Biometric Authentication: - Technology and Evaluation

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Biometric Authentication

- Technology and Evaluation -

Term Project CS574

Spring 2003
San Diego State University

Uwe Bubeck Dina Sanchez


1.1 Historical Background 2
1.2 The Use of Biometrics for Authentication vs. Identification 3
1.3 Advantages of Biometrics 3
2.1 Physiological Biometrics 5
2.2 Behavioral Biometrics 8
3.1 Motivation 9
3.2 Metrics and Performance Criteria 9
3.3 Evaluation Methodology 11
3.4 Test Results 11
3.5 Overcoming Biometric Systems 13
5.1 BioAPI 17
5.2 CBEFF 18

Uwe Bubeck: [email protected]

Dina Sanchez: [email protected]
Bubeck/Sanchez Biometric Authentication 2


This paper presents a survey of the use of biometrics in the field of computer security,
with a focus on biometric authentication. We briefly outline the historical background on
concepts related to biometrics, followed by the distinction between the use of biometrics
for authentication and identification, and the advantages of the use of biometrics for both
processes. The main part of the paper introduces the current biometric technologies and
discusses their evaluation. The last part of the paper gives an overview of the major appli-
cations and briefly lists the most important industry standards.

1.1 Historical Background

The use of Biometrics is often regarded as a groundbreaking concept, coming straight out
of modern science fiction literature. Nevertheless, there are numerous historical events
that prove that the idea of using physical or behavioral characteristics for identification
existed in ancient civilizations as well.

The first recorded historic incident is reported to have taken place in ancient Egypt, during
the construction of the great pyramid of Khufu. Faced with a huge logistical challenge, the
administrators in charge of providing food supplies to the workforce devised a system, by
which every worker in a unit was assigned to go to the food warehouse once a month to
receive his food allowance for that month. The administrators kept records of every
worker’s name, age, place of origin, work unit, occupation and the last date on which the
worker received his allowance. The collected data was used for verification of identity,
when a worker appeared in the food warehouse to claim his allowance. As violations were
discovered (some workers claimed multiple/false identities), the administrators decided to
include physical and behavioral characteristics on the record as well [1].

Another interesting technique was first used in the Babylonian era, where hand imprints
were used to “prove the authenticity of certain engravings and works” [1], a concept that
was revisited in 1823 by the Czech Jan Evangelista Purkinje, who noticed that unique pat-
terns were formed by sweat excreted on a persons hand [1]. This concept was further re-
fined in 1888, by Juan Vucetich, an Argentinean police officer, who was the first to take
fingerprints on ink as an identification method. 1893, Sir Francis Galton finally demon-
strated that no two fingerprints are alike, even in cases of identical twins [3].
Bubeck/Sanchez Biometric Authentication 3

1.2 The Use of Biometrics for Authentication vs. Identification

An authentication process addresses the question of “Am I who I claim to be?” In a sys-
tem that uses biometrics, a user claims an identity, then his/her biometric data is captured,
and compared against data already stored in the system, to return a match (thus authenti-
cating the user to be who he/she claims to be), or a mismatch. Controlling physical access
to military facilities is one example of the applications in which biometrics is used for

An identification process addresses the question of “Who am I?” Unlike authentication, in

identification systems, a user is not required to claim an identity. In this case, the user’s
data is captured and compared against the data stored in the system to find the closest
match(es), and thus possibly reveal the identity of the user.

Biometric identification is often used in large-scale systems for surveillance or screening

purposes. This poses specific challenges to data acquisition and matching performance
that are beyond the scope of this paper. We will instead focus on authentication systems.

1.3 Advantages of Biometrics

Using biometrics for authentication has obvious conceptual advantages when compared to
the traditional use of passwords or PINs. In theory, biometric data cannot be guessed, sto-
len or shared among users, therefore providing increased security to a system. It also re-
lieves the user from the burden of having to remember a password, or worse multiple
passwords for different systems within an organization [2].

