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Name of Drug Classification & Indication Contraindication & Adverse Drug to Drug Interaction Nursing Responsibilities


Methergine Classification: Contraindication: Antifungals like: 1. Before administering the

(Methylergonovine Maleate) PC: Ergot Alkaloid and  Pregnancy  Azole methergine, give only if
Derivative  Toxemia (litraconazole, the solution is clear and
Dosage: TC: oxytoxic, lactation  Hypertension ketoconazole, colorless; discard if
0.6 mg/3 ml stimulant  Ergot hypersensitivity vericonazole) – ampule is discolored.
 To include labor and Increase risk of 2. Note reason for therapy.
Preparation: Indication: spontaneous vasospasm leading to List drug prescribe to
Intramascular Management and abortions. cerebral ischemia or ensure none interact.
prevention of postpartum  Administration before ischemia of 3. Assess fundal tone and
and postabortal hemorrhage delivery of placenta. extremities; do not nonphasic contractures,
by producing firm uterine  Use with CYP3A4 use together. massage to check for
contractions and decreasing inhibitors.  Clarithomycin – relaxation or severe
uterine bleeding. Increase risk of cramping.
Indication: vasospasm leading to 4. Monitor Vital Signs, CBC,
 Headache cerebral ischemia or and calcium; Correct if
 Dizziness ischemia of low to improve drug
 Sweating extremities; do not effectiveness and assess
 Nasal Congestion use together. for decrease milk
 Leg cramps  Erythomycins – production.
Increase risk of 5. Report frequency,
vasospasm leading to amount, color, any
cerebral ischemia and associated S&S. Ensure
ischemia of placenta completely
extremities; do not passed or removed.
use together. 6. Take only directed and
 Protease inhibitors do not exceed dosage
– increase risk of 7. Report any severe
vasospasm leading to cramping, headaches, or
cerebral ischemia or increase bleeding.
ischemia of 8. Evaluate for improved
extremities; do not uterine tone and control
use together. of postpartum

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