General Piping Design: 5-1-1 BP Oil Co. RP
General Piping Design: 5-1-1 BP Oil Co. RP
General Piping Design: 5-1-1 BP Oil Co. RP
RP 5-1-1
Rev. 5 Dec. 1998
1.0 SCOPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.0 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.0 DEFINITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
6.0 VALVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
6.1 Valve Design and Selection Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
6.2 Steel Gate Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
6.3 Cyclic Reformer Motor Operated Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
6.4 Compact and Extended Body Steel Gate and Globe Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
6.5 Ductile Iron Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
6.6 Steel Globe Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
6.7 Bellows Seal Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
6.8 Check Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
6.9 Plug Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
6.10 Ball Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1.1 This Practice covers the design, selection, fabrication, erection, inspection and testing of all piping
systems within refinery limits. This Practice stipulates overall requirements for these items and is
arranged as an index to all of the piping Practices to facilitate information retrieval by users.
1.2 Any deviation from this Practice must be approved by the procedure described in RP 0-1-3 .
1.3 An asterisk (*) indicates that a decision by the Owner’s Engineer or Owner is required, or that additional
information is furnished by the Purchaser.
The latest edition of the following standards and publications are referred to herein; and shall be used
with this Practice.
ASME Codes
Sec I Power Boilers
B31.1 Power Piping
B31.3 Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping Code
B31.4 Liquid Transportation Systems for Hydrocarbons, Liquid Petroleum Gas, Anhy-
drous Ammonia, and Alcohols
B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings
API Publications
Std 570 Piping Inspection Code
Std 594 Wafer and Wafer-Lug Check Valves
Std 599 Metal Plug Valves – Flanged and Welding Ends
Std 600 Steel Gate Valves, Flanged or Butt-Welding Ends Bolted and Pressure Seal
Std 602 Compact Steel Gate Valves – Flanged, Threaded, Welding and Extended Body
Std 603 Class 150, Cast, Corrosion-Resistant, Flanged End Gate Valves
Std 604 Ductile Iron Gate Valves, Flanged Ends
Std 608 Metal Ball Valves – Flanged, Threaded and Buttwelding Ends
Std 609 Butterfly Valves: Double Flanged, Lug- and Wafer-Type
NFPA Codes
No. 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code
1. Toxic materials such as phenol, hydrogen sulfide, chlorine, and others according to regulation and
local health practice.
2. Highly corrosive material, such as acid, caustic, and other materials recognized as injurious to
3. Flammable and combustible fluids with operating temperatures above their flash points.
4. Light hydrocarbons, lighter than 68 degrees API gravity (0.709 specific gravity).
5. Boiler feedwater and steam, ASME/ANSI B16.5 Class 300 rating and higher.
3.2 Flammable Liquids – Per NFPA 30, a liquid having a flash point below 100°F and having a vapor
pressure not exceeding 40 psia at 100°F is known as a Class I liquid. Class I liquids are subdivided
as follows:
3.3 Flammable materials – Flammable liquids; hydrocarbon vapors; and other vapors, such as hydrogen
and carbon disulfide, that are readily ignitable when released to atmosphere.
3.6 Purchaser – The party placing a direct purchase order. The purchaser is the Owner’s designated
4.1 General
1. Piping shall conform to the requirements of this Practice and ASME B31.3, ASME B31.1,
or ASME B31.4 as applicable, except where superseded by more stringent local codes or
* 2. This Practice supplements the requirements of the applicable ASME Piping Code. In case of
conflict between these Practices and the ASME Piping Code, the most stringent requirements
as determined by the Owner’s Engineer shall govern.
1. The Minimum Design Temperature (MDMT) used in the design shall be the lowest temperature
expected in service after considering all of the following.
a. The start-up and shut-down conditions shall be considered when determining the MDMT. The
MDMT may be based on controlled start-up and shut-down procedures which ensure that the
MDMT and coincident pressure meet the requirements of the ASME Code. If this alternative
is used, the operating manual for the unit must specifically address these procedures.
