Metal Brochure A4 Rev2 Web PDF
Metal Brochure A4 Rev2 Web PDF
Metal Brochure A4 Rev2 Web PDF
Metal expansion
Value engineering raised on global EagleBurgmann KE’s comprehensive EagleBurgmann KE is a respected
experience service: member of:
Over 50 years of challenges in the expansion joint in- Evaluations and troubleshooting The European Sealing Association (ESA)
dustry proves that EagleBurgmann KE is one of the Initial dimensional measurements Fluid Sealing Association (FSA)
worlds most experienced and innovative expansion Installation and refurbishment Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association
joint manufacturers. Supervision and training (EJMA)
Plant surveys Euro-Qualiflex
Experience is sourced from all continents and vari- Emergency services
ous market sectors to provide our customers with the Final inspection by experienced Service EagleBurgmann KE is proud of the appreciation
latest technologies and solutions. Engineers given from hundreds of customers around the world.
Metal and fabric expansion joints are flexible connec- EagleBurgmann KE is approved to: EagleBurgmann KE’s global
tions, installed in piping and ducting systems to accom- PED 97/23/EC manufacturing footprint:
modate expansion and vibration caused by changes in ISO 3834-2 Europe
temperature, pressure and media comprise. ISO 9001 Americas
ISO 14001 South East Asia
EagleBurgmann KE’s major focuses: OHSAS 18001 India
Value engineering to decrease operational ASME U Stamp
downtime ASME R Stamp We have a worldwide sales network supported by
Lean manufacturing to reduce costs Other approvals are available upon EagleBurgmann and Freudenberg offices.
3D smart design to maximize overall service life customer request
P4. Metal expansion joint introduction
Metal expansion joints Our complete product range EagleBurgmann KE is specialized in metal expansion
are flexible connections, installed in piping and duct- of metal expansion joints ranges from low pressure joint design for a varied range of applications. Some of
ing systems to accommodate expansion and vibra- exhaust bellows to sophisticated engineered solu- the special applications are:
tion caused by changes in temperature, pressure tions for fluid catalytic cracking units.
and/or media. Engine exhaust systems
In any duct or piping system with a high temperature Gas Turbines
Metal bellows are made of one or multiple plies of or a closed system with high pressure, where move- Steam turbines
stainless steel in austenitic steel, Incoloys, Inconels or ments and pressure need to be accommodated, met- FCCU’s
other formable materials. al expansion joints are installed as flexible solutions. HRSG’s/WHRB’s
Flue gas duct systems
Metal expansion joints can be designed with hard- EagleBurgmann KE offer innovative customized so- Conventional boilers
ware, intended to retain system pressure thrust load, lutions developed in cooperation with Original Equip- Fluidized Bed Boilers
while allowing intended design movement. ment Manufacturers and end user customers world- Filtration/ precipitators
wide; optimal solutions for piping systems in engines, Scrubbers/ absorbers
EagleBurgmann KE offers reliable and innovative flues gas systems and any pipeline worldwide.
expansion joints solutions for many applications EagleBurgmann KE offer a full range of metal ex-
worldwide: EagleBurgmann KE add Value Engineering to metal ex- pansion joints from round and rectangular ducting
Power Generation pansion joint solutions through experience and proven expansion joints to highly engineered and complex
Ship power and ship building technology. FCCU assemblies with a long history of welding and
District Heating forming of special materials including a wide range
Steel Mills In-house design and engineering of nickel alloys. Documentation is offered according
Water Treatment including FEA together with modern, automated pro- to the latest industry standards.
Wind Power duction technology and welding equipment, gives us
Pulp and Paper Plants superior performance for optimal productivity and
Desulphurization plants welding quality. On time delivery is a very important
Off shore parameter in the successful installations of metal
Refineries expansion joints worldwide.
