Mapua University: Experiment No. 6 Field Density Test

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COURSE & SECTION: CE161P – E06 STUDENT NO.: 2017100156







Engr. Timothy Daniel Felicia


This test is intended for determining the in-place density of rolled-embankment

layer by the sand cone-method.


A. Calibration of Mechanical Device

Two calibration procedures are required for this test – one to determine the
density and unit weight of sand used in the test and the other to determine the
weight of sand required to fill the sand cone (funnel). These procedures are as

1. Determination of Bulk Density and Unit Weight of Sand (ASTM D1556-90)

a) Weigh the empty container. Determine the volume of the container by
completely filling it with water. Slide a glass plate over the top of surface
(rim) of the container to ensure that the container is completely filled with
water, then weigh.
b) Fill the assembled sand-cone apparatus with sand until it just overflows
and carefully strikes off excess sand to a smooth level surface. Determine
the weight of the container and sand.
c) Invert and support the apparatus over the calibrated container so that the
sand falls approximately the same distance and location as in a field test,
and fully open the valve. Determine the net weight of the sand by
subtracting the weight of the empty container.
d) Perform at least three bulk density determinations and calculate the
average. The maximum variation between any one determination and the
average will not exceed 1 %.
2. Determination of Weight of Sand Required to Fill Sand Cone and Base Plate
a) Fill the assembled apparatus with sand and determine the weight of
apparatus and sand.
b) Place the base plate on a clean, level, plane surface. Invert the apparatus,
seat the large funnel into the flanged center hole in the base plate, and
mark, and identify the funnel and plate so that the same funnel and plate
can always be matched and reseated in the same position during testing.
c) Open the valve fully and keep open until the sand stops running, making
sure the apparatus, base plate, or plane surface are not jarred or vibrated
before the valve is closed.
d) Close the valve sharply, remove the apparatus, determine the weight of
the apparatus with remaining sand, and calculate the loss of sand. This
loss represents the weight of sand required to fill the funnel and base
e) Repeat the procedures in 1 to 4 at least three times. The weight of sand
used in the calculations shall be the average of three determinations. The
maximum variation between any one determination and the average shall
not exceed 1 %.

B. In-place Soil Density Determination

1. Select a location/elevation that is representative of the area to be tested, and
determine the density of the soil in-place as follows:
a) Prepare the surface of the location to be tested so that it is level plane.
The base plate may be used as a tool for striking off the surface to a
smooth level plane.
b) Dig the test hole through the center hole in the base plate, being careful
to avoid disturbing or deforming the soil that will bind the hole. Trim the
hole carefully to make the sides more or less vertical and bottom level.
c) Remove all soil excavated from the test hole and pulverize with the mortar
and rubber covered pestle. Determine the weight of soil that was removed
from the test hole. Pass through the No.4 sieve. Weigh the portion
d) Take a representative sample from the portion passing the No.4 sieve for
water content determination.
e) Clean the flange of the base plate hole, invert the sand-cone apparatus,
and seat the sand-cone funnel into the flanged hole at the same position
as marked during calibration. Eliminate or minimize vibrations in the test
area due to personnel or equipment. Open the valve and allow the sand
to fill the hole, funnel, and base plate. Take care to avoid jarring or
vibrating the apparatus while the sand is running. When the sand stops
flowing, close the valve.
f) Determine the weight of the apparatus with the remaining sand, record
and calculate the weight of sand used.

1. Digging tools, such as earth auger, chisel hammers, picks and spoons
- Use for digging hole
2. Spoons
- Use to transfer the dug material to the container
3. Guide plate, about 304.8 mm by 304.8 mm by 4.76 mm with a 152.4 mm
diameter hole in the center
- Use as guide for digging hole
4. Balance, 10 kg capacity, readable to 1.0 gram
- Use to weight the material
5. Oven with temperature control
- Use to dry the material
6. Sand, clean, dry, free-flowing, uncemented sand having a maximum particle
size smaller than 2.0 mm (No. 10) sieve and less than 3 % by weight passing
250 μm (No. 60) sieve.
- Use for the sand cone test
7. Sand cone apparatus, with metal funnel (sand-cone), valve and sand container
- Use to test the field density
8. Sieves No. 4, 20, and 30
- Use to separate fine materials
9. Soil pans
- Use to contain soil
Earth Auger Chisel

Hammer Pick

Spoon Guide plate

Balance Oven with Temperature Control

Dry sand Sand cone Apparatus

Sieve no. 4, 20 and 30 Soil Pan


The experiment focuses on determining the density of soil, knowing the dry
density of soil is important for evaluating the degree of compaction. In previous
experiment it is discuss that the compaction of soil plays vital role in construction
process. It is needed to be considered in designs to improve structural integrity of
the structure, since compaction deals mostly in the settlement. This is because the
pressure exerted by the soil would determine if soil would settle and following
design and procedures are required to avoid failure.

Since the dry density of the compacted soil is a common measure of the
amount of compaction achieved during the construction process. Thu field density
test plays vital role as field control test for the degree of compaction soil. This serve
as the measuring procedure if the soil is suitable for the structure designed, since
the degree of compaction deals with increasing the bearing stress to avoid
settlements and failure in the future. Field density test would be the quality checker
in the field for the degree of compaction of soil.

In the experiment, it is needed to determine the density in-place by the sand

cone method. The principle of this experiment is the replacement of soil-excavated
materials by sand with its known density in order to determine the density field of
the soil. Following through the process of the experiment there are different
specific observation that is vital in the experiment to have the best accuracy.

First, this experiment would require the bulk density of sand, which would be
needed to compute the volume of the hole made in the embankment. This is
determined prior to using the test. Another important requirement is the cone
correction factor, which is, determine by calibrating the instrument. The cone
correction factor is the amount of sand it takes to fill the cone of testing apparatus;
this includes space between the baser plate and the surface of the test. In the
video it was discuss that the weight of the removed soil and the bulk density are
use to determine the volume of the test hole, the volume of the test hole is used to
determine the dry density.

There are also ways to improve the accuracy of the data results, first is that
when removing the soil from the test hole proceed with caution not lose the
material, and fine brush must be used for the removing particle from apparatus
and the plate. Another is to make sure that the container is fully dry and non-
absorbent, because this would affect the recorded weight for the soil removed.
Lastly, is when doing the test make sure that there are no disturbances such as
vibrations because vibration could affect the bulk density of the sand and decrease
the accuracy of the result.



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