Gum Content in Fuels by Jet Evaporation: Standard Test Method For

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The test method aims to determine the gum content in aviation fuels and motor gasolines through evaporating a sample under controlled conditions and measuring the residue.

The test method is trying to determine the existent gum content or solvent washed gum content of fuels. Existent gum refers to the evaporation residue of aviation fuels, while solvent washed gum refers to the residue remaining after washing the evaporation residue of motor gasoline with heptane.

Some of the terms defined include existent gum, solvent washed gum content, and unwashed gum content. Existent gum is the evaporation residue of aviation fuels without further treatment. Solvent washed gum content is the residue remaining after washing the evaporation residue of motor gasoline with heptane. Unwashed gum content is the evaporation residue without further treatment.

An American National Standard

Designation: D 381 – 04

Designation: 131/99

Standard Test Method for

Gum Content in Fuels by Jet Evaporation1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 381; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope* 3. Terminology
1.1 This test method covers the determination of the existent 3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
gum content of aviation fuels, and the gum content of motor 3.1.1 existent gum—the evaporation residue of aviation
gasolines or other volatile distillates in their finished form, fuels, without any further treatment.
(including those containing alcohol and ether type oxygenates 3.2 For non-aviation fuels, the following definitions apply.
and deposit control additives) at the time of test. 3.3 solvent washed gum content—the residue remaining
1.2 Provisions are made for the determination of the heptane when the evaporation residue (see 3.4) has been washed with
insoluble portion of the residue of non-aviation fuels. heptane and the washings discarded.
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the 3.3.1 Discussion—For motor gasoline or non-aviation gaso-
standard. The accepted SI unit of pressure is the Pascal (Pa); line, solvent washed gum content was previously referred to as
the accepted SI unit for temperature is degrees Celsius. existent gum.
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the 3.4 unwashed gum content—the evaporation residue of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the product or component under test, without any further treat-
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- ment.
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific 4. Summary of Test Method
warning statements, see 6.4, 7.4, and 9.1. 4.1 A measured quantity of fuel is evaporated under con-
trolled conditions of temperature and flow of air or steam. For
2. Referenced Documents aviation gasoline and aviation turbine fuel, the resulting
2.1 ASTM Standards: 2 residue is weighed and reported as milligrams per 100 mL. For
D 4057 Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and motor gasoline, the residue is weighed before and after
Petroleum Products extracting with heptane and the results reported as milligrams
E 1 Specification for ASTM Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers per 100 mL.
E 29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to
Determine Conformance with Specifications 5. Significance and Use
2.2 Energy Institute Standard: 5.1 The true significance of this test method for determining
IP Standard Methods for Analysis and Testing of Petroleum gum in motor gasoline is not firmly established. It has been
Products3 proved that high gum can cause induction-system deposits and
sticking of intake valves, and in most instances, it can be
assumed that low gum will ensure absence of induction-system
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 on difficulties. The user should, however, realize that the test
Petroleum Products and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
D02.14 on Stability and Cleanliness of Liquid Fuels. method is not of itself correlative to induction-system deposits.
Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2004. Published November 2004. Originally The primary purpose of the test method, as applied to motor
approved in 1934. Last previous edition approved in 2003 as D 381– 03. gasoline, is the measurement of the oxidation products formed
In the IP, this test method is under the jurisdiction of the Standardization
Committee. This test method was issued as a joint ASTM-IP standard in 1965.
in the sample prior to or during the comparatively mild
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or conditions of the test procedure. Since many motor gasolines
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM are purposely blended with nonvolatile oils or additives, the
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on heptane extraction step is necessary to remove these from the
the ASTM website.
Available from Energy Institute, 61 New Cavendish St., London, WIG 7AR,
evaporation residue so that the deleterious material, gum, may
U.K. be determined. With respect to aviation turbine fuels, large

