Technology For Teaching and Learning
Technology For Teaching and Learning
Technology For Teaching and Learning
City of Lapu-Lapu
Lapu-Lapu City College
Gun-ob, Lapu-Lapu City
College of Education
Course Number: FM 113 Instructor: Ms. Ma. Kristel J. Orboc
Course Title: Technology for Teaching and Learning 2 (Filipino)
Credit Units: 3.0 Office: College of Education
Pre-Requisite(s): None Consultation Hours: TTh– 9:00-10:30
Term: Second Semester Contact Details: [email protected]
Revised: 2nd Semester of A.Y. 2019-2020 0977-087-8754
Lapu-Lapu City College shall be well known globally as a model institution of excellence for outstanding academic and technical programs that prepare students
for lifelong learning and improve economic vitality and quality of life.
This vision is driven forward by its commitments for profound and excellent education through less expensive tertiary education; a culture of extending necessary
and essential service to the marginalized sectors of Lapu-Lapu City; and knowledge acquisition, accumulation and application for global competence.
Technology for Teaching and Learning 2 is a three-unit lecture course which will focus on the application, selection, design, development, production, utilization,
and evaluation of a variety Information and Communications Technology (ICT) materials and resources to address learning goals for teaching and learning in
Secondary Filipino Language Education Programs. The major requirement for this course is an ICT-integrated and Project-based Learning Plan showing skills in
the positive use of ICT and reflecting learning outcomes aligned with learning competencies in the K to 12 curriculum (1.3.1, 4.2.1, 4.5.1).
Upon completing the Bachelor Program (either BEEd or BSEd), the graduates must have demonstrated the following:
Upon completing the Bachelor Program (either BEEd or BSEd), the graduates must have demonstrated the following:
Sa kursong ito, inaasahang ang bawat estudyante ay:
Developed an ICT-integrated project-based learning plan reflecting learning outcomes aligned with learning competencies in K-12 curriculum (1.3.1, 4.2.1).
Performed a demonstration teaching with emphasis on the language macro skills using developed technology tools and learning resources to address learning
goals in the positive use of ICT (1.3.1, 4.5.1).
Produced a unit portfolio of language learning instructional materials with professional reflection and learning to improve language teaching practice (7.4.1)
(DLOs) (TLAs)
WEEKS 1-9 (27 HOURS)
Analyze language (1) K-12 Filipino Concept Mapping of Repertory Grid Mutual respect K to 12
learning plans in the Curriculum Units of K to 12 and Short Briefing Collective Curriculum Guides
context of the 21st Framework curriculum framework Paper that present responsibility for English and
century communication (2) 21st Century and 21st century integrated units Common good Filipino
skills Communication communication skills from the Public spiritedness Sample Leaning or
Skills curriculum guide Rationality Unit Plans
(3) Learning Activities to Planning of one major vis-à-vis its Self-reliance Multimedia
Enhance the language develop viewing, activity that will identified 21st Determination presentation
learning plan to develop listening, speaking, facilitate the century skills and Resourcefulness software
21st century reading and writing development and ICT tools that will Resoluteness applications
communication skills skills integration of 21st enhance its Sample unit plans
through ICT integration (4) Integration of 21st century communication acquisition, and and language
in the use of a variety of Century skills in their lessons to that itemize projects
teaching and learning Communication be shared in class learning activities Blogs on PBL
resources to address Skills and ICT in of chosen unit UNESCO
learning goals (4.5.1). Learning Activities Formulating of Learning Plan
(5) Nature of Project- concepts on problem- Developed Template
based and problem- and project-based checklist of the Assessment of
Demonstrate content based approaches in learning through elements of language tools
knowledge in explaining language acquisition reviewed samples of PBL problem-and- K to 12
how project-based and and learning Learning Plan from project-based Curriculum Guide
problem-based learning (6) Basic Parts of DepEd approach Samples of
can facilitate language Learning Plan for project-based or
acquisition or English (DepEd Reviewing of the Developed problem-based and
development of Sample) learning plan’s parts learning ICT-based
communication skills (7) Writing a problem- and each content part plan template language learning
