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1-800-547-5740 • Fax: (503) 643-6322 • email: [email protected]
The DM397 is an advanced full-featured digital multimeter designed for WARNING!
engineers, HVAC and electrical technicians, whose work demands Exceeding the specified limits of this meter is dangerous and can
greater accuracy and resolution. The RS232 data logging kit and soft- expose the user to serious or possibly fatal injury.
ware (included) allows any measured parameter to be monitored or
recorded to a PC for further analysis. The 50,000 count dual display • Voltages above 60 volts DC or 25 volts AC may constitute a
shows two parameters simultaneously eliminating the need to toggle serious shock hazard
between selections. The DM397 stands alone as the best value in high- • Always turn off power to a circuit (or assembly) under test
end multimeters. before cutting, unsoldering, or breaking the current path -
Even small amounts of current can be dangerous
Features include • Always disconnect the live test lead before disconnecting the
• True RMS common test lead from a circuit
• 1000 AC/DC & AC+DC Volts • In the event of electrical shock, ALWAYS bring the victim to
• 1000 AC/DC & AC+DC Amps the emergency room for evaluation, regardless of the victim’s
• dBm & dBV apparent recovery - Electrical shock can cause an unstable heart
• High Resolution Resistance & Conductance rhythm that may need medical attention
• Frequency / Duty Cycle • Higher voltages and currents require greater awareness of
• Pulse Width physical safety hazards - Before connecting the test leads; turn
• Temperature / Capacitance / Continuity off power to the circuit under test; set the meter to the desired
• Relative Mode and (REL∆) mode function and range; connect the test leads to the meter first, then
• Data logging kit with software to the circuit under test. Reapply power
• Data Storage & Recall • If any of the following indications occur during testing, turn
• MIN/MAX/AVG off the power source to the circuit under test:
• 1mS Peak Capture • Arcing
• Audible & Visual input warning • Flame
• Backlit dual displays with analog bar-graph • Smoke
• All input, ranges, & functions protected to 1000 V CAT III • Extreme Heat
• Closed case calibration • Smell of Burning Materials
• Access to battery and fuses without breaking calibration seals • Discoloration or Melting of Components
• Open fuse detection

Safety Notes Do not attempt to remove the meter leads from the circuit under test.
The leads, the meter, or the circuit under test may have degraded to
Before using this meter, read all safety information carefully. In the point that they no longer provide protection from the voltage and
this manual the word "WARNING" is used to indicate conditions current applied. If any of these erroneous readings are observed,
or actions that may pose physical hazards to the user. The word disconnect power immediately and recheck all settings and connections
"CAUTION" is used to indicate conditions or actions that may
damage this instrument. Compliance
The DM397 complies with IEC 1010-1 (1995), UL 3111-1 (6.1995), EN
• Allways follow industry standard safety practices including protetive 61010-1 (1995), CSA C 22.2 No, 1010-1 - 92; Overvoltage 1000V CAT III.
clothing, gloves and safety glasses when appropriate
• Do not attempt to measure any voltage that exceeds the Electromatic Compatibility
ca t e g o rybased rating of this meter The meter meets EN61326 : 1997 A1 : 1998.
• Do not attempt to use this meter if either the meter or the test
leads have been damaged. Turn it in for repair at a qualified
repair facility International Symbols
• Ensure meter leads are fully seated by making a quick continuity
check of the leads prior to making voltage measurements
• Keep your fingers away from the test lead’s metal probe
contacts when making measurements. Always grip the leads behind
the finger guards molded into the probes
• Use a current clamp adapter when measuring current that may
exceed 10 amps. See the accessories in UEi’s full-line catalog
• Do not open the meter to replace batteries or fuses while the
probes are connected

DM397-MAN P. 1
C o n t rols and Indicators Rotary Switch
To turn the meter on, turn the rotary switch from the OFF position to
any switch setting.

If you want to view the full display (all segments illuminated), press and
hold the “HOLD” push-button while turning the meter on. Release the
button to return to normal viewing.
Turn the meter on by selecting any measurement function. The meter
1 presents a standard display for that function (range, measurement units,
on screen menu, etc.). The display may also show other information
based on the choices made through the on-screen
menu selection.

Use the on screen menu selection or the other push-buttons to select

any rotary switch alternative function.
When you turn the rotary switch from one function to another, a display
for the new function appears. Button choices made in one function do
not carry over into another function.

2 OFF: Turns the meter off. Setup parameters and stored

measurements are saved.
mV: Select either Millivolt AC RMS or DC Voltage measurements.
5 8 Compatible with various adapters.
6 7
V: Volts AC RMS, Volts DC, Volts AC+DC total RMS,
Volts AC/DC dual display, dBm and dB.
Hz: Frequency measurement. Duty cycle and pulse width are
also displayed if they are selected with the on-screen menu.
1. Digital Display: Readings are displayed on a 4-4/5 digit,
Ω : Access to resistance measurement, continuity test and
50,000 count (primary display) and 5,000 count
(secondary display). capacitance measurement. Conductance (1/Ω) is also dis
played in the secondary display when measuring resistance.
2. Rotary Switch: Used to turn the power on or off and to select
: Diode measurement (Forward bias voltage drop).
a function.
3. On Screen Menu Selection Push-buttons: Used to select Temp: Temperature measurement in degrees Fahrenheit
functions from the on screen menus. or Centigrade.

