Becoming Applied: The Transformation of Economics After 1970

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Department of Economics

Becoming Applied:
The Transformation of
Economics After 1970

Department of Economics Discussion Paper 14-11

Roger Backhouse
Béatrice Cherrier
Becoming Applied: the Transformation of Economics after 1970

Roger Backhouse and Béatrice Cherrier

[email protected] and [email protected]


This paper conjectures that economics has changed profoundly since the 1970s and that these

changes involve a new understanding of the relationship between theoretical and applied

work. Drawing on an analysis of John Bates Clark medal winners, it is suggested that the

discipline became more applied, applied work being accorded a higher status in relation to

pure theory than was previously the case. Discussing new types of applied work, the

changing context of applied work, and new sites for applied work, the paper outlines a

research agenda that will test the conjecture that there has been a changed understanding of

the nature of applied work and hence of economics itself.

JEL Codes: A10, B20, B40, C00

Keywords: Applied economics, theory, Clark Medal, JEL codes, core, policy, computation,

data, econometrics

Electronic copy available at:

Becoming Applied: the Transformation of Economics after 1970

Roger Backhouse and Béatrice Cherrier*

[email protected] and [email protected]

Version 1.12

1. Introduction

In 1970, Nancy Ruggles edited Economics, a volume that formed part of a Survey of

the Behavioral and Social Sciences under the auspices of the National Academy of Sciences

and the Social Science Research Council. Aimed at presenting “a comprehensive review and

appraisal” of economics, the book comprised a series of short reports on the main fields

within the subject. In her introductory chapter, Ruggles (1970, p. 4) argued that whilst

economists were “striving for a theoretical-quantitative discipline which can unify abstract

model-building with empirical analysis”, the core of the discipline lay in economic theory.

“Economic theory,” Ruggles wrote, “provides much of the unity of the discipline. Every

economist is trained in economic theory and applies its concepts and mechanisms to

problems in his own special field” (Ruggles 1970, p. 5). The surveys thus began with the core

of “microeconomic theory” and “macroeconomics”, followed by chapters on different

methods and range of applied fields. Thus although most of the reports focused, in one way

The aim of this paper is not to present definite conclusions but to propose a research agenda in preparation
for a conference to be held at the Center for the History of Political Economy, in Duke University, in April
2016. We are grateful to Jeff Biddle, Kevin Hoover, Steven Medema and Roy Weintraub for useful
comments on earlier drafts.

or another, on applications, Ruggles left little doubt that economic theory had priority.1

Eighteen years later, the editors of the Journal of Economic Literature embarked on a

comprehensive revision of the codes used to classify economics. Though this aimed explicitly

at a representation of the discipline in terms of a “core” and “applied” fields, that the term

“theory” had disappeared from all the first-level headings and most of the sub-headings. Even

within the “core” of microeconomics and macroeconomics, theory was less prominent:

“value theory” was present but it was alongside categories such as “computable general

equilibrium models,” “forecasting and simulation,” and “income policy, price policy.” This

new structure reflected the explicit agenda of its architects who, from the beginning, had been

adamant “not to place the theoretical and empirical research in separate categories, but to

integrate them” (quoted in Cherrier 2014). The reason, JEL editor John Pencavel wrote to

those helping him revise the classification, was that “good research in economics is a blend of

theory and empirical work.” This elicited the response that, “If we don't want to separate

theory and empirical analysis, why do we separate theory and policy?” The result was that

theory, empirical work and policy advice were combined within the core. The new scheme

was implemented in 1991, the beginning of a decade that saw increased recognition of

“applied work,” exemplified by the award of the next three John Bates Clark medals to

Lawrence Summers (in 1993), David Card (in 1995) and Kevin Murphy (in 1997). So

sensitive did the editors of some of the major journals become to the charge that too much

space was devoted to economic theory, that during the 1990s their annual reports monitored

number of theoretical and empirical articles being published.2

Our conjecture is that these two two episodes encapsulate a significant change in

Though we have chosen to take Ruggles as our focus, on the grounds that her report was as close as one can
get to an “official” view, it is worth noting that we might have taken Wassily Leontief’s (1971) presidential
address to the AEA as our starting point.
Reference here is to the AER and the Economic Journal.

economists’ attitudes towards economic theory and applied work that has taken place since

the 1970s and that understanding this change is important for understanding how economics

has evolved during this period. The idea of a hierarchy, sometimes explicit but often implicit,

with abstract economic theory at the top and various forms of applied work underneath, was

challenged. Economic theory was still considered essential, in that empirical work was

expected to be grounded in theory and economists often began with a theoretical model but

theory was expected to remain closer to its applications.

