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1. How does the use of fire impact upon the environment?

- The great use of fire can impact the environment. It can be deadly to both humans and
animals, it destroys landforms, causes air, soil, and water pollution and global warming.
2. In what ways does grazing by domestic stock modify vegetation?
- Heavy grazing can kill plants or lead to a marked reduction in their level of photosynthesis.

3. Where is present day deforestation taking place and why?

- Most of deforestation activities in the present time takes place in developing countries
mostly in the tropics because of industrialization, agricultural expansion, and wood
extraction like logging or wood harvest for domestic fuel or charcoal.
4. What controversies surround desertification?
- At the heart of the desertification controversy is the fact that natural vegetation in many
areas has been eliminated or severely reduced through various human activities, wrote the
authors. Soils are also being eroded at accelerated rates.

5. What role have humans played in the development of savannas and mid-latitude grasslands?
- Savannas cover more than 50% of the African continent, home to diverse endemic floras
and faunas. It is the central to wildlife tourism and hunting. people across the continent
depend on a multitude of savanna ecosystem goods and services, including the provision of
water and food, medicines, grazing for livestock, timber and grass for construction, fuel
wood and charcoal. Over population of humans has affected the Savannas and mid-latitude
grasslands. People consume most of the natural resources and parts of these lands where
industrialized and occupied by the people causing the degradation of the natural habitat
and endangers the wildlife.
6. What are ecological explosions?
- increase in numbers of some kind of living organism—it may be an infectious virus like
influenza, or a bacterium like bubonic plague, or a fungus like that of the potato disease, a
green plant like the prickly pear, or an animal like the grey squirrel
7. How does pollution affect plants?
- Plants usually show damage in a variety of ways, including visible signs of damage like
necrotic lesions, stunted plant growth, or changing in color including chlorosis (aka
yellowing leaves), reddening, bronzing, mottling

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