EagleBurgmann - Fabric Expansion Jont PDF

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Product brochure

Fabric expansion
Value engineering raised on global EagleBurgmann KE’s comprehensive EagleBurgmann KE is a respected
experience service: member of:
Over 50 years of challenges in the expansion joint ‚‚ Evaluations and troubleshooting ‚‚ The European Sealing Association (ESA)
industry proves that EagleBurgmann KE is one of the ‚‚ Initial dimensional measurements ‚‚ Fluid Sealing Association (FSA)
world’s most experienced and innovative expansion ‚‚ Installation and refurbishment ‚‚ Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association (EJMA)
joint manufacturers. ‚‚ Supervision and training ‚‚ Euro-Qualiflex
‚‚ Plant surveys
Experience is sourced from all continents and various ‚‚ Emergency services EagleBurgmann KE is proud of the appreciation given
market sectors to provide our customers with the ‚‚ Final inspection by experienced Service Engineers from hundreds of customers around the world.
latest technologies and solutions.
EagleBurgmann KE is approved to: EagleBurgmann KE’s global
Metal and fabric expansion joints are flexible con- ‚‚ PED 97/23/EC manufacturing footprint:
nections, installed in piping and ducting systems to ‚‚ ISO 3834-2 ‚‚ Europe
accommodate expansion and vibration caused by ‚‚ ISO 9001 ‚‚ Americas
changes in temperature, pressure and media comprise. ‚‚ ISO 14001 ‚‚ South East Asia
‚‚ OHSAS 18001 ‚‚ India
EagleBurgmann KE’s major focuses: ‚‚ ASME U Stamp
‚‚ Value engineering to decrease operational downtime ‚‚ ASME R Stamp We have a worldwide sales network supported by
‚‚ Lean manufacturing to reduce costs ‚‚ Other approvals are available upon EagleBurgmann and Freudenberg offices.
‚‚ 3D smart design to maximize overall service life customer request


P4. Introduction

P5. Test & Quality Inspection

P6. Criteria for Applications & Design

P8. Basic Configuration

P10. Standard Designs

P12. Product Types

P16. Technical Product Data

P26. Installation, Service &

Preventive Maintenance

P27. Expansion Joint Product Range


Fabric expansion joints Fabric expansion joint advantages:

are vital components in most industrial plants. They ‚‚ Compensates for movements in several directions By combining different materials and taking into con-
are installed as flexible connections in duct and simultaneously sideration the thermal, chemical and mechanical
piping systems to take up or compensate for thermal ‚‚ Minimal reactive forces resistance as well as the fatigue properties of the
expansion, vibration and/or misalignment. ‚‚ Advanced insulation design ensures minimal heat loss material, our designers provide the optimum solu-
‚‚ Reduced surface temperature on the outer layer tions both technically and economically.
Selecting the right expansion joint for your system during operation to protect site personnel
is important toward ensuring reliable operation. ‚‚ Requires little space for installation Fabric expansion joints are commonly used in power
A properly designed and installed expansion joint ‚‚ Easily adapts to existing physical conditions plants, FGD, cement, incineration, pulp & paper, pet-
can ensure uninterrupted plant performance between ‚‚ Easy to transport rochemical, metal fabrication, food processing, etc.
scheduled maintenance shutdowns.

Fabric expansion joints are easy to transport. Fabric expansion joints requires little space for installation. High temperature expansion joints may be designed to reduce
surface temperature.

Test & Quality Inspection

Raw materials, semi-finished products and complete The chemical resistance of our products are veri- Application technology
expansion joint constructions undergo both general fied using our in-house test rig where the material i.e. to know the requirements imposed on an expan-
and comprehensive tests and control procedures. is exposed to concentrated aggressive media in an sion joint from different processes and industries,
accelerated environment. The tested material is then play a major role in order to design the right expan-
These tests and control procedures include recog- checked carefully to determine what damage (if any) sion joint.
nized standard tests according to DIN norms etc. the material has sustained.
and more advanced tests which simulate the actual Based on our test and research results, we are able
conditions, under which the expansion joint construc- Fabrics that are exposed to high temperatures must to document the operational reliability and lifetime of
tion must operate. maintain their mechanical properties to a certain an expansion joint for a given application. We also
extent. These materials are therefore subjected to carry out customer-specific tests.
Entry control high temperature for a specific period of time and
plays an important role in ensuring that the quality then tested to ensure that their mechanical proper- By default, all expansion joint constructions can be
of expansion joints is constantly maintained at the ties are retained within an acceptable level. tested with regard to:
highest possible level. ‚‚ Flexibility rate of the expansion joint type
In-house lifetime simulation ‚‚ Leakage rate of the expansion joint type
EagleBurgmann KE has in-house capabilities to test: can be performed on request by EagleBurgmann KE ‚‚ Sound insulation properties of the expansion joint
‚‚ Flexibility developed test equipment. Lifetime can be simulated ‚‚ Temperature distribution (heat/energy loss)
‚‚ Temperature resistance on our high cycle fatigue or low cycle fatigue move- through the expansion joint
‚‚ Tensile, abrasive and tear strength ment simulator. The simulator will test expansion ‚‚ FEM (Finite Element Method) of expansion joint
‚‚ Mechanical strength joint units in axial or lateral direction, and test the and steel parts with regard to life and fatigue
‚‚ Chemical resistance material to a total of 100.000 movements.
‚‚ Heat convection Each product undergo final inspection before being
‚‚ Recovery rate after compression shipped from the factory ensuring that the delivered
‚‚ Fibre size and number product lives up to customer expectations.
‚‚ Weaving and the strength of same

Low cycle fatigue test rig. High cycle fatigue test rig. Result of FEM analysis.

