Materials - July 02, 2020

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r Can ines


(C )
u. J. rv. 111
{I)) IJ.J V . !.UI

Whic·hofihcfoJlowing;ucs10,~gc c,r 1,~

J. Onions
11 !'on,toes
111 Carrots
rv f'fac
{A) Jon ly

Ill ·
· ~
;~; 1.11.

" A few drops of sodium hydto~irlt ,n,j

;;';r;d•:~~:ll: ·:i~~~::i;e:~I~~
rcrn lti~g deep purple colour rnd1 ca!ed !~<
preseni.e o~
/rm•leR,ccll1prod1Kcd? (1\ ) fal
!Bl ~•otcm
(C > ' "gar
(BJ JandJVonly
tD) starch
W) ll • ndlllunly
! )) llla nJ IVon l)'
The list l>clowshow, 1),e cneru •·~l ccof
fuurfnod su bstancc., i nkJ/8
,\ pap ,mcar" • mc:1™"1 ol d,.d,n1
whclh,, 420, 0
cow',mi!kcun1ain,1ut,c,culo1i1 Jr[ 42.0
h.lctcri a JV. 4.2
ill ) • womanhudc~e/opedcancerof
lfle ccrvi., Wh ichTWOfoodsa, e UKELYlo bcs,m•-
{CJ •,p>nicula,cypeofporndge;, la: ;nrype 7

(DJ '"''om ,n ·s o,aryconcains egg, (,\) land II on ly

(8 ) landlllonl;
(C) ll3nd11Jon ly
II} ) l!J ~nd I V or./y
O'JJ ~l 111- 'i)'l t
' ' h,, hof•h• (oll<>"''"l" 'fu ncuon of ,he :>.l•nY t11entaos1a11 re ly on lh< prn,,:op\,
,. 1•111~ Mood ce lls~ ,h ,1.on h,:a1 ,ni;

T r• n,pomngofo,ygon aU metolscon<luc\hc~lcquol\)
111 T r.1n,pcm1ngo(nrbond,o, 1Je !ll ,omc mo1:ih cur-· c mot< 1btn
, , l'wduc1oo n o fo n11bod10, oth«>
:,)l rne1:>l,c,p:tl\dcqua\\)'
F"rrna,.u uol cl ut•
son,e mclal, op a11d mu« lh•n

\\ h1,· hol1tic !ollo wmgi••••!>"nsible fo,

tau i ,.., n, 1hernu:1e kcolls ?
Wh ,,h uf the 10 1\ow,n g c,111 unun ~n,mal•
uc homo101hc1111,c?
.\ \ C ,u icac, d

,--, lil uccosc I f11h

L:.c11cac1d LI Lua:J
111 Do&
I\ li"d
!O.. \\ h1c h of 1heto ll o"'1ni;b loodgroups h:u
-.,,,3:, l1gl"!1 and , 3s a rnul1. c an bcu,cdm Al l •nd ll only
II l atid l!l onl)'
::=sfusio n \uan) pefson"
C l!af\dlVonly
1)1 1llat1:IIVonly
(" ,,u Y. h,~ho!thofollo ... inglCr-'o lU •PI O\OC
D• 0 uun fo, I.he h(:u,.~

The i;u "h ic h ,s p, oducctl b) fl, !, •ml "' l'chicgml1e

B M)•l onihulh
_..,J b) a11, pl~nls ,s ,C lt,bcagc
o, S~nov,a! nu1d
'A ) c arbo nJ,o , ,dc
Bi hydrogen
1111mi;en d10 \ldc l b. A.lcohol ,sp!1cc d mthcnp1l1:vy 1uhcir,
V "' )'I!"" nu,iun.m 1hcrmometcrJ b,cc aui.c ii

A) iJcas,!y lCcn
h h1ch of 1hc follo " mg prO<'.CSICS ,s
(B) haJ a \owfrcci iti gJlD"''
.,wc1•ted" \1h1h cremo,· alof undites1cd
CJ hu a \ow boihngpo,nl
..-..J1rorn thc-Nd}' 0 co nUK1J ~cry u ~y

•,\1 Li;nt,on
11 \ l'>w-pt .on
W hicho f1hcfol lowing;, No
w,1artafin:: ? "'~,, ..

(,\) Fue l
(B J Nllrogcn
(C) Oxygen
(D) Hc3!

18. Wh ich of tho follo,.·in~i1 NOT1rucaboul

recycli ng? (A ) 15 min ute.~

( A) r:•:t"'' wru:ie,n thc c nviro n-

(C J
30 minute~
I to 2 hou rs
(D ) ) to4hou rs
( B) Sa,·esonrawmareria!sthalllavc
(CJ Requires collection and sortin g
of waste 2). fJl ood, the nu:>!bt: ((
(0 ) (an be done onl y with non• re d cells in the bl ood . An athlete . ...
11 iodegradable matetia)s blo odhas becnboos te d canperfOf!llb!i,
tc1 1n ar ac ebec a u se he
19. Which o! the following would NOT
con1ribu1c 10 ch, ' we ar and !car" of a (,\) c an a bs,, rb mu reo~nen
machine ? (8) c·anbrea thfastcr
IC ) 1< more immune to di~ast
( A) Heo, prnduccion (D } is mo nge r
(B) Mo • ' ngpart.s
(CJ Con ,,sion
(D J Oilin•: Wh ich of the following is NOT•"~
safety devic e?

