Introduction To Business Analysis
Introduction To Business Analysis
Introduction To Business Analysis
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ISBN 978-1-71675-600-9
Irving, TX 75063
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I would like to dedicate this book to my son James L. Balthazar Jr., who always stand by me and
have faith in everything I do. I would also like to dedicate it to those who inspired me and
motivated me when the writing got tough, and to those who read it to make sure it made sense:
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Business Analyst Role in a Waterfall environment......................................................47
Agile SDLC Methodology ..............................................................................................48
Key BA Role on Agile Projects ..................................................................................50
Waterfall Business Analyst Vs Agile Business Analyst ..................................................51
Chapter 5: Business Analyst Role in Testing .....................................................................52
What is User Acceptance Testing (UAT)? ......................................................................52
About the Author ...............................................................................................................55
Appendix ...........................................................................................................................56
Business Analyst Tools ..................................................................................................56
Business Analyst Resources ...........................................................................................57
Frequently Used Terms ..................................................................................................58
References .........................................................................................................................63
Who is this book for?
Before most technology or business process changes can be implemented, business analysis is
essential. Business analysis helps an organization to improve how it conducts its functions and
requirements in the context of helping organizations to achieve strategic goals. This quick start
guide was developed as an introduction to business analysis. Written by a business analyst with
over 20 years of industry experience, this guide will help you gain a comprehensive
understanding of business analysis fundamentals and the value of a business analyst within an
organization. You will learn how to define the business needs and apply the most effective
tools and techniques to elicit, analyze and communicate requirements to business stakeholders
and project teams. In this guide I use a variety of graphical examples, templates and artifacts
based on real world work experience to provide step-by-step guide to conducting business
▪ Define business analysis practice and the role of the business analyst within an information
technology environment
This quick start guide is the perfect reference to help you jump start your career as a business
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What is Business Analysis
association that sets the standards for conducting business analysis, defines business analysis as a
research process of identifying business needs, gathering business requirements, and determining
solutions to business problems. Solutions often include some type of a systems software
component. But can also include: Business process improvement, organizational changes, strategic
planning, and policy development. Generally speaking, business analysis refers to the practice of
identifying business needs and developing solutions to meet them. Business analysis techniques are
used to create an appropriate plan and put that plan into action. Conducting effective business
1. The first step in the process is to identify a problem, an issue, or some other business need.
2. The next step is to identify and document the current business processes and capabilities. The
process of analyzing existing processes and defining new or improved ones takes place in
3. Identify and communicate with Stakeholders - All Stakeholders have different needs, goals, and
knowledge of the business. So, it is the Business Analyst job to bring all this knowledge together,
analyze the information gathered, and provide a clear understanding and vision for everyone to
work with.
provided by a stakeholder about what they believe they need in order to solve a
The International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA), describes the Business Analyst as a liaison
among stakeholders to elicit, analyze, communicate, and validate requirements for changes to
business processes, policies, and information systems. The business analyst understands business
problems and opportunities in the context of the requirements and recommends solutions that
enable the organization to achieve its goals. Business analysts can serve in many functions in almost
any industry. Other job titles where an employee perform business analysis include systems analyst,
data analyst, requirements manager, researcher, product owner or product manager. As a BA you
▪ Demonstrate excellent understanding of the way the organization works and the sector it
operates in. You will be helping the organization to develop its functions, services, and products
▪ Play lay a key role in communicating between internal departments and external parties and
project teams acting as a 'translator' where necessary to convey how technology can support the
organization’s needs.
Through the effective use of business analysis, you can ensure an organization realizes these
benefits, ultimately improving the way they do business. In simpler terms, the business analyst’s
identifying business needs, determining the requirements to meet those needs, and communicating
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Business Analyst Skillset
Communications Skills
Business analysts must be good communicators. This means they can facilitate working
meetings, ask good questions, listen to the answers, and absorb what is being said. In today’s world,
communication does not always happen face-to-face. The ability to be a strong communicator in a
Software background
Although a Business Analyst is not required to have a technical background it is vital to possess the
ability to use basic office tools such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Also, it is a plus to have
experience using common visual modeling tool such as Smart Draw and Microsoft Visio.
Analysis skills
Business analysts spend a large chunk of time analyzing problems and determining solutions.
Knowing how to interpret business, software and information workflows will help you advance in
your career.
documents, reports, specifications, plans and analysis). You will need to ensure that your documents
are written in a clear and concise manner, and at a level that is appropriate for your stakeholders.
Problem Solving
A BA must first understand the problem from all the perspectives (i.e. business, technical and end-
user), analyze the available options and constraints and then, recommend possible solutions.
Business Analyst Vs. Systems Analyst
There is a range of analysis activities that are performed in a project. Therefore, it is important to
place Business Analysis in its context by contrasting it from System Analysis. Business Analysis
identifies what it takes the business to evolve from its current state to its aspired one. System
Analysis on the other hand directly addresses the requirements of the system being developed. The
table below compares the Business Analyst (BA) to the Systems Analyst (SA).
Business Systems Analyst (BSA) - Business Systems Analyst is a hybrid of Business and Systems
Analyst. Adding the word “system” to the title of business analyst moves the role into a more
technical realm. Even though the word “system” doesn’t mean technology, most businesses have
used the phrase “information systems” to mean software applications. So, a business systems analyst
knows more about application systems and how they support the business needs. A BSA will be able
to recommend changes to existing applications, identify impacted interfaces, and work with the
technical team to implement and test the changes. BSAs almost always report to the Information
Technology (IT) department, whereas BA’s in some organizations may report to a business unit.
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Chapter 1: Getting Started
Managing Stakeholders
In the very beginning of a project, a business analyst begins to work with the company’s key
stakeholders to communicate the project’s vision and elicit requirements. A Stakeholder is either an
individual, group or organization who is impacted by the outcome of a project. They have an
interest in the success of the project and can be within or outside the organization that is sponsoring
the project. The stakeholders on a project are the ones who make decisions and sign off on
requirements and priorities. Therefore, you need to work very closely with every identified
Stakeholder management is the process of managing the expectations and the requirements of
these stakeholders. It involves identifying and analyzing stakeholders and systematically planning to
communicate and engaging with them. Below is a list of tips for managing Stakeholders:
participants, and how the project will affect their problems and needs. Stakeholders who you
should take into consideration are those who will be affected by the project. Additional
2. Next step is to assess influence - Measure the degree to which stakeholders can influence the
project. The more influential a stakeholder is, the more you will need their support.
