Personal Protective Equipment

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Atomic Energy Regulatory Board

Mumbai - 400 094

January 2004

Orders for this guidelines should be addressed to:

The Administrative Officer

Atomic Energy Regulatory Board
Niyamak Bhavan
Mumbai - 400 094

The Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) constituted by the Government of India
vide Statutory Order No. 4772 dated November 15, 1983 was entrusted with the
responsibility of enforcing safety and regulatory functions envisaged under the Atomic
Energy Act, 1962. AERB is responsible for enforcing safety in all atomic energy related
activities within India as well as for enforcing the provisions of the Factories Act, 1948
in all units of the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE). In discharging these
responsibilities, AERB has been drawing up codes, guides, standards and manuals to
facilitate the concerned organisations in implementing the necessary safety regulations.

The Guidelines on 'Personal Protective Equipment' is issued to facilitate the plant

management in maintaining an effective programme with respect to protection of persons
against hazards, which cannot be eliminated or controlled by engineering methods. It
combines the following eight information booklets of AERB issued in 1992 and gives
updated and comprehensive information regarding personal protective equipment in a
single document.

No. Title
PPE-1 Helmets.
PPE-2 Safety Footwear.
PPE-3 Respiratory Protective Equipment.
PPE-4 Arm and Hand Protection.
PPE-5 Eye and Face Protection.
PPE-6 Protective Clothing and Coverall.
PPE-7 Ear Protection.
PPE-8 Safety Belts and Harnesses.

The relevant standards of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) have been extensively
used in preparation of the document. It also takes into account the statutory requirements
as laid down in the Factories Act, 1948 and the Atomic Energy (Factories) Rules, 1996.

This document has been prepared initially by Dr. R.K. Kapoor, Former Head, Industrial
Safety Group, Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited. Subsequently it was reviewed
by the staff of Industrial Plants Safety Division of AERB, by Shri K. S. Somayaji, Former
Head, Industrial Hygiene and Safety Section, Health Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic
Research Centre and by other professionals. AERB thanks all individuals who helped
in its drafting and finalisation.

(Suhas P. Sukhatme)
Chairman AERB



General process in which characteristics of structures, systems or component gradually

change with time or use (although the term ‘ageing’ is defined in a neutral sense - the
changes involved in ageing may have no effect on protection or safety, or could even
have a beneficial effect - it is commonly used with a connotation of changes that are (or
could be) detrimental to protection or safety, i.e. as a synonym of ‘ageing degradation’)

Competent Authority

Any official or authority appointed, approved or recognised by the Government of

India for the purpose of the rules promulgated under the Atomic Energy Act, 1962.


The presence of radioactive substances in or on a material/the human body or other

places in excess of quantities specified by the competent authority.


Quality control actions, which by means of examination, observation or measurement

determine the conformance of materials, parts, components, systems, structures as well
as processes and procedures with predetermined quality requirements.

Luminous Transmittance

The ratio of the transmitted luminous flux to that of the incident luminous flux.


The totality of features and characteristics of an item or service that have the ability to
satisfy stated or implied needs.


FOREWORD.................................................................................................................... i

DEFINITIONS.................................................................................................................. ii

1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................. 1
1.1 General.................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Quality of PPE......................................................................................... 1
1.3 Selection of PPE...................................................................................... 1
1.4 Proper Use of PPE.................................................................................. 2
1.5 Categories of PPE................................................................................... 3

2. HEAD PROTECTION........................................................................................ 4
2.1 General..................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Types of Safety Helmets....................................................................... 4
2.3 Care of Helmets...................................................................................... 5
2.4 Specifications for Helmets.................................................................... 5
2.4.1 Crash Helmets (IS: 4151-1993): ............................................................ 5
2.4.2 Industrial Safety Helmets (IS: 2925-1984): ......................................... 7
2.4.3 Firemen’s Helmets (IS: 2745-1983): ...................................................... 8

3. EYE AND FACE PROTECTION...................................................................... 10

3.1 General..................................................................................................... 10
3.2 Types of Eye and Face Protection Equipment................................... 10
3.3 Eye Protection for Welding................................................................... 11
3.4 Eye Protection Equipment for Laser.................................................... 12
3.5 Selection of Eye and Face Protection Equipment.............................. 13
3.6 Care of Eye and Face Protection Equipment...................................... 13
3.7 Specifications for Eye Protection Equipment..................................... 14
3.7.1 Oculars..................................................................................................... 15
3.7.2 Eye Protector Assembly........................................................................ 17
3.7.3 Tests ......................................................................................................... 17

4. HAND AND ARM PROTECTION................................................................. 20

4.1 General.................................................................................................... 20
4.2 Gloves.................................................................................................... 20
4.3 Hand Pads and Arm Protection Equipment...................................... 21
4.4 Selection of Hand and Arm Protection Equipment.......................... 21
4.5 Specifications for Hand and Arm Protection Equipment................ 21
4.5.1 Specifications for Rubber Gloves for Electrical
Purposes (IS: 4770 - 1991): .................................................................. 21
4.5.2 Gloves for Protection against Chemicals: ......................................... 24
4.5.3 Specifications of Leather and Cotton Gloves
[IS: 6994(Part 1) - 1973]: ....................................................................... 28
4.5.4 Specifications for Leather Gauntlets and Mittens
(IS: 2573 - 1986): ................................................................................... 28
4.5.5 Specifications for Asbestos Gloves................................................... 28

5. FOOT AND LEG PROTECTION.................................................................... 30

5.1 General.................................................................................................... 30
5.2 Safety-Toe Shoes.................................................................................. 30
5.3 Conductive Shoes................................................................................. 31
5.4 Foundry Shoes...................................................................................... 31
5.5 Explosive - Operations (Non-sparking) Shoes................................. 31
5.6 Electrical Hazard Shoes........................................................................ 32
5.7 Other Types of Safety Shoes.............................................................. 32
5.8 Care of Foot and Leg Protection Equipment..................................... 32
5.9 Specifications for Different Types of Safety Shoes......................... 33
5.9.1 Leather Safety Boots and Shoes (IS: 1989(Part-1 & 2)-1986): ......... 33
5.9.2 Fireman’s Leather Boots (IS: 4128 - 1980): ....................................... 34
5.9.3 Electrical Safety Shoes: ...................................................................... 34
5.9.4 Chemical Safety Shoes: ...................................................................... 34
5.9.5 Electrical-cum-Chemical Gum Boots: ................................................ 34
5.9.6 Shoes Suitable for Mining Operations: ............................................. 35

6. BODY PROTECTION....................................................................................... 36
6.1 General.................................................................................................... 36
6.2 Protection Against Heat and Hot Metal............................................ 36
6.3 Protection Against Impact and Cuts.................................................. 38
6.4 Protection against Exposure to Toxic Materials............................... 38
6.5 Care of Body Protection Equipment................................................... 39
6.6 Specifications for Different Types of Body
Protection Equipment........................................................................... 39
6.6.1 Flame/Heat Resistant Suits.................................................................. 39
6.6.2 Suits for Radiation Protection............................................................. 43
6.6.3 Chemical Resistant Suits...................................................................... 44
6.6.4 Lead Rubber Aprons for X-rays......................................................... 46

7. SAFETY BELTS AND HARNESS.................................................................. 48

7.1 General.................................................................................................... 48
7.2 Care of Safety Belts and Harness....................................................... 49
7.3 Specifications for Safety Belts and Harness..................................... 50

8. EAR PROTECTION.......................................................................................... 52
8.1 General.................................................................................................... 52
8.2 Amount of Attenuation....................................................................... 53
8.3 Care of Ear Protectors........................................................................... 53
8.4 Tests for Ear Protectors........................................................................ 53
8.5 Audiometric Testing............................................................................. 54
8.6 Specifications for Ear Protection Equipment.................................... 54

9. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION ...................................................................... 56

9.1 General.................................................................................................... 56
9.2 Selection of Respiratory PPE............................................................... 56
9.3 Care of Respiratory PPE....................................................................... 60
9.4 Training for Use of Respiratory PPE.................................................. 61
9.5 Special Precautions for Respiratory PPE........................................... 62
9.6 Protection Factors for Respiratory PPE............................................. 63
9.7 Specifications for Respiratory Protective Equipment...................... 63
9.7.1 Canister Type Respirators (Gas Masks)(IS: 8523- 1977) ................ 63
9.7.2 Chemical Cartridge Respirators(IS: 8522- 1977).............................. 65
9.7.3 Filter Type Particulate Respirators. (IS: 9473-1980)......................... 66
9.7.4 Compressed Airline Breathing Apparatus
(IS: 10245 (Part 3)- 1982)....................................................................... 67
9.7.5 Self-contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)
(Open circuit type. IS: 10245 (Part 2)- 1982) ..................................... 69
9.7.6 Specifications for Escape Breathing Apparatus
(IS: 10245 (Part 4) - 1982)...................................................................... 71
EQUIPMENT...................................................................... 72


HAZARDS......................................................................... 75


OPERATIONS.................................................................... 76


EQUIPMENT...................................................................... 77



DEVICES............................................................................. 80


DIFFERENT TYPES OF HAZARDS............................ 82


TYPES OF HAZARD........................................................ 83


DIFFERENT TYPES OF HAZARDS........................... 84


HAZARDS......................................................................... 85


TYPES OF HAZARDS ................................................. 86


(IS: 8318- 1977)................................................................... 87
EQUIPMENT..................................................................... 88


STANDARD...................................................................... 91


FROM ANSI Z88.2 (1992) 92 ......................................... 92

BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................... 93

SPECIAL DEFINITIONS.............................................................................................. 99



Figure 1 : DIMENSIONS OF OCULARS.............................................................. 15

Table 3.1 : OPTICAL TESTS REQUIRED FOR OCULARS................................ 18

Table 3.2 : TESTS FOR EYE PROTECTORS......................................................... 19
Table 4.1 : THICKNESS OF GLOVES .................................................................... 23
BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE OF GLOVES............................................. 23
RESPIRATORY PROTECTION DEVICES.......................................... 59
Table I.1 : THE RANGE OF CONSEQUENCES.................................................... 73
figure 2 : CLASSIFICATION OF RESPIRATORY DEVICES............................ 57


RESPIRATORY PROTECTION DEVICES.......................................... 58
Table I.1 : THE RANGE OF CONSEQUENCES.................................................... 72

1.1 General

The primary approach in any safety effort is that the hazard to the workmen
should be eliminated or controlled by engineering methods rather than
protecting the workmen through use of personal protective equipment (PPE).
Engineering methods could include design change, substitution, ventilation,
mechanical handling, automation, etc. In situations where it is not possible to
introduce any effective engineering methods for controlling hazards, the
workman shall use appropriate types of PPE. For example, in construction
work there is the possibility of a hand tool, a bolt, or some loose material to fall
from an elevated level and strike the head of workman below. It is therefore
necessary that the construction worker wears a safety helmet. It is for such
situations, both the Factories Act, 1948 and the Atomic Energy (Factories)
Rules, 1996 have provisions for use of appropriate type of PPE.

Use of PPE is an important and necessary consideration in the development of

a safety programme. Once the safety professional decides that PPE is to be
used by workmen, it becomes essential to select the right type of PPE and the
management should ensure that the workman not only uses it but maintains it

1.2 Quality of PPE

PPE must meet the following criteria with regard to its quality:

(i) provide absolute and full protection against possible hazard; and

(ii) it be so designed and manufactured out of such material that it can

withstand the hazard against which it is intended to be used.

1.3 Selection of PPE

Selection of the right type of PPE requires consideration of the following


l nature and severity of the hazard,

l type of contaminant, its concentration and location of contaminated

area with respect to the source of respirable air,

l expected activity of workman and duration of work,

l comfort of workman when using PPE,

l operating characteristics and limitations of PPE,

l ease of maintenance and cleaning, and

l conformity to Indian/International standards and availability of test


1.4 Proper Use of PPE

Having selected the proper type of PPE, it is essential that the workman wears
it. Often the workman avoids using PPE. The following factors influence the
solution to this problem:

l the extent to which the workman understands the necessity of using


l the ease and comfort with which PPE can be worn with least interference
in normal work procedures, and

l the available economic, social and disciplinary sanctions which can be

used to influence the attitude of the workman.

The best solution to this problem is to make ‘wearing of PPE’ mandatory for
every employee. At other places, education and supervision need to be
intensified. When a group of workmen are issued PPE for the first time, clear
and reasonable instructions shall be given to them as to why PPE must be

Another way to overcome the reluctance of the workman to use PPE is to

allow him to choose a particular style of PPE from a group of different styles
pre-selected to meet the job requirements. This would require the concerned
company to maintain a stock of different styles of PPE at plant premises.

In organisations where risky jobs are carried out by contract workmen, it is

generally noticed that the PPE is provided by the contractor. Sometimes the
contractor may not provide it at all or if he does provide, it may be of
substandard quality. This needs to be strictly controlled by management of
the organisation.

As an added incentive to wearing PPE, some organisations sponsor
‘recognition awards’ for those protected from injury on account of wearing
PPE. ‘Behaviour Analysis’ of workmen can be carried out to encourage them
to wear PPE. An example of such an analysis is given in Annexure-I.

1.5 Categories of PPE

Depending upon the nature of hazard, the PPE is broadly divided into the
following two categories:

(i) non-respiratory: those used for protection against injury from outside
the body, i.e. for protecting the head, eye, face, hand, arm, foot, leg and
other body parts, and

(ii) respiratory: those used for protection from harm due to inhalation of
contaminated air.

The applicable BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) standards for different types
of PPE are given in bibligraphy.


2.1 General

Workmen exposed to hazardous situations where there is a possibility of

objects falling or their bumping into suspended or projected fixtures, as in
construction work, tree trimming, mining, overhead line construction or
maintenance, metal or chemical plants, etc., must be provided head protection.
Broadly this protection consists of safety helmets, caps, hairnets, turbans,
etc. Hairnets, turbans etc. are used to protect women and men with long hair to
prevent their hair from getting entangled in moving parts.

2.2 Types of Safety Helmets

Safety helmets are hard hats or headgear of varying materials designed to

protect the workman’s head, not only from impact but from flying particles and
electric shock or any combination of the three. These also protect the scalp,
face and neck from overhead spills of acid, other chemicals, hot liquid and
also, shield their hair from entanglement in machinery, or exposure to irritating
dust. Some of the hard hats are even provided with welding mask or face

Helmets are classified into the following two types:

l full brimmed type helmet.

l brimless with peak.

Brimmed types of helmets provide an added protection to the neck, face and
head. In situations where the worker has to operate in crowded space, the brim
may be considered as a nuisance. In such situations a satisfactory compromise
is achieved by providing a peak to brimless type of hard hats.

The above referred types of helmets have been further broken down into four

Class A - Limited voltage resistance for general services.

Class B - High voltage resistance.

Class C - No voltage protection (metallic helmets).

Class D - Limited protection for fire fighting.

The materials used in head protection PPE for protection against different
types of hazards are given in Annexure-II. Materials used in the construction
of Class A and Class B helmet shells should be water resistant and slow
burning, while in Class D helmets they shall be fire resistant and non-conductor
of electricity.

The worker working on electricity or with electrical equipment should use

Class B type of helmet, which should neither have holes in the shell nor parts
made of metal. It should be tested upto 20 kV for 3 minutes with leakage
currents not exceeding 9 mA. Class A should stand this test upto 2.2 kV.

The thinnest section of Class A and B helmet shells should not burn at a rate
greater than 7.5 cm per minute.

After a 24-hour immersion test, water absorption of the shell should not be
more than 5 per cent for class A and D and 0.5 per cent for class B.

2.3 Care of Helmets

Before every use, helmets should be inspected for cracks, dents or any rough
treatment. Once damaged, the helmet should be discarded. Particular attention
should be paid to the condition of the suspension because of the important
part it plays in absorbing the shock of a blow. Look for loose or torn cradle
straps, broken sewing lines, loose rivets, defective lugs and other defects.
The sweatband and cradle inside the hat should be easily detachable to allow
for cleansing and replacement. Cleansing should be done at least once a
month by washing in warm soapy water or any other detergent and then
rinsing it thoroughly.

Helmets should not be carried on the rear window of a vehicle, as it may

become a hazardous missile in case of an accident or an emergency halt.

Some organisations issue helmets of different colours for identification of

different working crews, e.g. safety staff may be issued green colour helmets.

2.4 Specifications for Helmets

2.4.1 Crash Helmets (IS: 4151-1993):

Specifications and other details for helmets used for scooter and motorcycle
riding (crash helmets) are drawn from IS: 4151-1993. Some of the salient features
are given below:

(i) Material:

Shell: non-metallic.