Criteria for Applications & Design

Which type of expansion joint Flow rates

to use and its design is based on some fundamental determine if a sleeve may be recommended. For
considerations. higher flow rates an insertion of a sleeve is necessary
for the functionality of the expansion joint.
It is necessary to state operating data and other con-
ditions as detailed as possible to ensure maximum Medium
operating reliability. represents an important decision factor in choosing
Axial compression the type of expansion joint and the configuration.
Place and conditions of installation Typical media that fabric expansion joints will get
must be considered before choosing the expansion subjected to are:
joint design. Is the place of installation easily acces-
sible, or is scaffolding, a crane or other equipment Air
required to install the expansion joint? ‚‚ Clean
‚‚ Dust content
Movements ‚‚ Chemical load by acids, solvents, etc.
alone or in combinations, are taken up by fabric
expansion joints: Axial elongation Flue gases
‚‚ Axial compression ‚‚ From coal, oil, gas firing etc.
‚‚ Axial elongation ‚‚ Analysis of the flue gas
‚‚ Angular offset ‚‚ Humidity
‚‚ Lateral offset ‚‚ Contents of soot or fly ashes
‚‚ Torsion ‚‚ Flushing/washing of ducts

The size and frequency of movements will affect Leakage requirements

the choice of expansion joint. For large movements, may be necessary, according to the application area and
convoluted and expansion joints with scissor control Angular offset the medium. In principle, a distinction is made between
guides are recommended. They ensure controlled the tightness of the expansion joint and the tightness
movements and prevent damage to the fabric or heat of the flange area. Single-layer expansion joint can be
pockets from occurring. made 100% gas tight with appropriate sealing, but
multi-layer expansion joint will always have a certain
Mechanical loads lekage through the flange area. Pressure and tempera-
Fabric expansion joints are also able to take up: ture will also affect the leakage as both high temperature
‚‚ Vibrations and high pressure will result in higher leakage in the
‚‚ Structural-borne noise flange area for mulitilayer expansion joints.

Essentially, the following should be considered: Lateral offset The following requirements can be made:
‚‚ Overstretching ‚‚ Nekal tightness
‚‚ Friction along the sleeve ‚‚ Flue gas tightness
‚‚ Presetting
‚‚ Combination of movements Solid matter
might contaminate the medium which will influence both
Pressure the design and the construction. In principle, the expan-
will affect the design (type of fabric and number of sion joint should be protected from abrasive media.
layers). The following distinctions are made:
‚‚ Positive pressure (normal, peak) The main considerations concerning solid matters are:
‚‚ Negative pressure (normal, peak) ‚‚ Content (mg/Nm3)
‚‚ Variations of pressure (pulsations) ‚‚ Grain size (µm)
‚‚ Pressure surges ‚‚ Arrangement of duct (horizontal, vertical, diagonal)
‚‚ Design/operating pressure ‚‚ Direction of flow (upwards, downwards)
Torsion ‚‚ Flow rate

Temperature External influences Temperatures below dew point
has important influence on the design, the type and Ambient temperature may occour if the plant is stopped, or if it is operat-
the construction. The outer cover materials are pro- The design of expansion joints is usually based on a ing at a partial load, depending on the process used.
tected from thermal damage by insulating layers, the given ambient temperature. Higher ambient tempera- The arising humidity results in an increased chemical
thickness and numbers of which are depending on tures are met by adjusting the insulation thickness load on the expansion joint and the duct work as well.
the temperature. accordingly.
Insulation of the expansion joint can be an efficient
The most important values to consider are: Weathering measure to prevent the temperature from constantly
‚‚ Operating temperature Cover plates have proved as a suitable measure falling below the dew point.
‚‚ Excursion temperature against the influences of rain, snow, sand storms etc.
‚‚ Variations in temperature These plates may also serve as a protection against Temperatures below dew point will influence:
‚‚ Design temperature contact. ‚‚ Choice of material
‚‚ Ambient temperature ‚‚ Design of the flange area
‚‚ Construction

1,000 °C 160 °C
Fluastal Temperature not
below dew point
650 °C
575 °C
Thermoflex, Fluaflex & Flexgen 200 °C

Media temperature
425 °C
Fluachem fluoropolymer
Expansion joint with outside insulation.
300 °C
KE-Flex Fluachem elastomer

20 °C

-35 °C
None Limited High Increased chemical load
Chemical load 100 °C Formation of condensate Corrosion

Temperature and chemical load range of standard fabric Expansion joint with cover plate. Expansion joint without outside insulation.

Basic Configuration

Clamping configurations Basic forms of expansion joints Sleeve constructions

such as a belt or flanged expansion joint is chosen are chosen according to the application. are recommended in most cases and ensures:
based on the pipe/duct connections. There are three ‚‚ Better flow efficiency
typical types of clamping configurations that may Which configuration is chosen for the finished expan- ‚‚ Mechanical protection against abrasion
employ one of the above constructions: sion joint is dependent on the operating conditions, ‚‚ Prevention of duct accumulation
‚‚ Belt expansion joint configuration (P-flange) such as temperature, pressure, motion, flow rate, ‚‚ Fixation of expansion joint insulation
‚‚ Vertical flange expansion joint configuration medium, etc. ‚‚ Longer life to the expansion joint construction
‚‚ Extended belt expansion joint configuration Each configuration has certain advantages relating to If expansion joints are used without sleeve construc-
with bolster (PFH-100) absorbing movements, temperature resistance and tions, their design must be equally more resistant to
‚‚ Combination type expansion joint configuration ease of installation. abrasive particles and mechanical loads.

Whether the duct cross-sections are round or rectan-

gular with rounded corners, the fabric expansion joint
can be designed accordingly. The fabric expansion
joints can also be designed to bridge between round
and rectangular ducts.

Single sleeve fitted with the expansion joint

Vertical flange connection on duct level Flanged convoluted expansion joint

Single sleeve welded to the duct end

Belt connection directly on duct Flat belt expansion joint

Double sleeve with overlap

PFH-100 belt configuration Convoluted bellows expansion joint (belt connection) Inner sleeve

Belt/vertical flange connection Belt/flanged expansion joint Floating sleeve

Insulation / bolsters There are three types of insulating techniques: Fastening elements
‚‚ Reduce the temperature of the sealing and ther- 1. Insulation integrated in the expansion joint layers are used to fit the expansion joint to the duct end.
mally sensitive layers 2. An insulation bolster bag, i.e. insulation materials For less complicated expansion joints (e.g. belt
‚‚ Protect the expansion joint from fly ash etc. protected by wire mesh or glass fabric, forming a types), clamping bands may be sufficient. The higher
‚‚ Pupport the expansion joint in case of pulsations unity with or without flanges the requirements are with regards to pressure, tem-
in the duct 3. Loose insulating materials resting between the perature, tightness etc., the more sophisticated the
‚‚ Reduce noise expansion joint and the sleeve fastening method will be.

