IBM Endpoint Manager For Remote Control Target User's Guide

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IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control

Target User's Guide
Version 9.1.0

IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control

Target User's Guide
Version 9.1.0
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 23.

This edition applies to version 9, release 1, modification level 0 of IBM Endpoint Manager and to all subsequent
releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2013, 2014.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
Chapter 1. Overview of the IBM Endpoint Restoring hidden applications to view during a
Manager for Remote Control system . . 1 remote control session . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Chapter 2. Remote control target Chapter 7. Starting a remote control

overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 session through a broker. . . . . . . 15

Chapter 3. Tasks you can do from the Chapter 8. Disconnecting from a

target icon . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Remote Control session . . . . . . . 17

Chapter 4. The target interface . . . . . 7 Chapter 9. Auditing . . . . . . . . . 19

Viewing the session connection status . . . . . . 7
Selecting a session type from the target interface . . 7 Appendix. Support . . . . . . . . . 21
Viewing or hiding the chat area . . . . . . . . 7
Viewing or hiding the file transfer area . . . . . 8 Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Actions that can be made from the target interface. . 8 Programming interface information . . . . . . 25
Viewing the target debug log . . . . . . . . . 9 Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Viewing system information . . . . . . . . . 9 Terms and conditions for product documentation. . 26
Getting help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Chapter 5. Accepting remote control
session actions . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Chapter 6. Hiding applications . . . . 13

Hiding running applications from view during a
remote control session . . . . . . . . . . . 13

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2014 iii

iv IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control Target User's Guide
Chapter 1. Overview of the IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote
Control system
The IBM® Endpoint Manager for Remote Control system includes the following
main components:
IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control Target
The target is installed on every computer that you want to control
remotely with IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control. It listens for
connection requests that come from the controller. The target can also be
used to start a remote control session over the internet, by using a broker.
Targets that are outside of your intranet can be configured to register their
details with the server. Sessions with these targets are managed by server
policies. The targets must be deployed with the Managed property set to
Yes. The ServerURL and BrokerList properties must also be configured.
Targets can also be configured so that they do not send their details to the
server. These targets are classed as unregistered targets. There are two
ways to configure unregistered targets. You can install the target software
and set the Managed property to No. The BrokerList property must also be
set. You can also use the on-demand target features to start a remote
control session with a computer that does not have any target software
preinstalled. Server policies are used to manage the on-demand sessions.
The target software is deleted at the end of the session.The IBM Endpoint
Manager for Remote Control target can run in Windows, Linux, and Solaris
operating systems.
IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control Controller
Can be installed by using the Fixlet or installer that is provided for use in
peer to peer sessions. It can also be launched in context from the remote
control server or the IBM Endpoint Manager console. In all instances, the
controller can be used to allow the user to control a remote computer on
which the remote control target is installed. The controller delivers an
interface to several actions, available to the controller user, like remote
control, guidance, chat, file transfer, collaboration, and many more. IBM
Endpoint Manager for Remote Control controller supports JRE versions:
Sun 1.6, Oracle 1.6, 1.7 or IBM® 1.5, 1.6, 1.7.
IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control Server
A web application that manages all the deployed targets that are
configured to be in managed mode and to point to the IBM Endpoint
Manager for Remote Control Server 's URL. The server is a web
application that can be deployed on an existing WebSphere® server, or
installed through the installer package along with an embedded version of
WebSphere. The server listens for HTTP or HTTPS connections by default.
When it is installed with the embedded WebSphere option, it listens on
ports 80 and 443. When it is deployed on top of an existing WebSphere
server, the IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control server listens on
ports 9080 and 9443. The server requires a database server: embedded
Derby, only for proof of concept deployments, DB2®, SQL Server, and
Oracle are the supported options. Additionally, it can also be configured to
synchronize and authenticate user and group data from an LDAPv3 server,
like Active Directory or Tivoli Directory Server. This deployment scenario
has the same networking characteristics as peer to peer. Therefore, direct
TCP connectivity is required between all the controllers and all the targets.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2014 1

However, the IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control server provides a
method of centralized, and finer, policy control, where targets can have
different policies that are determined by the user who is trying to start the
remote control session. The Server also provides for centralized audit and
storage of full session automatic recordings. In this scenario, the controller
is not a stand-alone application.but is started as a Java™ Web Start
application from the IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control server's
web interface to start the remote control session.

