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COURSE & SECTION: CE161P-2/E01 STUDENT NO.: 2016142189



DATE PERFORMED: July 15, 2020


Experiment No. 7a


This covers a procedure for determining the coefficient of permeability of samples of coarse-grained
soils either on undisturbed or remolded samples.


The apparatus for the constant-head permeability test includes:

1. Constant head permeability cell for medium and coarse sands
2. Perforated metal, porous stones inside the permeameter
3. Glass tubing (piezometers) mounted on a panel
4. T piece with pinch clip
5. Flexible hoses necessary to connect piezometers and water supply
6. Constant level tank for water supply
7. Timing device (watch or clock)
8. Graduated cylinder, 100 ml
9. Thermometer, range 0 to 50oC, accurate to 0.1oC.

Sample Preparation

1. The soil to be tested should be de-aired and a representative sample of the soil should be set aside
for a particle size distribution test (sieve).
2. The remainder of the soil to be used for the actual permeability test should be inspected and any
particles larger than 1/12th of the permeameter diameter should be removed. This oversize material
should not be used for the permeability test, but the percentage of oversize material should be
3. The soil to be tested shall now be placed into the permeameter cell using a compactive effort
suitable to give the density or voids ratio required.

There are three main methods of sample preparation. Whichever method is employed the final sample
to be tested must have a length to diameter ratio no less than 2:1. A sufficient quantity of material
must be prepared to allow for a number of tests to be performed at varying void ratios and densities
necessary to establish the relationship between void ratio and the coefficient of permeability, should
this be required. The three methods are:

a. Compaction by rodding

This involves tamping the material into the permeameter using even compaction to reduce the
formation of density gradients within the test specimen. The material should be reconstituted to the
optimum moisture content. The water should be thoroughly mixed with the soil and a quantity of
materials shall be taken as check moisture content. The sample should be left for a sufficient time to
allow the soil/water mix to reach equilibrium conditions.
A quantity of soil shall be placed onto the wire gauze or porous disc ensuring that segregation of
particles is avoided. Where a series of tests are to be carried out at different dry densities or void ratios
the degree of compaction can be increased or decreased to give the required density/void ratio.
Compact the soil with an appropriate number of blows of the tamping rod. The blows on each layer
being evenly distributed. When the layer has been compacted in, scarify the top of the compacted
materials and proceed as before with the next layer.

b. Preparation to specific loose dry density by pouring in a dry state

The air-dried sample should be poured through a suitably sized funnel fitted with a length of flexible
tubing, long enough to reach the bottom of the permeameter cell. A steady rate of pouring shall be
maintained and the tube moved in a spiral motion to minimize segregation. The end of the tube shall
be kept at about 15mm above the placed material surface.

c. Loose Density by pouring through water

The permeameter base drain valve shall be connected up to the de-aired water supply and de-aired
water shall be allowed to enter the cell to a height of about 15mm above the filter materials, taking care
that no bubbles are trapped under the wire gauze or porous disc.

The thoroughly mixed soil shall be released through a suitable sized funnel fitted with a length of
flexible tubing. The end of the flexible tubing should be just at the water surface. The water surface
should be maintained at about 15mm above the placed material.

This will result in a saturated specimen of uniform density in a relatively loose condition. To produce
a higher density, if a series of tests are to be carried out at different densities/void ratios during
placement, the material may be rodded or vibrated during placement.

4. Once the materials to be tested have been placed in the permeameter cell by whatever method
employed the mean height of the sample shall be recorded. The height at different locations
around the permeameter, shall be measured and the mean value obtained.
5. The weight of the soil used shall be determined by the difference between the initial weight of the
soil sample and the weight left after specimen formation.
6. The wire gauze and/or porous discs shall be placed on top of the sample and graded filter material
added to a depth of at least 50mm.

The piston on the top plate shall be released and the piston withdrawn. The cell top shall be fitted to
the permeameter and tightened down. The piston shall be carefully lowered so that the perforated plate
rests on the filter material and the piston locked.

The de-aired water supply shall be connected to the inlet nozzle on the top cap and the height of the
constant head tank adjusted to obtain the desired hydraulic gradient (see Note 1.) The base outlet
nozzle shall be connected to the discharge reservoir and the permeameter nipples shall be connected
via the rubber or nylon tubing to the manometer tubes.