4. Special Function Push-buttons: Used to select special µA: Select from Microamp AC RMS, Microamp DC, Microamp
functions and features. AC+DC total RMS, and Microamp AC/DC dual display.
A: Select from Amperes AC RMS, Amperes DC, Amperes
5. Input Terminal 10A: (20A for 30 sec.) current
AC+DC total RMS, and Amperes AC/DC dual display.
measurement function.
6. Input Terminal for Milliamp: (mA) and micro amp (µA) mA: Select from Milliamps AC RMS, Milliamps DC, Milliamps
current measurement function. AC+DC total RMS, and Milliamps AC/DC dual display.

7. Common Input Terminal: (Ground reference) for all

measurement functions.
8. Input Terminal for Multiple Functions: Input jack for all
measurements except current (A, mA, µA) measurement functions.
9. RS-232 Optical Interface: Allows connection to a computer.

DM397-MAN P. 2
User-Friendly Rotary Switch Selections

DM397-MAN P. 3
Push-Buttons HOLD: Press this button to turn the “HOLD” mode on or off. When
the hold mode is activated, the meter beeps, freezes the display and
RANGE: Use the “RANGE” push-button to manually select a range. displays the “HOLD” indicator on the LCD. Hold mode freezes the
Press and hold the “RANGE” push-button for two seconds to return display for later view.
the meter to auto range mode.
Auto Hold - To activate “AUTO HOLD” mode, press the “HOLD”
The meter is in auto range mode when the “AUTO” indicator is on. push-button two times until “A” and “HOLD” indicators appear
on the LCD.
The range and units are displayed on the LCD. NOTE: This mode is not available for capacitance measurements.
MIN/MAX: Press this button to scroll through the minimum, In this mode, the display automatically freezes and the meter beeps
maximum and average values. The minimum (MIN) reading is when the measurement reading is stabilized. The display value will
displayed first and this mode calculates an average (AVG) of all be updated when a new measurement value is stabilized.
readings taken since the mode was activated. The meter beeps
when a new maximum or minimum reading is updated. This mode is very useful when it is impossible for you to press the
“HOLD” push-button or see the meter display while probing and
In the MIN/MAX mode, the primary display continues to show the taking measurements.
present measurement value.
MEM: Use the memory mode to store and recall measurement values.
Auto Power Off feature will be disabled automatically in this mode.
Press the “MEM” button momentarily in order to activate the
1mS Peak: Press this button momentarily to activate the 1mS peak memory mode. The display shows four menu selections: store, recall,
hold mode to capture transient voltage or current signal events as clear and exit.
short as 1mS with its display resolution of 5,000 counts. The LCD
displays the “1mS” and “MAX” indicators at the upper left corner STORE: Select “STORE” to store the held value in the next available
and - and “EXIT” indicators in the on screen menu selection. In this memory location. The memory location number momentarily shows on
mode the meter will display the captured maximum value. Press the secondary display. If no memory locations are available, FUL L shows
the - menu key and the LCD will now display “1mS” and “MIN” on the secondary display for two seconds and nothing is stored. You must
indicators and “+” and “EXIT” indicators on screen. In this mode clear the memory locations using the “CL EA R” key in order to store the
the meter will display the minimum captured value. Press the “+” held value.
menu key to capture a maximum value again if desired. The meter
will beep when a new maximum or minimum reading is updated. RECALL: Select “RECALL” to review the stored value using the
Press either the “1mS PEAK” push-button or the “EXIT” menu key menu key. The secondary display shows the value stored in that
to exit the 1mS peak hold mode. Auto Power Off feature is disabled location. Whenever you press “+” or “-” menu key, the next or
in this mode. previous stored value will be shown in the primary display and
REL ∆: Use this push-button to set the meter to relative (REL∆) the secondary display momentarily shows the corresponding
mode and make relative measurements. The reference value for the memory location.
REL∆ measurement can be a measured, or a programmed value. The
reference value appears in the secondary display and the difference CLEAR: Select “CLEAR” to clear all the stored values. When you
value appears in the primary display. press the “CLEAR” key, the meter will ask you with the display of
“You Sure” along with the on screen menu selections of “AC”
<REL∆ to a Measured Value> - When you take the measurement (stands for All Clear), “CLEAR” and “EXIT”. When you press the
and the meter settles on the value, press this button. Subsequent “CLEAR” key, the displayed value in the primary display is erased.
readouts will then be a difference from this reference value to the When you press the “AC” key, all the stored values are erased and
new reading. This is useful for very low resistance values to the word “Done” shows on the display. Press “EXIT” to exit the
eliminate test lead resistance, or when observing a change from memory mode without erasing the stored values.
a stable reading.
EXIT: Select “EXIT” to exit memory mode. You can also exit
<REL∆ to a Programmed Value> - Set the meter to the measurement
memory mode by pressing “MEM” push-button or turning the
function and range you want and then press the “REL∆“ push-button.
rotary dial position.
While the meter is in REL∆ mode, press the “MIN/MAX” push-button
then the setup menu appears. Use the on screen menu selection
(Backlight): Press the “MEM” ( ) push-button until the
buttons to edit the desired reference value and then press the menu
backlight is turned on or off.
button “4” for “EXIT” .
For subsequent readouts the programmed reference value is
subtracted from the actual measurement. The programmed
reference value is lost when the meter is turned off.
To exit REL∆ mode, press the “REL∆” push-button.

