Elsarticle - Cls - A Better Way To Format Your Document: Elsevier LTD

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elsarticle.cls – A better I Introduction I Major Differences

I Installation I Usage
way to format your I Frontmatter I Floats
document I Theorem and ... I Enumerated ...
I Cross-references I Mathematical ...
Elsevier Ltd I Bibliography I Final print

1. Introduction
elsarticle.cls is a thoroughly re-written document class for formatting
LATEX submissions to Elsevier journals. The class uses the environments
and commands defined in LATEX kernel without any change in the signa-
ture so that clashes with other contributed LATEX packages such as hyper-
ref.sty, preview-latex.sty, etc., will be minimal. elsarticle.cls is primarily
built upon the default article.cls. This class depends on the following
packages for its proper functioning:
1. natbib.sty for citation processing;
2. geometry.sty for margin settings;
3. fleqn.clo for left aligned equations;
4. graphicx.sty for graphics inclusion;
5. txfonts.sty optional font package, if the document is to be formatted
with Times and compatible math fonts;
6. hyperref.sty optional packages if hyperlinking is required in the
7. endfloat.sty optional packages if floats to be placed at end of the
All the above packages (except some optional packages) are part
of any standard LATEX installation. Therefore, the users need not be
bothered about downloading any extra packages. Furthermore, users are
free to make use of ams math packages such as amsmath.sty, amsthm.sty,
amssymb.sty, amsfonts.sty, etc., if they want to. All these packages work
in tandem with elsarticle.cls without any problems.

2. Major Differences
Following are the major differences between elsarticle.cls and its prede-
cessor package, elsart.cls:
• elsarticle.cls is built upon article.cls while elsart.cls is not. elsart.cls
redefines many of the commands in the LATEX classes/kernel, which
can possibly cause surprising clashes with other contributed LATEX
• provides preprint document formatting by default, and optionally for-
mats the document as per the final style of models 1+, 3+ and 5+ of
Elsevier journals;
Version: 2.1

c 2018, Elsevier Ltd. Bugs, feature requests, suggestions
Date: June 9, 2018
and comments shall be mailed to <[email protected]>. Contact: [email protected]
elsarticle.cls – A better I Introduction I Major Differences
I Installation I Usage
way to format your I Frontmatter I Floats
document I Theorem and ... I Enumerated ...
I Cross-references I Mathematical ...
Elsevier Ltd I Bibliography I Final print

• some easier ways for formatting list and theorem environments are
provided while people can still use amsthm.sty package;
• natbib.sty is the main citation processing package which can com-
prehensively handle all kinds of citations and works perfectly with
hyperref.sty in combination with hypernat.sty;
• long title pages are processed correctly in preprint and final formats.

3. Installation
The package is available at author resources page at Elsevier (http:
//www.elsevier.com/locate/latex). It can also be found in any of
the nodes of the Comprehensive TEX Archive Network (ctan), one of
the primary nodes being http://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/
latex/contrib/elsarticle/. Please download the elsarticle.dtx which
is a composite class with documentation and elsarticle.ins which is the
LATEX installer file. When we compile the elsarticle.ins with LATEX it pro-
vides the class file, elsarticle.cls by stripping off all the documentation
from the *.dtx file. The class may be moved or copied to a place, usually,
$TEXMF/tex/latex/elsevier/, or a folder which will be read by LATEX
during document compilation. The TEX file database needs updation af-
ter moving/copying class file. Usually, we use commands like mktexlsr
or texhash depending upon the distribution and operating system.

4. Usage
The class should be loaded with the command:


where the options can be the following:

preprint default option which format the document for submission to

Elsevier journals.
review similar to the preprint option, but increases the baselineskip to
facilitate easier review process.
1p formats the article to the look and feel of the final format of model 1+
journals. This is always single column style.
3p formats the article to the look and feel of the final format of model
3+ journals. If the journal is a two column model, use twocolumn
option in combination.
Version: 2.1

c 2018, Elsevier Ltd. Bugs, feature requests, suggestions
Date: June 9, 2018
and comments shall be mailed to <[email protected]>. Contact: [email protected]
elsarticle.cls – A better I Introduction I Major Differences
I Installation I Usage
way to format your I Frontmatter I Floats
document I Theorem and ... I Enumerated ...
I Cross-references I Mathematical ...
Elsevier Ltd I Bibliography I Final print

5p formats for model 5+ journals. This is always of two column style.

authoryear author-year citation style of natbib.sty. If you want to add
extra options of natbib.sty, you may use the options as comma
delimited strings as arguments to \biboptions command. An ex-
ample would be:


number numbered citation style. Extra options can be loaded with

\biboptions command.
sort&compress sorts and compresses the numbered citations. For exam-
ple, citation [1,2,3] will become [1–3].
longtitle if front matter is unusually long, use this option to split the
title page across pages with the correct placement of title and author
footnotes in the first page.
times loads txfonts.sty, if available in the system to use Times and com-
patible math fonts.
reversenotenum Use alphabets as author–affiliation linking labels and
use numbers for author footnotes. By default, numbers will be
used as author–affiliation linking labels and alphabets for author
lefttitle To move title and author/affiliation block to flushleft. centertitle
is the default option which produces center alignment.
endfloat To place all floats at the end of the document.
nonatbib To unload natbib.sty.
doubleblind To hide author name, affiliation, email address etc. for
double blind refereeing purpose.
All options of article.cls can be used with this document class.
The default options loaded are a4paper, 10pt, oneside, onecolumn and

