110401106139X MSR-500 (UT33D) English Manual MEASURE UP ETEKCITY

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Digital Multimeter

Model No.: MSR-R500

Safe and Proper Usage Safety Operating Procedures

Thank you for purchasing the Etekcity® MSR-R500 Digital Be sure to read, understand and comply with all the
Multimeter. Measure DC and AC voltage, current, diode and instructions in this manual
audible continuity, and resistance with the convenience of Make sure the test leads are in a safe state. Keep
one single tool with built-in overload protection. equipment out of humidity or moist environments.
DO NOT use the meter if it is damaged or the case (or part
WARNING: TO AVOID THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK of the case) is removed. Look for cracks or missing plastic.
OR THE DAMAGE OF THE MULTIMETER OR OTHER Check the insulation around the connectors before use.
EQUIPMENT, DO NOT CONNECT TO ANY INPUT DO NOT use the equipment in wet environments.
TERMINALS OF THE MULTIMETER THAT MAY Remove the test probes from the item of measurement
EXCEED 500V. before changing the settings or measurement functions on
the multimeter.
Read all the instructions provided in this manual. Failure to DO NOT apply the multimeter to voltages that may exceed
comply with the instructions in the manual and/or use of 500V.
the device in ways other than the ones mentioned in the DO NOT measure voltages when the meter is set to
manual may result in serious injury, fire, and/or electrical measure resistance (Ω).
shock. The person responsible for this equipment must Always use the fuses of the correct type as specified
ensure that all users understand the directions and adhere within the instructions to avoid any injury, electrical shock,
to them. or risk of fire.
DO NOT operate the meter around explosive gas, vapor,
This meter complies with standard IEC61010: in pollution or dust.
degree 2, overvoltage category (CAT I 600V, CAT II 300V) When operating the test probes, keep your fingers behind
and double insulation. the finger guards.
When making electrical connections, connect the common
CAT I: Signal level, special equipment or parts of test lead (black) before connecting the live test lead (red).
equipment, telecommunications, electronic, etc. When disconnecting, disconnect the live test lead (red)
before disconnecting the common test lead (black).
CAT II: Local level, appliance, PORTABLE EQUIPMENT etc., Always remove the test leads before replacing the
with smaller transient overvoltages than CAT III. battery within the multimeter or opening the battery
Inspect the condition of the test leads and the multimeter
for any damage before operating the meter. Repair or
replace any damage before use.
Verify the meter’s operation by measuring a known
voltage before and after using the meter.

-1- -2-
DO NOT change the settings on the rotary switch while Meter Diagram
the test leads are measuring a source of power.
Use great care when making measurements if the voltages
1. LCD Display
are greater than 25VAC rms or 35VDC. These voltages are
considered to be a shock hazard. 2. HOLD Button
DO NOT operate the meter with the battery cover 1
removed or the case open. 3. Backlight Button
DO NOT remove the cover or open the case of the meter 2 3 4. Rotary Switch
without first removing it from the main power source.
DO NOT allow children to operate this device. 5. COM Terminal
USE a 9V DC battery when replacing the battery within the 4
device. 6. 10A Terminal
Make sure to insert the battery under the correct polarity 7. Other Terminals
indicated in the device.
DO NOT use leaking batteries.
DO NOT dispose old batteries in fire. 6 5
Expired or damaged batteries can cause cauterization
on contact with skin. Always therefore, use suitable hand 7
gloves for protection in such cases.
Disconnect circuit power and discharge all high voltage
Figure 1
capacitors before testing resistance, continuity, diodes, or
Before measuring current, check the meter’s fuses and Button Functions
turn off power to the circuit before connecting the meter
to the circuit. Button Operation
In the case the device is going to be unused for an
extended period of time, remove the battery before HOLD Press once to lock measurement results
storage. (An ‘H’ symbol will appear on the display)
Press once more to unlock results
AC or DC Low Battery
BACKLIGHT Press once to turn on the display
AC Current Diode backlight
Press once more to turn off backlight
DC Current Fuse

Earth Ground Continuity Test

Double Insulated Warning

-3- -4-
Battery Type: 1 x 9V Battery NEDA 1604 / 6F22 / 006P
General Specifications
Overload Display: 1
Dimensions: 130 x 73.5 x 35mm
Maximum Voltage 500V rms Weight: ~156g
(Including transient
Between any DC Voltage
Terminals &
Grounding Accuracy Overload
Range Resolution
Fused Protection for 500mA, 250V fast type,
VΩmA φ5x20mm 250V DC
200mV 100µV
Input Terminal or AC
± (0.5% +2)
10A Terminal 10A, 600V fast type, 2000mV 1mV
φ6x25mm 20V 10mV 500V DC
Range Manual Ranging 200V 100mV or AC