Refractory lining
protects the duct at very high temperatures. Refractory
lining is a layer of highly temperature resistant material
attached to the inside of the duct, which protects the
duct against thermal and mechanical wear of the flow

Bolster with flanges fitted as part of the expansion joint.

Bolster filling out the gap between expansion joint and sleeve. Stainless steel clamping band. Backing flange.

Standard Designs

Single-layer expansion joints Multi-layer expansion joints Which design of expansion joint
consist of one material layer only. Depending on the are designed with carefully selected layers and com- is best suited, depends on a number of factors, such
working conditions, the layer is manufactured from prises four groups of materials: as size of the duct cross-section, site conditions,
either fabrics, various fluoroelastomers, or fluoropoly- sleeve construction, type of application etc.
mers with fabric reinforcement as composite materials. Outer cover material
Acts as supporting layer (especially for the gas-tight Fabric expansion joints may be supplied as:
Single-layer expansion joints offer the utmost tightness foil) and protects the inner layers against weathering
and chemical resistance as is required when exposed and mechanical impact from the outside. In most Closed type
to heavy condensate and aggressive medias. EagleBurg- cases the material is coated or laminated and may ‚‚ For vertical flanges and flat belt connections
mann KE supplies both the PTFE-based fluoropolymers also function as gas sealing barrier. Stainless steel ‚‚ Accurate dimensions required
and the original virgin (FKM) fluoroelastomers, specifically wire mesh and steel bands are further used for ‚‚ Usually supplied with pre-punched holes
designed for applications in flue gas cleaning systems. special designs to give added mechanical protection ‚‚ Steel components may be supplied separately
and dimensional stability.
Open type
Gas-tight foil ‚‚ Closed on site
is the sealing layer that ensures gas tightness of the ‚‚ Not usually supplied with holes
expansion joint. It is usually imbedded between fabric ‚‚ Ideal for stockkeeping as spare parts
layers or integrated in the outer cover. It is imperme- ‚‚ Quick replacement and assembly in case of damage
able and chemically resistant.
Expansion joint units
Insulating materials ‚‚ Installation into the duct is simple and quick
protect both the gas sealing foil and the other expan- ‚‚ Transport brackets hold the unit in place during
sion joint layers from high media temperatures. transport and installation
‚‚ Large units are transported in sections and welded
Temperature-resistant fabrics on-site, for easier transportation and installation.
are used to protect the gas sealing foil and/or the
insulation materials.

1. Flexible element 1. Flange reinforcement 4. Insulation

2. Outer cover 5. Support layer
3. Gas-tight foil

1 4

Single-layer expansion joint. Multi-layer expansion joint. Open type multi-layer expansion joint.

Flange reinforcement for protection Outer cover material,
of the expansion joint and additional laminated with PTFE
Ambient temperature 30 °C insulation in the flange area on both sides

100 °C Outer cover and gas-tight foil
140 °C Gas-tight foil
Glass fabric
Strips of insulating fabric,
150 °C for extra protection in the
Dew point Insulation flange area

320 °C Insulation material

Glass fabric
Stainless steel Insulating high
wire mesh temperature fabric
Gas temperature 400 °C
Stainless steel bands Stainless steel wire mesh

Temperature gradient and flow in a multi-layer expansion joint. Layers in a multi-layer expansion joint.

Product Types

KE-Flex Fluachem Fluachem Fluoroelastomer
is a single-layer expansion joint designed to be installed are single-layer expansion joints available in elas- is an elastomeric product, made from FKM/EPDM,
in low temperature ducting with no or relatively unag- tomer and fluoropolymer. The choice of material for high pressure and low temperature applications,
gressive media. depends on the pressure, temperature and chemical with the option of fiber reinforcement.
load the expansion joint will be exposed to. Both
The KE-Flex product line is available in a range of product types are very flexible, have low reactive The elastomers are highly durable, resistant to acids
fabrics, plastics and elastomers. They can be provided forces, can withstand high mechanical loads and are and can withstand high mechanical loads and pulsa-
with rings or reinforced fabrics for stabilization of pres- completely gas tight solutions. tions. The elastomer products will form a self-sealing
sure loads. KE-Flex is supplied with sewn-in or loose connection to the duct without a gasket.
clamping bands or a V- or P-flange construction. They are available for flange and belt connections,
for round and rectangular duct cross-sections and Fluachem Fluoropolymer
This product line is the ideal choice for a wide range in any dimension. The Fluachem products can be is a glass fabric reinforced PTFE expansion joint for
of applications including: delivered with a pre-installed drain nozzle, which installation in chemically aggressive, medium tem-
‚‚ Vibrating equipment allows for drainage through the expansion joint in perature applications.
‚‚ Food processing moist conditions.
‚‚ Heating and ventilation (HVAC) systems The core of these expansion joints is very strong
‚‚ Separators Fluachem expansion joints are mostly used without glass fabric, protected on one side by a PTFE-based
‚‚ Powder and granulate conveyor systems insulation. For better flow and abrasion resistance, coating and on the inside by a PTFE foil. This material
it is recommended to install a sleeve in combination structure ensures excellent strength, great flexibility,
with the expansion joint. They are very easy to install. and excellent chemical resistance.