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D 381 – 04
quantities of gum are indicative of contamination of fuel by 6.7 Steam—Supply by suitable means capable of delivering
higher boiling oils or particulate matter and generally reflect to the bath inlet the required amount of steam at 232 to 246°C.
poor handling practices in distribution downstream of the 6.8 Temperature Sensor, liquid-in-glass thermometer con-
refinery. forming to the requirements in the specification(s) for ASTM
3C/IP73C, found in Specification E 1, or another temperature
6. Apparatus measuring device or system, or both, of at least equivalent
6.1 Balance, capable of weighing test specimens to the accuracy and precision over a temperature range from –5 to
nearest 0.1 mg. 400°C.
6.2 Beakers, of 100-mL capacity, as illustrated in Fig. 1. 6.9 Graduated Cylinders, with spout, capable of measuring
Arrange the beakers in sets, the number in each set depending 50 6 0.5 mL.
upon the number of beaker wells in the evaporating bath. Mark 6.10 Handling Equipment, forceps (stainless steel, spade
each beaker in the set, including the tare beaker, with an ended) or tongs (stainless steel) for use in handling the beakers
identifying number or letter. and conical jets, as required by this test method.
6.3 Cooling Vessel—A tightly covered vessel, such as a
desiccator without desiccant, for cooling the beakers before 7. Materials
weighing. 7.1 Air—Supply of filtered air at a pressure not more than
NOTE 1—The use of a desiccant could lead to erroneous results. 35 kPa.
7.2 Gum Solvent—A mixture of equal volumes of toluene
6.4 Evaporation Bath (Warning—If a liquid-filled evapo- and acetone.
ration bath is used, care must be taken that the flash point of the 7.3 Heptane—Minimum purity of 99.7 %.
liquid used is at least 30°C higher than the highest bath 7.4 Steam—Supply of steam free of oily residue and at a
temperature expected.) Either a solid metal block bath or a pressure not less than 35 kPa. (Warning—If a steam super-
liquid bath, electrically heated, and constructed in accordance heater is used, there may be exposed hot surfaces on the steam
with the general principles shown in Fig. 1 may be used. superheater. Avoid contact with exposed skin by use of
(Although all dimensions are given in SI units, older baths protective equipment as required.)
conforming to Test Method D 381 – 94, or earlier, are suitable.)
The bath should have wells and jets for two or more beakers. 8. Assembly of Air-Jet Apparatus
The rate of flow from each outlet when fitted with the conical
adapters with 500 to 600 micron copper or stainless steel 8.1 Assemble the air-jet apparatus as shown in Fig. 1. With
screens should not differ from 1000 mL/s by more than 15 %. the apparatus at room temperature, adjust the air flow to give a
A liquid bath, if used, shall be filled to within 25 mm of the top rate of 600 6 90 mL/s for the outlet under test. Check the
with a suitable liquid. Temperature shall be maintained by remaining outlets for uniform air flow.
means of thermostatic controls or by refluxing liquids of NOTE 3—A rate of 600 6 90 mL/s from each outlet, at room
suitable composition. temperature and atmospheric pressure, will ensure delivery of 1000 6 150
6.5 Flow Indicator, as illustrated in Fig. 1, such as a mL/s at the temperature of 155 6 5°C for each outlet. It is recommended
flowmeter, capable of metering a flow of air or steam equiva- to follow the manufacturers’ instructions to verify total flow/s (600 mL/s
air flow 3 number of outlets = total flow/s) and uniformity from each
lent to 1000 mL/s for each outlet. outlet.
NOTE 2—Alternatively, a pressure gage may be used to meter the flow 8.2 Apply heat to the evaporation bath (see 6.4) until the
of air or steam equivalent to 1000 6 150 mL/s for each outlet.
temperature of the bath is between 160 and 165°C. Introduce
6.6 Sintered Glass Filtering Funnel, coarse porosity, air into the apparatus at a rate indicated on the flow indicator
150-mL capacity. (see 6.5) from the exercise carried out in 8.1. Measure the
temperature in each well with the temperature sensor (see 6.8)
placed with the bulb or sensor tip resting on the bottom of the
beaker in the well. Do not use any well having a recorded
temperature outside the range from 150 to 160°C.

9. Assembly of Steam-Jet Apparatus

9.1 Assemble the steam-jet apparatus as shown in Fig. 1.
(Warning—The sample and solvent vapors evaporated during
the performance of this test procedure can be extremely
flammable or combustible and hazardous from the inhalation
standpoint. The evaporation bath must be provided with an
effective exhaust hood to control such vapors and reduce the
risk of thermal explosion.)
9.2 To place the apparatus in operation, apply heat to the
bath. When the temperature reaches 232°C, slowly introduce
FIG. 1 Apparatus for Determining Gum Content by Jet dry steam into the system until a rate of 1000 6 150 mL/s for
Evaporation each outlet is reached (see 10.2). Regulate the temperature of