5. Frontmatter
There are two types of frontmatter coding:
(1) each author is connected to an affiliation with a footnote marker;
hence all authors are grouped together and affiliations follow;
Version: 2.1

c 2018, Elsevier Ltd. Bugs, feature requests, suggestions
Date: June 9, 2018
and comments shall be mailed to <[email protected]>. Contact: [email protected]
elsarticle.cls – A better I Introduction I Major Differences
I Installation I Usage
way to format your I Frontmatter I Floats
document I Theorem and ... I Enumerated ...
I Cross-references I Mathematical ...
Elsevier Ltd I Bibliography I Final print

(2) authors of same affiliations are grouped together and the relevant
affiliation follows this group.

An example of coding the first type is provided below.

\title{This is a specimen title\tnoteref{t1,t2}}

\tnotetext[t1]{This document is the results of the research
project funded by the National Science Foundation.}
\tnotetext[t2]{The second title footnote which is a longer
text matter to fill through the whole text width and
overflow into another line in the footnotes area of the
first page.}

\author[1]{Jos Migchielsen\corref{cor1}%
\ead{[email protected]}

\author[2]{CV Radhakrishnan\fnref{fn2}}
\ead{[email protected]}

\author[3]{CV Rajagopal\fnref{fn1,fn3}}

\cortext[cor1]{Corresponding author}
\fntext[fn1]{This is the first author footnote.}
\fntext[fn2]{Another author footnote, this is a very long
footnote and it should be a really long footnote. But this
footnote is not yet sufficiently long enough to make two
lines of footnote text.}
\fntext[fn3]{Yet another author footnote.}

\address[1]{Elsevier B.V., Radarweg 29, 1043 NX Amsterdam,

The Netherlands}
\address[2]{Sayahna Foundations, JWRA 34, Jagathy,
Trivandrum 695014, India}
\address[3]{STM Document Engineering Pvt Ltd., Mepukada,
Malayinkil, Trivandrum 695571, India}

The output of the above TEX source is given in Clips 1 and 2. The
header portion or title area is given in Clip 1 and the footer area is given
in Clip 2.

Version: 2.1

c 2018, Elsevier Ltd. Bugs, feature requests, suggestions
Date: June 9, 2018
and comments shall be mailed to <[email protected]>. Contact: [email protected]
CV Rajagopal1,3
STM Document Engineering Pvt Ltd., Mepukada, Malayinkil,
QUICK Trivandrum
LINKS 695571, India

elsarticle.cls – A better I Introduction I Major Differences

I Installation I Usage
way to format your I Frontmatter I Floats
document Abstract
I Theorem and ... I Enumerated ...
I Cross-references I Mathematical ...
Elsevier Ltd In this work we demonstrate ab the formation Y 1 of a new type of polariton on the interface
I Bibliography I Final print
between a cuprous oxide slab and a polystyrene micro-sphere placed on the slab. The evanescent
field of the resonant whispering gallery mode (WGM) of the micro sphere has a substantial
gradient, and therefore effectively couples with the quadrupole 1S excitons in cuprous oxide.
This evanescent polariton has a long life-time, which is determined only by its excitonic and
WGM component. The polariton lower branch has a well pronounced minimum. This suggests
Clip thisHeader
is localized
the titleand can be utilized for possible BEC. The spatial coherence of the
polariton can be improved by assembling the micro-spheres into a linear chain.
This is a specimen a title?,??
Keywords: quadrupole exciton, polariton, WGM, BECb
JEL: 71.35.-y, 71.35.Lk, 71.36.+c
Jos Migchielsena,1,∗, CV Radhakrishnanb,2 , CV Rajagopalc,1,3
a Elsevier
B.V., Radarweg 29, 1043 NX Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1. Introduction
b Sayahna Foundations, JWRA 34, Jagathy, Trivandrum 695014, India
c STM Document Engineering Pvt Ltd., Mepukada, Malayinkil, Trivandrum 695571, India
Although quadrupole excitons (QE) in cuprous oxide crystals are good candidates for BEC
due to their narrow line-width and long life-time there are some factors impeding BEC [1, 2]. One
of these factors is that due to the small but non negligible coupling to the photon bath, one must
consider BEC of the corresponding mixed light-matter states called polaritons [3]. The photon-
Clip 2: Footer of the title page..
like part of the polariton has a large group velocity and tends to escape from the crystal. Thus,
? This document is the results of the research project funded by the National Science Foundation.
In this work?? Thewesecond
demonstrate ab the
title footnote which formation
is a longer Yto1fillof
text matter a new
through typetext
the whole ofwidth
polariton oninto
and overflow theanother
between a cuprous
line in the oxide slab and a polystyrene micro-sphere placed on the slab. The evanescent
footnotes area
∗ Corresponding author
of the first page.