In addition to authentication, biometric applications are employed in large-scale identifica-

tion systems, where they offer two important benefits: fraud detection and fraud deter-
rence. For example, one person can claim multiple identities, using fraudulent documents,
to receive benefits from a public program. Without the use of biometrics, it would be ex-
tremely difficult to discover that the person has multiple registrations, considering the
large volume of data stored in the system. Biometrics can therefore contribute to fraud
detection. On the other hand, the presence of such a feature in a system introduces a
psychological effect on people, as it dissuades individuals from attempting to register
more than once, as they become aware of the fact the their unique
physiological/behavioral characteristics are used to identify them. For this effect, biomet-
rics provides the benefit of fraud deterrence [2].
Bubeck/Sanchez Biometric Authentication 4


In this section, we will briefly describe the current biometric technologies and present
their strengths and weaknesses. Detailed evaluation can be found in chapter 3.

It is worth noting that even though there are differences between the actual technologies,
they mostly follow a common pattern. The basic processes of a biometric system are the
1. Enrollment: this is process through which the raw biometric data is captured. De-
pending on the technology being implemented, the data captured could be a facial
image, a fingerprint, voice data, etc.
2. Feature extraction: in this stage, the raw data acquired during enrollment is proc-
essed to locate and encode the distinctive characteristics on which the system oper-
3. Template creation: a template is “a small file derived from the distinctive features
of a user’s biometric data” [2]. It is considered the building block of a biometric
system, and in most cases templates are proprietary to each vendor and technology.

Templates can occur in two forms:

a. Enrollment templates: generated during the user’s first interaction with
the system, and stored in the enrollment database for future use.
b. Match templates: generated during identification/authorization attempts,
to be compared against enrollment templates, and generally discarded after
the matching process.

4. Biometric matching: during this process, a match template is compared against an

enrollment template to determine the degree of correlation. The matching process
results in a score that is compared against a threshold. If the score exceeds the
threshold, the result is a match; otherwise it is considered a mismatch. [2]
Bubeck/Sanchez Biometric Authentication 5

2.1 Physiological Biometrics

Finger Scan
This is a technology that uses the unique fingerprint patterns present on the human finger
to identify or verify the identity of the individual.

Several acquisition techniques can be used (Details in [5]):

• optical scanning
• capacitive scanning (silicon chip)
• ultrasound scanning

This technology is very popular in the field due to a number of reasons:

• First and foremost, it is a “mature and proven core technology” [2] that has been
vigorously tested, and delivers high accuracy levels.
• It is also a flexible technology that can be used in a wide range of environments.
• It has the advantage of employing “ergonomic, easy-to-use devices” [2]
• Finally, by performing multiple finger scans (of different fingers) for each individ-
ual, the system’s ease of use can be increased.

Nevertheless, the finger-scan technology has some weaknesses that prevent it from being
useful in certain applications:
• It has been discovered that “most devices are unable to enroll some small percent-
age of users” [2]. This is attributed to hardware limitations as well as physiological
reasons for special population groups.
• It has been reported that in systems which use the finger scan technology, perform-
ance generally tend to deteriorate over time (for example, fingerprints can change
due to aging or wear or tear) [2].
• The last drawback is of a psychological nature. Since finger printing has always
been used by law enforcement agencies, the technology is often “associated with
forensic applications” [2].
Bubeck/Sanchez Biometric Authentication 6

Facial Scan
This technology is suited for both authentication and identification. It is based on the
analysis of facial features and has a few strengths:
• The most obvious is that it can be easily integrated in an environment that already
uses image acquisition equipment.
• It can also be used to “search against static images such as driver’s license photo-
graphs” [2].
• In addition, it does not always require the user’s cooperation to obtain the neces-
sary data.

However, the technology has many drawbacks:

• The most obvious drawback is the presence of many variables which constitute an
implementation challenge and which can greatly reduce the system’s matching
rate, for example, a change in the environment surrounding the individual, or
changes in the individual’s physiological characteristics.
• Also, the mere fact that the individual’s cooperation is not required for gathering
the data (a person’s face might be scanned without his knowledge or consent),
raises many privacy concerns.