Typically, the MDMT can be set at a temperature where the coincident pressure during the
start-up and shut-down conditions is equal to or less than 25% of the design temperature.
b. The MDMT can be determined by computation or by measurement from equipment in service
under equivalent operating conditions. Consideration shall be given to normal operating
conditions, operational upsets, auto refrigeration, and any other source of potential cooling.
c. If controlled start-up and shut-down procedures are not utilized (item a.) and the process
design conditions do not result in special coding effects (item b.), the MDMT shall be set to
the lowest expected metal temperature for the site, see Table 7.
d. The MDMT shall be adjusted as applicable to include the restrictions on material toughness
per RP 13-3-1 .
e. For piping constructed to B31.3 of the ASME Code, the MDMT shall be established as the
minimum permissible value based upon the selected material specification and furnished
thickness based on Table 323.2.2 of this code.
2. The minimum design temperature for each line is the lowest metal temperature expected in
service. The minimum design metal temperature shall be determined by computation or by
measurement from equipment in service under equivalent operating conditions. Consideration
shall be given to the lowest expected metal temperature, operational upsets, auto refrigerations,
atmospheric temperature and any other sources of cooling. The pressure specified at the
minimum design metal temperature shall be the design pressure determined in paragraph 4.2.3
or 4.2.4 unless calculations or operating procedures ensure that a lower pressure is coincident
with the minimum metal temperature.
3. The design pressure for piping components is that pressure which represents the most severe
condition along with the coincident temperature which requires the greatest pipe wall thickness
and highest flange rating. The design pressure for piping shall be consistent with the design
pressure for vessels and equipment to which it is attached, and the following:
a. Protected by a pressure relief (PR) device: The design pressure shall be equal to the set
pressure of the PR device protecting the system plus static head and the pressure differential
required for flow to the PR device.
b. Not protected by a pressure relief (PR) device: The design pressure for any section of piping
not protected by a PR device shall be equal to the maximum pressure which can be developed
as a result of control valve failure, pump shutoff, or inadvertent valve closure and static head.
4. Variations from Normal Operating Conditions: Variations of short duration in pressure and
temperature from normal operations are permitted by short-time, adjusted, pressure-temperature
ratings of piping components in accordance with paragraph 302.2.4 of ASME B31.3. The
short-time design pressure and temperature shall be coexistent values based on variations (more
severe than normal design conditions). Such variations may occur during a start-up, shutdown,
normal operation of the process such as regeneration and decoking, emergency conditions or a
major equipment failure, operating error, etc. Guidelines for establishing these pressures are as
a. For piping associated with pressure vessels and equipment which are protected by a
pressure relief (PR) device, the emergency pressure shall be equal to the set pressure for
the PR device plus static head and the pressure differential required for flow to the PR device.
b. For piping not protected by a PR device, the emergency pressure shall be equal to the
maximum pressure that can be developed as a result of control valve failure, pump shutoff,
or inadvertent valve closure, and static head.
c. When pump curves are available, the pump shut-in pressure shall be the sum of the pump
differential pressure (shut-in) plus normal suction pressure.
d. When pump curves are not available for determining shut-in pressures, an acceptable
estimate of the shut-in pressure is the greater of the following:
1) Normal pump suction pressure plus 120 percent of normal pump differential pressure.
2) Maximum pump suction pressure plus normal pump differential pressure.
3) If shut-in pressures are estimated in accordance with Subparagraph 1 and 2 above, they
shall be re-evaluated when pump curves are obtained:
* 5. Unless otherwise specified by the Owner’s Engineer, the design pressure for piping components
operating at positive pressures only shall be a minimum of 50 psig.
* 6. Unless otherwise specified by the Owner’s Engineer, the minimum design pressure for piping
components operating at vacuum pressure shall be full vacuum (15 psia) and 50 psig internal
7. When designing for external pressure (for example, in jacketed piping), the possible absence of
internal pressure in the inner pipe shall be taken into consideration.