(ii) Size:

Circumferences inside headbands are 500, 510, 520, 530, 540, 550, 560,
570, 580, 590, 600, 610, 620, 630, 640 mm.

(iii) Type:

l V-type or ventilating type: having provision for cradle for


l NV type or Non-ventilating type: direct contact with head and

protective padding.

(iv) Essential parts:

l Shell.

l Protective padding, 10 mm thick.

l Headband.

l Chin strap, 19 mm wide with no chin cup.

l Anti-concussion tapes.

l Cradle for ventilating types.

(v) Marking:

The following should be marked on the helmet:

l trade mark of manufacturer,

l size,

l type,

l year of manufacture, and

l ISI marking.

(vi) Mass:

800 g (maximum)

(vii) Test and Performance requirements:

l shock absorption without damage when a 10 kg wooden block

is dropped from a height of 0.5 m.

l penetration resistance against a 3 kg pointed mass (60°) falling

from a height of 1 m.

2.4.2 Industrial Safety Helmets (IS: 2925-1984):

The role of industrial safety helmet is to provide protection to the wearer

against falling objects and other hazards which may be encountered in mining,
tunnelling, quarrying, ship building, construction projects and similar other
industrial occupations.

(i) Material:

Shell: non-metallic.

(ii) Size:

Circumference inside headband:

Small - 500 - 540 mm.

Medium - 540 - 590 mm.

Large - 590 - 640 mm.

(iii) Essential Parts:

l Shell, peak, ventilation holes.

l Harness consisting of headband.

l Anti-concussion tapes.

l Chin strap.

(iv) Marking:

The following should be marked on the helmet:

l trade mark of manufacturer,

l size,

l ISI marking, and

l year of manufacture.

(v) Mass:

400 g (maximum)

(vi) Test and Performance Requirements:

l Shock absorption resistance against a wooden block of 3 kg

dropped from a height of 1.5 m.,

l Penetration resistance against a plumb of 500 g with conical

steel point falling from a height of 3 m.,

l Electrical resistance against 2000 V, 50 Hz for one minute.,

l < 5% water absorption when immersed in water for 24 hours at

a temperature of 25°C.

l Heat resistance in an oven at 93° ± 50°C for 15 min.,

l No visible damage when a flame from a barthel burner (IS: 4355-

1977) is applied on the shell for 10 seconds,

l Sterilisation and corrosion resistance tests.

2.4.3 Firemen’s Helmets (IS: 2745-1983):

The main objective of firemen’s helmets is to provide protection against falling

objects during fire fighting, rescue operations and to some extent, against
heat or electric shock. The details of various performance tests for this type of
helmets are given in the standard IS: 2745-1983.

(i) Material:


(ii) Size:

Circumference inside headbands are 530, 540, 550, 560, 570, 580, 590,
610, 620 mm.

(iii) Essential Parts:

Headband, not less than 30 mm in width.

Chin strap, 20 mm wide with no chin cup.

(iv) Marking:

l Trade mark of manufacturer

l Size

l ISI marking

(v) Mass:

800 g without visor

(vi) Performance Requirements:

l Shock absorption resistance against a wooden block of 5 kg

dropped from a height of 2.5 m.

l Penetration resistance against a steel striker (plumb) weighing

3 ± 0.05 kg, with the conical steel point falling from a height of
one metre.

l Electrical resistance against AC voltage of 2000 V at 50 Hz for

one minute.

l < 5% water absorption when immersed in water for 24 hours at

temperature of 27°C.

l No flaming or visible evidence of flame penetration into the

inside of the helmet when a flame is applied to the outer surface
of the helmet, whilst it is rotated steadily through one complete
revolution at a speed of two revolutions/minute.


3.1 General

In some operations it is necessary to choose PPE that will cover the entire face
to protect against mechanical injury, chemicals, rays etc. A comprehensive
list of operations, which require eye and face protection, is given in Annexure-
III. Various types of PPE used for eye and face protection are given in Annexure-
IV. Eyes can be injured from dust, flying particles, harmful radiation, accidental
splashes of chemicals, etc. Face-shields are required particularly while handling
chemicals, but are not recommended as basic eye protection against impact.
Face-shields must be used in combination with basic eye protection to guard
against impact.

Welding and cutting, foundry work, glass furnace works expose the eyes to
harmful radiation. Welder’s helmets guard against splashing of molten metals
and from radiation produced by welding operation. These helmets are made of
materials that provide insulation against heat and electricity and do not readily
burn. The shield of these helmets should cover the face sufficiently far on
each side so that the ears are also protected. Generally, the helmet’s window,
for seeing through, is designed to accommodate correct filter. It is advisable
to use a disposable cover glass in front of the filter lens to protect it from
pitting and other damage. This cover glass should be replaced whenever its
surface gets scratch marks as they hinder the view. Hand-held face-shields are
also used for welding operations or for observing welding process.

Wire mesh screen guard consists of woven metal gauge support in front of the
face and incorporates a transparent lens in front of the eyes. These are
designed to provide protection to the face against flying particles and spray
of hazardous liquids. The wire screen provides much better ventilation in hot
and humid operations, thus reducing the possibility of fogging.

Hoods also protect the face and eyes and are used in operations involving
handling of highly caustic chemicals or exposure to excessive heat, such as in
fire fighting operations. Hoods are made of material impervious to chemicals
and a window in front of the hood allows the wearer to see through.

3.2 Types of Eye and Face Protection Equipment

For protection of face and eyes from heavy flying particles, face-shield of
plastic can be used. Plastic should be non-flammable with the surface resistant
to scratches during normal usage. It should not give distorted vision and

should be heavy enough to resist warping due to impact, daily wear and
temperature and moisture conditions. Face-shields are generally suspended
from a headband and may be hinged so that they can be raised or lowered
when desired.

Eye protection equipment, like optical instruments, should be carefully selected,

fitted and used. Protection of eyes is required from liquid splashes, harmful
radiation and flying particles encountered in such jobs as chipping and

The following types of PPE provide eye protection:

l safety goggles,

l safety spectacles, and

l safety clip-ons.

The following types of PPE provide protection to both eyes and face:

l eye shield,

l face-shield, and

l wire mesh screen guard.

Contact lenses should never be considered a replacement for safe PPE for the
eye. In fact, contact lenses have resulted in blindness/permanent impairment
of workers because of corrosive chemicals or small particles penetrating the
space between their contact lens and eyes. Such incidents prompted the
American Society for the Prevention of Blindness to issue a statement that
contact lenses have no place in the industrial environment.

Hardened glass lenses for eyes are no substitute for safety lens as they are
only 2 mm thick, instead of being 3 mm for safety lenses. If corrective lenses
are required, it is preferable to incorporate the correction in the goggle lenses.
Alternatively, goggles, which cover ordinary spectacles, may be worn, but
the cups of goggles should be wide enough to cover the complete spectacle.

3.3 Eye Protection for Welding

Welding helmets provide head and face protection during welding operation.
Eyes need additional protection against the radiation emitted during welding.
Radiation is emitted in all the three spectral bands [viz. ultraviolet (UV), visible

(V), infrared (IR)]. Depending upon the flux used and the size and temperature
of the pool of melted metal, the welding process emits visible and infrared
radiation. Ultraviolet radiation is emitted along with V and IR radiation during
heavy gas welding and cutting operations and in arc cutting and welding
exceeding 30 amperes.

For protection against this radiation, one has to use filter lenses of appropriate
shade. These lenses are available in 16 different shades. Transmittance
characteristics of these shades in the three spectral bands are given in
Annexure-V. This Indian Standard helps to select the right type of shade for
different types of welding operations.

The protective lens can be installed in a hand-held shield or in welder’s helmet

for protection against radiation emitted during welding operations.

To protect against pitting, the protective lens should be worn with a replaceable
plastic or cover plate.

It is advantageous to combine the shade of the plate in welders helmet with

that of the shade of the goggle worn underneath to produce the desired total
shade. This procedure has an added advantage of protecting the eyes from
other welding operations or from an accidental arc when the helmet is raised.

3.4 Eye Protection Equipment for Laser

Both spectacles and goggles are available for protection against nearly all the
known lasers. Because the eye wear has maximum attenuation at specific laser
wavelength, with protection decreasing rapidly at other wavelengths, one has
to use the right type of eye wear for specific laser wavelength. That is why the
laser protective spectacles should specify the wavelength to which it provides
protection. Optical density should be shown on filter and the frames of
spectacles should be distinctively coloured for identification of wavelength
to which it provides protection.

A worker using lasers need to be extra careful as no single type of glass offers
protection from all laser wavelengths. Laser goggles, hence, might give a false
sense of security, tempting the wearer to expose himself to unnecessary
hazards. In fact, most firms do not depend upon safety glasses to protect their
employee’s eyes from laser burns. There should be the assurance that laser
goggles designed for protection from specific laser wavelength are not
mistakenly used with different wavelengths of laser radiation.

The laser safety glasses should be evaluated periodically to make sure that
adequate optical density is maintained at desired wavelength. This is
particularly important as laser safety glasses exposed to very intense energy
or power levels may lose effectiveness; these should be discarded promptly.

3.5 Selection of Eye and Face Protection Equipment

The following criteria could be adopted to select the brand for eye and face
protection equipment:

l type of protection required,

l conformity to relevant publications of BIS,

l availability of test certificate,

l comfortable to wear, lightweight material of excellent clarity and

convenient fit,

l a non-penetrable protective seal around the forehead, temple, nose

and cheek areas, in case of chemical goggles,

l soft, flexible frame that adjusts perfectly to irregular facial contours of

individual wearers,

l uninterrupted peripheral vision with unobstructed lines of sight in

both horizontal and vertical planes,

l free from refractive distortion,

l no hindrance while using helmet, dust filters and corrective spectacles,

l secure lens retention even in adverse condition,

l ease of keeping them in good repair, and

l ease of maintenance.

3.6 Care of Eye and Face Protection Equipment

l Goggles should be kept clean. Lenses should be wiped with a clean

and soft cloth.

l Goggles should be sterilised frequently.

l Goggles should not be borrowed or lent unless they have been cleaned
and sterilised.

l Goggles should be kept in a clean case, and not carried loose in the

l Goggles should be kept in proper condition. Pitted lenses should be

replaced before they cause eye strain.

l Elastic or fabric headband of goggles should not be stretched. Avoid

hanging of goggles on a nail as it will result in stretching of headband.

l Oil, grease, acids, or solvents should be removed from eyecups, leather,

rubber or metal parts of goggles. Oil and grease deteriorate rubber
parts and reduce life of headbands. Headbands should be occasionally
washed with warm soap solution followed by thorough rinsing.

l Goggles should not be dried by exposing to excessive heat.

Before sterilising goggles, disassemble them and scrub them thoroughly with
soap water to remove accumulation of dirt or other foreign material. After
being thoroughly cleaned, sterilise them by one of the following methods:

a) immerse for 10 minutes in 2 per cent cresol solution or 3 per cent carbolic
acid solution or 70 per cent denatured alcohol solution,

b) immerse for 10 minutes in a solution of formalin made by mixing one

part of 40 per cent formaldehyde solution with 9 parts of water, and

c) place in a moist atmosphere saturated with antiseptic vapours,

preferably formaldehyde for 10 minutes at room temperature.

3.7 Specifications for Eye Protection Equipment

Eye protection equipment shall be of appropriate material free from visual

defects and able to meet relevant performance requirements. They should be
durable, strong non-irritant and corrosion-resistant. Except for spectacles, all
materials which are likely to be exposed to thermal radiation during use and
which come in contact with the operator shall have a thermal conductivity of
less than 0.2 W.m-1k-1.

The headband of these devices shall be of good quality, durable and not less
than 10 mm in width. Other parts or components incorporated in eye protectors
shall be easily adjustable and replaceable.

3.7.1 Oculars

(a) Dimensions:

l Each ocular (Figure 1) of eye-cup goggles shall have a datum length of

not less than 50 mm.

l Each ocular of safety spectacles and/or safety clip-ons should have a

datum length of not less than 42 mm and a mid-datum depth of not less
than 32 mm.

l Transparent visor of eye-shield should have a depth of not less than

100 mm.

l Oculars of single-frame coverall goggles fitted in pair should have a

datum length of not less than 50 mm.



M A1' D

DD - Datum Line
AA1 - Datum Length of Lens
M - Datum Center (Mid-Point of AA’)
BB1 - Mid-Datum Depth of Lens (Measured through M)

(b) Optical Requirements:

In order to affect vision as little as possible, the prismatic and spherical

effects and astigmatism shall be as small as possible. The permissible
tolerance for spherical effect, astigmatism and prismatic effect for
oculars are given in Table 3.1.

(c) Diffusion of Light:

The contrast may be reduced and visual performances adversely

affected if the ocular diffuses light appreciably. The limiting value of
light diffusion is 1.0 cd/(m2 lx) for welding filters and 0.5 cd/(m2 lx) for all
other filters.

(d) Quality of Material and Surface:

Except for a margin 5 mm wide, oculars for eye-protectors shall be free

from any significant defects likely to impair vision when in use, such
as bubbles, scratches, inclusions, dull spots, holes, mould marks,
scoring or other defects originating from the manufacturing process.

(e) Robustness of Construction:

Oculars for protection against hazards other than mechanical are

exempted from robustness tests. Oculars used for protection against
radiation, dust and chemicals do not require this test unless the ocular
is a combined filter and mechanical safety ocular. This test is for
protection against high mass, low-velocity flying objects. The ocular
shall be designed to withstand the impact of a 22mm diameter steel ball
of about 44 g mass, dropped from a height of 1.27 to 1.30 metres. In this
test there should not be any ocular fracture.

Mounted oculars should not have any deformation. Mounted ocular

housing or frame should not fail [Ref.: IS: 7524 (Part 1)-1980].

(f) Transmittance:

Transmittance variation is measured by scanning with a light beam of

5 mm diameter over the entire area of an ocular. Luminous transmittance
should be within the limits of shade No. 1.2 for oculars without filtering
action and used solely to protect the eyes against mechanical and
chemical hazards. Compliance with transmsittance requirement and
appropriate chromaticity limits as prescribed in Table 3.1 is required
when oculars with filtering action are used to protect the eyes against

harmful radiation, i.e. welding filters, ultraviolet filters, infrared filters
or daylight filters

(g) It should have stability in presence of ultraviolet radiation.

3.7.2 Eye Protector Assembly

l Eye protectors shall ensure a sufficiently wide field of vision. The

minimum temporal and downward field of vision shall be 50° and 60°
respectively for eyecup type protection and 60° and 67° respectively
for wide vision protectors.

l The assembled eye protectors should be stable without apparent

deformation at elevated temperature of 55 ± 2°C.

l Be resistant to corrosion.

l Be suitable for disinfection.

l Oculars and frames should not be made of flammable material, such as

cellulose nitrate.

l Eye protector assembly should withstand the impact of a 6 mm dia.

steel ball striking the ocular at a known selected speed of 190-195 m/s
when tested in accordance with the method prescribed in IS:7524 (Part-
1)-1980. The oculars should have no fracture, deformation and frame

l All parts are treated to prevent the adherence of molten metal and shall
be resistant to penetration of hot solids.

l Protection against chemical splashes and gas vapour shall be ensured

in the area enclosed by the eye protector in accordance with test
prescribed in IS:7524 (Part 1)-1980.

l It shall be considered satisfactory for protection against dust if the

reflectance of the ocular after the test is not less than 80 per cent of its
value before testing.

3.7.3 Tests

Oculars of eye protectors shall be subjected to tests as given in Table 3.2.




Ocular Type Spherical effect Astigmatism (m-1) Prismatic effect

(m-1) (cm/m)
Unmounted a ± 0.06 0.06

b ± 0.12 0.12

(power in meridian Horizontal Vertical

of maximum error) Base Base
out in

Mounted a ± 0.06 0.06 1.00 0.25 0.25

b ± 0.12 0.12 1.00 0.25 0.25

c + 0.12 0.25* 1.00 0.25 0.25

_ 0.25

* Axes must be parallel.


Use of Eye Optical Robustness Heat Corrosion Disinfection Transmittance Flame High Molten Chemical Dust Gas and
Protector Stability Resistance Velocity Metal Splashes Vapour
(a) (b) Impact and Solid

General X X X X X X _ X _ _ _ _ _

High X _ X X X X _ X X _ _ _ _

metal X 0 X X X X X X _ X _ _ _
and hot

Splashes X 0 X X X X _ X _ _ X _ _
Dust X X X X X X _ X _ _ _ X _
Gases and X 0 X X X X _ X _ _ _ _ _

Filtering X 0 X X X _ X X 0 0 _ _ _
Combination X 0 X X X X 0 X 0 0 0 0 0
as above

X - Mandatory
O - Optional

4.1 General

About one-third of the injuries that occur involve hand and arms. Such injuries
occur when the workman has to handle materials with sharp ends, hot metals,
chemicals, corrosive substances, electrical works, etc. Because of apparent
vulnerability of the fingers, hands and arms, the use of PPE for protection of
hand and arm becomes necessary for workers. The portion of hand and arm
exposed to the hazard is to be fully covered with suitable material that provides
adequate protection against the hazard. The hand and arm type of PPE (see
Annexure-VI) could be gloves, wrist gloves, mittens, hand pads, thumb and
finger and sleeve guards, etc. Materials used for hand and arm protection
against different types of hazards are given in Annexure-VII.

