DS120m Diving Support Vessel Armon PDF
DS120m Diving Support Vessel Armon PDF
DS120m Diving Support Vessel Armon PDF
Dutch Offshore Innovators BV has prepared a 200t pedestal mounted offshore crane. The vessel’s
design in cooperation with Astilleros ARMON S.A. main task is to stay in DP-2 mode next to offshore
for a DP-2 class Diving Support Vessel. The vessel platforms approximately 90% of its operative time
features a 240 person accommodation block and a for supporting topsides and subsea (diving and
ROV) IMR and construction activities.
Principal Characteristics
Loa 120.00 m V 13.5 kn
Lwl 115.34 m Power Generation 4 x 2,800 kW
Lpp 111.14 m
B 24.20 m Type of Fuel MDO/MGO
Tdesign 7.00 m Main Propulsion 2 x 2,200 kW azimuth thrusters aft
Tscantling 7.30 m DP Thrusters 1 x 800 kW retractable azimuth
D 10.40 m Bow Thruster 2 x 1,200 kW tunnel thruster
Deckload 10 t/m2
Free Deckspace 1,300 m2
Endurance 45 days offshore
Class notation: ABS +A1(E) +AMS + ACCU +DPS-3 OSV(Heavy Lift, FFV 2, SPS) ENVIRO GP HELIDK
Power Distribution System
Electrical Distribution 6.6 kV Switchboards in 3 separate switchboard rooms
Capacity 240 POB in single, double and 4-person cabins with individual attached bathroom, work desk
and armoire/storage.
Cargo Capacities
Deck Equipment
Environmental conditions
Service Area Worldwide
Significant wave height, (Hs) < 3.0 m
Wind speed, 1 min. sust. (Vw) 12.5 m/s
Current speed, (Vc) 2.0 kn
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