8. Piping and components between double block valves shall be suitable for the more severe line
classification on either side of the double valve installation.
9. Piping downstream of such equipment as heat exchangers and control valves shall not be
designed for the lower pressure resulting from pressure drop through the equipment if the
pressure can increase because of downstream fouling or inadvertent closing of a valve. Valves
that are locked, or sealed open, during operation and closed only for maintenance need not be
10. Supplemental design requirements and piping systems in hydrofluouric acid (HF) service are
covered in RP 5-17-1 for Alliance Refinery and RP 5-17-2 for Marcus Hook Refinery.
* 1. The design flow quantity for oil, hydrocarbon, gas and vapor lines shall be the maximum quantity
for which the equipment upstream (pumps, vessels, furnaces, etc.) is designed, except that the
design capacity of connections between towers and reboilers shall be subject to the approval of
the Owner’s Engineer.
* 2. The design capacities for utility services piping shall be subject to the approval of the Owner’s
3. Line sizing criteria for: liquids, gases and steam, fluid solids, and mixed phase flow covered in
Tables 2, 3 , 4 , and 5 , respectively.
rMVM2 v 10,000
5. Piping in intermittent service (for example, startup, pumping-out, bypasses) shall be sized on the
basis of available pressure differentials and subject to the line sizing criteria of paragraph 4.3.3.
6. Pipe size restrictions on bore and outside diameter are specified in RP 5-2-1 .
* a. Pump suction lines shall be sized to provide an available net pump suction head (NPSHA)
not less than that required by the pump selected (NPSHR). The NPSHA shall be at the rated
pump capacity. The economics of increasing line size versus adjusting vessel elevation shall
be considered in providing sufficient NPSH. The line shall not be smaller than the pump nozzle
and velocity shall not exceed 10ft/sec. Line velocities higher than 6 ft/sec require approval
of the Owner’s Engineer.
b. The static head used in calculating the available NPSH shall be measured from the bottom
tangent line for vertical vessels, or the bottom of horizontal vessels to one of the following:
c. The design of storage tank suction lines shall be based on an NPSH taken from the lowest
specified liquid level in the tank at which rated pump capacity is required. If vortex-breaking
equipment is required, the pressure drop through the equipment shall be considered.
d. In sizing suction lines for reciprocating pumps, acceleration head shall be considered.
8. The pressure drop available for control valves shall be as specified in RP 5-3-15 .
9. In areas where the level of noise is a concern, the requirements of BPOUS Recommended
Environmental Guidelines shall be followed.
* 1. Unless otherwise specified by the Owner’s Engineer, the Piping Line List (PLL) shall contain the
following information for each line.
a. Line Description
1) Line number per paragraph 4.8, including; the nominal pipe size, unit identifier, line
service symbol, line sequence number, BP Oil standard piping class per RP 5-2-3 , and
insulation code.
2) Pipe thickness (inches) schedule identification and specified corrosion allowance
3) Origin and termination points.
4) P&ID drawing number range with contains the referenced line.
5) Service description.
b. Design Conditions:
c. Flow Conditions:
d. Additional Notes
* 2. A typical layout for a piping line list is shown in Table 6. Alternative formats for this table may be
used if the alternate table contains the same information and approval is obtained from the
Owner’s Engineer.
* 3. The following information shall be shown on supplemental data sheets, see RP 5-1-3 ; or on
stress isometrics when the format has been reviewed and approved by the Owner’s Engineer:
a. Piping metal temperatures used for piping stress analysis (indicate more than one
temperature if multiple temperature conditions apply).
b. Identify the governing condition for piping design – such as maximum or minimum operating
temperature; equipment steam-out or line steam-out; line bypassed; regeneration; decoking,
steam tracing, tank nozzle rotation; etc.
Requirements governing general layout and arrangement features for piping systems is covered in
RP 5-1-2 .
