Competency Based Learning and Development Plan PDF
Competency Based Learning and Development Plan PDF
Competency Based Learning and Development Plan PDF
1. All Learning and Development (L&D) programs for the employees of the Metropolitan
Waterworks and Sewerage System-Corporate Office (MWSS-CO) delivered,
arranged, procured and/or outsourced by the Human Resource and Organizational
Development and Learning (HRODL) Department; and
2. All phases of the L&D process adopted by MWSS, which begins from the
competency-based learning needs assessment, design, delivery to evaluation.
Chapter 1
MWSS adheres to the provision of Section 1, Rule VIII of the Omnibus Rules
Implementing Book V of Executive Order No. 292 which states that “Every official
and employee of the government is an asset or resource to be valued, developed
and utilized in the delivery of basic services to the public. Hence, the
development and retention of a highly competent and professional workforce in
the public service shall be the main concern of every department or agency.”
Said section also mandates that every agency shall establish a continuing
program for career and personnel development for all personnel at all levels and
shall create an environment or work climate conducive to the development of
personnel skills, talents and values for better public service.
MWSS-CO aims to develop its workforce in order for them to efficiently and
competently respond to the changes and challenges in public service. There is a
need to equip its human resource by providing them with learning interventions
that would build capabilities and competencies for their career and personal
growth and development. Providing employees with opportunities to upgrade
their competencies pursuant to this Learning and Development Plan would
ultimately benefit the public it serves.
Chapter 2
Curriculum Framework
Functional Competencies
(SG 25-28)
Core Competencies
Second Level
First Level
(New Entrants)
2nd Level
1st Level
The following matrix provides a menu, which is a combination of training programs
and other L&D interventions, to help employees navigate through current and future
positions over a period of employment with MWSS:
From 0-1 year More than 1 year to 5 years From assumption - continuing
Middle Executive/
New Entrants First Level Second Level Management Managerial
(SG 21 to 24) (SG 25 to 28)
Program at least 1 at least 1 Supervisory Management/
Cadetship planned HRD planned HRD Development Executive and
Program intervention intervention Program; Leadership
Gender during the year during the year minimum of 40 Program;
Sensitivity hours minimum of 40
Seminar supervisory/ hours
at least 1 management supervisory/
planned training or L&D management
human intervention training or L&D
resource per year intervention
development per year
during the year
Continuing Learning/Training for specific field, e.g. Engineering
Legal Practitioners’ Conference
Accountants and Budget Officers Conference, Executive Conference
(Strategic and Operational Planning Exercises among others)
GAD Focal Point System Conference
HR Symposium
Other technical/professional conferences, including International Conferences
Aside from the above, MWSS allows the following interventions to address specific
learning needs:
Formal Classroom On-the-Job-Training Self-Development Developmental
Training activities/
o Coaching on the job o Programmed self- o Special work project
o In-house training from <supervisor/ study through a third o Added
o External training senior colleague party provider responsibilities on
o Knowledge sharing o Taking weekend or <technical
and learning evening courses competency or work
session o Tertiary courses run assignment>
o Shadowing under by academic/ o Service on technical
the stewardship of educational committees, Task
<person> institutions Force or Committee
o Interventions such o Reading books and assignment
as counseling, team other publications or sanctioned by the
building journals System, other
professional bodies
or organizations
o Appropriate
educational and
activities presented
under the auspices
of MWSS,
establishments or
other professional
bodies such as but
not limited to
courses, seminars,
briefings and other
o Meetings of
organization body
and their technical
discussion groups
Chapter 3
a. L&D needs identification and analysis shall be based on alignment between MWSS’
strategic direction with employee performance and competency gaps and career
b. The MWSS’ L&D Plan shall be prepared by the HRODL with detailed strategies and
c. The Annual L&D Plan shall be prepared prior to the start of the year as a result of the
analysis of the competency gap assessment and the consolidated Individual
Development Plans (IDPs). As basis for HRODL consolidation of the System’s L&D
and monitoring, the Heads of Offices/Departments shall submit their respective
programs to be conducted for other MWSS employees to HRODL every September
15th of each year.
d. The L&D interventions identified in the Annual L&D Plan shall take into consideration
the workforce development needs of MWSS, the public sector and the Philippine
economy. Moreover, all L&D implementers shall establish the basis of the conduct of
the programs primarily in connection with the competency gap assessment
e. L&D hours per employee per year shall be based on the number of hours indicated
in the IDP.