4.2 Gloves

It should be remembered that gloves should not be used while working on

moving machinery such as drills, saws, grinders or other rotating and moving
equipment that might catch the glove and pull it along with the worker’s hand
into the machinery.

In situations where gloves are used to protect workers’ hands from chemical
solutions, the gloves should be long enough to extend well above the wrist,
but so designed that there is no flaring cuff which might trap any splashes and
introduce the liquid into the glove. It should fit tightly around the forearm. It
is advisable for the sleeves to be worn outside the glove cuff.

Electric line repairers working around energised high voltage should use
specially made and tested rubber gloves. This glove may be worn under a
heavy leather outer glove to safeguard from cuts, abrasions and wire
punctures. Regular testing and inspection of the gloves is absolutely essential
and gloves failing to meet the original specifications should be discarded
promptly. Gloves, hand pads and mittens which are reinforced with metal
staples should not be used in and around operations involving electrical
apparatus. Rubber gloves should not be used for handling derivatives of
petroleum as they have a deteriorating effect on natural rubber. For such
works, gloves made of synthetic rubber, such as neoprene, can be used.

Where a complete glove is not necessary, finger stalls may be used. These are
available in combination of one or more fingers. The construction of the stall
depends upon the degree or type of hazard to be confronted. The finger stalls
are useful in operations involving edge tools. Finger stalls can be made of
asbestos, rubber, leather, metal mesh, etc.

Where finger dexterity is not required, some workers prefer to use mittens
instead of gloves. Modifications of mittens are also available, for example,
one finger mittens permit use of thumb and index finger with a combined
covering for other three fingers. It offers finger dexterity similar to gloves
while possessing the characteristics of the mittens. Mittens are manufactured
of the same materials as gloves and are generally used in the same type of
operations too.

4.3 Hand Pads and Arm Protection Equipment

For protection against heat or extremely abrasive or splintery material, hand

pads give better protection than gloves, since they can be made heavier and
less flexible without discomfort. Hand pads should have a surface large enough
to cover the entire palm of the hand. They should not be used while working
on moving machinery. The pads should at all times be sufficiently loose to
release the hands and fingers, if caught on a rough edge or nail.

Hand and arm protectors are required to be used when engaged in operations
involving exposure to heat. These should be made of asbestos cloth or wool.

4.4 Selection of Hand and Arm Protection Equipment

The following criteria could be adopted to select the brand of arm and hand
protection equipment:

l conformity to relevant publications of Bureau of Indian Standards,

l suitability of the material in view of the hazards,

l selection of appropriate length and thickness to suit the application,

l suitability of the lining,

l selection of proper grip,

l selection of appropriate cuff style, and

l availability of test certificate.

4.5 Specifications for Hand and Arm Protection Equipment

4.5.1 Specifications for Rubber Gloves for Electrical Purposes (IS: 4770-1991):

Rubber gloves for electrical purposes offer protection against electric shock
while working on energized conductors and equipment. However, it does not

imply that rubber gloves shall be the only means of protection for working on
live circuits or components. The specifications deal with four types of gloves
suitable for maximum working potential of 650, 1100, 3300 and 4000 Vrms.

There are four types of gloves called type 1, 2, 3, 4 based on wall thickness,
maximum working potential, leakage current, and breakdown voltage as given
in Table 4.1.

(i) Material and Manufacture:

Arm and hand protective equipment for electrical purposes shall be

made from rubber (natural or synthetic) either by dipping process
or from calendered sheets and the compounds, when vulcanised, shall
satisfy the BIS specification. It is desirable to use different colours for
inner and outer layer. In gloves built from calendered rubber sheets, all
joints shall be made by butting or skiving the edges closely together,
with the joints being strengthened inside or outside or on both sides
with a rubber strip or tape of quality similar to that used in gloves.

The gloves shall have a smooth surface and be free on both the inner
and outer surfaces from visual defects like patches, blisters, porosity,
embedded foreign material, or other physical defects, which can be
detected at the time of inspection or testing.

(ii) Shape:

Gloves shall be of wrist or gauntlet type, with the cuff edges being
finished with a roll or rubber reinforcing strip.

(iii) Electrical Properties:

Each glove in the consignment, when tested, shall withstand alternating

test potentials specified in Table 4.2 for one minute without breakdown.
The leakage current shall not be more than the appropriate values
given in Table 4.2. The leakage current at the normal working voltage
of the glove when tested shall not exceed 0.3 milli amperes.


Maximum Minimum Thickness at Maximum Thickness +

Gloves Working Crotch Other than Area ‘A’ Area ‘B’
Voltage Area* Crotch Area
(rms) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

Type 1 650 0.60 0.65 1.05 1.05

Type 2 1100 0.75 0.90 1.25 1.65
Type 3 3300 1.00 1.15 1.50 2.05
Type 4 4000 1.25 1.55 2.05 2.55

* Crotch area is a circular area with 12.5 mm radius, whose centre is at intersection
of the plane of the axis of the fingers (or thumb) and a line, at the crotch, midway
between the base of the adjacent fingers (or thumb) and extending from palm to
the back of the gloves.
+ Area A and area B are defined in Fig. in IS:4770-1991.



Maximum Test Potential Maximum Minimum

Working (rms) Leakage Breakdown
Gloves Potential Current Voltage
(rms) (rms) at Test (rms)
of Glove Potential
Volts Volts mA Volts

Type 1 650 5000 4 17000

Type 2 1100 10000 8 20000

Type 3 3300 15000 12 25000

Type 4 4000 20000 14 30000

(iv) Physical Properties:

l Tensile strength : not less than 140 kgf/cm2

l Elongation at break : not less than 600%.

l Tension set : The tension set of the

representative samples tested,
following an elongation of 300
per cent and a recovery of 10
minutes shall not exceed 20 per

l Ageing properties : When subjected to ageing in an

air-oven for 168 hours at 70°C,
the tensile strength and the
elongation at break shall not
exceed the following limits of
the corresponding values
obtained before ageing.

Tensile strength : + 10%

- 15%

Elongation at break : + 5%
- 15%

(v) Marking:

The gloves shall be marked with the following information:

l Size and type of gloves.

l Maximum working potential.

l Manufacturer’s name or registered trade mark.

l Month and year of manufacture.

The marking shall be at the back, legible, permanent and shall not
impair the quality of the gloves.

4.5.2 Gloves for Protection against Chemicals:

Gloves for protection against chemicals are made of materials impervious to

liquids for protection against irritating corrosive substances. No one type is

universally suitable against all possible hazards. The choice depends on the
particular acid, solvent, caustic, oil, chemical, etc. involved. No Indian standard
is available for chemical safety gloves. In the absence of BIS standards,
general guidelines for selecting proper gloves are given below:

(i) Materials for Selecting Proper Gloves:

l Butyl : Synthetic rubber material offers thehighest

penetration resistance to acid, gases and water
vapours e.g. acetic acid, ammonium hydroxide,
hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid, sulphuric acid.

l Neoprene: Synthetic rubber material has excellent tensile

strength, heat resistance, ability to withstand most
acids, caustics and remains flexible at low
temperature, e.g. ammonium hydroxide, hydrochloric
acid, hydrofluoric acid, sodium hydroxide, and
sulphuric acid.

l Nitrile : Synthetic rubber material offers superior chemical

and abrasion resistance; suggested for use in oils,
fats, acids, caustics and alcohol.

l PVC : Synthetic thermoplastic polymer provides excellent

wet grip and abrasion resistance. It is chemically
resistant to oil, grease, acids and solvents.

l Latex : Natural rubber material has outstanding tensile

strength and temperature resistance. Thick latex
gloves also provide resistance to acids and alkalis,
e.g. surgical and post-mortem gloves.

l PVA : Water-soluble synthetic material cannot be used in

water or water based solutions; it is highly
impermeable to gases; it has excellent chemical
resistance to aromatic and chlorinated solvents, e.g.
benzene, trichloroethylene.

(ii) Length and Thickness:

Wrist length/elbow length/shoulder length thickness of glove material

is very important. Thin gloves allow better dexterity and flexibility,
while thick gloves provide better overall protection but are less flexible.

(iii) Lining:

l Unlined : Offer better sensitivity and dexterity than lined


l Flock lined : Shredded fibres (usually cotton) applied to the

inside surface of the glove material, absorb
perspiration and allow easy wear.
l Knit lined : Cotton or synthetic material bonded to the inside
surfaces of the glove, absorbs perspiration,
affords additional heat protection and is more
l Jersey lined : glove, absorbs perspiration, affords additional
heat protection and is more durable.
(iv) Cuff style:
l Pinked : A finished appearance commonly found on knit-
lined rubber gloves.
l Rolled : Serves as a barrier against chemicals which may
run off the glove on to the skin. Also provides
additional cuff strength.
l Knit wrist : Provides a snug fit and prevents material from
entering the glove.
l Gauntlets : Extended length helps to protect the wrist area.
(v) Markings:
l Size
l Material
l Manufacturer’s name
l Year of manufacture
Many gloves feature a textured finish that provides a better grip (smooth,
crinkle, rough, embossed). Some gloves rely on the inherent qualities of the
material to provide a good grip.

The level of protection provided by a chemical resistant glove depends on

several conditions, such as chemical concentration, temperature and duration
of use.

4.5.3 Specifications of Leather and Cotton Gloves [IS: 6994 (Part 1)-1973]:
It covers eleven types of industrial gloves made of leather and cotton.

(i) Material for leather gloves:

Chrome, tanned cow or young buffalo grain or split leather to conform
to the following requirements:
l the leather and flesh split shall be of natural colour having
thickness of 1.0 to 2.0 mm and 1.5 to 2.0 mm respectively,
l it shall be soft, pliable and free from flaws or loose fibres,
l it shall be treated in such a manner as not to obscure defects
and shall not be stained with compounds of iron,
l the leather shall not contain any chromate extractable by water
or dilute acids, and
l the leather shall be treated for mildew resistance.

(ii) Material for cotton drill gloves:

l Cotton drill : shall be unbleached 315g/m2

with a tolerance of 19 g / sq.m.
l Knitted fabrics for cuffs : 2/20 all cotton.
l Thread : Cotton sewing thread as per IS:
l Size, design and stitching : As per IS : 6994 (Part-1)-1973.

(iii) Markings:

The gloves shall be legibly stamped on the inside of the cuffs with the
following information:

l type and nominal size of the gloves,

l where applicable, the words ‘light mass’, ‘medium mass’ or
‘heavy mass’,
l msanufacturer’s name or recognised trademark, and
l year of manufacture.

4.5.4 Specifications for Leather Gauntlets and Mittens (IS: 2573-1986):
Leather gauntlets are generally worn by welders for protection against heat
and abrasion during welding and by workers while handling moderately hot
materials or materials with sharp and rough edges. Leather mittens are also
worn while handling moderately hot materials and materials with sharp and
rough edges. Material specifications are same as those for leather gloves,
given in 4.5.3.

(i) Size of leather gauntlets for welders:

Size Length (mm)
Small 300 ± 5

Medium 350 ± 5
Large 450 ± 5
(ii) Thread:

Cotton, polyamide cotton, core spun or any other suitable thread.

(iii) Test:

Each of the gauntlets selected according to sampling procedures shall

be examined for size, thickness of leather, dimension, workmanship,
finish and manufacturing details without opening up of the gauntlets.

(iv) Markings:

l Size of the gloves.

l Manufacturer’s name or recognised trademark.
l Year of manufacture.

4.5.5 Specifications for Asbestos Gloves:

The utility of asbestos gloves for protection from heat and fire hazards depends
upon the quality of asbestos cloth used in their manufacture. The cloth for
asbestos gloves of brand Firefly K.21 has the following properties:

No physical or chemical change of cloth of glove should occur upto temperature

of 450°C and it should retain its fibrous nature upto temperature 1400°C. It
should be fire resistant, rot proof, vermin proof.

(i) Thickness (approximatly) : 2 mm
(ii) Width (approximatly) : 1000 to 1060 mm.
(iii) Weight (approximatly) : 1.35 kg/m2 (50 to 55 kg/roll)
(iv) Construction weave : Non metallic, plain, single ply. Warp
plyends per 2.5 cm - 9. Weft ply pick per
2.5 cm - 17-1
(v) Moisture content : 2.5% maximum by weight.
(1 hour at 1050 C.)
(vi) Loss on ignition : 25% maximum by weight.
(30 minutes at 8000 C).
(vii) Thermal conductivity : 0.75 x 10-3 cal/s-cm-°C


5.1 General

Protection to foot and leg is required while handling material or corrosive and
chemical liquids. Commonly used foot and leg PPE are safety shoes, foot
guards, kneepads, leggings and leg guards.

Depending upon the nature of hazards against which protection is required,

safety shoes are classified into following six principle types:

l safety-toe shoes,

l conductive shoes,

l foundry (molder) shoes,

l explosives-operations (non-sparking) shoes,

l electrical hazard shoes, and

l shoes suitable for mining operations.

The materials used for manufacture of foot and leg PPE and types of safety
shoes for protection from different types of hazards are given in Annexure
VIII and IX respectively.

5.2 Safety-Toe Shoes

The common foot protection employed in industry is the metal toe-box-safety

shoe. This type of shoe is required when handling heavy materials, rolling
objects like barrels, heavy pipes, rolls, truck wheels, to protect against kicking
sharp sheet metal. In occupations where there is likelihood of heavier objects
falling and striking the toe, then foot guards in addition to safety shoes should
be worn. The foot guards are flanged, heavy-gauge metal and corrugated-
sheet metal covers that protect the foot from toe to ankle. With the flanges
resting on a firm floor, the foot guard should resist an impact of at least 45 without damaging the shoes underneath or injuring the feet.

Metal toe-boxes may also be used for shoes which provide additional
protection against different hazards, for example, conductive-spark resistant
shoes, molder shoes, non-conductive shoes. Depending on the type of safety

shoe, protection against additional hazards like building of static electricity
on person (conductive shoes), resistant against sparks (non-sparking shoes
made without metallic parts), electric insulation from ground (non-conducting
shoes) is provided to workers. For work under wet conditions, rubber boots/
shoes fitted with steel toe-box provide protection against impact.

5.3 Conductive Shoes

These are required by workers who work in dusty, chemical or explosives

plants or where the atmosphere may contain a flammable mixture. The
conductive shoes are in fact safety-toe-shoes with the added designed feature
of discharging harmlessly to the ground static electricity charges, which may
be built up on the body of the wearer as he/she moves around. They have
conductive soles to drain off static charges and because of its non-ferrous
construction to reduce the possibility of friction sparks in locations with fire
or explosive hazard.

The conductive quality of the shoe is dependent on a good electrical contact

between the sole of the foot of wearer and sole of the shoe. The wearer
should not insulate his feet by using woollen stockings/silk/foot powder or
allow the sole of the shoe to become oil-soaked, as these adversely affect the
shoes’ conductivity. Initial and subsequent periodic tests should be made on
conductive shoes ensuring that the maximum allowable resistance of 4,50,000
ohms is not exceeded.

5.4 Foundry Shoes

These shoes are required by workers employed in operations where molten

materials are used for preventing sparks and spattering of molten compounds
from entering inside the shoe.

Foundry shoes are safety-toe-shoes, which are designed to fit snugly around
the ankle and to completely enclose the foot. They slide over the foot and are
held closely to it by means of an elastic expansion insert. The wearer should
cover the tops of the foundry shoes by his trousers to keep out the molten

5.5 Explosive - Operations (Non-sparking) Shoes

These shoes do not have conductive soles and have non-ferrous eyelets and
nails. The metal-box toes are coated with non-ferrous material.

These shoes are required to be worn by workers in the following operations:

l in hazardous locations where the floors are non-conductive and grounded,

such as in the manufacture of certain explosive compounds, and

l when cleaning tanks that contain gasoline or other volatile

5.6 Electrical Hazard Shoes

This safety-toe shoe is to be used in areas where potential for electrical shocks
exists. No metal is used in preparation of this shoe, except for the base toe,
which is insulated from the rest of the shoe. If these become damp (wet) or
badly worn out, they cannot be depended for protection.

