Section Section
82-85 0A5D2877 Data 14
86-89 0A5D2877 Data 15
90-93 0A5D2877 Data 16
94-97 0A5D2877 Data 17
98-101 0A5D2877 Data 18
102-105 0A5D2877 Data 19
106-109 0A5D2877 Data 20
110-113 0A5D2877 Data 21
114-117 0A5D2877 Data 22
118-121 0A5D2877 Data 23
122-125 0A5F2877 Data 24
126-129 00000000 Data 25
130-133 00000000 Data 26
134-137 00000000 Data 27
138-139 EEBA N/A

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Ultrasonic GSM 3G User Manual Logger Speed

 If byte 23 = 00 then the result = 1 [Note: Special test setting, not advised for normal use]
 If byte 23 = 80 then the result = 15
 If byte 23 ≠ 00 & byte 23 ≠ 80 then use minor 7 bits of byte 23 and multiply the result by 15.
 Result in minutes, convert to hours and then to 24-hour format (hh:mm)
Byte 23 = 55
 0x55 = 0b01010000  85
 85 x 15 = 1275minutes = 21.25 hours = 21 hours 15 minutes = 21:15 Measurement
RTC (Data 0): This is the ullage This is the SRC This is the SRSSI This is the temperature
This is the measurement measurement taken by the measurement reported measurement reported reported by the sensor,
timestamp of the scheduled sensor. by the sensor. by the sensor. measured in °C.
measurement sample taken
immediately before the Combine Bit3&Bit2 with 4 major bits starting at 2 major bits of the byte. Bit5&Bit4 divided by 2.
payload delivery. Bit1&Bit0. bit 5 of Bit3&Bit2. Example: Subtract 30 from the
Result in cm of the 10 Example: Byte26-29= 0x0A5B2877 result.
RTC: (Data 1 – 27) minor bits of this Byte26-29= 0x0A5B2877 Example:
Subtract the logger speed combination. 0x0A = 10 Byte26-29=0x0A5B2877
from the RTC (Data 0) time to 0x28 = 0b00101000
get this measurement Example: 0x5B = 91
timestamp. Bytes 26-29 = 0x0A5B2877 0b00101000
(0x28 = 0b00101000)  0b1010 = 10 91/2 = 45.5
(0x77 = 0b01110111)
45.5 - 30 = 15.5°C
Combo =
 0b0001110111 = 119cm

Description Byte# Payload RTC cm SRC RSSI ºC

Data 0 26 0A5B2877 23:15 119 10 10 15.5
Data 1 30 0A5B2877 22:45 119 10 10 15.5
Data 2 34 0A5B2876 22:15 118 10 10 15.5
Data 3 38 0A5B2877 21:45 119 10 10 15.5
Data 4 42 0A5B2877 21:15 119 10 10 15.5
Data 5 46 0A5B2877 20:45 119 10 10 15.5
Data 6 50 0A5B2877 20:15 119 10 10 15.5
Data 7 54 0A5B2876 19:45 118 10 10 15.5
Data 8 58 0A5B2876 19:15 118 10 10 15.5
Data 9 62 0A5B2876 18:45 118 10 10 15.5
Data 10 66 0A5B2877 18:15 119 10 10 15.5
Data 11 70 0A5B2876 17:45 118 10 10 15.5
Data 12 74 0A5B2876 17:15 118 10 10 15.5
Data 13 78 0A5B2876 16:45 118 10 10 15.5
Data 14 82 0A5D2877 16:15 119 10 10 16.5
Data 15 86 0A5D2877 15:45 119 10 10 16.5
Data 16 90 0A5D2877 15:15 119 10 10 16.5
Data 17 94 0A5D2877 14:45 119 10 10 16.5
Data 18 98 0A5D2877 14:15 119 10 10 16.5
Data 19 102 0A5D2877 13:45 119 10 10 16.5
Data 20 106 0A5D2877 13:15 119 10 10 16.5
Data 21 110 0A5D2877 12:45 119 10 10 16.5
Data 22 114 0A5D2877 12:15 119 10 10 16.5
Data 23 118 0A5D2877 11:45 119 10 10 16.5
Data 24 122 0A5F2877 11:15 119 10 10 17.5
Data 25 126 00000000 10:45 0 0 0 -30
Data 26 130 00000000 10:15 0 0 0 -30
Data 27 134 00000000 09:45 0 0 0 -30

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Ultrasonic GSM 3G User Manual

2.2.3 Message Type 6

The Message type 6 will contain the header message, followed by the settings of the unit.
This is a continuation of the preceding header message format, Section 2.2.1.

