Mechanics of Machines II: Lec. 1: Turning Moment Diagrams and Flywheel

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Al-Nahrain University

College of Engineering
Mechanical Eng. Dept.
Third Stage- 2nd Semester

Mechanics of
Machines II
Lec. 1: Turning Moment
Diagrams and Flywheel
Dr. Ahmed R. Al-Hamaoy.
Laser and Optoelectronics Engineering Department,
Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, IRAQ
The Turning Moment Diagram (also known as
crank effort diagram) is the graphical
representation of the turning moment or crank-
effort for various positions of the crank. It is
plotted on cartesian co-ordinates, in which the
turning moment is taken as the ordinate and crank
angle as abscissa.

Turning moment diagram for a single cylinder, double
acting steam engine.
Turning moment diagram for a four stroke cycle
internal combustion engine
Turning moment diagram for a multi-cylinder engine
Fluctuations of Energy
• Areas BbC, CcD, DdE, etc.
• Maximum fluctuation of energy.

Determination of Maximum Fluctuation of Energy
Let the energy in the flywheel at A = E, then we have
Energy at B = E + a1
Energy at C = E + a1– a2
Energy at D = E+a1–a2+a3
Energy at E = E+a1–a2+a3–a4
Energy at F = E+a1–a2+a3–a4+a5
Energy at G = E+a1–a2+a3–a4+a5–a6= Energy at A (i.e. cycle repeats after G)
ΔE = Maximum energy – Minimum energy

Coefficient of Fluctuation of Energy
It may be defined as the ratio of the maximum fluctuation of
energy to the work done per cycle.

Mathematically, coefficient of fluctuation of energy

Coefficient of Fluctuation of Energy
The work done per cycle (in N-m or joules) may be obtained by using the
following two relations :
1. Work done per cycle = Tmean × θ
where Tmean = Mean torque, and
θ = Angle turned (in radians), in one revolution.
= 2π , in case of steam engine and two stroke internal combustion engines
= 4π , in case of four stroke internal combustion engines.
The mean torque (T mean) in N-m may be obtained by using the following

where P = Power transmitted in watts,

N = Speed in r.p.m., and
ω = Angular speed in rad/s = 2 πN/60 10
Coefficient of Fluctuation of Energy
2. The work done per cycle may also be obtained by using the
following relation :

Work done per cycle = P× 60

n = Number of working strokes per minute,
= N, in case of steam engines and two stroke internal
combustion engines,
= N /2, in case of four stroke internal combustion engines.


A flywheel used in machines serves as a reservoir, which

stores energy during the period when the supply of energy is
more than the requirement, and releases it during the period
when the requirement of energy is more than the supply.
A flywheel controls the speed variations caused by the
fluctuation of the engine turning moment during each cycle
of operation

Coefficient of Fluctuation of Speed
The difference between the maximum and minimum speeds
during a cycle is called the maximum fluctuation of speed. The
ratio of the maximum fluctuation of speed to the mean speed is
called the coefficient of fluctuation of speed.
Let N1 and N2 = Maximum and minimum speeds in r.p.m. during
the cycle, and
N = Mean speed in r.p.m. =N1 + N2
.’. Coefficient of fluctuation of speed,
Cs= N1 – N2 = 2(N1 – N2)
N N1+N2
Also (N, ω OR υ) may be used 13
Coefficient of Steadiness
The reciprocal of the coefficient of fluctuation of speed is
known as coefficient of steadiness and is denoted by m.

.’. Coefficient of fluctuation of speed,

1 = N = N1+N2 .
Cs N1 – N2 2(N1 – N2)
Also (N, ω OR υ) may be used

Energy Stored in a Flywheel

A flywheel is shown in Fig. We have discussed before that when a

flywheel absorbs energy, its speed increases and when it gives up energy,
its speed decreases. So let:

m = Mass of the flywheel in kg,

k = Radius of gyration of the flywheel in meters,
I = Mass moment of inertia of the flywheel about its axis of rotation in
kg-m2 = m.k2
N1 and N2 = Maximum and minimum speeds during the cycle in r.p.m.,
ω1 and ω2 = Maximum and minimum angular speeds during the cycle in
rad/s 15
Energy Stored in a Flywheel

We know that the mean kinetic energy of the flywheel

As the speed of the flywheel changes from

ω1 to ω2, the maximum fluctuation of energy,
ΔE = Maximum K.E. – Minimum K.E.

Energy Stored in a Flywheel

Energy Stored in a Flywheel

The radius of gyration (k) may be taken equal to the mean radius of the
rim (R), because the thickness of rim is very small as compared to the
diameter of rim. Therefore, substituting k = R, in equation (ii), we have

E = m.R2.ω2.CS = m.v2.CS
v= Mean linear velocity (i.e. at the mean radius) in m/s = ωR.

Energy Stored in a Flywheel


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