(1.1.1). based/project-based where the elements of Developed plan
learning plan problem based/project- learning outcomes Evaluation Tool
Demonstrate content a. Developing learning based learning should be based on the Sample scaffolds
knowledge in explaining outcomes form the integrated language learning for language
parts of a project-based identified language competencies in learning made use
and problem-based competencies in the Consolidation of the curriculum of open-ended
learning plan for chosen unit that best language competencies guide tools
language (1.1.1). require ICT and formulation of Multimedia
integration learning outcomes from Alignment presentation/
Develop a project-based b. Review of the K-12 curriculum guide Matrix of the software
or problem-based revised Bloom’s language applications
language learning plan taxonomy of Drafting of day one competencies, Google
that is ICT-integrated objectives lesson of chosen unit learning outcomes, Developed
showing positive use of c. Alignment of learning activities, learning or unit
ICT skills to address competencies, Integration of and assessment plans
learning goals outcomes and technology tools in Photo story
(1.3.1,4.5.1). assessments with chosen unit Developed software
teaching and project- applications
Identify uses of open- learning activities Self-assessment and based/problem- Digital Camera
ended tools (productivity for English peer-assessment of based learning Clays and other
tools) used to improve (8) Evaluation of the learning plans plan resource materials
practice in the teaching- Developed Learning available for stop-
learning of language Plan using the Sharing of previous Accomplished motion activities
Assessment Tool experiences in using assessment tools Sample Language
Create student outputs (9) Open-Ended Tools open-ended tools (self and peer) teaching and
showing skills in ICT and their uses in Learning Handouts
using computer Teaching and Detailed discussion of Implementation Sample projects
application programs as Learning Language open-ended tools in plan that will story boards
evidence of language Skills facilitating learning in describe how the Sample project
learning (1.3.1). a. Using word in the classroom open-ended tools timelines
scaffolding student will be maximized Checklist of the
Prepare IMs that will learning in a Discussion on the role in the elements of PBL
enhance language language classroom of students as digital implementation of Multimedia
learning showing skills in b. Using presentations authors and showing of the chosen presentations
ICT utilizing selected in teaching language sample digital language unit
open-ended tools in skills storytelling to elicit Sample
delivering the learning c. Using spreadsheets observations Digital technology tools or
plan to address learning in language learning storytelling instructional
goals (1.3.1,4.5.1). (10) Creating student Preparation of sample presentation materials for
sample projects using scaffolding material in software language teaching
Demonstrate open-ended tools relation to the project and learning
technological content a. Students as digital idea of chosen unit Developed ESL Videos
knowledge in identifying authors student project
various instructional b. Creating a digital Brainstorming on the sample using
materials (IMs) and storytelling output uses of spreadsheet in digital authoring
technology tools in c. Creating scaffolding teaching English tools
language learning to materials to support language
address learning goals learning Created
(1.1.1,4.5.1). d. Creating a Planning of presentation of the
presentation for instructional materials, project
Demonstrate project-based output with sample materials
technological content (11) Making IMs using presented as student Created teacher
knowledge in explaining open-ended tools in guides in planning and scaffolds or IMs
the characteristics of teaching-language creating their own IM for the unit plan
good/appropriate IMs units (to integrate in using laptops using open-ended
and technology tools in unit plan) tools
learning language to (12) Learning Plan Assessment of the
address learning goals Assessment learning plans of the Revised unit plan
(1.1.1,4.5.1). (13) Human and non- other groups using a tool with the
human learning integration of IMs
resources or Tabulation of listed created together
instructional human and non-human with sample
materials learning resources projects
(14) Technology tools for
Teaching English Exploration of various Accomplished
(15) Characteristics of technology tools assessment tool
IMs and Technology Discussion on the Comparative