Such a claim raises the question of what the term “applied economics” means. Drawing

conclusions from a previous History of Political Economy conference, Backhouse and Biddle

(2000) pointed out that “applied economics” was a polysemic, ambiguous and yet pervasive

term. Economists have used the term “applied” to refer to the application of theoretical tools

to specific issues, as a synonym for empirical work, and as referring to the drawing of policy

implications from economic research. Multiple meanings arose because the term “applied”

was not defined directly but in in opposition to something else—for example, in relation to

“pure”, “theoretical” and “abstract” economics. During the decades after the Second World

War these different meanings competed within the profession and after 1970 “applied” work

in all of these senses of the term, expanded dramatically and increased in prominence. There

is perhaps a parallel here with changes that took place in mathematics (see Dalmedico 2001).

The pecking order that, we conjecture, was challenged after 1970 was established only

after the Second World War.3 This makes our project a sequel to the transformation

documented in another HOPE conference (Morgan and Rutherford 1998). Before the Second

World War, they argue that in the United States, institutionalist and neoclassical approaches

The extent to which theory lost its primacy is a matter of debate. The claim can be disputed on the grounds
that applied work requires theory if it is to be taken seriously. Against this, it can be argued that interest in
purely theoretical papers has declined, and that outside certain specialist journals, there has been a shift to
papers that combine theory with empirical work.

coexisted in a discipline best characterized as pluralist: no single approach was dominant. In

contrast, by 1960, the discipline was dominated by neo-classical economics: other approaches

still existed but they were no longer seen as central. Associated with this transition was the

emergence of the idea, absent in the 1920s, that economics was about modeling. The

economic theorist came to be seen not as someone who drew conclusions based on wisdom

typically acquired over a long career but as a modeler who worked out the consequences of

abstract assumptions, increasingly using mathematics. Microeconomic theory, defined as

working out the consequences of optimizing behavior on the part of individual economic

agents, came to have the privileged status described by Ruggles in 1970.4

Subsequent scholarship has extended, developed and qualified the picture painted by

Morgan and Rutherford. There is now a large literature on period in which the pecking order

described by Ruggles emerged, covering the demise of institutionalism and the

mathematization of economics (for example, Rutherford 2011; Weintraub 2002; Duppe and

Weintraub 2014). In contrast, the literature on the changes that challenged that pecking order

since 1970 is much less developed. There is work on specific applied topics and fields but

comparatively little attention has been paid to the conception of economics as a whole.5 This

is the reason why we are organizing another HOPE conference, directed at understanding the

consequences of this redefinition of applied fields in relation to the rapidly changing body of

theoretical, conceptual and empirical tools that have defined the discipline. Our aim is to

understand this process and the factors that may lie behind it. These factors could involve:

challenges to civil society and what has been called “the challenge of relevance” in the 1970s,

the rise of “big data” and computerization; the increased importance of non-academic

Macroeconomic theory can be fitted into this story but it raises issues to discuss which would require more
space than is appropriate here.
Sketches have been provided by Backhouse (2002), Backhouse and Medema (2009), Backhouse (2010).

institutions, such as central banks, the IMF, the World Bank and the National Bureau of

Economic Research (NBER); or the displacement of general equilibrium theory as the central

theoretical framework by game theory or experimental and behavioral economics. In this

paper, intended to set the agenda for the conference, we suggest a number of tentative

hypotheses to characterize and explain these changes.

We start by trying to substantiate the main claims we have made. We begin, in Section

2, by considering some historical evidence that relates to the dominant role of economic

theory in the postwar period. Then, in section 3, we try to document the changed character of

the discipline through an analysis of the winners of the AEA’s John Bates Clark Medal

which, since 1947 has been awarded every two years to the most promising economist under

the age of forty. Because of its focus on younger economists, we would argue that it gives a

better indication of trends than the more frequently analyzed Nobel Memorial Prize in

Economicswhich typically recognizes achievements at a much later career stage. We then

turn to possible explanations for the rise of applied economics, by considering the

technological and the institutional bases for this change (sections 4 and 5). In the final section

we list some of the questions that we believe need to be answered if we are to understand

these changes.

2. Applied Economics before the late 1960s

It is now well documented that the Second World War and the Cold War fostered the

development of new theoretical and applied work. New empirical techniques included

structural estimation at the Cowles Commission, the development of input-output methods,

linear programming, and the simplex method. New data sets were gathered: the postwar

stabilization of national accounting was linked to the much more widespread compilation of

national income statistics (Mitra-Kahn 2011 and there was widespread gathering of cross-

sectional data on many industries. At the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a set of new indexes to

estimate the cost of living were also developed (Stapleford 2009). Theoretical advances also

changed the postwar intellectual landscape: the Keynesian revolution and mathematical

modeling of the business cycle; game theory; dynamic modeling involving new techniques

such as Bellman’s dynamic programming; new models of consumer behavior from revealed

preference to expected utility; and general equilibrium analysis.