Iris Scan
This is a technology based on using the unique features of the human iris for identifica-
tion/authentication. So far, the technology has been successfully implemented in ATMs
and is currently being promoted for desktop usage. The technology promises “exception-
ally high levels of accuracy” [2], as the characteristics of the human iris maintain a high
level of stability over the individual’s lifetime.

Nevertheless, the challenges to the technology stem from the image acquisition process,
which requires the use of proprietary devices and accurate positioning, and thus some spe-
cialized training. In addition, for some users, using an eye-based technology represents a
major discomfort. [2]

Voice Scan
This is a technology that uses the unique aspects of the individual’s voice for identifica-
tion or authentication purposes. This technique is text-dependent, which means that the
system cannot verify any phrase spoken by the user, but rather a specific phrase associated
Bubeck/Sanchez Biometric Authentication 7

with that user’s account. Voice scan is often coupled with speech recognition in systems
that use verbal passwords. The processes of data acquisition and data storage represent the
main obstacles to this technique. Gathering accurate voice data is entirely dependent on
the quality of capture devices used and thus the absence of noise. In addition, voice data
often generates relatively large templates, which constitutes a serious limitation to the
number of applications this method is suitable for [2].

Hand Scan
This technology uses distinctive features of the hand, such as geometry of hand and fin-
gers, for identity verification. Hand scan is “a more application-specific solution than most
biometric technologies, used exclusively for physical access and time and attendance ap-
plications” [2]. The main advantages of this method are:
• It is based on a relatively stable physiological characteristic.
• It is generally considered to be non-intrusive from the user’s perspective.

On the other hand, this technology is of limited accuracy and “the ergonomic design limits
usage by certain populations” [2].

Retina Scan
This technology uses the distinct features of the retina for identification and authorization.
It is considered one of the least used technologies in the field of biometrics, almost only
used in highly classified government and military facilities. Even though this technique
delivers very high levels of accuracy, yet its unpopularity is attributed to the difficulty of
usage, in addition to the user’s discomfort [2].

DNA Matching
A relatively new technology that relies on the analysis of DNA sequences for identifica-
tion and authentication. The technology raises many concerns over “privacy issues, inva-
siveness and data misuse.” [2] and currently cannot be done fully automated.

Vein Identification
Another fairly new technology that uses the vein patterns on the back of the hand for iden-
tification and authentication. The technology has the potential of delivering high accuracy,
in addition to the advantage of being non-intrusive to the user [2]. Vein identification has
been recently implemented in commercial products, such as VeinID.
Bubeck/Sanchez Biometric Authentication 8

2.2 Behavioral Biometrics

Signature Scan
This technology uses the human written signature for identity verification. This technique
is non-invasive to the user and flexible in the sense that it can be changed by the user
(unlike most of the other biometric technologies), yet the error rates can be very high due
to inconsistencies in one’s signature [2]. This static analysis can be extended to incorpo-
rate dynamic features (e.g. velocity, acceleration, pressure), claiming increased accuracy
and reduced privacy concerns [4].

Keystroke Scan
This technology uses a person’s distinctive typing patterns for verification. This technique
is combined with the traditional password scheme for increased security. It doesn’t require
any special hardware for data acquisition, since all data is gathered from the keyboard.
Furthermore, the process is practically invisible to the user, since the user is merely asked
to type his/her password. In addition, the technique is highly flexible, as it accommodates
to password changes [2].

However, the method is fairly new, and the underlying concepts have not been fully de-
veloped. In addition, keystroke scan inherits all the flaws of password-based systems [2].

Gait Recognition
A technology based on the analysis of the “rhythmic patterns associated with walking stri-
de” [2]. This is another new concept, currently under development.
Bubeck/Sanchez Biometric Authentication 9


3.1 Motivation

Over the last 3-5 years, the biometrics industry has seen an enormous growth. In particu-
lar, the call for more security following the events of September 11, 2001, has created a
big hype in biometric technology. This has led to the development of a variety of different
methods and even more vendors waiting for customers. Those, however, seem to be reluc-
tant to invest in a technology that is still emerging and therefore features a bewildering
diversity of products and companies. As a recent article in the Washington Business Jour-
nal brought it to the point, "biometrics is the next evolution in security, but it's a very
fragmented industry, with lots of companies trying different things" [6].

