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C l a s s i f i c at i o n D N V + 1 A 1 , E 0 , T u g , S u p p ly Vesse l , S F,
N AU T- O S V ( A ) , H L ( 2 , 8 ) , L F L * , D y n p os AU T R ,
C l e a n Des i g n , O i l r ec , C o m f - C ( 3 ) - V ( 3 ) , I C E C

Builders H av ya r d Le i r v i k A S

Flag Norwegian

M M SI 259 305 000

IMO no 9418030

D e l i v e r y D at e O cto b e r 2 0 0 9

C a l l s i g n LA Z C

Deta i l s b e l i e v e d to b e co r r ect, b u t not g u a r a ntee d .

havila venus
Outline spesification
havila venus
Outline spesification

Main dimensions: Agitators

L.O.A 92,00 m Mud tanks 4 off El.driven
L.P.P 79.80 m
Breadth moulded 22,00 m NOFO 2005 Oil rec. 1350 m3
Depth main deck 9,00 m ORO pumps
Design draft 6,00 m 1 off 0- 200 m3/h
Max. draft midship 7,53 m 6 off 0-100 m3/h
4 off 0- 75 m3/h
Speed 18,1 knots Anchor Handling/tug Equip:
Bollard pull 260 t, main propellers only 1 off 500 t AHT drum/600 t break
284 tonnes included forward azimuth Max cap 13600 m 76 mm wire
1 off 400 t AHT drum/600 t break
Class/authorities Max cap 3500 m 76 mm wire
DNV + 1A1, E0,Tug, Supply Vessel, SF, NAUT-OSV (A), HL (2,8), LFL*, 1 off 400 t Towing drum/700 t break
Dynpos AUTR, Clean Design, Oilrec, Comf-C(3)-V(3), ICE C Max cap 5700 m 76 mm wire
2 off secondary winches 170t max capasity 11000 m 76 mm wire
To n n a g e Or 2557 m of 150 mm rope
Gross tonnage 6455 t Or 2471 m of 160 mm rope
Dead weight max draft 3866 t Or 2058 m of 170 mm rope
Dead weight at 6,00 m draft approx. 1400 t Or 1996 m of 180 mm rope
Light ship 5821 t Or 1629 m of 190 mm rope
Max deplasement 9687 t Or 1565 m of 203 mm rope
Or 1261 m of 210 mm rope
Deck Cargo Split stern roller 2x3 m x dia. 4,5 m, MWL750 tonnes
Deck Cargo 1500 t 2 off tugger winches forward 24 t
Cargo deck area 750 m3 2 off tugger winches aft 20 t
Main deck load 10 tm2 1 off tugger winch forward 20 t
Main deck free length 36 m 1 off tugger center forward 17 t
Max width off cargo deck 18 m 2 off RRM hydr rail crane
Type AH55 SWL 3 tonnes 11-15,3 m
C a r g o - Ta n k C a p a c i t i e s / P u m p s 5 tonnes 3,4-11 m
All pumps are hydraulic driven 7,5 tonnes 6 m
15 tonnes 3 m
Ballast /Drill water cap 3519/3519 m3 with chain claw, wire twister and bracket for SDO tool
2 off Bw/Dw pumps 0- 200 m3/h-9 bar 2 x 76 mm Gypsies fitted on winch
2 x 84 mm Gypsies stored on board
Freshwater cap 1034 m3 1 x 95 mm Gypsies stored on board
2 off FW pumps 0-200 m /h-9 bar
1 x 120 mm stored on board
2 off Rolls Royce Shark jaw/800 t SWL
Fuel oil cap 1436 m3 with chain-wire inserts: 2 x 50-70 mm, 2 x 76-95 mm,
1 off FO pump 0-200 m /h-9 bar
2 x 100-120 mm, 2 x 125-166 mm
1 off FO pump 0-100 m3/h-9 bar 2 off Rolls Royce Sentering device/14 t SWL
2 set off Rolls Royce Towing pins/275 t SWL
Base oil cap 221 m3 1 off J-hook 250 t SWL
1 off BO pump 0-100 m /h-9 bar
1 off Grapnel 250 t SWL
1 off Odim ARF for less tension when recovering anchors to deck
Liquid mud cap 529 m3 4 off rig chain lokkers 630 m
2 off Mud pumps 0-75 m /h-24 bar
Locker cap 2x2050 m 76 mm chain
Locker cap 2x2100 m 76 mm chain
Brine cap 402 m3 or
2 off Brine pumps 0-75 m /h-18 bar
Locker cap 2x1550 m 84 mm chain
Locker cap 2x1680 m 84 mm chain
Special Product cap 324 m3
4 off sp. product pumps 0-75 m /h-9 bar
To w W i r e s / Wo r k W i r e s
Main Tow wire 1500 m 90 mm/NBL 659 t
Dry bulk cargo 4 tanks Total 262 m3 Spare Tow wire 1500 m 90 mm/NBL 659 t