field of the Email

addresses:whispering gallery mode (Jos
[email protected] (WGM) of the
Migchielsen), micro sphere
[email protected] has a substantial
(CV Radhakrishnan)
gradient, and therefore
URL: www.stmdocs.ineffectively couples
(CV Rajagopal)
1 This is the first author footnote.
with the quadrupole 1S excitons in cuprous oxide.
This evanescent
2 Anotherpolariton hasthisaislong
author footnote, life-time,
a very long which
footnote and isbedetermined
it should only But
a really long footnote. bythis
is not and
WGM component. The
yet sufficiently long polariton
enough to make lower
3 Yet another author footnote.
two linesbranch
of footnotehas
text. a well pronounced minimum. This suggests
that this excitation is localized and can be utilized for possible BEC. The spatial coherence of the
Preprint submitted to Elsevier June 8, 2018
polariton can be improved by assembling the micro-spheres into a linear chain.
Keywords:Most of the exciton,
quadrupole commands such
polariton, as \title,
WGM, BEC \author, \address are self
JEL: 71.35.-y, Various
71.35.Lk, components are linked to each other by a label–
reference mechanism; for instance, title footnote is linked to the title
with a footnote mark generated by referring to the \label string of the
\tnotetext. We have used similar commands such as \tnoteref (to
link title note to title); \corref (to link corresponding author text to
1. Introduction
corresponding author); \fnref (to link footnote text to the relevant author
Although quadrupole excitons (QE) in cuprous oxide crystals are good candidates for BEC
names). TEX needs two compilations to resolve the footnote marks in the
due to their narrow line-width and long life-time there are some factors impeding BEC [1, 2]. One
preamble part. Given below are the syntax of various note marks and
of these factors is that due to the small but non negligible coupling to the photon bath, one must
note texts.
consider BEC of the corresponding mixed light-matter states called polaritons [3]. The photon-
like part of the polariton has a large group velocity and tends to escape from the crystal. Thus,
the temporal coherence of the condensate is effectively broken [4, 5]. One proposed solution to
this issue\corref{<label(s)>}
is to place the crystal into a planar micro-cavity [6]. But even state-of-the-art planar
micro-cavities can hold the light no longer than 10 µs. Besides, formation of the polaritons in
the planar\tnotetext[<label>]{<title
cuprous oxide micro-cavity is not effective due to quadrupole origin of the excitons.
note text>}
\cortext[<label>]{<corresponding author note text>}
? This
\fntext[<label>]{<author footnote text>}
document is the results of the research project funded by the National Science Foundation.
?? The second title footnote which is a longer text matter to fill through the whole text width and overflow into another
where <label(s)> can be either one or more comma delimited label
line in the footnotes area of the first page.
strings. author
∗ Corresponding The optional arguments to the \author command holds the
Email label(s)[email protected]
of the address(es) to which the author
(Jos Migchielsen), is affiliated (CV
[email protected] while each
URL: www.stmdocs.in (CV Rajagopal)
1 This command
is the first author footnote. can have an optional argument of a label. In the same
2 Another author footnote, this is a very
\tnotetext, long footnote
\fntext, will
and it should
\cortext havelong
be a really optional arguments
footnote. But this footnote is not
yet sufficiently long enough to make two lines of footnote text.
3 Yet another author footnote. Version: 2.1

c 2018, Elsevier Ltd. Bugs, feature requests, suggestions
Date: June 9, 2018
and comments shall bePreprint to <[email protected]>.
mailedsubmitted to Elsevier Contact: June 8, 2018
[email protected]
elsarticle.cls – A better I Introduction I Major Differences
I Installation I Usage
way to format your I Frontmatter I Floats
document I Theorem and ... I Enumerated ...
I Cross-references I Mathematical ...
Elsevier Ltd I Bibliography I Final print

as their respective labels and note text as their mandatory argument.

The following example code provides the markup of the second type
of author-affiliation.

\author{Jos Migchielsen\corref{cor1}%
\ead{[email protected]}
\address{Elsevier B.V., Radarweg 29, 1043 NX Amsterdam,
The Netherlands}

\author{CV Radhakrishnan\fnref{fn2}}
\ead{[email protected]}
\address{Sayahna Foundations, JWRA 34, Jagathy,
Trivandrum 695014, India}

\author{CV Rajagopal\fnref{fn1,fn3}}
\address{STM Document Engineering Pvt Ltd., Mepukada,
Malayinkil, Trivandrum 695571, India}

\cortext[cor1]{Corresponding author}
\fntext[fn1]{This is the first author footnote.}
\fntext[fn2]{Another author footnote, this is a very long
footnote and it should be a really long footnote. But this
footnote is not yet sufficiently long enough to make two lines
of footnote text.}

The output of the above TEX source is given in Clip 3.

Clip 3: Header of the title page...

This is a specimen ab title?,??