Chemical and Petrochemical Plants
Metal expansion joints are installed in flue gas piping systems. Metal expansion joints can be designed in many shapes and Metal expansion joints are installed in engines and exhaust
sizes. gas systems.
Certificates and Tests
Welding a pipe end to a metal bellows. EagleBurgmann KE holds a varied range of approvals and Testing a metal expansion joint with helium.
Engines &
Flue Gas Systems
The expansion joint provides superior flexibility and An external shrould can be added to protect the
is corrosion resistant in the aggressive exhaust gas metal bellows against external mechanical damage
applications. They are designed for the specific en- during installation and permanently.
gine operating conditions, looking at e.g. pressure,
temperature, flow velocities and location. Exhaust Expansion Joints for flue gas systems are
installed in:
UM-types are usually fitted with fixed, swivel or V- Diesel / Gas Engines Power Plant
clamp type flanges, but can instead be equipped Marine Exhaust line
with weld ends if desired. District Heating Power Plant
Coal / Gas / Biomass / Power Plant
Metal Expansion Joints for engines are installed in: Gas Turbines
Cylinder exhaust (1st position) Heat and Ventilation Systems
Exhaust reciever/ manifold UM-types are manufactued with semi or fully automated Heat Recovery Boiler and Silencers
Turbocharger air outlet / exhaust inlet / by-pass operations for large series production.
US-type flue gas metal expansion joints are designed for US-types installed in a flue gas system. 3D model of a US-type flue gas metal expansion joint.
positioning in the flue exhaust gas system.
Pipe Penetration Seals
& PS Seals
Pipe penetration seals Pipe penetration seal advantages: The PS seal offers easy installation and disassembly
are used to allow tubes or pipes to expand thermally Reduces pipe stress and can be repaired without cutting the the pressure
by penetrating the shell or pressure casing typically Increased boiler efficiency piping. No need for specially trained welders to install
at boilers. It eliminates the leakage of heat and other Noise reduction the replacements. The internal stainless steel wire
emissions, reduces noise and protects maintenance No maintenance mesh seal can be replaced easily during shutdowns,
personnel. eliminating the need to replace the entire unit.
If damaged, metal penetration seals can normally be
These seals are designed to absorb axial, lateral replaced with a clamshell to avoid having to cut the The PS Seal uses a floating ring design with patented
and angular movements and lowering the stress on steam piping. stainless steel flow reducing seals in contact with the
tubes and pipes to which they are connected. penetration pipe outside diameter and lateral move-
PS Seals ment plates. The seals are compressed on assembly
Pipe penetration seals are 100% leak proof, improv- (our boiler penetration seals) are used in heat recovery to provide minimal gas leakage during operation.
ing operational efficiency, while designed for large steam generators (HRSG) for boilers and are an easy
movements generated from boiler tubes and pipes. way to capture more value from the fuel budget. PS
They can be designed to accommodate most applica- Seals can significantly lower energy loss while reduc-
tions from original manufacturer to retrofits of exist- ing the maintenance load and risk of unplanned outage.
ing installations.
Pipe penetration seals installed in a HRSG system. Metal pipe penetration seals. Penetration slider seal, installed on bottom of boiler.
Pressurized Metal
Expansion Joints
Pressure Type Metal Expansion Joints LA-type expansion joints AN-type expansion joints
are used in piping systems to allow axial, lateral or are intended for lateral movement only. Lateral ex- are intended for angular movement only. They are
angular motion. Expansion joints can be categorized pansion joints are available in two principal types. divided into two types. For one plane angular move-
as tied/restrained or untied/unrestrained solutions. One with tie rods, and one with hinges that controls ment a hinged type is appropriate. For two plane an-
Restrained types can be equipped with hardware how the bellows move. gular movement a gimbal type must be used.
such as tie rods, hinges or gimbals.
Tie rods and hinges retain the load generated by the
AX-type expansion joints system pressure (pressure thrust), within the ex-
are used to absorb only movements along the lon- pansion joint.
gitudinal axis (axial) of the pipeline. They can be
equipped with weld ends, fixed or loose flanges.