3. Conduct needs assessment - Knowing what each stakeholder needs or wants from the project
5. Define “success” - Every stakeholder may have a different idea of what project success looks like.
Discovering this at the end of the project is a formula for failure. Gather definitions up front and
include them in the objectives to help ensure that all stakeholders will be supportive of the final
6. Keep stakeholders involved - Do not just report to stakeholders. Ask for their input. Get to
know them better by scheduling time for coffee, lunch, or quick meetings. Measure each
7. Keep stakeholders informed - Send regular status updates. Daily may be too much; monthly is
not enough. Depending on your audience, one update per week is usually about right. Hold
project meetings as required, but do not let too much time pass between meetings.
Now that you have an idea about how and how often you should communicate and engage with
your stakeholders, it is time to create a plan to deliver the right message to the right stakeholder in a
Example template
Name / Role How much impact How could they How much interest Communication
do they have in the contribute to the do they have in the method
project? (H/M/L) project? project? (H/M/L)
Jane Smith, High Budget & High Emails
Sponsor resources
Bill Long, High Project Initiatives Medium Weekly status
Product meeting
Intranet Users Low Users of the Medium Emails
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Doing your homework
Now that you have identified the Stakeholders you can start the process of capturing background
information on their existing processes. The first step you want to take is to conduct a current state
“As Is” analysis. An “As Is” business process analysis defines the current state of the business
process in an organization. The main purpose of the “As Is” analysis is to present the current state
(i.e. the existing business context, background information, business functions and existing business
processes, and also stakeholders involved in these business processes). An “As Is” Analysis also
captures the key pain points within the identified business processes and highlights the areas where a
change is expected. This process is called performing a Gap Analysis. Below are a few
recommended steps you can take when conducting an “As-Is” process analysis:
1. Research - For a full current state analysis of a business, you will need to get an overview of the
company’s main products and activities. Start by compiling a list of all products and services to
2. Identify all processes that the company uses to generate those products and services at each level
and order them chronologically. Be sure to note when each process starts and ends and identify
which teams or individuals are involved in (or responsible for) those processes.
3. Documentation - Once process information is collected; you will need to document it clearly.
You can use process maps, activity diagrams or textual documents to map out the process. See
The main advantage of as-is process analysis is creating a foundation in an organization’s processes.
As-is analysis allows a business to evaluate the current state of its processes and identify
As mentioned above a gap analysis is an examination and assessment of your current performance
for the purpose of identifying the differences between your current state of business and where you
would like to be. Conducting a gap analysis can help you improve the business efficiency, the
product, and the profitability by allowing you to pinpoint “gaps” present in the company. Once it is
complete, you will be able to better focus your resources and energy on those identified areas in
Step 1: Understand the current state – e.g. review business processes and discuss problems in the
current environment.
Step 2: Define the desired future state – The future state represents the ideal condition in which you
Step 3: Identify and document the gap – A gap is a deficiency existing between what a business
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Defining the “Future State”
Once you have completed your current state and identified gaps in the process you can now start
your “Future State”. A “Future State” business process defines the future state of a business
process in an organization. Typically, the analysis goal in putting together the future state process is
to clarify how the business process will work, at some point in the future once changes are made.
Those changes could be technology changes or business process changes. Below are a few steps you
1. Study your current state map to identify areas of concern that need to be improved; asks these
3. Identify obstacles or challenges in the transition from the current state to the future state
4. Document processes - Keeping records of both current and future state documents will help
everyone in the organization maintain process consistency and track progress and outcomes
more effectively. The goal is to meet several times to document the process together. These
meetings may be best scheduled after you conclude other research (e.g., interviews and
observation) because you can outline everything you have learned and then collaborate with
participants to identify any gaps and confirm your findings. Keeping records of both current
and future state documents will help everyone in the organization maintain process consistency
Certain business problems require a more thorough approach to understand how a task/process
works or when it is triggered due to a complex workflow. This analysis can be challenging but this
can be mitigated with the aid of a Business Process Map. Business Process Mapping (BPM) is an
incredibly powerful tool to help an organization better understand what it does and how certain
tasks/processes are done. This is accomplished with the creation of a diagram using software like
Microsoft Visio that uses symbols to show the step by step sequence of important process steps, as
well as decision points and outputs from the process. There are multiple different types of Business
Process Maps. Each provide their own unique value. Below are a few examples:
▪ Swimlane Diagrams - Also known as cross-functional maps, these detail the sub-process
responsibilities in a process
▪ Data Flow Diagram – Provides a visual representation of the flow of data in a process or system
Business Process Mapping can be used to document “Current State” workflows which can then be
analyzed for inefficiencies such as manual processes or redundant steps. These processes can be
updated using system automation to help reduced manual errors and provide a view of what the
“Future State” workflow will look like. Business Process Mapping can help to provide a visual
communication medium to ensure there are not gaps as well as ensure all aspects of a workflow are
accounted for. On the next page I will walk you through creating a swim-lane diagram.
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Using Swim-land Activity diagram to document “As Is” and “Future State”
Start with a basic swim lane diagram showing your current process, then create a layer containing the
steps that might be added to your process in the future. Swim lanes divide your flowcharts into
meaningful sections. You can use swim lanes to sort responsibilities by person or to separate a
process into phases. To use swimlanes, you must arrange your activity diagrams into vertical
zones separated by lines. Each zone represents the responsibilities of a particular class.
The gray boxes represent the “As Is” process and the green boxes represent the “Future State”.
Each lane is represented by classes (i.e. Warehouse, Card Processing, Sales and Customers)
A process flow diagrams gives you a visual look at the processes flow and pain points. I use this
diagram when I start facilitating meetings with project team members. It allows me to give the team
a visual overview of the existing and future processes. I use this diagram to drill down into more
Chapter 2: Project Engagement
What is a Project?
When an organization wants to bring a new product to the market, create a new service for a client,
temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service. It has organized activities
with a well-defined purpose and completed by a dedicated project team within a given timeframe.
Characteristics of a Project
▪ A project has a unique purpose. Every project should have a well-defined objective. For
example, many people hire firms to design and build a new house, but each house, like each
person, is unique.