Jos Migchielsen1,∗
Elsevier B.V., Radarweg 29, 1043 NX Amsterdam, The Netherlands

CV Radhakrishnan2
Sayahna Foundations, JWRA 34, Jagathy, Trivandrum 695014, India

CV Rajagopal1,3
STM Document Engineering Pvt Ltd., Mepukada, Malayinkil, Trivandrum 695571, India

Version: 2.1

c 2018, Elsevier Ltd. Bugs, feature requests, suggestions
Abstract Date: June 9, 2018
and comments shall be mailed to <[email protected]>. Contact: [email protected]
elsarticle.cls – A better I Introduction I Major Differences
I Installation I Usage
way to format your I Frontmatter I Floats
document I Theorem and ... I Enumerated ...
I Cross-references I Mathematical ...
Elsevier Ltd I Bibliography I Final print

Clip 4 shows the output after giving doubleblind class option.

Clip 4: Double blind article.
This is a specimen ab title


In this work we demonstrate ab the formation Y 1 of a new type of polariton

on the interface between a cuprous oxide slab and a polystyrene micro-sphere
The frontmatter part has further environments such as abstracts and
keywords. These
placed on the can
slab. beevanescent
The marked up inofthe
field thefollowing manner: gallery mode
resonant whispering
(WGM) of the micro sphere has a substantial gradient, and therefore effectively
couples with the quadrupole 1S excitons in cuprous oxide. This evanescent
In this work we demonstrate the formation of a new type of
a long life-time, which
the interface is determined
between a .... only by its excitonic and
WGM component. The polariton lower branch has a well pronounced minimum.
This suggests that this excitation is localized and can be utilized for possible
BEC. The spatial
quadruple exitoncoherence of the polariton
\sep polariton \sepcan be improved by assembling the
micro-spheres into a linear chain.

Each keywordquadrupole
Keywords: shall be separated by a \sepWGM,
exciton, polariton, command.
BEC msc classifications
provided in the keyword
71.35.Lk, 71.36.+c environment with the commands \MSC.
\MSC accepts an optional argument to accommodate future revisions. eg.,
\MSC[2008]. The default is 2000.
1. Introduction
5.1. New page
Sometimes quadrupole
you may need excitons
to give(QE) in cuprous oxide
a page-break and crystals
start a arenewgood can-
after title,for
didates author
BEC or abstract.
due to their Following commands
narrow line-width and can
long be used for
life-time thisare
some factors impeding BEC Kavoulakis and Baym (1996); Roslyak and Birman
(2007). One of these factors is that due to the small but non negligible coupling
the photon bath, one must consider BEC of the corresponding mixed light-
matter states called polaritons Frohlich et al. (2005). The photon-like part of
the polariton has a large group velocity and tends to escape from the crystal.
\newpageafter{title} typeset the title alone on one page.
\newpageafter{author} typeset the title and author details on one page.
1 This is the first author footnote.
2 Another author footnote, this is a very long footnote and it should be a really long
footnote. But this footnote is nottypeset
\newpageafter{abstract} the title,
yet sufficiently authortodetails
long enough and
make two linesabstract
of footnote
& keywords
one one page.
Yet another author footnote.
Version: 2.1

c 2018, Elsevier Ltd. Bugs, feature requests, suggestions
Date: June 9, 2018
and comments shall be mailed to <[email protected]>. Contact: [email protected]
elsarticle.cls – A better I Introduction I Major Differences
I Installation I Usage
way to format your I Frontmatter I Floats
document I Theorem and ... I Enumerated ...
I Cross-references I Mathematical ...
Elsevier Ltd I Bibliography I Final print

6. Floats
Figures may be included using the command, \includegraphics in com-
bination with or without its several options to further control graphic.
\includegraphics is provided by graphic[s,x].sty which is part of any
standard LATEX distribution. graphicx.sty is loaded by default. LATEX ac-
cepts figures in the postscript format while pdfLATEX accepts *.pdf, *.mps
(metapost), *.jpg and *.png formats. pdfLATEX does not accept graphic
files in the postscript format.
The table environment is handy for marking up tabular material.
If users want to use multirow.sty, array.sty, etc., to fine control/enhance
the tables, they are welcome to load any package of their choice and
elsarticle.cls will work in combination with all loaded packages.

7. Theorem and theorem like environments

elsarticle.cls provides a few shortcuts to format theorems and theorem-
like environments with ease. In all commands the options that are used
with the \newtheorem command will work exactly in the same manner.
elsarticle.cls provides three commands to format theorem or theorem-
like environments:

\newproof{pot}{Proof of Theorem \ref{thm2}}

The \newtheorem command formats a theorem in LATEX’s default style

with italicized font, bold font for theorem heading and theorem number
at the right hand side of the theorem heading. It also optionally accepts
an argument which will be printed as an extra heading in parentheses.

