BB Rebalancing Toolkit

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The key takeaways are that in order to gain more control over time, one must first get a baseline of where time is currently spent and then look to eliminate, streamline or assign tasks. This will free up an extra hour each day to spend on things that matter most.

The three techniques discussed to reclaim time are to eliminate tasks, streamline tasks to make them more efficient, or assign tasks to others.

Some examples of tasks that could be eliminated include attending optional work trips, coaching children's sports teams, volunteering for certain activities, ironing sheets and pillowcases, and going to some social events.


3 Simple Strategies to
Find an Extra Hour a Day
For Whatever You Want



If there’s one thing every working mother wants, it’s MORE TIME. But since you and I both
know we’re not squeezing more than 24 hours out of any given day, the goal can’t really be to
get more time.

The real goal is to get more CONTROL over how we SPEND our time. And that’s 100% doable.

In this worksheet I’m laying out my 3 SIMPLE STRATEGIES that can help you FIND AN EXTRA
HOUR A DAY to spend however you want.

Plus, I’m revealing the biggest reason you’re not already using each one... You might be

First, before we can put you back in charge of your calendar and where the time goes, we
have to do a little bit of pre-work…

Prework - Get a Baseline

To kick things off, you’ll need to get a baseline on where your time is going. This means you
need to assess the week. Just like keeping a food journal will give you a starting point when it
comes to your calorie intake, keeping a time journal will give you a baseline on where your
time is going so you can analyze it, then you can decide how to reclaim some of those hours
for yourself! And that’s where the fun starts!


There are really only THREE ways you can get time back for yourself - three choices about what
to do with those tasks on your calendar if you don’t want to spend YOUR time doing them.

They are:

By the way, each one of these tactics works equally well, but each one has a different
perceived cost, and your response to that cost is probably why you’re not already
doing these with any degree of consistency.

Technique 1 - Eliminate
This is the tactic you pick when the best choice is to “Just Say No.” In other words, you decide
not to do the thing at all and you just cross it off the list altogether.

Examples of things you might choose to eliminate include:

Attending an optional work trip

Coaching your child’s soccer team
Volunteering to chaperone a field trip
Ironing the sheets and pillowcases (don’t laugh - people do this)
Going to a cocktail party

Cost -
Fear of disappointing someone or judgment by others. The biggest cost of this tactic is the
possibility that you will disappoint someone or face judgment by others. You can survive
both, by the way, but intense fear of these two things is often what stops people from picking
this option. They get so worried about what others will THINK that they do things even when
they don’t want to.

Technique 2 - Streamline

The second tactic that can give you time back is to streamline the tasks you do repeatedly,
finding ways to do them more efficiently so they take less time.

Examples where this can be helpful are things like:

Meal Planning/Food Prep
Bill paying
Preparing a weekly report for work
Scheduling/rescheduling appointments

Cost -
Change/learning a new way. The cost of this tactic is the energy and effort it takes to learn
a new way of doing something. Often, this temporary increase in energy/effort pays
dividends over the long term via time saving efficiencies. However, if you get too
worked up about the short term pain of learning a new way and changing your
habits, you’ll never make the switch and you’ll never reap the rewards.

Technique 3 - Assign
The third tactic that you can use to get time back is to assign an existing project or task to
someone else. These can go to someone on your team or to someone in your family (which is
of course, free) or they can go to someone you hire.

Examples of tasks you might assign are:

Doing the dishes (kids)

Picking up the dry cleaning (husband)
Mowing the lawn (hiring a neighbor’s teenager)
Cleaning the house (hiring a service)
Driving children to practice (carpool with another parent)

Cost -
There are two costs to this approach - one is financial, if you’re hiring someone to do the work.
While you might feel like “Why should I pay someone to do something I can do myself?” be
sure to ask yourself if you need that hour more than you need that money! The second cost is
more emotional - it's the guilt that can come with asking for help. While guilt isn’t fun, it’s
entirely self created and you can learn to manage or minimize it so it doesn’t stop you from
making solid time-saving decisions.

So there you have it - three proven tactics that will give you HOURS back each week to spend
however you wish! All you have to do is push through whichever block is keeping you from
implementing these tactics and voila - you’ll have extra time for what you want most. I help
women figure out how to do that all the time. It’s simple, yes, but it’s not always easy.

Want More?
If reading this worksheet has gotten your wheels turning, you might want to attend my free
masterclass where I go deeper into WHY we never feel like we have enough time to do the
things we really want to do and what the REAL cost of that problem is. (It’s bigger than you

In my class (which runs about an hour), I’ll help you understand:

Why you always feel like you’re spinning your wheels instead of moving forward
Who suffers when you live like this
What you can do to reclaim time for the things that matter most to you
How to build momentum toward your dreams instead of getting caught up in the
little stuff
What’s Possible when you get this right
You can sign up here - it’s free :)

Here’s to finding your BRILLIANT BALANCE!


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