Sample Payload: (Payloads are Hexadecimal)

Byte# Payload Description Notes Result
Defines the Message Type
15 46 Minor 6 bits of 0x46 = 0b000110 = 6 Message Type 6
Minor 6 bits = Message Type
 0x46 = 0b01000110 = 1
Defines the length of the following payload
16 09  0x09 = 9 265
(Major 2 bits Byte 15 x 28) + Byte 16
(1 x 28) + 9 = 265
17-21 53303D3830 S-Logger Config (See Section 3.1) S0=80
ASCII: S0=80
21-22 2C53313D3035 GSM listen Config (See Section 3.1) S1=05
ASCII: S1=05
2C53323D374630303 0x2C53323D374630303338
23-32 Schedule Config (See Section 3.1) S2=7F0038
338 ASCII: S2=7F0038
33-38 2C53333D3634 Control configurator (See Section 3.1) S3=64
ASCII: S3=64
39-46 2C53343D30383145 Static alarms (See Section 3.1) S4=081E
ASCII: S4=081E
47-54 2C53353D38383332 Static alarms (See Section 3.1) S5=8832
ASCII: S5=8832
55-62 2C53363D38383436 Static alarms (See Section 3.1) S6=8846
ASCII: S6=8846
62-67 2C53373D3030 Dynamic alarms (See Section 3.1) S7=00
ASCII: S7=00
68-73 2C53383D3030 Dynamic alarms (See Section 3.1) S8=00
ASCII: S8=00
2C53393D2B3335333 Primary Server SMS Phone number
74-90 36333634 S9=+353861756364
83631373536333634 (See Section 3.1)
ASCII: S9=+353861756364
2C5331303D2B33353 0x2C5331303D2B33353338363137
Secondary Server SMS Phone number
91-108 33836313735363336 3536333634 S10=+353861756364
(See Section 3.1)
34 ASCII: S10=+353861756364
2C5331313D54454B3 0x2C5331313D54454B373333
109-119 Unit Password (See Section 3.1) S11=TEK733
73333 ASCII: S11=TEK733
120-136 GPRS APN (SIM card) (See Section 3.1) 6F2E756B S12=stream.co.uk
ASCII: S12=stream.co.uk
2C5331333D7374726 GPRS APN Username (SIM card) 0x2C5331333D73747265616D6970
137-149 S13=streamip
5616D6970 (See Section 3.1) ASCII: S13=streamip
2C5331343D7374726 GPRS APN Password (SIM card) 0x2C5331343D73747265616D6970
150-162 S14=streamip
5616D6970 (See Section 3.1) ASCII: S14=streamip
2C5331353D38342E3 0x2C5331353D38342E35312E32353
Destination Server IP address or URL
163-180 5312E3235302E3130 02E313034 S15=
(See Section 3.1)
34 ASCII: S15=
2C5331363D3930303 Destination Server Port number 0x2C5331363D39303030
181-189 S16=9000
0 (See Section 3.1) ASCII: S16=9000
2C5331373D3030343 Ultrasonic measurement settings
190-204 3238 S17=0049002828
9303032383238 (See Section 3.1)
ASCII: S17=0049002828
205-212 2C5331383D353030 Tank height (See Section 3.1) S18=500
ASCII: S18=500
2C5331393D3030303 0x2C5331393D30303030
213-221 N/A S19=0000
0 ASCII: S19=0000
222-228 2C5332303D3030 N/A S20=00
ASCII: S20=00

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Message Type 6 (Sample Payload Continued)

229-233 2C5332313D N/A S21=
234-238 2C5332323D N/A S22=
Message deliver try configurator 0x2C5332333D3133
239-245 2C5332333D3133 S23=13
(See Section 3.1) ASCII: S23=13
246-252 2C5332343D3030 Schedule delay (See Section 3.1) S24=00
ASCII: S24=00
253-259 2C5332353D3030 N/A S25=00
ASCII: S25=00
260-266 2C5332363D3130 Control2 configurator (See Section 3.1) S26=10
ASCII: S26=10
267-273 2C5332373D3838 Sonic quality filter (See Section 3.1) S27=88
ASCII: S27=88
274-275 D9BA N/A

Note: The settings string is separated by commas which are represented in the payload structure as ‘0x2C’.

2.2.4 Message Type 16

The following table is for a standard Message type 16 payload.
This is a continuation of the preceding header message format, Section 2.2.1.