For system (8), consensus can be achieved with
$\|T_{\omega z}$

Clip 5 will show you how some text enclosed between the above code

Version: 2.1

c 2018, Elsevier Ltd. Bugs, feature requests, suggestions
Date: June 9, 2018
and comments shall be mailed to <[email protected]>. Contact: [email protected]
elsarticle.cls – A better I Introduction I Major Differences
I Installation I Usage
way to format your I Frontmatter I Floats
document I Theorem and ... I Enumerated ...
I Cross-references I Mathematical ...
Elsevier Ltd I Bibliography I Final print

looks like:
Clip 5: \newtheorem.

Theorem 2. For system (8), consensus can be achieved with kTωz (s)k∞ < γ if there exist a symmetric
positive definite matrix P ∈ R(n−1)×(n−1) and a scalar µ > 0 satisfying
 T T 
−L̄ P − PL̄ + U1 U1 + µĒ PU1T E1 PU1T 
 ET1 U1 P 0  < 0,
Γ =  −µI (10)
 
U1 P 0 −γ2 I

where L̄ = U1T LU1 and Ē = U1T ET2 E2 U1 .

The \newdefinition command is the same in all respects as its

\newtheorem counterpart except that the font shape is roman instead of
italic. Both \newdefinition and \newtheorem commands automatically
define counters for the environments defined.
Clip 6: \newdefinition.
Remark 3. We remark that; when the ratio h/λ tends to 0, the expression λL(r, s) = −(s−r)/(4 λh +
(r − s)2 ) tends to 1/(r − s) which is a singular function. This means that the expression λL(r, s) is not
well behaved for the small values of h/λ. Consequently, for the solution to converge, the integrals
of (10) and (11) must be evaluated with a large number of nodes. In our numerical applications
(cf. section 5), we use 100 nodes to evaluate these integrals. With the smallest value of h/λ = 0.02,
the convergence is good with N = 20.

The \newproof command defines proof environments with upright

font shape. No counters are defined.

Clip 7: \newproof.

Proof of Theorem 2. Proof follows straightforward from Lemma 3 and Theorem 1. However, it
should be emphasized that all possible L̄σ(t) should share a common Lyapunov function V(δ) =
δT (t)Pδ(t) (see the proof of Lemma 3 in Appendix A). 

Users can also make use of amsthm.sty which will override all the
default definitions described above.

8. Enumerated and Itemized Lists

elsarticle.cls provides an extended list processing macros which makes
the usage a bit more user friendly than the default LATEX list macros.
With an optional argument to the \begin{enumerate} command, you
can change the list counter type and its attributes.

Version: 2.1

c 2018, Elsevier Ltd. Bugs, feature requests, suggestions
Date: June 9, 2018
and comments shall be mailed to <[email protected]>. Contact: [email protected]
elsarticle.cls – A better I Introduction I Major Differences
I Installation I Usage
way to format your I Frontmatter I Floats
document I Theorem and ... I Enumerated ...
I Cross-references I Mathematical ...
Elsevier Ltd I Bibliography I Final print

\item The enumerate environment starts with an optional
argument ‘1.’, so that the item counter will be suffixed
by a period.
\item You can use ‘a)’ for alphabetical counter and ’(i)’ for
roman counter.
\item Another level of list with alphabetical counter.
\item One more item before we start another.

Clip 8: List – Enumerate.

1. The enumerate environment starts with an optional argument ‘1.’ so that the item
counter will be suffixed by a period.
2. You can use ‘(a)’ for alphabetical counter and ’(i)’ for roman counter.
a) Another level of list with alphabetical counter.
b) One more item before we start another.
(i) This item has roman numeral counter.
(ii) Another one before we close the third level.
c) Third item in second level.
3. All list items conclude with this step.

Further, the enhanced list environment allows one to prefix a string

like ‘step’ to all the item numbers.

\begin{enumerate}[Step 1.]
\item This is the first step of the example list.
\item Obviously this is the second step.
\item The final step to wind up this example.

Clip 9: List – enhanced.

Step 1. This is the first step of the example list.

Step 2. Obviously this is the second step.
Step 3. The final step to wind up this example.

Version: 2.1

c 2018, Elsevier Ltd. Bugs, feature requests, suggestions
Date: June 9, 2018
and comments shall be mailed to <[email protected]>. Contact: [email protected]
elsarticle.cls – A better I Introduction I Major Differences
I Installation I Usage
way to format your I Frontmatter I Floats
document I Theorem and ... I Enumerated ...
I Cross-references I Mathematical ...
Elsevier Ltd I Bibliography I Final print

9. Cross-references
In electronic publications, articles may be internally hyperlinked. Hy-
perlinks are generated from proper cross-references in the article. For
example, the words Fig. 1 will never be more than simple text, whereas
the proper cross-reference \ref{tiger} may be turned into a hyperlink
to the figure itself: Fig. 1. In the same way, the words Ref. [1] will fail
to turn into a hyperlink; the proper cross-reference is \cite{Knuth96}.
Cross-referencing is possible in LATEX for sections, subsections, formulae,
figures, tables, and literature references.