Note: Peer to peer and managed are not exclusive modes. The IBM
Endpoint Manager for Remote Control target can be configured in the
following ways.
v Configured to be strictly managed.
v Configured to fail back to peer to peer mode when the server is not
v Configured to accept both peer to peer and managed remote control

The following components can be used only in managed mode:

IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control CLI tools
Are always installed as part of the target component but it is also possible
to install them separately. The CLI provides command-line tools for the
following tasks:
v Script or integrate the launch of managed remote control sessions.
v Run remote commands on computers with the managed target installed.
IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control Gateway
A service that is installed in computers in secure network boundaries,
where there is strict control of traffic flows between the secure networks.
For example, the firewall at the boundary allows only traffic between a
pair of specific IP address and ports. In these scenarios, a network of
gateways can be deployed. The gateway routes and tunnels the remote
control traffic from the controller that is sitting in a particular network
zone, to the target that is in a different network zone. The gateway is a
native service that can be installed on a computer that has a Windows or
Linux operating system installed. It does not have a default listening port,
although 8881 is a usual choice, and can be configured for multiple
incoming listening ports and outgoing connections.
IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control Broker
A service that is installed in computers typically in a DMZ so that
computers out of the enterprise network, in an Internet cafe or at home,
can reach it. The IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control broker
receives inbound connections from the controller and the target and
tunnels the remote control session data between the two components. The
broker is a native service that can be installed on a Windows or a Linux
computer. It does not have a default listening port, but 443 is a
recommended option because usually this port is open for outbound
connections and has fewer issues with content filtering than, for example,
80 would have.

2 IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control Target User's Guide

Chapter 2. Remote control target overview
The IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control Target software provides the
interface that the target user can use to communicate with the controller user
during a remote control session.

When the target software is installed and the IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote
Control Target service is running, the target icon is visible in the taskbar of the
target machine. You can use this icon to open the target interface to communicate
with the controller user during a remote control session and also to obtain
connection and system information.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2014 3

4 IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control Target User's Guide
Chapter 3. Tasks you can do from the target icon
When the IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control target software is installed
and the target icon is visible in the task bar, you can perform the following actions
on the icon :
Rolling the mouse over the icon
You can roll the mouse pointer over the icon to display the computer
name, IP address, and FIPS status of the target.
Right-clicking the icon
You have the following options when you right-click the icon:
Open IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control - Target
Use this option to display the target interface. For more details see
Chapter 4, “The target interface,” on page 7.
About Use this option to display the version number of the currently
installed target software.

Note: The version number is useful for reporting connectivity

issues to IBM support.
Online help
Use this option to access the IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote
Control information center where you can view the latest
Connection info
Use this option to display the target computer name and IP
address. Click OK.
Report status to server
Use this option to force the target to contact the server and report
its status to it.
Who is connected?
Use this option to display the user ID of the controller user and the
IP address and MAC address of the controller machine that has
established the remote control session. Click OK to continue.

Note: This option is available only during a remote control session.

Use this option to disconnect the target from any remote control
System Information
Use this option to generate a file called sysinfo.txt. This file
contains information about the target such as computer name,
vendor, model, IP address, and running processes. The file is
displayed in a text file.
Transfer folder
Use this option to open the folder used for transferring files to and
from the server.
Enter connection code
Use this option to enter the connection code required to start a

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2014 5

session through a broker. For more information see Chapter 7,
“Starting a remote control session through a broker,” on page 15.
Double-clicking the icon
Double-click the icon to open the target interface. For more details about
the interface see Chapter 4, “The target interface,” on page 7.