2 off compr. each 25,6m3/min 5,6 bar Work wire 1 2500 m 90 mm/NBL 659 t
Work wire 2 1000 m 90 mm/NBL 659 t
Rig chain lockers 640 m3 Jack up wire 50 m 77 mm
Smit bracket 500 tonnes
Cargo Manifolds
Main deck Midship both side
Main deck Aft both side
Consumption at 6.25 m draft 1 off deck office
Max speed 18,1 knots 80,5 t/day 1 off conference room
2 x diesel electric 11,2 knots 20,6 t/day 1 off hospital
3 x diesel electric 12,9 knots 30,0 t/day 1 off client office
13,4 knots 33,0 t/day 1 off ROV controll room
15, 6 knots 49,5 t/day
For AH operations 25 t/day N a v i g a t i o n E Q UI P M EN T
For DP operations 8.5 t/day 1 off Furuno S-band ARPA Radar, model FCR-2837S (Chartradar)
Port 2,0 t/day 1 off Furuno X-band ARPA Radar, model FAR-2827
1 off Furuno DGPS Navigator model GP-150
Flow Meters 2 off Furuna ECDIS, model TECDIS T-2136
Flow meter for fuel with printer 3 off Gyros Sperry Navigat X MK1
1 off AUTOPILOT, Navipilot 4000
Anti Rolling System 1 off Magnetic Compass Navipol II
Roll reduction tanks 1 off Skipper Navigational Echo Sounder GDS 102 ( IMO Aproved )
2 off stabilizing tanks 1 off Dopler Log, NAVIKNOT 450
1 off Furuno Weather Faximile, model FAX-30
Rudder 1 off Furuno AIS Transponder, model FA-150
Two off RRM High Lift flap rudders 1 off Furuno VDR VR-3000 System
Two off RRM Tenfjord steering gears 1 off Phonetec Sound Reception System, model VSS-111
1 off Bridge Warch Monitoring System
Side thrusters
1 off sidethrusters forward TT 2400, 1200 kW C O M M UNI C A T I O N E Q UI P M EN T G M D SS A 4
1 off azimuth thruster forward TCNS 92, 1500 kW 1 off Furuno MF/HF/ SSB RADIOSTATION model FS 2570
2 off sidethruster aft TT 2000, 1200 kW each 1 off Furuno NX-700B NAVTEX RECIVER
2 off Jotron 40S/45SX EPIRBS
Deck machinery 2 off Jotron Radar Transponder, model TRON SART
1 off rope reel 10 t 3 off Jotron GMDSS approved portable VHF, model TRON TR-20
1 off hydr. deck crane 15 t/15 m 2 off Furuno INMARSAT-C w/EGC, model Felcom15
2 off RRM hydr rail crane Type AH55 SWL 3 tonn 11-15,3 m 1 off Furuno SSAS,part off Inmarsat-c model Felcom
5 tonn 3,4-11 m, 7,5 tonn 6 m and 15 tonn 3 m 2 off Furuno VHF/DSC Simplex, model FM 8800S
with chain claw,wire twister and bracket for SDO tool 1 off Sea-tel V-Sat
1 off Thrane & Thrane fleet broadband 500 telephone
Rov Equipment 2 off Motorola GSM telephone
1 off Odim LARS Overhead launch and recovery system for 2 off Furuno VHF Simplex, model FM2721
WROV rated for 3000 m Operation 6 off Motorola GP 340 EX Portable VHF, EX Approved
6 off Motorola GP 380 EX Portable UHF, EX Approved
A-FRAME 1 off Furuno Conning System, 4 monitors (2x19+2x15 )
1 off Hydralift Offshore Pedestal Crane 250 t 3 off Motorola UHF Fixed for bridge after & ECR, model GM380
Model A0250 t P10138/ T7344
For 250 tonnes with single wire max outreach from sternroller approx. 8,00 m D P II S y s t e m
Using topwheel 189 tonnes outreach from sternroller 12,7 m Dynpos AUTHR
(to be used above sealevel only) 2 off Rolls Royce Icon DP
1 off Cyscan
Propulsion: 1 off Veripos LHD2-GG1
2 off MAK type 12M32C total 12000 kW 1 off Veripos LHD2-GG2
2 off El motor total 5200 kW 2 off wind sensors
Total propulsion power 17200 kW 1 off Hipap 500
2 off RRM,Kamewa Ulstein, CP propeller 4600 mm in nozzle
6 off SCR Catalyzers type H+H Entertaining Equipment
Sat TV: Sea Tel
Generators: Rack with 7xTuners
Two off shaft gen each 5200 kva, 4680 ekW 690 V, 60 Hz 1 off TV /Radio/CD/DVD inn all Crew cabins