▪ A project is temporary. A project has a definite beginning and a definite end. For a home
construction project, owners usually have a date in mind when they would like to move into
▪ A project is initiated to bring about a change in order to meet a need or desire. Its purpose is to
achieve a specific objective which changes the context from a current state to a more desired or
▪ A project requires resources, often from various areas. Resources include people, hardware,
software, or other assets. For example, many different types of people, skill sets, and resources
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Types of Projects
▪ IT-Focused Projects - If you want to improve business processes, it makes sense to improve the
Information Technology (IT) systems. The added challenge for a business analyst is
understanding not only the technology involved, but what problem the business faces and what
▪ Operations Focused Projects - These are people-oriented projects that include improving the
process flow, updating procedures, and/or moving the location where processes are currently
being done. Business analysts will start with a current state analysis, review options, and see the
▪ New Opportunity and Strategy Projects - These types of projects are often about changing the
way people perform their roles. They can also involve updating the current IT systems. Or they
The beginning of planning a project starts with an idea. The ideas can be in response to addressing
existing gaps or resolving problems or completely innovative. As the idea is captured, developed,
▪ Planning a large party or an event, that is a project. This is because, it was a specific party for a
specific reason, and It was held on a specific date and time. That means the party was unique,
temporary, and it had a defined beginning and end, and the party created a specific service.
▪ Consider a payroll system: If the payroll system of your company is replaced with a new payroll
Project team members are mainly the people who work on various phases of the project. They carry
out the day to day technical work of the project and is responsible for the following:
▪ Providing expertise
Team Composition
Project Sponsor(s) – The project sponsor is the driver and in-house champion of the project. He /
She has a vested interest in the successful outcome of the project. They are typically members of
Project Manager – A project manager is a person who has the overall responsibility for the
successful initiation, planning, design, execution, monitoring, controlling and closure of a project.
Duties include:
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▪ Providing regular updates to upper management
When a project manager and a business analyst are present on a project, the usual split of
responsibilities includes the project manager emphasizing on project schedule, cost, and resource
management, while the business analyst works on product requirements identification and
Business Analyst – The role of Business Analyst is an important part of any project team. Acting
as the key interface between the Stakeholders and team the business analyst is responsible for:
development of a product or service. Most developers utilize one or more programming languages.
Architects - An architect is someone who is responsible for making sure that a company's business
Software Testers - Software testers are involved in the quality assurance stage
of software development and deployment. They conduct automated and manual tests to ensure
the software created by developers is fit for purpose and any bugs or issues are removed within a
One of the first things you need to know when starting a new project are the benefits of the
proposed business change and how to communicate those benefits to the business. The business
case is developed prior to a project being created. The business case is needed when resource or
expenditure on a project has to be justified. It brings together the benefits, disadvantages, costs,
and risks of the current situation and future vision so that executive management can decide
if the project should move forward. The Sponsor owns the Business Case but will often delegate
its preparation. In some instances, the Business Analyst may be asked to participate in or physically
write the Business Case. Approval is usually sought from the project sponsor and other interested
1. Confirm the opportunity - This will include the background to the project, the investment
2. Analyze and develop a list of options - Gather information about each alternative, analyze
3. Evaluate Options - Evaluate how the alternatives will deliver on the business objectives
4. Implement a strategy - Create the implementation plan for the preferred option, detailing
5. Confirm the recommended option - Create the business case documents and present the
business case recommendation to the board and management team for approval to proceed.
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Example Business Case template
Purpose: In this section you want to describe the purpose of this document. For example,
the purpose of this business case document is to justify the undertaking of the project
The executive summary summarizes the business case and your recommendations. It is often best
written last when you are clear about your recommended course of action and why.
This section describes the business problem that this project was created to address. For example, a
problem statement can read as: Because of an expanding client base, ABC Consulting has moved to
a de-centralized business model over the last 2 years. As we continue to support more clients in
more locations, the administration of our workforce has become more difficult. As our workforce
expands in numbers and area, our existing legacy mainframe systems have become inadequate to
Recommendations section:
This section of the business case summarizes the approach for how the project will address the
business problem. Example recommendation: The recommended Project will migrate the data and
Justification section
This section justifies why the recommended project should be implemented and why it was selected
over other alternatives. Example of a justification: Implementation of a new platform will reduce
cost by 15%.
Many consider this one of the most important parts of a business case as it is often the costs or
When you are kicking off a new initiative, the project scope document is a critical piece of
information for your whole team. It defines the end product to be delivered to the customer, when
it must be delivered, and at what cost. Essentially, this document defines the boundaries of the
work, so that each team member and the customer all understand what the project entails. A project
scope statement once shared with every member of the team and the project's customers, is an
▪ A common understanding among all involved of the expected features, quality, and timing of the
▪ A means of communicating with other stakeholders in the project to gain their support and
▪ A tool to focus the team's efforts on the work required to meet the customer's needs
Every project has goals, and this is where you will define them. This section typically includes the
reasons the project is being supported (or funded), along with a set of business goals or intended
project outcomes for your team to keep in mind while executing the project.
This one is simple: a plain language overview of the project’s deliverables. In this section you want
to clearly outline what will be delivered for approval through the course of the project, as well as the
final deliverable. For instance, if you are creating a television ad for a client, you might say
something like: Company Name will produce and deliver one 60-second video advertisement in AVI
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Acceptance criteria section
Your scope should help you come to an agreement on what will be delivered and leave no question
when the project is complete. Acceptance criteria can be measured, achieved, and used to prove that
work is complete.
Limitations section
Every project has its limits, and you need to be sure you are not exceeding those limits to complete a
project on time and under budget. Limitations can come in many forms, but one example would be
technology. For instance, if you are building an application that depends on a specific technology, be
sure to mention that. There may be several ways to create that website, but if you are boxed into a
complicated technology, you can cover yourself by specifying those limitations in your scope.
Assumptions section
In this section you want to list out all the assumptions you have thought about that will affect the
Exclusions section
You have already listed out the deliverables you will provide, but sometimes it is just as important to
itemize what you will NOT deliver. This is sometimes referred to as out of scope items.
