2013 Urban Landscape Systems Kuitert PDF
2013 Urban Landscape Systems Kuitert PDF
2013 Urban Landscape Systems Kuitert PDF
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Kuitert Wybe
Seoul National University
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Urban landscape systems
understood by geo-history map overlay
Wybe Kuitert
Department of Landscape Architecture, Seoul National University, South Korea
it seems, Waldheim and Mostafavi rely on design case studies. These are
expensiveschemes with a commercial and aesthetic purpose that satisfy
a local or regional ambition to invest in ecology or sustainability without
posing a more globally applicable approach. A true merger of landscape
architecturewith the field of urban ecology lacks; both urbanisms remain
aesthetical when it comes to urban planning, or remain as detached the-
oretical analysis only (cf. Forman 2010; Marzluff 2008; McDonnell, Hahs &
Breuste 2009; Niemelä et al. 2011; Steiner 2011). Landscape architect Steiner
proposed an integrated planning solution for a new neighbourhood of
Phoenix (Steiner 1999; 2008). In the same line, but stressing the need for
understanding the cultural history of an urban landscape, a geo-history
map overlay as a method that forms the groundwork for integratedurban
planning is proposed.
This paper sees the city as a landscape system, that is, pattern, struc-
ture, function and process of soil, water, vegetation and human settle-
ment. ‘Landscape’, is not regarded as a foundation for human settlement
but as a system in movement and in process. From a human point of view
the processes of settlement then reflect in historicity, making the city into
the story of its place. But suggesting landscape systems as a basis for a
sound city planning also forms a link with urban ecology that addresses
natural-scientific issues. Map overlay of geo-data and history is pertinent
for its natural-scientific component as well as its historic component so
it can be applied to any urban situation, rich or poor. As such it poses a
universally applicable, integrated planning vision (Nature 2008). It will al-
ways increase the awareness of problems that are relevant when planning
the urban. At the same time it leaves room for cultural, artistic, politi-
cal or any other interpretation when implementing planning or design.
Berlin and Seoul are introduced as experimental cases for geo-history
map overlay, taking a geo-science related topic that can be expressed in
10 km
hard data, and one from environmental psychology that can be expressed
in soft values and perceptions. The implications that geo-history map
overlay may have for planning with water and identity for these cities are
discussed. Obviously other aspects like biotope planning for vegetation ed in 1394 AD on the site of an older settlement. Berlin evolved gradually
and fauna, or landscape design in the city, can profit from geo-history with several larger expansions, such as the nineteenth-century suburbs and
map overlay, but they are not introduced here. the massive post-Second World War reconstruction. Seoul witnessed an ex-
plosive expansion from the later 1950s on, following the Korean War truce of
1.2. Berlin and Seoul as cases 1953. As large areas of Seoul were developed within the last fifty years or so,
These cities were selected as cases to test the geo-history overlay approach in the urban fabric is easier to identify and classify. Berlin is more diversified.
a wider context. Though located on the Eurasian continent and similar in From a landscape ecology and natural geography viewpoint, Seoul’s land-
age, they differ in geomorphology and history of urban form. Berlin’s urban scape is a complex Quaternary alluvial within much older systems while
history was established around the twelfth century, while Seoul was found- Berlin’s is a simple, post-glacial (Holocene) system.
10 km
Figure 2 In a simplified presentation, the geomorphology of Berlin Figure 3 The Elector’s residential cities, Berlin and Cölln,
is a glacial valley between two plateaus. Adapted from Berlin Senate at the Spree River (Memhard 1652)
Department for Urban Development, Environmental Atlas.
The modern mapping of Seoul fully covers the entire urban area; the soil ments and pictures it with map units that are legible in the context of
map, for example, was surveyed largely just prior to the explosive expan- our times.
sions of the city in the second half of the last century. Correlations of city
form and landscape pattern are therefore easily studied. Berlin’s mapping 2.1. Landscape system and the origin of Berlin
is an interesting case too, because of the far-advanced modern under- The core of Berlin is situated on the rather flat floor of the Warsaw-Ber-
standing of its urban ecology. Prosperous cities, both are now confronted lin glacial valley that was a major outlet for glacial melting water in the
with questions of sustainability; ‘green’ policies are looked to for the Weichsel-Pleistocene era (Liedtke & Marcinek 2002). This NW-SE valley
answer(UNU/IAS 2003). holds the widely meandering bed of the Spree River; lakes are abundant
and subsoil water is found near ground level (Fig. 2).