DM397-MAN P. 4
On Screen Menu Selection Keys • Enable or Disable The Beep Alert Warning For Over Range
Each setting of the rotary switch to a measurement function position The meter displays tone in the secondary display, “OFF” or “ON”
may activate one or more menu selection key settings on the LCD. If in the primary display and “+”, “-” and “EXIT” in the on screen
there is more than one measurement for a rotary switch setting, a menu menu selection. You can toggle “OFF/ON” by pressing the “+”
appears on the display. Press the corresponding menu selection key to or “-” menu keys. Press the “EXIT” menu key for the next
select the desired measurement. setup selection
• Enable or Disable The Beep Alert Warning For Incorrectly
Setup Mode
Connected Test Leads
The setup mode allows you to customize default settings. To activate
The meter displays “LALt” in the secondary display, “OFF” or
the Setup Mode, press the menu Key “4” while the display shows all
“ON” in the primary display, a and “+”, “-” and “EXIT” in the on
segments on at power on reset.
screen menu selection. You can toggle “OFF/ON” by pressing the
You can customize the following default settings in sequence during the “+” or “-” menu keys. Press the “EXIT” menu key in order to
setup cycle. The newly customized default values in any setup can be save the customized default values entered during the setup
saved only when the entire setup cycle is completed. The meter displays cycle. The meter will return to normal operation after the
“SAVE” at the end of the entire setup cycle. The setup values are stored message “SAVE” is displayed in the primary screen.
so they will become the new defaults and are not reset after power off.
Use the menu selection keys in order to edit setup values as shown
• Enable or Disable The Auto Power Off Mode
The meter displays “AtP” in the secondary display, “EnbL” or
“DiSA” in the primary display and “+”, “-” and “EXIT” in the on
screen menu selection. You can toggle “EnbL/DiSA” by pressing Key + - EXIT
the “+” or “-” menu keys. Press the “EXIT” menu key to get into
the next setup screen Function Press to Press to Press to step Press to move
increase decrease to next digit in to next setup.
• Auto Power Off Time (in minutes) setting value setting value setting value Press to save
If the auto power off is set to “EnbL” in the first step, the display all setting and
will now allow you to choose the time until the meter exit setup
automatically powers off. The display will show “MIN” in the mode when
upper left corner and “AtP” in the secondary display, and a setting is
two-digit number in the primary display. Adjust the time until
auto power off using the “+”, “-” and “<-” menu selection keys
to a number between 1 and 60. Press the “EXIT” menu key for RS-232C PC to Meter Communications
the next setup selection
The meter is equipped with an optically isolated interface port at the top
• Backlight Auto-Off Time (in seconds) for data communication. The RS70 optical adapter cable and the WS70
The meter will display “LitE” in the secondary display, a two-digit software disc are required to connect the meter to the PC. The meter
number in the primary display and “+”, “-”, “<-” and “EXIT” in includes these standard accessories. Refer to the READ ME file in the
the on screen menu selection. You can setup a new backlight WS70 for further details.
auto-off time (in seconds) by using the menu keys to select a
number between 1 and 60. Press the “EXIT” menu key for the
next setup selection
• Enable or Disable The Power Saving Mode Beep Alert
The meter displays “PALt” in the secondary display, “OFF” or
“ON” in the primary display and “+”, “-” and “EXIT” in the on
screen menu selection. You can toggle “OFF/ON” by pressing the
“+” or “-” menu keys. Press the “EXIT” menu key for the next
setup selection
• Enable or Disable Backlight When Meter Is Powered On
The meter displays “InIL” in the secondary display, “OFF” or
“ON” in the primary display and “+”, “-” and “EXIT” in the on
screen menu selection. You can toggle “OFF/ON” by pressing the
“+” or “-” menu keys. Press the “EXIT” menu key for the next
setup selection

DM397-MAN P. 5
Operating Instructions AC Voltage Measurement
All push-button features are available in this function. The on screen
Making Measurements menu selection accesses decibel (dBm or dB) measurements.
All measurements are made by first setting the function knob to a specific
setting (the meter will select the default function for that position) and dB (dBm or dB V) measurements in AC volts function.
then select a measurement using the menu keys. Note that not all func-
tion knob settings have a corresponding menu selection option. The AC volts function allows you to display readings as deviations in dB
(decibels) above or below an established reference level.
For example, the steps below show how to take a DC voltage measurement.
Set up dB measurements by using the on screen menu selection buttons
when measuring AC volts. The dBm (or dB V) value appears in the
1. Set the measurement knob to V for a voltage measurement.
s e c o n d a rydisplay and the AC reading appears in the primary display.
NOTE: The default for this range is AC voltage.
2. Select the menu key 2 change to DC voltage (Fig 1). Normally dB is measured as dBm, which is a measure of decibels relative
to 1 milliwatt. The meter assumes a resistance of 600Ω in making this
3. Connect the test leads to the correct input jacks (COM, VΩ, , calculation. This resistance can be set for any value from 1Ω to 1,999Ω
, TEMP). by using the setup menu selection buttons. When measuring dB V, the
reference voltage can be set for any value from 0.1000V to 5.0000V by
using the setup menu.

dB = 20 x log (Vx ÷Vr)

• For dBm, Vr is the voltage across the reference resistance

at 1 milliwatt. For example, Vr would be 0.77 46 V with a
600 reference resistance.
• For dB V, the reference voltage is 1 V.