This is an optional portion of your project SOW, depending on the type of organization you work
Scope documents create agreement by nature, but sometimes you need proof. You want to include a
signature field in your scope document and have your lead stakeholder or project sponsor sign the
Chapter 3: Eliciting Requirements
Organizations spend a lot of money on key projects to ensure continued viability in a rapidly
changing world. They invest in projects to solve a business problem, take advantage of an
opportunity, or implement a strategic solution that furthers business goals. Capturing and managing
the right requirements ensures avoidance of costly missteps and is key to delivering successful
projects with measurable value. The Business Analyst must be able to provide the project team with clear
customer requirements for the product, service, or system that the project will deliver. And these
requirements must translate into measurable business requirements and project deliverables.
requirement is:
Since there are different points of view about a solution, there are also different kinds of
requirements. Each kind describes a different aspect of a solution. The Business Analysis Body of
Knowledge (BABOK) defines the following kinds of requirements captured by the Business
system from the viewpoint of the system's end user. It defines WHAT the business is trying to
achieve. Note: Business requirements are the critical activities of an enterprise that must be
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Example of a Business Requirement - Send out a notification to the Employee when a timesheet
is due.
▪ Stakeholder / User requirements (UR) – User Requirements define the requirements that the
user expects from the system. It typically starts with the phrase “The user shall”. Example of a
▪ Functional requirements (FR) - Functional Requirements defines the function of a system or its
component. It describes what the system or the process must do in order to satisfy a business
need. Most of these requirements start with the phrase “The system shall”. An example of a
Functional Requirement - The system shall” generate an automated email to the customer.
functional requirement: The system must process a customer order in less than 100 milliseconds.
Gathering Requirements
Every Software project goes through a phase called Requirements Gathering. A successful project
begins with a difficult set of discussions on what should be done. It is the major responsibility of the
Business Analyst to gather the Requirements from the clients. When gathering requirements,
Business Analysts need to capture information within the context of the organization and in support
of operational needs to satisfying stakeholder goals. The process of gathering and eliciting
high-level process flow of a business highlights the ‘big picture’ and serves as a foundation for
planning the requirements gathering and management efforts. For Business Analyst, it is necessary
Requirements Gathering Techniques involves interacting with the stakeholders to understand the
project needs. That means you probe the stakeholders to tell you the issues that the project is
expected to solve. At times, stakeholders do not know what they want. Therefore, requirements
gathering techniques helps you to obtain all the requirements from relevant stakeholders. you will
more than likely sit with the stakeholder either by one-to-one discussions or through group
▪ The process of requirements gathering include identifying and documenting the necessary
requirements of customers, users, and stakeholders related to the project. This knowledge will be
▪ Requirements gathering techniques provide project team members with a choice of methods for
eliciting and validating requirements from stakeholders. Methods used to gather this data may
▪ There are many techniques available for gathering the requirements. Each technique has value in
certain scenarios. Most of the time, it becomes necessary for Business Analyst to use multiple
techniques to gather complete and correct requirements from clients and stakeholders.
▪ Being good at Requirement Gathering Techniques is one of the biggest and most important
tasks to try and get the most out of when engaging with stakeholders. You will do a mix of the
techniques described on the next several pages and the mix will be different for every project.
Think about what suits the project best and have a read of the top tips associated with each of
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Brainstorming Sessions
Brainstorming is a group creativity technique by which efforts are made to find a conclusion for a
specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously contributed by its members. For
example, after you have defined your problem and are looking for the different solution options, you
gather a few folks from your project team (mostly the development team) and ask them about what
they think a solution could be. Brainstorming is a way to generate ideas within a group setting. It
provides a quick means for tapping the creativity of a limited number of people for many ideas.
▪ It is usually used in the beginning stages of a project, where the possibilities for the project are
Facilitating a brainstorming session
1. Select your participants - According to BABOK, six to eight participants are ideal. Try to choose
2. Set expectations - Set expectations about the format and objective—explain that in
brainstorming no idea is off the table, and there is no such thing as too many ideas.
3. Timebox - You may want to give participants a small amount of time to brainstorm (about 5
minutes each).
Step 1: Prepare the Group -First, set up a comfortable setting for the session. Make sure that the
room is well-lit and that you have the tools, resources, and refreshments that you need. Consider
who will attend the meeting. A room full of like-minded people will not generate as many creative
ideas as a diverse group, so try to include people from a wide range of disciplines and include people
Step 2: Present the Problem - Clearly define the problem that you want to solve and lay out any
criteria that you must meet. Make it clear that that the meeting's objective is to generate as many
ideas as possible. Give people plenty of quiet time at the start of the session to write down as many
of their own ideas as they can. Then, ask them to share their ideas, while giving everyone a fair
opportunity to contribute.
Step 3: Guide the Discussion- Once everyone has shared their ideas, start a group discussion to
develop other people's ideas, and use them to create new ideas. Building on others' ideas is one of
the most valuable aspects of group brainstorming. Encourage everyone to contribute and to
develop ideas.
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Focus Groups
Focus groups like brainstorming sessions can also be used to gather ideas; however, focus group
goes a bit further. For example, a focus group is used after the development of a prototype, in order
to get an idea of how the market will respond to certain features of the solution. During a focus
group, you are looking to gather the attitudes about an idea, a solution or even a process. The
participants of this meeting should be outsiders; meaning folks who are most likely to use/consume
to product. The result of a focus group would be the answers or feedback you have gathered during
the meeting. This feedback can be compiled and organized by themes to present to the stakeholders.
The main purpose of focus group research is to draw upon respondents’ attitudes, feelings, beliefs,
experiences, and reactions in a way where other methods are not applicable.
▪ When you need to gather more information in a shorter period of time - generally two hours
▪ When you need insight into complicated topics where opinions or areas of concerns as it relates
to behavior or motivations.
Facilitating your Focus Group session
1. Arrive an hour early to set up the room. This allows time to deal with unexpected room
2. Post plenty of signs so participants can find their way to the space. This helps participants feel
4. Introduce yourself and the purpose of the focus group. Explain to participants that they have
been invited to share their opinions and that you will guide the discussion by asking the group to
reflect on specific questions. Tell them what time the session will conclude.
5. Explain the ground rules for the focus group discussion. These will set the tone and
expectations for behavior so that everyone will feel safe and willing to participate. Here are
6. Allow time for questions, and then ask participants to introduce themselves
7. End the discussion by summarizing the main points. If there is time, invite participants to reflect
on the main ideas, and ask if they have any additional thoughts to share.
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One-on-One Interviews
Interviews are one of the easiest yet most powerful techniques available for gathering
requirements. As a business analyst, you should use interviews to give you a deeper insight into
stakeholders’ concerns and using these insights will help you design a system that is well-suited
subject matter expert designed to elicit a specific set of requirements. Once you have set the
scene for the interview, you should highlight the scope of your requirement gathering questions.