What is significant about these changes for our purposes is that, as theoretical and

empirical work became more formal and mathematical, conceptions of economic theory and

of its relationship to various types of applied work changed. The perceived relationship

between theoretical and applied work becomes apparent in many places: in the published

literature and in places locations such as the Ford Foundation, which in 1951 suddenly

became one of the largest sources of social science funding, and the AEA, in which debates

took place over both the graduate curriculum and over its classification scheme. A widely

discussed example is the controversy that erupted in 1946 when Tjalling Koopmans, Vice-

President of the Cowles Commission and shortly to become its Research Director, reviewed

Measuring Business Cycles (Burns and Mitchell 1945), the final volume in a series of

statistical studies of the business cycle overseen by Wesley Mitchell at the National Bureau

of Economic Research (NBER). His charge that the approach of Mitchell and Burns,

characteristic of much empirical work in the 1930s, represented “measurement without

theory” placed neoclassical economic theory in a privileged position, as Rutledge Vining

(1949) pointed out in his reply. Vining, echoing earlier conceptions of economic theory,

contended that empirical work was needed in order to discover the appropriate theory.

Another debate from this period can be read in the same way. When Richard Lester (1946)

raised doubts about the increasing trend to use marginal analysis to analyze the behavior of

firms he was asserting the primacy of empirical work, citing not just his own survey data but

also the extensive interwar and wartime evidence that had been accumulated on how firms

behaved when confronted with changed circumstances. In the ensuing debates (see Lee 1984;

Mongin 1992; Backhouse 2008) the dominant view was that it was appropriate to assume that

firms maximized profits, Milton Friedman’s (1953) argument for this becoming one of the

most widely read methodological essays in the discipline. It came to be accepted that the

empiricism of Lester was naïve and, though Friedman did not hold this view, that Koopmans

had been right in his argument that the NBER paid insufficient attention to economic theory

as he understood it. The primacy of economic theory implicit in such views was given

philosophical justification in debates over methodology that surfaced in leading journals.

Even more dramatic was Fritz Machlup’s remark, discussing the leading theorist of the


I conclude that Samuelson, one of the most brilliant theorists in present-day

economics, produces his best work when he deduces from unrealistic assumptions

general theoretical propositions which help us interpret some of the empirical

observations of the complex situations with which economic life confronts us

(Machlup 1964, p. 735).

This was, of course, Machlup’s personal view but it is safe to assume that it would have

commanded widespread support. It represented a view of the power of abstract economic

theory about which most economists in the 1930s would have been skeptical.

The Ford Foundation faced the question of whether it should fund research aimed directly

at tackling concrete problems or whether it should take a more indirect, long-term approach.

Echoing earlier debates over government funding for the natural sciences, this raised two

issues: the extent to which there should be any attempt to move research in directions

believed socially useful, and the extent to which funding should be directed at “fundamental”

or “basic” research. Whilst the organization of large teams of scientists to tackle immediate

practical problems had been immensely successful, producing innovations such as radar and

the atomic bomb, such successes relied on prior “fundamental” or “basic” research. It was

widely believed that “fundamental” research would not be supported by the private sector,

which wanted clear returns on any investment, and that the best way to government could

promote it was to create an environment in which scientists were free to follow their own

intellectual curiosity. The distinction between fundamental and applied research was not the

same as that between theory and empirical work, an issue on which the economists involved

in the discussions within Ford were divided some expressing skepticism about theoretical

work, and other supporting it. However, economists were united in opposing any attempt to

focus research on applied problems that outsiders thought might quickly produce results of

immediate policy relevance. Supporting “fundamental” research involved defending theory

and empirical work that did not have immediate practical consequences.

In the AEA, the relationship of theoretical and applied economics emerged during

discussions of the graduate curriculum. Drawing on a survey of professors, a report produced

by Howard Bowen argued that economics departments should not “convert into trade

schools”, providing purely vocational training, but “should continue to place emphasis on

fundamentals and on scholarship”, which implied a “common core” for all programs (Bowen

1953, p. 2). This core comprised not just economic theory but also economic history, history

of ideas and research methods (ibid., p. 40) but economic theory believed to be the most

important component, by a long way. Virtually all professors (98%) thought economic theory

essential for doctoral students, compared with statistics (53%), economic history (55%) and

history of economic thought (37%) (ibid., p. 105). There was a widespread desire to increase

coverage of theory and, most tellingly, very few professors (3%) thought there was any need

for closer integration of theory and applied fields. A decade later views had solidified,

Richard Ruggles (1962, p. 487) writing that the function of graduate training was ‘to provide

a common core of basic economic theory’ that would be used elsewhere in the program, and

noting that ‘at a great many universities’ training in mathematics was required. There was

disagreement and when the codes used for classifying articles were agreed in 195* (see

Cherrier 2014) each of the main headings covered both theory and applied work.