Harbour/Emergency gen set Incinerator

4 off Aux. generators each 2100 ekW 690 v 60 Hz 1 off Teamtec
I off Emergency/harbour gen. 300 ekW 690 v 60 Hz
Safety equipment
Accomodation 60 persons Safety equip. according to SOLAS for 60 persons
16 off single cabins Alusafe 770 Mob boat
20 off double cabins Rescue boat davit: TTS Marine HL9D
1 off four men cabin Equiped with safe anchor handling package from RRM

Owner: Havila Subcon AS Operated by Havila Shipping ASA

Front view

Profile port

Midship section


Frame 72

Frame 87


Main Deck

Tween Deck

Tank Top
PHOTO: Daniel Hheim, Mediapixel AS
C a rgo C a p a c i t y P l a n

TANK Volume Fuel Pot Ballast Mud Brine Base Dry ORO Spec.
Water Water SG2.8 SG2.5 Oil Bulk Prod.
No. M 3
M 3
M3 M3 M3 M3 M3 M3 SG 1.5
1 227,0 227,0
2 SB 289,0 289,0
2 PS 294,0 294,0
3 SB 47,5 47,5
3 PS 70,2 70,2
4 SB 39,9 39,9

4 PS 140,4 140,4
5 SB 136,2 136,2
5 PS 111,9 111,9
8 SB 40,4 40,4
8 PS 40,4 40,4
9 SB 131,6 131,6
9 PS 131,6 131,6
10 SB 253,7 253,7
10 PS 253,7 253,7
11 SB 134,3 134,3
11 PS 129,5 129,5
12 SB 53,8 53,8
12 PS 53,8 53,8
13 SB 67,5 67,5
13 PS 67,5 67,5
14 SB 75,8 75,8
14 PS 75,8 75,8
16 SB 38,1 38,1
16 PS 40,2 40,2
17 SB 23,6 23,6
17 PS 23,6 23,6
19 SB 74,0 74,0
19 PS 80,3 80,3
20 SB 94,3 94,3 94,3
20 PS 94,3 94,3 94,3
21 PS 107,0 107,0 107,0 107,0
21 SB 107,0 107,0 107,0 107,0
22 PS 189,5 189,5
22SB 189,5 189,5
25 PS 75,5 75,5 75,5
25 SB 75,5 75,5 75,5
26 PS 86,9 86,9 86,9
26 SB 86,9 86,9 86,9
27 ROLL 317,4 317,4
31 PS 72,9 72,9
31 SB 72,9 72,9
38 FO 42,2 42,2
42 PS 151,2 151,2
42 SB 151,2 151,2
43 PS 157,5 157,5 157,5
43 SB 157,5 157,5 157,5
44 PS 157,5 157,5 157,5 157,5
44 SB 157,5 157,5 157,5 157,5
45 FO 133,3 133,3
46 FO/BA 221,6 221,6 221,6
47 WB 89,3 89,3
48 WB 37,8 37,8
49 ROLL 192,6 192,6
50 PS 104,2 104,2
50 SB 103,8 103,8
63 WB 138,4 138,4
1 CEM 65,7 65,7
2 CEM 65,7 65,7
3 CEM 65,7 65,7
4 CEM 65,7 65,7
TOTAL 6973,3 1436,0 1033,6 3513,5 529,0 402,6 221,6 262,8 1357,4 324,8
1 m3 = 6,289 barrel (bbls) 1 m3 = 35,315 f3

Havila Shipping ASA Phone: +47 700 80 900

P.O.Box 215 Fax: +47 700 80 901
NO-6099 FOSNAVG Duty Ph: +47 700 80 928
Norway [email protected] www.havila.no

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