Tell them for example that you have some questions about the overall purpose of their
department, then you would like to talk about their most important business processes and
▪ Interviews allow the interviewee to respond freely and openly to questions, especially when
▪ Interviews provide an opportunity for the analyst to ask follow-up questions or re-word the
Preparing for your one-on-one Interview Session
1. First aim to get the basic facts about the stakeholder and his or her organization (whether that is
just one department or the entire company). Ask one or two colleagues to review the interview
▪ Plan for follow-up questions - do not be afraid to ask them if they occur to you during the
3. Design the interview form – design in a way that makes it easy for you to write down the
1. Select the Stakeholders you want to interview – You want to identify Stakeholders who have
2. Prepare for your interview – Determine what information you need, set time limits for the
3. Conduct the interview – Allocate enough time and insure there are no interruptions. Explain
why you are conducting the interview and explain how the input will be used.
4. Follow up – Of action items are defined, make sure you close them as soon as possible in order
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Facilitated requirements work-shops
Facilitated workshops are also like Focus groups, as they are a discussion forum with group of
selected stakeholders. However, the difference lies in the topic and stakeholders that they have in
Facilitated workshops. Unlike in focus groups, facilitated workshops primarily focus on a broad
topic associated with cross functional areas. The advantage in facilitated workshops are, the
stakeholder belongs to multiple cross functional areas are sitting as a group. Hence, if there are any
conflicting opinions from the SMEs, they can resolve the conflicts at once in the forum.
▪ Participants may be split into multiple teams to get the discussion going with each team
▪ Participants may be given a problem statement to discuss/objective(s) to achieve. They may also
Facilitating your workshop
▪ Select the right participants—SMEs, stakeholders, users, etc. If you leave someone necessary
out, the results of the workshop may have to be completely overhauled. Think about this
carefully before inviting your group. As BABOK notes, “Requirements workshops that involve
too many participants can slow down the workshop process. Conversely, collecting input from
▪ Preparing for your workshop – do your homework (gather documentation), create and agenda
▪ Before going into your workshop, prepare your notes document to reflect your agenda so
▪ Get everyone on the same page regarding the purpose of the workshop ahead of time.
▪ Conduct the workshop like an interview, with open-ended questions presented to the room.
▪ Document everything. Get a recorder or get someone besides you (or whomever will be busy
▪ After any session, schedule 15-30 minutes for yourself to review your notes, digest what was
discussed, prioritize action items, identify challenges/red flags, and needs for clarification or
additional meetings.
▪ Send your notes to your internal project team. Have them review and verify what you have
▪ Follow-up – Any action items identified during the workshop session should be tracked until
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Prototyping to model and evaluate what works and is fit for purpose in helping users achieve their
goals when using your product. In this process, you create what can be seen as a real working
mockup (as opposed to a static one). You share it with the clients and prospective users to collect
feedback as well as evaluate its functioning. From feedback and evaluation, you make improvements
and iterate the process until you get the final design that is aesthetically pleasing while at the same
time intuitive and effective enough for users to be able to achieve their objectives. The advantage of
building a design prototype is that it helps you keep cost low while saving you time and effort. In
other words, a prototype lets you analyze the “behavior” of your design and evaluate and implement
▪ Prototypes should be used for eliciting details of requirements, triggering discussions, and
Facilitating your prototyping session
The main purpose of a prototype is to gather and document requirements. After you build an initial
prototype you should show it to the clients to validate the work done so far looks okay. You then
use the prototype to gather additional requirements. As you receive requirements, you should
document them in the same way you would document the additional requirements you are gathering
Benefits of Prototyping:
▪ Prototypes give users something tangible to review. Many people are interested in seeing what
▪ Better understanding of the design intent: Prototyping not only presents a strong visualization of
the design to understand the look and feel of the final product but it also helps the team to
comprehend better why they are designing, what they are designing and for whom they are
▪ Early feedback - With prototyping you can collect reviews at every stage of developing the
1. Define your main goal - Start your initial brainstorming with your team. You may know your
2. Stick with 1 or 2 features to begin with. Remember this version will be refined along the way
3. Create your design on paper - Discuss with appropriate partners or stakeholders knowing there
will be improvements
5. Get approval
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When gathering information from many people: too many to interview with time constraints and
less budget: a questionnaire survey can be used. The survey insists the users to choose from the
given options agree / disagree or rate something. Do not think that you can make a survey on your
own but try to add meaningful insight in it. A well-designed survey must give qualitative guidance
for characterizing the market. It should not be utilized for prioritizing of requirements or features.
▪ Questionnaires can also be effective in cases where the respondents are based in various
geographical locations
Steps for preparing for surveys
1. Review Survey goals - It is necessary to verify the survey goals and objectives first
before preparing the survey questionnaire. The survey goals determine whether survey
questionnaire is the best method of data collection for this particular survey or not.
2. Define purpose, and objective of survey – The objective of the survey and the further action
3. Identify target groups to be surveyed – Identify the group which must be interviewed for the
4. Choose appropriate survey types – Choose the survey type whether its open /close ended
6. Select distribution, and collection methods – You can consider the various communication
8. Finalize survey questions which clearly indicates the purpose and objective of the survey
9. If the group demography is diverse then it can be divided to several small groups and questions
10. Focus on requirements - All questions must be directed towards the stated objectives.
11. Collate responses - Analyze the responses for closed ended questions as per no of responses for
each category and for ‘open-ended’ questions, for opinions expressed by participants.
12. Present results effectively. The point of conducting a survey is to make sure that results are
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Documenting Project Requirements
Although there are several ways to document requirements that do not include a formal document
for the purpose this book, I will cover developing a business requirements document. Organizing is
the process where requirements are organized in a readable document. This is normally the process
(BRD) focuses on the business perspective as it holds the details of the business solution for a
project. Business requirements document also emphasizes on the needs and expectations of the
customer. In simpler terms, BRD indicates what the business wants to achieve.
The BRD indicates all the project deliverable and the inputs and outputs associated with each
A Business Requirements Document (BRD) includes the planning strategies to ensure a formal
collaboration between large-functional teams and creates a positive consensus. It also implements
business strategies with the aim of transitioning from one stage to another in a controlled way so
that stakeholders are satisfied, and their needs are met. Business Requirement Document will help
you throughout the project lifecycle to keep the deliverable in line with the business and customer
Example Business Requirements Document Template
Executive Summary
The executive summary sets the stage for the entire document. So, make sure you hold their
attention and quickly convey all the necessary information. Detail the purpose of your BRD, the
objectives and goals and provide context for why you are undertaking the project.