Section 2 – Development and Approval of L&D Interventions
a. L&D programs shall require approval of the Administrator based on the review and
recommendation of the HRODL.
b. The Heads of Offices/Departments shall review and approve the IDPs of all the
employees of their respective offices. Prior to said approval, they shall check the
appropriateness, relevance, timeliness, cost efficiency and effectiveness of the L&D
interventions indicated in the IDPs. The Administrator, through the HRODL, may
issue further guidelines to assist the Heads of Offices/Departments with the approval
process and in consolidating the IDPs into an Office L&D Plan.
c. The HRODL may consult task experts who can communicate learning needs of
officials and employees of MWSS.
a. As a general rule, all L&D interventions shall target intended learners based on the
IDP of officials and employees. However, these interventions cannot be left to the
discretion of individual employees especially when the L&D intervention has been
earlier established. Thus, some programs may pre-identify the actual learners and
b. All employees whose competency assessment indicates not meeting the proficiency
level for mission-critical competencies (MCCs) and other competencies required of
their position shall also be prioritized in development interventions.
a. The HRODL shall be notified by the Head of the Office/Department of the employees
concerned in the event of rescheduling or cancellation of confirmed participants. The
participant may be required to explain the reasons in writing. This information shall
be included in the L&D documentation report.
b. Both women and men shall be equally encourages and given opportunity to give
their views and provide inputs to the discussion and other activities in any L&D
c. The conduct of L&D programs shall ensure equal, adequate and safe participation of
women and men, and those Groups with Special Needs.
b. The HRODL shall ensure an accurate recording of attendance and list of submitted
outputs as certified by the Training staff.
The official or employee shall submit to the Head of Office a Learning Application Plan
(LAP)-Annex B, within three (3) days after attending an L&D intervention. Academic
scholars, however, shall submit a Re-entry Action Plan (REAP)-Annex C, pursuant to
existing guidelines on scholarships.
Section 8 – Responsibilities
Organizational competency-based job description – it is the foundation
Development and upon which employee training and development activities
Learning (HRODL) are built
o Undertake competency assessment or propose other
modes of assessment
o Prepare Annual detailed L&D Plan
o Design, deliver and evaluate learning and development
interventions required for the employees to meet
competency gaps
o Lead the L&D Planning Workshop to review the
implementation of the Competency-Based L&D Plan and
set the yearly L&D targets and programs
The HRODL shall look for the most effective and efficient providers of training
courses/seminars contained in the L&D Plan. Training may be acquired from any
of the following institutions:
List of CSC accredited training institutions which offer HROD and/or Leadership programs is posted at
the CSC Website.
o Matrix of Trainings/Development Interventions attended per employee;
o L&D Documentation Report to include: Office Order and List of Participants per
training/development intervention. Evaluation Report, Learning Materials and
Handouts, correspondences and CD containing of all e-copy of the presentations
and pictures taken. The report shall specify workplace issues including gender
issues, if any, on the agenda and how they were discussed;
Chapter 1
Learning Needs Assessment is the process of determining the areas for development of
an individual based on the results of the competency assessment to bridge the identified
The first step is the conduct of competency assessment. Tools used are the self and
supervisor’s rating forms and the Competency Assessment Scoring Template. The latter
is an MS Excel scoring format used in the survey to determine the Person Profile. Each
Position cluster uses different scoring template. A similar online assessment tool may
also be used for the purpose.
The Competency Level Assessment determines the proficiency level of the officials and
employees of MWSS on the competencies required for their positions: core, leadership
and functional. As such, an employee is assessed whether he/she exceeds, meets or
does not meet the required proficiency level.
After conducting the Competency Assessment and after consolidating the results, the
supervisors shall submit their rating to the HRODL not later than 15 days after the
assessment. For online competency assessment, the HRODL shall generate the results
and provide each office with a copy.