20. lnwhic h ofth, followingsituationscould (A ) L ifc j ackct

a pulley be u· ~d?
fil l ln!lata ble tubc
Opc,, ngawoodc n crate (C) Liferaft
Rcm uvin~ an eng ine from an D) ln!latnbl c bal!oon
!IJ a lrac:tor into a traile r

IV Unl r adingc:ugoonihedac ks
(A ) l an:JIV on!y
CB) l!a ed l/[ only
(C) !! a,d rVonly
II)) IJ . J land IV only
ThcJiag1ambelowsl,o"'·i analhl cuctra<:k ~8. The ce ntre of gravity of •n Object,. !he
"' tieJle <JIA ). rB ).(C)a nd ( DJ
(A) pu,nt at ,;,foct,~ravot}' acUonlhc
(Ul cc ntrc o! theobJ cc1
(CJ point al whi<:h lhc obJcc l can ~c
l,.1l anccd
( 1)) pcm,t a\ wh"h the mass of t!ir

2'J . Thcfoll owin1;co ndi1,o n,cxi,1 ,nspacc

I. Rcdui;edgrav ity
ll No at mosphere
!JI Radiation
JV . E~ tremesof1cmP"' ralurc
I\ rac,· wa~ k id ;i(or,g lhc track above
The..,·imlwas blowin g i11 1hedircc1 ionof Whichof lhci:ccondition s areover,o mc
E. /\)011g whichpa,t of tl1etrackwi l\ thc by anas1ronaut "sspaccsuit ?
ath lc tc s n11"·c MOST s lnw ly?
(A) l. ll andlllon ly
(IJ) I, !II and IV on ly
26. The San Francisco eart hqu ake. of 199 1 (C ) II. !11 andrvonly
mcasu rcd 7. 2on the Richter scale Tlus (DJ l.lland !Vonly
figu rcisameasureoflhe

(A ) l()lalcnc1gyrcleasc JO. The force of grav i1 y e~pcrienccd by

(BJ arnouml)fdamagcdunc as!ronau ts inaspaceshipinci rcularorbit
(C) sc vcmyof shaking aro und the Earth
(DJ !tngth o ftim ci t !as!cd
(,\) isgreaterthan onihe Eanh
(B) islcssthar1o n the Eart h
Which energy corwe , s ,011 sequence (C) islhcsamcasor1theEarth
IJFST .~ 11mmariscshowclectricalenergy (D ) fl uctuates
isge11erntcdhy adicsel -powc redgcnera
Jl. In which of the following are se nse
(A ) Hea! __, ch~micaJ--> mechanical rece ptors NOT fou:1d ?
--;e lect rica l
(B ) Chcmica! -->heat---->mec hanical (A ) Ey e
--;c kc trical (Bl Ea~
(C) Chemical ....... mccha n,ca l->heat (C) Hair
....... elect ric al (DJ Skin
(D ) Jl cat ----> mecha nica l -,chcmical
- • elecu,c:11

'"' ~~;;c~;~~~~;~,~'.:1 :-01:'fn::id
.I.I. : : .. ~:I;:,~;::~~: t1:~sl~~i;'~ofor from

v'.'.:;:~~7'~ ~a::~~fo,e
(A) foss il fue ls
1 ( IJ ) , olarpa nc ls
;: ; ~;~
(C) wa1 crfal l
(DJ w ind1Ur bi ncs
(Cl coolihesud ine s in a rcfrigen11or
!>oforo 11..,
(D) di,cu Jlhc lin nf sardines Energy ,s released when green pli ms u,.
glucusc duri ng rcspirati on.
Th e co mbus tio n of pe troleu m ab oreli l!ts
.M. Ry ,.·hichproccn dor swa1...- pass from
1M 0<un1olheatmo,ph,,ne ?
Where does !he energy from !he~ fll·G
(A) Cond,nsatinn
processes origina te?
CH) Ev,porntinn
(CJ Prec ipi!31ion
(A) Atmosphe re
(OJ Respira tion (13 ) E,mh'scnm
(C ) :--.toon
(0 ) Su n
35. Which of 1M follo v•in g inj urin wo uld
requirelhc usc ofe:i/dwatuandl igh1 40. \\'h;ch o f the follo wing proc essesm
bandages? transf<"r heat ,n a vac uum ?
(A) Cu ,~
(A) Conduccion
(8 ) Broken bones
(C) Bites3 nd , 1ings (B) Con vectior.
(OJ llumsandspr.uns (C J Evaporation
(D ) Radiation

