Acta Mathematica
Acta Mathematica
Acta Mathematica
where e is a small parameter. We divide the interval of parameter b into four sets of subintervals, A,
B, C and D. For b ~ A, B or D , we discuss the different structures of the attractors of the equation
and their stabilities. When chaotic phenomena appear, we also estimate the entropy. For b e C, the
set of bifurcation intervals, we analyze the bifurcating type and get a series of consequences from the
results of Newhouse and Palis.
1 (r/- go ( x ) ~ ) ,
rl=-tr ~(O)=l+O(e), r/(O) =1,
h= 1 (b-q~ (x)a)
__ _ 1
__ q~ , (x)~ ~ ,
b -sa , (1.2)
a(0)=b(0) =0.
J $ t
Since t 'l, tlU=271:'t- O ( 8 ) , we have t, ( s ) =2re + O ( e ) for any s s [ s ' , s "] and
- h (s)=2e l n T + O ( e ) . It implies, using an argument in Proposition 1.2, that
~( 7 9 s ) > - jc, s 6 [s ', s ,,] . Substituting this inequality into (l. 3 ), we get the desired
To prove the foUowing important proposition, we first give a lemma and omit its
proof. Let
V, = { (x,y)l I x - I I~<2p0 },
where po=e-C/'2 , c>0.
Lemma 1.7. All solutions of the system (2.3) of [2] spend a time less than P0Tin Vt.
Remark. Let V_. ={(x,y)l Ix+ II ~< 2po}. Then the conclusion of Lemma 1.7also
holds in V_,.
Let y ~ ( s ) = I ~ z ( ( 2 k + l ) T z , z~(s), 0), where t r y [ - 1 , 1 ] and k = j , j + l , j + 2 ,
the integer j being defined as in ~3 of [ 2]. For yk(s) and g (s) we have the following
Proposition 1.8. i)y~(s) depends on tr weakly: there exist c~, c2>0 such that for
any a~, a2 e [ - 1 , 11, I1~, ( s ) - ~ (s+As)I1o, ~<e-q/'2 , .for k=j, j + l , j + 2 and for
any IAsl<e-~'/"' as long as s , s+ As belong to the domains of the corresponding fl.
ii) There exist I c I ~ c Y such that
(1) g ' ( I ) ~ < - 4 . 3 2 -Y , 7 = 2 0 0 ;
(2) 23,-' < ~ g ' ( Y / I , ) < < . I - C , C > O ;
(3) The oscillation of g(s) on each component of I ~ I is O(e2) ; and II, l = O ( e 2 ) .
O (g(s ")+ )> t+e-2
iii) -~- s[ ----T-- a:~, and
0 ,,)+ l + e -2
Ob (g (s s (')> ~ a2= ,
where s ' , s " are the ends of I, s,', s [' are the ends of Ii.
P r o o f of i).
Fix any a, , a = ~ [ - l , 1 ] , and let z~(t,s), i = 1 , 2 , be the solutions of ( 2 . 3 )
with initial values zj(O,s)=(x,~ (s),s). It is enough to show that
ly~(z,s) - y 2 ( ' c , s + As )[co < e -c,/' , (1.4)
I' (y~(z,s)-y2(z,s+As))
< e -q/': (1.5)
246 Zheng Zhiming
0 y(z,s';b) > l + e -2
0~ 2 ~, "~
Ob 3
d d d (= d //
(2) ~ s ' = o (1) , db S =o(1), -d-ffs o ( 1 ) and ~--b- s l= o (1) .
Indeed, if (1), (2) hold, then
g sb ~
t~ = -
1 (v-tp(x)u)-
- -
;~= - e u , u(O)=O(e-C/~2), v(O )--0.
f~(u)=I-IuF(z,(u) ), (2.1)
here u ~ S 1, a ~ [ - 1,1], z, ( u ) = (u, o') and 1-I, being vertical projection on the
u - axis. Fix o', and let z = z , ( s ) = ( x , ( s ) , s ) belong to the corresponding fiber
in r. we recall that N+_ (z) = z ( ( 2 k + l ) n , z, 0 ) = ( x ~ , y ~ ) , k being the
smallest integer such that (x k, y k ) ~ - r . Since z(5rc, s) ~ - S , it is easy to prove
k = j , j + 1, or j + 2 (for the definition o f j see [2] ), and we omit this simple
proof. Applying the linear map T to (x~, y~), we can rewrite (2.1) a s
f~(u) = -d-- ( ( - Y ~ + 1 - 2rcp)cos 0 + (x~ + 1 )sin0), (2.2)
248 Zheng Zhiming
Lemma 2.1. There exist c~=c~ (b, e) and c2 such that for i= k, k - 1, k - 2,
f, ( u ) - f , , (u) = - 71 ( - ( y , - y , , ) c o s O + ( ~ - ~ , ) s i n 0 ) .
By Proposition 1.8 and Lemma 2.1 (1), we have
I = O(e -c'e)
Ig-~, I = c01 lyff-y~, l + O(e -c'e ) = O (e-C/'=).
250 Zheng Zhiming
u= --ff ((s+ 1 - 2 n p ) c o s O - ( x , - 1 )sin0)
= 1 (s+ 1 - 2 r c p + E t )
where El = (s+ 1 - 2 z r p ) ( c o s 0 - 1 ) - ( x ~ - 1 )sin0. Then ~ x~(s) = 1+ O(~) and
0 x,(s)=O(e) imply that (a) holds.