The Fluachem products are often installed in:

‚‚ FGD plants
‚‚ Petrochemical plants
‚‚ Oil refineries

KE-Flex operating limits Fluachem Fluoroelastomer operating limits Fluachem Fluoropolymer operating limits

Temperature: –35 ... +300 °C Temperature: –35 ... +300 °C Temperature: –35 ... +425 °C
Pressure range: –0,25 ... 0,25 bar Pressure range: –0,35 ... 0,35 bar Pressure range: –0,2 ... 0,2 bar
Maximal axial movements: ... 200 mm Maximal axial movements: ... 150 mm Maximal axial movements: ... 200 mm
Maximal lateral movements: ... 80 mm Maximal lateral movements: ... 40 mm Maximal lateral movements: ... 40 mm

See page 17 for further technical details See page 18 for further technical details See page 18 for further technical details

KE-Flex installed in an air duct. Fluachem Elastomer installed in a horizontal duct. Fluachem Fluoropolymer installed in a vertical duct.

Acouseal Combine-X Fluastal
expansion joints are constructed from a single-layer of is a multi-layer expansion joint. It is specifically is the optimal expansion joint for extreme environ-
EPDM rubber material that has proven to have excel- designed for gas turbine exhaust systems with high ments where high temperatures and high dust loads
lent sound reducing properties. EagleBurgmann KE has operating temperatures, very high gas velocities and occur. It is a multi-layer expansion joint, designed
tested the sound reducing properties of our expansion pulsating gas flows. with stainless steel wire mesh and bands on the gas
joint designs and material selection and the results have side to ensure high form stability and temperature
been verified by the Danish Technological Institute.* Specially designed steel components and sleeve con- resistance.
structions ensure extremely good functionality and
The self-sealing property of the EPDM rubber ensures high operating reliability. The expansion joints are often The Fluastal product line is available in an easy-to-
a 100% gas tight solution without the use of gaskets. delivered as a preassembled unit, which ensures that install option with either a silicone coated outer cover
both the expansion joint and the steel frame designs or the more temperature resistant PTFE based outer
Acouseal expansion joints are typically installed in: are optimized for a long lifecycle of the unit. cover material.
‚‚ Gas turbine air inlets
Increasing demand to reduce sound emission from Due to the internal layer of wire mesh, Fluastal prod-
gas turbine systems has caused EagleBurgmann KE ucts are able to withstand higher dust loads and are
40 to develop a model for calculating the optimal design suitable for working in applications, where internal
Sound reduction index R (dB)

according to site specific intensity of sound pressure. refractory lining is required.

Tests were performed in co-operation with and docu-
20 mented by third party.* Fluastal expansion joints are typically installed in:
‚‚ Cement plants
Combine-X expansion joints are typically installed in: ‚‚ Incineration plants
0 ‚‚ Diffuser inlet and outlet ‚‚ Conventional power plants.
31 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 ‚‚ Diverter ‚‚ Gas turbine systems
Frequency (Hz)
‚‚ Bypass ‚‚ Smelting works
Sound insulation index of Acouseal ‚‚ Boiler inlet ‚‚ Petrochemical plants
* The test was carried out for a building length of 150 mm. * DELTA Danish Electronics, Light & Acoustics.

Acouseal operating limits Combine-X operating limits Fluastal operating limits

Temperature: –35 ... +150°C Temperature: –35 ... +650 °C Temperature: –35 ... +575 °C
Pressure range: –0,1 ... 0,1 bar Pressure range: –0,14 ... 0,07 bar Pressure range: –0,2 ... 0,2 bar
Maximal axial movements: ... 30 mm Maximal axial movements: ... 160 mm Maximal axial movements: ... 160 mm
Maximal lateral movements: ... 15 mm Maximal lateral movements: ... 80 mm Maximal lateral movements: ... 80 mm

See page 19 for further technical details See page 20 for further technical details See page 21 for further technical details

Acouseal installed in gas turbine air inlet. Installation of Combine-X on diffuser. Fluastal exposed to lateral movement in horizontal duct.

Fluaflex, Flexgen and Thermoflex
are simple, yet durable and strong multi-layer The multi-layer design helps reduce the temperature Fluaflex, Flexgen and Thermoflex are typically
expansion joints with unique thermal, chemical and of the sealing layer to an acceptable level and also found in:
mechanical properties. They are designed to be reduces the outside temperature of the expansion ‚‚ Conventional power plants
installed in air and flue gas ducts where the expan- joint to ensure safety of the personnel working close ‚‚ Gas turbine plants
sion joints typically are exposed to dry and chemically to the installation. ‚‚ Incinerator plants
aggressive environments. ‚‚ Cement works
They are available with two cover options; an option ‚‚ Petrochemical plants
The multi-layer construction uses a PTFE based with an easy-to-assemble silicone outer cover or an ‚‚ Pulp and paper plants
material as the gas sealing layer and various insulat- option with a more chemical and temperature resist-
ing layers depending on the working condition of the ant PTFE coated/laminated outer cover.
expansion joint.
Fluaflex, Flexgen and Thermoflex offer excellent flex-
The high flexibility of the materials used for the individ- ibility and can be designed for a large temperature
ual layers ensures a compact design for installation, span and various types of movements for different
which is beneficial where limited space is available. applications.

Fluaflex operating limits Flexgen operating limits Thermoflex operating limits

Temperature: –35 ... +575 °C Temperature: –35 ... +575 °C Temperature: –35 ... +575 °C
Pressure range: –0,2 ... 0,2 bar Pressure range: –0,4 ... 0,14 bar Pressure range: –0,2 ... 0,2 bar
Maximal axial movements: ... 200 mm Maximal axial movements: ... 200 mm Maximal axial movements: ... 170 mm
Maximal lateral movements: ... 80 mm Maximal lateral movements: ... 80 mm Maximal lateral movements: ... 80 mm

See page 22 for further technical details See page 23 for further technical details See page 24 for further technical details

Fluaflex expansion joints being installed in boiler air intakes. Flexgen expansion joints installed as pipe penetration seals. Thermoflex expansion joints as a pre-assembled units.

