Environmental Issues (STS)

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It refers to the
contamination of the air,
irrespective of indoors or

1. Agricultural activities
2. Exhaust from factories and industries
3. Mining operations
4. Burning of Fossil fuels

1. Respiratory and Heart Problems
2. Acid Rain
3. Eutrophication
4. Effect on Wildlife

1. Conserve energy
2. Emphasis on clean energy resources
3. Use energy efficient devices

It is the contamination of
water bodies, usually as a
result of human activities.
Water bodies include for
example lakes, rivers,
oceans, and groundwater.
1. Sewage and waste water
2. Dumping
3. Industrial waste
4. Oil Pollution
5. Acid Rain
6. Global Warming
7. Eutrophication
1. Death of aquatic animals
2. Disruption of food chains
3. Disease
4. Destruction of ecosystem

1. Industrial treatment
2. Denitrification
3. Ozone waste water treatment
4. Septic tanks

It refers to all forms of
pollution affecting any type of
soil: agricultural, forestry,
urban, etc. Soil pollution is a
disruptive element for many
biological resources and

1. Agriculture
Agricultural activities are one of the major sources of land pollution.
2. Waste Disposal
We produce large quantities of household waste every year, many of which
could and should be recycled or degrade naturally.

1. On the Environment
Contamination of groundwater, loss of topsoil, water nutrient enrichment and increased risk of wildfires
(because of the dry conditions created by the pollutants in the soil) are among the consequences of land
2. On Wildlife
As land pollution and soil erosion progress, animals are forced to shift habitats and adapt to new
conditions. As a result, some species are at risk of extinction.
3. On Human Health
The potential effects of soil contamination on human health include breathing disorders, birth defects, skin
diseases, and cancer. 13
The "3 R's" Rule & Education Reducing the use of non-
biodegradable products will lower plastic pollution and
eventually have an impact on land pollution. This is why it is
very important to reuse and recycle every possible item.

EDUCATION should also play a major role in efforts to

protect the environment from land pollution. 14
It is a phenomenon of climate
change characterized by a
general increase in average
temperatures of the Earth,
which modifies the weather
balances and ecosystems for a
long time. 15
1. Carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel burning power plants.
2. Carbon dioxide emissions from burning gasoline for
3. Methane emissions from animals, agriculture such as rice
paddies, and from Arctic seabeds.
4. Deforestation, especially tropical forests for wood, pulp, and
5. Increase in usage of chemical fertilizers on croplands.
1. Forests, farms, and cities will face troublesome new pests, heat
waves, heavy downpours, and increased flooding. All those factors will
damage or destroy agriculture and fisheries.
2. Disruption of habitats such as coral reefs and Alpine meadows could
drive many plant and animal species to extinction.
3. Allergies, asthma, and infectious disease outbreaks will become more
common due to increased growth of pollen-producing ragweed, higher
levels of air pollution, and the spread of conditions favorable to
pathogens and mosquitoes. 17
1. Power your home with renewable energy.
2. Weatherize, weatherize, weatherize.
3. Invest in energy-efficient appliances.
4. Reduce water waste.
5. Drive a fuel-efficient vehicle.
Is the clearing, destroying
or otherwise removal of
trees through deliberate,
natural or accidental

1. Agricultural activities
2. Logging
3. Urbanization
4. Desertification of land
5. Mining
6. Forest fires
1. Climate imbalance
2. Increase in Global Warming
3. Soil erosion
4. Floods
5. Wildlife extinction

1. Curb the felling of trees, by employing a series of rules
and laws to govern it.
2. Clear cutting of forests must be banned.
3. Cutting must be replaced by planting young trees to
replace the other ones that were cut.


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