5.7 Other Types of Safety Shoes

Besides the types of safety shoes described earlier, there are a few special
shoes, which provide protection against hazards posed in certain types of
risky operations. These are described below:

(i) In construction sites where protruding nails exist and where possibility
of coming in contact with energised electric equipment does not exist,
shoes equipped with reinforced soles or soles of flexible metal should
be used.

(ii) For working on hot surfaces like asphalting, wood soles provide good
protection. Hot surfaces should not be very hot, as it will char the
wood. This type of wood soles footwear is sometimes called ‘pavers
sandals’ or ‘paver shoes’.

(iii) Plastic shoe covers are required to be used for

l protecting a product from contamination, and

l preventing the spread of contamination to non-contaminated

areas, e.g. working with radioactive materials.

5.8 Care of Foot and Leg Protection Equipment

l Leather shoes should be kept as dry as possible. If they get wet, they
should be dried slowly.

l User of leather shoes should wash the feet and change socks daily as
perspiration harms the leather and causes the lining of shoes to wear
out and become rough.

l Shoes should be kept in good repair, as worn-out soles and rundown

heels are dangerous.

l Conductive sole shoes, designed to prevent the accumulation of body
static charges, as well as anti-spark and shock resistant, require special
attention. Only repairmen thoroughly familiar with their construction
and trained in approved methods of repairs should attempt this work.
The advice of the manufacturer should be sought.

l Shoes should be cleaned frequently.

l For certain operations, when the workers on different shifts or jobs are
required to wear same pair of rubber boots, it is necessary to disinfect
boots after each shift or job.

The following washing procedure is recommended for rubber boots:

l Inside and outside of rubber boot should be washed with a hose under
water pressure.

l Boots should be dipped into a tub containing a solution of 1 part

sodium hypochlorite and 19 parts water.

l The boots should be rinsed with hose under water pressure and dried.

5.9 Specifications for Different Types of Safety Shoes

5.9.1 Leather Safety Boots and Shoes [IS: 1989 (Part-1 & 2)-1986]:

l Should be ankle high.

l Should have six eyelets (four eyelets or less in each of safety shoes.)

l Toe should be reinforced with steel toe cap.

l Tongue should be padded.

l Bottom be made of vegetable-tanned sole leather or moulded rubber

sole and heel.

l Eyelets be made of aluminum or brass coated steel of size 10 mm.

l Mass - 1750 g/pair of size 8 (maximum) with hob nails,toe

tips and heel tips. 1650 g/pair of size 8 (maximum)
without hob nails, toe-tips and heel tips. The mass
shall increase or decrease by 75 g per pair for each
bigger or smaller size respectively.

l Steel - toe cap should be as per IS: 5852- 1996 and should
withstand blows of 14.2 kgf.m.

5.9.2 Fireman’s Leather Boots (IS: 4128-1980):

Wellington type of shoes as required by IS: 4128-1980 for fire fighting are not
manufactured in India. As per the current practice, PVC or rubber gum boots
are used by firemen during firefighting/rescue operations. Jodhpuri shoes in
black are used by fire staff as a part of uniform and for fire officers shoes in
brown colour are used.

5.9.3 Electrical Safety Shoes:

The BIS standards for electrical safety shoes are under preparation. However,
IS: 4770-1968 lays down the standard for testing of rubber gloves/boots for
electrical purposes.

As per this standard there are four types of gumboots for electrical purposes
based on the maximum voltage recommended to work on. These are classified
as type I,II,III, and IV for which the corresponding maximum working voltages
are 650, 1100, 3300 and 4000 volts respectively.

5.9.4 Chemical Safety Shoes:

No BIS standard is available for chemical safety shoes. Shoes whose sole is
made out of PVC or nitrile rubber are generally acceptable for use in chemical
plant areas. A number of suppliers are manufacturing shoes with sole resistant
to acid, alkali and oil. IS:5557-1969 gives specifications for rubber knee boots
for use on floors, which are covered with oil, grease, etc.

5.9.5 Electrical-cum-Chemical Gum Boots:

PVC full gums boots with stockinet lining inside and conforming to IS:12254-
1988 can be used both for chemical and electrical purposes, and shall have the
following specifications:

l Height - in different sizes 10", 12", 14".

l Electrical - 5 kV electrical shock proof.

l Material - PVC - virgin material.

l Inside lining - Stockinet.

l Sole design - With serrations in opposite directions.

5.9.6 Shoes Suitable for Mining Operations:

The types of protective footwear required for miners must be approved by

Director General of Mine Sefty (DGMS) who does the necessary testing.
Types of safety shoes for different types of mining operations are given

l Safety leather boots : for underground coal mines and

mica mines.

l Safety leather boots with

- Leather sole : for underground non-coal mines

like gold, copper, manganese, etc.

- Rubber sole : for coal mines especially for

workers like trammers,
shortfirers, etc.

l Safety leather shoes with

- Leather sole : for most surface mines of coal,

limestone, iron ore, etc.

- Rubber sole : (Note: The underground workers

should not, as a rule, use shoes.)

l Rubber knee boots : for use in extremely wet

conditions where workers have
to stand and work in ankle-deep
water or even more. This type of
footwear is suitable for wet
sinking shafts, in wet mines with
more or less flat gradients, and
for workers in China clay mines
engaged in washing operations.


6.1 General

Certain jobs require protection for the whole body, like in the case of exposure
to fire, extreme heat, molten metal, corrosive chemicals, cold temperature, body
impact, cuts from materials which are handled. Other specialised hazards are
often part of what is known as ‘job exposure’ (e.g. nuclear radiation exposure).
Protection to body against such exposures can be provided by wearing aprons,
overalls, jackets, complete head-to-toe protective suits, etc. Selection of type
of body PPE depends on the nature of hazard, severity of hazard and nature of
activities of concerned user. Wherever complete body protection is not needed,
it is advisable to avoid unnecessary safety clothing, as it may hamper the
efficiency of user. If a user needs complete coverage, he should be provided
the same. For example, in pressurised heavy water nuclear reactors, complete
coverage to the body of worker is provided through plastic suit to prevent
entry of Tritium into the body through the skin.

Materials used in the manufacture of body protection PPE against different

types of hazards are given in Annexure-X.

Body protection may be required against the following main types of hazards:

l heat and hot metal,

l impact and cuts,

l exposure to toxic materials, and

l special hazardous situation involving women workers, e.g. long hair,

loose clothing, etc.

These are described in detail in the following subsections.

6.2 Protection Against Heat and Hot Metal

The following types of materials can be used for body protection PPE against
hazards arising out of operations involving heat and hot metals:

(i) Leather Clothing:

It provides protection against heat, splashes of hot metal, limited impact

forces, infrared and ultraviolet radiations.

(ii) Asbestos and Wool Clothing:

In case intensity of heat is somewhat more than that represented by

welding operations, asbestos and wool, as well as leather clothing is
used. Specially treated asbestos clothing has been developed which is
impervious to metal splash upto 1600°C. Metal fastenings of such
clothing should be covered with flaps to keep them from becoming
dangerously hot. Fibreboard can be used particularly in the front part
of asbestos legging to provide protection against impact. This type of
body PPE is required by foundrymen working with molten metal. There
is no proven evidence that wearing asbestos clothing poses a health

(iii) Aluminised Clothing:

For operations involving temperature upto 1100°C, use of aluminised

clothing is essential, as seen in furnaces and ovens, coking, slagging,
fire fighting and rescue work. The aluminised coating reflects much of
the radiant heat and the underlying material of such clothing insulates
against the remainder. This type of body protection falls under two

l emergency suits are constructed of aluminised asbestos or glass

fibre with layers of quilted glass fibres and a wool lining on the
inside. These may be used where the temperature exceeds 550°C,
as in a kiln or furnace or where men need to move through
burning areas for fire fighting or rescue operations.
l fire proximity suits depend primarily on the reflective ability of
aluminised coating on a base cloth of asbestos, glass fibre or
synthetic yarn. These suits are used in the proximity of high
temperature, such as in slagging, coking, and furnace repair
work with hot ingots and in fire fighting operations.

(iv) Flame-Retardant Clothing:

For protection against flame or small sparks, one can use ordinary
clothing made flame-proof by application of suitable flame-proofing
compounds. Durable, flame-retardant work clothes are available. Such
clothing should be distinctively marked so that untreated garments are
not used by mistake by those need fire-retardant clothing.

6.3 Protection against Impact and Cuts

It is necessary to protect the body from cuts, bruises and abrasions on most
jobs where heavy, sharp or rough material is handled. Different types of
protectors are available for almost all parts of body:

(i) Protection of shoulders and back:

Padded duck should be used by workers who carry heavy loads or

objects with rough edges.

(ii) Protection of abdomen against blows:

Aprons of padded leather, plastic, hard fibre or metal should be used.

(iii) Protection of knees:

Kneepads should be worn by mold loftsmen and others whose tasks

require continuous kneeling.

6.4 Protection against Exposure to Toxic Materials

Clothing made of impervious materials should be used by workers for protection

against dust, moisture (e.g. Tritium exposure in heavy water nuclear reactors)
and corrosive liquids. Materials used for this type of protection include natural
rubber, synthetic rubber, neoprene, vinyl, polypropylene, polyethylene films
and fabrics coated with them. Such impervious clothing can be used to make
different types of body wears, ranging from aprons and bibs of plastic sheet,
to garments which completely enclose the body from head to foot and contain
their own air supply. For the complete enclosure of the body in protective
clothing made of impervious material, the hose of the supplied air apparatus
should be connected to the face-piece as well as to the suit to provide

Natural rubber clothing should not be used in work areas where oils, grease
and organic solvents and chemicals are used. Similarly, in operations where
daily contact with acids and caustic solutions occur, the worker should not
use cotton clothing coated with impervious synthetic materials as these
chemicals will deteriorate regular cotton and impervious quality of clothing
would be lost.

6.5 Care of Body Protection Equipment

l Asbestos suits should be dry cleaned to avoid shrinkage and these

suits should be stored so that asbestos fibres are not torn or crushed
in handling.

l After dry-cleaning, the flameproof garments should be tested for

serviceability in respect of flame-resistant properties.

l The chemical-resistant garments should be protected from excessive
heat and mechanical damage. These garments should be cleaned with
warm soapy water before storing; unnecessary folding or creasing
should be avoided.

l Rubber clothing should be protected from excessive heat and

mechanical damage. These should be washed and dried thoroughly
before storing. Warm air drying should be used when possible. While
storing, care should be taken that these clothing do not get cut, torn,
scratched or worn by abrasive action. Crushing or creasing should be
avoided, as far as possible.

Cleaning of body protection equipment requires additional care. While

cleansing the clothing the following precautions need to be taken:

l washing arrangements should be such that it does not deteriorate the

fabric or adversely affect their properties, e.g. excessive water
temperature during washing should be avoided,

l the pressure of compressed air used for dusting of clothing should not
exceed 30 psig, and

l the vacuum system should be used as it prevents the spread of dust.

6.6 Specifications for Different Types of Body Protection Equipment

6.6.1 Flame/Heat Resistant Suits

Flame resistant suits of fire fighters can withstand radiant heat upto 5 minutes
and flame lick upto one minute against complete flame immersion. Heat-
resistant suits are primarily intended for industrial workers, who may be exposed
to high temperature during the course of their work and are expected to be able
to withstand radiant heat upto five minutes and occasional flame licks.

(i) Materials :

The materials used for making these suits shall be non-flammable, light
weight and flexible with sufficient heat reflecting properties. The
materials shall be durable and should not disintegrate when subjected
to intense heat and/or flames. These suits are made up of three layers:
(i) outer layer, (ii) middle layer and (iii) inner layer.

(ii) Outer Layer :

The outer layer of the clothing shall be of high reflectivity so that it

shall reflect over 90 per cent of the radiant heat incident upon it. For
this purpose, asbestos cloth laminated with aluminised polyester film
or vacuum deposited aluminised asbestos cloth has been found most

(iii) Middle Layer :

Felt-wool is used for middle layer because it is very light, open-weave

material and offers very good thermal resistance.

(iv) Inner Layer :

The inner layer (body) of the suit is made from natural, polished, white
chrome leather. It is quite flexible light and has good strength. The
material can be used repeatedly and easy to clean and maintain.

(v) Clothing Assembly:

Clothing assembly used for the manufacture of flame/heat-resistant

suits shall have high thermal capacity as well as thermal resistance. It
shall meet the following specifications:

l its thickness shall not be more than 15 m,

l the weight of the outer layer and middle layer shall not be less
than 700 g/m2 and 450 g/m2 respectively,
l all the stitching thread shall be flame retardant,
l all the joints in the suits shall have sufficient overlap to prevent
ingress of heat and sparks,
l fastener shall be secured in use, yet shall permit rapid removal
of clothing in an emergency,
l metal fittings, like rivets, shall be sealed with insulating material,
l the workmanship of the finished suit shall be of the highest
quality. The design of the garment shall ensure adequate air
gaps between the fabric and the body for ventilation. No
external pockets shall be allowed.

(vi) Functional Requirements:

The material of the outer layer of clothing assembly (i.e. aluminised

asbestos) shall comply with the requirements given below:

l no test specimen shall continue to flame for more than 8 seconds

after the ignition flame has been removed,
l after-glow shall not spread beyond the area of the material
damaged by flaming, and
l the average length of material, which chars or melts, shall not
exceed 85 mm.
(vii) Thermal Protective Index:

The protective clothing shall give minimum thermal index value of 40

for flames (time in seconds before the temperature of the back surface
of the protective clothing assembly rises by 25 0C, when exposed to a
standard heat source of burning hexane) and 300 for thermal radiation
(time in seconds before the temperature of the back surface of the
protective clothing assembly rises by 25 0C, when exposed to a standard
radiation source consisting of a radiant panel. )

(viii) Sizes and Weight of the Suits:

The suits shall generally be made in four sizes and the weight shall be
kept as low as possible. The size and the maximum permissible weight
are given below:

Sl.No. Size Overall Length Maximum

in mm. ± 20 mm Weight in kg

1. Small 1480 7.0

2. Medium 1520 8.0

3. Large 1560 10.0

4. Extra large 1600 12.0

This suit should be worn with properly designed boots, gauntlets and
headgear complete with visor and curtain for face and neck protection
against the flame and radiant heat. It is also advisable to use SCBA
along with the suit. The design of the suit shall be such that the SCBA
can be worn under the suit.

(ix) Performance Tests:

The finished suit complete with flame/heat-resistant boots and helmet

with visor shall be worn by the operator who shall perform the functions
given below:

(a) cycling for 5 minutes followed by running for two minutes,

(b) ascending and descending a 10.5 m extension ladder pitched to

its fully extended length, ten times each way in succession,
carrying down a human dummy each time he descends the

(c) standing or walking for three minutes within 600 mm of a fire in

the open, the fire being equal in intensity to a fire in 5000 litre of
aviation turbine fuel,

(d) the wearer shall run out a length of hose 30 m without difficulty.
The wearer shall also be able to carry a person weighing 90 kg
on his shoulder at least for 30 seconds without any undue
exertion or fatigue, and

(e) a tank measuring 3 x 3 x 0.6 m containing 0.5 m depth of water

with a layer of oil shall be ignited and the wearer shall handle a
branch pipe in the following manner: A thermometer shall be
inserted in the breast-pocket of the wearer. Its temperature
before insertion shall be recorded. The wearer shall now
approach a distance of 0.6 m from the flame for a maximum
period of 45 seconds and then withdraw. The thermometer
shall be taken out to note the requisite temperature recorded. It
shall not register a rise of more than 7°C when originally placed.

(x) Instructions:

Manufacturer’s instruction shall be provided with each suit of protective

clothing. These shall give information on how the best results may be
obtained in use and on limitation of the clothing.

(xi) Markings:

Each suit shall be legibly and indelibly marked with the following

l manufacturer’s name or trade mark,

l size,

l type (flame or heat-resistant suit),

l year of manufacture,

l expansion time limit, and

l ISI mark, if applicable.

6.6.2 Suits for Radiation Protection

Protective plastic suits play an important role in reducing occupational exposure

to radiation, particularly in locations contaminated with radioactive materials.
Some radioactive materials, such as Tritium can be absorbed through the skin.
These suits when ventilated properly act as a barrier against absorption.
Various types of suits are employed in DAE units depending upon the nature
and level of contamination in the working areas. Commonly used suits are of
two types: two-piece suit and single piece (frog) suit.

Two piece suits consist of a coverall, made of suitable plastic material for
covering the body and the feet and a hood with a transparent visor for covering
the head, whereas in single-piece suit, hood is the integral part of the suit.