DC Voltage Measurement
All push-button features are available for a standard DC voltage reading.
(Fig 1)
Both AC and DC voltage measurements.
Voltage (mV, V) Measurements
Ranges available in volts functions are: When a DC volts function is selected, the meter can display the combined
AC+DC (RMS) value or AC and DC components of a signal separately by
• mV using the on screen menu selections.
50.000mV, 500.00mV DC and 500.00mV AC
When the meter shows AC over DC (AC voltage in the primary and DC in
Measurement Menu key Connect Leads Primary Display SecondaryDisplay
the secondary display), the other push-button functions except “RA NGE”
are not available.
DC millivolts (no selection) DC -
A p p l i cations: Using AC+DC in AC/DC volts mode


• V DC = 6 V
5.0000V, 50.000V, 500.00V, 1000.0V AC = 1.2 Vrm
Frequency = 60 Hz
Measurement Menu key Connect Leads Primary Display Secondary Display
Voltage (no selection) AC Hz
To take the combined AC+DC total RMS volts measurement, press menu
DC Voltage DC DC - key 4. In the above example the total RMS value of 6.118 V shows on the
dBm AC dBm primary display and the frequency of 60.00 Hz shows on the secondary
dBm or dB display. When calculating the power dissipated in a circuit component, it
dB (press to DC dB
is critical that the DC value is factored into the equation Vrms x Irms
AC+DC total AC+DC Hz where Vrms is AC+DC total RMS.
RMS AC+Dc or
AC+DC dual AC+DC (press AC DC
display to toggle)

*dBm readout = 10 x log (primary display readout 2/r), where R = 600Ω (default)
db readout = 20 x log (primary display readout / ref), where ref = 1V (default)

This meter has high impedance circuitry (10MΩ) for measuring voltage.
DM397-MAN P. 6
Another useful feature of this meter is AC/DC dual display mode. AC Measure Positive Duty Cycle
voltages riding on power supplies can cause problems with electronic
circuits. If the meter is set to DC volts mode, the display shows the DC
component of 6.0000V. However, the AC component may be missed. It
is recommended that you set the meter to AC/DC dual display mode by
pressing menu key 4 twice. The primary display shows the 1.2000 V AC
and the secondary display shows the 6.000 V DC. This is a method to
take both the AC and DC readings on a source without changing the
meter settings.

Frequency (Hz) Measurements

The meter auto-ranges to one of six frequency ranges:
NOTE: The 1mS Peak push-button cannot be used in the frequency
mode. The meter will beep to indicate this when the 1mS Peak
push-button is pressed.

Measurement Menu key Connect Leads Primary Display Secondary Display

Pulse Width Measurement
Frequency (no selection) Hz -EdGE
The pulse width measurement function allows you to measure the
Frequency amount of time a signal is high or low within a given period. The
and duty % Hz Duty Cycle (%) measured waveform must be periodic.
cycle dual
Resistance (Ω, , ) Measurement
and pulse Hz Pulse Width (ms) (Ohms, Continuity and Capacitance)
width dual ms
• The meter defaults at negative edge triggering in the frequency To avoid damaging the meter or the equipment under test, remove all
measurement mode - You can select positive edge by pressing power from the circuit and discharge all high-voltage capacitors before
menu key 4. The secondary display will indicate either “EdGE” measuring resistance.
for positive or “-EdGE” for negative
The available resistance ranges are 50 . 0 0 0Ω, 500.00Ω, 5.0000kΩ,
Duty Cycle Measurement 50 . 0 0 0 kΩ,50 0 . 0 0 kΩ, 5.0000MΩ and 50 . 0 0 0 MΩ.
D u ty cycle (or duty factor) is the percentage of time signal is above or
Measurement Menu key Connect Leads Primary Display SecondaryDisplay
b e l ow a trigger level during one cy c l e .
Resistance (no selection) Ω
The duty cycle mode is optimized for measuring the ON and OFF time of (default)
logic and switching signals. Systems such as electronic fuel injection and OPEn or Short
switching power supplies are controlled by varying pulse-widths which Ω (beeps on short)
can be checked by measuring the duty cy c l e . Continuity