Sample Payload: (Payloads are Hexadecimal)


Byte# Payload Description Notes Result

Defines the Message Type
15 10 Minor 6 bits of 0x10 = 0b010000 = 16 Message Type 16
Minor 6 bits = Message Type
 0x10 = 0b0001000 = 0
Defines the length of the following payload
16 2B  0x2B = 43 43
(Major 2 bits Byte 15 x 28) + Byte 16
(0 x 28) + 43 = 43
Comma Terminator. Marks Start of variable
17 2C ,
length string
31323236 0x38393434313232363530343337383
18-38 35303433 Defines the ICCID number 23235303146 8944122650437822501F
37383232 ASCII: 8944122650437822501F
39 2C Comma Separator ,
47514152 0x554332304751415230334130344D3
40-57 30334130 Defines the Modem FW Revision 1303234 UC20GQAR03A04M1024
344D313 ASCII: UC20GQAR03A04M1024
Comma Terminator. Marks end of variable 0x2C
58 2C ,
length string ASCII: ,
59-60 2EE9 N/A

Note: The results string is separated by commas which are represented in the payload structure as ‘0x2C’.

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2.2.5 Message Type 17

The following table is for a standard Message type 17 payload.
This is a continuation of the preceding header message format, Section 2.2.1.

Sample Payload: (Payloads are Hexadecimal)

2E34333935572C322E312C3133342E382C322C302E30302C302E302C302E302C3234303931352C30362C 3C45,Z=3

Byte# Payload Description Notes Result

Defines the Message Type
15 11 Minor 6 bits of 0x11 = 0b010001 = 17 Message Type 17
Minor 6 bits = Message Type
 0x11 = 0b00010001 = 0
Defines the length of the following payload
16 49  0x49 = 73 73
(Major 2 bits Byte 15 x 28) + Byte 16
(0 x 28) + 73 = 73
17 2C Comma Terminator. Marks Start of variable length string ,
18-19 3333 GPS Time to Fix 33
20-28 3935342E UTC: hh:mm:ss.sss 17:09:54.0
ASCII: ,170954.0
2C353235 Latitude: ddmm.mmmm N/S
29-39 352E3939 dd 00-89 (degree). 5255.9934N
ASCII: ,5255.9934N
33344E mm.mmmm 00.0000-59.9999 (minute)
Longitude. dddmm.mmmm E/W 0x2C30303833322E3433393557
40-51 33322E34 00832.4395W
ddd 000-179 (degree) ASCII: ,00832.4395W
52-55 2C322E31 Horizontal precision, 0.5-99.9 2.1
ASCII: ,2.1
The altitude of the antenna away from the sea level (unit:
m), accurate to one decimal place.
2C313334 0x2C3133342E38
56-61 N.B. This value should be interpreted with caution due to 134.8
2E38 ASCII: ,134.8
the manner in which the GPS fix information is collected,
i.e. sporadically as opposed to continuously
62-63 2C32 GPS Fix / GNSS positioning model 2
Ground heading based on true north. Format: ddd.mm.
2C302E30 N.B. This value should be interpreted with caution due to 0x2C302E3030
64-68 0.00
30 the manner in which the GPS fix information is collected, ASCII: ,0.00
i.e. sporadically as opposed to continuously
Speed over ground. Format: xxxx.x, unit: Km/h, accurate to
one decimal place.
69-72 2C302E30 N.B. This value should be interpreted with caution due to 0.0Kph
ASCII: ,0.0
the manner in which the GPS fix information is collected,
i.e. sporadically as opposed to continuously
Speed over ground. Format: xxxx.x, unit: knots, accurate to
one decimal place.
73-76 2C302E30 N.B. This value should be interpreted with caution due to 0.0Knots
ASCII: ,0.0
the manner in which the GPS fix information is collected,
i.e. sporadically as opposed to continuously
2C323430 0x2C323430393135
77-83 UTC date when positioning. Format: ddmmyy 24/09/15
393135 ASCII: ,240915
Number of satellites, from 00 to 12 (the first 0 will also be 0x2C3036
84-86 2C3036 06
transferred) ASCII: ,06
87 2C Comma Terminator. Marks end of variable length string ,
88-89 3C45 N/A

Note: The results string is separated by commas which are represented in the payload structure as ‘0x2C’.