By 1970, it was generally accepted that economics was based on a common core of

economic theory centered on mathematical modeling of maximizing agents. This view was

strengthened by the extension of models based on maximizing behavior to fields that had

long resisted it, including extensions of such models to problems traditionally thought lying

in the domain of other social sciences—the phenomenon often described as economics

imperialism. Econometric modeling had also taking off in the 1950s, and by 1970 formal

statistical inference, notably regression analysis, was widespread in applied work applied

work. Economics was becoming more technical and methodologically homogeneous,

eliciting protests from “heterodox” economists whose analysis was not longer valued so

highly. However, the outcome was considerable dis-satisfaction because, for all the

improvement in techniques, it was not clear that theory and empirical work had been

successfully integrated. For example, Wassily Leontief (1971) complained about the building

of an ever more elaborate theoretical edifice on empirical foundations that could not support

it, calling for more attention to the development of new data. The economic theorist, Frank

Hahn (1973), complained about elaborating theoretical models that bore no relation to the

world in which we live. Economic theory had acquired a prestige that many believed it did

not merit.

3. New types of applied work? Evidence from the Clark Medal

The “core” and its many applications

One way to see the change that has taken place in recent years, is to look at the citations for

the AEA’s Clark Medal. While theorists were repeatedly praised for their renewed

understanding of economic behavior, bringing in imperfect information (Joseph Stiglitz in

1979 and Michael Spence in 1981) or psychological evidence (Matthew Rabin in 2001),

citations increasingly highlighted the significance of new theories for specific fields rather

than for economics in general.6 Spence was portrayed as the leader of the “new economics of

industrial organization,” Sanford Grossman's understanding of contracting under uncertainty

and asymmetric information is said to have changed financial economics, and it was made

clear that Paul Krugman's (in 1991) analysis of the implication of increasing returns to scale

and imperfect competition transformed international economics. An indication of a changed

attitude towards theory was the increasing prominence of the term “applied theorist”, used

much more rarely in 1970. Thus the 2007 Clark nomination statement begins with “Susan

Athey is an applied theorist.”

Similarly, when the honor was awarded for contributions to econometric theory—Marc

Nerlove (1969) for estimating response lags; Dale Jorgenson (1971) for estimating rational

In parenthesis is the date of the award.

distributed lags; Daniel Mcfadden (1975) for his analysis of discrete choice and James

Heckman (1983) for his work on panel data—it was specified that medalists had also

developed “fruitful applications,” that the spirit behind their work was “to explain real

economic phenomena”, that they had conducted “large scale empirical inquiries” (McFadden)

or “changed the face of labor economics, econometrics and demography” (Heckman). The

term “applied econometrician,” was used to characterize Martin Feldstein's (1977) work on

insurance and health or Jerry Hausman's (1985) work on energy.

As economic research was transformed by the falling cost and increased availability of

computing power, it became routine for applied work to involve formal econometric testing

and estimation of models, and this was done using increasingly sophisticated methods. In the

early nineties, Lawrence Summers (1993), David Card (1995), and Kevin Murphy (1997)

were picked out for their substantial contribution to “applied economics,” in particular labor

economics, for having developed new methods, such as the use of natural experiments and

having applied them to new carefully constructed data sets. The work of Summers, it was

said, exemplified the “remarkable resurgence of empirical economics over the past decade.”

The combination of theoretical and empirical skills was prominently featured in the

work of virtually all of the 5 last Clark medalists – Emmanuel Saez (2009), Esther Duflo

(2010), Jonathan Levin (2011), Amy Finkelstein (2012) and Raj Chetty (2013). Most of them

are explicitly called “applied economists,” a term that had previously been used only once in

Clark medal citations to characterize Franklin Fisher's (1973) work on various issues such as

the cost of educational loan systems, the petroleum drilling and community television

antenna industries.

The dynamics of the John Bates Clark medal award suggests that economics had

developed, in the last quarter of the twentieth century, by applying theories and econometric

tools from its core. Indeed, the discipline is today portrayed (by the AEA for instance) as

constructed around such an agreed core which is applied in a myriad of fields. These have

their own journals, societies and networks born throughout a process of fragmentation of the

discipline during the seventies.7 Little work has been done to explain this process, which

involved both unification and fragmentation, or to study these applied fields exploring how

their practices and cultures differed. Though economists may be trained in the same

techniques, because they tackle different problems, using different types of data, conventions

on what constitutes acceptable econometric practices and empirical work, or what constitutes

rigorous theorizing, are not the same in, say, macroeconomics, labor economics and

environmental economics (see for example, the exchange between David Hendry and

Andrew Oswald in Backhouse and Salanti, 2000). We know neither what happened to these

tools when they were applied, nor how did the availability of these new tools affect the fields

to which they were applied. For example, the nomination statements quoted above suggest

that work done in applied fields may have triggered new theoretical and technical

developments that have affected the core and that the influence normally runs from core to

applied may not be correct.