Positive and Negative Duty Cycle Capacitance -

To measure duty cycle, set duty cycle to either positive or negative by Ω
using menu key 4. When you measure negative duty cycle a “-” symbol
s h ows in the secondary display.
Tips for measuring resistance:
• Because the meter’s test current flows through all possible paths
between the test probe tips, the measured value of a resistor in a
circuit is often different from the resistor’s rated value
• The test leads can add 0.1Ω to 0.2Ω of error to resistance
measurements - To measure the resistance of the leads, touch the
probe tips together and read the resistance - If necessary, you
can press the “REL∆” push-button to automatically subtract
this value
• The resistance function can produce enough voltage to
f o rward-bias silicon diodes or transistor junctions causing them
to conduct to avoid this, and possibly damaging circuit components -
Do not use the 50 MΩ range for measuring in-circuit resistance
DM397-MAN P. 7
Continuity Test Forward Biased Reading: Normal forward voltage drop (forw a r d i n g
The continuity function detects intermittent opens and shorts lasting as little biased) for a good silicon diode is between 0.4V and 0.9V. A reading
as 1 millisecond. These brief contacts cause the meter to emit a short beep. higher than that indicates a leaky (defective) diode. A zero reading
This function is convenient for checking wiring connections and operations i n d i cates a shorted (defective) diode. A reading of “oFL” indicates an
of switches. A continuous tone indicates a complete wire or connection. open diode (defective).
Reverse Biased Reading: Reverse the test leads across the diode. The
display should show “oFL” if it is good. Any other readings indicate the
CAUTION! diode is shorted or resistive (defective).
Using resistance and continuity function in a live circuit will produce
false results and may damage the instrument. In many cases the Temperature (Temp) Measurements
suspicious components must be disconnected from the circuit under
test to obtain accurate results.
The 1mS Peak, MIN/M AX and REL∆ functions are not available when WARNING!
continuity is selected Do not apply thermocouple to circuits exceeding 30V RMS 42.4V peak or
60V DC.
Conductance for High Resistance Tests Measurement Menu key Connect Leads Primary Display Secondary Display
Conductance is the reverse of resistance, and is the ability of a circuit to -
Celsius Temp. (no selection) C
pass current. High values of conductance correspond to low values or (default)
resistance. The unit of conductance is the Siemens (S).
Fahrenheit SET F -
Capacitance Measurement
*Use the ATT70, Temperature probe adapter with standard K-type thermocouples.
Observe proper polarity.
To avoid damaging the meter or the equipment under test, remove all
Current ( , ) Measurements
power from the circuit and discharge all high-voltage capacitors before
measuring capacitance. Large value capacitors should be discharged
through an appropriate resistance load. use the DC voltage function to
confirm that the capacitor is discharged.
Never attempt an in-circuit current measurement where the open-circuit
The available capacitance ranges are 5nF, 50nF, 500nF, 5µF, 50µF, 500µF, potential to earth is greater than 1000V. You may damage the meter or
and 5mF (5000 microfarads). be injured if the fuse blows during such a measurement.

Tips for measuringca p a c i t a n c e :

• To speed up measurements of similar values, press “RANGE” Check the meter fuses before measuring current. Use the proper termi-
push-button to manually select the proper range nals, function, and range for current measurements. Never place the
probes in parallel with any circuit or component when the test leads are
• To measure small values of capacitance accurately, press “REL∆“ plugged into the current terminals.
push-button with the test leads open to subtract the residual
capacitance of the meter and test leads The available current ranges are 500.00µA, 5000.0µA, 50.000mA,
500.00mA, 5.0000A and 10.000A.
Diode ( ) Test
Measurement Menu key Connect Leads P r i m a ryDisplay SecondaryDisplay
True RMS
CAUTION! AC Amps (no selection) AC Hz
D i s c h a rge all high - v o l t a gecapacitors before testing diodes. Large value (default)

capacitors should be discharged through an appropriate resistance load. DC Amps DC DC -

Use the diode test to check diodes, transistors, silicon controlled rectifiers
(SCRs), and other semiconductor devices. The test sends a current Total RMS or
through a semiconductor junction, and then measures the junction’s AC/DC
voltage drop. AC/DC (press to AC DC
Dual Display toggle)

Measurement Menu key Connect Le a d s Primary Display Secondary Display

*I RMS = (AC+DC total RMS amps)
Diode (no selection) V -

DM397-MAN P. 8
To Measure AC or DC Current Auto Power Off
The auto power off feature has two steps. The first step has the meter
1. Turn off power to the circuit and discharge all high-voltage capacitors. automatically go to the power saving mode to extend the battery life
after approximately 15 minutes with no activity. When the meter enters
2. Insert the black lead into the “COM” terminal and the red lead
this mode, the meter beeps waring tones every minute. To turn on the
into an input terminal appropriate for the measurement range.
meter, press any button or move the rotary switch to any position. The
Rotary Switch Input Ranges second step is to automatically turn the meter completely off. This
occurs approximately 15 minutes after the meter entered the power
µA mAµA 500.00µA, 5000.0µA saving mode. To turn the meter back on after a complete power off you
mAµA 50.000mA, 500.00mA must rotate the selector to OFF, and then to the required range.
- A
mA A 5.0000A, 10.000A You can disable auto power off by using the setup menu. Both the auto
off time and the power saving mode beep alert time can be adjusted
NOTE: To avoid blowing the meter’s 440mA fuse, use the mAµA from the setup menu.
terminal only if you are sure that the current is less than 400mA. It is
best to start in the higher ra n ge when unsure to take the initial
measurement. 400mA is displayed as 0.4000A in the 5.000A range.
3. Open the circuit path to be tested.
Periodic Service
4. Touch the red lead to the more positive side of the break and the
black lead to the more negative side. (Reverse connections will
only display a negative reading for DC current, but will not WARNING!
damage the meter). Repair and service of this instrument is to be performed by qualified
5. Turn on the power to the circuit and read the display. personnel only. Improper repair or service could result in physical
degradation of the meter. This could alter the protection from
6. After measuring the current, turn off power to the circuit and electrical shock and personal injury this meter provides to the
discharge all high-voltage capacitors. operator. Perform only those maintenance tasks that you are
qualified to do.
7. Disconnect the meter and restore the circuit to normal operation.