10. Mathematical symbols and formulae

Many physical/mathematical sciences authors require more mathemati-
cal symbols than the few that are provided in standard LATEX. A useful
package for additional symbols is the amssymb package, developed by
the American Mathematical Society. This package includes such oft-used
symbols as . (\lesssim), & (\gtrsim) or ~ (\hbar). Note that your TEX
system should have the msam and msbm fonts installed. If you need
only a few symbols, such as  (\Box), you might try the package latexsym.
Another point which would require authors’ attention is the breaking
up of long equations. When you use elsarticle.cls for formatting your
submissions in the preprint mode, the document is formatted in single
column style with a text width of 384pt or 5.3in. When this document is
formatted for final print and if the journal happens to be a double column
journal, the text width will be reduced to 224pt at for 3+ double column
and 5+ journals respectively. All the nifty fine-tuning in equation break-
ing done by the author goes to waste in such cases. Therefore, authors
are requested to check this problem by typesetting their submissions in
final format as well just to see if their equations are broken at appropriate
places, by changing appropriate options in the document class loading
command, which is explained in section 4, Usage. This allows authors to
fix any equation breaking problem before submission for publication. el-
sarticle.cls supports formatting the author submission in different types
of final format. This is further discussed in section 12, Final print.

Displayed equations and double column journals

Many Elsevier journals print their text in two columns. Since the preprint
layout uses a larger line width than such columns, the formulae are too
wide for the line width in print. Here is an example of an equation (see
equation 6) which is perfect in a single column preprint format:

Version: 2.1

c 2018, Elsevier Ltd. Bugs, feature requests, suggestions
Date: June 9, 2018
and comments shall be mailed to <[email protected]>. Contact: [email protected]
elsarticle.cls – A better I Introduction I Major Differences
I Installation I Usage
way to format your I Frontmatter I Floats
document I Theorem and ... I Enumerated ...
I Cross-references I Mathematical ...
Elsevier Ltd I Bibliography I Final print

Clip 10: See equation (6).

Here e, m are the electron charge and mass; p is the electron momentum. For the quadrupole 1S
transition in cuprous oxide the energy of interaction can be written as:
X∞ Z Z Z
Fn (x) n n Gn (x, y) Gn (x, y)
An dx =BC dx dy + (5)
An + B n A n x + Bn y An x + Bn y

Here we introduced the initial state of the system, which transforms as irreducible representation
1 +
Γ1 of the cubic centered group Oh . The final state is the ortho-exciton state which transforms as
3 +
Γ5,xz in Cartesian system or as 3 Γ+5;1,2 in the corresponding spherical basis.
Hence, using (1, 3, 4, 5), one can deduce that the the coupling of the spherical harmonic
compared to the plane wave (~g1,2 = 124 µeV) is resonantly enhanced:
= −i0.06b1,39 (kr0 ) A1,2 (r
1,39 0 + δr) (6)
Here we utilized the fact that B1,2 1,2
1,39  A1,39 . While the resonant enhancement is provided by the
b1,39 Mie coefficient here, the translational coefficient reduces the effect. That is why if one tries
to couple the evanescent light to the dipole transition the effect is much weaker as A0,1 1,2
1,39  A1,39 .
The resulting exciton - evanescent light coupling is shown in Fig.1 Both dipole and quadrupole

