Psychological Contracts: Are They Still Relevant?: Table 1PART I: Table Format (Either in Word or Excel)

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Table 1PART I: Table format (either in Word or Excel)

Assignment 1, Research Based Assignment

Submission Date:
Name: Register Number
Full APA reference Citation Article Title Journal Name Findings
Background and Purpose: The study is
conducted in Australia's largest banking
organizations. The traditional loyalty to an
organization and continuance commitment are
becoming less important as organisations pursue
Maguire, H. (2002). Career more transactional relationships with their
Psychological contracts: (Maguire, Development
Psychological employee.
are they still relevant? contracts: are International Subjects and Methods. Empirical evidence from
1 Career Development 2002) (Mention JCR
they still a case study conducted
Impact factor/SJR
International, 7(3), 167- relevant? Results: The main conclusion is that the
number of the
180. maintenance of such contracts still makes an
important contribution to organisational
relationships but that organisations need to seek
ways of adjusting the terms of the psychological
contract to meet the needs of an increasingly
mobile and protean workforce.

PART II – Literature review write-up submission format

 This literature review write-up comes from the above five articles, if you want
you can select more research articles.

 You need to write 10 to 15 inline citation. Enter details of literature review in MS

Word, go to Reference  Insert citationAdd new source to add your reference
(Refer this YouTube video:

Literature review write-up is based on the above five peer-reviewed research articles
(1000 words and above)

Review of literature write-up includes

I. Introduction (Brief introduction what you are trying to do)

II. Review of Literature (Theoretical section of your topic)
III. Main topic
IV. Sub topic
V. Conclusion

Sample of review of literature

The study carried out by Maguire (2002) (This is called citation) in the background of
Australia's largest banking organization on traditional loyalty to an organization and
continuance commitment with empirical case study analysis shown that maintenance of such
contract makes vital contribution to organizational relation in terms of psychological contract.

(similarly, you have write-up 10 – 15 write up and citations)

PART III - Bibliography (Use APA format only)

1. Maguire, H. (2002). Psychological contracts: are they still relevant? Career

Development International, 7(3), 167-180.
2. Barrow, S., & Mosley, R. (2005). The Employer Brand: bringing the best of brand
management to people at work. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
3. Berthon, P., Ewing, M., & Hah, L. (2005). Captivating company: Dimensions of
attractiveness in employer branding. International journal of advertising, 24(2), 151-

CIA Learning Objective/s: Interpret and infer literature review, Apply Management
theories, Design innovative and synchronized research report.

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