1.3. Geo-history map overlay as tool Berlin lies at a point where the glacial valley is most narrow, about
Data on Seoul stem from the Landscape Map of Seoul, a research project at 4 to 5 km wide. The river deposited washes at this point, splitting itself
the Lab on Landscape, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Seoul into two branches, leaving an easy crossing for humans. Strategically it
National University. For Berlin, data were used as available on the web in was a cross-roads for the important trade routes connecting Rhine and
the Umweltatlas [Environmental Atlas] (Berlin Senate Department for Ur- Oder, as well as the Eastern Sea and central Germany. Due to this central
ban Development). Map research is supported with limited literature re- position in the traffic geography of the continent, the Spree River cross-
search on the history of urban form. ing flourished as a centre for trade from the end of the twelfth century
To find out how correlations work in the urban landscape, maps were on; two market towns, Cölln and Berlin, rose on opposite shores (Fig. 3).
layered with Adobe Illustrator and made insightful by obscuring, in fact Both towns, constructed on the washes of glacial sand that provided
deleting, map units while layering the various maps to find out what sturdy ground for the foundation of buildings in the swampy landscape,
units would overlap. In this way correlations could be found. An example soon merged into one to become the city of Berlin. After becoming a royal
illustrates the method. In the soil map of Berlin, one may find a pattern capital and residency in the seventeenth century, it quickly expanded its
of stream-accompanying formations by grouping all relevant soil associ- suburbs. Situated on less favourable land, building foundation problems
ations together and deleting all other map units. occurred in these suburbs. Two upland plateaus were positioned on the
Adding the valley sands and colluvial plateau sands, it becomes NE and SW of the glacial valley. The upland was put into agricultural use,
evidenthow the stream-accompanying landscape structure fits into the although the sandy soils were not ideal. Some of the wet valley land was
pattern of valley sands, in fact, showing the pattern of the whole valley cultivated, but not all. The growing city of Berlin remained surrounded
landscape. The system of urban landscape that lies on top is visible when by marshland. The valley bottom lies about 32–35 m above sea level and
looking at a map of Berlin’s urban form dated 1950. Selecting the map with its marshes is flat. The uplands, shaven by Pleistocene glaciers, are
unit ‘green and allotment gardens’ shows a pattern of urban land use topographically unpronounced. In between, the slopes measure from a
that relates surprisingly well to the colluvium and valley sands (see Fig. 1). few to 10 m. Although not very dramatic, the valley is clearly readable in
The reason green and allotment gardens relate to valley sands is under- Schneider’s 1798 map as a stretching NW-SE band of meadows, gardens,
stood by studying history pre-1950, as discussed further on. The 1950 map fens, wet heathland and forests. The edge of the plateau is indicated as
is practical because it serves as a kind of summary of previous develop- reliefand dotted with wind mills (Fig. 4).
Depth to the water ta- Depth below ground surface of: < 0.5, 0.5-1.0, 1.0-
ble, 2010 rev. ed. 1.5, 1.5-2.0, 2.0-2.5, 2.5-3.0, 3.0-4.0, 4-7 meters
Table 1
Figure 5 Map overlay of geology, groundwater, soil and urban form
(1950). The systematic interrelation of landscape processes and human
settlement becomes clear. In each layer, only some illustrative units
are shown (see Table 1). Adapted from Berlin Senate Department for
Urban Development, Environmental Atlas.
10 km
Figure 6 In a simplified presentation, the geomorphology of Seoul Figure 7 Map of the capital. The geomantic perception shows the
is a complex of alluvial valleys (grey) between older systems importance attached to the ridges of hills and the formal structures
(granite intrusions, pink, into Precambrian gneiss, white). of the capital sited within it. (Doseong 1789–1795, coll. Kyujanggak
Adapted from Geology Map for Seoul. Institute for Korean Studies, Seoul National University)
governing were situated as well as possible in the undulating topogra- in forwarding goods; important jetties came up on both sides. The gentle
phy of the site without altering it (Fig. 7). The merchants, townsmen and slopes of sand beaches served as temporary market places too. With mod-
all others finding a living in the capital resided, without much planning, ernization coming in, the market places on the beaches of the river disap-
around and in between the formal structures, in a natural process of set- peared, replaced by steel bridges and diesel trucks crossing the river. But
tlement (Yoshida 2009). the markets survived in place names and in a lively community identity,
The ‘geographers’ of the day saw the site of Seoul as the tip of a den- like Mapo-gu on the northern shore with its high social capital (Kim 2005).