The Competency Assessment results shall be one of the references in the crafting of
the IDP. Supervisors shall not rely solely on the assessment results. Their observations
and objective assessment of their subordinates’ performance results as well as the
individual preference for career growth play a vital role in coming up with quality IDP.
Section 3 - Preparing an Individual Development Plan
After receipt of competency assessment results, analysis shall look into the top gaps or
weaknesses among the competencies assessed for an individual, which will then be the
focus for development, improvement or enhancement as indicated in the IDP.
It is also important to check the purpose/s in accomplishing the IDP so that the
supervisor will be able to focus on the appropriate learning interventions that need to be
The consolidated IDPs of each Office as well as the Competency Assessment Results
will form part of the Learning Needs Analysis for the entire System.
Chapter 2
In developing learning design, there is a need to prioritize the identified Unmet Mission
Critical Competencies to ensure that MWSS Workforce are fully equipped with the
required competencies to realize the Vision of MWSS. Should there be competency
gaps, L&D priorities will be developed to address these gaps.
Legacy 5 (Organization Excellence) of the MWSS Roadmap ensures that the attainment
of the MWSS Strategic objectives to enhance the competency of the MWSS Workforce
is aligned with the Vision.
To support MWSS’ Vision, human resource policies and programs should be aligned to
its internal plans and budgeting so that all are geared towards the realization of its HR
strategy and roadmap.
Given the competency assessment results and the criticality of addressing the gaps, the
following criteria may be used in determining L&D priorities:
Seriousness of the gaps;
Urgency; and
Growth potential
1. Evaluation shall always be built into all in-house run or coordinated by HRODL. An
evaluation plan shall be prepared. A form for this purpose is attached as Annex I.
3. The instructional design including the training activity plan and learning materials for
program that are regularly conducted for MWSS officials and employees shall be
reviewed every year as a result of the evaluation process. HRODL are not precluded
from making some adjustments to the instructional design, training activity plan and
learning materials when necessary.
Chapter 3
A communication plan outlines who to communicate with, about what and how it is going
to be done.
The most important thing to remember is that no matter what approach to take, there
should always be three things in mind: what, who and how.
Chapter 4
Any plan should be monitored and evaluated. To be effective, the MWSS L&D Plan
implementation will be monitored and evaluated so as to ensure that:
1. The effectiveness of the plan is assessed by verifying the critical process such as the
profiling, competency assessment etc.;
5. Assess the performance of the HRODL regarding the L&D Plan implementation; and
The diagram below denotes that the L&D Plan is a process of interconnected HR system
geared towards organization and individual development.
It is important to come up with monitoring and evaluation mechanisms apart from the
L&D evaluation so as to assess the general progress of the MWSS L&D plan as well as
discover future development for the organization, in general and employees, in
The monitoring and evaluation process will ensure that the Competencies of each
employee will be determinant of the realization of the MWSS Vision and Mission.
4. Groups with Special Needs – include officials and employees who by the very
nature of their work or existing situations such as, but not limited to their health and
physical condition, (e.g. driver, persons with disability, pregnant women, nursing or
lactating women) have needs that should be considered in the L&D implementation.
5. In-house Training – refers to training conducted and/or arranged by the HRODL for
MWSS officials and employees.
7. Learning Materials – are knowledge products or tools designed and utilized in L&D
programs to facilitate the learning process.
9. Subject Matter Experts – are individuals who are an authority on a particular topic
or area based on their professional or work experience.
10. Task Experts – are individuals who are in the best position to provide directions and
information as to an employee’s training needs primarily as a result of their
interaction with the employee or because they determine the business process,
consequently, the tasks and deliverables of an employee/unit/office. They include,
but are not limited to, Management, Heads/Assistant Heads of Offices/Department,
supervisors, frequent clients, among others.
Adapted from Miller, Janice A., SPHR and Osinski, Diana M., Training Needs Assessment,
February 1996 (
2. Current Position 7. Department
(core competency 1
with not consistent
11. Employee Signature Date 12. Supervisor’s Signature Date 13. Dept./Div. Date
Manager’s Signature
14A. Updated (Initials) Date 14B. Updated (Initials) Date 14C. Updated (Initials) Date
Based on the periodic competency assessment conducted and/or the review of performance
review results, please identify the top gaps or weaknesses among the competencies assessed
that you need to focus on for development, improvement or enhancement. You also need to
check your purpose/s in doing this IDP so that your supervisor will be able to focus on the
appropriate learning interventions that you need to undertake.