Tools characteristics of good table with short
instructional tools and synthesis
group work on checklist
preparation to be used in List of technology
entire class tools with the
justification of its
integration in unit
for choosing the
appropriate IMs
and technology
Week 10 = 3 hours
WEEKS 11-17 (21 HOURS)
Create appropriate IMs (1) Principles of Universal Preparation of learning Online Treasure Persistence Free Learning
using technology tools Design for Learning activities and IMs with Hunt (OTH) Moderation Tools
showing skills in the (UDL) Guidelines integrated ICT tools that output on ICT tools Diligence Tech for teachers
positive use of ICT to (2) Creating teacher demonstrate UDL that demonstrate Shared website
facilitate the language productivity materials principles UDL principles accountability Wiki blogs
teaching and learning using technology tools Diligence Multimedia
processes (1.3.1). incorporating them in Itemization of IM sample using a Valued manual presentation
preparing IMs in technology tools to use technology tool labor PowerPoint
Demonstrate introducing the unit in preparing IMs Rationality presentation and
technological content (3) Characteristics of ICT Checklist to assess Spirit of scaffolds
knowledge in tools for language Writing of unit plans student output brotherhood Sample rubrics
characterizing ICT learning integrating the Checklist of Cooperation Blogsites for
resources and (4) Relevance and previously discussed characteristics of Shared language teaching
determining their appropriateness of concepts and tools digital and non- responsibility and and learning
relevance and digital and non-digital digital resources accountability Multimedia
appropriateness of based resources Discussion on the Public spiritedness presentation
on the learning context (5) Assessment tools for characteristics of Written software
(1.1.1). selecting relevant and language-related ICT justification of applications
appropriate digital tools their decision on Learning plans
Develop assessment tool and non-digital the scenario developed
to evaluate relevance and resources Presentation of list of presented Demonstration
appropriateness of ICT (6) Revisiting and learning activities teaching resources
resources to the learning finalization of PB noting the relevance and Designed
context to address learning plan. appropriateness of rubric/rating scale
learning goals (4.5.1). a. Integration of the digital and non-digital
use of digital and resources Revised unit plan
Design a collaborative non-digital incorporating the
activity using appropriate resources and Group work on rubric principles of digital
technology tools (4.2.1). assessment tools in design and writing to and non-digital
the language evaluate the relevance resources
Implement a designed learning plan of digital and non- Designed
ICT-based (collaborative procedure digital resources collaborative
activity) learning plan b. Integration of activity
with learning outcomes collaborative Validation of group-
aligned to learning activities in made assessment tool Portfolio of
competencies in K-12 language unit plans language learning
English curriculum (4.2.1) Revisit and revision of IMs
Demonstration unit plan to integrate
of designed learning digital and non-digital Self-made checklist
plans and collaborative
activities in language Reflection paper on
plans student
implementation to
Microteaching chronicle their
highlighting the part of microteaching
technology integration experience
Processing the
highlights and lowlights
for the demonstration
WEEK 18 = 3 hours
Apple, D., Beyerlein, S., & Holmes, C. (2009). Activity Design Handbook. 906 Lacey Avenue, Suite 206: Pacific Crest.
Arayssi, T., BouJade, S., BouZeineddine, A., Ghaddar, N., Henningsen, M., Jurdak, M., . . . Nasr, W. (2007). Course Learning Outcomes Handbook. American
____University of Beirut (Center for Teaching and Learning)
Bilbao, P., B, H., Dequilla, M.A., & Rosano, D. (2019). Technology for Teaching and Learning 1. Quezon City, Metro Manila: Lorimar Publishing, Inc.
Cambridge Assessment International Education. (2017). Digital Technologies in the Classroom. 1 Hills Road, Cambridge: University of Cambridge Local
Examinations ____Syndicate. Retrieved from
Corpuz, B. & Salandanan, G. (2015). Principles of Teaching (with TLE) 2. Quezon City, Metro Manila: Lorimar Publishing, Inc.
Department of Education. (2016). K to 12 Curriculum Guide in English. DepEd Complex, Pasig City. Retrieved from
Department of Education. (2016). Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation for the K to 12 Basic Education Program. DO No, 42, series of 2016.