D 381 – 04
the bath to a range from 232 to 246°C to provide a well t = condensing time, s.
temperature of 232 6 3°C. Measure the temperature with the
temperature sensor, placed resting on the bottom of a beaker in 11. Procedure
one of the bath wells with the conical adapter in place. Any 11.1 Wash the beakers, including the tare, with the gum
well having a temperature that differs by more than 3°C from solvent until free of gum. Rinse thoroughly with water and
232°C is not suitable for standard tests. immerse in a mildly alkaline or neutral pH laboratory detergent
cleaning solution.
10. Calibration and Standardization 11.1.1 The type of detergent and conditions for its use need
10.1 Air Flow: to be established in each laboratory. The criterion for satisfac-
10.1.1 Verify or calibrate the air flow to ensure all outlets tory cleaning shall be a matching of the quality of that obtained
meet the 600 6 90 mL/s air flow requirement as measured at with chromic acid cleaning solutions on used beakers (fresh
room temperature and atmospheric pressure. Refer to the chromic acid, 6-h soaking period, rinsing with distilled water
instrument manufacturer instructions for specific guidance on and drying). For this comparison visual appearance and mass
performing the air flow calibration procedure. Note the setting loss on heating the glassware under test conditions may be
of the flow indicator device for use with air and use this setting used. Detergent cleaning avoids the potential hazards and
for subsequent tests. inconveniences related to handling corrosive chromic acid One way to calibrate the air flow is to use a solutions. The latter remains as the reference cleaning practice
calibrated flow indicator device, such as a flowmeter, separate and as such may function as an alternate to the preferred
from the device specified in 6.5, to check the air flow rate at procedure-cleaning with detergent solutions.
each outlet directly at room temperature and atmospheric 11.1.2 Remove the beakers from the cleaning solution by
pressure. To obtain accurate results, ensure that the back means of stainless steel forceps or tongs (see 6.10) and handle
pressure of the flowmeter is less than 1 kPa. only with forceps or tongs thereafter. Wash the beakers Alternatively, another way to calibrate the air flow thoroughly, first with tap water and then with distilled water,
is to measure and adjust as appropriate the total air flow rate and dry in an oven at 150°C for at least 1 h. Cool the beakers
(mL/s) supplied to the outlets. The total air flow rate equals the for at least 2 h in the cooling vessel placed in the vicinity of the
expected air flow rate at each outlet times the number or outlet balance.
positions (for example, instrument has 5 positions and a total 11.2 Select the operating conditions, corresponding to the
air flow rate measurement of 3000 mL/s, indicating an ex- aviation motor gasoline or aircraft turbine fuel under test, from
pected air flow rate of 600 mL/s at each outlet). Once verifying the data given in Table 1. Heat the bath to the prescribed
the total flow supplied to the outlets is at the appropriate rate, operating temperature. Introduce air or steam to the apparatus
perform uniformity checks by comparing the relative air flow and adjust the total flow to that established in 8.1 or 9.2. If an
rates at each outlet position versus the requirements in 10.1.1. external preheater is used, regulate the temperature of the
10.2 Steam Flow: vaporizing medium to give the prescribed test well tempera-
10.2.1 Verify or calibrate the steam flow to ensure all outlets ture.
meet the 1000 6 150 mL/s steam flow requirement. Refer to 11.3 Weigh the tare and test beakers to the nearest 0.1 mg.
the instrument manufacturer instructions for specific guidance Record the masses.
on performing the steam flow calibration procedure. Note the 11.4 If suspended or settled solid matter is present, mix or
setting of the flow indicator device for use with steam and use shake the contents of the sample container thoroughly using an
this setting for subsequent tests. appropriate method. At atmospheric pressure, immediately
filter a quantity of the sample through a sintered-glass funnel of One way to calibrate the steam flow, is to attach a
coarse porosity (see 13.3). Treat the filtrate as described in
copper tube to a steam outlet and extend the tube into a 2-L
graduated cylinder that has been filled with crushed ice and
11.5 Measure a 50 6 0.5 mL test specimen in a graduated
water that has been previously weighed. Exhaust the steam into
cylinder (see 6.9), and transfer it to a weighed beaker (see 6.2).
the cylinder for approximately 60 s. Adjust the position of the
(See Practice D 4057 regarding sampling.) Use one beaker for
cylinder so that the end of the copper tube is immersed in the
each test specimen to be tested, and fill each beaker except the
water to a depth of less than 50 mm to prevent excessive back
tare. Place the filled beakers and the tare in the evaporation
pressure. After the appropriate time has elapsed, remove the
bath, keeping the elapsed time between placing the first and
copper tube from the cylinder and weigh the cylinder. The gain
last beaker in the bath to a minimum. When using air as the
in mass represents the amount of steam condensed. Calculate
evaporation medium in an evaporation bath without a mechani-
the steam rate (mL/s) as follows:
cal means to raise and lower the conical jets, use forceps or
R 5 ~M 2 m!1000/kt (1) tongs (see 6.10) to replace the conical jet as each individual
R = steam rate (mL/s), TABLE 1 Schedule of Test Conditions
M = mass of graduated cylinder with condensed steam, g, Vaporizing Operating Temperature
m = mass of graduated cylinder and ice, g, Sample Type
Medium Bath Test Well
k = mass of 1000 mL of steam at 232°C at atmospheric Aviation and motor gasoline air 160 to 165°C 150 to 160°C
Aviation turbine fuel steam 232 to 246°C 229 to 235°C
pressure = 0.434 g, and