Project Summary
Provide an overview of the project. This is the first part of the requirements document and it is
where you give your readers an overview of the project. This information can be captured from the
Describe how the current process(es) work, including the interactions between systems and various
business units. Include visual process flow diagrams to further illustrate the processes the new
Business Requirements
The specific business requirements elicited from stakeholders should be listed, categorized by both
priority and area of functionality to smooth the process of reading, and tracking them.
Functional Requirements
The functional requirements section should describe “what” the system is to accomplish rather than
the “how.”
None-Functional Requirements
Some specific types of requirements you may want to mention include: Security, Performance,
Availability, etc.
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Chapter 4: Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)
What is a Software Development Lifecycle?
Software Development Life Cycle is a framework that defines the steps involved in the development
of software at each phase. It covers the detailed plan for building, deploying, and maintaining the
software. Software Development Life Cycle defines the complete cycle of development i.e. all the
tasks involved in planning, creating, testing, and deploying a Software Product. Every phase of the
SDLC life cycle has its own process and deliverables that feed into the next phase.
SDLC works by lowering the cost of software development while simultaneously improving quality
and shortening production time. That plan starts by evaluating existing systems for deficiencies.
Next, it defines the requirements of the new system. It then creates the software through the stages
of Planning, analysis, design, development, testing, and deployment. By anticipating costly mistakes
like failing to ask the end user for suggestions, a software development lifecycle can eliminate
Planning Phase
The Planning phase is the most crucial step in creating a successful system. During this phase you
decide exactly what you want to do by: defining the problems, identifying the objectives and the
During this phase, all the relevant information is collected from the customer to develop a product
as per their expectation. The Business analyst will set up a meeting with the customer to gather all
the information about what the customer wants to build, who will be the end-users, and what is the
Design Phase
Based on the user requirements and the detailed analysis of a new system, the new system must be
designed. This is the phase of system designing. It is the most crucial phase in the development of a
system. The logical system design arrived at as a result of system analysis and is converted into
Development phase
During the Development phase the software engineers start writing the code according to the
client's requirements.
Testing Phase
Testing starts once the coding is complete and the modules are released for testing. In this phase,
the developed software is tested thoroughly, and any defects found are assigned to developers to get
them fixed.
Deployment Phase
The deployment phase is the final phase of the software development life cycle (SDLC) and puts the
product into production. This means that the product is ready to be used in a real environment by
all end users of the product. The maintenance phase occurs after the product is in full
operation. Maintenance of software can include software upgrades, repairs, and fixes of the software
if it breaks. It is often necessary to provide additional testing of the software or version upgrades.
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What is a SDLC Methodology?
This book will cover the two most popular methodologies: Waterfall and Agile.
The Waterfall model follows a straightforward approach, which is a desirable quality for many
software developments teams. In this model, the outcome of one phase is the input for the next
phase. For example, all requirements need to be defined at the very start of a project. Only then can
▪ Each stage of the model has a well-defined starting and ending point, making it easy to
Identify Stakeholders - The key role of the BA is to understand and define the problem. However,
before getting to that stage, the BA will need to identify our stakeholders and users.
The requirements analysis process kicks off the SDLC. BA’s must work with business owners and
users to determine the requirements that the solution must address. This phase should be
technology free.
Once the requirements are complete, there needs to be a design in order to properly code the
software. BA’s may need to facilitate design sessions that bring together business experts and
This is the point in which developers get to work. Software developers will often work with BA’s to
ensure they fully understand the business requirements they are coding.
Once the code is complete, it must go through several levels of testing by Developer and Testing
(QA) team. The BA will provide the User Acceptance criteria and work with developers and testers
After deployment, the BA play’s a key role in capturing the enhancements and fixes necessary for
future versions of the software solution and begin iteration of the SDLC again.
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Agile SDLC Methodology
There are as many different definitions of agile. For the sake of this book, agile is defined as
consistent reflection and adaptation. This definition focuses on the characteristics that exist in all
▪ Collaboration – how the people involved in the effort work together which includes both the
▪ Deliver value – the true purpose of efforts is to provide value to customers, whether that is
▪ Frequent increments – the team delivers values every few days, weeks, or months rather than
▪ Consistent reflection and adaptation – the project team reflects on their approach and the
Agile approaches allow teams to focus on delivering the highest value as set by the business in the
shortest time. Teams using agile approaches self-organize to inspect actual working software rapidly
and repeatedly in iterations ranging from one week to one month in duration. In agile iterations are
termed as sprints. Each sprint lasts for 2-4 weeks. At the end of each sprint, the product owner
verifies the product and after his approval, it is delivered to the customer. The biggest impact of
iterations on business analysts is the lack of an analysis phase. Instead of performing all analysis
work to develop detailed requirements at the beginning of the project, business analysis occurs
throughout the project with an initial high-level picture of the overall scope, followed by more detail
Sprint 1 Sprint 2
Plan Plan
Product Backlog
1. The Product Owner is the ultimate decision maker for the product. This role is responsible for
defining the product vision, prioritizing features according to business value, and answering
team questions.
2. The Scrum Master is the guardian of the team’s process. This role is responsible for ensuring the
team has the appropriate environment to succeed, removing obstacles, and enabling close
3. The Team is a group of 5 – 9 people dedicated to the project full time who are responsible for
4. Stakeholder(s) - A Stakeholder is anyone who can impact the project and provide input to the
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Key BA Role on Agile Projects
Most agile approaches have a specific role to represent the ultimate business decision maker, such as
the role titled product owner. The product owner sets the product vision and is responsible for
understanding and representing the needs of the business and user stakeholders. The product owner
determines which requirements are most important prior to the start of each iteration and
determines how to release value incrementally to best satisfy the needs of the product stakeholders.
A business analyst does not always have the decision-making authority necessary to be an effective
product owner, but they can become indispensable by supplementing a product owner’s lack of time
▪ Managing Product backlog - A business analyst supports a product owner by helping them
analyze the business domain, stocking the product backlog, and grooming the product backlog.
Stocking the product backlog means to establish a list of user stories that represent the overall
scope of the project. A user story briefly describes functionality or a feature valuable to either a
▪ Analyzing Business Domain - The business analyst helps the team and product owner
understand and describe the business domain and problem to be solved by facilitating the
2. What information do we want to know about and track about various entities?
3. What stakeholders (such as customers, suppliers, vendors) and systems are involved in the
▪ Business analysts facilitate collaboration through helping with stakeholder analysis and acting as
a language coach.