Fero, E., Heverly, L., & Schwartz, S. (n.d.). Sample Lesson Plans. Problem-Based Learning Reesources. Retrieved from
Lllego, M.A. (2020). Sample Detailed Lesson Plan in English for Teaching Demonstration. TeacherPH: Professional Learning Online Community of Teacher
____and for Teachers. Retrieved from
Heick, T. (2019, November). 50 Ways To Use Bloom’s Taxonomy In The Classroom. Teachthought We Grow Teachers. Retrieved from ____learning/ways-to-use-blooms-taxonomy-in-the-classroom/
Intel Education. (2007). Intel Teach Program: Getting Started Course. United States: Intel Corporation. Retrieved from
Partnership for 21st Century Skills. (2008). 21st Century Skills, Education, & Competitiveness: A Resource and Policy Guide. Retrieved from https://files.eric.ed.
Sideeg, A. (2016). Bloom’s Taxonomy, Backward Design, and Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development in Crafting Learning Outcomes. International
Journal of ____Linguistics, 8(2), 158-186. Retrieved from's_Taxonomy_Backward_Design_and_Vygotsky's_
____Zone_of_ Proximal_Development_in_Crafting_Learning_Outcomes
Teaching in the 21st Century. (n.d.). Project-Based Learning. Retrieved from
TeachThought Staff. (2019, December). 100+ Bloom’s Taxonomy Verbs For Critical Thinking. Teachthought We Grow Teachers. Retrieved from
Tubach, T. (2019, September). How to Use a Play for Project-Based Learning. Edutopic. Retrieved from
UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers Version 3. (2008). 75352 Paris 07 SP: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
____Retrieved from
1. Attendance is a must. A student may incur only seven (7) absences for MW and TTH classes and three (3) absences for 3- hour-once-a-week classes (20% of the
prescribed days of classes); otherwise, he/she will be automatically dropped from the class list and/or receive a failing grade of 5.0.
2. A student who will incur three (3) consecutive absences will be asked by the instructor to write a letter of explanation addressed to the Student Affairs Officer
who, after imposing disciplinary action, will refer the student to go to the Guidance Office to secure a readmission slip duly signed by the Guidance Counselor
and College Dean, so as to be allowed to rejoin the class.
3. Tardiness is discouraged. It is a source of irritation and class disruption when students arrive late. Students who arrive 15 minutes after the start of class are
considered tardy. Please note that three (3) tardiness is equivalent to one (1) absence.
4. A permanent seat plan will be made at the start of the semester. Students are advised to keep to their assigned seating arrangement; otherwise, they will be
marked absent for that day.
5. Classes should always start and end with a short prayer. The instructor can opt to lead the prayer or assign students to do this alternately.
6. Students should assist in maintaining the orderliness and cleanliness of the classrooms. Graffiti writing is strictly prohibited. Any student found violating this
rule will be punished with the appropriate sanction. Before leaving the classroom, the instructor with the help of the students, should ensure that no
litter/garbage is left behind and that chairs are in their proper order. Should the class be the last schedule for the day, the instructor should arrange that the
lights and air conditioning units are switched off.
7. Going out of the classroom at any time is strictly discouraged. Students should make it a habit to go to the restroom during their vacant period or before the
start of their classes. If they must visit the restroom, permission should be sought from the instructor.
8. Use of mobile phones inside the classroom is strictly prohibited. They should be switched off or placed in silent mode before entering classes. The instructor
has the right to confiscate mobile phones that ring and/or are used during class hours. The confiscated unit can only be claimed from the Dean’s Office at the
end of the semester.
9. The teacher reserves the right to ask the student to leave the room if his/her behavior is disruptive in class.
10. It is the responsibility of the students to schedule properly their classes so that meals and snacks will be taken at the proper time.
11. Students are encouraged to see the instructor during consultation hours for any concerns, questions and assistance about the course.