Requirements for stress analysis of piping systems and design and location requirements for piping
supports is covered in RP 5-1-3 .
Design and Fabrication details for standard piping supports such as shoes, trunions, guides and
anchors are covered in RP 5-1-4 .
1. Basic requirements for the selection and application of piping components and materials for
refineries, petrochemical plants, and similar industrial installations are covered in RP 5-2-1 .
2. The requirements in RP 5-2-1 establish the basis for the BP Oil Piping Standards, and shall
be followed when additions, changes, or new specification standards are necessary. The BP Oil
Piping Standards are listed in RP 5-2-3 .
1. Requirements governing the selection of flanges, flange facings, gaskets, bolting, and the design
of flanged joints for piping are covered in RP 5-2-2 .
2. The requirements of RP 5-2-2 establish the general basis for the BP Oil Piping Standards and
shall be followed when additions or changes are necessary.
The selection of pipe and piping components for general service categories are covered in RP 5-2-3
Valve data sheets for all valves contained in BPOPS, see RP 5-2-3 , are provided in RP 5-2-5 .
The data sheets included in this Practice are suitable for procurement and should be included in all
Purchase Orders for valves. In addition, criteria for completing valve data sheets for specialty valves
(safety valves, reformer MOV’s and FCCU slide valves). Requirement for Hydrofluoric Acid (HF)
Service valves are covered in RP 5-17-1 for Alliance Refinery.
Mandatory requirements governing the design, fabrication, inspection, testing, and installation of metal
flexible hoses are covered in RP 5-2-6 .
1. Requirements governing the design and selection of valves, including the use of single and double
block valves are covered in RP 5-3-1 .
2. Specific valve design requirements and general purchase requirements are covered in
supplemental practices.
Requirements governing the design and inspection of steel gate valves furnished to API 600 and
Corrosion Resistant Valves furnished to API 603 are covered in RP 5-3-2 .
Requirements governing the design, inspection and testing of cast or fabricated (wrought or forged)
cyclic reformer motor operator valves are covered in RP 5-3-3 .
6.4 Compact and Extended Body Steel Gate and Globe Valves
Requirements governing the design and inspection of compact and extended body steel gate and
globe valves furnished to API 602 and API 606, in sizes NPS 2 inch and smaller, with threaded, socket
welding, or extended butt welding ends are covered in RP 5-3-4 .
Requirements governing the design and inspection of flanged ductile iron gate valves furnished to API
604 are covered in RP 5-3-5 .
Requirements governing the design, inspection, and testing of steel flanged or buttwelding end globe
valves are covered in RP 5-3-6 .
Requirements governing the design inspection and testing of Bellows Seal gate and globe valves in
sizes NPS 2 inch and smaller, with threaded, socket welding, or extended butt welding end are covered
in RP 5-3-7 .
Requirements governing the design, inspection and testing of steel or ductile iron, single and dual plate
check valves per API 594 are covered in RP 5-3-8 .
Requirements governing the design, inspection and testing of hard or soft-seated steel and ductile iron
plug valves per API 599 are covered in RP 5-3-9 .
Requirements governing the design, inspection and testing of steel ball valves per API 608 are covered
in RP 5-3-10 .
Requirements governing the design, inspection and testing of high performance butterfly valves for
hydrocarbon service per API 609 are covered in RP 5-3-11 .
Requirements governing the design, inspection and testing of butterfly valves for water service are
covered in RP 5-3-12 .
Requirements governing the design, inspection and testing of FCCU Slide Valves are covered in
RP 5-3-13 .
1. Requirements governing the design, inspection and testing of pressure relief valves are covered
in RP 5-3-14 .
2. Sizing requirements and use of pressure relief valves are stipulated in RP 6-1-1 .
Requirements governing the design, inspection and testing of control valves are covered in RP 5-3-15
Requirements for three-way valves are covered in RP 5-3-17 . Tandem pressure relief valves (PRV),
which are designed to insure that one pressure relief valve in the tandem set is open while the other
is isolated for maintenance and/or testing, are covered in this Practice.