Wrong Input Warning Feature These guidelines will help you attain long and reliable service from
your meter:
If the display shows “L EA d” or “FUSE”, be sure the meter is set up
correctly and test the meter’s fuses as described under Auto Fuse • Calibrate your meter annually to ensure it meets original
Detection. If the rotary switch is not correctly set to one of the current performance specifications
measuring positions, the beeper warns you by making a chirping sound. • Keep your meter dry. If it gets wet, wipe dry immediately.
This warning is intended to stop you from attempting a measurement other Liquids can degrade electronic circuits
than current when the test leads are plugged into a current terminal. • Whenever practical, keep the meter away from dust and dirt
that can cause premature wear
Placing the probes in parallel with a powered circuit when the leads are
• Although your meter is built to withstand the rigors of daily use,
plugged into a current terminal can damage the circuit you are testing and
it can be damaged by severe impacts. Use reasonable caution
b l ow the meter’s fuses. This is due to the fact that in the current range the
when using and storing the meter
resistance through the amps terminals is low, and the meter acts like a
short to your circuit.
Periodically clean your meter’s case using a damp cloth. DO NOT use
Auto/Manual Range Operation
abrasive, flammable liquids, cleaning solvents, or strong detergents as
Press the “RANGE” push-button momentarily to select manual and the
they may damage the finish, impair safety, or affect the reliability of the
meter will stay in the range it is in when the LCD icon “AUTO” turns off.
structural components.
Press the button momentarily again to step through the ranges. Press
and hold the “RANGE” push-button for two seconds or more to Clean the input terminals as follows:
resumes auto ranging.
1. Turn the meter off and remove all test leads.
2. Shake out any dirt that may be in the terminals.
3. Soak a new swab with alcohol and work the swab around in
each terminal.

DM397-MAN P. 9
Battery and Fuse Replacement Troubleshooting
Always use a fresh replacement battery of the specified size and type.
Immediately remove the old or weak battery from the meter and Always check the battery and fuses when you encounter trouble. Also
dispose of it in accordance with your local disposal regulations. Batteries inspect the test leads for breaks or damage and replace if damage
can leak chemicals that corrode electronic circuits. If your meter is not is visible.
going to be used for a month or more, remove and store the battery in
a place that will not allow leakage to damage other materials. If the meter’s V/Ω input terminal has been subjected to high voltage
transients (caused by lightning or switching surge to the system under
Auto/Manual Range Operation test) by accident or abnormal operating conditions a series fusible
Press the “RANGE” push-button momentarily to select manual and the resister may be blown. These are circuit components that are designed
meter will stay in the range it is in when the LCD icon “AUTO” turns off. to open in the event of transients to protect the user and the meter.
Press the button momentarily again to step through the ranges. Press Most measuring functions through the terminal will then be open and
and hold the “RANGE” push-button for two seconds or more to not functional.
resumes auto ranging.
If this occurs, the series fusible resistor and spark gaps should be
replaced by qualified personnel. Refer to the limited warranty section
WARNING! for obtaining warranty or repair service.
Disconnect the test leads from the circuit under test and from the meter
prior to removing or installing batteries.
Auto Fuse Detection
The meter automatically verifies the integrity of the fuses when you set
the rotary function knob to the amps or milliamps range and plug a test Safety and Compliance
lead into either the “A” or the “mAµA” terminal. In either case, if an Maximum voltage between 1000V AC/DC
open fuse is detected, the word “FUSE” shows on the primary display. any terminal and earth ground
Compliance Complies with CSA C22.2 No 1010.1-92, ASNI/ISA-S82,
To install a new battery or fuse, follow these procedures:
01-94 to 1000V over voltage CAT III
1. Turn the rotary switch to OFF and remove the test leads from the Certifications UL & cUL standard UL 3111-1 listed
input terminals. CE-marking certified
2. Remove the screw and press above where indicated on back of Surge protection 8kV peak per IEC 1010.1-92
meter to remove the cover. Fuse protection fro mA or µA 1000V / 440 mA IR 10 kA fast fuse
3. Remove old battery of fuse and replace with specified new ones.
Fuse protection for A input 1000V / 11 A UR 10 kA fast fuse
4. Reinstall battery cover and screw.
Physical Specifications
Display (LCD) 50,000 count digital primary
Under no circumstances should you expose batteries to extreme heat or 5,000 count secondary

fire as they may explode and cause injury. Updates 4/sec. nominal
Analog - 25 segments, updates 40/sec.
Operating temperature 32˚ to 122˚F (0˚ to 50˚C)
Storage temperature -4˚ to 140˚F (-20˚ to 60˚C)
Temperature coefficient Nominal 0.15 x (specified accuracy)/˚C @
(0˚ to 18˚C or 28˚ to 50˚C) Otherwise as specified
Relative Humidity 0% to 80% @ 32˚ to 95˚F
0% to 70% @ 96˚ to 122˚F
Altitude Operating - up to 6,500 feet (2,000 m)
Storage - up to 32,000 feet (10,000 m)
Battery type Single 9V battery - NEDA 1604, JIS 006P or IEC 6F 22
Battery life 150 hrs. typical (with backlight off)
Shock vibration Per MIL-T-PRF 28800 for Class II instruments
Pollution degree 2
Electromagnetic capability Susceptibility - commercial limits for EN 50082-1
(EMC) Emissions - commercial limits for EN 50081-1
Size (H x W x D) 8.2” x 4.1” x 2.1” (208 x 103 x 54 mm)
Weight Approximately 1.44 lb (655 g)
Warranty 5 years
Calibration interval 1 year