AX-type metal expansion joint. LA-type metal expansion joint with tie rods. AN-type single hinged metal expansion joint.
Hinged Types Leak monitors The pressure thrust force developed when using bel-
are tied solutions, and can be provided as a single can be added to the design if neccessary. The lows in a piping system, is balanced within the expan-
or a double, depending on requirements. The hinge bellows then has two plies, where each ply is in- sion joint, reducing pressure thrust forces to a mini-
enable angulation/ rotation in the piping where the dependently designed for the full system design mum.
expansion joint is installed. System generated pres- conditions. The bellows is equipped with test ports,
sure thrust is retained within the expansion joint conected to a gauge or monitor. This will indicate in Pressure balanced expansion joints are used e.g.
hardware by the hinge assembly. case a leakage occur. when connection to-or-from load sensitive equipment,
vessels or where modification/addition of main an-
Gimbal Types Pressure Balanced Expansion Joints chor point are not feasable.
are tied solutions, and can be provided as a single or are used where pressure thrust loads are undesired
a double, depending on requirements. The gimbal hard- and are designed to eliminate the pressure thrust
ware assembly is designed to retain full pressure thrust, from the internal pressure, by a force balancing prin-
while enabling two plane angulations. External loading ciple. Pressure balanced metal expansion joints can
can be included in the design if special cases require so. be designed as in-line or elbow type.
AN-type single gimbal metal expansion joint. 3D model of a TB-type inline, pressure balanced expansion HA-type pressure balanced elbow (crossover expansion joint).
Danmuff Expansion Joints (DH1S) expansion joint can be installed in series in sections DanOne Expansion Joints (DX3S)
have been designed specially for installation in district of pipe without intermediate guides/anchor points. are axial one cycle or startup expansion joints. This
heating pipe systems. Constructed in such a way that The expansion joint will trigger each other individually. expansion joint is used in pipe systems where vari-
when the bellows is fully compressed the axial com- Together with the media pipe, the guide pipe forms a ations in temperature around a desired mean tem-
pressive forces in the pipeline can be transferred di- telescopic union in the expansion joint with regard to perature are not to be absorbed as expansion move-
rectly through the adjoining end surfaces of the media direction of flow. This telescopic union also forms a ments, but as tensile and compressive stresses in
pipes without the bellows being overloaded. guide, allowing lengths of pipe to be welded together, the pipe system.
including the expansion joints, and then laid in the
If the temperature in the pipe network drops to such trench without the expansion joint being damaged. The DanOne is installed in the system at ambient con-
an extent that tensile stresses occur, the maximum ditions and allowing the system to expand, the first
tensile stresses in the media pipe will be transferred The expansion joint is pre-stressed 100% at the fac- time the system is heated up to desired temperature.
to the stop ring through the outer casing pipe and tory using explosive bolts, which are fitted through In this position of the expansion joint is seal welded,
the contact faces of the slide guide. Danmuff is also the stop ring and into the slide guide. When the in- and thereby locked in place. Expansions in the pipe
protected against torsion. stallation is put into operation, the explosive bolts system caused by variations in temperature will be
are activated, triggering the movements of the ex- absorbed as tensile and compressive stresses when
This design means that the number of guides/anchor pansion joint. the system cools down and heats up respectively in
points in the pipe system can be reduced, as the relation to the mean temperature.
Bellows for district heating. Finished DanOne Expansion Joints ready for shipping. District heating pipeline.
3D model of a Danmuff Metal Expansion Joint. District heating pipeline system with a Danmuff Metal 3D model of a DanOne Metal Expansion Joint.
Expansion Joint.