(i) Specifications:

Materials for making these suits should possess the following


l the film used for the suit shall have a smooth, dull, non-embossed
finish for proper decontamination,

l the film should remain flexible in the temperature range


l the film shall be of self-extinguishing type,

l the film should have minimum tear strength of 75 kg/cm in warp

direction and 100 kg/cm in weft direction,

l the film should have minimum tensile strength of 200 kg/cm2 in

warp direction and 150 kg/cm2 in weft direction,

l the ultimate elongation (%) of the film material should be a

minimum of 150 per cent,

l the permeance of the film to water vapour should be a maximum
of 20 x 10-6 cc/cm2/s/mil thickness at 1 cm Hg pressure as
determined by ASTM-E96-63T Method D. This value should
not change after 168 hours storage at 70°C,

l the seam strength of the sealed films should be more than 3.64

l the colour of the film should be yellow,

l these suits are made of laminated soft yellow coloured PVC film
of 0.20 mm thickness. For visors of the PVC hoods, laminated
crystal-clear transparent PVC films of thickness 0.30 mm to 0.50
mm are used. All the seams of the suit are electronically welded
on a high frequency welding machine to provide better seal,

l the suits should be well finished, free from dirt, scratches, cracks
and pin holes, etc.

Taking into consideration the above specifications, weight, strength, flexibility,

ease of fabrication, etc. it is found that virgin plasticised PVC films have
widely been accepted to fabricate these suits, as these are able to withstand
the stresses and the temperature encountered during field use.

6.6.3 Chemical Resistant Suits

These suits provide protection against exposure to corrosive chemicals,

oxidising agents, solvents, etc. Total protection suits shall be of materials
with high mechanical strength, be light in weight, allowing freedom of movement,
self-ventilating and impermeable, and resistant to all corrosive agents against
which protection is required. Gas-proof clothing may either be pressurised or
non-pressurised. Pressurised suits are normally employed for those corrosive
gases/liquids, which could be absorbed through the skin. Non-pressurised
clothing comprise a hood, a suit and foot and hand protection. Pressurised
suits consist of a one-piece suit with an integral hood supplied with air an
airline or an air cylinder. Rubber and PVC aprons are also used to protect the
workers in chemical laboratories and industrial establishments against acids
and alkalis.

(i) Materials:

Protective suits used against corrosive chemicals are usually made

from a fabric (treated cotton or artificial fibre) coated with synthetic

elastomers, like neoprene, styrene, butadiene rubber, acrynitrile rubber,
butyl rubber or chlorosulphonated polyethylene. The woven cotton
or rayon staple cloth coated with vinyl chloride or unsupported
laminated PVC films are also used for making these suits. Suits made of
mixed PVC-polyester fabrics can be used for both acids and alkalis.

(ii) Specifications for Suit Materials:

Materials selected for making these suits should possess the following

l the weight of the finished material shall not exceed 680 g/m2 as
recommended in IS: 12257-1984,

l the minimum breaking strength in warp direction and weft

directions shall be 12 kg/cm and 8 kg/cm respectively as
recommended by IS: 3322-1965,

l the material shall not show any sign of cracking due to

weathering effect or when exposed to corrosive chemicals,

l the coating shall be uniform, free from pinholes and devoid of

unpleasant smell. It shall withstand continuous exposure to a
temperature of 100°C for 24 hour without showing any sign of

l the material shall be impermeable to water. The maximum rate of

permeation shall not exceed 20 x 10-6 cc/cm2/s/mil thickness at
one cm Hg pressure,

l the material shall not show any appreciable change in mechanical

properties, weight and dimensions after being kept in chemical
reagents for 168 hours, and

l the plies shall not separate more than 10 mm under load of 3 kg

as recommended by IS: 3322-1965.

6.6.4 Lead Rubber Aprons for X-rays

X-ray protective aprons are intended to be used during X-ray diagnostic

examination with X-rays excited at voltage upto 150 kV peak.

Two types of aprons are employed depending upon the protection factor

l Type A:

Have a minimum of 0.25 mm lead equivalent for X-rays generated at a

voltage of 150 kV peak as per IS: 7352-1974.

l Type B:

Have a minimum 0.5 mm lead equivalent for X-rays generated by a

voltage of 150 kV peak as per IS:7352-1974.

Three sizes of aprons, ‘large’, ‘medium’ and ‘small’ differing only in

length are available. Sizes for aprons shall be so chosen that the
aprons extend from the trunk and cover the gonads of the person.

(i) Material:

The protective material of the aprons shall be in the form of a uniform

sheet made either from natural or synthetic rubber compound
incorporating lead or a compound of lead. The rubber sheet containing
lead shall be bonded on both sides with cotton sheeting and the finished
material shall be flexible.

l The apron shall be provided with supporting fabric attached at

the back, which shall consist of leather cloth.

l The apron shall have two pairs of tying tape made of 40 mm

wide newar (cotton tape).

l The edges of the aprons shall be protected by means of cotton

tape 20 mm wide newar.

l All the stitching shall be done by cotton thread conforming to

a variety 28 (16 tex x 6) of IS: 1720-1978.

l The aprons shall be made from material as stated above which

is free from joints and shall conforms to the design and
dimensions as shown in Fig. 1 of IS: 1720-1978.

l The tensile strength and elongation at break of the rubber sheet

containing lead shall not be less than 51kg/cm2 and 200 per cent

l The tension set of the rubber sheet body material at 150 per
cent elongation shall not exceed 30per cent. The period for
which the test piece is kept in stretched condition and recovery
shall be 10 minutes each.

l The adhesion strength should be such that the average load

required to strip off longitudinally the covering fabric shall not
be less than 1.5 kg by machine method with 5 cm/minute rate of

l The value of tensile strength and elongation at break and

adhesion strength shall not show a change of more than the
limits given below when kept in air-oven for 168 hours at 70°C.

Tensile strength : + 20%

Elongation at break : + 10%

- 25%
Adhesion strength : - 30%

l It shall also not show any apparent deterioration in body material,

like stiffening. The apron shall be free from manufacturing
defects such as patches, blisters, porosity, embedded foreign
matter, cuts, pinholes etc. in the rubber sheet.

l The quality of the apron when worn by the X-ray operator

should be such that he shall not get more than 0.2 mGy absorbed
dose in one hour at a distance of 5 cm.

l Each apron shall be marked legibly and indelibly with the

manufacturer’s name or trade mark, year of manufacture, and
size of apron.


7.1 General

Safety belts and harness are required to be used by workers who have to work
at heights, where a fall may result in serious injury or death. These can be of
following types:

(i) Body Belt:

l To limit movement and positioning

l To restrict the worker to a safe area

l To help prevent a fall

This is used where freedom of movement is most important and where

only limited fall hazards exist. This is not recommended where vertical
free-fall hazards exist.

(ii) Body Harness:

This is used when the worker must move at dangerous heights. In a

fall, the harness distributes impact force over a wider body area than
does a belt, reducing the possibility of injury to the wearer.

(iii) Suspension Belt:

This is used at those work situations where it is not possible to work

from a fixed surface and the worker must be totally supported by a
suspension harness, as in the case of stack maintenance, tree trimming,
shipboard painting, etc.

It is preferable if belt and harness are made of webbing rather than

leather. Webbing has more strength and stretch; hence it has three to
four times greater resistance to impact loading than leather of same
size. Furthermore, the tongue of buckle on leather belt has
comparatively less strength due to cut and pull through holes in the
strap, while webbing belts use buckles which avoid loss of strength at
buckle holes. Also, the leather belt requires special care and treatment
to retain its strength, while the webbing does not. Webbing could be
made of cotton or synthetic material such as nylon or dacron which
have superior strength, and resistance to mildew and moisture. For

work areas using chemicals or oils, it is preferable if webbing is coated
or impregnated with plastic or neoprene rubber materials. The weave
of webbing should be of herringbone type instead of square (basket)
weave. The former gives approximately twice the strength than basket

Lifelines of safety belts and harness are usually nylon ropes of 12mm
diameter or manila ropes of 19mm diameter. Nylon is more resistant to
wear or abrasion than manila and is more resistant to some chemicals.
The lifeline should be spliced into snaps and D-rings instead of being
knotted. Splicing will retain approximately 90 per cent of the rated
strength of the rope, while knots reduce the strength considerably,
depending upon the type of knot or hitch used and the moisture content
of the rope.

The anchorage for lifelines should be selected to permit as little slack

as possible, thereby stopping a worker with minimum of free fall. Special
notice must be taken of nearness of any beam or other obstruction
which the workman might strike in case of a fall. The waist-belt should
always be inserted through the D-rings or other devices for attaching
the belt to the lifeline. It should never be riveted or fastened in such a
way that the D-rings or lifeline get separated from the belt due to
failure of rivets.

7.2 Care of Safety Belts and Harness

Each wearer of safety belt/harness should inspect this PPE daily before use.
In case of fabric belts, if the considerable portion of outer fibres is noticed to
be cut or worn, the belt should be rejected. Leather belts should especially be
observed for cuts or deep scratches on the strap. Any deep cut of considerable
length, in a direction across the width of the belt, calls for discarding of the
belt. Within 30 to 90 days each belt should be thoroughly examined by a
trained inspector. Belt hardware should be checked and the worn parts replaced.
Each belt rivet should be examined to be certain that it is secure.

Safety belts in service should not be tested, as it may damage the belt, making
it unsafe. Therefore, only sample belts or worn or doubtful belts should be
tested for destruction to determine their safety. Belts subject to the maximum
impact in an accidental fall should not be reused because the fittings might
have been over stressed and weakened. The safety belt should be securely
buckled and worn tight enough to prevent any possibility of the worker
slipping out of it.

Cotton or linen webbing belts should be washed in soapy water, rinsed and
dried by moderate heat. They are not damaged by temperature upto 1000C.

Synthetic fibre belts should not be exposed to excessive heat as it might

soften or melt the fibres or the chemical, subsequently affecting the
composition of the fibre.

More care is to be taken of leather safety belts. Dirt adhering to this type of
belt should be brushed off carefully so as not to scratch the leather. Leather
belts should not be exposed to excessive heat, such as from a radiator, because
a temperature as low as 65°C may permanently damage them. A leather belt
which has been unused and not oiled for a year or two is much weaker than
one which has been regularly used and adequately oiled over the same period,
even when the unused belt will look newer and stronger. Leather belt should
be oiled with neatsfoot, castor, soya bean or compound oil. Mineral oil should
never be used for leather safety belts.

The materials used in the production of safety belts including webbing and
rope shall pass the flammability resistance tests as given in Annexure-A of IS:

The performance test should be carried on an articulated anthropometric dummy

having a mass of 100 ± 5 kg and an overall height of 1.6 to 1.8 m with waist not
more than 100 cm in circumference.

7.3 Specifications for Safety Belts and Harness

l The waistbelt, shoulder straps, hoisting straps, pole straps of all types
of safety belts and harnesses shall be made of nylon/polyester webbing
which shall not break under a minimum tensile load of 2000 kg. The
width and thickness should be 44 ± 1mm and 3 ± 0.05 mm respectively.

l The threading for sewing load-bearing components shall have similar

physical and chemical properties as the material being sewn.

l All rivets and washers used for joining the various sections shall be
made from copper.

l Nylon, polyester or synthetic fibre shall be used for lifeline/safety line.

It shall not break under a minimum tensile load of 2000 kg. The minimum
diameter of the lifeline should be 10 mm.

l The metal components shall be solid or forged, the joints should not
be visible and the jointed part of the metal should not impair the strength
or quality.

l All fittings should be corrosion-resistant and chromium coated with
ample thickness to last for a minimum period of three years of storage.
All the metal parts mating with the webbing shall be smoothly finished,
rounded and designed to prevent damage to the webbing.

l The hooks, clamps or other fastening and holding devices shall be of

similar quality and properly treated or plated. The design of the hooks
shall be self-closing type and care shall be taken to ensure that if
pressure is exerted accidentally on the tongue or the latches, they shall
not disengage. Aluminium, magnesium or titanium metals or alloys
thereof shall not be used.

l If springs are used, they shall be so arranged and loaded that when the
hooks are closed, the springs rest in position and are free from any
movement until pressure is applied to release or to engage.


8.1 General

High noise levels are associated with a number of industrial operations and
machines. Excessive exposure to high levels of noise can cause irreparable
damage to hearing, in addition to some physiological and psychological harm.
Occupational hearing loss is a notifiable disease under the Factories Act. In
order to protect the hearing capacity of persons working in industries, the
exposure to noise should be kept well within the specified permissible limits.
Wherever the noise exceeds the permissible values, control measures should
be adopted to reduce the exposures. Engineering control measures, such as
institution of enclosures, process change and use of personal protective
equipment for ears are employed as noise control measures.

Ear protectors fall into three main groups:

l plug or insert type,

l cup or muff type, and

l helmet type, which completely surrounds the head in which the

attenuation of sound is achieved through the acoustical properties of
the helmet.

These are classified into two subgroups:

l aural type, and

l superaural.

(i) Aural Type:

This is placed into the ear canal. It varies considerably both in design
and material. Rubber and plastic types are preferable, as they are easy
to clean, inexpensive and give good performance. It is important that
ear-plugs be fitted individually by trained personnel. Plugs must fit
properly and remain correctly seated. The slightest leakage in the
fitting will lower the attenuation by even upto 16 dB in some frequencies.
Hearing protectors made of silicone rubber, if properly molded and
correctly used, prove more comfortable than prefabricated inserts. Soft

plastic plugs are more comfortable than hard plastic types and also
hold their shape better than rubber types. Cotton inserted in the ear is
a poor choice because of its low attenuating properties (2 to 12 dB
depending on frequency). Wax protectors also have certain drawbacks-
they tend to lose their effectiveness during the workday; they are
objectionable from sanitary point of view; they are to be shaped by
hand; and they can be used only once.

(ii) Superaural Type:

This seals the external edges of the ear canal in order to bring about
sound reduction. These are made of soft rubber-like material and are
held in place against the edges of the ear canal by a spring band or
head suspension. Such ear protectors are also known as caps.

(iii) Muff Type:

This type of ear protector covers the external ear to provide acoustic
barrier. The muffs (cups), which are cushions filled with liquid or grease,
have better noise suppression than plastics or foam-rubber types, but
may present leakage problems. Muffs are held over the ears by means
of headbands.

8.2 Amount of Attenuation

The ear-plugs, if properly fitted, can attenuate noise by 25-30 dB in the high
frequencies, which are considered to be the most harmful. Earmuffs of better
quality may reduce noise by an additional 10-15 dB. Combination of ear-plugs
and ear-muffs may reduce noise by an additional 3-5 dB. In no case, the total
attenuation will be greater than 50 dB, because at this point bone conduction
becomes significant.

8.3 Care of Ear Protectors

Regular cleaning of ear protectors is important for the sake of proper hygiene.
Protectors that become contaminated or coated with hardened wax may cause
discomfort and may lead to infection of middle ear.

8.4 Tests for Ear Protectors

The following tests described in IS: 9167-1979 should be carried out on 10

samples of a lot and no single failure is allowed:

l sound attenuation test as per IS: 6229-1980,

l damp heat test, accelerated,

l rapid change of temperature test,

l low temperature impact test,

l cleanability test, and

l headband extension test.

The ear protectors subjected to these tests should not crack or rupture or
deteriorate. These tests are meant for ensuring basic climatic and mechanical
durability of components.

8.5 Audiometric Testing

An audiometric testing programme should be maintained for workers who are

exposed to noise levels in excess of 90 dB. Such a programme will help in
determining whether hearing PPE worn by the workers are in fact protecting
their hearing capability against noise damage. This will also facilitate the
selection of workers more likely to be affected by the noise so that they may
be transferred to another job.

8.6 Specifications for Ear Protection Equipment

The material used, which may come into contact with the body, should not
cause irritation. It should be moisture-proof, heat-resistant and cold-proof.
The ear-plugs should be elastic so that they can be easily inserted. The ear
protectors should be so designed as not to easily fall off from the ear when
being worn.

The material used should not get affected in any way when the temperature
ranges between 25° to 55°C.

The sound attenuation requirements (IS: 9167-1979) of the ear protectors should
be as given below:

Group Frequency (Hz) Group Sound Attenuation(minimum dB)

Ear-muffs Ear-plugs

A 125 } 25 25
250 }

B 500 }
1000 }
2000 } 175 135
3000 }
4000 }

C 6000 } 60
8000 }

Note : The minimum group attenuation is the sum of mean attenuation for each
of the test frequencies contained in that group.