Maximum Display 1999 500V 1V ± (0.8% +2)

Measurement Speed Updates 2 ~ 3 times/second Input impendance: 10MΩ

Temperature Operating: 0°C ~ 40°C (32°F ~
104°F) AC Voltage
Storage: -10°C ~ 50°C (14°F ~
122°F) Accuracy Overload
Range Resolution
Relative Humidity 75% at 0°C ~ 30°C
< 50% at 31°C ~ 40°C 200V 100mV ± (1.2% +10) 500V DC
500V 1V or AC
Altitude Operating: <2,000m
Storage: <10,000m • Input impendance: approx. 5MΩ
• Displays effective value of sine wave (mean value
Accuracy (a% reading + b digits) • Frequency response 40Hz ~ 400Hz
Guaranteed for 1 year

-5- -6-
DC Current Diodes and Continuity Measurement

Overload Overload
Range Resolution Accuracy Range Resolution Remark
Protection Protection
200µA 0.1µA ------
500mA, approximate
2000µA 1µA 250V fast forward voltage
± (1% +2) drop: 0.5v ~ 0.8v 250V DC or AC
20mA 10µA type fuse:
5x20mm Buzzer beeps
200mA 100µA ± (1.2% +2) 1Ω
at < 70W
10A/600V Square Wave Output
10A 10mA ± (2%+5) fast type
Range Illustration

At 10A Range: for continuous measurement ≤10 seconds Approx. output 50Hz square wave signal.
and interval not less than 15 minutes OUT As a simple signal source with 47KΩ
resistance output.
No overload protection
Make sure voltage output of calibrated equipment level is
Overload less than 10V to avoid damages to the meter
Range Resolution Accuracy

200Ω 0.1Ω ± (0.8%+5)

2000Ω 1Ω
20KΩ 10Ω ± (0.8% +2)
250V DC
200KΩ 100Ω or AC
20MΩ 10KΩ ± (1%+5)

200MΩ 100KΩ ± [5% (reading-10)+10]

-7- -8-
AC Voltage Measurement
Measurement Operation
(See Figure 2)
DC Voltage Measurement
AC Voltage Ranges: 200V, 500V
Input Impedance: 5MΩ
1. Plug the red test lead into the VΩmA terminal, then plug
the black test lead into the COM terminal.
2. Set the rotary switch to the appropriate measurement in
V~ range.
3. Connect the test leads to the object of measurement.
Hold them in place until the results on the display
stabilize. The displayed measured value is the value of
sine wave (mean value response).
4. When measurement is completed, disconnect the test
Figure 2
leads from the object of measurement.
DC Voltage Ranges: 200mV, 2000mV, 20V, 200V, 500V
Input Impedance: 10 MΩ NOTE
1. Plug the red test lead into the VΩmA terminal, then plug If the value of voltage is unknown, use the maximum
the black test lead into the COM terminal. measurement position (500V) and reduce the range until
2. Set the rotary switch to the appropriate measurement in proper readings are obtained.
V range. The LCD will display “OL” if there in an overload within the
3. Connect the test leads to the object of measurement. selected range. Select a higher range to obtain a correct
Hold them in place until the results on the display reading.
stabilize. If the circuit impedance is less than or equal to 10kΩ, the
4. When measurement is completed, disconnect the test error is negligible (0.1% or l ess).
leads from the object of measurement.
If the value of voltage is unknown, use the maximum
measurement position (500V) and reduce the range until
proper readings are obtained.
The LCD will display “OL” if there in an overload within the
selected range. Select a higher range to obtain a correct
If the circuit impedance is less than or equal to 10kΩ, the
error is negligible (0.1% or l ess).

-9- - 10 -
DC Current Measurement NOTE
If the value of voltage is unknown, use the maximum
WARNING measurement position (10A) and reduce the range until
Never attempt an in-circuit current measurement where the proper readings are obtained.
voltage between the terminals and ground is greater than
60V. If the fuse burns out during measurement, this may Resistance Measurement
cause harm to the user and/or damage to the device. Use
proper terminals, functions, and range for measurement.
When the testing leads are connected to the current
terminals, do not parallel them across any circuit.

