Instructions in The Early Generations vs. Instructions in The 21 Century

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Instructions in the Early

Generations Vs. Instructions in

the 21 Century
 Teachers make use of lecture and
traditional class discussion in teaching.
 Appears to be teachers are in control of
information dissemination.
 Everything is fed to the students.
 Teacher instruct students and give step-
by-step procedure on how to do such
 Lecture is an effective mode of
instruction but may not be as effective as
other pedagogies which would make
teaching and learning more interesting,
engaging and would absolutely give
students quality education and authentic
Some of the useful and effective
teaching methods and strategies:
 Interactive Lecture  Role play
 Case-based Learning  Experiential learning
 Problem-based  Laboratory work
Learning  Fieldwork
 Inquiry-based  Peer tutoring
learning  E-learning
 Project-based  PISER (Peer
learning Instruction and
 Simulation Students Electronic
 Traditional educational practices have
been effective during the old times, but
they are no longer effective in the 21st
 Traditional educational practices would
no longer provide the 21st century skills
needed by the students for them to be at
par and productive with the learning of
the students globally and for them to be
able to live life in the real world to
answer the needs of the society and of
the community.
Characteristics of Traditional and
New Learning Environment
 Traditional Learning Environment
◦ Teacher – centered Instruction
◦ Single – sense stimulation
◦ Single – path progression
◦ Single Medium
◦ Isolated work
◦ Information delivery
◦ Passive Learning
◦ Factual, knowledge – based learning
◦ Reactive response
◦ Isolated, artificial context
 New Learning Environment
◦ Student – centered learning
◦ Multisensory simulation
◦ Multipath progression
◦ Multimedia
◦ Collaborative work
◦ Active/exploratory/inquiry – based learning
◦ Critical thinking and informed decision making
◦ Proactive/planned action
◦ Authentic, real – world context
The 21st century skills
 Making education of quality does not
focus alone on the cognitive aspect of
 Incorporating the non-academic skills is
likewise vital in the teaching process.
 These skills are described as the
“transversal skills, soft-skills, generic skills
and non-cognitive – values and attitudes,
including collaboration, self-discipline,
resourcefulness and respect for the
21st century skills are relevant to
the student’s professional growth
1. Learning and Innovation Skills
2. Life and Career Skills
3. Information, Media and Technology Skills
Six (6) elements for Fostering 21st
Century Learning
1. Emphasize core subjects
2. Emphasize learning skills
3. Use 21st century tools to develop
learning skills
4. Teach and learn in a 21st century
5. Teach and learn in 21st century content
6. Use 21st century assessments that
measure 21st century skills

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