Policy relevance and policy design

Another striking feature of recent nomination statements is that they make the notion of

“applied economics” more complex by tying it to the problem of policy. Finkelstein is

praised for her ability to identify “policy-relevant yet tractable research questions,” while

Chetty’s research agenda is identified as “tax policy, social insurance and education policy.”
See for instance how the scope of economics is picture on the AEA website:

Duflo “has been a leader in using randomized field experiments to address important

questions concerning public policy.” Saez's work on optimal taxation theory has “brought the

theory of taxation closer to practical policy making.” Economists have always been

concerned with policy, but these statements hint that there may now be a belief that,

economists were now in a position to do something to which previous generations could only

aspire. This suggests that the concern with the implementability of theory had become

stronger among economists, possibly influencing the development of theoretical insights and

empirical tools. It presumably reflects the increased confidence economists appear to have

had that they could not only study but they possessed the theoretical and empirical tools

necessary to create markets and design institutions that would achieve specified objectives:

that they could, to use John McMillan’s (2002) phrase, “reinvent the bazaar”.

4. The changing context for applied work

If economics did change in the way that our analysis of the Clark medal winners suggests,

what was the reason? Though our list is far from comprehensive, we sketch three possible

changes in the context in which economics was undertaken: computerization; the rise of new

economic and social problems, and emergence of new sites for economic research and the

changing relationships between existing ones.

Computerization and computational issues

From the 1940s to the 1960s, computation was a major issue in economics. Even a

simple problem, such as George Stigler's diet problem (finding the minimum cost of a diet

involving 9 dietary elements and 77 foods while meeting nutritional standards) took 120

man-days to compute by hand (Klein 1991). The simplex method for solving a linear problem

was very efficient, but even with its help, great importance was attached to finding even

better methods because it still took too long to solve interesting problems. RAND

economists explored ideas such as that tâtonnement processes could be used to solve

programming problems, or that programming problems could be reformulated as games that

could then be played, the revealing the solutions. Economists used approximations and

substitutions to simplify their models as much as possible. During the 1950s, econometricians

developed programs that made it possible, for the first time, to use estimation methods that

had been known since the 1940s but which had been computationally too demanding to

implement. Thus Klein’s models grew from around 10 equations to over 300 equations by the

1960s. In this process, the development of efficient algorithms was a major factor behind the

use of computers. Klein pictures a world in which, in the sixties and seventies, economists

were engaged in a computation race which involved the expansion of computation facilities

and the improvement of computation methods on the one side, and, on the other, the new

problems raised by developments such as stochastic simulations (in the wake of the

simulations that Irma Adelman and Frank Adelmanconducted using the well-known Klein-

Goldberger model), scenario analysis, sampling experiments using Monte Carlo methods, and

the rise of cross sectional analysis.

Numerical method were being widely used but they had not settled down and were

unreliable. Software packages that should have produced the same results as each other did

not always do so. This lack of standardization was one factor behind the difficulties

economists faced in replicating each others’ results: the apparent unreliability of the

econometric estimates, as reported in a widely cited study of articles in the Journal of

Money, Credit and Banking (Dewald et al 1986), especially when combined with the

critiques mentioned earlier, raised questions about the credibility econometric work. The

advent of the personal computer in the 1980s did not at first change this situation. However,

by the end of the century, a combination of increased computing power, the stabilization of

routines for numerical calculations, and the development of software packages that did not

require users to learn a programming language, transformed estimation into something that

was entirely routine (some of these issues are discussed in Renfro 2011). It became plausible

to regard the unreliability of econometric results analysed by Dewald and his colleagues as a

temporary phase—as the growing pains of the new discipline.

There was continual interaction between progress in computing and the development of

new econometric techniques. The ability to undertake far more rapid calculations made it

possible to develop new tests and estimation methods and to implement new strategies for

econometric work. The battery of statistical tests with which econometricians could appraise

their models increased, Monte Carlo methods being used to discriminate between different

statistics, even when analytical methods were unable to do so. There was a renaissance of

data-driven methods, from vector autoregressive modeling to general-to-specific modeling,

and new methods whereby theory could be tested against data. Maybe procedures that had

previously required that the investigator be led by his or her own judgement were turned into

routine decisions that could be made on the basis of computer-generated statistics or even

incorporated into the computer package itself. Algorithms be used could select as well as

estimate models.

The spread of more advanced computer technology was also connected to the

development of new sources of data. The Penn World tables, dating from the end of the

1970s and regularly extended, provided a set of internationally comparable national accounts

data. Economists also began to collect and analyze much larger microeconomic data sets,

with survey and panel data increasing in quantity and becoming available to increasing

numbers of economists. The study of finance was transformed with the analysis of data

produced by the automated systems used in financial markets: from having data on opening

and closing prices, and daily average data, economists could access data on individual


There were many new techniques for economic analysis based on the use of computers.