Figure 4

Resistance Ranges: 200Ω, 2000Ω, 20kΩ, 200kΩ, 20MΩ,

1. Plug the red test lead into the VΩmA terminal, then plug
the black test lead into the COM terminal.
2. Set the rotary switch to the appropriate measurement in
Figure 3 Ω range.
3. Connect the test leads to the object of measurement, the
DC Current Ranges: 2000 A, 20mA, 200mA, 10A measured value will appear on the display.
1. Turn off the power to the circuit and discharge all high- 4. When measurement is completed, disconnect the test
voltage capacitors. leads from the object of measurement.
2. Plug the red test lead into the VΩmA or 10A terminal,
then plug the black test lead into the COM terminal. NOTE
3. Set the rotary switch to the appropriate measurement in The test leads can add 0.1Ω to 0.3Ω of error to the
A range. resistance measurement. To obtain precise readings in low-
4. Break the current path to be tested. resistance measurement (200Ω), short-circuit the input
5. Connect the red test lead to the most positive side of the terminals beforehand and record the reading obtained
break and the black test lead to the most negative side of (reading X). This is the additional resistance from the test
the break. lead. Then use the equation:
6. Turn on the circuit power. Measured resistance value (Y) - (X) = resistance result
7. When measurement is completed, disconnect the test For high-resistance measurements (>1MΩ), it may take a
leads from the object of measurement. few seconds for the reading result to stabilize.
- 11 - - 12 -
Diode Measurement NOTE
In a circuit, a good diode should still produce a forward
WARNING voltage drop reading of 0.5V to 0.8V; however, the reverse
To avoid damage to the meter and/or the object of voltage drop reading can vary depending on the resistance
measurement, disconnect the circuit power and discharge of other pathways between the probe tips.
all the high-voltage capacitors before diodes. The LCD will display “OL” if the open-circuit is incorrectly
Test to check diodes, transistors, and other semiconductor The unit of diode is volt (V), displaying the positive-
devices. The diode test sends a current through the connection voltage-drop value.
semiconductor junction, then measures the voltage drop
across the junction. A good silicon junction drops between Continuity Measurement
0.5V and 0.8V. 1. Plug the red test lead into the VΩmA terminal, then plug
the black test lead into the COM terminal.
2. Set the rotary switch to the setting.
3. Connect the test leads across with the object of
4. The buzzer will sound if the resistance of the circuit is
under 70Ω.

The LCD will display “OL” if the circuit is open.
Figure 5

1. Plug the red test lead into the VΩmA terminal, then plug
the black test lead into the COM terminal.
2. Set the rotary switch to the setting.
3. For forward voltage drop readings on any semiconductor
component, place the red test lead on the component’s
anode and place the black test lead on the component’s
cathode. Hold them in place until the results on the
display stabilize.
4. When measurement is completed, disconnect the test
leads from the object of measurement.

- 13 - - 14 -
Square Wave Output
To avoid damage to the meter and/or the object of WARNING
measurement, do not allow output terminals (red test lead) To avoid false readings, possible electrical shock and/or
to surpass 10V. personal injury, replace the battery as soon as the low
battery indicator appears on the display.
1. Plug the red test lead into the VΩmA terminal, then plug To avoid electrical shock, arc blast, personal injury,
the black test lead into the COM terminal. and/or damage to the meter, use the specified fused ONLY
2. Set the rotary switch to the OUT setting. in accordance with the following procedure.
3. Connect the test leads across with the object of
measurement.Hold them in place until the results on the Battery and Fuse Replacement
display stabilize. 1. Disconnect the test leads from the input terminals of the
4. When measurement is completed, disconnect the test meter.
leads from the object of measurement. 2. Turn OFF the meter
3. Using a screwdriver, unscrew the battery compartment
NOTE located on the bottom of the meter. Slide off the battery
The frequency is approximately 50Hz. compartment cover.
When loaded to 1MΩ, the output scope will be higher than 4. Remove the used batteries from the battery
3Vpp. compartment.
5. Remove the fuse by gently prying one end loose, then
take the fuse out from its bracket.
6. Replace the battery with a new 9V battery.
7. Install replacement fuses with the identical type and
specification: 250mA, 250V fast type, φ5x20mm and
10A,600V fast type,φ6 x 25mm (make sure the fuse
is fixed firmly in the bracket).
8. Re-apply the compartment cover and reinstall the screw

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