dritic structure of mountain ridges, as modern geography confirms with From 1876 foreigners were allowed free entry, announcing another wave
the batholith. Within the city the structures for governing, such as the of modernization under the last Korean kings in the Joseon Dynasty. Sped
royal palace and the shrine for the ancestors, were set to touch with their up under the Japanese colonial occupation, feng shui perceptions were
northern back upon the hills, following feng shui wisdom. The old city, discouraged and installations like the city walls destroyed. In 1923 the
held within the hills and ridges, sits on an old alluvial complex atop the main structures of the palace were replaced by the Japanese government
batholith. As an intrusion, it is full of cracks and abounds in subsoil aqui- building signifying complete supremacy (Yoshida 2009). Under colonial oc-
fers. Ancient tube wells are numerous and still function, in spite of low- cupation the physical structure of Seoul underwent tremendous changes.
ering groundwater tables. The population grew spectacularly, exceeding 1 million by 1942. In 1945
the defeat of Japan in the Pacific War brought independence, but was soon
3.2. Seoul’s history of urban form followed by the Korean War that brought devastation and a flood of ref-
At the end of the eighteenth century the city counted about 200,000 inhab- ugees to Seoul in the aftermath. Shanty towns engulfed the rolling hills
itants, engaging in an extremely diversified set of trades, commerce and of the city, resulting in an accretion to 2.4 million inhabitants by 1960.
industries. This growth had come after 1791 when control of commerce Numerous development schemes with massive subdivision projects were
outside the walls by city merchants was losing effect and districts out- realized, mostly south of the Han River. Seoul could accommodate 10.6
side the gates, above all in the western outskirts, began to flourish (Yoshi- million in 1990 (Kim 2003; Kim 2010). Sixty percent was built-up area in
da 2009). The cramped perception of the feng shui city within walls lost in 2003, still leaving much open space made up of wooded hills and the Han
favour of commercial expansion. The Han River played an important role with its tributaries (Kim 2003).
Army Map Service, US Contour lines, levees, built-up area and villages.
Army, Washington, DC, (Villages are not indicated in the legends of US
Series L751: Army maps, but clearly presented in the map
6526 - I 1950; 6526 - II itself; colour enhanced.)
1951; 6526 - IV 1954;
6527 - II 1952; 6626 - I
1952; 6626 - III 1950; 6626
- IV 1950; 6627 - III 1947
Soil map Seoul City GIS Assemblies of soil associations as landscape units:
retrieved April 2011 Fluvio plain + Fluvio-marine plain + Alluvial
plain: BH, Bn, Bo, Ce, Cn, DN, Dq, Gj, Gq, Gt, Gw,
Gy, Gz, Hf, Hh, Hr, HT, Ih, Jc, Jd, Mg, Nd, Ng, Nn,
Np, Ny, Pe, Pr, Pt, Rn, Se, SE, Sk, Yl; Mountain foot
+ Rolling or Hill + Local alluvial cultivated up-
land: AnC, AnD, ArB, ArC, ArD, AsC2, AsD2, AsE2,
BeB, BeC, BjB, BqB, CfB, CGC, DkB, JoB, JoC, JnC2,
KAB, KDF2, NkB, OnC2, OnD2, OnD3, OnE2,
OnE3, PgB, PgC, SAB, SAC, SoC2, SoD2, SoE2, SqB,
SqC, SqD, SqE, StC, StD, SuB, SuC, SzB, SzC, UoB,
WaB, WdB, WdC, YaC2, YaD2, YaD3, YaE2, YbC2,
YbE2, YcB, YcC. (colouring added)
Table 2
Figure 7 Map overlay of geology, groundwater, soil and urban form
(1950). The systematic interrelation of landscape processes and human
settlement becomes clear. In each layer, only some illustrative units
are shown (see Table 2). 3.4. Seoul city form and landscape system
In spite of rapid development, the main structure of the city continues to
have a strong relation to the natural landscape. To understand this better
the analysis of the urban form takes the years around 1950 as benchmark, a
3.3. Water in Seoul period when a set of US army maps was published that reflect the situation
On the Korean peninsula, river reaches are relatively short, inland valleys before the Korean War (Army Map Service U.S. Army 1947–1954).