Comparative testing can provide valuable orientation. Considerable research has been
conducted recently on developing standardized biometric evaluation methodology to re-
flect real-world performance. The most active research organizations in this area are:
• The “UK Biometrics Working Group” (BWG)1, a UK governmental organization,
has developed the widely recognized “Best Practice” standards for testing and re-
porting on biometric device performance [7].
• The “International Biometric Group” (IBG)2, an independent consulting firm, has
conducted comparative biometric testing since 1999 [10].

We will give an overview of the techniques developed and discuss actual test results for
various biometric systems.

3.2 Metrics and Performance Criteria

Just as in other areas of computer security, vendors of biometric systems are constantly
promising near-perfect security. Adverts are full of technical buzzwords and good-looking
performance values. For example, a renowned vendor of fingerprint sensors claims on his
website that his “sensor achieved 0.0% false acceptance and 0.0% false rejection rates”.
Sounds great to the unaware customer, but the following definitions will soon allow us to
understand the exact testing conditions (they were described on a separate web page) and
reveal that those numbers are not as impressive as they seem at first glance.

UK Biometrics Working Group Website:
International Biometric Group Website:
Bubeck/Sanchez Biometric Authentication 10

The following three key metrics are commonly used to assess the performance of a bio-
metric authentication system (definitions according to [7]):
• The False Match Rate (FMR) is the probability that the system will match a
user’s verification template with a different user’s enrollment template. It can be
understood as the likelihood of an impostor being recognized as a legitimate user.
In general, this is the most critical accuracy metric, as it is imperative in most ap-
plications to keep impostors out.
• The False Nonmatch Rate (FNMR) is the probability that a user’s verification
template is not matched with his enrollment template. So it is the likelihood of a
legitimate user not being recognized as such. While not as critical as the FMR,
high false match rates can still lead to lost productivity or user frustration.
• The Failure-to-Enroll Rate (FTE) denotes the probability that the system will not
be able to extract distinctive, consistent and replicable characteristics from the
sample presented during the enrollment process, i.e. this is the likelihood of the
system being unable to create an enrollment template for a new user. This might
have behavioral reasons, e.g. user moving during data acquisition, as well as
physical reasons, e.g. faint patterns because of wear or aging.

In the event of a false nonmatch or a failure to enroll, it is likely that the system will offer
to retry a number of times. Analogously, an impostor is likely to try again after a failed
attempt to get access. It is therefore useful to extend the metrics presented above to reflect
the possibility for a final error after multiple attempts (a complete transaction). According
to the “Best Practice” testing standards [7], three attempts should be allowed and the fol-
lowing naming conventions be used: the extension of the FMR is usually called the False
Acceptance Rate (FAR), the extension of the FNMR is the False Rejection Rate (FRR)
and the extension of the FTE is the System Failure-to-Enroll Rate. The latter two present
a biometric system in a better light, whereas the first one will reveal a higher error rate.

Modifications to the parameters of the system, especially the threshold value, allow to
lower either FMR or FNMR – unfortunately not both at the same time, as research con-
ducted by the BWG [9] has shown there is an inverse relationship between the two crite-
ria. This is why many available systems tolerate enormous false rejection rates just to keep
the false match rates as low as possible. For many applications of biometrics, this is not a
problem, as it is often possible to find a suitable balance between susceptibility to false
matches and false nonmatches. However, especially some of the more popular possible
areas of application, like the financial sector, are quite susceptible to both. This has been a
definitive knockout for many experiments with biometrics and has caused the technology
to lose credibility in the eyes of potential customers.
Bubeck/Sanchez Biometric Authentication 11

3.3 Evaluation Methodology

Biometric characteristics may change over time. For many technologies, this is a major
challenge and can lead to dramatic increases in false nonmatches. The IBG tests [10] are
therefore broken into two parts: a first round (called the primary visit) immediately after
enrollment and a second round (second visit) under identical test conditions, but after a
time of six weeks.