The acceptable minimum sound attenuation for each of the single test
frequencies contained in Group B is as follows:

Test Frequency(Hz) Sound Attenuation(minimum)

Muffs Plugs

500 25 20

1000,2000,3000,4000 35 25


9.1 General

Respiratory PPE are required by workers in work areas where there is lack of
sufficient oxygen or where high levels of atmospheric contaminants are likely
to be present. The contaminants may range from the relatively harmless
substances to toxic dusts, fumes, smoke, mists, vapour and gases. This type
of PPE shall be used in the following situations:

(i) Non-emergency Situations:

When workers are exposed to an atmosphere which does not have a

rapid, dangerous effect upon life or health but will produce chronic
illness, pronounced discomfort or permanent physical damage or even
death after prolonged or repeated exposures. Such situations generally
involve normal routine operations.

(ii) Emergency Situations:

At times workers are exposed to an atmosphere with high concentrations

of contaminant which have a rapid, harmful effect on life or health even
after comparatively short periods. Under such situations, respiratory
PPE should provide complete respiratory protection to the worker with
provision for safeguarding the wearer against even a momentary failure
of PPE during exposure to the dangerous atmosphere.

9.2 Selection of Respiratory PPE

A wide variety of respiratory PPE are available from suppliers for persons
working in different types of work situations. The following information is
required for deciding on the type of respiratory PPE required:

a) the name of contaminant to be guarded against; its chemical, physical

and toxicological properties,

b) type of work situation, viz. non-emergency or emergency, and

c) the period of time for which respiratory PPE is required to be used.

After considering the above information, refer to Figures 2 and 3 for selecting
the type or types of respiratory PPE that would protect the worker. Besides the
above selection procedure, the following general principles must be taken
into account:

(i) Chemical cartridge respirators are suitable only in atmospheres that
are not immediately dangerous to life and that contain a percentage of
contaminants not exceeding 0.1 per cent by volume. These respirators
should not be used for following types of contaminants:

l that are extremely poisonous in very small concentrations

(e.g. hydrogen cyanide).

l that are not effectively absorbed chemically (e.g. carbon


l that are not easily identified by odour (e.g. methyl chloride,

hydrogen sulphide).

l that are irritating to eyes (e.g. sulphur dioxide).

(ii) Canister-type gas masks should be limited to use in atmospheres that

are not deficient in oxygen or where the toxic contaminant does not
exceed 2 per cent in concentration (3 per cent for ammonia) by volume.

The following criteria can be adopted to select the brand of respiratory

protection equipment:

l conformity to the relevant publications of BIS,

l easy to don, use and take off,

l adequate protection against hazards,

l adequate protection factor,

l durable,

l comfortable and non-irritating,

l good field of vision,

l provision for communication and for use of spectacles,

l easy to clean and maintain,

l easy replacement of non-lasting parts,

l availability of test certificates, and

l availability of testing/servicing facility with the supplier.


Respiratory Protective

Air purifying devices Atmosphere-supplying


blower Self-contained
Hose Airline
Gas and vapour Dust Combination mask respirator
Without apparatus
filters filters gas, vapour and

Particulate blower

Continuos Demand Pressure

Canister Cartridge Canister Cartridge flow type demand
respirator respirator respirator respirator type

respirator Open circuit Closed circuit

Demand Pressure Oxygen Compressed

type demand generating or liquid
type type oxygrn type


Ventilated space Unventilated space

Dust or Combined Self-contained Dust or Gas or

Gas or Oxygen Oxygen
fume dust, gas breathing fume vapor
vapor deficiency deficiency
hazard and vapor apparatus hazard hazard


Toxic Non-toxic Toxic

Non-toxic Self-contained
Airline breathing breathing
apparatus (Allows apparatus (Allows
Cartridge Cartridge Canister only restricted unrestricted
respirator respirator respirator with movement) movement)
or self- with particulate filter
contained particulate or self-contained
breathing filter breathing
apparatus apparatus

Normally in a ventilated space, oxygen deficiency would not occur, except, due to an accident situation
9.3 Care of Respiratory PPE

The following considerations should be kept in mind for maintaining the quality
of respiratory PPE:

l Where practicable, the respirators should be assigned to individual

workers for their exclusive use.

l It is advantageous to assign two respirators to each individual user.

They last more than twice as long, and helps in carrying out proper
servicing of respirators as the second respirator is used while the first
is being serviced.

l Respirators must be cleaned regularly and disinfected.

l Respirators should be stored in a convenient, clean and sanitary


l Respirators used routinely should be inspected during cleaning. The

deteriorated parts, if any, should be replaced. Respirators for emergency
use, such as self-contained type (e.g. SCBA), are to be thoroughly
inspected at least once a month and after each use.

l Respirators should not be thrown into tool boxes or left on work benches
where they may get exposed to dust or damaged by oil or other harmful

l Respirator should never be hung by the elastic headband or kept in a

position, as to stretch the face-piece.

l Before storing, respirator should be carefully wiped with a damp cloth

and dried. It should be stored without making sharp folds or creases
on it. It should be sealed in clean, plastic bags.

l Users should wipe off oil, grease and other harmful substances from
head-bands and other parts of the respirator as soon as they get dirty.
Solvents should not be used to clean plastic or rubber parts.

l Supervisors should be made responsible for daily inspection of

respiratory PPE, particularly of functional parts, such as exhalation
valves and filter elements. They should see that the edges of the
valves are not curled and that valve seats are smooth and clean.
Inhalation and exhalation valves should be replaced periodically.

l In addition to daily check, trained persons should inspect the
respirators. During weekly inspection, rubber parts should be stretched
slightly for detection of fine cracks. The rubber should be worked
occasionally to prevent setting (one of the causes of cracking), and
the headband should be checked to ensure that the wearer has not
stretched it in an attempt to secure a snug fit.

9.4 Training for Use of Respiratory PPE

For the following reasons, it is essential that the wearer of respiratory PPE
undergoes special training before using it:

l Respiratory PPE may be used in emergencies (immediate dangerous to

life), where there is strain and excitement.

l The operation of certain types of respiratory PPEs is fairly complex

(e.g. self-contained breathing apparatus).

l Gas mask may not have been fitted properly on the face of the wearer.

l Wrong type or ineffective type of respiratory PPE may be used by the


Hence, for safe use of any respirator, it is essential that the user is properly
trained for its selection, use and maintenance. Training is to be given to the
worker so that he gets skilled in the following:

l selection of proper respirator,

l proper fitting of face mask,

l proper handling of respirator,

l proper care of respirator, and

l effectiveness of respirator.

In training, the user wears the mask long enough to become accustomed to
the breathing resistance.

The workers who use respirators need to be given training and periodic
retraining, which include explanations and discussions, on the following:

l nature of the respiratory hazard and possible health effects if the

respirator is not used properly,

l reason for selection of a particular type of respirator,

l how the respirator works and its limitations,

l how to put the respirator on and check that it is working and adjusts

l how to maintain, inspect and store the respirator, and

l a respirator fit test for negative pressure respirators.

A guideline for using the right type of respiratory protection equipment for
different types of hazards is given in Annexure-XI.

Colour code for canisters and cartridge-type of air-purifying respirators for

different types of atmospheric contaminants is given in Annexure-XII.

Guidelines for marking on respiratory protection equipment based on BIS

publications are given in Annexure-XIII.

9.5 Special Precautions for Respiratory PPE

l Right type of respiratory PPE should be used, as particulate filter

respirators are of no use against solvent vapours, injurious gases or
lack of oxygen.

l Chemical cartridge respirators should not be used where gas masks are

l Chemical filtering-type respirators should not be used where

atmospheric supporting-type or self-contained units are required.

l From the standpoint of fire hazard, pure oxygen or air containing more
than 21per cent oxygen should not be used in atmosphere-supplied
respirators or in self-contained type of breathing apparatus.

l Canister gas masks should not be used in areas where oxygen content
is less than 19.5 per cent by volume.

l Canister gas masks should not be used for fire fighting purpose. In fire
fighting operations, wear self-contained breathing apparatus.

l Each person, who is required to wear the gas mask, should first undergo
physical examination, especially of his heart and lungs. Anyone in
questionable physical condition should be prevented from entering
into a work environment posing respiratory hazards.

l The user of a gas mask should enter the contaminated area cautiously.
If the mask leaks or the canister is exhausted, the user will usually
know by the odour, taste or irritation of eye, nose or throat. The user
should then immediately return to fresh air.
l If the canister of the gas mask is exhausted, it should not be left attached
to the gas mask; but removed. A new canister should be selected and
fastened in place.
l When a respirator is worn in a gas or vapour that has little or no
warning properties like carbon monoxide, it is recommended that a
fresh canister should be used each time a worker enters the toxic
l Filters of particulate filter respirators should be replaced whenever
breathing becomes difficult due to plugging of filters by retained
particulates inside.
l No one should wear self-contained breathing apparatus unless he is
physically fit and well trained. Refresher training should be provided
at least every six months.
l No one wearing self-contained breathing apparatus should work in an
irrespirable atmosphere unless another person, similarly equipped, is
in attendance, ready to give assistance.
l A canister or gas mask with broken seals should not be kept in service
for more than one year, regardless of how little it has been used.
l In atmospheres with a high concentration of hydrogen cyanide or any
other contaminant, which are absorbed through the skin, the user need
to be protected by appropriate type of respirator and clothing.

9.6 Protection Factors for Respiratory PPE

The values of protection factors for different types of air respirators are given
in Annexures-XIV and XV.

9.7 Specifications for Respiratory Protective Equipment

9.7.1 Canister Type Respirators (Gas Masks) (IS: 8523-1977)

There are three types of gas masks:

(i) front mounted or back mounted canister gas mask, with full face-piece,
(ii) chin type gas mask where the canister near the chin has full face mask,
(iii) escape gas mask.

(i) Protection Limits:

Maximum volume concentrations of contaminants for which the

canister should provide protection are as follows:

Front or Back Chin-type Escape Gas

Sl. No. Contaminant Mounted Gas Gas Mask % Mask %
Mask %

1. Acid gases 2 (Notes 1 and 2) 0.5 (Notes 1 and 2) 0.1

(Notes 1 to 4)

2. Ammonia 3 (Note 1) 0.5 0.5 (Note 3)

3. Carbon monoxide 2 (Note 1) Not 1.0


4. Organic vapours 2 (Notes 1 and 2) 0.5 (Notes 1 and 2) 0.5

(Notes 1 to 3)

Note 1 : Approval may be for acid gaspes or organic vapours as a class or for
specific acid gases or organic vapours. Approval may also be granted
for combinations of any or all of these materials.

Note 2 : Not for use against acid gases or organic vapours with poor warning
properties or which generate high heats of reaction with sorbent
material in canister.

Note 3 : Eye protection may be required in certain concentrations of acid

gases, ammonia and organic vapours.

Note 4 : Suggested maximum use where concentrations are lower than those
for some acid gases and organic vapours.

Inhalation and exhalation valves should be provided to protect the

canisters. Dry exhalation valve and valve seat will be subjected to a
suction of 25 mm of water gauge while in normal operating position.
The leakage between valve seat and valve shall not exceed 30 ml per

(ii) Face-piece Test:

The respirators shall be fitted to the face of three persons having

varying facial shapes and sizes. Each person wearing the gas mask
shall enter a chamber containing 1000 ppm concentration of isoamyl

acetate vapour and remain in the chamber for 8 minutes to perform certain

l 2 minutes - nodding and turning head.

l 2 minutes - calisthenic arm movements.

l 2 minutes - running in place.

l 2 minutes - pumping air with air pump into 0.1 m3 cylinder.

No person shall detect the odour of isoamyl acetate during the test period.

9.7.2 Chemical Cartridge Respirators(IS: 8522- 1977)

Chemical cartridge respirators (CCR) are designed for atmospheres not

‘Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health’ (IDLH). They are generally used
only for evacuation purposes. The presence of some contaminants can be felt
by human senses. In case the user of the respirator is able to feel the presence
of such a contaminant, he should immediately evacuate from the area. The
cartridge of the respirator should be replaced by a fresh one.

(i) Protection Limits:

Sr. No. Type of CCR Maximum Use Concentration

1. Amines 100 ppm *

2. Amine derivative 30 ppm *
3. Ammonia 300 ppm
4. Chlorine 10 ppm
5. Hydrogen chloride 50 ppm
6. Organic vapours 1000 ppm*
7. Sulphur dioxide 50 ppm

* For amines, amine derivatives and organic vapours that produce IDLH
conditions at concentrations lower than those given above, the
suggested maximum use of concentrations shall be lower.

(ii) Breathing Resistance:

Resistance to air flow at the face-piece should be measured by using a

test fixture with air flowing at 85 lpm. The resistance to air flow shall not
exceed thefollowing values:

Type of Cartridge Inhalation Resistance Exhalation

(initial - final), mm Resistance, mm of
of water water

Mask for gases,vapours 35 - 45 20

and gases and vapours

Mask for gases, vapours, or

gases and vapours, dust,
fumes and mist 45 - 65 20

(iii) Face-piece Fit Tests:

The complete chemical cartridge respirator shall be fitted to the faces

of three persons having varying facial shapes and sizes. Each person
wearing a chemical-cartridge respirator shall enter a chamber containing
100 ppm isoamyl acetate vapour (1000 ppm for full face-piece respirator)
and remain inside, doing light activities for 8 minutes. No person shall
detect the odour of isoamyl acetate vapour during the test.

(iv) Face-piece Leakage Test:

Each of the three persons wearing two different respirators fitted to the
face shall enter a chamber containing 100 ppm of dichloro difluro methane
and remain inside for 15 minutes and to perform light activities. Air
samples taken from inside the face-piece shall not exceed 5 per cent of
the test concentration.

9.7.3 Filter Type Particulate Respirators. (IS: 9473-1980)

Filter type respirators are classified as follows:

l dust respirators,
l fume respirators,
l mist respirators,

l combined respirators (combination of mechanical filter and other
type(s)), and

l radioactive dust respirator.

Hazardous materials shall not be used as a filtering medium. A durable

container shall be provided for each respirator to protect it when not in use.
Filter units shall also be protected similarly.

(i) Exhalation and Inhalation Valves:

Respirators for particulate matter having thresshold limit value less

than 0.1 mg/m3 shall be provided with exhalation and inhalation valves.

(ii) Tests for Face-piece:

Respirators shall be fitted to about 15 to 20 persons having a wide

variety of facial shapes and sizes. The inhalation and exhalation valves
shall be held closed and each subject shall exhale into the face-piece
until a slight but definite positive pressure is built up in the face-piece.
The absence of outward leakage of air between the face-piece and the
subject’s face is evidence of an acceptable fit.

The resistance to inhalation of a particulate respirator shall not exceed

30 mm of water column and resistance to exhalation shall not exceed 20
mm of water column at any time.

9.7.4 Compressed Airline Breathing Apparatus (IS:10245 (Part 3)-1982)

(i) Materials:

All materials used in the construction of airline respirator shall have

adequate mechanical strength, durability and resistance to corrosion.
These materials shall be anti-static and fire resistant as far as practicable.
The exposed parts of the apparatus should not contain metals, which
give frictional sparks, such as Mg, Ti, A1 or alloys of these metals.
Materials of breathing apparatus that come in contact with skin shall
not contain dermatitic substances.

(ii) Face-piece:

Since full face-piece for this type of respiratory protection is an important

part, detailed requirements to be met by the face-piece are given below.
These requirements may be applied to full face-pieces used for other
types of respirators as well:

l The component parts, including breathing tubes shall withstand
a test underwater at an air pressure of 1.7 kPa and shall be
proved free of leakage.

l The half facemask shall cover the nose and mouth, and the full
facemask should cover the eyes, nose, mouth and chin to
provide adequate sealing to the face of the wearer.

l Face-pieces shall be light in mass and comfortable to wear for

long periods.

l Face-pieces shall have preferably replaceable visors and shall

be made of non-splinterable, clear and non-flammable materials.

l Face-pieces shall be secured to the face by means of adjustable

and replaceable head harness.

l Device for speech transmission may be incorporated.

l Means to reduce misting of the visor shall be provided.

l Visor shall have a wide field of vision.

l The face-pieces shall have provision for attachment of

prescription glasses.

l The dead space in face-piece shall be as low as possible.

(iii) Head Harness:

l The head harness shall hold the face-piece, half mask or

mouthpiece firmly and comfortably in position. Fabrics used in
the construction shall be resistant to shrinkage and shall not
cause irritation to the wearer.

l The head harness shall be adjustable.

l The strap of the head harness shall be slip-proof and durable.

(iv) Harness or Belt:

Fresh airlines shall be provided with a belt to prevent a pull on the

breathing tube, or on the face-piece. They shall be provided with
buckles. The attachment connecting the hose to the harness shall
withstand a pull of 1000N for 5 minutes without failure.