Technical Product Data


Item description
1. Metal frames
2. Expansion joint
3. Clamp bar

Features Operating range Options

‚‚ Single-layer design Temperature: -35 °C ... +300 °C V-flange with single sleeve
‚‚ Compensates for movements in several directions Pressure: -0,25 bar ... 0,25 bar Temperature: ... 200 °C
simultaneously Max. axial movements: ... 200 mm Media with low to medium dust content
‚‚ Can be delivered as fabric only or as preassembled Max. lateral movements: ... 80 mm
unit P-flange with sewn-in clamps
‚‚ For dry and wet condition* Temperature: ... 200 °C
‚‚ Custom made to fit actual working conditions Media with low dust content

Advantages Functional description

‚‚ Highly flexible KE-Flex safely absorb thermal expansion, vibrations
‚‚ Minimal reaction forces and misalignments in pipe and duct systems in low
‚‚ Suitable for food processing* temperature areas. KE-Flex compensate for move-
‚‚ 100 % gas tightness* ments in multiple directions simultaneously.
*Depending on material selection

Media Max, temperature Pressure Flexibility

Type Min,
Aggressive Non- P-flange V-flange PFH-100 temp. Max. Min. Axial Lateral
PA-600 N/A Dry 70 °C 70 °C 170 °C -30 °C 0,14 bar -0,14 bar 50% 20%
PA-1500 N/A Dry 70 °C 70 °C 170 °C -30 °C 0,25 bar -0,25 bar 50% 20%
NPG N/A Dry 110 °C 110 °C 210 °C -30 °C 0,2 bar -0,2 bar 50% 20%
Aluglas N/A Dry 180 °C 180 °C 280 °C -35 °C 0,2 bar -0,2 bar 50% 20%
SIC-S N/A Dry 180 °C 180 °C 280 °C -35 °C 0,1 bar -0,1 bar 50% 20%
Alusil 1100 N/A Dry 200 °C 200 °C 300 °C -35 °C 0,2 bar -0,2 bar 50% 20%
Silaramid 1500B N/A Dry 200 °C 200 °C 300 °C -35 °C 0,2 bar -0,2 bar 50% 20%
SKE-700 DB N/A Dry 200 °C 200 °C 300 °C -35 °C 0,2 bar -0,2 bar 50% 20%
VITON 700 N/A Dry 200 °C 200 °C 300 °C -10 °C 0,2 bar -0,2 bar 50% 20%
PUR-foil N/A Dry 80 °C 80 °C 180 °C -30 °C 0,1 bar -0,1 bar 50% 20%
NITRIL 235 Dry Wet 110 °C 110 °C 220 °C -30 °C 0,05 bar -0,05 bar 50% 20%
NITRIL 600 Dry Wet 120 °C 120 °C 220 °C -30 °C 0,1 bar -0,1 bar 30% 15%
EPDM 235 Dry Wet 120 °C 120 °C 220 °C -35 °C 0,05 bar -0,05 bar 50% 20%
EPDM 600 Dry Wet 120 °C 120 °C 220 °C -35 °C 0,1 bar -0,1 bar 30% 15%
FKM 200 Dry Wet 200 °C 200 °C 300 °C -15 °C 0,05 bar -0,05 bar 30% 15%


Item description
1. Metal frames
2. Expansion joint
3. Clamp bar
4. Gasket

Features Operating range Options

‚‚ Single-layer design V-flange/P-flange (fluoroelastomer)
‚‚ Compensates for movements in several Temperature: -35 °C ... +425 °C Temperature: ... 200 °C
directions simultaneously Pressure: -0,35 bar ... 0,35 bar Medium to high flow velocity
‚‚ Can be delivered as fabric only or as Max. axial movements: ... 200 mm Media with medium dust content
preassembled drop in unit Max. lateral movements: ... 40 mm
‚‚ For dry and wet condition V-flange/P-flange (fluoropolymer)
‚‚ Custom made to fit actual working conditions Temperature: ... 300 °C
Medium to high flow velocity
Advantages Functional description Media with low to medium dust content
‚‚ Highly flexible Fluachem expansion joints safely absorb thermal
‚‚ Excellent chemical resistance expansion, vibrations and misalignments in pipe
‚‚ Minimal reaction forces and duct systems in chemical aggressive areas.
‚‚ Excellent abrasion resistance Fluachem products compensate for movements in
(Depending on material selection) multiple directions simultaneously.
‚‚ 100% gas tightness

Media Max, temperature Pressure Flexibility

Type Min,
Aggressive Non- P-flange V-flange PFH-100 temp. Max. Min. Axial Lateral
Butyl 600GS Wet Wet 80 °C 80 °C 180 °C -35 °C 0,35 bar -0,35 bar 25% 13%
EPDM 400G Wet Wet 120 °C 120 °C 220 °C -35 °C 0,35 bar -0,35 bar 35% 18%
EPDM 600GG Wet Wet 120 °C 120 °C 220 °C -35 °C 0,35 bar -0,35 bar 25% 13%
EPDM 600S Wet Wet 120 °C 120 °C 220 °C -35 °C 0,35 bar -0,35 bar 25% 13%
FKM 320G Wet Wet 200 °C 200 °C 300 °C -25 °C 0,2 bar -0,2 bar 35% 18%
FKM 350S Wet Wet 200 °C 200 °C 300 °C -25 °C 0,35 bar -0,35 bar 25% 18%
FKM 450GS Wet Wet 200 °C 200 °C 300 °C -25 °C 0,35 bar -0,35 bar 30% 15%
FKM 600GG Wet Wet 200 °C 200 °C 300 °C -25 °C 0,35 bar -0,35 bar 25% 13%
FKM 600GS Wet Wet 200 °C 200 °C 300 °C -25 °C 0,35 bar -0,35 bar 25% 13%
C Wet Wet 270 °C 270 °C 400 °C -35 °C 0,2 bar -0,2 bar 50% 20%
O Wet Wet 270 °C 270 °C 400 °C -35 °C 0,2 bar -0,2 bar 50% 20%
HD Wet Wet 300 °C 300 °C 425 °C -35 °C 0,2 bar -0,2 bar 50% 20%


Item description 1
1. Duct flange
2. Clamp bar 3
3. Expansion joint 4
4. Duct flange