We can now demystify the initial example of a vendor claiming 0.0% false acceptance and
0.0% false rejection rates: a couple of mouse clicks away from the product description,
they reveal on a separate web page that those numbers were achieved in IBG’s primary
visit test. Furthermore, as we already know from the last section, false rejection means a
false nonmatch after up to as much as three attempts. And all of a sudden, those numbers
have largely lost their impressiveness. Nanavati/Thieme [2] bring it to the point with the
following conclusion: “Verifying a user immediately after enrollment is not highly chal-
lenging to biometric systems. However, after six weeks, testing shows that some systems’
error rates increase tenfold.”

Depending on the actual technology used, biometric systems are more or less sensitive to
environmental changes. Comparative testing therefore has to follow very strict protocols
to ensure that all systems are evaluated under equal conditions. Furthermore, systems tend
to be susceptible to changes in user presentation. For real-world performance testing, it is
important to randomly select a volunteer crew that reflects the user population for the an-
ticipated area of application, including users which are unfamiliar with enrolling and veri-
fying on biometric systems, or even scared. Different ethnic and age groups should also be
represented. This is not always easy, as BWG admit in their test report [9].

3.4 Test Results

Based on the criteria and methodology presented in the previous sections, the BWG has
conducted a large-scale comparative test [9]. Over a period of 3 months, a volunteer crew
of slightly over 200 participants has used authentication systems based on 7 different bio-
metric technologies in a normal office environment. The test was back in late 2000, but it
is still widely referenced in the biometric community. To our knowledge, there have not
been any more recent (and publicly available!) tests that incorporate a comparable diver-
sity of technologies.
Bubeck/Sanchez Biometric Authentication 12

Except for retina scanning (which, because of its difficult acquisition process, is mainly
limited to military use) and DNA matching (which currently cannot be done fully auto-
mated and is still in experimental stages), all physiological biometrics presented in chap-
ter 2 have been tested.

In the following, we present the most important results. The data is cited from the final
test report [9]. For more detailed results and an exact description of test scenario and
methodology, please refer to the report.

System Failure-to-Enroll Rate

Face 0.0%
Fingerprint – Chip 1.0%
Fingerprint – Optical 2.0%
Hand 0.0%
Iris 0.5%
Vein 0.0%
Voice 0.0%
Table 1: Failure-to-Enroll Rate (Source: [9])

System FAR 0.001% FAR 0.01% FAR 0.1% FAR 1.0%

Face – FRR 40% FRR 30% FRR 15%
Fingerprint – Chip FRR 2.7% FRR 2.3% FRR 2.1% FRR 1.7%
Fingerprint – Optical – FRR 16% FRR 12% FRR 10%
Hand FRR 13% FRR 9.0% FRR 1.2% FRR 0.25%
Iris FRR 0.25%
Vein FRR 13% FRR 13% FRR 12% FRR 10%
Voice FRR 12% FRR 4.5% FRR 0.5% –
Table 2: FAR vs. FRR, 3 attempts (Source: [9])

We can conclude that iris scanning and capacitive fingerprint systems achieve good over-
all performance. Unfortunately, those technologies appear to have the highest failure-to-
enroll rates. One percent does not seem to be much, but in a company with 500 employ-
ees, it means five of them won’t be able to enroll – an alternative authentication method
would have to be provided, raising cost and potential security problems. It will be interest-
ing to see whether improved acquisition devices and algorithms will be able to overcome
this problem in the near future.
Bubeck/Sanchez Biometric Authentication 13

3.5 Overcoming Biometric Systems

In the past, researchers have focused on analysing the accuracy of authentication achieved
by biometric systems. Technologies have improved over the years, and some of them are
already able to combine reasonable accuracy with acceptable ease of use. It has therefore
become more likely that an attacker will try to get around the biometric system itself or to
overcome it.