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Ultrasonic GSM 3G User Manual

3. Description of Data Transmission

3.1 S-Parameters (Settings)

The sensor is configured using the following S parameters. Blank values are undefined and can lead to inconsistent

S- Parameter Description
 How often a unit should store a reading.
S0 S-Logger Config
 How often a measurement is taken.
 How long the unit remains active after powering up
S1 GSM listen Config
(Multiples of 5 minutes, Max of 155 minutes)
 Set schedule for when unit is to log data to server
S2 Schedule Config
(Maximum activity = daily, every 2 hours)
 GPRS or SMS only?
 Bund switch?
S3 Control configurator
 CRC checking?
 Status Report?
 Alarm if measurement is higher or lower than a
S4 & S5 & S6 Static alarms
selected height.
 Alarm if measurement is rising or falling at a rate
S7 & S8 Dynamic alarms
greater than selected.
S9 Primary Server SMS Phone number  SMS fall back phone number.

S10 Secondary Server SMS Phone number  Back up SMS fall back phone number.
 Password required in order to update or change
S11 Unit Password
settings to unit.
 Access Point Name. Name of the gateway to the
S12 GPRS APN (SIM card)
S13 GPRS APN Username (SIM card)  GPRS APN Username. (SIM card)

S14 GPRS APN Password (SIM card)  GPRS APN Password. (SIM card)
 IP address or URL for server that unit is required to
S15 Destination Server IP address or URL
issue data to.
 Port number for server that the unit is required to
S16 Destination Server Port number
issue data to.
S17 Ultrasonic measurement settings  Determined by tank size and type.

S18 Tank height  Height of tank in cm.

 How many attempts to make data drop before falling
S23 Message deliver try configurator back to SMS.
 Time between attempts.
 How many minutes of a delay from the schedule set as
S24 Schedule delay
 Disable SMS fall back (GPRS only).
S26 Control2 configurator  SMS Alarm only fall back.
 SMS Text back to mobile phone disable.
 RSSI & SCR filter – Quality of ultrasonic measurement
S27 Sonic quality filter

Note: Not used - S19, S20, S21, S22, S25

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3.2 Data recording – S0

The ultrasonic sensor is sampled and stored at various rates and stored in 2 different buffers, referred to as
“Logging buffer” (Message type 4) and “Sampling buffer” (Message type 8).
The rate at which the sampling buffer is filled is the sampling period and can be set at once per minute or once
every 15 minutes (set by the MSB of S0). The sampling buffer has 10 positions so will fill in either 10 minutes or in
2 hours and 30 minutes, depending on the setting of S0.
The rate at which the logger is filled is referred to as the logger speed and the rate at which it is filled can be set
from once every 15 minutes up to once every 31 hours (in increments of 15 minutes) using the lower 7 bits of S0.
The log samples are synchronised to the real-time clock i.e. samples will be taken on the hour and multiples of 15
minutes after that. The log has 28 positions. Therefore, the logger will cover a minimum period of 28 x 15 minutes
= 7 hours or a maximum of 31 x 28 hours = 868 hours. Each time a new sample is taken the oldest sample “drops
off” the end of the log.

3.3 GSM listen time – S1

Once the unit has delivered its payload it can be configured to stay on the GSM network in listen mode to pick up
any SMS that the user may wish to send to it. The duration that the unit will stay in listen mode after a scheduled
upload is defined by the S1 setting. The listen time is set in increments of 5 minutes up to a maximum of 155
minutes. When the unit receives an SMS or TSP command the timer is reset, with the exception of an R1=80
command (see Section 3.17) which will cause the GSM module to shut down and enter sleep mode.
The duration that a unit remains connected to the GSM network is critical for battery life which must be balanced
with allowing sufficient time for SMS commands to be received.
Unit will emit a beep once every 4 seconds when not sending or receiving data.
When the unit receives data, it will emit a high beep followed directly by a low beep.
When the unit has sent data, it will emit a low beep followed directly by a high beep.

3.4 Schedule configurator – S2

The system will upload the data from the logging buffer at regular intervals defined by settings in the S2 register
(only values since the last scheduled upload will be transmitted). (See Section 3.16.3)
The unit can be configured to send data once per day on particular days of the week or can be configured to send
more regularly i.e. every 2 hours or 4 hours, between specific times. These settings can also be over written to
have unit send data fortnightly or monthly.

3.5 Communication channels – S3 & S26

The unit can communicate over GPRS or via SMS. The default communication is over GPRS with the unit falling
back to SMS in the event of the GPRS communications being unsuccessful. These settings can be changed using S3
and S26. GPRS communications can be disabled using bit 2 of S3 Control Configurator and only SMS is used.
Alternatively, S26 can be used to disable SMS fall back (bit 0) or S26 bit 1 can be set to allow SMS on alarm only
(but not for scheduled uploads). Note that bit 1 over rides this setting i.e. bit 1 disables SMS in all instances. Bit 2
of S26 can be used to disable text back queries (see SMS text back section)

3.6 CRC checking – S3

CRC is a Cyclic Redundancy Check added to the end of any message sent to the unit and is used for basic message
integrity. This feature can be enabled/disabled via bit 4 of S3.