6 IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control Target User's Guide

Chapter 4. The target interface
You can use the target interface to participate in a remote control session and
communicate with a controller user during the session. When you double-click the
target icon in the taskbar, the target interface opens.

The interface has the following capabilities:

v Connection status. See “Viewing the session connection status.”
v Session types pulldown. See “Selecting a session type from the target interface.”
v Show / Hide Chat Area. See “Viewing or hiding the chat area.”
v Show / Hide Transfer Area. See “Viewing or hiding the file transfer area” on
page 8
v Actions Menu. See “Actions that can be made from the target interface” on page
v View Application Log. See “Viewing the target debug log” on page 9
v View System Information. See “Viewing system information” on page 9
v Help Menu. See “Getting help” on page 9

Viewing the session connection status

Check the remote control session status by clicking the connection icon .
This icon is visible and connected when a session has been established and is
disabled when there is no session in progress.

Selecting a session type from the target interface

The session list on the target interface displays the session types that you can select
during a remote control session. When initiating a session the controller user
selects the session type. After the session is established, you can change the session
type by selecting from the list. The session type options available are determined
by what was set in the permissions for the session. For more information about
what types of sessions are available see the IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote
Control Controller User's Guide .

Viewing or hiding the chat area

You can click the Show/Hide Chat Area icon to open a chat window for
real-time communication with the controller. Click the icon again to hide the chat

When the chat window opens you can type into the window and press enter. The
text is displayed in the chat window and the controller user can respond. The chat
history can be removed from the window by selecting Clear chat history from the
Actions menu.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2014 7

Note: Depending on the policies set for the remote control session, if chat has not
been enabled, the chat icon is disabled.

Viewing or hiding the file transfer area

You can click the Show/Hide Transfer area icon to open a window with
fields showing files that have been or are being transferred between the controller
and target. The icon on the left shows the direction of the transfer. The color of the
progress bar denotes which type of transfer took place.

When the transfer is from the target to the controller, a left arrow is displayed. The
status bar turns green when the transfer is complete.

When the transfer is from the controller to the target, a right arrow is displayed.
The status bar turns blue when the transfer is complete.

Actions that can be made from the target interface

You can use the Actions menu for the following actions :
Connection info
This action displays the computer name, IP address list, and FIPS status of
the target machine. Click OK to continue.
Report status to server
This action causes the target to contact the server to report its status. This
action is not available when the Managed target property is set to No.
Who is connected?
Displays the user ID of the controller user and the IP address and MAC
address of the controller machine that has established the remote control
session. Click OK to continue.

Note: This option is available only during a remote control session.

Transfer folder
View the contents of the file transfer directory. All files that have been
transferred from the controller to the target are shown in the directory.
Send file to controller
Select a file on the target machine and transfer it to the controller machine.
For more information on transferring files, see the IBM Endpoint Manager
for Remote Control Controller User's Guide.
Clear chat history
Clears the chat history area of the target interface.
Hidden Windows
Displays any running applications on the target that were hidden before
the session was established. For more information on hiding running
applications see Chapter 6, “Hiding applications,” on page 13.
Enter connection code
Enter the connection code required when starting a session through a
broker. For more information see Chapter 7, “Starting a remote control
session through a broker,” on page 15.

8 IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control Target User's Guide

Viewing the target debug log

To view the target debug log click the View Application Log icon . This action
opens the trc_base.txt target debug file which contains information about the
target configuration and its activity, for example, when starting and ending a
remote control session. The file is displayed in in a text file and can be sent to the
controller via email to assist in troubleshooting target and session issues.

Viewing system information

To view a targets system information click the Get system info icon . This
action generates a file called sysinfo.txt, which contains information about the
target such as computer name, vendor, model, IP address and running processes.
The file is displayed in a text file and can be sent to the controller via email to
assist in troubleshooting.