With buzzwords like “Live and Well” Detection, the industry tried to disperse doubts. In
May 2002 however, two interesting articles appeared:
• T. Matsumoto, a Japanese mathematician (!), demonstrated how to fool fingerprint
devices with artificial gelatine fingers [11].
• The renowned German computer magazine c’t featured an article on fooling a va-
riety of different commercial biometric devices using simple tricks. Although only
intended for the print edition of the German-language magazine, this article has
stirred so much interest worldwide that it was translated into English and made
available on the web [12].

Both of them are based on rather informal studies, but can nevertheless be considered sci-
entific. In the following, we present some of the most astounding results.

c’t identifies three different attack scenarios:

• Presenting artificially created samples to the regular sensor
• Eavesdropping the communication between the sensor device and the system (e.g.
using USB sniffers or hardware analyzers)
• Exploiting poorly protected template databases

The first scenario has proven to be the easiest und most successful. But the other two can
help to obtain the data required to create an artificial sample. It has turned out that poorly
protected databases are surprisingly common, even for expensive systems. If the attacker
has already access to the system (but perhaps on a lower privilege level), he might be able
to read templates belonging to other users. Especially for privacy concerns, the industry
has always denied that it is possible to reconstruct sufficient sample data from an enroll-
ment template. In practice, however, this is possible for some systems.
Bubeck/Sanchez Biometric Authentication 14

Matsumoto and c’t found even easier ways to get sample data belonging to other users and
to “fool” several technologies:
• The capacitive fingerprint scanners in the test allowed an attacker to restore la-
tent images on the surface of the scanner using graphite powder and adhesive film.
This technique also allows to capture residual fingerprints on other objects. Ma-
tsumo managed to produce gelatine fingers out of the captured fingerprints. Using
these gummy fingers, he was able to fool 11 different types of fingerprint systems.
• Face recognition systems could be fooled by displaying (secretly captured) photos
or video clips on a notebook screen presented to the camera. Even systems that
claimed to have “live detection” could be taken in by video clips.
• Iris Systems were fooled using a high-quality photo of a human iris printed on
special paper. A hole was cut in the middle, and the attacker held the photo in front
of his eyes, such that his own pupils were visible through the hole. That was suffi-
cient to overcome the “live detection” of the tested systems.

What’s amazing about those results is that the attackers used very easy and inexpensive
means – no cut off fingers or artificial eyes, as shown in Hollywood movies. Vendors
were quickly to point out that the systems tested were not high-security devices. Neverthe-
less, some of them came with hefty price tags, so one should expect them to be resistant to
attacks like these.

What can we learn from those discoveries? As in other areas of computer security, we
have to consider the security of a biometric system as a whole. The most sophisticated
algorithms and technologies are useless if communication channels, template databases or
acquisition devices itself are not resistant to attack.

If a conventional password-based authorization system happens to be compromised, it is

possible for users to start over again on a clean system with new passwords. In a physio-
logical biometric system, you cannot simply get a new fingerprint or a new iris! This is a
major concern and explains why templates and the original biometric data need the highest
possible degree of protection.
Bubeck/Sanchez Biometric Authentication 15


According to the International Biometric Group’s “Biometric Market Report 2003-2007”

[13], total biometric revenues are likely to reach the magic number of $1 billion in the
year 2003. In this chapter, we give a brief overview of this rapidly growing market.

Biometric applications can be categorized in horizontal categories as well as vertical mar-

kets. Biometrics are most frequently used in the following horizontal categories ([2], [13],
in descending order of estimated annual revenues generated 2003-2007):
• Citizen Identification:
identify/authentify citizens interacting with government agencies
• PC / Network Access:
secure access to PCs, networks and other computer resources
• Physical Access / Time and Attendance:
secure access to a given area at a given time
• Surveillance and Screening:
identify/authentify individuals present in a given location
• Retail / ATM / Point of Sale:
provide identification/authentication for in-person transactions for goods/services
• E-Commerce / Telephony:
provide identification/authentication for remote transactions for goods/services
• Criminal Identification:
identify/verify individuals in law enforcement applications

In each of those applications, biometric systems can be used to either replace or comple-
ment existing authentication methods.
Bubeck/Sanchez Biometric Authentication 16