Note 1 – The grading of the filter material depends upon the particle size distribution present in the
sample to be tested. The filter material limits shall be between 4 times the 15% size to 4 times the 855
size of the sample to be tested.

After the preparation of specimens has been completed as described, the general test procedure is to
allow water to move through the soil specimen under a stable head condition while determining and
recording the time required for a certain quantity of water to pass through the specimen. Using these
data together with others obtained in the section “Preparation of Specimen”, one can determine the
coefficient of permeability. It would be good practice to make several successive determinations of the
time required for a certain quantity of water to pass through the soil specimen, so that an average value
of permeability can be determined.

The actual step-by-step procedure is as follows (ASTM 2434-68 [1]):

1. Open the inlet valve from the filter tank slightly for the first run; delay measurements of quantity of
flow and head until a stable head condition without appreciable drift in water manometer levels is
attained. Measure and record the time t , head, H (the difference in level in the manometers),
quantity of flow, Q , and water temperature T .
2. Repeat test runs at heads increasing by 0.5 cm in order to establish accurately the region of laminar
flow with velocity, v (where v = Q At ), directly proportional to hydraulic gradient, i , (where
i = H L ). When departures from the linear relation become apparent, indicating the initiation of
turbulent flow conditions, 1-cm intervals of head may be used to carry the test run sufficiently
along in the region of turbulent flow to define this region if it is significant for field conditions.
Note 2 – Much lower values of hydraulic gradient, H L , are required than generally recognized, in
order to ensure laminar flow conditions. The following values are suggested: loose compactness
ratings. H L from 0.2 to 0.3, and dense compactness ratings, H L from 0.3 to 0.5, the lower values
of H L applying to coarser soils and higher values to finer soils.
3. At the completion of the permeability test, drain the specimen and inspect it to establish whether it
was essentially homogeneous and isotropic in character. Any light and dark alternating horizontal
streaks or layers are evidence of segregation of fines.
O-ring seal

Tie Rods O-ring seal

Porous Stone
Tube Piezometer


FIGURE 17 Constant Permeameter Cell

Figure 18 Manometer Board for constant and falling head cells


The coefficient of permeability can be evaluated by modifying the equation:

Q = kiA

In the experiment procedure, the value of I , the gradient, can be replaced by H L , where H is the

head (difference in manometer levels) and the rate of water flow, can be replaced by Qt , where Q is
the quantity (volume) of water discharged and t the time required for that quantity to be discharged. If
these substitutions are made in above equation the resulting equation to solved for k , is


k = coefficient of permeability, cm/sec
Q = volume of water discharged during test, ml
H = head (difference in manometer levels) during test, cm
t = time required for quantity Q to be discharged during test, sec
A = cross-sectional area of specimen, cm2


1. What is the purpose of the constant head permeability test?

2. What is the smallest value of permeability coefficient that can be measured in the constant head
permeability test? What other test do you apply to the soils of smaller permeability?
3. Is the permeability coefficient of sands influenced by their void ratio? What is the trend?
4. Can you give a relation that accounts for permeability change versus void ratio?
5. Why do you use de-aired water instead of tap water for the permeability test?
6. How do you remove air from water?
7. Does the measurement of permeability increase or decrease with the air content of the test water?
8. What technique do you use to get a loose specimen of sand in the permeameter cell?
9. Does the permeability coefficient increase or decrease with water temperature? Why?

Name: David, Kristina Marie G. Group No.

Course/Section: CE161P-2/E01 Date: July 15, 2020

Experiment No. 7a

Trial No. 1 2
Diameter of specimen (cm) 10.2 10.2
Length of specimen, L (cm) 11.8 11.8

Area of specimen, A (cm2) 81.7 81.7

Pressure head, H (cm) 100 100

Volume of discharge, Q (ml) 100 100

Time of discharge, t (sec) 6 6

Coefficient of Permeability, k (cm/sec) 0.02407 0.02407

Average Coefficient of Permeability (cm/sec) 0.02407

Student’s Signature Instructor’s Signature


Name: Group No.

