Professional Development Plan: (4) Training - Attend Related - Financial Viability - Seek Financial and

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Required Competencies Type & Specific Professional Significance of the Requirements Potential Barriers and
(1) Intervention (2) activities (3) (4) Solutions (5)

Application of teaching Training - Attend related - To be abreast on how to - Registrations fees B- Financial viability
strategies that develop seminars and training that will apply and develop the
critical and creative help enhance knowledge in learners critical, creative and - Once a year S- Seek financial and
thinking as well as developing critical and creative higher order thinking. moral support from the
HOTS. thinking and higher order school anministration.
thinking skills.

Application of Development - - To interrelate the subject - Ample time for the B - Limited number of
knowledge of content Self-development/self-learning taught to other discipline to self-development reading resources and poor
within and across on the integration of add excitement to learners internet connection.
curriculum teaching knowledge within and across and eventually it leads to - Year round
areas. other learning areas through solidifying acquired S- Visit Internet shop one
reading books, peer- knowledge that will help in in while ,Download E-
tutoring( ask assistance of molding them as a lifelong books
other co-teachers in other learners.
discipline) and surfing the
Managing classroom Training- Attend trainings/ - To encourage students to - Training fees B- Limited slots for
structure to engage seminars on teaching strategies become active and lifelong - Once a year DepEd-funded trainings.
learners actively within a that through various exciting learners.
range of physical and and engaging activities S- Signify interest in
learning environment. attending trainings
- Seek LGU's financial
Implementing Training- Attend trainings/ - To provide learners well- -Training fees B- Limited slots for
developmentally seminars on current trends in structured and planned DepEd-funded trainings.
sequenced teaching and achieving effective and lessons that leads to the - Once a year - Financial constraints
learning processes. Lesson Planning. improvement of their
outputs/ performances. S- Attend related trainings
offered by private
Educational Systems.

- Seek financial and

moral support from the
School Admin and LGU.
Promote effective Development- Engage in - To encourage co-teachers - Twice every quarter P- Overlapping of
teaching strategies in the formal and informal to be equipped with for LAC Sessions. activities.
21st Century Educational mentoring/coaching knowledge, skills, attitudes
Structure. and values for 21st century - Once a year for S- Propose interest/plan in
-Conduct Learning Action education. INSET. conducting LAC/In-set.
Cell and In-service Trainings.
- To encourage co-teachers
to employ facilitative
teaching techniques.

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