(v) Valves:

The design of the valve assemblies shall be such that valve discs or
the assemblies can be readily replaced. It shall not be possible to fit an
inhalation valve assembly in the expiratory circuit or an exhalation
valve assembly in the inspiratory circuit.

(vi) Condition of Inhaled Air:

The carbon dioxide content in the inhaled air shall not exceed 1.5 per cent
by volume when the apparatus is tested with a flow rate of less than 120
lpm of air.

(vii) Fresh Air Supply System:

The hose shall be fitted with a strainer at the free end to exclude debris.
The hose should be resistant to collapse and kinking. The hose and
couplings shall be tested for leak tightness by immersion in water with
an internal air pressure of 7kPa. The hose shall be so flexible as to be
wound on a drum 500 mm in diameter.

9.7.5 Self-contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) [Open circuit type. IS: 10245
(Part 2)- 1982]

A self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) enables a person to remain in

irrespirable and poisonous atmosphere for a specified period of time, if required.
It is also known as a rescue apparatus or gas mask. In this type of SCBA,
compressed air carried in cylinders is fed through a demand valve and breathing
tube to a full face-piece. Exhaled air is passed into the atmosphere through a
non-return valve.

The apparatus must be simple, reliable and as compact as possible. It should

not have any protruding parts or corners or edges on which the wearer of the
unit can get caught in close quarters or can be injured. It must be possible to
put on or take off the compressed air breathing apparatus without any
interruption of the respiration. It must be capable of functioning in any position.

The supplier shall submit a test certificate for the cylinders and other parts at
the time of supply.

(i) Materials:

The materials used in the construction of SCBA shall have adequate

strength, durability and resistance to heat. They shall be anti-static
and fire resistant as far as possible. Exposed parts of the apparatus
shall be made of materials which do not give rise to frictional sparks.

(ii) Mass:

The mass of SCBA when fully charged shall not exceed 15.5 kg. The
specifications for face-piece, head harness and valves are the same as
specified in 9.7.4.

(iii) Warning Device:

The apparatus shall have an audible warning device. This shall operate
when the cylinder pressure drops to a predetermined level. The warning
device shall begin when there is a minimum of 10 minutes of effective
duration of air in the apparatus.

(iv) Face Mask:

Gas cylinders and main valve shall comply with the provisions of the
Gas Cylinder Rules, 1981. The cylinders shall be coloured as per IS:
3933-1966 (colour identification of gas cylinders and related equipment
intended for medical use).

(v) Condition of Inhaled Air:

The carbon dioxide content in the inhaled air shall not exceed an average
of 1.5 per cent by volume.

(vi) Special Requirements:

l The apparatus/set should operate with positive pressure

automatically when the user starts breathing from the apparatus.
The apparatus should not be used in the negative mode so as
to prevent ingress of atmospheric contaminant or not cause
discomfort to breathing.

l The effective duration of the set shall be for a minimum of 30

l The air pressure in the cylinder should be reduced by a two-
stage pressure reduction system.
l The reducing valve should be preferably of piston type.
l The apparatus shall be designed to include a radio
communication set.
l As whistle warning unit shall be provided to warn the user
when approximately 10 minutes of air remains in the cylinder.

l A robust waterproof pressure gauge shall be provided.

l The positive pressure demand valve shall be preferably of tilt-

valve type with a spring loaded neoprene diaphragm to give
long reliable service.

l The apparatus shall be provided with a quick coupling

connection for providing a separate hose from a remote air supply
source for extended work in toxic atmospheres.

l The cylinder valve shall have a self-locking function.

l The positive pressure of approximately 200 Pa (20 mm water

column) shall be maintained in the facemask.

9.7.6 Specifications for Escape Breathing Apparatus[IS:10245 (Part 40)-1982]

Escape breathing apparatus is light in weight and suitable for short duration.
This apparatus is designed for the sole purpose of enabling a person to escape
from a work area contaminated with dangerous dusts, gases, fumes or vapours.

The requirements for the design, construction and performance of escape

breathing apparatus are as given below:

(i) Duration:

The duration of an escape breathing apparatus should not be less than

10 minutes. Twin cylinder units are not recommended.

The specifications of the materials, design of face-piece, head harness,

valves and gas cylinders shall be the same as given in 9.7.4 and 9.7.5.

(ii) Quality of Inhaled Air:

l oxygen content shall not fall below 21 per cent by volume.

l carbon dioxide content in the inhaled air shall not exceed 2.0 per
cent by volume.

(iii) Mass:

The mass of the apparatus shall not exceed 4.5 kg.




‘Applied behaviour analysis’ helps management to assess the factors that are
capable of giving a quantum jump in improving its safety. Here this analysis
is used to identify the causes that induce a worker not to use respiratory
protection equipment and to use these findings to introduce measures to
encourage workmen to wear appropriate types of PPE.

The basic tool of applied behaviour analysis is known as ABC analysis. ‘A’
stands for antecedent, which is an event that triggers the observable behaviour
‘B’. ‘C’ stands for consequence, which is the event that follows from that
behaviour. This analysis involves the following principles:

l both antecedents and consequences influence behaviour, but they do

so very differently.
l antecedents influence behaviour indirectly, primarily serving to predict
l consequences influence behaviour powerfully and directly.

The following three features determine which consequences are stronger than
(i) Timing
A consequence that follows soon after a behaviour influences
behaviour more effectively than a consequence that occurs later.
(ii) Consistency
A consequence that is certain to follow a behaviour influences
behaviour more powerfully than an unpredictable or uncertain
(iii) Significance
A positive consequence influences behaviour more powerfully than a
negative consequence.
A consequence which is soon, certain and positive influences
behaviour most powerfully and the consequence which is late,
uncertain and negative is the weakest. Table I.1 shows the range of
consequences that result from eight possible combinations of soon-


Strongest Soon Certain Positive

Stronger Not soon Certain Positive

Soon Not certain Positive
Soon Certain Not positive

Weaker Not soon Not certain Positive

Soon Not certain Not certain
Not soon Certain Not positive

Weakest Not soon Not certain Not positive

The ABC analysis, when carried to the problem of failure to wear respiratory
protection equipment, gives the following antecedents:

l availability.

l peer pressure.

l rushing.

l time of day.

l modelling.

l lack of training.

l anticipation of mild consequences.

Similarly, consequences of this problem are saving of time, comfort,

convenience, peer approval, etc. Using the classification for range of
consequences as given in Table I.1, the different consequences for the problem
fall into following classes:

l saves time strongest (soon - certain - positive)

l comfort strongest (soon - certain - positive)

l convenience strongest (soon - certain - positive)

l peer approval strongest (soon - certain - positive)

l injury or death weakest (late - uncertain - negative)

l reprimand weakest (late - uncertain - negative)

It can be seen from this analysis that all these consequences are in favour of
the worker adopting a risky behaviour, viz. failure to wear respiratory protection
equipment. Challenge is then to introduce appropriate measures, which
encourage workers to adopt safe behaviour. This can be done by replacing
the earlier antecedents and consequences by those which promote safe

For example to encourage workers to wear respiratory protective equipment,

the following practices may be introduced:

(a) Training

Providing training to workers on the harmful effects of working

environment and as to how wearing appropriate type of PPE protects

(b) Saving time, convenience and comfort

Provide hygienic, comfortable type of PPE to workers and locate the

PPE within easy reach of workers.

(c) Peer Support

Introduce worker recognition schemes that encourage peers to support

those workers who use PPE. Also introduce punitive measures to
discourage those workers who do not use PPE. Wherever necessary,
introduce use of PPE as a job requirement.

(d) Modelling

Supervisors and managers should act as role models by using PPE,

even where they are involved in hazardous environment for a brief

(e) Rushing

Modify the work methods so that a worker has not to rush through
jobs. He should have enough time to wear PPE before starting on
hazardous jobs.




Material Protection Against Hazard

Asbestos Sparks, hot materials and heat.

Plastic/rubber Hot liquids, moisture, acids, alkalis,

electric shocks and dermatitis.

Cotton wool Sparks and heat, dermatitis and


Metal Falling objects, flying particles, cuts

and abrasions.

Plastic Sparks, falling objects, flying particles,

electric shock, cuts and abrasions.

Soft caps and hoods made of appropriate materials are used for protection
against heat, spark, and other dangerous materials. Sometimes hoods are made
with rigid frame, which is held away from the head.




Hazards Operations

Relatively large flying objects Chipping, felting, riveting,

sledging, caulking, etc.

Dust and small flying objects Scaling, grinding, stone

dressing, wood - working.

Splashing of metals Babbiting, pouring of lead

joints, casting of metals,
galvanising and dripping in
molten metals.

Splashing of liquids Handling of acids and other


Reflected light, glare Foundry works, glass

and radiant energy furnaces, gas welding
and cutting, arc welding.


There are several types of eye and face protection equipment available in the market
but it is important that employees use the proper type for the particular job.

The main classes of eye and face protection equipment required for industrial operations
are as follows:

IV.1 Eye Protection Equipment

i) Safety Goggles

They fit the contour of the face to enclose the optical area and are held
in position by a headband. Goggles come in different designs for
different situations as eye-cups, flexible or cushioned, plastic eye
shields, foundryman’s goggles etc. These may also be of wide vision
type. Some of the goggles are provided with ventilation arrangement

ii) Safety Spectacles

The oculars of safety spectacles are mounted in robust metal or plastic

frame with or without side-shields. The lenses may be of toughened
glass, cellulose acetate, acrylic or polycarbonate materials. Side shields
are provided where lateral protection is needed.

iii) Safety Clip-ons

Safety clip-ons are protective lenses designed to clip-on over the front
of non-safety spectacles. These are covered cut-type goggles designed
to fit over corrective spectacles.

IV.2 Eye and Face Protection Equipment

i) Eye Shield

It is a transparent visor supported in front of the face to shield the


ii) Face-shield

It is a device, including a transparent visor, supported in front of the

face to shield the eyes, face, forehead and front of neck.

iii) Wire Mesh Screen Guard

It is a device consisting of woven metal gauze support in front of the

face and incorporating a transparent lens in front of the eyes.

These are designed to provide protection to the face from flying particles and
spray of hazardous liquids. Some of these are designed to provide protection
against glare also.

Hand-held face-shields are also used in welding operations or for observing

the welding process.



Sl. No. Welding Ultra-Violet Filters Infra-Red Daylight Filter

Filters Filters

Shade Code No.2 Code No.3 Code No.4 Code No.5 Code No.6
(1) No.(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
1 1.2 2-1.2 3-1.2 4-1.2 5-1.2 6-1.2
2 1.4 2-1.4 3-1.4 4-1.4 5-1.4 6-1.4

3 1.7 _ 3-1.7 4-1.7 5-1.7 6-1.7

4 2 _ 3-2 4-2 5-2 6-2
5 _ _ _ 4-2a* _ _
6 2.5 _ 3-2.5 4-2.5 5-2.5 6-2.5
7 _ _ _ 4-2.5a _ _
8 3 _ 3-3 4-3 5-3 6-3
9 4 _ 3-4 4-4 5-4 6-4
10 4a * _ _ _ _ _
11 5 _ 3-5 4-5 _ _
12 5a* _ _ _ _ _
13 6 _ _ 4-6 _ _
14 6a* _ _ _ _ _
15 7 _ _ 4-7 _ _
16 7a* _ _ _ _ _
17 8 _ _ 4-8 _ _
18 9 _ _ 4-9 _ _
19 10 _ _ 4-10 _
20 11 _ _ _ _ _
21 _ _ _ _ _ _
22 13 _ _ _ _ _
23 14 _ _ _ _ _
24 15 _ _ _ _ _
25 16 _ _ _ _ _

Note : Filters shall be designated for their transmittance characteristics by a combination

of two numbers, namely, a code number and the shade number of the filter, separated by a
hyphen. The designation of welding filters, however, shall not include a code number, for
example, a filter meant for protection against ultraviolet radiation having code number 2
and shade number 1.2 shall be designated as 2-1.2.
* Further details of filters can be referred to in IS: 5983-1980.



Arm and hand protection equipment can be classified into the following groups, based
on their shape and part of the arm and hand protected:

(i) Gauntlet Gloves:

Cover the hand and forearm.

(ii) Wrist Gloves:

Cover the hand and the wrist. In these gloves the thumb and each of the
fingers are in separate divisions which helps in dexterous movement of fingers
and control.

(iii) Mittens:

Cover the entire hand and the wrist with the thumb in a separate division.

(iv) Hand Pads:

Primarily protect the palm and the other working areas of the hand.

(v) Thumb and Finger Guards:

Protect the thumb and the individual fingers.

(vi) Sleeves:

Protect the wrist and the arm. These may be cuff guards and also elbow and
shoulder sleeves.

Mittens and gloves are provided with different types of cuffs. The common types are:

(i) Hand-cuff:

Very short cuffs extending only to the wrist.

(ii) Gauntle-cuff:

A long cuff extending to the elbow.

(iii) Knit Wrist-cuff:

A short, closely-fitting, knitted wristlet which prevents particles from getting
inside the gloves or mitten.

Cuff type should be selected according to the amount of protection required

for the forearm.

Safety arm and hand protection equipment are also classified into the following
groups based on the nature of work:

l rubber gloves for electrical work,

l rubber and plastic gloves for chemical work,

l leather and cotton gloves for material handling,

l leather gauntlets and mittens for welding, and

l asbestos gloves for hot work.




Sl. No. Material Protection Against Hazard

1. Asbestos Sparks, hot materials and heat.

2. Chrome leather Sparks, hot materials, hot liquids, flying

particles, cuts and abrasions.

3. Flame-proofed duck Sparks, hot materials, heat, flying

particles and machinery.

4. Plastic Hot liquids, moisture, acids, alkalis and

materials causing dermatitis.

5. Rubber Hot liquids, moisture, acids and alkalis,

electric shock and materials causing

6. Chemical resistant Acids and alkalis.


7. Reflective fabric Hot liquids, radiative heat.




Sl. No. Material Protection Against Hazard

1 Asbestos Sparks, hot materials and heat.

2 Chrome leather Sparks, hot materials, hot liquids,

flying particles and cuts and

3 Flame-proofed duck Sparks, hot materials, heat, flying

particles and machinery.

4 Plastic Hot liquids, moisture, acids and


5 Rubber Materials causing dermatitis, hot

liquids, moisture, acids, alkalis and
electric shock.

6 Fibre metals Sparks, flying objects, flying

particles, cuts, and abrasions and

7 Chemical resistant Acids and alkalis.

8 Reflective fabric Hot liquids.




Sl. No. Type of Safety Shoes Protection Against Hazard

1. Steel toe caps Falling objects.

2. Non-skid shoes Moisture.

3. Wooden soles Hot materials, heat, hot liquids, moisture,

acids and alkalis, slips and falls and cuts
and abrasions.

4. Chrome leather Sparks, hot materials, heat and hot liquids.

5. Rubber Hot liquids, moisture, acids and alkalis,

electric shock and materials causing

6. Conductive rubber Explosive.




Sl. No. Material Protection Against Hazard

1. Asbestos Sparks, hot materials and heat.

2. Chrome leather Sparks, hot materials, hot liquids, flying

particles, cuts and abrasions.

3. Plastic Hot liquids, moisture, acids and alkalis,

electric shock, materials causing dermatitis
and machinery.

4. Rubber Hot liquids, moisture, acids and alkalis,

electric shock, materials causing
dermatitis, and machinery.

5. Canvas Flying particles, cuts, abrasions, and


6. Chemical resistant Acids and alkalis.


7. Reflective fabric Hot liquids.



(Based on Fig. 1 of IS : 9623 - 1980)

Sl. No. Type of Hazard PPE Specified Remarks

1. Dust or fume (a) Dust respirator

(b) Air line respirator

2. Gas or vapour(non-toxic) (a) Cartridge respirator

(b) Air line respirator

3. Gas or vapour (toxic) (a) Canister respirator For IDLH

(b) Self-contained situations, only
breathing apparatus SCBA is
(c) Air line respirator recommended.
Level of
contaminant in
air should be

4. Dust, gas and vapour (a) Cartridge respirator

(non-toxic) with particulate filter
(b) Air line respirator

5. Dust, gas and vapour (a) Canister respirator

(toxic) with particulate
(b) Self-contained
breathing apparatus
(c) Air line respirator

6. Oxygen deficiency (a) Self-contained

(O2 < 19%) breathing apparatus
apparatus (b) Air line respirators

7. Toxic substances Positive-pressure-

that can be absorbed ventilated plastic
through skin suits.