Getting help

To get help click the Help menu and select one of the following options.
About Use this option to display the version number of the currently installed
target software.

Note: The version number is useful for reporting connectivity issues.

Online help
Use this option to go to the IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control
information center where you can view the latest documentation.

Chapter 4. The target interface 9

10 IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control Target User's Guide
Chapter 5. Accepting remote control session actions
When a remote control session is requested or certain actions are carried out by the
controller user, you can be asked to confirm acceptance of these actions. Your
acceptance is requested if user acceptance session policies have been enabled and
set to yes for the session. Target user acceptance can be requested when the
following actions are performed by the controller user:
v Starting a remote control session
v Changing the session type during a remote control session
v Requesting target system information
v Transferring files to and from the target
v Making a local recording of a remote control session
v Requesting to allow multiple participants in a session

The following options can be available in the acceptance window when

confirmation is required, depending on the action that is being accepted.
To accept the request and allow the action to be performed by the
controller user, click Accept.
To refuse the request and not allow the action to be performed by the
controller user, click Refuse
Session type
When user acceptance is enabled for starting a session, select from the
following options to start a different session if you do not want the
controller user to have Active control of your machine.
The controller user can view the target screen in guidance mode,
but cannot control the remote mouse or keyboard. For more
information about this session type, see the IBM Endpoint Manager
for Remote Control Controller User's Guide.
The controller user can view the target screen in monitor mode,
but cannot control the remote mouse or keyboard. For more
information about this session type, see the IBM Endpoint Manager
for Remote Control Controller User's Guide.
Chat The controller user can chat to the target user without letting them
view the target screen.
Hide applications
To hide any running applications on the target that you do not want the
controller user to see, click Hide applications. For more information about
hiding applications, see Chapter 6, “Hiding applications,” on page 13. This
option is available on the acceptance window when the Enable user
acceptance for incoming connections server policy or the
ConfirmTakeOver target property is enabled and set to yes.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2014 11

Note: When you receive an acceptance request you have a predefined number of
seconds to accept or refuse it. If you do not accept within the given time, the
outcome of the request is determined by the values set for the following properties.
Acceptance timeout action
If the session was initiated from the IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote
Control Server
If the session was initiated directly between the controller and the target.

If both are set to proceed, the requested action will be performed without user
acceptance. If they are set to Abort, the requested action is not performed and a
message is displayed on the controller system. For more information on how
policies are derived for a remote control session, see the IBM Endpoint Manager
for Remote Control Administrator's Guide.

12 IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control Target User's Guide

Chapter 6. Hiding applications
Before accepting a remote control session you can hide any applications on your
machine that you do not want the controller user to see.

Hiding running applications from view during a remote control session

When a remote control session is requested, you can hide any running applications
on the target that you do not want the controller user to see. This option is only
available when the Enable user acceptance for incoming connections policy is
enabled for the session. It appears on the user acceptance window when the
session is requested.

Hide applications by completing the following steps

1. In the user acceptance window, click Hide Applications and Accept. The Show
/ Hide window opens listing all the running applications on the target.
2. Select the required applications that you do not want the controller user to see.
3. Click OK.

When the session is established, the selected applications are no longer visible in
the target and controller windows.

v The procedure can only be performed by the target user in the session.
v If you click Cancel in the Show / Hide window, the selected applications are not
hidden when the session is established.

Restoring hidden applications to view during a remote control session

If, during a remote control session, any running applications that were hidden are
now required to be seen by the controller user, the target user can make them
visible again.

Make hidden applications visible again by completing the following steps:

1. Double-click the IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control target icon to
bring the target window toolbar into view.
2. From the Actions menu, select Hidden Windows.
3. Click Accept on the acceptance window.
4. On the Show/Hide applications window, select the applications that you want
to bring back into view.
5. Click OK.