DM397-MAN P. 10
Feature Summary DC Current
Backlight For clear readings in poorly lighted areas Range Resolution Accuracy
Fast auto ranging Meter automatically selects the best range quickly 500 µA 10 nA
AC+DC total RMS Choices for AC only, AC+DC readings or AC and DC 5 mA 100 nA 0.1% + 5

(@40Hz to 10 kHz) Dual display 50 mA 1 µA

DBm, dBV User selectable impedance references for dBm 500 mA 10 µA

5A 100 µA 0.3% + 10
User selectable voltage references for dBV
10 A 1 mA 0.3% + 20
Auto HOLD Holds readings on display
Continuity/Open test Beeper sounds
AC Current
Fast analog bar graph 25 segments for view of fast events and trends
Memory locations 20 Range Resolution Accuracy
Duty cycle/pulse width Measures the time that the signal is ON or OFF in % or 40Hz - 1kHz 1kHz - 10kHz
milliseconds 500 µA 10 nA

MIN/MAX mode Record maximum, minimum and average values 5 mA 100 nA 0.3% + 5 0.8% + 10
50 mA 1 µA
1mS PEAK mode Captures peaks of 1 millisecond
500 mA 10 µA
Close-case calibration No internal adjustment necessary
5A 100 µA 0.4% + 10 Unspecified
Batter/fuse access door Battery or fuse replaceable without voiding calibration
10 A 1 mA 0.4% + 20
High-impact over molded case Protective feature for the meter and user

(AC+DC) Voltages and (AC+DC) Current

DC Voltage
Function Range Resolution Accuracy
Range Resolution Accuracy 40Hz - 1kHz 1kHz - 10kHz
50 mV 1 µV 0.05% + 10 DC mV 500 mV 100 µV 0.5% + 5 0.8% + 5
500 mV 10 µV 5V 1 mV
5V 100 µV 0.05% + 2 DC V 50 V 10 mV 0.5% + 3 0.8% + 3
50 V 1 mV 500 V 100 mA

500 V 10 mV 1000 V 1V 0.8% + 5 0.8% + 5

1000 V 100 mV 0.1% + 2 DC µA 500 µA 100 nA

5 mA 1 µA 0.5% + 3 1.0% + 5
NMRR : >60dB @ 50/60 Hz DC mA 50 mA 10 µA
CMRR : >120dB @ DC, 50/60 Hz, Rs = 1k 500 mA 100 µA
DC A 5A 1 mA 0.8% + 10 Unspecified
Input impedance : 10MΩ, 30 pF nominal
10 A 10 mA
(50MΩ, 100 pF nominal for 50m V
& 500mV ranges) Resistance
Range Resolution Accuracy
AC Voltage
50 Ω 0.001 Ω 0.5% + 20 *1
Range Resolution Accuracy 500 Ω 0.01 Ω 0.1% + 5 *1
40Hz - 1kHz 4kHz - 5kHz 5kHz - 20z 20kHz - 50kHz 5 kΩ 0.1 Ω
500 mV 10 µV 0.3%+10 1.0%+10 2.0%+20 Unspecified 50 kΩ 1Ω 0.1% + 2
5V 100 µV 500 kΩ 10 Ω
50 V 1 mV 0.3%+10 0.5%+10 0.5%+10 0.8%+20 5 MΩ 100 Ω 0.3% + 5

500 V 10 mV 50 MΩ 1 kΩ 0.5% + 20

1000 V 100 mV 0.4%+10 0.5%+20 Unspecified Unspecified

Open Circuit Voltage: <1.3 V DC
CMRR : >60dB @ DC to 60 Hz, Rs = 1kΩ *1.
Using relative (REL∆) mode
Input impedance : 10MΩ, 30 pF nominal
(50MΩ, 100 pF nominal for 500m V range) Conductance (5,000 counts only)
Range Resolution Accuracy
50 nS 0.01 nS 0.1% + 10

DM397-MAN P. 11
Continuity Burden Voltage (A, mA, µA)
Audible threshold: The beeper sounds if the measured resistance is lower than 10 Ω, Function Range Burden Voltage (typical)
and turns off when greater than about 70 Ω. 500 µA 150 µV / µA

Response time: < 1 m sec. mA / µA 5000 µA 150 µV / µA

50 mA 3.3 mV / mA

Diode Test 500 mA 3.3 mV / mA

A 5A 0.03 V / A
Range Accuracy Test Current (typical) Open Circuit Voltage
10 A 0.03 V / A
4V 2% + 1 1 mA <3.0 V DC

Capacitance (5,000 counts only)

Range Resolution Accuracy *1 Glossary of Terms
5 nF 1 pF 1.0% + 5 * 2

50 nF 10 pF 1.0% + 3 *2 Average sensing RMS calibrated: RMS (Root-Mean-Square) is the