3.7 Bund Switch – S3

A bund switch is a simple input switch that is normally closed. When enabled, if the switch opens, this alarm is
triggered and a message type 8 is sent to the server. The bund switch alarm is enabled using bit 2 of S3.

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3.8 Alarms – S4, S5, S6, S7, S8 & S27

Static Alarm: Static alarms are based on the sampled values. There are three separate static alarms configured by
S4, S5 and S6. These can be configured to alarm when the measured value is higher or lower than the defined
threshold and a hysteresis value can also be defined. Note that the unit adds 3cm to the hysteresis value entered
to compensate for any jitter in the ultrasonic measurement. Only values that meet the sonic quality criteria set in
S27 will cause the alarm to trigger. When a static alarm is activated, an immediate message type 8 is sent to the
server – see section on message types for further information.

Dynamic Alarm: Dynamic alarms are based on entries in the sample buffer. There are up to 2 dynamic alarms
configured with S7 and S8. A least squares method is used to calculate the slope of the measurements in the
sample buffer. Only valid readings are used based on the filter set by S27. A minimum of 6 valid readings in the
sample buffer are required before a dynamic alarm is triggered. When a dynamic alarm is triggered an immediate
message type 8 is sent to the server – see section on message types for further information.

Note that it is recommended that a minimum of 5cm change is looked for over the full log which sets limitations on
possible settings.

3.9 Standard communications – S9, S10, S12, S13, S14 & S15
When communicating over GPRS, the unit connects to the GSM network with settings defined in S12, S13 and S14
(GPRS APN, username and password). The data will be sent to the IP address and port number stored in S15 and
S16 respectively. The server at this IP address can then pick up communications coming on this port and parse as
per detailed in Section 3.16.7.
In SMS mode, the unit can send an SMS to one of 2 numbers which are stored in S9 and S10. Bits 0 and 1 of S3
control configurator select which of the 2 numbers to use. The default telephone numbers are for a Clickatell
service which interprets the machine-readable SMS and transmits the data to the Tekelek production server

3.10 System password – S11

Any commands sent to the unit need to start with the password set in S11. The default password is TEK733.

3.11 Ultrasonic measurements – S17

The product reads values from the ultrasonic sensor. The recommended setting for S17 is 0049351928 in standard
mode or 0014FF3C3C in waveguide mode. Changes should not be made to these settings without help from
technical support as incorrect values will compromise the validity of any measurements taken. When the
ultrasonic sensor takes a reading, it applies a score to the quality of the reflected signal received (See Section
3.16.7). All values are logged together with the SRC and SRSSI. S27 defines the limits for a valid measurement for
use in triggering alarms to help avoid alarms being triggered incorrectly. The recommended setting for S27 is 49
and again should not be changed without input from technical support.

3.12 Retry configurator – S23

In the event of the unit not being able to deliver its payload successfully it can make a number of subsequent
attempts to deliver the data. The total number of attempts that the unit will make can be configured using S23.
Note that in the event of SMS being enabled (see section on Communication Channels), the last try attempt will be
via SMS.

3.13 Schedule delay – S24

The S2 register can define the upload schedule in increments of 15 minutes. If a number of units are installed
together this can lead to excessive network traffic at these times. A different schedule delay can be configured for
each unit to overcome such a problem. S24 is used to configure the delay in minutes from the schedule upload
time configured by S2.

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3.14 Manual wakeup

Holding a magnet to the hot spot will cause the unit to take 10 ultrasonic samples in quick succession, filling the
sampling buffer, and will transmit this data in a message type 8 to the server. Therefore, the contents of the
sampling buffer are effectively cleared when the unit is activated with a magnet.

3.15 SRC & SRSSI

In addition to the ullage (represented in CM) there are two additional parameters which can be used to identify the
quality and reliability of an ultrasonic reading.