Wh,ch of 1hefoJJ owingsubs1an"s is ihe
,,. Which o f thefollowing is difforenrfro:n
EST conduc ror of eJ,:c 1rici ry ?
the others in its reac ti o n1 ocoldw ~1d .'
(A) Coppe r
(B J Gr Jph i1c
(A) Ajax.powder
(C) Iron {BJ Calciurnhydro :1:ide
(DJ Alum inium (CJ Erso m sahs
(n J S tarch powder
4,. Wlu ch ctw:m,cal" lll~~-1 f <•t<

IA )
(11 )
! 0 000
(II ) McU11 l•tcd,pu,1
(CJ lt o,a,
(C) 100 - UOOO
(Dl 1~ 000 - ~000
{DJ w.,,h,ot><><I•

.U. Wh ich u amplr of domc11ic WH!c d c,e,

NOT ca.i lyunde,1o wu1hcring orbn,a\;-
(Al I
(JI) 5
(A ) Couon,ags
(C) 7
(BJ Paper bags ( D) 11
(C) l'las1icbai:,
(0) Tincans
47. l11cj awb<>nc is one cumpk ofar,;,c of
lc,·c,fcundinthchum:tn,ke!«on Thu
44. Wh ich o f !lie following household 1ypc of le ver. -..hen used togc~~•r ,....,lhthc
chemic~ll can be uscdtoclcucloned inci 1<>rs in cutting, isan u amp\cof a
kitchen sinks?
(A ) fimclus levcr
(A } Sodiumch.lori dt (B ) sccondclanlc,·cr
tB) Ca u11i csoda (C) 1h1rdclan lc,·cr
(C) Mi lko fmag nc51a (D) combinotion offirs1 . sccon1!2""
(l)J Washing soda lhirdclass !evcrs

48. [nordertodc1cm1111c wl,,c htypcof,01!,tA),(ll).(C ).01"(D),

rclaincd !he most water , K, m carried out an cxpc1imen1
u,ingappamtu,,ho,...nbclo w

' "'~ '"l:[ <C)1 !'"'


wattr draln.J

- -

Wh ich of lhc wi\~ ret,incd lli( MOST WU let ?

IA) c~;~~:: l~e batm10~1o•ftp!y i-,C!

( Bl make s 1!,cba1 stu1<1y

,n 111 , clrctnc~I condu,\
(CJ "~:~b;,:';~i~ ;~:: ;,'n:.~,~~
II Water in 1h• ~l"''°""g maC IHr>C
(D) ,c!~~~: hl:~d:li od lo lilt
tu Arc<1<1n 1ouchingawct opcra1-
ini m.chincc>nbe•h« k• d

I;\) 1,ndllonly
( fl ) I ond Ill only
(Cl II J r,J!ll only
( A) co nca vc!cn <
\Il l l,l1 1ndlll
( fl ) plJno-convC>kn,
(Cl conc a-·e mirror
SO. n..majoriry offishp ropollh< m,o\ves (D I plane m irror
for,.·arJ lllrou ~h " ':lier by

(~) forc,ng wa1ei 1hrough1hrn gili, 5~. \Vh ,cho fr hefollo wrng hcl psour1t ns• o•
(! ) mo,·,ngthei,,.dcfin, b• la ncc? ·
, :i rrgu la1ingtlleir swim•bladJc:n
IJ) us inJ lheirl• ib ,,\ , C"'hle~

51. Whichof1hefollov,in g 1ypo1 ol ~,,.

Om clcs
',ecni-<:1r<:ula,c anal1
«loreMOST likely lodan,ai •"'•n~•• "

J Cunivorr, 55 •
ll DccomJ>OS<rs Wh,- ~ of the fo llow ing typc, of l::h
!II Sca,·cnters o.,u,s .,.h en the hig h tide is high<st

(A) l on]y (Al lligh11 Je

lB ) l andllloaly (B ) Ntapli de
(Cl llonly (C) Sp,ing1idc
(DJ ll andlHonly (D ) Tidalbulge

' ~h,chof th cfollo wingis NOTchar>.ttr
•mc o faco ld fro nt?

(A ) S lo w fall ,nprts,u,e
mi DtepdcnucJouds

;~: g;;;;~~~;:c::~:r;::Uf<
(I)) Mtt l\Jcunl Ad-anio ~c !;ffo!I , t.o•d

!k l>u11n1 an u 11l14ua~c. chc .. , w11hd«..- Im .,.,cul

1. ,hm,clrr > al"11 g lh< co•ll >.nd tcl~m<d •• ,,,,men,..
,..,. , Wh>1~mllul11 a-UOl<lh<>< '

(lll L.oo,
({'' >,:,.n 11 c
, () ) 1,11.1

;, rcuulcur,,
,( l>r<i~•·

60 . ln .... h,.:hollh<· loll""''''""•U"<Jr,!1«:01> ' 0T


"' I'm><:~~ ,
(Ill Solare<><' • "'
tCI Hc J Jl :unr•
tDl Dnh:><r,..ts

I I' \OI ' t' l'\'\SII ut:tmo: T 1, 1t: 1S CA \ .l,.El) ,Cll t:C K \ UUK \\ U K K o;,; 1·111s n ,,

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