Cardiac Anesthesia: Saudi Board Anesthesia Curriculum
Cardiac Anesthesia: Saudi Board Anesthesia Curriculum
Cardiac Anesthesia: Saudi Board Anesthesia Curriculum
The Cardiac Anesthesia rotation is designed to give residents an appreciation of the issues
involved in the management of anesthesia for cardiac surgery sufficient to participate in the
perioperative care of these patients.
The resident will demonstrate knowledge of the basic sciences as applied to the
preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative periods of cardiac surgery.
b) To describe the anatomy and physiology of cardiac valves, left ventricle, right
ventricle, atrial, major cardiac vessels, and circulatory system in both normal and
diseased states.
c) To describe the normal conduction pathways of the heart and its clinical
significance in disease.
d) Protamine for heparin reversal, along with side effects and complications.
f) The use of blood products (PRBC, FFP, platelets, cryoprecipitate) and blood
alternatives (albumin, starch) as well as transfusion reactions and complications.
C. Monitoring
a) To interpret ECG for ischemia, infarction, arrhythmias, and paced rhythms, and to
recognize the limitations and the sensitivity/specificity of ECG as an ischemia
monitoring tool.
h) To recognize the parameters used to assess intraoperative blood loss and options
to treat blood loss including medical and surgical alternatives.
2. Communicator
3. Collaborator
4. Manager
5. Health Advocate
a) To demonstrate the use of risk reduction strategies, including use of ultrasound and
sterile technique for invasive lines.
6. Scholar
7. Professional
The aim of this rotation is to provide the resident with an extended exposure for the
attainment of a higher level of competence in various regional anesthesia techniques. This
rotation is intended to gain procedural mastery under the supervision of qualified regional