500 nF 100 pF
term used to describe the effective or equivalent DC value of an AC
signal. Most digital multimeters use average sensing RMS calibrated
5 µF 1 nF 2.0% + 3
technique to measure RMS values of AC signals. This technique is to
50 µF 10 nF 3.0% + 3
obtain the average value by rectifying and filtering the AC signal. The
500 µF 100 nF
average value is then scaled upward (that is, calibrated) to read the
5000 µF 1 µF 3.5% + 5 RMS value of a sine wave. In measuring pure sinusoidal waveforms this
*1. technique is fast, accurate and cost effective. However, in measuring
Accuracy with film capacitor or better
non-sinusoidal waveforms significant errors can be introduced because
Using Relative (REL∆) mode of the different scaling factors involved with changing average to
RMS values.
Frequency, Duty Cycle, Pulse Width and Temperature
True RMS: True RMS is a term which identifies a DMM that accurately
Function Range Resolution Accuracy
responds to the effective RMS value regardless of the waveform shapes
Frequency 50 Hz 0.001 Hz
such as square, saw tooth, triangle, pulse trains, spikes and transient
[Minimum 500Hz 0.01 Hz
glitches as well as distorted waveforms with the presence of harmonics.
Frequency: 5 kHz 0.1 Hz 0.002% + 3
0.5 Hz 50 kHz 1 Hz Non-sinusoidal waveforms may cause:
sensitivity 500 kHz 10 Hz • Overheating transformers, generators and motors to burn out
250 mV] 5 MHz 100 Hz faster than normal
Duty Cycle 0.1% to 99.9% 0.1% 0.5 Hz to 300 kHz (pulse width > 3 µ sec.) • Circuit breakers to trip prematurely
(0.1% + 0.05% per kHz+1 count) for 5 V • Fuses to blow
input (Logic signals only)
• Neutrals to be overheated due to the triplen harmonics present
Pulse Width Input Frequency Pulse width > 3µs
on the neutral
• Bus bars and electrical panels to vibrate
0.5 Hz to 300 kHz
Temperature -58˚ to 2.372˚F 0.1˚F with k-type thermocouple
Crest Factor: Crest Factor is the ratio of the Crest (instantaneous peak)
(-50˚ to 1.300˚C) (0.1˚C) ±5.4˚F (±3˚C) typical
value to the True RMS value, which is commonly used to define the
dynamic range of a True RMS DMM. A pure sinusoidal waveform has a
dBm and 1mS PEAK Hold (5,000 counts only) crest factor of 1.414. A badly distorted sinusoidal waveform normally has
a much higher Crest Factor.
Function Characteristics Accuracy
Selectable reference impedance of ±0.25 dB + 2 digits NMRR (Normal Mode Rejection Ratio): NMRR is the DMM’s ability
dBm 1 to 1, 9 9 9 (@ 40 Hz to 20kHz) to reject unwanted AC noise effect, which can cause inaccurate DC
At 600 : -11.76 dBm to 54.25 dBm measurements. NMRR is typically specified in terms of dB (decibel). This
Input impedance: 10M, 30 pF nominal meter has a NMRR specification of >60 dB at 50Hz / 60Hz, which provides
1 mS PEAK Specified voltage or current measurement accuracy ±30 counts of the peak the ability to reject the effect of AC noise in DC measurements.
value of a single 1 mS pulse.
CMRR (Common Mode Rejection Ratio): Common mode voltage is
voltage existing on both the COM and Voltage input terminals of a DMM
with respect to ground. CMRR is a DMM’s ability to reject common
mode voltage effect, which can cause digit rattle or offset in voltage
measurements. This meter has a CMRR specification of >60 dB at DC to
60 Hz in AC volts measurement function and >120 dB at DC, 50Hz and
60Hz in DC volts measurement function.

DM397-MAN P. 12
Burden Voltage: Burden voltage is a voltage drop across the input
terminals of a current measuring device, caused by internal shunt
resistance. Burden voltage contributes to the measurement error, and
should be as low as practical.

Temperature Coefficient: Temperature Coefficient is a factor used

to calculate the change in indication or output of an instrument with
changes in temperature. Un-compensated changes in temperature
contribute uncertainty by an amount determined by the temperature
coefficient of the instrument.

Analog Bar Graph: The analog bar graph provides a visual indication
of measurements similar to a traditional analog meter’s needle. It is
excellent in detecting faulty contacts, identifying potentiometer’s clicks
and indicating signal spikes during adjustments.

DM397-MAN P. 13
True RMS Digital Multimeter

Limited Warranty
The DM397 is warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of
five years from the date of purchase. If within the warra n ty period your instrument should
become inoperative from such defects, the unit will be repaired or replaced at UEi’s option.
This warra n ty covers normal use and does not cover damage which occurs in shipment or
failure which results from alteration, tampering, accident, misuse, abuse, neglect or improper
maintenance. Batteries and consequential damage resulting from failed batteries are not
covered by warra n ty.

Any implied warranties, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability
and fitness for a particular purpose, are limited to the express warranty. UEi shall not be
liable for loss of use of the instrument or other incidental or consequential damages,
expenses, or economic loss, or for any claim or claims for such damage, expenses or
economic loss. A purchase receipt or other proof of original purchase date will be required
before warra n ty repairs will be rendered. Instruments out of warra n ty will be repaired (when
repairable) for a service charge. Return the unit postage paid and insured to:

1-800-547-5740 • FAX: (503) 643-6322 • Email: [email protected]

This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights which vary from
state to state.



Copyright © 2007 UEi DM397-MAN 1/07

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