Proof of (b). If k= k( G )= k(G. ), we have from Proposition 1.8 and Lemma 2.1
If" (u) -f,',(u)l = I --~- ( ~ ( s ) - ~ , ( s + As) )l(1 + O(e) ) = O(e -~/~ ).
, dy.k~--.)(s+As)ifA~(l+O(e ~ ) ) - 1 [
where ~"~1,2 ' ~"~1,2 are the oscillations o f f , g on each of the two components of
A ~ A , I t \ I respectively .
Finally, we prove HI (4). We only prove the first inequality of (4) , because
the second can be proven in the same way.
We have from Lemma 2.1 and 2.2 that
f,(x, (b))= ~ ( - g , ( s " ) + 1-2rcp+ E3), (2.3)
where ~ E3= o(1). Moreover, Proposition 1.7, 1.8 imply that
0 0
Ob g , ( s ' ) = ~ go(S')+O(e). (2.4)
The estimates (2.3) and (2.4) imply that we can rewritef,(x,(b))in the form
f ' ( x ' ( b ) ) = - d ( - g ~ o ( S ' ) + 1 - 2 n p + E4), (2.5)
where ~ 0 E4= o (1). On the other hand, we have from (a) that
x,'(b)= ~ (sl'+ 1 - 2 r c p + El), (2.6)
where - ~ - E l = O ( e ) . (2.4), (2.5)and (2.6) imply that
d" (f, (xl(b) ) - x,'(b ) ) = - (g~ (s ') + s,'+ E5 ), (2.7)
where - ~0- E5 = o (1). Noting that d, obOd = O ( e ) , we have from Proposition 1.8
0 c
Ob ( f , ( x t ( b ) ) - x ~ ( b ) ) < - - - ' e c>0,
~1 -4e 2 1
u~ = u t - - - u~ , u~(lOzc)=O(e). (2.9)
ILs(0l<c< 1, for all (0610; other cases can be treated analogously. To prove our
statment, it suffices to show ILs~il<c<l. i = 1 , 2 . In fact, for any (0E/t, we can
write G0 as (o=t~ t + ( 1 - t ) ~ z , t ~ [ 0 , 1 ] . Thus IL~0l < ~ t l L , ~ t l + ( 1 - t ) l L ~ l < c , and
we finish our proof.
From the lineared system (1.1) with initial value ~, we have ff ( t l ) = (~ (t~),
r / ( t L ) ) = ( l + O(e), 1+ O(e)). Since sell, by Proposition 1.5 we have that
10-~(1+O(~))~< r/(z) ~ < ( 1 - c s ) ( l + O ( e ) ) , 0 < c s < l . (2.10)
It follows from (2.10) and Lemma 2.1 that I Z ~ [ < c < l . Analogously, we also
have IZ, d21 < c < 1. This finishes the proof of (b) and the theorem is established.
F ( R ) is illustrated in the following figure.
Figure 2
n is equipped with usual topology. Then, the map F Ic is described in terms of the
left shift 0 acting on ~ B " More precisely, there is a homeomarphism z : ~',n ~ C
254 Zheng Zhiming
(a) (b)
Figure 3
III ) In every gap Cj there exists a bjeCj for which F has a nondegenerate
homoclinic tangency. Applying the results of Newhouse and Palis ([ 4 ] - [6] ) we ob-
tain uncoantably many values of b ~ Cs , for each of which F has infinitely many
sinks. Furthermore, F passes through infinitely many open intervals with different
structurally stable topological types. More precisely, for any given v > 0 there exist a
5 > 0 and an open subset B~ of 5- neighborhood U~ of bs such that for b ~ U 6 ~ B 6,
F is structurally stable with the bifurcations confined to B 6 . The measure o f B6 is
less than yrS. U6~Ba consists of infinitely many components to which there corre-
spond infinitely many structurally stable types of F.
manifolds is zero, almost all points tend to one of the two sinks for positive iterates
and almost all points tend to zo(b ) or oo for negative iterates.
The set of rotation numbers of 1) is exactly a closed interval 2n+ 1 '
2re -] D also is structurally stable, just like That in .the case I).
2 n - 1 .J "
III) In every gap Cj , there are uncountably many values of b ~ Cj, for each
of which the map D has iniinitely many sinks. In addition, as b travels through Cj,
the map D passes through infinitely many bifurcations separated by infinitely many
open b- subintervals, to which there correspond infinitely many different (structurally
stable) topological types of D.
IV ) F o r b> - ~ , the map D has a unique totally stable fixed point (See [16] ).
Finally, we give an estimate of the topological entropy o f F for b ~Bk. Let
h ( F ) denote the topological entropy of F. Then we have
Theorem 3.3. For b ~ B k , h(F)>~log ( 1 + ~ ' 2 - ) .
P r o o f . By the definition of topological entropy , h ( F ) >~h ( FIc ) 9
Since FIc=~Oz -~, where ~:~s~-,- C is a homeomorphism, we have h(FIc) = h ( 0 ) ,
where 0, acting on ~ s , is a left shift. To prove the theorem, we now need only
to show h ( 0 ) = l o g ( l + ~ v / ~" ). Define a matrix B :
1 1 1t
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 0
0 1 1 1
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