Course/Section: Date:

Experiment No. 7a

Trial No. 1 2
Diameter of specimen (cm) 10.2 10.2
Length of specimen, L (cm) 11.8 11.8

Area of specimen, A (cm2) 81.7 81.7

Pressure head, H (cm) 100 100

Volume of discharge, Q (ml) 100 100

Time of discharge, t (sec) 6 6

Coefficient of Permeability, k (cm/sec) 0.02407 0.02407

Average Coefficient of Permeability (cm/sec) 0.02407

Student’s Signature
Sample Computations:
𝐶𝑜𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦(𝑘) =
Trial 1
100(11.8) 𝑐𝑚
𝑘= = 0.02407
(81.7)(6)(100) 𝑠
Trial 2
100(11.8) 𝑐𝑚
𝑘= = 0.02407
(81.7)(6)(100) 𝑠

0.02407 + 0.02407 𝑐𝑚
𝐴𝑣𝑒. = = 0.02407
2 𝑠

Soaking Tank Sieve

Mixing Bowl Thermometer

Manometer board

Sampling Spoon

Falling Head Permeability Flexible hoses

Graduated Cylinder
1. What is the purpose of the constant head permeability test?
- The objective of constant head permeability test is to determine the coefficient of permeability
of a soil. Coefficient of permeability helps in solving issues related to: Yield of water bearing
strata. Stability of earthen dams.
2. What is the smallest value of permeability coefficient that can be measured in the constant head
permeability test? What other test do you apply to the soils of smaller permeability?
- The falling head test method can be applied to the soil of smaller permeability. The
constant head test method is used for permeable soils (k > 10-4 cm/sec) and the falling head
test is mainly used for less permeable soils.
3. Is the permeability coefficient of sands influenced by their void ratio? What is the trend?
- Void ratio can influence the permeability coefficient of sands since void ratio is directly
proportional to the permeability coefficient. Therefore, greater values for void ratio would result
to higher values for the coefficient of permeability.
4. Can you give a relation that accounts for permeability change versus void ratio?
- The coefficient of permeability of an unsaturated soil of constant volume, is a function of the
degree of saturation. However, soil is deformable, and both the degree of saturation and the void
ratio influences the coefficient of permeability of a compressible, unsaturated soil. Thus, void
ratio and coefficient of permeability are directly proportional.
5. Why do you use de-aired water instead of tap water for the permeability test?
- De-aired water used instead of tap water in order to observe trend difference in the resulting
values of the permeability coefficient due to the reason that tap water would result to lower
permeability values.
6. How do you remove air from water?
- The use of de-airing tank would help remove air from water. The Humboldt HM-4187H De-
airing tank requires a source of vacuum and tap water. It is designed to remove dissolved gases
from ordinary tap water. The apparatus consists of a closed cylinder with hose attachments for
7. Does the measurement of permeability increase or decrease with the air content of the test water?
- Permeability increases with the air content of the test water.
8. What technique do you use to get a loose specimen of sand in the permeameter cell?
- The technique used to get a loose specimen of sand in the permeameter cell is by the use of a
funnel and nozzle also known as the Dry Pluviation method.
9. Does the permeability coefficient increase or decrease with water temperature? Why?
- The permeability coefficient increases as the water temperature increases. When water is
warmer, it becomes viscous and is easier to flow. It becomes lighter and thus the result to a
higher measure of permeability coefficient.

Soils are permeable due to the existence of interconnected voids through which water can flow from
points of low energy. The study of the flow of water through permeable soil media is important in soil
mechanics. Permeability is the parameter to characterize the ability of soil to water to flow through its
pores or voids. The constant head permeability test is a common method used to determine the
permeability of granular soils like sands and gravels containing little or no silt. This method is made for
testing reconstituted of disturbed granular soil samples. This method covers determination of the
coefficient of permeability, by constant head method for the laminar flow of water, through granular
In the design of engineering projects, one of the most important soil properties of interest to the soils
engineer is permeability. To some degree, permeability will play a role in the design of almost any
structure. For example, the durability of concrete is related to its permeability. In designs that make use
of earth materials such as soils and rocks, the permeability of these materials will usually be of great
importance. As soils are utilized in nearly all building process, it is crucial to understand how soils will
react to the situation imposed or to choose the soil with the correct properties for the task at hand.

The objective of this experiment is to determine the permeability of a sandy soil by the constant
head test method. Permeability refers to the ease of which water can flow through a soil. The experiment
undertaken proved to be successful producing results as expected from the soils tested. As permeability is
a measure of the ability of water to pass through a soil sample, it is in direct relation to soils porosity and
grading. Thus, water can flow through the soil with less resistance. It can drain water easily but hardly
can retain any water. The greater pore size of soil is more permeability than the soil with smaller pore

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