Waterfall Business Analyst Vs Agile Business Analyst
With the traditional/waterfall methodology, BAs are expected and encouraged to interact with
stakeholders from multiple domains. There is no official “Business Analyst” role in the scrum guide
however, as scrum identifies only the Product Owner, Scrum Master, and the Development Team.
BRD’s have their merit in the traditional software development lifecycle. These often lengthy and
detailed documents or descriptions provide an avenue for BAs to describe in detail what is required
in terms of system functionality. In the Agile however, user stories are defined via a collaborative
process (refinement) that involves the product owner and the development team. User stories are
Typical waterfall approaches require the BA to provide updates on tasks accomplished either to the
project manager or to management directly. This may be in the form of weekly or monthly status
reports depending on the organization. BAs in addition to any obligations they have under the
project management umbrella may be required to participate in scrum ceremonies, one of which is
daily stand-ups.
Unlike Waterfall, an important aspect of Agile is constant collaboration between the product owner
and the team. Constant collaboration can reduce wait time for sending and receiving information,
improve the quality of your requirements backlog, and can reduce misunderstand between what is
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Chapter 5: Business Analyst Role in Testing
What is User Acceptance Testing (UAT)?
Before the criteria which the software is considered to be “working” needs to be assembled. These
are likely to be collated from the requirements, use cases or user stories. Next, a set of User
Acceptance Testing (UAT) test must be created. UAT test cases can be defined as a set of test steps,
execution conditions and expected results developed for a particular objective. Each case covers a
specific usage scenario of the software. It is normally a set of actions which the user can carry out
and be able to verify if the software worked as intended. With this in place, the test then has to run,
and the results are recorded. Finally, assuming that everything is working as expected, a sigh-off
needs to be completed by the business stakeholders. You need to consider the following factors
▪ Identify User Roles - Users and user roles vary for every system. The first thing you need to do
for UAT is to identify users and their roles in the system. Every user role has a different set of
privileges in the system, if there are more than one role in the system. Your UAT shall contain
test cases of how the system should behave when a particular user role performs a specific
▪ Use User Stories or Use Cases as test cases - Understanding business requirements is a
prerequisite for testing. Clients can use numerous channels to describe their requirements. They
can convey their requirements through email, meetings, understanding sessions and through user
▪ Use business language - ser acceptance testing is not performed by professional testers, but
actual users. This difference is seen in the way user acceptance testing is performed. UAT is
comparatively less organized and uses more business language. It would be unfair to expect from
users that they can execute test cases and report the issues like our professional testers.
▪ Create UAT Template - Create a user acceptance testing template and give it to the users who
are performing UAT testing. In the later section, we will see what information is required from
▪ Test cases are efficient when there is a clear purpose stated, and the user is able to understand
Making it easier for the end user to read and perform a test case may look like this:
5. Check out
You may also include expected results in the test case, so the user is aware of what is going to
Testing your product with real users before launching is a good practice to reduce the number of
overall defects. While end-user testing will not give actual solutions to the problem, it will help to
reveal the problems your developers or QAs could not think of. More importantly, the defects
found before the production stage save your budget, as the product goes to market in a close-to-
perfect form.
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Obtaining feedback from Users
Users give their feedback after performing user acceptance testing. This feedback might contain
positive and appreciative comments, bug reports or defects, change requests and new functionalities.
▪ Bugs / Issues - Users might report any bugs after performing UAT testing. These issues are of
high priority and need to be fixed asap, especially if the bugs are critical in nature.
▪ Change request - Sometimes the user becomes clearer about his requirements, after he has
actually used the application in UAT. They might request you a minor change in system
behavior. Note that change request is not the same as bug. You can negotiate with client and
▪ New functionality - Users might also request for new functionalities. The difference between
change request and new functionality is that change requests occur for functionalities which
UAT is performed by users to verify that the application is capable to handle their real-world
problems. It is not performed with the aim of finding maximum defects rather UAT testing is
focused to see how system is behaving as a response to user actions. Although user acceptance
testing has the term ‘Testing’ in it, but it is not performed in the way of professional testers. It is
‘user-oriented’ so the person who conducts UAT needs to understand certain factors that are
essential to smoothly conduct UAT testing. After user acceptance testing is performed, you will
receive UAT testing feedback i.e. bug, change request or new feature request. You take appropriate
DeEtta Balthazar has over 20 years of experience in the Information Technology field. She has an
technology projects. Her background includes Project and Product Management, Business/Systems
Analysis and Business Intelligence. DeEtta has managed a broad array of projects in industries
ranging from financial, airline, healthcare, retail, and education. She is the CEO of E-Choice
Solutions Technology Consulting and Training. In addition, she is a published Author of a series of
Business Analysis quick start guides that is currently published on Amazon, Lulu, Barnes & Noble
and iTunes. She holds a master’s degree, Adult Learning Theory, and a Dual bachelor’s degree in
Information Systems / Marketing. She is certified in Agile, Scrum and Business Analysis (CBAP).
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Fundamentally, a business analyst needs the best business analysis tools to perform the following
1. To track requirements
2. Business process diagram –To model requirements diagrammatically wherever feasible such as
Microsoft Office Suite - Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel can be used for requirement
management like tracking requirements and describing those requirements. Also, Microsoft
Microsoft Visio - MS Visio is a modelling tool that business analysts use to effectively capture and
present stakeholders’ ideas in the form of business functions and user interactions.
system. Balsamiq is among top business analysis tools used for creating wireframes.
Google Docs - Sharing project documents come under the collaboration, and nowadays Google
docs prove itself a particularly useful tool for sharing documents online with project members and
JIRA is a bug tracking and agile project management tool. You can create stories. You can prioritize
Zoom - Zoom is a communication tool. It is used for training, webinars, conferencing etc.