D 381 – 04
beaker is placed in the bath. When using steam, allow the vicinity of the balance for at least 2 h. Weigh the beakers in the
beakers to heat for 3 to 4 min before using forceps or tongs to same manner as described in 11.3. Record the masses.
replace the conical jet (or lowering the conical jets by
mechanical means), which shall be preheated either in the 12. Calculation
steam stream by placing on the steam outlet and positioning the 12.1 Calculate the existent gum content of aviation fuels as
jet between the beaker wells or on top of the hot evaporation follows:
bath prior to attaching to the outlets. Using forceps or tongs (if
needed), center each conical jet above the surface of the liquid, A 5 2000~B – D 1 X – Y! (2)
and start the flow of air or steam, adjusting it to the specified 12.2 Calculate the solvent washed gum content of motor
rate. Maintain the temperature and rate of flow, and allow the gasoline as follows:
test specimen to evaporate for 30 6 0.5 min. S 5 2000~C – D 1 X – Z! (3)
NOTE 4—When introducing the flow of air or steam, care should be 12.3 Calculate the unwashed gum content of motor gasoline
taken to avoid splashing of the test specimen as this may lead to erroneous as follows:
low results.
U 5 2000~B – D 1 X– Y! (4)
11.6 At the end of the heating period, remove the conical
jets using forceps, tongs (see 6.10), or other suitable means, where:
and transfer the beakers from the bath to the cooling vessel. A = existent gum content, mg/100 mL,
Place the cooling vessel in the vicinity of the balance for at S = solvent washed gum content, mg/100 mL,
least 2 h. Weigh the beakers in accordance with 11.3. Record U = unwashed gum content, mg/100 mL,
the masses. B = mass recorded in 11.6 for the sample beaker plus
11.7 Segregate the beakers containing the residues from residue, g,
motor gasolines for finishing as described in 11.8 through C = mass recorded in 11.12 for the sample beaker plus
11.12. The remaining beakers may be returned for cleaning and residue, g,
reuse. D = mass recorded in 11.3 for the empty sample beaker, g,
11.7.1 Qualitative evidence of motor gasoline contamina- X = mass recorded in 11.3 for the tare beaker, g,
Y = mass recorded in 11.6 for the tare beaker, g, and
tion can be obtained by weighing the residue at this point if
Z = mass recorded in 11.12 for the tare beaker, g.
retained samples of the original finished gasoline are available
for reference testing. This reference testing is essential since
13. Report
motor gasoline may contain deliberately added materials that
are nonvolatile. If evidence of contamination is obtained, 13.1 For aviation fuels with existent gum contents $1
further investigation is indicated. mg/100 mL, express the results to the nearest 1 mg/100 mL as
11.8 For non-aviation fuels that have unwashed results that existent gum content by Test Method D 381. Round figures in
are <0.5 mg/100 mL (see 11.6, Section 12, and 13.2) it is not accordance with Practice E 29 or Appendix E of IP Standard
necessary to perform the washing steps identified in this Methods for Analysis and Testing of Petroleum and Related
section, as well as in those that follow (11.9 to 11.12) since the Products. For results <1 mg/100 mL, report as “<1 mg/100
washed gum value will always be # the unwashed gum value. mL.”
If the unwashed results are not <0.5 mg/100 mL, to each of the 13.2 For non-aviation fuels with either solvent washed or
beakers containing the residues from non-aviation fuels, add unwashed gum content values $0.5 mg/100 mL, express the
approximately 25 mL of heptane and swirl gently for 30 s. results to the nearest 0.5 mg/100 mL as either solvent washed
Allow the mixture to stand for 10 6 1 min. Treat the tare gum or unwashed gum content, or both, by Test Method D 381.
beaker in the same manner. Round figures in accordance with Practice E 29 or Appendix E
11.9 Decant and discard the heptane solution, taking care to of IP Standard Methods for Analysis and Testing of Petroleum
prevent the loss of any solid residue. and Related Products. For results <0.5 mg/100 mL, report as
11.10 Repeat the extraction with a second portion of ap- “<0.5 mg/100 mL.” If the unwashed gum content is <0.5
proximately 25 mL of heptane as described in 11.8 and 11.9. If, mg/100 mL, the washed gum may also be reported as “<0.5
after the second extraction, the extract remains colored, repeat mg/100 mL” (see 11.8).
the extraction a third time. Do not perform more than three 13.3 For all fuels, if the filtration step (see 11.4) has been
extractions (Note 5). carried out before evaporation, the expression filtered shall
follow the numerical value.
NOTE 5—Further extractions (after the third extraction) are not to be
performed, since portions of insoluble gum may be removed due to
mechanical action, which could lead to lower solvent washed gum 14. Precision and Bias
contents being determined. 14.1 The precision, as obtained by statistical examination of
11.11 Place the beakers, including the tare, in the evapora- interlaboratory test results, is given in 14.1.1 and 14.1.2, and
tion bath maintained at 160 to 165°C and, without replacing the illustrated graphically in Fig. 2. Analysis details are in the
conical jets, allow the beakers to dry for 5 6 0.5 min. research report.
11.12 At the end of the drying period, remove the beakers 14.1.1 Repeatability—The difference between successive
from the evaporation bath using forceps or tongs (see 6.10), test results, obtained by the same operator with the same
place them in a cooling vessel, and allow them to cool in the apparatus under constant operating conditions on identical test