When this document

oxide centered system of coordinateis (See
typeset for publication in a model 3+ journal
Fig.2) While
in the system of the coordinate, centered at the cuprous
oxide,double columns,
the plane wave the
is still given by equation
the expression will overlap the second column text
matter if the equation
(1), the scattered field has to be is not according
changed brokento at the appropriate location.
the vector spherical harmonic addition theorem [11]:
M1,39 = Aml ml
1,39 (r0 + δr) Mml + B1,39 (r0 + δr) Nml (4)
Clip 11: See equation (6) overprints into second column.
Here Aml and Bml are the translational coefficients.
1,39 1,39
Their explicit expression can be found, for instance, in Figure 1: The evanescent light - 1S quadrupole coupling (g1,l ) scaled
[12, 9] and are explicitly listed in the Appendix. to the bulk exciton-photon coupling (g1,2 ). The size parameter kr0
The bulk (incident) and evanescent polaritons in is denoted as x and the PMS is placed directly on the cuprous oxide
cuprous oxide are formed through the quadrupole part sample (δr = 0, See also Fig.2).
of the light-matter interaction:
ie 3. Results and discussion
Hint = Ei,s · p
In this section let us utilize the above calculated
Here e, m are the electron charge and mass; p is the elec- WGM-QE
Figure 1: The evanescent light - 1S quadrupole coupling (g1,l ) scaled to theinteraction to obtain coupling
bulk exciton-photon the evanescent polari-
(g1,2 ). The
tron momentum. For the quadrupole 1S transition in
size parameter kr0 is denoted as x and the PMS is placed directly ton (EP)
on the dispersion
cuprous oxideinsample
the framework of the
(δr = 0, See alsocoupled
Fig.2). os-
cuprous oxide the energy of interaction can be written cillator model that has been widely used for describing
as: coupled atom-photon or exciton-photon modes in mi-
X∞ Z rate in the actual Z combined
Z semiconductor-microsphere system is smaller then that in
Fn (x) Gn (x, y) Gn (x,crocavity
y) systems [13]. Near the resonance between
caseAn of conventional
dx =Bpolariton.
n n
C dx Thisdy is attributed
+ to WGM
the fact that the coupling occurs in a small
A + Bn An x + Bn y An x + Bn y and the quadrupole exciton ω1l ≈ ω1S the EP
i=0 of the nevanescent tail penetrating into cuprous oxide,arealthough
branches given by the eigenvalues
the coupling grows with
of the following
Here we number
introducedl, because the gradient
the initial state of the
of the system, evanescent
which field increases. Note that QE realizes
transformscoupling regime
as irreducible g1,39 > γ while
representation Γ1 of DE
1 + demonstrates
the cubic H/~ weak
= ω1l a†xregime
a x + ω1Sonly
b†x b x +[7]. The
g1l (x) akproperty
b x + a x b†x of
, (7)
the scalable
centered group coupling
Oh . The factor canisbe
final state theutilized in practical applications such as non-linear optics and
as 3 Γ+5,xzwork. here a x , b x are annihilation operators for light and the
subject transforms
of our future in Cartesian system or
exciton, respectively. We also neglected kinetic energy
as 3 Γ+5;1,2 in the corresponding spherical basis.
Hence, using (1, 3, 4, 5), one can deduce that the of the QE due to smallness of the resonant wave vec-
3. Results and discussion tor and big mass of the QE. Therefore, considering that
The typesetter will try to break the equation
the coupling of the spherical harmonic compared to the
both thewhich
exciton andneedWGM not of anecessarily
single sphere are local-be
plane wave (~g1,2 = 124 µeV) is resonantly enhanced:
to the liking
In this of the author or as it happens, ized,typesetter’s
the dispersion is
g1,39section let us utilize1,2the above calculated WGM-QE interaction to obtain the evanes- break
reduced to:point may be
= −i0.06b 1,39 (kr0 ) A1,39 (r0 + δr) (6) of the coupled oscillator model that has been
cent polariton
g1,2 incorrect. Therefore, authors may check
(EP) dispersion in the framework ω = ωtheir1S ± g1l /~submissions (8)
4 The above expression shows the formation of the dou-
the we incidence of such
utilized the fact that 1,39  long
B1,2 A1,2 equations
1,39 . While the and break the equations at the
resonant enhancement is provided by the b1,39 Mie co- blet at resonance (both states are exactly half-QE, half-
correct places so that the final typeset
efficient here, the translational coefficient reduces the copy
WGM).will Recallbe
for they
DE-WGM wish.
weak coupling only
effect. That is why if one tries to couple the evanescent WGM pattern shifted by the coupling has been observed
light to the dipole transition the effect is much weaker as [7].
A0,1 1,2
1,39  A1,39 . The resulting exciton - evanescent light The excitons are trapped in the minimum of the lower
coupling is shown in Fig.1 Both dipole and quadrupole branch thus populating the strongly localized states.
coupling rate in the actual combined semiconductor- Physically this means that the resonant coupling with
Version: 2.1
c 2018, Elsevier Ltd. Bugs, feature system suggestions
requests, is smaller then that in case of con- localized WGM does not let QE escape by means of its
ventional polariton. This is attributed to the fact12
that the kinetic energy. Date: June 9, 2018
and comments shall be mailed to <[email protected]>. Contact:
coupling occurs in a small region of the evanescent tail The dispersion above is similar to [email protected]
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This is a specimen ab title?,??

Jos Migchielsen1,∗
Elsevier B.V., Radarweg 29, 1043 NX Amsterdam, The Netherlands

CV Radhakrishnan2
Sayahna Foundations, JWRA 34, Jagathy, Trivandrum 695014, India

CV Rajagopal1,3
STM Document Engineering Pvt Ltd., Mepukada, Malayinkil, Trivandrum 695571, India

In this work we demonstrate ab the formation Y 1 of a new type of polariton on the interface
between a cuprous oxide slab and a polystyrene micro-sphere placed on the slab. The evanescent
field of the resonant whispering gallery mode (WGM) of the micro sphere has a substantial
gradient, and therefore effectively couples with the quadrupole 1S excitons in cuprous oxide.
This evanescent polariton has a long life-time, which is determined only by its excitonic and
WGM component. The polariton lower branch has a well pronounced minimum. This suggests
that this excitation is localized and can be utilized for possible BEC. The spatial coherence of the
polariton can be improved by assembling the micro-spheres into a linear chain.
Keywords: quadrupole exciton, polariton, WGM, BEC
JEL: 71.35.-y, 71.35.Lk, 71.36.+c

1. Introduction
Although quadrupole excitons (QE) in cuprous oxide crystals are good candidates for BEC
due to their narrow line-width and long life-time there are some factors impeding BEC [1, 2]. One
of these factors is that due to the small but non negligible coupling to the photon bath, one must
consider BEC of the corresponding mixed light-matter states called polaritons [3]. The photon-
like part of the polariton has a large group velocity and tends to escape from the crystal. Thus,

? This document is the results of the research project funded by the National Science Foundation.
?? The second title footnote which is a longer text matter to fill through the whole text width and overflow into another
line in the footnotes area of the first page.
∗ Corresponding author

Email addresses: [email protected] (Jos Migchielsen), [email protected] (CV Radhakrishnan)

URL: www.stmdocs.in (CV Rajagopal)
1 This is the first author footnote.
2 Another author footnote, this is a very long footnote and it should be a really long footnote. But this footnote is not

yet sufficiently long enough to make two lines of footnote text.