Features Operating range Options

‚‚ Single-layer design Temperature: -35 °C ... +150 °C
‚‚ Designed for acoustic demanding environment in Pressure: -0,1 bar ... 0,1 bar V-flange with single sleeve
GT inlets Max. axial movements: ... 30 mm Temperature: ... 150 °C
‚‚ Absorbs movements and vibrations in multiple Max. lateral movements: ... 15 mm For high flow velocity
‚‚ 100 % gas tight connection
‚‚ Excellent and proven sound reducing properties

Advantages Functional description

‚‚ Delivered pre-shaped at required dimensions Acouseal expansion joints safely absorb thermal
‚‚ Can upon request be delivered with pre punched expansion, vibrations and misalignments in sound
holes for easy installation sensitive pipe and duct systems. Acouseal expansion
‚‚ Proven sound reduction abilities joints compensate for movements in multiple direc-
‚‚ Improved acoustic environment in GT inlet system tions simultaneously.
‚‚ Easy transportation and storage
‚‚ Self-sealing expansion joint (no gasket needed
during installation)

Media Max. Pressure Flexibility

Type temp. Min,
Aggressive Non- temp. Max. Min. Axial Lateral
aggressive V-flange
150/8 Dry Wet 150 °C -35 °C 0,1 bar -0,1 bar 20% 10%


Item description
1. Flange reinforcement
2. Pressure carrying layer
3. Gas seal layer
4. Insulation strips
5. Insulation
6. Support layer
7. Mechanical reinforcement

Features Operating range Options

‚‚ Multi-layer design Temperature*: -35 °C ... +650 °C Cold-to-hot with floating sleeve and bolster
‚‚ Compensates for movements in several Pressure: -0,14 bar ... 0,07 bar Temperature: ... 600 °C
directions simultaneously Max. axial movements: ... 160 mm
‚‚ Excellent form stability Max. lateral movements: ... 80 mm Cold-to-cold with bolster
‚‚ Can be delivered as fabric only or as Temperature: ... 650 °C
preassembled unit * Temperatures above 750 °C requires internal duct insulation
‚‚ Custom made to fit actual working conditions or refractory lining. Hot-to-hot with bolster
‚‚ Specifically designed for gas turbine systems Temperature: ... 600 °C

Advantages Functional description Hot-to-hot, high velocity with bolster

‚‚ Highly flexible Combine-X expansion joints safely absorb thermal Temperature: ... 600 °C
‚‚ High chemical resistance expansion and misalignments of pipe and duct
‚‚ High flutter resistance systems in dry, high temperature and high velocity
‚‚ Reduce heat loss area. Combine-X products compensate for move-
‚‚ Low reaction forces ments in multiple directions simultaneously.
‚‚ Good resistance against abrasion
‚‚ Suitable for high temperature applications

Media Max, Pressure Flexibility

Type temp, Min,
Aggressive Non- temp. Max. Min. Axial Lateral
aggressive P-flange
A Dry Dry 550 °C -35 °C 0,07 bar -0,14 bar 40% 20%
B Dry Dry 500 °C -35 °C 0,07 bar -0,14 bar 35% 13%
CC** Dry Dry 650 °C -35 °C 0,07 bar -0,14 bar 50% 20%
E Dry Dry 600 °C -35 °C 0,07 bar -0,14 bar 35% 13%
G Dry Dry 600 °C -35 °C 0,07 bar -0,14 bar 40% 15%
R Dry Dry 600 °C -35 °C 0,07 bar -0,14 bar 35% 13%
V Dry Dry 600 °C -35 °C 0,07 bar -0,14 bar 35% 15%
W Dry Dry 600 °C -35 °C 0,07 bar -0,14 bar 40% 15%
E-L Dry Dry 600 °C -35 °C 0,07 bar -0,14 bar 35% 15%
HF (1+2) Dry Dry 650 °C -35 °C 0,07 bar -0,14 bar 35% 10%
HF3 Dry Dry 650 °C -35 °C 0,07 bar -0,14 bar 35% 10%
** Requires internal duct insulation or refractory lining.

Item description
1. Flange reinforcement
2. Pressure carrying layer/gas seal layer
3. Insulation
4. Insulation
5. Support layer
6. Mechanical reinforcement

Features Operating range Options

‚‚ Multi-layer design Temperature*: -35 °C ... +575 °C V-flange with single sleeve
‚‚ Compensates for movements in several Pressure: -0,2 bar ... 0,2 bar Temperature: ... 450 °C
directions simultaneously Max. axial movements: ... 160 mm Media with medium dust content
‚‚ Excellent form stability Max. lateral movements: ... 80 mm
‚‚ Can be delivered as fabric only or as P-flange with floating sleeve and bolster
preassembled unit * Temperatures above 750 °C requires internal duct insula- Temperature: ... 750 °C
‚‚ Custom made to fit actual working conditions tion or refractory lining. Media with high dust content

Advantages Functional description P-flange with refractory and bolster

‚‚ Highly flexible Fluastal expansion joints safely absorb thermal expan- Temperature: ... 1.000 °C
‚‚ High chemical resistance sion and misalignments in pipe and duct systems Media with high dust content
‚‚ High flutter resistance in dry and high temperature area. Fluastal products
‚‚ Reduced heat loss compensate for movements in multiple directions
‚‚ Low reaction forces simultaneously.
‚‚ Good resistance against abrasion
‚‚ Suitable for high temperature applications

Media Max, temperature Pressure Flexibility

Type Min,
Aggressive Non- P-flange V-flange PFH-100 temp. Max. Min. Axial Lateral
SU N/A Dry 250 °C 250 °C 400 °C -35 °C 0,2 bar -0,2 bar 40% 20%
SX Dry Dry 250 °C 250 °C 400 °C -35 °C 0,2 bar -0,2 bar 40% 20%
GX Dry Dry 400 °C 400 °C 500 °C -35 °C 0,2 bar -0,2 bar 40% 15%
Mx Dry Dry 550 °C 450 °C 575 °C -35 °C 0,14 bar -0,14 bar 40% 15%
KX Dry Dry 750 °C N/A 750 °C -35 °C 0,14 bar -0,14 bar 40% 15%
HDX Dry Dry 1000 °C N/A 1000 °C -35 °C 0,06 bar -0,14 bar 35% 13%