Column 1 (Competency Gaps) – This refers to the Competencies that are NOT MET
as seen in the Individual Competency Assessment Results.
Column 2 (Priority for IDP) – This refers to the competencies that are not met, to be
extracted from Column 1 and that are needed to prioritized in the crafting of the IDP.
Column 4 (Development Activity). Identify one or more specific actions you can take
to meet an objective. Consider a variety of developmental approaches.
Column 7 (Schedule or Completion Date). This is the target date or expected date of
completion of the Development Activity.
(LAP Form)
Signature: _______________________________________________________________________
Head Office Supervisor Learner
(REAP Form)
REAP Title
Expected Outputs
Success Indicators
Budgetary Requirements:
Head Office Supervisor Learner
Date: __________________
Office/Department: _______________________________________________________
S ta r t
Consolidate L&D Plan
Responsible Unit/Office Activity Detail (when, where,
Approve? B
Responsible Unit/Office Activity Detail (when, where,
1. In conducting the competency assessment, make sure the following are prepared:
Office Order, Venue, Time and Date, if possible, meals, and reproduce assessment
forms according to employee count.
c) You are given one (1) hour to accomplish the self-assessment form.
d) For the supervisors, you will be given a maximum of three (3) days to submit
subordinate assessment forms.
e) For any clarification, please raise your hand so we will approach and assist you.
b) Assess and determine as honestly and accurately as you can whether or not you
are demonstrating the sample behavior, using the scale:
A - I demonstrate the sample behavior consistently.
B - I demonstrate the sample behavior but not consistently.
C1 - I am not demonstrating the sample behavior. I need assistance to
demonstrate it consistently.
C2 - I am not demonstrating the sample behavior. I need the opportunity to
demonstrate it.
c) Write the letter of the appropriate rating which indicates your assessment of your
demonstration of the sample behavior.
4. Ensure that the Agreed Rating Column in the Supervisor Assessment Forms is filled-
b) For new employees, supervisors may not be able to rate them especially if they
are barely few months old (less than six months) with the Department, hence,
behavioral event interviews shall be conducted with the concerned employees.
d) Ensure that for employees with designations, they shall be assessed on their
current positions and not on their designated positions.
e) Employees retiring within the next six months shall no longer be covered in the
1) Column 1 (Competency Gaps) – This refers to the competencies that are NOT
MET as seen in the individual Competency Assessment Results;
2) Column 2 (Priority for IDP) - This refers to the competencies that are not met, to
be extracted from Column 1 and that are needed to be prioritized in the crafting
of the IDP;
3) You should prioritize the UNMET COMPETENCIES with the least number of
specific behaviors that are not demonstrated for you to be able to meet the said
competencies within a short period of time. The Unmet Competencies with the
most number of specific behaviors that are not demonstrated can be your long
term goal.
Evaluation Plan
Training “Positive Results through Effective Problem-Solving and Decision-Making“
Memo-Invitation/advisory for
HO’s indicating pre-identified
participants, among others
Program ( schedule of
Office Orders
a. L&D Venue
Memo to OFAM/MSD re:
venue, AV
Reserve venue and break-
out rooms ( if needed ) with
room layout (Physical
Arrangement of the venue)
Lighting & ventilation
Coffee area
Secretariat Area
Wide screen
Backdrop/Stage Decors
d. Meals
Meal Requirements
Flowing Coffee
Schedule of service
Learning Aids
Reading/workshop materials
and handouts
SLE Materials
Attendance/sign-in sheets
Printer, camera, various
music CDs
CD on National Anthem/
Invocation/ Energizers
Responsible Frame
a. Registration
Welcome and ushering of
Registration of participants
b. L&D Proper a.
c. Documentation
Responsible Frame
a. Post Evaluation
Ensure cleanliness of the venue
after the activity
Conduct post-evaluation for
training staff and RPs
Liquidate expenses
_________________________ ________________________