3 Yet another author footnote.

Preprint submitted to Elsevier June 8, 2018

Version: 2.1

c 2018, Elsevier Ltd. Bugs, feature requests, suggestions
Date: June 9, 2018
and comments shall be mailed to <[email protected]>. Contact: [email protected]
elsarticle.cls – A better I Introduction I Major Differences
I Installation I Usage
way to format your I Frontmatter I Floats
document I Theorem and ... I Enumerated ...
I Cross-references I Mathematical ...
Elsevier Ltd I Bibliography I Final print

This is a specimen ab title?,??

Jos Migchielsen1,∗
Elsevier B.V., Radarweg 29, 1043 NX Amsterdam, The Netherlands

CV Radhakrishnan2
Sayahna Foundations, JWRA 34, Jagathy, Trivandrum 695014, India

CV Rajagopal1,3
STM Document Engineering Pvt Ltd., Mepukada, Malayinkil, Trivandrum 695571, India

In this work we demonstrate ab the formation Y 1 of a new type of polariton on the interface between a cuprous oxide slab and
a polystyrene micro-sphere placed on the slab. The evanescent field of the resonant whispering gallery mode (WGM) of the
micro sphere has a substantial gradient, and therefore effectively couples with the quadrupole 1S excitons in cuprous oxide. This
evanescent polariton has a long life-time, which is determined only by its excitonic and WGM component. The polariton lower
branch has a well pronounced minimum. This suggests that this excitation is localized and can be utilized for possible BEC. The
spatial coherence of the polariton can be improved by assembling the micro-spheres into a linear chain.
Keywords: quadrupole exciton, polariton, WGM, BEC
JEL: 71.35.-y, 71.35.Lk, 71.36.+c

1. Introduction Theorem 1. In this work we demonstrate the formation of a

new type of polariton on the interface between a cuprous ox-
Although quadrupole excitons (QE) in cuprous oxide crys- ide slab and a polystyrene micro-sphere placed on the slab.
tals are good candidates for BEC due to their narrow line-width The evanescent field of the resonant whispering gallery mode
and long life-time there are some factors impeding BEC [1, 2]. (WGM) of the micro sphere has a substantial gradient, and
One of these factors is that due to the small but non negligible therefore effectively couples with the quadrupole 1S excitons in
coupling to the photon bath, one must consider BEC of the cor- cuprous oxide. This evanescent polariton has a long life-time,
responding mixed light-matter states called polaritons [3]. The which is determined only by its excitonic and WGM component.
photon-like part of the polariton has a large group velocity and The polariton lower branch has a well pronounced minimum.
tends to escape from the crystal. Thus, the temporal coherence This suggests that this excitation is localized and can be uti-
of the condensate is effectively broken [4, 5]. One proposed lized for possible BEC. The spatial coherence of the polariton
solution to this issue is to place the crystal into a planar micro- can be improved by assembling the micro-spheres into a linear
cavity [6]. But even state-of-the-art planar micro-cavities can chain.
hold the light no longer than 10 µs. Besides, formation of the
polaritons in the planar cuprous oxide micro-cavity is not effec-
Therefore in this work we propose to prevent the polariton
tive due to quadrupole origin of the excitons.
escaping by trapping it into a whispering gallery mode (WGM)4
of a polystyrene micro-sphere (PMS).
? This document is the results of the research project funded by the National
We develop a model which demonstrates formation of a
Science Foundation.
?? The second title footnote which is a longer text matter to fill through the strongly localized polariton-like quasi-particle. This quasi-
whole text width and overflow into another line in the footnotes area of the first particle is formed by the resonant interaction between the
page. WGM in PMS and QE in the adjacent layer of cuprous oxide.
∗ Corresponding author
The QE interacts with the gradient of the WGM evanescent
Email addresses: [email protected] (Jos Migchielsen),
[email protected] (CV Radhakrishnan) field.
URL: www.stmdocs.in (CV Rajagopal)
1 This is the first author footnote.
2 Another author footnote, this is a very long footnote and it should be a 4 WGM occur at particular resonant wavelengths of light for a given dielec-

really long footnote. But this footnote is not yet sufficiently long enough to tric sphere size. At these wavelengths, the light undergoes total internal reflec-
make two lines of footnote text. tion at the sphere surface and becomes trapped within the particle for timescales
3 Yet another author footnote. of the order of ns.

Preprint submitted to Elsevier June 8, 2018

Version: 2.1

c 2018, Elsevier Ltd. Bugs, feature requests, suggestions
Date: June 9, 2018
and comments shall be mailed to <[email protected]>. Contact: [email protected]

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