Requirements for inspection and testing of valves are covered in RP 5-3-19 . These requirements
include: procedures for pressure testing, material hardness limitations for valves in Aggressive
Environmental Services, and casting quality and inspection guide and inspection guidelines for valves.
Requirements governing the design, inspection and testing of flue gas block and bypass valves are
covered in RP 5-3-20 .
6.21 Double Flanged High Performance Rotary Valves for Hydrocarbon Service
Mandatory requirements governing the design, inspection, and testing of double flanged rotary valves
(butterfly) for hydrocarbon service are covered in RP 5-3-21 .
6.22 Valve Reconditioning – Gate, Globe, Check, Ball and Plug Valves
Requirements covering valve reconditioning of pressure relief valves (PRV) are covered in RP 5-3-23
Requirements covering valve reconditioning of FCCU slide valves are covered in RP 5-3-24 .
Requirements governing the design, fabrication, inspection, and testing of circular and rectangular
metal bellows expansion joints are covered in RP 5-4-1 .
Requirements governing the design, fabrication, inspection, and testing of circular and rectangular
fabric expansion joints are covered in RP 5-4-2 .
1. Requirements for shop and field fabricated piping, and inspection of piping assemblies, including
expansion joints, furnace headers and furnace tube assemblies are covered by RP 5-5-1 .
2. Selection of piping components and materials, other than furnace tube materials, are covered in
RP 5-2-1 . Selection of furnace tube materials is covered in RP 9-1-1 .
Requirements for welding of piping assemblies are covered in RP 5-5-2 . Additional requirements
for seal welding and welding of pipe supports are also covered by this Practice.
Requirements for field erection, testing, inspection, and cleaning of fabricated metallic piping are
covered in RP 5-5-3 .
Supplementary requirements for ASME Code Section I Piping associated with Power Boilers are
covered by RP 5-5-4 .
Supplemental fabrication requirements for jacketed piping systems are covered in RP 5-5-5 .
Supplemental pneumatic testing requirements for piping systems constructed to the ASME B31 Piping
Codes are covered in RP 5-5-7 .
Requirements governing the design, location, inspection and testing of pressure tap connections
(hottaps) on piping, pressure vessels, and tankage are covered in RP 5-6-1 .
9.2 Tie–Ins
Requirements governing the design and inspection and testing of tie-ins for new piping systems are
covered in RP 5-6-2 .
Requirements governing the design, layout and arrangement of piping connected to atmospheric
storage tanks or low pressure storage vessels are covered in RP 5-7-1 .
Requirements governing the design, fabrication, inspection and testing of the following piping systems
are covered in RP 5-8-1 .
Design, fabrication, installation and inspection requirements of auxiliary piping associated with
compressors, centrifugal fans, turbines, engines, gears, and pressurized lube and seal oil systems are
covered in RP 5-8-2 .
Requirements governing the design and application of temporary and permanent strainers for the
protection of equipment are covered in RP 5-8-3 . This Basic Practice does not cover metal screen
or porous media filters with openings finer than 150 mm.
Requirements governing the design, layout and arrangement of piping systems connected to fired
heaters, including fuel gas systems, are covered in RP 5-9-1 .
Requirements for inspection, repair, alteration, and rerating of in-service piping systems are covered
in RP 5-10-1 . This Practice is a supplement to API 570 (in preparation), and will be issued upon
completion of API 570.
Requirements for performing on-stream repairs leaks in flanges and valve packing are covered in
RP 5-10-2 . In addition, the on-stream repairs for pipe flanges covered in RP 5-10-2 can be used
for pressure vessel nozzle and girth flanges.
Requirements governing the design and installation of surface repair patches and sleeves that are fillet
welded directly to the pipe, and flush insert patches that are butt welded directly to the pipe, and flush
insert patches that are butt welded to the pipe are covered in RP 5-10-3 . The requirements of
RP 5-10-3 apply to damaged areas that are either in-service or out-of-service and are not leaking.