Sl. No. Atmospheric Contaminants to be Protected Against Colour


1. Acid gases White

2. Organic vapours Black

3. Ammonia gas Green

4. Carbon monoxide gas Blue

5. Acid gases and organic vapours Yellow

6. Acid gases, ammonia and organic vapours Brown

7. Acid gases, ammonia, carbon monoxide and organic Red


8. Other vapours and gases not listed above Olive

9. Radioactive materials, except for tritium and noble Purple


10. Dusts, fumes and mists (non radioactive) Orange


The following shall appear on each canister and cartridge.

1) Canister for ………..(name of contaminant).

2) For respiratory protection in atmospheres containing not more than
…..(concentration) by volume of ……(contaminant).
3) Do not use in atmospheres containing less than 16 per cent oxygen
by volume.



XIII.1 Face-piece

The face-piece shall be marked by the following:

a) name and trademark of the manufacturer,

b) size, and

c) the year of manufacture.

XIII.2 Container

The month and year of manufacture shall be marked on the supply


XIII.3 Canisters ( > 200 ml. Size)

The canister shall be marked with the following:

a) name and or trade mark,

b) colour coding,

c) colour identification marking as given in Annexure - XII,

d) month and year of filling,

e) minimum working life and shelf life,

f) instructions for use, and

g) ISI certification mark.

XIII.4 Chemical Cartridge Respirators ( < 200 ml. Size)

The respirators shall be marked with the following:

a) the manufacturer’s name, trade name or registered mark,

b) the month and year of manufacture,

c) the gases against which the cartridge will give protection,

d) the particulate contaminants against which the respirator will give

protection, and

e) a warning as follows:


l in highly toxic atmosphere,

l in confined spaces, and

l where there may be deficiency of oxygen.

f) instructions for use,

g) ISI certification mark, and

h) appropriate colour coding as given in Annexure -XII.

XIII.5 Hose

a) Name, trademark or other means of identification of the manufacturer.

b) Designed minimum air flow in litres per minute.

c) Working pressure of high pressure hose.

XIII.6 Control valves

Maximum and minimum working pressure.

XIII.7 Marking on SCBA:

a) Name, trademark or other means of identifying the manufacturer.

b) Effective working duration.

c) Year and month of manufacture on breathing tubes, mouthpiece, face

piece and diaphragm.

d) The apparatus may also be marked with ISI certification mark.




The efficiency of a respirator is expressed in terms of protection factor (PF)

which is defined as follows:

ambient air concentration

Protection Factor =
concentration inside face-piece

The values of protection factors for all the types of respiratory

protective equipment are not given in BIS publications. However, the value of
protection factor needs to be specified for procuring a suitable type of
respiratory PPE for adequate protection of the user. Such values, known as
nominal protection factors (NPF), are contained in the British Standard
Publication BS: 4275-1974 and the typical protection factors for various
respiratory PPE are as listed below for guidance:

Respiratory Protective Equipment Nominal Protection Factor

Single-use filtering facemask respirator 6 to 20
Half-mask respirator (cartridge type) 10 to 20
Full-mask respirator (canister type) 40 to 1000
Powered air purifying respirator 20 to 500
Powered visor respirator 10 to 20
Fresh air hose apparatus 50 to 2000
Compressed airline apparatus 1000 to 1,00,000 *
Self-contained breathing apparatus 2000 to 10,00,000*
* When used with positive pressure.




Respiratory Inlet Covering

Half Full Face- Helmet/ Loose-
Type of Respirator Mask Piece Hood Fitting
Air purifying 10 100
SCBA (demand -type) 10 100
Airline (demand-type) 10 100
Powered air-purifying 50 1000 2 1000 2 25
Atmosphere-supplying air-line type
Pressure-fed demand type 50 1000 — —
Continuous flow 50 1000 1000 25
Self-contained breathing apparatus
Positive pressure — 3 — —
(demand open/closed circuit)

1. Includes one-quarter mask, disposable half masks and half masks with elastomeric

2. Protection factors listed are for high efficiency filters and sorbents (cartridges
and canisters). With dust filters an assigned protection factor of 100 is to be used
due to the limitations of the filters.

3. Although positive pressure respirators are currently regarded as providing the

highest level of respiratory protection, a limited number of recent simulated
workplace studies concluded that all users may not achieve protection factors of
10, 000. Based on this limited data, a definite assigned protection factor could not
be listed for positive pressure SCBAs. For emergency planning purposes, where
hazardous concentrations can be estimated, an assigned protection factor of no
higher than 10, 000 should be used.

Note: Assigned protection factors are not applicable for escape respirators. For
combination respirators, air-line respirators equipped with an air purifying filter,
the mode of operation in use will dictate the assigned factor to be applied.

(1) Indian Standards Relevant to Different Types of Personal Protection
a. Head Protection
i) Non-metal Helmet for Firemen and Civil Defence Personnel (Second
revision); reaffirmed (1996), IS:2745-1983
ii) Industrial Safety Helmets (Second revision); reaffirmed (1995), IS:2925-
iii) Protective Helmets for Motor Cycle Riders (Third revision); reaffirmed
(1998), IS:4151-1993
b. Eye Protection
i) Equipment of Eye and Face Protection during Welding (First revision);
reaffirmed (1991), IS:1179-1967
ii) Safety Glass (Second revision), IS:2553-1971
iii) Eye Protector (First revision); reaffirmed (1991), IS:5983-1980
iv) Methods of Tests for Eye Protectors:
Part 1 - Non-optical Test (First revision); reaffirmed (1991), IS:7524-
Part 2 - Optical Test (First revision); reaffirmed (1991), IS:7524-1980
v) Guide for Selection of Industrial Safety Equipment for Eye, Face and
Ear Protection; reaffirmed (1996), IS:8520-197
vi) Industrial Safety Face-shields:
Part 1 with Plastic Visor; reaffirmed (1991), IS:8521-1977
Part 2 with Wire-mesh Visor, IS:8521-1994
vii) Code of Practice for Maintenance and Care of Industrial Safety
Equipment for Eyes and Face Protection; reaffirmed (1991), IS:8940-
c. Hand and Arm Protection
i) Leather Gauntlet and Mittens (Second revision); reaffirmed (1997),
ii) Rubber Gloves for Electrical Purposes (First revision), IS:4770-1991

iii) Industrial Safety Gloves:
Part 1, Leather and Cotton Gloves; reaffirmed (1991), IS:6994-1973
iv) Guide for Selection of Industrial Safety Equipment for Protection of
Arms and Hands; reaffirmed (1991), IS:8807-1978
v) Gloves and Mitts of Insulating Material for Live Working, IS:13774-
d. Foot and Leg Protection
i) Ankle Boots for General Purpose (Third revision); reaffirmed (1998),
ii) Leather Safety Shoes and Boots:
Part 1 for Miners, IS:1989-1986
Part 2 for Heavy Metal Industries (Fourth revision); reaffirmed (1992).
iii) Glossary of Footwear Terms (First revision); reaffirmed (1997), IS:2050-
iv) Protective Gaiters; reaffirmed (1983), IS:2472-1969
v) Safety Rubber Canvass Boots for Miners (Fourth revision), IS:3976-
vi) Fireman’s Leather Boots, IS:4128-1980
vii) Testing of Rubber Gloves/Boots for Electrical Purposes, IS:4770-1968
viii) Cotton Laces for Footwear, IS:4778-1982
ix) Industrial and Safety Rubber Knee Boots, IS:5557-1969
x) Moulded Solid Rubber Soles and Heels, IS:5676-1970
xi) Protective Steel Toe-caps for Footwear (Third revision), IS:5852-1996
xii) Code of Practice for Selection, Care and Repair of Safety Footwear;
reaffirmed (1997), IS:6519-1971
xiii) Footwear, Method of Test
Part 1. Dimensions, Fittings Adhesion, Test, Peel Test, Heat Resist-
ance Test and Aging Test; reaffirmed (1991), IS:8085-1986
xiv) Protective Boots for Oilfield Workmen:
Part 1 - Leather Upper Boots; reaffirmed (1992), IS:9885-1981

Part 2 - Rubber Upper (First revision), IS:9885-1995
xv) Safety Footwear for Steel Plants; reaffirmed (1997), IS:10348-1982
xvi) Guide for Selection of Industrial Safety Equipment for Protection of
Foot and Leg; reaffirmed (1998), IS:10667-1983
xvii) Leather Safety Shoes for Women Workers in Mines and Steel Plants;
reaffirmed (1992), IS:11225-1985
xviii) Leather Safety Footwear having Direct Moulding Sole, IS:11226-1985
xix) PVC Boots, IS:12254-1988
e. Body Protection
i) Cotton Sewing Threads (Second revision) reaffirmed, (1991), IS:1720-
ii) Water Resistant Clothing:
Part 1 - PVC Coated Fabrics (First revision); reaffirmed (1994), IS:3322-
Part 2 - Polyurethane and Silicon Coated Fabrics, IS: 3322-1965
iii) Aprons, Rubberised, Acid and Alkalis Resistant (First revision);
reaffirmed (1991), IS:4501-1981
iv) Double Texture Rubberised Waterproof Fabric (Fourth revision);
reaffirmed (1994), IS:6110-1983
v) Protective Leather Clothing; reaffirmed (1990), IS:6153-1990
vi) X-ray Lead Rubber Protective Aprons; reaffirmed (1990), IS:7352-1974
vii) Guide for Selection of Industrial Safety Equipment for Body Protection;
reaffirmed (1991), IS:8519-1977
viii) Code of Practice for Maintenance and Care of Industrial Safety Clothing;
reaffirmed (1991), IS:8990-1978
ix) Conductive Clothing for Live Working at a Nominal Voltage upto 800
kV AC, IS:13771-1993
f. Safety Belts and Harness
i) Industrial Safety Belts and Harness (Second revision), IS: 3521-1989
ii) Material (Nylon Webbing) for Aircraft Safety Belts; reaffirmed (1987),

g. Ear Protection
i) Methods for Measurement of Real Ear Protection of Hearing Protectors
and Physical Attenuation of Ear Muffs (First revision); reaffirmed (1991),
IS: 6229-1980
ii) Guide for Selection of Industrial Equipment for Eye, Face and Ear
Protection; reaffirmed (1991), IS:8520-1977
iii) Ear Protectors; reaffirmed (1989), IS:9167-1979

h. Respiratory Protection
i) Colour Identification of Gas Cylinders and Related Equipment Intended
for Medical Use; reaffirmed (1990), IS:3933-1966
ii) Intermittent Positive Pressure Respirator Bag Type Manually Operated;
reaffirmed (1988), IS: 6194-1971
iii) Colour Identification Markings for Air Purifying Canisters and
Cartridges; reaffirmed (1991), IS: 8318-1977
iv) Glossary of Terms Relating to Respiratory Protective Devices;
reaffirmed (1991), IS: 8347-1977
v) Respirators, Chemical Cartridge; reaffirmed (1991), IS: 8522-1977
vi) Respirators, Canister Type (Gas Masks), (First revision 1998);
reaffirmed (1991), IS: 8523-1977
vii) Filter Type Particulate Matter Respirators; reaffirmed (1996), IS: 9473-
viii) Carbon Monoxide Filter Self-rescuers, IS: 9563-1980
ix) Recommendations for the Selection, Use and Maintenance of
Respiratory Protective Devices; reaffirmed (1991), IS: 9623-1980
x) Breathing Apparatus.
Part 1 - Closed Circuit Breathing Apparatus (Compressed Oxygen
Cylinder), IS: 10245-1996
Part 2 -Open Circuit Breathing Apparatus (First revision), IS: 10245-
Part 3 - Fresh Air Hoses and Compressed Air line Breathing Apparatus;
reaffirmed (1992), IS: 10245-1982

Part 4 - Escape Breathing Apparatus (Short Duration Self-contained
Type); reaffirmed (1991), IS: 10245-1982
xi) Respiratory Protective Devices: Threads for Face Pieces.
Part 1. Standard Thread Connection, IS: 14138-1994
Part 2. Centre Thread Connection, IS: 14138-1994
xii) Respiratory Protective Devices - Full Face Masks, IS: 14166-1994
xiii) Respiratory Protective Devices Mouth-piece Assemblies, IS: 14170-
(2) Publications of Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Mumbai, India Information
Booklets on Personal Protective Equipment:
i) Helmets : AERB:PPE-1: 1992
ii) Safety Footwear : AERB:PPE-2: 1992
iii) Respiratory Protective Equipment : AERB:PPE-3: 1992
iv) Arm and Hand Protection : AERB:PPE-4: 1992
v) Eye and Face Protection : AERB: PPE-5: 1992
vi) Protective Clothing and Coverall : AERB: PPE-6: 1992
vii) Ear Protection : AERB: PPE-7: 1992
viii) Safety Belts and Harnesses : AERB: PPE-8: 1992
(3) Atomic Energy (Factories) Rules, (1996).
(4) Guide on Personal Protective Equipment, Loss Prevention Association of
(5) Personal Protective Equipment in Accident Prevention Manual for Industrial
Operations, Engineering and Technology, Chapter 19, 9th Edition, National
Safety Council ,Chicago (1988).
(6) Personal Protection in Safety Management, Chapter 14, 5th Edition, John V.
Grimaldi and Rollin H. Simonds, Richard D. Irwin, Inc.(1996).
(7) Personal Protective Equipment, Testing of Non-respiratory and Respiratory
Personal Protective Equipment, Lecture Notes of Central Labour Institute,
Sion, Mumbai for its Post-graduate Diploma Course on Industrial Safety.

(8) Antecedent - Behaviour - Consequence (ABC) Analysis in the Behaviour-
Based Safety Process - Managing Involvement for an Injury - Free Culture,
Thomas R. Krause, Chapter 3, Second Edition, Van Nostrand Reinhold(1977).

(9) Mines Safety Manual, Classified Circulars Issued by Director General of Mines
Safety, Dhanbad (upto 31st December 1985).

(10) American National Standards Institute, ‘American National Standard for

Respiratory Protection’, Document No. ANSI Z88.2, NewYork, ANSI(1992).

(11) Lecture Notes of Central Labour Institute’s Post-diploma Course in Industrial

Safety, 1986-87, Paper IV, Chapter No. 46, Lecture on Personal Protective


Astigmatic Power

The maximum refractive power difference between two ‘meridians’ along the same
sighting axis; expressed in ‘dioptres’. (‘Meridian’ is a line passing through the centre of
a lens surface, from edge to edge.)
The rim surrounding the shell of the helmet.
Chromaticity of a Filter
This is defined by the chromaticity co-ordinates of the light reflected from a truly white
screen (that is, magnesium oxide screen), illuminated only by light, which passes through
the filter in the manner intended in service.
The adjustable assembly comprising of anti-concussion tape and draw lace for affording
adequate clearance for ventilation and to ensure proper fitment. This also absorbs
impact energy.
Harness (helmet)

The complete assembly by means of which the helmet is maintained in position on the
head, which includes the headband, cradle, etc.


A device covering the head and neck and which includes eye protection.


The part of an eye-protector through which a user sees.

Prismatic Power
The apparent angular displacement of an object by an optical system. It is expressed in
‘prism dioptres’.
Refractive Power
The reciprocal of the back focal length of an optical system; expressed in ‘dioptres’.
(‘Back focal length’ is the distance from the last lens surface of the optical system to its
image plane).

Shell (helmet)
The hard, smoothly finished material that constitutes the general outer form of the
Thermal Resistance
An inverse measure of the capability to transmit heat and may be defined as the ratio of
temperature difference across a material to the heat flowing through it.


The length wise threads on a woven fabric or loom.


The cross (breadth wise) threads in a woven fabric.


Reference Title Year of

Number Publication

Atomic Energy(Factories) Rules, 1996

AERB/S/IRSD-1 Standards for Fire Protection Systems of 1996
Nuclear Facilities

AERB/SG/EP-1 Preparation of Site Emergency Plans for 1999

Nuclear Facilities

AERB/SG/EP-2 Preparation of Off-site Emergency Plans 1999

for Nuclear Facilities

AERB/SG/EP-3 Preparation of On-site Emergency 2000

Preparedness Plans
for Non Nuclear Installations

AERB/SG/EP-4 Preparation of Off-site Emergency 2000

Preparedness Plans for Non Nuclear

AERB/SG/IS-1 Works Contract Safety 1992

AERB/SG/IS-2 Preparation of Safety Report of Industrial 2001

Plants other than Nuclear Power Plants in
the Department of Atomic Energy

AERB/SG/IS-3 Guidelines for Personal Protection 2004


AERB/SM/IS-1 Safety Manual on Data Base Management 1991

for Accidents/Diseases Happening due to
Occupation and Implementation of the same
in the Department of Atomic Energy





Published by : Atomic Energy Regulatory Board

Niyamak Bhavan, Anushaktinagar
Mumbai - 400 094.

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