The key vertical markets are the following ([13], in descending order of estimated annual
revenues generated 2003-2007):
• Government Sector
• Travel and Transportation
• Financial Sector
• Health Care
• Law Enforcement

Among the technologies, finger scan is the undisputed leader with more than 50% market
share (Source: [13]):

Figure 1: 2003 Market Share by Technology (Source: [13])

Bubeck/Sanchez Biometric Authentication 17


Recently, the computer industry leaders have dedicated serious efforts to create standards
for the fields of biometrics. The lack of standards, which forces companies to adhere to a
certain technology, is regarded as one of the main reasons that biometric applications have
not been widely adopted in business environments. The availability of an industry stan-
dard would allow software vendors to develop so-called biometric middleware which
could use a variety of data input devices, even combining multiple technologies into one

5.1 BioAPI

BioAPI is a consortium formed by 50 organizations in 1998 to “develop a widely avail-

able and widely accepted API that will serve for various biometric technologies”.3 As sta-
ted on the BioAPI consortium website (, the goals of the BioAPI
are to:
• Work with industry biometric solution developers, software developers, and sys-
tem integrators to leverage existing standards to facilitate easy adoption and im-
• Develop an OS independent standard.
• Make the API independent of biometric details.
• Support a broad range of applications.

Earlier standardization efforts such as BAPI (Biometric API) and HA-API (Human Au-
thentication API) have merged into BioAPI by March 1999 [14].

Version 1.0 of the specification was published in March 2000, and version 1.1 of both the
specification and the reference implementation was released in March 2001. BioAPI is
now an ANSI Standard ANSI/INCITS 358-2002. Recently, vendors have started rolling
out products that are BioAPI compliant.

Bubeck/Sanchez Biometric Authentication 18


The Common Biometric Exchange File Format (CBEFF) is a result of the collaboration of
the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Biometric Consortium,
as both organizations sponsored a workshop in February 1999 to define standardized tem-
plate formats. During this workshop, “the participants identified the need for a “technol-
ogy-blind” biometric file format that would facilitate the handling of different biometric
types, versions, and biometric data structures in a common way”4. As listed on the CBEFF
section of the NIST website (, CBEFF is in-
tended to provide the following features:
• Facilitate biometric data interchange between different system components or be-
tween systems
• Promote interoperability of biometric-based application programs and systems
• Provide forward compatibility for technology improvements

• Simplify the software and hardware integration process

CBEFF was published by NIST in January 2001 as NISTIR 6529, and is being adopted by
biometric vendors.

As reported in [15], there is a very close relationship between BioAPI and CBEFF, with
CBEFF being the preferred file format of BioAPI.

Bubeck/Sanchez Biometric Authentication 19


There’s no doubt about it: biometrics has come a long way from the first experimental
devices to recent commercial systems featuring a reasonably balanced combination of
matching performance and ease of use.

However, there is still much to be done: customers are scared off by high failure-to-enroll
and false nonmatch rates as well as incompatibilities. Furthermore, system security as a
whole needs more care to be taken of.

Future improvements in acquisition technology and algorithms as well as the availability

of industry standards will certainly assure a bright future for biometrics. Will this be the
end of traditional password- or token-based systems? Certainly not – biometrics is not the
perfect solution either, it is just a good trade-off between security and ease of use. Future
security solutions will therefore be likely to feature combinations of different technolo-
gies, for example tokens and biometrics.


General Biometrics References

[1] Ashbourn, Julian. “Biometrics: Advanced Identity Verification”.

Springer, London, 2000
[2] Nanavati, Samir et al. ”Biometrics: Identity Verification in a Networked World”.
Wiley Computer Publishing, New York, 2002
[3] Baird, Stephen. “Biometrics”. The Technology Teacher, February 2002
[4] Jain, Anil et al. “Biometric Identification”.
Communications of the ACM v43 n2, 2000

Recent Developments

[5] Kroeker, Kirk L. et al. “Graphics and Security: Exploring Visual Biometrics”.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications July/August 2002
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