Grading specifics must be placed here… Mayroong apat na pagmamarka sa bawat mag-aaral. Nagsisimula ito
sa Prelim, Midterm, Semi-Final, at Final Exam. Ang Magiging marka
For purposes of transmutation, the course will use the following grade equivalent (at 70% na makukuha sa buong Prelims at Midterm ay pag-iisahin at
passing): bibilangin, kukunin ang “average” nilang dalawa at magiging Midterm
Grade Grade. Sa Semi-Finals naman, ang buong marka nito at ang Finals ay
Raw Score Equivalent Raw Score pag-iisahin din at kukunin din ang “average” ng dalawa at magiging
99 100 1.0 63 marka sa Finals. Ang Midterm Grade at Final Grade naman ay pag-
97 98 1.1 56 iisahin at kukunin ang “average” nila at ito ang magiging Final Grade
95 96 1.2 49 ng bawat mag-aaral.
93 94 1.3 42
91 92 1.4 35 Narito ang magiging batayan sa pagmamarka:
89 90 1.5 28
87 88 1.6 21 Major Examination------------------20%
85 86 1.7 14 Quizzes/Short Exam-----------------10%\
83 84 1.8 7 Class Participation-------------------20%
81 82 1.9 0 Attendance----------------------------10%
80 2.0 Supervised Outputs------------------40%
79 2.1 (Research Paper)
78 2.2 Total--------100%
77 2.3
76 2.4
75 2.5
College Instructor
Dean, College of Education
Vice President, Academics
College President
Panuto: Lagyan ng tsek ( ) ang kolum gamit ang mga sumusunod na batayan.
KT - Katangi-tangi LK - Lubhang Kasiya-siya
KS - Kasiya-siya K - Katamtaman KI - Kulang ang ipinamalas
Batayan 10 8 6 4 2
1. Iniangkop ang mga layunin
2. Naghanda ng mga wastong kagamitang pampagtuturo
3. Pumili ng mga angkop na estratehiya sa pagtuturo
4. Naglaan ng tamang motibasyon
5. Iniugnay ang mga bagong kaalaman sa nakalipas na mga kaalaman/kasanayan
6. Naipakilala at napaunlad ang paksa
7. Naihatid ng malinaw ang kaisipan
8. Gumamit ng sining ng pagtatanong upang mapaunlad ang mataas na antas ng pag-iisip
9. Siniguro ang pakikibahagi ng mga mag-aaral
10. Mabisa sa pakikipag-usap sa mga mag-aaral
11. Nagpakita ng kahandaan sa paksa
12. Nakilala ang pangangailangan ng mga mag-aaral
13. Nasukat ang resulta ng pagkatuto
14. Napangasiwaan ng mabisa ang gawain
15. Napanatili ang wastong pananamit at pustura
Multimedia Presentation Rubric
- 1
Subject knowledge is evident Subject knowledge is evident Some subject knowledge is Subject knowledge is not
Subject throughout the project. All in much of the project. Most evident. Some Information is evident. Information is
Knowledge information is clear, information is clear, confusing, incorrect, or confusing, incorrect, or
appropriate, and correct. appropriate, and correct. flawed. flawed.
Citing All sources are properly cited. Most sources are properly Few sources are properly No sources are properly cited.
Sources cited. cited.
The sequence of information The sequence of information The sequence of information The sequence of information
is logical and intuitive. Menus is logical. Menus and paths to is somewhat logical. Menus is not logical. Menus and
and paths to all information most information are clear and paths are confusing and paths to information are not
are clear and direct. and direct. flawed. evident.
The project shows significant The project shows some The work is an extensive The work is a minimal
evidence of originality and evidence of originality and collection and rehash of other collection or rehash of other
inventiveness. The majority of inventiveness. people's ideas, products, and people's ideas, products, and
the content and many of the images. There is little images. There is no evidence
ideas are fresh, original, and evidence of new thought or of new thought.
inventive. inventiveness.
Technical Project runs perfectly with no Project runs adequately with Project runs minimally. There Project does not run
technical problems. For minor technical problems. are many technical problems satisfactorily. There are too
example, there are no error when viewing the project. many technical problems to
messages, all sound, video, view the project.
or other files are found.