D 381 – 04

FIG. 2 Precision for Existent Gum

material would, in the long run, in the normal and correct R 5 1.928xˆ 0.4 for unwashed gum content (11)
operation of the test method, exceed the values below only in R 5 2.494xˆ 0.3 for solvent washed gum content (12)
one case in twenty. where: x is the average of the results being compared.
r 5 1.11 1 0.095x for existent gum ~aviation gasoline!, (5)
NOTE 6—The precision values given above for solvent washed and
r 5 0.5882 1 0.2490x for existent gum unwashed gum content were obtained on finished motor gasolines,
~aviation turbine fuel!, (6) including those containing alcohol and ether type oxygenates as well as
deposit control additives as determined in a 1997 interlaboratory study.4
r 5 0.997x0.4 for unwashed gum content ~unwashed!, and (7) The precision values for the solvent washed and unwashed gum content
are based on samples containing between 0 to 15 mg/100 mL and 0 to 50
mg/100mL gum content, respectively.
r 5 1.298x0.3 for solvent washed gum content ~washed! (8)
14.2 Bias—Since there is no accepted reference material
where: x is the average of the results being compared. suitable for determining the bias for the procedure in Test
14.1.2 Reproducibility—The difference between two test Method D 381 for measuring existent gum (solvent washed or
results independently obtained by different operators operating unwashed gum), bias has not been determined.
in different laboratories on nominally identical test material
would, in the long run, in the normal and correct operation of 15. Keywords
the test method, exceed the values below only in one case in 15.1 aviation fuels; existent gum; motor gasoline; solvent
twenty: washed gum; unwashed gum
R 5 2.09 1 0.126x for existent gum ~aviation gasoline!, (9)
R 5 2.941 1 0.2794x for existent gum 4
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
~aviation turbine fuel!, (10) be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D02–1466.

D 381 – 04

Subcommittee D02.14 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D 381–03) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Nov. 1, 2004.)

(1) Updated 6.10, 11.1.2, 11.5, 11.6, and 11.12 to allow an (2) Updated 11.10.
alternative to using forceps. (3) Added a new Note 5.

Subcommittee D02.14 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D 381–01) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved July 10, 2003.)

(1) Updated 6.5 to align with the information shown in Fig. 1. Section 10 on Calibration and Standardization. Updated sub-
(2) Updated Note 3. sequent sections and references accordingly.
(3) Deleted 9.3 and 9.4 and incorporated information in new

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website

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