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Name of Student Nurse: Carissa Mae T. Estrada Date:

Level/Block/Group: 2BSN-04 Hospital/Area:
Clinical Instructor: Ma’am/Mrs. Apolonia Dela Cruz



GENERIC NAME: Oxytocin increases Significant a fast, slow, CV: Administer primary
Oxytocin the sodium cephalopelvic or uneven Hypertension, line with 1000 mL IV
permeability of disproportion heart rate; systemic fluid, e.g. LR
uterine myofibrils, venous return,
indirectly Unfavorable excessive cardiac output Administer second
BRAND NAME: stimulating fetal positions or bleeding line with standardized
Pitocin contraction of the presentations, long after GI: Nausea, concentration of
Syntocinon uterine smooth e.g., transverse childbirth; vomiting oxytocin in IV fluid
muscle. The lies, which are
uterus responds undeliverable severe CNS: maternal Ensure the bags and
to oxytocin more without headache, coma, tubing are labeled
Uterine stimulant, readily in the conversion blurred seizures ;fetal, clearly
oxytocic presence of high before delivery vision, intracranial Insert oxytocin
estrogen pounding in hemorrhage infusion into mainline
concentrations Obstetric your neck or IV by connect to port
and with the emergencies ears; or Resp: fetal nearest to IV insertion
increased that favor asphyxia, site
duration of surgery confusion, hypoxia
pregnancy. severe Administer oxytocin
Oxytocin causes Fetal distress weakness, OTHERS: via infusion pump
INDICATION: dilation of where delivery is feeling Low APGAR
Induce or augment vascular smooth not imminent unsteady score at 5mins Document the start
labor muscle, thus time, end time, dose,
increasing renal, Hyperactive or and any changes
Control postpartum coronary, and hypertonic made during
bleeding cerebral blood uterus administration
flow. Blood
Manage incomplete or pressure usually polyhydramnios, Monitor the VS and
inevitable abortion remains partial placenta I&O
unaffected, but previa, Frequency, duration,
with the prematurity, and force of
administration of contractions; resting
very large doses previous major uterine tone
or high surgery of cervix FHR pattern
DOSAGE & concentration or uterus
Induction/Stimulation solutions blood (including C- Monitor FHR pattern
of Labor IV (Adults): pressure may section),
0.5– 1 decrease Monitor signs /
milliunits/min;qby1– 2 transiently. This over-distension symptoms of water
milliunits/min q 30– transient decrease of the uterus, intoxication; e.g.,
60 min until in blood pressure headache, irritability,
desiredcontraction leads to reflex grand confusion, nausea
pattern established; tachycardia and multiparity,
dose may be an increase in Provide client
decreased after cardiac output; invasive cervical education about how
desired frequency of any fall in blood carcinoma, oxytocin will affect
contractions is pressure is usually their contractions
reached and labor has followed by a history of
progressed to 5-6 cm small, but uterine sepsis, or Report headache,
dilation. Postpartum sustained, traumatic dizziness, palpitations,
Hemorrhage IV increase in blood delivery or intense pain
(Adults): 10 units
infused at 20– 40
milliunits/min. IM

(Adults): 10 units after

delivery of placenta

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