Business Analyst Resources
▪ The International Institute of Business Analysts is the hub for certification, learning and
everything you ever wanted to know about BABOK. While there is no blog in strict terms,
the website is full of resources, quick tips, insights, and news. Website:
BA Times
▪ The granddaddy of all business analysis blogs, is chock full of real-world
advice, methodologies, problem solving posts and career boosting tips. The site also runs
webinars on everything BA-related, provides editable resources ranging from Use Case
looking to begin, or progress, their Business Analysis career. Blog owner Laura
Brandenburg provides a great mix of content: blog posts, video tutorials, downloadable
Modern Analyst
even the curious Product Manager. It contains a wealth of informative posts on just about
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Frequently Used Terms
Acceptance Criteria - Conditions that a software product must satisfy to be accepted by a user,
customer, or other stakeholder
Activity Diagram - is a diagram that shows activities and actions to describe workflows. In the
Unified Modeling Language an activity diagram represents the business and operational step-by-
step workflows of components in a system. An activity diagram shows the overall flow of
Actor - Someone or something, outside the system that interacts with the system
Actor class - Defines a set of actor instances, in which each actor instance plays the same role in
relation to the system.
Agile Modeling - Agile Modeling (AM) is a practice-based methodology for effective modeling
and documentation of software-based systems. Simply put, Agile Modeling (AM) is a
collection of values, principles, and practices for modeling software that can be applied on a
software development project in an effective and light-weight manner.
Alternative flow - A scenario in a use case that leads to success (accomplishing the actor’s goal)
but involves a variation from the normal course in the specifics of the task or of the actor’s
interaction with the system.
Analyst - Member of the project team who is responsible for eliciting and interpreting the
stakeholder needs and communicating those needs to the entire team.
Artifact - A piece of information that (1) is produced, modified, or used by a process, (2)
defines an area of responsibility, and (3) is subject to version control.
BA - Short for Business Analyst. A role in software development, which requires the person to
analyze the business and document or model it such that it may be authenticated and shared
amongst the team for a common understanding.
Business Actor - class - Class that defines a set of business actor instances, where each instance
plays the same role in the business.
Business Use Case - class - A Business Use Case Class defines a set of instances which each
deliver an observable result which has value to the business actor.
Business Rule - A policy, guideline, standard, or regulation that defines or constrains some
aspect of the business.
Class - A description of a set of objects that share the same attributes operations, methods,
relationships, and semantics. A class may use a set of interfaces to specify collections of
operations it provides to its environment.
Class diagram - A diagram that shows a collection of declarative (static) model elements, such as
classes, types, and their contents and relationships.
Constraint - A restriction that is imposed on the choices available to the developer for the
design and construction of a product.
Context Diagram - An analysis model that depicts a system at a high level of abstraction. The
context diagram identifies objects outside the system that interact with it, but it shows nothing
about the system’s internal structure or behavior.
Class Model - A Model is a complete set of class diagrams and modeling objects that make up a
meaningful set of pictures which describe what the author is trying to convey.
Design - The part of the software development processes whose primary purpose is to decide
how the system will be implemented.
Event - A trigger or stimulus that takes place in a system’s environment that leads to a system
response such as a functional behavior or a change in state.
Exception - A condition that prevents a use case from successfully concluding. The use case’s
post conditions are not reached, and the actor’s goal is not satisfied.
Extends relationship - A construct in which an alternative course in a use case interrupts the
normal sequence of steps. The steps that the actor follows when executing the alternative
course can be packaged into an extension use case that is invoked to complete the alternative.
Facilitator - A person who is responsible for planning and leading a group activity, such as a
requirements elicitation workshop.
Feature - A set of logically related functional requirements that provides a capability to the user
and enables the satisfaction of a business objective.
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Functional Requirement – is a statement of a piece of required functionality or a behavior that a
system will exhibit under specific conditions.
Iteration - A distinct sequence of activities with a base-lined plan and valuation criteria resulting
in a release (internal or external).
Modeling language - is any artificial language that can be used to express information or
knowledge or systems in a structure that is defined by a consistent set of rules. The rules are
used for interpretation of the meaning of components in the structure.
Object-oriented analysis (OOA) - specifies the structure and the behavior of the object- these
comprise the requirements of that object. Different types of models are required to specify the
requirements of the objects. The information or object model contains the definition of objects
in the system, which includes: the object name, the object attributes, and objects relationships
to other objects.
Object Oriented Programming OOP –- is a programming paradigm that uses "objects" and
their interactions to design applications and computer programs.
PM - Project manager - A project manager is the person accountable for accomplishing the
stated project objectives. Key project management responsibilities include creating clear and
attainable project objectives, building the project requirements, and managing the triple
constraint for projects, which is cost, time, and scope.
Post condition - A condition that describes the state of a system after a use case is successfully
Precondition - A Condition that must be satisfied before a use case may begin.
QA - Quality Assurance.
Requirement attribute - Descriptive information about a requirement that enriches its definition
beyond the statement of intended functionality. Examples include origin, rationale, priority,
owner, release number, and version number.
Requirements traceability matrix - A table that illustrates logical links between individual
functional requirements and other types of system artifacts, including other functional
requirements, use cases, architecture and design elements, code modules, test cases, and
business rules.
Risk - A condition that could cause some loss or otherwise threaten the success of a project.
RUP - Rational Unified Process - RUP promotes iterative development and organizes the
development of software and systems into four phases, each consisting of one or more
executable iterations of the software at that stage of development.
Scope - The portion of the ultimate product vision that the current project will address. The
scope draws the boundary between what is in and what is out for the project.
Sequence diagram - An analysis model that shows the order in which messages pass in a system
or the chronological sequence of steps that take place in an activity and the entities or classes
involved in the activity.
State chart diagram - An analysis model that shows the sequence of states that an object in a
system goes through during its lifetime in response to specific events that take place. Similar to
a state-transition diagram.
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SME - subject matter expert - An individual who has extensive experience and knowledge in a
domain and who is recognized as an authoritative source of information about the domain.
System Analyst - are responsible for designing computer information systems, modifying
systems to improve production or workflow, or expanding systems to serve new purposes.
Template - A pattern to be used as a guide for producing a complete document or other item.
Use-case diagram - A diagram that shows the relationships among Actors and Use Cases within
a system.
Use-case instance - The performance of a sequence of actions being specified in a use case. An
instance of a use case. A use-case instance is more specific than a use case – Actor is replaced
by specific persons or actor instances, and only one path is taken through the possible alternate
flows of the use case.
Use-case model - A model that describes a system’s functional requirements in terms of use
User requirement - User goals or tasks that users must be able to perform with a system, or
statements of the user’s expectations of system quality.
Vision - A long-term strategic concept of the ultimate purpose and form of a new system.
Vision and scope document - A document that presents the business requirements for a new
system, including a product vision statement and a project scope description.
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