Item description
1. Flange reinforcement
2. Pressure carrying layer
3. Gas seal layer
4. Insulation layer
5. Support layer

Features Operating range Options

‚‚ Multi-layer design Temperature: -35 °C ... +575 °C V-flange with single sleeve
‚‚ Compensates for movements in several directions Pressure: -0,2 bar ... 0,2 bar Temperature: ... 450 °C
simultaneously Max. axial movements: ... 200 mm Media with low dust content
‚‚ Can be delivered as fabric only or as preassembled Max. lateral movements: ... 80 mm
unit P-flange with single sleeve
‚‚ For dry condition and clamping bands
‚‚ Custom made to fit actual working conditions Temperature: ... 450 °C
Media with low dust content
Advantages Functional description
‚‚ Excellent flexibility Fluaflex expansion joints safely absorb thermal P-flange with inner sleeve and bolster
‚‚ High chemical resistance expansion and misalignments in pipe and duct Temperature: ... 575 °C
‚‚ Reduced heat loss systems in dry and medium temperature areas. Flua- Media with medium dust content
‚‚ Minimal reaction forces flex products compensate for movements in multiple
directions simultaneously. P-flange with floating sleeve and bolster
Temperature: ... 575 °C
Media with high dust content

Media Max, temperature Pressure Flexibility

Type Min,
Aggressive Non- P-flange V-flange PFH-100 temp. Max. Min. Axial Lateral
25-U N/A Dry 250 °C 250 °C 400 °C -35 °C 0,2 bar -0,2 bar 50% 20%
25-X Dry Dry 250 °C 250 °C 400 °C -35 °C 0,2 bar -0,2 bar 50% 20%
25-X-T Wet Wet 250 °C 250 °C 350 °C -35 °C 0,2 bar -0,05 bar 50% 20%
30-X Dry Dry 300 °C 300 °C 425 °C -35 °C 0,2 bar -0,2 bar 50% 20%
40-X Dry Dry 400 °C 400 °C 500 °C -35 °C 0,2 bar -0,2 bar 40% 20%
55-X Dry Dry 550 °C 450 °C 575 °C -35 °C 0,14 bar -0,14 bar 40% 20%


Item description
1. Flange reinforcement
2. Pressure carrying layer/
gas seal layer
3. Insulation layer
4. Support layer

Features Operating range Options

‚‚ Multi-layer design Temperature: -35 °C ... +575 °C V-flange with single sleeve
‚‚ (Flexgen 2002: single-layer construction) Pressure: -0,14 bar ... 0,14 bar Temperature: ... 450 °C
‚‚ Compensates for movements in several directions Max. axial movements: ... 200 mm Media with low dust content
simultaneously Max. lateral movements: ... 80 mm
‚‚ Can be delivered as fabric only or as preassembled P-flange with single sleeve
unit and clamping bands
‚‚ For dry condition Temperature: ... 450 °C
‚‚ Custom made to fit actual working conditions Media with low dust content

Advantages Functional description P-flange with inner sleeve and bolster

‚‚ Excellent flexibility Flexgen expansion joints safely absorb thermal expan- Temperature: ... 550 °C
‚‚ High chemical resistance sion and misalignments of pipe and duct systems in Media with medium dust content
‚‚ Reduced heat loss dry and medium temperature area. Flexgen products
‚‚ Minimal reaction forces compensate for movements in multiple directions P-flange with floating sleeve and bolster
simultaneously. Temperature: ... 550 °C
Media with high dust content

Media Max, temperature Pressure Flexibility

Type Min,
Aggressive Non- P-flange V-flange PFH-100 temp. Max. Min. Axial Lateral
2002 Dry Dry 300 °C 300 °C 400 °C -35 °C 0,14 bar -0,14 bar 50% 20%
2003 Dry Dry 300 °C 300 °C 450 °C -35 °C 0,14 bar -0,14 bar 40% 20%
2004 Dry Dry 500 °C 425 °C 500 °C -35 °C 0,14 bar -0,14 bar 40% 20%
2005 Dry Dry 575 °C 450 °C 575 °C -35 °C 0,14 bar -0,14 bar 40% 20%


Item description
1. Flange reinforcement
2. Pressure carrying layer
3. Gas seal layer
4. Insulation layer
5. Support layer

Features Operating range Options

‚‚ Multi-layer design Temperature: -35 °C ... +575 °C V-flange with single sleeve
‚‚ Compensated for movements in several Pressure: -0,2 bar ... 0,2 bar Temperature: ... 450 °C
directions simultaneously Max. axial movements: ... 170 mm Media with low dust content
‚‚ Can be delivered as fabric expansion joint or as Max. lateral movements: ... 80 mm
preassembled unit P-flange with single sleeve
‚‚ Custom made to fit actual working conditions and clamping bands
Temperature: ... 450 °C
Advantages Functional description Media with low dust content
‚‚ Good flexibility Thermoflex expansion joints safely absorb thermal
‚‚ High chemical resistance expansion and misalignments in pipe and duct systems P-flange with inner sleeve and bolster
‚‚ Reduced heatloss in dry and medium temperature areas. Thermoflex Temperature: ... 575 °C
‚‚ Minimal reaction force products compensate for movements in multiple Media with medium dust content
directions simultaneously.
P-flange with floating sleeve and bolster
Temperature: ... 575 °C
Media with high dust content

Media Max. temperature

Type Min.
Aggressive Non- P-flange V-flange PFH-100 temp.
N25 N/A Dry 250 °C 250 °C 400 °C -35 °C
C25 Dry Dry 250 °C 250 °C 400 °C -35 °C
C40 Dry Dry 400 °C 400 °C 500 °C -35 °C
C55 Dry Dry 550 °C 450 °C 575 °C -35 °C

Pre-assembled unit
Expansion joints can be supplied as a pre-assembled Frame material: Units can be delivered with seaworthy packing or
unit for easy installation. ‚‚ Carbon steel standard packing for road transportation.
‚‚ Stainless steel
The unit consists of: ‚‚ Heat resistant steel
‚‚ Fabric expansion joint
‚‚ Metal frames/inner sleeves Pre-assembled expansion joint units can be supplied
‚‚ Bolster (optional) with surface treatment that is corrosion resistant
‚‚ Gasket (optional) (standard) and resistant to high temperatures. Eagle-
‚‚ Fasteners Burgmann KE offers any RAL color code for the units.