The previously hidden applications, are now visible in the controller window.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2014 13

14 IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control Target User's Guide
Chapter 7. Starting a remote control session through a broker
To start a remote control session through a broker, obtain a session connection code
from the controller user who is starting the remote control session.

When a controller user needs to start a remote control session through the internet
to reach your machine, they start the session from theIBM Endpoint Manager for
Remote Control server GUI and a broker is used to make the required connection.
To connect to this remote control session, you require a connection code which is
obtained from the controller user. To connect to a remote control session using the
connection code provided, complete the following procedure.

Enter the connection code on the target computer by following the steps relevant
to the target operating system.

Note: If the target is newly installed, the Enter Connection Code option is
unavailable until the target contacts the server for the first time.
Windows target
Choose the appropriate method to enter the connection code:
v Right-click the target notification icon and select Enter Connection Code.
v Open the target UI and select Actions menu > Enter Connection Code.
Type the connection code and click Connect.
Linux target
v Open the target UI and select Actions menu > Enter Connection Code.
v Type the connection code and click OK.

If a successful connection is made to a broker, the connection code is verified, and

the session is authenticated by the server, the remote control session begins
automatically. If the Enable user acceptance for incoming connections policy is
enabled in the session policies, the target user can accept or reject the session
request. After the session starts, the features and functions that are available
depend on the server policies and permissions that are set for the session.

If the broker connection cannot be made, the connection code cannot be verified or
the target is not authenticated by the server, you are given the option to try the
connection option again. When you click Try Again, the Connection Code window
is displayed and you can re-enter a connection code. If you click Cancel, the
connection attempt to the broker is terminated and the remote control session is
not established.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2014 15

16 IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control Target User's Guide
Chapter 8. Disconnecting from a Remote Control session
When a Remote Control session is established, you can disconnect in the following
v Press the PAUSE/BREAK button in your keyboard.

Click the Connection icon

The controller is disconnected and a cancel message is displayed.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2014 17

18 IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control Target User's Guide
Chapter 9. Auditing
Remote control session events are saved for auditing purposes if the local audit
policy is enabled for the session.

On a Linux target computer, you can use the messages log file and the Application
Event Log on a Windows target.

To access the Application Event Viewer in Windows, click Start > Control Panel >
Administrative Tools > Event Viewer > Application. A list is displayed. Select
IBM® Endpoint Manager for Remote Control - Target. Right-click and select
Properties. The Information Properties window opens.

The following information is displayed.

v Date of Takeover
v Time of Takeover
v Computer being taken over
v IP address initiating takeover
v MAC Address
v A Description section

If you are using the on-demand target, the audit log is written to a text file on the
target. A trcaudit_date_time.log file is created, where date_time is the date and
time that the session took place. For example, trcaudit_20130805_132527.log. The
file is created in the currently logged on user's home directory.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2014 19

20 IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control Target User's Guide
Appendix. Support
For more information about this product, see the following resources:
v IBM Endpoint Manager Support site
v IBM Endpoint Manager wiki
v Knowledge Base
v Forums and Communities

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22 IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control Target User's Guide
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26 IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control Target User's Guide

A target interface 7
actions 8
Accepting remote control session connection status 7
actions 11 help 9
actions menu 8 session type 7
applications show chat area 7
hiding 13 show file transfer area 8
unhiding 13 view debug log 9
view system information 9
C auditing 19
chat area
hide 7
show 7 V
connection code view application log 9
entering 15 view system information 9
connection status 7 Viewing or hiding the chat area 7
Viewing or hiding the file transfer
area 8
D Viewing the session connection status 7
debug log viewing the target debug log 9
viewing 9

file transfer area
hide 8
show 8

hidden applications
restoring 13
hiding applications 13

Overview 1

remote control session
accepting 11
disconnecting 17
refusing 11
through a broker 15

selecting a session type 7
system information
viewing 9

functions 5
overview 3

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2014 27

28 IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control Target User's Guide

Printed in USA

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