Calibration methods as used by real business cycle theorists were viewed as a new method

(even though such methods have a much longer history). Agent-based modeling involves

simulation methods to model behavior in situations which, due to the complexity of the

interactions involved, would be incapable of analysis using methods traditionally used in

economic theory. Behavioral and experimental economics makes use of on computer

technology to ensure the conditions needed for what are believed to be valid experiments to

take place.

Economists, social ills, and public policies

The rise of applied economics from the mid-60s onward has often been tied to the social

agitation and ills of the times, including pollution, the urban crisis and the rise of crime, the

Civil Right movement, the Vietnam War, the energy crisis, stagflation and the rise of

radicalism and neoconservatism alike. Yet, their exact influence on economic scholarship is

still unclear. One way to approach such influence is through its effect on students' demands.

Fleury 2012 studies the consequences of social agitation on students' growing dissatisfaction

with the way economics was made and taught, which raised raised a “relevance” challenge.

Not everyone agreed on what “relevant” meant, however. During the seventies, students had

in mind scholarship bearing on citizens' everyday life. For researchers in the eighties and

nineties, relevance rather meant tied to the real-world through observation and empirical

work in easily understandable ways. This may explain why the use of natural experiments

(Card and Krueger 199*) became fashionable at that time. Another way to assess the impact

of social troubles on science is through funding. Reflecting on the changes within social

sciences at large, Solovey (2013) points that the Ford Foundation's Behavioral Science

Program was initially aimed at funding basic research, but was soon re-oriented toward

research useful to cure social diseases such as juvenile delinquency. An exhaustive account

of how RAND's scholarship was reoriented toward applied work and social welfare research

beginning in the mid-60s is also provided by Jardini ([2013] 1996). Jardini explains how

Johnson's response to social unrest, his War on Poverty and great Society programs of 1964,

entailed the import of the Planning-Programing-Budgeting System, designed by Hitch and

Mckean for defense planning purpose, into other governmental bodies for rational policy

planning. The use of cost-benefit analysis as a basis for policy design and evaluation was

challenged by public figures such as Paul Ylvisaker at the Ford Foundation, who thought that

policies should be decided by local communities through Community Action Programs, but

nevertheless voted and implemented. The application of a tool shaped for defense to social

welfare program proved difficult, as criteria, cost and benefits were more difficult to identify

and quantify, in particular in urban, poverty and health fields.

Jardini's narrative thus suggests that a major channel whereby social unrest and

economic and political disturbances may have weighted on economic research was through

governments' responses, political and legal. A detailed case study of such process is provided

by Banzhaf's (2009) account of how Cost-Benefit Analysis was used for water resources

management. He shows that competing ways of using cost-benefits tools for water resources

management rested upon diverging conceptions of welfare and of the economist' role in the

policy-making process. As the Water Resources Council proposed that multi-ojective benefit-

cost analysis be legally introduced into water agencies' practices in the 60s, two

irreconciliables visions clashed. A team led by Harvard economist Arthur Maas, Robert

Dorfman, and Otto Eckstein, argued that traditional cost-benefit analysis couldn't take into

account the many objectives Congress members had in mind, efficiency but also inter-

household equity, regional development, protection from flood, ect. and handle non-markets

costs and benefits. They argued that it was the economist’s task to identify the various

objectives at play, formalize them, optimize water resource systems for these multiple

objectives and proposed different systems for different objective trade-off from which the

Congress could choose. Other economists, such as Robert Robert Haveman and Myrick

Freeman, associated with Resources for the Future, opposed such practices on the ground

that multiple objectives could be collapsed into a social welfare function using market or

shadow prices, and that scientists should refrain from interacting with the political decision

process . This historical scholarship indicates that the tools developed by economists and the

way they were applied to specific issues were largely shaped by how scientists and politicians

envisioned the policy-making process, from policy-objectives to the design of solution and

their evaluations.

Sites for competing traditions in applied research

Historians of economics have traditionally paid much attention to schools of thought,

frequently associating these with specific institutions. This raises the question of whether

such changes as have taken place in recent years are associated with particular institutions:

with specific sites where economic research takes place. Looking at the sites where these

applied economists were trained and undertook their research also highlights key

transformations of the discipline. Chicago economists have argued, citing the list of Nobel

Memorial Prize winners, that success in economics is highly correlated with having some

connection with the University of Chicago. At Chicago, there was, for a long time, an

emphasis on solving problems using simple price theory and it is probably no coincidence

that “economics imperialism”, the notion that economic techniques could be applied to

problems arising on other social sciences, and “Freakonomics”, the application of such

methods to everyday puzzles, were more closely associated with Chicago than with any other

institution. Carnegie Mellon, dominated for many years by Herbert Simon, encouraged a

distinctive approach to economic theory. In contrast, it can be argued that economics at

M.I.T., one of the most influential institutions after the Second World War, in which

economics was closer to engineering, represents a different approach to applied work based

on more complex models. This raises the question of whether different institutions have

fostered different conceptions of “applied work”.