Pre-assembled unit with expansion joint and frame. Pre-assembled unit with expansion joint, frame/inner sleeve Pre-assembled unit with frame/inner sleeve, bolster, cladding
and bolster. bolster and cladding plates. Hot-to-cold solution.

Installation, Service &
Preventive Maintenance

Servicing our customers Safety is the highest priority Our comprehensive services include:
is vital to us. Operational reliability and long service not only for our production and field service personnel, ‚‚ Evaluations and troubleshooting
life of expansion joints is crucial. Unplanned shut but for our customers and users of our products. The ‚‚ Initial dimensional measurements
downs are not only troublesome, but expensive. The safety of all employees and personnel working on ‚‚ Installation & refurbishment
right installation can save hundreds of man-hours your plant or refinery is our greatest concern. ‚‚ Supervision and training
with proper and safe installation. ‚‚ Plant surveys
Our service teams complete routine safety training ‚‚ Emergency services
The key to long-term and reliable expansion joints and certification to ensure each member observes ‚‚ Final inspection by experienced service engineers
is dependent on a professional installation team. current industry safety practices as well as site spe-
EagleBurgmann KE’s service team has extensive cific policies and procedures.
installation experience and supervision on projects
worldwide and can be available 7 days a week,
within 24 to 48 hours.

Emergency hotlines
South East Asia +65 9630 3420
India +91 93805 80508
Middle East +971 55 531 946
Europe +45 21 24 66 32

USA +1 (859) 653 8364 (fabric)

+1 (619) 562 6083 (metal)

Fabric expansion joint installed over the manifold. Installation of fabric expansion joint between the diffuser
and diverter in a gas turbine system.

Expansion Joint
Product Range

Design and engineering capabilities Fabric Expansion Joints Metal Expansion Joints
With more than 50 years of experience as a solution are able to compensate for movements in several are flexible connections installed in piping and ducting
provider, EagleBurgmann KE has developed capabili- directions simultaneously and have almost no reactive systems to accommodate expansion and vibration
ties in solving challenges associated with controlling force. They require little space for installation and are caused by changes in temperature, pressure and media.
thermal expansion of piping and ducting systems. easy to adapt to physical conditions.
EagleBurgmann KE offer a full range of metal expan-
EagleBurgmann KE has a proven track record of Selection of the right fabric expansion joint depends sion joints from rectangular and round ducting joints
capabilities both in engineering and product relia- on a variety of factors which vary from application to to highly engineered designs for critical applications.
bility, with installations in all continents and vari- application.
ous market sectors. The company has a long history of welding and
By combining different materials and taking thermal, forming of special materials including a wide range
Through continuous innovation, we provide our chemical and mechanical resistance into consider- of nickel alloys. EagleBurgmann KE offer complete
customers with the latest technologies and soluti- ation, as well as the fatigue properties of the materials, documentation packages in accordance to current
ons within the expansion joint industry. our engineers develop optimal solutions that provide industry standards such as ASME and EJMA.
long-term reliability to customers in various industries.
As a solution provider, EagleBurgmann KE offers a
wide range of services in connection with optimiza-
tion of conditions for expansion joints. They include:
‚‚ Consulting, evaluations and troubleshooting Fabric expansion joint operating limits* Metal expansion joint operating limits*
‚‚ Initial dimensional measurements
‚‚ Installation and refurbishment Dimensions: Dimensions:
‚‚ Supervision and training According to customer specifications Circular: DN40 mm and up
‚‚ Plant surveys Rectangular: According to customer specifications
‚‚ Emergency service Temperature range: –35 ... +1.000 °C
‚‚ Final inspections For higher temperature, please request Temperature range: –198 ... +1.371 °C

Pressure range: –0,35 ... 0,35 bar Pressure range: Full vacuum up to 172 bar

*Operating limits depends on design, material selection,

type of expansion joint and duct insulation.

EagleBurgmann KE offer a wide range of products. Cross section of fabric expansion joint. Cross section of metal expansion joint.

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Iraq · Ireland · Israel · Italy · Ivory Coast · Japan · Jordan · Kazakhstan · Kenya · Korea · Kuwait · Latvia · Lebanon · Libya · Lithuania · Madagascar · Malaysia · Mauritius
Mexico · Morocco · Myanmar · Namibia · Netherlands · New Zealand · Nigeria · Norway · Oman · Pakistan · Paraguay · Peru · Philippines · Poland · Qatar · Romania
Russia · Saudi Arabia · Serbia · Singapore · Slovak Republic · Slovenia · South Africa · Spain · Sudan · Sweden · Switzerland · Taiwan · Thailand · Trinidad and Tobago
Tunisia · Turkey · Ukraine · United Arab Emirates · Uruguay · USA · Venezuela · Vietnam · Yemen · Zambia · Zimbabwe · www.eagleburgmann.com/world

EBFEE / © EagleBurgmann Expansion Joint Solutions, Denmark

EagleBurgmann Expansion Joint Solutions is a leading global organization in the development of expansion eagleburgmann-ej.com
joint technology; working to meet the challenges of today’s ever-changing environmental, quality and [email protected]
productivity demands. Our flexible products are installed in thousands of plants, refineries and on
equipment worldwide where reliability and safety are key factors for operating success. Everyday more
than 6000 EagleBurgmann employees contribute their ideas, solutions and commitment to ensure our
customers worldwide can rely on our products and services.
For more information – visit eagleburgmann-ej.com

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