RE-type expansion joints RE-type expansion joints are used in industries such as: Corner configurations and bellows
are rectangular expansion joints used to accom- Power Generation profiles:
modate the need for mainly axial and lateral move- Steelwork Four different corner configurations (see below)
ments over a broad range of operating conditions. Petrochemical Plants U shaped or V span convolution profiles
Rectangular expansion joints can be designed and Chemical Industries The selection of profile type and corner configura-
manufactured with convolutions more than 200 mm tion depends on requirement for e.g. movements,
of height to provide the necessary movement ability, And applications such as: cycle life and price. The two profile types and four
while keeping reaction forces of the expansion joint Gas turbine exhaust systems corner configurations gives the flexibility to combine
very low. Boiler breaching choices into the ideal solution.
Forced draft fans
Flue gas ducts EagleBurgmann KE calculate rectangular metal
Precipitators expansion joints according to the latest edition of
And other hot gas, large volume ducting systems EJMA.
RE-type metal expansion joint with round corners being welded. RE-type metal expansion joint with double miter corners. 4 types of corner configurations.
Petrochemical &
high temperature processing
Petrochemical process lines All designs are subject to thermal stress analysis Industry sectors with high temperature applications:
require metal expansion joints to handle extreme and FEA in order to deliver 100% reliable products. Refineries
pressure or temperature. Chemical Plants
Styrene plants
Typical applied hardware and accessories: Catofin plants
Hinges, gimbals MTBE plants
Tie rods, pantograph linkages
Leak detectors
Liners, shrouds
Internal insulation
Purging systems
Reinforcing rings
Expanded ducting
DN2000mm universal metal expansion joint for styrene DN2000mm double gimbal metal expansion joints for 3D model of metal expansion joint with pantographs.
processing. styrene processing.
Turbo Expander Units
Metal expansion joints are an integral component of The bellows membrane is the most critical element Continuous Catalytic Reforming (CCR)
complex refinery processes and their reliability can of the expansion joint assembly. Its relatively thin requires an unlined thin-wall, high alloy expansion
be significant to the refinery’s productivity and perfor- wall construction is designed for maximum flexibil- joints to accommodate high temperatures and move-
mance. An unexpected joint failure can be costly. ity, but must be protected against erosive catalyst ments. With a great need to achieve higher perfor-
and other corrosive media. Expansion joints for FCC mance and profitability, these expansion joints are
Expansion joints used in Fluid Catalytic service fall into these major categories, cold wall, critical to the overall success of the refinery.
Cracking Units (FCCU) hot wall lined and hot wall unlined.
are some of the most critical and complex expan- The turbo expander
sion joints manufactured. FCCUs operate at very Types of expansion joints used in FCC applications, is another important system within a refinery with
high temperatures, consequently resulting in large include: significant effect on production profits. The losses
thermal movements that must be absorbed by the Gimbaled are extremely high to a refinery that must shutdown
expansion joints. Hinged to repair for example the universal hinged or gimbaled
Pressure balanced expansion joints installed within the turbo expander
Introduction of abrasive media (catalyst) requires Restrained universals piping system.
additional protection to avoid gradual deterioration
and premature failure of the expansion joint. Refrac- Features and acesories on FCCU type expansion joints: This system requires experienced professionals to
tory lining is made to protect the steel parts from the Pantographic linkage provide expansion joint designs to ensure long term
high service temperature and from any erosion par- Redundant ply bellows design safety, reliability and maintainability.
ticles in the media. The lining is added to the expan- Equalizing rings
sion joint by welding in special stainless anchors. Sealable covers
DN1400mm cold wall universal expansion joint cartridge for In-line pressure balanced metal expansion joint. DN2000mm hinged expansion joint for a turbo expander
FCCU. piping system.
DN2300mm tied universal catalyst with slotted gimbals. Recirculation catalyst standpipe refractory lined expansion DN 1422mm refractory lined, pressure balanced expansion
joint (800mm ID). joint with two-ply testable bellows and test gagues.