1. Sonic RSSI: The SRSSI is simply an integer number between 1 (low level) and 10 (expected level) given to the
expected strength of the echo reflected to the transducer. A value of 9 or 10 would normally be expected
from a uniformly flat surface such as from a stable fluid level inside a tank. A low value may indicate that the
sensor is not mounted perpendicular to the surface or that the surface is irregular (not flat) or of a nature
which absorbs ultrasonic signals such as soft furnishings. The SRSSI when used in combination with the SRC is
a useful measure of the overall confidence in the measurement
2. Sonic Results Code: The SRC represents the result code of the ultrasonic algorithm which can be used to
deduce whether a reading is likely to be valid or not. An SRC of 9 or 10 are optimal.

Sonic Range
Result Near < 80cm Description
Code Far >= 80cm
10 Near & Far Good quality ultrasonic echo.
9 Near Detected echo indicates operation in ‘blind zone’. i.e. <= 24cms.
8 Near & Far Best Echo is not the 1st one detected.
7 Near The first echo was < 25cm but the subsequent echo was stronger so that one was chosen instead.
6 Far Ullage > 50cm & < 80cm. In this range, Near field algorithm should have reported.
5 Near Multiple echoes, <= 24 cms.
4 Far Best Echo > 400cm limit. 1st echo seen is reported.
3 Near Best Echo > 24cm but a high level of noise
2 Far Best Echo < 50cms. In this range, Near field algorithm should have reported.
1 Near 1st echo is strongest, but High levels of energy bunched up in the very near field <= 24cms.
0 Near & Far No echo detected

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3.16 Configuration Commands

3.16.1 S0: Logger Configuration

Logger Speed:
 Range of 0 - 31.75 Hours
 Multiples of 0.25 hours
 0 = Locked to Sampling Rate

Configuration Command Formula Description

Logger Speed 0.00 A Desired logger Speed, hours, in 0.25-hour increments. Max 31 hours
Sampling Period 1 B Desired sampling period: 0 if once per min, 1 if once every 15 mins
RESULT: S0=80 Data sample once every 15 mins, Logged ever 15 mins

S0=(128 x B) + (A x 4)

o S0=(128 x 1) + (0.00 x 4)
o S0=128 + 0
o S0=128
o S0=0x80

3.16.2 S1: GSM Listen Configuration

 Max of 155 minutes
 Multiples of 5 minutes

Configuration Command Formula Description

GSM Listen Period 5 A Desired GSM listen Period
RESULT: S1=01 GSM listen period 5 minutes


o S1= (5/5)
o S1=1
o S1=0x01

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3.16.3 S2: Schedule Configuration

This parameter defines how the ECU is configured to regularly send logged measurement data in Data Message Type
4 to the server.
 If the End Time entered is before the Start time, no scheduled data will be transmitted





Configuration Formula Description

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A Enter '1' to select day(s) of week for data delivery

8 B Enter Time to Dial, Hours
Day to upload
Enter Time to Dial, Minutes
0 C
(Will be rounded to 15 min intervals)
Enter '1' if Upload required more than once per day
0 D
Enter '0' if once per day
Upload More than Enter '1' to dial every 4 hrs, '0' to dial every 2 hrs
1 E
once per day (Ignored if once per day)
Enter End time (Hours) (> Start Time)
22 F
(Ignored if once per day)
Override weekly schedule: Enter '1' if fortnightly or once
0 G
Weekly Override: per month delivery required.
> once per week Enter '1' for once per month, on the 21st, or,
0 H
enter '0' for Fortnightly on the 1st & 14th each month
RESULT: S2=7F2056 Daily @ 08:00

1. XX= (G,A)
2. YY= (H x 128) + (B x 4) + (C/15)
3. ZZ= (E x 64) + (D x 32) + F

1. XX=(0b01111111)

2. YY=(0 x 128) + (8 x 4) + (0/15)

YY=(0 + 32 + 0)

3. ZZ=(1 x 64) + (0 x 32) + 22

ZZ=64 + 0 + 22

4. S2=7F2056

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3.16.4 S3: Control Configuration

Configuration Command Formula Description

Set HQ 00 A Dial Number (SMS): 00=HQ1: 01=HQ2
GPRS Mode 1 B 1=Enable GPRS (SMS fall back), 0=SMS only
Bund Switch 0 C 1=Enable
CRC Check 0 D CRC checking of incoming data. 1=Enable Note! If set, will disable phone commands!
Status Report 0 E 1=Enable. Recommended set. (used to count ACKS, and RTC setting)
1 F Not implemented
Verbose TSP 0 G 1=Enable additional TSP info


o S3=0b01000100
o S3=0x44

3.16.5 S4, S5, S6: Static Limit Configuration

Configuration Command Command Command Formula Description

1= alarm when measured ullage value is higher than the threshold,
Limit Polarity 1 0 0 A
0 = alarm when measured ullage value is lower than the threshold
1 = Enabled, 0 = Disable.
Alarm Enabled 1 0 0 B
N.B. Alarm Status flags in Message headers will be set, irrespectively.
Hysteresis 10 0 0 C Reset level is 3 greater than value entered here
Threshold 150 0 0 D The setting threshold for level alarm.
RESULT: S4=E896 S5=0000 S6=0000 S4 Example: Alarm set if measured units are >150, reset level = 137

