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Civil Engineering MCQ'S: Ans. (D)

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Civil Engineering MCQ’s

31. Subtense bar is an instrument used for _____. Ans. (d)

(a) Levelling 35. In levelling operation _____.

(b) Measurement of horizontal distances in
plane areas (a) If second reading is more than first, it
(c) Measurement of horizontal distances in represents a rise
undulated areas (b) If first reading is more than second, it
(d) Measurement of angles represents a rise
Ans. (c) (c) If first reading is less than second, it
represents a fall
32. Volume of the earth work may be calculated (d) Both (b) and (c)
by _____. Ans. (d)

(a) Mean areas 36. Over-turning of vehicles on a curve can be

(b) End areas avoided by using _____.
(c) Trapezoidal
(d) All of the above (a) Compound curve
Ans. (d) (b) Vertical curve
(c) Reverse curve
33. Tacheometric formula for horizontal (d) Transition curve
distances using horizontal sights can also Ans. (d)
suitable be employed for inclined sights through
θ by multiplying _____. 37. Which of the following introduces an error of
about 1 in 1000 if 20 m chain is used?
(a) The constants by sin2θ
(b) The constants by cos2θ (a) Length of chain 20 mm wrong
(c) The constants by cosθ (b) One end of the chain 0.9 m off the line
(d) The multiplying constant by cos2θ and (c) One end of chain 0.9 m higher than the
additive constant by cosθ other
Ans. (d) (d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
34. Pick up the correct statement from the
following. 38. Chain surveying is well adopted for _____.

(a) The directions of plumb lines suspended (a) Small areas in open ground
at different points in a survey are not (b) Small areas with crowded details
strictly parallel (c) Large areas with simple details
(b) In surveys of small extent, the effect of (d) Large areas with difficult details
curvature may be ignored and the level Ans. (a)
surface of the earth is assumed as
horizontal 39. Two contour lines, having the same elevation
(c) In surveys of large extent, the effect of
(a) Cannot cross each other
curvature of the earth must be
(b) Can cross each other
(c) Cannot unite together
(d) All of the above
(d) Can unite together

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Civil Engineering MCQ’s

Ans. (d) by multiplying the latitude and _____.

40. The conventional sign shown in below figure (a) Secant of its reduced bearing
represents a _____. (b) Sine of its reduced bearing
(c) Cosine of its reduced bearing
(d) Tangent of its reduced bearing
Ans. (a)

44. While working on a plane table, the correct

rule is _____.

(a) Draw continuous lines from all

(a) Bridge carrying railway below road instrument stations
(b) Bridge carrying road below railway (b) Draw short rays sufficient to contain the
(c) Bridge carrying road and railway at the points sought
same level (c) Intersection should be obtained by
(d) A level crossing actually drawing second rays
Ans. (a) (d) Take maximum number of sights as
possible from each station to distant
41. Which of the following statements is objects
incorrect? Ans. (b)

(a) Error due to refraction may not be 45. The vertical angle between longitudinal axis
completely eliminated by reciprocal of a freely suspended magnetic needle and a
levelling horizontal line at its pivot, is known _____.
(b) Tilting levels are commonly used for
precision work (a) Declination
(c) The last reading of levelling is always a (b) Azimuth
foresight (c) Dip
(d) All of the above statements are incorrect (d) Bearing
Ans. (d) Ans. (c)

42. In levelling operation _____. 46. In the cross-section method of indirect

contouring, the spacing of cross-sections
(a) The first sight on any change point is a depends upon
back sight
(b) The second sight on any change point is a 1. Contour interval
fore sight 2. Scale of plan
(c) The line commences with a fore sight and 3. Characteristics of ground
closes with a back sight
(d) The line commences with a back sight The correct answer is _____.
and closes with a foresight
(a) Only 1
Ans. (d)
(b) 1 and 2
43. The length of a traverse leg may be obtained (c) 2 and 3
(d) 1, 2 and 3