However, whilst focus on universities and traditional economics departments may have

been appropriate in the past, that is no longer true. Like many of their contemporaries, many

Clark medallists, were closely associated with extra-academic bodies. It has become

increasingly common for authors of journal articles to list more than one affiliation, one of

these frequently being a research institute outside the traditional university structure. Martin

Feldstein was the architect of a profound transformation of the structure and philosophy of

the NBER that reflects a conception of applied work very different from that held by its

founders. Clark medallists have been associated with The World Bank, the IMF, the UN,

which employ large numbers of economists and their role in certain fields (notably

development, monetary, international), the role of which in economics is large and under-

researched (but see Coats 1986; Coats 1997; Alacevich 2009). As long as the focus of

historical research is on theory rather than applied work, the role of these will not be fully

understood. Other have served the Council of Economic Advisers, and many economists

have worked at central banks, which are active sites for applied research. A brief analysis by

Bennett McCallum (in Backhouse and Salanti 2000), backed up by his own experience,

argued that the character of their work having become much closer to work carried on in

academia. If correct, this change in the relationship between central banks and academia

suggests that there is scope for more systematic historical research that, because of the nature

of central banks, seems certain to relate to the question about applied economics. Within

academia, business schools have become more important. Outside academia there is also the

transformation of the think tank landscape since the 1970s with the rise of what political

scientists term “advocacy” think tanks, most of which undertake policy-oriented applied


Though sites of research in a different sense, mention should also be made of the

proliferation of journals. There has been a massive expansion in the number of academic

journals, many of which specialize in applied fields. The AEA, which in 1945 published a

single journal, the AER, now publishes no fewer than seven journals. The Royal Economic

Society augmented its Economic Journal with the Econometrics Journal. Journals can

promote attitudes towards applied work. The AER and the Economic Journal, in response to

the charge that they published too much theory, monitored the proportion of their articles that

contained theoretical and empirical work. The Journal of Public Economics (established

1972) had a team of 20 associate editors, balanced between those favoring theoretical and

empirical work; theoretical work dominated in the early years but the proportion of empirical

articles rose. In addition, working paper repositories have vastly increased the availability of

“unpublished” material. This poses issues of fragmentation, given that the volume of

literature is such that it has become impossible to read everything that has been published. To

this could be added the rise of scholarly societies and academic networks in applied firleds.

The development of internet search engines poses further questions about what economists

read and the potential fragmentation involved when economists can select which types of

literature they get to see. In such a world, the classification of research, in systems such as the

JEL classification, becomes a potentially significant issue (see Cherrier 2014).

6. A research agenda

Economics has changed significantly since the 1970s. Our conjecture is that these changes

involve a changed relationship between economic theory and applied economics, with

consequent changes in the way economics is itself conceived, hence the title, “Becoming

applied.” Economists no longer view economic theory as standing above applied work in the

way as they had by the end of the 1960s and economics has developed in many completely

new directions, raising the question of whether there has been a change in what it means to do

applied work. The project will inevitably be seen as a successor to Toward a History of

Applied Economics (Backhouse and Biddle 2000). However, we suggest that it is more

helpful to consider it as extending the argument in From Interwar Pluralism to Postwar

Neoclassicism (Morgan and Rutherford 1998), which proposed the view, now widely

accepted in the historiography of economics, that the period centered on the Second World

War involved a change from the a pluralist approach to economics, centered on the

institutionalism, itself a very broad movement, towards a less open, more technical

neoclassical economics. Theirs was a specifically American story, for in the 1930s and 1940s

there were very substantial differences between economics in the United States, Britain,

Germany, France and other European countries. Our story, though still dominated by

developments in the United States, is more international, reflecting the changes explored in

The Internationalization of Economics since 1945 (Coats 1997). We start from a position on

the role of economic theory that is a development of the Morgan-Rutherford story about the

establishment of neoclassical economics, conjecturing an interpretation of what has happened


Whilst we believe we have adduced significant evidence for it, our interpretation of

the period since the 1970s remains a conjecture. Further work is necessary to test that

conjecture and to develop the historiography. For example, what we have said about the

spread of computing in economics may seem obvious, and many economists will naturally

augment it with a simple causal story, possibly involving pent-up demand for computing

power and a response to an increased supply for reasons that are exogenous to the discipline.