S4= D + C x (210) + B x (214) + A x (215)

o S4=150 + 10 x (210) + 1 x (214) + 1 x (215)
o S4=150 + 10240 + 16384 + 32768
o S4=59542
o S4=0xE896

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3.16.6 S7, S8: Dynamic Limit Configuration

 Range of 0 - 6.3, in increments of 0.1 units.
 Fixed Hysteresis of 0.1 units/min(15mins) will clear alarm flag

Configuration Command Command Formula Description

1= Alarm if Rising Units (Tank Not Emptying)
Polarity 1 0 A
0= Alarm if Falling Units (Tank Not Filling)
1=Enabled, 0 = Disable
Alarm Enabled 1 0 B
(Alarm Status flags will be set, irrespectively)
CMs per minute or CMs per 15 minutes, depending on S0
Rate 4.0 0.0 C Range 0-6.3, in increments of 0.1 units
Alarm if change = C/15 {Round to 2 decimal places}
RESULT: S7=E8 S8=00 S7 Example: Alarm if change >0.27 cms/min

S7= A x (27) + B x (26) + C x 10

o S7=1 x (27) + 1 x (26) + 4.0 x 10
o S7=128 x 64 + 40
o S7=232
o S7=0xE8

3.16.7 S9 – S18: SMS, APN, URL and Tank Details Configuration

 The following Parameters S9 to S16 are Ascii, with max length of 20 characters (A20)
 If using a waveguide, the recommended value of S17 is 0014FF3C3C

S- Description Default
S9: Primary Server SMS Phone Number (A20)
S10: Secondary Server SMS Phone Number (A20)
S11: Unit Password (A6) TEK733
S12: GPRS APN (A30)
S13: GPRS APN User Name (A20)
S14: GPRS APN Password (A20)
S15: Destination Server IP address or URL (A30)
S16: Destination Server Port Number (A5)
S17: Ultrasonic Measurement 0049351928
S18: Tank Height

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3.16.8 S23: Message Deliver Configuration

 Try Tickets max of 8
 Try Period max of 320 seconds

Configuration Command Formula Description

Try Tickets 4 A Number of delivery attempts
Try Period 30 B Time between tries (seconds)
RESULT: S23=13

1. X=A-1
2. Y=(B/10) -1 {Note: Result of B/10 to be rounded down}
3. S23= X + (Y x 8)

1. X=4-1

2. Y=(30/10) -1

3. S23=3 + (2 x 8)

3.16.9 S24: Schedule Delay

 Max delay of 14 minutes
 Default = No delay (0 minutes)

Configuration Command Formula Description

Delay 5 A Data Drop Delay from Scheduled
RESULT: S24=05


o S24=5
o S24=0x05

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3.16.10 S26: Control2 Configuration

 1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled

Configuration Command Formula Description

Waveguide Mode 0 A Not Implemented
SMS Disable fall back (GPRS only) 0 B If Enabled, last Try ticket will be GPRS only
SMS Alarm only fall back 0 C If Enabled, last re-try attempt will be SMS if alarm only.
SMS Textback to mobile phone Disable 0 D If Enabled, SMS TextBack requests via mobile phone are disabled
Sets the Alarm Type to be used.
No Change Alarm / DynLim2 Alarm 0 E
1 = No Change Alarm, 0 = DynLim2 Alarm
Not used 0 F N/A
Turn off Cell location service 1 G If Enabled, this will turn off Cell location service
Not used 0 H N/A
RESULT: S26=40


o S26=0b01000000
o S26=0x40

3.16.11 S27: Sonic Quality Filter

 SRC = 9 (recommended normally), SRC = 10 (is recommended for Wave Guide applications)

Configuration Command Formula Description

RSSI 4 A RSSI Filter
SCR 9 B SCR Filter
RESULT: S27=49



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3.17 Request commands

Commands can be sent via SMS or via GPRS (converted to hex)

Request commands are available as follows:

<password>, R2= yy/mm/dd:hh/mm/ss set RTC

<password>, R3=ACTIVE sets units to active state
<password>, R4=DEACT reactivates scheduled uploads
<password>, R6=03 close TCP connection
<password>, R1=80 shutdown modem and sleep

S parameters can be programmed using the following format:

password,Sx = yyyy
where x is the number of the S parameter that is to be set and yyyy is the value to which it will be set. Note that
commands can be concatenated (separated by commas).