Requirement covering the evaluation and reuse of in–service piping systems constructed to the ASME
B31 Piping Codes are covered in RP 5-10-4 .
Requirements governing the design, layout and arrangement of steam piping systems are covered in
RP 5-11-1 .
Requirements for the selection and use of steam traps are covered in RP 5-11-2 .
Requirements governing the design, layout and arrangement of steam tracing systems are covered
in RP 5-11-3 .
2. Additional requirements governing the design, layout and arrangement of pressure relief piping
systems are covered in RP 5-12-1 .
1. General requirements for the use of and design of rupture disk devices are covered in RP 6-1-1
2. Additional design requirements and a specification sheet for rupture disk devices are included in
RP 5-12-2 .
16.1 General requirements for instrumentation piping systems are covered in RP 16-1-1 .
16.2 Additional requirements covering the design of instrumentation piping systems are covered in
RP 5-13-1 .
16.3 General installation details for instruments and their associated piping systems are shown in
RP 16-2-1 .
Requirements governing the design, layout and arrangement of piping and manual sampling systems
are covered in RP 5-14-1 .
18.1 Requirements governing the design and installation of non-metallic pipe are covered in RP 5-15-1
18.2 Requirements governing the design and installation of plastic lined metallic pipe are covered in
RP 5-15-2 .
Requirements governing the design and installation of cement lined pipe and fittings are covered in
RP 5-16-1 .
Supplemental requirements for piping in HF service at Alliance Refinery are covered in RP 5-17-1
. The format of this recommended practice closely follows the Phillips HF Specification to facilitate
use with existing facilities.
Supplemental requirements for piping in HF service at Marcus Hook Refinery are covered in RP 5-17-2
. The format of this recommended practice closely follows the UOP HF Specification to facilitate use
with existing facilities.
(1) Requires approval from the Owner’s Engineer.
(2) No credit is permitted if flanges are covered by Heat/Weather shields, or if they are banded.
(3) A 10% credit is permitted if flanges are covered by Heat/Weather shields, or if they are banded.
* (1) Do not use average flow rates with positive displacement pumps. If suction piping is complex, use 1 ft/sec unless otherwise specified
by the Owner’s Engineer.
(2) NPSH requirement is the major criterion for sizing pump suction lines.
(3) The vessel suction nozzle size is often set by velocity limits to prevent vortexes. The line must be configured so that there is at least
5 vertical feet from the nozzle, at the nozzle size, before reducing the size of the line.
(4) Check effect of water hammer before using maximums.
(5) Square duct 1/3 full.
(6) Use 10 ft/sec for NPS 4 inches and smaller, 15 ft/sec for NPS 6 inches through NPS 12 inches, and 20 ft/sec for NPS 14 inches and
* (7) Velocities greater than 6 ft/sec require Owner’s Engineer approval.
(1) These values are for headers within plant limits; short branch lines may be sized for two to three times the friction loss in this table.
(2) Sonic or acoustic velocity, where:
V s = gkZRT Mw , sonic velocity (ft/sec)
g = 32.17 (lb-ft)/ (lbf-sec 2 )
k = Specific Heat Ratio Cp/Cv
Z = Compressibility Factor
R = 1546(ft-lbf)/(lbmole- °R)
T = Absolute Temperature, ° R
Mw = Molecular Weight
(3) These velocities will usually be applied only to short branches. Their use for headers will result in very high friction loss.
d = nominal diameter in inches
P = Operating Pressure (4) Same as gases and vapors
(4) Same as gases and vapors
(1) See paragraph 4.3.4.
(2) Velocity must be sufficient to carry condensed liquids along with vapors.
(3) Minimum velocity of 3 ft/sec.
Block, see para. 4.4.1.a Block, see para. 4.4.1.b Block, see para. 4.4.1.c Block, see para. 4.4.1.d