However, there are reasons to believe that it may be more complicated than this. Renfro

(2003, 2011) has approached the economics-technology nexus by studying the effect of the

development of diversified software packages in micro- and macro-econometrics, financial

and spatial econometrics on economists’ practices. Even where common mathematical and

statistical techniques are used, he argues, the diversity in the software used reflects the variety

of applications in which the relationship of science to technology can play out differently.

Hardware cannot be used without software, and software needs to perform the functions

required of it, which will not necessarily be the same across different fields. He pointed to the

possible differences of purposes and standards between the programmers who developed the

software and its academic users, thereby raising the possibility that the development of

technology needs to be considered alongside the development of economics, allowing for the

possibility that this may work out differently in different fields. It may not be right to

consider technology as passively supporting scientific progress.

This raises many questions, some of which we hope that future research, including

papers selected for the HOPE conference in 2016, will address. Underlying all of these

questions is the problem one relating to the meaning and significance of applied economics.

This question may prompt others which are not listed below.

How have economists conceived the notion of applied economics, and how has this

affected their ideas of what economics is? What is the relation of applied economics

to other types of research?

Here, it may be useful to look outside economics, for historians of science have explored the

origins and meanings of the notion of applied science. There has been extensive debate over

what has been termed the “linear model” of the relationship between pure, or fundamental,

science, and technology (e.g. Alexander 2012, Edgerton 2004). Lucier (2012) has surveyed

the uses of the notions of “pure science” and “applied science” throughout the nineteenth

century, and points that they became increasingly used as the possibilities to commercialize

scientific knowledge rose, leading to concerns of corruption. Those scientists who wanted to

emphasize their distance from the market place relied on “pure,” while those scientists who

accepted patents and profits on their research were “applied.” This raises the question of

whether such factors have been at work in economics in recent decades, a question that seems

highly relevant given the increased commercialization of society and the rise of private

forecasting bodies, from bodies such as Data Resources Incorporated, founded by Otto

Eckstein, to the research departments of commercial banks and other firms in the financial

sector. Is it true that “applied economics” has sometimes meant “a commercially valuable

product”? More generally, it has been argued by Bud 2012 that “applied science” was a

concept developed in the US and UK to serve the social purpose of scientists. He suggests

that the word was used by those scientists who insisted on remaining “pure” to name those

who were willing to get involved in public affairs, with the danger of having their science

colored with ideological beliefs. Have such fears played a role in shaping applied economics

as it developed in the midst of the social problems and ideological battles that have

dominated the period under consideration?

Processes of unification and fragmentation

What has happened to the notion of core and how has this been connected to changes

in the discipline? How have changing notions of the core affected the relationships

between theory and application since the 1970s? Is there a preexisting pure science?

Otherwise, what are the relationships between core and applied from the seventies


How have applied fields evolved since the 1970s? Are there differences between older

fields that have been reshaped (e.g. development economics; public finance/public

economics; labor economics) and new fields dating from the 1960s and 1970s (e.g.

urban economics, health economics, the economics of education, law and economics)

and even newer fields such as behavioral or experimental economics?

The rise of new techniques and their consequences

How has the rise of experimental and behavioral economics affected the way

economists have conceived of applied economics and of economics more generally?

What has been the relationship between new econometric techniques and the fields in

which they have been developed? How have new econometric techniques affected

specific fields (e.g. microeconomics, macroeconomics, finance, development

economics) and the discipline as a whole? Related to this, what has been the role of

computer technology in shaping applied economics and the way it is viewed? How far

has what Agrist and Pischke (2010) have called the credibility revolution provided an

effective answer to the skepticism about econometric techniques articulated in works

such as Leamer (1983)?8

What have been the causes and implications of the production, use and

commercialization of big data? How has this affected fields such as finance and labor

economics? Potential subjects include the origins and influence of the Penn World

tables, interactions between government and academia in large scale surveys, the

origins and use of family spending and household surveys, or surveys such as the

National Longitudinal Survey of Youth.

The sites where applied work has been undertaken

See also Backhouse and Durlauf 2009.

How have the sites in which economic knowledge has been produced since the 1970s

changed and what has been the effect of this on the way applied economics has been

conceived? What has been the effect of economists working in business schools,

institutes of public policy and regional studies units, as well as bodies outside

universities mentioned above?

Does the claim that those scientists wanting to emphasize their distance from the

market place focused on “pure science,” while those scientists who accepted patents

and profits on their research favored “applied science” apply to economics? How far

has the growth of applied economics been linked to the multiplication of commercial

forecasting institutes and consultancy firms (e.g. Eckstein’s DRI model, or the

involvement of economists in hedge funds), or to the employment of economists in

business (including major private banks).

What happened to the NBER under Feldstein? What have been the implications of the

growth of research organisations that are primarily the centers of networks rather than

homes for in-house researchers?

What have been the implications of the growth of organizations such as central banks,

the World Bank, the IMF as centres of economic research?

What has been the role of patronage, including government policy, in shaping applied



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