Note: The command R3=ACTIVE should be issued to the sensor upon first activation.

3.18 SMS text back

Details of SMS text back queries are in the commands and config file. When a text back query is received the reply
is sent to the number from which the query came.

Default Password (S11) = TEK733

Command Meaning Response Example Note

Ullage is the term used for the air space

TextBack to me the Tank between the liquid level and the top of the
Ullage=? (Older Readings=
Fuel level reading tank. The readings are from the sampling
(Password Protected)
LOC (location) is optionally available
Status Information: IMEI=863835020373234
If location is returned. For UC15, this will be
approximate location based on Cell positioning.
HW Version, FW=3.7
Response is dependent on FW version of the
FW Version, Bat=47
GSM module and may not be supported.
TEK733,INFO=? Battery, RSSI=23
Format DD, Latitude/Longitude.
The position is refreshed after this message, or
Network Operator, RTC 24/9/15 13:12:1 (0)
after manual activation.
RTC, Act
For UC20, if GPS location is requested, then this
Active/Deactive, LOC=52.905273,-8.546389
field will be GPS, in degrees.
The starting number “n” can be varied. In the
(Password Protected) S0=01,S1=02,S2=7F0036,S3=04,S4=8832,S example of using start number=0, not all of the
Textback of S parameters, 5=0000,S6=0000,S7=CA,S8=9E,S9=+44762 S-parameters may fit into 160 characters.
TEK733,SET=?,n starting at n. 4811142,S10=+447624811142,S11=TEK73 Therefore, more than 1 Textback may be
(If 'n' omitted, will start at 3,S13=streamip,S14=streamip,S15=84.51. needed. In the example shown, the 1st 15
S0) 244.10 S=params occupies 152 chars. Another Texback
command Set=?,16 would be needed to follow.

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4. Technical Specification

4.1 Reed switch interface

A reed switch provides a user interface input for the Ultrasonic GSM 3G sensor. The reed switch is triggered by
a user held magnet.

4.2 LED output

The Ultrasonic GSM 3G sensor status feedback will be provided via a bicolour LED. Detailed further in document.

4.3 Buzzer
The Ultrasonic GSM 3G sensor status feedback will also be provided via a buzzer. Detailed further in document.

4.4 TSP Interface

Test interface (transponder) can be used for test and parameter programming purposes. The transponder does not
form part of the product.

4.5 GSM Connectivity

GSM Communications is provided by an on-board GSM Module. The Ultrasonic GSM 3G sensor communicates using
standard GSM protocols / services available from a common-carrier.

5. On-site Maintenance Checks

5.1 Mounting
During on-site maintenance, the operator must ensure that the Ultrasonic sensor is still securely tightened.

5.2 Environment
During on-site maintenance, the operator must check that external environment does not degrade the
performance of the sensor, such as clay, dust, water, etc.

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6. Trouble Shooting

6.1 LED Flash Code

LED Pattern Function
LED test: When a magnet is held against the hot spot the LED will briefly indicate
Green / Red / Off
Green followed briefly by Red and then off.
Red LED - On
Awake: Dial-up to a 2G/3G GSM network but not in a GPRS session with the server.
Green LED - On
GSM Awake: Data packet was transmitted successfully

6.2 LED Beep Pattern

Beep Pattern Definition
Low beep once per second Network Registration
High beep once per second GPRS Registration
Low beep once every 4 seconds Network / TCP Listen
Low beep once every 2 seconds Re-establish Network / TCP
High / Low combination beep Incoming Data
Low / High combination beep Outgoing Data
Low double-beep every 4 seconds Network Listen (Data Received & Unit Active)
Low double-beep every 2 seconds Re-establish Network
High double-beep every 4 seconds TCP Listen (Data Received & Unit Active)
High double-beep every 2 seconds Re-establish TCP

For further details please see additional documents:

 DS-5037-XX TEK 733 UC15A and UC20G Datasheet
 9-5895-XX TEK 733 Ultrasonic GSM 3G Tekelek Installation Guide
 MI-5247-XX TEK 733 Battery Replacement
 MI-5250-XX TEK 733 SIM Card Replacement

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