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Civil Engineering MCQ’s

Ans. (d) eye-piece above peg 'B' is 1.490 m and a reading

on 'A' is 2.195 m. The difference in level
47. Transition curves are introduced at either between 'A' and 'B' is _____.
end of a circular curve, to obtain _____.
(a) 2.900 m
(a) Gradually decrease of curvature from (b) 3.030 m
zero at the tangent point to the specified (c) 0.770 m
quantity at the junction of the transition (d) 0.785 m
curve with main curve Ans. (c)
(b) Gradual increase of super-elevation from
zero at the tangent point to the specified 51. Three point problems can be solved by _____.
amount at the junction of the transition
curve with main curve (a) Tracing paper method
(c) Gradual change of gradient from zero at (b) Bessel's method
the tangent point to the specified amount (c) Lehman's method
at the junction of the transition curve (d) All of the above
with main curve Ans. (d)
(d) None of the above
52. In a lemniscate curve the ratio of the angle
Ans. (b)
between the tangent at the end of the polar ray
48. If α and β be the elevations of two and the straight, and the angle between the polar
objects A and B respectively, θ be the angle ray and the straight, is _____.
observed by a sextant. The correct horizontal
(a) 2
angle is _____.
(b) 3
(a) cos ϕ = (cos θ – sin α sin β)/ cos α. cos β (c) 4/3
(b) cos ϕ = (sin θ – sin α sin β)/ cos α. cos β (d) 3/2
(c) cos ϕ = (cos θ – sin α sin β)/ sin α. sin β Ans. (d)
(d) None of the above
53. The bellow figure is a conventional sign of
Ans. (a)

49. Tilt of the staff in stadia tacheometry

increases the intercept if it is _____.

(a) Away from the telescope pointing down

hill (a) Mosque
(b) Towards the telescope pointing up-hill (b) Temple
(c) Away from the telescope pointing up-hill (c) Church
(d) None of the above (d) Idgah
Ans. (c) Ans. (d)

50. A dumpy level is set up with its eye-piece 54. A level when set up 25 m from peg A and 50
vertically over a peg 'A'. The height from the top m from peg B reads 2.847 on a staff held on
of peg 'A' to the centre of the eye-piece A and 3.462 on a staff held on B, keeping bubble
is 1.540 m and the reading on peg 'B' is 0.705 m. at its centre while reading. If the reduced levels
The level is then setup over 'B'. The height of the of A and B are 283.665 m and 284.295 m
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Civil Engineering MCQ’s

respectively, the collimation error per 100 m is meridian and true meridian at a place is
called magnetic declination or variance of
(a) 0.015 m the compass
(b) 0.030 m (b) The imaginary lines which pass through
(c) 0.045 m points at which the magnetic declinations
(d) 0.060 m are equal at a given time are called
Ans. (d) isogonic lines
(c) The isogonic lines through places at
55. Hydrographic surveys deal with the mapping
which the declination is zero are
of _____.
termedagonic lines
(a) Large water bodies (d) All of the above
(b) Heavenly bodies Ans. (d)
(c) Mountainous region
59. Straight, parallel and widely spaced contours
(d) Canal system
represent _____.
Ans. (a)
(a) A steep surface
56. Bowditch rule is applied to _____.
(b) A flat surface
(a) An open traverse for graphical (c) An inclined plane surface
adjustment (d) Curved surface
(b) A closed traverse for adjustment of Ans. (c)
closing error
60. The real image of an object formed by the
(c) Determine the effect of local attraction
objective must lie _____.
(d) None of the above
Ans. (b) (a) In the plane of cross hairs
(b) At the centre of the telescope
57. Angles to a given pivot station observed
(c) At the optical centre of the eye-piece
from a number of traverse stations when
(d) Anywhere inside the telescope
plotted, the lines to the pivot station intersect at
Ans. (a)
a common point _____.

(a) Angular measurements are correct and

not the linear measurements
(b) Linear measurements are correct and not
the angular measurements
(c) Angular and linear measurements are
correct and not the plotting of traverse
(d) Angular and linear measurements and
also plotting of the traverse are correct
Ans. (d)

58. Pick up the correct statement from the


(a) The horizontal angle between magnetic

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