are deep and channel slopes are declivitous. Floods occur quickly and peak Based on the soil map, the structure of Seoul’s landscape is interpreted
flood discharges are enormous due to topography and to monsoon rainfall as a system with components such as: mountains, rolling hills, alluvial
in summer. Seoul’s Han River stretches about 42 km in the city, with a total plains or fluvio-marine plains. Each component has typical water char-
length of 470 km and a catchment area of 26,018 km2 with an annual runoff acteristics. To give an example: the fluvio-marine plains are wet and
volume of 27.7 billion m3. Flow variations are high and cause seriousprob- swampy; natural streams were always easily adapted to human needs with
lems in river management. For example, a 1990 peak flood in mid-September drainage and irrigation often of geometrical design, managing the wa-
exceeded 30,000 m3 per second. Currently the peak flood calculation is set ter for large-scale rice cultivation. The ecology was dynamic, flooded now
on 37,000 m3/s, whereas 250 m3/s is the average amount at the Paldang Dam and then, and reworked every year. Currently, the fluvio-marine and al-
(Woo & Kim 1997). Since the dam’s completion upstream Seoul in 1973, most luvial plains are heavily developed with housing estates; large-scale agri-
severe flooding is controlled. The alluvial and fluvio-marine plains along cultural land use has now shifted to large-scale urban dynamics. Among
the river were now available for development with high-rise apartment the mass-produced apartment blocks on the alluvial plains one still may
blocks. The river bed and floodplains are narrowed considerably with im- sense the river in the healthy growth of trees, like Metasequoia and Popu-
pressive levees that double as expressway. Sometimes uncontrollable, heavy lus, betraying the abundance of fresh, subsoil water (Kuitert 2010). Around
sedimentation may occur on riverside parks in the remaining floodplain the old city on the rolling hills, villages and agricultural cultivation de-
(Woo & Kim 1997). But apart from an occasional incident when a pumping veloped in small-scale patterns. Many village forests were found, but in
station in a tributary fails, setting a catchment area under water, Han River the mid-twentieth century many had disappeared already. Still, landscape
flooding is largely under control. dynamics are rather low, and the identity is high, when compared to the
relate strongly to the underlying geo- patterns in 1950_that is before spec- This relates to an important discussion on so-called urban soils; these are
ulative, large-scale development came in. Therefore, it seems valid to intro- formed by human occupation and, strikingly, are lacking completely in
duce a chronology of even older maps as source material for understanding Seoul’s soil map. By contrast, they are mapped in Berlin in much detail,
city identity in these cases. but only for their physical properties (Claußen & Metzlaff 1995; Kuitert 2013;
The understanding of soil is another problem. Mapping landscape Rossiter 2007). These Berlin anthropogenic soils are discontinuities in the
from soil associations requires a level of understanding that is fundamen- geomorphology of the glacial valley system and do not contribute to our
tally different from soil chemistry and physics on which soil taxonomy is understanding of the natural landscape structure in its totality. And it is
based. The USDA Keys to Soil Taxonomy, for example, has terms such as exactly this big picture that forms the base for sound planning concepts.
Alfisol, Udalf or Typic Endoaquepts; it is a taxonomy based on the physical For a small, contaminated site such as a garage, the theoretical solution
and chemical properties of soil samples. Informing about the landscape is simple: the soil needs to be sanitized. But quite a large area of Berlin’s
qualities of soil are other items that derive from field surveys such as: land anthropogenic soil has a powerful history: the meters-thick layers of war
use, workable depth, parent material, slope percentage or recommended debris in the central parts of the city. It cannot be ignored and forms an
use. Topography, in particular, is an item of soil association descriptions important part of the soil landscape.
that relates to the landscape system. Topography cannot be measured in As seen in this discussion geo-history map overlay may seem a roman-
a test tube. Actually the soil map in itself is not hard science and relies on tic notion from the arts and humanities, but that is a judgment from a
some kind of Gestalt perception of the world (Hudson 1992). Soil survey purely natural-scientific standpoint. To be relevant, the natural sciences
is as much art as science and proper soil-landscape taxonomy is missing need the humanities. And vice versa.
(Taskey 2007). Drawing a soil map fundamentally derives from an obser-
vation of the structure of a landscape and is therefore a cultural as well as Acknowledgments
natural-scientific activity. I want to thank staff and students of the SNU Graduate School of Environ-
mental Studies and, in particular, the members of Lab on Landscape in Seoul
for their support while I was developing this research. This work was sup-
ported by the Seoul National University Foundation Research Expense.
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