Installation, Service &
Preventive Maintenance
Servicing our customers Safety is the highest priority Our comprehensive services include:
is vital to us. Operational reliability and long service not only for our production and field service person- Evaluations and troubleshooting
life of expansion joints is crucial. Unplanned shut nel, but for our customers and users of our products. Initial dimensional measurements
downs are not only troublesome, but expensive. The The safety of all employees and personnel working Installation & refurbishment
right installation can save hundreds of man-hours on your plant or refinery is our greatest concern. Supervision and training
with proper and safe installation. Plant surveys
Our service teams complete routine safety training Emergency services
The key to long-term and reliable expansion joints and certification to ensure each member observes Final inspection by experienced service engineers
is dependent on a professional installation team. current industry safety practices as well as site spe-
EagleBurgmann KE’s service team has extensive cific policies and procedures.
installation experience and supervision on projects
worldwide and can be available 7 days a week, with-
in 24 to 48 hours.
Emergency hotlines
South East Asia +65 9630 3420
India +91 93805 80508
Middle East +971 55 531 946
Europe +45 21 24 66 32
EagleBurgmann KE has a team of experienced welders. Installation of a clamshell metal expansion joint.
Expansion Joint
Product Range
Design and engineering capabilities Fabric Expansion Joints Metal Expansion Joints
With more than 50 years of experience as a solution are able to compensate for movements in several di- are flexible connections installed in piping and duct-
provider, EagleBurgmann KE has developed capabili- rections simultaneously and have almost no reactive ing systems to accommodate expansion and vibration
ties in solving challenges associated with controlling force. They require little space for installation and are caused by changes in temperature, pressure and media.
thermal expansion of piping and ducting systems. easy to adapt to physical conditions.
EagleBurgmann offer a full range of metal expan-
EagleBurgmann KE has a proven track record of Selection of the right fabric expansion joint depends sion joints from rectangular and round ducting joints
capabilities both in engineering and product relia- on a variety of factors which vary from application to to highly engineered designs for critical applications.
bility, with installations in all continents and vari- application.
ous market sectors. The company has a long history of welding and
By combining different materials and taking thermal, forming of special materials including a wide range
Through continuous innovation, we provide our chemical and mechanical resistance into consid- of nickel alloys. EagleBurgmann KE offer complete
customers with the latest technologies and soluti- eration, as well as the fatigue properties of the ma- documentation packages in accordance to current
ons within the expansion joint industry. terials, our engineers develop optimal solutions that industry standards such as ASME and EJMA.
provide long-term reliability to customers in various
As a solution provider, EagleBurgmann KE offers a industries.
wide range of services in connection with optimiza-
tion of conditions for expansion joints. They include: Fabric expansion joint operating limits* Metal expansion joint operating limits*
Consulting, evaluations and troubleshooting
Initial dimensional measurements Dimensions: Dimensions:
Installation and refurbishment According to customer specifications Circular: DN40 mm and up
Supervision and training Rectangular: According to customer specifications
Plant surveys Temperature range: –35 ... +1.000 °C
Emergency service For higher temperature, please request Temperature range: –198 ... +1.371 °C
Final inspections
Pressure range: –0,35 ... 0,35 bar Pressure range: Full vacuum up to 172 bar
EagleBurgmann KE offer a wide range of products. Cross section of fabric expansion joint. Cross section of metal expansion joint.
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EagleBurgmann Expansion Joint Solutions is a leading global organization in the development of expansion joint EagleBurgmann KE A/S
technology; working to meet the challenges of today’s ever-changing environmental, quality and productivity Odinsvej 1
demands. Our flexible products are installed in thousands of plants, refineries and on equipment worldwide 6950 Ringkoebing, Denmark
where reliability and safety are key factors for operating success. Everyday more than 6000 EagleBurgmann Tel: +45 75 36 18 11
employees contribute their ideas, solutions and commitment to ensure our customers worldwide can rely on Fax: +45 97 32 65 35
our products and services. For more information – visit [email protected]